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Lloyd's Evening Post

Date of Article: 21/01/1793
Printer / Publisher: T. Spilsbury and Son 
Address: No 57, Snowhill, London
Volume Number: LXXII    Issue Number: 5549
No Pages: 8
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1 « J ] LLOYD'S EVENING- POST. * XII.] From FRIDAY, JANUARY 18, to MONDAY, JANUARY 21, 1793. [ NUMB. 5549. SATURDAY, Jan. 19. LONDON. THE QUEEN's BIRTH- DAY. YESTERDAY being the appointed anniversary of her Majesty's Birth, a Splendid Court was held at St. James's. In the morning the bells rung in the several churches as usual; at _ one o'clock the guns in the Park and Tower fired each a Royal Salute ; the standard was hoisted at the White Tower, and all the ships ia the River displayed their colours. Their Majesties and the six Princesses came to St. James's Palace before one o'clock, in three carriages. At half past one the Queen entered her audience chamber, where her Majesty was accompanied by the Princesses, and' attended by the Earl of Morton, Chamberlain of the Queen'S household ; Major Price, Vice Chamberlain; the Lady in Waiting, Bed- Chamber Women, Master of the Ceremonies, & c. when several foreign and other Nobility were presented according to etiquette, preparatory to their, being at the Drawing- Room. DRAWING- ROOM. At a quarter past two o'clock, their Majesties and the five eldest Princesses entered the Draw- ing- Room, at which were present: Their Royal Highnesses the Duke and Duchess of York, Dukes of Clarence and Gloucester, Prince William of Gloucester, and Princess Sophia. Their Excellencies the Spanish Ambassador, Imperial, Russian, Prussian, Dutch, Neapolitan, Polish, Sardinian, Portuguese, Venetian, Bava- rian, Saxon, Hanoverian, and American, En- voys-; Baronesses Nagell and Nolckens; Mes- dames de Nolckens and Kutzleben ; Dukes St. Theodore and Choiseul; Duchess St. Theodore; Marquis Bouille, Guadagni, and Greudi; Count Capelli; Countess Widel Jarelsburgh ; Abbe St. Farre; Admiral Gravini ; Commandeur Brandolini, Chevalier Guadagni, & c. Archbishops of Canterbury and York ; Right Hon. W. Pitt. Dukes of Richmond, Argyll, Montrose, Dor- set, Athol, Gordon, Beaufort, Queensbury, Leeds, and Manchester. Marquisses of Stafford, Salisbury, Bath, Townshend, Donnegal, Huntley, and Blandford. Earls of AileSbury, Edgcumbe, Pembroke, Jersey, Fife, Harcourt, Morton, Galloway, Courtown, Cardigan, Delawar, Sandwich, Ches- terfield, Leicester, Aylesford, Effingham, In- chiquin, Darnley, Dartmouth, Gower, Essex, Beaulieu, Northesk, Portmore, Chatham, Bute, Clermont, Glasgow, Warwick, Harrington, Winchelsea ( Lord in Waiting), and Abingdon. Viscounts Courtown, Valletort, Sydney, Bayham, Cremorne, Chetwynd, Wentworth, Parker, Falmouth, Stormont, Bulkeley, Mil- sington, and Stopford. Bishops of London, Durham, Lincoln, Llan- daff, St. Asaph, St. David's, Litchfield, Salis- bury, Kildare, Dromore, Peterborough, and other dignified Clergy. Lords Grenville, Audley, Kelly, Walsingham, Ducie, Onslow, F. Campbell, Rodney, Arden, Hood, Eardley, Hawkesbury, Rawdon, St. Helen's, Willoughby, Thurlow, Shuldham, Her- bert, Kenyon. Loughborough, Southampton, Boston, Dorchester, and Amherst ( Gold Stick in Waiting.) Lord Mayor of London, Sheriffs, Aldermen Harley, Curtis, Combe, Watson, and Ander- son. Admirals Digby and Dalrymple. Sirs G. Osborne, J. Peachy, C. Morgan, C. Sykes, J. Dick, R. King, F. Molyneux, W. Howe, J. Rose, J. Ridley, C. Cotterell, J. Russell, G. Hood, J. Collier, W. Pepperrell, R. Woodford, G. Howard, R. Pigot, G. Yonge, J. Scott, A. Macdonald, and P. Hailes, ( Groom in Waiting), and Governor Penn. Mess. Dundas, T. Dundas, Hopkins, Buller- yard, Whitbread, E. Burke, Boscawen, Law, two Walpoles, Gordon, Townshend, Rose, Har- bord, two Villiers, Mackenzie, Crawford, Bridges, Knox, Macqueen, Banks, Stanhope, and Griffiths. Generals Conway, Lascelles, Harcourt, Tra- paud, Rowley, Marsh, Morrison, Clark, O'Hara, Grant, Townshend, Garth, Adam, Johnson, and Lake ( Field- Officer). Duchesses of Rutland, Leeds, Dorset, Rich- mond, Montrose, Buccleugh, and Gordon.' Marchionesses of Bath, Stafford, Townshend, and Salisbury. Countesses of Glasgow, Aberdeen, Shaftes- bury, Denbigh, Warwick, Uxbridge, Dowager Westmorland, Elgin, Hillsborough, Bute, Bat- hurst, Howe, Edgcumbe, Sutherland, Cour- town, Portmore, Darnley, Essex, Hopetoun, Chesterfield, Ailesbury, Northesk, Chatham, Fortescue, Dartmouth, Cardigan, Inchiquin, Cavan, Holderness, Macclesfield, and Har- court ( Lady in Waiting on the Queen). Vifcountesses Hereford, Sydney, Valletort, Bayham, Parker, Cremorne, Bulkley, Went- worth, Chetwynd, and Falmouth. Ladies Dorchester, Shuldham, M. Howe, Willoughby, M. Parker, Banks, F. Campbell, St. John, C. Johnson, E. Lambert, W. Howe, C. Bruce, S. and W. Gordon, E. Mackenzie, M. Mordaunt, Baker, Hawkesbury, Ducie, Boston, Ashhurst, Yonge, Dacre, two Hopes, L. Macdonald, M. Volwarth, Fermanage, R. Manners, C. Somerset, Loughborough, Mor- gan, C. Bertie, Kenyon, Walsingham, A. Hume, M. Milburne, C. Villiers, C. Damer, Cham- bers, B. Tollemache, M'Leod., Grenville, A. Carpenter, Trelawney, Martin, C. and A. Clavering, S. Drummond, S. Thorpe, G. Smith,, and C. Waldegrave ( in Waiting on the Prin- cesses). Mistresses Harcourt, King, Pigot, Wheeler, Moore, Cornwallis, Porteus, Pocock, Cox, Parker, Montague, Crawford, Bootle, Rains- forth, Bunbnry, M. Pitt, Sec. Misses Louth, Long, Wilkes, Verney, Bruhl, Vernon, Carlton, Morgan, Willoughby, Grim- stone, Duncomb, Jennings, & c. At five o'clock the Drawing- room broke up, when the Royal Family returned, to the Queen's apartments, where her Majesty gave a dinner to all the Royal Family residing in England. 1 THE BALL- ROOM. At eight o'clock the Bail- Room was opened, and foon after minuets commenced as follows : The Duke of York., Duke of Clarence, , Princess Royal, Princess Augusta. Princess Elizabeth, Princess Mary Princess Sophia, Prince William of Gloucester,- Princess Sophia of Glou- cester. Earl of Elgin, { Duchess of Montrose, , Duchess of Dorset. The minuets concluded at half past nine o'clock, after, which there were two country dances danced down the room and at eleven the Royal Family retired, and soon after twelve the company departed His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales, was not present. at the Drawing- Room, or Ball. Among the illuminations of last night, which were most numerous at the West end of the town, those at ' Lord/ Grenville's, the Duke of Leeds's, the public Theatres, White's, Brookes's, D'Aubigney's, and the other Subscription Houses in St. James's street, excited particular notice. . In the City, the Lord Mayor made a brilliant display : the four pillars in front of the Mansion- House were covered with lamps ; between the pillars was a Crown, and under it C. R.-. DRESSES OF THE ROYAL FAMILY. HIS MAJESTY. . A bottle- green coat, with a very rich and beautiful embroidery in gold, and lined with buff satin ; the waistcoat of buff satin, em- broidered as the coat, and richly spangled over the body. dukE of YORK.. A full General's uniform. . DUKE OF CLARENCE. An Admiral's uniform. THE QUEEN. . Very plainly dressed, as usual On her birth day, in a crimson striped satin with a gold bor- der. PRINCESS ROyAL. A very rich embroidered petticoat with pur- ple foil leaves in small Sprigs, tied together with a running of gold spangles divided with [ Price Fourpence 66 L L O Y D ' S E V E N I N G - P O S T , And Jan. 18 — 21. wreaths of purple foil flowers, the train a rich purple and gold. PRINCESS AUGUSTA, A crape petticoat richly embroidered, with blue foil and white satin in shells to form stripes across the petticoat, between the stripes a rich embroidery of gold, a loose drapery of crape embroidery, tied up with plumes of ostrich fea- thers and gold flowers. PRINCESSES ELIZABETH, MAry, AND SOPHIA. The same pattern in green. DUCHESS OF YORK. A rich embroidered petticoat of gold and sil- ver fpangles, the drapery embroidered with stone wheat- ears and relieved with a chain and festoon of foil stones, drawn up with bouquets of trans- parent stone wheat- ears; the flounce of embroi- dered oak leaves and May flowers; the train green satin, embroidered with gold and silver span- gles, and edged with a rich silver fringe. PRINCES SOPHIA OF GLOUCESTER. A rich embroidered petticoat ornamented with silver and gold, and wreath of pink satin roses, with a suberb green and gold fringe to correspond with tbe robe, which was immensely