Aberdeen Journal
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Aberdeen Journal
Date of Article: 04/07/1791
Printer / Publisher: J. Chalmers and Co
Address: Aberdeen
Volume Number: Issue Number: 2269
No Pages: 4
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Qtbnfoceti M O N D A Y , Printed by J. C H A L M E R S and Co 3ourna J U L Y ^ 1 7 9 1 * [ Numb. 2269- [ Price Three Pence Halfpenny.] LANDS or CASKIEBA1N AND STANDING STONES T O BE S O 1. D. Upon Friday the i » th day of Augtifl enSuing, betwixt the hours of fix and Seven iu the evening, there will be expofrd to file by public roup, within the houfs of Peter Wilkie, vintner in Aberdeen, THE Land* and Eftate of CASICIEBAIN and STAND ING STONES, lying in the parilh of Dyce, and county of Aberdeen, They Iy oidy from 5 to i mcafured miles from the city of Aberdeen, with which they have eaS/ communication
br the Kintore road, hare a neat manlion honfe an J offi- e- s os an agreeable Southern eitpofure, with fotnc thriving plantations of trees contiguous. They aie well watered, and have extenfive hill pafturage, and other accommodations-— and are very improvcanle. The teinds of Calkiebain are valued j and the proprietors h u e right to the tcin. ls of Standing Stones. The extenfivc and improveable Farm of Standing Stones, lying on the eaft declivity of the hiil of Tyrcbajger, with a Southern exposure, is prcfently out of leaSe, and may be entered to immediately. A part of the eflate of Cafkiebain extends to the river Don on the
northwefl, and has a pleafing view o'* 1-- tray fide of the river and windings of the Don. weft-, the l. ands are bounded for a conliderable w Blackburn, which lias a Sufficiency of water for diiving mills or machinery, with proper waterfalls. The whole Lands fio'd feu of the Countefs of Hyndford, for payment of eight ( hillings and one penny eight tvvelfihs of a penny fletling of feu duty. They prefently yield 187I, 13s. l t d . and I- iaths of money, 35 b. 3 f. I p. of oatmeal, and 125 hen;, of free lent, after deduflion of feu, valued teind duty, minifter'i flipend, and fchoolmafter's Salary. Part of the price is to ly for fome time ia the hanJs of the
put chafer at 4 \ per cent. Perfons wishing further information may apply to William Young Efq; late Provoft of Aberdeen, Mr Jofeph Simpfon, merchant in ABerdeen, or David Morice or John Davidfon, advocates in Aberdeen, any of whom will ( hew the rental and articles of roup. The writes will be feen in the hands of the faMid DOavNid TMoRriOce. S E B R I D G E . By order of the Magistrates of the Burgh of Montrofe. N OTICE is hereby given, that a Bill is intended to be brought into Parliament in the courfc of the next Seffion, for building a Bridge over the river South- E( k, at or near Montrofe in the county of Forfar ( which
bridge is propofed to extend from the parifn of Montrofe in the county of Forfar, to the pariftr of Craig, alSo in the fame bounty, aero ft the river between thefe two pariihesi and - for fiifin^ money and for vefting all proper and necoflary powers in certain Tiuftees and Commilfioners to be named in the bill, for accomplilhing the faid puipofe , anJ this publick notice is given, purfuant to the directions of ( landing orders of the Jionourable Honfe of Commons. Montrofe, iS June 1791. ADAM GI. EGG, Provoft. FOR SALE BY PRIVATE BARGAIN. THE whole of the Heritable Subjects belonging to Mifs Mary M'kenzie, lying on the call and
weft fides of the Callowgate of Aberdeen. Thofe intending to purchaf will pleafe apply, for further particulars, to William Adam, advocatc, Bank clofe, Caftle- • llreet. don, the tumult fubfidea without any further confequences. [ See p. 4. col. 4 .] Wbdehedl, June 21. The King has been pleafed to g^ ant the dignity of a Baronet of the kingdom of Great Britain to the fallowing gentlemen, and the refpeflive heirs male of their bodies lawfully begotten, viz. Walter James James, of Langley Hall, Efq; Sir William Erfkine, Knight, Lieutenant General of his Majefty's Forces. Henry Martin, Efq; Comptroller of hi3 Majefty's Navy. CbiiVes William
Boughton Roufe, Efq; Chriftopher Hawkins, Elq; John Call, Efq; George Jackfon, Efq; Judge Advocate of his Majefty's Fleet. Ralph Woodford, Efq; late his Majefty's Envfey Extraordinary to the Court of Denmark. Charles Pole, Efq; Robert Howell Vaughan, Efq; The Reverend Charles Rich, D. L. Charles Grave Hudfon, Efq; George Ivifon Tapps, Efq; George Chadd, of Norfolk, Efq; Bcrney Brograve, Efq. Whitehall, June 25. The King has been pleafed to conditute and apthe Right Hon. John Earl of Chatham, the Right Hon. Charles Gjorge Lord Arden, Samuel Lord Hood, the Hon. John Thomas Townfhend, Allan Gardner, Efq;
John Smyth, Efqt and Ciias Small Fybtis, Efq; to be his Majefty's Commiflioners for executing the Office of Hi > h Admiral of the kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, and the da minions, ifands, and territories thereunto belonging. Average Price of Coin and Grain, per Quarter, from June 13, to Jnne 18-, 1791. point Barley 1 Beans 1 6 Malt 1 I*] s. d. 3 £. x. Oats o 18 Peafe 1 1 o Rye 1 J RapeS. Wheat C. s. d. 6 8 ROUP OF CATTLE AND HORSES, & c. That on Tuefday the lath of July curt, there is to be fold at John Lumfden's farm of Overliill, in the parilh of Belhelvie, TWENTY Oxen, 30 Stots, 3 years old—) large Oxen trained
to go pair and pair in plough or wain— ro Queys— 4 good Horfes, and fix young Horfes and Mires rifing three years old; all in good condition. The roup to bejjin at 12 o'clock midday, and credit will be given 011 proper Security. F O R S A L E. By public roup, upon Tliurfday the 14th day of July curt, within the lioufe of Charles Gilzean, vintner in Lofiimouth, betwixt the hours of 12 and 2 o'clock afternoon. " HE good Sloop the ELGIN STAR, now lying in the harbour oQ. Loflimouth, with her float Boat and Apparel & c. & c. The Star meafures 56]- tons per regifter, takes in 3 ketls coals, with fome tuns of goods, when load draws 8 J
feet of water, fails well, is well found, & c & c. The only caufe of expofing her is owing to the negligence and inattention of maflers. The Star will be found a rich bargain for any cautious feafaring rr. au ; and the prefent owner will engage for a Summers trade on reasonable terms. The vendition & c. is clear, and any perSon propofing a purchafe, ' twixt and the day of fale, will pleafe apply to John Ritchie, fenr. Elgin, who has powers to conclude, by private bargain. If the Star is sot Sold, a mafler will he wanted, who muft give Securi: y for hisintromilfions, toa certain amount. Apply as above. Tuefday's and Wednefcky's Ports. From
the LONDON GAZETTE, June 25. PARIS, June 22. EARLY in the morning of Tuefday the 21 ft inftant, their Moft Chriftian Majefties, with iheir family, and Monfieur and Madame, quitted ^ Paris, and, as it. is fuppofed took tbs route of Flanders. TURIN, June i t. A difpute has lately taken place in this capital, between thj fuidents of the Univerfity and the police, • which, from the prudent conduft of the government, has fortunately fubfided without any bad confequences. It was occalioned by the arreft of one of the ltudenti on a miftaken charge ; in confequence of • which the other Members of the Univerfity infifted 0,1 the officer a (
king pardon publicly. This not ba- . ing complied with, the ftudents aflembled con'iderable numbers, and proceeded to fome ails of violence.. The troops having been drawn out, and the officer who had executed the arreft having afked par- [ Thls Gazette contains his M. tjefty's proclamation, continuing the bounty to feamen and landmen, entering into the Royal Navy, from the 30th inft. to the 31ft July. INTELLIGENCE from LLOYD'S LIST, June 21, to June 24. The Diana, Mellamby, and Hannah, Holiday, from I. iterpoi. l to R'ga, are loft near Riga; the materials will be faved. The Hannah, Murdoch, from Leith, is on fhore at fame
place, but expefted to be got off". The^ Boddam, Jones, was well 31ft March, under the L; ne._ The Sally, Date!, from London to Port au Prince, is loft in the Weft Indies. The Lord Camden, Phoeivx, and Duttnn, outward bound Eaft Indiamen, were well at St. Ja! » o the 7th of May, and would fail next day. The Gorgon man of war, with the fleet for Botany Bay, were well at the fame place the ift of May. Capt Fofter, of the Anne, from Oporto, on the 7th inft. lat. 4;. N. long 10. W. fpoke the Nymph, Jones, from London for the Southern Filhery, out nine days, all well. The Rofe man of war and Fly ( loop of war, both for Newfoundland,
failed the 22d inft. the different ftages, on the rout they meant to purfue ; a number of the guards had been gained over, ar. d every precaution had been taken to fecure their retreat. Mr Staley adds, of himfelf, that, upon the road, it was reported, that their Majefties were feen at Doway, in French Flanders, on their way to Bruffels, which place they were expefted to reach on Thurfday next. The utmoft alarm prevailed in every part of France which the intelligence had reached ; the guns were fired all round the frontiers, as a fignal to the inhabitants to arm, to prevent the bad effefts of a fudden invafion, - which was generally
expefted. The Ptincefs de I. ambale, a relation of the Queen of France: arrived in town this morning, by the way of Dover, and confirms the account of their having efcaped ; tut flates, that it is fuppofed they have gone to Worms', in Germany. The confequences of this moft extraordinary occurrence it is impoflible to forefee— it wi: l either reeftablilh the prerogatives of Royalty and Nobility, with an hcreafe offplendour, or ultimately terminate in the totil extinction of Monarchical power in that country— Whatever may be the event, dreadful fcenes of bloodfccd and tumult muft accompany the ftruggles of the contending parties. It is a
matter of furprife and wonder, that a few individuals flr. mld be able to plan, and alfo to carry into tfflcf, a meafdte. a'tended with fo much poffible danger to themfelves, when it is confidered that the vigilance of thonfaods was employed to prevent the departure of the King and Queen, the poflefiion of whofe perfons was confidered as a fafety to the new Conftitution, and of thofe wiio had been the chief agents in bringing it about. The King of France left behind him, a paper ANN U L L I N G A L L T H E P R O C E E D I N G S OF T H E NAT I O N A L A S S E M B L Y. The conduft of the French King, in running away and declaring
the proceedings of the National AfTembly null, is very fir. iilar to the conduft of King James If. of England, who alfo rsn away, and left a paper behind him at Rochsfter, fj. newhat fimilar to thai left by the French - Kino. DOVER, June -- 4. A mefienger arrived this morning, with a packet, exprefs from Calais, btings the news— that the King and Qiieen of France, and Family, efcaped from the Palais- Royal on Monday night, at twelve o'clock, and, vhen the meflenger came away on Wednefday there was 110 intelligence of their being re- taksn, fo that there is little doubt of their being fafe off. The ni'. fTenger fays, there was a report
on the read, that they were flopped nearDiwav. but from every circumftance, this feems improbable. The Princcfs of Lamballe is here ; fhe came away from Ptris at five minutes notice on Tuefday morning, in the greateft hafte, and got away from Boulog. ne, about twenty minutes before the alarm gun was fired, - pthenvife fhe muft have been ( topped. She was io- the fecret, and is related to the Royal Family— A lucky efcape for her ! An embargo is hid at Calais and Boulogne, on all the vefi'els, and the packets only are permitted to 8°- The expefled melTenger from Peterfburgh is not yet arrived. He is fo anxioufly looked for at
