Lloyd's Evening Post
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Issue Number: 5543
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Lloyd's Evening Post
Date of Article: 07/01/1793
Printer / Publisher: T. Spilsbury and Son
Address: No 57, Snowhill, London
Volume Number: LXXII
Issue Number: 5543
No Pages: 8
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[ > 7 ] LLOYD's EVENING- POST. LXXII From FRIDAY, JANUARY 4, to MONDAY, JANUARY 7, 1793. [ NUMB. 5543. SATURDAY, Jan. 5. PARLIAMENTARY INTELLIGENCE. HOUSE OF COMMONS. Friday, Jan. 4. THE SPEAKER acquainted the House, that he had estreated the recogni- zances entered into for trying the merits of the Warwick Election Petition. Two Petitions were presented, respccting Sowerby Canal, & c. The Marine Mutiny Bill was read a second time, and committed. A Petition of Mr. Smith was presented, praying leave to support the Pontefract Right of Election. The Bill to naturalize Mr. Enget was or dered. RECESS. Mr. PITT intimated, that on the supposition that the urgent business might be dispatched on : or before Tuesday next, it was intended to make an adjournment to that day fortnight. ERECTION OF BARRACKS. Mr. M. A. TAYLOR wished to learn if Mr. Pitt had any objection to an Address to his Ma- jesty, requesting that he would be graciously pleased to lay before the House an account of the number of new Barracks lately erected through the kingdom, and an estimate of the expends which the public sustained in conse- quence of this extraordinary arrangement. , Mr. PITT, alluding to the inclinations of
Gentlemen on the opposite side to impede Pub- lic Business on trifling occasions, hoped that, if the subject were agitated at all, it would be in a serious and grave manner. Mr. TAYLOR affirmed, that his intentions were of the most serious nature ; that the mea- sure was totally unconstitutional; and that he wculd take the full opportunity, after the re- - eess, to call the attention of the House to this subject. SCOTCH BOROUGHS. Before the Order of the Day, Mr. SHERIDAN regretted the absence of Mr. Dundas ; on whose account he had deferred giving notice of his intended Motion for the Internal Reform of the Royal Boroughs
of Scot- land. It was, in his opinion, a matter of the very last and most weighty importance at this Crisis. He hoped Mr. Dundas and Mr. Pitt would come prepared to discuss the subject with all that temperance and gravity which they would find him disposed to do, and recom- mened to the Right Hon. Gentleman not to nEglect acquainting his Friend of the intimation now publically made. Mr Pitt thought there would be no occa- Mr Dundas, as well as the Public, would the notice through the usual channels of information. He wished, however, to learn how soon the motion was likely to come forward after the recess ? Mr.
SHERIDAN said, that he intended to submit it to the House the first day after the Adjournment. Should, however, an Honour- able Baronet not appear in his seat then, it might possibly be postponed for some days; but he had no reason to believe the delay would extend beyond a week after the recess. Mr. PITT observed, that although he pro- posed the House should again meet on Tuesday fortnight, yet that, perhaps, it would not be necessary to continue the sittings every day, but to make short adjournments from time to time, according as public affairs should demand the assistance of Parliament. After the dispatch of some
important matters now under discussion, perhaps the Executive Government might be able to transact the National Business till a more extended period than that now alluded to ; but should any unforeseen urgency arise, so as to render the aid of Parliament unavoidably re- quisite, the short adjournments would obviate every difficulty. With this view, he entertained no doubt but Mr. Sheridan would be more candid than to blame Administration, should the adjournments not correspond with his intentions concerning the internal Reform of the Royal Boroughs— a subject which had so frequently and ineffec- tually been
recommended to their considera- tion. The conversation was then dropped. ALIENS BILL. The order of the day for taking into consi- deration the report of the Committee on the above Bill, having been read, Mr. M, A. TAYLOR rose, and said that it was not his ambition to take up the time of the House in reading extracts from French news- papers, and making comments upon them ; or in drawing pictures of the atrocities commit- ted in France, which all mankind must lament, and none could palliate , but he wished to dis- cover the grounds on which a Bill, which was certainly a departure from the common law of the land, had
been brought into Parliament. He had heard of riots, he had heard of insur- rections; but he had seen none; at least none that could justify such a measure. He had heard indeed of riots in support of " Church and King but he presumed it was not on account of those that the Militia had been called out, and Parliament prematurely assembled. He was not aware of danger from abroad ; as little was he aware of any at home. A Right Hon. Member ( Mr. Wyndham) had on a former day said, that a man had only to open his eyes to see the danger. He did not pretend to the abi- lities or talents of that Right Hon. Gentleman ; but he
certainly was blessed with as good a sight; and though he opened his eyes, and looked every where for this mighty danger, which scared so many out of their wits, yet he was not able to see it, or hear it, Ths power which the Bill then under consideration would give to Ministers was such as, in his opinion, ought not to be given to any set of men whatever. It was be- come fashionable, he observed, to consider those who opposed Ministers on this occasion, as en- couragers of sedition and insurrection. But these insinuations should not deter him from doing his duty ; in voting against this Bill, he was not influenced by either
regard for, or hos- tility to his Majesty's present Servants. He knew that some people in that House were disposed to think that the Constitution had been saved by those very Ministers : for his part, he would not hesitate to avow, that, in his opinion, it might be very easily saved with- out them, He concluded strenously against the Bill. Lord WYCOMBE supported the arguments of the last speaker on what related to our do- mestic concerns; but as to the appearance of foreign affairs, he differed in opinion with some of his friends.— As to the degree of dan- ger to be apprehended, he thought there was very little, and alluded to the
conduct of the Dutch towards us in the late war, Which he said should weigh at present as to our too hastily in- volving ourselves for them. He expatiated on the ill consequences of a war in our present situ- ation, and was of opinion that the people in general were much averse to it. Lord FIELDING supported the Bill. Lord BEAUCHAMP, at considerable length, and with much ability, delivered his sentiments which were in favour of the measure. He was surprised that the obvious necessity of it did not strike evety Gentleman, particularly when it was considered, that if the late influx of fo- reigners into the capital was continued but
for a short while longer, their numbers might ex- ceed those of the troops stationed in and aboat the metropolis. Major MAITLAND said, that no necessity whatever existed for such a violent and uncon- stitutional measure. The assertions of Ministry as to the shadow of a reason for it, he insisted, were totally disproved; and that the people were as loyal and well affected as could be wished. Mr. G. HARDINGE differed widely in opi- nion from the last speaker ; he contended that such a measure, and not one of less efficacy, was necessary for the well- being of the State, and the existence of the Constitution. The pro- ceedings of
the associations for the propagation of the most pernicious tenets and principles, were of public notoriety ; and the great influx of foreigners was universally allowed by gentle- men on the opposite side of the House : to pull the mask from these, and to discover who were fit to be trusted, or who were not, and who under the cover of emigrant concealed an emissary and leveller, was the principal intent of the Bill; and this could not be done with less powers than those given by it. As to the proofs called for, and the arguments thereon, it was hardly to be observed that they merited no an- swer ; for that House now acted upon a
pruden- tial, not on a juridical principle ; and as to the detestable principles of the French, they were to [ Pricc Fourpeuce. J
L L O Y D ' S E V E N I N G - P O S T , And Jan. 4— 7. be dreaded as the worst of infections. We oblige their ships to perform quarantine, to keep away the plague; we have tenfold reason, he faid, to keep them from infecting us with their politi- cal mania. , Mr. JENKINSON asserted, that it was noto- rious, that symptoms of disaffeCtion and revolt had appeared. The wise and vigorous measures, the excellent measures of the Counter- Associa- tions had operated to keep them down. The proceedings of the Constitutional Society were well known; and the subscriptions entered into to support France, not at a time when they
Were depressed and unsuccessful, but in the moment of victory and aggrandisement. This proceeding was not to be overlooked ; it marked the dispositions of some; but all those united efforts of disaffeCtion, he trusted, would be finally crushed by the operation of the Bill. Mr. GREY contended that the Bill conveyed the most unconstitutional and dangerous powers to the Crown ; and such as should not be given, except in cases of the greatest and most palpable necessity ; and even of this necessity, Parliament was to be the sole judge. In these cafes, con- fidence should not be placed in the assertions of Ministers, however
respeCtable; but proof, substantial proof, he said, should be laid before them. How widely different from these consti- turional modes were the present proceedings of Parliament. We seem, he said, to be favoured with a mock deliberation, only to enregister Ministerial edicts. As to what had been said respecting the Constitutional Societies and other addresses to the French Government, he deemed it foreign to the present subjeCt ; for not one word of these was mentioned, nor was the continuance of the addresses ( if any hurt were in them) prevented by the Bill. With respect to the influx of foreigners into this kingdom, it
