Wheelers Manchester Chronicle
Printer / Publisher: Charles Wheeler
Volume Number: Issue Number: 431
No Pages: 4
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Wheelers Manchester Chronicle
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Wheelers Manchester Chronicle
Date of Article: 17/10/1789
Printer / Publisher: Charles Wheeler
Address: Manchester
Volume Number: Issue Number: 431
No Pages: 4
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Wheelers Manchester Chronicle. READY MONEY WITH ADVERTISEMENTS.] SATURDAY, OCTOBER 1789. PRICE THREE- PENCE HALFPENNY. [ No. ' 431, WANTED, AN active sober MAN SERVANT, in small family. I Enquire of the Printer. A NATIVE of GERMANY WISHES to engage with a House to travel abroad, or as a Clerk, he having travelled in different coun- tries. Letters directed for C. F. left with the Printer, will be duly attended to, and will then refer them to an English House for their inquiries. WANTED, ACOOK and CHAMBERMAID.— None need! apply but who can bring an unexceptionable character. Apply
to the Printer. Wanted immediately, TWO JOURNEYMEN, who understand the Saddle and Collar- making Business. Apply to the Printer. Wanted immediately, AMiddle- aged PERSON as a COOK. CHILD'S MAID, who is perfect in sewing. Characters must be unexceptionable. Enquire of the Printer. SPREAD EAGLE INN, MANCHESTER. TO BE LETT, For a Term of Years, and entered upon the 25th of March, 1790, ALL that well- known and good- accustomed INN, the SPREAD EAGLE, in Hanging ditch, Manchester; with all the Buildings and Appurtenances thereto belonging, now, and for several years past, occupied by
Mr. Isaac Cow- gill, who retires from business. For further particulars apply to Mr. Thomas Townley, Architect, Smithy door, Manchester. Run away from his Apprenticeship, JAMES HOWARTH, apprentice to John Howarth, hatter, Denton, near Manchester. He is about five feet eight inches high, light complexioned, has light slank hair, and ; ooks well in the face. Had on when he run away, a light drab- coloured coat, striped printed waistcoat, olive velveret breeches, and silk and worsted slockings. Has a pinchbeck watch in his pocket. He has been absent about seven weeks. It is supposed he is in some part of Yorkshire. RUN
AWAY, On Sunday Morning, the 26th of July, 1789, AN APPRENTICE of Mr. Joseph Slater's, Paper- manufasturer, of Cook- street, in the city of Dublin, named Thomas Murphy ' He is about five feet nine inches high, has one of his. knees a little bent in, is somewhat freck- led in the face, and has a little impediment in his speech.— He has about one year of his apprcnticeship to serve. This is therefore to caution the Paper- manufacturers, and the public in general, not to employ the said Murphy, in order to oblige him, to serve the remainder of his time. He went off without any provocation whatever from his said Master. . Bury,
Oct. 13, 1789. Notice to Creditors. THE Creditors of JOHN KAY, of Bury, in the county of Lancaster, draper, are requested to meet the inspec- tors of his affairs, on Friday the 23d day of October instant, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, at the house of Thomas Cooper, known by the sign of the Hare and Hounds, in Bury aforesaid, in order to consider the propriety of making a first Dividend of his estate and effects, and on other special business. And the creditors who have not already proved their debts to the satisfaction of the inspectors, are requested to deliver in a particular account of their respective claims, upon oath, in order
that the amount thereof may be ascer- tained ; otherwise they will be excluded from receiving any dividend. Octobcr 8, 1789. STOLEN OR STRAYED, On Monday Night last, Or early on Tuesday Morning, out of a Field at Longsight, near Manchester, ' ABLACK COLT, four years old, about fourteen hands ' and a half high, a star in his forehead, four black legs, and remarkably strong bodied. Whoever will bring him to Mr. Wm. Gould, of Manchester, or to Mr. John George, Hop- pole Inn, Chester, shall re- ceive, if strayed, Two GUINEAS; if stolen, FIVE GUI- NEAS reward will be paid on conviction of the offenders. GRASS.
FOUR Hundred Acres and upwards, with Eddish, that has not had any Cattle in it these two months, into which will be taken in at the following prices, to the fifth of January next. Enquire of Mr. Brand, and Mr. Boardman, of Stockport, or of Hugh Garman, of Poynton. This Day is published, Price Two Shillings and Six- pence sewed, OBSERVATIONS on the first Part of Dr. Knowles's TESTIMONIES from the Writers of the First Four Centuries. In a Letter to a Friend. With NOTES; and a copious APPENDIX, shewing the Opinions of various learned Authors, both antient and modern, concerning the Authenticity of the Reading in
the First Epistle of St. John,] chap. v. ver. 7. BY CAPEL LOFFT. Bury; printed by J. Rackham, for J. Johnson, No. 72, St. Paul's Church- yard, London. Notice to Creditors. WHEREAS MARTHA WEBSTER, of Manches- ter, Shopkeeper, hath, by indenture bearing date the 10th day of October, 1789, assigned over all her estate and effects to Trustees, for the benefit of her creditors. The deed of assignment now lies in the office of Mr. Shelmerdine, in Manchester, to be inspected and executed by the creditors of the said Martha Webster; and such creditors who neglect to execute the same within one month from the above date,
will be excluded any benefit therefrom. All persons who stand indebted to the said Martha Web- ster, are desired to pay their respective debts to the said Mr. Shelmerdine, immediately, or they will be sued for the same without further notice. Embellished with near 200 elegant Engravings, besides a considerable number of Whole Sheet Maps. The Rev. T. BANKES's SYSTEM OF GEOGRAPHY, Founded on the most respectable authorities, formed with the greatest accuracy and care, from materials of undeniable authenticity, and corrected by every modern observation ; Containing every interesting circumstance, and
entertaining Narrative, throughout the whole of CAPTAIN COOK's VOYAGES ROUND THE WORLD. Together with all the Modern Discoveries ; including those of the Pelew Islands; also the last accounts of Botany Bay; and a particular description of Port Jackson, where the con- victs are now settled, & c. & c. PUBLISHED By the King's Royal License and Authority. To be completed in Ninety Weekly Numbers, making Two Volumes in Folio. Printed on a new type, and fine paper. Every number is embellished with at least one Engraving, executed with elegance and accuracy. The major part of the Numbers contain two, and
some three, besides whole sheet maps, plans, charts, & c. THIS DAY IS PUBLISHED, NO. I. [ PRICE ONLY SIX- PENCE] [ Containing four sheets of letter- press, and embellished with the following elegant engravings, viz.—;— 1. Almost beau- tiful and superb Frontispiece, from an original drawing of , the ingenious Mr. H. Ramberg, engraved by J. Neagle, and ornamented by W. Grainger. * 2. A large whole sheet Chart Of the late Discoveries made by Captain Cook, & c. exhibiting Port Jackson and Botany Bay, with the whole Coast of New South Wales and New Holland. 3. A Man of Van Diemen's Land. 4. A Woman and
Child of the same place;] AND ON Saturday next will be pUblished, NUMBER II. ( The succecding Numbers to be continued every week till completed) of the NEW ROYAL AND AUTHENTIC SYSTEM OF UNIVERSAL GEOGRAPHY; Including the Discoveries that have been made by the different Navigators of various Nations; being a modern and com- plete History and Description of THE WHOLE WORLD, As consisting of Empires, Kingdoms, States, Republics, Provinces, Conti- nents, Islands, Oceans, Seas, & c. Throughout Europe, Asia, Africa, and America; With their respective situations, extent, latitude, longitude,
boundaries., climate, soil, natural and artificial curiosities, mines, minerals, trees, shrubs, fruits, flowers, & c.— With an account of the religion, laws, customs, manners, genius, habits, amusements, and singular ceremonies of the respective inhabitants. Their arts, sciences, manufactures, trade, commerce, military and civil governments, & c. Also exact Defcriptions of the various kinds of beasts, birds, fishes, amphibious creatures, reptiles, insects, & c. Including the Essence of all the late and most remarkable VOYAGES AND TRAVELS; Particularly those to the interior parts of America, Together with a complete History of every
EMPIRE, KINGDOM, AND STATE. Also an account of the most remarkable Battles, Sieges, Sea- fights, and various revolutions that have taken place in different parts of the world. The whole forming an authen- tic and entertaining account of every thing worthy of notice, throughout the whole face of Nature, both by Land and Wa- ter. With a great variety of original articles, communicated by Gentlemen who have travelled in various parts, and by Captains of Ships, & c. And in order to render this work as complete as possible, a considerable number of whole ( heet Maps will be given, forming a valuable and COMPLETE
ATLAS, TO WHICH WILL BE ADDED, A complete GUIDE to Geography, Astronomy, the Use of the Globes, Maps, Sc. By the Reverend THOMAS BANKES, Vicar of Dixton, in Monmouthshire, and Author of the Christian's Family Bible, now publishing in 80 numbers, price 6d. each, being the cheapest and most elegant work of the kind ever published in this kingdom. " To know the world, from home you need not stray i " Sit at your ease, and ev'ry clime survey. " Here empires, kingdoms, states, and realms are shown; " Men, manners, customs, arts, and laws made known." LONDON: Printed for C. COOKE, No. 17, pater noster Row; and may be had of all other Booksellers and News- carriers in England, Scotland, and Ireland. %* The whole of this work being printed off, may be had by one or more numbers at the time, or complete in 99 numbers, price il. 5s. A List of the Subscribers will be printed and delivered gratis, with the last number. || § || As this System of Geography will contain every thing material in Cook's Three Voyages, and is the only work of the kind that is honoured with his Majesty's Royal Licence and Protection, the public are intreated to give particular orders for BANKES's GEOGRAPHY, PUBLISHED BY C. COOKE.
MONDAY AND TUESDAY'S POSTS. From the LONDON GAZETTE, oct. 10. Vienna, Sept. 26. INTELLIGENCE has been received here of the trenches having been opened before Belgrade, both on the Heights, where Marshal Laudohn's army is posted, and on the Banks of the Save ( in front of Semlin) where Prince de Ligne commands. Paris, Oct. 7. It being customary for the Gardes du Corpes at Versailles, to give an entertainment to any new regiment who arrives there, the Regiment de Flandres was on Thursday last sumptuously entertained with a dinner by that corps in the Palace. After dinner, their Christian Majesties
judged proper to honour the company with their presence, and condescended to shew their satisfaction at the general joy which prevailed among the guests. On their appearance the music instantly played the favourite song of 0 Richard— 0 mon Roi, and the company joining in chorus, seemed to unite all ideas, in one unanimous sentiment of loy- alty and love for the King, and nothing was heard for some time but repeated shouts of Vive le Roi, within and without the Palace. In the height of their zeal they proceeded to tear the National Cockades from their hats, and trampled them under their feet. The Garde du Corpes
supplied themselves with black cockades, in the room of those they had treated with such disdain. The news of these proceed- ings soon reached Paris, where a general ill- humour visibly gained ground. On Saturday there were great disturbances in the Palais Royal, and it became unsafe for any one to appear with black cockades, as several foreigners experienced, from whose hats they were torn with much violence, and abusive language. On Sunday the confusion increased, and a vast concourse of people tumultuously assembled at the Town- house, under the pretence of demanding bread, and enquiring into the real
causes of the scarcity of it at this season of the year. On Monday morning a number of women, to the amount of upwards of five thousand, armed with different weapons, marched in regular order to Versailles, followed by the nu- merous inhabitants of the Fauxbourgs, St. Antoine, and St. Marceau, with several detachments of the city militia; and in the evening the Marquis de la Fayette, at the head of 2o, ooo of that corps, likewise marched to Versailles. On Tuesday morning an account was received of some blood having been spilt. The Gardes du Corps fired on the Parisians, and five or six persons, chiefly women, were kil led. The regiment de Flandres was also drawn out to oppose this torrent; but the word to fire was n0 sooner given, than they all to a man clubbed their arms, and, with a shout of Vive la Nation, went over to the Parisians, Some troops of dragoons that are quartered at Versailles also laid down their arms, and the Swiss detachments remained motionless, having received no orders from their officers to fire. The Gardes du Corps being thus abandoned, and overpowered by numbers, fled precipitately into the gardens and woods, where they were pursued, many of them killed, and taken prisoners. Some of the heads of those who
were killed, were carried to Paris, and paraded through the streets on spikes. The same morning, a report came that the King, Queen, and Royal Family were on their way to Paris. Upon this the people began to assemble from all parts of the town; and above fifty thousand of the militia proceeded to line the streets, and the road to Versailles. Their Majesties and the Royal Family accordingly arrived between seven and eight o'clock in the evening, after having been six hours on the road. The carriages all proceeded to the town house, The concourse of people that attended is not to be described, and the shouts of Vive la Nation
filled the air. From the town- house they were conducted to the palace of the Thuilleries, though to- tally unprepared for their reception-, where they passed the night, . LONDON, Oct. to. There are letters in town from Brussels, which mention, in the most positive terms, a revolution in that place, and that Vandernoot, the Flemish patriot, is at Breca, with about 400 of the principal opposition gentlemen of the coun- try, who have raised a large body of recruits to oppose the Emperor, and assist their views of reforming the Govern- ment. Thus much is certain, that fifty- two of the most wealthy and independent Bourgoises haye
joined together and bound themselves by an oath, to stand by each other in the support of a reform. The Prince Bishop of Spires, one of those Princes whose interests are affected by the resolutions of the National As- sembly, has lately addressed a spirited Memorial on this head to several Temporal and Spiritual Princes of the Empire, whose interests are as much affected as his, in which he in- cites them, in the most pressing manner, to unite, and act in concert in the common danger that threatened them, and by their united strength to maintain their rights, which being guaranteed to them by solemn treaties, particularly by
the treaty of Westphalia, cannot be annulled at the pleasure of one of the contracting parties. This Prince has addressed a Memorial also to the Diet of the Empire, and to the Emperor as head of the Empire, that this affair may suffer no delay, but may be taken into consideration even before the recess, and that all the Envoys to the Diet may be provided with instructions how to act that the Emperor and Diet may oppose the encroachments of the National Assembly of France by amicable negociation, and, if necessary, by arms. The Prince Bishop will, no doubt, be supported by the Duke of Wirtemberg, the Duke of Deux- Ponts,
and others, who have suffered in their property and rights in Alsace, and other parts of France, in consequence of the resolutions of the National Assembly. The Ministers of the King of Prussia, who reside at the Courts of those Princes, are consulted on every step taken, the King their master, as one of the heads of the Germanic League, and on many other grounds, being interefted in fup- porting their complaints with all the weight of his name. Particulars of the disturbances that have taken place in Corsica. Viscount de Barin, who had the chief military command at Bastia, hearing of the Revolution in France, privately as sembled at his house those persons whom he considered as most attached to him and to France. He informed them, that if was his opinion they could not give him a more substantial proof of their friendship to him, than by joining with their friends and relations, and lending him their aid to secure some of the principal inhabitants of the town. This service, he informed them, would be the more valuable and useful to him, as he could place but little reliance on the fidelity of the troops. The persons thus assembled assured the Viscount, that they were ready to do every thing that he could wish to convince him of their attachment.
