The Edinburgh Evening Courant
Printer / Publisher: David Ramsay
Volume Number: Issue Number: 04/07/1930 00:00
No Pages: 4
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The Edinburgh Evening Courant
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The Edinburgh Evening Courant
Date of Article: 19/10/1789
Printer / Publisher: David Ramsay
Address: Old Fish Market Close, Edinburgh
Volume Number: Issue Number: 04/07/1930 00:00
No Pages: 4
Sourced from Dealer? No
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\ The OCTOBER I9- 1789. [ Pr I CE THEATRE ROYAL. THe PUBLIC Are MOST RESPECTFULLY INFORMED, THAT the Theatre will be opened every Night THIS WEEK. Therefore, To- morrow, being TUESDAY, OCtober 20th, Will be presented A FAVOURITE COMEDY, AND OTHER ENTERTAINMENTS, As will be expressed in the Bills of the Day. Tickets and Places for the Boxes to be had of MR GiBB. at the Office of the Theatre. REMARKABLE CHEAP SHEETINGS, TABLE NAPERY, & c. FORRESTERS & Co. at the RussiaWarehouse, South side of the CROSS, Edinburgh, have at present for SALE a very Complete
Assortment of Russia Sheetings, Scots and Irish ditto, 5.4th & 6- 4th wide, from 15 d. to 5s. 6d. per yard, Foots Holland & Irish Linens,( Table Cloths, all sizes, " Diapers and Hagabags, Plain aud colour'd Wine Rub- bers, Manchester Counterpanes, Printed Bed Covers, from 5 s. to 30s. each, Bed Tycking, Pocket Handkerchiefs, Dressing Gowns, Slippers, Printed Linens, from I 8. to l8d. per yard, Black Silk Florentine, from 8s. 6d. to lis. per yard, FANCY VESTS—& c. Sic. All which they can recommend as being well worthy the at- tention of the Public. N. B. They have still some fine OLD RUSSIA SOAP, at 8'. d. per lb. SALE or
JEWELLERY, HARDWARE, & c. AT VERY REDUCED PRICES. TTIE Stock of Goods belonging to Messrs. PETER FORRESTER AND CO. ( as advertised former- y), arid now purchased by PETER FORRESTER, Continue selling off at his shop opposite the CROSS, Edinburgh, and consist chiefly of the following Articles— Gold, silver, gilt, tortoise shell, and shagreen watches, of all sorts. Set shoe, knee,& stock buckles. Silver, pinchbeck, plated, and mourning ditto. Gold bracelets, rings, & lockit- pins. Silver and plated spoons, tea- kitchens, tearpots, sugar & cream basons, breadbaskets, castor- frames, salts, porter- cups,
ale- tankards, candle- sticks, fish- knives, sauce- boats, wine- funnels,& c.& c. London- made brown tea- kit- chens and coffee- urns. Japann'd tea- trays. Bread- baskets and waiters. Knives and forks of all kinds. Mahogany and shagreen cases for knives, forks, & spoons. Ladies & Gentlemens pocket and memorandum books, all kinds. Variety of fine prints, in gilt burnished frames. Guns, patent spring bayo- nets, pocket and holster pi- stols. Ladies and Gentlemens dres- sing boxes. Plated, black ebony, and ja- pann'd inkstands. WITH Backgammon- tables, playing cards, and dice. Great Variety of UMBREL- LAS, from lis. to
31&. 6d. In Addition to the Old Stock, P. FORRESTER has received a Fresh Assortment of all tbe above articles; and as he means ( during the sale of the old stock) to sell them on the usual low terms, the Public will find this a favourable opportunity of supplying themselves. Just come to hand, an elegant EPERGNE, and a variety of fine Watch Chains. NEW- INVENTED PATENT SHOT, And every other Article for the Shooting Season. As P. FORRESTER is appointed to discharge and settle the debts of the Company, it is requested that all those indebt- ed will immediately order payment of their accounts, as all those
remaining unsettled a few days longer will he given in- to the hands of a Man of Business, in order to effeCt payment. *„* The highest prices are given for Old Gold, Silver, and lace; as usual. Commissions punctually attended to. NEW TIN SHOP, No. 48, SOUTH BRIDGE, EDINBURGH, ARGAND's and all sorts of LAMPS for Lobbies, Stair Cases, Shops-, & c. mounted in the neatest manner, mostly new fanci- ful patterns, the invention of the Manufacturer, GEO. GREGORY, Tin Plate Worker and Japaner from LONDON, who returns in the most sincere manner his grateful thanks to the No- bility, Gentry, and Public, for the
liberal encourage- ment he has received, in the short stage of his business; and assures them, that he will exert every endeavour to merit their approbation, by having always on hand a large and elegant assortment of Double Block TIN KITCHEN FURNITURE, of the very best quality; which, from his long residence in London, and in constant practice of manufacturing, he can pass his word to have as good as any in Britain. Complete sets at 81. 8s.— Sets of best Dish Covers at il. 8s. Likewise new invented Vertical Roasting Jacks, Steam Kettles, with a variety of Britannia Metal Goods. * 4-* Fancy Work executed in the neatest
manner. Spermaceti and all other sorts of Oils for Lamps, warrant- ed genuine. Commissions punctually obeyed. N. B. A JAPANER wanted, and good encouragement gi- ven. Apply as above. CORNS EXTRACTED, ARTIFICIAL TEETH, & C. MR H. LION, Aitken's Land, 2d stair above the Can- ongate Tolbooth, 3d door up stairs, opposite the Su- gar house, respeCtfully offers his assistance to the Nobility, Gentry, and the Public in general, and most humbly acquaints them that he extraCts CORNS, whether hard, soft, blood, or black, without causing the least pain. His manner of ef- fecting this wonderful operation is
accomplished in ten mi- nutes, and his patients are permitted instantly to follow their respeCtive vocations, without any danger— Also NAILS far grown into the quick extracted without giving the least pain. His remedies in the above cases have met the approbation of the Faculty in general, particularly in Great Britain, where he has praCtised with success. He draws TEETH, and cleans the Teeth and Gums, without pain, rendering those which are discolourld perfectly white, and makes the flesh grow close to the enamel of the teeth. He has invent- ed at safe method of fitting ARTIFICIAL TEETH, set in so firm as to eat with
them, and so exaCt as not to be di- stinguished from natural. Mr Lion will wait 0n Ladies and Gentlemen at their own lodgings, if desired. AT LONDON— FOR LEITH, THE LOVELY MARY, ALEXANDER GORDON Master, Is lying at Hawley's Wharf, taking in goods for Leith, Edinburgh, and all places adjacent, the 28th OCtober 1789, to be depended on. PROPOSALS FOR ENGRAVING A hALF- LENGTh PORTRAIT OF JAMES THOMSON, Author of the Seasons, Castle of Indolence, & c.& c. TuTOR'D bY THEE, SWEET POeTRY EXALTS HER VOICE TO AGES, AND INFORMS THE PAge WITH MUSIC, IMAGE,
SENTIMENT, AND THOUGHT, never to DIE ! Thomson. FROM AN ORIGINAL PAINTING BY HUDSON, In the Possession of his Nephew, JAMeS CRAIG, Esq. ArchiteCt, Edinburgh. To be executed by a First- rate Artist in the most masterly manner. PRICE FIFTEEN SHILLINGS. The print will be published with all expedition, when there are a sufficient number of subscribers to indemnify the expence. — The' impressions will he printed on Colombrie paper, of such substance and quality as shall be best adapted for taking off good impressions, and delivered to subscribers in the Order of their subscriptions. Money to be paid
on the delivery of the print. Shop price, One Guinea. Subscriptions, taken in by W. Creech, Bell and Bradfute, J. Dickson, P. Hill, C. Elliot, E. Balfour, and J. Sibbald, Edin- burgh— J. Bozdell, Cheapside; George Nicol, bookseller to his Majesty; J. Dodsley, Pall- mall; John Waiter, Charing Cross; William Richardson, at the Royal, Exchange; and T. Cadell, in the Strand, London— J. Bell at Bath— John Tod at York— W. Charnley, Newcastle— Dunlop and Wilson, Glasgow— An- gus and Son, Aberdeen— L. White, Dublin— and J. Craig ar- chitect, at his house in Edinburgh. Where may be had, PLAN of the NEW TOWN of
EDINBURGH, designed by James Craig architect, elegantly engraved, and, dedicated by permission to His Majesty. Also, by the same Author, A PLAN for IMPROVING the CITY of EDINBURGH, illustrated with Engravings, dedicated to the Hon. Robert Dun- das. Esq. of Arniston, his Majesty's Solicitor- General for Scot- land. LEITH GOLF HOUSE. JAMES HAlDANe takes the liberty to inform his Friends and the Public, That, after a residence of ten years in this well frequented INN and TAVERN, he conti- nues to accommodate all such Gentlemen as may favour him with their commands to the utmost of his power. Grateful for
past favours, and determined to exert himself to secure their continuance, James Haldane humbly recommends him- self to the public attention, trusting that his conduct will in- sure him an ample share of the countenance of his Friends. N. B. Dinners dressed at short notice. Good store of Wines, Spirits, Ales, Porter, & c. & c. GOLF HOUSE, 9th OCT. ") 1789. ; HABERDASHERY. AND LINENDRAPERY. ARCHd. GILCHRIST and Co. Haberdashers, and Linen Drapers, CORNER SHOP above the TRON CHURCH, High Street, with great respect acquaint the Pub- lic, That A. G. is just returned from London, Manchester, and
Glasgow, with an Assortment much more extensive than u- sual of every kind of HABERDASHERY for WINTER WEAR, in the choice and quality of which he has paid every attention possible— PARTICULARLY, PRINTED CALICOES, Bed Furnitures, COUNTERPANES AND BED qUILTS, India and British Muslins, BLACK MODES AND LACES, FANCY MUFFS, & C.& C. N. D. Black Silks, Bombazeens, Norwich and Italian Crapes, for the supply of FAMILY MOURNINGS, of the best qua- lity. CONGO, SOUCHONG, & GREEN TEAS, Bought at the INDIA HOUSE last September Sale, AND NEW HOPS JUST ARRIVED, TO
be Sold wholesale on the lowest terms, by ALEX. MILNE, Constitution Street, Leith; likewise some Puncheons JAMAICA RUM. SALE OF MUSLINS, & c. For BEHOOF of CREDITORS. To be SOLD by public roup, upon Wednesday the 21st of October instant, at 11 o'clock forenoon, in the ware- house upon NORTH BRIDGE STREET of Edinburgh, im- mediately above the music shop, A Large Assortment of Striped, Checked, and plain MUSLINS, COTTON, SILK and LINEN POLICATES, a few pieces of CAMBRIC and Irish LI- NEN. For the encouragement of purchasers, the goods will be set up in small lots, of 8L or lol.