certainly had been great; but, as to any ill con- sequences to be apprehended, by what had yet appeared by them, he denied that there was any. With these impressions, and for the reasons he before stated, he must deem it his duty to resist such a measure to the utmost of his power. Lord MULGRAVE defended the Bill at some length, which he insisted, was absolutely neces- sary, to preserve our happy Constitution and Establishments from being overturned. He painted the internal system which has of late prevailed in France, in glowing colours, and illustrated- it with several instances of the most barbarous cruelty to
individuals, the result of lawless anarchy, and tyrannic licentiousness. These he contrasted with the peaceful and happy effeCts of the real liberty and mild government which prevails in this country. The Bill, therefore, as being a measure calculated to pre - serve these entire and uninterrupted, he must suppott by every means, of which he was ca- pable. Lord TITCHFIELD reprobated the general conduct of Administration, to whose miscon- duCt he attributed the danger to which the country was exposed. The Bill being, however, calculated to repel that danger, he gave it his support. Mr. WYNDHAM said it would be improper in
his Majesty's Ministers to state facts as a ground for the present Bill; the evident situa- tion of the kingdom was its justification. He considered the progress of French principles to be the pest of Europe, and the greatest possible calamity with which a country could be afflicted. This Bill was to resist the spreading of those principles, and it therefore had his hearty con- currence. The Hon. T. GRENVILLE considered the prefent to be the beft meafure that could have been taken :— it was a measure, instead of being oppressive and unjust, benevolent and humane ; for it enabled us to open our doors to the unfor- tunate but virtuous
Emigrant, flying from the assassin's knife, without having our eyes dis- gusted by known assassins. Mr. MiTForD was also for the Bill, and con- tended that the power it put into the hands of the Crown, was only what the Prerogative, as it stood without the Bill, would have justified the exercise of. By a happy and well delivered quotation, he reprobated the idea of Liberty and Equality, which could never exist with order. The Constitution of this Country was as a pyramid, which had for its base the people, the King for its point, with an infinite number of degrees, the removal of one of which would endanger the most beautiful form in
na- ture, and crumble an edifice, the envy of the world into ruins. Mr. Fox declared that his opinion still re- mained what ir ever had been ; namely, that no danger had existed warranting the measures pur- sued by Administration. Much had been con- tended on the danger created by the progress of French principles, and of French arms. On those apprehended dangers he had two distinCt and completely different Opinions: those who were alarmed on the progress of French principles, were, in his opinion, alarmed without reason ; for he thought too highly of the good sense of the Nation, to believe, for a moment, that French
principles could make their way into a Country, like this, enjoying rational liberty. Public opinions, however, were not to be driven out of the country by pikes, by swords, and artil- lery ; but by fair reason, by contempt, or by prosecution. With respeCt to external danger, he felt alarmed, and confessed that the same spirit of conquest and aggrandisement which aCtuated Louis the XIVth to his wars, might, and apparently had, taken possession of the pre- sent governing power in France ; a conduct ari- sing from that spirit to which we ought to look with jealousy and alarm ; and, acting up to that opinion, he had voted for an
armament. The dangers apprehended were of a con- trary nature, and required contrary reme- dies : — an armament against external dan- ger was wise ; but an armament against opinion, he considered to be ridiculous.— He went over the former argument of the calling out of the Militia, and the assembling of Parliament.— He reprobated the late proceedings in France, and particularly the massacre of the 2d of September, which in horror and atrocity ex- ceeded, he said, every thing he had read or heard of since the massacre of St. Bartholo- mew's day. The massacre in September had been disclaimed by the Assembly ; but
a sim- ple disclaiming could by no means be sufficient; for it would be to the eternal disgrace of Paris, that neither means were taken to prevent the calamity, nor to punish the assassins, by terrible examples after the massacre. After some fur- ther observations, contending that a Bill like the present ought not to be made law until proofs of the necessity were exhibited, he begged to move, " That the Report be considered on that day three weeks." The CHANCELLOR of the EXCHEQUER next rose. He first observed upon the assertion of the Right Hon. Gentleman who had just sat down, " that no such Bill as the present ought to
pass until proofs were given of its necessity;" and his objeCt was now, for the first time, not to negative the Bill, but, after four days dis- cussion, to adjourn it, and what on the eve of the recess for three weeks ! If the Bill was necessary at all, it was immediately necessary; and every hour lost previous to its being made a Law, was an hour of danger to the safety and peace of the Empire. Gentlemen, seeing it in the light he did, would not then be ready to suffer the object of the Bill to be defeated by the proposed amendment on the Order of the Day.— That the powers of the Bill were not greater than powers formerly granted to
the Crown he argued by quoting the suspension of the Habeas- Corpus ACt, which had occasionally been Ap- pended without any statement of the events rendering the measure necessary ; for, as it had before been observed, that Houfe sat for pru- dential measures not juridical. The Right Hon. Gentleman had voted for the- armament. He wished him to shew a distinction between the propriety of that measure, and the measure now proposed. No difference could be shown ; the necessity for both was felt in the heart of every honest man. He did not choose to state the necessity of the case : — not that it was diffi- cult to state
it; for, on the contrary, the only difficulty he felt was, that the magnitude of the evil to be provided against, was greater than the provisions of the Bill went to.— In his opi- nion it would have been sufficient to have urged the necessity of the Bill, had he contented him- self with stating, that a great and unforeseen calamity had taken place in another country, which had occafioned an influx of Foreigners, without any visible means of maintenance; which would of itself have justified, the Bill as a necessary precaution for the internal police the kingdom. But he might have justified it still further, by stating that those subjeCts were from
a country w here principles of anarchy weve prevalent, and whence emissaries were sent to foment insurrections, and to overturn the govern- ments of every country in Europe: — the great law of self- preservation, in that consideration, justified the Bill. If, in addition to what he had stated, he had added, that it was to be seen, in a long series of measures pursued by the French Government ( if Government it was to be called); that they endeavoured to propagate their de- structive principles in every country ; and that they had established a principle of propagation, open or indirect, to subvert all Governments-, he should have
thought he had made out ground enough to warrant the precaution the present Bill proposed. If, besides ; it was known there existed in the British Empire busy and aCtive societies, holding up the destructive principles of France as a model for a Govern- ment in this kingdom ; if those societies were endeavouring to conform themselves, in every respeCt to the French government, and corre- sponded, as was notorious, with the most de- sperate and criminal societies in France, and with emissaries from it ; if it was seen that branches of the French engine of anarchy were spread in every direction, and that affilicted Jacobin
socicties were established, treating with, and countenanced by, that in France which nailed itself the National Assembly, as- suming the power of that devoted Country; was it not time to be awake to the danger of those who were lurking about with the traiterous views of establishing that detestable government? — He contended that it was time ; and, though not bound to state a perfeCt knowledge of their plans, he had no difficulty in stating strong cir- cumstances, confirming every suspicion which had been held and decla from the general
Jan. 4— 7. B R I T I S H C H R O N I C L E , for 1793. posture of affairs.— The Right Hon. Gen- tleman then dwelt upon the assertions of eigh- teen or nineteen professed assassins being in the country observed, if there was known to be but one; that knowledge would warrant a suspicion of more, and that suspicion would jus- tify the Bill.— He was astonished at the distinc- tion made by the Right Hon. Gentleman between the external and internal danger of the country; for to him they appeared inseparable : for the internal was stamped with a connexion with France, which rendered the prospect of a war with that country an
additional induce- ment to the Government of this to be watch- ful at home.— It had been charged against Ad- ministration, that, though destitute of confi- dence, and though not to be credited, they had created an alarm of danger no where existing, no where to be seen ; yet these men had induced the whole of the country, a few seditious socie- ties and clubs excepted, to feel the danger, and had induced the majority of those who had acted as a party in opposition to Administration to act with them. There were but ten or fifteen Gentlemen in that House who could with grave. faces stand up to profess their disbelief of existing
danger;— every other man stood forward, ex- cept those ten or fifteen, in support of the pre- sent measure, as calculated- for the safety of the Constitution and for the mainetnance of the liberty and property of every man in the coun- try. He contended that the alarm of the Na- tion was greater a week before any public measures were taken, than it had been since; and that those measures had had the most defired and falutary effeft ; — they had warned and set the nation on its guard :— but he hoped no improper security might be gone into.— The safety of the country was in its pre- paration ; in a time of less vigilance, and in
