The Whitehall Evening Post
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The Whitehall Evening Post
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The Whitehall Evening Post
Date of Article: 28/10/1790
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Address: No.100 Fleet-street, Four Doors from the Obelisk, London
Volume Number: Issue Number: 6564
No Pages: 4
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— 1 [ PRICE FOUR- PENCE.] WEDNESDAY; oa. 27. From the LONDON GAZETTE, Oikbtr 26. St. James's, Oa. 26. lESTERDAY being the Anniverfary of the King's Acceffion to ' the Throne, when his Ma- jefty entered into the thirty- firft year of his reign, the guns in the Park and at the Tower were fired at one o'clock : and in the evening there were illuminations, and other pub- lic demonftrations of joy, in London and Weft- jninfter. Dublin, ORuber 20. The Rev. Robert Cochran, Vicar of Tal- laght, in the county of Dublin, hath been ap- pointed one of his Majefty's Juftices of the Peace for faid county. BANKRUPTS. James
Marmaduke Roffiter, of Union- ftreet, South- > vark, Stone- mafon ; to furrendcr Nov. 2, at ten, 16, at five, and Dec. 7, at ten, at Guildhall. Attorney, Mr. Triquet, Cravcn- ltreet, Strand. Thomas Bamford, of Newcsftle under Lyme, Staf- fordlhire, Hatter; to furrender Nov. 3, and Dec. 7, at three, at the Boot, in Newcaftle under Lyme. Attor- jiies, Mr. Sparrow, ot Newcallle under Lyme, and Me( T. Peake, Southampton- buildings, London. DIVIDENDS. Dec. 1. John Daniel Cailler, Daniel Cailler, and Charles Frederick Caillrr, ot Exeter, merchants, at four, at Swale's Wine- cellar, in the S. rt; e- inarkct, Exeter. Nov. x8. Richard I'mnell,
late of Abergavenny, Monmouihlhire, Cordwaincr, at five, at the White Lion, jn Bruad- ftreei, Biiftol. Nov. 16. Phil p Le gfc and John Leigh, late of Dart' tnoutli, Devonlhire, merchan. s, at eleven, at the Caltle Inn, in Dartmouth. i. Nov. 27. John Thompfon, of High Holborn, bird wareman, at ten, at Guild' all. D c. 4, William Thompfon, of Friday- ltr< ct, inn- hoHer, at ten, at Guildlrail: Dec. 4. Joim W. B -, late of the Old Scotch Arms, Bedlord- buiy, Covent Gaiden, victualler, at ten, Guildhall. . ^ . lo^-. v. late 01 New " VorR. North A merica. but now ot Nottingham- Urcet, St. Mary Je lionr, merchant, at ten, at Guildhall. Nov. 16. John
Alhwell, late of Birmingham, mer- cer, at three, a: Mr. Southall's, the Swan Tavern, Bull- ftree- t, Birmingham. Mar. hi. Richard Clark, of Love- lanc, Aldcrman- bury, meichant at ten, at Guildhall. CERTIFICATES. & ov. 16. William Anderfon, of Eulh- lane, mcr- fhant. William Dudley, of Milford- lane, Strand, lighter- From TUESDAY, Oftob to THURSDAY. Oftober, 28, 1790. [ No. 6564. ADMIRALTY- OFFICE, Odlober 26, 1790. TWfY Lords Commifftoners of the Admiralty do hereby give Notice to the Lieutenants jf His Majefty's Navy, - who are now unemployed, that they are forthwith to tranfmit to this Office the Names of the Places
of their refpefiive Abode, with ' their Reafons for not offering to ferve at this Time ; and that fuch of them as do not comply therewith on or before the 20th of next Month, will be ftruck off the Lift. PH. STEPHENS. This Day were publijhed, Price is. 6d. LETTERS lately publifhed in The DIARY, on the SubjeCt of the prefent Difpute with Spain, uuder the Signature of VERUS. Printid for. G. Kearfley, Fleet- ftreet. This Day were publijhed, Price 2s. 6d. THE LETTERS of MARIA ; to which is added, An ACCOUNT of her DEATH. How Ihe had borne it, and how Ihe had got fup- po. rted, Ibe could not tell—" But God tempers the wind ( faid
Maria) 10 the ( horn Lamb." Sierne's Sentimental Journey. Printed for G. KeaiHey, No. 46, Fleet- tlreet. This Day WOT publijhed. Price Four Shillings fewed, ¥ 7 LEGANT TALES, HISTORIES, and 12, EPISTLES, On Friendfhip, Conjugal Felicity, Jealoufy, Conftancy, Cheerfuluefs, and other Important Subjects. Sometimes fair Truth in fiction we difguife— Sometimes prefent her naked to men's eyes. GAY. Part of the Contents of this interefting Collection Sir John Fickle and Lady Conftant The Happy Pair The Story of Orontes Agathias . and Maria Calfandra ; or, The Happy Recovery An Epiftle to a Lady on falfe Delicacy in
Matters of Love The Lady of the Cave Tlie Cottage of Love OSlober 14, 179O. BANK of ENGLAND. t^ ANY Inconveniences and Frauds having arifen from ( he Clerks of this Houfe being employed as Brokers in the Purchafe and Sale of Stocks and An- nuities, transferable at this Houje, contrary to the Orders of the Court of Directors, and to the Notices affixed in the Transfer Offices : It is hereby recommended to all Proprietors or Pitrcha- fers of Stocks or Annuities, as effential to their Security, and to the Bufinefs of this Houfe being properly con- duced, that tlsey do not employ any Clerk thereof in in the Purchafe or Sale of
Stocks or Annuit\ ess, trans- ferable at this Houfe, as any Clerk who Jhall be found, direftly or indirectly, tranfgrejjing the afore faid Or- ders, will be immediately difmiffed the Service. And all Proprietors of Stocks or Annuities are requefted to take Notice, That by an Order of this Court, no Clerk belonging to the Stock Offices will henceforth be permitted to accept of a Letter of Attorney for the Sale of any Stocks or Annuities transferable at this Houj'e. By Order of the Court of Direftors, FRANCIS MARTIN, Sec. ESSEX. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By JOHN BARNARD, IN ONE LOT, © 11 Monday the 15th Day of November next, at
Twelve o'Clock at Noon, at the Dog Inn, in Weatherafield, AVERY COMPACT ESTATE, called MEADOW- END FARM, being Part Freehold and Part Copyhold, fituate in the feveral Parifhes of Redgewell, Tilbury, Great Yeldham, and Stambournc, in the County of Kifcx. and now in the Occupation of Mrs, Chapim, as Tenant at Will ; confifting of a good Farm- Houfe tiled, in the Ct litre of the Eftate; three Cottages, two of which are now ufdas Granaries, a Milling, ( unable Barns. Stables, and other convenient Outhoufes, and divers Lands, Meariows, and Paftures, Iving contiguous, containing > n the Whole, by Admea- furcment,
240 Acres, whereof about 45 Acres are Copy- hold of the Manor of RedgeweU, fubj- £ t to Fines on Death or Alienation, of 2s. 6d. per Acre tor Arabic Land, and ( 5s. per Acre for Meadow and Paftuw and about fix A- cres are Copyhold of the Manor ol Tilbury, fubieCl to Fines arbitrary. The annual Quit Rents payable out of the Farm to the Manor of Rcdgewcll are il. 16s. 1 and to the Manor of Tiibury, 3I. : s. gd. aud the Farm is moderately alfelfcd to the Land Tax. For furihi r Particulars enquire of MefTrs. Clubbe and Wacfe,- 6f Dunmow ( who have a cnrreCl Map of ihe £ itaa or of the AuCtioueer, at Little Bard& eld Hull. The
Hiftory of a Female Goilip Remarkable Story of a Nun The fincere Confefiion The Effects of a Violent Paflion The School of Adverfity j or, The Fair One Re- formed The Difappointed Hufbaad The Force of Natural Affec- tion The Unfortunate Lovers And many others esjuiLy ii. tefcftmg, Printed for G. KEARSLEY, at No. 46, Fieet- flirect : Where mav be had, a new Edition confiderably en- larged and ot'tivmeriied with Plates, of The BEAUTIES OF STERNE. Price 3s. 6d. Of whom may alfo he had, price 3s. 6d. fewed, WOMAN: Sketches of the Hiftory, Genius, Difpofition, Accom- plifhments, Cuftoms, and Importance of the FAIR
SEX in all Parts of the World. Illuftrated with Angular Anecdotes, and entertaining Narratives, fupported by Authority. By a FRIEND to the SEX. Nature made you to temper Man. OTWAY. Of KI ARSLEY may likewife be had, all the Rev, Mr. ADAMS'S Productions, calculated to improve and amufe the Minds of Youth of both Sexes, viz. THE FLOWERS OF TRAVELLING, 2 vols. 6s. A SELECTION OF VOYAGES, 6s. FLOWERS OF ANCIENT AND MODERN HIS- TORY, 6s. 6J. THE ENGLISH PARNASSUS, 3S. ; i- r;' This Day was publijhed, .1 In Three Volumes Ofiavo, ^ Price Eighteen. Shillings iaJ^ oaY& s,~ > THE HISTORY
of FRANCE, from the Firft EftaMilliraent of that MONARCHY to the prefent REVOLUTION. Rcsgcfer regumque, dueumqUe ( si trijlia bella. HOR. " Of the prefent Work, the execution has not only suffered but exceeded our expectation. In this con- cife, and at the fame time comprehenfive, View of the whole Hiftory, the Reader will find the great Outlines of the Portrait delineated by the Pencil of a ( kilful Artift. The Author's Materials are well feleCted, and well ar- ranged ; his Obfervations and Remuills aie ingenious, and difcovet a Knowledge of Hum in Nature; and his Language is generally correCt and animated. We confi- dcr it
in particu'ar as excellently Calcul ited to be put into the hands of Young People, and we think it might be introduced wish great benefit into the higher CltilfeS of the numerous Schoo's throughout the Kingdom, in very many of which Hiftory now properly coiiltitutes ah important part of Education. But we do not mean to fay, that it is a mere School Book: it is capable of an- fwering a much higher purpofe ; and will be found < mi- nently fcrviceable to Perfons of every age and defcrip- tion." MONTHLY REVIEW, Airg. and Sept. 175b. " Before the appearance ot this Publication a confi- derablc link was wanting to gene fat'Headers, and
espe- cially to Voting Perfons, in the great Chain of Hiflory ; the Puhlic arc therelore certainly obliged to the ano- nymous Author of th s ProduCtioii; and it is bit Juftice to avid, that it is wrtt- n wilh Spiritan. i Elegance. Hen evidently ah imitator of Mr. Gibbon's Style, and is by no means an uijfuccefsful one. The coinpeftdious'Size ofthis Work will, doubtfefs, render it ah objeil with maiVy Rea- ders who would want leifure to bellow 011 a moie prolix Hiltory; from the cafy Expence, it is a very proper Book 10 introduce into Schools, and the lively manner in, which it is compoftd, will probably make it acceptable to Young Perfons."