rich ; the head- dress entirely pink and white ostrich feathers, and a profusion of diamonds. DRESSES of the NOBILITY, lie. GENTLEMEN'S DRESSES; Duke of Queensbury— A striped and spotted dark- co- loured. velvet coat, with diamond buttons; white satin waistcoat, richiy embroidered, in gold, silver, stones, and coloured foil. Marquis of Bath— A striped and figured velvet coat, with a superb embroidery in gold, lined with coquelicot satin ; the waistcoat of coquelicot latin, aln. oft covered with a gold embroidery. Earl Chesterfield — A spotted velvet coat, with a very rich embroidiery in stones and silver; the waistcoat of white satin, embroidered as the coat. Earl of Leicester— A stripe velvet coat and white satin waistcoat Earl of Warwick— A figured velvet coat, and white satin waistcoat; richly embroidered. Earl of Effingham— A brown kerseymere coat, embroi- dered in shades of silk dentelle, & c. white satin waistcoat, embroidered as the coat. Earl of Uxbridge— A dark- coloured cloth coat embroi- dered with stones, and waistcoat the same. Earl of Essex— A striped silk coat, lined with white satin. Duke of Manchester— A pink- coloured velvet coat and breeches, covered with net- work, ornamented with span- gles, stones, and pearls, with a stone- beaded edge; the waistcoat embroidered as the coat, with the addition of mosaic work all over. Duke of Leeds— A corbeau and purple- striped lilac spot velvet coat and breeches, with a white latin waistcoat, embroidered with gold spangles, stones, and foils and silk flowers, forming bouquets of flowers; a curious amber colour stone border, foils and silk edging. The waistcoat embroidered as the coat. Earl of Morton— A dark- coloured drap de vigogne coat, very richly embroidered in gold; waistcoat white satin, embroidered as the coat. Earl of Chatham— A cameleon- coloured coat and breeches, embroidered with silver spangles, stones, foil, silk, a blue ribbon border, enriched with net lace, spangled stones; the waistcoat the same, with the addition of mosaic work over the body. Earl of Harrington— A full suit of dress- regimentals. Earl of Harcourt— A puce- coloured velvet coat and breeches with green and purple stripes, embroidered with silvet spangles, stones, foil, and a silk border ; the waist- coat the same, with the addition of mosaic work. Earl of Northesk— A navy captain's full- dress uniform. Earl of Cavan— A full suit of dress regimental;. Lord Weymouth— A figured velvet coat, with a very elegant embroidery in bouquets of stones, silver, and silks; the waistcoat of white satin, embroidered as the coat. Lord Gage— A prune- coloured cloth coat, with embroi- der in shades of silk ; the waistcoat of white satin, em- broidered as the coat. Lord Cremorne— A dark- coloured cloth coat, and rich embroidered satin waistcoat. Lord Onslow— A striped silk coat, and white satin em- broidered waistcoat. Lord Boston— An olive cloth coat, embroidered in shades of silk dentelle, Sec. with white satin waistcoat, embroi- dered as the coat. Lord Mount Edgcumbe— A dark- coloured drap de vigogne coat, and white satin waistcoat, embroidered. Lord Valletort— A figured velvet and white satin em- broidered waistcoat. Lord George Thynne— A striped and figured velvet coat, and white satin waistcoat, richly embroidered. Lord Milsington— An olive kerseymere suit, lined with white satin ; the waistcoat embroidered as the coat. Lord Hawkesbury— A fancy- striped velvet suit, bottle- green, striped and spotted, lined with white satin plain, with buttOns the same. Lord Stopford— Smoke- coloured velvet coat and breeches, white satin waistcoat, embroidered with silver spangles, pearl stones, & c. with a net border; the waistcoat the same. Lord Charles Somerset— A dark green coat and waistcoat, lined with rich crimson satin, with a rich set of stone but- tons, black silk breeches. Viscount Parker— A corbeau colour and noisette spotted velvet coat and breeches ; white satin waistcoat, richly embroidered with silver and Coloured spangles, pearl stones, and silk, the waistcoat with mosaic work all over the body. Viscount Chetwynd. — A puce- coloured kerseymere suit; the coat richly embroidered with different coloured silks, with the addition of Brandenburgh loops; the waistcoat embroidered. Marquis of Lorne— A striped and figured velvet coat, lined with while satin, and most beautifully embroidered in shades of silks, stones of various colours, See, the waist- coat of white satin, embroidered as the coat. Hon. Captain Stopford— A suit- dress suit of regimen- tals. Hon. Colonel Greville— A corbeau colour kerseymere suit, richly embroidered wit bouquets of floWers, linen With role- coloured satin. Hon. J. J. Townsend — A corbeau coloured striped velvet, pink spots, coat and breeches, and white latin waistcoat, richly embroidered with silver, coloured foils, stones, and silk; the border pink satin and net work ; the body of the waistcoat embroideied. The Hon. Mr. Jenkinson— A corbeau and rose coloured spotted cloth cont and breeches; white satin waistcoat, embroidered with silver spangles,. pearl stones, and net- work; the waistcoat with a corbeau border ; the collar of the coat coveted with net- work, and spangles all over the body. General Lake— A dress suit of regimentals. Colonel Hulse— A dress suit of regimentals." Colonel Leigh— A dress suit of regimentals. Major Poyntz— A dress suit of regimentals. Richard Gammon, Esq,— A corbeau colour, blue stripes, pink spots Velvet coat and breeches, plain ; a white satin waistcoat embroidered with silver stones, blue satin border, and gold edge net work, with spangle and stone,. Charles Bentinck, Esq.— A Spanish fly coloured cloth coat, lined with white satin; a very rich waistcoat, and a set of rich stone buttons, and black silk breeches. Baron Sack— A uniform suit of regimentals; a scarlet coat with tassels, plain gilt buttons, with very rich epaulettes, with his Order as Knight of Malta. Baron Bronisknoski— A Polish uniform suit, scarlet cloth, blue lapells very rich epaulettes, L'Abbe St. Farre— A noisette striped beaver coat and Waistcoat, lined with white satin, and diamond buttons ; black satin breeches. LADIES DRESSES. Duchess of Rutland— A crape petticoat, one side richly embroidered with broad stripes of gold, foreheaded with Van- dykes of satin richly spangled with gold, from each hung rows of rich gold tassels; the other side of the petticoat a rich embroidery of white and gold, with festoons of rich gold flowers with white satin leaves ; train rich white satin trimmed with gold. Lady Jersey A Crape petticoat, richly embroidered in stripes of tigre satin, and bouquets of flowers, the bottom richly spangled, and edged with gold fringe ; the train dark green, richly spangled, and edged with gold fringe. Lady Sydney— A rich embroidered white and gold petticoat, with a brown satin robe, trimmed with gold fringe. Lady Courtown — An elegant dress in stripes of crape and foil roses, intermixed with velvet and gold spangles, and a brown satin train. Lady Charlotte Campbell— A white satin petticoat, ele- gantly embroidered round the bottom. with purple velvet, gold spangles and beads in Vandykes, the drapery richly embroidered with stone and gold wheat ears, drawn up with bows of diamonds and handsome gold tassel fringe; the train white satin, trimmed with purple velvet in Vandykes, and rich gold fringe; cap purple velvet, richiy ornamented in the form of a crown, with five ostrich feathers. Lady Augusta Clavering— A white satin petticoat, trim- med with embroidered white satin and spangles, in stripes ; the bottom a spangled crape, and gold fringe; the train white satin, trimmed with spangles and gold fringe. Lady Susan Gordon— A crape petticoat, embroidered with silver in large spots, with stripes of blue and foil flowers on one side of the petticoat; the other side, three bosse dra- peries of white and silver. tied back with rich embroidered hands of blue foil and silver. Lady Chatham— A crape petticoat, richly embroidered with gold spangles in knots, the knotS tied up with purple foil. Lady Warren— A White satin petticoat, trimmed with a rich embroidered gold and silver crape ; the train a grey satin, trimmed with gold fringe. Lady. F. Bruce— A white petticoat, trimmed with a superb embroidered crape in greenand purple foil, the bottom ornamented with bullion and gold fringe the train green and white striped satin, trimmed with gold fringe. Lady Elizabeth Montague— A crape petticoat, richly ornamented with a beautiful white