The St James's Chronicle, or British Evening Post
Printer / Publisher: H. Baldwin
Volume Number: Issue Number: 4509
No Pages: 4
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The St James's Chronicle, or British Evening Post
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The St James's Chronicle, or British Evening Post
Date of Article: 16/03/1790
Printer / Publisher: H. Baldwin
Address: Britannia Printing Office, the Corner of Union Street, New Bridge Street, Black Friars (removed from No. 108 Fleet Street)
Volume Number: Issue Number: 4509
No Pages: 4
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The St. James's OR, BRITISH CHRONICLE* EVENING- POST, Price FOUR- PENCE.] From SaTURDAY, MARCH 13, to TUESDAY, MARCH 16, 179O. [ 4509 MONDAY, March 15. From the LONDON GAZETTE of Saturday, March 13. Whitehall, March 13. HE King has appointed Dr. William Black to be Firs Physcian to his Majesy in Scotland. • The King has als appointed Edward Bos- cawen Frederick, Esq. to be Standard- Bearer to his Majesty's Band of Pensioners. BANKRUPTS. Edward Cook, of Hatford, in Berks, Dealer. To appear March 26, 27, April 24, at the Bear Inn, in Wantage. Thomas Hoitt, of Henley in Arden, in
Warwickshire, M-. it- fter. To appear March 30, 31, April 24, at the White Swan, in Henley in Arden. Thomas Eastman Pryce, late of Monmouth, but now of Here- ford, Linen- Draper. To appear March 24, 25, April 24, at the Saracen's- Head Inn, in Hereford. james Walton, of Altringham, in Cheshire, Cornfactor. To appear April I, 2, 24, at the Coach and Horses, in Manchester. John Heatherly, of Witham, in Essex, Apothecary and Druggist, To appear March 16, 23, April 24, at Guild- hall, London. Dividends to be made. April 10. John Cottam, John Mayho. Joseph Clayton, Tho- mas Osbaldeston, John Osbaldeston, and Thomas
Dicken- son, all now or late of Ribchester with Dilworth, in Lancashire, Cotton Manufacturers and Copartners, at the New Black Bull, 111 Blackburn. April 6. George Woolley, late of Gloucester, Grocer, at the Bell Inn, in Gloucester. April 5. William Langley the Younger, of Newton Abbott, in Devonshire, Grocer and Shopkeeper, at the Sun Inn, in Newton Abbott. April 3. John Jollins, late of Great Yarmouth, in Norfolk, Turner and Painter, at Tuck's Coftee- House, in the Market- Place, Norwich. PLANTATION NEWS. From the KINGSTON ( JAMAICA) MORNING POST. Kingston, Jan. 13. By a gentleman of vera- city, who touhed
at Cape Francois, in his way to this island, the following intelligence is re- ceived : That on the morning of the jth inst. three large Transports, having, in his conception, at least 300 troops on board, had arrived from Old France; the commanders of which came on shore to announce their arrival, but were given to understand, that unless every Officer and Private Would, previous to their landing, take the oaths of allegiance or submission to the Colonial laws, not one of them would be permitted to come on shore. " The same day one of the frigates belonging to the French squadron came to an anchor 011 the reef 011 the outside
of the enterance of the har- bour ; it being divulged that the motive for an- choring there was to take on board all the powder end ammunition lodged in a magazine, situated in a fort near the place the vessel anchored at, the Militia guards were instantly placed in the fort, with striCt orders not to suffer an ounce of powder to be taken from the said magazine. " It is likewise said that the inhabitants, and particularly the Planters, have taken such general disgust at the late discussion in the National As- sembly on the question of emancipating their slaves, that rather than submit to it, they are resolved to solicit tiie protection of Great-
Britain." LONDON. Yesterday the Royal Family went again in State to the Chapel Royal, St. James's, where they heard Divine Service and a Sermon by the Right Rev. Dr. Ross, Bishop of Exeter. Lord Boston carryed the Sword of State, and Lord Willoughby attended as Lord in Waiting. Tbe ' Queen was attended by the Earl of Aylesbury and . Earl Harcourt, and Marchioness of Bath, Lady in Waiting. Lady Elisabeth Waldegrave and Miss Goldsworthy attended the Princesses. After Divine Service was ended, their Majesties and Princesses returned as before, and at a quarter past two o'clock there was a drawing- room, at which
were present the ArchbishOp of Canterbury, Marquisses of Salisbury and Stafford, Marchioness » f Salisbury, Earls Harcourt, Aylesbury, Howe, & c. Conntesses Harcourt, Howe, & c. the French and Sardinian Ambassadours, Prince Carenci, Mons. Bonville, & c. ar. d a few naval and military Officers. Saturday noon their Majesties and the five eldest Princesses, attended by Lady C. Finch, honoured Mr. Alderman Boydell, by visiting his Shakspeare Gallery in Pall- mull, where the royal Visitors re- mained near two hours. Saturday at noon a Cabinet- council was held at the Secretary of State's office, Whitehall, which was
attended- by all the Cabinet Mini- sters. The Council till after three, when the Imperial Envoy had a private inter view, which lalted till near five o'clock, when Mr. Pitt car- ryed the result to the King, at Buckingham.- House. Yesterday evening the Duke of Richmond and Mr. Dundas had an interview with the Minister, at his house in Downing- street, and afterwards dined with Mr. Pitt. ' Earl Stanhope has at length brought his plan to bear ; and his Lordship obtained a. patent of In- vention on Saturday last, for navigating vessels without the aid of masts or sails, ROYAL ACADEMY. The proceeding of Saturday evening shows a
liberal desire in the Academy to retain Sir Joshua Reynolds still in the chair. After agitating the unpleasant difference between the President and the Academy, with as much de- licacy as possible, it was determined that a delega- tion of the following gentlemen, Mr. West, Mr. Bacon, Farringdon, Copley, Cosway, Barry, Catton, and Sandby Rigaud, should wait upon Sir Joshua, and lay before him the resolution which the Academy had come to, in order to produce a conciliatory effect. The resolution was, in fubstance, as follows:— That it appeared, when the drawings of Mr. Bonomi, were introducd at the election, Sir Joshua, by
whose directions they were brought in, had certainly acted in conformity to the in- tentions of the Council, as appeared by an order, entered on their . books; but that such order not going through the regular forms ne- cessary to constitute a law, the full body of the Academicians remained ignorant of the pro- ceeding ; and therefore fell into an errour in ordering the drawings to be removed. But as they unanimously professed that no personal disrespect was intended towards Sir Joshua, they trusted he would be prevailed upon to comply with the wishes of the King, and con- tinue in the Presidency of the Academy." The
Gentlemen were required to wait upon Sir Joshua at an early opportunity. All the foreign letters since the Emperour's death, from the Continent, incline to think that the present King of Bohemia and Hungary will quietly succeed to his late brother's honours. The Clergy at Liege have refused to lend the 20o, 000 crowns required of them, but have agreed to pay an equal share of a Capitation Tax. All the officers in the Danish service have been ordered to keep their camp equipage ready, in case of necessity ; and it is believed, from certain motions at Copenhagen, that the court intends to form a camp this spring in the Duchy of
Sleswig. Accounts from Bohemia mention, that consider- able magazines are forming at Plees and at Ko- niggratz, both of which fortresses are putting into the best state of defense. At Freudenthal, on the Frontiers of Upper Si- lesia, they are also establishing a magazine. In all the distriCt of Nacod, quite to Pless, or- ders have been issued to the country people, to drive their cattle further into the territories, and to take the best care they can of their other effects. At Brannau, they have taken the same precau- tions, and the manufacturers of cloth have already secured their property, in dread of an invasion by the Prussians.
Advices from Berlin mention, that the Liegois and the Belgick States have concluded a Treaty of alliance, consisting of 42 articles. The Grand Visir sent three heads to Constan- tincple, which arrived there the 8th of January. One was that of the Commandant of Akierman, the others those of the Lieutenant of the Grand Visir and his Secretary.— The billet sent with them had written. on it " Enemies of the State." Saturday arrived a mail from Jamaica, brought to Falmouth in the Duke of Cumberland Packct; she sailed about the 25th of January: Also a mail from the Leeward Islands, brought to Fal- mouth hy the Prince William
Henry Packet; she sailed the 5 th of February. We understand that the Custom- house Regula- tion bill will not come under the consideration of the present Parliament; nor do we believe it will be brought forward at all in the course cf this year. Mr. Berrington is nominated to succeed the Hon. Mr. Talbot, as Titular Bishop of London. The Pope's approval of this nomination is daily expected by the Roman Catholicks. A remarkable circumstance lately occurred at Dublin. The wife of a capital tradesman being on her death bed, declared she could not die in peace till she had divulged a secret to her hus- band that greatly distressed
her mind, and em- bittered her last moments. The good man at- tended his dying wife, melted in tears, when lo ! the secret was— that she had for several years car- ried on a criminal intercourse with her Man- mid- wife. On the matter being made known, the son of aEsculapius absconded. EIGHTEENTH DAY. • Saturday, at Guildhall, No. 18,111, was drawn a prize of 1000I. No, 30,969. 42,835, prizes of 500I. And the following Prizes of 50I, . each : No. 7101, 9285, 37,409. The Privy Councillor, Aaron, from Hamburgh to Cadiz, is lost on the Diamond going into Ca- diz bay. On Tuesday evening last arrived in Leith roads the
Royal Charlotte Excise Cutter, Capt. Charles Elder, from a cruise, and with her the Lovely Betty, of Dundee, from Rotterdam, a prize, laden with from 400 to 500 ankers of gin, which was taken on the preceding Sunday off False Castle, near St. Abb's Head. The Adventure, Wilson, from London to Cha- rante, is lost on the Island of Dieu. The Thomas, Brown, from New- York to Lon- don is put into Antigua in distress. Capt. Halcrow, of the Commerce, from Guern- sey to Virginia, having cut away his main- mast, is put into Galway in distress. Friday evening, at seven o'clock, some thieves broke into an empty house in London
Road, St. George's Fields, and opening a communication through a party wall into the next house, which is the Royal Mortar, they stripped the Attick story ef beds, bedsteads, chairs, tables, & c. and car - ryed the whole away without being detected. A strange man during the tranfaction came into the Coffee- room, and taking out his pipes, enter- tained the company below with some delightful airs, while his companions above were plundering the house. The landlord, Mr. Tomlinson, may truely be said to have paid the Piper." MARRIED.] Saturday, Mr. J. Palmer, of Maryland Point, to Miss Troughton, of Stratford, Essex. DIED.]
