Lloyd's Evening Post
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Lloyd's Evening Post
Date of Article: 09/01/1793
Printer / Publisher: T. Spilsbury and Son
Address: No 57, Snowhill, London
Volume Number: LXXII
Issue Number: 5544
No Pages: 8
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[ 25 ] LLOYD's EVENING- POST. VOL. LXXII.] From MONDAY, JANUARY 7, to WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 9, 1793. Numb 5544. TUESDAY, Jan. 8. PARLIAMENTARY INTELLIGENCE. HOUSE of LORDS. Monday-, ' Jan. 7. R. MITFORD presented several accounts from the Cuftoms in Scot- land, relative' to the *'$ M employed THE MARINE MUTINY BILL Passed the Committee, and was ordered to be read the third time to- morrow. ALIEN BILL. The Amendments introduced into this Bill by the Commons were agreed to, nemine dissen- tiente. TRIAL OF WARREN HASTINGS, ESQ Lord GRENVILLE ftated,. that the Order
for proceeding farther in the Trial of Mr. Hastings, stood for Tuesday the 12 th of February, which being the last day of Hilary Term, would pro- duce much inconvenience in the Courts of Law. In order, therefore, to obviate this check to the progress of public business, he moved, " That the Order be enlarged to Thursday the 14th."— Ordered. DEBTOR AND CREDITOR. Lord RAWDON observed, that a Bill had lately passed that House ( the Lords Act), which might be considered by some as an anticipation of what he intended to bring forward on the same subject, which he certainly should after the recess. In the mean time, he
thought it necessary to give that notice, that their Lord- ships in the interval might turn it in their minds. Adjourned. HOUSE OF COMMONS. Monday, Jan. 7. MILITIA. Mr. Secretary DUNDAS mentioned, that he had received Letters from several Lords Lieute- nants, expressing their surprise, that a Clause, formerly inserted in the Militia Bill, allotting provisions for the wives and children of those on duty, should have been omitted in the last Bill. He acknowledged it was an unaccountable mis- take ; but it was never intended to injure the service by the omission. He therefore gave no- tice-, that he would, soon after the holidays,
move for the re- introduCtion of the Clause; and hoped that, in the mean time, the Officers, & c. belonging to the various corps, would act as if the Clause were in actual existence. NEWFOUNDLAND. Mr. Secretary DUNDAS intimated, that as the Law relating to the Judicature of Newfoundland was nearly expired, he would, soon after the recess, move for the continuance of a similar temporary Act. SURPLUS. Mr. PITT, in a Committee of Ways and Means, dated, that by the quarter ending the 5th of January, there appeared a considerable surplus i that by the vote of last year the growing produce of the Consolidated Fund was
to remain from the 5th of April, 1791, to the 5th of April, 1793 ; but that after the expences of the year were defrayed, at the end of the third quarter from the time mentioned, there was a surplus to the amount of 4.35,6961. is. 7 £ d. which, he moved, should be applied to the ser- vices of the current year.— Ordered. The House was resumed, and the Report or- dered to be received to- morrow. THE COMMITTEE OF SUPPLY Was postponed till the 23d of January inst. THE MARINE MUTINY BILL, In a Committer, passed without any amend- ments.— Ordered the Report to be received to- morrow. Adjourned. AFFAIRS of
FRANCE. NATIONAL CONVENTION. Wednesday, Jan. 2. A letter was read from the French prisoners at Frankfort, vindicating the inhabitants of that city from the charge of assassination. The Representatives of the people of Namur have transmitted a protest similar to that of the Representatives of Hainault, against the Decree of the 15th of December. — Passed to the Order of the day. Upon the proposition of Arbogaste, the Con- vention decreed, " That the second year of the Republic shall be dated from the first of January 1793; this alteration appearing necessary, to make the aera of the Republic coincide with the
common aera. The wife of Caron Beaumarchais requested that the Convention would pursue proper mea- sures to bring her husband to their bar, as he had been arrested in London, and thrown into the King's Bench prison. The Commissioners sent to Strasburgh have given information, that there exists in that town a considerable party in favour of the former Mayor, Dietrich. A discussion relative to the clothing of the troops, was followed by a decree to authorise the War Minister to furnish the troops with shag breeches instead of cloth,. This discussion produced a renewal of the complaints against the Minister Pache and his
agents. They were accused of having disdain- fully rejected the offers of many citizens rela- tive to the furnishing of stuffs; in consequence of which, the Assembly decreed feveral regula- tions relative to the future reception of similar proposals. La Croix renewed his complaints upon the dilapidations which occurred in the sale of the perfonal property of the Emigrants, through the infidelity of the Commissioners nominated to pre- side at the sales. The Convention accordingly decreed, " That the Overseers of the sale of the Emigrants' property, ana the Commissioners charged to superintend that department, shall be confidered
as embezzlers of the property of the public, if they influence the prices, or interfere in the sales. Those who shall impede the sales by menaces or bribes, shall be considered as ame- nable to the above decree." . Louis XVI. The Convention having resumed the discus- sion relative to Louis XVL Marat demanded to speak, but was stopped by a decree that he should not be heard. He exclaimed, was greatly agi- tated, and declared that this proceeding was abominable and scandalous. His anger excited much laughter. Guillemart, after having observed that Louis not only merited death, but even worse tortures than Damiens, or
James Clement had expe- rienced, proceeded to examine whether it would not be more advantageous for the Nation to condemn him to perpetual imprisonment. The death of a King, said he, does not destroy Royalty ; and the strangling of a Sultan never restored liberty to Asia— Perpetual imprison- ment has in it something very degrading, which is very proper to excite disgust against Tyranny, Do not think that such a punishment is a favour. Visit our dungeons; and you will hear the great- est criminals condemned to perpetual imprison- ment, soliciting death as a relief from their sufferings. Detain Louis a prisoner, and you will
see him become a scarecrow to all Sove- reigns of Europe. He concluded by moving, that Louis should be tried by the Convention, and that their sentence might be referred to the Sovereign People, assembled in the Primary As- semblies, for their sanction. Carra considered the defence of Louis XVI, made by Defeze, as a series of subterfuges, paradoxes, and falsehoods " They speak to you," said he, " of new despots; but who will dare to raise himself above his fellow- citizens, if you condemn the Tyrant to death? but, on the contrary, who will be deterred from think- ing of it, if you leave Capet alive ? As soon as the head of
this traitor shall have fallen, her Kings, and even Mr. PITT, will feel whether theirs be upon their shoulders. I consider the appeal to the People as an inconsistency, as it would be giving to the affairs of an individual too much importance, and a. s it would tend t0 set the French People at variance with their Re presentatives." Gensonnet said, that Louis was guilty, and deserved death ; but being persuaded that the sovereignty of the People was violated in every instance, when that which could be done by them was done by delegates, he was, for thc ap- peal to the People, [ Price Fourpence,] season in the Davis's Straits Whale fishery.
JL6 L L O Y D ' S E V E N I N G - P O S T , And Jan. 7— g. IK the Sitting of the 1st instant, the following Copy of the Memorandum left at the Secretary of State's Office, for Lord Grenville, by Mon- sieur Chauvelin, on the 27th of December, was read in the Convention. " The undersigned Minister Plenipotentiary of France, has the honour to communicate to Lord Grenville, the instructions which he has received from the Executive Council of the French Republic, with orders to lay them before his Britannic Majesty's Secretary of State, for the Department of Foreign Affairs, in case he should think that he could not speedily enough
obtain an interview with the Minister. " The French Government, by continuing since the recall of Lord Gower from Paris, to leave at London a Minister Plenipotentiary, thought they gave to his Britannic Majesty an unequivocal proof of the desire they had to re- main in good intelligence with the British Court, and to see all those clouds dissipated, to which events, necessary and inseparable from the in- ternal regimen of France, seemed then to have given birth. The intentions of the Executive Council of France towards England have never ceased to be the same: but they cannot see with indifference, the public conduct which the
Bri- tish Ministry observe at present towards France. It is much to be regretted, that they have per- ceived in this conduct an indisposition, which they still force themselves not to believe. They think it a duty, however, which they owe to the French Nation, not to leave it much longer in that state of uncertainty in which it has been thrown by several measures lately adopted by the British Government— an uncertainty in which the English Nation must share, and which must be equally unworthy of both. The Exe- cutive Council of the French Republic have consequently authorised the Minister of France at London, to demand with
openness of the Ministers of his Britannic Majesty, whether France ought to consider England as a neutral or hostile Power ; and have particularly charged him to obtain on this point a definitive answer. But in demanding from the Ministers of his Britannic Majesty, an open and candid expla- nation of their intentions towards France, the Executive Council do not wish that the smallest doubt should exist respecting the dispositions of France towards England, and of its desire to remain at peace with it. They even wish to answer previously to all those reproaches which may be thrown out against France, in order to justify England.
