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The General Evening Post (London)


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The General Evening Post (London)

Date of Article: 26/07/1792
Printer / Publisher: Mary Vint (Late Say) 
Address: Ave- Mary - Lane, Ludgate-Street, London
Volume Number:     Issue Number: 9178
No Pages: 4
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inr I ( L O N D O N . ) Price Four Pence. From T U E S D A Y , JULY 24, to T H U R S D A Y , JULY 26, 1792. 9178 WEDNESDAY, JULY 25. from the L O N D O N G I & E T T E. T U E S D A Y , JU' L T 24. W H I , T E K a i l , J U L Y 24^ > H E King " has b « en graciufly pleafed to grant to Chriftopher Atkinfon, his Royal Letters P i t e n t under the Great Seal of Great- Britain, re- 7? floring him to his fran- ^ ^ f t e ^ g Henna, July J. Their ApoftolicMajcfties fet oat the day before yefterday tor Frarvckfort. • , T h e Great- Duke of Tufcaoy fet out, an his ret u r n to- Florence, on Monday laft. T h e new Venetian Ambalfador has prefented his credentials, and the Turk!( h Minifter has had his audience of leave, and will, in a few days, fet Out on his return to Conftantinople. Ccmmiftcn in the Nottingham/ hire Militia, figned by the Lord Lieutenant. Evelyn Piertepoint, Efij. to be Captain. Dated April 22, B A N K R U P T S . Mi « hael Carver, of Birmingham, War- vickrtiire, buttonmaker ; to fuxrendsr July 27, i t , and Sept. 4, a? four, ar the Swan Inn, in the High- ftreet, Birmingham. Attorney, Mr. Brooke, in Birmingham, or MefT. Kinderfey and Long, Syffiond's- inn, eh. mcerv- lane, London. ' Edward Colcutr, of Northleigh, Oxfordshire, maltfter and We- dealer; to furtender Aug. 9, 10, and Sept. 4, at four, at the White- hart Inn, in Btoad- ftreet, in the city of Briftol. Attorney, Mr. Gabell, Lincoln's- inn, London, or R. Jacobs. Briftol.' John Green, now or late ef Aughton, Lartcaflnre, corniaftor ; to furren- ler Aug. 7, S, and . Sept. 4, at eleven, at the Star and Carter Tavern, in Paradife- ftreet, Liverpool. Attorney, Mr. Norris, in Liverpool. Richard Taylor, of Ruflell- ftreet, Covent- garden, Middltfejt, linen- draper ; to furrender Aug. 4, j i , at twelve, and Sept. 4, at ten, at Guildhall, London. Attorney, Mr. tames Richardfon, New Inn. Thomas Mafon, late of Birmingham, Warwick/ hire, baker; to furrender- July 2S, 30, and Sept. 4, at four, at the Swan Inn, in the High- ftreet, Birmingham. Attorney, Mr. 6mith, Sutton- Coldfield, Warwickfliire. Dividends to he made. Alexander Woodward, ef Liverpool, Lancniliir?, f* W" ck » rt j Aug. 14, « ten, at the Globe Tavern, in John- ftreet, Liverpool. Dividends adjourned. John Bampton, of Brick- lane, in the p » ri( h of St. Matthew, Bcthnal- green, Middlefex, tall iw- clundler; Aug. 31, at ten, at Guildhall, Lorn'en. William Thomfon, of Serle- ftreet, in the parilh of St. Clement Danes, Mtddlefex, mariner; Aug. 4, at eleven, at Guildhall, London. William Vroud, of MartinVlane, Cannon- ftreet, in the tity of London, Wine- merchant j Aug. 31, at ten, atCuild- ) iail, London. Certificate to he granted. t> r » er Naylor, of Dtan- fheet, Southward, woolftapler ; On or before Aug. J4. [ T h i s Gazette contains Addreffes to his Ma- J ^ l y from the diocefe of Llandaff, the diocefe of Rochiefter, the Dean and Chapter of Weftminller, t h e county of Pembroke, the town of Haverfordvreft, tfte county of Peebles, the county of Heref o r d , the town of Wifbeeh, the county of Kincardine, the Royal borough of Wigtown, the General Convention of the Royal boroughs of Seot- ' land, the Royal burgh of Stranraer, the town of Saddlewonh, the town of Bradford, and the ' Koyal borough of Banff ] F O R E I G N I N T E L L I G E N C E. Douay, Jnly 16. Whilft our Generals retire from the frontiers, abandoning themfelves to political affairs and to confultations at the Thuilleries, the enemy are in our territory, With the implacable emigrants at their head, they have entered Flines, Coutiches, and all the villages neighbouring to Douay, aflafiinating, burning and making continual inroads. Douay itfelf has but two battalions of infantry, j o dragoons, 10 cannoneers, and 10 privates of the ci- devant regiment of Beaujolois. Valenciennes, July 18. The Municipality and D i f t r i f t have declared their fittings permanent ever f n c e t h e d e c r e e of the National Affembly. declaring the country in danger. The Auftrians, in the mean time, advance upon our territory. Yefterday, at « n o'cl-. ck, they took poffelfion of Bavay, to the number of i » , 000 men, and they are now fortif y i n g it, having fummoned all the peafants from t h e neighbourhood to work in the fortifications. T'neir march is by the wood of Sarrhe, with the defign of cutting off nine battalions of National Guards, now upon their road from Maubeuge. The Aujh ian Officers know the order cf march to be obferved by thefe battalions; but advices have betn fent to our troops from hence of the irrupt i o n . T h e Autlrians afterwards mean to fall upon Cambrefts and Cambray, which are deftitute of troops. Vucatan, Coverdale, and Margaret ar. d Jane, Billing, for Hull; George and Mary,' Stancliff, for Lynn; and Friendfhip, Walker, for Newcaftle, with the two India Pilots. WindN. E. Oravtftnd, July 23-. ' Palled by the Lively, Scott, from Greenland; Galen, Holland, from Bofton; Swan, Nio- ls, from Stettin ; Corunna Packet, Gunfton, from St. Vallery; Queen, Martin, and Duke of York, Leet, from Mogadore; London, Cooper, from Oltcnd; Holdernefs, Moffat, fiom Memel; Providence, Webber, from Norway; Vrow Maria, Spanderniin, from Rot. erdam; and Bangalore, Ollle, from Hamburg*. L O N D O N . T h e i r Royal Highnefles the Duke and Duchrfs of York vifited their Majellies and the Princefi'et yefterday at W i n d f o r ; and in the afternoon the Royal Family took an airing in the Great Park. Yefterday the Earl of Chatham, after tranfa< 3- ing bufinefs at the Admiralty, fet off, accompanied by t ^ e Countefs, for Burton Pynfent, Somerfetftiire. Yeftcrday Mr. Dundas returned' to town from Mr. Drumroond's feat, at Granges, leaving Mr. Pitt to purfae his journey on to Burton Pynfent and other places. A warrant has juft received the Royal fignature, far granting to John Ley, Efq. the fum of 550I. in conlideration of his long and meritorious lervices as Clerk AlMant of the Floufe ef Commons. The King has bsen pleafed to create Lord Vifconnt Stormont a Peer of Great- Britain, This grant was made without the folicitation or even knowledge of the-* r ' ble Vifcount. The Royal pleafure was made known to the Earl of Mansfield, who, in his defire 10 fecute a Britilh Peerage to the family of his noble relative, thought it dou'vtful whether it was in the King's prerogative to give a Britilh Peerage fo a Scots Peer dire& ly. But that point having beet acquired by the Crown during the prefent Admjniftration, his Majefty has, with attentive recolltftion of the venerable Earl, given him the unexpedted happinefs which he has fo long deiired. The encampment at Baglhot will probably be feldom fcr a slay unvi( ited by fome part of the Royal Family, the d i l u t e e being fmall either from Windfor, the Duke of Glouceller's Lodge at Cranbourn, the Prince's, hunting- feat, or even Oatlands. The Prince will give dinners during the'gr « wt « ft p - r t c r ' He*.- ."., aod tfctic are fo many men of fafhion in the camp, that it cannot fail of much refort from the firft circles. Vifcount Broome, only fon of Earl Cornwallis, is at Gottenbufgh, in Germany, for his education. Since the reftoration of M. PetiOn to the Mayoralty of Parjs, all the Members of the department have given in their refignations. The National Affembly have decreed the fale of the ci- devant Palaces, attached to the Epifcopalities, ordering that an annual payment lhall be made to each of the prefent iiilhops, for the rent of a hoofs. Paffengers per R A Y M O N D. D A V I D C A R N E G I E , E f q; Captain and Mrs. DASER. M r s . P A - T T E R S O N , M r s . C O N S T A B L E , Mifs M O R L E Y . Capt. D O N N E L L Y . L i e u t e n a n t s J A M E S , L O C K , and J A M E S , and M e i f r s . R A Y , P R I N G L E , P A T E R S O N , and CORSE L L I S . Paffengers per Lord HAWKESB TR R Y. ' M r s . D I N N I N G , Mifs S M I T H , and Mifs C A M F 1 H L . When the Earl Camden left Madras, Lord. Cornwallis was ftill before SERINGAPATAM. The firft payment had aflually been made, and after fome inelFedtual' delay of the Tyrant, the DEFINITIVE Treaty was figned the 19th of MARCH, and, on the news being received at Fort St. George, the 24th, a Royal falute was fired from the ihips and batteries. Our lhare of the ceffion of territory, comprifes t h e B A R A M A U L , S A L E M , and D I N D I G U L provinces on the Coromandel Coaft and on the Malabar Coaft, as- far to the northward as Declah, which includes the dominions of the Corga Rajah, producing a fuppofed annual revenue of 39 lacks and a half. The Sons of T I P POO, the one Ten, the other Eight years old, are moft accomplilhed as well as beautiful Princes; they are placed under the care of Captain WELSH, and were- fpeedily to march for Bangalore. General Medows is perfeflly recovered, and does not leave India, having been prevailed on by Earl Cornwaliis to remain for a longer period office of Mayor for that borough in the year 1786. — Saturday laft, at the houfe of Capt. Caldwell, in Charles- ftreet, Berkeley fquare, M- s. Roddam, wife of Vice Admiral Rodckm, of Roddam- hall, in the county of Northumberland, and filler to the late Major- Qeneral Sir Henry Calder, Bart. Lieutenant- Governor of Gibraltar.— Sunday fe'nnight, at Glafgow, of a fever, George Yates, M. D . o f Pennfylvahia. I N D I A I N T E L L I G E N C E. SHIP- NEWS. Veal, Jufy 23. Arrive.!, ar. d failed for the River, the Qj^ en Cnarlotte, Paul, from the South Sea. Came down, ai- J failed, the Aftive, Lu llam, for Halifax; Queen, Bell, f5v Quebec; Elisabeth and jane, Waveham, liar Cadiz; Windham, Gocch, for St. Vallery; Difoatcb, Beat, and £ mi,. Cre » v « , lw P. eaea. Rtmain in th « Downs the Yefterday the arrival of the LORD CAMDEN, from Bengal and Madras, off Weymouth, was announced at the India- houfc. The LORO CAMDEN left Bengal 7th March, Madras z8th March, and St. Helena 9th June. Pailetigers per CAMDEN. Mr. and Mrs. BAILLIE, and two daughters. Mrs. ANNA DAVIES and family. T H O . H A R R I S , Efq. • P . O B R R T B I N D V L P H , EF( J. C a p t . J O N A T H A N W A R D . M r . N I C H O L A S C H E M E N A N T . MR. ICELM. M A D R A S , Capt. D . MARKHAM. L i e U t . C H A R L E S G R I F F I T H . CAP*. G E O R G E R E D A N. The N O R T H U M B E R L A N D left Madras 26th March, and St. Helena 7th June. P e r NO R T H U M B E F ' R L ^ N D. Lady C H A M B E R S . Mr. HUDDLESTOS, one of the Madras Council. M r . M ' L E A N . M r . and M r s . D U F F I N . C a p t a i n s M A D D E N and M ' A L L I S T E R . L i e u t . H U D D L E S T O N and M r . H U G H E S . TheR. A YMONQ failed from Anjengo 10th February, arrived at the Cape 3d May, and failed from thence 16th ; leaving there the EARL WYCOMBE and G E N E R A L G O D D A R D , outwardbound; the MIDDLESEX had alfo touched there, on her paffige to India. The LORD HAWKESBURY failed from Ben. coolen 2id March, and was left with the RAYMOND at St. Helena. The VALENTINE, outward bound, failed from St, Helena z6th May. The MANSHIP was to leave Madras a week a f t e r the L O R D C A M D E N . The ASIA failed the 20th of March for Bencoolen and England. The ESSEX was to be difpatched from Bombay for Europe, about the latter end of March, Paul Jones died, a few days fince, in Paris. The National Affsmhly, considering that he bad been in fome degree inllrumental in the canfe of American freedom, overlooked his faults, and ordered, that a deputation faould attend his funeral. T h e people