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Lloyd's Evening Post

Date of Article: 12/11/1792
Printer / Publisher: T. Spilsbury and Son 
Address: No 57, Snowhill, London
Volume Number: LXXI    Issue Number: 5519
No Pages: 8
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LLOYD'S EVENING- POST VOL. LXXI, From FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 9, to MONDAY, NOVEMBER ' 12, 1792. NUMB. 5519. SATURDAY, Nov. 10. mmm the head of 30,000 men. LONDON. FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE, * By Yesterday's Mail from Flanders. Extract of a Letter from Constantinople, Sept. 26. NOTWITHSTANDING the great force sent by the Sublime Porte, against Mahmud, Pacha of Scu- tari, he has already pe- netrated as far as Usk- uip, and made himself master of Paschalits, Okry, and Ubazan, at The Pacha of Tania, his neighbour, was ordered to reduce the rebels in the mountains, and particularly those of the district of Sully; but he was repulsed with the loss of his magazines, artillery, and baggage.- Mahmud, it is said, is on the point of joining the Sigres." The Emperor is very anxious about Choczim, since the Turks have again insisted on its resti- tution to the Porte. All the artillery has been taken from the ram- parts of Belgrade, to be transported to the Au- strian Netherlands. The New Confederation of Poland was to have assembled at Grodno oa the 20th of last. month. The Polish garrison of Cracow has been obliged to evacuate that city, in order to make room for a body of Russians. The Prussian Minister at St. Petersburgh has been lately admitted to the Empress private parties. General O'Hara is arrived at Berlin from War- saw, as is M. De Breymer, the Hanoverian Mi- nister to the Court of Dresden. Mr. Frazer, the British Minister at Ham- burgh, has left that place, by leave of this' Court, and Mr. Coleman, the Secretary of Embassy, will transact business during his ab- sence. At Stockholm the Department which has the management of the debts of the State has issued notes, payable in the course of a few years, and bearing five per cent interest. An account has just been taken of the houses in Vienna In the city they amount to 1379 ; in the suburbs-, to 4724 The former are rated a: 1,458,533 florins annual rent, and the latter at 1,081,4452. On the amount of both the Magistrates levy a sixth, being 416,666 florins. Several ' private letters received yesterday from Brussels, positively assert, that the Combined Powers will renew the campaign against France next year. According to these letters his Prussian Ma- jesty goes to Berlin by way of Spa, leaving his Army on the frontiers of France. He has de- clared that he will return with additional force, and open the campaign early next spring, ta- king better precautions with respect to provi- sions. In the mean while, part of his army is to protect the Electorate of Treves, and that part of Germany, and to take up their winter- quarters in the Pays de Treves ; whilst what re- mains of the army of the French Princes is to winter in the Pays de Liege.— The King of Prussia has undertaken to furnish every French Emigrant, to the number of 8000, with rations of bread daily, and 15 livres a month. This subsistence will cost his Majesty no advance of money, as it is to be furnished by the Bishop of Liege, who is by this means to discharge the arrears due to the King of Prussia for the suc- cours sent to his assistance at the time the Revo- lutionists wanted to snatch his country from him, about two years since. The Emperor is to find cantonments for the rest of the Emigrants. As the retreat of the Prussians is now well known to have originated with the King of Prussia, who was fearful of losing a considerable part of his forces in attacking Dumourier, so it is judged from the Above account, that the King repents of what he has done, and is will- ing to retrieve his character. The march of a detachment of his army to protect Coblentz, and probably to assist in cutting off General Custine's, seems to confirm the opinion that he is not on those good terms with the French, that, people were led to imagine. Coblentz is at present garrisoned by 6000 troops. Orders have been received there from the King of Prussia to keep the Prussian magazines which are there, and to order all the provisions, back which have been sent away. A detachment of Prussians if advancing by Grevenmacher, on the other side of the Moselle, towards the bor- ders of the Rhine. The attack of M. Dumourier upon Au- strian Flanders, has occasioned such consterna- tion in Tournay, Mons, Leuze, and Ath, that Brussels is filled with fugitives from those places. All the plate, jewels, and other riches, of the church of Notre Dame, at Cologne, which are well known to travellers, and the gold and, sil-. ver plate of the other churches, have been shipped on board a vessel, and sent to Holland and the Clergy are ready to follow them on the first notice of the French being on their march. The Landgrave of Hesse- Cassel, immediately on hearing that the French had entered the Im- perial City of Frankfort, sent Baron Jasmund to the Regency at Hanover ; but almost at the same moment an Officer of the Hanoverian guards arrived with dispatches, informing his Serene Highness, that the Hanoverian General Frytag, at the head of several thousand Hano- verian troops, was hastening to protect the do- minions of the Prince. From the apprehensions at Neustadt, of a visit from the French, almost all the Grandees have fled from the city. The' roads from that place are covered with waggons and' coaches. All the Regency, a few Members excepted, have already quitted the place. Extract of a Letter from Fribourg, Oct, 16. " The danger of an attack from France ap- peals now equally menacing and certain. The [ Price Fourpence,] French General Biron is ready to pass the Rhine- with an army of 45,000 men; and we are not able to resist so great a number, who will make attacks in different quarters. Our alarms were ungrounded at first, but they are now founded in- ' Prince Esterhazy is gone to Constance, and the Government of this city, and all the inha- bitants of property, take flight to the same place. It is confidently reported, that General Custine will effect a junction with Biron ; and we shall then have a French army of between 80 and 100,000 men in Germany." , Extract of a Letter from Wetzlar, Oct. 30. " The cannonade which we heard in this city on the 26th inst. in the afternoon, was at Nau- heim, about half a league from Friedberg. corps of 1500 cavalry, and 1000 infantry, left Francfort, with several cannon, about three; o'clock in the morning, under the command,- of General Huschart, a division of whom advanced to Ilbenstadt, and took from the convent there the Syndic and two Priests, as hostages, and joining afterwards the rest of the corps, marched to Nauheim where they took possession of the salt- works belonging , to the county af Hanau. - Lieutenant Flies who commanded there a body of 160 troops belonging to the Landgrave of Heffe- Cassel, endeavoured to resist, but, over- powered by the superior numbers French, was obliged to fall back.; on which he was pur- sued by the French cavalry, who completely sur- rounded and forced him to surrender. The Landgrave of Hesse Darmstadt was a few- days - since at Giessen, wifh the greatest part of his troops. " The Hessian peasants are now obliged to transport the large salt magazine of Nauheim to Mentz. " The Abbey of Arnsburg was likewise vi- sited by the French last Sunday, and several Priests were carried away as hostages." ' Six hundred French attempted to pass the Rhine some days since near Avenheim, about one league from Kehl, but were repulsed by a company of the regiment of Schroeder.. The Duke of Deux- Ponts published a notice on the 22d of October, that, conformably to the principles of neutrality which he has always observed towards France in the present circum- stances, he cannot admit any French Emigrant's into his States. Extract of' a Letter from BRUSSELS , Nov. 6... " Our last letters from Vienna speak of no- thing but the great preparations making by the House of Austria to continue the war : they have drawn all the heavy artillery out of the arsenals, part of which has been sent off to Italy. It is said that the King of Sardinia at first refused to receive the Austrian troops, in- tended for the; defence of his States: but from the reasons given by the Court of Vienna, he has agreed to the proposal of paying them as long as they remain in Piedmont. All the corps of bombardeers have received orders to hold themselves in readiness to march on the first no 4 58 LLOYD'S EVENING - P O S T, And Nov. 9— 12, tice for Brisgaw. The States of the Hereditary provinces of Germany have agreed to offer his Majesty a corps of 40,000 recruits: they were to proceed to levy this corps on the 1st instant. • " The King of Prussia, accompanied by a numerous train of Generals, and Officers of his - army, passed through Luxemburgh on horse- back on the 30th of October, in the morning, taking the road to Germany. His Majesty was preceded by a regiment of dragoons, and fol- lowed by several regiments of infantry. " Several Prussian regiments, cavalry as well as infantry, pass through Luxemburgh almost daily for the Empire ; but it is not known where these troops will take up their winter- quarters. The French still continue to ravage the country of Luxemburgh. « • On the 31st of October, about three in the afternoon, - a French officer arrived at Luxem- burgh, accompanied by a trumpet, a dragoon, and a servant: he alighted at the main guard, from whence he was conduced to the Command- ant. He came from Rodemacker, and brought dispatches for hrs Serene Highness the Duke of