The General Evening Post (London)
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Volume Number: Issue Number: 9258
No Pages: 4
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The General Evening Post (London)
Date of Article: 26/01/1793
Printer / Publisher: Mary Vint (Late Say)
Address: Ave- Mary - Lane, Ludgate-Street, London
Volume Number: Issue Number: 9258
No Pages: 4
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ral EY LONDON. PRICE FOUR PENCE.] FROM THURSDAY, JANUARY 24, TO SATURDAY, JAN WARY 26, 1793. [ 9258 FRIDAT, JAN. 25. FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE. BRUSSELS, JAN. 14. , HE Eleftors of this City and Province having, rdcrs of Lord AMHERST, it is thought, does not take I the office of Commander in Chief, bijt has the I IRISH POPLINS and TABINETS, for WlNTiiR and SPRING WEAR. port, which he held during part of the American ] POPLIN MERCER^ ro HER MAJESTY. War, that of General at the head of the Staff. I His Royal Highnrfs the Prince of Wales, and her Royal Eleaors contrary to the orders
the Provifionary Repre- fentatives, affembled pre- vious to the 10th of Ja- nuary, the day appointed for the ele& ion of De- puties to the Belgic Na- tional Convention, the Affembly on the 9th inftant, in the evening, in order to'punifh them, CM fed 23 of tliem to be arreflcd in the houfe of Baron de Hoven, a Member of the ci- devant Etats, and one of the Heads of the Vandernoot party. After two days confinement, however, they were liberated; but they were by that means prevented from affifting at the ? leftion of the roth, and putting in execution the defign which it is fuppofed they entertained. The people, however, are diffa- tisfied
with the manner of conducing things; and the Brabanteis complain, that, inftead of liberty, they have got nothing but an oligarchy ; and, inftead of independency . thev groan under defpotifm and foreign military regimen. Mentz, Jan. 5. It has froze fo hard for fome days that the Rhine and the Maeze arc full of ice. There are 10,000 French in Caffel in a critical fituation; for if the Fruffiahs march againft them in force we cannot afford them any ailiftance ; and if they are beat their retreat this way is cut off. Kitchkcr ; en, in Gullk, Jan. 9. Yefterday morn- ing, at feven o'clock, we heard a violent can- nonading on three different fides, and
immedi- ately all the Auftrian dragoons took horfe, and went towards the Rhoer. In the evening we learnt that the French had attempted to pafs the Rhoer in three different places, but were re- unified with considerable lofs. The Auftrians te « k feven pieces of cannon from them. Rome, Dec. 28. We have received accounts that the French fleet under M. de la Touche Treville, conftfting of 40 fail, have been over- taken by a violent* ftorm near Cagliari, in which feverai ' fhips of war and tranfports were loft, and the whole fleet difperfed. The Admiral's fhip Le I. anguedoc, and two others, have gbt into Naples much damaged. Hague,
Jan. 17. A courier arrived this day with difpatches to the States- General, contain- ing accounts that the Auftrian troops under Ge- neral Clairfait had obtained an important vic- tory over the French near Aix. SHIP- NEWS. Dial, Jah. it. Remain in the Downs his Majeftv's ( hip Iphigenia, and ( hips as before ; Elizabeth, Burton, for Ja- roiica; Lady Jane Halliday, Rofs, and Edward, Rogers, for Antigua. Wind W. Dittl, Jm. 23 Came down laft night, and failed this Af- ternoon, his Majefty's ( hip Vengeance. Remain in the Downs the fphigenia FrigPte, and outward- bound as per Salt; Rofe, Jowfey, for Lilbon ; Princefs Mary, Howard, and
Dublin, Williamfon, for Dublin. Win.! W. S. W. Grintfcid, Jan. 22. Palled by the Adventure, Gunllone, and Mouiqae, Hall, from Dunkirk; Elisabeth, Halfnig'ht, htm Oftend j Princefs Royal, Hooker, from Napk ; Two Good Brothers, Folk, from Embden; and Goodwood, Bluff, frran Lifbon. Gr* mji* d, Jan. 23. Pafled by the Calais Packet, Cully, fie, in Boulogne, JulFrow, Margaretta, — from Embden ; Henry and Mary, Horncaltle, and Rofetta, Harvey, from Calais. LONDON. The Drawing- room, which was ordered for yeftcrday at St. James's, was put off, on ac- count of the death of the FRENCH KING, antl the appearance of general
hoftilities, Yefterday at one o'clock the KING held a Cabinet Council at Buckingham- IIoufe, which was attended by Mr. PITT, the Duke of RICH- MOND, two SECRETARIES of STAIE, Lord AMHERST and Mr. FAWKENKR ( Clerk), the Council fat till three o'clock, when duplicates ot the bufinefs tranfaded, was fent off to 1I! ® MA- JESTY'sMiuiftersat the different Courts on the continent. Yefterday morning their Royal Highneffes the Prince of WALE.; and Duke of YOKK. PIID their refpeets to their MAJESTIES and the PRINCESSES, at Buckingham Houfe. < s The Duke of Richmond, Lord Amherft, and Sir William Fawcitt tranfa&
ed btrfinefs with Mr. Pitt yeftcrday, at his hotife in Downing- ftreet. Lord Grenville had a levee yefterday at his eff. ee, at Whitehall, which was attended by all the foreign Minifter's.. A general condolence took place 011 the death o; Louis the XVIth, Ytfterday the Spanilh AmbafFador had an in- terview with Lord Grenviilc, at his Office, White-' kill. Yeftcrday there was a Board held at the Admi- ralty- office', - Charing- crofs, when - the ILLUS, TK IOUS < J 74 guns, was put into commiffion. and the command given to Captain FREDERICK. Earl Hows- is to hoifthis flag onboard the l| f')* al Charlotte, The office of Commander in Chief is
much more expenftve, a( jtd has privileges, which are found to be inconvenient to the other military de- partments. , Lieutenant- General JAMES GRANT is mention- ed for the appointment of Commander in Cifief in the Weft- Indies. The Duke of GORDON has made an offer to Gevernment, to raife a regiment of Highlanders for the protection of the King and confutation. The imprefs warrants are filled up at the Ad- miralty Office, and will be iflued, it is expected, in a few days. Since Saturday laft 139 failors and landmen entered into his Majefty's fervice at Guildhall. Wednefday a Court of Directors was held at the India- Houfe,
when Capt. Robert Williams was fworn into the command of the General Co « te, bound to Madras and Bengal. Capt. Leftock Wilfon, of the Exeter, for Bombay and China, and Capt. Allen Chatfield, of the Rod- ney, fot Madras and Bengal, took leave of the Court previous to proceeding on their refpe& ive deftinations. Yefterday a letter was received by Government, which is dated Paris, Monday the 21ft inft. one o'clock,, which confirms the account of the King of France having been beheaded that day: that he died with great calmnefs and compofure, fay- ing, that he forgave all his fubje& s, and that he was prepared for the
event, which he had expe& ed during the two laft years. The King of France took leave of the Queen and his infant fon and daughter, at five o'clock on Sunday afternoon. The Queen was in a raving delirium. Defeze, the King's counfel, is dying of a broken heart. M- Makfherbes is the man who announced to the King his fate, in thefe words: " My Prince, " 1 know you're courageous, and I cannot for- " bear telling you, l'entence has been palled." " Well then, ( faicl the devoted King) fo much " the better; This extricates me from a thoufand " troubles." The King thanked him for the ef- forts he had made in his fervice. Maleflierbes fell
at his feet and faid, " I will " never leave you, my good Prince; I would die for you." He was torn from the Royal viftim by a Municipal officer, who told him he had or- ders from the Council that he fhould quit the Temple. Malefherbes departed, and fainted be- fore the door. He was carried home, and is much indifpofed. His Majefty had embraced him, taking a ring off his finger and giving it to him, faying " re- member me." Louis XVI. was 38 years and near five months old. We underftand it to be a part of the plan, which the French have adopted for making war againft England, to declare all the ports of France free to fhips from
America and the Weft- Indies. They mean alfo to invite the Britifli Illands to throw off the yoke, and to unite in a federative Republic with America and France. They reft much hope on this, and other plans, all of which We hope will prove abortive, for diftreffing the commerce of Great- Britain, • fetters from Bayonne announce, that hoftili- ti'es have been commenced on the frontiers of Spain— a Spanifh and French patrole caane to blows. Many have been killed on both fides. An attack by the Spanifh troops is cxpefted daily, who receive frefh reinforcements from Fontara- bia to - Saifit- Lutz. A H ghnefs the Duchefs of York, WITH
great refpeft informs the NOBI- LITY and GENTRY, hat his hcufe is cxten- fively afibrted with IRISH POPLINS, both plain and fpotted, calculated for elega t winter and fpring dieffes. They have the peculiar recommendation and advantage of being in fa- fhionable wear for nine fucceflrve months, and from their great durabi'. i y are a wear of cecO, omy as well as elegance. Black and white Silks, and a great variety of Bomuazeens. Henrietta- ftrett, Covent- Garden. [ 4106 A FOURTH SOLO- GERM AM J- LUTE. This Day was publiih: d, Price rs. 6d. FOURTH familiar SOLO tor the GER- MAN FLUTE, with an Accompaniment far a
PIANO FORTE or VIOLONCELLO. By J. WRAGG, Teacher of the German Flute and Oboe- London: Printed for the Auchor, and will b? fold at his. houfe, No. S, Dean- ftreet, Fetter- lane, Reborn. Where may be hai, juft published, :> y- the fame Author, z. The fixth Edition of the Flute Preceptor, containing the fulled and eafielt Indru£ tions for Learners to obtain a profi- ciency on that indrument, price 51. 2. The fecond Edition of the Obae Preceptor; being the completed book of the kind ever offered to the public, reple. e with every nec - llary intti uCtion, and containing a Varie- y of- original Duets, Song Tunes,-& c- well adapted
for two Oboes; pri « e5!. 3. Tw& lve Chamber Ah- s, for Flutes or Oboes, price 3s. 4. Twelve Duettinos for ditto, price 3s. 5. Three favourite S" los, No. 1. 11. and III. price 10. 61. each. | 3972 TO BE SOLD, ANet Rent Charge in Perpetuity of tjook 100I. or 1500!. per Ann. payable on" a C-> n'i lgenoj, and to be fecured on Freehold Manors and Eiuce,, . Le. dear yearly Value of 60361. and upwards. Inquire of Mr. Ireland, Stapits- Ian, London. I'i^' i ' OFFICE for SICK, and HURT SEaMEN, ' " Jan. 18, 1793. THE Commiffioners for takitsg care of iii » Majefty's Sick and Hurt Seamen do hereby givp • 0- tice, that they wili be ready, on
Friday, the ift of f'ebruaif next, at one o'clock, at their ofiice, Somerfe - place, to ceive fealed tenders, and treat with fuch perfons as cav b- wiliing to fupply the Hofpitils, under their direflion, on I ftanding contrail, with Bed ticks 6 and 7 quarter blankets Bolder, ditto Sheets F. e « her p Hows Pillow cafes Eight quarter ooverlets Curled horfe hair flocks, agreeable to famples, which may be feen their office, wln'cti will be paid f r by bills for ready money, within 14 days after they have been received and approved. There being a prefect occation for the under- mentioned jrrjcles, any perfon willing to fupply a part thereof, a ay tender for
any quantity not lefs than 200 of each. 875 bed ticks 875 bolder, ditto 875 feather pillows 1500 Coveilets, 8- 4ths 22' oo pairs 6- 4ths and 7" 4ths blankets 24150 pairs ( heets 2400 pillow cafes 5250 lbs. of curled horfe hair 12250 lb. flock*. OFFICE of the BRITISH SOOIE TY fc>* th^ INCREASE and ENCOURAGEMENT of GGOD SERVANTS, inflfnuKd November the 23d, 179c, No. 17, Hayaiarkot. Prefident. RICHARD CLARK. E, Efq. Alderman. Vice- Prefi tents. Hon. PHILIP PUSEY, Sir JOSEPH ANDREWS, Bart, J. J. ANGERSTEI*), Efq. JAMES PE'l'jT ANDREWS, Efq. Treifurer. Committee. John Bacon, Efq. Mr. Batten, A.
