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The Kentish Gazette


Printer / Publisher: Simmons and Kirkby 
Volume Number:     Issue Number: 2370
No Pages: 4
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The Kentish Gazette
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The Kentish Gazette

Date of Article: 08/04/1791
Printer / Publisher: Simmons and Kirkby 
Address: St.George's Street, Canterbury
Volume Number:     Issue Number: 2370
No Pages: 4
Sourced from Dealer? No
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Price Threepence Halfpenny.] TUESDAY, April 5, to FRIDAY, April 8, 1791. [ No. 2370 WEDNESDAY, April 6. . LONDON. ESTERDAY the two regulating Captaifis made their return to the Board of Admiralty of the jea- men prefled from the merchant, men lying in the Downs, Gravef- B& Hii^ Ko-^ end, and the River ; after which they received their orders, and it is expefted that a warm and general prefa will take place WANTED, AN APPRENTICE to a BAKER. Enquire at Mr. Godfrey's, St. Peter's, Canterbury. WANTED IMMEDIATELY, AJOURNEYMAN GLAZIER and PAINTER. Apply to THOMAR IGGULD^ N, Plumber, Glazier and Painter, King's- Head Street, Dover. SHEP- HERD WANTED" WANTED IMMEDIATELY, ASHEPHERD, a fobor, careful man, who nn- derftands looking after a dock of Iheep.— Good keep and good wages will be given. Apply at the BELL, Minder, Thanet. _ ]) ' K ~~ E R , On THURSDAY, the 14th Inftant, THESE W I L X B I N ASSEMBLY, For DANCING and CARDS, Atthe ASSEMBLY ROOM, ROYAL OAK, DEAL. A LAW KEMP, TELLMONGER, BREECHES- MAKER AND GLOVES, STONE- STREET, MAIDSTONE, BEGS leave to return thanks to his friends and cuftomers for the very liberal fupport he has met with in the - BREECHES- MAKING BUSINESS, and hopes for a conti- nuance of the faaie, as H9 pains will be fpa- ed to merit their future favour. April?, 1791. " su N !•' I R E O F F I C E~ L O N D ON. March 31, 1791. THIS Office, propofing to reduce the premium of infuranCe on farming flock, timber, tiled and thatched barns, granaries, and outhoufes: All perfons, having property of this defcription infured at this Office, where payment* fed due at Lady- day jail, are defiled to bring their Policies to the Office, or to one of the Agents, who has inftru£ tions to fettle their pre- miums according. WILLIAM MORRIS, Agent. DOVER, April 4, 1791. On FRIDAY next, April j 5, THERE WILL BE A DANCING and CARD ASSEMBLY, AT TBE NEW INN, SANDWICH. Admiffion Tickcts, 3s. each, to bo had at the Nut INK- _ To be SO L D, And mav be entered upon immediately, AFreehold MESSUAGE, fituate near the Market Place, in Aihford, in the county of Kent, with 1 liable and garden fpot thereto belonging. Enquire of Mr. GEORGE IF. MMETT, Aftiford. In A BALL On THURSDAY, April the 14th, At DELMAR's ROOMS, the HIGH- STREET, CANTERBURY. Admittance THREE SHILLINGS. To meet ' at SEVEN a'Clock. Tickets 3s. To meet at SIX. their — Alfo LIVE D E Bought and fold by WRIGHT, of Charme- erofs ANY Gentleman wanung to difpofe ot PARKS of DEER, a good price will be given, wanted,' a quantity of old BUCKS for killing for the next feafon, " the* corn or graft feed— A few LIVE DEER » now ready < ratefully 4cUlJ0Wledged by • - • -•— 1 Their obedient buir. ble lerwrit, PETER. MINNS, A C A U T I 0, N. IT has been nialicioufly afferted, that I PETER MINNS, No. 115, Whitechapel, London, Wholefale Dealer in Glafs and Staftordfliire Wares, intend leaning off that line of bufinefs which is groundleL-, and can only ferve the purpofe of the infamous reporters, which may materially injure my infant family In contradi& ion, 1 humbly folicit tbe continuance of my friends intereft and fupport, which will be carefully and To be S O L D by AUCTION, By JOHN LEPPER, On Thurfday, April > 4, 1791, and the following days, THE HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, fcc. of Mr. JOHN S H O O S M 1TH, deceafed, At bis late Dwclling- houfe at Lydd. The falc to " begin each day at ten o'clock in the forenoon. Catalogues maybe had at tire New Ijn, Roqiney 5 the Swan, Hythc j and at the Au& ioneer's, caught, and may be bad at a fhort notice WANTS A SITUATION, As an ASSISTANT to a FARMER and GRAZIEft, A Young Man about twenty- three years of age, J~ V who has been fome years accullorned to the farming bufi- nefs, grazing, and the management of bops ; has no objection ' to dole application and occafional labour, and is willing to engage for two years— No wages will be expedted, and the keep of 11 horfe, if necelfary, only required For particulars enquire of the Printers s CREDITOR Of Mr. JAMES DE BOCK, Boat builder, late of the p3rilh of Whitllable in this County, ARE deiired to meet at Mr. BROWNING'S, at the fign of the RED LION in the faid place, on THU RS- BAY the 14th day of this prefent April, between tbe hours of three and four o'clock in the af'ernoon.— They are alfo requefted to bring with them ( or fend if they cannot attend) a particular account of their demands, for tbe purpofe of immediately making their dividends, and their receiving each a proportionable fhare of the fum received for the whole of the faid Mr. DE BOCK's nTe£ ls, which have been fold. " B R I G G S, L1K L.) I- PTAF£ T, ROSIER AND HABKRDASHER, WHOLESALE and RETAIL, We Corner of St Margaret's' Street, and ofpojitc Mr. Bvijioius Library, cit tbe Paraie, Canterbury, BEGS leave to inform the Nobility, Gentry, his Friends, and the Public, he is juft returned from London with on attentive aflortment of goods in the above branches.— A great variety of Printed Cottons, from i6d. to 2s. 6d. per yard, faft colours; ell- wide Callicoes 14s. ro two guineas a gown, en- tirely new tyring patterns ; White Callico izd. per yard ; Corded Dimities lSd. to 3s. a yard ; Muflinets all prices; Furniture Prints and Dimities; Plain Muffins I7d. a yard, 6- 4t] is wide, irom 2od. to 2is. a yard ; a very elegant afl'ortment of W. rk'd Muffins for Dreifes ; a large quantity of India Muffins, fuch as Peccas, Mulls, Scrcbetts, Jacconets, & c. Muffin Handkerchiefs I4d. to 5s. each; Muffin Ncckcloths from I4d- to 6s. 6d. Checlc'd and Striped Muffins all prices ; Coloured Shauls; Cot- ton and Pocket Handkerchiefs ; a confidcrable quantity of Irifh Linens, which will give entire fatisfaftion in the wear, particu- larly Celerains ; Irifh, Ruffia, Lancashire, and Hemp Sheetings; Loom Dowlas; Harnbro* Ruffs; Houfewife Linens; a good aflbrtment of Hemp Cloth for Shirting; Irifh Diapers, 3- 4ths, ti- 4ths, and S- 4ths Huckabacks; Diaper and Damafk Table Cloths; India Dimities; Cotton Counterpanes 16s. 6d. to z6s. Newcastle and Cotton Checks; Bombazines is. to 3s. 6d. a yard; Bombazcts all prices; Camblcts 6d. a yard; Durants, Wildbores, and Tammies ; Callimancoes; Quilted Coats 7s. 6d. and Ss. 6d. fuperfine 10s. 6d. RulTel Coats 16s 6d. fuperior to any fold at the fame priccs; Black Modes is. to 6s. 6d. a yard ; Black Laces and White Thread Edgings; Black and Coloured Ribbons, 4!. a yard; Bonnet Wires 6d. each ; Thread and Tapes all forts. Men's Cotton Hofe, as. 6d. to 5s. a pair ; Women's Cotton ditto, from i6d. to js. the bell India Cotton Fancy Hofc of all forts ; Flannels from rod. to zs. a yard. " INDIA MUSLIN AND LINEN DRAPERY WAREHOUSE. Mejri. THO. SMITH, and Co. At tlip THREE PIGEONS and SCEPTRE. No. 173, FLEET- STREET, INFORM their friends, that they have lately pur- chafed. for the Spring and Summer trade, a large affottment of India Muffins, cleared - from the Company's laft fairs, feveral lots of which they are enabled to fell confiderably lower than the fame goods were fold for laft year : with maoy articles which are Well worth the attention of country JhopkeeperS. They confiA of the under- mentioned goods : lniia mulls, feetbet and book muffins, from is. to 3 gui- neas per yard. India jacconct, and alliballie muffins, from as. to 3 g-. iiceas per yard. Yard and half- wide ( biped and cheek muffins, from igd, to J2s. per yard. India ftriped and check muffins, from zs. to j^ s. per yard. Tambour and latin worked muffins, from as'. 6d. to 3 guineas per yard. A very elegant affortmsnt of Moravian worked muffins, for drcfies, from 1 guinea to 4 guineas per yard. - Clear India'muflin dreffea for 7s. 6d. per drefs, worth 123. India calico and long cloth tor ladies djefie., from i8d. to los. per yard. Book and jaccoilet muffin handkerchiefs, » 4d. to 12s. Clear French lawns, with elegant figures and fpols, for drcfles, / torn 3s. ito £ s. wnrth 9s. per yard. Irifh cloths, 3- 4ths, 7- 8ths, and 4- 4ths, from 6d. to 6s. p « r yari. Stout dimities and muflinets, from ud. to 3s, Strong fileetings, from 9d. to 7s. 6d. per yard A few curious j yard- wide Holland Meetings, at ics. 6d per yird.' Diaper and damafk table- cloths, from i8d. to 5 guineas each.- UndrefTed French cambrics, in remnants of four pocket hand- ktrchiefs, for Utile more than half price. A large alfortment of Canterb. ry muffins and fedr- fuckcrs, from 13s. to a£ s. per gown. Norwich and other fha'. vls, equal in beauty and wear to thofe imported from the Eaft Indies. With miry other goods in the drapery line equally chejp. As many of the above articles will meet with a very rapid fale, they tequcft their ffiends to call early, and to remark the numher of tb « ir houfe ( 17 J) as there ate other6 of the uanae in Fleet. ftreet. C'HAYLES F ARRIS, TAYLOR and HABIT MAKER, Sr. l'ETER's STREET, f- pAKES the opportunity of returning his fincere X thanks to the Ladies and Gentlemen of this city, and his many and numerous friends, for the favours he has hitherto re csived from their liberal fupport and encourage nent in the above branches, aud humbly fylicits a continuance of their future com- mands, alruring them it will be his unremitted ftudy to merit their approbation, by a fhiit aud allidU'JIK attention to all ordeis conferred 011 their Moft obliged and humble fervant. Canterbury April 5, 179r. N. B. Ladies Riding Drefles and Gentlemens Cloaths, in the neweft and mofl approved tail-; and on the Ihorteft notice. To be Sold by PRIVATE CONTRACT, ALL that Mefluage or Tenement, called or known by the name of the GORS FARM, with a barn, ftable and convenient outbuildings, all in good repair, together with an orchard and garden, and feven pieces or parcels of ex- ceeding $ ood pafture land, containing by e'dirpauon twenty- five acres, be the fame more or lefs. And alio all thofe feveral pieces ir parcels of Salt Marfh-, containing by eftimation twenty acres be the fame more or lefs, which faid metf'yagfe and premifes are lying and being in the parifh of St. Warburghj otherwife Hoo, in the ' county of Kent, and now in the occupation of Thomas Graves, who will fhew the premifes. Particulars may be had 31 the office of Jj. Simmons, Rochcfter » iSTbTTo L D by AUC T I U~ n7 By MeiT. I'OVt and SON, On TUESDAY, April 12, 1791,' THE HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE of tbe late Mrs. COl. EGATE, of St. Dunftan's ; Conffiffing of bedding, window curtains, mahogany tables, ditto chairs; large pier- glafi'es, carpets, tea- urns, handfome bright and Bath ftoves, drawers, & c. kitchen furniture, two good copiers, brewing veifels, glafs bottles, a curious fet of orna- mental china, fome wood and coals. To be viewed on Monday next; and the to begia at half paft ten o'clock. Catalogues to be had, on Saturday next, at MeiT. POUT and SON'S, - auctioneers, Hj^ h- ftreet, Canterbury. To COVER this SEASON, 179fT ' At Meff. WYBORN'S, Evegate Farm, pear AOiford, Cft, A High- bred CHESNUT HORSE, | x\ TALLY- HO, At ONE GUINEA a Mare, and HALF- A- c « , owtt the Groom- The money to be p-' id at the time of Covering. He was bred by Sir Sir John Moore in 1781, and fold to hit Royal Higbnefs tbe Prince of Wales for 3P0 Guineas in 1786. In 1788 his Royal Highnefs made him a prefent to the Marquii de Conthtns, who refufed 400 guineas for him. He is allowed to be a horfe as well- bred for blood as any in the kingdom ; fifteen hands and a half high, perte& ly found, and free from blemifh. ' EAST- KENT.' W I N G H A M DIVISION AND COMMISSION OF SEWERS. MR. LONG having entered into a Copartnerlhip with his fon- in law, Mr. HODGES, in the pratlice of Conveyancing, has removed thf Office for traafaiting the occa- fional bufmefs of the Wingham Divifion and Commifiion of Sewers for tbe Eaftern Parts of the County of Kent, to the Office of MelT. LONG ijnd HODGES, within Saint George's Gate, Canterbury ; where all perfons concerned are to apply in future. 6th April, 1791. CV Mr. HODCES will continue to pra& ice as an Attorney and Solicitor. T1 the Gentlemen, Clergy, Freeholders, and others of the County of Kent f I'^' HE bill for paving, lighting and watching the town of JL Maidllone, and therein burchcning tbe inhabitants of the County at large wirh toll gates to lielp defray the expence thereof, has been presented to the Honorable Houfe of Commons. Such Gentlemen, Farmers and others of the County of Kent, who Wifh to oppofe the Maidftone toll gates, are requefted to meet at the Star Inn at Maidttone, 1 n Thurfday the 14th day of April inftant, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, in order to fign a petition to Parliaments oppofe Creating fuch toll gates. I am, Gentlemen, Yuur moll obedient humble feivant, JOHN COLE. STRIVERS, HoaSMONDEM, April 4, 1791. S UN FIRE OF F ICE. THE Managers of this Onice, wifting to give encouragement to thofe inclined to infure their property from fire, have been induced to lower their premium on farming ftock in the rick- yards, and on other parts of the land ; as alio on all barn ® ai) d outhoufes not containing chimneys, and not adjoining to any dwelling- houfe, nftalt- houfe, bravery or other buildings containing a chimney, from five to three jer cent. This reduction of premiums extends to the future payments of all the prefent Policies as well as to any new ones. JACOB C. TROY, Agent. CHATHAM, April 6, 179I. N. ! ii In order to afcertain thole ptrts of the Policies which relate ta the objeft of this reduction, the Infured are requefted to bring their Policies, prior to the premiums becoming due, when receipts will be granted accordingly. From the ROYALEXCHANGE ASSURANCE FIRE OFFICE, LONDON. FARMERS and others are hereby informed, that this Corporation have authorifed their refpe& ive agents to acccpt propofals for the aflurance of farming ftock and buildings, in all fituations, upon as moderate terms as any other office whateVter j and that the Company ' s agents may be enabled to reT duce premium on policies already ilTued, all perfons are requcfted to bring their policies as the annual payments refpe& ively fail du#. RESOIVED, That farming out door ftock, or ftock in b2rns or other buildings in which no chimney is ere& ed, and which do not adjoin . to any building having a chimney, together with the buildings themfelves, be allured in future at the following rates per cent, per annum* viz. On fum3 not exceeding locol. at 3s. per cent, per annum. From joool. to 2000I. - at 4s. per ceitf. per annum. From 2000I. to 3000I. - at 53 per cent, per annum. And that the premiums on policies already ifiued be received agreeably to the faid rates, as the pay ments Jhall refpe& ively be- come due. Maidftone, £ dw. Arglcs, j# n. Scvenoaks, William Daykin Rochelter, Richard Fleet Gravefcnd, Ajiguftin Styles Rye, Cath. Dpdfon _ Wink worth ajid FOR SALE, At the CUSTOM- HOUSE, FAVERSHAM, On Wednefday the 13th of April, 1791, about eleven o'clock in the forenoon, The following GOODS, vis,. 