AnALYTtc* T, REVIEW; Sept. 3790. " The Author of this Hiltory of Fran e,' amic'it ihe Talk of Compilation, has not forfeited his- Ctaims to the CharaCter of an Original Hiftorian ; and w. hil$ he occi- fionally gives plate ti tne Sentiments antf E^ preflions of different Writers, he has been caiiful to prelerve an nniformiti in the Compofition.- fK- has deduced the Narrative through the federal Races of tke French Me- narchs with < qual perfpicyitv and eoncifer. efs. a'nd . his Aiith litres being already efiaWilh d, they can now re- quire no iiivefiigaiion." CRITICAL REVIE\< i, JUPE 1790. Printed for G, Kearfley, No. 46, HccWtiVct. This Day
wire publijhed, Price 2s. 6d. OFFICIAL PAPERS relative to the DIS- PUTE between the COURTS of GREAT BRITAIN AND SPAIN, on the SubjeCt of the Ships captured in Nootka Sound, and the Nego; iation that followed thereon. Together with the Proceedings in both Houfes of Parliament on the King's Mcffage. To which is added, The REPORT of M. De MIRABF. AU. And the fubfequent Decrees of the National AfTembly of France on the Family CompaCt. Printed for J. D. bieit, oppoiite Burlington- Houfe, Pic- cadilly. Of whom may be had, Lieutenant MEARES's MEMORIAL, refpeSing the Veffels captured in Nootka Sonnd,
prefented to the Houfe of Commons, May 13, 1790, Price is. 6d. All authentic Statement 01 FA.. CTS relative to NOOT- KA SOUND, and the Advantages to be derived from the Settlement, Piice is. A SHORT RETROSPECT of the CONDUCT of ADMINISTRATION to fome of the principal Powers in Europe. Piice as. THOUGHTS on the probable Influence of the FRENCH REVOLUTION in Great Biitain, Price is. SUBSTANCE of the SPEECH of the Right Honour- able EDMUND BURKE, in the Houfe of Commons, February 9. 1790, comprehending a Difcnflion of the Affairs iu France. Fourth Edition, Price is. USEFUL
INFORMATION to the PUBLIC. Irijh State Lottery 1790, begins drawing November 15. All LEGAL SHARES of LOTTERY TICKETS muft be ltainped by GOVERNMENT on the FRONT of the SHARE, with the Words, " STATE LOTTERY STAMP- OFFICE 1790." The Public are refpeCtfully informed of this Circum- ftance, and are requcfted, at the Time of Purchafing, particularly 10 fee lhat SUCH STAMP is upon the SHARES offered to them fur S Je. This Diltinftion is fixed upon all SHARES at the STAMP- OFFICE, when the ORIGINAL ' TICKETS are lodged with his MAJESTY'S COMMISSIONERS for the Security of the Public.
THOMAS WILKIE, AT his iicenfed Offices, No. 71, St. Paul's Church- yard, London, and at Liverpool, Exeier, and Norwich, begs to inform the Public, that in Addi- tion to the Remainder of his firft STOCK of TWO THOUSAND TICKETS in the IRISH LOTTERY, lie has, within thefe few Days, received THREE THOU- SANDinore i. n a very great Vmi£ tyof Numbers, imtne- " fiMiii .'..-. ItoiiL of ( the Rijhtilcnotttabie ' DAVID LATOUCHE and Co. of Dublin, the original Sabfcribrrs to the Lottery. He has been induced to make this extenfive addition to his Stock, in ordei to gratify his Fiiendsand Cuftomers who may now further indulge
their Fancy in the Choice of Numbers ; as be has it in his power not only to fupply them with Tickets and Shares from all the Thoufands of which the Lottery is compofed, but alto in many in- ltances with the parlicular Number they may defirc; and he prefumcs his refporifibilitv, and power to execute any Commands he may be favouied with muft appear unqueltiouablc, when it is confidered the Property he has embarked in this undertaking exceeds THIRTY THOUSAND POUNDS. The TICKETS and SHARES in the prcfent IRISH LOTTERY, dulv ftamped accord ng to AC T OF PAR- LIAMENT, with the Words « STATE LOTTERY
STAMP OFFICE," and alfo with the King's Arms on the Back, and thefe Words round it, " WILKIE's STATE LOTTERY OFFICE," Arc no-. v on Sale, at his Licenfed Offices, viz. No. 71, St. Paul's Church-\ ard, London; and at the Houfesof Mr. BI LUNGE. Caltle- ftreet, Liverpool, and Melfis. TRF WMAN and SON, Printers, Exeter, * on the low- eft Terms. Y The PRIZES ariling to all Tickets and Shares will be paid their utmoft Value as foon as diawu. Purchalcrsof = n EIGHTH, at ONE POUND AND SIXPENCE, will be entitled to 2500 1230 625 250 ' 25 62 12 - 6 if; if if if if if if if if if Prize of £. 20000 10 mo 5000 2000 i'odo 500 100
5° > 5 9 Andto{> 2l. tos. if the Firft Drawn Ticket on'the ill, 3d, 5th, 7th, gth, 11th, 13th, 15th. 17th, 20th, 23d, and 26th Days Of Drawing, or if the Laft, Drawn Ticket. Parchafers of a SIXTEENTH, at TEN SHILLINGS AND' SIXPENCE, will be entitled to 1250 o 625 o 312 10 125 o 62 ro 3fi 5 0 5 T o 6 18 if a Pri?. e of if — if — if — if — if — if — if — if' — if £. 20000 10000 50 o 2000 iooo 500 soii So > 5 9 And to 31I. 5s. if the Firft Drawn Ticket oii'the ift, 3d, 5th, 7th, 9' hj 1 ith, 13' tli, 15th, ,17th, 2o, h, 23d, » 6ih Days of Dfa-. ving, or if the Lalt Drawn Ticket. Purchafers of HALF an IRISH TICKET, at ' THREE POUNDS EIGHTEEN
SHILLINGS, and a QUAR- TER ai TWO POUNDS, will be entitled to propor- tionable Benefits from all the Prizes. Prcfent Pr ceof WHOLE'TICKETS 71. g's. CoiriCt Numerical and Ri'giftcr Books will he kept',' and Tickets iufd ; Shtir- es rcg'flerc. i al SixptiVcc p r Num- ber ; and the eailicit Intelligence fent. of their hicceli'. Country Coirefpft'nde'nts may hive Tickets and Shades fent them, by remitting good ii lis at fight,' or at a ? hoit Dare; or by applving to ihur refpeCtivc B- ookfrllers, who will receive Orders for ik » - fame, which will b>- immediattly nanfmi. t - e} to Ta- wn and executed. A Tee- able to Ad of Pari anient no bufinefs
can e tranfaCted before eight o'clock in tire mdruing, or af v eigfitoM^ ck in the evening. The Tickets and Shares inthe ENGLISH LOTTERY, which begins drawing on the 9 , h of February next,' are alfo on I ale in a great variety'of Numbers. The prefent Price of Shares is Half — £. S 4 o E: ghth — £. 220 Fourth t 3 o Sixteenth 1 n g Ibis Day • was pkWijhed\ Price Sixpence, AN EXHORTATION to DEVOUT BE- HAVIOUR in the CHURCH during the TIME of DIVINE SERVICE : A SERMON. By the Rev. J. tWENTYMAN, Vicar of Caftle Sowerby, Cumberland. Newcaftle upon Tyne: Print d Cor William Charnley ; and fold in London
by Thomas Longman, Bookfetlcr, No. 39, Paternofter- row. On the Firft of next Month will be publijhed, THE CLERICAL and UNIVERSAL AL- MANACK, For the Year; 1791. The Book, piicc One Shilling— Sheet, Eight- pence. Printed and pubhfhed ( as ulual) at the Lo^ ograihic Prefs, Printing H ufe Square, Blackfriars, for J. Vi alt; rj No. 169, Piccadilly ; and Ibid by all other BookCcl'. ert in Great Britain and Ireland. Great Complaints having been received of thi? in- correanefs of the laft CLERICAL ALMANACK, has induced tne Proprietor to dtfmii's the late Editor, whole name it bore, and who has taken upon him to publilh a
fimilar one in oppofif on ^ though he has ; 35 appears f> y ins own apology, fallen inio his former difreputable errors. The Proprietor, therefore, feels it incumbent on him to folicit a continuance of that pationage which has been fo flatteringly bellowed on this publication ^ as it ras been very carefully correfted and much mproved this year by the addition ot a numb r of ufcfyl articles), and to caution the Public againft another Aim nack being obtruded on them for The Clerical and Univerfal, the plan of which has been fo much approved for the laft five ycais. By Authority of the LORDS COMMISSION- ERS of the ADMIRALTY. This
Day was publijhed., In Ouarto, Uluflrated with Charts, Price 7s. In bosrds, T IEUT. WILLIAM BLIGH's NARRA- TIVE of the MUTINY i, y which re was deprived of the command of His M AjESTV's 5> HIP BOUNTY, and his fubfequent Voyage in the Ship's Boat from TO FO A, one of the Friendly Iflands, to TIMOR, I Dutch Settlement in the Ealt- Indies. Prntcd for Gco- ge Nicoll, Bookieller to tiis Majefty, jall- MJI. HORNSBY AND Co. Beg L" ave to rcmibd their Friends, and the Public in I general, that the IRIsH State• Lottery begins Drawing on Monday Morning, November 15; and that an Account of each Day's Drawing will arrive at
their Gfr- e, No. 26, Cornhtll, for the • mme-'^ te Tnfpe<-'. I tinn of their Cuftomers, without any Expence whatever. | Irifh and Englifh State- Lottery Office. THE TICKETS are fold and divided into HAJLVES, I EIGHTHS, and QUARTERS, | SIXTEENTHS, By HORNSBY and Co. STOCK- BROKERS, At their old- eftablifheil State- Lottery Office} ( Lieenfed purfuant to Ah of Parliament), No. 26, CORN HILL, Oppofite the Royal- Exchange, London. Where they have carried on Bafinefs for Twenty- Seven Lotteries patt, with unparalleled good Siiccefs, and particular Satisfaction to their Friends and Cuftomers, having fold and ( hareel 3
Prizes of 20,000!.— 7 of io. ocol — 11 of 5,000.— 14of 2, oool.— ig ol i, ocol. — and 2.6 of 500I. The Public will pleafe to obferve that HORNSBY and Co. give, in Addition to the Value of the Prizes in the Two Lotteries, the very extraordinary Advantage of FOURTEEN " THOUSAND POUNDS. Every Purchafer at their Office, whether of a whole Ticket, Half, Quarter, Eiglith, or Sixteenth, ( hall re- ceive, the very fame D y that fufih Ticket or Shsre is drawn a PnZe, the full Amount of fuch l'rize, without the minuteft Deduction whatfoever.— Namely, ENGLISH LOT VERY. For tits Whole Prize of ^. zo^ cc^ they pay Hilf —. io, ot) o
Quarter — 5,000 — Eighth —- 2,500 Sixteenth — X) 2$ o And for the Firtt- drawn 10,000 Bl. nks tliey pay 4L each. IRISH LOTTERY. Englifh Money, , F0r the Priie of £ 20,000 they pay 18,000 Half — 10,000 9,600 Quarter — 5,000 4.500 Eighth — 2,500 2 250 Sixteenth 1,250 1,125 In order to demonftrate the above moft fingular and lucrative Advantages, in the Englifh and Irith Lotteries, vvhich Adventurers receive by parchafirig of Hornftiy and Co. they refp'eCtfully accquaim their Friends and the PAblic, lhat it is ufual to charge 2 per cent. Difco'iint on all Prizes pai- t before they become due at the Ex- chequer, which, in £
700,000, the Anioui t of all the Prizes in both Lotteries, is exactly Fourteen Thnufa'nd Pounds; but Hornfby and Co. pay the full Value of every Prize contained in the two Schemes, Irom the higheft of £ 20,000 to the Joweft of £. 9; by which Propofal 8s.. is clearly faved on every ( mail Piize of £ zo in the Englifhj, a. ad 4s. on every Prize of £ 9 in the Irifh Lottery; ant!,- on the largeft Prize, their Offer amounts to £ 400, and that, too, paid ( as above ftated) the very day the Prize is drawn. . *#* Lottery Clubs and Societies are particularly re. commended to notice this Propofaf, as they will lave 21s irftttienfe Expeh. ce on all Priffesj nnd
have an Opportunity of dividing their Prize- Money immediately. 5 CorreCt Numerical and Ttegifter Books ate kept and Si Tickets and Shares regiftered at Sixpence per Number. S All Shares fold at this Office. wiil be ftajnped, agree." 1 aale to ACt of Parliament, with the Words, State- P Lottery Stamp- Office." ^ Letters ( l'o( t- paid) duly anfwered, and Schemes gratis. •> - N. B. Agreeable to Aft of Parliament, no Bufmefs in the Lottery thanfaCted before Eight o'Ctock in the Morning, nor after Eight o'Clock in the Evening. Bank, India, and South- Sea Shocks, with their teveral Annuities, India Bonds, Navy ^ nd Victualling Bills, and
all Kirnts of - Gfcvsrr. ment SEcuritis9, bought a. lit I foW by Commiffion, 20,000 10,000 5,000 2,500 1,150
WEDNESDAY, 05. 27., FRANCE. NATIONAL ASSEMBLY. THURSDAY, Oa. z\. The remainder of yefterday's motion, which concerns the infurreftion at Breft, came into deliberation. '{ M. Menou, though the Reporter of the Com- mittee who had propofed a cenfure on the Muni- cipal Officers of Breft, prevailed to have the motion withdrawn—" Ah !" faid he, " if we are fevere againft that Municipality, what will re- main to us in this country to ftand up in de- fence of liberty ?-— Yefterday's decree has per- haps raifed the Minifters into audacious Ty- rants !" The firft part of the decree was confined to tlie fending two Commiffaries in'
addition to thofe already named by the King, and who, in concert with the commandant of the port, and the commander general of the naval forces, are to be inverted with full power to re- eftablifh order in the port and road of Breft, and to em- power the commander of the Squadron to diS- mifs from the fervice a number of lancllrnen, who, it feems, had entered themfelves on board many of the fhips. The laft article of the decree, which purpofcd changing the old flag for the new National co- lours, as they are called, the emblem ef the Re- volution, was long contefted. It was argued, jhe folly of changing the old flag, rcSpeCted by
8II the military as the fignal of victory, and whole ^ prejudices would be wounded by fuch a meafure. The change was, however, adopted, and with this addition— That the failors fhould, every morning and evening, by way of difcipline, re- peat the words Vi- ve la Nati n, la Lei, W le Roi, inftead of t'ive le Roi, which ufed to be their » falute. This laft addition was carried at the motion of Monf. Mirabeau, who, in the courfe of the debate, was branded with the epithet of villain aiid affaffin, by a Monf. Guillerme ; this latter v. as immediately ai relied, by order of the Prefiderit, for this extravagant attack on the freedom of debate. The
