The Edinburgh Advertiser
Printer / Publisher: James Donaldson
Volume Number: LV
Issue Number: 2847
No Pages: 8
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The Edinburgh Advertiser
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The Edinburgh Advertiser
Date of Article: 12/04/1791
Printer / Publisher: James Donaldson
Address: Castle-hill, Edinburgh
Volume Number: LV
Issue Number: 2847
No Pages: 8
Sourced from Dealer? No
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VOL. IV. R THE No. 2847. EDiNBURGH ADVERTISER. 1- ruiu FRIDAY APRIL 8, to T U E S D A Y APRIL 12, 1791. SATURDAY's POST. From the LONDON PAPERS, April 6. VIENNA March 17. ^ V SOME regiments of infantry are on their march towards the Austrian part of Swabia. The French hav- ing ordered a greater number of troops into Alsace, it appears cer- tain the Emperor will send troops to his frontiers, in proportion to those sent by france to hers. PORTSMOUTH, April 5. , Preparations continue still to be made with the usual alacrity, in the different departments of the dock- yard, for approaching hostilities ; but
the impress seems con- fined to the water only. This moment, Sir Richard King's flag has been hoisted on board the Marlborough, of 74 guns; as has Admiral Faulknor's, on board the Barfleur, of 98 guns, both at Spithead.— The Marlborough is ordered imme- diately to the Downs. LONDON. The Russian merchants having presented a memorial to his Majesty's ministers, in which the chief question was, " Whether, in the present situation of affairs, they might execute their present orders to Russia, in British bottoms?" have received the following an- swer: " That, in the present situation of affairs, nothing could be determined on
relative to the expediency of the departure of the ships destined for the several ports in the Russian empire; that as soon as his Majesty's ministers should be able to give any information on the subject the Duke of Leeds would send notice to the merchants, but that it was uncertain when that notice might be expected." This answer, therefore, exactly corresponds with the information we have already given to the public— That it was by no means certain a war with Russia would ensue, although this country had made prepa- rations for it. It is now clearly proved, that the event depends on a negociation now going forward; nor will
the issue be known until the return of the courier from Petersburgh, who left London on Friday last, which may possibly be by the middle of next month. The Polish minister at Vienna having informed the Diet, that the King of Prussia had determined to insist on the cession of Dantzic and Thorne, that august bo- dy received the intimation with the most marked and avowed detestation. Yesterday a meeting of the planters and merchants trading to the West Indies, was held at the Crown and Anchor, Lord Penrhyn in the Chair. It appeared by information from the colonies, that the minds of the black people have been much
inflamed by informa- tion of the discussion of the slave trade by the House of Commons. That the slaves had demanded that they should have four days out of the seven to them- selves; and that for those days they should be paid for their labour. That the negroes throughout the island of Dominica agreed to a general revolt; a chief was chosen over the whole, and one over each plantation; they had procured upwards of 500 stand of arms ; and agreed that on a certain night, the whole of the insurgents should rise, and murder their masters without distinction, and all those white peo- ple who should attempt to resist them, and
that the surviving white men should be driven to a remote part of the island : a body of troops attacked the insur- gents, and by several of the ringleaders falling into their hands, this scheme was frustrated ; but not be- fore many of the soldiery were destroyed; who on sooner fell, but their muskets were seized, and carried to assist in arming ths rest of the negroes. It was the unanimous opinion of the meeting, that nothing could so effectually re- establish the quiet of the colonies as the speedy termination of the present business in the House of Commons respecting the slave trade; to which effect a resolution was framed. Friday
sailed from Falmouth, the Discovery sloop of war, Captain Vancouver, and the Chatham brig, for a voyage round the world on discoveries. In all the late debates upon the Regency question at Paris, the word Queen was studiously avoided, and either that of the King's Wife, or the Dauphin's Mo- ther, constantly used in its stead. Sir Archibald Campbell's fortune goes to his two brothers, except a few legacies, and the interest of twenty- five thousand pounds to his Lady. The Irish language seems now to be studied with great success in various parts of this kingdom A loyal assembly at Norwich lately drank the following toast: "
Success to his Majesty's fleets by sea and Land and when a regiment of dragoons lately left that city, the same body inferred in a vote of thanks, " that both officers and privates had behaved in a manner that did honour to the British flag !" MONDAY ' s POST. From the LONDON PAPERS, April 8. LONDON. LORD HOOD'S FLEET, - DESTINED FOR THE BALTIC. Ships. Guns. Commanders. .... Lord Hood Victory l°°{ Capt Knight - _ „ s RearAd. King St. George98| Capt smith8 R. Ad. Faulk- Barfleur 98 capt. Bour- master Rear- Ad. J. Formidable 98 ) chols „ R. Ad. Good all London 98 | CaptWestcott Duke 98 Kingsmill Prss.
Royal 98 Holloway Impregnable 98 Sir T. Byard Courageux 74 Gardner Illustrious 74 Pole Carnatic 74 Ford Vanguard 74 Sir A. S. Hammond Colossus 74 Harvey Bedford 74 Mann Bellona 74 Hartwell Alcide 74 Sir A. S. Douglas Magnificent 74 Onslow Edgar 74 Molloy Monarch 74 Rainer Brunswick 74 Sir R. Curtis Hector 74 Montague Robust 74 Cotton Ships. Guns. Commanders. Cumberland 74 Macbride Bombay Castle 74 Duckworth Orion 74 Chamberlayne CULLODEN 74 Mackenzie Saturn 74 Linzee Hannibal 74 Colpoys Vengeance 74 Sir T. Rich Marlborough 74 Bazeley Swiftsure 74 Sir J. Wallace Lion 64 Finch Ardent
64 Vashon Assistance 501. d. Cranston Hebe 38 Hood Romulus 36 Frederick Inconstant 36 Wilson Andromeda Salisbury Quebec 31 Rodney Iphigenia 32 Sinclair Syren 31 Manley Winchelsea 32 Carpenter Circe 28 Oakes Cyclops 28 Cotes Nemesis 28 Ball Triton 28 Murray- Lizard 28 Hutt Roebuck ( hos- pital ship) 44 May Drake 14 Dolling Helena 14 Wo0dley Pluto ship) 14 R. Faulkner Tisiphone do.) 14 Hunt Vulcan, ( do.) 14 Ferris Kite cutter 14 Lamb Of the line Fifty gun ship Frigates Hospital ship Sloops Fireships Cutter The Formidable, St. George, Duke, Marlborough, and the three fireships, are the only vessels of the
fleet which are not yet ready— the whole of the others are deficient only in their complement of men. The Duke of Clarence does nor immediately join the fleet. He waits to see whetter there will he any occasion for his services before he hoists his flag. Yesterday the following frigates were ordered to be immediately ready for commission Melampus of 36 guns; Thalia of 32 guns; Latona of 38 guns; Crescent of 36 guns; Thetis of 38 guns ; and Lap- wing of 28 guns. Upwards of five hundred seamen Entered yesterday at the houses of rendezvous in the neighbourhood of Tower- hill, and nearly an equal number entered at the
different receiving houses in Sandwell, & c. " Grim visaged war seems stil tO go on. The press has at length nearly reached the capital, It is not, indeed, seen stalking in our streets, nor has it yet invaded those dwellings about Wapping and the Hermitage, which are generally the rendezvous of the brave and hardy sailor. But the river has been fairly swept from Deptford to the Nore. The merchant- ships are all stripped of their hands and our outward- bound fleets detained by it. They write from Amsterdam that the Magistrates have given public notice to the merchants of that city of the interference which the allied troops are
about to adopt with respect to Russia; warning them of the dif- ficulties that will from thence arise in the navigation of the Baltic this summer, that they may carry on their plans of commerce accordingly. 1 In consequence of this notice, all the ships which were preparing to sail for the ports in the Baltic, are prevented from proceed- ing ; and the underwriters will not insure any Dutch ships on voyages towards Russia, and the neighbouring ports. The same circumstance has taken place in this city. from whence 200 ships have commonly sailed every Spring for Petersburgh, Revel, & c. and the goods they would have carried out at
this season, consisting of English manufactures, and produce East India goods and other, commodities, would have amounted to up- wards of 5oo0oo; but the whole trade is now at a stand ; and if the ships would venture to the un- derwriters would not ensure thein under a premium of five times the usual rate. Should the Empress of Russia be permitted to esta- blish her point of having the command off the Black Sea, her next step would be to improve her resources. and enrich her country by the cultivation of commerce, and thus powerful in that quarter, she would engross many lucrative branches of trade, now enjoyed by
the Wes- tern kingdomS of Europe The chief business, at present, at the Admiralty, is the appointing additional lieutenants to sloops and fri- gates. About forty have been appointed within these two dayS Yesterday, the Chancellor of the Exchequer had a meeting with the Bank Directors, and accepted their offer of a loan of 500,000l. without interest in consi- deration of which he relinquished the project of ap- propriating the floating balance to the use of govern- ment. . The report of Lord Rodney's death is without foundation; his Lordship is in good health.- Last week, a cause was tried, at Lancaster, against a clergyman, of that
county, seducing the daugh- ter of a respectable farmer. Several circumstances were proved that considerably aggravated the offence, and the jury gave a verdict for the plaintiff with five hundred pounds damages.- ExCiSe OffiCe, Edinburgh, April 7, 1791. Bv ORDER OF THE HONOURABLE THE COMMISSIONERS OF EXCISE. THERE will be exposed to SALE by public auction, in the Excise Ware house at Leith, on FRIDAY the 15th of April instant, at twelve o'clock noon, 7652. lbs. wt. Unmanufactured 104lbs wt. Shag TOBACCO.: 1130lbs. wt. Roll 168 lbs. wt. British Rappie 503 lbs. wt. Scots SNUFF. 47 lbs. wt. Foreign
To be Set up at and not Sold- under the duties. The goods and conditions of sale to be seen at the Excise. Warehouse, and in the Tobacco Warehouse at Leith, on the day before, and morning of the day of sale. CONTIUATION OF MONKLAND CANAL SUCH Gentlemen as are desirouS Of promoting a Survey by MR. WHITWORTH, to establish the practicabili- ty of prolonging the MONKLAND CANAL, by the south of the Shots Hill to Edinburgh and Leith, through the thians, are desired to meet at the Royal Exchange Coffee house. on Thursday the 14th inst. at two o'clock, to take the necessary steps for that purpose. By this
navigation, a direct communication between Glas- gow, Edinburgh, and Leith, will take place. COCKHILL MARKeT, . In the neighbourhood of Callender in Montcath, The dealers in Cattle in the North West Highlands, and sundry other Considerable Dealers, hereby intimate, That they are to hold the Market this year, as formerly , at COCKHILL, and at the usual time. They are satisfied that Mr. Drummond of Perth will give every encourage- ment in his power in support of the Market, and that there Is the best accommodation at Callender for those who may attend there. TO BE LET, Conveniently situated for Sea Bathing, And
entered to at Whitsunday next THAT large and Commodious HOUSE, presently sessed by Captain Paton, pleasantly; situated betwixt the town and links of Kirkcaldy, consisting of three sides the sunk and garret storeys. and with garden adjoin- ing thereto, and offices. The house has a commanding pros- pect of the Frith, and adjacent Country — iS conveniently tuated for sea- bathing, and may accommodate one or more ' families. For particulars apply to Provost Cowan Kirkcaldy, - William Scot, Merchant Street, Edinburgh,
aa< 5 THE PREMIUMS On Various Articles of Scots ' Manufacture. TRUSTEES OFFICE, EDINBURGH, April 2, 1791. THE Commissioners and Trustees for Fisheries, Manufac- tures and Improvements in Scotland, having seen the good effects of the Premiums which have been given for se- veral years past, upon Goods lodged for competition at the Public Linen Hall in this city, have resolved to give the fol- lowing Premiums for this year, upon the articles under- men- tioned, to be lodged in the Hall on or before the 8th of Ja- nuary 1791, after which the preferences will be determined by proper Judges to be appointed by the
Trustees. Art. BLEACHING. I. The Trustees being informed that a chemical discovery- has lately been made, by which the operation of Bleaching may be performed in a very short time Therefore, to induce skilful persons to make experiments, in order if pos- sible to bring the discovery into general prac- tice, they are to give a premium as follows, viz. To the person that shall produce four pieces of Linen cloth the most fully whitened, without injury . " to the fabric, and which shall have been done " in the shortest time, - - I,. 15 The Cloth to be all of the fabric called Silesias, 30 inches wide, and wrought in a 900 reed, and each
