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Lloyd's Evening Post

Date of Article: 30/11/1792
Printer / Publisher: T. Spilsbury and Son 
Address: No 57, Snowhill, London
Volume Number: LXXI    Issue Number: 5527
No Pages: 8
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LLOYD's EVENING- POST. VOL. LXXI.] From WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 28, to FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 1792. [ NUMB. 5527. THURSDAY, NOV. 29. LONDON. Extract of a Letter from Ratisbon, Nov. 9. THE deliberations re- specting the third Ar- ticle of the Imperial Aulic Decree of the 1st of September, re- specting the safety and war of the Empire, which were fixed for the 5th instant, have been quite unexpectedly put off. Several Electoral Courts are said to have altered their instructions. The day before the deliberations were to take place, estasettes arrived at the Hotels of the Electoral Envoys. Some fresh design occupies the Courts. " The sudden arrival of Prince Hohenlohe at Vienna, where he assisted at the Council of State, and returned immediately after to the army, is very mysterious. " It is said that a certain great General has been carried to Vienna, loaded with chains, for having used fome treasonable practices in a great enterprise, owing to which General Dumourier escaped being surrounded. " All the French Emigrants have received peremptory orders to quit this city. No French- man is to be admitted without special permission, which will be a hard matter for any one to ob- tain.'' The Austrian army have broke up their camp at Louvain, and retired to Liege. There scarcely remains a doubt, but that the provinces of Brabant and Flanders are lost for ever to the Imperial Crown. They will pro- bably form themselves into a Republic, in alliance with, and under the immediate influence of France. Letters from Semlin report, that the rebel- lious Turks took the fortress of that city by assault on the 24th of October, which they ob- tained with the loss of 30 or 40 men. They left the Pacha, who commanded it, his rank, and assured the Commandant of Semlin, that the good understanding and reciprocal commerce between the two towns should be in no wise disturbed, but, on the contrary, every man should peaceably enjoy his property. NAVIGATION OF THE SCHELD. As this is likely to become a matter of great moment, it will be proper the public should have everv possible information of . he motives publicly assigned by the French for opening the naviga- tion of this river. The following is a copy of the deliberations of the Executive Council of France, of Nov. 16, on that subject :— " The Executive Council, deliberating upon the conduct of the French armies in the coun- tries occupied by them, especially in the Nether- lands, observes — v " i. That the shackles which navigation and commerce have hitherto suffered upon the Scheld and the Maese, are direCtly contrary to the principal fundamentals of national right, which all Frenchmen have sworn to maintain. 2. That the course of rivers is the common and unalienable property of all the countries through which they run ; that one nation can- not, without injustice, pretend to the right of occupying the channel of a river, to the exclu- sion of others, and of hindering the neighbour- ing nations who inhabit the higher borders of the river from enjoying the same advantage ; that such a right is a remainder of the feudal servitude, or, at least, an odious monopoly, which could only have been re- established by force, and submitted to by impotence ; that it is consequently revocable always, and in spite of all conventions, because the rights of man are for ever imprescriptible. " 3. Thus it is for the glory of the French Republic, that, wherever the protection of its arms reaches, liberty should be established, and tyranny overthrown. 4. That when, to the advantages already pro- cured to the Belgic Nation by the French arms, shall be added the free navigation of their ri- vers, and the freedom of the commerce of their provinces, the people will not only have no rea- son to fear for their own independence, nor to doubt of the disinterestedness of the Republic, but also, that the nations of Europe will not be able, from that time, to refuse acknowledging, that the destruCtion of all- tyrannies, and the tri- umph of the rights of man, are the sole ambi- tion of the French, " The Council resolves, that the Commander in Chief of the French armies in the Belgic expedi- tion, shall be charged to employ all the means in his power to secure the liberty of navigation and of transports throughout the course of the Scheld and the Maese." OSTEND. Extract of a Letter, dated Nov. 23. *' In my last, I informed you, that before I should have occasion to write again, 1 expeCted that we should be under French Government.— This is now actually the case.— The Austrian army, reduced by frequent skirmishes, by disease and by desertion, has been obliged to evacuate Flanders and Brabant. They will probably re- tain only the provinces of Limburgh and Lux- emburgh.— The castle of Antwerp still holds out; but as the whole country round is in the hands of the French, the garrison must soon be reduced by famine. " On Wednesday last two French Commis- sioners, as they called themselves, arrived here, escorted by four dragoons, with orders from Gen. Dumourier to demand all the public money, which they accordingly received and carried off.— On Friday a 20- gun ship and a brig of 14 guns came into the harbour. The same day we were all ordered, under the penalty of fine and imprisonment, to stick the French national cock- ade in our hats; and I shall not be surprised if we are all commanded to wear the Jacobin red night- cap. At present we look exaCtly like recruits at a country fair. " According to Dumourier's manifesto, the French are only come, like brothers, to assist us, to drive away our tyrants, and to enable us to establish a free Government; but is it not rather suspicious, that the first arts of these new friends and brothers should be to demand our money, and to compel us, under the dread of pains and penalties, to make fools of ourselves by wearing a fantastical bush of coloured rib- bands in our hats? This new order of things does not seem to give much pleasure to the peo- ple in this place.— The Tree of Liberty, as they call it, has been planted by a few French inhabi- tants in the market- place, with very little noise; I might say, little notice, from the natives Yesterday the naval Officers were up in the Town- House, and on their return they pulled of their hats, and hallooed Vive la Nation / ex- pecting, no doubt, as the square was full of people, that they would join in the chorus, but, to their astonishment, it was received almost— in silence. " Their Generals, in all their publications, declare that the persons and property of indi- duals shall be held sacred ; and that they do not mean to interfere with the internal Govern- ment of the country, but to leave the people to form what Government they please, Monarchy ex- cepted.— But, notwithstanding these fine pro- mises, I expect the same plan will be followed here as in Savoy.— The people will be summoned to meet and to deliberate; and some orators will be prepared to dirert the " many- headed monster :" they will expatiate on the beauty of the new form of Government established in France ; they will represent the danger of being left to themselves, and the fear of falling under the domination of their old tyrants ; and they will show the advantages of being united to the great, the powerful, the. flourishing Republic of France, as the only Government in the world where the people may enjoy true freedom, equa- lity, and happiness.