Lloyd's Evening Post
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Volume Number: LXXI
Issue Number: 5522
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Lloyd's Evening Post
Date of Article: 19/11/1792
Printer / Publisher: T. Spilsbury and Son
Address: No 57, Snowhill, London
Volume Number: LXXI
Issue Number: 5522
No Pages: 8
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[ 481 ] LLOYD'S EVENING- POST. VOL. LX° L. -} From FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 16, to MONDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1792. [ NUMB. 5522,. SATURDAY, NOV. 17. AFFAIRS of FRANCE.. NATIONAL CONVENTION. Sunday, Nov. 11. LETTER FROM GENERAL CUSTINE. " Mayence, Nov. 6. " CITIZEN PRESIDENT, I HAVE the honour to send you the copy of a letter that I write to citizen Pache, the MI- nister at War. You will see by it the last dispo- sition that I made to give the enemy the meeting, , or at least to oppose their passage ; which would have been done effectually if Kellerman had done his duty. You will find, in due,
postscript, the affair that my advanced guard had with the enemy, which is the prelude of my operations. I de- part this instant from Mayence, to see what I ought to do ;. and this prevents me from being more explicit.. " CUSTINE." Jean Debry observed that Custine's letter to the Minister at War, contained a plan of opera- tions which it was important to conceal until it was executed.—- The Assembly decreed that it should not be read. Custine's postscript was, " Colonel Houchard, commanding my advance- guard. yesterday met the enemy at Weilbourg, who, ap- prised of his approach, waited his arrival near the town, ranged in
order of battle. Colonel Houchatd attacked them on the instant, killed several men and horses, and made some prisoners. In fine, the enemy retreated into the town. He had already made his dispositions to force the. place, and was just beginning to commence the attack, when he received my order to go to another place, and which he obeyed, as it was his duty to do. ( Signed) CUSTINE." A decree was made for the manner of receiving letters, addresses, & c. by the Convention, and for the order in which they shall be taken up. Frederick Dietrich, the late Mayor of Stras- bourg, surrendered himself. voluntarily a pri- soner, and
desired, by letter, to be concluded to the Bar of the Convention; The Assembly passed to the Order of the Day, on the grouod of there. existing a decree of accusation against him. A letter from M. Monge, the Marine Minister, informed the Assembly, that the convoy had safely arrived at St. Domingo, and that the news of the 10th of August had been received there with joy. Great part of this session was taken up in re- ceiving petitions. November 12. , At noon it became a question, on which of - important Orders of the Day they should • il. proceed. The priority w « s given to the Order of the Day on the Emigrants-. The
Convention decreed, on the motion of Jean Debry, that the. next day. ( Tuesday) they should proceed without fail to the discussion of the King's triaL. EMIGRANTS. Osselin presented, in the name of the Com- mittee, of Legistation, the plan of a decree, of which the following articles were decreed. The two first recapitulated the penal law, as carried on the motion of Buzat ; the third contained the important definition' of the word Emigrant, a definition which will put an end to much em- barrassment and difficulty. " The National Convention, considering that the former laws against the Emigrants are in- efficient— that they do not
include their ac- complices, wishing to complete the dispositions of the preceding laws against those who have betrayed or abandoned their country in the mo- ment of danger, decree as follows. ART. 1.—" The Emigrants are banished for ever from the French territory — They are civilly defunct. Their goods are sequestered to the State. II.—" The infraction of banishment, pro- nounced by Article I. shall be punished with death. III.—" Reputed Emigrants are,— i. All French men or French women, who, being out of the French territory, have not returned ac- cording to the terms of the law of the 8th of April last, without, however,
relieving such as may have returned from the pecuniary penalty decreed against them All Frenchmen now absent from the usual place of their residence, who shall not prove, in the manner to be pre- scribed, that they have resisted within France, without interruption, since the 9th of May, 1792.— 3. All Frenchmen who, though now actually present, have absented themselves from their ordinary place of residence, and who shall not prove that they have resided, without interruption, in some part of France, since the 9th of May, 1792- 4. Those who shall depart from the territory of the Republic, before the time when it shall be
lawful so to do. 5. All Agents of Government, who, having been charged with a mission to foreign Courts in Europe, shall not be returned into France within three months of the day of their notified recall. 6. All those who since the war have quitted the French territory, not invaded, to go and reside upon French territory in the pos- session of the enemy." The exceptions to the above definition occa- sioned much debate. The exceptions proposed were, 1. Children who on the day of the pro- mulgation of the present law shall not be more than 16 years of age, but who must enter France within one year from the date of the law, there
to resides 2. Persons banished for a limited time, provided they return within one year from the day of the expiration of this, punishment, and shall then reside in France. 3. Transports—- 4. The French established by marriage, or naturalized in foreign countries, [ Price Fourpence before the 1st of July, 1789; those who have a mission from the nation, their wives, fathers, and mothers, residing with them ; merchants, their agents, and workmen clearly known to be in the habit of going, on account of their trade or profession to foreign countries, as well as those who before their departure were certainly,, known to have devoted
themselves to the study of the arts or sciences, and who have only absented themselves to acquire new knowledge in their several branches. 5. Those who, attacked by disease in, foreign countries, before the 9th of May, 1792, died before or after that epoch, provided their heirs shall prove that they did not carry arms, nor commit, one hostile action against their country. The only part of these exceptions which un- derwent a discussion was the first, respecting chil- - dren; on which a long and Warm debate took. place. After two divisions on the previous question, Danton and Petion warmly contended against the inhumanity of
including children in the decree against Emigrants. It was proposed to make the age of impunity, 14 for boys and 16 for girls. At length the question was put in these words:— Shall children be excepted1 from the decree against the Emigrants ?" And this was carried in the affirmative. Ths other parts of the decree were postponed.. In the course of the sitting. the ancient seals of Dauphine were brought into the Convee- tion, and ordered to be broken to pieces. SYMPTOMS OF FAMINE IN FRANCE. Whilst the arms of the Republic are Trumphing without the capital is divided by factions, which derive fresh strength from the
events designed to put an end to them, and the PRo- vinces are already beginning to feel the alarming . symptoms of a most dreadful famine. Corn is every where almost double its former price. In the province of Senne, situated on the Alps, bread is seven sols per pound. At Li- mogeS the capital of Haute- Vienne wheat which, formerly sold for five livres, is now risen to 12 livres a bushel. At Lyons, bread Is six livres per pound; and the workmen, destitute of employment, compel the manufacturers to ad- vance them money, with threats which bid fair to carry confusion and disorder to in greatest height. At Rouen, on Friday the
8th inst. an insur- - rection ( caused by the scarcity of grain, and the dearness of bread) obliged the Administrators to assemble the whole of the National Guard, and to point the cannon against the insurgents Happily, the effusion of blood was prevented by the good conduct of the Magistrates, . who pro- posed to them to choose three Commissioners who should go and beg relief from the Natio- nal Convention. . LONDON, In the course of yesterday, advices were re- ceived from Ostend, which mention the junstion of Generals Clairfayt and Beaulieu at la Halle. near Brussels where they are preparing
L L O Y D ' S E V E N I N G - P O S T , And Nov. 16— 19. a second battle with the French. They are supposed to be about 40,000 men, and the French double that number. It now appears that in the engagement before Mons, the Au- strians had only 18,000 men. Extract of a Letter from Mons, Nov. 11. " General Dumourier has marched forward, as well as Labourdonnaye, after he had taken possession of Tournay.; they are both, gone towards Brussels. Deserters arrive in crowds; and there is every reason to believe that the Austrian army will, lay down their arms, If the Generals attempt to oppose us at La Halle. Liberty