Reflecting on the reasons which might determine his Britannic Majesty to break with the French Republic, the Executive Council can see them only in a false interpreta- tion, given perhaps to the decree of the Na- tional Convention cf November 19. If the British Ministry are really alarmed by that de- cree, it can only be for want of comprehending the true meaning of it. The National Conven- tion never intended that the French Republic should favour insurrections, and espouse the cause of a few seditious persons, or, in a word, that it should endeavour to excite disturbance in any neutral or friendly country whatever ; such all
idea would be rejected by the French nation. It cannot without injustice be imputed to the National Convention. This decree, then, is applicable only to those people, who after ha- ving conquered their liberty, may request the fraternity and assistance of the French Repub- lic, bv a solemn and unequivocal expression of the general will. France not only ought, and wishes, to respect the independence of England also of its Allies with whom it is not at war. The undersigned, therefore, has been charged to declare formally, that France will not attack Holland whilst that Power confines it- self, on its part, within the bounds of strict
neutrality. The British Government being thus assured respecting these two points, no pretence for the least difficulty can remain, but on the question of opening the Scheld— a que stion irrevocably decided by reason and justice, of little importance in itself, and on which the opinion of England, and perhaps even of Hof- land, are too well known to render it difficult to make it seriously the sole cause of a war. Should the British Ministry, however, embrace this last motive to induce them to declare war against France, would it not then be probable that their private intention was to bring about a rupture at any rate, and to take
advantage at present of the most futile of all pretences, to co- lour an unjust aggression, long ago meditated ? " In this fatal suppositjon, which the Exe- cutive Council rejects, the undersigned would be authorised to support with energy the dignity of the French people, and to declare with firm- ness, that a free and powerful Nation will accept war, and repel with indignation an aggression so manifestly unjust, and so unprovoked on their part. When all these explanations, necessary to demonstrate the purity of the intentions of France, and when all peaceful and conciliatory measures shall have been exhausted by the French
Nation, it is evident that the whole weight, and the whole responsibility of the war, will sooner or later fall upon those who have pro- voked it. Such a war would really be the war only of the British Ministry against the French Republic ; and should this truth appear for a moment doubtful, it would not perhaps be im- possible for France to order it soon evident to a Nation, which in giving its confidence, never renounced the exercise of reason, and its respect for justice and truth. Such are the instructions which the under- signed has received orders to communicate of- ficially to Lord Grenville, inviting him, as well as all the Council of
his Britannic Majesty, to weigh, with the most serious attention, the de- liberations and demands which they contain. It is evident that the French Nation desires to preserve peace with England. It proves this, bv endeavouring with candour and openness to remove every suspicion which so many passions and various prejudices are continually labouring to excite against it ; but the more it shall have done to convince all Europe of the purity of its views, and the rectitude of its intentions, the greater right it will have to a claim of not being longer misunderstood. " The undersigned has orders to demand a written answer to the
present note: he hopes that the" Ministers of his Britannic Majesty will be induced, by the explanations which it con- tains, to adopt ideas favourable to a good un- derstanding between the two Nations; and will have no occasion, in order to return to them, to consider the terrible responsibility of a decla- ration of war, which would incontestably be their work : the consequences of which could be only fatal to both countries, and to all man- kind,- and in which a generous and free people could not long consent to betray their own in- terests, by serving to assist and support a tyran- nical coalition." PARIS, Jan. 5. " In the Assembly of
the Commons on the 30th, a violent debate arose upon the price of corn and grain. In the midst of this discussion Garrin was threatened with assassination. " In the same sitting, an Address was read from the 48 Sections, which was to be sent to the 84 Departments. Its object was, to con- tradict the calumnies raised against the inhabi- tants of Paris. " General Santerre has demanded that the Commons should enforce his demand to the Mi- nister at War; to oblige him to deliver, with all possible expedition, the cannons of the arsenal, to be distributed amongst the Sections, who had given up theirs for the service of the frontiers.
' In the last sessions of the Jacobins, Des- sieux denounced Gorsas, for having printed. that the discourse of Roberfpierrp upon the King's trial, was a tissue of sophistry and scan- dal." " How can this apply to us ?" exclaimed Thuriot. " Such ridiculous nonsense as is writ- ten by Gorsas, Condorcet, and other such li- bellers, is unworthy our notice. We ought ne- ver to say any thing here concerning those men whom we have condemned to death." [ Loud ap- plause]. bourdon immediately observed, that this was a death of ignominy, and not a natural death. " In the same sitting, Marat proposed the formation of new Tribunes, to
enable the bre- thren of the Department, to furnish the Society with new satellites. Bourdon succeeded him at the Tribune, and announced that the sol- diers of Liberty, in order to counteract aristo- cratic influence, should act as they did on the 2d of September; that their departure should be preceded by a signal vengeance. " If the enemies of the country," adds he, " should obtain the appeal to the People, their triumph will merit death, and their death will be the triumph of liberty." [ Loud applause.] *• They write from Mayence of the 20th, that a trumpet was dispatchcd to summon Custine, by the King of Prussia to surrender up
the place in forty- eight hours. Custine answered, " Go tell thy master, I will give him forty- eight years to retake it; and if thou returnest, I will have thee hanged." This answer Was followed by an assault of the Prussians upon Cassel, in which they were repulsed. " General Anselme, accused of having coun- tenanced the pillage in the town of Nice, and having left his troops without clothing, and exposed them to slaughter has published a memorial in justification of his conduct. " An unfortunate wretch, who insulted the Gendarmerie, while on duty, was put to death by the populace on the last day of the old year." LONDON.