— If any man should be found daring enough to object to this proposal, how little would any thing he could say, weigh in the balance, when, like the Barbarians who sacked Rome, 100,000 armed Citizen- sol- diers should throw their swords into the oppo- site scale! Extract of another Letter. " The French troops which are arrived here, are quartered on the inhabitants, who are to find them bed and board. This is all well; as they are brothers, and come for the gosd of us all. Se- veral armed vessels and gun- boats are now in the harbour ; and they say the force collecting here, is intended to open the Scheldt and go up to Antwerp so that the Dutch must look out. These Frenchmen seem to be absolutely mad, and their late very unexpected success has given them such confidence, that they defy the world in arms. The Officers here boast of ' soon planting the Tree of Liberty in Amster- dam ; and when that is done, they are to turn their attention towards Britain, and hope soon to assist in planting this same liberty- tree in [ Price Fourpence.] 522 L L O Y D ' S E V E N I N G - P O S T , A n d Nov. 2 8 — 30 every town from the Land's End to John- a- Groat's house.' Where will all this end?— Are all the nations in Europe planet- struck ? " These new brother- citizens have brought no money with them. The publicans and shop- keepers begin already to complain much, as they present an assignat for every trifling thing they want to buy, and they get the change in hard money which is seen no more." Extract of a third Letter. " Ostend, Nov. 15, 1792. " I wrote by last mail and nothing of con- sequence has happened since. We remain quiet here ; and the greatest part of the French troops have left us, and marched towards Bruges. The Officers were unanimous in their opinion that they were going to attack Holland, and to re- store it, as they said, to Liberty. The greater part of the troops were of what is called the Batavian Legion. The Officers, and great part of the men, are Dutch Patriots, who left the country when the Stadtholder was restored to his dignities by the Prussian army. They have been wandering about in different countries since that time ; and now they are returning, with the assistance of France, to enter their country by force of arms." Challenge sent to General CUSTINE by a HESSIAN Nobleman; and the Answer returned by M. CUSTINE'S Aide- de- Camp. " GENERAL, " The declaration which, as an impudent French Citizen, you caused to be inferted in the Frankfort Weekly Gazette, against the Land- grave of Hesse Cassel, is beneath all notice; yet, as a Vassal of my Prince, I cannot let such expressions from you, General, pass without resentment. If you wish to serve as a General at the head of a Mob, I insist, too, that you grant me some conversation by word of mouth, of which a brace of pistols is to make the con- clusion. Fix the place— I come, and fear no- thing. ( Signed) " FREDERICK TREUSCH VON BUTTLAR, " One of the Lords of the Bedchamber " of his Prussian Majesty." Eisenach, Nov. 9, 1792. General CUSTINE'S Answer. u Head- Quarters at Hesse- Homburgh, Nov. 16, 1792. First Year of the Republic. " General Custine has read your letter, which afforded him much merriment. What a pity that he cannot gratify your wish, however much Lords of the Bedchamber suggest their wishes as commands ! But since the Prussians and Au- strians, in their crusade and wanderings of mi- sery to France, have burnt their fingers in at- tempting to take burning chesnuts out of the fire, the General has determined to fight no other duel than with cannon- balls. If you ac- cept of such a treat, please only to fix the time, hour, and day ; the General will not come the last to the field. But do not forget yOur key, as a Lord of the Bedchamber ; for it may, perhaps, work the same miracle in you, as that of St. Hubert ; that is, it may be of great help to you in fits of canine madness. " DANIEL STAMM, " Aide- de- Camp to the General." * The key of St- Hubert is said to cure the canine mad- ness, and several Convents of German Monks pretend to perform such cures upon ths afflicted. COURT NEWS, & C. Yesterday at twelve o'clock the King came in his post- chaise and four from Windsor to St. James's Palace, where there was a Levee, which began before one, and closed at two o'clock : present, the Spanish Ambassador;— Imperial; Dutch, Prussian, Sardinian, Polish, Swedish, Venetian, Danish, Portugueze, Neapolitan, Bavarian, American, Hessian, and Genoese Envoys ;— Marquis Guadagni, and Chevalier Guadagni;— Archbishop of Canterbury;— Right Hon. W. Pitt ;— Duke of Montrose ;— Marquis of Salisbury;— Earls of Elgin, Chatham, and Galloway ( Lord in Waiting);— Bishop of Glou- cester;— Lords Binning, Grenville, Willoughby de Broke, and Amherst ( Gold- Stick); — Sirs George Yonge, W. Fawcitt, R. M. Keith, and G. Osborne;— Mess. Boulby, Villiers, Hop- kins, Knox, and Waller ( Groom in Waiting); — Admiral Affleck;— Generals Gordon, Hamil- ton, and Martin ( Field- Officer); — Colonels Reid and Mitburne. There was no Council. The King gave audiences to the Cabinet Mini- sters after the Levee, and at half past four his Majesty set off to Windfor. Yesterday the following presentations took place at the Levee, viz. the Marquis Guadagni, and his son, by the Imperial Envoy ; Major- General Hamilton, on receiving the command of the 15th regiment of foot, by Sir W. Faw- citt ; and Dr. Willis, on his arrival from Lis- bon, by the Earl of Galloway. Yesterday at noon a Council was held at the Secretary of State's Office, Whitehall, which was attended by Mr. Pitt, the Earl of Chatham, and Lords Grenville and Hawkes- bury. At half past one o'clock the Council broke up, when the result of the business was laid before the King at St. James's. Yesterday his Excellency the Dutch Ambas- sador tranfacted business with Mr. Pitt, at his house in Downing- street. Tuesday a Board of Military Officers was held at the War- Office, for examining the clo- thing and accoutrements intended for the mili- tary for the year 1793. The funds yesterday fell three per cent. At one time they were even fo low as 78^, and closed about 79.— Thus they ftand 20 per cent, lower than in March last ; having been then done at 98 and 99. The rumours of orders from the Admiralty for the equipment of ships to aid the Dutch— the supposed issuing of instructions to increase the Marine Corps— the apprehended press- warrants to man the Navy— in short, the appearances of inevitable war— were all cir- cumstances which tended to produce this de- pression. Extract of a Letter from Chatham, Nov. 27. " It is reported with some degree of confi- dence here, that 16 sail of the line, and an ade- quate proportion of frigates, sloops, fire- ships, & c. are immediately to be fitted out. The di- vision of marines here, some days ago received orders to hold themselves in readiness for embark- ation. " The news at the barracks is, that the 2d, 3d, 14th, and 59th regiments of infantry are to be completed to the full establishment with all expedition. A double bounty is offered by these corps for young and well- sized men." Thursday laft the Duke of Clarence Pierce, bound to Jamaica, ran foul of a Dutch East- India ship in the Downs, by which both vessels received considerable damage. The Merry Butchers, Brebour, and the Two Brothers, Leslie, from Caithness, are lost near Frasersbourg. The 500 Emigrants who arrived in the Dutch vessels on Tuesday, were allowed to land themselves, which they did at the Tower, but, with a circumspection certainly allowable in the present times, they were not suffered to land their arms. The merchants of Liverpool, in a general meeting, have unanimously resolved to petition Parliament for an abolition of the East- India Company's exclusive privilege in the trade be- yond the Cape of Good Hope. The Right Honourable the Earl of Oxford and Mortimer, of Christ Church, Oxford, has had