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The General Evening Post (London)


Printer / Publisher: Mary Vint (Late Say) 
Volume Number:     Issue Number: 9221
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The General Evening Post (London)

Date of Article: 01/11/1792
Printer / Publisher: Mary Vint (Late Say) 
Address: Ave- Mary - Lane, Ludgate-Street, London
Volume Number:     Issue Number: 9221
No Pages: 4
Sourced from Dealer? No
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( L O N P r i c e F o u r P e n c e. F r o m T U E S D A Y , O C T O B E R 3 0 , to T H U R S D A Y , N O V E M E R I, 1 7 9 2. 9 2 2 1 W E D N E S D A Y , O C T . 3 1, Frm the L O N D O N G A Z E T T E. T U E S D A Y , OC T O B E R 30. W H I T E H A L L , O C T . 30. HE King has been pleafed , 0 g f 8 n t t h e d i s n i t y o f » W f - f 1 ) M M Baronet of the kingdom of Great- Britain to Sir Charles Gould, of T r e - degar in the county of Monmouth, Advocate- General and Judge Martial ofhis Majefty's forces, and the heirs male of his FISCJII \ HN * S ^ J^ LLL A Laft Thurfday a hare was ftarted near Bilhop- ( lone, by the Seaford dogs, which afforded the gentlemen of that hunt a moft capital chace. Pufs took acrofs the hill to Firle M i l l ; then back to the place from whence ( he was ftarted and forward to Cuckmere among the rocks, where, after a chace of fixteen miles, the timid animal found herfelf fo h a r i puihed by the dogs, that ( he took to the fea, and being followed by the whole pack, after braving the ccean to the diftance of near a quarter of a mile, fell a facrifice to her ftaunch purfuers, and by one of them was brought fafe to ( hore. body lawfully begotten. Pete- fburgh, Oaober 5. Monday laft being t h e Birth- day of his Imperial Highuefs the Great Duke, and Wednefday the Annivetfary of the Acceffion cf her Imperial Majetly to the Throne, t h e fame were obferved at Court in the ufual manner i and in the evening there was a ball and J'lumination. B A N K R U P T . John Cleever, of the city of Chefter, goldfmith; to fur- I nder Nov. 13, 14, and Dec. 11, at eleven, at the Plume 6 Feathers, Chefter. Attorney, Mr. Garner, in Chefter, or avlell'. Kinderley and Long, Chancery- lane, London. Dividends to be made. Edward Knott, of Fonchurch- ftreet, London, fiopfeller, ( carrying on trade under the firm of Edward Knott and Co.) Pre. I, at eleven, at Guildhall, London. Final Dividend. Jofeph Smith and William Kurdman, of Birmingham, • Watwickflure, faftors and copartners; Nov. 30, at three, at Freeth's Coffee- houfe, in Bel! ftreet, Birmingham. John Corbett, of Shift'nall, Salop, grocer; Nov. 26, at ten, at the Windmill Inn, in Shiffnall. John i- 0' ng, formerly of Feuchurch- ftreet, in the city of lor. don, merchant; Nov. 27, at twelve, at Gui'dhall. Thomas johnfon, of Sutton, Chefhire, and John John< on, Ct" Hurdifield, cottoil- manufafturers and partners; Nov. 23, st eleven, at the Old Angel in Macclesfield. Thomas Lutwyche, ot Birmingham, Warwickfhire, g: oter ; Nov. 23, at three, at Fieeth's Coffee- houl'e, in Bellflreet, Birmingham. Dividend adjourned. George Ltnlpiierej of the city of London, merchant and Infurer ; Nov. 14, at five, at Gui'dhall, London. Certificates to be granted, John Newton, of Kingftota upon Hull, grocer ; 011 or before Nov. 20. William Ryman, late of Sarf-' en, Oxfordshire, dealer and ihapman, and fince a prifoner in the- jail of Wilts; on or be- JU- c Nl, V. 20. William Carbis, of the parlfh ot Redruth, Cornwall, dealer and chapman ; on or before Nov. 20. 1* Phillip Millar, late of Mile- end, Middlefex, mariner; on before Nov. 20. Benjamin Roufe the younger, late of Sittingborne, Kent, but now of Afh next Sand\ Mchj dealer and chapman ; on or before Nov. 20. George Clementfonj cfSt, John's ftreet, Middlefex, man'stnercer; 01 or before Nov. 20. Phineas Jac^ b, late of the city of Norwich, tobacconift ; on or before Nov. 20. Bankruptcy enlarged. Benjamin Motmtagne, of Lair, bridge, near Bath, Somerfetlhire, merchant; to furrender Nov. 23, at eleven, at Kjuilihall, London. CamnitJJtsn fuptrfeded. Samu. 1 Wehle, of Great Alie- ftreet, Goodman's- fields, ftliJdicfox, dealer and chapman. C O U N T R Y N E W S. Chatham, Oil. 29. Fiiday evening laft as the Rev. Mr. Davis, Curate of Gillingham, near i d s town, was returning home to Brompton from Gillingham, he was flopped on Chatham lines by two foldiers quartered in the upper Barracks, a r d robbed of his money. Diligent fearch has been made after the villains, but hitherto without e f f e f t . Zcwes, OSl. 29. Lad Tuefday the Prince left Brighton for a few days. His Royal Highnefs's t e t u rn ivasexpeftedon Saturday. Some ( Economical regulations, we hear have lately taken place at the pavilion. T h e Nuns, whofe arrival at Brighthelmfton was lately mentioned, weie driven from a Convent at Lille. At the time of » hcir debarkation they had only about thirty pounds in fpecie remaini n g . The Prince and Mrs. Fitz'nerbert paid them a very long vifit, at the New Ship fnn ; after which his Royal Highncfs fet on foot a fubfeription for their relief, which, in a fhort tirrfc, amounted to upwards of one hundred pounds. The above ladies, on the evening of their arrival eelebrated High Mafs, with great folemnity, in an apartment at their toil. ' Twas remarkable that no two of the above nuns could be prevailed on to deep in one bed. Laft Thurfday fifteen French Emigrants debarked at Brighton. Among them was a lady, idifguifed in man's apparel. She paffed through this town, the next day, by the llage- coach for l o r d o n . T h e company now begin to draw off a little from Brighton. Laft Wednefday near 200 fail of outward- bound merchantmen appeared in the road off Brighton. T h e inhabitants of Ditcheling need be under no alarm from the vilits lately paid them by fome of the Artillery. Their attendance there has been by order of Government, for the purpofe of making a trigonometrical furvcy of this county, by which they will determine the latitude and longitude of all places, and confequently the exaft diftance from one place to another. Major Williams had the command of the party lately encamped on the Ca& le, or i* sacon, of that place. SHIP- NEWS. Deal, O f f . it. Remain in the Downs the Yucatan, Covercule, 3< r . ianduras; Charming Nancy, Hooper, for St. Vincent's; King of Spain, Spence, for Cadiz ; William, Branford, for St. Sebaltian's; Charlotte Tender, — , for tht Weft- Indie-.; and S. vaan, Mahnkroph, from Middleburgh for Batavia. Wind S. W. L O N D O N . Yeflerdsy morning his Majefty, and the Princeffes Augnfta and Sophia of Gloucefter, attended prayers at St. George's chapel. At half pnft nine his Majefty, attended b',' the Doke of Montrofe, Earl of Cheftertield, Lord Cathcart, General Buda, and Colonel GoldLvorthy, went to Afcot- heath, where a ftsg was turned out. The chace continued for five hours. The Qneen and Princeffes fpertt the greater part of the day at Frogmore Lodge. Yeflerday their Royal Highneffes the Duke and Duchefs of York took the civerfion of hunting with harriers in the neighbourhood of Elden, near Newmarket. His Royal Highnefs the Duke of Clarence is returned to Peterfbam Lodge. The birth dayj of the Royal Family, feveral of which happen next month, occur in the following o r d e r : Prince Edwaid's on Friday Nov. 2 ; his Royal Highnefs being at Quebec, it will not be obferved : Pitucefs Sophia's, on Saturday Nov. 3, will be kept in a private manner at Windfor L o d g e ; Princefs Augufta Sophia's, their MajeOy's feconi daughter, on Thurfday Nov. 8, will be kept in gvla at W i n d f o r ; the Duke of Glouceller's on Monday the 25th, when his Royal Highnefs will receive the ufual compliments at Glou. e. ier Lodge, Upper Grofvenor- ftreet. Mr. Fox and Lord Robert Spencer are now on a ( hooting party with fome other friends, at Lord Pctre's hofpitable manfion in Norfolk. T h e Bifhop of Chich'efter has collate! the Rev. Dr. Buckner, to the Archdeaconry of Chicheller, vacant by the death of Dr. Hollingberry. Capt. Murray, uncle of the Duke of Athbl, facceeds Commodore Pafley, i. i the command of his Majeliy's fhips at Cha h< m and the Nore. T h e Duke of Wirtemb? rg, who, panic ftruck with the fuccefs and incurfion of the French ipta Germany, has given notice of his retirement intc Francoma, was the purchafer, when in London, of the curious Billies which belonged to the Pinel-" lian library. The El « dtor of Mentz is an Ecclefiaftic, fecond only to the Pope. The palace in his capital is, however, of little fplendcur, and will fcarcely be ufeful to the French, except as a lodging for their troops. M. Chauvclin has fc: nt a prefent of thre » thoufand livres to the National Convention of France, for the relief of the brave citizens of Lifle. The number of mufquets purchafed by the Republic of France from this country, fo much to our advantage, was 78,000, about a fortnight fince. Their own manufactories continue to be inceffantly employed, and, before next fpring, every man in France, able to carry a mufquet, will have one. There is little doubt, that Savoy will become part of the Republic of France, though its political condition is certainly left, with the utmoft fairnefs, to the choice of its inhabitants. T he latter, however, are aware, that their fecuiity againft the neighb uring powers of Italy, mult confift in the proteftion of the French name and the French arms. The departure of the Mademoifelles of Orleans for France, was occafioned by the late decree againrt French Emigrants, in which cht's they might otherwife have been arranged. This decree will have the effedt of drawing, for the prefent, from ihis country, all the French families, not decidedly attachea to the old fyftem. No'- withftanding the harvelt was plentiful in Normandy, the want of hands to gather it in, from the diftrailed ltate of the country, and the bad feafon for houfing, has caufed an apprehenfion of fcarcity to be dreaded already. The Magiftrates of Rouen, the chief city of Normandy, have borrowed 40, oocl. to purchafe grain, and have laid a tax on the inhabitants of that Diftrifl to pay the interell. Among the Mnfical Novelties that the Managers have provided for the Italian Opera ii a Angular trumpet, called a TROMBONO— The upper tones are as minageable an the hautboy, and the love aotes kave an sffoft like an tartkquakt. C I T Y I N T E L L I G E N C E . Yeflerday, a Court of Aldermen was held at Guildhall, at which the LORD- MAYOR, Lord- Mayor Elett, Recorder, fixteen Aldermen, and the two Sheriffs, were prefent. T h e Mafter and Wardens of the Bakers' Company attended the Court, relative to the affize of bread, and ftated the peculiar hardihip the trade laboured under, by the price thereof being fo much under the affize, fet forth in the table of the aft of Parliament of 3 tft Geo. I I J. ; the mealweighers return of the average price of wheat being 44s. l o | d . per quarter, and of . flour 38s. and 409. per fack, which was rather cheap** than lafl week, but much higher than the v affize ; the bakers were ordered to withdr^, and the Court taking the feveral circumftance > nto confideration, after a long debate, order- * iat the price of bread ( hould rife half an aflize, , i th will make the quartern loaf feven- pence far- , ig, to take place to- morrow. T h e Court ele& ed EDWARD WI 1, AM DOWNES, a poor b » y of the parilh ot St. ' like Chelfea, and SARAH MUTLOW, a poor b , of the parilh of St. Margaret Weftminfter, into Emanuel Hofpital, to be maintained, clc red, and educated, till they attain the age of 14. SAMUEL SAWDERS, Citizen and Joine » and WM. YARRANTON, Citizen and Needier, ker, who lately purchafed two of the Saltmeters laces of this City, were fwern and admitted tc '. . faid offices. T h e eight following perfons wet Sefted Searchers and Scalers of all manner t- f tanned Leather coming to the market of Leadenhall for the year enfuing. THOMAS MEAD, Citizen and Girdler. A V E R Y W E S T O N , C u r r i e r. T H O M A S K E E N E , C u r r i e r. J O S E P H L A C E Y , C o r d w a i n e r. W I L L I A M