satin, fancy flowers in stripes across, with a white striped satin train. Lady Caroline Montague— Exactly like her sister, except the flowers, which were yellow satin. Lady Mary Mordaunt— An elegant fancy petticoat of rich striped gauze, decorated with fine, black lace and scarlet satin, and robe of the same colour. The Three Miss Townshend; — Elegant fancy dresses of striped gauze and pea blossoms, with brown satin robes. Honourable Miss Broderick— An elegant petticoat, em- broidered in a most easy and fanciful manner, with a figured satin robe. Miss Keppel— An elegant fancy dress of crape, spotted with pink satin, with a most superb fringe, and knots of pink satin, and a robe of the same colour. Countess of Sutherland— A gold embroidery upon satin with a border of green foil flowers round the bottom of the petticoat. Duchess of Dorset— A rich embroidered petticoat of mo- saic pattern, intermixed with beautiful stone stars with a wreath of painted lilies;, the bottom drawn satin embroidered with silver and gold tassels; the Cerise satin, and body richly spangled. Duchess of Buccleugh — White crape petticoat, richly em- brodered in stripes of coquelicot foil and chenille, in- termixed with beautiful bouquets of flowers; the flounce elegantly embroidered with gold spangles, and edged with gold fringe; the train coquelicot, edged with the same. Duchess of Richmond— White satin petticoat, embroidered with rose, green satin train. Duchess of Gordon— A white petticoat trimmed with white and gold festoons, with velvet embroidered shells, gold spangles and rich gold fringe; the train of white satin, ornamented with gold and diamond, wheat- ears, small gold tassels; head- dress a plume of feathers. Duchess of Leeds— Crape petticoat richly ornamented with gold spangles of purple trimmed with gold tas- sels and fringe; train white satin, gold fringe; cap white sa- tin., gold wheat fancy and white feathers. Countess of Glasgow — A petticoat embroidered with bouquets of variegated flowers, festooned with poppies and gold, a flounce of gold and crape, body and train of white satin and gold. Countess of Portmore—- A crape petticoat aplique wreaths, and bouquets of purple and brown fancy flowers ; train purple and white fringed satin, trimmed with ribbon fringe, cap blond and satin, with purple and white flowers and feather. Jan. 18— 21. B R I T I S H C H R O N I C L E, for 1793, 67 MisS Percy ( daughter to the Bishop of Dromore)— A wHite crape petticoat, over it a loose drapery of crape, em- broidered in chequered stripes of coquelicot, a white satin echdipe supporting the drapery and crossing the left corner of the hoop ; the gown of white fatin, trimmed with a border of chequered coquelicot. Miss E. Perry— A petticoat of whirs crape, a drapery of crape, supported with bands of white satin, ornamented ' with coquelicot ribbon, the gown of white satin, trimmed with coquelicot. Miss Brudenell— A white petticoat, trimmed with blue and gold foil flowers; the bottom elegantly trimmed in stripes or gold spangles and fringe ; the train a blue satin, trimmed with gold fringe. BY YESTERDAY'S MAIL FROM FLANDERS. AFFAIRS OF POLAND. The General Confederation of Grodno has issued orders to arrest, and bring to punishment, all agitators; and also to prevent the assembling of clubs for the discussion of politics. The Marechals of the two United General Confederation have written a letter to the King of Poland, stating, i. That they pro- pose to diminish the number of troops in the Capital. 2 To detach the regiment of Lithua- nian Foot Guards, and the regiment of Infantry under the command of M. Dzialynski. And, 3. To diminish the number of Military Quarters in the neighbourhood of Warsaw. The conclusion of this Letter is as follows: " Your Majesty must acknowledge, that the factions, who by means of their machinations produced the Revolution of the 3d of May, dissolved all the bases which served for the sup- port of the Republic, and of its Civil and Po- litical Liberty, having degraded the Re- public, under the yoke of Monarchical Despo- tism. It is in conseqence of this principle, that the General Confederation of the two Na- tions is convinced, that not only your Majesty will not give any opposition to these measures, dictated by prudence ; but that you yourself, born a noble Pole and a freeman, and wishing for nothing but the happiness of a country, which is common to you with the rest of the Citizens, will not spare either pains, or efforts, to render the Government of this Republic, which you are connected with by so many ties, at once moderate free, and durable. Such, in fact, is the only ambition which is permitted to a King, Who ought not to consider himself as the Master, but as the Chief, of the State confided to his care: Given at Grodno, Nov. 29, 1792. The Prussian Minister at Warsaw, in answer to a note from the General Confederation re- specting. the report of the entrance of a Corps of Prussian troops into the Polish territory, has as- sured the Confederation, that he had received no information of the measure alluded to ; but that, for the greater satisfaction of the Repub- lic, he would forward the note of the Confede- ration to the Prussian Ministry, who would an- swer more fully on that head, although the re- gard of his Prussian Majesty for the welfare and happiness of the Republic is too well known to excite any alarm. Extract of a Letter from Stockholm, Dec. 24. " From the ferment which has prevailed here, for some time, we are fearful the public order and tranquillity will shortly be disturbed. The Government does not appear disposed to proceed with too much severity against those who pro- fess sentiments opposite to those of the Consti- tution. Of this we may judge by the following transaction : On the 21st of this month M. Thorild published a pamphlet entitled " The Liberty of Reason laid open to the Regent, and to the Swedish Nation.'' This pamphlet is ad- dressed throughout to his Highness, and sum- mons him to grant to the Nation an unfettered liberty of reason, and points out the happiness it might enjoy under a Republican form of Go- vernment. In the evening this pamphlet was suppressed, and the Author taken into custody. The next day, M. Thorild having been brought before a Court of Justice, the people demanded that the doors should be open, that all the Citi- zens might assist at the trial. This being com- plied with, on hearing his defence, they ap- plauded the Prisoner very much, and on his re- turn they accompanied the carriage in which he was, crying, Vive thorild ! Vive la Liberte !" ACTION AT HOCKHEIM, BETWEEN THE FRENCH AND THE COMBINED PRUSSIAN AND HESSIAN ArMIES. Head- Quarters, Hockheim, Jan. 7, 1793. Yesterday afternoon his Prussian Majesty, accompanied by his Serene Highness the Duke of Brunswick, arrived here, from the action which took place at Hockheim. His Majesty honoured the Theatre with his presence, and went afterwards to the ball given by his Royal Highness the Prince Royal of Prussia. All we know of the action is, that it was very, smart on both sides. The French troops stationed at Cassel, under command of General Neuinger, wanted to force their way to Hockheim; but the Hessian and Prussian troops contested this passage with that valour which they are so renowned for. Prince Hohenlohe, whose head- quarters are at Weisbaden arrived likewise in the field of battle, and attacked the French in the flank, which forced, them to make a precipitate retreat to their entrenchments at Cassel. On this occa- casion, the Prussain General Wolfrath had his horse shot under him. When the King of Prussia entered Hockheim, twelve Frenchmen, who were concealed in the Tower above the town- gate, fired down with muskets and carbines upon his Majesty, who was then very close, but providentially escaped without being hurt. A Hessian detachment immediately rushed into the Tower, and cut these murderous French banditti in pieces. The French left 300 men dead and wounded on the field. The Hessian Chasseurs have suf- fered considerably. This afternoon 163 Frenchmen, and twelve pieces of cannon, were brought in here, pre- ceded by twelve trumpeters, as trophies of the engagement. More prisoners are expected to- morrow. A French Colonel has just been brought in prisoner. The City of Rotterdam has suffered much by a high tide. The people were obliged to re- turn from church in boats; and the poorer class of the inhabitants, many of whom dwell in cellars, were great sufFerers. Much damage