Whitehall, that people are kept in waiting there through the night, to give the earlieft intimation to Minifters L O N D O N , June R o r A L F U G I T I V E S ! ESCAPE OF THE KING AND 3UEEN OF FRANCE. On the night between Monday and Tuefday laft, an event took place which cannot fail of exciting a very general furprife, the particulars of which are as follow : This morning Mr Staley, one of his Majefty's mefTengers generally ftationed at Paris, arrived exprefs with an account that, on Tuefday morning laft, when the perfons in attendance upon the French King went into his Majefty's apartment, they found that he was not
there, and concluded that he had retired on fome private occafion. A little time divulged the faft— that his Majefty, together with the Queen, the Dauphin, and the reft of the Royal Family, had effefted an efcape ! The confternation which immediately fucceeded this extraordinary event, was fuch as cannot eafily be defcribed-— the whole city was in commotion ; and it was not without danger and difficulty the meflenger left the city. It appeared, upon inquiring, that the Royal but unhappy fugitives had left the Palace feven or eight hours before their efcape had been difcovered ; and it is fuppofed they had taken the route to Bruffels,
that city being the neareft place of fecurity— this time giving them fuch a prodigious advantage in refpeft to diftance, all thoughts ofa purfuit were given up; but from the apparent fury of the Democratic Body, it was feared that the guard who were upon duty, and others of the Royal attendants, would fall factifices to popular indignation. Relays of hcrfes had been previoufly ftationed at of his arrival. The Royal and Stock Exchange, yefterday and this day, have prefented a ftrong pifture of anxiety to know the refult of Mr Fawkener's propofition to the Court of Peterfburgh. The crowd was great, and the common inquiry was, " Is the
meflenger arrived— will he arrive to day The reliance on a favourable anfwer from the Emprefs, principally arifes from the knowledge of the fluttered ftate of the finances of her Majefty's government, which are fo reduced as to be infufficicnt to defray the ordinary expences of the war. Whatever may be the anfwer of the Emprefs of Ruffia, we learn, by the lateft advices, that the preffing wants of the State have determined her to fet on foot an extraordinary contribution of fix millions of roubles. This fum is to be railed by an augmenta tion of the capitation tax 30 copicks per head, and an additional tax on brandy. Letters were
yefterday received in town by the merchants from Holland, informing them, that the Englilh Minifter had, in the propofals fent out by Mr Fawkener, offered fuch terms, that there could be no doubt of the Emprefs' acceptance of them. In confequence of this, flocks rofe, and infurance to the Baltic fell to the peace price. Should the event, however, prove contrary to the expeflation of the allied Courts, both our government as well as the King ofPruflia have taken even precaution to be ready to fit ike a decifive blow againft Ruflia, in order to bring the matter to an ifTue during the prefent campaign. Lord Flood's fleet now lies on fpring
cables at Spiihead, in order to put to fea at an hour's noticc, fhould circumftances render it ne-. ceffary, and the King of Pruflia has been no lefs active in lis preparations, by having taken certain meafures foibefieging the town of Riga, and pouting an army irto Livonia.. The King of Sardinia, in whofe capital an infurreftion has happened ( fee this and the laft page) is married to the King of France's fifter. This fpirit is quite new in Italy. M. de Calonne has drawn a very large portion of his fortune from this country, in aid of the Counter Revolution in France. The Polignacs, and fome other rich diftinguifhea perfons, who are likewife of
the Roval party, have alfo contributed very largely. A bale, brought by a fhip/ rom France, was thisi day flopped at the Cuftom- houfc. The contents are French National Cockades, and Colours, with die following words upon them : PACTE UNIVERSEL. A U N I O N DE LA F R A N C E, E T D E L ' A N G L E T E R R E. A Societe des Amis de la Revolution de Londres, par la Societe des Amis de la Conftitution a Nantes. This day, Mr Alderman Wilkes, after a keen conteft, was re- elefted Chamberlain of the city o£ London. The Cour. tefs of Albany is come to London, it is faid, to folicit the jointure fettled on Mary of Modena, the
Queen of James II, but which, in confequence of the depofition of her hufband, was never paid. She has loft the larger part of her income by the French Revolution. The Providence and Difcovery tenders dropped down to Long Reach on Saturday laft ; and Captain Bligh is expefled to proceed immediately on his deftined voyage of difcoreries. Commiffioner Gardner and Secretary Stephens, have been down, and examined the above ( hips, and have declared their entire fatisfaftion with the manner they are fitted out. The India gentlemen fay, that, if the government perfift in punifliing perfons who may have amafled one or two
hundred thoufand pounds in a couple of years, it will not be worth a gentleman's while to goto that country ! On Monday a General Court of Proprietors of Eaft India ftock was held The dividend front Chriflmas laft, to Midfummer next, was unanimouH. ly ordered to be " four per cent. The queftion was. then put to empower the Direftors to appoint and allow Mr John Hannay to return to Bengal, and to rank as a Senior Merchant, next below Mr Joha Willis, notwithftanding he has been refident in England above five years, which was alfo carried unanimoufly. A Committee of Seven of the principal Proprietors was then chofen to
watch over the chartered rights of the Company. Tbe Methodifts have fuffcred, fince Chriftmas,. the lofs of two perfons whofe place will not be filled;. John Wefley, whofe authority and influence kept the. Society together ; and Lady Huntingdon, whofe fortune was chiefly expended in building and endowing chapels. Some time ago Lady Huntingdon had a difpute with fome of her clergy : Mr Whitfield, before he died, advifed her, if fhe put out money for the ufe of" chapels, never to allow clergymen to aft as truftee's.. Her perfifting- in following this advice gave ofl^ nce to- Tome of her Minifters, who feparated, and fet up independent
chapels. To the lingular circumftance of the Barrin . on fa-, mily confifting of a Peer, an Admiral, a Bi/ hc:>, and a fudge, we might add a General; a fifth brother, who died fome years ago, rofe to that rank. A fhocking inftance of the effeffs of intoxication occurred a few days ago, near Taunton, Somerfetfhire, where an inqueft was held on a child only three months old, whofe father and mother being both in liquor, had fmothered it during the courfe of the night ! Deaths.'] Lately, at Yverdun, in Switzerland,. Lieutenant General Sir Frederick Haldimand, K. B. Colonel of a battalion of the 60th, or Royal American regiment, and formerly
Governor of the province of Canada. At Chichefter, James Alms, Efq; late Captain of his Majefty's fhip Monmouth. At Binfield, in Berkfhiie, after a long and very painful illnefs, the celebrated Mrs Macaulay Graham, author of the Hil'tory of England, and many other literary performances. By the death of Mrs Macaulay, her whole fortune goes from her hufband, 400L. a- year to the executors of Dr Wilfon, and the remainder to her daughter. Her perfonal effeffs are faid, however, to be confiderable, and they of courfe: are her hufband's. PORTSMOUTH, June 19. Yefterday morning, Commiffioner Marfhall came here to fuperintend the
victualling of the fleet. On Friday, North Sea charts were dillnbuted irv the different fhips of Lord Flood's fleet, but no fort of preparation has hitherto been made amcngft the officers for failing. The following Dutch men of war arrived here on, Saturday, from Leghorn : Ships. Gnns. Commanders,, Heftor, 50 Admiral Mulder. Mermin, 38 Capt Ovcrmier. Vigilant, 28 Capt Bofyd. This day the 30th regiment of foot took the gar-, rifon duty, in the room of the 14th, J U N E 2 3, Yefterday and this day the fleet at Sjithead ( f rv
juratory to the expected Royal review) have been employed in ftiifting their births, and forming the Sine, which is now completed, and extends from eaft to weft about three miles. The review will be the moft fplendid ever feen. E D I N B U R G H , June 28. On the 9th current, came or. before his Majefty's Sheriff Depute of Eaft Lothian, the trial of John . Chalmers, collier at Penfton, for way laying under night, and fracturing the ( kull of David Pride, another collier of that place, with an iron ( hovel, whereby he was obliged to be trepanned in two different parts of his head, and confined many weeks fpeechlefs, and in great danger of
his life. The indictment having been clearly proved, no provocation inftrilCted, and the public and private profecutor having both admitted that the pannel was unable either- to pay fine, damage, or eipence, £ 0 that afentence for thefe, would really have refolved into endlefs imprifonment, and thrown the pannel's wife and children a burden on the public ; the She riff, much to his credit, refolved that fuch a cruel injury { hould not pafs unpunifhed, and therefore, adopting the Roman maxim, qui nan halet in ere, luat in pelle, condemned Chalmers to remain in pt ifon, • « until Friday the 24th current, and then to - be publicly whipped
by the common hangman through the town of Haddirjgtbn, receiving ten lafhes at each ftage, being in whole, 100 lafhes, and banifhed the county for life, under the ufual certifications in cafe lie fhall prefunie to return to faid county. The firft part of the fentence was accordingly e$ ecuted, and the pannel allowed eight days* to leave the country. The Neptune, Greenlandman, Cajn Balfour, belonging to Leith, was loft on the ice the 2511 May, by two large pieces of ice meeting, which cut her through in five minutes. The crew were laved by getting upon the ice. The Bounty of Leith being within ten yards of- her, had nearly ( bared the
fame fate ; and what faved her was her being a fturp built - rcffel. . On Sunday afternoon, the Affiftance man of war, Lord Cranfton commander, proceeded down the Frith 011 her way to the fouthward. By letters from on board the Camden '' Eaft Indianan, arrived at St. Jago, ( fee Lloyd's Lift) we learn, that there bad been a mutiny onboard the Albemarle bound to Botany Bay, and that two of the conviCts had been hanged. A letter from the Swedifh Conful at Stockton to . ithe ColIeCtor of the Cuftoms at Leith, dated the z- jth current, mentions a Scotch floop, laden with iron deals, having been ftranded nigh that river mouth on
Sunday the 29th, and all hands drowned. She was a very frnall veffel, and fuppofed bound to the nouh- " ward. The Conful has examined what . goods are fared',, for account of- the right- owner. His Grace the Duke of Montrofe has prefented the Rev. Mr Gavin Gibb, Minifter of the Gofpel at Finny, to tbe church and parifli of Strathblane. DUBLIN, June 23. I On the 22d inft. her Excellency the Coantefs of " Weftmorlartd, attended- by feveral ladies and gentlemen, laid the foemdation- ftone of the new bridge « rer ahe river Liffey. Sir John Blaquiere prefented a very'handfome filver trowel to her Excellency, with which ( lie laid the
firft ftone, amidft the acclamations - of an innumerable multitude of fpeflators.— The bridge is to be called Sarah's Bridge, in honour of her Excellency. It is to confift of one arch of 104 •" feet diameter. There has been a furprifing emigration of manu- ' fafturers and farmers from the north of Ireland : — Above 4000 perfons have left the port of Derry for America within the Jaft twelve months. The chief caufe of fo many leaving their native country tofeek fiibfiftence in'a foreign land, is- the rack- rent that'is exaCled by landlords- Thurfday's and Saturday s Pofts. FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE. AMSTERDAM, June 16. HIS Serene
