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The London Chronicle


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Volume Number: LXXII    Issue Number: 5664
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The London Chronicle

Date of Article: 08/12/1792
Printer / Publisher: J. Wilkie 
Address: No.71, the Bible, in St Paul's Church-yard
Volume Number: LXXII    Issue Number: 5664
No Pages: 8
Sourced from Dealer? No
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r 5 « ! vol. LXXII. From THURSDAY, DECEMBER 6, to SATURDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1792. Friday, Dec. 7. SHIP NEWS. Deal, Dec. 5. ARRIVED and sailed for the River, the London, Coffin, from the South Sea ; Ac- tive, Nicholls, from Gali- poli ; Commerce, Atkin- son, from Bourdeaux ; and Neptune, Quinton, from the Streights for Dunkirk'. Wind West by South. LONDON. Yesterday the Royal Family came from Buck- ingham House to St James's Palace. The Draw- ing Room began at two o'clock, and was over at half past four. The circle Consisted of their Majesties and the three eldest Princesses; Duke and Duchess of York ; their Excellencies the Spanish Ambassador, all the Foreign Envoys, Prince of Monaco, and a great number of fo- reigners of distinction ; the Nobility, Gentry, officers of the army and navy, Lords and Gen- tlemen in Waiting, as at the King's Levee on Wednesday. The Royal Family returned to dinner at Buckingham House soon after five o'clock ; and in the evening the Queen had a private card party. The presentations to the Queen were nearly the same as those to the King the preceding day, with the addition of General Hamilton, on his receiving the command of the 12th regiment of foot, by Lord Amherst Major Gale, by Ma jor Scot; Prince Joseph of Monaco, by the Spanish Ambassador ; and Baron Bresky, by Mr. Onslow. The wise and vigorous measures adopted by Government, and the Associations not only in the metropolis, but in every part of the country, in support of our happy Constitution, have had the effect which might naturally have been ex- pected from them. The public confidence has been restored with the same degree of celerity as it had been heretofore depressed, and every thing bears the appearance of energy and con- fidence. The Consols which on Monday last were were yesterday done as high as for the opening in January, though they fell a little towards the close of the market, Yesterday at noon a full Board of Admiralty was held at the Admiralty Office, when several ships were commissioned, several Officers re- ceived their commissions, and five frigates were ordered to be equipped. Wednesday Sir William Pepperell, attended by the Hon. Mr. jenkinson and Mr. Metcalf, had a consulation with the Minister, at his house in Downing- street, respecting a scheme on foot for the disposal of the French refugees; the province of Canada is mentioned as a pro- per plaee to send them to. A previous meeting was held with Mr. Burke at his home in Duke- street. If the above measure should meet the approbation of government, it is intended to put it in practice early in the spring. Sir William Pepperell keeps an exact register of all the French refugees who have fled to this country for an asylum; and is one among many other Gentlemen, who warmly interest them- selves in the cause of these unfortunate people. The birth- day of Prince Frederic of Denmark was celebrated at Bergen in Norway, in a man- ner thus acceptable to humanity. The Society for the promotion of useful industry being as- sembled in their hall, prizes were given to all those who had distinguished themselves during the preceding year in agriculture, fishing, and other laborious occupations. Extract of a Letter from Plymouth, Dec. 4. " Sunday arrived from Lisbon his Majesty's sloop Echo, of 16 guns, Hon. Capt. Jones. " This day was taken out of dock his Majesty's ship Syren, of 32. guns, Captain Manly. ' " This day orders were received to get ready his Majesty's ships Boyne, of 98 guns, and Cul- loden, of 74 guns. " The Nautilus, of 16 guns, is now cop- pering, and will go out of dock in four or five days, and will be immediately commis- sioned." Extract of a Letter from Portsmouth, Dec. 5. " This morning arrived at Spithead the following ships from their different stations, viz. Guns. 3* ,12 i a 14 Commanders. Capt. Salisbury. Hood. Woodley. Hunt. Ships. Andromeda, Juno, Spitfire, Tisiphone, Kingfisher, " And the Echo sloop of war, Capt. Jones, from Lisbon." The ship seen on fire off Portland proves to be the Frederick, Calling, a Swede, from Bay- onne to Amsterdam, loaded with turpentine, wool, and rum ; she is towed on shore, and the crew have brought away 6000 dollars. The Lovely Ann, Green, from Jamaica to New York, is lost on the Martieres. Extract of a Letter from Dublin, Nov. 29. " The export of linen, our staple manu facture, is continually increasing ; within these few days 15,000 yards have been entered for ex- portation at the Custom- House. " On Tuesday night, about eight o'clock, the postboy conveying his Majesty's Mail from Ar- dee to Collon, was stopped by three men within two miles of the last- mentioned place, and robbed of the post- bags which contained the same." Gibbon, and his companion M. Neckar, are said to have determined to quit Lausanne, and to retire further into Switzerland. It is conjec- tured they are gone to Basle. At Ingatestone fair in Essex, on Saturday last, there was a great shew of horned cattle, which sold at high prices ; the head North Wales runts fetched 7I. 10s. a head ; there were like- wise several droves of West Highland and Gal- loway Scots, which sold even dearer than the Welsh cattle. It is said that Musprat, one of the unfortu- nate mutineers of the Bounty, who, after being sentenced to death, was respited during his Majesty's pleasure, was so affected at hearing the signal gun for the execution of his unhappy comrades, that he has not since spoke a word to i any person ; nor can he be by any means pre- 1 vailed on to do so. Twenty or thirty pieces of cannon are now at the Horse Guards, with all the necessary ammu nition. Five ammunition waggons remain near the parade, ready for use. The Stock Broker, who some time since absconded with 1o, oool. with which he had been entrusted to purchase stock, and was afterwards apprehended, died yesterday evening in the New Compter. [ Price Four- pence.] KING's BENCH. Thursday, Dec. 6. Umbage v. The Executors of the late Colonel Sharp. This was an action to recover from the de- fendants a sum of about 28oI. for attendances and cataplasms, & c. made and provided for the late Col. Sharp. The defendants had paid 150I. into Court, which they considercd a full compensation to the plaintiff. After the examination of many witnesses, among whom were Doctor Hunter, Doctor Rowley, See. the Jury found that the money paid into Court was a sufficient compensation to the plaintiff. Phillips v. Ideson, and Others. This was an action to recover damages for pulling down the plaintiff's house. The defendants, who were Commissioners appointed under the statute respecting the regu- lation of buildings, justified themselves under the aft of the 30th of the present King. It appeared that the Commissiossers had mis- taken the act of Parliament, but that their con- duct was not the effect of any criminal in tention. Verdict for plaintiff.— Damages 50I. On Tuesday last, Mr. R. Master of Baliol College, Oxford, was admitted to the degree of Batchelor of Medicine. Tuesday night Mr. Thomas of Conduit- street, Hanover- square, was stopped on Houn- slow Heath by a single Highwayman, who rob' bed him of two guineas and some silver. Early on Wednesday morning the Chambers of Mr. Wigley, of Brick- court, Temple, were broke open, and robbed of a watch, some wearing- apparel, & c. On the 28th of last month died, on his tour towards Paris, Philip Thicknesse, Esq. aged 73, formerly Lieutenant Governor of Landguard- Fort. Mr. Thicknesse set out from Boulogne on Wednefday morning, Nov. 28, in perfect health and remarkably good spirits, but had not proceeded to the next stage, Samers, on the way to Paris, before he complained to his lady, who was in the carriage with him, of a sudden pain in his stomach, and sooner almost than she could express her concern, added, " I have a pain in my head too," when he instantly expired. On Monday last died, at Epsom, in Surrey, George Horsley, esq. PUBLIC OFFICE BOW- STREET Yesterday a gentleman was brought before Nicholas Bond, charged with the most inhuman conduct towards his son, a boy about eight years of age. The affair is as follows: The child had in some trifling act incensed his father, who, with the most unnatural barbarity, fastened him to the bed posts, and there inflicted on him the most cruel flogging that can be conceived ; af- ter which he carried him to a chimney- sweeper of the name of Dunn, whom he told to behave with the utmost severity; and should he refuse going up a chimney, to force him, by tying a rope fo his hand's, and pulling him up. Mr. Bond, after reprimanding the gentleman very severely, desired him to take the boy home, and never more to behave in a manner so dis- graceful to human nature. H M. The Fugitive, with The Prisoner. C. C, Columbus, with Hartford Bridge. 