1050 H 46 17 GALLONS GENEVA,? R . , Gallons Brandy! P" V - I ftreogth for dealers.. Gallons Brandy,? Gathns Rum, S A Yawl, burthen 9 tons, and her miterials. A Peter- boat, burthen 4 tons, and her materials, - ma'! Rowing. boat and four Oars, ajl, per cent, depoflt will be required at the time of fale. The Goods may be viewed the day and morning b » fr> re fale. To be SOLD b^ AUCTION, On MONDAY, April u, at Two o'clock, at Edward Martin's, at the SWAN, in Dover, in fmall Lots, THE whole cargo of DEALS, landed out of the fuow CONCORDIA, Capt. Chriilern Biorn, fromKonirgf- berg ft* Cadix ; confiding of Hundred >? o 10 of 11 feet l\ inch. 6 2 26 of 16 feet 3 inch. 4 127 of 14 feet ditto. 4 1 19 of ij6 feet a* inch, 13 5 of 14 feet ditto. 1 o II of 16 feet 2 inch. 0 3 10 Of 14 feet ditto. Enquire of Meff- FFCTOR and MINET, merchants, in Dover. To be SOI, D by A UCTI O N, By HENRY M 1 N T E R, At the GEORGE in Boughton Street, on Wednefday the • 13th of April, at four o'clock in the afternoon, AMESSUAGE called FRID HOUSE, with the buildings, arable land and hop- ground thereto belonging, containing together by eftimat'on feven acres, more or lefs, now . in the occupation of Thomas Wraight, tenant at will; and alfo | all that parcel of woodland thereunto adjoining, containing by admeafurenient 2$ acres, 2 roods and 25 perches, more or lefs, being well ilockcd with thriving timber, and in excellent con- dition. For further particulars apply to the Auctioneer. A JOURNEYMAN CABINET- MAKER wanted. Apply as above. At the reduced price of 6s. infidf and 3s. out, MITRE TAVERN, CHATHAM- NEW, elegant and expeditious POST- COACH, in five hours, to the BULL AN a MOUTH INN, Bull and Mouth Street, near Chcapfide, London, fcts out from the above Tavern every morning at lix o'clqck, arrives at the BULL AND MOUTH at eleven; returns from thence . at three o'clock ev. iy afternoon, and anives at the MITRE TAVEUN, Chatham, at nine o'clock in tbe evening. Performed by J. WJLLAN, ELLIOTT and Co. J. ELLIOTT returns his fincere thanks to. his numerous friends for the liberal fdpport he has met with fince lie. has taken the MITRE; and hopes that a ftri£ t attention to bufinefs and propriety of behaviour will enfure their future favours. Dedicated to D « . WILLIAM Rowuy, Member of the Univerfity of Oxford, the Royal College of Phvficians, London, & c. This Day was publijhed, Price ONE SHILLING, REMARKABLE CASE of MADNESS io Patient of ELEVEN YEAR. S of ACE, with the diet and medicines ufed in the cure by WILLIAM PERFECT, M. D. of WESTMALLINC, and MEMBER of the LON DON MEDICAL SOCIETY. Printed for the Author; and fold by W. Giltman, Rocherter; the l'ookfeiteis in th', county; Murray, Flcet- lln; st ; Evans^: Pater- noiler- row; and Forller, in the Poultry, London. Of whom may be had, SELECT CASES or INSANITY by the fame Author; in which he has endeavoured to be fo very plain and exa£ l, that the friends of any perl'on, whofe mind EVEN BORDERS uroN INSANITY, may through timely notice alleviate, if not totally prevent an extended lofs of intellect, and confequently all earthly enjoymgot. A1 To be ' 5 O L D by AUCTION." By J. L A M B, On Wednefday the 20th of April, 1791, and following day, PART of THE FURN. IT U R E of B E T S H A N G E R HOUSE, In tbe neighbourhood of Sandwich and Deal, in the county of Kent t ' Confining of a great variety of complete and go6d clumber, parlour, and kitchen furnitures; alfo one ponsy, one cow, and fuadry other eft'etls.. The property of Sir T. H. PAGE, Kr) t. The goods may tie viewed on Monday and ' l'uefday preceding the fale, which will be^* n each day at half paft ten o'clock. Catalogues may be had ( on Saturday before the fale) at the Printing- office, Canterbury; Mitchener's, Margate; the Hoop and Griffin, Deal; the Bell, at Sandwich ; the Halt- way- houfe, Dover; the Five Bells, at Eaftry ; Paine's, at Waldeifharc ; ae the pbee of fale ; and at Jaujes Lamb's, appraifcr and audlioncer, at Dover. . Canterbury, Samuel Lepin. Margate, Samuel Silver Sandwich, Danie) Er. lton Deal, Thomas Oakley Dover, John Latham & Son Afilford, Edward Pike Tollbridge, Thomas Vine Guildford, Cooper A PROPOSALS for BUILDING COUNTY H O S P I T A NEAR THE Cl'tr OF CANTERBURY. FREEHOLDS in Sufex and Pembrokejhirf. To he. LET or SOLD by Private Contrail, TOGETHER OR SEPARATE, AFreehold Farm called THREE OAKS, or BROWN's FARM; confifting of a good farm • houfe and ouihoufes, and about 150 acres of land, lyin;; contiguous in the parifh of Wadhurft in Suflex, about forty miles from London and five from Tunbridge Well?. . Alfo a freehold farm cilled TIILL FARM, confiftmg of a modern built farm houfe, arid about 140 acres of land, fituate at Burton, near Hrverfordwe'ft, Pembrokeshire. N. B. The whole. may be entered upon at Michaelmas next. Further particulars to be had of Mr. Richards, No. 30, Iron- monger Row, Oid Street, and at Mr. Hodges's, Chambers, Brick Court, Temple, London. R . 6d. PLANS, elevations, and the feveral particulars of Mr. SAXON'S defigns, which have been adopted for. the Bu ldir. gs, with proper directions, are left at Mr. WILSON'S, Builder, Cranbourn- ftreet, London, and at Mr. MAT THE WS'S, in Palace- ftreef, Canterbury, for the infpe<£ tion of Mafter Buildqfs who are willing to contract for the fame. Propofals ( fealcd up) for undertaking the vvhol^. at a ftatcd fum, or thr^ c feparate offers , irom I ft. Bricklayer, including Mafonry, Slating, l'iaiftcring, and Chimney Bars- id. Carpenter and Joiner, including Lockfmiths and iron- work— 3d. Plumber, including Pamting and Glaring— Or for any of the fcveral works by nieafurrmient— May be fent to Mr. DREW, the Secietary, at Canterbury, on or before the 20th of Aftil, .1791. CANTERBURY, March 24, 1791. Amount of former Subfiriptions . - 230 14 0 David Papillon, Efq; of Acril'e - - 105 o o N. B. Subfcriptions are taken in at the feveral Banks in the county of Kent; and at the Printing- offices, in Canterbury, Ro- cheftcr and Maidftone; and at the houfe ef Child and Co. London. E A L INDIA CHINA, WARRANTED SOUND, Being Part of the CARGO of the SHIP LORD MACARTNEY EAST- IN DIAMA N, CAPTAIN HAY, ( The lstf Sbip from CHIN A allowed to bring Clearing. Stoles to ENGLAND,) WHICH WILL CONTINUE BY AUCTION, By RICHARD STAINES, At the ASSEMBLY ROOM N O K T H G A T If, CANTERBURY, This prefent Friday the Sth and Saturday the 9th of April, • ' 791' The Sale will begin each Day at Three o'Clock in tl* Afternoon, COMPRISING e blue and white table fervice of rjo pieces, a full landfcape pattern ; f^ veral coloured, blue and white tea- fets, fom? clegintly burnilhed ( the burnifliing warranted to ftand ;) nankin breakfaft fets ; fine pencilled ditto, of the cigi new and faliionable patterns ; large aftd middle- fized tureens,- with dilhf- s and covers : pairs of oblQng-. diffies, - different fiaes; fcveral do. en of coloured, blue white, large and finall plates; Urge blue and white fallad yeflpls; beautiful coloured bowls, of dif- ferent fiies; blue ditto; fets of fine mugs; large nankin bottles and bafons ; coloured, bl'ie aud white cups and faucets, many different pafterns ; tart pans of different fizes; a variety of prna- mentai and otlier china; a jar of very fine prefevvsd ginger, to be. fold in feparate lots ;. table mats, in . fets; . japanoifi- g'reffiftg ! boxes; pope jo^ and o^ adiilleditto; tsa- irayj, tiiji'"--" ' 1 fans, & c. 4rc. To he SOLD Publickly to tht High eft Bidder, On THURSDAY the ^ 8th day of this inft. » iit April, at thre5 o'clock in tire afternoon, at the SKIP INN in Dovor, fubjeft to fuch conditions as lhall be then aud tliere produced, AFREEHOLD ESTATE ; coofilling of the. manor of Paddlefworth, with the Coart. Lect and Court Baron, quit- rents, rights, royalties, liberties and appurtenances to the fame belonging, in the feveral. parifhes of Paddlef-. worth, Lyminge, Newington aud Swingfi". Id, in the county of Kent; and all that capital meffiiage or manor- jhqufc called DLESWORTH CottRT, with the barns, ftables, outhoufes, buildings, fnjall cottage or dwclling- houfc, orchard, garden and fathering place, with the appurtenances j and alfo all thole fe. veral pieces or parcels of arable, meadow, pafture, and woodland to the fame belonging,, containing by eftimation. 263 acres ( more or lefs) lying in tho parifhes of Paddlefworth and Newington aforefaid, and now in the occupation of Mr. John Jennings, Under a leafe for 21 yens from Michaelmas 1787, on'the fol. lowing terms, vij. the firft three years at 45I. per annum, the freEt four years at ^ 5!. per annuo), and tie remaining four- teen years at 65I. per annum. There are alfo quit- rentj payabk to the faid manor, amounting to about ^ 1. per annum. Alfo one piece of m< ftdow land cajled BROOM FIELD, contain- ing by eftimation five acres ( mere or lefs) lying in the pjiifh of Paddlefworth aforefaid, and now In . the occupation of Richard Dixon, tenant. at will, at the yearly rent of Jl, Alio » mefiuage or teneme- it now uftd as a - Public Houfe in fqll tradte, at PadJlefvvorlh aforefaid,. called the RED LION, with the ftables, garden, and one pifee of paftur? land to the fame ad- joining, containing by eftima. tion one acre, more or lefs, and now in the occupation of John Sims, tenant at # 111, at the annual rent of 7I. ... ' Alfo one. piece- of v- ood) and lying and. being. in^ certain wood called Con is's ROUGH, in the pirifhof Paddlefworth aforefaid, containing by eftimiti'on about three quarters of an acre, more or kfs, now in hand. , v „ • ; > Alfn oae othet piece cf woodlmd, containing by cftimation 4 acres, 2 roods, 12 perches, more or lefs, lying and being it} ths parilh nf Swipgfield afcrefaid, now alfo. in hand. Alfo a barn, fothering place, and fevejal pieces of arable,' meadow, pafture and woodland, containing by eftrmatioa 20 acrcs, more or lefs,: lying in the parifl) of Swingfield aforofaid,' apd no*, in the occupation of William P. iiidock, tenant at, will, with a right of common on Bwingfkld . Minnis, at the yearly rent of 1 jl, N. B. The timber on the cilats to be fubje£ t to a valuation by two indifferent appra'ferj, one to be chofen by each party. Immediately af'et the . fale of the above mentioned prcmifes will be £> U by auftio^, ? neat a'nd convenient freehold McflV'R of Tenement, with a garden walled in, fitu'att in St. James's Street^ in tbe • t^ wn - 3nd port of Dovor, - antt now in the occupa^ ticn it Mr. William Roo'fe, te.-. ant at will—, N. p. The pur-, purchafer will be entitled to the freedom of the Corporation of Dovor. , The tenants will rtiew the eftates; and for further particulars id CCHigiS 1 enquire of fylr. William Cowlsy at the Pier in Dcsror, or at the " ' ulHce of M « ff. tairt and Kennett, in Do7or aforefaid, War- office, April 2. fith ( or innifkiliing) Reg. of Dragoons, Thomas Met vin Medlycott, Gent., is appointed to be Cornet, by purehafe, vie? Edward Greaves, who retires.-- ill reg. of Foot Guards, Captain Lloyd Hill to be Adjutant, vice Emp. John Al. ford, < vho refigns." 3d reg. of Foot Guards, Edward Ste- phens, Gent, to b; Enfign, by purchafc, vice Francis Dalhwood, wlio retires.-- ill; Battalion of the Royals, . Button Row Spencer, Gent, to be Enfign, by purchafe, vice Hamilton Graham, who retires.-- 8th ( or the King's Reg.) of Foot, Enfign John Thomas A. mItiong, from the Half- pay of the late lozd Reg. to be Enlign, vice Wm Ruffe! 1, replaced on the Half- pay.-- i3th Reg. of Foot, Major John Whitelocke, from the 60th Reg. to be Lieut. Colonel, by purchafe, vice John Francis Cradock, who retires.— 18th ( or the Royal Irifli) Reg. of Foot, Lieut. Charles D u n lop, from the Half- pay of the late Queen's Rangers, to be Lieutenant, vice Thomas Langford Brown, who exchanges.- 14th Reg. of Foot, Enlign And. Feller, from the Half- pay of the Independent Companies, to be Enfign, vice Thomas Mullins, promoted in the Ifvdcpen- Companies.— 2.9th Reg. ofFoot, Enfign Augufhis Colman, from the 37th reg. to be Enfign, by purchafe, vice Wil- liam Calcraft, promoted.-- 31ft Reg. of Foot, Adjutant John Gardiner, from the Half pay of the late 86th Reg. to be Enfign, vice David Erfkine, promoted in the Inde- pendent Companies.— 35th Reg. of Foot, Capt. John Of- wald, from tile Half- pay of an Independent Company, to be Captain of a Company, vice Thomas Hockley, who exchanges.-- 37th Reg. of Foot, Enlign Wm Windham Balling, from the 44- th Reg. to be Enfign, by purchafe, vice Charles Piekford, who retires.— 43d ( or Royal High- land) Reg. of Foot, Lieut. J. Dewar, from the Half- pay of the Independent Companies, to be Lieutenant, vice Ro- bert Macdonald, promoted to an Independent Company.