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The Public Advertiser


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The Public Advertiser
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The Public Advertiser

Date of Article: 25/01/1793
Printer / Publisher: H.S. Woodfall 
Address: No 1, the Corner of Ivy Lane, Paternoster-Row, London
Volume Number:     Issue Number: 18291
No Pages: 4
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The Public Advertifer. NUMBER 1 8 2 9 1 J F R I D A Y , JANUARY 25, 17 y3 [ Price Three- penes Half- penny. This Day wiil be prefented C Y M K I N G ' S T H E A T R E , H A Y - M A R K E T , T the King's Theatre, Haymarket, e O N. ( Altered from the Dramatic Romance written by Davie1 Carrick, Efq;) With a New Overture, anil new additional Mufic by Storare, Shaw, and other eminent Matters. With Entirely new Scenery by Mr. Greenwood. And n « w Dreffes, Decorations, and Machinery, Merlin, Mr. BANNISTER ; Cymon, Mr. KELLY j Dorus, Mr. Wewitzer; Linco, Mr. BANNISTER, Jun. Damon, Mr. Bland ; Cupid, Maiter Grcigfon; • Daemon of Revenge, Mr. Sedgwick. Urganda, Mrs. CROUCH ; Sylvia, by a YOUNG LADY, ( Being her 2d appearance on any ftage) Fatima, Mrs. GOODALL; Phebe, Mifs De Camp ; Daphne, Mrs. Bland 5 1 Dorcas, Mr. Suett. Knights, Meff. Dubois and Fairbrother; ' J he Amazon, Mifs Blancnet. . To conclude with JF* ** A GRAND PROCESSION of the HUNDRED K1GHTS of CHIV . LRY, and the JeWefentatien of An ANCIENT TOURNAWWT. • After which will be revived a Farce called T H E G H O S T. Sir Jeffrey Ct nftant, Mr. SUETT ; Captain Conftant, IVlr. Whitfield ; Trufty, Mr. Baddelcy; Cl- nch, Mr. R. Palmer; Roger, Mr. BANNISTER, jun. Belinda, .. Mil's Colline ; Doro'hy, Mifs Heard. Boxes 6s. Second Account 3s. Pit 3s. 6d. Second Account 23. Gallery is. Second Account is. No Money to be returned. Places for the Boxes to be taken of Mr. Fofbrooi at the Theatre. The Doors will be opened at a Quarter part Five, and the Performance to begin at a Quarter pall Six. On Saturday the Opera of CYMON, with the PATRON. C O V E N T G A R D E N. AT t h e N E W T H E A T R E ROYAL in Covent Garden, This Day will be performed L O V E in a V I L L A G E . Young Meadows, Mr. INCLEDON ; Hawthorn, Mr. JOHNSTONE ; Hodge, Mr. Blanchard ; Sir William Meadows, Mr. Powell ; Euftace, Mr. Davies; Juftice Woodcock, Mr. QUICK ; Deborah, Mrs. Pitt; Madgt, Mrs. Wells ; Lacinda, Mifs Brewdhurfl; Cook Maid, Mils S. uart; Rofetta, Mrs. CLKNDIN1NG. ( being her ift appearance in that charafter) After which ( 29th time) will • e performed aPantomim* Entertainment, called HARLEQUIN S M U S E U M ; Or, MOTHER SHIPTON TRIUMPHANT. Being partly new, and partly a feleftion of Scenery > Machinery, Tricks and Bufinefs, from the moft approved Pantomimic productions of Lunn, Rich, Woodward, Meflink, Rofamond, Lalauze, See. The principal Pantomimic characters. Harlequin, Mr. Boyce, Clodpole, Mr. Follett, Squire Foxcbafe, Mr. Farley, Paddy Roony O'Gaffey, Mr. Rock, Sir Gregory Whimfey, Mr. Hawtin, Father Paul, Mr. Powel, Pudding Boy, Matter Hodgings, Cook, Mr. Caurion, Smuggles, Mr. King, Cooper, Mr. Blurton, Jew, Mr. Wilde, Alderman, Mr. Rowfon, Captain, M. Thompfon, Starved Friar, Mr. Griffiths, Lover's Servant, Mr. Simmons, Waterman, Mr. Piatt, Bake', Mr. Thompfon, Fifhwoman, Mrs. Crofs, Mother, Mrs. Powel, Maid, Mifs Leferve. Ladies at the Ship Launch and Apollo Garden Scenes, Mifs Paye, Mrs. Matters, Mifs Francis, and Mrs- Rock, Arid Columbine, Madame Rofii. The Mufic chiefly compiled from Pepuch, GaliiardJ Arnc, Vincent, Dibdin, Arnold, Filter, and the reft by Mr. Shield, & c. The principal Vocal Characters. Lieutenant ( fong, 1 Old England for ever I ) Mr. Davis, Song and Chorus," God favethe King 1" by Meff. Gray, Linton, Street, Kenrick, Little, Mrs. Harlowe, Blanchard, Davis, Cro s, Mils Broadhurfl, Barnett, Stuart, & C.& C. Cobbler, Mr, Faweett, with a new fong in charafter, Punch, Mr. Rayner, Skaiters' Duet,' This bleak and frofly morning,' Meff. Gray and Linton. Mother Shipton ( with fongs) Mr. Darley. In which will be introduced, for the 5th time, A F O X CHACE, With REAL HOUNDS and HORSES. Thefelefted Scenery and Mach nery re- painted, and the feveral new ones dcfigncd and executed by Meffrs. Hodgings, 1' ugh, Walmfley, Lupino, tcr. The Burlefque Pas de Ruffe, by Mr. Byra and Mifs Smith. The Hornpipe by Mr. Holland. With new Drelfes, Machinery and Decorations. Carriages coming to Eow- ftreet entrances are defired to fet down and take up with their horfes heads wards Hart- ftrect. The Office for taking places for the BOX « G is removed to Hart- ftrcct. The p'incipal new entrance to * he Boxes is fromthe Great Portico in Bow- flreet — from the fmall Portico ate entrances to the l'it, Two Shilling Gallery, and One Shilling Gallery, In the Old Paffage f » om the Piazza are new entrances to the Eoxes, l'it, and Two Shilling Gallery, To- morrow and Monday COLUMBUS. On Tuefday a new Comedy, callcd EVERY ONE HAS HIS FAULT ; the principal cb rafters by Meflrs. Lewis, • Quick, Pope, Farren, M* ndcn, Fawcett, l'owel, Thompfon, Farley, Mil's Grid, Mrs. Ellen, Mattocks, Webb, and Pope. E A S T I N D I A H O U S E, Wednefday, fan. 23, 179^. AT a G E N E R A L COURT of the UNITED COMPANY of MERCHANTS of ENGLAND, trading to the EAST INDIES, held this day, Rel'olved Unanimoufly, That it is the opinion of this Court that the Mofl Noble CHARLES MARQUIS CORNWALLIS, Knight of the Moft Noble Order of the Garter, has difplayed uncommon zeal and ability in the management of the affairs of the Eaft India Company, during the time he has been Governor General and Commander in Chief in India, and particularly in conducing the late War with Tippoo Sultaun; and alfo in concluding the late- Treaty of Peace with Tippoo, on terms fo honourable and advantageous to tbe intcrefls of the Company and thiir Allies; and that the Thanks of this Court be given to Marquis Cornwallis for the very gallant and important fervices he hath rendered to the Eaft; India Company ; alfo that his STATUE be placed ill the Court Room, that his great fervice3 may be ever had ill remembrance. Hiefol^ ed Unanimoufly, That the Thanks of this Court be given to Major General Sir W( I, LIAM* MEDOWS, Knight of the Mfft'HorflJurableOriftr of the Bath, for his gallant arifl meritorious fervices during the late war in India. Rej^ ved'Cnaniirioufly, / That die Than . s of this Court be given to Major GENERAL SIRTLOBEKT A B E R C R O M B Y , Knight of tM"" Moft Honourable Order of the Bath, for his gallant and iiicritorioii^ fervices during the late war in India," Refolved Unanimoufly, That the Thanks of this Court be given to all the Officeis of the Army, European and Native, under the command of Marquis C'oruwallis, for tlieir galknt ionduCl during the late war in India ; alfo that this Court. doth highly approvi and acknowledge the fervices of the Noii- Comnuffioned Officers and Private Soldiers, both European and Native, ferving under the Marquis Cornwallis during the late war iu India; and that the fame be lignified to them by ihe Ofiicers of the feveral Corps, who are defired to thank tlnm for their gallant behaviour. Refolved Unanimouliy, That the Thanks ol this Court be given to the Members Of the Supreme Council in Bengal, Of the Council at Fort St. George, and Of the Council at Bombay, For the zealous afliftancc and fupport which they had uniformly afforded to the Marquis Cornwallis and the Army during tbe late war ill India. Relolvcd Unanimoufly, That the Thanks of this Court be given to the Court of Directors for tlkir early communication of the flaps which have becntaken with his Majefly's Miniflers, refpeCliug the renewal of the Company's Charter ; and this Court further expreffes its confidence that the Directors will continue fuch communication as often as it ihall be expedient. W. RAMSAY, Sec. WedneCday, Jan. 16, 179.?. At a Committee for carrying into execution the Refolution of the Common Council, for giving a BOUNTY of FOKTY SHILLINGS to every able Searnar, and TWENTY SHILLINGS to every ordinary Seaman volunt rily entering into his Majefty's Navy, over and above the Bounty granted by his Majefty, RESOLVED, TH A T this COMMITTEE will meet in the Council Chamber, at Guildhall on every TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, and FRIDAY, until the Tenth Day of FEBRUARY next, from ELEVEN in the Forenoon, until TWO in the Afternoon, to carry the above Rel'ulution into Execution, R I X. Jan. 24, 1793 M I L I T I A . THE LORDS L I E U T E N A N T S of 1 COUNTIES, DEPUTY LIEUTENANTS, FIELD OFFICERS, and CAPTAINS of the MILITIA, as well as MEM BURS of PARLIAMENT of both: Houfes, who apiroveof the Ellablifhment, are requefted to meet at the St. ALBAN's TAVERN, at Twelve o'Clock precifely,' on Tuefday the 29th inftant, in order to confider of fonic nedeffary Claufcs propofed to be added to the picfenc MILITIA ACT. BERKELEY, TOWNSHEND. NEW PUBLICATIONS, Printed for J. DEBRETT, op polite Burlington- Houfe, Piccadilly. ' U R V E Y of the R U S S I A N EMPIRE, S ' PARISH of St. MARY- LE- BONE. AT a NUMEROUS M E E T I N G of the INHABI TANTS of this Parilh, held at the Court Houfe, on Tuefday, the » 2d of January, 1793, The RIGHT HON. the EARL of MACCLESFIELD, it the Chair, It was Unanimoufly Refolved, That a GENERAL MEETING of the Inhabitants of this Parilh be held in the CHAPEL, at the WORKHOUSE, in Northumberland- ftreet, on Tucfday next, the 29th inftant, a t t v t ' v e of the clock at noon, for the purpofc of forming an Aflbciacion for the PRESERVATION of LIBERTY and PROPERTY, and to AID and fupport the CIVIL MAGISTRATES in the due execution of the l. aws ; and for appointing a Committee to carry into effcCt fuch Rcfolutions as the Alfociation may think proper to adopt, aud to do fuch other legal ads as may be thought expedient at this critical juncture. And thSt a Subfcription be opened, under the direiStion of the Committee, for defraying the expences incurred thereby, and giving rewards Similar to thofe granted by other loyal Allociations 011 the like occafion, Refolved, That the ' Thanks of this Meeting be given to the Chairman ; and that he be requefted to fign thefe Refolutions, and caufe them to be inferted in all the Daily Ncwfpapers. MACCLESFIELD, Chairman. N. B. ' The Chair will be taken piecifcly at one o'clock. . Next luefday tuill be publijhed, Price, in boards, 4s. PE R S O N A L N O B I L I T Y; Or, Letters to a Young Nobleman, on the Conduit of his Studies, and the Dignity of the Peerage. Printed for C. Dilly, in the Poultry. Ef This Day is publijhed, And now firft printed 111 Royal Octavo, on a large camprehenfive page, Price js. bound, For the ufc of Grammar Schools and Private Education, NTICK's NEW L A T I N - E N G L I SH Die 1' IONARY ; containing all the Wot els and Phrafes proptr for reading the Cliiffics in both languages, a! cui. it! Ir collected from the molt approved Latin Authors. To v hich is prefixed, A New ENGLISH- LATIN DICTIONARY, carefully compiled from the moll celebrated Englifh writers. Rendered in Claffical Latin. Both parts comprifing all that is molt valuable and uleftil in former Dictionaries. A new edition, reviled and corrected. By WILLIAM CRAKELT, A. M. RcCtorof Nurllcd and llicld ill Kent. The Editor'snrogrefs of improving this Dictionary in a courfe of reading the bell Latin Claflics, by the introduction of fome hundred words, has confidcrably increafed the thicknefs of the Volume, and induced the Publifh. r to change the form of it from a Square Duodecimo to an handfome OClavo. It is the cheapeil and moll copious Dictionary of the kind now to be procured. ' The Booic found admittance at an early period into many rcfpeClable fchools. At Eton and Rugby it has been adopted for many years, and now continues to be ufed the in lower forms of thefe fchoolr. The Dictionary is continual'y inCrealing in favour amongft thofe who bell undcrfland its peculiar ufe and couvenict; ce. ' Tlie Tyionis Thcfaurus fin! continues to be foi l fcparate, and ane. v Edition 111 the Square Duodecimo is juft publifhe I. according to its prefent newly regulated State, divided into different Governments ; fhewing their Situation and Boundaiiess, the Capital and DillriCl Towns of each Government; Manners, and Religion of the various Nations that compofe that extenfive Empire, & c. See. ' The whole illuftrated with a Cored Map of Ruffia, and an Engraving exhibiting the Arms and Uniforms of the feveral Governments of that Empire. By Capt. Sergey Plefcheef. The Third Edition, publifhcd at St. Peterfburg. And Tranflated from the Ruffian, with confiderable Additions. By James Smirnove, Chap- Lin to the Legation of H. I. M. qf all the Rullias, at the Court of Great- BritalH.' Price 65." in bfta'refs. The PARLIAMENTARY REGISTER ; or, The HISTORY of the PROCEEDINGS and DEBA TES in Both Houfes of Parliament; containing an Ac count of the moil interefting Speeches and Motions, authentic Copies of all important Letters and other Papers laid before the Houfe ; authentic Minutes of the mofl material Evidence, Protefls, Bills, and Petitions, during the laft Sellion. In 3 vols. 8vo. price il. 5s. half- bound and lettered. The Parliamentary Regifter of the former or Firft Seffien of the prefent Parliament, in three Vols, Price il. u s . 6d. half- bound and lettered. The Parliamentary Regiller from the General Eleilir. n in 1780 to the Diffolution of Parliament in 1784. In 14 Vols. Price 51. js. half- bound and lettered, The Parliamentary Regifter, from the General EleCtion in 1784 to the Diffolution of Parliament in 1790. in 13 Vols. Price 61. 12s. half- bound and lettered. The Debates and Proceedings o£ both Houfes of Parliament, from the Year 1743, to the Year 1774 The fevcral fugitive Publications of the Pro ceedings of Parliament, during this long and intcrefling Period, have been aftiduoufly collected, and carefully collated with the Journals. Of the COMMONS, there has been only one imperfeCl . ColleCtion publifhed, which is become very fcarce ; and of the LORDS, there has been no Publication whatever, except a few detached Papers, This Workis intended to fill up an important Chafm in the Parliamentary Hiflory of- Great- Britain. Chandler's ColleCtion of Debates ends in the year 1743, and the Parliamentary Regiftei commenccs in the year 1774. During this interval, there is no account of the Proceedings of Parliament that can be relied upon.— Printed uniformly to bind with the Parliamentary Regifter.— In Seven large Volumes Octavo, Price al. 9s. in boards. INTERESTING ANECDOTES of Henry IV. of France ; containing fublime traits and lively tallies of wit of that Monarch, digeiled into chronological order, and forming a complete picture of the life of that amiable and illullrious hero. Elegantly printed in 2 vols, fmall 8vo. price 6s. in boards. SPEECHES of M. de MIRABEAU the Elder, pro nounced ill the NationalAlVembly of France ; to which is prefixed a fketchof his life and character. Tranflated from the French edition of M. Mejan, by James White, Efq; elegantly printed in 1 vols. 8vo. price 12s. in boards. An HISTORICAL SKETCH of the French Revolution, to the commencement of 1792, price 7s. in boards. LETTERS from PARIS, written during the Summer of 1791, illnflrated with an elegant engraving, reprefenting the capture of Louis XVI. at Varennes, price 6s. in beards. HISTORY of the FRENCH REVOLUTION. Te which is added, Political Reflections on the State of France ; and A Chronology of the principal Decrees, and remarkable Events during the Sitting of the firft Conftituent National Affembly. Traullated from the French of J , P. Rabaut, Member of the National Convention. By James White, Efq; price 5s. in boards. A TOPOGRAPHICAL DESCRIPTION or the WESTERN TERRITORY of NORTH AMERICA, containing a fuccinCt account of its Climate, Natural Hiftory, Population, Agriculture, Manners and Cufloms; with an ample defcription of the feveral diviftons into which that country is partitioned, with an accurate ftatemcnt of thu various tribes of Indians that inhabit the Frontier Country. ' To which is annexed, a delineation of the Laws and Government ot the State of Kentucky, tending to fbew the probable rife and grandeur of the American Empire. In a feries of Letters to a friend in England. By G. lpilay, a Captain in the American Army during the lice War, and a CommiBioner for laying out Land in the Back Settlement?. Price 4s. fewed. iOURNAL of a VOYAGE to PORT JACK ON, in New South Wales; withaiuil aiid accurate account of his Majeily's Settlements there; a defcription of thenatives, and of the naturalpreduClions of New Holland; a eorrilit diary of the weather, latitudes, longitudes, fee. By John White, Efq; SurgM. n Gene. al te the Settlement, and Correfpocding Member of tin. Medical Society in London. Illulcrated wi;.! VTitty- five elegant * nj> ra » . nj; s, from drawing, eopkcl from nature, by Mifs Stone, Mr. Nodder, Mr. Catti- n, See. • xhiaiting neurone hundred figures of uou- defcript birdi, lizard--., eurious cones ol trees, animals, Se:, of New South Wales, accompanied with' fcieti'ific deleriptions, and an elegant engraved title page and vignette, by Milton, in one volume, royal quarto, price iL 16s. in boards; or with 6? plates, beautifully coloured after the originals, price j l . 6s, in boards. Extracts of Letters from Arthur Philip, Efq; Governor nf New South Wales, to Lord Sydney. To which is annexed, a Defcriptiou of Norfolk Ifland, by Captain King, and an account of elcpences incurred in tranfporting convicts to New South Waies, price 2s. COPIES and EXTRACTS of LETTERS from Governor PHILIP, giving an account of thei nature and fertility of the Land in and adjoining to any Settlement in New South Wales, and of the prabability of railing any, and what provifions thereon, and of the behaviour and employment of the Convicts f: nt there, and which have been received fince the lall account was laid before the Houfe. of Commons, June, I7> 2 Price 7s. 6d. To which are prefixed, Copies and ExtraCls of Letters from the Office of Secretary of State'for the Home Department, bearing date fince the laft accounts relative to the tranfporting pf ConviCls to New South Wales, and providing for the fame ; being Copies of all the Papers moved ill the Houfe of Commons By Sir THOMAS CHARLES BUNBURY, Bart. Printed uniformly in Quarto, to bind with Mr, White'sJournal; to which it is a proper. Supplement, and includes the lall Difpatches from Governor Philip, Journal of a Voyage from Port Jackfon, . New South Wales, to Canton, in 1788, through an unexplored PafTage. By THOMAS GILBERT, Efq; Commander of the Charlotte. Illuftrated with Views of the following Iflands discovered on the Paffage, viz. Chatham's, Ibbiffon's, Matthew's, Cal verts, Knox's, Daniel's, Marlar's, and Gilbert's; elegantly printed in Quarto. P r i f j 8s. fewed. mSUrn To the Printer of the Public A d v e r t i f e r. S I R , with a para- ^ ^ " i W t C x Kr a p h ' n ar> Evening y r ^ ^ j ^ y . > E E T I NG m m ^ r % in an Paper of Saturday, rcfpedling Mr. Wilberforce's intention of bringing into tbe Houfe, _ with frelh vigour, tho S'iSi i ^ - T V - A A ; Abolition of the Slave Trade, I could fcarce believe m y own eyes, or credit my fenfes, confidering the pamphlet published fome time fince, entitled T R U T H ! hath fet the original promoters and firll inftigators of that bufinefs in fo confpicuous a light, as mull convince the mod llrenuous abetters of the Abolition, that Mr. Wilberforce's humanity hath been molt Ihamefully impofed upon. I would therefore alk this plain queftion, How Mr. Wilberforce, aided by the " Old " Jewry Society, and Painite adherents, the " Jacobins of England, the Coopers, and " the Claikfons, will be able to get l id of, and fee afide the validity of the evidence given upon oa'h of thofe lefpeitable cha- " rafters, Lord Rodney, Admiral Barring- " ton, Governor Miles and Governor Neaves, and a long lift of honeft, juft, and honourable men, all flatly contradifting the fabricated tales of murder, treachery, and cruelty, with which their " hirelings had fo long deluded the public ears " TRUTH, page 4 , lines 2 3 , 2 4, 2 5 , 2 6 , T J. But fo far from giving credit to the above paragraph, I have been told, upon very good authority, that Mr. W. himfelf, fince the publication of the evidence fet forth in this compreheniive pamphlet, hath acknowledged to fome of the Well India Planters, that he hath been impofed upon all along in this bufinefs ; the credibility of which a< Ter » tion is fo well founded as to gain my belief. But to return to this new pamphlet, called T R U T H , which neither the Coopers nor the Clarkl'ons have thought fit to aafwer ; and if they have attempted it, I have not met with it. Page 4 , beginning at line 5, the author tells us, " That when it was firft thought " neceirary to enquire concerning the ftate " of the Slave Trade, as it related to the general commerce of this kingdom, as " well as into the ( late of the Blacks in their " own country, with their fubfequent treat- " ment in the Weft Indies, no information " was given on oath, either before the H o u fs " of Commons, or before the Lords of the " Committee of Council." Is this true, or is it falfe ? T o Mr. Wilberforce I appeal, and not to the Old Jewry Society, or the Coopers, or the Clatkl'ons. If it be a lalfe afleition, what follows in the fame pamphlet muft fall to the ground ; but if true, it llands upon as fure a foundation, as the laws of the Medes and Perlians did, which altered not. Page 8, line 1, " Were the tales, to which " the Old Jewry Society have given currency, " founded on fa< St, I Ihould be tempted to " think with fome of the milled enthufiafts, " that much ought to be rilked to get rid of " the Slave Trade. But it will be proved, " tthat the negroes are brought from want " to plenty, f r om tyranny to gentle fervi- " ta.. ie, fi uni nakednefs to comfortable cloth- " ing, and from a State, where they have " MO property, even in their lives, to one where their pi opeity and their lives a i e unde? " the ftrong and facfed protection of the « law ; that in their paffage from their own " country to! ours ( though manf of them " are convicts), they are not. only better off « • than Mir convicts going to Botany Bay, " bat than even our own foldiers in a tranf- « port, a foldier being allowed only fourteen " inches for himfelf and his accoutrements, and a < « negro allowed fixtetn wilh no fuch incttm- " trances." Are thefe things fo, Mr. Clarkfon, or are they not fo ? tf they are not, for God's fake confute the fpurious author. But if they are f i t s take fhame to thyfelffor difperfing thofe prints of yours, where you have crammed thefe poor negroes together in the blacked, horrid colours ; and difperfed them with avidity throughout the kingdom, to excite humanity and create difguft. I will trouble the reader only with four or five lines, p. 8, taken out of this pamphlet, next following the laft quoted, to which I refer the reader, if the copies are not all bought up, viz. in the words following : " I Ihall now proceed," fays the author, ** to a fnmmary of the evidence given on " oath before the Houfe of Lords, to the " truth of which I can without fcruple « ' pledge myfelf, having regularly each day « ' on my return home committed it to pa- '" per." A F R I E N D to T R U T H , ' And a B I T T E R E N E M Y to D I S C U I S E. To the Printer of the Public Advertifer. S I R , T F you can find room in one corner of 1 your Paper for the following Extra< S from the Cambridge Chronicle of the 12th inttanr, you may oblige many of your conitant Readers, and particularly one of them, who thinks it maybe of ufe to expofe, uni- • verfally fo deteftable a character to the moft public ignominy and ridicule. L A B E L £ tuck on the Breaft of an excellent Effigy of T O M P A I N E , drawn upon a Sledge, through the Town of Somer/ ham, in the i Couaty of Huntingdon. I. V , T T H R I C H T J of M A N , I ' d laid A p l a n , This kingdom to inflame; For which 1 find, all in one mind, Put me to open fhame. 11. The common folk, I can't provoke ; They will for ever fing, With voices ftrong, that loyal fong, God fave Great George our King 1" l i t . Whilft I Tom Paine, with infamy Now fuffer this difgrace, To warn with care all thofe who dare Difturb the public peace. To CORRESPONDENTS. A T H E N . ' E U S is intended fur Tomorrow. C L Y T U S on Monday. FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE. T Military Committee, and that of Infpection, are charged with the execution of the above decree, the purport of which is to be complied with, at furthell, twenty- four hours after its publication, and by abfentees in fifteen days. Ghent, Dee. 10. The Citizen Commandant having on Monday laft, in the Affembly of the fixty Reprefentatives of this city, moved for the appointment of Commiffioners, agreeable to the 5 th article of the decree of the National Convention of the 15th cf December, it was refolved, by a majority of voices, that thofe Commiffioners' fhould be appointed, under the following reftriCtions, viz. t. That their appointments fhould only extend to the ellutes of the coiivents of this city under the protection of the French nation. 2. That they Ihouid only be prefent. when an inventory was taken, and a feal put .-. on the effects. 3;. That this nomination fhould only be made for the purpofe of preventing the bad conferences which might otheiwife arife, and to prevent the confinement of the Religious, 4. That it fhould not be confidered as authorifing the decree of the 15th of December. 5. That the difpofal of the laid effects and eftates lhould be placed in the hands of the AfTembly of the province. The nine Commiffioneis were afterwards accordingly chofen with thefe reftriCtions. Malines, Jan. 13. The Brabanters, attached faithfully to their ancient conftitution, are deftrous of reforming the abufes which crept into it ; but they wilh this falutary operation to be effected freely, and without the intervention of any Foreign Power; and the ptovifionary Reprefentalives of this city and province have, in their feflion of the 6th rnftant, decreed an addrefs to the National Convention of France on the fame principles as that of the city of Antwerp, piotefling againft the decree iffued by the National Convention of France on the ijtb of December laft. They on the 9th fent a letter to the Commandant of the city of Malines, acquainting him with what they had done, and requeuing him to prevent the execution of the decree of the 15th of December in as much as concerned the the city of Malincs. THE PUBLIC ADVRRTIS ER. L O N D O N , JAN. 25, 1593. Lord Chamberlain's Office, Jan. JJ, 1793. Notice is hereby given, that theie will. be no Levee at St. James's this day. • Conjlanthtop'. e, Nov. 3 1. ' HE public diflike to the Grand Vizir manifefts itfelf, by different parts of this city being let fire to. The fuccefs c f the Cajtain Pacha, in defeating the I'irate L « mbio Cuzzioni, lias increafed the favour h » is in with his Sovereign. The Polilh Ambaflador has fufTered great humiliations at this Court. The Foreign Minifter told him, when he took leave, that another time, if. he wifhed to focceed in his negotiations, he. muft adopt a very different lylfem. The ravages ot the plague have ceafed in Wallachia. Chautberry, Dec. 2j. Kellerman has been here tome days. The army in Savoy is going into winter quarters. A tenth part of the volun'eers have hatjl furloughs granted them. The J~ roft and fnows have put a ftop to the progrefs of the campaign. The abfentees have orders to join the army again the beginning of April. Tranquility reigns through all Savoy. Hanau, Jan. 5. Prince Charles of Heffc Philipfthal died on Wednefday, at Frankfort, of the wounds he received on the 2d of December at the retaking of that city. ' Brujfels, Jan. 17. A dccree has been publilhed in the name at' the Sovereign People, requiring all perfons not public functionaries, named by the People as their provilional Reprefentatives on the 18th of November, u> fulfil the duties impofed on them by affifting and participating in the leffions and deliberations of the Affembly, and its committees, on pain of military execution. All public functionaries are requiredto attend the fittings with mote regularity, and at all times when not hindered by the bufinefs of their function. No motives of excufe fhall be admitted bat fwch as refult from a natural infirmity. The Yefterday Mr. Pitt, the Secretaries of State, Secretary at War, and Hanoverian Envoy tranfacted bufinefs with his Majefty, at Buckingham Houfe, till near four o'clock: and the Royal Family will return to Windfor again this day. The Queen and three eldeft Princeffes go in a pott coach and four at noon. His Majefty follows, after the bu finefs at St. James's is over. Yefterday Lord Grenville had a Levee for the Foreign Minillers, at his Office at Whitehall, which was attended very fully. A