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St James's Chronicle


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St James's Chronicle
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St James's Chronicle

Date of Article: 04/11/1790
Printer / Publisher: H. Baldwin 
Address: Britannia Printing Office, the Corner of Union-street, in New Bridge-street, Blackfriars (removed from 108, Fleet-street)
Volume Number:     Issue Number: 4609
No Pages: 4
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The Sf. Or, i? J? ess I T I SH \' CHRONIGLE; EVENING- POST. Price FOUR- PENCE.] From TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 2, to THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 4, £ 790. [ 4609. W ED N E S D A Y, Nov. 3. From the LONDON GAZETTE of Tuefday'i No< v• 21 Lord Chamberlain's Office, Nov. 2. 1 for the Court's ' n { -•-?>'" I going into mourning on Sunday next the 7th inft. for the late Prince Henry, eldeft fon of Prince Ferdinand, of Pruflia, viz. The Ladies to wear black filk or velvet, co- loured ribbons, fans, __ and tippets, or plain White, t. r white and gold, or white and filver ffuffs, with black ribbons. The. Gentlemen to wear black coats, and black or plain white, or white and gold, or white and filver fluff wairtcoats, full trimmed, coloured fwoi- dsand buckles. And on Thurfday the iith inft. the Court to go out of mourning. Madrid, OB. 14. Advices have beer, received here, mentioning that the city of Oran, on the coaft; of Africa, has been almoft entirely de- ftroyed by a violent earthquake; and that a con- fiderable part of its inhabitants, as well as of • the Spanifh garrifon, are faid to have perifhed in the ruins. Accounts have alfo been received frotn Cartnagena of a fire, which happened a few days ago in that dock- yard, and which, befides do- ing other damage, has entirely confumed a new fhip of the line. Hague, OB. 29, yefterday M. Henry Fagel was appointed by the States- General to fucceed his late Grandfathers Greffier to their High Mightineffes. BANKRUPTS. Henry Wichells, of Lothbury,. London, Grocfer " and Tea- Dealer. To appear Nov. 12, 191 Dec. 14, at Guildhall, fealph Wewitzer, late of Wells- Street, Goodman's- Fields, Middlefex, ( but now a Prifoner in the KingVBench) Dealer. To appear Nov. 13, 20, Dec. 14, at Guildhalh Maria Johnfon. of Jetmyri- Strtet, St/ Jwuds's, Middlefex, Milliner. To appear Nov. 13,20, Dec, 14, at Guildhall. Trevor Nicholas, of Chepftow, in Monmouthfhire, Biock- if. aker. To appear Nov. IJ, lb, Dec. 14, at the Beau- fort- Arms Inn, Chepftow. William Simpfon, of Newark- upon- Trent, in Nottingham- finre, Mercer and Draper. To appear Nov. 4, Dec. 9, 14, at ths Rutland- Arms; in Newark- upd^ i- Trent. John Greenway, of All Saints, Worcefter, Coal- Merchant and Earge- Owner. To appear Nov. 24, 2.5, Dec„ 14, at tfie Bell Inn, Broad- Street, Worcefter. | air. es Fynmore, of Sherbourne, In Dorfetfhire, Linen- Draper. To appear Nov. 13, 20, Dec. 14, at Guildhall, London. Andrew Hardlow, late of Southampton, Breeches- Maker. To appear Nov. 16, 27, Dec. 14, at Guildhall, London. Dividends to be made. Jlov. 25. Richard Lowe, late of the Parifh of Aftley, in Wor. eefterlhire, Dealer in Horfes and Hop- Merchant, at the Star and Garter Inn, in Worcefter Nov. 27. ( by Adjournment from the 23d inftant) John Billing the younger, of Wing, in Rutlandthire, Maltfter, at the Crown Inn, in Oakham. Dec. 4. Thomas Southwell, of Swallow- Street* Weftmin- fter, Baker, at Guildhall. Nov- 25. Thomas Holmes, Jate of Yeovil, in Somerfetfhire, Vintner, at the Angel Inn, in Yeovil. Nov* 25. William Whitehead, William Halliday, and Henry Mather, all of Manchefter, Merchants and Copartners, ( trading under the Firm of Whitehead Hallidily, and Company), at tbe Sptead Eagle, in Manchefter. Dec. 9. John Daniel Cailler, Daniel Cailler, and Charles Frederick Cailler, of Exeter, Merchantsand Partners) at Swale's Wine Cellar, in the Serge- Market, Exeter, tee. 7. ( and not on the 6th inftant, as before adVertifed) George Gun Milnro, of Prince's- Street, London, In- furance- Broker, at Gui'dhal). Nov. 23. William Hunter, late of Hexham, in Northum- berland, Motley- Scrivener, at the White Hart, in New- caftleuptni- Tjne, I • — I I . IIM1M LONDON. Yefterday morning the King took the diver- fion of hunting a deer. He was itarted near Afcot, and after a chafe of four hours, was taken on the Salifbury road. The Earls of Chefter- lield and Beaulieu, Lord Vifcount Hinchinbroke, with feveral other attendants, accompanyCd his Majefty to the ground. Yefterday his Royal Highnefs the Duke of Glouccftcr arrived at Glouceiier- Houfe, in Upper Grofvenor- ftreet, from Cranlxiurii- Lodge. Yefterday, at two o'clock, a Cabinet- Council was held at the Secretary of State's Office, White- hall, which was attended by Mr. Titt, Dukes of Richmond and Leeds, Marquis of Stafford, Em 1 Cf Chatham, Earl Camden, Mr. Dunda?, and Mr. Grenville. At' half paft four o'clock the Council broke up, when the Duke of Leeds fent off letters to his Excellency harl G'ower, his Ma- jefty's Ambaffadour at Paris. Yefierday afternoon his Excellency the Pruffian JMiniRer, and Mr. Ewart, lately arrived from Ber- lin, had interviews with the Cabinet- Miiiifters, at the Duke of Leeds's Office. Yelterday ." t nocTt a Board of Ordnance was held at the ofik'e in Old Palacc - Yard, which was attended by the Dakeof Richmond, Sir William Howe, Captain Berkeley, & c. Efq. and fet two hours. The Board is ordered to meet again on Friday. Monday the Commiffioners for liquidating the National debt, viz. the Governours and Deputy- Governours of the Bank, the Accountant- Gene- ral, apd the Mafter of the Rolls, had a meeting at the Minifter's houfe in Downing- ftreet. Lord Amherft vvas fent for to town on Saturday from his houfe at. Montreal, in Kent* and con- futed by Mr. Pitt, it is fuppciid, on the fubjeCt of fome projected expedition. The brigade of the third regiment of foot guards, who we Oidsfed for foreign fervice, will undergo a general infpeCtion to- morrow in St* James's park, when they will receive orders from their commanding officer to keep themfelves in readinefs, as their marching orders will foon be iffued out from the War- Office. Monday Captain Malcolm, of the 65th regi- ment, embarked on board his Majefty's Ihip the Excellent, of 74 guns, at Portfmouth, commanded by Captain Gill, to do marine duty, with a party of recruits belonging to different regiments from Chatham. The fituation of the Navy Lieutenan's is fo hard, that it is not to be doubted but the humanity of Government will interpofe in their favour.— Their income is very fmall, while the neceffaries of life are very expenfive ; befides which, many of them have large families to fupport, and are, according to their rank, obliged to maintain a proper dccency in drefs and appearance. The dread of expenfe prevents many of thetn from of- fering their fervices on the prefent armament. Ext rait of a Letter from Portfmouth, Nov. I. " The two men of war feen laft night in the Ofling were the. Valiant, of 74 guns, his Royal Highnefs the Duke of Clarence Commander, and the Hebe frigate, Captain Hood ; the former from. Plymouth, and the latter from Guernfey, with liquours for the fleet. " This morning another exprefs for Lord Howe was received from Government; but as the wind is very high, the fleet cannot get under way, or make the neceffary preparations. " The Commander of every fhip in the grand fleet has had two fealed packets, to be opened in a fixed latitude, the one marked " Rendezvous," the other without any writing on the cover." Extra!} of a letter from Plymouth, OB. 31. " Laft night arrived here his Majefty's fhips Vengeance and Hannibal, of 74 guns, which failed from hence on Sunday the 24th inlt. after encountering a very heavy gale of wind at Eaft, which continued for fqur days. The Vengeance has carried away her fore and main- top gallant malts, and fprung her main top- maft, which fhe is getting repaired as fail as poflible in the Sound, and when done, .{ he Will fail again for Spithead. The fquadron. were all in fight of the lfle of Wight, when they experienced the feverity of the gale, which drove them down Channel many leagues Weft of th^ s port. The Valiant of 74 guns, his Royal Highnefs . the Duke of Clarence fuffered conftdeiably, having loft her fore and maintop gallant malts, and fplit her fail, and was obliged to make a fij » nal of diftrefs to the Ven- geance, on which fhe immediately bore down, and rendered every affiftancC. This morning the Han- nibal failed again. " The wind blew very hard at E. S. E. at the time Admiral Corniih's fleet paffed this port to the Weftward on Wednefday, and indeed it conti- nued fo till yefterdny morning, when it became more moderate. If this fleet is really bound to the Weft- Indies, they muft, by this time, be a great way out of Soundings." Poor Powell, the pedeftrian, loft his laft, wager by falling feveral times, and once into a ditch, as he paffed over Blackheath; the night proved re- markably dark and wet: the inhabitants of Can- teibury, however, made a fubfeription of 40I. which they chearfully beftowed on him. ExtraB of a letter front Vienna, OBober 12. " Prince Potemkin's army, which has paffed the fummer in a ftate of defence only, begins now to be in motion, probably with an intention of Itriking fome important ltroke in the Autumn, a feafon in which the Turks may be attacked to ad- vantage, as at that time it is cuftoraary for many of their troops to difband, and go to their homes for the winter: that this is the intention of the Ruffians appears from the whole army under Prince Potemkin in Moldavia being preparing to pafs the Danube, and Generals Repnin and Su- vvarow are marched With detachments to take pof- fcflion of Ifmadcw and Bradow. The plan of Prince Pot^ mkip. feems to be the fame as that which GeneralRomanaow put fo fuccefsfully into execution in 1774, namely, to pafs the Danube, and ptiwhe Graad Viiir between two fires; to cut off hit' communication with Conftantinople, and, if ' poffible, to bring him to an engagement.-—* ' This plan, if it can be brought to bear, and is at- tended with fuccefs, will be fuch a ftroke as will give a material, turn to any negociations that may take place during the winter. " We have accounts from Belgrade thatthe two principal fubarbs of that fortrefs are entirely de- lcrtcd ; the Gieeks having, during the time that fortrefs wa3 in the hands of the Auftrians, carried away whatever they could ; infomuch that fcarce a houfe has either a door or a Window left in it." By a gentleman lately arrived from Cadiz, we learn that the whole of the Spanilh fleet has been rcr victualled fince itsdaft return into harbour ; and tjiat one divifion of the fleet, for reafons unknown when, he tame away, took in three months'provi- fions morethan the others. On ' Mopday evening, at a meeting of the Royal Academicians, for the purpofe of choofing an AffociatSj'Mr. Wheatley was eleCted by a confi- deSriMe majority of votes. Previous to the eleition, Sir Jofhua Reynolds addreffed the Academicians, avowedly by the Royal fanCtion, in favour of Mr. Lawrence, re- prefenting i'nat his Majefty had expreffed a high fenfe of Mr. Lawrence's talents, as an artift, and a wiflt to fee hia name in the lift of the Royal Academicians. Some Members feemed to think, that whatever was th « pleafure of bis Mnjefty, the Prefident had taken an improper time of conveying it formally on the moment of an eleftion ; as it appeared to have been announced at that period for the pur- pofe of influencing the event, which it was fup- pofed the Prefident wilhed to render favourable to Mr. Lawrence. Some indeed feemed to have doubts whether Sir Jolhua had not fuffered the warmth of his friendfnip to exceed the exaCt import of the Royal declaration. Confidering, however* the fituation in which Sir Jolhua Reynolds ftands, as well as his private character, there can hardly be a doubt but he was fufficiently warranted in all his proceed- ings upon this delicate point. Judge Wilfon is in fo alarming a ftate of health that his phyficiatls think it impoflible he fhould re- cover, unlefs he remains in the country during the whole of the winter ; he is therefore gone to Cornwall, and the Courts will be deprived of an able and important pillar of the law for fome time, though vre hope not finally. Sittings Appointed in Middlefex and London, ber fore the Right Honourable'Lloyd LordKenyon Lord Chief Juftice, & c. in and after Michael- mas term, 1790. Middlefex. In Nov. erm. Lofidon. Friday, Nov. Wednefday, aturday After term. 30 | Wednefday, 17 27 Dec. 1. Thurfday, Tuefday, Friday, Tuefday, The Chancellor yefterday after having ex- preffed the common words of approbation, on the choice made by the citizens of a Chief Magistrate added fome Angular terms of civility to Alderman Boydell. The Lord Mayor Eletl was attended by an uncommon number of Aldermen, and the Sheriffs; who were afterwards elegantly entertained by his Lordihip, at Stationers'' Hall, with the Court of Affiftants of that Company, and feve- ral other friends, amonglt whom were Dr. Farmer Sir Jofhua Reynolds, Mr. Bofwell, and many more gentlemen eminent for polite and literary aceomplifhments.