The Edinburgh Evening Courant
Printer / Publisher: David Ramsay
Volume Number: Issue Number: 15/06/1930 00:00
No Pages: 4
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The Edinburgh Evening Courant
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The Edinburgh Evening Courant
Date of Article: 05/09/1789
Printer / Publisher: David Ramsay
Address: Old Fish Market Close, Edinburgh
Volume Number: Issue Number: 15/06/1930 00:00
No Pages: 4
Sourced from Dealer? No
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EDINBURgh mAGAZINe. ' This Day is Published, BY J. SIbBALD, PARLIAMENT- SQUARE, J. MURRAY, London— dUNLOP & wIlSON, Glasgow, An- gus & SON, Aberdeen— and W. BOYD, Dumfries— price IS or is. ; d. by post, THE EDINBURGH MAGAZINE, OR LITERARY MISCELLANY, FOR AUGUST 1789. ( With a new of the Abhey Church of Culross.) CONTAINING, Register of the Weather for August— Continuation of M. Methenie's Retrospective View of the Progress of Natural Knowledge, for 1788— Of Pictish Antiquities M Scot. and, by Mr Pinkerton— Of Fingal, and the Poems of Ossian, by the same— Sketch
of Zimmerman's Geographical History of Man— Remarks made in a Tour through Lapland, by Mat- thew Consett, Esq.— A Lapland Song— Account of two Lap- land Girls, brought to England by Sir H. G. Liddel— Cere- monies observed at an audience of the Grand Sigmor— par- ticular Narratives of King Charles iL's concealment at Mose- ley— Extracts from the third and fourth volumes of Dr Bur- ney's History of Music— Anecdotes of Lulli, of Farinelli, and of Cassarelli— Observations 0n the Origin of Gothic Archi- tecture— Travels through Sweden by a Dutch Officer— A Search for Generosity, a Cabalistical Tale—
POETRY, Ode to Society by Mrs Piozzi— On being refused. A dinner— Lines written by Mr Headly, during his illness— Home is Home, however homely— Monthly Register. Jusr PUBLISHED, And Sold by M. GRAY, Front of the Exchange, and the o- ther Booksellers in Edinburgh— also by T. DUNCAN, jun. and J. MENNONS, Glasgow— price 3D. A DISPLAY OF ThE oRTHODOXY Of DR M'GILL's PRACTICAL ESSAY, And of the Charity of the Appendix to his REVOLUTION SERMON; In Two Letters from a Member of last General Assembly to a Friend. JOB xvi. ( 3.— Thine own mouth condemneth thee, & c. At M. GRAY's
Shop are sold, Edwards's Practical Essays— 8vo. on Redemption— 8vo and I2mo. —— on Justification. Life and Sermons. Humble Attempt to promote the explicit Agree- ment of God's People in Prayer— 10d. Bellamy's True Religion Delineated— 3s. 6d. Glory of the Gospel— 1s. 6d. on the Divinity of Christ— 1s; Fraser on Sanctification— 3S. Howard's Life, by Milner— Is. Peeble's Revolution Sermon— fid. . IRISH STATE LOtTERY, ANNO- 1789, Begins drawing the 12th of November. THE ORIGINAL TICKETS are sold and di- vided into Halves, Quarters, Eighths, and Sixteenths, in variety of numbers, by JAMES
THOMSON AND SON, INSURANCE BROKERS, At their State Lottery Office, No. 8, South Bridge- street, Edinburgh, { Being the only Old Licensed Office in Scotland Where all business relating to the lottery has been tran- sacted with correctness and fidelity for many years past. Correct numerical and register books ARE kept, and the earliest intelligence sent of their success. SCHEME. ATo. of Prizes. Value of each. Total Value. 2 of L. 20,000 is L. 40,000 A — 10,000 — 20,000 A — J. ooo — 10, coo 3 —. 2,000 — * 6,000 5 IOOO ' I. OOO JO ' — 500 — 4,- 000 30 —' 100 —* 3,000 100 — 20 — 2,000 ' 10,600 — 10 —
106,000 40,000 Tickets. — — I - 200, oOc Tickets and shares registered at 6d. each number. As they rise or fall at the London offices, so will they at this. The prizes are payable ( Irish currency) in June 1790. All shares sold at this office are stamped. and the original tickets lodged in the Stamp Office, agreeable to a ift of Par- liament. Money for the prizes at current value will be paid here as soon as drawn; Letters post paid duly an- swered— schemes gratis— commissions from the country, with bills at sight or a short date, punctually attended to. In last Irish Lottery, No. 24.941, a prize ot One Thousand Pounds, was sold at
this office, divided into one half, one fourth, one eighth, and tWo Sixteenth shares, be- sides a very considerable number of smaller prizes. Insurances upon SHIPS, GOODS, and LIVES, done at this office upon the most reasonable terms. AT LONDON— FOR LEITH DIRECT, THE LEITH PACKET, JOHN THOMSON Master, taking in goods at Hawley's Wharf, for E- dinburgh and places adjacent, deliverable 0n the Shore of Leith, sea hazard excepted— Sails on Thursday the 17th of September, wind and weather serving Has good ac- commodation for passengers. The Master to be spoke with at ' Change, or in the Edin burgh Coffeehouse— Evenings and mornings on board, or Hawley and Downe for the master,— Not to be repeated. FOR KINGSTON JAMAICA, TO CALL AT A N T I G U A, THE BELL, _____ JOHN CATHCART Masfter, Ready to receive goods, and will positivety be clear to sail the SOth September. For freight or passage apply to Hamilton, Garden, and Co. or Captain Cathcart, in Greenock— and to James Buchanan, Glasgow. AUB. 20. A SLOOP FOR SALE. To be SOLD at Grangemouth, within the house of George Wal- ker vintner, 011 Monday the 7th September 1789, at twelve ^ o'clock noon, THE SLOOP CHRISTIAN
AND JANET, About 80 tons burden, four years old, with all her appurtenances, as she now lies in the harbour Grangemouth. She is well calculated for the Herring Fishery or Coasting Trade. Inventory and conditions of sale to be seen by applying to Alexander Laird shipbroker, Grangemouth. P E R T H S 1 K. E, 29th AUGUST 1789. \ TOtice is hereby given, That, by reafon of * the very heavy expence that will attend the making of the intended Turnpike Road, between the Harbour or Pow of Errol, and the Road from Perth towards Dundee ( from the great diltance of materials, & c.), an application is intended to be qiaJe to the
Legiflature, during the next enfuihg feffion of Parliament, for an augmentation of the Tolls upon faad firft mentioned Road, in proportion to the exigency of the cafe, c. which Road, now in contemplation for the augmentation of Tolls, lies wholly within the parifh of Errol, and county of Perth. THIS DAY IS PUBLISHED, And sold at the Very Low Rate of Half- a- Guinea, neatly bound in red leather, BY R. MORISON & SON, BOOKSELLERS, PERTH A NEW Impression OF ARMSTRONG'S SCOTCH ATLAS, OR DESCRIPTION OF THE KINGDOM OF SCOTLAND, Beautifully engraved in 30 Quarto Copperplates by ASHLEY. *•„*
Every county, & c. is accurately delineated on a sepa- rate plate, and coloured with the greatest taste, while the ac- companying letter- press descriptions point out their respective boundaries and extent, soil, produce, mines, minerals, metals, their trade and manufactures*, also their chief cities, towns, sea- ports, mountains, rivers, forests, lochs, & c. with the prin- cipal great and bye roads, passes, forts, & c. The whole taken from topographical surveys, regulated by astronomical obser- vations. Recommended to the Public as one of the most ele- gant and useful publications of the day. As, at the Reduced Price of TEN
SHILLINGS and SIX- PENCE, no abatement can be made to Booksellers, any per- son wishing to be possessed of this work will please drop a line to R. MOrISON AND SON, PERtH, by whom it will be care- fully forwarded. They have just received from London a few Copies of the following very useful Publications— 1. KITCHEN'S NEW GENERAL ATLAS, engraved on 62 copperplates imperial folio, being one of the finest collec- tions of Maps hitherto published— price, neatly half- bound and titled, 31. 3s. 2. DUNN's NEW ATLAS of the MUNDANE SYSTEM, 01- of Geography and Cosmography— describing the heavens and
the earth, distances, motions, and magnitudes of celestial bodies, with a complete set of maps of the various kingdoms, & c. of the world ; a most elegant book— price 2I. lis. 6d. half- bound. In a few Days R. Morison and Son will publish, A NEW SALE CATALOGUE of BOOKS ; containing, among a variety of other books, the entire Library of R. GAR- DINER, Esq; of Few, and Mr INNES, Episcopal Minister, Perth. They will also in a few Days have ready for delivery, A COMPLETE SET of the SCOTS MAGAZINE, in 50 vols, neatly and uniformly half- bound, and double titled— price 12I. COUNTY OF PEEBLES. THE Sheriff
Clerk of the County of Peebles gives notice to the Freeholders of the said county, That their Michaelmas Meeting for this year falls to be held upon Tuesday the 29th of September curt, and that a Claim has heen duly lodged in his hands for inrolling Sir George Montgomery of Macbiehill, East, in the roll of Freeholders of said county at said meeting. MICHAELMAS HEAD COURT, COUNTY OF MID LOTHIAN. THESE are intimating to all concerned, That -*- the Michaelmas Meeting of the Barons and Freehol- ders of the county of Mid Lothian is to be held on Tuesday the 6th of October next, at twelve o'clock mid- day, within the
Inner Session House, Edinburgh ; and that the following gentlemen have lodged CLAIMS with the Sheriff Clerk of Edinburgh, in order to their being inrolled in the roll of Ba- rons and Freeholders of said shire, to be made up at that meeting, viz. James Loch of Herdmanshields, Esq. Thomas M'Night, esq. of Ratho, James Clerk, Esq. of Bonington, James Hume, Esq. of St Catharines, Patrick Rigg, Esq. of Morton, Sir James St Clair Erskine of Sinclair, Bart. Sir Archibald Hope of Craighall, Bart. James Walker, writer to the signet, John Scott younger of Malleny, Esq. Sir James Gardiner Baird of Saughtonhall, Bart. And that
OBJECTIONS are lodged with the said Sheriff Clerk against the following gentlemen, their being continued 0n said roll, viz. Lord Adam Gordon of Prestonhall— and Sir William Augustus Cunningham, Bart, as being de- nuded of the whole or part of the lands for which they stand inrolled. N. B. The agents for the gentlemen who have lodged claims, will please give in the vouchers to the Sheriff Clerk eight days before the meeting, as this Committee for exami- ning them are to meet before the 6th day of October. GAME, & c. THe Most Hon. the Marquis of Tweeddale, The Earl of Morton, The Earl of Moray, The Earl of Elgin, The
Earl of Hopetoun, Sir Charles Preston of Valeyfield, Bart. Sir John Henderson of Fordell, Bart. Sir John Halket of Pitsirran, Bart. Sir Gilbert Elliot of Minto, Bart. Sir William Erskine of Torry, Bart. William Ferguson, Esq. of Raith, William Wemyss, Esq. of Wemyss Castle, William Wemyss, Esq. of Cuttlehill, Shovel Blackwood, Esq. ol Pitreavie, George Phyn, Esq. of Pittencrieff, Robert Wellwood, Esq. of Garvock, William Mutter, Esq. of Annfield, Andrew Blackburn, Esq. of Torryburn, Robert Mowbray, Esq. of Cockairney, John Erskine, Esq. of Carnock, William Hunt, Esq. of Logie, James Harrowar, Esq. of Inzievar, John
Stenhouse, Esq. of Fod, James Hally, Esq. of Kinodder, Robert Scotland of Middlebank, John Moutray of Rosecoby, Wishing to preserve not only the game, but the fences upon their respective estates in the county of Fife, having consider- ed that several unqualified persons, by taking out stamp cer- tificates to kill game, have, under that pretence, hunted on different grounds without permission— The proprietors there- fore have empowered Harry Bardner, procurator fiscal in Dunfermline, to prosecute all such persons who have so tres- passed in time past, or who may do so in time coming; and that all indulgencies, whether
verbal, or in writing, granted previous hereto, are hereby recalled. As several of the proprietors tenants have complained on persons with their dogs, & c. for breaking down their fences, treading down their corns and growing crop, the proprietors are resolved, at their joint expence, to prosecute all such ac- cording to law. Whoever will give such information to the procurator fis- cal as shall lead to a discovery of offenders in the premises, will receive from him a Reward of TWO GUINEAS, upon conviction of each offender, and the informer's name, if re- quired, shall be concealed. PANtHEON. On Thursday 12th November 1789,
