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Lloyd's Evening Post

Date of Article: 17/10/1792
Printer / Publisher: T. Spilsbury and Son 
Address: No 57, Snowhill, London
Volume Number: LXXI    Issue Number: 5508
No Pages: 8
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3 •• 9 T » a AT LLOYD'S EVENIN G - POST. VOL. LXXI. From MONDAY, OCTOBER 15, to WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 17, 1792. [ NUMB,, 5508, TUESDAY, Oct. 16. LONDON. AFFAIRS ' of POLAND. - INTELLIGENCE COMMUNICATED BY A GEN- TLEMAN ON THE CONTINENT. is not without good reason, the King of Po- land has complained of the Diet making at one sitting, those laws which they counteract in ano- ther. The Poles, in- deed, by the last ad- vices received in Ger- many, appear to partake of the general discon- tents of Europe ; and no sooner have settled differences with a public and formidable enemy abroad, than they renew the private and more fatal dissensions at home. The Spirit of Reform seemS to have gone forth too unadvisedly here as elsewhere : it is carried into excesses. The reformers in politics, like those in religion, know not where to stop ; and it may be Set dawn as an incontrovertible truth in both cases, that when the old system is torn up violently with one hand, and a new one as vehemently raised on its ruins with the other, both those extremes are equally wrong. France feels this, as she lies bleeding at every pore. Holland has felt it, and is still smarting from the wounds. Poland Is now the victim of Innovation. The King formally renounces the doctrine of the Diet convened by the President Malachowski, as alike dangerous and unconstitutional, and attaches himSelf wholly to the new Confederation formed under the auspices of Potocki. In truth the contagious spirit of aversion to Mo- narchs and Monarchies seemed to have pene- trated into Poland, where, nevertheless, a Prince of many shining virtues and estimable qualities i on the Throne. The Partizans of the Pre- sident. are highly offended at the King, for several passages in his address, at the act of ad- herence; particularly where in a style no less manly than majestic, he declares to his Subjects, that notwithstanding he hopes, fears, and exists but for their good, and that the public welfare is as master passion, he has but too frequently been presented from indul- ging it, by the private Views of certain bodies of men, and the taste of the reformers, who masqued in the characters, of Legislators, have presumed to break the ancient and respectable laws of the Empire, which were at once its basis and pillars." Our political zealots," said his Majesty, " have set up their new- fan- gled maxims, which Cannot but continue the troubles ofthe Nation. Besides which, he maintains, that the new regimen on which they have put the State, is too feeble to Support the Constitution of Poland, and direCtly con- trary to the wholesome system of Government which can alone keep that constitution in the sound political health it has enjoyed for so many centuries antecedent to the empoisoned innova- tions. " Take notice," exclaimed the King, in the close of his address, " that I renounce, abandon, and deprecate these delusive novel- ties, and subscribe not only my name, but heart and soul, ( and would shed my last drop of blood) to and for the re- establishment, the perpetuity of the Government of the Re- public such as it was, and on the sacred foundation of our ancestors; because I am thoroughly convinced that only is the mean of insuring its prosperity and glory in the present time, and its immortal honours here- after : — take notice, I say, generous Citizens, who, from the rank of a Fellow- Citizen, raised me to the Throne of our Republic to aid me in fixing its liberty, independence, and integrity— take notice of this, my awful, my invariable resolve." AFFAIRS of SWEDEN. The young King of Sweden is in a very in- different state of health : when the Court was going to pay a visit to the Queen Dowager at the Palace of Ubriesdahl, about three weeks ago, he was obliged, after having come down to his carriage to return. The Clerks of the Chancery are kept very hard at work. as the Duke Regent holds a Council four or five times a week ; and Suits which have been pending above ten years, are now settled in a few hours. Baron Armfelt is to have a diplomatic situa- tion in Italy ; and Colonel Modeer has suc- ceeded him as Governor of Stockholm. Count Ruth is to be Governor General of Pomerania. These Situations are looked upon in Stockholm as honourable banishments. Baron Reuberholm is in great favour, and is of course of consequence. It is said that the King's Governor, Count Gyllenstople, will be appointed President of the College of Accounts, and that the Colonel Count Wachtmeister will succeed him as Go- vernor. A commission is ordered to investigate the accounts of all who have been concerned, either directly or indirectly, with the finances, as well before as Since the late war. It has be- gun with Baron de Generantz; and there are. many in Stockholm who dread the effects of too strict an inquiry. It is whispered that a Diet will be convened, but this is uncertain. A Sumptuary edict is ex- pected to be shortly issued. Many persons who, during the former reign, were confined in different castles at a distance from Stockholm, are now liberated, and per- mitted to return to the capital. The town of Oregrund, a small sea- port, some miles to the north of Stockholm, has been nearly destroyed by an inundation, which was occasioned by a long- continued westerly wind. The Swedish authors take advantage of the edict for the liberty of the press, for the country is now overflowed with political writings; and amongst a great quantity of trash, appear some things which do honour to the Swedes, and evince that there are people among them actuated by the Same spirit of liberty with which Gusta- vus Vasa, and his grandson Gustavus Adol- phus, were infiamed. Yesterday arrived the mail from Holland. The intelligence brought by the Dutch prints yesterday confirms the account of the capture of Spire; and the stoppage of the navigation of the Rhine : it also at length gives us some details as to the transitions and situation of the Allied Armies. The accounts from Brussels of the 8th of October state, that Dumourier had extri- cated himself from the embarrassing Situation in which he was placed; that the Allied Armies Suffered greatly for want of provisions, which were very Scarce, and very difficult to be pro- cured ; that the roads were absolutely Spoiled by the quantity of rain which fell towards the end, of September; that they for a fortnight suc- cessively were inundated by continual rains,, which rendered it impossible to act; and that in the midst of so many obstacles, they intended en- tering into quarters in the places which they have conquered, viz. Verdun, Etaing, Stenay, Longwy, and ihe adjacent villages, even before winter. They have also raised the Siege of Lille, where they have Suffered greatly. In- consequence of the bad success ot the Allied Armies, they are in Some disquiet at Brussels ; and as it is well known, that the Democratic party of France wish to excite a Revolution in the counties which surround them, a military detachment has been sent to Antwerp, which is the seat of discontent. There has also been a commotion at Louvain ; and the Belgic govern- ment must employ all its prudence to prevent the effect of the idea that the fate of the Belgians is connected with the success of the establishment of democracy in France. The accounts from Luxemburgh are Similar to those from. Brussels. They state that the Prussian army had for many days been in want of bread, what they had being quite mouldy. The Austrian army is nearly in the same predica- ment. From the gates of Luxemburgh to Ver- dun the country is ruined, and almost a desert; and from four weeks continual rain, the roads are inundated, and impassible. They are also strewed with hundreds of dead horses. By these adverse occurrences the Soldiers are discouraged, and the officers despair of finishing the campaign happily. The Assembly of the Ministers of the diffe- rent Powers will open the 20th of this month - at Luxemburgh ; and an ordonnance has been published, by which all the emigrants men,, women, and children, who have taken refuge in the country of Luxemburgh, since the Re- volution, are ordered to remove from thence. They may, however, retire towards Limburgh, or any environs where they cannot checK the operations and march of the troops, or hinder their communication. This order, which is to be executed with the utmost strictness, supposed to be on account of the approaching Assembly of the different Ministers. M. Kellerman, on the 9th instant, was en- camped at Dombville, within three leagues of [ Price, Fourpence.] LLOYDS EVENING P0ST, And - Oct. 15— 17 Verdun, M. Dillon at Sivry, within mus- ket- sHot of the Prussian camp. The French Army under General Custine, is reported to have marched against Mayence, Darmstadt, and Franckfort. A Letter from Coblentz, dated October 5, says-—'" The most terrible confusion reigns Within our walls. The approach of the French, wakes our citizens tremble: the principal of them have left the