But one of them, more under the influence of patriotism than of private friendship for the Commandant, soon communicated to several people in Bastia , the object and result of the meeting at the Viscount's house'. The intelligence spread like wildfire— the inhabitants flew to arms, and the Viscount was obliged to take refuge in the Castle, beyond the works of which he did not dare to shew himself. Following the example set them by the different cities in France, the inhabitants of Bastia formed themselves into military companies, some of which patroled the city, whilst others undertook to answer for the preservation of order and
tranquility in the neighbouring villages. The example of Bastia was soon followed by Calvi and Ajaccio. Such was precisely the state of affairs in Corsica, when in- telligence was dispatched from the island 011 the seventh of September. The affairs of the Swedish monarch have, we are told, taken a fortunate turn, and that his Majesty is again in it con- dition to act offensively, should an occasion present itself. The siege of Belgrade is certainly commenced, and all communication between that fortress and the surrounding country, entirely cut off. General Count de Clairsait has received orders to lay siege to the fortress of
Orsova, which cannot hold out long, as in all probability it will be left entirely to itself, the Turks hav- ing marched all their forces, that were lately near Orsova, into Servia, to make one last effort to save Belgrade. As soon as the general has made himself master of Orsova, he is to cross with eighteen divisions of horse ( 7200) and invading Servia on that side, make a diversion in favour of Marshal Laudohn, and the besiegers of Belgrade. The plains of Servia will probably soon be signalized by an obstinate and bloody battle, the fruit of which will be to the Austrians the acquisition of Belgrade, and perhaps all Servia, and an
advantageous peace. Bv letters from Moldavia, we are assured, that three Turkish men of war, having under convoy several transports, with a large body of Cuban Tartars, made a descent at the Streights of Callati: they landed 5000 men, and immedi- ately fell upon a small body of Russians, who being surpriz- ed, were not prepared for a defence, and were therefore ob- liged to retreat. The retreat, however, was not precipitate, but orderly, and so flow that a large body of Russians had time to come to their assistance from Kerschai. These taking the Tartars in flank, not only threw them into confusion, but cut off retreat to the
shipping. The affair lasted five hours, and ended in the total discomfiture of the Tartars, very few of whom escaped either death 0r captivity, Yesterday hjs Majesty was pleased to appoint his Grace the Duke of Dorset, Steward of his Houshold in the room of the Duke of Chandos, deceased. THE Creditors of Mr. THOMAS SCOTT, late of Wigan, in the county of Lancaster, Check- manufac- turer, deceased, who have not executed the conveyance made by his Widow, to Trustees, for the benefit of his creditors, are requested to execute the same at the office of Mr. Kay, attorney, in Marsden- street, Manchester, and deliver in an
account of their several demands, verified upon oath or affir- mation, on or before the first day of November next, as a dividend of such effects is then intended to be made. All persons indebted to the estate of the said Thos. Scott, or who have any of his effects in their hands, are desired im- mediately to pay their respective debts, and deliver the said effects, unto Mr. John Potter, of Marsden street aforesaid, one of the Trustees, or they will be sued for the same with- out further notice. BURY, 12TH OCT. 1789. WHEREAS THOMAS KAY, of Tottington Lower End, in the county palatine of of Lancaster, Cotton- manufacturer, did,
by indenture of Alignment bearing date the said 12th day of October, assign over all his estate and effects unto Thomas Holt, of Tottington Lower End afore- said, shopkeeper, and Richard Holt, of Eton, in the said | county, cotton- manufafturer, in trust for the equal benefit of such of his creditors as shall come in and execute the faid deed within one month from the date hereof. Notice is hereby given, That the deed of assignment is lodged at the office of Tho- mas Oram, attorney at law, in Bury, in order to be inspected and executed by such of the creditors of the said Thomas Kay, who shall come in and execute the same within
the time aforesaid; and such of them as shall neglect, will be excluded from all benefit arising therefrom. Manchester, 10th Month 13, 1789. Notice is hereby given, THAT the Partnership lately subsisting between JOHN MOSS and THOMAS ROTHWELL, under the firm of John Moss and Son, both of Manchester, in the county of Lan- caster, Fustian Dyers, is, by mutual consent and agreement of both parties, this day dissolved ; and that all money owing by or unto the said partnerfhip, at the time of the dissolution thereof, will be paid and received by the said John Moss only, who intends to carry on the said business as usual
Witness our hands, the thirteenth day of the tenth month, called October, one thousand, seven hundred, and eighty- nine, John Moss, Signed in the presence of Thomas Rothwell. John Woolley, Joseph Atkinson. SLANDERERS DETECTED. WHEREAS we, James Cheetham and Betty Green, of Hattersley, Cheshire, and Jonas Wadsworth, of Stayley Bridge, Lancashire, have been convicted of consult- ing and publishing a most evil and infamous Report, concern- ing Ann Hall, of Stayley- bridge, prior to her late marriage, and for which we were threatened with due prosecution; but upon our humbling ourselves, and
acknowledging the enor- mity of our offence, she has, of her great lenity, been generously pleased to drop the said intended prosecution, on ' condition that we make this acknowledgement public in one of the Manchester Papers, and promise never to be guilty of the like, or any other offence towards her for the future— which we according do, this 17th day of October, 1789. And further, we thus publicly return her, the said Ann Hall, our most humble thanks, for the great lenity with which she has treated us. Signed James Cheetham, Betty Greeen, In the presence of Jonas Wadsworth, his Benjamin Harrop. X mark. Notice is
hereby given, THAT the adjourned Meeting of the Trustees of the Turnpike Road leading from Manchester, in the county of Lancaster, to Austerlands, in the county of York, will be held on Thursday the twenty- second day of this month, at the house of Mrs. Travis, known by the sign of the White Bear, in Manchester aforesaid, at eleven of the clock in the forenoon of the same day. JOHN COUPER, Clerk to the said Trustees. OCTOBER 17. 1789. October 5, 1789. An old establifhed INN. To be SOLD by Auction, On the premises, on Tuesday the 10th day of November next ensuing, at seven o'clock in the evening, ALL that
ancient and well- accustomed INN, with the barn, stables, hay lofts, shippons, hog sties, and gar- den, known by the name and sign of the Eagle and Child, in Kirkham, in the county of Lancaster; together with two closes or parcels of land, called the Carr Meadow, and Ball's Croft, containing one acre and three quarters, be the same more or less; also a butcher's shop, with a room over it, ad- joining the Town's Hall. The above premises are land of inheritance, and may be entered upon in May next; are in the direct road from Pres- ton to Blackpool, are capable of great improvement, and now let for 47I. 13s. 6d. per annum. For
further particulars apply to Mr. Parkinson, furgeon, in Kirkham, or Mr. Knipe, in Liverpool, who continues to buy and sell lands, houses, furniture, or merchandize by commission. NEW TEA WAREHOUSE, Next House to Mr. OLLIVANT's, Exchange- street, MANCHESTER. R. TATE takes the earliest opportunity to acquaint his Friends and Cuftomers, that the Teas purchased at the late September Sale, at the India House, are now arriv- ed. They are particularly fresh and fine. He flatters him- self, from the general approbation his customers have given, and do daily give, of his Tea, Coffee, Chocolate, & c. & c. that the public will
find a considerable saving by purchasing at the above Warehouse, as the Teas are purchased at the India Warehouse, and cleared immediately from there'— Warranted pure and free from Adulteration. R. Tate has to lett, a good dry Cellar, about twelve yards by six, situate in Crow- alley, suitable for a Cotton or Check Warehouse. A good cart road to it. SHIPS arrived at LIVERPOOL since our last. The Neptune, Parker, fr Wyberg, with deals. The Aston, Anderson, fr Petersburgh, with hemp, bar- iron, battens, deal ends, mats, lathwood, spirits, wine, and candles The Mary Ann, Hayes, fr Drogheda, with linen yarn and cloth,
oats, & glue. The Peggy, M'Ilroy, fr Belfast, with linen cloth, broken glass, butter, cow & ox hides. The Maria, Fanragher, fr Isleman, with red and white herrings. The Experiment, Edwards, fr Isleman, with red & white herrings, lin cloth & butter The Peggy and Betty, Aikman, fr Petersburgh, with tal- low & bar iron. The John and William, Smith, fr Sligo, with linen yarn, barley, oatmeal, butter, calf skins & cow hide;. The Jenny, divitt, fr Londonderry, with tallow, calf skins 8c cow hides The James, Moore, fr British Fishery, with herrings. The Sally, Cargey, fr Strangford, with barley. The Little Betsey, Irvine, fr Petersburg, with bar iron,
tallow, & hemp. The Kitty, Montgomery, fr Newry, with linen cloth and cowl. The Favourite, M'Lean, fr Perry, with limestones. The Jenny, M'Leod, fr Isleman, with red & white her- rings. The Ellen, Roche, fr Isleman, with red and white her- rings, eggs, pieces cloth, do fustians, woollen cloth, butter, 8c feathers. The King Pepple, Briscoe, fr Africa and Jamaica, with logwood & fustic. The William, Newport, fr Newry, with butter. The Happy Return, Jones, fr Newry, with butter. The Lark, Newport, fr Lisbon, with 214 bags cotton. The Elizabeth and Mary, Little, fr Archangel, with mats, tar, and handspikes. The Peggy, Jones, fr Newry,
with cows, horses & pigs. The Neptune, Wilkinson, fr Lisbon, with 530 bags cot- ton, 458 ditto, 84 ditto, & 47 ditto. The Ann, Smith, fr Narva, with deals & deal ends, hand- spikes, spars, masts, flax, and firewood.
