The Evening Mail
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Volume Number: Issue Number: 98
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The Evening Mail
Date of Article: 14/10/1789
Printer / Publisher: J. Walter and H. Holl
Address: Logographic Press, Printing-house Square, Blackfriars
Volume Number: Issue Number: 98
No Pages: 4
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NUMB. 98.] FROM MONDAY OCTOBER 12, to WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 14, 1789. [ PRICE 4d. Mibi, Galba, Otho, et Vitellius nec beneficia aut in- juria cogniti. This Day is published, Price ONE SHILLING, NUMBER 1. Of HISTORICAL AND CRITICAL ME- MOIRS of the. General Revolution in France, IN THE YEAR 1789. WITH THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ASSEMBLY. By JOHN TALBOT DILLON, Esq. B. S. R. E. Member of the Royal Academy of Sciences of Dublin, and Honorary Member of the Literary and Philofo- phical Society of Manchester. Further illustrated by many Authentic Papers, collected and
communicated BY Monfienr HUGON DE BASSEVILLE, Member of different Academies, and of the Museum of PArIS. CONDITIONS. I This work will be printed in Weekly Numbe- s, Quarto, containing Three Sheets, on a Superfine Paper, in a neat and elegant manner, ( to be paid for on delivery,) Price One Shilling each. tl. From the nature of the work, and growing mate- rials, it is impossible to ascertain with precision, how many numbers will be necessary to complete the whole; but it is intended to form one Quarto Volume, with a re- gular Index, Frontispiece, fcc. III. The Readers may depend that every attention will be paid
to authenticity, and 4n impartial statement of his- torical facts, divested of party misrepresentations, irrele- vant to the importance of the Subject, the Cause of Liberty and the glorious Era which it records. IV. As no expence will be spared to render this work acceptable to the readers, it is proposed to ornament the same with several curious Engravings, from original Draw- ings made in Paris, either allusive to the times, or Portraits of the principal Personages, which will be increased in proportion to the encouragement received from a liberal Public. V. It is proposed, in an Appendix, to give the Charac ters distincly of all the ruling
Actors concerned in this national system. VI. The names of those who intend to honour this work with their patronage, will b « printed; they are earnestly requested to make an early communication of their intentions to the Printers, at the Logographic Office, Printing- house Square, Blackfriars ; at J. Walter s, Bookseller, No. 169, Piccadilly; or to W. Richardson, Backseller, under At Royal Exchange. Printed at the Logographic Press, Printing- House Square, Black- Friars, and sold by Messrs Robinsons, Paternoster Row; P. Elmsly, Strand; W. Richardson, under the Royal Exchange ; J. Edwards, Pall Mall, and J. Walter, No. 169;
Piccadilly. N. B. The Author has been induced to bring this work forward in weekly Numbers, at the particular desire of many respectable friends, Who wished to be informed, at an early period, of the present situation of affairs in France, OFFICE of INSPECTOR of LOTTERY OFFICES, at the STAMP OFFICE in LONDON. TO THE PUBLIC. WHEREAS Henry Shergold, alias Hum- phrey Shergold, alias Hugh Shergold, late of Lombard Street, London, stands indictcd for a fraud, tn the County of Middlesex, in obtaining a sum of money, by unlaw- fully selling a certain paper writing, partly printed and partly written, purporting to be
an acknowledgment of holding in trust a part and share of a certain Ticket, No. 7886, in the Irish Lottery, not being possessed of the said Ticket, and whereas by various advertisements from the Office of Shergold and Co. it is confessed that no such person as H. Shergold, signed to the said paper writing, does or ever did belong to such Office, and thereby offer a reward of One Hundred Guineas, to any ene that will personate the said H. Shergold: and whereas no liccnce has been granted to any person of the name of Sher- gold, to sell Tickets and Shares, all Shares, Chances, or Agree- ments, signed with that name, as they
cannot be stampt with the words " State Lottery, Stamp Office,' are impositions on the Public, and the sellers punishable by fine and imprisonment: Notice is hereby given, that whoever may be in possession of any such unstampt Papers, have no security for their money ; ana therefore the Public arc cautioned against purchasing any such, or any other illegal Chances, Shares, or Agreements in the Lottery, and all Justices of the Peace, Mayors. Bai- liffs, Constables, Headboroughs, and other Civil Officers are by the AH of 27 of his present Majesty, c. 1. strictly re- quired to prevent the committing of any such offences and the
Public are desired to lend their assistance to discover such Of- fenders, by sending to this office the names and places of abode of such Person or Persons as may be found transgressing as aforesaid. T. WOOD, Inspector of Lottery Offices, 1. d. SOCIETY for the DISCHARGE and RELIEF of PER- SONS IMPRISONED for SMALL DEBTS. Craven Street, Strand, 7th Oct. 1789. BENEFACTIONS SINCE THE LAST REPORT. Viz. Sir Robert Herries and Co. per Secretary, Ann, James Neild, Esq. Treafure , Ann. Richard Ackerman, Esq. per Secretary, Ann. Meffrs. Theakftone and Welchman, Ann. Mr. Charles Steuart, Ann. Hon.
Mrs. Vansittart, per Treasurer, Ann. Mrs. Grignion, by the Rev. Mr. Butler Discharged from various Prisons 57 Debtors for 250 18 3 Considered the Recommendations of 63 Petitioners Approved 41 Referred for Enquiry 15 Petitions, and rejected 6. Benefactions are received at the Thatch'd House Ta- vern; and by Mr. Neild, the Treasurer, St. James's Street ; also at The London Exchange Banking Company, St. James's Street; Mess. Hoares, Fleet Street Mess. Fuller, Son, and Co Lombard Street; Mess. Biddulph, Cooks, and Co. Charing Cross ; Mess. Dorrien and Co. Finch Lane Cornhill; Mess. Ransom, Morland, and
Hammersley, Pall Mall; And at the Secretary's, No. 7, Craven Street, Strand where the Books may be seen by those who are inclined to support this Charity, and where the Society will meet on Wednesday the 7th November, at six o'clock. PALPABLE INIQUITY DETECTED. The Difference between a KING and a TYRANT. THE difference between a King and a Tyrant is this;— the one makes the laws the bounds of his power, and the good of the Public the end of his government.— The other makes all give way to his own will and appetite; to his own ambition, revenge, and covetousness. Other forms of gor vernment, as well
as Monarchies, are subject to Tyranny.— For, wherever the power that is put in any hands, for the government of the people and the prefervation of their properties, is applied to other ends, and made use of to impoverish, harass, or subdue them to the arbitrary and un- lawful commands of those who possess it, there it presently becomes Tyranny, whether those who exercise it are one or many. Thus we read of the Thirty Tyrants of Athens as well as of one of Syracuse ; and of the intolerable domi nion of the Decemviri at Rome. REAL and UNQUESTIONABLE SECURITY, To the Purchasers of Shares in the orefent ENGLISH
and IRISH STATE LOTTERIES, AT Mr. NICHOLSON'S STATE LOT TERY OFFICES, BANK STREET, CORNHILL, LONDON; And DAME STREET, DUBLIN ; Where the Tickets in the above Lotteries are ( old and divided into HALVES EIGHTHS, and QUARTERS | SIXTEENTH SHARES, On his incom parable and much approved Plan of REAL and UNQUESTIONABLE SECURITY. The BANKERS ACKNOWLEDGMENT for this Unquestionable and Real Security, will be shewn to every Purchaser, by which the most cautious and timid will be satisfied that they are effectually secured in that Property which they may acquire by
laying out their Money in the lottery, as the Bankers hold in their hands Government Securities, for the sole purpose of paying the full amount of all Prizes divided into Shares by Mr. NICHOLSON, from Ten Pounds to Twenty Thousand Pounds, in the Irish Lottery ; and from Twenty Pounds to Twenty- five Thousand in the English Lottery. The Irish Lottery begins Drawing the 12th of No- vember next, and the English Lottery the 22d of Febru- ary, 1790. Most Money given for the Prizes as soon as drawn. In the last IRISH LOTTERY Mr. NICHOLSON sold the following CAPITAL PRIZES : Mo. 23481— 2o, ocol. to Mr. James
Taylor, an eminent Hatter on Tower- hill, for 7I. 15. for which Mr. Taylor received in English Money, upwards of 8000l. This was the largest prize ever before ob- tained for so small a risque ; and 28,322, a Prize of 10000l. to a Gentleman in Dublin. 17,025, a Prize of 10,000l. to a Gentleman who daily attends at the Bank of England. And 30,875, a Prize of 5,000l. 10 a Young Lady, near Ep- som, in Surry. Likewise in the last ENGLISH LOTTERY, No. 46,676, a Prize of 10,000l. to Mr. Valentine Hackle- ton, Mercer, in the Borough. Besides many of 2000I. 1000I. and 500!. And in the last Twenty- five Lotteries, Capital Prizes K> a
very considerable amount. London, 25th May, 1786. " Received from Mr. Nicholson, the sum of Nine Thousand Nine Hundred and Sixty- seven Pounds Ten Shillings, being the full value of the Ticket No. 46,676, drawn a Prize of IO. OOOI. which I purchased of him at bis Office, in Bank Street, the 16th January last £ 9967 10; VAL. HACKLETON, No. 220, Borough, now of Seven Oaks, Kent.'' IRISH SCHEME. Sketch of the Person and Character of the first DUCHESS OF GRAFTON, one of the BEAUTIES of HAMPTON- COURT, THIS lady was the only daughter and heiress to Henry Bennet, Earl of Arlington, Viscount
Thetford, & c. Secretary of State, and of the Privy Council, Knight of the Garter, and Lord Chamberlain of the Houshold to King Charles the Second, by the Lady Isabella Nassau, his wife, one of the daughters of Lewis of Nassau, Lord Beaverwaert, and sister to Henry of Nassau, Seignior of Auverquerque, Master of the Horse to King William III. To say that this lady was the most beautiful and accomplished woman of her time, is saying little :— She had, joined to an elegant and exqui site beauty, the most refined understanding and beneficent disposition.— She passed the greatest part of her time in searching out proper objects
of charity, and relieving their distresses.— With all these qualities, and being sole heiress of an ancient and noble family, King Charles II. who, whatever his failings may have been, was un- doubtedly a most tender father, thought her fo desirable a match, that he resolved to marry her to one of his natural sons ; and he soon fixed upon his second, by the celebrated Barbara Vil- liers, Duchess of Cleveland. The marriage was celebrated in the year 1675 and it may be truly said, that the brave and the fair were never more eminently united than in this young couple ; for young Fitzroy, to a most noble and graceful figure, added the
greatest in- trepidity and military skill.— Indeed the chief part of his honours were the recompence of his public services and distinguished valour, as he had Some Account of ROBERT Hill,, HERTFORD- SHIRE. THIS extraordinary man was born Jan, 11 1699, at Miswell, near Tring, in Hertfordshire„ His mother lost her husband within the year; and about five years after married another at Buckingham. This child was with his grand- mother, who taught him to read, and sent him to school for seven or eight weeks to learn to write ; which was all the schooling he ever had. At the age of eleven he was set to drive the plough ; but
