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Lloyd's Evening Post

Date of Article: 04/01/1793
Printer / Publisher: T. Spilsbury and Son 
Address: No 57, Snowhill, London
Volume Number: LXXII    Issue Number: 5542
No Pages: 8
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9 i LLOYD'S EVENING- POST. ^ LXXII.] From WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 2, to FRIDAY, JANUARY 4, 1793. [ NUMB. 5542. THURSDAY,. Jan. 3. PARLIAMENTARY INTELLIGENCE. HOUSE 0f, COMMONS. Wednesday, Jan. 2. sCOTLANd. mR. Secretary DUNDAs stated the hardships suf- tained in the northern parts of Scotland from the want of fuel, and the scarcity of grain. The middle order of people in that part of the island was em- ployed one half of the year in procuring fuel for the other half but the peculiar wetness of the late season had rendered the supply in this way infinitely less than usual. The duty upon coals, the only substitute for their usual fuel was so high as to have all the effect of a pro- hibition ; in consequence of which, all trade and manufactures would be discontinued. He meant therefore to propose at least a temporary regulation for their relief, by taking off the duty upon coals in the different ports of Scotland. He did not however intend to propose such a diminution of the revenue, without suggesting at the same time a substitute by taxes on other articles not so indispensably necessary ; though the House, he imagined, would think it of less importance, when he stated, that the whole duty upon coals in Scotland amounted to no greater a sum than 1o, oool. Before he left the coun- try last year, he dispatched circular letters to the Sheriffs Depute in the different countries re- lative to the state of the harvest, which, together with their answers, he wished to lay before the House. He then moved for a copy of this cor- respondence, together with the amount of the Duties on Coals imported into Scotland for the last three years, distinguishing each year ; which was agreed to. Mr. ADAM concurred sincerely in the pro- priety of the relief proposed; and when the measure came to be discussed, he engaged to prove, that the distress of the present harvest, in respect to grain, was greatly to be attributed to the operations of the Corn Bill.„ Mr. I. H. BrOWN approved of the measure proposed to be adopted. The Motion afterwards passed. EAST- indIA CHARTER. Mr. DuNDAS observed, that the public at- tention was very much occupied by considering the measures to be adopted in respect to the East- India Charter, now about to expire.— This subject had been very seriously considered by him and his colleagues; and when all the materials of information should be considered by the Houfe, he should be ready to propose a measure to them. To enable him to do this, he had applied to the Court of Directors. for such papers as would explain precisely the situa- tion of the trade, as to its produce, its influence in the exportation of British manufactures. & c. & c. He need not observe, that it was a subject of such immense importance, as to call for all their best deliberation ; and it was therefore ne- cessary that they should not entirely rely on the statements delivered by the Company it- self, but they should be in possession of every account that could assist them. During the whole discussion, he was determined to adhere to no opinion through obstinacy, which he might hitherto have held, but leave his mind perfectly open to conviction and instruCtion. He then moved for a Copy of the Correspon- dence on the subjeCt alluded to, between the Committee of the Court of Directors of the East- India Company, and the Board of Controul; which was agreed to. A Messenger from the India House then pre- sented the Papers, which were ordered to be printed. SCOTCH MILITIA. Mr. DUNDAS then gave notice, that he would shortly make a proposal for calling out the Military Force of Scotland, in the same manner as that of England, as he thought that one country should experience the same bene- fits from a Militia which were much felt by the other, ALIEN BILL The Order of the Day for receiving the Re- port of the Alien Bill being read, The ATTORNEY- GENERAL observed, that as the original Bill had received so many Amendments, and as it was still necessary to describe more accurately who the persons were ia whose favour exemptions were made, as Alien , Merchants ; and as further additions would also be necessary, he proposed that the Bill be re- committed. He urged the necessity of the utmost circumspeCtion in this Bill, as with- in the last three days, no less than four hundred foreigners were landed, and marched into London. The Bill being re committed, Mr. Serjeant WATSON in the Chair— when the Clause came to be considered, as to taking precautions against the landing of Foreigners, until their descrip- tions were verified, Mr. BURKE wished to dispel any apprehen- sions respeCting the destination of those Fo- reigners who were landed during the last three days, as, on good authority, he was enabled to assure them that they were precisely of that description which the British Nation, much to its honour, had treated with such generous hu- manity. Notwithstanding this, the Clause passed the Committee, as well as about ten new Clauses. After some trifling conversation, the Com- mittee went through the Bill, and the Report was received, and ordered to be printed. The consideration of the Report, and the discussion of the third Reading, were agreed to be deferred till Friday next; to which time the House adjourned... [ Price Fourpence. AFFAIRS of FRANCE. NATIONAL CONVENTION. Friday, Dec. 28. SPAIfJ. EXTRACT OF A LETTER FROM M. Le BRUN, MINISTER OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS. " Paris, Dec. 17, 1792, " First Year of the Republic " CITIZEN PRESIDENT, " I received a letter yesterday from the Charge des Affaires of Spain, relative to the business which engages the attention of the Na- tional Convention, and of all Europe. " I beg leave also to inform you, that the late hostile preparations on the part of France and of Spain, had occasioned certain ne- gociations, which were interrupted by the re- treat of the Count d'Aranda; but they were to be resumed by his successor, who intimated his wishes to that effeCt. " I should now enjoy a high degree of satis- faction, in announcing the happy issue of my earnest endeavours, at this very moment, if I had not every reason to believe, that this condescen- sion on the part of the Court of Madrid was con- nected with a condition which lessens its value. " In short, Citizen President, I was informed, at the moment I received the papers included in this missive, one of which contains a Declara- tion of Neutrality on the part of the Spanish Government and the other a mode for mu- tually disarming, that the Duke of Alcudia did not conceal his sentiments to the Plenipotentiary of the French Republic, but on the contrary observed, That one of the most powerful motives that could decide his Catholic Majesty to connect himself with us, would be the expec- tation of having a certain, degree of influence relative to the fate of the ci- devant King, his cousin." 