Lloyd's Evening Post
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Lloyd's Evening Post
Date of Article: 23/11/1792
Printer / Publisher: T. Spilsbury and Son
Address: No 57, Snowhill, London
Volume Number: LXXI
Issue Number: 5524
No Pages: 8
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f 497 1 LLOYD'S EVENING- POST. VOL. LXXI.] From WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 21, to FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 1792. [ NUMB. 5524 THURSDAY, NOV. 22. STATE PAPERS. HAGUE, November 17. YESTERDAY morning a messenger from Lon- don arrived at the Ho- tel of the British Am- bassador. Soon after- wards his . Excellency- delivered to the States- General a declaration on the part of his Bri- tannic Majesty, to which their High Mighti- nesses returned an immediate answer : copies of which papers are here subjoined. DECLARATION. The under- signed Ambassador Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary of
his Britannic Majesty has received the King's orders to inform their High Mightinesses the States General of the United Provinces, that his Majesty, seeing the theatre of war brought so near to the fron- tiers of the Republic by the recent events which have happened, and being sensible of the uneasi- ' ness which may naturally result from such a situation, thinks it due to the connexion which subsists between him and the Republic, that he should renew to their High Mightinesses, on this occasion, the assurance of his inviolable friendship, and of his determination to execute at all times, with the utmoft good faith, all the different
stipulations of the Treaty of Alliance so happily concluded in 1788, between his Ma- jesty and their High Mightinesses. In making to their High Mightinesscs this declaration, the King is very far from supporting the probability of any lntention on the part of any of the Belligerent Parties to violate the territory of the Republic, or to interfere in the internal concerns of its Government. The King is per- suaded, that the conduct which, in concert with his Majesty, their High Mightinesses have hitherto observed, and the respect to which the situation of his Majesty and the Republic justly entitles them, are sufficient to remove any ground of
such apprehension. His Majesty, therefore, confidently experts, that no events of the war will lead to any circumstance from without which may be injurious to the rights of their ' High Mightinesses ; and he strongly recom- mends to them to employ, in concert with his Majesty, an unremitted attention and firmness to repress any attempts which may be made to disturb the internal tranquillity of the Provinces. His Majesty has directed this communication to be made to their High Mightinesses, in the full persuasion, that nothing can more effec- tually conduce to the interests and happiness of both countries, than the continuance of
that in- timate union which has been estabablished between them for the maitenance of their own rights and security, and with a view to contri- bute to the general welfare and tranquillity of Europe. ( Signed) AUCKLAND. Hague, Nov, 16, I792. ANSWER. Their High Mightinesses are most strongly impressed by the renewal of the assurances which his Britannic Majesty has now been pleased to make, of his inviolable friendship for this Re- public, and of his determination to execute at all times, with the most scrupulous good faith, all the different stipulations of the Treaty of Al- liance fo happily concluded in 1788, between his
Majesty and their High Mightinesses. The States- General have never doubted these gene- rous sentiments on the part of his Britannic Ma- jesty; but the Declaration which his Majesty is pleased to make of them at the present moment, cannot but be extremely agreeable to their High Mightinesses, and inspire them with the liveliest gratitude, and the most devoted attachment to his Britannic The States- General, moreover, perfectly agree with his Majesty in the persuasion, that there is not the least reason to attribute to either of the Belligerent Powers any hostile inten- tion against the Republic; and indeed their Mightinesses
are persuaded, equally with the King, that the conduct and the strict neutrality, which, in concert with his Majesty, they have hitherto so carefully observed, and the respect to which the situation of his Majesty and the Republic justly entitles them, are sufficient to remove any ground of such apprehension, the Canton of Berne had given orders for one third of the troops to quit Geneva,, and return home ; that another third would retire after the ratification of the treaty ; and that the reman- der would follow afterwards. He said he waited for the orders of the Convention. One of the Secretaries afterwards read the official note sent by
the Canton of Berne to General Montesquiou: to the above purport. It solicits the ratification of the treaty concluded with General Montesquiou and the Deputy from Berne, and announces its firm resolution never to break with France. Fabre read a second time his plan for a law relative to articles of subsistence. A Commissary at War having issued orders to the National Volunteers of Lot to march towards the Frontiers, he was ordered to the Bar to an- swer for his conduct. LETTER FROM gENERAL CUSTINE TO THE MINISTER AT WAR. " Head Quarters General at Usingen, Nov. 10. " Tired with the delay and refusal which I
experienced on the part of General Kellerman to put in motion his troops cantoned on the Chierre, and as this delay made the Enemy form the project of forcing me to abandon Frankfort;, and of blocking me up in Mentz, though I did not believe their gasconades, and the boasting- manner in which they announced that they were going to advance to Mentz to attack me I thought it necessary the dignity of the French Naiion, and for maintaining, the glory of its arms in Germany, to march to meet those who vauntingly asserted that they would make us abandon Franconia.. Being therefore in mo- tion to receive part ef the
reinforcements which you have sent me, Citizen- Minister, reinforce- ments, which will serve to secure the important place of Mentz I determined to march with a body of troops, consisting of about 9000 men,. and to advance beyond Koenigstein, on the way to Limbourg. To form this body, I was ob- liged to take part of the troops, which com-- posed the garrison of Frankfort, since it was necessary to overawe the Austrian and Prussian troops, who remained in Handstruck, and not only to leave on the Lhon the troops which were there, but also to send troops to reinforce them. On my arrival at Kocnigstein, I learned', that the
Prussians had just cantoned themselves on the Lhon, which they were to occupy from . Nassau to Wetzlar. The rendezvous of the Hessians was at Gieffen, as I had the honour to inform you in my last dispatches. I determined to suffer no- cantonments on the left bank of the Lhon, and' consequently to attack at the same time all those who were on that side. General Meunier and. Colonel Houchard were ordered to attack the cantonments on the left, and a corps, under. Lieutenant Newinge, with whom I marched, were to attack those on the right. " On the 9th, Colonel Houchand attacked the Prussians, who occupied an
advantageous post above Limbourg, on an eminence with a large ravine before them. They had been previously. informed of my arrival, notwithstanding the [ Puce. Fourpeaee.},. With respect to the internal tranquillity of the Republic, their High Mightinesses are perfectly sensible of the of continuing to secure to its inhabitants so ble an enjoyment ; and they are not neglectful of any means for the at- tainment of that salutary end. The States- General, in concert with the Pro- vinces of the Union, have already taken, and continue to take, the necessary measures for pre- venting any interruption of this tranquillity in the present
circumstances. They have the satis- faction of being able to assure His Majesty, that their efforts have so far been crowned with the desired success, and they have reason to flatter themselves, that, with the blessing of Provi- dence, those efforts will be equally fortunate in future. Finally, Their High Mightinesses do not he- sitate to declare, that they agree with his Bri- tannic Majesty in the persuasion, that nothing can more effectually conduce to the happiness and mutual interests of the two Nations, than the continuance of that intimate union which has been established between them, and which their High Mightinesses on their
part will neglect no opportunity of cementing and strengthening, for the maintenance of the mutual rights and in- terests of the two Countries, and for the se- curity of the general welfare and tranquillity of Europe. { Signed} W. H. WASSNAER. [ Countersigned) H. FAGELL. Hague, Nov. 16, 1792 FRANCE. NATIONAL CONVENTION. Friday, Nov. 16. In this Session a letter was read from General Montesquiou,. informing the Convention, that
49' expedition I employed on my march. General Eben had collected about 1500 hussars and 3000 infantry. " Colonel Houchard beginning the attack with horse artillery, and some squadrons cf horse chasseurs, whom I had put under his com- mand, directed this artillery against the hus- sers ; and at the moment when he was going to charge with the horse chasseurs, the Prussian hussars retired so far, that we could only take some of them. They passed not only the ra- vine, but also the town of Limbourg and the bridge of the Lhon. » " Colonel Houchard then determined to at- tack the Prussian infantry, which the free troops of