THE Society will Open for the Winter Sea- son, in St ANDREW'S CHAPEL, and debate the fol- lowing question.— Are Mankind most indebted to Genius, E- ducation, or Perseverance, for their Success in life ?" On Thursday 14th January next 1700, the Society will give a Gold Prize Medal to the Author of the best speech in point of Compulsion, on this question,—' Which has contri- buted more to extend Man's Power, the discovery and use of Me- tals, or his Dominion over the Animal Creation _ On Thursday 23th February next 1790, the Society will give a Gold Prize Medal to the best Orator on this question,-— " Does the
Love of Fame inspire the Love of Virtue Particulars regarding the Medal questions will afterwards appear in the newspapers, in the bills of the Society, and may in the mean time be learned of the Treasurer, or any of the resident Members— Of which prize questions, and questions at opening, the absent Members, intending Competitors, Vi- sitors, and all other friends of the Society, are desired to take notice. N B. Several alterations, for the advancement and farther improvement of the indention, have been suggested to the Members, and are presently under deliberation.. CANDLES. AS CRICHTON, OTTO, and Co. soap and
candle manufacturers, have now given up the candle branch in favour of CHRISTOPHER ARMSTRONG, one of the partners, who has purchased their whole stock of candles, and continues to carry 0n the same business, in the town of DALKEITH, under the firm of THOMAS DICK and CO. where the public may depend upon being served with the different kinds of candle of the very best quality, old made; and 0n the most reasonable terms. Commissions will be punctually, answered, SPRING MADE CANDLES. THE Leith Soaperie Company beg leave to . acquaint their Friends and the Public, that they have on hand a LARGE
STOCK of CANDLES of the best quality, made last Spring, Which is now selling at the following prices. Moulded, 11s. 6d. per stone Dipt Cotton, 10s. 6d. Ready Best Bald, ios. od. Money. Common, 9s. 6d. \ N. B. Sixpence per stone more for six months credit. Orders, as usual, addressed to GEORGE SPANKIE, facing Tron Church, or to ALEXR. PEACOCK, at the Company's Office, Leith, will be duly answered, MRS KEDIE ( Relict of ALEXANDER KeDIE, Candlemaker, Lawnmarket, Edinburgh), Respectfully informs her late Husband's Friends and the Public, THAT she continues to carry on the Business for behoof of the
FAMILY. Mrs KEDIE returns her most grateful acknowledgments to her Friends and the Public for past favours, and begs leave to inform them that she has on hand, and will study always to have, a STOCK of made CANDLES of such age and quality as she hopes will merit a continuance of their favours. N. B. All persons who have any claims against the deceased Alexander Kedie are requested to present them immediately. FLOUR RAMSAY, WILLIAMSON, & CO. OF LEITH, HAVE FOR SALE, SUSSEX FLOUR, of a very Superior Quality. They have also for Sale, RUSSIA TALLOW AND PEARL ASHES. ENGLISH APPLES,
PEARS, & c. Just arrived, after a short passage from England, AParcel of very fine APPLES, of different qualities— also a few very nice PEARS and PLUMBS. — To be sold wholesale and retail at THOMSON'S Ware- house above the Weigh- house, and at his Grocery Warehouse, Kirkgate, LEITH - Where may be had, TEAS : Congo, 3s. 4d. Fine Congo, 4^. 6d. Good ditto, 3 6 Superfine do. 5 o Ditto ditto, 3 9 Souchong, 5 s. fid. to 6 o Fine ditto, 4 c1 Hyson, 83.395. With every other article in the GROCERY LINE, of very best qualties, and at moderate prices. SUGARS to Tea Customers at Prime Cost. COW AND OX HIDES
AND CALF sKiNs To be SOLD by Public Auction, on Tuesday the 8th Sep- tember, at 12 o'clock, at the Ware- houses of Mr JOHN SCOUGALL, Leith, A Quantity of dried and salted Cow and Ox HIDES aud CALF SKINS. They may be seen any day preceding the Sale by applying as above. SALe OF corns, & c. To be SOLD by Auction, at HILLEND, in the Parish of Lasswade, 0n Friday first, the 11th September 1789, THE whole Growing Crop 0n the said Farm of Hillend; consisting of Wheat, Barley, Oats, Pease, and Potatoes. The Roup to begin at ten o'clock precisely. NOTICE TO the Creditors of JOSEPH Ross, late
Merchant in Glasgow. John Shirra, trustee on the sequestrate estate of the aboVe Joseph Ross, on tile 9th of September 1789 will begin ma- king a second dividend of the trust subjects in his hands, at his warehouse in Wallace Court, Bell's Wynd, Glasgow, where the creditors will please call and receive their divi- dends, or empower some other person to do so for them. Such of Mr Ross's creditors as have not hitherto proved their debts, and neglected to lodge their claims before the 9th of September instant, cannot be paid the dividend then to be made. NOTICE. HUGH LOVE Merchant in Glasgow, Trus- tee on the
sequestrated estate of JOHN KENT and CO. Grocers in Glasgow, having converted the greater part of their effects into cash, and made up the necessary states and Scheme for the first division, hereby intimates to the cre- ditors of the said John Kent and Co. to meet at his house in Glasgow upon Tuesday the 3d of November next, to give such orders as may appear necessary for the future manage- ment of the remainder of the said estate ; and to the creditor, who have . proved their debts, and lodged their claims for the Same in due time, to come and receive their first dividends. HUGH LOVE. NOTiCE TO the Creditors of
SAMUEL SPROTT, Mer- chant in Stranraer. James M'Lean, merchant in Stranraer, interim factor on the sequestrated estate of the Said Samuel Sprott, hereby inti- mates, That a general meeting of the said Samuel Sprott's creditors is to be held within the house of Nathaniel Taylor, vintner in Stranraer, upon Thursday the 8th of October next, at 12 o'clock noon, for the purpose of chusing a trustee upon said sequestrated estate ;— and, upon the application of the Said James M'Lean, the Sheriff depute of Wigtonshire has fixed Friday next the nth inst. at 12 o'clock n00n, and Friday in each of the three succeeding weeks, at the
Same hour, within the Sheriff Clerk's Office at Wigton, for the public examina- tion of the bankrupt and his family and others acquaint, with his business Of which intimation is hereby given to all concerned. JA. M LEAN. BY THE RIGHT HON. LORD PROVOST & MAGISTRATES of EDINR. THE City's Four English Schools were exa- mined 0n the 14th of August, and are to he convened again on Monday the 14th of September. TeAcHERs, - Messrs THOMAS YOUNG, Royal Bank Close, WILLIAM SYDSERFF, Trunk Close, GEORGE FULTON, opposite the Guard; WILLiAM JOHNSTON, Warriston's Close. . HIBBS's ORANGE
SHRUBS, FROM RUM Of BRANDY, FOR MAKING PUNCH. Monument Yard, London. THeSE Shrubs are of such excellent Qualities, So grateful in flavour, and made with Spirits so very Su- perior, that they are absolutely unequalled. The very honour- able testimony of many Noblemen and Gentlemen has stamp- ed them most eminently— and HIBBS respectfully assures his Patrons and the Public, that no pains, no expence, shall ever be Spared to support their high reputation. It may not be im- proper to note, that they make at all times the most excellent HOT or COLD PUNCH, by the addition of Water only ; whereas
Seville Oranges are only a few months in the year in perfection, and at present that fruit cannot be procured Orders for any quantity, not less than Two Gallons, of either RUM SHRUB or BRANDY SHRUB, executed at the low- est ready money prices; with an allowance to families and_ o- thers taking not less than twenty gallons'. Excellent FOREIGN WINES, by the pipe, on terms highly advantageous; or by the dozen, in LeGAL QUARTS, twelve bottles of which are- Warranted to contain three rations. - LOST, A BiLL dated at Edinburgh the 19th of Au- gust 1789, payable against the term of Lammas next, at the office of the
BANK of SCOTLAND there, for 158I. 10s. 6d. Sterling— drawn William Macfarlane— IndorSed blank by him and Michael Henderson, and accepted by John Newton, ESq. younger of Curriehill. Whoever has found this bill, will please deliver it to George Wilson, writer, Writers Court, Edinburgh, who will RE- WARD them for their honesty and trouble. And it is re- quested that bankers, merchants; or others, t0 whom the bill may be offered, will detain it, and give information to Mr Wilson accordingly. LOST, A SILVER WATCH, by a Person who had been bathing at the Frigate Whins, 0n Friday the 28th ultimo.— Both the maker and
owners's names are 0n the watch, which is cap'd. Any person who has found the same, will please bring it to this printing office, or to Mr Coke, bookseller, Leith, who will direct them to the right owner. A HANDSOME REWARD will be given to the finder. It is hoped if such is offered to sale, the above information will be given.. THREE BOOKS DROPT, AND ARE WARD OF FIVE GUINEAS. ' There were dropt upon the road between Dundee and King- horn, or Somewhere about theSe Ferries, in the end of No- vember last, THREE Folio Written ACCOUNT BOOKS; half bound in blue paper, and tied together. A' Reward of FIVE
GUINEAS is hereby- offered to any person that has found and will return or send notice of them to the printing office^ STRAYED OR STOLEN, On Monday evening the 31st ult. from Prestongrange Parks, near Prestonpans, A BRowN HoRSe rising four years old, with a set Switched tail, and a large white ratch 0n his face. Whoever can give information of him, so as he may be re- covered, will be REWARDeD by applying to Alexander Sto- bie at Dolphington, on the road leading from Tranent to E- dinburgh. TWO GUINEAS REWARD, Over the allowance by Act of Parliament. DESERTED, from a detachment of his Majesty's
42d or Royal Highland Regiment, now lying at Fort George, WilliAM MACKAY, aged 27 years, 5 feet 7 J inches high, fair Complexion, fair hair ( cut short), blue eyes; he was formerly in the 81st regiment; went off in a blue coat. Whoever will apprehend the above William Mackay, and cause him to be lodged in any of his Majesty's gaols, shall re- ceive TWO GUINEAS REWARD, over and above the al- lowance by act of Parliament for apprehending Deserters, on applying to Lieut. Farquharson, of the above regiment, at Fort George, or Lieut. Eiston, adjutant, 35th regiment, Edin- burgh Castle. LAMP CONTRACTORS WANTED.
THOSE willing to Contract for Lighting the Lamps of CANONGATE for the ensuing season, are desired to give in estimates to Mr James Brown, treasurer, on or before the 1st of October next. PRESERVATION OF GAME. beinS defirous to preferve the GAME on his estates in the shires of La- nark, Renfrew, Ayr, Forfar, Roxburgh, and Berwick, hopes no person will shoot or kill Game thereon, Without having li- berty from him. All poachers will be prosecuted according to law. TO BE SOLD OR LET, THat HOUSE in New Street, Canon gate, be- longing to and presently possessed by Mr Lumsdaine. The house consists of five
floors, with a back and fore area, water pipe, & c. and may be entered to at Martinmas or Whitsunday next. ' For particulars apply to William Couper, upholsterer. HOUSE, IN HANOVER STREET, EDINBURGH, TO BE SOLD. On Wednesday the 15th of November 1789, between the hours of four and five afternoon, will be exposed to public roup, within the Exchange Coffeehouse, Edinburgh, THe Dwelling House 0n the West Side of -* NORTH HANOVER STREET, Edinburgh, presently pos- sessed by Alexander Grant Clugston, Esq. consisting of four stories and garrets, together with the liable, coach house, and back area, or
plot of garden ground, belonging thereto. The sunk story contains a kitchen, pantry, housekeeper's room, two cellars, and sundry other conveniences, besides three vaults for cellars, under the pavement of the street. On the first floor are a dining room, a back parlour or bed room, and a dressing room;— the second floor contains a drawing room, a bed room, and a dressing room ;— and, on the third floor, are a back room, a dressing room, and two front bed rooms; and three good garrets are over all. This house is exceedingly well finished, elegantly fitted up, and very convenient for a gentleman's family; and, if pur- chasers
incline, the furniture, which is of the best kinds, will be sold along with the house, at a valuation. The title deeds and articles of roup, and a note of the di- mensions of the different rooms, may be feen in the hands of Mr Vans Hathorn, and Mr Alexander Duncan, writers to the signet, who have power to conclude a sale of the premises, by private bargain, any time before the day of roup. SEPTEMBER 5. 1789.
