Kentish Gazette
Printer / Publisher: Simmons and Kirkby
Volume Number: Issue Number: 2357
No Pages: 4
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Kentish Gazette
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Kentish Gazette
Date of Article: 28/01/1791
Printer / Publisher: Simmons and Kirkby
Address: St. George's Street, Canterbury
Volume Number: Issue Number: 2357
No Pages: 4
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price ' Threepence Halfpenny.] TUE S DAy, Jan. 25, to FRIDAY, Jan. 28, 1791. No. 2357 WEDNESDAY, Jan. 26. LONDON. Letter from Brandenburgh, dated Jan. 11, says, " The King of Prussia has issued a confiderable sum of money for putting the for- tress of Pillau in a better state of defence, and ordered a great quan- tity of artillery and ammunition to be sent to East Prussia immediately. Notice has been given to the officers of the army that no resignation will be permitted in the present posture of affairs. His Majesty has also ordered a line to be drawn all along the frontiers of Bohemia and Moravia, in or- der to prevent
the exportation of corn." To the Patriots of England and Friends of true constitutional Principles. This day was published, price TWO SHILLINGS, BRIEF REFLECTIONS on the LIBERTY of the BRITISH SUBJECT. In address to the Right Hon. Edmund Burke, Occasioned by his late publication on the French Revolution. By JOHN BUTLER. Printed for the Author, and may be had of him at his house In Orange Street, Canterbury. And sold by the following Booksellers in I. ondon : C. Stalker, Stationer's Court; J. Ridgeway, York- street, St. James's; T. Axtell, Royal Exchange; and R. Bassam, No. 53, West- Smithfield. At a General
Meeting ot the Gentry and Clergy of the Counts of Kent and City of Canterbury, holden at the KING'S HEAD INN, CANTerBURY, on THUHSDAY the 17th day of Ja- nuary, 1791, for the purpose of erecting A COUNTY HOSPITAL, It was resolved unanimously, THAT the PLAN delivered in by Mr. SAXON be adopted. Resolved, That the former Committee be revived; and do meet, upon particular business, on THuRSDAY the 3d day of February next, at the KING'S HEAD INN, CANTERBURY, at eleven o'clock. And that a Gentral Meeting of the Subscribers be holden on THURSDAY the loth day of February next, at elwen
o'clock precisely. THO. KNIGHT, Chairman of the Committee. The amount of Subscriptions - - £ 4,196 12 o Mr. William Bates - - - ? 3 o N. B. Subscriptions are taken in at the several Banks in the County of Kent; and at the Printing- offices in Canterbury, Rochester, and Maidstone and at the house of Child and Co. London. BENJAMIN LEVI, Watch and Clock Maker, Working Goldsmith and Jeweller, PALACE STREET, CANTERBURY IMPRESSED with a lively gratitude for the fa- vours he has received from a generous Public, during the eight years he has resided at Canterbury, takes this method of returning his sincere
thanks for the same, and solicits a conti- nuance thereof.— He likewise begs leave to acquaint them, that he has taken a shop at the OLD DOCK, near the CUSTOM- HOUSE, DOVER ; and as he intends entering on the same the 31st instant, requests all those who have any demands on him to bring in their bills, in order that they may be discharged; and such persons as stand indebted to him to discharge the same with all dispatch — At the same time he begs leave humbly to address the inhabitants of the town and port of Dover and its environs, to acquaint them, that he has taken into partnership, in the above business, his
brother Mr. JOSEPH LEVI In future the busi- ness will be conduced under the firm of JOSEPH and BENJ. LEVI, who flatter themselves by their assiduity therein, and rea- sonableness of charges, to merit the favours of those who may honour them with their commands, assuring them, that every attention will be paid to please, as they only solicit encouragement in proportion as they shall be found to merit it. All kind of Musical, Spring and Common Clocks; Hori- zontal, Patent, Stop, Repeating and Plain Watches, will be made and repaired on the best principles.— Articles in the Plate and Jewellery and Plated Line sold at the
most reduced prices ; and A; a Plate Book will be kept of every new, fashionable article in the different branches, the Public will have their commands executed with punctuality.— Mourning Rings, Device Rings and Lockets made on the shortest notice ; Arms, Crests and Cyphers neatly engraved ; Clocks cleaned and repaired at any part of the country ; where all orders will be sent carriage- free. N. B. The. utmost value given for old Gold and Silver, Dia- monds and Pearls, in any quantity. Foreign Coin exchanged. For Violent Coughs, Asthmas, and Consumptions, , WILLIAMS's ESSENCE OF BENZOIN, ( By the KING'S
PATENT.) THE extraordinary efficacy of this excellent Pec- toral Medicine, in removing the various symptoms of disorders in the Lungs, is well known, and procures it a most extensive and ardent recommendation by numerous persons of tbe greatest respectablity, who have been cured by taking it even in advanced stages of Pulmonary. complaints. A large number of authenticated instances of the powerful properties of the Essence of Benzoin will soon appear in a pam- phlet, with some observations on the Above disorders, by the Proprietor,. which will be given with the Medicine. The following is a case which has been
selected therefrom 1 Copy of a letter from the Rev Mr. Baker, dated Moreton in Marsh, Gloucestershire, July 29 1790. " SIR, I must inform you, that about five years' ago I had a very severe illness; it proceeded from a cold, and settled on mv lungs, which continued so long and obstinate, as to give me much alarm for the consequence, I had a very severe cough with such an oppression of my breathing, as seemed to threaten suf- focation, and my blood was in a terrible state. In this situation, a good friend and neighbour called on me a little time ago. and recommended your valuable or rather invaluable Medicine- I was induced
to make a trial of it. Having some by him, he sent it to me with his usual goodness from the first bottle I found immediate relief, and the continuance of a few more happily reCovered me.— I heartily wish you success, And am, Sir, your most obedient humble servant, " WILLIAM BAKER." The Essence of Benzoin is prepared only by Mr. Williams Apothecary, Charing Cross, London ; and sold, with direc- tions, in bat let at as. gd. and 58. each, by Mr. BACON, at his Medicine Warehouse, No, 150, Oxford- street, opposite New Bond- street, to whom orders for sale are desired to be di rected. Sold also by Simmons and Kirkby,
Canterbury ; Gillman, Rochester; Burgess, Ramsgate ; Ledger, Dover; Long, Deal ; Cocking and Son, Sandwich Silver, Margate; Wakefield, Folkstone ; Neve, Hythe ; Pike, Romney ; Bayley, Ashford ; Hall, Tenterden ; Bernard, Sittingbourn ; Murton, Milton ; Coveney, faversham ; and Clout, Sevenoaks; and one reputa- ble vender ot medicines in most towns; and may be had of the Newsmen. The stamp - round every bottle is signed by W, Bacon, as a guard against fraud ;— no other is genuine. WANTED IMMEDIATELY, AJOURNEYMAN SHOEMAKER, who can work on mens' light Shoes and Boots; likewise a man who can
work on womens' Stuff- work. They may have constant work by applying to John Bailey, New- Romney, Kent. Jan. 26, 1791 ' PARTNERSHIP DISSOLVED. E. SMITH, jun. Coachmaker, begs leave to • acquaint the Nobility, Gentry and Others, that the PARTNERSHIP lately subsisting between Mr. BECKETT and himself is now dissolved by mutual consent. E. SMITH avails himself of this opportunity of offering his sincere thanks for past favours; and, having taken the WHOLE of the above business, humbly hopes to merit their future counte- nance and support. For the Benefit of the Underwriters. SALE by AUCTION, On
Tuesday next the 1st of February, at Twelve o'clock at noon, At Mr. Heritage's Coffee Room, in Ramsgate, THE Brigantine LIVELY, British built, copper bottom, burthen 115 tons, with low mast and standing rigging as shall then lay on the shore, to the eastward of Ramsgate Harbour. For particulars, enquire of Mr. Nath. Austen, at Ramsgate, NEW TURNPIKE ROAD, FROM CANTERBURY TOWARDS DOVER. THE next Meeting of the Trustees will be holden at the KING'S HEAD INN, in CANTERBURY, on MONDAY the 31st day of January now instant, at eleven o'clock in the forenoon, to receive the report of the Committees
ap. pointed to survey the LINE of the intended NEW ROAD, and to treat for the purchase of the several ESTATES through which it will lead. CANTERBURY, By order of the Trustees, January 17, 1791. JOHN HODGES, Clerk. NOTICE is hereby Given, THAT all persons who stand indebted to the estate and effects of Mr. William Merrell, late of Monks Horton, in the county of Kent, Cordwainer, deceased, are de- sired, within one month from the date hereof, to pay the same to Mr. William Harnett, of the city of Canterbury, Leather- cutter, or to James Gammon, of Monks Horton aforesaid, cord- wainer, ( who are legally
authorised to receive and give discharge for the same) otherwise actions will be commenced against them for recovery thereof.— And all persons, to whom the said William Merrell stood indebted - at the time of his decease, are desired to fend their accounts of the same to the above William Harnett or the faid James Gammon. Jan. 14, 1791. EDUCATION. JOHN LINOM begs leave to return his grateful acknowledgments to all those who have honoured him with the tuition of their children ; and likewise informs them, that he continues teaching Reading, Writing and Arithmetic, Men- suration, and Merchant Accompts And for the
greater im- provement of his Pupils, he now advertises for an AssIstant. He must come well recommended wriite a good hand and be Well versed in Arithmetic. LINOM flatters himself that he shall be able to give satisfaction to all those who favour him with the care of their children, as he is determined to use every means in his power that may contri- bute to the improvement of his Scholars. Young Gentlemen boarded and educated at 161. per annum. CANTERBURY, Jan. 28, 1791. NEW THEATRE. ORANGE- STREET CANTERBURY, b Y Authority O F Parliament. By Mrs. BAKER's COMPANY. ON SATURDAY Evening,
January 29, 1791, will be presented ( never acted here) the Comedy of BETTER LATE THAN NEVER. With ( 2d night) the DOCTOR and APOTHECARY. On Monday, Januarv 31, the Tragedy of KING RICHARD THE THIRD. With the PADLOCK. On Tuesday, February 1, ( the 2d night) BETTER LATE THAN NEVER. With a Comedy in three Acts called CATHERINE AND PETRUCHIO. On Thursday, Feb. 3, Shakespear's Comedy of TWELFTH NIGHT, or WHAT YOU WILL, With the FARMER. On Saturday, Feb. 5, ( never acted here) the Comedy of LOVE MAKES A MAN; or, The Fop's Fortune. With a Farce as will be
expressed in the Bills. BOXES 3s. PIT 2s GALLERY xs. Doors to be opeurd at Half past Five and to begin precisely at Half past Six o'Clock. LOST, On MONDAY last, between Dover and Bridge, AGUN, covered With a woollen case.— Whoever has found the same, and will bring it to J. CASTLE, Carrier, Canterbury, shall receive Half- a- guinea reward To be SOLD, AGreat numberof SCOTCH and WEYMOUTH PINES, and LARCH- TREES, all from four to five feet high.— Likewise fome hundreds of SPRUCE and SILVER FIRS, between three and four feet high, all remarkably healthy. Enquire of the Printer . ' To be SOLD, Of
which immediate possession may be had, ATALLOW CHANDLER and GROCER's SHOP, See. with every necessary convenience, well situated in one of the most flourishing market towns in this county. For particulars enquire of the Printers. WHITSTABLE STREET. To be SOLD by AUCTION, In the month of March next ( unless sooner disposed of by Private Contract, of which notice will be given in this Paper) " Either together or in parcels, Compact freehold DWELLING- HOUSE, with convenient outhouses, two cottages, and sixteen acres, more or less, of very rich meadow land, situate near and adjoining to Whitstable
Street, in the county of Kent, and now in the occupation Mr. Matthew Browning, tenant at will, or his under- tenants. Part of this land is next to the street, and may be divided into lots to build upon. For particulars in the meantime apply to Mr. C. R. Bunce, Attorney at Law, In St. Alphage, Canterbury. To be SOLD by AUCTION, On Monday the 7th day of February next, At the KING'S HEAD INN, in CANTERBURY, At Twelve o'clock at noon. The following FREEHOLD ESTATES > LOT 1 A Messuage OR Tenement with the buildings, ground and appurtenances thereto belonging and therewith used, situate in the parish of St. Mary
Bredin, otherwise Bredne, in the City of Canterbury, and now in the occupation of Mr. William Francis. LOT 2. A Garden walled round, containing one acre, more or less, situate in the said parish of St. Mary Bredin, other- wise Bredne, adjoining to the back part of the above pre- mises, and now in the occupation of Mr Tho. Marseille. LOT 3. Twenty Acres, more or less, of fresh Marsh Land, situ- ate in the parish of Preston next Wingham, and now in the occupation of Mr. George Culmer, jun. For particulars enquire of Mr. Tappenden, Attorney in Faver- sham —— There are no leases on any of the said Estates. To be SOLD by
Public auction, Sometime in the month of FEBRUARY or MARCH next, ( Unless disposed of in the meantime by Private Contract) The following very eligible and improvable A Messuage, Tenement or Farm house, with the , barns stables and other buildings, called WASCHESTER FARM, and all the lands, arable, meadow and pasture, with the appurtenances thereto belonging, containing in all together, by estimation, 98 acres, more or less, situate, lying and being in the parish of Minster, in the Isle of Thanet and County 0f Kent, About 30 acres of the above lands are, tythe- free. And also a small Cottage or Tenement, with the
garden and appurtenances therewith used, and near or adjoining to the above- mentioned premises. And also an Undivided Moiety or Half Part of a Messuage, Tenement or farm, called ACHOL, with the barns, stables and other buildings. And also of several Pieces or Parcels of Land, containing, by estimation, 60 acres more or less, to the said last- mentioned messuage belonging, situate, lying and being in the several pa- rishes of Monkton and Birchington, in the said Isle of Thanet. All the above premises are in the occupation of Mr. G. Bushell. For further particulars apply to Mr. SANDYS, at his Office, in Bargate street,
Canterbury; where a Map of the first Farm may be seen. To be SOLD by AUCTION, At the sign of the SHIP in Ash Street, in the parish of Ash next Sandwich, on MONDAY, the 31st day of this instant month of January 1791, at three o'clock in the afternoon, ALL that freehold MESSUAGE or TENE- MENT, with the buildings, yard, garden, orchard, and four acres of land, little more or less, thereunto belonging, with the appurtenances, situate, lying and being at or near Walme- stone, in the parish of Wingham in Kent, and now in the tenure or occupation or John Holness, his assigns or undertenants. For particulars enquire of Mr.