Extract of a Letter from Warsaw, Dec. 15 " Since the return of the Delegates sent by the general Confederation to Petersburgh, the organization of the Government has been pur- sued at Grodno, in consequence of a secret in- timation of the Russian Minister, who wishes to see the result of the illustrious Confederation. It is further said, that the Empress of Russia will shortly send hither a solemn embassy to put the finishing hand to the treaty of alliance pro- posed by the Confederation " According to other reports, a body of 50,000 Russians has received orders to march, with a view of replacing in the territory of the Republic
those Ruffian troops who are to file oif towards the frontiers of Turkey.' What gives weight to this conjecture is, that M. Mordinoff, who superintends the marine in the Black Sea, has been invited to repair to Petersburgh
Jan. 7 - 9 . B R I T I S H C H R O N I C L E , for 1793. 27- assist there in the deliberations relative to the best mode of putting those possessions in security against every hostile artack." grade, which has stood so many and so long siegesl has now been twice transferred, al- most by coups de main. The insurgents of Servia took it in a few days ; and the Pacha has now regained it by a manoeuvre, having attacked it with one part of his army, while the other en- gaged the whole body of the insurgents. They write from Vienna, that Govern- ment is about to issue ten millions of paper- mo- ney on the security of a magazine of
100,000 quintals of copper ; the lowest of this paper to be for one florin. All payments to be made half in paper, and half in money. The Emperor has rewarded all the officers and soldiers under the command of Generals Clair- fayt and Hohenlohe, with one month's pay ex- traordinary. The Prince of Conde, and a body of about 6000 men under his command, have entered into the service of Austria. The EleCtor of Mentz, on quitting that city, carried with him 500,000 florins from the pub- lic Bank, which gives four per cent for money, or lends on pledges to those who want it. To make good the Turn taken from the Bank by the
EleCtor, his property was ordered to be sold by the Magistrates. The infant son of the Prince and Princess of Orange was baptised on the 29th of December, at the Hague, receiving the names of William- Frederic- George- Louis. Yesterday his Royal Highness the Duke of Gloucester paid his respects to the Royal Family at Windsor- Lodge. - Yesterday. his Royal Highness the Prince of Wales gave audiences to several of the Nobility, & c. at Carlton- house, and in the evening dined with Mrs. Fitzherbert, at her house in Pall- Mall. There is to be a superb Ball and Supper in Windsor Castle, on Thursday evening. The dancing will
be in the King's Guard- Chamber, according to the present arrangements, and the supper, as on former occasions, in St. George's Hall: about sixty invitations have been given to the Nobility of both sexes. Yesterday a full Board was held at the Ad- miralty - Office, Charing Cross, when two ships, of 74 guns, were put into commission, and four frigates were ordered to be equipped. Yesterday morning Government dispatches were received at the Secretary of State's Office, Whitehall, from Lord Auckland,' his Majesty's Ambassador at the Hague. Yesterday Government dispatches were re- ceived at Lord Grenville's Office from
W. Jack- son, his Majesty's Secretary of Legation at the Court of Madrid, which were immediately for- warded to the King at Windsor. Yesterday letters were received from the Me- diterranean, which mention, that the French naval force in those seas amounts to 19 sail of the line, and many large frigates : the Republi- can, of 1 to guns, is in Toulon Roads. Extract of a Letter from Plymouth- Dock, jan. " This day was commissioned his Majesty's ship Egmont, 74 guns, and the command given to Capt. A. Dixon ; also the Alarm, 32 guns, Captain Robertson. " Orders were received in the Dock- yard by this day's post, to get ready
for commission with all possible dispatch, the Captain, Colossus, and Illustrious, 74 guns each ; and at the same time the caulkers were sent on board the Royal Sove- reign, of 110 guns, and London, of 98, to for- ward them with the utmost expedition, and to prepare them for sea- service. " Last night Capt. Barlow and Lieutenant Mends, of the Childers sloop of war, arrived from that sloop, which was left at Fowey. The particulars brought are of infinite importance at this crisis. " The Childers cruised ofF Brest Harbour; and last Wednesday afternoon, at two o'clock, the Childers stood within three quarters of a mile off three
batteries in Brest harbour. Her co- lours were not then hoisted; the battery on the starboard side fired a shot, which passed over her. The Childers then hoisted the British colours, and the fort hoisted the National co- lours, with a red pendant over the ensign, which was answered by the other two forts. The Childers was then driven by the tide of flood within half a mile of the forts; and Cap- rain Barlow was obliged, it being calm, to have her oars out, to keep her from driving too far in : immediately a cross heavy fire began by signal from the three batteries, Fortunately a breeze of wind sprung up, and the Childers made sail. She
being a small object, only one shot hit her, which providentially struck one of her guns, and split it in three pieces, with- out injuring a man. The pieces were collected and flung, and the shot weighed 48 pounds. The Childers arrived safe at Fowey. " Capt. Barlow set off for London express, and Lieut. Mends waited on Admiral Cosby with this interesting intelligence. " The ships of war in Brest water, with their sails bent, were one of three decks, one of two decks, and five stout frigates," The Lord Lieutenant of Ireland has issued a proclamation, laying an embargo upon all ships or vessels laden or to be laden, within the ports of
the kingdom of Ireland, with corn, flour, meal, malt, beef, pork, tallow, or any other naval stores; and that the said embargo do re- main until further orders: it does not, however, extend to any ship or vessel laden or to be laden in the ports of that kingdom, with oats or oat- meal for exportation to. any port in Great Bri- tain, or to any ship or vessel laden or to be laden with any of the before- mentioned articles to be carried coastways from any port in Ireland to any other port within the same. A proclamation, similar to that in England, forbidding the exportation of arms and ammuni- tion, was also issued. Charles Yorke, Esq. one of
the Represen- tatives in Parliament for Cambridgeshire, is appointed Captain of the Grenadier company in the Militia of that county. On the 3d of December died, at his seat, the Chateau de Navaare, in Normandy, in the 65th year of his age, after a lingering illness that had confined him several years to the house, his Serene Highness Godefroy de la Tour d'Au- vergne, Reigning Duke of Bouillon, & . Agreeably to the dispositions of the late Duke de Bouillon, formerly recognised by the King of England, Capt. D'Auvergne, of the British Navy, succeeds to all the honours and posses- sions of his Serene Highness. His Majesty has
settled a pension out of his privy purse on the daughters of the Marquis of Lothian. The Rev. John Selwyn, ReCtor of Ludger- shall, is presented, by his Majesty, to the Mas- tership of Leicester Hospital, worth 300I. per annum. On Thursday last most of the principal inha- bitants of Rotherhithe dined together at the Acorn Tavern, in that parish, to celebrate the meeting which took place at the church on the 20th of last month, to declare their sentiments in favour of the Constitution of this country. John Wells, jun. Esq. took the Chair, when many loyal and constitutional toasts were given, and several songs sung applicable to the
times; and on Friday evening the workmen in the neighbourhood burnt the effigy of Tom Paine. Friday some thieves stole out of the apart- ments of Mr. Wright, of Bedford- street, a quantity of wearing- apparel, & c. Same day Mrs. Zechery, of Devorshire- street, Portland- place, had her pocket picked of a valuable gold watch. Same day Mr. Mackenzie, of Hertford- street, May- Fair, was stopped near Egham, by two high- waymen, who robbed him of a gold watch, seals, & c. Friday night Mr. Holmes, of St. Martin's le Grand, had his pocket picked, near Staple- Inn, of his watch, seals, & c. The same night the house of Sir Francis
Molyneux, in Conduit- street, was broke open, and plate and money stolen to a considerable amount. Sunday evening about eight o'clock, the chambers of Mess. Allen, of Clifford's Inn, were broke into, and robbed of bills and notes to a large amount. Yesterday three men were committed from the Public Office in Bow- street, on suspicion of having committed divers burglaries in and about London. On Saturday the Westminster Sessions ended, when the eighteen men who were taken into cus- tody on the 22d of October last, at the Bunch of Grapes, in St. Clement's Lane, on suspicion of being connected together for infamous
purposes,. were brought up and discharged, after a severe reprimand from the Chairman, accompanied by fome wholesome advice for regulating their fu- ture conduCt. clerkenwell sessions. Yesterday the Sessions commenced at Clerken- well, when a great number of persons were tried for assaults and misdemeanors. , SEDITIOUS LIBEL. THE KING versus CARTER, The Attorney- General stated, that this was an indictment against the Defendant, for unlaw- fully publishing a scandalous and Seditious Libel, entitled, " An Address from the London Cor- responding Society to the other Societies in Great- Britain, united for the
purpofe of ob- taining a Reform in Parliament." He said it might appear somewhat singular, that he should bring a poor miserable Bill- sticker before the Court as the objeCt of a public prosecution ; but it was a lamentable truth, that the libel in ques- tion was of the most alarming nature, inasmuch as it discovered a conspiracy against the peace and happiness of the community. It was his principal objeCt to prosecute the offence, and not the offender; and should the jury pronounce a verdict of Guilty, he wished the Court not to consider it as a case of punishment against the Defendant, but of admonition to others, in order that no
man should plead ignorance in future. The Attorney- General then com- mented upon the whole of the Address, under _
- 28 L L O Y D ' S E V E N I N G - P O S T , And Jan. 7 — 9 , which he said were concealed rebellion and insur- rection. John Miller proved that the Defendant pasted up the Address at the corner of Crown- street, St. Giles's, on the 5th of December last. Mr. Warren made an ingenious speech for the Defendant, and endeavoured to prove that, the Address could not reasonably be construed to be a libel. He read the whole of the Address from the Crown and Anchor Association, to which he said the suppofed libel was intended as an answer. Mr. Mainwaring was clearly of opinion that the Address was a wicked and dangerous
libel. The Jury found the Defendant guilty. The Court sentenced him to six months im- prisonment, and at the expiration thereof to find security for his good behaviour for one year, himself in iool. and two sureties in 50I. each. Ext ract of a Letter from Reading, Jan. 5. " On Tuesday last an inquisition was taken at Assendon, about three miles from Henley, by R. Garrard, Coroner for the County of Oxford, on the body of Samuel Matthews, found suspend- ed in Kildridge Wood, upon the branch of a tree; to effect which purpose he had tied toge- ther two silk handkerchiefs, and was in a stoop- ing posture. Verdict, Lunacy. Some
days pre- vious to this unhappy catastrophe, he left this town in a melancholy desponding state; he had nevertheless been particularly attentive to the settling of his wordly affairs, by making his will, & c. and we hear he has left property to the amount of a thousand pounds." We hear from Monymusk, that on Thursday last, in the evening, the kiln belonging to Wil- liam Wishart, at Enzeans, took fire, and four people who were employed in it fell down to the bottom, three of them were burnt to death, and the fourth was got out alive, but so much scorched, that he can scarcely survive. The unfortunate people who came to this
deplorable end were George Rae, and his eldest Son, and a boy of the name of Watt. The other is John Black, in saving whom William Wishart was much burnt. Rae has left a widow and eight children. Extract of a Letter from Dublin, Jan. 1. . " The accounts from the county of Louth, with respect to the proceedings of a banditti, calling themselves Defenders, grow daily more alarming. Near forty houses have been at- tacked, belonging to Protestants, for the purpose of plundering them of their arms; and most of the attacks have been successful. " Among those whose houfes were attacked, was Mr. Owen's, of Roxborough, Mr.