H O M A N , C u r r i e r. J O H N C L A R K , C o r d w a i n e r. WiLL 1 AM GROVE, Currier. J O H N L O F T Y , C u r r i e r. And they were ordered to enter into bonds of l o o t , . each, previous to the next Court, and then attend to be fworn into their offices. Richard Milliard, Cisizen and Founder, was admitted and fworn a Serjeant at Mace for the Compter, in Giltfpur ftreet. T h e proprietors cf thirteen b a « o f foreign gold bullion, weighing 194.4 ounces, attended with their witneffes, and ftvore to the fame, in order to export it agreeably to the direflions contained in the Aft of Parliament of the 7th and 8th of William I I I . in that cafe made and provided. T h e Court broke up at a quarter paft five o'clock. A few days fince, at Contrt- ifs farm, nearAm^ fbury, a hawk fell in with a very numerous flight of darlings, which he attacked and frightened m fuch a manner that near 100 of them fell, 2 7 0i which were immediately picked up dead, f^ veral of them had their legs and wings broken, and many of them, recovering, got away. ^ T h e hawk carried off two in his pounces. On Tuefday the 9th inft. a farmer at a village near Romfey miffing one of his waggon- horfes » when he went to take them in from grafs in the morning; he fuppofed i: to be flolen, and after a diligent, but fruit'. ef?, fearch through out tha neigbourhood, he went in q i e f t o f . i t to W h i l l - and other fairs, but without fuccef: ; at length, he reccolledled that he had left it in the fhafts of A waggon, in a barn, from which he had taken the other horfes four days before; and tnete, indeed, he found the poor helplefs animal, ftill alive, the haplefs viftim of uncommon forgetfulnefs. At the battle on Saturday, between Ward and Silvertop, at L i n g l e y Broome, the difciples of B. irrington were uncommonly fuccefsful; and one country farmer, who had brought 47 guineas, the earnings of confidsrable induftry, in his pocket, itl order to bet, was faved the trouSle of rifking hU judgment upon the evfcntof the battle, by having it, together with his watch, taken, out of his pocket while on horfeback. Yefterday morning a, fire broke out. at a h a i r - dreffer's in Fenchureh- ftreet, which confumed the in file of the houfe and part of the furniture, but by the timely rftftance of the engihes was got uti* der without doing any further damage. Monday evening 14 fufpicious perfons were taken before the fitting Magiftrates at the Public Office, H a t t o n - g a r d e n , on a charge of bullockhunting, two of whom were fined, and paid 20;. each ; five were committed to prifotr, not being able to pay the fine ; the other feveti were difcharged. r M A R R I E D . ] Mr. Hoare, tobacconift, ot Fleet dree*, to Mifs Jarvis, of Fetter- lane.— « Monday, J. S. Braine, Efq. of the Navy- ofn: e, to Mifs Banner, of Naffau- ftreet, Soho.— Yefterday, Mr. Cooke, an eminent attorney, of B- iftol, to Mifs Lydia Spddon, fecond daughter et Mr. Deputy Seddon, ofc Alderfgate- ftreet. Yellerday the Lords Commiffioners for the Cuftody of the Great Seal held the firft Seal at Lincoln's- inn- hall before Michaelmas Term. This day and to- morrow are appointed for mifcellaneous bufinefs, and Petitions on Saturday. Yefterday the1 City Remembrancer watted upon the Lords Comniiffioners for the Cuftody of the Great Seal, when their Lordlhips were pleafed t « appoint Friday next, at two o'clock, to receive the Lord- Mayor Ele& A Court of Common Council will be held on Friday next, after the Lord Mayor returns from the Lords Commiffioners. T h e Company of Leather fellers, London, have appointed Mr. George Atwood, of Lewifham, Kent, Mafler of their Englith Free- fclnool there. The Dublin fubfeription for the relief of the French Clergy, there amounts to 340!. Among other pieces of the magnificent fervice of plate preparing for the Margrave of Anfpach is this article ; a bowl of filver, chafed and gilt, of the capacity of twelve Engliih gallons. No lefa than nine ( loops v. « ere feized laft week by one of the weflern Comptrollers, and a Surveyor, the Captain? and Owners having negle& ed to regifter them, according to a late aft of Parliament. T i e Committee for the Crinan Canal in Scotland, includes nearly all the Nobility, and intelligent gentlemen of that part of the country. Lord Gower, Sir John Sinclair, Colonel Macleod, and and Mr. Pultney, appear amongfl a crowd of Dakes, Earls, and Efquires. Laft Wednefday a man wholives at D o r k i n g in Surrey, for a triHing wager engaged to pick up 100 ftones, placed the diftance of a yard from each other, in the ufual way of performing that feat, in forty minutes; which he compleated in Lewes Bowling- green, fiemingly with great eafe, in 36 minutes and a half. One day laft w t e k a young rook of a very uncommon colour, was fhot, by one of the Duke of Dorfet's game- keepers near Lewes. The feathers about the neck are of a dun colour; the wings a$ 3 the reft of the body of a bright chefnut. A brafs piflol barrel, the charge of which had not been drayvr,, being a few dnys fince put ir. to a furnace at Mr. Snnpe's foundcry, at St. Catharine's, bttrft into innumeiable fragments; fortunately no further damage was done than t « 3 of the v w k m e u bving flightlv wounded. The belt - Sh,) otlng Guns, which will be proved on t.-' al, sre foU K Millar's Caif- boring Msrrj^ ft v~, Mile- T. u'l Turnpike, White. hapel, London; as the fhorteft of Mellor's twilled Barrels, not three feet long, will fhoot through Twenty four Sheets of Paper, at an Hundred Yards, wi th a fair Charge of fmall Shot; and for common Length of Shooting wiil put three Shots to one w thin the Spate of a Bird, as moft Guns in Europe, and with l ; fs Recoil. GentlemcR. may fee any of them fhoot as above, and be convinced that they excel all other Barrels in ths World for Shooting. He likewife bores Gtntlemens own Barrels to ( hoot in the fame Manner, which makes the Ban eh'much ftronger, and fhoot with lefs Rccoil. Alfo Guns fur Gamek epers that are fine ot their Bird ; and fliort Cocking Guns that will kill at an amazing Orftince. NOT£. Letters that hive the Podage- paid, will tie duly anf. vered, but- no, others will be received. 7 his Day- iuas published, Price I s. bd. PEARSON' S P O L I T I C A L D I C T I O N A R Y; containing Remaiks, Definitions, Explanations, and Cuftoms, Political, and Parliamentary ; but mare particularly appertaining to the Houfe of Commons, alphabetical'^ arranged. By the late JOSEPH PEARSON, Efq. Many Years principal Door- Keeper. Illuftrated with a Number of political Charadters, and enliveued by a Variety of original Anecdotes. Faithfully collefted faom hia Pofthumous papers, by two of his Literary Friends. _ Printed for J. S. Jordan, No. 166, Fleet ftreet. [ 16S6 BRAUNSTON NAVIGATION. THREE H U N D R E D GUINEAS will ba given for a SUBSCRIPTION of TEN SHARES in the above Navigation. Apply immediately to Mr. W. Tayler, Warwick- fcjuare, Newgate- ftreet, London. [ 3* 45 REVOLUTION SOCIETY. THE S O C I E T Y for Commemorating the GLORIOUS REVOLUTION of 16SS, when tlfc People of England expelled a Tyrant, and feated on the Tnrone, William III. a Prince of their own Choice; invite the Friends of Freedom to celebrate that importao*. Event, at the London- Tavern, on Monday, the jth of liuvember, 1792. Edward Cowper, EfSqT. EWARDS. George Edwards, M. D. James Gibfon, Efq. Peter Mertineau, Efq. William Maltby, Efq. Ceor^ e Philips, Efq. John Redman, Efq. Thomas Rickards, Efq. John Towelt Rut', Elq. Wiliam Sharp, Efq. William Fate, Efq. James Weftofi, Efq. Dinner on Table at< Fo, ir o'Clock prcclfely No Servants but thofs of the Stewards can be admitted. Tickets 7;. 6d, [ 3* 11 Tickets may be had ot auy of the Stewards : of Mr. S » Favell ( tire Trerlurer), No. 247, Toaley. ftreet j of Mr. Cooper ( the Secretary), No 35, ClemeatVlane ; of Mr. C. Harris, No. 27, O. d Jewry ; and at the Tavern, Gentlemen are defireij to be early in fecuting Tickets, as the Numb.- r is limited, none can be had after Friday. AI^/ ERTiSEMENT~~ " A Phyfician to a public Difpenfary, in a huge l A Market Town, healthfully fituated, and Member of feverU Literary Socie'its, propofes, upon moderate Terms, t# receive into his Houfe, and inftrua young Gcntle-. n- r. ia Botany, Chemiihry, Pharmacy, Materia Medic-, and tie 1 heo ies and Pradtice of Phytic, preparatory to a Courfe of Medical Education, jn any of the Britiih cr Forc- gn Univcrfities. , As the Advertifer expeits to derive prafeflional Afltlhnce f. om his Pupils, he wiil receivc fcch only as have had a CUlTical Education, ar. d are of regular Eeha/ ronr and good D fp fition . An opportunity of fttidung the Greek, Litin, and French Medical Authors, will aifo be afforded them. N. B. Further Information maybe had on Application to Meffrs. Sitene and P^ li, D'rug'giSs, No, 139, Upper Thamesftr- et, London. [ 3244 • » - • ; ' V. ' « .".• I- I M E N T Z. T H E following particulars may now be acceptable, d a t i v e to this place. it is of greater antiquity than any on the \ V> ft e rn frontier of Germany, having been a city in the c! a" s of DRTJSUS, who ferved under AUGUSTUS, and a place of importance, many years before. Li 745, it was made an Archbifhop'- s fee, ir. ftead ot Worms, to whi'. h it was once fuff r a t r a n . T h e E M P E R O R , F R E D E R I C GIFJOBARE i i i , one of thofe Sovereigns, who were always at war f r r the honour of their croons and the wetfare oj theh\ I\ cpe, neatly dei'troyed it in 1158, I n 1 4 6 2 , its owtv B I S H O P , A D O L P H U S of N A S - SAU, took it, after an iiifirtrechon. GU « TAv u s ADOLPHUS, the Swede, entered it in tiiumph in 1631 ; l"- ft it in 1 6 3 ; ; but took it Egain, the year after, and kept it till the peace of Munfler. T h i s is one of the pi tees, which claim the invention of the art of printing. Trie ARCHBISHOP ot MKNTZ, is Arch- Chancellor of the Empire, and the firll of the Elettofal College, in all public meetings. T h e city is fix German miles from Franckfort, eighteen from Treves, and fifteen front Spire. T h e G e r m a n mile is to that of England as 4 0 00 to 1 1 5 0 . Mentz received a French garrifon in 1688; but, being bsfieged by the confederate forces, under the cbhynand of the Duke of LORRAIN, was fnrrendered, Sept. 1 1 , 1689, afiCr fix or feven weeke reiill.. nce. JNSPJClf FETE. TUU.& DAY being the anniverfary of the marriage of their Serene Highneffes the M a r g n v e and Margravine of Anfpach, the feme was commemorated at Brandebaurg Houfe., in a rnofl fumptuous and princely flyle. Moft of their HighnclTes tradefmsn, with many gentlemen of the neighbourhood, affembled at t a e Hamojcrfmith coft'= e- houfe, t o celebrate an event highly flittering to this country in general, bat more, particularly fortunate to thole who, from vicinity to '. heir Highneiies rclidence, are ia the habit of witneffing their w t r t h and ccr. cefcending affability. After dinner, the following fong, written by peter Pindar, Efq; and ftt to ntnfie by Mr. Shield-, for the occafion, as fung by Mr. Wigfb- ad, one of their HighnefLs tradtfmen. T h e hilarity of the evenin^ pvfls highly increaled by the vocal excellencies of Me fits, bannifter, Saitld, johnftone, & c. FAR henceVt gloomy Care retire, Let rapture only ftrike the Lyre, And f. veU the lark- like vo'ce : Let A ifpaeli ev'ry pra'fe command Yvho a ibly left a happy land CHORUS. To bid our realms rf- j-' ice. Then give to Fame, whom Beauty'sfm'iie And Freedom led to Britain's ifle. HJ\ V ftft- the foftercharms oi'Life Invite from pomp and ptide and ftrife To walk her Staple vale I But fo^ m'd on Nature's ample plan In Anfpaeh we behold the mail Whom ail the Virtues hail. Then give, Sec. Yet let not mufic clofe the ( Iran ' Till fhe whofe/ miles a world enchain Topraife exalt the firings, She to whofe verfe the Muf s bow, And wond'riflg at her art allow A fecond Sapho fings. CHORUS. Th? n give to Fame, whom beauty's fniile And Freedom led to Britain's ifie. Thii " Day nvas pubi$ ei, Pi tie is: AN I N Q U I R Y into the prophetic C h a f e r of the ROMANS, as defcribel 111 Daniel* Chap, viil, Vcrfe 2t, 25. By THOMAS ZOUCH, A. M. ReGdrof Wycliffe, Yorkfhire, and late of - Trinity Co'leje, Cambridge. Sold, by J. Peighton, Hoi barn j T. Payne, Msw^. gat ® ,. London ; and a'rCour. tr) Bookffrl'ers. Where may be had, by the fame Author, A ViDtation Sermon preached at Richmond, in Yorklhire, Aug. 21, 17S9; Pr ce is. [' 511 This ' Day ivas publijhed, In S'x Vulumes Royal Octavo, Prica Four Guineas, neatlybound, or 3'. 