54$ L O N D O N C H R O N I C L E for 1792. Dec. 6 — 8. ONE PENNYWORTH OF TRUTH from THOMAS BULL to his Brother JOHN. Dear Brother, THERE has always been such a good un- derstanding between us, that you and I can speak our minds freely to one another. Our father, you know, always maintained the character of a blunt, honest, sensible man ; and our mother was as good a sort of woman as ever lived. They gave us the best teaching they could afford, and the neighbours have never counted us fools. But some people are taking great pains to make us so, and rogues into the bargain. They have tried their skill upon me, . and so they will upon you ; but I write you this letter to give you warning, that you may look to yourself. For it seems, John, you and I are now to learn every thing from those conceited monkies the French. Nobody knows any thing now but they, and some Englishmen at home, who hate this country as bad as the French do. With talking about Right and Equality, and Constitution and Organization, and such like, they made my head turn round : but I see now pretty well what they mean. They begin with telling us all mankind are equal: but that's a lie, John; for the children are not equal to the mother, nor the mother to the father, unless where there is - petticoat go- vernment ; and such families never go on well: the children are often spoiled, and the husband brought to a gaol. But I say people are not equal. The Clerk is not equal to the Parson; the Footman is not equal to the Squire; the Thief at the Bar is not equal to the Judge upon the Bench. If it were as they say, then the Clerk might get up into the Pulpit, the Footman might sit at the top of the table, the Thief might take his place upon the bench and try the Judge', and the Coachman might get into the coach and set his master upon the box; who, not knowing how to drive, ' tis ten to one but . he overturns him. Pretty work we should have with their Equality : but let us have patience and go on with them. You and I were taught that God governs the world and that nobody has any power in it but such as he gives them : there is no power but of God and our Saviour allowed it even in Pontius Pilate, the Roman Judge. But you are to be- lieve now out of the French Bible, that all power is of the people, that is, of you and I, Thomas and John Bull. But if the people in any great national question of difficulty, which is very possible, should be divided into two halves, who are the people then, John ? They that lay hold of a sword first, and get to be strongest, will always call themselves the people, and the rest must go to be hanged or lose their heads. If you and I should quarrel about our rights, and there were no law above us, then there's People Thomas against People John, and we must settle it by a civil war; for when there's no law, there's nothing left but the sword or the halter to settle all differences: so I must cut your throat or you must cut mine. This is what al- ways comes of the power of the people, as it is not in France ; where all questions have been carried by cutting off heads and hanging people upon lamp- irons; and then, you know, they that are hanged can give no vote, and they that are left are all of a mind. But, however, they are as far off from being settled now as they were four years ago; and One of their new kings ( Marat) said, they must have two hundred and eighty thousand more heads before they should be right. Now for their wise notions about government. As all power is in the people, they say there can he no lawful government but what the people make. When all power is taken from those who are now intitled to it by law, and put into the hands of the mob armed with pikes and dag- Consutation, John. Then out of this, the said mob raises what they call organs and functions, and makes a Government ; but they have been at it in France for four years, and though they have worked very hard some- times, they have hardly got to the beginning yet. And now have you not sense enough to see what a fine contrivance this is for plundering every man of his property, his house, his land, his goods, and his money, under a pretence that every thing belongs to the nation ? And it holds as well, or better, against churches, than against private houses. They tti' you farther, that no man has a right to any thing but what he earns himself: so if you and I, John and Thomas Bull, work ever so hard, and leave what we have to bring- up our Children in the world, they will have no right to it, because they did not earn it themselves. This notion cuts off all right of inheritance, which is the most sacred upon earth, and without which it would not be worth while either to work or to live : for the nation may meet, make A new government, and take it all away at a stroke. I'll tell you a story: Some while ago a highway- man met with his death upon the road for de- manding a gentleman's money : " That fellow ( said a wag) " was a good patriot; who, sup- posing the gentleman might have more mo- ney in his pocket than he had earned, disco- vered that it was the property of the nation ; so, making himself the nation, he only de- manded his own property. But the gentle- man being rather too quick for him, shot the nation through the head, and spoiled the new principles of government." This was bad luck: that man might have lived to have given us a continuation of Thomas Pain. And now, John, I'll tell thee plainly, this new no- tion of government from the mob, is the fool- ishest, as well as the most rascally, that ever entered into the world: and the very people that have raised themselves to power and plun- der by it, will be fools enough to deny it. They will be telling us presently how God has fought for the French against the Prussians and Austri- ans ; while they don't believe there's a God in the world. Let us hear next what they have to say about Kings. We are shortly to have no more of them, neither below nor above: Tom Paine hav- ing been heard to declare, that when he had made revolutions against the Kings upon earth, he would try his hand at a revolution in Heaven ! You see, John, who they are that talk against Kings : they never fail to talk against God Al- mighty ; and in such words as the Devils of Hell dare not utter! When they pretend to argue with us, they tell us, all Kings are bad : that God never made a King : and that all Kings are very expensive. But, that all Kings are bad cannot be true; because God himself is one of them : he calls himself King of Kings; which not only shews us he is a King, but that he has other Kings under him: he is never called King of Republics. The Scripture calls Kings the Lord's Anointed: but who ever heard of an anointed Republic ? There are now, Bro- ther John, many thousands of Frenchmen, who have taken to themselves that power which be- longed to their King : where shall we get oil enough to anoint them all ? And what would they be when we had done ? They would not be the Lord's Anointed ; they would be the Mob's Anointed: and there is little doubt but that, proud as they are at present, somebody will ' noint them well at last. That God never made a King is a great lie ; when we hear him telling us in his own words— yet have I fet my King upon my holy hill of Sion, ? Did not our Saviour say he was King- of the Jews ; and was not he crucified for saying so ? The Jews who crucified him have never had a King of. their own from that day to this : not becaute they dislike a King, but because they are not good enough to have one. They are the only nation upon earth, that ever were or ever will be in a state of equality; and it has been a great and mighty work of God to make them so. No power can make men equals but that which makes men Kings. And what fhould we get by it? We should be just where the Jews are ; a proverb to all nations ; a monu- ment of the divine wrath and a disgrace to the world. Kings are very expensive things, said the Pres- byterians at Birmingham, when they were going to make their French- revolution dinner. That may be true, Brother John: but if Kings keep us from such miseries as the want of a King has produced in France, they deserve to be Well maintained, let them be who they will. When there is no King, then every man does that which is right in his own eyes ; and, mind John, not in the eyes of any body else : and you may see in your Bible, how people were given up to sodomy and murder, and how sixty- five thousand of them presently fell in battle, be- cause there was nobody at that time set over them. Look about you, like a man of sense, and you will soon see that bad subjects cost more money than good Kings. Our National Debt, for which we are now paying such heavy taxes, was doubled by the troubles in America, all brought upon us from the beginning by the Dis- senters, there and here. Did not Dr. Price write for them ? And did not the Birmingham Doctor ( late one of the King's elect of France) encourage them, and write mob principles of Government to justify them ? Yet these people, who brought our burdens upon us, are they that rail most at the expensiveness of our Govern- ment, and use it as a handle for overturning it: just like the Devil, who drives men into sin, and then gets them damned for it if he can : and then he is pleased, because he delights to be the author of misery: that is his greatness; and some people have no notion of any other: so they massacre poor Priests; rob and plunder their country and their church ; put Kings and Queens in prison ; and then sing qa ira, for joy that Hell is broke lo se I have nothing more to say ( till my next Let- ter) but that the Government which is most wicked, be the form of it what it will, is ge- nerally the weakest in itself, and the more ex- pensive to the people : and so, after all that can be said, honesty is the best policy, and the honest man is the best subject. Keep this in your mind, Brother John ; and farewel. From your loving Brother, THOMAS BULL. P. S. Perhaps they may tell thee, John, that thou hast nothing to lose, and that any change may be to thy advantage ; but thou hast a body and a soul: and if thy body goes to the gallows, and thy soul to the Devil, won't that be a loss, John ? A REWARD, of ONE HUNDRED GUINEAS, and a CAUTION to the CLERGY, not to marry JOSEPH STINTON and MARY SEVERNE. THE said MARY SEVERNE is just turned 16 ; and is tall and lusty of her age, and rather stoops; a good head of hair, inclining to be sandy, a large full eye, and a small scar near one eye, freckles in her face, 1 * teeth are irre- gular, particularly in the lower jaw; she has a red mark on the right elbow; her nails are short, as she is in the habit of biting them. JOSEPH STINTON, her father's servant, is about 28 years of age, about 5 feet 8 inches high, and has dark hair, curled round. Whoever will apprehend the said Mary Severne, or give information to her father, Mr. Severne, of Munderfield, near Bromyard in Herefordshire ; or to Messrs. Shepheard and William', Boswell- court, near Lincoln's Inn, London; so that she may be apprehended,, and safely delivered to her parents, be- fore her marriage according to the rites of the Church of England, shall receive the above reward, and be other wise fully indemnified. T H g L O N D O N C H R O N I C L E for 1792. 