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The Glasgow Advertiser

Date of Article: 31/08/1789
Printer / Publisher: J. Mennons 
Address: Tontine Close, Trongate, Glasgow
Volume Number: VII    Issue Number: 394
No Pages: 8
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SGOW ADVERTISER, AND EVENING INTELLIGENCER. No. 394.] From FRIDAY, Aug. 28.— to MONDAY, Aug. 31. 1789- [ VOL. VII. TO THE EDITOR OF THE ADVERTISER. SIR, BEING lately in London, I visited one of the most extensive mercantile concerns in Bri- tain— and was greatly delighted with the magni- tude, order, and regularity of all its various de- partments. The worthy owner of the concern, ( Samuel Whitbread, Esq; M. P.) I observed, had placed the following observations on trade, ( elegantly written and framed) in his different compting- houses. The force and propriety of them is so obvious, that I am sure your readers in this country of commerce and manufactures, will be much obliged to you for inferring them in your useful paper— and I flatter myself these ob- servations will soon become a distinguished or- nament in the compting- houses of this city. I am, & c. Z. ' Trade is a fluctuating thing— it passed from Tyre to Alexandria ; from Alexandria to Ve- nice ; from Venice to Antwerp ; from Antwerp to Amsterdam and London ; the English rival- ling the Dutch, as the French are now rivalling both : all nations almost are wisely applying them- selves to trade, and it behoves those who are in the possession of it, to take care that they do not lose it; it is a plant of tender growth, and requires sun and soil, and fine seasons, to make it thrive and flourish. It will not grow like the palm tree, which with weight and pressure rises the more— Liberty is a friend to that, as that is to Liberty; but nothing will support and promote it more than Virtue, and what Virtue teacheth—- sobriety— industry— frugality— modesty — honestly — punctuality— humanity— charity— the love of our country— and the FEAR OR GOD." FOR THE ADVERTISER. PHILOSOPHICAL QUERIES. I, AS fire is known to occupy space by its di- lating all bodies into which it enters, whence does it arise that rocks and full bottles split in hard frost ? 2. What is the cause of those filaments like cobwebs which are often seen upon the grass, & c. and floating in the air, some of which have been found as high as a church steeple ? 3. Why does the sun extinguish a culinary fire, and yet not have the same effect upon a common farthing candle ? Answers are requested. AGRICOLUS. Douglas, Aug. 20, 1789. The Importance of AGRICULTURE. Mahomet Bey, King of Tunis, was dethroned by his subjects; but, having the reputation of the Philosopher's Stone, he was restored by the Dey of Algiers, upon promising to communicate the secret to him. Mahomet sent a plough with great pomp and ceremony, intimating that Agri- culture is the strength of a kingdom, and that the only Philosopher's Stone is a good crop, which may be easily converted into gold. SATURDAY'S POST. From the LONDON PAPERS. Teufday, Aug. 28. FRANCE. NATIONAL ASSEMBLY. DECLARATION OF RIGHTS. MDe Mirabeau, Member of the Com- mittee of Five, made the report of the Committee on the Declaration of Rights; and having in a short speech shewn the difficulty of such a declaration, for a government that has hitherto been vicious, and to employ such a decla- ration as a preliminary of the constitution of a people, whose constituent principles are unascer- tained, he read the report consisting of eighteen articles, which comprehended the great aud im- mutable truth, which ought to be the basis of all Governments. Substance of the Declaration of Rights, by the Com- mittee of Five, appointed to reduce all the other schemes into one. The Representativcs of the French Nation, con- sidering that ignorance, forgetfulness, or ne- glect of the Rights of Men, are the cause of all the evils which afflict societies, have resol- ved to establish, by a solemn declaration, those important Rights— to the end that those in power may know the degree of authority which they have the right to exercise over the people, and that the people may know the duties to which they ought to submit. Primo. All men are born equal and free ; and no one person has more right than another in the exercise of his faculties. 2. All political bodies receive their existence from a social, and every individual gives to the common stock his person and abilities, to ascer- tain the general prosperity. 3. All the powers to which a people submit, proceed directly from themselves, and all poli- tical associations have the right to change their laws, when the change shall appear to them to be necessary. 4. The common good of all is the principle and the end of every political association. 5. Law being the expression of the general will, ought to ascertain to every man his liberty. 6. This liberty consists in being subject to no- thing but the laws. 7. The citizen, being free in his person, can- not be seized on but to be carried before the tri- bunals, formed by law, to be tried publicly, and to be punished according to the penalties pre- ferred by law, which penalties ought to be uni- form for all citizens. 8. Free in his thoughts, he has the right to publish his thoughts by word or writing, provided that he does not infringe the rights of another. 9. He may pass from province to province, or he may go into foreign parts, unless in cases pro- vided by law. 10. All citizens have the right to assemble, when they they think fit, to deliberate on the in- terests of the society. 11. Every man has a right to employ himself in that species of industry which his talents or inclination suggests to him. 12. No man can be forced to part with his pro- perty, unless it is for the public advantage, and until he shall have received an adequate compen- sation for the sacrifice. 13. All citizens ought to contribute to the public expence, in proportion to their ability^ 14. No man can be made subject to contribu^ tions for immoral purposes. 15. The collection of the public revenues shall be made subject to regular rules, and the collec- tors and . officers intruded with the public treasure shall be made accountable. 16. That the public expences ought to be care- fully regulated, and no reward ought to be given to any person whatever, unless he shall have de- served it. 17. Civil equality consists not in the equality of fortune ; but in the eligibility of every man to all the offices of the state. 18. The establishment of the army, the num- ber of troops of which it shall consist, and its ex- pences, ought to depend on the legislature, and they cannot be put in motion without the consent of the civil power. New organization of the judicial Power. After the reading of the above declaration, M. Bergasse read an article from the Committee of Constitution concerning the organization ot the Judicial Power. The production drew the loudest plaudits from the Assembly, as well on ac- count of the clearness of the ideas of M. Bergasse, as the importance of the subject, and the wisdom. with which he has treated it. After having displayed the iniquities which a course of ages had introduced into the Magistracy ot France, and the changes which it had suffered, he reduced the principles upon which the New Legislature should be formed to eleven. Principles of the Judicial Power. 1. It is essential that the Magistrates of Justice should depend entirely on the Nation. 2. That they should have no active part in le- gislation. 3. That the Tribunals should not be composed of a great number of Magistrates, that the influ- ence of the order may not. be excessive in the Community. 4. That the number of Courts and of Judges should be in proportion to the exigencies of the public. 5. That the Judges should be elective. 6. That justice should be rendered gratuitously. 7. That all process, civil and criminal, should be public. 8. That the Judge should not possess the dan- gerous privilege of interpreting the Law, and of adding to its provisions. 9. That every citizen has the right personally to plead his own cause, civil as well as criminal. 10. That the Officers of Police ought to be chosen by the people. 554- IT. That every Judge ought to be responsible for the sentence or judgment he shall give. To these principles Mr. Bergasse has added a plan for a code of laws, divided under five heads, of which, for the present, we are obliged to con- fine ourselves to the mere outline. FIRST HEAD. Of Courts and Judges. This Head contains almost literally the prin- ciples above stated. 1. The Nation shall have the right to deter- mine the number and the rights of the Courts. 2. The Judges shall have no share in the legis- lation. 3. The number of the Courts and Judges shall be in proportion to the wants of the Nation on the subject. 4. Venality shall be abolished. 5. Justice shall be rendered in the name of the King. 6. Justice shall be gratuitous. 7. The salaries of the Judges shall be in pro- portion to the importance of their functions. 8. Trials, civil and military, shall be public. 