the Republic did with the utmost vigour. After an engagement of an hour, notwithstand- ing a constant and very brisk. fire of musketry from the Prussians the troops of the Republic obliged them to abandon their post. Colonel Houchard having found means to take them in flank, the Prussians retired into the town of Lim- bourg, to which they were briskly followed by our brave foldicrs, who fought with that spirit which becomes liberty, the first battalion of the volunteers of Jura, above all distinguished themselves by their skill they always pursued the Prussian battalions in their retreat, at the distance of thirty paces, The seventh
batta- lion of the chasseurs of the line fought also with great spirit; and I request that the rank of Mareshal- de- Camp may be conferred on Colonel Houchard. It would be too astonishing should the new order of things sanction the injustice of the last, by consigning one of the bravest and most intelligent officers of the army to neg- lect. It is not for himself that he must be made a General, it is for the public cause. " Citizen Sibeau, first Lieutenant- Colonel of the first battalion of Jura, deserves not only the highest praises, but promotion; and I request for him, the first regiment of the troops of the line that may be vacant.— The
Prussians left on the spot 100 killed; we took from them 50 prisoners, among whom are a Colonel and a Lieutenant- Colonel. They had a prodigious number wounded, as our artillery played on them with grape- shot at the distance of 120 fa- thoms for more than an hour. '• I can still congratulate myself on the happy destiny which seems to preserve the troops of the Republic. It will appear incredible, that after a dreadful fire of musketry, we had only four men killed and ten wounded among whom is Citizen Beedlievre, second Lieutenant- Co- lonel of the seventh regiment of foot chas- seurs. All the Enemy's musketry was
directed too high. " I wish, Citizen- Minister, that I may al- ways have happy news to announce to you, and that Fortune may favour all our enterprises— but Fortune is a female, and my hairs begin to grow grey. ( Signed) " CUSTInE. " P. S. The. Hessians have retired beyond Marbourg, passing by Limbourg, which turned them some leagues to the le! t. The Prussians stopped neither at Weilbourg nor at Wetzlar." The National Commissioners sent to the East- ern Pyrenees have raised an army of 30,000 men, in order to protect that frontier. They go so fart as to affirm, that in case of a declara- tion of war, the troops of France
will not only make an irruption into Catalonia, but actually march to Madrid ! Three inhabitants of Verdun, convicted of E V E N I N G - P O S T , And AUSTRIAN NETHERLANDS. The following is the substance of the parti- culars brought by the Mail arrived yesterdav from Flanders, relative to the capture of Mons by the French, and the action which preceded it. I Previous to the 5th of November nothing of any consequence occurred. On the 5th a corps of 3000 French advanced towards the mill of Bossu, with a design to dislodge the Auftrians ; after a brisk cannonade they retired however, without accomplishing their design,
notwithstanding a warm fire from one of our batteries. They on this occasion performed their manoeuvres with the utmost coolness and dexterity. On the 6th the French, to the number of 90,000 men, with 200 pieces of cannon, made a general attack on the entrenchments of the Austrians, which they seemed determined to force. They fought with amazing spirit and intrepidity. However, not- withstanding their great superiority in men and artillery, they were repulsed several times; but at length, sword in hand, carried the three bat- teries raised on an eminence, which commanded Mons. Masters of that important post, they
summoned the city, offering the garrison liberty to retire to Luxemburgh ; this offer being re- fused, they commenced a fire with their artillery, but directed fo as to hurt the city as little as possible. In the evening a second summons was sent; a second refusal followed. During the night there was but very little firing. On the morning of the 7th the French attacked the grand battery of Mons, which they had not been able to silence, and carried that sword in hand. The garrison, consisting of two bat- talions, quitted Mons, and the French entered it. This affair, however, cost the French very dear; their loss, besides the wounded, is esti mated at 7000 The Austrians also suf- fered greatly; their loss is reckoned at 5000. The regiments of Bender, Blanckenstein, and Cobourg, and the dragoons of La Tour, are most of them cut to pieces. Colonel Keim, of the regiment of Bender, was killed, and Count Had- dick, Colonel of that of Blanckenstein, mortally wounded in the action. The French had 80 thirty- six pounders, which mowed down the Austrians by whole ranks. The French per- formed on the occasion prodigies of valour. The Austrians were intrenched in a very advan- tageous situation, and defended by three bat- teries; but nothing could withstand the
violence of the attack of the French, and the batteries were carried. After the capture of Mons, General Dumourier dispatched General Labour- donnaie to take possession of Tournay, and open thereby the road to Flanders. BRUSSELS GAZETTE, NOV. 11. " After the evacuation of Mons by the Impe- rial - troops was known in this city, which Government concealed as long as they could, the utmost confusion ensued amongst the French Emigrants, who immediately packed up their all, and retired, some one way, some another, so that in the space of 12 hours not one remained at Brussels. The archives of Government were
embarked for Holland, and the Members of Go- vernment withdrew from this city. All the effects of the Archduchess were packed up, and on the 9th inst. she set off for Malines. General Bender sold off his goods, & c. by auction, pre- vious to the departure of the Archduchess. " The Imperial troops are retreating towards Germany, and we expect shortly the arrival of the French troops in this city. " A corps of 4.000 Emigrants appeared here on the 8th inst. in the evening; but General Bender would not permit them to enter the city : they, however, were suffered to sleep that night in the Fauxbourg and at Tielles, and yesterday
morning departed. Where they are go, their themselves are ignorant of; some say they are going to Liege." [ The above intelligences is from the last Imperial Brussels Gazette ; the following is ex- tracted from that published without the Imperial authority :] BRUSSELS, NOV. I J. After the surrender of Mons, and the bloody action on the heights in our neighbourhood, in which both the Austrians and French fought most gallantly, and displayed uncommon cou- rage, the number of dead and wounded amply testifies, the Frcnch obtained the advan- tage, and entered this city to the number of 20,000 men, with General Dumourier at
their head, amidst the acclamations of the people. Their numerous and formidable train of artillery also entered this place and among the pieces of ordnance were several large culverines drawn by 15 horses. Their artillery was followed by an uncommon quantity of ammunition waggons, & c. All these assembled in the Great Square, to proceed afterwards to the Place de Charles round the Park. " The Austrian Governors of the Netherlands have removed from this city to Ruremonde, with all the State papers, & c. and have Written two letters to the States of Brabant ; the one men- tioning the intention of the Emperor immutably
to maintain the Brabantine Constitution, and the Joyeuse Entree; and that the declaration of the 25th of February, 1791, must, in conse- quence, be looked upon as void, and of no effect; in the other letter the Governors mention the necessity they are under of removing to Run - monde, and recommend the interests of the Province to the care and prudence of the States, requesting them to address any representations they may have to make to them at Ruremonde." The Bruffels Gazette has entirely changed its complexion; the Spread Eagle and the Austrian. Crown are no longer exhibited in its front. It not only accuses the
Austrian troops, both Offi- cers and soldiers, of having been guilty of the grossest enormities previous to the evacuation of the capital of the Netherlands, but is also lavish of its eulogiums on General Dumourier, and the troops under his command. Extract of a Letter from Brussels, Nov. 16. " The last engagement which took place be- tween the Austrian and French Armies near the heights of Anderlecht, lasted several hours, and was much to the disadvantage of the Au- strians, who fought during the whole of their re- treat. The french were only about 8000 men. They pursued their enemies to the gates of the town; we were
spectators of this action from the ramparts, which the Austrians had covered with 4 or 5000 men. It was expected they meant to defend the place; when, about six o'clock, having sent a trumpet to the French officer, the Austrian Generals signed a capitulation at the very gates of the city, by which they engaged to evacuate the place immediately, by giving up the gate where they were to the French detachment, which im- mediately entered the town. The Austrians crossing the lower end with two picccs of cannon and lighted matches, formed upon the Place Louvain, on the higher part of the City, and remained there under arms
till about two in the morning, when they set out quietly for Louvain. It is said the action under the walls of