NeuStadt, in Wagrie, Sept. 18. The day before yester- day a small yacht, under French colours, arrived in this port, and ranged along side a Swedish vessel from Gothland, laden for the account of Mad. E. M. Enequiss; at half past nine o'clock at night, the people of the yacht, who were armed, and spoke mostly english, seized the Swedish vessel, and car- ried her to sea. The crew, excepting the Captain, whose name is Aberg, saved themselves in a boat. Another voyage to the South Seas, under the patronage of his Majesty, is projected ; only one ship is to be employed in this service, the officer at the head of which is to
have the rank of master and commander, and several men of science are to accompany him ; the object of the voyage is, to ex- plore certain situations not sufficiently known in those seas. An Ambassador, of the rank of a Bashaw, is arrived from Mequinez, the capital of Moipcco, who has brought over twelve beautiful Arabian horses, as a present from the Em- peror to his Majesty. His credentials contain the most flattering assurances of peace and amity from the Em- peror. The Ambassador is elegantly attended, and provided for at the expence of Government. Owing to the ill state of his Lordship's health, and en- tirely
abstracted from any party or political motive, the Mar- quis of Buckingham does not return to Ireland. His disor- der tends to a decline; and he earnestly wishes that a suc- cessor may be appointed. No person will at present be appointed as Ambassador at the Court of France. Until the government be settled, the place of Ambassador must be a mere sinecure. France is, at present, in that situation, that no foreign power can enter into treaty with her— There are no securities for the perform- ance of engagements, and no administration with whom se- cret business can be transacted. Captain Huddard, a celebrated Navigator, a
man of for- tune, and Commander of an East- Indiaman, is at present Employed in making a survey of all the Teas, bays, creeks, and harbours on the North West coast of Scotland. This Gentleman offered his serviccs gratis to the Directors of the Society for extending the fisheries on the Northern COasts, and has engaged in this laudable and meritorious un- dertaking from the purest and most disinterested patriotism. In consequence of her Majesty's having expressed a wish that the Ladies about Court should make silk their chief, ar- ticle of dress the ensuing winter, a great number of journey- men weavers, who were starving
with hunger, are again em- ployed by their late masters, to the inexpressible joy of their families. Accounts from the island of St. Helena say, that the season has turned out uncommonly fine, and the island was never known in a better state of cultivation than it is at present: this may be partly attributed to a society that has been formed there, on the plan of that in the Adelphi, for the encou- ragement of Agriculture, who have given a large silver cup to a planter for enclosing and cultivating the largest quantity of waste land, and adjudged several other prizes to different claimants of the like nature. Governor Brooke deserves much
credit for this institution, as he likewise does for his humane intentions in establishing a Sunday- school, for the instruction of the poor illiterate slaves. On Sunday the 13th of September, a company of the Na- tional Delegates, consisting of the celebrated number 45, dined at the chateau of the Duke de Gesvres, late Governor of Paris, near Marolles, about six miles from that city— when the following toasts, a la mode d'Angleterre, were drank, with three real English cheers:— The King and the new Constitution The Duke of Orleans, and all absent friends— May liberty grow and flourish in the hot- bed of France, as it has long
done in the common soil of Great- Britain — May avarice never affect the church, corruption the State, despotism the Court, or licentiousness the Body of the People. The Prussians are perhaps the most reconciled to the des- potic form of government, of any people in Europe. This can only be attributed to the wisdom of the late King, who, while he ruled with a rod of iron, administered justice so strictly and impartially, that the meanest peasant lived in per- fect confidence. It has often been an idea with speculating politicians, that despotism is the best form of government, where the despot is wise and good. Experience,
however, proves, that the wisdom and goodness of Kings are but un- certain dependencies. The harvest in almost every part of Sweden is this year very abundant, and the grain uncommonly fine. Mr. Howard, the Philanthropist, his friends will be happy to hear, was, at the beginning of last month, in perfect health at St. Petersburgh. From Petersburgh, under the 31st of August, they advise, that a fire which has happened through the imprudence of some peasants, in the forests of Schlauselbourgh and Kaesolm is likely to produce very serious confequences. It had been burning one month, and had devoured an extent of five
leagues, with all the grain in the environs. The flames were not above ten werstes from the capital; and when the wind was East or North, the town was filled with smoke like a thick fog. Extract of a letter from Dublin, Oct. 5. " Last Wednesday night there was the most violent storm ever remembered in Limerick; in town several houses were unroofed: in the country several trees were torn from their roots and carried to a distance ; stacks of corn and hay entirely carried away, and was fear the corn unreaped has been mate- rially injured; the storm began at eleven, and continued above four hours; several vessels were driven from
their moor- ings in the river, and stranded. Farther Particulars of the dreadful Commotions in France. It is very strongly reported and believed in Paris, that the King of Sardinia was marching 15ooo men, in three 1 divisions, towards the frontiers of France, and that they will be joined by more from other quarters. At two o'clock on Tuesday morning, a considerable num- ber of persons, who were habited in women's dresses, but as it since appears, were many of them guards, having gained the outward entrance of the castle, forccd their way into the Palace, and up the stair- case leading to the Queen's apart- ment, and with an
intent to seize and murder her; fortunate- ly, a greater number than usual of the King's body guards were ordered to sleep in the anti- chambers leading to it, and to be particulraly vigilant against any alarm. The disturbance soon roused them to arms, and the first who made their approach were fired on, and seventeen killed on the spot. The rest, terrified at the fate of their companions, instantly retreated, and every thing resumed a tolerable state of quietude till the morning. The Marquis de la Fayette was introduced to the King, with some of the Magistrates of Paris, and communicated the desire of the city that he might conduct
his Majesty and the Royal Family thither. On being assured of protection, the King made no hesitation to comply with the request, well knowing that it would not have availed him. Orders were therefore immediately given for the Royal Equipages to be got ready, and their Majesties, with the Dauphin, Mon- sieur, and the King's aunts, proceeded to town, with their attendants, in a procession of eighteen carriages, attended by the Marquis de la Fayette, and about five thousand guards- His Majesty was in the first carriage with a Nobleman of his household, the Queen and Dauphin in the next. The road from Versailles was so
thronged by the mob, that notwithstanding fifty thousand of the Parisian troops had been sent out to keep the way clear, the Royal Family were eight hours in reaching the Hotel de Ville, though only a distance of twelve miles. This tedious journey could have been ren- dered only more painful, by the thoughts of being led CAP- TIVES in triumph to the city of Paris, and the fear of what was to follow. Being arrived at the Hotel de Ville, the Royal Family stopped there near two hours. The King was shewn into the Great Hall, where he was harangued by Monsieur de St. Mery, who assured his Majesty of his safety, that he had only
been conducted to Paris for his better security, and that he would find himself more happy among his loyal children there, than he had been at Versailles. To all this his Ma- jesty seemed to pay but little attention. The Royal Family were then conducted to the old ruinous Palace of the Thuil- leries, which has not been inhabited since the days of Louis the Fourteenth, and where nothing was prepared for their re- ception. ' In the affray at Versailles, the King's body guards beha- ved most nobly. In the slaughter which happened there, about fifty of the Parisian troops and mob were killed, and thirty of the King's guards cut to pieces.
Eighty of them were taken prisoners, and brought to Paris, the rest saved themselves by flight. This regiment is peculiar to any other, being composed, both privates as well as officers, of persons of the second order of Nobility in France. On Wednesday last all the districts of Paris met early in the morning, and orders were given to surround all the ave- nues of the Thuilleries, which had been only defended the preceding night by a common guard. A thousand troops were immediately ordered on that duty, and all the gates of the Palace are further secured by a train of cannon, to prevent any surprize or escape. Wednesday at
noon, being the Court day, their Majesties received all the foreign Ministers in the Palace. The King looked uncommonly dejected, and the Queen was in tears the whole time, and only talked a few words to the Imperial Ambassador. The sight was uncommonly gloomy and af- fecting, and the Court broke up after a short time. In the evening the districts of Paris passed a resolution, that the regiment of the King's Body Guard should be im- mediately broken, and never more revived : That in future his Majesty should be guarded by citizens, instead of sol- diers. There are many reports, though they are not confirmed, that several
Noblemen of the King's party have been massa- cred, among whose names are, the Duc de Guiche, Due de Chatelet, Count de Estaing, and Count de Lusignan; but these rumours want confirmation, though it is certain these gentlemen are missing : probably fled. There is likewise a report of 200 of the King's party in the National Assembly having been proscribed. Matters had been so concerted, that in three days the King would have been conveyed to Metz, and had his escape been effected, the consequences would have been dreadful. On every side the King sees monuments of his own weak- ness, and of the strength of
the adverse party. Cannon is mounted all round the palace, which to him is now become a bastile; and this once mighty Monarch is now become as passive in the hands of the Parisians, as the most wretched prisoner in the hands of a gaoler. One bad consequence produced by the different revolutions that Have taken place of late is, that a general mistrust per- vades the whole capital. The Ministers whom his Majesty had chosen, when he dismissed his army from Paris and its neighbourhood, enjoyed in an eminent degree the confidence of the city. But the arrival of the Flanders regiment at Versailles, which must have been
the consequence of a determination of the Cabinet, has not only shaken but destroy- ed that confidence; and even Mr. Neckar himself is not free from a suspicion of being less attached to the popular party than he was formerly. WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY'S POSTS. From the LONDON GAZETTE, Oct. 13. Paris, October 8. THIS day their Most Christian Majesties received the Foreign Ministers at the Thuilleries, as did Monsieur and Madame at the Palace of Luxembourg. The National Assembly still sit at Versailles, till room is prepared for their reception at the Louvre. On the 5th inst. the King gave his sanction to those
Articles of the Constitu- tion, and Droits de I'Homme, which had been presented to His Majesty by the Assembly. LONDON, October 13. Accounts received in town late last night assert, that at Brussels on Monday last all the principal people were taking up arms, and preparing to join the army of Flemish Militia at Bois le Duc. The Emperor's troops at Brussels are only 6,300 strong, and some hundreds of those had laid down their arms. The plan is, to declare the Duc d'Aremberg Chief Ma- gistrate, and to intrust him with the intire government of the Low Countries, assisted by a Council, to be nominated by the people. The
Cockade was adopted by all— and immediate execu- tion followed a refusal. Lord Bristol and a gentleman who arrived in town yester- day, confirm this account. Extract of a letter from Petersburgh, Sept. 9. " We have it now from the best authority, that peace, as well with the Turks and the two Imperial Courts, as Sweden and Russia, are now on the Tapis; all parties having great reason to wish an end to the present disputes: and on the side ot Germany, it is become absolutely necessary. The cam- paigns are drawing to a condusion. The weather is already very cold here, and this is the season for the purpose. We have only
to hope it may succeed, though the mediators are not yet mentioned." The Lord Chancellor is come to town for the purpose of advising on the affairs of a neighbouring kingdom, which are become peculiarly interesting, and the more so, as messages have passed between ours and some of the continental Cabi- nets on the subjects. Advices were received in town yesterday from Paris, as late as Thursday evening. Such consternation reigns in that city, where trade is entirely stopped, as is truly pitiable. Belgrade was entirely surrounded by Field- Marfhal Lau- dohn on the 15th. ult. who, by erecting two strong redoubts, had
stopped the passages from thence to the Save and the Danube. There is, however, little doubt of a battle with. Out the walls, before the place is regularly besieged, as the Seraskier Abdy Pacha was within a few hours march with 30,000 men to relieve the place, and a numerous army fol- lowing to assist him. The news of this had such an effect on General Laudohn, that he thought it prudent not only to send to Vienna for a reinforcement of 16,000 men, but also dispatched General Coiloredo with 8,000 men to meet the Pacha, that he might know for a certainty when he was coming to action. The total number of horse and foot
now in the Turkish province of Servia, under Marshal Laudohn, is exactly 68,800. The Spanish squadron, lately commanded by Admiral de Texada, and at present by Admiral don Solano, actually sail- ed from Carthagena the ninth of September. Its real desti- nation was known only to the Admiral. It was reported that it was to cruize for some time on the coast of Portugal. But this much is certain, that it was victualled for four months. It is confidently said that an offer has been made to Great Britain, in the course of the summer, of one of the French and Austrian provinces, under no other stipulation than that of protection, which
was peremptorily refused on our part. Formerly it was the policy of States, when any rival na- tion was oppressed either by foreign or domestic commotions, openly or covertly to feed the contention, in order to debi- litate their future energies. This left handed wisdom was a very feather in the cap of France; her Ministers almost in- variably pursued it. Cardinal Richlieu was the grand fo- menter of the civil wars in Charles the First's time,— and during our late quarrel with America, the same springs were ungenerously set in motion. Great- Britain, however, very much to the honour of her morals as well as her political wisdom, acts
upon a higher prin- ciple. Instead of retaliating on a prostrate enemy, instead of insulting her poverty, or fomenting her internal feuds, she lets France settle her own government, agreeably to the most natural settlement of all governments, the common consent of the people-, whilst she, content with the fair advantages aris- ing from such a situation, secures all the blessings of peace. As one instance out of many which may be given in illus- tration of those advantages, the merchants of Great Britain, on account of the present perilous situation of French credit, have just obtained an order for furnishing the whole of the Spanish
flota with woollens, an extensive article of commerce exclusively enjoyed by the French for many years back. After the ambiguous answer of the King of France, which caused so great an alarm in the National Assembly, the Pre- sident having, at the request of the House, waited upon his Majesty, to intreat that he would give his pure and simple assent to the Declaration of Rights, and the Articles of the Constitution the Monarch, after some hesitatation, replied, " I give my pure and simple assent to the Declaration, of Rights and the Articles of the Constitiuion which have been presented to me by the National Assembly." From
Abbeville we learn( that several waggon loads of English goods have been stopped there by the populace, and escaped being destroyed, by an engagement to send them back to England. Such is the gratitude of this nation, and such their ideas of treaties, that they ought no longer to exist when they turn out disadvantageous. The celibacy of the Romish Clergy is shortly to be abo- lished in Germany, as it will, in all probability, in all the Catholic countries of Europe. The following uncommon and melancholy circumstance happened on Saturday night on the steps leading to Old Bos- well- court, Carey- street. A young woman,
who had the appearance of a servant in the neighbourhood, going up the steps, was familiarly addressed by u genteel young man in black, who was waiting thereon ; to whom intimating she was not the person he wanted, he immediately laid hold of her, and stabbed her dangerously with a knife in the body. The perpetrator of this horrid deed was immediately se- cured ; and the unfortunate young woman carried to an hos- pital without hope of recovery. She declared she knew nothing of the man, and had never seen Or spoke to him in her life, to her knowledge. This morning Jacob Canter, alias Richter, who had been
condemned for forgery, and often respited, was executed be- fore the debtors' door at Newgate. He was turned off about half an hour after eight o'clock, being attended by three Jewish Rabbis. Friday died, at Borough Bridge, on his way to town, the Right Hon. James Hamilton, Earl and Baron of Abercorn, and Baron of Paisley; also Viscount and Baron Strabane, in Ireland, and Baron Mountcastle, Kilpatrick, a Baronet, and a Privy Counsellor of the same kingdom ; Viscount Hamil- ton in England, and a Vice President of the Foundling Hos- pital. The Earl of Abercorn will be succeeded in his titles and estates by John James
Hamilton, Member of Parliament for the borough of St Germain, his Lordship's nephew.— The estate is supposed to be one of the most extensive in Scot- land, The late Earl of Abercorn was born in the year 1712, and succeeded his father in 1744. He was the only noble- man in the kingdom ( not of the Blood Royal) who united in his own person the honours of the peerage of England, Scotland, and Ireland. His Lordship was remarkable in early life for the stiffness and austerity of his manners. He is said to have made the tour of Europe in so perpendicular a stile as never to have touchcd the back of his carriage. Though at one
part of his life he was much about Court, he never booed. When the present Queen . landed from Germany, Lord Aber- corn had the honour of receiving her at his house, where she and her suite slept. Soon after his Lordship went to St. James's, when his Majesty thanked him for his attendance on the Queen, saying, he was afraid her visit had given him a good deal of trouble; A good deal indeed replied his Lord- ship. His brother, who is a churchman, once solicited him to apply for a living, which was vacant, and in the gift of the crown. It was worth near 1000I. a year.— Lord A's answer was equally laconic and substantial.—"
I never ask any fa- vours— Inclosed is a deed of annuity for 1000l a year." Two plants of the Cochineal Qpuntia have been sent from Kew Gardens, and several others brought from China to Ma- dras, where they are cultivated with success, and promise to rival the Nopal of Mexico, from whence our rich scarlet dye is extracted. The favourableness of the climate, the habitual industry of the natives, and surprising cheapness of labour, have in- duced the Eaft India Company to introduce the Cochineal insect into their Asiatic dominions. Accordingly, in conse- quence of orders from England, Sir Archibald Campbell, before he left
Madras, marked out and enclosed a spot of ground proper for a Nopalary, and appointed a superintend- ant, under the direction of Dr. James Anderson, for the care and management of this article of commerce. Thus, there is good reason to expect that this valuable drug will be obtained much cheaper from India in a few years, than it can be procured from the Spanish settlements, as the labour of women in Asia does not exceed three halfpence per day, which is less than one- tenth of what it costs in Mex- ico. It is therefore likely that this branch of commerce will fall into our hands; a circumstance highly deserving of no- tice,
as the annual imports into Europe at present amount to upwards of 300,0001. sterling. Seeds of the Oldenlandia Umbellata, from the roots of which plant is extracted the fine permanent red dye so much admired in India Cottons, have been sent to our West India Islands by Dr. Anderson of Madras. This plant is so valuable in Asia, that it is sold there for one guinea per pound. Some prepared roots are also sent to England, to try if the dye can be extracted from it in this country. If this can be effected, a trade will be established in that article from India, to the great benefit of our Cotton Manufactures. It is out at last: Mr.