Robert French at River near Dover, or of J. Solly, Attorney at Law, Sandwich. To be SOLD by AUCTION, DUTY FREE, at MARGATE, On Tuesday next the 1st of February, 1791, at Eleven o'clock in the forenoon, ABOUT 6. o. o. Deals, and at Three o'clock ia the afternoon of the same day, will be Sold by Auction, Duty Free, at the King's Head, in Ramsgate, 400 bars iron, and 2. 1. o. deals, lying at Broadstairs, and 166 bars iron, 18 bolts canvas, 60 deals, 9 sails and 2 cables, ii. 3 Storehouse at Rams- gate, being part of the cargo and materials of the Brig Gustaff Adolph, lately wrecked on the Goodwin Sands. The goods may
be viewed at the respective places, any time be- fore and on the day of sale. CHEAP LINEN- DRAPERY. Messrs. THO. SMITH and Co. At the THREE PIGEONS and SCEPTRE, No. 173, FLEET - STREET, INFORM their friends, that they have now on sale a large assortment of tire under- mentioned articles, which they have lately purchased at Public Auctions, and will be sold full thirty per cent, under the manufacturers prices: India and British Muslins of every description from Is. to 3 guineas per yard. India Callico and Long Cloth, for Ladies Dresses, from 18d. tn 10s. Superfine India Callicoes for Ladies Dresses, at 10s. 6d.
per Dress. Shirting Callicoes remarkably cheap. Irish Cloths, 3- 4- ths, 7- 8ths, and 4- 4ths, from fid. to Cs. per yard. Stout Dimities and Muslinets, from I2d. to 3s. 6d. per yard. Strong Sheetings, from gd. to 7s. 6d. per yard. A few curious 3 yard- wide Holland Sheetings, at 10s. fed. worth 15s, per yard. .; . Diaper and Damask Table- cloths uncommonly cheap, from 20d. to 5 guineas each. Undressed French Cambricks, in remnants of four. Pocket Handkerchiefs, to be sold for little more than half price. , Clear French Lawns, with elegant figures and spots, for Dresses: from 3s. to 6s. worth 9s. per yard. Book and Jacconet Muslin
Handkerchiefs', iod. to tas, ead). j A large assortment of Canterbury Muslins for Winter Dresses, ' from 13s. to 28s. . per Gown. Norwich and other Shawls, equal in beauty and Wear to those imported from the East- Indies. With many other Goods in tbe Linen- drapery line equally worth attention. N. B. As many of the above articles will meet with a very rapid sale, they request their friends to call early, and to remark the Number of their house ( 173), as there are others of the name in Fleet- street. FOR SALE, By order of the Honourable Commissioners of his Majesty's Customs at the Custom- house, ROCHESTER, On
Thursday, the 3d of February, 1791 at - en o'clock in the forenoon, to the highest Bidder, The following GOODS, in several Lots : Gallons Rum° f legal strength for dealers 3030 Gallons Geneva 117 Gallons Brandy For private use only 5 Gallons Rum 3 Pounds Black Tea 20 Pounds Raw Coffee % 2 Pounds Chocolate 10 Yards French Cotton 5 Sword Blades » 4 Ditto and Scabbards a Silver- hilted Swords . I Tilted Cart 4 Anchors and two Warp- ropes I Sailing Vessel, burthen five tons and half, and her materials I Small Sprit Sail Boat and materials - For EXPORTATION. 1249 Ells Black Silk Lace 2 Pieces Indian Black Satin
Twenty- five per cent, will be required as a deposit. To be LET and Entered upon immediately, IN KENT, AModern- built brick MANSION, consisting of three exceeding good rooms in front, a back parlour, kitchen, three chambers, three garrets, and a servant's room ; together with good stabling for five horses and granary over, a good cow- house and five acres of very rich meadow ground. The above premises are situate two miles from the turnpike road, fifteen from Rochester, Canterbury and Maidstone, and forty five from London ; in a very healthy and agreeable neigh- bourhood, abounding with game, and where there are a
pack of fox- hounds and two packs of harriers kept. Further particulars may be known by applying to Mr. John Homersham at Kingsdown near Sittingbourn. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By JENNINGS RUTTER, On Thursday the 3d of February next, at Two o'clock in the af- ternoon, on the Premises at FORDWICH, near CANTER- BURY, THE Plant of the extensive Soap Manufactory, at Fordwich ; consisting of call iron pans, large wood vats, small ditto, Soap frames, Barrilla mills, an iron kirb and other utensils; also a large quantity of salt leys, very good for manure. At the same time, a quantity of bricks, flat ftones, tiles and
seasoned timber, of different dimensions. The whole may be viewed on Wednesday the 2d, and Catalogues may at the fame time be had on the premises, and of the Auc- tioneer. KENT. To be SOLD by AUCTION, In the Vicinity of TUNBRIDGE, By Mr. CHRISTIE, At his Great Room in Pall Mall, on Tuesday the 8th of March next, at one o'clock, in eighteen Lots, By order of the Executors, AValuable and deiirable Freehold ESTATE ; consisting of the extensive Manor of Southborough, with Court Leet, Court Barons, fines, Quit;, rent Heriots, Royal- ties, & c. plentifully stocked with Game, & c. and sundry eli- gible Farms, with
suitable Buildings Tenements, Water- mill, and near 1000 acres of rich Arable, Meadow, Pasture, Hop and Wood Lands, late the property of LADY SMYTHE, deceased. And greatly underlet to the following responsible tenants, except the Wood Lands, which are in hand, at- the annual rent of near FOUR HUNDRED POUNDS, capable of considerable improvements, viz, Mess. Edwards, Hart, Snatchall, Steers, Wingate, Weaver, Pack, Chalkland, Waggon, Twort, Carpenter, Jeffery, and Driver. The tenants will shew the premises, Also THREE BONDS secured on the Tonbridge and Pens- hurst Trust, together with FOUR
SHARES in the River Med- way Navigation. Printed particulars ( after the 25th February) may be had of Mr. Kipps, Sevenoaks; Hand and Sceptre, Southburoogh ; Mr. Sprange, Tonbridge Wells; Mr. Scoones, Attorney, Tunbridge; of Mess. Simmons and Kirkby, Printers, Canterbury; Mr. Blake, Printer, Maidstone; and of Edmund Estcourt, Esq. Stone Buildings, Lincoln's- inn; at the Rainbow, Cornhill; and in Pall- mall, To be SOLD by AUCTION, by JOHN BAKER, Auctioneer, On Saturday the th day of February 1791, between three and four o'clock in the afternoon, at the King's Head Tavern, In the City of Canterbury, ( unless
sooner disposed of private con- tract, of which timely notice will be given in this paper.) The following SHARES of ESTATES, viz. i THE Moiety or half part of a Freehold ' Messuage, Farm and Lands, containing by estima- tion, fifty- nine acres, three roods, thirty perches, more or less, in the parish of Petham, in the county of Kent, now in the occupation of the widow Austen, tenant at will, or her undertenants LOT 2. The Moiety or half part of a Freehold Messuage an se- veral pieces ot Land, containing by estimation seventeen acres, twenty- two perches, more or less, in the parish of Hearnhill, in the county of Kent, and now in
the occu- pation of Mr. William Hills, tenant at will, or his un- dertenants. And LOT 3. The Moiety or half part of two Messuages or Tene- ments, with the ground and appurtenances thereunto be- longing, in Burgate Street, in the parish of Saint Mary Magdalen, in the city of Canterbury, and now in the se veral occupations of Mr. William Chandler and Mrs. Shindler, which Messuages and Premises are held by lease under the Dean and Chapter of Christ's Church, Can- terbury, for the term of thirty years, whereof twenty- eight years were unexpired at Midsummer last, at the yearly rent of ll. 6s. 8d. For further particulars apply to
Mr. C. R. Bunce, Attorney at Law, in Saint Alphage, Canterbury. ENGLISH STATE- LOTTERY, 1790. WRIGHT'S OLD STATE- LOTTERY OFFICE, No. 57, Charing- cross, Appointed by. Authority of Government for the Sale of TICKETS and SHARES. TICKETS are divided into Halves, Quarters, Eighths, and Sixteenths, in great variety of Numbers, and on the very lOWEST terms. Every SHARE sold at this Office is duly stamped, with the words STATE LOTTERT STAMP Office, 1790, without which Stamp all Shares or Chances, of whatever denomination, are illegal and of no value. During the period of twenty- three Lotteries
past, Tickets have been sold and shared, in capital Prizes, at the above Office, to the amount of upwards of
FRANCE. ' RECEIVED IN TOWN THIS MORNING NATIONAL ASSEMBLY. TUESDAY, January 18. The evening sitting was opened by an indication to the Assembly, that some others of the Clergy had taken the oaths. The joy occasioned by the returning duty of the Ecclesiastics, was interrupted by M. de Fermont informing the National Assembly, that a pretended brief of the Pope was now circulating in the department of I'Ille and Vilaine, setting forth to the people, that the Assembly, in decreeing the Civil Constitution of ihe Clergy, had exceeded its powers; that the Clergy who had taken the oath required by the Decree of
the 17th of November, are Schismatics; and that a perseverance on their parts will amount to heresy. M. de Fermont also obfcrved, that this pretended brief is circulated in many other departments, which proves, that these dangerous productions proceed from a common center, with a view to be circulated all over the kingdom. A long debate now took place respecting the measures necessary to be adopted for preventing the evils effects in- tended to be produced by the circulation of such papers, when it was resolved to send the piece to the Committee of researches, aud legal steps should be immediately taken against the
authors and distributors of this pretended brief of the Pope. The Senegal Company, which has been long complained of by commercial people of every description, as an unjust monopoly, was this day suppressed by a Decree of the As- sembly, declaring that the trade to Senegal shall hence- forward be open to all the subjects of France. WEDNESDAY, January 19. It was not against Carpentats ( as formerly stated) but Cavailion, that the Soldiers de Soissonnois, and the National Guards of Avignon, had marched. A letter which was read by the President announced that every thing had been put to fire and sword in that
unfortunate town. In this letter, the protection of the National Assembly is invoked in behalf of such of the distressed inhabitants as had escaped the sword of the assassins. Before, however, proceeding to a discussion upon the subject, the Assembly thought proper to defer the examination of the information to the Diplo- matic Committee. The numerous losses sustained by persons sending Assig- nats into the provinces, as lately stated by M. Foucauld, continue to be complained of; and, notwithstanding, the fact has been confirmed by a representation of the Com- mittee of Finances, the Assembly has not yet been able to
apply a remedy to the grievance. The Question of Juries was again resumed, when one of the Articles which had taken much time to determine, was adopted 5 namely, That the examination of witnesses shall be oral, in presence of the Juries, and not in writing. TURKS and RUSSIANS. The reports in circulation, of the capture of Ismael, are confirmed by authentic letters from Vienna, dated the 9th instant, from which we extract the following account of the victory On the morning of the 22d of December, General Suwarow, who had arrived but a day or two before, di vided the Russian army into six columns, appointed for the
attack of the fortress in as many different places. The first column was led by himself at the head of his own regiment, and the whole body rushed forward, with the most ferocious courage, before the walls had been sufficiently thinned by bombs, or other engines, used to intimidate the enemy upon an attack. . The Turks resisted, for a long time, with great courage, but with n0 appearance of success on any side. Whether they asked for quarter is not known ; but it is certain they received none.-— Long after the contest was decided, the Russians were employed in butchering them, wherever they could be found, and by any
means. The greater part were hewed down by swords— some were knocked on the head-- very few received the COUP DE GRACE of a shot. In the heat of the slaughter, thousands were mangled, but not killed ; and it was some time before thefe wretches could obtain the blessings of death from their conquerors. No military action of late times can approach so near to the character of massacre. Many parts of the fortress literally streamed with blood ; and the whole Russian army, the Cossacks especially, retired— hideous from the effects of their own cruelty Of the thirteen thousand men, composing the garrison, only four
hundred, including the Pacha Commandant, and a Tartarian Prince, were permitted to live. The Russians lost twelve hundred men, and, amongst them, the Generals Jakowsbi, and Budberg. Thus has been revived in Europe, in the eighteenth cen. tury, by a nation professing obedience to the laws of civilization, and actually obeying a female, a splendid, courteous Queen, that mode of warfare which dismisses gallantry and spirited gentleness from the character of a soldier, and teaches men to lore war for the means, more than for the end ! It is remarkable, that all the conquest which the Russians have made over the Turks,