his constitution being weakly, he was bound apprentice 1714, to his father- in law, whose name was Robinson, a taylor at Buckingham. Two years after, he happened to get part of an Acci- * dence and Grammar and about three- fourths of Littleton's dictionary. He conceived a violent passion for reading, and wanted greatly to learn Latin, for no other reason, that he remembered but that he might be able to read the Latin epi- taphs in the church. As his master would not al- low him time from his work by day, he used to procure candles as privately as he could, and read for a good part of the night. In 1717, he was sent to Tring-
Grove, and employed in keeping his uncle's sheep. The happiness of the Arcadiaa swains of romantic writers, was not equal to Robin's, while he could lie under an hedge, and read all day long ; though his library consisted only of the Practice of Piety, the Whole Duty of Man, and Mauger's French Grammar. Returning to Buckingham in 1719, he had tho satisfaction of meeting with his old friend the La- tin Grammar; and by the assistance of the boys at the free- fchool, attained to read the Latin Tes- tament and Caesar's Commentaries. A Greek Testament being soon after added to his books, he resolved to learn Greek. In the
mean time, his wife proving a very good breeder, his income be- came deficient; he therefore in 1724, set up for a school- master, as well as a taylor. In this employ- ment he was brought into a terrible dilemma : A boy from a neighbouring school, who had learned decimal fractions, came to Hill's school, when. Hill himself had got but a little way into division. He set this young man to copy the tables of de- cimal fractions in Wingate, which engaged him about six weeks 5 and in the mean time, by sit- ting up the greatest part of every night, he made himself master of decimal fractions before the time was expired. About 1726, he
maintained a controversy for two years with a Popish bishop, who endeavoured to seduce one of his scholars. Two years after this he lost his wife, and in 1730 married a Second, who proved a bad woman in all respects. The debts She brought upon him, obliged him, at the end of two years, to leave Bucking- ham, and to travel and work about the country as a taylor and Haymaker. Some time before he set out, upon seeing; some Hebrew quotations in the works of Mr. Weeshie, prebendary of Dur- ham, he became extremely desirous of learning that language. For want of proper helps he la- bouredsleveral years in this Study
with little suc- cess : and the difficulty of distinguishing between the pronunciation of the two voWels so alike, Ca- metz and Cametscatter, at last quite tired his pa- tience, and he parted with all his Hebrew books. This was only a sudden gust of passion : his eager- ness to master the Hebrew returned ; and having bought ( in 1737) Stennit's Grammar, it immedi- ately cleared up his grand difficulty ; and after this he went on successfully. All this while it was necessary his place of resi- dence should be concealed ; he kept up no corre- spondence at Buckingham, so that death had kind- ly removed his great trouble two or three
years before he heard of it. She had, as he himself al- lows, one child, and as she used to affirm, two by him : but the parentage of the latter was very equivocal. However, they both died soon after the mother, and Hill returned to Buckingham in the end of January, 1744., N. S. He maintained himself for four or five years by his first occupa- tion of taylor and staymaker ; but marrying a third wife in 1747, who proved as good a breeder as his first, this, with the dearness of provisions, and hard- ness of the times, reduced him to great distress. Though his modefty had always made him keep his accquifition of the learned languages
as secret Schemes gratis and Letters, post- paid, duly answered. HIBBS's ORANGE SHRUBS from RUM or BRANDY, for making PUNCH. Monument Yard, London. THESE SHRUBS are of so excellent quali- ties, so grateful in flavour, and made with Spirits so very superior, that they are absolutely unequalled :—. the very honourable testimony of many Noblemen and Gentlemen has stamped them most eminently ; and HIBBS respectfully assures his Patrons and the Public, that no pains, no expence, shall ever be spared to support their high reputation. It may not be improper to note, tliat they make at all times the moft
excellent HOT 0r COLD PUNCH by the addition of Water only; where- as, Seville Oranges are only a few months in the year in perfection, and at present that Fruit cannot be pro cured. Orders for any quantity not less than two Gallons of either Rum Shrub, or Brandy Shrub, executed at the lowest money prices, with an allowance to Families and others taking not less than twenty Gallons. Excellent Foreign Wines by the Pipe, on terms highly advantageous, or by the dozen, in Legal Quarts, twelve bottles of which are warranted contain three Gal- lons. gained great reputation in several engagements at sea, before he was
created either Knight of the Garter, or Duke of Grafton.— As he lived, so he died, in full possession of the heroic character he will never lose,— being killed in battle, in the reign of King William, fighting against the ene- mies of his country and religion. He left only one son by his charming Duchess, who was grandfather to the present Duke of Graf- ton ; and, though her Grace survived him many years, She never could be persuaded to marry again, but passed the greatest part of her time in the country, where She led a most devout and recluse life, seldom going abroad but upon Short visits to her indigent tenants and labourers
whose wants She never failed to relieve in a most generous manner; Her picture was painted by Sir Godfrey Kneller, at the express command of King Wil- liam, and hung up at Hampton- Court, with the portraits of many other ladies, at the head of which was that of his own Queen, Mary,— This collection is generally known by the title of The Hampton Court Beauties, and Was very probably made in contradistinction to that of Windsor, which chiefly consisted of the Mistresses of Charles the Second. and the same Strange figures, that the travelling Jew did.' A neighbouring clergyman finding it to be true, took a liking to him, and
became his friend ever after. This Gentleman, some time after, set him to write Remarks on the Essay of Spirit, which appeared in 1753, and was the first piece of Mr. Hill's that was printed.— The next thing the same Gentleman employed him about, was a tract against the Papists, Shelving that the favourite doctrine of the Church of Rome are novel inventions. About the same time he wrote the Character of a Jew, when the bill for naturalizing that people was in agitation. This, he thought, was the best thing he ever wrote, and was the least approved of. He also wrote Criti- cisms on Job, in five Sheets ; which is the largest of all
his works. Poor Mr. Hill generally lived in want. The very high price of the most necessary provisions in 1757 and 1758, not only made it often difficult tor him to provide bread for himself and his fami- ly, but in part stopt even the sources of it, in les- sening his business, Buckingham is no rich place at best; and even there his business was chiefly among the lower sort of the people. This redu- ced him so very low, that he passed many whole days without tasting any thing but water and to- bacco. IN the shameful, oppressive, and unprecedent- ed outrages practised to injure this House by one des- titute of truth or principle,
picked out for the purpose, every one must see the various paltry shifts which are re- sorted to. No ground of charge being tenable, as fast as one lie is exploded a new one is fabricated. A fresh instance of this system occurs this day in a tur- gid advertisement, roundly asserting that " Whereas " it is confessed by various advertisements from SHER- " GOLD and Co that there is no such Perfon as H. SHERGOLD, & c. & c.' There never was any such advertisement from this House. It was indeed denied that H. Shergold was either Hugh, Henry, or Humphrey, the Christian names inge- niously invented by T. WOOD, to serve his
purposes. If T. Wood means it should be believed that there is no such person as he describes, in what a situation does he stand ? he acknowledges a flagrant imposition upon the Grand Jury — he ADMITS HIMSELF GUILTY OF PERJURY, by positive declaration under his hand. One reason indeed why he may hope that it will not be cre- dited. Dare this degraded pander of the Insurance Offices state the evidence given by him to the Grand Jury ? Dare he meet an existing person with his charge ? Dare he deny upon oath, his own confession to various persons who can be brought forward, that HE HAD CONTRIVED A
CAPITAL DEVICE for an advertisement to injure SHERGOLD and Co. ? The reputation of this House he cannot hurt or im- peach. He really, in propria persona, stands indicted for a conspiracy himself— he has charges against him of innu merable frauds :— he would employ his time more profit- ably in refuting these, than in coining falsehoods and affix- ing reproach to an Office of Government which we high- ly respect, and feel sincere concern for. The Shares we hold for the Public, we, for our own sakes, take all possible care shall be secure. NINE TENTHS of them at least, are from whole tickets we have, or stamped
shares of the most responsible offices. We consume MORE REAL TICKETS than twenty offices we could name put together. The few we purchase from private persons, to answer particular purposes and gratifications, COST US MORE than Government tickets ; it is therefore our interest to prefer the latter. If a failure of any office was to occur, we hold ourselves responsible for the loss, and we put our transactions to this issue as to security,— That we can convince any one by undoubted proof, THAT THERE IS NO PRIZE IN THE LOTTERY, NOT EVEN THE TWENTY THOUSAND, which the proprietors of this house could
not NOW advance the money for in HALF AN HOUR." To conclude, let any of our friends and patrons ask themselves this question :— What would they say, if on producing a demand for FIVE THOUSAND POUNDS, we were to present them with a share STAMPED with the MAGICAL DIE, " STATE LOTTERY, STAMP OFFICE," and till them " there is your share we hold for you, but the Office is insolvent ?" Would they not ex- pert us to make good the loss, and contend it was upon OUR CREDIT that they purchased ? We can give some cases in point to prove this, as well as our conduct upon the occasion. SHERGOLD and
Co. No. 50, LOMBARD STREET, Oliaber 13, 17^ 9. WITHOUT RISQUE OF BLANKS. LEGAL SHARES, including every Prize in the IRISH LOTTERY, are issuing, at TWO GUI- NEAS, ONE GUINEA, HALF- A- GUINEA, and SIX SHILLINGS each. A TWO GUINEA Share may gain £. 8125 — An ONE GUINEA — — 4062 10 An HALF- GUINEA — — 4031 5 A SIX SHILLING _ _ teij 12 6 Schemes at large gratis.