M. Bennett, Efq. Rev. WeeJon Butler, William Carda e, Efq. ijhn e'la- ke, M. D. anicl Co: , Efq. George Drummond, Efq. James Farquhar, Efq. Simon Fr-. ier, Efq. George Gtpp'-, Elq. On Ttrefday morning about two o'clock, a dreadful lire broke out at the Polvgraphick manu- factory 011 Woolwich Common, by which acci- dent , thft whole of that building, with all the colours, implements, and materials, were eon- fumed, eeitls pa- it ofthe ftock of pictures. This mi'sfbiturie, however, will only retard for a very fhort time the Polygraphick Exhibition, which wasintendedio be opened early innext month, as the greateft part ef the pictures
defigned for that exhibition were at the Polpgraphick rooms in Pall- Mall. The property was fortunately in- fured. Great praife is due to the officers and men of the Royal Artillery, who everted them- felves on the occafion, and prevented the fire from communicating to a row of adjoining houfes, which otherwife muft have fuftered by this conflagration. Rev. Septimus H> dfcn, Thomas Hake, Efq. Thomas Keate, F. tq. John Paulin, Efq. William Philljtsiore, Efq. Ifaac Phipps, Efq. Henry Vavafour, Efq- Mr. Serjeant Wanon, M. P. John Ware, Efq. William Web » , Efq. Jamas Woodmafon, Efq. rWHE'Committee of this Society takes the X
f berry of acquainting the public, that the plan is pre- pared, a/ id that copies will b; ready, and may be had 08 Mon- day the' 2Xth January, and every following day ( Sundays ex. eeptert), by applying to Mr. Samud Shrigley, the S » cretary, at the Office, between the hours of ten and three. Subfcriptfons are received by the tollowi : g Bankers, of whom plans may be bad, via. Metfrs. Thorn?! Comts and Co. No. 59. Strand. Dowre, Thornton, and Free, Battaolomew- lane, neat the Bank. Dorfct, Jchnfon and Co. No. 68, New Bond - ftreet. Coding, No. 19, Fleet ( tiees. Lockh its, No. 36, Pall Mall. Ranfom, Morlanti, and Hammerflsy,
No, 57, Pali- Mail. Sikes, Snatih, and Snaith, No. 5, Manfninhoufe- ft.- eet. [ 4115 Wrights, No. 5, Henrietta. ftreet, Covem- Cariien, and by Mr. Samuel Snrigley, the Secretary, at the Office. KINGSTON UPON HULL, ' 18th January, 1793. AT a Meeting of the Mirghants, Ship- Owners, and principal inhabitants of this town held ptltfuant to public advertifement, to C'fnfider what meafures are proper to be taken to obtain relief with refpjft to the prefent crowded ftare of the dock and harbour held in the grand jury room, Guildhall. HUGH KER Efq; in the Chair, RefoW- d, That a rep efentat'iMi to the Lords of the Treafury, the
Commiffioners of the Cuftoms, and the Commiflioners of Ex- cife, as recommended by the meeting of ( hip- owners held the eighth inftant, be made as fion as poflible, requefting thofe honourable boirds will be pleafed to dire£ t a furvey to be taken of the prefent cr wded ftate of the ( hips in the dock and Haven, and the inconveniencies ef the revenue officers doing bufinefs there. That the Chairmen, Mr. Bateman, Mr. Ewbank, Mr. Ralph Turner, Mr. Mtehael Metcalf, Mr. Edward Like, Mr. Kerkbride, Mr. John Terry, Mr. Kinder, Mr. John Carrick, Mr. Charles Briggs, Mr. H. Briggs, Mr. Robert Atkinfon, Mr. William Proud, Mr. Thomas
Scat' herd, ba a committee tor drawing up and obtaining tho fi a, natures of all perfons concerned to the faid reprefentatians. That any five, of the Olid committee have full power to That the committee rrqurft the concurrence and aid of the corporations of the town and of the Trinity- houfe in the before- mentioned application. That the committee have power to convene another general meeting of the town when they fee occalion. That fubj tt to the opinion of the committee, an appli- cation be made te parliament for redrefs ot the grievances complained of liifoon as may be. That an additional deck is abfolutely neceffarv, and it is
the opinion ef this meeting that the new dock ( liould be be- tween the weft end of the prefent dock and the Humber, with an entrance into it from the Humber. That it is the fenfe of cl> is meeting, that the prefent rates cf dock dues paid by fl- ipei - g, of which two thirds are paid by the goods are fully adequate to the purji fe of enabling the I dock company to make compleat, keep in repair watch 1 gUt, i and cleanfe another dock with ut any additional rires cj any Particulars of the conrraft may be known by app'ying at the office. [ 409, ICHARDSON, GOODLUCK, T^ TCO! beg leave to remind the public that the State Lottery c.
mmciices drawing the 18th of next in'nth. The ti. kets and fhrres are on fa: e in v niety of numbers, and at the lowed prices, at their offices, No. 104, Bank Buildings, Cornhi'l, a- nJ eppofite the Kill's Mews, Charin' Crofs—- vhete, in the laft Stati Lotteiy, the THIRTY THOUSAND POUMDS pree, No. ,/, 8o7, was fold i„ fixteen fixteeufh ( bares, and fubdivi.' ed, that near forty pet- f , ns were benefitted as follow 1 I Sixteenth to a Clergyman, near Brig?, Lineln& iie. 1 Ditto to a. Tradefman, at Dartfovd, Kent: I Ditto to a Gentleman in ScotUnd- vard, Weftminfter. I Ditto to a Houfekoepar- in a gentleman's family, Kin"- ftreet, Grolvsn r fquare. * t Ditto to a Tradefm? n in Lonsj- Acre. Ditto to a fervant atNev. b^ rv, Berks. Ditto to a Gentleman and Lady, in St. Martin's lane, Ditto to an Innkeeper, at Gillingham, Kent. Ditto to a Gentleman, at Mtilvertm, Somerl- tftire. Ditto to a Gentleman, at Hazlemefej Surr^. Ditto to two Gentlemensftrvanti, in Hamilton- ftreet. Ditto to two Genjlemen, at Newmarket. Ditto to two young Ladies, ( Sifters,) Ebo^ lbu- y. D. tto to two Servant! to a wido v- tady, at Epl'orn. Ditto to fix Servants, at a f. Isuhanft, S.. Mary at Hill. Di. to to twelve Traocfmen, in K'. ng's- Gate. ftrsct, Hot- born. 16 Sixteenths, at 1,875 eatk> — 1. 30, oa « All ( hares,
fold at the aboveoflices are damped, aer. e., b* to aft of Parliament* r ' Countrycoirerpondents may have tickets a d fhares fe- c them, by remitting good bills payable a: fight, or orafhjr's date. Tickets tegiftered, to fend the earlieft iotelUgeuc* - to.-' r ftlccefs. ; i 4' ot Mr. Mendes, the perfon who was taken up i reafonable obieftion on th » part of the prefent peopriet « r » at' CI''' >' 1 " . .. 1 In*- /-> ' 1 1 rir- lr on fufpicion of having murthered Mr. Silva and his honfekeeper at Chelfea, died fuddenly on Wednefd^ y morning. MARRIED.] On Monday, at the feat of ^.. ord Hsrewood, in Ysrklhire, Henry Jones, ^ fq. to Mifs Davifon, eldeft
daughter of Dr. Davifon, ofLeetls. DIED.] On Monday, at Appleby, in Weft- motiand, Jeremiah Robinfon, Efq, Barrifter at Law, Recorder of the borough of Appleby, and one of the Benchers of the Hon. Society of Gray's Inn.— Wednefday Capt. De Burgh, of the ift Regiment of Guards, oalv fon of Fyfli JJte Burgh, of Weft Drayton, Middkfex, Efq. a fubfeription he entered inj- o for defraying the ex- f advertiiing, a" d other incidental charies already in- the dock. That gences of advertizing, a- charges Curred, and to be incurred in carrying into execution the forego rig refolutions, and the ma.- tiitg r ecotnmend that in cafe an application
to parliament thai, b: though: aecefTary f . ch fybfeription t > be a liberal one. That copies of thefe refoluti ins be transmitted to the Dock c impany, and to the two corporations of the town and iheTri- nity- houfe. That thefe refolutions be pjb'ifhed in the Hull packet, and uch « ther papers as the eom: nit: se fhsll think n- ceffiry. That the thanks of this meeting be leturned to the wo. ( hip fill the Mayor for the ufe of the grant! jury room ; and that he be requefted to ontinue that indulgence to the committee. RclaWed ananiaoajly, that the thanks of this meeting be given to tne chairman'tut'his very able and impartial c. nJoft on this ocra£
« r* r [ 4097 { Signed), HUWH KER, Chrtnntv. To be SOfcD. Either together or in Four 1- pira'e Lots, Lot. I. A TENEMENT or FARM, lying on / T the Hundred Foot Bank, in the I'arithej of D^ wnham and Litileport, in the Ille of Ely, and County of Cambridge ; containing 415A. 3R. 2P. late in the Holding of Richard Btalack, and now of the Widow Blabclt, tor tly; Remainder of a Term of 21 Years, and which commenced at Lady- day, 17S5, at the yeirly Rent of 55!. Lot 2. Three fevera! Pi ces or Parcels or Land ; contain- ing 53 Acres, lying and being in the Pariih of Willii- ghatn, otherwife Wivelinghatii, in the faid County <./ Cambiidge,
now in the Holding of Hemy Alplen, ur. der a Le » fe for it Years, commencing from Lady liay, 1785, at the yearly Rent of 55I. Lot 3. A Farm or Holding, called Bedlam, Ivi ig being in the Pari. 1i of Upweli, in the ' faid Ilk of Ely", in the County of Cambridge ; containing 250 Acres ; AtiH alto TwoCloCcs, called Brintlone- Hills, in the I'- ii: h of Up- well aforefaid ; containing 16 Acres, late in the Occupation , of Aaron Nichols, and now cf the Widow Nichols, under a Leafe for 14 Years, commsncing from Lady- day, 1785, at the yearly Rent of IOJI. lor. Lot 4. A Tenement or Farm, called the Hu- idred Acies; containing 110 Acres, or
thereabou s, in the Parifh ef Up- well, in the faid lfle of Ely, now in the Holding of Thomas Lemon, and. r a Leafe for 11 Years,' commencing from Lady day,. 1785, at the yearly Rent of 41I. For further Particulars apply toMeff. Fawfcett aod Bellamy, at Wilbeach, in the llie of Ely ; or to Wilfon Ayllbory Roberts, Elq. Bewdley, Worcefterfljire. [ 3974 N. B. The feveral Tenants will fnew the Premiff. s. ,- ESSEX. ~ MANSION- HOUSE, RECTORY, See. To be SOLD by Private Contrail, ACAPITAL MESSUAGE or MANSION- HOUSE, called READINGS, fit for theRefiier. ee of a Family, with Caach- Houfe, Stables, an i other co. veuient
Olficea and Out- Buildings, Orchard, large Garden, gnd 12 Acres of Paftur; Land ai joining thereto, fitoate at Nort a Mandeville, in Eifex, lace in the Pcfleilion of Mrs. Catiic- rine Maria Starie, dec afed-. Alfo a Farm, fituate a fmall Diftance from the Manfi rt- Koufe, confiding of a cenveniert Houfe, Barn, S a'. les, and other Buildings, and divers Clofes and Parcels of Arable and Pafture Land ro the fame belonging, containing t gerher ei Acres, 36 Acres whereof lie in Norton Mand viile atoiefaiu, and are Tythe Free, a:. d the lemaining 28 Acies in tile aa. joining Patilh of High. On^ ar, and the whole let to a good Tenant, at the Yearly
Rerit of .62'. A! fo the Lay Re& ory, Impropriate, and Vi'carajs of th « faid Parith of N rton- Maneevilk-, and the Pe. petusf Adw. w- fan of the lame, and Right of Pafentation to the Church < Y Norton. Ma. ideville aforefaid, with 23 Acres of . Glebe La,. d theri- to belonging, whi^ h are now let to a good l enanr, at the Yearly Rent of a j'-. and the Tythes arifmg froo, r. eir 700 Acres ot rich Land, which Tythes are n. w io the Ha , o » ot the Impropriator.'" The Curate of Norton- Mandeville is en: tied to 4. 6S. per Annum from the Impropriator of ibe Tythes, an. i receives in Addition 33!. 145. from Qgefcn Ann's Bounty, malcm-' in the
Wnole 40I— The pre lent Curate is near 70 Y, a,° s of Age. The whole formi a compact defirnble Eftate, capible of Improvement, and is eafiiy ad'efled to the I. ' nri Tix. Norton M. ndeville is ' 3 Miles from Ch po'. fi^ One r o from. Chelmif. Nfd, and 16 ; r> m London, N. B. immediate Poffelfion rniy b twelve Acres of Lafid. Fir further Particulars enquire of Oep nies at Chelmsford,' or Mr. John Batiett . who wit! fhew the Piernle;. had of the Houfe and . e 139 ? 7 and Son, AtuOf
FRENCH AFFAIRS. EXECUTION OF LOUIS XVI. PARIS, Miaiay Eixning. THE unfortunate Louis is no more,. • lie * NATIONAL CONVENTION. SUNDAY, J A:-;. ao. VroceeJiiijriJ\ ibfequt? it to the Trial / Lows Jk- VI. JEAS PEBRYE' rofe to fpe; it id A point of order/-*- Whatever iroprfrfilon, fatd lie; the bufi- nesfc in which we have be in er.. '. MS I beheaded this morning, at ten o .- lock, it, ' the the r'iace de place de la Revolution, tormeri' Louis XV. The particulars of this hoiv. d murder are as follow:— Agreeably to the proclamation tdfctJ*^ prov> fional Executive Council, at eight o* ijUi>* k. is the morning, Louis was conducted
froth the Temple to the Place of the Revolution, along the Boulevards, iti the carriage of the Mayor" of Paris, accompanied by M. DESIRION, his Con- feft'or, and two Gendarmerie, and attended hy the Commiflioners of the department of Paris, the Commiffioners of the Municipality, the Members of the Criminal Tribunal, and Gen. SANTERRE, with a ftrciig detachment of Na- tional Guards. On his approaching the place of execution, at the appearance of the fcalfold, and the guillotine, the fatal inftrument of death, each cohered with black, he forunk back with horror; but collecting liimfelf, he ftepped with firmnefs and compofure
from the camage, and afcended the fcaffold, a %: dft the brutal huzzas of the popu- lace, and the noife of drums 3nd trumpets. He lr. ade- fevcral endeavours to fpeak, but his voice was drowned in the tumultuous uproar. In one fjiort interval Of filence he faid, Je meters - seO » * CI. t, Je TOU'S fardenne— I die innocent, J pardon yon :-- He then laid his head on the block, the ftgnal was given,, and the foal i'lftrument fall- ing, fevered it in an infant,, from his body. Thef^ nt'old was bftwecn the Champs Elyfes and the pedefhl, which was formerly • © fru- it r; en te.< f with - au. . e'. cgint equeftrian natue of Loots XV.; it was funouiid'ed by foldiers. arid rone of the people were permitted to approach it. His hair v- as dieted ; he wore a brown fur- t- ut coat, white waiftcoat, with black branches and ftot kings, and his appearance altogether waf p-. ajeftlc. Nothing is fullered to traufplrs refpefting the. unhappy family of Lovis; their . fat? will pro- bably be foon decided by the Convention. Louis raids a wiil, the particulars of which I cannot flite. I am informed, however,- that lie a flee J pat don of God' for having, fan& icued the Decree upon the Civil Conflitufion of the Clergy, although this faadiou was extorted by violence, and w as ccntrlfy to his folerm proteft.