— Numerous as the company was, his Lordfhip paid his perfonal refpeCts to every individual in the moftcondefcending and po- lite manner. The Lord- Mayor appeared yefterday in anew coach, which, as might be expeCted, is of Angu- lar tafte and beauty. The ground of the panaels confi. fts of horizontal ftripes in blue and gold, the collar of SS, which is a part of the City regalia, forming a very rich and appropriate border, The arms of the City, and the Lord- Mayor appear in two diftinCt fhields, properly connected, enriched with official emblems, and guarded by the city fupporters, beautifully painted. Indeed we never remember to have feen a carriage, in which the convenience of private ufe, and the dignity of publick ftaucn, were fo happily affueiated. Mrs. Eften is the daughter of Mrs, Bennett, the authorefs of two novels, entitled Anna and Juvenile Indifcretions. Her brother, Thomas Pye Bennett, is a worthy young officer in the Navy, through whofe introduction her hufband, Mr. Eften, firft became known to her. She is very your- g, and married early. She pof- feffes a deal Of good fenfe; is naturally affable ; though, for one of her time of life, folid and grave. Mrs. Eften only turned her thoughts on the theatre within the laft three or four years: The ill fucce. fs of her hufband in fome bufinefs he had engaged in, was her " motive. The Carolina, Coots, from Stettin to Bour. deaux, is loft on the Coaft of Holland. The , Capt. Halkit, from Elbing to Nevvcaftle, is ftrar. ded near Gottenburgh. Yefterday three prifoners were tryed at the Old Bailey, one of whom vvas convifted of a mif- demeanour in offering a counterfeit fixpence in payment, ar. d two were acquitted. The fame ' day the feffion ended, when judge- ment of death was paffed upon the followihgcon- viCts, viz. Thomas Dnnklin,' George Storey, William Burbridge, James Sullivan, Thomas Tyler, Edward Ivory, James Smith, James Royer Edward Lowe, William Jobbins, and Jofeph Biggs, alias John Page; thirty- five were fen- tenced to be tranfported for the term of feven years; one to be imprifoned in Newgate, four in Clerkenwell Bridewell, and four to be publickly whipped. The fefiions at the Old Bailey are adjourned until Wednefday the 8th of December, Yefterday, at the Old- Bailey, it was recom- mended to James Flindal, who at thefe Seffions difclofed fuch a fcene of iniquity in which he him- felf afted a principal part, to go out of the country, as his conduCt would be ftriCtly watched. We hope that the officers of juftice wiil ' alfo pay a little attention to the conduCt cf Mr. and Mrs. Samuel. BAYLEY and LOWE, Perfumers, Cockfpur. Street, beg leave to acquaint the Nobility and Gentry, tl> at HEMET's ESSENCE of PEARL and PEARL DENTI- FRICE for the Teeth and Gums, will continue to he pre- pared in the fame manner as in his life time, and by the fame perl'on who always prepared it for him; and will be fold wholefale andreialeas ufual, at their ftiop in Cockfpur Street, and reiale, by their appointment, at Mr. Newbery's Medi- cine Warehoufe, No. 4^, St. Paul's Church- Yard ; Price and Son, in Leadenhall- Street; and Mr. Scarman, No. 62, New Bond- ftreet, Price 25. rd. eacn, Stamps included. N. B. None are genuine but what have a label, with the words, " Bayley and Lowe, Cockfpur- Strsst, London," psllsd op each bottle and bos, FREEHOLD LAND WANTED. ANY perfon having from three to ten acres, or. more FREEHOLD LAND to difpofe of, fituaa within ten miles of London, may hear of a purcKafer, by directing particulars to Mtflis. Taylors, AscViteifural Li- brary, Holbourn. CURIOUS FOREIGN WINES, of prime Vintages, ( in Quart Bottles, legal meafure) are fold at the " loweft ( money) prices, by E. HIBBS, Wine- Mer- chant, Monument- Yard, London. His plan of felling wines in legal Quarts, the publick have been pleafed to approve liberally, and to honour Hibbs with diftinguiihed marks of approbation ; he now . gratefully affures them, that all wines fold by him, are, and ever ( hall be, abfolutdy gc- Miine as imported, of the full quantity charged, and rendered'Bt n th? moft reafonable profits pofftble. The importance of this plan ( unequivocally fair) to private families in particular, is moft obvious, fince every dozen bottles are warranted to contain three gallons of Wine, mak. ing thereby a confiderable laving to the purchafer. *'** Hibbs's profits not being calculated upon terms requi- Gte to fuftain the lofl'es of long credit, bad debts, & c. he relpedlfully reqtiefts that all orders from the country may con- tain remittanrp* for the amount, or reference for par mem in town. Cards of Prices may be had at the Warehoufe, GREAT COAT WAREHOUSE. NEW D'OYLF. Y's. No. a6, King- ftreet, facing Uedford- ftreet, Covent- garden. CGENTLEMEN dcftious of feeing a Variety J of new and fafhionable SURTOUTS for the enfuing Winter, are refpettfully informed, that a large Affortment is prepared, worthy their Notice, " being well cut, and made up by tbe beft Workmen. Alio Ladies' Travelling Coats and Jofephs. Gentlemen's Driving Coais, and Boat Cloiks. Morning Dreifes, and Powdering Gowns. „ • : Coachmen's Box Coats, and Liv: ry Surtouts. Servants' DuftWl Jackets and Waiftcoatsi Drill, Track, and Stable V.' Jiftcoats. " ~ Gentlemen's Under Waiftcoats, aad D'Oyley Nightcape.- . Children's GreatCoip, & c it, Varietr. ' ' .•, Every, Article of GEN'i LtM EN's CLOATHS made ufi with neatnefs and expedition. FAMILIES may rely upon having their LIVERIES made to fatisfa^ fcien. GENTLEMEN'S SHIRTS neatly finilhed, at a flioH Notice. BANK 0/ ENGLAND. Oflober 14, 1790. MANY iifconveniencies and frauds having ariferi from the Clerks of this hoofe being employe! as Brokers, in the puichafe and tales of Stocks and An- nuities, transferable at this houfe, contrary to the orders of the Court of Directors, and to the notices affixed in the Transfer Offices, it is hereby recommended to all proprietors ot purchafers of Stocks or Annuities, as eiren'tial tb their fecurity, and to the bulinefs of this houfe being pl- operly coiiduiSed, that they do not employ any clerk thereof in the purchafe or fale of ( locks or Annuities transferable at this houfe, as any clerk who Ihall be found, diretSly or indi- rectly, tranfereffing the aforefaid orders, will be immediately diftnilfed the fervice. And ail proprietors of Stocks or Annuitiei are requefted to take notice, that by an order of this Court, no clerk belonging to the Stock Offices will henceforth be oermittei to accept of a letter of attorney for the fale of any'Stocks or Annuities trmsferrable at this houfe. By order of the Court of Direflors, FRANCIS MARTfN, Secretary. Cambridge, Nov. 2, 179c. THE late Mr. NORRIS having left Twelve Pounds a Year for a Medal and fome Books, as a Premium for the beft Profe Englifh Elfay on Subjects ap- pointed agreeably totiie dire£ tions contained in his Will, The NORRISIAN PROFESSOR givesNotice, Thatthe Subjeft ' for the prefent Year is the billowing ; The PROPAGATION of the CHRISTIAN RELIGION. The Eifays are to be fent to ons of the three Stewards, who are the Maftcr of Trinity College, the Provoft of King's College, and the Mafter of Caius College, on or before ' the Tenth Day preceding the Sunday m Paffion- Week 1701, with the Namei of the refpefiire Authours fealed up. Each Candidate muft be above twenty Years of Age, and under thirty ; muft be, or. have been, a Student of thifUni- verftty; and mull produce * Certificate under the Hand of the Profeflor, that he has attended twenty Lefturcs in the c. ourfe of fome one Yew. That Effay to which tiie Prize Ihall be adjudged, muft be publifticd, by the Authour, within two Months from, the Time of his receiving the Medal and Books.-— And any Opinion advanced in the Elfay of a Can- didate for this Prize, contrary ( in the Eftimation of the ap- pointed Judges) to tbe Articles of the Church of England with refpeil to OUT Saviour s Divinity and the Perfonality OF the Holy Spirit, is to dilqualify fuch Candidate. THAMES NAVIGATION. THIS is to give Notice, that the next General Meeting of the Commillioners appointed for putting in Execution the feveral AQs of Parliament made for im- proving and completing the Navigation of the Rivers. Thames and Ifis, from the Juril'diftion of the City of Lohdon, near Staines, in tbe County of Mi'ddl lex, to the Town of Crick- lade, in the County of Wilts, will be held at the- Town- Hall, in Windfor, in the County of Beiks, en Satutday the 10th Inftant, at Eleven, before Noon. And Whereas, at the two laft preceding General Meeting* of the faid Commilftoners, it has be< ii ordered, that the feveral new Pound Locks lately erected 011 the faid Navigation, at ot near Abingdon, Old Abbey Lock, at Ofeney, Godllovy, Ruf- ney, Bufcot, aiid St. John's Bridge, fhall be opened lor the Parage of all Barges, t< oats, and Vetfels navieated on t;! e laid Rivers, on the spth Day of November ( then next now) Inftant, and that from and after that Day tbe old Locks contiguous to fuch Pound Locks, will be ( topped up: And it was further ordered, that on the faid 20th Day of Novembet Inftant, and from and after the Tine of opening each of the faid Pound Locks refpe& ivelv, a TOLL be laid and taken at each ® f tie'faid new Pound Locks/ or ever* Voyage ol every Barge, Boat, or Veffel, and for every PafTaje of every Float or Raft, of FOUR- PjJNCE a Ton, according to the Quantity effueh Float or Raft, or the Burthen orTou- nage fuch Barge, Boat, or Veliel is capable of carrying, when ' laden three Feet and trine Inches in depth, if capable of being fo laden, or otherwife., according to fhe full Burthen or Ton- nage, when laden within two Inches, of the ihalloweft Par' of the'Wale : And that half ti. es. above- mentioned Tolis belaid and taken at the faid Pound Locks for One Pafiage only of every, fuch Birge, Boat, or VeiTel: • And alfo, that- a Toll belaid for each- and every of the Ferries made arid eftabjilhed by the faid Commrffioners on the faid Navigation,. of Two. Pence for each H4rfe ufed in cowing the Barges that ihall je carryedover fuch Psiry : Now this is furttmr• t<* giy « , Nofiee, that the Cemmiffionert of the faid Navigatjon-,' » t ths. faid. next General Meeting, do ' ift'tend to confirm th* above- mentioned Orders or Re'olutionj for laying tiie faid TSik, actl every of tbeot,. in order Slat the fame may lie ellabhfhed and put . into execution, according to the Directions of the faid Aihv from and immediately after tile laid 2oth Day of November Inftaut. By Order » f the ( aid Cemmiifioners, " * HENRY AtLNUTT,. ' L - '. ' Oetieral Clerk, to th. faid CitgaHSmmtM * Great Mirlak, Buck*, Ncv, 1, ,1790. ... , ... JS- , f LAPSE of TIME. fo the PRINTER, of the St. J. CHRONICLE. S I R, IAm ah old woman, though ai able to walk thettreets of London as. I was dxty- three years ago, but BOt having been in town fome years, I cannot get out of my head thofe beautiful lines of Dr. Young, wherein he likens man's life to a river— " For ever changing— unperceiv'd the change." for I find the fame crowds of people palling through Leiceller- fields ; I fee the fame wheel- barrows piled up with oranges and apples, the fame baliad- fingers, buckle- fhops, and Ihoe and " boot warehoufes, which were there near feventy years ago; yet, in faft, perhaps fcarce any thing remains, either animate or inanimate, except the dwellings of the various inhabitants; and they too have been changed over and over again ; yet we continue to move on in the fame crowd ; for " we call the crowd the fame, thefame we think our life, nor mark the mark irrevocably lapfed, and mingled with the fea." I wifhed to pour out thefe thoughts upon your paper, in ordtigHo re- move them from mine, as. it is already too full ot the marks of a long life, which, between you and me, Mr. Baldwin, is but a filly affair, whatever we are. Your's, Ail OLD STR BET- WALK E*. I have juft read thiJlsctcr to my maid, and Ihe fays as how it is all very true, we are all nothing but mSriar. * ^ .... : RICHES. - .',.;,.., To the Printer of the St. J. CHRONICLE. SIR, JT is an tftabliihed maxim, than riches are the natural foil for arrogance and, defpotick pbwer, • rid that in the individual who poiicU'es, them, it feldom fails of producing an ample crop of both. Providence deligned riches for the difFufion of kappiuefs and comfort; but man makes them the inftruments of- unlawful power, and authority.