-- J4ill Reg. of Fuot, Enlign Amherft Goreham, from the Half- pay of the late 79: 11 Reg. to be Enfign, vice Edward Whitehead, promoted in the Independent Companies. — 60th ( or the Royal American) Reg. of Foot, Captain Wm Gordon, from the 151b Reg. of Foot, to be Major, by purchafe, vice John Whitelocke, promoted in the 13th Foot. Enlign Robert Glyn Griffith, from the Half- pay of the 39th Reg. to be Enfign, vice Fitz Gerald, placed on Half- pay.— 6jth Reg. of Foot, Hon. James Stop- ftird to be Enfign, by purchafe, vice Jofeph Yorke, who retires. W. Hannam, Gent, to be Marflial to the Regi- ments of Life Guards. MARSWIS OF LANSDOWNE. The known abilities of this Nobleman render his par- liamentary fpecches of importance. Speaking but feldom and that on matters of moment, his arguments are not of that extemporaneous kind which arife from a mere habit of loquacity. His fpeech 011 Tusfday 29th ult. was fraught, in our opinion, with much good fer. fe; and many hints were thrown out which it may be worth a Miniller's while to adopt, even if they fliould be thought to come from a quarter hofiile to the prefent fyllem. We are lorry it is not in our power to gratify our readers with this fpeech in a more accurate manner. The following, however, is the bell abridgment we have been able to procure; and we hope that after the pains we have taken to do jullice to Mr. Fox and the ( relent fpeakers, we ( hall not be accufed of, what indeed we deem a meannefs, that partiality which reftrifts a newfpaper to the Service of ONE SET OF MEN, AND ONE SET OF SENTIMENTS. The MARQUIS OF LANSDOWNE faid, that it was 3 maxim in war, which had been oblerved by all great Ge- nerals, that the fame flratagems ought not to be too fre- quently repeated, lelt they fliould become too common, and lofe- their effeCt. This maxim in the prefent circum stances was, perhaps, worthy the attention of the Minifliy. It might happen, that a Meffage might be fent from his Majefty, requiring the approbation and fupport of certain meafures. It might happen likewife that the Minifters, from pretended motives of expediency and convenience, might decline giving any account of the nature and ten- dency of thefe meafures; but might pledge themfelves for their public neceffity and ufefiilnefs, and hold themfelves out as bound to be accountable with their heads for the refult. On the faith of fuch affurances, a vote of credit might be given ; the SefTion of Parliament might be nearly at an end, and hoftilities might be threatened to be com- menced. A peace afterwards might be patched up, and the people, too happy to have purchafed it at any rate, might forbear all future enquiry ot the circumllances which had attended the difturbance, or the conduft which had been purfued in effecting the pacification. But though this might be the cafe, when we had to contend with a nation, alarmed for the fafety of its Acapulco veffels, and whofe fupport was derived from the mines of Mexico and Peru, yet we were not to hope that fuch meafures would always lead to an ilfue equally pacific. Tilt prefent Miniftry, he remarked, had appeared to have changed their fyftem— a change which was fo much the more deplorable, as of the various fy Items which to- night had been brought forward, [ here was none which they feemed decifively to have adopted. He was far from willing to infinuate that the Minifters were defirous of war, or could have any inclination to en. - gage the nation in hoftilities. On the contrary, he was rather inclined, from the prefent fituation of affairs, to form the conclulion, that the Minifters would be averfe to war, and anxious to avoid all meafures which might lead to hoftilities. This conclufion he was inclined to adopt, from the increafiug and almoft intolerable load of public burthens', and the poverty which had lately appeared of refources. Taxes had been impofed the moft oppreffivi; on the indultrious poor, which had not only pinched their narrow circumltances, but even impaired their means of fubfiiience, and had left them in the country to fuftain all the hardfhips of poverty and famine. He would not de- traft any thing from the merits of the reduced ftate of the nation, and its incapaciiy to l'uftain the expellees of a war, and confequently might be fuppofed to be a rea- fon why Minifters would not chufe to hazard a mealure, for which they are fo ill prepared. He did not mean to detraft any thing from the merits of ihofe, whofe duty it was to point out lefourcesj he was inclined to give them the credit of ihe higheft abilities ; but this would only ( hew what poor fliifts had become neceffary, from the exhaufled tote of the national refources. Even if the income of the country was, as the Minifter wifhed to be believed, equal to its expenditure, the flow progrefs which had been made in paying off the unfunded debt, and other circumftances, Jliewed that the revenue was by no means in a flourifhing ftate ; and in the event of a war, lie was firmly perfuaded that tnuli happen to this country, which would have hap- pened to France, if it had not been pofltffed of tile Church Lands, the Royal Domains, and the exemptions of the Nobility. Thefe had amounted to about two hundred millions— a fum which enabled ihem to difcharge their debt. But in cafe of a fimilar convulfion, this country was not pofleffed of equal rel'ources. With regard to the property the Church, every part of it was, in his opinion, ne- ceffary to the maintenance of the Clergy, if it was properly divided. The Royal Domains were nothing, and the ex- emptions of the Nobility we did not poflefs ; fo that, in cafe of the event which he had dated, the inevitable rcfult mirft be a national bankruptcy. At prefent the Bank of Amflerdatri, to which we trufted for fupport, had received a fatal- bloW in its credit; the Ealt- lndia Company was bankrupt, and the Weft- India Company was felling off at a difcotrnt of about a third. It fliould be confidercd to what degree of confidence Minifters were entitled, who had fo recently, in a; former inftancC, betrayed the confidence which was repofed in them, and who, if' they fliould again receive it, might be fuppofed, on the prefent occafion, to employ it wildly and wantonly.: Ruffe was by no means fuch an antag^ nift as Spain. The people, . inftead of being indolent and weak, were aftive and hardy ; inftead of gold atid filver, they were polfeffed of iron. The late King of Vruffia, the greateft hero and politician of the age, whole ' authority was Very higli in every queftion of war, ftates, that nothing ' ee'oM b* mare, unprofitable than an enmity with RufTia ; and that there was no country, whofe enmity could be more hurtful, or from which an antagonift could receive lefs advantage.' It could nojt be attacked in its ca. pital, whillt there was no country more capable of annoy- ance and defence. We would be engaged to accompany the King of Pruflia with a fleet to Peterfburgh. And in that cafe, it would be nectfuny to procure gallies, as our great ( hips could be of no fetvice. Thefe we m'uft purchafe from the King of Sweden, who having experienced our neutrality, and being fenfible of his own value from his immediate contiguity to Ruffia, would take care to enhance the price of his favours. And as we had paid to the King of Pruffia a fubfidy of 8oo, oool. for his alliance, perhaps it would be neceffary to pay a larger fum to the King of Sweden, who, confciotis of the advantage which he derived from the prefent fituation of affairs, would expeft to receive a fum fuitable to his own ( till greater importance. When we were once engaged in a war, the confideration of ex- pellee no longer became an objeft. No facrifice was to be made to a trifling faving; nor could the lengths to which we might go be afcertained, as they could only be regulated by our fuccefs. It would l'urely be confidered as very bad policy to protraCt a war for the fake of conducting it upon an oeconomical plan. It was this idea that the late Lord Chatham had pointedly ridiculed, when he talked of Mr. Legge's wars at the rate of five millions a year. Much had been faid of the late Lord Chatham ; and it might here be propeily remarked, that lie conltanily reprobated all con- nexion between this country and Turkey. The reafon which lie affigned was, that Turkey was an Aliatic ftate, and to form treaties with it, and enter into its " views, would beafource of endkf's confufion. I11 any war which we fliould have occafion to carry 011 with Ruffia, we fliould find ourfelves deprived of all thofe advantages which we were apt to appropriate from our fituation, and boaft of as peculiarly Our own. The Ruffians were qualified to match us at fia. By lending them our officers, we had enabled them to contend with ourfelves. The Ruffian failors, it is true, were rude and ignorant, but they flood fire like pillars of ftone or ( locks of wood. Nothing could be conceived more dreadful than a Ruffian engagement at fea. Perfonal courage was of no avail. The characters of our feamen could not ( land us in any ( lead ; there was only battery oppofed to battery. Another circumftance from which we fliould encounter the Ruffians with confiderable difadvan • tage was, that we fliould have to contend with them 011 their own Teas. There were none of our Admirals who were acquainted with the Baltic, except one, who, it was pra- bable, would not be employed. In the Black Sea we had equally to overcome the difficulties of inexperience in op- pofing thofe who were completely, vei fed in its navigation. It was a curious doftrine that had been advanced, that we were bound not only to fupport our allies, but likewife thofe who might be connefted with them. On this principle we were bound to proteft the Emperor of Germany, who furely was fufficiently qualified to take care of himfelf; and alfo the kingdom of Poland. This, perhaps, was rather a new inference, and it demanded fome confidera- tion, whether it could be adopted with prudence in its con- fequences. It would certainly be ftrange, if, with the example of France before them, and the inftances of confidence which were then repofed in the fubjefts, the people here Ihould be led to vote the approbation and fupport of meafures, of whofe circumftances and tendency they were ignorant. The French had firft fet the example of a liberal and enlightened policy, the influence of which, it was to be hoped, would not be loft 011 this country, and would extend to other na- tions of Europe. They had difchimed all views of ambi- tion and defiie of conqueft, and referved themfelves no pretext to engage in war, except from the motive of feif- defence. He by no means wiflied to import into this country all the principles of the French Revolution. The French had confidered their conftitution as an old houfe, which it was neceffary to rebuild. Our conftitution was likewife an old houfe ; but it contained excellent apart- ments, and required only to be repaired, and fecured from the inclemency of the feafons ! AUTHENTIC ADVICES. PARIS, March 31. On the night of the 171I1 a number of the Inhabitants of Toulon, were murdered by the foldiers of the legion of Aft -- the citizens, ftruck with juft horror, ran to arms, and were in the very aft ot burning the part of the town, which is chiefly peopled by that banditti, when the municipal of- ficers prevailed upon them not only to defift from their in- tentions, but even to contribute their aid to lay the fury of the flames, which they had caufed—- the people, however, went in a formidable body by the Colonel's lodgings, who was fulpefted of having a quantity of arms in his pofieflion, but after the moft fcrupulous fearch, they found only one double barrell gun ;— the colours of this corps were carried to the town houfe, but being, demanded by the mob, they were given up, torn to pieces and burnt; two men, who had been concealed by the Municipality, left the people fhoutd facrifice them to their rage, owned, at their firft in- terrogatory, that the intent of the legion was to maff'acre every individual in the commercial part of the town !--- the leaders of this horiid plot have efcaped to Spain. By a decree of Monday the wings of Royalty have been molt clolely dipt; fhould the King of the French, have a mind to take the air, his flight niuft not extend beyond twenty leagues, from where tht Legiflative body is afTembled,. unlefs he hear with him their exprefs permiffion 1 fhould he' quit the kingdom, he abdicates the thrown in the eye of tile nation. M. de Lomenie has fer. t his Cardinal's hat to Rome- he thinks that the Catholick religion needed.. a fchifni, by which a reform, founded on reafon might be effefted. The National Aflembly have it in contemplation to de- cree that no French Clergyman, living in France, ftiall henceforward accept any title rank or dignity from the Bi- fhop cf Rome.-— Cardinal de Bernes, for certain reltriftions exprefled in his oath on ih.* clerical conftitution, is no longer Charge d'Affaires of France at the Court of Pius VI; he is fucceeded in his Embaffy by M. de Segur, the late Am- baflador at the Court of St. Peterfburgh. The Club, of which the great Royalilt, Clermont Ton, nerre is Prefident, met 011 Tuefday, but no fooner were the mob informed of it, than they hailed to put them to flight — many of them were confined for wearing the white cock- ade, and many more were very feverely handled for being found ill LOYAL company. It is in agitation to deprive the King of the privilege of feieftir. g his own Minifters. Mirabeau has talked himfelf into a very ferious malady ; and wonderful I fo great is the homage paid to him, that the minuteft fymptoms attendant on his indifpofition, are reported to the Affembly. The Queen rides in the Bois de BonSogn every fine day, attended by two officers of the National Cavalry— fhe is at- tentive to every mark of refpeft fhown to her, and will not fuffer a child to pals tier unfaluted— the Dauphin accompa- nies her ufually--- Prudence dictates this precaution, ( he knows that her fun will procure her the refpeft which fne cannot enfure to herfelf. H O U S E of LORDS. MONDAY, April 4. Heard Counfel in an Appeal between Michael Fallejiff, of St. Peterfburgh, Merchant, and William Forbes, Bart. Banker, in Edinburgh, his Attorney, Appellants ; and the Hon. William Elphinftone, owner, and John Gardner, late matter of the Paifiey, of Canon, a private ( hip of war, Respondents. Several Bills were ( brought up from the Commons, by Lord Beauchamp, and others. Lord RAWDON moved for fevers! accounts of the pub- lic revenue and expenditure, which were ordered. Laid PORCKESTER'S expefted motion on the war in India, was pollponed til! Monday next, 011- account of the indifpofition of Lord Loughborough. The Houfe then adjourned until tlw marrow.