547 LONDON. YEsterday the King came from Buckingham- house to St. James's at half past twelve. The Levee began at one, and closed before two. A Council was held after the Levee, which sat about half an hour ; after which the King gave audiences to the Ca- binet Ministers, the Secretary at War, and Sir William Fawcitt, and at four o'clock his Ma- jesty let off for Windsor Lodge, to which place the Queen and Princesses went at noon. Yesterday Dr. Buller, who was consecrated Bishop of Exeter on Sunday at Lambeth Palace, did homage to the King at St. James's. The Earl of Harrington was yesterday ap- pointed by the King to succeed the late Lord Dover as Colonel of the 1st regiment of life guards; Lord Cathcart was also appointed to succeed the Earl of Harrington as Colonel of the 29th regiment; on which occasion they kissed the King's hand. The Earl of Harring- ton took possession also of the Gold Stick. The public days at St. James's next week are, the King's levee on Wednesday; the meeting on Thursday to go to the House of Peers to open the Parliament; and the ordinary levee on Friday. Extract of a Letter from the Hague, Nov " The success of Dumourier, and the dread of the French arms, occasion great alarm in this country, and Government begin to shew- much uneasiness. The patriots begin to think of availing themselves of these advantages, and plans are formed for inviting Dumourier to come to the assistance of the Friends of Liberty who wish to emancipate themselves from those chains in which they say they have been since l787. " The Court of the Stadtholder expected in consequence of the declaration of LordAuckland, in name cfthe King of Britain, that fome Eng- lilh fhips of would have been fent to the mouth of the Scheldt to deter the French From approaching it; but' this not having taken place, it is fupp- fed that the French gun- boats, mounted .. itli 36 pounders, have al- ready gone up the river. The French requested that they might be allowed to go up the river to bombard the citadel of Antwerp, but the real Intention was to possess themselves of the river. The States General, however, refused to grant this request. " Several individuals, and particularly young men, are emigrating to General Dumourier, to form, under his command, a body of Bata- vians, who, it is thought, wish to enter the country with him, and will serve as guides to him on his entering this province. Many of the Stadtholder's party are already packing up their effects, and the Situation of their minds is evi- dently painted in their countenances. " M. Maulde still remains here. Some mis- understanding has taken place between him and Lebrun ; but Gen. Dumourier is endeavouring to reconcile them. j The resolution formed by the Executive Council of France to open the navigation of the Meuse and the Scheldt, seems in this coun- try to have produced an efFect contrary to the interest of the French patriots. Some people here certainly wish to obtain a greater share of liberty than at present they enjoy, but they wish not to purchase it by the total ruin of their country, which they think would fol- low should these rivers be opened. If great vessels be allowed to enter the port of Antwerp, the trade of Amsterdam and Rotterdam will dwindle away to nothing The States therefore in concert with the Stadtholder have sent differ- ent couriers to London to solicit that aid which they promifed to themselves from the tenor of Lord Auckland's declaration. " With regard to the present state of things in Holland, the Stadtholder's Court is encouraged to adopt plans of defence. All the garrisons in the interior parts of the Country have been rein- forced. Additional troops have been sent to Haerlem, Schwidau, Horn, & c. and a great number of cartridges have been distributed among the soldiers with orders to use them on the first commotion." Extract of a Letter from Stornaway, Nov. 21. " Some days ago a vessel, loaded with wood, iron, and tar, was wrecked on the N. E. coast of this island, in a boisterous and rocky situa- tion. Upon information being received, Mr. Gillanders, Admiral- substitute on the island, dispatched proper persons to assist in saving what part of the wreck it was possible. She appears to have been a Swedish vessel, as a board has been cast ashore on which is painted " Stockholm." " The bodies of four of the crew have been found, one of whom had an ear- ring in one of his ears, but had no cloaths on except a shirt, a vest, a pair of drawers, and boots; another was entirely naked ; a third had only a waist- coat and shirt; the fourth had all his cloaths on, and in his pocket was found a pocket- book, containing several papers and five Swedish notes ; there was also a watch found in his pocket, but it was quite destroyed. " The hull of the vessel has been dashed to pieces, and the rigging and sails are all de- stroyed. Several articles of the cargo have been saved ; between 400 and 500 deals, 21 barrels of tar ; two cables and two anchors are ex- pected to be saved next spring tide, as also the whole of the iron, of which there is a great quantity, if the weather continues mode- rate." Extract of a Letter from Deal. Dec. 6. " Arrived and sailed for the River, the Cocka- trice cutter; Weston Galley, Weynton, and Queen, Perkins, from Oporto; Commerce, Luce, from Lisbon; Diana, Daniel, from Te- neriffe ; and Nancy, Seton, from Charante. Re- main in the Downs his Majesty's ship Assistance, Rattlesnake and Orestes sloops, with the out- ward- bound as before. Wind at W. S. W. blows hard." The Sally, Bishop, of Yarmouth, from Rot- terdam to London, is supposed to be lost on the Middle Ships ; crew and 34 French emi- grants it is feared have suffered. So daring had some of the clubs grown before the late Proclamation, that one of their so- cieties at Croydon a few day since invited some of the dragoons quartered there to drink wine with them. The dragoons Very readily acccpted the invitation. The first toast given was to the King;— the dragoons then gave d •— to all the club. They said they would drink their wine to the last bottle in the room, which they did— when one of the soldiers got up and drew his sabre, saying, that the first man who offered to give another toast of the same sort should be cut down and so the levellers dropt off one by one very quietly. Yesterday went from Thomson, of Morti- mer- street, Cavendish- square, a new coach for Sir Robert Mackworth, Bart, in which true mechanism and elegance give proof of his supe- rior taste and judgment. The whole being reckoned by connoisseurs in carriages to be the completest that has been seen for some time. Thursday a person of genteel appearance was by Mr. Maynce, the Police- officer, brought to the Public Office, Bow- street, charged with molesting the Royal Family at Windsor. He appeared to be a Clergyman's son at Oxford, and insane, on account of which Mr. Bond or- dered him to be conducted home to his rela- tions. H. M. The Pirates, with The Mayor of Garrat. C. G. The Provoked Husband, with Hartford Bridge, RADNORSHIRE. To be LET or SOLD, ALarge, substantial MANSION- HOUSE, situated in the town of Presteign, and unte- nanted ; together With the FARM adjoining it, jn the occupation of Mr. James Stephens, consisting of a dwelling- house, with all necessary outbuildings, and about 6c statute acres of rich ( chiefly meadow) land; also together with a large Coppice, about 150 acres, contiguous thereto, called The Cann Wood. The premises are Freehold, and may be entered upon at Candlemas next. Apply for particulars, to Mr. Fallowes, Attorney at Law ; or Mr. Wainwright, Land Surveyor; both in Hertford ; and the Tenant; or Mr. Fencott, of Presteign, will shew the premises. PENNYWORTH of TRUTH. This Day published, One Shilling per dozen, 5s. per hundred or 1000 for Two Guineas, ONE PENNYWORTH of TRUTH from THOMAS BULL to his Brother JOHN. London : Sold by John Stockdale, Piccadilly. Of whom may be had, published this day, Judge Ashhurst's Charge to the Grand Jury for the County of Middlesex, on Monday the 19th of No vember 1791, is. per dozen, 5s. per hundred, or ioco for two guineas. The THIRD VOLUME. This Day were published, In Octavo, with a Preface by the Translator, and illustrated with Tables, Price 5s. in boards, TRAVELS ROUND THE WORLD in the Years 1767, 1768, 1769, 1770, and 1771. By M. PAGES, Captain in the French Navy, Knight of the royal and military Order of St. Louis, and correspond- ing Member of the Academy of Sciences. Translated from the French. VOLUME the THIRD. London; Printed for J. Murray, No. 32, Fleet- street. This Volume contains an account of the Au- thor's two voyages, one to the South and the other to the North Pole including an account of the island of Madagascar, its government, laws, and the manners of the people. At the same place may he had, A New Edition, improved and enlarged, of the Two first Volumes of the same Work. Octavo, price 1os. in boards. " The present age seems particularly distinguishable for an earnest desire of obtaining the most perfect knowledge of the globe which we inhabit; and every nation in Europe has produced some enterpri- sing spirits eager to signalise themselves in ministering to this laudable curiosity; for this reason we never take up a publication of the sort now under re- view, without hope of amusement, if not of in- struction and we have pleasure in adding, that much of both is to be found in the volumes of M. de Pages." MONTHLY RevieW, May 1791. " It is not without regret that we abstain from entertaining our readers with more extracts from this sensible, philosophical, and amusing publication, and which contains by far the best account that has yet been published of the Spanish Indies and colonial government." ANALYTICAL Review, May 1791. " From these volumes we have received much in- struction as well as amusement. The first gives a very interesting account of M Pages Travels from New Orleans across the vast North American Con- tinent by Mexico to Acapulco. These scenes, sel- dom if ever visited by any Europeans excepting the Spaniards, who are not communicative of informa- tion, presented to the author many singular and strikin'g objects, which he describes in a manner that cannot fail to gratify the most ardent curiosity; while his judicious and sensible observations contri- bute to the extension of natural and philosophical knowledge. His account of the Spanish Indies is particularly valuable." New ANNUAL REGISTER for 1791, Saturday, Dec. 8. 