of Virginia are fo much difpleafed with the impofition of poftage upan Newlpapers, that very warm representations to Congrefs are in agitation upon the f u b j a f t. America is in pcffeilion of another Hannah Sneli; a Mrs. Deborah Gannett, who has lerved fome years in the army of the States, under the l i m e of Robert Sliirtlifr, has lately prefented a petition to the houfe of reprefentative, at Bofton, praying her arrears. Laft Ftiday, Mr. Edwards took out of the Rsyal George, near Portfmouth, befides many other things, a bottle of Port wine, which proves to be very good ; the bottle is covered with fmall ( hell filh, and looks fomething like a r ck ; the cotk was rubbed clofe to the bottle. Advice was communicated to Sir Charles Gould, a few days ago, l h a t Mrs. Morgan had again mifcarried of a male child, which fecures to Sir Charles and his family the vaft eftates the l i t e Mr. Morgan died pofleifed of. Mr. Morgan, at the age of feventy, in the hopes of getting an heir to his eftates, married Mrs. M. then about twenty; the lady has been particularly, unfortunate, this being the third mifcarriage fince the fhort period of her union. About 30,0001. a year of landed property, chiefly in Wales, defcends, in confequence of the laft unhappy circumftance, to the family of the Judge Advocate. Yefterday a Court of Aldermen was fummoned to meet at Guildhall, but the Lord - Mayor having waited till two o'clock, and there being no more than eleven Aldermen prefent, his Lordfhip gave up the idea of making a Court, and the Aldermen prefent withdrew. T h e Mafter and Wardens of the Company of Bakers then waited on his Lordfhip, refpefting the aflize of b r e a d ; and the price of wheat and flour having rifen confiderably at the Corn Market, in Mark- lane, on Monday, his Lordlhip was pleafed to order that the price of bread rfftmld continue the fame ; and ordered, that feveral of the buyers and fellers at Monday's market be fummosed before his Lordlhip, in order to fubfta'ntiate the prices fet forth in the Return of the Mfeal- weighers, agreeably to the direflion of the Aft of Parliament of the 31 Geo. I I . for regulating the affize of bread, & c. M A R R I E D . ] On Monday, Charles Edward Pigou, Efq. of Portland- place, to Mifs Charlotte Rycroft, « f Clarges ftreet, fourth daughter of the late Rev. Richard Rycroft, Bart.— Yellerday, at St. Clement's Church in the Strand, John Wolfe, Efq. of the Inner Temple, to Mifs Raikes, of Overleigh- Hall, in the county of Chefter.-— Tuefday laft, at Thames Ditten, in Surrey, William John Pitt, Efq. of Lytchett, in Dorfetfliire, to Mifs Warington, of Doverr p l a c r , Newington- Butts, Surrey.— Friday, at St. George's in the Eaft, Mr. Stephen Jones, a furgeon in the Royal Navy, to MiL Ann Morgan, of Morgan's- buildings, New- road, St. George's.—- The fame day, t h e Rev. Stiverd Jenkins, of Locking, in the county of Somerfet, to Mifs Elizabeth Portal, yoongell daughter of jofeph Portal, Efq. of Fieefolk, Hants.— Monday fe'nright, at Dumfries, Capt. Hugh Ste> varc, to Mifs Macdowall, of Gatehill, eldeft filler of the late William Macdpvvall, Efq. of Gatehill. D I E D . ] A few days ago, Henry Flint, Efq. one ef the Aldcirosn of Dcrbv. He ferved the Gentlemen who have Guns that often mifs the Birl, may have any of their found Barrels bored' f:; r Two Guineas, on a Plan, that no Bird can efcape at a common Diftauee of Shooting, as may be feen tried after they are bored by Mellir, at hi3 Gun- Boring Manufa& ory, Mile- End Turnpike, Whitechapel, London; this peculiar Method of boring Guns,, makes the Barrels much ftronger, and Shoot with lefs Recoil than Gons in general. Gentlemen can alio have new light* twitted Barrel Guns, that are bored on the lame Plan, which are fureof the Bird from 40 Yards to a hundred, with a fair Charge, as the Ihorteft of thefe twitted Barrels will ( hoot fmall Shot through 24 Sheets of Paper at ninety mtafured Yards with the leaft: Recoil ; which may a'fi be fee. 1 tried as abave- NOTE. No Letters will be received but fuch as have thl Poftage paid, in order to prevent li& itious Letters. [ 1745 A N N U I T I E S and M O R T G A G E S. WA N T E D to purchafe f jme Annuities for the Lives of the Grantors, to be fec'ured either upon Eflate;, Monies in the Fuud , or Clergy me .- is* Livings, tot which a g eat Price will be given. A Sum of Mnney is ready to be adve. on Mortgage* Apply to Mr. Wit - jiicitar, NT0. l- t, Ciav$ n- iireet, Strand,. Li 7 53 DEBTOR.. and C R E D I T O R. AL L Perfons having any Claim on the Eftate andEfFa& s of GEO?. GE ADNEY, late of Brimley^ within the Parilh of Stoke A'bbots, in the County of Dorfct, Efq; - deceafed, are defired forthwith to tranfmit the fame, with the Nature of their Securities whereon due, to Jzmet T. y;: art, of Chiflehurft, in the County of Kent, Efij; or t, Mr. Kufiel, of Beaminfter, Dorfct, Attorney at Law; and all Perfons indebted to the faid George Adney, are deiired forthwith to pay their debts due to hfinj either to the faid James Taggart, one of his Executors; or to the faid Mr, Ruil'el, wh ® is empowered by the Exccutors to receive. the fame. This'Day was publijhed, Elegantly orinted in Quarto, Price js. 6J. The SECOND EDITION of TH E PLEASURES of MEMORY : a p o e m . By the Author of " An Ode td Superftition, with fome other Poems." Pr • " I ' » ' T i Cade'!, ia the Strand; and C. Diiljr. iiv the P o r t Of whom may be had, The Oile to Superftition, with fome other Poems ; Price is. 6d. [ 1761 T l This Day was publilhed, The THIRD EDITION of HE FUGITIVE, A COMEDY; as it is performed at the Theatre- Ro-, al, Haymaiket. By JOSEPH RICHARDSON, Eftj. ' - Bariifter at Law. / Etherias, lafcive, cupis, volitare per auras, 1, fuge, fed poteris, tutisr efl'e domi. M A R T I A L Printed for J. Debrett, oppofite Burlingt ® n- houfe, Piccadilly, Of whom may be had The Road to Ruin, a Comedy, by Thomas Holcroft; the Sixth Edition, Price is. 6d. [' 459 R Lately publilhed, Price is. bound, The EIGHTH EDITION of E F L E C T I O N S on D E A T H , By WILLIAM DODD, LL. D. Prebendary of Brecon. Sold by G. G. J. and J . Robinfon, W. Goldfmith, Scatciieri and Whitaker, W. Bent, and G. and T . Wilkie. Of whom may be had, Price i s 6d. A Diftionary of the Bible ; or an Explanation of the pr per Names and difficult Words in the Old and New Teftament j ( with o- her ufeful Particulars, for thofe who would und - tft nd he facred Scriptures, and raad them with Propriety. [ i6?! i For G E N T L E M E N S SHOES and BOO I S. BRITISH LIQUID BLACKING. **|"* EtE great Complaint of the various Compox fitions of this Kind in the prefent Ufe, and the Difllculty which Servants in general find in properly mixing till ufual Blacking fold in Cakes, Balls, & c. has induced th# Propr'etor to offer to the Public a liquid Preparation, fuperior to every other Aiticle for the fame Purpofe ; as itgives a fir, » jet black Glofs to the Shoes, and an agreeable Sof nefs to th « Leather, fo as to prevent the fame from Cracking, whitft it relifts Water from penetrating. It has alfo, in reality, wh3 « various other Blackings pretend to, the peculiar Quality ol not ftaining the Stocking3, or any Lines. It is ufej in the fame Manner as common Blacking, but attended with [ eft Difficulty in procuring a fine- polith. Sold Wholefde by Champante and Co. Jewry- ftreet; S. Leventhorpe, " Goulfton- fquate; and Retail, by Mrs. Newbery, Cerner of St. Paul's Church- Yard, London; and all Bookfellers, Perfumers, and Venders of fuch Articles in Town and Country, in ftone Bottles, at Sevenpence Heltipenny, and One Shilling each. Where may b: had, f 12x7 Chinefe Litjuid Black, for Ladies Spaniit Leather Shoes. M ' R. L A L L I E R begs leave to inform th « Public, that it is many Years fince he was fo happy as to improve greatly the Compolition of Mr. DARAN'a BOUGIES; and that he has applied himftlf foe tbefe 30 Years part to that fingle but very important Branch of Surgery, viz. the Healing fuch Disorders as afte& the Neck of the Bladder, and the Urinary Paflage, producing Gleets, fiftulas, fponjy Ulcers, and Excrefcences, with painful Obttru- aions and Stoppages o£ Urine, & c. which Diiirdei it is well known cannot be cured by any internal Medicine, JrljeSioh, or any other Application whatfoever. His Bougies are fo mUd, that his Patients aie cured without the ieaft Pain, which is not the C ; fe with all other Bougies, which inflame { ltd irritate the - Pai ts, witliout effefti ng a Cure. Mr. Lallier has in his Hands Affidavits, Certificates, and Letters, to refer any oue - who fhall doubt of what he here afferts. He gives bis Advice every Day, from Twelve to Two o'Clock, and from Seven till Nine in the Evening, at his Houfe, No. 3, Ratlibone Place; where his Bs- Jgies are to be had, and no where elf?. See his Diflertation on the Diforders of the Bladder an4 the Uninary Paffage, Price 6d. fold hy Mr, Axtell, No. i, Firch- lane, Cornaillj and by Mr. Lallicr. ^ 2074 N. B. Thofe whoiiva at * Diftance, by dating their Caft, in 1 Letter, ftft- yaid, will bf csrd by proper Dir= ft'i. n » j g a g s ; Fir tie GSKE^ AL EVENING POST. s r j r E PAPERS. Qtvj of a M< K » addrtffoi TO U J GJICNTJIXS % M. C S A I « d a t e d iStit joae, i j g s. Dt . u . f e i g n e d Minifter Pientpotentiaryafhis JL M p t e d w K j S C o f e * FtLSKCH, fcasuanft » iii w-:;. : xjp ihe Official Note which Lord G U N : u s m the 29th of May TSFT. she p e r t O!" TE B S I T A S ^ I C M A J E S T Y , | jr- .• Ti wer 10 t: « w » h k t . fee had ike 3 noar to f n a roi: to f a t a o * ' ue « 5th of the f a » « menth, ,? - 3 l- fccwife t h e Roys' f r o d M t f i o A pufaK& sd in oaa He has :. ec « ; irt4 order? to prefent t o - s 5 * t T i s « . MAJESTY the « pre Si oris of the frr. I- rir-* of A e i i t f i t o t k e f e a m i c a b l e difpofjt i m ' dwfe featimemts of humanity, j u f i c e, a a i f t fa ArilpbgJy iMtiifelied in this anfwer. T h e K. IMG of five F r e n c h , fuHv fcnfiMeof the of vr. efe V arprefio- as, in return renews t o the KJ K s ef G R t A r Btt 1 r A t x » f o r m a l afliirance, that - wtv.- wycr ir. sy interest the rights of his Bs. 1- TAWNtc M. J j s v r r , wjllcoeiiattf. t( i b e to h im an oi j ^ i t of the raotl particulir n i l the m o t fcrupulsiii assertion. He fca& ess in the nsean time to « kcUre, eon- Ibinrab?)' to t h e < k$ re c x p r e & d in the anfwer, that the n g t a of a!! t h e Affies o f Grsat. Britain, wto fi » ll sp: ftaxe provoked France by hoS^ le roeafurs- s, Swll fee lef* reiigioefiy obferved by hira. I n MTKIME, OT r a t h e r renewing, this declaration, t h e K t u c . of the F « EKCH enjoys t h e double fatisfeftraR of eipreffing t'ne f e n j m e n t s of a people in whofc eyes e< rery vvsi, which is not aeceffary for I a wM d t f e s c e , is eflT.