LONDON. TUESDAY, Oct. 13. Yesterday afternoon a messenger arrived at the Secretary of State's Office, Whitehall, with dis- patches from Lord ROBERT FITZGERALD, Se- cretary to the Embassy at the Court of France, which were immediately forwarded to the Duke of LEEDS, at North Mimms. On Sunday his Grace the Duke of DORSET, gave a grand entertainment at Lord THANET'S House in Grosvenor Square, on account of his recent appointment. His Grace of DORSET— has a MATCH In con- templation.— in which the BAT and BALL are not included— it is with Miss COPE the lovely daugh- ter of Lord
HAWKESBURY— and if the language of the eyes may be believed— the DUKE will come off CONQUEROR. The troubles in FRANCE are become so interest- ing, as to demand the opinion and advice of all his MAJESTY'S Ministers. The Lord CHANCEL- LOR'S return to town was principally on this business, and the Cabinet has lately met several times, to digest what may be most proper to be done under the present circumstances. The public credit in FRANCE still falls lower and lower, notwithstanding all the props of the ASSEMBLY of the nation to support it. The rumour of a foreign invasion will no doubt sink it still lower
indeed the apprehension of it becomes more alarming every day. Nothing can more plainly point out the gene- rous feelings of Englishmen, than the present news brought from France— though so lately that natural enemy to this nation, first by secret and infidious arts, and then by an open avowal of her designs, taught America to rebel against the Mo- ther Country, which had fostered her with tender care to a degree of prosperity— but though that story is fresh in the minds of our countrymen, yet no sooner do they hear of the lamentable state of France, than, instead of exulting, in revenge for past injury, their countenances
bespeak the sorrows of the heart, by the expressions of pity which fall from their lips— a lesson for every other nation to copy from. The tumults of VERSAILLES and PARIS, last week have only tended to make the emigration of the wealthy people still more considerable, in spite of all the precautions taken to prevent their escape. The influx of French subjects into Lon- don only since last Thursday is astonishly great and the innkeepers on the Dover road have had al- most as great a demand for post horses within those few days, as in the height of summer. Yesterday arrived the Mails from HOLLAND AND FRANCE. Letters
from Vienna, dated September 25 advise, " That the operations of the siege of Bel- grade successfully advance. The 18th, General Clairfait having passed the Danube in the Bannat, joined the army under Marshal de Laudohn, with seven battalions of infantry, and five divisions of cavalry," On the 19th. September all the posts round BELGRADE were occupied by the Imperial Troops, the. redoubts raised, and the opening of the trenches begun on. Previous to this, on the 16th, the Austrian Artillery fired several shot at the outworks to displace the enemy's cannon and in the evening of the same day, some shot set fire to one of
the suburbs of the town five places, but without doing any great damage. On the 17th and t8th, the trenches on the " nt of the river Save were opened, and a redoubt order ed to be thrown up. The IMPERIALISTS will not be able to open their trenches on this side at a nearer distance than 435 paces, on account of the marshy ground and high grass. Most of the JEWS which were enrolled among the IMPERIAL troops have been sent back from the grand army, as they cannot be made of any use. They are in future to pay the double war tax. By letters dated the 9th ult. from Warsaw, we learn, that Prince PONINSKI has been
indisposed for several days, and unable to appear before the tribunal. By a letter received from Revel on Friday last we are informed, that the Russian fleet sailed from thence the 7th ult. in quest of the Swedish fleet Their force consisted of 31 sail of the line, six of which were 100 guns each, 6 frigates, and transports. Letters from Berlin of the 29th ult. advice " That it is resolved to draw up a line of troops on the frontiers of Russia, under the command of General de Kalrenth. The Prussian troops Westphilia have received orders to march on the shortest notice." The King of SPAIN has ordered a camp to be formed in the
neighbourhood of Madrid, to con- sist of 6000 men. The Duke de CRILLON is to command it.. The squadron of men of war, under the com- mand of M. de SOLANO, have set sail from Car- thagena, with four months provisions on board. By the regulations contained in the Grand Duke of Tuscany's new code of laws, a public fund is provided for the indemnification of those who have been, by any unlucky combination of circum- stances, without blame on their part, subjected to the hardship of imprisonment and trial for crimes of which they have clearly proved their innocence. In this respect the laws of these king- doms call
loudly for amendment. Those alone conversant in criminal prosecutions can have an idea of the mischiefs to which innocent persons are exposed by the means here alluded to. In many instances, the cases claim redress from the mere distress which they occasion ; and in others, from the very manifest injustice that the laws permit with regard to the application of the effects of cul- prits.- In various cases we have reason to assert, the money which has been unjustly obtained by swindling practices, though recovered even in the state in which it was obtained, and though taken, from the culprit, can by no means be restor- ed to
the injured person. A mail coach is established between New York and Philadelphia. F R Further Particulars of the late Revolution. PARIS, Oct. 8. Although the news of the Mail from FRANCE yesterday, could not possibly be later than that we received on Sunday evening, so conspicuous in our paper of yesterday, there are nevertheless some particulars of the late proceedings at Ver- sailles and Paris, which claim our attention and will no doubt prove highly interesting to our readers. The circumstances of the moment an too important to suffer the least minutae to escape our observation. We are extremely happy to find, that
the in- formation we have already dated is accurately just, as to what really passed, nor are we less re- joiced in having the opportunity to say, that the' reports of several Noblemen having been mas- sacred, are without the least foundation in truth. It is, however, more than probable, that had the Count D'ESTAIGN, the Ducs de GUIChE and CHATELET, and Count de LUsiGNAN, fal- len within the clutches of the mob, at the height of the disturbances, they would have been in- stantly torn to pieces, as the names of these no- blemen were particularly called for. When the HOTEL DE VILLE was plundered on Monday, the
women, who were the first to force it open, found means in the course of the short time they were there, to plunder the Trea- sury chest of 200,000 livres ;— half of which be- ing in bills were afterwards recovered, the rest was divided among the plunderers. This for- cible entrance was fortunately made so early in the morning, that none of the Magistrates were assembled, they might otherwise have probably been conducted to the gallows, which had been erected very early in the morning to be ready on any occasion. Though the NATIONAL GUARD was assem- bled before the Mansion House in great numbers at the time it
was forced, they did not offer to make the least resistance to the women, but suf- fered them to plunder, while they looked on as unconccrned spectators. Besides this money, it was here the woman furnished themselves with the fire arms and weapons, with which they afterwards marched to Versailles. His MAJESTY was out a hunting on the morning of Monday, and did not return to din- ner till five o'clock in the evening. It was then he learnt what had passed at Paris in the morning, as well as the marching of the troops towards Versailles. This news struck such a panic on the KING'S mind, that he sent word in the even- ing to
the National Assembly, that he accepted the Articles of the new form of Constitution, as well as the Bill of Rights, in the pure and simple state in which they were presented to him. The massacre between the troops at Versailles, would have been much more terrible, had it not been for his MAJESTY'S orders. As soon as he heard that the troops had fired on each other, he sent a message praying that they would desist, which had its effect for some time, but as we have before observed, in the dead of the night a party of the troops and mob forced their way into the Palace to the Antichamber of the QUEEN'S apartment. The
noise was so sudden, that her Majesty ran trembling to the KING'S apartment with only her shift on. The Cabinet Ministers who slept in the Palace, were not less alarmed at the sound of the clinking of arms. The Garde du Corps at length forced the mob out of the Pa- lace, On Tuesday, a few of the regiment of the King's Body Guard were taken prisoners, and immediately executed by the mob in an outer court of the Palace, called la Cour des Ministres, Those within the Palace saved themselves part- ly by the intercession of the Marquis de la FAYETTE, but more by the request of the KING, who appeared in the balcony of the
Palace, and begged their forgiveness as a favour. The people could not resist the petition of their King, and soon after a great part of the. regiment ap- peared at the windows themselves, with the cock- ades of the National Guards in their caps. The people now applauded them greatly from without, and they were invited by Marquis de la FAYETTE to came down, and take the national oath as the seal of their pardon, which they did. The mob then insisted to see her MAJESTY, who appeared at the windows with the DAUPHIN in her arms, and M. NECKER by her side. She was much applauded. The KING and Royal Family
entered Paris in great state. The procession, if it may be so call- ed, lasted for several hours,— the rabble, women, and part of the soldiery, preceding the King two or three hours before his arrival. The Royal Family's carriages were surrounded by several hundred troops ; and on entering Paris, M. BAILLIE, the Mayor, congratulated the KING on his arrival among them, to which his Majesty replied—" It is always with pleasure and confi- dence I see myself surrounded by the good inhabitants of my city of Paris." On being- arrived at the Hotel de Ville, the Mayor repeated his MAJESTY'S words to the Magistrates, but forgot to
mention the words " with confidence," on which the KING remind- ed him of them. The Mayor then very neatly observed, " Gentlemen, you are far more happy in hearing these words from his Majesty's own lips, would be in my repetition of them. The National Assembly have sent a deputation of thirty- six Members, with the Duke da LIAN- COURT at their head, to acquaint the KING of their determination of removing instantly to Pa- ris, as well as that the place of their Assembly should never be inseparable from the Royal resi- dence. His MAJESTY received them very gra- ciously. The regiment of FLANDERS as, well as the
KING'S body guard, having taken the oath of allegiance to the nation, they now do duty in Paris, in common with the Parisian troops. Several Members of the National Assembly removed on Thursday to Paris, and the fittings will be wholly transferred as soon as a proper place can be got ready for their reception. MONSIEUR and MADAMe are lodged ia the Palace of Luxembourg. ROYAL HUNT. On Friday a deer was turned out before the Duke of CUMBERLAND'S hounds at Popham- Beacons, to a numerous field ( honoured with the presence of the PRINCE of WALES), and was taken about two miles from Winterslow- hut,