is done to the tobacco, sugar, & c in the Mer chants' warehouses on the ground floors. A numerous detachment of Houlans has pass- ed the Rhine near Wesel. The Prussian troops destined for the safety of the Duchy of Cleves, are also expected on the 19th at that place, where they are to be reinforced by several Aus- trian regiments. A letter from Mentz, dated Dec. 30, says. " The Prussians have just intercepted a convoy of great- coats, and a chest of money, destined for the French army." A Gentleman just arrived from Vienna, men- tions a daring attempt to set fire to that city. In consequence, fifty persons Have been taken up on suspicion. Yefterday, on account of fome important news Adminifl ration had received from the Con- tinent, a Council was fummoned to meet the King in his clofet at St. James's, at five o'clock, when they afi'etribled, and fat till fix. Yefterday the Attorney and Solicitor Gene- ral had audiences of Mr. Pitt, at his houfe in Downing- ftreet. Lord Amherft is appointed Commander in Chief ofthe Britifh Army. Her Majefty has appointed Lady Cathcart Governefs to the Princeifes, in the room of Lady Charlotte Finch, uho retire . In the Irifh Ijloufe of Lords, the motion for an Addrefs to his Majefty on the Speech at the opening of the feffion was made by the Earl of Weftmeath, and carried unanimoufly. The motion for an Addrefs to the Lord- Lieutenant was made by Lord Vifcount Dillon, and op- poled by the Duke of I. einfter ; oil which Lord • Portarlington faid, he was forry to differ from the Noble Duke, with whom he had fo long-, agreed ; but in the prefent inftance he felt that it was as neceffary in Ireland for Parliament to unite and refill the enemies of the Conllitutien, as it was in England, where party was laid afide- to fate the country. He knew not of any par- ties in this country ; but if fuch there were, he was fenfible that they fhould give place to the more important co" fideration of the public fafety. On the q "' ion being put, the Duke was the only difliSiUcn.. The Addrefs from the Houfe of Commons- was carried unanimoufly, with one amendment on the motion of Mr. Grattan. A Gentleman of Manchefter has received a- letter, which ftates that the Americans have de- manded the forts in that country to be given, up, which fome tine back wer : the fubjefl of public dil'cuffion with our Gi vemment. It is afferted as a fart, that upwards of 15,000 mufquets have been conveyed within a few days paft to different parts of the fea coaft, to be fmuggled over to France. The national paper- credit of France is nour reduced to one half its nominal value, and exhi- bits to furrounding nations the fatality of an unlimited paper circulation- The banking bu- linefs has multiplied in a wonderful degree, Houfes art ei'ablifhed in cities and towns,, and in many villages, for the general accommodation in exchanging and circulating paper. . Extract of a Letter from Portsmouth, Jan. 17. " This morning the 59th Regiment of Foot embarked on board rhe Shark, Tisiphone, Trim- mer, and Drake, sloops of war, for Guernsey and Jersey. " The most serious apprehensions are enter- tained by Government, that these Islands will be attacked before this regiment can arrive to- their relief. " This morning the following note was put into Orders, and read by Colonel Don at the head of the regiment. " His Majesty is sorry to part so soon with his 59th Regiment after their return from foreign service ; but the exi- gencies of the State require their going abroad ; and his Majesty, having the highest opinion of 68 L L O Y D ' S E V E N I N G - P O S T , And Jan. 18— 21 their steadiness and gallantry, has appointed to them the Post of Honour." " There are now at Spithead ten sail of the line, three frigates, and six sloops of war." Yesterday a Court of Directors was held at the India- House, when the following ships were taken up in addition to those already entertained this season, for the express purpose of bring- ing home sugar from Bengal, at a freight of J2I. per ton i the General Coote, Warren Hastings, Northumberland, Deptford, Kent, and Earl Cornwallis. An East- Indiaman, American- built, bound to Ostend, arrived on Thursday in Dover har- bour, having received damage in a gale of wind she attempted to get into Ramsgate harbour, but could not succeed. The Experiment, Heath, of Torbay, sailed from St. John's, Newfoundland, to the Banks, on the 19th of September, 1792, with orders to return on the 12th of October following, and has not since been heard of. A few days ago sailed down the River, the Fortune sloop of war, Capt. Wooldridge. While the sloop was lying in Woolwich Yard, one of the new- invented contrivances for securing Ship- rudders, - was fitted to her stern by Mr. De Lolme, the inventor. The design of the inven- tion is to prevent Ship- rudders from being Car- tied away by the violence of the sea, in a storm ; which is one of the most dangerous accidents that can happen to a ship at sea; ships that have met with such an accident, being seldom heard of afterwards. The contrivance is also useful for preventing the men at the helm from being overpowered by the rudder; an accident through which sailors are often severely hurt, while doing duty at the helm. This steadiness procured to the rudder, also insures safety to the whole ship. As a consequence of the men at the helm being overpowered, and of the po- sition of the rudder being thus forcibly altered, the ship becomes suddenly east into a disadvanta- geous, unforeseen situation; when every thing upon deck, men and boats, are in danger of being washed overboard. A misfortune of this kind happened to the Thynne Packet, bring- ing the Mail from Quebec, in November, 1790: one of the spokes of the rudder- wheel having broke in the hands of one of the men, the ship, broached- to ; when, out of ten men who were upon deck, seven were washed overboard in an instant, and never more seen afterwards. As an additional consequence of the men at the helm being overpowered, the masts may also be broken, or even the ship may be completely overset: in an article of Lloyd's Lift of the 20th of last November, mention was made of a large; ship found at sea, bottom upwards, without a rudder.— The contrivance above alluded to, may be applied alike to ships steered by a wheel, and to those steered by a tiller without a wheel. Mr. De Lolme, we understand, has obtained a Patent for the Invention, as well as for some other Inventions relative to shipping. A comet was discovered on Thursday the 10th inst. by Samuel Barker, Esq. of Whitwell. in the county of Rutland. It appears about the size of a star of the third magnitude; and when it was first discovred, it was about the pole of the ecliptick, and moved very fast across Cepheus and Cassiopeia, and on Monday the 14th was midway between Cassiopeia and the girdle of Andromeda Monday last a very respectable meeting was held at Sutton Coldfield, to take into consider- ation the utility of a navigable canal, from Brad- ley Coal- mines to Fazeley, & c. ( taking Walsall Sutton Coldfield, and Litchfield, in its course). which being generally acceded to, a Committee was appointed to manage and carry the same into effect. Upwards of 29,100 pockets of hops were weighed at Worcester Market, from Christmas 1791, to Christmas, 1792. Extract of a Letter from Cheltenham. On Tuesday last, inconsequence of previous notice, the inhabitants of this place assembled to dinner at the Plough Inn, for the purpose of attending the execution of Tom Pain; which ceremony was duly performed in the afternoon " An effigy had been prepared by Mrs. Birch the landlady; and at four o'clock, a cart being provided, he was placed therein, attended by Mr. John Stiles, as executioner. The cart was drawn by two horses through the town, and Mr. John Wills preceded On horseback as she- riff. On their arrival at the place of execution, which was opposite the Plough ( where a gallows had been previoufly erected), he was tied up; and " God save the King" was sung in full chorus by above 200 persons. He was then turned off, and Lord Berkeley's band played al- ternately, " God save the King," and " Rule Britannia," for an hour; during which time a quantity of faggots were placed round the gal- lows, and then set on fire. When the flames had completely reached the head of Tom, great explosion took place-; and squibs, repre- senting fire- brands, were thrown about to considerable distance, but which became self- extinguished on falling to the ground. " A