triumphs, and every thing goes on miraculously. " We understand that the people of Namur have revolted against their tyrant's, and have overthrown the troops that occupied the city. Those countries are inundated with French. We have, in the armies of Dumourier; of Labourdonnaye, of Duval ( near Dunkirk), and of Valence near Namur all together 140,000 men, and we are every day augmented by new battalions." Extract of a Letter from Hesse Cassel, Nov. 3. "' Since news arrived that the City of Frank- fort was taken possession of by the French troops under General Custine, all the soldiers' on leave of absence for six
months, have received orders to join their regiments ; and several considerable bodies, furnished with heavy artillery, have begun to march, and, in conjuction with the fortress of Zigenheim, will form a respectable chain towards Hanau and Fulde. All the rangers of the country are to unite immediately, at an appointed place, to form a body of chasseurs, consisting both of cavalry and infantry; Geire, the Grand- Forrester, will have the command of them. Chamberlain Baron d'Ismaud was sent a few days ago to Hanover. His mission, as is supposed, relates to some State affairs. Extract of a letter frim Basle, Oct. 28. « ; The
invasion of Custine in the Electorates has produced an effect, of which the conse- quences cannot now be calculated. All the little Princes demand protection from the greater with the utmost terror : many of the Austrian Generals are disgusted with the fervice, and some of them demand their discharge ; among whom is said to be the Prince of Hohenlohe," who will no longer serve under the Duke of Brunswick. ' As to the Emigrants, the peasants drive them from hence. The Magistrates of Basle, entirely democratic, do not conceal the interest which they, take in the victorious cause of the French, and notwithstanding the austere
rules of neutrality, publicly express wishes for their success. They have a song, which they, call The flight of the leagued Despots." A fete took place yesterday, at which the health of the brave French Generals and soldiers were drank. The hatred of the Aristocracy of Berne increases in all the Cantons and the conduct of Prince Esterhazy has not a little contributed to awaken the jealousy of the Helvetic Body against that Canton. This Austrian addressed himself to Berne, desiring that the French might be prevented from violating the territory of the Helvetic Body. This demand, which should have been made at Zurich, Or to the
Thirteen Cantons, occasioned murmurs. It was asked, ' Why this despotic preponderance in the Can ton of Berne?' and the other parts of the Hel- vetic Body felt but little inclined to support it." The Executive Council of France are aaid to have reaolved unanimoualy, that the contribu- tion exacted from Frankfort should be restored to that city, as it had not been the declared enemy of France; but the contributions ex- acted from the Bishop and Chapter of Spire, and from the town of Worms, are deemed a just punishment for the protection they gave to the Emigrants. The French are at present making unCommon exertions in
placing their Marine on the most formidable footing. One of their Agents jn the City has offered, within the last day or two, to purchase 300 tons of hemp ; but as this article cannot be exported without being first tendered to the Navy- Board, it is thought the Com- missioners will rather choose to purchase it, than suffer it to be transported into the hands of the French. A report prevailed yesterday, which is pro- bably void of foundation, that the States of Hol- land, fearing the invasion of the French, had required the assistance of this country.: and that in consequence, our Court had Signified to the : French Ministry, that should the
French attempt the least encroachment on Holland, this Country would immediately arm for its protection. COUNT MIRANDA. The Count Miranda is a Gentleman well known in this country. He came hither, and remained among us some months, at the time of the late Spanish Armament. Being a native of South- America, and having been disgusted at the conduct of the Court of Spain, he was offered a command in our service, to conduct the meditated attack against the Spaniards in that quarter. The dispute with Spain being adjusted, Count Miranda thought himself entitled to certain re- compences, which it is said our Court
did not think proper to grant. On this, he embarked for France, and engaged in the French service ; and it is to his superior military talents and finesse, M. Dumourier has acknowledged to the French Ministry, that he owes much of his suc- cess.— Miranda has been in all his secrets, has accompanied him every where, and has advised him in all his undertakings. The French Ministry are so well persuaded of Count Miranda's talents, that they have super- seded upwards of 60 General Officers to give him a command. We understand he is to command the new volunteers that have been raised in Paris; and the Ministry haVe
allowed him eight aides- de- camp, one of wham is just arrived in London, for what purpose is not known. • Count Miranda was offered the command of the French forces destined to attack Spain ; but refused it. He said the Spaniards were a slow, stubborn people, and not yet sufficiently ini- tiated into the doctrines of the new Republic to be attacked with success. Ruremonde, now the residence of the ci- de- vant Court of Brussels, is a considerable city, with many large monasteries, and other appur- tenances of the ancient system. It has been fre- quently contended for in the wars of Flanders. Maestricht, to which there is a
talk of their removing is also a fortified place, but of no great strength. Commines, one of the villages just taken by the French in Flanders, gave its name to Philip de Commines, Lord of Argenion, who wrote in French the history of his own times that is, of the latter end of the fifteenth century. He was the favourite courtier of Louis XI. COURT NEWS, Yesterday the King came from Windsor to St. James's, where his Majesty a levee which began soon after one o'clock, and was over by two present, the Right Hon. W. Pitt; —; Archbishop of York Dukes of Richmond and Montrose ;— Earls Howe and Dartmouth ; — Viscount
Barrington ;— Bishop of London;— Lords Hood, Onslow, Amherst [ Gold- Stick), and Rivers ( Lord in Waiting) ;— Sirs J. Wright- ( Groom in Waiting), W, Fawcitt, R. M. Keith, and C. Gould ;- Messrs. Cottrell and Villiers — Gen. Martin ( Field- Officer), Matthews, Buda, and Gordon;— Col. Egerton and Captain D. Markham. The Council to prick the Sheriffs was postponed. The King gave audiences after the levee to the Duke of Richmond, Mr. Pitt, Sir C. Gould, and Sir W. Fawcitt; and at half past three o'clock his Majesty set off for Wind- sor. Captain D. Markham was presented to his Majesty, by his father the Archbishop of York,
on his arrival from abroad. Yesterday the Master- General of the Ord- nance laid several papers in that department be- fore the King in his closet. Yesterday morning the Hanoverian Minister transacted business with the King at Windsor- Lodge. ' Yesterday evening the Prince of Wales left town for Brighton, where he will reside for a few days. Yesterday the Duke of Richmond, and the Earl of Chatham, tranfacted business with the Minister, at his house in Downing- street. Yesterday Government dispatches were re- ceived at the Secretary of State's Office, White- hall, from the Earl of Elgin, his Majesty's Am- bassador at Vienna.
Yesterday a Board was held at the Admiralty- Office, Charing- cross, when the Speedy, King's- Fisher, Fortune, and Scout, sloops of war, were put in commission. The Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty have appointed Capt. Joseph Hanwell to the command of the Scout sloop, at Portsmouth. Advices from Gibraltar state, that the Spa- nish garrisons have been withdrawn from St. Roche and Algeziras, and that the lines, sepa- rating the Rock and Neutral ground from the Main are no longer manned as usual. The troops which composed these garrisons have been sent to Catalonia. The mail brought yesterday to Falmouth
from Lisbon, by the Hanover packet, makes no mention of the state of the Queen's health. The following persons came passengers; Count Mansfield and two servants, Capt. de Lovel, Mr. Philps, Mr. Dariel, and Mr. Blades. Thursday arrived in the Downs, the Calypso, one of the vessels that sailed on the expedition to Bulam. " Thursday dispatches were received at the Secretary of State's Office, from the Governor of Jamaica. They were brought over in the Mars, Capt. Langford, arrived in the Downs, and contain an account of the arrival of several ships from London, Bristol, Liverpool, & c. that the ships for Europe were all
sailed, except about five, which were then lading, and were ap- pointed to sail the latter end of this month ; that they were plentifully supplied with provisions and that every thing was quiet.