piece not to be under 34 yards 111 length. Two of the pieces to be finished entirely within doors, and the other two to be cleared up on the Field.— The whole to be dried and put up in the water fold, and neither to be starched, beatled, nor lapped, in order that the time employed in the operation of Bleaching may be exactly ascertained— The precise time ta- ken in finishing the Goods, from the very first wetting to the drying up of the same, to be distinctly specified, in an open unsigned note to be lodged along with the Cloth ; and also in an affidavit, to be taken and subscribed by the operator before a Justice of the Peace, and
inclosed in a sealed note to be lodged at the same time. LINENS. ,1. For the best 2o pieces of 9- 8ths wide unbleached Sheeting, each piece to be 44 yards long, made of well prepared yarn of an equal colour, in 1 imitation of the Russian, 10 pieces of a set, 800 and 900 warp on the breadth, and the yarn to be spun from Scots flax, - 13 i. For the best suit of Damask Linen, both with re- gard to the quality and elegance of pattern, of a 1400, the pattern to be new, 15 3 For the best suit ditto of an 1800, as above, 10 4. For the best three suits of Diaper Linen, of an 1800., both with regard to the quality of the cloth and the elegance
of the patterns, each suit to be of a different pattern, and one of them at least TO be new, - - 10 For the best three suits of Diaper, of a 1500, as. above, 6. For the best 20 pieces of, 3- 4ths wide bleached Hackabuck, four pieces of a set, from 600 to rooo- warp inclusive each piece not to be under 24- yards in length, 7, for the best 20 pieces of Hessian ( or Hessins) Canvas for pack- sheeting, in imitation of the German,- each piece to be about 70 yards in length, and 40 inches in breadth, . W0OLLENs 1. For the beft 8 pieces of Carpeting 27 inches , wide, and not under, and each piece to be 21 ' yards long, indentation of the
Wilton in re--, gard to the fabric, the colours, and the ele- gance of the patterns, and at least two diffe- rent patterns; and to suit the carpeting, two . pieces of bordering of the necessary length., and of the foresaid breadth, and two borders to be contained in the breadth. - 2. For the best eight- pieces 7- 8ths wide Baize, each piece to be 2o yards long, and not exceeding is. 9d. per yard in value, -- 6 : 0 o 3. I or the best two dozen Blankets, in imitation of the English, each Blanket to be two I- 8th '. ~ . yards wide, andl two 5-. 8ths yards long fully, and not exceeding us. per Blanket in value, 9- 0 p 4. For the best 6 pieces Duffle or
Coating 7- 4ths wide, two pieces brown, two pieces blue, and two pieces light grey mixture, each piece to be 20 yards long, and not to exceed 4s. 9d. per yard in value, - - 10 o C j. For the best 6 pieces Serges in imitation of what is called German Serges, each piece to be 20 yards long, and not to exceed 3s. 3d. per yard in value, ... 8 0 6. For the best 12 pieces of Hunters Cloth, each piece not to be under 20 yards long and 7- 8ths broad, and not exceeding 4s. 6d. per yard in value, - - 15 0 for the second- best ten pieces ditto, - it o o o o o f 7 o o a' o % o to. . et •. « . For the second- best of the same, [ 2. To the person who
shall invent and draw on design paper the best four patterns for Diaper Table Linen, the drawing of each not to ex- ceed four designs, and to be of a proportion- able length, - - - For the second- best of the same, For the third- best- ditto, EDINBURGH ADVERTISER 7. For the best 8 pieces of dressed Woollen Cloth, each piece not under Jo yards long, and 3- 4ths broad, not exceeding 3s. per yard in value, 10 For the second- best eight pieces ditto, - 6 8. For the best 8 pieces of dressed Woollen Cloth, of the same length and breadth with the pre- ceding article, and not exceeding 2s. per yard in value, ... 7 For the second best
eight pieces ditto, - 5 9. For the best eight pieces of Flannel, in imitation of the Welch manufacture, each piece not to be under 35 yards in length, and 7- 8ths ia breadth, and not exceeding is. 8d. per yard In value, - . - - - 800 10. For the best 6 pieces common white Woolled Flannel, 7- 8ths wide, each piece not under 25 yards In length, and not to exceed is. 3d. per ' yard in value, - - - 600 The ten preceding articles to be manufactured en- tirely of Scots Wool, and except the last two, all dyed of various colours ; and the whole to be dyed in the Wool -, the Carpets, Baize, Blankets, and Flannels excepted. SILK AND COTTON
ARTICLES. ^ L I.. For the best twelve pieces of coloured Silk Hand- kerchiefs, of different patterns, the one half in imitation of the Indian, and the other half in imitation of the Barcelona kind, with regard • both to the fabric and the neatness of the pat- terns, each piece containing seven Handker- chiefs, and each Handkerchief to be a yard square, and not to exceed 5s. in value, 12 o O 2. For the best 12 Vest Shapes of rich Tissue Sattin, of different patterns, with regard both to the quality of the cloth and elegance of the pat- terns, not exceeding 23s. each in value, 10 o o For the second- best 12 Vest Shapes - 6 O O 3. For the
best two dozen of Silk and Cotton Vest Shapes, of different patterns, both with regard to the quality of the cloth and elegance of the patterns each shape not to exceed ios. in value, 8 O o For the second- best two dozen of the same, 500 4. For the best three dozen Stockings, of different colours, both with regard to quality and ele- gance of patterns, in imitation of the English patent, and of a full size for men— one dozen to be of Silk, and not to exceed 1- ls. per pair— - one dozen Worsted not to exceed js- 9d, r— and one dozen Cotton not to exceed 5 s. 6 d. per pair, - - - - IOOO For the best and finest 6 pieces 9- 8ths wide
Mus- lin, in imitation of the Indian Allibally or Mullmull, each piece not to contain less than : 10 yards, and the yarn to be spun in Britain, 20 O O . For the best 6 pieces 9- 8ths wide Book or Wire Muslin, wove in a 1400 reed, each piece not to contain less than 10 yards, and the yarn to be spun as above, - - 12 O O , For the best 12 pieces of Corduroys, Velverets, and Thicksets, different colours, and some of * the Velverets in particular to be black, four pieces of each, the one half tweeled, and the other half plain, each piece not to be under 25 yards long and 19 inches broad; the tweel- ed Corduroys not to exceed 3js. 4d. per
yard in value, and the plain ones 2s. 9d. The tweeled Velverets not to exceed 3s. 9d. per yard, and the plain ones 3s.— And the tweeled Thicksets not to exceed 3s. 3d. per yard, and the plain ones 2s. 8d. - - - 14 0 p For the second- best 12 pieces. of the same, 800 8. For the best 12 pieces 0f dyed Pillow Fustians, . each piece not to be under 24 yards long 17 inches broad, and not exceeding 26s per ' piece in value, - 5 „- . PATTERNS FOR TABLE LINEN. To the person who shall invent and draw on design paper the most elegant Pattern for Da- mask- Table Linen, the drawing not to exceed 94 designs by 34, that is, the
pattern to- be 108 designs long by 88 broad, - 10 for 1791. APRIL 12, No person or company will be allowed to gain more than one of those Premiums. Nor will any person acting as a journeyman or servant be allowed to compete : But every competitor must actually be and have been in business on his own account prior to the date of this advertisement. Every person or company that has in former years gained three full Premiums, under one of the articles mentioned and described as above, excepting for the Damask, Diaper, Carpet- ing, and the Drawing of Damask and Diaper Patterns, will be debarred from competing. The
Trustees reserve a power to themselves of giving such part only of any Premium as the performance shall appear to deserve; and in case of its not having any merit, to withhold the Premium entirely. Should any person be detected in lodging goods that were presented at a former competition, or in any other species of fraud, he shall forfeit the Premium, be disqualified for a fu- ture competition, and the fraud will be published in the news- papers. Every competitor must lodge, along with his goods, a note sealed, containing in the inside his name and designation, and upon the outside, the denomination of the goods to which the
note belongs,; which note will not be opened until after the preferences, are determined,- and not at all if the goods be. not found worthy of a Premium; and there must also be lodged an open invoice, ( having the same seal distinctly affixed to some part of it) mentioning the selling prices, without the maker's name. All the goods must be completely dressed and finished for sale j and every competitor who shall be found intitled to a Premium must make oath, before receiv- ing payment, as' follows, viz. " I ( here insert the name and de- signation) do hereby solemnly swear, that the ( here mention- " ing the article lately produced
at the Edinburgh Linen Hall, in my name, was fairly and truly made, done, or manu-' factured in Scotland by myself, or by the servants actually employed by me, and solely for my own behoof: That the article never was presented at any former competition, but was made, done, or manufactured in the - year 1791. I do further swear, that I have no property or concern in any of the other articles, for which a premium has now been adjudged and that the said article produced by me, was in all respects conformable to the foregoing advertise- ment." And the Gainers upon the Woollen Goods must swear also, " that the article was
made entirely from Scots Wool." And lastly, all the Gainers, excepting those upon Damask, Diaper, Carpets, and Drawings of Patterns, must add—" And I likewise swear, that I have not in former years gained three full Premiums upon the article for which a premium has now been adjudged to me." It is expected, therefore, that no person will lodge - any Cloth who cannot precisely conform to this affidavit and the foregoing regulations, as a deviation from them will not on any account be permitted. By order of the Trustees, ROBT. ARbuthNOT, Secretar. A- 1- 350 o o There being reason to suspect, that, in former competitions for
Premiums, where the prices are specified, goods have been produced that could not be made at such prices: There- fore, notice is hereby given, that the persons gaining the Pre- miums in future must sell the goods to any person or persons willing to buy them at the prices specified ; and it is expected by the Trustees, that the owners of the goods will make to any person such a quantity as may be desired, at the same prices, and of a quality equally good. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. To be SOLD by auction, by WILLIAM BRUCE, on Thursday the 14th of April curt, first entry on the Terrace, Leith Street, by the Register Office,
and first door of the stair, ALL sorts of HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, viz. Dining room, Drawing- room, and Bed- chamber fur- niture-; amongst which are two Four- posted Beds, with ma- hogany foot- posts and printed Copperplate furniture, as good as new; also an assortment of Kitchen Furniture, with a Wa- ter Jar and Kitchen Jack.— To be viewed two days preceding the sale, from twelve to three o'clock, and the fale- to begin at eleven o'clock forenoon. To be SOLD by public roup, on Monday the rith day of July 1791, within the Royal Exchange Coffee- house, E- dinburgh, between the hours of 5 and 7 in the afternoon, THE
Whole OUTSTANDING DEBTS owing to the Estate of CHARLES and ROBERT FALLS, late Mer- chants - in Dunbar, and the individual Partners Of that Company. ' '- These Debts amount to about L. 5500, and they will be exposed to sale at the upset price of l. 850 Sterling. Printed lists of the particulars, and the articles of roup, will be got, on applying to John Taylor, writer to the signet, SLATE AND FLAG QUARRY TO LET.' To be LET for such a number of years as may be agreed u- pon, and entered to immediatelv, tHAT SLATE QUARRY or HOLLOLEE, lying in the parish of Inverleithen, and County of Selkirk; the
excellency of the Slates of which, and especially the Flags, are so generally well known, that it is perfectly unnecessary to say any thing in their praise; and the Roads to the Quarry, from all quarters, are in the best repair. Such persons as incline to offer, may apply to the proprie- tor at Hollolee, NOTICE to the CREDITORS of the deceased JOHN WILSON, Grocer in Edinburgh. THE- Creditors of the said John Wilson, are desired to meet in the house of Andrew Scott, stabler, foot of the Candlemaker- row, Edinburgh, on the I, th Current, at ten o'clock forenoon, to give in their several claims. It is also requested that all who were
indebted to the said John Wilson at the time of his death, will meet same time and place, in order to make payment to the legatees, who will attend said meeting.