the honorary degree of M. A. conferred on him by the University of Oxford. Tuesday Mr. Thomas Paine, author of the Rights of Man," caused a bill to be filed in his Majesty's High Court of Chancery against a person for having defrauded him of the profits arising from the sale of his publications. A new commission of the peace for the West Riding of Yorkshire has passed the Great Seal, and is now in the office of the Clerk of the Peace at Wakefield. On Tuesday a Court of Lieutenantcy was held, at which the Lord Mayor, Sir Watkin Lewes, Alderman Newnham, and a number of other members, attended. The official business being tranfacted, the Court resolved, that the officers and privates of the London Militia should hold themselves in readiness upon a short notice, and be underarms, if necessary, to sup- press riots and tumults. Two Officers of Artillery have been ordered by Government to survey the King's Bench Prison, and to report respecting its security, and the possibility of any of the prisoners blowing it up with gun- powder. Extract of a Letter from Salisbury, Nov. 26. " On Tuesday laft came on to be heard, at the Parade Coffee- house in this City, before a most respectable Bench of Justices, an informa- tion on the Statutes of the 22d and 23d Car. II. made for ascertaining the measures of corn, when the Defendant was unanimously convicted in the penalty of 40s. for selling corn by an illegal measure; and in the further penalty of 15I. the value of the corn sold ; which penalties he paid before the rising of the Bench. And on the day following, another information, on the same Sta- tutes, was heard at the Council- Chamber in this City, when the Defendant was convicted in the penalty of 40s. and the further penalty of 7I. 4s. the value of the corn sold, which were also imme- diately paid. We understand that these informa- tions were laid, not with any lucrative view, nor from personal enmity to the parties, but merely for the purpose of convincing the public that those laws are in force, and that no one can transgress them without being subject to very severe penalties." A bed of coal, four feet thick, has lately been found in the grounds belonging to the late Right Hon. the Lord Bishop of Bristol, situated at Churwell, near Leeds. On the 10th inst at Loch Rannach, Perth- shire, there were felt three repeated smart shocks of earthquake, accompanied with a rumbling noise, like that of disfant thunder. Between five and six on Sunday morning a terrible fire broke Out in the house of C. Schrie- ber, Esq. on Forty- hill, Enfield, inhabited by Mr. Warden and family, which in three hours N o v , 2 8 — 3 0 . B R I T I S H C H R O N I C L E , for 1792. 5 2 3 destroyed the whole building, with the greatest part of the furniture. The family escaped un- A few days ago three children were left by their parents in a small farm- house, near Bar- row, in Cheshire, while they went into the fields ; one of them took the others into a barn, and set fire to some straw, which unfortunately communicating with the corn, & c. consumed the same, with the barn, to the ground. The children were with difficulty rescued from the flames, very much burnt; one of them survived but a short time. On Thursday last, as one John Ellis was at tempting to take off some of the tackling of a scribbling- mill in Holbeck- lane; near Leeds, by some means he missed his intention, and a large strap fastening round him, and the mill no being stopped, he was so much hurt, that he died on the spot. Yesterday a man was brought to the Public Office, Bow- street, on a charge of being con- corned in illicit lottery insurances. He was committed on the Lottery Act as a rogue and vagabond. ' Same day a man was committed from the above office, on suspicion of stealing a large quantity of lead, the property of some person unknown. Same day a woman was committed from the above office, on suspicion of receiving stolen goods, knowing them to be so. Ext racf of a Letter from Liverpool, Nov. 2 6. " The following singular circumstance hap- pened on Wednesday night, about eleven o'clock, during a violent gale of wind. A flat lying aground on a high- raised bank of mud in the middle of the old dry dock, was by the strength of the wind driven with great violence against the bow of a brig, lying also aground about ten yards from her, whose stem hove in the stern of the flat, and drove the quarter- deck planks forward with great violence, which un- fortunately caught the master of the flat just ascending the cabin scuttle, and, by running him against the coomings of it, crushed him instantly dead. On Thursday morning during the gale of wind, the Miner, Clare, with copper ore for this port, was lost near Point Linas ; the master and people were saved by a vessel from Amlwch, who fortunately got time enough to her assistance, after being informed of her situation by a vessel that put in there, and had seen her in distress." HABEAS CORPUS. The Attorney- General moved the Court for a Habeas Corpus to remove two prisoners from the gaol of Great Yarmouth to the Castle of Norwich. These were seafaring men, and had been convicted of a riot; in consequence of which they were sentenced to imprisonment ; but as they had great influence amongst perfons of their own profession, and as a spirit of tur- bulence was for some time prevalent amongst the sailors in that quarter, there was reason to apprehend that the gaol may be forced for the purpose of rescuing them. It was therefore ne- cessary to remove them to a place of greater se- curity.— The Habeas was granted. LAW INTELLIGENCE. COURT OF KING'S BENCH, Wednefday, Nov. l8 « I NPORMATION, A Rule having been obtained a few days fince to show cause why a Criminal Information Should not be filed against Mr. Spooner, for leading a written challenge to Mr. Poole: Mr. Erskine showed cause against the Rule. He explained that the. origin of the quarrel was in some agricultural altercation ; that in answer to a letter from Spooner, Poole called him a scoundrel and that the letter in which the challenge was alledged to be conveyed, de- manded no more than that kind of satisfaction which may be obtained by a simple explana- tion. Judge Buller admitted the propriety of these observations, and the Rule was discharged Articles of the peace were exhibited by Eliza- beth Bourn against her husband. They were in- habitants of Norfolk, from which place she lately made her escape, after suffering very inhuman treatment from her husband, who beat, hand- cuffed, confined and threatened to murder her. The important causes of Liverpool and Thet- ford were put off to next Term.. Yesterday being the last day of Michaelmas term, the grand Jury of the county of Mid- dlesex, to whom Mr. Justice Ashhurst had de- livered an excellent charge at the commence- ment thereof, appeared in Court, for the purpose of returning his Lordship their unanimous thanks for the same ; but his Lordship being absent, they were received by Mr. Justice Grose, the only Judge then present, who po- litely promised to convey them to his Lordship. In the Court of King's- Bench, on Tuesday, John Baxter was convicted of a misdemeanour, for unlawfully and knowingly having received stolen goods, knowing them to have been stolen. This indictment was founded on the 22d Geo. III. by which a receiver of stolen goods may be tried as for a misdemeanour, although the principal had not been tried, and if convicted is subject to a fine, imprisonment, or whipping, according to the discretion of the Court. The prisoner had been in gaol since February last. The sentence of the Court was, that he should be publicly whipped 100 yards in St. George's Fields, and then discharged. John Nuel was sentenced to the House of Cor- rection of the county of Hants for six months, for unlawfully having in his custody some naval