- Dtiaiiy a n j u f t ; and of conc u r r i n g paracsuariv in t h e wi& es of his 8 a IT A tri n e JKAIESTT for '. he tranquillity of Europe, which m s M n- iver be interrupted if France and E « J » la « di owted t o t a i d o u i n it. Bat this d e e W m o a of the K t w c , and t h e feotinwnrs of his 3 RITAP VIE MAJESTY, auihorife h im 10 h o p e t h a t he will Zealoufls employ his good ofikes - with ihofefaJiie allies, to prevent them from griMUiftg tt> he enemies of F ranee-, d i r e f t ly or ind-. re& y, « > y affitonce; to infpire them with r ? f p f& to Ver right*, that is t o fay, her indepen- Jkitx with t h e <!, m: regard which France is ready on e- » : r « - otcaiioa to teftify for the rights » all tHofe JOWLTS M? ho fiiall obfer've t A wards her a tlriil BCatralKf T h e tn^ a'ares which the Court of Vienna has erwpteyc'i witk j i f e t ' e n t Powers, and chiefly with ILK A S i i ' S rf MS 8 » t t * ! T « I E M A J E S T Y , to e n - gftge i h t o i in si qur. rre\ fbieign to their interefts, a r e foown to all Europe. I? pabfic report may be cradirtd, tb* fame fuccefs which that Court has already Hid with the Court of Btrlic, may I keirife be expeiled with the United I ' r o m c e s . The menaces eni. hjyed to different Members of the G.? rmitiic Body, to draw them from that prudent s e a t r c i u y , which their political fituatton and their deareft interefts prefcribe to them 5 t h e engageroenir taken with dCerent Sovereigns of Italy to determine them to adopt hoftiliaes againil France ; arid, in fine, the intrigues which have armed P. uffia again ft ihe Confutation of Poland, al! aff rd new proof' or a great confpiracy againft Free Stases, which feems intended to plunge Europe into a general war. 4 Tne confequt nces of fuch a confpiracy, formed by a co nbir. ation of powers fo long rivals, will eaG: v i s p e r c e i v e d b y h i s B R I T A N N I C M A J E S T Y. T n e . : e of Europe, the Independence of its diiferf£ t States, the general peace, all which at every period have engrofled the attention of the Eiijflifti Government, is at prefent threatened wv. h ; he moft imminent danger. The KINC of the FREWCH prefents thefe weijrhty. and important confiierations to the attention and frieniiih'o of his BRITANNIC MAJESTY• Deeply fenfible of thofe marks of interell and affedion which he has received from him, he invites him to employ in his wifdom, in his prefent fituation, and in the plenitude of his inflaence, the means compatible with the independence of the French nation, to flop, while it may yet be effefted, the progrefs of this combination, which threatens equally the peace, the liberty, and the happinefs of Europe ; and particularly to prevent, from acceding to this combination, thofe of his allies wh im it may be wifhed to draw into i t , or even thofe who may already have been engaged in it, by fear, artifice, and the different. pretexu of a policy equally falfe and deteilable. ( Signed) The Minifter Plenipotentiaryof France, C h AUVELI N. cannot lie ufefol, u n l e i , at leait, it b e defired b y j all the parties concerned. | I t orrfy remains then to the underfigned to repeat to M. CHAUVELIN the aiTurance of the wilhes entertained by his MAJESTY for the return of tranquillity ; of the intcretl he always will take in the happinefs of his Moft Chriftian Majefty j and of the vaiue with which he regards the expreflions of his friendlhip and confidence. ( Signed) GRBUVILLE. Whitehall, July 8, 1792. F E L I X H A L L M A N O R E S T A T E, E S S E X MR. W I N S F A N b E V , refpsafully acquaints the Public t » st the Sale of the valuable 1- reehnld l, iiate, catled FELIX HALL, near Kelitedon, in the County of Eflex, which ta have been at Gartaway's Coffee Howfe, on Wednefday the ttt of Auguft, at Twelve o'Clock, wilt nut take place. [" 45 In a few Days • will be puhiijbed, THE RIGHTS OF JURIES DEFENDED: Together with Authorities of Law in Support of thofe RIGHTS, and the Objeftionsto Mr. FOX's LffiEL BILL re^ AteJ* By CHARLES LARL STANHOPE. Wired for P. ELM'iLY, No. Sty, S rand. [ 1735 S H E F F I E L D G E N E R A L I N F I R M A R Y . . \ T a public Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town and Neighbourhood of SHEFFIELD", hell at the Tow « Hall, on Monday the 13d of April, 1792, to confider of thePrjpriety of eredling an Infirmary, neat this Place. The Rev. JAMES WILKJNSON, intheCha'rr, Several, Refolutions. were unammoafly agreed to, exprefiive of the ftrongeft Approbation of that Meafure, and a Subfcr'pion was immediately opened for carrying the fame into Effect; and although a moft liberal Contribution wa6 the Coufequence, and fuch as will reflefl a lading Honour on this populous Town and the Country around it j yet as many thoufand Pounds are flill wanting to give ElTicacy to a Charity whole Utility is meant to extend to aDiltance of 30 Miles at the leaft, from this Place, it is moft earneftly recommended • to thofe La ties and Gentlemen who may pleafe to become Subfcribers, . that they would be fo obliging as to fignify their Intentions as foon as conveniently may be, by addremng a Line to the Chairman of the Infirmary Committee, at the Cutlet's- Hal', Sheffield. - Subtcribers at a Dittance will have equal Privileges with thole who refide in Sheffield, and thofe who wilh to fee a printed Report of all the Refolutioni, Contributions, & c. before they fubferibe, w*: H pleafe to direil as aforefaid. Thi Subfcript'ions wil be requefted ro be paid by three Inftillmin'. s, at the Diftance of fix'Months from" each, the firft Payment to be made at Chriftmasnext. Dr. Milnes, of Ch'jfterfield, in a Lett'- r to the Committee, fays, " For my Fart, I am fol thoroughly convinced of the In'ffficacy of all other Means for the Relief of the Poor when tick or difabled, a;,> d fo a hearty a, Well- Wiiher to Infirmaries in Cenerat,. and to yours in parti& ula , that I beg the Favour of ycl^ to p^ lt d » Wn my.. Name for icpl. [ 1691 N EW EDI H O N MUCH ENLARGED.. This Day • were publijbed, With a fine Portrait, by Scott ( Oflavo, Price Js.. Boards.) MEMVJIRS of the Firft Forty- Jive Years of i the Life of J . LACK. INGTON, Bookfeller. Writte « by Himfelf. A Mew Edition; much enl ' tged, interfperfed j with many oiig ual Stories, droll Anecdotes, & LC. 11 Such the vanity of greet and fmall, Comcemptgoes round, and all men laugh at all." So'd by the Author it his Shop, N . 46 a- d 47, Chfwellfc ^ et, Mooifi* lds, London! and at No. i s { tfriva. e Houfe) i-' b. r. cs Sreet, St. James's Square. [ 14 o CCPY- OF TII ANSWER TO THE OF LORD G R E N V I L LE ABOVE. The tinderfigned Secretary of State to the KING, had the honour to fubmit to his MAJESTY the note which M. CHAUVEHN addreffed to him on th- e l 8 h of June. The King always receives with the fame fen'tbUity, on the part of his Moft Chriftian Majsfty, the aiTurances of his frier. dtbip, and his wilhes for the maintenance of that happy harmony fublifting betwee'h the two F. mpires. His Msjelly never will re'ufe to co. icur tor the prefeivation, or reellablilhment of the peace of Europe, by the means mod proper to produce that effeft, conG'flently with his own dignity, and with the principles which direft his condud. But thofe fame festiments which have engaged him not to interfere in t h e internal affairs of France, equally tend to induce him to refpefl the rights of independence of other Sovereigns, and particularly thofe of his Allies ; and his Majefty is of opinion, that, in the prefent circumftances of the war, the interference of his Councils, or of his good offices, This Day was pubh/ hed, In OSavo, Price 6s. 6d. in Boards, I h e SECOND EDITION, much enlarged, with a Preface and Index, of AN I N Q U I R Y into the N A T U R E of SUBSCRIPTIONts the THIRTY NINE ARTICLES: Whereiit it is propofed to examine how far Subfcription is confident with the natural Rights of Mankind— rvith the i\, w rs of the human Mind—. vith the Principles of the Briti& Conftitution—- and with the Doftrines and Precepts of Chriftianity. By G. DYER, A. B. . Late of Emi] iu. el College, Cambridge, Printed far J . Johnfjn, St. Paul's Church- yard. [ 16?; This Day - was publijhtd, In One large Volume, O£ lavo, Price 7s. bound, A Kew Edition being tie Fifth, X ith lai^ e Additions and Amenda. cnts) of THE LONDON PRACTICE of PHYSIC : Wherein the Definition and Symptoms of Difcafes, with the prefent Method of Care, are clearly laid down. To which are added, proper Tab^ s, exhibiting ( tie Dofes of Medic. nes, and the Quantity of Purgatives, Op ate » , and Meicurijs, in the Comport; ioris of the Land n Dilpenfatory ; and complete Indexes of the Djl'eaf » > and Medicines. The Whole calculated for the general life of Young Praftitioners. Printed for G. G. J . and J. Robvifon, R. Baldwin, and W. Go dfmith, Patemoiter Row. [' 54s • f bis day us as piblijhed. In O& avc, Price 2s. fine, or is. 6d. common Paper, A S E R M O N O N A L M S . By SAMUEL CHARTERS, D. D. Minifter cf Wilton. ' > A New Edition, with Additions. Lonion; Sold by J. Muriay, No. 31, Fleet- ftreet; and James Dickfon, Edinburgh. Where may be had, 1. Hunter's Sertnan, preacned at the opening of a Meeti io- Houfe in Marfh ftreet, Waithaniftow, on the 6th June 17X7 8vo. Price is. 6d. a. Twenty- nine Mifcellaneous Sermons, by A. Maodonald, late Minifter of the EnglifH Church at Glafgow, 3d Edition,- 8vo. Price 5s* in Boards. [ i6tti This Day ivas fublijbed. Price is. THE SPEECH OF SIR HILRCULES LANGRISHE, Bart. In the Irifh Houfe of Commons, on the Subje£ t of PARLIAMENTARY RKFORM. Spoken in 17S5. Printed for J . Debrett, oppafite Buriington- Houfce, Piccadilly. Of whom may be had, The Speech and Propofition of the Right Hon. Henry Flood, on a Parliomentary Reform, Price is. Mr. Burke's Letter to Sir Hercules Langriihe, Jecond Ed - tion. Price as. A Collection of Mr. Fox's and Mr. Pitt's Speeches, in one large Volume Oftavo, 1' iice 105. Sd. in Boards. An Addrefs from the General Committee ofRoman CathoPcs, Pries is. ti. [ 1460 For the USE of SCHOOLS. This Day ivas publifhed, In one large Volume, Oftavo, Price 7s. 61. bound, The Second Edition, with complete Indexes of Words and Phrafes, and of proper Names and Things, and otherwife very confiderably enl ' njed, of ROMAN A N T I Q U I T I E S ; or, an Account s^ the Mannefs and Cufto ns of the Romans; refpefting their Govern nent, Magift acy, Laws, judicial Proceedings, Religion, Games, Military and naval Affairs, Drefs, Exercifes, Baths, Marriages, Divorces, Funerals, Weights and Meafures, Coins, Methad of Writing, Houfes, Gardens, Agriculture, Carriages, Public Buildings, Sec. & c, D figned chiefly to illuftrate the Latin ClalTics, by explaining Words and Phrafes, trom the Ritei and Cuftoms to which they Brye feAr. LEXANDER ADAM, LL. D. Redl rof the HigVi Schiol of Edinburgh. Printed for A. Strahan ; T. Cadell, in the Straud ; and Creech, at Edinburgh. I 1457 This Day < was publi/ ked, Eleganrty printed in five Volumes Bilavo, and illuftrated with Maps, Plans, and other Plates, Price il. 1.7s. 6d. bound, • • The Fourth Edition, with very confiderahle Additions, of TRAVELS INTO POLAND, RUSSIA, SWEDEN, and DENMARK. Interfperfed with hiftorical Relations, and political Inquiries. By WILLIAM COXE, A. M. F. R. S. F. A. S. Reftjr ofBemerton, and Prebendary of Sarum, and Dome- ftic Chaplain to the L rd Bifhop of Salifbury. Printed for T- Cadell, in the Strand. * » * The Additions made to t is. Edition ( co- nfreHending the Tour'of " Jutland, NorW y", Livonia, CiHirl nd and Pruffia, made iu the Years 1784 and 1785), forprB' a third Volume in Quar'o, Price lis. in Boards, or a fifth in Odlavo, Prior 6s. fid. in Boards, mny. be had Teparatc,' to Cirtiplelethe former Editions. As above may alfo be had, by the fame Author, 1. An Account of the Ruffian Difcoveries between Afij and America. Tt> which ate added, The Conqu; ft' ftf Siberia, and th< r. Hiftory of the Tranfaftions and Commerce between Rufiia ancj China; with Charts; Jd Edition, 6s. 6d. in ' Boartrs. i . Travels in Switzerland and the Country of the GrHons, n a Series of Letters to William Melmoth, Efq; with a l- ar^ e Map of Switzerland, ar. d other Plates, 3 Volumes, 3d Edition, il. 4s. in Boards. I1- J4 " R U N - A W A Y HUSBANDS. ' ~ j nHE Overfeers of the Poor, will Reward any JL Perfon or Perfons, who ( hail gi. ye tHem fuch Information an may. brin^ to Juftice the under named Offenders, whofe Families are bcoime chargeable t j the Town; a( id it is afked, as a particular Favour, of all Parifh Officers who miiy know, or receive any lntc> li| ence of. the faid Offenleis,. that they would apprebend. and ( Jnri ' c'aem. to^ ieir lawful Settle ' i r t, by fo doing they will wirit a great public G. « » 1 ' h ; ir r. xpences will be thankfully r.-; « iid, and rec;: v OSE GUINEA Reward for each Offender ftr thetr. Tr.