Thicknesse has discovered Junius to be Parson Horne. As the workmen were digging at St. Sepulchre's Church- yard, they hit on a large stone, supposed to be the stone of an old Communion- table; and, from the date on it, it must have lain there seven hundred years; and under it was found a great quantity of plate, belonging, as it is supposed, to the church. There were four pairs of remarkably heavy candle- sticks, several large waiters, and a small iron box, with se- veral gold, silver, and copper- pieces, to the value of forty- seven guineas. Wednesday evening, as a coachman was driving most fu- riously with his horses
down Old Bond- street, a child, appa rently about the age of five years, was crossing the street, and in a moment was struck by one of the horses, and instantly trampled to death. The savage, unfeeling coachman, al- though repeatedly called to, turned a deaf ear to the voice of humanity. The coach was pursued as far as Oxford- road, and the driver secured and delivered up to the hands of justice. This week a discovery has been made, that several notes for five and ten pounds, all forged on a country banking- house, have been in circulation, to a very considerable amount, several of which have been paid. Yesterday
morning, as a Marshalsea Court officer was tak- ing a prisoner to the Marshalsea, the unfortunate man knock- ed the officer down, on Westminster- bridge, and getting away, ran down the steps into the river; his skill in swim- thing was not equal to the courage with which his situation had inspired him, and as no boat was immediately at hand, the poor fellow was drowned. The sum he was arrested for was exactly 10l. 4s. Tucker, the young man apprehended and committed a few days since, for stealing a large quantity of muslin, Irifh linen, & c. to a large amount, the joint property of Mr. Jeremy and Mr. Maun, two linen- drapers,
to whom he was respec- tively shopman, will be the means of bringing his aged fa- ther and mother- in- law to a public trial at the Old Baily, in having incautiously sent and brought himself at different times to his father's apartments, several pieces of stolen goods, and which he told them he had purchased in the city, for the pur. pose of setting up a shop himself. Daniels and Lloyd, two soldiers belonging to the Duke of York's regiment of guards, are fully committed for trial, for robbing the gardener of Mr. Harris, of Covent Garden Theatre, on Constitution Hill, in September last, and cruelly cutting him with a knife in several parts
of his body, parti- cularly his throat, eye, shoulder, & c. and violently' taking from his person a silver watch and some money. A very singular occurrence happened 0n Sunday at Ports- mouth:— A gentleman of Pail- Mall, who was on a visit there for the purpose of bathing, engaged one of the ma- chines for his usual morning aquatic excursion; when the guide, from unskilfulness or inattention, chose a part of the beach where the descent was too irregular and sudden, al- though he was made acquainted with the gentleman's incapa- city to swim: by which means, when he plunged into the sea, he found himfelf totally out of his
depth, which the guide perceiving, immediately swam to his assistance, but not before the gentleman had been underwater, and was rendered nearly insensible ; the consequence of which was, that as soon as the guide reached him, the gentleman caught hold of him, and it was with the greatest difficulty, and not without a violent struggle, that he disengaged himself; during which time, every spectator deemed them both lost; among whom was the wife of the gentleman, in another machine, and the son of the guide on the beach. The guide at length reached the shore ( although there is little hope of his recovery) and the
gentleman was given up as lost: fortunately, however, a person at some distance, who had a Newfoundland dog with him, hearing the alarm, ran to the spot, and learning the dreadful situation of the gentleman, directed the dog to the place where he was sinking, who dived after him, seized him by a part of the hair which his cap did not cover, and brought him to shore, notwithstanding he is a very corpulent man. The necessary steps were taken with the body, and we have the satisfaction to hear a recovery was soon effected. Thus a valuable life was saved by the sagacity and power of that useful animal, which in this case, as
in many others, proved superior to human endeavours. We understand the gentleman has offered a considerable sum for the faithful creature, which the owner has hitherto resisted. On Wednesday last, at the general quarter sessions of the peace, held at Chelmsford for the county of Essex, the opi- nions of Messrs. Bearcroft and Shepherd were read, on the singular case of Lord Loughborough having, after the last assizes, imposed a fine of 500I. on the inhabitants of Essex, for not having in their county gaol two distinct rooms for the male and female invalids within the said prison, conformable to the statute of the 14th of
George III. The said opinions stated, with becoming diffidence, their doubt of the legal authority, under which sUch fine had been imposed, and pointed out, that on its being estreated into the Court of Exchequer, a motion to that honourable Court would probably afford the county relief. The Court then came, unanimously, to the following reso- lution, viz. _ " To resist the payment of the fine thus laid on the inha- bitants of the county of Essex, as an imposition not warrant- ed by law." Monday died, the wife of a servant of Mr. Lay, farmer, in Hackney Road, after she had been in labour near three weeks, and had been delivered of
four children; the first on last Sunday se'night, two on the Tuesday and Thursday fol- lowing, and the other within a few minutes of her death. Two of the children are living, and we are informed that it is not the first instance of extraordinary fecundity in the same woman. Electricity.— A Physician named Martin Van Marum, at Leipsic, has contrived an electrical machine, of most asto- nishing powers.— The account the author gives is, that a bat- tery of 225 feet of coating, chargcd to a spontaneous self- discharge, after 160 circumvolutions of the wheel, was able to melt ten inches of iron wire, one fourth of an inch in thickness,
and twenty- five feet of a wire, No. 11, and to burst a cylinder of box wood, four inches high, and four feet thick, which would require the power of 9840 pounds in weight. FOUND, In July last, on the road between MANCHESTER and WARRINGTON, AWATCH. Any person that can tell the name and number, may have the same, by applying to Thomas Forster, Rixton, Hollin's- green, on paying rea- sonable charges. And if not owned in two months after this date, it will be sold to defray expences, ^ oer. 3, 1789, THE Commissioners named and authorised in and by a commission of bankrupt, awarded and issued, and now in
prosecution, against JOHN GIBSON, of Manchester, in the county of Lancaster, calenderer, check- manufacturer, dealer, and chapman, intend to meet on Wednesday the 21st day of October inst. at three o'clock in the afternoon, at the Bridgewater - Arms, in Manchester aforesaid, in order to make a Dividend of the estate and effects of the said bank- rupt ; when and where the creditors, who have not already proved their debts under the said commission, are hereby re- quired to come prepared to prove the same, or they will be excluded the benefit of the said dividend. SHELMERDINE, Sollicitor. To be SOLD by Auction, By
order of the Assignees of Joseph Clarke, of Manchester, merchant, a bankrupt, At the house of John Fryer, the Coach and Horses inn, in Manchester, on Tuesday the 27th day of October, inst. between the hours of four and six in the afternoon, subject to such conditions as shall be then and there produced, THE Life Interest of the said Joseph Clarke, of and in all those three Cottages or Dwelling- houses, with their appurtenances, situate and being in Newton- lane, within Manchester aforesaid, and now in the several occupations of Samuel Moss, John Mather, and william Lomas, as tenants, thereof. The above Cottages let for
151. 14s. a year, subject to chief rent, leys and taxes. for further particulars apply at the office of Mr. Shelmer- dine, in Manchester. LOWER SWAN INN, MARKET- STREET LANE, MANCHESTER. MANCHESTER AND SHEFFIELD ELEGANT POST COACH sets, out from the above Inn every Monday Wednesday and Friday Mornings, at seven o'clock, through Buxton, to the Angel Inn. Sheffield, where it arrives about seven o'clock the same Evenings. Fare, Inside — o 16 o Outside — o 80 Performed by thr public's obedient servants, > , Alexander Paterson, Manchester John Hancock, Disley. Samuel Peech, Sheffield. The
Proprietors of this Coach request their friends and the public in general to take notice, that the Coach far Sheffield advertised from the White Bear is a ficticious one, unless they wish to be conveyed by the of Leeds for Sheffield. The Proprietors likewise beg leave to give notice, that they will not be accountable for any parcels, box, truss, ot PAS SEngers luggage, above the value of five pounds, unless entered as such, and paid for accordingly. { T _
To Mr. JOHN PARTINGTON, Secretary to the AGRI- CULTURE SOCIeTy, at Manchester. Sir, THOUGH I have not the pleasure of being known to the Manchester Agriculture Society, yet presuming that they will not be unwilling to receive favourably every endeavour to promote, or point out any mode, that may contribute to the Health of Horned Cattle, upon which Agriculture in general so much depends, makes me take the liberty of addressing this to you, t0 beg that you would be pleased to lay before them ( should you think it worth their notice) the following Receipt for the effectual preventing the Black Leg, or what is usually
called the Hyon, in Calves, and other Young Cattle. It was communicated to me in friendship, by a very old man, to whom I had rendered some service, with this assu- rance, that he had given it to thousands of calves and stirks, but never knew a single instance of its not having the desired effect; and an additional advantage attending this medicine, and which the person who gave me the receipt assured me of, Was, that the dose having been once given to a beast, the same need never after be repeated, either on that, or any future year. I for several years past have usually lost, three, four, and some times half a dozen young
cattle by that disorder, annu- ally, after having given them doses procured from every soi- disant clever farrier about me ; but since I have been in possession of this receipt, I have not lost a single one, and those 111 my neighbourhod to whom I have given doses, have been equally successful The Receipt is as follows House the young cattle, and bleed them over- night, in the usual way. The next morning give to each beast a pint of the following mixture— ( Michaelmas bring the most proper time. Take for each beast, a Quart of Old Uriue by some called Lant) a small Handful of Salt, an Ounce and Half of Nitre, a Handful of
New Oak. Bark. Let the whole simmer, over, or near a slow- fire, in an EARTHEN poT, till reduced to a pint; have it ready to give that quantity to each beast the morning after bleeding— then turn them out, without further trouble. By a handful of bark is meant, as much as, being pulled off any inferior oak bow, in stripes of seven or eight inches long, may form a Bunch like Matches, so large as can be well grasped in the hand, which, though it peels with diffi- culty in the Autumnal season, yet enough may be procured for the above purpose at any time. The Hyon, as is well known, is most prevalent in low lands, where the soil is
cold and wet. As 0n the other hand, so many parts of Yorkshire, where the land is dry, and much upon limestone, that disorder is scarcely known by name. It is, however, much to be apprehended, that the late long- continued rains, and unseasonable wet weather, may be productive Of that disorder in this county, in a greater degree than usual. Should, therefore, the inclosed Receipt to pre- vent it, ( of the efficacy of which I have not the least reason to doubt) meet with the approbation of the Manchester Agriculture Society, I shall think myself happy in having it in my power, through them, to give it to the world; And am, Sir,
Your obedient and humble servant, CHARLES PORTER. Ackhurst, August 3, 1789. On Tuesday evening last a remarkable hail- storm was experienced at Whiteheaven. It was blowing very hard from the Northward, about eight o'clock, when a black cloud was seen hovering over the town : there was a sudden calm ; some flashes of lightening were observed ; the cloud seemed dispersing, and in an instant there appeared a general discharge of hail from it, which was precipitated in so great a body as to darken the atmosphere; and in the space of a mis nute and a half ( as was afterwards calculated) the streets were covered to
the thickness of four inches. Many of the balls, which had all the consistenCe and transparency of soli; ice, measured one inch and seven- eighths in circumfereneen an inch and a half might reasonably be taken as the mea- circumference of these globes, several of which were dis- covered to be bulged by the violence of their fall. The con- tinued battering against the windows, many of which were broken in different parts of the town, ( the sky- lights were in general totally dcmolished) and the dreadful noise this tem- pest occasioned amongst the rigging of the ships, spread a general consternation, and rendered the scene truly