Brunswick. It was said upon this occasion, that a cessation of arms had been concluded on by the Austrian General, Prince Hohenlohe, and the French General Kellermann: but this news is - the more improbable, as Prince Hohenlohe is summoned into the Low Countries by his Royal Highness the Duke of Saxe- Teschen, and must -- by this time be with his army at - Marehe- in. Famene. Alter raising the blockade of Thionville. there was a skirmish between the Austrians and French, in which the latter lost 400 men by a stratagem of a Croatian Officer, who com- immded the rear- guard destined to cover the ar- seeing that the French fell upon him, ranged his men in order of battle, placed three pieces of cannon loaded with case- shot behind the ranks, and forbid any one to fire till the enemy were within 30 paces of them. This order was punctually obeyed, and the three pieces or artillery made such havock, that the French were obliged to take refuge in the fortress. ' We are at this moment on the eve of a great crisis here; The French have drawn all their forces towards our frontiers, and they seem to direct their principal aim towards Mons. Their first attempt, was not successful, as may be seen from the following accounts published by Go- vernment. BRUSSELS GAZETTE. TOurney, Nov. 1. ' The head- quarters, which were for some time established at this place, were transferred to Mons on the 30th ult. Yesterday the bridge of Tressin was broken down, to prevent the French from conveying their heavy artillery towards Tournay. The French had formed a grand project of preventing the junction of the army of Count de Clairfayt, and that under his Royal High- ness the Duke of Saxe- Tesehen; but this union, notwithstanding all the efforts of the enemy, has been successfully effected. SUPPLEMENT EXTRAORDINARY. . Brussels, Nov. 4. Yesterday morning, at eleven o'clock, the French made an attack upon the advanced posts of the Imperial army on the side of Bossu, with an intention either to reconnoitre or to forage. " Baron de Keime, Colonel of the regiment of Bender, instantly placed himself at the head of a division of the Hussars, in order to sustain the out- posts; and he fell upon the French with such impetuosity, that he killed 300 men, and made 50 prisoners, among whom is one of their chiefs, whofe name we are unacquainted with. The French in the course of yesterday also attacked the advanced posts on the side of Tournay, and have been repulsed with some loss. These reiterated successes ought not to asto- nish those acquainted with the unexampled ar- dour of the Imperial Troops ; for General Fel- zeugmeister, Comte de Clairfait, having ar- rived at Namur, after several forced marches, offered to permit his harassed troops to take some repose ; but they all waved their hats in the air, demanded to continue their route, and after their arrival at Mons, requested to be led against the Enemy. We shall only observe, in addition to this eu- logium, that these brave warriors are not less distinguished by their subordination and disci- pline, than by their courage and fidelity. " The day after this affair, the French returned to the charge: their first corps was repulsed, but upon a second attack the Austrian advanced posts fell back upon the main body of the army. The French took possession of the heights of Bossu, and made a show of their forces. The. Auftrians formed also on their parts, M. de Clairfait commanding the centre, M. Baron Beaulieu the left, and Baron Lilien the right The armies were thus situated yesterday evening. Since then, we have constantly heard the most dreadful cannonading. It is said the French have a very formidable artillery. " As all communication has been stopped since this period, we know nothing certain. Yes- terday the cannonade- near Mons was very brisk on both sides. A number of carriages, and the camp equipage of his Royal Highness which were at Ath, arrived here last night. His Highness himself returned during the night. The cannonade still continues; what is most probable, from the reports coming in every mo- ment is, that the French are in possession of Ath. " The French have a corps of 25,000 men near Givet ; and the messenger who set off from hence the day before yesterday for Namur and Luxemburgh, must come back, as he will not be able to prooceed. " P. S. At this moment fthree o'clock in the afternoon) the cannonade is dreadful, and is even heard in the interior parts of this city. " The Court has just published the following GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY, Nov. 6. The letters arrived this morning from Head- Quarters inform us, that nothing considerable occurred in the course of yesterday. The French left their camp at half an hour after ten o'clock, and attacked that occupied by us at Framieres : the cannonade was very warm on both sides, but the musquetry did not engage. The two armies remain in their former position. The accounts from Lille constantly assert that the Austrian troops desert in great numbers, and that desertion alone will be sufficient to ruin their army. From Rome they write, that the Commandant of Civita Vecchia having sent Word to the Court, that some ships of the line had appeared in sight of that place, whose flag was unknown to him, and whose destination he was ignorant of, orders were immediately issued to put that port in a state of defence. A Letter from Geneva, dated Oct. 15, says " Far from sending away the Swiss, our allies, as General Montesquion demanded, in conse- quence of the orders he had received, we made a representation, which was laid before the Sovereign Council the day before yesterday, tending to introduce into our Republic as many Swiss troops as circumstances and danger may- render necessary ; which was passed accordingly by a majority of 1126 votes against 279. The full persuasion that France is making attempts against our independence, to subject us, by an incorporation into the mass of what they call the Republic of France, has contributed very much to increase our firmness. We have at present 2000 of our allies in this City, and we shall in three days have 10,000 more. The Helvetic Corps in general, and the Canton of Berne in particular, is seriously resolved to repel any attack which France may meditate against us." Another letter from Geneva, dated October 23, says —" Upwards of 120 pieces of cannon are mounted on our ramparts. The Magnifiques are supported in their plan of resistance by the Cantons of Berne and Fribourg, both of which have taken into pay a great number of the Swiss who have returned from France. We wait with impatience for the return of the Deputies sent to Paris. We believe that the Articles of the Treaty will not all be approved of by the Execu- tive Power. In the mean time, whilst there are hopes that matters may be settled by accommo- dation, a suspension of arms has taken place, and a free communication hat been established. Our situation is as critical as that of the people of Basle. They have made promises to both par- ties, and declared that they will give a passage to no troops through their territories; in case they should be attacked, and find themselves too weak to resist the enemy, they have agreed to give us a signal by firing three guns." The Emigrants of the army of Conde pass in great numbers through Basle, in their way to Soleure, and the interior parts of Switzerland. They are without arms, and wear no cockade.— Some, it is supposed, are going by the way of the Grisons and the Vallais into Italy. Others wish, if possible, to slide into France by the route of Franche Comte, and others to be re- ceived into the army of Montesquiou.' Extract of a Letter from Paris Nov. 5. Several Sections having denounced to the Coun- cil- General some Individuals who were walk- ing in uniforms in the Garden of the re- union, singing, and demanding the heads of two De- puties, the Council immediately sent Com- missioners to restore tranquillity, A number of people also having assembled round the Temple, Santerre has ordered the guards to be doubled, and patroles during the night. To- morrow the law will be proclaimed and stuck up relative to the authors and promoters of murder. " The War- Minister has ordered barracks to be prepared for the troops who are in Paris." In the late slaughters at Paris, for which it is thought punishment will soon be insisted upon Marat and Roberspierre, as the instigators of those and other disgraceful tumults, one of the friends of Madame Du Barre, a young man not at all connected with politics, was put to death in her presence and in her apartment. Nov. 9— 12. BRITISH CHRONICLE, for 1792. COURT & C*. Yesterday morning his Royal Highness the Duke of Gloucester had a private audience of the King at Buckingham House, after which Majesty rode out on horseback on the Chel- sea Road. The King came to St. James's Palace in his private coach from the Queen's House at one o'clock. The Levee, began soon after, and was over in a quarter of an hour: present, Right Hon. W. Pitt, Earl of Morton, Visc. Parker ; Lords Amherst ( Gold- Stick),' Hawkesbury, Grenville, and Rivers ( Lord of the Bed- Cham- ber in Waiting) ;— Sir C. Gould ;— Attorney- General;— Mess. Robinson, Mollison, and Faw- kener ( Clerk of the Council);— Admiral Affleck; General Townsend and Lascelles ( Groom in Waiting) Colonels Delancy and Greenfield ( Field- Officer), and Major Price. A Council was held after the Levee on business relative to the Corn- Trade, which sat half an hour. His Majesty set off for Windsor before four o'clock. Yesterday Sir Charles Gould kissed his Ma- jesty's hand at St. James's, on being created a Baronet of Great Britain. Yesterday at noon a Council was held at the Secretary of State's Office, Whitehall, which