Nov. 16- 19. B R I T I S H C H R O N I C L for 1792. His Majesty's packet the Westmorland, with the mails of the 7th inst. for Barbadoes [ and Jamaica, was detained at Falmouth by con- trary winds, when the last accounts came from thence. His Majesty's packet the Carteret, Capt. d'Auvergne, is appointed to take out the mail of this month for New- York, and will be ready to fail from Falmouth on Tuesday or Wednesday next. The unfounded report of the loss of his Ma- jefty's ship Tisiphone, is supposed to have arisen from the circumstance of her having kept the sea at a time when, from the badness of the weather, much
danger was to be apprehended ; and we are happy to learn that she was in Weymouth Roads last Monday, where she ar- rived with the cargo of a smuggling vessel. The Hinde frigate, commanded by the Hon. Captain Cochrane, arrived in Leith Roads on the 11 th inst. from a cruize. She fell in with the famous Morgan Rattler, smuggler, and would have taken her, had not a thick fog come on. Extract of a Letter from Philadelphia, dated August 6, 1792. " Never did any country in the universe make such rapid progress in population, riches, and improvements, as this country has done since the peace. Thousands of our plan- ters,
the happy cultivators of their own fertile fields, are worth immense sums, having no rents nor taxes to pay ; some of them are possessed of 100,000 dollars in the funds of the United States; or lying in some of the Banks. Scarce a farmer that has been settled six or seven years on his land, that owns less than 10,000 dollars in money. One farmer in the State of New- York last year cleared 5000 dollars, by making pot and pearl ashes only, out of the wood that encumbered his estate. There are also great numbers of wealthy merchants in the principal cities of America.. In this above eighty could be named, none of whom are
worth less than 200,000 dollars. This State is' also out of debt, and owns several shares both of the bank of North America and the bank of the United StaTes; and large sums have been given for these last two years, by our Legislature, to assist in making roads, canals, rivers navigable; & C. New lands are continually bringing into cultiva- tion; and new articles are every year introduced, and added to those already under cultivation;, such as hemp, madder, & c.— The importation, of goods from Britain and Iceland this year has been amazing— the consumption of British goods is increasing, and will continue to in- crease with
our increasing numbers and riches, as the goods of no other country are found to answer our market Sir George Yonge is about to resign his place' at the War- Office, and will be succeeded by Lord Mulgrave. . Joel Barlow and John Frost are appointed. Delegates to present to the National Convention of France, an Address from the Society for Constitutional Information. Madame Lameth yesterday set off for France, accompanied by Madame [ ci- deviant Duchess of d'Aiguillon), Madame Robert, and their . chil- dren. As soon as M. Lameth is sufficiently re- covered to undertake the journey, with Messrs. d'Aiguillon, Robert, and
Victoire La- m , , will follow the Ladies to their native Country. Mr. Smith has bought the Duke of Bedford's horse Diomed for 600 guineas, with the inten- tion of exporting him to Russia. Mr. Paulmier has lately presented to the Royal Agricultural Society in Paris, an essay on a subject which it might be very ufeful to inquire into and adopt in this country. His scheme is, to prevent begging, by finding work for beggars; and this he thinks might be done with double advantage, if they were employed in cultivating lands that are now lying waste. Such of these lands as are unfit for other pur- poses, he would plant with trees, thus
remedy- ing the scarcity of wood complained of in France. Repairing and improving roads round villages, which, not being highways, are generally in a very bad state, he considers as another useful occupation for the poor. The price of coals at yesterday's market was from 34s, to 37s. per chaldron. Yesterday, as the King was coming to town, John Sadler, one of the hobby grooms attend- ing his Majesty, was thrown from his horse, on Smallbury- Green, and so much hurt, that his life was despaired of. His Majesty stopped his chaise, and humanely gave orders for all pro- per assistance to be given him. Last week the following
melancholy accident happened at the Thistle and Crown public- house, in Chatham :— Mr. Rollins, brother to Mrs. Green, who keeps the house, coming in, and seeing a tumbler stand on the table, which a soldier a short time before had brought in, containing spirits of wine and vitriol, took it up, and thinking it was Hollands and water, drank it ; as soon as it was discovered what he had drank, medical assistance was procured ; but too late, as he expired or. Monday evening raving mad. On Monday last the mail- coach, on its way from Cork to Waterford, was overset between Marlesfield and Cloheen, when the driver, falling
under one of the wheels, was instantly crushed to death. Yesterday several persons, who were taken the day before acting as porters at unlicensed Lot- tery- Offices, were committed as vagrants to Bridewell to hard labour. Thursday night the Red Lion public- house, in Duke- street, Piccadilly, was broke open, and robbed of cash, & c. to a considerable amount. Yesterday a woman was fully committed from the Public- Office, in Bow- street, on a charge of stealing a watch, and a quantity of wearing.- apparel the property of Mr. Palmer, of Short's Gardens, Drury- lane. Thursday the Right, Hon. the Lord. Mayor, Sir William
Plomer, Aldermen Wilkes, New- man, and Anderson, the Recorder, & c. held the adjourned Sessions of the Peace for the City of London, it Guildhall, when William Millan was tried for assaulting and wounding a man, about four months ago, on Saffron- hill, whereby his life was in danger. The charge being proved, he was found guilty, and the Court Sentenced him to be imprisoned 18 months in Newgate. Extract of a Letter from: Dublin, Nov. 11. " On Wednesday last the Right Hon. the Lord- Mayor, accompanied by Mr. Sheriff Poole, and the Clerks of the Market, visited. several parts of this City, and also the Liberty, where
there was seized a considerabl. e quantity of bread and meat; several loads of hay, defi- cient in weight, were afterwards seized. And oh Thursday the same party took a circuit of above 14 miles, including Black- Rock, Dun- leary, & c. and returned t0 town in the evening^ with one of the rock vis- a- vis laden with light bread, blown meat, and false weights. His Lordship, finding that the utmost activity cannot deter these harpies from executing their mal- practices on the public, we hear he has already begun to levy fines, besides seizure. " Part of the wall of St. Patrick's Cathedral the South side, fell in a few days ago; and, though
large fragments of it were cast into the Back Close, fortunately no lives were lost. In pulling down old walls in that building, some time ago, there was found a perfect mummy Every part of the body, which was that of a female, was in high preservation, and appeared as well as deceased persons usually do in six hours after death. How long the body had been' there deposited, is not certain; but it must have been for many centuries; It was laid in the wall without any coffin or other case, and standing upright. Some of the attendants of the church made a sum of money by exhibiting it to the curious at 1s each. " The amiable
Countess of Kingsborough, last week, ordered 200 cloaks to be distributed among the indigent females in the neighbourhood of Mitchelstown, to shelter them from the incle- mency of the winter season." " Thursday evening, a little after eight o'clock, as J. N. Tandy was returning home after dining with a friend, he was stopped on Ormond- quay, near Swift's row, by three foot- pads, who demanded his money. Mr. Tandy, though unarmed, immediately attacked the villains ; but they gave him several cuts in the head, closed with him, robbed him of his gold watch, and escaped. The villains did not get Mr. Tandy down; and, fearful
of some people coming to his assistance, from his resistance con- tented themselves with his watch, without exa- mining his pockets, which contained bank- notes to the amount of near 200l • LAW INTELLIGENCE. COURT OF KING'S BENCH. Friday, Nov. 16. Mr. Law moved for a Mandamus, directing the Magistrates of York to examine the cafe of two innkeepers, who complained of being op- pressed by an unequal distribution of the troops. The affidavits stated, that the number of houses in York which were liable to have soldiers billeted upon them, was 180, and the number of Inniskillen dragoons now quartered in the town
was no more than 120. Of these, eight men and eight horses were stationed upon one of the complainants, and eight men and eight horses upon the other. Having failed of redress, and even of a hearing, upon complaint to the Magistrates, they were now under the necessity of making application to the Court. Lord Kenyon, notwithstanding what was stated, did not pronounce that the distribution of the troops was improper; but, as the complain- ants had a right to have their case examined by, the Magistrates, he directed the Mandamus to issue. Allan M'Arthur was brought up from his Majesty's gaol of Newgate, to plead to an
in- dictment for wilful and corrupt peijury, which he was supposed to have committed when he was giving evidence in a caute in the Court of- Exchequer. To this indictment the Prisoner pleaded Not Guilty, and was then remanded to Newgate.