- ub! e , but if the Runaways, return voluntarily, and immediately, to the Care of their nelplefs Families, they will be pardoned^ for abfeai'ing themfeives. . - Birmingham Work'aoufe, Veftry Room, July 1.3, 17 J_ a'in Woodcock, Rule Maker, about 5 Feet S Inches higli, 16 Years old, dark browft Hair, hang? loofej' ( lender' made, a blue Scar over the left Eye; had on - blue Coat, and hard white Metal Buttons, light Yelyeret ftripsd Waiftj^ at,. and lightThickfet" Breech 1. John Harrifon,, Button Burnifher, a* i mt J Fnet 7- Inches high, Z7 Years old, light coloured Kajr, hangs loofe, ( lender made, limps' as he walks, had n. i a. Ja k green Coat, and oliva. coloured Veivqret Breeches,. ' Suppofed to be near Sheffield. Wil iam Smallwood, Co^ c fcrew Maker, ab- mt 5 Feet 5 Inches high, 63 Years old, fliong made, fhort d irk coloured Hair, curl- d ; ha 1 on a dark green Waiftcoat, L" ather Breeches and Apron, hath a Scam taon bis left Hand, from the Wrift to the little I'iiyer. Richard Watfon, Carpenter and Jokjer, about 5 Feet 8 Inches high, 33 Yeats by, light brown Hair, hangs' loofe, fair Camplexion, Her.^ r madr, little Finger on the right Hand contradted. Suppofed tobe in London. M. f- s Baker, Bridle- Bit Maker, about 5 Feet 10 Inches high, 38 Years old, dark brown Hjir tied, dark Complexion, ftro- ig made. John Docker, Book keeper, about 5 Feet 7 Inches high, j 48 Yf are old," light coloured Hair, hihgs. l6o£ e, fair Comp'ex'an, ftrorig made. * Gejrge Tipp n, an Iri. hmin, by Trade a Slater, about j 5 Feet 2 Inches high, 30 Years old, dark brown Hiir, liangs loofe, Part of the Top of his H ad the'Hair virltite ; ( lender m : de Suppofed t > te near M, anchefter. Wtl'lam Coak', Slater, abont 5 Feet 4 Inches high) about 31 Y . rsold, 1' ght coloured Hair, hangs loofc, grey Eyes, and hath a Scar upon his left Qhcelt. William Jaycock, hard white Buttoir- finifker, about 5 Feet t i Inches high, abnut 29 Years old,, llender made, dark brown Hair, fhrr", fair Complexion, a Blemith on- his rtght Che; k ; had on a bluf: Coat,, yellow Buttons, brown Waiftc at, and Corduroy Breeches. W: iliaw Partridge, Awl- Blade, Maker, about 5 Feet 10 Inches high, about 30 Years old, ftrong'made, light brown Hair, hangs loofe, fai Complex. ori, very mnch Pock- fretten ; had on. a blue Coat, purple and white ltripei Waiftcoat, and Corduroy Breeches. John Gloucefter, Labourer, abau* 5 Feet 7 Inches high, about 40 Yea s old, ( lender m, de, dark brow. 1 Hair, hangs loofe, fair Complexion, floops i » th: Shoulders. Suppofed to be in London. Gilbert Docks r, Cabinet Make', about 5 Feet TO Inches high, about 26 "> old, ftrong made, light coloured Hair, tied, fr fib Compl . xion, Scar upon his Brow; had on a dark browa Co t, white Metal Button j', buff ftriped Waiftc ra , and olve col. ured'Breeches, ' ^ Thomai Picking, Bafket Maker, about 5 Feet a Inche, high, about 40 Years old, ftrong- made, light brnwn Hair hangs loofe, grey Eyes, fair Complexion, turns out h s T « es ; had on a blue Coat, wli. e Metal Buttons, black Wiilrlcoat, ani Leather Breeches. William Hollioake, Bricklayer's Labourer, about 5 Feet 3 Inche high, about 43 Yeors old, dark brown Hair, hings loofe, t. elh Complexion, grey Eyes; had on a dart coloured top' Coat, and white under'Coat and Waift'coat, with Corduroy Breeches. Nathaniel Richards, Clock and Watch Maker, about 5 Feet 6 Inches high, about z6 Years old, dark browa Hair, tied, fcfh Complexion, grey Eyes, and ftrong made." Samuel Mafon, S" one Sawyer, about 5 Feet 5 Inches high, about 40 Years old, light coloured Hair, curled, fair Complexion, ftrong made, loft the Nail off the little Finger on the left Hand; had on a blue Coat and Waiftcoat, yellow Metal Buttons, and Corduroy Breeches. William Smith, Labourer, about 5 Feet 9 Inches higHj about 47 Years old, ftrong made, brown Hiir, cutlet), hath had a broken Leg, and now goes with a Limp; hath b ' en employed at the Navigation. Suppjf d to be near Oxford. Thomas Aftbury, Brafvfounder, about 5 Feet high, 60. Years old, ftrong made, ftoops in the Shoulders, daik brown bufh Wig, black Eyes; haionalight coloured Cluth Coat, with two Collars, and black Waifteoat. William Bradbury, Button Turner, about 5 Feet J Inches high, ( lender made, about a8 Years old, dark, brown Hair, tied, pitted with the Sma! l Pox. Suppofed to be in London. Dennis Knee, Button Burnifhy, about 5 Feet 7 Inches high, ftrong made, about 28 Years old, dark brown Hair, curled. George Warburton, Brifs- candleftick Maker, 5 Feet 9 Inches high, ftrong made, ab., ut 35 Years old, light coloured Hair, tied, fieffi Complexion. Thomas S nallman alias Wood, Watch- feal Maker, abojt 5 Feet 4 Inches high, ( lender made, a'aout 30 Years old, dark brown Hair, curled, hangs loofe, fair Complexion. John Henlhall, Sadler, about 5 Feet 6 Inches high, about 57 Years © Id, fl. ndermad;, grey Hair, curled, frefh Complexion. John May I and alias John the Burner, Brick Mak r, about 5 Feet 6 Inches high, ftrong made, about 44 Years old. James Thomas, Navigator, about 5 Feet 7, Inches high, 22 Years old, ( lender made, fhort black Hair, a Blemiih on his right Ch. Tic. Francis Lechevin, [ apanner, about 5 F « et 4 Inches high, about 48 Years old, light coloured Hair, tied. t William Kifs, Chafer and Buckie Maker, about 5 Feet 8 Inches lvgh, about 29 Years old, fiender made, brown Hm , tied; pale Csmptexion, two or three Scars on his Forehral. Suppofed to be in London. Richard Peafey, Carpenter and Joiner, about 5 Feet 8 Inches high, about 3 j Years old, ftrong rnide, dark, brown Hair, tied, frefh Complexion, and round ( houldcred. Rlchird Sheldon, Carpenter and Joiner, about s Feet o Inches high, about 51 Years old, light co. our Hair, pitted with the Small Pox. S ppofed to be in London. Benjamin Bird, Hair Dreffer, about 5 Feet 6 Inches high, ab. iut 30 Yezri old, dark brown Hair, curled, pitted win tlv.- Small Pox. T o ba peremptorily R € - S O L D, Putfuant to an Order of the High Court of Chancery, ciide-. in a Cattfe, Uttermaie againft Hunt, hciore Jelft Spranger, Efq' one of the Maftersof the faid Court, a 1.54 Chambers, in Symond's- Inn, Chancery- lane, London, or*. Wed. aefday the ift Day of Auguft, 1792,' between the Hours of Six and Seven in ihe Afternoon, in one L^ t, AFREEHOLD FARM and LANDS, fituatt in the Parifh of Uminfter, in the County of Somerfet, being Part of the Eftates late of William Hunt, Surgeon,, deceafed.. Particulars whereof may be h. id gratis, at the faid Mailer'a, Chambers; of Mr. Palmer, Solicitor, Ball- court, Cornhijl, . London; of Mr. John Warren, Senior, of Ilminfter afart% I faid; of Mr. Jt> hn Warren, Ju 1. of Langport Eaftover, in the County of Somerfet; and ol M... Henry Paul, the Tenant,., who will fhew, the. Premiffes. ' [' 735 T o be S O L D; Purfuant to a Decree o! H gh Court of Qhanicery, ma^ e in a Caufe, liartow againft Wi', k= s, i'." l a genmi G « ie » i f, Transfer, before J « hn Sorangnr, tfq; one of the Maters . off' the faid Court, at hii C! i"' ii- i':,, ; m , Symond* 9- Inn, Chn i eery- line, London, Friday the 3d ^ Day of , Aut. ufti 1792, berween the Ho irs of Six ' n i Sevenwf the Clcchj in ihe Afcjrnoon, in l'wo Lots, 1 r p i l E feveral F R E E H O L D - E S T A T E S of 1 ISRAEL WILK$ S. Elq; filiated In the Pariftea of Elm, Oucwell, and Upwell, in the. lfl-. 6f Ely,. in thn County of Cambridge, and in the Parifhea of Outwell and Upwell, in the County of Norfolk. Particulars whereof may be had, gratia, .'" t'"- faid Mafter's Chambers; fwher a Mag of- the fa'd Eftates may be feen) of Mefl". Watlis and T10' arri, Norfolk- ftreet, Strand,' London; of Mr. Klsyer, Attorney, Wiibecli, C. mbridge-' ( hire; and of Mr. John Martin, cf Outw. ll, in the Ifle of Ely, the Tenant"; at the Rofe and Crown, Wifbech: the Five' Bells, in Upw- ll, in Norfo k ; the White Lion, in Upwcll, in the Ifle ci Ely; the Sun, at Cambridge ; the Crown, at St. Ives ; and the Globe, at Lynn, in Norfolk. l* 1^? C A R & I G A N S I i l R l i and C A R M A R T H E N - SHIRE. T o be S O L D by A U C T I O N, At the Bbefc- Uon In n, i . i the Town of Lamp- terpontftephen, in the faid C'mruy of Cird; gm, on Saturday, rhe 4th Day' of Auguft nea", between the Hours of Two and Four in the Afternoon, # nlefs difpof- J of. in the mean Time, by priva'. e Contra£ b, of which i, -, ely Notice will be given, Together, or in feveral LOTS, TH E following d u r a b l e F R E E H O L D . ESTATI- S, viz. J- lwyny Celin, and Tynyfron, Llanwtnog Mil!, Maefyfelin, Brunant, A birtegan, Paotj meddig, and Paptback, fitu* ate, lying,, and being in the i* arith of' Llanwenog, in the County of Caidiga- n, Alfo Talyfan, in the. Parifli of Llangi* Ho, ih the fame County. And alfo Cwrnllynfey, in the Parifh of Llanfadwln, in the County of Carmarthen., being together of the yeafty Rent 12 5I. and upwards. The Eftate is rented at Will, and capable of great Improvement. Moft of the Farms have a Right of Common on adJoTning Mountains, and excellent healthy and extenfive Sheep- walk, belonging thereto, and, are fituated in a plefaant Sporting Cjuntry. ."'-••. The refpeQive Tenants will fhew the Premiffes; and for further Particulars, apply to Herbert Lloyd, of Carmarthen, Attorney. ^ Dated rSth Ju_ n e, 17~ 91H. E S H I R E ~ [ 1486 T o be S O L D by A U C T I O N, Or. Thurfday the § th Day of Auguft next, between the Hours of Three and Six in the Afternoon, at the George Ian, in SandbatcU, in the County of Chcftsr, eiti. er together or in feparate Lots, as may be agreed upn 1 at th'e Time of Sale ; unl f, difpoied cf in the mem Time by private Contact, of which timely Notice will be given, AL'L thpfe, the ieveral Manors of M O R £ - TON, WHEELOCK., and SMALLWOOD, in the faid County of Cheft r, the capital Manfion- Houfe. of Moreton- Hall and fundry capital Farms and ' Lands, fituato in the fevsral Townfbips of Moreton, Wheelock, Birehton, Small^ wood Newbold, AJlbury, and Buglawton, in the faidCsmnty, oontiining together near 2200 Acres, now in the feveral Occupations of Meffrs. John Beckett, Jofeph Yarwood, Thomas Farrall, Daniel Goodall, Hannah Goodall, Thomas Harrifon^ Jar. esBedley, John I> uitcott, John Bradbury, Jofhua Afhcroft, John Large, ' Oeorge Mofs and others', of the yeaily Value of 20001, and upwards. ' Thefe Eftates are extremely well fruated in refpefl M Markets, lying within t « o Miles af Sandbatch, Six of Mid. dletvich, eight of Nantwich, and eight of Newcaftle- under- Line, and are nea" to Coal and Lime. The great Road from London to Liverpool and Manchofter p.-. ffes through More on, and the navigable Canal from tire Trent to the Merf y, through Whii- lock. Printed Particulars may be had of Mr. Richard Griffiths, Chapel Stairs, Lincoln's- Inn, Lin Ion ( where a Plan of the Eftates may be tier.); of John Cifhton, Efq; Kelfrtll, neat Shiffiaall, Salop ; Mr. Thomas Har. ifon, Wheelock, Chefhire ; and MefT'rs. Jeffreys and Lloyd, Shrewfbjry ; and Mr. Harrifon will" fhevv rhe Premiffes. . | [ 1560 T I T H E S . A T a Meeting of a very numerous and refpe£ lable Body of the Gentletfien and Vecrnen of the County of Devon, held on Friday the 1 ^ th of June, 1792, at the Globe Tavern, in the City of Eit - ttr, to srwifider of foms Meafuies to be tiken to apply o Part ament for an Alteration of the prefent M : de of Payment of ' i'hes. THOMAS BR AD1DGE, Efqj in the Chair. R. folvj- d unanimoufly, I. I hit the prefent Mode of rendering Tithes in Kind, ia the great- ft. Difcouragement w Agriculture and good Hufbandry, an I to the Improvement of Landa, in general, as well the num irous and exte'nfiv* Trafts hitherta lying entirely wide, as tkafe which are under f me Degree of Cultivation; n is one. of the princ pal Caufes of our v: ry byithenfom Poo . I!. That it is the Catrfe of frequent Difputes and Contentions betw- en the Tithe- hnlder ani the farmer, which not only dift" rb their P. ace and liappinefs, bu: prove highly prejudicial t.. th Reli ion of the Linj, by laying the Clergy under a ® O. i m w- iich, in general, they do not deferve. III. Tha as the R. ches ofj this, a id every other Counrrv, conlift in tha Mahufoaure of its own Produce, r n; uft be the Intereft of every one to promote the Incteafe of Inch Produ? « as mu J i as pofiible, and it will certainly be the greateft national Fe efit fo to do. IV. Thit as the grea- sft Hatdfh'ips fall on the Farmer who is moll iniuft i ms, and at m. ift E* p nee in the Culti^ tion of hib Eftate, it is the Opinion of t' is Meeting, that in order to prevent Difcouragemei t and Diffentbn, an Equivalent ftouU be paid in Lieu of Tithes, acco ii; l < to the real annual W u - of very Eftatc. V. That n a Matter of fu; h feri uilmportance to the Kingdom at large, the greateft Deliberation and Attention are neceffiry ; and that it will theref 1 e bt prudent to take the Senfe of other Counties, previous to ny Appl cation tc- Parliam n • and t rat a Committee ot twenty four P « f , n s be appointed for that Purpofe. rr VI That all Letters On rhe Subjea will be thaijtfully reteived, sddreff A cither for the Chairman, Will" iam J W , r d . • JohnOanti, or John Wreyfo. d, Efqrs. to be left at the Poft- Crmce, r. xeter. VII. Tint the Thanks of this M eting be given to Thorn-.