In this teftament, Louts achndwled^ s ais having freely accepted all the other parts of the Conftitution ; and havipg neg] e£ ted nothing tb remove from his dominions tli'e fcourge or war, ar. d prevent the invafion cf the ^ ruffians. The Commiflaries of the Temple, found in & Men: 3. U of 9S, to facri& c Oer. cral rood: of the? nation Dinged* for thefe : evV: i4;: Jays paft,- may have made. upon fame Vieml& rs of ti ts Aflemblv, it becomes each and our prints, feejiiigs to the The nature and exafperated many " 1 demand that \ may be delivered from that perpetual guard, which has been placed over me for fome time palt, by the Council
General ftf thefCommunity. " I yetjiieft; in this*" interval, the power of fee- ing mv family as often . ts I fhall wifh, and with- out any. w'itnefs. I defire that' dif^ ponv- erfla^ n will, as fo » n ANTELOPE INN, DOXCHESTT-. R, N QUSA. NNAH CARTER, widow , CJ Carter, ' ' ... the King's delk foipe gold coin, to the amount j of about three tlroufand livres. It was done- tip | in ROULEAUS*, and. 011 them was written, to MA- j LESHERBES. This " grateful bequeft of the de- j Ceafed Monarch was not immediately complied j m the Secreta- • vrith : the moiley was depofitsd rics office. The fcenes of horror that may be expe& ed to follow the
tragedy of this morning, may be conceived from the following circumftance which preceded it: Yefterday afternoon, be- tween five and fix oV. Ock, Mr: PELLEIIER DE ST. FARGEAU was aflaflinated at a Rellaura- teur's, where lie was accuftomed to dine, in th? Palais Royal. One PARIS', formerly a Gardtv- du- corps, was dining at tiie fame houfe with fome friends. As ST. FARCUAU was going out they followed him, and PARIS advancing, told him he was a vil- lain. St. FARGEAU anftyered, rhat he was none. " You art-, retorted PARIS, you voted for the King's death." ' I voted, ( replied Sr. FARGEAU), accord- ing to my
confidence." Immediately cn this, PARIS drew a fabre and ftabbsd him with it in the abdomen. Sr. FARGEAU died within two hours, hiving firft intreated, tliat they would not p'-. iniili his afTallin, and declaring, in his, lift moments, how happy lie was to dit for his country. In the Convention this morning, one of the fu- bjefts of difcuffion was the aflaSination of ST. FARGEAU ; and it gave rife. to one of thofe furi- rio'. is contrfts which fo often diigrsce their fitting5. The .1/ ontagne, enraged at this c'om- niencegfiejrt " 1 maflaerc by the Royaiifts, had no bounds to their inveftives, threats, and, de- nunciations: every one almoi't has his
own tale to tell, of violence or ir. fuit wijich he kad met with. "..,''•• ••.'.' It wa? at length, after a tumultuous debate, decreed, that tht Executive Council ft on Id be immediately required to ftate ail the particulars f/ f the afiarlinati'on, and to take meafures for fe- curing the murtlerVr and his papers. The difcuffion on this fuhje£ t was clo^ d ; hut on the renewal of the clamour and the denun- r. iations, it was. decreed on the motion ol BARRERE, , ' That the Committee of Legiflation, fliall pre- ! fent a mode of viiiting and fearchingall the homes j in Paris, but in - fuCh a manner, that there may ! fee the utmoft inviolability of perfon. ! ' That
the puniihment of fix years imprifon- j ment in irons,, fliall be ihfliftcd ® h thofe who con- ' <? eal emigrants rtturned. That theConvention fhall attend in a body the funeral of PKLLETIEI* ST. FAROKAU, That his nam? iliali be inferibed in the Pan- theon. f'. irni fit'- the- difcujfem has Members ; it is, '"' neverthelefs, of the greateit importance that th? Convention be not calum- mated. Some Meiabeis Lave announced, that they wiil iij here no longer; I declarc that 1 will remain hare, at a| i harirds, to. detail the plots of traitors. j\ s we are about to give a great example of jwltice to Europe, we ought to demonltrati the purity of our
Intentions—- To go back is impodib'iJ. Let us ttfiea advance with courage. We have burnt oui Clips, and, have : np alter- native. but Cocqueit or death. I move^' that a Committee may be. empowered to prepare an Addrefs and explanation of our motives, and that all . th? Members - of this Afle'mbly b? forbid'to • make any ailufioii. to the opinions given on the Trial of Louis C. A2ET. CAMSACEKES.-— In pronouncing the fentence of death againft the late King ' of. rhe French, you have done an aft not to be'taralelied, and which: will immortalize your names among all nations. R ABAjpy.-~.- The time is cfcr. ie when we ought to
Smploy ourfelves with aftivity in every thing j relative to war. If all tyrants unite agair. ft us, let, us prepare to oppofe theni with lVrec. 1 e: place, as the order of the day, all our repo ts relative to the. general defence of the ftate. Let us abolifh fangjjinary piuiiflunents; let us make wife and humane laws. We fliall tlien have nothing to dread. LASOURE.— 4f tyrants have a'lteup'e I to -^ deceive the nations af. Eifrope, upon the fubjeft of the French ' Revolution, it is our bnfinefs to i'st » ! i? m right in that particular, and p make the truth appear. I have travelled through many of the Departments,. I have there found thofe . diviiions vehicli
agitate tbe ' National Convention. Thupvgfi. all I kav- e feefi dii'. iflviis . and mutual j atscUfatiofis. Lit utf no' mat accufeany . perfon of ivii'h » n » to picfirye tyranny, which will e id. tj morrow with the tyrant. Let us ie. r. i U '• hatred. Let Us eonfult '. he happinefs of tne people W. the formation of public fpirit. Let us do lo rather by example than precept. There is do time to. ivc t ® ft, tiie moment is arrived'which will dccide the fate of France, and. our- owju IF we do not ( hew ourfelves great men, every j fperies of contempt, httfret^ anti curfes v. ill be ; ppured upon us. Th. e fame people who demand 1 today the- head of Louis CAPET,
will quickly ; demand it again of us, if they are made unljappy ! by oar fajiks. If we deceive their iiopcs, we muft lay our heads upon the. block. Let lis make a determined relolution to employ . our- felves from henceforth, about things ajiet. not men ; for my own part, I fwearthat I know no faction, love nothing but - libertv, , to fight againft its enemies, and to die in uu.;.- ort of a free and po- pular conflituUon. [ Here tne members rofe,: as if with one voice to fellify tlijir a'fle^ t to the oath of the Speaker.] I cimoand ift. That the as po. flible, emP^ p" themfei v.- s in deciding the fate of my family; and that they may be per- mitted* to retire
to whatever place tlicy thall make choice of, " I recommend to'the Nation all perfons \ i| ao were attached to me,' many of whom having tie'i rived their whole fapport from me,, may new be in waftt.' " Among thefe penfioners are many old and poor people, who have no other means of fub- fiftence but the penfions I gave them. Given at' the Tower of the Temple, Jan. 20, 1793. ( Signed) LOUIS." A fhort debate took place after this letter was read, but the delay requefted was not given.--- The Convention sailed to the Order of the Dav. PURBECK OR PORTLAND STONE, ^ TTANIED, by the Warders and comraon- t Th'in- i? l dec.-
afeJ, " grareF,.! for tie Rtvourt her Ijt- l.^ i'i band received at the ab ive inn, begs leave moft rcf ett^ llf tn informchi. nobility, gentiy, « .; ntleme « travelled,' and ret' ! ,, i9nds » thjt "> e inten. 1t M eictinae the laid inn. anj humfc'f ; tohcits the pttrortage of the public, affuring thofe .-. liomaj • hyimir her with their cotuitenaate, rO> a her belt endej » ao » I wiil te exerted to merit their kind I'uppnrt. | All p- jrf. ns having any demands on the eftate and effffts of j the ,' aid Tho'. n. is Carter, are defired to deliverin their accuunti : to his widow j ot t> Mr. Robert Stickland, in Dorchefter } j and all pe. fMs ind't, ed, are requefted to pay the fume to
her, 1 or to Mr. Robert Stickland aforefaid. [ 4, cg N confequeuee of the great Advance in the Prices of Horfes, Corn, Hay, Straw, the duly addition > 1 . Duties on Carriages, and the It-^ dneCs of our Rr. a. ls Inducted I find it impo: Sble to tun- fail the Polling BuO- iels any lpnger on, fte prsfeac Tcrau ; therefore eke th s Mcthoi of intsrmiag tbe Public, that on and after the tft Day of Janu- ary. » 793> the Prices- f » - Pofting will be charged is follows, by the Public's moft Obedient tumble Servant, Angel Inn, She,' 5el.>, SAMUEL PEECH. Dec. 25, I79-. V'. z For a Chaife, with Two H. irfes, TS, 3d. per Mile, for D; ttu, with Foar Horfes,
as. 3d. per Mile. And for Saddlei'orfes. 6d. each Mil".. P. S. Eyoiy K- Ceper of Poft- Chaifes, that means to lire by t- 18- t Trade, will, I hope, adopt the above Charges. r-; 8/ 8 DESERTED from a recruiting Party of ins Majefty's fecotid Regiment of Dragoon Guards at Sre- alty of kochefter Bridge, a Qianti'y of Pu. bfck or Portland Ston , of tbe Sorts an 1 Dimenlions under- mcnt, o'n- ed, LJ be delivered AT the Bridge- yaid, at StrotW, in Kent, v'. z : — Capping Stones from nine to tc 1 C! IFS hijjlv in Cuurfes 5 Co. tirg St-, nes, feventeen Inches wide, and ten Inches thick j t- ib, Sojr. es tr(; oi nii- e Inches to tatlVt- Inch,--, high i . t
oarfes ;. and not lei- th in five. Ittehe's ai the'Enq on the hi. k Joinr, nor lel's tha , t. vaive Inclv- s on the Bed j Water Table Stones n.. c lei's than nine nor ten' Inches high 111 CourfcS. Any Perfon or. Pea. ens inclined to cofUaft with the fjid Warden! and commonalty fat Sale. and Delivery of fuck Sorts of Stone, ate th- fr- ed rc f. nd. their Prop fals in writing, fae- ! citying tijr refpefi. w Sorts and Prices to Mr. Thomas To, ri- I lyn, or - Mr William , Twapt, my, a't Rochnft- r, before the f Stir Day of Ja-. uarjj ne : t, that the fiir. t cjay b U i before tne then rex' Mtetmjof the Wat Jens aid A- lliftai-. tj Rochelter Bridge, 2^. thbf November, 17,
kAST- IXUIA TRADE. EXETER,- Jan* 16,1793. General Meetin- r of the MER- A1 The Minifter of Juftice came to make his re- port on the Execution of Lou 1:-. A letter was read from the deceafed fignify- iuo his wifli to be buried near his father. The Convention, with cruel apatuy, palled to the or- der of tiie day ! Committee of General Defence be ordered ( to mike reports on the. neceffiiry meafur-' s to be taken, for opening the approaching campaign 2- d. That the plan of the new Conftitution be prefented here on the 10th of February ne.-. t.— 3d. That to- morrow the Convention pronounce upon the fate of the family of the
BOXJRI> ONS. The proportions moved by the laft Speaker, were decreed, . A Belgian Officer prefented . himfelf at the Bar, and foiicited .- fuccours to his nation, at this critical time, when it was ufing every effort Itoeftabliih its liberty. Remitted to the- Com- mittee of General Defence. The Mitjifter of Juftice atmounced, that the Executive Council having been called, hadaflem- bled early in theinorning forthe purpofe of execut- ing the. decree relative ; o Louis CAPET. They had ordered the Dieefto s . of the Department, the Mayor, the Commandant General, - the Pre- fident, and the Public Accufer of thp Criminal Tribunal, to attend
them. That, after having. concerted with thefe public officers on the neceifsrv miafures for executing the Decree, the Miniuer of Juftice, the Prefi- dent of the Executive Council, a Member of Council, the Secretary of the Council, and'two Members- of the Department, repaired to the Temple. At two o'clock they were admitted to Louis, to whom the Minifter of Juftice, Prefi- dent of the Executive Council, addreflerd himfclt in tbe following words:—" Louis-— The Exe tutive CoUncil ars direfted to notify to- you, an exfraft of the minutes of the National Con- vention, of dste the 15th, 17th, and 19th of this month."— The Secretary will
read them-— The Secretary having read the three- extrafts, Louis anfwered, by reading a paper he held in his hand, figned by him After having Underftood the purport of this writing, continued the . Minifter of Jiiftice. I ar. fwered, that we were going to confult ( i'( V; n the object of his demand. We then retired, and as we did not think our- felves fufficieotiy empowered to decide on the part we fbould take, we returned to the Coun- cil, who refolved to tranfmit to you the writing delivered us by Louis. LETTER < f Lot'is XVI. to the. NATIONAL CON- VENTION. " I demand a refpite of three days, in order S to prepare myfelf to appear
before the prefeiice of God. 1 requelt for that purpofe power to call in and communicate freely with the perfon whom 1 iliall point out. " ^ demand that he fhall be left undifturbed, while he is performing this- laft charitable office j to n; e. T a CHANTS ot EXETER, held this day at Benne t's Taytirn, in the Serge. Market, far the purpofa of taking into c mil le ration the means to tie adopted tor reiifting a Renewal of thetxelnfive C iart, r of the EAST- INDIA COMPANY, HENRY WaYMOL'TH, Efq. ift th - Cliaii J It w23. re|' lv; i" » in.. nt.- rioully, 1. u; jat '.' uonop ,. lit- 3 at.; inconfiftent with the true principles Of Co- Aiercc', ec uft. tUey reftr.