484 L L O Y D ' S E V E N I N G - P O S T . And „ Thursday, at the adjourned Session of the Peace for London, Robert Orford was indicted for attempting to commit a rape on the body of Elizabeth Symmeter, a child about twelve years of age. The Jury, after consulting about an hour and a half, found him guilty.— The Court did not pass fentence on him, there being an- other Indictment preferred against him. STATISTICAL REMARKS. The number of the inhabitants of a country or city is almost renewed every 30 years; and in a century, the human race is renewed three times and one third. If we allow three generations for a
century, and suppose the world to be only 5700 years old, there appears ro have been 171 generations since the creation of the word to the present time, 124 since the Deluge, and 53 since the Christian aera; and as there is not a family that can prove its origin even so far back as the Emperor Charlemagne, it confequently follows, that the most ancient families are unable to trace their origin farther back than thirty gene- rations. Very few, indeed, can trace so far, without diving into fiction. Out of 1000 infants, who are nursed by the mother, about 300 die of the same number, committed to the care of strange nurses, it is
calculated that 500 perish. Among the 115 deaths, there may be reckoned one woman in child- bed ; but only one of 400 dies in labour. The small- pox, in the natural way, usually carries off eight out of 100. By inoculation, one dies out of 300. It is remarked that more girls than boys die of the small- pox, in the natural way. From the calculations founded on the bills of mortality, only one out of 3126 reaches the age of 100. More people live to a greater age in elevated situations than in those which are lower. The probability is, that a new- born child will live to the age of 34 years and six months. years. years. Months. That one of
1 will live 41 9 3 45 7 5 46 4 10 44 9 person of 15 41 6 20 38 3 24 35 5 30 52 3 35 29 8 40 26 6 45 23 0 50 20 11 55 17 0 60 14 2 11 5 70 8 11 75 6 8 80 4 1O 85 3 3 2 0 The proportion of the deaths of women to those of men is 100 to 108; the probable dura- tion of a man's life is 60 years. Married women live longer than those who are not married. By observations made during the space of 50 years, it has been found that the greatest number of deaths has been in the month of March; and, next to that, the months of August and September. In November, December, and February, there are the fewest deaths. TO SYLVIA. With
fault'ring tongue, and downcast eyes, How oft, sweet Maid! I've sigh'd in vain. While melting looks and fond surprise In silent language spoke my pain. How have I nurs'd vain false desires—- How oft with rapture stole a kiss ! With joy have fann'd the lover's fires, And fondly dream'd ideal bliss. Bat all in vain !— nor sighs, nor tears. The marble- breasted Maid can move; In vain corroding cares and fears— A fickle heart can never love. AMATOR. Dispensary, Soho- Square, London, instituted 1773. The benefit of this Institution experienced by the Community and the Proprietor, has been of infinite advantage, more particularly in
afford- ing experimental means of improvement relative to a Medicine which is now become so fashion- able, that it is no uncommon sight to witness a bottle of the Drops forming a part of the break fast equipage at the mansion of dignified Fami lies. For select cases, wherein the Prescriber has so eminently succeeded by his Specific, he refers to his Treatise on the Scurvy, Gout, Diet, and Remedy, seventh edition, illustrated with above 100 Cures. With regard to the properties of the ANTISCORBUTIC DROPS known by the name of SPILsBURY's, such is the efficacy of this Preparation, that a small bottle is sufficient for a trial
of its Virtues in Scorbutic, Gouty, Ulcerous, Rheumatic, Nervous Complaints, & c. Oct. 16, 1792. GENERAL POST- OFFICE, Nov. 3, 1792. APLAN having been strongly recommended by the Governors, and other Persons of Consideration, re- siding in the Leeward Islands, as well as by the West- India Merchants and Planters residing in London, for the Improve- ment of their Correspondence, by employing Two Schooners to convey the Mails through those Islands, instead of One, at at present'; the Post- Master General have consented to make a Trial of if for Six Months. Notice is therefore hereby given, that when tbe
JamaiCa Packet, with the Mails from hence of the First Wednesday in the Month, arrives at Barbadoes, One of the Schooners will proceed from thence with the Leeward Island Mails, as at pre- sent, for St. Vincent's, Grenada, Dominica, Antigua, Mont- serratt, Nevis, and St Kitt's; where she will leave the Mail for Tortola, to wait the arrival of the Leward Island Packet, with the Mails of the Third Wednesday in the Month, from England. When the Second, or Leeward Island Packet, arrives at Barbadoes, the other Schooner will take the Mails for Domi- nica, Antigua, Montserrat, Nevis, and St Kitt's j and, after staying forty- eight
hours for Answers at each Island ( except- ing at Nevis and St. Kitt's ), will return to Barbados, whilst the Packet will proceed to St. Vincent's and Grenada ; and, instead of calling at Dominica, Antigua, and Montserratt, as at present, will go directly to Nevis and St. Kitt's, and from thence to Tortola, and then return to Falmouth. It is calculated, that, by the Packet and Schooner, each taking a different course during the same time, till they meet at Nevis, instead of the Packet performing the whole Voyage, will save Thirteen Days in every Voyage. , By command of the Post- Master General, ANTH. TODD. Sec. To- morrow will be
published, Price Two Shillings, CANTO IV. of the THE LOUSIAD; A N HEROI- COMIC POEM. By PETER PINDAR, Esq. London: Printed for H. D. Symonds, No. 10, Pater- noster- Row; and Robertson and Berry, No. 39, South- bridge, Edinburgh. in the Press, and speedily will be published, the Fifth and Last CANTO of the LOUSIAD. N. B. The pirated Editions of the Author's Works are false and mutilated throughout. To be LET, For the Term of SeVen, FOURTeen, ot TWENTy- ONe YEARS, AlL that Large, Commodious, and Well- Accustomed INN, called the TONTINE, in SHeffIelD, in the County of York, late in the Posses sion of Mr. James WATSOn. The above Inn is fitted up by the Proprietors with Ranges and all necessary Fixtures, has very good Con- nexions upon all the Roads, and is one of the completest - Inns in the Kingdom. The Tenant, by immediate Appli- cation, may have an opportunity of buying the Furniture, & c. and may- be accommodated with a Farm at a conve- nient Distance." - For further Particulars, and to treat for the same, apply to Mr. Adamson Parker, Attorney at Law, in Sheffield. •
Nov 16— 19. our) TO THE PUBLIC. MR. MARTIN begs leave to acquaint the Public, particularly thoze afflicted with EPILEP- TIC or FALLING FITS, that he is possessed of a most valuable Medicine for the Cure of the above Complaint: the many Cures performed by the same, will prove its fu- perior Efficacy. The following Letter, deceived by Mr. M. is here inserted for the Satisfaction ot those afflicted with this most dreadful Complaint. ( Mr. MARTIN). SIr, Weybridge, Oct. 14, 1792. I have the happiness to acquaint you, that my daughter Harriet is at present cured from the Epileptic or Falling Fits, with which she was afflicted
upwards of five years in A most shocking manner, oftentimes twice a week ; but has had no return since taking your Medicine, which is now ten months ago. I wish you would, therefore, for the good of the Community, make the same as public as you think proper; as I find myself in duty bound to inform you of the same, you have my permission to insert it in whatever public Paper you think proper, and will at all times be ready to vouch the same, to any who wish to know the particulars of the above fact. She is now about seventeen years old, and the first Fit she ever had was occasioned by a fright. I am, with the greatest