Highnefs the Stadtholder, in virtue of an authority from their High Mightineffes, has named Mr Nedetburgh, Fiift Advocate of the Dutch Eaft India Company ; Mr Frykcnius, Captain of the High Board in the fervice of the Republic ; Mr Ainole Altingh, Governor General, and Mr Stockkum, Director General of tbe Dutch . Indies, as Reprefentative of the perfon of his fiid Highnefs, in quality of Director and Governor General, to effeCt the neceflary reforms in the faid Company, in conjunction with the Affembly of Seventeen. The two firft of thefe Commifliiries will fail immediately for their declination. CRONSTADT, May 17. While her
Ruffian Majefty feems inclinable to the fide of pacification, fhe is making every exertion and preparation for a vigorous defence ; at the lame r. ime, ( he has publifbed an edict, declaring, « That { hould a war take . place, the commercial veffels of her enemy fhall have the fame privilege of trading with her fubjeCts as formerly— that at fea they fhall pafs unmolefted by her war fhips, and in her ports they lhall be as fafe as in thofe of their own country, and that her moft gracious protection fhall b; extended to all veiTels trading to her domini- ° ' a s - " 1 Such an edict does her great honour, and fhews, that while her mind is occupied
with the projects of ambition, Ihe is far being tarelefs of the welfare of • her fubjeCts. And it is perhaps the firft inftance of an European power exerciling fuch moderation, and laerificing the advantages of annoying its enemy to the welfare of its fubjeCts. BRESLAW, June 1. In the night of the 26th May, a fire broke out in this city; the flames communicated with fuch rapi dity from houfe to houfe, that, notwithftandiii£ the moft fpeedy affiftance was given, near 70 houfes, 2 bridges, 3 churches, a convent, and many mills £ llcd with cam ami flour, were burned. BERLIN, June j- aj. ; A very unaccountable robbery has happened here,
which affords much converfation. Tha Secretary at War, whofe name is Ahe, has been robbed by his own fervant. The rafcal adminiftered to his mafter an opiate medicine, which made him fleep for 48 honrs. During this time he got the keys of all his mailer's defies, and made off with one hundred louis d'ors, all the filver plate,- and every article of jewellery in the houfe. Tc crown aft, he bad. jthe impudence to leave a writing iifl his rriafter's table containing a couplet of well pointed verfes in German to this . effeCt •,— Adieu, my dear Ahe, if you willi to find me, you muft come to Poland." The medicine was made fo ftrong that the
gentleman's life was in fome danger. The King of France's Flight, and the following Letter, ivh'c/ j he fent to the Prince ofConde on, fhe roth injl. form a - very JlrHing Contrafl. LETTER from the KING Of FRANCE to the PRINCE of CONDlt. " M Y CO P S I N, " An immenfe Revolution is effected in your • country This Revolution is nothing elfe than the annihilation of a crowd " of a. bnfes which have been increafirig for ages through the ignorance of the people, the power of tba. clergy j the defporifm of Mini'fters, and finally. through the error of all. Now evrry thing is changed .; thefe abitfes exill no long- ; er ; and on their ruins is
railed a cdiiftithtion, which has liberty and equality for its bafis, and which regenerates at one and the fanie' time, the nation, fhe monarchy, and my authority The . nation having recovered its fovereign: y, contains, na- citizens but . what are equal in . their rights; acknowledges no defpnt but the law, no organs of the lajvbutthe public functionaries, arid I am the firft. oflhcfe functionaries. " This is a fummary of the Revolution. " This new order of things muft necfeifarily have difpleafed thofe who in the firft in ({ ant of error regretted the lofs of thofe perfonal advantages connected with the ancient government. " Many there are, who,
even from the opening of the Etats GenetaiiX, having manifefted fentiments entirely oppofite to the prefent aChial government, thought it their duty to fly the kingdom at the moment of explofion. The commotion and aiforder infeparable from the commencement of a revolution might have rendered their conduit exctlfable. It would doubtlefs have been nobler, it would have been greater, inftead of their exiling themfelves from their country, to have partaken of the glory and the dangers common to all, and to have kept their ports as - citizens. But whatever may have been their motives, however founded their fears may have
appeared, they ought no longer to exift, nor is' there now a pretext far them. France is organized, order is reformed, the'laws are executed, and all the citizens are protected by them. All Frenchmen, t. hen, without difti- nOion, ought to re- enter the kingdom. May they entertain the fame idea of the French - Conftitution as " 1 mylelf do ! O that they wouldceafe. to have injurious and criminal doubts concerning my intentions. I have adopted the Conftitution, and I will maintain it with all my power. Why, indeed, ( hould I not have adopted it ? It prevents thofe inevitable misfortunes, which fooner or latter would have brought back the
abufes- of the ancient Government. It conftittltes the happinefs of the people ; it coniiitutes mine. " Let thefe voluntary exiles then return to their country, their friends, and their families ; aid it lies with you, my Coufin, to give them the example. It lies with you mote efpecially, ( whom calumny has painted as an enemy to the ftate, as a rebel prepared to bring fire and- fvvord into the heart of his country) to obliterate your errors by a ( hiking aCt of fubrnillion to the general will and the law".' " Enter again then into the bofom of a country which ft retches out its arms to receive you ; come and enjoy in it all the happinefs which it promifes
you.' Return-: inftead of enemies, you fliall find none but brothers. " I command you to do fo, in the name of the nation, and in my own ; I conjure you to do fo, by the tie which unites us, and by ihe common blood which flows in our veins. " The law has now fpoken \ obey it, or dread the fatal confequences of an imprudent illufion. " I conclude, my Coufin, with praying God to have you in his holy keeping. -(• Signed) " L 0 I J I S ." L O N D O N , June 27. On Saturday two meffengers arrived at Windfor, with letters to the King from his Excellency Earl Gower, his Majefty's A mbaflador at Paris. It appears, by a decifion, laft week, inthe
King's Bench, that the eldeft fon of a DoCtor, in either of the three learned profeffions of Law, PJjyfic, and Divinity, is lawfully qualified to kill game ; for an Efquire and his eldeft ion, and all of fuperior rank, . are qualified'} confequently a DoCtor, who ranks above an Efquire, and his eldeft fon, whatever may he their property, aie qualified perfons- Lord Mansfield has lately declared his recantation on the doCtrine of libels, and his perfect acquielcence in the doCtrine fo ably and conftitutionally laid down by the venerable Earl Camden. Not long fince, Lady Auckland was delivered of a fon at the Hague ; and, what is not a little
lingular, her Ladyfhip can now produce fix children born in as many different kingdoms. There is a perfon of the name of Holmes, who to avoid window taxes, h'oufe tax, fee. has for fcveral years lived in a barge on the Thames, near the Adelphi. He aflerts with fome humour, that he has no other way of avoiding taxes and poverty, than by keeping his head above water ! Greatnefs of mind never appeared to fucb advantage, or ( hone with more brilliancy, in tie Royal Floufe of Brunfwick, than in the conduct a" our prefent Sovereign towards the Du c^ efs of Albany.—- When ws refl « ft gn the misfortunes of thai unhappy family, and
with what an eye of enmity they have been beheld here, the reception of the Duchefs at this Court proves that his Majefty is polfeifed of every milder virtue. Yefterday fe'ennight, a raelaneholy accident happened at a gardener's in Bifhopwearmouth : A young man took up a gun, which he did not know to be loaded, and, prefenting it at a young woman, he fired, and lodged the contents in her head, by which ( he is deprived of the fight of one eye, and, although moft of the ( hot has been extracted, her recovery is fcarcely expeCled. The fpirit of an Irifh jury has extended itfelf acrofs the Atlantic Ocean. Some time ago two bills of
indictment, at the inftigation of Colonel Caldwell, were laid before the Grand Jury of Quebec, for a pu blication which appeared in the Quebec Herald of the 2zd of Auguft laft. Upon a due inveftigation of the matter, the conduft of William Moore, the printer of the faid Herald, appeared to the Jury, inftead of criminal, to be highly praife worthy ; and both bills were unanimoufly thrown out. LAW INTELLIGENCE. C O U R T OF K I N G's B E N C H. A N D R E W againfi J O L L Y and W I F E . This was an action brought by the plaintiff, a perfon about the age of 33, againft the defendants, upon a breach of promife of . marriage, On the
part of the plaintiff it was alledged, that the lady, Mrs Jolly, had received his addreffes, and had promifed to give him her handin marriage on a certain day : That inftead of doing fo, and making the plaintiff happy, fhe married another: That, this being the - cafe, aright of aCtion arofe to him, Mi- Andrew, not only againft this lady for a breach of her ptomife, but alfo againft the perfon whom ( he wedded, as being an agent in that breach of promife, and alfo that becaufe the law of England always ( except in certain fpecific cafes) joined the hufband with his wife in all civil adions: That the plaintiff applied, as by law he had a right to do,
for compenfation for uant of the fociety and connubial happinefs he expcfted to enjoy with the lady on whom he had fixed his affeCtion. The lady was faid to be a widow about the age of 40, andhandfome. In the coutfe of the evidence it appeared, that this fair widow had received the addreffes of the plaintiff— that at firft ( lie underftood him to be a man of property, but afterwards was informed he owed 150I. more than he could pay, which, with the ge- • neroflry of love, fhe faid was not much, and feemed ftill to incline to marriage. Afterwards ( he underwood that his goods were diftrained for rent: Her inclination for marriage was
not conquered by this event, for in a few days ( he married— Mr Jolly ! © n - the recommendation of Loid Kenyon, the counfel on both ( ides agreed to withdiaw a juror— the effeft of which is, that the parties pay their own cofts, not of the Love, but the Law fuit'l F R A N C E. N A T I O N A L A S S E M B L Y . Tuefday, June 21. At the ufual hour of proceeding to bulinefs, the Prefident not being come, M. d'Auchi, his predeceflor, took the Chair, and one of the Secretaries began reading the minutes of the former fitting. Before this was finiftied, the President entered, took the Chair, and announced the King's departure. "
Gentlemen," faid he, " the Mayor of Paris has juft informed me that the King, the Queen, and all the Royal Family laft night left the capital. I wait your orders, on the meafures to be taken for the rapid communication of this alarming intelligence to all France 1" Thefe words were received with deep affliction, but they neither produced confufion, nor fuppreffed the collected and dignified refolution fo neceffary to the legiflative body in a crifis fo important. Orders were immediately given to ftop all perfous from going out of the kingdom; to prevent the fending off any arms, money, or effects ; and to M. Rochambeau to fet out inftantly to