Friday, in Portman- street, age tti, the Rev. Thomas Osborne, LL. D. Rector of Cliffton and Camfeton, Bedfordshire, and Pre- bend of the Collegiate Churches of Salisbury and Lincoln.— Saturday, at Knebworth, Herts, Mrs. Lyttcn, Relict of John Robinson Lytton, Esq. To the Gentlemen, Clergy, and Freeholders of the COUNTY of SOUTHAMPTON. GENTLEMEN, HAVING been approved of, as Candidates ; o represent you in the next Parliament, this day, at as ' numerous a County meeting as we believe ever was assem- bled, and by a Majority so decided as not to leave a doubt, Wc hope, in the mind of- any one as to the
sense of the county, we JOINTLY take the liberty to solicit your votes and interests. We are persuaded that the uncommon success, we. have each met with on our canvas, us well ac the general voice ex- pressed this day in our favour, proceeds from your zeal for the independence of the County. The encouragement which we have already received, leaves us little room to doubt of our final success: But we trust, that even so flattering a prospect will not induce our friends to relax from their exertions in our favour, if our opponents should, notwithstanding what has passed this day, persevere in their intention to go to a poll.
Permit us to assure you, that if we should have the good fortune to be the objects of your choice, we shall endeavour to discharge cur duty, as Representatives of this great and re- spectable county, by a constant attendance to its particular interests, as well as by supporting the true principles, of the Constitution, and by endeavouring to promote the general prosperity of the Country. We have the honour to be, with the warmest gratitude, and the sincerest respect, Gentlemen, Your most devoted and faithful servants, WILLIAM HEATHCOTE WILLIAM CHUTE. Winchester, Jan. 14, 1790. STATE LOTTERY Stamp- Office,
Somerset- place, Feb. 8, 1790. HIS Majesty's Commissioners for managing the Stamp Duties do hereby give notice, that the following are the only persons who are duely licensed by them for selling Tickets in the present State Lottery : When their Licences expire. To the Freeholders of the COUNTY of MIDDLESEX. GENTLEMEN, HAVING received a requisition from a num- ber of respectable Freeholders to call a general meet- ing of the County, to take into consideration the dangerous consequences of extending the Excise Laws so the trade and manufactures of this Kingdom, and to join In an applica- tion to Parliament, for
a repeal of the Tobacco excise Act WE, therefore, in consequence of such requisition, appoint a general meeting of the Freeholders to be held for the aforesaid purpose, at the Mermaid, Hackney, on Friday next the 19th inst. at twelve o'clock. WILLIAM NEWMAN c THOMAS BAKER SHERIFFS. London, March 11. William Blake. Adam- street, Adelphi James Branscomb and Isaac Goodman Holbourn, 1 James Branscomb, and Isaac Goodman, No. 4, Cornhill. John Bruckshaw, Royal Exchange, Corn- hill Henry Woolsey Byfield, and Samuel Hawkesworth, Charing- Cross, George Carroll, No.' 14,- Castle street, Oxford- Market,.
George Carroll, High- street, Shadwell john Cassin, City of Bristol, Robert Clement, City of Bath, William Galley and John Beardmore, jun. Piccadilly, John Harley, Pope's Head Alley, Cornhill George Harrison, Piccadilly, Robert Hazard, Thomas Burne, and Ed- ward Warner, Royal Exchange C « n- hiU Richard Hodges and William Norton, No. 149, Oxford- street William Hodges, No. 124, Pall- Mall, Thomas Hornsby, Cornhill, John Johnson, Pope's Head- Alley, Corn- hill Henry Lalande, Charing- Cross, George Leslie and William Scott; Edinburgh John Maddison, Charing- Cross, William Nicholson, Bank- Street, Thomas
Northall, New Bond- Street, Daniel O'Hara, No. 23 Newcastle- street, Strand, 1 Peter Richardson, William Goodluck, George Arnull, and William Lea,. No. 104, Cornhill and No. 8, Cha- ring Cross, . Frederick Scott, St. James's- Street, John Shower, New Bond- Street, Thomas Strong, Holbourn james Thomson and Son, City of Edin- burgh, Thomas Thompson, No.. 6, Charing- Cross, Henry Webster, No. 29, Fleet- Street, Richard Weller, No. 275, Oxford- street John Wenham, Poultry, Samuel Wenham, No. 57, Comhill, William West, Fleet- Street, John White and Daniel Forrest, City of Edinburgh j Richard Wiltshire, No. 37,
Cresse street, 5 Rathbone- Place ... j ' Joseph Winpenny, City of Bristol Stephen Wright, Charing- Cross, ' John Wright, jun. No 168, Piccadilly ' . And the Commissioners think it necessary. thus publickty to caution all person's against buying or selling any shares of . Tickets, other than such as are legally stamped; the act having prohibited, under large penalties the dealing in Chances under any pretence or device whatsoever which may depend on. the contingency of drawing the said tickets and also the publishing proposals far any By order of JOHN BRETTELL, secretary. To the Gentlemen, Clergy, Yeomanry, and
Freeholders of the COUNTY of KENT. GENTLEMEN, THE unanimous approbation which mv nomi- nation this day to serve you in Parliament has met with, demands, and shall receive, my utmost gratitude. Believe me, I can better feel than express the very honour- able situation in which you have placed me. Your unani- mous decision that I should take no part whatever, m the pre- sent contest, with either of the other candidates, shall be ob- served in the strictest manner. The publick good, and the welfare of. my Constituents have ever been the first objects of my heart. By these principles I am determined to regulate my
conduct, and by them 1 hope to have the. honour a fourth time to be elected your Repre- sentative at the ensuing General Election. I am, Gentlemen, your most obedient, And most grateful humble servant, CHARLES MARSHAM. Maidstone, March 8, 1790. AYoung Man and his Wife, of genteel Address and Respectability, wishing to be employed in superintending an Hotel or Inn, in Town or •• » any of the watering places for the ensuing Season. - Principals being in Want of such Persons, may hear of them by applying to Mr. Eagletan. at his Tea Warehouses, opposite the London Tavern, Bishopsgate- street, and No. 42,
Cheapside. Good Security will be given, for the Trust re- posed in them. CLASSICAL EDUCATION. THE Friends of young Gentlemen are respect- fully informed, that a Clergyman, whose Situation i « about fifty Miles distant from London ( but with which there is daily Communication) and who has been for some Years engaged in the InstruCtion of a few Pupils— is desirous of filling up the present Vacances in his Family with any young Gentlemen of respectable Connexions who are designed for the University, or for any liberal Profession. Any Persons desirous of knowing the Terms, and further Particulars, '. is requested to
leave a Letter for A. B at Tom's Coffee- house, Great Russell street, Covent- Garden ; to which due Attention will be paid. ... ' The enlarged plan of reading New Books and Pamphlets by Subscription. J. BELL, of the BRITISH LIBRARY, in the Strand, has completed his extensive Catalogue, by th « Addition of an APPENDIX, which includes all the NEW PUBLICATIONS. The Catalogues are sold at One Shil- ling each j end the Appendix given gratis to former Subscri- bers. . Subscribers at One Guinea per Year, are entitled to the reading of any a'd every Book in this vast and expensive Collection, and also to the Perusal of every
New Book and Pamphlet of General Request, which may hereafter be pub- lished. This Accommodation will, prove a general and national Convenience, as every Subscriber will have the free use of a Library which has cost many Thousand Pounds, and which includes every valuable Literary Production at" this Country, at the moderate Expence of a single Volume in Quarto. Quarterly . Subscribers are admitted at Five Shillings per Quarter; but they are not entitled tb the Reading of NEW PUBLICATIONS. Society for the Encouragement of ARTS, MANU- FACTURES, and COMMERCE. . Adelphi, Feb. 12, 1790. ON Monday the
22d of March, the annual Meeting of this Society, for the Election of Officers. for the Year ensuing, will be held at their House in the Adelphi ; the Ballot to_ begin at Eleven in the Forenoon, and close at Two in the Afternoon precisely. And the Anniver- sary Dinner of the Society will be on Wednesday the 241) 1 Day . of March, at the Crown and Anchor Tavern, in tha Strand, where the Company of the Members is requested. Lord ROMNEY, President. VICE- PRESIDENTS: Charles Duke of Richmond, Hugh D. of Northumberland, George Duke of Montagu, Jacob P. Earl of Radnor, Geo, Aug. Lord Heathfield, Hon. Charles
Marsham, , Right Hon. Earl of Fife, Granville Penn, Esq. Joshua Smith, Esq. John English Dolben, Esq. Richard Crawshay, Esq. John Wilkinson, Esq. S" T E W A R D S. Edward Hooper, Esq. Owen Salisb. Brereton, Esq. Sir Herbert Mackworth, Bart, James Davison, Esq. Sir William Dolben, Bart. Sir Watkin Lewes, Knt. Sir George Collier, Bart. William Blake, Esq. Clarke Woodbine, Esq, Samuel Rogers, Esq. , Thomas Sheldon, Esq. John Baynes, Esq. - By Order of ths Stewards. SAMUEL MORE, Secretary. ESSEX- TO be Sold, and entered upon St Michaelmas next, All that compleat FARM called the KITCHEN ( being a
Manour within itself) in the Parish of Bulmer, in tlie County of Essex, near Sudbury, in Suffolk ; containing about 228 Acres of very good Arable, Meadow, and Pasture Land ; with a fine Mine of Chalk, and a Lime Kilm. Also one other Stable farm, called GRIGGS's, in the said Parish of Bulmer j containing about 114 Acres of very good Land. For Particulars apply ta Mr Andrews, Attorney- at- Law Sible Hedingham or Mr. Lowten, Np. 4, Holbourn Gray's Inn. For the T E E T H. THE Dentifrice prepared , by Mr- SPl is sold in London only at Mr. NEWBERy cine Warehouse, No. 43, in St. . Paul's Church- by his appointment, at
Messrs, Smyths, Perfumer New Bond- Street, in Boxes, Price 3s. 6J. ' Stamp - duty. Nv B. None are genuine, bu those in t F. Newbery is engraved in the Stamp.', . by tS the Commissioners of the Stamp- Office. Sold also by Mr. Knight, Druggist, Bath ; Bookseller, Bristol; Mr. Tesseyman, York ; Messrs Husband, Elder and Co. Edinburgh, Mr. White,- Bookseller. Cork and Mr. Boursiquot, Essex- Bridge, Dublin
SQUINTING. To the Printer of the St. J. CHRONICLE. IN reply to your Querist, Poss, in one of your late Chronicles, please to tell him, Mr. B. that he should always prefer a woman who squints, because you are sure she has an eye to her nose, and a man for the same reason, because he looks both ways at once. I therefore think the book belongs to our J ny, first. because he looks both ways at once ; secondly, because if you observe the motion of his hands and arms, he looks as if he had just finished his work ; and lastly, because I find only those people whom J - ny has flat- tered have been accommodated with his
speeches. And as to the notes, I know not what to say ; but that some of them are out of tune, if not out of time also. HEY. -- - - VALENTINE'S DAY. To the Printer of the St. J. CHRONICLE. SIR, YOU may depend upon the truth of the fol- lowing very alarming circumstance:-— I live, Sir, almost in the centre of this plentiful little island, and in a town ( if a town it can be called) consisting of a parsonage- house, my own, about half a dozen farmers, and a few huts, in- habited by about forty or fifty men and women ; yet on Sunday morning last, I and my family were disturbed very early by near a hundred Wretched figures of both
sexes. whose voices were so dissonant, so shrill, and so loud, that 1 concluded my person was in imminent danger; but upon facing it, and pretending to fear nothing ( that's the best way you know, Mr. BALDWIN) I sallied forth, almost naked, with my gun in my hand, when to my great joy, I found about a hun- dred boys and girls; only much slighter clothed than myself, who told me it was Valentine's day, and that my purse, not my person, was only in danger, for; according to custom immemorial, they have always been intitled to a belly- full of pancakes on Shrove Tuesday, the only day in the year, I verily believe, they have half