9. The Judge shall not have power to add to the law. 10. The Judge shall be responsible for his judg- ments. SECOND HEAD. Of Civil Process. 1. The kingdom shall be divided into Provin- ces. 2. Every Province shall have a sovereign Court of Justice. 3. Every Province shall be divided into districts, each of which shall have a Judge in Ordinary. 4. In every parish there shall be a Justice of the Peace. 5. In all the cities and towns on the coast, there shall be a Chamber of Commerce. 6. All courts of Exception shall be suppressed. 7. In civil matters, the sentence of a Justice of the Peace shall be final, if the action is not for more than fifty livres ( about two guineas). 8. The sentence of- the Judges in Ordinary, in each district, and of the Admiralties at each port, shall be final to 2000 livres. 9. A wife cannot plead against her husband, nor a fon against his father, without the permis- sion of the Justice of the Peace. 10. In every city there shall be a gratuitous Chamber, where advice is to be given to the poor gratis. 11. The King's Officers shall plead the causes of the poor gratis. 12. There shall always be a Commission to regulate the order of proceeding. THIRD HEAD. Of Criminal Process. In this, M. Bergasse made the English form of criminal trial his model, and made the trial by jury his first principle.— And the other articles were to secure the citizens against surprize, ven- geance, or delusion. FOURTH HEAD. Of the Police. The most essential articles in this head are, that the officers shall be elected by the People, and that they shall have no cognizance whatever of politi- cal matters. FIFTH HEAD. Of the Judges. They shall be henceforth above the age of thirty. . They shall he chosen by the King, out of three persons named by the municipality. The Judges shall be independent as to situa- tion, but responsible for their acts. THE GLASGOW ADVERTF All the above reports were ordered to be prin- ted for the inspection of the Members. Paris is greatly incommoded by a gang of workmen and artizans, to the amount of 15,000 or 18,000 men, who came hither with the pro- spect of plunder, the same as wolves and crows are always known to follow a camp. These miserable people have already done much mischief ; they came chiefly from Pied- mont, Genoa, conducted back to the frontiers, with the allowance of 4 sous for every league they travel. In the country the tumults still continue near- ly as great as ever, and with as much violence, the mob still amusing themselves with burning the gentlemens seats, & c. In Dauphine a band of robbers are ravaging the country, amounting, as is said, to more than 15,000 in number. In Alsace so many skirmishes have happened between the Bourgeois and the soldiery, that the commanding officer has been obliged to withdraw the troops there, to the frontiers of Germany,. Another circumstance unfavourable to the re- establishment of good order and tranquillity, is, that the resolutions of the National Assembly for abolishing particular privileges do not meet with the same approbation in the country, as they did in the capital. Private property is so greatly af- fected by them, that it is feared the enforcing of these resolutions, may be attended with very fe- rious consequences. Even the capital itself, a very few days ago, was on the point of being plunged into fresh dis- order. A quarrel had risen between the French guards and the regiment de Vingtimille, which was on the point of being decided by blows, but, by the timely interference of the Marquis de Fa- yette, was happily prevented. Another tumult then arose among the journeymen tailors, who, on a dispute between them and the matters, had got together to the number of about 7000, but, by the prudent interposition of the same patriotic nobleman, they were soon quieted. Brittany also still continues in a flame, on ac- count- of the plot to burn the shipping, & c- in Brest harbour. The resolutions of the National Assembly for abolishing their hereditary privileges had not a little sharpened their spirits, but the suspicion thrown on their nobility, as having been concerned in the conspiracy, has irritated them almost to open violence. Government is in the greatest distress for want of money. His Holiness the Pope may now be said to mount the Papal chair, And scatter empty thunders to the air ; Grimly preside in Superstition's school, And curse those kingdoms he can never rule. " Why should we apply to his Holiness," said M. Camus, a respectable member of the Nation- al Assembly , " for obtaining what our prelates can grant ? Rome sends us bulls, sealed with lead, and we send her the gold of the nation. We must not exchange the gold of France for the lead of Rome, nor shall the Pope have any longer the right of conferring benefices and dignities, al ternately with the bishop of the place, as he does in Provence and Bretany. Let T5s decree, once, for all, that every church In France is e- qually free, and let a law be enacted that no mo- ney, on any pretext whatever, shall be any more exported to Rome." A letter from Chartres says, " The inhabi- tants of this place have brought in from the Castle of Villebon, eight pieces, of cannon, 24 pounders; these are the identical cannon that Henry the IVth presented to the Duke of Sully. - What would that celebrated Minister say, If he revisited earth ? And how great would be his sur- prise! Perhaps he though the inflexible friend enough attached to liberty— he would not assimi- late to the French character of the eighteenth century." The cruelties practised at the country seats of French nobility are horrible, and almost past be- lief— they are too shocking to be recounted. A few days since, the mob, at a place called Argentan, attacked the castle of the Marquis de Falconner, the lord of the place. They seized him and were burning him alive, when his exe- cutioners began to quarrel among themselves, which saved his life, though not until his two feet and one of his hands were so much burnt, that they were afterwards obliged to be amputat- ed. The mob then made him sign a deed, re- nouncing his estate and title, observing, that, as the King had joined the Tiers Etat, they would no longer have Lords in France. Many people blame the pusillanimity of the King of France— but, if he had not made a. vir- tue of necessity, his head, like Charles I. of Eng- land, would have been off by this time— and if the unfortunate race of Steuart had possessed the same pliant principles with Louis- XVI. they would probably have been still on the throne of Great Britain. The French Court— that is, the Old School- are travelling into Italy in a body of 46 person- ages— They were at Manheim on the 14th of this month : the Count d'Artois, the Prince of Conde, Dukes of Bourbon and Enghien, & e. We are happy- to hear that his Majesty's health is so perfectly re- established in all points, that he is able to walk more. { an exercise till lately he was not very fond of) than ever he has in his life, and with less fatigue.. His Majesty's- levees, in the country, are much ' more, frequent and promiscuous than when in town; he sees and converses with all the gentle- men and capital farmers round him ; and from his enquiries and condescension, takes off all the effect and embarrassment of Court ceremony. This descending to the level happiness of life, whilst it endears him to his subjects, and his sub- jedts- to him, extends his knowledge, and gives him an experience of mankind, which Kings in general know the least of amongst all the classes of gentlemen. The King's left ancle is a little swelled, and his Majesty walks rather lame in consequence ; a sprain a few days since was the cause. Strange as it may seem, London at present re- mains without the appointment of Sheriffs for the ensuing year; one only of those elected has given bond to serve, his colleague yet remains to be chosen Before the Court of Copenhagen would con- sent to the neutrality required by the Courts of London and Berlin, it insisted that it should be at liberty to assist the Russian ships in Kioge Bay in forming a junction with the main body of the Russian fleet. Denmark therefore contends, that their failing with the Russian fleet was no brcach of their neutrality. According to the Russian account of the sea- fight between their fleet and that of Sweden, the engagement was by no means general, a few ships only firing on, both sides.