54S THE LONDON CHRONICLE for 1792. Dec. 6— 8. ASSOCIATION for Preferving LIBERTY and PROPERTY against REPUBLICANS and LEVELLERS. CROWN and ANCHOR TAVERN, December 6, 1791. AT a Special Meeting of the Committee of this Society. JOHN REEVES, Esq, in the Chair. This Committee considering that the great mis- chief produced by seditious and treasonable libels, is chiefly effected by selling them in shops, hawking them in the streets, and giving them away; and con- sidering that the venders and carriers of such publi- cations are generally acquainted with their contents, and evil design and tendency, Resolved, That a caution be hereby given to all Sellers of newspapers, newscarriers, persons delivering hand- bills for club meetings, and the like, that if such papers are seditious or treasonable, they are also guilty, equally with the original publisher, printer, or author; aiid that it becomes them seriously to consider what are the newspapers, papers of invita- tion to clubs, and other meetings, which they sell, carry, or distribute, and whether they are of a na- ture to bring upon them the penalties of the law. It appearing to this Committee, that evil- designing men, having industriously and maliciously used means and instruments never before resorted to in this country for spreading pernicious opinions, have ad- dressed themselves principally to the manufacturing and labouring classes of people; and by pamphlets, hand- bills, and various other deviccs, have endea- voured to prejudice the minds of those persons against the King and Constitution, deluding them with false expectations, that their condition will be bet- tered by the subversion of all distinCtions of rank and property, and the introduction of equality In their stead: It is Resolved, That it be recommended to all matters of families, all master- manufaCturers, traders, and others, to use their best endeavours to undeceive and inform their servants, their journeymen, their apprentices, their neighbours, and all persons whom they find misled and corrupted by such inflammatory and Se- ditious writings or language ; warning them, that if they maintain by word or by action treasonable and Seditious principles, they will incur the penalties of the law ; and further instruCting them, that none of the hopes so falsely and Insidiously held out to them can be realized; but that, on the contrary, such wicked attempts will tend to the destruCtion of all trade and manufactures, by which they are supported when industrious; and will destroy all the provision made for the poor, which they now enjoy, when they become unfit for labour. Resolved, That the following opinions from the Commen taries of the excellent Mr. Justice Blackstone be pub- lished for the information of the ignorant, and as a caution to the unwary: " If a party apprized of any treason does not, as soon as conveniently may be, reveal it to some Judge of Assize, or Justice of the Peace, he is guilty of misprision of treason, which is punished by loss of the profits of lands during life, forfeiture of goods, and imprisonment during life. " But if there be any probable circumstances of assent; as if one goes to a treasonable meeting, know- ing beforehand that a conspiracy is attended against the King; or being in such company once by acci- dent , and having heard such treasonable conspiracy, meets the same company again, and hears more of it,, but conceals it , this is an implied assent in law, and makes the concealer guilty of aCtual high treason.. Contempts and misprisions against the King's Person and Government may be by speaking or writ- ing against them, cursing or wishing him ill, giving out scandalous stories concerning him, or doing any thing that may tend to lessen him in the esteem of his subjects, may weaken his government, or may raise jealousies between him and his people." It has been also held an offence of this species to drink to the pious memory of a traitor— these being acts which impliedly, encourage rebellion. For these Species of contempt, " A man may not only be fined and imprisoned, but suffer the pillory, or other infamous corporal punishment Book IV; chap. 9* This Committee, fully sensible of the many kind. and interesting communications which, they conti- nually receive from various quarters, return thanks to their correspondents, whose hints will be thank- fully received, and carefully attended to. In the mean time it is hoped, that the variety of important business which occupies the Committee, will furnish an excuse for their not returning immediate answers to each letter which they rcceive. JOHN REEVES, Chairman. MAP of the SCHELDE. This Day was published, On a sheet of superfine wove vellum paper, neatly coloured, price is. 6d. ANEW MAP of ZEALAND, with the River SCHELDE, Part of Holland, Flanders, and Brabant; shewing the situation of the Schelde, Sr. c. the present subjeCt of dispute. London : Printed for John Stockdale, Piccadilly. Of whom may be had, published this day, Judge Ashurst's Charge to the Grand Jury for the County of Middlesex, delivered in the Court of King's Bench 0n Monday the 19th of November 1792; is. per dozen, 5s, per hundred, or 1000 for two guineas. ROYAL BENEVOLENCE. This Day was published, With an elegant engraving of the King, Queen, and Royal family in the Prison at Dorchester, liberating the poor unfortunate Cottager, John Pitfield who was confined for 22ol. ( contracted by a Noble Lord) upwards of Seven Years, till he was released by his Majesty during his last excursion to Wey- mouth. THE new FORTUNE- TELLING ALMA- NACK.; or the Queen's Pocket Diary, for the Year 1793. Containing besides the singularly inte- resting story of Pitfield's cruel confinement, occa- sioned by Lord Milton, and Lord Arundel : ruled pages for every day in the year, & c. together with up- wards of a thousand droll questions and answers, Suitably classed for single, married, and widow ladies, batchelorS, & c. & c. intended to create mirth in mixed companies, price is. 6d. neatly bound, with pockets for notes, & c. Printed for G. Riley, No. 33, Ludgate- street-, of whom may be had, the following elegant Presents for Youth : A new, enlarged, and very beautiful edition, in five neat pocket volumes, adorned with upwards of 400 hundred correct figures, price 10s. neatly bound, or as. 6d. separate, The Beauties of the Creation ; or, a New Moral System of Natural History, delineating the most curious and beautiful quadrupeds, birds, fishes, rep- tiles, inseCts. trees, and flowers ; with reflections on their singular properties, & c. A new, enlarged, and elegant edition of that much admired woik, Riley's Historical Pocket Library, in six volumes, price only 12s. neatly bound, or 2s. 6d. separate, for the use of schools. The Talisman; or, Christmas Conjurer.— A new diverting game, wherein the miseries and blessings of life are exhibited in familiar verses, displaycd on counters, in a neat mahogany box, price js. 6d. DisseCted Histories of the Bible, Testament, Greece Rome, France', and England; with medallion like- nesses, elegantly coloured, in boxes, price 10s. 6d. or on a smaller scale, only 5s. each. Geographical Pastime, with the dresses of different nations, coloured, in a box, price io>. 6d. The Hare and many Friends; or a Picture of Hu- man Life, price 3s. 6( 1. dissected. The Idle and industrious Apprentice, price 3s. 6d. dissected. The Disappointed Milkmaid, price is. 6d. Dissected Maps of the World, Europe, Asia, Africa, and America, & c. La Partie Quarree, a new Pack of fashionable Conversation Cards, in French and English, price 2S. 6d. A new Academic Game of Cent Dix ; whereby youth will agreeably acquire a competent knowledge of the four principal rules in arithmetic, price 2s. 6d. Ril y's New- invented Historal Playing Cards, adorned with portraits, coloured, price 3'. or plain as. fid. Containing the history of the Old and New Testament, Greece, Rome, France, and England ' Geography, the,. MERCHANT TAYLORS HALL. Dec. 5th, 1792. AT a very numerous Meeting of Merchants, Bankers and Traders held here this Day, in consequence of public Advertisement, SAMUEL BOSANQUET, Esq. in the Chair. The Chairman having read the advertisement by which this Meeting was called— Resolved, That it is expedient at this time for the Merchants, Bankers, Traders, and other inhabitants of London, to make a public Declaration of their firm attach- ment to the Constitution, and of their resolution to support the same Then the following Declaration was read, viz. DECLARATION in support of the CONSTITUTION of GREAT BRITAIN: " We the Merchants, Bankers, Traders, and other inhabitants of London, whose names are here- unto subscribed, perceiving with the deepest concern, that attempts are made to circulate opinions contrary to the dearest interest of Britons, and subversive of those principles which have produced and preserved our most invaluable privileges, feel it a duty we owe to our country, ourselves, and our posterity, to in— vite all our fellow- subjects to join with us in the ex- pression of a sincere and firm attachment to the Con- stitution of these kingdoms, formed in remote, and improved in succeeding ages, and under which the glorious Revolution in 1688 was effeCted; a Consti- tution wisely framed for the diffusion of happiness and true Liberty, and which possesses the distinguished merit, that it has on former occasionS been, and we trust will in future be, found competent to correct its errors and reform its abuses. Our experience of the improvements in agriculture and manufactures; of the flourishing state of navigation and commerce, and of increased population, still further impels us to make this public Declaration of our determined resolution to support, by every means in our power,, the ancient and most excellent Constitution of Great Britain, and a Government by King, Lords, and Commons and to exert our best endeavours to im- press on the minds of those connected with us, a re- verence for and a due submission to the laws of their country, which have hitherto preserved the liberty, protected the property, and encreased the enjoyments, of a free and prosperous people." And the same having been read a second time, Resolved unanimously, That this Declaration be approved, and be sub- scribed by all such Merchants, Bankers, Traders, and other inhabitants of London, as may approve thereof, and that it do lie at this Hall until Saturday next inclusive, for signatures. Resolved unanimously, That Samuel Bosanquet, Thomas Boddington, Abraham Bracebridge, John Brickwood, Joseph Cot- ton, Edward Forster, George GrifFen, Thomas Hankey, John Harman, Robert Hunter, James Langston, William Manning. Samuel Smith, Theo- philus Pritzler, Richard Muilman, Trench Chiswell, john Mellish, Richard Neave, Edward Payne, Ben- jamin Winthrop, John Read, Thomas Parry, Da- niel Giles, Thomas Raines, John Cotton, Esqrs. be a Committee to attend the signing of this Declara- tion, and they are thereby requested to cause the same to be published in the newspapers, and in any other manner they may think most advisable. Resolved unanimously That the Thanks of this Meeting be given to the Committee of the Court of Assistants of the Mer- chant Taylors Company, for the very polite and friendly manner in which the Committee afforded the use of the Hall for the Meeting this day, and that the Chairman be requested to transmit a copy of this Resolution. A motion being made and seconded. That the Thanks of this Meeting be given to Sa- muel Bosanquet, Esq. for his upright and impartial conduCt as Chairman of this Meeting, The Chairman left the chair, When the said Motion was unanimously agreed to. Then the Chairman having resumed the Chair the Meeting was adjourned unanimously. SAM. BOSANQUET, Chairman. N. B: The Declaration will be at Merchant Tay- lors Hall, for signature every day from 10 till 4, o'clock. Dec. 6— 8. THE LONDON CHRONICLE for 1792. 