was attended by Mr. Pitt, Lord Grenville, and Lord Hawkefbury. At two o'clock the Council broke up, when the Minister proceeded to the King at St, James's. Yesterday the Prussian Minister tranfacted business with Lord Grenville, at his Office Whitehall. Yesterday at half past one o'clock the Queen and their Royal Highnesses the Princesses Royal, Augusta, and Elizabeth, went from Buckingham House to the Duke of Buccleugh's, in Privy Gardens, where they were received by the Earl and Countess of Courtown, who conducted them to a beautiful terrace behind the house, from whence they viewed the Lord Mayor's and city company's barges, as they passed and repassed to and from Westminster Hail. The Queen seemed highly pleased, having a good prospect of them as they crossed the River, and drew up under the wall for her Majesty's and the Princesses inspection. The Queen was anxious to know the different flags and barges of the Companies, which were explained to her. The Royal Vi- sitors, after partaking of a cold collation, re- turned to Buckingham Houae at half past two o'clock. Yesterday at two o'clock Sir James Sanderson, Knt. attended by the Sheriffs, Recorder, Al- dermen, Common- Councilmen, Marshals, & e. appeared before the Barons at the Exchequer- Office, Westminster- Hall. The Recorder ha- ving gone through the usual ceremony of re- commendation, Sir James was sworn into office; and having solemnly saluted the Courts, they returned to their barges, and were landed, at Black- Friars- Bridge, from whence they pro- ceeded in coaches to Guildhall to dinner where were present the Right Hon. William Pitt, several Officers of State, the Foreign Ministers, and many of the Nobility. THE LORD- MAYOR's LIVERIES. Yellow coats, with black velvet cuffs; the seams, as well as fronts, trimmed with a lace, on which is. worked the City Arma on a shield, in proper colours; the ground black and silver chequer work; light blue waistcoats and breeches, trimmed with the same lace; two shoulder knots made of a black and silver bullion- work, of a new fashion; on the bend of the shoulders is a wolf's head, and his Lordship's crest, en circled with embroidery; silver scollop laced hats, with black feathers and handsome cock- ades. The postilion's dress was truly brilliant. The body light blue with yellow sleeves, but nearly covered with the same pattern lace as the foot- men's coats, and finished at the bottom with black and silver mixed bullion- fringe. A badge on each arm, with a crest above a Knight's helmet, and embroidered on black vel vet ; the fringe under the cap was uncommonly rich, being covered over with a bullion net- work, terminated with small tassels ; from the centre arose a spangled ornament, finished with the crest. On Monday last his Majesty's packet the Howe, Capt. Brathwaite, with two mails and Government dispatches for Lisbon, and the Halifax, Capt. Boulderson, with the mails and dispatches of the 17th of last month, for the Leeward Islands, sailed from Falmouth. The Mary and Elizabeth, Capt. Blaurock, struck on a sand, at the entrance of the Texel, by which she sprung a leak, and, it is appre- hended, has damaged her cargo. The commercial world will, in the course of a few years, it is expected, derive great benefit from an expedition which is shortly to be made to the Eastern and Western Coasts of South Ame- rica. A sloop of war is now in the river ready to sail on the intended voyage ; and the object is to six upon a spot, on which to found a settlement favourable to the Southern Whale- Fishery, and other objects of commerce. FROM THE JAMAICA. ROYAL GAZETTE. Falmouth, Aug. 28. On the morning of the 3d instant, in lat. 4i. 40. N. long. 71, 40. W. the sloop Bee, Capt. Hunter, on her passage from Wilmington, North Carolina, to this port, encountered a severe gale of wind, which blew from the N. E. While the vessel was lying- to, she got upon her beam ends, and, on cutting away the mast, immediately righted; but, on examining the pumps, round six feet water in the hold : every exertion was then made to save the vessel, but. to no purpose. At eleven A . M. she was full to the deck ; in this dreadful situation the Captain and crew re- tired to the after part of the vessel, where they remained two days and two nights, lashed to the quarter, and heavy seas washing over them, ex- pecting every moment would put a period to their existence Daring this time, Captain Hunter, lost one of his men through fatigue. On the Sunday following, the survivors took to the boat, without sails, oars or any sustenance, except a few bifcuits and a little water. On Wednesday they were drifted down on the Caicos, where they procured a small boatv with sails, & c- to carry them to some of the West- India Islands. After taking their depar- ture, they fell in with the schooner Good Hope, Captain Hall, of Middleton, bound to Cape Francois,, to whom they, applied to be taken on board; but the master, regardless of their dif- tressed situation, inhumanely refused. Same day they were fortunately taken up by the brig Sisters, Captain Buck, from New London bound to Port Maria, who, after every mark of kindness, landed them at the latter port the 17th instant There is but one European who has ever pe- netrated China as far as Pekin ; and that Euro- pean is an Englishman, who now resides in tho vicinity of Bromley, in Kent. The story is as follows;— This Gentleman had so long re- sided at Canton, in the character of a factor that he was a perfect master of the Chinese lan- guage, and entirely conversant with, and assi- milated to the manners of the country. Having, formed a strict intimacy with some Chinese Merchants who made an annual visit to Pekin it was agreed among them, that he should ac- company them to the Imperial residence as a Chinese. He accordingly did so, and proceeded with them to the metropolis without any ob- stacle or interruption. The very first morning after his arrival at Pekin, he was disturbed by a noise at the door of his apartment, and the abrupt entrance of some Chinese soldiers They shewed him the merchants, his friends, hanging on a gallows before his window, and without saying a word to him, they placed him in a kind of litter, brought for the purpose, with a single aperture at the top for light and air; and in this situation, accompanied by a guard, he was Conveyed back to Canton with more haste than he came. He was treated with no other se- verity ; but what is very extraordinary is, that this Gentleman, who is well informed on all subjects, will indulge no one's curiosity on this, farther than the recital of this anecdote. He scrupulously avoids all questions concerning China, and the objects which he must unavoid- ably have observed in his journey from Canton to Pekin REMARKABLE ANECDOTE Great Britain will supply the French with the ar- ticles necessary for the equipment of their troops . One merchant only in the city has received an order for cloth to the amount of 8o, oooL ster- ling. . Another order for the same article has been sent to York, to the value of 25. oool. Another house has received a commission for 25,000 pair of blankets, at, 22s. the pair, which is more, than double the price of what this article used to cost in France before the Revolution. In consequence of the determination of the extraordinary Council held on Wednesday night, three armed sloops have been ordered to the northern ports where the sailors continue to demand tumultuously, an increase of wages. The dearness of coals at Edinburgh is be- come an object of public concern there Besides the exertions of the Magistracy, a subscription is on foot, and contracts with coal- owners, not be- fore resorted to, are making. The combina- tion, which has kept Up the prices, will be easily overcome. . Some excellent regulations have been pub- lished by the Court of Aldermen, to keep the drovers of cattle in order and to prevent the many cruelties daily practised. Every drover is to wear a numbered badge, on penalty of 20s to which also every person not licenced as a drover, is liable, om driving, or assisting in driving cattle, if ten or more in the flock. No goads are to be used of more than a quarter of. in inch long, nor are the cattle to be struck on or below the hock, on the like penalties, It is every body's, duty to see that these rules are strictly adhered to ; and it would be commend- able in any person witnessing their violation to give immediate notice to the Magistrate, On Thursday night, a quarrel took place be- tween two Gentlemen in consequence of one staring the other in the face, in the boxes of Covent- Garden Theatre, which produced words; and they agreed to adjust the dispute yesterday morning, when they met about two miles on the. Uxbridge Road; and one whose name is said to be Staples, shot his antagonist in the thigh, which put an end to the contest. The Hon. Miss Courtenay is perfeCtly re- covered from the hurt she received by the acci- dent of burning her clothes. Last Sunday morning, the mail- coach, in going into Winchester, was overturned by the fastening of the fore wheels giving way. There were three inside passengers, and one on the outside ; the latter of whom, and the coachman, were very much bruised: one of the horses was also much cut. The mail was forwarded in a post- chaise. Thursday the wife of a tradesman, in a state of insanity, cut her throat in a shocking manner, at the Blue Ball, Horse- shoe- alley, Moor- fields., A few evenings since, Mr. Samuel Mortlake, of Clapham, was stopped, on the Wandsworth road, by two footpads, who robbed him of his watch and money. Wednesday night the Apple- Tree public- house, in Little Queen- street, Lincoln's Inn Fields, was broke open, and robbed of a quan- tity. of wearing- apparel, & c. Thursday