15s. in Boards, The THIRD EDIfION, confiderabty enlarged, And continued dawn to the pre fent Time, By STEWART KYD, Of the Middle Temple, Efq. B. rrift 1- at Law, of D I G E S T of the LAWS of E N G L A N D, By tire Right Hon, Sir JOHN COi. YNS, Knight, Late Lord Chief Baron of his M- ajefty's Cou t -:. f Exch quer. Printed by A. Sarahan and W. Woodfill, Law Primers to the. King's Moft Excellent M+ j.- fly, for T. ogman, J. J .' union, G. G. J. and J . Robinfoni T. C « deH, E. and K. Bro ke, S. Hayes, W. O'. ridge, W. Fo-:, Whieldon and Buttcrworth, W. Stuart, W. Clarke and Son, j . Walker, W. Brown, and R. Baniftei, W'hete may be had, jult publithed, In Twa Volumes, Royal Odtav , l-' ric 18s. in Boards, ( Dedicated by Permiffion, to Lord TKURLOW), The Report, nf the late Lord Chi- f Baron COM Y MS, The Second E nition, v. irh marginal N^ rcs, References, & c. By SAMUEL ROSE, of . Lincoln's I. m, EC* F316S Correft, enlarged, and improv : 4 Edition of LAVATER, bridged. This Day rvMre pMiJbed, In One Volume, Price Four Shillings* r. d Sixpence, in Boards, ES S A Y S on P H Y S I O G N O M Y . 1, For tl Maiialndi Written in the Gorman Language, By J. C . LAVATER. Abridged from Mr. Hblcrof.' i Tranflacion. Frinted f-. r G. G. J. and J. R binfon, Paternofler- row. N.. B. An Abridgement having been published, which, though falfely and odiculoully faid to be tranfl ited from the original Wctk, only confitts of Scleflions from Mr. Holcioft's Tranflition, inaccurately traufcr^ hed and mangled. The Tub'; fhl- rs and Picprietors, thererbn-, of the Work, thus impudently - stolen, and wretched; y mutilated, now prefent to the Publican Ahridgene. it, carefully reviled,- C0i-- re£ tL printed, and containing, in Addition to all that is to be tound is the other, nearly a whole Sheet of Let er- Pte'Sj and two additional C irper-, kites, containing Twelve Heads. The remaining Copies of Mr. H. ilcroft's Tr. infl ition, with firft Ijaprefiians of the PI '. tes, in threelarge Rovai Oftavo Volumes, Price Five Guineas in Beards, illuftrated by ' t hree Hundred and Sixty Engravings, by Heath and other eminent Artifts, may be had as above. I' 59- H O L Y W f . U , HUNT. THE Members are requtlled to iri^ et their Plcfident at the Bell and Antelppe, on the 4th D.. y of November 179 ® ^ THOMAS CREWE !> 0V>,, E.' tj. Pi 1 M on Th. iiffiS. y i i . , anl 9$ A1 N. B. ') he AnuO » ! I'!,:-: will- be 1 there will be a Ball in the Ecen'tngi To be SOLD by AUCTION,' At the Crown In n, Downhi^ n Market, n the Cctlnty of Norfolk, on Sloeiday the 19th D. t( o. November, 17 2, between th. ® ars of Three a'tid- tive- o'ei. icle in the afternoon, the following Ptemiffcf, in One Lot. L i . that c a p i u l H E i o U A C j E , ttiih ike Ao purten. inces, pleaCmdjf fituu- ie is POVVNHAM • Tore/ aid, a ( hort- Diltanee from the Tow.-, hte in" theO : cup. ition of the R. everend Jerisrn Bstt,, deeeilea.; coi: S: ting of three Parlours, f. veral g > od Chambers, Kitchen, and convenient Offices, Stable and Co-. ch H-> ui>, willed G. vden planted with choice tru: t Tiees, and two Ulofes t. f failure Ground adjoining the faid, Meii'u ige, containing . by Eltiinat on, 3 A. 2 R. aifo a fn all Shrubbery oppofite . the faid Meffuage, and a new- built Cottage with the Appurtenances near tbe laid Mefl'uage ; now in toe Occupation of j.- hn Gly. The Purchafer may have immediate Fafliflion' of all the Pre'miffes ( except the faid, Cottage) allowing Intereft for the Purchafe at the Rate of four per Cent, per Annum, until Payment- thereof. • { 3197 John Gay will fhew the PremiiTes,' and f> r further Parti. cuiacs, enquire of John Thurlow Dering, Efqj of Crow Hall, neat Downham; of Henry. Bell, Efq; Lynn, Norfolk. WANTED to PURCHASE, THE perpetual ADVOWSCTN^ of, or nesjt PRESENTATION to a RECTORY Ar VICARA'JKs i^ ith an immediate Relfgnatiori. Situate- in'enyofthe'Countie, of Salop, Stafford, W « wicV Wureelter, Merefortl, Gloitccl- • ter, cr Berks. A Line directed to Mr. . Hen fiia'AS, at Wem, in Shropfhir e, ,• def ir ltb: i . o. '. - thUe. KSiit uation an- dJ a n m | 3 | - Value of fuch .1 Redtor/ - Vicarage will be duly attended to. [ 3230 the Promotion of the Knowledge and the Love of ESTATES in and near " LICHFIELD. To be SOLD by AUCTION, . By WILLIAM HARRIS) At the George- Inn, in the City oi Lichfield, on Monday the 5th Day of November, 1791, and the tw> following Days, ( the Sale t> begin at Ten o'Clock in t , e Morning of each Day) in fuch Lorst ard fubjett to fuch Cond tions as : na;- be - th. n agreed, ~ IVERS FRREI- IOLD and LEASEHOLD ESTATES in and near the City and County nf the City of Lichfield, and in Little Pipe, in the County of Stafford, j late the Property of Mrs. Gaftrell, deu- afed, Alfo a Farm in the Pari Hi of Shenftone, in die County of CHESTERFIELD CANAL NAViGATION. 1 > Y o ' t e r ot the Company of Proprietors of AJ1 the ( aid Na^' gation a Dividend o£ One Pound on ea& .- '. lie .-•: the ta d Nav'ga.' on will be paid by Mr. Charles Kinder, thi- Treafiirer to the fa d Company, at fchelieifield, or a; Mo John Kinder a . d Sons, No. 1, Cheaplide, London, at Chriftmas next. ANTH. LAX MAYNARD, Clerk to the faid Pompany of F'ropi- ie^ ors. Chefterfield, Ofl. 22, 179a. [ 3227 A Rows, iti the Occupation of Thomas Hodgkini, . s Tenant from Y'ear ta Year. And another Farm at Warton, in the Pariflits Polefwolth, 1 in the County of Warwick j corftfting of an Houfe, Out- Fuildings, and fcveral Clefes of Land 5 conta'niug together 62 A. 2 R. 9 P. in the Occuptt on of John Hul, a of 52I. 10s. o. l. hy Ler. C, in which si Years "' pired at I. ady- Day next. Printed l'articulais may be had of Mr. Hnck'ey, Mr Francis Robirrfm,. or the Au& lo. ieer in Lichield, of Mr, Wyatt, Burton upon- Trent, an.! at tho Georje inn, L'xh. TO THE CLERGY. Gentleman refiJing in Wales, who fnends Part of his Time in Cock Shooting and ott. er Spirts, wiihes to emplt. y the remainder in Reading the LatinClaiTies, and for that Purpofe would ' vifh to engage with a Clergy an who would have no Objection to the former, and could aflift him i„ the latter Part ef his Plan. The Ter. n re'qu red would be about three Months. [ 3217 Letters ad. lrell'ei to H. W. at the PuhlTner's, mentioning Tu'rms, will be duly anfwered if figned, with i- Sal Names. WANTED TO RENT, Either fui- niflied or unfurnilhad, in North or South Wa'es, or the adjoining Counties of Hereford and Salop, AMANOR with a D ve! ing- Houfe, Coach- Houfe, Stables for Six or Eig^ t Horfes, anil ffita i vvonty to Fifty cres of Palfure La d. Ai the above is only wanted for Sporting, none would fuit but where there is plenty ofCame, aud the Liberty of keeping a few Harriers could be had. Neighbourhood or Roads will not be at all attended to, as tbe Ad vertifer wiihes a retired Pl. ee. For fu ther Particulars dirett for Mr. Vincent, Union Coffee Houfe, Cambvid|>, [ 3222 field. ENTERED AT STATIONERS HALL. This Day was publijhedPrice if. 6J. L E T T E R to the A D D i E S S l i R S on X late PROCL AMATKJN. By T H O M A S . P A I N E, An hor of Rights of Man, & c. Secretary for Foreign Affairs to Congrefs in the American War, and now Member of the National Convention of France. Printed for H. D. ^ monds, in Paternofter- row, and T. C. R'. ckman, No. 7, Upper Mary-! a- banne ftreet. Where may be had, Rights of Man, Parti I. and II. Piice fid. each, or ll. ros. per Hundred. ^ 3 J 7S This Month TO.'// be publifbsd, ^ T H H E P A R I S H O F F I C E R ' S C O M P L E TE JL GUIDE: C. nt i ing the Duty of the Churchxmien, t- veif* , Cenftable, and Surve r , f th" Highways, By JOHN PAUL,' Efq. Barrifter at I- aw- The SIX 1H- EDITION. In which the D'mfi. s cf the fevcral Titles are mare perfpieuoufly irranged ; many new Divifions added 5 all the fubf- qti- nt Acts of Parliament, reported Ca'es. and a great Vaoety of Man - fcript Deciliois, upon thefe Subjcit, r: fpeftiv. ly inco- po-. t d with the o rdinal. Work ; forming in the' V. hjle a < co'. fi< I : t- Body of Pari( h Law, particularly with repetit tf> that nnpottint, and hitherto complicated, Article, Settlement of the Poor , from the earlieft Period to Trinity Ter n, 111 the 32 Yeirof George the Third. ported for A. Strahan and W. V/ oodfall, Law Printers to the King', mift em. client lay. fly ; for VV. Richilnllon, at the > 1- Exchange j and G. G. J. an! J. ' Robinfoji, Paternoifer row. Of hom may be had, juft puMi& ed, By the fame Author, a new Edition, being the Seventh, with c.. nfiderable Additions and Improvements, Price 2s. 6d. f wed, The Laws relating to Landlords and Tenants; containing the " whole Law refpe& i g Landlords, Tenants, and Lodger^, laid down in a plain, eafy, and comprehei^ ive Manner, To which are added, the rauft approve ' Form^, of Notices to quit, SALE cf T I R E S ALL, T o be SOLD by AUC H O N , U Mr. Morgan's, t* ie Sign of the Sun at Bradford, in the Ciiuntyor Yoik, on Wednefiay the 7th DayofNovrnur r., Conditions as will be then and there' pro.' need, n p K E Fee Simple ar. d I n h e r h i r c f f o f and in all J . that t've Ma » et or Lordiliip, or reputed Minor or Lnr. lth p ofTIRESALL; all., the cipata! MetfuagS or Manftonhoufe of Th- ei'al:, and tbe feveval'Mefiiiages and Tenements^ j. and the Lands,- Grounds, and Hereditaments thereto belong- > i « g, fituated 111 Titefil!, in ; he Towr. Wp of Poney, within the Par. lh of Calv'erley, in.' die/ aid County; and alio ail that MefTuage and Tenement, commonly called Cut er Hei- ilif, fuu- ate 111 Bowling, within the Paitfli-. fBr. dS. rd, irrtheTsaid County, adjoining or lying eontigunus to the faid Pfe'mill'ci, in TrrefaU. The Whole containing, by Adrne furement ( including about 73 Acres of rich. Woo.- ilantk) 636 Acres of Sta, tiite Meafure, or thereabauts, be the fame more or left, late the Efface of R- chard Thornton, late ef Tire fail afoofid, Efq; deee fed, a,- Id now in the f; virjt Poffelliohs ef Ephriim E: fworth, Richard Womeifley, Jnhn Womeijley, Ruben Mitchell, Benjamin Roberts, San. uel Ingham,' Henry Firth, Hannah Boys, Widow, and John Green. The Pre .-. lilies are free t'rsm Great Tithes. ( f » bjeS to a fmalfyearly ' Rent of 10s. only), are very immoveable, and lye within a Ring Fence, in a genteel Neighb urhond, and a populous trading Country, being ab - ut't-. vo Miles from Bradford, eight from Leeds, ten from Halifax? and twelve from Wake Held, and, it is apprehended, they. abound with valuable Bed^ ot" Coal and Iron Stone, Ephrain: Eif woith, of Tiief. dl will fhew the Prcmifles ; and, for further Particulars, apply to Edward L- dge, F. fq; f BANK and ROAS> » i N' O T I C E is hereby given, That a Meet: f tg of the Truftees, f,. r putting in Execution an Aft of Parliament palled in the. 12th fear of the Reign of his piefent Majefty, unified <' An Aft for the better Preservation of thS a" t' e^ Rent Ores: Ba^ kof tlm- Kiver Wetla-. d, from Spalding . high Bridge II be uuex- ! through Cowbit Peakill, Crowland, and Peakirk, and fot ). making'and keeping in Repair a Road thereon, and from thence to the Village of Glenton, in the Counties of L r. cola and Noi- ihoripti ," wii, be held at the White Hart Inn, in Spsldini; aforti'nid, on Wednrl'dty the i^ th Day ofNovember n-.