— The Swedish letters say, that their fleet is now blocked up at Carls- crone by the Russians. The Danish fleet has returned from the Bal- tic, and is now near Copenhagen. » We have the pleasure to hear from all parts of the kingdom, that the harvest is uncommonly lux- uriant ; but „ what avails the bounty, of Heaven, if a set of unfeeling wretches art permitted to com- bine for the execrable purpose of intercepting the T H E G blessings of God in their- way to man Is it be- yond the power of human wisdom, at least to check, if it cannot extinguish, the baleful spirit of monopoly in a matter so universally, so mo- mentously interestingl Extract of a letter from Ragusa, July IO. " Couriers belonging to Prussia and Sweden are every day passing this way, from Venice to Constantinople: they always prefer the Turkish • roads for safety, which Inclines us to believe that there is something better than a good under- standing between those two nations and the Porte. " When our last letters came from Constan- tinople, it was generally expected there, that a formal declaration of war would be proclaimed by the Porte against Spain and Naples ; and that the Ministers of those courts would, as usual, be accommodated with lodgings in the Castle of Seven Towers. The Grand Signior has also in- formed the French Ambassador, that the Porte was very much displeased at his nation, for hav- ing abused the privilege of transporting grain in the Black Sea, and having assisted the Russians with several articles they stood in need of. An inspection, accordingly, has been ordered of all French vessels." Extract of a letter from Rome, July 24. " The sum of 7000 ducats, presented by his Sicilian Majesty, under the title of " A pious offering to the glorious Aposles St. Peter and St. Paul," and which the Papal Chamber refus- ed, has been deposited by the Charge d'Affaires of Naples, in a public bank, for the use of the Papal Chamber ; but the Procurator General of the Chamber has entered a new protest, setting forth the pretentions of the Pope, and the obli- gation of the King of Naples to present this sum and a Palfrey, with the accustomed formalities, " as a tribute in acknowledgment of the sove- reignty of the Holy See over the kingdom of the Two Sicilies." All this has been formally no- tified to the Corps Diplomatique, by order of the Pope. By those dispatches we are also in- formed of the determination of the Court of Naples to persist in refusing to pay the sum un- der the name of tribute, and the inclination of the Pope to adhere to his pretensions." Extract of a letter from the Texel, Aug. 14. " Admiral Kinsbergen is now here, and has hoisted his blue flag on board the Nassau, of 66 guns, in which he will command a fleet of obser- vation just 0n the point of sailing, to exercise the officers and men, but on what particular station is not yet specified, though they will hardly, we believe, enter the Baltic. A survey has been taken of the men of war here, which are found to amount to thirty- five ships laid up, of which number there are nineteen of the line of battle, from 56 10 78 guns, all in good condition, exclu- sive of those in commission." Extract of a letter from Havre, Aug. 17. Order is pretty well restored. in this neigh- bourhood, in a great measure owing to the few examples made of the members of the unruly mob, who were overturning all order. A very jealous eye is kept on the arsenal, the gates of which are kept shut, a strong guard in the inside, and none but persons known to have business ad- mitted. On the water side, there are three fri- gates, guardships. With these continued pre- cautions, we hope for quiet and safety. The mills on the Seine are again going, after being stopt five weeks," Extract of a letter from Paris, Aug. ZO. " The most alarming accounts were yesterday received at Versailles, stating a general insurrec- tion of the slaves in the island of St. Domingo. " The agent of this conspiracy is said to have been formerly an inhabitant of Havre, but late of Philadelphia j in which city, having- purchased se- LASGOW ADVERTI Veral thousand firelocks, and shipped them for St. Domingo, they were secretly distributed among the slaves, with the leaders of whom the plot had been preconcerted. " This report is received as a fact, and has excited a new fermentation amongst the people. " It is indeed greatly to be apprehended at this time, when all France is in arms, and her frame of Government dissolved, though for a happy regeneration, that hidden and extraor- dinary changes may take place in her dependen- cies." ANECDOTE— worthy of record. A gentleman in Bristol, who had made a great fortune, by a sudden reverse stopped payment some years ago, and paid 13 s. 4d. a pound, which is a good composition, and got his certificate. Soon afterwards by his industry, he found him self enabled to pay the remaining 6s. 8d. which he actually performed, although he had no tie, except his honour to do it. It were to be wished so much honour and ho- nesty were more common now- a- days. FINE TIMES; o r, THE GLORIOUS EIGHTY- NINE. Fine Times— when generosity is shown only to wh— s, waiters at bagnios, and horse jockies. Fine Times— when drinking and whoring are the chief accomplishments of a young man of spirit. Fine Times'— when gaming is a duty, distress of fortune a pleasure, and a gentleman's servants are bailiffs in livery ! Fine Times— when the seduction of a sister is resented only by a butcher— and gentlemen pimp for their own wives. Fine Times— when an Imperial war gives place to a boxing match, and the letters of Big Ben sup- plant the State Papers of France. Fine Times— when tradesmen bet fifty or an hundred pounds On the head of a boxer, and pay a shilling in the pound to their creditor's. Fine Times— when all debts remain unpaid, but debts of honour, and a prostitute and a gambler tho only creditors to whom a composititon is NOT offer- ed. Fine Times— when religion is kicked out of doors, and— her house shut up ! Fine Times— when parents exhibit their children to titled seducers, and profligates of high rank, by which they gain a keeper and lose a husband. Fine Times— when we reverse the manners of Charles IId's days, who made his wh— s Duch- esses—- and we make our Duchesses wh— s. Fine Times— when in order. to ride in one's coach, it is necessary to deserve to ride in a cart. Fine Times— when the maid and the mistress are so like in dress, that there is no difference, ex- cept that- the latter is the worse drest of the two. Fine Times— when the follies of youth begin in infancy, the period of youth is dropt out of the account, and old age begins at thirty. Fine Times— when money is become the object of philosophic contempt, and a young heir is never happy until he has nothing left, and gets credit for public spirit and virtue,— a few months before he shoots himself. Fine Times— when tenants are compelled to pay ready money, or quit; and ladies of distinc- tion pay tradesmen by bills of long dates* Fine Times — when one may repeat again and again truths like the above, and those who are concerned laugh at and disregard them, while men, who know not the world, can scarcely be- lieve that such things are ! * The writer of this article lately saw a bill from a lady of rank, in which were these words, " Twelve month after date"—' The sum was 25 odd shillings. S B n 555 Portrait of the King of Spain. The Sovereign of Spain is tall in figure ; but his person can by no means be deemed elegant or interesting. His understanding is of the com- mon cast ;— nothing falls from his lips to elevate or surprise ;— nor does any thing efcape him, which demonstrates a want of capacity, or weak- nefs of intellect.— He occasionally sacrifices at the Cyprian Altar— but his amours display more of uncontrouled passion, than the refinementss of gallantry. His Majesty is a man of a grave, saturnine cast, looks pensive, but is not communicative, or con descending ; his air, however, is not that of dis- tant reserve or hauteur; he says little, which is one of the only traits he evinces of much judg- ment ; he seems to have great reliance on his Minister, the Marquis Florida Blanca, whose ta- lents serve him well enough to render Spain the tributary of France, and to learn him to look shy at Old England ! Anecdote of the Duke of MARLBOROUGH. Lord Cadogan mentions, in his private Me- moirs, never published, that calling on the Duke of Marlborough one morning, being in tbe anti- chamber, he heard a most vociferous voice, which he soon distinguished to be old Sarah's. He thought he should relieve the Duke by his intrusion ; but the Duchess not minding him, continued her abuse in the Billingsgate language, that so many pipes of wine had been ordered home, but there was one missing, which she knew he had sent to his wench. When her Grace retired, Lord Cadogan said, " My dear Duke, how can you suffer a woman to rail at you in this manner ?