value; and as the whole must be sold off, very beneficial bargains may be expeCted. Inventories of the different lots will be delivered, and the goods shown at the ware- house, on Monday and Tuesday preceding the sale, from 12 to 3 o'clock afternoon. ENGLISH AND DUTCH APPLES. JAMES THOMSON begs leave to acquaint his Friends and the Public, that he has just got to hand, after a passage of three days, from Holland, a parcel of the largest and finest APPLES that have yet made their appearance in the market this season, fit for the table or baking— To be sold On reasonable terms at his Warehouse above the
Weigh- house, Leith. Commissions from the country carefully attended to. PRESERVATION OF THE GAME. kENNETH MACKENZIE, Esq. of Cromertie, 1 being desirous to preserve the game on his baronies of Newtarbar, Cogeach, and Strathpeffer, requests that no gentle- man will kill or take game on any of these baronies, without his special permission. Poachers, and those hunting or shoot- ing without licence, may depend upon being prosecuted ac- cording to law. MONEY TO LEND. To be LENT upon Landed Security, at Martinmas first, THE Sum of Twelve Hnndred Pounds.— As it is intended to answer an ANNUITY,
it will not be called up for a traCt of years. Apply to Mr Erskine, clerk to the signet, or John Burn, writer in Stirling. To be LET by public roup, within the house of Mr Duncan Donaldson, vintner in Kinross, upon Saturday the 7th of November 1789, betwixt the hours of eleven and twelve o'clock forenoon, THAT Part and Portion of the Lands of DALQUICK, lying within the shire of Kinross, be- longing to Mr David Greig and Robert Stark. this subjeCt will be let for 19 or 21 years, as offerers in cline. To be SOLD by public roup, within the Town House of Jedburgh, on Tuesday the icth day of November 1789, at four o'clock afternoon,
ALL and haill two Tenements of HOUSES lately belonging to ROBERT BOSWELL, merchant in JEDBURGH, in the Burn Wynd there: Also another TENEMENT in said wynd, likewise late his property. These subjeCts to be sold by the disponces of the said Mr Boswell J. AINSLIE, No. 4, ST AnDREW'S STREET, NEW TOWN, begS leave to acquaint the Public, That he is just arrived from LONDON, and has brought home the following Goods for Sale, viz. A complete assortment of Maps and Atlasses. Drawing Papers of the best kinds, and cheaper than ever sold before. The Queen's Botanic Paper for taking off the impressions
. of leaves, quite new. Philligree Paper, from the first hand in London. Reeves's superfine Water Colours. The best Balsam Varnish for varnishing Prints, Paper, & c. very much used at present by the Ladies Varnish Brushes of different sizes. Middleton's original superfine Black Lead Pencils, in whole- sale or retail. A great variety of Mahogany Camp Desks. Ink stands, and Ladies and Gentlemens Dressing- Cases, remarkabfy neat and convenient. Medallions, Flowers, Urns, and Borders for Prints, square, oval, and round, all new patterns. Globes, from three to eighteen inches, by Adams. Oreries, Four Pole Chains, Tape
Chains, in boxes. Black PerspeCtive glasses, and Camera Obscuras. Best London Polished Copper, ready for engraving, in large sheets or small pieces. Stationary articles in all its branches. A curious collection of Caricatura Prints. ( Absolute Security) IRISH STATE LOTTERY, ( ANNO 1789) Begins drawing 12th November, HAVING the foLlowing CAPITAL PRIZES — TWO OF TWENTY THOUSAND POUNDS, Two of io. occl. I Three of 2, oool. I Ten of 500I. Two of 5, oocl. I Five of i. oool. j Thirty IOOL THE TICKETS & SHArES, in Halves, Quar- ters, Eighths, and Sixteenths, ARE SOLD AND REGISTERED bY LESLIE
AND SCOTT, INSURANCE BROKERS, ROYAL EXCHANGE, EDINBURGH, Licensed by Government, Where all business relating to the lottery is transacted. Tickcts and Shares registered at 6d. per number, and the ear- liest intelligence sent to Adventurers of their success. The prizes are payable ( Irish currency) in June 1790, with- out deduction, and the current value will be advanced at this Office as soon as drawn. Agreeable to aCt of Parliament, the shares are stamped, and the original tickets ( which are lodged in the Stamp Office) cannot be taken out till three days after the drawing of the lottery is completed; but as the
payment of prizes is frequent- ly not called for till a considerable time after the drawing is over, and that the Public may have absolute security for the Shares issued bv LESLIE AND SCOTT, they have deposited with the ROYAL BANK of SCOTLAND the Government Receipts for the Original Tickets; and the Royal Bank, by its receipt to them, which any person may see, is to retain the value of the prizes sold in shares for One Month after they are payable, during which period the adventurers will please caii for payment.—— Commissions from the country, with bills at. sight or a short date, punctually attended to. Letters post
paid duly answered. Schemes gratis. INSURANCES ON SHIPPING, MERCHANDISE, AND LIVES, Done at this Office as usual. FIFE HUNT. THE Fife Hunt is to meet at Cupar upon -*- MONDAY the TWENTY- SIXTH day . of OCTOBER inst. By appointment of the Preses and Counsel. ROBERT STARK, Sec. TO BE SOLD, A Pair of BLACK GELDINGS, one five, the other six years old, 15 hands 3 inches high, go quiet in harness. To prevent trouble, the lowest price is left with Mr Drysdale, at the Turf Coffeehouse, New Town, at whose stables they may be seen on Tuesday the 20th current; and if not sold betwixt and the 22d
current, they are to be taken to the country. FOR SALE, In Drysdale's Stables, A Very Fine Strong Dark Bay Colt, rising ^ four years old, 15 hands and a half high. He is fit to carry a very heavy weight at hunting. He was got by Mr Geddes's Fox Hunter, and very like his sire. He will be seen Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, this week. A HORSE FOR SALE. A Capital dark brown BLOOD GELDING, 16 hands high, fix years old, mafter of 14 stone— is an excellent GALLOPER and LEAPER, warranted sound and free of blemish. To be seen at Mr Smith's stables, Register Street. A trial will be given. FOR SALE, At SMITH'S
Stables, under the North Bridge, AVerv handsome BAY HORSE, fit for the road or hunting. Also a remarkable strong CHESNUT HORSE, fit for a coach or gigg. Other particulars will be given at the stables. NOTICE RObeRT M'ELDOE has withdrawn from the concern of DAVID FLEMING, jun. and COMPANY, iron- mongers in Glasgow, at this date. The business continues to be carried on as formerly, by the remaining partners, who are empowered to settle all the ac- counts of the Company. DAVID FLEMING, junior. GLASGOW, OCt. 16.1989. ROBERT GRAY. ROBERT M'ELDOE. UMBRELLAS, A VERY LARGE AND
ELEGANt ASSORTMENT, aT FYFe'S Ware Room, Second Entry with- the head of North Bridge Street, east side, Edinr. He makes and sells portable pocket Silk, Lawn, and Linen Umbrellas of all sorts, wholesale and retail. Very neat common Umbrellas at 6s. 6d. 7s. 6d. aud 9s.; a very large ditto at Ios. 6d. and other lawn and silk um- brellas upwards to 30s. Wax Cloth for rain proof Riding Coats and Aprons; oiled Silk, & c. Very fine Hat- slip Covers, particu- larly useful for saving hats, and may be used in rain only. Umbrellas, as usual, neatly repaired and covered; also, Umbrellas made of old silk, when furnished.
Commissions will be carefully attended to, and an abate- ment made ou the repairing Umbrellas, to those who usually employ him. AT ST DAVIDS FOR LONDON, And will be in Leith Roads on Thursday next, THE SMACK LADY DUFF, BOARDING AND EDUCATION for YOUNG LADIES, ON MODERATE TERMS, AT ParK PLACE, BY Miss E. L. GARDEN.— The strictest at- tention and care will be paid to their morals. Miss Garden's long practice in music will be a particular advantage to ladies under her care, and the best Masters in Edinburgh will attend for the different branches which may required.— The situation of Park
Place is agreeable and well aired. Day scholars on reasonable terms. BOARD AND EDUCATION FOR YOUNG LADIES, AT DUNDEE. Miss THOMSON takes this opportunity of expressing her grateful acknowledgments to her Friends and the Public for the support. and encouragement she has been favoured With, which she will always study to merit, and to inform them, That she continues to take Young Ladies as Boarders, at 22I. per annum, including washing and needle work, plain and coloured, in all its branches — Filagree work and Gum Flowers.- Young Ladies may also be instruCted in the following branches of
education, by experienced masters who attend at Miss Thomson's house English, Writing, Arithmetic, French, Geography, Music Drawing, and dancing. It is in the option of the Young Ladies to attend all or any of these branches. EDUCATION. MR M'INTYRE, Teacher of languages, head of College Wynd, Edinburgh, keeps his school, as formerly, for the improvement of youth in the latin He will wait upon Gentlemen at their lodgings, or at his own house, to read Classical and Physical Authors, & c. Will, as usual begin his Class November next, for teaching the HEBREW LANGUAGE. With the System of Vowel Points; and also
the Accentuation, the understanding of which far excels all o- ther comments upon the Old Testament; it being a Hedge to the Divine Original. JOHN SWANSTON, Bishop's Land, head of Carrubber's Close, AQUAINTS his Friends and the Public, That he has reduced the prices of his best Jamaica Rum, from 8 and 9 s. to 7 s. 6 d. and 7 s. J. SWANSTON has also got to hand a part of his Congo Teas from lat September sale, all to be sold in the original packages, viz. Teas per Lib. Bohea, 1 s, 9 d. Good Congo, 3 s. 1 d. and 3 s. 6 d. Finest, 4 s- and 4 5 4 d. Swedish Tea, 4 s. 9 d. and j s. Finest ditto, 5 s. 6 d. and 6 s. Green
Teas, 3 9. 6 d. 4 « . and b . Fine Hyson, 7 s. and 8 9. Best Blue Coffee, 1 s. 10 and 2 s. Roasted ditto, 3 s. Spirits per Gallon. Best Jamaica Rum, 7 s. and 7 s. 6 d. Single ditto, 4 s. 9 d. and 5 s. Coniac Brandy, strong, 9s. 3d. Good Proof ditto, 7 s. 6 d. and 8 s. Good Brandy, 6 s. 8 d. and 7 s. British brandy, 3 s. 8 d. aaJ 4 s. Good Shrub, 3 8. TO d. and 4 s. Highland Whiskey, 3 s. 4. Proof do. 2s. 6d. 2s. 8d. & 3 s. Real Fairntosh, j s. Soaps, Blues, & c. Sugars Fine Flask Oil, I s. 4 d.' French and British Vinegars, at prime cost. J. SWANSTON can assure his Friends, That a better or cheaper parcel of goods has not yet been
offered to sale in Edinburgh, or Leith, & c. Goods sent free to any merchant or family in Edinburgh & Leith WILLIAM COULTER, ' HOSIER AND MANUFACTURER, Facing the Cross Well, North Side of the High Street, Edinburgh, RespeCtfully begs leave to inform the Public, THAT he has considerably extended his Ma- nufaCtory, and now makes every Article in SILK, WORSTED, THREAD COTTON, AND STOCKINGS, Equal to any that come from England. He therefore solicits the patronage of the Public to this In- fant Manufacture, which be shall study to merit, by making every article of the best workmanship, and from the
very best materials. He begs to recommend his SILK STOCKINGS at Half a Guinea the pair, being equal to any sold elsewhere at 12s.— The Patent Knotted and Double looped SILK, COT- TON, and WORSTED STOCKINGS, of W. COULTER'S manufaCture, are equal to the Patentee's, and will in future be sold so low as The Patent Worsted Stock- ings at 6s. a pair, or 5s. 9d. 111 dozens. The Patent Silk Stockings at 16s. a pair, or 15 s. 6d. in dozens; Being the price the patentee sells them at in wholesale. GREAT CHOICE OF LAMBS WOOL KNITTED UNDER SHIRTS. Stockings or any article of Hosiery made to any size
upon a day or two's notice. WILLIAM CAMPBELL, TOBACCONIST AND SNUFFMAKER. To his Royal Highness THE PRINCE OF WALES, ( late in the LUCKENBOOTHS, now at the CROSS- WELL, EDINBURGH,) Takes this method of informing his friends and the Pu- blic, That he has on hand the very best Home Manufactured Tobaccos and Snuffs, viz. Thick Twist Tobacco, Small dit- to ditto, Brown ditto, ditto, Alloa ditto ditto, Ladies ditto ditto— Superfine Shag Cut Tobacco, Common ditto, Super- fine Saffron ditto, Common ditto, Oroonoko ditto, Herb ditto, genuine C'naster ditto at ros. 6d.— Black Rappee Snuff, Brown
ditto, Scotch ditto, Hardham's and Hoare's No. 37. in the highest perfeCtion, an imitation of ditto, No 10, IT, 14, 18. and 29. Has also, perfectly fresh, the following elegant assortment of Foreign Tobaccos and Snuffs, viz. St Vincent's, Dunkirk, and Dieppe Tobaccos in Carrots. Tabac d'Orleans, Ditto Hanover, Ditto Dunkirk, of three dif- ferent sorts. Brasil Herb Tabac de Burreau, Ditto d' Ettrenne, Ditto St Omer's, Ditto Montpelier, Ditto Paris, Spainsh Bran, Havannah ditto, ard Venigrille— Snuff, St Domingo and St Vincent's Snuff- of a very superior quality— Dutch, Strasburgh, Havannah, Spanish, Maquaba, and Masulipatan,
genuine and of the best quality in bottles. — Irish Blackguard, St Vincent's Segaars, and Tonque Beans. *,* Gentlemen who incline to have rasped Snuff, may have any quantity done in their presence in the Shop. Commissions punctually attended to. LANDS IN GALLOWAY TO BE SOLD. To be SOLD by public voluntary roup, within the George Inn Tavern, Dumfries, upon Wednesday the 4th day of No- vember 1789, at four afternoon, HE Lands of MINNYGRYLE and POINT- FOOT, with the teinds and pertinents, lying in the pa- rish of Dalry, and stewartry of Kirkcudbright, paying of year- ly rent about 80I. Sterling, and
consisting of 897 acres of fine pasture ground, and some arable. The tack of the lands ex- pires at Whitsunday next, When a very considerable rise of rent may be expcCted. The title deeds, which are clear, tack, and plan of the ground, articles and conditions of roup, to be seen in the hands of John Syme, writer to the signet, presently at Dum fries; and inquiry thereanent may be made at Alexande
NEW MUSIC. This Day is Published.— Price IOS. 6d. And to be had of CORRI AND SUTHERLAND, Music Sellers to her Majesty, North Bridge Street, SIX SONATAS, Opera Prima of Corelli, adapted for the Organ, and proper as voluntaries. And SIX SONATAS, Opera Secunda, adapted for the Harp- sichord. To which is added, The LIFE of CORELLI, and Remarks on his Works, By EDWARD MILLER, MUS. DOCT. Also, price 7 s. 6< t. An ANTHEM for Voices and Instruments, with the Cho- rus Voices, and the Instrumental parts, separately printed for immediate use. To which is added, An HYMN for the Use of SUNDAY