stores. John Gibson had been convicted of the crime of wilful and corrupt perjury, and was sentenced to six months imprisonment in the High Gaol of Hants, and during, that time to stand for one hour in the pillory. comMON PLEAS. from it; who after referring it to some person who was supposed to be conversant in this sort of manufacture, reported the Declaration to contain nothing superfluous ; whereupon the Defendant was obliged to pay the costs of that application. After this, the Defendant demurred to the De- claration, which brought it under the immediate notice of the Court, who then evidently saw how well founded the former application had been. Mr. Serjeant Marshall argued in support of that demurrer, and clearly demonstrated, that notwithstanding the enormous length of this Declaration, it was defective in every thing that was material to the support of the Plaintiff's pretended cause of action. The Court being unanimously of that opinion, gave judgment for the Defendant; and Lord Loughborough, in delivering his opinion, reprehended in the strongest terms, and with all the force of his eloquence, the disgraceful practice that gave rise to this species of prolixity. Instructions, he observed, are thrown before somebody, whose labours are estimated by their quantity, not by their merit, and who accordingly, with- out any exercise of the judgment either copies those instructions, or refers to some old prece- dent totally inapplicable to the case before him ; and thus, observing neither method, plan, nor arrangement, lets his hand wander mechanically over his papers, and frames a Declaration desti- tute of certainty, precision, science, logic, skill,- or law. Mr. Justice Gould and Mr. Justice Heath warmly joined with his Lordship in reprobating this disgraceful practice. PHILLIPS versus FIELDING. It must give great satisfaction to the Public to observe the zeal and activity with which the Judges presiding in the different Courts of Jus- tice, have lately endeavoured, to correct the abuses that have crept into the practices of the Law, and which have lately become so serious a subject of complaint. Mr. Serjeant Marshall had it seems moved in this cause to refer the Declaration, which consisted of innumerable counts, amounting to upwards of 100 sheets, to the proper Officer, to strike out a vast quantity of superfluous matter CONFESSION Of Edward Howell, Mail- Robber, concerning the Robbery of Mr. Joseph Willard, of Chiddingly, on Waldron Down, Nov. 13, 1789. I, Edward Howell, now under confinement in Horsham Jail, for robbipg the Steyning mail, freely and Voluntarily confess and declare, that some little time before Mayfield fair, in the year 1789. I being then at Jevington, working as a journeyman tailor, was informed by a companion of mine that Mr. Joseph Willard, of Chid- dingly, had said he should go to Mayfield- fair with upwards of 800I. to pay for hops ; upon which it was determined by the gang in which I was connected, and which consisted of nine per- sons, that four of us should rob him ; that on the morning of Mayfield- fair day, I, with three others, being provided with horses, crapes, and pistols, set off to Waldron- Down by way of Horsbridge ; that we arrived on Waldron Down about seven o'clock, where we secreted our- selves in two parties, and waited till about ten,, when Mr. Willard came by on horseback; that having passed us about half a mile, we gave the signal to pursue him ; and that, on coming up with him, one of us clapped a pistol to his head, and with a dreadful oath demanded his money and his- pocket- book,- and immediately pulled him off his horse, and having rifled his pockets, and bound him with a cord which we had pro- vided for that purpose, he was carried from that ; spot to a pit about 30 yards from the road;. into which he was thrown, but first stopping his - mouth with a handkerchief, to prevent his gi- ving any alarm ; that whilst the three others were , robbing him. I held the horses, and having com- pleted it, we mounted our horses, and went to Chatham, through Tunbridge- town ; that we took from him about 840I. in cash andnotes, 524 L L O Y D ' S E V E N I N G - P O S T , And viz. 8ool. in notes, and about ' 401. in cash that on our arrival at Chatham we shared the cash, and sent the notes to Cherbourg, in France, by a man who was concerned in gene- ral, but not in the robbery of Mr. Willard; and I accompanied him to Portsmouth on his journey; that the notes were at one time entrusted to one West, who was executed at Horsham for horse- stealing, who secreted and rode with them in his hat; that the notes were given to a man at Cherbourg, who gave us in return about 740I. viz. 700I. in cafh, and about 40I. worth of smuggled goods, of which nearly all was lost in working; that after paying the expence of the man's journey, we divided the remainder; I re- ceived about 70I.— that the four concerned in Mr. Willard's robbery received more than the others of the gang ; that having, with others of ths gang, made the most solemn protestations not to discover our accomplices, is the reason I do not at present declare their names, but so- lemnly declare that Mr. Willard was robbed as above stated. EdwaRD HOWELL, Signed and declared in our presence, this 11th . of Nov. 1792- W. B. LANGRIDGE, Attornty, Lewes. SAMUEL SMART, Gaol keeper. THOMAS SMART, Deputy keeper. HuGH PENFOLD, of Wickham farm, in Steyning. ENGLISH STATE- LOTTERY, .1792. THF. TICKETS ARE SOLD AND DIVIDED INTO Halves, Quarters, Eighths, and Sixteenths, By HAZARD, BURNE, & Co. Stock- Brokers, At their State- Lottery Office, No. 93, under the ROYAL EXCHANGE, london, * And no where else on their Account. Correct Numerical and Register- Books are kept, and TICKETS and SHARES registered at Six- pence per Number. SCHEME. Begins drawing Feb. 18, 1793. All Shares sold at this Office will be stamped agreeably to Act of Parliament, and aso with the Crown, and round it, Hazard and Co's Lottery - Office. Money for Prizes will be paid at this Office as soon as drawn. Letters ( post- paid) duly answered, and Schemes gratis. N. 8. Agreeably to Act of Parliament, no Business in the Lottery transacted before Eight o'Clock in the Morning, nor after Eight o'Clock in the Evening. Bank India, and South- Sea Stocks, with their several Annuities, India Bonds, Navy and Victualling Bills, and all kinds of Government Securities bought and sold by Commission. CHARTER- HOUSE. THE NOBLEMEN and GENTLEMEN educated at the CHARTER- HOUSE, are desired to meet on WEDNESDAY, Dec. 12, at the CHARTER- HOUSE, to attend Divine Service in the Chapel, then to hear an Oration, spoken by one of the Scholars, in Praise of the Founder, and afterwards to dine with the MASTeR and StEWARDS in the Governors Room at the Charter- House. STEWARDS. Sir JOHN INGLEBY, Bart. Rev. A. P. POSTON. JAMES TORKINGTON, Esq.' SAMUEL TOLLER, Esq. Service to begin at Twelve o'Clock.—- Dinner at Half past Three. Nov, 28— 30. B R I T I S H C H R O N I C L E , for 1792. 