- HOUSE of C O M M O N_ S. Deferred to Wednefday the Committees of Ways and Means, and the Supply. On motion of Mr. Pitt, the third reading of the Un- claimed Dividends' Bill was deferred from Tliurfday to Friday next. The Felons' employment bill was deferred on motion of Mr. Powys, from Thurfday to Wednefday fe'nnight. Loid SHEFFIELD moved for accounts of the number of veffek, with their tonnage, which have failed to and from Ruflia, for the laft ten years, diltinguifhing foreign from Britifh.— Ordered. Alfo for an account of articles imported into this country to Ruflia, with their value, for the laft five years, diftinguifliing what were Britifh and what Foreign.—- Ordered.. A bill was brought in, and read a firft time ; to render perpetual the Pawnbrokers' Regulating Aft. Mr. GILBERT brought up the report of the Committee appointed to examine inio the expiring laws, the rtfolulions of which were agreed to, and bills ordered in purfuance thereto. A petition was prefented from the Mayor and Com- monalty of York,- for a tax 011 dogs. The SPEAKER acquainted the Houfe that he had on Thurfday the 31ft of March, purfuant to a relblutioii of the Houfe, given notice to the Eaft India Company of the expiration of their charter. A NEW WRIT Was ordered to be iffued for the eleftion of a Member to ferve for Bucks, in the room of Lord Verney, deceafed ; and another for Inverkeithing, in thQ room of Sir Ar- chibald Campbell, deceafed. LUDGERSHALL ELECTION COMMITTEE. Mr. PHELIPS, one of the Nominees reported that Mr. Portman, one of the Members of the faid Committee, was unable to attend his duty, through indifpofitiom Mr. Boyce, Apothecary, came to the Bar, and being fworn, faid, that Mr. Portman could not attend his duty without danger. Ordered that Mr. Portman, have leave of abfence. COLCHESTER CONTESTED ELECTION. Mr. HOBART, the Chairman of the Committee ap- pointed to try the merits of the petition againlt the above Ele£ lion, reported the ref'olutions of the faid Committee to be, That George Jackfon and Robert Thornton, Efqrs. the fitting Members, were duly eleHed and returned. And That the petition of George Tiemey, Efq. againlt the faid eleition, was frivolous and vexatious. Mr. COUT'S PETITION. Mr. BURKE prefented a petition from Mr. Cout who had been upwards of fifty- years in the fervice of the Eait India Company, in which he had been one of the Senior Merchants, and who, though entitled by the rules, of the Company, to 400I. per annum, he having come home with lefs than io, oool. had, after an application of fourteen months, been refuled any other advantage than to return to his fituation at Calcutta. Mr. Burke urged 111 ftrong terms the inhumanity of propoiing to an infirm Gentleman of 74 years old, the commencement of his fortune by a re- turn to India, inftead of paying him what was his right, and concluded by moving to have the petition refened to a Stleft Committee to examine and report. Alderman LE MF. SURJER ( poke in fopport of the Court of Directors in refufing the annuity, and was replied to bv Mr. Burke; after which the motion for a Committee was put and agreed to, and the Committee appointed. CONTESTED . ELECTIONS. Mr. Pitt obferved, as it would be neceflary, in the prefent circumftances of the Seffion, to draw a line be- tween thofe Petitions which fliould be confidered this Seffion, and thofe which fhould be poftponed ; ahd defirable for all parties concerned to know, as foon as poflible, when that line fhould be drawn, as no one might be put to unne- ceffary expenfe, he gave notice that he would to- morrow make a motion relative to that bufinefs. CORN BILL. The Houfe, purfuant to ihe order of the day, refolved itfelf into a Committee upou the Corn Bill, Mr. Bianlton ill the Chair. A converfation took, place upon moft of the claufes, and a diviiion upon that which confifcates the ( hip, or veffel, 011 board of which a certain quantity of grain or niea! fhall be found, when not exportable. Inftead of this claufe, Mr. Alderman Curtis propofed a penalty upon the tonnage, at the rale of one hundred pounds for one hundred tons meafurement of the fliip or vtflel in which fuch corn or meal fhould be found.. Lord Shetfield'and Sir Peter Bunel were for the amend- ment. Mr. Ryder, Mr. Pitt, the Attorney General, and Mr. Rofe were againft it. The Committee divided, and negatived the amendment, there being for the original claufe, Ayes - 64 Noes - 39 Majority 2.5 The Committee then proceeded, until they came to the table regulating the prices of grain for opening and ( hutting the ports; and that part of the table being read, which enafts, that the ports fhail be opened for the importation of Foreign Corn, when the price of Britifh fliall amount to 48s. or upwards. Mr. POWYS rofe, and contend « d againft the admiflion of foreign wheat, until the produce of this country fliould be at the average price of 52s. inftead of 48s.-— and faid he would take the fenfe of the Committtee for the infertion of the higher prices. Mr. RYDER, upon the point of order, obferved that it would be incompetent for the Hun Gentleman, in the prefent Committee to move his 3mendmeHt; the mode now to be adopted, he faid, muft be by negativing the whole table. Mr. POWYS replyed it was the fame thing, as tbe Com- mittee undejrftood his objeft, and the ground he flood upon. He moved to have the table omitled. Mr. RYDER rofe in fupport of the table, and accounted for the increafe of importation from the increafe of wealth, of population, of luxury, of horfes, of diftilleries, & c. & c. The bill, he faid, was calculated to prevent an artificial fcarcity, and to keep wheat at a price not too low for the grower, nor too high for the confumer ; 48s. he conceived to be the fair medium, and could not confent to the al- teration propofed by the Hon. Gentleman. Lord CARYSFORT confidered that the cheapeft poffihle way of procuring corn for the confnmptioiv of the country, would be by making the importation and exportation free : Such, however, was not the objeft of the prefent bill, its objeft being to fecure for the people coin not at the loweft pofiible price, but at fuch a moderate price, as might infure the growth of the country to be adequate to its confumption ; the whole of which objeCt his Lordfliip faid was hazarded by allowing too low a price for the importation of corn to be admitted, which could not fail to difcourage the tillage of the country, and render us dependent upon other countries for fupport. He was therefore for railing the price to 52s. Mr. MONTAGUE was for the table. Mr. PELHAM faid the principal objeft of the'Houfe ought to be, the fupplying of the country with corn of its own growth, which he contended could not beeffefted, fituated as England was fituated, unlefs th? growing of corn was forced by bounties, or by an admiflion to export when the prices fhould be higher than propofed by the bill. He concluded by giving his vote for the increafe of price to 51s. Mr. PULTENF. Y faid a free trade would be hazardous, and the Houfe were not to rifle the exiftetice of the people upon any theory. He wiflied the price to be increafed as propofed by the Hon Gentleman, that the farmer might not i> e crufhed, being convinced, that by crufhing the farmer, the poor would i> e crufhed alfo. Mr. BASTARD was f ® r negativing the table. Mr. POWYS ( howed to the Conimit. tge a calculation lie had received from ieveral quarters which wotfji drove ir- refiftibly that a farmer could not gain upon 48s. the quarter j for, admitting that he gave but 10s. rent for an acre,, and that his tillage and other expesfes would amount to 6t. 3s. 5d. more.; to repay which, calculating that" an acre would produce three quarters, at the higheft price in cite bill, 48s. the farmer would receive, to defray thofe expences of 7I. 3s. 5d. no more than 7I. 4s. Lord SHEFFIELD contended, that 52s. ( houid be the loweft that ought to be grained. _ Mr. Fox faid arguments ftom experience were to be with the greateft fafety relyed on, and experience warranted a high protefting price ; for from the old praftice of boun- ties, and under the old laws, the price of wheat decreafed, until the bill of 1773, after which it increafed, and the country, mftead of exporting, commenced to a confiderabfe degree, the injurious praftice of importing corn. Tbofe, he faid, who cultivate corn, ought to know, that fhouid they be unfortunate in. their crops, the price would fuffi- ciently rife to indemnify them : and by fuch means en- couragement would be given to tillage, and ( he poor ulti- mately benefitted by a greater plenty. The only iecurity to , the poor, he faid, was by encouraging the tillage of die country, and that alone was to be done by bounties, or high protecting prices, which operate as bounties. He liid the country was oppreffed by tithes, the collection of which was harfh and injuiious ; and it was hiswifh that fome gen- tleman might attempt jn that Houfe to relieve the country from that Ipecies of barbarif'm, and dil'couragement to agri- cuhural improvement. He concluded by faying he had no difficulty whatever to give his vote for the prohibition, till corn fliould' beat 52s. per quarter. Mr. PITT was for the tab!;, being convinced that the fyftem upon which it went, fixed the price high enough tor the encouragement of tillage, and at the fame time guarded the conl'umer againft any ferious inconvenience. Mr. Pitt and Mr. Fox feveral times fpoke in explanation, as did other Gentlemen ; after which the queftion was put, and the table was negatived by a divifion. Ayes - 53 Noes - .59 Majority S A defultory converfation enfued, in which Mr. Pitt intimated that though the divifion had gone againft him m a Committee, he fhould, if it appeared convenient, take the fenfe of the Houfe upon the bufinefs. At eleven o'clock the remainder of the Bill was post- poned, and the Houfe refumed, and the Committee ordered to lit again on Thurfday, Adjourned. H O uTTTf L O R D S. TUESDAY, April 5. In a Committee of Privileges heard Counfel farther on the Scots Eleftion Petitions. Adjourned. HOUSE of COMMONS. There not being a fuflicient number of Members pref; ut not excufed from ferving on Eltftion Committees, to form a ballot for a Committee ou the Downton Election, no bufinefs was done. —— MEETING of the WEST INDIA PLANTERS and MERCHANTS. Tuefday a Meeting of the. Planters and Merchants trading 10 the Weft Indies, convened by public advtrafc- mem, wis held at the Crown aud Anchor in the Straad, Lord Penrhyn in the Chair. A Memorial, fetting forth the prefent danger to which the lives and properties of the White People 111 our Weft India Iflands are now expofed, from the a'arming and dif- affefted ftate in which the flaves and black men in geiteril are " in moft of thofe Iflands, particularly in Dominica, was lately prefetited by a Committee to Lord Grenville, as Secretary of Stale. He defired to be informed, what military force was neceffary to reftore the peace ar, j tran- quillity of the iflands. The " Comnflttee declaring them- U'lves incompetent to anfwer the qneftion, he propoll- d, That a Meeting fliould be held on the fubjeft. In couie- quence of which, the Meeting of Tuefdny was called. It appeared by information from the Colonies, that the minds of tlie black people throughout the i/ bnds have been much inflamed by information communicated to them, of the difcuffion of the ( lave trade by the Houfe of Commons. That the ( laves had demanded that they fiiould have four days out of the feven to themfelves ; and that for thofc days, they fhould be paid for their labour. Mr. Knoe road an Extraft of an Examination taken before the Council of Dominica, of a negro who was one of the ringleaders of the infurreftion, it was dated the 7th of February, 1791 ; and ftated that, on Governor Crete's landing, it was circulated throughout the ifland, that he had brought pofitive inftruftions from this country, that the Blacks fliould be free; fliould work but a ftated time j and for that time he paid an adequate compenfation. That the Negroes throughout the ifland agreed to a general, revolt; a Chief was chofen over the whole, and one over each plantation ; they had procured upwards of 500 ( land ot arms; and agreed that oil a certain night, about fupper time the whole of the infurgents fliould rife and murder their mailers, without diltinftion, and all thofe white People who fhould attempt to refill therti, or even to blame their conduft ; ar. d that the furviving White Meti Oiouid be driven to a remote part of the ifland ; a body of troops attacked the infurgents, and by feveral of the ringleaden falling into their hands, this fcheme was fruflrated ; but not before many of the foldiery were deftroyed ; who n « fooner fell, but their mu& ets were feized, and carried to affift in arming the reft of the negroes. It appeared to be the unanimous opinion of the Meeting, that nothing could fo effectually re- eftabhfh the quiet of the colonies as the ( peedy termination of the- prefent bufwefs before the Houfe of Commons refpefting the flave trade ; to which effect a Refolution was framed, in order to be pre- fented to Lord Grenville. For the KENTISH GAZETTE. RULES to be obferved at CARD PARTIES. 1. Always fuppofe the lady of the hcjufe knows how to arrange the company, but if otherwile, it is impertinent and. improper for you to interfere, or atteir- t to fet her right. 