- xt, at i t o'Clock, in the Forenoon,- for taking in. o Ccnfideiation, the Renewal of. the laid Att : At which Meeting* the Crei'! t » S of the laiet Road, aud all other Ptrfons inteieftei therein; a id the faid 3 i k, are rcquefted to attend by them* Iclves or AgentJ. By Order of the Tru. tees, I . SANDERSON, Clerk. SpaHinf, 2ith OS. 1752. [ 32' 3 3164 Directions for makings a Diftrefs, and for r^ levying Goods when illegally taken. A fo, Memorandums for leuing i Willow- Hall, near Halifax ; ' Mr. John Sha. pt," of Gilder- H uf- s, Lands, and Apartments by Agreement,' oronLeafe; | fame, near Leeds; or Mr. John Hauler, Attorney at Law, in and various I'recedmts of. Leaf 3, anil as fettled by tbe moft eminent Counfel. other afeful Deeds [ 204 SOUTH HOLLAND e i ! ds, - 1 I Rochdale, in the County ot Lancafter. [> 9* 9 This Day was pubiifbec!, Priee is. T h t V ' J i a i J EDITION, with fome Enla. « ement « , 0 0 M E ACCOU- nT of the SH tfaiV ) B r j RY O HOUSE of INDUSTRY, its'Eftabloltment and Rrgulations, With Hints to thole who may have limilar Inllitutiens in View. Ey J. Vv* ODD, To which are added, The Bye Laws, Rale;, ar. d Ordinances of the faij Houfe ; alfr ai Appendix, containing a Correfpondence w th.' the Rr. v. J. Howett, & c. on t %| ime Subj. f t . [ 3 » 3+ Slirewibury : Printed for j. and W. Eddowcs; laid1 by T. N. Longman, No. 39, Pamnafter- ro- v; T. Calell, Srmdi I. jobnfm, St. Paul's Church y : r , London, Cleyks. AT a Meeting of Proprietors of Lands hi SOUTH HOLLAND, lying in the teveral Pariftiee of Spalding ( including the Hamlets of C osbit and Peakill) Welt in, MouUon, Whaploa. l, Holbeach, Fleet, Gcdfiey, Sutton Saint Mary's, and Lutton, in the County of Lincoln, held at ihe Town Hall at Spalding, on Monday the 15th Day of October, 1792, p^ iriuart' to public Advertiftment, for the Purpofe of hearing the Report of MeiTus. Hudfyai and. Maxwell read, r.- fpecting, the Drain- age thereof, and for making fuch Rei ilutioas as Ihou'. d be thought expedient, Sir JOSEPH B A N K S , Baronet, Chairman, PRESF. N I ', ., With feveral other Land Owners, A L E T r t R to the ADL v E S b l i R b on the T'ne P K; Hon. LORD F. ARDLEY, by George 1 . . . u i i n n t 1 1 1 I T I I I K Mixwell and Philip Aihiey, his Agents, SIR. JOHN TILOLLOT'E, Barooet, THEOPHILUS BLCKV/ ORTH, " 1 JOSHUA SCROI'E, 1 HENRY BOULTON, BA RTHOLOMEW CT. AYPON, EBV/ ARD NORTHO^, SAMUEL GREAVES, FAIRFAX JOHNSON, WILLI \ M TATAM, JOHN KTLK, THOMAS PULVERFOFT, BASIL BERIDGF* MAURICE JOHNSON, THOMAS BATEMAN, JONN DINHAM, OGLE THORPE W A I N M A N , M. D. )> 0b, J R E E A N , for Saint John's College, Cambridje. John W A L K E R , for t ie R e v . Dr. O G L A N U E R. Ref Uved, That this Meeting do approve tbe Report of the Engineers, M- ffrs. Hudf. in and Maxwell except fo muchof it as r.- Jates to the Mode ot ra fing the Money neceffary for carryi - g : ltc intended Works info Execution j it being the Opinion of tb: s Meeting, that in the Act of Parliament a Power Ihuu'd be inferred to authorile the Commilfioners of Drainage to .. ffefs t h e La id, to be drained at fuch S a m , by the Acre, as may be thought necelfjw, not exceeding Forty Shillings an P I C T U R E OF PARIS. '. ere, and that the fame ftrall be raifed by gradual Payments This Day tvas pubLjhea, Price 2S. IN Courfe of three Years. To be completed in Twelve weekly Numbers, Refa'ved, That this Meeting do arthorife their Commi'tee NUMBER I. of 1, or any five ot them, to give proper Direftibiis to their Solicitors r r * I L J l a ' e P I C T U R E of P A R I ' - i - , tor forming tbe D r . f t o t an A d of Parliament t » be. farrie t into 1t , f'a• i't, h fru l, , Nr arra, t ive orf t. a e BR evol, u tion of, th' e .0 ' h o\ f t\ t£ hhec r eH0 Bo uwfi- t h oatl l CpoomlTmiboien sE xinp edtihtei onn. ext SeJBoaa and proceed Auguft j o the Caufes « hich produced, the Events which ! That it I, e to preceded, - a. aQ the Crimes that follawed it. By J. P E L T I E R , Au'hor of the " A f t s of the. Apoftles j " of the " Politicil C Irelp. andence," or " Piftu- e of P a r i s ; " and of feveral o'Ker Works, publifked in the courle of the laft tferee Years. Land m 1 Subfcriptions are received by the Author, M. Peltier, Coventry- itreet, Leicefter fields ; J. O-. ven, No. iod, Piccadilly (- and Chuber, oppofite Greniei's" Hotel, Jerjoy- i I'treet. Wheae mav be had, Na. I. m i II, of thb fame in Srcniih. Q3 , .5 A } That it he recommended to the O oners of Lands not ini eluded in the Limit pit- bribed by the f. id Import, to call | Meetings of ( heir i- efpective Parith- ss without Delay, to de- s | tennine whether they wiih to - vail - I - r . o— .1— d — c . ! j of ihe intended Aft of Parliam nt. ! kh ' t the Committee be aptli irifed to add to their Number j fuch Owneis of Land intended to be included in the Aft as j they Hi ill fee fitting, I That th a fe Rel'oiut'ons be printed in the General Evening I Poft, Cambridge, and Stamford Papers, j Refolved, 1 lut the ' thanks ot tills Meeting be given Co j die v'hoiitmaa. [ 31S2. } JOSEPH BANKS, Charsaia.,, ASHBY- DE- LA- ZOUCH INTENDED CANAL. P A P E R having been, crqulated amongil fome Perfons of Property, or who may be interefted along the Line, and in the Neighbourhood of this intended Canal, for the Purpofe'of obtaining Signatures againft it, in which, amongft other Mifreprefentations, asReafons f rtheir Oppofition, it is alledged, that the Branches to the Limeworks were deemed impracticable, and not intended to be completed. The Committee, concerned in the Management of this Undertaking, take this public Method of ijforming all th ife whom it may concein, that the faid Allegation is utterly groundlefs, and contrived for the Purpofe t. f inducing the Land Owners, and others interefted in getting Lime for the Improvement of their Land at a cheap Rate, to confider the Project as in no Refpefi beneficial to them, and therefore to oppale the intended Application ttf Parliament They alfo think proper to inform the Public, that the propofed Branches from Alhby to the L'meworks ha- e been in- Ipefted by a very able Engin er, Mr. Robert Whitwonh, who has made his Report, that they are undoubtedly practicable, and may be readily made, as they ar > intended 10 be by the Promoters of this Undertaking; which R- pn- t may be feen at the Office of Mr. Peftell, at Afhby- de- la- Z uch', by any Gentleman who will call for that Purpofe. The Committee alfo think proper todeelare that they are* bound by a Refolutiou, made a1 one ot their ii.- ft Meetings, to complete the Branches from Afllby to the Limeworks, before the junction and Communication ll, alt be made ' with tile " Co ventry and Oxford Canals : and that a Claufe may be inferred in the Aft, to eh'ige the Company of Proprietors to carry this Refolve irttoEffefl, And that it is alfo the Intention' of the laid Committee to have a conaputfive Claufe introduced in th » Act, for the Junction with the Coventry Canal at Gr. ff, to be made as foon as the Branches to the Limeworks are completed.:— and they can allure thofe whom it may concern, that the Country will be fupplied with the Articles of Coal and Lime - a£! y and cheaply along the Line, and in the Neighhcruchcod of the propoiod Canal, be fides having - aj other Advantages that muft a ife from the Carriage of Godda and Merchandizes by Water mlltad of Land,- and which muft be peculiarly btreficiaHo th; s- Country, op Acconnt cf this Scheme, wh n effected, forming, in Union with Part of the Coventry Navigau 11, a Canal of 73 Miles in Extent, without afi>- gle Leek. It is, th. iafore, not doubted, but thofe whofe Sighati res have been ob tained ander fuch Circumltances againlt the ProjeGj will retraCl their Diffents, It is alfo th -. ught proper, pu licly 10 declare, that the Committee have offered to guarantee to Mr. Cii' znn, to any Am- ut. t he fliall require, the Prefervationxit the Spring whifh fupplies his Houfe with Water, as it now is, without any If, jury 0'. Diminution whatever ; and that the Caial fha* l t.| kt a Line fo . t1h eml, e l, v es orf the Benef• i t 1j 0ftfr Udnj* fta rindt:. fr* o m bis Park, « s will admit of an Extenfi- o n th- rewi', iyf 120 f'eres, lliould he have any idea of exteadin" it in t'i at Quarter, N. B. A Plan tf the intended Canal, and Branches to the Limeworks, with a Book of Reference of the Owners and Occupiers of Land through which it will pafs, will l- c depofired with the Clerk of the Peace for the County, agreeablv to the Refolurions of the Houfe of Common's, for'the IrifpeSlion of the Public, on or before the 1 ith of November nex*. ELLIS. S. EESl'ELL, Sdi-.- itor. Afllby, iStli Oiiaber, f y j i . [ 313^ T ^ S C A ^ E D from the Houfe of Co reftion in Jt_ » the City of Lincoln, in the ' Night Between the 21ft ana aad ot October, 1792, H A N N A H ROBIN^ SON, An Ir fti Woman, and fpe l y the. Dialeft of that C o u n t r y. I . agej aDou- 30, ratbsr. tail, lli n m-, de, thin Vifage, browjl Hair, clem G'mplexion. She left a fucking Child. Had on either an in I printed Gown, purple Giourol, with iniall Sprigs, or e t f f a better Ditto, with a light Grou- d, m d b r gs running Pattern } a black Bunnct, long fcirler Cloak, a good deal worn ; - ' fo a biack i l k Cloak, with fon; - Darns in i t, and a black P, cliccat. She has a ( iw redd'. ih Spots upon her Aims. Whoever ivi'l lod^ e the f. o. i Hannah R-- biofan in Any of his M. tj fly's I'rifo- io and gi. r Notice thereat to the May ar of the laid City of Lincoln, thall receive a Reward of Tw ® Guineas. THOvAS PRESTON, Major. * . I: The f. iid Hannah Rooinfo'i, fome time ago, lodged v/ oh 11 M- a. Macquire,. NiA 2, Canjeton- c^ ur", Oiub- dnretj L ini - n; and aifo with a - Mr;. Coli^ ly, in Ge use- yard, Staceal- lane, Fleet- matket. [ 3225 MO EY ready lor LOAM or P U R C H A S E , Krchants, Manufatturers, Shopkeepers, and Others, in want of CASH, may, on Applic tion, bo fupplied to any Amount, 011 aDepofifof all Kinds of manufa*- tuicd Arrcle3 ana raw Materials. Thofe ov - rftocked with Goods, or . from any other Caufe, difappointed in Receipts, will find this an effectual and confiderrtfial Channel for Accommodati in ; the Advertifets extent five Connexions enabling them to difpofe, by privotc COHtraCt, 0-' every Defcripti > n of Merclianiliz.-, upom Terms which cann t fail to give- Sat'sfaftion. Or theft who chufe a temporary Supply, by Way of Loan, may bea aceomm. ideied, for the T me, at legal Intereft, and a fmall- Charge far Corami Hi n. This Refourcc, for Accommodation, will be found tbe moft convenient and ferviceable, the Money beLng dvnnced iiaftantly upon View of the Articles, and every Mattar con. d ifted with the Candaur and Delicacy neceffary in pecuniary ' 1 ran fa oiona. [ 2075 App1cations any Day before Four o'Clock, or Letters, addrefl'ed to Meff. Thorrton and Co. at their Houl's, No. 16, S. ephen- ftreet, Rati 1 bone - place, will receive due Attention. Tbe ALTERATIVE AMERICAN SYRUP" An Abfolute Spes'fic Cure in the moft deplorable?' Scorbu re Difeafes ; Caries of he Bones, from ill cured Lues, Schirrous Tumours; and putrid AffeCtiona cf the Syftem. R. D O N O V A N, Surgeon, No. i z, Suffolk ftreet, Charing- Crofs, London, Difcoverer arid Preparer'of this exalted Preparation of American Heibt, forieufly ecommendsit t> the afii. cteJ with the Scurvy ( even in its moft deplorabie ftapts), a-, 11 Remecjy toth- m, really invaluable. The many Thousands, whole. Exifte. ce is hourly rendered horrible, by Toitnr.