— I was led into thefe reflexions by living in the neigh- bourhood of one of thefe defpots, whofe conduft verifies and confirms the. maxim. I was further led to confider a fccondary or vivifying caufe, by which means the crops are more abundant and made perennial. Thefe great men in general have livings to beftow, and to the difgrace of human nature,, and particularly of men, who, from their education, ought to be exempt from fuch mea- fures, the body of the Clergy can aKyays furnifh afefficient number who will debate themfelves by their fervility and adulation ; and fo obtain " the promifed land," will fubmit to wear their patron's collar as terms of acceptance. It is this that gives the Great improper ideas of themfelves; and it is this that" makes them deport themfelves to an independent man, who will not difcoyer a ftmilaf abj. eftnefs of mind, with contumely and aver- fton. Whenever bad habits are countenanced ( and efpecially by men who hold a facred office) they become inveterate, nay incurable ; and it is a faft to be depended on, that whereever a Clergyman is of that conformable mould, it follows, as natural as the effedt froiri a caufe, that the great ' Squire is a defpot. Rochefeucault, who underft. ood human nature well, tells us why the fycophantis not difcerned in fuch charadters— " Flattery is like falfe money ; and if it. were not for our own Vanity, would never pais in payment." What pre- cminence is there in riches f They are adventitious; and another- revolution of the ivhcci might have turned the rich ' Squire into a Shoe- black ! They are inherited by forrte who have no other litle torefpeft; and acquired fraudulent- ly by others. I was early taught, that nothing , is efiimable in man but Virtue ; and rhat doflriiii I adhere to without afpiring to be acquainted with thofe who poffefs it not; and without being mor- tified at their infolence, but not without aliening the privileges of my nature, " and dtfpiniig the pimp and the parafite. FIRMtJS. MAXIMS on GOVERNMENT; From Mr. B V R K E'S Letter. f o confirm tie, olfcr- natiou which we made in our Review of Mr. BURKE'S PrcduH- ion, that it might ha ve been, called An EfTay cm Govern- ment, we now prefent cur Readers with fucb fentences as f; tm to us to, merit attention in the light of Political Maxims-, They are extraSi. ld frem various parts of the work, and arranged fo as to fhow their coincidence with each other. ELIGION is the bafis of civil fociety, and JFV. the fource of all good and all comfort. ' I'henatural p'rogrefs of the paffions, from frailty to vice, ought to be prevented by a watchful eye and a firm hand. When men are habitually convinced that no evil can be acceptable, either in the aft or the per- million, to hitaWjiofe effence is good, they will be the better able to extirpate out of the minds of all magiftratcs, civil, ecclefiaftical, or military, anything that hears the leaft refemblance to a proud and lawlef's domination. Government is not made in virtue of natural rights which may and'do exifl in total indepen- dence of it. It is a contrivance of human wifdom to provide for human wants; and in this fenfe the-, refiraints on men, as well as their liberties, are to be reckoned among their rights. Whatever each man can feparately do, without trefpaffing on others, he has a right to do for himftlf; And he has a right to. a fair portion of all which fociety, with ail its combinations of fkill and force, can do in his favour. But as to the lhare of power, authority, and direftion, which each individual ought to have in the ma- nagement of the ftate, that I mufl deny to be amongft the dircft original rights of man in civil lbciety—^ Ic is a thing to be fettled by convention. Society is indeed, a contraft— but it is not- a ya; tnerlhip in things lubfervient only to the grois animal exiftence of a temporary and pewfhabie nature— It is a partnerfhip not only between thofa who are living ; but between thofe who are living, thofe who are dead, and thofe who are tq be born. A perfeft Democracy is the moft ( hatttefefs thing in the world. As it is the moft fhamelefs, it is alfo the moft fearlefs. No man apprehends in his perfon he can be made fubjeft to pa- nifhment. Ariftotle obferves, that a Democracy has many llriking points of refemblance with a Tyranny. Nobility is a graceful ornament to the civil or- der. He feels no ennobling principle in his own heart who willies to level all the artificial initia- tions which have been adopted for giving a body to opinion, and permanence to fugitive efteem— It is a four, malignant, envious difpofuion, with- out tafte for the reality, or for any image or re- prefenution of virtue, that fees with joy. the un- merited fall of what had long flouriihed in fplen- dour and honour. A State without the means of fome change, , s without the means of its confervation.— But when the advantages cf the pcii'efiion and of the pro- jeft are on a par, there is no motive for a change. The evils of inconftancy and verfatility are ten thoufand times worfe than thofe of obftinacy and the blindeft prejudice. Rage and phrenzy will pull down more in half an hour than prudence, deliberation, and forefight . ean build up in an hundred years. In all mutations ( if mutations there muft be) th- e circumflance which will ferve moft to blunt ihe edge of their mifc'iief, and to promote what gcod may be in them, is, that they ihouldTTnd us with our mmds tenacious of juitice, and tender of property.. A man full of warm fpeculative benevolence may wifh his fociety otherwife conftitutcd than he finds it; but a good patriot and a trua politician always c. otifjders how he { hall inake-' the moft of < i. e exijlirig materials of bis country. A cifpo'fi- tiop to preferve, and ah ability to improve, taken together, would be my flandard of a Statefman. Every thing elfe is vulgar in the conception, and perilous in the execution. Kings, will be tyrants from policy, tvhenSubjefts are. rebels from principle. Some part of the wealth of a country is as ufe- fully employed as it cahbe, in fomenting the lux- ury of individuals—: lt is the publick ornament— it is the publick confolation— it nourifhes the pub . lick hope. Nothing is a due and adequate reprefentaticn of a State that docs not reprefent its ability as well as its property. I have never yet feen . any plan which has not beenmendedby the obfervations of thofe who were much inferiour in ucdsrftanding to the perfon who took the lead in the bufinefs. At the old original Licenfed Offices of- RICHARDSON, GOODLUCK, AND c0. Stock- Brokers, in the Bank- Buildings, Cornhitl, and oppofite the King's Mews, Charing- Crofs, The TICKETS and SHARES of TICKETS - the IRISH STATE LOTTERY, which begins Drawing the 15th of November next, are now felling at the underftated current Prices. Tbe Prizes paid as foon as drawn. Perfons " in the Country, favouring thefe Offices with their Commands, may detend on the. moll pundtual Attention and Fidelity in every legal Department of the Lottery- Bufiaefs and publick Funds. Hank- Bills, Bills of Country Banks, or Bills payable iu London of fliort Dates, fent by Poll, will be immediately anfwered. Likewife, Orders fent by the different Stage- Coachmen, Carriers, & C. particularly addrelled to th. fe - Offices, will be as honourably tranfa'dled as if the Parties thcmfelves were prefent. ... The. Engliih State Lottery, begins drawing the 9th of February uext, Tickets and Shares in wicli are alfo on faie. Schemes at large of both Lotteries given gratis. Prices of Irilh, l. s. tl. Ticket Half Fourth " Eighth , Sixteenth 1- 8 Prices of Englilh. Ticket Half Fourth Eighth Sixteenth 1. s. d. The Prizes lu all former State- Lottefies" paid in full. In the lad and late State- Lotter'urs, fmce tiie Year ' r7- 6^, a great Proportion of capital Prices have- been fold in- Shares and Tickets, at thele Offices, too numerous to ' mention. A NECESSARY NOTICE. ADVENTURERS WHO WISH TO PURCHASE - REAL SHAKES OF IRISH LOTTERY TICKETS, ARE REQUESTED TO TAKE NOTICE, That no Share, uiider any title or denomination whatever, is legal or fecure, which is not ftamped with. th£ Words •" State- Lottery StMiip^ Offtce, 1790," and delivered to the Purchafer at. tbe Time of adventuring. L. 20,000 , 10 000 5000 200 5° • 5 HALF A TICKET, at 3I. 18s. will gaia I,. 10,000 if 5000 2500 1oqo - 2000 500 - 1000 250 - 500 50 7 JO And 410' I.. 250 if til ft drawn, the firft, third, fifth, feyenth, ninth, eleventh, thirteenth, fif- teenth, feventeenth, twen- tieth, twenty - thiid, and twenty- lixth days of draw- ing'; and 250I. if laft drawn. A Quarter, at 2l. will be be intitled to exadtly One Half of the above Sums. AN EIGHTH. at tl. 6d. will gain THE TICKETS are Selling on the lowefl Terms, and are divided into Stamped Shares, By Mr. NICHOLSON, At his State- Lottery G. lice, Bank- ftreet, Comhilf, Oppifite the Front Gate if the Bank of England ; Where, in the two lull irilh Lotteries, the Capital Sum of. SIXTY THOUSAND POUNDS, and upwards, was gained for lefs than Forty Potulds 1 The Particulars are inferted in the Schemes at large, given gratis. Begins Drawing the t? thof November. Tickets are expected to rife, as this Year's Irilh Scheme is much more advantageous, there being only Two Blanks to a Prize, inllead of Three. L. 2500 1250 625 250 125 if L. 20,000 5000 2000. 1000 5.00 ioo 5° 15 9 62 10 12 10 6 5 r 17 6 And 1- 26 L. 62 10s. if firft drawn, the lirft, third, fifth, feventh, ninth, eleventh, thirteenth, fifteenth, feventeenth, twentieth, twenty - t| iird, and twenty, fix th days of drawing; and 62I. 10s. if laft drawn. A Sixteenth, at Half- a- Guinea, will be intitled to exaftly One Half the above Sums. All of which will be paid as foon as drawn, purfuant to Aft of Parliament. Englilh Lottery begins Drawing 9th February 1791. PRICE OF SHARES. 8 2 o I Eighth - 216 4 2 • 1 Sixteenth - 1 I o - - " . TJ N,- w A R E. it RNOLD FINCHETT, Tinman, No. iSS, Xl two Doors from St. Dunftan'f Churcii, Fleet- llreet, refpeafully informs t; he Publick that he furnifhes Families with complete Sets of Double Block Tin Kitchen Furniture, made in the'moft improved NILmner, at 81. Ss. Any Article may be had feparate. ' He. alio lias tiie greateft Variety of Patent Lamps; alfo Chamber Lamps which burn without Smoke.. He alfo has a large Aft'ortmcnt cf Lamps and I. ant- hortis for all ufesi Mudge's'Inholers'for Coughs and Stjrt Throats, Hearing Trumpets to affift Deafnefs, Chamber Ba- thing. Machines^ Venifon Difiies and tampsi BftnCteange- Moulds; with a large and general Allortment of Tin Ware, Ironmongery, Braziery., and Pewter Ware. Variety of Pon- tipool Japanned Ware, & CV & c. Genuine Spermaceti- Oil, for Chamber and Patent. Lamps. For SHOES,"" BOOTS, & c. ~ BAYLEVs" PATENT CAKES, for making SHINING LIQUID BLACKING.