THE LONDON GAZETTE, SEPT. 1. Weymouth, Aug. 29. THEIR Majesties, with their Royal Highnesses the Princes- ses, having left Saltram on Thursday morning last, arrived at Exeter, at three o'clock in the afternoon, where they pas- sed the night. They set out from thence at eight o'clock yesterday morning, and returned hither at four in the afternoon, in per- fect health. Whitehall, Sept. I. The following address having been transmitted to the Right Hon. William Wyndham Grenville, bis Majesty's Principal Secretary of State for the Home Department, has been by him presented to the King ; which address his Majesty was
pleased to receive very graciouSly. To the KING'S Most Excellent Majesty, WE, your Majesty's most loyal and most affec- tionate subjects, the Delegates from the Burgesses of the Royal Boroughs in Scotland, associated to endeavour, by the most constitutional means, to ob- tain a reform in the internal government of these Boroughs, feel ourselves impelled to embrace this the earliest opportunity which our situation has af- forded us of approaching your royal person, with sentiments of the truest and most unfeigned con- gratulation on account of your Majesty's happy re- covery from your late alarming indisposition. We felt, in
common with the rest of your Maje- sty's subjects, that deep distress with which your Majesty's indisposition had affected the nation at large, and therefore we could nOt but sinCerely re- joice in an event which restored the energy of Go- vernment, and with it the public happiness and tran- quillity. In the midst of that national affliction which your Majesty's illness naturally produced, your subjects received consolation when they beheld in your eldest son, the Heir of your Crown, and of your Illustrious House, a Prince distinguished by virtues end talents which rendered him the fit re- presentative of your royal person, in exercising
the functions of Government; and it is our earnest wish that there may never be wanting Princes of the August House of BrunSwick to sway the British sceptre, and to continue for ever, as they have hi- therto done, the illustrious guardians and protectors of national felicity and public liberty. That your Majesty may long reign in health and happiness over the freed and the happiest people in the world, is our most earnest prayer. Signed in our presence, and by our appointment, by R. Graham, President. John Ewen, Secretary. Edin. Aug. 19. 1789. / Vienna, Aug. 19. The Emperor, after three weeks of apparent re- covery, has
been again indispofed. An abscess has appeared near the hemorrhoidal veins, and an inci- sion was made in it three successive times, on Sa- turday, Sunday, and yesterday. His Majesty still keeps his bed, though his complaint is not accom panied by any fever. The Turks having again effected an irruption into the Bannat, the corps under General Vecsey being of inferior force, fell back to Terregova, and after- wards to Feinisch, where it was joined on the 8th instant bv a detachment from Caransebes, and by another from Transylvania. The Turks, gaining intelligence of this reinforeement, immediately re- treated to
Schupaneck, where they now remain. War- Office, Sept. I. 2d Regiment of Life Guards.— Lieut. Barrington Bradshaw is appointed to be Captain, by purchase, vice H. Clinton Vil- lettes, who retires. Cornet Wm. Mansell to be Lieutenant, vice B. Bradshaw. Edward Hamilton Lambert, Gent, to be Cornet, vice Wm. Mansell. Cornet Arthur Cuthbert to be Lieutenant, by purchase, vice Philip Lybbe Powys, appoint- ed Sub- Lieutenant in the late first troop of Horse Grenadier Guards. Ensign Tho. Hunt Andrews, from the 36th regi- ment of foot, to be Cornet, vice A. Cuthbert. 4th ( or Queen's own) Regiment of Dragoons.— Jo. Hawk sey Ackerley, Gent, to be Cornet, by purchase, vice Tho. St John, promoted. Coldstream Regiment of Foot Guards.— Lieut. Wm. Wal- ter Vane, from the 62d foot, to be Ensign, by purchase, vice S. H. Durell, appointed to the 60th foot. 3d Regiment of Foot Guards.— Capt. Wm. Johnstone, from the 42d regiment, to be Lieutenant, vice Capt. George Har- dy, who exchanges. 6th Regiment of Foot.— John Jacobs, Gent, to be Ensign, vice Carr Beresford, promoted to a Lieutenancy in the 16th regiment of foot. 14th Regiment of Foot.— Col. George Earl Waldegrave to he Colonel, vice Lieut, General John Douglas. 19th Regiment
of Foot.— ensign Richard Paterson to be Lieutenant, by purchase, vice Geo. Fuller, who retires, 24th Regiment of Foot.— Lieut. Charles Wm. Short to be Adjutant, without purchase, vice Joseph Calladine, appointed to an Ensigncy in the Invalids. 2 all Regiment of Fo9t.— Robert Ross, Gent, to be Ensign, by purchase, vice Lind. Craw. Campbell, promoted. 42d ( or Royal Highland) Regiment of Foot.— Capt. Geo. Hardy, from the. 3d regiment of Foot Guards, to be Captain of a Company, vice Wm. Johnstone, who exchanges. 60 ( or Royal American) Regiment of Foot.— Ensign John Campbell, from the half- pay of the late 93d
regiment, to be Ensign, vice Rich. Maitland, who exchanges. 67th Regiment of Foot.— Charles Walker, Gent, to be En- fign, by purchase, vice N. R. Prideaux, who retires. 63th Regiment of Foot.— Ensign Richard Connor to be Lieutenant, by purchase, vice Francis Hall Jones, who retires. Isaac Stewart, Gent, to be Ensign, vice Rich. Connor. Lieut. Gilbert Shuckburgh Stewart to be Captain of a Company, by purchase, vice Wm. Gavin, who retires. Ensign Charles Fre- derick Abbot to be Lieutenant, vice G. S. Stewart. 73d ( Highland) Regiment of Foot.— Captain John Henry Campbell, from the half- pay of the 6th foot, to be
Captain of a Company, vice John Grant, who exchanges. The late First Troop of Horse Grenadier Guards.— Sub- Lieut. Henry M. Mervin Nooth, from the late second troop, to be Guidon and Captain, vice Henry M. Clavering, who retires. Lieut. Philip Lybbe Powys, from the 2d regiment of Life Guards, to be Sub- Lieutenant, vice Arthur Cuthbert, appointed to a Cornetey in the second regiment of Life Guards. The late 2d Troop of Horse Grenadier Guards.— lieute- nant John Hue, from the 2d regiment of Life Guards, to. be Sub- Lieutenant, vice Henry M. M. Nooth, promoted. BANKRUPTS. Philip Harman, Christopher
Williamson, and Richard Nor- cott all of Liverpool, coach and coach- harness makers. [ Befides the address to his Majesty from the Burgesses in Scotland, there is one from Montreal, in Quebec, and another from the Island of St John.] LLOYD'S MARINE LIST, SEPT. i. THE Mary, late Connor, from London to Africa, is pira- tically carried off the coaft by the crew, after having murdered the captain and mate, put into Casco Bay, where the Supreme Court has taken possession of the vessel, for the benefit of the owners. the Vansittart, Wilson, for India, was spoke by the Ray- mond, Smedley, lat. 37. long. 20, 30. on the 2d June,
all well. The Prince Kaunltz was spoke the 3d August, in lat. 48. 50. N. long. 8.10. W. clear of the Channel, all well. The Pheasant, Beasant, from Pool, is arrived at Deva, af- ter being on shore at the entrance of the port, and damaged. Winds at Deal— Aug. 28. and29. N. E. 30. E. 31. S. W. Yesterday arrived the mails from France and New York. This day— Holland and Flanders. LONDON, SEPTEMBER 2. FRANCE. The National Assembly still continue their deli- berations 0n the rights of man, the freedom of the press, religion, & c. in which they have made some little progress. A pamphlet on the commitments to the Bastile
was announced to the Assembly as a publication that ought to be noticed ; but on the motion of M. de Mirabeau, it was not deemed worthy attention. In demolishing the Bastile se- veral cannon balls have been found, supposed to have been fired into it by the Prince de Conde, at the time of the civil wars in the minority of Louis XIV. These were presented by the engineers to M. de la Fayette, accompanied with a short and appropriated address by M. Jallier, a patriotic architect— The present ( said he) now offer con- sists, not in gold, but in iron.— Balls found in the ruins of the den of despotism— the dungeons of sor- row and
slavery. Tuesday last being the anniversary of St Louis, which is kept as the King's birth- day, his Majesty, on this occasion, was complimented by a deputa- tion of sixty members from the National Assembly. The King received them in his closet , and it is remarkable that the only prince of the blood pre- sent at the procession was the Duke of Orleans, who with the Duchess of Orleans, his sister the Duchess of Bourbon, and some other branches of the family, formed the principal part of the court on that day. The form of the new loan is to be changed, and the interest, it is said, to be raised to six per cent. The occasion of the
miscarriage of the former is at- tributed by the bankers to the National Assembly's taking it out of the hands of M. Necker, where they are confident it would have filled in three or four days. Thus the report of the city of Nantes having requested that they might be permitted to fill the whole, turns out to be mere rhodomontade. Lyons, however, it is still said, offers to furnish four millions, and Marseilles two. At this latter place, while good order and tran- quillity are restored to the capital, some tumultous people attempted to raise the populace, but by the activity of the military, seconded by the better order of the citizens, about thirty
of the insurgents were taken, and peace soon restored. At Stras- bourg, and some other frontier places, all is not yet perfectly quiet, whence it is feared that, should any foreign power offer its aid, affairs might yet be thrown into a terrible situation. The Duke d'Artois is arrived at Turin, where his family are gone to join him. Several hogs- heads of money for the same destination, have been seized at Paris, and detained by order of the Na- tional Assembly. M. Necker was not well, when the last advices came. It is said that grief preys upon his mind, on finding himself thwarted by party, in his en- deavours for the public good.
NATioNAL ASSEMBLy. FREEDOM OF THE PRESS, In detail, has been discussed— but with no new light upon the subject; with nothing either of sentiment or expression, but what every Englishman knows already, or may know much better— from Blackstone's Commentaries— the Reports of our Courts— or the common conversation of our tables. The only reputable speakers, were M. l'Eveque de Dijon, and M. Le Due de Rochefoucault. The deliberation ended as it " began, with this leading obvious principle : ' That freedom, of opinion is among the natural and indefeasible rights of men— that the expression of his opinions,
whether he speaks, writes, or pu- blishes, must be also free— and when that freedom is abused, then alone he is to feel any operation of the law. Authentic Copy of the Declaration of the Rights of the Man and Citizen, as agreed to by the National Assembly of France, with the Preamble. PREAMBLE. tHe Representatives of the French people, con- stituted in National Assembly, considering that ig- norance, forgetfulness, or contempt of the rights of man, are the sole causes of public misfortunes, and of the corruption of governments, have resol- ved to set forth, in a solemn declaration, the natu- ral, unalienable, and sacred
rights of man, to the end that this declaration, being constantly present to all the members of the social body, may perpe- tually remind them of their rights and duties ; that the acts of the legislative and of the executive power, being at every instant liable to be compared with the object of every political institution, may be the more respected by them ; and that the claims of the citizens founded henceforward on simple and incontestable principles, may uniformly turn to the maintenance of the constitution and to the happiness of all. In consequence, the National Assembly acknow- ledge and declare, in presence of, and under the
auspices of the Supreme Legislator, the following Rights of the Man and Citizen. Art. I.—- All men are born, and remain free, and equal in rights; social distinctions can only be founded on common utility. Art. II.— The end of every political association is the preservation of the natural and imprescriptible rights of men ; these rights are liberty, property, security, and resistance to oppression. Art. III.— The principle of all sovereignty re- sides essentially in the nation ; no body of men, n0 individual can exercise any authority, but what e- manates expressly from it. Art. IV.— Liberty consists in doing whatever does not injure another;
accordingly, the exercise of the natural rights of each man has no other bounds but those which secure to other members of society the enjoyment of the same rights, these li- mits can be determined only by the law. Art. V.— The law should only prohibit actions injurious to society. Nothing can be prevented but what is prohibited by law ; nor can any man be constrained to do what it does not ordain. Art. VI.— The law is the expression of the ge- neral will ; all the citizens have the right of con- curring personally, or by their representatives, in its formation ; it ought to be the same for all, whether it protects or whether it punishes.