6 " le brun, . " Minister of Foreign Affairs to the French Republic." NOTE— No. 1. DECLARATION OF NEUTRALITY ON The PART OF THE SPANISH GOVERNMENT. " The Government of France having testified a wish to that of Spain, that a formal Neutra- lity should be agreed upon between them, his Catholic Majesty has authorised the undersigned Secretary of State to declare by this Note, that Spain hereby engages to preserve the most exact Neutrality in any war France may find herself en- gaged in with other Nations. " This Note shall be exchanged at Paris, against another signed by the Minister of Fo- reign Affairs who is to give the same assurances on the part of France. ( SignedJ . " FIRMIDA, the Duke D'ALCudIA," " Madrid, this 17th Dec. 1792." * No. 11. This merely contains a proposition for ap- pointing Commissioners, in order to superintend the disarmament on both sides. io III. L L 0 Y D ' s E V E N I N G P 0 s T , And Jan, 2— 4. This is the Copy of a letter from the Che- valier d'Ocariz, one of the Secretaries of State to his Catholic Majesty, in favour of Louis XVI. " The whole world cannot see, without Hor- ror, the violence exercised against a Prince, overwhelmed with a long and melancholy cap- tivity. A Revolution can never make men forget the duties which they owe to the unfor- tunate, f, If Louis XVI. should suffer, what foreign Nation can rely on the faith of France ? On the other hand, a magnanimous conduct towards the Royal Prisoner, and the permission granted to him to choose an asylum wherever he pleases, would be looked upon as an unequivocal proof of French generosity. ' It is the with of the King that I now com- municate to you; it is the wish also of the Spanish Nation ; and it is for this reason, Sir, that his Majesty has charged me to make use of his most ardent intercessions with the National Convention on behalf of Louis XVI. " The Chevalier D'OcARIZ." " Copy from Original. " Le Brun," M. Thuriot , was of opinion, that this was a finesse on the part of the Court of Spain, in order to save Louis XVI. and moved, that all future Addresses from Foreign Powers should be referred to the Diplomatic Committee, in order to make a report after judgment should be passed on Louis XVI. M. Chales thought, that none of the agents of the Commonwealth should be permitted to treat with any of those individuals termed " Crowned Heads," until they should have re- cognised the Republic. The Convention passed on to the Order of the Day. DISCUSSION ON THE TRIAL of louis XVI. M. Lequinio rose, in order to conclude his speech, which had been interrupted on the preceding day. He ridiculed the idea of re- ferring the judgment of Louis XVL to 50 or 60,000 Primary Assemblies, and was of opinion that the Convention ought instantly to decide, by means of the Appel Nominal, upon the two following questions:— 1st, Is Louis convicted of a conspiracy against the Sovereignty of the Na- tion ? 2dly. lf he is guilty, what is to be the pu- nishment ? Buzot said, that Louis ought to be con- demned to death by the Convention, and that this sentence should be referred to the People in the Primary Assemblies, for their sanction. Favre asserted, that the Convention had not a right to try Louis XVL He went back as far as the time of Charlemagne, and concluded by moving, That a particular Tribunal should be established, to be composed of 84 Members, chosen from the 84 Departments. Rabaut de Saint Etienne formally denied that the Nation had sent Judges to try Louis. He founded his argument upon the impossibility of the Nation ever forgetting this principle, that a Legislator is not a Judge. " The people," said he treat you as Mandatories, as Repre- sentatives, and as Legislators, but never as Judges. not to exercise great precipitancy which the Convention had shown in this business; said he foresaw a num- ber of evils ready to fall upon France ; and de- clared that an appeal to the People was, in his opinion, the only mode which could be adopted as likely to save the country from the horrors with which it was threatened. Roberspierre opposed the idea of an appeal to the People, which he considered as the sig- nal for a civil war. He threw out a great num- ber of reflexions against Salles, who, he faid, pleaded the cause of the King in the Consti- tuent Assembly, and concluded by moving, that Louis XVI. should be declared guilty, and irre- vocably worthy of death. - Duchatel spoke in favour of inviolability, and declared it to be his opinion, that LOUIS XVI. should be banished from the land of Li- berty, which ought not to be polluted by the presence of a Tyrant. The Sitting rose at six o'clock. Saturday, Dec. 29. A letter from the Commissioners of Liege stated, that new disorders had been committed at that city and at Aix- la- Chappelle, where the people had been plundered by the soldiers; and that the army was in great want of forage and provisions. The general Committee of War was ordered to present a general report on the business on Tuesday. FARTHER DISCUSSION OF THE DEFENCE OF LOUIS XVI. Biroteau—" Louis, hurled from his throne, can no longer be considered in any other light than as a plain citizen. As such , he has, com- mitted no crime— it is then, as a King, that he ought to be tried. The bloody annals of our unfortunate history will attest his crimes to all ages. He deserves death— but does policy en- join that punishment ? By no means, for the death of Louis will be the signal of a civil war, which will unite its horrors to all those of the foreign war about to be declared against us in the spring by all the Powers of Europe. ' con- side - those who so ardently request that the blood of Louis XVI. may be shed, as interested in his death."— Biroteau then took a view of the situation of Paris, in which, a very weak party pretended, he said to give laws to the eighty- four Departments and to twenty- four mil- lions of people, and extended their bloody arms to all the Sections of the Republic. He spoke of those decrees of the Departments, which ex- cited the people to assassinate even their own Representatives if they did not adopt particular modes of thinking; and reproached Rober- spierre with having marked out for the daggers of assassins 645 deputies, by maintaining in the Contention yesterday that there were in it no more than 200 Patriots. He concluded by moving, I. " That Louis Capet, his Wife and Children, be banished for ever from the French territories. II. " That, in case any of them should re- enter France, they should be instantly put to death. III. That pillars should be erected on the Frontiers, with this inscription :— Kings are banished from France ; Peace to Nations— Liberty and Equality !" IV. « . The present Decree shall not be put into execution, until after the conclusion of the War. V. A Festival shall be celebrated every year on the 10th 0f August, called the Festival of the Republic. VI. That the French Nation shall swear on that day every year, that they will live or die free." M. Morrison was of the same opinion, with this difference only, that he proposed " a re- ward of 500,000 livres to whomsoever should bring the head of Louis Capet, in case he should enter the French territories." M. Prost concluded the debate with asserting, that Louis ought to experience Instant death. ,._ M. Septeuil the ci- devant Treasurer of the Civil List, who was supposed to have falle the 1oth of August but is now in London, has sent to the President of the Convention a Letter, purporting that he was never charged by Louis the Sixteenth to monopolize any article. He has sent a copy, of this letter to the Sessions, Directories, and principal Municipalilits of the Republic. i The National Commissioners have again de- nounced the dilapidations committed by the Contractors belonging to Dumourier's army. Signor Regali, a Genoese merchant, has lent Rear Admiral Truguet the sum of 21o. oo0 livres, without any interest whatever. Extract of a Letter from Lyons, Dec. 22. '" We are here in continual dread. The price of bread is double, and, no kind of work for the trades people, 3000 of whom are idle, without any means of subsistence. Not a night passes without riots, robberies, and assassinations ; and we dare not punish those guilty of them. " Our Administrative bodies have been hi- therto but badly composed; but they are still worse in the new formation, effected under the influence of the Commissioners from the Con- vention. They have introduced into the di- strict a man returned from the galleys, and ano- ther rescued out of the hands of justice. Our criminal judge is one Chalier, a schoolmaster, who is known for no other quality than as a mad Revolutionist ; every thing indicates ap- proaching disaster, the signal for which will be given by the Capitals." LONDON. BY YESTERDAY'S MAIL FROM FLANDERS. On the 28th ult. Dumourier left Brussels for Paris, He had expressed himself very much dissatisfied with his army, and with the mea- sures of the Executive Council. It was be- lieved in Brussels, that a change of Ministry would take place upon Dumurier's arrival at Paris. General Dumourier has published a proclama- tion at Brussels, in the name of the French Re- public, commanding the people to assemble their Primary and Provincial Assemblies, to form a National Convention in Belgia. The Brussels Gazette, received yesterday morning, is nearly filled with intimations upon the mode of forming the Assemblies, and con- ducting the popular elections in the Belgic Pro- vinces. The French papers are filled with misrepre- sentations of the English Constitutional Meet, ings. Extract of a Letter from Mons, Dec. 22. " In the Session