APRIL 12. EDINBURGH INSURANCE LOSSES PARLIAMENT THE FRIENDLY AGAINST BY FIRE, STAIRS. THE Directors of the Edinburgh Friendly Insurance against LOSSES by FIRE having lately resolved to reduce the Premium of Insurance at this Office, from Five Shillings to Three Shillings, for each Hundred Pounds Insured upon Farming Stock, including Live Cattle, and on Thatched Barns, Stables. Byres, and other Out- houses wherein are no Chimnies, and which are separated from other buildings where fires are used, All persons having property under this description, insured at this Office, are required, against E
D I N B U R G H A D V E R T I A SCHOOLMASTER WANTED, For the Parish of LEUCHARS, FIFE. HE must, ( besides other parts of education), be qualified to teach grammatically the english and Latin Lan- guages, with the proper pronounciation of the former; also Writing, Arithmetic, and Church Music; must be of an un- exceptionable moral character, and if already accustomed to teach, so much the better; must give it under his hand be- fore his election, that he renounces all views to the office of the ministry. The Emoluments of this office are very considerable. And as it is a pleasant healthy situation, and a good School house and Garden, a man of real merit may greatly increase his in- come by keeping Boarders; and to such a character, every other advantage that the Heritors and parish can bring in his way. will be supperadded. The election is, by appointment of the heritors, to take place, at Leuchars, on Friday the 20th May next. And Candidates for this office, are desired to correspond with the Rev. Thomas Kettle, minister of Leuchars, by St. Andrews. the terms when their payments become due, to transmit their Policies to the Office, or to the Agents to whom they usually pay their Premiums, who have instructions to make the necessary
alterations thereon. April 9, 1791. HOUSEH0Ld FURNITURE. IN order to accommodate some persons that are presently ab- sent from town, the Sale by Auction, in the Large Ware- room of the late Company of WILLIAM HAMILTON and SON, West Side of the Canongate Church, is DISCON- TINUED till TUESDAY the loth MAY, when the same will be opened with an Assortment of Elegant CABINET and UPHOLSTERY GOODS, which have not yet been offered at the Sale In particular, some beautiful WILTON CAR- PETS, and a great variety of PAPER HANGINGS, well worthy the attention of those persons who require to
have rooms finished in a neat and cheap manner. 1 To be LET and entered to at Whitsunday next, THE HOUSE of DEAN, with the Offices, Gardens and inclosures, as presently possessed by Alexander Houston, Efq;— The Gardens and inclofures, including the pleasure grounds, measure about fourteen English acres. For further particulars, apply to William Balderston, wri- ter to the signet. FREE STONE QUARRIES TO BE LET, THREE different QUARRIES at RAVELSTOUN, within less than three miles of Edinburgh. One of them is presently possessed by Kenneth Paterson, and produces st- of the very best quality, both in
point of colour.- and being easily dressed, as may be seen from many of the new build- ings and the durability of it is proved by Heriot's Work, and other old buildings : The other two are lately opened, have easy access to the Ferry road, and a very promising ap- pearance. The entry to the first- mentioned Quarry com- mences on the 1st Juno; access to the other two may be had immidiately.—- John Mucklejohn, smith at Blackhall, will point out the Quarries. For particulars apply o Mr. Keith, No. 56, Prince's Street, to whom proposals in writing must be given in before, the 1st day of May next. ST JAMES's SQUARE. to be
SOLD by private bargain, ALODGING, being the Third Flat of No. 12, North Side of. St. James's Square, consisting of dining- room. drawing room, two bed rooms, a bed- closet, kitchen, a ser- vants bed- place, several closets and presses, also a cellar This house is neatly finished, and commands an extensive and delightful view. For particulars, apply to Mr. James Greig, writer Ches sels's Buildings, Canongate, or to Mr. James Forrest, No. 12, north side St. James's Square. Edinburghx April 11, 1791. LODGING IN JAMES'S COURT. To Sell Or LET, and entered to at Whitsunday next, By ADJOURNMENT. SALE OF
SUBJECTS IN EDINBURGH. UPSET Price Reduced. To be SOLD by public voluntary roup, within John's Coffee- house, Edinburgh, upon Wednesday, the i7th day of April 1791, at six o'clock afternoon, HE LOTS Remaining Unsold of the SUBJECTS be- longing to JOHN HORN, Wright in Edinburgh, and his Creditors, and which are to be exposed to sale by the Trustee, on his sequestrated estate, viz. I. The TWO UNDERMOST FLATS of that Large New Tenement lying at the foot of Monteith Close, north side of the High Street of Edinburgh, with a Plot of Ground1 lying contiguous to, and on the north thereof. The house, -
Iheli kernel, and part of the ground are possessed by Mr. Latta, surgeoo, upon a tack for 5 years from Whitsunday 1790. Rent 26l. N. 13. the house and grOund were formerly advertised to be sold in two separate lots, but they are now to be exposed in one lot, which will render the purchase more convenient and desirable. The upset price of this subjeCt is reduced. II A WORK- HOUSE, consisting of two storeys and Garrets lying at the foot of said Close, possessed by —— Wight, cabinet- maker, and Wauchope, ivory- turner. Rent 9I. 9s III. A HOUSE of Two Storeys and Garrets, with a large Cellar, lying at the foot of said
Close, possessed by Mr. Horn; with' the STANCE of a HOUSE partly built, and a Piece-, of Ground thereto belonging. IV A PLOT of GROUND lying contiguous to, and on the north of the subject above- mentioned, inclosed with a stone dyke, and held feu of the Magistrates and Council of Edinburgh, as Governors of the Trinity Hospital. V. Several SMALL FEU- DUTIES, amounting in whole to about L. a : 6 : 6d. yearly, payable to the laid John Horn, out of five tenements in the CALTON- HILL, sold by him to the following persons, viz. S E R for 1791. 227 FOR LOND ON, A Contract Ship, THE LEITH PACKET, JOHN
THOMSON, Master, Is taking in goods at the birth in Leith, deliverable at Hawley and Downe's Wharf, sea hazard, and accidents by fire excepted,— will sail Thurs- day the 21st April.— Has good accommodation for passengers. The master to be spoke with the Old Exchange Coffee house, Edinburgh mornings and evenings on board, or ar Mrs. Roy's, Proad Wynd, Leith. AT LONDON,— FOR LEITH, THE DIANA,— A NEW SHIP, JAMES CAMPBELL, Master, Now lying at Millar's Wharf, below Burr street, East Smithfield, taking in goods for Edinburgh, and all places adjacent on the Firth of Forth, delivered at Leith and will the
22d current N. B. The ship has very neat accommodation for passengers. The Master to be spoke with On the Scots Walk, Royal Exchange, and at the New- England Coffee- house. N. B. As the Shipmasters at Miller's Wharf have entered into a contract to sail every fourteen days, the Merchants may depend on their regular time of sailing. ______ ' FOR LISBON, to return immediately to Clyde, with what vines and other goods may offer. THE MARY,. WILLiaM MATTHIE, Master, Will be clear to sail in a few days. Apply to Adam, Matthie, and Co. _ WHO HAVE FOR SALE, A parcel of Barcelona NUTS and ALMONDS, both in 1
Greenock, April 6, 1791. _. FOR HALIFAX, NOVA SCOTIA, THE NEW SHIP BRUNSWICK, Burden 700 tons, WILLIAM MYLNE. Master, will be ready to receive 0n board goods at Greenock by the 1st, and will be ready to sail by the 15th 1 April.— she has most excellent accommodation for passen- gers, and goes from Halifax to Mirramichi, in the Gulf of St Lawrence;— Therefore passengcrs going for that place, Pictou Cape Breton, or the Island of St. John's, cannot Mr. John Peat writer, Mr. And. Deuchar, Mrs. Bremner, Mr. And. Deuchar, Miss Douglas, Miss Kerr, J. | i. d. 4 o j Miss Bruce, 4 o 1 6 Mr. John Thomson, Id 6 4 o
Mr. Alex. Wardrope, 4 o ] 6 Mr. James Hog, 4 o 4 o | Mr. Thomas Cock- burn The present proprietors of the above tenements will have an opportunity of purchasing the said Feu- duties payable by them respectively, as it is proposed to sell them in separate Lots. meet with a better opportunity. For freight or passage apply to Mr. Alexander Warranll, - Glasgow, or Hunter, Robertson, and Co. Greenock. GREENOCK, 19th Match, 1792 To be SOLD by public roup, upon Friday the 15th April curt. within the house of Alexander Roston, vintner at Allos, betwixt the hours of one and two afternoon, The BRIGANTINE RESOLUTION,
About foUr years old, measuring 185 tons, and burden about 300 tons, with her whole appurtenances, as she presently lies in the har _. bour of Alloa, This vessel is just now discharged from his Majesty's ser- vice as a tender, is in very good condition, and well calcula- ted for the Baltic, West India, of American trade. Inventories to be seen in the hands of Robert M'farlane, shipmaster, and James Haig merchant, Alloa, and John Cib- son at the west end of the Canal. CONTRACTORS FOR BUILDING DYKES. FOR INCLOSING a considerable extent of Low Grounds in GLENSHEE, in the parish Kirkmichael, and shire of Perth,
ia miles above Blairgowrie, on the great military road to Fort- George— There are WANTED Persons well skilled and accustomed in the business, to BUILD DYKES in the Galloway fashion, of the best construction, and in the most sufficient manner, according To the model of a rood ot dyke previously built to be a standard to which the whole dykes are to agree. There is to be built at least 300 long roods; and if a suf- ficiency of Contractors offer, there may be some hundreds more of such roods, all to be completed in the course of the ensuing summer; Contracts will be entered into with one person who will undertake the whole
work, or with different persons for dif- ferent lines of the same dykes, who will respectively engage to complete the work they undertake for, in the course of the summer. For further particulars, application may be made to George: Wilson ; writer in Edinburgh, the trustee, who will show the title- deeds, articles of roup, & c. TO LET, GRAZINGS AND LANDS FOR GRASS ONLY. To be LET, either together or in separate lots, by public roup, at the house of Milnhaugh of Alyth, Upon Friday the 19th day of April Instant; for the ensuing season, com- mencing the 15th day of May next, and to continue till the 1st of October , THE
Extensive Grassing of GLENLOCHSY, which is in high condition, having been close kept and hained with- out any pasturing Upon it for several years past, the grass of which is naturally very good, and a great deal of it rich and fine. As also, adjacent to the said glen, and for grass only, a considerable extent of rich Haugh or Meadow Land, and Arable Ground within dyke, which has not been ploughed for two years past, lying in a large pleasant vale where two rivers meet, and surrounded by beautiful green hills, being the grounds of sundry contiguous possessions.— With a very large tract of exceeding fine pasture ground
belonging to the said possession on the surrounding green hills. ITEM. TO be LET as a foresaid. The Large Grasing of GLENGERNOCK ;— and for grass only, the Meadow, arable ground, and grass within dykes, of sundty contiguons possessions adjacent to the said glen, the lands being of a good rich soil, lying warm and - well sheltered, all lying in Glenshee, in the parish of Kirk- michael, and shire of Perth. • For proper persons to show the different grounds, inquire at John Macgregor's, the public house at Balnauld, near the Bridge of Glenshee. upon the great military road from Blair- THE LODGING, Fourth Floor from the
Court, East Entry, presently possessed by Mr. Cowan, consisting of'eight fire rooms, kitchen, closets, and other convenient cies; with a large vaulted cellar under the Court. This lod- ging is insured in the Edinburgh Friendly Insurance Office for 4,11!. Scots, and the Premium paid up; Price, with the benefit of the insurance, 400l. Sterling; and with- out the benefit of the insurance, 320! Sterling. Rent 28I. Sterling. The house commands a most extensive prospect of the Forth, coast of Fife, & c. & c. and the stair is amongst the best in Edinburgh." To be seen every lawful day from twelve to two o'clock. Farm to be let in the Shire of
Forfar. To be LET for nineteen years, by public roup; within the house of William Monro, vintner in Forfar, upon Satur- day the 23d day of April curt, betwixt the hours of one and two afternoon, THE Farm of MAINS of BALFOUR, lying in the pa- rish of Kingoldrum. and shire of Forfar, consisting of about 190 arable acres, good ground, and finely situated, with plenty of shell, marle, and moss close by it. Distance from Kirriemuir two miles, and six from Forfar and Glammis.— Good encouragement will be given for building the necessary Farm- houses. and for inclosing The entry to be at Whitsun- day next. and the ground will be
shown By William Stewart at Cairnleith- For further particulars, apply to Colonel Fotheringham, at Fotheringham. The Contractors are to provide the stones, and to build the dykes. The materials for building will be allotted adja cent to the lines of dyke contracted for, and the Contractor will be provided in sufficieney of good pasturage for the horse's upon the grounds on which the dykes are to be built and also accommodation for their labourers in houses upon the grounds. Any person willing to contract may apply to Mr Robert Mackintosh at Alyth, who will direct them as to visiting and examining the grounds, and to whom they
may give in then proposals betwixt and the jd of May ensuing. The persons offering to Contract, must with their proposals produce attestations of Gentlemen of character, from their own proper knowledge of their skill and practice in building such dykes; and the work in its progress to be Inspected by a surveyor appointed by the employer weekly, who shall ap prove of the work and certify that it is done conformable t the model agreed to as a standard.