SCHOOLS, and to be sung by the Children. Composed by Edward Miller, Mus. Doct. For a character of these Works, see the Analytical Re- view for June last. the following Works of DR MLLLER may be had as above, INSTITUTES OF MUSIC, or Easy Instructions for the Harpsichord, used as a first book by most of the masters in London— Price ios. 6d. ELEMENTS of THOROUGH- BASS and COMPOSI- TION. Price il. is. Also, in a few days, - will be published A GRAND CONCERTO for the HARPSICHORD, with Accompaniments, ( as performed by Madam Guidon at the Nobility's Concert), composed by Monsieur
HARMAN Price 5 s. N. B. CORRI AND SUTHERLAND respeCtfully inform the Subscribers to Corri's Harpsichord Work, that the Second Volume is published, and ready for delivery. NEW JEWELLERY AND HARDWARE SHOP. FRASER AND WILSON respectfully give no tice, That they have this day opened Shop First Door from the HIGH STREET, West Side of the Tron Church, with an entire NEW & FASHIONABLE ASSORTMENT of GOODS, collected with great care and attention by one of the Partners when lately at London, and the other manu- They consist chiefly of the fol- Silver & plated handled table and desert
knives and forks Pocket & memorandum books for ladies and gentlemen, a great variety Scissars of all kinds Gold, silver, gilt, and shagreen watches Gold and gilt watch seals and trinkets Gold rings, plain and set with diamonds, pearls, and the newest hair devices Gold bracelet, bracelet buck- les, and lockit pins, set with diamonds, pearls, & c. Patent set, silver, and plated knee buckles A variety of neat watch chains for ladies and gentlemen Ditto of ivory, tortoise shell, and leather snufF boxes and tooth pick cases Double & single barrel'd guns and pistols Silk and linen umbrellas A large assortment of canes and switches
Hand's new invented patent Brunswicspring shoe buckles Plated stirrup irons & spurs Pen and pocket knives Besides a great many other articles too numerous to insert in an advertisement; all of which they are determined to sell as low as at any shop in town. All kinds of Jewellery and Hair Work performed in the newest manner. Money given for Gold, Silver, lace, & c. Commissions punctually answered; and any article exchan- ged that is not approved of. EDIN. I2th OCt. 1789. faCturing towns in England, lowing Goods, viz. Silver tea pots and stands— su- gar and cream basons— sets of castors, with five, seven, and eight
glasses— tureen, sauce, table, desert, and tea spoons— salts, wine funnels, punch laddies, bottle stands, fish knives, dish crosses, & c. All the above articles, and a good many others, plated in the best manner Pontipool tea kitchens, coffee biggins, tea pots, & candle- sticks London made brown tea kit- chens, coffee pots, & Dutch kettles Japanned tea trays, bread bas- kets & waiters, with paint- ings, & c. White & green ivory handled table and desert knives and forks Common knives and forks of all kinds Mahogany, shagreen, and pa- per cases for knives & forks and spoons Silver and plated shoe & knee buckles, of the
newest pat- terns AYR RACES. To BE RUN FOR, 9VF. R Avlt COURSE, ON TUESOAY Nov. 3. 1789, F^ IFTY POUNDS, by four years old, five years old, fix years old, and aged horfes, the beft o£ three four- mile heats— to carry, Four years old, — 7 H- 10 Five ditto, — 8 — 8 — Si* ditto, — — 9 — 1 — Aged, — — 9 — 4 — On THURSDAY, Nov. j, FIFTY POUNDS, by four years old, five years old, fix years old, and aged horfes, the beft of three four- mile heats- Four years old, — 7 ft. 7 lb. Five ditto, — » 8 — 5 — Six ditto, — — 8— 12 — Aged, — — 9— o — The winner of the firft fifty not to be allowed to ftart for the fecond.
If any difptttes fhall arife, to be determined by the Stewards or whom they fhall appoint. Saddles and bridles included in all Weights, and no allowance for wafte. No crofting. ' Fhe horfes to be entered at the King's Arms, Ayr, on Mon- day the 2d November, between the hours of one and three af- ternoon, to pay Two Guineas each at entry, and Five Shillings « ach to the Clerk of the Courfe. Proper certificates to be pro- duced at the time of entering. Ordinaries and Affemblies during the Races, as ufual. STEWARDS- COLONEL LENNOX, I COLONEL WEEMS, MR M'DOWALL, | COL. MONTGOMERIE. ROUP OF SHOP GOODS,
HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, & c. To he SOLD at LEITH, by public roup, on Tuefday next, the 23til itiftant, within the dwelling houfe there, lately pof- leffed by ARCHIBALD KNOX, merchant, r| ^ HE Whole Furniture in laid Dwelli- ng- 1 Houfe, with a quantity of RUM— Alfo WINES of di Terent kinds, in his cellars there. And, upon Wednefday next, the 2lft inftant, will alfo be SOLD by public roup in Edinburgh, within the fhop lately occupied by the fuid Ar- chibald Knox, a little below the head of Carrubber's Clofe, his whole ftock of MERCHANT GOODS, in very great variety, particularly Teas of the firft quality, Sugars, Spi- ceries,
Spirits, and Wines of all kinds; a quantity of Turkey Figs; Parmifan and Ewe Milk Cheyfes; Minorca Honey; Anchovies; two tierces Viueo- nr; and a large quantity of Soip, with every other kind ( f Groccrv Goods. The roup to b'jgin'boih d.; s at ten o'clock forenoon. K. B. Any perfon wanting LO carry on the grocery bufi- neis, - may have this fhop, and all the utenfils, till Whitfunday next. Alfo the whole goods on a fair valuation. Apply to James Kettle, writer, Edinburgh. EAST INDIA HOUSE, 13th MAY 1789. npHE Court, of Directors of the United Com- * pany of Merchants of England trading to the Eaft Indies do hereby give
NOTICE, that all Perfons, CIVIL or MILI- TARY, it. the Company's fervice, who have been in England for the fpace of Two Years from their arrival in England, are required to return to the Company's fervice by the ( hips of the enfuing teul'on, and, in failure thereof, they will be confi- dcred as having refigned the Company's fervice. The laid Court do alfo give notice, that 110 p. Tfon what- ever in the Company's fervice will in future be permitted to lvmaiii in England any period of timeexceedin^ T'vVO YEARS fi urn theii at rival in England. By Order of the faid Court, THO. MORTON, Secretary. LONDON, OCTOBER I ESTERDAY
morning their Majesties and the two eldest Princesses came in one of the Queen's coaches and six from Windsor to Kew. The King arrived from Kew at St James's soon after twelve o'clock. The levee began before one, and was over in an hour. After the levee broke up, a Coun- cil was held in the Great Council Chamber, at which were present the Archbishop of Canterbury, Lord Chancellor, Secretaries of State, Secretary at War, Lord Chamberlain, Lord Steward, Deputy Comptroller, and Mr Fawkener, Clerk of the Council. The Council closed at three o'clock.— Mr Pitt arrived after the Council was over, and, with the Duke of
Leeds and Sir G. Yonge, held audiences with the King till four o'clock, when, his Majesty set off to Kew to dinner. The following intelligence was received by one of the Foreign Ministers yesterday from Brussels, and we therefore present it to the public, as an ar- ticle 011 which the most implicit confidence maybe placed. It is dated Brussels, Oct. 9. The moment of the Grand Revolution approach- es fast, and perhaps it will take place in a few hours. The country is in most dreadful agitation ; Government has already taken the precaution to remove the Royal Treasury, and the archives of Government, as well as all the costly
furniture of the Archduke and Duchess, out of the town.— They are sent off to Vienna under a strong guard. The treasuries of the province are likewise secu- red ; it is, however, doubtful whether they will be soon enough to get past the frontiers before the revolution takes place. The Archbishop of Malines has been put under arrest at Brussels, as well as the Bishop of Ant- werp. Several other persons have been served in like manner, but Government dare not execute any one for fear of retribution. The Imperial Minister at Paris has demanded the succour of 24,000 men from the Court of France. The latter has referred him to
the National Assem- bly, which began by asking the Minister for the 70 millions which the Emperor was indebted to France. Any succour from this quarter is, there- fore, not to be expected. The eyes of the belligerent powers are now turned upon the siege of Belgrade ; much depends upon the issue, and therefore we may expect the attack will be carried on with vigour, and the de- fence supported with resolution. The Russians have boasted of a complete victory in their last naval engagement with the Swedes ; yet the latter are again at sea, to dispute the lau- rel with the Prince of Nassau. It is rumoured that overtures have
been made by the people to the Duke of Brunswick to be their head. If this report be true, there is no doubt but the appointment would meet with the counte- nance of the Kings of Prussia and Great Britain ; as well as a design said to be formed by the Bra- banters of re- establishing their ancient form of go- vernment, and to make a federative alliance with the United Provinces. We learn from Madrid, that the King of Spain has ordered a nine day's supplication to Heaven ( neuvaine) over all his dominions, praying that the Almighty would be pleased to frustrate and con- found all those counsels which tend to the humilia- tion of
the monarchial power in France. NATIONAL ASSEMBLY. October 8. On account of the indisposition of the President, M. Chapelier presided. Some members appeared very uneasy at the menacing threats that had been held against several of their body, when the Abbe Gregoire observed, that such threats were only made by people whose ignorance ought rather to be pitied, and the cla- mours despised. The order of the day being moved, the follow- ing articles passed almost without a debate : " The legislative body shall prelent its decrees to the King, either separately as they are decreed or altogether at the end of the
sessions." " The royal consent shall be expressed to each decree with this formula, signed by the King's own hand writing— The King consents, and will order to be executed. The suspensive refusal shall be expres- sed in this manner—' the King will examine." The following article gave rise to a very animat- ed discussion— " After having consented to the decree, the King shall order the Great Seal to be put on it, and it shall be addressed to all tbe tribunals, admi- nistrative bodies, and municipalities, for it to be transcribed in their registers, and to be read, pu- blished, and executed by them, without delibera- tion, difficulty, or
delays" Many members here took occasion to demand a formula to all edicts, which should point out the legislative right of the nation. M. Dupont wished the laws should be presented to the people, under the title of national decrees. M. Froteau proposed this formula— Louis, by the Grace of God, and the Law of the Constitution, King of France. It is necessary, says he, that the legal character belonging to the nation should be expres- sed in the law. The name of the National Assem- bly, as well as the King's, must be seen in it. He wished there should be a national seal. M. Petion de Villeneuve, with more haste than judgment,
attacked the expression of Louis, by the Grace of God, with great bitterness. He said it was perfectly ridiculous, since the King only held his power by the grace of the people. On a general mur- mur being heard at this sort of language, M. Pe- tion observed, that he wondered the Assembly should be choaked at such simple ideas, and request- ed to know whether Kings were instituted by the gods or the people. The Count de Mirabeau defended the expression of by the Grace of God, and pointed out the impos- sibility of a misinterpretation, as the legislative right of the nation had been determined. The words, by the Grace of
God, were only the proper homage due to the divinity. If Kings held their power from God, the people likewise held their liberty from the same power. After some further debate, the article of the form to precede all decrees, was passed in the fol- lowing words: " Louis, by the Grace of God, King of French- men, to all present and to come— Greeting— the National Assembly has decreed, and we will and order what follows." The following letter was received from the King: " Gentlemen, " The instances of attachment and fidelity which I have received from my good city of Paris, and the invitation of the Commons, have determined
me to fix my permanent abode there ; and in the confidence which I have, that you will not separate from me, I invite you to chuse Commissioners to select the most proper place for the National As- sembly to sit in. I shall give the necessary orders to prepare it. I shall facilitate and expedite the measures which mutual confidence may require. Louis." This letter occasioned some debate, and some members argued against their removal to Paris. , It was put to the voicc, and by a great majority it was decided that they should remove to Paris, conformably to their declaration to the King. Commissioners were named to make known
this resolution to the King, and chuse a place. FRENCH SERVANTS. The servants in Paris are going to set a laudable example to the more wealthy members of the com- munity, of public spirit and liberality. They have resolved to raise, for the public use, the fum of one million of livres, or about forty thousand guineas, by contributions among them- selves, in the following manner . They compute the number of servants of both sexes in Paris at 150,000. Of these they consider one third as unable to spare from their scanty wages any thing for the relief of the public. The other two thirds, or 100,000 persons, they propose, shall
raise the whole sum of 1,000,000 livres, by a voluntary contribution of ten livres each. They have already prevailed upon M. Dossant, a notary public, to receive their subscriptions. It was thought by many, that even the poorest of the 50,000 servants thought too poor to contri- bute any thing, would still make some offering to the state, and that some of the others giving more than ten livres, the sum thus raised would turn out to be nearer two millions than one. The idea of the National Assembly of France, in substituting the words, King of Frenchmen, instead of King of France, has been adopted as the faithful translation of the