near Salisbury, after, a run of three hours; from whence several of the staunched sportsmen came that evening, and hunted with the King's hounds on Saturday at Waltham Common. The deer being turned out near the Windmill, crossed Shottesbrook enclosures, to Holyport, Bray Wiclc, and clofe to Maidenhead ; then turning short to the left, took to the High Coverts near Marlow, and towards Henley, where he was taken, after a very good chace of near three hours. The PRINCE and the Duke of CUMBERLAND were both in with the hounds, near Winterslow. The PRINCE of WALES'S pack and stud are now compleated, and
take their daily airings from Bagshot, near which they are to hunt constantly ; and it is expected the first deer will be turned out in a few days. The regular hunting days and places of meeting are not yet fixed. DUKE OF CHANDOS. Saturday laft were deposited in the burial place belonging to his family, at Whitechurch in the county of Middlesex, in the most private manner agreeable to the directions in his Will the remains of the most noble JAMES BRYDGES, DUKE of CHANDOS, a Marquis and Earl of Car- narvon, Viscount Wilton, Baron Chandos of Sudley Castle, and Baronet, Lord Steward of his Majesty's houfehold, one of
his Majesty's Most Honourable Privy Council, Ranger of Enfield Chace, and High Steward of the City of Win- chester. His GRACE'S Birth was most illustrious, he was descended from the great Sir JOHN CHAN- DOS, who made so conspicuous a figure in the wars in France in the Reign of King Edward the Third, and was one of the first Knights of the Garter at the institution of that most noble order, whose descendant Sir John Bruges was created by Queen Mary, Baron Chandos of Sudley Castle the eighth of April 1554. In 1714 on the accession of King George the first, the Honourable James Brydges, who afterwards became
the ninth Lord Chandos, was created Viscount Wilton, Marquis and Earl of Carnarvon, and Duke of Chandos. His Grace maternally was of Royal Descent being descended from MARY Queen Dowager of FRANCE, Daughter of King Henry the Seventh who afterwards married with Charles Brandon, Duke of Suffolk; and through Heiresses of the great Houses of Grey Duke of Suffolk, Seymour, Bruce and Saville to his Grace's mother, she was one of the daughters and : Co- heirs of Charles Lord Bruce afterwards Earl of Aylesbury, and was the first wife of Henry second Duke of Chandos, by whom she had James, the late Duke,
and Lady Caroline, now living, the widow of James Leigh of Addleshope in the county of Glocester, Esq. His Grace was born the 27th of December 173 1 and at the General Elections of 1754 and 1761 he was Elected Knight of the Shire for Radnor- shire. On the accession of his present Majesty, he was appointed one of the Lords of his Majesty's Bed Chamber, which he resigned in 1764, and in 1784, he was appointed Lord Steward of his Majesty's Household. Such were his honors and his high descent, to which his private virtues added a greater lustre, fervent and unfeigned in his devotion, his charity and benevolence were
unbounded, in his princi- ples he was loyal, moderate, firm, and in his friendships he had the warmest heart— his Grace was twice married, his first Lady was Margaret, daughter and sole heir of John Nicoll, Esq. of Minchendon House, Southgate, who died the 14th of August, 1768, and by whom he had no issue. His second, the present Dutchess Anna Eliza, daughter of Richard Gamon, Esq. and widow of Roger Hope Elletson, Esq. Lieutenant Governor of Jamaica, married to the Duke the 21st of June 1777, by whom he had two daugh- ters, Lady Georgiana Charlotte, to whom their Majesties in person were sponsors, and
who died the- day following, and Lady Anna Eliza, his only surviving child, born the 22d October 1779. His Grace dying without issue male, the ho- nors of Duke, Marquis, Viscount, and Earl are become extinct. To the EDITOR of the EVENING MAIL. SIR, IN the beginning of July last, alarmed at a great Lottery failure which had happened, I came to town on purpose to demand payment of Two HUNDRED AND FIFTY POUNDS, for the eighth part of a 2000I. prize, for which I had received an Undertaking for such a share from Messrs. SHERGOLD and Co. No. 50, Lombard Street, v and paid 1l. 11s. 6d. to them. Upon applying,
they produced a STAMPED SHARE, STAMPED WITH THE DIE " STATE LOTTERY, STAMP OPFICE," and said, " Sir, there is your share, but the office has stopped payment, and we having performed out contract, you cannot deny but you must make the best of it." I was a little shocked at this appearance of disap- pointment, but they immediately relieved me " by saying—" Sir, you put confidence IN us, and if it is never paid, we hold ourselves bound to satisfy you,"— They accordingly, without my having the trouble to call again, paid me the full money. I know nothing of Dies, Stamps, Licences or Law, but I know that money
is money— and honesty is honesty. ROBERT ALEXANDER. Newcastle, Oct. 8th, 1789. Orders are received Chatham to use the utmost expedition in fitting the Brun frigate. of 32 guns, for sea, at this Port ; and likewise to give the greatest dispatch in forwarding the rks of the Rattlesnake sloop, of 16 guns, now building in this Dock Yard, she being also ordered to be fitted for sea. The like dispatch is used in forwarding the Pandora, of 24 guns, now in Dock, and under a repair, and daily expe£ ted to be commissioned for sea service. The Romney, of 50 guns, sailed this day for Woolwich, to be repaired at that Yard. The John,
——, of Shields, from to Marseilles, is lost in the Baltic, crew saved. The Venus, Coffin, from London for the South Whale Fishery, arrived at the Cape of Good Hope the beginning of June, after two Months passage, all well. The Aberkin, Owen, from Stockholm to Dub- lin, is arrived at Elsinore, after throwing part of the cargo overboard. The Adventure, Keen, was left well at Wal- wick Bay the latter end of July last, and would sail in a few days. The Marchal De Mailly, Andre, from Cette to Petersburgh, is lost in the Bay of Biscay. The , Zielesch, from Stettin to Borde- aux, is lost on the Scaw- The Industry, Pattison, of
Scarborough, is lost on the coast of Holland, crew saved. The Exchange, Barry, from Holland, is towed into Whitby dismasted. The Neptune, Daniel, front New- England, is ashore at Holyhead. At the meeting of the Corporation in Bristol, on Saturday, for the choice of Chief Magistrate of that city for the ensuing year, instead of jeremy Baker, Esq. Who declined serving that Office, James Hill, Esq. one of the late Sheriffs, was elected, and sworn in. On Wednesday last, a Dispensation passed the Great Seal, enabling the Rev. William Wain- house, Clerk, Master of Arts, Chaplain to. the Right Hon. Lionel, Earl of Dysart, to hold the
Rectory of Butterleigh in the county of Devon, together with the Rectory of Badgworth, in the county of Somerset. A Statute of lunacy is now taking out against the elder Mr. COLMAN, who still continues in the same unhappy situation as for some months past. Melpomene may be said to have fairly taken her flight from both Theatres— her laughing sister will no doubt profit by her absence— and adopt the favourite dramatic motto—" Hence loath'd Melancholy !.'" The following circumstance { which proves with what insensibility, carelessness, and indiffer- ence, men can sometimes perform ceremonies, which ought both in the
spirit and letter to in- spire them with ideas the most awful) is commu- nicated by a correspondent, who dec'ares himself to have been an eye witness thereof. A Mr. S* of W , in Staffordshire had the mor- tification to be called one evening Last month from his friends and companions, ostlers and stable boys, to read the burial service over the corpse of a pauper, which, together with the friends of the deceased, had been waiting for him some time at the grave. Having, much against his inclina- tion, parted with his associates, he walked into the churchyard eating filberts: as it rained the clerk or sexton held an umbrella over the
head of this limb of the church, but what will scarce be be- lieved, even by the most credulous, he absolutely continued eating filberts during the whole time of his reading, or rather mumbling that most so- lemn part of the church service, nay more, at that part where " dust to dust, & c." is pro- nounced, he very carelessly threw into the grave the shells of those nuts, the kernels of which at the very moment almost prevented articulation. The talk finished, which could not at most have taken up more than three minutes, he joined his compa- nions, shaking hands with one, nodding to a se- cond, and winking and throwing filbert
shells at a third. Such adds our correspondent, was the shameful and indecent conduct of a man who calls himself a clergyman of the Church of Eng- land— let him " read, mark, learn, and inwardly digest" the above statement of facts, and then, if he can, feel and blush. The price of Hops still keeps up high in the country markets, and the inclination to purchase is very properly equally slack. A melancholy accident happened last week in the parish of Congresbury, in Somersetshire:— A poor woman of the name of Tripp, having three children supposed to be troubled with worms, gave them, it is imagined, too great a quantity ot
that poisonous herb Bear's Foot, by which unlucky accident one of them died on Sunday, another on Monday, and the third on Tuesday morning. Saturday J. Tronson, Surgeon and Man Mid- wise, apprehended on suspicion of infusing poi- son into some porter which he was drinking with one Edmund Alder, the keeper of a register- office in Fetter- lane, Fleet- street, was brought up for examination. It appeared from the testimony of the wife and child of the deceased, that the pri- soner and he were drinking together on Thursday or Friday fortnight last, and that on the follow- ing morning, the deceased complained of an un usual illness, of which he languished till Mon- day last, and then died. The child of the deceased deposed, that on his father's first finding himself seized with such an extraordinary complaint, he expressed his appre-- hensions left Tronson had put poison into the liquor they had been drinking ; he was then asked, whether Tronson had drank out of the same mug, to which he replied in the affirmative, but added, that he might have put some powders in the bottom : Upon tracing this iniquitous bu- siness a little further, it appeared that Tronson had concerted a scheme with the deceased, and one Sharland, who was arrested upon
a false debt, and made his escape from the Fleet by a precon- certed plan, with an intention of defrauding Mr. Clipson, keeper of the prison, of 1320I. the sum for which he was arrested; but Alder, the deceased, having expressed his uneasiness, ac being involved in this iniquitous business, signi. fied his wish to disclose the particulars: the priso- ner, from being so deeply involved in the scheme, and a number of other concurring circumstances was taken into custody, on suspicion of having perpetrated the atrocious deed. He was ordered to remain in custody till the Coroner's verdict was returned on the body.