Henry Brabazon, Mr. j. T. Foster, of Stone- house, Mr. Blacker, Mr. Hanlon, Mr. M'Clintock, & c. At the latter place they met with resistance, and were beaten off. " This banditti is linked together by an oath of secrecy ; and they have their regular leaders and captains ; they train themselves by night in the practice of fire- arms, or execute plans of robbery. " Last week these daring insurgents are said to have met in Dunleer in very great numbers, perhaps from 1500 to 2000, some armed with guns, some with pitchforks ; but it does not appear they had any settled object. The army were immediately . dispatched from Dundalk, and
on their approach the mob dispersed. " On Saturday morning about thirty of these men were, about the hour of six, fighting in the street at Castle- Bellingham, when the Mail- coach arrived, there from Drogheda, and the Mail Guard having left the post- bag at the Post- Of- fice, was returning to the inn, when he was vi- olently attacked : but having his pistols in his belt, he immediately fired one of them at the mob, and effected his retreat to the inn. » How- ever the door was soon forced and overpowered by numbers, he was robbed of his pistols, and cut and otherwise abused, infomuch that his life is de- spaired of; however it
does not appear that there was the smallest intention on the part of the rioters to attack the Mail, as some of them told the passengers in the coach that they took the guard to be a military man, from his dress." CARLTON- HOUSE, 5th jan. 1793. THE Creditors at large of his Royal Highness the PRINCE of WALES are requeued to send in their respeCtive Bills ( made up to the above date) to the Office of His Royal Highness's Treasurer, in Pall- Mall, in order that the said Bills may as speedily as possible be arranged, and put into a State of Li- quidation. THE MILITIA. WAR- QFFicE, DECEMBER 12, 1792. This Day were
published, Price One Shilling, CERTAIN RULES and ORDERS To be observed by the EMBODIED MILITIA. PRINTED BY AUTHORITY ; And sold by j. WALTER, at Homer's Head, Charing- Cross. Where may be had fOR THE USE OF THE ARMY, BY HIS MAJESTY'S COMMAND, AND PRINTED. BY AUTHORITY, 1. THE MANUAL AND PLATOON ExERcISES To be used in future By every Regiment in his Majesty's Service, Price Sixpence. II. RULES AND REGULATIONS FOR THE FORMATIONS, FIELD- EXERCISE, AND MOVEMENTS, OF HIS MAJESTY'S FORCES, To be practised in future. Price Two Shillings. III,
GENERAL ORDERS FOR THE FIELD- EXERCISES OF HIS MAJESTY'S INFANTRY. Price Two Shillings per Dozen. IV. GENERAL ORDERS FOR SErJEAnts OF FOOT TO BE ARMED WITH PiKeS INSTEAD 0F HALBERDS. Price Two Shillings per Dozen, Where also may be had, 1. A COLLECTION OF REGULATIONS, ORDeRs, and INSTRUCTIONs, formed and issued for the Use of the ARMY , in consequence of the pAY- OFFICE ACT, and other occasions subsequent to the 24th of December, 1783 : to which are added such prior Regulations as have similar Objects, and are still in force, either in the whole or in
part.— Price Two Shillings and Sixpence. 1. THE ARMY- LIST FOR 1792; containing a LIST of'the OFFICERS of the ARMY, and of the MARINES, with an INDEX, a SUCCESSIoN of COLONELS, and a LIST of the OFFICERS of the ARMY, and MARINES on Half- Pay j with an INDEX.— price Six Shillings. LINCOLNSHIRE. SOUTH HOLLAND DRAINAGE. THE adjourned MEETING of the PRO- PRIETORS of ESTATES, interested in the DRAINAGE of Low LANDS in SOUTH HOLLANd, in the several Parishes of Spalding ( including the Haw of Cowbit and Peakill), Weston, Moulton, Whapload, Holbeach, Fleet, Gedney,
Sutton Saint Mary's, and Sutton Saint Nicholas, otherwise Lutton, in the County of Lincoln, will be held at the CROWN and ANCHOR TAVERN, in the STRAND, on Wednesday the 16th Day of January instant, at Eleven o'Clock in the Forenoon, for finally settling the Bill, and appointing Commissioners. Spalding, ASHLEY and SANDERSON, Solicitors. ORSETT, ESSEX. AT a MEETING of the INHABITANTS of this Parish and its Vicinity, on Friday, the 4th Day of January, 1793, The Rev. Mr. LLOYD, in the Chair, The following DECLARATIONS and RESOLU- TIONS were proposed, and unanimously agreed to : WE, the
undersigned Persons, having seriously con- sidered the dangerous Tendency of certain seditious and libellous Opinions and Publications, which have been in- dustriously propagated, in various Parts of the Kingdom, by disaffected and designing Persons, conceive it our Duty, at this particular Crisis, to manifest our Loyalty to our most gracious Sovereign, and our sincere Attachment to the present established CONSTITUTION, in CHURCH and STATE. And we do declare our utmost Detestation and Abhor- rence of such seditious and libellous Opinions and Publi- cations And that we will, at all Times, use our stre- nUous
Exertions in favour of Tranquillity, and to discou- rage and suppress whatever may appear subversive of good Order and Government. RESOLVeD, That the Thanks of this Meeting be given to the Chair- man, for his Upright Conduct on this Occasion, and that he be requested to publish these Declarations and Resolu- tions in the CHELMSFoRD CHRONICLE and in LLOYD'S EVENIng- POST. E. Lloyd T. Olive George Mackay J. M. Evans J. Brayley Wm. Sawell Thomas Ruff Wm. Martin Ambrose Spittey Wm. Cornwall Rd. Turner Wm. Mott John Pead Thomas James Thomas Smoothey Charles Wilkinson John Robinson
Robert King Thomas Hunt John Murrell Henry Ruff Henrty Ruff, jun. Wm. Sawell, jun. John Offen John Cowers Dan. Jackson Sam. Benton John Mott Rd. Fisher Edw. Hinckley Ezekiel Elliott Thomas Oakley Henry Hobbs Robert Duncombe John Grubb John Arden John Malyn Wm. Collins.