night the house of Mr. Bell, of King- street, Seven Dials, was broke open, and robbed of a clock. Yesterday two women of the town were charged before the sitting Magistrate at the Police Office, Hatton- garden, on the oath of Benjamin Painton, with having picked his pocket of a purse containing nine guineas, his property. They were both fully committed to Newgate to take their trial. LAW INTELLIGENCE. COurt OF KING'S- BENCH. Friday, November 9. ATTORNIES. . Mr. Bearcroft moved, in behalf of Mr. Sa- muel Godfrey, that he might be restored to the Roll of Attornies of this Court, from which his name had been struck, by order of the Court, fome time ago, the propriety of which order he did not dispute. The learned Counsel said, he had no doubt that his Client was a very fit person to be restored ; and he made this appli- cation on the strongest certificate he ever saw. Mr. Godfrey, he said, was a very honest and worthy man ; but had the misfortune to incur the displeasure of the Court from his warmth of temper, and not from his intention to offend. Lord Kenyon said, this seemed to him to be an application which the Court might properly grant. He remembered the case of a person of the name of Greenwood, who had been struck off the roll for an aCtion bordering upon illibe- rality. He had been in this situation for a con- siderable time. He applied, as in this case, to be restored. On that occasion Lord Mansfield said, that unless a man had been guilty of some- thing extremely shameful, he ought not to be driven from, and for ever kept put of the pro- fession by which he got his livelihood. The person now applying had not committed an un- pardonable offence; and therefore his Lordship ordered that Mr. Godfrey be restored to his pro- fession as an Attorney. WYATT versus SHELDON. Mr. Bearcroft, on the part of the Defendant, moved for a new trial. He said that this aCtion arose upon a bill delivered by the Plaintiff for business done as Architect at the Pantheon, in converting it into a Theatre for the performance of Italian Operas. He said that this was a lead- ing verdict and, if eftablished, would end in the ruin of the Defendant; because other ac- tions would be brought upon the authority of this. He maintained, that this verdiCt was given by a misapprehension of liability to pay for work at the Pantheon. The reality of the case was, that a person of the name of O'Reilly was responsible, and he ought to have been so considered. He knew very well that a great deal had been said to the Jury, at the trial, upon O'Reilly's poverty ; and also that Mr. Sheldon would not ultimately suffer, for that he was a mere name, and that he was a naked trustee; and that, in point of faCt, the Duke of Bedford was behind the scene in this undertaking;— not a word of which, he said, was true. He trusted, therefore, that this would appear to be a verdict against evidence, on the report of the learned Judge before whom the cause was tried. There was another cause in the same situation : it was " Wall against Sheldon," for the amount of a bricklayer's bill. The first having been deter- mined upon a misapprehension, the second, tried by the same Jury, followed of course. Lord Kenyon observed, that he told the Jury that Mr. Sheldon was not under any obligation to pay the Plaintiff's demand, from his situation as a trustee ; but the point on which they found their verdict, was, the credit which they gave to the evidence of Mr. John Wyatt, the Plain- tiff's brother. The following was the material part of it, which arose on a conversation which he had with the Defendant, and in the course of which the Defendant said, " I wish it to be un- derstood that I consider the Trustees as liable for the fitting up of the Opera- House." It was true, his Lordship said, that the topics alluded to by Mr. Bearcroft, respecting the poverty of Mr. O'Reilly, the improbability of anybody giving him credit, and of the Duke of Bedford and other characters of high rank being ulti- mately responsible to Mr. Sheldon, had been urged by the Plaintiff's Counsel: but on these topics his Lordship said, he requested the Jury to attend only to the evidence; and it was on the credit they gave to the testimony of Mr, John Wyatt, they founded their determination. Whether the high characters alluded to were concerned or not, was a question the Court could not enter into : if they were, he had no doubt they had too great a sense of their ho- nour to leave Mr. Sheldon in any difficulty ; they would, no doubt, determine like men of honour. But as this verdiCt was upon a mat- ter of faCt upon the evidence, the Court could not grant a new trial. Mr. Erskine said, that he did not allude to the names of the Duke of Bedford and others ad captandum, but with a view to call the at- tention of thefe Noble Persons to the real situa- tion of Mr. Sheldon, a man whom he had long known and respeCted. Perhaps there was no truth in the rumour, that the Duke of Bedford was interested in the business of the Opera- House; but his Solicitor happened by acci- dent to be concerned also for Mr. Sheldon in this aCtion. The Court refused the rule. LE MESURIER versus PERRY. This cause was tried at Guildhall last Monday, before Lord Kenyon and a Special Jury, when the Plaintiff was non- suited. A Rule was moved for, to show cause why that . non- suit should not be set aside, and a new trial- granted. This was an aCtion on a policy of insurance on a ship called the Brothers, for 1020 quarters of wheat, which were valued at so much per quarter, from Barcelona to Liverpool.. The learned Counsel said he went for a total loss. It appeared in evidence, that there was a great, storm at sea, in consequence of which it was absolutely necessary for the Captain to run the ship ashore on the coast of Ireland. She was there beat almost to pieces, and rendered per- feCtly unfit to pursue her voyages Part of this cargo of wheat was sold for 400L so that there was not a total destruCtion of the commodity insured.— Under these circumstances the Plain- tiffs abandoned the ship. A great many days elapsed before notice Was given to the Under- writers. The ship was carried into a river in the neighbourhood of Cork, the harbour of which was full of ships. The Plaintiffs might therefore have had a vessel for carrying that part of the cargo which was saved to Barcelona. These were the faCts of this case; and Lord Kenyon was clearly of opinion that the Plaintiffs Could not go for a total loss, and therefore non- suited them. Mr. Bearcroft said, the question would be, Whether this, which be conceived to be a vir- tual total loss, by a loss of the voyage, applied to the subjeCt of corn, this being one of the ar- ticles excepted at the bottom of the policy. A rule nisi was granted in order to have the opinion of the Court on this point. The Plaintiffs could not go in this case for average loss, because they had agreed with the Defendants to recover as for a total loss, or not to recover at all. HOLLAND ( qui tam) versus GREEN. Mr. Shepherd moved for a rule to show cause why the Defendant should not be discharged out of custody on filing common bail, and why the Plaintiff.' s attorneys, Messrs. Clements and Kelly, should not answer the matters of the affidavit. The Plaintiff sued the Defendant on the Lot- tery Act for penalties amounting to 500I. and got him into Custody. Mr. Clements and his partner promised first to compromise it for 10I. but afterwards insisted on 15l. They said, they must not receive the money themselves but they ordered him to pay it to a Mr. Smith, at the Admiralty Coffee- house, and then he might put in sham bail, as they should proceed no farther 0n the business.— Rule granted. To be LET, For the Term of SEVEN, FOURTEEN, or TWENTY. ONE YEARS, ALL that Large, Commodious, and Well- Accustomed INN, , called the TONTINE, in SheffieLD, in the County of York, late in the Posses- sion of Mr. JAMes WATSON. The above Inn is fitted up by. the Proprietors with Ranges and all necessary Fixtures, has very good nexions upon all the Roads, and is one of the completest Inns in the Kingdom, The Tenant, by immediate Appli- cation, may have an opportunity of buying the Furniture, Set. and may be accommodated with a FARM AT A conve- nient Distance. For further Particulars, and to treat for the same, apply to Mr. Adamson Parker, Attorney at Law, in Sheffield. HEALTH and LONGEVITY. Dr. JAMES's ANALEPTIC PILLS. TO preserve Health, and of course to pro- long Life, nothing is fo necessary as an attention to those slight indispositions to which all men are subject and which, by Being considered as trifling, are too often disregarded, till by neglect they take deep root in the contention, and become of serious and sometimes fatal consequence. These complaints, whether the cause of them be a cold, excess of eating or drinking, fatigue of body or mind, a too active or sedentary life, a gouty or a bilious disposition, & c. & c. are generally discovered by some obstructionS in the minute vessels, or by some defect in the natural secretions.