I From the LOndon GaZETTE, October 13. Whitehall, Oct. 13 THE King has been pleased to grant to Sir John William Pole, of Shute House, in the County ot Devon, Baronet, and his issue, his Royal Licence and Authority to assume and use the ancient Name of De la Pole ; and also to or- der that his Majesty's Concession and Declaration be recorded in the Herald's Office. Paris, October 8. This day their most Christian Majesties receiv- ed the foreign Ministers at the Thuilleries, as did Monfieur and Madame at the Palace of Lux- embourg. The National Assembly still sits at Versailles, till room is prepared for their reception at
the Louvre. On he 5th instant the King gave his sanction to those articles of the constitution, and Droits del'Homme, which had been presented to his Majesty by the Assembly. Commission signed by his Majesty for the Army in Ireland. 16th Reg. of foot, Captain Robert Gooch, to be Captain. Staff— Major Arthur Brown to be Lieutenant Governor of Kinsale and Charlesfort. Dated August 18,1789. BANKRUPTS. John Warne, of Moorfields, Tinman, to surrender Oct- 17, JI, at eleven, Nov. 24, at nine, at Guildhall. Attorney, Mr. Montagu , Nassau Street. Robert Porter, of Fareham, Southampton, Starch- maker, to surrender, Oct.
23, at three, Oct. 24, at ten at the Bugle Inn, Titchfield, Nov. 24, at the Crown Inn, in Gosport. Attorney, Mr. Allen, Clement's Inn, Lon- don. Thomas Whittaker, of Liverpool, Lancashire, to sur- render, Nov. 2, and 24, at eleven, at the London Ta- vern and Talbot Inn, in Liverpool, Attornies, Messrs. Wrights, Garden Court, Temple. John Brown, Melford, Suffolk, Soap Boiler, to sur- render, Nov. 4, and 24, at ten, at the Anchor Inn, Sudbury. Attornies, Messrs. Baxters and Murcourt, Fur- nival's Inn, London. DIVIDENDS. Nov. 4. John Nunes and Richard Harrocks, late of Liverpool, at eleven, at the Golden Lion, in Dale Street,
Liverpool. Nov. 4. James Hopwood, late of Market Weighton, Yorkshire, at ten, at Mrs. Briggs's, Market Weighton. Nov. 3. Stephen Jones, of Old Street, Middlesex, leather Seller, at ten, at Guildhall, London. Nov. 11. William Reeves, Bristol, Merchant, at eleven at the Bush Tavern Bristol. Nov. 2 1. Henry Humfrays, of Maddox street, Hanover Square Taylor, at eleven, at Guildhall, London. CERTIFICATES, to be granted on or before Nov. 3. George Ravenhill, of St. Paul's Church Yard, London Cabinet Maker. John Keeves, of Romford, Essex, Linen- draper. OCTOBER 14. This day, his MAJESTY will have a LE- VEE at St.
James's. Yesterday morning, at ten o'clock, his MA- JESTY, accompanied by his Royal Highness the Duke, of CUMBERLAND, the Earl of BEAULIEU, and the MASTER of the BUCK HOUNDS, & C. took the diversion of stag hunting in Windsor Forest. Yesterday at one o'clock, the Duke and Duchess of LEEDS, came to town from their seat at North Mimms, after which his GRACE trans- acted business with the PRUSSIAN MINISTER, at his office, at Whitehall. Yesterday at noon, Mr. PITT, accompanied by Mr. GRENVILlE, Came from his seat at Hol wood, to his house in Downing street, when he gave a dinner to several of
the Cabinet Ministers. This day Lord HAWKESBURY gives a grand dinner to several nobility, at his seat at Edge- cumbe, near Croydon. Their Royal Highnesses the Prince of WALES and Duke of YORK are returned to Newmarket where they conclude the season, and are from thence to go into Norfolk to the Marquis TOWN SHEND'S Autumnal Jubilee. No Gentleman ever returned from his Govern- ment abroad with a fairer reputation, or to the greater sorrow of those he left behind him, than his Excellency GOVERNOR ORDE. Every ac- tion of his Government was guided by the strictest honor, and shewed that the welfare
and happiness of the natives over whom he governed, was infi- nitely more valuable to him than any private consideration of his own. It gives us great satisfaction to find, that the Gazette of last night confirms the outlines of our French intelligence of Monday last. The parti- culars of what passed at Versailles are so horrible, that they would of course be avoided, in order to give no umbrage to the French Court. Formerly it was the policy of States, when any rival nation was oppressed either by foreign or domestic commotions, openly or covertly to feed the contention, in order to debilitate their future energies. This left- handed
wisdom was a very feather in the- cap of France; her Ministers almost invariably pursued it : Cardinal RICHE- LIEU was the grand fomenter of the Civil Wars in CHARLES the First's time; and during our late quarrel with America, the same springs were ungenerously set in motion. GREAT BRITAIN, however, very much to the honour of her morals, as well as her political wisdom, acts upon a higher principle. Instead of retaliating on a prostrate enemy, indead of insulting her poverty, or fomenting her internal sends, she lets France settle her own govern- ment, agreeably to the most natural settlement of all governments, the
common consent of the people; whilst she, content with the fair advan- tages arising from such a situation, secures all the blessings of peace. As one instance out of many which may be given in illustration of those advantages, the Mer- chants of Great Britain, on account of the prefent perilous situation ot the French credit, have just obtained an order for furnishing the whole of the Spanifh flota with woollens, an extensive article of commerce exclusively enjoyed by the French for many years. Yesterday morning the mail from Flanders brought us accounts from Vienna, dated the last day of September, and from Belgrade the
22d of September, giving an account, that Field Mar- shal Laudohn had begun to fire red- hot halls upon that town, which had set it on fire in two places. That the Turks keep up such a terrible fire', it was ith difficulty he proceeded in the completion of his works. That the Seraskier Abdy Pacha remains in camp at Tsupria, and in Jagodin there is a nu- merous body of Turks and Christians, neither of whom are suffered to move, by orders of the Se- raskier. On the 21st a fire was seen at Boscarovaz, which it is supposed the Turks have burnt and evacuated. A letter from Lieutenant Field Marshal War- tensleben to General Laudohn
dates, that he had destroyed the Turkish Island of Boreas, where he found twenty- four of their Tichaiten mounted with cannon, but which unfortunately escaped. The Prince of Hohenloe, under date the 22d of September, reports, that General Mayersham, at Kimpoling, in Wallachia, having sent out a detachment to reconnoitre, they came up with a body of 200 Turks and 500 Arnauts— having some field- pieces with them, the officer immedi- ately attacked them with such fury, that sixty of them were cut in pieces, and fourteen were made prisoners: he took also their cannon and sixteen colours.— The Austrians had only two
killed and two wounded. The Viscount de Barin still keeps in Fort Ter- ra Nuova, and has, we are assured, sent for a reinforcement of foreign troops to his assistance, though we see no occasion for it, as they do not seek to disturb him. The Corsicans follow the example of the French ; they wear the cockade, and carry the fusil. A few days ago was found ( to the regret of the whole nation) the body of a young Staff- Officer, killed in the country ; the assassin has not yet been discovered. There is little doubt but that the AUSTRiANS will carry the siege of BELGRADE, MARSHALL LAUDOHN'S plan of attack has been most judici ously chosen, and his army is uncommonly well provided. On the other hand, the TURKS are bad engi- neers, and unfit to protect a garrison. Their courage is infinitely superior to their skill, which is the most necessary in a case of this sort. A letter from Petersburgh, dated Sept. 9. says, " We have it now from the best authority, that peace, as well with the Turks and the two Im- perial Courts as Sweden and Russia, is now on the Tapis ; all parties having great reason to wish for an end to the present disputes and on the side of Germany it is become absolutely necessary. The campaigns are drawing to a conclusion. The weather
is already very cold here, and this is the season for the purpose. We have only to hope it may succeed, though the mediators are not yet mentioned." The EMPRESS of RUSSIA'S health is rapidly on the decline ; her spirits seems exhausted by disappointment and misfortune. She sees her kingdom mouldering into that state of inconsidera- tion and poverty, from whence it sprung during the glorious time of her predecessor. The too frequent use of the bottle and glass has been resorted to as a means to drown reflexion, which has brought on a nervous fever, from which her IMPERIAL MAJESTY will scarce ever recover. The
season being too far advanced to continue the operations by sea longer in the NORTH, the fleet of gallies, commanded by the Prince of NASSAU SIEGEN, will, it is expected, return shortly to Cronstadt. The Turkish fleet is still off Sebastopol, but will most likely not be long able to hold that station, as the stormy weather begins in the Black Sea to- wards the end of September; in the mean time, the Turks' are said to have got a firm footing in the Crimea. Prince POTEMKIN is on a journey to Moldavia, to visit the Russian posts established there, but is expected back immediately to the Russian head quarters, to give the
necessary orders for the de- parture of the whole army, which is going to march into that province ; one regiment is al- ready gone The TURKS are said to be assembled at Tuischy under the command of the old Cap tain Pacha, who has passed the Danube, and is preparing to pass the Pruth to enter Moldavia. The Court of VIENNA is not a little concerned at the troubles which are breaking out in different parts of the Empire, and especially on the frontiers, to which we may attribute the close correspondence which has for some time been carried on between that Court and Prussia, from whence Couriers go and come very
frequently The danger is indeed very great, and the successive revolutions of America and France shew how much this spirit of sedition is to be dreaded Probably the negociations between the Courts of Vienna and Berlin may likewise be relative to the troubles and wars in the North and Levant ; and it is very likely that the negotiations which have been entered into for the pacification of the North may be resumed again at the end of the campaign, but their success depends mostly on the Siege of Belgrade, as the obstinacy of the Turks will probably fall with that place, or their courage rise, should the Emperor fail in that great