— you who have conquered kingdoms, cannot conquer a woman 1" —" Hush ! hush ! replied the Duke, do you not know that she has one hundred thousand pounds to give to whom she pleases." Tie Secret of being ALWAYS EASY— An Anecdote. An Italian Bishop struggled thro' great, diffi- culties without repining, and met with much opposition in discharge of his Episcopal function, without ever betraying the least - impatience. An intimate friend of his, who highly admired those virtues which he thought it impossible to imitate, one day asked the Prelate if he could communi- cate^ the secret of being always easy ! " Yes," replied the old man, " I can teach you my se- cret, and with great facility? it consists in nothing more than making a right use of my eyes.'' His friend begged him to explain himself. " Most willingly," returned the Bishop ; " in whatever state I am, I first of all look up to Heaven, and remember that my principal business here is to go there ; I then look down upon the earth, and call to mind how small a space I shall occupy in it when I come to be interred ; I then look abroad into the world, and observe what multitudes there are who are in all respects more Unhappy than myself. Thus I learn where true happiness is placed, where all our cares must end, and how very little reason I have to repine or to complain." Bon Mot of the Emperor SiGISMUND. The Emperor Sigismund Was reproached for rewarding instead of destroying his enemies, and by that means giving them the power again to injure him. " What," said the noble minded monarch, " do not I destroy my enemies when I make them my friends.?" " There are more flies caught ( said King Henry the IVth. of France) with one spoonful of honey, than by ten ton of vinegar." THE GLASGOW ADVERTISER, 55* SUNDAY'S POST. From the LONDON PAPE R S. Thursday, Aug. 27. FRANCE. ROUEN, the capital of Normandy, has openly refused toacknowledge the superiority of the City of Paris, and has acquainted the Council these with its resolution. This intelligence was only known in Paris on Monday last, and this bold declaration has thrown the City into the utmost consternation. The cause of this early explanation arose from this circumstance : The City of Rouen having received a very as- suming and reproachful letter from the Town Council of Paris, which in fact overawes even the National Assembly, respecting the former's hav- ing stopped some boats laden with, corn destined for the latter place, has returned the following anfwer: " That the Provincial Towns would never ac- knowledge the pretended superiority of the ca- pital ;— that the City of Paris would always stand in need of the City ot Rouen, whereas the latter had no occasion for the services of the City of Paris— that therefore it should continue to do whatever it thought most agreeable to its own in- terest." Letters received yesterday from Lyons, confirm the late accounts from Avignon ; the people there have shaken off the papal government and put themselves under that of France ;— they say that they are Frenchmen ; that is, they desire to be as free as we are, and they are certainly right; no absolete treaties by which they have been sold or alienated to the Holy See, should stop them ; — men should not be treated as beasts of burthern. BASTILE. Several letters found in the Bastile, are handed about ; the following has made much noise: Letter from M. de S e, Lieutenant- General of Police, to M. de Launay, Governor of the Bas- tile. " The of june, 17 " I send you, my dear de Launay, one F—, an atrocious offender; keep him eight days, after which time order matters. ( Signed) De S e." The following Memorandum on the same letter is in the hand- writing if M. de Launay. " F entered the of June, and after the prescribed time, sent to M. de S , to know under what name he should be interred." Extract of a letter from Vienna, Aug. 12. " Just as I was folding my letter, my ears were struck with loud hazzas in the streets, and looking out of my window, I saw two messen- gers pass, preceded by eight men on horseback, who were blowing their horns, whilst the people were following them with shouts of joy. The fight was novel; for since the time of the seven years war, a state messenger had not been con- ducted into Vienna with so much ceremony. I would not send off my letter till I had heard something of the contents of the dispatches brought by the messengers. The following par- ticulars have already transpired: " The first messenger had been dispatched by the Prince de Cobourg, with an account of a great victory gained by that Prince in Wallachia, over an army of 30,000 Turks, commanded by a Seraskier. The battle which preceded this vic- tory was fought on the 1st of August, near Fock- fan. The whole of the Turkish camp, their artillery their magazines behind Fockfan, and that town itself, have fallen into the hands of the conquerors. Major Kenmayer, at the head of his brave hussars, contributed greatly to this splendid victory. The Christian army consisted of not more than 12,000 men, of whom about 4,000 were Russians. The Turks, who, it is said, were commanded by the Christian Prince Maurojeni, Hospodar or Prince of Wallachia, began the attack with their usual impetuosity : the onset was furious, both sides fought with astonishing ardour, and for a con- siderable time it was difficult to foresee how the battle would end ; till the brave Major Kenmayer, having swam a river, with his spirited regiment of hussars, fell with fury upon the enemies flank. This attack foon decided the fate of the Turks, who, thus pressed both in front and flank, were no longer able to keep their ground, their ranks were broke, and a bloody slaughter ensued. " Of the Turks 1600 were left dead upon the spot, and several thoufands of them perished in the river which Kenmayer had crossed, and into which they rushed in hopes of being able to cross it, and thus escape from the swords of the hussars. The Christians pursued the Turks through their own camp ; and such was the ardour and disci- pline of the troops, that not a man stopped to plunder in the camp, but all pushed forward to Fockfan, which lay considerably in the rear of it. They did not wait to make regular approaches, but rushing on with irresistible impetuosity, they stormed the castle and made themselves masters of it, and soon after, of the great magazines that stood behind. The booty that has fallen into the hands of the vistors is immense. The Christians never shewed more determined courage than when on this occasion they rushed upon the enemy with fixed bayonets. The loss sustained by the victo- rious army is not yet known ; but it has already transpired, that only two officers of note fell on the side of the Austrians, and these were Colonel O'Reilly and Colonel Count d'Aversperg. These two gallant officers were killed whilst they were performing prodigies of valour in the storm of Focksan. " The particulars of this important victory will appear in this night's Gazette, or rather to- morrow morning, for the account cannot well be printed sooner; till then I cannot ascertain the number of killed and wounded on the side of the conquerors, or what numbers of Turks were made prisoners : A more complete victory, however, it is said, never was gained. Prince Maurojeni himself is reported to be among the prisoners. " The second of the two messengers mention ed above brought dispatches from Prince de Ho- henloe, commander of the troops in Transylva- nia, who on the 3d instant attacked a large body of Turks, and put them to flight, after they had near 800 men killed. The particulars of this af- fair have not yet transpired." Extrad of a letter from Vienna, Aug. 10. " His Majesty the Emperor finds himself fo well, that he has frequently declared, that if he continues fo, he will make a short visit to the ar- my in autumn ; but most likely his physicians will dissuade him from such an undertaking. " We have accounts from the frontiers of Tur- ky, that no sooner was the deposed Grand Vizir returned to Constantinople than he was put un- der arrest in his palace, and was soon given to understand that his possessions, which are valued at 20,000 purses, or two millions of ducats, were confiscated, and on the 19th he received orders to go to the palace of the Kaimakan, at the door of which the Sultan's guard seized him, and cau- sed him to be beheaded. His head was exposed to public view for three days, with this inscrip- tion over it—" This is the fate of Traitors."— Shortly after this his brother, mother and wives, were brought to the torture, to make them con- fess where the treasures of their relation were to be found. This family, who enjoyed the entire confidence of the late Sultan, Abdul Hamed, is accused of having designed to poison the reigning Sultan. Such severity on the part of Selim makes him rather feared than loved." Extract of a letter from Brussels, Aug. 16. " We are on the eve of a great Revolution. Many of the Citizens are every day departing for Holland in quell of arms, to return with them in their hands, and assert their freedom as the French have done. It is even said, that they have taken fome Holland troops into pay, and a great many Hanoverian and Prussian deferters ; and that the number of the confederate malcontents amounts to forty thousand." Extract of a letter from Dunkirk, Aug. 23. " Last night the Duke of Fitz- James experi- enced the most unwarrantable and disrespectful insults from the populace of this city : as he was passing by the Cathedral to the Guard Place, he was met by a large mob, who severely pelted him with dirt, brick bats, & c. that had he not re- treated into the house of the Intendant, he would probably have fallen a victim to their fury. A Burgher's guard, consisting of the principal in- habitants, protected him there ; and about ten o'clock escorted him to Gravelines, where the Duke's regiment has remained in garrison ever since they were