awful. Its duration did not exceed two minutes, when the wind again sprung up; and in a short time the strects were filled with water ; but as no visible alteration was produced in the tide, ( which was then at half an hour past high water,) this sudden torrent, which rolled with astonishing rapidity, almost as suddenly disappeared, and without doing any considerable damage ; but it was upwards of an hour before the ice was compleatly washed off. It is worthy of remark, that it did not extend to the distance of half a mile on any side of the town Had the gale continued during the hail- shower, the damage, in all probability, would
have been very great. This singular occurrence was succeeded by a very heavy gale of wind, which raged with unusual fury during the whole of the night, and the greatest part of the following day. Several vessels have been in great danger on this coast, but - no loss has been sustained. Last week a most desperate conspiracy was formed by the prisoners ( fifteen in number) confined in one of the cells in Exeter gaol. Having procured saws and implements for the purpose, they had cut off most of their fetters, and were to have seized the turnkey, confined him, then to have mur- dered the keeper and all in the dwelling- house,
to have pos- sessed themselves of the keys, the fire- arms, cutlasses, & c. and in the night to have set themselves at liberty. Mr. Sa- rell, the keeper, being providentially informed of their de- sign, placed a person at the alarm bell, and being assisted by a party of dragoons. Sec remained without the prison gate, to which he had a second key, in order to rush in at the first sound of the bell.— Accordingly, when the turnkey had locked up the two other cells, and was preparing to lock them up, they secured him in the cell, and immediately rushed towards the dwelling house, and broke open the door of the room where they
supposed the arms, & c. were kept, but which had previously been removed, when the bell being rung, Mr. Sarell and the guard entered the gate, and soon got them under. The ringleaders are now securely chained to the floor. Northwich, 0ctober 9. Early on the morning of the 7th inst. the Banks of the Aqeduct of the Staffordshire Canal, across Wincham Valley, in this county, gave way, from - whence tha water, as may be supposed, rushed down into the river beneath, with the greatest impetuosity. Two corn- mills on the same stream below, were in imminent danger of being forced down, by the vast body of water driving from
the Canal upon them, but fortunately received much less damage than might have been expected ; in consequence of which, and the general heavy rains on the preceding night, there was one of the greatest floods on the Weaver, on Wed- nesday last, ever remembered, the water in the river being from 16 to 18 feet above its usual height. Most of the streets were under a violent current of water, from six to eight feet deep, and almost every avenue to the town impassable except in boats. Several hundred thousand bushels of salt were destroyed, and very much injury done to the Salt Houses. The Town and Salt- works were
surrounded, and in many places, three parts covered with one general inundation which formed a scene beyond description awful. Happily no lives were lost, though many were in much danger. To the Printer of the MANCHESTER CHRONICLE. SIR, If through the medium of yur paper, I can obtain an an- swer to the following Query, it will much oblige Your humble servant, October 12th, 1789. T. 3. There are two lamps, whose quantities of light are in pro- portion as five to six, placed at 76 yards distance from each other— where must a third lamp be placed between these, so as to be of the most service. SIR, BY inserting the
following Question in your next Man- chester Chronicle, you will much oblige your Constant Reader W. L. I am in possession of a leasehold Estate of 25I. per ann, which I hold by the longest of three lives, all in being whose ages are 12, 17, and 24 years, but the lesser proposes to replace me the said lives for three others, the ages of whom are three, five, and lives years, provided I allow him the value of two years rent for the favour. The question is, what is the value of this estate as it now stands, the longe- vity of life being taken for eighty six years, and what differ- ence will be made in this purchase, if the extremity of old age
be esteemed at sixty- five years And what advantage should I reap by the new bargain, at the rate of five per cent.— By M. de Moivre's method only. ANECDOTE Mr. Dryden happening to pass an evening with the Duke of Buckingham, the Earl of. Rochester, Lord Dorset, and some others of the first distinction and reputation for genius, the conversation turned upon literary subjects; such as the fineness of composition, the harmony of num- bers, the beauties of invention, the smoothness and elegance of style, & c. & e. After some debate, it was finally agreed, that each person present should write something upon what- ever
subject chanced to strike the imagination, and place it under the candlestick. Mr. Dryden was excepted against in every respect, but as a judge of the whole. Of course that office was assigned him. Some of the company were at more than ordinary pains to out- rival each- other: the man most tranquil and unconcerned was Lord Dorset; who, with much case and composure, very coolly wrote two or three lines, and carelessly threw them into the place agreed upon; and when the rest had done so by theirs, the arbiter opened the gates of their destiny In going through the whole he dis- covered strong marks of pleasure and
satisfaction ; but at one, in particular, he discovered the most boundless rapture. ' I must acknowledge,' says Dryden, ' that there are abundance of fine things in my hands, and such as do honour to the per- sonages who wrote them; but I am under indispensible ne- cedity of giving the highest preference to Lord Dorset. I must request you will hear it yourselves, gentlemen, and I believe each and every one of you will approve my judge- ment : I promise to pay John Dryden, Esq. or order, on de- mand, the sum of five hundred pounds. DORSET.' I must confess," continued Dryden, ' that I am equally charmed with the style and
with the subject; and I flatter myself, gentlemen, that I stand in need of no arguments to induce you to join with me in opinion against yourselves. This kind of writing exceeds any other, whether ancient or modern. It is not the essence, but the quintessence of lan- guage ; and is, in fact, reason and argument surpassing every thing. The company all readily concurred with the bard, and each person present was forward to express a due admiration of his Lordship's penetration, sound judgement, and superior abilities, with which it is probable Mr. Dryden, that great judge upon such occasions, was still more thoroughly satisfied
than any of the company. BANKRUPTS. Thomas Whedale the elder, of Holbeach, in Lincolnshire, shopkeeper ; to appear October 20, and Nov. 21, at Guild, hall, London. Attorney, Mr. Sealey, Clifford's- inn, Fleet- street, London. Thomas Chesterton, of Berkley- square, Westminster, haber dasher; to appear October 20, > 4, and November » i, at Guild- hall, London. Attorney, Mr. A. Annesley, New Bridge- street, Black friars, London. Benjamin Foulstone, of Grosvenors- Mews, London, stable- keeper; to appear October to, 14, and November 11, at Guild- hall, London Attorney, Mr. A. Annesley, New Bridge- street, Black- friars,
London. John Pereiza Barboza, of Winkworth- buildings, City New- road, London, wine merchant; to appear October 26, 17, and November, at Guildhall, London. Attorney, Mr. Ingram, Craven- street, City- road, London. John Warne, of Moor- fields, London, tinman ; to appear October 17, 31, and November 24, at Guildhall, London. At- torney, Mr. Montagu, Nassau- street, London. Robert Porter, of Fareham, Southampton, starch- maker; to appear October 13,14, at the Bugle inn, in Titchfield, and Nov. 14, at the Crown inn, in Gosport. Attorney, Mr. Richard Parsons, in Gosport, or Mr. Allen, Clement's inn, London. Thomas
Whittaker, of Liverpool, dealer and chapman; to appear November » , 3, and 24, at the London Tavern, Liver- pool. Attorney, Mr. Culcheth, Liverpool, or Messrs. Wrights, Garden- coort, Temple, London. John Brown, of Melford, Suffolk, soap boiler; to appear November 4, 5, and 14, at the Anchor inn, in Sudbury. Attor- nies, Messrs. Hodge and Dunkley, of Sudbury, or Messrs Bax- ters and Murcott, Furnival's- inn, London. DAYS appointed for the Payment of DIVIDENDS. October 14. William Robinson, of St. Alban's, hosier; at ten, at Guildhall, London. ty. William Booth, Thomas Dutton, Richard Booth, and Samuel Bouth, of
Royton, fustian manufacturers; at ten, at the Spread Eagle Inn, Manchester. 31. Robert Taylor, of the Strand, London, shoemaker; at ten, at Guildhall, London. 31. Thomas Melsome, of Bristol, glazier; at eleven, at the White Lion inn, in Bristol. Nov. 3. William Moseley, of Banbury, Oxfordshire, car penter ; at eleven, at the Rein Deer, in Banbury. 3. Stephen Jones, of Old- street, London, leather- seller j at ten, at Guildhall, London. 4 4. George Clarkson and Joseph Bell, of Grocer's alley, Lon- don, linen- drapers ; at ten, at Guildhall, London. 4. John Authur and Thomas Authur, of Great St. Helen's, London, insurance- brokers; at
ten, at Guildhall, London. 4. Richard Nickson and Edmund Nickson, of Addle- street, London, hosiers ; at ten, at Guildhall, London. 4. John Barnes and John Skiddy, of Broad- street, Blooms- bury, London, floor cloth manufactures ; at ten, at Guildhall, London. 4. George Grove, of Addingbourne, Sussex, shopkeeper; at ten, at Guildhall, London. 4. John Brasier, of Piccadilly, London, baker; at eleven, at Guildhall, London. 4. John Nunes and Richard Harrocks, of Liverpool, mer- chants ; at eleven, at the Golden Lion, in Liverpool. 4. John Rodham, of Richmond, Yorkshire, haberdasher ; at ten, at Guildhall, London. 4. Thomas
Read, of Cheapside, London, hosier; at ten, at Guildhall, London. 4. James Hopwood, of Market Weighton, Yorkshire dealer; at ten, at Mrs. Briggs's, innholder, in Market- Weighton. 7. James Hearn and Robert Hart, of Holborn- bridge, Lon- don, linen- drapers; at eleven, at Guildhall, London; 7. William Greatrex, of Bisham, Berks, timber- merchant; at ten, at Guildhall, London- 7. Robert Chipcase, of the Poultry, London, linen- draper ; at ten, at Guildhall, London 7. Jonathan Mitchel, of Welsted Place, St. Pancras, carpen ter i at ten, at Guildhall, Londoa. 7. Thomas Hands and Joseph Aris, of St. George the Mar- tyr, Southwark,
cheesemongers ; at ten, at Guildhall, London. 7. Francis Noil, of Hanover- street, Loadon, confectioner; at ten, at Guildhall, London. 7. Charles Wills, of Guildford, Surry, draper; at ten, at Guildhall, London. 11. William Reeve, of Bristol, merchant ; at eleven, at the Bush Tavern, Bristol. 11. Henry Humfrays, of Maddox- street, London, taylor at eleven, at Guildhall, London. CERTIFicATeS TO be GRAnTED. October 31. Arthur Downes, of Lad- lane, factor — William Birkett, of Liverpool, house- builder. Eleanor Hansford, of Alford, Lincolnshire, Innholder.— John Heppell, of Monk- wearmouth Shore, Durham, coalfitter.— Robert
Storie, of New- man- street Passage, Oxford- street, London, coach- master.— Nov. 3. George Ravenhill, of St. Paul's Church- yard, London, cabinet- maker and upholder.— John Keeves, of Romford, Es- sex, linen- draper. ~ WANTED IMMEDIATELY, ACLOCK- MAKER. Also a TURNER in Wood and Metal. As they are wanted to be employed in a Cotton Twist Mill, their having before been in that em- ploy will be a strong recommendation. Any person tho roughly capable of either of these undertakings, in want of employment, will be immediately attended to, on sending their terms and address to Square Clark, to be left at the
Post- office, Congleton— post- paid. N. B. None need apply whose character for industry and sobriety will not bear the strictest enquiry,. WANTED, ATRAVELLER who has good connexions in the South of England. Security will be required — Inquire of the Printer, To be SOLD by Auction, At the house of Mrs. Bolton, the sign of the George, in Warrington, upon Wednesday the 21st day of October, inst. at five o'clock in the evening, THE Fee Simple and Inheritance, of all that Messuage and Tenement, commonly called the GLASS HOUSE ESTATE, situate and being in Sutton, within the parish of Prescot, in the county of
Lancaster, and the several Closes and Parcels of Land thereto belonging, containing, by esti- mation, it acres, of the large measure there used, or there- abouts, formerly belonging to Mr. Leaf, and lately to Mr. Robert Twyford, of Manchester, a bankrupt, and nqw in the possession of Henry Leadbeater, as tenant thereof. The above premises are desirably situated, in a neighbour- hood of extensive trade and manufactories, near to the San- key Canal Navigation, and about two miles from Prescot— They may be considerably improved by marl, which lies very convenient. The tenant will shew the estate; and for further particulars
apply to Mess. Turner and Kerfoot, of Warrington. Notice is hereby given, THAT the adjourned MEETING of the Trustees, of the turnpike road leading from Hurdlow House and Hernes- ton Lane Head, through the towns of Buxton aud Chapel in the frith, in the county of Derby, and through the town of Stockport, in the county of Chester, to the town of Man- chester, in the county of Lancaster; and also from Ardwick Green, near the town of Manchester, through the villages of Didsbury and Cheadle, to the bridge over the river Bollin, at the town of Wilmslow, in the county of Chester, will be held on Wednesday the eleventh of