have been obtained either with- out resistance, or have been attended with the most horrid butchery. This is a natural consequence of the terror which the Russian name strikes into the breasts of the Turkish soldiers, and which the conquerors have taken pains to inspire and to keep up. The dread of indiscriminate slaughter operates on the Turks so forcibly, that, on several occasions, they have not even attempted to resist. The Grand Vizir, instead of opposing his forces to those of the Russians in defence of Ismael, as he boasted it was his intention, fled towards the defiles of Mount Haemus, where he is likely to suffer much
for want of provisions during the winter. In these circumstances, the negociations carrying 0n for the support of the Turkish Empire, daily verging to ruin, require more circumspection than ever. WARSAW, January 8. Letters from Berlin give us little reason to hope a con- tinuance of peace. The troops on the Vistula are to be augmented, and among the regiments that have received 1 orders to hold themselves in readiness to march, is that of the Duke of Brunswick to Halberstadt, that of Thadden to Halle, and a part of that of Lignowski to Berlin, toge- ther with a regiment of cavalry, all which are to be in- creased to the war
complement by the 16th instant. Russia, far from appearing dismayed at the league that is forming, is making the most active preparations, the ex- tent of which may well excite astonishment, from the mag- nitude of its resources. Estonia, Livonia, and White Russia, are abundantly supplied with troops and it is sup- posed that, beside the recruits which are annually raised to complete the respective corps, there are at present 70,000 effective men in those provinces, and these will be speedily augmented, not only by recruits that are expected, but by from 15,000 to 20,000 regular veteran troops, said to have arrived in the district
of Kiovia from the army of Prince Potemkin, who retains principally the light troops to act against the Turks. According to a Representation, which is given as au- thentic, of the different Russian corps at present, as well in Estonia, Livonia, and White Russia, as in the government of Kiovia, they are said to amount as follows : Men. In Livonia, including the battalions in garrison, 54- 95° In White Russia, exclusive of the battalions in gar- rison - - " , S3. « 9 Six battalions in garrison in White Russia, each ot 60? men, amounting together to - 3.°° o In the Ukaine, or the government of Kiovia, 35.806 Exclusive of the different corps at
present employed against the Turks upon the Danube, and in the Cuban, and the troops that occupy the conquests in Bessarabia, & c. To complete, as well the forces under Prince Potemkin, as Commander in Chief, including those of the govern- ment of Kiovia, as to supply the deficiences on board the fleet in the Black Sea, and the flotilla on the Danube, 35,000 recruits are necessary, which exceeds the proportion that, according to the late regulation, these departments ought to furnish. To complete the corps dispersed in the governments of Riga, Revel, and White Russia, under the command of General Soltikow, orders
have been given to raise 11,191 men. The divisions of Petersburgh, of Wybourg, or of Finland, under the command of General Comte Bruce, will require 8184 men ; the government of Orenbourgh will require 755 ; and for the fleet will be required 5130.— The total of the recruits to be raised, and which will be furnished in conformity to the late regulations, amount to 47,293 men. INDIA INTELLIGENCE. FROM TIPPOO SULTAN TO THE GOVERNOR OF MADRAS. Dated 7th Ramjam, or 22d May 1790. ( Received 2d June 1790.) I have received your friendly letter of the 20th of Rajub 1204 ( the 6th of April) by your Hircarrah,
and I have understood the whole of its contents. What you write me respecting your arrival and appointment to the Government of Madras, I understood ; and it has been the cause of much pleasure to me, as the friendship and good will be- tween the Circar, the English Rajah ( the King of England) and the Company, which is founded on particular treaties, is so well known that it stands not in need of ex- planation. Nevertheless, at this time, notwithstanding the bonds of friendship are firmly established, in consequence of the intervention of certain necessary and important con- cerns, and the representations contrary to the fact
of certain short- sighted persons to you, they have caused an army to be assembled on both sides.— As this event is improper among those who are mutually at friendship, I wish, there- fore, that in order to clear it up, and to have certain im- portant matters represented, to send to you a person of dig- nity, with some other persons, that the Vakeel of the Circar, having arrived with you, may explain the whole circum- stances to you, and that the dust which has obscured your upright mind may be removed. Agreeably to the custom of friendship, you will quickly inform me of your approval of my sending a dignified person of this
Circar; and you will send orders to the con- fines of the Carnatic not to molest him, but that the Va- keels be escorted to you in safety. In a word, the wish of my heart is this— that agreeable to the Articles of the Treaty of Peace, our friendship may daily increase ; and that, by the favour of the Almighty, there may never be the smallest deviation therefrom. In the same manner as I before wrote on this subject, so I now again write to you, constantly rejoice me with accounts of your welfare. May you be prosperous ! Translated by JOSEPH GANOW, P. TR. A true copy, w. c. JACKSON. A true copy of the translation, J. TOMBELLE,
SUB- SEC. Which, together, independent of the garrison of , Kiovia, form a total of - ANSWER OF THE GOVERNOR OF MADRAS TO TIPPOO SULTAN. I have received yours, and understand its contents. You are a great Prince, and, but for your cruelty to your prisoners, I should add an enlightened one. The English equally incapable of offering an insult, or of submitting to one, have already looked upon war as declared from the moment you attacked their Ally the King of Travancore. God does not always give the battle to the strong, nor the race to the swift, but generally success to those, whose cause is just ; and upon that
we depend. What can I say more ? The following is an account of an engagement between the Mahrattas, assisted by the English, and Ishmael Beg, a Country Power. PATAN CAMP, July 1, 1791- On the 20th ot June, our army, under General Du Boyne, obtained a most complete victory ; by which, the greatest Saindeah ever gained, we took one hundred pieces of camion, fifteen elephants, camels innumerable, one hundred pair of colours, and the enemy's whole baggage. The following morning, seven battalions and 10,000 irre- gular troops laid down their arms and submitted to the conquerors. In the course of three days,
we took the strong town of Patan by storm, which was afterwards razed to the ground, and so intimidated the Rajah who commanded Patan fort, a place resembling Gibraltar, from its almost impregnable position, that he submitted to become a vassal of Saindeah, and is now with us on our march towards Jeypour. Our signal victory was gained with only the loss of about 700 men killed and wounded ; but the number of the enemy who have fallen must be immense; for it is said, that beside those left in the field, the road from hence to Jeypour, about thirty coss, is covered with the dead car- Cases of men, horses, camels, and
bullocks. Their camp, which was three miles in length and one in breadth, we burned, and left not a stick standing. Our success affords a strong proof of the amazing power of discipline, under a brave and skilful commander. Our infantry, which gained this battle, for the Mahratta horse remained in the rear, only consisted of about 6000 fighting men, and con- quered an army of 25,000 infantry, and upwards of 20,000 cavalry. We expect, this campaign, to be entirely masters of the Rajepoot country. This success must certainly overthrow the Mogul interest in this part of Hindostan. Some great politicians say, that the Nabob Vizier
is happy in having such a powerful ally as the English. IRISH PARLIAMENTARY INTELLIGENCE. HOUS E of LORDS. THURSDAY, Jan. 20. This day his Excellency John Earl of Westmoreland, Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, came in state to the House of Peers; where being seated on the throne, his Excellency opened the Sessions of Parliament, with the following most gracious Speech My Lords and Gentlemen, I have some pleasure in acquainting you, by the King's command, that the differences which had arisen between his Majesty and the Court of Spain, have happily been brought so an amicable termination. Copies of the
Declarations exchanged between his Majesty'S Ambassador and the Mi- nister of the Catholic King, and of the Convention which has been since concluded, will be laid before you. Had the honour of his Majesty's Crown, and the pro- tection of the rights and interests of the empire involved his kingdoms in the calamities of war, the zeal manifested by all his subjects, and by none more than his loyal people of Ireland, had left him no doubt of the most vigorous and effectual support. It is a source of peculiar satisfaction to his Majesty, that those objects have been accomplished with- out any actual inturuption of the blessings of
peace. Gentlemen of the House of Commons, I have ordered the proper officers to lay the National Ac- counts before you, fully relying upon your accustomed zeal to provide for the exigencies of the State, and the ho- nourable support of his Majesty's Government. I have also ordered an Account of the extraordinary ex- pences of Government which have been incurred during the Negociations with Spain, to be laid before you ; and I trust you will find that, the confidence you reposed in me has not been misplaced. My Lords and Gentlemen, Your disposition to facilitate tne business of Commerce, and to consult the ease of the
merchants, will induce you to consider, and if possible to accomplish, during this Session, such regulations as may tend to simplify the Collection of the various Articles of the Public Revenue. Your unremitted care of the Agriculture, Trade, and Manufactures of this kingdom, and particularly the Linen Manufacture, and your accustomed liberality to the Pro- testant Charter- schools, and other public institutions for Charitable purposes, make it unnecessary for me to direct your attention to those objects individualy. A more intimite acquaintance with this country has in- creased my wishes for its welfare ; and I have observed with
the sincerest saitsfaction, the extention of her agriculture, her rising trade, and improving manufactures. You may be assured of my co operation in every measure that may conduce to those important purposes ; and whilst I thus fulfil his Majesty's commands, I shall attain the highest object of my ambition if I can be instrumental in contri- buting to the prosperity and happiness of Ireland. FRIDAY, Jan. 21. The Marquis of WATERFORD reported from the Com- mittee appointed to prepare an Address to his Majesty, which being read paragraph by paragraph, and the question put upon each, passed NEM. CON. Lord BECTIVE
reported from the Committee appointed to prepare an Address to his Excellency, which being read, and the question put, it was carried in the affirmative with only one dissentient. A motion was made and agreed to unanimously, that the Lord Lieutenaut be humbly requested to forward the Ad- dress_ voted to the King, and that his Excellency be pleased appoint a time to receive it for that purpose, and also to re- ceive the Address of Thanks voted to his Excellency, and that the Chancellor and the House should present the same. HOUSE of COMMONS. Mr. JOHN WOLFE reported from the Committee ap- pointed to prepare the
Address to his Majesty, which was read, to a paragraph thanking his Majesty for recommend- ing to the House a simplification of the mode of collecting Revenue Duties for the ease of the Merchant. Mr. PONSONBY asked what was meant by that vague and indefinite proposal, and wished the proper Minister of the department would explain. The CHANCELLOR of the EXCHEQUER rose, and did explain, that it was wished the House would adopt such re. gulations touching the collection of duties, as should, in- stead of being paid in the present troublesome mode, and in separate sums, according to the several additional