— Price 6d each Cake.. THE great Degree of Reputation' ' which the GENUINE BLACKING CAKES have acquired, having induced many Perfons tocouitterfeitthem, and tnipofe on the Publick a bad' and fpufious Sort, which are injurious to the Leather, and have, none of the good Qualities \ phich the true are fo well, known to potlefs'- rln order to prevent as much as polfible iuch Itnpolitions in future, tbe Patented heg> it may be observed, that each of his Cakes has a Label patted on it, with th fe Words, " By the King's Patent, Cakes lot making Shining I. iguitl Blacking, prepared by WILLIAM BAYi. EY, Cockfpur.- Street, London," and as many of tfie coutiteifeit Cakes nearly refemble'the true- ones, in appear- ance, but. may be difcovered by the Name 011 the Label being differently fpelt, or the Word ( as) inferted before the Word prepared ; it is hoped thefe Circumftances will be attended to. The Genuine CAKE? are fold Wholefale and Retail, by BAYLEY and LOWE, in Cockfpur- ftreet, v+ here very large Allowance is made to thofe who buy Quantities for. Exportation, or to felt again. N. B. The• Patentee particularly cautions retail Venders againft the many Impofitions praftifed by Perfons who go about felling, and tajting orders for Cakes', ( pretending to be authorifed by him) as no Perfon whatever is employed' by him for that Purpofe, he requelL them to apply immediately to Cockfpur ftreet, where all Orders by Letter, or otherwife will be punctually attended to. IRISH STATE LOTTERY, Q EG IN S drawing on the 15th of November, X jt 1790, the tickets and Shares of which are now felling in 1 * 1'' greateft . Variety of N tnibers and loweft Prices, by f. Wi. NHAMj at his old and only Office, No. 11, Poultry, London, ( having. no Connexion whatever with any other) where, in the laft and former Lotteries, were fold and lhared Capitals- to the under Amount, viz. of L. 20,000 is L So, coo "] ' This Day waspul. lijbed, In OtW, t'ricfr Fivt- S' illings, fewed, REFLECTIONS or. th? REVOLUTION in FRANCE, and on the PROCEED'- INGS in certair SOCIETIES in LONDON relative to that Event. In a Letter intended to have be^ n fent to a Gentleman in Paris, By the Right Honourable EDMUND BURKE. Printed for J. Dodfley, in Pall- Mail. This Day was puhlifhed, Price One Shilling and Six- Pence boun3,- The TENTH EDITION of- THE FRIENDLY INSTRUCTOR ; or, A COMPANION FOR YOUNG LADIES AND YOUNG GENTLEMEN: In which their Duty to ® » d and their Parents, their Carriage toSupeiioufs and Inferioui.,, and feveral other very ufeful and inftrucl'jfe LclTons, air recommended. In plain ar. d familiar Dialogues. With a. Recommendatory Preface. By P. DODDRIDGE, D. D. London : Printed for J. F. and C. Rtviigton, T. Long ijiau, C. Dilly, andj.. Scatcherd, and [. YVhitaker. To- Morrvw will he pitblifhed, Price NINE SHILLINGS bound, Tiie T H I R 1) E- D I T I O N, of HE NEW INSTRUCTOR CLERI CAL1S, In the Court of Common Pleas. By JOHN 1 M 1' E Y, Of the Inner Temple. This Edition has undergone a thorough tevife ; receive-?, many alterations, ard I'ome new he- ids arc intioduccd-; . tuularly proceedings by Original, Quare c- laul'um fteg'it, ami Replevin,' and alio » il the cafes to the end of the lift term. Printed for T. Wliieidon, No. 43, Fleet- Street. Of whom may be had, The Fourth, Edition uf the New inltruftor Clerical;? in the Court of King's- BenCh, and Office of Sheriff, by tlie fame ' authour. 4 8 ' 4 30 45 No. of Prizes. 1 1 2 4 6 10 3° 80 2.500 10,000 to, oeo Sorouo 5,000. 3S'Oai ! • - 3,000 v ^- 273,5° ® 2,000 2 ', 000 j 1,000 30,000 J . 500 22,5> oJ T H - E C 11 £ M E. of S C. Value of each. £- 20, coo- 10,000. 5,900 2,0t0 ijCibo jco l. OO 5° • i 9 Tot. Value. 20, COO 19, oqo ,. j 0,000 8.000 6,000 4,000 37,500 90.000 12,647 Prizes L. 193, Firft drawn Ticket . Ditto the 3d, rth, 7th, 9th n th, 13th, I Jth, 17t. fi: 20th, 23d, and 26th Dayt 500I. each LaftdVawa 27,355 Biatiks 500 500 40,000 Tickets L. 200.000 PRICE » f SHARES. Half, Quarter, 1. s. d. 3 18 c Eighth" Sixteenth 1. s. Half Quartet Correfpondents rcjjsitting good Bitls at a Short Date, treated 011 the fame Terms' as if perfoiially dealing. j. VVENHAM begs the Publick will lake par icular No- tic , he is totally, uncomiedled with any other Office, than , No. , ti, in tiie Poultry, where only he has cairyed 011 the Lottery Bufinefs for thele laft. 30 Years. E S" ITT TO be Sold by Aaflion, by Mr. CHRISTIE, at hjs Great Room. Pall- Mall, on Thurfday, the nth of November, at One o'Clock. A DESIRABLE FREEHOLD ESTATE, confifting of " the SCI rt . of the. MANOUR of BELDHAMS, with its . RIGHTS, MEMBERS,' and APPURTENANCES, See. with good HOUSE, OUT- HOUSES, BARNS, ORCflARD, : GARDENS, A- c. by Eftimatio'n about ' SEVENTY ACR. E. S, Of RICH. LAND ( excepting two Acre?) compaft, wi hin a Ring Fence, let on Lca'fe to ' Mr. William'Baker, but now 111 the occupation ot Mr. G. Englilh, fof a- Term of fixteen Years and a ha! 1', from Oiloiej, 1778. at theijenrly Rent of SEVENTY POUNDS and upwards. The Premilfts are fituate at THORPE, fri the County of ' ESSEX. May be viewed- with Leave of tlie Tenant; and printed Particulars may be had. at the White Hart, Colcheter j Swan, Coggclliallj of rhe Printers of the Chelmsford and Bury Papeis; the Ra nbovv, C'oinhitl ; and in PaH- Mall. ~ SUR il.\ MP SH1 K'EI TO be Sold, by Auftion, by Mr. NORTON, at the Bufti Inn, at l: arnham, in Surrey, 011 . Thurfday t'- e 12th of November, at Twelve o'Clock precit'elv, by order of the. Devifee of WILLIAM BENDYSH, Efq deceafed. THREE IMPROPRIATE RECTORIES; comprifing the Great and Small TYTHES of ihe fevenl Parithes of . FRENSHAM and E I. ST ED. in ihe County of SURREY, ! and of I3ENTLY, in HAMPSHIRE, witft the Prel'etitatioii to luch three Chapels when vacant: together ivith a MAN- ' SION- HOUSE, and Offices, at Frenlham, forcierly the Archdeacon's Place, held by Leafe lor Lives u. der tha Arch-, deacon of Surrey. Alio 111 twoother Lots, two fmall FREE. HOI. D FARMS^ firuatcd st Frenflum ami Churt; being in tiie Whole about the yearly Value of SEVEN HUNDRED and FIFTY POUNDS. Further Information may be* had-, by application fo Mr. John Harding, of Frenlham ; Mr. John W'ilkinfon. 01" Li- fted ; John Bu'tterffeld, El'q. at Bentley; or Mr. Daniel Norton, at Uxbridge. Printed Particulars may be had at the Place of Saie ; King', Ann', at Bagfhof ; White Hart, at Guildford; and at Peek's Coftee- houfe, Fleet- ftrcet, Loudon. ST AFFORDS HIR tT TO be SOLD by Auftion, by Mr. STONE, in various Lots, 011 Monday the 8th livliant, and fol- lowing days, at the houfe of Mar) Tomllnfon, known by tie ' itgn of the Royal Oak, at Clieadle, in the County of Stafford, The F. EE SIMPLE and INHERITANCE of all thofe the MANOURS or LORDSHIPS of GHEADLE and KINGSLEY. within the faid County of Stafford, with the Rights, Royalties, Meijiberf, and Appurtenances, the . Waftes and inclofures whereof abound in Coal, near a navi- gable canal, and in the neighbourhood of feveral Btafs and Copper Works, as well as P. ourithing Manufactories ; together with the MANOUR FARM. of CHE ADLIi, called PARK- 1 HALL FARM, acid feveral other capital Freehold, Dairy, • and Arable Farms, and valuable Wood Lands, Meffuagns, i and Cottages, with the appurtenances, let to refponlible pcr- . fons, principally tenants at will, at old rents, capable of great improvements. Experiments, by boring in fevera! parts of the eftate, are now making, as a latisfaflory proof that great quafttUie. ef coal may be got upon tli « premifles Mr. [ ohn Steel, of Clieadle, will ( bow. the eftates, and [ Srinted particulars may be had of him; and of Mefi'rs. Peart and Miller, Portugal- Street, Lincoln'sJfnn- Fields ; and of Mr. Stone, ftirveyor, at'No,' S, Holboarn- Couit,' Gray'S'Inn, London, 7" his Day were puhlifhed. Price Two Shillings and Six- Pence, ( Infcribed to the Right Hon.' Lord KEN YON i KMARLS on the RELIGIOUS SENTr. ^ MENTS of learned and eminent LAYMEN; viz. Sir llaac Newtot?, - Honourable Robeit Boyle, Lock-., Sir Mauhew Hale, Addilon, Nelfon, Lord Lytfelto% Weft, and Soame je'njtps. - With otcafional Refleftions 011 Incredulity. Sold by Meff. Robinlon, Patern after- row, London; MeC Metlill and Lunn,- Cambridge; Melf. Fietc;.. r and Prince", Ox; ord ; and other liookfellers in 1 own aAd Country. N. B. This Publication is recommended to t ofe whofe religious Sentimeiits are not perfectly eftabliflied ; wherein they, may fee' that the greateft Philolbphers, a. nd. Men the m ilt eminent, for tbeir Learning and Knowledge, though I aymen, have- teftificd their u.- ifeignedBelief ia the Chriftian Rciigioil. , 1 This D/ iy wds pubUjfitd, HpHE CLERICAL and- U.\ IVERSAL 1 ALMANACK for the. year 1791. The Book, Price is.— Sheet, jy„ Printed and puMiihcd' fai- ufual) at the Logogiaphlck Prefs, Priytm. 2- Houfe- SquaTe,*- Blackfriars; for |. Walter, No ifc'o Piccadilly; land fold by all other b'ookfcllers, 111 Great- Britain and Ir [ and. C^ Great cblri'plaints having been received of the incor- redtnefsof the laft CLERICAL ALMANACK, has " in- duced the proprietor ro difniifs tlte late Editor, whofe nanie it bore, and whohas taken upon him t » publifh aJimilar oris in oppo'ition ; though fie has, as appeals by jiis own apology^ fallsn into his former dilieputable errors. The proprietor - therefore, feels it incumbent on him to folicit a contiimancs of that patronage, which has been fo flatteringly befto. ved 01 this publication, ( as it has been very carefully conedfed anil much improved this year, by the addition of a number of ufel'ul articles) and to caution the publick ajatnft another Almanack being obtruded 011 them for The CLERICAL and UNIVERSAL, the plan ofwhich has been fo much approved or the laft five year's, LIFE OF JOHN ELWES, Eiq. This Day was pnblijhed, Ornamented w ith an elegant POR TRAIT of t: re late JOHM ELWES, I'lu. eiiaaved by Anker Smith ; and a View of INVERARY CASTLE, in Scotland, the Seat of the Duke of Argyll, taken on the Spot by Garrard, and beau- tifully executed by Morris, No. XXV'Hi. ( for O- lober) Price is. of The LITERARY MAGAZINE AND BRITISH REVIEW. ' t his Number, bcfiiks a great Variety of inftnHVive and entertaining Articles; contains a copious Life of the late Mr. Elwe.; Memoirs of Abcn Ali, the Arabian Traveller, in which are inffoductd his Tranfaaioiis with Lord Rawdon, the Vice. Chancellor of Oxford, Mr. Bmu. oy, and Dr. Wil - liam Thothfort, of Fitzroy- Street; written by a Literary Gentleman intimat ly acquainted with him during his Reli- dence in London—- M de S. ull'ure's Journey up Mount Rofe, and a deferiptive Account of Inverary, Publilhed by C. Fouler, No 41, Poultry; Abbot and Co. No. 76, Long- Acre; and by all Bookfellcrs, This Day werepublifhcd, In nn- io. ( printed on a fine paper) Price' 3. 6d. boards, ~ IR1GIN A L MIS C E L L A N K O U S P O E M S By T. S M I T H Confiftmg of the following, fubjeits, viz. The Female Cooler, FaOi'ori a Satire, Eccentricity, Patience, ap Ode, Bachelor's Confolation, P. 11 egVric'al Critique on Dr. Young's Night Thoughts, Vinue, Supreme Good, aviffon, See. $ ct. See. London; Printed far G. Sael, at his Englifh Library, Newcaflle- llre t, Strand. Wlu- re may be had, juft publiflied, 1. BiirVittKxpolitory NoteS) with Pradtieal Obfervations on the New Tethmenf, publilhed in 40 weekly numbers, making one handfome Volume, in Folio, Price il.- 3s. boundi N. B. Any fi- ngle number may . be had feparate. 