place, and carried all their valuable effects along with them. The ad- vanced guard of the Enemy's Army is said to he at Kreutznach. The Military Chest be- longing to the Prussian Army, as well as the archives, and ornaments of the churches, have been sent to Cologne." We learn from Strasburgh, that the prisoners of war from Spire, and the neighbouring places, were arrived there, and consist of subalterns and private soldiers, the officers having been set at liberty on their parole. Their numbers are as follow, viz. 1451 Mentzians, 782 of the Hun- garian Regiment of Giulay, 90 Austrian ca- valry, Imperial Cannoneers, and 168 men of different regiments, in all 2546 men All these have been sent under a strong escort farther inland, towards Langres. The corps under General Esterhazy has been obliged to give up their expedition in Alsace. It is said that the army of the Prince de Conde is going to separate ; but it is not mentioned in 4 what way that is to take place. Letters from Lille mention, that it was M Rualt, the Commander, and M. Andre, the Mayor of that place, who persuaded the inha- bitants, that it rather became them to be bu- ried beneath its ruins; than to surrender. This advice and the example they set, had so great an effect, that the Austrians were obliged to raise the siege, after having set fire to a great number of houses, ravaged the plains and envi- rons, and having themselves sustained a very considerable loss. Advices have reached Savoy, of Ville Franca, in the vicinity of Nice, having fallen into the hands of the French, who have made 2000 pri- soners, and taken 100 pieces of ordnance. Six. French regiments, probably about 4000 men, with thirty pieces of cannon, were within two miles of Geneva, when the last accounts came away. They were ordered, however, for the present to use no hostilities. The Municipality of Chambery, the capital Savoy, has come to a resolution, that the current monies of France shall have the same value and denomination as they bear in the French Republic. To approximate, however, this value to that of the Savoyard monies, the French crown and three livres is to pais in com- merce for 1 20 sous of Savoy, and the Savoyard crown for 144 sous, or seven livres four sous, French. Thus is an intrinsic and proportional value establifhed between the coins of the two countries. With respect to the French assignats, the Magistrates of Chambery have determined nothing; although they are of opinion, that they ought to have a currency in Savoy, where they should be regarded as substantial and effi- cacious as gold and silver coins. General Montesquiou had given public orders to his army, to obey the above regulations. In conformity ro the French Decree for preserving from sale all the private collections found among the property of the Emigrants, the fine collection of Jeaunin Champblanc of Dijou, the labour of 50 years, and which cost him a princely fortune, will among others be saved; and the whole collected into a public depot, will form a very grand and perfect school in France, for all the various objects of science. Letters from St. Domingo of the 3d of August state, that the Decree confirming the claim of equal rights by the .- People of Colour was published at the Cape withbout opposition ; that the Whites gave a fete on the occasion as the signal of general union; that the People of Colour returned the compliment a few days: after; and that the free Negroes gave a third Letters from Manheim positively state, that an army of from 25 to 30,000 Russians will be before Landau by the commencement of the en- suing month, and that the first column, consist-. ing of 6000 men, has already reached Bo- hemia.— These troops are to be joined by the body of 25,000 Hungarians, which is expected to reach the borders of' the Rhine within the above period. ' ' Extraci of a letter from Brussels, Oct. 9. At present the cards appear to be turned in favour of the French, and the Combined Powers even seem to have renounced the project of rescuing during the present campaign, the unfortunate Monarch of France. This reverse of fortune renders it very difficult to come at any authentic relations; you may, however, depend on what I am about to detail to you. The army of General Clairsayt, having on the 14th ult. dislodged the enemy from the post of Croix- au- boire, on the 17th, made a still fur- ther progress, during which day and the fol- lowing, the weather was extremely unfavour- able indeed. General Clairsayt, notwithstand- ing, arrived with his army at three o'clock in the afternoon at Croix en Champagne. At the instant the troops were about to take their ground, a heavy cannonade, and a brisk dis- charge of musketry were heard, and was found to arise from an action betwixt the Prussians and General Kellerman's army. The former were twice repulsed; but on their third attack, the enemy fled precipitately to the left of the vil- lage of Walmy, and retired to a high mountain, where they ranged themselves in order of bat- tle. If General Clairseyt's army had been able to arrive a few hours sooner, the French would have been defeated, without any possibility of their rallying. They had time, however, to for- tify themselves in a very advantageous post; their two wings being covered by two eminences, their centre by a very extensive and steep moun- tain, and their rear- guard protected by a thick wood, beyond which were several flourishing villages, and the city of Chalons; from whence they drew ready supplies of provisions, whilst the Auftrian army was placed in a barren tract of country. This army, during five days, from the 19th to the 23d ult. marched without bag- gage, and without tents, exposed to the worst of all possible weather. " Such was the art of General Dumourier, in drawing the Prussians and Austrians into the deserts of Champagne pouilleuse ( lousy Cham- pagne ), and in alluring them to abandon the more advantageous road which leads to Rheims! It would appear that the French General was very careless about the imputation of deception on his part, when he amused the Duke of Bruns- wick with a suspension of arms, which led him into a persuasion that he was about to ca- pitulate. - " It is impossible to obtain a precise know- ledge of what passed on that occasion and the only information we can obtain at this time is, that the army of General Clairsayt is returning, by Stenai, to the Netherlands and that the Duke of Branswick, Prince Hohenlohe, and the young Archduke Charles have reached Verdun. " The Bishop of Chalons, who out from this place, attended by the whole of his eccle- siastical suite, has stopped at Namur. The Keeper of the Seals, M. Barrentin. is still here. The number of Emigrant Priests daily in- creases, amounting at this time to between 13 and 1400. Very considerable collections have been made for them. The Emigrants who were sta- tioned in the army of the French Princes, have returned hither m great numbers. " Two companies of the troops off the line left this place yesterday for Malines, from whence and from Louvain the battalion of in- fantry de Wyztbourg, has been ordered hither. ' On Friday last, an account reached as from Tournay, stating that a considerable num- ber of waggons laden with shot., bomb- shells, barrows, and shovels, had been brought back from the camp; and yesterday, Government published the following Bulletin : Corps of the Imperial and Royal Army in ' Flanders, Oct. 1, 1792 ' The bombardment of the city of Lille, be- gun on the 29th ult. not having been attended with the desired effect, that of obliging its in- habitants and Commandant to return to the duty they owe to their legitimate Sovereign.; and the advanced and unfavourable season pre senting likewise the most unsurmountable ob- stacles to the process of a siege; the Corps of the Army which covered the bombardment this morning broke up the encampment it has oc- cupied before that city since the 24th ult As a preliminary step, the guns and mortars, the ammunition of which had been exhausted du- ring the attack, have been sent back to Tour- nay." Account of the Capture of Spire by the French, at published by the Elector of Mentz. Colonel de Winkelmann, on the evening of Saturday, Sept. 29, received notice of the approach of the Enemy, to the amount of 30,000 fighting men. The troops of Austria and Mentz on this, left the City, at eight o'clock at night, in order to defend the four gates, and remained until half after seven o'clock next morning, under arms. " Having received no account whatever, re- specting the French, the Garrison re- entered the place ; but scarce had they retired, when the Officer of a horse- patrole, who had lost three of his men, arrived at full gallop, with the intelligence that the Enemy was not far distant. " Our troops, having resumed their former position, about noon began to cannonade the French Army, which appeared to be 17,000 strong. Their artillery was much more nu- merous than ours j but as our men were only- ranged two deep, and theirs advanced in co- lumns, their loss must have been considerable. At half an hour after three o'clock, the gar- rison re- entered by different gates, and the fire continued with such ardour in the streets, that the Mentz infantry repulsed the French cavalry no less than eight times. " Our troops were however at length obliged to give way, and retired towards the Ford of Rheinhause, somewhat less than a league from Spire The French pursued them, obliged them to capitulate, and after a delay of some minutes B R I T I S H C H R O N I C L E , for 1792. 