All the citizens being equal in its eye, are equally ad- missible to all places, employments, and dignities, according to their capacity ; and without any other distinction than that of their virtues and their talents. Art. VII.— No man can be accused, apprehend- ed, or detained, but in cases determined by the law, and according to the forms which it has pre- scribed. They who solicit, expedite, execute, or cause to be expedited, any arbitrary orders, should be punished ; but every citizen, summoned or ap- prehended by virtue of the law, should instantly obey, and he becomes culpable by resistance. Art. VIII The law should establish
none but punishments strictly and evidently necessary; and n0 man can be punished but by virtue of a law esta- blished and promulgated prior to the offence, and legally applied. Art. IX.— Every man being presumed inno- cent, until he shall have been pronounced guilty, if it be deemed indispensable to apprehend him, e- very species of rigour, not absolutely necessary for securing his person, should be severely prohibited by the law. Art. X.— No man can be disturbed in his opi- nions, even religious, provided their manifestation do not trouble the public order established by the law. Art. XI.— The free communication of
thoughts and opinions is one of the most precious rights of man Every citizen, therefore, may freely speak, write, and print, under condition of being respon- sible for the abuse of that liberty in cases provided for by the law. Art. XII.— The security of the rights of the man and citizen renders a public force necessary ; that force then is instituted for the good of all, and not for the particular advantage of those to whom it is confided. Art. XIII.— For the maintenance of this pu- blic force, and the other expences of administration, a common contribution is indispensable ; this should be equally apportioned among all the citizens, in
proportion to their abilities. Art. XIV.— Each citizen has the right, by him- self, or his representative, to determine the neces- sity of the public contribution, freely to consent to it; to attend to its employment, and to fix the quota, the mode of imposition, the collection and duration of the same. Art. XV.— Society has a right to demand an account from every public agent of his admini- stration. Art XVI.— Every society in which the guaran- ty of their rights is not secured, nor the separation of powers determined, is without a constitution. The National Assembly. having established nine articles of the declaration of the rights of the man
and citizen on Saturday, a motion was made to adjourn to Monday ; but a powerful party, head- ed by the clergy, insisted on the Assembly meeting on the next day, Sunday, to take into considration the next article relative to religion ; and it is re- markable enough, that this should have been the eve of the massacre of St Bartholomew. A very long and warm debate ensued. It was at last agreed that the article should stand thus : " No man can be troubled for his religious opinions, nor can any man be troubled in his reli- gious worship." The General Assembly of France, in first debat- ing on the rights of man, as a free subject ( if
free subject be not a contradiction in terms), certainly have begun at the right place. It would, however, have been more agreeable to Louis the Sixteenth— and to all Kings— had they begun with considering the power of the King. Their process, however, is perfectly constitutional, and proves that all power must be derived from the people. . An account has just been received, that the sister of the Duke of Orleans was met on her way from Paris, so early as her third stage, and stopped by a party wearing the national cockade, who in- formed her that her brother was in favour of a general amnesty, and therefore she must
prepare to die ! No more than seventeen minutes were allowed her ; at the expiration of which she was hanged, from the window of her apartment, before some thousand spectators, and the lady was conveyed upon the open Skeleton of her carriage back to Paris. The fact and undeserved catastrophe of this unhappy lady is the subject of general regret; as is the unbounded violence and barbarity of the mob, which, during the present panic, there is neither force nor authority to controul. BURGUNDY. The inhabitants have now been for six weeks past under arms night and day, for fear of the attacks of the rabble;— a very
heavy misfortune on the poor artizans, at this time of public distress for subsist- ence. Forty- four Noblemen's seats have been de- stroyed in this province alone. The account is not exaggerated when we say, that near a thousand persons were murdered in the course of three days, near Chalons on the Soane. The ringleader of the villains was put to the torture— he was a country attorney. This man had a private printing press, which he carried about with him. One of the papers he issued from the press is as follows : " By Royal Authority It is permitted, for three months, to burn all the chateaux, mansions, abbeys, and other
houses, having weather- cocks; and to hang up all those who Shall offer any opposition " STATE PAPER. In COUNCIL of the NOBLE CITY OF LIEGE, held specially the 20th August 1789. In consequence of the reintegration of all citi- zens in their rights and prerogatives, which they enjoyed before the regulation of 1684, and also in consequence of the new order of affairs to be esta- blished, it appears that the places, in the chambers, formed by the BiShop to represent the Generality, are to be suppressed. The Council therefore will communicate to the citizens in print the plan of their new Municipal Order, with a desire that
they may thoroughly in- spect it, to the end, that what is to produce wel- fare to all, may be truly the result of the general will. The Council declares, that its principle being to respect the property of every individual what- er, the reimbursement of those places, acquired on good faith, will be secured to all those who pos- sess them ; the citizens are requited to reflect on the multitude of affairs which are rapidly succeed- ing each other since the first day of our happy Re- volution, and which keep the Council continually employed night and day in assuring the felicity of the people who have honoured them with their con- fidence ; and
being impressed to give momentarily an account of their operations, and of all that is done for the people, that it may be known to and approved by them, they order that the present or- dinance be printed, affixed up, and distributed to the public. By Order of the said Council, ROUVEROY, pro de COLOGNE. Royal TOUR. Weymouth, Sunday, August 30. The Royal Family attended divine service this forenoon at the parish church here; the morning being wet and dirty, they went in their carriages. After church, they took a few minutes walk upon the Esplanade, the weather not permitting them to continue out long. In the evening,
the King, Queen, and Princesses, with, a whole retinue of Nobility, went to Stacie's Long Room, where they lounged till near eleven, when they retired to Glou- cester House. The Duke of Richmond, who arrived here a day or two ago from Plymouth, in his yacht, got under weigh this afternoon, with a fair wind, for Ports- mouth: In going out of the bay, he saluted his Majesty with 21 guns; and when he had got a- breast of the Magnificent, he lowered his top- sail, and struck up " God save the King!" for which polite and handsome mark of behaviour, the officer then commanding ordered the shrouds to be man- ned, and gave his
Grace three cheers, which he re- turned very graciously, and appeared highly pleased with the attention the Magnificent shewed him. Monday Morning. The weather continues to look bad, so that their Majesties can scarcely be expected afloat, unless a; sudden change takes place. The King is in perfect health : The swelling of his Majesty's ancle was occafioned by a fall at Sal- tram ; he is however recovered of it, so as to walk apparently as well as ever. It is extremely doubtful whether the Marquis of Buckingham will return to Ireland. It is be- lieved he will not, but that he will replace the Duke of Dorset as Ambassador to
France. In this case the Marquis of SaliSbury will go as Viceroy to Ireland, and the Duke of Dorset suc- ceed the Marquis as Lord Chamberlain of the House- hold. The Marquis of Buckingham has neither visited the King nor Mr Pitt since his return from Ire- land. Mr Mortlock, the late Member for Cambridge, is appointed a CommiSsioner of the Tax office, ( and not of the Stamp office, as some papers have erroneously mentioned) in the room of the late Mr Heathcote, deceased. Robert Nicholas, Esq. Member for Cricklade, is to be appointed a Commissioner of the Excise, in the room of William Burrell, Esq. who retires. Buller,
Esq. to be appointed Commissioner of the Customs, in the room of Edward Hooper, Esq. who retires. And Colonel Farnaby to be a Commissioner of the Salt office. His Royal Highness the Duke of Clarence spends the winter in England; but is expected to go to sea again in the spring— probably to the East In- dies, as his Royal Highness has expressed a desire to visit that part of the globe. The Prince Royal of Denmark, and the Prince of Hesse, returned to Copenhagen from surveying the garrisons in the duchy of Holstein the 16th of last month. According to letters from Constantinople, re- ceived in town this day, the Divan
had been assem- bled five days on the question—" Whether it is expedient to continue the war, or listen to the pro- posed terms of peace from the Imperial Courts?'' There is no news of either the Russian or Swe- dish fleets by the mails, but a confirmation, that the former run from the latter, which only went into Carlscrone to land their sick. The garrison of Bender have carried in 900 Rus- sian horses they found grazing within the limits of their patroles. . A revolt has taken place in the Russian province of Kiowie, where the inhabitants are driven to the greatest misery, owing to the repeated levies of men and money for the war.
Three regiments have been sent thither, who have arrested some of the leaders, and forced the unarmed to be peaceable. The French, if justly accused of levity, are not the only people on earth who deserve that censure. The destruction of the Bastile, performed in London in no less than three pantomimes, is n0 great proof, that great revolutions are serious things even in this country.