Nc v . 2 1— 2 3 . B R I T I S H C H R O N f C L E , for 179*. Brussels cost the Austians 175 men— of the French, 75 were killed. " The whole town was illuminated, even be- fore the Austrians set out. The two parties that divide Brussels, and which may be termed De- mocrates and Statists, showed equal joy, each party conceiving they had found in the French supporters of their cause. " It was not till the 14th, at ten in the morn- ing, that we saw the French army, composed of Belgic Chasseurs, and several corps of volun- teers armed, file off different ways, and the fly- ing artillery, which marched without stopping, in pursuit of
the Austrian army. This army, which, since the affair of Mons, has never lost sight of the enemy, and which is about 16,000 strong, is the advanced guard of General Her- ville's army, consisting of about 40,000 men. One part of this army is gone to Malines, and entered it last night, after some resistance, whilst the centre was yesterday within musket- shot of Louvain. It is feared this last town will suffer much. It is even said, that it has been set fire to in several places, which can only be the effect of some dispute between the Austrians and the inhabitants. The grand French army, consist- ing of about 80,000 men, is still
encamped near Halle and Enghien, from whence it has sent detachments to take quiet possession of the towns in Flanders. " Dumourier arrived here on the 14th, when the Magistrates presented him with the keys of the gates. He. told then, that he left them in their hands, hoping they would make a goad use of them. The first use they made of the authority left to their discretion, was to quarter all the French who asked for billets in the Statists houses. Some convents refused to admit them, which led some of the soldiers to make a distur- bance. Dumourier, without inquiring into their reasons, arrested three of them had their
heads and eye- brows shaved, and, after publicly exposing them for fome hours, had them drummed with ignominy out of their bat- talions. " The day before yesterday a Democratic Club was formed, and one of the Belgians ( of which the Committee established at Lille was composed), acted as President. The first thing done was to propose the oath of equality, which the company present refused to take, through the apprehensions they were under from the Statists; indeed the next day, upon the Statists presenting themselves at Dumourier's, to request his pro- tection. and that General having answered them that he was not
come to protect any particular body of them, the people, stirred up by the Monks, Committed some violences upon one of the Belgians, a friend of Dumourier's, and almost before his eyes. These people thought they had brought over to their side the soldiers whom they had quartered the preceding evening, and to whom they desribed the Democrats as Royal- ists. This imprudent step of the Monks, obliged the General to publish an order last night, that every citizen should be home by ten o'clock, and that they should take care to light the street for the numerous patroles which he had ordered out. " There appeared this morning
another pro- clamation, which enjoins every individual to wear the French National Cockade, absolutely prohibiting the wearing of any other, or to ap- pear in public without that mark. The Statists are caballing; and if the French had not here a superior force, some fatal disturbance would be the consenqence." Extract of a Letter from Leyden, Nov. 15. " The news of the capture of Mons, and the retreat of the Austrian army towards Brussels, caused a great confusion at Antwerp. The people, always ready to proceed to every excess, insulted all those whom they knew to be at- tached to the Austrian Government, pillaged their
houses, destroyed their property, & c. The emigration, therefore, from the Low Countries is very great. " The Convention concluded with the Ge- nevese by General Montesquiou has been disap- proved of. They, write from Paris, that the Executive Power have deprived him of his com- mand ; and letters from Geneva, of the 28th of October, inform us, that he has been in danger of his life from his own soldiers, corrupted by some discontented Genevese, who urged them to demand the head of the General, or war against Geneva. " The French have taken Bruges and Tournay without resistance. Courtray, Menin, and Ypres,
have also probably yielded ; but the Governor of the Citadel of Antwerp is preparing for a vigorous resistance." GERMANY. Extract of a. Letter from Vienna, Nov. 3. " For the defence cf the Germanic Empire, menaced by the Frenh, the Emperor has re- solved to put in motion two corps of infantry and cavalry. One of these corps, consisting of 12 battalions of infantry, and a regiment of Cuirassers, will meet at teinitz, in Bohemia, to pass the frontier at Walmundchew; the other, which will consist of eight battalions and two regiments of Cuirassiers, three divisions of drago0ns, and two of light horse, will assemble in the district of
IIHO, to pass from thence to the frontier The command of this army has been given to the General in Chief, Count Collo- redo. The Executive Council of France has ordered General Custine to restore all the sums levied upon the city of Frankfort, and also to proclaim every where " That the army of the Republic marches only against the Princes its avowed enemies, and will not henceforth exact any contributions from their oppressed subjects." General Biron has requested from the Mar- grave of Baden a passage fcr a detachment of French troops for a certain expedition, pro- missing the most friendly treatment. He further
requested, that the troops of the Margrave might retire, to avoid any misunderstanding. The requisition of the French General is said to be granted, and the Baden troops are marched to Pfortzheim. Extract of a Letter from Coblentz, Nov. 10. " Yesterday Limburgh was taken by the French. As soon as the King of Prussia heard of this affair, he ordered 10,000 men to march there, and the next day set out himself, with the Duke of Brunswick. and the Prince de Nas- sau, with a strong detachmcnt of artillery,' to that neighbourhood. November 11. " The French, upon hearing of the troops sent to Limburgh, left that place, after
demand- ing 25,000 florins contribution. In their retreat they met a corps of Hussars, and suffered some loss in a skirmish with them. November 12. " ' The King of Prussia is now at Montabaur, four leagues from this place, and his Majesty is 499 resolved not to return to Berlin without his army. The Duke of Brunswick still retains his command. It is reported, that ten other Prus- sian regiments of infantry are ordered hither from Brandenburgh. " An estafette arrived here yesterday; by which we learn, that the French have destroyed the Imperial and Prussian magazines at Remich and Grevenmaker." LONDON. M. Descorches, the
French Minister at Warsaw, has entered a solemn protest against the late Counter- Revolution in Poland. The Duke of Sudermania has convoked a Military Board under the direction of the Duke of Ostrogothia, in order to rectify the abuses crept into the army. Count Haugwitz, the present Prussian Envoy at Vienna, is appointed Minister of Foreign Affairs at Berlin. The Emperor is about to make a change in his Ministry. The King of Prussia, accompanied by his son the Prince Royal, and the reigning Duke of Brunswick, arrived at Coblentz on the 15th. A part of the Prussian army went next' day for Nassau, Nachsteden, and
Limburgh ; they will be successively replaced by other regiments, until the whole of the army shall arrive at its destination. Lord Elgin was one of the last of the Diplo- matic Corps remaining at Brussels, being left there on the 13th. His Lordship had caused the arms of his Sovereign to be placed over the door of his house. Near a thousand of the Imperialists concealed themselves in Mons, in order to join the French army. The States- General have published a decla- ration, directing all foreigners, who arrive in the States, to give in an account of their name, fixed abode, quality or vocation, place from whence they came, and the
time they mean to remain, as well as the names of those perfons to whom they are known in the country, or in the territories of the State. COURT- NEWS, & C. Yesterday at noon their Majesties and the three elder Princesses came from Windsor to Bucking- ham House, from whence the King proceeded to St. James's, where there was a Levee, which commenced at one o'clock, but being thin of company, it closed before two. The King gave audiences, after the Levee;- to Mr. Pitt, the Duke of Richmond, Earl Chat- ham, Lord Grenville, and Sir G. Yonge ( who arrived after the Levee was closed), till near four o'clock, when his
Majesty went to Buck- ingham House to dinner. In the evening the Royal Family went to the Theatre- Royal, Covent- Garden. The presentations to the King at the Levee were, the Lord- Mayor of London, for the first time since his coming into that office, by Alder- man Watson ; Viscount Morpeth, by his father, the Earl of Carlisle: Sir John Blaquiere, on his arrival from Ireland, by the Lord in Wait- ing ; Col. Wolford, by General Lascelles ; Mr. Hughes, from Grenada, by General Mathew; Prince Joseph of Monaco, the Duke de Pienne, and Mons. Coquiere, by the Duke of Dorset ; and Count Mansfield, by the Imperial Envoy. Sir H.
Cavendish took leave of the King, previous to his setting off for Ireland.