— As a remedy for these evils, the celebrated Inventor of the Fever Powder composed his Analeptic Pills, and he exhibited in himself a memo- rable instance of their efficacy; for, by the. constant use of them, though a free- liver, he attained to the age of 75. The tendency of these Pills is, to open the pores by night, and the body by day. They remove obstructions, promote sleep, and they require neither confinement, nor attention to diet. They are also an admirable remedy for Rheumatic Disorders for the Head- Ach, and for those complaints to which the Female Sex are peculiarly sub- jest. They should be taken on the first attack of a cold, and upon all occasions of uneasiness or indisposition, and should never be omitted at bed- time, after any excess. They are sold only by Francis Newbery, at No. 45, in St. Paul's Church Yard, and at Dr. James's late house in Bruton- street. London in boxes, at 4s. 6d. each, duty included ; or the quantity of six in one large box for 1l. 2s, 6d. • All purchasers ( for security) will observe that the name of NEWBERY is engraved io the stamp on each box by order of the Commissioners, as no others can be genuine. N. B. As many persons mistake Mr. NEWBERY's House, to which he has lately made a considerable addition, It is necessary to point out, that it is a large white House, at the End of St. Paul's nearest to Cheapside, with a Bust of Dr. James, and these words on the Front " THE ONLY WAREHOUSE FOR DR. JAMES'S POWDERS." MEDICINE ACT. MR. NEWBERY, at the East End of St. Paul's, No. 45, a few doors from Cheapside, Pro- prietor of Dr. James's, and many other valuable Medicines, informs the Public, that though by the late Act a consi- derable Duty is imposed upon them, yet no additional charge has been made upon Dr. James's Powder ; but it his been continued at the original price of 2s. 6d. per packet. It is also sold at tl. 4s. per dozen ; or the quantity of a dozen packets may be had in one bottle for tl. 2s. 6d. Duty in- cluded ; so that the Public are no sufferers. But in order to facilitate the operation, and to lessen the burden, of this Act, which would in great measure have proved a Tax upon benevolence, Mr, NEWBERY has, from the time it commenced, sold all other Medicines to any persons purchasing half a dozen or more, free from the expence of the Stamps ; and his example has been followed by other Wholesale Dealers. The following are the Retail Prices of his Medicines, in- cluding the Duty, which will be allowed as usaul to those who buy quantities. Dr. James's Powder a 6 Essence of Coltsfoot 3 6 Analeptic Pills 4 6 English Coffee - 29. — Cattle Powder 1 6 Glass's Magnesia - 36 Dr. Steers's Opodeldoc 2 o Dr. Hooper's Pills - 1 i|, Freake's Tincture of Hemet's Essence of Bark ---. 40 Pearl - . - - 29 Huxham.' s ditto ( Mrs. Norton's- Drop » 6 0 Ormskirk Medicines 5 5' Essence of Peppermint j lj Dalby's Carminative I 9 Inglish's Scots Pills 1 o Tickell's Aethereal Spi- Grant's Drops 1 1} rit - - - • 36 Cephalic Snuff - - o 7J Greenough's Tinctures 1 1* Spilsbury's Drops - j o Tolu Lozenges 1 Medicamentum Anod. 3 6 M. Spence's Dentifrice 4 o Speediman's Pills - 20 Solander's Sanative Tea ' Also may be had, most of the other Propriety Medicines in repute; and Orders for Exportation are supplied without Stamps, as before the passing or this Act. . N. B. As many persons have mistaken Mr. NEWBERY's House, to which he has lately made a considerable addition, it Is necessary to point out, that it is a large White House at the end of St. Paul's nearest to Cheapside, on the coach- way", and has a bust of Doctor James, and these words against the front, viz " THE ONLY WAREHOUSE FOR DR. JAMES'S POWDERS." FOR DISORDERS IN THE STOMACH AND BOWELS. THE Nobility, Gentry, and the Public, are respectfully informed, that they may be supplied, at No. 9, Princes- street, Cavendish- square, with DOCTOR CORNWELL's ORIENTAL VEGETABLE CORDIAL; A Medicinal Preparation, which has stood the Test of Twelve Years Experience in his Britannic Majesty's Do- minions, with great Esteem, in a Variety of Complaints. Vide the Treatise. Another recent Case of Cure: James Draper, a respectable House- keeper, in New Swallow- street, for: Forty Years, has, at various times, been subject to violent excruciating Pains in the Stomach and Bowels, insomuch that his Life had been despaired of; but, from taking a few Glasses of the Oriental Vegetable Cordial, he has always found effectual Relief. And the said James Draper most solemnly declares, that he attri- butes his Existence, under Divine Providence, to the effica- cious Properties of this Medicinal Cordial. Its peculiar Efficacy is, to corrcct and assist a bad Di- gestion ; to recruit the animal Spirits, cherish and invigo- rate the System. It is also excellent, and almost instan. taneous, in easing Pain, often occasioned from over Reple- tion of Fruits, Vegetables, or any improper Sustenance. In Bilious Disorders, attended with violent Pain, or Spasm, Sickness, Vomiting, Flatulence, Hysteric Affec- tions, Lowness of Spirits, Gouty and Rheumatic Attacks, it is deterving implicit Confidence, by giving speedy Re- lief ; and by a regular Perseverance in its Use, ultimately effects a Cure. It is elegant in Appearance, and highly grateful in Flavour. Sold, by Appointment of the Patentee, Dr. B. Cornwell, at No. 9, Princes- street, Cavendish- square, London, in Bottles of 10s. 6d. and 5s. each, or the Quantity of six Five- Shilling Bottles in one, for 1l. 33. 6d. Where may be had, Dr. Cornwell's improved Chemical Opodeldoc, in large square Bottles, at Is. 9d. and 2S. 6d. each. But by taking six Bottles the Stamps will be allowed. A SPECIFIC CURE FOR THE GRAVEL. ESSENCE OF HERBS. THIS Medicine, which is a Preparation from Herbs only, may be truly called a Specific, for that dreadful Disease the Gravel, as is sufficiently proved, by the testimonies of several respectable Pereons at Liver- pool, and Stamford in Lincolnshire, where it has been long used, with unvaried success. It will likewise give certain relief in the most excruciating Fits of the Stone, and is of the utmost Service in Dropsical Complaints. Proofs of the Efficacy of this Medicine. Mr. HENRY CENNEL, at No. 6, Shaw's Brow, Liver- pool, well known in the Liverpool Hunt, was not able, at different times, for upwards of three Years, to mount his Horse, owing to a most violent Complaint of the Gravel, attended with dreadful Pain ; after trying Various Applica- tions in vain, he was entirely cured by taking about two quarts of this Medicine. Mr. THOMPSON, of St. John's Street, Stamford, in Lincolnshire, was cured of the Gravel, after having it for seven Years, being three Years of the time confined to his House, incapable of any Business, and at times in ex- quisite Torture. Mrs, THOMPSON, Wife of the abovesaid Mr. Thomp- son, was totally cured of- a Dropsy, with which she had been afflicted for three Years; and at the time she applied this Medicine, was in a very low emaciated State, RECENT CURE, In the Neighbourhood of London. To Mr. ROBERT AIRE. SIR, I think it a Duty incumbent on me, to return you my sin- sere Thanks, for the great Benefit my Wife, Mr. Mary Clarke, has received from the Use of the Essence of Herbs, after being dreadfully afflicted with a Gravelly Complaint for upwards of two Years ( during which she was often con- fined to her Room, in the utmost Torture, and had Advice from several of- the Faculty without success) she is now en- tirely restored to her health, by taking two Bottles, of your, Medicine. I am, & c. THOMAS CLARKE 2d Nov. 1792. No. 3, Brissenden's Buildings, Pimlico. Prepared by ROBERT AIRE, Botanist, and sold by H. STEERS, at his Warehouse for Dr. Steers's Opedeldoc and other Medicines, No. 10, Old Bond- street, on the left hand from Piccadilly, three doors beyond Stafford- street; and at Mr. AIRE'S, NO. 2, Winchester- Row, Edgware- Road, near Paddington; in tin Bottles, Price 17s. - Duty included. WANTED, in a GENTLEMAN'S FA- MILY in the County of Chester, a Middle- aged Single MAN, in the Capacity of HOUSE- STEWARD and also to superintend the Farming of the Demesne, and the Labourers employed thereon. Non need apply but such are well qualified, and whose Characters will bear the strictest Inquiry. Apply at Messrs. Wrights Chambers, Garden- Court, Temple, London'; or Messrs. Wrights, Knutsford Cheshire DR. JAMES'S FEVER POWDERS. THE Recommendation of a Medicine, which has stood the Test of so many Years Experience and which has obtained the Sanction of being admitted into regular Practice, might be altogether unnecessary, were it not of importance to awaken the Attention of Man- kind, and guard them against the number of Counterfeits and Impositions to which they are perpetually exposed. It; is a Duty that the Proprietors think they owe to the Public, to caution all those who take Dr. James's Powder mixed in other Medicines, and who depend upon its Efficacy, to be well assured that the real Powder be admi- nistered; and this Caution is the more requisite, as some Apothecaries and Chemists have been known to have sub- stituted other Powders ( made in Imitation of Dr. James'sr Powder), because they were cheaper, when the genuine Powder has been ordered by the Physician, and looked to with Confidence by the Patient. The Disorders in which this Medicine has been found to be more particularly efficacious, are FEVERS RHEUMATISMS AGUES MEASLES . INFLUENZAS COLDS COUGHS ASTHMAS ST. ANTHONY'S FIRE DYSENTERIES SUPPRESSION OF URINE INTERMITTENTS SMALL POX SORE THROATS CHILD- BED FEVER HOOPING- COUGH PLEURISIES BILIOUS COMPLAINTS PAINTERS CHOLIC INFLAMMATTON OF THE BOWELS. It is also given with the happiest Effects as an Alterative, in small Doses, every Night, and by this Mode will cure many of those anomalous and complicated Disorders, which are deep- rooted in the Constitution, which, from their Duration, are called Chronical, and which will not yield to any other Medicine. Sold in London only by FRANCIS NEWBERY, at his New Warehouse, No. 45, in St. Paul's Church- yard, a few Doors from the Corner of Cheapside . and at Dr. James's late House in Bruton- street, at the old Rate of is. 6d. a Packet, no additional Charge being made in consequence of the Stamp; and,- in Bottles containing a Dozen Packets, Price ii, 2s. 6d each. To prevent Counterfeits, please to observe, that on every Packet or Bottle Is a Label signed F. Newbery, in his own Hand- writing, and that his Name is also engraved in