. V EAST INDIA INTELLIGENCe. The Airley Castle, Stewart, from Bencoolen Is arrived off the Isle of Wight; she sailed from Ben- coolen the 18th of April, arived at St Helena the 26th of June, and failed from that island on her voyage to England the 7th of July last : The Con- tractor, which sailed from China, in company with the Bridgevater, Raymond, & c. had not then ar- rived at St Helena. The Lord Macartney sailed from Bencoolen on her voyage to Bombay the 12th of April. The following passengers are arrived in the- Air- ley Castle : From Fort St George. Lieutenant Colonel Eddington, Mrs Eddington, Mr James Eddington,
Captains Blunden and Becket, Lieutenant Brodie, of the King's troops, and Sheriff of the Company's cavalry. From Bencoolen. George Salmon, Esq. late Governor, Mr Robert Pearse. From St Helena. Miss Wynne. Thomas Palmer, Esq. a member of the Council at Fort Marlborough, died in October last. The Airley Castle is the last ship expected to ar- rive from Bencoolen this season ; her cargo chiefly consists of pepper and gold dust. The Bridgewater, from China, is also arrived. The purser of the Duke of Montrose, from Chi- na, Captain John Dorin, came to the East India House yesterday with the news of the safe arrival of
that ship off the Start. She is the last ship but one ( the Contractor) which is expected from Chi- na this season. DUEL near PONDICHERRY. Mr Wooley and Dr Ruddiman, both of Fort St George, met lately in the environs of Pondi- cherry to decide an affair of honour. They fired by agreement together. The first ball of Mr Wooley struck Dr Ruddiman in the side, but was resisted by the rib, and fell to the ground with no other effect than a considerable con- tusion. They continued to fire till the fourth shot of each took place. Dr R. was wounded in the leg, and Mr W. in the head.— Both fell, and the affair was terminated. We are
happy to add, that the rencontre did not prove fatal to either party. What France did for England in 1688, England now does' for France, affords an asylum for the friends of the deposed Monarch ; with only this difference : France cherished the adherents of the exiled James, as martyrs to a glorious cause. Eng- land can look on the fugitive French with compassion, but more the tools of tyranny do not deserve. In the report made by M. Bargasse to the Na- tional Assembly, of the plan for the institution of the judicial power of France, it is proposed, that all torture shall be abolished ; and that simple death, by hanging, shall be the
severest punishment to be inflicted by law. The punishment of death to be inflicted only in the cases of murder and treason. Confiscation of property, on conviction of felony, to be abolished. if any person shall complain of loss by the condemned felon, he shall, upon proof, have compensation made him, either from the goods of the convict, or from the province. All the code of criminal laws to be revised, and punish- ments in every case to be accurately proportioned to the offence. Some of the papers have insinuated that Spain will probably follow the example of France. But although Spain is a more perfectly absolute mo narchy than France, yet the last Sovereign ( and the present follows his steps) always directed his attention so much to the happiness and welfare of his subjects, or, as Shakspeare says, " bore his faculties so meekly," that perhaps there is no coun- try on earth under a despotic government that feels the horrors of despotism less. The inquisition is a mere bugbear ; and in no case can now commence a criminal process without laying the particulars of it before the King and Council. It is now so much the fashion for people of fortune to introduce their boys, fresh from school, into par- liament, that at the next general election the
num- bers are expected to stand thus: Members in all - 558 Members with beards — 109 Without beards — 290 With Wigs — 59 Total • 558 At a late review in the Phoenix Park, Dublin, the horse of a Lieutenant Colonel received a ball in his shoulder, which entered and lodged in his body. The poor beast, on receiving the shot stag- gered, but did not drop. The ball seemed an in- tentional one, but it happened that the officer, the owner of the wounded horse, was luckily not mounted, though standing very near at the time of the accident. A soldier in the ranks, at this review, was observed not to level his firelock in the usual
direction, but obliquely; which gave such strong suspicion, especially as he was nearly in a line with the officer's horse, as to warrant his ap- prehension. He was accordingly sent to, and con- fined in the barrack prison, in . order to be tried by a Court- martial ; but contrived to make his escape, and though every pursuit was instantaneously made, he has not been retaken. The horse died 0n Satur- day last, and is said to have cost the Lieutenant Colonel upwards of 50I. Among the collection of fplendid furniture, be- longing to a bankrupt lottery office keeper, sold last week by auction, was a mahogany house, orna- mented with
fluted pillars, and on castors, which belonged to the lady's favourite lap- dog. This mansion, which must have originally cost 12 or 14 guineas, sold only for one guinea and a half; but the furniture, which consisted of a bed, matress, and .. muslin curtains, the auctioneer had the delicacy to keep back from the hammer, through the fear of impressing too strongly the marks of modern vanity and dissipation. PARISIAN MODES. The first and second ladies dresses describe the half mourning, if any thing so fantastic can proper- ly be called so, now worn by females at Paris. They are given only to the waist. Although colours are
adopted, it is necessary that each article of the dress should be plain and simple, and that a distinguishing mark of mourning should be added, even if it consist in a ribbon only. THE FIRST DRESS Consists of a robe of apple- green taffety, and a hat a soufflet, edged with a black ribbon, and bound round the middle by another black' ribbon, form- ing a rosette before, and a knot behind ; the crown is very high and full, and of plain white gauze. The hair in front is in large curls, three of which fall a little upon the forehead ; behind, it is relieved in a floating chignon. On the neck is a very large kerchief of plain white gauze, the ends
of which are tied behind the waist. THE SECOND DRESS Consists of a robe of crimson taffety ( which co- lour is likewise much worn by ladies out of mourn- ing)- On the head is a plain hat of white taffety, trim- med with rose ribbons, a black rosette in front, and a large knot of black ribbon behind. In the front is also an aigrette of round plumes, of rose- colour, except the tops, which are black. The hair, in front, is one half in large detached curls, the other frizzed. Behind, it falls loose. The neck kerchief, is of a plain white gauze, very open before ; the ends are fastened under the robe. THE THIRD HALF MOURNING LADIES
DRESS Consists of a caraco and petticoat of grey taffety. The caraco is edged with a long crimson fringe, and beneath it is a stomacher of crimson taffety. The neck- kerchief is of plain gauze, very full; the ends are knotted behind the waist. The gloves, which reach to the elbows, are of white leather ; the shoes of crimson taffety, with white rosettes. The hair in front is frizzed, and four large curls, in two rows, fall at each side of the bosom ; be- hind, it is in six plaits. The bonnet is very small, and of black gauze. Round it is a large stripe of black taffety, with double papillons of black gauze in small plaits. The crown, which is
almost covered by the stripe of black taffety, is of gauze plaited at top. In the front, is a large plain white feather. On Friday last, Lieutenant Elford, of the 73d regiment,, was unfortunately drowned, while ba- thing, near Guildford, in Surry. BIRTH. The Lady of George Dallas, Esq. of a daughter. DIED. Valentine Morris, Esq. late Governor of the Island of St Vincent's. Captain Philip Welsh, of the Royal Navy. No business done this day at the Stock Exchange. EDINBURGH. Extract of a letter from York, Sept. 4. " On Friday the Prince of Wales did Mr Jolliffe the honour of taking a breakfast with him, at his seat at Nunmonckton. " The
Prince of Wales left this city on Satur- day evening, to pay a visit to the Earl of Carlisle at Castle Howard, from whence he returned hither on Monday, and soon afterwards set off, as did the Duke of York, who is happily recovered from an indisposition that had confined him to his room from Tuesday till Sunday. The Prince proceeded to Wentworth House, to be present on Wednesday at the sumptuous entertainment given by Lord Fitzwilliam. The Duke of York went forward for the South. " The Prince of Wales and his suite passed through the back part of Pontefract on Monday night, about nine o'clock ; before he turned off to
leave the place, the populace would have taken the horses from the carriage, and drawn his Royal Highness through the town, but he would not suf- fer it, and ordered the men to drive the back way, to the great disappointment of the inhabitants. " His Royal Highness the Duke of York ar- rived at Doncaster on Monday evening, without being much fatigued. He had a good night, and on Tuesday morning set forward for London, per- fectly recovered from his late illness." Lately was married, at Longtown, Thomas Bar- stow, Esq. of Leeds, to Miss Mitchelson, daughter of the late Mr Samuel Mitchelson, clerk to the signet. Upon
the 21st of last month, at Talisker, in Sky, was married the Rev. Mr Murdoch M'Iver of Grinnard, minster of the gospel at Lochalsh, to Miss Sybilla Fraser, youngest daughter of the late Mr William Fraser, of Boughton, Town Clerk of Inverness. On the 24th of June last died, near the Island of St Helena, on his passage from the East Indies, Mr John Simson, youngest son of the deceased George Simson, Esq. of Inverighty. On Thursday died Mrs Elizabeth Duncan, spouse to Mr George Younger, merchant, Glas- gow. Last night two gentlemen, with their seconds, in consequence of a challenge, met near St An- thony's Chapel,
King's Park: But previous in- formation having been given to the Lord Provost, Mr Williamson, with proper assistance, was sent to secure them, which he accordingly did ; and, after being examined by his Lordship, were all commit- ted to prison. They had five pistols in their pos- session, which they very readily delivered to Mr Williamson. Extract of a letter from Mullingar, Aug. 20. " At a time when the public prints teem with recitals of duels between bloods of the first rank and consequence, the relation of a point of honour settled between two gentlemen of the first weight in this county, may not prove unacceptable to your
readers. " Mr C— y— n, Surveyor of Castlepollard, a gentleman of 22 stone weight, waited on Mr D— w— l, of this town, ( whose corpulency sur- passed his own by at least four stone) on some busi ness, and having never seen the gentleman before, after some converfation complimented him in his native Caledonian dialect, on his soncy appearance ; this Mr D. mistook for saucy, a word of opposite meaning, and instantly taking fire, returned the compliment in such a manner as urged the Caledo- nian to send him an invitation to the field of ho- nour on the following day. The jolly son of Saint Patrick was not to be intimidated;
a meeting took place ; the concourse of spectators was proportion- ed to the greatness of the combatants; their curi- osity was however disappointed ; the humane se- conds, by explaining the word, explained away the quarrel, and these thundering sons of Mars re- tired to the temple of Bacchus to drown their ani- mosity, and try their prowess in a less dangerous encounter." His Grace the Duke of Quensberry is arrived in town ; last from York races. Monday last the University of Glasgow, after the usual private and public trials, conferred the degree of Doctor of Medicine upon Mr Joseph Healy, A. M. of Ireland. The following
swindling trick deserves to be noticed— A smuggler called at the house of a vint- ner at Canon a few weeks ago, about one in the morning, with a cask of brandy which he wished to sell, he pierced the cask, and showed that it was excellent; and the vintner having occasion for it to make rasp brandy, the bargain was agreed 0n, and the money paid ( three guineas). The cask was put into the cellar till a proper opportunity should occur for making the rasp brandy— when the bar- rel being brought forth, and again pierced, it run about three gills, and immediately stopped. It was thought the stoppage was occasioned by want of air,
and a hole was bored to give it vent, but to no purpose : The head of the cask was then taken out, when to their astonishment it was full of wa- ter. The ingenuity of the smuggler had contrived a white iron tube opposite to the bung hole, which contained about four gills, strongly nailed round, and neatly soldered, so as to prevent the water and the brandy from mixing.— The same man played the like trick to several people in Falkirk. Yesterday, by order of the Magistrates, a quan- tity of unmarketable lamb was seized, and sent to the Charity Workhouse. Tuesday the Magistrates sentenced one John Cameron to be banished the
city and liberties for seven years, and if he shall be found within the same during that period, he shall be whipped on the platform at the west end of the tolbooth, and after- wards banished for life, under the same certification. The crime of which Cameron was convicted was keep- ing a disorderly house, and thereby creating an in- tolerable disturbance and nuisance in the neighbour- hood where he resided. The sitting Magistrate, at the same time, fined Cameron's landlord in 20I. Scots, agreeable to an ancient law of the burgh, for letting his house to a person of bad fame. This regulation the Magistrates are resolved to put in
strict execution. on Monday evening as a man was going with a cart from Mellerstain to Earlstoun, the cart overturned, and he was found dead next morning with the cart lying on his neck. The Roselle, Liddel, is arrived at Leith, from Jamaica, with goods, sugar, & c. * The Eliza, Samson arrived at London, from Leith, the 28th ult. after a fine passage. SHIP NEWS. SAILED FROM THE SOUND, OUTWARD. Aug. 19. Experiment, M'Coskrie, from Ayr, Memel, ballast Leith, Clouston, from Bo- ness, Petersburgh, coals Resolution, Craigie, from Liverpool, Stockholm, salt Charlotte, Goodman, from Bo- ness, Petersburgh, coals
ARRIVED AND REMAIN, OUTWARD BOUND. 41. John and Thomas, Davidson, from Sunderland, Copen hagen, coals. SAILED FROM THE SOUND, DOWNWARD. 18. Diligence, Lawson, from Petersburgh, Bo- ness, barley George, Brown, from do. Rotterdam, tallow Helena, Dunlop, from Memel, Saltcoats, balks 10. George, Wood, from Pillau, Dunbar, do. Duke of Atholl, Hart, from Petersburgh, Bo- ness, tallow Jenny, Rodgers, from do. Greenock, hemp Molly, Westwater, from do. Liverpool, do. 21. Hope, Baxter, from Memel, Leith, wood 21. Fortune, Ralston, from Riga, Liverpool, hemp Peace and Plenty, M'Millan, from
Memel, Irvine, logs Winds since my last mostly southerly. Esineur, 22tt Aug. 1789. JOHN BROWN, Jun. ARRIVED AT GREENOCK. Sept. I. Sisters, Ritchie, Drogheda, oats— 2. Unity, Rowe, Wexford, do.— Lively, Brown, Sligo, do.— 3. Jenny, Mac- kinlay, Riga, hemp. SAILED FROM GREENOCK. — 1. Peggy, Davidson, Corke, staves— 2. Betsey, Young, Vir- ginia, goods— John, leitch, Londonderry, do.— Cornwal- lis, Nickson, North Carolina, do.— William, Ventris, do. do.— Betty, M'Lean, Liverpool, do.— Janet and Margaret, Mun, Corke, do. ARRIVED AT LEITH, Sept. 3. Jean, Napier, Glasgow, goods— Glasgow,
Schaw, do. do.— 4. Jean, Copland, Longanet, stones— Temple, Brid- ges, Hamburgh, goods— Hector, Triton, Feversham, fruit- Commerce, Barr, Southampton, bark— Bell and Ann, Car- gill, North Uist, kelp— Nelly, Haddoway, Oporto, wine— Glasford, Millar, London, goods— Lady Eleonora, Wilson, Cullen Bay, kelp— Peggy, Clark, Dundee, goods— Happy Janet, Nielson, Nerva, wood— Margaret, Turnbull, Peters- burgh, goods— Allice, , Groningen, oats— 5. Christian, Roxburgh, Petersburgh, goods— Roselle, Liddell, Jamaica, do.— Five coasters. SAILED FROM LEITH, — Ann, Kidd, Alemouth, goods— Cubit,
Rouentree, Whitby, allies— Wm. and Margaret, Morison, Dunvegan, goods— Ceres, M'Intosh, London, do. D. MILNE Respectfully acquaints his Friends and the Public, THAT he will MOVE from his present Silk and Cloth Shop to New Ware- rooms in that elegant Building, THE MERCHANTS HALL, HUNTER's SQUARE, West Side Tron Church, On MONDAY the 14th current, President Stairs, Parliament- square, Sept. 3. 1789. " CHEAP EDITION OF HUME's HISTORY OF ENGLAND. PROPOSALS for PUBLISHING, by SUBSCRIPTION, In 8 vols. l2mo, THE HISTORY OF ENGLAND, BY DAVID HUME, ESQ CONDITIONS.