large party of gentlemen of the town and country were assembled on the occasion, who continued in conviviality till Wednesday morn- ing-" At the Quarter- Sessions for Surry, which commenced on Tuesday- last, the Solicitor of the Treasury caused a Bill to be preferred against Edward Cooper, a grocer, in Southwark, for selling Paine's Letter to the Addressers ; which Bill was found by the Grand Jury. On Thursday a lamplighter was taken before the Magistrates at the Police- Office, Queen- street, and by them committed to Clerkenwell Bridewell for a month, for leaving his work un- done in the Liberty of the Rolls and Chancery- lane. . Yesterday a man was committed from the Pub- lic Office, in Bow- street, on suspicion of having lately committed divers burglaries in and about London. THEATRE, GUY's HOSPITAL. THE SPRING COURSES of LECTURES read at this THEATRE will commence in the fol- lowing Order On MONDAY, the 4TH of FEBruArY, at Ten o'Ciock in the Morning, Dr. SAUNDERS's LECTURES on the THEORY and PRACTICE of MEDICINE. On WEDNESDAY, the 6th of FEbRUARy, at Seven n'Clock in the Evening, Mr. HAIGHTON's LECTURES on PHYSIOLOGY ; and, On THuRSDAY, the 7th of FeBruAry, at Ten oClock in the Morning, Mr. BABINGTON's LECTURES on the THEORY and PRACTICE of CHEMISTRY. The CLINICAL LECTURES, LECTURES on the MATERIA MEDICA, and on EXPERIMENTAL PHILOSOPHY, will be continued as usual, This Day was published, ^ In One large Volume, OCtavo, Price 6s. bound* The SEVENTH EDITION, Enlarged, corrected, And improved to the present Time, THE LADIES' ASSISTANT, for regulating and supplying the TABle ; BEING A COMPLETE SYSTEM of COOKERY, & c, Containing the most SELECT BILlS of FARE, Properly disposed, for FAMILY DinNErs Of Five Dishes, to Two Courses of Eleven and Fifteen ; With BILLS of FArE for SuppErs From Five Dishes to Nineteen; and several Deserts: Including the fullest and choicest RECEIPTS of various Kinds, and full Directions for preparing them in the most approved Mariner, by which a continual Change may be made, as wanted, from the BILLS of FAre. Likewise, Directions for Brewing, Making English Wines. Raspberry, Orange, and Lemon- Brandies, lea. Also, REMARKS on KiTchEN- Poisons, And necessary Cautions thereon. With an APPENDIX, Containing GENERAL PArTICULARS on the Breeding rearing, and Management of POULTry ; 0n the Business of the DAIRy ; and on the Management of the KITCHEN and FRUIT GARDEN. Originally published from the MANUSCRIPT CollecTion of Mrs. CHARLOTTE MASON, A PROFESSEd HoUSEKEEPER, Who had upwards of Thirty Years Experience in Families of the First Fashion. w The most refined Understanding, and the most exalted Sentiments, do not place a Women above the little Duties of Life." Mrs. GRIFFITH. N. B. The APPENDIX to be had separate, Price One Shilling, For the Purchasers of former Editions of Mrs. MASON'S COOKERY, & c. This Book is on a Plan of particular Use to Young Married Ladies, and to those who wish to see their Table conducted with Propriety and decorum. Printed for J. WALTER, at Charing- Cross. DAFfY's ELIXIR, PREPARED and sold by H. STEERS, at his Warehouse for Dr. STEERS's OPODeldOC and other MEDICINES, NO. 10, Old Bond- street, on the left hand from Piccadilly, three DoOrs beyond Stafford- street, Price One Shilling and Sixpence the Bottle, Duty in- cluded. This Preparation of Daffy's ELixir is of peculiarly fine Flavour and Quality, composed of the very best Ingredient, and possessing all the Virtues for which that admirable Cordial has been so long and so justly celebrated. Also may be had as above, prepared by H. STEERS : Dr. Steers's Opodeldoc as. od. tbe bottle. Nitre Drops 2 6 Oil for ConVulsions 2 6 Solution of Myrrh — 10 4 Huxham's TinCture of Bark 2 6 & 8s Camomile Drops Paregoric Loxenges And other genuine Medicines Dr. James's Powder Analeptic Pills 4 6 Anderson's Scots Pills Hooper's Female Pills Greenough's TinCt. Tolu Loxenges Dawson's Lozenges Magnesia Loxenges Peppermint lozenges Grant's Drops Essence of Coltsfoot Balsam of Honey Turlington's Balsam 10 Friars Balsam if Worm Nuts 1$ Essence of Herbs o Dalby's Carminative 1 Glass's Magnesia 3 Henry's calcined do. 1 Freake's TinCt. Bark 4 Chinner's Pills Chalybeate Pills a English Coffee Sanative tea a Hemet's Essence,& c. 2 Spcnce's Dentifrice 4 Spilsbury's Drops 1; Norton's Drops 5 Essence of Pepper- mint — 1 Cephalic Snuff, o & c. & c. N. B. On taking six, the stamps will be allowed. Jan. BRITISH CHRONICLE, for 1793. 69 ENGLISH STATE- LOTTERY, 1792. Begins Drawing, February 18, 1793. The TICKETS are Sold, and Divided into Halves, QUARTERS, EIGHTHS, and SiXTeNThS, Br HORNSBY ANd CO. STOCK- BrOkerS, At their Old established State- Lottery Office, ( Licensed pursuant to Act of Parliament), No. 10, CORnhiLL, opposite the Royal Exchange. THE PUBLIC will please to observe, that HORNSBY and Co. continue their Original and Advantageous Mode of paying every Prize IN FULL, the very same Day the Ticket or Share is drawn, for which valuable Consideration no additional Charge what- ever is made. The full Amount of the following PRIZES, shared and sold in the last English and Irish Lotteries, was paid to the fortunate Holders the instant they were drawn, by HORNSBY and Co. No. 33,979, a Prize of Thirty Thousand Pounds. No. 41,346, a Prize of Ten Thousand Pounds, shared in One Half and Eight Sixteenths, No 36,986, a Prize of Two Thousand Pounds shared n One Half, One Quarter, One Eighth, and Two Six- teenths. No. 41,574, a Prize of Two Thousand Pounds. No. 9,192, a Prize of One Thousand Pounds, shared in Two Quarters and Eight Sixteenths. No. 35,254, a Prize of One Thousand Pounds, shared in One Half and Eight Sixteenths. No. 33,225, a Prize of Five Hundred Pounds, shared in One Half, One Quarter, and Four Sixteenths. No. 43,549, a Prize of Five Hundred Pounds, shared in One Half, One Quarter, One Eighth, and Two Six- teenths. In the IRISH Lottery. No. 2,149, a Prize of Five Hundred Pounds, shared in Four Eighths and Eight Sixteenths. No. 21,987, a Prize of Five Hundred Pounds. Besides the unparallellcd good Success they have expe- rienced for Thirty- Three Lotteries past, having sold and shared, in the English and Irish Lotteries, One Prize of 30,000.— Four of 20,000.— Ten of 10,000l.— Thirteen of 5, oool.— Twenty of 2, oool.— Twenty- nine of 1,000l. — And Forty- nine of 500I. The extraordinary Advantages given by HORNSBY and Co. to Purchasers of TICKETS and SHARES at their Office, is clearly manifest in the above List of CAPITAL PRIZES sold by them , inasmuch as the fortunate Holder of the 30,0001. gained 600I— the Club in Fleet- street, who received Half the 10,0ool, gained 100l.— and each individual Holder of the respective Shares of every Prize gained in the same Proportion ; for even, 0n the Small Prize of 20I. the Advantage is clearly 8s. And it is well known, that, in the late IRISH Lottery, from 9s. to JIS. more, was paid by HORNSBY and Co. on the small Prizes of iol. than elsewhere. *„* Lottery Clubs and Societies are particularly recom- mended to notice the above, as they will save an immense Expence on all Prizes, and have an Opportunity of di- i "" EAST COWES. ISLE OF WIGHT. For SALE by AUCTION, In different LOTS, on Thursday the 31st of January, 1793, EIGHT HUNDRED Bags and Boxes of LEMONS, One Hundred and Twenty ditto Sweet and Sour ORANGES, being the Cargo of the Danish Sloop ANNA MARIA, HAnS HANSEN, Master, stranded on this Island, in her Voyage from Messina to Hamburgh. The Sale to begin at Eleven o'Clock in the Forenoon and Particulars to be had of Mr. Archibald Giesler, Agent to the Proprietors, at his House in West Cowes, and at Dartmouth. M? MONDAY, JAN. 21. From the LONDON GAZETTE, Jan. 19. St, James's, Jan. 15, THIS day their Majesties, with their Royal Highnesses the Princesses, re. moved from Windsor to the Queen's Palace, to reside during the winter, Whitehall, Jan. 19. The King has granted to William Valentine Commyns of Gifford's Hall, in Suffolk, Esq. and his Issue, his Royal Li- cence and Authority to take and use the Surname of Mannock, in addition to his present name, pursuant to the last Will and Testament of his Cousin Mrs. Elizabeth Mary Mannock, widow and relict of Sir Francis Mannock, late of Se- vington, in the County of Southampton, Bart, deceased. The King has appointed Francis Drake, Esq. to be his Majesty's Minister resident at Ve 68 L L O Y D ' S E V E N I N G - P O S T , And Jan. 18— 21 BANKRUPTS. John Dewhurst, late of New York, America, but now of Norfolk- street, in the