November next, at the house of Mr. John Barbor, known by the sign of the White Lion, in Stockport aforesaid, at eleven o'clock in the fore- noon, when the Tolls arising and collected at the turnpike gate, between Manchester and Stockport aforesaid, called the Midway Gate, will be LETT by AUCTION to the best bidder in the manner directed by the act passed in the thir- teenth, year of the reign of his present Majesty, " For regu- lating the turnpike roads," and which said tolls produced in the year one thousand seven hundred and eighty- eight, the clear yearly sum of one thousand and eighty- five pounds, and will be put up at
that sum ; and whoever happens to be the best bidder, must, at the same time give security, with suf- ficient sureties, to the satisfaction of the said trustees, for the payment of the rent agreed for, at such times as they shall direct— Given under my hand, at Stockport aforesaid, this first day of October, one thousand feven hundred and eighty- nine. ROBERT NEWTON, Clerk and Treasurer. IRISH AND ENGLISH STATE- LOTTERIES, 1789. Richardson, Goodluck & Co. RESPECTFULLY inform the Public, that the TICK- ETS and LEgAl STAMPED SHARES in the above Lotteries, are now on Sale, in variety of Numbers, at their
original Offices, licensed by Government, At No. 104, CORNHILL, AND Opposite the KING's MEWS, CHARING- CROSS, WHERE The greatest Number of CAPITAL PRIZES, in former Lotteries, have been sold and shared. Irish State Lottery begins Drawing Nov. 12. Present Price of Half Share 3I. 13s. I Eighth Share ol. 19s. Fourth Share » 1. 17s. | Sixteenth Share ol. 10s. English State lottery begins Drawing February it, 1790. Present Price of Half Share 81. js j Eighth Share xl. at. od. Fourth Share 4I. js. | Sixteenth. Share si. is. 6d. TICKETS REGISTERED, at Sixpence each, and the ear- liest intelligence sent of their
success. Country Correspondents may have Tickets and Shares sent them, by remitting good bills payable at sight, or of a short date. All Shares, sold at the above Offices, are stamped by Go- vernment agreeable to Act of Parliament, with the die containing the words " STATE LOTTERY STAMP OFFICE." Money for the Prizes will be paid at the above Offices as soon as drawn.— Those in all former Lotteries are now paid in full. Government Securities of all kinds bought and sold by Commission. IRISH STATE LOTTERY, BEgiNS DRAWINg On the 12th. of NOVEMBER, 1789. The Tickets and Shares of which are now selling,
in the greatest variety of Numbers, and lowest prices, by J. WENHAM, Stock- Broker, At his old OLD and ONLY Office, No. 11, Poultry, LONDON, ( Having no connection whatever with any other) Where, in the last Lottery, were sold and shared the follow- ing Capitals, viz PRICe of SHARES. Half 3I. 13s. I Eighth igs. Fourth —— il. 17s. I Sixteenth —— los. Correspondents remitting good bills, at a short date, treat- ed 011 the same terms as if personally dealing. TO PREVENT ERROR— All shares sold at this Office, besides being stamped by Government, with whom the ori. ginal Ticket it deposited, will likewise in future, have
printed on the Back, the LION AND CROWN, and round it, J. WENhAM, NO. 11, Poultry, London. N. B. Government having, under very severe Penalties, prohibited Policies, Chances, and every other method of adventuring, but in Tickets and Shares, the Public are par ticularly cautioned thereof, that they may not inadvertently fall into the difficulties which that irregular method of ad venturing may subject them to. TO BE LET, fURNISHED, PART of a HOUSE near Cheadle, eight miles from Manchester, adjoining the road to Wilmslow.—— for particulars apply to Mr. John Paulden, 0n the premises To be SOLD by Auction, On
Wednesday the twenty- first of October next, between, the hours of two and six o'clock in the afternoon, at Mr. Barbor's, the sign of the White Lyon, in Stockport ( if not in the interim disposed of by private contract) AWell- built DWELLING- HOUSE, situate in Bullock- smithy, and late in the possession of Mr. Wm. Ban- croft, which is subject but to a very small Chief rent. The premises are very well adapted either for a shopkeeper or a manufacturer of callicoes, there being plenty of good wea- vers in the neighbourhood. For particulars apply tq Mr. Walker, attorney, in Stock- port. OFFICE Of INSPECTOR OF LOTTERY
OFFICES, AT THE STAMP OFFICE, in LONDON. WHEREAS it appears by an advertisement figned Sher- gold and Co. as Proprietors of an Unlicensed Lottery Office in Lombard- street— That One Hundred Guineas re- ward will be given by them to any person of the name of Shergold, to appear as the Owner of that Office, by the name of Hugh, Henry, or Humphrey Shergold— and where- as there is not any person of the name of Shergold licensed to deal in Lottery Tickets. All Chances, Shares, or Agree- ments, signed Shergold, are therefore illegal, and nothing can be recovered thereon. Notice is hereby giyen, to all
Riders, Printers, Shopkeepers, and others their Agents whatever, in the different Country Towns and other parts of Great Britain, that all and every person or persons who shall be found selling any such, or any other illegal Chances, Shares, or Agreements in the Lottery, shall be prosecuted with the utmost rigour of the law; and all Justices of the Peace, Mayors, Bailiffs, Constables, Headboroughs, and other Civil Officers, within their respective jurisdictions, are strictlv required by the Act of 27 of his present Majesty, c. 1. to use their utmost endeavours to prevent the committing of any of the offences above- mentioned. And the
public are hereby requested to give their assistance, by sending in- formation to this Office of the persons that may be found offending as aforesaid. T. WOOD, Inspector of Lottery Offices. To be SOLD by Auction, By order of the Assignees of Samuel Knowles, a bankrupt, at the house of Mr, Smith, the New Boar's Head, at Hyde's- cross, in Manchester, on Friday the twenty- third day of October, 1789, between the hours of three and six in the afternoon, THE following LEASEHOLD ESTATES, subject to such conditions as will be then and there produced. Lot 1. The beneficial Interest, of and in that Messuagc and Tenement,
with the several closes of meadow and pas- ture land therewith occupied, containing about 17 acres of Lancashire measure, be the same more or less, situate in Gor- ton, about four miles from Manchester, three from Stock- port, and three from Ashton- under- line, held by lease under Mr. Richard Gorton, for the term of 21 years, 14 years whereof were unexpired in March last. The above premises are in complete repair and condition, and are subject to a yearly rent of 33I. Lots. All that Messuage, Tenement, Closes of Meadow and Pasture Land, containing 13 acres of land, Lancashire measure, or thereabouts, be the same
more or less, situate aud being in Reddish, near Gorton aforesaid, and adjoining to the farm and lands mentioned in the first lot. The messuage in this lot hath been converted iato a good Dwelling- house, with new- built additional Rooms, Brew- house, Sic. and is now a most convenient Public- house, and known by the Bull's- head- There is also a small House or Cottage on the premises, situate near to the said public- house. The above premises are held by lease under Thomas Wm. Coke, Esq. for three lives, viz. William Knowles, aged 14 years, John Knowles, aged 12 years, and Ann Knowles, aged eight years, sons and
daughter of the said Samuel Knowles. The above premises are subject to a yearly rent of twenty- five pounds. And to be SOLD by Auction, At the dwellling- house of the said Samuel Knowles, in Gor- ton aforesaid, on Monday the 26th day of Octobcr instant, at ten'o'clock in the forenoon, All the Houshold GOODS and FURNITURE, With, the Garts, Horfes, Cows, Hay, Corn, and Farming Utensils of the said Samuel Knowles. For particulars apply to Mr. James Upton, or Mr. James Mayo, of Manchester, two of the Assignees, or to Mr. Shel- merdine, Attorney at Law, in Manchester. All persons who stand indebted to the estate of
the said Samuel Knowles, are requested to pay their respective debts immediately to the said Assignees, or one of them, or they Will be sued for the same without further notice. Irish and English State- Lottery Office, No. 26, CORNHILL; Opposite the Royal Exchange, London, The T ICKETS are sold, and divided into HALVES, QUARTERS, EIGHTHS and SIXTEENTHS, L • BY HORNSBY and Co. STOCK- BROKERS, Appointed and licenced by Government, for the special pur- pose of selling and sharing Tickets in the present IRISH STATE- LOTTERY, which will begin drawing 0n the 12th o| November next, and in the
ENGLISH STATE- LOT- TERY, which will begin drawing 0n the 22d of February, 1790. AND, for the certain security of their friends and custom- ers, who purchase shares at their office, they beg leave to acquaint them, that they have adopted the following un- deniable mode, which cannot fail of removing every idea of doubt, with regard to the holder of a share of a ticket, being equally safe and secure, in the payment of the prize, as the possessor of the whole ticket. By the present Act of Parliament, Hornsby and Co. need only leave the tickets, shared by them, in the Hands of Go- vernment three days after they are drawn;—
but Hornsby and Co. positively engage with the public, that all tickets, shared by them, shall remain in the hands of Government, ( with whom they are now deposited, for the more ample security of the holder of the share) until the payment of such share or shares is fully discharged by Hornsby aud Co. It has been an invariable rule with the house of Hornsby and Co. to offer the very best security to their worthy friends and the public, 011 whole patronage and support they rely They likewise humbly assure the public, that it shall be their constant study to give every testimony of regard for the in- numerable favours received
during a period of twenty- three lotteries, and they earnestly solicit their orders 0n the present occasion. The large number of capital prizes sold, shared, and re- gistered by Hornsby and Co. are too numerous to mention in this publication; they therefore inform the public, for the more early intelligence of the holders of capital prizes, bought at their office, they shall follow their old invariable rule, by advertising every capital prize 0n the day it is drawn, and the whole at the conclusion of the drawing. Correct Numeiical and Register books are kept, and tickets and shares registered at sixpence per numbrr. All shares sold at this
office, will be stamped agreeable to Act of Parliament. Money for prizes will be paid at this office as soon as drawn. Letters ( post- paid duly answered, and schemes gratis. N. B. Agreeable to Act of Parliament, no business in the lottery transacted before eight o'clock in the morning, nor after eight o'clock in the evening Bank, India, and South- Sea Stocks, with their several an- nuities, India Bonds, Navy and Victualling Bills and all kinds. of Government Securities, bought and sold by com- mission, *
CALICO PRINTERS. A NUMBER of GOOD HANDS will meet with con- stant employment, by applying at HAMPSON MILLS, near BURY STAY- MAKING. WANTED, a good and steady WORKMAN in the above Trade, to conduct the business for a Widow, whose Husband is lately deceased, and in the first trade, in the largest town in the county of Cumberland. Fourteen or fifteen shillings a week wages will be given to a person of the above description. Provisions are cheap in that part; and e person may board and lodge well for 5s. or js. 6d. a week. MANCHESTER. AMATOMY and MIDWIFERY. THE LECTURES on
ANATOMY, by THOMAS WHITE, M D. Physician to the Manchester Infirmary and Lunatic Hospital, &. & c. will recommence as usual, at his Museum, in Cross- street, King- street, on Monday the 19th day of October next, at twelve o'clock. His Lectures on Midwifery and Diseases incident to Wo- men and Children, will be given in the spring. September 18th, 1789. COUNT BORUWLASKI The Celebrated POLISH LILLIPUTIAN, RESPECTFULLY acquaints the Ladies and Gentlemen of Manchester and its Environs, that he purposes to make this Town his Place of Residence for a short time only. He therefore begs leave to
solicit the honour of their company at his Apartments,, at Mr. Dawson's, under the Piazza, next door to Mr. Macaulay's, St. Ann's Square, Manchester. Admittance One Shilling. His hours of receiving Company, are from Ten in the Morning till Two, and from Four to Eight at Night. The Count's entertaining Memoirs at 5s. and his Likeness at 2S. 6d. may be had at his Lodgings. TUESDAY'S AUCTION, TWENTIETH OF OCTOBER, 1789. EXACTLY at TWO o'clock in the Afternoon will be SOLD, in DALE and Co's. old- established Auction- Room, in the Market- place, Manchester, SEVERAL SORTS of GOODS; consisting of
knives, forks, waistcOat shapes, cotton and worsted stockings, silk, cotton, and printed handkerchiefs, black sewing silk, white thread lace, velve- rets, thicksets, and top cords, dimities, muslinets, plated tankards, eight- day clock's and cases, mahogany chairs, so- phas, tables, drawers, and bedstocks, a family bible, look- ing- glasses, a copper brew pan, florentine, Turkey stripes, Irish cloth, cotton checks, feathers and feather beds, printed callicoes, brass candlesticks, cupboards, paintings, flannels, plated spoons, tea- kettles, a handboard, china, plates, cups, saucers, glasses, & c. & c- tion, which they say an infraction of
the Barrier Treaty of 1709, from which the House of Austria derived their pre- sent right to the Netherlands, the Emperor forfeited de jure the sovereignty of these provinces. Should the allied powers, under the sanction of this principle, avail themselves of the embarrassment of the Emperor, and the temporary palsy of the French power, and incorporate Brabant and Flanders with Holland, such an accession would give the triple alliance the most decided ascendant in the politics of Europe. Some reports say, that the naval armament of Holland is destined to the assistance of Sweden, and the restoration of the equilibrium on the