driven out of Boulogne by a si- milar rising of the people." An important negociation is at this time on foot with the Spanish Court. Particulars are however with- held from the public at present. The Grand Signior has informed the French Ambassador at Conftantinople, that the Porte was very much displeased at his nation, for hav- ing abused the privilege of transporting grain ill the Black Sea, and having assisted the Russians with several articles they stood in need of. An inspection, accordingly, has been ordered of all French vessels. All the Russian magazines are removed out of Poland, in which country there are no longer any troops in the service of the above nation. There has been a great riot near Truro, a- mongst the Tinners, from their want of work and the great scarcity of corn. A party of the 38th regiment were ordered out on Wednefday last ; and after some expostulation with the Tin- ners on account of their demands, the Justices or- dered the officers to fire, which ( highly to their honour) they refused. And the consequence was » they immediately dispersed without attempting any mischief. On Friday they assembled again ; and on Sun- day morning a party of the 38th regiment march* ed from the lines for Truro. On Sunday night last, as three ladies and a gen- tleman were returning to town from Windsor, in a post- coach, they were stopped by three high- waymen, near the Pack- horse, Turnham Green, betwixt Hammersmith and Brentford, and robbed of fifteen guineas, three watches, and two gold rings. Two of the highwaymen opened the re- spective windows of the coach, while the other stood with a pistol to the head of the driver— tel- ling him, " that if he dared to move his horses, or give the least alarm, he would instantly blow his brains out." They all appeared to be quite young men ; and whilst they were demanding their booty, one of them told the ladies, " that was the first time of their being reduced to such unlawful means, and the last resource to keep their credit with several of their tradesmen, whose bills became due the next day ;— their endeavours to procure a sufficiency having proved ineffectual.'> The ladies and the gentleman pited their recital, but warned them of the danger which their un- lawful avocations seduced them to. T H E G LASGOW ADVERTISE R; 557 EDINBURGH. Saturday, Aug. 29. PRINCE OF WALES. York, August 28, 1789. On Tuesday the Prince of Wales was waited upon by the Corporation, who went in procession in their formalities from the Guildhall to the Deanery, preceded by their band of music play- ing God save the King, and presented his Royal Highness with the freedom of this ancient city in a most elegant gold box, together with the follow- ing address: To his Royal Highness GEORGE PRINCE OF WALES. May it please your Royal Highness, The Lord Mayor and Corporation of the city of York, animated with the most lively gratitude for the high honour conferred on this ancient city by your presence, beg leave to approach your Royal Person with the utmost respect and most cordial affection. This honour, Sir, is greatly increased by your Royal Highness being the only Heir Apparent to the Imperial Crown of this realm, whom they ever had the felicity personally to address. They cannot resist the present favourable oppor- tunity of expressing their just admiration of, and unfeigned acknowledgments for the wisdom and moderation which so eminently distinguished the affectionate and princely conduct of your Royal Highness in the most awful and trying situation, when all men looked up to your Royal Highness for protection, with the fullest assurance of receiv- ing it; and blessed as this kingdom hath been by Divine Providence in the happy recovery of our most gracious Sovereign, ( for whom they enter- tain the warmest sentiments of duty and loyalty), it is their fervent prayer, that when it shall please the Almighty to call his Majesty to a heavenly throne, your Royal Highness may succeed him in the hearts and affection of a free, brave and loyal people, and long live to reign over them with the happiness and glory of a Patriot King. Your Royal Highness is respectfully intreated to permit your Royal name to be enrolled amongst the freemen of this ancient city, and to accept the freedom thereof, which is thus humbly offer- ed for your Royal Highness's gracious reception. To which address his Royal Highness was pleased to return tbe following Answer. My Lord Mayor, and Gentlemen, I thank you for your loyal and affectionate ad- dress, and for the satisfaction which you express at my visit to the city of York. It gives me very sincere pleasure that my con- dudt has been properly understood by you, and that my opinion as to the powers necessary to have been trusted to me for the general welfare, have not been mistaken by the respectable citi- zens of York for an extravagant lust of power, or an unbecoming haste to assume that seat, to be called to as late as possible is the constant and warmest with of my heart.— Impelled with these sentiments, I must, above all others, rejoice in that happy event which is the subject of your joyful congratulations, and which touches my feelings not more as an affectionate son, than as the person the most interested in every thing which concerns the prosperity and happiness of the realm. I with pleasure accept the freedom of this ancient city, and your offer of enrolling my name amongst its citizens. The preparations at Wentworth House for the reception of the Royal Brothers are in that strik- ing brilliant stile of elegance which distinguish the present day. It will perhaps be acceptable to our readers to have an opportunity ot con- tracting an entertainment given at Wentworth House, in May 1751, ( when the late Marquis was of age) with that which will take place on the 2d of September. The provision was as fol- lows :— One ox, wt. 120st. 1llb. one ditto 110st. 3lb. two ditto 112st. fifteen sheep 95ft. 6lb. nine calves 67ft. 61b. fifteen lambs, 100 dozen of pi- geons, 177 fowls, 43 ducks, 60 pickled salmons, 32 fresh ditto, 100 dozen of crab fish, a chest of China oranges, and 350 bushels of flour for bread. Tables were laid to accommodate 1795 people, and an abundance of the best liquor proportioned to the moderate quantity of meat. On Monday and Tuesday following, 24 hogsheads of strong beer were given to the populace without doors, for whom tents and seats were fitted up to the amount of five thousand five hundred. Yesterday afternoon, about four o'clock, a most melancholy accident happened on the fouth end of North Bridge Street. A boy about ten or twelve years of age, having got upon the roof of the corner houfe of Milne's Square, facing the Bridge, supposed to be in search of a hand- ball, lost his balance and fell down upon the pavement below. When it is considered, that the house, at this place, is seven storeys high, we need scarce mention, that he was killed on the spot. His head and body were mangled in a most shocking manner. Lord M'Donald, to his great honour, adopted a moft liberal plan of establishing, at his own ex- pence, not only one, but a number of free villages, on his extensive domains. By this plan, propos- ed to his Lordship by Mr. Fraser, the settlers are to have perpetual feus of the lands, subject to a very moderate quit rent. His Lordship will by this means prevent the threatened emigrations to America, and deserve the highest praises of his country. PRICES OF GRAIN AT HADDINGTON. First. Wheaf, 29 6 Barley, 18 9 Oats, 11 o Peafe & Beans, 11 6 New Wheat, Barley, Oats, Second. 18 o 17 6 io o 10 4 — 26s. od. — I 7 s. © d. — 10 s. o d. Third. ocl. 8 3 4 N. B. There is a great demand for shearers in the East Country, as the Crop there is all ripe. MONDAY'S POST. From the LONDON PAPERS. Friday, Aug. 25. REVOLUTION AT LIEGE. ON the 13th inftant, the Prince Bishop sent a note to the Cathedral Chapter, couched in the following terms:. Venerable, noble, dearly and well beloved;. Brethren,, The inequality of the division of the imports has been long very heavy at my heart. The ca- lamities which have happened in the course of this year, have added to this great weight,. and in- duced me to convoke my States, in order to adopt some means to ease the poorest and most nume- rous part of my faithful subjects.. I am sure an equal contribution has ever been the wish of your hearts; and I am persuaded at this moment, the liberality of your sentiments, so often manifested for the general welfare, will excite you with eager- ness to second my paternal views, by the example of a generous renunciation of your pecuniary e :- emptions. I shall immediately exhort my clergy to do the same ; and I doubt not that the principles of juf- tice and Christian charity, which are the supports of the Holy Religion, the ministry of which they are entrufted with, will determine them to con- sent with a zeal equal to its patriotism. I pray God, Venerable, Noble, Dearly ani Well- beloved Brethren, to have you in his holy keeping. Done at our Castle of Seraing, the 13th of August 1789. CONSTANTIN FRANCOIS. The Chapter, on receipt of the above, without hesitation, generously agreed to it. But this did not satisfy the people ; and they accordingly drew up a paper, expressive of their full reliance ou the good intentions of his Highness, but containing accusations against his Counsellors, who they have asserted had misled him for years, and prevented access to his Highness for the elucidation of truth. They were therefore determined to regain their prerogatives, as enjoyed in 1684, which Tyran- ny and Public Robbery had wrested from them. They displaced the new Magistrates, and re- elected their predecessors. The Burgess Militia mounted guard at all the posts usually occupied by the soldiers ; and pa- troles paraded the streets to keep the peace, and secure private property. They opened all the prisons, and released the prisoners. Having no opposers, they drew up a Bill of Rights or Demands, as follow :. The social contract of the peace of Fexhe and of XXII. to be inviolably observed. " The regulation of 1684, which gives power to the Prince to chuse half the Municipal Magis- trates of the country, to be abolished. " A more equal, direct, and just assessment of all imposts. " A more equal representation in the National Assembly ; and permission to renovate the law*.