general condolance took place on the death of Louis XVI. All the difafteis that have befallen degraded and detellable France, may be fairly imputed to thofe wild and pernicious principles of government, which weak and wicked theoriits have been for a long time labouring to fpread over every civilized State, infenfible or regatdlef's of the dil'orders and calamities they are fo well calculated to produce. But the reign of thefe abfurd and ruinous fpectilations has reached its utmoft pitch of influence, and may be expeCted to fink under univerfal abhorrence. If, indeed, this rtign of fallacious theory had not maiked its progrel's in fuch bloody characters, furrounding States might have fome reafon to be fatisfied that the L E V E L L I N G S Y S T EM had been fairly tried, fince it has been found wholly impracticable ; but the dreadful effects produced by it overwhelm, in the horrors they excite, all fenfe of the fecurity they muft eventually confer. The C O U R T OF S P A I N has lately been thought myltetious and tardy in its operations, icfpeCting the conduct of the infernal Defpots of France ; but the recent application made by T H I AMBASSADOR from that Coutt to the N A T I O N A L C O N V E N T I O N , in favour of the unfortunate Louis, feems to { hew that S P A I N has hitherto been governed by motive^ of cautious humanity, left it lhould irritate the blood- thirfty zealots who had him in their power, and piecipatethe horrible event which it was anxious to avert.— As, therefore, the unhappy Louis has fallen a victim to the rage of the Republican tnonfters, it can hardly be doubted that S P A IN will affert its own dignity, and join the powerful combination, who, we truft, will, in the approaching campaign, bring the levelling favages to a fevere and exemplary retribution. Our induftiious O P P O S I T I O N writers, who are feldom deftitute of inveftive when they are unprovided with fait, allure us that there are at prefent frequent del'ertions from the P R U S S I A N army, on account ot the hard- ( hips they endure. This is a very unlucky catife of - defertion,; ftated by the Oppofition fcribes ; for if the. P R U S S I A N S defert on account of hardfhips, and throw themfelves into the arms of the French, among whom thofe - hardfhips exift in a ten- fold degree, they mult be fools and madmen indeed ; for by all reports there i s nothing but nahedneft and famine to be found in the Republican army, and the deferring. Pruffians mud of courfe expeC); to lhare the fame deftitution, rand to be reduced at once to a ragged Equality.. _ . .. .. .... _ _ t The patriotic writers have not given over their fenfelefs ridicule againft Government, for the wife provilions of the A L I I N B I L L ; but that ridicule is the refult of more disappointment and moitification, as moft of thofe patriotic writers were in ftriCt intimacy with the very F O R E I G N E R S againll whom the Alien Bill was principally directed. As the patriotic writers have thus, by the feafonable caution. of Government, been deprived * f their Gallic affociates,. ^!: rpuft; allow them to feel fome vexation.; but, they % mldcomfort themfelves with the hope © f having a regular account of all the barbarous exceffes of G A L L I C L I B S R T Y , tranlmitted to them by their ci- devant companions. As the execrable ruffians, who at prefent conltitute the government of France, have actually laid their bloody hands upon their late. amiable and unfortunate K I N O , it is to be hoped that a certain Patriot, m juflice to his own character, will come forward in the Houfe of Commons, and acknowledge' his error, in propofing to fully the honour of his country, by fending an Ambaflador to fuch an herd of diabolical monllci s. It is faid that theoccaficn of a late meeting at the Crown and Anchor will be lerioufly confidered when the Houf'e of Commons meet; the infulting, inflammatory, and unconftitutional language held by fome Gentlemen againft their own dignity, will not efcape obl'ervation. The very diegs now of Oppolition can only alfernble, halloo, and hoop againft the conduit of Adminillration, and cry aloud the Liberty of the Prefs is in danger. But tbe good people of England know that it is falle ; for the whole matter in iffue muft be fubmiued to a Jury. And may the power of Juries, and every part of our inellimable Conftitution, remain unimpaired to thelateft period of time! Lord Fitzgibbon, the Chancellor of Ireland, it is laid, has had the Royal intimation torelignthe Seals, in confequence of his decided oppolition to the demands of the Roman Catholics. The Speaker of the Itifh Houfe of Com mons has alfo declared himfelf againft the concurrence of the Miniftry of England in fupport of the Catholics; and it is thought, notwithftanding the fentiments of the Executive Power here, that all the Proteftant interefts. in Ireland will ftrenitoufly fupport the Pioteftant afcendancv— the Corporation of Dublin and the Grand Juries having al-. ready pledged their lives and fortunes to defend the ." roteftant caufe. The Roman Catholics in Holland are the party who at this moment encourage the French politics at Amfterdam, on the bails of the Rights of Man, and a Reform of their prefent Proteftant Government, under the Stadtholder, by which, as in Ireland, p, elfous of that perfuafion are incapacitated ftom civil offices. Letters from Bayonne announce, that hoftilities have been commenced on the Frontiers of Spain - r a Spanifh and French patrole came to blows. Many have been killed on both fides. An attack by the Spanilh troops is expected daily, who receive frefh re- inforeements from Fontarabia to Saint- Lutz. Old Horace fays well, Dum • vitant Jlult'i vitia, in contraria currunt. One bad extreme whilft fools and idiots fhun, As madly they into another run. M U R D E R LOUIS T H E S I X T E E N T H. 2 t . This proverb feems verified by the motto that fome of our foolifh Court Ladies took the other day to their bandeaus, in which they placed the Supreme Being and the Law after the King : La Roi, la Loi, and la Foi. The original head of Dr. Sydenham, the great oblerver and inveftigator of nature in dileafes, which belonged to the learned and ingenious Sir William Fordyce, wa9 fold the other day at his fale to that oinament of the medical profeffion, Mr. John Hunter. For the dignity of the Nobility of certain countries, how curious it is to obf. rve, that they have had the honour of having perfons afibciated with them merely becaule their motheis were ( trumpets, and thefe nattor. s too have been occafionally taxed to fupply a fubliftence to this very dignified and honourable fpawn. The National Convention of France has moft certain'y made one deciee which will be thought wife, except by thole who are interelted, at leaft, to fay it is not fo : " No perfon Ihall be permitted to commence a civil ailion till he has firlt proved that he offered the oppofite party to have the matter in difpute decided by reference." Our foolilh f'uitors, fay with the Widow Blackacre: — " What, Sir, offer me a refeience ? I will have the gown ftiipped off your back, and have you put down below, the bar oi the Court of Chancery, if you dure again to make me that offei. PARIS, JAN. Monday, Twelve 0' Clock, Noon. The unfortunate Louis is no more ! He was beheaded this morning at ten o'clock in the Place de Louis Quinze. He died with tfce moft heroic fortitude. I can add no more, as the poft is juft going off— You mftiall have a particular ' account in the Courfe of this day. Tuefday Morning, Jan. 22. Louis left the Temple in a brown great coat, tvhite waiilcbat, black breeches and ftockings— his hair was dreffed. He was conducted from the Temple to the place of execution in the Mayor's carriage ; his Confjffor and two Gendarmerie were in the fame coach'; the gteareft filence was prefcrved. during the pr oeeffion— fome perfons appeared " at the windows-— they were ordered to retire. Arriba at the Place Louis XV. ( the fqiiare of I. ouis the Fifteenth) the ci devant " Monarch firmly afce'nded the fcaffold. amidft the noife of drums and trumpets. He made a fign that he had fometbing to fay ; the beating of the dtumsani the clamonr of the trumpets inftandy ceal'ed— his Butcheis, howevsr, in a moment'exclaimed " no ha. raigue," and the diums continued to beat, the trumpets to found. Notwithftanding the clamour, thefe words were diftinflly Heard —" I recommend" my Soul to God— I par- " don my enemies — 1 die innocent.". After the punilhment, " Vite jar* Nation f" tefounded on all fides, and all the hats of the fpe& ators were huiledin the air. Louis made a Will, the particulars of which I cannot ftate. I am informed, however, that he all e 1 pardon of| Ood for hating laiiClioned the Decree upon the Civil Conftitution of the ClCrgy, though this fanftion was extorted by violence, and was 1 onlrat j to his fclemn protefl. In this Teflament, Louis acknowledges his having freely accepted all the other parts of the Conftitution ; and having neglefled nothing to remove from his domi. nions the fcouige of war, and prevent the invafion of the Piuffians. When the fentence of death was anoounccd • to him, Louis m t his fate pith refignation. On Friday morning. M. Mulefherbes tl rew himfclf at his leot, bathed in tears. Louis pieffed to his bpfom this, unfortunate old map, and tried to confole him. " If yru love me, my dear Malefherbes," faid he, "-- why do- you envy me the only afylum that remains to me, after fo man/ misfoitunes ... r " Ah! Sire," replied this venerable old man, figliing, " There ar£ yet hopes ; the People are geherous— they ate juft." " No, no, they are not: they feek my death, and I am ready to die. My dear MalefJierbes, weep nut ; perhaps we ihall fee each other, one day, in a happier world !"