* Bradndge, Efq; the Chairman, for the v e r y D e S a - finef Acte" t l o n w i t h which fie has condufled this Bu- . V I U ' - That the Chalrn^ n be reqi- eft d to fign thefe R. f,^ tnns, and caufe them to be inferred in two of the Exeter ti « - Sherb'jm, and two of the [, 0n, lon P ipe s. * rGiloosb e TT avern, Ev xeTteHr, O rMothA SJ ulByR, Ai7Dr R2 . I DGE, Chairman. N ' T h e Committee wis: meet aga n at the fome Hoof-. No<£ i 5 Qa° b B r neXt* 3t ve o'Ol ck « 1 ' 00"* [ l7 j8 T i i * V' T H U R S D A Y , JULY 26.. N A T I O N A L ASSEMBLY;; F R I D A Y - , JWLY ZO. M. Ramond reported from the Diplomatic Comtar Mr h t - 4 w m Yefterday arrived tbe Mails from Holland Flanders. C O B L E N T Z , J U L Y LI. T H E Pruffian army is. cantoned in the neighbouring diftridls, and will remain fp till the harveft is got in, after which it will encamp. The regiment of Thadden, a divifion of chaffeurs, and a fqtiadron of huffars, remain i n ' the town with the Prince Royal of Pruflia, and the § taff. The chateau of Schonbornluft is getting * eady for t. he King of Pruffia, who is expected here about the 18th T h e army of the Princes confifts of about 15,000 © en. It is to advance into the principally of Salm, a » tl wi'l take up its quarters, by force, . wherever they are not voluntarily offered. Coblentz, July 12. The reigning Duke o£ Brunfwick, who has been appointed Generaliffimo cf the Confederate army," having arrived on the 3d at Hercheim, near this city, an aid- de- camp f r om the French Princes waited on him, to compliment him in their name, and to announce to him a vifit from their Royal Highneffes, which t h e Duke prevented, by repairing hither immediately. They, however, paid one to him the next day at his head- quarters in the village, when the greateft marks oi efteem nnd confidence were exhibited. < m both fides. The Prince of Naffau is alfo arrived from Peterfbtrrgh. His million has been very fuccefsfal, but we have received no • onfirmation of the march of the Ruffian troops.' This morning the French Princes quitted our c i t y , and retired to Birigen, whtere the regiment of Berwick will remain till the 20' tit of this month, when all the'French cantonments have orders to be ready to march. All our environs are already filled with Profs, fian troops. The officers condua th « tiife| ves with t h e greateft politenefs, and the foldiers obferve t h e ft rift eft. difcipline-. His Pruflian Majefty is expelled here about the i8th ur 19th of this month. Calais, Jul. 22. I. a Fayette is faid to have been affaffinated on the 20th inft. at Paris. Other reports fay, he was killed in a duel ; but that he Is no more is generally believed here. ' The horrors to b e apprehended from this event, render all travelling at prefent highly perilous and i m p r u d e n t ; the printinal towns are full of enraged troops ; and the peafantry are without fubordination, and almoft without rssfon. Sevrral parties who were going to Spa r,<; returned; and many French families of did inft ion are preparing to quit France. The country is in t general alarm far the fafety of certain auguft perfonages. In fadl, a general fcene of confufioh is hourly expedied through France and Germany. A party of Ladies, travel ing through Flanders, were,' a few days fince, greatly t c rifled by the infults of the psa'anM, who are well armed with every fpecies of o f . weapons. 1 hey were obliged to leave . their car: J., ; nd remain fome hours in a wool, at the me. cy of the. count r y people, who infulted them in a variety of ways, though no adtual violence was offered to heir perfons. Warfatu, July 4. The following are the principal griefs exhibited in the aft figned by rhe Chiefs of the Counter federation at T a r g o v i i z, on the* 14th of May, 1792. " They proteft, « « ift, againft the Conftitution of .' he'jd of May, " 1791, In general: 2d, againll the hereditary << fucceflion to the throne : 3d, againil th pri- « • vileges granted to the Royal authority : 4th, againft the diminution of thofe ot the Equ*- ftrian order : 5th, againft the pr'efent Diet, for « endeavouring to render itfelf perpetual, and " for having continued to fit a longer fpace of V time than the laws allow : 6; h, againft every thing which tends to the prejudice o f t h e exclu- •* five right of the catbolick worlhip, t i e prefer- " vation of which is one of their principal objedts • « « 7th, againft, as they term them, the attempts " « « made on the ancient Polijh Liberty, and the ancient « f u r m of Republican Government : 8th, againft " every ceffion which they wiih to make of any " part of the countries or poffeffions of the Re- " public." This iitt, however has been received with indignation in every piece, and the citizens of Great Poland have formed a new aflbeiation, and have fworn " To defend the jufl eaufe " of their nation till the laft extremity ; to fpill " - the laft drop of their blood in its caufe ; to pur- " fue and punith, at the price of their lives and " property, th, e traitors « p their country, who " have called in ftran- gers to overthrow the Con- *' dilution approved of by the nation, See." I R E L A N D . Dubliu, Jul)/ XI. Thurfdajr night three wotnen attacked the poftboy on his way to Wicldow, on Dor. nybrook road, nearly oppofite the Tollhoufe, under Judge Helton's wall, and robbed him of the mail bags deftined to that and other adjacent quarters. The lad, however, took particular potice of their loute, and dogged them into town, where they were taken with the poll- bags in their poffeflion, and lodged in Werburgh's wateh- heufe, f r om whence they were yefterday Conveyed to Alderman Fleming's, and, when examined, committed to the New Prifon- They were armed wich piftols. Every letter which had been taken from the mail has been recovered, and it is fuppofed that there is net a finale article miffing. mittee on the mode of paying the Swifs Guards T h e Report was, ordered ro be printed. T h e debate on La Fayette's conduft was refumed. In the courfe of it, M. Guadet gave an account of the conference between Marlhal,; Luckher and the Committee of Twelve*. This account agreed exadlly with the | Marlhal's letter to the Affembly, and the notes fub- [ joined to it, on the ftate of the army and the means I of augmenting it. " With refpedl to other mat-' t e r s , " added M. Guadet, *' if courage, if conftanc y ' i f the ardent love of liberty can fupply the want of numbers, nothing ^ an be more flattering, than the details into whic'a Marlhal Luckner entered with us. The privates and non- comffiiffioned officers of the line, and the National Volunteers, all ( hew themfelves equally worthy to defend the c& ufe of equality. Not one of them has ' def! rted. his colours'; and if the commiffioned officers, thofe men who are, always boafting of their nobility and their honour, participated the fentiments of the privates, there would be no danger hut for our enemies'. Rut every day produces new afts of treach; iy, and iM& i aggravated by fuch circumftances that diftrull and fufpicion are the inevitable, confeqtlencfs. Judge of tham by the following related to os by Marihal Luckner;— Colonel Mourat was dining with the G e n e r a l t h e converfation turned on the infamy of thofe officers who went over to the enemy and robbed the chefts of their regitiient|. — Cdlonel Mourat was psfticularly warm' in ' reprobating fucjj conduft, and within ' an hjilsf after dinner, he* 1 deferttfd, carrying ' witch feveral officers and the cheft of his regiment. The National Volunteers, fo much deci ied by our enemies, are above all the objefls of Marfhal Luckner's prajfe. In the army which he commands in perfon, there are feveral battalions'of them who, in difcipl'rne, courage, and ardour, do not yield the palm to the very bed of the : troops of the line. The ft we reft punifliAenf I can i n fM on thcNationjl Volunteers, fays the Marffial, is to threaten them with being fent back to their departments. How ftroug is an army of which the foldters are all animated with fuch lentimen'. B. " In point of provifions aiid ftores, nothing is wanting ; and thi military hofpitals are in the beft order. " The movement of the northern and centre armies had occafioned fome uneafinefs ; and the Commifficm thought it their duty to enquire rcfpeeUng it. The refult was, that the jvlarlhal did ncit ( eem to have approved of ; hat movement, ' fo that if it was wrong the blatiie is not imputable tn him. When, fays the Mrfftiai, you give me ' Frenchmen to command, I never wiih to know to what regiment they belong, o r f r om what Department they come : I am always fure that I fhall have their confidence, becaufe I defire only what i s j u f t , and becaufe the profperity and glory of Prance are to me the deareft of all things.'' T h i s report was ordered tQ ( je printed, and copies of it fent to the eighty- three Departments. After various pVopofitiohs refped'ting the conduit of La Fayette, the debate' was adjourned till tomorrow. ; b e fan£| ipnp4; in the adjoining- r o a t r j , u^< Ser the ' government and ctj. ntroul of'^ fficers called the D i - redtors. Iron; whole decifion there is to be no app e a l . A tavern is to be included. in the premifes, f u p - plied wjth the choiceA viands and wines, and affprding all the luxuries requifite to g r a t i f y the moft ; refined palates. For the retirement of fatbfexes, private rooms are to be provided, containing every fuitable accbinmodatioin. Mafquerades will occafionally be given ; and the whole entertainments conduced in the moft rational and unexceptionable manner I Should the plan of the original fubferibers be fully carried into effefl, it, is thought the annual receipts of the Sutfciiption- Houfes in St. James's ftreet and Pall- will b, e very much reduced. Ten thoufand pounds have been expended in the purchafe 6f the Chapel, bottom of York- ftreet, St James's fquare, and other premifes are to be added, on which ground is to be eredled a new and the moft magnificent building of this defcription in Europe. . L O N D O N. Yefterday the King came from Windfor in his p 1 '-- h. iife and four to St, James's palaee, where his Majefty had a levee, which began at one o'clock; and clofed at a quarter paft two. It was b iv; n g h ; m a i n e a e a ch oyfirved as a collar day, being the f^ aft of St. I „ , ;, ^ r , Letter;; received in town yefterday from the V- ale of Beivoir, in Nottinphamffiire, mention that th'; hay harveft' is quite fpoiled, on ac-' count the very heavy rains they have had, and that the waters are very much out at this time. On Thurfday night the E/ iftern pnrt of