ancient title, Rex Francorum, which expresses the idea of King of the Franks, or Freemen. This distinction seems to annihilate the preten- sions which former Kings claimed, who held it as a maxim, that the King was the proprietor of the lands as well as the crown of the kingdom. There were reports in town yesterday of the ex- tinction of another dukedom, by the death of his Grace the Duke of Bolton, without male issue. The last account of the Contractor East India- man was brought by the Asia, which arrived the 22d of August last ; she spoke with the said ship on the 29th of April, in the Straits of Sunda, all well. A remarkable
animal has arrived from India in one of the Company's ships; its fore part is like that of a fox— its hinder that of a bear. It was but the other day that the Pais Bas were over- run with Dutch fugitives, and now they are overflowing with French ; yet their own situation is very critical, for an inhabitant of Brussels assures us, that a very few days will determine whether the edicts of the Emperor or the will of the people are to prevail. Now the people of Paris have got the King and Queen in their custody, it will be impossible for the Emperor, or any other potentate, to assist them with troops. The King was exceedingly alarmed, and the
seeming indifference in which the Queen passed from Versailles to Paris was not fortitude, but a void sensation, like a criminal going to exe- cution. So many have been the changes of national man- ners in France, since the great revolution began, that, viewing the French according to the ideas formerly entertained of them, one cannot recog- nize the polite Frenchmen, or Frenchwomen, in a mob of people taking off heads, and hanging up every person they conceived to be obnoxious to their political interests. A correspondent says he trembles for the fate of France, now that the women have taken to arms — For though he
cannot allow Frenchmen, with all their urbanity, to be a humane people, he thinks the female canaille much worse. By a private letter from Bourdeaux there is ad- vice, that the vintage has this year almost entirely failed in France. From the ill of August to the 15th of September the weather was as fine as could possibly be wished, and the people were flattered with the hopes of a most plentiful vintage ; but from that day it changed to the most violent and continued rains and storms, which have totally de- stroyed their fond expectations ; infomuch, that, on the 27th of September, there was not, in the environs of Bourdeaux, a
bunch of grapes fit for the table ; and it was much feared that the remnant which the raging tempests had spared would never be thoroughly ripened. On Saturday last the Magistrates for the Tower Royalty Division, assembled in their Michaelmas Quarter Sessions, at the Court House, in Well- close- square, were applied to by Mr Steel, of New- ington, for a licence to open the Royalty Theatre, agreeably to the act of the 25th Geo. II. Mr Steel stated himself to be the purchaser; and the Magistrates, being satisfied with his title, grant- ed the licence. LLOYD'S MARINE LIST, OCTOBER I6. Ramsgate, OCt. 14. YESTERDAY came
in leaky, the Betsy, Apsey, from Lon- don for Venice; also came in the Vrie Fries, De Jong, from Amsterdam for Brest, with loss of her anchor. P. S. The Mary, Stewart, from Landscrone to Oporto, which put in here the 2d inst. is obliged to be discharged to repair. The Darling Pigg, , from Shields to London, is lost on the coast of Suffolk. Winds at Deal— OCt. 13. S. S. W. 14- S. E. 15. W. N. W. Yesterday arrived a mail from France. This day— One from Flanders. Holland one due. LONDON, OCTOBER 16. NATIONAL ASSEMBLY. Paris, Oct. 10. The Marquis de Mirabeau rose, and made a com- plaint against the Count de St
Priest, respecting an expression of that Minister, which the Marquis said might be attended with the most serious con- sequences. When the body of 5000 women from Paris, em- ployed in the late revolution, reached Versailles, to demand a supply of bread, they waited on the Count de St Priest, and made him acquainted with their errand. The Minister immediately made them the following answer— " Ladies, When you had only one King, you did not want bread. Now that you have twelve hundred Kings, you are starving It is to them you must ap- ply for bread." The Marquis de Mirabeau concluded his com- plaint, by moving
that it should be referred to the Committee of Inquiry. The Assembly appeared to be deeply impressed with the idea that such language from a Minister was highly improper ; but did not think proper, however, to refer the complaint to the Committee, without some further consideration. M. NECKER'S REFORM. The Assembly has approved, in toto, M. Neck- er's projected reform, as mentioned in his speech on the state of the finances, and published its reso- lutions respecting the contribution of the quarter of each man's income, excepting those below 16l. 13s. 4d. per annum, and those of working men and day labourers. The
saving in the different departments are— French Livres In the War Department, - 20,000,000 \ In that of Foreign Affairs, 1,000,000 In the King's and Prince's Household, 8,000,000 In the Pension List, independent of the reduction in 1788, - - 6,000,000 The suppression of the Haras, 814,000 35,814,000 Equal to 1,492,250!. sterling, besides the sup- pression of 104,0001. paid annually to the clergy, and the taxation of property formerly exempted from paying duties, See. Paris, October 12. The King has appointed the Marquis de la Fayette, Commander in Chief of all the troops within a circle of fifteen leagues of the capital. A
considerable sum is given by Government, at the instance of the Queen, for redeeming the cloaths of the poor people who had pawned them at the Mont de Piete for sums not exceeding 24. livres. The concourse of persons which this brought together at this office, has occasioned great alarms, not only for the safety of the magazine, but for Paris in general. On which account there is a continued patrole in almost every street, night and day. A conspiracy has been discovered, which, from the persons concerned in it, must be of a serious nature, though the object of it is not yet ascer- tained. Ten persons, most of them of great
di- stinction, are arrested ; and fifteen thousand uni- forms made to resemble those of Paris and Ver- sailles, have been found in their apartments, toge- ther with a list of many other persons concerned in the same affair. On this account, no body can go out of Paris without a passport, and the letters, even of the members of the Assembly, have been opened at the Post Office. The opinion of the provinces respecting the King's removal from Versailles to Paris is not yet known ; but there is great reason to fear they will not be very favourable to that measure. In short, every thing announces some alarming circumstance ; from the
beginning of the troubles to this hour, no point of time has presented so tre- mendous a prospect. Orders are given for using the utmost severity against the distributors of seditious papers. The heralds have proclaimed publicly in Paris a pro- hibition against mobs, and have authorised the mi- litary to disperse them. Since the Royal Family's removal to the Thuil- leries, they have been pestered daily with addres- ses and congratulations from all ranks of people, though God knows how heavy it must lie on their heart. The low Billingsgate and fruit- women have even insisted on an audience, and have waited on the Queen with
their congratulation— those women who a few nights before attempted to murder her. To these commands her Majefty was constrained to accede. It is almost needless to add, that the Queen seemed unusually terrified while in their company. On their being introduced, a young person, whom they had cholen for their President, addressed the Queen, and demanded the pardon of all the pri- soners in the gaols, not malefactors, as well as all deserters. The Prince de Luxembourg, who was present, then stepped forward, and, 111 the name of the Queen, asked in exchange the forgiveness of the fugitive Princes, viz. the Count
d'Artois, and the Princes de Conde and Conti, which was agreed to with great acclamation and joy. The fair Presi- dent of this troop appeared so pretty, that his Ma- jesty kissed her on retiring 1 It is hardly probable that the Princes of the Blood will think proper to return to France on such
slight authority, or even on any authority what- ever. The National Assembly seem to, go on in the same slow, unmeaning manner, as they have done almost since the first day of meeting. While the nation is in the most horrid state of anarchy, from one end to the other, and even the lives of the Members of the Legislative body in the most im- minent danger of assassination, the National As- sembly wastes its time in foolish insignificant ques- tions, which are a disgrace to its own importance. Their Majesties were at the Theatre de Monsieur last night. The house was crouded, and both King and Queen well received. It was no
doubt meant as complimentary to her Majesty, that the audience desired her to take off her hat, which she most wil- lingly complied with. AUSTRIAN NETHERLANDS. The ten provinces of the Austrian Netherlands would, in all probability, have thrown themselves into the arms of France, as soon as that great people have settled their constitution. Justly sick of their alliance with the Emperor, they would have cheerfully accepted them. England and Holland could not foresee this pro- bable event unconcerned— Prussia was easily made a party, from obvious motives. These three powers have therefore determined to give
independence to the Netherlands, upon condition, That the Dutch barrier towns shall be restored ; and, That the Scheldt shall be kept shut. This stipulation, equally interesting to England as to Holland, is, we understand, agreed to by the patriots, and it will be formed into a limited mo- narchy— to be given either to the Duke of Bruns- wick, or Duke D'Areinberg. Its independence to be guaranteed by the three powers. The troops of Holland have marched to the frontier; not apparently to act, but to be ready. The Imperial troops do not amount to more than 10,000 ; but the little dependant Princes of Ger many, the Duke de
Wirtemberg, the Prince of Hesse Darmstadt, have threatened to march. We wish they may. A general desertion will be the consequence. It is thought the revolution will be accomplished without a general war ; but, if not, we are in- volved and We must march. The public may depend on this statement. Extract of a letter from Brussels, Oct. 10. " We have received from Vienna authentic infor- mation of a signal victory obtained on the 22d of last month, by the combined Austrian army under the Prince de Cobourg, and that of Russia under General Suwarow, over the Grand Visir's army at Martinestie on the river Kaminieck, in
Walachia. The enemy, whose force consisted of between 80 and 100,000 men, left upwards of four thousand slain upon the field of battle, and 31 were made prisoners. The conquerors took eighty pieces of cannon, and their loss does not exceed an hundred men killed and wounded. " Capt. Hartmuller, who delivered the particu- lars of the above important victory to his Imperial Majesty, at the fame time communicated to him that the army under Prince Repnin had gained a complete victory over the Seraskier Hassan Pacha, near Toboh in Bessarabia. At the particular re- commendation of the Prince de Cobourg, his Ma- jesty
has promoted Captain Hartmuller to the rank of Major." Wednesday the Earl of Westmoreland was by his Majesty's command sworn of his Majesty's Most Honourable Privy Council, and took his place at • the Board accordingly. Same day his Majesty in Council was pleased to appoint the Earl of Westmorland Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, and his Lordship took the usual oaths on that appointment. Yesterday the Parliament, which stood prorogued to the 29th instant, was, by his Majesty in Council, further prorogued to the 10th of December. A new arrangement of the Commissioners of the Navy Board, 0n the proposition of Sir
Charles Middleton, has been submitted to the Admiralty, and it is thought will be adopted. The King did not hunt on Tuesday. Two mes- sengers arrival with dispatches prevented his join- ing the chace. The prodigious quantity of rain that has fallen lately, is a great bar to sportsmen— Hunting and shooting wait for a period of more dry and open weather. Canvassing, as it is called, is the only business our great men are now employed about in the coun- try ; and, from their affability, politeness, ease, and good nature, one would think them the sweet- est tempered souls in the world. They promise won- ders, and many of them
think they can perform wonders. A Methodist preacher, at Aylesbury, lately told his congregation that two eggs were enough for any pudding, three too much, and four an abomi- nation tO the Lord. ' DIED. Wednesday morning, at two o'clock, after a long and most afflicting illness, Mrs Lascelles ( formerly Miss Catley), wife of General Lascelles. EDINBURGH. This day his Majesty's prize was shot for on Burntsfield Links by the Royal Company of Archers, and won by Robert Kerr, Esq; surgeon in Edinburgh. Among the members who attended were his Grace the Duke of Buccleugh, Earl of Hopetoun, Earl of Morton, Lord
Elihank, Lord Ancrum, Sir James Pringle, & c. & c. The Company afterwards dined together at their Hall. We hear that, in compliance with the reigning taste for uniforms, the ladies at the balls of the pre- sent week are to be ornamented with the device of the Caledonian Hunt, elegantly embroidered in soil, on sashes and bandeaus. A number of them, admirably executed, have been received frOm Lon- don for the occasion. This day arrived in town, at Walker's Hotel, Princes Street, their Graces the Duke and Duchess of Buccleugh and family, Duke of Montague, Archibald Douglas, Esq. Lady Frances Douglas, Lord and Lady
Morton, & c. See. We are desired to acquaint the public, particu- larly the seat holders in the Tron Church, that that church will be opened for divine service on Sunday next, the 25th current. The Highland Reel, petformed on Saturday, at the theatre here, like all O'Keefe's pieces, abounds with whim and absurdity. The characters ( who by the by might with equal propriety be called Dutch as Scotch) were in general well supported, and the music is so sweet and agreeable, and some of the situations so truly laughable, that it will most probably have a run here Miss Fontenelle was received with much and deserved applause.