• 1 The daughter of M. Mu'eflierbes, one of the bold and virtuous, but unavailing defenders cf Louis XVI. is now in London. Her feelings, both on account of'her Father, and his innocent Client, may be more eafily conceived than expreffed. What does the virtuous M. Chauvelia think of the recent intelligence frojTi Frar. ee I Does he not wifh- that IK had been prefent in the late tranfa< Hions ? What does fuch a man do in this Country ? Wc conlider his fence as dargerous to the Slate., The murder of the French King may be confidered as the certain forerunher of a Civil war in France. Daring his life, enmity to him; and fear of punifhnfient fiom Ins friends, united, in fame degree,' the otherwife difcoidant leaders of the populace there now, that this flight bond is bioken> afls i£ aggravation, of inl. ilt, and, at laft, " of hoflility, will facceetl. Sir Watkin Williams Wynne is at Petetf. burgh, v. hsie he has becon. e fuch aYavouri# with the Emprefs, that he is admitted to all her private parties, and has'attention tyewn him Inch as was never before paid to any Engliihman. He will remain there, during the whole of the prefent winter. The Golden Crofs, at Charing Crofs, as vile an inn as thole in the City of London, is going to be made very capacious for cairiages and ( tabling. The Corporation tf London leem perfectly contented with thofe in Lad- lane, Friday- ftreet, and other ( hocking hazardous narrow fituations. If their improvement forms a part of Mr. Dance's general plan, the fooner they are reformed the better. pre- I LETTER, F* t> M LOUIS- XVI. | To !,': e CommiJJibncrs ( if the Commons. Jan. 20, in the'morning, " I pray, Meffieurs, the Commifliorers cf the Commons,' to fend to the Council Gen i t a l my demands: _ ^ « ift, Upon the'Refolution. ef Thurfday, • which orders that l am not to, be" left alonje a moment day . or . flight. It will be eafily perceived, th. t in my fituatlon,' it is hard not to be left alond, and to hitve'the leifure neceflary for meditation ; and that iit tlie " night, there is occafiPn for repofe. " 2dly, On the Refohition that prevents me from feeing my Couifel-. A decree of the National Convention had given me leave to fee. them without rellraint, without fixing any term; and i " am ignorant of its having been revoked." R E INTELLIGENCE. PROCLAMATION OF THE P R O V I S I O N A L E X E C U T I V E C O U N C I L. S U N D A Y , J a n . 2 0. The Provifional Executive Council having deliberated upon the meafures to be taken for the execution of the decrees of the National Convention of the ijth, 17th, 19th, and 20th of January, 1793 ; makes the following difpofitions: I ft, Ihe cttccutiou of the Judgment of Louts C A P E T jhail be Tc- morrow, Monday 21. 2dly, The place of the Execution Jhall be the pluet of the Revolution, ci- devant that of Louis . XVI. between the Pcd. fiJ and the Champs Zlefecs. jdly, Lpuis fliall leave the Temple at eight o'elock in the m riling; fo that the Exe- " ctition may be over by mid- day. 4thly, The - Commiffioners of the Department of " Paris, th; Commiffioners of the Municipality, and two Members of the Criminal Tribunal, ( lull be prefent at the Execution ; and the Secretary of the Tribunal, ( hall draw up the frot. es- verbal; and the faid Convmiffioners, and the Member's of the Tribunal, as foon as the Execu tion. is over, fhall give an account of it * to the Council, which ttiall remain in permanent fitting the whole day. Louis Capet ( hall pafs by the Boulevards to Che Place of the ^ Revolution. A Deputation' announced, that the Citizen Lepelletifer Saint Fergeau, dining in the ci- devant Palais Royal, had been aii'affinated with the point of a poignard. The Avputld was three inches deep. The wounded man was pall recovery— the aiiltfltn w » s taken. The Commiffioners at tlie Temple fent 3000 livres in gold, found in the drawers of Louis - Capet. Upon the Jwrapper was inffcribed: •' For M. Malelherbes, this fum has been pttt into thefe drawers." The Council General determined, that the Seftions ffitll be permanently employed tu keep all the Citizens under arms, and not to allow any perfon to- morrow, even women, to wander in the ftreets, except Public Funftionaries, or thofe' employed in the Adminiftiations, or in the armed force. i : Extract of a letter from Dover, Jan. 23. " An exprefs is juft arrived from Paris, with an account that the French King was beheaded about eleven o'clock at the Place of Louis the Fifteenth. His Majefty conduced hinifelf with great fortitude, and affured his fubjedb, that " he heartily foi gave " them ; that he had always had their inte- " reft and happinefs much at heart ; that he was perfeftly innocent of the crimes " alleged againft him } and that this event " was what he had expeiled for two years, " as he had clearly feen he was to be fa- " crificed to popular fury.'' " He mentioned his Queen, Sifter, and Infantine Offspring, very feelingly, but cautioufly, left, as he faid, " he might turn " that fury which had operated fo ftrongly 0 againft him, on thofe much- loved, tho' " unprotefted perfons." " The Queen is faid to be diftreffed beyond all defcription. " All Paris was convulfed with horrflr and dillrefs; and tlte whole kingdom is in the fame ftate, as the news circulates. " A Monf. Pelletier, of the Convention, was ftabbed j apd if a number more had be eh ferved in the fame manner, it would have been for the honour of humanity." Lord Lauderdale remained in the National Convention of France till one o'clock • on Friday morning, for the purpofe of hearing M. Egalite deliver his vote. Th « hideoulhefs of this proceeding has, we doubt not, cqnllderably fhaken the opinion of his . Lordlhtp, concerning the French Revolutionifts. The man and woman who were nititdei- * d at Chejlia on Wednefday laft, were buried on Sunday by their refpe& ive friends at different places. Curiofity led feveral perfons to the. houfe of the deceafed, who were iodifcriminatelf admitted by the Un- P O U ' T S M O U T H , J a n . 2 3. This day arrived at Spithead, the Affiftance, of 50 guns, Capt. Smith, from the Dowus; the Cliilders ( loop of war, from Plymouth; and ihe Cockatrice cutter, fiom a cruife. Capt. York ( late of the Rattlefnake) this morning took the command of the Circe frigate at Spithead, when he faluted the Commodore. The Vengeance, of 74 guns, Capt. Pafley, with the volunteers for the F^ tet, is ( 6 o'clock P. M.) hourly expefted^* She is ordered, on her arrival here, to be fitted immediately for foreign fervice. The Ganges, of 74 guns, Capt. Molloy, will go out of harbour on Friday. The Ulyfles, of 44 guns, was this day commiffioned here by Lieut. Wiley. Arrived the Anna; Bullmofe, and Enterprize, Wichelo, from Havre ; Venus, Bachelor, from Queenborough ; Eleanor, Prior, and Two Sillers, Johnfon,' from London. Yefterday a French lugger being obferved near St. Helen's Point by the people of the King's Filher floop, a boat was fent to bring her into St, Helen's, arid an account is fent to the Admiralty. She was nearly deftitute of provifions, and a fupply for her people was fent on board from the King's Fifher. The French velTels in the Scheldt were not feen by Commodore Murray's fquadron, which went no farther than Fluihing; they lay clofe to the batteries at Antwerp, are unrigged, and confifted of theAriel frigate, Liberty brig, and five gun- boats. EAST INDIA HOUSE. ARMY ARRANGEMENTS. The Jeune Elienne, Cambon, from Bourdeaux to St. Domingo, is loft in the harbour of the Cape. La Maria Catharine, ——, from Barcelona to Dunkirk, is on lhore near Eftaples. The Henry, Bigland, from Peterfburgh to Liverpool, is pn fliore in the Orkneys moft of the cargo damaged. dertajcer, corpfes. to view the - pretnifes and the Wednefday Captain Leftock Wilfon, of the Exeter, for Bombay and China, and Allet) Chatfield, of the Rodney, for Madras and Bengal, took leave of the Court of Directors, previous to their proceeding on their reipeflive deftinations. Wednefday Captain Robert Williams attended at the India- houfe, and was fwoin into the command of the General Coote, bound to Madras and Bengal. The Speaker of the Irifh Houfe of Commons has reftored to the Students of the Univerfity of Dublin the privilege of admitlion to the Gallery, of which they had been deprived, on account of fome irregularities iri the laft Seffion. Mr. Cook,' Under Secretary to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, for the military department, is arrived in town, with accounts from the Iriih Adminiftration. Strong popular prejudices prevail in Ireland againft a Land Tax, though this would be the only mode of taxation, - which would equally affett refidents and abfentees. At prefent, as the taxes are impofed in that kingdom, entirely upon confumption, the b- urthen of public contribution falls upon thofe who refide, while thofe who are abfent pay, comparatively fpeaking, little or nothing to the public fervice. Laying the principal taxes upon land in that kingdom, while it would benefit trade and commerce, would in a great meafure anfwer the purpofe of Lord Kingfborough's late propofitions in the Irifh Parliament, relative to a tax upon Abfentees. The Scotch Peerage of Caflillis will be much difputed. Lieutenant Kennedy, of the NaVy,; was mentioned in all the books as next heir, and has afiiimed the title. The other claimants are, Mi. Patterfon, fon of the Librarian to the Marquis of'Lanl'downe, and Dr. Kennedy of Dublin, who has fet out for Scotland to take polfeffion of the title and eftates, which latter have been valudd