- which had grown defective, and to give to their liberty all the extent it required, the which they claimed as their legitimate right." A Deputation was sent with the above to the Prince, and an invitation for him to come among them. The Prince immediately signified his consent, and was drawn by the people in his carriage from, the Castle through the principal streets to the Town Hall, escorted only by the love of his sub- jects. His. Highness there signed and ratified all they had done and asked ; and in the evening there was a general illumination, fireworks, rejoicingS, See. The following day ( Tuesday) the people de- posed the two Regent Burgomasters, who they accused of betraying their interests, and they broke their armories in the town- hall ; but their persons they deemed inviolable, and suffered them to return home without insult.. They then proceeded to the election of a new Magistrature, and for the first time since 1684, the people named the Burgomasters, and all the Council. Mr. de Chestret appeared on the steps cf the town- hall, and addressed a numerous crowd of people, after the following manner —" The for- mer Magistrates having' lost the confidence of the nation, it is necessary to have new ones') Gentle- men, whom do you chuse for Burgomasters ?" The cries of De Faby, and De Chestret, were resounded from all quarters; and these two citi- zens, who had before filled with glory the same dignity, were accordingly declared elected. How- ever, in the present situation of affairs, , it was 558 T H E thought proper to elect two adjoints in the same manner. Mess. de Lassence and de Cologne were accor- dingly chosen Burgomasters Co- Regents. After which 34 Members of Council were cho- sen by show of hands. Whilst all this was passing at the town- hall, the greatest order reigned every where, owing to the. precautions taken in the morning by the Chiefs of this Revolution. This morning arrived a Mail from Lisbon, brought to Falmouth by the Hanover Packet in twelve days. A petition has been presented to the Council Board from the manufacturers of tobacco and snuff in the metropolis, praying for instructions how to act in certain cases that have occurred since the passing of the act for regulating that business. The same now lies before government for their consideration. No man has a happier faculty at doing and un- doing than the Emperor— His designs against the Dutch, and his own Brabantine subjects, prove this. If the Turks would but bully him a little, he would give up the war in a trice— and try ' something else. The Weymouthians are so much elated at the preference given them of Royal residence, that they have published a pamphlet, in which Wey- mouth is the meridian to the whole world, and a list is given of the principal places on the globe, with their distances from Weymouth— among others they give the number of miles it is from Botany Bay ! The Mayor of Cork has improved the pillory into a wheel carriage, for the purpose of exhibit- ing the culprit through the city. Quere, Is this perfectly agreeable to the spirit of the sentence • Governor Orde, who arrived at Portsmouth in the Solebay on Saturday last, from Domi- nica, has relinquished the government of that island. The French wits, who delight in light things, have published an Epigram on the late Gover- nor of the Bastile.; the jut of which is this— The Governor goes to hell, and telling the door- keep- er who he is, the door keeper rejects him as too bad for that place, and bids him " go and be d d somewhere else." The hint of the above Epigram is probably taken from an old one published during a mor- tality among the Friars— They came so fast to the gate of Heaven, that St. Peter told one of them, that " he must wait till there was a dozen ; as he could not be troubled to open the gate so often." At Birmingham the man who dares appear with ribband ties in his shoes, is certain not to pass current; he is instantly seized, his shoes taken off and cut to pieces, and no shoe: maker can dare to sell him a new pair, unless he buys a pair of buckles first ! Near 90,000 barrels of wheat, upwards of 37,000 barrels of oats, and 2484. tons of flour, have been exported from Waterford from the 1st of June 1788, to the 1st of June 1789, besides 20,000 barrels of wheat and oats from Ross, a port within eight miles of Waterford. The following instance of military respect and regard has lately been shewn in the 46th regiment: — Captain Batwell being about to quit the army, the grenadiers, which company he commanded, met privately, and unanimously agreed to present their captain with some token of regard. A handsome silver cup was prepared, which bore an inscription expressive of the regard they had for him, aud the obligations they conceived themselves under to him. The whole was conducted with the greatest secrecy, and when completed was GLASGOW ADVEE presented to Captain Batwell by the eldest Lieu- tenant, in the name of the non- commissioned of- ficers and privates of his company.— Few such in- stances of affection to their officers exist among the privates of the army. Extract of a letter from Constantinople, July 23. " The new Sultan yesterday gave audi- ence to all the foreign Ministers, among whom the Spanish and English were alone admit- ted to private conferences, those being now the only favoured nation, the French Court having by some late steps forfeited the old alliance which had subsisted so many years between France and the Porte. All the Ottoman Ministers held a Council at the Seraglio last night, which sat several hours. Three heads are arrived from the army, which will to- morrow be exposed on the walls. The Seven Towers still embrace its wretched inhabitants." , Extract of a letter from Rotterdam, Aug. 12. " The standards of rebellion have, for seve- ral days past been displayed on all the church steeples in this city. All persons have been or- dered to wear either cockades, or pieces of yel- low ribband. " This mode soon began to wear off amongst the better sort of the inhabitants, whilst it was more strictly observed by the dregs of the people. The day of the anniversary of the Princess awak- ed this enthusiasm, when a troop of unruly ruf- fians sallied forth, unmolested by the police, ce- lebrating their most horrible joy by the most dreadful excesses—- they attacked houses, and de- stroyed every thing they met with. The quiet citizens were not sure of their lives, having no arms to defend them.— The first law of native, which permits every man to watch over and pro- teft himself, was unknown— annihilated. The slave born in Africa has an undoubted right to defend himself against the beasts congenial to his own soil— the high- spirited inhabitants of the United Provinces has not lost that right:—- the honest citizen fears, and shunes the day ; he trembles in his house, dreading the ensuing night; and when that night comes, he is tempted to quit his dwelling, to tremble still more. Amongst several persons ill treated in the open streets, was one of our first merchants, Mr. Dudart, a native of Switzerland, who has many years been establish- ed and married in this city. The mob seized and dragged him through the street, threatening to drown him, or to hang him up on one of the four gates.