duties granted from time to time, ascertain to the merchants at once the whole in one sum. The measure, he said, had been suggested by the mode already adopted by Great Britain. Wines, sugars, and some other commodities were already reduced to the regulation here. If therefore the House thought proper to extend it to every article charg- ed with specific duties, he should most cheerfully give the purpose every assistance in his power. When that paragraph was read which returns thanks to his Majesty, for continuing his Excellency the Earl ot Westmoreland in the chief government of this country, Sir RICHARD
MULGRAVE said, he could not agree with the measure, as, thanking his Majesty for the con- tinuance of the present Viceroy would in fact be approving the measures of his predecessor, which were uniformly per- petuated in the present Administration. As to the sum which the house had granted towards the conducting of an eventual war with Spain, he thought this country would do enough in paying the interest of it, without the grant of any new loan for the principle He condemned, in pointed terms, the tame monotony in which the House de- graded its own dignity, by the same kind of adulation to every succeeding Ruler,
good or bad, Log or Stork. The tea was generally palliated, under the idea of being a mere matter of form ; but this he rediculed in a vein of pointed ny.— Sir Richard pursued his pleasantry, and threw the House into repeated fits of laughter. The Address, however, was carried, without amend- ment or alteration. The House adjourned till next day. A NEW MAGAZINE, Peculiarly calculated for the use and amusement of LADIES in general, And published by the Kings Royal Licence and Authority. To be continued Monthly. Dedicated to the Princess Royal. On TUESDAY next, Feb. 1, 1791 will be published, ( Price only SIX PENCE, [ Including three large sheets and a half, ( or 56 large pages) of letter- press, neatly printed with new types, on superfine paper, and embellished with the following elegant Engravings, execu- ted with superior elegance, viz. 1. A beautiful and superb em- blematic FRONTISPIECE. 2. A fine historical plate, en- titled CALDWALL, a British tale. 3. A new PATTERN of Needle Work for Aprons, & c. 4. A favourite New Song, entitled SOPHIA, set to Music by an eminent Master THE NEW LADY's MAGAZINE; or polite, entertaining, fashionable and complete COMPANION for the FAIR SEX. A work entirely devoted to their use
and amusement, For JANUARY, 1791. Containing more in quantity and a much greater variety of ntw, original, important, and select productions ( in prose and verse) on the most curious, useful, and entertaining subjects, than are given in the Old Magazine of this kind. And including a most complete account of the whole transactions of the Month, Foreign as well as Domestic, Births, Marriages, Deaths, Promo- tions, Preferments, Sec. & c. & c. To prevent mistakes or imposition— the Ladies are particularly requested to give positive orders to the Booksellers for the NEW LADY's MAGAZINE, Dedicated to the Princess Royal.
Any former Numbers of which, commencing with the year I786, to the present time, may be had, price only 6d. each, or j early volumes at 7s. 6d. half bound. London: printed by Royal Authority, for ALEX. HOGG, ( the sole proprietor) at the King's- Arms, No. 16, Paternoster- Row. Sold also by Simmons and Kirkby, & c. Of whom may be had, On the above day of publication, Price only 6d. The following new, elegant and cheap Magazine for general rea- ders, viz. for the ufe of Gentlemen, Merchants, Tradesmen, Farmers, Mechanics, Youth, & c. and men of every denomi- nation : The LONDON MAGAZINE; Or, New
Gentlemans. Complete Monthly Repository of Know- ledge, Instruction and Entertainment, For JANUARY, 1791. Containing a clear and extensive view of the HISTORY, ENTERTAINMENT, POLITICS, PHILOSOPHY, LITERATURE, POETRY, And all the various AMUSEMENTS of the TIMES. Together with a faithful register of Monthly Transactions, Fo- reign and Domestic ; Marriages, Deaths, Promotions, Prefer- ments, & c. & c. tec. By a, SOCIETY of GENTLEMEN. The present Number of this valuable Magazine, contains an ad- ditional quantity of letter- press, accurately printed with Entire new types, and THREE Copper plates, elegantly executed by the most eminent artists, viz. 1. A beautiful emblematical FRON- TISPIECE, relating to the Convention with Spain, & c. finely engaved. 2. The Noble Gentleman, an elegant historical plate. 3. An excellent portrait of that illustrious character Charles Prince of Ligne, in the Austrian Netherlands. *,* Note— The London Magaeine is the only respectable Monthly publication on a general plan, now publishing at 6d. only, the Editors therefore expect many additional Subscribers this Year, in those who leave off the Old Gentleman's and Universal Maga- zine, & c. now raised by their proprietors to double the
usual price. the Editors of this Magazine are encouraged in this hope the more because they actually afford for Sixpence only as many good copper- plates, and nearly the same quantity of letter- press, for which others take the liberty to charge One Shilling. A certain CURE for CORNS Infallible GERMAN CORN PLAISTER. THE Proprietor of this most excellent Remedy, is so certain of its efficacy, having never failed in a variety of cases, agrees, if it does not eradicate the Corns, root and branch, to return the money. It will on application take off the inflammation in a few hours; and destroys effectually the malignity, without the
least hazard. Printed directions sealed up with it. This is the celebrated Plaister that gained so much reputation in Germany ; and has been sold in London upwards of fifty years with the greatest reputation. Price is. ijd. the bo*, duty included. Sold in London wholesale and retail by T. AXTELL, NO. 1, Finch Lane, near the Royal Exchange. Sold also by Simmons and Kirkby, Canterbury ; Mr. Gillman, Rochester and Chatham; Mr. Ledger, Dover j Mr. Walker, Maidstone and Mr. Dadd, Gravesend. ARCHITECTURE. This Day is published, Elegantly engraved on 47 folio plates, with explanations, price in boards, on imperial paper,
2I. 11s. 6d. and on royal paper, 2l. 2S. PlANS, ELEVATIONS, and SECTION'S OF BUILDINGS, Executed in the counties of Norfolk, Suffolk, Yorkshire, Staffordshire, Warwickshire, Hertfordshire, & c. By JOHN SOANE, Architect, Member of the Royal Academies of Parma and Florence. Published by I. and J. Taylor, at the Architectural Library, Holborn. Sold by Simmons and Kirkby, and Flackton, Marrable and Claris, and W. Bristow, Canterbury ; Gillman, Printer and Bookseller, Rochester and Chatham j Clout, Sevenoaks ; Wise, Tonbridge ; Bailey, Ashford ; Neve, Hythe; Ledger, Dover Long, Deal; Cocking, Sandwich j
Burgess, Ramsgate ; Doorne, Coveney, Faversham ; Barnard, Sittingbourne j and may be had of the Newsmen who deliver the Kentish Gazette ( Carriage- free, Where may be had, lately published, 1. Soane's Designs for Temples and Garden Buildings, 6s. 2. Crunden's Designs for Town and Country Houses, 16s. 3. Rawlins's Familiar Architecture, Designs for Houses, il. u. 4. Miller's Designs for Farm Houses, Yards, Lodges, Gates, & c. 10s. 6d. 5. Grotesque Architecture, 4s 6d. 6. The Temple Builder's Companion, 73. 7. Wallis's Designs for Gothic Railing, Temples, & c. is. 6d. S. Ornnmental Iron Work, on 21 plates, 6s. 9.
Machines used in erecting Black- friars Bridge, with an Elevation of the Bridge, 15s. 10. Plan and Elevation of Shrewsbury Bridge, is. 6d. 11. Plans, Elevations, and Section of Bodmin Gaol, Corn- wall, 2s. 6d. 12. Middleton's Plans, Elevations and Sections of the House of Correction for the County of Middlesex, with the particulars, on 53 large folio piates, 2I. 12s. 6d- NEATNESS and ECONOMY United, IN an elegant preparation, imported by Mr. Berkenhout from Nankin in China, which is the REAL VEGETABLE NANKEEN DYE. This article, though cheap, and its use simple, possesses the most admirable properties. It
restores the lost colour of Nankeen dresses of every kind ; and changes the white ground of ladies decayed linen or cotton gowns, drawing- room or bed- furniture, & c. & c. to a bright and beauti- ful chintz- pattern ground, without the least injury to the figure; but, on the contrary, gives a brighter lustre to the colours, and leaves a fine gloss upon the surface of the cloth. Upwards of twenty different colours may be produced by the varied admixture of this Dye in water, from a beautiful fawn- colour, or pale pink, to a rich buff, or bright orange, adapted to ladies or gentlemens linen or cotton dresses of every kind. One bottle is
sufficient for two or three gowns, or for a change of gentlemens breeches for the whole summer; and is used in the scald without any diffi. culty or trouble — Price One Shilling the bottle, with directions. Also the REAL VEGETABLE CHINESE LIQUID BLUE, the most cheap and elegant for blueing silk stockings ar. d linen, or for dying silks, i& c. in stone jars, at One Shilling each, jar CAUTION to wholesale and Retail Purchasers. The reputation and utility of thefe VEGETABLE DYES have already excited spurious imitations, which, being com- pounds of a VITRIOLIC acid, destroy the fabric, and are dan- gerous to use. Persons,
who buy them wholesale from London, or retail in the country, should therefore be careful to order BERKENHOLT's Nankeen Dye and Liquid Blue; and to observe that each bottle and jar of thac which is genuine is co- vered with a RED STAMP, having upon it the arms of China, and the signature of " FRA. BERKENHOUT," to imitate which is a capital felony. COMPARISON. Whoever tries the spurious sorts will find the colour weak and difficult to strike and if they add a quantity sufficient to obviate this defect, the cloth becomes impaired, and suffers almost im- mediate decay : whereas the genuine sort nourishes and renews
the fabric. This is the difference of effect betwixt VEGETABLE and viTrioLic acidity, which, by those who value their linen, should be attended to with caution. To prevent imposition, as much as possible, these Dyes will in future be sold whole sale ONLY by CHAMPANTE and WHIT- ROW, in Jewry- street, Aldgate, London. And retail by Simmons and Kirkby, and Flackton, Marrable and Claris, and W. Bristow, Canterbury; Gillman, Printer and Bookseller, Rochester and Chatham ; Townson, Chatham ; Clout, Sevenoaks; Wise, Tonbridge ; Bailey, Ashford ; Neve, Hythe; Ledger, Dover ; Long, Deal; Cocking, Sandwich; Burgess,
Ramsgate ; Doorne, Coveney, Faversham ; Barnard, Sitting- bourne ; Murton, Milton; and may be had of the Newsmen who deliver the Kentish Gazette ( carriage- free.) GENUINE PECTORAL BALSAM of HONEY, Invented by the late Sir JOHN HILL, M. D. And now faithfully prepared from his Ms. Recipes, by his Relict and executrix, the Hon. LADY HILL, at her house in Curzon- street, Berkley square, London. MORE than thirty years experience has con- firmed the unequalled efficacy and safety of this ele- gant medicine in the immediate relief, and gradual cure, of Coughs, Colds, Sore Throats, Hoarseness, Difficulty of
Breath- ing, Catarrhs, Astmahs, and Consumptions; for it is the greatest preserver of the Lungs, and contains all the healing, softening, and soothing qualities of that salubrious extract of flowers called Honey, and the essential parts of the richest Balsams; it is as restorative as Asses Milk, and never disagrees with the stomach. A tea- spoonful in a wine glass of water is a dose, converting the water into a most pleasant balsamic liquor, to be taken morn- ing and evening. A common cold yields to the benign influence of this medicine in a few hours; and when resorted to before the lungs are ulcerated, all danger of Consumption is
certainly prevented. Such are the faint outlines of the merits of Sir John Hill's Balsam of Honey, a preparation of most exalted efficacy, the result of long researches into nature, by the Lin- naeus of Britain; a man who dedicated his life to Botany, and justly fought the true means of health in the vegetable kingdom -'- but as the severest human laws are unequal to the prevention of extreme fraud by coining and forgery, so it is not to be ad- mired that the merits ot this medicine have induced base and avaricious men to vend COUNTERFEIT PREPARATIONS of it, preparations not merely devoid of efficacy, but also highly
deleterious for it is not long since that the Lady of the Rev. Mr. Fowler of Peterborough, had nearly fallen a sacrifice to a spu- rious Balsam of Honey, sold by one Horden, of that place, and which he shewed to have been bought by him, as Genuine, of a wholesale DrUggist in London. Sold, by special appointment of Lady Hill ( as by the London Gazette ot March 23, 1790), by W. Bacon, at his Medicinal Waiehouse, No. 150, Oxford- Street, London, in bottles price 34. 6d, each. Also sold by Simmons and Kirkby, Canterbury ; Gillman, Rochester; Burgess, Ramsgate; Ledger, Dover; Long, Deal; Cocking and Son, Sandwich; Sil.