the Stamp. , Also may be had, Price is. A DISSERTATION ON FEVERS, with a Vindication of the Fever- Powder, by the late R. JAMES, M. D. MONDAY, NOV. 12. From the LONDON GAZETTEt Nov. 10. At the Court at St. James's', the 7th of No- vember, 1792, present the King's most ex- cellent Majesty in Council, . HIS Majesty in Council was this day ' pleased to order, that the Parliament, . which stands prorogued to Thursday the 15th day of this instant November, be further prorogued to Thursday the 3d day of january ' now next following. Whitehall, Nov 10 The King has appointed Simon Lucas, Esq. to be his Majesty's Agent , and Consul General at Tripoli." ' BANKRUPTCY SUPERSEDEd. William Austin, of Tooley- street, Southwark, shoe- maker. BANKRUPTS. John Lazonby, of Charing- Cross,. Middlesex, linen dra- per, to surrender Nov. 13, at six, 23, and Dec, 22 at ' ten, at Guildhall, London. Attorney, Mr G. Adams, Old jewry London LONDON. Yesterday morning the King, Queen, and Princesses, went from the Queen's Lodge to the Chapel of St. George, at Windsor, where they heard divine service and a sermon by the resi- dent Canon, after which the Royal Family re- turned to the Lodge to dinner, where' they con- tinued the remainder of the day. The public days at St. James's this week are the King's Levees on Wednesday and Friday : there will be n0 Drawing- Room till Thursday se'nnight. Yesterday his Royal Highness the Prince of Wales gave audiences to several Members of both Houses of Parliament, at Carlton- House, and in the evening took an airing on horseback in Hyde- Park. The Duke and Duchess of York are gone to Oatlands, from whence they will proceed to ; their seat near Newmarket. Yesterday the Rev. Dr. Powis preached before the Nobility, & c. at the Chapel Royal, St. James's; Yesterday Mr. Pitt, with a party of his friends, dined with Lord Grenville. at his seat at Drop- more- Hill, Bucks. Yesterday Government dispatches were re- ceived at the Secretary of State's Office, White- hall, from Lord Auckland his Majesty's Am- bassador at the Hague, which were forwarded to Mr. Pitt and Lord Grenville, at Dropmore. Commodore George Murray has hoisted his broad pendant on board the Vengeance guard- ship, of 74 guns ( now at Blackstakcs) ; that Gentleman being appointed Commander in Chief of all his Majesty's ships and vessels at Chatham and Sheerness, as far as the Buoy at the Nore, in the room of Commodore Thomas Pasley, whose three years station has expired. Major Francis Skelly is appointed Deputy Quarter- Master- General to his Majesty's forces in the East- Indies, with the rank of Lieutenant- Colonel in the army. The dispute between the Corporation of Lon- don and the Trustees of the Roads is finally settled, to the satisfaction of all parties. The stipulation is, that contractors shall be obliged to land all they raise. This additionally clears the navigation. Friday upwards of 20 pickpockets were taken into custody in St. Paul's Church Yard, Lud- gate Hill, and Cheapside, by the City constables during the procession, and were all safely lodged in the two Compters. Friday night the house of Henry Wrenshaw, Esq. in Broad- street, was broke open, and robbed of plate and other articles to a large amount. The same night Major Price was stopped near the eleventh mile stone on the Windsor road, and robbed of his gold watch, 10I. and some silver DIED. A few days ago, at Longridge Hall, near Berwick, Francis Ord, Esq. father of Mrs. Ruspini, of Pall- Mall.— On Wednesday, John Ewer, Esq. of Love- lane, Aldermanbury.— On Friday the 2d inst. at Caermarthen, Wil- liam Powell, Esq. many years Major of his Ma- jesty's 54th Regiment of Foot.—- On Saturday the 10th inst. at the Right Honourable the Earl of Carisford's house in Hill- street, Berkeley- square, Thomas James Storer, Esq. brother- in- law to his Lordship, and second son of Thomas Storer, Esq. of Golden- square. POSTSCRIPT. AFFAIRS of FRANC B. NATIONAL CONVENTION. November 5. This Session was chiefly taken up in hearing the defence of Roberspierre, who acquitted him- self to the satisfaction of the majority of the Convention;, and his discourse was ordered to be printed. Louvet and Barbaroux wished to denounce him again; but the Assembly would not listen to them, and passed on to the Order of the Day Towards the conclusion of the Session, a letter was read from General Custine He informed the Assembly, that he was occupied in circulating, in the country which he is master of proclamations, announcing the inten- tions of France. He says they have already been attended with the greatest success. A pa- triotic Society has been established at Mentz, at the first session of which the General pro- nounced a republican discourse. He solicits, in the capacity of provisional agent of the Execu- tive Power, the abolition of all the feodal rights in the countries which the French armies occupy. The great courage and strict disciplinc of his army have, he says, had great effect From 40 to 50 leagues around him, couriers have been sent by the Princes of the Empire, States, and free towns, to solicit the protection of the French Republic. Another Letter was read from General Cus- tine, informing the Convention, that some detachments of his army, under the command of Colonel Houchard, had penetrated into Franconia, as far as Ermestein, and that they have defeated a party of Hessians, and taken 131 prisoners, amongst whom are three Officers The Convention referred the request made by General Custine, relative to the suppression of the tenths and feodal rights in the conquered countries, to the Legislative and Diplomatic Committees. November 6. In this Session a letter Was read from the Com- missioners sent to the frontiers of the Pyrenees. They announce that the organization of the army of the Pyrenees goes on rapidly and suc- cessfully. Ten thousand men, they say, are sufficient to reader the frontiers of the Upper and Lower Pyrenees impenetrable. He adds, that they have re- established unanimity among the Basques, and denounces a number of abuses which prevail in different administrations, and in the civil and military tribunals. They have given the Bohemians liberty to assist at the primary assemblies, Valeze, in the name of the Committee of Twenty- Four, made a report of the charges against the ci- devant King, which the Assembly ' ordered to be printed. A letter was read from General Custine, in- forming the Contention that the City of Frank- fort had paid part of the contribution, and given a note for the rest, payable in the course of 10 months, at two Separate payments. The city of Frankfort has, however, requested him to intercede with the Convention that the re- maining sum of 1,000,000 of florins may reduced to 500,000, and that the city may be taxed no more during the war. Referred to the Committee of Finance. A Letter was read from General Kellerman, dated Mentz, the 4th of November, in which he informs the Contention, that Custine has ac- quainted him that he had denounced him to the Convention ; but he says Custine must have Isaac Dixon, of Newport- street, St. Martin's in the fields Middlesex, linen draper, to surrender Nov. 17, 24, Dec. 22, at nine, at Guildhall, London. Attor. ney, Mr. Collins, Spital- square. William Felton, of Long- Acre, Middlesex, coachmaker, to surrender Nov. 13 at ten 27, at five, and Dec. 22 at ten, at Guildhall, London. Attorney, Mr. Jeyes, Titchfield- street, Portland- road. George Allen, of Chatham, Kent, brewer, to surrender Nov. 17, Dec. 1, 22, at eleven, at Guildhall, London. Attorneys, Messrs. Prall and Shute, No. a, Field cOurt, Grays- inn, Boradale Dickins, of Gravel- lane, Surrey, victualler, to surrender NOV. 13, 16, and Dec. 22, at ten, at Guild- hall, London. Attorney, Mr. Mawley, of Great George- street, Blackfriars- road. William Sladen, of Ratcliff- cross, Stepney, grocer to surrender Nov. 17, 24, and Dec. 22, at nine at guild- hall, London. Attorneys, Messrs. Welch, Ruther- ford and Manynall. Aldersgate- street, London. John Bradley, of Gloucester, woollen- draper, to surrender Nov. 12, 22, and DEC. 22, at one,. at Guildhall, Lon- don. Attorney, Mr. Gale, Clement's Inn. William Cooper, of Leadenhall- street, London,, surveyor, to surrender Nov. 16, 17 Dec 22, at six, at Guild- hall, London. Attorneys, Messrs. R. and Jos. Fisher, Staining- lane, Wood- street. William Webley, of George- street, Somerset, perfumer, to surrender Nov. 14, 15, Dec. 22, at eleven at the White- Lion Inn, in Broad- street, Bristol. Attorneys Mr. Sheppard, Bath, and Mr. Gillman, Furnival's Inn, London. Archibald Corrie, of Berwick- street, Oxford- road; taylor, to surrender. at six, Dec. 22, AT TEN, at Guildhall, London. Attorney, Mr. George Atkinson, Cook's- court, Carey street, Lincoln's inn. Solomon Barnard, of White's- row, Spitalfields, Middle- sex, linen- draper, to surrender Nov. 13, 22, at six, Dec, 22, at ten, at Guildhall, London. Attorney, Mr. Howard, Jewry- street, Aldgate, London. Robert Heslop, of Aldersgate- street, London, victualler, to surrender Nov. 14, 23, Dec. 22, at twelve, at Guild- dall, London. Attorneys, Messrs. James and Richard Willis, Lothbury, London, . Thomas Pickering, of Manchester, Lancashire, woollen- draper, to surrender Nov. 17, 24, Dec, 22, at four, at the Bull's Head Inn, in Manchester. Attorneys, Messrs. Duckworth, and Deanett, Manchester, William Whitmore, late of Hatton- Gardern, Middlesex, money- scrivener, to surrender Nov. 2o, at five, 30, and Dec. at ten, at Guildhall, London. Attorney, Mr. Plaisted, Hatton- Garden. William Walker, of Thatchleach, within Pilkington, Lancashire, manufacturer, to surrender Nov. 24, 27, Dee. 22, at three, at the Bull's Head, in the Market- place, Manchester. Attorney, Mr. John Kay, Man- chester. DIVIDENDS. Dec. 