— Inspired with a love for his own life, he defended himself against these monsters of na- ture, until he had gained his own house, which he thought, assisted by the laws, would shelter him from their fury. " But how different was the event ? Dudart was seized by the Justice, dragged a second time like a malefactor through the streets, and then thrown into a most horrid dungeon, where he is destined to be the victim of his savage enemies. The wife of this unhappy man, soon after this news reached her ears, brought a dead child into the world; and it is much ap- prehended, that the mother will not long survive it." Extract of a letter from Madrid, Aug. 16. " By the arrival of the Cisnesse sloop of war, from Guatimala, in South America, wc have the melancholy accounts that insurrections are more numerous, frequent, and formidable, than ever. Our Governor of Pensacola, in his late dispatches, hints, that affairs are not much better in that quar- ter, in so much, that all aliens had been ordered to leave the Spanish domains in Florida directly. Our Cabinet are almost wholly taken up in at- tending to these things, besides what occurs near- er home." , T I s E R; GLASGOW. MONDAY, Aug. 31. The Last Week of Performing in Glasgow ; And, for the accommodation of every rank of people, there will be two Exhibitions each day— the first 12 o'clock at noon, the fecond precisely 6 in the evening. And in addition to the incomparable Feats of HORSE- MANSHIP, will be introduced, DANCING, Both Serious and Comic, Upon a temporary stage erected for that purpose in the middle of the Menage, 1st, A Hornpipe, by Mr. RICKETTS. 2d, A Pas Seul, by a young LAdY from the Opera House, London. 3d, A Pas Seul, by Master KINg. To finish with a PAS D E TROIS By the above mentioned Dancers. The LADY that dances will likewise display many plea- sing Feats of ACTIVITY upon TWO HORSES. Places may be kept by sending a servant at opening of the doors. Tickets may be had of Mr. PARKER, at Mr. Glen's, Horn's Court, Argyle- street. FIRST SEATS 2s.— SECOND SEATS 1s. This day was married here, Mr. Archibald Grahame, of the Thistle Bank, to Miss Jane Grahame, daughter of Mr. Thomas Grahame, writer. On Saturday night, or early on Sunday morn- ing, the Methodists Chapel was broke into, and a parcel of candles taken away. The sacrament being administered there yesterday, it is supposed the thieves intended to break into the session- house and carry off the wine, & e. but which, it appears, they had not been able to accomplish. Same night the Grammar School was also broke into, and one of the Master's gowns, some books, and a few halfpence, were carried off. Last week, in a garden at Anderston, a bean stalk was pulled up which measured eight feet in length, and three inches in circumference. There is a plentiful crop of fruit this year on the Clyde. The orchards within two or three miles have sold considerably above a thousand pounds; one orchard sold at two hundred and six pounds, another at on hundred and fifty- seven pounds, and a third at one hundred and thirty- four, pounds. A gooseberry garden sold at twenty- one pounds, though twenty- five miles from market. An instance of the industry of bees :— A hive was weighed at Stonebyres, Lanarkshire, on the 17th inst. and on being weighed again, eight days after, it had gained 91b. 3 oz. which would yield near two Scots pints of honey; an extra- ordinary increase in so short a time. The Northumberland and Phoenix East India- men just arrived from Bengal, have brought home near two hundred thousand piece, of muslins : At 20 yards per piece, this is equal to four milli- ons of yards. A correspondent says, taking things in the most favourable view for the India Company, they may be supposed to employ 40 ships every year in their imports ; 25 of these, or 5 8ths of their whole trade, are employed in the tea branch.— From the statement of the revenue it appears, that the Company pay only about 100,000l. du- ty on that article, great part of which is export- ed again, especially to Ireland, by private mer- chants who draw back the duty, so that the migh- ty advantages to the State from the East India Company seem to be greatly exaggerated by their agents ; more especially when it is considered, that for one article from America, which also is got in exchange for British goods, not an ounce of rTT" THE GLASGOW A D VERTISER, 55.9- silver is exported ; though the India Company export great quantities of silver to purchase the articles they bring home, to Britain, The Ame- rican article meant is tobacco, which, it appears, pays above 400,000l. sterling yearly to govern- ment ; and, by the new regulations, Mr. Pitt de- clares it will yield 4 or 500,000 more, making about 900,000 1. and without any of this being drawn back, as no tobacco for exportation pays any duty, but is only lodged under the King's keys till exported.— Why then, says our corre- spondent, should the best interests of the country be sacrificed, and the bread of thousands hurt, by allowing the India Company to bring home such immense quantities of manufactured muslins, to the ruin of Manchester, Glasgow, & c. ! A correspondent observes, that though only a million is the extent to which the capital of the East India Company is to be augmented, yet they are to receive from the subscribers one million se- ven hundred and forty thousand pounds sterling, as they value tool, share of their stock at 1741. This large sum must enable them to import a vast quantity more of goods. Parliament ought to have prevented them from importing any more muslins. An accident happened last week near Kilken- ny, in Ireland, which their provincial paper has announced in the following words :—" Yester- day morning, a farmer near this place got up out of his bed, and going through the window,, ac- cidentally fell down with his head, upon the stones fast asleep, by which his neck was broken, and he died before he awoke." Extract of a letter from Edinburgh, Aug. 20. " Our Magistrates intend applying for an act of parliament to erect a market for grain at the south end of our fouth bridge, and to oblige all grain arriving at Leith to be sold there by sample. This we understand will be opposed by the Leith merchants an a needless oppression, unless it is greatly modified. " St. Giles's steeple is repairing and painting — a prelude, I hope, to that nuisance the Lucken- booths being removed, which has now lain under sentence of death these four years past, but got a reprieve from year to year, from our Ma- gistrates. " The entry to the Earth Mound or Lawn-, market bridge is never yet laid off. This bridge is now at its height, and increasing daily in breadth — all the rubbish of the new buildings and the town being carried to it. " Most of our principal manufacturers in linen are fast quitting that branch. Some of them who can be content with what they have made, have retired from trade altogether, and about half a dozen principal remaining ones have turned ha- berdashers and shop- keepers— The Irish seem to have wormed us entirely out of the fine linen carried on so extensively at Edinburgh. For these four or five years past the Irish have been continually encroaching on the fine linen trade, and if they i they have done, for a few years longer, there will not be a piece of fine linen manufactured for sale in. Edinburgh." ' Extract of a letter from Philadelphia, June 8: " The General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church of North America held their first meet- ing at Philadelphia on the third Thursday of last month ; the meeting was opened with a sermon by Dr. Witherspoon from I Cor. iii. 7.' Neither . is he that planteth any thing, & c. They agreed to an address to the President of the United States. This General Assembly, formerly designed the Synod of New York and Philadelphia, having four Synods, consisting of 16 Presbyteries in the states of New York, New Jersey, Pensylvania, Dela- ware, Virginia, North and South Carolinas. The Synods for some years have been employed in preparing a form of government and worship for the ufe of their churches, enacted the same May 1788; they also adopted the Westminster Con- fession, except what related to the Magistrates' connection with the church. " The Assembly is a Court of Delegates from their Presbyteries, one Minister and one elder for every six Ministers of a Presbytery. " The Associate Reformed Synod met here a- bout three weeks ago consisted only of six Mi- nisters, Messrs. Henderson, Logan, Smith, An- nan, Lynn, and Dobbins. They debated about their overture of illustrations of the confession, but could not agree. Those who were formerly Seceders proposed the testimony published by the Associate Presbytery 1736 ; the old Dissenters proposed to adopt the testimony of the Reform- ed Presbytery in Scotland. Three of these, for- merly Seceders, prayed their names might be e- razed from the roll; declared they would not act with them till they saw them agree in a point- ed profession of the faith, but promised they would not for some time erect themselves into a Presbytery, nor join any other society. ' " The Associate Reformed Synod was erected in 1782 ; about 13 Ministers, Antiburghers, Bur- ghers, and old Dissenters, agreed to lay aside all differences they had in Scotland, and to meet as a Synod." We are creditably informed Mr. Parker's Troop of Equestrian Performers purpose exhibiting at Greenock on Monday next. The following criminals are indicted to stand trial before the Circuit Court of Judiciary, which meets here on Tuesday the 15th of September next: — 1. William White, Andrew Cameron, and Murdoch M'Millan, accused of being guilty of knocking down and robbing Thomas Wilson, manufacturer in Paisley, of a bundle of muslin, & c. on the high road from Glasgow to Paisley. 