put the frontiers in a ftate of defence. It was decreed, That during the King's abfence decrees fhall be publifhed in the tifual form, and have the force of laws without the Royal fanCtion : The Mi » ifters to continue in their places, and to form themfelves into a Council, to be called, (< The Council of the Great Seal." M. Le Porte prefented a Memorial left by the King, which was read— It was in fubftance as foi lows : " Tlie King declares to all citizens ofthe empire, that fo long as there remained any hopes that order might be reftored by his reGding in the Aflemblj', he had thought no perfonal facrifice on his part too great ; but that at
prefent, as the only recompence tor fo many facrifices was the deftruCtion of the kingdom, the triumph of anarchy— in a word, impunity of crimes, he thought it his duty to lay before the • people of France a reprefentation of his conduCt, anil of that of the prefent government." The King then takes a review of all the vices of the prefent conftitution— all the grievances which he has fuffered ( ince the origin of the Revolution ; and protells againft what he has been conftrained to do during his captivity. In a poftfeript he prohibits his Minifters from figning any thing in his name, till they have received ulterior orders. M. le Porte was
ordered to counterfign this Memorial, in teftimony of its authenticity, after which jt was fent to the Committee of Conftitution. CAPTURE OF THE ROTAL FUGITIVES. On Wednefday laft the unexpected recovery of the King, removed, in a great degree, from the minds of the Parifians the alarming apprehenfions that his flight had occafioned. This intelligence was brought on Saturday night, by a meffenger who arrived at the houfe of the French Ambaffador, at twelve o'clock, who was followed by the Englifh meffenger, Mr Flint, who came from Paris in his route from Madrid, and was difpatched to London on Friday morning ; and
the mails arrived this day bring the fame intelligence, the particulars of which are as follow : The poftmaftci' of Sr. Msneliault, through which they were to ' pafs, while horfes wire changing, thought he recognized the King, who was, htfw. , ever, fuffered to continue his route. Struck with L thisfufpicion, he communicated it to the Municipality, which immediately fent to Varennes, the next poft, by a ( horter road ; and before the arrival of the carriage, the Municipality, the National Guards of' the town and its environs, were ready to take them into cuftody. 1 By means of this information proper precautions were taken. M. Maryn, the fon
of the deputy of that name, afcertained the King's perfon under his j difguife, and without the leaft tumult or confufion, 3 body of the national guard furrounded the carriage, and arrefted the royal fugitives. The village of Varenrres lies between Stenay and Montmedy, about 165 miles from Paris. The Municipality of Varetmes immediately difpatched a melfenger with the intelligence to the National Affembly, and at the fame time wrote to the department of Chalons, where there was a detach- ' * mcnt of dragoons, which, under the orders of M. de Bouille, had protected the paflagv' of the carriage, without knowing what it contained.
This circumftance, though not a complete proof, furnilhed a fti ong prefumption that he was privy to their efcape- The further particulars will be foand in the following proceedings of the N A T I O N A L A S S E M B L Y. Wednefday, June 22. M. de Gowy dated, that he had received from the Municipality of Senlis three letters, which were found on M. Heard, phyfician to the King, addreffed to perfons redding in foreign countries. M. de- Gowy, on his return to town, interrogated fcveral poftilions j fome of whom faid that they had veryearly yefterday morning feen pafs two poft- chajfes and a berlin ; that in the berlin were two women,
with one child on the lap and another between them ; in one of the chaifes were two dark men, who appeared afraid of being feen. Some ( hort time after this reprefentation, the Pre- - fident announced that the fitting was fufpended ; and as the Members were quitting the place of the Affembly, the found of " The King isincuflody .' The King is in euflaely 1" was heard in every direction. The fitting was refumed. The Prefident announced feveral letters from the Municipality of Varennes. The diftriCt writes, that it had enjoined all the Municipalities t- o come to the afiiftance of the country; that perfons of the higheft con. fideration had
arrived at Varennes. A letter from the Municipality of that town fays, VARENNES, June 21. " In the general alarm, we authorife M. Mon-- gins, furgeon at Varennes, to inform the National Aflembly that his Majefty is here." A copy of M. de Bouille's order to the troops under his command, to allow the carriage to pafs, was read. After which M. de Lameth obftrvin^ that the wifeft meafures are thofe which may be moft eafily executed,,, propofed 1. To adopt, as the moft proper means to fecure • the return of the King to the capitaf, that a great number of national guards fliould be aflembled round his perfon, and Commiffioners,
feleCted from the Aflembly, fent to give all the neceffary orders for collecting that force. 2. To fufpend M. de Bouille from his office of Commander ; to prohibit all officers and foldiers from obeying his orders, and to take meafores to fecure his perfon. 3. To fend thefe different propofals to the Conftitutional and Military Committees, that they may immediately digeft them into the form of a decree. The Committees foon after prefented the plan of the decree, and it was adopted. The three Commiffioners appointed were, Meffr's de la Tour Maubourg, Petion, and Barnave. A Member propofed, that every precaution fhould be adopted to
prevent royalty from, being degraded. Royalty ' b: inj> a prerogative of the nation. Another Member obferving, that it was impoftible for an enlightened people to do any thing unworthy, of its dignity, the order of the day was moved; M. d'Anare obfetved, that there could not be a doubt, but tbe people who had behaved with fo much propriety and circumfpeCtion during the laft two days » would ftill continue in the fame good conduct, bus he thought, however, that this was an objeCt oa which it was impoflible to. be too, cautious, and therefore moved, " That the moft extenlive orders ( hould be given to the Municipality, to, the
Department, and to the Commander of the National Guard to attend ta this." This propofd was adopted. P A R I S , June 23. The alarm produced here by the flight of the Royal Family cannot be defctibe. d. Meafures were immediately taken to difcot er, if poflible, the means by which they bad effected their efcape. Commiffioncrs were appointed ta proceed to the Thuilleries, to take informations, and put feals upon the caftle. From the interrogatories put to the domeftics of the King and Queen, there is reafon to think that they went out of the caftle hy means of double keys, through a door of the wardrobe opening upon a fmall ftair cafe, which defceads on one fide of La Cour de Prince, and which is even faid to have had an outlet, which has always been kept ( hut, on the quay, on the fide of Pavilion de Flore. The depofitions ftate, that Madame Elizabeth and another lady got into a cabrid| jette with three harfes, which had been brought at midnight to the end of the Pont Royal, oppofite the Rue la Bacq. By another depofuion, there is reafon to think that the King and Queen went offin a berlin, hired fdr that purpofe in the Fauxbourg St. Honore. The numerous deputations from the neighbouring Municipalities, teftifying their firm determination ti> maintain the
new conftitution, in fpite of this attempt of the couuter- reyolutioaifts, ( howed how little r? ij
/ f r t we haJ to fear the donfetjaences.' The recovery of the King's perfon, however, has removed our anxiety ; and the general belief is, that the conftitntion will acquire frefh ftrength from the iffae of this event, which for a little tihis g ive us tsnfpeakable alarm. ExtraS of a. lettir from Lot Jon, June 27. T h e efcape and capture of t i n French King form at prefent the principal convention here. His perfon was too well known to admit of being fuccefsfully difguifed. T h e pofiillion at Varennes who recognized • him, faid, " Mon Rot, je vous tonnoh, mats je tie • vsas irabirapas."—" I know you, my King, bat I will not betray you." The
pofttnaftsr, who overheard this addrefs, adopted a different conduft. He communicated the intelligence to the Municipality of Clermont, near to Varennes. At Varennes they were met by M de Bouille, in confeqaence of previous concert with that officer, who was at the head of two battalions of troops of the line, whom he marched from Metz to cover the remainder of the retreat. The Municipality ordered the national guard to feize the perfons of the Royal Family. M. de Bouille ordered his folditrs to defend their King, and to fire on thofe whom he called a rebellious mob. But the troops, though probably felefted from a fnppolition of
their peculiar devotion to the royal caufe, refufed obedience, laid down . their arms, and affiled the national . guard in making prifoner their Commander and their King! It feems deftined, that in France, human b! ood Ihall not be fhed for the perfona! interefts of a Mon arch, or his adherents. There could never be a greater probability of evil to the whole kingdom, and of immediate cruelties to the people of this little town, than when a German and a Swifs regiment, commanded by M. de Bouille, and encour. i;; cd, if they had been capable of finding encouragement in fuch a circumftance, by the prcfence of the King, • were drawn out
to oppofe them. But the foldicrs were not fuch men as had been expedted. Orders were immediately ifiued for the aflemblage of a large body of national guards toefcort the Royal Family, with M. de Bouille, to Paris. That officer was loaded with irons. JUST PUBLISHED, Price Six Shillings in boards, T H E Statiftical Account of Scotland, Drawn up from the Communications of the Miniflers of the different Par'. fnes. By Sir JOHN SINCLAIR, bart. VOLUME FIRST. Sold by A. Angus and Son, bookfeilers, Aberdeen. On Friday lajl was publt/ hed, T H E A B E R D E E N M A G A Z I N E, F o r J u n e , 1 7 9 1. Price SIXPENCE ( T o
be continued Monthly) C O N T A I N I N G , Introductory Effay on the Queftion,— Which is the moft eligible, a ftate of Property without Liberty, or a ffate ' of Liberty wittrut Property ? Farther Entrails from Mr Paine's Pamphlet 1. ifc of Colonel Blood. The Budget. No. V. Of a fretful, peevifh Temper— Anecdote cf Laurence Sterne; of Sir John Hill; of M. Clement; of Dr Kenriek; of Baron Trenck Poetry in a Barber's Shop F. fl'cntial Requifltes of Beauty Curious Sale of Wives Some Account of the Life and Writings of Dr. Richard Price— Parallels between the civilized Man and the Savfige— Etymo'ogy of the Word Bum. per Occafior.
al Paper, addtefted to the Ladies, on living inaCiowd The Bate) elor's Apology A memorable Example of Fii: nd( hip in Pagan Antiquity, com- ! pired with a beautiful Inflance in the New Ttflamer. t— Anecdotes of the Ruling Paffion Remarkable Story of a Captiin and a Provoft M rfhal ExtraOs from Bofwell's Life of Dr Johnfon— Dr Johnfon's Interview with the King The Trifler, No. LXXXIV, on the Death cf a Friend View of the Manner* of the Natives in the Weft India [( Hands Birth- day Ode Dcfpondency : a Padoral MONTHLY CHRONICLE. A favcurite SONG, SET TO MUSIC. • .- Printed and fold by J. Chalmers & Co. T I C E
ALEX. ELPHINSTON, Efq. N O To the CREDITORS of Gentlemen, HAVING this day received from the Trnftee on the Eftate of Mr ELPHINSTON, feveral papers to lay before you, 1 requefl a meeting of the whole Creditors within the New Inn of Aberdeen, upon Wednefday the thirteenth curt, precif'ely at eleven o'clock forenoon. I am, Gentlemen, Your moft obedient fervant. AR. DINGWALL FORDYCE. ^ Aberdeen, and July 1791. W A N T E D , AStout YOUNG LAD, about 18 years of age, to ferve as an apprentice for three years to the feafaring bufittefs on board of the Betfey of Montrofe, now lying in the harbour of Aberdeen.