following particulars of a Counter- revo- lution plot is in all the public papers ; On Friday the 15th, the Municipality of Va- lence, a very confiderable town in Dauphiny, fent a formal information to the Magiftrates of Macon againft a Count de Buffi, Captain in the regiment of Lorraine, accufing him of having engaged a number of men to rendezvous at Be- fancon, to be joined there by a numerous army from Germany, commanded by the Marquis D'Antichamp. The Municipality of Macon were defired to fearch the Chateau de Ville, fituated 4 leagues from Macon, belonging to the faid Count Buffi, where they would find a quantity of
arms, car- touches, and uniforms, & c. In confequence of this pofitive information, the Magiftrates, with the National Guards, to the1 " number of three hundred, went to the Chateau de Ville on the Saturday night, where they found a great quan- tity of arms, & c. as ftated in the intimation, As foon as M. Buffi faw the National Guards approaching, he ordered a large cheft to be thrown out of a window, which was found full of officers' uniforms. M. Buffi's papers were Secured; and himfelf, • with nine other Gentlemen,' then at ins houfe, were conducted to Macon, and a copy of their examination at the Hotel de Vine ef Macon, is fent
to the Committee of Inquiry of the Nation- al Aiferr. bly. LONDON. COURT NEWS. Yefterday Mr. Flint, the mefierger, came up with letters from his Majefty at Windfor Lodge to the Cabinet Minifters. On his arrival a Council was held at the Duke of Leeds's Office, Whitehall; prefent Mr. Pitt, Duke of Rich- mond, two Secretaries of State, Earl of Chat- ham, and Lord Hawkefbury. The Council fat from half paft one o'clock till four, when the Duke of Leeds difpatched one of his mefl'engers with letters to Earl Gower, his Majefty's Am- bafiador at Paris. Yefterday arrived a mail from ftifbon, brought to Falmouth by the Expedition packet in
fix days. Extraa of a Letter from Paris, Oa. 22. " The Minifters, content with having ob- tained a complete victory on Wednefday, have this day voluntarily refigned their places. We are not yet fure whether M. Montir. orin is in the number of the refigned. " The French flag is in future to be red, blue, and white, inftead of the white; flag, which has been carried fo many ages paft. The Aifembly were occupied a Whole day on this important change, at the moderate expence of two thou- fand pounds fterling, befides the expence of changing the colours o'f every fhip of war and Commerce, and thofe of every regiment belong- ing to the
nation. Extraa of a Letter from Conftantinople, Sept. 21- ' " On the 19th of^,, this month a man found means to elude the vigilanpe of the principal eunuch of the Grand Vizier,.^ nd, as isfuppofed, his- plan having been laid fonft. time, he entered and fecreted himfelf in the Seraglio. At the ufual hour, his Highnefs repaired to his apart- ments ; he was, as is cuftornary, faluted by a band of fingers and dancers,. and juft as he had mingled in the little throng, tlie villain in an inftant left his hiding place, plunged a poignard into hishack, between the fhoulders, and then at- tempted to deftroy himfelf; he was however prevented and fecured.
His name' is CarlowitX Torocki;" a native of Morocco. The Vizier is out of danger, but much hurt." When the Emperor quitted Franckfort on the I $ ttj inft. heihad the mortification to leave the King of Napleri^^ of- tht^ fe » li- J< » x.. Eoftrita of a Letter frotn Nexv York, Aug. 5. " Trade has been very good for thefe two years bygone. The amazing quantity of new lands daily taken into cultivation, fecure a con- ftant increafe of our exports, and muft at laft turn the balance of trade greatly, in favour of the United States. Much has been faid about the increafe of our manufactures; but, in Britain,' manufactures carried on in fuch a fmall
fcale, " would be defpiSed and laughed at. From the very high wages given to work people of all defcriptions by the farmers, to cultivate their lands, it muft be long before manufactures are carried on here to any extent. Not lefs than eight thoufand French emigrants have arrived in the United States thefe laft twelve months, and have gone moftly to the fouth." Yefterday new knapfacks were delivered to all the men belonging to the Guards who have been draughted for foreign fervice. They are conftruCtcd of thin canvafs, painted a light orange colour, to keep out the wet. The old Ones, which were of goat's hair, were returned. An
cxchangc of new arms and accoutrements took place this morning previous to their being reviewed by the King. A new order is iflued for the Guards. They are not to march till Monday; and inftead of proceeding directly to Portfmoulh, they are to be quartered at Chichefter, Southampton, and Winchefter. A new invention has lately taken place on board feveral of the ihips of war in refpect to the . naval ordnance, by fixing a lock over each of the touch- holes, by which they will be discharg- ed without having recovlrfe to matches as hereto- fore. This experiment is expected to be pro- ductive of much good ; in particular to prevent
fires on board fhips, too common in warm en- gagements. The herring fifhery on the Yarmouth coaft is likely to prove very fuccefsful this feafon. One hundred and fifty laft were brought into Yarmouth on Tuefday fe'ennighi. It is faid, that in confequence of the appoint- ment of Sir Roger Curtis as Captain to the Com- mander in Chief's fhip, much offence is taken by the other Captains of the fleet, and 27 of the Seniors have Signed a ftrong memorial and re- monftrance, which either has, or will, in a day or two, be prefented to his Majefty. The com- plaint made is, that the Captain of the Admiral's fhip ranking a-. d receiving pay as a
Rear Ad- miral, the cuftom of the navy has been to ap- point a Senior and not a junior officer to that Sta- tion, whenever it lo happened, as at prcSent is the caSe, that the Rear Admiral's flag is ftruck. Captain James Montagu, fon of the Admiral, is named to'command the Montagu, ot 74 guns, fitting at Portimout. i, and ready for commif- fion , aiid the Rev., Mr. viontagu, eldeit Son of the Admiral, is appointed one oS the Prebends of the Cathedral church. of- Chichefter, by the Bilhop of that diocefe, in the room of the Rev. George Fafn-. 11, dece'afed. A curious method of enlifting men for the new companies has been Successfully
praftiled at Li- verpool and other adjacent towns :— The Ser- jeant and drummer have Birmingham watches hanging to all their pockets, and the drums have the fame ornaments. Every recruit has his option to chuSe his watch, befides the ad- vanced bounty. Th ® efleft which this preSent has upon the men is very Serifibly felt. The number of houfes at Birmingham is com- puted at nearly 13,000, three- fourths of which are under 10I. a- year, conlequently not liable to the payment of poor- rates— the inhabitants, therefore, mean to apply to Parliament for an act to rniike houfes rateable in the following proportions; 6d. in the
pound for houfes of SI. greyhounds, offered to bett two hundred guineas to twenty, that they killed her, which the Prince of Wales accepted ; the courfe lafted about twelve minutes, afSording fine fport, and the dogs came off victorious. Mr. Chifslyn then publicly offered to bett two hundred guineas that his dogs, Catch and Fly, killed any hare that lay a mile from cover. On Monday William Harris, a prifoner in the King's Bench, was detected in paffing bad Silver ; he has for Some time been fufpefttd; he was taken info cuftody, and carried into the lobby of the Bench, and fearched before the Warden, where there was found on him
four pound eigh- teen Shillings, all in bad Silver. One day laft week, a fellcw who had fome words with his wife, threw her out of a window, three ftories high, into a ftable- yard in Drury- lane. Luckily Ihe fell upon a large quantity of hay, and was providentially faved without any material injury. Fie has been fince ir. diCted lor the barbarous aft. GUILDHALL. A fufficient number of Aldermen not appearing to make a Court, bufinefs was adjourned till next TueSday. Bread was lowered half an affize, which takes place to- morrow. A Court of Lieutenancy was held, in order to make fome new regulations, and the Court gave orders Sor
fhe City Artillery Company to attend the Lord Mayor on the 9th of November, to and Srom the water- fide. The Sellions of the Peace for the city of Lon- don was alio held, and Several petty cauSes diS- poSed of; when the Court adjourned to Wednes- day morning at the Old Bailey. Mr. Alderman Skinner attended in tlje Coun cil Chamber, to re- examine the four incendiaries, for Setting fire to the houSes in AlderSgate- ltreet and Snow- hill, in order that they may be corii- mitted for trial at the Old Bailey Seffions; but the pardor. Sor Findall, the accomplice who has been admitted an evidence for the Crown, not being Signed by the
Lord Chancellor, the ex- amination was poftponed. There afe for trial at the enfuing Sefiions at the Old Bailey, feventy- nine prifbners on the MiddleSex, and fourteen on the London fide. and upwards; 4d. on thoSe from 61. to 7I. 19s. and 3d. on all under 61. The appearance of a comet is yet looked for within the courSe of the prefent year:— The comet thus expeCted, is the one which appeared in 1532, it re- appeared in 1661 ; and from its period being 129' years, its return excites the inquiries of the aitronomical. The feveral appeals to the General Quarter Sefiions from the convictions of trading JuJlices, is the bell proof what
lhameful nuifances theSe perfons are in Society. A chimney Sweeper's boy, who undertook for a trifling wager to ride a pig from Cornhill to Milk- ftreet, in full gallops on Monday morning laft, had his Scull Sra& ured deSperately, by the animal's running under a coach with him. It is thought he cannot recover. A woman was lately delivered in Lancaftiire, of four children, two boys, and two girls; and what is remarkable, the boys have each of them t- ivo thumbs on each of their hands.. The Worfhipful Company of Stationers have built a new barge, which is to come out on Lord Mayor's day. They have named her t: ie f< BOY- D,
ELL," in honour of the Lord Mayor eleft, who is a member of that Company. On Saturday lafi, between two of the races at Newmarket, a brace of greyhounds, tiie pro- perty of Richard Chifslyn, ESq. courSc- d a re- markably fine hare, which lay in the Hubble off by the turn of the lands; the hare had Sail fifty yards law, and ran So ftrong that many betta were laid, " the hare againft the dogs ;" how- ever, the ' Squire, knowing the goodnels of his BOXING. ExtraB of a Letter from Banbury, OB. 20. " This morning about nine o'clock, a nume- rous concourl'e of people a Sic m bled from all parts to See decided a long eXpeCted conteft
between Richard CarcleSs and John Grant, of this place ; the former aged eighteen, and the other twenty- two years:— The parties met by agreement in a piece of ground adjoining to the town, called the Leys, well known among the pugilifts for being the Spot where Johnfon and Perrins fought; but, when juft ready, to fet to, they were pre- vented from taking their morning's diverfion by feveral gentlemen of the faff. This ungenteel intrufion obliged the gentlemen of the fifl, and their numerous retinue, to re rfi'tcr Banbury to determine this grand point of honour; but here they were again disappointed through the vigilance of our
Mayor, aflifted by Some of his attendants; — being thus a Second time difturbed, the whole cavalcade then moved, not flowlv, but precipi- tately, into Northamptonshire, where they might amule themfelves without interruption. About ten o'clock the battle commenced; when, after a few rounds, the odds ran in favour of Grant ; but in the courfe of near two hours Srom the firft onSet, Carelefs was the favourite, who, after a fevere conteft of two hours and a half, bore the palm of victory.—- To fpeak impartially, we fcarce ever remember to have feen the fcienceof boxing difplayed with greater.. ability than by theSe two young
amateurs : They both ftood boldly up, and . did not fall without a knock- down blow; when all was ended, and the mighty fum was to be. produced, to the aftoniihment ot all the beholders, it was a guinea." SHIP NEWS. ExtraS of a Lett erfrom Plymouth, Oa. 24. " This morning, about eight o'clock, his Majefty's Ihips Vengeance, Carnatic, Bombay Caftle, Egmont, and Valiant, of 74 guns ea^ ii, made fignal for failing, and hove fhort. About eleven o'clock they were uri~ er fail, and by twelve were quite clear of the ^ ound, in their way to Spithead. " An exprefs was received laft night for the Murine cutter, Lieut. Weft, to be immediately
victualled for Gibra tar. It is expected lhe will fail this evening or to morrow morninc;. " The Charon, of 44 guns, is coinmifiioned, and the command g:. ven to Andrew Chriftie, Efq. " Came in the Diligence, Glover, from Lif- bon. " Remain in the Sound his Majefty's Ships Hannibal, Cyclops, Zebra, Sphynx, and Mu- rine." Extraa of a Letter from Portfmouth, 03. 25. " This evening Admiral Cornifh's fquadroa got under weigh ; but the wind is fo very Spare, they" will be obliged to drop anchor again, ua- leSs a breeze fpring up. They are now tiding down to St. Helen's. " The following are the fhips which compofe this Squadron, viz.