Strand. Middlesex, merchant, trading under the firm of John Dewhurst and Co. to surrender jan 26, at five, 30. and March 2, at ten, at Guildhall. Attorneys, Messrs. Winter and Kaye, in Swithin's- lane. Thomas Groves, late of Walcot- place, Surry, taylor ; to surrender jan. 22, at ten, Feb. 5, at one, and March at ten, at Guildhall. Attorney, Mr. Colyer, Castle- court, Budge- row. John Dickenson Harvey, of Ball- court, near Giltspur- street, London, pocket- bookmaker; to surrender Jan. 26, 30, and March 2, at ten, at Guildhall. Attorneys, Messrs. Farrer and Lacey, Bread- street- hill. Dennis Crawley, of Broad- street, St. Giles in the Fields, Middlesex, cheesemonger; to surrender Jan. 22, at eleven, Feb. 6, at twelve, and March 2, at eleven, at Guildhall. Attorney, Mr. j. N. Michell, Old South- Sea House, Broad- street. David Bray, of Cranbourn- street, Soho, Middlesex, ha- berdasher ; to surrender Jan, at, Feb. 2, and March 2, at ten, at Guildhall. Attorney, Mr. White, Chancery- lane. Daniel Kemp, late of Dover- street, Piccadilly, Middle- sex, apothecary; to surrender Jan. 21, Feb. i, and March 2, at ten, at Guildhall Attorneys, Messrs. Carpenter, Smith, Franco, and Harris, King's- arms- , yard, Coleman- street. Edward Henshaw, of Whitcombe- street, Middlesex, tal- low- chandler; to surrender Feb. 2, 9, and March 2, at eleven, at Guildhall. Attorney, Mr. Mac Dougal, Staple- inn. Hugh Atkins, of Bury- court, St. Mary Axe, in the City of London, merchant, trading under the firm of Hugh Atkins and Co. to surrender Jan. 30, Feb. 8, and March 2, at nine, at Guildhall. Attorney, Mr. Fran- cis Gregg, jun. Skinners- hall, Dowgate- hill. James Benton, and Thomas Benton, of Birmingham, Warwickshire, button- makers and co- partners ; to sur- render Feb. 5, b, and March 2, at three, at the Swan, in Bull- street, Birmingham. Attorneys, Messrs. Main- waring, in Birmingham, or Mr. Devon, Red- Lion- square, London. William Appleyard, of New Village, Yorkshire, innholder; to surrender Jan. 30, at four, 31, at ten, and March 2, at four; at the White- Hart Tavern, in Kingston- upon- Hull. Attorney, Mr. Samuel Martin, at Kingston- upon- Hull or Mr. L. B. Barnard, Hare- court, Tem- ple, London. John Abraham, of Lombard- street, London, bookseller and stationer, to surrender Jan. 26, Feb. 1, and March 2 at twelve, at Guildhall. Attorney, Mr. Bennett, Bull- Head- court, Newgate- street. William Justins, of Shoemaker- row, Blackfriars, in the City of London, printer, to surrender Jan. 22, Feb. 2, at twelve, and March 2, at ten, at Guildhall. Attor- ney, Mr. Holship, Bride- lane, New Bridgc- street; Blackfriars. James Davison, of Ludgate- street, in the City of London, linen- draper, to surrender Jan. 22, at ten, Feb. 5, at one, and March 2, at ten, at Guildhall. Attorneys, Mess. Swain and Stevens, Old Jewry. DIVIDENDS. Abner Wymin, of Ratcliffe- highway, in the parish of St. George in the East. Middlesex, taylor and salesman, Feb. 13, at nine, at Guildhall, London. George Setcole, of Bishopsgate street, in the City of Lon- don, linen- draper, Feb. 22, at ten, at Guildhall, Lon- don. George Stevens, of New Bond- street, Middlesex, victualler, Feb 28, at ten at Guildhall, London. William Mather, of Blenheim- street, near Bond- street, Middlesex, Taylor, Feb. 28, at ten, at GUildhall, Lon- don. Samuel Bean, late of Lawrence- Pountney- lane, London, but now of the City Chambers, Bishopsgate- street, Lon- don, merchant, Feb. 26, at eleven, at Guildhall, Lon- don. ' Jacob Wolfe, late of the town of Falmouth, Cornwall, mariner, Feb.. 14, at eleven, at Guildhall, London. John Pickering, of Pall- Mall, in the City of Westminster, MiddleseX, feb. 22, at ten, at Guildhall, London. Robert William PoWell and John Hopton, of the Strand, Middlesex, and late of Charles- Town, in the Province of South Carolina, in America, merchants, and late part- ners with Samuel Brailsford, late of the City of Bristol, merchant, Feb. 28, at ten, at Guildhall, London. Thomas Ryan, of Jermyn- street, in the parish of St. James, Westminster, Middlesex, taylor, Feb. 28, at ten, at Guildhall, London. John Bishe, of Beddington- corner, in the parish of Bed- dington, Surry, miller, Feb. 13, at ten, at Guildhall, london. James Hardy, of Nightingale- lane, East- Smithfield, Mid- dlesex, grocer, Feo. 26, at nine, at Guildhall, London. Charlotte Court, and Alexander Webster Court, late of Red- Lion street, Clerkenwell- street, Middlesex, merchants and co- partners, ( carrying on trade under the firm of Widow Court and Son), Feb. 26, at nine, at Guildhall, London. John Babb, Samuel Cooper, and Robert Brown, of Lea- denhall- street, London, hosiers and co- partners, Feb. 26, at nine, at Guildhall. DIVIDEND ADJOURNED. Thomas Pattinson, late of Aldermanbury Postern, London, merchant, Feb. 15, at eleven, at Guildhall, London. CERTIFICATES. Joseph Toone, now or late of East Kennett, Wilts, builder, on or before Feb. 9. SamUel Youens of Greek- street, Soho, Middlesex, taylor, on or before Feb. 9. Tuttle Sherwood, of Hitchin, Hertfordshire, shop- keeper, on or before Feb. 9. Richard Pilkington, of Chamber House, in the parish of Rochdale, Lancashire, woollen- manufacturer, on or be- fore Feb. 9. BANKRUPTCY ENLARGED. Daniel Blachford and Richard Blachford, of Lombard- street, London, lacemen and co- partners, to surrender Feb. 2, at ten, at Guildhall. COMMISSIONS SUPERSEDED. Charles Wilson Fowley, of Holborn- hill, London, iron monger-( partner with Robert Smith, of the same place, ironmonger.) John Dewhurst, of Austin- friars, London, merchant.. [ This Gazette also contains AddresseS to his Majesty from the county of Clackmanan, the town of Haslingden, the town of Scarborough, and the Island of Jersey. LONDON. Saturday morning before eight o'clock the King set off in his post- chaise and four from Buckingham- House to Windsor- Lodge, from whence his Majesty hunted with his Stag- hounds. The chace proved the best this season. Their Royal Highnesses the Prince of Wales, Dukes of York and Clarence, paid a visit on Saturday morning to the Royal Family at Buck- ingham- House. At one o'clock her Majesty and the three eldest Princesses set off in a post- coach and four with the usual escort to Windsor- Lodge. Yesterday their Majesties and the three elder Princesses attended morning service in St. George's Chapel, at Windsor, where they heard a ser- mon by the Canon in Waiting. The King, Queen, and Princesses return to town again this day to dinner. Yesterday their Royal Highnesses the Prin- cesses Mary, Sophia, and Amelia, heard Divine Service for the first time this season in the apart- ments at Buckingham- House ; after which they took an airing in one of the Queen's coaches, and came back to Buckingham- house to din ner. The public days this week at St.. James's are, the King's Levee on Wednesday, the Queen's Drawing- room on Thursday, and an ordinary Levee 0n Friday. The Queen's Drawing- rooms will be every Thursday for the season till June next. On Saturday morning the Duke of Clarence had the misfortune to break his left arm as he was getting into his carriage. His Highness is much indisposed at his apartments at St. James's Palace. Yesterday a Cabinet Council was held at the Secretary of State's Office, Whitehall, which was attended by the whole of the Cabinet Mi- nisters; and at two o'clock the result of the business was sent to the King at Windsor. Yesterday the Rev. Dr. Hamilton preached before the Nobility at the Chapel Royal, St. James's, of rju Saturday the Lords Commission. the second Seal before Hilary Term at Lincoln's Inn Hall. Petitions are appointed for this day The long- depending cause between the Nabob of Arcot, and the East India Company, is at present suspended, and, it is said, is likely shortly to be accommodated. The late quarter- sessions, in most parts of the country, have proved uncommonly heavy in almost every town, the calendar has contained between twenty and thirty names. The number of persons at present under sen- tence of transportation in the kingdom exceeds one thousand. On Saturday, as a journeyman carpenter was at work in a house building in Leicester- fields, a sledge- hammer falling from the upper part struck him oa the head, and killed him on the spot. The average price of sugar, computed from the returns made in the week ending the 16th inst. is 56s. 1d. per cwt. exclusive of the duty of customs paid or payable thereon on the im- portation thereof into Great Britain. MARRIED. On Wednesday, at Litchfield, Major William Charles Madan, son of the Bishop ot Bristol, to Miss Falconer, daughter of the Rev. Dr. Fal coner, of the Close, Litchfield. DIED. On the d inst. at Liege, Sir Alexander Strachan, Bt.