TUESDAY'S POST. FROM THE LONDON GAZETTE, April 9. Constantinople, February i 2. THE plague is hardly perceptible at present in this capital. PROMOTIONS. War- Office, April 9, 1791. 2d for Queen's regiment of dragoon guards, Lieut. James Hay to be captain- lieute. by purchase, vice Evatt, who retires; Cornet Dive to Lieutenant.— 2d for Royal North British) reg. of dragoons, R. Jones, to be cornet, by purchase, vice Bothwell, promoted.— 16th ( or the Queen's) reg. of light dragoon's, J. S. Stuart to be cornet, by purchase, vice G. An- sonl, promoted.— 2d batt. of the Royals, Lieut. Donald Mac- donald, from half pay,
to be lieutenant, vice R. Campbell, promoted ; Lieut. J. S. Baillie, from half pay, to be lieute- nant, vice G. Pigot, promoted.— 3d reg. of foot, W. G. Da- niel, to be ensign, by purchase, vice Sinclair, promoted— 11th reg. H. D. Crunden, to be ensign, by purchase, vice Raleigh, promoted.— 151b reg. Ensign Clinton, from the 1st foot guards, to be captain by purchase, vice W. Gordon, promot- ed.— 18th retires Holme, to be ensign, by purchase, vice Da- rell, who retires.— 31st reg. Capt. G. Pigot, from half pay, to be Captain, to Donaldson, who exchanges; lieut. D. Ers- kine. from half pay, to be lieutenant, vice J. Alexander, pro moted.— or Royal HighLand reg. Lieut. John Farquhar- son to be adjutant, without purchase, vice Hugh Fraser, who resigns— 47th reg. Lieut. Stapleton, from, the 14th dragoons, be Lieutenant, vice Mahon, who exchanges— 50th reg. Lieut. Sturt, from half pay, to be lieutenant, vice Miller, premoted.— 57th reg. Major Hay Macdowall, from the 73d, to be lieutenant- colonel, by purchase vice Brownlow, who re- tires; Lieut. G. Carnegie, from half pay, to be lieutenant, vice A. Walton, who exchanges.— 60th reg. J. Tonson, to be ensign by purchase, vice W. Jevers, appointed to a cornetcy; Ensign W. Banbury to be lieutenant, by
purchase. vice A. Maclean, promoted; T. M'Kee, to be ensign ; Ensign Pow- lett, to be lieutenant, by purchase, vice G. Sutherland, pro- moted ; Lieut. Herring, from half pay, to be lieutenant, vice Floyer.— 73d ( Highland) reg. Captain James Spens to be Ma- jor, by purchase, vice Hay Macdowall, promoted.— 74th ( Highland) reg. Major Gencral O'Hara to be Colonel, vice Major- General Sir Archibald Campbell, deceased,— 77th reg. Second Lieutenant Cotton, from the 23d foot, to be lieute- nant, by purchase, vice Dalrymple, promoted.— New South Wales Corps, Lieutenant Foveaux to be captain of an addi- tional company ;
Ensign J Prentice to be lieutenant; Ensign W. Beckwith, to be an additional lieutenant; Ensign T. Row- ley, to be an additional lieutenant; John Clephan, to be an additional ensign. Average Price of Corn and Grain, at London, per Quarter, from March ; 8> to April 2, 1791. the most rigorous examination ; what irresistible futili- ty, and what a multitude of grand labours has he brought to the Rostrum of the Nation ! How was his mind enlightened by Hidden gleams of intelligence, in the midst of those agitations and convulsions of the As sembly, by which so many minds were embarrassed and confounded! What lively and cutting
replies! And how were his talents seconded by the sounds of that voice, so full, so strong, so clear; of that powerful voice, without which, even genius in the midst of a vast Assembly, is without an organ! Mirabeau was a man of most extensive talents, and, to him, in a great measure, the French are indebted for the Revolution. In that, and in all subsequent pro- ceedings, he took such a distinguished part as to be looked up to in every measure of importance.— As to his private character, his worst enemies can say no more than is well known, and his best friends will do well to be profoundly silent. The following anecdote of M.
de Mirabeau will be the surest trait we can give of his moral character. M. ' de Mirabeau was the son of the Comte de Mirabeau, a man of learning and perfectly well bred, but not re- markable for the severity of his morals. The Comte and his wife having lived unhappily together, were at length set at liberty by a mutual separation. The Comte, Whose conjugal unhappiness was still fresh in his mind, applied to his own son to write a pamphlet for him against his wife. The pamphlet was written by young Mirabeau against his own mother! The price of his labours was 100 louis d'ois, which he received from his father. His mother
complaining to him of the indecency of this filial outrage,—" Madame," says young Mirabeau, " give me 200 louis d'ors and I will write another pamphlet against my father, in vindication of your character." In point of ability, and in the nature of his oratory, Mirabeau has been compared to Mr. Fox, although the advantage in point of character, was greatly on the side of the latter, indeed there was no comparison. NATIONAL ASSEMBLY.— Sunday, April 3. M. d'Andre, after a short recital of the constitution- al labours still necessary, observed that they might now be reduced to a very narrow compass— two months longer sitting
being sufficient to accomplish the grand work. A deputation of forty- eight sections of locality, and another of the department of Paris appeared at the bar. They came to request of the Assembly to decree such public homage, to the remains of M. de Mirabeau, as was due to his talents and patriotism. The sections demanded that mourning for this extraordinary man should be worn for a certain time ; that he should be buried beneath the altar of his country, also that his funeral oration should be pronounced there, and " that the same honours hitherto lavished on Kings, should be bestowed on Mirabeau.'" The petition of the
department had also for its object to order, that in future the ashes of great men should be deposited in the Church of St. Genevieve— that M. de Mirabeau should be there interred— and that the law should have a retroactive effect in honour of former great men, such as Voltaire, Rousseau, & c. The Assembly decreed, " That M. de Mirabeau is intitled to the marks of gratitude and honours which shall be decreed by the country to the great men who have served it well." PARIS,— April 4. ' The King sent every day to know how Mirabeau was— even Abbe Maury, his great antagonist, wept bitterly when he heard he was no
more— the Pope's advocate has now no competitor in the Assembly. Mirabeau was interred last night— the concourse of people was prodigious— and the expressions of sorrow and mourning were universal. The body, conforma bly to the orders of the National Assembly, was car- ried to the old church of St. Genevieve. The populace have effaced the name of the street in which he resided. It was called La Chaussee d'Antin 1 - they have written in its place, Rue de Mirabeau ( Mirabeau's Street). The National Assembly were yesterday informed by letter, that lately three assassins stopped a coach, killed the postilion,
dangerously wounded the servant, and obliged those who were within, and who wished to de- fend themselves, to seek their safety by flight, One hundred and fifty- eight mutineers are arrived at St. Maloes, from that island of Martinico, where the greatest troubles continue to reign ; among them, as we are informed, are many English sailors. The greatest troubles are now distracting the whole province of Alsace. Cardinal de Rohan is enlisting men for the rebel ar- mey. The Assembly have passed a decree, requesting his Majesty to order him and several persons assisting him t0 be arrested. [ This Gazette contains his
Majesty's PROCLAMA- TION for recalling and prohibiting seamen from serving foreign Princes and States, and for granting rewards for discovering such seamen as shall conceal themselves. It " stricly commands all masters of ships, pilots, mariners, seamen, shipwrights, and other seafaring men whatsoever and wheresoever ( being our natural- ' born subjects), who are in the pay or service of any foreign Prince or State, or in any foreign ship or ves- sel, that forthwith they quit such foreign services, and return home to their native countries: And further prohibits all masters of ships, pilots, mariners, seamen, Shipwrights, and
other seafaring men, from entering into the pay or service of any foreign Prince or State, without a special licence: And, That the offenders shall be punished with the utmost severities of the law, and, if any of them shall be taken in any foreign ser- vice by the Turks, Algerines, or any others, they shall not be reclaimed as subjects of Great Britain. And a reward of twenty shillings for every able and ordinary seaman shall be paid to any person who shall discover any seamen who may conceal themselves, so that such seamen shall be taken for service on or before the jilt day of May, by any of our sea officers appoint- ed to raise
men on shore, or by the captains of any of our ships ; the said rewards to be paid by the principal officers and Commissioners of the Navy, or by the Col- lector or proper officer of the Customs, at the port which may be nearest to the place where such seamen shall be taken, immediately upon a proper certificate being produced."] From the LONDON PAPERS, April 9. FRANCE. MIRABEAU's DEATH. MIRABEAU is dead ! He died on Saturday morning last, after an illness violent and short, in the first part of which he was frequently delirious, and through- out in, great pain. From the first appearance of his indisposition, it was
known to be dangerous, and bulletins, announcing his. situation, were published hourly; notwithstanding which, the populace waited at his gate in great numbers, anxious, through affection and curiosity, to obtain the earliest intelligence ot his fate. The buzz of the crowd, and even the voices of the hawkers, who cried these bulletins- were audible in his chamber. A few hours before his death, one of his friends remarked to him this instance of the estima- tion in which he was held by his countrymen.— " Ah ! ( said he) I perceive, that it must be accept- able to die for them." In the beginning of his disor- der, his hope of recovery
was great; but his courage, in the subsequent stages of it, was not less. He deli- berately made his will, and, recollecting, that a law relating to testaments was then before the National As- sembly, he said to the Abbe de Taleyrand, the ci- de- vant Bishop of Autun" The National Assembly is now engaged upon a law relating to testaments, and they will not think it unsuitable, that a man, who has just made one, should offer them his opinion upon the question, as his last homage. I intrust this paper I to your care, to be read to the Assembly." He died in the forty- second year of his age, leaving many of his intended plans
unfinished, but at a time, when his reputation had attained an heighth, which it probably would not have exceeded. His character was of that complex sort which can- not be hastily or concisely developed. One truth may perhaps be shortly told as to the worth of his inten- tions ; that his principles were bad, and that the good which he did was accidental, or done only, because he happened to believe it to be must expedient. We. say happened; for, notwithstanding his talents, he could not often see the homely but irresistible truth, " That honesty is the best policy." His abilities alone rendered him what he was, and he was
undoubtedly the first man in France, as to person- al power and consequence. ' When his death was reported to the National As- sembly, M. Barrere, after an eulogium, moved, " that the general sorrow for the loss should be noticed in the process verbal, and that the President should invite every member, in the name of the country, to assist at his funeral." The motion was agreed to, and his me- moir upon wills was read, at the request of several members, and ordered to be' printed, " as the last legacy of a dying patriot to his country." The Directory of Paris have decreed a public mourning of, eight days for his death, and the
munici- pal body have appointed a deputation of twelve mem- bers to be present at his funeral. On the night before his death, his secretary, who was suspected of being at times insane, was found wel- tering in his blood, from several wounds which he had given himself with a pen- knife. Mirabeau had fre- quently sent to him for the key of his bureau ; and, at length, no answer being returned, the door of his chamber was broke open, and he was discovered upon the floor. In his own bureau, which contained the key of that belonging to Mirabeau, were found two packets of assignats, upon one of which, of 22, ooo livres, was
written—" This is M. Mirabeau's :" upon another, of 8oo—" This is mine."— He is out of danger. The body of Mirabeau was opened under a tent in his garden, in the presence of the Judges of the Tri- bunal, four municipal officers, and several surgeons, amongst whom, those belonging to the several batta- lions of the national guard were very properly invited. No symptom that he had been poisoned was discovered. All the places of public amusement in Paris are shut for three days. To develope the grandeur and extent of a man's ta- lents, a happy concurrence of circumstances is requisite, but they are almost always matured