- s confequent of unreflrained Paffions an I ftrong Mercurials, will, in this powerful and innocent Alterative, find an early and happy Reiteration to perfect Health and Strength ; be the Bones affefted, the nervous Syftem paified, and the Whole Conftitati . n debilitated, be-- yond ail H pes of Cure, by general rr- edieal Aid, yet will this Medicine conquer the Malady, by gradua ly dolcifying ard deftroying the Vitus, and givi- g Tone and Health to the whole Frame. Mr. Donovan might add much more in juit Report of this SylSip, for great Experience has c- nvmceij him, thar, i. i all morbid AfieQions of the Blool uftd Lymph ( the Canfi of alraoft every Malady), f> nohle, fife, and efficacion* a Remedy,. was never yet offered to Mankind ; biit he now 1- aav- a it t . the W rid, confcious tha. he has done his Duty, by fending forth what may he. given to the tender Infant, the pregnant Fema'e, and to paified Age, with Safety and ESic cy, hitbettaunparalleled in the Annals utVMedieal Difcovery. Many Gentlemen and L-. nl. es of Rank and Fortune, reft ired to Health, havi- g given their Cafes- of Curt to Mr. Donovan, for He Satisfaction cf Patient., he is no. v pieparing them for the Prefs, arid, in the mean Time, Particulars mij be known of him, and Reference had, at his Hairfe in Suf-. folk- ftreet, Charing capfs. This- Alterative American Syrup is fold by Mr. Bacm, at his Pitent Medicine Warehoufe, No. 150, Oxford. lire, t, ( oppoftte New Bond- ftree:) in B tiles at 5s. 5d. and in Quarts at 11s. 6d. ea: h, legally Itarnped, with amp'e Diieftions for Ufe ; it may alfo behad- of E. Newb- ry, c tier, of Lu Ij- atoftreet, St. Paul's Church- yard; Tutt ( late. Rand, II), Royal Exch. inje": and of one reputable Ven. ier of Patent Me icinus in moft Towns. *** The Label of every Bottle is flgned by Mr. Donovan, alfo the Sta r. 11 by W. Bacon, is n Guard againft counterfeit Prepira ions. All Orders for Sale, or Exportation, muft be'addieftet! to Mi. Bacon, No. i^ c, Oxford- iVieet. T H U R S D A Y , Nov. i. W E S T - I N D I E S . A N T I G U A , S E P T . I 8 . A new arrangement The King of Sardinia maintains in time of peace an army of only 20, ccc> men ; ia war hio refources enable him to double th. it number. in military movements in the iflands is foon to take place. The 67th regiment, which was to have been lent to Gibraltar f r om Grenada, is t o remain at the particular requeft of the inhabitants of that ifland. The 66th regiment is to proce « l to Gibraltar as foon as the trar. fports arrive That corps is to be replaced by the 48th regiment from Antigua. The 3d battalion of the 6ofh regiment will compofe the garrifon of this illand. Two companies of that regiment, at prefent in Tortola, will move to Monferrat, to relieve as many of the 48th regiment there. T h e weather ftill continues propitious to the planter. The canes flnurilh with a degree of exuberance I never faw before. I am confident that ' the crop of next feafon will be the molt lucrative we have had. for thefe fourteen years. I R E L A N D. Limerick, Ocl. 20. On Tuefday the 16th inft. Mr. Anderfon, a Surveyor of Excife in t h e county of Limerick, attended by a party of the 34th regiment, apprehended at Newmarket, in that count y , a maltfier, who had been guilty of repeated breaches of the Excife laws; while they were conveying him to prifon they were furioufly aflau'ted by a mob with ilones, & c. t h e party was ordered to fire, which became necefiary for their own fec u r i t y , as well as that of the prifoner, and unfortunately killed one man and wounded two others. T h e prifoner was lodged in his Majefty's gaol at Rathkeal. A Coroner's inqueft has been taken on the body of the deceafed, which bronght in a v e r d i d of Wilful Murder againft Mr. Anderfon and the foldiers. An inqueft has been alfo held on the body of M r . O'Cennel, who was killed in a duel by a Lieutenant of the 40th regiment, in Kerry. The J u r y found, b y the evidence which appeared bef o r e them, th. at Mr. O'Connel wa6 Unfairly killed by the Lieutenant. C O U N T R Y N E W S. Tort/ mouth, 03. 29. This day, at 11 o'clock, Burkett, Ellifon, and M i l l i a r d , three feamen late belonging to the Bounty armed Ihip, were brought on the deck of the Brunfwick for execution, purf u a n t t o their fentence, and about half part eleven the terrible fignal of d e i t h was fired, when they Were launched into eternity. They behaved in the rooft penitent art. I manly manner, embracing each other repeatedly, faying, « « God kiefs you, God receive you in mercy ;" but perfifted to the laft moment of their existence, that they were totally innocent of the Crime for which they were, to fuffer. Though the number of fpeda'ors of this awful example of military difcipline was certainly great, yet many reip- dablt inhabitants purpcf.- ly left the town till the melancholy fcene clofed. His houfehold troopli confiil of three companies of gtiardes- d'j corps, one c mipany of Sivifs guards, and two companies of guards of th? palace: befides a company of gaards of the chafe, as bad as the Pope's guards. His regiments of infantry are feventeen, ar. d nine of cavalry ; in addition to thefe regular regiments, there are fifteen regiments of militia, which, like oars, are muilered and exetcifed one month in the year. Their difcipline is bad, though the regimen is extremdy fevere. The. ofHcers, down to the lowreft corporal, have power to cane the foidlers; and they are not fparing in the ofe of it. This Utile army is commanded by thirty- feven generals, befides the colonels of regiments. Wich many peculiar faults, it has one tr. ac is much and juftly to be couiplaincd of in our anny, cheoffi. cers are in far too great a proportion to the private foldiers. Tbe rank and tile forms the ftrength of a corps. An army of officers may ferve to opprefs the country that munta^ ns them, but what fervice can it do in the field againft an enemy ? The fpirit of the foldiety, fuch as they are, is broke by ths d j g r a d i n g treatment they experience: in fome companies there will, peihaps, not bs three men who have not fufFered corporal punifhment. We need not wonder at the rapid progrefs of the French in Savoy, fince there are no better troops to oppcrfe thtm. T h e town of Oregrund, a fmall fea. port, fome miles to the north of Stockholm, has been nearly deftroyed by an inundation, which was occafionea by a long continued wefterly wind. T u c f J a y arrived a: Portfmouth f r c * Bourdeaux the Earl of Shrewibury, and his new- married Lady, in his Lordfnip's yacht. Several fiih of the whale fpecies have lately been fecn in the river D e m e n t , near Booth- Ferry ; one. got on Chore c n the Humber, at Melton, near Hull, about 20 feet long, and another of above 16 feet, wajfoundon the land oflFBrough, which was towed doAn into Hull haven by a river floop. As atIp; cimen of the price of land in South Wales, Mr. S r . Lo's eftate, near Trecaftle, was fold by audiOn for upwards of 40 years purchafe. It is to be cbferved among the difadvantages of this e f h t e , that it is an undivided third fhare of Upwards of twenty fmall farms, neither of which produces twenty pounds per ann. that it is above eight miles from any m a r k e t ; that all the buildings are in the moft ruitvous condition pofiible ; and that there, is not a Ting e tree on the whole eliate.'— it muft be concluded, that the rents were much below the : eal value. A. handfome monument was laft week e r e d e d in Norwich cathed- al in memory of Dr. George Home, late Bithop of that diocefe. It is a circumftance worthy of remark, that of the Bifliops who have filled this See very few have been interred in that place, and none linee the Reftoration. Bithop Overall, who die . in 1619, was the laft for whom a monume. r v. as fretted j Dr. Ccfins, Bilhop of Durham, a native of that city, and for- S merly his chaplain,- haying bequeathed 10I. for } that pit; pofe. Btthcps Reynolds and Sparrow were tiie laft of whom memorials of this kind remain there, zrd they were buried'iri the private chapel belonging to the paiace, the former in 1676, the latter in 1685. The hop fair at Caftle Hedingham, in EfTex, 0: 1 Monday the 22d inftant, was well fupplied, and numcroufly attended by buyers, as we. l as planters. The prices wire, in bags, from 3I. 10s. to 5I. per cvvt. Fine prime fampies in pockets went off as high^ as 5I. 10s. . On Saturday laft a very numerous meeting of farmers and corn- dealers, at Horftum. in Suifejf, unar. imouily determined neither to buy nor fell corn by any other than the legal Winchester buihel. It is in contempla ion to build barracks at the Eaft end of the town of Glafgow, for the military that may be l'tationed in that city. , A new iamb fair is to be opened at Ho- l i n g e r, in Norfolk, under thj patronage of Mr. Arthur Young, Sir Charles Davers, W. Colhoun, Efq; and ievei al ether, ptomoters of agriculture. A fnocking accident occurred on Mondiy at a foapboiier's near Coiv- crofs : a woman employed | there, falling into a large veffel full of the boiling | lees; was fcaided in fuch a terrible manner, that ^ ihe expired loon after. | On Tuefday night a young woman, in a ftate j of lunacy, threw herfelf from a two pair of ftairs ' i window in Oxford- fireet : by the fall fhe was fo RISV- LARIM RM PRICE OF P& OFJ. SUNS, Every attempt which thefe who. have the government of either a city or a k'ngdom make, to prevent engroffing, foreftailing, Or two high price being charged for proviiions, or any other j articles, is in itfelf lauJa'. T, but not often at- | tended with atiy beneficial effeds, Corn is the j leading article which our Rulers have t - k e n under j their care, and ord . ined that when the price j amounts to a given fum* it jbull net be txporteH. J This hoks'nicll in the ' face, bat its i'onfeqdence is, that the Farmer, ( riding he can maka 3 g r a t e r j profit by other articles, than by torn, lews a i (" mailer quantity than he would do if left to him- j ... ...... fiiib! i/ he< n P R O P O S A L S for puEMihin « ( bv Srt^ fcMptrrnJ' X an elegant . a- d complete t -. t - r ths original Works of JOHN LA^ GHOftME, D. D. Dedicated ( by ' rerraiui n) to thi Right HT. th- E vr) of Radnor j. revifed and . CorioCied : To which wilt lie a ' dtd, M.-. no rs <, f t ie f. ire of the Author, by His Sou, tho Rev. SI Langhorae, LI,, fi. I'ropifa'. s may lie had of f . Brokn; Pall - miU ; B. White and'Sor,, Kl- wt ftrret ; W; . Ric'irrri'. on, under the Royai- EXcb- nge, Corn^ ill; ani Nicr. o'. fons, Crrauiiige; where t ie N- irries cf Subicriljrrs . ire, entered. This Day was publifedt Fr ee 2s / civ'e > \ N EASY I N T R O D U C T I O N t o G i ' N E R AF J r 1 KN0WLEDC2 and POLITE LEA^ NixVi By Mrs. TAYLOR, Of Strang^ way's Hal!, near Manchefter. Printed f . felf, and confeqiienny, in fortie cafes, a lefs qitan r the Ari h a, ana f. Jd ly B. Law'an. I <;„„• tity being railed, that law which was intended ti ioiver the price eventually raifes it. The iam argument will apply to maay other artichs, fo it will almoft invariably be found tha; tht fe com modities which ate not clogged with t, i: y tapjs, but left entirely to the e;, urprifing fpirit of the dealers, who, eager for bufinefs, endeavour to undjrfel each other, are fold on fairer terms than thofe which have b. e- n regulated by the com bined ivifuom of cur fapient LvjJflators. Weieanymahj with the eloquer. ee of Demofthenes, to make a fpeech before the Corporation of a country toivp, to perfuacte them that the rates and orders which they in their great ivifdom had inferred in their book ofbye- latus, top; event any oth; r tradefn . „ than thofe who ferved an apprentifliip in their town fettling among them, were in the r effects deftrudive of the o b j e d they aimed at, every man prefent would join in hooting the orator.— Should government take away their charters, and lay open their towns, they would deem it pofitive ruin ; and yet the flour:( hing Sst- e of Birmingham, Manchefter, & c. where any one that can pay rent for a Ihop may take i;, proves that with no other previleges than thofe of being let alone men may carry 011 a trade forty times as extenfive as chartered neighbours. Lord Bacon's aphorifm is applicable to all isg.- s, Government b.- defirous cf ercouraging tra ! e, there • camiot br a better method than to Irt the pr& ttifers thereof follow it in their own vv » . y, neither granting unto any man or body oi men exclufive priviUges, or fuffering them to make any bye- la ves untoe their own harroe, by keeping any ingenious man ! from the praftiflni' thereof, if they be fo minded ; 1 this will bring about a fpirit of emulation, which : will produce be' ter effetts than a n y t h i n g that can [ be done for o- npanyi by Government, for in this, as in moil other cafes, trade wih find its oiu, i le vel, better tha" we car, mnk: it.''' Na. 13, Avc- Maria- Lane, Lindair; j . and J. C ark:, Maachefter, and S. Cr. or , I. iverpool. Where may be had, Pii.