Application may be made to Alexr. fielbie, mafter oa board, or. at William Selbie Dyer at Newbridge. None need to apply bitt'tirofe that can find pr- iper certificates of their moral characters. The above Veffel is lying to for goods and pafTengers for London, and will be ready to fail the n t h current. F A R M in the M E A R N S. To be let for 19 years, THE FARM of K. 1LLHILL, the property of the Earl of Kintore, of about 130 Scots acres of excellent foil, lying in the very beft part of tbe How of the Mearns, near Laurencekirk, andclofe by the old family feat of Halkerton. As the farm is now in the proprietor's hand, and no tenant on it, it
can he entered to at prefent, or at any time betwixt and Martinmafs. Offers to be made to Mr McDonald at Inglifmaldy. Not to be repeated. indofures, lying" 011 the tlorth fide of Mr Cuth'oeitfott'j bleach field. VIII. The H mfes and Croft of DONALDHILLOCK. IX Three INCLOSURES, with fome HOUSES on the welt of James Birnie's garden, bounded by the fouth avenue on the weft. X. Two GARDENS on the north fide of the eaft Avenua adjoining to the Slippie. • XL The HOUSES an 1 fome fmall PATCHES of GROUND adjoining, poffeffed by Widow Wallace, on the weft of the Manfion- Honfe. XII. Four INCLOSURES lying weft of
the Manfionhoule, pofleflsd by Thomas Knowlen, either in whole or in two lots. N. B. Thefe lands will have the benefit of a . road to be immediately repaired, from the mmfion honfe forward to Cappleftone, ani long leafes will be granted to improving tenants. XIII. The Lands of CAPPLESTONE, with an extenfive inclofure of Miiir- grouiid, and a few acres of arable land, at prefent poffeffed by Mr Alexander Angus. N. B. It is propofed to lay ont that part of Cappleft jne, lying weft of the plantation called King's Wood, into lots of 3 or 4 acres each, as fituations proper for country villas, having a fouth expofiire, plenty of ( tone for building
and inclnfmg, great abundance of water, and commanding pleafant and exten- ( We views of the town and harbo ur of Aberdeen, the f: a,& c. The road will !> e properly made from the honfe of Ruhiflaw to the farmhoufe at Cappleftone Very long leaf s will be given on the lots for villas, and alfo on the remaining part of the < lands to improving tenants. XIV. The Cants of STONEYHlLL, and fome improvable wafle ground adjoining. XV. The ROYFOLD, on the fouthfi le of the Den of Rubifliw, affording a moft delightful fituation for a country houfe. XVI. The Lands or HIRPLETILLUM, which with the two former lots will derive great
advantage from the new road now executing to the ( tone quariies, as it communicates with each. XVII. The LANDS 011 the north fide of the Den poffefTed by Thomas King— and XVIII. About four acres of LAND occupied by William Beverly, lying fouth of the late Mr RurldoF.' s houfe and ground. Thefo londs'have a foutli expofiire, adjoin to the den and woods of Rubifliw, and have very extenfive and delightful views. J. mes B'rnie, gardener at Rubiflaw, will fhi'. v the lands, and propofals for leafes will be received by Mr Ske « e the proprietor, his factor, or Captain Taylor at Annfield, either of whom will give every nee- fl'u v
information to offerers. A CONTRACTOR WANTED for building dykes to indole the den. SALE OF THE LANDS AND BARONY OF MID MAR AND KINERNIE. To be fold by private bargain, THE Lands, Barony, and Eftate of MID MAR. comprehending I fee Manor Plate, Gardens, and Mains of Midmar— the town and lands of Mill of Hole, and Mill thereof, Mill Land.-, lYfultiire-', Sucken, Sequels, and Knave- ( hips of the fame, with the hill called the Hill of Fare, and Braes of Midmar— the town and lands of Bethlehem, Eafter and Wefler Muir's, Tnllydaff, Balblair, Meikle Midmar, Corfefield, Tulloeh, Sunhonev, Lurg, and Banteith,
with the houfes, biggiiigs, yards, modes, muiis, meadows, parts, pendicles, and univerfal pertinents of the fame, all lying within the parifh of Midmar, and fheriftdom of Aberdeen. Alfo, the 1' own and Lands of KINERN1K, with the Mill thereof, Mill Lands, Multures, SucVtn, Sequels, and ICnavefliips of the fame, lying formerly within the parilh of lvinernie, now by annexation in the faid parilh of Midmar, ar. d county aforefaid— together alfo with the teinds, parfonage, and vicarage of the faid whole lands, and others above mentioned. The forefaid Lands and F. ftatc lye within 14 F. rg'ifl) miles of the city of Aberdeen, are well
accommod ited with roofs and paflnre— and a great part of them is capable of much improvement. The Gardens of Midmar are abundantly flocked with valions kinds of the bed fruit trees— and in tbe neighbouring grounds and inciofiires there is a great number of full- grown Afh anil other valuable timber. A confirlerable part alfo of the Hill of Fare, oppofite fo the manfion- boufe, was many years ago inclofed and planted with Firs, Birch, and other foreft- trces, befides an extenfive natural plantation of Birth, Allar, and other wood all which are at prefent in a mod thriving condition. On the Hill of Fare, which is of great extent, there is
excellent Groufe- lhooting The rental as at prefent pai l by the tenants amounts to 356I. Its. 8d. Sterling of money— 183 bolls of farm rneal, at 8 done per boll, 10 bolls of bear, 242 hens, 144 chickens, 30 capons, 2 wedders, 2 lambs, 4^ leets of peats, and 2 miln fwinc. The above rent has not been railed for many years paft, and as the whole lands are at prefent nearly out of leafe, a confiderable increafe of rent may be reafonably expe& ed. Part of the above edate holds of his Grace the Duke of Gordon, and the remainder, which holds of the crown, affords a full freehold qualification in the elefliou of a member of Parliament for
the county. The progrefs of writes and title deeds, with the rental and an accurate furvey of the whole Lands and El'. ate, arete he feen in the hants of Alexander Cary ' gie, advocate in Aberdeen— and copies of the rental will be lirown by George Leith sf Overhall Efq; George's Square, Edinburgh, or by Mr Horn of Logie, the proprietor— to either of whom or to Mr Carnegie perfons intending to purchale may apply. N. B. John Brownie, ground offi cr 011 the eftatc, will ( how the lands and marches, with the boundaries and divifions of the different farms, to any perfon who may incline to view them. L E A S E S ON R U B I S L A W.
To be let for fuch number of years as may be agreed on, THE following FARMS 3nd LOTS of Land, part of the F. ftate of RUBISLAW, and entered to at Martinmas next. I. The DAM'LANDS, poffeffed by fundry tenants, in fmall lots of 1 Or 3 acres. II. CARDENHAUGH, with the houfes on it, either in whole, or in four lots. III. A fmall CROFT and HOUSE on the eaft of Carden haugh. IV. STONEYTOWN, pofleflcd by Andrew Shepherd and James Cr'aig. V. The AVENUE, pofTeffcd by James Birnie. " VI. An Inclofure on the North fide of the Avenue, poffcfTed by George Stephen. VII. The HOUSES and feme fmall PATCHES of I.