Jan. 7 — 9, B RITI 140S HC HBR OR NII CLE, f or1 793. PAINE's TRIAL, With the ORIGINAL PAPERS, Including an Authentic Copy of Mr. Paine's Letter to the Attorney- General, & c. This Day was published, ( Second Edition, corrected) Price 2S. 6d. THE GENUINE TRIAL, at Length, of THOMAS PAINE, FOR A LIBEL. Containing the SPEECHES of the ATTORNEY- GE- NERAL, & c. the EVIDENCE, and the SPEECH of the Hon. Mr. ERSKINE for the Defendant; with the Quotations at length. Taken with the strictest Accuracy and Attention, By E. HODGSON. OF the Scores of Thousands who have read the Rights of Man,
many must feel a Curiosity to read the Trial uf the Author.— To these Persons it is proper to make this true and positive Assurance, That this authentic Account of the Trial is neither a crude nor imperfect State of it— it is taken by a Short- hand Writer of Eminence, who is well known, and who has been many Years in the habit of taking Trials at the Old Bailey, for the City of London, and in all the Superior Courts, for the different Parties in- terested. It is necessary to say thus much, in order to di- stinguish this authentic Publication from several others of a doubtful Description. Printed for J. S. Jordan, No. 166, Fleet- Street. For
Weak and Relaxed Constitutions. CHALYBEATE PILLS. THE MEDICINAL EFFECTS of STEEL as a Strengthener and Deobstruent, have been acknow- ledged for many Ages; and though it is more used by Physicians of the present Time than at any preceding Pe- riod, vet it is confeffed, and lamented, that the very im- proved State of Chemistry has failed to produce a Prepa- ration of which, when sufficiently active, can be ad- ministered without inconvenience. The late Dr. HUGH SMITH,' so deservedly celebrated, owed his Reputation principally to the free Use of this Mineral; yet the Forms in which he prescribed it, were not
only inelegant, and disagreeable to the Stomach, but ofien not the best adapted for Effect. Of the Preparations of Steel, that which was intro- duced by the late Dr. MOSES GRIFFITHS has been the most successful, and has been generally adopted, since his Time, by other Medical Practitioners; yet, as it is exceed- ingly nauseous, and as the Complaints for which it is so serviceable are of the Chronic Kind, and therefore require a long Continuance, Patients become often so disgusted as not to be able to persevere in its use. A Circumstance of this Sort gave occasion to the Preparation now offered to the Public. After a Variety
of fruitless Experiments contrive a Medicine which would contain all the active Powers of Steel, freed from every Objection, the Inventor of the Chalybeate Pills has at length, in them, he flatters himself, completely succeeded ; and he ventures to recommend them, as well from repealed instances of their Efficacy in his own Practice, as from that of other Professional Men, in the following Complaints, viz. At that Period of the Life of Females, when Maturity should arrive, but the Constitution is defective, either from Habits too sedentary, or from want of tone in the System, inducing paleness of the Lips, Sallowness of the
Countenance, Palpitation of the Heart, Shortness of Breath- ing, Trembling of the Knees, Hysterical Affections, & c. Also to those who have enjoyed Health generally, yet, from accidental Circumstances, or from Alteration in their Mode of Living, have become defective, either with or without the above Symptoms. They are likewise the very best Strengtheners after bad Lyings- in, or for Debility from too long Suckling, or fre- quent Miscarriages. Those persons whose Constitutions are relaxed and broken, by living in hot Climates, or by other Causes, and those who are disposed to the Gout, which for want of Strength lies dormant
in the Habit, will find the most satisfactory Relief from these Pills. So powerful, indeed, are their restorative Qualities, that they may be taken with every possible Benefit for all Diseases occasioned by Weakness in the Constitution. These Pills, moreover, are particularly recommended to those who resort to the Spa, Tunbridge, Bath, and Cheltenham Waters, being calculated to render them in- finitely more efficacious. They are prepared for Mr. FRANCIS NEWBERY, and sold only by him at the Warehouse for Dr. James's Powder, No. 45, in St. Paul's Church- yard, London, a few Doors from the Corner of Cheapside, in Boxes,
Price 2s. 9d. each ( Duty included): and as the surest Mark of Authenticity, Purchasers will observe that his Name it engraved in the Stamp. PAREGORIC LOZENGES. THESE LOZENGES are a safe and effec- tual Remedy in Colds, Coughs, Hoarseness, and Asthmatic and Consumptive Complaints : if taken in the early Stages of Disorder, they will prevent the Diseases of more fatal Tendency ; and have been proved, by Expe- rience, to afford not only temporary Relief, but have also been successful in effecting a permanent Cure, in many inveterate Cases, after other Applications have failed. To Mr. H. STEERS, No. 10, Old
Bond- street. SIR, I have received a Cure from your Paregoric Lozenges, about a Month ago, in one of the most violent Colds I ever experienced; I had a dreadful Cough, attended with Sore- ness of the Throat and Breast, and a very bad Hoarse- ness, all which were entirely removed by little more than one box of the Lozenges j you are at liberty to publish this Letter. I am, & c. Wm. MARCH, Nov. 17, 1792. No. 157, Fleet- Street. Sold by the Proprietor, H. STEERS, at his Warehouse for Dr. Steers's Opodeldoc, and other Medicines, No. 10, Old Bond- street, on the left hand from Piccadilly, three doors beyond Stafford- street;
and at Mr. Newbery's, the only Warehouse for Dr. James's Powder, No. 45, St. Paul's Church- Yard, on the Coach- way, a few Doors from Cheapside, Price One Shilling and Three, halfpence the Box, including the Dmy ; but on taking Six, or more, the Stamps will be allowed. Where may be had, prepared by H. STEERS, CAMOMILE DROPS, universally esteemed for their Efficacy in Loss of Appetite, Indigestion, Bilious Com- plaints, & c. Price One Shilling and Three- halfpence the Bottle, Duty included. WEDNESDAY, Jan. 9. From the LONDON GAZETTE, Jan. 8. Whitehall, Jan. 5. HIS Majesty has been pleased to order and
direct the Lords Lieutenants of the se- veral Counties and Ridings mentioned in the London Gazette of the 1st and the 15th of December last, to embody the whole of the Mi- litia Forces of the said Counties and Ridings. The King has also been pleased to order and direct the Lords Lieutenants of the several Counties and Riding under- mentioned to embody the whole of the Militia forces of such Counties and Riding, viz. Bedford, Chester, Gloucester, Huntingdon, Hereford, Northampton, Notting- ham, Oxford, Pembroke, Salop, Somerset, Now publishing In Weekly Numbers, ( Price Six- Pence each), And will be continued
during the Sitting of Parliament, No. I. was published the 22d of December, No. II. on the 19th of the Month, and No. III on the 5th of January, 1793, & c. of JORDAN's PARLIAMENTARY JOUR- NAL : being an accurate and impartial HISTORY of the DEBATES and PROCEEDINGS of both HOUSES of PARLIAMENT, from the Opening of the Session on the 13th of December 1792: Including all Motions, Speeches, Resolutions, Protests, and Papers of every Kind, laid before either House. AN impartial Narrative of the Debates and Proceedings of both Houses of Parliament is at all Times useful and proper. It is full of Information
on every Subject. To our Youth it is the best and noblest Instructor. The Lawyer, the Mer- chant, the Manufacturer, the Trader, will there see the Constitution, the Interests, the Policy of our Country, described by Men of the first Talents, Erudition, and Cha- racter. In the Perusal of such a Work we obtain, in a short Time, and at an easy Expence, the Result of the pro- foundest Labours, Reafoning, ana Reflection ; we discover the Designs of Men, and the Views of Parties; we become habituated to a correct Phraseology, and to a general Knowledge of the various Principles and Abuses of Go- vernment. If these Advantages are
at all Times to be de- rived from such a Work, how much more necessary are such Advantage; at this Time ? when every Person in these Kingdoms ( be his Situation in Life high or low) is become deeply interested in those Deliberations and Measures which are to decide upon his Fate, upon his Interests, and per- haps upon his personal Security. We beg leave to assure the Public, that our Work shall be conduced with the strictest Impartiality, Diligence, and Fidelity. London : Printed for J. S. Jordan, No. 166, Fleet- street; J. Owen, Piccadilly; and J. Rider, Ludgate- hill. Sold also by all Booksellers and Stationers in Town and
Coun- try.