2. If you are placed in a part of the room which you think not fuited to your confequence, do not allow yourfelf to complain, or even to appear diffatisfied ; and you will not, if you confider, that the perfon gives honour to the feat, not the feat to the perfon : if you are an invalid, and' likely to fuffer in your health if not put into the warmeft, you had better remain by your own fire- fide. 3. Avoid ( hewing any fort of difcontent againft the party you may be engaged with ; mind your game, remember you are thrown together only for a few hours, and be thankful that it is not for life. 4. Be fare you put down your card money at the expi- ration of the firft rubber you play, calling on fome one at the table to be witnefs of the depofit. j. Be not impatient for your tea and coffee, and if it is ftrong and warm, well; if weak and cold, be filent, and take the lefs of it, which will be better for your nerves, and fave your reputation for good- breeding. To find fault is totally repugnant to true politenefs. 6. When the Cakes are brought to you, guard againft fingering the whole bafket, or diving for a macaroon ; ( finely matrimony may fatisfy you:) do not help yotirfelf too largely, left you incur the fufpicion of faving yqur fupper. 7. Go into every party with an eye to improvement, ra- ther than to ridicule, to confirm and increafe, not to weaken and dlminifh your benevolence. 8. Be not too much dreffed, nor affeft a negligcnce cf it. The former is an indication of a frivolous, the latter of a contemptuous roind. THURSDAY, April 7. From the L O N D O N G AZ E T T E. Copenhagen, March 26. Ankewicz> Env° y Extraordi- nary from the King and Republic of ( I C ! ) Poland to this Court, arrived here lad iM week> a° d had his firft audience of his Dani( h Majefty on Wednefday laft. BANKRU PTS. James Davis, of Cowes, in the Ifle of Wight, Southampton- fhire, merchant; to furremler April 12,21, May 17, at ten, at Guildhall, London. Attorney, Mr. Maddock, Carey- ftreet, Chancery- lane. Henry Brookes, late of Teignmouth, Devonlhire, merchant; to furrender April 27, 2?, May 17, at four, at the Valiant Sol- diers, Exeter. Attorney, Mr. William Rtnell, in Top ft am. William Cheeke the Younger, late of the City Road, Middlefex ; to furrender April 9, 11, May 17, at ten, at Guildhall, Lon- don. Attorney, Mr. Rogers, Manchcfter- buildings, Cannon- row, Weltminfter, DIVIDENDS. Miles Barber, Samuel Sandys, and Andrew White, now or late of Liverpool, Lancafhire, merchants, ( furvivlng partners of James Kendall, late of Liverpool, merchant, deceafed) April 26, at nine, at the Globe Tavern, John- ftreet, Liverpool. Miles Barber and Andrew White, now or late of Liverpool, Lancalhire, merchants, furviving partners of James Kendall, late of Liverpool, merchant, deceafed) April 26, at nine, at the Globe Tavern, John. ftreet, Liverpool. Richard Lea, now or late of Hinckley, Leicefterftiire, draper ; April 25, at ten, at the Plough Inn, in Hinckley. Final Dividend. George Henry Eggers, late of Kingfton upon Hull, merchant ; May 10, at eleven, at the White Hart Tavern, Kingfton upon Hull. Chriftophcr Wetherherd, late of Liverpool, Lancafliire, mer- chant, April 16, at eleven, at the Hotel, Lord- ftreet, Li- verpool. John Page, of Milton next Sittingbourn, Kent, hoyman ; April 27, at eleven, at the Rofe Inn, Sittinghourn. Fir ft arid Final Dividend. Albert Innes, late of Duke- ftreet, York- buildings, Strand, Mid- dlefex, merchant; May 3, at ten, at Guildhall, London. Benjamin Mee, late of Fenchurch- ftreet, Loudon, . merchant; May 9, at eleven, at Guildhall, London. William Hubbard and Gregory Southworth Whyley, of Bir- mingham, chymifts, druggifts; April 27, at three, at the Shakefpcre Tavern, New. ftrcet, Birmingham,. Lewis Claude du Mitand, of Great Suffolk- ftreet, St. Martin in the Fields, Middlefex, merchant; May 7, at nine, at Guild- hall, London. Henry Gooch, late of Gorlefton, Suffolk ; April 29, at three, at the Wreltlers, in Great Yarmouth. Final Dividend. CERTIFICATES to be Allowed on or before the 261I1 of April. Samuel Woodward, of Pennington- ftreet, St. George in the Eaft, Middlefex, brandy- merchant. Ezekiel Bickham, of Tooley- ftreet, Southwark, Surrey, tin- plate- worker. COUNTRY NEWS' Port/ mouth, April 4. This forenoon the London, of 98 guns, failed out of harbour to Spithead, and immediately Admiral Goodall hoilted his flag on board of her. The Lizard frigate, Captain Hutt, is ordered into the Channel on the iniprels fervice, and the Sweden has made a formal Treaty with the Emprefs of Ruffia, by which the King is to fupply her Imperial Majelly, in " cafe of a rupture with England and Ruffia, with twelve Ihips of the line and 16,000 troops ; and the Emprefs is to relinquifti her late acquifttions, or rather encroachments in Finland, which have been fo galling to the Swedifh Monarchy. Judge Wilfon is fo much recovered by the air of Lifbon, that he propofes to return home towards the middle of next month. All yet looks like hoftility. The preparations for war ftiil going on. A Prefs at the Out- Ports taken place. Conferences with the Foreign Ambaffadors become more frequent, particularly between the Minifter and the Dutch and Pruffian AmbafTadors. The Ruffian Ambaffador made his appearance laft Sunday at St. James's ; bet vifibly more out of ceremony, and as it were in confequence of the com- ments that had been made upon his long abfence from Court, than out of any cordiality that feems reviving between the two nations. His reception, of courfe, had nothing interefting or particular in it, further than what belongs to fo diftinguifhed a Nobleman, the reprefentative of one of the firfl crowned heads. The Prefs has not yet taken place in the Port of London. No gangs then are feen parading our ftreets, and excepting a houfe or two of rendezvous, with fome little buftie about the Vidtualling Office, and near the water, all here is as yet tranquility, and many are of opinion that the prefent warlike ap- pearances will blow off The Ruffian Merchants have prefented a Memo- rial to his Majelly's Minifters, in which the chief queftion was, " Whether, in the preient fituatioti of affairs, they might execute their prefent orders to Ruffia in Britifh bottoms?" have received the following anfwer : " That in the prefent fituation of affairs, nothing " could be determined on relative to the expediency , c of the departure of the fhips deftined for the fe- " veral ports in the Ruffian Empire ; that as foon " as his Majelly's Minifters ffiould be able to give " any information on the fubjeft, the Duke of " Leeds would fend notice to the Merchants ; but " that it was uncertain when that notice might be " expedted." The Trinity Houfe have provided pilots for the Baltic. It is not a little remarkable, that feveral Captains in the Ruffian and Swedifh trade have adtually refufed their fervices on this occafion'. From all the ports of Ruffia, there are 700 fail of Englifh ffiips annually employed, and they are, on an average, of 300 tons each. The Ardent, of 64 guns, Captain Vaffion, ar- rived on Tuefday in the Downs, from Spithead. All the outward- bound Indiamen of this feafon take out 250 recruits for the neceffary augmenta- tion of the Britifti forces in the Eaflern world. Captain Foulkes, of the Afia Eaft Indiaman, Marlborough, and will fail the firft fair wind for the Downs. The 31ft, 30th, and 3d regiments of foot, are under orders to do duty as marines in the fleet. The orders for preffing are at prefent wholly con fined to feamen found on board their refpeilive ( hips, and fuch as were taken on fhore on Friday were im- mediately fet at liberty. Port/ mouth, April 5. This moment Sir Richard King's flag has been hoifled on board the Marlbo- rough, . of 74 guns ; as hat Admiral Faulkner's, on board the Barfleur, of 98 guns, both at Spithead. The Marlborough is ordered immediately to the the Downs, where Sir Richard's flag will continue flying, until the St. George, of 98 guns, is ready. Plymouth, April I. From twelve o'clock laft night till fix this morning, there was the hotteft prefs ever known in Hamoaze, Catwater, and Plymouth Pool. Many good failors were picked up, particularly from the colliers : the crew of one, in particular, had concealed themfelves for a fortnight paft, and flept on board laft night, thinking the bufinefs of preffing was put a flop to. They were all carried on board the Cambridge. Laft night, advertifements were pobliffied by the Agent Victualler for two feparate contrafls, each for 1000 quarters of ambtr malt, for the brewery at Southdown. Large quantities of corn were fent to the King's mills to be ground for baking bifCuit for the Fleet; and the bakers have orders to open fix ovens to- morrow, and to bake as many fuites of bifcuit in a Angle day as can poffibly be got done, each fuite of bifcuit weighing 1181b. A private of the Artillery on Monday morning early, having the preceding night flept with a girl of the toivn in Liberty- ftreet, Dock, appeared a little hurt at a preference fhe had paid another inamorato, and told her, in a fit of jealoufy, he would deftitey himfelf. The girl cried, Murder ! and the foldier immediately applied the muzzle of a horfe- piftol, which was concealed under his cloaths, and which he had borrowed the preceding day, to his ears, and blew his brains out— he died inftantly. He was the fineft fellow in the Train of Artillery quartered at Dock, and a good foldier. LONDON. The King of Sweden is fitting out a fquadron at Carlefcrona, which will be ready for fea by the itt of May. The Danes alfo are preparing an armament, as they are alarmed at the rumour of the foreign fleet being about to appear in the Baltick. The Ruffian fleet, in the ports of Sebaftopol, or Skurfhi, and Cherfon, confilts of about forty veffels, of which one third are nearly equal to our twenty- eight gun frigates, and the remainder little more than mere gun boats, The Turkifh fleet, however, is much inferior, in point of number and not half manned. An inundation has taken place at Hamburgh, by which great part of that city has been laid under water; the damage is calculated at 160,000 crowns. The province of Holftein has alfo experienced a iimilar calamity: the lofs is immenfe. By the Dutch Mail, which arrived on Monday, we have, from authority, the important fadt, that the Regency have fignified to the Baltic Company, that" as England and Pruffia had determined to " exert their whole force, in compelling Ruffia to " make peace with the Porte, the States General had " thought themfelves bound to co- operate with thefe " powers, their allies, to effectuate the fame end," TJy this intimation, the Baltic Company were put on their guard againft fending veffels into the Baltic, without infuring them againft war riGc. Cyclops is failed on the fame bufincfs _ Captain Bazeley has^ taken the^ command of the i, as taken leave of the Court of Direftors, and was expedled to fail for the Downs lall Wednefday. The total amount of the feveral branches of public revenue, under the heads of Cuftoms, Ex- cife, Stamps, and Incidents, for the laft week, is 287,9251. 6s. gd. There will be no review this year of the Train of Artillery at Woolwich, on account of the flower of them having been picked out for the various foreign fervices; but the Mailer General of the Ordnance is expedted in two or three days at the Watren to look at the Companies drafted for India fervice. They are expedted to embark about the joth inftant, in the Bridgewater. The following days and places are fixed on for the Spring Reviews by his Majefty . Blues, 3d of May, at Blackheath; 6th regiment of Dragoons, 9th ditto, at Afhford- Common ; 16 regiment of Dragoons, 17th ditto at Blackheath ; 11 regiment of Dragoons, 23d ditto, at Affi( hord- Common ; lfcth regiment of dra- goons, 6th of June at Afhford Common. The Right Hon. Henry Dundas, of Melville, Treafurer of the Navy, is chofen Governour, and Patrick Millar, Efq. of Dalfwinton, Deputy Go- vernor of the Bank of Scotland. Capt. Anthony Hunt, from the Half- pay lift, is appointed to command the Tyfiphone fireffiip, which accompanies the fteet to the Baltic, and is now fitting at Woolwich. On Thurfday laft, about midnight, as the mail- coaches were changing their luggage at Chefter, on account of an accident that had happened to one of them, a fmall box, containing a 1000 guineas in fpecie, and configned to the Lord Lieutenant of Ire- land, was completely carried off by fome perfon u'n- known. Laft Sunday died, at Beffelfleigh, near Oxford, where he had gone for change of air, in the 61ft ) « ear of his age, Dr. John Berkenhout, long difiin- guiffied in the literary world for his productions in various fciences. He had experienced many dif- ferent fituations of life; having in his youth been a Captain both in the Pruffian and Engliih fervice ; and in the year 1765 he took his degree of Dodtor of Phyfick in the Univerfity of Leiden. He went with the Commiffioners to America, where he was im- prifoned by the Congrefs, on which account he af- terwards enjoyed a penfion from Government. A letrer from Paris, dated April 2, fays, " The fituation of Monfieur Mirabeau the ELder, was, du- ring the whole of yellerday, the moft dangerous and critical; infomuch, that they expedted to receive every moment, the news of his death. At ten o'clock in the evening, the following Reportofhis health was publiffied : " After paffing a very bad day, the evening has been a little quieter. The blifiers applied to his arms, aided by the application of cupping glaffes and vola- tile alkali, are at laft become painful. His refpira- tion is fince become eafier, and lefs fhort. " They have been able to feel a gentle pulfation in his arms, efpecially in the right. The fpafms of his flomach are lefs fevere, and lefs frequent. His voice is become ftronger, and more diftindt. His head has all along been clear and Jree. His mufciilar force feems rather to increafe than dimi- nilh." In confequence of the uninamous vote of the Iriffi Houfe of Lords, that John Butler had proved his right to the titles of Earl of Ormond and Vifcount Thurles, his Majefty has been gracioufly plealed to diredt his writ to be iffued, fummoning the Earl of Ormond to Parliament. The Iriffi Parliament, having gone through all the Government bufinefs are not expedted to fit above a fortnight longer. Monday it was faid, that in the difpatches re- ceived by the French Government from the Mauri- tias, there were letters frcm Pondicherry, dated the 24th of Odtober, Hating that Tippoo Sultan had appeared with his horle on the rear of General Mea- dows, after he had paffed the Gauts, and that he had cut off his communication with the Carnatic.