iirt atonce the fp. rit of en- terprifr and tiie freedom, of. . ompetitian ; and ir.^ tfiouj to the c- m- itiy. vviwsc th.- y obtain, bt. ciufe the Monoeolnt, by fixing the raic'jboth of puicllai'e a fale, ca. i opprefe tiie Public at diktetio. n.. . .. a"; TKartlie mercantile Concerns of privileged Bodies, nc- ceft'arily confliidttct ty ageat « , who far from being lalicituus for their fuccrfs, may have inteirfts of oppofite- tendency, I riiuft often languiih where the ccc'on nny and ajroitnefs ot'in- | dividual! would render them prosperous; whillt fourcts'of j wealth remain unexplored which the enteiprifing fpirit of I private idvent- rers wouTd inftantty dircl jfe. j J. That the
abufive nvmsgement of tivt Enelifli E ift- India J Company has, am ing other miiances, been particularly evinc- | ed to the Me chants of Exeter, in the fyftem purfucd for their fupply ot Devonfhiie Woollens. This fupply, hitherto procured through the m. dium of Factors refidcnt in London, where the Woollens are dyed and prepared, ' is attended with fach enormous abufbs> tha: a propofal has been la ely made ta the Directors, ana communicated to the Lords of Trade, for faving the Company forty thoufand pounds a year, in the ii. gle article cf Lo- g- Xtl?, by furnilhing it in a finHh d ftate from the county of manufacture, where the
cheapnefs of la- bour, 1 of 5! c ire um ft ape e s', and a vaiie.' y of caufes, facilitate the preparation of VVooileas ; whilft tiie lituation of London prefents obftacles and'occafions expences altogether unknown in Devonfhire. The rfter however was declined, for reafons obvious to all who aie appiifed of the chain which connects the p ats of privileged eftablilliments. 4. That the increaiing ' demand of Long Ells for China;., which has augmented in a few years, from 60 ttj 400,000!. annually, : s among the caufes of the rife of- Wool, a circum- ftance which gives us ferious alarm. Our ufual markets of fale in every part of Europe, and
particularl y in Germany and Spain, are enabled, by this rife of the raw material here, to Dras Coat, Raft Wa. ftcoar, CoiMeroy Breeches, white Svdc- i "**> 3ad » very - d - ound Ha: with- a Buckle and Band. I Whoever wilt apprehend the laid Defcrfw, ai: J have htm ! I ' CTIK- D.,: any of his Majefty's Oa. ls, / hall, upon AROIIET. I tran to Meff Cox and Greenwo id, Craig'. Court, . r ' le Co. n- j miuaing o. ricer at Dorcheitet, recej « a Reward of Ooe ; Gu aea, , ver and above what is allotveti by Act of i'nrfii- | r4o- 5 ! rpHIS is to give notice, that there is a Coni- | A p- tny of Copper and ttber- forts of Metal Merchants chit | t « vel ' be
Cjuntrv to buy thole forts of metals and fell them i i 1 London or leli money than they give for them ; they gra ! to the different parts of" t': e country in the following manner, | f'. ra « in cha. lt:, cans, and buff back, and otl. eraon foot, ami 1t. is lappofed th. t they car. s » t be ,. o: in an I10ne. it way : tht- a is therefore to can. inn the fcKti- to be cartful to lo. k at their an ney- bitbre the btiy'er g. iei swnj- j they likewife. buy up all kinds ot ba I halfpence -, nd farthings and feud them to L , ndon } they pay tor themSa. or pei p^ urid, then fend them to , hi le i- port towns, whet-.: there » , « fame of the. merchants who pay them f.- r their fa. 1
value. , [ 4096 — ToTrsoC^ SV PRWSll^ NTRACl?' ' Mpdern and Elespnt HOUSE, called STQVVE HOUSE, fu, tabls% the ReBdefsce of a gen- teel Family, Hith tho Cfii a, Stable, Coach- h uf-, Biew- e, ; u'le, Lauv. dty, Dairy, Cour - yard, and Garden Freehold; containii- g nearly one Acre. A , bcicg The Houfe is rnoit delightfully fi. uated on a riSng Grcu: d, in the Front of a line Sheet of^ Water, called Stowe Porf, j and of a S. E. ftufp ct of LieId Cathedral, in Diifaace rather exceeding a Qu rter cf a Mit » r On the Baferaent Stoijrit contains a K tclien, 24 Feet 6 Inches by 17 Feet 9 Inches, w th Wine, Ale, and L'eer C'etl rs, Flour- x<,
or. i, Larder, Butie.' s and another Pantry, and a £ culler) welt tup lied with excellent Water. On the firft Flo. r a Parlour rS Feet by 17 Feet 6 Incht S, a Drawing iVaom 12 Feet y Inches by 17 . set 6 Inches, a Dinirg Room 20 Feet 9 Inches by 16 Feet 6 Inches, with three good Clofers,' a H ufe- k. eaei'a Room 11 Feet by 9 Feet 6.1nches ; Hall 26 Feet by Feet p Inches in which is a m » ft excellent Mai, og ny Staii- Cafe, and a back Palftge ij Feet by- 6 Feet; en the middle Story, four Bed- Rooms and one iarge Dreffing Room, in 3iie nearly correfponding with . the Rooms below, and lit Attics of like Dimenlions, to which there is a
very go^ d back, ftair Cafe. The Houfe is in excellent Repair, and inhabited by the Proprietor, Polieffion of which may Le had in a few Mo& ths. With t-. e above will be fold two Pieces of Land nearly in front of the Houfe, and one Piece at the Back of th » Staale, in Quantity near five Acres, held by Leafe of the Vic rs of Lichlield Ca. hedral under fmati annual Payments, ajid re- newable on their uftnl Terms. Some Freehold Land may be had in Addition, if required. Letters, Poft- pai-., adsftelfcd to Mr. Wilfon,- the Proprie- tor; or to Mr. Hinckley, Attorney at Law, Lich& iU, w IV meet due A. ttention. 1599c TO BE SOLD BY AbTCTION,
By Mr. FRY, On Friday February the ift, 1793, at Four o'Clock in th « Afternoon, at the Houfe of Willinip Read,. bearing the Sign of I lie Royal Oak, in the Town of Portfea, near Portfmouth ; AValuable FREEHOLD ESTATE, ffiuste in the Parilh of Poft- ea, v ithin one Miie of Portf- meu. h. Lat I. A meadnw of about fix acres, Gruate near Beeftoo c.) mn: on field, in the occupation of Mr. Jokn Thoaai, under a Lea£ e which will eirpire at Michaelmas next. Lot 2. Two. pieces t f land, ufed a) garden grousd a- Fiat- t- n; being near nine acres; in the tenure of Mr. Henry HiK, held under a I. eafe of fourteen yea- Sj Lot 3. Another piece of
land, being abont one acre and a be ftipplied at home, or from other quarters, more advan- tageoufly than from us. Thqfe markets muft gradually clofe, whilft our trade partes to another quarter of the globe, | throtigh the channel of a monopoly. 5. That a free exportation to the Eaft, efpecially to China and the furrounding iflands, would not only fubfti ute mar- kets for thofe we are loling in Europe, bat difclofe to the in- duftry of England, and to the Woollen Manuf'a4bry in par- ticular, inexhauftibie fources of employment: an event not lefs interefting to the Landholder than 10 the Merchant, from the additional value it would give to
Wool, already become of unufual importance to the Grower. 0. That the r^ afons which may have, at firft, julfifted the eftahliflrmetlt of an exclufive Company, have long fince ceafed J half, ufed as a gir'den, in Frat'ton- ftreei, held under" a" ie" fe to operate, the intelligence and capitals of Britilh Merchants no longer requiring exclufive priv. leg s to give them energy. If fome branches of the E- aftein Trade demand refources be- yond Kie l'cope of individuals, au'iciatipns or" Merchtnts, re- quiring no- privilege butfreed imof aition, will be formed to conduft them; a fubdivifion of employment will enfue, which will facilitate to each clafs the
attainment of its parti- cular objeft, and to procure to the public the greitcft poffi- ble benefits. 7. That the difficulties which may occur in tht eftahlifti- ment. ol a Free Trad; to the Keninfula of India, where the revenues of territory are implicated with the profits of trade, and political intrigues, with me cautile operations, have no exigence with reli ect to China, the principal mart for Wool- lens, where the accefs of Europeans is reftiained to a fir. gle port. 8. That aware of the variius interefts involved in the comp ication of Ind a concerns, we difclaim the attempt of rath innovation, where gradual i - t'orm may be alone compa- tible with the
llriit obfervance of juftiCe to the numetous departmenre of the exifttng fjfteni, or with fecurity to the revenue and tranquility t, f this cduutry. 9. . That a Petition be prefented t> lxatlriment, praying that this important fubjedt m , y be impartially inveitigat- d, and fuch arrangements made, as fhall appear benefi. ial to the com- mercial, oianufafturing, and in confequence the landed in- terefts of this country. 10. That a Commi ; ee be appointed to prepare fuch peti- tion, to corrcfpand with the other trading towns of Great Britain inter; lied ia the meafure, and to confer with-, the Members fcr the Ciunty of Devon, the City of Exeter, and iuch
other Gentlemen in Parlb. ni nt as they may think pro- per, for tbe pui- gof- of obtaining their aliiftancc and fupport. it. That a lubfcription be opened for defraying tbe cx- pences that may be incurred in the ptof cution'of thisbufi-' uefs, and that Mr. John Milford be appointed Trtaforer. 12. That the Committee do Canfilt of the following Gen- tlemen : The Chairman, Mr. Samuel Banfi'l, Mr. Ab.- n. Kennaway, Mr. John Cole, Mr. j4-, n Milford, Mr. Richard Collins, Mr. Stmuel Tremlett, Mr. J. J. Hirtzel, Mr. George Waymiuth ; and that any three re. ay aft on g ving due notice; 13. That Mr. Samuel Coggan be appointed Secretary, to whom
it is requefted all lette: s on the fubjeft be addrefled, 14. That the. thanks be gi ven to the Chairrmn. ^ Signed) H£ « RV WAYMOUTH, Chairman. I4071 as the ibove, in the tenure , t the faid Mr. Hall. Lot 4. A pa, hire field near Copner, caltea Burfield, being ab- out eight acres Lot 5. A . large brick dwelUing linuf; adjoining Portfea Churth- yard, with ftable, wifli- l. oufe, and brewbonfe, tached ; in the tenure of Mr. Thorn, under leale as above. . Lit. 6. Four pieces of land, fome of which is ufed a; gar- den ground, in Deadnvtn- I » ne, in the tenure of Melf. Chfmbei- kuri and Poo e ; being forty acres, more tr 1 i * under a leafe which will
expire at Michaelmas, 17^ 6. Lot 7. A dweiling- houfe, ftable, outhoufes, an4 garden how in the occupation of Mr. Richard Rattu, Uiii" a6 ._ t eight acres. LotS. A brick built manfian, called Portfea- lioufe, with a ftable, eueh- iinife » and large gtrden ; n-. w in the o. cupa- tion of Charles Bettel wotth, Efq. tenant at will. ' Lac i). A paft are S- Id iii DeaJman- lane, next to Eeefton common fiefl, of about five acres; alfo three other field? one of them five aVes, another of feven acres, and another of ( even acres ; all on the north of the faid p, flute field and two # the-. n adj> inlng'he faid Beefton field, b; ingf u.* of the fields called Mtrk's G.-
oun is, now in the atcupauon ~ jt the faid Mr Thc- rn, under his Icafe as abive. Lot 10. Another field of Merit's Grounds,'" fituate in D- d- man lane, next adjoining the pi'. turc. field in let 9, nowfe*.- 4 with wheat,. and in. the occupation of the. faid Mr. Thorn under a leafe as above, ' Lotli. One ptherof the fieldj caPed Merks, fituate a » the North C -. r » r of D. adma i- laie, adjoining Copi er- lane, , being about ten- acres, in Che occupation of Mr. Thorn, under a leafe as above. Lot 12. One other of the fields called Merks, next adjoin- in,; the above in Uojmer- iifte, being about fit acres, in. the occupation of Mr. Thu- n, as above. Lot 13.