by the taste, the studies, and the habits of his life. M. de Mirabeau was an instance. Before he was twenty years of age. an adventure of youth obliged him to travel into Hol- land, and there he had already caused a work against despotism to be printed. Being afterwards immured in a State prison, he there composed his eloquent book against Lettres de Cachet, and thus made his imprison- ment subservient to the liberty of nations. If his passions, which were hurricancs, sudden, ter- rible, and short, misled him in some periods of his life, in the most important of all, the period of the Revolu- tion, it was his good fortune to be
attached to the cause of virtue by those very passions. The memory of the speech which he pronounced in Provence, on the convocation of the States General by orders, still lives, and will live for ever. It was the eloquence of a Marins, but rendered infinitely more beautiful by this Marius being himself a Patrician. But in every period, the lustre of his talents will bear
he had never felt himself very strong in his opinion whether they were useful or otgerwise ; but with re- spect to Canada, he was decidedly of opinion that a septennial Parliament was absolutely necessary. He was sorry that the Right Hon. gentleman had made so much mention of the affairs of France and America; affairs which in his opinion ought not to be agitated in that House. The Right Hon. gentleman had, in the courfe of his speech, discovered a strong predilec- tion for Republican principles ; he would not condemn those principles ; but he was bold to assert, that the principles of the constitution of England were as well
adapted to a good government, as any system what- ever. He would, however, chearfully concur in the recommitment of the bill, which he was convinced would prove on examination to answer all the purpo- ses of a good government. Several amendments were agreed to. After which the bill was ordered to be ingrossed, and read a third time on Wednesday next. Adjourned. VIENNA, March 13. Yesterday, a courier arrived from the Congress of Sistova with dispatches, informing our Cabinet, that, notwithstanding all the activity employed in the nego- tiations, incidents daily occurred to obstruct their pro- gress.— It therefore
became necessary that the armistice between Austria and the Porte, which ought to expire on the ist of May, should be prolonged— Our Cabinet have agreed to continue it to the 1st of August. GIBRALTAR— Feb. The Emperor of Morocco is exceedingly fond of the English : He delivered the following oration at My father loved money, and cultivated the friend- ship of the Spaniards. I do not love money, and make choice of a brave people for my friends :— a people that are not afraid to face their enemy in battle; and, as often as they face them, they are sure to conquer.— They have but one word, and may be depended upon ;
they pursue but one direct road ; when they say yes, they say yes, and when they say no, they say no, and are unalterably fixed in their resolutions, without wa- vering from side to side. The Spaniards are of a diffe- rent disposition ;— they have a long tongue, but a short arm : timid, pusillanimous, unsteady, and have nothing ' to recommend them but their gold ;— like the Jews- it is their only protection :- They are, in short, unworthy of our friendship. I will have no other friends but the . English all Barbary is theirs, and they shall have what- ever they want." Ever since his Majesty expressed himself in this way, there is not a man
but who is afraid to say any thing against the English. This present Emperor of Moroc- co esteems himself descended from the English, and himself an Englishman,— We are plentifully supplied with all kinds of fresh provisions. LONDON. HOUSE OF COMMONS. On Tuesday and Wednesday, though the call of the House was one of the orders of the day, a sufficient number of members could not be collected to ballot for the Downton election. The House were there fore obliged to adjourn without proceeding on any business. Thursday, April 7. Balloted for the Downton and Dorchester elections. Mr. Dundas made a string of
motions for the usual annual accounts of the income and expenditure of the British settlements in the East Indies. Ordered. _ A petition was presented from Grenada, representing that the abolition of the slave trade would be produc- tive of the most dangerous consequences to the com- merce and welfare of that island. Referred to the committee on the slave trade. The committee on the corn bill was put off till Mon- day ; Mr. Grey's motion on the state of the nation till' Tuesday; the Orkney election till Wednesday; Mr. Fox's motion on libels till this day se'ennight; the unclaimed dividend hill till Friday se'ennight; and the slave
trade till Monday se'ennight. Friday, April 8. Several petitions were presented, for a tax on dogs. CULTIVATION OF HEMP. Mr. Minchin representcd the necessity we were un- der at present of importing that commodity from other countries. There were, he said, in many parts of this country, extensive tracts of land, totally unproductive to the proprietors and to the public, which might be converted, with great advantage to both, to the culti- vation of hemp. He therefore moved, that a select committee be appointed to take into consideration the culture of hemp in Great Britain; and also to in- quire into the quantity of hemp imported
from abroad. Agreed to. SLAVE TRADE. Mr. Wilberforce rose to inform the House, that, in order to save Gentlemen the labour of perusing the vo- luminous mass of evidence, an abridgement of that evidence had been drawn up with the utmost impar- tiality. He hoped, that the Hon. members would avail themselves of this opportunity of bringing their minds to a decision on the subject before the 18th instant. Lord Carhampton entered into a detail of the insur- rection of the negroes in the West Indies, in nearly the same termS mentioned in the first page of this paper. He added, that several of the negroes were killed in a des perate encounter with the military, and two soldiers lost their lives. One of these was taken by the ne- groes, who cut his flesh into pound pieces. Such, said Lord Carhampton, are the blessed consequences of that Hon. gentleman's ill- understood black humanity ! Mr. Wilberforce apprehended the bill in question had no more given rise to this insurrection, than to a similar insurrection in that island about nine years ago. So far from encouraging insurrections, which despair had so often excited in those islands, it was the object of that bill to prevent them totally in future. He wish- ed that his opponents would make a distinction
between the abolition of the slave trade, which was proposed by this bill, and the emancipation of the slaves now in the West Indies, which was never proposed at all. FINANCES. Mr. Pitt moved, that a select committee be appoint- ed to take into consideration all public accounts for the last five years, in order to determine what had been the revenue and expenditure of government; and also to form an estimate of what, in all probability, would be the expenditure of government in future. Mr. Fox had no objection to the appointment of a committee ; he thought it a measure extremely neces- sary ; but he had a great objection to
the mode of ap- pointing the committee by ballot; by which it was very obvious, that those only would be appointed who were known to entertain a singular veneration for the Right Hon. gentleman ( Mr. Pitt.) He could not help thinking ( and the public were also of the same opinion) that it was highly absurd to appoint as a committee to examine the measures of the minister, men who were zealously attached to his interest. . Mr. Pitt replied, that he conceived the mode of bal- loting in the members of the committee, which had hi- therto been adopted, was extremely fair. He was con- vinced that every member would do his duty,
as he was determined to acquit himself of his, bv giving in a list of such members as were best qualified to fulfil that task, whether they sat upon his side or upon the other side of the House. Mr. Pitt then moved, that the members of the se- lect committee shall consist of nine persons, to be ap- pointed by ballot en Monday next. Agreed to. ^ QUEBEC BILL. Mr. Fox was for re- committing the bill. He hoped the House would keep in view those enlightened princi- ples of freedom which had already made a rapid pro- gress over a considerable portion of the globe, and were becoming every day more and more universal.— but far
from keeping pace with the progress of liberty, the proposed constitution of Canada fell short of the freedom of this country, and appeared to him to be, in many respects, contrary to the constitution of Eng- land. The assemblies are to be septennial. It very much doubted whether septennial Parliaments are strictly constitutional in this country ; it has even on the other side of the House been considered as a griev- ance which it was necessary to redress. The members of the Council are the creatures of the Governor, who has the power of creating them at his pleasure, and who of course will not fail to gain over to his interest the
whole aristocracy of the province. Will a popu- lar assembly of thirty or sixteen members form a coun- ter- balance to this aristocracy ? But for what reason are hereditary honours to be introduced into this new con- stitution of Canada Is the spirit of chivalry again re- vived in this country ? Are those titles, of which some persons have so much lamented the abolition, to be re- newed in America ? Are those red and blue ribbands, those toys for women and children, which have lost their lustre in the old world, to shine forth again in the new ? With respect to the appropriation of lands, it is ordered by this bill, that, of every grant of
land, one- seventh part shall be allotted for the maintenance of the PRotestant clergy. Nothing in my opinion can be more monstrous than to lay down as a principle in a new constitution, that one- seventh part of the whole land- ed property of a country should be given to the Church. I know that in England, one- seventh part, and consi- derably more than one- seventh part of the whole land- ed property, is swallowed up by the clergy. But then it may be said, that there is in the Church of England a certain magnificence, as some persons would call it, or as others would stigmatize it, a certain idle sumptu- osity which cannot be
maintained at a moderate ex- pence ; but that is by no means the case with the other sects of the Protestant religion. The Church of Scot- land, which prevails in many parts of Canada, is re- markable for its frugal simplicity, as well as all the sects of Calvinism. Here then, by this appropriation of the feventh part of the landed property to the Church, you are providing for those descriptions of Protestants a fund of magnificence and ostentation, which the spirit of their religion abhors. Mr. Fox pointed out many other defects in the bill, and lament- ed, that while the old prejudices of aristocracy and ec- clesiastical tyranny were
abolished in France, and when in every enlightened nation in Europe and America, notions so absurd, so contrary to liberty and the rights of mankind, were fast wearing away, that an attempt should be made by a British government to establish them in America, a soil where it was certain, from ex- perience, they would never thrive. Mr. Pitt defended the principles of the bill. With respect to septennial Parliaments in this country. Yesterday a King's messenger arrived at the Duke of Leeds's Office, with dispatches from Lord Auck- land, which state, that the Dutch Admiralty ' equip- ping a fleet with the most vigorous exertions ; and
that twelve sail of the line and six frigates would be ready for sea by the first week in May. At an early hour last night, a general and very hot press took place upon the river every ship from Lon- don- bridge to Deptford, and from thence to Green- wich, Blackwall, and Gravefsnd, were stripped of such of their hands as were on board. The press con- tinued till a late hour this morning, and a great num- ber of prime seamen were procured for his Majesty's ships now fitting out with all expedition. Stocks rose a little this day, as our readers will see by the prices in this paper, page 250. From the first report of a rupture with Russia, we
gave it as our opinion, that such a war ( if it should J come to a war) would be universally unpopular. Dai- ly observation proves that we were in the right. The balance of power are unintelligible words; they give John Bull no ideas of advantage or profit, and he na- turally trembles for the balance of cash. Remonstrances may be expected from all the manu- facturing towns in the kingdom, against the design of entering into a war with Russia. At Norwich, a Meet- ing for that purpose, was to be held yesterday. We proceed slowly, but expensively, in our prepa- rations for a war, in which nothing is to be gained and much is to be