AND adjoining, on the eaft and fouth of James Birnie's gar- ' ti< fl, po( tilled by Joim Spacing, together withtw? orthree R ' 6 V P 6F C A T T L E . There will be fold by roup, at the Mains of Artamford, Newdeer, on Tuefday 18th of July, the day prececding Aikie fair in Olddeer. SEVERAL milch Cows, fome of them lately calved, their Calves fucking— 1 young Bull-— two large Oxen— a parcel of young Stots and Qoeys— 2 or three young Horfes and Mares two or three year old. Credit as ufual untill the 20th of June 1792, or difcount for ready money. HOUSES TO BE SOLD. Upon Thurfday the 21ft of July current, there will be fold
by public roup, within the houfe of Geo. Moir, vintner in Aberdeen, between the hours of twelve and one midday. I-' HESE HOUSES and GARDEN, lying on Weft fide of Old Aberdeen, which belonged to the deceafed James Laurence, fome time maltfter there, prefently poffeffed by amcs Melvin and others— cither altogether or in lots— the prefent rent is 9I. los. fterl. The articles of roup and progrefs of writes may be fcen in the hands ot James Watfon, advocate in Aberdeen, to whom any perfon inclining to purchafe by private bargain, previous to the day of the roup, may apply. cj- HE Sale of the Lands of PITTRICHIE^ iuhkh
was advertifed for this day , is adjourned to December next, of which due Intimation will be given. A MARE TO BE SOLD. t ? O R file, at FINTRAY- HOUSE, a handfome CHESL NUT MARE, five years old, fit for the road or the field. T HE Rev. Mr. BLAKE, at his Houfe in Young Gentlemen with BOARD and LODGING on reafonable terms; and to fuperintend their education. County of Nairn. FARMS - ro LET ON LEASES. ALL the unleafed Lands of the F. ftate of LETHEN are to be let in tacks for fuch a number of years as can be arrced upon. They confift of many thoufand acres of arable and pafture ground, and in the hands of
good tenants are capable of very great improvement. Among the fubjefts to let are the farm and well frequented INN of DULCY, as formerly advertifed. Offers to be made to Mr Duncan Campbell, faflor at Let h e n , a n y time betwixt and Martimas next, ajid fudl as are not accepted, will b? cpnueaM, if required PRESERVATION OP GAME ON DURRIS, THE EARL of PETERBOROUGH being refolved to preferve his game, hereby gives notice, that all perfons without, diftinftion who,( hall prefume to hunt or kill Game on his hills, muirs, or any other part of his edate of DURRIS, without a fpecial written licence from himfelf or Mr
Burnett his faftor, will be profecutcd with the utnjoft rigour of law. NORTHERN SHOOTING CLUB. THE Anniverfary or General Meeting of the Club is on Monday next, at Willie's. As there are feveral motions of importance to be confidered of at this meeting, befides the ordinary bufinefs, the members are requefted to attend by half an hour after two o'clock. Dinner on the table at four. AL. DAUNEY, Secretary. S C H O O L OF F U T T I E. n r H B - offices of SCHOOLMASTER and PRtCENtOR 1 of Futtie being vacant, the Magiftrates and Church Sefiipn of Aberdeen have refolved to prefent to thofe offices the candidate who (
hall be found beft qualified, upon a comparative triil to be held in the Town Houfe, on Friday the 12d of July current, at 4 o'clock afternoon. None need offer themfelres as candidates, who are not qualified to precent in the church, and teach Church njufic. If the candidates can teach Navigation it will be confidered as an additional recommendation The falary and emoluments may, if the mafter be diligent, amount to between L. 20. and L. 25. fterling. I is expefted that the candidates will 4> ring, along with them, fufficient Certificates of their moral charafter and behaviour. P R E S E R V A T I O N or G A M F.. AS the Deer and
Game upon Sir James Grant's Eftates of STRATHSPEY, DEI. NABO, and URQTJHART, within the countics of Invernefs, Moray and Banff, have been greatly difturbed and deftroyei for fcveral years paft, it is requefled that no perfon wiil, in future, go upon thefe grounds in queft of Game, - without a - written order from Sir James. SALE of CATTLE HO& SES, and SHEEP. Upon Tuef'day next the 12th curt, the day before Strichen market, there will be expofed to far; by puhlic ronp at the parks of P. tffgo, three Eaglilli miie' from Fraferfburglv; 50 to fiojiead of cattle, confiding of milch cows and calves, Farrow cows, oxen, Stots, and
Queys, all of different ages and ( izes— 8 or r > horfes alio of different ages and fir.- s— and abotrt 10 fat ( beep. ' I'he cattle arc all in high order, the greater part being fit for the butcher. Credit to be given on pioper fecurity. L O N D O N H A T W A R E R O O M, QUITE. NS 1 RBCT, ABERDEEN, T ANDERSON begs leave to acquaint the La. lies and _ • Gentlemen, that he has jiift got from London a large a ( fort men t of the Summer Fafhons, of BEAVER HATS ; like wife a grp^ t variety of Fancy Hats for Children. Lively Hats, trimmed or plain. Oiled Cloth, and Japanned Hat Covers, to any fize— Commiffions from the country
carefully attended to. PARTNERSHIP DISSOLVED, and SALE ofHOUSHS. | HE partnevfhip in bnfmdV formerly earned on by the 1 firm of JOHN SUTTER and CO. Leather Merchants, and lately underthe firm of JOHN ALEXANDER and CO. Shoe- manufacturers in Aberdeen, is now finally diffolved, and the bufjhefs is carried on in the Shop in. the Caflleflreet of Aberdeen, lately occupied by the Company, by John Alexander one of the pa tners, who will pay off all claims due by the Company, and who is impowered to receive and difcharge all debts due to the Company, and it is requefted that thofe indebted to the Company will
pay up what theyvo « e to pi event profecutions. A N D, On Friday the twelfth day of Anguft next, there wiil be fold by public roup within the houfe of Peter Wilkie vintner In Aberdeen, between ti e hours of four and five o'clock in the afternoon, the heritable fubjefts belonging to the fold Company, lying near the Jnftice Port of Aberdeen, lately the property of the Penfioners Society in Aberdeen, confiding of one front dwelling houle and two dwell ng houfes, and fome ( hades backwards, with a large piece of vacant ground well adapted for building a manufacturing houfe upon it. The fubjefts ate unincumbered, and the title deeds,
which are clear, are to he leen in the hands of Alexander Laing, writer in Aberdeen, who has power to concliide a private bargain before the fale, for the whole or any part of faid fubjefts, as offerers may incline. Aberdeen, July ^ JOHtf SUTTER. I , 1791. JOHN ALEXANDER. R O B E R T I N N E S, Grocer, Cartleftreet, REfpeflfulIy acquaints the public, that he has juft now got to hand a large and neat aflfortment of all kinds of GLASS WARE Teas, Sugars, and all forts of Groceries; foreign Geneva, full proof; beft old Jamaica Rum ; Patent Muftara ; and beft London Porter in hogfheads; all which he fells on reafonable terms. { t^*
A young Man well recommended, who wifhes to ferve as an APPRENTICE in the Grocery Line, may apply as above. M O N E T . COHERE was dropped, upon tbe 24. th June, in Robt. Dyce and Co./ hop, Gallowgate, Aberdeen, SOME MONET. Whoever can prove the property, will have it reftored upon paying expencts. By letters from Shetland, we learn, that during the late fevere weather, feveral filhing boats were lolt, on board of which were 5 4 men, who have left 1 ; o fatherlefs children— and that vegetation was fo checked, that there was no profpcct of a crop this feafon. The Treafurer of the Infirmary has received a
donation fromDr William Ruddiman, Sdrgeon to the Nabob of Arcot at Madras, by the hands of Dr. Robertfon. - - L. 100 a o A Legacy left by Ann Walker, refidenter in Aberdeen, - - 20 o o A Legacy left by Alexr Taylor, fervant to Lord Aberdeen, - 10 o o A Colle£ tion from Nigg for 1791, 3 00 A donation from a gentleman in London by the hand of Mr Alexr. Smith, junr. x 1 q S H I P N E W S. Arrived. June 26.— Crefwell, Stewart, from Invernefs with falmon ;— 27. Elizabeth and Ifobcl, Hume, from the Ifie of Wight with Wood ; Jean, Shewan, from Ncwcaftb with goods ; Induftry, Milne, from Hull with goods ;— 30. Eleanora,
Davidfon, from Leith with goods ;— July 2. Bathia of Fraferfburgh, Walker, from Campvere with goods. Two with flour, four with coals ; and two with lime. Sailed. June 26— Diligence, Wales, for Peterfburgh in ballad ; Bon Accord, Davidfon, for London with goods; 28. Concord, Blues, for Peterfburgh in ballad ; Palmer, , M'Kinnon, for London with goods;— July 2. Delight, Brownie, for London with goods; . Friendfhip, Milne, for Leith with goods. Five in ballaft. PETERHEAD LIST OF SHIPPING. Arrived. June 25.— Jean and Janet, Mowat, from Leithi and failed for Kirkwall with goods; Ann, Lunan, from Aberdeen, and failed for
Banff with goods; Experiment. M'Kenzie, from LofTiemouth, and failed for Beadncll with, lobfters;— 26. Ann, Barr, from Eyemouth with oatmeal ; 27. Peggy, Milne, from Leith, and failed for Macduff" with goods; Countefsof Findlater, M Kiiligan, from London with goods, and failed for Banff. Sailed. June 25. Lord Fife, Shand, for Macduff with goods; i8. Jean, Barr, for Barrah with oatmeal. J O H N B U R N E T T, BOOKSELLER AND STATIONER, CLate with Meffrs. Angus and Son. J RESPECTFULLY begs leave to acquaint his Friend* and the Public, that he has commenced Bufinefsin the end of the Broad- ftreet, f corner pop,
formerly poffefrdhy Mr. James Hacket) where he will be happy to ierve thofe who are pfcafed to employ him in the BOOKSELLING, BOOKBINDING, and STATION- ART BUSINESS. He has got to hand an affartment of W R I T I NG P A P E R S , confuting of DOMESTIC OCCURRENCES A B E R D E E N . Ext rail of a letter from Huntly, 30 th June 1791. Y E S T E R D A Y being the birth- day of His Grace the Duke of Gordon, the fame was obferved here with demonltrations of joy fuit^ ble to the occafion. At noon, the flags of the different focieties were difplayed ; and in the evening the Trades met at the principal Inn, where
they drank the following toails, viz. His Grace the Duke of Gordon, and many returns of the day ; the Duehefs of Gordon ; Marquis of Huntly ; ( honorary Prefident of the Flaxdreffer Society ;) Lady Charlotte Lennox ; Lady Magdalen Sinclair, with the younger branches of that noble family; Lady Anne Chalmers ; the King, Queen, and Royal Family ; the Britifh conftitution ; liability to the French Revolution, and may the attempts in agitation againft it prove abortive; the Land of Cakes ; the Town of Huntly, & c. & c. The evening was fpent with that hilarity and good humour becoming fuch an occafion. On Tuefday laft was married at
Strichen to Mifs Adamfon, daughter of Mr James Adamfon there, Mr jBifiet, waiter of the Academy atVdny. Fine extra large Thick Poll, Fine Thick Poll, common fize, Fine extra large Thin Poft, Fine Thin Poft, com mon fize, Alfo, an afTortment of beautiful Fine Foolfcap, A variety of fine Pot Paper.: from 13s. 6d. to 7s. 6d. per Ream. WIRE- WOVE ani DRESSED WRITING PAPERS, gilt and plain— a choice of fine LARGE PAPERS for ACCOUNT BOOKS, viz. Demy, Medium, Royal, Super- royal, and imperial. LEDGERS, JO URN iLS, and PAPER BOOKS o£ every kind neceflary for MERCHANTS and TRADESMEN, done to any
pattern, on the thoiteft notice— Thofe of the common fize ready made. iljr" Commiffions from the country carefully executed. P O S T S C R I P T . From the L O N D O N G A Z E T T E , June 28. PARIS, June 23. T H E moft recent account of his Moft Chriftinn Majefty was bi ought this afternoon by M. Mangin, fon to a Member of the National Affembly j According to this account his Moft Chriftian Majefty flept laft night at Chalons, on his return to Paris, and intended to fleep this night at Epernay. It is therefore poffible he may arrive in this capital tomorrow, but more probably on Saturday. Monfieuc and Madame are arrived at
Mons. If no other account had been publifhed of thu Royal fugitives than what has been inferted in the Gazette, we would be apt to fuppofe, that they had only been on a jaunt of amufement. This unexampled Efcape, which menaced France with the convulfions of Anarchy and the horrors of Civil War, has happily produced none of thofe effefts which the Enemies of Freedom predi& ed with fo much triumph, and her Friends expedted with fo much alarm. No life was facrificed, no property was violated, by the Populace of Paris: They feemed infpired by the greatnefs of their Caufe, with a magnanimity which counteradled their
terror, and difarmed their refentment. After a few hours o f ferment and alarm, they fubfided into a tranquil and' confident fubmiffion to their aaguft Reprefentatives. That Body, on whom tlie Abdication of the KING! had now devolved . the DiSatorJhip of France, difplayed a ferenity, a firmnefs, a magnanimity, to which no parallel is recorded in Hiftory— Unappalled by thetempeft which threatened their exiftence, and the fhipwrecl^ of their Syftem, they fixed their fteady eye on the grand objerft of giving nerve to public force and ftability to public order. They paffed no vindictive Decree— they inflamed no popular refentment- The moft
foolilh aft committed by the King, was, leaving the memorial againft the proceedings of the AfTembly, and every thing he himfelf had done>. This meafure could be of no benefit to him, or his party, and has greatly irritated the minds of the people againft him. Such a declaration would furely have been time enough in cafe he had effected his efcape. The general opinion is, that tbe King will be dethroned, and imprifoned ; and the Dauphin appointed King, and put under the management of a Regency, chofen by the National Affernbly By a decree, paffed, jfomc time ago, by the National AfTembly, and ianaioncd by his Majefty, the
King,, by going more than fixty miles from Paris, without the confent of the Reprefentative body, has abdicated the throne. It is faid, that the re- appearance of the Royal Family at Paris was received with the greateft coolnefs by the populace ; who attended them in immenfe crowds, but obferving a dead filence, to their former place of refidence, where they were depofited under a double guard. Exchange on Amlterdam, 3$) at light, 38 9, " Rotterdam, 39 Bank Stock, 187. Fifie Flour, 3 $ 3. • Confols, 82, Second, 33s.