enterprize. The Tiers' Etat of the country of Liege and county of Looz, having considered on the means of fixing the basis of the regeneration of that coun- try, fent on the 2 3th of September the following fundamental points to the other States. Fundamental Points proposed by the Tiers Etat. At this moment, when our reunion bccomes more and more requisite, it is indispensably necessary to prefent to the Lords of the Cathedral and the Nobility these fundamental points, which points being agreed to, the basis will be fixed on them, and no difficulty will afterwards occur. 1st. To acknowledge, in all its purity, the peace of Fexhe
and that of the Twenty- Two ; in consequence of which to declare, that the power of making any general laws whatever, either in matter of Justice or matter of Police, lies in the sense of the country. 2d. A further ratification of the reinstatement of the citizens in their right ot chusing their Magistrates and Representatives. The French mail of yesterday brought news of the death of the old warrior Jean Chevauche, who we announced mounting guard as a Burgess Mi- litia lately at Bonnetable.-— He was born in 1690. The honours showered on him the day hf mounted guard, probably hastened his death, by exhibiting his spirits too
much.— The Militia, assisted by all the Clergy, and the Municipality of Bonnetable, attended his funeral. It was certainly against the interest of the NA- TIONAL ASSEMBLY to have suffered the KING to be removed from Versailles. By this both par- ties have lost their consequence, which they will never recover, while the people of Paris hold possession of the Royal puppet. Were the question to be asked, in whose hands the French Government is placed at present? we believe it would be extremely difficult to resolve it. It is not in the hands of the MONARCH, for he is a close prisoner in the Thuilleries, it is not in those of the
NATIONAL ASSEMBLY, for the KING was taken away without their consent; — it is not in the Magistracy of Paris, for the mob put them to flight, and plundered the Hotel de Ville. If therefore any Government can be dis- covered, it is in the hands to the Parisian mob, and in a more despicable and savage power it could not be placed. How will his MAJESTY'S present confinement agree with the resolutions of the NATIONAL As- EMBLY, who have declared the King to be an integral part of the legislature. As he is not the free agent of his own actions, he can no longer be a legislator. His captivity may even afford the pretence of
refusing to pay taxes, by enabling the people to say, that the King was not at liberty to withhold his sanction from the acts presented to him, and that consequently they cannot be bind- ing. A letter from Paris, after animadverting very sensibly upon the events which have lately occur- red in that kingdom, concludes thus ; " What a difference has a few years brought about; in 1779 France spent millions upon her fleets and armies to humble the power of Great Britain, and in 1789 the King, Queen, and Public are sending their plate to the Mint to be coined into money for the exigencies of the State.— What a lesson for Sovereigns
!" On the 21st of September the KING of SPAIN made his first Public Entry into Madrid, with all possible magnificence; when His MAJESTY, ac- companied by the QUEEN and all the Royal Fa- mily, received the customary oaths from the dif- ferent Deputies of the Nation. Thss ceremony had been postponed on account of the QUEEN'S pregnancy. On the above occasion, a great promotion took place both in the Army and Navy— Eight were raised to the rank of Lieutenant- Generals, four- teen to that of Marechaux de Camp, twenty- six Brigadiers, sixty- four Colonels, sixty- one Lieut. Colonels, one hundred and twenty- five
Captains, one hundred and twenty- four Lieutenants, and one hundred and twelve Sub- Lieutenants. The coronation of Kings had been originally a Gothic or Celtic' custom ; the Monarchs of the East wore only a tiara on their heads, and carried a sceptre on public occafions ; nor is any other ce- remony observed among them even at the present period. The Mahometan Princes of the North- ern parts of Africa wear on their heads a turban, highly enriched with precious stones and other or- naments. It is the same with the Grand Signior, and the ceremony of inauguration with all the Mahometan Princes is girding on the sacred
sci- metar, and their swearing on the Alcoran in a Mosque to govern the people with justice and equi- ty according to the laws of their prophet. The Roman Emperors never were crowned, and Spain being one of the last foreign provinces retained by the empire, its customs were strongly imbibed even by the Gothic Princes who succeeded to power. Add to this, that he Saracens, or fol- lowers of Mahomet, who were generally called Moors, and once owned the far greater part of that country, never crowned their Princes, and many of their Moorish customs are still observed, ( the two- thirds of the people being descendcd from
them, notwithstanding the vast numbers ex- pelled), and among the rest the Bull Feast is well known to be one of them. From such causes we may probably trace the inauguration, and not the coronation of the Spanish Sovereigns. Sporting- intelligence. NEWMARKET. SECOND OCTOBER MEETING. MONDAY, October 12. Sir W. Alton's b. c. Pyrrhus, out of a sister to Raton, received 75gs;' from Lord Derby's sister' to Wren, 8ft. each, R. 300gs. h. ft.— No- cros- sing, Sweepdakes of 2oogs. each, h. ft. 8ft.— The new- two years old course. Lord Barrymore's c. by Crop, 7st 71b — x Mr. Fox's Chanticleer, 8ft. 7lb. — a Mr.
Panton's Ostrich; Mr. Panton's Griffin j Lord Barrymore's Skueball ; Mr. Vernon's f, by Highflyer, out of Cypher; Mr. Fox's Put, bv Turf, out of Elm's dam ; Lord Clermont's f. by Conductor, out of Peggy ; Mr. Barton's c. by Pot8o's, out of Premier's dam ; ' Mr. Ver- non's f. by Florizel, out of Mayfly ; and Mr. Fox's Lothario— all paid. A dead heat between Chanticleer, and c. by Crop - they run again, and Crop won.' Three to one on Crop the first race— 7 to 4 ati him the second race. Sweepstakcs of 200gs. each, h. ft.— across the flat. Prince of Wales's Lance, 7st 9lb , Lord Foley's Maid of all Work, Sll Sib — 2 Lord Barrymore's Sir
Christopher, 8st 3 Sir C. Bunbury's Magpie, Duke of St. Albans's Bashful, Lord Clermont's Tally- ho, and Lord Grosvenor's Pot8o's colt— all paid. Six to 5 againft Lance— 5 to 4 against Maid of all Work. Mr. Barton's Toss, 8d. beat Mr. Dawson's brother to Roscius, 4st. 71b. Ab. M. 2oogs, h. ft. Two to 1 on Mr. Dawson's colt. Mr. Barton's Express, 71b. 1 lb. beat Mr. Fox's Seagull, 8st. 71b. two years old course, 200g?. h. st.— No crossing— 5 to 2 on Seagull. Sweepstakes of 50gs. each, 30gs. ft. R. M.— Won by M. Bullock's c. bv Highflyer, dam by Matchem, 6at. 131b — Mr. Galway's Turf Hackney Filly, Col. Tarleton's
Wilbraham. y Tantrum, and Lord Foley's Hope— all pa d. Sir W. Aston's Shovel, 8at. 10lb'. beat Mr. Ver- non's Scrub, 8st two years old course, 50gs, No crossng— 5 to 2 on Scrub. EARL of ABERCORN. Few Noblemen more happily united the pub- lic and private charactter than the late Earl of ABERCORN. Beloved deservedly as a Man, re- spected justly as a Nobleman, he reached a vene- rable old age amidst the blessings and affections of all who had the happiness of knowing him. In possession of a very ample patrimony, the splendour it afforded was never neglected ; auperb and sumptuous in his usual mode of living,
though apparently not to gratify his private ap- petites, his Lordship's stile of travelling and nu- merous retinue still continued to present the almost lost idea of the original British Baron.— Nor, from his well known spirit, does it appear, that either the possessions or title have devolved upon a suc- ccessor who will disgrace the honours of that Noble Family. The Earl of ABERCORN will be succeeded in his titles and estates by JOHN JAMES HAMILTON, his Lordship's nephew, Member of Parliament for the Borough of St. Germain. The late EARL of ABERCORN was born in the year 1712, and succeeded his father in 1744.— He
was the only Nobleman in the kingdom ( not of the Blood Royal) who united in his own person the honours of the Peerage of England, Scotland, and Ireland His Lordship was Earl and Baron of Abercorn, and Baron of Paisley ; also Viscount and Baron Strabane, in Ireland, and Baron Mountcastle, Kilpatrick, a Baronet, and a Privy Counsellor of the same kingdom ; Viscount Hamilton in Eng- land, and a Vice President of the Foundling Hospital. His Lordship died unmarried ; he was sum- moned by writ to the House of Peers in Ireland in 1736, succeeded his father as Earl of Abercorn-, Jan. 13, 1744, and was created Viscount
Ha- milton on the 8th of August, 1786. ENFIELD. FRIDAY, OCtOBER 2. A Plate of 50l. for Four- year olds. Sir F. Evelyn's ch. m. 4 yrs. — — Mr Stacey's b. g. Bumper, 4 yis. — — Mr. Crowder's ch. h. Nimrod, aged, 9st. against Mr. Dyson's b. m. Columbine, aged, 8st. 12lb. 50I. p. p.— Not run PUBLIC OFFICE, BOW- STREET. DOG STEALING. Yesterday morning John Burket was brought before Nicholas Bond and Thomas Vaughan, Esqrs. charged with stealing a spaniel, the pro- perty of Mr. Noble. Mr. Noble said, he lived in Great Russel Street, Bloomsbury, and was a drawing master. That on Sunday the 13th of
September, as he and his nephew Edward Noble were coming from Hamp- stead, they lost a young spaniel, which was Ed- ward's property. They missed it at the end of Bed- ford Street, in Tottenham Court Road. This dog used to follow them very close, and never to go to a great distance. It disappeared instantaneously; and although they looked every where around them, they could not find it. He had no doubt but it was stolen. The skin of a spaniel was produced before the Magistrates by Henry Croker, and Mr. Noble swore that he believed this was the skin of his nephew's dog. Edward Noble fully confirmed the evidence of
his uncle. Henry Croker said he was a broker, and lived in Tottenham Court Coad ; that on Thursday the 1 st instant, about nine o'clock in the morning, as he was walking through the fields, near Chalk Farm, he perceived Burket walking under a hedge near the Half- way House; that when Burket perceived the witness, he dropped a parcel, which he had in his hand, in a pool of water ; that he pursued him, apprehended, and took him into the Britannia public- house, and then went back for the parcel; when searched, he had in .13 pocket a cord with a noose upon it, and a piece of liver, and in his hand a knife all bloody ; these
articles were all. produced. The parcel contained the skin which was produced before the Magi- strates ; that the skin was hot, and had just been taken from a dog. When the prisoner was in custody, he confessed that he stole this dog in the Haymarket; that it was his trade ; that he had no other way of get- ting a livelihood ; that he sold all the skins to a tanner in Long Lane, Southwark, who never asked him any questions how he came by them. For skins of this size he got a shilling or eighteen- pence ; for those of a larger size two shillings, and for those of an extraordinary size he got half- a crown, three shillings, and