I. The work will be printed on a new type and fine paper. II. A volume will be published every six weeks until the work is complete. III. The price to be 3s. in boards, or 3s. 6d. bound in calf, each volume, and to be paid on delivery. v Tt » e high reputation which Mr HUME's HISTORY has obtained is well known to the public. The publishers flat- ter themselves that this edition, which is offered at One Half of the Price of any former one, will meet with some degree of encouragement. In order to accommodate those subscribers who may wish t o have a Complete History of England, it is intended to pub- lish, in the same form, and
upon the same terms, in 6 volumes I2mo, Dr Smllettt's Continuation as a Supplement to Mr Hume's History. Subscriptions are taken in by T. and J. RUDDIMAN, South Bridge- street, and by the other Booksellers in town. SOUTH BRIDGE STREET, ADAMS' SQUARE. DUNCAN M'FARLANE begs leave to inform the Public, that he has proved to that LARGE and COMMODIOUS HOUSE in Adams' Square, On the West side of South Bridge- street, formerly possessed by John Adam, Esq— where he carries on The Tavern | Furnished I Coaches, I Stabling, Business, | Lodgings, | Poft Chaises, | & c. There are Two very large and
Elegant ROOMS, exceed- ingly well calculated for Meetings, Private Balls, & c. The Public may depend upon the utmost attention and punctuality in all the above branches. N. B. The LONDON FLY, by Berwick and Newcastle, fets off from D. M'Farlane's each lawful day, at 7 morning— and from BERWICK Smacks sail for London almost every day in summer. FOR COUGHS, HOARSENESSES, & C. GREENOUGH'S LOZENGES of TOLU, so justly celebrated for their superor efficacy in imme- diately removing all CoUghs, Hoarsenesses, Sore Throats, Shortness of Breath, Defluctions upon the Lungs, Soreness of the Bread, &
c. And Two TINCTURES; the one for cleaning and preserving the TEETH, and effectually curing the Scurvy in the Gums ; preventing the Teeth from further decay, and ren- dering the breath perfectly sweet— The other for the TOOTH ACH, which always gives immediate case, with- out injuring the teeth or gums. The above articles have been held in the highest esteem for thirty years past; but as the great benefit to be de- rived from them can only be secured by having them ge- nuine, every purchaser is requested to observe, that R. HAYWARD No 10, Ludgate Hill, is printed on the stamp. All others are counterfeits. They are
prepared and sold by R. Hayward, Chymist, successor to T. GREENOUGH, the inventor, No. to, Lud- gate Hill, London. Sold also by Messrs. HUSBAND, ELDER, and Co. and WM RAEBURN, Edinburgh— Price Is. each. JUDICIAL SALE OF LANDS IN THE COUNTY OF DUMFRIES. To be SOLD by public roup, within the Parliament or New Session House of Edinburgh, upon Friday 27th November 1789, betwixt the hours of five and eight afternoon, THE Lands and others after mentioned, be- longing to Mr DAVID ARMSTRONG, Advocate. LOT I. The Lands of KIRTLETOWN and POCKES- KINEFOOT, and lands of
BLACKCROFT, with the teinds of the last mentioned lands, lying in the parish of Middlebie, and sheriffdom of Dumfrirs, which are to be ex- pofed at twenty- three years purchase of the free proven rent, being - - L. 2184 12 a I- I2th. But as the proprietor docs not appear to have any right to the teinds of Kirtle- town and Pockeskinefoot, one fifth of the rent of these lands is deducted as teind, and taking from that teind the minister's stipend, there remains of free teind 17I. 5s. iod. 9- i2ths, the privilege of pur- chasing which being valued at five years purchase, amounts to - 86 9 5 9- 12th.-. Upset price of Lot I. L. S271 I 7 io- i2ths
LOT II. The lands of CROSSBANKHEAD, EAST LYNBRIDGEFORD, WEST LYNBRIDGEFORD, and Mill of LYNBRIDGEFORD, with a House and Yard in East Lynbridgeford, and the teinds of these lands, lying in the parish and sheriffdom foresaid, which are to be exposed at twenty- four years purchafe of the free rent of the lands, twenty years purchase of the free rent of the mill, and twelve years purchase of the rent of the house and yard, being - L. 1983 14 8 With the superiorities of the Mains of Crowdieknow and several other lands, the feu- duties of which amount to ll. I id. 2- i2th Sterling, and the gross rent to 4701. 8s.
3d. ( the casualties payable by singular successors are not taxed) , va- lued at - - 150 o o And the teinds of the lands of Cross- lands, valued at - 325 6- i2ths Upset price of Lot II. L- 3136 17 1 6- i2ths LOT III. The LIFERENT ( during the joint lives of Mr and Mrs Armstrong) of the lands of HEUK, lying in the pa- rifh of Sibbalbie, annexed to Applegirth, and sheriffdom fore- said, which is to be expofed at five years purchafe of the free rent, being - - L. 228 6 8 LOT IV. An ADJUDICATION for sums amounting to 1591.14s. 9d. besides interest affecting an acre of land at Rigg- muir, and houses thereon, lying in the parish of Gratney,
which is to be exposed at 12 years purchase of the free rent of the subjects affected by the adjudication, being L. 28 10 o The subjects in lot second hold of the Crown, excepting a very small part of the superiorities. The lands held of the Crown afford a freehold qualification. The lands, & c. in lots first, third, and fourth, hold of subjeCts superior. There is a good modern mansion house, with offices, pigeon house, garden, & c. on lot first; and upon that lot, as well as lot se- cond, there is a good deal of thriving planting, upon which no value is put. The rent of lot first has risen considerably since the proof was taken in the judicial
sale, and conform to which proof the upset price is fixed; and there is reason to be- lieve that, upon permanent leases, a considerable rise of rent would still be got for these and the other subjects under sale. About 17I. of the rent of kirtletown and Pockeskinefoot re- mains of teind after paying the stipend, the privilege of pur- chasing which is to be exposed at five years purchase. The teinds in this parish are saleable at six years purchase ; so that 17I. of the rent is in reality exposed at only eleven years pur- chase. The lands in lots first and fecond lie within seven miles of Langholm, six of Ecclefechan, and within five miles of
the great turnpike road leading from Glasgow and Edinburgh, by Moffat, to Carlisle. Thefe lands also lie within three miles of lime, and are capable of great improvement. The lands in lot third lie in the neighbourhood of the village of Lockerby; and the subjects secured by the adjudication in lot fourth, lie in the village of Rigg; and die ground, lo far as not already built upon, may be tened off to advantage. The articles of roup, Sec. may be seen in the office of Mr Alexander Stevenson, depute- clerk of Session ; and persons de- sirous of further information may apply to John Tait, jun, writer to the signet, agent in the sale, or Mr
John Johnston, at Charlesfield, by Annan, factor on the estate. A
\ A tHE Trustees for the Turnpike in the Distrct of DALKEITH, being A COAL OVERSEER. COAL OVERSEER wanted to superintend a Colliery. He must be perfectly master of his busi- ness both above and below ground, and be well recommend- ed from his last place. He must have had experience in a Steam Engine ; and his character must bear the striCtest en- quiry for skill, sobriety, and honesty. Apply to John Bruce at Kennet, near Alloa. WEAVERS WANTED, IN the Manufactory of Linen and Cotton Checks, See. at the CITY of CARLISLE, in the county of Cumberland, where the prices for weaving are in propor- tion of
five shillings in every twenty shillings, more than gi- ven for the same work in any part of Scotland, and Where the weaver has his loom and every utensil found him by his employers. One hundred or more weavers may be imme- diately accommodated with work, hy making speedy appli- cation to Messrs. John Forster and Sons, or Messrs Lewth- waite and Co. at Carlisle aforesaid, where weavers will meet with every encouragement; and those that are married may have employment for their wives and children. None will be taken but those who can produce a written certificate of their sobriety and honest good conduCt.
Carlisle is situated in a rich fertile corn country, and provisions of all kinds as cheap ;: nd plentiful as at any place in the kingdom. CARLISLE, AUG. 25. 1789. CONTRACTORS FOR TURNPIKE ROADS WANTED. Roads with- being resolvcd to put the Turnpike Roads in the said DistriCt in a sufficient state of • repair Notice is hereby given to ContraCtors who may be willing to undertake the reparation of the Turnpike Road be- twixt the Gibbet Toll Bar, near to Edinburgh, and the extre- mity of the county near to Deanburn Bridge; and also of that Branch of the Turnpike Road in said DistriCt, leading from the Dalkeith Road by
Prestonfield and Niddry, to the Mus- selburgh Road, near to Hailes, that they may lodge their esti- mates for the same with Mr Mitchelson, Nicolson Street, E- dinburgh, betwixt and the 5th of OCtober next, specifying the thickness and breadth of materials to be laid on the said Roads. The Trustees propose, that the Road from the Gibbet Toll bar to Dalkeith, and the above Branch of the said Turnpike road from the Dalkeith Road towards Musselburgh, shall be put into a sufficient state of repair in the first place, aud that the undertakers shall begin to these repairs how soon the wea- ther will permit after the ensuing winter, and
that proper Materials may he preparing in the mean time; it is therefore expcCted, that those who propose to contract, will, in their estimate, specify the time against which they will undertake to have the above two parts of the said Turnpike Road put into a sufficient state of repair; and likewise they will specify the time against which, after completing the above works, they will undertake to put the remainder of the said Great Turnpike Road into a sufficient state of repair, from Dalkeith to the extremity of the County of Edinburgh, near Deanburn Bridge, The Trustees upon the Post Road leading from the foot of the Canongate by
Musselburgh, to the extremity of the County of Edinburgh, near Ravenshangh Burn, are resolved to put that Road in a sufficient state of repair, and desire that an estimate of the expence thereof, and also an estimate of the expence of forming and making a Turnpike Road from Ber- nard Street, in Leith, through the Links, by the Toll Bar lately ereCted near Seafield, till the same joins the Post Road at the end of the Long Sands, may be given in as above, be- twixt and the 5th of October next. After putting these different Roads in a sufficient state of repair, the estimates may further specify what annual sum will be required by
the undertakers for keeping the said Roads in the like sufficient repair for a term of years, it being un- derstood, that, after the said roads shall be put in a sufficient state of repair, the materials shall be kept of an equal thick- ness during the whole term of the contraCt. CONTRACTORS FOR TURNPIKE ROADS WANTED. TTIE Trustees for the Turnpike Roads with in the distriCt of LASSWADE, and county of EDIN- BURGH, being resolved to put the Turnpike Roads in the said distriCt in a sufficient state of repair, Notice is hereby gi- ven to contractors who may be willing to undertake that part of the reparation, or new making '
thereof, from the Orange Toll Bar to the fifth mile- stone near Lasswade, in the following manner, viz. from the ' Toll Bar to the first mile- stone, at Powburn, the road to be 36 feet in breadth, mettled 30 feet broad.— From first to second mile- stone, 28 feet in breadth, mettled 23 feet broad.— From second to third mile- stone, 27 feet in breadth, mettled 22i feet broad.— From third to fourth mile- stone, 27 feet in breadth, mettled SJ^ feet; all to^ e 12 inchcs thick of mettle in the middle, • and 10 inches at the sides.— And from the fourth to the fifth mile- stone, 2J feet in breadth, mettled 21 r feet broad, and 10 inches thick of mettle
in the middle, and 9 inches at the sides. And the road from the first mile- stone at Powburn, through Nether Libberton, to the fifth mile- stone on the Newbottle road, to be made as follows, viz. from the first to the second mile- stone, 22^ feet in breadth, mettled 17 feet broad. From second to third mile- stone, 22 feet in breadth, mettled l6 feet broad.— From third to fourth mile- stone, SO1- feet in breadth, mettled 16 feet broad; and the whole breadth of metals to be 12 inches deep; and from the fourth to the fifth mile- stone 2i feet in breadth, mettled Ij^ feet broad and 10 inches thick of mettle in the middle, and 7 inches at the