- ejo, bounrf, A New Syft-' ia of R admg ; or the Art of Esc'ifh Br « a'ically « em » :> Bed ia a|' 5io: t every VVo d in Ufc,: and further I llluftrated from the Leruties of the ^' lole ' Cibie: k li'r' ' D l n h t i " d - ( 3165 This Day was pidlifiped. Price 6d. / » G E N E R A L R E P L Y to the A r g u m e n ts XJL agai- ft he Enquiry into piib'ic Worfliii). By GILBERT W A. CEfibLD, B. A. Late Fellow of Jtl'us Cs lege, Cambridge. Tlu Au. ii r of that Enquiry. Sold SyJ, Deighton, oppafite Grays- lm, Holborn. Waere maybe ha I, juil publlibert; by the time Author. Stricture- on Dr. Pr eft ey's Letter toayoung Man on the fame Subledt ; Price 6d. S'lva Critiea, Part Three, In Bort. ls ; r: s. 6d. And the Author's Life, written by hiiiaf If, in Boards, with a Portrait; 6s. ( 152a This Day. ivas puhlijhcd, Price 2S. 6d. - ECCLESIASTICAL REFORM. q p H E P R E S E N T ST A T 4 cf the C L E R GY J . of the ESTABLISHED CHURCH, confidered. I a Three Parts, j r. Of the various Abufes cccrfioned by the Condii£ tof our f Prelates. I 2. Of the Oppreffion of the Incumbents, the Pluralifts, I towards their Substitutes. I 3. Of the mife iblc State of the Curates, whofe Salaries are (> * fry disproportionate to th; Value of the Benefices of their Employers By a BENEFICED CLERGYMAN, Of the Univeifi y of Cambridge. Printed for E. Wil. iams, No. 13, Strand; ai: d T. WiU I hams, No. 156, Leadenhall ftreet. < 15- 1 L, - O N D O N. Yefterday noon the King came from Windldr in his polt- chaifs to St. James's Pal . ce. The Levee b e j a n at one o'clock, and was ovrr before two*, being thinly attended. There was 110 . Council. The King gave clofet audiences to the Duke of Montrofe, Lord Grtrrville, Sir W. Fawc e t t , and Sir James Murray, af er the Levee broke up ; and foon sfter four his Maje'Sy let off on his r t t u r n to Windfor. The prffentations to the King at the. Levee yefterday were Lord Mu'grave, on his fucccffion to that title, by Lord Onflow; Sir James Murray, Bart, on his return from the Continent, by the Duke of Montrofe ; Col. Manners, and Capt. Ramfay, of the 3d regiment of foot guards, on their arrival from Berlin ; Marquis Spinola and Cfcevalier Cadalfo, hatfi Madrid, by the Spanifh Ambaffador ; and Comte de Luke, by Lord Grenville. Yefterday morning the two elder Princefll- s attended prayers at St. George's chapel, Winuf. rr- Caftle ; and in the afternoon the Queeu a « d fix Princefles took an airing to Frogmorc- lodge. Yefttrday Lord Grenvilb gave a public dinner t o the Foreign Minilters, & c. at his boufe in St. James's fquare. TUt Duke of Mancheftcr has left the Hague, and is on his return to England. Yefterday morning Government difpatches M A R R I E D . } On the 14th itiftant, at Kilmurtry Church, near Limeiick, Ireland, the Right j Hon. and Right Rev. Baron Glentwortb, BiOiop ' of Limerick, to the reiift of the late General Crump.— Thurfday Mr. Nicholls, of Southampton- fhcet, Bloomfbury, to Mifs Wil: on, of Wooclftock- ftreej. D I E D . ] Friday morning, at his lodgings tn Bath, in the 53. I y e . r of his a ; e , Paul Met hum, Efq; of Holt, in the county of Wil s, one of his Majefty's Jnftices of : he Peace for that connty, and formerly a B rrifter at Law o! Lincoln's- j I n n . — T h e fame day, at Bath, Mifs Mary Palmer, I daughter and one of the co- hei: effes'of the late j John Palmer, F ' q ; of Alton- Hall, StaTordlh'r e .— j On Thurfday laft, at his houfe in f u c k i n g - i ham, Benjl rain 1' nomas, Efq'; late Marfu il cf I the Kng'.- Bench Pr'ion. HORNSBY and Co. take die L bitty of reminding their j Friends and the Public: in general, that'the IRISH STATE j LOTTERY commences Drawing on Man lay the 12th of j November ; and t rat an Exprefs will arrive daily at their i Office, No. z 6 , CORNHiLL, yfih a regular Account of j each Day's Drawing ( a uhenticate 1 by the Commiflioners), ! for the immediate Satisfaction of thofe who h inour them with i their Commands, free of Expe ce.— Purciufers at their Office ; of a Whole Ticket will have an abfolute and undeniable Advantage . of 500I. moie t'iin another Offire, and no additional Charge made. An) in the lame Proportion far Halves, Quarters, Eighths, an i Sixteenths. [ 3214- Englifh S ate Lottery Tickets md Shares, in a great Variety af Numbers, are now fell ng, and will be pan in fall the Inftant tliey are Drawn, whether alo\. or a 30,001!. —— ggagesra—"" 7 F O R I I G N W I N E S. In Legal Quart Bottles, ( Abfilutely near, as imported). II I B B S, Wine - Merchant, Monument - Yard, London, refpeftfully acknowledges the vrr riinguiilied Patronage of Noblemen, Gentlemen, and the Public ; it is highly grateful to him that the Plan of felling Wiaes in legal Quarts has ob: ained Inch liberal Sanitiin, and Encouragement. Hibbs has at this Time a very large and va'uible • Stock of prime o'd Ports, and other fnpe. ior Wines, ail which ar; really of his own immediate Imps ration ; and are felling, truly genuine in legal Quart Bottles, containing the full Quantity charged, and will be invariably rendered upon the moft reafonable Profits, pofiible. The Irnportance of tli'S Plan ( unequivocally fair) to private Families in Pa ticular, is moft obvious; lince eveiy dozen Battles are warranted to, contain three Gallons at Wise, making thereby, a confi jerable faving to the Purchafer. N. B. Orders, by the Pipe, or Quarter Cafks, executed upon Terms highly advantageous. %* Girds, containing the loweft ( Money) Prices, given at the Warelwufe, j ;> y, | Books jujl pubhfhed, T . L A C K I N G T O N ' s N E W C A T A L O G U E : f j Confifting of One Hundred Tlioufnnd Volumes, including many Libraries, juft purchafed, with late Publications; many in curious Bindings: alio ftarca o: d Books. The whole felling extremely cheap, at No. 46 and 47, ChifwelLftreet, Moprfield;. Where Libraries or Parcels of Books are purchifcd on fuch a Piao, as infuies the Seller the utmolt Value in ready Money, or in other Books. Catalogues, with the Place of each Book, to be had at the Place of Sale, and at No. 12 ( private Houfe), Charles- Street, St. James's - Square; and of the following Bookfellers; Barker, RufTel- Court, Dru y- lane; Marfom, No. 1S7, High Holborn; Hazard, Bath; Palmer or Merrick, Oxford ; Gander, or Hodges, Sherborne ; Rollafcn, Coventry ; Deck, Bury ; Haydoo, Plymouth ; Annis, Norwich ; Bulgin, Briftol; F'ifher, Newcaftle; Mercier, Dublin ; and at Freeth's Coflee- houfe, Birmingham. A new Edition, with a fine portrait), by Scatt, ( O£ tavo, Price 5s. in Boards). Memo rs of the firft f-. rty five Years of the Life of J. Lackington, BookfelLer. Written by himfeif, A new Edition, much enlarged : interfperfed with many humourous triginal Stories, dtoil Arec lores: & c. [ 2085 " Men who, wich new- invented Patent Eyes, " See Hsavep, and all Angels, in the'sjties," This Day as ' ublijbed, Price zs. 6d. fewed, A6 1 i l . E C T I O N of HYMNS and MEDITATIONS for every Day in the Week, from the reformed Devotions of AUSTIN ; entirely cleared of thofe E- preffions which favoured of . Pcpeiy, and adapted o the Uie ot' all Protrfl- ant Cliriftians; with occalional References to ihe Scriptu ei, and Annot. itious in an Appendix. " Commuae with your own Heart, and in v. ur Chamb « Tk " Mi be tiil'." Pfj. m iv. Ve.- fe 4. Ncwcaifl:: • upou- Tvne : Printed for toe Editor, afid fold by VV. Char nicy, R. Fiftier, and S. H. ijgf.., Newcrftle ;• 1 . Payne, Mews- gate } G. G. J. and j . RobinOn, and T. I N. Lang-.- un, No. 39, Paterntiftcr- raw, Lonlon. Where my be had, bj the fame Author, A Minifter's Ad'drels to hi • ignorant rod care efs Parifh'oners, concerning the Holy C6inniui'. i., n ; Price id. or per Hundred. ^ 653 For the USE of SCHOOL id t . a YOUTH of both SEXES. This Day * vcert. p* b} ilbeJ, Handfomely printed in One Volume, fmali O£ hvo, Price 3s. 3d. ,11 Boards, or 44. bound, • BLIGHTY.. WINE F U G I T I V E FABLES, in J _ i Verio, moral, prudential, and allegorical. Original anc tele£' te, d. ' « Men fliould be taught as if we taught them not." P O P E . London: printed Inrj. Muriay. No. 32, Fleet. ftreet. t i l t J t iS. thought th u a Seleftioo of Mifcellaneous Faales, which migh: attract the Regard of you g Readers by the Variety of their Subjects, a, Well as by their intriniic Merit, j would form a very defirabie Volume. We have been favoured in this Collection bv a Literary Frien •, and have round fcatterred in various Literary Repofuories a Number of thefe little Pieces of Pretty, which appea- ed to b- wcil adapted to our Puipofe. Our materials were indeed abundant, rut our Rejections have been Copious j what our Volume has loft in Bu. k, it has, we hope, acquired in Value. [^ 573 For VF'. ah and Relaxed Conflitu ions. C H A L Y B E A i E P l L b S. THE Medicinil EfFeds of S T E E L , as a Strengthener and Deobftruent, have been acknowedged for many Ages; ar. d though ii is mire ufed by Phyficiahs of the prefent Time than at any preceding Perkd, yet it h coniefi'ed, aud lamented, that tile very improved State of Chcmiltry h is failed to produce a Preparation of it, which, when furiiciently adtive, can be adm niftered ' without Iiic mwere received at the Secretary of State's officc, Wliitehall, from Lord Auckland, his Majefty's Ambaffddor at the Hague. Mr. Lucas had the honour to kifs the King's hand on being appointed Ccr. ful at Tripoly, on the coaftof Barbary. Yefterday morning Sir George Howard had an a1 dience of the King, at Windfor Lodge. I t is faid that a negociation with the King of Pruflia commences this wetk at Lor. gwy. Generals Kellerman and Valence, the Duke of Brunfwick and General Kalkr: tlth, are to open the bufinefs of accommodation. Aulhia is totally out of the queilion. A letter from Peter/ burgh, dated O d . 6, fays, " I he treaty between our Courc and that of Berlin has juft been renewed. On this occafion the I'ruilian Miniftcr delivered, in the name of the King his Tvlaller, to Court Olferman, Vice- Chancellor of State, Count Befborodko, and Count MarkofF, a valuable fmtft- box, with his Majefiy's portrait fet in diamonds, as a preft'nt vs each. | much bruifed that Ihe expired in about half an I hour. i Yefterday the Sfflions commenced at the Old- | Bailey, when the f'olFwimg ptifoners were capitally convided, viz. William Graham and John Brown, for robbing - Richa- d Taylor cn the highway of two guineas, one half guinea, a filver watch value 59s. & c. his property; John Caftledine, for Sealing in the - houfe of Anthony N ; w five guineas and a filver watch, the property of Anthony Ford ; Sarah Cowden, for feloniouily being at large in this kingdom after having received fcntence at the Old- Baiky to be tranfported to New Soi. th Wales for the term of her - natural l i f e ; and Thomas Folkes, for robbing William Den i on the highway of twopence halfpenny, his, property : Six were convicted of felonies, and. fix acquitted. Yeficrday morning the fix mdt'fadors ordered for executior, on the Recorder's Report of Frioay laft were hanged oppoiitc the debtors door at Newgate, venience. The late Dr. Hugh Smith, fo delervedlv celebrated, owed his Reputation principally to tile fiee Uleor this Mineral; yet the Forms in which he prefeiilred it, were not oaly inelegant, and dif igreeable . ti the Stomach, but often not the be'ft adapted for Eff Ct. Of the Preparations of Seel, : hat, which was introduced by the lata Dr. Mofes Griffiths has boon the moft free, fsful, and has been g.- nerally adopreti, fince his Time, by other Medical Practitioners; yet, as it is exceedingly naufeous, andqsthe omplaints for which it is fo ferviceable are of the Chronic Kind, and tlierrflrre require a long Continuance, Parents beconm o. Un fo difguftrd, as n-. tto b : able, topetl' - ere inits Ufe. A Chrcumftance oft,. is Sort gave 3cc. vfion to the Preparation now ottered to the public. After a Variety of fruill- f, Experiments to contrive a Medicine which wou. d ontain all tlie aCtive P'ovvers of Steel, fieed from every Objeetio the Inventor of the Chalybeate Pills has at length, in them, be flatters liiinfelf, corr p'etel- y' fucceeded; and he ventures to recommend them, a; well from repeated Iaftances of their Efficacy in his own I raCtice, as from that of other Prafelfijoal Men, in the following Compliii its, viz. AC that Period 0/ the Life r.