Marlborough, 74^ uns, Rear- Admiral S. Cornilh, Capti C. Craven ; Cullo- den, 74, Capt. H Collins; Cumberland, ,74, Capt. J, Macbride ; Orion, - 74, Capt. C Cham- berlayne ; Ardent, 65, Capt. J. Vafhon; Lion, 64, Capt. S. Finch; and 1' roferpine, 28, Capt. E. T. ^ mith. " All the Officers of Admiral Howe's fleet have orders to Sleep on board ; they may there- Sore be expeCted to Sail in a day or two. " This morning the Arethufa frigate went out oS harbour to Spithead. " So urgent and preffing is the bufinefs of the dock- yard, that the people employed on the Bel- lona did not leave work till two o'clock this mormhing." Extract of a
Letter from Portfmouth, Oa. 26. " This morning failed from St. Helen's the following men of war: ROBBERY. On Monday evening, about feven o'clock, as Mr. and Mrs. Green, of Oxford- ftceet, were returning t> town in a one horfe chaife, they were flopped near Paddington by two footpads, armed with knives, who robbed them of fe, ven guineas and a half'. The thieves got clear off. ~ ACCWENI\ Yefterday Is a boy was riding through Drury- lane upon a young horfe, the animal Suddenly took fright, and,, ran away with him along Queen- llreet, and into Lincoln's Inn Fields, round which he galloped with great furv, till at length the
boy, unable to keep his teat, was thrown againft the pallifadoes of the Square, and was So much hurt, that it is thought he cannot recover. MURDER. A Shocking murder has lately been committed in Paris.— An elderly lady, with her maid- Ser- vant, were found murdered in theirdodgings on Monday morning. A relation of the lady has been taken up on fufpicion, but it does not yet appear that he was the affaffin. Such is the uni- verfal diftrefs of people there, that difafters of this kind are much to be apprehended. COUNTRY~ NEWS. York, Oa. 25. A letter from Nantz, dated Oft. 9, to a correfpondent in Liverpool, fays, "
Notwithftanding the great preparations in England, it is the general opinion we ftiall have no W& r ; at leaft this country cannot take an ac- tive part; this you may depend on, and Spain will never engage alone." The Eagle, PearSon, of Shields, ran foul of the Queenhithe, Pearfon, on their paflage up to London, South of Yarmouth Roads; the Qjieen- hitiie funk immediately, but all the people were faved. Th" Dublin, Todd, of Newcaftle, from Stock- h lm, is loft about three leagues from Gothland. It is hoped the cargo will be faved. Marlborough Ocean, Culloden, Cumberland, Lyon, Ardent, Caftor, Proclite, 74 guns, Rear Adrn.
Comifh. 74. gurs, Capt. Chamberlaine. 74 guns, Capt. H. Collins. 74 guns, Capt. Macbride. 64 guns', Capt. Finch. 64 guns, Capt. Vafhon. 32 gnns, Capt. Smith. 32 guns, . » Extraa of a Letter from Deal, Oa. 26. " Wind E. N. E. Arrived and failed for the River, the Queen, Bebell, from Lifbon. " Came down and failed, the Juno, Webfterj and Providence, Herbert, for Jamaica ; Gage, Maflcy, for Newhaven; and Fanny, Murphy for Chepftow. " Remains his Majefty's fhip Diftator." Extras of a Letty from Deal, Oa. 24. " Early, on Friday morning the Conco d Hoop, of Kilkenny, bound from Loudon to Seville, on fire in St. Margaret's Bay :
Boats from Deal and St. Margaret's immediately put oft to theix afiiliance, but owing to the rapidity of the flames a fmall part of the cargo, confifting of leather, whale- bone, cloth, buttons, & c. was Saved, ' ihe fhip was nearly reduced toafhes." Arrrived.— At Dover, the Sally, Kennedy from Maryland. At Falmouth, the Ann, Ba, ker, from Malaga; and Lady Mackworth- Lovelefs, from Oporto. At Briftol, the Peep, of Day, , from Newfoundland. At Waterford, the Expedition, Roac. i, from Ca- diz ; and Endeavour, Thomplon, from London. At Dublin, the St. George, M'Donnell, from London. At Cork, the Jenny, Arundel, froiti Malaga ;
Recovery, Day, and Lark, Murphy, from London; . and Jamaica,' Nevin, from St. Ube's. The Lord Hood, Wheadon, from Jamaica to London, is arrived off Scilly. The Fame, of 74 guns; Loweftoffe, of 32 guns ; and Squirrell, of 24 guns, are arrived at Cork from Plymouth. Of Sir ANECDOTE ROBERT BOYD, lately appointed Gover- nor of Gibraliar. Sir Robert Boyd, nov/ Governor of Gibral- tar, had his military education in the Ordnance department, and was employed at Minorca in the year 175 J. At that time the French be- fieged the llland, and the brave General lilake- nev, after loiing feveral pofts, was obliged, preffed by
numbers, to retire into the citadel of Fort St. Philip, at Port Mahon; the French fleet, under Monfieur Galiffoniere, blocking it up very clofely: General Blakeney perceiving the Englifh Squadron, under Admirals Byng aud Weft, at a dillance, wilhtd Sor an opportunity of making his Situation known. Many pcrfons. were applied to for the purpofe of going off tcH the fleet; but it was uniVerSally held imprac- ticable. At length Mr. Boyd, then one of the Ordnance Store- Keepers, oft'ered to go in ah open boat to the Englifh Squadron. Four men were found hardy enough to accompany him: and though the attempt was hazardous, and by
many accounted rufti, he went through the French fleet, and after much toil and danger, reached the Ramifies, and delivered a lette'r to Admiral Byng. The late King gave him a com- miifion, and his further Services have raifed him to his preSent rank. The government of Gibraltar Is one cf the beft things in the military department in the gift of the Crown. Its emoluments arc various, according to the temper and dilpofition of the holder. He is a perfect viceroy, and no trade can be carricd on but by the Governor's exprefs. leave, either by land or Sea. Its nominal value is 4000I. it has been made 12,000!. General Hargrave, who held
it many years fince, is faid to have found it worth upwards of I2, oool./ fr annum. — Lord Heathfield made moft of his money there, by which he became indepen- dent.
OBSERVATIONS en tie ripening and filling of CORN, Ry Dr. ROEBUCK. RT SUMMER 1782 having been remarkably cold and unfavourable, the harvcft was very late, and much of the grain, efpecially oats, was green even in O& ober. In the beginning of Odtober the cold was fo great, that, in one night, there was produced on ponds near Kinneil, in the neighbourhood of Borrowltounnefs, ice three quarters ot an inch thick. It was apprehended by many farmers, that fuch a degree of cold would effectually prevent the further filling and ripening of their corn. In order to afcertain this point, Dr. Roebuck fele& ed feveral ftalks of oats,
of nearly equal fulnefs, and immediately cut thofe which, on the moft attentive compan- ion, appeared the beft, and marked the others, but allowed them to remain in the fields fourteen days longer, at the end of which time, they too were cut, and k pt in a dry room for ten days. The grains of each parcel were then weighed ; when eleven of the grains which had been left Handing in the field, were found to be equal in weight to thirty of the grains which had been cut a fortnight fooner, though even the beft of the grains were far from being ripe. During that fortnight ( viz. from October 7 to October 21), the average heat accord- ing to
Fahrenheit's thermometer, which was obferved every day at eight o'clock in the morning and fix in the evening, was a little above 43. Dr. Roebuck oblerves, that this ripening and filling of corn in folow a tem- perature fhould be the lefs furprifing to us,_ when we refiedt, that feed- corn will vegetate hi the fame degree of heat; and he draws an impor- tant inference from his obfervation, vis. That farmers fhould be cautious of cutting down their unripe com, on the fuppofition that, in a cold autumn, it could fill no more." MARK- LANE EXCHANGE, YESTERDAY. Wfteat 301. oi. to 45s. oi.— Bariey 20s. od. to 24s. od.— Rye 27s. od. to
28s. oJ.— Oats 173. od. to 22s. 6i. Pale Malt 31s. od. to 34s. od. — Amber ditto 32s. od. to 35s. 6d.— Peas 305. od. to 40s.— Hog ditto 25s. od. to 27s oJ.— B « ns, New 23s. to 00s. oJ. Old 27s. 6d.— Tick, New 23s. Old 263. od.— Tares perB. 4s. 6d. to 5s.— Fine Flour per Sack, 40s. to oos, od. — Second ditto 37s. oos-— Third ditto 23 . od. to 323. od. WINTER CLOAKS, MUFFS, and FUR TRIMMINGS. Meffrs. SMITH and Co. At the Three Pigeons and Sceptre, No. 173, Fleet- ftrset, HAVE received the Winter Fafhions, and have therefore made up an Afforimeut of Black M'de Clo - k « trimmed, from 14s. to^ l. 5s. each;
alfo white and coloured Sattin Cloaks, ready trimmed with Furor Lace, from 2I. 2s. tt> tol. 10s. each. Some F x JIuffs, be autifully maikcd, from ms. 6d. to 5'. 55. each every other Soitof white and coloured Muffs, fiwn.^ s. to 5s eacTi7 Tur Tippets, from 2s. bd. upvwiros; II-,- fo'i' Piece*, Irotn l8d. up vards. Rich Black Mode for Ci - aks, not to be matched in Town for Colour and Via,, and will be fold 10 per Cent, lower than laft Year : thofe who huv their Mode will have a fslhioimble Pattern, or their Cloaks cut out gratis. A large Alfort- ment of pi iin Mnlt- ns for Mourning; fome 7- 8tlm wide for A . ru.. s, remarkably good and cheap.