lost. These preparations, even if great- er, would not answer the purpose of intimidating; and we must, therefore, either withdraw them with humiliation, or use them in prejudicial contention. The Empress has no distant colonies, for which she may tremble ; no trade, which we can interrupt; per- haps, considering our want of gallies, not even any fortresses, which we can attack. The elements de- fend her on one hand ; and, on the other, the exten- sive resources of her own dominions save her from the necessity of opposing us. The enemy, from whom we would divert her at- tention, is the one who, from long opposition, is most
obnoxious to her resentment; and, from situation, to her policy. This enemy is humbled by the loss of men, by the want of military ardour, and by the suf- ferings of the people. Her armies are more than suffi- ciently numerous ; the ardour of her troops is encoura- ged by frequent success; and her subjects Suffer less than those of the Sultan ; or, if otherwise, can be more easily kept in obedience. In these few lines there seem to be stated the rea- sons why she will not fear us; and why, if she should do so, she will encounter some risk, rather than lose this opportunity of depressing an old enemy and a ne- cessary rival. Our
preparations, therefore, are not likely to inti- midate, and if failing in this, they lead us into con- tention, conquest can bring us nothing but the barren honours of war, without any useful political effect. The Cabinet are now believed to be occupied by the consideration of a memorial presented by the Prussian ambassador ; and in defining the exact state of the con- neCtion between our Court and that of Berlin. That the preparations, bv which we are to be ena- bled to intimidate or oppose the Empress, are making at the express instance ot the Court of Berlin, is not doubted ; and we have every day some further authori ty for
asserting that this application is supported chief- ly by a notice, representing the assistance to be given o. the British party in Holland, as dependent upon the conduCt of our Court. In the mean time, the opinion of Mr. Ewatt, the minister by whom the present treaty was concluded is meant to be taken upon some circumstances of it; and a messenger was sent, in consequence, from
Grenville's office, on Wednesday night, to summon him to town from Buxton. . The last advices from Madrid state, that the Spanish government begin to discover signs of great apprehen- sion at the near approach of the Russian forces to the walls of Constantinople. An immense increase of ma- ritime power must devolve on the Czarina in conse- quence of the expulsion of the Turks out of Europe, and a sway in the Mediterranean which it would be difficult to resist. The Duke of York has received a letter from the King of Prussia, written by that Monarch's own hand, conveying at once a high compliment on the Prince, and a
gracious invitation from his Prussian Majesty. After expressing the high sense the Sovereign of Prussia entertains of the Duke's personal valour and martial skill, he offers him a command of a legion of the finest troops in the universe, to act against Russia, or any other enemies which may present themselves before the Prussian Eagle. The Royal letter is couch- ed in terms of affection as well as panegyric ; stating that a body guard will be provided for his person, with other appointments suited to his illustrious birth, and the rank he holds among the brave in arms. His Royal Highness the Duke of York has declared his intention
of visiting the King of Prussia, and to have a view of his Majesty's army before they quit the Prus- sian dominions. His highness will leave town on his journey in a few days, accompanied by Colonel St. Leger as his Aid- du- Camp. The alacrity shewn by his Royal Highness, upon this occasion, is extremely honourable to himself, his family, and the country; which, if a war should en- sue, will find her soldiers and sailors encouraged by the immediate presence of two Princes, who cannot be ri- valled in Europe. Yesterday morning the Queen, and the three Prin- cesses, honoured the Duchess of Buccleugh with a vi- lli at her
Grace's house, in Grosvenor square, where they continued two hours. The Duchess of Gordon's rout last night was the most splendid this season has produced ; by half past eight o'clock St. James's- square was almost covered with coaches, and illuminated with flambeaus R for 1791, April 12. Crawford, seized, near the island of Sanda, upon the west coast of Scotland, a fine new cutter, called the Fly Fish, commanded by one Boxer, one Bracken- ridge, near to Ladyburn, supercargo, laden with spirits, tea, and tobacco, amounting in value to TWO THOU- SAND FOUR, HUNDRED POUNDS Sterling, including the vessel. A
new Canal is intended, and it is proposed that a survey should be made immediately by Mr. Whit- worth to prolong the Monkland Canal, by the south of the Shotts hill, through the Lothians, to Edin- burgh and Leith, by which Edinburgh and Leith will be supplied with coals at the best quality, at a much cheaper price than is now paid, from the parishes of Shotts, Cambusnethan, and Bothwell, where there are inexhaustible mines easily wrought; the city of Edinburgh will be supplied with lime and stone for building from the estates of Lord Morton and Mr. Houston of Calderhall ; and grain and meal will go from Dalkeith and the
south country at the third of the price it is now carted along the Shotts road. Part of the middle ward of Lanarkshire, where lime is much wanted for the clay grounds, will be supplied from West Lothian at half the price now paid. fStt Advertisement, in ihe first page of this paper.) So favourable a Spring for wheat has not bean known for these many years part, and we are happy to hear, that grains of all kinds are now falling in price, ow- ing to the promising crops and his Majesty's order in Council for allowing the importation of wheat, & c « . It is surprising that all the corn bills which have been introduced into Parliament for a great
series of years, have failed of the purpose they were intended Italy is said to be the place to which Mrs. Gunning and her " glorious Angel" direct their steps; and the story, with. its appurtenances, is fast going into ob- livion. The manner of going off that has been adopted by the glorious mother is not strictly dramatic.— We do not recollect an instance of Exeunt swearing Lord Strathaven gets with Miss Cope forty thousand pounds, besides the advantage to be expected from the powerful interest of Lord Hawkesbury. " Mr. Sheridan has been ill for some time, and yester- day was pronounced to be in much danger. Marriage.—
Lieur. Col. Gould, of the Coldstream regiment, to Miss Stoney, of Downing- street. INTELLIGENCE FROM LLOYD'S LIST. " Arrived 1 French, and 1 Irish mail. " Due 1 Dutch, 1 Flanders, and 2 Irish. " The Earl Cornwallis, Hodgson, from London for India, was well the 15th ult. in lat. 40. long. 11." STOCKS. cause.' Ordered. Patrick Laing, late of Brechin, APPELLANT. Messrs. Mollison and Watson, RESPONDENT;,. On Friday after hearing one counsel for the Appel- lant, the LORD CHANCELLOR, without giving the Re- spondents' counsel the trouble to reply, moved to Affirm the decree of the Court of Session. Ordered accor dingly. This cause originated in the Respondents ha- ving arrested and imprisoned the Appellant on a meditatione fugae warrant granted by a justice of the peace, on an improper application. SCOTS PEERAGE ELECTION. On Tuesday the counsel for the petitioners against the validity of the vote of Lord Napier agreed to give up their objections, without hearing the counsel in re- ply. Counsel were then heard on the petition of Lord kinnaird, against the vote of the Earl of Moray. On Thursday, counsel were further heard on the same pe- tition, after which the Committee adjourned to Tues- day. The expence attending the
petitions of the several Lords on the subject of the late election of Scots Peers, will, in all probability, turn out much greater than their Lordships were aware of. One hundred pounds is pretty nearly the charge of each day they are heard to the parties concerned, and when the business will be finished it is impossible to conjecture. On Wednesday the Montrose Bridge bill was read a second time in the House of Lords, and committed for Wednesday the 13th inst. A petition was present- ed and read, praying to be heard by counsel against the above bill. Leave was given, and also for counsel to be heard in favour thereof. On
Wednesday last Lord Monboddo was at the le- vee, and was presented to the King by the Earl of Stair. A report is current, which we believe is well found- ed, that a few days ago, the Secretary of the Society in Scotland for Propagating Christian Knowledge, re- ceived a letter from a Clergyman in England, with whom he had corresponded for some time concerning the objects, rules, and funds of that institution, in which was inclosed, a conveyance from an unknown Benefactor, of no less a sum than TEN THOUSAND POUNDS in the 5 per cent, annuities, for promoting religion and industry in the Highlands and Islands. We
sincerely congratulate the public on this princely donation which the Society, if they see proper, will perhaps soon announce officially. On the 10th instant, the Royal George cutter, in the service of the Customs, commanded by Capt. to anfwer. No two men, who have studied the subject, seem to think alike ; and so many contending interests are involved in the Corn trade, that a bill which shall be generally satisfactory is scarcely to be expected The Circuit Court of Judiciary was opened at Dumfries on Wednesday last by the Right Hon. the Lord Justice Clerk and Lord Henderland. James Montgomery, and John Alison, accused
of house- breaking and theft, were outlawed for not appearing ; the diet was deserted against Joan Cowan, accused of the same crime. William Wilson, accused of theft, was, upon his own petition, and consent of the Advo- cate- depute, transported for life. Christopher Edgar, accused of theft, was outlawed for not appearing.— Edgar was formerly sentenced to transportation, and made his escape from the jail at Kirkcudbright. Hugh Stephenson, Esq; is appointed Collector of the Customs at Ayr, in the room of the late David Fer- gusson, Esq; The Hon. Mr. Fraser of Lovat has presented the Rev. Mr. John Fraser, of the Gaelic
Chapel at Glas- gow, to the parish of Kiltarlity, in the Presbytery o Inverness, vacant by the death of the Rev. Mr. Malcom Nicolson, deceased. William Hogg and William Tait, colliers at Falside, in the parish of Tranent, having been convicted before the Sheriff of Haddington, of stealing poultry, from, a member of the Dalkeith Farmer Society, were on Fri- day, by sentence of the Sheriff, whipped through the streets of Haddington ; received each 100 lashes, and were afterwards banished that shire for life, in this, as in every other prosecution carriad on at the expence of this Society, the punishment is inflicted with the ut- most
rigour of law. On Friday were committed to the tolbooth here by warrant ofthe Sheriff, Charles Sinclair, an old offen- der from Perthshire, together with three women and another young man, for stealing from a farmer near Colington, several large brass boilers, which they broke to pieces and carried to Dalkeith for sale; but not find- ing a ready market there, they were seized about three miles from that place, bv the help of a number ct col- liers who came to the assistance of the- Sheriff officers that were sent in quest of the thieves. On Saturday night a young girl, about seven years of age, went into a baker's shop in the Grass market, and had the art to steal from thence about ten pounds fourteen shillings Sterling. After committing the theft, she went to a shop in the Luckenbooths, and laid out part of the money in durants and other articles. The gentleman who had lost the money was by this time in pursuit of her, and found her coming from the shop, when she was committed to the guard and most of the money recovered. By desire of the Society for relief of the Destitute Sick, there will be a sermon preached iu South Leith Church, on Thursday first, at 6 o'clock in the even- ing, by the Rev. Mr. Grove.— The collection to be applied according to the
rules of that institution. The debate in the Pantheon of 31st March, on the question, " Is the love of power, riches, or pleasure, most universal?" was well supported— Company respec- table speakers 10— decided in favour of Pleasure, by BANKRUPTS. Richard Taylor, of Manchester, fustian manufacturer.— W. Lewis and John Douglas, of Liverpool, joiners. A PLEASANT SUMMER RETREAT. To LET for five or Seven years, and entered to immediately, THE HOUSE and GARDEN of MAYSHADE, four miles south of Edinburgh, on the road from Straiton to Lonehead.— The house consists of four rooms, closets house keeper's room, kitchen, and conveniency for servants; with stable, barn, byre, and eight acres of ground, properly inclosed with hedge, ditch, and best of planting.— The ground laid down with grass, and a small rivulet of fine spring water surrounds the whole inclosures. Rent Thirty Guineas per annum. Apply to Alexander Baxter, tenant in Edgefield, the pro- prietor. EDINBURGH. HOUSE 6 F LORDS. SCOTS APPEALS. James Baillie, Esq; APPELLANT. Mrs. Elizabeth Scott, RESPONDENT. This case originated in an action of damages, brought by Mrs. Scott against Mrs. Baillie, wife of the Appel- lant, for defamation. Mrs.