- f Females, when Maturity fli. ruid arrive, but the Conftitution is dcieCtive, either from Habits too fedentary,. cr from want of Tore in the Svftem, irduc'ng Paltnefs of the Lips, Sallowi tfs ot4he Countenance Palpitation of the Heart, Shoitnefs of Breathing, Trembling of tbe Knees, Hyflerie i Affections, etc. Alfo to thofe who have, enjoyed Health generally, yes, fiom accidental Cacum. lancrs, or from Alteration in their Mode ot Living, ha. o brcome defeiiiv'e, either wit. Vor without r, he above Symp. oms. They are likev. iie the very beft Stren? theners after bad Lying,- in, or for Debility from too long or frequent Mil'eaniages. Thole Perfons whofe. C& nihii. tions arc relaxed and broken, by liv ng in h t Climates, or by other Caul'es, and thaf- w'nare difpofed to the Gout, whi'h for want of Strergch. lies do. m: nt in the Habit, will find the moft fatisfactory Relief from tftefe Pills. So powerful, indeed, arff I their reftorative Qualitiej, that they ma; be taken with every ! pofiible Benofif for. all Difeal'es occaiior. ed by Weaknefs in the Conftitution. Thefe Pills, moreover, ate particularly recommended to thofe who re fort to the Spa, Tunbridge, Bath, and Cklteaham Waters, being calculated Co render them infinitely more efficacious. They are prepared tor Mr. Francis Newbefy, and fcld only by him at the Warehoufe for Dr. James's Powdor, Ni. 4- 5, in St. Paul's Church. yard, London, a few Doors fr irr tha Co rer of Cneapfide", ir. Boxes, Price zs, o, d. each ( Du. y i. n clnled) attd. s the fureft Mark of Aufhe^ rifcitv, Pu chafers \ x 1 obtejve ihatbis Name is engraved ta the Stamp. • 1S- J5 For tbe G E N E R A L E V E N I N G POST. P A R I S I A N I N T E L L I G E N C E . P A R I S , O C T . 2 8. A N O T H E R conquell, that of Mentz, was, yefterday, certified to the National Convention, and thi « day the official details, concerning it have been publifhed. The vigourof M. Culline's opeiations is univerfally mentioned, who marched fixty- fix miles in two days, and immediately afterwards was upon the point of taking the place by ftorm, if its garrifon, confiding of fix thoufand men, had not fiirrendered it. The French guarantee the fafety of perfons and properly to all t h e inhabitants, who, it is web known, are fufficiently plea fed with their vifit, and would not permit the Commander to prolong his refinance. T h e EleCtor had lied fome time before. On the fide of Lifl , no aflive operations have 7et taken place againft the enemy, but, the laft tiifpatches mention M. Dumourier to be in a Hate of . forwardnefs for an attempt, of wh'ch the event anay be fpeedily e x p i f t e d. In the fitting of the National Convention yef- ^ erday, after a decree had palled againft a c - d t - itant Counr, a Member reprefented that it was improper to punifh fuch perfons and leave the Ring unnoticed. He moved that a decree of accufation fhould be immediately paffed again!! Louis X V L but the motion was over- ruled by the declaration of a Committee, that their report » pon the fubject would be compleated in a few days. . It was necefiary they thought to conduCt that affair with the utnioll deliberation, that all Europe might be fatisfiea of their jullice, as well t s of their power. After this queftiqn a Member propofed, lhat i o n e of the prefent Deputies to the Convention • houlJ be capable of holding a place in the Executive Government until after ten year?. Another Member propofed to continue the reibiftion rfufin^ life, t f r , upon an amendment offered of fix yea: s ? h( lead of ten, the decree was inftantly paffed by acclamation. Thus decidedly have the Jfrench Legiflators exempted themfelves from all fofpicion of interetled motives. T h e Cojntniflioners to the army of the Mofelle Save written word of the expulfion of the enemy in that quarter. At one of the polls they refilled, Jill two hundred of their men ' had fallen in a cannonade . T h elate Queen, Madame Elisabeth, and the Pripcefs, now occupy the third floor of the great tower of the Temple, on which there are ( but* • partments. The late King, for they are never inentioned, here but with that .. ddition, has his fon with him, and when the guard is changed all the family walk in the garden. The Convention, to enfiire fhe fidelity of the two keepers, have granted them falaries of fix thoufand livres each. '" There was a flight tumult in the Palais Royal laft night, occafioned by one of Marat's pupils, whom feme National Volunteers, at length, drove away. _ T h e eleCiion of Mayor of Paris has not yet produced a decided majority, but M, M. Antonelle and Manuel are the favourite candidates. T h e fpUowing letter from M. De Caftine was read to the National Convention in their fitting i f Friday lait. LETTER FROM GENERAL CUSTINEi " Head Quarters General at Mentz, Oil. 21. " Citizen Prefident, I have the honour of fendi n g to the National Convention a detail of thofe Events which preceded and attended the taking of Jyientz, now in my pofl'eflion. " On the 16th in the evening I quitted the fcampcf Edefheim, and arrived here on the eveni n g of the iSJ'. h. It had begun to rain at two in fhe afternoon j the weather was dreadful, and I halted only once in a march of twenty two leagues. I determined to canton the troops in the fineft and hioff fertile- part of the country. On the eigh feetith at break of day I was mafter of the drawbridge at Oppenheim. The troops which took poffcflionof it Marched iS leagues in lefs than 24 hours. This rapidity was necefTary to prevent that bridge from being deftrcyed by the enemy, » nd it was likely to be of too much utility to my fu. ther plans not to endeavour to preferve it. On fhe 19th in the morning I encamped my troops, the right wing at Heixonheim, and the left towards the Rhine, extending pad the villages of n, the mill of Gutzenheim, and the top qf fhe wood of Monbacii. I m- ide myfelf mafter 0f foitve eminences covered t^ ith vines, which were above the heightsof the mill of Guntzheim, and encamped there my grenadiers. 1 at the [ ime time pufhed forward fome light troops to enable me fo rer- qrtnoitre the place. Some Auttri& rt htlffars, whom I had driven before me from Worms, were, at this period; before M e n u s ; and t h e . c a v a l r y not being able to approach them, £ omc ( hots were fired at them from my flying artillery, but I immedia. ely ordered this fire to t e a f e . Thefe hollars then difappeared, and 1 approached to within 150 fathoms of theJalient anf jes of the advanced redoubts, as the o'rily means had of perfectly reconnoitring the place; befcaafe the body of the fortifications was intercepted from the view of the befiegers by thick £ a! lifa iei oti tiie works. " I fosn found that there & as only one mode of getting pofTefiion of the place, that of ftrikihg a terror into the defenders. They confided of 1300 men of the troops of the Circles, fome of whom, to the number of about 50 men, wjre the remains of the army of Mentz that efcaped from Spires: the remainder were trooffv of Fulde, and the contingencies of the houfe of NafTau and others, a thoufand Auftrians, a body of chaffeu. rs and noblemens fenjants, who were to be commanded by tlfo King of PruCa's minifter, and the citizens and fturfents of the Oniverfity, whom the rnagillrates obliged to take up arms. The whole amounted to 6,00c' men. I had not only informed myfeff with precifion what troops were in the city, and of the numerous artillery whicft was mounted on its ramparts ; but alfo what was the prefent fituation of this important fortrefs. I had likewife procured, with the greateft certainty, by the intelligence ar. d boldnefs of young Stamme, who ferved as a guide to my army, a perfeft knowledge of the points which had been negle& ed in the place. " 1 refolved then without hefitaiion to communicate to my gretiadiers a view of the difpofitions which 1 had made for the attack of Mentz. 1 had taken with me, and fent down the Rhine, alt the barka and boats I could find between Worms and this place. I had likewife provided myfelf with ladders. The account of the danger, which 1 took care no; to diminifh, inltead of alarming the grenadiers inflamed their courage. Being then fore of my means, ar. d having made my dii'- pofltion, I fent. on the morning o f . the 20th a fumnuons to ihe Commandant by Col- Houchard, and to this fommons added a letter to the Burgo- Malters. Copies of this fummons and letter are fent you along with this. I defired Col. Houchard to allure the Commandant that nothing was impoflible to the men whom I commanded ; that I had already confulted them, and that they were inflamed with the utmoft ardour to infure the glory of the French name by the conqueft of fo important a place. The Governor's ar. fwer was, that he wifhed to defend it, and that he required, at any rate, a d e k y of hoflilities till the twentyfirfl, that he might deliberate. The enemy had inceffandy cannonaded our polls for 4.8 hours, but Without effect ; for balls' of 3$ pounds were fpent before t'ney came within 200 yards of our camp. The cannonade continued day and night. T h e precaution I had taken of harafling them Jin the night time, gave rife to a fire of the mufquet r y , which continued feveral hours, and which killed one foldier and wounded two others. It was necefiary to put an end to the hefitation of the Governor; I determined therefore to fend him a fecond letter, a copy of which is annexed, and at feven in the evening I received from htm an anfwer and propofals for a capitulation, which I have likewife tranfmitttd to you. I rcfufed to confent that the troops fhouid have entire libertyj and requir- ed that thefe and even thofe of the Emperor ihould not, for a whole year, ferve againft the French Republic or its allies. I could require nothing more, as the foi trefs was yet entire. 1 even thought it my du; y, for the glory of the Republic, riot to infill upon harfher terms, as they might have c a u f s i us to be confidered as ferocious warriors, thirfling after blood and plunder. T h i s ufeful conqueft is owing to the high idea, infpired by the capture of Spires, of the valour of the French foldiers who attacked it, and of ihe order which prevails among our troops, which excites in Germany the moft profound refpett for the arms of the Republic. I fhould think myfelf very happy if the opinion which long experience has given an old foldier could be fully transferred i n t o thofe I command ; for t o f o a r e the blood even of enemies would be to me, amid the horrors of war, chi fveetett of enjoyments. On the fear certified by the Auftrians, and their great defire to quit c - e place, from a dread of Joeing mallscred, as their officens made them belisve, I confented to their d e p a r t i n g before the arrival of the French troops. " I cannot yet fend you any account of the artillery, ammunition, and provifions found in this place : the quantity, however, is • onfis'erable. I confider myfelf happy, Citiaen P/ efident, in hiving t e e n able to contribute Hill farther, by the capture of M e n u , to fupport the glory' of French Republic. ( S i g n e d ) " C U S T I N E ,' BRUSSELS GAZETTE EXTRAORDi& JRT. the bcc. General C u s T1 N E to tbe Go- verntr of MENTZ, " Headquarters General at Maribborn, 0< 3. 