1. Robert Crowther and Thomas Venables, of Eaton Norris, Lancashire, silk- throwsters, at ten, at Guildhall, London. Dec. 4. William Worthington and George Swift, of Manchester, Laucashire, fustian- manufacturers, at four, at Spencer's Tavern, Manchester. Dec 10. Joseph james and Francis James, of Newgate- street, London , lace and fringe manufacturers, at ten, at Guildhall, London. Dec. 15. Edward Johnson, late of Charles- street, Black- friars New- road, Surry, carpenter, at ten, at Guild- hall, London. Nov. 17 Thomas Pattison, of Aldermanbury- postern, London, merchant at eleven, at Guildhall, London. Dec. 1. George Phillips, of Fairford, Gloucestershire, vintner, at eleven, at the Ram Inn, in Cirencester, Gloucestershire. Samuel Stevens, of the Minories, London, mercer, at tea, at Guildhall, London. Dec. 18. Elizabeth Macharg, Anthony Macharg, and John Ray, of Idol- lane, London, merchants, at ten, at Guildhall, London. Dec, 8. john Smalley the elder, of Colyers, within Bil- lington, Lancashire, dealer, at eleven, at the New Black Bull, Blackburn, Lancashire Dec. 1. Edmund Lord, of Manchester, Lancashire, cotton- spinner. Ralph Chambers, of Long Acre, Middlesex, saddler. David Dixon of Bentinck- street, Middlesex, taylor. This Gazette also contains his Majesty's Order in Coun- cil, prohibiting the exportation of wheat or wheat- flour Until the 1st of March next, except foreign wheat and wheat- flour, which shall have imported into this Advices hare been- received In town from Brus- sels, dated last Wednesday, which mention that the Duke de Saxe Teschen's army had been obliged to give way to the French General Dumonrier, and was retreating towards Brussels. It is be- lieved that the French have made themselves masters of Mons. The apprehension of Dumou- rier's marching to Brussels had occasioned a num. ber of the most respectable people to quit that place. The report of Government's having re- ceived this intelligence by a messenger is without foundation. It was yesterday reported about town, ( but no intelligence has been received by Government: to confirm it,) that on the 25th of October, the Anniversary of his Majesty's Coronation, Admi- ral Goodall was at Genoa, and fired a salute in honour of the day,, which most of the other ships in the harbour returned, but the French Admiral Truguet refused to do it. In consequenee of this refusal. Admiral Goodall sent several messages on board the Admiral's ship, and at length fired a broadside- Two hundred prisoners, taken in the county of Nice, are transferred to the strong castle of Tatascon. in the Department of the Mouths of the- Rhone. They aae treated with the same attention as the prisoners at Spire, and con- ducted to Strasburgh. As soon as they arc pro- perly inoculated with the principles of the French revolution, they are to be sent back, to their own country, to spread the contagion. Nov. 9— 12 been mad or intoxicated when he did It. Cus- tine taxes him with flying in a cowardly man- ner in the affair at Landau between the first re- giment of dragoons, and the hussars of Wurm- ser; but if there had been any misconduct, Custine is the last person that should prefer an accusation, who both posted his regiment badly, and did not head it himself. As to Victor Broglie and himself, they were obliged to re- tire, or they must have been taken prisoners. He says he means to commence his winter campaign on the first of January, with every pro- spect of success. Enclosed he sent his plan, which, however, was not read, it being highly improper to divulge it. His letter was referred to the Committee of Inspection. A letter was read from the Marine Minister, in which he informed the Convention, that the Governor and Civil Commissioners of the Esta- blishments beyond the Cape of Good Hope ar- rived there the 16th of June last. Their dis- patches state, that the Establishments situated to the east of the Cape enjoy the greatest peace : they found them, however, desolated by the small- pox, which they took every method to stop, but without success. From the precautions used by the inhabitants, the effects will not be so fatal as was first imagined. They have no doubt but that the Asiatic colonies will continue at peace, and that those of America will do the same, when the Counter- Revolutionary Gover- nors and Commissioners are removed. A note was read from General Dumourier to General Moreton, informing himthat he had defeated the enemy at the post of Bossu, which was defended by 6000 infantry and 1000 cavalry; and had killed 150, and taken 200 prisoners, one of whom was dreadfully wounded, and for whom he wished General Moreton to send a carriage and a good surgeon. The French had not 20 men killed or wounded. The note is dated Bosse, the 4th of November. Bazire, in the name of the Committee for General Safety made a report on the situation of Paris he attributed the troubles and distur- bances to the mistruft which has been infused into the departments against that city, and the displeasures which this mistrust has created. He concluded by observing, that the re- establish- ment of mutual confidence is the only thing which can ensure the public tranquillity. in what form." He proposed that should be the last resource of the Convention; that he shall be allowed to present, by himself or by his Counsel, every means of defence, either in words or writing; that for that purpose he should be brought to the bar to be heard, and that he may be at liberty to see all the original pieces con- taining the charges against him, or the act of accusation itself which is to be drawn up against : him. The discussion of this project of a decree. was adjourned till Monday. TRIAL or THe LATE KING. When M. Malasse brought up the report from the Committee appointed . to collect the proofs of criminality against . Louis XVI. he began a very long speech on this subject by observing the extreme difficulty attendant upon their operations, on account of the immense number of letters, full of symbolical characters, obscure expressions, and equivocal meanings : those were grossly deceived who believed Louis Capet to be simple man; for all the world would be soon convinced of the contrary. Among the number of dispatches now before him, several proved the transmission of immense sums to the rebels, and pointed out the names of the principal accomplices. He now begged leave to enumerate a few of the many flagrant proofs of guilt on the part of the ci- devant King : I.-— A receipt from Bouille, dated Mayance, October 15, 1791, containing an account of the Expenditure of the sum of 993 millions issued for the formation of the Camp at Montmedy. This money had been distributed among the following persons: viz. Monsieur, the Comte d'Artois, the Prince de Nassau, the Duke da Cholseul, Demandell, Bon, Hamilton, Lassale, Weyman, and several other Gene- ral Officers and private persons. II.— Another signed Choiseul- Stanville, attesting the receipt and distribution of 600,000 livres. in.— A letter stating that the diamonds of Madame Elizabeth had been transmitted, oa the 22d of June, 1791, to in Officer of Hussars, who had carried them to the Bro- thers of the late King IV..— A paper, proving that Editor of the " PoStillon de la Guerre," ( a news- paper) had received 8ooo livres from the Civil List, and the " Logographe" no less than 60,000 livres, during the space of three months only. V.— A great number of letters, & c. & c. proving that Louis Capet was a monopolizer of sugar, and coffee ; these monopolies were made in foreign countries the Treasurer cf the Civil List superintended the business, and was ordered to advance the amount of three mil- lions. VI— A new Order of Chivalry introduced under the name of Chevaliers de la Reine the decoration of this Order consisted of a medal, ONE side of which was adorned with the portrait of the Queen; the other had the following inscription " MACNUM REGINA NOMEN ADUMBRAT." Several persons had received this decoration., notwithstand- ing an express Decree forbidding the creation of any new Orders of Chivalry. Vli A bundle of papers, which prove that a person of the same of Gilles had received livres. in order to pay a band of 60 men, against the express letter of the Consitu- tion, which forbids the King to raise maintain any armed men, without the permission of the Legislature. VIII.