respect and thanks, Your most obedient humble servant, JAMES DAWSON. „,. HARRIET DAWSON. Witness W. KILLICK To Mr. MARTIN, No. 19. Great Suffolk- street, Charing- Cross. The Medicine is sold in packets, at 10s. 6d. each, st Mr. Martin's, as above ; likewise, by his appointment, at Mr. Axtell's, No. 1, Finch- lane, Cornhill, and no where else, on his account, in London. ** Proper Directions to take the Medicine, with Ob- servations on the Complaint, and Regimen to be observed, are inclosed with the Powder.— Attendance everyday from Ten till Five, Sundays excepted. All letters ( post- paid) duly attended to. B R I T
I S H C H R O N I C L E , for 1792. MEDICINE ACT. MR. NEWBERY, at the East End of St. Paul's, No. 45, a few doors from Cheapside, Pro- prietor of Dr. James's, and many other valuable Medicines, informs the Public, that though by the late Act a consi- derable Duty is imposed upon them, yet no additional charge has been made upon Dr. James's Powder; but it has been continued at the original price of is. 6d. per packet. It is also sold at ll. 4s. per dozen ; or the quantity of a dozen packets may be had in one bottle for li. is. 6d, Duty in- cluded ; so that the Public are no sufferers. But in order to facilitate the operation, and to
lessen the burden, of this Act, which would in great measure have proved a Tax upon benevolence, Mr. NEWBERY has, from the time it commenced, sold all other Medicines to any persons purchasing half a dozen or more, free from the expence of the Stamps; and his example has been followed by other Wholesale Dealers. The following are the Retail Prices of his Medicines, in- eluding the Duty, which will be allowed as usual to those who buy quantities. 1. d. Dr. James's Powder 2. 6 —— Analeptic Pills 4 6 Cattle Powder 1 6 Dr. Steers's Opodeldoc z. a Frenke's Tincture of Bark - - - 40 Huxham's ditto Ormskirk Medicines 5
Dalby's Carminative J Tickell's Ethereal Spi- rit - - - ' - 3 Greenough's Tinctures 1 Essence of Coltsfoot 3 6 English Coffee - a 9 Glass's Magnesia - 36 Dr. Hooper's Pills - 1 i* Hemet's Essence of Pearl - - 29 Mrs. Norton's Drops 6 o Essence of Peppermint ' lnglish's Scots Pills Grant's Drops Cephalic Snuff - - Spilsbury's Drops - - Tolu Lozenges 1 ii Medicamentum Anod M. Spence's Dentifrice 4 o Speediman's Pills Solander's Sanative Tea z 9 Also may be had, most of the other Proprietary Medicines in repute ; and Orders for Exportation are supplied without Stamps, as before the passing of this Act. N. B. As many persons
have mistaken Mr. NEWBERY' 5 House, to which he has lately made a considerable addition, It is necessary to point out; that is a large White House at the end of St. Paul's nearest Cheapside, on the coach- way, n> , a bust of Doctor James, and these words against front, . " THe onlY WAREhouse fOR Dr. JAMES'S Powders ' ANOTICE TO CREDITORS. LL Persons who have any Demands on ARCHIBALD BALNEAVIS, Esq. Captain and Paymaster of the 45th Regiment of Foot, either Regi- mental or Private, are requested to send an Account thereof to Mr, Seton, Solicitor, George Street, York- Buildings, Adelphi, without
Delay. Nov. 13, 1792. MONDAY, NOV. 19. From the LONDON GAZETTE, Nov, 17. Whitehall Nov. 17. THE King has appointed Ninian Home Esq. to be his Majesty's Lieutenant- Governor of the Island of Grenada and its dependencies, in America in the room of Francis Gore, Esq. deceased. Whitehall, Nov. 17. The King has granted to Thomas Skipp Buck- nall, of the parish of St. George, Hanover- Square, in the county of Middlesex, and of Hampton- Court, in the said county, Esq. and his Issue, his Royal Licence and Authority to- take and use the surname of Dyot, out of grati- tude and affection to the memory of Philip Dyot,
late of Dyot- street, in the parish of St. Giles in the fields, and of Chiswick, in the said county of Middlefex, Esq. and to those of his three sisters, Arabella Dyot, Lucy Clegg, and Constance Skipp, widow of Thomas Skipp, Esq. maternal Grandfather of the said Thomas Skipp Bucknall, to all of whom he has been successively heir. BANKRUPTS. James Hutchison, of Fleet- Street, London, oilman, to surrender Nov. 22, 30, Dec. ag, at one, at Guildhall, Loudon. Attorney, Mr. Jones, Salisbury- square, Fleet- street. James Ladeley, late of Dufour's- place, Broad- street, Carnaby market, Middlesex, tailor, to surrender Nov. 19, Dec. 5,
29, at ten, at Guildhall. Attor- neys, M. B. C. Cocker, Symond's- inn, Chancery- lane, London. William James, of Lombard- street, London, wax- chand- ler, to surrender Nov. 27, Dec. 1, 29, at ten, at Guildhall, London. Attorney, Mr. Shepherd, John- street, Bedford- row. James Boardman the younger, of Manchester, Lanca- shire, cotton- manufacturer, to surrender Dec. 3, 4, 19, at eleven, at the Bull's- Head Inn, in Manchester. Attorneys, Messrs. Turner and Kerfoot, Warrington, Lancashire. Samuel Hobbs, of Wimborne Minster, Dorsetshire, spi- rit- merchant, to surrender Nov. 26, at four, 27, and Dec. 29, at eleven, at the New
Inn, in Wimborne Minster. Attorneys Messrs. W. and E. Allen, Clif- ford's Inn, London, and Mr. Austen, in Wimborne. John Booth, of Floore, Northamptonshire, baker, to sur- render Nov. 29, 30, Dec. » 9, at eleven, at the Wheatsheaf Inn, in Daventry, Northamptonshire. Attorneys Mr. Edward Lamb, at Daventry, and Messrs. Kinderley and Long, Symond's Inn, Chancery- lane, London. George Reynolds, late, of Roehampton, Surry, money- scrivener, to surrender Nov. 3, at ten, 19, and Dec. 29, at eleven, at Guildhall, London. John Noad, of Milbank- street, Westminster, carpen- ter, to surrender Nov. 27, at five, 29, and Dec. 29,
at, ten, at Guildhall. Attorney, Mr. Hodgson, Charles- street, St. James's- square. William Calrow, of Hatton- garden, Middlesex, tailor, to surrenvder Nov. 22, at six, 27, at five, and Dec. 29, at ten, at Cuildhall, London. Attorney, Mr. Hollo- way, Chancery- lane, London. George Such, of the Strand, Middlesex, haberdasher, to surrender Nov. 24, Dec. 1, 29, at eleven, at Guildhall, London. Attorneys, Messrs. King and Gatty, Cutlers- hall, Cloak- lane, London. Thomas Sharp, of Whitechapel High- street, Middlesex, oil and colourman, to surrender Nov. 19, Dec. 5, 29, at ten, at Guildhall, London. Attorney, Mr. Morgan, Great
Prescott- street, Goodman's- fields. William Fielde, late of Cape Coast Castle, in Africa, mer- chant, to surrender Nov. 27, at twelve, 30, and Dec. 29, . at eleven, at Guildhall, London. Attorneys, Messrs. Crowther and Peele, Guildhall- yard, London. Josias Ames of Great Kayford
L86 L L O Y D ' s E V E N I N G - P O S T , And Nov. - 19. thier, to surrender Nov. 19, 30, at eleven, at the Crown Inn, in Frome Selwood, Somersetshire, and Dec. 29, at eleven, at the George Inn, in Frome Sel- wood. Attorney, Mr, Samuel Bowden, of Frome Selwood. John Clegg, of Manchester, Lancashire, cotton- manufac- turer, to surrender Nov 29, 30, and Dec. 29, at three, at the Angel Inn, in the Market- place, Manchester. Attorneys, Mr. Shelmerdine, Manchester, and Mr. James Edge, Inner Temple, London. William Gurford, of All- Saints, Cambridge, innholder, to surrender Nov. 30, Dec. 1, at ten, and Dec. 29, at six, at
the Hoop Inn, in Cambridge. Attorneys, Mr. Tho- mas Orrel, Winsley- street, Oxford- street, London, and Mr. Robert White, in Cambridge, Richard Grubb, of Jermyn- street, Westminster, mer- chant, to surrender Nov. 19, and Dec. 5, 29, at ten, at Guildhall, London, Attorney, Mr. Bland, Racquet- court, Fleet- street. John Atkinson, of Pontefract, Yorkshire, victualler, to surrender Nov. 26, 17, and Dec. 29, at ten, at the Star, in Pontefract. Attorneys, Mr. Thomas Belk, in Pontefract, and Mr. Edward Sykes, New Inn, Lon- don, William James, of Alfred- place, Southwark, builder, to. surrender Nov. 24, and Dec. 1, 29, at ten, at
Guildhall, London. Attorneys, Messrs. Berry and Sheppard, of Canterbury- square, Southwark. Thomas Barrington, of Duke's- court, St. Martin's lane, Middlesex, tailor, to surrender Nov. 27, 30, at one, and Dec. 29, at eleven, at Guildhall, London. Attorney, Mr. Monney, No. 46, Wood- street, Cheap- side. DIVIDENDS, Dcc. 22. Thomas Kilham, of Beech- street, Londen, li- nen- draper, at twelve, at Guildhall, London. Dec. 22. Richard Harraden, of Great St. Martin's- lane, Middlesex, printseller, at ten, at Guildhall, Lon don. Dec. 10. John James Maillard, of Bristol, wax- chand- ler, at eleven, at the White Lion Inn, Broad- street,