Effex, and the borders o/ SufTollLaBSoiairig, experienced the fevereft tempeft and fall of rain rhat was ever remembered. The rain fell in fuc'i torrents, between nine o'clock that night and three the next morning, asalmoft to deluge the lo v lands o f both counties: A great quantity of hay had fwept , away by the torrents, and the corn in general is laid fla; oh the ground. Sunday Mr. Hunt, at the Golden Crofs, Charing Crofs, was met by two m': n in Piccadilly, who defrauded him of his watch, under the pretence of entrufling to him a purfe, containing a note for 135I. with a locket. Yefterday a man wis brought before Sir Sampfotr* Wrigtit, at the Public- Office, Bow- ftre'et, charge^ with the murder " of a' young lad in the county of Corke, from which place he had effedtecl his efcape. He was committed until proper inftruilions are received from Mr. Dundas. ' ' On Tuefday night, between the hnurs of nine and ten o'clock, Richard Howar h and Herv^ y Coombe, Efqrs. were flopped in a pollchaife, about a quarter of a mile from the New- Crofs Turnpike,-' on the G r £ e n w ' c h Road, by two footpads, armed with piftols, one of whom opened the chaife door, while the other laid hold of the horfes reins; but the poft- boy endeavoured, by whipping his horfes, to get forward. The villain then put a pillol to the poft- boy's ear, and fnapt it, but fortunatcjy it miffed fire; the gentlemen within cried out to the footpads not to injure the boy, and that they wouid deliver their money. The man, who had hold of the horfes, then quitted'them,, and came to the'doof of the chaife, oppofite to that a: which his accomplice was, and opened the door, but the poftboy, finding he had the command cf j h e horfes, was jvhipping them forward, when trie fame fellow again feized the bridle of ofte of the horfes, b u t , was knocked dovvnby thepoftillion, w h o d r o v e o n, andthe Gentlemen efcaping without the lofs of their property, very properly rewarded the valour of the driver In Lats, a? the. I\ Jrti. iiCitence/ fer, oo. Pri lay tfi.&' 3d of guft, betivcp the-' Hours of- TUee and Five id the noon, ^ . ' / . ' ., AModern well- built ME5SUAGE, with n StiWe, Barn, abd Tor" table Oftcee, Ojrdea, ind Ojy| chard to the fortle b4ofiging j and alio fevoral Incisures of. rich M'-'. dow and Palter '.- and, mJ a few of Arable; con, s taining in tile Whole ab rfi^ jp Acres, fituate at Purton- StokeJ near Cricklade, Wilts, « u0 nov/: in the Occupation of WU-, liam Davis. ' [ 1733'; Printed Particulars, with Conditions of Sale will be left at; the principal Inns, in Cricklade, Cirencpfter, Maltnlbury, Tetbaiy, Swindon, Wootton Baffet, ani Highworth. . Anil feu- further jnformation, apply to Mr. ^.( he, Howard * ftreet, S^' asd, London; cr Mr. Pi t, ofCirencefter. T o be S O L D by A U C T I O N, By Mr. CLACHAR, At the Spread Eagle;'. iri IngacelW, on Saturday the Jj8tfo ' Day of July Iuftant < t Blevea d'Cloc!;,' irt the Forenoon, ABARN, and Thirty- two Acres, more or lefs, of exceeding rich Arable, Ivleadow, and Pallure Land, called Giles, in fix Clofes, lying contiguous to each sther, and extremely well watered, fjruale very near the Town oft logtiteRone, now in t h e Octupltion of William Reynolds^ tli. e Proprietor, who will deliver up the Poffeffioii thereof to ths Purchafer at Miehatlmas- Day next, old Sole. The above is a mo4 eligible and delightful Situation for building a Houfe, in a good Neighborhood, near the gjgae Road., only 13 Mjles from Lanoon, and Stag,^ Coaches pim* 3 almoft every Hour of the pay. - * • Tha Preraifas are Copyhold of Inheritance,, holden of rhe Manor- of Ingataltone. For further Particulars tsquire of Mr, J. O. PARKER, ehjhnifofS" ' ' 1. . [ 1666 ; •'""••' L,..'. ' . » i " ' I', " i « < C H E A P DRAPER V. SM I T H ' S , at No. 173, Flfet- ftreet, will fell until the ill of September, a large Quantity of Spring an£ Summer Linen Drapery ( Par of which was intended for Sale at Margate and Brighthslmlone), much un. l r their known Terms, con lifting of fom' tbov. fini Yntds of Muf. tins, Lawns, Camh- ick'i', ftrong S'i f tings, and Dimities;, the great;:;. P.'. nt'of which will be found little more ^ han half ^ r'ce ; alfo a tlew and ftroeg. Bleach Irdi C ot'i, he beit matte im » ported; a'fo Cottain Stockings without one Penny Advance, Silk ditto, et^ U illy low. L ik.- ewif- fotpe cheap Haber4alhery, in which are tome thouiiend . Yards of Safli and other Ribbons, PI- id, fprigged and plain; ditto of blaqik and Thread Laces and Edgings, Sittins, Furs, Luteftr'mgs, Fombazeens, and Crapes, a Quantity of white v . i coloured Gauzes, & c. Smith's black Mode and Laies f; r Cloaks may be conftdered as the firlt for Colour and Wear of any in Town. *„* R- eaiaric the Number of the Houfe ( 173)., as there are more of the Name in Fleet- llrcet. . [ 1669 James. A Council was held after ' the levee. After the council broke up the King gave clofet audiences of bniinefs to the two Secretaries of. State, Secretary at War, Sir C. Gould, and Sir W. Fawcitt, till after five o'clock, - when his Majefty fet off to Windfor- Lodge. The prefentations were, Lord St. Helen's, on his arrival from his embafly at the Court of Spain, by Mr. Dundas ; Lord Grenville, on his marriage, by his father- in- law, Lord Camelford; Mr. Etherington, for th » firft time, by Lord Fauconlrerg ; and the Chamberlain to his Imperial, Majefty, by the Imperial ftnvoy. Lord St. Helen's was two hours in private cpnference with the King. '( N E W ASSEMBLY ROOMS, & c. Sfc. S r . J A M E S ' S - S Q J J A R E . " I t having frequently been a fubje£ t of regret among perfons of dillinflion, that notwithftanding the precautions adopted in the various fubfeription rooms, & c. people of exceptbnslale charadters haue obtruded themfelves; to remove thefe grievances a new fociety, under the patronage of the Prince of Wales, Duke of York, and other illuftrious perf^ nages, have formed fijch arrangements as to command exclulively the whole circle of fafhion and gaiety. Six Gentlemen have already fubferibed one hundred and thirty thoufand pounds. An additional fubferipttion, to a confiderable amount, is expefted from the Duke of Bedford ;' and feveral other leaders of the Ton having announced their intention of granting pecuniary aid, the whole fum propofed will very foon be adwanced, and the completion of the plan be forwarded with the utmoft espediiiqn. The Society will confiftof two hundrjtJ and fifty members of both fexes, who will very foon be ad- 1 vanced, and the completion of the plan be for- ( warded with the utmoft expedition. The Sociefy will confiil qf two hundred and fifty members of both fexes, who wiH have the privilege of circulating a certain number of tickets for the admifiioncf Honorary Vifitors. For the conduft and d< corum of the ftrangers, the Members who introduce them ere to be amenable. By the plan, there is to be an elegant Ball- room, exceeding in dimenfions and decorations ajl the rooms hitherto fuen in ^ his metropaolis. Cards, Dice, Faro, Billiards, 4 c . & c. are to Yeftcrday the Recorder made his Report to the King in Council of the Prifoners under fentence of death in Newgate, Convidled in the laft feffions, when the following were ordered for execution on Wedr. efday next, viz. Richard Lightowler, for felonioufly uttering arid publilhing a s t t t i e a foiged order, purporting to be the order of George Hardinge, Efq. on Meff. H^ are and Co. Bankers, for the payment of § 61. with intent to defraud them thereof; Robert HoughtOn, for robbing James Perry on the highway of a gold watch, & c. hi? 1 property ; James King Keeling, for burglary in th'e houfe of Humphrey Howarth, Efq. and ftealing a quantity of iilver plate, linen, & c. his p r o p e r t y ; and William Mead, for Healing a black mare, value a i l . the property of John Wakefield. The following were refpited during his Majefty's pleafare, Maria Smith, for privately Healing, in the ftiSp of Thomas Barret, a pair of black worfted Ifeckings, and about feven yards of muffin ; ' John D a v i s , f o r robbing George Murray on the highway of three half- crowns and a fixpence; John Stoneham, for* burglary HI the houfe of Richard Matthews, and Healing a remnant of farfoet, feven filk handkerchiefs, and 30s. ; William Smith, for robbing John Proflor 6n the highway of a filver watch, See. value 20? ; William William?, for Healing, in the hoiufe of the Rev. John Breynton, D. D . eight filver tablefpQons, one filver foup- fpoon, and one filver gravyfpoon, value 5I. and u p w a r d s ' W i l l i a m Perry, for ftealing, in the h. oufe of William Herbert, two 10I. Bank notes, one 30I. Bank note, and about 20I. in calh ; and John Clues, for Healing a gelding of the price of j l . * D I E D . ] Lately in Philadelphia M. Peter Jaquette, one of tbe; principal Oneida Sachems. He was educated in France, having accompanied M- de la- Fayette thither on his return from America/ His corpfe, which was interred in the burial ground, Mulberry- ftreet, was preceded by all the light ipfan< ry in the City, with arms reverfed, ( Irams muffled, and mulic playing a fokmn dirge. Six Iniiian Chiefs followed, as mourners, with a number of warriors, all the Clergy in the City, the Secretary at War, the gentlemen of the war department, officers c f the Federal army, and a conc u fe of 10,000 people.— Saturday, at his houfe in Grafton- ftreet, Dublin, Philip Crampton, Efq. fenior Alderman ^ nd father at that cjty. - - : N O T I C E is hereby G I V E N , ' TH A T whereas Mrs. M A R Y OR ME R OD ( Widow andvRelidt of John Ormerod, late of Tun- Head, in the- Foreft of. Roflendale, and County Palatine ol Lincafter, Gentleman, deceafed) is now dead,' and the real and peYl'onal t dates, late belonging to the faid late John Ormerod, are, by the Diredlion of his fid Will, by his Truftces and Executors, npw advertifed to be fold to the higheft Bidder, « the Houfe of Jawes Whitaker, the Sign of the Dog, at Newchurch of Roflendale aforefaid, on Tuefday and Wednefday, the 114th and 15th Days of this month t There/ ore, all Perfons who profefs to be Claimants, under th ® laft Will and Teftament of the faid John Ormerod, deceafed, touching the abovefaid Premiffes, and particularly one Anna Alhworth ( or herlffue) if living ; which Anna is fuppofed ta be a Daughter sf Richard A/ hworth, late of London, Innholder, decea^ d, but formerly a Native and Inhabitant of Brodk- Clough, in Rafiendale, a Nephew of. the f. iid late John Ormerod, debated, are all defired to attend at the aforefaid Sales, either in Perfon, or by their Agent, or Letter, to acquaint the Trufteea and Eieeuters of fuch their refpedlive Claims. • . [ 1701 N O R F O L K and C I T Y of N O R W I C H . ' T o be S O L D by AUC TION, By Meffts. ROBINS, At Mr. Tilbury's, the White Sw. n, Nor. vich, on Thurfday Augiiltz, at Twelve o'Clock, in Two.. Lots, F ot T A Valuable and very defirable FREEHOLD ESTATE, fituated at LAMMA, Five Miles froth North Wilfbam, and Nine f on Norw'ch ; confifting of 30 Acres of excellent Arable, r'afturc,' and Meadow Land, abounding v/ ith. prime Timber, a gx> 4 Farm- Houfe, Barns, Stables, and other Out- Buildings, now much underlet to Thomas Branfliy, a very old Tenant at Will, at 30I. per Annum. Lot II. A valuable Copyhold Eftatt ; c.