Every Kind of fpotted, Aliped, tn. d checked, alfo fome beautiful Mora- an- wovk- d Muflins for Aprons, Gowus, & c. They pirticuarly r. commend their Irilh Cloths, Cambiies, Damafk and Diaper Table I. inens, Shieiiuga of every K nd, and Furniture Dimitie . Some three - yard wide l'upertine Hdllat. d Sheet ng of a molt excellent Fa line. Su. it of I. acc from Ten Guineas to One Hundred Gui- neas each. AQ ian'ity of Norwich and other Shawls, equal in Beiuty and Wear to tliofe imported- from the Edit Indies. A conilant Airoreinent. of Millinery ready made. Ladies who " have Orders from Abroad, o: the Coun'ry, viill receive - very
Ahowa ice, and on many Articles there will be a Saving ol fiom Ten to Twenty per Ceil'. Remark, the Number of their Houfe is 173, as ti. cre are feveral ol ihc Name in the .\ ei j; hbourhood. LIST of the NEW PARLIAMENT. A NECESSARY NOTICE. ADVENTURERS WHO WISH TO PURCHASE. REAL SHARES OF IRISH LOTTERY TICKETS, ARE REQUESTED TO TAKE NOTICE, That no Shaie, under any ti le or denommat. on whate- ver, is Legal or Secure, wUich is not { lamped with the words " STATE- LOTTERY STAMP OFFICE, 1790," and delivered to the Purchafer at tlic time of adventuring •" THE TICKETS are
felling on the loweft - R- teims, and are divided into Itamped Sliar- s, hy Mr. NICHOLSON', Al his State- Litter . OBiee, Bank- flreet, Cornhill, Oppofite the Front Ga e ol the Bank of England ; Where, in the two laft Irifli L-> t; eries, the Capital Sum of SIX TY THOUSAND POUNDS, and upwards, was gained f rlefs than Forty Pounds; The Particulars are inleit d in the Sch rn- s at large, given gratis Begins drawing the 15' h ol November. Tickets are expc£ tcd 10 rile, as this Year's Irifh Scheme is much more advantageous, there being only Two Blanks to a Prize, inftead of Three. HALF A TICKET, AN EIGHTH, at 3I. 18s. will gain at
11.6.1. will gain it £'. 20,000 £. 10,000 £, 000 — 10,000 a,, 500 — S' 000 1,0 ' O — 2,000 500 — 1,000 » .$" — 5" n 50 — » ° o 25 — 5" 7 10 — 15 And 4 10 — 9 £. 250 if firft drawn, the firft, tl. ird, fifth, feventh, ninth, eleventh, thir- t. enth, fifteenth, f. vcn- teenth, twentieth, twen- ty- third, and twentv- iixtb days of drawing; and B51I. if laft diawn. A Qu A RTZR, at 2l. will be intitlcd to exaftly One Half of the above Sums. £. 2 - 500 I> » SO 62,5 125 — 62 10 — 12 lo —. 6 5.- II76 — 1 2 6 — if £. 21,000 — 10,000 5.000 — 2,006 — 1,000 — 500 —- 100 50 » 5 9 And £".<> 2 10 if fir ft. drawn, the firlt, third, fifth, fesentb, ninth, eleventh,
thirteenth fifteenth, fevcsteeiith, twentieth, twenty third, and twenty- fixth days of drawing; and 62I 10s. if laft drawn. A SIXTEENTH, at Haif- a- guinea, will be intitled to exa. illy One Half tbe above Sums. All of which will be paid as foon as drawn, purfuant to Aft of Parliament. Englifh Lottery begins drawing the gth of Feb- ruary 1791. PRICE OF SHARES. Half - £. 3 2 o j Eighth - £. e 1 6 Quarter - $ a o J Sixfeenth - » 1 o This Day ' was publijbed, Price is. 6d. ACOMPLETE and CORRECT LIST of the SEVENTEENTH PARLIAMENT of GR K AT BRITAIN, containing the LATE and PRESENT MEM- BERS, with the Names of the
unfuccefsful Candidates; and t, he Numbers polled at each eoniefted Eledlion, the Double Returns, thofe returned ( or two Places, and a Liftof filch Members who ferved in the late Parliament, aud have changed their Seats 111 the prefent. Printed for J. Debrett, oppolite Burlington- hotsfe, Piccadilly. Of whom may be had, The PARLIAMENTARY REGISTER: a Work that lias for many Years been honoured with the molt dif- tinguilhed Apprub. tion of ti e Public, having been fre- quently referred to by Ind. v duals of all Parties, and acknowledged toctnf fl of the fa reft, filllctl, and moft impartial Statement of PARLIAMENTARY
DEBATES and PROCEEDINGS ever pr n'ed in this Kingdom. Upon the feveral great Nat enial Queftiors the molt im-_ portant Debates l ave been ciliated, revif- Ur< mtr" C3i'i'e£ t- cd by ijii^ uiuiiliill ij. nmilt? ' This Work is further ren- derea particularly inlerelting, by containing Copies of all the State Papeis la d upon the Tobies of both Hotiks lor thePerufalof the Membeis. Dei ing the 1 ift Sellion the Papei s have been, the Navy, Army, and Ordnance Efti- mat s; Pjoduee of all the Taxes; Culloms. Exctfe, Stamps, and Incidents; Imports aed Fxpor s from and to all the Nations in Eure. pe, Americi, AlVie3,. the Weft Indie?, & c.;
Income and Cha- ges upon the Coufol. dited Fund ; State of the Whale Filhery ; Naval Stores import- ed IromRulfia, & c. & c. Inone Volume, price 14s. hali- bound and lettered. In the former Sefliopt are printed, befides the Annual - Accounts, the important Report of Mr. Thomas Pitt, on tbe Funde d and Unfunded Debt, with all the Documents relerred to, printed verbatim ; alio the iillerefting Re- port of the Seleft Committee in 1786 on the Public In- come and Expenditure; together with every Pa; er of Confequence that has either occupied the A'tentiou of Parliament, orafforded Information tothe Public, Gentlemen who w.- nt any
Numbers to complete their Sets, are requefted to apply to the Pubhlhsr, or to their refpeitive Bookfeliers, as foon as pollible. The Full Number of the Debates and Pioceedings of the enfuing Parliament will be pubhlhed with all conve- nient Speed after tbe Meeting, by the fame Editors; who beg Leave to folicit the Ailiftauce of all their former Friends, and to hope they Ihall be honoured wilh the Countenance and Support of the New Members, whofe good Opinion ihey will ftudy to defcrve by a moft grate- luland laithful Attention to all their Favours. Ol whom may alio be had, The Parliamentary Regiller, from the Gensral Elec- tion in
1780 to 1) 84. In 14 volumes. Pfice 5I. 5s. half- bound aed lettered. The Parliamentary Regifter, from the General Elec- tion in 1784, to the Dilfolution of Parliament in 1790. In 13 volumes. Pri . e 61. 12s. half bound and letter- d. JOURNAL of a VOYAGE to PORT JACKSON in New South Wales, with a lull and accurate Account oi his Majefty's Settlement there, a Defcription of the Natives, and of ihe Natural Proeiuflions of New Hol- land, a corrcft Diary of rhe Weather, Latitudes, Longi- tudes, & c. comprehending every Tranfaflioh from the Arr ival of the fleet at Port Jackfon, to the Depariure of the laft Difpatches. By JOHN
WHITE, Efq. Surgeon G- neraI to the Settlement, and correfponding Member ofthe Medical Society in London. Illuftrated witii Sixty- five elegant Engravings, from Drawings copied from Nature by Mifs Sionc, Mr. Nodder, Mr. Catton, & c. aud exhibiting mar O: e Hundred Figures of non- defcript Biids, Lizards, cu- rious Cones of Trees, Animals, & c. of New South Wales, accompanied with Scientific Defctip'ions, and an elegant engraved Title Fage and Vignette, by MiTtoii. In One Vol. Royal 4: 0. Price il. i6 « . in bo'ards: or with Sixty- five Plates, beautifully illuminat d after the Originals, Price 3I. 6s. in boards. JOURNAL of a
VOYAGE from PORT JACKSON, New South Wales, to Canton, in 1- 8S, through an un- explored Palfage. By Thomas Gi. bert, E'q. Comman- der of the Charlotte. Illullrated with Views of the fol- lowing I ( lands dtfeovered on tbe Palfage, viz. Chat- ham's, Ibhitfon's, Matthew's, Calveit's, Knox's, Da- niel's, M. rial's, and Gilbert's. Eleg. mtly printed in Quarto. Price 8s. fe- xd. The NEW FOUNDLING HOSPITAL for WIT; being a Collection of Fugitive Pieces 111 Profe and Verfc not in any other Collection. ' This Edition is confidera- b y improved and enlarged ; in which . ir-- inferted let en 1 curious Pieces, by the Duke of Leeds, Lady
Craven Marquis of Townlhend, E: rls of Cail ( le, Cbailemont, Nugent, Buchan, Chelterli. ld,. Cnaih. nn, Dc li Ware, Lords Palmerfton, Mulgrave, Hoi land, Lytrleton, Har- vey, Right Hon. C. J. Fox, Col. Fiizpatrick, C. York, H. Walpole, Countels Temple, Lady M. W. Montagu, Mrs, Greville, Mifs Carter, Mrs. Lenox ; Hon. T. Lut- trel, Sir W. Diaper, Sir J Moore, S. r W. Jones, Sir W. Young, Sir C. Hanbeirv W lliams; J. Wilkc:-, 1). Gariick, 11. li. Sheridan, R. Tickeil, G. Ellis, J. Cour- tenai,-, J. S. Hall, Caleb Whitetoord, G. Cohnau, R. Cumberland, C. Anftey, W. Hayley, S. Jenyns, B. Thornton, Efe] rs ; Doctors B. Franklin Arinftrong,
Bcaitie ; Capt. E Thomfon, & c. ' i'og tiler with fcveral P- eces now lirft printed from the Authoi's Manufcripts. 1 ne whole carefully revifed, arranged, and corrcttcd. In Six Vols. Pri. e 18s. fewed. Of whom may be had, ( Being a continuation ol the above Work) An ASYLUM lor FUGITIVE PIECES, in Profe and Vei fe, not lu any oilier Collection; w th fevei 1 Piec- s never before pubhfhed : including the Critiques on ti. e Rolliad, revifed , the Probat onarv O its lor the Lmreat- Ihip ; Loid G — m's • ujy; LorelM — eon El- iquenrej and fcveral Jeux des Eipri. s, written by Perfons of Fa- Ihio,:. A great variety of ctinouEand entertaining
Pieces, many of which are now firft printed from Manufcripts o: the feve ral Authors; partieularly fome Poems by the late Lord Holland, by the prefent Lord flelgrave, War- ren Hall ings, Efq. Col. Erfkine, Dr. Cnombe, M. lfrs. Jerningham, Wart- m, & c. In Three VoU. Price 9s. lewed. N. B. The above Nine Volumes, being all uniformly printed, may be had I'ew. d, or elegoitly bound. OBSERVATIONS on the LAND REVENUE ofthe CROWN. Containing the Origin and Sources of the Laud Revenue of England. Of various Acceflions to, and Alienations of the Crown Lands. Prcfent State of the Revenue. Management of the Land
Revenue. Va- rious Mealures and Piojefts cjucerning the Land Reve- nue; wi h an Appendix, containing feveral intereft ng Papers on the Snbjctl of the Land Revenue, elegantly printed in 4( 0. Bv the Hon. JOHN St. JOHN. The REPORT of the COMMISSIONERS appointed to Enquire into the S ate and Condition ot the Woods, Forefts, and Land Revenues of the CROWN, and to fell or abenate Fee Farm and other improvable Rents. Containing a Schedule of all the Manors, Lands, Tene- ments, and Hereditaments, held by Leafe from the Crown, wlih an Account of the laft Leafe of each parti- cular Eltate'; fhc-. virig the Names of
the Lelfees, the Dates of the Leafes, the Terms thereby granted, and expiration thereof; the Yearly Value of each Elbte, by the lateli Surveyor Eftimate; the Fines paid for fuch Leafes ; the old Rents, increaf- d Rents, and new Rents, lvferved to the Crown thereupon. The above being uni- formly printed in 410. may be had, complete, in One Vol- elegan ly bound. Price il. 7s. RETORT of the COMMISSIONERS appointed to Enquire into the S'ate and Condition of the Woods, Fore lis, and Land Revenues of the Crown, and to fell or alienate Fee Fatm and other unimprovable Rents, to the Right Hon. the LORDS SPIRITUAL and
TEM- PORAL. Dated the 16th of April 179- j, Price is. At ttie Old Licenfed Offices of RICHARDSON, GOODLUCK., and Co; STOCK- BROKERS; In the Barlk Buildings, Cornh'i! f And Oppofite the Kirig's- Mews, Charing- Crofsj " T1HE l.' ickets and Si'. ares of^ Tickets itl the ^ rifH State- Lottery, which begins Drawing the 1,5th of November nex', are tiow foiling at the under- ilaud cuiTtiit Prices*:—— The . Prices paid as foon as drawn. Perfons in the Connrry, favouring thek- O H es with their Commands?, may depend on the nioft pannuel At- tention and F. delitv in t very legal Department of the Lottery- B ifu^ fs and PuUic Funds.