a one; for they all brought unquestionable certificates that their claim was well founded. Besides, Sir, the word VALENTINE brought forth a sigh ; a deep one; for reasons you know why : as I considered VALENTINE was the Christian name of one who ClOthed the naked, fed the hungry, till he wanted to be clothed, fed, and set at liberty him- self; and who died broken- hearted, for want of those pancakes which were His DUE.— For the truth of this assertion, 1 am confident Lord Rod- ney will testify, as I have heard him say that he was the most zealous and aCtive Governour in the West Indies, during the late war. I with, Sir,
Mess. Wilberforce and Sharpe had seen this ca- valcade of my town's children: I am sure, if they had, they would not have crossed the Atlantick for objects of their compassion. But the truth is, few of the most humane people we have, ever see or know the wretchedness of the most wretched. It was a light, Sir, that made me look blue, though I am a. Feb. 16. WHITE MAN. P S. I do not wish to stigmatize the place of my nativity as a singular spot of distrefs; I can, within ten miles round, produce fifty as bad, and . I defy any village to produce worse. For the St. JAMES's CHRONICLE. To the DISSENTERS. GENTLEMEN, THE
Corporation and Test Acts having, in a very serious manner of late, become the subject of much discussion and controversy, and having employed the pens of the ablest advocates - of your persuasion, for the repeal of those acts, but without producing that degree of conviction upon the minds of the people, upon which, it seems, your hopes of a successful issue to your application to Parliament are founded; permit me to ask that, as you conceive it is to prejudice you owe your late repulse in Parliament, and as to the same cause you may be disposed to ascribe the pro- bable failure of your re- iterated application for a repeal of
the acts in queltion— whether, in a mo- ment of cool reflection, you can imagine, that prejudice ( supposing it to exist upon the minds of upwards of seven millions of people, or even in the breast of an individual) can be wiped away at once } Was the great Apostle Paul a con- vert at the instant ? Let me further ask, as in an instance of more recent observation, has David Levi yet been brought to render up his preju- dices ? I trust those seven millions of people have their feelings, and conscientious feelings too— You have your's— in God's name enjoy them in peace and quietness ; but attempt not, like Samp- son, to tear down
that fabrick, which protects and nourishes ten thousand of one way of think- ing, and the rest of the nation, nearly eight mil- lions, of another ; for believe me, like him, you may fall in the general wreck, and martyrdom will be thought visionary now a- days. Instances are not wanting of the distraction and mischiefs, arising from zeal like this.— a zeal, 1 scruple not to say, without knowledge of the human heart, if it is imagined it can be purified, even from prejudice,- by the process of a moment. Zeal which may be productive of positive evil, without introducing any comparative good. Your minds it is contended, are illumined ; be it
so the bulk of people in this country, it is hoped, are not, at this day, in total darkness. Science and Philo- sophy are progressive, not sudden acquisitions; and as leading is cultivated and increases, the minds of men expand, and may gradually attain as much perfection as human nature is capable of; beyond that) it is in vain to look :— Bold is the man, therefore, who presumes he is competent to lead others at once to a state of true perfection, or thinks he has atchieved it himself. In ciVil or re- ligious institutions we may be yet short of perfec- tion ; in philosophy we are certainly so. In me- taphysicks some have recently - and
most egre- giously failed in their spcculations. Perfection, or that degree of it we are taught only to ex- pect, must be the work of time ; let it also be the work of peace, not of strife and variance. The vigilance of the people is roused, and they will sedulously watch the train of matter form- ing as hath been said, to, which a spark Is only ne- cessary to explode suddenly the grievances com- plained of. ' Whatever meaning such eXpressions were intended to convey, they tend only to ex- cite distrust, not to remove prejudices ;' not, there- fore, to bring the desired object within imme- diate grasp, but extend it to a remoter distance, if
not entirely out of reach. If your hopes of success depend upon the opi- nions of the people at large, the proportion seems to be as perhaps more than seven hundred to one against you : what the result in Parliament may be, a short time will discover. The people of this country are not to be taken by storm, but by regular approaches, by con- viction alone, upon the question before us :— As good citizens therefore, as friends to government, as you profess yourfelves to be, let your efforts towards conviction be in peace, but not by the springing of mines and explosions. Feb. 28. MODERATOR. To MEALMEN. Warwick. Feb. 44,
1790. _ AT a meeting of the principal Mealmen of this County and Counties adjacent, the great abuse of sacks coming under consideration, it was unanimously agreed, ( in order to prevent the same) to call a general meeting of the trade, at Dudley's Hotel, in Birmingham, 011 Wednesday the 17th of March next, at Twelve o'Clock, where a plan ap- proved of at the said meeting at Warwick, will be laid before them for their approbation, and is it is so interesting to all Mealmen, it Is hoped they will generally attend. AGentleman who has been many Years a resident Apothecary in one of the established Hospitals in London, is
desirous of taking an Apprentice for a short Term where there would be constant Opportunity of : seeing the whole Practice of the Hospital and as the Nature of this Situation would require great Steadiness and Attention, it is rather to be wished that none would engage in it at an earlier Period than fifteen or sixteen. This Opportunity is only calculated for those who have had a liberal Education, and who can advance a handsome Premium. . Apply to Mr Bate, Stationer, Cornhill. VACANCY for an ORGANIST. ~ THE Office of Organist for the Parish Church of Newbury, in Berks, having become vacant by the Death of Mr PETER
PARFITT. Notice is hereby given, that all Persons desirous of becoming Candidate; for he said Office, are to send Certificates of their Qualifications and Characters, to the Town clerk of Newbury, before the $ lit, - Day of March instant ; on which Day the Mode of Election will be determined on. By Order of tiie Mayor and Corporation, RICHARD TOWNSEND, Town- Clerk.- N. B. The Salary is 30I. a Year. For SHOES, BOOTS, & c. BAYLEY's PATENT CAKES, for making SHINING LIQUID BLACKING.— Price 6d. each. THE great Degree of Reputation which the GENUINE BLACKING CAKES have acquired, having induced
many Persons to counterfeit them, and impose on the Publick a bad and spurious Sort, which are injurious to the Leather, aud have none of the good Qualities which the true are so well known to possess.— in order to prevent - as much as possible such Impositions in future, the Patentee beg « it may be observed, tl at each of his Cakes has a Label pasted on it, with these Words, " By the King's Patent, Cakes for making Shining Liquid Blacking, prepared by WILLIAM BAYLEY, Cockspur- Street, London," and that they are sold by BAYLEY and LOWE, in Cockspur street, where very large Allowance. is made to those who buy
Quantities for Exportation, or to sell again. N. B. The Patentee particularly cautions retail Venders against the many Impositions practised by persons who go about selling, and taking orders for Cakes, ( pretending to be authorised by him as no Person whatever is employed by him for that purpose, he requests them 10 apply immediately to Cockspur- street, where all Orders by Letter, or otherwife, will be punctually attended to. COUNTY HOSPITAL, NORTHAMPTON, March 15, 1790. General Court, by Adjournment. EDWARD BOUVERIE, Esq. in the Chair. T the Meeting held here on Thursday last the 4th Instant, the
following was uuainmously agreed upon : 1 • That a Committee of the Medical Gentlemen connected with this Hospital, be requested to consider of and form a Plan, which may appear t0 them the best calculated for the Purposes of the intended New Building, and report the same to the Court on Saturday the 20th Instant." The Governours have the strongest Reason to hope, from the very great Encouragement which their Undertaking has hitherto met with, that they shall be enabled to carry it fully into Effect They therefore rely upon the Continuance of the liberal Support which they have already experienced ; and flatter
themselves that such benevolent and wealthy Per- sons as have not yet subscribed, will join with them in finally accomplishing this important Work of general and useful Charity. ' ihis Court is adjourned to Saturday the 20th instant. EDWARD BOUVERIE, Chairman. The following SUBSCRIPTIONS have been received since the last Publication. Mr. Thomas Taylor - Mr. Francis Osborn Mr. George Osborn Rev. C. Booth, Middleton. Cheney Right Hon. the Earl of Guildford A Lady unknown ( by Mr. Mayo) Mr. Charles Watkin, Daventry H. B Harrison, Esq. Ditto Mr. P. Agutter, London Thomas Freeman, Esq. Daventry Mr. John
Paine - Miss Mary Paine and Miss Jane Paine, I S. 6d. each Parish of Rowell Parish of Orton. John Robinson, Esq. Rector of Cottesbrook Parish of Ditto Mr. Wm. West, Brampton by Dingley Parish of Holdenby Parish of Welford Mr. F. Cox, Northampton Mr. Ward Pisford Parish of Scaldwell Mr. Pewtress - , Parish of Quinton Parish of Winwick Messrs. Dicey and Sutton Parish of Moulton Parish of Duston Parish of east Haddon * Subscription- Books are left at the following Towns and Places; London, Messrs. Gosling and Co. ; Northampton, Messrs. Lacy; Wellingborough, Mr. Wilton, Brewer; Higham,- Fer- rers Mr. Eccles;
Thrapston Mr Eaton, Grocer ; Oundle, . Mr Baker; Peterborough, Mr. W, Smith, jun. ; Stamford, Mr. Newcomb ; Kettering, Mr. Wallace; Rothweth, Mr. Cook ; Daventry, Mr. Cullingworth ; Welford, Mr. Spen- cer, at the Talbot; Towceseter, Mr. Wilcox ; Brackley, Mr. Russell Buckingham, Mr. Bo5 Stony- Stratford, Mr Gli- ver Winslow, Mr Dudley Aylesbury, Mr. Smith, Draper; Newport Pagnell, Mr. Gee ; Olney, Mr, Palmer; Woburn, Mr Thornton; Leighton, Mr. Cox; Bedford, Mr. Bailey; Ampthill, Mr. Robinson;, Harrold, Mr, Wootton Kim- boston, Mr. Tomlinson , Oakham, Mr. jackson, Upping- ham, Mr. Belgrave ; Market- Harborough,
Mr. Harrod ; Lutterworth, Mr. Belgrave; Rugby, Mr. Rowell Banbury Mr. Hawtyn; Southam, Mr. Makepeace ' - A' GLAMORGANSHIRE. TO be Sold of Lett, and entered upon im- mediately, a genteel House, mostly furnished, situate within half a Mile of Cowbridge ( one of the best Market- Towns in the County) consisting of a good Parlour, Hall, Servants Hall, Kitchen, Brewhouse, and proper Offices, with five good Lodging Rooms; besides Servants' Rooms, Stabling for six Horses, Cyder House, with two walled Gar- dens, and two Orchards ; containing about seven Acres, well stocked with excellent Cyder Fruit. For further
Particulars enquire of Mr. John Miles, in Cowbridge, who will show the Premises. TO be Sold, pursuant to a Decree of the High Court of Chancery, in the Cause, DESCRAM- BES against TOMKYNS, before William Weller Pepys, Esq. one of the Masters of the said Court, at his Chambers, in Symond's Inn, Chancery- lane, London. The FREEHOLD, LEASEHOLD, and COPYHOLD ESTATES, late of JOSEPH BUTLER, Esq deceased ; situate at Abingdon and Bagley, in the County of Berks, , and Langaroon and Pembridge, in the County of Hereford. Particulars of the said Estates may be had ( gratis) at the. said Master's
Chambers; of, Mr. Hull, of the Inner Temple ; and of Mr. Webster, Queen- street, Cheapside. DEVON. ADVOWSON. TO be Sold, the perpetual Advowson of the ' RECTORY of CLIST SAINT MARY ; situate about three Miles from Exeter, in a very pleasant Country , and good Neighbourhood, valued in the King's Books at 5I. is. 3d. the present Incumbent 80 Years old. For which Purpose a Survey will be held on the 21st Day : of April next, by three o'Clock in the Afternoon, at the London Inn, in the City of Exeter. For further Particulars apply to John Burridge Cholwich, , Esq. Farringdon- house, near Exeter; or to Messrs.