— Poffible as this rumour may be, we do not think that it is now given on probable authority, and we pub- lilh it only as we think ourfelves bound to make our readers acquainted with what occupies, for the day, the political circles. Count D'Artois is returned from Venice to Turin, and on the izth of March fet out to meet Mefdames, his Aunts, at the Foot of Mount Cenis, The Prince and Princefs of Piedmont were to follow him with a numerous retinue. The inhabitants of Calabria, are ftill kept in con- tinual alarm, by repeated earthquakes, by which much damage has been lately^ done to the towns and villages; and in various parts! the face of the coun- try has been materially changed. On Friday morning a young gentleman, in New- man- ftreet, fvvallowed a large quantity of arfenic. A phyfician was immediately called in ; but, though all poffible means were ufed fdr his recovery, he died in great agony abouc three in the afternoon. The caufe of this raffi adlion is not ^ et known. BANK MEETING. The Court of Bank Proprietors held laft week, having recommended to the Court of Diredtors to wait 011 Mr. Pitt with iheir refolution, offering to advance the fttm of 500,000!. provided the Minilter would withdraw this bill, the Governor and Deputy Governor on Tticfdav communi- cated to the Proprietors what had fince parted between them and Mr. Pitt, 011 thefnbjedl of that refolution. The Governor of the Bank faid, that the Minifter had on Monday evening addreffed a note to him and the Deputy Governor, which was accompanied by two claufes, which he propofed to them fliould make part of a new hill to be brought into Parliament, provided the Bnr. k and himfelf fhould agree to a compromile. That thefe were a fort of propofition to them for their confederation agiinft Tuefday morning, when the Governor and Deputy Governor had an interview with the Minifter in order to report his anfwer." In this converfation,. Mr. Pitt acquiefced in the propofal of the Bank to advance 500,000!. to Government, without intereft, until fuch time as the floating balance in its hands were below 600, cool, but hedefired this acquiefeence fhould not be underftood to give up the right of Government to it, but that on the contrary it fhould be confidered that the Legiflature had at all times the right to appropriate any further fums to the national ufe, whenever the floating balance of the Bank exceeded the fum of 700,0001. On this propofal of the Minifter, a very long conversation enftied, in which Lord Kennairdand fome other Gentlemen reprobated it in very ftrong terms, while others vviihed for a more modetate language, asitfeemed to be the general defire of the Court, that the bill ftiould be got rid of fome way or other, and therefore that harfh expreffions were not the moft likely means of conciliation. At length, on the motion of Mr. Chifwell, which palTed unanimoufly, the following re- folution in fubftance was adopted j— " That the Court of Proprietors do not think. it expedient to recommend to the Court of Diredtors to acquiefce in the opinion held out by the Minifter concerning the right of Government, & c. " That they recommend a reccmlideration of their former refolution offering a loan of 500,000!. to the nation without intereft', until the floating balance in the hands of the Bank ( hallbe below 500,000!. when fo much as is deficient of that fum, ( hall be refunded from the Exchequer, & c." Alderman Pickett gave notice that he fhould move for the lift to be printed of all dividends due from the ill of January 17.80, to 31ft of December 1789, in which opinion Mr. Harman and Mr. Chifwell agreed; and the latter thought that whenever a balance of Stock was transferred from one name to another, and that there was a dividend due on it, that notice of it ( hould be fent to the party to whom it belonged. The prefent was, however, not thought a pro- per feafon to bring this motion forward. - Adjourned SINE DIE. SHIP NEWS. DE At, April 1, Wind South. No Ihip in the Downs. April 2. WindN. E, Arrived and failed for the River, the Indian Chief, Deldav, from Palamo6; and Rofe, Donaldfon, from Havre de Grace. Arrived the Pomona frigate, and rtryains with the Pomona, Jackfon, from Savanna, for orders. Sailed the William, Moft, for South Sea. April 3. Wine E. N. E. Came Sown yeflerday and failed the Francis and Eliza Lee for Barbadoes ; Mercury, Gitlefpie, for New Providence; Venus, Marman, for Africa; A£ ton, Hutchinfon, for Liverpool; and Dunmore, Patterfon, for Quebec. Remain the Poraonil frigate, ir. d Pomona, Jackfon, for orders. MARRIAGES. Tuefday, Dr. Pegeo, of Chrift Church, Oxford, to Mifs Coufr, eldeft daughter of Kenton Coufe, Efq. deceafed. Thurfday, at Clifton, near Briftol, Francis Walfie, ELIJ of Cowley, in the county of Oxford, to Mifs A. Earle, daughter of the late Timothy Earle, Efq. of Moorhoufe, Herts. Same day, William Lee, of Alton, in the county of Southampton, banker and brewer j toMif « Anne Pedley, of Reading in the county of Berks. DEATHS. A few days ago, at Walfall, in Staffordfliire, John Alcock, M. B. many years Organift of that place, and eldcft fon of Dr. Alcock, fenior Vicar Choral of Litchfield'Cathedral. Saturday, Mrs. Robert Drummond. Thurfday, Mra.. Sharpe, wife ot Mr. Sharpe, of New Bridee- flrest. Wednefday, at Hampton Court, the Dcyvager Countefs Ferrers, rel.£ t of Wafhinf; ton, Earl Fer- rers, and aunt to- Robert, the prefent Earl Ferrers, Toefday, at bis apirtmcnts in Bond- flreet, D. Ball, Efq. one of the Com- mits, nei 8 of the Tax- office. Friday ft'hnight, at Bath, Edwa; d Duller, Efq. of Port Looe, Cornwall, brother to Judge Buller. A certain CURE for CORN s7~ Infallible GERMAN CORN PLA1STER, THE Proprietor of this moft excellent Remedy, is fo certain of its efficacy, having never failed in a variety of cafes, agrees, if it does not eradicate the Corns, root anil branch, to return the money. It will on application take off the inflammation in a few hours ; and Ceftroys effeitually the malignity, without the leaft hazard. Printed directions fealed up with it. This is the celebrated Plaifter that gained fo much reputation in Germany; and has been fold in London upwards of fifty years with the greatefl: reputation. Price is. i| d. the box, duty included. Sold in London wholefale and retail by T. AXTELI, No. 1, Finch Lane, near the Royal Exchange. Sold alfo by Simmons and Kirkby, Canterbury ; Mr. Gillman, Rochefter and Chatham ; Mr. Ledger, Mr. Worsfold; Dover ; Mr. Walker, Maidltone ; . and Mr. Dadd, Gravefend. At the fale of the Breeding Stock of the late Mr. Robert Fowler, of Rollright in Oxfordihire, which began on Tuefday laft, there were indifput3bly more people afi'embled than have ever before been colledted on a like occafion: Some aver not lefs than Six Thoufand ! The ffift three lots fetched the amazing fum of 620 guineas, viz. Lot. 1 A five years old bull, called Garrick, by Shakefpeare, out of the Broken- Horned Beauty, 205 guineas. Lot 2. Sultan, a two years old bull, by Garrick out of Garrick's mother, 210 guineas. Lot 3. Waffiington's, two years old, by Shak- fpeare, out of the Bow- Horned Cow, 205 guineas. Lot 26. Young Sultan, a yearling bull, by Gar- rick out of Old Nell, 200 guineas. Lot 28. A yearling bull, out of White Nancy 145 guineas, Lot 29. A yearling bull calf, 30. A cow called Brindled Beauty, 32. Wafliington's mother, in calf, 3j. A black heifer, three years old, 37. Young Nell, out of Old Nell, A cow calf. Lot 16, fold at 21 guineas which was the lovvelt fum in this day's fale, except a Wckh anrfe cow, which fetched eight guineas. Gs. 100 260 185 J35 120 The penuine VEGETABLE SIRUP, firft introduced into this kinpdom from M. de Velnos', and now brought to its h'ghelt ftate of peifeftion by Dr. J. Hodfon, of Hation Garden, is, undoubtedly, the puieft and moft powerful antifcorbutic and antivenercal at this time extant.— Us efficacy has been experi- enced in this country upwards of 20 years, during the laft feven of which it hai received confiderable additions and improve- ments from the prefent proprietor, and its fale extended to the fartbeft parts of the BritiHi dominions Dr. Hodfon ( whofe reputation is eftabliftied far above the voice of calumny) pledges himfelf to the public, that his preparation is pure and unadult- erated with the lealt particle of any mercurial preparation what- ever ; and as he poffefies too much delicacy either to cxpofe the names of his patients, or to defcribe their fituations in a public paper, he refe< s the afflifled, for a variety of cafes, to his pamphlet, entitled Nature's Affiftant. price only Is. 6d. which may be had wherever his medicines are fold. Dr. Hodfon's Vegetable Sirup ( which, from the place of its origin, he has diftinguiftied by the name of the PARISIAN Vegetable Syrup) is recommended to the fair and candid trial of every perfon labouring under thofe dreadful complaints, the fcurvy, fcrophula, venereal difeafe, or any diforder ariling from impurity of blood; wherein it has proved fignally fuccefs- ful in very many cafes, fome of which were extremely malig- nant and inveterate, and even deemed incurable. It is agreeable to the tafte, and fo perfectly mild and innocent in its operation, that it may fafely be given to children, and women in every ftage of pregnancy; and withal fo powerful in ite effeits, tfcat the moft confirmed venereal complaints have been totally re- moved, after falivation and every other method had left the un happy fnfferers defpairing of relief. And old obflinate fcurvys have given way to this valuable medicine, which, by reftoring purify to the contaminated blood, cures radically. This Syrup ( which i « entirely vegetable without a tinfture of mercury in its compofjtion) is fold in tin bottles at 10s. 6d. each, by Meffrt. Simmons and Kirkby, Canterbury, lui by Mutton, Milton; and by r, t lead one creditable tie ufi^ Venders. - 1 • » » » • » DOCTOR SMYTH'S RESTORATIVE MEDICINE. ALL Perfons labouring under any of the various deplorable Concomitants of a broken and decayed Conftiiution, wticcher derived from Sources perfonal or hereditary; whether owing to Ex efs in Wine or Women, or that more criminal and more deftiuflive Species of Excefs, which requires no, participation of any fecond Perf ; n; whether inherited from debauched and debilitated Parents, or acquired in hot and unhealthy Climates; whether flowing from the natural and peculiar Infirmities of cne Sex, or occafior ed by the exceffive and improper Uf= of Mercury in either; all fuch are intreated befo: e they'try THIS, or ANY OTHIB Remedy, to perufe the twenty firlt Ldltion iuft publifhed, with large Additions and Implements of the Doilor's Obfervatior, s on Tabes, D rfdis, Impotence, Barinncfs, Gkets, luminal. Weaknelfes, Sec. a flight Infpeflion of which will enable ihem so judge as well ol the Na- ure, Appearances, Caufes and Elt'efls uf thefe Complaints, as of. the Properties of the Mecicine that can effeftu. ily remave them; and to determine without any Danger of Miltake, which one of the many Comp. fitii r: s offeied to the Public for this Purpofe, has a full and exciuiive Title to their Preference. The Reftorative, as well as the Treatife, Price 2S. is fold in Bottles of 10s. 6d. By The Doflcr is the on'yVender of the Guinea Bottles. SIMMONS and KIRKBY, Canterbury; Some Shopkeeper in estryTown in the County;; And may be had ( Carriage- free) of the News- men. U N I V E R S A L C E R A T E~ ~ THIS moft excellent Pteparation will fupply the Place, and be found far more beneficial than all the va- rious Salves, Ointments, Cerates, and Philters, that have hitherto been invented, as a Remedy tor Sores, Ulcers, and Cutaneous Eruptions of every Denomination. If any Paft of the Body is ulcerated, and the Sore of ever fo long ftanding, or of the moft malignant aBd fated Natuie, let this Cerate he applied Night and Morning, which, though gentle in its Operation, will be tound amazingly efficacious, and by regu'ar Application, will in a ( hort Time effedt a Cure, of which there have been many Irif'tances with Sore Legs where tha Parties have been long afflifted, and many other Applications have been incapable of giving Relief. For Cancers, the moft defperate of all Ulcers, it is highly be- neficial, and if a Cure is at all practicable, this Cerate will be found capable of elt'efting it. It is particularly famous in Regard to Chilblains, as they may e ther be prevented by it, or of ever fo long ( landing, be fpeedily removed Invented by N. D. Falck, M D. London, and prepared by J. Labrow, Druggift, No. 128, St. John's Street; And fold, by his Appointment, By SIMMONS and KisxSv, CA'NTERBUEY, Wholefale and Retail.. And may be had, carriage free, by the Ne'wfmen who deliver the Kentilh Gazette; and any Country Vend « r„ who orders a Parcel of the above valuable Medicine,' either of the Proprietor, or of Simmons and Kirkby, Canterbury, may, if required, have their Names added to this Advertifeitieht. BT HIS MAJESTF's LETTERS PA IE NT. ] ACKSON's ASTHMATIC CANDY. THIS fimple and effectual remedy for Allbmatic - Coughs and fhortnefs of Breath, having been confiimed by the repeated experience of many perfons labouring under thefe diforders.