371 the Lieutenant Colonels Dieterich and Fechen- bach agreed with General Custine, that the gar- rison should remain prisoners of war; that the artillery, arm, and horses, should be delivered up to the Enemy; that the officers should retain their arms horses, and equipages, and that the soldiers should not be plundered. " After these stipulations the soldiers re- turned to the City, piled up. their arms, and were lodged in the Cathedral but as to the officers, they had the privilege, or going where- ever they pleased, during the night. ' On the next day ( Oct. 1, they were car- ried to Landau, and were set at liberty after having taken and subscribed an oath, not to serve against France during the present war, unless they should be exchanged. " Having acquiesced in this, and sold their horses to the French for ready money, the Com- mandant of Landau escorted them to the ford at Rheinhause, and permitted them to retire wherever they pleased." The inhabitants of Belgrade are still in a ferment; and the spirit of mutiny is again ac- tive insomuch that the Pachas are about to send succours to the garrison. The last letters ad- vise, that the Commandant has determined to deny the re- establishment of the citizen ; in the town ; and these are not satisfied without at least a possession of the suburbs; which cannot be ceded to them even in part by the Pacha, till the proportion is sanctioned by the Sublime Porte. By orders from the Empress of Russia, great numbers of the Polish peasants have been carried off from the Ukraine, and adjoining provinces, for the purpose of being sent as colonists to her Imperial Majesty's new dominions between the Bog and Dniester. Numerous detachments of Russian troops, continue to arrive daily within the territories of the Polish Republic. A deputation of twelve Members having been ordered to repair to Petersburgh, to express to her Imperial Majesty the grateful acknowledge- ments of the two United Confederations, M. d Bulgakow, the Russian Minister, has informed the Deputies who were appointed to carry the Address, that their Deputation will not be re- ceived at Petersburgh, unless their instructions shall be signed by his Polish Majesty. The new oath to be taken by the Poles, is as follows:—" I swear to be faithful to the King and the Serene Confederation." A terrible storm which has lately taken place on the coast of Sweden, has wrecked upwards of fifty merchantmen. At Stockholm all the duties on brown sugar are to be taken off with a view of favouring the increase of the establishment of sugar- houses.— The most fertile provinces in Sweden have this year produced a very scanty crop of corn. Very serious apprehensions are entertained in consequence of the state of health of the Queen of Naples. Her Majesty's extreme sensibility, it is said, and the number of family misfortunes she has lately experienced operating upon it, have very much shattered her constitution : and she seems threatened with a disorder which has proved fatal to her family, a dropsy in the breast. On Sunday their Royal Highnesses the Duke and Duchess of York set off from York- house, Piccadilly, for Newmarket, Yesterday morning Mr. Pitt, accompanied by Mr. Long, left Holwood, Kent, for Walmer Castle. ' Yesterday Government dispatches were re- ceived at the Secretary of State's Office White- hall, from Lord Auckland, his Majesty's Am- bassador at the Hague, which were forwarded to the King at Windsor Lodge. Yesterday the King took the diversion of hunting with his harriers in the neighbourhood of Windsor- Lodge, Mr. Dundas was expested to arrive at Mel- ville Castle, on Wednesday last, the birth day of his mother, Lady Arniston, who then entered her 87th year. It is pledged, as a proof of the integrity and honour of the distressed Clergy who are Emigrants from France in this Country, that p guineas have bees returned by certain of them, who had received assistance from the Sub- scription, but who have unexpectedly been ren- dered iudependent of the charity. Lord Hood has struck his flag at Portsmouth, where Sir Andrew Snape Hammond commands during his Lordship's absence. The Cumberland Lodge of Free Masons are going to erect a building for a school in St. George's Fields, capable of accommodating fifty - children. Lord Falmoath, Sir W. Molesworth, Mr: Gregor, and other leading Gentlemen resident on the coast of Cornwall, are laudable exerting themselves to prevent the plundering of wrecked vessels by the country people. For this pur- pose, a plan, drawn up by Mr. Knill, was sub- mitted to the Grand Jury at the summer assizes, and referred to a Committee, who have lately held a meeting at Bodmin, and resolved, with some amendments, to adopt the same. The Earl of Pembroke has generously given up his right of Deer- feed Over an extensive part of Wiltshire, called Fernditch Walk, on ac- count of the injuries sustained by the neigh- bours; from it: and there are those who are san- guine enough to believe that the game- laws, rights of chace, and other vestiges ol feudality, will soon be totally abolished, or at least very favourably qualified. A meeting has been held at Collumpton Devon, for the purpose of making a navigable canal from Taunton, to Topsham, with a branch to Tiverton, which will form an easy commu- niation between the Bristol and British Channels, and will best productive ot the grestest advantage to the trade, commerce, and agriculture, of So- mersetshire, Gloucestershire Herefordshire, Worcestershire, & c. - Upwards of 4000I. is already subscribed for the new- Infimary in Cornwall, notwithstanding a month has not elapsed since the laying of the first stone. At the late General Quarter- Session= for Rut- land, it was determined to furnish the poor fa- milies of every parish, with spinning- wheels, yarn, & c. and that no pauper should receive pay for any children, abuve nine years old, who cannot spin. The very fine weather last week on the prin- cipal days of that great annual mart of trade, Weyhill Fair, was a circumstance highly fa- vourable, and occasioned an unusual confluence ot all descriptions of persons, particularly on Thursday and Friday. The business on the hop- rows was chiefly confined to these days. The hop grounds have this year been exceedingly productive, and the show on the hill was con- sequently very great ; but the quantity of those of the best growth, that were bright and well cured, was comparatively small; of course they sold at high prices. The best Farnhams yielded from 8 guineas to 9I. on Thursday, and some few particularly fine samples, nearly or quite 10I. On Friday the sale was not quite so brisk, and the prices were from IOS. to 20s. lower. Good Farnhams were bought at 61. but so various were the qualities, that some sold so low as 3L js. The average prices of the Froyle, ' Crondall, and other descriptions of good coun- try hops were from 61. to eight guineas; but some of the former were thought to be equal to the best Farnhams, and yielded prices, accord- ingly, whilst others of inferior quality were sold at 3I. In short, a considerable part of the hops being but indifferent, the purchasers had them at almost their own prices, and a great many remained unsold at the conclusion. There were but few horses on the hill, and those that were good sold very well. The quantity of leather was also very small; calf- skins ( yielded 25. to 2s. id. per lb. hides, 1.7 d. to i8d.' and butts, 18d. which are much higher prices than ever were known ; and the sale, even at these prices, was exceedingly quick. The average prices of cheese were nearly as at the late fairs, Sheep sold remarkably well. On Wednesday night last, for the first time, the Borough of Newark was lighted with up- wards of 300 lamps, which made a very bril- liant appearance: Orders are given for the arching over of several great nuisances, and for the paving and flagging of the several parts that are now in want, which will make Newark one of the completest towns m the kingdom. The great scarcity of partridges is likely to be counterbalanced by a plentiful woodcock sea- son a leash of these delicious birds were shot last week, by a clergyman near Bridport, and several others have since been seen in that neigh- bourhood. It is remarked, on the occasion, that the early appearance of these birds predicts a se- vere winter. Mr. Thomas East is appointed one of His Majesty's Messengers in Ordinary, in the room of the late Mr. Morley; and Mr. Silvester is appointed a Messenger in extraordinary ; both in the Foreign Department. John Rock, is elected Mayor of Shrews- bury. William Figgins, Esq. was last week sworn in Mayor of Devizes. The Rev. John Castell, M. A. is instituted to the Rectory of Thuxton in Norfolk. The Rev. Miles Beevor is instituted to the ReCtory of Hethel, in Norfolk, on the presen- tation of his father, Sir Thomas Beevor, Bart. the Right Hon. Lord Onslow has presented the Rev. Mr. George Walton Onslow, to the vicarage of Send, m the county of Surry, void- by the death of the late Rev. Mr. Davis. Wednesday last being the first day of Term, the following Rev. Gentlemen were elected Officers of tne University of Cambridge for the year ensuing :— Proctors, William Farish, M. A. Magdalen College, and George Hunter, M. A. Christ College ;— Moderators, William Farish, M. A. Magdalen College, and Thomas Brown. M. A. Christ College — Taxors, William Clerke, M. A. Peterhouse, and James Wood, M. A. St. John's College ;— Scrutators, Wil- liam Hodson, B. D. Trinity College, and Tho- mas Bayley, M. A. Jesus College. CAMBRIDGE TERMS. 