a momentary calm, the seditious would crawl forth from their hiding- places, and attack the Constitution with redoubled violence. The Right Hon. Gentleman next reviewed the con- duct of the French politics in the countries they conquered, and marked with indignation their levelling principles of all Hereditary Govern- ments, Nobility, and privileged Orders— a conduct exhibiting an alliance of anarchy and ambition to sacrifice every authority throughout the world— treating as illegitimate every thing resting on the Law of Nations, and destroying all society and order. He next adverted to the faith and interest by which we were
bound to assist Holland; and after replying to every Gentleman who had spoken against the Bill, concluded by insisting upon its expediency and its justice. The Question, was then put on Mr. Fox's Amendment, which was negatived ; after which the original Question, to agree with the Report, was carried without a division. At half after two o'clock the House ad- journed. LONDON. Yesterday arrived the mails from Flanders. The German post not being arrived when the Dutch mail left Holland, there is no further news of General Custine's army, than what we already know. The Advocate Vander Hop, who was agent to the Belgic
Congress in 1790, has been ar- rested at Brussels, and imprisoned in the Treu- renberg. Baron Stahl, the late Swedish Ambassador in France, is arrived at Copenhagen, from whence. he is expected to proceed to Paris. Count Lucchesini is gone to Vienna in quality of Minister from the King of Prussia. There have been two severe storms at Ham- burgh, on the 18th ult. and the preceding Fri- day. In the first the shipping sustained the principal damage ; but, in the latter, all the steeples of the churches, and other buildings, were more or less damaged. The streets were nearly filled with ruins ; and it was with diffi- culty that the
corn- magazine, was preserved.^ The damage is said to be incredible. The Empress of Russia is about to send a grand embassy to Constantinople, and has al- ready deputed a Minister to make preparations there. Lieutenant- General Kotuzow, the late Commandant in Cracovia, it expected to be the Ambassador. COURT- NEWS, & C. Yesterday morning the Queen and the three Princesses set off from Buckingham- House with the usual escorte to Windsor- Lodge. At half past twelve o'clock the King came in his pri- vate coach to St, James's Palace. The Levee began before one; and closed in half an hour. The principal
persons present were, the Right Hon. W. Pitt;— Dukes of Richmond and De- vonlhire ;— Lords Bolton ( Lord of the King's Bed- Chamber in Waiting), Cathcart, Hawkef- bury, and Amherft ( Gold Stick) ;— Sir W. Fawcitt, Sir G. Yonge, Mr. Dundas, Mr. Fawkener ( Clerk of the Council) ; and Mr. Walkr ( Groom in Waiting) ;-^ Generals Lake ( Field- Officer), Ainslie, and Lascelles — Colo- nels Manners and Harris. A Council was held after the Levee, which sat only a short time. The Duke of Richmond, Mess. Pitt, and Dundas, Sir G. Yonge, and Sir W. Faw- citt, had audiences after the Council; and be- fore four o'clock his Majesty
set off in his post- chaise to Windsor to dinner, His Grace the Duke of Devonshire was at the Levee yesterday for the first time this season Yesterday Mr. Pitt laid several- papers before the King in Council, which Administration had received from the Court of. Vienna, and Lord Auckland at the Hague; which papers the King took with him to Windsor. The Duke of Richmond laid the monthly report of the state of ammunition belonging to the engineers, the different ordnance stores, the establishment cf the engineers, artillery, & c. . be- fore the King. Sir William Fawcitt made his report of the state of the army on the British
establishment. Yesterday their Royal Highnesses the Dukes of York and Clarence had audiences of the King at Buckingham- House. The Duchess of York, wiih another lady, attended the whole of the debate yesterday in the House of Commons. The Duke of Cla- rence was also present.' On Thursday, at six o'clock, a Cabinet Council was held at the Secretary of States Of- fice, Whitehall, which was attended by all the Ministers, and sat till half past one o'clock yes- terday morning. Yesterday Sir George Yonge, Sir William Fawcitt, and Colonel Delancey, had a private interview with Mr. Pitt, on the augmentation oi the military
establishment. Yesterday the Marquis de Bouille had an au- dience of Lord Grenville, at his house in St. James's square. The Marquis de Bouille has received a letter from St. Petersburgh, which informs him, that the Empress of Russia has not only readily agreed to furnish the stipulated quota of 16,000 #< 9 men, but has offered 40,000, should they be found necessary, for the next campaign. The following Address to the King was voted by the Council and House. of Assembly of Ja- maica on the 1st of November last; and or- dered to be transmitted to England for presen- tation. " We, your Majesty's dutiful' and loyal subjects-,
the Council and Assembly of Jamaica', beg leave to express to your Majesty our sin- cere attachment to your Royal Perfon and Fa- mily. We have seen, with indignation, the at- tempts that have been made to excite tumult and disorder by the seditious writings which have been printed, and industrioufly dispersed amongst your Majesty's subjects; and we have the greatest. satisfaction in assuring your Ma- jesty, that no such disposition has hitherto made its appearance among your Majesty's subjects of Jamaica, notwithstanding the tendency of such innovating doctrines to promote the spirit of revolt, throughout your Majesty's
West- India Colonies. " With gratitude we reflect", most gracious Sire, on your paternal goodness and wisdom manifested by measures so timely. adopted to guard against all such attempts, which armed the subVersion of good order and regular vernment within your Majesty's Realm of Great Britain; and with perfect confidence an equal participation of that parental care and anxiety, for our security, which your Majesty has shewn for such of your subjects as have happiness of being placed more immediately about your sacred person. " We humbly represent to yovr Majesty our steady and inviolable adherence to that form of
Government, both civil and religious, as esta- blished at the time of the glorious Revolution . Sensible of the many blessings we enjoy under that mild and auspicious system, we will, at the expence of our lives and fortunes endeavour to maintain, and hand it down unimpaired to our posterity." The Cherokees of the five last towns upon the Tennesee have declared war against the United States of America, and have begun some predatory incursions with a body of 600 men. Thursday the Purser of the Warley attended at the East- India House, and received his final dispatches ; with which he immediately set off for Deal. This
ship is destined to Coast and China. The Exeter and Brunswick, for Bombay and China, are the next ships to be dispatched. ' Yesterday was commissioned, at Woolwich, his Majesty's frigate Iris, of 32 guns, and the command of her given to Capt. George Lums- daine.' ' The Triton East- Indiaman is put into Tor- bay, having sprung. her bowsprit. The Kingston, Wadswortfi, from Petersburgh to Hull, is lost on the coast of Jutland. . The Two Betseys, are Grimble, of Yar- mouth, is lost on the Coast of Holland ; people saved. The sloop Halbeach, for Wisbeach, is lost on the Coast of Holland ; Captain drowned. The Buona
Concordia, Boufort, from Cher- son to Barcelona, is lost in the Black Sea. The jenny, Bourn, is totally lost on Born- holm. ' - The Unity, Scotland, the Peggy, Melvin, the Bleming, Hodgson, the Favourite, Hall, and
- 20 L L O Y D ' S E V E N I N G - P O S T , And Jan. 7— 9, the Haltham, Bower, are totally lost on the Coast of Jutland. The Hope, Hund, is lost on Sudenland. Accounts from various parts of the country state, that from the vast quantity of snow which has fallen within these few days, accom- panied with a very severe frost, the roads in many places are almost impassable. A heavy coach, that used to perform the journey to Norwich in 24 hours, was near two days and nights coming from that city to London. Monday night two trunks, containing a va- riety of articles, the property of Mr. Stephen- son, of Long- Acre, were cut from
a post- chaise, between Hounslow and London. Tuesday evening Mr. Miles, of the Dog and Duck, St, George's Fields, was stopped near Chislehurst by three footpads, who robbed him of upwards of 2I. Thursday evening a portmanteau, containing a quantity of apparel, the property of the Rev. Mr. Jackson, at Holland's CofFee- house, was cut from a post- chaise, near Tottenham- court turnpike. Thursday night the chambers of Mr. Kelly, of Barnard's Inn, Holborn, were broke open, and robbed of a quantity of wearing- apparel and a variety of articles. CARLTON HOUSE, 5th jan 1793. THE Creditors at large of his Royal
Highness the PRINCE of WALES arerequested to send in their respective Bills ( made up to the above date) to the Office of His, Royal Highness's Treasurer, in Pall- Mall, in order that the said Bills may as speedily at possible be arranged, and put into a State of Li- quidation. ADMIRALTY OFFICE, Dec. 26, 1792. NOTiCE is hereby given, That such Seamen and Marines, who have been minuted by the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty as proper Objects for Greenwich Hospital, and may be desirous of the Out- Pension until they can be pro- vided for therein, will be appointed Out- Pensioners accordingly, upon their
Application at this Office, where it is their Lordships Direction that they attend, as soon as possible, for that Purpose. P. STEPHENS. OFFICE OF ORDNANCE, January, 1793. AVariety of IRON- WORK being wanted for GUN- CARRIAGES, Patterns will be ready, at the Office of Ordnance, in the Tower, m Monday, the 7th Instant, to, be viewed by any Smiths who may be willing to contract for a Supply of the fame, as also the Terms of the Contract to be entered into for that Purpose. Proposals will be received by the Board, at their Office in St. Margaret's Street, Westminfter, on Wednesday, the 9th Instant, at Twelve o'Clock.