Bank- JiiU § , Hills of Country B. mks, or Bills payable in Londori of fhon Dates, . fent by PoU, will be imme- •' diately anlWered. Likewife, Or. ers Ant by the diffe- rent S $ ge- Coachmeiij Carriers, ,& c. particularly addreffed to thefe Offices, v i'l be as honourably tranfaCted as if the Parties rhemf^ fves were prefeht. The £ qg4ith State- I. ottrry b g'ns Drawing the gth of FcbrUayv nextj Trek; ts a d Shares in which are alfo on Sale* Sv- henics at - largo- of both Lotteries ^ iv- n gratis. PRICES OF IRISH. Half Share, — 3 ,8 o Quarter, —— 20 o Eighth, —- 106 Sixteenth, — o ro 6 PRICES OF ENGLISH. Hitf — 820 loiifth — 420 it ght h
— 216 Sixteenth — a, 110 The Prizes in all former State- Lotteries paid in . full. '•^• fj* In the LAST and late S'ate- Lottcries, fince the Year 1767, a great Proportion ot. Capital Prizes have been fold in Shares and Tickets, at thefe Offices, too numerous to mention. At the defire of many Ladies and Gentlemen at U, e Well End of the Town, MefTr?. SHERGOLD and Co. have, as formerlv, appointed their SluTe Rcccipts to he delivered at Mr. TAYLOR's, Ao. 9, Cocklpur- ftreet, Charing- Crol's, four Doors from the Iia; mar- ket ; bui no where die in London. PARTICULARLY OBSERVE: The fol'owing are not Policies, Chances, or in
any fhape grafttd on theev. nts ofthe Lottery, but literally Re- ceipts or vouchers teftifying tl) at agrcem'nts for the f ile of lcg. il Shares are ro be purchafed and held for the ufe of ihe Bearer, ( ron? which Sh res themfulves, and not from the acknowledgment delivered, ihe va- rious benefits enurn; r- ited may accrue, be. ng what they are cn'itleci to by Aft of Parliament. No Infiirance is permitted her.', nor any huGnefs tranf- afted but what is eltablifiled by the beft advice and authorities to be undoubtedly legal. Thirty per Cent, fa'ved, and Returns for Blanks. ROYAL UNION BANK, ' No. 50, LOMBARD- STREET,' LONDON,
EUabbihed in the Y « ar 1782, By Meffrs. SHERGOLD and Co. THREE GUINEAS may acquire £. 12.5 o4 ONE GUINEA AND AN HALF - 6,250 SEVENTEEN SHILLINGS - 3,125 NINE SHILLINGS - - 1,562 10;, rj HE IRISH' LOTTERY begins drawing the 15th of Novmber. Receipts for legal S'. atnp: d Shares are now delivering- at Three Guineas, One Gui- nea- and a Half, Seventeen Shillings, and Nine Shillings each, fo modelled as to be not only much cheaper in the firft eft a 1.4 rifque, but to afford a chance of. confidera- hly. gr." at<- r benefit than aity other plan, befides giving U* b'ih Blanl'S and Prized a renewal of;, all the
capital lilnefits above P- 5! in the JVT, lilh Lottery. FOR A THREE GUINEA RECEIPT The Adventurers have in the Info Lottery a legal Share, producing F © r £. 2^ 060—- 10,000 For £- 500 250 10,000- 5,000— 2.000— 1,0 .0- 5,000 2.5 00 i ,000 500 100— 50- 2o 7 and being the proportions ofan Half which cofts 3I. whether Biank or Prize > will be exchanged gratis for a 1. gal Englifii Chance worth 2,5001. in any of the Three 20/ 00I. and in p: oportion for O'hers. FOR A ONE GUINEA AND A HALF RECEIPT The Adventurers have a legal Share, producing 5000!. for 20,0001. arid ex a fitly Half the B. ncfit both Englilh and Irifh
of the abo'Ve at Three Gainer's. And proportionable Benefits for SEVENTEEN SHIL- LINGS, and for NTNii . SHILLINGS. The Adventurer in the IRISH LOTTERY, after hav- ing TWO T HOUSAND SIX HUNDRED , nd FORTY-* SEVEN PRIZES above 9I. has even, in cafe of a- Blank, a ftill better Chance to come n the ENGLISH LOT- TERY, wiieie'ii are ' Three Prizes of 2o, oool. and a pro- portion- ible majority of other Capitals. It is worthy, obfervation,.- that as not only a Blank, \ hut even a 20,000!. a- id every other Prize . in the Irilh Lot- tery, has a new Chance, Gratis, in the Englifh ; for the ftnall Sum of Three Guineas.
12,5001. may be actually gained ; for One Guinea and a Half 6,2501. ; for Seven- teen Shiliings 3.125I.; and for Nine Shillings 1,562b 10s. To prevent miftakes, thofe who appr: vethis Plan will pleafe to explicitly order a Three Guinea Receipt; a One Guinea- and a Ii. » lf Rece-. pta. Seventeen Shilling Receipt, or a N ne Shilling Receipt, in order to diftin- gu'th them from common Shares, upon which there isn 1 return ior Blanks. It is prefutned that the long and repeated experience of the integntv, honour, and property, conducing the Houfe of SHERGOLD and Co. No. 50, Lombard- lircet, render it unneceffary to fay much upon
that fubjeft. Meflrs. LOCK HARTS, Bankers, in Pall- Mall, and many other principal Ba kers, both in London and the Coun- try, will fatisfy any enquirer ; and it is obvious to COM- MON£ SENSE, that it would be morally impoffible to make f ch references, or command fuc-. hr fanftion in any un- dertaking that was not under the direction of approved character, truly meriting confidence. In remarkable fuccefs to the Public, and unqueftion- able proofs of refponfibility, in difcharge of the very highcit demands poffible, the ROYAL UNION BANK is admitted to ( land beyond all competition. — The capi- tal Prizes from 500I. to 30,000b
delivered here, exceed all the Offices in the Kingdom put together. TESTIMONIALS. " The conduft which. I hav-^ experienced from the Gentlemen Proprietors of the Royal Union Bank, No. 50, Lombard- ftreet, being not only honourable but princely, I cannot content myfelf by a bare acknow- ledgement for the money received, without annexing a more explicit teftimunial of liberality and integrity, which would add credit and luftre to any Houfe in the World. <( .. The Chance for which I pofiefs near Eight Hundred Pounds, I had gratis for an Half Guinea Share, dra- wn a Blank in the laft Irifh Lottery. Th s Change was loft, and a
Reward of Twenty Guineas advertifc" d for it laft April, in the Daily Advertifer. . It never appeared or was heard of till Thurfday evening, the 26th November inft. when it was examined at No. 50, Lombard.- ftreet; and although it is plain that Meffrs. SHERGOLD and Co, could eafily and certainly have obtained it for the Reward of Twenty Guineas, and thereby fecured them- felves agamft paying me near Eight Hundred Pounds ; yet, with rigid and exemplary honour, they gave immediate notice to my Attorney, and moreover difpatched a { pe- dal meflengcT to myfelf, who arrived at my houfe, near Town Mailing, ir* Kent, at ten
o'clock the fame night. " The confidence and praife due to fuch noble prin- ciples and aftio. n- s, ought to have their proper weight; to which if my proving the fafts can contribute, I fhallj fcel pleafure in convincing any oap, referring to yme at Father well Hotlfe; ncartowH T^ TnlTing iH Relit; of my Sol. c! tors, Meffrs. Jerihlfigs; $ vne- : dHc.. Temple- bir; Londoii. ' OLIVER GOLDlNG. 1' Witnefs M. \ Vi:? grovc, V/ inc Merchant, No. 3, Wych- ftreet,, Nov. 28 1789. ,. . , <{ Gen lem- n, Exeter, Jan. 1785. v <{ I rcceiv d yoin Letter, all"; a Bank Pofl- Bill for my lhah of a Piiz_- o! One T hotifand Pouhds, in th « - late Irifh Lottery. ' I thiftk I a.