of the General Assembly of the Representatives of the People of the 18th, a letter was read from the Magistrates of the city of Hal, addressed " to the citizens assuming the title of Representatives of the free People of Mons, at Mons." This letter was sealed with a seal, bearing the arms of the city of Hal, and contained a refusal to send Deputies, and a copy of the Verbal Process and Resolutions taken and held the 16th of December, by the free city of Hal. The purport of their resolutions, & c was, That they wished to live in their holy Catho- lic Religion; that they acknowledged and confirmed their lawful Representatives, the three Estates of Hainault; that they wished to live like a free people, according to the They sent you to delegate powers, and Jan. 2— 4. B R I T I S H . C H R O N I C L E , for 1793. " laws and constitutions of that province of Hai- nanlt ; that they adopted them, and would acknowledge those only which might be af- terwards created by the Executive Power ; that they ardently wished for the present Magis- trates, Tribunals of Justice and Council of Hainault, to continue to fulfil their respective functions. in the name of the free and sovereign People, conformably and agreeably to the ancient Laws and Constitution of Hainault; that their wish and will are, that the Members the States be convoked and assembied as soon as possible ; and that a copy of the Verbal Process and Act be printed and published, & c." " In consequence of this letter, the Assemblv decreed, that the soi- disant Magistraees of Hal should put in a state of arrest, and that the Commander of the French troops in that country should be informed of what had passed, and be requested to send a military detachment to Hal, to execute the orders of the Assembly, and main- tain order and tranquillity ; that on the esta- blishment of that detachment in the city of Hal, Commissioners from the Assembly should repair thither, and take cognizance of the afFair; con- voke the people, and inform them of the exig- ence and transactions of the Assembly, which probably had been concealed from them, and invite them to express their sentiments openly, and appoint legal Representatives to meet at the General Assembly at Mons." Extract of a Letter from Vienna, Dec. 17. On Tuesday last a conference was held at Court, in presence of the Emperor; at which Counts Cobenzel and Colloredo, Baron Spiel- roan, and Count Haugwitz, attended. The latter, though called a Minister of the King of Prussia, has been returned here some days: at the rising of the Council, he dispatched a courier to the King, his master. " Though what was debated in this Council remains a secret, it is presumed that the question was on the measures to be taken for pursuing the war through the next campaign with vigour and effect. " All the regiments of the Hereditary House of Austria are to be put immediately on the War- Establishment, and orders have been sent to augment them with several more corps. " More troops are on their march for the banks of the Rhine ; 30,000 were to arrive next week in the environs of Wirtsbourg, where quarters are already prepared. " A corps of 19,000 Russians arrived the 17th of November, at Frauenstadt, in Silesia, who were making long marches towards the banks of the Rhine also." Letters from Frankfort, dated the 17th ult. mention, that the Combined Armies have ceased to bombard Konigstein, and have begun re- gular siege on that place. The Prussians are sur- rounding Mayence with all their heavy artillery, after having driven General Custine to take shelter under the cannon of that place. The King of Prussia was himself at Hockheim, be- tween Frankfort and Mayence, and the Com- bined Armies consisted of 70,000 men. The French advanced guard arrived in the city of Wachtendorck on the 17th ult. a It ap- peared their intention was to proceed to Guel- dres, and from thence to Wesel. Extract of a Letter from Metz, Dec, 20. _ We are informed, from the frontiers, that the badness of the weather and roads, together with, the want of forage, have thrown obstacles in the way of the expedition of Beurnonville. The army is falling back towards Pelling, where the enemy are strongly entrenched. The Austrians have received a considerable reinforcement by the junction of the army of General Beaulieu, who from the environs of Namur retreated to Luxembourg. They have formed earthern huts in the mountains, which they cover with planks and turf, so that they are much better sheltered than the French from the inclemencies of the season. General Beurnonville's army displays the utmost constancy and the greatest courage, amidst the fatigues and cold to which the men arc exposed. We are assured that they will remain cantoned in the neighbourhood of Saar- Louis, from which, according to circum- stances, they may advance against Treves. Just at this moment, when the courier is about to depart, we have received advice that the armies are still in fight of each other. The enemy, reinforced by the troops under Gene- ral Beaulieu are, it is said, superior in number, and have the advantage of situation. The head quarters of the French army are just now at Merzig, a small town at the distance of four leagues below Saar- Louis, on the right bank of the river Saar. " Last Thursday the posts were attacked three times, and on Friday four times. The French combat amidst snow three feet deep. So much valour ought to have been crowned with vic- tory. The enemy remained firm in their en- trenchments, which it was impossible to force. It appears they will continue to act on the de- fensive." . The Pope has suspended all the works for the embellishment of Rome, and even the addi- tions to the Clementine Museum, in order to apply the money to the augmentation of his mi- litary- force. Fires are as frequent at Constantinople as usual ; but those significant motions of the Mal- contents are now directed towards new objects ; among others, they conceive that the Sultan's prerogative of issuing letters patent is a grie- vance. Yesterday after the Levee, his Grace the the Duke of Richmond, Earl of Chatham, Lord Grenville, Mr. Dundas, Sir G. Yonge, and; General Conway, had audiences of the King in his Closet, and before five o'clock his Majesty returned to Buckingham- House to din- ner. In the evening their Majesties and ' the Princesses went to Covent Garden Theatre. Mr. Dundas, jun. was presented to the King at the Levee for the first time, by his father and Ensign Hotham, by General Lake.' Yesterday the Delegates from the Roman Catholics in Ireland were introduced to the King in his Closet after the Levee, where they presented the Irish Catholics Petition, which his Majesty received very graciously. The Marquis of Huntley kissed the King's hand, on receiving his Commission as a Cap- tain of a Company in the 3d regiment of Foot- guards. Yesterday the Duke of Richmond laid several papers before the King, among which were a plan of the new works now going on at the Tower, and another for security of the powder- magazines. The Earl of Chatham laid an account before the King of all ships in commission on the 1st of January, 1793, and such as are fitting for commission ; and a return of sea and landmen I I that have entered fince the issuing of the Procla- mation. ' ( Yesterday morning the Prince of Wales and Duke of York had audiences of the King at Windsor- Lodge ; after which their Royal High- nesses and the Duchess of York returned to own. ' Yesterday the Master of the Rolls, the At- torney and Solicitor General, had audiences of Mr. Pitt, at his house in Downing- street. Yesterday Mess. Marrett and Le Croix. had audiences of Lord Grenville, at his houfe in St. James's Square. Yesterday letters we're received at the Serce- tary of State's Office, Whitehall, from Lord Auckland at the Hague, which were laid be- fore the King at Windsor. His serene Highness the Duke of Luxem- burgh is arrived in town from the Continent On Monday last Commodore Murray, in the Assistance, of 50 guns, with a squadron of two frigates of 36, and of four from 16 to 24 guns weighed anchor from the Downs, and stood off to the Eastward. The Navy Board have contracted for 2400 weight of tonnage, to carry three regiments to the West Indies. The 2d or Queen's Regiment of Foot, commanded by General Jones, and the 12th, by Lieutenant Colonel Coates, are two of the above Regiments. About two months