One other of the fields called Merk--, adjoining 0* the T. ortn to the laft mentioned in 1 - It - e, o: abj- ar eight acres, in the occupation of Mt. liirn, as aba » e. Lot 14. A field liUiate sear Charch- psth, par; of which b let to Mi.; TWli'Hi: l, as a garden, and rh- otb-. r ra. t as a bfickfttld, with two k'- tns for burning b , cks and Lime, being abc- uc nine acres, in- t • or lefs. Lot 15. 1 \' v , barns, with gate- roim and sart- houfi, naw held by Ma, Th . rn, under a leafe as , bave. The above Lot* are let ta refoinfib'e tenants ( wiir> will filew the ptemilfes, 011 being r,- que ed f p to da) at th- yearly rent of upwaids of three hundred and fifty piunds,
and wiU be fold all together hy private cnntiaft, i> oe/ ired. l or pa'ttsujars apply to the Rev. I. M. B'ngharv at- O. I.
fsaxsam SATURDAY\ JAN, Z6. FFOREIGN INTELLIGENCE. T BERLIN, JAN. 8. THE negociations in which England nas interfered, and which we with great reafon fuppofe are relative to the affairs of the Low Coun- tries, and the war againft Trance, have taken a more , decided tr. rn. On Sunday the 15 th of November an Eftglilh courier arrived at the Court of Vienna with difpatches for Mr. ; Stratton, the Britifli Charge des Affaires there, who in confequence requested an aaidience of the Yice- Chancell.- r, Count de Cobenzel. This in- terview took place next day, but the cofnmiffion with which Mr. Stratton was charged by his in ftru£ tions was of fuch a nature as to preclude an immediateaniwer. On the 30th of November and the day following two Councils of Conference were held,' in which, it is imagined, the memo- rial of Mr. Stratton was the principal thing dif- cifffed. The refult was, that the Vice- Chancellor, in a feco'nd conference 011 the 4th of December, informed him, " that the Emperor could come " to no yefojuti'on touching the propofitioi'. s " rtiade to Rina till he had communicated them " to his Pruffian Majefty; that th-. t communica- " tion had been made, but that his Prufftan Ma- " jelly, previous to an explanation, wiftied to " know the-
Emperor's fentiments, to difcover " Whether they were conformable to his own, .*' refpefting the objeft in queftion; but that the *' Emperor in the mean time regarded the over- " tnres which had been made to him as a par- ticular mark of the friendfliip of his Britanick " Majefty; a friendfliip which he had ever held " in the higheft eftimation, apd would ever en- *' deavour to cultivate." The memorial, how- ever, has at length been infpefted by his Pruffian Majefty, and our Cabinet having decided what • part to take in it, the Auftrian courier, who brought the difpatches here, was on the 31ft of l> ecemberfent off again, and proceeded
dircdt to London: He bears with him the anfwers, both of the Emperor and our Court, to the propofi- • tions of the Britifh Cabinet, and the uniformity of thefe anfwers is a frefh proof of the harmony which'exifts between the two allied S » vereignsi; a harmony which is further manifefted in the appointment of the Marquis de Lvrcchefini to iucceed Count Haugwitz as Minifter Plenipo- tentiary from the King to the Emperor, M. de LtKchefini being the confidential Minifter of his TPruBian Majefty. Count de Haugwitz is called to affift in the Cabinet. COUNTRY- NEWS. York, Jan. 21. On Wednefday laft the river Treat rofe 18 inches in one
hour, a circumftance never before remembered; 011 account of fo rapid a rife in the river, great numbers of flieep were drowned. Birmingham, Jan. 24. This morning Capt. Hardy's Independent Company march from hence for Chatham, with that tfteemed Oificer at their head. Tliis Company confifts of 103 men, and l'o. great was the avidity with which the men entered, that his number was compleat in four days, although there were 35 other re- cruiting parties in the- town. Chatham barracks are appointed the receptacle for all the Independent Companies railed in this} part of the kingdom ; Recruits of this defcription arrive every
day; 4 The STEAKER. of thS Irifh ££ oufe of Com mons has reftored to ( he Students of the Univ- er- fity of Dublin, the privilege of admiffloa to the gallery, of which they had been deprived, on account of fonle irregularities, in the laft feffion. The Scotch Peerage of CASSILIS will be much difouted. Lieutaftant. KENNEDY, of the Navy, was mentioned in all the books as next heir, and has affumed the title. The other claimant? are Mr'. PATTERSON, fon of the Librarian to the Marquis of LANSDOWNE ; and Dr. KENNEDY of Dublin, who has let out for Scotland to take poftfcifion of the . title and eftates, which latter have been valued
at i6, oool. a year. At a Special Court of Guardians held 03 Monday at Norwich, it was ordered, that the wives bf militia men, left by their hu[ bauds, ftiall be allowed i6d. each a week, and is. for each child unduf ten years, not extending beyond three in number. The farmers of the parifh of lvirklifton, in Scotland, have refolved to give a bounty ol tvv'o guineas to every able feaman who lhall enlift at Leith before the ift of April. Oil account of the great increafe in the trade of the port of Leith, the Lord- Pr- ovoft and MB- giftrates of Edinburgh found it neceffary to ap- point an additional Deputy Shoretnafter. The fall of jrain in the
Northern parts of England has been exceffive. - The Tees, Tyne, and Trent, have rifen higher than has been known - for years paft, and the adjacent fields, for large trails, laid under water. On Tuefday, about eleven o'clock at noon, as Sir William Plomer, one of the Aldermen of this city, was - taking an airing in his can riagfi, with a young lady and gentleman, on Ep- ping- Foreft, they were flopped near tke erght- mile ftone by a Angle highwayman', who pre- fented a piftol, and robbed^ them of a Watch and about 14 guineas. On Thurfday, between three and four, as the Rev. Mr. Hutchins,- Mr. Sparks, of Aklerfgate- ftreet, and his
fon, were going in a poft- chaife to Layton, they were flopped by two highway- men with crapes over their faces, near the four- mile ftone on the Lee- bridge road, who robbed tiAR& OWtf MIDDLESEX, AT a Meeting of the Inhabitants and Land- holders, © !' the extenfive pjrUVcsf. HARROW, held at too 2tho: il- Houfe, cn Wedneftlay December I'J, RICHARD FACE, £ lq. in the Chair; . It was unaaimonlly refolved, that the bleflingsof this Coun- try are derived frorri the excellence ani juftice of its Confti- tution, That the feditious publications and artful endeavours of defigningmen to annihilate our hapfiuefs and f curity, make i.
tneceflary far us to declare, chat we will ftrenuoufly co- ope- rate with the civil power in frufi rating fuch evil purpofe » , - and preventing the eft'edts of principles fubveifive of every law- ful goveinment in Europe. Refolved, That the thanks of tl. is meeting he given to R. chard Page, Eiq. for his attention to the public we fur in convening this meeting, and fcr his impaiti^ l coriiuft in the chair. Refolved, That this dechratiori be init- rted in the public newfpapers. ^ 3742. STOKE- NEWlNGTON, MIDDLESEX; AT a general Meeting of the Inhabitants' of this Parilh, held at the Three Crowns, on Monday the 17th of December, 1792,
purftlanc to public notifce, JONATHAN EADE, Efq;' in the Chain The following Declaration and Refolutious were propofed and unanimoufly -. ippjjved oi, viz. WE the faid inhabitants; being deeply impreffed with the benefits which we enjoy, under the prefent conlt tution of this country, think it our duty, .. tthis critical moment, to declare, that we Vfill, to the utmoft of our power, by all juftifi- be means, endeavour to prevent any efforts which we may dif- cover, tending to exci-. e difcontent and diforder, or- thpt may, in any degree, infringe upon the Government, as veiled in King, Lords, and Commons. j * We alfa think ouifelves bound
to declare, . that we haive j no knowledge of an addrefs faid to be fent from Newington to j a neighbouring kingdom. Reflived, That thefe Refolutiotis remain at the Three I Crowns, to he figrifd by thofe inhabitants who may approve of j the fame, and that copies thereof be printed and d. ftiibuted to j every inhabitant of chis Parifh, j Refolved, That thefe Refluti-. ns, tigged by the Chair- mail, be pnblifheJ in the London Gaz. ue, and alf » in three morning and three evening papers. Refolved, That the thanks of this meeting be given to the Chairman for his impartial conduft. JONATHAN EADE, Chairman. * This alludes to a p- ir'agaph
infarted tome time ago In moft of the public papers, which ftated, that an audrefs had been fent from Newington to the National Convention of France, [ 37z9 Linden Inn; Piymntstli, Dec. if, lyjit - T a numerous and reijpe& able, Meeurtg of the PROTESTANT DISSENTERS'of the Tunvni of PLVMOU rr- 1 andSfoNEHOU^ E, JOHN TlNGCOMjSf., Eflj. in the Cfiiir1, Refdlverf Unanimoufly, ' 1' h. it at a tune when p-. rfons of all deferiptions are e- xpreiliog their Loyalty1, we, Pioteftant Dil- fenters, of dilfcrent denominar-. ons, in tlie Towns of Ply- mouth and Stonehoufe, do clieari'ully and vo! un: arily come forward, to make a public
deel.-. Utioh of cor L> yalty to thd Kin2, and Attachment to tlie Cj. i'tueiion of this Kingdom; coniiiting of King, Lo.- di, ajad C i. i mons, as eil-. tbliih d a: the gioriods Revolution in ; bciiig perfuaded that iris a Co iiiuaiion which the people approve; and that'it ': p jflefles the difiinguifhed. merit, that it nas on former ocealions been, - and we tiulfc w. ll in future be, found c> mpeteht to correct it- i errors, and tef. rin ics ahtifes.'' We farther declare, that we w. ll co- operate with the re it of cur feliov.'- fubjeff S, in pre- ferring tlie pe. Ke of the Kioedom in- general; ani of this Town and Neighbourhood in p. utitular. Signed on b ri.: U of the
Meeting, by JOHN T1NOCOMDE, Chairman!. , Reflived, That the I'hanks of this Meeting be given to the CKai & mn. [ 3? S° BURTON BRAUSTOCK, DORSET. Meeting of the Inhabitants of Burton- fiicbnr 1752, the following Re A, a Meeti; „ Bock, in th- St. MAKV, ISLINGTON, Dec. 8, ijyz. AT a meeting of the inhabitants of this . pariih ( advert'fed to be held this day at the King's Head Tavern, in the Cfpper- ftreet, which. being fo nume- rous was adjourned to the Church), ALEXANDER AUBERT, Efj in th; Chair, The followiog Refolurions we. re mranimoufiy agreed ro : Firft, That in the opinion of this meeting, it is highly exprdionc
at. this iiiiw, tint the iuhlbitanb of tliis pariih do avow, in ij » e me ft ex . i. eit ni,' o. ti'ifii church, on the rg- rh or December, dMioris were. un. i:. irnoufly agreed to. Jit. ' lh * y e. nfii it a- their uuty. to unite w, ch ch^ fe t f their fellow fuVj: Ct., who ha. e publicly ayowed their fincere attachment and leg. ird to th • eftablifh La vs and co fMtuti^ ri, of their country ; and, at the fame time, they declare, th.'. r. they are fj far from w ljiiv. g to trvangc the prefent form of goveinnient for any fpe^ ulative 1". fteii vviiatever, that t.'. ey confi. derihem'felves as being highly fii. Tueif; in having the advantage of living under a co ft tiri. n'which, with all the
imperfections an: i bl^ miftlrs afei-. b-.- i t, it, is certainly thft bell that the w-.- ild bath ever yet fet-.' i. 2: 1 y. Th t the led'- tious and iufidi us attempts that have lately been ufed, with a vi vv to ft( r up a fp'nic of difco. it'nt and dif Ifeclion to g. iv- r inent, ao.-' V s 10 the...,' in the prefertt iflltaiice, tlie in.. re cru'el, unjj^ tifi. iU!', ard de- ferving rcfentuient and n-. t'ee., for bein; praCtif d at a time whe'n the Pational profperity and happinefs is grent keyoud all former example, and-, when tbe execut ve government is in the hands of a Prince; who; far from encriaehing on the rights and privileges 6f bis p - op! e; def- iVes much virtuuus praife,
for havi - ii rendered them, in l'everal refj. edb, n: b e fjcred and inviolable than ever. In thefe Rei'oiu. ions, they are joined by the principal in- habitants of the neighbouring parishes of bhepton- Gorge irid Sw; re. ROBERT HUNTER, Rcflor. , S. iMUEL B- E3T, ?„, , - RICHARD ROBERTS, J Churchwardcnl. WILLIAM HIND, Overt er. JOSE H DAWS, Churchwarden of Swyre. - JOSEPH DAWS, Overlecr of Swyre. 37Si], BffRQUGU of B - R if ST. EDMUND'S, in the Coutf y if SuflblkJ A T a Meeting of the Alderman, Coroner,' AiTifti It Jufticcs, Geiirlemen, Cl.' r^ y, aid oJier In'- i its of this Eoro gh, afi'embled at the Guildhall, in the HP^
and fteady them of their watches and money to a confider- f allegiance to the King, an! their Determination to fupport oKl.' amonnt the facted laws of the' conftitution, by which done the fe. LONDON. The Royal Family are expected to return to Buckingham- houfe 011 Wednel'day from Wind- for; but it is not certain that there will be any I. evee at St. James's on that day, though there > viU be a Drawing- room on Thurfday. On Thurfday evening Mr. Pitt and Mr. Dun- das had audiences of his Royal Highnefs the Prince of Wales, at Carlton- Houfe. His Royal Highnefs the Prince of Wales is to difcharge feveral more of his domeilics.