— The Venders do not tiling it neceffary to enlarge further on its fevcral Virtues, than by. mentioning that in all complaints ariling from Indigeftion, Flatulency, & c. and the general effects of weaknefs of the Stomach, its operation is cer » tain and fpeedy— It is of a warm and Itimulating nature, and has been found of great benefit to thofe expofed to cold and damp air, by diftuling a glowing warmth over the whole body; and in expelling the Gout from the Stomach, it has often been found extremely ferviceable.— In boxes at 13^- d. each'duty included. JACKSON's BRITISH- TOOTH POWDER,— A certain cure for the fcurvy in the teeth and gums, cleaning the fouleft teeth, and rendering the breath delicately fvveet.— In boxes at 13 t d. each. JACKSON's PATENT OINTMENT for the ITCH— Effeftually cures that dieadful diforder at only twice dreffmg, and has never been once known to fail, in upwards of fifty years pra& iee. In boxes at 2s. each, dutv included. JACKSON's PATENT TINCTURE,— Gives immediate relief in the Rhematifm, Gravel, Stone, Griping of the Bowels, Cholic, Piles Spitting of Blood, & c. and outwardly applied cures Wounds, oid Ulcers, White Swellings, & c. & c.— In bot- tles at I3jd. each. The great reputation the above medicines have juftly acquired, in a long and extenfivt pradtice, has induced fome ill difpofed and illiterate petfons to obtrude fpurious and pernicious imita- tions of them on the public— fome of them - are now under profecution.— The Proprietors therefore hope the sffiifted, for their health's fake, will fee that the Nanre of Jackfon and Co. is in every bill of direftions, all others being counterfeits. Sold by Jackfon and Co, at their medicinal warehoufe No, 95, Fleet- Market, London; Sold alfo by SIMMONS and KIRKBY, at Canterbury. W, Gillman, Printer and Bookfeller, Roelieftcr and Chotham | Mrs. Senior, Sittingbourn; R. Ruck, W. Dadd. Meff. Mi) le£< and Brett, Gravefend; Tw Laurence, Rainham ; C. Gtange^ L-^ Eaftchurch; T. Crampton, Town- mailing; T. Clout, Seven^ j.; oaks; G. Wife, G. Dryland, Tunbridge; Mr. Skinner, Tqn bridge- Wells; J. Hall, Tenterden; H. Hareman, Cranbrook H. Raffet, Margate; Burgefs, Ramrgate ; J. Neales, and G Ledger, P. Worsfold, Dover; J. Shipdem, R. Long, and Forwood, Deal; J. Meryon, Rye; S. Katte, Battle; W, Le Lewes; J. Bayly, Harrifon and Scot, Aftiford; Mrs. Pagi T. Punday, FolUftone; R. Emmcrfon, F. Cocking, Sa wich; E. Covcney, Faverfham: J. Barnard, Sitti'igbcurn; ' in every City and Maiket town in Gre » t- Biiuie; To be SOLD fry PRIVATE CONTRACT, SIX ( inall Tenements and a Garden, fee fitnple, ' in gdod repair, lying in the Borough of Staplega'te. Enquirt of Mr. ROBERT BATXJ, Bricklayer, St. Mildred's, ' Canterbury. M A R G A T li. " To be SOLD by A U C HON, On MONDAY the i r*. h inft. at Eleven o'Clock in the Forenoon, THE Brigantine of Guernfey, named the Friends, of about ninety tons burthen, with malts anil ft lading rigging, as now in Margate Haibour. And afterwards, in fundiy lot'j, the materials, belonging to the faid veflel, confiding4tf an- chors, cables, fails, See. For further particulars, enjuire of COBB and Co. " W ANT T. R, ANumber of able workmen, to make an imhank- ment againft the fea.— Enquire of John Hoyle, Half- way- fioutc or. Sandwich Flats. To be SOLD by A V CT10 N, On tvilOAT the 19th inft. April, At BrxHlLi, near Haftings, in the County of Suite*, PART of the Cargo and Ship's Stores, faved from the wreck of the SACKED FAMILY, confiding of about 470 three inch deals, three very goud cables, two anchors, feven- teen coils of faaall new rope, fixteen fails, a pletfure houfe, and fundry other articles. And the following day ( Wednefday, at Haftings, in the faid county,) the remaining part of the faid goods and tackle, con- fiding of upwards of a thoufand jards of canvas and Rullia Ihect- ing, fome diaper and damafk cable linen ; two very good « « bles, mf « fts, yards, a brats chamber pump, a markee and fundry other articles, part of which will be laid duty free, for payment of falvage. The Sale will begin each day at ten o'clock in the forenoon. HASTINGS, April 7, 1791. _ Still no AiTd IT IONAL TOLLS. The Cafe fairly Jlated. THE Corporation derive their authority from the Ciown; King James granted them a Charter, by which ' they became truftees for the public, they were invefted with power Jp make Bye Laws, but fuch te- fee- cqnfonant to Britifh Laws, for it was a maxim of a great lawyer in the laft century, that " All grants ( hall betaken moft ftrong agVinft him that made it, and moft beneficial to thofe to whom it' Was mule ;" therefore it is evident the royal prerogative, when it gave the Corporation au thority to make laws, meant they ( hould be of benefit to the governed in f reference to the governors; but to the point.— The Corporation have for yens claimed a title' 1 to the Market, but as truflees for this aggregate body of citizens, they had no right to lake it down without the general confent of the inhabitants; how- cvtr it was by them eraf- d, and another erefted on the fpot, our of the public money, after which an edi£ i ifl'ues from their fac- torial alTembly, to demand . additional tolls; the Farmers waxed wroth at the iinpofition, with- heldtheirper. ee; the Corporation ifiwftiy lent their myrmidons, prancing like a proud team on a ChriUmas Eve, aud feized butter ba'kets, cloths, Sic. & c. and although the bench is enriched with the flowers of the law, yet net a foul daied to tell them, H was contra 17 to Magna Charta, to diftrain any perfon's property, and not to fell it fot the higheft pricc it would bring. * Not many years fince, the Corporation took a ditlicf. of a poor Jew, an aition was brought againft them, and they lu lie red confiderably j ' tis good policy for all great bodies to have a retrofpett; but never, no never will the Farmers acquicfee under the impolitic ' demand ; they mean to proceed ( lowly, ait firmly, andconquei- like the wife Americans, by a deienfive war, and to morrow their l'ervantsih'all, pro bono publico, vilit LADY WOOTTON'S GSIIK. Canterbury,^, April?, 1791. WEST KENT REGIMENT " OF MILITIA. NOTICE is hereby given, That the WEST- KENT REGIMENT OF MILITIA, is to aflemble at Maid done en MONDSY the i6th'day of May next, thereto be embodied, - trained, and exercifed for twenty- eight days from that time; and men, enrolled to ferve in the faid Regiment of Militia, are~ i? y thismotice required to join at the time above fpecifiei, - under the penalties of the Act of Parliament in that cade made and provided. Maiaftone, JOHN Q'AMPBLL!., April 7, 179*. Captain and Adjutant. c TFATTLTES DEL MAR, EGS leave to return the Ladies, who have ho- noured him with their commands, his fincere thanks for all favours received; and to acquaint them, that he is now about to refign his bufinefs in favour of his'brother, JAMES Bf DELMAR, whom he eaineltly recommends to their notice, and flatters himfelf they will find him afiiduous and attentivi to merit heir countenance ar. d fupport. JAMES D E L M A S, LADIES HAIR- DRESSER AND PERFUMER, Oppofite the RQ. SE TAVERN, St. Georgels Streetj Refpc& fuily informs the Ladies of the City of Canterbury and its vicinity, that he fucceeds his brother in the above bufinefjj and having been for Come conGderable time under the inftru& iona of a Ladies Hair- drefTer of the firft repute in town, f^ e flatters himfelf he' ( hall give the fulleft fatisfa& ion to thofc Ladies who ttl. iy favour him with their- commands. 11 0 OOOOOOOC S^ fS I I ! H ! Dr. HUXHAM'i GENUINE TINCTURE op PERUVIAN BARK; AS DIRECTED BV THE ROYAL COLLEGE of PHYSICIANS of LONDON. THIS very Elegant and Efficacious Preparation of PERUVIAN BARK was invented by the celebrated Phyfician whole name it bears; like the Cortex, it once had powerful opponents, but the affiifted foon experienced its excel- lence, and the clamours of the invidious were ( lifted by theap- claufe of multitudes. A College of the beft informed Medical Men in Europe at Itn- tli procured the Prefcription, and enrolled it in their Phar- macopeia an undecaying monument of Dr. Huxham's ( kill, and their liberality and jullice to their learned Broiher. As a Corroborant, or Strengthener of the Solids, and as a Stemachic, this Medicine has been long celebrated; and pof- fefling great afiicacy at a Tonic and Febrifuge, it h highly re- commended to be taken, after long Fevers. ALSO TOK Billions Difonfcrs, Hard Drinking, and Lofs of Appetite, Nervous Complaints, Periodic Head Achs, Aguilh Afteftions. In warm Climates, and for diforders cotll'equent of long re- ficence therein, this Tinaure is invaluable. Prepared by a very eminent Chemift and importer of Peruvian Balk, and fold in bottles ( of five ouncct each), Price is. 6d. by Mr. Bacon, No. 150, Oxford- ftreet ( oppoliie New Bond- ilreet) Sold alto by Simmons and Kirkby, Canterbury; Gillman JRocheftcr; Bnrgefs, Ramfgate; Ledger, Dover; Long, Deal i Cocking and Son, Sandwich; Silver, Margate; Purday, Folkflone; Neve, Hylhe; Pike, Romney; Ba » ley, Afliford; Hall Tfcntctden ; Barnard, Siuingbourn; Murton, Milton Coven « y, Faverftum; Clout, Sevenoaks; and by one eminent Vender of Medicine* in moft great ToVns; alfo may be hid of the Newfmen. i^ y Mr, BACON*! name is figncd by him on each bill of di- rections. . r There are Pint Bottlei, Puce 7*. each. NTTW THEATRE. ORANGE- STREET, CANTERBURY, FRIDAY, Aprils. LONDON. USE of LORDS. WEDNESDAY, April 6. EARD Counfel on the appeal in which James Baillie, of Olivebank, Eiq; was appellant, and Mrs. Elizabeth Chalmers, respondent. The inter- locutor was in part reverfed, and the caufe remitted, with dire& ions, to the Court of Seffion in Scotland. The Duke of Newcaiile and Lord Caittelford toek the oaths. In a Committee went through the Militia P3y Bill. Severalprivate Bills were proceeded in. Lord Porcheder moved, " That the Direftors of the Eaft India Company do lay before this HouTe, Copies of Correfpondence between the Governments of Bengal and Madias, and the Nabob of Arcot, and the Rajah of TanjOre, relative to the Govern- ment of Madras having adorned the management ot the - revenues the Carnatic and Tanjore."— Ordered. HOUSE of COM MO N S. There not being a fufficient rumberof Members affembled to ballot for the Downton Electicn Com- mittee, the, Speaker adjourned the Houfe. The following new prefentations were made to t! » e King at the Levee on Wednefday : l ord Charles Henry Somerfet, on his late appointment as one of the Gentlemen of the Prince of Wdes's Bed cham- ber, by Lord Southampton ; the f /. Mr. Willis, by the Lord in Waiting; Captain Brown, by Lord Vifcount Hinchinbroke, and Mr Gregory, by the Earl of Mount Edgecombe. On Wednefday Major General O'Hara killed the King's hand at the Levee, on his being appointed to the command of the 74th regiment of foot, vacant by the death of Sir Archibald Campbell; as did the Right Hon. Alderman Harley, on his late appoint- ment as Lord Lieutenant of the County of Radnor. The news of M. Mirabeau's death came by the Duke of Leeds's Courier, who left Paris on Friday at two o'clock. The rumour of it prevailed at the Prince of Wales's Levee 011 Monday, but we did not give credit to it, until we heard it authenticated on Tuefday morning. A little before his death he fent for the late Bilhop d'Autun, and exprefled his forrow at not being able attend the difcuffion on the law for eftablifking hkppinftfs was ftill frefk in his hund, applied to hit fon to write a pamphlet for him againft bis wife. The pamphlet was written by young Mirabeau againil his own mother ! It was entitled VAmi des Hommes j and the price of his labours was 100 Louis d'ors, which he received from his father. Hi3 mother complaining to him of the indecency of this filial- outrage, " Madame," fays young Mira- beau, " give me two hundred Louis d'ors, and I will write another pamphlet againft my father, in vindication of your chara£ ter." By a recent computation made by an ingenious gentleman, the number of inhabitants in M- anchefter and Salford, at the beginning of the prefent year, was fifty- five thoufand three hundred and fixty. foar — who have no pare in the tledlion of a Member of Parliament ! The cuftoms of the port of Peterfburgh were mort gaged by the Empreis, fome time fince, for money » carry 011 the war ; a circuinHance which, however, by no means proves any peculiar diftrefs, the taxes in alaioit every country in Europe being exprelsly appropriated to the public creditors. Jt appears by fomc late publications, that in pro- portion as the fand banks encreale oppofite Somerfet Buildings, the lower apartments will be additionally flooded. Sir William Chambers Ihouid pay great attention to this circumrtance, and apply to Par* fiament for leave to round oft" the elbow of land one hundred feet, and to prcferve a depth of ten or twenty feet at the lowell ebb. There is a large room in the neighbourhood of Rathbone Place occupied by the following curious affemblageTOf tenants :— From feven o'clock in the morning till five in the evening it is a fchool ; from a ftage ir4 a field between Packer atid a jew named Ifaacs, near the Star Inn upou Chatham hill, but, the incleniehcy of the weather prevented them; if if proves favourable, to- inorrow they are to fight then. Will Ward, Mendoza, and Johrfon, and many others of the bt uifmg tribe, are arrived here, and we hear the Star Inn is in future to be a fchool for this fcience." Yefterday the battle depending between Mofes Ifaacs and Robert Packer, took place on Chatham Hill. The ftage was erefted in a field near the Star and the combatants made their appearance about two o'clock. The Jew was attended by Mendoza and Lee, as- fcconds ; and Packer by William Ward and Butcher. They fet to about two o'clock. The bets, before a blow was ftruck, were two to one in favor of the Jew, and after a few rounds five to one. Packer was knocked down by ] iis antagonift feveral times ; but in the laft round which was not more than nine minutes from the commencement of the battle, he brought the Jew down and fell witji hin>, on which the Jew, though not apparently hurt, or fatigued, gave in. The company which were not numerous, exprefled their indignation at his conduct by hiding him as he left the ground. The bridge at Rochelter, over the Medway, built in the Gothic ftyTe in the reign of King Henry the Fourth, is as injurious to that fiver as that of London over the Thames : They both require re- building and the rivers improved. Extras of a letter from Deal, April 4. " Yellerday morning about half paft two o'clock, the Duke of York paffage boat, Rogers, Mafter, belonging to Dover, in her paflage from Dunkirk to that place, flruck- on the Goodwin Sands, where ( lie feven till twelve it is a hop, and frequented by all was difcovered at day light, lying apparently dry thejadies of eafy viruie ; and on Sundays a pulpit is and feveral perfons walking on the fands fear her ; thefe, afterw ards, on a Deal beat's eoing off to their affiftance, proved to be paffengdrs ( tlree ladies and four Gentlemen) who were informed by the Captain they were in no danger; « nd from the ferenenefs of the weather there did not appear to be any. On the flowing of the tide, however, the veflel. proved to have received fo much damage that the paflengers, and crew were obliged to quit her with th » erefted, and it becomes a Methodill Chapel. The Albion Mills, upon their reiteration are to be fo fecu « cd with Mr. Hartley's iron plates, and every other precaution, that no fimilar accident can ever again take place. Died lately, at Eaft Ferndon, Northamptonfhire, the Rev. Walter Saunders, agej 54, upwards of 57 years reftor of that parifh. B U T T E R - M A R K E T. SEVERAL tradefmen in the city of Canterbury, wifliing to know from what authority thofe advertifements j originated, which dire& ed the market- people to carry their goods to Lady Wootton's Green, have difcovered, that they were in- ferted by a PETTIFOGGING ATTORNEY, without the far. ition or approbation of any principal farmer in or near Can- terbury.