er, Margate; Wakefield, Folkstone; Neve, Hythe ; Pike, Romney; Bayley, Ashford; Hall, Tenterden; Barnard Sittingbourn; Murton, Milton j Coveney, Faversham; and Clout, Sevenoaks. N. B. Lady Hill signs her Name upon every bottle ; and " W. Bacon," as Vender, is written by him upon every stamp. No others are Genuine. There are also bottles ( containing more than seveu at 31. 6d.) price one guinea each; these are only sold at Mr. Bacon's house. ,
THURSDAY, Jan. 27. From the LONDON GAZETTE. Dublin Castle, January 19 IS Excellency the Lord Lieutenant nas ' been pleased to appoint Arthur O'Con- ner, of Mount Arthur, Esq. to be High Sheriff of the connty of Corke for the present year. BANKRUPTS. John Bumpstead, of Ilford, Essex, victualler and print- seller ; to surrender Feb. 1, 26, March 8, at nine, at Guildhall, London. Attorney, Mr. Cutting, Castle- street, Holborn. . Humphry Cox, of Great Surry street, Blackfriars road, Surry, hatter and hosier ; to surrender Feb. 8, March 8, at eleven, at Guildhall, London. Attorney, Mr. Battye, Tooke's- court, Chancery- lane.
Robert Brown, late of Glastonbury, Somersetshire; to surrender Feb. 3, 4, March 8, at eleven, at the Swan Inn, in Wells, Somersetshire. Attorney, Mr. William Mellier, Wells, Somerset. Samuel Fox, of Birmingham; to surrender Feb. 21, 22, March 8, ( and not on the jth, as before advertised) at four, at the Swan Tavern, in Bull- street, Birmingham. Attorneys, Mess. Kinderley and Long, Symond's- inn, Chancery- lane, London. Lewis Lewis, of Llanfynnyed, otherwise Lanyinith, Car- marthenshire, shopkeeper; to surrender Feb. 8, 9, March 8, at five, at the White Hart Inn, in Broad street, Bristol. Attorney, Mr. Edward Daniel, Bristol.
William Crane, of Mark, street, Oxford- market, Mid- dlesex, cheesemonger, builder; to surrender Jan. 19, Feb. 7, at twelve, March 8, at ten, at Guildhall, London. Attorneys, Mess. Bagley and Co. Red- lion- street, Spital fields. Samuel Youens, of Greek- street, Soho, Middlesex, taylor; to surrender Feb. 2 at eleven, 8, March 8, at six, at Guildhall, London. Attorney, Mr. Walker, Serjeants Inn, Chancery- lane. DIVIDENDS. John Lee, late of Fleet- street, but now of Broad- street, London, haberdasher; Feb. 2, at ten, at Guildhall, ( by adjournment from the 22d instant.) Final Dividend. John Carter, late of Cricklade, Wiltshire, money scrivener; Feb. 16, at eleven, at the Ram Inn, in Cirencester, Gloucestershire. James Healey and Andrew Lindley, late of Sheffield, Yorkshire, refiners, and copartners in trade; Feb. 17, at ten, at the King's Head Inn, in Sheffield. Richard Barford, or Liverpool, Lancashire, liquor- mer- chant ; March 2, at eleven, at the London Tavern and Talbot Inn, in Water- street, Liverpool. Second and Final Dividend. Thomas Houghton, of Liverpool, Lancashire, brewer; March 1, at four, at the Globe Tavern, in John- street, Liverpool. Thomas Kerr, of St. James's ftreet, Middlesex, embroi- derer ; Feb. 26, at nine, at Guildhall, London. James
Stewart, of Carnaby street, St. James, Westminster, Middlesex, carpenter; Feb. 19, at ten, at Guildhall, London. Final Dividend. CERTIFICATES to be Allowed on or before the 15th of February. Edward Woollstonecraft, of Mark- lane, London, money- scrivener. William Urquhart, of Burr- street, Middlesex, broker. Thomas Reynolds, heretofore of the parish of Tidenham, Gloucestershire, but now and late of Bristol, mariner. Edward Laskey, late of the parish of Ashburton, Devon- shire, serge- maker. The Prince of Wales gave a ball on Friday at his hunting seat at Kempshot, to the Ladies and Gen- tlemen of Hampshire. The Hunt
and their Families were present, and it was a most splendid fete. This is the first of a series of fetes which are to make Hampshire a scene of gaiety and fashion The last accounts from Jamaica convey the plea- sing intelligence of the amended date of the Gover- nour's health, so that all thoughts of his return to. England are for the present laid aside. His Excel- lency, by the mildness and justice of his government, has rendered himself very popular. Lady Effingham too enjoys the most perfect health, and is beloved by all ranks of people for her condes- cension and affability of manners. All hopes of an union of interests between
the rival Opera Houses are at end, at least for the present season. The interests of each party are too widely extended to produce a coalition, and accordingly both Houses are preparing to open. Mrs. Jordan was overturned in her carriage on Friday evening in Russel- street, on her way home from the Theatre. Two captives, an old man and his daughter, lately redeemed at Fez, report, that in the interiour parts of Africa, the Christian slaves are so numerous as to have formed a sort of colony, under the in- spection and for the profit of their masters, who debar them from any communication with the towns on the coast. On the
12th instant, the troops in the pay of the popular party at Liege, marched out of the city at nine in the morning by beat of drum, and took their route towards France. The same day at noon the troops of the circles entered the city. The Patriots of Liege, on their retreat, carryed off a part of the cannon from the ramparts along with them. Lord Dungarvon, it is understood, not mean to prosecute his late prosecutrix. The lady, however, with the apprehensions natural to guilt, has quitted her late lodgings, and is not to be found. A letter from Dartmouth, Jan. 24, says, " Ye- sterday morning sailed his Majesty's ship the Squirrel, Capt.
Drury; and at 5 o'clock P. M. the Albion East Indiaman, Capt, William Parker, got under sail, with a fine leading wind from N. E. " The recruits on board the Albion were very troublesome; but by the spirited conduct of Capt. Parker and his Officers, their mutinous disposition was soon quelled." fortunately escaped; but his wife and children are unfortunately numbered among the victims to the fury of the elements. A passenger in the Elizabeth, arrived at Sou- thampton from Cherburgh, brings intelligence that the inhabitants of that place and neighbourhood were much alarmed on Tuesday night last, between ten and eleven o'clock,
with two shocks of an earthquake the last of which was so violent as to destroy several houses in the country near Cherburgh ; few lives were lost, most of the inhabitants having quitted their dwellings on the first alarm. The Treaty of Alliance, between Poland and the Porte, is now published; by the articles it ap- pears, that Poland has at length unequivocally joined with Prussia against the Empress; therefore, unless a Peace should be speedily concluded, Russia will have to contend in the spring with a most formi- dable combination, Prussia, Poland, Turkey, the English, and the Dutch. By the Commercial Treaty, that is
subjoined to the Treaty of Alliance, the Poles are allowed the Navigation of the Black Sea, the Boristhenes, and the Sea of Azof, to fifty of their merchant ships, with several privileges and exemptions. It may be presumed that similar advantages may be obtained to England, for her interference, in the Levant. A great number of French families have emi- grated to America since the Revolution, many of which, that could not find bread at home, have carryed with them useful arts and manufactures. The Pope holds frequent conferences in the Va- tican on the subject of the ecclesiastical affairs of France : he seems very undecided
; neither the pre- vailing principles of the Court of Rome, nor the advice of the French, who are now in that capital, will lead him to agree to the new order of things; which, should it be adopted in all Catholick coun- tries, would reduce the Pontifical power to nothing, and leave the Pope only the naked title of the Head of the Church ; on the other hand, it is not at present politick in the Holy See, nor is it agree- able to the personal charafter of Pius VI, to use harsh and violent measures. Benjamin Brian, commonly called Big Ben, was born in Kingswood, near Bristol, and is a twin. His twin- brother now resides at the place of their
nativity, and is considerably superior to Ben, both in make and strength. LONDON. On Monday night, at eleven o'clock, a messenger arrived at the Secretary of State's Office, Whitehall, with letters from his Excellency Earl Gowev, his Majesty's Ambassador at the Court of France, which were carried to the Duke of Leeds at his house in Grosvenor- square. Tuesday the Commission passed the Seal, directed to the Hon. J. C. Berkley, Surveyor- General of the Ordnance, and the Colonels d'Aubant, Pringle, and MoncriefFe, appointing them a Committee for the purpose of inspecting the Works of Defence in the British West- India
Islands, and for making a Report thereof. An order is issued from the Treasury to all the Public Offices of Government, to make up their ac- counts complete to the 31st of December last, par- ticularly those respecting cash, receipts and pay- ments. Tuesday morning there was a meeting on East. India affairs, at the Minister's house in Downing- street. Tuesday sugars rose in the market two shillings and sixpence in the hundred. The reason of the rise is given out by the merchants to be owing to the great exportation that has taken place for some time past. There are at this time, at Portsmouth, eleven ships of the line, under the
command of Admiral Goodall, from which, by order of the Admiralty Board, none of the Officers are permitted to sleep on shore, being under orders for sea at the shortest notice. Lord Hood is to have the command, if they should put to sea. In consequence of the war with Tippoo, the silver sent out for the purchase of teas in China, has been all put ashore at Madras, to be applied to the exi- gencies of Government at that Presidency. The investment of teas will be all bought, therefore, with bills on England, by which the price will be ad- vanced, and the Company here will have to raise an additional sum of money for their
liquidation. A letter from Boston, New England, Dec. 11, says, " The demands for the produce of America are most rapidly and incredibly increasing; for one single house has actually exported and sold, within a very short time, 2000 barrels of pot and pearl ashes, 2000 barrels of beef, 500 ditto of pork, 6o, ooolb. weight of butter, and 1500 bushels of beans and peas. « • The beef exported, within the last twelve months from this state, has been upwards of 45,000 barrels, 5000 of which have been exported by one person, viz. Jonathan Winship, who is remarkable for selling what is deemed excellent:— Fine fat beef for two
pence halfpenny a pound is now selling. I wish it was possible to convey some of our fine fat turkeys to you; we can have as fine a one for a shilling as I have given six shillings for in London. Our news from New- York is very disagreeable indeed : General Scott, Major Fountain, Major Willis, Capt. M'Murtray, and Lieut. Fortingham, have all fallen sacrifices to the Indians, after a terri- ble conflict on the banks of a river : there were such numbers of the Indians killed, and thrown into the river, that their dead bodies actually stopt the cur- rent of it. " The frost is now very intense at New- York, and we are here likely to have a very
severe winter. It is with some difficulty I write this, as the ink freezes in my pen." The late Duchess of Modena was Duchess of Massa- Cavara in her own right. The Duchy of course descends to her only daughter, the wife of the Archduke Ferdinand ; who will, however, accept 30,000 sequins annually in lieu of it, during the life of his father in law The Archduke is also next heir in succession to the Duchy of Modena. Tuesday at half past two o'clock, died at his house in St. James's place, George Selwyn, Esq in the 72d year of his age ; by whose death, Lord Sydney inherits an estate of 2, oool. per annum, with the Representation