Baillie justified, and of- fered to prove the facts ; Mr. Baillie joined with his wife in this action of justification. After several years litigation, the Court of Session gave judgment against Mrs. Baillie for damages and expences, & c. and found Mr. Baillie not liable for the damages and fine, but found him personally liable in the fum of 6881. as the amount of costs, besides 120l. for the expence of extract. Mr. Baillie alledged, that by the law of Scotland, a husband was not liable, in such a case as this for costs, & c. and brought the present appeal. The question was, " Whether, when the action is against a wife, and her husband made
party, he be personally subjected to the costs, when the principal matter is such that he cannot be subjected to ?" On Wednesday Mr. Wight, Sir John Scott, and Mr. Adam were heard, after which the LORD CHANCELLOR, left the woolsack, and observed, " that the whole turned upon a point of the law of Scotland, whether the costs could fall entirely upon the husband ' He thought not — but certainly he ought in justice to say, those which had been incurred by setting up a groundless and ma- licious defence, which certainty had been done by pre- tending to support themselves by the fact when they could not adduce the least
proof whatever ought to be paid— for this reason he thought, and he hoped their Lordships would resolve, that the Appellant, although he might not be bound to pay those expences occasion- ed by a fair and just defence, ought to pay those he al- luded to ; for which purpose his Lordship moved, therefore, " to Reverse the part of the interlocutor complained of; but to declare, that the Appellant is responsible for the conduct of the cause, so far as the same is malicious, vexatious, and calumnious; and to remit to the Court of Session to inquire how much of the said sum of 6881. and of the expense of ex- tract has been
occasioned by the malicious, vexatious, and calumnious conduct of the defence in the said
a great majority.— The debate of last Thursday afford- ed much instruction— Speakers 8— decided, That the lover is less affected by the death than the infidelity of the object beloved. Mrs. Sinclair Aytoun, of Inchdarny, was safely de- livered of a daughter at Leslie House, on the 31st ult. The Lady of James Lindsay Carnegie, Esq; was safely delivered of a daughter, on the 7th instant. The wife of Captain Cameron of the late Scots Bri- gade, was safely delivered of a son at Balveny, on the 27th ult. The Rev. Dr. Chalmers, of Raderny, died at Kil- conquhar Manse on Thursday the 7th current. Mrs. Menzies of Coulterallers, died
here on the 8th curt. Died, at Braehead of Kilmarnock, on the 8th curt. William Paterson, Esq; of Kaimshill; whose virtues, in public and in private life, will occasion his death to be deeply felt by all his friends, and justly regretted by his numerous acquaintances. Died, at Demerary, on the ist of February, James Stewart, Esq; of the island of Grenada. Miss Helen Johnson, daughter of the late Rev. Mr. Johnson, of Biggar, died on Wednesday last, . The Ceres, M'Intosh, from London, is arrived at Leith. The Active, Stead, is arrived at Charlestown, South Carolina, from Leith. MRS. BARRESFORD . MOST respectfully acquaints her
Friends, and the Pub- lic, That her BENEFIT is fixed for Saturday next, the 16th of April, 1791, when the Tragedy of MACBETH, KING OF SCOTLAND, And the celebrated Farce, written by D. Garrick, Esq; called, LETHE OR, AESOP IN THE SHADES, Will be Presented. The parts of LADY MACBETH, ( first time) and the FINE LADY, by MRS. BARRESFORD. Tickets to be had of MRS. BARREsfoRD, and of MR. GIBB, at the Theatre, where places for the Boxes may be taken. State of the Thermometer since our last. SURGERY. MR. RUSSELL will begin a SUMMER COURSE of CLINICAL LECTURES, 011 the PRACTICE of
SURGERY, at the Royal Infirmary, on Monday the id of May, at two o'clock afternoon. Leith, April 12. Arrived Elizabeth, Henderson, from Shet- land; James, Sinclair, from Inverness; Favourite, Nories, from london; Christian, Somervell, from Hall, all with goods; Hannah, Murdoch, from Rotterdam; Providence, Garsom, from Yarmouth ; Ocean, Hammond, from Wells'; and Friends Goodwill, Brown, from Colchester, all with grain ; also se- veral coasters with grain and coals. Sailed, Martha, Miller, for Thurso; Britannia, Butler, for London, both with goods;. and several coasters. ' EDINBURGH RACES WILL begin on MONDAY,
JULY 18th.— The parti- culars will appear in a future advertisement. GEOGRAPHY FOR YOUNG LADIES ON MONDAY the 2d of May, Mr. SCOTT is to Open a Class for instructing YOUNG LADIES in the above- mentioned important branch of education — the hour of teach- ing from two to three, on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fri- days— terms, One Guinea the whole course. The pupils must be entered to the Class at the beginning of the course. N. B. ENGLISH CLASSES, as usual— in the former part of the day for Young Ladies — in the afternoon and e- vening for Young Gentlemen— One Guinea per quarter. Also a
WRITING CLASS for Young Ladies— Twelve Shillings per quarter. Mr. SCOTT moves at Whitsuntide from Hyndford's close to Strichen's Close, the first above Blackfriar's Wynd, where he can accommodate Two Young Gentlemen as Boarders. The JUSTICES of the PEACE, and HERITORS of LAND in the COUNTY of RENFREW, ARE requested to meet in the Abercorn Inn, at Paisley, on Saturday the 16th current, at 12 o'clock mid- day, In take into consideration certain compromises proposed to be made with several Towns and Villages in the said County, for the direction of their own statute labour, and other mat- ters
relative to the statute labour bill, previous to its. being brought into Parliament this session. To- morrow morning will be Published, - BY WILLIAM CREECH, Elegantly printed in one large volume octavo, price 6r. in boards, SERMONS BY ROBERT WALKER, SENIOR MINISTER of CANONGATE, And Fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. ALSO, In a Few Days will be Published, in one'vol. crown 8vo, EDINBURGH FUGITIVE PIECES, IN PROSE AND VERSE. The Muse's labour then success shall crown, When Folly feels her laugh— and Vice her frown.' This Day was Published, By W. Gordon— Bell & Bradfute— Ja.
Dickson— W. Creech, — E. Balfour— P. Hill— A. Guthrie— and T. Duncan— in 2 vols/ price 6 s. sewed, embellished with two beautiful Vignettes,, engraved by Heath, • ' A PICTURE OF ITALY, Translated from ORIGINAL GERMAN OF W. DE ARCHENHOLTZ, . Formerly a Captain in the Prussian Service. By JOSEPH TRAPP, A. M. London, printed for G. G. J. & J. Robinson, Paternoster- row. THIS DAY , WAS PUBLISHED, By W. Gordon— Bell & Bradfute— Ja. Dickson — W. Creech — E. Balfour— P.. Hill - A. Guthrie— and T. Duncan— in one very large . volume royal. 4to. price 1l. 7s. in boards, A TREATISE OF THE
PLAGUE, CONTAINING An HISTORICAL JOURNAL and MEDICAL ACCOUNT of the PLAGUE at ALEPPO, In the years 1760, 1761, and 1762. ALSO, Remarks on Quarantines, Lazarettos, and the Administration of Police in Times of Pestilence. To which is added, An APPENDIX, containing Cases of the Plague, and an Ac- count of the Weather during the Pestilential Season. By PATRICK RUSSEL, M. D. F. R. S. Formerly Physician to the British Factory at Aleppo. London, printed for G. G. J. and J. Robinson, Paternoster- row. This day was published, By W. Gordon— Bell and Bradfute— Ja. Dickson— W. Creech, — E,
Balfour— P. Hill— A. Guthrie— and T. Duncan— in one large volume folio, illustrated with 30 Copperplates, four of which are new, and the former twenty- six altered and improved, price ll. 10s. bound, A NEW MEDICAL DICTIONARY, Or General Repository of pHysic Containing an Explanation of the Terms, and a Description of the various Particulars relating to, ' 1 ANATOMY, PHYSIC, MATERIA MEDICA, PHYSIOLOGY, I SURGERY, | CHEMISTRY, Each article, according to Its importance, being considered in . every relation to which its usefulness extends in the Heal- ing Art. - - - . ' BY G. MOTHERBY, M. D. C. M'S. The
Third Edition, revised and corrected, with considerable Additions, by GEORGE WALLIS, M. D. S. M. S. Lecturer 0n the Theory and Practice of Physic, London. London, Printed for J. Johnson, St. Paul's Church- yard— G. G. J. and J. Robinson, Paternoster- row— A. Hamilton; jun.— and J. Murray, Fleet- street. By ORDER of HIS MAJESTY'S SHERIFF- DEPUTE of STIRLINGSHIRE. THESE are intimating to the Commissioners of Supply of said Shire, to meet at Stirling, upon the 30th day of April instant, at 12 o'clock noon, for the purpose of laying on the Land Tax for the fervice of the current year, in terms of the Act of
Parliament, and also to chuse a Conveener, Collector, and Clerk. Given and Signed, at Stirling, this Ilth day of April, 1791 years. ALEX. DOW. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. tHE Trustees for the Creditors of DAVID TURNER, late Portioner in Dalkeith, having made effectual the trust- funds, conveyed by him to them, for the behoof of his Creditors, did formerly invite all the Creditors of the said David Turner to give in their grounds of debt, and oaths off the verity— but, as sundry of the Creditors have failed to comply, the Trustees, of new, require them to lodge their claims, grounds of debt,, and affidavits with Mr. Thomas Arthur,
accountant in Edinburgh, the arbiter, or with Fran- cis Fraser, writer, Carrubber's Close, Edinburgh, betwixt and the 20th of April current, certifying those who fail to do so that, they will be cut out of any dividend, arising from the funds in medio. Not to be repeated. THE UNIVERSAL TONTINE, For the Benefit of Subscribers, at the expiration of SIX YEARS, from the 21st of December, 1790. BOOKS were opened at different offices on tl » at day, and will continue open three months; after which a fine of 6d. per month must be paid by those - who become member s till December 2t, 1791, when the Books will be closed, and no
more Subscribers admitted. TREASURERS, Sir Herbert Mackworth, Bart. Dorset, Johnfon, and Wil- kinson, Esqrs. Bankers, London. TRUSTEES : Sir Herbert Mackworth, Bart. D. R. Munn, Esq; Hammersmith, Thomas Careless, jun. Esq; Birmingham, R. Trigg, Esq; Coleford, John Cook, Esq; Trowbridge, Mr. Stevens, Frome, . Mr. Hanmer, Mr. Moore, and Mr. Robins, Bristol L. B. LARWILL, Secretary. WATSON, ELDER, & CO. Agents for Edinburgh. Of whom the Book of Rules may be had, price Seven Pence. Schemes gratis. N. B. The advantages and utility of the former Bristol Tontine were so remarkable, that most towns
in England of any note have become parties to the present. This of itself is a proof both of the success of the plan, and of the security and fidelity of its conductors. Sir Herbert Mackworth's house is well known to be of undoubted responsibility and credit; and he himself being one of the Trustees, along with many other respectable gentlemen, leaves no room to doubt of the security of the Tontine, or of its being conduced with the utmost integrity and impartiality. Edinburgh, April II, 1791. Letters received this day from the General Office, Bristol. dated 6th instant, mention, there are already upwards of 6000 members entered; such
is the popularity of the plan. SHEEP FOR SALE. To. be SOLD at DURNESS, in the County of Sutherland, upon the 12th day of May first, AFEW HUNDREDS of Ewes and Lambs, Yield Sheep, Young Wedders and Tups. Twelve months credit on good security.— For particulars, apply to Mr. James Anderson, at Keoldale, by Tongue. , A FARM IN THE SHIRE OF FORFAR. To be LET for Thirty- eight Years, and entered to at Whit- sunday, 1791, FROM 150 to 220 acres of the FARM of MAINS of AUCHMITHIE, in the parish of St. Vigeans. The situation of this Farm is one of the best and plea- santest in the county, and within
two miles of the town of Arbroath, where there is a good market, and lime to be had seasonable.— For particulars apply to James Tait, at Mains of Auchmithie, or John Colvill, Town Clerk of Arbroath.. PRESERVATION OF GAME.' WheREAS the MOORS belonging to the EARL of EGLINTOUNE, in the parishes of Eagleshame, Kil- bride and Glassford, have for several years past, been much frequented both in close time and in the shooting season, by people from different corners of the country, resorting . to these Moors, under pretence of breaking dogs, whereby the game is perpetually disturbed and greatly destroyed. In or der to prevent such liberties being taken in future, hisLord- ship gives this public notice, that he hereby recals all Licences that he may have heretofore granted to persons of the above description, and is determined not to allow any person what- ever, such liberty in time to come. His Lordship's managers are strictly enjoined to prosecute with the utmost rigour of law, every person who shall in future be found going over his Moors with dogs, or disturbing the game in any manner of way The Game Keepers, Tenants and others, are instruct- cd to procure exact information of the names and designa- tions of all persons who may
be found in the Moors, disturb- ing or killing the game, in order that immediate prosecutions may be raised against them. - HOUSES to lET and Enter to at Whitsunday first, IN DUNBAR and BELHAVEN, also Furnished lodgings to Let there, convenient for sea bathing, being both healthy pleasant places, viz. A Capital Shop and Dwelling House at the Cross and market place in Dunbar, presently possessed by John Thomson, inn- keeper. 2dly, A genteel chearful Lodg- ing, opposite side of the street, presently possessed by Doctor Wightman. And 3dly, A good Lodging at Belhaven, near Dunbar, presently possessed by Miss
Fife. N. B. This Lodging and also the other Lodging possessed by Doctor Wightman, if not let before Whitsunday, will be Furnished and Let for Sea Bathing. Likewise a Furnished Lodging immediately above ( let last year to Mrs. Dalrym- ple, from Edinburgh, who left it sooner than she intended, owing to a tallow chandler setting up in the close, who is to remove at the term of Whitsunday first), is now to let, and may be let then with said lodging in. the stair immediately below, altogether consisting of two dining rooms, six bed- rooms, two kitchens, cellars, and garrets for servants, or may . be let separately. For further particulars,
apply to John Ker the proprietor, in Dunbar, who will show and let said lodge ings. Likewise, he proposes to sell all his subjects of Houses and Gardens, both at Dunbar and belhaven, by priVate gain, in three different lots, being different subjects
FARMS TO LET, i LET, and entered to at Whitsunday 1792, As to the Houses and Grass Ground, and at the separation of crop 17from the ground, as to the Land to Tillage, either together or separateiy, for what number of years. may be agreed on, THE farms of BURNBRAE and CAIKMUIR, part of the Estate of Nenthorn, in Berwickshire, situated four miles from Kelso. BURnbRAe, exclusive of the Farm Stead and Yards, con- sists of about 144 English acres; and CAIKMUIr, exclusive of Farm Stead and Yards, of 7 it acres. The whole of both farms is arable, and the soil of them of a quality equal to that of any lands in that part
of the country. . Proposals in writing will be receivcd by Richard Hotchkis, writer to the signet, Mew Street, Edinburgh;— and James Yaul, fteward at Nenthorn, will show the grounds. A fArm in stratHSPEY tO Let. The Farm of BELLIEMORE, in the parish of Aber- nethy, and county of Elgin, with a SHEEP FARM in the NEIGHBOURHOOD thereof, for ten years after Whitsunday first.— There is a very good Dwelling- house upon the farm, sufficient for the accommodation of a genteel fa- mily, with a let of excellent office- houses lately built there- on, and a good kitchen garden well stocked with fruit trees. The farm is pleafantly
situated, and commands a fine pros- pect of the river Spey and water of Nethy, and of the hills of Glenaven, Cairngoram, Craigellachic, & c. The soil of the farm is natural and good, and there is an Inexhaustible moss, and abundance of moss- fir in the neighbourhood at command. There are also two excellent lime- quarries within four miles of the farm ; and if the purchaser inclines, he may be accommodated with the Cover and Utensils Upon the farm. There is also to be disposed of upon the said farm, a SET of DISTILLERY UTENSILS— and, in like manner, a SET of DISTILLERY UTENSILS at POLMALY, in Urqu- hart. For
further particulars application may be madc to Capt. Alexander Grant of Tullochgorum, by Grantoun ; Mr. Alex- ander Grant, writer to the signet; or Thomas Sellar, writer in Elgin. HOUSE WITH BACK GROUND, COACH- HOUSE, ANd STABLES, IN GEORGE STREET, EDINBURGH. To be SOLD by public roup, within the Royal Exchange Coffee- house, Edinburgh, upon Tuesday the z6th day of April current, at six o'clock afternoon, THE HOUSE in George Street, New Extended Royalty of Edinburgh, facing the New Assembly Rooms, and lately possessed by James Stevenson, Esq; The house consists of a sunk storey, and
two other storeys immediately above the same; the upper storeys contain a large dining- room and drawing- room, together with several bed- rooms and separate apartments.— In the sunk storey there are a room and bed- room for the house- keeper, and apart- ments for the other servants, a kitchen, closets, cellars, with other conveniences. In the back ground adjoining to the house, are a Garden, a Coach- house, and Stable of three stalls. The premises are commodious, have the use of a water- pipe; and the access to them is unconnected with any com- mon stair. For further particulars, inquire at the house, or of Mr.