By Order of the Board, AUGUSTUS ROGERS, Secretary. This Day was published, Price is. 6d. THE NEW LONDON MEDICAL JOURNAL, fOr THE YEAR 1793. PART THE FIRST London Printed tor the Editors : Sold by J. Deighton, Holborn ; Creech,. Edinburgh ; and Gilbert, Dublin. Where may be had, VOL. L Boards, 6s FOWEY, Dec, 31, 1792. - WE, the Undersigned ( formerly, with others, constituting a Club known by the Name of the FISHING- CLUB), from the present Situation of public Affairs, having requested, that the Mayor of the Borough would be pleased to convene a Meeting of the Inhabitants, that we might have
an Opportunity of publicly testifying our Attachment to our beloved Sovereign, and our present happy constitution; but no Attention having been paid to our request ; We find it incumbent on us, being truly sensible of the many Advantages which we and our Fellow- Subjects enjoy under our present happy Constitution, and being actuated by a steady and affectionate Loyalty to the best of Kings, Do SOLEMNLY DECLARE, That we will, in our several Stations, behave in a peaceable and orderly Manner, as becomes faithful, loyal, and good Subjects, to our King and the established Laws of our Country : That we will do all in our
Power to aid and assist the Magistracy in maintaining the general Tranquillity, in suppressing all Riots and DistUrbances, and in bringing the Authors and Promoters thereof to condign Punishment. RESOLVED, That the above, with a Copy of the Requisition to the Mayor, be published in the Sherborne Mercury, Exeter Flying- Post, and in Lloyd's Evening- Post. ( Signed) GABRIEL BRAY, THOMAS DORMER, THOMAS MEIN, THOMAS ORCHARD, ABRAHAM NAfTEL, THOMAS POTTER, JAMES BENNETTO, WILLIAM BROWN, JONATHAN SMITH. To JOHN KIMBER, Esq. MAYOR. SIr, WE, the undersigned, request, that a
Meeting may be convened as soon as possible, for the Purpose of giving us, together with the other Inhabitants, an Opportunity of ex- pressing our Loyalty. THOMAS MEIN, JAMES BENNETTO, THOMAS DORMER, WILLIAM BROWN. Fowey, Dee. 26, 1792. WE the BAILIFFS, RECORDER, and ALDERMEN, of the Town of EAST RET- FORD, in the County of NOTTINGHAM, and the. In- habitants of the said Town and Neighbourhood, whose Names are hereunder written, at a public Meeting held at the MOOT- HALL of the said Town, the 14th Day of December, 1792, EDWARD BROWN, Esq. Senior Bailiff, in the Chair.
UNANIMOUSLY RESOLVED, FIRST,— That in the present Situation of public Af- fairs, it is the Duty of every good Subject to declare, which we do most heartily, our sincere Satisfaction under the mild and equitable Government of our most gracious Sovereign Lord King George, and to express our invio- lable Attachment to the illustrious House of Hanover, and the present established Constitution of this Kingdom. SECONDLY,— That we will, by every legal Measure, endeavour to discover and bring to Justice, the Authors, Publishers, and Distributors, of every seditious and trea- sonable Writing, and especially all Perfons who
shall be engaged in any Societies or Combinations for the Disper- sion and Promotion of such Principles : And that we will, upon every Occasion, exert ourselves, on the first Appearance of Tumult or Disorder, to maintain the Public Peace, and to act in Support of the Civil Authority for suppressing all Riots, and for bringing the Promoters of them to Justice. THIRDLY,— Those who agree in the above Resolutions are invited to set their Names to this Declaration, a Copy of which will be left in the Moot- Hall for Seven Days from the Date hereof, from the Hour of Ten in the Morning until One in the Afternoon. FOURTHLY,— That
these Resolutions be signed by the Chairman, and published in the GENERAL EVENING- POST, LLOYD'S EVENING- POST, the STAR, MORN- TNG HERALD, and in the NOTTINgHAM, SHEfFIELD, LEEDS, YORK, and HULL Papers. fIFTHLy,— That the Thanks of this Meeting be given to the Chairman for his readiness in complying with the Requisition to call the same, and for his impartial Conduct upon this Occasion. EDWARD BROWN, Chairman. AT a respectable MEETING of the INHA- BITANTS of the Parish of SOUTH W1NG- FIELD, in the County of DERBY. held at the House of Mr. Kendall, the Peacock Inn, in the
Parish, on Tuesday, the 1st Day of January, 1793, WINGFIELD HALTON, Esq. in the Chair. The following RESOLUTIONS were unanimously agreed upon: FIRST— That having observed, with much Concern, that Opinions tending to loosen the Bonds of well ordered Society, destructive of Property, subversive of good Go- vernment, inimical to true liberty, and finally most in- jurious to those Classes of Men whose Understandings they are chiefly calculated to mislead, have, wihn mischievous Diligence, been circulated in every Part of this Kingdom, we feel it our Duty, at this Time, to declare our firm At- tachment to the
Established Constitution of Great- Britain, and a Government by KING, LORDS, and COM- MONS. SECONDLY— That we will, in our separate Capacities, endeavour to inculcate a Reverence for the Established Laws, to suppress all seditious Publications or Meetings, and sedulousty to detect and defeat whatever may tend to disturb the public Peace, and excite Disaffection to the lawful Government of this Country. THIRDLY-— That the Thanks of this Meeting be given to Mr. Halton, for the Activity he has shown on this Oc- casion, and for the Sentiments he delivered in opening the Business of the Day, in which we
unanimously coincided,; and that he be requested to sign the same on behalf of this Meeting, and cause the same to be inserted in the next DERBY MERCURY, and in LLOYD'S EVENING- POST. WINGFIELD HALTON, Chairman. To be SOLD by AUCTION, At the Exchange Coffee- House, on Saturdav, the 26th Day of January instant, at One o'clock, The following Premises, in LOTS, viz. LOT I. THREE Fourths, or undivided Quarter Parts or Shares, of and in all that Piece or Parcel of Pasture Ground, called CANON, alias CANNINGS MARSH, situate, lying, and being in the Parish of St. AUGUSTINE, in the City of
BRISTOL, and of and in the several Messuages, Houses, Structures, and Buildings thereon erected and built, and now in the several Tenures or Occupations of Richard Tombs, Ship- Builder, Mary Cull, Widow, Philip Bevan, Patten- Ring- Maker, Wil- liam Fields, Mariner, Messrs. Acraman, Jones, and Co. Deal- Merchants, Sidenham Teast, Ship- Builder, Joseph Manfield, Boat- Builder, Thomas Eagles and Co. Deal- Merchants, Messrs. Bright, Farr, and Co. Rope- Makers, and Thomas Morse, Sexton of the Cathedral, and a Smith's Shop, lately let to John Garret, Anchor- Smith. This Lot is held under the Dean and Chapter of
Bristol, and is to be sold for the Lives of his Royal Highness George Prince of Wales, the said Sidenham Teast, and John Clement, Stocker, and the Life of the longest Liver of them, subject to the Yearly chief Rent of 3I. 15s. LOT XI. Certain Lands and Premises called DEAN'S MARSH ESTATE, situate in th-. Parish of St. AUGUSTINE aforesaid, consisting of a Messuage, Tenement, ot Dwelling- House, Dock- Yard, Warehouse, Compting- Houses, Buildings, and Premises, in the Possession of the said Richard Tombs, and several Messuages or Tene- r ments, in the several Tenures of William Lands, John Carter, William
Hosey, and John Batman, Shipwrights, Joseph Sheppard, Mariner, and Robert Taylor, Victualler. Part of this Lot is also held under the Dean and Chapter of Bristol, and is to be sold for the Remainder of a Term of 21 Years, which commenced the 2d of April, 1788, under the Yearly Rent of 20s. And the Remainder of the said Lot is likewise held under the said Dean and Chapter, and is to be sold for the Remainder of a Term of 21 Years, which commenced he 23d Day of June, 1790, under the Yearly Rent of 50s. Printed Particulars of the Property will be distributed ten Days previous to the Sale; ana in the mean Time apply to
the said Richard Tombs, Messrs. Smith and Kekewich, Lincoln's- Inn, London, or to Messrs. Parkers and Clarke, Attorneys Bristol W. WINER, Broker.