Worcester, and York West Riding, first Regi- ment. Whitehall, Jan. 8. The King has granted to John Sibthorp, Doctor of Physic, the office or place of Regius Professor of Botany in his Ma- jesty's University of Oxford. Commissions in the Surrey Militia, signed by the Lord- Lieutenant. Captain- Lieutenant and Captain Richard Jones, to be Captain of a Company, vice Arthur Kempland, Esq. re- signed. Dated Dec. 29, 1792. Lieutenant William Strange, to be Captain- Lieutenant and Captain, vice Richard Jones, Esq. promoted. Dated Dec. 31, 1792. Charles Browning, Esq. to bo Lieutenant. Dated Dec. 24 I792 Peter Thomas Ryves,
Gent, to be Ensign. Dated Dec. 20, 1792. Egerton Peers Leigh, Gent, to be Ensign. Dated Dec. 24 1792 BANKRUPTCY ENLARGED. Jan. 15. Lewis Harris, of New- ftreet, Bishopsgate- street, London, merchant. Bankrupts. John Frost, late of Spring- Gardens, Westminster, scrive- ner, to surrender- Jan. 12, 23, and Feb. 19, at twelve, at Guildhall. Attorney, Mr. Roberts, Gloucester- street, Red Lion square. William Baylis, of Woolwich, Kent, auctioneer, to sur- render Jan. it, 21, and Feb. 19, at ten, at Guildhall. Attorney, Mr. Coombe, Sampson's Gardens, St. George's in the East. Owen Vaughan, of Broad- street, Bloomsbury,
harness- maker, to surrender Jan. 12, at eleven, 19, and Feb. 19, at ten, at Guildhall. Attorney, Mr, Bourn, North- umberland- streeT, Strand.' James Simms, of Manchester, Lancashire, fustian- ma- nufacturer, to surrender Jan. 14, 15, and Feb. 19, at four, at Spencer's Tavern, in Manchester. Attorneys, Mr. Lings, Manchester, and Mr. Huxley, Temple, London. DIVIDENDS. Feb. 13. Moses Laney, of Tavistock- street, Covent Gar- den, lace- merchant, at ten, at Guildhall Feb. 26. Thomas Smith, of Manchester, Lancashire, callico- printer, at the at the Bull's Head Inn, Man- chester. Feb. 15. Thomas Peete Wimberley, of
Grantham, Lin- colnshire, linen- draper, at ten, at Guildhall. Feb. 5. Mathias Koops, of Edmonton, Middlesex, mer- chant, at ten, at Guildhall. Feb. 2. James Amice Lempriere, and George Lempriere, of Broad- street- buildings, London, merchants, at ten, at Guildhall. Feb. 5. James King, of Horseshoe- alley, Moor- fields, Middlesex, weaver, at ten, at Guildhall. CERTIFICATES. Jan. 49. John Footman, of Ingatestone, Essex, brewer. William Woodford, of Vauxhall, Surrey, barge- builder. John Cheshire, of Over Whiteacre, Warwick- shire, architect. . Charles Johnston, of Stubbins, Lancashire Jan. 7— 9, 1 printer, printer. John
Johnston, of Stubbins, Lancashire, John Fox, of Grantham, Lincolnshire, bra- LONDON. There was a Levee at St. James's this day, at one o'clock, for the Foreign Ministers, No- bility, Gentry, & c. on which occasion the King came to town. His Majesty returns to Wind- sor as soon as the business is over, there being no Drawing- room to- morrow. Their Royal Highnesses the Duke and Du- chess of York gave a dinner to several of the Nobility yesterday at York- House, Piccadilly. Yesterday a Council was held at the Secretary of State's Office, Whitehall, which was attended by all the Cabinet Minister. and sat from two o'clock till
four. Yesterday morning Government dispatches were received at the Secretary of State's Office, Whitehall, from Lord Auckland, his Majesty's Ambassador at the Hague The Committee of Gentlemen of the Turkey- Company, who met at the Minister's house on Saturday, consisted of the Deputy Governor, the Secretary, and Mess. Blanchard, Lee, Dun- ning, Hunter, and one or two others. They were a long while in consultation with Mr. Pitt. The interests of the Turkey Company, should a war take place, it is said, will be materially affected thereby ; and on this subject particularly it was the desire of the managers to have the
Minister's opinion and advice, which they ob- tained in this interview. The American Loyalists are about to approach the Throne with a fresh teftimonial of their at- tachment to his Majesty's person and govern- ment. An address to this purport has already received a great number of signatures, and will be presented at the Levee the latter end of this month. Yesterday morning arrived a Mail from Lis- bon, brought ta Falmouth by the Expedition packet, Capt. Dashwood, in 12 days. Extract of a Letter from Belfast, Dec. 31. " A Mr. Logan, a Policeman, was this morning found to be in town, with a warrant to appre- hend the whole of
the Proprietors of the Northern Star, twelve in number, all Volun- teers, and much respected. Had any kind of violence been used, it is to be feared the impe- tuosity of the populace would have made very bad work ; but, in the first place, Mr. Bristow ordered the officer on no account to attempt force, or to look for military aid— and happy it was for the public peace that he did so. " All the parties have surrendered, declaring that to a legal order they will ever pay prompt submission.— This is such, for it is Lord Clon- mel's warrant. " They have made it their business to request the utmost exertions of their fellow- citizens to prevent
any insult being offered to Mr. Logan, declaring they will protect him at the risk of their lives; and, as the best protection, they have engaged him to dine with them to- morrow. Such is the conduct in a town which sycophants re- present to Government as in a state of actual re- bellion!" Extract of a Letter from Carrickmacross, Jan. 2. " Last Sunday, a numerous and armed mob, called Defenders, paraded through this town, and from hence proceeded on the road towards Ardee. Norman Steele, Esq. a ma- gistrate, having been apprised of their meeting, and intention to commit depredations, set off with a party of the army across
the country to meet them. On coming up with them, he hu- manely endeavoured to persuade them to di- sperse quietly, but to no purpose, for in a short time they surrounded Mr. Steele and his party, and fired on them. " Mr. Steele, in his own defence, and to save the lives of those with him, was obliged to read the Riot Act; during which time a great num- ber of shots were fired on the Magistrates and the soldiery. " At length he was compelled to direct the army to fire, and several of these unfortunate men were killed and wounded. " Immediately after, a party of the light horse arrived from Monaghan, and happily for the present
restored tranquillity." There being no Court of Aldermen yesterday, at Guildhall, the Master and Wardens of the Company of Bakers waited on the Lord- Mayor, at the Mansion - House; and the return from the Corn- Market, on Monday, in Mark- lane, being looked into by his Lordship, the average price of wheat appeared to be 44s 4d. per quar- ter, being dearer than last week, and flour 58s. per fack, the same as last return; his Lord- ship therefore ordered, that assize of bread should continue the same as last week, On Friday evening last dropped down dead, at the door of his house at Brompton, Thompson, Esq. He went out
perfectly well after dinner to his Banker's, and about six o'clock returned, when he rung at the door- bell. On the footman coming to the door, he exclaimed exultingly— I saw it as I came along; but I thought I should be here before it." That moment he dropped at the man's feet, and never spoke afterwards. Saturday Mr. Stock, of Hertford, was stopped on Hounslow- heath by two highwaymen, who robbed him of near 61. Same day some thieves stole from the apart- ments of Mrs. Cook, of Taylor's- row, Is- lington- road, some articles of household fur- niture, & c. Saturday evening a valuable mare, the pro- perty of Mr. Wilson, of
Portland- place, Ham- mersmith, was stolen from the door of the Ca- dogan- Arms, Sloane- street, Knightsbridge. Monday evening Mr. Durnsel, of Great Windmill- street, had his pocket picked of a gold watch, seals, & c. Monday, as Mr. Bunduck, of Nine Elms, Battersea, and Messrs. Higgins and Brett, of Trinity Hall, Cambridge, were crossing Bushy Heath, between Watford and Stanmore, almost opposite the Marquis of Abercorn's Gate, be- tween twelve and one in the morning, they were stopped by two highwaymen, who robbed them of about sixteen guineas, a gold watch belong- ing to Mr. Higgins, and a metal one to Mr.