20. M. Governor* fo great is my defire to fpare blood, that I ( hould readily comply with the with you teliif'y of obtaining a delay oh'til to- morrow to j, ive your a n f w e r : but the ardour of m i grenadiers is fo great that I cannot retlrain them. T h ey look to nothing but combating the enemies of liberty, and the rich booty which muft be the prize of their valour ; for I mult inform you, that it is not a regular attack that you have to expeft. It is not only poflible, but may be even made without danger. I know, as well as you do, the lituation of the place, and what kind of troops defend it. Spare the blood of fo many innocent vi: Iims— of fo many thoufands of men. Our lives doubtlefs are nothing : being accuftomed to expofe them in battle, wcean refigri them with compofure. It is a duty I owe to the glory of my Republic, which now takes advantage of the weaknefs of thofe defpots who wilh to opprefi i t , and which fees them flying before the ftandards of liberty, not to check the ardour of my br. ive foldiers: fhould I even attempt ir, my efforts would be vajc. An anfwer, M. Governor, an infwer." ( S i g n e d ) " C Y S T I N E . " & C. OCTOBER 25. Yefterday the French niade an attack on Baifieux ; the corps of Imperial troops, commanded by General Count Staray, repulfed them with very confiderable lefs, although the account of iE cannot be determined, becaufe they carried off their dead. Fourteen ammunition waggons were taken from them. In an aitack on the fide of Buri, and in other attacks of polls, they were ali) repulfed with lofs. ' I he army under the command of Gen. Count C l t r f a y t is advancing rapidly. It will be at Naratiron the 27th. It is reinforced by the regiments that came to j o in it in the province of Luxeniburghat fhe commencement of the campaign. T h e army under the command of ^ rince Hohenlohe will be cantoned in the province of Luxemburg!!, ready to march towards the frontiers of Hainault and Flanders, if occafion fhould require. LISLE— OCTOBER 24. Driven from their laft entrenchments, die Auftrian bandititti refolved at lealt to mark their flight by afts of cruelty. The favagc Albert, in his retreat to BrufTelsj compelled the inhabitants of the frontier villages to enrol themfelves among his followers, that is, to aft as parrifidee. Not1 ing equals the ferocity of his wile. More than 7000 were killed or wounded under the walls of Lifle. In a Council hgld immediately after their retreat, this monfter in female lhape feized an ink- ftand, and threw it at the head of a titled flave, for daring ta fpeak to her of humanity. He received it with the docility that became him, and covered with ink, made his humble obeifance and withdrew. - As foon as l. e got home, he fent his refignation to his moft giacious miftrefs, and tock the road 10 France. He was overtaken and fent to Luxemourgh. Her hulband having remonftrated with her on this lhameful outrage, was filenccd by a conjugal box on the ear. L O N D O N . I t was yafterday confidently afferted, but little credited, that Dumourier's army and the Aullrians had met and had a battle, the lefult tsf which was a total defeat of the Fiench forces with great llaughter, and many prifoners ti. ken. T h e Emperor has gra ited to M , Valentine Goll ner, of Karlllad, who has ditlinguifhed himfclf in- promoting £ commerce betw- en the Black Sea and the Mediterranean, the privilege of foundding a commercial Company, for continuing the f? me. Tney are called " T h e Alfjciation Company, privileged to deal in the produ£ tions of H u n g a r y . " They are to have premiumo upon their " traffick for fix yeirs, tvhich, however, are not to btgin, lill after the prefent war with France. T h e Duchefs of Devonftlire, the Dowager Lady Spencer and Lady Dtmc& r. non, haye left Laufannej and are gone to Pifa in Italy, where they will winter. Lord Duncannon returns to them next month. From the interruptions of the paffage through Savoy, they are obliged to make a circuitous journey of 240 miles to get to Pifa. Yefterday, the Archbifhop of Canterbury gave a dinner to feveral French Bilhops, at Lambethpalace. T h e Duke of Gordon has obtained the reverfion of the place of Lord Keeper of the Great Seal of Scotland ; an office worth 3000I. a year. It is at prefer. t held by the Earl of Marehmont. A prize quellion has been propofed in Denmark, where a talle for foreign articles of drcls has been found to increafe the balance of trade againft the country, " Whether it would be beneficial, or not, to introduce a national drels ?" Meffrs. Witte, Pram, £ nd Henninga, who have written upon ir, and obtained prices, all thought that a national drefs would tot be beneficial. l'rofelfor Malacame of Pavia, who has, for fome time, employed himfelf on the compaf- uive anatomy of the b r a i n , has publifhed one fuppofed difcovery, relative to the influence of t h e l i r u f t u r e of the brain, on the intelleftual faculties. The lamina of the Urain, which he has found in fome perfons, to amount to 780, in an idiot were no more than 324, ar. d in a dumb perfon only 362. He, therefore, fuppofes, that the intellectual powers are proportionate to the number of thefe lamina. A paragraph having appeared in fome of the pr. pers, faid to have arrived from Sierra- Leone by way of France, Ilatjhg, " that in confequence of forne difagreement between the fettlers and the natives, the l a t t e r , under the command of King Jemmy, a neighbouring Prince, had attacked the fettlements, and murdered Mr. Clarkfon, the Governor, and mo,! of the Council, together with a great number ot the fcttlers, the lurvivors of whom had been obliged to efcape to Bans UHnd for protection, after having witneffed the total delirudion of the town of Sierra- Leone by the ferocious natives," it is r. eceii'ary to declare, that ( in ordei to prevent the unpleafant effects it might have upon the minds of the friends and relatives of the gentlemen relident at the new colony) from the lateft accounts received at the Sierra Leone houfe there is not the leal! reafon to Relieve that any fuch event can have taken place. The colony, whofe firft object is to conciliate and preferve the confidence and elteem of the natives, being at the tlate of thole accounts upcm the molt friendly terms with all the neighbouring people, and at the fame time in the poffeffion of power fufficient to repel any unprovoked hollile a'tempt. We are happy to ar. not. tnce the fafe arrival c ' the Manfhip from Indii. The Purfer ler t her' yefterdr. y all wel. off Portland, with a fair wind for the Doi « n5. Yefterday a Court of D i r e f t o r s was held at th# India Houfe, w hich adjourned at four © ' alack ta Wednefday next. j Yefterday, Captains Chatfield, af the Rodney; Mitchell, of the William P i t t ; and White of th « Earl of O x f o r d ; attended at the India- houfe, and were fwom into the command of their refpeSive f h i p t. Yefterday, at two o'clock precifely, an Eat- Indiaman of 1200 tons, belonging to RichSlt Captain Leflock Wijfon, was launched f r om M r . P e r r y ' s new dock at Blackwall. She was named the Exeter, in compliment to Mr. Baring, the p< efent Chairman of the Eaft- lndia Company* whofe brother is Member for that city. At the meeting at Rarnfley on Mor. day f e ' n n i g h t, r e f p r f t i n g the intended navigable canals from Swinton up WorfVough dale, and to the neighbourhood of Barn. ley, the proportion of fubferip-* rion allotted to the gentlerr. ui> merchants, a ni others refident wi'hin feven miles o f t h e l i n e of the canals, amounting to 20, C0Q!. was i n f h n t l y filled, and five times the fom would then have been fubferibed by them, if they could have been permitted fo to do. Anecdote of Dr. JOHNSON, ne= u: r before publijhed — As a perfon was ( hewing the l5o£ tor the Caftle of Edinburgh, he mentioned to him a t r a - dition that fome part of it had been ( landing 303 years before Chrift. " Much faith- , " replied the Doitor in his ufual manner, " is due to tradition ; and that part of the building which was ftanding at fo early a period, mull undoubtedly haVe been the rock upon which it is founded !" Y* fterday, an elderly man, genteelly drSffed came to St. James's during the Levee, sixd had got half way tip the great llairs, where he wa » accoited and afked, whom he wanted. He replied, that he was g o i n g to fpeak to the King, his coufin; and that he would prove his r i g h t , as being the natural fon of Admiral Benbow by a late Princefs, and that the place of his nativity was Hamptoncourt Palace, which belonged to him. This lu » natic was, efcorted by Jealous, the Police officer, to the g e a t g a t e , and, after receiving a fevere reprimand from the Marfhal's men, he faid he would go to the King at Wincfor, and get a Warrant to punifh them all for their infult upotv hii facred petfon. T h i s being a holiday; no bufinefo was done at the Stock Iflchange. It is with real concirn that we inform our readers of the death of Mr. Smeaton, F. R. SJ the celebrated Civil Engineer, who died at hi* houfe at Afirfthorpe, in Yoikfhire, on Sunday l i f t, i He vvas fuddenly attacked by a paralytic ltrokc I while walking in his garden about fix weeks ago. T o the public, in whofe fervice this Gentleman fpent t h e mod valuable part of his life, his dea'f1! may be eventually aferious incor. Tc ience, mecha- » nical knowledge equal to his being vary rare, though in our opinion indifpenfably neceffary Jo the completion of that important and noble d « figti the improvement of Ramfg& te Harbour, which ha3 already advanced in execution beyond the expectations of the moft fanguine, after many f r u i t l r f s attempts by former projectors at an enormous expenfe of time and public money- Find ng his heaish impaired, Mr. Smeaton begged permiliion to refign at the time when the newf Trutl took place ; but was prevailed on by the late Chairman to continue the fuperintendance of the work till the next fluice lhould be completed.— Every man of fcience mull hope, with u., that the pirefent Committee will continue the plan which Mr. Smeaion fo fuccefsfully purfued under the management of the T r u l l by Alexander Aubert, Efq. a Gentleman well known for hi » profound knowledge in mechanics and other branches of fcience ; as the fudden death of the former, and the refignaiion of the latter Gentleman, may otherwife be productive of the nxsft ferious confequcnces to t h e public. T H E A T R I C A L I N T E L L 1 G E N CK. Drury- Lane~\ Yefterday, The W o n d e r : with The Prifoner.— This Evening, The Tender Hufband : with T h e Prifoner. Covent- Garden.] Yeller.' ay, Wild Oats : with T h e Farmer..— t h i s Evening, The Road t « R u i n : with O k a r and Malvina. S H I P - N E W S . Deal, Ofl. 30. Remain in the Downs the Ships as per laft ; NIGT Frigate; LJDY Penrhyn, HAY. NAN ; Brunfwickj Douglas; AND Lonfon, Ltcey, f. r FIM. iic.:; Princ- ofWales, Cunningham, tor SAVANNAH) Bu « un, Scott, for Corunna ; Abcrkiu, Owen, for NIRITJ; Lively, Palmer; Difpatch, PYNE; ar. d B r i t o n , — — , for W.. terfo. D. Arrived, and failed for the River, the £ lij- tbeth, Finlav, from Goutdeaux. W i n d at S . W. Gravefend, Oft. 39, Palled ty the Prince of Orange, Mellick, from Calais J Difp TCB, Munfman, from Ortcnd; Caroline, Wilder, FRUIN Carolina J Ftiendlhip, Blews, and Britannia, Rensy, from IVT - NB- trgh. To fave is to gain !- » Adventute. s IT) the prefer. t Irifh and E n g l i l h Lotteries by purchafing their S H A R E S at Mr. N I C H O L S O N ' S Licenfed State Lottery OtHc , L'ank flreec, Cornhill ( a l l of which are duly FF u n p t ) , will aftually lava near F i f t e e n Sh' l l i n g s per T i c k e r , a> al! Prizes ariling to fucit T Shares v\ i l l be paid on Demand the Day the Ticket is i r . w n, ! Without any Dii'count or Deduftu 11 whatever ; and all ( Tickets and Shares boughc at the faid Office arc rt- giftered and | examined gratis. Thel'.- Circumftances, added t.. the wellj known Honour and Integrity of the Tra/ ifattions of the above ; Houfe, and the very great S ; ccefs that ha? attended Adven- 1 turers in the laft and late Ergli/ h and liiih Lotteries, mutt have d . e Weight with a. candia and i n t e l l i g e n t Public, efpecially as nothing more is charged for thtfe real and fubftantial BENEFITS than at any other Office of eijual Credic and Refponfibillty. Note. The Irilh Lottery begins drawing the rzth of November, and the. Englith Lottery the 18th of Febr. iary next Schemes abdarge gratis. SbldbV j. L O N D O N Printed by MARY V I N T ( L a t e S at N o . in P I » n s b S e r - I i 6 # "# here A I J V E R T U ^ P N T S and LF. TTJS " il ' " •• r « » vi5a wius TJiU A Y ) , in Ave - M a r y - Lane, Ludgate- Street, RS of IKTEJ. UGEKCI ( P o f t - p s i d ) art taken in, and « h e r e ihofe who chufe to be r e m l a r lv r? p » f - 51 re c i t f p f t . £ 0 apply, ' 9
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