1792 Michaelmas Term begins Oct. 10— ends Dec. 16. 1793 Lent Term May Term 37* 0d. A Puzzle- for the Antiquarians of the next Age. Under the foundation- stone of the New Church in Clerkenwell, the Church- Wardens have placed a medal, with a die exhibiting a view of the church as it was intended to be built. during the progress of the work, another plan was determined upon ; the consequence of which is, that under the foundation- stone, at some future . day, there may be found a view that will be deemed indisputable authority, that bears no more resemblance to the church as it is, than to that of St. Lawrence's Sheerhog. A wooden or artificial arm is making by a London mechanic, for the young Prince of Waldeck, who is now declared out- of danger. On Sunday night, about half past eight o'clock, a fire broke out in the house of Mr. Gardiner, stationer, in Houndsditch. It was got under without doing any further damage than consuming the inside of the house, and somewhat injuring the house next adjoining. Friday se'nnight a large sloop, laden with coals for the Glass- works at Leith, which had come to anchor off the west end of Cramond Island, was discovered to be on fire. She soon after took the ground, and burnt to the water- edge ; previous to which the crew had left her. The Jury, whom the bakers call The Annoy ance jury, belonging to the Ward of Farringdon Within, laid a plan last week for detecting the cheap bakers. They went round the Ward in the morning, and found some defaulters': but the gentlemen of the oven, not supposing they should have two visitations in one day, were de- termined to make up for all losses in their even- ing batch, which the Jury attended ; and those whose bread was deficient were ordered to ap- pear the next day before Alderman Clark; who sat on Sunday for the sole purpose of bringing them to an immediate account: Saturday night the house of Mr. Hopkins,' of ' King- street, Holborn, was broke open, and robbed of some articles of plate, See. On Sunday morning early the house of Counsellor Mansfield, of Queen's square, was entered, and robbed. An attempt was likewise made at Mr. Moody's, the next door, but with- out succcss: the thieves had opened a window below, and were entering"; but the coachman was fortunately awake, and occasioned their making a precipitate retreat without taking any booty. Friday evening Mr. Coadey, of Mermaid- court, Borough, was stopped at the top of the hill on Sydenham Common, by two highway- men, who robbed him of his money. ' The approach of winter will, it is presumed, Again induce the our- parishes, as well as the City, to continue the establishment of patroles, who, in aid to the parish watch, are a safeguard to all passengers, particularly in the early part of the winter's evening. Last night between 3c and 40 persons let themselves down from the upper to the lower gallery, at Covent- garden Theatre. Some constables immediately went up; one of whom taking hold of one of the intruders, was imme- diately dragged by the said person to the bottom of the gallery. The offender was secured, and taken before the Magistrates at Bow- street, who Committed him to gaol. On Friday night, between twelve and one o'clock a desperate effort was made by the Fe- lons confined in Maidstone Gaol, in order to effect their escape; but by the activity and re- solation of Mr. Watson, the keeper, and his assistants, they were prevented from putting their design in execution, although several of them had got upon the wall, and rope- ladders were affixed on the other side of it. Upon in- quiry, it appeared that the convicts under sen- tence of transportation, were the principals in the plan, notice of which being given at the Secretary of State's Office, they were all im- mediately ordered to be conducted to the lighters at Woolwich. Some inhuman wretch, last week, nearly cut out the tongue of a fine bay colt, belonging to Mr. J. Denny; at Woodbridge, in Suffolk, which had lately cost 30I. Friday se'nnight the post- boy, charged with the mail of letters from Collon to Drogheda,' in Ireland, was stopped within two miles of Collon, and robbed of the entire mail. POLICE. WORSHIP- STREET, SHOREDITCH. In consequence of an information being given to the Magistrates of the office, of a baker in Dorset- street, Spital- fields, having sold two quartern loaves greatly deficient in weight, one of the Magistrates, attended by several of the Po- lice- officers, went to the baker's shop, and seized eighty quartern loaves and eight half- pecks; the half- peck loaves, on being weighed, were from ten to fourteen ounces short, and the quarterns; were from five to six and seven ounces deficient., The Magistrates distributed the loaves to the poor of the parish of Christ- church, Spital- fields.' The baker is summoned to answer for the same. The deficiency of the 88 loaves amounts to 325 ounces. HATTON GARDEN. Yesterday 26 men and boys were brought before the two Sitting Magistrates at the Police-. Office, Hatton- Garden, charged with having driven some cattle from the farm of Mr. Bartho lomew, of White- Conduit- house; four of whom were committed for one month to Tothill- fields Bridewell, and two were remanded for fur- ther examination-; the other 20 were dis- charged, with a severe reprimand from the Ma- gistrate. Yesterday a woman was charged, before the above Magistrates, with having publicly sold the bread of an under- assize baker, which was 19 ounces short of weight; the penalty being mitigated in favour of the woman, she was only fined 2I. 19s. 6d. PUBLIC OFFICE, BOW- STREET. Yesterday three young men, who are brothers, and one of whom is in a banking- house at the West end of the town, were charged before Sir Sampson Wright, with an assault, and with having been guilty of very indecorous behaviour in Newport- street, on Sunday night. A black- smith, who made the charge against them, said, that he lived in the above neighbourhood, and observing the young men push every person they met from off the pavement, without distinction of age or sex, and otherwise ill treat them, he followed them ; and on their continuing this improper conduct, he attempted to expostulate with them, when they all fell upon him with sticks, and beat him very violently. They were ordered to find bail; and the Magistrate expressed a wish, that the blacksmith should make an example of these perfons, in order to deter others from insulting the peaceable part of the community. A boy, not eight years of age, was charged with, robbing his master of a pair of gloves and some silk his property. His guilt appeared but too clear ; but, on account of his tender years, tbe Magistrate recommended the Master to give up the prosecution, and to discharge him his service, which was accordingly done Yesterday a person was committed from the above Office, on a charge of stealing some plate, the property of Mr. Ponsonby, of New- street, Spring- Gardens. A man was committed from the same office, on a charge of breaking open the house of Mr. Dutton, of King- street, DrUry- lane. THE WISH. GRANT me, ye fates some fav'rite Fair, Who'd all my devious wand'rings share ; Oft from the busy crowd to steal, The sweets of solitude to feel; Ye Pow'rs benign ! if such there be, Then welcome ' to the Muse and me : Who'd leave the bed of soft repose, To watch the first unfolding rose ; Or range through valley wood and shade, " For melancholy musings made And think the same a luxury, How welcome to the Muse and me ! Or wander by the mountain's side ; Or listen to the thund'ring tide, As down the steep the torrent's thrown By force far greater than its own ; If these she hails with extasy, Thrice welcome to the Muse and me ! The following Celebrated MEDICINES are faithfully pre- pared by J. MAC HAN and Co. and, by their Ap- pointment, sold Wholesale and Retail, by Messrs. Dick- inson and Co.. Druggists, No. 29, in the Poultry ; Ran- dall and Co. Druggists, No. 47, Minories 5 Mr. Stringer. ( Chemist to his Majesty). No. 19, Strand ; and Mrs. Kidman, Perfumer, No. 69, Newgate- Street, London THE superior Excellence of these Medicines, ( discovered by the late Dr. MAC HAN) compared, with others recommended in the like intention!, is so fully proved, by the Experience of many Years, that the Pro- prietors, desirous of rendering them more extensively useful- to the Public, have offered them at a Price so moderate,' as to put them within the reach of the Afflicted of all' Ranks. They find it necessary, at the same time, to cau- tion the Public against Counterfeits.; none being genuine, but what are sealed with the Proprietors Arms, and sold under their Appointment. ASTHMATIC DROPS — A most excellent Remedy for Coughs, Asthma , Consumpions, and all Disorders arising from Cold, or obstructed Perspiration. Price 1s. 1d. and 2s. 6d. per Bottle. ANTI- RHEUMATIC DROPS— Being a sovereign Remedy for the Rheumatism, Gout, and most internal Weaknesses ; and seldom known to fail, by a few Doses, to cure Pains, either in the Back or other Parts, caused by, obstructed Perspiration, or by the GraVel This Medicine is both powerful and innocent, being extracted from the choicest Vegetables; it is pleasant, in itself, and gentle in and the Dose is - Price 2s. 8di BRITISH CHONICL E, for 1792. 