at 16, cool, a- year. The claim to the Earldom of Rofcommon will be taken into confider& tion b. y the Houfe of Lords, in Ireland, on the 3d of next month. The Lewes Meeting, for purpofes the moft loyal, was held in Lord Egremont's Tennis- Court, at Petworth ; it was, perhaps, not remembered, with what very different intentions a body not fo numerous had once affembled in afimilar bufinefs. Her Grace of Gordon, in the Duchefs of Rutland's carriagt, honoured the Duke of Queenfbur)>, on Wednefday, with a long converfation at his door in Piccadilly. Such fpeakeis were of courfe not without a very numerous audience. Wednefday Mr. Winckworth, of Silverftreet, was appointed Carpenter to the Cathedral of St. Paul's, in the room of Mr. Sylvanus Hall, deceafed. Gowns of Shetland Wool, of a peculiarly fine texture, have been made at Edinburgh for the Queen, the Duchefs of York, and the Duchefs of Gordon. One of the fame pattern is making for the Emprefs of Ruffia. The Prince of Wales has already a waiftcoat of common Scotch Wool. ! Wednefday a General Court of Proprieiots was held at the Eaft India Houfe, according to advertifement, when after the motion for allowing Col. William Popham to return to his rank in the Company's military fervice i- n Bengal, although he had been refident in England above 5 years, had been carried unanimously, and the Chairman Mr. Baring, had promifed, that when the order of the day fhould have been difpofed of, he would offer fomewhat refpefting the renewal of the Charter. On the motion of Mr. Henchman, feconded, by Mr. Randle Jackfon, it was unanimouily refolved, that the thanks of the Court be given te the Marquis Cornwallis, for his gallant conduit during the late war in India ; and, as a lafting memorial of the giateful fenfe entertained by the Company of his fervices, tint his ftatue be placed in the General Court Room. The order of the day being thus dit pofed of, The Chairman proceeded to reprefent the ftate of the negotiation with his Majtfty's Minifters for the renewal of the Company's Charter, a narrative of which was read by the clerk, from which it appeared that the following hints or fuggeftions had been made by the Direflors as the bafis for forming an arrangement. That the principles or general outline of the prefent fyftem for the government of India, and the conduit and management of the territorial revenues, may lemain the continuation of the Company's exclufive trade. That the dividend of eight per cent, be fecured to the Proprietors, and permiflion given to make fuch further dividend itsfubfequent ciicumftances. rpay require s Mr. William Lulhington, after making many pertinent remarks on the impropriety of afting precipitately in the bulinefs, moved, that a Committee of three Directors and eight Proprietors be appointed for the purpofe of conducing die impending negotiation with Gdvetnment. Mr'. Montgomery, Aldermart Picket, and Mr. Twining, oppofed the motion, as tending as a ceniure on the Directors ; and after a warm debate, Mr. Lufhington withdrew his motion ; on which Mr. Burgefs affured the Court, nothing material fhoul< A be fettled with Government without the previous approbation of the Proprietors. . : Mr. Fiott renewed the fubjeft of the ftiipping contrafts, and cenfured the conduift of tlie DireiStors ill refilling veffels at 181. per per ton, and taking others at a higher price. At a late hour tht Houfe adjourned f n t die. Lord Amherft, it is thought, does not take the office of Commander in Chief, but has « the poll which he held during part of the American war, that of General at the he « d of the Staff. The office of Commander in Chief is much more expenfive, and has privileges, which are found to be inconvenient to the other military departments. A further increafe is ordered throughout the infantry and marines, of one ferjeatit, one drummer, and feventeen men per company, which will make the number of privates in each fifty- feven. The tecruiting parties are ordered not to relax in their exertions, after this number is obtained, but to take fupernumeraries. Lieutenant- General James Grant is mentioned for the appointment of Commander in Chief in the Weft Indies. So great is the rivallhip of officers who are raifing independent companies, that twenty pounds per man are frequently paid to the procurers of recruits. C O N T R O V E R T E D E L E C T I O N P E T I T I O N S renewed in 1792- 3, with the Days of hear- - ing the fame, as fettled on Wednefday in the Houfe of Commons. Warwick Borough.'— Tuefday, 5th of February. Stockbridge.— Thurfday, 7" th February. Pontefraft.— Tuefday, 12th February. Dartmouth.— Thurfday, 14th February. Luggerfliall.— Tuefday, 19th February. Shaftefbury.— Thurfday, 21ft February. Great Grimfby.— Tuefday, 26th February, Cricklade.— Thurfd. iy, 2lkh February. Psole.— Turfday; ; th Maich. Pontew aft.— Th ut Id ay, 5th March. Luggerlhall— Ttiefday, 12th March. Sudbury.— Thurfday, 14th March. Newark.— Tuefday,- 19th March. Weftminfter.— Thurfday, 21ft March. Carliile.— Tuefday, 26th • Mai ch. The dirgraceful and difhoneft praftic? of plundering fuch wrecks as are unfortunately thrown on our coafts, is fhortly to become the objed of parliamentary enquiry, when an Act is expected to be palfed for its prevention in future. The difagreeable caufe of duft on the turnpike ri ads is almbft entirely owing to the narrow wheels of carriages. Broad wheels confolidate the rOads— narrow one » plough them up. On Tuefday morning, about two o'clock, a dreadful fire broke out at the Poiygraphic Manufa& ory, on Woolwich Common ; by which accident the whole of that building, with all the co'ours, implements, and miterials, were confumed, with part of the ftock of piitures. But we are happy to hear that this misfortune will only retard, for a very fliort time, the Poiygraphic Exhibition, which was intended to l » e opened eatly in next month, as the greateft part of the pidtures deiigned for this Exbibi'ion, were at the Poiygraphic Rooms, in Pall Mall. The property, we underftand, was inftired. Great pj aife is due to the Officers and Men of the Royal Artillery, who exerted themfelves on the occafion, and prevented the fire from communicating ro a row of adjoining howfes, which otherwife muft Lave fu. fcred by this conflagration. On Friday laft, between the hours of twelve and one, a houfe that was inhabited in Paved Court, Holywell Mount, fuddenjy fell down, whereby a man and two women were crufhed to death ; and one man, about five hours af: erwards, was dug out of the ruins, and fortunately alive, who was inftantly fent to St. Bartholomew's hofpital, and is now likely to do well. The bricklayers had begun to fhoreup and to underj in the foundation, but at the time this unfortunate accident happened, they were gone to dinner. On Wednefday laft the Coroner's Inqueft in Leeds fat on ths body of William Pe^ rfon, ot North Bierley, near Bradford. The poor old man, aged lixty- five, had come to market on Tuefday, was feen going from the Town End to a relation's in Margate, about ten in the evenipg, and in lefs than an hour was found expiring, thrown into a fmall pond of water. His pockets being dripped of money, handkerchief, See. and having marks cf violence about him, the Jury brought in a verdift of " Wilful Mur der againft fome perfon or perfons un* known." The fubjefis appointed by the Cambridge Vice- Chancellor for Sir W. Biowne's medals for the prefent year are, for the Odes / Mrtnomiic Lews; for the Epigrams, Uileron Protemn. The Rev. John Jaques, M. A. Chaplain to the Earl of Aylesford, is inducted to the Vicarage and Pariih Church of Great Packington, by the Hon. and Rev. Daniel Finch, Reiftor of Bedworth. The Militia of Scotland are raifing with great rapidity. Four tegiments of Fencibles, report fays, are alfo to be raifed there, for the purpofe of ferving in any part which his Majefty m.- ty chyle to. diredt, either in Gieat- Britaiu or its depen " dencies. A French Lady, of high fafhion, thought it prudent laft week to decamp in the night, rather precipitately— fome letters having been difcovered, in which the Gallic iBelle had meddled rathet too bufily with the Political concerns of this country. The ingratitude of the fair Emigrant is the lubject of much converfatio j. T( ie reception ihe met with in this land of benevolence demaaded a morelibetal return. Moft of the Weftern roads prefent fheets of ice for miles together; the fields, every where overflowed by the late heavy rains, are in a fimilar lituation. A great fcarcity of fodder in confequence prevails. At feveral of the County Quatter Sefiions, bills of indidtment have been preferred againft many bookfellers, for pubiilhing the fe'coild part of P, line's Rights of Was. M A R R I A G E S U Tuefday fe'nnight was married at Salifbury Green, James Statk, Efq; of Kinl'ale, to Mils Margaret Alexander Dick, youngeft daughter of the late Sir- Alexander Dick, of Preftonfield, Bait. Lately was married at Cardiff, in Glamorganlhire, Thomas Chambre, Efq; a Solicitor in Chancery, to MifsFitzroy Croftes, eldeft daughter of the Hon- and Rev. Joha Earl of Orkney. D E A T H S . Saturday died Mr. Thomas Birle t, merchant and dryfaiter, Old Swan Stairs, London- Bridge. Yefterday fe'nnight died at Penpound, ia Abergavenny, Sir James Harrington, Bart, who is fucceeded in title by his fon John Edward Harrington, Efq; Colle& or of the Revenues of MoorflieJabacl, & c. in Bengal. On the 15th inft. died at Newton Stewart, Capt. James Maxwell, late of the 46th reg. A few days ago died at Rochefter, George Hicks, M. D. of St. James's Palace, Member of the Royal College of Phvficians, and, Phyfician to the