ago La Felix, a Spanish ship, from the Hannavah to Cadiz;, with sugar, tobacco, & c. put into harbour on the Coast of America, near Halifax : she had lost all her masts, and the crew had been obliged to throw great part of her cargo overboard. The ship is condemned, being entirely decayed Tuesday, at noon, a party of Light Horse paraded the streets, for the purpose of enlisting men. They were attended by three trumpets, playing " God save the King." On Sunday last Sampson Parkyns, L L. B. of Queen's College, Cambridge, and son of Sir Thomas Parkyns, Bart, of Bunny- Park Nottinghamshire, was ordained Deacon by the Bishop of London, at Fulham Palace; The Society for the Encouragement of Arts have offered their Gold Medal '' to the per- son who shall first discover and open a passage by land from the North- West parts of Upper Canada, to the South Sea between Nootka Sound and the Straits of Kamchatka." The discovery is to be ascertained by Governor Sim- coe, who is expected to patronize all judicious attempts to make it.'' ^ On Saturday last, at a general quarterly meeting of the Thames Commissioners, held pursuant to Act of Parliament, in the city of Oxford, it was resolved, with only three or four dissentient Voices, that the projected canal from Braunston to Brentford, otherwise called the Grand Junction Canal, would be extremely in- jurious to the river Thames by diverting a part of its trade, and many sources of its water;, and directions were accordingly given to the Committee to oppose the' Bill for effecting the the said canal in Parliament, so as to prevent its being passed into a law. The leading gentlemen of Cheshire and Shrop- shire are about to form a junction of the three rivers Severn, Dee, and Mersey. by the means of a navigable canal of considerable extent.. Sir Richard Hill, Bart.. Sir Foster Cunliffe, Bart. Mr. Mostyn Owen, and Mr. J. Kynaston, take the lead in this great nationaL under— taking. 1A LLOYD'S EVENING. POST, And Jan. 4— 4. Yesterday morning, as one of the turnkeys of Newgate was unlocking the gates of what is called the Master's Side, Love ( who was fully committed for trial on a charge of being con- cerned in robbing a ship in the River of a quan- tity of dollars), and another felon, under Sen- tence of imprisonment for one year, suddenly rushed upon the turnkey, knocked him down, and got out; and though the alarm was imme- diately given, they effected their escape; and, had it not been for the activity of the gaolers, several others would have escaped also. Love got off his irons in the night. Monday night some thieves stole from the shop of Merrick and Co. in Great St. Martin's lane, a quantity of broad cloth, & c. Monday night Mr. Scott, at the New Hum- mums, Covent- Garden, had his pocket picked, at the Hay- Market Theatre, of a gold watch, seals, & c. Tuesday Mr. Seott, at Webb's Hotel, in King- street Covent- Garden, brother of the above gentleman, was met in the Strand by some ruf- fians, who, after rushing against him, picked his pocket of a gold watch, seals, & c. Yesterday two men were committed from the Public Office in Bow- street, on suspicion of having committed divers burglaries in and about London, Johnson, the bruiser, has been taken to the Office in Bow- street, charged on the oath of Mr. Const, the counsel, with having assaulted him on Sunday eight, under the Piazzas in Co- rent- Garden. ADMIRALTY OFFICE, Dec. 26, 1792. NOTICE is hereby given, That such Seamen and Marines, who have been minuted by the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty as proper Objects for Greenwich Hospital, and may be desirous of the Out- Pension until they can be pro- vided for therein, will be appointed Out- Pensioners accordingly, upon their Application at this Office, where it is their Lordships Direction that they attend, as soon as possible, for that Purpose. P. STEPHENS. OFFICE OF ORDNANCE, 1st January, 1793. AVariety 0/ IRON- WORK being wanted for GUN- CARRIAGES, Patterns will be ready at the office of Ordnance, in the Tower, on Monday, the 7th Instant, to be viewed by any Smiths who may be willing to contract for a Supply of the same, as also the Terms of the Contract to be entered into for that Purpose. Proposals will be received by the Board, at their Office in St. Margaret's Street, Westminster, on Wednesday, the 9th Instant, at Twelve o'Clock. By Order of the Board, AUGUSTUS ROGERS, Secretary. To SCHOOLMASTERS. THE MASTER of a BOARDING- SCHOOL in tbe Vicinity of London submits to the ConsideratiOn of his Brethren in the same Employment, whether it would not be very proper for them, at this cri- tical Time, collectively to express their esteem for, and Attachment to, our excellent Constitution, and their Re- solution to preserve and promote Peace and good Order by all Means in their Power. Gentlemen of the Profession, who approve of this Pro- posal, are requested to meet at King's- Arms- Hall, Change- Alley, Cornhill, ON TUESDAY, the 8th of January, 1793 at Twelve at Noon. Schoolmasters of every Description, and of every reli- gious denomination, are hereby invited. precisely at One. CHELSEA HOSPITAL. Jan. 1. THESE are by Order of the Right Honour- able the Lords and others, Commissioners of the Affairs of the Royal Hospital at Chelsea, to give Notice, that all Out- Pensioners ( as well Lettermen and others) belonging to the said Hospital, residing in London or within twenty- ftve Miles thereof, are required to appear personally at the Secretary's Office in the said Hospital; and are required also to appear regimentally on the respective Days appointed for them, as are hereafter mentioned, when Attendance will be given from Nine o'Clock in the Morn- ing till Three in the Afternoon, in order to register their Appearance; viz. On FRIDAY, the 4th of JANUARY, 1793, The Pensioners from the First, Second, and late Third and Fourth Troops of Horse- Guards: the First and Se- cond Troop of Horse- Grenadier Guards j Royal Horse- Guards, Blues; First, Second, and Third Regiments of Dragoon- Guards ; the Third, Fourth, and Seventh Regiments of Horse, and all the Dragoons with the British Legion. On SATURDAY, the 5th of JANUARY, The First and Second Regiment of Foot- Guards. On MONDAY, the 7 th of JANUARY, The Third Regiment of Foot- Guards, to the Fifteenth Regiment of Foot, inclusive. On TUESDAY, the 8th of JANUARY, Those from the Sixteenth Regiment of Foot, to the Forty- fifth Regiment, inclusive. On WEDNESDAY, the 9th of JANUARY, Those from the Forty- sixth Regiment of Foot, to the' Eighty- fifth, inclusive. On THURSDAY, the 10th of JANUARY, Those from the Eighty- fifth Regiment, to the 115th, inclusive. As also those from Lord Strathaven's, Major Waller's, Elford's, and Fish's Corps. The Garrison Battalion, Loyal Irish, Queen's Rangers, Fencibles in North Britain, Cinque- Ports, Lancashire Volunteers, with all the American and other Corps. The Pensioners from the Ten Reduced Regiments of Marines, those from the Independent Companies, those from the Militia, and those who have been In- Pensioners of Chelsea- Hospital, lettermen, and Men at Ninepence per Day, with the Private Gentlemen who receive Annuities from the First and Second Troop of Horse- Guards. And that all Out Pensioners ( as well Lettermen as others) belonging to the said Hofpital, who live at a greater Distance than Twenty- five Miles from London, and those in Scotland and Ireland, are hereby required and commanded, that after the 25th of December, 1754, and after every fuccceding 25th of June and December, till further Orders, they forthwith apply themselves to one of his Majesty's Justices of the Peace in the Neighbourhood where they reside, and make the following Affidavit, which the said Magistrate for the County, City, Borough, or Riding, before whom the Pensioners appear, will sign and date, viz. Came before me, one of his Majes- ty's Justices of the Peace for the County of and made Oath that he was admitted an Out- Pensioner of Chelsea Hospital on the Day of 17 from the Regiment of commanded by was then aged about Years, served in the Army Years, was dis- charged for and that he is no otherwise provided for by the Government, but as a Pensioner of the said Hospital, and now lives in the Parish of in the County of . Sworn before me this Day of 17 The Affidavit, drawn according to the above Form, sworn before, dated and attested by a Magistrate, is to be put up in a Cover, and