Bristol. Dec 18. William Slocombe, of Bristol, linen- draper, at twelve, at the Talbot Inn, in Redcliff- street, Bristol. CERTIFICATES. Dec. 8. Thomas Davisf of Bermondsey, Surrey, hair- merchant. - R. Raines Baines, of Kingston- upon- Hull, grocer. . R. Edington, of Newcastle- upon- Tyne, wood- monger. LONDON. The King hunted in the environs of Wind- sor Castle on Saturday last with his staghounds. Her Majesty and the Princesses went out in their carriages, and after spending some time at Frogmore, returned to the Lodge to dinner. Yesterday their Majesties, and four of the Princesses, attended divine service, and heard
a sermon by the Canon in waiting, at St. George's' chapel, Windsor; after which they returned to the Lodge to dinner, where they continued the remainder of the day. Their Majesties and the three elder Princesses will come to Buckingham- house on Wednesday, and continue there till Friday. The public days this week are the King's levees on Wednesday and Friday, and the Queen's Drawing- room on Thursday. The Duke of Richmond arrived in town on Thursday evening, in consequence of being sent for express, and immediately waited on the Minister, with whom he continued in con- sultation till a late hour. The Earl of
Chatham arrived also in town on Friday. Friday Mr. Alderman Le Mesurier, attended by Mr. Dalrymple, and a Committee of Trustees of the Bulam Association, waited on the Mi- nister, at his house in Downing- Street, and had a long conference respecting the state of that Settlement. , The Attorney and Sollicitor General had also a further interview with the Minister the same day, respecting, as it is supposed, some intended pamphlets against the On Saturday a Board was held at the Admi- ralty Office, when several Officers of the Navy received their commissions, and two sloops of war were put into commission. The Rev.
Herbert Croft is appointed Chap- lain to the Garrison at Quebec, in the room of the Rev. William Aked, deceased. LAW INTELLIGENCE. COURT OF KING'S- BENCH. On Saturday Mr. Bower obtained a criminal information against a Mr. Spooner, for sending a written challenge to a person of the name of Poole. A curious application was made on the part of a debtor in a country prison, praying to be discharged by supersedeas, the Keeper having taken a French half- crown in payment of his groats whereas the Lords' Act enjoins that such payments shall be made in the current coin of the realm. Lord Kenyon remarked that in
this case the, gaoler acted in a kind of trust for the debtor ; and he did not think it should operate to the prejudice of the Creditor, that the trustee had neglected to object to the tender at the time it was made. On this ground be resisted the application, which was pressed by the Counsel with no very great earnestness. Mr. Willis moved the Court for leave to file an information, in the nature of quo warranto, to compel Samuel Whitwell, Esq. to show by what authority he holds the office of Sheriff of the city of Coventry. Mr. Willis aaid, that application had been made to the officiating Minister and other persons; and that it appeared
that Mr. Whitwell had not taken the sacrament, according to the form prescribed by the Church of England, within one year previous to his election to the office of Sheriff, and, therefore, he was disqualified agreeably to the express, words of the Corpo- ration Act The Court granted a rule to show cause. MARRIED. On Saturday last, at the house of Mr. Blair, of Balthyock, Edinburgh, Major James John- ston, in the service of the Hon. the East- India Company, to Miss Margaret Blair, eldest daugh- ter of the late John Blair, Esq, of Balthyock.— Lately, at Edinburgh, Hugh Juite, Esq. bro- ther to Sir Henry Juite, of Sonnah, in Ireland,
Bart, to Miss Chenevix, only daughter of the late Col. Chenevix, of the Royal Irish Artil- lery. DIED. Lately, it Frodsham, William Allen, Esq. late of Manchester, banker.;— A few days ago, at Crosby Garrat, in Westmorland, in his 52d year, Mr. John Taylor, supposed to be the heaviest person in the North of England, as he weighed 35 stone. Saturday se'nnight, at Heavitree, Devonshire, W. Brooke Simson, Esq. Barrister at law aged 52, lately of Rhode Island.— Monday last. at his house at Churston Ferrers, aged 84, the Rev. Samuel Belfield, vicar of Paington and Marlton, Devon.— Tuesday night, at Creedy, in Devonshire,
Miss Elizabeth Davie, daughter of the late, and sister of the present Sir John Davie.— On Wednesday, at his seat near Andover, the Hon. Sir Sydney Medows, Knr. Knight Marshal to the King.— Last Friday, at his mother's house in Upper Wimpole- street, Sir Edward James, Bart.— On Tuesday, at Desborough- House, Surrey, in the 62d year of his age, George Onslow, esq. Out- POSTSCRIPT. • SWITZERLAND. LETTER FROM THE KING OF SARDINIA TO THE THIRTEEN CANTONS, AND THE AL- LIES OF THE HELVETIC BODY. " VICTOR AMADEUS, by the grace of God, King of Sardinia, Cyprus, and Je- rusalem, &
c. Most dear and great Friends, allies and Confederates. " You must doubtless have been informed,- and learnt with astonishment, the invasion. of Savoy by the French, who entered it on the side towards Mont Melian, with a superior force of more than twenty thousand men; without any previous declaration of war, and without having been provoked by any mea- sure or act of hostility whatever on our part. We cannot forbear communicating this to you, as an event which must excite the surprise and indignation of all the Powers of Europe, and interest in a particular manner the Helvetic Body, with whom we and our royal prede cessors have always sincerely desired to live as good neighbours and ancient allies, friends, and confederates. " Considering then the fatal effects and dis- mal consequences, which such an unheard- of proceeding as that of the French towards us and our States is likely to Occasion to all neigh- bouring countries, we are persuaded, that ta- king part in the disagreeable circumstances into which we are thrown by it, you will not omit, at the same time, to pay the greatest and most serious attention to every thing that may re- sult from it. We even hope, that weighing in your wisdom the means most proper and effica- cious to
prevent the progress of an evil which threatens to ruin all States, by overturning all Governments, you will maturely consider, whether among these means, that of concerting wjth us measures tending to that end, and that in particular of assisting us to deliver Savoy from the yoke of the French, may not be the most proper. You will know, yourselves, the influence which the example of what has just passed in Savoy, may have in neighbouring countries, and the dangers which may thence result to them, without our endeavouring to re- present them to you: we shall here, conse- quently, confine ourselves to request, that, con vinced of the injustice of the attack of the French against us— of the consequences which may be apprehended from it, and of the ne- cessity of forming some good and strong union between all the interested and good neighbours above all, to prevent them, you will, as far as your own circumstances allow, form some de- termination favourable to our just views, and enable us to hope that we shall receive from you that assistance which our confidence in your friendship, and in the interest which you have always taken in every thing that concerns our family States, induce us to ask from you, on so weighty and pressing an
occasion as the pre- sent. " In expectation of this, nothing remains for us but to assure you of the continuance of our great affection, and we pray God, & c. " Written at Turin, this 10th of Oc- tober, in the year of Grace, 1792, and of our Reign the 20th." FORM OF THE ANSWER TO BE RETURNED TO THE KIng Of SARDINIA. » " November 1792. SIRE, " We have learnt with much regret, by your October, that the