of the Borough of Luggershall in Wiltshire. A natural daughter, whom be had by the Italian Singer, Signora Faniani, it is said, is intitled by his will to his personal estate amounting It is said that Johnson has most solemnly declared that he will never again fight a pitched battle. Where would be the harm, if all the Russians would declare the same thing, and for once keep their word ? Thursday a murder was committed on the body of a young woman at the Sun alehouse, St. Catherine's- lane, by a sailor, who, going to sleep, found she had picked his pocket of nine guineas; upon which he took out his knife and cut her in the belly,
and then took the nine guineas out of her pocket and ran away, but being pursued was soon taken. It was with great difficulty the woman could be taken be- fore the Justice to swear to the man, as she was ex- pected to die every moment. to upwards of 30,0001 The placcs of Surveyor of the Crown Lands : Sur- veyor of the Meltings, and Clerk of the irons in the Mint, tic. are vacant by Mr. Selwyn's death The Duke of Wirtemberg had the misfortune of a fall from his horse in coming from the Prince of Wales's seat at Kempshot, and we are sorry to say the young Prince has dislocated his shouldcr by the fall. A letter from Paris
says—" The Duke of Orleans lately preferred a claim to the National Assembly of some very large arrears which he stated were due to his grandfather, and which were not acknowledged by them. On this ground, which it is imagined by many here was only meant as a preparative, he has at once discharged all his large retinue of j servants; he has shut up all his state apartments in ; the Palais Royal; and, with his Lady, has retired into the condition of a private Gentleman. " What a falling off this is may be guessed when . I tell you, that in my memory the attendants on his ancestor were about 1000 followers !— when the state
he lived in at his different houses almost equalled the splendor of Versailles. " He retains at present not above sixteen servants on his whole establishment. Every day in this city gives further proof the reduction of former grandeur which displayed itself in every street." A public meeting has been called, in a provincial newspaper, of the Gentlemen in the county of Hun- tingdon and its neighbourhood, to consider of for- warding, by their application to Parliament, the long talked of measure of a tax on dogs, the produce thereof, if the idea should be carried into effect to be appropriated towards diminishing the poor- rates in those
countries. The resignation of Judge Wilson was on Monday the subject of conversation at Westminster- Hall. That Gentleman, it is however asserted, has received ma- terial benefit from the change of air and climate ; and his return from Lisbon is looked for early in the spring. A letter from Portsmouth, dated January says, Arrived at Spithead four Transports from the Eastward, bound to Botany Bay. The Gorgon will be ready to go out of the harbour in the course of this week to join them, and will sail the first fair wind for New South Wales, " The Theatre of this town, which has been shut by the Magistrates for these last five
weeks on account of some disturbances in the house, to the great injury of the proprietors and company, opened this evening regularly licensed. The Managers have taken the opportunity of this unfortunate vacation to add a row of upper boxes to each side of the house ; and, to gratify the amateurs of Music, they have engaged Mr. Darley, late of Covent- Garden and Vauxhall. " The Marine Officer and the navy Gentleman, who made two attempts to fight a duel, and were interrupted by the Magistrates, as mentioned in a former paper, on Friday withdrew their recognizances and shook hands in Court. Mr. Rainsford is bound to
take his trial next sessions, himself in iool. and two others in 50I. each, and also to keep the peace, himself in 500I." Among the fatal disasters which have attended the late hurricanes, we are sorry to learn, that a new raised Independent Company, which were embarked last week in a light collier for the coast of Sussex, were shipwrecked, and every soul on board perished. The Captain being called up to the War- office, Colonel Lenox is recovering from his indisposition, which at first was very serious. On Tuesday the late Printer cf the Morning He- rald was brought to the Court of King's Bench, Westtminster, to receive
judgment, for a libel, when the sentence of the Court was, that he be imprisoned in the King's Bench one year, and during that time to stand in the pillory at Charring Cross, for one hour, between twelve and two o'clock. On Friday last died, at his house near Crofts square, Bishopsgate- street, Mr. Thomas Kent, aged 69 — Mr. Kent was many years remarkable for his sordid manner of living, though possessed of an opulent for- tune, as, from the lowest state of indigence, he gra- dually came into possession of the whole court in which he lived, as well as several other tenements in dif- ferent parts of the town. Mr. K. and his wife
were well known for several years, by riding in the cha racter of King and Queen to Horn- fair, as well by accumulating a sufficiency for purchasing the first house they lived in, by boiling bones which they picked up in the streets. During the life of his spouse, they always kept their birth- day, by distributing beef and beer among their tenants ; but since her death, though his property as been encreasing, his disposition became so penurious, that from his appearance among strangers, he was frequently mistaken for a beggar. For CHRISTIAN FAMILIES or every Persuasion. THIS day is published, the Second Edition, NUMBER I.
to be continued weekly, and completed in lc£> Numbers, price Sixpence each, or the overplus given gratis, A GRAND IMPERIAL FAMILY BIBLE, Including the Old and New Testaments, the Apocrypha, and all the Scriptures complete ; beautified with 53 superb Engravings of uncommon magnitude and elegance, and forming upon the whole the most magnificent volume or the Holy Scriptures hitherto submitted to public patronage, being printed on the following large and beautiful type: — God saw that it was good. The Notes and Illustrations adapted to this work are peculiarly edifying and instructive.— Their chief merit lies in "
steering " between the extremes of doctrines seemingly opposite— in " passing over terms utterly unintelligible— and in forming a " temperate, yet not inconsistent, system." Long and fulsome panegyrics, in recommendation of this work, are as unnecessary as they are insulting to the understanding of a discerning public.— The first two or three Numbers may be had by any person for inspection, and returned if not approved. All orders will be supplied by Messrs CHAMPANTE and WHITROW, Wholesale Stationers, Jewry- street, Aldgate, London. Sold also by Simmons and Kirkby, and Flackton, Marrable and Claris, and W.
Bristow, Canterbury ; W. Gillman, Printer and Bookseller, Rochester and Chatham; S. Doorne, E. Coveney, Faversham; P. Burgess, Ramsgate; G. Ledger, Dover; R. Long, Deal; T. Clout, Sevenoaks; G. Wise, Tonbridge; J. Barnard, Sittingbourn ; Morton, Milton ; and may be had of the Newsmen who deliver the Kentish Gazette ( Carriage- free.) Also of Neve, Hythe, and Townson, Chatham. ELEGANCE, UTILITY, And CHEAPNESS. An interesting WORK, formed upon an Entire New PLAN. Printed on a large New Letter and Superfine Paper. The whole to be completed in only Twelve Numbers, each of which will be
embellished with at least one beautiful Copper- Plate, descriptive of the Art of Cookery, Carving, decora- ting a Table, See. On Saturday next will be published, Price 6d. Containing Forty Pages of Letter Press, and a Superb Emble. matical Frontispiece, NUMBER 1 ( To be continued Weekly Of THE HOUSEKEEPER'S INSTRUCTOR ; OR, UNIVERSAL FAMILY COOK. Containing Proper Directions for Dressing all Kinds of But. cher's- Meat, Poultry, Game, Fish, & c. Also, The Method of preparing Soups, Hashes, and Made Dishes; with The Whole Art of Confectionary, Pickling, & c. Likewise the making and keeping in
Perfection British Wines; and Proper Rules for Brewing Malt Liquor, & c. To which is added THE COMPLETE ART OF CARVING, Illustrated with Engravings, explaining, by proper References the Manner in which the Young Practitioner may acquit him- self at table with elegane and ease. And Bills of Fare for every Month in the Year, with Copper Plates displaying the best Manner of decorating a table. With Directions for Marketing. The Whole formed on lb new a Plan, that the Inexperienced will be informed, and the professed Cook receive that InstruCtion which has never been made known by any preceding Publication. By
WILLIAM AUGUSTUS HENDERSON, Why has made the Culinary Art his Study for Forty Years. London: Published by W. and J. STRATFORB, NO. 112, Holborn- HILL; and sold by all other Booksellers and News- carriers in Great- Britain, and Ireland. From the LONDON GAZETTE. DR. ANDERSON'S only genuine SCOTS PILLS are prepared by the sole Proprietor, JAMES INGISH, at the Unicorn, No. 165, opposite the New Church in the Strand, London. More than 150 Years Experience has proved this Medicine to be extremely useful in Disorders of the Stomach and Bowels, particularly in Bilious and Drop- sical
Complaints, Indigestion after hard drink- ing, Surfeits, Want of Appetite or Sleep, Rheumatism, Gravel, and all Obstructions. Worms cannot breed in the Bodies of those who frequenil take this Medicine. One or two Pills, taken twice a Week or oftener will prevent the Scurvy. It will keep its Virtues many Years, and in all Climates, is therefore this best Medicine for seafaring People. It is very useful in Disorders pe- culiar to Women at all Ages, particularly at a certain advanced Time of Life; and may be taken with great Advantage during the whole Time of Pregnancy ; is so efficatious and gentle, that it may be taken from infancy to
extreme old Age by both Sexes. It does not always purge in dropsical Habits, and very severe Colds, only operating by Urine or Sweat. A greater Proof of the Excellency of this Medicine cannot be given, than that the Gentlemen of the Faculty take it often. The late celebrated Physician, Sir Edward Hulse, Bart. was so fully convinced of the great Utility of it, that he gave Mr. Inglish Certificate, recommending it as a very useful Family Medicine. To prevent Imposition, Mr. Inglish thinks it absolutely neces- sary to inform the Public, that in Pursuance of a late Act of Par- liament, none in future, which are genuine, can be sold in Great
Britain without a Stamp affixed to the Outside Cover, wrapped round the Box, with the following Words, " J. Inglish, No 105, Strand, opposite the New Church," printed upon all the Stamps, at the Stamp- office, by Consent of the Commissioners, the Imita- tor. of which will be a capital Offence. Ail others are Counter, feits. The Prices of the Boxes are 5s.— 2s. 3d— and is^ Each Bo* in Proportion to the Price. Duty included. Sold by SIMMONS and KIRKBY at Canterbury. And by at least one Shopkeeper in every ToWn. What is still more remarkable, a person of some landed property, generally known by the name of Old Dick,