2. Stridlu. res on Modem Languages, -& c. by J. oe St. t M. trie, 8vo. fewed, rs. 6d. 3. Sael's Catalogue for 1790; confifting of a large collec- tion of books in various languages, including fome valuable parcels latily purehafed, out ol l'everal curious Libraries. Alto in the Prefs,. and in a few days will br- pu& liihed, the Almani3k <^ jid. Planetary- for 1.790 Price is. F all the Medicines ever ulhered into the world, nnnc has been hitherto introduced with an edit fo really founded on intrinlick merit as The MILITARY D R OPS. The evres eiiedled by this noble medicine fince its in'ro- dtidfion intb this kingdom, have been of a magnitude aimoft- to exceed belied. Among thefe, Mr. Roberts, of Peters's ftreet, near Bilnopfgate- llreet, defcribes in his affidavit to the High Court of- Chancery, a cafe of Scurvy, fo- tery de. plorable, that the cure really muft be conlidered, in the words of his affidavit, " lo truelyfurprit- ng, as to be little lefs than fttpernatural.'' The cafe of a 1 dy of fortune, cured by thefe wonderful drops, is declared in one of lief letters, *' to have been mt; re Ihocking than any ever yet de- fcribed; I do not except,' 1 cmK'fues flu-, " the great one publilhed by Mr. Roberts, Dor eeeiT t'tofe lo arfedlingiv pourtiayed in fcriptu're of job arid N- zuUs.' 1 Nor doeir either of rhefe claim a pre- eminence of i. Sffrv beyond th'.;.? ' of Thomas Woo;', at Mr- Driver s, T rmik* o^ aker, m Cockfpur- ftreet, Hay- Market: what degree of fcurvy could poffibly exceed that whereir, this unhappy man ftates, " his haying had eruptions over his whole body, his face alt in blotches, bis legs afflidfed with virulent ulcers, with ex- foliations of the bone, and dreadfully fwe'led ; that the pain? were excruciating, his n'tght. lleeplcfs, his days dojedled, ami his meals without appetite." All the advertifed medicines of repute for the fcurvy, and all private means were tried bv him far twelve years' in vain, until he was quite emaciated and worn out; yet, in taking le;' s than fix bottles of tlie Military Drops, he affirms, that " liis wounds healed up, his appetite returned, his fleep wa found, and, i: i Sac, that he now feels hihilelf as one recov'erfl I - t- m ihe dead " Sold by appointment at Mr. CoWir,;', Perlunr. e'r to her Majefty, corner of Fii. ch- Lant, Goi'uhiil,' at 4s. per bottle, 01 !• ven bottles for it. 4s. N. B. Libetiti Atllowanoe for e'xfortitlOn t « country VfRjerj. " THURSi . FOREIGN Y, Nov. FFAIRS. LEYQEN— Oft. 28." • R. Elliot, the Britifh Envoy at the CburPcf " Denmark, is certainly go- • . ing - to Paris upon a meffage . from his Court, the abfdute purport of which is not publickly known ; but it is. faid to be very pointed, , and even to go fo far as to fay, " that if the armaments at Brett "• join the'Spahifb fleet, the Court of St. James's " will look upon it a- s a declaration of'war." j Copenhagen, 03. 5. The harveft in thjs king- dom having this year been'.' very plentiful,; the King has in confequence permitted the expor- tation of grain; and the prohibition ngaihft it, which has exifted face " the month of OfCbef. lalt yeai", has, by a fpecial proclamation, been taken off. : •' •>• '"'. fo. ,.' "' ". , Algiers, Aug'. ift' 20. A corfair of this n'genjy, having taken a Neapolitan, vefltl near Toufop, fome armed b< 5ats put off from that port, retook the vetfel, and carryd her in agairift th will of the magiftrate. Two Genoefe barks haying alfo, : in fight of Toulon, retaken a prize from another of our corfairs^ . which coll the life of one Algerine, our Dey requires the French Conlu) here' to order the two prizes to be brought back, to pay tooa fequins for the Algerine killed, and 500 more for every onei that Was wounded ; and in cafe of refu- fal he vvi^ give orders . to his corfairs to, attack every French veffel they meet with. Stockholm, Oftober 12. The King, fenfible of the signal fervices of the Duke his Bj- other, narr ticularly in the late war, has given him a diitin- guifhcd proof of his regard by eft. tblilhing a corps of life- guard 5 to ferve him as a guard of honour, fimilar to the one his Majeily has for his own per- fon. This guard will coniilt of 24 ' perfons, who will rank as ohicers, and will have the colours of Suderinania, yellow and black. The Comftiander or Captain- Lieutenant of it will be Count Robert Rolen, Aid de i_ amp. to his Majefty. The 7th being the Duke's birth- day, the King fent him the following letter on the fubjeft : " We have formed for the guard of your Royal Iiighoefs a private co'rpj of life- guards, and have ellablifhed for this corps the annexcd'regulations. Yolir Royal Highnefs, ever fenfibie of the proofs of our fraternal and friendly regard for you, will' experience it alio in this eftabluhment. Should your R'oy'al Highnefs pleafe to regard it as a mili- tary honour, you will trace the caufe in your own fervices: but that caufe is not the only one ; cur acknowledgement cannot be perfect without a proof of our fincerity ; and in the . choice which we have made we have adopted the example of twd heroes, both of whom are^ allied to us by blooc. It was ip this manner that the immortal Frederick the; Second mauifefte'd his e lie em for a brother, who, like your Royal Highneis, has rendered himfelf worthy of it, by fupporting the throne of his - King; and at the fame time„.. the glory of his. arms. It is not a fimple reward that we offer to your Royal Highnefs'; for niftory and porter'itv will record it. In the mean while, yOur Royal Highnefs will. enjoy the refpeft of Europe,., the love_ cf Swed'n^ and the glory of having coura- gebuflyiacqukt'ea yourfelf of the important com- miflions:. entrulted to your charge -; and we fhall* always take a pleafure in convincing your Royal Highnefs, that we retain a lively and gratefuM£- mimberance of. the fervices you have rendered both'to ourfelves and the country. We remain,' & c. . .: • ". J*- GuST/ tVUS." Lijhsn, Sept. 23. M. d'Efquires, the Com- mandertjf a Poruigftefe fquadron, which has been, fince. the- month ef" May lsft, on a cuiife againft' the Barbary corfairs, returned here cn the 19th with a ihip and a frigate. He has been fucceeded by. M. MeJIo. de Brainer, who has. under nis com- mand in the Straits, two frigates, two brigs, and a cutter. Liege, Oft. 19. In confequence of a refolution of the municipal Council, Te" Deum was chaunted here on the 14th inft. to' celebrate the coronation of his Majefty Leopold the fecond, Emperour of the Romans, King of Bohemia and Hungary'. The municipality, and the members of the City ', militia were all prefent in a body, at this cere- mony, during which the. City artillery' fired a falute, and all the bells throughout the City and Fauxbotugs were rung. Confantinople^. Aug, 2.2. Sometime ago Mr. Demettrio Carmalli, a citizen, and formerly an inhabitant of Amfterdam, arrived here. torecover a debt from Mefl'. Arcarnias, which had- been due to him for thefe two years; and the Dutch Envoy fu'pported him with his caedit. Cn the 15th, returning from the country- houfe of - tlii/ Kivoy, he was affaffinated in the" high rqad, and received a- ball in his back, and fix in his arms; but no- thing was taken from him, which proves that the affaliins were no robbers. Tangier*., Sept. 9• On the . 28th of laft month Mr. Vvefther Blount, Conful General of the United Provinces, was admitted, to- an audi » nce of his Mooriffi Majefty, from whom he met with a very favourable reception, and an affurance of . his Majefty's defire to continue in harmony with the Republick ; the audience being ended, that Prince- fent one of his Secretaries to confer with Mr. Blount,- to wjiom he- afterwards fent a letter, cbuched in very friendly terms, requiring an Am- baffadour from Holland to compliment him on the commencement of his reigp. ITarfaw, Oft. 9. After fome flrong debates. On the prolongation of the prefent confederation, it was refolved, ip the feffion of the Diet of y^ f-" terday, that the link of . the confederation ( hall be indi ffoluble, even when another Diet is formed in the month of January. According to this re- folution the Affembly of. the States will then be eompefed of the fame Marfhals, and moft of the Nuncios who compofc the pivelent, and by that means will ftill retain the party which enjoys tlie moft influence. The States ftill continue their deliberations on the Cardinal laws, and '% tve refolved on- ti e- fol- lowing points, ift. the Liber urn Veto at the Diet, without any limitation. zd. The liberty of voting by nuncios at the General Diet. 3d, The liber1 y of the prefs. Frankfort, Oft. 22. The King of Naples has been detained by an indifpoli'tion, but is now better. The Princefs Dowager of Stolberg Worninge- rdde, by birth Princefs- of Anhalt- Coethen, died on the 2d,; at„ Gluckfburg, in the 64th year of her age- • Madrid, 03. 12' On the. 5 th of this month a Brigantme arrived at the PortoLSantander from Moutivideo, with a cargo of 50,796 Piaftres; 10,648 raw hides, and other merchandize. - - I R E L A N D.- Dublin, Oftober 30.- On Sunday night orders were fent by exprefs to the 46th and 61 ft regi- ; inents, for their immediate march to Cork, from whence they are to embark with all poflible expe- dition. Their deftination not known. When- the above regiments fail, with, the 13th,^ 1.5th, arid 16th, which have already failed, 2000 men. will be taken fro. m the Iiifh eftablifhment.. The 35th regiment, and fome others now in Scotland., will bt ordered t- o, Ireland, - to replace thofe which have been removed. Befides the tranfports expefted at Cork in the courfe of this week to take the troops'on board, there are, it is faid, to be eight ftore- lhips, to take in cargoes of fait provilions. * S II 1 P N K W S. Dial, Nov. 1. Wind W. Arrived and failed for the River, the Hope, Lipper, from Bel fa It. Remain in the Downs the Kefifarius, Blackburn, for .. GranaJa ; Anda- lulia, Fitch, for the South Sea ; Planter, Grieve, for Sa- vannah; Bilboa, Palmer, for Bourd. eaux ; Mary Anne, lnnis ; and Duckingfield Hall, Knockles, for Jamaica; and Severn, Wells, for Barbadoes ; with his Majefty's Ships Dictator, Southampton, and Scorpion. LONDON. Their Majefties and the three eider PrincefTes came from the Queen's lodge, Windfor, yefter- day, toKew. The King arrived at St. James's a quarter before one o'clock, where his Majelty had a levee : prefent ( the Landgrave of Furlten- berg) Imperial, Spanifh, and French Amlv. ffa- dours ; Foreign Envoys; the Hereditary Prince of Furftenberg, Count Eynfitelle, and Count Strafi'ci ; . the Archbifhop of Canterbury ; Mr. Pitt, and feveral Nobility and Gentry. The levee was not over till half paft two o'clock. There was no Council. The Cabinet Minders, Mr. Dundas, Mr. Ewart, and Sir Wil- liam Fawcitt, had c'ofet andiences after the levee ; and at half paflriour the King fet off for Kew, to dine wfth the Queen and P' inceffes. The following pres tations took place yefter- day at the Levee t His Serene Highnefs the here- ditary Prince of Furfte^ bc: by the Landgrave his-' Father and the Hungarian Envoy ; Count de Strall'ci, by his Excellency the French Ambaffa- dour ; Count Eynfittelle, by the Saxon Envoy .; Mr. Ewart, by the Pr'uffian Envoy ; Sir Walter Blount and his brother, by the Marquis of Salif- bury; all fnr the firft time. The Loru Chief Juftice of the Court of King's Bench, Earl Glendore, Lords Sydney and Bel- grave, Sir W. Howe, Sir G. Warren, Mr. Dun- das, Set. we're at the Levee for the firft time'this winter. A number of fpeftators attended, in expe& ation of " feeing the'Cherokee Chiefs, who were not at the Levee. Y^ fterday, after the Levee broke up, Jofeph Eivart, Efq. lately arrived from his embaffy at Berlin, was clofeted with the King for upwards of an hour. Yefterday Lietrtenant- General Pitt laid a full flatement of the land forces in Ireland before the King. Yell'erday fummonfes were iffued from the Secretary of State's Office to the whole of the - Privy- Council, to attend. on the evening of Wed- • nefday the 24th inftant, at the Cockpit, White- hall, to hear the Speech read, which his Majefty will deliver from the throne 011 Thurfday the 25th inftant, to both Houfes of Parliament. On Tuefday night,- at eight o'clock, Mr, Drefiin, the Meffenger, arrived at the Duke of Leeds's Office, Whitehall, from Madrid ; on on which a Council immediately met, confifting of all the Cabinet Minifters, who fat from half paft eight o'clock till twelve ; and yefterday Mr. Pitt laid the refult before the King, the Duke of Leeds being prevented from attending the Levee on account of the bufinefs of his office. Yefterday morning one of