flames of war have extended to your Majesty's States, and we take a real interest in this unhappy event. " Your Majesty invites all the Helvetic body to make yours a common cause against the French ion. You must still remember that we address to you, as well as to the other bel- ligerent Powers, a declaration in which we engaged to observe the strictest neutrality. Your Ma- jesty will deign to take into favourable consi- deration, that the situation and circumstances under which the Helvetic body now are, and the assurance which they gave in consequence, require that they should remain faithful to the system they have
adopted, and that they should scrupulously adhere to a neutrality, which has been announced to all the belligerent Powers. " We beg that the Almighty will be pleased soon to restore peace, so desirable, and to pour down his blessing on your Majesty in particular, and on all your subjects." Berne, Oct. 11. LETTER FROM THE BRITISH MINISTER TO THE REPUBLIC OF GENEVA, " Magnificent and most honoured Lords, Syn- dics, and Council of the Town and Re- public of Geneva, ' " On my arrival here I learnt, with infinite pain, the situation in which your city , and all Switzerland has been, since the theatre of war
approached your frontiers. I am commissioned by the King, my master, to give to the Helvetic and Evangelic Bodies proofs of the sincere interest which his Majesty will never cease to take in all the States, that compose them ; and though in this respect the general credentials which I have might, as for- merly. be sufficient for your State, as an ally of the Helvetic Body, his Majesty, nevertheless, addresses to you in particular those which I take the earliest opportunity of transmitting to you. •• This new mark of attention and friendship in his Majesty must announce to you, beyond a doubt, that his Britannic Majesty, after the
example of his glorious predecessors, will always show himself a zealous friend of your Republic, and that he has at heart the maintaining of its peace, liberty, and sovereignty, so intimately connected with' the tranquillity of all Switzer- land, and particularly of the Canton of Berne, on the security of which the British Crown has constantly placed the greatest value. " I am going to communicate to his Britannic Majesty the present date of things in Switzer- land, as well as those which concern you ; and I make no doubt that his Majesty will approve the measures you have taken according to your ancient customs and your treaties in
concert with your allies of Zurich and Berne, since they tend to support the Helvetic neutrality— a neutrality which I have no need to request you will observe in the stricted manner. " If my influence with these States, or the Helvetic Bodies, could be of any utility in the present juncture, I should employ it with the more zeal, as I should in that conform to the wishes of his Majesty, whose desire is to see those bonds which unite you to the Helvetic Body, and which do not appear to be incompa- tible with the connexion you have with other Powers, still farther strengthened. Without taking up more of your valuable time, which must
be continually employed on the most impor- tant affairs, permit me, my Lords, to inform you, that I flatter myself with soon having the honour of paying you a visit, and of renewing, verbally, those assurances of goodwill and friendship, on the part of the King, which can not be too often repeated. 1 " I have the honour of being, with the most profound respect Magnificent and most honoured Lords, Your most humble and most obedient servant, l ( Signed) ROBERT FITZGERALD.' PARIS, Nov 13 " The people of this capital are impatient to learn the fate of Brussels; but, as Dumourier is at the head of an army flushed with victory,
and the troops under his command, and that of the Generals Labourdonnaye, Duval, and Va- lence, amount to more than 100,000 men, little doubt can be entertained of the success of his enterprises. • General Beurnonville is to replace Keller- man ; the latter is to be entrusted with the com- mand of Montesquiou's army. Custine has matched against the Prince of Hesse Cassel, who is now collecting troops in order to act against the French. " M. Blanchelande, late Governor of St. Domingo, is arrived in France.. The Com- missioners, are safely arrived in that island, thinking that all its late misfortunes may be at- tributed to him,
have sent him home, in order to answer for his conduct. " M. Lebrun, Minister of Foreign Affairs, has presented his new born daughter to the Mu- nicipality of Paris ; she is called Civilis- Victoire- Jemappe- Dumourier- Lebrun. Jean - Baptiste- Re- nard. ( the noted Valet- de- Chambre of Dumourier) appeared as the representative of his master upon this occasion. ' The Prussian troop's are conducting them- selves in such an irregular manner at Coblentz, that the inhabitants seem eager for a visit from General Custine. ' A Dutch Patriot, of the name of Nakker- ton, presented himself yesterday at the Bar of the Convention, and
informed them " that the Batavians were eager to become Frenchmen ; that the Stadtholder trembled, and that his countrymen expected liberty from the new Re- public. His speech was received. amidst the plaudits of the members and the spectators. Honourable mention was ordered, to be made of it in the journals,, and he himself was invited to assist at the debates." A letter from Berlin says, " A Board of War has just broke up, and made their report; commissions are transmitted to several places, to bring up grain for filling, the public maga- zines. The Regiment, of Cuirassiers, which had only six companies, is to be
augmented to. ten, in order to be equal with the other 12 Regiments. The Battalion of Chasseurs, and. that of Engineers, are both augmented by draughts from the Cantons ; and many other mi- litary operations are on foot." Such a number of notes, forged upon the bank of Stockholm, are in circulation at Co- penhagen, that M. Gullmeyer, the Swedish agent there, has issued a public caution against the receipt of them. In the Irish Lottery, on the 3d day, No. 8506 was drawn a prize of 500I. and No. 1457, 1,709, 12,005, 20,675, 36,960, prizes of150I." each." On the 4th day. No. 3164, 31,217, and 39,247, were drawn Prizes of
50I. each. The average price of sugar, computed from the returns made in the week ending the 14th inst. is 53s, 5 jd, per cwt. exclusive of the duty ( of customs paid or payable thereon on the im- portation thereof into Great- Britain. The round hats at present worn by the Royal Artillery are next year to be laid aside. On Friday evening, about five o'clock, some thieves had the assurance to open the sash parlour window of Mr. Strickland, of Corporation- row; and though the family were in different parts of the house, they stole an elegant large pier- glass, in a gold- burnished frame. j Flindall was safely lodged in Kingston goal, on
Saturday night, in order to take his trial at the ensuing assizes at that place, upon a charge of having committed a burglary at Peckham. . A French vessel, lying in the river, near Woolwich, was boarded, late in the night of Saturday, by eight men, who carried away chests containing 3000 dollars. The crew con- sisted only of four persons. Two men were yesterday apprehended, upon suspicion of being concerned in the above robbery. EXTRAORDINARY DETECTION. At the last Old Bailey Sessions, a woman indicted for stealing twenty guineas, the pro- perty of an Irishman, whose name is Sullivan. During the time that Sullivan
was giving his evidence, by which it appeared that he had put the money into a tin box, and had con- cealed it beneath the wainscoting of the room in which he lived, a gentleman in Court, struck by his appearance, went to Mr. Garrow, who was then on the Counsel's bench, and told him he was sure that the prosecutor was the who, with his brother, had been for some time advertised in the Irish papers for a murder . com- mitted many months back in Cork. In conse- quence of this information, Mr. Garrow, very much to his credit, exerted himself to discover if the gentleman was right in his conjectures; and the result of his