- infiftvng cf Tlir- e Dwelling- Houfes, with Ships, advantigeoully'fituated in the. Market- Place of the City of Norwich, have been many Years in the Occupation of Mr. , S' 4 » nuel Day es, B-- fketr Maker, a very refpedtable Tenant at Will, at thirty Pounds per Aonura, late the Property of Mrs. Sarah Griggs, at-, ceafed. " The feveral Eftates may be yiewed 14 Days prior to the Sale, i. nl Particular shad of therefpe& ive Tenants; of Mr. Ranfon)> Shoprkee[ 4r, North- Wa'llhani; the Printer ••{ the Bury Pa ier; the Place of Sale j and of MefTf.,. Robins, Covent- Uarden, London. • i. , [ 1734 N O R T H A M P T O N S H I R E . T o be S O L D by A U C T I O N, ^ y Meffrs. SPURRIER and PHIPPS, At Garrawiy's Coffee- houfe, Exchange- Alley, Corni*!', on Thnrfday. the 2iiofAuguft, at Twelve © ' Clock, by Order of the Executors of JOSEPH W1LCOCKS, Efq; deceafed, AV A L U A B L E , extenfive, and moit defirable FREEHOLDESTATE, very beautifully and alfo healthfully and. advantajjeoufly flcuated near the CENTRE of- the County of. NOR 1' H AMP TON ; being about/ ine Mile from Kettering, feven from TSrapfton, el| h from Wellingbor rough, . and twelve from Market Har'oorough, ail gooi Mirk^ t To- vns. • - > Confiding of the Manor or reputed Manor of B irtoirSeagrave, otherwife Handrei, a fpacious uniform Kamiiy Maolion, with fuitable Coach- Houfes, Stabling, and ample Offices x> f every Kind, good walled Gardens, Lawn, feveral large Fife Pond3 well ftocked, &*. alfo about One Thoufand TWQ Hunitei Acre, of exceedingly fine Land, anciently enclofed aad very compadt, lettto refpedlable Tenants at near . NINE HUNDRED POUNDS per Annum And will admit of confiderable Advancement with the greateft Propriety upon the Expiration of the Leafes, fevcral of which have but ihort Periods to run. The Manfiyn Honfe is a very fubllantial Building, conven; ent and in good Repair, has a lofcy modern Library forty Feet lsag, and may be rendered a fuitabie Rofidejice for a. Family of Confequ? aoe at a reafonable Expence. The Situation is particularly eligible, for a fporting Gentleman, as it abounds with Game, and it is only two Miles froqith famous Pytchly Hunt, and the like Dilhnt^ from the noble Ridings of the Duke ofBucdeugh, The Farm Houfes and Offices are- all, fubilanrially buijt with Stone, are in excellent Order, the fcadd i> in go d Heart, and Condition," the Fences, which are. of healthy, thriving ouicfe, add great oeatnefs and beauty t? the Afr pearaace; of tbeEdate, and the Home Grounds are varied and ornamented with rich Sweils and ftately Timber. ' , The Turnpike Road by way ofThrapfton palfes through th? Eftate, and the Boundaries to the extent of feveral Milet ^ re " by Streams of Water, which as well as- fevenl Springs upoft high Ground in the Efta e, it i « prefumed may be rendered exceedingly valuable tothofe Manufadlories which'reaulre the aid of Water Milb. To be viewed twenty- one Days preceding the Sale, by applying to Mr. Morfleck Green, rear the'Manlion ; of whom printed Particula s may be had ; alfo at; the Ceorge, Kettering, the Wheat( heal,, Daventry; the Ge « gi, SWo- thampton } the Swan, Harbornugh; tha Talbot, Oundle j the George, Thrapfton; Uie Hind, \ yellingborougb. v'- i. he Swan, Bedford; the Printers of tbe Northampton,' C:: ubnCge, and Leicefter Newfpapers; the Poll- Office, Lynu ; a£ the Place of Sal*; and of MelTrs- Spurrier and fl^ pps, CoptVUH C- outt, Throgmortoa- ftieet, London, • . * [ iiSS > m f o r the G E N E R A L E V I > K J N Q POSTF L I N E S On I , o a r C o r n w a i. L i s ' s hte glorious Atckiev*' . meats in the EAST- INDIES. " Far fcibi ermit Artes, Farlfiar ioiponcvc Mori- r;), *' P J I C C K Subjeais, et debeliare Supeibos.", > .. Vi gil. ILLUSTRIOUS Viflor, whofe brave deeds 4* mn&, Tlie grateful Pajjns ofa gen'rous ! ahd j Wh'ofe a£ ts nf glory claim fubliraffr lays, Than thofe the Mufe with humble ardour pays; Yet whilft thefe lays, Cornwallis, chaunt thy* Name. Sacred they Sow, to valour, worth, aftd fame. Whilft thy renown call forth thp MufeV fong,. Thy praife fliall A * ell on Britain's raptured tongue For who fo much deferves his country's fm'les As th's ftm'd Chief, who long has brav'd the toils Of arduous war; who for his country's weal, PlannV, fought, and co- quer'd, with a Patriot's zeal ; Whofe arms and caunfels gain'd a glorious peace, And iradcrThe^ thfyot's haughty menace ceafe. To paint thofe Scenes wh- r^ war's dread tumults reign, The routed Phalanx, and the cuirfon plain The Muft forbears; altho' her tears defcsnd, When youth'and cour- ge meet an early end i Tis her's to 1. ad the Hero fr > m the fi.-' d, And vet 1 thofe fights which only horror yield. To deck his brows tne well- earn'd wreath prepare. This is her firft, and this her fjndeft care. Ye foil's refin'd, whom nob'e thoughts infpire, l. et his high merit all your bof- ms fire 5 Biitens, far you he left this peaceful land, Refined that eaf<-, which wealth and birth command, Nor him reftrain'd e'en f ft affection's tie, Re& lv'd for you, '* to conquer ov to die." Such Patriots dear, rtie Roman page difplays, And fuch once boafted Greek's golden days. Put whilft fair Vi&' ry's wreathes hii Labours ecows, Ami his Soldiers hear his blight Renown; jHisTrooji he vlewM, with kind pa cntal Love, And each brave Deed he gloried to approve, Soft'ning the Hariirtiips of each dreadful D^ y, , Ey mild Commands, he led them to obey. In Vi&' ry's Moment, not to Mercy blind, An Heaven- born. Pity touc'. i'd the Hero's Mind, Compaffi 11 ( Veer, he ftreailj tl « ig- i* d tfr ihew, And fcorn'd bafc Triumph o'er a proftrate Foe; Cor. queir-, net ? loc « i, ihfre- forth his darling Aim, This was his Path, bis glorious Path, to Fame : And t h j rude Indian, in Vis rpcupnfel . Tile, Shall own both Pow'r and Pity did prevail. War's long F tig- ues, * by Toils, thy Labours o'er, Return, great Vi£ t> r, to Brltan lia'a Shore ; J- Jor now in fnlt.- y Climes proltmj thy Stay, Ch ! Wirvds propitious, waft lirai on his W4y , Return, g*" at Viftnr, to thy native ffic, Where thee atvjits a King's and Kingdom's ftn'ile. WM. FERHYHOUGH, A, B. $? olcc upon Trent, S: afFordftire, Jj » ! y 22,1792. Poftfcript. For the G E N E R A L E V E N I N ® POST. P A R I S I A N I N T E L L I G E N C E, P A R I S , J t r 1 Y 21. F R O M every fubfequent detail, yon will per- C'ive that theaccoqr. f which I . h a v e given you of t h e fure of parties, apt! my apprebenfipn of the t r i f i s , which miift fpeedily take plare, are t ut too well- founded. Every day heightens the difttefs find embarrafeaieiif of the fcene, and no events fetm to be able to recal to refledion the Jaeo'bins, to whofe co » du& whatever is unpleafant ir. the prefer. t fituation of affairs, is principally to be afcribed. Their infatuation feems to increafe with thofe miferies into which they are about to piling? the country, and with that rtl'. n which they prepare for themfelves: t^ uos Jupiter vultper.-' sreprius dmentat t the violent fpirit w'likh ihey difplay, is only to be equalled by the abfurtiity of their coadutt ; they pity fitZb tricks before jtigb Heaven at make the Angels weep. i n their club their proceedings form a tiffue of the otoioft extravagance and folly"; their proceedings alternately difplsy the motl ungovernable rage, arid the moil contemptible weaknefs : But though their conduft is well, calculated to excitg ridicule, one cannot regard without horror its c o n f e r e n c e s to tht fare of a great nation. In the Affembjy, where they they retain their predominance, there is no difcuffion deliberately j pr'cAjady fooditftcd > ail appeal to the order cf 1 the day is fojjnd he n « ser- fai'jn^ ief; orce- to terminate every debate'. pj) r thsfe two days the fondjjft of La Fayet e !; jts been u'. v. l-; r eoafidcration ; t|; e moderate party fcave exerted all their i; if! uence tp procure a ger. tl ; decree to be pafled ; Jhe J'ncobici have difpUyed their ufu?. l virufence, and St nothing lf! s than to throw lii. n jnto a ( yrts ef acfufotjon ar. d ipipeachrnerit. The fjuef. k" i- *> 4' ye' 1 decided. Nothing has beer, heard of La F'ayette hi- mfelf fome days ; the;- ' Uncertainty of his fate, lias give a rife to feveral jepprys re'ipecl'uig Jiijjij none . pf . which are properly 3. uther. tipa: ed. • M.' Cpmeurisr, in hjs difr. atches from the p r p y , fcfris bufv to commend hirr. felr at the exp t p c e of the abfent Generals, ar. J intimat.- s a fort qf diCre tp be appointed to the command, " rgcrifitjng buiiiiefs advances yery { Jowly, and tfie AfTembly Srs furprifej t'nrt thofe large , bodies cf troops which they had decreed to be raifed, ( hould as vet have or. ly an ideal exifience ; it feems ilrange to them thit battalions, which looked lo foniikhble on psper, fhoald make fo puny an appearance in the field. The delay is the more awkward as the approach of the enemy leaves but little time for completing their arrangements, and the wifdom of their deliberations prefents but a feeble rsfource againft an armed force. As if to increafe the calamities of this wretched country, an inundation, in confeqamce of the heavy rains, has overflowe'd a conlidcr. ihle tradl of land, ar. d fvvept away every trace of fertility and beauty. The peafant, v\ lu canfoleJ himfelf with the profpeil of a rich harveft, now fe( » every where only defolarion : Menaced by the danger of bis cotlntry, and St. king under the wrack of his fortunes, ftould'he - efcape from the fword of the enemy he is ready t « fall into the jaws of famine. WARSAW— JULY 7. By private letters we are enabled to confirm the inte- lligence in our Uft, that Lieutenant- General Zabieilo, Commander in Chief of the army of Lithuania, has removed his camp lor leveral days, and has gone to meet tiie enwny. We likewife learn that he fell in with a body of troops of General Ferfen, in the neighbourhood of Slonim, and. that he was preparing every thing lor an attack, but the latter perceiving himf If not in lufficient force, had llieltered his troops behind his batteries, ar. i e* tr « . nchtd himfclf to wait for the approach cf General Melin. Tbe Poliih commander, aware of his intention, immediately arranged his troops in fuch a manner as to prevent all communication between the two armies, and made dil'pofitions to foi ce the entrenchments of the- Ruffian General. One of our recruiting parties having enlilled fotne of the f j r v a p t s of the Marquis cf Luccheiini, the Pruflian Ambafisdor, and the hctcl uftsally occupied by the P.- uffian- Ambaffador having been let without his knowledge to Count Mofrowfki, the Marquis declared himfelf fo much tffended that he would accept of no terms of fatitfadmit, and i; « - mediately difpatched a courier ex: raordinary to Berlin. . . FRJNCKFORr— JULY 13. T h e day before yeikrday, between feven and eight o'clock in the evening, we had the happintfs to witnefs the arrival of the Emperor, his 4Ugull fpoufcj and the Archduke J off ph. ' I hough it was the intention of their Majeflies to remain incognito, the ltreets were filled with aa immenfe crowd of fpeflators, who mr. tie the air reft. und with repeated exclamations ol joy at the fight of their Majeilies. T h e i r arrival was yellerday morning announced to the public by a d fcharge of 100 cannons, and the ringing of all the bells. About noon the Emperor, in mourning, accompanied with a magnificent procefficn, proceeded to the church of St. Garthelemy, where were prefented to his Majefty the articles of the capitulation, which he took the ufual oath to obferve. At two o'clock he returned to his pa lace. A general difcharge of artillery, and the ringing of all the bells pronounced the arrival and return of his Majeliy. I N D I A I N T E L L I G E N C E , H N C A M P M E * r i \ T t i e advicevper Lord Samden, ftate, that, the illuftrious hollages of Tippoo arrived in camp the 27th of February, About twelve o'clock, the works of the fort cf Seringapatam were crouded with an innumerable multitude of people, arid the Sultan was plainly difcovercd arnonglt them- In a few minutes afterwards, the young Princes made their apptsrsnee1 : they were condrfted lrcm the iftand to a large paviliion pitched for their reception near Sibbild's redoubt, about a mile f r om the fort. Here they were received by Sir fohn Kennaway, who attended them, accompanied by tn efcort, to head- quarters. On entering the camp they were fainted with j g guns, and the part of the - line they pafi'ed was under