sent by the General Post, directed thus :— To the Right Honourable the Paymas- ter- General of the Horse- Guards, Loudon. And Coun- terparts or Duplicates of the said Affidavits are to be pre- served by the Out- Pensioners respectively, to be ex- hibited to such Perfons as shall be directed to pay them, that they may be satisfied that all such as may claim Out- Pensions are the real Persons entitled to receive the same. To the end that the said Commissioners for the Affairs of the Hospital may be satisfied that they are the same Persons who haVe passed their Examinations, the Pension- ers are hereby farther directed, that such of them as have served in, and been discharged from, any of the Regiments or Independent Companies of Invalids, are not to mention in their Affidavits such Regiments or Companies of Invali- lids in which they served, but tbe Regiment, Troop, or Corps of the Army, from which they were first dis- charged, and recommended and received to Chelsea Ho- spital. And as the general Payments in Great- Britain and Ireland, at the End of the ensuing Six Months are chiefly regulated by the Places of Residence mentioned by the Peo- sioners who arc mustered at Chelsea in Person, and in the Body of the Affidavits of such who live at a Distance, it is hereby ordered and directed, that no Pensioner who shall change the Place of his Abode given at his Muster, or spe- cisied in hit Affidavit aforesaid, and who may apply for his Pension, except to such Officer of Excise nearest to such Place of Abode, shall receive the same, unless it appears by the Certificate of respectable Persons, that such Re- moval was through some unavoidable Necessity, which he or they could not foresee or prevent. Lastly, it is notified, that none will be entered upon the Pay- Lists of the said Hospital, or be thought entitled to receive any Benefit therefrom, who shall not act agreeable to these Orders and Directions. SAMUEL ESTWICK, Secretary and Register. TOUR to TANGIER, MOROCCO, & c. & c. This Day was published. In One large Volume, Octavo, WITH AN ACCURATE MAP OF THE EMPIRE OF MOROCCO, Price Seven Shillings, in Boards, THE SECOND EDITION, WITH CORRECTIONS AND ADDITIONS, A TOUR from GIBRALTAR to TANGIER, SALLEE, MOGODORE, SANTA- CRUZ, TARU- DANT, and thence, over MOUNT ATLAS, to MO- ROCCO: including a PARTICULAR ACCOUNT of the ROYAL HAREM, & C. By WJLLIAM LEMPRIERE, Surgeon. Printed for J. WALTER, CHARING- CROSS ; And sold by J. JOHNSON, St. PAUL'S CHURCH- YARD, And J. SEWELL, CORNHILL. After tbe very rapid Sale of the First Edition of Mr. LEM- PRIERE'S TOUR, the Author's Absence abroad has occa- sioned the Work to have been so long out of Print and very scarce. The Character of the Publication given by the different REVIEWERS— from whom are the following Extracts JUS established the Reputation of Mr. LEMFRIERE'S TOUR, as a desirable Work of particular Information and Amuse- ment. " We have traced a bare Outline of this uncommon Expe- dition, without entering deeper into tbe pleasing Detail of Mr. LEMPRIERE'S ABVENTURES. This Work is well written and the Reflections throughout are manly and li- beral." THE MONTHLY REVIEW. Mr. LEMPRIERE's NA » RATIVE deserves much At- tention. Without any obtrusive Affectation of entertain- ing and instructing— without indulging in sentimental Re- finement or filling his Pages with Quarrels and Disputes, he gives a plain and interesting Relation of what he saw— he seems to have observed with great Attention and to have related his Travels with Fidelity." THE CRITICAL REVIEW. " THE AUTHOR, Mr. LEMPRIERE, in his TOUR to MOROCCO, Sec. ranks higher than usual Travellers :— he gives its no Common- place and the Reader is interested from the Beginning to the End of his Work :— we have therefore perused his Performance with Pleasure. Enter- tainment and information may be derived from a Perusal of this Work, which, being executed by a Man of Observation and Understanding, canuot fail to be well received. We art made acquainted with a large Portion of our Fellow- creatures, inhabiting a Country little known. For an Ac- count of the EMPEROR'S HAREM, and for the Character and Political Conduct of the Emperor, we refer to Mr. LEMPRIERE'S TOUR." THE ENGLISH REVIEW. " Having extended our extracts from this entertaining Tour, beyond the usual Limit, we need starcely add, that we think Mr. LEMPRIERE'S Tour entitled to a Place among the most valuable of those Narrations, which unite useful Information with amusing Anecdote, and which relate even trivial Circumstances in an interesting Manner." The ANALYTCAL review, Jan. 2— 4. B R I T I S H C H R O N I C L E , for 1793. SCHOOL and COLD BATH, At BUrntwOOD, near LITCHFIELD DAVID and ELIZABETH MOSS, beg leave to inform their Friends and the Public, that, in Addition to the well- known Salubrity of BURNTWOOD, as bordering on that healthful Spot, CANNOCK CHACE, they have, at a considerable Expence, ereCted a COLD BATH, within twenty Yards of the School, for the Use and Convenience of such young Gentlemen, whose Pa- rents may be desirous of such an Accommodation for their Children, of all Ages ; who are boarded, and carefully in- struCted in Reading and Writing in all its Hands, Arithme- tic, the useful Branches of the Mathematics, and Drawing. They will also have the Opportunity of being instruCted and amused in - Drawing, at their leisure Hours, free of Expence. Terms may be known at No. 44, Gerrard- street, Soho, and at the School. Land accurately furveyed. DECLARATIONS and RESOLUTIONS. AT a MEETING of the INHABITANTS of the Parish of St. MARY, WOOLWICH, Kent, in the Vestry, on Thursday, Dec. 27, 1792, Rev. G. A. THOMAS, Rector, ia the Chair, The following DECLARATIONS and RESOLU- TIONS were proposed by the Chairman, and unanimously assented to. WE, the Inhabitants of Woolwich, as Constitutional Royalists, feeling ourselves' called upon, at this Political Crisis, are here assembled, to make such Declarations, and pass such Resolutions, as the Exigency of the present Times requires. We declare ourselves to be equally attached to the King and the People, impressed with a due Sense of the Preroga- tive of the one, and the Rights of the other. That our Principles are equally abhorrent from Despotism and anarchy. That all Extremes in Government are radi- cally bad; and that National Felicity is in the Medium, of which the British Constitution i » the admired Proto- type. The Truth of these Declarations appearing from an Ap- peal to Experience, and being witnessed by the present flourishing Condition of this Nation -. We hereby resolve, by our Example and Advice, to inculcate on the Minds of others the Obligations they are under, as loyal Subjects and good Citizens, to live in due Subordination and Obedience to the ruling Power, by whose Administration every Individual enjoys a due Portion of religious and civil Liberty, and is protected in his Life, property, and Rights. Lamenting, at the same Time, the Insidious Attempts of many designing men, to seduce the People from their Allegiance to his present gracious Majesty, by specious Promises of imaginary Happiness, while in Possession of real, we are resolved, both individually and collectively, according to our Stations and Capacities, to exert our utmost Endeavours to prevent all Riots and Cabal), and to suppress all seditious Publications, tending to alienate the Minds of the People from their lawful Sovereign, under whose auspi- cious Reign Industry is promoted, Commerce flourishes, Manufactures and Agriculture improve, Wealth increases, and by a due Encouragement to all useful Arts, Professions, and Trades, ample Provision is made for all Classes of Men } while in the Royal Munificence Genius finds a Patron, and Calamity a Friend. rESOLVE D, That, being sensible of the various Blessings which are derived to this Nation from so excellent a Constitution, combining in itself every Principle of sound Policy, we will zealously endeavour to promote Peace, Order, and Contentment, so essential to good Government, and to the real Welfare of the People. To put in Execution the Purposes of this parochial As- sociation, we resolve, finally, That a Committee be now ap- pointed, consisting of twenty- eight Inhabitants; among wham are to be the ReCtor, Church- Wardens, Sidesmen, and Overseers, six of whom shall constitute a Quorum; who shall meet as often as it may be necessary to concert Measures