Jan. 4— 7. B R I T I S H C H R O N I C L E , " for 1793. 21 This Day were published, In Two Volumes Octavo, Price 12s. in Boards. TRAVELS THROUGH SWISSERLAND, ITALY, SICILY, the GREEK ISLANDS, to CONSTANTINOPLE ; through Part of GREECE, RAGUSA, and the DALMATIAN ISLES; in the Years 1787, 1788, 1789. In a Series of LETTERS to PENNOYRE WAT- KINS, Esq. From THOMAS WATKINS, A. M. Printed for T. Cadell, in the Strand. HEALTH and LONGEVITY. Dr. JAMES'S ANALEPTIC PILLS. TO preserve Health, and of courfe to pro- long Life, nothing is so necessary as an attention to those
slight indispositions to which all men are subject, and which, by being considered as trifling, are too often disregarded, till by neglect they take deep root in the constitution, and become of serious and sometimes fatal consequence. Thefe complaints, whether the cause of them be a cold, excess of eating or drinking, fatigue of body or mind, a too active or sedentary life, a gouty or a bilious disposition, & c. & c. are generally discovered by some obstructions in the minute vessels, or by some defect in the natural secretions.— As a remedy for these evils, the celebrated Inventor of the Fever Powder composed his Analeptic Pills,
and he exhibited in himself a memo- rable instance of their efficacy; for, by the constant use of them, though a free- liver, he attained to the age of 75. The tendency of these Pills is, to open the pores by night, and the body by day. They remove obstructions, promote sleep, and they require neither confinement, nor attention to diet. They are also an admirable remedy for Rheumatic Disorders, for the Head- Ach, and for those complaints to which the Female Sex are peculiarly sub- ject. They should be taken on the first attack of cold, and upon all occassions of uneasiness or indisposition and should never be omitted at bed time, after any excess. They are sold only by Francis Newbery, at No. 45, in St. Paul's Church- Yard, and at Dr. James's late house in Bruton- street, London, in boxes at 4s. 6d. each, duty included; or the quantity of six in one large box for 1l. 2s. 6d. All purchasers ( for security) will observe that the name of NEWBERY is engraven in the stamp on each box by order of the Commissioners, as no others can be genuine. N. B. As many persons mistake Mr. NEWBERY's House, to which he has lately made a considerable addition, it is necessary to point out, that it is a large white House, at the End of St. Paul's nearest to
Cheapside, with a Bust of Dr. James, and these words on the Front, " THE ONLY WAREHOUSE FOR DR. JAMES'S POWDERS." Dr. SIBLY's RE- ANIMATING SOLAR TINCTURE, Or PABULUM of LIFE; THIS is an elegant and certain Cure for the most inveterate Scurvy, Leprosy, King's- Evil, Ir- ruptions on the Skin, Rheumatic Gout, Palsy, Nervous AffeCtions, Asthma, Consumption, Dropsy, and for all Disorders arising from an impure, infected, or impaired State of the Blood—" The BLOOD is the LIFE .'"— and no longer than this vital Stream is kept in due Circulation*, pure and. uncontaminated, can the Body be preserved
in Health and Vigour. The warm and renovating Qualities of the Solar Tinc- ture render it the best Medicine for Relaxations, Debility, Latitude, Tremors, Sinking of the Spirits, and all those Nervous Affections which harass and oppress the wEAK Sedentary, and Delicate ; and are often the Consequences of high living and luxuriant Indulgences, without bodily Exercise and fresh Air. In all these Cases, the Solar Tincture is calculated to warm and steady the cold tremu- lous Nerves, to sheathe and invigorate the Muscular System, to animate tbe Spirits, and renovate the whole Man, whereby the chill watery Fluids become rich and
balsamic and the Circulation resumes its healthful State. For Rheumatic Gout, Agues, and all Disorders arising from obstructed Perspiration; in Complaints of the Breast, Stomach, and Bowels; in Asthmatic and Consumptive Cases; and in all, those alarming Disorders which fre- quently arise from as unwholsome State of the Air, it is an elegant and expeditious Cure. Sold, by the Doctor's Appointment, at Mr. William's, Perfumer to his Majesty, No. 41, Pall- Mall; at Melvin's Perfumery Warehouse, No. 70, New Bond- street; at the Doctor's House, in Titchfield- street, Cavendish- Square ; and at the British Directory- Office, Ave-
Maria- Lane, St. Paul's. Price 13s. the large, and 7s, 6d. the small Bottles, Duty included. A Treatise on the Virtues and Efficacy of the Medi- cine may be had gratis where it is sold. MONDAY, Jan. 7. From the LONDON GAZETTE, Jan. Whitehall, Jan. 5. THE King has been pleased to grant the dignity of a Baronet of the Kingdom of Great Britain to William Manners, of Hanby- Hall, in the county of Lincoln, Esq. and the heirs male of his body lawfully be- gotten, with remainder to his brothers John and Charles Manners, Esqrs. and the heirs male of their bodies lawfully begotten. BANKRUPTCY ENLARGED. John Lelley, of
Holywell- street, Strand, mercer, to sur- render Jan. 11, at ten, at Guildhall. BANKRUPTS. Thomas Martin, of St. Michael's- alley, Cornhill, clock and watchmaker, to surrender Jan. 11, 18, and Feb. 16, at eleven, at Guildhall. Attorney, Mr. Leigh, Bart- lett's- buildings, Holborn. Thomas Burton, of Little Queen- street, Lincoln's- inn- fields, printer, to surrender Jan. 12, 19, and Feb. r6, at ten, at Guildhall. Attorney, Mr. Ellison, Crane- court, Fleet- street. Josiah Weeden, of Market- street, St. James's market, Westminster, oilman, to surrender Jan. 12, 22, and Feb. 16, at ten, at Guildhall. Attorney, Mr. Brookes, Clement's- inn. James
Marmaduke Rossiter, of Queen- street, in the Park, Southwark, stone- mason, to surrender Jan. 11, 21, and Feb. 16, atten, at Guildhall. Attorney, Mr. Vowel, Castle- street, Southwark. William Coulthard, of Lochbury, merchant, to surrender Jan. 8, 15,, and F 0. 16, at eleven, at Guildhall. Attorneys, Messrs. Willis, Lothbury. Thomas Hayton, of Fashion- street, Spital- fields, victualler, to surrender Jan. 12, 19, and Feb. 16, at ten Guild- hall. Attorneys, Messrs. Welch, Rutherford, and Mangnell, Aldersgate- street. Matthew Kington, of Corsham, Wiltshire, shop- keeper to surrender jan. 11, at 16, . t ei ven, at Guildhall low and
Roberts, Monument- yard < Joseph Balcetti, of Earl- street, Black- friars surrender Jan. 8, 15, hall. Attorney, Mr. Macdougall, Staple- Inn
22 Thomas Peirce, of Tottenham- court- road, dealer, to surrender Jan. 12, at one, 24, at five, and Feb. 19, at one, at Guildhall. Attorney, Mr. Willingham, Ste- phen- street, Rathbone- place. John Wilkinson, of Carey- street, money- scrivener, to surrender Jan. 12, at one, 24, at five, and Feb. 16, at one, at Guildhall. Attorney, Mr. Lowten, Temple. William Caslon, of Finsbury- square, letter- founder, to surrender Jan. 8, 19, and Feb. 16, at ten, at Guildhall. Attorney, Mr. Foulkes, Bedford- street, Covent- gar- den. Richard Westgarth, of Oxford- street, taylor, to surrender Jan. 12, 22, and Feb. 16, at ten, at Guildhall. Attor- ney, Mr.