enquiries confirming the ac- count that had been given, Sullivan and his brother were, some few days back, . appre- hended in the Borough, and, having been ex- amined by the Magistrates at Union Hall. are ordered to be sent to Ireland. Application has been made to the Secretary of State and Mr. Lauzan, one of the messen- gers, with proper assistants, yesterday at noon set off with them from the New Goal, in the Borough, for Cork. " The money, which Sullivan indicted the wo- man for stealing, is said to have been cash stolen from the murdered woman. For LLOYd'S EVENiNG PosT. VERSES - 1'". Addressed to
FAlcoNBourg Since thou in varied scenes hast tried Some perfect Fair to gain; Hast travers'd life's dull circuit wide, ' And found thy search still vain; Believe, the gem you wish to find, Is not Matilda's lot ' the vaulted dome Perfection flies ' Nor dwells it in the cot. Seraphs of light alone can boast The consecrated Prize, Inshrin'd with Heav'n's celestial Host Its native place the skies. No polish'd verse by flatt'ry grac'd My grateful thanks impart; Yet still it lives, by mem'ry plac'd In records of the heart. ELIZA MATiLDA Avon, 10, 1792,
L L O y D ' s E V E N I N G - P O S T , & c. Nov. 16— AUTHENTIC PORT. NEWS. Extract of a Letter from Plymouth, Nov. 17. " Came in, the Bcckford, Elson, from Oporto; the Diana, Daniel, from Teneriffe; the Collector, Carswell, from Newfoundland ; and the Arnaud William, Mol, from Amster- dam. " Sailed, the Fleece, Smith, for London ; the Henrietta, Dexter, from Ostend ; the Europa man of war, Capt. Ford, for the West- Indies; and the Hagdown, Costner, for Dartmouth. Wind N. W." EXtract of a Letter from Portsmouth, Nov. 18. " Arrived, the Swift, Purdy, from Sunder- land, and the Enterprise, Donald, from Havre. Sailed,
the Composition, Uppman, and the Freyheit, Wichmen, for Stockholm ; and the Friendship, Mervatt, for Newcastle. Put back, the Providence, Long, for Malaga." Extract of a Letter from Deal, Nov. 18. " Wind W. Sailed for the River, the Char- lotte, Bebell, from St. Ube's. Came down, and sailed, the Ipswich M'Gee, for Jamaica, and the William, Roberts, for Chester. " Remain, the Swan, Malenkoph, for Batavia, and the Rutter, M'Cowen, for South Wales." Extract of a Letter from Gravesend, Nov. 18. . " Passed by, the Charlotte, Davis, from Mogadore, and the Active, Low, from Truro. Came down, the Snow, from leghorn; the
Advice; Lotherington, from Petersburgh ; the Frederick, Muckle, and the Pollard, Smith, front Alexandria; the Maria, ——-—, and. the Providence, Bunyan, from Hamburgh. " Sailed the Sierra Leone Packet, for Sierra Leone; the Neptune, , and the Win- chester, Bruce, for Jamaica j the Peter, Hussey, and the Atalanta, Dillon, for New- York." Arrived.— At Dover, the Nysus, Bruce, from Dominica; the William, Lane, from Lis- bon ; and the Mayflower, Gardner, from Pictou, in America.— At Poole, the Neptune, Dows- land, the Swift, Turner, and the Lark, Frampton from Poole.— At New York, the Ann Catherine, Pearce, from
Petersburgh At Bristol, the Nevis, Maits, from Nevis.— In the Downs, the Ellice, Harvey, and the Factor, Brown, from New York. The Minerva, Moore, from Savannah to London, is stranded about six leagues from Boulogne The Atalanta, Reay, from Newcastle to Lis- Bon, is got into Dover with damage, after being on the Goodwin Sands. This morning arrived at the Poft- Office a mail from New- York and Halifax,, brought to Fal- mouth by the Dashwood packet. ". Yesterday morning about ten o'clock, a most violent gale of wind came on to blow from the S. W. which in a few minutes increased to a per- fect hurricane; such, for the
short time it lasted, as was hardly ever remembered in these parts. Had it continued any considerable time, the con- sequences must have been dreadful in the extreme. Several vessels in the Downs parted, but, by the great activity of the boats from the town, were prevented from sustaining any other damage than the loss of their anchors and cables. The brig Mars,— Wilson, from Charante, bound to London, laden with 280 pieces of brandy, was unfortunately driven on shore early this morning near KingsdOwn, between Dover and this place, but by the vigilant assistance of the Deal boats was got off, and brought into the
Downs: her damage, however, was so great that she entirely filled with water, and, had it not been for her cargo, must inevitably have gone to the bottom'; in consequence of which, they were obliged to run her ashore at this place, were she is unlading, and it is thought both vessel and cargo will be saved." Saturday advice was received that 60 sail of loaded colliers were safe arrived in Yarmouth Roads, and that as many more were to sail from Sunderland the 20th inst. A survey having lately been made of some lands in the parish of Currie, in Scotland, by experienced engineers, they have reported, that there is the greatest
probability of their con- taining coal : the Magistrates and Council, in order to promote the discovery of so useful an article of life, have since voted a premium of 50l to the person who should first raise coals from these lands, or others where no coal had formerly been wrought. A combination, with a view to increase their wages, has taken place among the sailors and ship- carpenters at Leith, similar to what has happened at Shields, in consequence of which there is a temporary stoppage of the business of the port. The affair, however, is likely to be speedily and amicably settled. The mer- chants and ship- owners have had a
meeting, and shown a becoming willingness to listen to well- founded complaints, as well as to redress any real hardships; and have already offered terms that will doubtless be accepted. The seamen, on their part, though they have adopted this strong measure of stopping the shipping to enforce their demand, have, much to their cre- dit, abstained from every appearance of riot and outrage. Mr. Ives, brewer and farmer, at Cotishall, Cambridgeshire, has set a very laudable example by selling wheat to his workmen at 5s. per bushel, during the present high price ; and has also very generously advanced the wages of his,
threshers 2d. per coomb. In addition to the subscription of 5000I. for the Crinan canal from Leicester, mentioned in our last, a further subscription, in the names of a number of Gentlemen and Ladies of Coventry, has been received, amounting to 2400I. Wednesday the Town Council of Edinburgh, upon the resignation of Mr. James Robertson, unanimously re- elected him and the Rev. Dr.. Baird. one of the ministers of that city, to be joint Professors of Hebrew and Oriental lan- guages in that University, with the survivor- ship to Dr Baird. THEATRICAL ENTERTAINMENTS This Evening. HAYMARKET.] The Beaux Stratagem ;
with The Humourist. COVENT- GARDEN.], Wild Oats ; with Hartford Bridge. Saturday morning, about five o'clock, a fire broke out in the warehouse of a cork- cutter, in Bow- lane, Cheapside, which consumed the whole premises, with a quantity of cork, ami greatly damaged two houses adjoining. Saturday the wife of a journeyman to Mr. Odbar, coppersmith, in Lower Thames- street, after having had a disagreement with her, hus- band, cut her throat in a dangerous manner. She was taken to St. Thomas's Hospital. Extract of a Letter from SAlisbury nov. 14. " Yesterday, according usual custom, James Goddard, Esq. our Mayor
Elect, was sworn into office, and gave one of out grandest entertainments ever remembered •* The day was spent in the harmony and all remained perfectly quiet about nine o'clock, when an Apothecary, being called on for a toast, infilled on giving Tom Paine when the company, one and all, insisted on his leaving the room ; which he feeming unwilling to com- ply with, he was, by order of the company turned out by the servants in waiting; and the evening was concluded with the greatest fes- tivity." They write from Edinburgh, that a young surgeon there has lately innoculated measles, and that several experiments have been
success- ful; the result being the communication of the disease, free from all alarming symptoms.