549 FRANCE. Tht NATIONAL CONVENTION. Saturday, December 1. AMember of the Committee of Decrees read the form of a Decree of Accusation against Lacoste, Ex- minister of the Marine, and the ci- devant Princes Rohan Rochefort. One of the Secretaries read the following let- ter from General Custine's son : " Citizen President, On my return from Mentz to General Custine, to which place the Citizen Minister for Foreign Affairs had sent me, I read in the journals of the Convention, that Citizen Simon had called their attention to some false reports. " Respecting General Custine, I can assure you, Citizen, that I had the happiness of break- fasting with him on the 2d of this month ( No- vember). That his intentions are pure and loyal, that he was proposing to attack the King of Prussia immediately, that our troops were in the best state possible, and that no credit ought to be given to the falsehoods invented by de- signing persons. " The people of Mentz all behaved to us like friends and brothers; they are worthy of the present which we have given them. I had the happiness of employing my language in propa- gating good principles to four of the neighbour- ing villages where I caused the Tree of our pre- cious Liberty to be planted. The celebrated Dr. Boehm, who has the confidence of General Custine, has assisted me in these sublime opera- tions. In short, the people of Mentz enjoy the happiness of the Savoyards: they have no other Wish than that of being an 85th Department of the French Republic. I have the satisfaction of informing you also, that the people of Mentz have established a Jacobin Club, who sit in one of the Halls of the ci- devant Electoral Palace, in which the ci- devant Emperor was elected. This Club consists of 500 members at least, and I was present at several of their sittings. ( Signed) CUSTINE, Jun.'' A Member stated, that the citizens of Alencon, Mortagne, and Belesmes, having united in a body, marched with cannon against the insur- gents, who were setting an arbitrary price upon provisions, surrounded 60o of them in the town of Mamers, and seized 22 of them. Letter from the Procureur Syndic of the De- partment of Indre and Loire to the Deputation of that Department. " Tours, Nov. 28. " The Administration of the Department of Indre and Loire being informed Last Sunday that a number of insurgents were assembled in the Department of la Sarthe, and Loire and Cher, immediately ordered the districts to keep the public force in a very active state of vigilance, in order that they might be able to unite on the first signal.— These infurgents, to the number of about 5 or 6000, advanced towards Blois. The Mayor of that town having endeavoured to ad- dress them, was in danger of losing his life. All Citizens, and particularly public Magistrates, have been. forced to march at their head ; so that the places where the Administrations sat, and other ports, were left to be guarded by I am informed by a letter from Chateur Re- naud that the insurgents went thither yesterday; that they fixed a price 0n provisions, as in other places, without doing any hurt; and that they behave peaceably, if no opposition is made to them The three Administrative bodies of In- dre and Loire have united to deliberate, on these proceedings. They, have decreed to demand some National Guards to assist at Amboise, and to require those of the other districts, and particularly, our own, to protect the city of Tours." Letter from the Procureur Syndic of the De- partment of Indre and Loire, to the Citizens of the districts of Chateau, Renault, Am- broise, and the neighbouring Municipalities. " Fellow Citizens, " The Administration of the Department of Indre and Loire have learnt with grief, that some misled people have proceeded with arms to different markets in the neighbourhood of this Department, to fix an arbitrary price upon provisions, And that there is reason to apprehend that they will spread to this place. " Such violence and insurrections tend only to frighten the farmers, to destroy abundance, and to remove those provisions, which liberty, peace and safety can alone bring back to us. Citizens, if men blinded and misled should diffuse them- selves amongst you, and require you to autho- rise, by your example, their actions, which are contrary to law, give no credit to them, beware of imitating them, and think of rallying round the law, in order to support it." The Convention ordered honourable mention to be made of the patriotism of the citizens of L'Orne, and of the zeal of the administrators 0f Indre and Loire. The President.—" One of General Dumou- rier's Aides du- Camp requests leave to appear at the bar, to communicate to you some im- portant intelligence." Leave being granted, he addressed the Prefident as follows :. " Citizen President, I have the honour of in- forming you, that the French army are victorious at Liege. They have gained, at a league from that city, a complete victory over the Austrians, and have driven them beyond the Mense." President.—" Citizens, we were previously certain that Liege would be taken. French- men, the sons of freedom, were before the citadel, and the instinct of liberty is that of vic- tory. The whole Belgic Netherlands are at length become the theatre of the triumph of the arms of the Republic.— The National Con- vention applauds your diligence in announcing this new success, and grants you the honours of the sitting." Letter from General Dumourier. Liege, Nov. 28. " Citizen President— At the head of the bravest troops in the universe, I attacked yes- terday morning at seven o'clock the rear guard of the Imperialists, commanded by Gen. Starey, and consisting of 12,000 men at least. I had not so many for a great part of the day, but when the whole of the National army displayed itself, the enemy thought of retreating, after having been forced in six villages, with the loss of their General. " Prudence, and the shortness of the day, prevented me from entering the city. I entered it at nine this morning, and it is impossible for me to describe the joy and the delightful sensa- tions which the inhabitants experienced at our arrival— Republican ideas have here the same character of reason and energy as in France. I dare affirm, that in four days a National Guard will be perfectly organized, and that in fifteen Liege will have a National Convention. The French army shews itself every day more and more worthy of the cause which it supports, and deserves that you should attend to its wants. Our loss does not exceed 15 or 20 men killed or wounded— that of the enemy amounts to 5 or 600 at least, among whom they, have to regret, above all, Gen. Starey. Deserters are arriving continually. " I have taken up my lodgings in the Palace of the Bishop of Liege, who went off preci- pitately at three o'clock yesterday morning. I shall cause Citizen Jolivet to take an exact in- ventory of the papers he has left. ( Signed) DUMOURIER." " P. S. Lieut. Col. Philip Deraux is the bearer of these dispatches." Letter from General Dumourier to the Minister at War. " Citizen Minister, Liege, Nov. 28. " The army, which I command, had an en- gagement yesterday, which lasted ten hours-,, with the rear guard of the Imperialists, consist- ing of 12,000 men. We drove them from six villages successively, and, lastly, from an en- trenchment : they had a stronger and more nu- merous train of artillery than in the preceding en- gagements ; their defence therefore was better supported, and more vigorous, and they conse— quently lost more men ; they regret above all the death of General Starey.