523 GEOGRAPHICAL MAGAZINE; WItH SUPERB GLOBES— GRATIS. DEDICATED TO HIS MAJESTY. On Saturday, December 1, 1792, will be published, Price Two Shillings and Sixpence, [ Elegantly printed in Quarto, and embellilhed with a most magnificent FRONTISPIECE— a large, new MAP of the WORLD— and a fine engraved HEAD- PIECE— the Whole to be comprised is Two Large Quarto Volumes, adorned and enriched with the most interesting and delightful Views, Maps, Ruins, Antiquities, Customs, CuriositieS & c. ever yet seen in any World NUMBER I. ( To be continued Weekly, till completed, in Forty Num- bers only) Of THE GEOGRAPHICAL MAGAZINE; or, A New, Copious, Complete, and Universal SYSTEM of GEOGRAPHY. CONTAINING Every thing that is Curious, Interesting, and Entertaining, in Asia, Africa, Europe, and America ; and compre- hending a Complete HISTORY and PRESEnT STATE of the WHOLE WORLD, its INHABITANTS and PRO- DUCTIONS; including all the Discoveries of Capt. COOK and Capt. KING, the last British Circumnaviga- tors. To which will be prefixed, an INTRODUCTORY TREATISE on GEOGRAPHY and ASTRONOMY; and a New and Familiar GUIDE to the Use of the CELESTIAL and TERRESTRIAL GLOBES. By WILLIAM FREDERICK. MARTYN, Esq. Author of the celebrated Dictionary of Natural History, with Elegant Coloured Prints. Though every Number of this delightful Work will be enriched with a PLATE of equal Size and Elegance with Landscapes sold in the Print- Shops for Three Shillings each; independent of a large accurate MAP, and the vast Quantity of elegant and entertaining Letter- Press, alone worth more than the whole Purchase- Money— the Proprietors of this very capital Undertaking, convinced to how little Purpose Rules are given in every Geogra- phical Publication for the Use of the Globes, without the Means of putting them in Practice, hitherto greatly prevented by the extravagant Price of those Articles- are determined to present their Subscribers, GRATIS, with a PROMISSORY NOTE in each Number, entitling the Bearer of Twenty successive ones, to a Terrestial Globe, Twenty- SEVEN Inches in Circumference; and, at the Conclusion of the Fortieth, to the Celestial; making, together, A Complete Pair of Large, Elegant, and Improved Globes, Beautifully mounted in Mahogany Frames, and forming a more pleasing, apposite, advantageous, and valuable Appendage, than has ever yet been given with any Pe- riodical Work. f Messrs. HARRISON and Co. have a considerable Quantity of their elegant GLOBES ready manufactured, for the immediate Supply of the Nobility, Gentry, and others, who may be desirous to possess them earlier than the regular Course of Publication. London: Printed for HARRISON and Co. No. 18, Pater- noster- Row ; and sold by all other Booksellers, Sta- tioners, and News- carriers, in England, Scotland, and Ireland. FRIDAY, NOV. 30. LONDON, YESTERDAY at ten o'clock the King, accompanied by the Prince of Wales, & e. took the diverson of hunting with his harriers in tbe neighbourhood of Windsor Great Park. Yesterday his Royal Highness the Duke of Clarence came to town, and after transacting business with the Commissioners of the Admi- ralty, returned to Petersham Lodge. Yesterday at noon a Council was held at the Secretary of State's Office, which was attended by Mr. Pitt, the Earl of Chatham, Lords Gren- ville and Hawkesbury. At two o'clock the Council broke up, when the result of the business was forwarded to the King at Windsor- Lodge. Yesterday the Dutch Ambassador and the Im- perial Envoy transacted business with Lord Grenville, at his office, Whitehall. Yesterday a full Board was held at the Admi- ralty- Office, Charing- Cross, when the Com- missioners ordered several ships to be equipped, and put in readiness. Several Captains also re- ceived Commissions. Yesterday Government dispatches were re- ceived at the Secretary of State's Office, White, hall, from Lord Auckland, his Majesty's Am- bassador at the Hague. COURT OF cOMMON- council. Yesterday a Court of Common- Council was held at Guildhall, at which were present the Lord Mayor, 16 Aldermen, and a very great majority of the Commoners. The Lord Mayor, as usual ( being the first in his Mayoralty), addressed the Court in a very able and well- timed speech, and which was as well received. Mr. Box moved the thanks of the Court to the late Lord Mayor, which were agreed to, and ordered to be sent to his Lordship, and also to be printed. Mr. Powell moved, and Deputy Leekey se- conded, a vote of thanks to the prefent Lord Mayor, for his caution in preventing a breach- of the peace being committed, by persons meet- ing under the pretence of debating on political questions; and to assure him of their ready assist- ance in supporting his Lordship in carrying into effect his Majesty's late Proclamation. This was unanimously agreed to, and ordered to be published in all the papers. Mr. Birch moved a number of Resolutions, declaratory of the opinion of the Court, on the present alarming crisis; which being seconded by Mr. Deputy Merry, were unanimously agreed to, ordered to be signed by the Town- Clerk, and published in every news- paper throughout the united kingdoms. Several leases were sealed. A number of reports from the Committee of City Lands were read, one in particular for not granting a reversionary lease of some ground in St. George's Fields to the Free- Masons school, which, after fome debate, and being considered as an exception to the general rule, the applica- tion being for a charity, was referred back to be reconsidered. A report from the Sheriffs on the allowance, of bread to the prisoners in the several gaols of this city was read, and referred to a Committee, of the Court. Mr. Deputy Leekey laid before the Court a Memorial from the Commissioners of sewers, lamps, and pavements, respecting the deficiency of the Act of Parliament under which they act. The Deputy then moved to petition Parliament for further powers, which was agreed to. The Orphan Bill for raising 2000I. was read- and passed. LAW- INTELLIGENCE. COURT OF KING'S- BENCH. Thursday, Nov. 29. JOHNSON versus KEELING. Mr. Erskine stated that the Plaintiff and the Defendant cohabited for some time in seemingly great affection, but by some means quarrelled and separated. At the time of the separation, the lady owed this gentleman the sum of ten guineas, being money borrowed by her of the Plaintiff; and, as it was not possible to regain the affection of this fair lady, Mr. Johnson now fought to regain some part of the property he had lent her- He said he should prove the ex- istence of this demand under the Defendant's own hand writing. Since her love was extin- guished, she had adopted the laconic, which was 526 LLOYD' S E V E N I N G - P O S T , And Nov. 28 perhaps the best style of epistolary writing ; as a specimen of her merit in composition, he should read the following letter, addressed to the Plaintiff, after he had requested her to pay him.—" Sir, when convenient, you shall have your ten guineas. I despise you. . " Catharine Keeling.' Mr. Erskine then observed, that this letter was the only evidence he had to offer to support the Plaintiff's case. He should prove it to be the hand- writing of the Defendant. Mr. Bearcroft.—" Is that all?" " Yes," said Mr. Erskine. Mr. Bearcroft.— Then I despise you." Mr. Justice Buller said this action was too ri- diculous to be attended to for a moment, and or- dered the Plaintiff to be nonsuited. He was nonsuited accordingly. Wednesday night a fire broke out in Dra- per's Building's, Marybone. which confumed three houses, with most of the furniture. A child about seven years of age was burnt to death. On Tuesday night the house of Thomas Wurdell, Esq. in Wimpole- street, was broke open, and robbed of plate and cash to a con- siderable amount. The villains broke open a bureau, and took from thence a valuable ring, with cash and notes to the amount of 140I. with which they got clear off. Wednesday evening some thieves stole out of the house of Mrs. Cane, of Tufton- street, Westminster, some wearing- apparel and house- hold furniture. Same night the Coach and Horses public house, in Petty France, Westminster, was broke open, and robbed of several watches, & c. Yesterday a man was committed from the Public Office in Bow- street, on suspicion of en- tering and robbing the Bedford Head, the corner of Bedford- street, Tottenham- Court road, of a variety of articles. Same day a man was fully committed from the above office, charged with forgery to the amount of upwards of 100I. Same day a watchman was brought to the above office, on a charge of secreting a watch, which a woman, who had been given in charge for stealing it, had thrown into his hat. The watch having been found upon him, he was committed. The woman was also committed. The Parish of St. Ann Soho, have adopted a plan, which, if it were extended to other pa- rishes, might lessen the number of nocturnal depredations. Patroles parade the streets from four to nine o'clock ; and at nine, when the watchmen, who ( instead of sentry boxes to sleep in) have an extra great coat and warm cap, go their rounds, there are other patroles to see that they do their duty, and, if necessary, to assist them. To remove the general complaint of a bad light from the lamps, it is ordered that three additional threads of cotton should be added to each burner. In the Irish Lottery, on the 13th day, No. 1534. and 4920 were drawn prizes of 50I. each. DIED. On Thursday last, at his house in Mickle- gate, York, in the 73d year of his age, Henry Jubb, Esq. many years an Alderman of that Corporation : he served the office of Lord Mayor of that city in 1773, and from ill health requested to resign his gown in 1790.