Stoodley and Short, Attornies, Exeter. Freehold Farms in Middlesex. TO be Sold by Auction, by Mr. WILLOCK, at the Rainbow Coffee- House, in Cornhill, on Friday 1 the 26th instant, at twelve o'cloCk, in six Lots, Several VALUABLE FARMS of RICH, chiefly MEA- DOW LAND, most desirably situate at EDGWARE, » » . d STANMORE, in the County of Middlesex, 111 the occupa- tion of Thomas Clutterbuck, Esq Robert Abbott, George French, Philip Harcourt, and Joseph Snoxell, at old rents, amounting to near SIX HUNDRED POUNDS per Annum. To be viewed till the sale, and particulars may be had, of Messrs. Blake and
Norris, in Essex- Street 1 of Mr. Partyn, and ar the Crane Inn, at Edgware; Queen's Head, at Stan- more ; White- Hart, at Bushy, Watford, and St. Albans; Greyhound and White Bear, at Hendon ; Long Room, - at Hampstead ; Rainbow Coffee house, Cornhill; Baptist Coffee- house, Chancery lane ; and of Mr. Willock, Land Sur- veyor, in Golden- Square, where plans may be seen. SHROPSHIRE. TO be sold by Auction by Mess. SKINNER and DYKE, on Friday the 26th Instant, at Twelve o'Clock, at Garraway's Coffee- house,' Change Alley, Lon- don, in Two Lots. Lot :. A FREEHOLD ESTATE, situate one Mile from BISHOP'S
CASTLE, 16 from LUDLOW, 21 from SHREWSBURY, and g from MONTGOMERY, com- prising BAILEY's FARM, Containing ONE HUNDRED and TWENTY- SIX ACRES of Meadow, Arable, and Wood LAND, with a Stone Dwelling- house, Barns, Stabling, and proper Out- buildings, let at SEVENTY- FIVE POUNDS per Annum. Lot 2. A FREEHOLD ESTATE, in the Parish of BETTUS, six Miles from KNIGHTON, eight from LEA and BISHOP'S CASTLE, aud twelve from MONTGO- MERY, comprising GIRRON FARM, containing SIXTY ACRES of Meadow, Pasture, Arable, and Wood LAND; a Stone Dwelling- House, Barns,
Sta- bling, and Out- buildings, let at TWENTY- FIVE POUNDS per Annum. Each Farm has an extensive Right of Commonage. To be viewed 14 Days preceding the Sale; when Parti- culars may be had on the Premisses; at the Post- House in the above Town ; Printers of the Shrewsbury and Hereford Papers; at Garraway's; and of Messrs. Skinner and Dyke, Aldersgate street london. DORSETSHIRE. TO be Sold by Auction by Mess. SKINNER and DYKE, on Friday the 26th inst. at Garraway's Coffee- house, Change Alley, Cornhill, London, A VALUABLE FREEHOLD ESTATE, desirably situate in MARSH WOOD,
DORSETSHIRE, comprising NASH and SHAVE FARMS, containing ONE HUNDRED and NINETY- ONE ACRES of MEADOW, PASTURE, ARABLE, and COPPICE WOODLAND, with a STONE DWELLING- HOUSE, OFFICES, and GARDENS, the whole forming a very compact Estate, within a Ring Fence, and plentifully stocked with Timber Trees; and is a well adapted Residence for a Gentleman's Family, the annual Value ONE HUNDRED and FIFTY POUNDS. The HOUSE is situate on a pleasing Ascent, five Miles North of LYME, and eight of BRiDPORT, ( both SEA PORTS) five from AXMIN'STER,- ten from CREW KERNE, and eight Miles from CHARD, all Market Towns j and a quarter of a Mile only from the Turnpike Road from EXETER to LONDON, and commands an ex- tensive Prospect of Land and Sea. To be viewed 14 Days preceding the Sale, when Particulars may be had on the Premisses; at the Post- Houses in the above 1 - Towns ; of Mr. Follett, Lynne Regis, Dorset; of Mr. B. Follett, No. 2, Paper- buildings, Temple ; at tlie Place of Sale ; and pf. Messrs. Skinner and Dyke, Aldersgate- street, London. TO be SOLD, in Fee- Simple, the Lands and Hereditaments, lately of ROBERT COOKE, of Kenbury, Esquire, deceased,
situate in the Parish of Exmin- ster, in Devonshire, about three Miles South ot the City of Exeter, with the Rectory and Great Tythes of the Parish of Upton, in Somersetshire, in several Lots, as under- mentioned, viz. Lot 1. KENBURY BARTON; consisting of the Man- sion- House, Gardens, and Fish Ponds, with the Orchards, Groves, and rich Meadow, Pasture, and Arable Land, thereto belonging; containing in the Whole qy Acres, all within a Ring Fence, and very beautifully situated, on a dry healthy Soil, adjoining the Turnpike Road, which leads from Exeter to Newton Bushel, well timbered, and on it is a Quarry ef very good
building Stone. Lot 2. An OVERLAND, called MONKLAND; con- sisting of three Fields of Tillage Ground; containing in all 17 Acres and a Half ; together with an Orchard, called Bowden's Orchard, and a little Garden Plot adjoining thereto; " containing upwards of an Acre, now in the Occupation of Mr. Henry Chown. - l ot 3. An OVERLAND, called DRAKE'S GROUND ; consisting of ten Pieces of Meadow and Marsh Ground, lying under Exminster Town ; containing in the Whole 46 Acres, now in the Occupation of the said Heniy Chown, and Mr. Thomas Elliott. Lot 4. The Share or Part, lately belonging to the said Mr. Cooke,
being 33 Acres, of and in a very rich, fertile, and well watered Meadow, called WOOD MEADOW; which contains in the. Whole 41 Acres and upwards situate at Madford Budge, adjoining the Turnpike. Road, leading from Alphington to exminster; and liKewise the Share or Part of the said Mr Cooke, being five Acres ind a quarter, of and in a field, or Close or Land, called TOTHILS BEERE, which adjoins to Wood Meadow aforesaid, and' contains, in all, six Acres and a quarter, now in the Occupa- tion of Mr. John Ashford. Lot 5. five Fields, or Closes of Meadow Ground, the greatest Part whereof is well watered, called
ADDLEBURY WOODS, and GALLANT's BOWER ; containing in the Whole 50 Acres, lying betwein Wood Meadow, and the Haven Bank, now in the Occupation of the said john Ash- ford. L4t 6. The Moiety, or Halsendeal, of the Rectory and Sheaf, or Great- Tythe, of the parish of Upton, near Dul- Verton, in the CoUnty of Somerset.. . The above mentioned Premisses are intended to be offered to Sale, by Publick Auction, in Exeter, some Time in the Month ot May next, of which Notice will be given in this Paper ; and in the mean Time, the Lands tnay be viewed, by applying to the said Henry ChoWn, at Exminster aforesaid; and
Particulars of the PreMisses may be had of Mr. Jones, Attorney, in Exeter. On Saturday, . the 2f/ h instant, will be published, Price THREE- PENCE,' The First NUMBER, of APERIODICAL PAPER, entitled The SPECULATOR. To be continued on Tuesdays and Saturdays. Printed for T. and J. Evans, Paternoster- Row ; Messrs. Merrill, Cambridge ; and Fletcher, Oxford. This Day was published, In two Volumes, Octavo, Price 10s. in Boards, The SECOND EDITION, of THE BANKRUPT LAW. By WILLIAM COOKE, Esq. Including the Cases to the end of the year 1788. The new Cases are printed separately, to accommodate
purchasers of the former Edition, who may have them by application to their respective booksellers. Pi' riled bv his Majesty's Law- Printers, for E. and R. Brooke, in Bell- Yard, Temple- Bar. ROBINSON CRUSOE. In a few Days will be published. By JOHN STOCKDAlE, Piccadilly. THE LIFE and ADVENTURES of ROBINS0N CRUSOE. Beautifully printed in two handsome Volumes, Royal Oc- tavo, on a line COPPER- PLATE Paper, and emBellished with FOURTeEN ORIGINAL ENGRAVINGS, de- signed by STOTHART, and engraved by MEDLARD, in the most masterly Stile. *+* Mr. Stockdale will thankfully receive the names
of such Ladies and Gentlemen as may be pleased to patronize this work. N. B. A list of the Subscribers to this elegant Edition will will be printed. - NEW SERIES of the MONTHLY REVIEW . Enlarged and Improved. This Day was published Price is. 6 TH E MONTHLY REVIEW. For FEBRUARY, 1790.' Being the Second Number since the Improvement of the Plan of this long- established Literary Journal. .* Those Readers who, have been prevented, for some Years past, from purchasing the Review, by the Difficulty of procuring the early Volumes, are respectfully informed, that an Opportunity, now offers of preserving, for the
future, COMPLETE SETS, by commencing with the Number for the current Year. Sold by T. Becket, Pall- Mall. Of whom may he had, just published, Price 2s. The APPENDIX to Vol. LXXXI. of the Monthly Re- view, for 1789. This Day was published, In one large Volume in Folio, illustrated with several Maps Plans, and Plates of Antiquities, Price only One Guinea the Second Edition of ASURVEY of the LAKES of CUMBER- LAND, WESTMORLAND and LANCASHIRE, together with an Account, Historical, Topographical, and Descriptive of the adjacent- Country. To which is added, A SKETCH of the BORDER LAWS and
CUSTOMS, By JAMES CLARKE, - For a particular, recommendation of this much- admired Work., See MONTHLY REVIEW, Dec. 1789, Art IV. Page 494. London : Printed for the Authour, and sold by Mr. Robson Mr. Faulder, and Mr. Clarke, New. Bond- street; Mr. Sewell, Cornhiil; Mr. Debrett, Piccadilly; Mr. Law, Ave- Maria- lane; Mr. Baldwin, Mess. Robinson, Mr. Bew, and Mr. Longman, Paternoster- row; Mr. Stalker, Ludgate- street; Mr. Anderson, Holbourn- Hill; Mr, Dilly, Poultry Mr. Richardson, Royal- exchange ; Mr. Lowndes, Fleet- street; Mr. Edwards Pall Mall; the Authour, Penrith and most Booksellers in the Kingdom.