and of the same turn of mind, has lived with him for several years past :— to him, and an infant niece, all his property is willed. SH IP NEWS. DEAL, Jan. Z2. WindS. W. Arrived and sailed for the river, the Betsey, Rook, from New York. Sailed ihe Hope, Richardson, for Ramsgate. Remains the ships as before; and Queen, Perkins, for Oporto; Betsey, Jerrard, for Malaga ; and Heart of Oak, Halcrow, for Dublin. Jan. 23. Wind W. N. W. Remain the ships as be- foie ; and Ann and Elizabeth, Moyse, for Plymouth ; and Sally, Humphries, for Liverpool. Jan. 24. Wind W. S. W. Sailed last night the Can- ton, Alfred, and Taunton Castle
Indiamen for India; Friendship. Fraser; and Ipswich, M'Ghie, for Jamaica; with several outward bound. Remain the Britannia and General Coote East- Indiamen, with the rest of the outward- bound as before; and Friends, Livemore, for St. Kitt's ; Neptune, Baker, for Nice ; and Sarda, Amiel, for Grenada. Jan. 25. Wind S. W. Came down the Carnatic, East- Indiaman, and remains with the ships as before; Bri- tannia, Maxwell, for Oporto ; Hope, Tutel, for Bilboa ; George and Margaret, Strong; and General Wolfe, Kip- per, for Jamaica. Put back the Canton East- Indiaman, with several of the oulward- bound. Marriages. Monday, at
Marybone church, Sir Henry Tempest, of Tony, in Yorkshire, Bart, to Miss S. Pritchard Lambert, only daughter of Henry Lambert, Esq. Same day, at Highworth, in Wilts, the Rev. Edward Lewis, Rector of Portskewitt, Momouthshire, to Miss Freke, eldest daughter of William Freke, late of Hannington, Esq. A few days ago, at Edinburgh, Lieutenant- Colonel Campbell, of Lo- chell, to Lady Ramsay. widow of the late Sir George Ram- say, who fell in the duel with Captain M'Rae. deaths. Lately, in France, Sir Maurice Mac Mahon, Knight of Malta, and brother to the Rev. Dr. Mac Mahon, titular Bishop of Killaloe. Tuesday, aged 79, the
Rev. John Burcham, rector of Earcham, and perpetual curate of Cos- tesey, in Norfolk, and rector of St. Simon's, in Norwich, Thursday last, at his Lordship's house, Curzon- street, May- fair, the Right Hon. Mary Countess of Verney, Lady of Ralph Earl Verney. Lately at Westwell house, in the county of Oxford, William Leyborne, Esq. youngest son of the late Governor Leyborne. On Thursday,' in Cecil- street, Mrs. Henrietta Lacam, aged 89. LICENSED STATE LOTTERY OFFICES, No. 71, St. Paul's Church- yard, London ; And at the House of Mr. Billinge, Printer, Liverpool ; Messrs. Trewman and Son, Booksellers, Exeter ; And
Mr. Beatnisse, Bookseller, Norwich, THOMAS WILKIE BEGS Leave to inform his friends and the public, he has furnished himself with an extensive assortment of English Tickets' in a variety of Numbers, which are divided into Halves, Quarters, Eighths, and Sixteenths, LEGALLY STAMPed, according to ACT of Parliament, with the words STATS LOT- TERY STAMP OFFICE, 1790; and distingtuished from the others by the King' Arms on the back, and these words round it, " Wilkie's STATE LOTTERY OFFICE;" and are now selling on the lowest terms at his Four Offices, as above; each duly licensed pursuant to Act of
To the PRINTERS of the KENTISH GAZETTE. GENTLEMEN, AS your paper is generally read, and its credit and re- putation firmly established, I hope, through So fa- vourable a medium, to be indulged with a few hints con- cerning TONTINES. Would it not be praiSe worthy in those who Solicit the attention of the public to Tontine Subscriptions to state, in a clear manner, what are the probable advantages that may be expected from such establishments ? And is there no probability that the Scheme may be frustrated by a fall of stocks, and end in total disappointment ? Let people judge for themselves by what follows : 1. A
thousand perSons Subscribe nine pounds two shil- lings apiece, to be put out to interest at cent, the principal and interest to accumulate during Seven years and a half and the Survivors at the end of seven years, or their representatives, to divide the whole among them. The annual mortality one in . forty. Query, the sum to be di- vided, the number of Survivors, and the share aud profit of each person ? AnSwer. Sum, Number, 837,6. Share, 14). 141. Profit, jt. 12s. 2. A thousand persons agree to pay Sixpence a week for seVen years ; the money to be invested from time to time in the 4 per cents, and there to accumulate at
compound in- terest for seven years and a half; then to be divided among the Survivors. The stock, throughout the term, at par, and the mortality one in forty every year. An annual payment of a shilling for the expences of the So ciety. Query, as above' AnSwer. Sum, 10,117!. 16s, Number, 837,6. Share, Til. Profit, 2l. 11s. 3. Suppose as in number 1 ; except that the stock Falls 10 per cent, in the ad, 3d, 4th, and yth year, and that it rises again to par at the end of the term. required as before? Answer. Sim, 10,410!. Number, 837,6. Share, til. 8s. - Profit, 2l. 9s. 4. SuppoSing every thing as in number 2 ; except that, at the end of
the term when the stock is to be sold, the fund should be fallen 10 per cent, below par. Queie as before ? Answer. Sum, 8, ioal. 4s. Number, 837,6, 9). 13s. Profit, 4 shillings. 5 Forty persons agree to subscribe 79 fli: Shillings each; of which A subcribes 39 D, and the rest, one share apiece ; the whole at the end of the year among the survivors within the year, as is to be expected be A ; then and the will, - ceive twenty shillings of A's money. or any of the others dies, A's dividend will be only nine shillings and tenpence farthing. ' The above Suppositions and queries, with the answers annexed, will convince the public what degree
0f advantage to be expected from Tonitines, limited t0 the term of seven years, better than any arguments whatever. SANDWICH, Jan. I6, 1791. z , FRIDAY', Jan. 28. LONDON. YeSTErDAy being the birth day° f his } ^ Royal Highness Prince Augustus Fre- derick, their Majesty's sixth Son, who completes the 18th year of his age, their Majesties and the Princesses re- ceived the compliments of the Nobility, & c. on the occasion, at the Drawing room at St. James's. Wednesday morning the King, attended by Co- lonel Greville, took an airing on horseback, on the Kent road, and at eleven o'clock returned to Buck- ingham House.
Wednesday at noon, dispatches were received at the Secretary of State's Office, Whitehall, from Mr. Jackson at Berlin. Wednesday orders were issued from the Admiralty for a general rendezvous to be opened in town for the entering of volunteers to man the ships in com- mission at Portsmouth, Plymouth, and in the Med- way. Lieutenant Tyrrell is appointed to superintend the general rendezvous. This step has been rendered necessary by the Sea- men on board the men of war, who did not choose to remain in the King's service, having been dis- charged. No bounty has been offered, nor have these orders had any influence
to alarm the public minds in the city, or depress the funds ; though they have certainly been hastened by the arrival of the last official dispatches from the Continent. it is proba- ble that the recent successes of the EmpreSs of Russia's forces may make it necessary to accelerate our armaments destined for the assistance of the Turks. The reports circulated of the defeat of Colonel Floyd's detachment are not confirmed ; but it is cer- tain, that an officer was dispatched by him to Ge- neral Medows, from the advanced post of Santumun- gulum, with intelligence, that Tippoo had passed the Gauts to attack him. In consequence of
this information, General Me- dows has begun to march, by disencumbering him- self of his heavy artillery ; and was hastening to join Colonel Floyd, who had also received another consi- derable reinforcement, If the Colonel could retain his situation till the ar- rival of General Medows, a general action between our army and that of Tippoos's, it was thought, would ensue ; and, in Such a situation, and discom- fiture, though less than actual defeat in the field, must be very dangerous to Tippoo, as it would be scarcely possible for him to regain the Mysore Thr lottery begins drawing on Wednesday the 9th of February. PROMPT
PAYMENT. The ONLY Office where Prizes are paid in full. The very extraordinary Advantage of TEN THOUSAND POUNDS IS absolutely given to the Public, who purchase TICKETS, HALVES, QUARTERS, EIGHTHS, and SIXTEENTHS, at the Office of HORNSBY and Co. in the prefent EnglisH Stute Lottery ; for which consideration no addi • tional charge is made. The purchaser Shall receive the very same day that such Ticket or Share is drawn a Prize, the full amount of such Prize; or, if drawn a Blank in the course of the first ten thousand Blanks drawn, he will likewise receive 4I. for each, and so in proportion for every
share, without the minutest Half — 10,000 they pay 10,000 Quarter — 5, coo they pay 5,000 Eighth — 2,500 they pay 1,500 Sixteenth — 1,250 they pay 1,250 And for the first Ten Thousand BLANKS 4I. each. HORNSBY and Co. respectfully point out, to their friends and the public, the above most Singular and lucrative advantages, as, in fact, they amount to a clear saving of 400I. in the capital Prizes, 8s in the lowest Prize of 20I. and even 2S. on each ot the first ten thousand Blanks, and that too paid ( as above stated) the very day the Prize is drawn. Lottery Clubs and Societies are particularly recommended to notice this
proposal, as they will save an immense expence on all Prizes, and have an opportunity of dividing their Prize- money immediately. country, in me face of our army unless his own was in the strictest discipline and good order. It must be evident to the Porte, that their domi- nions in Europe can be no longer maintained, unless STATE LOTTERY OFFICE. BANK- 8TREET, CORNHILL, L0NDON, OPPOSITE THE BANK Of ENGLAND. MR. NICHOLSON, MOST redpectfully acquaints his numerous friends, and the Public, that he is selling, in the greatest variety of Numbers, and lowest terms, the Tickets and legal Stamped Shares
for the present English State Lottery, that begins drawing the 9th February 1791. Tlic Prizes arising thereto, as well as f ur pounds each for the first ten thousand Blanks, will be paid their full value as soon as drawn. Mr. Nicholson's Office has been uncommonly fortunate to those who have honoured him with their commands, viz. In the late IrisH Lottery, No. 17,049, drawn a Prize of Ten Thousand Pounds, the 13th December last, was sold in a whole Ticket, by Mr. NICHOLSON. And in the late English and Irish Lotteries, England interferes to check the progress of Russia, which has now become truly alarming the crisis is so
important that no reasonable terms would be denied to England for such interference. By a vessel from Grenada, arrived at Bristol there is advice, that the troubles in Martinico are encreased; another engagement has taken placa between the soi- disant Patriots at St. Pierre, and the inhabitants and their slaves, as well as the free Negroes and Mulattoes, under the command of the Governor, the Vicompte de Damas, in which the former have been Severely treated It is reported that the town of Fort Royal has been burnt; several of the plan of the late M. Gerardine, in the neigh- bourhood of St. Pierre, the property of Mad. Dillon,
the wife of Arthur Dillon, Esq. the late Governor of Tobago. The papers mention an intended Canal from New- bury to Bath. Before this can be undertaken advan- tageously, the two rivers should be previously made perfectly navigable without locks, otherwise the same ruin will attend the adventurers as that in forming a junction between the Severn and the Thames. The waters are so high up the country, that the barges pass without danger over the very tops of the locks. This proves the necessity of correcting the River without them. Miss Brunton is expected to give her hand to a Gentleman engaged in the carpet manufactory.