— Monday, at his house, Clerkenwell- Green, Charles Tri- quet, Esq. one of his Majesty's Justices of the Peace for the county of Middlesex, aged 64.— Same day, John Troutbeck, Esq. of Alders- gate- street, formerly a surgeon in the service of the East- India company.— On Tuesday, at his chambers in Gray's Inn, Thomas Thorp, Esq. Fellow of St. Peter's College, Cambridge, and eldest son of the Rev. Dr. Thorp, Rector of Gateshead, near Newcastle. An Extract from Bristow's Kentish Chronicle, Nov. 16. 1792. Mr. SPILSBURY, Chemist, SOHO- SQUARE, LONDON. SIR, I have the satisfaction of sending you a most flattering CASE of the efficacy of your DROPS, in the person of MARY RIGDEN, maid ser- vant in this City, who was assisted for sixteen years with a Scorbutie Humour, which fell in her legs, and occasioned Ulcers that were ex- tremely offensive.— She had applied to many eminent Gentlemen of the Faculty, was seven weeks in St. Thomas's Hospital, London, and tried various Medicines without success. She was advised to try Mr. SPILSBURY'S PATENT ANTISCORBUTIC DROPS ; by the use of one small 1s. bottle she found great benefit, and by a continuance, of not more than eight of the said bottles, she is now quite cured, and per- fectly free from pain or irritation ; and may be referred to by applying to the Printer of this Paper in Canterbury. I am, Sir, & c. nov. 13, 1792. W. BRISTOW. These DROPS are so remarkably effica- cious in relieving those disorders which arise from obstructed Perspiration, Indigestion, or Impurities of the Blood, that a small bottle of the Medicine is sufficient for a trial of its virtues in cases of the SCURVY, GOUT, LEPROSY, EVIL, ABSCESS, ULCERS. RHEUMATISM, & c. To be had of the Venders of Medicine, as usual, in Great Britain, Ireland, and foreign countries, in bottles of 5s. and 1l. 2s. whereon are indented the words, BY THE KING'S PA- TENT. For LLOYD'S EVENING- POST. TO ELIZA MATILDA. PERFECTION I forbear to ask — Though Nature may be kind, Yet she has left to us the task To form the human mind. Example, Precept, both combine Our judgment to betray : One says, " I'll rear my Child like thine," Another blames the way. Ah, Nature! when thou modelld'st Man. Why didst thou not complete The work which thou so well began? Why flatter his conceit? A mind congenial to our own Might then be easy found ; But now we wander climes alone, And go a fruitless round. But since ' tis Nature's mighty will Man's value to enhance, By giving him a blank to fill, I e'en must take my chance, Perfection I ne'er hope to find In Mortal here on earth ! I only seek a mutual mind, And fair Matilda's worth. Devon, Nov 21, 1792. FALCONBOURG, POSTSCRIPT. AFFAIRS of FRANCE. NATIONAL CONVENTION Nov. 23. COPY OF A LETTER FROM GENERAL VALENCE. • Head Quarters at Biaville, Nov. 21. " On the 16th of this month I left General Dumourier, after having a conference with him at Brussels. " On the 17th I learned that a body of troops under the orders of the Austrian General Beau- lieu was advancing towards Namur, and that the remainder of the army covered Louvain. " On the 18th, I set out in order to place myself between General Beaulieu and Namur. I felt, however, the inconvenience of this po- sition; for my flank was exposed to an attack on the side of Louvain. " Several skirmishes now took place, in which we constantly had the advantage. We took 32 prisoners ; and the enemy having re- tired, I on the same night took up my quarters in the open air, in the neighbourhood of Na- mur. " On the evening of the 19th, I fired a few shot upon the town : on the 20th I erected bat- teries, and summoned it to surrender, granting it at the same time until ten o'clock in the morning for that purpose. " At four o'clock two companies of Grena- diers occupied on of the gates, and this morning the French army will enter the walls. " It appears that the Castle is disposed to make a stout resistance. The garrison is com- posed of 3000 men ; they think that General Beaulieu will unite his corps to the troops stationed at Louvain. I shall endeavour to prevent this union, and shall also attack the castle. ( S VALENCE." To this letter were annexed the conditions on which the Commandant of Namur proposed to surrender the place, all of which were refused by the French General. A Member of the Commission of Twelve an- nounced, that, among the papers found at the Castle of the Tuileries by the Minister Roland, there were several pieces which tended to crimi- nate the late King. I shall read one letter, added he, which proves that the Traitor Louis advised the massacre of Nancy : LETTER OF THE KING TO M. BOUILLE. " Paris, Nov. 4, 1790. " I hope. Sir, you know me well enough not to doubt of the satisfaction which I feel from your conduct. You saved France on the 31st of August ; and you have shown to others the path which they oaght to pursue. Your good con- duct for a year past has highly merited my esteem. " Continue the same plan— preserve your po- pularity— it may be useful to me; for I consider it as the anchor of safety. I was very uneasy about you till 1 heard from you: M. Gouvernet has at length brought me intelligence from you. " I much regret those brave men who perished in that unhappy affair; but the measure you pur- sued was indispensably necessary. I beg you will testify my satisfaction to the National Guards, and the troops of the Line, by whom you were fo well seconded. You may point out to the Minister at War those who have dis- tinguished themselves with honour. ( Signed) " Louis." « P. S, Having learnt that you have lost the Nov, 28— 30. B R I T I S H C H R O N I C L E , for 1792. 523 horse which M. Gouvernet rode', I have sent you one which I rode, and I beg you will keep him for my sake." ANSWER. " Metz, Sept. 7, 1790. *' SIRE, " Your Majesty affixes great value to my ser- vices. I expected to have rendered you others, greater, and of another kind. I shall neglect no means of being useful; but I am much afraid my labour will be fruitless. " I am doing every thing in my power to acquire popularity ; but my enemies do every thing to make me lose it.