- They had 37 waggons filled wiih wounded, besides their dead and deserters. Deserters come in to us con- tinually. We had on our part exactly three killed, and fourteen wounded. This dispro- portion will appear to you astonishing, but no- thing can equal the address and vivacity of our artillery. The infantry marched with a rapi- dity and order which are almost inconceivable. - Our cavalry, infinitely inferior to that of the enemy, charged thein with great vigour, and destroyed a whole body of Hussars. " What is moft remarkable in this army in respect to bravery, is the constancy which the men shewed in supporting the rigour of the cli- mate, in marching over furrows frozen and co- vered with snow, and in terminating their march, and a combat of ten hours, by remaining under arms during the night, without shewing any other sensations than those of joy, and renewing the battle next morning. " Our entrance into Liege afforded us a real rcompence. The people lively, sensible, and dignified, received us with that Republican fraternity which our example and our victories will soon propagate throughout all Europe. This nation, truly worthy of liberty, is a se- cond French nation, and I hope in a few days to see it organized like ours. Uniforms as welL as arms begin to appear, and I doubt not that it will furnish a body of 10,000 troops to join our victorious arms, in order to carry liberty to the Rhine." Letter from General Omoran to the National Convention. Tournay, Nov. 2r. " Representatives of the French People, " On the arrival of the French in this city,, there was on the belfry an eagle with extended wings, the insolent emblem of the dominion of the House of Austria. As this spectacle must have been offensive to a people restored to li- berty, and reinstated in their dignity and rights, . since it reminded them of their defunct tyrants, the first decree of the Magistrates chosen by the sovereign people, pronounced the downfal of his Majesty, the Imperial Eagle, for which the cap of Liberty was immediately substituted. The representatives of the people of Tournay, after presenting this trophy by way of homage to the General Officer of the Republic, who commands in this town, in the absence of Gene— ral Labonrdonnaye, testified a desire that it should be transmitted to the National Convention, as an authentic testimony of their eternal abrogation of the House of Austria.. " We have thought it our duty, Representa- tives of the French People,, to comply with the Magistrates, and to send to you this pledge, which they have entrusted to us, under the escort of a detachment of the hussars of the Republic. ( Signed) OMORAN.'' Letter from Citizen Bertin, Commissioner sent: with the Naval Army. " Genoa, Nov. 16. " The stay of the squadron at Genoa begins- to operate a revolution in the minds, of the in- habitants of this superb city. The sacred prin- ciples of liberty warm every heart. Before our arrival, the partisans of the French Revolution durst not shew thcmselves but our presence em- boldens them, and the people speak openly . jftf fM1 tdNt> 6N CHRONICLE for 1792. Dec. 6— 8. their rights. The Senate had been assembled for Several days, and as, according to the laws of the country, all their determinations are kept Secret, the people manifested their discon- tent, and Said it was unjust that deliberations, the object of which ought to be the public in- terest, should be enveloped in impenetrable mystery. The reSult has been, that the magis- trates hare determined that theSe deliberations Shall be printed, and fixed up on Monday next, the iSth of this month. It is thought that the object of this deliberation is the union of the Republic with France. The young Nobility ardently wish for it, as well as the Citizens, and a great part of the people. It is SuppoSed that it will take place. " Several French citizens, resident at Genoa, have formed a club, to which Several of those belonging to our Squadron arc admitted. The number increases every day, and we soon expect to see the National cockade mounted. Our Sailors meet with a very favourable reception. ( Signed) BERTIN." A letter was read from the Administrators of the Department of Loiret, dated Orleans, Nov. 29, giving an account of the measures pursued at that place to check the progress of the insurgents who had threatened to plun- der and burn it. Letter from the Minister at War. " Citizen President, " The brave conduct of Duplessis a chasseur of the 12th regiment, at the affair of Sierck, has already received the applauses of the Re- public and its representatives. This citizen combating against ten hussars at one time, after receiving two shot, and having his Skull al- most cleft, and his arm shattered, had still the heroism and intrepidity to cry out, as he fell, No,— you shall not prevent me from crying but, Long live the Nation. I will die rather than not do So. He continued the contest brought down three hussars, and killed the fourth. " I have no other means of rewarding him, than to allow him a pension of 236 livres. The Convention will doubtless allow that this is not Sufficient, I beg they will authorise me to. double it." The Convention immediately granted this request. Letter from the Commissioners of the National Convention at Nice. " Citizens, our Colleagues, " The General having gone to the assistance of his advanced guard, who were driven from the important posts of Sospello, we thought it our duty not to quit Nice during his abSence, arid until we had learnt the result of his opera- tions. He informs us himself, that he yesterday evening recovered that post without losing a man, and his troops, to accomplish that object, performed a very difficult march, with much ala- crity. As nothing therefore now detains us any longer here, we are determined to set out- to- morrow for Toulon and Marseilles, being de- sirous of terminating our journey, and of re- pairing to our post at Paris. " No Spectacle can be more interesting for your Commissioners than that continually pre- sented to us in the towns and districts through which we pass. Enthusiasm for a Republican form of Government, and confidence in the National Convention, are every where at their height. Such a people are every way worthy of the great benefits which you have procured to them. ( Signed) J. AUBRY. ISNARD. DESPINALLY." " P. S. We cannot help informing you, that the troops here in general are in want of shoes, clothes and particularly breeches 5 but instead of complaining, they march with the most affecting joy acroSs mountains to meet the enemy." Citizen DeSpagnac, Contractor for Carriages to the Belgian army, and Commissaries Malus and Pettijean, were admitted to the bar, and heard on the accuSations made against them. They complained of the neglect, of the Minis- ters in office, and said, that their operations had been commanded by the most urgent necessity, in order that they might repair the destitute state in which the army had been left. The Con- vention decreed that the proper Committee should examine their contracts, and give in a report on this business 0n Tuesday. Sunday, Dec. 3.— Noon. The Convention received intelligence that the insurredtion in the Departments of Eure and Loire were suppressed. The Administrative Bo- dies of the town of Chartres, with the assistance of their neighbours, surrounded a body of the rioters, consisting of about 4000, who immedi- ately laid down their arms. The most seditious among them made Some resistance, but their companions gave them up as being the authors of these commotions, and they were conveyed to gaol. The rest dispersed, and retired peace- ably to their homes. The Convention testified to the Admini- strative Bodies of these Departments, the satis- faction they received from their conduct; or- dered that honourable mention should be made of it in their minutes, and that their letter should be printed and transmitted to all the depart- ments. A Naval Captain, belonging to the Repub- lic, complained that he had been insulted in the Port of Malta. Gregoire, in name of the Diplomatic Committee, proposed that the Con- vention should order the Executive Power to examine this fact. By a subsequent decree, the Convention reduced the pensions granted to the Members of the Order of Malta to the same standard as those of other ecclesiastics, that is to say, to a thou- sand livres. The remainder of the sitting was employed in hearing petitions. On the 21st of this Month will be published, The Second Edition corrected, in One Volume Octavo, Price 6s. in boards, SERMONS, chiefly intended to promote FAITH, HOPE, and CHARITY. By VICESIMUS KNOX, D. D London : Printed for C. Dilly, in the Poultry. In the press, and speedily will be published, by the same Author, HandSomely printed in 3 vols, octavo, Price 185. in boards. The Thirteenth Edition of ESSAYS, MORAL and LITERARY. AlSo, lately published by the same Author, uni- formly printed with the above. LIBERAL EDUCATION; or, A Practical Trea- tise on the Methods of acquiring useful and polite learning. The 10th edit, in 2 vols. 3vo. price 12s. in boards. WINTER EVENINGS; or, Lucubrations on Life and Letters. The 2d edit, in 1 vols 8vo. price 13s. in boards'. Of whom may be had, in one large volume octavo, Price Half- a- guinea in board;, FAMILY LECTURES; or, Domestic Divinity; being a co ous Collection of Sermons, seLected firm the polite Writers and sound Divines of the present Century; for the Use of Schools on Sunday even- ing, and of young Students in Divinity. This volume contains upwards of 900 pages, closely printed in the manner of the Elegant Extracts in Prose and Verse. Lately published in four volumes, octavo, Price ll. in boards, 2. DISCOURSES on various Subjects; delivered in the Island of Barbadoes, by the Rev. H. E. Holder, of that place. N. B. The third and fourth volumes may be had separate, to complete sets. 3. Sermons on practical Subjects. By the late Rev. Henry Stebbing, D. D. ; with some Account of the Character of the Author, by his Son. 3 vols. 8vo. price 18s- in boards. N. B. The third volume, just printed, may be had Separate, price 6s. in board*. CORNHILl WARD. Dec. s, 1792. AT a Meeting of the Alderman, Deputy, Common Council, and Inhabitants of this Ward, holden in the Vestry Room of the Parish Church of St. Michael, Cornhill, London, Mr. Alderman PICKETT in the Chair, It was resolved unanimously, r. That this Meeting do Solemnly declare, in the most unequivocal terms, their true and affectionate allegiance to their Sovereign Lord King GEORGE, and their inviolable attach- ment to the Sacred Constitution of theSe realms, as by law established. ReSolved unanimously, 2. That this Meeting, taking into their most Serious consideration the wholesome and expe- dient measures of the Court of Common Coun- cil, the 29th day of November last, for the sup- pression of tumults, and the better Security of the peace, liberty, and property of the Citizens of this Metropolis, do most heartily concur in the same ; and will, in the most decided manner, testify their warm and Steady adherence to the Laws and Constitution of this happy land, by their personal efforts, to Subdue the daring Spi- rit of seditious, licentious, and unprincipled malcontents) who aim at the subversion of all order, and consequently the final destruction of that liberty which their impracticable theory would pretend to improve. Resolved unanimously, 3. That it is the duty of every Citizen to be ready, when called upon, to strengthen the hands of the Executive Power, and implicitly to obey the Summons of the Magistrates of this City, to resist the violation of the peace in their respective neighbourhoods, and thereby to en- sure to this