sometimes three shillings and sixpence. Croker said he knew the defendant was a dog dealer, that he had once apprehended him before, and had brought him to Bow street. The prisoner being convicted on the clearest evidence, and being an old offender, the Magis. trates were of opinion they ought to go to the full extent ot the law. They therefore sentenced Burket to pay a fine of 30I. for this offence, which he not being able to pay, he was, agreeable to the act, ordered to jail for twelve calendar months. Mr. TRONSON, the Surgeon, who was brought up on Saturday last, is discharged— no evidence being adduced to prove
that he had been guilty of the death of Edmund Alder,
Poetry. The GIFT, to PHILLIS. Say, cruel Phillis, pretty rake, Dear mercenary beauty, What humble off ' ring shall I make, Expressive of my duty ? My heart, a victim to thine eyes, Should I at once deliver, Say, Would the angry fair one prize The gift, who slights the giver ? A bill, a jewel, Watch or toy, My rivals give,— and let ' em : If gems, for gold impart a Joy, I'll give them,— when I get ' em, I'll give— but not the full- blown rose Or rose- bud more in fashion Such short- liv'd off'rings but disclose A transitory passion: I'll give thee something yet unpaid, Not less sincere, than civil: 111 give thee,— Ah! too charming maid, I'll give
thee— to the devil. JACK DOWNrigHT. AUSTRIAN NETHERLANDS. The last edict of the EMPEROR, which en- joined all those who had emigrated to return in 15 days, under the pains of banishment and con- fiscation, and denouncing the penalty of DEATH against all who should instigate or abet them, has produced no effect. The number of Patriots af- assembled on the frontiers of Lieget and of Dutch Brabant, are reported, by the most moderate ac- counts, to be 20,000; and after affecting so long to despise them, the Imperial Ministers have, at length, given a signal proof that contempt is not the precise emotion that guides
them most powerfully. General SCHREID, an officer of great reputation, marched out of Brussels on the morning of the 9th, at the head of a body of 9000 men, with six pieces of cannon, towards the Liege frontier, where he is to be joined by detachments from the other garrisons. That the cause of this march is an apprehended eruption of the exiled BRA- BANCONS is obvious; an aCtion with so numerous a body, impelled by indigence, and inflamed by despair, will, doubtless, be bloody, and the issue may, perhap , be dubious. DALTON, a soldier of fortune, who knows no country but a camp, and recognizes no law but his
sword, will, it is believed, in the event of a revolt at Brussels, not hesitate to lay that city in ashes ; and one Austrian Princess may, perhaps, be amused with scenes in the capital of the Nether- lands, of which another was defrauded at Paris, The motions of the PRUSSIAN army,— the numbers of DUTCH troops ordered to the fron- tiers of Brabant, and the Naval Armament of Holland, still continue to give rise to the most various conjectures. A very general opinion pre- vails, that the object of the Dutch army is the recovery of the Barrier Towns which the Empe- ror seized in 1782. By that usurpation, which, they say, was an
infraction of the Barrier Treaty of 1709, from which the House of Austria de- rived their present right to the Netherlands, the Emperor forfeited, dejure, the sovereignty of these Provinces. Should the allied powers, under the sanction of this principle, avail themselves of the embarrassment of the Emperor, and the tempo- rary palsy of the French power, and incorporate Brabant and Flanders with Holland, such an ac- cession would give the Triple Alliance the most decided ascendancy in the politics of Europe. FRANCE, It is confidently said, that an offer has been made to Great Britain, in the course of the sum- mer, of one of the
French and Austrian Pro- vinces, under no other stipulation than that of protection, which was peremptorily refused on our part. The Elector of MENTZ, has publickly made known his intention ol immediately assembling all the Clergy of his diocese in a provincial synod to be held under his presidency, the chief business in which will be a reform in the Ecclesiastical Discipline, the introduction of a better method of teaching the study of theology, and finally an examination of the articles established in the con- gress of Ems; to adopt them afterwards, and give them the force of laws in the electorate, not- withstanding the
pretensions of Rome to the contrary. According to the decision of the Council of Trent, dioceasan synods ought to be held every five years, but they have paid fo little regard to those decisions in this country, that we do not remember such a synod's having been held since the year 1548. By a private letter from Bourdeaux, we learn, that the vintage has, this year, almost entirely failed in France. From the first of August to the 15th of September, the weather was as fine as could possibly be wished, and the people were flat tered with the hopes of a most plentiful vintage ; but from that day it changed to the most violent and
continued rains and storm;, which have totally destroyed their fond expectations. Insomuch, that on the 27th of September there was not, in the environs of Bourdeaux, a bunch of grapes fit for the table ; and it was much feared that the rem- nant which the raging tempests had spared, would never be thoroughly ripened. CLoSE imprisonment Of ThE ROYAL FAMILY-. On Monday his Excellency the FRENCH AM- BASSADOR received an express from Paris, to ac- quaint him that the reports of several Noblemen having been killed, were wholly untrue. It likewise makes mention, that the city of Paris was tolerably quiet all
Thursday, owing partly to a considerable arrival of corn in the morning, which had given the people great consolation. Every necessary precaution is likewise taken to prevent an insurrection, by a double guard being placed all over the city. The Magistrates of Paris, who are perfectly under the directions of the mob, have not ob- served less caution in making the KING and QUEEN CLOSE PRISONERS— for it is under- stood that his MAJESTY will not be permitted with- out the Gardens of the Thuilleries, until he has given his sanction to the whole of the new Con- stitution, as well as whatever else the people are disposed to
make him sign. He will not even have the privilege of his meanest subjects, and no person is to have access to him, but such as the Magistracy approve. The PALACE is now con- verted into a BASTILLE for the SOVEREIGN. The KING has been even deprived of his or- dinary attendants among the Noblemen of his Court; several having been refused a lodging in the Palace ; — the attendants of the QUEEN are likewise reduced to a smaller number than usual. The people are so fearful of a surprize, that the Palace has every appearance of a citadel; a very numerous guard of the Burghers do regular duty every two hours.
More than 400 cannon are placed about the avenues of the Royal resi- dence, though rather after the manner of a siege> than for defence, the guns being pointed to- wards the Palace. On this state of affairs, the National Assembly are removing fast to town, as no more business is to be done at Versailles,— preparations are making for their reception at the LOUVRE, within the Garden of the Thuilleries, They are not without great anxiety at his MAJESTY'S being commit- ted to the protection of the Parisians j— this pro- ceeding has entirely lost them their consequence, and they have now only to pursue those mea- sures the
city approves, for who of the Members will dare to oppose them ? In fact, if the Government of France can be defined to be in the hands of any one power,— that power is certainly the MOB, for, although the latter is a very indefinite term, yet every matter of importance has been dictated by them. It therefore requires no great deal of penetra- tion to foresee what will be the consequence of the removal of the National Assembly to Paris the precious opportunity of the KING'S imprison- ment must not be lost j and, as there is no power to refuse the laws which the Parisians are dis- posed to make, so we may shortly expeCt to see
the Constitution of FRANCE dressed, like a fine Lady, with a new suit of cloaths in the very pink of the Parisian fashion,— of much shew, but little intrinsic worth or durability. But, is it likely to be supposed, that the Pro- vinces will yield to the decrees of the National Assembly, dictated under the influence and awe of the City of Paris?— Certainly not;— and hence we may presume, that many Provinces already much discontented at what has been done, will re- sist the execution of them ; for which would be so base as to suffer a suspicion of being governed by law's imposed under any other than a free, un- biased legislation. In
our opinion, the late French revolution is only preparatory to a third, though at a less in- terval of time than between the first and second. The Government cannot last long as it is at pre sent, nor can we suppose that even the Provinces of FRANCE will suffer their KING to be a State puppet in the hands of the Parisians,— still less that foreign powers will see it with a silent voice. The EMPEROR is too much employed to give any assistance to the FRENCH KING at present but, should the Southern Provinces shew any dis. position of discontent at the late proceedings of the City of Paris, the ITALIAN STATES will not fail to take
advantage of it, and with Prince de CONDE at the head of a body of troops, pour Into FRANCE, and in the name of the KING, de- mand his liberty. The Provinces can at any time be a check on the capital, by refusing it sup lies of corn. A proposal of Marriage, it is said, has been lately made; to a very distinguished young lady in this kingdom, oh the part of a neighbouring Republic, which was politely waved by the young Lady herself, to whom it was uncondition- ally referred. The Prince has been very much of late at Windsor and Kew, which has given rise to many political speculations. The LORD CHANCELLOR has direCted
the Dowager Lady DUDLEY to return to England with her daughter, Miss WArD, in consequence of the petition of the present Lord DUDLEY. The Marquis of BUCKINGHAM, we are forry to hear, continues very seriously indisposed. Letters from Germany by the last Flanders mail advise the death of Lieut. Colonel FRANCIS DILLON, Baron of the Sacred Roman Empire, an officer of great merit in the Imperial service, who distinguished himself on several occasions, in the present war against the Turks.— He was younger brother to John TALBOT DILLON, Esq. of Bennet- street, Surry. The Court of Portugal very wisely has