— The manner in which this LtMB OF THE LAW has impofed upon the public is this : — he has made it a practice, for the two laft weeks, to ride through the country villages col- lecting ( hillings and fixpences from all the OLD WOMEN who were weak enough to be duped by his palaver— and, under the pretext of indemnifying himfelf from the'expence of an advertife- roent, has - pceketed from 40s. to 5CS. each time, after the 5s. for the infertion has been paid.— The neceflities of this ITI- NERANT BUTTER- BASKET ATTORNEY may be fome apology to himfelf in thefe pitiful fhiftsto RAISE THE WIND ; but l'urely tbe fenfible country people, when their eyes are opened, will no longer be made the dupes of fuch manccuvres.— The mafter greateft precipitancy, and fortunate it was, that the Deal boat was alongfide, oi they muft otherwife have perifhed, as the veffel prefently after became baggage, The par- iii fafety, the We! » - gons. an entire wreck— very little part of the & c. which was valuable, could be faved. feogers, mailer, & c. were lauded here about two o'clock in the afternoon. " Yefterday afternoon came in from ward, his Majefty's Clip A ft fiance, of 5 Lord Cranftown, Commander, aniremains with the Pomona frigate. This morning tlie boats from the ASiflar. ee, prelTed three men from an outward- bound brig." A great quantity of foreign lace in a hearfe and a mourning coach was flopped by fome Cuftom- houft officers on Monday night near Jewin- flreet. London win no longer oe mace tne aupes or lucn manduvres.— uie , , , , , , r , ... ... TRADESMEN OE CANTERBURY are fenfible of the obli- " 1" C! WhlC!? hadJ) Leen fol' 0wtd ty tne officers nearly all gations they are under to the Country, and will at any time ftep forward to compromife the differences that fubfift between tliem- felves and the Corporation 5 but they cannot conceive that any good can. accrue to either one party or the other, from the inter- ference of this mifchief- working champion, whofe only aim, in repeating the PENNY TOLL of the Corporation is to acquire a TWOPENNY ONE for himfelfi • •• jrim Authority OF Parliament. By Mrs. BAKER's COM PANT. POSITIVELY THE LAST WEEK. Tor the Benefit of Mr. and Mafter IRELAND. ON SATURDAY Evening, April 9, 1791 will be prefented THE BEAUX STRATAGEM ; Or, THE LITCHFIELD LANDLORD. The Burletta of the PORTRAIT. A Concerto on the Violin, Mader Ireland. A Duet, Mifs Ireland and Mafter Ireland. A Hornpipe, Mafter H. Ireland. With THE MAYOR OF GARRATT. t) n Monday { hy particular defire of the Officers of the l6th Regiment of Dragoons) For the Benefit of Mr. CAMPDF. N, the Comedy of THE PROVOKED HUSBAND ; Or, The Journey to London. With THE POOR SOLDIER. On Tuefday the Tragedy of ROMEO and JULIET. With ANiMAL MAGNETISM. On Thurfday, for the Benefit of Mr. BAKER, the Tragedy of TAMERLANE; or, The Fall of Bajazet. With the AGREEABLE SURPRIZE. With ttie id Aft of- ROBINSON CRUSOE; " Or, HARLEQUIN FRIDAY. On Saturday, pofitively the lad night, "" ar the Benefit of Mrs. B A K E R, A new Play and Farce, ne » er performed here, as wiH be . announced in a future advertifcmcnt. BOXES 3s. PIT 2S. 1 GALLERY is. Doors to be opened at Half paft Five and to begin precifely at Half Six paft o'Clock. NEW THEATRE, ROCHESTER, - The Public are Bioll refpeflfully informed will be opened Monday the 15th inftant, 1791, With nn Occafional Addrefs, A new Comedy called ' BETTER LATE THAN NEVER. With ths Comic Opera. of KO SONG, NO SUPPER. thefucceflion, which was the order of the day. But having occupied his time in writing his opinion on it, he gave it to the Bifhop to be read in the Af- fembly in his name.— The Affembly have ordered it to be printed. The Department of Paris have agreed to mourn eight days. The dtizens demanded that the Theatres ( hould be all ( hut, which was zealoufly complied with. His body was carried to the parifh of St. Eufta- ftache on the 4th inft. at four o'clock in the afternoon, to be depoiited until the fepulchre is prepared for it; The Lady Mayorefs's Ball promifes to be ex- tremely crouded, for no lefs than 1500 cards of ad- miffion have been iffued. Earl Stanhope is gone to his country feat for the purpofe of trying his experiment of working a ftiip on a fmall conllruflion tCith fteam. By the laft accounts from Copenhagen, it appears that the Danith Cabinet has refolved to remain per-: feftly neuter, if the flames of war ftoald fpraed in the North. Though the King of Sweden has had offers made him by the oppofite parties likely to be engaged in a war, it is certain that he is not vet decided as to the meafures which he may hereafter adopt.' On a trial at the late Hereford affizes, it appeared that a parifh officer had paid different fums of money to poor men from other pariihes, to induce them to marry fuch unhappy women as were burthenfome, or likely to be fo, to his own. The rewards had been proportioned with much nicety to the degree of in- firmity in body or mind, by which the unfortunate objetts were diftinguifhed. The Judge moA feverely reprobated thb inhuman perverfion of a facred cere- mony ; and after fining the overfeer in the fum of ten pounds, ordered him to be confined one month in the common gaol. We have heard of jitnilar tranla< Stion « in the city ef Vv'eftminfter. The Grand Jury at the Leicelterlhire affixes, re- quefted the Members of the county to fupport any bill that may be brought into Parliament for laying a tax on dogs. ' The following Anecdote of M. de Mirabeau will be the fareft trait we can give of his moral character. It is original, but universally known to every perfon acquainted with the French Court: " M. de Mirabeau was the fon of the Comte de Mirabeau, a man of learning and perfeftly well- bred, but not remarkable for the feverity of his morals. - The Comte and his wife having lived un- happily together, were at length fet at liberty by a mutual feparttion", The- Comte, whofa conjugal un. CANTERBURY, April 8. Extract of a letter from Chatham,' April 4, " Orders are received to fit the Sandwich, of 90 guns, with all poflible expedition at this port, in order to lie at the Nore to receive impreffed men. " Tbe Dictator, of 64 guns, now at this port, but late a guardfhip in the Downs, is ordered to be fitted to lie as a guardihip at Sheernefs for the fame purpofe, till the Sandwich is ready to take her ftaiion at the Nore. The Diflator is afterwards to be re- fitted to lie again in the Downs, and Admiral Sir Richard King is to re- hoiil his fhg on board her; Admiral Dalrymple is to hoiit his flag on board the Sandwich at the Nore as foon as ( he is ready ; and no time is to be loft in fitting her for that liation. " Orders are likewife received to raife the fail- makers extra at this dock- yard, viz. fiom one day and a haJf to double days. " The rope- makers and riggers are all raifed from fingle to work double days; and other branches of artificers and workmen, fome two tides, others one tide per day, to expedite the works carrying on at this port. Friday night we had a very hot prefs he^ e, and at the adjacent places. The Rattle Snake, of 16 guns ( a fine new floop lately launched here) is ordered to fail for Black- flakes the firft fair wind to take in her powder and guns there, after which fhe is to proceed to fea under the command of the Hon. Capt. Jofeph Syd ney Yorke. The greafeft difpatch is making in fitting the Argo and Affurance, of 44 guns each, which are to carry troops abroad. Capt. Thomas Tonkin, of Brompton, near this town, is appointed to the command of the © ictator; but as loon as the Sandwich is ready to receive men, the gentleman is to refume the com- mand of the latter. Wedtiefday and Thurfday laft Cpmmiffioner Prcby, with the Pay Clerks, paid the artificers and workmen of , this yard one quarter's wages up to Chriftmas laft; and the Ordinary were paid on Friday for the fame quarter. " Saturday upwards of one hundred deferters, all hand- cuffed, marched from oui' barracks, under a ftrong guard to Gravefend, where they embarked for the Eaft- Indies. " Early this morning between twelve and one o'clock, a fire > vas difcovered breaking oiit in an old wooden houfe at the back part " of our church, but happily, by tlie activity of the foldiery, & c. it was foon extinguifhed without doing much damage." Extract of a letter from Chatham, April 6. " Yefterday morning orders vVere received for the Leviathan, of 74 guns, lately launched at this dock- yard, to be fitted for fea with all poffible expedition. She is in all refpeits ready, except being rigged, which will t* ke up but little time. " Lord Mulgrave is to have the command of the Levia\ han ; aqd his Lordjhip is daily expected here to commiffion her. " This day failed from hence for Blackftakes, the Rattlefnake floop of fixceen guns, commaded by the Hon, Captain Jofeph Sydney Yorke. After taking in her powder and guns, file is to proceed to iea; but it is not known at prefent where deftined. " This day, 3 battle was to have been fought upon the way from Chatham. On Wednefday night fome revenue officers of Brighthelmftone and Rottingdean, feized near ^ alt- dean Gap, I6Q calks of geneva, and they would have fecured 100 fcnore, but for a manceuvre of fomg boat- officers at fea, who, on feeing the fmuggler% boat on ( hore, fired over her, which obliged the land; officers to retreat; when the fmugglers put to fei with the remaining part of their cargo, but which was foon after taken by tbe crew of t) ie boat above mentioned. The late Rev. Mr. Wood, who held the'Retftory of Jufper, in Stiffex, upwards of 50 years, was neve* abfent during the whole time, nor ever employed any perfon to perform any of the fun& ions till' within three weeks of his deati) I One day laft week, a man named William Ed- wards, of Midhurft, in Suffex, after having been drunk for two days, engaged to drink eighteen glaffes of gin, on condition that another perfon fhould pay for the fame. When he had aftually drank feventeen glaffes and a half, he was carried to hovel, where he expired. On Saturday laft John Mead was committed to the gaol of this city, by the Mayor, for dealing time fheep feios, with wool thereon, the property of Mr. John Southee, Fellmonger. On Monday was committed to St. Dunftan's gaol, Robert Mutton, for dealing a quantity of barley from Mr. Thomas Caftle, of Ingles, near Folkftone. Sunday laft died at Lydd, Mr. Thomas Jeukings, grazier, of that place. On Tuefday laft John Stcvenfon, a ferjeant of one of the Independant Companies, lying in Deal bar- racks, on a ftrong fufpicion of having broken a pane of glafs of the ( hop window of Meffrs. James ancj Thomas Shipdem, and dealing thereout a card of gold rings. And on Wednefday William Millar, a private be- longing to the 57th regiment, was apprehended as an accomplice with Stevenfon, when, after being twice examined before James Iggylden, Efq. Mayor, and John § ole, Efq. Jullice of the Peace, they wete committed to Maidftone gapl, to take, their trials at the next affizes, aud'thS parlies bound over to pro- fecute. Monday afternoon died, Mr. William Bended, fen. Iloyman, of Maidftone.— His death was occa- fioned by a mortification taking place in confequence of a levere wound he received in his leg about a month fince, by a loaded cart, on bis own wharf. Our readers are requejled to male the following ccr « reSiom in the Utter from Maidftone, in Tuefday't paper, f. gned JOHN KINC, Mayor ;—- hrie Zl, read Whofe mutual intereds and wants ought, and T truft will one day unite them in friend{ hip » Line 36, for honoured, read honourable. Line 38, for this trifling, read the very trifling, A Farmer, on Tuefday— Humanus, Candidas, and Anti- Peter, are r- eeei- yed. PRICE of STOCKS, STOCK EXCHANGE, Thurfday ncv Bank Stock fliut 177 J ex d. 5 per Cent- Ann. rr4 ^ 4 per Cent. Con. ( hut 97 £ e. d. 3 per Cent. Con. 76 1 Ditto Ann. 17x6 3 per Cent. Red. fhut7^ | cxd. Bink L. An. Ihutzz 7 i6e. d. Ditcoftiorr 1777, ihut 15 c Old Ann. fhut 7; j'ex. Uiv. New Ann. — South Sea Stock — India Stock ihut India Ann. ( hut India Bonds 42s. prem. Navy Bills 3 I difc. Exchequer Bills — l.- ifh Tickets 61. 14s. f, i, India Scrip. — Debentures — » P rinted by S I M M O N S and KIRKBY St . George's Street,. Canteibury.
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