Brett. That which they took from Mr. Brett, they returned upon- his representing that it was not gold, and that he had a particular attach- ment to it on account of its being a present to him from a person who was dead. One of the men seemed very much agitated, and said that they would not have done it, but they were in great distress. They were mounted on a bay and a black horse: they slept the night before at Watford. The face of one man was entirely covered by a silk handkerchief ; the other's face was not entirely hid by a black crape. They rode off towards Harrow. MARRIED. On Saturday, Charles Mapother, Esq. of
Queen- Anne- street Eaft, to Miss Ruspini, eldest daughter to Chevalier Ruspini, of Pall- Mall.— On Thursday, at Edinburgh, the Right Hon. Robert M'Queen, of Braxfield, Lord Justice Clerk, To Miss Elizabeth Ord, daughter of the Right Hon. the late Lord Chief Baron Ord. DIED. On Thursday, at his father's house at Hack- ney, Mr. Gedaliah Gatfield, jun.— Friday, at his house at Brompton- grove, the Hon. Fran- cis Twisleton Thompson, uncle to Lord Saye and Sele.—. Same day, at an advanced age, Ma- jor- General Collins, late Commandant of the Plymouth division of Marines— On Saturday Mr. William Dampier, many years
apothecary to St. George's Hospital, Hyde- Park- Corner. — Same day Mr. Duranci, of the Theatre Royal, Drury- lane.— Some days since, at his house in Green's- row, Chelsea, James Cole, Esq.— On Friday, at Bath, after only two days illness, Holland Cooksey, Esq. of Bray's Leigh, in Worcestershire,
Jan. 7— 9, BRIT I POSTSCRIPT. PARLIAMEntarY INTELLIGENCE. HOUSE OF LORDS. Tuefday, Jan. 8. ROYAL ASSENT. This day the House being met, a Message was sent to the House of Commons, acquainting them that the Lords, authorised by virtue of His Majesty's Commission for declaring his Royal Assent to several Acts agreed upon by both Houses of Parliament, demanded their attend- ance in the Chamber of the Peers to hear the Commission read. The Speaker, accompanied by several Mem- bers of the Lower House, appearing below the Bar, Lord Kenyon, as Speaker, informed them, that His Majesty did
not think fit to attend in his Royal Political capacity; but that the Clerk of the House held in his hand a Commission— which being read, Lord Kenyon, the Duke of Montrose, Lord Grenville, and several other Lords therein named, were authorised to declare and notify the Royal Assent to the following Public Bills, viz. " An Act for establishing Regulations re- specting Aliens arriving in this Kingdom, or resident therein, in certain cases." " An Act to prohibit the Circulation of Pro- missory, or other Notes, or Obligations for the Payment of any Sum of Money, or for any other consideration, created or issued in the name of any Public
Authority in France." " The Indemnity Bill, or an Act for autho- rising his Majesty to prohibit the Exportation of Corn, Meal, Flour, Bread, Biscuit, and Potatoes ; and to permit the Importation of Corn, Meal, or Flour, on the low Duties." " An Act to enable his Majesty to restrain the Exportation of Naval Stores; and more ef- fectually to prevent the exportation of Salt- petre, Arms, and Ammunition, when prohi- bited by Proclamation or Order of Council." " An Act for the further Relief of Debtors, with respect to the imprisonment of their per- sons; and to oblige Debtors who shall continue in execution in Prison beyond, a certain time, and
for sums not exceeding what are mentioned in the Act ( 300).) to make discoverv of, and deliver upon Oath their Estates and Effects, for their Creditors Benefit. These Bills being passed into law, their Lord- ships, after dispatching fome business of a pri- vate nature, adjourned to the 22d instant. HOUSE OF COMMONS. Tuesday, Jan. 8. A message from the Lords intimated, That their Lordships had agreed to the Aliens' Bill, and several others, without any Amendments, The Report of the Marine Mutiny Bill was received. The Report of the Surplus of the Consoli- dated Fund was also received. HASTINGs's TRIAL Was, by a
message from the Lords, postponed till the 14th of February next. NEWFOUNDLAND. Mr. M. A. TAYLOR gave notice, that he would, soon after the Recess, move for the ap- pointment of a Select Committee, to examine into the state of the Newfoundland Trade, and to report their opinions thereon. BILLS PASSED. The Commons proceeded to the House of Peers, when the Aliens' Bill, and the others ready, were passed by Commission. RECESS. The House, after the Speaker and the other Members returned from the Peers, was adjourned till the 23d of January instant. Yesterday a full Board was held at the Ad- miralty-
Office, when several Officers attended and received Commissions, and two frigates were put into commission. ' The first orders sent by the Admiralty to the Navy Board were for the equipment of 38 sail of the line and 40 frigates, which, added to the 12 sail of the line then in commission, makes the number 50 sail. The best- conditioned ships and the stoutest frigates were ordered to be first got ready. On Monday, six more sail of the line were ordered to be immediately prepared for sea. Extract of a Letter from Chatham, Jan. 7. " Yesterday morning orders were received here to enter an additional number of riggers and riggers'
labourers in this dock- yard; likewise to increase the number of ropemakers. The former were employed two tides a day, and the latter two days and a half. " Capt Sir. James Wallace is arrived here, and has taken upon him the command of the Monarch, of 74 guns, now fitting for sea at this port." They write from Amsterdam, that the Ad- miralty of that place had dispatched an Admiral to the Texel, to inspect the condition of the men of war there, and to make a report thereof on his return. There was a rumour in town yesterday, that Commodore Murray had fallen in with the Ariel French frigate in the Scheldt, and had stopped her
in her passage out. It does not ap- pear upon enquiry, that there are any authentic accounts of this fact. We may however soon expect to hear some news from the Scheldt, as the Circe was or- dered to be dispatched home with the first intelli- gence of what may have happened. A sloop and cutter remain off Brest to watch the motions of the French, and to give the ear- liest accounts of the sailing of the men of war equipping at that place. The flag- ship at Brest, nearly ready for sea, is known to be the Terrible, of 110 guns, one of the new ships launched at the beginning of the last war. It has been thought that the Swedes were
about to send their Minister at the late French Court, Baron de Stahl, back again to Paris; but this is a mistake. The Baron's Lady is the daughter of M. Neckar, and is with her father at Geneva, because she cannot bear the climate of Sweden. M. de Stahl's departure to join his Lady at Geneva has given cause to the Report that he was going to reassume his functions with the present Government of France. The Marquis da Bouille is now in possession of two letters highly favourable to the French King, as showing his attachment to the new Constitution of France; and which letters the Marquis lately verified On oath before the
Lord Mayor of London, and is about to transmit to Paris. The Duke of Luxemburgh has made applica- tion to the Lords of the Treasury, to have his baggage restored, which has been detained at the Custom- house, such as his swords, & c. and their Lordships, it is said, have granted his re. quest. The Alien Bill having now received the RoyaJ Assent, the Commercial Treaty, according to the declaration of the French Executive Coun- cil, may be considered as at end. On Monday, Mr. Byrn, Mr. Keogh, and the other Roman Catholic Deputies, had their last conference with Mr. DundaS ; and it is inti- mated, that the claims of that
great body are to be fully complied with. The last accounts from Florence mention, that Lord and Lady Camelford passed through that place on their way to Rome, and that his Lordship had already received benefit from the air of Italy. CLERKENWELL SESSIONS. Yesterday, Daniel Crichton was tried for speaking, in the presence and hearing of several of his Majesty's liege subjects, the following se- ditious and treasonable words: " D— n the King ! We will have no King," The Attorney- General opened the case with great solemnity, and in a most excellent speech. He said, he knew that a deliberate plan was formed to disturb
the peace and overturn the go- vernment of the nation, but it did not originate in this country. The plan discovered itself in various ways ; by inflammatory hand- bills, by scribbling upon walls, and by short treasonable sentences. The agents of rebellion mixed them- selves with persons at all the public places of re- sort ; they were to be found at Coffee- houses, & c. and he was determined to exert himself to bring them to condign punishment. Two persons belonging to the Tower were called to prove the speaking of the treasonable words. They said, the defendant, accompanied by another man, came to see the Tower ; that,
while they were shewing it to him, he repeatedly spoke the words stated in the indictment, and added, " D— n your G. R.— we have no King in Scotland, and we will have no King in Eng- land." He appeared to be a little intoxicated. A respectable Minister of the Church of Scot- land appeared in behalf of the defendant. He said he had known him but a short time, but had heard and verily believed that he was a young man of excellent character. He had come from Scotland to improve himself in his business as a Tallow Chandler, and only arrived in Lon- don the night before he went to the Tower; that he had expressed great
sorrow for what he had done, and declared that he was so intoxicated as to be unconscious of what he said. The witness said the defendant had been confined in the worst part of Clerkenwell Bridewell, with irons, amongst the felons. The Court took into consideration the circum- stances in favour of the Defendant, and sentenced him only to three months imprisonment, and to find security for his good behaviour for one year, himself in 50I. and two sureties. in 25I. each. , The last day of the old year, a man was de- tected passing a new counterfeit- guinea in a shop in Grafton- street, Dublin. Being searched, 15 others were
found upon him. They were well executed, and the fraud no way to be discovered, but by weighing them. The value of each, intrinsically, is no more than 4s. 9d.