5°° LLOYD'S E V E N I N G - P O S T, And Nov. 21— 23. Yesterday, previous to the commencement of the Levee at St. James's, the King gave a private audience to the Hanoverian Minister. Yesterday his Royal Highness the Prince of Wales set off from Carlton- House for Kempshot, Hants. Yesterday Lord Hawkesbury and Sir George Yonge transacted business with the Minister, at his house in Downing- street. Yesterday Hugh Boscawen, Esq, was sworn into the office of Knight Marshal of England, in the room of Sir Sydney Medows, Knt. de- ceased. Yesterday Government dispatches were brought from Sir Morton Eden,
K. B. his Ma- jesty's Envoy at Berlin, which Lord Grenville laid before the King at St. James's. In the Prince of Orange and Prince of Wales packets, which arrived at Harwich on Tuesday, the Duke de Fleury, Duchess of Choiseul, Ma- dame Mullirie, Count de Moustier, who was formerly Ambassador to the United States of America, President Gilbert, M. de Cotte, and other French families of distinction, came pas- sengers. The number brought over in these two packets, amount to 185 persons, the greatest number ever known. The Captains were obliged to leave at Helvoetsluys near 200 passengers, principally French
Emigrants. The Mary Turner, Thomson, from Copen- hagen to ihe Frith of Forth, with a cargo, of grain, was wrecked on the 21st of October, on a sunken rock, two Norwegian leagues east of Christiansand : ship and cargo totally lost ; the Captain's brother drowned; the Captain and rest of the crew saved on a rock, - in a very dis- tressed situation. Mr. Kirby the keeper of the New Compter, is appointed by the Lord Mayor and Sheriffs to officiate as Keeper of Newgate since the death of Mr. Akerman. The Magistrates of Edinburgh, besides raising the pay of the seamen for the different voyages they perform ( as mentioned in our
last), have resolved, that the monthly wages, instead of 30s. sterling, shall be 2l sterling; the sailors to pay Greenwich money, and be at liberty to pay poor's money to the Trinity- House, or not, as they please; but in case they do not pay, to have no benefit from the Funds of that house. The wives at home to get 10s. sterling of monthly money out of their husbands wages. Tuesday evening as Mr. Wheeler, surgeon, in Wesminster, was returning home, one of the iron plates over a coal- vault, in Bridge- street, having been carelessly left unfastened, it turned up on being trod upon, and Mr. W. was suddenly thrown down, and his
left leg precipi- tated through the hole, by which he received a very ugly wound on the shin- bone, and nar- rowly escaped a fractured leg. Yesterday three men and one woman were com- mitted from the Public Office Bow- street, on a charge of uttering base and counterfeit coin of this realm knowing it to be such. Same day a man was committed from the above office, on suspicion of having lately com- mitted divers felonies and footpad robberies. Same day a man was committed from the above office, on suspicion of stealing a valuable diamond. Act, for shooting at and wounding one Jones, a hackney coachman, was brought
into Court by Habeas Corpus, to be admitted to bail. The Court acceded to the application, and bound him over in the sum of 80I. and four securi- ties in the sum of 40I. each, to answer for his appearance at the ensuing Old- Bailey Sessions. LAW INTELLIGENCE. COURT OF KING'S BENCH. Wednesday, Nov. 21. Patrick Reid, the guard of the Salisbury mail- coach, who was committed on the Black The Attorney- General moved, that Pa- trick Duffin and Thomas Lloyd be charged with an information, and the information being read ( charging them having stuck an inflam- matory hand- bill on the door of the Fleet Pri- son, as
mentioned in this paper of yesterday), the Defendants pleaded Not Guilty, Patrick Duffin stood forward, and addressed the Court, saying, he had heard much of the boasted Con- stitution of this country, and the glorious liber- ties enjoyed by its subjects ; that he had now, for 21 days, been kept in confinement, and had no opportunity of procuring advice. Lord Kenyon said, the Court could not inquire into any oppression he had to complain of ; at pre- sent the Court was with election as to the decision it was to make, and could only do what it now did, viz. direct that they be both committed to Newgate, charged with this in formation. Duffin replied, " My Lords, I petitioned the Secretary of State the 10th of this month, and have never yet received any answer to my petition, except that some person did come to the door of the room where I was confined, and said the Secretary of State was not in town, but when he came my wrongs would be redrassed ; " but I have had no redress. My Lords, is the offence of which I am ac- cused bailable?" Lord Kenyon answered, " It is." " Then my Lords, I have bail ready." Lord Kenyon " The Court can do no less now than commit you to Newgate.; if you mean to put in bail, u must give notice of your intention to
the Solicitor for the prosecution, that due inquiry may be made into the suffi- ciency of the bail."— Lloyd then came forward, and said he had some observations to make. Lord Kenyon faid he could not hear any obser- vations. " My Lord ( said Lloyd) mine are to the point," Lord Kenyon: " The only point at present is, whether the Court are to commit you both to Newgate ; you can have no observa- tion to make that will prove the Court ought not to do so." " My Lord, I'll support my observations by authorities." Lord Kenyon:, " Take them to Newgate, charged with this information." Lloyd then exclaimed, " Are these the boasted laws
of this Country ?" To which Lord Kenyon answered, " The laws of this Country afford protection to every subject but are no to be trampled on by any men: take them away." The Attorney- General said, he did not mean to take up the time of the Court a moment unnecessarily; but that as a public al- legation had been made of a petition being pre- sented to the Secretary of State, he thought it his duty to say, that on the day that petition was presented he had himself made inquiry into it, and found that every allegation contained in' it was wholly untrue. They were then com- mitted to Newgate. Mr. Fitzgerald having obtained a
Rule, in the Court of King's Bench, to show cause why a Mandamus should not be directed to Sir Charles Gould, his Majesty's Advooate General and Judge Martial of his Majesty's forces, com- manding him to deliver to Samuel George Grant, or to his Attorney, John Martin, a copy of the proceedings on his trial, subsequent to the 31st of March last ; the Attorney- General on Tuesday showed cause against that rule. He stated, that by the provisions of the Mutiny Act, Grant had a right to a copy of his trial, but not till the expiration of three months after the sentence was passed; that he actually had received, six weeks sooner
than he had any title to it, a copy of all the proceedings against him, up to the 31st of March ; and that, after that period-, there had been no further proceedings against him.— Rule discharged. To render unnecessary delays less frequent, to prevent disappointment to the anxious writer, who may either reside in a foreign clime, or in Great- Britain, this NOTICE is respectfully submitted to all perfons, whether they come under the denomination of private Families, or the revered character of Merchant:— That they will be pleased to mention with their orders, by what conveyance they wish their packets or chests of medicine to be
forwarded, adding their Broker's or Agent's address, name of the Wharf, Ship, and her usual time of sailing : for inland correspondence, the Carrier's name, and Inn situated in London, are expected. These minute circumstances attended to will expedite business; and censure of neglect will in course not be so often imputed to the Proprietor of the ANTISCORBUTIC DROPS, whose desire to oblige and relieve the Valetudinarian is not abated by the flow of Public Favour, nor by Nineteen Years faithful discharge of his duty. Soho- Square Dispensary. F, SPILSBURY. Oct, 15, 17 92. This Day was published, Price Is. 6d in Quarto,
Printed on fine Medium Paper, THE HOUSEKEEPER'S ACCOMPT. BOOK, for the YEAR 1793. Being an easy, concise, and complete method of keeping an exact Account of every Article made use of in a Family throughout the Year, on 52 Pages; each Page Containing the sundry Articles of House- keeping, and seven Columns for the Expences of each Day in the Week ; with the usual Variety of Tables of Window and Horse Duty, Assize and Price of Bread, Marketing, Weights, Measures, Wages, Irish and English Money, with various entertaining Articles, useful Receipts, & c. & c. Bath: Printed for R. Cruttwell and W. Taylor,
and sold by them and by all the Booksellers in Bath and Bristol; by R. Baldwin, Paternoster Row ; E. Newbery, corner of St. Paul's Church- yard; and Champante and Whitrow, Jewry- street, London; Pearson, Birmingham ; and by all Booksellers and News- carriers. MEDICINES. AT H. STEERS'S Medicinal Warehouse, No. 10, ' Old Bond- street, on the Left Hand from Piccadilly, thtce Doors beyond Stafford- street, the Public may be supplied as usual, with Dr. Steers's Opodeldoc, and other Medicines, viz. PREPARED - By MR. STEERS. Dr. Steers's Opodeldoc — 2s. od. the bottle. Nitre Drops — a 6 Oil far Convulsions — a 6
Solution of Myrrh — 10 6 Huxham's Tincture of Bark. Daffy's Elixir Camomile Drops 1 Paregoric Lozenges ALSO, s. d.