With a striking Resemblance of his MAjESTY in his Par- liamentary Robes, the ARMS of the PEERS elegantly and accurately engraved upon an entire new Set of Plates. which is not the Case with any of the other portable Pro- ductions; it is likewise printed 011 a superfine Paper; ind the Letter- Press on a new Type. This Day was published, In One Pocket Volume, Price Six Shillings, in Boards, or Seven handsomely bound, KEARSLEY's COMPLETE PEERAGE of ENGLAND, SCOTLAND, and IRELAND; brought down to tbe Month of February, 1790, and including all the late Creations; being a clear and succinct Account of
the Origin, Honours, Marriages, and Issue of the Nobility - a List of all their Family Names, Titles of elder Sons, and Translation of their Mottos. To which is added, An ACCOUNT of the ORDERS of KNIGHTHOOD, illustrated by beautifully engraved Plates of the Collars and Jewels, belonging to the Carter, Bath. Thistle, and St. Patrick; with an exact Valuation of each of the Bishop- ricks. Printed for G. Kearsley, No. 46, Fleet- street. On Thursday next -- will be published, In Three large Volumes, Quarto, printed upon a Super Royal Paper, Price 7I. 7s. in Boards; and upon a Royal Paper, Price 5I. ; s in Boards, illustrated with two
beautiful Fron- tispieces of the KING and the PRINCE of WALES, in their Parliamentary Robes; taken by Permission from the original Paintings of Sir Joshua Reynolds, and engraved br Heath; THE ENGLISH pEERAGE ; or. View of the Ancient and Present State of the ENGLISH NOBILITY; with their Coats of Arms, Crests, Supporters, and Mottoes, finely engraved by T. Chesham, from the Designs of Charles Catton, R. A. To which is subjoined, A Chronological Account of such Titles as have become extinct, from the Norman Conquest to the Beginning of the Year 1790. Printed for G. G. J. and J. Robinson, Paternoster- row.
* » * In this Publication,. the Editors have never lost: Sight of the Importance of the Subject as exhibiting * Register of all that is illustrious and heroical in English Story; or of its general utility, as being a subject of all others the most interesting to our Nobility. The Design has been to render its appearance suitable to the splendour of its Con- tents, ornamental to the Library, and honourable to tiie State of Arts and Printing in England. The Plates are designed and engraved by the best Masters; proportionable Attention has been paid to the Letter- press; and, it is hoped, that the Spirit of the Compilation will not be found to disgrace
the Embellishments with which it is accompanyed:' For Coughs, Consumptions, tS'c. PECTORAL ESSENCE of COLTSFOOT. THE HERB COLTSFOOT, callcd TUSSI- LAGO by the Ancients, was distinguished by them, as its Name sufficiently conveys, for its Excellence in t! » Cure of Coughs and other pulmonary Complaints; and ( fill Essence has, in the Course of a long Practice, been found the most safe and effectual Remedy for Coughs, Asthmas, Weez ings, phthisicky Complaints, Consumptions, Hoarseness, De- fluxions, Catarrhs, Difficulty of breathing, and all Disorders of the Breast and lungs. It gently opens the
Breast, and im- medialely gives Liberty of breathing, without any Danger ^ f taking Cold: It admirably allays the Tickling which pro- vokes frequent Coughing, and takes off the uneasy Sensation of acrimonious Humours, cleanses the small Glands, relate, the Fibres, and thereby enlarges the Cavities of the Vessels. thus it regularly and quickly cures the mostl obstinate Asth- mas and Consumptions of the longest Standing, if taken be- fore the lungs are ulcerated.' It cures all husky and dry Coughs, dissolves congealed Phlegm in the Thorax, heals Rawness and Soreness of the Breast, Stomach, and Lungs; and gives immediate
Relief to those who through Age and Infirmity arc deprived of rest or Sleep,. as it gently composes and contributes to make the Remainder of their Days comfort- able and easy. ... This Essence is prepared only by James Ryan, Surgeon, in Bristol; and sold, Wholesale and Retail, by Francis Newbery No. 45, the East End of St. Paul's, London, in Bottles Price 3s. 6d. each Duty included. i'- ht: a. As many Persons continually mistake Mr New bery's House, particularly Servants and Messengers, all Pur- chasers are- requested to observe, that it is a little out of the general Line of Foot Passengers, five Doors from the Trunk
maker's, the Corner of Cheapside, and that a Bust of Dr. James, and these Words, are against the Side of his House Warehouse for Dr James's Powders, '
TUESDAY, March 16. FOREIGN AFFAIRS. Petersburgh, Feb. 8. THEY write from Cherson that they are very busy at work there, and also at Sebastopol and Oczakow, to re- enforce our fleet in the Black Sea; and that they will shortly launch from those dis- ferent Ports four ships of the line of from 54 to 74 guns, five frigates from 32 to 40 guns, and a number of Gunboats. Brussels, March 6. Comte J. Ph. de Coben- zel has written two letters to the States of Bra- bant, in the first of which he notifies to them the dangerous situation of the Emperour; and in the latter he acquaints them of his decease on the 20th of February, and
concludes with giving them his advice as to what measures they should pursue in the present situation of affairs, which is contained in six articles, viz. lit. To recall immediately all the troops which occupy the castle of Baurain, and its environs, on the territory of Luxembourg, as well as those which are in the country of Limbourg and Guel- derland. 2d. To raise thc blockade of the citadel of Ant- werp, and furnish the garrison with what they may want for their subsistence. 3d. To cease all further armament and warlike preparation. 4th. To set at liberty all the officers, soldiers, and other persons arrested on account of the pre- sent
troubles, upon which he ( Comte de Coben- zel) agrees to set at liberty all the prisoners de- tained at Luxembourg. ; th. To put a stop to the printing and pub- lishing of any more seditious or inflaming libels, tending to keep alive the present troubles. 6th. To depute some persons to confer with him ( Comte de Cobenzel) at Luxembourg, upon the means of speedily restoring order and tranquil- lity, upon the homage to be rendered to Leo- pold, the new King, and upon the dispositions to be made for his inauguration. Extract of the Resolutions of the States » f Brabant, March 4, 1790. " Read the letters from the Comte de Coben zel, of the 25th and 28th of February, 1790, and resolved to print them, and return no an- swer." Brussels, March 9. At half after three this afternoon. Major Power, accompanyed by Cap- tain Commandant Boubers, with 40 men and two dragoons, attacked the advanced post of the Aus- trians, consisting of 36 men ; they forced the post and made prisoners of 28 men and the officer; only three were killed, and one woman, who was striving to cover the escape of thc remaining five, who spread the alarm in the adjacent Austrian posts. The Officer, named de Frick, having ob- tained leave to write to his Commandant, has ex pressed thc greatest eulogium on the humanity shown to him by the Patriots; the latter had not one man killed.— The prisoners are arrived at Namur, and have been consigned to General Count de Roziere. Leipsick, Feb. 20. In the night of the 16th an order arrived unexpectedly from Dresden, that the garrison quartered in our suburbs should in the course of a week, be stationed in the neighbour, hood of Spremberg. The express which brought those orders says, that similar directions have been sent to all the regiments, fo that by the 28th the whole army will be assembled near Spremberg, and the review take place the middle
of March. PARIS. NATIONAL ASSEMBLY, MONDAY, MARCH 8. SLAVE- TRADE. The order of the day for receiving the report cf the Colonial Committee, being read, it was brought up from that committee by M. Barnave. He prefaced it by a very masterly speech, in which he showed the hazard of alienating the affections, and disquieting the minds of the Colonists, at a juncture So critical for the finances, the commerce, and the constitution of France— of raising up so many enemies to her infant liberties— of taking away such a market from her famished artisans— of cutting off the subsistence of so many families. He then
read the project of a Decree for the political and commercial Government of thc Co- lonies. After a preamble, declaratory of the affection- ate sentiments of the Assembly towards the Colo- nists, it contains six articles. The first authorises each Colony to declare its opinion on the Constitution. The second ordains, that where there are Co- lonial Assemblies, they shall be the organ of this declaration; and that where there are no such bo- dies, they shall without delay be formed. The third, That the King shall be requested to transmit to each colony a Memoire, containing plans for the formation of Colonial Assemblies, and the
general principles to which they ought to adhere. The fourth, that the plans prepared by the Colonial Assemblies shall be submitted to the Na- tional Assembly, to be by them discussed, de- creed, and presented for Royal Sanction. The fifth that the decrees of the National As- sembly relating to Municipalities, & c. shall be transmitted to the Colonial Assemblies, that they may be adapted to their local circumstances. The sixth authorises the Colonial Assemblies to, deliver their opinions on the commerce between the colonies and the parent State. But the conclusion is the most interesting and memorable portion of this decrce :—
These are its words—" The National Assembly moreover de- clares, that it does not meditate any innovation in any branch of traffick, direct or indirect, carryed on between France and her colonies, and declares the colonists and their property to be under the special protection and guarantee of the nation." This decree, which finally decided the grand question of the slare- trade, was attempted to be resisted with the greatest vehemence by Mons. de Mirabeau and Petion de Villeneuve. But the opinion of the Assembly was, that the subject was too delicate for diScussion, and too obvious for. doubt. They were not therefore able
to procure a hearing, and the decree passed without a debate. SHIP NEWS. Deal, March 13. Wind.. N. N. W. Came down, and sailed with the Outward- bound, the Admiral Sir Edward Hughes, Anderson, for India; William and Mary, Dodds, for Jamaica', Planter, Arthur, for Virginia; and Lewis, ——, for Newfoundland. Remains in the Downs the Scout Sloop, LONDON. Yesterday, foon after eleven o'clock, their Ma- jesties and the three eldest Princesses went from Buckingham- House to Windsor. The Royal Fa- mily return to Town again to- morrow. Yesterday, at one o'clock, a Cabinet Council was held at the Duke of Leeds's
Office, White- hall, which was attended by the Lord- Chancellor, the Chancellor of the Exchequer, Lord Presi- dent, Lord Privy- Seal, two Secretaries of State, First Lord of the Admiralty, and Lord Hawkes- bury ; at Four o'clock the Council broke up, when the Ministers proceeded to their reSpective seats, in both houses of Parliament. Yesterday evening his Excellency the French Ambassadour gave a grand entertainment to se- veral Nobility, Foreigners, & c. at his house in Portman- square. It appears by the Entries at the Custom- House, Hull, that 19,462 quarters of different sorts of grain have been imported at that place in
the course of last month. The Mary, Foster, is lost on the coast of Africa. The Prince William Henry Packet, just ar- rived, left at Barbadoes his Majesty's ship Scor- pion ; at St. Vincent's, the Maidstone and Ni- netta; at St. Kitt's, the jupiter and Blanch, which had arrived there from Antigua. On the 20th of February, in Lat. 34. 22. N. and Long. 51. 38. W. the prince William Henry weathered a terrible storm, which reduced her to her bare poles; they spoke the Jane, of London, bound to Virginia, in a similar situation, out 40 days, and all well. Lord William Beauclerk came home passenger from St. Kitt's. , TWENTIETH DAY.