L& OUTFCAL ATTU ^( FCTNANEAUS Eepofitot^ R E S O L U T I O N IN P O L A N D . THE Revolution in Poland forms fo very ( hiking a circumftance among the memorable events of the prefent sera, that we are pleafed to have an opportunity of laying before our Readers the following fummary of their new Conftitution, as decreed by the Diet on the 3 d ult. Eftalii/): ed Religion. The Roman Catholic ( hall be the eftablilhed religion of the nation ; but as this religion teaches the love of our neighbour, there ( hall be granted to every one, of whatever confeflion of faith, a free cxercife of their own worlhip, and a perfeft protection of
the laws, according to the prefcribed rules. Territorial Nobility. As the aoceftors of the Polifli Equeftrian Order have been the original founders of liberty, the Nobility ( hall enjoy every privilege which is compatible with the prefent ameliorated conftitution, and the Nobles ( hall be held as the principal ( Irength and fhield of liberty and the conftitution. Cities and Burghers. The free c& nftitution decreed by this Diet in favour of cities and burghers, ( hall invariably and firmly fubfift in its full extent, as well as the prerogatives of the Nobility. Their liberty ( hall be general, in order to obtain for the time to come the real power and exertion of
the country. Peafants and Vaffals. As the peafants are the fource of the national abundance and riches, and as true political ftrength is detived from them, they ( hall, conformable to the rights of men and jutlice, as well as in virtue of the " Chnftian principles, be taken henceforward under the protection of the laws and government. They may enter into contracts with their Lords refpecting their rights and fervices, and the engagements once faffed ft) all be held legal; the fucceffors of thofe Lords ( hall ftrifily obferve the contracts, and fhall be lefponfible for them before all the competent tribunals ; at no time can any change be
made, unlefs with the confent of their vaffals. Willing to extend and encourage population, we declare full liberty in favour of every individual, as well thofe who arrive for the fhft time, as thofe who, having heretofore quitted the kingdom, are willing to return into the bofom of their country ; infomuch that every ftranger or returned inhabitant, from the moment be fets foot on the territory of Poland, ( hall be free, may exercife his profeffion, remain where he pleafes, refide in the cities or villages, and in fine, continue in Poland or quit it, having firft fulfilled his contracted engagements. Government or Pullic Poivrrs. Three ( hall exift in
the Polifh Government :— l f t , The Legiflative Power, in the affembled States of the Diet:— 2dly, The Supreme Executive Power, in the perfon of the King and his Conncil, denominated Cujlodia Legis :— 3dly, The Judiciary Power, compofed o f tribunals already or yet to be eftablifhed. The Diet or Legiflative Power. The Diet or States of the kingdom ffiallbe affenv bled as hitherto, divided into two Chambers ; that • of the Nonces, and that of the Senators, under the Prcfidency of the King. The Houfe of Nonces, forming and reprefenting the fovereigrty of the nation, ( hall be the fanduary of the legiflation : Thus, in the Houfe of
Nonces, in the firft inftance, fhall be decreed, all projeds in the following cafes:— ift, Whatever concerns the general, conftitutional, civil and criminal laws, as alio the permanent taxes ; which objects,/ firft propoied by the King, ( hall, by the Waywodes and Diflrids, be forwarded to the Dietines :— 2dly, That which refpeds regulations concerning ptovifionary imports, the mint, public loans, elevation to Nobility, and other accidental recompences, public di( burfements, war, peace, ratification of alliances, and treaties of commerce, as alfo all diplomatic ads and conventions relative to the right of nations, inquiries refpeding
Magiftrates, their refponfibility, & c. The Houfe of Senators ( hall be formed by the Bifhops, Waywodes, Caftellans and Minifters under the Prefidency of the King, who ( hall have two loices, the firft decifive, the other declaratory, if there be on equality of voices. The law fpecified in the cafe No. x, being decreed by the Houfe of Nonces, ( hall forthwith be carried to the Houfe of Senators, who will admit or fufpend by the plurality of voices. The acceptance will be followed by execu tion. In cafe of fufpenfton, the duration ( hall be from one Diet to another: But if this fufpended law Ihould be decreed a fecond time by the Houfe of
Nonces, - the Houfe of Senators muft hold it as an indifpsnfable obligation to accept it. As to what concerns the regulations No. 2, they ( hall be ( imply decrecd by the majority of voices in one and the other Houfe ; except that the Senators and Minifters, fb far as regards objeds concerned with their functions, and the diredion of their departments, ( hall not have a decifive voice ; they neverthelefs ( hall fit, in order to give an account of their adminiftralion. In conftitutional cafes, the Diet ( hall always be fixed, but periodical in accidental occurrences. It fhall at all times be ready to affemble and decide in linforefeen events,
particularly thofe of foreign war, ferious inteftine troubles, public afflictions, fuch as the plague, famine, 8cc. The Diet ( hall be convoked by the King, or the Council eftablilhed for the maintenance of the law ; confequently, the Liberum Veto, all the Confederations, and even the Confederate Diets, are fuppreffed as contrary to the prefent conftitution, and dangerous and pernicious to Government as well as to the ties of Society. Seeing that on one hand the conftitution ( hould be ftable, and on the other requires to be perfected, the conftitution ( hall be revifed and examined by a Diet ^ Extraordinary, conftitutionally convened every
25 years for this purpole. [ Here follows the organization of the Diet, and the ratification of the law by the Dietines.] The King and the Executive Patver. The Executive Power is confided to the King, in his Council, which ( hall be denominated the Guardian of the Laws. All the jurifdidions, magiftracies, and tribunals fhall be fubordinate and fubmitted to their examination, though the Diet ( hould not be affembled. In this Council of Superimendance there ( hail be, befide the Members, five Minifters of five , fevetal. Departments, two Secretaries, and two Regifters, one for foreign and another for internal affairs. The Council ( hall not
make laws or interpret them, ftill lefs negociate loans or meddle with matters of finance, neither fhall they declare war or make peace, 1 definitively conclude treaties, or pafs any diplomatic ad ; but they ( hall be authorized to treat, provifionally, with foreign powers, and, on urgent occafions, to form Conventions, but fubmit them afterwaids to the approbation of the Diet. The throne of Poland ( hall be ekdive in families, but hereditary to the defendants of one chofen family. In confequence, after the deceafe of the reigning Sovereign, the prefent Elector of Saxony . fhall be proclaimed King of Poland. Tlieffubfequent dynafty of Kings
will commence in Frederick Auguftus, Elector of Saxony, and his male defendants. The eldeft fon of the reigning King ( hall fucceed his father. If the reigning Elector has no male heirs, then his daughter, Maria Augufta ' Nfpomucene, is declared Infanta'of Poland. The fpoufe whSm the Elector, with the agreement of the Republic, fhall deftine for this Princefs, will commence a new branch of the reigning family in its male heirs. In cafe of the extinction of an Houfe in their pofterity, the nation ( hall re enter on its right of electing another family. ' Hie King ( hall be obliged to fwear to the maintenance of the Conftitution and the
obfervation of the Paita Conventa which ( hall be prefcribed to him. •[ Here follows an organization of the Council called the Guaulian of the Laws, its functions and refponfibility ; the mode of convoking the Diet, by the King in his Council, and the manner alfo of effecting it, if the King and his Council fail in their duty.] His Majefty fhall nominate Biftiops. Senators, the other officers civil and military, as well as the Minifters ; the latter, in quality of agents to the Executive Power, fhall conllantly be u- fponfible and removeable. The perfon of the King ( hall be declared inviolable, irrefponfible, the Father and Chief of the Nation. He ( hall
command and direct, during the courfeot a war, all military operations; his title ( hall be—" Staniflaus Auguftus, by Grace Di- " vine, and the wilhes of the Nation, King of Pc- " land." Judicial Power. In every Waywode and Did rid there fhall be a tribunal for the fiift refort, to which the Judges fhall be elective ; there alfo ( hall be three plenary Courts of Jufticc in the three Provinces of the Republic, to decide in the dernier refort, and the Deputies of which they are to be compofed fhall likewile be elective. The other tribunals, magiftracies, and commiffipns, ( hall remain on the ancient footing, and give judgment on their refpedive
pleadings. One Court of Supreme Juftice, called the Diet, or Coinitial Tribunal, ( hall be compofed of Members of the Diet, in order to determine all crimes cf State of which the laws make mention, and a new code of civil and military laws will be prepared. His Majeily can pardon condemned malefactors, except in cafes where they .( hall commit crimes again ( I; the State. The Regency. The Council called Guardian of the Laws, ( hall exercife the functions of Regency. The Queen fhall be at its head, and, during her abfence, the Primate ( hall fupply her place, in quality of Prefident of', the National Education. A Regency may take
place on three occafious : ift, During the minority of the King, which terminates with the completion of his i8th year. 2d, In cafe of a debility, the confluences of which would affect the underftanding of the King. And 3dly, If, in war, the King fhould fall into the power of the enemy, and remain their prifoner. The Regency ( hall likewife be refponfible to the Nation affembled in Diet. Education of the King's Children. The fuperintendance of the education of the children of the King belong to the nation, without, however, diminiftung thereby paternal rights. There ( hall be an infpedor appointed by the Diet, who ( hall watch, in concert with
the King and his Council, or, in cafe of his death, with the Regency, over the education of the Prince Royal; he fhall afterwards give an acconnt of their inftrudion and progtefs to the Diet. As to the plan of education, it ( hall be formed by the Committee fet over the national education. The Armed Force of the Nation. The defence of the nation belongs to itfelf; all the citizens are in confequence declared defenders of the country; but there ( hall exift an army always in a condition to ad, fubordinate to the executive power, and conforming to the feveral regulations decreed by the law. The army ( hall ferve, after receiving orders, in the