Yefterday at twelve o'clock a Cabinet Council was held at Buckinghnm- houfe, at which the King and all the Cabinet Minilters were prefent. The Council fat till two o'clock, when the Mini- • iters returned to Lord Grenville's officc, White- hall, where they relumed their deliberations, iyid fat till fix iu the evening. The Chevalier d'Ocariz, Envoy of his Ca- tholic Majefty, left Paris 011 Monday laft, on his return home. A report was. prevalent in Paris on Tuefday, t! » at the unfortunate Prinecljs Rdyal of France had expired of grief. It was ftateil tnat flfe had died two iiours alter the execution of her fether. It is certain, that on Monday morning
( lie was at the laft extremity. No particulars have tranfpired relpe& ing the Queen, or any other of the royal family. The number of additional feamen to be moved for on Monday next is 30,000 men. General O'HAKA has lately vifited the conti- nent, and made liimfelf perfectly acquainted with the ltrength of every important, place, the con- dition of the feveral araiic- s and the. number of forces. With all this information, the General ha$ had frequent conferences with his Mpjefty, the two Secretaries of State, and the Msfter General ol the Ordhance, aad it is thought will in the event of a war, have an important com- niai. d on the
continent. Letters from America fay, that a proclamation having been iliiied by the Prefident of the United States againft feditious publications, one of tbe offenders had been taken into cuftodv, and hav- ing been found guilty," was fehtenced to lie three times put in the pillory, and burnt in the chs « k, which feutence was eSccjtei able amount. Early Yefterday morning the . ftiop of Mr. Cook, of North- Row, St. James's markit, was broke open, and robbed of fome black and white lace, and of about 401. in cafh. Yefterday a man was committed from the Public Office, in Bow- ftreet, on fu- foicion of having ftole 1 a valuable mare, he
not being able to give any account liow he had acquired her. DIED.] On Wednefday aft, at Bayfwater- houfe, John Taylor, Efq. of Paddington- green, aged 85.— The fame day, at Bayfwater- hall, Mrs. Kennedy, long known to the world as a cele- brated finger. WANTED an APPRENTICE to a Chy- mift and Druggift, in tho neighbourhsod of London. A moderate premium is required. For particulars, apply to Meifn. Wilfon, Hodgkinfon, and Co. . Snowbill. - [ 4°' y° TO COACH SMITHS^ , NE that is perfectly acquainted with his Bufinefs, aad can be recommended for Sobriety Steadinefa wil' receive due Encouragement, By JOHN
HUTCHINSON, Coach- maker, Sheffield. Letters, Poft- pai'l, addreffed as above, will be duly .. n- fwered. . f 39S7 AXt INN COFFEE- HOUSE and TAVERN, ALDER- MANBURy. ILLIAM BOURMAN begs leave to in- form Ids friends and the public ii> general, that he has entered on the above premiffos, and flatters himfelf that thofe gentlemen who will pleafe to iavour him with their com- ptny, will in future continue to oblige him with their favours, as. he intends to merit them by making it his particular ftudy to make his houfe as comfortable as poifible both to the coun- try gentlemen as well ai Ills friends in town, by accommodating
them with good clean bedi, and choiceft of liquors, & c. Dinners dieft on the fho teft notice. [ 4057 o! w1 AT a Meeting of the principal Inhabitants of the Parifli of NORTHAM, in the County of De- von, held this 13th day of December, 1792, AUGUSTUS SALTREN WILLETI*, Efq in the Chair, It was nnaniBioufly agreed to come to the following refuta- tions, viz. Refolved, That we have feen, v/ itb deep concern, the en- couragement that has been given by fome inconfiderate and evil difpofed pe. f. ns, to difturb the public peace, to fubvert the good government, and to defttoy the confutation of this country, thereby to create a general
confufion, to the great rifle of our libetries, our property, and every thing which, as Engliihmen, we ought to bold moft dear. Refolved, That we are of opinion, it is highly neceffaty, In the- present criticd f.-. uati n of affurs, and a duty incumbent upon all good fubjefts, to ftep forward and avow their tletef. tation and abhoirence of all fuch difturbers of the peace, good government, and conftitution of this country, and to decl. ue their fentinients without referve; and that fuch as negleft to dothe fame, rannot fail to fall under the iufpicion of not being well affefted. Refolved, Tbatwe, who have hereunto frt our names, wiih upon' all oe>:
afions to expiefs the greateft loyalty to our prefent Sovereign j and we pledge ourfelves 111 the moft folemn'man- ner. to fupp. rt the conftitution of King, Lords, and Commons, as by law eftabii/ hed at the. glorious Revolution; and to exert ourfelves to the utmoft of ouc power to maintain, with all their > uft rights", the prefent Royal Family upon the Throne ; and that we will feverally and individually ufe our endeavours to fuppiefs all feditious publications, and make known all tral- terous behaviour, or. fpiiacies, iir all'ociations, whatfoever; a id that we will ftrift) y watch all fuch as man'feft tile lealt tendency to utter any difrelpeftful
worSs againft thefr Ma- kefiles, or any of the Royal Family. Refolved, That we think it proper to declare, that- whilft we promife to guild and fupport the feveral branches of the cvpftitution, in all '. heir jttft rights, we will not be unmind- ful, if it fhould ever trove oecefTVy, to vindicate our own; a d we engrg: to watch over the liberties of our fellow- fub- jefts with all that tare and atteprion which m- » y be requifite M keep up a jui" eqiu ibrium, fo that no one branch ot the pr « - fent Ijapoy c> nftitBi: qn qaay be invaded. R-' folved, Tha.- th?' thank - of this meeting be given to the Ch . irman, and that thefe resolution! be inlerted in the
Gene- ral Esening l'oft, and two ofthe Exeter Papers; and that the Chairman be empowered to call a meeting whenever he thrall think it necefl'-. ry. . AUGUSTUS SALTREN WILLETT, ChMrmanv BUtkford, De.* » 7> > 73** [ j7< » - curiay of theiy property, the l'afety of their perfor. s, and the invaluable bleffing of their liberty, are ftrengthenen, de- fended, and prefsrved. Second, That they are imprefied with the deepeft vene ration and gratitude for the wife and ineftim . bls legacy thus religioufly bequeathed thersj by their- anceftors— the gloifous conftitution oi" Kingt Lords, ati Commons— which, inv.- gorated by evety obliacle,
has, in its frogrefs through fuc- ceflive ages and difficulties, proved itfelf equal to every emergency, and been at all periods tlie wonder and envy of furroundiug aarians : T^ iat they declare themfelves moft folemnly bound to unite with their Sllow- fubjefts in its de- t fence againft the fub le aid feditious attacks of wicked. and j deligrtin'g men, who, enjoying its freedom, and living under ,; its prote^ ion, in concert with its open and avowed enemies, I are meditating its deftruftion : And that, there& rc, they i pledge themfelves to ufe their fircneft endeavours to tranfmit i it inviolate to their pofterity. Third, That tn this end they are in duty
obliged to fup- [ port in perfon the exertions or the civil magiftrate, when ). ne d fhall require, to exaft obedience to tbe laws, and j to iring to puoilhment every peri':> n didributing ftditious > Hi d- bills, of endeavouring, by any Means, to difturb the 1 public peace within this pariih. I Fourth, Thai a Committee of 21 gentlemen be appointed J regularly to meet for the purpofe ot c irrying the ab^ ve refo- | lutions in'oeffeft ; and that they be empowered to take fuch. f meafures tor tbe fame, as from time to time by th m fhall j be though; advifeable ; and that any five of them be a quo- rum. Fifth, That the f l'w'ng gentlemen be a committer,
viz. Alexander Aubert, Samuel Birch, Philip Crowrher, George Ward, Roberr Wilkinfon, John Holej William White, Efquires; Rev. Mr. Strahan, Rev. Dr. Gifkin; Thomas Shiiley, Thomss Chauntrell, Samuel Fennirig, Tnomas Bell, John Heylin, Abraham WiKterbottom, Jeh 1 Jackfon, William Palmer, James Stan. lerwick, William Orey, Ed- mund Uutterbnck, and Ifaac. Niedham, Efquire-. Agreed, Thst John Hole, Efq. be Treafurer. Sixth, That the thanks of this meeting be given to the chairman, for his p - lite andjmpartiai conduit ouring this bulinefs. Seventh, That thefq refolutlons be fairly tranfciibed, and j figtied by fuch of the
inhabitants of this pi ilh as fhall ap- I prove the fame; and that they be publifhed in all the London 1 papers, figned by the chairman; and that a printed copy ' thereof be fent to every inhabitant. 3740] ALEXANDER AUBERT, Chairman. AT a General Meeting of tha Gentlemen, Clergy, Merchant!, and other Inhabitants of the Town and Neighbourhood <- f Lancafter, held this 15th Day of De- cember, 1792, in the Town- Hall, purfuant to an Advertife. ment from the Mayor, JAMES H1. NDE, Efq; Miyor,> the Cliair. The following DECLARATION was a reed to, vii. That raking into Confideration the many Bleffings that have accrued to
this Country, ever fince the glorious Revolution in ii SS ; and feeling that, under the fame Cooftitution, of King, Lords, and Commons, we have been, and are'conti- nually increafmg in Profperity; and feeling alio, that we thereby enjoy both civil and religious Liberty : what have we to wiili foi but a long and uninterrupted- Continuation of thefe invaluable Bleffings to ourfelves and to our Poftericy ? It is with rial Concern that we perceive feditious Attempts made to check that Profperity with which we are blelled, and la- ment the Nece'iity there appears of uniting in order to prc- fei ve that Conftitution, which has been, and ever will be,
the Pride of Engliihmen, and the Envy of all the World, lo long as that Conftitution is kept inviolate. To efteft that Purpafe, we refolve unanimoufly, That we will jointly and feverally ufe our bsft Endeavours to difcover the Authors, PublUhers, or Diftributois of any fedi tious Writings, wtuch ftall be publiihed or difp fled within this Town and Neighbourhood ; and we will caufe to be ap. ptehended any Perfon or Perf ns who may be found exciting Tumult or Diforder, fo that he or they may be dealt with ac- cording to La. v. Refolved, That we do jointly and individually bind our-' felves to each other, upon every Occafion that may offer, to
preferve our glorious Conftifuilon from every open or fecret Attack. Refolved, That the Thanks of thi< s Meet'ng be given to James Hinde, El'q; for his Readinefs in complying with the Requifition . to call the fame. Refolved, That ihele Resolutions be figfted bv the Chair- man and printed in the public Papers. RefolVed, That the Mayor and Bailiffs of the Corporation be appointed a Committee for canting the afofei"; is!. Refaiutions to be printed and publifhed. JAMES HINDE, Mayor, Chairman. N. B. Thefe Refb. lutions have been figned by upwards of Two Th'oSfahtf Pet0n » t ' [ J7S1 AJ hab. ta ot licro rltemblej it fail Borough,
onSaturd y, the 15th Day of December, 1792, puifuant to public A. lvertlf- mrn', for rfie Purpo e of exp. ui- ling their Actichjr. cnt to our prefe ic happy Conflitution, tlieif Determination to ( uppore due Ob- dience to the Laws, and to • gne'feive Peace and g od Order in their feverul Depart- ments, ; MATTHIAS WRIGHT, Efq; Alderman, in the Chiir, The following Declaration and Refolmiohs were unan'mouil/ agreed up.- n: viz. WE whofe Names ate hereunto fubferiied, confldertng the iuie rati gable Exertions that aie daiiy made, by wicked and depgaing Men, to difturb the Peace and Tranquillity of this Country, and to . defttoy all
Government wtatfcever ; aid- conceiving it to be die Duty, ,. s it is clearly the legal and cfii'ftttutionaV Ri- St cf ill j j] Citiz 1.1., to ftand forth and to- ufe their utmott Endeavours in their refpeftive A'eiShbour- hoids, to counteraft, by all lawful Means, fuch daring and' mifchievous At empts. . Senfiblev alfo, of the Advantages which, we and all one fellow Citizens derive fro. 11 that giorhjusConftottifeni which was efta'blifhed by the " WifJoni and Valour of our Anceftors ; determined to maintain, wich our Lives and Fo: tunes, that Coaftltttt'ion, together with our Rights and Liberties which gi . iw out of it, and to' tranfmit the fame to our
Pofterity ; and aftuated by a fL- ady a- d affeft. onate Loyalty to our be- loved Sovereign ; but intend rg no Refers.. c'e to any Syfte. ri of foreign or dome ilic Pplitics, Do folemnly declare and r folve, Firft, That we will jointly and feverally, by fuch- Mesne as the Law allivvs and piefcribes, exeft our V- gilince and Aftivity in difcovering and bringing ro jnftice, all Perfoof wh> fh. tll, eit. ier by publitjii lg or diftributing feditious Papers' or Writings, or by engaging in any illegal AfTociat on' » or Cen- fpiracies, Endeavour to dii'rarb the public Peace, or excite Difatfeftion 10 the lawful Government pf this Cou- itfy. Secondly, Thai we will do all in
our Power to aid and afllft the Civil Magiftrates in maintai ling the general Tranquility, in f-. ippreffiug all Riots and Dilturbances that may arife within this Bnrough, and in b ing'ng tbe Authors and Prompter! ther « or to condign Puniih.- ntnt. Toirdly, That we will, by the Diflrlbutioh of Conftitu- tio. ial Writings, anfky ever, other Effort fcalm Reafo.- iingj endeavour to undeceive and inf. rm fuch Perfons as may huv! baen milled by the de. u'iie and iriflainmut'-. ry Su geftions of- evl- defigning Men ; who leek to excite a gene'ral Spir t o£ Reftleffoefs aid Difcontent, in order to fubVert the rational Syftera of Lib- rty and'Order, which alike
eonfults the real. H ppinefs of all Claffesof E. og! ilhmen. And we do invite all Friends to peace and Tranquillity, re- fiding in this Borough and Neighbourhood, to join. with s - in the above Declaration an • Refolurions, by fignr. g tTu- ir Names to a Copy thereof, which is left for chat Purpofe at the Guildhall in the faid Borough And in Order ro facilitate, in the moft orderly, efl'eftual, and enpedi'ious Manner, the AtiaintmSnt of the above im- - portant Objefts, a Committee, confiftin'g of the Alderman,' Recorder, Coroner, and Afliftant juft'. ces of the fad Borounh, with twenty- four other G ntle r en ( f, veo of whom jhall" b'e ' fufficient to