Yesterday at Guildhall, No. 36,400 was drawn a prize of 20, oool. No. 5589, 12,708, prizes of iool. And the following a prize of 50I. No. 33,142. Friday morning the following Singular occur- rence happened in Holywell street: a well- drest footman was observed, for several hours, hovering about the enterance to Lyons Inn, and of course much attracted the notice of the inhabitants. At length he was observed to seise a ragged boy, about ten years of age, who was carrying pots to the Dog publick- house. Thc little urchin being much frightened, and crying cut piteoully, the by standers interfered to inquire into the cause of thc
violence.— It then came out, that the youth had absconded from his parents, people in affluence, at thc West end of the town, who felt the severest affliction at the loss of this, their fa- vourite child. It was not without compulsion that the boy could be prevailed upon to return home ; he had served above a year and a half in the capacity of a pot- boy, at the Dog, and at the Angel Inn. The Hope, Blackman, is lost on a reef of rocks off Grenada. The average price of corn per quarter in the London market, from March 1, to March 6, has risen 1od. above the last return, and is at 2I. 7s. 9a. The average price of wheat per bushel
through- out the country from March 1, to March 6, was as follows :— In Northumberland, 5s. 4d.— In Durham, 5s. 6d.— In York and Sussex, 5s, 8d.— In Suffolk, 5s. 1 id,— In Huntingdon, and Nor- folk, 6s.— In Cambridge Nottingham, Hereford, and Kent, 6s. id:— In Lincoln and Cumberland, 6s. ad.— In London and Rutland, 6s. 3d.— In Essex and Cornwall, 6s. 4d.—- In Surrey and Hants, 6s. 5a.— In Berks, 6s. 6d.— In Middle- sex, Hertford, Bedford, Northampton, Bucks, Devon, and South Wales, 6s. 7d.— In Mon- mouth, 6s. 8d.— In North Wales, 6s. 9d.— In Leicester, Warwick, Gloucester, and Westmor- land, 6s. lod.—
in Cheshire, 6s. lid.— In Wilts and Oxford, y. t. id.— In Derby, 7s. zd.— And in Somerfet and Dorset, ys. 3d. At the assises at Chelmsford, for the county of Essex, the following prisoners received sentence of death, viz. John Martin, alias Beckwith, alias George Carington, for horsestealing ; Clare Mont- ford and William Hobbet, for a burglary ; Wil- liam Savill, for the murther of Thomas Bray; John Murray, and John Macdonald, alias Scott, for high way- robberies. Savill was ordered to be executed as yesterday, and afterwards to be hung in chains'; Montford and Murray were left for execution, and the rest reprieved. DIED.] The
6th of this month, at Cambro, in Scotland, Sir Charles Erskine, Bart.— In De- cember last, at Savanna la Mar, Captain John Luscombe, commander of the ship Rodney, of Bristol. HOUSE of PEER S. MONDAY— March 15. WENT through in Committee the Tin Ex- portatlon bill with amendments, Proceeded in the Appeal, Stirling against Drum- mond. Received several Bills from the Commons. Adjourned. HOUSE of COMMONS MONDAY— March t;. PROCEEDED in several Road and Inclosure Bills. Read a first time the Bill for extending the pro- visions of thc Silk Manufacturers' Act. Read a second time, and committed for the
morrow sen'night, Mr. Rybot's Divorce bill. Read a second time the Tamer Ferry bill. Read a second time, committed to Wed- neSday the Forest Commissioners, and the Cocoa- Nut bill. Read a third time and passed, thc Scotch SeS- sion bill. Received Several papers from the Navy Office, and from thc East- India House. Mr. Pitt presented a petition from the Univer- sity of Cambridge against the Stortford Naviga- tion bill. The House in a Committee on the Ways and Means, came to Several reSolutions, which Were or- dered to be reported on WedneSday. Ordered the House to go into a Committee on the Ways and. Means
and Supply on Wed- nesday. Received and agreed to the report of the Mi- litia pay bill. Deferred the Committees on the Indemnity and the American Trade bills. Capt, Berkeley moved for leave to bring in a bill to explain and amend an Act of his present Majesty, for regulating the election of Knights for Shires. Leave was granted. THE SPEAKER'S SALARY. Mr. Montagu rose to make his motion for the House to go into a Committee, to consider of an adequate allowance to the Speaker for the time being. The several papers stating the emoluments; were then moved to the Committee, and the House immediately resolved itself
into the Com- mittee accordingly, the Master of the Rolls in the chair. ; , Mr. Montagu again rose and said it was his intention in the resolution he should submit to the Committee to propose as a Salary to the Speaker for the time being, a clear yearly Sum of 5000I. He stated the preSent annual income to be less than 3000I. in addition, however, to that annu- al income, ( the particulars of which we gave in a former paper) he said that there were a few other emoluments; there was for equipment money at the commencement of a new Parliament, 1000I. the value of 2000 ounces of plate, at the com- mencement of a- new
Parliament 1200I ; for Sta- tionary, annually 100I. and two hogsheads of Claret annually, which he was sure no gentleman would object to, who partook of the hoSpitality of the Speaker's table. After a few observations on the inadequacy of the present emoluments, he concluded by moving " That it is the opinion of this Committee that for the more effectually supporting the dignity of the Speaker of the House of Commons of Great Britain, , the Lords Commissioners of his Majes- ty's Treasury be directed to issue from the Ex- chequer, together with the salary of the said office of 5I. per day, and the fees thereof upon private bills,
such sum as will make the whole 5000I." Mr. Secretary Grenville gave his hearty con- sent to the motion, as did Mr. Welbore Ellis, who complimented, the Speaker, for having, by his conduct in the chair, fulfilled the most sanguine expectations of his friends. The Chancellor of the Exchequer concurred in the motion, not from any personal motives; but on the publick ground of the House being bound to support adequately the dignity of the Office. He concluded by expressing the strong pleasure he felt in the distinguished approbation his Hon. Friend had received from the House. Sir Grey Cooper agreed with the motion, and
offered his tribute of applause to the Speaker. Mr. Addington ( the Speaker) felt it utterly impossible for him to remain Silent after what had passed : He considered thc present question not to be a personal one, but though he so considered it, he felt that he should be wanting in gratitude to the characters of those who had that day said so many obliging things of him, did he not express to them his sincerest acknowledgement for their favourable opinion ; his gratitude, however, was not called forth in consequence of what had just passed, but from the indulgence and candour he had experienced from the time he was first placed
in the chair.— The House had made an impres- sion on his mind that the longest life would never efface.— If he had been happy enough to meet the approbation of the House, it arose from the support they had ever been ready to give him :— His conscience and his judgement, he declared, should ever be thc guides cf his conduct, and the approbation of the House the incentive of his actions. Sir James Johnstone objected to so small a sum as 5000I. and moved, as an amendment, to allow 6000I. Sir John Miller seconded the amendment. Mr. Pitt being desirous of unanimity in the Committee, and approving of thc original
motion, begged of the Hon. Baronet to withdraw his amendment. Mr. Fox was also for unanimity, but declared, that should a division take place, he Should vote for the amendment. The question was then put on the original mo- tion, when there appeared Ayes —< 28 Noes — 154 Majority 126 against 5oool. The amendment for Six thousand Pounds per Annum, was then put and carryed without a divi- sion. CAPTAIN WILLIAMS, Mr. Francis rose to move for a Committee of Enquiry into the case of Captain Williams, which he shortly opened to the House, and contended that they were bound; in support of the princi- ples of
justice to institute Such a Committee. He concludcd by moving; " That a Committee be appointed to enquire into the conduct of Cap- tain David Williams, in putting to death Rajah Mustapha Cawn, and by what authority he exc- CUted the Same." Gen. Burgoyne was for the Committee, and strongly reprobated the justification held out by Captain Williams of his having acted in obedi- ence to orders :-~ He was as strong an advocate any man, for a strict obedience to legal orders it was the vital spirit of discipline ; he considered the man who in obedience to orders would ride his property, his health and his life, to be a sol- dier ; but
the man who would sacrifice his honour to obedience was a slave. The Attorney- General was against the motion, as establishing a dangerous precedent. Major Scott said that the Mustapha Cawn Was a notorious robber, that a price had been set on his head for thirteen years, that he was delivered to Captain Williams as a prisoner under sentence of death, and that in obedience to Colonel Harney's orders, Captain Williams had commanded the Sentence to be put into execution. The Chancellor of the Exchequer and Mr. Fox, were both for the Committee of Enquiry ) as was Col. Fullarton, who condemned, as outrageous
doctrine, the necessity of implicit obedience to such illegal and bloody orders as those which Captain Williams had complyed with : They might have been countenanced in the Council Chamber of a Richard the Third, but never would find support from British Officers. The Solicitor- General, on strong legal grounds, objected to the enquiry; and observed, that if Capt. Williams was to be prosecuted, he ought not to be borne down by the interference of that House, against whom, should he be acquitted of the offense laid to his charge, he could obtain no redress ; but that his prosecution ought to be car- ryed on by the usual mode
of a bill of indictment being preferred to a Grand Jury, where, should he be acquitted, he could find redress in the laws against the Preferrers of Such indictments. Mr. Secretary Grenville was for the Committee of Enquiry. The Master of the Rolls was against the question being decided that night; if it came to a question he should vote against the Committee ; but hav- ing many doubts on the subject, he wished for the House to take a little time to deliberate, and therefore moved " that the debate be adjourned- to Monday next." The Chancellor of the Exchequer seconded this motion, which was agreed to by Mr. Burke, Mr. Mitford,