Wilson, Bell, and Mrs Taylor also deferve to be mentioned ; the latter particularly for her agreeable singing, and her easy and unaffected deportment. Died, at Salton, on Friday the 16th ult. Mr John Brown, much and justly regreted by all who had the pleasure of his acquaintance. This day a person, for a Considerable wager, un- dertook to walk nine miles, within an hour and a half, on the road from Leith to Cramond. It is not yet determined. • Extract of a letter from Dublin, Oct. 13. " Tuesday, at evening tide, the Princess Mary, Captain M'Dowgal, from Jamaica for Port Glas- gow, arrived off the harbour of Waterford, all well, after
a tedious and stormy passage of forty- seven days. She parted with eleven other West- India- men from different islands, about ten days ago, in a hard gale, at the entrance of the channel, so that the arrival of the whole fleet may be expected in the course of the ensuing week. " We hear from Castlerea, that on Wednesday last, a most melancholy and much lamented accident happened in that town :— Cornet John Roe, of the 8th Light Dragoons, quartered there, was thrown from his horse, and was so severely bruised that he survived but a very few hours." Monday the 42d, or Royal Highland Regiment, ( commonly called the
Old Highland Watch) com- manded by Lord John Murray, arrived at Newcastle,, and on Wednesday marched down to Tynemouth Barracks, to replace the 29th regiment of foot, commanded by the Right Hon. the Earl of Har- rington, which regiment that day proceeded on their route to Dover, in Kent. Sunday the celebrated veteran pedestrian, Donald M'Leod, arrived in Newcastle, on his route from St James's to the Highlands. Induced by curiosity, several gentlemen visited him during his short stay here ; and his astonishing hilarity of disposition and healthful appearance fully gratified his very nu- merous visitants. Friday
se'ennight, the wind being very high, three ships were driven on shore at the entrance of Sunderland harbour, one of which was got off on Monday, and it is hoped the others will be got into the river in the course of a few tides. Last week the Fishburn, Brown, of London, laden with coals from Newcastle to the Thames, was wrecked upon the Gun- fleet. The crew were saved, but the vessel totally lost. Wednesday, being the General Quarter Sessions, Newcastle, the grand jury certified the prices of corn as follow :-— Wheat, per bushel, ( Winchester measure) 5s. 6| d.— Rye, 3s. ixd.— Barley, 2s 9d.— Malt, 4s. 10s.— Oats, is. I
lid White Pease, 3s. 9d.— Grey Pease, 3s. 3d.— Beans, 3s 3d. The Diana, Campbell, from Leith to London, arrived at Gravesend the 16th instant. Ink Spots.— A correspondent has sent this re- medy : He says it is effectual. Dip the spotted linen in the melting of a mould tallow candle, then wash it, and the spots disappear. AN INGENIOUS WAy Of RAISING MONEY ! About thirty years back, two young fellows ( brothers) went to Jamaica : They were by trade blacksmiths. Finding soon after their arrival, that they could do nothing without a little money to begin with ; but that with 60I. or 70I. they might be able, with the aid of that
and industry, to make a fortune, they hit upon the following novel and ingenious expedient:— One of them stripped the other naked ; shaved him close, and blakened him from head to foot.— The ceremony being perform- ed, he took him to one of the negro dealers, who, after viewing and approving, advanced ( he being a fine stout young fellow) 80I. currency upon the bill of sale, and prided himself much upon the pur- chase, supposing him the finest negro on the island. The same evening this new- manufactured negro made his escape to his brother ; washed himself clean, and resumed his former appearance.— Re- wards
were in vain offered in hand- bills: Pursuit was eluded ; and discovery, by care and precaution, rendered impracticable. The brothers with the money commenced busi- ness, and actually returned to England not many years since, with a fortune of 20, oool.— Previous, however, to their departure from the island, they waited upon the gentleman of whom they had re- . ceived the money, and recalling the circumstance of the negro to his recollection, paid him principal and interest with thanks. This story is well known, and well attested in the island. SHIP NEWS. ARRIVED AT GREENOCK. OCt. 7. Aurora, Makins, St Domingo,
sugar— 14. Savage, Dickson, from a cruize— William, Eaglefisld, Quebec, lum- ber— Unity, M'Lean, Corke, ballast— 16. Prince of Wales, Galley, from a cruize. ' SAILED FROM GREENOCK. • 8. Scipio, Ramsay, Boston, goods— 9. Jenny, Rodger, Ha- lifax, do.— Industry, Alexander, Wilmington, do.— Walter, M'Gill, St Vincent's, do.— Betsey, Crouse, Newfoundland, do,— Betsey and Brothers, Dunnet, Jamaica, io. ARRIVED AT STROMNESS. Sept. 26. Gardner, Cruickshanks, from Leith, herring fishing — Thomas, Campbell, from do. do.— Rose, West, from Aberdeen, do.— Astrea, , from Liverpool, Ostend, salt— 30.
Jupiter, Brown, from Greenock, Rotterdam, . to- bacco— Industry, Souter, from Shields, herring fishing— Also a great many vessels homeward b u: id. ARRIVED At LEITH, 0ct. 17. Diana, Robertson, Petersburgh, goods— 19, Brothers, Mortley, Memel, wood— Brothers, Bishop, Quebec, do.— Anne, Faichney, Gottenburgh, do.— Hope, Norberg, Este- rezer, do.— Four coasters. PRICES OF GRAIN AT HADDINGTO'N, Oct. 16. ERRAT.— In the Rev. Mr Johnston's advertisement of Board- ing, & c. ( on Saturday last) for JAMES read JOSEPH. - RACE WEEK. * There will be an Assembly at the New Rooms, George Street,, on
Tuesday next the 20th inst and there will also be an Assembly on Thurfday the 22d inst. To begin at Seven o'clock. Tickets 5s. each. Public Breakfasts in the Rooms ( the Race Week) as usual. NEW ROOMS, GEORGE STREET. MR SCHETKY respeCtfully informs the Nobility and Gentry, That his CONCERT is fixed for Wednesday, 21st October inst. the Vocal Parts by Signor Urbani and Mrs Stewart. - Tickets ( 3s. each) to be had of Mr Schetky, Foulis's Close, and at the Music Shops. To begin immediately after the Race. Edinburgh, October I789. REGULATIONS FOR HACKNEY COACHES. tHAT a number be distinCtly
painted on both doors of each coach, and that there shall not be the same number on two coaches; and that no coach wanting such number be allowed to ply. , That no insufficient coach or horses be allowed to ply; and; when any of the proper furniture of a coach, or a firing check for stopping the coach is wanting, it shall be lawful to detain from the hire one shilling, or the whole hire if it shall not amount to more. 3tio, That hackney coaches shall continue on the stand ( un- less when hired) fron ten o'clock forenoon till eight o'clock the evening; and that all coachmen attending for a fare shall either sit on the coach- box, or stand
at the horses head, under the penalty of one shilling for each offence. 4to, That there shall be one stand for coaches between the North Abutment of the North Bridge and Prince's- street; and another at the south end of the Bridge over the Cowgate ; or at such other places as the Magistrates from time to time may appoint. , 5< o, That, when a coach is engaged, the coachman shall drive it off the stand; and none shall refuse to be hired, un- der the penalty of five shillings, to be paid by the coachman, and imprisoned until the money be paid. 6to, That, upon failure of performing of any engagement, undertaken by any of the
owners of hackney coaches, or their coachmen, they shall be punished severly by the Magistrates, and shall also forfeit any claim for hire for having performed part, of the engagement. 7mo, That no fares higher then these in the annexed table shall be demanded nor taken; and if any coachman shall be conviCted of imposing on his employers, or abstracting the faires from his master, he shall be punished with severity: And every coachman shall have in his pocket a printed copy of these regulations and annexed table, and show the same when desired, under the penalty of forfeiting the fare. 8vo, That, when a coach is hired to
carry a company to dinner or supper, they shall be obliged to return, if desired, at any time before twelve o'clock midnight; but, if it shall be at any hour between nine and twelve, double the hire shall be paid. 9/ 10, That, at least, one fourth part of the coaches, by rotation, shall ply on Sundays, from ten o'clock forenoon un- til five o'clock in the afternoon. N. B. The regulations respeCting the fare to Leith will not be insisted on during the forenoon of the race week. TABLE OF FARES. From any part of the Old Town to another, or to any part of the New Town, Canongate, or Suburbs, including George's Square and Buccleugh
Place, ' L. o I o One hour's attendance and to return, - 016 From Hanover- street, and other parts of the New Town westward of that street, to the Canongate, below or to the eastward of St John's- cross, or to Nicolson- street, or other parts of the suburbs on the south - - - 016 One hour's attendance, and to return, 020 For every hour's attendance after the first o I On time, within the City and Suburbs, For the first hour - - 016 For every after hour - - 010 In case a coach be detained before using it, for every half- hour, in addition to the hire 006 From the South end of North Bridge- street, or from any part of the New Town east of