sides— the materials 011 the road ( in all the above divisions) included. The repairs to be begun how soon the weather will per- mit after the ensuing Winter, and proper materials therefor prepared in the mean time; and in the estimates, the time specified against which they will undertake to have the above two parts of the said turnpike roads put in sufficient repair; and after they are so done, what annual sum they will take for keeping the said roads in the same state for a term of years, both as to the breadth and thickness of materials as before, and in which they must he received off the Contrac- tor's hands. No stones to be
laid upon the road unless broke to the size of a hen's egg; and such stones upon the road at present ( as are above the size), to be raised and reduced to the same. The keeping the water tables clear, and always deeper than the bottom of the bed of the mettles, gathering the loose stones in dry weather, & c. & c. included. The persons willing to coutraCt, are also desired to say what difference it would make in a bargain for keeping the said roads after they have been so repaired, if the roads before mentioned were all to be enlarged and mettled ten feet more than they are at present. People who contraCt for, and repair the
said roads, to the satisfaction of the Trustees, and give undoubted security for the performance of their contraCt, and the after repair of the road, will have a good chance for a preference, as to other roads within the distriCt. It being understood, that the pro- posal of no persons will be agreed to without satisfaCtory se- curity. . Any persons willing to contraCt for the above roads in the manner before specified, may lodge estimates for the same with James Carmichael writer in Miln's Court, Edinburgh, betwixt and the 10th of OCtobert next. BY 0rDeR OF The hONOuRABLe COMMISSIONERS OF THE CUSTOMS. To be exposed
to public SALE, in the Customhouses of the Ports, upon the days after mentioned, at twelve o'clock noon, THE following GOODS, which have been con- demned in his Majesty's Court of Exchequer. SEPTEMBER. AYR, Thursday loth- The Sloop Thomas and Andrew, a- bout 26 tons burden, to be sold entire. OCTOBER. LERWICK, Thursday 1st— 39 £ bushels foreign Salt, 14 Salt Barrels. N. B. Purchasers will take notice, that, by the aCt of the 26th Geo. III. cap. 73. § 31. it is amongst other things enacted, That no distiller or distillers, maker or makers, rectifier or rectifiers, compounder or compounders of spirits, or any dealer
or dealers in spirits, shall sell, or send out any foreign spirits of a lower degree of strength than that of one in six under hydrometer proof, nor have in his, her, or their custody or possession, any quantity of Foreign Spirits, or British and Foreign Spirits mixed together, ( except Shrub, Cherry or Raspberry Brandy) of a lower degree of strength than as aforesaid, upon pain of all such spirits being forfeited and lost, together with the packages containing the same. And, by the- 34th § of the same statute, it is enacted. That if any British rectified Spirits, or any mixture of British Spirits with Foreign Spirits, shall be found in the custody of
any dealer or dealers in spirits, not being a reCtifier or com- pounder of British Spirits, exceeding the strength of 1 in 8 under hydrometer proof, the same together with the casks and vessels containing the same, shall be forfeited and lost. *,* Purchasers will also take notice, that 25 per cent, of the purchase money is to be deposited, and the same to be forfeited, unless the goods are taken away within the time to be limited by the conditions of sale. OAK AND FIR TIMBER, & c. To be SOLD by public auCtion, upon Thursday the 17th current, THE CARGOES of the COUNTESS of Su- THERLAND, from Liebau, and of the
VENUS, Capt. Norman, from Memel, consisting of a considerable quantity of Oak and Fir Timber, Plank of both kinds, Pipe and Bar- rell Staves, with a few tons of Flax and Hemp. The roup will begin with the staves, flax, and hemp, at e- leven o'clock precisely, within the warehouse of ALLAN, STEUART, and CO. where these goods may be seen any time betwixt and the day of sale. The timber and plank ly- ing in Mr Learmonth's yard will be sold there immediately after the others. LEITH, SEPT 3.1789. TO BE SOLD OR LET, At Martinmas or Whitsunday next, ThE pleasant Villa of CARRONBANK, Situated on the banks of
Carron, in the heart of that populous and agreeable spot, the Carse of Falkirk, and within two English miles of that town. The house and offices are in the very best order, having lately been fitted up ill an elegant manner at a great expence. The first floor consists of a large parlour', two bed rooms, and a dressing closet, with large kit- chen. The second of a large dining room, drawing room, and two bed rooms, with dressing closets. The third of four bed rooms, two lumber rooms, and garrets above. Adjoining to the house are two compleat wings. In the one a large library, dressing room, closets, store room, and outer cellar, all
properly fitted up. In the other a large wine cellar, neatly fitted up with catacombs, larder, servants hall, milk house, & c. To each of the wings there is a separate en- try from the house ; and a pump- well, with leaden pipes to convey water into the house. The offices consist of a coach house, stable and byre, wash- ing house and laundry, with several out houses and shades and other conveniencies. There are three small inclosures, planted round with trees and shrubbery, belonging to the premises; also two gardens, one of which is inclosed with a high brick wall, and well stocked with young fruit trees, all of the best kinds, and
laid out in a complete manner. The trees and shrubbery are all in a thriving condition. Also to be SOLD or LET, Two Large GRANARIES or WAREHOUSES, capable to contain about 1500 bolls of grain; adjoining to which ( newly built) there is a Wharf 011 Carron, Where ships, of large burden can unload. ' The house and premises will be shewn by the present pos- sessor on Tuesdays and Saturdays, from ten till two o'clock; and for further particulars apply to James Marshall, writer to the signet, or Henry Swinton, merchant at Grangemouth. ( Upset Price Reduced to L.$ 0. J HOUSE IN ROSE STREET. • To be SOLD by public
roup, within John's Coffeehouse, Edin- burgh, upon Wednesday the 9th day of September curt, at six o'clock afternoon, THat HOUSE in Rose Street, consisting of three apartments, kitchen, and cellar, presently possessed by George Burnet, being the westmost half of the uppermost story of that tenement of land callcd M'Intyre's Land, lying at the south side of Rose Street, and which tenement is the second from St Andrew's Square, westmost. There are two fixed chests of mahogany drawers, and a large moveable press, which are to be sold along with the house. The present rent is 81. a year. The subjeCt pays no feu- duty;
and the burden of the roof which affects it is ascertained for twelve years to come at five shillings a- ycar. William Whyte, writer in Edinburgh, will inform as to further particulars.—— Not to be repeated. LANDS COAL, AND LIME, IN PEEBLESHIRE, To LET. To be LET, for uch number of years as shall be agreed on, and entered to at Whitsunday next, THE extensive Sheep Farm of FALLAS, lying in the parifli of Linton, prefently in the pofleflion of the proprietor. Tho tenant may have the flock of ewe's on the farm at an adequate price. As alfo to be. LET, and entered to at Whitfunday next, the farm of CORNLAWH, lying in the
parilh of Linton, as prefently pofleffed by Robert Tod. As alfo to be LET, and entered to at Martinmas next, ti e farm of SUNNYSIDE, lying in the parifli of Newlands, containing 72 acres of gobd lane, divided into feven incloiiircs, fi: t whereof are prefently in grafs. aifo to be LET, and entered to at Martinmas next, the EASTER ar. d WES TER PARKS of BENTS, containing 6( 1 acres ( excel- ting that part of the Eafter Park, poffeffcd by Andrew Spalding)— Thefe parks are prefently in grafs. As alfo to be LET, and entered to at Martinmas next, the LIME QUARRIES of MACBIEH1LL and WHITFIELD. t'i. a/ orilH r of thefe quarries is a
rock fifteen feet thick, co- vered with only four feet of earth ; the other, though the rock is nor fo thick, may, from its nature, be wrought at as little cxpence as the former; and both quarries are within half a mile, of coal. The demand for lime in the neighbour- hood- is great, and has hitherto been fcarcely fupplied. The tackfman may alfo have a leafe of land in the neighbourhood of the quarries. As alio to be LET, and entered to at Martinmas next, the COAL of MACBiEHil. L, to which a level has lately been brought up at a great expence. ' The gardener at Alaebiehill will fliew the above farms, coal, See.; and for farther particulars,
application may be made to Andrew Hamilton, write/ to the fignet, to whom offers for leaf, s may be given. SALE OF KENNETPANS DISTILLERY, BY ADJOURNMENT, At a Reduced Upset Price; AND < NOTICE to the CREDITORS of JOHN STEIN. To be SOLD by Public AuCtion, within the Royal Exchange Coffeehouse, Edinburgh, on Monday the 7th day of Sep- tember 1789, at one o'clock afternoon, THE Distillery of KENNETPANS, including the Distillery Utensils, with the Dwelling House, Offi- ces, Malting, and whole other Buildings and Grounds con- nected therewith. The situation of this distillery is truly eligible, being on
the banks of the river Forth, with the advantage of a commodi- pns harbour close adjoining. The work and offices are all in ex- cellent order, and there are on the premises a complete steam engine, with two other mills for grinding grain. ' There is likewise abundance of coal, wood, lime- stone, and free- stone in the neighbourhood, which, with many other local advan- tages, render the whole a most desirable purchase. N. B. If the Distillery shall not be sold on the day above mentioned, the greatest part of the Utensils ( to be thereafter particularly advertised) will be sold at Kennetpans, upon Tues- day the 15th September. For
further particulars apply to James Craig, merchant in Edinburgh, or to Robert Boswell, writer to the signet. j.* And the TRUSTEE on the sequestrated estate of the said John Stein, late distiller at Kennetpans, hereby intimates, That, in terms of the appointment of the last General Meet- ing of his Creditors, there is to be another General Meeting of said Creditors, within the Royal Exchange Coffeehouse, Edinburgh, upon Monday 7th September 1789, at 12 o'clock noon, to six the reduced upset price at which the Distillery shall be exposed, and to take under their confideration such o- ther matters relative to the bankrupt estate as
shall then be laid before them. I SALE OF LANDS IN FIFE- SHIRE. To be SOLD by public roup,' within the houl'e of David Methven, vintner in Cupar, upon Thurlday the 17th Sep- tember curt, betwixt the hours of twelys and - one, an1' to be entered at the upfet- price of ThreeTlloufand Pounds Sterling, r r -> HF. LANDS of NORTKER CALLING!"., with the _ L Teinds, lying in the parifh of Ceres, and county of Fife, confifting of about 227 Scots acres, holding feu of the Honourable John Hope of Craighall, for payment of about 46 1." Sterling yearly, in full of all cefs and parochial burdens whatever. ' The lands lie in a country
abounding with coal and lime within two miles of Cupar, the county- town, and four n-. iles of the fouth coaft of Fife, are all arable, of a good quality and in a high ftate of cultivation. About 80 acres are alrea- dy inclofed and fubdivided. And the whole, except abou' 29 acres, are in the natural pofl'eflion of the proprietor, and may be entered to at Martinmas firft. There are on the lands a good farm- houfe and offices, a pigeon- houfe, and a large garden well ftored with fruit- trees, and above four acres 01 plantations, made about twenty- years ago, in a very thriving condition, adjoining to the farm- fteading. Robert Chriftic, the
proprietor, at Callinge, will fhow the lands; and a plan thereof, with the title- deeds and the articles and condition of roup will be feen in the hands ol Henry Walker writer in Cupar. DISTILLERY UTENSILS. To be SOLD at Kilbagie, in the county of Clackmanan, upon Tuesday the 15th September 1789, at II o'clock forenoon, and the two following days, THE whole COPPERS, STILLs, WORMS, and other UTENSILS ( some Fixtures excepted), belonging to the DISTILLERY at KILBAGIE. Among these Utensils are the following— Boiler, Do. Do. - Do. Contents. 113 barrels 126 do. 249 do. 134 do. Still and Head, 1427 gals. Do. • ja7
dot Do. — 673 do. I Do. 902 tlo. I Still, I Do. 1 Do. 1 Do. — I Do. andHead, 1288 do. I Do. — 1400 do. 1 Do. and Head, 2300 do. 1 Do. — 400 do. Contents. 531 gallons 902 do. 917 do. 274 do. N. B. Most of these vessels, as well as the worms, tubs, & c. are fit for use, and some of them almost new. There are also comprehended in the articles to be sold, a considerable quanti- ty of Old Metal, Iron Hoops, Pumps, and other useful articles well worth the attention of the public. Catalogues will be had ten days preceding the day of sale, by applying to the following persons— Mr David Sandeman merchant, London, Mrs Bowie,