tit in jufti^ e bound to fay', that yon have afted by me 1 ke Gcuttei^ h ef the iltideft henouh t Uavc examined yo. ir PL. hs witti a teriiion, and do not Heiitnte lb pronounce 11 em of very great advantage to tlri Pubh'c ; arti'l \ yithout" aiiy . Hibterfuge, really aim fairly correfpohdiiig, in tvery pbint of view, witii your ftate « ment, pro'efiionsf dn » t d f'cr ptioh " My name is well known ui thbMathematical Vvror! d — rhy opinion, without pfefumptio. ni will have fomH little weight ; and if it fhall be thought by you, that ta make ule of my name; in any pub ic mann r, will be o£ fervice to you, you h. ave my free confenl to do it. I am your hum Me
fervant^ " JOHN RDU'E.'* < f To Meflfrs. Sher,.; old ? nd Co. No. 50, Lombard- fL" e , London." N. B: ' i'h- 2 Plan - n large, fully explicit, if giv; ri gratis, — Country Cdrrcfpcndcnts, and ali Letters ( pott-- paid) pnzi^ ii il,' attended to. The high ell value given for the Prizes., I'RUZSDsir, Cel. 23. LVADON. COURT KEli'S. YESTERDAY Comte i deRevklky. tbeiluR- I; garian Envoy, was ! introduced to the Ring in his clolet, where he had an audi- I en'ce to announce the 1; arrival of the Prince M m V. In A LIF / A'; aM of Fierfte'nbe poi g from Germany, who is ap- • ted Ambafl'ador Extraordinary to notify the Emperor's eleftion. The Levee
comntenced foon after on?,' aid laded about an hour. A Council was held th; Lsv. ee, which, fat only a fliort time after The Duke of Richmond, Mr. Pitt, and Sir Goo - ge Yonge ( who arrived after the other bufinefs was over), the two Secretaries of State, Sir Wi Fawcitt, and Col. Small, had audiences cf the King; and foon after four his Maj; fty fet 611" to Windfor Lodge. The Lord in Waiting gave notice that there would be no Drawing- room this day. Yefterday the Lord Chaacillor, Earl Coui- town, and Lord Digby, were at the Lev4e for the firft time firice their arrival in town. Yefterday the Right Hon. Lord Digby killed the King's hand
at the Levee on bring created. Earl Digby in Great Britain. JC. OEFICAY ' JIQWATI REET. Ytfterday William Newman, Henry Hate, and William Ever fail, were brought by John Lu y and others, civil officers,' before Sir' Samplon Wright, on fufpkion of having been guilty of divers footDad robberies. Six perfons, who have recently been plunder- ed by footpads, attended; not one of tlieni could fpeak to the perfon of either of th? pri- 1 oners — they were therefore remanded lo priion ; but as there is very great reafon to fuppofe they have committed off'enccs of the above nature, they were ordered for a further examination, when
feveral pcrfons who have been robbed will be brought forward. The prifoners, when firft apprehended by Lucy and his companions, were taken before Mr. Jullice Blackborow, but no perfon wlto attended on their examination- before that Maglftrate could fwear to them. For knowingly uttering of counterfeit filver to William Mackrdl, fervant to Mr. Wooley, of Piccadilly, John Morgan was committed, but is to have a further examination, COUIV- J RR IV£ IVS. Leeds, Oci. 25. Some days ago the fliop of Thornas L'sefon, of Tick- hill, breeches- maker,' was broke open, and robbed of 50 pair of lea- ther bre.- chcs. On Saturday night as
John B< mbridge, fer- vant to Mr. Ktrk, tanner, of Corby, in Lincoln'- ( liire, was returning ft on Grantham market, riding upon a load of hides, the cart overturned in the parifti of Burton Coggles, by which acci- dent he was inftantaneoufly killed.— The poor man's . fift. tr was a melancholy fpectator of his untimely, death. MATUUED. Tuefday, Robert Hunter, jun. Efq. of K; ng's' Arms Yard, to Mifs Charlotte Hansford, Burton in Dorfetlhire. Friday, in George ftreet, lidinburgh, William VVemyfs, Efq. Cuttlehill, to Mifs Eleanora Jean Dahymple fifth daughter to Lieutenant- General Horn £ 1- phififtone. Same .. day, Francis Glanville, Efq.
of Catch- French, Efq. to Mifs Loveday Sarah Mafterman, one of the daughters and co- heireffes of the late William Mafterman of Re- ftormel Park, Efq - A few days ago, Alex- ander Mair, Efq. of the Adelphi, to Mifs Baro- now, of Watford in Hertford dure. Saturdays the Rev. John Ramfden, to Mifs Cooke, daugh- ter of Sir George Cooke, Bart, of Wheatley, York ( hire Thurfday, Mr. Fleffi: ng, fur- geon at Beverley, to Mifs Tefleym n, only daughter of Mr. Teffeytmn, bookfellerat York. DIED. Thurfday, after a long illnefs, Mrs. Urania Goodridge, wife of Mr. Philip Goodridg.', of South Bren, Devon, furgeon.' - Fritjay, Sa- muel Hunn,
Efq. an Alderman of Plymouth; and many years mafter cooper of his Maj. ll/' s Vidualling- office there Saturday, at the Hot Wells, . Briftol, Mrs. Margaret Robi nfori, late of Edinburgh. Afew days ago, in Edin- burgh, John M'Arthur, Profeffor of t! e Ancient ' Martial Mujic of Scotland, and Pijer t) the Highland S& Sety. Wednefday, in nis .19th ! year, Mr. John Bell, f « n of the Rev. John Bell, of York. Friday, after a Ihort il'nefs, Fran- • - cis Wilbughby, Efq. of Hefsle, near Doncalter/>'/ of w I > tr ii
9" a the Printer of the Whitehall Evening Poll. S I R, r\ 3SERVlNG in your Paper of this day, " " That Mr. Rowfon, a confiderable far- mer at Groppenhall, near Warrington, had on the 19th of laft month, the misfor- tune to take corrofive fublimate inftead of falts, which after many days of excruciating pain put a period to his life ;" for the benefit of thofe who may be expofed to fimilar accidents, I am pcrfuaded you will feel pleafure in acquaint- ing your readers with the means of decompofing and deftroying the effefts of that deadly poifon. I was fo unfortunate, Sir, as by miftake to ufe inftead of pure water, fowe water in which corrofivc
fublimatc had been difl'olved by one of my fervants, to deftroy bugs; the tortures which it prefently produced, occafioned an en- quiry, whicll convinced me that 1 was in ex- treme danger ; I therefore fent for Dr. Leake, who then refijed in Cravcn- ftreet, who prefcrib- ed a folution of fait of tartar, thus prepared :-— " To half an ounce of fait of tartar, add one pint cf pure water, made palatable and laxative by the sddition of one ounce of manna." Of this mixture I was direfted to take a tea- cup full every two or three hours, and to repeat it as cccafion required ; by which, in a few days, I was happily freed from the violent pains
occafion- ed by that diftreffing poifon. I am, Sir, Your humble fervant, Minories, Oft. 21. 1790. J. B. ItlMteij& ll f^ mttcr V. K •• ^- rs . J Thurfday Afternoon, 03. zS, FRANCE. NATIONAL ASSEMBLY. FRIDAY, Oftober 22. In yefterday's fitting, the decree on the chang- ing of the white flag for one which fhall have the three nation d colours was thus expreffed : *' The Affembly decrees that the French flag fhall, from this time, be of the three national colours, in fuch a form and manner as fhall be thought proper by the Marine Committee, and purfuant to orders received from the Affembly for that purpofe ; but that this new flag ( hall not
be in ufe until the failors fliall be brought back to a ftate of perfe£ t fubordination and difcipline : " Decrees, befides, that inftead of the cry of Vive Is Roi ! repeated morning and evening on board the fhips, the expreffions of Vivant la Na- tion, la Lei, ef le Roll fhall henceforth be adopted." In tliis morning's fitting feveral motions were made refpefting the fabrication and engraving of the Aflignats. M. Praflin moved that the land forces fhould alfo be honoured with the ufe of national co- lours ; and that orders be iffued to all Colonels of regiments to adopt the three colours of liberty. This motion was agreed to with the loudeft applaufe.
The Order of the Day was, the difcuffion of the propofed perfonal contribution, on which fubjeft three articles were decreed. ift. " From the firft of January 1791, there fliall be a perfonal contribution, the amount of which lb all be fixed yearly. 2d. Part of this contribution fhall be paid by all the inhabitants of the kingdom of every de- nomination ; the other part fhall be affeffed on public and private falaries, on the produce cf in- duftry, and on moveable goods. 3d. That part of this contribution to which all the inhabitants of the kingdom ( hall be liable,—( hall be levied on the qualifications of aftive citizens ( the annual value of a dwel- ling
fhall be taken from the fum at which it is let, or according to proper eftimates of the real value)— on male fervants, on faddle horfes in towns, and on coaches and cabriolets both in towns and in the country." M. Bailly informed the Aflembly, that two houfes belonging to the nation were yefterday fold at Paris, one at the price it had been va- lued at, viz. i5, ooolivres ; the other for 62,300 livres, valued at 42, Bf^ livres only. LONDON. The laft mail has confirmed the intelligence we communicated on the authority of our correfpondent at Berlin. The Emperor gave the moft unequivocal affurance to the King of Pruflia of his
determination religioufly to adhere to his engagements made at Reichenbach, and utterly difavowed the intimation made by the Prince de Kaunitz. He loft no time in making this difavowal; and it was well that he was prompt and explicit; for the King of Pruflia was fo exafperated at the official notice made to him from Vienna, that in two hours meficngers were difpatched to every Ration of his army, and a foecial meffenger fent to the Emperor at Frankfort, to whom he gave but a Few hours to confirm or difavow the meafure of his Minifter. Hfc was determined to have marched without de- lay. The prudence of Leopold happily faved
Germany from a fndden war; and now it is believed the negociations will go on without further obftacle to a general peace. The difpatch brought laft Monday night by a meflenger from Paris, and the event upon which it is founded, namely, the decifion of the Na- tional Affembly of France in favour of the Mi- nifters, is important to England. We are led to believe, from circumftances which we will plainly deliver to the reader, that things are likely to take a turn in France favourable to this country. It was the party of the Enragees that made the famous report of the 25 th of Auguft, where a warlike conclufion is drawn fo inconfiltcntly
from pacific premifes. On that report the decree was made for fulfilling the Family Compaft, and for arming 45 flups.- That party only were fufpi- cious of England, and they alone were for inter- fering in our difpute. In their quelljon of Tuef- day and Wednefday laft they failed anfd the Mi- nifters of France thereby derived ilrength which they had not before. It is not, therefore, un- likely that their influence will be exerted in pre- venting a war between England and Spain. The Minifters of France will certainly retire from their ftations, fatisfied that they were not driven from them. We have good reafon to think that the rumour is
premature, which fays they have already retired. Extraft of a L tterfrcm Lintz., in Auflria, Oft. 11. '• In the fitting of the Diet of Hungary of the 6th inft. it was refolved, that the Count Caroly fhould immediately proceed to Frankfort, to intreat Leopold to confent to be crowned at Prefbourg inftead of Ofen, as it was in the fifft of thefe cities that he convoked the Diet. They propofe again to avail themfelves of this oppor- tunity to intreat him to accept of the Diploma as drawn up by the nation. " It is not probable that Leopold will confent to it, after having fo often faid, that he would in no particular depart from the determinations which he
had laid down. It is, however, poilible that he may confent to make fome facrifices; for the Diploma to be prefented to him is confiderably modified, particularly in thofe parts refpefting the rights and privileges of the clergy." Yefterday morning, at ten o'clock, the three Firft Battalions of the Foot Guards were drawn up in two lines on the plain, oppofite the walnut- trees in Hyde Park. Precifcly at eleven o'clock his Majefty ar- rived from Windfor, and mounting his horfe near the Serpentine River, rode along the front line, when the men faced about, and his Ma- jsfty came down the rear, after which hi Majefty took poft in the front, and
the whole of the brigade marched in companies by his Majefty. The King was accompanied by their Royal Highneffes the Prince of Wales, and the Dukes of York and Gloucefter, and attended by the Dukes of Richmond and Argyle, Lords Amherft and Dover, Sir W. Faucett, Colonel Golif- wortny, and a great number of General Officers ; and efcortedhy a party of the Life Guards and Light Horfe. His Royal Highnefs the Duke of York went on horfeback from Whitehall, which was the firft time of his being abroad ftnee his indif- pofition. The concourfe of people that aflembled on this occafion, exceeded by far every thing re membered on any former review ; and the ap pcarance of the whole of the brigade gave the higheft fatisfaftion to his Majefty and the fpec- tators. His Majefty appeared yefterday in the field, dreffed in fcarlet and gold, in the moft perfect health and fpirits ; and, notwithftanding the fe- verity of the weather, had his hat off almoft the whole time he was in the Park, which was near an hour. The King, after the review was over, dif- mounted and got into his chaife, and at twelve o'clock arrived at St. James's Palace. Mr. Pitt, accompanied by Colonel Lenox and Mr. Steele, was in Hyde Park on foot yef- terday morning, in order to fee the