— Friday, Mr. Charles Hougham, of Aldersgate- street, goldsmith.— On the 4th of December, at St. Kitt's, where he went for the recovery of his health, Crisp Molineux, Esq. of Thundersley- Hall Essex, and late of Gar- boldsham, in Norfolk He had sat in six suc- cessive Parliaments for the boroughs oF Castle- Rising and King's Lynn, and was Sheriff of the County of Norfolk in 1767. r Jan. 18— 2" i. B R I T I S H C H R O N I C L E , for 1793 7 POSTSCRIPT. AFFAIRS of FRANCE. NATIONAL CONVENTION. Monday, Jan. 14. A Letter was read from M. Bertrand, the Ex- Minister, who complained, that the Mi- nifter of Justice had not delivered to the of- ficial defenders of Louis XVI. certain papers which he had addressed to them. The Minister of Juftice said, he had delivered those pieces into the hands of the Commission of Twelve. A Member of this Commission declared, that the pieces had been presented to Malesherbes, but the latter would not make any use of them. The Convention called for the Order of the Day, being The FINAL JUDGMENT of LOUIS XVI. M. Lehardi.— There is a great variety of opinions in this Assembly, relative to the con- duct of Louis XVI. but there is one truth which we all ought to recognize, and that is, that his Judgment ought to be sanCtioned by the People. M. Denou presented a series of Questions to be decided upon by the Convention. M. Louvett wished to know, previous to his passing Sentence on Louis XVI. whether there was to be an Appeal to the Primary As- semblies ? Camberceres, Guadet, and Quenette, argued on the mode of decision. The President then summed up what had been said by the various Members, and put the question twice without effeCt. The nominal appeal was then called for; and, after much noise, riot, and confusion, it was decided, that the following order should be observed relative to the Questions about to be discussed : Is Louis guilty? 2. Shall the judgment be submitted to the sanction of the people ? 3. What punishment shall be inflicted upon him ? N. B. The Session of this day did not break up until ten o'clock. Tuesday, Jan. 15. A profound silence having taken place, M. Manuel read the first question with an audible voice : " Is Louis guilty of a conspiracy against the Liberty of the Nation, and the safety of the state ?" The objeCt of deliberation being thus fixed, Salles, another of the Secretaries, commenced the Nominal Appeal. Each Member in his turn ascended the Tri- bune, and expressed his opinion by saying Yes, or No. At the same time, his declaration was registered exactly opposite his name, in order that printed lists might be made out, and trans- mitted to the 84 Departments. The Nominal Appeal being finished, the Pre- sident examined the Register, and made the fol- lowing Report:— Of 745 Members that form the Conven- tion, 693 have voted for the Affirmative, 26 are absent upon public business, 26 have made different declarations — but not a single person has voted for the negative." We shall here repeat the observations of some of those who did not decide directly on the question :— M. Rouzet.—" I cannot divide my opinion: I think that Louis and his Family ought to be confined during the present war, unless some extraordinary circumstance occurs." M. WaudelincOur ( a Bishop).—" My holy functions do not permit me to pronounce in cri- minal matters." M. Lalande ( a Bishop).— I am exaCtly in the same predicament. M. Osselin.—" I declare Louis guilty ; and I beg leave to observe, that although he asserted, through the medium of his defender, that the Body Guard was only paid up to January 1792, yet they aCtually received their appointments until the middle of July in that year." M. Conte.—" I vote in the affirmative, as a Legislator— but as a Judge, I have not any thing to say." M. Noel.—" I cannot vote at all, because I have lost a son, during a war that Louis has raised up against my country." MM. FauChet, Dubois, Dubain, Lariviere, and Doucee said, they were intimately convinced of the guilt of Louis Capet; but they could not vote, on account of the manner in which the questions had been put. M. Chambon.—" Louis is guilty— but this vote is conditional; that is, if you appeal to the People." MM. Girouet and Baraillon begged leave to be excused from giving their opinion. M. EGALITE—." Louis CAPET is GUILTY!" The President, at the close of the Nominal Appeal, arose, and, taking off his hat, spoke as follows: " I hereby declare, that the National Con- vention has found Louis Capet guilty of a Conspiracy against the Liberty of the Nation, and the safety of the State." A Secretary now read the second question : — Shall the Decree relative to the fate of Louis Capet be submitted to the judgment of the People ?" During the second Nominal Appeal, all the Members in succession ascended the Tribune. Those who voted for the Appeal to the People, declared themselves swayed by a respeCt to the Nation. The advocates for a final sentence de- clared themselves swayed by the dread of tu- mulis in the Primary Assemblies. M. Roberfpierre.—" I vote that the sentence of Louis Capet be decided by the Convention." M. Manuel.—" I see Legislators, but no Judges in this Assembly. I appeal to the peo- ple. I was shocked to observe Philip Egalite, a relation of the late King, deciding upon his guilt." Philip Egalite.—" I thought of my duty, and of nothing else, when I declared Louis Capet' guilty." I now vote that his judgment be not submitted to the people." M. Camel Desmoulins.—" The King of P. was formerly purchased by Russia ; and I am afraid that some persons here are purchased by England and Holland. I vote for a final deci- sion." This member was instantly called to order, and censured by the President. M. Dufraulx.—" An appeal to the people." ( This Member having been insulted by a stran- ger on going out, the latter was instantly ar- rested.) M. Pons.—" I have altered my opinion— I now vote against the appeal." ' M. Barbaroux.—" I also wish the Appeal to the people, and that because it has been re- pulsed by Philip d'Orleans. I vote for this also, because I dread lest an usurper should suc- ceed a tyrant." M. Chambon.—" I appeal to the people, be - cause I behold a powerful faction, in the midst of whom is Philip d'Orleans. The President having examined the Register, the result of the scrutiny was proclaimed as follows : For an Appeal to the People 283 Against an Appeal to the People 480 Majority for final judgment 197 The President, taking off his hat, then said : " I do hereby declare, in the name of the Convention, that the decree concerning the punishment of Louis CAPET shall not be- referred to the sanCtion of the people. ' The last Question was to have been decided on Wednesday. When M. Egalite mounted the Tribune, in the National Convention, to declare Louis Capet guilty, an indignant murmur was heard from great part of the Assembly It seems it was the general opinion, that there would have been an appeal to the people, but for the proceedings of the inhabitants of the Faux- bourgs of St. Marceau and St. Antoine, the 14th of July men, who went in a body on Tuesday to the arsenal, and took possession of the ammunition there, whilst others proceeded to St. Denis, and seized on all the field- pieces, the whole of which, consisting of between 60 and 70, excepting five, which broke down on the way, they conducted to the head- quarters of the Sans- culottes. The Executive Govern- ment, however, took every measure to counter- act their designs; and in case they make any attempt on the Temple, or elsewhere, they will be resisted by the Marseillois, and the other Fe- derates now in Paris; though we learn that no bad consequences had resulted from ths proceed- ings of Tuesday. BY THE LAST DUTCH MAIL. They write from Brussels, that the affairs of that province remain still in the same inactive state, to the great detriment of the public wel- fare. The French, they say, are making every preparation to open the campaign as early as possible ; large magazines are forming in West Flanders of provisions and ammunition, and they expect a reinforcement of 15,000 men. General Beaulieu has received a reinforcement from Prince Hohenlohe, and now seems to have no apprehension of being attacked by the French ; and the Austrians have raken up their winter- quarters further in Luxemburgh. The letters from