arms, and the officers faluted. Lord Comwallis received them in his tent, which was guarded by a battalion of Sepoys, and they were then formally delivered to his Lordfhip, by Gullam Ally Beg, the Sultan's Vackecl, as hoftages for the due petformance of the treaty. T h e f p r & i e ' e wa3 grand and p. ffedling, a n d i m - preffed all prefent with feelings rot eafily delineated. It was a proud fcene to the conquerors, and moft humj h t i n g to the vanquilhgd. An awful filofice for a moment prevailed ; and every one feemed abforbed in the tumult of iceas which the occalion natural'y callcd forth. At. length Guilam Ally approaching Lord Co. mva'lis, much agiuted, thus emphatically addreiTed his Lordfhip : " I hefe children," pointing to the young Princes, whom he then preftnted, " were this " morning the fons of the Sultan, my mafter : " their fituation is changed, and they muft now " look up to your Lordibip as their f a t h e r ." The tender an « affectionate manner in which his LorJftiip received them, feerncd to confirm the truth of the expreflion. The attendants of the young Princes appeared adonilhed, ar. d their cou itenanccs were highly expreflive of the fati'sfs^ Uon they felt in the benevolence of his Lordftip. Some converfatjon took place between his Lord- { hi^ and the Vackeels of Tippoo, in which the latter declared that the termination of the war diffufed happinefs throughout all ranks of peop'e ; and after fitting a lew minutes he retired, acconip a n y i r g the young Princes to their tents, under an efcort of a party of our troops, which remained with them as their guard, Beft re they took leave, his Lordfh'p prefented a gold watch to each of them as a mark of his regard. The next marring his Lordfhip made them a vifit at their t e r t ' , •• ' itch are pitchcd near to the left of T « ppoc' « redbsbti. The body r u i r d •> i. i !'• - » . nnen of th » Princes Nona of the Royal Family were prefent yefterday ; but a manoeuvre, which will probably b'd praftifed but once, was performed. On a fudden, the drums beat to arms, as if fome Blartn had arifert, and adl the troops were under arms in. about a quarter of an hour. The order WAS fent to the drummers immediately f r om the Duke of Richmond, who is fuppofed not to have communicated his irtten'ion of thus trying what could be done upon a furprize to any officer. The King will vifit the camp this day, and tomorrow, the whole Royal Family are expe& cd to be prefent at a fham fight. July 24. As M r . Pitt cwinot be prefer. t at the grand review on the 7th of Auguft, the troops were ordered underarms to d i y at feven o'clock, to go thrsug h nearly the different minrcuvres intended for the grand review. Athalf pail eight the r e g i - ments marched to their alarm polls, and Iha/ tly afterwards theadlion began, by the grand guard of cavalry being driven in after a good deal of fkirmilhing ; a heavy cannonade then commenced from the fi. 1.1. pieces - potted on the flanks of the three redoubts, and in hallf an hour's time, the fere became general t h o u g h the while line for t b o ut twenty minutes, w hen the two regimen is of cavalry to the left, headed by the Prince of Wsles, charged the hollow way about half a mile in front, which had a truly'grand e f f e f t. T h e army then moved to ths left to face thf. enemy, who were fuppofe'd to have turned that flank, where the adion again cotpmenced with great brifknefs, and concluded with a fecond charge of C2vslry. ' I h e effeft of the whole was uncommonly fine, and pai t of the heath which caught fire, and b u r rt with great fury, though it excited fome slarm, and was wi" h difficulty got under, addei greath' to the grandeur of the lcene. SUMMER THEATRE, H A T M A R K S T . _ A new entertainment, under the title of T « s ENCHANTED WOOD, was performed laft n i g ! n. form tent of ec an av : iu~ cor, fit?--• al'Ii-" extent, from the' is. fpacious and v^ ry Julian, Etheldrcd, Owen, Una, Bridget, Orion, T r a n f i t , Cymbreil, Pytheon, Sylphina, JEtheria, E. limn, Mr. Palmer. Mr. Pv. Palmer. Mr. Bannifler, j u a, Mrs. Ktmble, . M r s . Webb. Mr. Ben lis;)'. Mrs. Bland. Mafter G r e i ^ f o o t M t . Banniller. Mifs da Camp. Mrs. T a y l o r. Sophy D'Egville. if is and wa'ik- d t h ; Pri <•' They - tit ! their re. | in ple. rif*•-; j Lord fi t 0 j At , j ele. vr. ea his LaidiUi-' f ated himfelf with the '..! r l the s r m ue turd as he palled by This morning it was announced, by found of trumpet, that the Coronation of the Supreme Head of the Empire would take place to- morrow. We are affured that their Msjefties will immediately after repair to Prague, where the Cotonatioii of the King is fixed for the 9'. h of Au^ ult, and that of the Q j ? e n for the m i l of the l'air. e mpnih. L O N D O N . • f he This country is in many refpefls indebted to t* le . French . Revolution : Nor do we ietkon the prefent dillrait- d fituation « . f affairs in France the finalleft caufe Of that profound tranquillity which we row enjoy : It has modi- rated the rage of fj. eculation, aiisi filer\ ced the m- jraiars of dilcontent. By the laft difpatches from Poland we learn th it. they make every, exertion worthy of a brave and free p? opie to Ikuggle againft their jmpendi ing f a t e : But overpowered as they are by fuch i immenfe fuperiority. of numbers, can they long j be expeclcd to I10U ou'. ? Defertcd and abandoned by other Powers, to tiie inteifeietice of this ® country alone they look to prevent their total 5 ruiti. They exped it from the jullice of our | Government, which cannot permit fo ( fhameij. il 1 a violation of National R i g h t s ; they expeft it | from the wifdom which is interelled to prevrnc | fo great an s. ccelEon of power from falling into J rhswianris of the. Emprefs. In fine, they expect it • from the gt- ncrolf. y of cur National cHarafter, | which is ever apt to fuccour the diltrefl'ed, and never will permit a brave people to perilh in their t i r u f g l e for freedom. The barba/ ity of the conduct of the Ruffian in Pi- i^ pd, lias been fuitable to ihe jnjufiice of tlj « teau; e in which they are engaged. C'rothy, indeed, is a proper ipltrument ia trie hands of tyranny. | Hi? Majefty has given prders that St. James's | and Hyde park, be put i « an immediately { Use of ' repair. . i f >• :: r. fh'p at the entran. ee, : n ! by I . - V I- HIT, ( hewed th. it THT; :, eid tbrarce the kind attention his • utwn to them, extremity of the tent, and fomewhat number of ch. iits were placed ; here ldeft Prince on his right m r d , and the younger on his left. Sir | ohii Kennawsy fat on one fide of the Princes, and Mr. Cherry en the other, ss his Lordfhip's in'erpreters. The vacketls cf Tippoo, of whom one was the perfen fent fome time ago on an embaffy to Conftantinople, and thefe of the Nizam and the Mahraltas arranged thensfelves in the fame crder, fo that the whole formed a femicircle. After a converfation of about an hour, in which the Conftantinople Ambafiador bore a confiderable fhare, his Lordlhip embraced the Princes, and gave to the eldeli a fulee richly mounted, and to the ycungeft an elegant cafe of piftcls ; in ret u r n , each of them prcfented his Lordfhip' wit'h a fword, who immediately afterwards withdrew, leading a Prince in each hand to the extremity of the rich carpet, which was fpread on the ground, and embracing them with the ct. noft cordiality. They are fine boys; the eldert is about eleven years old, and appears t-> be very quick, fhrewd, and penetrating. He addrefied his Lordfnip in a very pertinent fpeech with a great deal of propriety, without any kind of confufion or embarrallment ; and in the fame manner, on b e i r g defired by Gullam Ally, he repeated fame palfages from the Koran. T h e youngefl is remarkably handfbme. His features are very regular and expreffive, ar. d hii countenance mild and open : he is about feven years old. They are both very graceful, perfectly correft in their manners, and appear to be extremely well bred. They were drefTed in white mufiin, and round, their necks they wore forne rows of beautiful pearls, to which were fufpended a paitagon, confiding of an emerald and a ruby of conhderable fize, furrounded with a profufion of brilliants. This piece the Author entitles 4 Legendary Diama, tl. inking it, perhaps, necefffi- y to defend the licence of his Mufe by an apolcgrtic name. The fable is taken from the poem of Edwy— an4 t h e magic, the fprit s, and even the turn of the Ian* guage are clofe i. nit tio 15 of our early Bards, who have exercifed their fine imagina ' ons cji aery beings Every inftant the auditor is made to recolled fome beauty of Shakefpcare, and Prcfpsrv, and Aeriel, and Caliban, rife up in rr. imk fhapes to the eye— But the author ( hews himfelf capabla both of elegance and fitnpliriry.— If he had confin d himfelf to the romance, or had chofen 3 palloral, he is evidently pofTefTedof f a r c y , of varied language, and of pidurefque defcription— but driving to mix hunrour with his romance, he betrays his incapacity, and offends the ear. perhaps, has been milled by fome of thofe playgoing critics, who think that becaufe the audience ) o\ e to laugh, they can tafte no other pleasure thati tha t of broad rner. iment. Nothing is more diilant from the truth. The roar, which vulgar extravagance draws from a part of the audience, but ilj reqnites the Poet and the Ador for the difguft which it gives the reft. T h e money paid, and to be paid fey Tippoo, has been diftributed into portions for the troops, of which fome accoant has arrived by the laft fhips. A Lieutenant- Colonel's fhare will amount to 7 . 0 I. T h e amount of territory ceded by Tippoo Sultaun to the F. aft Indin Company will amount, at the joweft computation, to 4.00,000 p ; r annum. liarl Cornwallis has fignitied to the army,; that, as a mark of his approbation of their diftinguifned gallantry in the late war with Tippqo, they fha'l receive fix months batta. A very violent remedy is talked of for tbe indifpofition of the Qu: en of Portugal. This is the leading her Majeity into a temporary building ereded in a large piece of water, into Which fit* is to fink i- r. med'it- ely upon her entranf*, and' to be taken ou- by perfon? provided for the pur[< 8fe » . D o d o r Willis, it is faid, h: s before u! ed thii remedy with fuccefs. Yefterday morning,. ttse Purfcr of the Northumberland, Capt. Rees, from Nflarira*, cime to the Eaft Lndia Houfe, and anrc uncsd her fafe arrival off Dover. Eari Cornwauis's Aid- de- camp cam* home paffenger in tSla Northumbeilajid, charged with difpatches for the Eaft I n d i a Compi'ny ar. d Government. The EiTex filled from Bombay the s i f t of February for Europe ; ( he was to touch at TeHicherry and Angingo. I'affengers— Mrs. Brucr, Mrs. ShepHard, Cummodore Robinfon, and Captain Lauman. The Manfhip was to be d i f p i t c h e d the 15th of March ; and the Dmton, the laft ihip of the feafon, the end of that month. On Tiiefday, entries we-. n made at the Cuftom- Houfeof goods io the amount cf fixty t h o u f a ni pounds, fqr Virginia. T h i s week uj- wiOds of twenty thoufand hundred weight of newfugars, from Jamaica, and the Leeward Iflands, have been imported into the port of London ; and as many more are expeded in the courfe cf a few days. In January laft d i e d , at Calcutta, in the E a f t - Indies, Thorsas Henry Davies, Efq. the. Company's Advocate- General in the Supreme Court of judicature, L €> N D O N : Printed by MAHY Vi'w't ( late S A V ) , in Ave"- Mary - Lane, L u d g a t e - S t r e e t. fyjt M f t e t ! § • » P « t| rjigaej-- Jl § jSfI where AoyE* Tisst. fENTS and LETTSRS of FTITELI. IDCRTCE ( Toft r p a l d) ( f f f « ^ wjtl{ ' f h i s Paper § f t ^ f i f e d to a ^ l j f. e t t k e p in, and whe r e t- hofe wh p cblife ' t3o1 '. b e r egul a r ly
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