Nov. 21— 23. Norwich Nov. 17, 1792, KING's- HEAD INN. HENRY RAVEN would be highly remiss if he could, defer for a moment to acknowledge with the most unfeigned and respectful Gratitude those nume- rous Instances of Favour and Protection with which he has been honoured during the whole Period of his Residence at the King's Head, in the Market- Place, as well as for the many kind and generous Assurances which he continues daily to receive from his Friends of their future Encourage- ment and Support.— To his most humble and grateful Thanks for the abundant Share of public Indulgence, which has been
conferred upon him in Times past, he presumes only to add the most fervent Assurances that he will strenuously and unceasingly endeavour to deserve its Continuance for the Time to come and for the more complete and comfortable Accommodation of his Friends, he is now adding twelve new Beds, fully equal in Neatness and Elegance to those which have already been honoured with the most flattering Marks of general Approbation, and is likewise completing a very considerable Augmen- tation of good Stabling and Coach- houses. Neat and elegant Chaises, safe and able Horses, with sober and diligent Drivers. The
following Celebrated MEDICINES are faithtuily pre- pared by J. MAC HAN and Co. and, by their Ap- pointment, sold Wholesale and Retail, by Messrs. Dick- inson and Co. Druggists, No. 29, in the Poultry ; Cun- dell and Co. Druggists, No. 47, Minories ; Mr. Stringer ( Chemist to his Majesty), No. 19, Strand; and Mrs. Kidman, Perfumer, No. 69, Newgate- Street, London. t THE superior Excellence of these Medicines ( discovered by the late Dr. MAC HAN) compared With others recommended in the like Intentions, is so fully proved, by the Experience of many Years, that the Pro- prietors, desirous of Tendering them more
extensively useful to the Public, have offered them at a Price so moderate, as to put them within the reach of the Afflicted of all Ranks. They find it necessary, at the same time, to cau- tion the Public against Counterfeits ; none being genuine, but what are sealed with the Proprietors Arms, and sold under their Appointment. ASTHMATICS DROPS— A most excellent remedy for Coughs. Asthmas, Consumptions, and all Disorders arising from Cold, or obstructed Perspiration. Price is. ijd. and 2s. 6d. per Bottle. ANTI- RHEUMATIC DROPS— Being a sovereign Remedy for the Rheumatism, Gout, and most internal Weaknesses
and seldom known to fail, by a few Doses, to cure Pains, either in the Back or other Parts, caused by obstructed Perspiration, or by the Gravel. This Medicine is both powerful and innocent, being extracted from the choicest Vegetables; it is pleasant in itself, and gentle in its Operation, requires no Confinement, and the Dose is only a Tea- Spoonful once or twice a Day.—- Price 2s. Sd. per Bottle. CELEBRATED TINCTURE for the AGUE— Scarcely ever known to fail performing an effectual Cure in a few Days. Price is. 6d. per Bottle. CHYMICAL LINIMENT— Universally esteemed the best Specific ever discovered for Bruises,
Cuts, Chilblains, Sprains, External Rheumatism, being so extremely useful, that every Family should constantly have it in the house. Price is. i{ d. per Bottle. IMPERIAL LINIMENT— Which was never known to fail effectually eradicating every Species of Scurvy, Itch, or other Cutaneous Disorder. Price is, 1d. p r UNIVERSAL DENTIFRICE— Being the most excel- lent Remedy ever offered to the Public for the Tooth - Ach, and the Scurvy in the Teeth and Gums. It ad- mirably fastens such as are loose, and prevents those that are decayed from becoming worse ; resists Putrefaction in the Gums, sweetens the Breath, and soon
brings the Teeth to a delicate Whiteness. Price is. i4d. per Bottle. To the Proprietor of the Universal Dentifrice. SIR, Having been long affiicted with the Tooth- Ach and scurvy in the Gums, to such a degree, as for several Years to be totally deprived of the Use of one Side of my Mouth in eating, ( the Teeth having become loose, and the. Gums a mere Sponge); I was resolved, about three Years ago, after having had four of my Teeth drawn, to try your Universal Dentifrice, by one Bottle of which I received immediate and very sensible Relief, the excessive Pain I suffered being totally taken away ; and by the Use of a second
Bottle, about a Twelvemonth past, my Teeth be- came fixed, my Gums acquired their usual Firmness, and my Mouth is as well as at any Period of my Life, though I am now in the 73d Year of my Age. Gratitude for the singular Cure I owe to your excellent Medicine, has in- duced me to communicate this Information to you ; and that others, afflicted in the like manner, may know where to obtain the same Relief, you have my free consent to publish it. I am, Sir, & c. Godley, near Stockport, Cheshire, JOSEPH SMITH. To the NOBILITY and GENTRY. TROTTER's ORIENTAL DENTIFRICE; Or, ASIATIC TOOTH- POWDER. M.
TROTTER is Widow and Successor to the late N. TROTTER, Chymist, of Bear- lane, who constantly supplied Debraw. This Article is cleansing and beautifying to the Teeth, sweetening to the Breath; and the safety of its use, from not having in its composition any acid that can corrode or wear off the enamel, are facts acknowledged by the most respectable Medical Authorities, and which have establishcd its reputation with persons of the first distinction. Frorn its astringency it strengthens the Gums, eradicates the Scurvy, preserves sound teeth from decay, prevents de- caved Teeth from becoming worse, and often prove; the
happy means of securing them from being drawn, as many Ladies and Gentlemen who have been in the habit of using it can affirm. But what enhances it in their estimation, is its having cured that most excruciating of all pains, the Tooth- Ach, with which many of them before that period were violently afflicted. The Teeth, however discoloured by neglect, will soon acquire a beautiful whiteness, and the necessity of their being scaled be prevented. To prevent Impositions, each Box is labelled on the top with the Stamp, and written M. TROTTER, with her own hand. The Royal Asiatic Tooth- Powder, which has been up- wards of
these nine years in the greatest esteem, is sold at the Warehouse, No. 22, New- street, Covent- Garden ; Champanty and Co. Jewry- street, Aldgate; Davison, No. 59, Fleet- street; Hendrie, Perfumer to her Majesty, Shug- lane; Hanmore, No. 2, Poultry; Berger, corner of Cecil- street, Strand; Bourgeois, Haymarket; Tuck, Change; West, Gracechurch- street; Shercliffe, Bristol; Moore, Bath; and Crutwell, ditto. j For COUGHS, CONSUMPTIONS, & c. PECTORAL ESSENCE of COLTSFOOT. THE Herb Coltsfoot, called Tuffilago by the ancients, was diftinguifhed by them, as its name fufficiently conveys, for its excellence in the
cure of coughs and other pulmonary complaints ; and this efience has, in the courfe of a long praftice, been found the moft fafe and efteftual remedy for coughs, afthmas, wheelings, phthificky complaints, confumptions, hoarfenefs, de- fluxions, catarrhs, difficulty of breathing, and all diforders of the breaft and lungs. It gently opens the breaff, and im- mediately gives liberty of breathing, without any dr. ngcr of taking cold. It admirably allays the tickling which pro- vokes frequent coughing, and talf. es off'the un: afy fenfatioa of acrimonious humour , eleanfes the fmall glands, relaxei the fibres, and thereby enlarges the cavities of the
vefTels » Thus it regularly and quickly cures the moft obftinatc afthmas, and confumptions of thelongeft ( landing, if taken before the lungs ire ulcerated. It cures all huiky and dry coughs, difTblves congealed phlegm in the thorax, heals rawnefs and forenefs of the breaft, ftomach, and lungs ; and gives immediate relief to thofe who, through age and infirmity, are deprived of reft or fleep, as it generally compofes, and contributes to make the remainder of their days comfortable and eafy. This Effence is prepared only by James Ryan, Surgeon, in Briftol; and l- dd, wholesale and retail, by Francis Newbery, at 45, tht saft end of St.
Paul's, London, in Bottles, pr; cs 3s. 6d. each, - lutv included. N. B. As Many perfoM continually miftake Mr. New- bery's houfe, particularly fervants and mellengefrs, all pur- chafers are recuefted ttkobferve, that it is a little out of the general line of foot- pafiengers, five doors from the cor- ner of Cheapftde ; and that a baft of Dr. James, and thefe words, are again 11 the front of his houfe, viz. THE ONLY WAREHOUSE FOR DR. JAMES's POWDERS. DR. JAMES'S FEVER- POWDERS. HTHE Recommendation of a Medicine, which X has ftopu the Teft of fo many. Years Experience, artd which ha » obtained the ganftion of being
admitted into regular Praftice, might be altogether unneceffary, wjre it nor of importance to awaken the Attention of Man- kind, and guard them jgalnft the number of Counterfeits and lmpofitions te which. they are perpetually expofed. It is a Duty that the Proprietors think they ' owe to the Public, to caution all thofe who take Dr. James's Powder 4ii* ed in other Medicines, and who depend upon its EffieacjY to be well allured that the real Powder be admi- uiftered ; and this Caution is the more requilite, as fome Apothecaries and Chcmifts have been known to have fub- ftituted other Powders ( made in Imitation of Dr. Jame.' s
Powdev), bccaufe they were cheaper, when the genuine Powder has ber » ordered by the Phyfician, and looked to with Confidence by the Patient. The Diforders in which this Medicine has been found to be more paiticvilarly efficacious, are FEVERS RHEUMATISMS AGUES MEASLES INFLUENZAS COLDS COUGHS ASTHM- AS s r. ANTHONY'S BVSENTERIES sbl' PRESSION URINE INTERMITTENT* SMALL FOX SORE THROATS CHILD- BED FEVERS HOOPING- COUGH PLEURISIES FIRE BI L 10 US CO M P L AI NTS | PAIN- TERS CH0I. 1C INFLAMMATION OF THE BOWELS. It is alfo given with the happieft
Eliefts as an Alterative, in fmall Dofes, every Night, and by this Mode will cure many of thofe anomalous and complicated Diforders, which are deep- rooted the Constitution, which, from tiieir Duration, are called Chronical, and which will not yield to any other Medicine. Sold ill LonJ m only by FRANCIS NIWBIRY, at his New Warehoufe, No. 45, i. i St. Paul" , Church- yard, a few Doors from the Corner of Chea^ fide; aad at Dr. James's late Houfe in Brutou- ftreet, at the a'd I- ate of 2S. 6d. a Packet, no additional Charge being made in confequcnce of the Stamp ; and, in Bottles containing a Dozen Packets, Price il. 2;. 6d each. To
prevent Counterfeits, plSafe to obferve, that oil . every Packet or Bottle is a Label figned F. Nnobety, in his own Hand- writing, and that his Name is alfo engraved in the Stamp. Alfo may be had, Price is. A DISSERTATION ON FEVERS, with a Vindication of the Fev » r- Pow4er, by the late R. JAMIS, M. D.