— I have pointed out to the Minister at War the Officers of the Na- tional Guards, and of the troops of the line, who distinguifhed themselves in the affair at Nancy ; they will receive, with sensibility, the testimo- nies of your Majesty's satisfaction. " I received the horse, which you had the goodness to send me. This new pledge of your Majesty's kindness can add nothing to my grati- tude. I am happy in being able to announce to your Majesty, that a good spirit prevails among the troops both in Alsace and Lorraine : tran- quillity is restored. ( Signed) " BOUILLE." A Member observed, that M. Bouille's answer was dated prior to the letter of Louis. The reporter replied, that this, doubtless, was a mistake of Bouille. The Convention passed to the Order of the day, enjoining the Committee of Twelve to give in a general report on the whole of the papers found at the Tuileries. In this Session, the Convention ordered the payment of the corn purchased by the com- munity of Marseilles. The remainder of the session was taken up with matters of very little consequence. The most interesting was re- specting a number of houses in Paris, where many persons were confined in an arbitrary man- ner, under pretence of their being insane. Ma- nuel, when Procurator of the Commonalty, discharged great numbers who had been un- justly confined. The Convention ordered the Minister of justice to report thereon, and search the archives of the Lettres de Cachet.. Nov. 24. LETTER FROM GENERAL DUMOURIER TO THE MINISTER AT WAR. " Tirlemont, Nov. 22.— First Year of Equality. « ' I moved yesterday with an advanced guard of from 4 to 5000 men to Tirlemont. " I found all the enemy's army posted behind the place, with an advanced guard of from 3 to 4000 men encamped before it, on the heights of Cumptich, opposite Bantersem. I attacked this advanced guard with my artillery during the whole day. They were reinforced with 5 o men, but they did not dare to undertake any thing. The whole decamped this morning by break of day, and I entered at an early hour into Tirlemont, having lost only four soldiers. " This cannonade, and the desertion that followed it, has cost the enemy 400 men. I am obliged to pass to- morrow at Tirle- mont. ( Signed) " DUMOURIER." In this Session the Convention authorized the Municipality of Lyons to raise a loan of three millions, without interest, by subscription. The loan is to be reimbursed by a tax on estates, producing from 500 to 100,000 livres. The Convention decreed that 132 more mu- nicipal officers should be chosen to complete the proper number, there being only 12 at present. A Tailor, the father of twenty children, eight of whom are soldiers in the service of the Re- public, requested that the Convention would continue to him a pension of 240 livres, which he said had been conferred on him by Louis the Last, but of which there were some arrears due. The Convention decreed, that this pension should be continued, and that the arrears should be paid up. It is faid that General Custine has taken the towns of Weilbourg and Hombourg, and made the Prince of the first a prisoner. The National Convention of France are to devote two days in every week to the discussion concerning the trial of the late French King, which will probably be much protracted. The Duke- Regent of Sweden has recalled to Court many of the persons proscribed by the late King, and has sent away several who were most in his confidence. His power is now complete in every part of the Admi- nistration. The report circulated last week, that the Duke of Sudermania had acknowledged the new Republic of France, is without founda- tion. Hungary has given signal proofs of attach- ment to its King. This kingdom has not only offered to complete all the regiments now in the field, but those also to which orders have been given to march ; and the Nation furnishes the provision and forage for the army with an unex- ampled alacrity. It is conjectured that the Courier sent by our Court last week to the Court of Vienna, was charged with dispatches offering the mediation of Great- Britain to settle the disturbances on the Continent. M. Chauvelin, the French Minister residing at London, has written a letter to justify his conduct in granting passports to the Emigrants in England. The French Ministers have ordered General Dumourier to exert every means in his power for establishing the free navigation of the Scheldt and the Meuse. The principles they assert in support of these orders are thought to apply equally to the Rhine, with which the Meuse has a navigable communication. Antwerp was formerly one of the greatest commercial cities in the world. It is situated on the Scheldt, which is navigable for ships of great burthen close to the walls : there is an in- terior navigation from the Scheldt to the Meuse, and from thence to the Rhine; and by this channel Antwerp formerly supplied all the coun- tries communicating with these rivers with the commodities of all the commercial nations of the earth, and received their productions in return. When the Seventeen Provinces were separated from Spain, ten of them became sub- ject to the House of Austria, who, contrary to the interest of the inhabitants, agreed to shut up the Scheldt, and thus sacrificed the commerce of Antwerp for an alliance with the Dutch ; and the commerce of Amsterdam and Rotterdam rose on the ruin of Antwerp, and the Dutch have ever since enjoyed a monopoly of it. " This Country," it is observed by a writer on the occasion, " can have no interest in support- 527 ing that monopoly ; for, if the free navigation of these rivers is again established, the great riches of the inhabitants of Antwerp, and of the neigh- bouring cities, will once more be employed in their old commerce, which will be greatly ex- tended by the competition; and of course, the consumption of the manufactures of this Country, and of the productions of our Colonies, will be greatly increased." • Namur, of which all but the castle is now in the power of the French, was a serious object of contest between the French and Spaniards, a century since, and was taken by Louis XIV. at the head of 80 000 men, on the 2d of July, 1692, after our William the Third had bravely, but vainly, attempted to relieve it. The trea- chery of a Baron de Bresse, a deserter from the Spanish service, greatly assisted the the French. It was at this place that Colonel Cohorn threw up, for the Spaniards, the first of those forts which have since born his name. The Leopard man of war, of 5o guns, is pre- paring as the flag- ship to carry out the new com- mander in chief of the squadron on the station of the Leeward Islands. Ten Frigates are ordered immediately to be got ready for being put into Commission, five of which are destined for the West- Indies. Wednesday there was a Court Of Directors at the East- India House, when it was agreed to take up the Boddington and Sugar- Cane, Botany- Bay ships, to bring home Sugar and Saltpetre from Bengal. CARLTON- HOUSE. The prudent and seasonable sacrifice to be made, on the part of the Prince of Wales, that by a retrenchment of his expences he may be enabled to discharge the just demands of his numerous creditors, was yesterday announced in form to the Pages and Servants of every description, who were ordered to attend at one o'clock. They were informed by Colonel Hulse, that he had his Royal Highness's commands to acquaint them, that a retrenchment in the expences of his Royal Highness's Household being a measure decided upon, it was a necessary, though a painful office, to inform them, That their services would be dispensed with, after the expiration of the present quarter, that all arrears would be paid up to the day of their discharge, and that a small penfion to each would be allowed as a compensation for their loss of employment. The Colonel said he had his Royal Highness's commands to assure them of his attachment, and of his reluctance to dismiss them, which could only be exceeded by the pleasure he should feel to reinstate them in their several offices whenever he should be justified by strict propriety to re- assume the splendor of his situation. The panic in the City still continued through the whole of yesterday, and the 3 per Cents, fell at one time as low as 78 Seven indictments for libel, against the authors and publishers of works' complained of by the Attorney- General; were found by the Grand Jury on Wednesday last. The proprietor of the Argus is to be prose- cuted for High Treason, on