Hanover- street to Leith, - - O I One hour's attendance, and to return, 026 From any part of the High- street, or South of it, or from Hanover- ftreet, or west of it to Leith, 020 One hour's attendance, and to return, 030 From the South end of North Bridge- street, and from the Eastward of Hanover- street, to Brough- ton, Antigua- street, or the like distance, 010 One hour's attendance, and to return, 016 From any other parts of the City or Suburbs 016 One hour's attendance, and to return, 020 From the South end of North Bridge- street, or any part of the NeW Town, to Drumsheugh, includ- ing the whole houses to Braehead, or any
part of the like distance, - - 010 one hour's attendance, and to return, 016 From any other part of the City or Suburbs 016 One hour's attendance, and to return, 020 To any place within the Whitehouse Toll farther than Drumsheugh, 6d. of addition to each of the four last mentioned fares. From any part of the Old Town to Gibbet or Grange Toll, or the like distance, - o I 6 One hour's attendance, and to return, 020 From any part of the New Town to Gibbet or Grange Toll, or the like distance, - 020 One hour's attendanei, and to return, 026 To any of the following places, letting down, viz. Dean, Dairy, Merchiston, East and West
Grange, Powburn, Restalrig, Murrayfield, Roseburn, 020 Two hours attendance, and to return, 030 Every hour's attendance after the first two, 010 To any of the following places, setting down, viz. Newhaven, Bellmount, Gorgie, Blackford, Inch, Prestonfield, - - - 026 Two hours attendance, and to return, 040 i To every hour's attendance after the first two, o i o To the following places, setting down, viz. Dry- law, Corstorphin, Saughton- hall, Slateford, Braid, Libberton, Ravelstone, Goodtrees, Duddingstone, Craighouse, - - - 036 Two hour's attendance, and to return,. , 050 Every hour's attendance after the first two, 010 To any of
the following places, setting down, viz. Niddery, Edmonstone, Somervelhouse, Gilmer- ton, Brunston; East Duddingstone, Muirhouse, Barnton, Collington, Caroline Park, Saughton, 050 Two hours attendance, and to return, 070 Every hour after the first two, - 010 To any of the following places, setting down, viz. Cramond, Currie, Mavisbank, Lasswade, Mussel- burgh, Dalkeith, Fisher- row, pinkie, Melville Castle, Woodhouslie, Nether Gogar, 070 Three hours attendance, and to return, o 9.0 Every hour's attendance after the first three, o I O To any Of the following places, setting down, viz. Smeaton, Polton, Newbottle, Roslin,
Dryden, Dalmahoy, Carberry, - - 080 Three hours attendance, and to return, o 10 o Every hour after the first three, - 010 To any of the following places, setting down, viz. Prestonpans, Kirkliston, Newliston, Cliftonhall, Halltown, Bonnington, WhitehillfDalhousie, Pres- tongrange, Ford, - - o jo o Three hours attendance, and to return, o 12 .0 Every hour's attendance after the first three', 010 To any of the following places, setting down, viz. Arniston, Tranent, Shank, Elphinstone, Queens- ferry, - - - o 12 o Three hours attendance, and to return, o 16 o Every hour's attendance after the first three, 016 To any of the following places,
setting down, viz. Ormiston, Crichton, Borthwick, o 14 o Three hours attendance, and to return, o 16 o To ditto, every hour's attendance after the firfl three, - - - 016 To ditto, for above eight, and not exceeding ten miles, going and returning same day; 100 N. B. The above Fares are exclusive of Turnpike or Go- vernment duties, but neither of these are due for Hires with- in the City or Suburbs. Edinburgh, Tth OStober 1780. The LORD PROVOST, MAGISTRATES, and COUN- CIL, Ordinary and Extraordinary, of the City of Edinburgh, having considered the above Regulations and Table of Fares, approved thereof, and appointed
them to be strictly observed, and also to be printed and distributed for the information of all concerned. Extracted from the record by JOHN GRAY, Clk. SPANISH MAHOGANY. WILLIAM GRINLY, broker in Leith, will * " will expose to sale by auction, in a yard adjoining the Assembly Rooms, ' on Monday the 26th OCtober 1789, at twelve o'clock noon, THIRTY LOGS, measuring about six thousand feet, SPANISH MAHOGANY, excellent sizes, and of such quantity that almost the whole of it is fit for vineering. The Mahogany and conditions of sale may be seen by ap- plying to W. Grinly. NEW BLACK AND GREEN TEAS.
WILLIAM THORBURN acquaints the La- * * dies, That part of the teas purchased by him at the last sale, are arrived; some of which are very fine. LADIES may depend upon being served with GENUINE TEAS by W. T. from sixpence to one shilling per lib. under the com- mon shop price; but no teas will be booked at this ware- house. N. B. W. T. will not be answerable for the quality of teas said to be purchased from him, unless his name, and price paid for the teas, is marked upon the bags. LEITH, 17th OCL. 1789. THIRTEEN THOUSAND POUNDS, be Lent, on Heritable Security, either in one sum or different sums, at
Martinmas next. Apply to Steuart Moodie, writer to the signet. IRISH STATE LOTTERY, ANNO I789, Begins drawing the 12th of November. THE ORIGINAL TICKETS are sold and di- _ vided into Halves, Quarters, Eighths, and Sixteenths, in variety of numbers, by JAMES THOMSON AND SON, INSURANCE BROKERS, At their State Lottery Office, No. 8, South Bridge- street, Edinburgh, Being the only Old Licensed Dealers in Scotland , ON THEIR OWN ACCOUNT, Where all business relating to the lottery has been tran- sacted with correCtness and fidelity for a number years past. CorreCt numerical and register books are
kept, and the earliest intelligence sent of their success. SCHEME. Tickets and shares registered at 6d. each number. As they rise or fall in the London offices, so will they at this. The prizes are payable ( Irish currency) in June 1790. All shares sold at this office are stamped, and the original tickets lodged in the Stamp Office, London, agreeable to aCt of Parliament, for which the Receiver- General's Receipts may be seen at this Office. Money for the prizes at current value will be paid here as soon as drawn. Letters post paid duly an- swered— schemes gratis— commissions from the country, with bills at sight or a short date,
punctually attended to. ( Xj' In last Irish Lottery, No. 24,941, a prize of One Thousand Pounds, was sold at this office, divided into one half, one fourth, one eighth, and two sixteenth shares, be- sides a very considerable number of smaller prizes. Insurances upon SHIPS, GOODS, and LIVES, done at this office upon the most reasonable terms. BOTTLE- MAKERS WANTED AT LEITH. tHE Company now building a Bottle Work at Leith will have employment for several Workmen in the different departments of it some months hence. They are ready in the mean time to contraCt with such workmen as will then be unengaged— and
to give them. good encou- ragement. Apply to Mr James Smith, at the Company's Counting- house, Leith. FOR DUNBAR AND ANSTRUTHER, NANCY AND CHRISTIAN, JAMES ROBERTSON Master, is taking in goods at Miller's Wharf, London, for Haddington,. Coupar Fife, Pittenweem, Linton, Crail Ceres, St Andrews, Ely, and all places adjacent to the above two ports— Sails 27th of October 1789.
FIFESHIRE GAME- DUTY. LIST of Persons to whom stamped Certifi- cates, with respect to the killing of game, have been issued by the SherifF- clerk of Fife, from the 1st day of July to the 30th day of September 1789 inclusive. A Anstruther, Sir Robert, of Balcaskie, Bart, residing at Bal- caskie Anstruther, Robert, Esq. of Hatton, residing at Balcaskie Anstruther, John, Esq. of Airdit, residing at Airdit Aytoun, Roger, Esq. of Inchdairnie, residing at Inchdairnie Anstruther, Capt. David, of the 42d regiment of foot, resi- ding at Airdit Arnot, Hugo, Esq. of Balcormo, residing at St Andrew's Aitkenson, William, Esq. residing at
Knockhouse Anstruther, William, Esq. presently residing at Innergelly, as gamekeeper to Colonel John Thomson of Charle- ton, on his lands and estates in the county of Fife B Balfour, John, Esq. of Balbirnie, residing at Balbirnie Bethune, William, Esq. of Balfour, residing at Balfour Balfour, John, Esq. of Fernie, residing at Fernie Balfour, Dr Francis, residing at Ferine Bayne, Alexander, Esq. of Rires, residing at Durie Beatson, Robert, Esq. of Kilrie, at Kilrie Briggs, David, Esq. of Over Carnbee, residing at Carnbee Briggs, John, Esq. residing at Kinghorn Beatson, Robert, of the royal navy, residing in Kinghorn Bennet, John, Esq.
residing in Edinburgh Beatson, Mr John, of Coutle, residing at Coutle Bruce, William, residing in Cupar, as gamekeeper to Pa- trick Rigg, esq. of Downfield and Morton, on his lands and estate in the county of Fife Braid, George, residing at Mugdrum, as gamekeeper to John Hay Balfour, Esq. of Lags, on his lands and estate in the county of Fife Beattie, George, residing at Kincraig, as gamekeeper to , William Gourlay, Esq. of Kincraig, 0n his lands and estates in the county of Fife C Crawford, the Right Honourable George Earl of, residing at Crawford Lodge Christie, James Esq. of Durie, residing at Durie Cheape, Capt. John,
Esq. of Rossie, residing at Rossie Cheape, James, Esq. of Strathtyrum, residing at Strathtyrum Cheape, James, Esq. of Wellfield, residing at Wellfield Cooper, Ensign Henry, residing at Rossie Curtis, William, Esq. residing at St Andrew's Cheape, George, Esq. residing at Wellfield Cunningham, Cap. Alexander, of Pittarthie, residing at An- struther Christie, Alex. Esq. of Balchristie, residing at Balchristie Christie, Mr Andrew, writer, residing in Cupar Clephane, Capt. David, residing at Kirkness Campbell, James, merchant, residing in Bruntisland D Duncan, Alexander, Esq. of St Fort, residing in St Andrew's Durham, Ja.