Nov. 21— 23-. FRIDAY, NOV. 23. LONDON. COURT NEWS, & C. YESTERDAY morning at eight o'clock, their Majesties took an airing to Kevv Palace; from thence his Majesty rode on horseback in Richmond Park, and at noon they returned to town. Yesterday the Duke of Clarence and the Hanoverian Minister transacted business with the King at Kew Palace. Yesterday, soon after one o'clock, their Majesties and the Princesses came from the Queen's House to St. James's Palace. The Drawing- room began at two o'clock, and broke up at half past four; present, the King, Queen, Princesses Royal, Augusta, and Elizabeth the
Spanish Ambassador, and most of the foreign Envoys;— Prince Monaco ;— Duke and Duchess de la Pienne ;— Counts Mansfield and Capelli; — Mess. Cordie and Coquiere ;— Archbishops of Canterbury and York ; — Bishops of London, Salisbury, and Exeter;— Mr. Pitt the No- bility and Gentry, the Lord Mayor of London, and Lords, Gentlemen, and Military in Waiting. The female Nobility were as follow : Duchesses of Manchester and Mont- rose ;— Countesses Dowager Radnor, Howe, Inchiquin, Darnley, Carlisle, Hillsborough, Chatham, and Holdernesse ( Lady of the Queen's Bed- Chamber in Waiting);— Ladies M. Howe
( in Waiting on the Princesses), Wa- terpark, Morgan ( late Gould), Irvine, Baker, B. Tollemache, M. Milburn, P. Manners, Rockby, Grenville, Woodford, and Fawcitt ; ,— Mistresses Moore, Cornwallis, Murray, Douglas, Ewart, Parker, Wheeler, Wills, Hobart, Herbert, Hotham, Montagu, two Walpoles, Trapaud, Pechell, Phipps, and Bond; — Misses Cavendish, Parker, L. Manners, Drake, Morgan, Hotham and Douglas. The Royal Family returned to the Queen's House soon after five o'clock to dinner. In the evening there was a Card- Party. The presentations were as follow; Prince Joseph of Monaco, the Duke de Pienne, and M.
Coquiere, by the Duke of Dorset ; Count Mansfield, by the Imperial Envoy; the Duke of Manchester and Lord Frederick Montague, for the first time, by the Duke of Montrose; Viscount Morpeth, by his father, the Earl of Carlisle; Lord Mulgrave, on his coming to the title, by the Lord in Waiting; the Bishop of Elphin and Sir John Blaquiere, on their arrival from Ireland, by the Earl of Hillsborough ; the Bishop of Exeter, for the first time, by the Archbishop of Canterbury ; Sir Charles, Lady, and Miss Morgan, on changing their name, by the Lord and Lady in Waiting; Sir Richard King, on his arrival from Newfoundland, by the Earl of
Chatham; and Miss Frederica Markham, 5th daughter to the Archbishop of York, by her mother. Lord Frederick Montague, Captains Hart- well and Thornborough, kissed trie Queen's hand on their respective promotions. The King has a Levee this day, and a Council is expected after the Levee. The Queen and Princesses returned to Wind- sor this morning; the King follows after the business at St. James's is over. The Swedish Envoy, who has obtained leave of absence from the Regent, does not leave Lon- don till after the Queen's Birth- day. Yesterday his Excellency Baron de Nagel, the Dutch Ambassador, transacted
business with Mr. Pitt, at his house in Downing- street. Yesterday the Duke of Richmond transacted business at the Ordnance- Office for the first time since his return to town. The Lord- Mayor had an audience of Mr. Pitt, at his house in Downing- street, on Wed- nesday evening. Wednesday Mr. Claude Scott, the corn- fac- tor, waited on the Minister by appointment, at his house in Downing- street, and had a confe- rence on certain topics respecting the corn- trade, previous to their discussion in the Council held yesterday. Same day Mess. Charington, Symonds, Kirk- man, and Munn, a deputation from the Ale and Table- beer
Brewers of the metropolis, had also a conference, by appointment, with the Minister, respecting some new regulations in the brewery, under consideration, which it is supposed will take place as soon as they have received the sanction of Parliament. Wednesday. a Court of Directors as held at the India- House, when Capt. Burrowes was sworn into the command of the Francis, destined for Madras and Bengal. PARTITION TREATY BeTweeN THE COURTS IN EUROPE. EXTRACT FROM A TREATY CONCLUDED AND SIGNED AT PAVIA, IN THE MONTH of july, 1791. " His Majesty the Emperor will retake all that Louis XIV.
conquered in the Austrian Ne- therlands ; and, uniting these provinces to the said Netherlands, will give them to his Serene Highness the Elector Palatine, so that these new possessions added to the Palatinate, may here- after have the name of Austrasia, " His Majesty the Emperor will preserve for ever the property and possessions of Bavaria, to make in future an indivisible mass with the domains and hereditary possessions of the House of Austria, " Her Serene Highness the Arch- Duchess Mary- Christina shall be, conjointly with his Se- rene Highness her nephew, the Arch- Duke Charles, put into hereditary possession of
the Duchy of Lorraine. " Alsace shall be restored to the Empire ; and the Bishop of Strasburgh, as well as the Chapter, shall recover their ancient privileges, and the Ecclesiastical Sovereigns of Germany shall do the same. " If the Swiss Cantons consent and accede to the Coalition, it may be proposed to them to Annex to the Helvetic League the Bishopric of Porentrui, the defiles of Franche- Comte, and even those of Tyrol, with the neighbour- ing Bailiwicks, as well as the territory of Ver- soy, which intersects the Pays de Vaud. " Should his Majesty the King of Sardinia subscribe to the coalition, la Bresse, la Bugey, and the
Pays de Gex, usurped by France from Savoy, shall be restored to it. " In case his Sardinian Majesty can make a grand diversion, he shall he suffered to take Dauphiny, to belong to him for ever, as the nearest descendant of the ancient Dauphins. " His Majesty the King of Spain shall have Roussillon and Bearn, with the Island of Cor- sica; and he shall take possession of the French part of St, Domingo. " Her Majesty the Empress of all the Rus- sias shall take upon herself the invasion of Po- land, and at the same retain Kaminieck, with that part of Podolia which borders on Moldavia. ' His Majesty the Emperor shall oblige the
Porte to give up Choczim, as well as the small forts of Servia, and those on the river Lerna. " His Majesty the King of Prussia, by means of the above- mentioned invasion of the Empress of all the Russias into Poland, shall make an an acquisition of Thorn and Dantzic, and there unite the Palatinate on the East to the confines of Silesia. " His Majesty the King of Prussia shall be- sides acquire Lusace; and his Serene Highness the Elector of Saxony shall in exchange receive the rest of Poland, and occupy the throne, as Hereditary Sovereign. " His Majesty, the Present King of Poland, shall abdicate the throne on receiving a
suitable annuity. " His Royal Highness the Elector of Saxony shall give his daughter in marriage to his Serene Highness the youngest son ot his Royal Highness the Grand Duke of all the Russias, who will be the father of the race of the Hereditary Kings of Poland and Lithuania. ( Signed) " LEOPOLD, " PRINCE NASSAU, " COUNT FLORIDA BLANCA, " BISCHOFFSWERDER." We by no means pretend to vouch for the authen- ticity of the above Extract, as it is merely a Translation from the French Journal of Brissot. I On Tuesday night the man who was wounded in the breast the preceding Saturday by the wan- tonness of
two boys, playing with a cannon in North- Row, died in great agony in St. George's Hospital, the slug having penetrated his lungs. Wednesday night, about ten o'clock, a fire broke out in Eliot's place, Mile- End, which consumed three new houses, and greatly da- maged two others. A haberdasher in Pall- Mall was on Wednesday fined 180I. at the Office in Bow- street, for sell- ing nine pair of gloves without stamps. Early on Tuesday morning the house of Mrs. Robinson, of Osborne- street, Ratcliff- Highway, was broke open, and robbed of a quantity of wearing- apparel, some household furniture, & c. Wednefday evening Mr.