account of a letter signed Hampden. Mr. Ridgeway, the bookseller, has been taken up, on a Judge's warrant, for matter con- tained in the third part of the Jockey- Club. The great and long- depending Irish cause between Lord Sherborne and Mr. Napier is now trying in Dublin, and has already lasted some days. Between two and three hundred thousand pounds are depending on it. Nov. 28— 30. AUTHENTIC PORT- NEWS. Extract cf a Letter from Plymouth, Nov. 28. ** Came in, the Hopewell, Howard, from Malaga." Extract of a Letter frffm Portfmouth, Nov. 29. " Arrived, the Betfey, Palmer, from Havre and his Majcfty's ( hip Tifiphone, Capt. Hunter, ' from a cruife." ExtraS of a Letter from Deal, Nov. 29. " Wind E. by S. Came down and failed, the Torcola Planter, Johnfon, the Bufhy- Park, Lawrie, and the Trelawney Planter, M'Donald, for Jamaica ; the New Succefs, Afhington, for Mogadore; the Two Brothers, Shand, for Dublin ; and the Lord Middleton, Alhington, for Gibraltar. " Remain* the Diligence India Pilot." ExtraS of a Letter from Gravefend, Nov. 29 " Paffed by, the Lark, Duvenon, from ^ tettin', the Vrow Faker, Duckem. from Emb- den ; the Welfare, Rhend$, from Whitinghaft; the Vrow Anna, Bearne, from Groningen the Vrow Anna, Smener-, from Appingadam; the Commerce, Reynolds, from Hamburgh ; the Friendfhip, Colby, and the Three Brothers, Cartheus, from Appingadam ; the Harmony, Bell, the Withvwood, Smith, and the Fides, Barrick, from Peterfburgh; the Canada, Gib- fon, from Frederickftrand; the Catharine, Slater, from Collingzell ; the Prince of Wales, Gillingham, from Boulogne; the Three Bro- thers, Dunlop, from Zante; and the Refolution, Langley, fromCorV. " Sailed, the Dorothea Margaretta, Haugh, for Norway 5 the Thames, Gillefpie, for New Providence ; the Dove, Dredge, for Cork ; and the Walkforth, Thompfon, for St. Va- 1fry." Arrived.— At Scarborough, the Unity, Smelt, from Seheedain; the Content, Pearfon, from Atnfterdam; and the Vulture, Thompfon, from Memel.— At Waterford, the Twilight, Dafhper, from Newfoundland.— At Smyrna, the Kent, Wintringham, and the Britannia, Pulling, from London.— At Conftar. tinople, the Amazon, Stan- dings, from London.— At Naples, the Ark, Kewman, the Olive- Branch, Sinclair, and the Southampton, Brent, from London ; the Lamb, Rowe, from St. Ive's; and the Brothers, Grey, from Mevagiffey. has not been known for fome years, came on here: the wind was from the South- weft, and raged with alarming fury till about nine ; in which time an abundance of rain fell, and a great deal of lightning was feen, particularly towards the clofe. In this town, the roofs of feveral houfes were injured, and many chimnejs were blown down : the falling of the flates and bricks, and the cracking noife on all fides, which was heard through the howling of the ftorm, in- creafed the terrors of the night, and rendered it dangerous to be in the ftreets. " In tlie midlt of this awful fcene, the bellmen gave notice of afliftance being wanted at the harbour : the tide, which in the ufual courfe had ebbed half an hour, fud- denly returned, and continued to flow for an hour, rifing to the height of three feet per- pendicular, at the end of the old quay The waves ran mountain high, and breaking amongft the Ihips, of which there was a great number in port, forced feveral from their moor- ings, and did confiderable damage to fome of tbem. All was horror and confufion for the fpace of two hours or more ; and many people in their exertions to fecure the veffels, were frequently in imminfent danger of being waflied off the Tongues, over many parts of which the water made a free paffage. Happily, no lives were loft, and the damage fuftained, though confiderable, is much lefs than might have been expeCted." " Early the next morning, but fome hours after the violence of the tempeft had fubfided, though it ftill continued ta blow hard, a boat laden with potatoes, and navigated by two required, that every perfon above the age of fix years ( except maidens, ladies, and geitle. vomen, and lords, kivghtb, and gentlemen of 20 njarks a year) fliould wear, upon the Sabbath and holi- days, upon their head, one cap'"' wool, knit, thicked and drefled in England, on pam of three and fourpence. On Wednefday his Royal Highnefs the Prince of Wales gave a private audience to J. Cox Hippifley, Efq. Member forSudbury, who afterwards fet off from his houfc in Grofvenor- ftreet, fcr Italy, for the rent • ery of Ins health. On Sunday morning earlv the manufactory of Meff. Gorton and Thomfon, at Cuckney, Not- tinghamshire, was difcovered t » be on lire. The infidc is deftroyed ; but the valuable fteam- cir- gine, a large quantity of goods, the books, and the adjoining buildings, were preferved. Fortu- nately their unmanufactured ftcck of wool Was at their mill at Workfop. On Thurfday fe'nni^ h- t, early in the morning, as a man was defcending into one of Mr. Dun- lop's coal- pits at Govan Colliery, in the neigh- bourhood of Glafgow, he fell from the balket to the bottom of the pit, and was killed ; it is fuppofed the baiket had fomshow overfet. A few minutes before the above accident happened, as a man was defcending into the fame pit, the balket overfet with him; but he fortunately caught hold of the rope with his teet, and hung in that petition till ho reached the bottom. On Saturday the 3d inft. died, Mrs. Marga- ret Ball, of Wolverhampton, aged upward of 70 ; and in the evening of the fame day, her hulband, Mr. William Ball, aboiK 90 years of age. men, arrived from Garlieftown in Scotland, from whence ( he had been driven by the fury of the elements, and providentially condudted through paths of undefcribable horror, where the ( kill of the pilot could be of no avail. On Thurfdav . > fning, the ftreets appeared ftrewed with fl - bricks, and mortar, fcarcely any fituation having efcaped without fome mark of the inciemecy of the preceding night. From various parts of the country, we have accounts of houfes and barns being unroofed, ftacks blown down, See." THEATRICAL ENTERTAINMENTS. This Evening. HAYMARKBT.] The Pirates ; with The Humourift. COVENT- GARDEN.] Wild Oars; with Hartford Bridge. The Tom, Richy, in the London trade, which failed from Whitehaven on Tuefday fe'n- night, left an anchor the day following on en-* { ering the port of Ulverfton; and on Sunday afternoon, the 18th, Capt. Richey, with fix of bis people, and two men belonging to Captain Holmes's veffcl, were in a boat, attempting to get the anchor in, when, the fea running very high, the boat over- fet, and Captain Richey and fix of the others were unfortunately drowned. Extract of a Letter from Whitehaven, Nov. 27. " On Wednefday laft, about five o'clock in jhe afternoon, a molt violent tempeft, fuch as By a letter from Peter ( burgh we learn, that the uncommon dry feafon there has caufed * diftemper among the horned cattle; on which account tallow is much advanced, and it is the fcpinion of many that the exportation will be very fhort of any for years pad. The letters received at Edinburgh from Dun- dee, on Monday laft, make no mention of any further difturbances there; fo that there is reafon to hope that peace and quietnefs are com- pletely reftored. A number of ( harpers, pretending to be French Emigrants, are travelling about dif- ferent parts of the kingdom, for the purpofe of defrauding country thop- keepers by felling them counterfeit mixed with real French coin, or palling the pieces in exchange for goods. According to an eftimate made in the year l774, theamountof the poor rates was 665,3621. The average of the fame rates for the lalt ten year is reckoned at 3, ooo, oool. In ancient times the wearing of Englifh Ma- nufactures was enjoined by law : the firft that oc- curs on this fubjeft, is Eliz. c. 19. by which it was |
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