for the preservation of Peace and Order in this Parish that a Book be kept open for the Signatures of any Inhabitants who may approve of these Declarations and Resolutions, and that they be inserted In the Prints of the Day. Which being unanimously assented to, the thanks of the Meeting were voted to the Chairman, for his impartial Conduct on the Occasion. G. A. THOMAS, Chairman. rrrs FRIDAY, Jan. 4. LONDON, COURT NEWS, & C. YESTERDAY, AT ONE O'CLOCK, the King and Princess Royal, and soon after the Queen and Princesses Augusta and Elizabeth, came to St. James's. Pa- lace. Previous to the Drawing- room 40 boys, educated in the Mathematical School at Christs Hospital, were introduced to the King in the closet by the usual Officers, according t0 annual custom. The Drawing- room commenced at 14 L L O Y D ' s E V E N I N G - P O S T, And Jan. 2— 4. two o'clock, and was attended by their Majesties, the three elder Princesses, Dukes of York and Gloucester, and Princess Sophia;— Duke de Choiseul;— Marquisses de Bouille, Seomis, and Guadagni;—- Count Capelli ;— Baronesses Na- gell and Nolcken ;— the Spanish Ambassador ; — and all the foreign Envoys ;— Right Hon. W. Pitt ;— several Nobility and Gentry, Lords., and Gentlemen in Waiting, Officers of the Army and Navy. The Female Nobility and Gentry were as follows : Duchesses of Rutland and Montrose ;— Marchionesses of Stafford, Towns- hend, and Salisbury; — Countesses Harcourt ( Lady in Waiting on the Queen), Suffolk. Ayles- bury, Cavan, Dowager Albemarle, Howe, El- gin, Sutherland, Bute, Portmore, Effingham, Edgcumbe, Hopetown, and Denbigh ;— Vis- countesses Parker, and Valletort ;— Ladies M. Howe ( in Waiting on the Princesses), C. Walde- grave, F. and C. Bruce, E. Lambert, two Col- liers, two Gowers, Ducie, Grenville, C. John- son, Morgan, B. Tollemache, Baker, Boston Loughborough, Arden, and Gordon ;— Mis- tresses ' Montagu, Vaughan, Parker, Lisle, Gwynne, and Digby; — Mess. Morgan, Baker, Finch, Verney, & c. The Drawing- room closed at half past four o'clock. His Royal Highness the Duke of York had a closet audience of the King after the Court had closed; and soon after five their Majesties and the Princesses re- turned to dinner at Buckingham- House. In evening the Queen had a private Card- party. The presentations to the Queen were the Earl of Granard, on his arrival from Ireland, by the Earl of Aylesbury ; Sir John Ord, Bart, on his arrival from his Government at Do- minica, by Mr. Dundas ; Colonel Duff, on his arrival from the East- Indies, by the Earl of Fife; Ensign Dalrymple, by his uncle Sir Hugh Dalrymple ; Duke de Choiseul and Marquis de Bouille, from France, by the Spanish Ambassa- dor; Le Comte Gorenowsky, from Poland, by the Polish Envoy ; Marquis Seomis, from Lisbon, by the Portuguese Envoy ; and the two Misses Chambers, by Lady Hawkesbury. Yesterday, previous to the commencement of the Drawing- room the following Ode for the New Year was performed before their Majesties, the Princesses, and Nobility, in the Council Chamber. ODE for the NEW YEAR, 1792. By HENRY JAMES PYE, Esq. Poet- Laureat. 1. NOT with more joy from desert shades, Where prowl untam'd the savage train, From pathless moors and barren glades, Sad Desolation's gloomy reign Averted, bends the weary eye To seats of rural induury, Where harvests wave in yellow pride, Where spreads the fertile champain wide, The lucid stream, while Commerce leads Through peopled towns and laughing meads; Than turns the mind from scenes of woe, - - Where ceaseless, tears of anguish flow ; Where Anarchy's insatiate brood, Their horrid footsteps mark with blood, To shores where Temperate Freedom reigns, Where Peace and Order bless the plains, Where men the Sovereign of their choice obey, ' where briTAiN's grateful sons exult in GEORGE'S sway. II. Yet ALBION ne'er with selfish aim To her own race her care confines; On all, the sacred gift who claim,. The golden beam of Freedom shines Sad out- cast from his native shore, The wretched exile wafted o'er Feels Pity's lenient hand assuage The wounds of Faction's cruel rage; Her laws, to all protective, yield Security's impartial shield : Who breathes her air, breathes purest Liberty ; Gaunt Slavery flies the coast— who treads' her soil is free. III. Ambition's clarion has not charm'd Her dauntless legions to the war, Nor have her sons, by fury arm'd, Follow'd Oppression's iron car : Though prompt at Honour's call to brave The hostile clime, the adverse wave, Their thunder ' neath the burning zone Shook the proud Despot on his throne ; Yet while aloft, in Orient skies - Conquest's triumphant banner flies, The generous Victor bids the conflict cease, And midst his laurels twines the nobler wreaths of Peace. IV. Blest Peace! O may thy radiance mild Beam kindly on the opening year ! Yet should with frantic vengeance wild The fiends of Discord urge their rash career, Not cold in Freedom's sacred cause, Not flow to guard her holy laws, Faithful to him their hearts approve, The MONARCH they revere, the MAN they love, BRITANNIA's Sons shall arm with patriot zeal, Their Prince's cause their own, his rights the general weal. Yesterday, after the Drawing- room, Mr. Pitt, the Dutch Ambassador, and the Prussian and Swedish Envoys, were admitted to an au- dience of the King, and continued upwards ot half an hour with his Majesty. The King has an ordinary Levee this day. The Queen and Princesses went to Windsor this morning. His Majesty follows when the business is over at St. James's. Yesterday morning at ten o'clock a Council was held at the Secretary of State's Office, Whitehall, which was attended by Mr. Pitt, the Earl of Chatham, the two Secretaries of State, and Lord Hawkesbury. At twelve o'clock the Council broke up, and the result of the business was laid before the King at Buck- ingham- House. His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales is much indisposed at Carlton- House with a cold. Yesterday a patent passed the Great Seal for creating William Manners, Esq. a Baronet of this Realm, with remainder to his son. Wednesday the Rev. Dr. Cornwall, a rela- tion of the late Speaker Cornwall, kissed the King's hand at St. James's, on his promotion to the Deanery of Canterbury. On Tuesday Mr. Pitt had a conference, by ; appointment, with his Royal Highness the Duke of Gloucester, at his House in Upper Grosvenor- street. The Master of the Rolls, the Attorney and Solicitor General, with Mess. Burton. Bragg, and Mitford, have been very busy with the Minister at his House in Downing- street, in minutely examining and canvassing every clause of the Aliens Bill now under consideration of the House of Commons. They met on Tues- day morning at nine o'clock, and did not break up until two, and were nearly as long engaged in the same business on Wednesday. Between nine and ten o'clock on Wednesday night, a fire broke out in the workshop of a carpenter in Jewin- street, which in a short time entirely consumed the fame, but, by timely assistance, was extinguished, doing any material damage to the adjoining buildings. Wednesday afternoon a wine- merchant in the Strand, stabbed himself fo effectually, that he expired of the wound, Wednesday, as one of his Majesty's weighers belonging to the Quays, was going up Seething- lane, he was run over by a cart, when he was taken to St. Thomas's Hospital, but died soon after. MARRIED. . Saturday, Thomas Bye, Esq. of the East- India House, to Miss Ann Bowman, of Jury- street, Aldgate, niece of the late Edward Brown, Esq. of South- Church, Essex.— At the same time, Mr. Michael Sutton, Gent, of the Custom- House, to Miss Eleanor Bowman, sister to the above.— On Monday se'nnight, in Dublin, by special licence, the Hon. Christopher Hely Hutchinson, son of the Right Hon. the Secre- tary of Stare, to Miss Bond, daughter of James Bond, Esq. of Merrion- square. DIED. On Thursday last, at his house at Low- Layton, Essex, Mr. Edward Wells, many years an eminent builder and surveyor.— Tuesday Mr. William Reynolds Higmore, coal- mer- chant, London- Bridge.