the King's Meffen- gers was lent with letters from the Secretary of State's. Office to Earl Howe at Spithead. A mef- fenger was al. fo fent from the Admiralty, with letters to the commanding officers 011 board the grand fleet at Spithead, from whence he was to proceed to Ad'mifal Montagu at Plymouth ; and in the afternoon letters were fent from Mr. Secre- tary Grenville's Office to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland. It appears by a letter from Madrid, dated the 1 ith of Oftober, that the Emperour of Morocco is exceedingly inveterate againft the Spaniards; and particularly on account- of the ' flight of the Spanith Conful, who took away with him feveral of his countrymen and fou^ Moors, 011 board of the frigate which had been ordered to convey them to the Barbary « mft. - The Emperour, irritated at fuch a conduft, which he fays is the heighthof perfidy, ordered the heads of his'ovvn Father- in- law, of one of his Minifters, and of the Pacha of Tangiers, to be ftruck off, becaufe they ware fuppoled to be at- tached to the Spaniards, and becaufe it was in their power to haVp prevented the Spanifh Con- fal's efcape. ;. He then fent for all the Spaniards who were at Mequinez, at Tangiers, & C. to make flaves of them, till reftiiution of all his lofl'es be made. • , The EMPEROUR has elevated the Prince of N ASSAU- Us. I N GEN, General of Cavalry, to the rank of Field, and has appointed the Hereditary l- rince RHUS DE GREITZ, Adjoint in the di- rection of railing recruits in the Empire. The EMPRESS of RUSSIA has given orders for ftrengthening the fortifications of Riga,'- and has fent a number of troops thither, which are expefted to be followed by 24,000 Calmucks. THE NEW FRENCH EL AG. THE Jack on the bowfprit; three ftripes bf equal breadth,- arid placed vertically^- that neareft " the Jack- flaff, fed; that in the middle, white; ' ami the other blue. The Enfign the fame as the Jack in the upper quarter, encompaffed with a narrow ftripe ; one half the length red, and- the" other white ; the reft of the enfign white. The fhips of war and merchant- fhips are to carry the fame flag : Thofe of the fliips o{ war are to. have in the. largeft part the'three tlripes vertical,' red, white, andhlue ; the reft of the flag to he, white : The flag and enfrgri will be hoiited onboard, as foon as the orders fhall be given bj . the King. . Extraft of a letter from Rome, Oft. 2'. •' The Pope fent a brief to the- King of' France, in which his Holinefs faid, - that having read the decree of the National Aflembly, which gives the people leave to choofe their own Bifhops, he muft declare that this would entirely detach theChurch of France from the Holy See. To this the King of France has replyed, that he could not avoid giving the above decree of the National Affem- bly his Royal fanfticn, and that he hoped his Ho- linefs would find meacs offatisfying his confcience without the feparation cf the Church cf France.- This and all the - ecclefiaftical affairs of France have given the Pope much concern. The* Car- dinals have had a meeting upon this fubjed, and. their opinion upon it has been communicated to his Holinefs." . • . - - Captain Woodville, of the Rodney, arrived at Briftol, failed from Jamaica the 28th1 of'Auguft. On the 2d of September, at eight in the morn- ing, Cape Antor. io bore E. S. E. five leagues; at the fame time there was an appearance- of bad weather. The Wind increased- till about four in the afternoon, when it blew a ftorm, and Con- tinued till eleven at night. At the fame . time there werfc two tremendous claps' ctf- th& ndsr ; the lightening fo conftant, that it would fcarcely have been poffible to count the flafhes ; the fea rofc in almoft perpendicular waves, each of which broke, and ran in eve;}" direction, owing to the fud- i n fhifting of tlie wind, which came round' from N. N.' E. to S. S.. W. by the weftward"; and although the flup bore the gale remarkably well, ftill flie fhipped an immenfe quantity of water. During the whole gale, the rain poured in fu'eh abundance, that there was no poffibility of look- ing to the windward ; even large bodies of water were railed out of the fea. The violence of " the wind was fo great, that the fliip was kept in a conftant tremor by its power on the mafts and yards; all the fails were fplit, and fome blown away, fo as not to leave a remnant behind, ex- cept the main- fail and main- top- fail; even thofe that were furled were blown locfe and fplit. Between ten and eleven o'clock at night the mizen- ftay- fail- ftieet gave way, and the fail, the only one fet,- Was blown to rags; they were then necefiitated to let the Ihip drive at the mercy of the fea. Towards eleven juft at the period of the claps of thunder, which had a moll terrifying effeft, feemed to be the height of the ftorm. It appeared at that inftant a combination of all that is dreadful in the elements. Towards five in the morning of the 3d, the gale was very much moderated, and the fea fallen. At eight fpoke a French brig from Africa for the Havan^ ah, with two hundred and forty flaves, entirely difmafted. Oran, dated by the Madrid article in Tues- day's Gazette to have fuffered materially by an earthquake, is a very ftrong and important town of Africa, in Barbary, "" and in the kingdom of Tremecan ; it has feveral forts, and an excellent harbour ? it is feated partly on a hill, and partly on a plain, about half a quarter of a mile from the fea, and nearly oppofite to Carthagena. It is nearly two miles in circumference, well forti- fied, but is commanded by the adjacent hills. Mr. Campbell, fon in law to Lord Carlifle, has lately given eighteen thoufand pounds for two houfes near Tyburn Turnpike, which are to be thrown into one, and fitted up in a. fuperiour ftyle of elegance. So determined are the Cherokees, the Creeks, and other nations of Indians in the Southern parts of America, to ftrip the Spaniards of their poffeflions on that Continent, that they will unqueflionably attempt the glorious achieve- ment, even though the policy of this country fhould prevent us from lending any effeftua! affiftance. Extraft of a letter from Woohwich, No- v. 2. " Two companies of the fourth battalion Royal Regiment of Artillery, with a company of Royal Military artificers, have received the Duke tif Richmond's orders for immediate embarkation on : foreign fervice, to be commanded by Col. Wal- ker and Major Paterfon, two of the moft expe- rienced officers belonging to the regiment of ar- tillery. The above companies were yefterday completed to the war eftablifhment by drafts of the beft- difciplined men from the other companies ftationed at this place. They are to march fiOm hence for Portfmotith, there to'embark on board one of his Majefty's fliips of war, and proceed with the brigade of guards cn a fecret expedition, but- their dellination is not known. A large bat- tering train, cofifift'ng of 12 -. wenty- four, 12 eighteen, and 24. twelve pounders,' brafa guns, with One 13 and one 10 inch. mortars, are alfo got ready for this fervice, which circumftance indi- cates the intended expedition to be of great im- portance." The prices of corn quoted in the Gazette for the three weeks, from September 13, to Oft. 2, were 51s. 5d. 51s.' jjd. and 51s. 5d. per quar- ter ; there appears, therefore, to have, been On the joth ult. a fquare- fterned hoy wai towed into Bridlington with lofs of mainrgaft; rnedcr., anchors, Si c. her cargo con fids ci fir timber and ftaves. Nothing can be more ferviceable to the mer- cantile part bf the wflrld, than the'opinion giveri - by the j. adges at the - Old- Bailer on- Tyler's tryal for forgery on Friday laft, that all acceptances in the - name bf - a perfdn who did not exift, 1 Were equally a forgery af forging the name bf any perfon in existence, becaufe it gave a falfe Credit to a bill,, . and the per. fon who received it was injured. This has been repeatedly determined in former cafes. MARRIED.] Yefterday, at St. George'^. Hanover- fquare, Thomas Bligh, Efq. nephew td the late General Bligh, to Lady Theodofia Bligh^ fecond daughter to the Countefs of Darnley. DIKD,] Saturday, at WhiflGH, near Prefcot, aged 81,' James Gildart, Efq. one of the Senior Aldermen qf Liverpool.— Lately, at Dumferm~ line, aged 92, the Rev. Mr. James Thomfon. " If you are determined, my Dear, to adventure in the Lottery, ( aid D" i. Price to a young Lady— hy all means lay out your Money in the lri! h, rather tlwn tae Eriglifh Lottery J for, by clear calculation, the odds are Seven to Six ia yoi-; f Favour. Air I'rilh Ticket at Seven Guineas and a'- KalfJ entitles you to a whole Prize; whereas you muft pay near Eight Guineas Jor a Half Ticket in the Englilh Lottery. By the one C.- iance you may gain ao. oool. by the other it is the fanis impollible thajt you can gain more than te. oool. The chance of your gettiiVytoV own Money back, is precifely in both Lotteries."" A CAR D., WHEN a Perfon in a M dical Station is hSnouted by thfl Nobility and Gentry ( aided by . the Facxttyt with Letters of - Retarn'mendation and Approbation rclatr. e ' to a Medicine which, for ( cventec'n. S'c. H- s, lias . c- piiftantly produced, in. va- rious Parts of the Kingdom, the moft, convincing Pftiof of its - lanative Eaceifence, in rellevin'g'atid curing tliofe Diforders for which : t is adminiftcrcd with unparalleled Sddcefs,— Cart a Proprietor thus dittinguilheu, uitKhold his Exultation, his grateful Ackiiowle& tfftefit, on fo flattering, O.- cafion, which the firft MeJicai CharaJter would lie- proud to receiie ? In . return, the affliaeci may. be alfured tbat a Continuation of tha fame Sentiments which have animated the. Ptefcriher,'( hall, as far as human Pow, 1 extends, be continued ; Candour to the Rich in their Consultations, and that Liberality whit! - - e Poorhave experienced, in Town and Countfjr, eieriince the Difpenfary waa inftituted in 1773. Thofe Perfoiis hi whom Prejudice or ir. tereft raifci a Bar, or rpay be unaeatiainted T.- it- i the fpeciCok Merkf of- a valuable Competition, .. ire re- fpeafully iiifoi- medt itis pirftftly fafe, pieafantin the Admi- hiiteftiori, requiring,, no G.- nfincment, ftreagthens the. Con- ftitution ; and. I'uch Cure:- have, been pej- foimiejl iq Mafe^ ies uVerjfin. Pr> y/" ak-.. ws\ s tii Influence on the Body, even'Tn jhole. dej lo, i- i; ble. v:-. xatious Com, iai- nts as arife or partake of the Scurvy, Gout,} Evil, Rlieumatilmj ; Ulce rs, Pimpled Face, Chifdrens Erupiions, Woimsc Vlti- mours after the' " Sm. ill Pox,' Me.-' Oc-, iTiSanimauori of th4 Eyes; Abfceffes, Confu. nptions,. Mervau.-„ an 1 other iniidenul Caufcs, which affedf tbe V'aletudu-. ai. ar.. to which tl. e human Frame is fd^' li. ible'in - its j ei _- » rina;; on' throueli Life as to kave few Inciviuiials caufe tftJo- v; ' Kxulfaiion t7.. t cyV are free from thole Evils, . and. ftaivl in none: i of'- he- Auti- fcorbutick Drops, which bear tj « Name'of the Pu'shck's Devoted Servant, . ; ERANCTS\ SPllSBURY," Ciiymifc, , Soho'- fquare, October 15, 1790. ' ROUSSEAU'SCONPESSIONS COMPLETE 0,1 Saturday will be publjjhed, In Two Volumes, Twelves, Price 6s. fewed A N F W E D I T ION, And aNEW TRANSLATION of the FI KST PART ae THECONFESSIONS OF J. ). ROUSSEAU; CITIZEN of GE- NEVA. To which are added, The REVTRIES" of a SOLITARY WALKER. Printed for G. G. ]. and J. Robinfon, Pater- nofter- Row. By whom, at the. fame time, yvill be publifhed, In Three large Volumes, Twelves, Price 10s. 6d. fewed, The SECOND PART, To which is added, ANEW COLLECTION of LETTERS from the AUTHOUR. N. B. Either part may bs had fcparate. This Day were pubii/ hed. Price SIX SHILLINGS in Boards, Defigned chiefly for the Ufe of ManufafturerS ' THE CHEMICAL PRINCIPLES OF THE METALLrCK ARTS; with an ACCOUNT of the DISEASES incident to the different ARTIFICERS, and a CONCISE. INTRODUCTION to the STUDY- of CHEMISTRY. By W. RICHARDSON, Surgeon, F. S. A. Sc. Birmingham, printed and fold by T. Pearfon; fold alfo by R. Bald- will, Pater- nofter- How, Londoti; and may be bad of the authour, at his houfe in Newton- Street^ Birmingham. fh is publication contains the Hifto'ry of Ores, Metalsj Compound Metals, the different procefies to which they are fubjecled; as Gildifig, Silvering, & c. the method of pre- paring colours from them, as Ptu. ffun Blue, & c. their pro- perties of tinging gfafs, & c. and will be found extremely ufef'ul, by giving manufaCtur- os a general view of their va- rious applications, and will at all times be valuable as a book of reference. a fall from that time to the 23d of Oftober, of 6s. 9d, per quarter, and yet the price cf bread has fallen only one penny in the peck loaf, which is by no means the fair proportion, and proves the neceflity of regulating the- price of flour as well as the price of bread. From the general opinion that the laft harveft was a very good one, and the large importation of foreign wheat, it was to be expefted that bread would, by tiiis time, have been mush cheaper tfpn it is. EXTRA UTERINE FOETUS. Shortly will be publijhed,. In Quarto, pries, 10s. 6d. to Subfcribers, and izs, to Non- fubfcribers, THE HIS t ORV of a RECENT CASE' of exT'RA- UTERJNE. GESTATION of the VENTRAL KIND; including the fymptoms. of the pa- itient from the eariieft period of her pregnancy to the time of her death ( fixteen months) with the appearances uuou . difie& ion ; and obfihvations on tbe fame. UluftralrJ by 1' eveial Copper. Piates, elegantly engraved . By WILLIAM TURNBULL, A. M. and F. M.'