Calderwood, Esq. of Largo, residing at Largo Durham, Lieutenant Philip Charles, of his Majesty's navy, presently residing at Largo Douglas, Col. William Ann, younger, of Strathewry, resi- ding at Strathewry Dalgleish, Robert, Esq. of Tunnygask, residing atTunnygask Dalgleish, William, Esq. younger, of Scotscraig, residing at Scotscraig Dalrymple, Samuel, Esq. residing in St Andrew's Duncanson, William, residing at Pitfirrane, as gamekeeper to Sir John Halket of Pitfirrane, Bart. 0n his lands and estate in the county of Fife Dun, David, residing at Balfour, as gamekeeper to William Bethune, Esq. of Balfour, on his lands and
estates in . the county of Fife. Douglas, William, servant to the Right Hon. David Earl of Leven, as gamekeeper to the said Earl, on his lands and estate in the county of Fife. Drummond, Gavin, residing at Saline, in the county of Fife, as gamekeeper to Roger Aytoun, Esq. of Inch- dairnie, on his lands and estate of Killcairnie, in the said county of Fife. Douglas, Laurence, residing at Raith, as gamekeeper to William Ferguson, Esq. of Raith, on his lands and estates in the county of Fife. E Erskine, Sir William, of Torry, residing at Torry Erskine, William, Esq. younger of Torry, residing at Torry Erskine, Methven, Esq. of Cambo,
residing at Cambo Erskine, David, Esq. late of Bengal, residing at Cambo farm F Ferguson, William, Esq. of Raith, residing at Raith Ferguson, Robert, Esq. younger of Raith, residing at Raith Ferguson, Ronald, Esq. residing at Raith Fergus, Walter, Esq. residing in Kirkcaldy Fiswick, Holdsworth, residing at Hillside, as gamekeeper to Dr Charles Stewart of Dunearn, on his lands and estates in the county of Fife Field, John, residing at Wemyss Castle, as gamekeeper to William Wemyss, Esq. of Wemyss, on his lands and estates in the county of Fife G Gillespie, Captain William, residing at Carslogie Grace, Mr Stuart writer,
residing in St Andrew's Guilland, William, residing at Torry Halket, Sir John, of Pitfirrane, Bart, residing at Pitfirrane Halket, Charles, Esq. younger of Pitfirrane, residing at Pitfirrane Halket, John, Esq. residing at Pitfirrane Hay John, Balfour, Esq. of Leys, residing at Mugdrum Hill, Dr John, of the University of Edinburgh, presently residing at St Andrews Hunt, William, jun. of Logie. residing at Dunfermline Heggie, Mr James, jun. merchant residing in Kirkcaldy Hunt, Mr Thomas, manufacturer, residing in Dunfermline I Jeffry, Mr William, residing at Cambo farm Johnston, David, Esq. of Newton of Falkland, residing at Lathrisk
Johnston, David, Esq. of Weddersbie, residing at Lathrisk Johnston, Robert, of Overtown, residing at Nisbetfield Johnston, Lieutenant John, residing at Culross, as game- keeper to John Ronaldson of Blairhall, 0n his lands of Blairhall and Jerzievar, in the county of Fife K Kinnear, Thomas, Esq. younger of Kinloch, residing Kinloch Kid, Thomas, servant to David Martin, Esq. of Edenside as gamekeeper to the said David Martinson his lands and estates in the county of Fife L Lindsay, the Hon. Robert, of Leuchars, residing at St Fort Lindsay, the Hon. Hugh, residing at Balcarras Lumsdaine, James, Esq. of Innergelly, residing at
Inner- gelly Lumsdaine, Major John, of Lathallan, residing at Pitmillie Lindsay, Patrick, Esq. of Coats, residing at Kilconquhar Low, Robert, Esq. of Clatto, residing at Clatto Lindsay, Capt. David, of Kirkforthar, residing at Kirkfor- thar Lumsdaine, Capt. Robert, presently residing at Innergelly Lundie, Christopher, Esq. of Auchtermairney, residing at Auchtermairney Law, Capt. Mungo, of Pittillock, residing at Pittillock Lillie, Henry, residing at Treaton of Kennoway, as game- keeper to James Wemyss, Esq. of Carriston, on his lands and estates in the county of Fife M Morison, James, Esq. of Naughton, residing at Naughton
Monypenny, David, Esq. younger of Pitmilly, residing at Pitmilly Moncrieff, Patrick, Esq. of Reidie, residing at Myres M'Gill, Capt. George, of Kemback, residing at Kemback Morison, Major Wm. younger of Naughton, residing at Naughton Monro, Mr Daniel, of Wester Newton, residing at King- horn Mitchel, Charles, Esq. residing at Hillhouse M'Anch, Alex, servant to Niel Ferguson, Esq. of Pitcullo, as gamekeeper to the said Niel Ferguson, Esq. on his lands and estates in the county of Fife Malcolm, John, servant to Sir Charles Preston of Valley- field, as gamekeeper to the said Sir Charles Preston, on his lands and estates in the
county of Fife Muir, Michael, residing in Kirkcaldy, as gamekeeper to James Townsend Oswald of Dunnikier, on his lands and estates in the county of Fife Mathieson, Wm. residing at Kilconquhar, as gamekeeper to Henry Bethune, Esq. of Kilconquhar, on his lands and estate of Kilconquhar, in the county of Fife Mitchel, John, tenant in Dunniface, as gamekeeper to the College of St Andrew's, on the said lands of Dunni- face, in the county of Fife N Nairne, Capt. Wm. residing in St Andrew's O Oswald, James Townsend, Esq. of Dunnikier, residing at Kirkcaldy Oswald, James, Esq. younger of Dunnikier, residing at Kirkcaldy
Ogilvie, James, Esq. Collector of Excise, residing at Burnt- island Ogilvie, Primrose, Esq. residing at Burntisland P Paton, Robert, Esq. younger of Kinnaldy, residing at St Andrew's Phyn, George, Esq. of Pittencrief, residing at Pittencrief R Ranken, Capt. Wm. residing at Ravensmuir Robertson, Wm. Esq. residing at Cavill Rennie, Mr John, jun. residing at Tyrie Robertson, Wm. Esq. residing in Cupar Robertson, Donald, residing at Myres, as gamekeeper to Patrick MoncriefF, Esq. of Reidie, on his lands and estate in the county of Fife Robertson, Daniel, servant to the Hon. Robert Lindsay of Leuchars, as gamekeeper to the said
Hon. Robert Lindsay, on his lands and estates in the county of Fife S Stark, Henry, Esq. of Teasses, residing at Bandirran House Stark, James, Esq. late of India, residing at Bandirran House Spittal, Captain James, of Blairlogie, residing at Spencer- field Spears, Captain of the 24th regiment of foot, presently residing at Raith Simson, William, Esq. of Brunton, residing at Brunton. Stewart, Alexander, residing at Bandirran House, as game- keeper to Henry Stark, Esq. of Teasses, on his lands and barony of Teasses, and lands of Bandirran, in the county of Fife T Thomson, Colonel John, of Charleton, residing at New- ton Tod, Mr
George, writer, residing in Edinburgh Thomas, Robert, tenant in Upper Friarton, residing at Upper Friarton. Turnbull, Thomas, servant to James Christie, Esq. of Durie, as gamekeeper to the said James Christie, Esq. on his lands and estates in the county of Fife Thomson, Robert, merchant, residing in St Andrew's, as gamekeeper to the Town Council of St Andrew's W Wemyss, William, Esq. of Wemyss, residing at Wemyss Castle Wemyss, William, Esq. of Cuttlehill, residing at Ruck- lieve Wemyss, Alexander, residing at Rucklieve Wemyss, Francis, Esq. presently residing at Ravebrig, in the county of Mid Lothian Wedderburn,
Alexander, Esq. of Wedderburn, residing at Birkhill Watson, Alexander, Esq. of Glentarkie, residing at Bal cormo Wemyss, James, Esq. of Carriston, residing at Carriston Watt, Mr David, residing at Bankhead Walker, Lieutenant William, residing in Innerkeithing Wemyss, David, Esq. of Wester Lathallan, residing at Wester Lathallan Wharton, Captain, presently residing at Raith Wright, George, residing at Aberdour, as gamekeeper to the Earl of Morton, 0n his lands and estates in the county of Fife. JO. HORSBRUGH, Clerk. By order of his Majesty's Commissioners for managing the Stamp Duties. JOHN BRETTEL, Secretary
OFFICE OF INSPECTOR OF LO'ITERY OFFICES, AT THE STAMP OFFICE IN LONDON. WHEREAS it appears, by an advertisement * * signed SHERGOLD & CO. as Proprietors of an un- licensed Lottery Office in Lombard- street, that One Hundred Guineas reward will be given by them to any person of the name of Shergold to appear as the Owner of that Office, by the name of Hugh, Henry, or Humphrey Shergold; and where as there is not any person of the name of Shergold licensed to deal in Lottery Tickets, all Chances, Shares, or Agree- ments, signed SHERGOLD, are therefore illegal, and no- thing can be recovered
thereon; NOTICE is hereby given to all Riders, Printers, Shopkeepers, and others their Agents whatever, in the different country towns and other parts of Great Britain, that all and every person or persons who shall be found felling any foch, or any other illegal Chances, Shares, or Agreements in the Lottery, fhall be: prosecuted with the UTMOST RIGOtiR of the LAW, and all Justices of the Peace, Mayors, Bailiffs, Constables, Headboroughs, and other Civil Officers, within their respeCtive jurisdictions, are strictly required by the act of the 27th of his present Majesty, c. I. to use their utmost endeavours to prevent the commit- ting
of any of the offences above mentioned. And the public are hereby requested to give their assistance, by sending in- formation to this Office of the persons that may be found of- fending as aforesaid. T. WOOD, Inspector of Lottery Offires. SALE OF A CAPITAL DISTILLERY, And of Distillery Utensils. To be SOLD at KILBAGIE, in Clackmananshire, on Mon- day the 26th October 1789, at 1o o'clock forenoon, THE remaining CAST IRON & other UTEN- SILS belonging to that Distillery.— As the whole must be sold without reserve, purchasers are intrerated to attend to this advertisement —— Catalogues to be had of Messrs
William Forlong and Co. merchants in Glasgow, Mr William Grinly, broker in Leith, Mrs Bowie, auctioneer in Edinburgh. AND, On Wednesday the 28th October 1789 will be SOLD, within the Royal Exchange Coffeehouse, Edinburgh, at 12 o'clock noon precisely, The LAND, HOUSE, OFFICES, and DISTILLERY of KILBAGIE, situated in the county of Clackmannan, and with- in a mile of the river Forth ( to which there is access by a na- vigable Canal), and in the heart of a rich and populous coun try. The distillery is plentifully supplied with water, and there is great plenty of coal, wood, lime- stone, and free- stone, ir the immediate
neighbourhood, in point of magnitude, soli- dity, and convenience, it exceeds any thing of the kind in Great Britain ; and besides mills for thrashing of corn, and grinding all sorts of grain, there are included in it a most complete Malting, and houses for feeding, slaughtering, and curing of cattle, hogs, & c. The whole fitted up in a stile superior to any idea that can be conveyed by an advertise- ment. The house and offices are built in a most substantial and elegant manner. The apartments are spacious, numerous, and commodious, fit for the accommodation of a large fa. mily. The above premises comprehend two large gardens,
well stocked with fruit trees of the best kinds, and about 30 acres of land, most of it rich kerse ground. The above subjects will be exposed at the price of TWO THOUSAND POUNDS. For further particulars apply to David Steuart, banker in Edinburgh, or Robert Bofwell, writer to the signet. IRISH AND ENGLISH STATE LOTTERY OFFICE, No 26, CORN HILL, Opposite the Royal Exchange, London. THE Tickets are sold and divided into Halves, Quarters, Eighths, and Sixteenths, BY HORNSBY AND CO. STOCK BROKERS, Appointed and licensed by Government for the special purpose of selling and sharing tickcts in the
present IRISH STATE LOTTERY, which will begin drawing on the 12th of Novem- ber next, and in the ENGLISH STATE LOTTERY, which will begin drawing on the 2zd of February 1790. And, for the certain security of their Friends and Cus- tomers, who purchase shares at their office, they beg leave to acquaint them, that they have adopted the following unde- niable mode, which cannot fail of removing every idea of doubt with regard to the holder of a share of a ticket being equally safe and secure, 111 the payment of the prize, as the possessor of a whole ticket. By the present act of Parliament, Hornsby and Co. need only
leave the tickets, shared by them, in the hands of go- vernment three days after they are drawn; but Hornsby and Co. positively engage with the public, that all tickets, shared by them, shall remain in the hands of government ( with whom they are now deposited, for the more ample security of the holder of the share), until the payment of such share or shares is fully discharged by Hornsby and Co. It has been an invariable rule with the house of Hornsby and Co. to offer the very best security to their worthy friends and the public on whose patronage and support they rely. They likewise humbly assure the public, that it shall be
their constant study to give every testimony of regard for the in- numerable favours received during a period of twenty- three lotteries, and they earnestly solicit their orders on the present occasion. The large number of capital prizes sold, shared, and regis- tered, by Hornsby and Co. are too numerous to mention in this publication; they therefore inform the public, for the more early intelligence of the holders of capital prizes, bought at their office, they shall follow their old invariable rule, by advertising every capital prize on the day it is drawn, and the whole at the conclusion of the drawing. Correct Numerical and Register Books