Brigade of Guards pafs before his Majefty. Extraft of a Letter from Plymouth Dock, Oft. 24. " On Wedntfday laft the men belonging to the Infpeftor, which lately came from Ireland, were turned over to the Severn of 44 guns. " On Thuifday laft the loilowing fhips were commiflioned, viz. the Powerfull, of 74 guns, the command of which was given to Capt. Mackenzie, the Druid frigate, the command of which was given to Capt. Ellifon, likewile the Chatham hulk. " Sailed on a cruize, the Syren, Capt. Minley. " On Friday the remaining part of the 34th regiment, which lay in the barracks, embarked 011 board the Charon, and the Militia
having performed their month's exercife, were dif- banded. " The Glory, of 98 guns, a new ( hip, is get- ting ready to . be kcommiflioned as fait as pof- fible ; there being upwards of 200 men working on board her every day.— Every thing here hath the appearance of war, and Chaplains are much wanted for the men of war." Extr'aS of a Letter from Plymouth, Oft. Vj. " Sailed laft night his Majefty's fliip Hanni- bal, of 74 guns,, J. ColpoyS Commander, for Spithead, to join Lord Howe's fleet; " The Murine cutter, mentioned in mine of yefterday to have failed with difpatches for Gib- raltar, is come to anchor between the Ifland and Main
; the wind being ftrong at Weft prevents her failing. " The fquadron of men of war that have been, fince the 13th ultimo; at anchor in the Sound, have all, at different times, failed for Spithead. " Several parties of marines are embarked for Spithead. " The fuppofed Spy is ftill irt cuftody on board the Cambridge, Admiral Graves, where he is to remain till further orders. " The Diligence is arrived from Lifoon with fruit; and the Captain fays, it was reported there that the Province of Catalonia, in Spain, was fo averfe to war, that very few men entered either for the army or navy." The Argo ami Affurance, two 44 gun fhips in ordinary at
Chatham, have been Isrvv'd, and officially reported fit for fervice ; in confe- quence of which, orders have been given imme- diately to prepare them for being commiflioned. They will be armed en flute, and employed in the tranfportation of troops deflined for foreign duty. The American of 64 guns, is ordered to be armed en flute, as is alfo the Experiment, of 44 guns.— They, are faid to be dellined for the Ealt Indies. Several engineers have received orders to pre- pare for foreign fervice, to accompany the troops now going out. On Saturday a boat belonging to the Brunf- wick, of 74 guns, was overfet in a fudden gull of wind, going
from Portfmouth harbour to Spithead, and feven men and four women were unfortunately drowned. A volume of four hundred and forty pages has juft iffued from the prefs under the aufpici- ous name of M. de Calonne. Its title is " De l'Etat de la France, Prefent et a Venir." The purport of this book is a violent philippic againft the Revolution. M. de Calonne, in this volume ( which is to roufe all the loyal fpirits of France, and to af- femble under the ltandard of Conde, as we fup- pofe, " the great number of Princes of the blood- royal, all the moft illuftrious families of the kingdom, and more than 200,000 citizens expatriated"),
condemns the National Affemb'y for their refolution to arm, which he avers was not provoked by the conduft of England. Nei- ther its King nor its Minifter had any holtile views againft France. This he can fay from his own obfervation—" for he has lived three years in England, and has never been deceived by an Englifhman." A melancholy circumftance happened in Hol- land on Friday laft. A Dutch yacht funk in the Maize River, and fourteen pcrfons pe- riflied. At the laft Judiciary Court held at Perth a lingular ' circumftance occurred. A perfor. was indifted for murder, and found guilty. The Counfel for the prifoner, after the verdift,
difco- vered that one of the Jury was a Minor ; the verdift is therefore invalid; but the jet of the affair is, whether the prifoner can be legally tried again ; and this queftion is referred to the High Court of Seflion at Edinburgh. Yefterday Mr. Alderman Skinner flit in the Council Chamber at Guildhall, for the final examination of the four incendiaries, when Fyn- dall had his free pardon given him by Mr. Skin- ner ; after which, the information and evidence he hid given was read over, and which he figned. All the perfons whofe examinations had been taken at the different times attended, and the whole of them were bound over to profe cute ; the prifoners were then committed to Newgate for trial at the prefent feflions in the Old Bailey. Laft Thurfday afternoon, about three o'clock, a terrible fire broke out in a barn at Brandltone, near Burton, in the neighbourhood of Coventry, containing a large quantity of wheat and barley, which immediately communicated itfelf to two dwelling- houfes, a ftable, a large cart hovel, and two flacks of wheat and oats, which exhibited an appearance truly awful ; and notwithftanding every poffible aflillance, the whole was in a few hours reduced to afhes. As the wind was rather boifterous, it is imagined that, had it not been for the
immediate arrival of the fire engine from Burton, and the united affiH^ nce 0f many per- fons from that place ( though two miles diftant) with that of the inhabitants of the village, the whole town would foon have been entirely de- ftroyed Providentially no lives were loft, nor any perfon materially hurt by this unfortunate event ; but the lofs fuftained by it, it is appre- hended, is very confiderable. Yefterday the Rev. Thomas Twigg, Lec- turer of the united parifhes of St. Margaret Lothbury, and St. Chriftopher le Stocks, was unanimoufly elefted Vicar of St. Stephen, Cols- man- ftreet, by the inhabitants of the laid parifh, vacant by
the'death 0/ the Rev. Anthony Web- fter, L L. D. Monday as a young lad, about 14 years of age, was exercifing a horle in Mr. Fiilingham's livery ftables in Whitechapel Road, the horfe ftarted, and ran with fuch violence againft the wall, as to throw the boy, who was killed 011 the fpot. OLD BALLET. FIRST DAY. Wednefday. This day the Seflions commenced, when Elizabeth Cooper was tried for bigamy, hav- ing married a perfon of the name of Prior, while her former hufband, Cooper, was living ; it appeared, that after a feparation of more than feven years, flie was informed by her fun, a young boy, wh< 5 had made enquiry, that
Cooper was dead j but the report was foon difcovered to be falfe.— The Jury, after having confulted for about an hour, acquitted her. Mary Hickwell was arraigned for robbing her miftrefs, Mrs.. Tindall, of plate and jewellery to a confiderable amount, but nothing but a pair of gloves and a pillow cafe bring found in her box, fhe was found guilty of Healing to the value of the above two articles. George Story was put to the bar for robbing Mr. Briggs of a filter watch on the highway on the 17th of Oftober. As Mr. Briggs and a perfon of the name of Baifely, were coming in a coach over Finchley Common, they were at- attacked by two
perrons near Coiney hatch — The prifoner, armed with a cutlafa, opened the coach door, and feeing the chair, of Mr. Briggs'* watch hanging out, he attempted to feize it. Some refiftance being made, he called out to his affociate, who was ftationed with a piftol on the other fide of the coach, to fire. Baifely then j^ p^ d cat, and caught hold of the piftol, and a fcuflle enfued, upon which the prifoner ran over to the afliitance of his companion, and knocked Baifely down with a blow of his cutlafs. Briggs, feeing the prifoner's arm lifted up, ran, and received a blow on the neck, which wounded him. Atthis junfture Baifely, who ftill remained
ftretched on the ground, called out that fome perfons were riding up to the; r afliflance. The affailants then made oft"; but Briggs, who had taken an accurate obfervation of the prifoner's perfon by the moon- light, called out that he fhould know him. The prifoner hereupon turned about, and made anfwer, that he would murder him the Monday week following 1 — The prifoner was taken by Robert Dawfori, a Conftable, at his father's houfe, and committed. The Jury, after a ( liort confultation, found him — Guilty. , Eleven were convifted of felonies, and 13 acquitted. Leeds, Oftober, 25. A tax of 2s. per pound on cotton unmanufac tured, allowing the import to amount to thirty- two millions of pounds, would raife 3,290,000!. a year ; which would enable the Miiiilter to re- peal the window- tax, and leave a furplus of near two millions. In the years 1782 and 1783, cot- ton fold for 3s. 6d. a pound, but it is now only 1 id. to I4d. the price, therefore, with the above duty, would not be higher than at the above period. We hear that the paragraph in a former paper, refpefting the farmer being cheated out of his. pigs at the late Barnfley Fair, has traced out the fwindler ( a pig jobber that refided not a hundred miles from this place), who has thought proper to decamp
upon tbe occafion. —— STOCKS, YESTERDAY AT ONE O'CLOCK. Bank Stock, New 4 per Cent. 3777, 94 i 3 per Cent. Conf. 74 3 per Cent. Reduced, 1 5. / J " s * 5 per Cent. Ann. 1785, 111 i 3 I 111 K 4 T 3 per Cent. 1726, — Long Ann. 21^', Ditto Short 1778 and 1776, 12V5 3 P. C. Ind. Ann. — India Stock, India Scrip. — India Bonds, 38s. prem. South Sea Stock,- —- Old S. S. Ann. New S. S. Ann. ——— 3 per Cent. 1751, —• New Navy and Vift « Bills, 3 I difc. Exchequer Bills, * Lot. Tick. Irifh ditto, 7I. 6s. 6d. Tontine, — Loyalifts Debentures. SYSTEM OF MIDWIFERY. This Day was publijhed, In Throe Volumes 8vo.
IUuftrate- d with Copper- pla cff, Pricc 11. 1 s. in boards, A SYSTEM of MIDWIFERY: Wherein I * the Mcchanifm of Natural Labour is more clearly explained, and the Method of operating in prcter> alural and laborious Cafes is more fully and fyllrmatically treated, than in any Work ftiihcrio publilhed. Tranflatcel from ihe Frenc.- i of BAUDELOCOllE, By JOHN HtATH, Surgeon in the Royal Navy, and Member of the Cor- poration of Surgeons of London. Printed for the Authe> r, and fold by J. Parkinfon, N >. 1, Racquet- couit, Hcct- llreet; ami J. Muirav, No. 32, Fleet- ilreet. On Monday, Nov. 1, 1790, will be publi/ btd, Embcliifheel
with an elegant Likcnefsof the l< ev. J. Rip. po: i, A. M. Minifter of the G- lpel, Cartcr- lane, Too- ley ilieet, NUMBER XI. ( Piice 6d.) Of HTHE CHRISTIAN'S MAGAZINE; or, A GOSPEL REPOSITORY. Rev. T. PRIESTLEY, Editor. Portraits of the following Mm lle- r.', & c. have vlreadjr appeared ill ' h- preceding Numbers of this Work : No. I. Rev. T. Priefllcy. VI. Rev. John Owen, D. I>. II. — John Calvin. VII. — W. Rumaine. A. M. IV. R. H. the Counlcfs VI11. — J. Nimpfou. Bolton- of Huntingdon. IX. — Tho. Willi, A- B. V. Rev. John B rridgc. X. — T. Grove. With the t A't'lfth Number, for December, will begivpj, a Portrait of . the Rev.
Mr. Newton, P. eftoi o( St. Mary Woolnoth, Lombard- llreet— with a beautiful Vignette Title- Pare for ti c firft Volume of this Work. London : Printed and fold by T. Chapman, Nevil',- court, Fetter- lane. Sold alio by all Bookfellcn and Ncwfcarriers in the Kingdom. To the CHRISTIAN WORLD. IT is now ten months lince this Work was firft -. ifh rrd. into the world ; a id ii is with great pleaftjre the Editor is able to fay, that the encouragement it has mei with has far exceeded his moft fanguine expedations. This may be attributed to the peculiar blcffiug of the Lord • as the ult'mare cauf ; and to ( he kind Communications of Fliends ard.
Cortefpondeiits, as the means. To en fure a coftduu nice of this eiicouia^ cmrnt, the - Editor will fteadily adiiere to tin- Plan firjj^ dopied — And wh. le he endeavours to infirm and er teitain, will makf the fpiriiual and eternal advantage of the Reader his era ( lam and ruling mot ve. In tins tefpeft he has confidence t a his laboui has not been in vain. With refp- tl to out. w; ircl Embeltiihuien s, no exertion ( ball be wanting to render the I'ortraus acceptable to the Public. bULaiJ by C. DAVIE3,> at No. 100, Fleet- Street, Four Doors from the Obelifk ; where LETTERS and ADVERTISEMENTS are received; ADVERTISEMENTS,
LETTERS, tsc. are alfo taken in at the Printing- Office, No. 4, Peterborough- Court, near Shoe- Lane, Fleet- Street < By Tv WHIELDON, No. 43, facing Fetter- Lane, Fleet- Street; and Meff. BY FIELD and Co. Ckarhg- Crofi. •