373 Far Weak and Relaxed Cofftitutions. to be totally deprived of the Use of one Side of my Mouth in eating, "( the Teeth having become loose, and the Gums a mere Sponge); 1 was resolved, about three Years ago, after having had four of my Teeth drawn, to try your Universal Dentifrice, by one Bottle of which I received immediate and very sensible Relief,- the excessive Pain I suffered being totally taken away ; and' by the Use of a second Bottle, about a Twelvemonth past, my Teeth be- came fixed, my Gums aquired their usual Firmness, and my Mouth is as well as at any' Period of my Life; though I am now in the 73d Year of my Age. Gratitude for the singular Cure I owe to your excellent Medicine, his in- duced me to communicate this Information to you ; and that others, afflicted in the like manner, may know where to obtain the same Relief, you have my free consent to publish it, I am, Sir-& c. ' Godley, near Stockport, Cheshire, JOSEPH SMITH. May 28, 1792. iti Operation, requires no Confinement, only a Tea Spoonful once or twice a Day.- per Bottle. CELEBRATED- TINCTURE for the, AGUE— Scarcely ever known to fail performing an effectual Cure in a few Days,. Price u. 6J. per Bottle. UNIVERSAL DENTIFRICE— Being the most excel- lent Remedy ever offered to the Public for the Tooth- Ach, and the Scurvy, in the Teeth and Gums. It ad- mirably fastens such as are loose, and prevents thou that are decayed from becoming worse ; resists Putrefaction in the Gums, sweetens the Breath, and soon brings the Teeth to a delicate Whiteness. Price I£. > § d. per Bottle. CHYMICAL LINIMENT— Universally esteemed the best Specific ever discovered for Bruises, Cuts, Chilblains, Sprains, External Rheumatism, & c. being lo extremely useful, that every Family should constantly have it in the House. Price is. ijd. per Bottie. IMPERIAL LINIMENT— Which was never known to fail effectually eradicating every Species of Scurvy, Itch, or other Cutaneous Disorder. - Price is. ijrd. per Box. To the Proprietor of the Universal Dentifrice. Sir, Having been long afflicted with the Tooth- Ach and Scurvy in the Gums, to such a decree, as for several Years iSPRAINS, BRUISES, RHEUMATISMS, & c. To Mr. H. STEERS, PROPRIETOR OF DR. STEERS'S OPODELDOC. ABOUT a fortnight ago, I sprained my left Ankle. in a most violent manner: it was so much swelled, and so exceedingly painful, that I had every reason. to dread a long confinement ; but, being advised by a friend the next day to' try. your Opodeldoc, I met with very speedy relief and had the satisfaction to find, that in four days after the use of only one bottle, my complaint was en- tirely removed, and I could walk as well as ever I did in. my life. It is my wish that this Cure may be made pub lic, for the general good of society. I am, ,3cr. NOAH DUPREE, 31st Jan. 1792. Poulterer St. James's Market. •' The extraordinary efficacy of this Medicine in the above, and other external complaints, is universally acknowledged; but so numerous are the counterfeits and imitation's in all parts of the town and country,. that it is become necessary to request that all Purchasers who would avail themselves of the virtues of the real Preparation, will be particularly careful' to observe that the name of F. Newbery is en-, graved on the Stamp, which is pasted round the wrapper of each bottle, as none can possibly be genuine without this mark of authenticity, Sold in London only at Mr. NEWBERY's ( the only: Warehouse for Dr. JAMES'S POWDER), No. 45, in St. Paul's Church- Yard, a few doors from the Corner of Cheap- side;, and at Mr. STEERS's Medicinal Warehouse, No. 10,! Old Bond- street, on the left hand from Piccadilly, three doors beyond Stafford- street, in Bottles, Price 2s. each, Duty included j or Six for 6d. ios, FOR BILIOUS COMPLAINTS, & c. STEERS's CAMOMILE DROPS. CAMOMILE stands distinguished in the opi- nions of the best Physicians and Botanic Writers, as a Plant of many Virtues-: this elegant Preparation of it is universally esteemed for its great efficacy in all Disorders of. the Stomach and bowels; it particularly, restores lost Appetite, and corrects that Crudity which occasions lndi- gestion';" it is of the utmost service in Bilious and other Complaints of the Liver and Gall- Bladder, as also in De- bilities of the Nervous System.; and, by its antiseptic quality will resist the bad effects of noxious Vapours ; it is likewise of essential use in Hysteric Fits, and is an excel- lent Remedy for the Worms. N. B. These Drops are of admirable effect in lessening the Violence of Sea- Sickness, and are therefore recom- mended to all Persons going on a Voyage. Sold by the Proprietor, H. STEER;, at his Warehouse for Dr. Steers's Opodeldoc and other Medicinrs, No. 10,' Old Bond- street, on the left- hand from Piccadilly, three doors beyond Stafford- street, Price One Shilling and Three Halfpence the bottle, Duty included ; but on taking six or more, the Stamps will be allowed. Sold also, by his Appointment, at BAILEY and LOWE'S, Cockspur- street; BACON'S, Oxford- street; BURCHELL'S, Long- Acre; NEWBERY'S, St. Paul's ChurCh- Yard ; GOLDING'S, Cornhlll; RANDALL'S, Royal- exchange; WRAY'S, Birchin- Lane.; PRICE'S, Leadenhall- street ; and CLARKE'S, Borough High- street. Where may be had, prepared by H. STEERS," DAFfY's ELIXIR, of a most excellent Quality,, Price is. 6d. the Bottle, Duty included. CHALYBEATE . PILLS. THE MEDICINAL EffeCTS of STEEL as a Strangthener. andl Deobstruent, have been acknow- ledged for many Ages ; and though it is more used by Physicians of the prefent Time than at any preceding. Pe- riod, yet it is confessed, and lamented, that the very im- proved State of Chemistry has failed to produce a Prepa- ration of It, which, . when sufficiently active, can be ad- ministered without inconvenience. The late Dr. Hugh SMITH, so deservedly celebrated, owed his Reputation principally to the free Use of this Mineral.; yet the Forms in which he prescribed it, were not only inelegant, and disagreeable to the Stomach, but often, not the best adapted for Effect. Of the Preparations of Steel, that which was intro- duced by the late Dr. MOSES GRIFFITHS has been the most successful, and has been generally adopted, since his Time, by other Medical Practitioners; yet, as it is exceed- ingly nauseous, and as the Complaints for which it is so serviceabie are of the Chronic Kind, and therefore require a long Continuance, Patients become often so disgusted, as not to be able to persevere in its Use. A Circumstance of this So., gave occasion to the Preparation now offered to the Public. After a Variety of fruitless Experiments to contrive a Medicine which would contain all the aCtive Powers of Steel, freed from every Objection, the Inventor of the Chalybeate Pills has at length, in them he flatters himself, completely succeeded ; and he ventures to recommend them, as well from repeated instances ; of their Efficacy in his own Practice, as from that of other Professional Men, in the following Complaints, viz. At that Period of the Life of Females, when Maturity should arrive, but the Constitution, is defective either from Habits too sedentary, or from want of Tone in the System, inducing Paleness , of the Lips, Sallowness of the Countenance Palpitation of the Heart, Shortness of Breath. Trembling of the Knees, Hysterical AffeCtions, feci Also to thofe who have enjoyed Health gentrally, yet, from accidental Circumstances. or from alteration in their Mode of Living, have become defective, either with or without the above Symptoms. They are likewise the very best Strengtheners aftar bad Lyings- in, or for Debility from too long Suckling; or fre- quent Miscarriages, Those Perfons whose Constitutions are relaxed and broken, by living in hot Climates, or by other Causes, and those who are disposed to the Gout, which for want of Strength lies dormant in the Habit, will find the most satisfactory Relief from these Pills. so powerful, indeed, are their restorative Qualities, that they may be taken with every possible Benefit for all Diseases occasioned by weakness in the Constitution. These Pills, moreover, are particularly recommended to those who resort to the Spa Tunbridge; Bath, and Cheltenham Waters, being calculated to render them in- finitely more efficacious. They are prepared for MR. FRANCIS NeWBERY, and sold only by him at the Warehouse for. Dr. James's Powder, No. 45, in St. Paul's Church- yard, London, few Doors from the Corner ' of Cheapside, in Boxes, Price 2S. 91I. each ( Duty included): and as the surest Mark of Authenticity, Purchasers will observe that his Name is engraved in the Stamp. WEDNESDAY, Oct. 17. From the LONDON- GAZETTE, Oct. 16. • Naples, Sept. 22. ALAVA is running with