— On Saturday, Charles Higgins, Esq. who some years ago served the office of Sheriff for this City and the county ' of Middlesex. Jan. B R I T I S H C H R O N I C L E , for 1793. POSTSCRIPT. PARLIAMENTARY INTELLIGENCE. HOUSE OF LORDS. Thursday, Jan. 3. At three o'clock Lord Kenyon came to the House. Prayers being read by the Bishop of St. David's, a message was received from the King, by the Marquis of Salisbury, that his Ma- jesty gave his consent to the repairs of the House, which will take place during the vaca- tion. Their Lordships then read one public and one private Bill, and adjourned. AFFAIRS of FRANCE. NATIONAL CONVENTION. Sunday, Dec. 30. M. Manuel moved that the celebration of Twelfth- day ( Fete des Rois) should be prohibited throughout the territories of the Republic. This motion was disposed of by calling for the Order of the day. M. Amelot gave notice of the state of paper- money, viz. Amount of assignats burnt, 661 millions of livres; assignats in circulation, 2 mil- liards, 206 millions, 231 thousand 645 livres. The Minister at war announced, that a Citi- zen wished to raise a body of troops, under the name of Legion Batave but on the observation of several Members, that the Republic was not at war with Holland, this matter was referred to the Military Committee. Albert Sarnate, a Polish Officer, appeared at the Bar, and invoked the assistance of the Re- public, in behalf of his unfortunate country, now groaning under the oppression of an ambitious Woman, the enemy to the Liberty of all Na- tions. M. Sarnate was, received with great po- liteness, and his petition was referred to the Diplomatic Committee. M. Chodieu complained that 11,000 men, raised in the Department of Mayenne and Loire, were in total want of necessaries. M. Barbaroux, in the name of General An- selme, demanded a Decree of Accusation against the Minister at War, or at least a vote that he had forfeited the confidence of the Nation. Referred. On Sunday the 30th ult. the widows and orphans of the French Citizens killed on the 10th of August, appeared at the Bar of the National Convention, and demanded sentence of death against Louis XVI. A Deputation from the Section of Gravelines presented a similar petition the same day. The Council General of the Commune at Paris have resolved, that the Commissioners on duty at the Temple shall make no more reports of what personally concerns the prisoners in the Tower. The public will be deprived, in con- sequence of that resolution, of many curious particulars concerning that unhappy family. Those reports, it was thought, had raised, in the minds of the people, a tender sympathy, inconsistent with Republican severity. " Joel Barlow, an American, the Author of Advice to Privileged Orders," is elected a Deputy for the Department of Savoy. Yesterday arrived a Mail from Holland." General de Wurmser is to have the direction of the Cavalry, and General Terrieres, of the Infantry, under the Prince de Cobourg, ap- pointed Commander in Chief of the army of the Empire. [ The French under General Custine are said to have experienced a check at Hockheim, near Mayence. The King of Denmark has agreed to supply his contingent to the war of the Empire ( as Duke of Holstein) in money instead of troops. A French fleet, said to be destined for the Dardanelles, has appeared off the coast of Sicily. The French have a very respectable fleet of ships ready for sea. There are twelve sail of the line in the Mediterranean, and sixteen sail lying in Brest water : but the latter are very ill- equipped, being in want of discipline; seamen, provisions and naval stores. A Letter from Maestricht, dated the 22d ult. has brought the following advices: " That the French troops which had been posted some days near that town, having thought proper to pene- trate as far as Valkenburg, and the adjacent villages, the Prince of Hesse Cassel, our Go- vernor, sent an officer to General Dumourier, at Liege, to complain of it. M. Dumourier sent a very polite letter in answer, as- suring his Highnefs that what had been done was owing to a defective map of the country; but that he had given orders, for the troops to evacuate the territories of the Republic im- mediately, after paying ready money for every thing they had been furnished with." The French have withdrawn their heavy ar- tillery from the neighbourhood of Maestricht. A camp consisting of 17,000 men, in the French service, is now forming near Antwerp, a part of which is composed of the disaffected Dutch Patriots who have emigrated from Hol- land, This encampment gives great uneasiness to the States- General. The Dutch are making most active prepara- tions in their naval and military departments. Letters from Middleburgh in Holland, of the 16th of December, mention, that several Eng- lish and Dutch frigates were immediately ex- pected there. It is now confidently asserted, that the desti- nation of the squadron which sailed on Monday last from the Downs, under Commodore Mur- ray, is the Scheldt ; and it is believed, that he has positive instructions to block up the French ships now lying in that River, and to prevent others from passing the entrance of it. A promotion of Admirals is expeded shortly to take place. . The Queen, of 98 guns, which was originally intended for Vice Admiral Sir Alexander Hood, is the ship in which Commodore Gardner's broad pendant will now be hoisted. Sir Alex- ander Hood is to have in her stead a new three- decker. The Medusa Frigate is commissioned to lie as a guard- ship at the Cove of Cork : Captain Norman is appointed to the command of her. MONSIEUR, the elder brother of the French King, is expected here in the course of this week from Holland. He will not remain long in this country,' but purposes to take his passage from Falmouth to Lisbon, and pursue his jour- ney from thence to the Court of Madrid. Extract of a Letter from General Money, dated Brussels, Dec. 28, 1792. " It is my intention to give in my resignation to- morrow, and return to England directly.— God forbid I should ever bear arms against my country ! But my situation was such, that, had I resigned while I was with the army, it is pro- bable I should have been assassinated." General Money accordingly resigned his com- mission to the Commissaries of the National Contention at Brussels, and is now in England. He refused to command the Belgic Army with the rank of Lieutenant- General, which was offered him. Policies are now opened at Lloyd's, to return 100 guineas for 25 laid down, if war be declared between Great- Britain and France before the 1st of February, 1793. . The number of the Militia of England and Wales, when completely embodied, amounts to 30,840. SETTLEMENT OF SIERRA- LEONE. On Saturday last advices were received at the Sierra- Leone House, from that settlement, dated Oct. 20, giving a favourable account of the further progress of the colony. An amicable meeting, or palaver, had been held with the Chiefs on the subject of the disribution of the lots of land, of which a regular survey was be- gun. The rains had ceased, and the health of the Nova- Scotia Blacks was much improved. It appears also by the returns, that the mortality among them had not been so very great as was apprehended, only 98. American Blacks having died, from the time of their landing to the 20th of October : the number of them remaining alive was 1026. Somewhat more than 60 Whites appear in all to have died, the chief of whom were of the lower order living on shore. The Company's Accountant, who returned on account of his health, died on his arrival in England. Information has also been received, by the Harpy, of the Colony's progress up to the 20th of November. The Company's brig Catharine, of 140 tons, which was dispatched home with some of the adventurers to Bulam, and brought the dis- patches of the 20th of October, had been lost off Biddeford, in a storm, and one boy perished,' From, the report of the physician, it appears, that the disease which troubled the settlers most was a remittent fever; and that by administer- ing bark, at as short intervals as the stomach will bear, immediately after the first paroxysm it changes it into an intermittent fever, which may be then cured with as much certainty as the common ague in England. The Doctor at- tributes most of the mortality to those causes which are common to all new colonies, and says, that the climate, as far as he can judge from his short experience, is very good. Of the 1190 free blacks embarked at Halifax in January, 1792, the following is a return of the deaths, up to the 2d of September, 1792, which in the men and women have been principally old and infirm, and many of those who died shore were landed in a diseased state. On their passage 35 men, 18 women, 7 boys, and 5 girls total, 65. Since their arrival, 28 men, women, 21 boys, and 22 girls : total, 99. Gene- ral total, 164. A few days ago, Susannah Backhouse, a girl of 14 years of age, at Maryport, in Cumber- land, was tapped the sixth time, and the quan- tity of seventeen quarts of water taken from her. Tuesday night some thieves stole. Out of the Chambers, of Mr. Tagg, of Furnival's Inn, a watch, and a pocket- book containing several notes and draughts. Wednesday morning the house of Mr. Cooper, of Swithin's lane, Lombard- street, was broke Open, and robbed of some plate, & c. L L O Y D ' S E V E N I N G - P O S T , & c. Jan. AUTHENTIC PORT- NEWS. . Extract of a Letter from Portsmouth, Jan. 3. " Arrived, the Mary and Margaret, M'Caen, from Sunderland." Extract of a Letter from Deal, Jan. 3. " Wind S. W. Sailed, the Zebulon, Hodg- son, for Whitehaven; and the Jarvis, Laws, for Liverpool. " Remain in the Downs, his Majesty's ships Niger and Nemesis, and the Walker, Rumble, from Rotterdam, for Pool." Extract of a Letter from Gravesend, Jan. 3. Passed by, the Greyhound. Connor, from Maryland; the Alcyone, Park, from Jamaica ; and the Neptune, Miller, from Seville. " Sailed, the Fanny, Jones, for Dublin, and the Preston, Jerry, for Calais." Arrived.