Mentz express great ness respeCting the fate of that city as pendent of the Prussian and Hessian army, ' has already forced, Custine, to fall under the Fausbourgs of Cassel, ^ jt, trian, and Saxon troops, are assembling sides against it .: Mentz. as incorporated have published there the decree Convention, of the, annihilates not • x-' tm 68 L L O Y D ' S E V E N I N G - P O S T , And Jan. 18— 21 AUTHENTIC PORT- NEWS. Extract of a Letter from Plymouth, Jan. 19. " Arrived the Swallow, Parker, from Water- ford ; the Chance, Buck from Havre de Grace; the Pigou Westa, from Philadelphia for London; the Martha, Cochran, from Madeira ; and the Diana, Welstead, from Granville. " Sailed, the Property, Boden, for Exeter." Extract of a Letter from Portsmonth, Jan. 20. " Arrived at the Motherbank, the St. Joris, Mautharn, from Smyrna and Leghorn, for Rot- terdam, and was immediately put under quaran- tine ; and the Caesar, Carr, from London. ' « Sailed out of the harbour, his Majesty's ship, Juno, Captain Hood, to Spithead. Extract of a Lttter from Deal, Jan. 20, " Wind N. N. W. Remain, in the Downs, the Iphigenia frigate; the Mercury, Day, the Leviathan, Stravers, and the Eliza, Ellis, for the South- Seas; the Minerva, Cobley, for St. Michael's; the William, Lane, for Lisbon ; the Little Jane, Morrisson, for Jamaica ; and the Robert and Mary, Tyrrell, for Teignmouth. Arrived.— At Dover, the Governor Bowden, Doust, from China for Ostend ; and the Sin- cerity, Gunner, from Malaga— At Cork, the Ulysses, Blaskett, and the Henderson, Steel, from Virginia ; the Betsey, Laing, from Rhode Island; and the Penelope, Barry, from Malaga At Kinsale. the Sterling, Boyd, from London.— At Limerick, the Active, Reed, from London. Several reports were yesterday in circulation, that the French King had been beheaded , but these are refused by intelligence received this day, That, the 3d Question having been dis- cussed in the National Convention on Wednes- day, it was determined, by a Majority of 60, to spare his Majesty's. life. The consultation on Friday, at the Minister's house in Downing- street,. with the Attorney and Solicitor- General, and Mess. Bearcroft and Mit- ford, was on the subject of the Alien Bill, which, it is said, in some respects does not an- swer the expectation of Ministry in its opera- tion The last advices from France comprehend the answers of Le B* nn, the French Minister for Foreign Affairs, to the letter of Lord Gren- ville to M. de Chauvelin ; and likewise a letter from the latter to Lord Grenville, on the sub- ject of the Alien bill both which we are obliged to postpone, The French shew no disposition whatever to recede from the wild principles of universal conquest which they have laid down to them- and they again threaten us with an to the People of England— in what view, difficult to conjecture. There is no prospect of conciliation, and an immediate declaration of war seems certain, our Court being resolved not to acknowledge or receive M. de Chauvelin, or any other person, as the accredited Minister of the new Republic, the Government of which, according to its own appellation, is merely provisional. A letter from Leyden says, " On the 9th inst. Sir James Murray passed by this place in great haste for Frankfort, to communicate, it is supposed, to his Prussian Majesty, the last an- swer made by the British Cabinet to M. de Chauvelin : an answer which, without acknow- ledging the present Government of France, makes known the point of view in which Eng- land regards the occupation of the Austrian Low Countries, the opening of the Scheldt, and the other projects which they announce as the result of those events ; and to declare to him at the same time the conditions relative to those affairs, on which depend war or peace. Of the fleet which sailed under the Hon. Commodore Murray to the Scheldt, the Assis- tance, Capt. Maude, with the Commodore, and the Iphigenia, Capt. Sinclair, arrived in the Downs on Friday afternoon, having left Flush- ing the evening before. The ships remaining there are the Syren, Capt. Manley ; the Rattle- snake, Capt. Mouat; and the Bonetta, Capt. Moore. The Assistance is sailed for Spithead, with the Circe frigate, Capt. Gardner. According to advices from Middleburgh, the French ships remained in the port of Antwerp on the 8th inst. and will probably winter there. The last dispatches from Madrid are said to be of great consequence, but they have not yet transpired. When the courier arrived at Lisbon, the packet was dispatched instantaneously, and time was not even given to the Merchants to prepare and send their letters; nor had Gentle- men, who were desirous of coming to England as passengers, time to get on board. Extract of a Letter from Cagliari, in Sardinia, Nov. 30. " In consequence of the rumour which pre- vailed, purporting that the French designed to invade this Island, our Government has made vigorous preparations for a defence. The Mi- litia are embodied, not only in the capital, but alfo throughout the island. This corps, with the regular troops, will form a body of 100,000 men, ready to repel any foreign attack. The Sardinians are attached to their present Sove- reign, and are by no means advocates for a Revolution. In consequence, however, of the present circumstances, trade suffers, as very few vessels arrive during this uncertain state of af- fairs." Friday 46 sailors entered into his Majesty's Service at Guildhall. On Wednesday, at the Quarter Sessions at Newcastle, a bill of indictment was found by the Grand Jury, against a Gentleman of that place, for having interlined with a pencil, in the declaration of the merchants at the Merchant- Taylors Hall stuck up in a bookseller's shop, certain words, which appeared to transfer to the Ministry the stigma levelled at the People. — He has consequently given bail to take his trial for the offence. The same day two men, lately apprehended at the same place, for speaking in disrespectful terms of his Majesty, were sentenced to be con- fined in Newgate ; one for a month, the other for a fortnight. Tranquillity has been re- established in the northern parts of Ireland. Lord Rawdon, in a letter to a gentleman in Yorkshire, says, " There is reason to hope a Bill will pass this session, liberating such Insol- vent Debtors as may not be proved guilty of fraud in the contraction of their debts.— The Bill will further regulate the practice of arrests and imprisonment for debt in future; a reform, in which the great Law Officers at length con- cur, through conviction of its justice." The Earl of Ludlow has been pleased to order money to be distributed among the poor of Great Staughton, in Huntingdonshire; likewise two bullocks, weighing upwards of 90 stone, and 700lb. weight of bread, made into loaves,, in proportion, to the different families. His Lordship also, in addition to this well- timed benevolence, has ordered all his labourers to. have an advance of 1s. per week to their wages. On Friday the Coroner held an inquest on. the bodies of Mr. Sylva, and Mary Williams, his servant. whose murder was mentioned in our last. The Jury's verdict was, " Wilful; murder by persons unknown." On Friday evening Mr. Mendez, a nephew, of Mr. Sylva, was taken up on suspicion, and examined at Bow street on Saturday. He proved by most respectable evidence, that he was at. home at the time the murder was committed,, and he was consequently discharged- theatrical entertainments,. This Evening. HAYMARKET.] Artaxerxes with The Ghost. Covent- Garden.] The Orphan;, with. Harlequin's Museum. MARK- LANE EXChANGE, This Day. Wheat, 343. to 46s. od.— Barley, 27. to 32s.. od..— Rye,. 30s.. od. to 33s. od.— Oats, 16s. to 23s 6d. od.— Pale. Malt, .36s. od. to 42s. od.— Amber ditto, 375. od. to 43s. od. — Peas, 30s. pd. to 42s. ad.— Hog- ditto, 30s. to 33s.. od.— Beans, 30s. od. to 40s. od.— Tick, 29s. od. to 31s. 6d— Old . 37s 0d. to 39 od.— Tares, 26s to 30s. od.— Fine Flour, 38s od.— Second ditto, 35s— Third ditto, 32s. Printed and sold by T. SPILSBURY and SON, No, 57, Snowhill ; where all Persons may be regularly served with This Paper, Editor, and Advertisements, will be received at New Lloyd's Coffee- House, over the Royal Exchange, and at the those Persons residing in the Country, who are desirous of being supplied with this Paper, are requested to apply to the Clerks GenerAl. POst- Office, as to Mr. KirkMAn, No. 1, East- Harding- street, Gough- square, by whom they may depend
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