White, of the King's Bench Office, Temple, was met, in Essex- street, Strand, by a ruffian, who, after rushing violently against him, picked his pockct of his watch, seals, & c. Wednesday night the house of Mr. Ridley, of Francis- street, Gower- street, was broke open, and robbed of a great quantity of wear- ing- apparel, with a variety of plate, & c. Yesterday a woman was fully committed from the Public Office in Bow- street, on a charge of stealing a watch, the property of a Mr. Pilleau. The same day a man was committed on sus- picion of committing forgeries to the amount of upwards of 1O .1. DIED. Lately, at Cork, the Rev.
Robert Austin, D. D. Archdeacon of St. Peter's parish, in that city.— Saturday, the Rev. Thomas Boggust, one of the assistant masters of Eton school.— On Sunday Randolph Ekins, Esq. treasurer of the. Royal Exchange Assurance Company.— Tuesday, at his chambers in the inner Temple, Mr. Joseph Bigg, upwards of 30 years Steward of that So- ciety.— The same day, at Woodford- Bridge, Essex, aged 87, Burrage Angier, Esq. one of the Searchers at the Custom- House. i
Nov. 21— 23., B R I T I S H C H R O N I C L E , for 1792 up POSTSCRIPT. AFFAIRS of FRANCE. nATIONAL CONVENTION. Saturday, Nov. 17. Two thousand livres were presented to the Convention, to be applied in carrying on the War. A Decree containing twelve articles relative to the Debts of Towns, Villages, and Cantons, was presented by M. Camus, and adopted by the Legislature. LETTER FROM M. LEFEBRE, THE COMMIS- SARY EMPLOYED TO PUT THIS GENERAL UNDER ARREST, TO THE MINISTER AT WAR. " CITIZEN MINISTER, " I arrived this morning at Landrecy. " I instantly waited upon Lieutenant-
General Dornac, the Senior General Officer under Mon- tesquiou. " I exhibited my order to him.— We then repaired to the Army of the Alps; there we learned that the General had gone out on horse- back about three hours before. " On this we sent off Couriers in every direc- tion ; one of them returned, and informed us that he had entered Geneva. " Instantly repaired to the French Resident's house in that city, and desired him to demand that General Montesquiou might be delivered he did so accordingly. The Syndics evinced all possible zeal in their inquiries but without any success; for he had left the city, and embarked upon
the Lake. We are ignorant of the route that he has taken. " LEFEBRE.' M. Brissot moved, and it was agreed to by the Convention, that a Report should be de- livered in to- morrow from the Diplomatic Committee, relative to the late Treaty with Geneva. EMIGRANTS. M. Manuel, in a short but elegant speech, lamented the crimes of those cruel and ferociou men, who, after conspiring against their Coun- try, had entered the territories of France, in order to commit the most horrid depredations, and wished to stain with blood those chains which they had prepared for their Fellow Citizens. He distinguished, however, a certain class
of weak and timid men, from the crowd of assassins who had lifted up their swords against the bo- som of their Mother Country ; and in their fa- vour he made the following motion : Those male and female citizens shall not be considered, as Emigrants, who can prove their habitual and uninterrupted residence in France from the 9th of May, 1792, to the 2d of September in the same year, who since that epoch have inhabited Neu- tral States, and who shall return to their country within one month after the publi- cation of the present decree." M. Osselin thought, that no favour ought to be extended to citizens who had fled their
coun- try, instead of defending it. He observed, however, that the Committee had proposed an exception in favour of females and domestics. After a short discussion the Convention de- creed, " That those shall not be deemed Emigrants who shall have been notoriously accustomed to travel into foreign countries, on account of commerce, or any professional avoca- tions." " An exception was proposed in favour of Protestant Children sent abroad for their educa- tion ; but it was discovered that they had been excepted by a previous clause. Extract of a Letter from Paris, Nov. 18. " To- morrow the Sessions are to meet, and
proceed to the scrutiny respecting the election of a Mayor : the two candidates who have the most votes are, Dormesson, the Ex- Comptroller General, and Lullier, the Public Accuser; the former has 2567, the latter -. 081. It is sup- posed, however, that the scrutiny will not take place, as Dormesson has written a letter to the Council- General of the Commonalty, in which he expresses his gratitude for the honour done him by the majority of votes ; but that the duties of his office of Judge President of one of the Tribunals of Paris prevents him from ac- cepting the charge, and he therefore begs leave to relinquish it. A volunteer,
who has been upon guard at the Temple in Paris, has informed the National Convention of his fears, that Louis XVI. might, some day, escape in the dress of a muni- cipal officer of his size and figure. The As- sembly passed to the order of the day upon his statement ; for M. Tallien shewed, that there were twelve commissioners each day, at the Temple, and that tickets must be changed six times before any person can leave it. Lord Elgin has quitted Brussels, and followed the Court of the Archduchess of the Nether- lands. Mr. Wilson, the Secretary, is left in charge of his household. The Archduchess of the Netherlands has
removed from Ruremonde to Bonn; whither some of the late Court of Flanders have followed her. Mons. Breteuil, before he quitted Brussels, obtained from the Archduchess 1000 Louis- d'ors for the French Princes, brothers of Louis XVI. and also 3000 to be distributed amongst the most necessitous of the Emigrants. Both Rotterdam and the Hague are so full of Fugitives, that there is not sufficient room to ac- commodate them with a night's lodging. It is now said that the Diet of Ratisbon will take no other step at present than that of de- claring an absolute neutrality; that the plan of the Prussians is to retake Mayence before
winter, and that the Emperor is hastening 12, ooo men. from Hungary, towards the banks of the Rhine: 100,000' fresh troops are spoken of, which this Prince means to march into the Belgic Provinces and the Electorates. It appears ccrtain that Austria means to continue the war next cam- paign with the greated vigour. The prepara- tions are immense. It is asserted with confidence, that the nego- ciation for admitting some of the heads of the Opposition into the Cabinet, is again on foot. On Suuday last Mr. Pitt sent a message to Lord Loughborough, at Hampstead, requesting to see him. His Lordship immediately attended the
summons, and was received very graciously by Mr. Pitt, with whom he was in conversation an hour and ten minutes. A negociation of this sort was pending about four months since. It was proposed that the Duke of Portland and Lord Loughborough should come into the Cabinet; but the former 503 is said to have refused to take any part in Ad- ministration without Mr. Fox, which was re- jected, and that thus the matter ended. Since Sunday, Mr. Pitt, the Duke of Rich- mond, Lord Chatham, and Lord Grenville, have been in daily conference. One of these Ministers is believed averse to the negociation. It has been supposed, that,
the Minister, in the course of the ensuing session, would accede to, if not propose, a moderate Reform in Parlia- mentary Representation : but it is now believed, that the motives which actuated his conduct last year, will still preponderate, and incline him to resist every attempt at innovation on the pre- sent system. It is however observed, " that this cannot be considered, by the candid politician, as a desertion of Mr. Pitt's former principles, or as a contempt of public opinion— but, on the contrary, as the result of deliberate reflexion, suggested by the critical temper of the times." The Lion and Hindostan, having Lord Ma- cartney
and his suite on board, arrived at Ma- deira in nine days from England. They then proceeded to Teneriffe, from whence the letters are dated on the 24th ult. which bring an ac- count of their so far prosperous voyage-. The whole party were in high health and spirits. Sir George Staunton made an attempt to reach the summit of the Peak of Teneriffe, while the Lion and Hindodan lay there; but after he had got to a considerable height, his progress was stopt by a torrent of rain. In St. Domingo the loss of last year's crop, on account of the disturbances, amount to 66,000,000 of livres of that Island. In the Irish Lottery, on the 7th day,
No. 18,164 and 21,987 were drawn Prizes of 500I. each, and No. 33,926, a prize of 50I. On the 8th day, No. 30,935 was drawn a prize of 500l. and No. 1846, 12,118, and 35,998, prizes of 50I. each. LAW INTELLIGENCE. COURT OF KING'S BENCH. Thursday, Nov. 22. THOMPSON versus SIMMONS. This was an action to recover damages for pirating a print of the late Countess of Hunting- don, Mr. Erskine moved for a new trial. He con- tended that the regulations in the statute upon which the action was founded, had not been complied with by the Plaintiff, inasmuch as the name of the original proprietor did not remain