struck out a mode for encouraging tillage of corn, by considerably lessening the territorial revenue or land tax, provided that no more than 30 out of a too, or three- tenths of the farm, are sowed with different kinds of grain. This immunity was ab solutely necessary, as the vintage turns out more profitable to the cultivator ; but the proposed ex- emption will make the crop of corn as advanta- geous, if not more so, than vines, especially at a distance from the coast, as near Lisbon and Oporto the wines for exportation are mostly made and not far in the country. It is much to be doubted whether more than the same proportion of our
lands are under tillage, not with standing the vast quantities of corn exported; but our soil is never- theless much better calculated than Portugal for plentiful crops of every kind of grain, but rice, as the general fare of that country presents hard- ly any thing else but mountain, marsh, or morass. Savannas, or extensive plains, are there scarcely known, and the low cultivated grounds are no other ( with but few exceptions) unless the vallies lying intermediately between the mountains, which are certainly very luxuriant and fertile. In 1567, a little more than two centuries ago, there were found, on enquiry, to be 4851 stran- gers of all
nations, in London, of whom 3838 were Flemings, and only 58 Scots. Mrs. LASCELLES, the once celebrated Miss CATLEY, lies dangerously ill at Colonel LAS- CELLES' house, near Brentford. Her disorder is on her lungs, and supposed to have been ori- ginally brought on by her exertions as a Vocal Performer. Capt. PAISLEY is appointed to the Chief Command at Sheerness, in the room of Commo dore LUTWIDGE, whose time of service is ex- pired. Tuesday last, an experiment was made at Wool- wich of an invention for breaking chains or booms laid across rivers, by means of a mine of gunpowder, conveyed under the
water, and which seemed to promise success. The invention is Serjeant Bell's, of the Royal Artillery, who suggested a mode of blowing up the Royal George. Last week a general company of artists was en- tertained at Houghton, by the Earl of Orford, amongst whom were the most eminent painters and sculptors in the English school. The Duke of HAMILTON has been the most successful Grouse shooter this year in the northern mountains; he has generally killed eleven shots out of twelve: next to his Grace is to be classed the destructive barrel of Col. THORNTON. Mr. WHALLEY, whilst on his travels, pur- chased two ewes
and a ram, of an uncommon and most beautiful species; they are less than the smallest English breed, and their colour as finely variegated as any of the feathered creation. These animals arrived in England fome time since, and on Monday were embarked for Ireland. A young man of Ecclesfield has fallen from the top of Salisbury Steeple, which is now repairing — It is needless to add he was killed. Thursday even in- between six and seven o'clock, a postchaise, in which were two gentlemen and a lady, was attacked by a single highwayman within 100 yards of the Halfway- house between Glou cester and Tewkesbury, who
presented a pistol and demanded their money, not in the common stile of reprobate language, but in the most polite manner, alleging that necessity was the cause of that disagreeable method of procuring money to support a genteel appearance :— One of the gen- tlemen requested him to put the pistol aside, as it much affrighted the lady, which he immediately complied with. The gentlemen then gave him their purses, one of which contained five guineas and a half and fome silver, but refused their watches. By this time the lady was a little re- covered from her fright, and offered him her watch and purse containing thirteen
guineas, which he in a genteel manner refused, saying that he never collected of a lady, and the gentlemen had supplied his wants for the present. He then alighted and gave the chaise- driver five shillings; after which he re- mounted, and taking a very po- lite leave of the gentlemen and lady, rode off full speed towards Cheltenham. On Monday died, Mr. John Crampton, white- smith of Newark. Some months ago he ordered a coffin to be made to fit him, and had it brought to his door, where he sat in it several hours, in- viting his neighbours to drink with him while he had it in his power, for he knew he should not be able to do it
long.— Such, alas, was the depravity of his mind ! and by fuch conduct has he brought himself into the hands of death, at a time when others would have been in the prime of life. This morning was executed, on a temporay gallows, erected before the Debtors' Door of Newgate, William Simmons, convicted of a high- way robbery.— Elizabeth Cummins, who was to have been executed at the same time, was re- spited. BATH October 12: Arrived here-, Richard Tyson, Esq. M. C. New Rooms,— James King, Esq, M. C. Lower- Rooms,— Countess of Albermarle, Lord Bishop of Bath and Wells. Lord and Lady Audley, Lord Milton,
Lord Rivers, Lord Lisle, Lord Blayney, Lady C. Burke, Hon. Miss Damer, Hon. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson, Hon. Mrs Hyde, Hon. Mrs. Byron, Sir Wm. Wheeler and Lady, Sir Thomas Shirley Sir Wm. Jones and Lady, Sir Wm. Scott, Sir John Shef- field and Lady, General and Miss Reed, General and Mr. Townsend, Gen. Rainsford, Gen. Mionzinsky, Major Hook, Col. and Mrs. Hillman, Capt. and Mrs Bowater, Capt. Davids, Capt. Mrs. Master and Miss Greville, Capt. R. Brereton, Capt, Peacock, Rev. Dr. Roberts, Rev. Dr Hemmington, Rev. Mr. Elton, Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Gar- diner, Rev. Mr. Purrell, Rev. Mr. Nance, Rev. Mr. Rich- ardson,
Rev. Mr. Mrs. and Miss Walker, Rev. Mr. C. Moss, Capt. Raymond, Mr. and Mrs. Halliday, Mr and Mrs. Jackson, Mr. and Mrs. Webb, Mr. and Mrs. Stack- house, Mr. and Mrs. Piozzi, Mr. Mrs. and Miss Todd, Mr and Mrs. Watford, Mr. and Mrs. Tempest, Mr. Mrs. R. Harford, Mr. and Mrs Warren, Mr. and Mrs. Gunfton Mr. Mrs. and Miss Thomas, Mr. Mrs and Miss Smith, Mr. and Miss. Lambert, Mr. Mrs. and 1 Miss Gunn, Mrs Hustler, Mr. Leach, Mr. Johnson, Mr. S. Crawford, Mr. Berthon, Mr. Cuthbert, Mr. Winstanley, Mr. Hagget, Mr. M. Gosset, Mr. Hungerford, Mr. Stackpole, Mr. Stewart. Mr. Lansdown, Mr. Brookland, Mr. Croft,
Mr. Mullins Mr. Goddard, Mr. Brace, Mr. Hunt, Mr. and 2 Miss Motteux, Mr. Simpson, Mr Byam, Mr. Talbot, Mr. Lloyd, Mr. Saintfois, Mr. Way, Mr. Fo d, Mr. Page, Mr Woodroffe, Mr. Jones, Mr. Manningham, Mr. Howell, Mr. Ralph, Mr. and Miss Carey, Mr. and Miss Wallis, Mrs. Brewer, Mrs. Warner, Mrs. and Miss Williams, Mrs. Gildart, Mrs. Owen, Mrs. Otley, Mrs. Hussey, Mrs. Pauncefort, Mrs. Rogers, Mrs. Humfrey, Mrs. Mayo, Mrs. Bertie, Miss Trenchard, Miss Sargant, 2 Miss Young, Miss Picton, Mils Foy, Miss Ogle, Miss Blackman, Miss West, Miss Steward, Miss Stevens, Miss Digby, Miss Broughton, Miss Pym, Miss
Aldwoith, Miss C. Thrale, Miss Brereton, Miss Knap, Miss Garnier, 2 Miss Miller, DEAL, 0ct. 11. Wind S. W. Sailed the Rashleigh Wyatt, for Halifax ; Sovereign, Benn, for Charlestown; Darlington, Swinburn, for Dominica; Lillies; Davies, for Virginia; Cadiz Dispatch, Harris, for New Provi- dence ; Wood and Nancy, Jenkins, for Cadiz, with most of the coasters. Remain the rest of the ships as before, and Duke of Clarence, Dickenson, for Jamaica, and Peggy, Fold, for Seville. DEAL, October 12. Wind W.— The outward BOUND which sailed yesterday are put back. Remain— the Chacer, Blachford ; Queen Charlotte, Paul;
Andalusia, Fitch; Fanny, Avery ; and Ann, , for the South Seas; Nine Sisters, Phillips, for Grenala; Adventure, Simpson, for Rhode Island ; Tyson, Skelton, for St. Kitt's; Duke of Clarence, Dickinson; Hampshire. Burows ; Catharine, Rose ; Commerce Oughton ; Trio, Fisher ; Esther, Grant; and Esther Lindo, Robinson, for Jamaica ; Princess Royal, St. Barbe ; Betsey, Apsey ; and Hudson, Nichols, for the Streights ; Darlington, Swin- burn, fOr Dominica ; Ark, Waltham, for Halifax; Clermont, Colley, for Virginia; Castle Douglas, Cooper Martha, Down; and Sovereign, Bein, for Carolina ; Ro- bert, Hooper, for St. Vincent's; Kitty, Gard;
for An- tigua. Miss Pratt, Miss On Wednesday last, the Lady of Michael Bray, Esq. of son, at Wimbledon. Monday morning, Mrs. Orde, of a son, at the house of Governor Orde, in Queen Anne- street West. On Monday, Mr. Cole, malster, of Kelton, aged 73, to Mrs. Ward, his house- keeper, aged 24.— Mr. Cole had been a widower eight weeks; and, if we are rightly told, abstained from courtship till the Saturday preceding his nuptials. On Monday, the 5th instant, in Paris, by the Rev. Mr. Burroughs, Chaplain to his Grace the Duke of Dorset, Harry Anne Lambert, Esq. Captain in the 1st Regiment of Life Guards, to Miss Whyte On
Sunday, Mr. George Hewrtt, of King street, t « Miss Hannah Kelsall, eldell daughter of the late Richard Kelsall, Esq. of Clifford's Inn. At Kirkton hill, Wm. Richardson, Esq. late of the Island of St. Vincent, to Miss Eliz. Gardiner, daughter of David Gardiner, Esq of Kirkton- hill. On Sunday, at Bow, William Cogan, Esq. of Bow, aged 82, to Miss Cole, of Tallow Chandler's Hall, aged 26. Friday last, the Rev Mr Poole, in the Vineyards. On Friday last, James Penman, Esq. of Bedford- street, Covent- Garden. On Sunday, Stanley, Esq. Captain of a Troop of the 5th Dragoons on the Irish establishment. On Monday se'nnight, at Dublin,
Henry Higinbotham, Esq. of the Irish, Treasury. ArriVEd Waterford DUE. Dublin Waterford PRICE OF CORN. No alteration in the price of Hops. PRICE OF COALS. In the Pool, from 34s. to 37s. To Houfekeepers, from 38s. to 43s. ^ yice of & tocfcsJ. BANK STOCK, 191 3- 8ths 1.4th 3 per cent, reduced, ihut 3 percent. Confol. 80 l- 4th 3.8th l- 4th 4 per cent. Confol. Ihut Navy 5 per cent. Ann. 118 i-^ th i- half Bank Long Ann. fhut""' INDIA STOCK 177 1.4th Ditto Ann fhut SOuTH SEA STocK, nothing done Old Ann. Ihut New ditto, 79 i- half i- 4th Exchequer Bills 58s. prem. Lottery Tickets 15I. iSs. Inih ditto, 61. 13S. 6d. HIGH
WATER AT L0ND0N- BRIDGE on the following Days. Morn. After This day • —. 11 8 n 40 To- morrow — • 00 o 40 LONDON: Printed by J. WALTER and T. HOLL, at the Logographic Press, Printing- house Square, Blackfriars; where ADVERTISEMENTS, ESSAYS, LETTERS, and ARTICLES of INTELLIGENCE, are received: also at No. 169, Piccadilly ; at Mr. WHITEAVE'S, NO. 30, opposite St. Dunstan's Church, Fleet Street, and of Mr. VINER, Bond- Street, Sata,- m. Orders fox this Paper will be executed with the greatest Punctuality by applying as above, or of the Clerks of the Roads, at the General Post Office, Lombard