some violence from an opening near the Crater of Mount Vesuvius; but this eruption does not seem to threaten the cultivated parts of the Mountain. The eruption of Mount Etna, which has lasted three months, and still conti- nues, has done considerable. damage to the cultivated lands between Catania and Taor-. mina. Hague,' Oct. 9. On the 6th instant the Prince Stadtholder and the Princess of Orange the Hereditary Prince and Princess, and Prince Fre- derick of Orange, arrived here from Breda, after an absence of several weeks. BANKRUPTCY ENLARGED. . . Benjamin Mountague, of Lambridge, Somersetshire, merchant, to surrender Nov. 3, at ten, at Guildhall London. m OA. » 5—' i^. BANKRUPTS. John Wade, of Old Gravel- lane, St. George East, Mid- dlesex, carman, to surrender Oct. 27, 29 at ten and Nov. 27, at five, at GuildhalL Attorney, Mr. Dixon, Mincing- lane, Tower- street. Charles Hynds, late of New- street, Covent- Garden, St. Clement Danes, Middlesex, hatter, to surrender Oct. 17, 27, at ten, and Nov. at five, at Guildhall. Attor- ney, Mr. Bunn, King's Beach Walks, Temple. Lewis Harris, now Or late of New- street, Bishopsgate- street, London, merchant, to surrender Nov. 6, 7, and 27, at six, at Guildhall. Attorney, Mr. Lloyd, Tha- vies Inn, Holborn. Samuel Scales, of Islington, Middlesex, baker, to surren- der Oct. to, 17, at ten, and Nov. 27, at five at Guild- hall. Attorney, Mr. Harvey, Cursitor- street, Chancery- lane. William Parkes, of Stourport, Worcestershire, hop- mer- chant, to surrender Nov. 8, 9, and 17, at eleven, at the Hop- Pole Inn, in Worcester. Attorney, Mr. Morgan, Worcester. DIVIDENDS, Nov. 6. Thomas Daniel, of Foster- lane Cheapside, Lon- don, goldsmith at nine, at GuildhaLl Nov. 10. John Franks, of Boston, in Lincolnshire, linen- draper, at One, at Guildhall, London. NoV. 15. Thomas Kilham, of Beach- street, London, linen- draper, at five, at Guildhall. Nov. 15. Jonathan Banks and James Huson, of Great Portland- street, Oxford- road, Middlesex, glass- ware- housemen, at five, at Guildhall. Nov. 8. William Heelis the younger, late of Great Bol- ton, in Lancashire, fustian- manufacturer, at ten, at the Boar's Head, Great Bolton. Nov 9. Thomas Turner, late of Oxford, silversmith, at eleven, at the Cross lnn, Oxford. CERTIFICATES. < Nov. 6. John Wilkinson, late of Walton Spa. Gloucester- shire, vintner. LONDON. ' Yesterday morning the King, attended by the Earl of Sandwich and his two Equerries, hunted with his staghounds in the neighbour- hood of Langley- broom. This day at one o'clock the' King held a Levee at St. James's. There will be no draw- ing room to- morrow, but his Majesty will have a Levee on Friday. Yesterday morning his Royal Highness the Prince of Wales gave audiences to Lord Thur- low and Mr. Sheridan at Carlton House, and an the afternoon set off for Brighton. Yesterday a board was held at the Admiralty Office, Charing Cross, which was attended by Lord Arden, Lord Hood, the Hon. Mr. Townshend, and Capt. Gardiner. Several de- cayed seamen were admitted to the privilege of Greenwich Hospital, and at four o'clock the board adjourned till this day at noon. The amount of the permanent taxes for the last four weeks has been 1,157,134!. The increase of the revenue for the last four weeks above the four corresponding weeks in 1791, is 223,3^ 41. The disposable surplus of the public income on the 10th inst which was the conclusion of the third quarter of the present year, after every expence is paid, and the usual appropriation made for the reduction of the national debt, amounts to 2,250,000!. The affairs at one of the foreign Oriental Companies is in such a state as to require the interference and aid of their Government. Ever since the Commutation Bill put at end to Smuggling, the China trade of all the other European Companies has been gradually dwin- dling to nothing. COURT or ALDERMEN. Yesterday a Court of Aldermen was held at guildhall, at which the Lord Mayor, Lord Mayor Elect, Recorder, and fourteen Alder- men, were present. The Master and Wardens of the- Company of Bakers, attended the Court, refpefting the affize of bread; and the meal- weighers return of the average price of wheat, bein^ 47s. gd J. per quarter, which is4d. dearer, and flour 40 per fack, being, on the average, ore ( hilling per fack cheaper than laft week, the Court ordered, that the price of bread ( hould continue at the prefent aflize. An application of the Tackle- Houfe and Ticket- rorters, complaining that the wharf- ingers refufed to- employ them to perform their work upon the Quays, was referred to the feveral law- officers, to coufider thereof, and to aft therein as they ( hall deem proper, to report the ( aid Porters to their rights. The election of a poor boy of St. Luke, Chel- fea, and a poor girl af St. Margaret, Weftmin- fter, and aWo the eleflion <> t Searcher* and Sealers of Lea# ier at Lcadenhill, for the year enfuing, were appointed for Tuefday, the 30th 1 inftant, when a Court of Aldermen will be held for that purpofe. The Wheelwrights' Company prefented a pe- rion, praying for an increaie to be made 111 the number of their Livery, which was at prefent re- ftrifted to 10&.-— And the Company of Playing- CarA- makers, Mfo- prefented a petition, praying to be made one of the Livery- companies'of this City. The petition* were read and referred to « Committee, to examine the allegations there, of, and report their opinion to the Court. The thanks of the Court were unanimoufly given to the Rey. Mr. William Lucas, Chaplain to the Lord- Mayor, for his fermon preaehed be- fore the Court, and the feveral LLery- eom- panies, on Michaelmas day laft, previous to the eleftion of a Lord- Mayor; and he was defired to print the fame. The Court broke up at four o'clock. To- morrow a Court of Common- Council will be held at Guildhall, at twelve o'clock pre- cifely, to receive the King's Anfwerto thcAd- drefs ; to conlider of a motion for allow tag the Chamberlain intcred on the overdrawn Funds in the Chamber, and for the difpatch of other bu- fmefs. On Saturday Meflrs. Killerby and Swain, of Moor- fields, were Hopped, on Finchley Gom- mon, by three highwaymen, who robbed them of a watch and what money they had about them. Sunday night fome thieves ftole out of the houfe of the Rev. Mr. Crofts, ofSpring- Gardeos, fome articles of plate, & c. Monday night the houfe of Mrs. Chandler, on the Hampltead road, was broke open, and robbed of fame plate and a variety of other articles. Yefterday a man was fully commuted from- the Publ c Office Bow- ftreet, being charged with dealing a watch and fome Giver, the pro-, perty of Mr. Yeates. MARRIED. Yefterday, at St. Dunftan's in the Weft, J.- hn Tayler, fcfq. of Serjeant's Inn, Fleet- ftreet, to Mifs Elizabeth Wood, daughter of R. W. Wood, Efq. of riighfield- place, Earn, ham. DIED. On Friday fe'nnighr, at Tiverton, in the 82d year of his age, Henry L'fmond, Efq. a relpeft- I able magistrate. He had five times ferved the ' olftoe of Mayor, had been a Member of the ' Tiverton Corporation 58 years, and for 26 | years Father of that Society.— On Saturday fe'n- ; night, at Dumfries, Charles Johnftone, Efj. 1 merchant in Olkud, 1 POSTSCRIPT. AFFAIRS of FRANCt4 PARIS, Friday, Oct 12. The Duke of Brunswick is arrived at Verdun, where he has lodged his sick and wounded. His army, to the amount of 30,000, is encamped without the walls. The Portrait of the French King is ordered to be effaced from the Assignats. The Minister for the Home Department has demanded account of the measures taken by the Municipality of Paris, for the security of Louis XVI and his family, the manner in which they are treated in the Temple, and the expence of their subsistence The Council Ge- neral of Commons has ordered this account to be prepared., General Dumourier arrived at Paris the 8th instant. Forty- seven thousand weight of lead, brought from Chantilly, is ordered to be cast into balls. A great number of workmen are employed in making pikes and camp equipage. The election of a Mayor of Paris is closed. The votes, on casting up, it is thought, will be almost all in favour of Petion. The minority in the Convention are the majority In the Jaccobin club, and feem resolved to keep no terms with their opponents. At their last sitting they expelled Brissot. Several Members from the Departments wished to give him an oppor- tunity of being heard in his own defence, but in vain. NATIONAL CONVENTION Thursday, Oct. 11. The following letters were this day read to the National Convention. LETTER FROM THE MINISTER AT WAR, 1 AD INTERIM. " I have nothing interesting to announce to- day. General Kellerman, by his dispatches of the 9th and 10th of this month, gives me to understand, that on the 3d, 4th, and 6th inStant, his advanced guard took 200 pri- soners from the enemy, among whom are se- veral Emigrants, exceedingly, well mounted. These captures, he says, " amused his army and he adds, that among the carriages which they have seized, there is one laden with money. He pays the greatest compliment to his soldiers, whose constancy is unequalled, Signed) LEBRUn" lfTTER fROM THE COMMISSIONERS SENT TO THE uNITED ARMIES. Domballe Oct. 9, & c. " We set out yesterday from Sainte Mene- hould, and accompanied General Kellerman, who is encamped at this place, to within three leagues of Verdun. This morning we intend to proceed to Sivry, where General Dillon is encamped with his whole advanced guard. The post is placed quite close to that of the Enemy, who occupy the village of Regnet. The ad- vanced post of both armies are within musket. shot of each other.