. s! And Member of the Corporation cf Surgeons. in London. Subfcriptions- will be taken in bjithe auinour, Fen- Courf- j Fencburch- Street; T. Pole, Surgeon, Talbot- Coin t, Gmcc. ' church- Street; and by J. Muna , No. 32, Fle « iStreet. N. B. Thf Work to- be compieWd by the Fii'- ft of jauuaryj And alfo by t!; e f. atft Authotir, An ENQUIRY into the ORIGIN and A NTIOUIT Y of ; the LUES VENEREA, - — .1 ....-^ This Day was publijhed, Complete in. One very large Volume OcfaVo Price 6s. Sd. in Boa- ds, or 75. 6d. bound., ' - V Tne TENTH EDITION, Cunfidera'o. ly enlarged, and carefully cdrreftei TH E GENTL- EMAN'S STAB'LE DIRECTORY 5 or, MODERN SYSTEM'of FARRIERY. Comprehending alt the moft valuable pre- options and approved remedies, accurately proportioned* and properly adapted to'rverv known dilcafe to wh'ich tiie Horfe is incident ; intcriperfed with octiaSonal references td the dangerous . andalmofiob.' olett, raflice of Gibfon, Bracken, Bartlet, Ol'mer, and others; alio particular direftions lof ' buying, felling feeding, bleeding, purging, and getting , into condition for toe chafe ; wirh experimental remarks upon the management of Draft Hbrfej, their biemifhes and de feds. To which is now added, A SUPPLEMENT, containing praftieal obfervation's upon Tlu- tn Wounds, Punflured Ten- dons, and . L.; gamentary Lamenel's'; with ample inftruaioijs . for their treatment and cure ;* illuftrared by a recital of cafes including a variety of. nfeful remarks. With a ifuccetstul method of treating the, C A NIKE SPECIES, in that dt- flruitive difeaie cailed tbe DISTEMPER. lnfcfibed to Sir JOHN LADE, Bart By WILLIAM T A P L I N, Surgeon. Printed for G. G. J. and }. Robir.%>,- Pater- nofter- Rowi and C. Kearffcy, Hect- Sfreet.' For tbe St. JAMES's CHRONICLE. - PROLOGUE, Written it the year 1781, By the late Rev. THOMAS WA STOH ; And fpoien at the Winchefter Theatre, nvhich adjoins to the Shambles in that Town, WHOE'ER our houfe examines, muft excufe The wood'rous fhifts of the Dramatist Mufe s • Then kindjy, liften, while the Prologue rambles From wit to beef— from Shakfpeare { 0 the ihamibles, ' Divided only by 3 flight of flairs, The Monarch fwagger » , or the Butcher fwears,—. . Quick. the tranfrtion when the curtain drops, From meek Monimia's moans, to mutton- chops. While for X. otharto's lofs CaJifia cries, . Old women fcold, and dealers d - n your eyes, Here Juliet liftens to the gentle lark, There, in harih chorus, hungry bull- dogs b^ rk, Cleavers and fcymitars give blow for blow. And heroes bleed above, and flicep below. While tragick thunders ( hake tbe pit and box, Rebellows to tbe roar the ftagg'ring ox s Pow- horns and trumpets mix their martial tones, Kidnies and Kings, mouthing and marrow- bones; Suet and f; ghs, blank verfc and blood aboqnd, And form atragi- comcdy around. With weeping lovers, dying calves complain, Confufion reigns, and Chaos comes again. • tiithcryo. virfteel- yards, butchers, bring to- weigV The pound of flefh Antonio's band muft pay ; Hither your knives, ye Chriftians clad in blue, Bring, to be whetted by the cruel Jew. Hard is our lot, who, feldom doom'd to eat, Caft a fheep's eye on this forbidden treit; Gaze on firloins, which, ah I we muft not carve, And, in the midft of legs of muttqns, ftarvc ; But wou'd you to our houfe in crowds repair, • Yegen'rous Captaias, and ye blooming fair, The fate of Tantalus we fliould not fear, Nor pine for a repaft that lies fo near; . iMonarcht 110 more wou'd fupperlefs remain. Nor pregnant Queen? for cutlets long in vain. SERVANTS' ACT. To the PRINTER of tbe St. J. CHRONIC L E. SIR, HAVING read in your Chronicle of Thurf- day, October the 28th, a letter in which the writer fays, that an Atl of Parliament is flill in force, jnflifting a penalty of five pounds upon any one who takes a fervant, without afking his or Jiex cbarafter from the former mafter or miftrefs: 1 4vilh to be informed in what year and reigti that ' All is to be found, as I conceive it to be very little known, though it is highly necefTary in thefe days that it fhouid be generally promulgated and enforced. A CONST ANT READER. ' For the St. JAMES's CHRONICLE. their lives toe cheap, if they are peffeffed ef any virtue, or are capable of dping any' good ? If they are not, they may then confider each ether as executioners, who illegally ufurp the office which the hangman would perform in a more edi- fying manner. I believe in the prefent day there is neither fuperftition nor piety enough to interefl Providence in the event; and therefore I appre- hend the motives which ftimulate are either the violence of refentment,. or the dread of ignominy. It is probable that men dare not treat with neg » left a profeifed duellift, but I think women may. They perhaps dare not countenance a man who ha, s refufed a challenge, becaufe he has a wife and family, or if ftngle, becaufe he thinks his life of more importance to himfelf and his country than to be thrown away. fo idly ( to fpeak no plain- er). But- furely we may applaud the conduft, ar, d encourage the principle, without thc imputa- tion of abetting cowardice. Was it any honour to the Roman ladies that they were prefent at the conduft of the gladiatours f In fine, Mr. Bald- win, f am ambitious, that amongft the improve- ments of the prefent age we fhould have crar. thare of glory ; and think if we were but unanimous in the attempt, real good might be done ; much greater than was produced by all of the edifts of Louis XIV. which only changed a duel into a rencontre. I am, Sir, your's, On. 28., . MARIA. fPARSAtPf— Ocion % 16. Letters from the Ukraine, dated the 7th hit. advife, that the Turks had attacked the Coffacks,; in the neighbourhood of the Salt Waters of Bia- lacefkew, and driven them all away. On the other hand, it is reported, that Gen. Suwarrow has attacked and taken a Turkifhcamp of 10,000 men. Oor Miniller at - the Porte has fent complaints againft theAmbaffadours of certain foreign powers, far impeding the conclufion of the Commercial Treaty between Poland and the Porte. V1£ NNA— OCTOBER 20. , We have intelligence from the cariipi of the GRAND VISIR, that the Hofpcdar MAMO- CENI has expiated his atrocious villanies by deca- pitation. Hii head is forwarded to . Conftanti- nople, by command of the SULTAN. We learn from Conftantinople, that the Porte abfolutely infills upon the reftoration of all the Ruffian captures. The Cadelijker of Rome lie, which is oae of the moft eminent polls ia the Empire has been de- pofed, and driven into exile to thelfle of Cyprus, St. James's Chronicle. INTELLIGENCE EXTRAORDINARY. To CAUSipiCVS. AMoft lingular mark of rapacity and inhu- manity' lately attended the death of a lady, ,3t Shrivenham, in Berkfhire; which, , if jufti. fi- abie by the laws of the country, Teems to claim, the immediate attention of the Legiflamre. The; L^- jy was laft feffed of a lifehsTd. eflate by the Will of the hufband of a grear- aunt, which Will, after her de'eeafe, bequeathed the fame to the Church; but as he died within twelve months after the Will was executed, the laft bequeft to'the Church became nugatory by the flatute of MortT main. In confequence, feveral'claimants ftarted up as heirs at law to the devifee, and under pre- tenfe of taking poffeffi on of the freehold, forced tfreir way into the houfe,- whilft the body of the poor lady lay unburied, to the. number of a dozen . perfons, and were guilty of great indecorum and indelicacy ; while the relations of the deceafed, who were at leaft entitled to all the perfonal pro- perty, were utterly at a lofs how to conduft them- felves, and preferve a decent decorum till the funeral could take place. The opinion of Caujidicus is requefted, how far fu^ h behaviour in the feveral claimants, as heirs at law, vva? juftifiable, and whether they are liable to any, and what pnnifliment, for that which fe< ms to the writer of this, a grofs violation of " the decency and refpeft, iji all ages allowed, to be due to the remains of mortality, and the feel- ings of human nature. pUELLING. fo the PRINTER of the St. j. CHRONICLE. S I R. WILL you forgive the intrufjon of a female pen on a fubjeft, to which ( as- intimately plfefting the peace of many families) I am de- firous, through the channel of your paper, to call the attention of my fair countrywomen. We are flattered with having no" inconfiderable influence in Society ; and if we do indeed refine the man- ner?, and {" often the ferocity of the other fex, if they ow, i' jo t » any of the comforts and polifh of life, I earneftly wifh to fee pur powers exerted to paniifli that remainder of Gothick barbarifm Duelling. The Brave, it is true, have an indifputable • fight to our patronage and efleem ; we feel our need of protection, and naturally admire the cou- rage which fhelters us ; and perhaps this is A prin- cipal reafon why foroe men will break through every tie of duty rather than bc'ftig'matized with Cowardice, But is it brave to defert the dearcft objefts orprotection, to htizard, at leajf, the hap- pjrtefs of thofe peculiarly in'trufted to their , care, and that becaufe a man, Whrt perhaps is fit forno- • Jhirj^ g lb well as to be . ftot at,; efljini » t « s: the life, of anothe/ tobeas, worthlels- aS his own! After all, is thei'natter of diipute decided by ' the fall'of- either f~ Is any thing proved, but th'at'both hold . Laft Monday morning died, at an advanced age, t'te WHIG G ISM of the RIGHT HON. EDMUND BURKE, much and deeply regrett » l by his nu- merous friends and acquaintances. This Perfonage was fuddenly taken ill laft Febru- ary, while in the Houfe of Commons; and rifing haftily, llruck his head againft that of a gentleman next him. This was taken notice of at the time, but the effefts did not appear to be fatal. The WHIGGISM, however, lingered ever fince, and on Monday laftdepnrted this life. Dyingwithout heirs, his effefts, it is faid, become the property of the CROWN. The orders for the FUNERAL have not " been iflucd, but the following is faid to be nearly the ceremony of interment;— Guards with fixed bayonets. Drums— Trumpets—- founding High Mafs. American Rehellion. Influence of the Crown. Paffive Obedience and Non- Refiftance. Whig Club, two and two, muffled. Hurlers of Kings, two and two. Friars, Nuns, and Monks. The BODT. Supported by Dr. Price, Mr. Fox, Mr. Sheridan, Mr. Courtenay, and Lord Stanhope, Lord North. Chief Mourner Mr. Haflings. LONDON. THURS DA T, - November 4. This morning the LORD- MAYOR received a Letter from the SECRETA- RY of STATS, which he read Lloyd's and the Stsci- Exf. bangs,• • that matters are nearly fettled with the COURT of SPAIN; as a Convention was to be figiied at Madrid, on the 27th, between our Ambaffadour and the Spanifh Court, for the outlines of a PEACE. The Meffenger who brings this agreeable news left Madrid the 24th ; fb that by Monday we may expeft further particulars will be made known. In confequence of this important intelligence, the Stocks rofe, at one jump, THREE PER CENT. The proceffton clofed by Cardinals, Bifhops, Abbes, and other Dignitaries of the French Church, The fervice to be chaUnted in Latin. Authpttick Advices from PARIS; by the lajl Exprefs that has arrived. PARIS— OBober 29. . SERVANTS in France are to be taxed in the following manner : Men— three livres ( half a crown) for the firft— fix livres for the feCond, and twelve livres for all above that number— females half progreflively.