and Mr. AnstrUther. The question for adjourning the debate was then put and carryed; and at nine o'clock tlie House adjourned. e Castle Inn, Marlborough, Wilts, March 9, 1790. JOHN HALCOMB, having taken and entered on the above Inn, most respectfully solicits the Counte- nance and Support of the Nobility- and Gentry, which, by the strictest Assiduity and Attention, he will endeavour to Merit. Fine North- Wiltshire Cheese. DENBIGH and SALOP. TO be Sold by Auction, by Mr. BARFORD, by Order oi" the Assignees of Mr. THOMAS PRICE, ( a Bankrupt) at the Standard Tavern, in Leicester- square, on Thursday the 15th
instant, punctually at One o'clock, ' ( in three Lots,) " An eligible FREEHOLD ESTATE, comprehending a Farm- House and Fulling- Mill, with all necessary Offices and Outbuildings, and upwards of forty- two Acres of Arable, Meadow, and pasture Land, situate at Glynn, on the Borders of the River, opposite to Chirk Castle, in the County of Denbigh. The Buildings are in very good repair, and the Whole in the Occupation of an unexceptionable Tenant, at an easy Rent of Thirty- two Pounds per Annum . Also the Bankrupt's one- sixteenth Share of the valuable and much- improving Mines, now carrying on at Minsterley, ia the
County of Salop and in the Occupation of the Proprietors of the said Mine Works, in the ParisheS of Westbury and Worthen, in the same County. Printed Particulars, with Conditions of Sale May be had in a few Days 0f Thomas Lovett, Esq. at Chirk Castle ; of the Printer, " of the Chester and Shrewsbury Papers; at the Posthouses at Oswestry and Welch Pool ; of Mr. Foulkes, Solicitor, in Covent Garden, and at Mr. Barford's, in Lei- cester- square. This Day - was published, In Two Volumes, Octavo, Price 12s. in boards, The SECOND EDITION, of ZELUCO Various VIEWS of HUMAN NATURE taken fiom LIFE and MANNERS,
fo. reign and domestick. printed for A. Strahan, and T. Cadell, in the Strand. Of whom may be had, r. Dr. Moore's View of Society ar. d Manners in France, Switzerland, and Germany ; with Anecdotes relating to some eminent characters, ' 6th Edition, 2 vols. ros. in boards. 2. Dr. Moore's View of Society and Manners in Italy;' with anecdotes relating to some eminent characters, 4th Edi- tion, 2 vols. 12s. in boards. Medical Sketches, 8vo. 6s. in boards. This Day was published, Neatly printed on a Writing- Paper, in Three Volum- s, Price Ten Shillings and Six- pence sewed,. The THIRD EDITION, corrected, of THE RECESS ; or,
A Tale of other Times, By the Authour of The Chapter of Accidents. "" Printed for T. Cadell, in the Strand. Of whom may be had, new Editions of 1. Cecilia.; or, Memoirs of an Heiress. By the authour of Evelina, 5 vols. 15s, 2. Emmeline, the Orphan of the Castle. By Charlotte Smith, 4 vols. t/ j. 3. Ethelinde; or, The Recluse of the Lake. By the same Authour, 5 vols. 15s. sewed. 4. The Romance of Real Life, 3 vols. tqs. 61. This Day was published, In Three very large Volumes, Octavo, THE SECOND EDITION, Greatly enlarged and corrected. Price One Guinea in hoards, MARY QUEEN of SCOTS vindicated. By JOHN
WHITAKER;- B. D. And ReCtor of Ruan- Lanyhorne, Cornwall. London : Printed for J. Murray, No. 32, Fleet- Street j W. Creech', P. Hill, and J. Elder, Edinburgh. Where may be had, " I. The Additions and Corrections made in the second Edition of the above work, by Mr. Whitaker, in one Sepa- rate volume, large OCtavo, Price ,7s. in boards . 2. , The History of Manchester, with plates. 2yol. 4to. by the same authour,' Price il. ( 6s. boards. These volumes contain the Roman, the Roman- British, and the Saxon Periods of our History,
For the St. JAMES's CHRONICLE. To MONIMIA. WHY tell thy sorrows to the empty wind, To the pale moon, or Morning's golden rays ? Ah, might some sighing Swain partake thy lays, The soft effusions of thy lovely mind ! Methinks, Monimia, disappointments brood In the recesses of thy love- worn heart, And leave their tender victim thus, to smart, Immers'd in Grief's incessant- swelling flood. How art thou like the fondly- walling Dove Singing the forrows of her woe- fraught breast, While the harsh Rustick ravages her nest, Within the flatt'ring shelter of the grove Ungen'rous Man — but Nature bids me pause— Wipes off the
tear, and blushes at the cause. HARLEY. - For the St. JAMES's CHRONICLE. RULES FOR. GROWN POLITICIANS. How to fill up several COLUMNS of a NEWSPAPER. BEGIN first, with It it said, that his Ma- jesty intends this year to visit his Hanoverian dominions. Next day— we are confidently assured that his Majesty intends, & c. Third day— His Majesty has now determined to visit, & c. Fourth day— The Royal Yachts, & c. are pre- paring— here give the command of the yachts to some worthy man or men of your acquaintance. • Fifth day— Who goes with his Majesty—- here name certain Lords that you wish well to— or
a Bishop, as ballast. Sixth day ~ A long paragraph, that the Queen nor the Princesses do not go. Seventh day— Settle the Regency— here half a column of the virtues of the Prince— and what amazing fine people Mess. Fox and Sheridan are, to have the management of a country. Eighth day— Contradict the last, and say, " We are sorry to find that neither the Prince, nor Mr. Fox," & c. & c.— and add something slyly about the Queen. Ninth day—" We can assure the publick from ' good authority, that his Majesty has no intention whatever of visiting Hanover."— Flourish away on the early and very authentick quality of your
intelligence. In this manner you never can be at a loss— for besides what is mentioned above, you may, in the course of the nine days wonder, introduce from Guthrie's grammar, a geographical, political, topographical,-& c. See. History of Hanover, from the time of Julius Caesar to the present day— and the devil is in it, if this does not fill up a few columns. In my next I shall lay down some rules for ABUSING A MINISTER, which you will find of great service in a time of need and hunger. PETER PARAGRAPH. Teacher of Politicks. N. B. Emperours killed, Battles fought, Prin- cesses marryed, and Ministries changed, on the
shortest notice.— A choice collection of bon mots for Geo. Selwyn, and Lady B. Tollemache, may be had a pennyworth. CHARTER- HOUSE. To the Printer of the St. J. CHRONICLE. SIR, I Have reason to believe that the Governours of the Charter- house— all honourable men— are yet totally inactive relative to the late ex- pulsion. What can be the reason of this inac- tivity ? Scandalous things are reported of some of these Governours. Would you believe it, Mr. Baldwin ? Why, I have been told, that one ef them has had three or four of his bastards on the foundation at the same time, and that the old pensioners are, in
general, the superannuated do- mesticks of the honourable governours. It is impossible that these reports should be true. We live in a scandalous, a very scandalous world 1 Our nobility are all men of too much honour, and probity, thus shamefully to pervert the noble, the munificent, the generous design of the founder. These governours are all conscience- men, and men of business. They meet regularly for the sole purpose of inspecting the accounts; of inquiring into the appropriation of the bequeathed estate, according to the real intention of Mr. Sutton ; of inquiring into the conduct of the Masters ; of directing the just
presentation of Livings. Never- theless, the world maliciously reports, that the two school- masters have frequently so far mis- taken their power, as to order the parents of several lads on the foundation, to take their sons away, because they discovered no shining talents for classical erudition. If Sutton had intended to breed these forty lads classical scholars, and nothing else, he would not have provided them with a master to teach them the rudiments of mathema- tical learning, which, if they remove to Cam- bridge, would be of more use to them than the most perfect knowledge of Greek and Latin versification. With regard to
the late expulsion, I hope, for the credit of Englishmen, that not one of the parents of the boys expelled, will submit to it A boy on the foundation at the Charter- house, is as much a member of that society, as Mr. Bird cr Dr. Beardmore, and liable to be dismembered by no other authority than that by which they themselves might be expelled. • If these mistaken pedagogues, persist in their predilection for fla- gellation— I blush at the idea— if I had a son in this predicament, I would file a bill in Chancery against Dr. Beardmore for the damages sustained by the expulsion, and I am very certain I should be fully indemnified. Your's, &
c. CARTHUSIANUS. SHAKSPEARE TAVERN, COVENT GARDEN, March 15, 1790 AT a numerous and respectable meeting of the Merthants, Manufacturers, and Traders of the City and Liberty of Westminster, convened by publick advertise- ment, Mr. WISHART, in the Chair, The following resolutions were proposed aud unanimously agreed to, viz. ift. That we are fully sensible of the necessity of raising a Revenue adequate to the exigences of the State, and are ready to bear our share of the publick burthens but we must consider any measure which, under the pretense of increasing the publick income, strikes at the
dearest and most valuable privileges of the subject, as a dangerous subversion of the Con- stitution of the country id. That the Excise Laws are not only subversive ot the Constitution, but also destructive of that security and inde- pendent spirit, which are essential to the prosperity ot our Manufactures and Commerce, upon which the wealth, and power ot the nation so greatly depend; and by multiplying oaths, become a share to the morals and conscience of the P jS. That the application of these laws to the manufacture of Tobacco is the more alarming, as from the declared com- plexity of the operations of this Manufacture, a
strong prece- dent will be established for the extension of the system to our ManufaCtures in general. 4th. That a petition be therefore drawn up and presented to the House of Commons, praying a repeal of the ACt of the last Session. of Parliament, entitled " An Act for repealing the Duties on Tobacco and Sr; % and for granting new Duties in lieu thereof," and that the system of Excise may not be further extended to the destruction of the trading and ma- nufacturing spirit of the country, to the subversion of the dearest rights and privileges, which we claim under this free constitution, and particularly the right of tryal by jury. 5th.