metropolis uninterrupted harmony and tranquillity. ReSolved unanimously 4. That a reward of Ten Guineas be offered for the discovery of any person distributing hand- bills, or posting up any paper of seditious tendency, or giving away pamphlets of the like nature, within this Ward, to be paid, on con" viction of the offender, by Mr. Deputy Birch ; and that the constables of the Ward are hereby desired to use their utmost vigilance to bring before the Magistrates of this City every person so offending. Resolved unanimously, 5. That the proceedings of this Meeting published in all the Morning and Evening Pa- pers and that copies of the same be distributed to all the Inhabitants, of this Ward. Resolved unanimously, 6. That the Thanks of this Meeting be given to the Alderman and Common Council of this Wards for convening this Meeting at so early a period, and for their impartial conduct during the same. Resolved unanimously, 7. That these Resolutions fairly copied, and left at Batson's Coffee- house, to be signed by Such of the Inhabitants of this Ward as ap- prove the same. WILLIAM PICKETT, Chairman. This Day was published, Handsomely printed in Four Volumes, 12mo, Price 12s. bound, and embellished with PlateS A New Edition of THE WORKS OF VIRGIL Translated into English VerSe. By Mr. DRYDEN. Printed for J. Robson, B Law and Son, T. Ver- nor G. G. J. and J. Robinson, T. Cadell, J. John- Son, J. Murray, R. Baldwin, F. and C. Rivington, W. Flexney, P. Macqueen, C. and G. Kearsley, and L. Wayland. Of whom may also be had, A Poetical Translation of the Works of Horace; with the original Text; and critical Notes collected from his best Latin and French Commentators. By Philip Francis, D. D, 8th edit. 4 vols. 14010. price 12s, bound Dec. 6— 8. T H E L O N D O N C H R O N I C L E for 1792; SSI For the London Chronicle. A Short Conversation between a NORMAN and a BAS BRETON, in St. James's Park. Norman- WHEN do you think, dear Friend, our troubles will be ended ? Breton— Not till our Chief Rogues are legally suspended. N— The Parisians wish for a little more blood. . — What makes them so savage ? They were for- merly good. — Our nation is hasty. Br- - That too well I know; In that hasty spirit lies the source of our woe. N .— In our hurry to act, we never mind to reason Commit follies and crimes, then repent out of season. • Br— ' Tis cool- hcadcd judgment that discovers the man; The giddy and thoughtless ever act without plan. N.— How happy is England ? Would we trace out the cause, it will chiefly be found in submission to laws. Here hasty revenge is held in detestation. Br.— That maxim alone makes a respectable nation. — Their milky good- nature I never cease to ad- mire. [ aspire? Br.—- To such a good- temper when will Frenchmen A'.— Our great state of wretchedness no pencil can draw; [ law. France is now without King, without faith, without Br.— Rogues, thieves, and assasins do just what they please. [ their ease. N.— Rare liberty ! When such as these are left at Br. — Were prisons and gibbets only made for the good ? [ understood. N.— Our present Rulers, indeed, would have it so Br.— St. Paul wishes Rulers a terror to evil- doers N.— Poor St. Paul and his doctrines we've kick'd out of doors. Br.— There, indeed, you'Ve spoke truth ; and when morals are gone, [ none. A State becomes gangren'd, real health there is N.— When ev'ry one does what is right in his own eyes, [ implies. That, in the Scripture phrase, no Government Br.— The two English wrongheads, Dr. Price and Tom Paine, In defiance of Scripture, other doctrines maintain N, Of their cursed doctrines, France now gives an example; There rogues of all kinds with impunity trample On both Gospel and Law ; while the poor, without bread, Pray in vain for relief; instant famine they dread. Br. We are truly detected ' mong our Christan neighbours. [ labours N_ The most proper return for our infamous Br Even the Turk himself looks upon us as bad men, A nation of fools, bewitched by mad men. A'.— When did France ever see such rack and such misery ? [ libertY They're the blessed effects of our new- fashioned N King Petions liberty! with blood all over stain'd, While honesty, justice, law, and truth lie enchain'd. Br.— We've stolen the term Citoyen from crazy Rousseau. N.— Mais Compatriote, est plus propre et plus beau. Br — The words, Reign of the Law, are now stamp'd- ou our loin. [ had none N What law can that be ? for in France we've for these two years and upward. Br You may safely say three. But as to the motto, you and I both agree Sans Roi, sans Foi, sans loi, are the most proper words Round poor France, lying gor'd, pierc'd with pikes and with swords. N.— Are there no hopes then of days of quiet and peace ? Br.— Surely none till good heads and found hearts are in place. N.— Alas ! when will arrive that bless'd and happy hour ? When snow covers the ground can we look for a flower ? Br.— We must wait for the thaw. If we judge from the past, This hard gripe of tyranny has not long to last. Things will soon have a turn. Oppression and anarchy Will lead by degrees to a regular monarchy. This republican phantom, which now squeezes our purse, Will ere long be hooted with the general curse. N.— We've had three Constitutions within these three years, The old one all perfect till the new one appears; But with a true Frenchman nothing fixt will remain Till his own fleur- de- lys the northern point do regain. Br. — No true Frenchman wishes an unlimited rule; But why not take our model from Great Britain's school ? A free system of laws without a King at the head, Is' like a polished spear. weakly pointed with lead. N.— Of true legislation how false has been our notion! The nave of the wheel is the centre of motion ; All the spokes rest in that, and if that he made weak, However shewy the work, the wheel soon will break. Let our new frame of laws with found wisdom accord; And our good oppress'd King will soon he restor'd. Br.— Then the wicked will fly, honest Frenchmen will sing, Let all good men unite, and long, long, live the King. For the Use of Schools, and the Entertainment and Instruction of Young Persons. This Day was published, Complete, in One Volume Twelves, with Cuts pre fixed to each Fable, Price 2s. bound, FABLES by the late Mr. G A Y. London : Printed for B. and R. White, T. Longman, B. Law and Son, G. G. J. and J Ro- binson, T. Cadell, S. Bladon, R. Baldwin, J. Sew- ell, J. Johnson, F. and C. Rivington. H. L. Gard- ner, W. Goldsmith. T. Murray, W. Lowndes J. Scatcherd and J. Whitaker, G. and T. Wilkie, and E. Newbery. For Coughs, Hoarsenesses, & c. GREENOUGH'S LOZENGES of TOLU, so justly celebrated for their superior efficacy in immediately removing all coughs. hoarsenesses, sore throats, shortness of breath, defluxions upon the lungs, foreness of the breast, & c. And TWO TINCTURES; the one for cleansing and preserving the Teeth-, and effectually curing the scurvy in the gums; preventing the Teeth from further decay, and rendering the breath perfectly sweet— the other for the Tooth ach, which gives immediate case, without injuring the teeth or gums. The above articles have been held in the highest esteem for 30 years past ; but as the great benefit to be derived from them can only be secured by having them genuine, every purchaser is requested to ob- serve, that " R. Hayward, No. 10, Ludgate- hill,' is printed on the stamp ; all others are counterfeits. These Lozenges are prepared and sold by R. Hayward, Chemist, ( Successor to T. Greenough, the Inventor,) No. 10, Ludgate- hill, London. Sold also by F. Newbery, No. 45, St. Paul's Church- yard; Bayley and Lowe, Cockspur- street and T. Overton, No. 47, New Bond- street, London Price is. 1d. each. Postscript. LONDON NO foreign mails arrived yesterday owing to to the high and contrary winds on Thurs- day. Every report of foreign news must there- fore be merely a matter of speculation. The Queen of Portugal is described by a gentleman just arrived from Lisbon, as being now in the last stage of debilitation, both in body and mind. The ardour of her disorder is pass- ed, but she has been so agitated by it, that her death is now expected to happen within a few weeks. There can scarcely be a doubt but that the late Proclamations were issued under some par- ticular circumstances, which are not generally known, nor probably will they be until Parlia- ment meets. A very strange report is in circu- lation on this head. It is said, that in the course of last week Government had intelligence of an improper correspondence between some people in this country and the French Ministry. That accordingly, it was deemed fit to open some suspected letters, which discovered a very ini- quitous plot. It is said that some of these letters informed the French, that there were 5000 people in this country, who had taken the oath of secrecy to be ready for an insurrection— that the Tower was the first place to be seized. ! on, as being the deposit of arms; and that the pipes of the New River were to be cut, while some parts of the town were to be set fire to.— We trust there is not the least foundation for this report. All the repairs, which have been recently made at the Tower, appear intended merely to guard against a surprize. A palisade is erected. in front of the principal gate ; the internal wall commanding the entrance is a little elevated. An epaulement, formed of rum puncheons , filled with earth, and fronted with earth and loose paving stone, extends about forty paces from the western end of the gateway towards the Custom- house warehouses, intended probably to prevent all access to the Tower wharf 011 that side. The embrazures on the northern and eastern sides of the Tower are filled with brick- work. Nothing appears to have been done to the ditch, and in a military point of view nothing effectual can be done to contribute to the strength of the place. A Memoir on the important subject of pre- serving water in long voyages was lately read before the Society for the encouragement of Arts, Manufactures, and Commerce. It appears from experiments made by Dr. Trotter, who served under Admiral Roddam and Mr. Raikes, Master Cooper, on the Victualling premises at Portsmouth, that casks fired in the making, till a thin crust of charry matter is formed over the whole internal surface of the staves, will pre- serve the water perfectly sweet for years. The heads of the casks must also be charred, and great care is to be taken in fitting the heads, that as few chips may be made as possible, for every fresh spot is liable to taint the water. The casks finished in this way are equally useful for spirits of all kinds, wines, and malt liquors, and what has been long a desideratum in the arts, the casks when emptied are not prone to become musty. In the Irish lottery, on the aoth day, No. IOAl7> 31414> prizes of 500I. No. 7,931, 22> I43> jA) 7i3> prizes of 50!. On the 21 It day, No. 14,820 and ' 20,975, prizes of 50I. each. The gold medal, given by the Hon. Com- pany of Golfers, was played for over the Links of Leith, 0n Saturday last, and won by Mr. Richard Stodart, Merchant in Leith. The Grand Jury have found a bill against Mr. Robert Macreth for sending a challenge to Sir John Scott, on account of a legal transaction which happened seven years ago. 5SZ T H E L O N D O N C H R O N I C L E for 1792. Dec, 6— 8. POSTSCRIPT continued. Yesterday morning the arrival of the Dutton East Indiaman, from Coast and Bay, was an- nounced at the East India House. She left Madras the 1st of August, St. Helena the 25th of October, and arrived off Dover the 6th instant. Passengers by the Dutton.