The treaty of marriage may, therefore, literally be said to be on the tapis. Colonel Lenox's disorder was a violent cold, which confined him to his room, but not to his bed. He is recovered. By the death of George Selwyn, the Duke of Queensberry loses one of his earliest companions and latest friends. The young Lady to whom the once gay and witty George Selwyn has bequeathed the sum of 30,000! is a natural daughter of the Duke of Queensberry. This young Lady is now in the twenty- third year of her age. For some time she has managed the domestic concerns of Mr. Selwyn, who, at a very early period, treated her as his
adopted child. She is possessed of the most valuable acomplishments, and of the most amiable qualities of the mind. The Duke of Queensberry's pecuniary property will also devolve to this fortunate fair one. His Grace is reported to command more ready money than any Nobleman in England. Some state it to amount to between two and three huudred thousand pounds slerling! His Grace and the late Mr. Selwyn lived en fa- mille at Riclwnond. Their houses are contiguous to each other, enchantingly situated on the banks of the Thames. The Sufferings at Lloyd's by the late hurricanes have been lighter than could have been
expected, as very few ships of consequence have been totally lost. The damage has been principally sustained by coasters and small vessels. During the late gales of wind, the smugglers have been uncommonly active on all the coasts of the king- dom. The risk of their lives secured their property— for the Customhouse- boats were afraid to follow them. Mr. Dodd, a master's mate on board the Victory, lying in Portsmouth harbour, was unfortunately killed on Friday last. A stauncheon falling from the main deck struck him on the head, and fractured his skull so much, that he expired the next morning The coroner's inquest have
returned a verdict of accidental death ; and the body was on Monday con- veyed on shore, aud put into a hearse, in order to be brought to London to be interred. On Saturday last, a man who was in the hospital at Plymouth, was, on his own confession secured for the murder of the woman who was found in a ditch at Sommers Place, in July last The Albion East Indiaman had not left Torbay on Friday last, having been repeatedly blown back by contrary winds. As, however, it is an ill wind that blows nobody good, the gentleman and lady, who were left on shore at Portfmouth, had recovered their passage, and were then safe on
board. The Hon. Miss Eardley, who is on the point of being married to an elegant and accomplished young nobleman, is to receive fifty thousand pounds as her marriage portion, besides a private annuity for pin money, during the term of her natural life. Malt Tax.— Four general meetings of the farmers resident in the counties of Stafford and Warwick, have lately been held for the consideratipn of the pro- priety of applying to Parliament, for a repeal of the late additional tax on malt.— Their final resolution was, to present a petition by their representatives for that purpose. Prince Potemkin's dismission of his heavy baggage
plainly bespeaks an intention of taking immediate advantage of the terror inspired by the late victories of the Russians. He will, no doubt, effectually con- vince the Congress at Sistore, that he can fight and conquer rather faster than they can argue and decide. From some messages that have lately passed between the Prussian and Imperial Generals, relating to the affairs at Liege, the people of that Principality begin to hope for the interference of Frederic the Third in their favour. It is probable that the great carnage which ensued after the capture of ISmael was principally owing to the number of lives that were lost in the
assault. The Russian accounts affirm that only 1200 of their Sol- diers were killed, but the letters from Vienna state that 2000 Cossacks fell in the attack. Capt. Neil Campbell ( of the Fame, from Cork for Port Glasgow, wrecked in the storm of the 14th ult. near Liverpool, and all on board perished) is the last of seven sons who have perished in the same manner; his father was lost some years ago at sea. The East India Company's paper in Bengal, bare the following discount, when the last letters left Cal- cutta :- » - Bonds 11 per cent. Certificates bearing 8 per cent, interest, bore 1 j per cent, interest; those bearing only 6 per
cent, interest were at a discount of 16 per cent. There never was a war commenced with greater prospect of success than that against Tippoo, and every thing has hitherto favoured our views against the tyrant. The junction of the Mahrattas and the Nizam with our forces, will be of infinite advantage to US from their succours of horse, without which it would be impossible to subdue Tippoo's country The Mahrattas were, according to the last letters, already - n the borders of his country to the north- ward the Bombay forces were to the westward, Ge- neral Medows to the eastward, and Colonel Kelly in the south Tippoo's troops
have every where fled before our armies without making the smallest shew of resistence, and his operations which have hitherto been merely defensive prove that his aim is to wait for succours from France, in which he will certainly be disappointed. A letter from Paris, dated Jan. 20, says, " The Castle of M de Clarac was remarked by the country people be the rendezvous of many unpopular characters — The National Militia, desirous to un- ravel the mystery, headed by a Captain, marched to the spot in their way to the house they perceived a black boy, holding a number of horses behind a hedge toed To their mistrust, and
what hap- pened at their nearer approach to the Castle con- siderably augmented it the servants rushed out, as if to oppose them, but the National Guards, sur- rounding the domesticks, made prisoners of them ; their masters then appeared, and made use of very improper language; in short, a pistol was fired from the Castle on the Mayor, but did no injury— a second was discharged, a ball of which grazed the commanding- officer's chin ; nothing then could stop the people's fury— the besieged shut the Castle- mately of opinion, that the petitioners were not intitled to prove Such bills under the Commission. Mr. Lloyd as
CounSel for the petitioners, Wylie and Co. contended, that his clients were entitled to prove those bills under the Commission, and to receive a proportionable dividend. Wylie and Co. had discounted these bills for LiveSey, Hargrave and Co. and did not know that the prayers were fictious persons. They had given Solid money for the hills, and were of course intitled to prove them under the Commission. The Lord Chancellor Said, the petitions might maintain a general assumpsit for all the money they had paid for Such bills, being money paid without consideration. Therefore deducting the diScount, they had a right to prove
under the Commission all the money which they gave for those bills. His Lordship ordered the bills to be delivered up to the Assignees. Mr. Solicitor General on the other side Said, they wished to do what he was Sure his Lordship would not permit them to do, to prove the amount of these bills under the permission and likewise to keep the bills till the great question was de- cided in the HouSe of Lords, and then perhaps they might make Something of the bills. His Lordship Said he would not permit them to do this. The petitioners must make their choice. They must either be Satisfied with proving under the Commission, the
amount of the money which they delivered to the Bankrupt, de- ducing diScounts and giving up the bills. Or if they wished to stand upon the bills, they could not now prove the money, which they had given for the bills. It the House of Lords on the great question that was depending before them, should determine that bills drawn in favour of fictitious payees were good bills payable to bearer, or to any other perSon, the holders of those bills would be entitled to come against all those perSons whose names were upon the back of the bills. His Lordship said, for his part he had always been of opinion, and he never had any difficulty
in stating it, that to suppoSe that any man could recover on a forged bill was almost a contradiction. If he had paid hard cash so, such a bill, he might have a general ASSUMPFIT for recovering back the money he had paid. It was agreed by the Counsel 0n both sides, that the pe- tition should stand over tilL the next day of the petitions, when the question now pending in the House of Lords would probably be determined. gates, and retreated ; new efforts were exerted to break them open, which could not be effected— the Peasants then got torches and faggots, in order to set fire to the hpuie, and in less than five minutes it was
in a blaze;— the aristocratick garrison was therefore obliged to surrender— one of them the quondam Marquis Descairat, who had incurred popular odium ( or some antecedent tranfaction, trembling for his life, wrapt in a wet blanket, hid himself in a narrow subterraneous part of the house, where he was discovered and shot to death ; they then dragged him out of the dungeon, almost by piece- meal, and severed his head from his body, which they afterwards carried as a trophy through the streets of Buzet, in the vicinity of which town Clarac- Castle was;— the Gentleman of the house is now in the jail of Toulouse— much
information is expected relative to this business— this affair took place last week." A letter from Bourdeaux, dated Jan. 15, says, " We have had most dreadful weather in our Gulph : Of seventeen ships that Sailed from our river the 30th and the 31st of December, the Ninety Electors, for Martinico ; Courier of Bourdeaux, for the Cape; Elizabeth and Margueritte, Britchard, for Jeremiah; and l'Union of Marseilles, for Mar- tinico, are lost. La Felicite Cheri. and Le Deux Aimees, are put into Rochelle, greatly damaged. the ST. Nicholas, for Martinico ; Pere de Famille, for the Cape; St. Marc, for St. Marc; La Life, and L'Interessant, for
Port- au- Prince, and Gustave Adolphe, for Guinea, are put into Laflotte, with some damage. The Deux Anges, for the Cape ; the Duc de Normandie, and L'Amiable Marianne, for Port au- Prince, and La Princesse des Asturies, for Louisianne, are missing." LAW INTELLIGENCE. LINCOLN'S INN HALL. On Saturday the Lord Chancellor sat at Lincoln's Inn Hall, and finished Bankrupt Petitions. WYLIE and Co. V LIVESEY and Co. This was a Petition of Wylie and Co. the prayer of which was to receive a dividend of 2s. 9d. per pound under the commission of Livesey, Hargiave, and Co. The Commissioners of Bankrupts allowed
the peti- tioners to prove the whole of their debt under the Com- mission. But they afterwards thought they had done wrong. In consequence of this the petitioners had not re- ceived a dividend for that part of their debt, which the Commissioners upon more mature deliberation thought ought not to have been proved. The petitioners were creditors of Livesey, Hargrave and Co. to a large amount. And Livesey, and Co. gave them a number of bills drawn by them, LiveSey and Co. on GibSon and JohnSon. Some of these bills were drawn in favour of fictitious persons. The Commissioners were ulti- CANTERBURY, Jan. 28. Extract
of a letter from Chatham, Jan 24 " Monday last when the Dictator was paid ofF, the ship's company made the boatswain a present of a silver Call, Chain, and Gorget, and a watch of seven guineas value ; likewise a large body of them assembled and drew him in an open chaise through Chatham, Rochester, aud Brompton, amidst un- common bursts of applause— a far better compliment than cutting off his ears. " Thursday last advertisements were posted up here, to enter seamen for eleven capital ships at Portsmouth, viz, the Victory, London, Princess Royal, Barfleur, Robust, Saturn, Monarch, Hector, Brunswick, they were
to repair on board the Bellero- phon, Commodore Paisley, at Sheerness, from whence they are to be carried to which of the above ship's they please. " Saturday morning several large parties of re- cruits marched from the Barracks, to GraveSend to embark. Saturday lad died Mr. William Bland, sen. many years a Master Hoyman of this place." Extract of a letter from Ramsgate, Jan 26. " Came in for shelter, the jane and Betty, Ed- mund Evans, of Barmouth, from London to Bar- mouth, with Corn ; the Sea flower, Robert Thomas. of Barmouth, corn the Friendship, Thomas Dugar, of Guernsey, from Newcastle to Guernsey, with
coals." Saturday the Camel storeship came to an anchor at Sheerness, and on Monday morning went up to Chatham, in order to deliver her stores, and return to Portsmouth. The Martin sloop of war is fitting at Chatham ; she will shortly go to the Northward, being destined for the Leith station. Contrary winds still prevent the Sandwich's going up to be paid of. The following singular accident happened at Chi- dingstone, near Sevenoaks, Kent. One Samuel Bevin, clerk of the parish, and gardener to Henry Streatfield, Esq. of that place, used every night just before going to bed, to take a walk round the gar- den ; some sew nights
since he was seen with a candle and lantern to go to the garden, but not returning home at night, enquiry was the next morning made after him without effect, till one of his friends recol- lecting there was a canal at the bottom of the garden, conceived that he might have fell into it ; upon going down to satisfy his curiosity, he observed a hat on the Surface of the water, which he immediately knew to be that of the person missing, and on attempting to draw the hat towards him, to his great surprize, he Saw the body standing in an upright posture quite dead, the water being just above his eyes. It is con- jectured, that the poor man
had walked into the ca- nal, and there perished for want of assistance. Late on Saturday night, or early on Sunday morning, the shop of Mr. John Botting, at Wrotham, was broke open, and robbed of goods to the amount of eleven pounds and upwards. A few days since was married at Deal, Mr, Alexander Thompson, to Miss Mary Corbett, both of that place. Last week died at Deal, universally beloved and respected for her goodness of heart and affable man- ners and behaviour through life, ( after a lingering illness) Mrs. Cannon, wife of Mr. Walker Cannon, butcher and grazier of that place. Last week died, Mr. John Russell, of
Wood- street London, brother to Thomas Russell, Esq. Agent Victualler, at Dover. On Sunday died at Otham, in the 78th year of his age, Mr. David Swineard, one of the oldest freemen of that town. Sunday morning died, after a lingering illness Mr. John Fidge, Baker, of Maidstone. Yesterday morning died Mr. Thomas Rolfe, of Dymchurch. Candidus and Detector are received. Printed by SIMMONS and KIR KBY St. George's Street, Canterbury.