Bunn, King's bench- walks, Temple. Joel Banfield, of the Strand, woollen- draper, to surren- der 12, 22, and Feb. 16, at ten, at Guildhall. At- torneys, Messrs. Mayo and Ford, Old City- Chambers, Bishopsgate- street. John West, of Temple- street, victualler, to surrender Jan. 15, at ten, 17, and Feb. 16, at twelve, at Guild- hall. Attorneys, Mr. Humphreys, Martin's- lane, Can- non- street. Charles Oldroyd, of Red- Lion- street, apothecary, to sur- render Jan. 19, 22, and Feb. 16, at eleven, at Guild- hall. Attorney, Mr. Humphreys, Martin's- lane, Can- non- street. DividENds. Feb. 16. James Smith, of Serle- street, Lincoln's- inn- fields,
japanner, at Guildhall. Feb. 15. Richard Rogers, of Lea- bridge- mills, miller, at ten, at Guildhall. Feb. 2. William Nicoll, of St. Paul's Church- yard, book- seller, at nine, at Guildhall. Jan. 12. Thomas Jones, of Oxford- street, linen- draper, at twelve, at Guildhall. Feb. 24. Thamas Thornthwaite and James Jacks, of Paternoster- row,, taylors, at ten, at Guildhall. Feb. 5. Charles Smith, of Cheapside, hosier, at one, at Guildhall. Feb. 2. John Harris, Edward Lowe, Thomas Gaskill, and Henry Lowe, of Cannon- street, felt- makers at twelve, at Guildhall. Jan. 28. Thomas Hughes, of Faversham, Kent, grocer, at eleven, at the Dolphin,
Faversham. Jan. 29. John Seel, of Manchester, fustian- manufacturer, at three, at the Bull's Head inn, Manchester. Feb. 4. William Webly, of George- street, Walcot, So- mersetshire, perfumer,, at eleven, at the Saracen's Head Inn, Broad- street, Bath. Jun, 23. William Gibb, of Fowey, Cornwall, merchenr, at ten, at the White Hart Inn,- St. Austell, Cornwall. Feb. 2. , Junes Roxburgh and James Stewart Mudie, of Budge- row, factors, at twelve, at Guildhall. CERTIFICATE. 26. , John Wade, of Old Gravel- lane, carman. [ This Gazette contains his Majesty's order in Council, al- lowing the Importation into Newfoundland of bread,
flour, Indian corn, and live stock, from any of the terri- tories of the United States of America: Also Addresses to his Majesty from the port of Seaford and the town of Blackburn, LLOYD'S E V E N I N G . P O. S T, And Jan. 4— 7. POSTSCRIPT. J LONDON, Yesterday their Majesties and the Princesses went to. St. George's Chapel at Windsor with the usual attendants, where they heard Divine Service and a sermon ; after which they returned to the Lodge to dinner, where they continued' the remainder of the day. Yesterdav, being the Feast of the Epiphany,' the usual Offerings were made at the altar of the Chapel Royal, St.
James's, by the Lord Chamberlain, for the King. The only public days at St. James's this week are, the King's Levees on Wednesday and Fri- day. There will be no Drawing- Room till Friday, the 18th instant, being the day appointed to ce- lebrate Queen's birth; after which the Drawing- Room will be every Thursday till the 4th of june. The usual orders are given for all the suite of apartments at BucKingham- House to be ready by Wednesday se'nnight, on which day the King, Queen, and six Princesses will remove from Windsor for the winter season. Yesterday his Royal Highness the Prince of Wales. with a party of his friends,
dined with the Duke of Queensberry, at his house at Richmond. Yesterday their Royal Highnesses the Duke and Duchess of York gave a dinner to several of the Nobility, & c. at York- House, Picca- dilly. Saturday the Governor and Deputy- Governor of the Bank had a conference, by appointment, with the Minister, at his house in Downing- street. The same day Samuel Bosanquet, Esq. De- puty Governor ( in the absence of his Grace the Duke of Leeds, Governor) of the Turkey Com- pany, and a Committee of other Officers be- longing to that Corporation, had their annual Meeting with the Minister, at his house in Downing street, to report the state of the Company, Sc. c. Friday night, at twelve o'clock, a fire broke out in a carpenter's shop in Thomas- street, Southwark, which consumed two houses, and damaged another adjoining. Saturday the highwayman, who was admitted a patient into Guy's Hospital for a wound re- ceived in his breast, by a gentleman he attempted to rob on the Deptford- road, made his escape from the hospital, and got clear off. It is sup- posed that a woman belonging to him conveyed him some clothes, which enabled him to escape, his own clothes having been taken from him for security. He had also deceived his
surgeons by pretending to have been worse the day pre- ceding than any time previous. MARRIED. Lately, at Brittas, the seat of Mr. Bligh, Ire- land, the Hon. Hugh Howard, Representative in Parliament for the borough of St. John's Town, and brother to Lord Viscount Wicklow, to Miss Bligh, sister to Mr. Bligh, and cousin to the Earl of Darnley. DIED. Lately, at Bedingfield, Mrs. Elizabeth Moore, aged 97 years. The deceased was the mother of 12 children; had 7 sons and daughters in law, 77 grand- children, and 117 great- grand- children.— On Monday last, at Colchester, Mrs Perigal, aged 93. PARLIAMENTARY
INTELLIGENCE. HOUSE of LORDS. Saturday, Jan. J. The Alien Bill was returned from the Com- mons, with the amendments, which were agreed to. Adjourned. Minutes of Business for this Day, HOUSE OF COMMONS. Committees of Supply and Ways and Means. Surplus of the Consolidated Fund to be con- sidered. Committee on the Marine Mutiny Bill. To- morrow both Houfes of Parliament ad- journ for a fortnight. AFFAIRS of FRANCE. NATIONAL CONVENTION. LOUIS XVI. In the sitting of the National Convention on Monday last, M. Vergniaux supported, at great length, the proposal fo referring to the primary
assemblies, the decision relative to the unfor- tunate Louis. M. Corrin Fullier was for the same measure, which MM. Moreau and Du- bois Crance opposed. The Assembly listened attentively to all the speakers. On Tuesday, St. Andre spoke against the appeal to the people. The section of Champs- Elysees have passed a vote of censure against those Sections which have endeavoured to influence the Convention, and to procure a decision against Louis. Their vote is ordered to be printed. RUPTURE WITH ENGLAND. In an extraordinary sitting on Monday night, the Minister for Foreign Affairs made a report upon the
dispositions of a bill, which he said, was before the Parliament of England, relative to foreigners in that kingdom. He began, by promising for the 6th instant, his general recapitulation and statement of the measures used by the Executive Government, with respect to England, when he should also relate the hostile preparations made in that country; the debates in Parliament, with respect to France; the detention of two French vessels, loaded with corn ; and the means used to pre- vent the circulation of French paper in Eng- land. He then recited some clauses of the Bill just passed, respecting foreigners in England. . The
Executive Council of France had de- cided, " 1st, " Tliat the Minister of the French Re- public at London should prefent a note to the British Ministry, in which he should demand, in the name of the French Republic, a clear, ready, and categorical answer upon this que- tion, Whether the general determination of fo- reigners, used in the new bill, was meant to comprise Frenchmen." 2dly, " If an affirmative answer should be re- turned, or, if none should be received, within three days, the Minster shall be authorised to declare, that the French Republic cannot but consider such conduct as an infraction of the treaty of 1786 and that,
in consequence, she should cease to consider herself bound by it." This report of the Minister is referred to the Marine and Diplomatic Committees.