That our Representatives in Parliament be requested to present the same, and to vote for the repeal of the said act. In pursuance of the above resolutions, a petition was im- mediately prepared, unanimously approved, and signed by all then present. THOMAS WISHART, Chairman. A motion was then made, and unanimously agreed to— That the thanks of this meeting be given to Mr. Wishart, for his very handsome and independent conduct in the Chair. Resolved unanimously, That thefe Resolutions be published in all the morning and evening Papers. N. B. Copies of the above petition are left at the St. Al- ban's Tavern;
Shakspeare, Covent- Garden ; Brawn's- Head, Bond- street ; the King's- Arms Tavern, Palace- Yard ; where the Merchants, ManufaCturers, and Traders of the said City may sign it before Wednesday evening next. St. James's Chronicle. The SHAKSPEARE GALLERY, PALL- MALL. THE north end and centre only of this Gal- lery were opened last year. It is now completed — and if the enterance were at one end and hor- rizontal, the first view of the whole would be Very magnificent. The additions to the collection, and the pro- gress made in the great design of Mr. ALDER- MAN BOYDELL, shall be the subjects of future
papers— And we beg the indulgence and candour of our Readers if we should not proceed in them with our usual rapidity. We are sincerely desirous to encourage the ex- ertions of Industry and Talents— we have no mo- tives to petulance and satire ; and we think our- selves incapable of malevolence. But we shall not burn the incense of indiscriminate and fulsome praise. The Gentlemen who conduct this great un- dertaking ( Mess. BOYDELL and NICOL) pro- fess their intentions to form Schools of Historick Painting and Engraving. The efforts of private interests have fortunately combined to form those Schools; and in a
great commercial country, the application of a large capital to the productions of the liberal arts, may translate Mr. Alderman Boydell from the niches of Guildhall to the Tem- ple of Immortal Fame ; and place him with Pe- ricles, Francis, Leo, and Louis, who directed the Revenues of Nations to the patronage of Ge- nius and the Arts. A collection of drawings, of prodigious value, occupies several adjoining rooms; and we must fee the whole attentively and frequently before we can give our opinion. .'... LONDON. TUESDAY,— March 16. The very amiable character of the new KING of BOHEMIA and HUNGARY, with his well known disposition to a mild and temperate form of Government, would certainly have procured him the recovery of the revolted Netherlands, but for an unlucky circumstance just transpired. Among the publick papers intercepted by the Ia- surgents, some letters have been found from the present King, at that time Duke of Tuscany, to the Emperour, in which he expresses his appro- bation of all that the Emperour had done. Whe- ther this approbation proceeded from a mere civil acquiescence to his brother's measures, or from downright conviction, it has entirely lost him the hearts of his Belgick subjects, and is the cause of their,
returning no answer t0 the last proposals sent them. The flame of liberty begins to warm the moun- tains of Savoy. The poor Savoyards have just reason to complain. Though a brave and honest people, they have long been oppressed by the ex- orbitancy of taxes, which, in proportion to the extent of their country, are heavier than in any part of Europe, Holland and England alone excepted. They complain that government is unjustly partial to the Piedmontese ; and that the small, but respectable offerings ef afFection and gratitude, which their youth, wandering over Europe in the humble character of chimney- sweepers and
shoe- blacks, remit to their aged parents, are in tercepted by royal rapacity, and diverted from purposes of benevolence to those « f folly and pride. There is to be shortly a convocation extraor- dinary of the States of the Seven Provinces, to consider of an augmentation of the Republick's forces, both by sea and land, and other important subjects. The Provincial States are to be re- quested not to adjourn their meetings, as the States- General will have occasion frequently, and at a short notice, to refer many important points to their consideration, the nature of which call for immediate decision. HIS MAJESTY'S trip to Hanover, it
is now reported, will be deferred till after the birth- day. Previous to which the General Election is ex- pected to take place. A Regency, according to this report, is to be formed, with the PRINCE Of WALES at the head, assisted by his Royal brother of York, and his uncles; with the great Officers of State. The DUKE OF CLARENCE to be created. an Admiral, to convoy their ma- jesties to Hanover, and back.—- The latter end of June is mentioned as the time of his Majesty's departure, and he is not expected to return be- fore October. The Duke of DEVONSHIRE'S style of living, when in Derbyshire, is, perhaps, more princely than
that of any other Nobleman in the King- dom. His two seats, Chatsworth and Hardwick- hall, are used, the first for State entertainments, which are given once a- week, the latter for the purposes of domestick hospitality. In Hardwick hall there is a stone room appropriated to keep- ing the family records, and a suite of apartments once inhabited by Queen Mary of Scotland, and now filled with the whole of the furniture used by her in her imprisonment. Lord COURTNEY'S new carriage will cut a fine figure at Morocco, where it is said his Lord- ship is soon to go ;— the appearance of a magnifi- cent English Nobleman, for the first
time at that neglected Court, as an Ambassadour Extraordi- nary, cannot fail to be of great service to the gar- rison of Gibraltar. By accepting the appoint- ment, his Lordship may have more private amuse- ment, and be of more publick utility, than any traveller of his rank and age. Sir Charles MIDDLETON has, we hear, re- signed his station at the Navy Board. Commissioner MARTIN, who so long has pre- sided over the important business of the Dock- yard at Portfmouth, is to succeed Sir Charles, as Comp- troller; and Captain CHARLES SAXTON will succeed Mr. Martin as Commissioner at Ports- mouth. The deputation
appointed on Saturday by the Royal Academy, waited on Sir JosHUA REYNOLDS yesterday, who received them with his accustomed civility and politeness, and, we understand, has agreed to refume the President's chair, which he has for so many years filled with credit to himself, and pleasure to the publick.— For the sake of that harmony which ever ought to subsist among the liberal- minded and ingenious, we are glad to re- late this to the publick ; and hope all discord will now cease in this Society of national honour and utility. The Delegates dined with the President. Sir JOSHUA will this evening attend at Somer- set-
House, to be restored to all his honours, in a full Assembly of the Members. Yesterday the SHAKSPEARE GALLERY in Pall- Mall was opened for the reception of the publick. The course of the last twelve calendar months ( says a Correspondent) has been inauspicious to delegates of several descriptions. Those from Ireland, about the Regency business, and their brethren from Manchester, in support of the re- peal of the Test Act, have returned, with no other acquisitions than those of ridicule and de- feat, to their respective employers. It is worthy remark, that the Dissenters have returned no thanks to their advocate, Mr. Fox,
for his speech of three hours long. The truth is, that they conceive him to have done their cause more injury than good, Instead of censuring their conduct towards King Charles the First, he ought, they say, to have applauded it.— In short, both Mr. Fox and his clients have lost much ground since the late decisive victory of the Mi- nister over the cause of Presbyterianism. From late depositions relative to the frauds of Tobacconists, it appears that rotten and useless tan, purchased from the pits of tanners, and the hot- houses of gardeners, is a chief ingredient in the rappee- snuff, of most extensive sale. Remem- ber this, ye snuff
takers As tanning, however, preserves the skin of dead animals, it may pro- duce the same effect on the noses of our nume- rous votaries of sophisticated tobacco. Yesterday there was a meeting of Westminster Electors, to take into consideration the extension of the Excise Laws; when a resolution to peti- tion Parliament for relief was resolved upon. CAPT. BLIGH's MIRACULOUS ESCAPE. The voyage of Captain BLIgH, was under- taken On a plan originating in the KING, Sir J. BANKS, & C. for the purposes of useful discovery. but chiefly to transplant the bread- fruit, and some other leading vegetables, from the Islands in
the South Sea, to our settlements in the West Indies. They had proceeded successfully, till in the middle of the Pacifick Ocean, when a mutiny happened. The greater part of the crew rose— and, led by one of the officers, seised the Captain and confined him, A few endeavoured to defend their Captain— but in vain— they were overpowered ; and the boat being let down, the Captain with his faith- ful associates, was consigned to it. For many days they were out of sight of land ; and of course, out of all hope of refuge— except in the Providence of God. After a series of hardships and hazards, almost miraculous to escape; the
Boat's Crew, all of whom, except two, survived— ran the boat a- ground at Timori, one of the Moluccas. The persons thus wonderfully brought safe to land, were eighteen. From the Molucca Islands, a Dutch ship car- ried them to the Cape of Good Hope, from whence this account was brought yesterday. Friday morning the long- contested cause about the Recordership of the Borough of Colchester came on to be tryed at Chelmsford before Mr. Justice Grose and a special jury. The issue was upon a mandamus granted by the Court 0f King's Bench, directed to the Corporation, to swear in Mr. Grimwood Recorder, to which they
made a return, that he was not duely elected. The Judge strongly recommended a compromise to the par- ties, upon terms which the counsel on both sides thought their clients might accede to with honour. A Rule of Court was accordingly entered into, to the following effect, viz. " That the prosecutor's costs in theirs warranto cause, which had been determined against Mr. Smythies, by Mr. Pal- mer's award, should be given up, and that the judgment of ouster, which had been entered against Mr. Smythies, in consequence of that award, should be vacated ; that Mr. Grimwood should be sworn in Recorder, and Mr. Smythies
Town- Clerk. No costs on either side. The GENERAl ELLIOT, Ordnance transport, with a detachment of the Royal Artillery, com- manded by Major Martin, arrived at Port Royal, Jamaica, the 23d of December, in 49 days, from Plymouth. The last letters from Jamaica, and those from the Leeward islands manifest the necessity of some immediate decision on the business of the Slave- trade.— The slaves had every where shown a mu- tinous disposition, and the greatest confusion and alarm had spread through all the islands. In the present posture of affairs, the slaves suffer much by the agitation of the question, from the indis pensible necessity of maintaining severe discipline among them. The Rev. Mr. DAVIES, who died lately ai Hereford, in the 105th year of his age, never used, for the last thirty or 40 years of his life, any other exercise than that of flipping his feet one before the other, from room to room, and they never were after that time raised up, bul to go down; or up stairs. His breakfast was a hearty one of hot rolls and butter, his dinner a substantial one of a variety of dishes, at least during the carnival of every summer at Lord Bateman's seat at Shobden Court; at his supper he generally eat roast meat, and always drank moderately of wine;
he had neither gout, stone, nor cholick; lived beloved by all who knew him, and died without possessing those disagreeable infirmities which generally attend age. He was ( as most long livers are) very short, not exceeding five feet.— What say the advocates for Exercise and Temperance to this ? A Northamptonshire correspondent says, that all his peach and apricot trees are in full and open blossom, and that he has ten different sorts of flowers in full blow also; among which is the anemony, or wind flower, that seldom opens till April. A Gentleman passing along the Strand, at five o'clock on Sunday afternoon last, was
surrounded by a body of well- dressed ruffians, near the Savoy, where some people were assembled at a Free- Ma- son's Funeral ; when after hustling him, one of the fellows endeavoured to knock off his hat, to secure which he put his hand to his head ; in tho interim his pockets were rifled, and he lost his watch and seals. The same daring attempt was made on several persons, in the view of many spectators. A noted horse- stealer, lately convicted, used to dispose of all his cattle to the collieries, and by this means, for a long time escaped detection.— May not this circumstance afford a useful hint for the appointment of
certain inspectors, who should frequently, at uncertain times, descend into those subterraneous towns, in order to assist in bringing these, and perhaps other villanies to light ? At Salisbury assises three prisoners received sentence of death, viz. William Jones, alias Wil- liam Johnson, for horsestealing; Stephen Ray- mond, for housebreaking; and John Selfe, for sheepstealing. They were all reprieved. At Huntingdon assises John Daniel, for stealing twenty sheep, received sentence of death, but was reprieved. Yesterday arrived a Mail from New- York, brought to Falmouth by the Dashwood Packet, in 34 days. Birmingham,
March, 15. At Coventry, as soon as it was understOod that the motion for the repeal of the Test Acts was lost by a great majo- rity, the bells in the different churches Were rung, bonfires were made, and sheep were roasted whole and given to the populace. Similar rejoicings took place at Bingham, in Nottinghamshire. THEATRICAL INTELLIGENCE Drury Lane Yesterday, A. new comick Opera called The Haunted Tower ( the principal characters by Signora Storace, Mr Kelly. Mr. Baddeley, Mr. Moody. Mr. Dig- ham, Mr. Sedgwick, and Mr. Bannister, jun.; Miss Roman- zini; and Mrs. Crouch): With the Deuce is in Him. . This
Evening, The Constant Couple ; or, A Trip to the Jubilee. ( Sir Harry Wildair, Mrs. Jordan ; Beau Clincher, Mr. Barrister, jun. ; Young Clincher, Mr. Suett; and Co- lonel Standard, Mr. Wroughton ; Angelica, Mrs. Kemble ; Parley, Mrs. Wilson; and Lady Lurewell, Mrs. Ward: With Polly Honeycombe, Covent Garden. Yesterday, The Dramatist; or, Stop him who Can, I the principal characters by Mr. Lewis, Mr. Quick, Mr. Edwin, Mr. Holman, Mrs. Wells, Mrs. Webh, and Miss Brunton) : With The Death of Captain Cook, and The Farmer. This Evening, a new comick Opera, called The Czar ( the principal characters by Mr. Bannister, Mr.
Quick, Mr. Ed- win, and Mrs. Billington) : With Harlequin's Chaplet. Printed by H. BALDWIN, at the BRITANNIA PrinTING OFFICF, the Corner of Union- street, in New Bridge street, Blackfriars ( removed from No. 108, Fleet- Street.) A Letter- Box at the Window.