— At Dover, the Greyhound, Black, from New- York.— At Waterford, the Leopard, Bell, from Newfoundland,— At Liverpool, the Achilles, Humble, from Pictou.— At Marseilles, the General Keith, Wall, from Copenhagen. At Naples, the Brothers, Fremearne, from Cornwall. By letters from Madrid we learn, that an establishment is forming there, under the appel- lation of the " School of Industry, Arts, and Improvement the object of which is, to en- courage arts, manufactures, agriculture, and in- dustry, which, in many branches, have for some time past been visibly decaying in Spain. Go- vernment have assigned a considerable sum to be annually distributed in gratifications to such persons as shall excel in the several pursuits pointed out by the directors of the institution, which is meant to be extended to different parts of Spain. Thursday se'nnight six Companies of the Sussex Militia, commanded by Lieutenant Colonel Pel- ham, Major Sir Godfrey Webster, Captain Ful- ler, Captain Bachelor, Captain Wyatt, and Captain Cranston, marched from Chichester to Brighthelmstone, where they were to be joined, by all other Militiamen belonging to the said Com- panies not yet assembled, to day. Those belonging to the. other companies, were to join them respectively by the above- mentioned time at Chichester. Samuel Compton, Esq. has paid into the hands of the Chief Magistrate of Derby, iool. to be appropriated to the benefit of the poor of that town. Coals imported last year into the Port of London : Coals Cinders 841,380 Chaldrons. 6,270 Ditto' Scotch Coals — 2,449 Tons a greater quantity than was ever brought to London. ; and yet, though there are now 100 sail of Colliers in the River, Coals are from 33s, 6d. to 37s. 6d per chaldron in the Pool. A pea sown the last year in Mr. John Wet- ton's, garden in Shirland park, in Derbyshire, has produced no less than 2336 peas from one stalk. From several parts of Cheshire and Lancashire we are informed a great deal of snow has fallen, which does not melt on the hills. In the val- leys it does, and on the roads alternate frost and thaw, with snow, renders them nearly im- passable. Snow covers the hills around the City of Ox- ford, and travelling is rendered very difficult. The mail- coach coming yesterday morning to London, six horses were sent, and those very . good ones ; but they could not drag the coach through the frozen mixture of dirt and snow, and the passengers were forced to walk three miles between two and four o'clock in the morn- ing. On Friday se'nnight, about seven o'clock in the evening, a fire broke out in a house in Moor- lane, Lancaster, which in a little time consumed it and two other houses adjoining. A fourth was with difficulty preserved, by un- roofing a part which was thatched, and keeping a constant stream of water on it from one of the engines. The other engine was of no use, being out of order. The fire was occasioned by some children, who, in going to bed with a candle, set fire to some hemp or tow in the room. By this accident three poor families, of husbands, wives, and several children, are re- duced to great distress ; the principal part of their furniture and clothes being consumed. Monday evening,. about six o'clock, a fire broke out in Mr. Hallam's cotton- factory ad- joining to Manchester, The flames spread so rapidly, from the combustible nature of the materials in those buildings, that, though every assistance was given, the whole was shortly one continual blaze, and all the property consumed. The dwelling- house, which joined the factory, was also reduced to a shell, and only a few arti- cles saved. On Monday the 25th ult. the tenants and workmen of Sir George Warren assembled at Poynton, to partake of a repast given by Lady Warren, and to drink his Majesty's health. On this occasion the cannons were fired, and the person who had usually conduced that business ( in discharging the last round) was unfortunately killed by the bursting of a cannon. We hear that Sir George Warren has made a handsome provision for the disconsolate widow and fa- mily. We learn from Bath, that last Monday, as one of the servants of Lord Viscount Courtenay was shooting in his Lordship's park, the gunpowder forced the breech- pin of the gun with such vio- lence as to fracture his skull so shockingly, that, after remaining two days perfectly sensible, he expired, Saturday night the following accident hap- pened ; Mr. Moden, of the Lane- house, near Mimms, in Hertfordshire went, according to his usual custom, just without the door, in order to discharge his blunderbuss, when unfortunately the barrel burst ; whereby his arm was so terribly shattered, that it was found necessary for him next day to suffer amputation. On Wednesday se'nnight, a man ( with, a view, it is supposed, of stealing something) broke into a hovel at Tipton, near Birming- ham, in which were kept some gunpowder and miners tool.. Having a candle in his hand, a spark accidentally dropped upon the gnnpowder- i by the explofion of which he was blown through a hole at the top of the hovel, and so dreadfully scorched, that it was : ed he co « lA recover. His clothes tinder. On Friday last, as the hour' Gor- don, Esq. were hunting by Shrubs, near Seven- Oaks, in Kent, a hound was perceived with a head in his mouth which on examina- tion proved to be a human head and on search. ing the wood, the remaining part of the body was found, with the flesh all eaten, from the bones, and supposed to have been there since October last, when a boy was lost from the work- house at Beresford. and who was then ad- vertised, but has not since been heard of. Last week the following robbery, was com- mitted : From a newly built uninhabited house at Bethnal Green, which was to have been, opened in a few days, as a public house, under the name of the Weavers arms, some thieves stole all the glazed sashes belonging to the ground and first and second floors, a large quantity of lead from the roof and other parts of the building, some liquors, and other property. THEATRICAL ENTERTAINMENTS. This Evening. HAYMARKET. Douglas; with the Cheats of Scapin. COVENT- GARDEN. The Road to Ruin; with Harlequin's Museum. TRIAL OF PAINE. On Monday, at noon, will be published, THE PROCEEDINGS at large, containing the EVIDENCE, exact Copies of all the LET- TERS, and the SPEECHES of the ATTORNEY. GENERAL and Mr. ERSKINE.. Taken in SHORT- HAND, by JOSEPH GURNEY. Sold by Martha Gurney, Bookseller, No, 128, Holborn- Hill, and Mr. Stockdale, Piccadilly. Of whom may be had, The ELEVENTH EDiTion of Mr. GURNEY's SYSTEM of SHORT- HAND, Dedicated ( with Permission) to the KING. LONDON Printed and sold by T. SPILSBURY and SON,. No. 57, SNOWHILL ; where all, Persons may be regularly served with This Paper. Letters to the Editor, and Advertisements, will be received at NEW LLOYD'S COFFEE- HOUSE, over the RoyAL EXCHANGE, and at the Publishers, And those Persons residing in the Country, who are desirous of being supplied with this Paper are requested, to apply to the clerkS, of the roAds at the geNerAL POST OFFICE by whom they may depend on being regularly served 1
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