defence of the conftitution in general, guarding the frontiers, and fupporting the execution of the laws. [ After this follows an energetic declaration, that, agreeable to the invariable principles adopted above, they will continue ftill to make other regulations.] The ancient laws which militate againft this rectified conftitution are annihilated. Whofoever prefumes to revolt againft the prefent conftitution will be regarded as a traitor to the country, purfued with fword in hand, judged, and feverely punifhed. The execution of this conftitution ( hall immediately take place under the eyes of the Diet now affembled. The memory of this important
event ( hall be celebrated every year: for this purpofe they ( hall conftrud, at the expence of the public treafure, a chuich with the infeription, " To Divine Providence," in order to eternize the remembrance of a Revolution effected alrnoft unanimoufly, and without the lofs of a fingle drop of blood. Such is this excellent conftitution, dictated by equity, enlightened by underftanding, and founded on the imprefcriptible rights of man. If this new conftitution is maintained in its purity, and retouched from time to time, as the beneficent Sovereign and illuftrious State propofe, the refult will be, that the Polifh nation, after having vegetated fo
ong in obfeurity, groaning under the yoke of oppreflion, will become one of the happieft nations in the Univerfe. For the Information of our Readers we give the ABSTRACT OF THE STAMP ACT. For Bills payable on Demand. 2I. and not exceeding 5I. 5s. 3d. If re iffued 6d. Above 5I. 5s. and not exceeding 30I. - - 6d. Do. is. Above 3 ® 1. and not exceeding 50I. - - yd, Above 50I. and not exceeding 100I. - - is. Above tool, and not exceeding 200I. - - is. 6d. On Bills payable not on Dunand. Above 2I. and not exceeding 30I. - - - - 6J. Above 30!. and not exceeding 50I. - - - 9d. Above 50I. and not exceeding 100I. - - - is. Above tool,
and not exceeding 100I. - - is. 6d. All above 200I. - - 2s. Duties payable bv the drawer ; but this feems to be a miftake in the ad. Bills of Exchfnge on foreign parts. On bills not exceeding 100I— 6d. Above iool. and not exceeding zool 94. Above 200I.— is. Bills on Bankers, within 10 miles of the place of refidence, if drawn on demand, exempted ; and the Bank of England, paying i2, oool./ cr annum, to have no ( lamps. Penalty, 20I. for every Note iffued without a ( lamp. The ad commcnces 1 ft nf Anguft. R E C E I P T S . 2I. and under 20I. 2d. T To be paid by thofe re- 20I. and tinder 50I. 4d. > quiring the receipt. 50I. and upwards,
6d. j Banks and Bankers exempted. Receipts in full to pay 6d. The former act is cancelled, and the above in lieu of all duties. E D 1 N B U R G H. HIGH COURT of JUSTICIART. Monday, June 27. This day the Court met, and proceeded in the trial of Thomas Wilfon, alias Low, alias Telfer, accufed of having, on the 27th day of March laft, ftolen, from the ( hop of Meffrs Gibfon and Company, merchants, Edinburgh, a bale containing 40 pieces figured muffins, each piece containing from one and a half to ten and a half yards, or thereby, amounting in all to about 200I. ; and that, having taken off the ( hop marks, he fold the faid
pieces to different perfons in Edinburgh. The Lord Advocate, in confideration of fome alleviating circumftances, agreed to reftrid the libel to an arbitrary puniffiment ; upon which the ptifoner, though young in years, is not fo in crimes, pled guilty. The Jury was then fworn in, and the pannel having pled guilty, they retired, and foon after brought in a verdict finding the pannel guilty. Upon which the Court fentenced him to be tranfported to Botsny Bay. The theft was committed on the 27th of March, and the pannel was apprehended at Glafgow on the 20th of April. C O f j R T of S E S S I O N . Friday, June 24. This day Lord Elkgrove,
as Ordinary in the Outer- houfe, decided a caufe of a curious nature. A Lady had betrothed herfelf to a young man, to whom ( he had written many letters, expreffmg her attachment, and a refolution to marry him ; but ( he afterwards changed her mind, and married another. Feeling difappointment, her former lover brought an action of damages againft the lady and her hulband, alledging, that he had taken and furnidied a houfe, and hired a fervant, on her promife of marriage.— The lady died during the dependence of tbe procefs. The action was, however, infilled in againft the fur viving hulband ; and the Lord Ordinary, after a full
hearing of the caufe, in which there was much humour and ability difplayed, affoilzied the defender, and difmiffed the adion. His Lordfhip was clearly of opinion, that till the moment of the marriage ceremony, it was in the power of the lady to recede. Though the letters contained the ftrongeft effufioris of love towards the purfuer, and even a direfl promife of marriage, yet they at the fame time ffiowed that her friends were againft the connection, and that all the co'refpondence had been carried on in the moft fecret manner. His Lordlhip therefore confidered, that any man who endeavours to inveigle a woman into a clandeftine
matriage, and a marriage againft the confent of her friends, was guilty of an immoral act, and confequently not entitled to maintain an action of damages, when his intentions had been fruftrated by a returning fenfeofduty on the part of the lady. In this caufe MrFergufon, younger of Raith, one of the Depute Counfel, lately admitted to the Bar, made a very promifing appearance, which called forth the warmeft encomiums from the Bench. F R A N C E . N A T I O N A L A S S E M B L Y. Saturday, June 18. A difcufiion on the fubjed of the penal code was refumed, and a coafiderable number of pew articles Were adopted; among
which was ons, authorlfing any perfon to kill another, not only in defence o? his own life, but even in defending the life of another. M. Malouet ftrongly oppofed the extending, thus vaguely and generally, the lawfulnefs of manflaughter in defence of the life of others. He demonftrated^ that fuch a law was lefs calculated to cxcite generous ations than to increafe the number of crimes. Many others thought with M. Malouet, and attempted to fpeak, but the Affembly would not liften to their arguments. M. Muguet de Nantou prefented a report on the very feriotis infurrection which at prefent prevails in Corfica. This infurrection originated
in the city of Ballia, and has proceeded from the aveifion which the people of Corfica entertain for the Bifiiop and all the Priefts of the new conftitution. In a proceffioa which lately took place at Baftia, the Priefts walked with ropes about their necks, the monks feourged themfelves in pnblic, and feveral men and wor. iea followed the proceflion barefooted, crying, with an enthufiaftic fervour, Vive notre Religion ! At fight of this, the ferment became extreme ; and, on ths following day, a great number of women proceeded to the houfe of tlie new Bifhop, for the purpofe of driving him from it 5 and of replacing the arms of the former one
; that in the mean rime the people proceeded to the Citadel, of which they took poffellion ; and that thereby becoming matters of the city, they drove away the adminiftrators, compelling fome of them to embark, and reducing others to tlie necefiity of efcaping without lofs of time. A proteftation from the Community of Baftia was likewife read, in which the citizens fct forth, that they refpect the political laws of the National Affembly of France, but infill on the clcrgy of the ifland of Corfica remaining upon the former eftablifhment; they even give the moft pofitive orders to bring back to Baftia their former Bifhop, who had fled to Tufcany ;
laftly, they fay, that although they reckon a nongft their moft valuable rights that of being French fubjects, they do not the lefs fwear to remain faithful to the Pope, to obey the laws of the churcfa— in a word, to live and to die in the religion of their fathers, which is the Catholic, Apeftclic, and Roniifh Religion. After having laid thefe details before the Affeimbly, the reporter propofed a decree, divided into five articles, of which the following is the fubftance ; 1. The National Affembly authorizes the Directory of Corfica to remove to Corte ; the Epifcopal See to be transferred to the fame place ; and the approaching Eledoral Affembly is
to determine definitively the principal place of the Department, and of the Biffioprick. 2. The King ( hall be intreated to fend an additional number oftroops and two frigates to Ccrfica, to compel the city of Baftia to furrender. 3. The King ( hall be intreated to nominate two civil Commifftoners, who, in conjunction with the Directory of the Department of Corfica, ( hall cOn. fid or of pi oper rr:£ ans to reftore order and public tranquility. 4. The Commifiioners ( hall be authorifed to inquire into the origin of the difturbances, as well as into the conduit of the Municipality of Baftia, and of the commander of the troops. 5. The Tribunal of Corlica
is enjoined to giveinfoimation againft the authors, inftigators, and abettors of thefe troubles. When the Affembly was preparing to deliberate upon the above plan of a decree, M. Salicetti obferved, that tranquility would have reig- among the fellow- citiiens, had it not been for the repeated efforts of the Monks and Priefts. He however obferved, the inhabitants of the country were enamoured of the conftitution, and were well difpofed to chaftife its enemies, to make even the Pnefts return to their duty, and if neceffary, to purge Corfica from that vermin. Upon its being pat to the vote, tbe above plan was adopted without amendment. S
A R D I N I A . TURIN, June 11. A commotion has lately taken place here, the caufe of which was as follows : The Magiftrate of the Police, by an arbitrary order, caufed a young ftudent of the Univerfity to be arretted. It appears that the enemies of this young man are people of bad character. The ftudent was conducted with infamy, in the face of day, not to a houfe of correction, not to common prifon, but to an infamous houfe, like that of the Bicetre at Paris. In his way there, he addreffed himfclf to the people, and excited their indignation and pity. The day following, all the ftudents of all the faculties afiembled. They fent a
deputation to the Mrgiftrate, and afterwards to the Mayor of the town, to demand their comrade; but having received unfatisfactory anfwers, they became furious, and drew the people into their quarrel, The crowd then proceeded to the town- hou( e? where they deftroyed every thing in an inftant. The troops had already received orders to march. The infantry being drawn up in order of battle, the ftudents, with piftols in their hands, threatened tht officers, and gained over the foldiers by their e'or quence. But the cavalry, which then arrived, did not appear inclined to favour the people. The King, who was in the country, bavin; been
informed of the tumult, haftened here to endeavour to prevent further mifchief. By his prefen: e, and by a fpeech to the people, he produced a calm. The multitude demanded two things— ift, That the troops fhould be withdrawn ; and, 2dly, That the public officer^ and the accufersof the young ftur dent, fo unwoithily treated, ( hould be delivered tc? them, prcmifiijg to do them no injury. The King confented— the foldiers retired— and the off. c : r, 8cc. made the amende honorable. The tumult now appears to be quite over, and every thing reftored ty tranquility; bat Government is quite uneafy, the danger having be- in fo ye; y