are kept, and Tick- ets and Shares registered at Sixpence per number. All shares sold at this office will be stamped agreeable to act of Parliament. Money for prizes will be paid at this office as soon as drawn. Letters ( post paid) duly answered, and schemes gratis. N. B. Agreeable to act of Parliament, no business in the lottery transacted before eight o'clock in the morning, nor after eight o'clock in the evening. *." Bank, India, and South Sea, Stocks, with their several annuities; India Bonds, Navy and Victualling Bills, and all kinds of Government Securities, bought and sold by commis- sion. A SALE OF HORSES, OXEN, & c. ,
tO be rouped at the Farm of EASTER KELLY, in the parish of Carnbee, and shire of Fife, upon Friday the 25th of October current, Among the horses are a black stoned HORSE, rising six years old, sixteen hands high, remarkably strong and active. A STONED COLT, rising 4, got by Lord Elybank's Her- cules, out of a blood mare, 15 and one half hands high, and fit to carry 18 stone, up to any hounds in Britain— A PAIR of handsome Black CHAISE HORSES, nag tailled, and well matched— Two colts of 3 and one of 2 years old, fit either for the plough or carriage. Also 12 large OXEN, in prime order, for putting into the stall—
12 STOTS of 2 and 3 years old— Some MILK COWS and QUEYS, all of a large breed, besides a number of other bestial— Also the whole CROP of said farm, con- sisting of Barley, Oats, Pease, and Beans,— labouring utensils of various sorts. As there are a number of articles to be disposed of, the roup will begin at 10 o'clock precisely, and continue till all is sold off. Credit on good bills till ifl: May next, or 8d. discount, per pound, for ready money. Not to be repeated. LET or LANDS, AND SALE or STOCKING, LABOUR- ING UTENSILS, AND HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, & c. To be LET by public roup, within the Council
House of Sel- kirk, upon Wednesday the 11th day of November 1789, THE House, Offices, and Inclosures, and the A Farm of CARTERHAUGH and OLD WARK ( all lately possessed by the deceased General Alexander Mackay), for two years from the 23d of November 1789. These farm: will either be let together or separately, as offerers may in- cline ; and the articles and conditions of let thereof will be seen in the hands of William Lumsdane, clcrk to the signet, and George Rodger, writer in Selkirk. The housekeeper at Bowhill will show the house, and Mr Currer at Carterhaugh the farms. And to be SOLD by public roup, at
Bowhill, upon Thurs- day the 12th day of November 1789, the whole HOUSE- HOLD FURNITURE in the House of BOWHILL, con- sisting of all sorts of Kitchen Furniture, with Jack, Carron Oven,& e. dining- room, drawing- room, and bed- room furniture of all kinds, a tea kitchen, tea and table China, guard mange, baggage cart, drinking glasses and stone ware, garden tools, stable, dairy, washing, slaughter, and brewhouse utensils, with several other articles too tedious to mention— As also a consi- derable quantity of Wines of different kinds. And upon Monday the i6th day of the said month of No- vember 1789, there will be
SOLD by public roup, at Carter- haugh, the whole STOCKING, CORNS, and Labouring UTENSILS upon BOWHILL and CARTERHAUGH, consisting in part of four black Coach Horses, a light bay Charger, a dark bay ditto, an exceeding fine chesnut Galloway, seven Plough Horses of different colours, and a Riding Mare— a considerable number of Sheep of different kinds and ages, eight Milk Cows, four aged Draught Oxen, three ditto four- year olds, and one Quey of the same age, three Stots of three years old, five two- year- old Queys and one Stot, three one- year- old Stots, and three Queys of the same age, forty- one
well fed Highland Stots, six Calves, and a large quantity of Poul- try of all kinds— A great number of Stacks of Oats, Barley, and Pease, with several stacks of Sown Grass and Bog Hay. The roup of the farms to begin at one o'clock, and the roup of the other articles each day precisely at ten o'clock, and to continue until all be sold off. LANDS IN PERTHSHIRE. BY ADJURNMENT, TO be SOLD by public roup, in the house of Robert Tait, vintner at Balnaguard, upon Wednesday 4th of November 1789, betwixt the hours of one and three afternoon, THE Lands of BALNAGUARD, Mill & Mill Lands thereof, with the Town and Lands
of BAL- NAVERT, lying with the parish of Little Dunkeld, on the great road, about half way betwixt Inver and Taymouth, 16 computed miles from Perth, and six from Dunkeld. ' The lands lie contiguous, and consist of an extensive tract of rich level or haugh arable ground, pleasantly situated along the south side of the river Tay. There is an extensive hill, abounding with game, and remarkable for breeding of black cattle and sheep, belonging to these lands, which lie in the heart of a pleasant, warm, and populous country, the soil in- ferior in quality to none in that country. The mansion- house is at present converted into an inn,
and affords much satis- faction to travellers. There is also upon the lands a great deal of old and young planting, of different kinds of timber. All the arable land is in the natural state, and capable of great improvement. There are no tacks 0n any part of the lands or mill. The whole by a late measurement, consists of about 511 acres of arable meadow, and pasture ground, exclusive of the extensive pro- perty of hill. The lands hold of the Duke of Atholl; and the present free rent is about 174I. For further particulars apply to Willim Small, writer i, Perth, who will show the rental, measurement, title- deeds, and articles of roup; Robert
Tait, at Balnaguard, will show the grounds TO BE SOLD A BREWERY, DWELLING- HOUSES, AND AREA, FOR BUILDING ON, IN EDINBURGH. That upon Wednesday the 4th day of November 1789, there is to be exposed to public voluntary roup and sale, in John's Coffee- house, Edinburgh, at five o'clock afternoon, THAT Commodious and well frequented -*- Brewery, Malting, and Dwelling- house, with the Per- tinents, in Grass- market of Edinburgh, as presently possessed by Mr Gordon brewer there, and may be entered to at Mar- tinmas next. Like- wise two small houses in same tenement, pre- sently possessed by
Wm. Foord and Andrew Lowrie — The sub- ject are insured in the Edinburgh Friendly Insurance- office, and the premium is paid up.— There is an Area for building upon to the south of the brewery, and fronting Herriot's Hofpital, of about 70 by 40 feet. The subjects may be seen any lawful day, from to o'clock forenoon, to 2 o'clock afternoon; and for particulars purcha sers may apply to William Scot, solicitor at law, Edinburgh. N. B. The insurance, exclusive of the property, will bring I.. 50 at present, and there is a prospect of its rising consider- ably in value. ( UPSET PRICE REDUCED.) SALE OF HOUSE, GARDEN, AND
OFFICES, AT LAURIESTON, And of House in North Hanover- street. To be SOLD by public voluntary roup, within the Old Ex- change Coffeehouse, Edinburgh, 0n Wednesday the 21st of October 1789, betwixt the hours of six and seven o'clock afternoon, THAT House, Garden, and Offices, pleasant- ly situated at LAURIESTON, at the head of the lane immediately opposite to the Vennel, and presently possessed by Mr James Forrest, writer to the signet. The house consists of three stories, all within itself, con- taining dining room, drawing room, several good bed rooms, and light closets; kitchen, presses, and other
conveniencies. The cellars and offices are without the house; and the gar- den is neatly and commodiously laid out for the use of a family. The situation of the premises is very eligible, and will be further improved when the alterations making on the road by the town wall, now taken down, are completed, and the pro- posed communication thereto from South Bridge- street opened. Also to be SOLD by Private Bargain, That HOUSE, being the Two Uppermost Flats of the Te- nement of Land immediately below the corner house at the head of the west side of NORTH HANOVER- STREET, belonging to and possessed by Robert
Brown, writer to the signet. The house consists of dining room, drawing room, small room, light bed closet, kitchen, servants room, pantry, and presses, on the first flat— and of four bed rooms and two large light closets on the second flat— with cellar, water ci- stern, and other conveniencies. The situation is very cheerful and centrical; the house is substantially finished, has been pos- sessed near two years, and is well adapted to accommodate a large family. To be seen 0n Mondays and Thursdays, from 12 till 3 o'- clock. For further particulars enquire at said Robert Brown, wri- ter to the signet. N. B. To be LET from Martinmas
till Whitsunday, both next, a HOUSE, being the Two Uppermost Flats of the north half of the tenement of land, No. 16, on the East side of NORTH HANOVER- STREET, consisting of an elegant dining room and drawing room, newly painted, six bed rooms, kitchen, aud other conveniencies. ' To be exposed to SALE by public roup, in the house of Wil- liam Porteous, innkeeper at Milton, upon Thursday the 22d day of October 1789, betwixt the hours of eleven and twelve, THE Valuable Store Farm of LOGAN, lying in the parish of Lesmahagow, and shire of Lanark.— This farm holds about thirty- five score of sheep, besides some
black cattle; and it is particularly well known to produce excellent sheep. There is no tack at present upon it. As also, the lands of AUCHMEDDEN, lying in the same parish. This is a convenient corn farm, and has the privi- lege of an extensive commonty. There is every probability that lead will be found 0n the lands of Logan ; and there is a valuable time quarry on the lands of Auchmedden. For particulars, apply to Mr Joseph Cauvin, writer to the signet, Edinburgh— Mr Claud Marshall, writer in Glasgow, and Mr Hilstone at Lesmahagow. UPSET PRICE REDUCED. SALE OF LANDS IN MID LOTHIAN. To be SOLD by public
voluntary Roup, within the Old Ex- change Coffee- house, Edinburgh, upon Wednesday the 21ft October 1789, betwixt the hours of five and six af- ternoon, tHE Room and Lands of NETHERMOSS- HOUSES, wiih the pertinents; as also that part of the MILKHALL- GROUND lying 0n the east side of Nether- moss- houses, with the privilege of grazing fifteen sheep on Waltower, and of the slow moss there, to east peat both for feuel and for sale, with the pertinents thereto belonging, all lying within the parish of Pennycuik, and sheriffdom of E- dinburgh. These lands hold feu of Sir John Clerk of Pennycuik, Bart, for payment of il.
5s. Sterling yearly. They contain about fifty- five Scots acres, mostly arable, and are at present set to one tenant, at the rent of 17I. Sterling yearly. They are all uninclosed, and capable of very great improvement; and when the present lease expires, a very considerable rise of the rent may be expected. The tenant in the lands will show the marches; and the title- deeds, plans of the ground, and articles of roup, will be feen by applying to Robert Brown writer to the signet. SALE OF LANDS IN PERTHSHIRE. To be SOLD by public roup, within the Old Exchange Cof- feehouse, Edinburgh, upon Wednesday the 4th day of No vember 1789, between the hours of six and seven afternoon, THE Lands of INNERNETHY and BALGONIE, and TEINDS thereof, lying in the parish of Abernethy and shire of Perth. These lands consist of a rich clay soil, and are pleasantly si- tuated on the banks of the Earn. They will be exposed ei- ther in one or two lots, as most agreeable to intending pur- chasers. For particulars apply to Mr James Chalmers, writer in Perth, or David Freer, writer to the signet, Merchant Street, Edinburgh, who has power to conclude a private bargain pre- vious to the day of roup; and in whole hands are the title- deeds, the articles of roup, and
a plan of the grounds. BY ADJOURNMENT. JUDICIAL SALE OF LANDS IN ABERDEENSHIRE, Upset Price still farther Reduced. To be SOLD by public roup, by authority of the Lords of Council and Session, in the Parliament or New Session- house at Edinburgh, upon Tuesday the ist day of De- cember 1789, between the hours of five and six after- noon, THE remaining part of the LANDS and ESTATE, which belonged to ALEXANDER ACUYNDACHY of Kincraigie, viz. The Town and Lands of Cividly, Micklehaugh, Muir- head, Achredachy, and Beddieshillock;— the Lands of Old Keig and Mill thereof, with the Teinds and
Pertinents, all lying within the parish of Keig and sheriffdom of Aber- deen. The proven yearly rent of these lands is 1291. 11 s. 2 d. I- I2th Sterling, which at twenty- five years purchase, is 3238 1. 19 s. 10 d. 4- i2ths Sterling; but on different applica- tions to the Court, is now reduced to 26501. which is to be the upset price. . These lands are situated in a rich country, are capable of great improvement; and being out of lease at present, a con- siderable rise of rent may be expected. The title- deeds, rental, and measurement of the lands, and articles of roup, may be seen in the hands of George Kirkpatrick, depute- clerk of Session
; and for further infor- mation, application may be made to John Gordon, clerk to the signet, agent in the sale ; and to John Durno or David Morrice, Advocates in Aberdeen.