auctioneer, Edinburgh, Messrs W. Furlong and Co. merchants, Glasgow, Mr William Grinly broker, Leith ; And the articles themselves may be seen at any time after the 6th September, by. applying to Mr James Stein, Kiliia; ie. Sale Of DWELLING HOUSES, GARDEN, WRIGHTS SHOP,& c. ' At the Head of the West Port. To be SOLD by public roup, within John's Coffeehouse, E- dinburgh, on Wednesday the 9th day of September 1789, at five o'clock afternoon, THAT large new built WRIGHT'S SHOP, 1 WOOD YARD, SHADE and SAW PIT, with the two DWELLING HOUSES, and GARDEN thereunto be- longing, all lying
near the head of the West Port, 0n the north side of the street, and as lately possessed by the deceased John Russel wright. These subjeCts have an easy communication with the street, possess many conveniences, and are in other respeCts well a- dapted so. any person intending to carry on the wright busi- ness. The title deeds and articles of roup art in the hands of John Tawse writer, Parliament Square, Edinburgh— to whom, or to Mr James Scott merchant, West Bow, those intending to purchase may apply for farther particulars. SALE Of LANDS IN GALLOWAY. THE Estate of KELTON, in the Stewartry of Kirkcudbright,
is to be exposed to sale, by public roup, within the King's Arms Inn at Dumfries, 011 Wed- nesday the 23d day of September 1789, betwixt the hours of five and six in the afternoon. It contains about 836 acres of rich arable and meadow land, finely situated in a popu- lous aud improved part of the country. ' The present rental is only about 538I. but, as some of the leases soon expire, a considerable rise may be expeCted. The mansion- house, offices, and garden, are in good order, and may, with some parks, be entered to on a year's notice to the present possessor. The farm houses are mostly new and slated, as are the corn,
barley, and flax mills, which are well employed. The river Dee skirts one part of the estate, in which there is a right to fish ; and the. canal from Carlingwark Loch skirts another, in which loch there is plenty of marle to be had at a moderate price. The great military road passes through the lands. The Island and an- cient Castle of Threave are a part of the property, as well as the great fair called Kelton Hill. Weekly cattle markets are held in winter at the seat of the fair, which are much frequented. Few subjeCts have of late years been offered to sale more desireable to a purchaser, or with so many real advantages. the title deeds,
which are clear, with the articles of roup, are to be seen in the hands of Hugh Corrie, writer to the signet ; and copies are lodged with Commissary Goldie at Dumfries, and Provost Buchanan at Kirkcudbright. Any who intend to view the lands may apply to Mr Pe- ter Gordon at Kelton Lodge, near Carlingwark. LANDS IN PERTHSHIRE. To be SOLD by roup, in the house of Andrew Duff, vintner at Inver, near Dunkeld, upon Thursday the 17th Sep tember 1789, betwixt the hours of one and three after- noon, THE Lands of BALNAGUARD, Mill & Mill lands thereof, with the Town and Lands of BAL- NAVERt, lying within the parish of
Little Dunkeld, on the great road, about half way betwixt Inver and Taymouth, 16 computed miles from Perth, and six from Dunkeld The lands lie contiguous, and consist of an cxtensive traCt of rich level or haugh arable ground, pleasantly situated a- long the south side of the river Tay. There is an extensive hill, abounding with game, and remarkable for breeding of black cattle and sheep, belonging to these lands, which lie in the heart of a pleasant, warm, and populous country, the soil inferior in quality to none in that country. The mansion- house is at present converted into an inn, and af- fords much satisfaCtion to travellers.
There is also upon the lands a great deal of old and young planting, of different kinds of timber. All the arable land is in rhe natural state, and capable of great improve- ment. There are no tacks on any part of- the lands or mill. The whole, by a late measurement, consists of about 511 acres of arable, meadow, and pasture ground, exclusive of the extensive property of hill. The lands hold of the Duke of Atholl; and the present free rent is about 174I. For further particulars apply to William Small, writer in Perth, who will show the rental, measurement, title- deeds, and articles of roup ; Robert Tait, at Balnaguard, will show the
grounds. TO BE LET, COUSLAND AND CRANSTON COALS, and EDGEHEAD WINDMILL. IN the Coal at Causland Mire, there are five seams, which may be taken out of the same shafts; one seam about four feet thick, another two feet thick, two others three feet thick, and the last thirty inches. The four first are within two or three fathoms of each other; but the last is seventeen feet deeper than the last of these, and is an exceeding hard coal, which will carry to any distance without breaking, and sells twenty per cent, dearer than the others. The roofs and pavements are good. The rise of the coal is one in seven, and the rise
of the land about one in five. The field is above 1000 acres. The first coal will be struck at ten fathoms from the level, and the first pit will be five or six fathoms deep. The four first of these coals are level free; but the last can- not be free of water, without a steam engine to cost 3001. or carrying forward a mine about 100 fathoms beyond the coal immediately above it, at 15 s. per fathom. The colliers will lay the great and middle- sized coal for 2s. p: r ton on the ground, all expences included, except sink- ing shafts, and paying overseers, and damages to tenants for breaking ground. The selling price is 4 s. 2 d. per ton for the four
first seams, and 5 s. for the li ft. And the market to Edinburgh and Leith, and for exportation from the har- bour of Fisherrow, at three miles distance, and downhill, is as great as can be desired. There is also a market for the small coal, or what is called Slack in England, and Panwood in Scotland, for the lime- works 011 the estate. The colliers get 10d. a ton, for throwing it out, and the selling price is about I s. 6 d. A very great sale may be opened for exportation of the' lime, on account of its superior quality, and the cheapness of the small coal. There is a village for the work people. The rent asked is one- sixth of the produce,
when water- free, and one- tenth, if a steam- engine be used. The crops of the five coals have lately been opened, and may be seen. The dip was formerly opened. Two Seams at Cranston are to be let on the same terms. ' The Windmill at Edgehead, quite new, ar. d of great power, is also to be let. William Nasmith, overseer at Cranston coal, will show the coals at Cousland and Cranston. And John Aitken smith at Cranston will show the windmill. Not to be repeated^ To be SOLD by public voluntary roup, within the house of Robert Young, vintner in Forfar, upon Saturday the 19th September 1789, at 12 o'clock noon, THE
Lands of BALBENNIE, with the Teinds and Pertinents, lying within the parish of Aberlemno and sheriffdom of Forfar. For particulars apply to Mr Erskine, clerk to the signet, Edinburgh, or to Mr ProCtor, Glammis Castle, by Dundee. LANDS in the neighbourhood of GLASGOW. TO be SOLD by public voluntary roup, within the Ton- tine Coffeehouse in Glasgow, upon Wednesday the 30th day of September next, between the hours of twelve and two afternoon, in on; or more lots, The LANDS of KENMURE, lying in the Barony parish of Glasgow, having the Great Canal on the north, and the post- road from Edinburgh, to Glasgow
on the south. They are all inclosed and subdivided, and on them is a mansion- house and offices, with a considerable extent of thriving plan- tations. If sold separately, the lands will be exposed in the follow- ing lots, viz. I. ' The FARM of BRAKENBRAE, as possessed by Wil- liam Macfarlane and John Mochrie, consisting of about 85 acres. Ii. The FARM of LAIGH KENMURE, out of leaSe, consisting of about 9! acres. HI. The LANDS of HIGH KENMURE, mostly under lease to Thomas Reid, consisting of about .12 4 acres. ON this lot the mansion- house and offices stand, and the Great Canal runs through part of it. ' The title deeds, with a copy of the rental, and plans of the different lots, are lodged in the hands of John Lang writer in Glasgow, to whom, or to the proprietor at Kenmure, or to Charles Stewarr writer to the signet in Edinburgh, applica- tion may be made for further particulars, and either of whom will alfo treat , for a private sale, if required. BY ADJOURNMENT— UPSET PRICE REDUCED To be SOLD by public roup, in the house of Robert Provan, vintner, west end of the Exchange,' Glasgow, on Friday the nth day of September 1789, betwixt the hours of one aad two afternoon, ALL and Whole the Lands of WESTER- BALLOCH— Also
the lands of CULLOCHSINK. lying in the parish of Cumbernauld and shire of Dumbarton, containing in whole 116 acres 3 roods and 29 falls, conform to a plan, and presently possessed by Mr John Simson, the proprietor— Charles Gray, William Aiken, and James Mil- ler, tenants. There is a new house of two stories upon the lands, with offices adjoining, besides two steadings of good farm houses lately built, a large orchard, with above 160 fruit trees of the best sorts, with belts of several hundreds of beech and ash trees, above 30 years old. There is a lime craig pre- sently working below ground—- post six feet thick, and a
seam of coal five feet below the same, all level free. The lands are well watered, and all inclosed and subdivided, and belts of trees planted round several of the inclosures, with clumps of planting in the angles, besides 5 acres of fourteen year old planting. They hold of Lord Elphinston, and are situated within a little distance of the new road to Edinburgh, ten miles from Glasgow, and one mile from the Great Canal, to which there is easy access. If agreeable to offerers, the lands may be set up in the fol- lowing lots.— I. ' The mains of Balloch, mansion house, and orchard.— 2. Cullochsurk, and the two northmost parks of Balloch.
Any person wishing to purchase the whole, or a part by private bargain, may apply, betwixt and the day of roup, to Mr Simson, the proprietor, or to James Robb, writer in Glasgow, in whose hands are the progress of writs, articles of roup, and the plan of the lands. If the lands are not sold, the proprietor wishes to BORROW on them L. 800 Sterling, betwixt and Martinmas next. The security is unexceptionable. Apply as above. LANDS AND FISHINGS IN FORFARSHIRE. To be Sold by public roup, at the Old Exchange Coffeehouse, Edinburgh, upon Wednesday the 25th November 1789, betwixt the hours of six and seven
afternoon, THE Lands of GRANGE OF MONIFIETH, with the Teinds thereof, and SALMON FISHINGS upon the FRITH of TAY, lying in the parish of Monifieth, and county of Forfar. - . Tlie present rent of this estate, including the lands in the proprietor's possession, is - L. 5^ 3 10 o From which deduce public burdens, 57 4 8 There remains of free rent L. 496 5 4 These lands hold of the Crown, and are valued in the cess books at 908I. 6s. 8d. The rent of one of the possessions set in tack augments 181. in three years. The farm in the proprietor's possession is mo- derately valued, and would give a higher rent if let in tack. This
estate lies in a populous manufacturing country, four miles east from Dundee, bounded by the frith of Tay 011 the south, where vessels with coal and lime are in use to be un- londed. There is a good mansion- house on the estate, fit to accommodate a large family, commanding a delightful view of the frith of tay and cOast of Fife ; also a complete court of offices lately finished. The farm steadings are in excellent condition. Besides thriving hedge- rows, there are acres entirely occupied with planting, which is in a thriving state, and neither the lands nor trees are valued. The estate is still capable of great improvement, as there
are considerable ma- nufactories and waterfalls upon it. The title- deeds, plan of the estate, and articles of roup, are to be seen in the hands of James Keay, writer in Edinburgh, to whom, or the proprietor at Grange, application may be made for further particulars, or for purchasing by private bar- gain before the roup. EDINBURGH: Printed by DAVID RAMSAY, OLD FISH- MARKET CLOSE, where Advertisements, Orders for the Paper, & c are taken in. Published every Monday, Thursday, and Saturday.— Price, a single Paper, 3 \ d.— 2/. Gs. yearly when called for— 2/. 9s. delivered in Edinburgh or Leith— and 2I. 14r. sent by