Jan. 4— 7. B R I T I S H C H R O N I C L E , for 1793. In the next sitting, the report of these Com- mittees was read, in which it was shewn, that the detention of the two vessels laden with Corn, might not be an hostile act, on the part of England; for that the exportation of corn was prohibited there. The Convention ac- cordingly decreed, that the Executive Power should give an account of the official declara- tions made to the English Ministry, upon this subject, and of the answers received in conse- quence of them. The report then went on to propose a declara- tion, that the French were ready for war, or for alliance, with
England and to demand that 30 sail of the line and 24 frigates should be immediately armed ; as well as that Commis- sioners should be sent to all the maritime de- partments. The last proposal, made by the report, that a Committee of general defence should be formed, was decreed by the Assembly ; the others were referred to that Committe. Marat has denounced the Partisans of Roland, who, he says, are determined, at all events, to remove Pache from the Ministry. According to him, the Rolandists assemble, every day, in the Palais Royal, where they plan their manoeu- vres, one of which would be to bring Du- mourier to
the Bar, with memoirs against that Minister. Barbaroux was to support the denun- ciation, and to demand a decree, He com- plained also, that the Journalists began to spread an opinion, that the appeal to the people, upon the part of Louis, would be ordered by the Assembly. . Marat having affirmed, that the speakers on the same side of the question contrived to follow each other in the Convention, the list was read to him, and the speakers for the appeal appeared to be fifty ; those against it, fifty- three. M. Condorcet has published an address to the Germans, inviting them to attempt revolutions, and pointing out, for each
State, how he thinks they may be accomplished. The loan of an hundred and twenty- five mil- lions has fallen, upon the prospect of a war with England, to two per cent premium. On Saturday arrived the Mail from Holland. A letter from Frankfort, dated Dec. 22, con- tains the following advices;: " The Rhine- sconce before Manheim has been attacked by the French, who were repulsed by the Bavarians and Palatines. The skirmishes between the advanced posts of the French, and Combined Armies, continue still much to the disadvamage of the former". " Baron de Hardenberg, the Prussian Mi- nister of State, and the Coadjutor
of the City and Electorate, of Mentz, are both arrived here by order of his Prussian Majesty, and the siege expected to be carried on with all possible vigour. The garrison of Manheim now consists of 8ooo men. Seven thousand Austrians are already ar- rived at Heidelberg; and the Prince of Saxe- Co- bourg is expected to follow in less than a fort- night, with the main body of the Austrian army. This day 150 French soldiers and officers have been brought hither prisoners of war. Yester- day a cannonade took place between the second battalion of Kleist and the French, upon which the latter were forced to fall back to Cassel, be fore Mentz, with the loss of several cannon. The redoubt of Cassel is mounted with 8o can- non, and our best engineers have declared it to be impregnable. " Nothing but famine and want of ammuni- tion can possibly reduce that fortress; and the Hessian foraging parties have been extremely successful in this respect." A letter from Treves says, " At length we begin to rccover from our terror, the French troops, to the number of 26,000, having re- tired, after several ineffectual attempts to open a passage to this city. The French, after a brisk cannonade, have been driven from Saar- bourg. At Merzskirch, tney have been still
more unfortunate, where they have sustained a prodigious loss of men. as well as the whole of their artillery. The 27th ult. the French Legion des Etrangers was arrived at Antwerp, and was waiting fur- ther orders. The Austrian General Beaulieu was with a body of 20,000 men before Arlon, to defend Luxemburgh. Baron Stael is on his journey to Paris, as Mi- nister from Sweden to the new Republic. Thisi appointment does not a little contribute to confirm the suspicions entertained of the con- duct of the Regent of Sweden, respecting the late King's death. The former Government of Geneva is at length completely annihilated. All
the Aristo- cratic party have been turned out of their of- fices, and Equality Men have been substituted in their stead. The French are become so unpopular in Bra- bant, that the sentinels on duty in the large towns, particularly in Brussels, are frequently killed jn the night by the citizens. Nothing but the immense body of French troops now in Brabant, which overawes every attempt of in- surrection, could preserve the French in the command of that country from one day to an- other. At Ostend, there was a very serious riot on New Year's Day. The Burghers of that place had determined to cut down the Tree of Li- berty ; but the
French troops were collected to prevent them. In the affray, one poor man was killed. Two of the vessels that went up the Scheldt, are returned from Antwerp by the Canals to Ostend. The following is extracted frqm an authen- tic letter frOm the Hague—" The war establish- ment, which has not been on foot here during eight years past, has been now predated by the Council of State to their High Mightinesses; in which the Prince of Orange has proposed the formation of a Corps of Artillery for the sea- ser- vice, to be henceforth permanent ; his Most Serene Highness having nominated as Chiefs of that corps, Admiral Count
Byland, Vice- Admi- ral de Kinsbergen, and Rear- Admiral Melvil to be the particular Commandant. All the ships of war of the Republic have been ordered to our ports in March," Extract of a Letter from Brussels, Dec. 27. " Agreeably to the proclamation of General Dumourier, the Brabancon people will form themselves into primary Assemblies throughout the province on the 29th, to appoint electors, who will afterwards meet 0n the 10th of next month, and proceed to the election of repre- sentatives of the nation. The city of Brussels is divided into 18 Sections, and three for the fauxbourgs, making together 21 Sections. Each
Section will name two electors, which will make 42 for the city and fauxbourgs. The citizens who form the primary assemblies having assembled, will take the civic oath, af- ter which they will proceed to the nomination of electors. In one part of elanders and Tour- nesis, the Primary Assemblies are already in full activity; and, according to all appearance, matters will be conduced fo that these two pro- vinces will request to be united to France ; so that they will not probably be entirely indepen- dent, nor will they continue to form part of Belgia. The major part of the inhabitants are greatly in favour of this measure, but in Brabant it
would meet with great difficulties ; the people there would not like to become an appen- dage to France, like Savoy. The democratic principles make very little progress ; rigour only serves to strengthen the opposition to them, and intrigue redoubles its activity to deceive the propagators of democracy. The celebrated Vander Hoop, who was lately arrested, was the bearer of a protest signed by a great number of persons, who refuse to assent to the innovations which have been, and are to be made in our Provinces. The day after he was arrested, he was taken to the Town- hall, and interrogated, after which he was conducted to
the prison called the Hall Gate. " General Dumourier arrived here on the 23d inst. The next morning the French garri- son appeared under- arms on Grande Place, when a Commissary read to the troops assembled a de- cree of the National Convention, " Which makes it death for any Frenchman to talk of, or attempt to re- establish, Royalty in France." Captain Beard, of the Thetis who arrived at Liverpool, on Saturday se'nnight, from Cape Francois, which place he left on the 14th ult. gives a most melancholy account of that ill- fated islands — murders and massacres are without number ; the canes on one plantation or another,
are set on fire every night By the Blacks, with whom are joined great numbers of the Mulattoes, be- tween whom and the Whites, joined also by the Mulattoes and Blacks, are continual skirmishes and battles. The prisoners taken are put to the most unheard- of cruel tortures: one favourite revenge they practise is, the pressing or screwing the unfortunate person so taken be- tween two boards, and then sawing them into small pieces, beginning either, at the head or feet, as cruelty or chance dictates. The week before he left the island, there was a fight in the town of Cape Francois, between the Aristo- cratic and the Democratic