— We are certain that the Duke of Brunswick is now at Verdun with Ge- neral Clairfait, which proves beyond a doubt, that the Prussians have fallen back on that town, at least in part. General Kellerman, to whose prudence and military talents you are no strangers, is making proper dispositions ; but as the retreat of the Prussians to Verdun has considerably reinforced the Heissa and Au 17. BRITISH CHRONICLE; for 17** strians who were there assembled, his operations will not be so speedy as they would have been, had he had the Hessians only to contend with. We beg of you, if the body of Gendarmerie commanded by Citizen Verriere is organized, to send them to join our army as soon as pos- sible. Let our brave brethren from the De- partments unite at the camp of Chalons. This is the point of rallying, from which our armies ought to be fupplied; and it is doubtless the intention of the National Convention, not only to drive the enemies from the French territories, but to make them repent the outrages which they have committed against us. We are in- formed that the ci- devant Marshal de Broglio has had his thigh broken by a shot while out on a reconnoitring party, and that he is very ill at Dun. ( Signed) " CARRA, " PRIEUR, " SlLLERY." This letter was referred to the Executive Council. LETTER FROM THE COMMISSIONERS SENT TO THE UNITED ARMIES. " Camp at Domballe, Oct. 1o, 1792. " Citizens, we yesterday paid a visit to the camp of Sivry, occupied by General Dillon; and we afterwards accompanied General Kellerman, who went to reconnoitre at a very small dis- tance, the camp of the Enemy at Regnet and Saint Glorieux. Besides this camp the Enemy still occupy Mount Saint Michael, which abso- lutely commands Verdun. We are informed by spies that the Enemy have a great number of sick in that town ; but we are assured at the same time that they have not less than 30,009 men encamped without it, which will oblige General Kellerman to pursue measures necessary to attack them with advantage. Some papers which we have transmitted to you will prove, however, that they had an intention of retiring through Etain. You will receive further informa- tion of this from the shameful letters of the Ad ministrators of Etain. We have sent you also the copy of a letter written by General Dillon, to the Landgrave of Hesse Cassel, when he sent back to him Lieutenant Lindau, who alone remained of his detachment, consisting of 30 men, to- gether with the answer of the Landgrave, and the proces- verbal of the examination of two young men arrested at Vouzieres. The As- sembly will there find some interesting details. " General Valence joined Kellerman's army yesterday. He had followed the Enemy as far as Buzancy, which he took possession of by force. In the course of his march he has taken a number of prisoners, Austrians, Prussians, and Emigrants, together with money, and Se- veral carriages. He took likewise a standard from the Emigrants, which he sent to General Dumourier, to be presented to the National Convention. At the head- quarters of General Dillon we found four hussars of the regiment of Eben, who deserted with their arms and horses. They told us that the decree passed in favour of deserters was beginning to be known in the Prussian army; but that the officers, to prevent the effect which it might have, as- sured them that this decree was only a decep- tion, and that we hung all those who came to our camps. { Signed) " CARRA, " PRIEUR, " SILLERY." LETTER FROM LIEUT. GENERAL DILLON, TO THE LANPDGRAVE OF HESSE CASSEL. " Camp at Vertemont, 4, " I have the honour to send Lieutenant Lin- dau, one of your own Officers, lately taken prisoner by me, to your Serene Highness. will readily be judged, by the attestation which I have given to him, that the French Nation, ever just and generous, knows how to appreciate and esteem valour, even in its enemies. " I seize upon this occasion to present to your Serene Highness, some reflexions, dictated by the sentiments of truth and humanity, " It cannot be doubted, that a Nation has a right to change the form of its Govermment and that an individual will has no right to counter- act that general will which ought ever to be free and independent. " The French nation has reclaimed its rights it has chosen to change the form of its Govern- ment ; this is the summary of what has lately occurred.' " Your Highness has entered with your troops into the French territories. I beg leave to represent to you, that, as a Prince, you are sacrificing your subjects for a cause which is en- tirely foreign to them ; and that, as a soldier, your position is perilous, for you may be easily surrounded. ' I propose, therefore, that you should set out to- morrow, on your return to your own Country; I shall provide you with the means of retiring in safety near the French Armies, as they occupy the posts by which you must neces- sarily pass. My proposal ts frank. The French Republic may excuse error; but it will revenge most severely every instance of robbery com- mitted upon its territories " I have sent my Adjutant- General, M. Go- bert, to you, who waits for your answer. The time presses ; I am ready to march. ( Signed) f The General DiLLon." [ Loud Murmurs. ] REPLY FROM THE AID- DE- CAMP GENERAL OF THE PRINCE OF HESSE. " SIR, His Serene Highness is charmed with the noble and generous manner in which you have been pleased to treat one of his officers, and begs me to express his most lively gratitude. Considering the present events in France, in a very different point of view from that de- luded people, his Serene Highness has desired me to observe, that he can make no answer whatever to the latter part of your letter. " I have the honour to be, With the utmost respect, " Your very humble servant." & c. The whole Assembly seemed indignant at this correspondence, and would have voted a Decree of Accusation against M. Dillon, had it not been suggested, that it would be bet- ter to wait for the proceedings of the Executive Power. Extract of a Letter from Strasburgh, Oct. 9. " Yesterday, at six o'clock at night. General Biron, at the head of 600 men, summOned the Commandant of Kell, to demolish the works erected by him, and announced, that, upon a refusal, the French troops would immediately destroy them. The Commandant required six hours for a conference' with his Most Serene Highness. M. Biron replied, that he would grant him half an hour, and shoud hold his watch in his hand. a quarter of an hour, the Commandant returned, and promised to de- stroy all the new works." From St. MenehouId, we are informed," that the French troops march in three lines, to cut off, if possible, the invaders. Dumourier is at Clermont, directing the march of the columns. The finesse say they, of this politic General has ruined the Prussian troops, exposed to incessant rains and the dissolving malady of a dysentery, and badly fed, as well as lodged.— Their horses are no longer able to drag the heavy artillery over the soddened soil, and Beurnonville has takent care to send away those of the peasantry. The Combined Armies are likely to suffer in their retreat, from the impracticability, in the pre- sent rainy season of drawing the guns. They have no way to pass, but between Metz, Thionville, and Saar Louis ; and there the French General will make his great attempt. The season, how- ever, counteracts much the operations of his light troops." General Duhoux, in his examination at the bar of the National Convention, said, that in one sally from Lisle he killed 600 Austrians Their loss during the siege was certainly very great. Some of the Brussels letters state it as high as 8000. Notwithstanding the abundant harvest in Normandy, a scarcity begins to be felt in the capital of that Province. Rouen has made a loan of a million of livres for a supply of grain and the inhabitants have had an extra tax im- posed on them, equivalent to a year's rent, on which this tax is calculated. It is reported from Vienna, that the King of Spain has signified his resolution of joining the Confederates against France. The issue of the present campaign may induce his Most Catholic Majesty to re- consider this resolution. The following advices from Spain, dated Madrid, Sept. 27, seem to favour this belief " Several battalions of troops of the line, and several regiments of militia from the provinces are marching towards Barcelona and Bayonne. This is altogether a precautionary step. reports of hostilities on our part, inserted in the French papers, are basely and interestedly cal- culated to bring about a misunderstanding be- twixt Spain and the French Republic, " Since M. d'Aranda has been our Minister of State, French topics are freely and publicly discussed. Nothing can be falser than the pre- tended edict of the 22d of August, to prevent: the importation of such of the French bocks as speak of the Revolution in France, and the commercial articles which are specified in that edict. Spain wjll at least remain tranquil till she is attacked. Thirty or forty thousand men are comparatively but few to garrison the frontiers from Barcelona to Bayonne, which Include such an extent of territory. In case of an offensive war, much more efficacious means would be em- ployed. " An entire inactivity prevails in on mari- time department. M. Bourgoing, and the other subjects of France settled in Spain, have, since the accession of M. d'Aranda to the post of Prime Minister, experienced a very favourable treatment. It must, however, be acknowledged that his Most Catholic Majesty is not entirely satisfied with the last operations of the French Government. Be assured, notwithstanding, that he will not expose himself to very expensive hostilities, which would necessarily prove tha entire destruaion of the commerce between the two nations. 