32 LLOYD'S EVENING- POST, & C. Jan. 7— 9. POSTSCRIPT CONTINUED. MAILS. AUTHENTIC PORT- NEWS. Extract of a Letter from Plymouth, Jan. 7 " Arrived, the Hercules, Hocard, from Honduras; the Jersey, Forster, and the Barham, Spencer, from London ; the Bucephalus, Hex- ton, from Archangel ; the Merioneth, Williams, from L'Orient; the Providence, Marshall, from Sunderland; and the Mary, Cowling, from London Wind S. W." Extract of a Letter from Cowes, Jan. 8 " The Garland, of London, Robert Proud, master, from Malaga to London, with wine, & c. was this morning stranded in Chalee Bay, at the back of
the Wight. It is feared that but little of the cargo will be saved : the vessel is gone to pieces ; and it is said the master and one man is drowned. " The Santa Rita, De Roche, from Amster- dam to Oporto, which was on shore a little to the westward of this place, is got off, with little or no damage. ' Put in here, the Fly, Studwell, from Dant- zic, for St. Malo's; and the Peggy, Bishop, from London, for Jamaica ; the Wren, . from Guernsey, and the Judith, Richards, from Ireland, for London." Extract of a Letter from Deal, Jan. 8. " Wind N. W. Arrived and sailed for the River, the John and Mary, .—, from Wa- terford.; and the Active,
Astley, from Cadiz. " Sailed the Fortune Sloop and Nimble Cut- ter on a cruise, and the Nericod, Dixon, for Messina. " Remain the Nemesis Frigate, the Speedy sloop, and the Outward- bound as per last." Extract of a Letter from Gravesend, Jan. 8. " Sailed, the Brunswick, Cooper, for India; and the Thomas and Sally, Bridger, for Lis- bon." Arrived.— At Dover, the Nymph, Jones, from the South- Seas, last from the Cape of Good Hope, and the Fortitude, Martin, from New- ry.— At Dublin, the Mary, Collins, from Lon- don.— At Falmouth, the Neptune, Greaves, from New- York.— At Lancaster, the Chats- worth, Greenwood, from
St. Eustatia.— At Liverpool, the Greenaway, Oakman, from Boston.— At Falmouth, the Mary, Haywood, ( or Alexandria; the Crown, Fox, from Cadiz; and the Charlotte, Bebel, from London. Extract of a Letter from Deal, Jan, 7. On Friday laft the brig Dispatch, English, belonging to Lynn, put into the Downs, for orders. The Master reports that he sailed from Middleburgh on the 2d instant, where the people were anxiously expecting a British squadron to co- operate with them against the force the French had sent to to open the navigation of the Scheldt; and that Dutch pilots were sent out to meet them in order to take charge; that,
on the day fol- lowing, he discovered six sail of men of war, with English colours flying, about three leagues to the eastward of Oftend, the largest of which had a Commodore's broad pendant at her main top- gallant- mast- head, and which he of course supposed to be the above- mentioned squadron; and further adds, that all the buoys any where near, or leading to the Scheldt, or to Flush ing, were taken up." On Monday last his Grace the Duke of Leeds was sworn in an honorary Brother of the Tri- nity- House at Hull. On Monday Philip Yorke, Esq. canvassed the borough of Grantham, to serve in Parliament in the room of his
father, who has declined. Sir George Thomas, Bart. of Midhurst, lately purchased a quantity of fine ox- beef, and or- dered the same to be distributed, in large por tions, to all who chose to accept of it. His Grace the Duke of Norfolk's Christmas donation consisted of beef- pies; a great number of which were made by order of his Grace, and distributed to the poor in the neighbourhood of Arundel Castle. On Thursday last the Rev. Robert Scott, M. A. Minister of the perpetual Curacy of Kirby- Ravensworth, in Yorkshire, and late Master of the Free Grammar- School of St. Bees, in Cumberland, was instituted to the Vi- carage of
East Cowton, in Yorkshire, on the presentation of the Hospital of Kirby- Ravens- worth aforesaid. Lady Elizabeth Pratt has kept her bed this fortnight, from a dreadful accident she met with, by burning her handkerchief and head- dress. She was alone when it happened, and had the presence of mind to endeavour to roll herself in the carpet, which, unfortunately, was nailed to the floor. Her cries, on the discovery of this, brought Mr. Stewart to her assistance, who immediately took off his coat, threw it round her, and extinguished the fire. Her La- dyship is attended by a physician, whose me- thod of cure is a very simple one—
merely the application of ice, which extracts the fire with out leaving any mark or scar after the part af- fected is healed. Extract of a Letter from York, Jan. 3. " Monday last, being the market- day at Sel- by, as the large ferry- boat was crossing the river from that place to the opposite shore, about three o'clock in the afternoon, the river being much swelled, the rapidity of the current carried the boat against the piles of the bridge now erect- ing there, by which it was unfortunately over- set. We are informed that there were fourteen passengers, men and women, and nine or ten horses in the boat; and, melancholy to relate, only the
two ferrymen and one or two passen- gers were saved, which was effected by their catching hold of the horses tails, by which means they were dragged to shore. Some of the horses were also drowned. A man and horse, both dead, were seen floating down the river half an hour after this fatal accident. Neither the boat, nor any of the dead bodies, were found on Tuesday, though diligent search had been made for them.— We understand, that the boatmen had been repeatedly advised by the inhabitants to cross the river below the bridge, to prevent accidents ; and to this advice not be- ing attended to, may be attributed the.
above lamentable disaster." Sheffield, in its present state, is thus circum- stanced. There are in the town of Sheffield 30,000 persons. The births year were 1543. — The deaths 1324. The Marriages 422.— The poor receiving alms were nearly 1500. Extract of a Letter from Chatham. Jan. 7. « * On Tuesday last, as the Mitre coach was returning from London, coming across Bexley Heath, it was attempted to be robbed by five footpads, one of whom made a catch at the off horse, but was prevented by his making a stum- ble, which frustrated their design. In a few minutes after, they stopped a post- chaise that was coming up the
hill, with one gentleman in, whom they robbed of seven guineas." THEATRICAL ENTERTAINMENTS. This Evening. HAYMARKeT.] The Foundling ; with The Divorce. COVENT- GARDEN.] The Castle of Anda- lusia ; with Harlequin's Museum. * We beg leave to inform our Staffordshire Cor- respondent, that Letters of ihe nature of that he wishes to infert, as they would be considered as Advertisements, must be paid for as such