proceed to Bufinefs), is appointed to aft in fuCK S anaer as they ( hall fie proper;' 1 f whom Abraham Jenk nj Town Clerk of the. faid Borough, is to be Seciet- ary, and John Spink, E.' q; Treaiu. er, to receive and difburfe fuch Monies as may be fubferibed to difray the Expences attend. ng the Executi > n of the ab v- Pl^ n. And all Communications refpefting the above OBjefts, . from any . ofthe Perfo e whofe Names are here'unto foblcribed| are to be. made w the laid Seir. tary. And we do recommenii it to the above Com'nittee to correfpond with other Commit- tees of the like Nature in other Places, in fuch Manner as may be found
expedient. Fourth, y, That thele RefoIuAins be published three Times in the Bury and Ipfwich Papers, and in the General Eveuni^ Poll j - and that a proper Number of them be printed and dis- tributed. Laftly, That - the Thanks of this Meeting be given to the Alderman for his upright, able, and impartial Conduft during the Bufinefs of ibis Day. Nil. ues of the- Committee :] Marthris Wright, Efq; AWercian; John Symor- ds, L. LJD. Recorder; James Maihiw, Efqj Coroner; Sir Charles Daveis, Bart. M. P. Michael W. X. eheop, Efq; R - ger Haft.-^, Efq; John Spink, Efq; James V, aid, . Efq; Affiftant Juftlces;' Sir Thomas G. Cullum, Bar". P.
cha.- d'Adaraton, Efq; John - Cook, Gent. Ifham Daiton, Gent. Rev. J. Ives Day, iqhu Go- ibid, E% Rev. P. Godfrey, Lie « ttnint Holwor'thy, R. N. Abraham Jenkin, Gent. Thomas Jones, , F. f^; The' ReV. Thomas Knowl^ s, Dl D. William Matliew, Efj; Jut'epH Manikin, Gent. Rev. Edwairl Mills'; William Norrbrd,. M. D. James Oakes, Efq; Edward Pafton ) firfin Pate, Ger. t- Rev. J. C. Sams; Rev. | ofeph Sharp; Captain Synio,, s, R.- N. Rev. C. Thomfo. n 1. William, Woodley; Efoj Captain T{ Wolf « toh. . ( By Order of the Society) AB. JENKiN, SecrsBfy. ' ^ CWeetiSg of theftid. Coi is a of - inted to. be . 1 . I- ' • held on Friday, the 2? th
Infhnt. at Eleven <? UJ « 5ck t » i', r » : Noon, at the OoildhalUnn thefaid! Bo'rbugl^ N B. All Lefters and Comtntinicniqtjj reijuefte- i ro jj, aiHreffed to # » ititttokji, , ^ } 7jf.
FOPvElGN INTELLIGENCE. lAkt Jflhi and TESTAMENT of LdtiSf At found in the TEMPIE, And delivered by the COMMISSIONERS to the © OMMT'NE of PARISH PARIS— nv. 22. The tfiif at preSeht wears the appeSraAc's of frimqtiillity, but the calm is, fcoft probably, but fee forerunner ef a Storm; an armed banditti overawes the inhabitants, and prevents their ex preffing their abhorrence at the recent meafures of the Convention. The affe& ing manner, in which L- oub re- commended the protection of his family to the people, has created a Strong in cere ft in thfir Sa- vour; the Queen has, however, been removed from the
Temple to the Coheiregerie ( a common prifon) and, it is faid, is immediately to be tried on charges, fomewhat fimilar to thofe preferred againft Louts, The Dauphin is lodged in the Mayor's houfe until the Convention determine his fate; he is prevented feeing the Queen; the moft favoura- ble opinion of his punifhment is perpetual im- prifonmenr. In the Aflerfibly thii morning a letter was read frotn Cuftirie, giving a favourable account of the condition of his army. The Ccmmiffioners appointed to fuperintend the equipment of the fleet; this day left Paris. Fargeau is to be buried with great pomp to- morrow. 1' UITTH. ift PX- ltTiciuiAis o?
THE EXECUTION OF Louis. The following is the Report of She Commune Of Paris of this horrid murder: The proclamation of the Provisional Execitrte Council relative to his execution, had hardly been notified to Louis, before he requefted per- miilion to confer with his family. The Com- fniffioners tevtifying their embarrafiment at this requeftj propofed to him, that his family fliould be bronght into his' apartment, to which he a- greed. His wife, his children; and his filler ac- cordingly came to him ; and they conferred to- gether in the room; in which he was accuftomed to dine. This interview lafted two hours and an half; their
conversation was very eameft. After his family had retired; Louis told the Commif- fioners that he had been obliged to ufe ftrong language to his wife. His family had aflcedj whether fhejr might not fee him again in the morning. To this he made no anfwer, and Madame Elizabeth faw him no' tfiore< Louis cried oitt in his chamber, " Oh, the murderers! the murderers! Addrelling her- ftlf to her- fori; Marie Antoinette faid, " Learn by the misfortunes of your father not to avenge tisjeathj" The morning of hits execution Lobis affced fdf fciffars to cut liis hair-; they wererefufed him. When they took away his knife he exclaimed, Dt> th « y think
me baie Enough to deftroy my- faf?" .. , , The Cbritfnahdant General and the Com* feiffioners of the Commune aSce'ndsd, at half baft eight o'clock in the morning, to the apart- jyieftt of Louisj and Signified to him the Order fehieh they had received to conduit him to the place of execution. Lo. uis required three minutes to Speak to his cor. feffor,- which was readily jjjrantdd; Immediately' after, Don is prefented a picket to1 bri£ o'f the Commiffionersr, with an fciitreafy to'eonv& y it to theCouneil General of { he Commune, ( acquis Rotit; ihe eitiztfft to whohft Lotils iddreffed himfelf, anfwered, that he Could not fake Charge of it,
befeaufe his million was only to fcondud him to execution : but he engaged fcne of h; i collcagfiesj who was on duty in the tTemple, to do what Louis defired; with Which he was Satisfied! Louii then folil the Commandant General that he was ready ; and in going out of his apartment* he begged the municipal officers to fecomhund to the Commune, the perfons vho j - bad. been in his fervice, and ts beg that uiey Would give his Valet- de- Gharnbre Clero, a Situa- tion under fhe Qiieen— correcting himfelf, he faid, " tinder my wife." They aniwered Louis, that an account would be given of what he re- quired to the Commune. Louis
crofted 011 foot the firft court, in the fecond he mounted iiito a carriage, in which were his cohfeffor, tnd two officers of the Genf- llarmerlis. The executioner awaited him at ' the ' jPlace iie la Revolution. The whole train moved along the Boulevards to the place of exe- cution} where Louis arrived at tfen minutes after ten o'clock. He lindreffed himfelf, mounted tile FcaiToki with ftrmneSs and courage, and ihewed art inclination to harangue the people, tut tht executioner of criminal juftice, by the bfilei- bf General Ssnterrc, and by found of drums gave him noticc, that he was only tp re- te ve his fentencet ThS head of Louis u- as thin
ftruck off; and In the name of the Holy Trinity,' Father, Soji,' See, This 35th of December, 179a, I Loiris, Six-' teenth of fhe name, King of France, imprifoned iif the Temple for more than four months by thofe who were my fubjeds, involved in a trial, of which the iffue cannot be known, from the paffions of rtien, ih the prefence of God declare my fentiments. I leave my foul to God, my Creator, praying him not to judge it according to my merits, but thofe of Jefus CJtrift. I acknowledge what is contained in the fym- bol of the facraments, and the dodrines of the church. I refer to the church for an explana- tion of its dogmas, and do not
pretend to judge thofe who are in error. I pray God to forgive fne, for having put my name to ads, which may be Contrary to the dogmas of the Catholic Church, although I did it 011 compulfion. I pray thofe,- whom I may have offended by disregard, to pardon the ill I have done them. I forgive thofe who have become my enemies, and I pray God to pardon them in the fame manner.' I commend to God, my wife; my children, and my fifter; I recommend my children to my wife,' and intreat her to' watch over their education; I pray my fifter fo continue her ten- dernefs to1 my Children ; I intreat my wife to pardon me for what file has
fuffered on my ac- count ; aud I recommend to my childreu to obey their mother, and always to have God before their eyes. I recommend to my Ion,* if ever he becomes King; to think only of the happijiefs of his fel- low- citizens,- and to be mindful that he never can be happy, but by ruling according to the laws. I recommend to my fon the perfons who have been attached to me.- I recommend to my fori M. M. Chamiley and Hcei I beg M. M. 6f the Commune to deliver to Glery ( his valet) my cloaths, my watch, and the trifles that were taken to the Commune* I beg M. M. Malefherbes, Tronchet, and Defefe, to receive my tender
acknowledgement. I proteft, that I am not guilty of any of the crimes, with which I atfi reproached. This will was fent by the Commune to the Executive Power. LfStS. " What with difeafe and defertitfn, 0X1 f gifrifon rs greatly diminished, rieafly one half of the nine battalions of National Volunteer^ in garrifon here fince the liege, are gone to their fundry homes; Some companies are reduced to ten or twelve, and one in particular ol the department de la Manche has crnly the captain and firft lieu- tenant remaining. Within the laft three weeks, the Gendarmerie have been continuually bringing into prifon feveral ftraggiers, whsm they
have picked up on the fcamp on the roads; and no volunteers, are fuffered now by order Of the'' General Bourdonnave, to walk Outfide Of the gates. ''•><• This officer has ifTued feveral v- ery fahitary de-. crges for the entertainment and equipment of the National Volunteers, who, in general, are verf unwholefomly lodged, and extremely negligent of their perfons. He departed on Tue'ftiay, to fiv^ fy mdii, whatever may be his political principles, muft lament the fate bf the French King, Slid condemn' the violence of thofe who brought him to the block.— He who has hjgh ideas c- f Monarchical Government, and who holds, the
perfons of Kings facred, wiif execrate the conduit of, and pray for vengeante on, thofe who have murdered their Sovereign— The man whofe bofom glows with the love of liberty, and who at firft rejoiced at the emancipation of 2$ millions of people from the moft tyrannic, the moft corrupt and wicked Government on earth, will deplore, that- the glorious caufe of liberty fhould be thus diferaced ; he will drop a tear oa the untimely death of an unhappy Prince; will • lament that in this enlightened age a civilized nation fiiould have committed ads which muft ever difgrace thern in the eftimation of mankind; aids indeed from which eVen
favages would have turned with horror from beholding— Defpots will infped" the places along fh'e coaft bv Dunkirk I exultingly exclaim— behold the effects of popu- and Calais, which are under his command. J lar Governmentt How much more preferable is ksisu- exhibited, a thoufaiid cries were heard of five La. Ration ! Vive La Refublique FranjjoiJe ! The fpetdators ruihed towards the fcaffold to Behold thd difrhal remains of a dethroned mo- nai- ch. His hair wasdiftribnted, and fold to the Crowd. Some people dipt their handkerchiefs in the ' olbod that flowed; and toffing them in the Inr, tried; Behold ihe blood of the Tyrant ! After
the execution, his mortal part wat car- ried to the btirying- ground of La Madaline. To stcelcrate the diffolution of his body, lime was ,\ lm> wn irito hii grave. Guards were placed to prevent hit being taken away in the night. *' Ths gra^ e, in which the body was depofitfedj y ti fourteen feet deep, and fevt'n in width. The Adminiftration is aftive here, and many Of the officers are his partisans, . in- regard to the coolnels fubfifting between him and Duitiourier. Tv? 0 national Battalions 111 garrifon at Maubeuge, having conceived fome mifunderftanding, a few days ago, upon political lubjeds, met near the town, to give each other battle,
and a petty civil War was on the point of breaking out, bllt it was happily prevented. iVARSAlT— DEC. ii. The Chamberlain Kownaki, one of the irioft ardent promoters of the Conftitution of the 3d of May; ius been obliged to fly from the capital, and even the kingdom of Poland.— He came here to anfwer the complaints of the Generality, addreffed to the King againft him. His pairing an entire day in the palace, gave great offence to the people; who accufed him of holding illicit correfpondenee and feditious difcoarfei The King conceiving, that from the growing tumult, he wtsuld not be able to protsft the Chamberlain, furnifhed him
with a large fum of money aha favoured his efcape. Amongft the decree- of the prefent Dief, which theCoiifedevatiofl has.' mvalidated, was one that fatisfafcforily arranged the differences of Courland. By this decree, the B; lron of Hel- king '. va's fent as- a deputy .; o Grodno, and he, ifl ail audiaince which he had the idth inftant, thanked the Oonfedera 0.1 for having re « alle^ Mh Botowfki, whsmtiie former Diet had f t to Mitow, under th-:- nest' title of CommLLry Ple- nipotentiary. He alfo : ed on the abolition of the decree of the .. u'. it. May, but that Diet, relative to the - . nee which fubfifts i. ttweeu the Reigning , ilke and the
Nobility, of the country 1 The Marfhal of the CcafederatioH of tbe Grown, replied, that " The iftufirious confe- derated Republic was ready to do ill the juftice to the Nobil'ty of Courland, Ehat they had a right to exped from the laws and the Conftitu- tion. The Nobility of Courland have referred tb the arbitration of the Emprefs of Ruffia, the dif- fei- ences fubfifting between them and the reign- ing Duke. & ELGIC PROVINCES. The accounts from the neighbouring elide* nant A. uftrian provinces are not at all favourable; the inhabitants of Tournav fliew a decided cool- nefs to the French garrifon, and even fometimes era mufeh further.