parties, wherein six of the principal merchants were sacrificed ; one of whom, supposed the richest there, and a warm friend of the old form of government, was man- gled and cut into small pieces, which they stuck on the point of their swords, or fixed in their hats, and, so decorated, paraded the town in triumph. Want of order and subordination reigned also on board the man of war in the harbour, the crew having command, and the Officers being subject to their caprice. Deputies from the Islands of Martinico and Guadaloupe have lately arrived in London, who solicit the protection of our Government to these two Islands from
the plunderers whom the French Republic is disposed to send there, in order to place the inhabitants on the same foot- ing with St. Domingo. It is well known that Martinico and Guadaloupe have driven away the jacobin Rochambeau and his 3000 men, who were destined to reduce them to the same state of anarchy with - the rest of the French. settlements. The average price of sugar, computed from the returns made in the weeK ending the 2d inst. is 52s. 6d. per cwr. exclusive of the duty Customs, paid or payable thereon, on the im- portation thereof into Great- Britain
- 135 L L O Y D ' S E V E N I N G - P O S T , And P0StSCRiPt CONTINUED. MAILS. ARRIVED. DUE. 2 Dublin AUTHENTIC PORT- NEWS. Extract of a Letter from Portsmouth, Jan. 6. " Arrived, the Heart of Oak, Graham, and the Bombay, Neil, from Lynn ; the Hope, Duf- fee, from Sunderland; and the Neptune, Lamb, from London, " Sailed, the Earl of Chesterfield, , for the East- Indies." Extract of a Letter from Deal, Jan. 6. " Wind W, N. W. Sailed for the River, the Melantho, Blackburn, from Liverpool. " Came down and sailed, the Brothers, Harding, for Dublin. " Came down, the Fortune and Speedy Sloops, and Nimble Cutter;
and remain in the Downs, with the Nemesis Frigate, the Dispatch, English, for orders; the Jane, Russel, for Ja- maica ; the Margaret and Eliza, Brown, for St. Vincent's; and the Morning Herald, White, for Cork." Extract of a Letter from Gravesend, Jan. 6. " Passed by, the Anna Maria, Spederman, from Helvoetsluys ; the Kitty, Wyatt, from Cork; the Mary, Haley, from New- York; the Princc of Orange, Mills, and the Hannah, Crouch, from Rotterdam ; the Corunna packet, Ross, from Dunkirk ; the Antonia, Young, from Dort; the Vrow, Ordarcell, Young, from Frederickstadt, and the Pickalar, Burring, from Warsdallsluys. " Sailed, the
Charlotte, Holman, for Gre- nada ; the Purissimo Conception, Artimoneg, for Bilboa ; the Hanover, Sandford, and the James, Smails, for Calais ; the Warley, Wilson, for India; the Conqueror, Tate, for Rotter- dam; the N. S. Begona, Revilia, for Bayonne; the John, Shaw, for Jamaica ; and the Nereid, Dixon, for Ancona and Messina." Arrived.— At Dover, the Hope, Service, from Virginia ; and the Three Sisters, Arm- strong, from Liverpool to Ostend.— At Whit- by, the Horta, Nodding, from Dantzick. An express was dispatched from the Admi- ralty Office on Saturday to Portsmouth, with orders for its being immediately conveyed to
the Mediterranean, to the Commander in Chief of the British squadron. An express from the War- Office to General O'Hara, at Gibraltar, goes by the same conveyance. A bounty of five pounds is offered by the Chatham division of Marines for recruits; and many recruiting parties have lately been sent out for that service. The Corporation of King's Lynn have offered a bounty of 2I. to able- bodied seamen, in addi- tion to his Majesty's by proclamation. Saturday four more houses of rendezvous were opened for entering seamen into his Ma_ jesty's service, viz. two in the Borough, and two in Westminster. A riot of serious tendency
has lately taken place at Drogheda in Ireland. A party of the 38th regiment, with cannon, was sent thither to quell it. Some lives were lost ; but we are happy to learn by the last advices, that peace was restored. Lord Cathcart goes with his Regiment, the 29th of Foot, to which he was lately appoinied ( by the promotion of the Earl of Harrington! Colonel, to Ireland. The embarkation will take place the latter end of the month. Colonel Bath, Sir Thomas Wallace, and some other English Gentlemen, have been of- fered service in Brabant ; the two former, the rank of Major- Generals ; which, from the pre- sent state of politics between
England and France, they have been obliged to decline. We have received an account, authenticated by the French Officers, prisoners at Frankfort, refusing the atrocious calumnies which have been circulated concerning cruelties said to have been practised upon the French by the inhabit- ants of that town ; and expressing, in the fullest and strongest terms, the grateful sense they en- tertained of the great tenderness and humanity by which the citizens of Frankfort had alle- viated their sufferings. Fifty more Emigrants arrived in the last packet from Holland. Another vessel, which arrived Harwich at the same time from Rot terdam, brought over seventy more. Letters from Norwich say, that the amount of the subscription in that city for the relief of the poor, as delivered in to the Committee on Thursday night, was more than 1700I. besides the liberal donation of the Earl of Buckingham- shire ( 100l.) and the receipt at the play- house on Wednesday night ( 631. 11s. 6d.) The Duke of Marlborough's annual bene- faction of seven fat oxen, with a proportion- able quantity of bread, has been this Christ- mas, as usual, distributed, at Blenheim gate, to the poor of Woodstock and the neighbouring villages; and to one hundred and thirty poor families, ten
shillings each in fuel. Her Grace the Duchess of Marlborough to these donations added a liberal portion of ale to drink his Ma- jesty's health: Her Grace was likewise pleased, on New Year's day, to order plenty of bread and cheese for one hundred and sixty- six labourers and poor people employed in the Park, with ale also to drink the King's health. According to the Shrewsbury paper of last week, Miss Severn, who eloped with Mr. Stinton, and has, in consequenee, been adverti- sed in the public papers, was on Monday last married to that gentleman, at Eglwy's Newydd, in Cardiganshire. An association is forming at Bristol, for
the better regulation of the Salmon Fishery in the river Severn. It is understood that application will be made to Parliament for prohibiting fish under a certain size from being taken, and also to prevent the fishery being continued during the season of spawning. A letter from Chew Magna in Somersetshire says, that by the overflowing of the river Chew an extensive tract of country between the above place and Bedminster is laid under water, and and that a number of sheep and hogs have been drowned. Jan. 7— 9, About two o'clock on Monday morning last, a fire broke out in one of the lodging- rooms in the Rectory- house at
Sedgefield, in Northum- berland, which consumed the greatest part of the building before it was extinguished. By the activity of the servants, and the neighbourhood, the most valuable part of the furniture was pre- served. On Friday night or early on Saturday morn- ing the paper- mill belonging to Mr. Lepard, near Watford, Herts, was entirely confuined by fire. The dwelling- houfe and premises for the workmen, being separate, are no ways damaged. Happily no lives are lost. Saturday a seizure of spirits was made in a house in Whitechapel, and a private still, which were conveyed to the Excise- Office. A few nights since, some
villains broke into the house of Mr. Woodnorth, in King David's lane, Ratcliff Highway, and stole from the apartments on the ground- floor, property to the value of about 20l. Friday evening Mr. Hobdell, of Vine- street, Piccadilly, was stopped, at Lisson Green, by two footpads, who robbed him of his watch, and about 2I. in money. THEATRICAL ENTERTAINMENTS. This Evening. HAyMARKET.] The Regent; with. Har- lequin's Invasion. COVENT- GARDEN.] Romeo and Juliet; with Harlequin's Museum. A CAPITAL INN. To be LET, For the Term of Seven, Fourteen, or Twenty- one Years, ALL that large, commodious, and well ac- customed INN, called the TONTINE, situate In the Manufacturing Town of SHEFFIELD, in the County of YORK, late in the Occupation ot Mr. JAMES WATSON. Further Particulars may be had by Application to Mr. ADAMSON Parker, Attorney at Law, in Sheffield. LONDON : Printed and sold by T. SPILSBURY and SON, No. 57, SNOWHILL ; where all Persons may be regularly served with This Paper. Letters to the Editor, and Advertisements, will be received at NEW LLOYD'S COFFEE- HOUSE, over the ROyAL EXCHANCE, and at the Publishers. And those Persons residing in the Country, who are desirous of being
supplied with this Paper, are requested to apply to the CLERKS of the ROADS at the GENERAL POST- OFfice, by whom they may depend oa being regularly ferved.