— General Medows; Richard Joseph Sullivan, Esq. Colonel Harris Duff; Hon, Captain Maitland ; Captains Hunter, Austin, Hamilton, Erskine, French ; Lieuts. Baillie, Stone, Williams, Burke; Capt. Linna, of the Madras Engineers, and Dr. Ferguson, from Madras. At the time of the sailing of the Dutton, the Lord Macartney, Captain Hay, had sailed from Madras for China ; the Europa, Captain Apple- garth, and the Ganges, Captain Garnault, for Bengal; and the Sir Edward Hughes, Captain Anderson, the Melville Castle, Captain Philip Dundas, and the Ponsborne, Captain Thomas, were arrived at Madras. The Marquis Cornwallis sailed some time in July, in the Minerva, for Bengal, in very good health. When the Dutton sailed, Tippoo's two sons were at Madras. It is with concern we state the death of Cap- tain James Hamilton, late Commander of the Dutton, who died the 2d inftant, four days be- fore she reached Dover, Yesterday Major General Sir William Me- dows arrived in Town from Bengal; he im- mediately waited on the Minister at his house in Downing- street, with whom he had a private interview. On Thursday the Duke and Duchess d'Har- court arrived at Earl Harcourt's in Cavendish- square, from the Continent. The Duke d'Harcourt, just arrived in Eng- land, was Governor of the province of Nor- mandy, under the late French Court, and Go- vernor of the Dauphin, when he was first taken from the care of the women. He is descended from the same line of Harcourt as the Earl of that name, whose ancestors came into England Upon the Norman conquest. Extract of a Letter from Plymouth, Dec. 5. " This morning proclamations were stuck up at the Public Offices, offering a bounty for en- tering seamen, which it is hoped will have the desired effeCt. " The colliers are here, but coals have risen as. per quarter. A press is hourly expected. " The Narrow Escape, lugger, from Guern- sey, is taken, after a long chace, by the Milford cutter, and carried into Milford with a valuable cargo. " Arrived the Ranger cutter, Capt. Lane, with a lug sail boat and twenty ankers of brandy, which he took 0n Cawsand Beach : the smug- glers, 0n seeing the cutter's boat coming near the shore, began flinging of stones at the crew, whereby the mate and three of the men were dan- gerously wounded." Extract of a Letter from Portsmouth, Dec. 6. This day the Lizard frigate, of 28 guns, was put in commission here, and Capt. Thomas Williams appointed to command her. " This afternoon, the Juno frigate, Captain Hood, sailed from Spithead on a cruise. " The Tisiphone sloop of war, Captain Hunt, came into harbour this evening, to undergo a repair. " Every exertion is making by the Captains of the different ships here to get men ; and the inhabitants arc in eager expectation of an arma- ment. As yet, no rendezvous have been opened for entering seamen. u Sailed the Spitfire, Capt. Woodley, and Bonetta, Capt. Moore, on a cruise." KING's BENCH. Friday, Dec. 7. The King against Muller. This was an indictment against the defendant for wilfully and maliciously setting fire to his house, with intent to defraud the Insurance Office. The defendant was a furrier near Temple- bar. Not succeeding in trade, his circum- stances became very much depressed, and his creditors at length seized all his stock, save a very small part, with which he carried 0n bu- siness. No beneficial alteration being produced in his affairs, he conceived the desperate resolu- tion of setting fire to his house, which he in- sured for 1oool. In July last, it was burnt down. The Insurance Office, according to custom, sent surveyors to inspect the place, and it was discovered that two attempts had been made in the cellar to set fire to the house, but they had not succeeded. The fire broke out in the parlour, which had no com- munication with the cellar. The defendant called a great many witnesses to prove the goodness of his character, and to state that the appearance in the cellar was occa- sioned by the beams of the house failing in after they had been burnt. The Jury found him Guilty. Yesterday at one o'clock a full Board was held at the Admiralty Office, when upwards of 30 Captains and Lieutenants received commis- sions. The Board broke up at an early hour, aud adjourned till this day. His Majesty has by his Royal Letters ap- pointed Sir Hercules Langrishe, Bart, to be one of his Majesty's Most Hon. Privy Council in Ireland. Some bills drawn from France on a respect- able banking- house at the West End of the town, prove to have been negociated under a forged acceptance ; the parties are not yet dis- covered. Tuesday evening, at Croydon in Surrey, the effigy of Thomas Paine was, with great so lemnity, carried through the town to the end of Pound- street, and there hung upon a gal- lows 14 feet high. The malefactor had, at the time of his execution, the Rights of Man in one hand, and in the other a pair of old stays. After hanging a complete hour, the gallows was set fire to, and together with the culprit, consumed to ashes, amidst the acclamations of at least 1000 people, who, as a psalm to the malefactor, sung " God save the King," We likewise learn from other places that Citizen Paine has had the same honours conferred on him in different parts of the country. Sir David Dalrymple had nearly that pre- eminence upon the Scottish Bench of Justice, which Lord Mansfield had here. The latter Nobleman, still retaining the perfect use of his mental faculties, though unable to move with- out help, has been milch affected by his death. On Thursday se'nnight the new- built seat of Stanley Monk, Esq. at Charleville, near Pow- erscourt, in the county of Wicklow, accident- ally took fire, and was burnt down. This house, it is said, cost upwards of 15,000!. Yesterday morning, about half after six o'clock, a fire broke out at Mr. Cottrell's, a public- house in Smithfield, which entirely con- sumed two of the upper apartments. The flames spread with much rapidity, owing to the buildings being entirely constructed of timber; but, by the vigilance of the engines, it was happily extinguished without considerable da- mage. The fire, it is said, broke out in an apartment into which no person had entered since Sunday last. ' -•, On Wednesday evening, as Mr. Thompson, a respeCtable inhabitant of Islington, 84 years of age, was going from the Pyed Bull, Islington, to his house, Lower- street, it being dark, he missed his way, and, near Ball's Pond, slipped into a ditch, where, in the morning, he was found suffocated. Yesterday died, in John- street, St. James's- square, Mr. Thomas Cresswel, one of his Ma- jesty's Messengers in ordinary, and one of the poor Knights of Windsor. PRICE OF STOCKS- Bank Stock, 179 a | a BRIDGE WARD. AT a numerous and respectable Meeting of the Inhabitants, held in the Parish Church of St. Magnus, London- Bridge, on Thursday the 6th December, 1792. Mr. DEPUTY WRENCH in the Chair. The following Resolutions were agreed to unanimously: That it is the duty of every Inhabitant of this City to come forward, and declare their firm attachment to our present admirable Constitu- tion, at a moment when wicked and disaffeCtcd persons are endeavouring to create tumult and discontent, by the industrious circulation of seditious pamphlets, particularly among the lower ranks of people. That the Inhabitants of this Ward do heartily and sincerely concur with the Resolutions of the Lord Mayor and Common- Council of the 39th of November last ; and they likewise desire to declare in the most public manner, their un- feigned assent to every part of the very excel- lent Declaration which was brought forward by the Association of Merchants, Bankers and Traders, at Merchant Taylors' Hall, on the 5 th instant. That the inhabitants of this Ward, as well individually as collectively, will readily exert themselves in co- operating with the Civil Power of this city in the defence of private property, and the preservation of peace and good order, and that they will give the earliest intelligence to the Deputy and Common- Council of any ap- pearance of tumult or riot. That the above Resolutions be printed in the Morning and Evening Papers, and a copy sent to each inhabitant in the Ward. That these Resolutions be fairly transcribed into a book, and be signed by the Chairman, and such of the inhabitants as are now present and that it be left at the Vestry Room of St. Magnus' parish, for the accommodation of such inhabitants as could not be present, and who may wish to sign it. That the Victuallers and Publicans of this Ward be cautioned against suffering any Meet- ing of a seditious tendency at their homes, under pain of not having their licences re- newed, JACOB WRENCH, Chairman. That the Thanks of this Meeting be given to the Chairman for his readiness in convening the inhabitants of this Ward, and for his polite at- tention and impartiality in conducting the bu- siness. LONDON: Sold by T. WILKIE, No. 71, the Bible, in St. Paul's Church- yard, where Advertisements, and Authors, are taken in: And where all Persons, who chuse to be regularly served with this Paper, are desired to apply. 14C
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