upon the print, but was erased, and the name of the Plaintiff, who was the publisher, put upon it. After Counsel were heard on both sides, the Court said, that, as the Plaintiff was the owner of the print at the time of the piracy the statute had been complied with, and that therefore a new trial ought not to be granted. The rule was therefore discharged. An insolvent debtor was discharged out of Newgate, because the Plaintiff did not bring his groats till a quarter past ten o'clock at night, when the ward was shut up. Thomas Woolcock had been convicted of assaulting Richard Coseel, an officer of excise and of rescuing from him a
man whom, had taken by virtue of a warrant. He had in gaol six months,, and was sentenced to months imprisonment in Bodmin gaol
5° 4 LLOYD'S EVENING- POST, & c. NOV. 21-— 23. AUTHENTIC PORT- NEWS. Extract of a Letter from Portsmouth, Nov. 22. " Arrived, the General Matthews, Liddel, from London, for the West Indies. " Sailed, the Aurora, Singar, and the Prince of Wales, Martell, for Havre." Extract of a Letter from Deal, Nov. 22. " Wind W. Arrived, and sailed for the River, the Ann, Ellerby, from Quebec ; the Hannah, Demett, from Honduras; the Lord Donegal, M'Roberts, from Belfast. Remain in the Downs, the Diligence India Pilot, the Swaan, Mankoph, for Batavia; the Jane, Hamilton, the Duke of Clarence, Rauson, the Fame, Al- dis, the
Ipswich, M'Gail, the Rose, Black, the Winchester, Bruce, the Beaufoy, Norrie, the Harvey's Desire, Elbeck, the Ceres, Carr, and the Neptune, Atterbury, for Jamaica; the Tartar, Sime, the Delaford, Young, and the Charming Nancy, Hooper, for St. Vincent's ; the Liberty, Carey, and the Lady Harewood, Brenan, for Barbadoes ; the Providence, Gard- ner, and the Harriet, Poingdestre, for Hon- duras; the Concord, Smith, for Africa; the Williamson, Harrington, for Virginia; the Commerce, M'Namara, for Montserratt; the Estridge, Cleghorn, for St. Kitt's; the Vere, Murray, for Grenada; the Rose, Dear, and the Brilliant, Urquhart, for
Dominica ; the Lively, Williams, for Leghorn ; the Rattler, M'Cowen, for New South Wales; the Medi- terranean, Way, and the Robert and Mary, Stanford, for Genoa ; the Ann, Gerrard, and the Mary, Blair, for Lisbon; the John, Storry, and the Betsey, Warren, for Tortola; the Ata- lanta, Dillon, and the Peter, Hussey, for New York: the Endeavour, Sellick, for Gibraltar; the Oak, Martin, for Seville; the Britannia, Redman for Charles- Town ; the Perseverance, Cross, for Nevis; the Alexander, Campbell, for Greenock; the Live Oak, Clarkson, for Cork ; the William, Roberts, for Chester ; the Catherine Green, Rose, for Jamaica; and the
Grenville Bay, Mann, for Grenada." Arrived.— At Bristol, the Draper, Gard- ner, from Dublin; the Nevis, Maies, from Nevis; the Warren, Hodgson, from Dublin; the Johanna, Phillips, from Cadiz; the Sisters, Law, from Greenock; the Columbia, Bailey, from New England; the Portland, Robinson, from New York; the James, Murray, from Charles- Town; the Welmington, Sheddon, from Seville.— At Waterford, the Sarah, Bowden, from Newfoundland.— At Dartmouth, the Dover, Mitchell, the Hope, Bowden, the Friendship, Strode, the Noddy, Aylward, the Unity, Seward, the William and Agnes, Soper, the Liberty, Liscomb, the
Industry, Narramore, the Col- lector, Carswall, the Stormont, Clark, and the Maccaroni, Pullen, from Newfoundland ; and de Goede, Hoop, and the Welkelm, Netscher, from Hamburgh to Oporto.— At Dover, the Abeona, Blanch, from Barcelona; the Davis, Chambers, from Belfast; and the Prince Ed- ward, M'Ewen, from Quebec. FRENCH AFFAIRS IN THE WEsT- INDIES. 1 Basseterre, Oct. 4, 1792. A squadron of French transports, consisting of ten or eleven, with about 2200 national troops on board, escorted by a frigate, lately arrived at Martinique, but were not suffered to land, being ordered away immediately. A part of
them put into Montserrat, and then came here for water and provisions, being in great distress for both. They have neither money nor credit. They sent to Guadaloupe, but were refused any kind of assistance, and forbid, on pain of death, coming there. Those at Montserrat, with the Commodore, have since sailed ; but where they are going, we have not been able to learn. Yesterday a French Forty- gun ship, and ano- ther frigate, anchored in Old Road, and order- ed the three transports away immediately, with directions to quit these seas. The President sent an officer on board to inform the Captain, that they were then under
the protection of the British. He answered, That, if they were under the protection of the Devil, he would have them. He however saluted the Officer ( Lieut. Hay, of the Artillery) both on going and coming, with four guns. - In this situation . matters remained till this morning, when the officers of both parties were to meet the Presi- dent, and submit the whole to his decision. Since writing the above, we are informed, from undoubted authority, that the Commo- dore of the French frigate is Malvo, the same that threatened last war to take the Proserpine, Captain Byron, and actually sailed from Statia for that purpose ; but was in the
end taken him- self by Captain Byron, off Montserrat. He is a native of Guadaloupe. He sent an inso- lent letter to Mr Esdaile ( our President) last night, threatening to carry off the transports; and if the National troops were not delivered up, that when he got the ships to sea, he would land his troops with field pieces, and put them all to death. He said, that a counter- revolu- tion took place in France on the 3d of Sep- tember, and that he absolutely must have the traitors now landed at Old Road. ( They all landed last night, in number about 1500, The former part of his threat he has already put in execution, as he is now standing
to windward with all the ships. But whether he means to execute the latter, time is to determine. The Commander of the troops declared, that rather than be given up to the frigates, he would kill himself, knowing well the consequences should he fall into their hands. The frigates are manned with a parcel of free- booters of all descriptions, picked up as volunteers in Marti- nique and Guadaloupe. Eight o'clock Thursday evening. We are Just informed, that in consequence of another mes- sage sent off by Lieut. Hay, M. Malvo has brought- to under Brimstone Hill, and is to come on shore to- morrow, to show by what au- thority he
took those ships away. His Excellency General Woodley has given orders to supply the French troops here with provisions, & c. We do not reccollect having ever heard of so daring an insult offered, in a British port, to people under the protection of the British flag, by any nation whatever. How this will end, God only knows. Extract of a Letter from Edinburgh, Nov. 19. " The dispute with the seamen at Leith, which is now so happily terminated, owing much of the moderation with which it was conducted, to the good- humoured condescension of the Countess of Hopetoun. She herself went among the men, advising them to
abstain from every violence, and to seek redress with decency and temper. To do the tars justice, it is but candid to say, that they strictly followed her advice. " A general meeting of Ship- Owners was convened at the Town- Hall, in South Shields, on Wednesday last ; and after mature deliberation, resolved, that the offers made by the Ship- owners, at their former meeting in Trinity, hall, should be steadily adhered to. We are sorry to say, that the misguided seamen will persist in preventing any ships sailing from this port for London with coal or goods. When the Martin, Capt. Duff, lately went to Shields, in order to aid in quelling
the riots amongst the sailors, and was stranded on the beach, which it seems is both a difficult and dangerous pass, the rioters in great numbers got boats, and on coming on board, told Mr. Duff, We know well enough, Captain, what you're come about; but, damn it, we'll save his Majesty's ship for all that;" and accordingly got the ship off safe— No class of men but Bri- tish tars could have acted so generously. Wednesday se'nnight a melancholy accident happened at Buckfastleigh, Devon: Mr. Tucker, ( a gentleman farmer), his wife, and four chil- dren, dined on some pork and greens,' dressed in a copper boiler, that had not
been properly cleaned by the servant. The deleterious effect 0f the verdigris, which had been extracted from the copper by its being left wet after dressing some salt meat, had its dreadful effect on Mr Tucker, who died the same evening, and Mrs. Tucker the next morning. The four children are not expected to survive. THEATRICAL ENTERTAINMENTS, HAYMARKET.] The Pirates ;— The Citizen. COVENT- GARDEN. Just in Time; with The Prisoner at Large.