Baltic. Marshal Laudohn occupies those posts before Belgrade, that Prince Eugene had chosen half a century ago, and which have ever since retained his name. It is said that the King of Prussia will undoubtedly take an active part in the troubles on the Continent. Late accounts from Belgrade say, that Field Marshal Laudohn had begun to fire red hot balls upon that town, which had set it on fire in two places; and that the Turks keep such a terrible fire, it was with difficulty he proceeded in the completion of his works. The tumults in France have made the emigrations of the wealthy people still more considerable, in spite of all
the precautions taken to prevent it. The influx of Frcnch sub jects into London only, is astonishingly great, and the inn- keepers on the Dover road, have had almost as great a de- mand for post- horses within these few days, as in the height of summer. By a letter from Revel, we are informed, that the Russian fleet sailed from thence the 7th ult. in quest of the Swedish fleet. Their force consisted of thirty- one sail of the line, six of which carried one hundred guns each, six frigates, and seven transports. It is true that a privateer fitted out at Gluckstadt, on the Elbe, under Russian colours, has taken a British ship bound from
Hamburgh to Gibraltar and Malaga, and carried her into Ostend. The pretence for taking her was, that she had some Morocco Jews and their property on board, whom they chose to consider as Turkish subjects. Tuesday last an experiment was made at Woolwich of an invention for breaking chains, or booms laid across rivers, by means of a mine of gunpowder, conveyed under the wa- ter, and which seemed to promise success. The invention is Serjeant Bell's, of the Royal artillery, who suggested a mode of blowing up the Royal George. This morning William Simmonds, convicted of feloni- ously breaking and entering the
dwelling- house of John Wil- liam Dobb, in the day time, n0 person being therein, and stealing goods, was executed opposite debtors Door, New- gate. Elizabeth Cummins, convicted of robbing her master, Richard Moore, who was to have suffered with him, was re- prieved last night. To Gentlemen going to London. St. CLEMENT'S HOTEL and COFFEE- HOUSE, STRAND. COWPER most respectfully solicits the attention of Country Gentlemen frequenting the Metropolis. He pre- sumes to hope that his HOTEL may, upon inspection deserve their kind preference, having spared no pains or expence in furnishing it with excellent
and well- aired Beds, in comfortable Rooms. His WINES and SPIRITS are 0f his own importation. and superior in their kinds; and if all possible attention, civil treatment, and moderate charges can recommend a house, Cowper trusts that this Hotel will meet due encou ragement. Letters by the General Post are always brought to this house in half an hour after their delivery in Lombard- street, by a special postman; a Box is also kept at the Bar for Letters by the General or Penny Post. The London and Country Pa- pers are taken in for the use of the Coffee- room, and a Hair- dresser and Porter are always in waiting. CARRIER
ROBBED. wHErEAS on the Night of the 10th or nth instant, JOHN HIGSON's CART, in the Farm- yard at Irlam, was robbed of a BOX of GOODS, marked A. and W. Manchester Hall, Chester, containing the following Silk Handkerchiefs, of Blue and Chocolate Colours, marked 0n the tabs, A. and W in a square, viz. Ten Handkerchiefs, Bandanas; two dozen and two of ditto ditto; one dozen and two of ditto ditto; four dozen and eight of ditto; three dozen and six of ditto ditto ; three dozen and six of ditto ; and three dozen and four of ditto ditto. Also a Paper Parcel, directed John Daniel, Manchester Hall, Chester, containing Pink
and Black Qualities, Coat binding, Coloured Thread, in small rolls, sundry sorts of laces, and many other different articles. This is to give notice, that whoever will apprehend the offender or offenders, so that he, she, or they may be brought to justice. shall, upon conviction thereof, receive TEN GUINEAS reward, by applying to John Higson, of Frodsham, or George Pixton, of Manchester. FRANCE. The reports of several Noblemen having been killed, are untrue. Paris is tolerably quiet, owing partly to a considera- ble arrival of corn in the morning, which has given the peo- ple great consolation. The King will not be permitted
without the gardens of the Thuilleries, until he has given his sanction to the whole of the new Constitution, as well as whatever else the people are disposed to make him sign. He will not even have the pri- vilege of his meanest subjects, and no person is to have ac- cess to him, but such as the Magistracy approve. The Palace is now converted into a Bastile for the Sovereign. He has been even deprived of his ordinary attendants among the Noblemen of his Court; several having been re- fused a lodging in the palace ;— the attendents of the Queen are likewise reduced to a smaller number than usual. The National Assembly
are removing fast to town, as no more business is to be done at Versailles— preparations are making for their reception at the Louvre, within the gardens of the Thuilleries. They are not without great anxiety at his Majesty's being committed to the protection of the Parisians; — this proceeding has entirely lost them their consequence, and they have now only to pursue those mcafures the city ap- proves, for who of the Members will dare to oppose them. In fact, if the Government of France can be defined to be in the hands of any one power— that power is certainly the MOB ; for, although the latter is a very indefinitivc term, yet
every matter of importance has been dictated by them. The Queen of France gained some popularity, by a repar- tee to M. de Baily, who, addressing himself to the people, told them he had been to receive his Majesty on his entrance into Paris— That his Majesty ordered him to tell them, he trusted himself among them with pleasure—& avec consiance, added the Queen. This occasioned great applause, and some cried " Vive la Reine." On Tuesday died, suddenly, Mr. William Arrowsmith; a gentleman whole affability of manners, and friendly dispo- lition, rendered him universally respected. Wednesday se'nnight was married,
at Northwich, in Che shire, Mr. Thomas Hall, of Nantwich, wine- merchant, to Miss Houghton, of Hartford, in that county. On Wednesday se'nnight was married, at Peover, in Che- shire, Mr. S. Lumb, of Wakefield, to Miss H. Holland, of Sandlebridge. On Thursday se'nnight was married, at Leeds, Mr. Ben- jamin Hardwicke, woollen- draper, to Miss Holroyde, ol Sheepscar. On Sunday was married at Middleton, Mr. Robert Schol- field to Miss Horrocks, both of Thornham. On Monday was married, at Liverpool, Mr. Wiatt, attor- ney at law, to Miss Mary Longworth. And on Thursday, Mr. Samuel Warren, to Miss Bella Longworth. On
Thursday was married, at Warrington, Mr William Cash to Miss Newton, daughter of Mr. Peter Newton, of Bruch Hall, near Warrington. On Thursday was married at Broston, Mr. Henry Dobson of Tarleton, to Miss Higham, of Sollom. On Thursday was married, at the collegiate church, Mr Thomas joule, cornfactor, to Miss Ann Clegg, of Hulme. On Sunday last, an excellent Sermon was preached in St. John's Church, by the Rev. John Clowes, rector of the said church, for the benefit of the Sunday Schools, when the col- lection amounted to 52I. 5d. which was paid into the hands of Mr. George Walker, Treasurer. To- morrow in
the afternoon, a Sermon will be preached in St. James's church, by the Rev. Dr. Bayley, for the be nefit of the Sunday Schools; when proper Hymns, and ih. favourite Anthem, " Behold, now, praise the Lord," & c. will be sung by the children. On Sunday the 25th inst a Sermon will be preached at the Methodists chapel, in Rochdale, by Mr. Bradburn, to begin at one of the clock in the afternoon, for the benefit ol the Sunday Schools; on which day a select number of the scholars will be present, to sing two compositions, and several hymns suitable to the occasion. The Happy Return, belonging to Sunderland, in coming into that
harbour, the wind being high, and a very, heavy sea on, struck upon the new stone- work of the North Pier, by which she was bulged, and instantly sunk. The crew saved themselves in the rigging, till taken up by the cobles The Neptune, Donnell, from New England for Liverpool with lumber, is on shore in Holyhead bay On Wednesday, at the Court Leet held in this town, th following Gentlemen were chosen Officers for the ensuing year.—— Mr. Edward Place, Boroughreeve; Mr. William Whittaker, and Mr. John Simpson, Constables The following Gentlemen were chosen, on the same day Officers for Salford. Mr. Edward
Hobson, Borough reeve; Mr. George Walker, and Mr. Charles Horsfall CONStables. On Thursday the Quarter Sessions began here, and th following prisoners have taken their trials. Peter AT a General Meeting of the Merchants and Manufac- turers, convened by public advertisement, and held at the Hotel, in Manchester, on the 10th of October, 1789, JAMES BILLINGE, Esq. boroughreeve, Chairman The Chairman having communicated to this Meeting, a Letter dated the 7th of October instant, from the office of Committee of Council for Trade, Whitehall., to the Conda- bles of Manchester, transmitting therewith translations of
two Edicts of his Catholic Majesty, the one bearing date the 8th, and the other the 9th. of September, 1789, respecting the importation of Muslins into the Spanish Dominions; and having caused such translation of the two Edicts to be read, RESOLVED, That the thanks of this Meeting be returned to the Lords of the Committee of Council for Trade, for the information afforded by them, and for the translations of the Edicts trans- mittcd to the Constables ; and that such thanks be communi- cated by the Boroughreeve and Constables. That a sufficient number of copies of the translations of such Edicts, be printed for the
information of the public; and that notice be given by advertisement, that such copies may be had at the shop of J. Harrop, printer. That this Meeting be adjourned ' till Tuesday next, the tgth instant, October, at three o'clock in the afternoon, to be here held. That a copy of these resolutions be inserted once in each of the Manchester Newspapers; and that a sufficient number of copies be immediately printed and distributcd. JAMES BILLINGE, Chairman The above Edicts may now be had at J. Harrop's shop FRIDAY AND SATURDAY'S POSTS. LONDON, October 14. THE last Edict of the Emperor of Germany, which en- joined
all those who had emigrated to return in fifteen days, under the pains of banishment and confiscation, and denouncing the penalty of death against all those who should mitigate or abet them, has produced no effect.— The number of patriots assembled on the frontiers of Liege, and of Dutch Brabant, are reported, by the most moderate accounts, to be 20,000; and after affecting so long to despise them, the Ministers have at length given a signal proof that contempt is not the precise emotion that guides them most powerfully. General Schreid, an officer of great reputation, marched out of Brussels on the morning of the 9th, at
the head of a body of 9000 men, with six pieces of cannon, towards the Liege frontiers; there he is to be joined by detachments from the other garrisons. That the object of this march is an appre- hended eruption of the exiled Brabancons, is obvious. The motions of the Prussian army;— the number of Dutch troops ordered to the frontiers of Brabant, and the naval armament of Holland, still continue to give rise to the most various conjectures. A very general opinion prevails, that the object of the Dutch army is the recovery of the Barrier Towns, which the Emperor seized in 1782. By that usurpa- ON THURSDAY the FIFTH Day
of NOVEMBER next, there will be a DINNER at the HOTEL, in COMMEMORATION of the glorious Revolution of 1688! Those who approve the principles on which that great Event was founded, are invited to attend on this Occasion. Ticket for Dinner ( not including wine) at 3s.< » d.— Dinner on Table at Three o'clock. MANCHESTER, OCTOBER 17 On Monday, at the Infirmary, the following patients were difcharged and admitted viz. In- patients cured Made out- patients Relieved At his own request Irregular Out- patients cured Home- patients cured 1 22 10 In- patients admitted 11 Out- patients 43 Home- patients 24
Accidents this week 10 Remain in the House 62 In the Lunatic Hospital 56 Chaplain this week, the Rev. John Griffith. House- Visitors, Mr. Wm. Doolan, and Mr. John Entwisle, New Subscribers since our last. The Hon. Wilbraham Tollemache, near Nantwich £ 5 Mr. William Simmons, Surgeon " 2 On Monday se'nnight died, Mr. John Crompton, white- smith, of Newark. Some months ago he ordered a coffin to be made to fit him, and had it brought to his doorv where he sat in it several hours, inviting his neighbours to drink with him. On Thursday se'nnight died, in Chester, Mrs. Moseley, relict of the late Oswald Moseley, of