— A carton full of proofs that Louis Capet had. continued the pay of such of his body guards as had emi- grated to Coblentz; that a number of conspirators were constlantly assembled at the Tuileries ; that Bouille had, the audicity to repair there, since the invasion projected in 1791; and that, from the day that the ci- devant Comte d'Artois had been decreed to be in a state of accusation, Louis XVI. had assigned a pension of 200,000 livres to his children. M. Malasse concluded his report with a va- riety of remarks on the inviolability of the So- vereign. He contended that Louis was at present in a situation unforeseen and unprovided for by the Constitution. The only punishment assigned by On Saturday a man, calling himself John Dunnett, was examined before the Lord Mayor, on a charge of P. Richardson, for an attempt. . to defraud him and partners of the sum of 2510l. by means Of a forged bond for that sum, and was remanded to the Poultry Compter for far- ther examination. The average price of sugar, computed from the returns made in the week ending the 7th inst. is. 55s. 41L per cwt. exclusive of the duty Of Customs paid or payable thereon on the im- portation thereof into Great- Britain. November 7. In this Session, a letter was read from Tho- mas Paine, who sent to the Convention a work of his fellow citizen Barlow, on the vices of the Constitution of 1791, and on the basis of the Constitution about to be formed. A letter was read from the Commissioners sent to the frontiers of the Eastern Pyrenees, dated from Montpellier, the 28th of October. They observe, that they pursue their labours With the utmost activity ; that the places on the frontiers are in a very good state; but that some imperfections exist with respect to the artillery, which they hope to remove. They are going to Nice, to confer With General Anselm. They add, that they have taken, with the ad- ministrators of the different places, the necessary measures to procure provisions for the defenders of their country on that frontier. A letter was read from several patriotic Socie- ties in England, signed by Maurice Margarot, president, and Thomas and Hardy, secretaries. ' - Malasse, in the name of the Legislative Com- mittee, made a report on the question," Whether Louis the XVIth shall be tried, by whom, and it to a prevaricating King, was deposition; but this could not any longer be called a punishment. as royalty itself was abolished. Some might perhaps still refer to the Laws: according to them, the King who permitted a war to be un- dertaken in his name, was to be dethroned ; but ought not a King, who had provoked this war, who had called in, who had paid the enemies of the State, to suffer another, and a more adequate kind of punishment i M. Sergent observed, that the report was in- complete, as no notice had been taken of the protest mentioned by Petion. He thought it would be proper to inquire whether the King had not caused this protest to be enregistered by the Members of the late Parliament? M. Petiton remarked, that the present report related merely to the papers referred to the Com- mittee of Twenty- four. There were a number of other more important ones, such as the COR- respondence of Choiseul Goussier, the Rebel Saillant, the process of Dangremont, hired by Louis XVI. in order to raise a troop of assassins & c. & c. M. Danton, after observing that it was evi- dent, the late King had betrayed, and wished to ruin the Nation, and that, according to the principles of eternal justice, he ought to be con- demned, moved, That the above report should be printed.— Ordered accordingly. LLOYD'S EVENING - PO St, & c. Nov. 9— 12. AUTHENTIC PORT- NEWS. . Extract of a Letter from Plymouth, Nov. to. ; 1 " Arrived, the Hawke, Ward, from Gijon. Wind S. E." Extract of a Letter from Portsmouth, Nov. 11 - " Arrived, the Friendship, Mervats, from i Gallipoly. 1 « Sailed, the Scorpion man of war, for Africa, and the Industry, for Hull," Extract of a Letter from Deal, Nov. 11. Wind S. E. Arrived, and sailed for the River, the William, Byron, from Virginia ; the Mercury, Day, and the Eliza, Middleton, from the South Seas. This afternoon sailed the outward- bound as per last, with the Arethusa, Dodds, for Ja- maica." Extract of a Letter from Gravesend, Nov. 11. " Passed by the Duchess of Cumberland, Brown, and the Kent, Lay, from Oporto; the Thames, Hutchings, from Ditto; the DeVal, Obla ; the Vine, Collinder, and the N. S. de Begona, Revallo, from Bilboa ; the Nerniod, Dixon, from St. Petersburgh the Commerce, Compton, from Baltimore; the Bristol, De Peyster, from New- York; the Vigilant, Bruce, from Malaga; and the Providence, Walkin- shaw, from Rotterdam. " Sailed, the Mediterranean, Way, for Leg- horn ; the Mary, Douglas, for Jamaica ; the Estridge, Cleghorn, for St. Kitt's; the Johan- nes, Dirks, for Hamburgh; the Kirby Hall, Bell, for Oporto ; the William, Harrison, for Virginia ; and the Princess Royal, Payne, for Rotterdam." Armed.— At. Dover, the Swallow, Grey and the Swallow, Lyon, from Oporto; the Good Adventure, Thompson, 2nd the Eu- phrates, Thompson, from Malaga; the Camilla, Lee, from Zante; the Ruby, Dexter, from Bos- ton; and the Grenville, French, from Georgia. In the Creek, the Charlotte, Davis, from Mogadore.— At Hamburgh, the Mary Ann, Cook, from London.— At Petersburgh, the Nottingham, Holland, from Hull.— At Vir- ginia, the Hope, Burnham, from London. The Brilliant, Nixon, from Narva to Leith, is lost on Gottoka Sand Island ; the crew saved. The Blenheim, Street, from Memel, is burnt near Bornholm : crew saved. The Mermaid,' Gwyn, from Liverpool to Virginia, is returned to Liverpool with damage, having run foul of a vessel at sea. Thursday morning arrived in Leith roads, the Royal George, Capt. Ogilvie, who fell jn with the Christian, of Leith, Farquhar, from; Newcastle for Leith, on Tuesday last, off St. Abbe's Head, dismasted. The Royal George towed her up to Leith roads. On Saturday s'nnight an English vessel was stopped, on the point of failing from Leith harbour with oysters from Newhaven. The oysters were again deposited on the beds, by order of the Magistrates. The Rattle- snake sloop of war is now in the river, ready to sail to the East and Western coasts of South America.— She is under the command of Captain Coluett, a Lieutenant in the Navy ; and the objeCt is, to fix upon a spot, on which to found a settlement favourable to the Southern Whale Fishery, and other objects of commerce. A meeting was held at Oakham, on Wednes- day, of the Subscribers to the survey of the in- tended navigation from thence to Melton ; when the sum of 51,000l. was subscribed, for the purpose of applying to Parliament to obtain an act for carrying the same into effect, and for making and maintaining such navigation. No person was allowed more than five shares. The late riots' in Yarmouth have been sup- pressed without the intervention of military force. The Mayor, Magistrates, and principal inhabitants of the town, with their constables, seized several of the ringleaders, conducted them tO prison, which they guarded, to prevent a res- cue of the prisoners, and thus quelled the riot before the dragoons arrived. The University of Oxford, by the hands of their Vice- Chancellor, the Rev. Dr. Wills, ha « e sent a donation of 500!. to the subscription fund for the relief of the French Refugee Clergy: In the Court of King's Bench, on Saturday last, Mr. Fitzgerald moved for a rule, calling on Sir Charles Gould to show cause why a Man- damus should not issue, commanding him to give a copy of all the proceedings had on the trial of J. Grant, at a Court Martial: copies had; been given of all the proceedings up to the pronouncing of the sentence ; but the subsequent proceedings had been applied for and Sir Charles, for reasons that did not satisfy the party, had refused to comply with the request. This ap- plication was under the mutiny act. The Court seemed to doubt the propriety of this application. Lord Kenyon said, " Take a rule to show cause; but it seems to me, you will hardly be able to make any thing of it." The Court granted a rule, calling a Mr. Smith to show cause why a criminal information' should not be filed against hiin for sending a challenge to a gentleman of the name of Cox. There are no less than 138 notices already stucK up at the Court of King's Bench, from Attorneys Clerks, who intend to be added to the practitioners of the law; this present term. Horse- Heath, late the magnificent seat of Lord Montford, in Cambridge, has been sold to some builders, for 7000I.— It is now pulling down, and selling piece meal.—' The lead of the roof is re- sold for 3000I. of the money; and two of the marble chimney pieces are ex- pected to fetch 1500l. more. The whole mate- rials will probably produce 15000l. The con- tractors have four years given them to clear the ground. Accounts from different parts of the north of Scotland agree, that notwithstanding the present state of the weather,' very great quantities, of corn have been got in, and in much better con dition than could possibly have been expected. Wednesday evening last Mr. Darvil, of Hod- desdon, in Hertfordshire, was stopped, between that place and Stanstead by two footpads, one of whom held his horse by the bridle, while the other presented a pistol to him, and robbed him of his money and a silver snuff- box. Friday evening, between eight, and nine. o'clock, as Mr. Lutwich, of Cripplegate, was returning from Kentish Town, he was stopped in the Spa Fields, by two footpads who robbed him of a guinea and some silver. Saturday, as a young man, apprentice to Mr- Skinner, dyer, at No. 3, in Alfred Place, Lon- don- Road Southwark, was taking in some silk that had been hung to dry upon some poles pro- jecting from the window of the third story, in consequence of over- reaching himself, he fell to the pavement. He was dreadfully bruised, but there are hopes of his recovery. THEATRICAL ENTERTAINMENTS. This Evening. HAYMARKET.] King Richard the Third with Richard Coeur de Lion. COVENT- GARDEN. The Grecian Daugh- ter, with Hartford Bridge. DR. HIGGINS's COURSE of CHE- MISTRY will commence on MONDAY the 19th instant, at Eight o'Clock in the Evening, The LECTURES, thirty in Number, will be given on on MONDAYS, WEDNESDAYS, and FRIDAYS, at this Hour. Each Lecture will be Illustrated with suitable Operations and Experiments; and the Utility of Chemical know- ledge will be inculcated, by the most useful Applications of it in various Arts ; and particularly in Agriculture, in Do- mestic CEconomy, the Prevention of Sickness; and Treat- ment of prevalent Diseases. The Study of Mineralogy and Metallurgy will he facili- tated by numerouS Specimens, methodically arranged; by Essays and Analyses; and by Applications which are inter- esting to Men of Landed Property, to Architects, and Farmers. Various Improvements of the Pharmaceutic Depart- ment, exclusive of those already adopted from this School, Will be exhibited in this Course. A Plan of the Course, shewing the Business of each Week, will be exhibited in the Elaboratory, Greek- street, Soho.
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