Afylum, and Weftminfter Infirmary. Mr. Mendes, the perfon who was taken up on fufpicion of having murdered Mr. Silva and his houfe- keeper, at Chelfea, on Wednefday fe'nnight, died fuddenly on Wednefday morning. F R A N C E : NATIONAL CONVENTION. S U H D A V , Jan. 20. The refult of the Nominal Call which took plate yefterday, " upon the queition, " Whether there fljould be an arreft of judgment to the execution of the fentence pronounced aqjaitift Louis," was the following : t dead, 17 able at by commiffion, z fick, 8 abfeut without leave, 12 did not v Jte, 3Ho members voted acjainft the arreft of judgment, 310 for i t ; the relative majority was 70 members, and the abfolute majority 34. M. Chambaceres made a motion, that Louis might have a free communication with his family, and chufe a miniller tifthe religion he profeffed ; and that the fentence ihould be executed in 24 hours after it had been notified to htm. M, Briffot moved, that the dccree concerning Louis . Ihould be immediately made known to the Executive Council, who flial! give an account tomorrow, at- eleven o'clock, . of the meafures they had taken tqcsrry it ' nto execution. Jean de Brie propofed to inform the people by an Addrefs, of the motives that directed the Convention j and- to make a decree to banilh from the Galleries every expreflion that may create ammo fity among them. M. Rabaud fupported the former fpeaker, and conjured the Members of the Aife nbly to lay aliie every pafGon not tending to the good of the public, and to affume a character of Majetly, and of Juftice, that may prove to Europe that their coildnct is an uit of Juilice maturely weighed, and not the work of a powerful FaCtion. To difarm calumny, to fupply by a wife and beneficent morality, the maxims of Priefts ; to make even the allies of tyranny fertilize the abodes of humanity, he reproduced the projefl that M. Condorcet offered yefterday. M. Lafource gave a moft afflicting picture of the misfortunes into which France would be plunged, if the Convention, ruined by the dangerous element that had hitherto tome its bofom, or crtilhed by* foreign Fadtions, whofe audacity was increafed by their weakness, the People, no longer feufibhe of the charms of Liberty, of which they had only known the dangers, fhould regret their former ftate, and return to their former chains, which they might prefer to the caprice of 74J mafters, ot whom the punifhment would be more prompt, and not lefs teirible, than that they were about to inflift on their former King. He propofed, that the Committee of Cow ftitution Ihould prefent, by the 1 oth of Fe bruary, the plan of a Conftitution, and to preferve, by proper meafures, the internal peace of the kingdom. M. Breard thought the term fixed by the former fpeaker too fliort; he thought the me'afurcs inefficient; he alfo demanded; that the Committee of general defence fliould ptopofe, as foon as poffible, the meafures neccffary t o the public fafety ; and that the Commiffioirers fent to the different armies, fhould make a repoit of the wants of the troops, and the extent of our force. Thefe feveral motions, to provide for the wants of the troops, were decreed^ M. Cambon made a vehement denunciation of M. Kerfaint. This Deputy, fince the commencement of the Convention, had oppofed the fanguinary Members, whom he affirmetL to be his affociates. Alarmed at their influence, and the advantages they might have over good men, when he could no longer be but- a weak adverfary, he gave in his refignatipn by the following letter: " That his health did not permit him to continue in fuch a boifterous Aff'ernbly ;, but that it was ftill more impoffible for him to lit among thefe that tlirjled for Hood, when their advice, preceded by terror, overawes the good— when Marat has more influence thanPetion. If the love of my countiy lias made me encounter the misfortune of being the eolleague of the panegyrifts and promoters of the murders of the zd of Sep tember, I would at leaft fave my memory from the reproach of being accounted their accomplice. I have not- a moment to lofe ; to- morrow will be too late. I return to the bofom of the people; I no longer retain the inviolability with which they clothed jn » ; 1 am ready to give them an account of all my aflions; and without fear or reproach, I give 111 my refignatioa." M- Cambon confidered the above Letter as a vile calumny on the majority of the Aflembly; a kind of proteft againft the judgement they had pronounced ; criminal intention to bring into contempt the Reprcfentatires of the People, wkom he included collectively under the denomination » f AJfaflins. Srveral Members fupported Cambon. Barbaroux ana Genfonne defended Ivcrfaint. M. Choudieu faid, that Kerfaint was a coward, who left his polt when there was any danger; that he was a calumniator, and guilty of lezeration, or high treafon, in having ( hewn himfelf a rebel to the dccrees of the majority, in having accufed them qf protecting Affaffins, if there were norje among them. M. M. Harde and Cambon gave it as their opinion, that Kerfaint's refignation Ihould not be accepted. They obferved that his abilities, and particularly his knowledge of Maritime affairs, were extremely necetfary to his country, and required, that the Affembly fhould refufe his requeft. M. Chodieu anfwered, that hewasforry for the want of talents, which, according to the opinion now given, had reduced the Marine to the brink of ruin, if M. Kerfaint fhould petfift to retire ; but, however, he demanded a decree of Accufation againft hem,, and - hat he fhould be brought to the Bar. M. Genfonne examined the nature o f his crime; he found he had committed none, but fuch as horror for maflacres had infpired in him the virtue to commit; that the A ( Terribly- were guilty of the fame, for it had decreed, after different motions and the moft tumultuous debates, the profecution of the vagabonds of the zd of September, and of the Knights- of the Poignards, ( hut up on the loth of Auguil in the Palacc of the Thailleries, by the Minifter of Juftice. This Minifter occupied the laft moments of this fitting by a report ef his ccmduCt to the condemned Monarch. He gave an account of the conduit of tbe Executive Council, for the execution of the decree that had been made that evenings . -. , As Prefident of the Council, he went to the Temple exaftly at two o'clock, attended by the Secretary of die Council, the Maycjr, and two Members of the Department, TI The Secretary read to Louis tire decree | of the Convention. Louis put into the hands of the Secretary, a paper written in his own hand, and. figned by himfelf, which he took out of his portefeuille. M. Garat read this writing. Louis demanded) firft, a delay of three days to prepare himfelf to appear before Godzdly, The permiffion of having with him a humane and benevolent perlbn to aflift him ia his laft moments, without his being expofed to any danger for the fervices he might render him. 3dly, Of being free the fhort time he had to live, from the extraordinary vigilance of the Commiffioners of the Commons. 4thly, To have liberty to fee his wife, his filler, and his children. 5thly, That the Convention would provide for the fafety of his family, and allow them to retire without danger, where they pleafed. Louis iinifhed, by rwommending to the kindnefs of the Nation, the poor, aiid particularly old men, women, and children, whom he alone maintained ! 1! A Ihort difcuffion took place on thefe requefts: they were all granted him, except the delay ; upon which the Convention paffed ! to the Qrdei of the Day. " Let the brave French Mariners recoiled our fuccelTes in war. " Brothers and Frieiids, plate thefe tuitlis in a Writing point of view before the Mariners. Awaken in them that energy which confumes every French heart with the holy love of Liberty. Tell them ' tis no longer the caufe of a corrupted court, of an imbecil King; ' tis the facred caufe of Liberty ; — ' tis their ptoperty, their liberty, menaced by defpotifm, which they have to defend. To thefe conliderations, all puiflant to Republican fouls, add thofe of perfonal intereft; ftiew them the vail career of gradations open to them ; that nothing ought to impede their efforts ; that in ferving the Republic, every encerp^ e will be poffible; and, that tlie Repubfhuin recompenfing their fervices and gallant eVjiloits, will find nothing difficult: Kings are* Egotilts ; but free nations are grateful; they invariably do every thing fer themfelves ; they do not leave virtue without a reeompenfe." PROCLAMATION or THE FRENCH MARINE MINISTER, To the Societies of the Friends of Liberty and Equality in the Maritime Citiei. — — — — ^ r S T A T E PAPER. . L E T T E R FROM C H E V A L I E R D ' O C A R I Z, Charge ( L' Ajfnirss from the Court of - Spain, ' Refiding in Paris, To the M I N I S T E R of F O R E I G N A F F A I R S. Paris, Jdn. 17, .7 1793. , r Republican Brothers and Friends, the Englilh Government arms, and the King of Spain, at the inftigation of the Britifh Miniftry, prepares to attack us. Thefe two Tyrannical Powers, after having peifecuted the patriots in their own territory, are unqueftionably- perfuaded that they can influence the fentence of the traitor Louis.— They hope to terrifyus— but, no; the Nation which has been able to drive from the bofom of France, to the moft diftant banks of the Rhine, the redoubtable army of Pruffians and Auftrians—> the French Nation in fhort, will not allow itfelf to be diiflated to by the laws of any Tyrant. The King of England and his Parliament wilh to make war againft us: Will the Englifh Republicans fuffer this ? Already thefe Free Men teftify their difcontent, and the repugnance they feel at carrying arms againft their Brothers the French.