— The Archbifhop of Paris continues in Savoy, where he is in a ftate of rujlication, being only attended by one fervant— poor- man ! the French refugees wifh to return home—- th « fe that are in the Sardinian dominions are fo wretchedly poor that the Comte d'ARTOis finds it itnpoffible to anfwer their daily calls on his purfe-; that may be one reafon why he is making overtures to return to France himfelf, ' Fhe grand matter now before the Affembly? is, the formation of a High Court of Juftice, to which are- to- be amenable all thofe who are accufed of crimes againft the nation; as yet only projefts have been fubmitted to the National Reprefen- tatives, and it will take fome time before the whole is organized, I fhall now tell you that the arrefiing the Spaniards in an Englifh Port, in the time of peace, is confidered here as unworthy of a great people ; and does not at all contribute to the well- being of the Englifh in France— indeed, there it was in agitation at the club of the Jacobins, where every patriotick fubjeft is difcufi'ed before it is prefented in the National , Affembly, of moving that it fhould be carryed into a taw, for all Frenchmen to drefs in the fafhion of their country, and not continue that of a nation fo inimical to the rights of man ; that the treaty of commerce, fo beneficial to England, fhould be annihilated, on the ground that the Englifh afted unfairly with the French, Ixy felling their • commodities for more than they were'ivorth. and exporting the, very. worft of them to France ;-- of this more another time. The National Aflembly have come to the re- lief of the people of Limoges, which was nearly deltroyed by fire » ( hort time . ago ; on thofe of the province fubjeft to a tax abo* e ten livres, 7 2; 600. livres for ten years are t$> be levied ac- cordingly ; and the Miniffer of the. finances are to: contribute duiing. five years,:— 240,000 livres. ' WHEN the Spanifh. Ambaffadour told our Miniftry, that his mafter had fixty fhips of the line, ready for fea, the declaration was looked! upon as a gafconade, and nobody believed him. M. de la LUZERNE, thedifcarded French Mini- Iter, has juft told his mafter, that he leaves him with feventy fhips of the line, and fixtyrfive fri- gates, at a time when very few here believed they could have muttered up thirty. If we do not give them credit for the whole number, let us not, at leaft, be too incredulous as to a great part of it. There is a confidence in fecurity, which is apt to betray itfelf. Our own accounts, brought by thofe who have been fent to reconnoitre the Porte of Breft, admit that the French havt now in readinefs there, twenty fhips of the line. Letters from Toulon fpeak of eighteen more. In the other Ports they have fome. Cherbourg, S. Malo, Marseilles, Bordeaux, can boaft of feveral frigates. We do not fay, that thefe are all ready manned- But the French failors are now returned tp their duty, and as they are every one regiftered, the Miniftry know where to find them. We do not mean by this to difjpirit the pub- lick. Hearts of Oak are our Ships, Hearts of Oak are our Men ;'* and were our enemies doubie their prefent number, there is no doubt, but the Tars of Old- England would give a good account of them. But it is always of fervice to know the real ftrength of an enemy ; and we h^ ve good reafon for thinking that the prefent naval force of the French and Spaniards is much greater than it has been held or generally reputed to be. It is a miftake alfo that the Spaniards have not fent out any force for America, or the V^ eft Indies. A fquadron has certainly, failed ,/ fom Ferrol, and another fmall one from- Malaga," To what parts theft are bound . will very foon. appear The Pruffian troops are xvery day drawing clofer towards Lithuania. On the fide of C'our- land they are alfo approachiug. Thorn and Dant2ig muft at laft fall. Aut Preee, ant Pretio, aut Vi, it feems the KING of PRUSSIA'S refolu- tion fo carry them. . To prevent this, at any other partition of the territories belonging to the Republick is the intention of the confederacy now forming at Warfaw. That they may be fuc-. cefsful in their defign, mull be the wiih of every true patriot. That Pruffia will be oppofed in this view by Ruffia, is matter of certainty. But bcn< Lachrymec — hence a new war in Europe, to fpread further havock and dtfolation among mankind. The POPE has fent two thoufand Ecus to Mr. CASONI, Vice Legate of Avignon; and eight hundred, with fome dignified titles to the Prefi- dent, as a recotnpenfe for their 2eal, and the hardlliips they have undergone in the late troubles. * By a letter from an officer in the. fsrvice of the United States, from Fort Harmari oh the Ohio," we learn, that the banditti of Cherokee. and. Sha- wanefe Indians, who had long inf'elted the river Faneffe, and the . adjacent country, had been at- tacked and entirely difperfed, after a cynflift with the militia, in which they loft upwards of thirty men. ' • r . ixtralt of a letter from Portfuumti, New. a_. " Laft night, in confequence of a violent dorm, the fleet at Sp> thead ftruck their lower yards, top- malls, and top- gallant- mafts, and pointed their yards to the wind. This morning, however, th « , weather proved more moderate, after a prodi- gious quantity of thunder, lightening, and rain, in the preceding night. " His Royal Highnefs the Prince of Furften- berg, Envoy Extraordinary f*, om the Emperouf of Germany, fet off this morning in V ice- Ad mi.- , ral Roddam's Barge, and paid a vifit to Admiral Earl Howe, by whom he was faluted both on hit entering on boaid and leaving the Queen Charlotte. " His Royal highnefs was acconvpanyed by his fon, and anotlicr Genjleman of diltinftkm, and feemed much pleafed at the grand fight which Spithead at this tim; affords. The fame fatisfac* tion was vifible in " his countenance and acknow- ledgements yefterday, when Le was introduced by Admiral Roddam into the various departments of , ' the yard. The command of thc Americi, of 64 guns , - now fitting here for the reception of land forces, is given to Capt. James M^ Namara ; and Capt, William Bentinck has received his appointment c* the Direftor, vice Cap.'.. Welt.'' One circu. T, fiance hat certainly the appearanco of hoftiUty not lefs than many. others. The va- rious W ine Merchants, and various other dealers- qf this country, who have goods now lying io the Ports qf Spain, have received requeits to in- fure their goods there, as they could not otherwife anfwer for their fecurity. Wednefday night arrived at Falmouth, a King's Meffenger, with directions for the Chefterfield packet, Captain Schuyler ( under failing o'rdersj with the mail for the windward Iflands) to be ready to fail at half an hour's notice ; and on Thurfday evening another meffenger arrived with her fipal orders; ia confequence of which ( he failed on Friday morning at ten o'clock, with a fine breeze at S. E. Her deftination is a fecret ; fhe has carried out the mail for the Windward Iflands; but the Com-; mander refufed to take out a parcel of bullion for St. Kitt's, for which he had previoufly figned bills of lading. The Spanifh. veffel, which w^ s dptained by Lord HOWE, at Portfmouth, was laden with fruit and entered that harbour on Thurfday laft. The plea ufed by the Captain for putting into that port at fo critical a feafon, was the llrcfs of wea- ther, it then blowing a ftiff gale. The grand aflemblage of jewels, the property, of the late Duchefsof KINCSTON, sjnd fuppofeci to be the moft fuperb and valuable poffeife4 bji any private individual, in Europe, have been re- cently recovered by the exertions of Colonei GLOVER, whofe property they chiefly are, anti are now fafely lodged in his town- houfe, fratn the Continent. The furtiimre and effefts of the late Duke op CufcyjERLAN*, at. the Lodge,; Windfor Great Park, having been, BFC appointment of his MA- } ESTY, and the DUCHESS, lately'valued by CHRISTIE, at 7000I. are, at that vaiua^ onf tq becoiWi the property of his MAJESTY. WedneMay the Rev. J. P, ROSE, A, B. of Trinity College, Oxford, was elefted Lefturer of the united pariihes of St. Ann and Agnes, and St. John Zachary, vacant hy the refignation of the Rev. Mr. Faulkner. Dr. Lovell, Archdeacon, of Bath, has prefen. te4 the Rev. W. EVANS, to the Living, of Stanton- Drew, in the County of Somerfet. - MIL- ES PETER ANDREWS, Efq. has, we are informed, a new Play on the Itocks, which is foon to be launched. '.. . The Duke of PORTLAND has, in the hand-; fomeft manner, appointed the fon of Mr. ED- MUND BURKE to the management of his ellates j an office of great truft and equal emolument. Mr. Alderman BOYD ELL has given a fair pro- mife of his Mayoralty by the liberality of hjs en- tertainment on Tuefday. New caftle Fair was held on Friday feft, aj which there was a great fhow of horfes and cattle j indeed few years havt produced a greater abun- dance. The horfes fold very briikly, and ( er good prices; the cattle fold well. The Friendfhip, Gordon, from London to Madeira, is put into Plymouth, with four feet wa- ter- in her hold. This morning was married, at St. Bride's, Mr. J OHN CURTIS, Stationer, of Newgate- BURNSLL, of Gough- fquare, The difference between the fpOculations ^ f in- formed literary charafters, • and thofe of? idle jeftcrs'y were never more apparent ( fays a, Cor- refpondent), than in Mr. Burke's luminous* pam- phlet on the French Revolution, and a former ironical" jKit on the fame fubjeft, by a noted Wit. The one is worthy the charafterof a Brieifh. fe* nator, the other only that of an humble fUcceffor of, Joe Miller. . • f- LORD STANHOPE, convinced by tbe powerful argument and brilliant language of BURKE, has, it" is reported, feceded from the Society, againft which the fhafts of that Oratour's eloquence nave been fo pointedly levelled. ftreet, to Mifs Fleet- ftreet. A few days fince died, at Shrivenham. in Berk- fhire, in the 68th year of her age, Mrs. NKWBLI," widow of the late JOHN NEWELL, Gent. THEATRICAL INTELLIGENCE. " prury. Lanr. J Yefte . iay, Twelfth Night ( Ortina, Mr, BatryTfiore ; Sir Andrew A guecheek, Mr. Dodd ; Sir Toby • Belch, Mr. Palmer; Malvolio, Mr. Besftey ; Viola, Mrsi Jordan).- With The Intrituing Chambermaid. ... The Incpnftant; or, The Way to Win Him" ( Old Mi- rabel," . Mr. Aickin ; Young Mirabel,-' Mr. Wrottghton ; Petit, Mr. R. Palmer ; Oriana, Mrs. Goodall; and Biflarre, Mil'J Farren] i VVirtb No Song No Supper. ,. Coiiem- Cmden."\. Vejlerday, . the Wives Revenged; With The Drama'tifts, and The Provocation. This Evening, Tamerlane ( i'amerlane, Mr. Harley; Bajazst, Mr.. A^ ckio ; and Atp. aii. a, Mr*. Pope) : With Anew Comtek Opera,, called. The fugitive S T O C K a X C- H A N G fi. NOVEMBER 4, 1790. Opening Prices, this bay at Eleven o'Clock. India Stock, — , Pank Stock ' } ptr Cent. An. I i6 4 per Ci Conf, 98 3 pei C. Conf. 74 J 3 per C. red. 77- i . Long Ann. 21 i Dittofhorr, 1777, 12 9- 16 South Sea Stock, — Old Ann; — New Ann.— India Anh, India Bonds,' 43s Pr. Navy Bills, 3 ^ d. if. Exclicijuer Bills — Lot. Tickets 15I. 12s. 6d. IrilhTickets, 7I. 7s. 6d. India Scrip — Tontine — Debentures — . . P* int « d by II- BALDWIN, at she SRITANKIA PRINTING Of r ic s, the Corner of I'Jnion- JirtV A Letter box at tht Whdoy}. * in Nitm Bridge- ftreet, Sldfifrian £ removed from No,
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