The centinels are often affaftir nated ill the night at their polls ; the Bourgeois mix, but with reludance, among the officers, and the clubs are frequented but by a very few of the citizens— the wilh pronounced at the National Convention fome days ago, by Deputies from Weft Flanders, to have that province formed into an 85th department, is known to be but a mcckexpreffion of the public voice, arifing with but half a dozen idlers, and very repugnant to the people at large.— The French are fo well aware of this, that they have ordered a ftrong reinforcement into that province, and within thefe few days; four battalions have marched
from Lifte for Bruges and the environs. Throughout Flanders the roads are rendered nearly impaffable, bv the vaft quantity of fnovv which has of late fallen in that province—- the water conveyance is alfo interrupted by a hard fro'ft. ' ipi,-,[, • - ' ' ••• • • i- ir - - 1 1 * • • LONDON. Lord Chamberlain's Office, Jan. 25,- 1793. Orders for the Court going into mourning. On Sunday next, the 27th inft. for bis late Moft Christian Majefty, viz. The Ladies to wear black filk, fringed or plain linen, white gloves, necklaces, a Ad ear- lings, black or white flioes, fans, and tippets. Undrefs, white or grey lu ft rings, Tabbies, or damafks. The Oentlerhen
to wear black full. trimmed, fringed or plain linen, black fwords and buckles. Undrefs,- grey frocks. The Court to change the mourning on Sun- day the 3d of February ftext. The ladies to wear black filk cr velvet, co- loured ribbons, fans, and tippets; or plain white, or white and gold, or white and filver fluffs, with black ribboiis. The gentlemen tq^ wear blaok coats, and black or plain white, or white and gold, or white and ftiver fluff waifteoats, full trimriied, coloured fwords and butkles. And on Thurfday the 7th of February next the Court to go out of mourning. That the death Of Louis XVIth of France is one of the moft atrocious ads that
everdifgraced the annals of the world ; that the manner in whifch it was perpetrated, with all the sirenm- ftances affociated to the liorrid cataftrophe, aggravates the guilt; and that the ruling men in France arc monfters, fuch as civilized fcciety never yet beheld, are opinions, which the Splendid fenfe of juftice, and the benign fpirit of hu- manity, that form the glorious and elevating diftindion of the Britifh people, will inuprdi in every mind throughout our happy country. OS this iriurdered King, we can only Say, tha- t his virtues were his ruin:— he has - fuffered for having been a tyrant; and, had he been a ty- rant, " he would not have
fuffered. He w- oubd then have proceeded in that career of uncon- trolled Sovereignty, and have commanded a continuance of that Submiffion which waited upon the will of his royal predeceflbirs ; but, in Safit, there was not a tyrannic principle in his charader, which overflowed with b. exievo « ence and paternal affedion for his people. When Louis aScended the throne of Frahde, he remitted to his fubjeds the right of the jtyeux a- venement, a tribute it was ufual to pay on the ac- ceSfiOn of a " Monarch, and which the loyalty of the nation never considered as a burthen i he alSo leflened the perfonal ftibfidies, fupprefl'ed vafla iage, aboliflied torture, arid annihilated: Servi- tude. Nor fltould it be forgotten, that he granted to the Tiers Etat in 1788, againft the urgent entrsaty of his moft powerful nobility, a repre- fentatioh equal to ths two other orders ; and thereby laid the foutlda'ion of a revolution, which has, at length, conduded him tg \ tie fcaffold.— In lhort, without poffefling the ta- lents which make what is called a great King, he had thofe qualities which will ev « r make a good King, iS the circu^ nStances of the times in which he lives calls them into exertion, or if he happens to polful's tbpfe minifters, who, for the giory of their matter or the intereft of
their country, take every opportunity to offer occafions for the exerciSe of them.-—*— This was not, we Sear, the cafe with the late Monarch of France. If he had Sully for a Mi- nister, he would not have acquired the cha- rader, becaufe he did not poffefs the genius, of Henry the Fourth ; but jie would, at this time, have been on the throije of a great, a profperous, and a happy kingdom. Jt was from the dudi- lity of his tempef that he was perfuaded, though not without the utmoft reludance, to engage in fupport of American independence; and, from the moment in which he Signed the alliance With the Unite, l States, may be traced
the ' path which has conduded him to the fatal period, which will affed and aftquifh every humane mind through' out the civilized world. But we truft, that the indignation of Europe will colled the nations of it into ons federal union, to extirpate the fiends of France, if they Shall have efcaped each other's daggers, arid fo partition the kiqgdom. the band of power in a defpotic Prince than in the daggers of AfMins !— Still, however, will the friend'of freedom and of mankind look forward to the restoration of peace and order. If a Bri- ton, he will turn to the page of our own hiftorjr, and will there find that, after a bloody conteft, in whieh alfo a
King fell by the hands of the exe- cutioner, the people of this country flopped the encroachments of arbitrary prerogative, and fet- tled a Conftitution which has been, aud ftill is, the admiration of furrounding nations. In moft parts of Prance, affignats are at forty per cent. diScount;. and every article, both ne- ceffarles arid luxuries, are increafed in value. The Prince de Conde with the Shattered r#>- mains of the emigrant army occupies the coun- try between Swabia and Switzerland.. The - Sroft ift Germany has been fo intenfe, that the Rhine and Maeze have for fome time, been frozen; over. The peojiieofthis country appear ih the
moft amiable light upon the death of the King of France.— A few years ago this Prime, with his Queen and her Party, plotted and1 exerted the whole power of the kingdom to reduce this coun- try to a ftate of dependence, bankruptcy, and ruin; they fucceeded fo far. as to deprive our Sovereign of three millions of fubjeds, and to add an immenfe fum to the national debt, the in tore it of which is deeply felt by taxes on indi- viduals from the higheft to the loweft— add to this, as a nation, the French have ever been ini- mical to Great Britain. Still, howeve^, as fooa as the melancholy death of the ci- de^ ant King is known, univeri'al
grief and horror appear in the fates oS all. The King, Queen, and their amiable offspring, deprive themielves of their favourite amuSement. The Royal Theatre is ( hut— the Nobiiity have notice that there will be no Drawing Room— and a general mourning is calletl foe, and expeded. Oa Wednefday laft a diSpenSation pafied the Great Seal to enable the Rev. William Focord Mlchell Clerk, Mafter of Arts, of Oriel Col- lege, Oxford, arid Chaplain tp the Right Hon. Lord Graven, and Refitor of Tbrowleigh, in the County of Devon, to boW the Redory of L- dlord, in the feme County, on theprefenta. tion of his Rev at Highnefs the Priace
of Wales. THEATRES. BAYMARKET.] Yefterday, Cyrnon ; With The GSoft.— This evening, Jane Shore: with The Cheats of Scapin. CbvtNT- GARDEN.] Yefterday, Village: with Harlequin's Mufeum,- ing, Columbus: with the fame. Love in a - This even- SHIP- NEWS, c.- at, Jt*. 14. Came down and fi 1A ths ctifwarl- b^ nr. d as before ; che Jafon, Main, for Citrate" ; t^ id Fii r. ds Ooodvvin, Do- nctt, f- r Ho ditras. Remain in xkf. Downs the Iphig'- nia frigate 5 and WiMaift JSd knit, M » iklrlt ; Ad- miral Packer, H- j Calypl't, VVake. j./ iurorj, Swain; SJyirtr, AldtrfiB ; and Elixi,: Qa trjiilpor. s. Wind Weft- No. th- Welt, Gravuni, Jap. 2.4. P.
iffieJ by the Four rriends, Celt, from B'. ul g'ie; $ t. Frmcis, Rolfe, tiom C*? n; Lyou, Barnes, from Leg'wrn j Eifanor, Hp-. ve, and Dunk'uk;, John- fon, from Dur-. k He; Sina- fty, Gunner, from Gibraltar; Hitrmony, .1 • • . ., and- Vrsw JiJjjdalfBi; Snowman, irooi Embden ; Captain Ca> k, G bfon, ftotw Komn^ iTyurjh j anl DiftUg, Wcyi. ian, trom StJtk'iolm. PRLCE fianjt Stock 169 3 per Cent. Red. 74 J a J 3 per Cent. Con). 73 j a 74 a 7 3 { » I IlltlO 1716 w 4 per cent.- C > nf, 89 J a- J N. ivy 5 per Cent. Ann. a » nk L. Ann O tto Short i778and 1779 India Stock — Ditt. i Ann. —. Ditto Bonds lis, prem. OF STOCKS. O'd Ann- — New Ditto —
i p= r Cent. 17?! New Navy 6 J a 7 difi, Exchequer Bills — Lot. Tick. 151.10s. a 8s. 6d. l ilh Tick. — Rank for F* bt6 > 4 India fir open. 184 * 183 % 18. i Confols for open. 75 J a J a ^ FOREIGN WINES. In Legal Quart Bottles, f^ bfolutely neat, as imported). tJIBBS, Wine ainlBnndy Merchant, Monument- YarJ, London, rtl'peilfully ackiiowledges the very diflinguilh- ed Patronage of Noblemen, Gentlemen, and the Public ; it is highly grateful to him that the Plan of felling Wi^ es in leg il Quarts has obtained fuch liberal Sanftion and Encou- ragement. The Importance of this Plan ( unequivocally fair) to private Families in Particular, is
moft obvious ; 6nce eveiy dozen Bottles are warranted to contain three CaUons of Wine, miking thereby aconfiderable Civing in quantity to the Fur- ch- jfer. N. B. Orders, by the Pipe, or Quirter- Cafks, executed on the loweft Money Terms. *„* Hifebs's Orange Shrubs, for making hot or colit Punch, by the Addition of Water only, will be found really unequalled tor Strength, Richnefs, and peculiar line Fla- vour. Should any Wines or Spirits be difapproved when fent; in, they fliall be exchanged or taken back free of every Ex- pence. [ 3465 - t" Sbid by J. LONDON. Printed by MARY VINT ( late SAY), in Avemary- Lane, Ludgate-
Strefct. at Ndk ll) ill Fat goiter; where ADVES^ ISEMESTS AND^ LETTERS^ of INTELLIGENCE ( Poft- paid) are taken in, a* d where thofe whp > e jeguiarjy fufef with PAPER ar? defired to applf.