— Well, Friends and Brothers, we Will fly to their affiftance- 1— we will make a defcent on Great Britain, into which we will pour Fifty Thoufand Bmnets 1" of Liberty.— We will plant there the facred Tree, and will extend our arms to our Brothers the Republicans.— Let us mutually excite each other to defend the liberty of Nations— eur own is attached to it. Say, my dear fellow citizens, fay to the brave French Seamen that the career of gloty is about to be opened for '. them ; that they ought with one confent to tender their fervices to their country : fhe needs their affiltance. The commerce which nourifhes and maintains them cannot befuftained, unlefs they protect it by ftationi'ng themfelves in the Ihips of war, and unlefs they repair in great numbers, rallied by the cry of " Live the Republic," to the ports of Breft, I'Orient, Rochefort, and Toulon.— P, R i . C E of. S T D . C S T O C E - EXCHAv a t , Jan. Bank Stock 169 J " , per Cent. Rcduced 76 i 74 i 3 per Cent. Confol. Ann. 74 I 73 i ex div. Ditto, 1716 New 4 per Ceot. 17J? 9 ® i « 9 i f per Cent. Annuities Ihut 105 i 104 J ex div. Bank Long Annuities 22 1- 16 21 £ 30 Years Annuities, 1778 India Stock 183 181 i 3~ per Cent. Ann. India Bonds li » . p". South Sea Slock OU S. S. Ann. Mew S. S. Ann. 1 per Cent. JUttmfaUm> 17JI Navy and Vi^ wJKfcg Bins dif. Exchequer Bills iflifcv, Scrip. Lottery Tickets, t j t . a n s, Irilh Ticket* Loyalill IX brti'rrnrs M A I L S . Thurfday, januaty - if. Arrived. Tin*- One French Two Waterfor « L Due.-— Three. One Dublin— One Waterford— One Holland. " The new orders I have received, joined to the urgency of the immediate circumftances, authorife. me to let flip no occafion of manifelting the extreme iolicitude his Catholic Maje'fty feels, on the Trial which is eady to terminate fo difaftroufly for the un>- fortunate Chief of his Family. I haften, therefore, in his name, to repeat to you his molt lively, entreaties, and his moft ardent folicitations, to the French Nation and its Reprefentatives. I think that the new con fiderations I have to lay before you, will appear to - merit your deepeft attention, therefore entreat you to communicate them to the National Convention. I perfuade myfelf that the French Nation being deftined both by it's character and by the nafure the lituation o f the country it occupies, preferve in Europe a great exiftence, and vaft foreign connexions, the Affembly of its Reprefentatives cannot have been totally deaf to all the reflections of political prudence made by . feveral of its own Members. To thefe reflections it does not become me to add. But, Sir, the importance of the caufe, and the intereft the King of Spain takes, and ought to take in it, are fuch, that I trult aCt conformably to his Majefty's fenti-- ments, when 1 entreat you in this letter, limply to obtain for ipe the time of demanding from him his intervention and good offices, to effeCt a reftoration of tranquility between France and the Belligerent Powers. I f this ftep, at the fame time it will be ufeful to the French Nation, can foften and meliorate the deftiny of his unfortunate relative, may venture to expeCt the approbation of his Catholic Majefty— provided, however, he may think himfelf engaged, by the manrfW in which my offer may be received, to enter on negociations, the fuccefs of which would be important to humanity. I defire moft ardently that the propofition I make to you may be accepted ; and in the cafe of its being fo, I demand the time only which will be ftiiCtly neceffary for the dilpatch and return of a courier. " With fentiments of the moft diftinguifhed confideration, " I have the honour to be, ( Signed) " L E C H E V A L I E R D ' O C A R I Z ." A D M I R A L T Y O F F I C E, Jan. 19, 1793. NOTICE is herebv given, that a Seffi. ni of OYER and TERMINER and GAOL DELIVERY, far the Trial of Offences committed on the HIGH SEAS, within the jurifdi& ion of the Admiralty of England, will be held at Jultice Hall, in the Old Bailey, London, on Monday the 18th of February next, at eight o'clock in tbe morning.. PH. STEPHENS. ' IF JOHN ADAMS, a labouring Man, who lived in Fore- ftreet, Lambeth, five years ago, is living, and will call at tbe George, in Vineftreet, WeftminHer, within - feven days from this notice, he will hear of fomething to his advantage : or, if dead, any perfon proving it, and where buried, fhall be well fatisfied for their trouble, by applying as above. A S Y L U M , January 44, 1793. NO T I C E is hereby given, That a Special General Court will be held on Thurfday next, the 31ft inllant, to fix the day of Election of a l'hylici- in to this Charity, in the room of the late Dr. HICKS, and to receive farther applications from Candidates. \ V. ARNOLD, Chairman. LOST, ten days ago, a black FOX DOG, with tanned feet, not young. Whoever will bring him to No. 33, Argylc- ftrcet, fliall receive a GUINEA REWARD. This is the laft time of advertifing. S H I P N E W S. DIAL, J i n , 23, 1792. CAME down and failed this afternoon his Majelly's Ship Vengeance. Remain in the Downs the lphigenia Frigate, and outward- bound as per laft, with the Rofe, Jowfey, for Lilbon ; Princefs Mary, Howard, and Dublin, Williamfon, for Dublin; Diana, Viner, and Albion, Bennett, for Liverpool. Wind W. S. W. Grtvefend, Jan. 2J. Pafled by the Calais Packet, Cully, from Boulogne ; Juffrow Margaretta, — , from Embde'n ; Henry and Mary, Horncaltle, and RtJfetta, Harvey, from Calais. Sailed the Admiral Hood, Colley, and Neptune, Rafhtield, for Calais ; Thomas, Wilfon, and Vrow Antonio, De Jonge, for Rotterdam ; Peggy, Hamilton, for Gibraltar; Wildman, Hay, for Cork and Jamaica ; Greyhound, Dent; for Limerick j and Hope, Bofcow, for Africa. The Eagle, Symes, from Maryland, is arrived at Barcelona. St. Joch, Laird, from Jamaica and Plymouth, at Dover. Eliza, Smith, from New England, at Briftol. John, Alleyn, ftom New York, at ditto. La Pacifique, — , from St. Domingo, at Nantz, - La- Sophia, Gerard, from ditto, at ditto.' Swift, Rogers, from London, in the Downs. HIGH WATER This Day at LONDON- BRIDGE, 36 tiiinutis palt i z o'Clock in the Morning, and at 1* minutes pafl ' 1 hi the Afternoon. The Tide will ferve down the River from 36 nri uutes paft i l o'Clock in the Morning till 9, up to f t minutes paft I in- the Afternoo*. This Day is publifhed, Price One Shilling, In Quarto, elegantly printed on fuperfinc Wove Vellum Paper, n p H E L O Y A L S U B J E C T :, REPUBLICAN PRINCIPLES brought to the T E S T. Tried, caft, ind condemned by the Law of God. Written, and moft humbly dedicated to all that love their King and Country, By the Rev. R I C H A R D M U N N, Minifter of the Mulberry- Gardens. Printed and fold by R. Young, No, 47, Great Hermitage- ftreet, Wapping; G. Ferry, No. 54, Paternofter. royv; W. Afh, N » . 3, Middle Moorfields; R Gyfford, N0.35, Towcr- ftreet; Mathews, Strand; S. Nafh, No. 1X0, Bilhopfgate- ftreet, Without; T. Knott, No. 47, Lombard- flreet; M. Trapp, No. I , Paternoftcr- row; D. Taylor, No. 35, Union- ftreet; and A. Clark;, Q ^ Gravel lane. L A G U I L L O T I N E : ^ O R, The BEHEADING MACHINE at PARIS, By which the late unfortunate MONARCH FRANCE was deprived of life. This Hay is fublijhtd, Price Three Shillings fewed, AT R I P TO P A R I In JULY and AUGUST lag. By Mr. T W I S S. Among a variety of fubjeCts in this Book, 5s an accurate account, with a tjefcriptive Plate of the above Ir. ftrument of Death. Printed at the Minerva Preft, for William I. ane, Leadenhall- ftreet; and fold by Eluabech Harlowe, Bookfeller to her Majefty, Pall Mali of S, FOR CHILBLAINS, RHEUMATISM*, & c Dr. STEERS's OPODELDOC, C A U T I O N . THE innumerable Counterfeits and Imitations of this Medicine render it ab& luteiy neceQary to guard the public againft the impoution* that are daily pra< 5tifed. :. Various Druggifts, and other defigning perfons, ( fome taking the advantage of being of the name oi Steers, and others venturing to ufe both Mr. New - bery's and Mr. Steers's name ip their Bills) have dif— feminated, ( throughout the town and country, many fpurious forts of Opodeldoc, infinitely inferibr in quality to the real preparation. All purchafers, therefore, who would wifh to avail themfelves of the virtues of Dr. Steers's genuine Opodeldoc, are requefted to bhl'erve very particularly, and as the only means to prevent their being deceived, that the name of F. New'uery is en graved in the Stamps, which are patted round the directions on the outfide of each bottle ; and a3 *' iis diftiii( 5tion has been made by order of the CommiffioHers of the Stamp- oQice, uo perlon can imitate it without being guilty of felony. ' Fhe cfiicacy of this Medicine is fo ur. iverfally acknowledged in Chilblains, Rheumatilms, Bruifes, Sprains, aiid other external complaints, that any particular fpecification of its virtues is unncceilary. Sold in London only at Mr. Newbery's ( the oniy Warehoui'e for Dr. Jaines. s Powder) No. 45, in St. Paul's Church- yard, a few doors from the curncr ol Cheapfidc ; and at Mr. Stecrs'j Medicinal Wartlioufr, No. 1 ® , Old Bond- ilreet, 011 the left hami from Piccadilly, three , doors beyond Stafi'oid- Hceet, in bottles price 26. each, ( Duty included); or Itf fol los. 6 J. K D O N Printed by H- S. WOODFALL, ( No. 1,) the Corner of Ivy- Lane, Paternofter Row ; where L E T T E R S to the Author ( Pott- paid) are received, an* Al> VXRTlSEMfiNTS, of a Lengtk, are taken in at four Shillings e a c h . - — A L B T T S ^ - B O X in the Winds*? in P A T * I * Q J T I » . . R O W.
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