Bolesworth Castle, in Cheshire, Esq'. The death of this lady, so immediately after that of her husband, must be particularly affecting to her surviving relatives and friends : they have, however, this bed of all consolations, that she is now receiving the re- ward of those virtues which, during her short journey thro this life, obtained her universal respect and esteem. Same day died, Mr. Richard Rider, of Chester. On Thursday se'nnight- died, Mrs. Margaret Widdowson of Everton, aged 94, widow of the late Mr. Thomas Wid- dowson. On Thursday se'nnight died, in Liverpool, Mrs. Ann Wor- then, wife of Mr. R. Worthern, of Norfolk strect, Liver- pool, and youngest daughter of the late Matthew Pryce, Esq. of Nyodd- Fraith, near Newtown, in the county of Montgo,. mery. Yesterday se'nnight died, at Spring- house, near Chester- field, John Burgoine Fernell, Esq. OB Sunday died, in Chester, Thomas Hunt, ot Molling- ton, Esq. Member of Parliament for Bodmin, in Corn- wall. Same day died, Mr. Ralph Rollinson, of Waverton, sin- cerely lamented by all his acquaintance. On Monday died, suddenly, Mrs. Ann Clowes, of Mount Pleasant, Liverpool. This lady has left 300I. to the chari- table institutions in that town, 300I, to the same in Chester, 300I. to
Waverham, and iooi. to old housekeepers. On Saturday died, much lamented, Mr. Jonathan Dickin- son, sworn appraiser and auctioneer, of this town. On Sunday died, at Didsbury, after a few days illness,' Mr. James Gardner, merchant. Those only who were ac- quainted with this gentleman knew his real worth. His scientific pursuits liberally stored hismind, and rendered him a valuable companion; and his philanthropic disposition made him ever ready to succour those who stood in need. Warburton, for stealing a scarlet jacket and a pair of breech es from William Porter, of this town; John Smith, fo dealing three pieces of
Genoa cord, two ends of tabby cord and other goods, from Mess. James Worrall and Co. of this town, to be transported for seven years each.— Hamilton Macseyhang, for stealing five pieces of cotton cloth from Mr. Samuel Barrett, of Pendleton, to be imprisoned two years — Joseph Phithian, for stealing two guineas, a half- guinea and some silver, from George Gass, a travelling chapman to be whipped, and imprisoned two years. — John Hall for stealing a quantity of iron from Mr James Touchet, to be imprifoned two years — Elizabeth Pott, for stealing piece of muslin, and two pieces of callico, from Mr. Sat- terfield, of this
town, to be imprisoned twelve months Lucy Oliver and Martha Robinson, charged with this theft discharged.— Sarah Rowbottom, for stealing wearing appa- rel from Winifred Rushworth, of this town, to be whipped nd imprisoned twelve months. William Child, for steal ing wearing apparel from Betty Barns, of Farnworth, to be imprifoned six months.— Alice Lee, for dealing a gown from John Lees, to be imprisoned three months. On Tuesday night, about eleven o'clock, this town was again alarmed by the dismal cry of " fire," and the confusion that such an accident always creates. A drying house, be- longing to a partnership
concern in the dying business, took fire ; and as every article in those buildings is, by the constant heat, prepared to encrease such a calamity, it raged with un- governable fury, and all the goods the building contained were reduced to ashes The blaze was prodigious, and every effort to check it in vain. Unfortunately there was large property in it at the time, which was but in part insured. Every part of the building but the walls was consumed. The Right Hon. Lord Grey is appointed Colonel of the Royal Cheshire Militia, in the room of Earl Cholmondeley, who has resigned. John Cole Everest, gent, is appointed, by his Majesty ad jutant to the Royal Cheshire Militia, in the room of Mr. Ste- phens, who retires. On Friday last. William Green, Esq. was elected Mayor of Preston, Mr, Richard Riddihough, and Mr. Robert Gornal, Bailiffs, for the ensuing year. On Wednesday, Mr. R. Normanfell, cabinet- maker and auctioneer, of this town, was admitted a Sworn- appraiser, at the Court Leet. The beginning of this week the Prince of Wales's regi- ment of Dragoons returned to this town, after being absent some time; and yesterday the Prince of Wales's regiment of Light Horse, who have been stationed here a few weeks, marched from hence. In Staffordshire, the
rains have rendered the roads in many parts impassible, and done some damage : the bridge and a large causeway at Hanford, near Newcastle, is washed down, which would impede the passage to Stone, had not the Mar- quis of Stafford admitted travellers through his park. Wal- ton Bridge, near Stone, which for many years withstood the violence of the Trent, is much shaken, and a long causeway and railing, but lately made, forced down ; and the new bridge at Cheddleton, near Leek, is also much damaged, but is still passable. The Rev. Mr. Wesley, who is in the 87th. year of his age, did the following duty at Bristol, on the
27th. of Sept. — In the morning, at ten o'clock, he preached in his town chapel, and administered the Sacrament to above five hundred communicants; in the afternoon, at three o'clock, he preach ed in the Temple church. Five o'clock he preached again in St. James's. The congregations were all crowded. The time he preached was about three hours. A melancholy accident happened last week in the parish of Congresbury, in Somersetshire.— A poor woman of the name of Tripp, having three children, supposed to be troubled with worms, gave them, it is imagined, too great a quantity of that poisonous herb, Bear's- Foot, by
which unlucky acci- dent one of them died on Sunday, another on Monday, and the third on Tuesday morning. Two remarkable instances of sudden death have occurred within a few days.— The wife of Captain Llewellin, of Swansea, who was only married on the 29th of August— and John Blewett, Esq; of Llantarman, in the county of Mon- mouth, who was married on the 12th of last month. Last Wednesday the driver of the Cirencester stage waggon was killed in descending Henley Hill. He had neglectcd to lock the wheels, and bv endeavouring to guide the shaft hor- ses, got entangled, and was thrown under the wheels,
which passed over his belly. He lived in the most excrutiating pain till the evening of the same day, and then expired. A few days since it was discovered that a boy, about 17 years of age, named Atkinson, who was employed in the post- office at Penrith, had stolen two letters containing bank- notes, and that he had given them to his father, a baker ot that place. They are both committed to Carlisle gaol. We hear that a foot racc for a considerable sum is intend- ed to be run on Monday next, on Kersal- Moor. One of the parties is Collins, of Blackley, a son of the famous footman of that name. A foot- race is to be run on Thursday
next, on Greenacres- Moor, near Oldham, between Cheetham and Andrews, two famous pedestrians. At the General Quarter Session held at Huntingdon, the Magistrates came to a resolution to oppose, in future, every attempt of the pugilists, and issued orders for that purpose to the Constables in the jurisdiction. An application has been made to the Lord Lieutenant of the county, to prevent the intended boxing match between Perrins and Johnson. Monday is the day appointed for that purpose; and it is said Newbery, in Berkfhire, is now the appointed place.— Should this conduct he followed by the Magistracy of the kingdom,
a final blow must be given to an exercise that humanity shudders at, and that is not fraught with any one good consequence. Last week a great many harvest reapers, to the number of 40, went down to Parkgate, to take their passage in the packets, for Ireland, and meeting with very heavy and ad- verse gales, were twice forced back, when the situation of many of them became truly deplorable; a subscription was immediately opened for their relief, and Captain Heird was kind enough to take upon him the office of collecting for them there, at Neston, and in the neighbourhood A sum of twenty pounds sixteen shillings was
received, and laid out in the purchase of provisions for these poor creatures; each man was served with a pound of beef a day, during their stay there, and the day they embarked, each man received two pounds of beef and a sixpenny loaf. Lady Mary Fitz— maurice's liberality on this charitable occasion was very con- spicuous. On Saturday morning last, as a party of the third regiment of Dragoon Guards, were escorting some deserters from Chester to Shrewsbury, a most singular, and we are forry to say ( in the event) fatal accident, happened to one of them, as they passed through Handbridge.— A number of people were
bringing cattle to, and taking them from the fair ; the road was very much crowded, and some of the poor ani- mals, probably a good deal chased, pressed so much on the soldiers, that a countryman who was following them, in tak- ing up his stick to drive the cattle out of the way, unfortu- nately struck the lock of one of the dragoons pistols, which was loaded, by which it was instantly discharged.— The ball passed through the body of the man who next followed him, and entered his belly about four inches above the right groin, and came out at the upper part of the buttock of the same side, after which it considerably bruised the
upper part of the arm of another man, and lastly struck against the knee of a third person, the serjeant, who was in the rear of the party, before its force was expended. The wounded man was carried immediately to the Infirmary, where he died on Sunday morning. Three very considerable drovers out of Rutlandshire, a few days ago stopped at Aberford, in Yorkshire, to provide pas- turage for cattle that they had been purchasing in the North. — They agreed with a farmer for a close of fog, for which they were to pay only forty shillings, provided the number of their cattle did not exceed eleven score.— When the beasts arrived in
the evening, there happened to be fifteen score and seven of them : the morning following, before the drovers departure, the farmer remonstrated, and demanded an addi- tional twenty shillings, on account of the extra number of the cattle, and their having destroyed another field of fog ad- joining to that which they had bargained for.— This requisi- tion produced blows and abundance of foul language, and the farmer, after being handsomely beaten, had the mortifi- cation to see the cattle driven off in triumph.— The blows he had received were such at determined him to pursue the ag- greffors, not only to obtain satisfaction for
himself, but also instruction for all persons on the road, who are perpetually injured by those kind of gentry.— The farmer overtook them at Ferrybridge, and was again most terribly cudgelled. Not at all, however, intimidated ( and having been joined by a friend or two on the road) he went on to Doncaster, and then had those hitherto lawless ruffians summoned before a Magistrate, where they readily consented to compromise the affair, by paying six pounds ten shillings, and by promising never again to be guilty of the like offences. The giving in a less number of cattle than they really have is a practice too common amongst
drovers, and this is published as a caution to them.— The farmer got a black eye, and had one of his ribs broken. A rider from Wolverhampton went by appointment to a hardware shop in Norwich, with an expectation of doing some business; and for the purpose took his pattern cards of buckles and toys along with him, but unfortunately appeared with strings in his shoes, which the tradesman no sooner espied, than he desired him to walk off, declaring that - he would never deal with a buckle- maker who wore shoe- strings, On Monday the Excisemen in London began their operations among the tobacconists, but found that
they had so much to do, and knew so little how to do it, that they expressed themselves heartily sick of their new employment. The clauses in the act are divided into three classes. 1. Those which have a meaning to be understood. 2. Those which have meaning that cannot be understood. 3. Those which have no meaning at all. " There is also a fourth class of, Those which separately have a meaning, but together become unin- telligible. Some of the principal Gentlemen of the Dutch Synagogue went to Newgate on Monday to visit Lord George Gordon ; but his Lordship refused to admit them, bccause they had cut off their
beards, contrary to the. law of Moses. This is at present a grand subject of controversy among the Jews. — His Lordship's principles are delicate, and in religion, it seems, he will not give up a hair in dispute On Sunday last a peal on eight bells was rung at Roch- dale, by two fathers, seven brothers, two uncles, six sons six nephews, and six cousins— in all eight persons. The following is a fact. A middle- sized cow, of the short- horned kind, belonging to Thomas Brown, Esq. of Grassington, which had calved about three weeks, gave so large a quantity of milk, that the week before last, out of curiosity her milk was kept separate
for seven days, and on churning, it produced 23 pounds and one ounce of butter, of 16 ounces to the pound. An Antidote against the Ague. Early in the autumn of the year, take nine cloves of garlick, one every morning for three successive mornings ; miss three, and take three, till the nine are taken. MALTON RACES. Tuesday, Oct. 13, a sweepstakes of 20gs. each. Lord A. Hamilton's bay colt Earl Fitzwilliam's bay filly, Pewet Mr. Garforth's chesnut colt —— Mr. Donner's bay filly — Mr. Ayrton's bay colt, Ostrich —— Mr. INTELLIGENCE from BUXTON. ARRIVED, Mr. Madock, M. P. Mrs. Madock, Mr. Milne, M. P. D. P. Coke,
M. P. Colonel Caldecot, Rev. Mr. Coxe, Doctor Moody, Mr. Slater, Mrs Rees, Miss Macaulay, Mr. Wilkinson, Mr. Hawthorn, Mr. Mills, Miss Landor, Mr. and Mrs. Holgate, Mr. T. Holgate, Mr. Perrin, Mr. Barrett, Mr. Wood, Mr. Dawson, Mr. Bramley, Mr. Nevile, Mrs. Bingley, Miss Gunning, Mr. Verjou, Mrs. Thompson, Mr, R. Bateman, Mr. Wombwell, Mrs and Miss Strackey, Mr. Sinclair, Mr. Menzie, Mr. Fisher, Mr. Stevenson, Mr. Smith- son, Miss Rayner, Miss Headlam, Mr. Cust, Mr. W. C. Lake, Mr. Bell, Mr. Campbell, Mr. Wakefield, Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Remington, Mr. Wilkes, Mr. Simmonds, Mr. Pycroft, Mr. Walker, Mr. Harris, Mr.