376 L L O Y D ' S E V E N I N G . P O S T , & c. 15— 17. POSTSCRIPT CONTINUED. MAILS. ARRIVED. 1 Dublin DUE. Flanders Dublin Waterford AUTHENTIC PORT- NEWS. Extract of a Letter from Portsmouth, Oct. 16. " Arrived, the Longsound, Muller, from Porsground ; le St. Francis, Caquiard, from Berniers; and the Juno man of war, Capt. Hood, from a cruise." Extract of a Letter from Deal, Oct. 16. " Wind W. S. W. Arrived, and sailed for the River, the Cave, Meed, from Honduras; and the Acorn, Preston, from Virginia. " Remain, with the ships as per last, the Montgomery, Bunyan, for New- York; the Paxton, and the Clarendon, Barnes, for Jamaica; and the Bullmer, Cole, for Lis- bon. Extract of a Letter from Gravesend, Oct. 16. " Passed by, the Stanley Green, Garratt, from Jamaica; and the Four Brothers, Hayes, from Youghall. ; " Sailed, the Britannia. Bignell, for Gi- braltar; the Matthew, Sleg, and the Woodley, Authorn, for St. Kitt's; the Cotton Planter, Young, for Grenada; the Francis and Eliza Stark, for Antigua; the Commerce, Walker, - for Dublin; the Elizabeth, Ward, for Ja- maica ; the Wachtsamkeit, Jantzen, for St Ube's ; and the Lady Elizabeth, Koopman, for Hamburgh." Arrived,— At Dover, the Little Jane, Mor- rison, from Jamaica.— At Liverpool, the Para- gon, Hallett, from Boston; the Hannah, Young, from Grenada; the Increase, Palmer, from New Providence; the Jesse, , from Vir- ginia ; the Hero, Quarrier, from Havannah ; Sisters, Cud, from Lisbon.— At Grenada, the FJ Francis and Harriet, Gordon, from Africa. Their High Mightinesses the States General have conferred the offices of Lieutenant- Gene- ral of the Cavalry and Grand Master of the Artillery upon Prince Frederick of Orange, with the yearly pension of 4000 Guilders for the first post, and 6000 for the latter. The celebrated Count de Lally Tollendal, who has been at Paris during all the late extra- ordinary events, and was supposed to have pe- rished, has since arrived safe in England, and is now on a visit to Lord Sheffield, at Sheffield Place, in Sussex. The Prince de Ligne, killed by a French ser- jeant, was the son of the reigning Prince, whom the Emperor has visited in person to console him for his loss. The Irish Parliament, which was prorogued to Tuesday; the 16th instant, is now further prorogued to the 6th of December. At a meeting, called by the Lord- Mayor of Dublin, at the Exchange there, on the 10th inst. a proposal was made by his Lordship that some public means should be used to obtain subscrip- tions for the relief of the French Emigrants, in Ireland. The motion was negatived; but the. company expressed their readiness to promote private subscriptions for the same purpose. Extract of a letter from Lewes, October 15. " Very few Emigrants comparatively have lately landed on our coast. Eight French clergymen debarked at Seaford, from an open boat, in great distress, last Thursday. Mr Harben, of Corsica- hall, having humanely re- lieved them, forwarded the unfortunate men to Lord Sheffield's seat, about twenty miles from thence, where they were, as others have been, very hospitably received and entertained. We hear his Lordship has recommended them to the Committee in London. '* Herrings keep up their price notwith- standing the great quantities that have been, catched this season on our coast. The average price last week at Brighton, was 13I. the last. " Gabriel, our old town bell, is to be hung to- morrow morning, in a handsome tower, erected for that purpose, at the entrance of our new market- place. The above Bell was cast in the reign of Henry VIII. whose Bust it bears, and has not been heard since the death of our late King, for whose funeral it was tolled, , and soon after taken down with the old tower, a part of the broken church of St. Nicholas, that contained it." It is in agitation among a number, of people in the late Countess of Huntingdon's connexion, to send a preaching missionary to Otaheite. A considerable sum is already sub- scribed for that purpose. Some curious relics of antiquity have been lately discovered in Cornwall, supposed to have had their origin as far back as the days of the ancient Druids. On Wednesday morning several smart shocks of earthquake were felt at Comrie, near Crieff, in Scotland. They were precisely similar, in noise, duration, & o. to those that have been felt at different times in that neighbourhood for these two years past, and, like them, unattended with any damage. The hop- picking season is entirely over in Surrv, Kent, Sussex, and Hants, and the offi- cers discharged: the crops very good In Salop, Hereford and Worcestershire, they will be later than last year, owing partly to the scarcity of labourers at the beginning of the season. At Standish Hall, in Lincolnshire, a single vine has produced 250lb. of fine white Tokay grapes, of good flavour. The produce would be at lead 60 quarts of that very rich and expensive wine, and the whole is looked upon as a great rarity in this country. Spanish wool has lately risen from 3s. 10d. to 4s. rod. per pound, a circumstance which has occasioned an advance in the price of cloth. The following observations. have been com- municated to us by an old correspondent.— i « There is scarce any country where the inha- bitants are not possessed of some peculiar se- crets, either in nature or art, which might be transplanted with success, Thus, for instance, in Siberian Tartary, the natives extract a strong spirit from milk ; which is a secret probably unknown to the chymists of Europe. In the most savage part's of India, they are possessed of the secret of dying vegetable substances scarlet, and of converting lead into a metal, which for colour and hardness is little inferior to silver,. The cheap and expeditious manner of making vinegar, without previous fermentation, is known only in one part of France. If such discoveiies, therefore, remain still to- be known at home, what funds of knowledge, might not be collected in countries still unexplored, or only passed through by travellers in hasty caravans ? — It would, says he, be productive of great public benefit, if, in preparing woolens, a method could be found, which, without altering the quality, would preserve them from being at- tacked by moths. Might not something be mixed with the different ingredients for colour- ing them, which, without spoiling the colours, might effectually preserve the stuffs ?" The Carlisle and Glasgow post- coach, coming to town on Tuesday evening last, was over- turned near Huntingdon, by which accident several passengers were much cut and bruised ; an outside passenger in particular was so much hurt, as to be incapable of procceding on his journey, and was left at the Fountain inn at Huntingdon. To Save is to Gain.— Adventurers in the pre- sent Irish and English State Lotteries, by purcha- sing their Shares at Mr. NICHOLSON'S Licensed. State Lottery Office, Bank- street, Cornhill, ( all of which are duly stamped) will actually save near Fif teen Shillings per Ticket; a; all Prizes arising to such Shares, will be paid on demand the day the Ticket ' is drawn, without any discount or deduction whatever. And all Tickets and Shares bought at the said Office, are Registered, and examined' Gratis. These circumitances, added to the well- known honour and integrity of the transactions of the above House, . and the very great success that has attended Adventurers in the last and late English and Irish Lotteries, must have due weight with a candid and in- telligent Public ; especially as nothing more is charged for these real and substantial benefits than at any other Office of equal credit and re- sponsibility. Note.— The Irish Lottery begins drawing the 12th of November, and the English Lottery the i8ih of February next.— Schemes at large gratis. Country Orders duly- attended to. - THEATRICAL . ENTERTAINMENTS. This Evening. HAYMARKET.] The Beaux Stratagem;, with The Prisoner. COVeNT- GARDEN.] The Belles Stratagem;. with The Poor Soldier. STOCKS" THIS DAY AT ONE O'CLOCK. LONDON Printed and sold by T. SPILSBURY and SON, No. 57, SNOWHILL where all Persons may. be regularly served-. with This Paper. " vertisements, will be received at NEW LLOYD'S COFFeE- HOUSE, over the ROyAL EXCHANGE ; and at the g in the Country who are desirous of being supplied with this Paper, are requested to apply to the CLERKS - OFFICE, by whom they may depend on being regularly served.
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