James Buchan, Writer to the signet, St. James's Square, E- dinhurgh. If this Lodging and Coach- house, & c. be not sold, they will be LET for a year from Whitsunday next; the Lod- ging either Furnished or not, as the tenant may wish. SALE OF SUBJECTS iN THE WEST BOW. BY ADJOURNMENT. To be SOLd by public roup, within the Royal Exchange Coffee- house, Edinburgh, on Wednesday the 4th day of May 1791, betwixt the hours of 6 and. 7 afternoon, s UMDRy HOUSES AND SHOPS in THE WEST BOW, consisting of the following particulars, viz. I. THREE DWELLING- HOUSES, being the second. third, and fourth
flats of a Tenement near the head of the West Bow, on the east side thereof, possessed by John Hen- derson, Mrs. Martin, and Mrs. Duncan, at the rent of 5I. each - II. A HOUSE, being the first flat of said tene- ment, and Shop and Cellar beneath the same, possesSed by Mr. John Kinloch tin- plate- worker, at the rent of - III. A SHOP and BACK SHOP in the ground storey of said tenement, possessed by james Calder, at the rent of To be I. ET by private bargain, for Nineteen Years, tHE Farm of KIRKLANDS, and the three Parks or i Inclosures commonly called Serjeants Croft, with the Houses and Office- houses thereto
pertaining, lying in the pa- rish and barony of Glencorse, and shire of Edinburgh, pre- sently possessed by James Noble, tenant there. These lands consist of 6l Scots acres and upwards, pay of rent, includ- ing casualities, 5il. 4s. and are nearly in a state of nature, but are capable of great improvement, there being coal in the estate of Glencorse, as well as in the next adjoining estate, and good access to all the means of improvement;— the entry to commence at Martinmas next. A S ALSO, The Farm of WESTMAINS of Glencorse, with the piece of ground called the Gravel- bank, and Houses and Office- houses thereto
pertaining, lying in the said barony of Glencorse, and shire aforesaid, as presently possessed by James Aikman, tenant there. The lands consist of Scots acres, and upwards, and pay of rent, including casualities, 47k 6d. and are also capable of great improvement — the entry to be i at Martinmas next. For particulars inquire at Mr. Mitchelson, Nicholson's Street. A COUNTRY HOUSE .. To be LET, and entered to at Whitsunday next, for one or more years as can be agreed upon, THe HOUSE of CRAIGIVAIRN, with about five acres of Garden and other Grounds, lying in the parish of Drymen, and county of Stirling, about twenty
miles west from Stirling, and- about the same distance north- weft from Glasgow ; a short mile to the north of the military road ye- twixt Stirling and Dumbarton; two miles east from the house of Buchanan and Loch Lomond. The house consists of seven rooms, with light closets, kitchen, cellar, milk- house, and many other conveniencies, with office- houses of all kinds, co- vered with slate and tyle, all in good order. The house is pleasantly situated upon a rising ground, ' with a south sure, surrounded with banks of natural wood, and - fine falls of water; the air healthful; the grounds abound with game of all kinds. There is like wise plenty of fine peats upon the grounds, and not far from coal. Any person inclining to take it, may likewise, if required, be accommodated with two small grass inclosures. For particulars apply TO William Finlay, writer in Killern, and Robert Leckie, at the house, will show the premises. Not to be repeated. SALE OF HOUSES iN EDINBURGH. To be SOLD by public roup, within the Exchange Coffee- house of Edinburgh, upon Wednesday the nth day, of May 1791, betwixt the hours of five and six afternoon, THE following SUBJECTS which belonged ta the de- ceased Miss AGNES SHIELS : LOT I. The DWELLING- HOUSE or
Second Storey of the Tenement entering from a pavement court in Nairn's Close, Castle- hill, and Cellar belonging thereto, as last pos- sessed by Mrs. Shiel, with a Small Dwelling- house at the top of the stair, at present possessed by John M'Larin, tailor. LOT II. A SHOP entering from the street, on. the south side of the West Bow, and a Low Shop or Cellar below the other, both at present possessed by Patrick M'Phell, grocer, atrthe rent of L. 5 : 3s. yearly. LOT III. A DWELLING- HOUSE in the back part of the tenement above the said Shop, and entering by a turn- pike stair within the close, with a LOFT above said dwel- ling house, all at present possessed by Alex. Crawford, at the rent of L. 4 yearly. LOT IV. Another DWELLING- HOUSE in the front part of the fame tenement, and entering by the said turn- pike stair, at present possessed by John M'Arthur, at the rent of L. I ; r8s. yearly. LOT V. Another DWELLING- HOUSE, also in the front part of the same tenement, and immediately, above the other, as at present possessed by John Rofs, at the rent, of L. I : ICS. yearly. LOT VI. A SHOP entering from the High Street, on the north side of the Castle- hill. and CELLAR below the same, at present possessed by William Howison, at the rent of L. 5 Si.
yearly. LOT VII. A DWELLING- HOUSE, being the first sto- rey of the tenement fronting the High Street, on the north side, at the head of Sandiland's Close of which the front part is at present possessed by Charles Dumbreck, cutler, as a Shop and Dwelling- house, at the rent of L. 12 : ris year- ly and the back part is at present possessed by John Pater- son, trunk- maker, at the rent of X. ,1 : yearly ; and which dwelling house has one entry by a fore stair immediately from the high street, and another entry by a stair within the close and so it may either be possessed as one house, or by two per- sons as at present. The title deeds and articles of sale are in the hands of Vans Hathorn, writer to the signet, to whom or to Mr, Francis Braidwood, upholsterer, South Bridge, application may be made for more particular information. MILLS TO LET. tHE FLOUR MILL and MEAL MILL of INVER- GOWRIE, two miles west from Dundee, situated very advantageously for carrying on business either inland or for export; A long lease can be granted ; and the Mills may be enter- ed to at Whitsunday next, or, if more agreeable , to a tenant, at Martinmas thereafter. Apply to Mr. Proctor, at Glammis Castle. SALE BY ADJOURNMENT To be SOLD by public voluntary
roup, within the Old Ex- change Coffee- house, Edinburgh, On Wednesday the 6th day of July 1791, betwixt the hours of two and three o'clock afternoon, THE Lands and Barony of MOUNIE, lying within the parish of Daviot, and shire of Aberdeen, and consist- ing of the lands, Mains, and Mansion- house of Mounie, with the teinds included ; the Lands of Pittinnown, with Whitemyre, Broomhills; the Mill and Mill- lands of Mou- nie, with the Multures, &;. and the Town and lands of Pitblain and New Craig. These lands lie contiguous, and contain above one thou- sand four hundred Scots acres, all arable, besides moss, with which
they are uncommonly well supplied. The present free rent is about 375l. Sterling. The Mansion- house and offices are pleasantly situated in a fine corn country, and may, at a moderate expence, he made capable of accommodating a large family ; and if it were to fall into the hands of a person of taste, it could, with little trouble or expence, be made a delightful country residence. Around the house are many timber trees, old and young, in a state of high luxuriance. The gardens arc also extensive, and well stocked with fruit- trees. The place itself is situated within two miles of Old Meldrum, in a warm dry bottom, perfectly open to
the sun, and screened from the northern blast, with a full command of water, both for beauty and convenience.. The lands, excepting the Mains, are all inclosed, and capa- ble of great improvement, and being almost wholly out of lease, a considerable rise of rent may be expected. The teinds, in so far as the proprietor has not right to them, are valued, and the valued teind is exhausted by the stipend presently payable to the minister. The lands hold of the Crown, and stand rated in the cess- books at 900l. Scots of valued rent. The articles of roup and title- deeds, with a rental plan and measurement, will be seen in the hands of
John Macnab, writer. to the signet, who will also inform, as to other particu- lars and the lands will be shown by James Johnston, at Ne- ther town of Mounie. O O In the West Highlands of the County of Inverness, ad- joining to the Coast. To LET, for such a number of years as may be agreed on, from and after the term of Whitsunday. firslt, ( 1791), either in Whole or in Lots, ALL and Whole the LANDS and ESTATE of SCOT- HOUSE, which all connect and extend fifteen miles in length, and its breadth variable from four to five miles. This property has been occupied as a Sheep Store, Farm now for six years bygone, is known to
have produced as good wedders as any from the Highlands, which is well known in the Glasgow markets. In 1788 upwards of IOOO wedders, not lambed upon the property, fetched 17s. 6d. each. The Store is not, at any time, altered with braxy, trumbling sturdy, or any disease of that kind, and the Fox is totally extirpated. There are high Mountains on the property, which are green, and produce natural clover to the top. The Lands will, at least, graze 6000 Sheep, besfides the ordinary Milch Cows to the shepherds, and a few to the tacksman. They ly contiguous to market, being only 20 miles from the military road leading by
Fort William to Glasgow, and are situated along the well known sea lake called Lochnevas at the south, whicn is one of the best anchorage Lochs for ship- ping in Britain— abounds with herring and mud- fish, and from the frequency ' of busses and Vessels which frequent that Loch, and pais the inner Sound, there is a great demand for sheep. The lands ly within a mile of the other well known lake called Loch Urn at the north, which also a- bounds with herring and mud- fish. There is Upon the pro- perty, and will be LET wilh the Lands, a substantial good mansion House, with office- houses and Garden. Offers will be received
by Mr. Macdonald, younger, of Scothouse, the proprietor, at Scothouse; and all letters for him. or offers, may be direced to the care of Patrick Mac- Intyre, writer, Fort William. ' Offers' will also be received by James Fraser, writer to the signet; and Alexander Mac- donald, writer in Inverness; and the offerer's namie will be kept secret if desired. the grounds will be shown by Tho. Johnstone, principal shepherd at Inveriebeg. near Scothouse. There is a fine stocking of sheep and black Cattle on the ground, which will be disposed of at Whitsunday 1791, and may be seen on the property. EDINBURGH: Printed for JAMES
D0NALDSON, and Sold at HIS Printing office, in THe Castle- hill, where, and at the EDIN- BURGH ADVERTISER Office at the Cross, Orders and ADVErtisments are taken in.— This Paper is published every TUESDAY and FRIDAY.— The price of a single Paper is L. I : lo : o per Annum, when called for ; 1.. ) : 12 : o delivered at any house in Edinburgh, the Suburbs, or in Leith; WHEN Sent by POST of POSTAGE) to any Town in SCOtland or England, L. I : 16; A ; and 2. A : 0 : O when Sent to Ireland. To be exposed at the sum of L. 300 Sterling for further particulars application may he made to James Home, clerk to the
signet, Merchant Street, who will shew the title deeds and articles of roup.