2. Mary Lakie or Leckie, Jean Furnell, Janet Robertson, and Isobel Saunders, accused of deal- ing printed cloths and other goods from several shops in this city, 3. Charles Gardner, accussed of stealing a gold watch, two rings, & c. the property of John Ha- milton, Esq; of Bardowie, on the night of the 7th inst. 4. Thomas Martin, accused of forging letters in the name of several persons in the country to merchants here, and obtaining goods in conse- quence thereof. 5. John Donaldson; and Janet Strang his wife, accused of stealing a quantity of muslin from a calender while assisting at the fire which lately happened in Messrs. Glen and Scot's, Bell's- wynd. Of a Generous WIFE, A young man of fortune lately privately mar- ried a lady of rank, but not rich. His avaricious father consequently, upon suspecting it, disinherit ed him ; declaring, that nothing but his marrying a rich old maid, daughter to a wealthy tradesman, could ever get him a Shilling of his fortune. His wife, rather than that he should be disinhe- rited, insisted on keeping - their marriage conceal- ed, and that he should consent to have the cere- mony performed with this woman, who had so artfully plotted and did all she could against them, with the father ; and he has actually removed all fears of leading apes from this angel of darkness. — What must his added love be to his real wife for her liberality ! TONTINE LIST. ARRIVALS. George, Hunter, at Dunkirk, from Maryland. Paisley, Dick; Carron, London. Elliot, Drummond, Bo- ness, do. Unity, Halket, London,. . Bo- ness, CLYDE LIST. ARRIVALS. Aug. 29. Nancy, M'Naugh', Bourdeaux, wine. Mary, Lamont, Drogheda, oats. Ulysses, Campbell, Jamaica, sugar. Peggy, Frew, Bilboa, goods. 1 SOUND- LIS T. PASSED THE SOUND, Aug. 14, Shaw Stewart, Fisher, from Koingisberg for Greenock, deals. Diligence, Gray, from St. Petersburgh for Irvine and Ayr, hemp. 15., Oughton, Ross, from St. Petersburgh for Leith, tallow, ,& c. ^ Prince of Wales, Briggs, from ditto for Waterford, tallow, & c. Navigator, Robson, from- St. Petersburgh, for Port- Glasgow, tallow. The INCORPORATION of BARBERS, In GLASGOW, CONSIDERING the great rise of house rents of late, and the dearness of provisions and others attending housekeeping, are under the absolute necessity of raising their priced of Shaving, Dressing, and Attendance 0n Cu- stomers ; and hope their Customers will at once see the necessity thereof. JAMES RENNIE, Deacon. WM. M'KECHNIE, Collector. To be SOLD, by Auction, in WRIGHT'S Auction- Room, Trongate, Glasgow, ALarge quantity of Broad- and Narrow CLOTHS, consisting of Duffles,' Blue Cloths, Green ditto. Light Drabs, Dark Drabs, . Clarets, Cinnamon, Dark Brownsr a number of pieces Mixt Cloths coarse and fine, about 30 pairs Scots and English Blankets. Broad and Narrow Callicoes, Hats, Corduroys, Muslin Bords, Li- neau and Pollicate ditto, with two Feather Beds,'.,& c. The sale to begin upon Thursday first, 3d September,- at 11 o'clock. LANDS and HOUSES in the Village aud Barony of GORBALS for SALE. To be SOLD, by public Roup, within the house of Bai- lie John Currie in Gorbals, on Saturday tho 26th day of October next, betwixt the hours, of twelve o'clock mid- day aud three; o'clock- afternoon, All and whole that corner tenement or LAND, fronting the High street. of Gorbals on the east, and the road leading from the Gorbals to the Pollockshaws on the. fouth, with the whole back houses, close, yeard, stable, and pertinents, as at present possest by James Ro- bertson, change- keeper, and . others. As also, All and whole these four acres and one half acre of Land, or thereby, with' the houses therecn, lying- discontiguous in the muir of Gorbals, on the west . side of the highway leading from Gorbals. to Pollockshaws, and about half a mile distant from the Old Bridge of Glasgow, as the same is at present possest by James Young, farmer in Hagbows, Robert Smith, carter, and others, bounded by the said high road leading from the village, of Gorbals to Pollockshaws on the east, by the Shiel burn and the town of Glasgow lands on the west, by the lands set in tack by the town of Glasgow and Hutchesons Hospital, to William Watson, John Thomson, and Allan Scott, re- spective, on the south and north parts. The premisses will be shewn by Thomas Scott, wright in Strathbungo; and for particulars apply to David Scott, writer in Glasgow, in whole hands are the articles of roup and progress of writs, and who will treat with persons intending to purchase privately. Glasgow, 14th Aug. 1789. ; PRIVATE SALE, THAT HOUSE on the east side of Jamaica- street, presently pos- sessed by Mrs. Luke, consisting of dining- room, drawing- room, and bed- chamber to the front; five rooms, with closets and kitchen be- hind ; a larder with a north light ; a large laundry above, with two fire- places; three cellars below ground, a stable for three horses, and a hay loft.— The house has a separate stair from the rest of the tenement.'— The pur- chasers - may have entry at Martinmas . or Whitsunday next. The greatest part of the money may remain in ' their hands upon, proper security The house may be seen any day from 12 to 3 o'clock, by applying to George Bogle, Horn's Court, who has power to conclude a bar-, gain. Not to be repeated. 5 POETRY. FOR THE ADVERTISER. SONG, Written ly E. PICKEN, and sung by Mrs. HAMILTON, in the character of NORAh, on closing the Theatre at Paisley. I. WITH heart- unknowing to deceive, Your grateful NORAh view, Who comes to take a tender leave, And own her thanks to You. Encourag'd by your plaudits kind, And honour'd with your smile, The charm she'll ever keep in mind That sweeten'd all her toil. May never PAULEY'S growing fame In gen'rous minds decay, And may to distant isles her name Propitious winds convey. Heav'n's choicest blessings let her Clare, While posting ages fly ; And be to ev'ry one as dear As to my PAT and I. FOR THE ADVERTISER. THE SAILOR AND LOUSE. WHEN Charles o'er Britannia reign'd, A bloody sea- fight heav'n ordain'd Between the Dutch and English fleet, It happen'd, in the very heat, A Scotchman was severely bit By a fell louse, which pleas'd did sit Upon the hardy tar's stout neck When shafts of death flew o'er the deck: Urg'd on by pain the louse he caught, And, as his mother had him taught, To crack't between his nails stoop'd down, Aud hail'd the conquest as his own. Meanwhile large bottom'd Mynheer's crew A chain- Shot o'er their gunwale threw. Which swept a dozen heads away, Whose brains and blood by Sawny lay : Up Sawny with tbe insect got, And plac'd him in his former spot— Said he, " Here louse live at thy ease, " An' geck ilk cankry blirty breeze; " Lang wilt thou at thy pleasure gang " Before I do thee ony wrang, " For gratitude doth me incline 14 To save the life that has sav'd mine." TO CORRESPONDENTS. LOCHAbEr- AX'S EPIGRAM inadmissible. JUVENIS' SONNET intended for Friday. WANTED FARM to LET. THE Farm of DRAFFAN, lying in tbe parish of Lesmahagow and county of Lanark, will be LET for the space of 19 years after the term of Martinmass 1789. This farm lies about 8 miles distance from Ha- milton, upon the side of the toll- road leading from thence to Douglas- miln, and consists of 96 acres of croft, 511 i acres field, and 43 J acres of pasture, is mostly well a- dapted for the plow, and as there is lyme in the grounds, and a coal working within a mile of them, they can be much improven at a small expence. There is an excel- lent steading of houses upon the farm, and a tacksman may have the whole, or such part of the crop and stock- ing present! y upon the grounds as he chooses, on reason- able terms. Offers will be taken in for the above farm by John Boyes factor, and John Henderson farmer for his Grace the Duke of Hamilton. ACLOCK- MAKER;— a good ready hand may meet with good wages by applying to the Publisher— If accustomed to cotton- mill work the more acceptable. NOTICE To the CREDITORS of SAMUEL MITCHELL, Flesher in Paisley. IT is requested that his whole Creditors, by themselves or agents, will meet in the house of Nisbet Sinclair, vintner in Paisley, upon Thursday tbe 3d day of Septem- ber next, at 4 o'clock afternoon, in order to concert what is proper to be done with their Debtor's subject and it is also espected they will produce at said meeting a par- ticular note of the debt due them. Paisley, 24th Aug. 1789. To be SOLD, by public Roup, within the Tontine Tavern of Glasgow, upon Wednesday the 16th day of Septem- ber next, at one o'clock afternoon, THE 24 shilling and 8 penny land of ARTHURLIE and HODGERGLEN, being a part of the 5 merk land of Arthurlie, and the 13 shilling land of old extent of Arthurlie, called the WRAES These lands consist of 196 Scots acres, are all sufficiently inclosed with stone dykes, or hedge aud ditch— the hedges In a thriving condition, and are divided into 30 inclosures. The present rent ( valuing what is in the propietor's own possession at a moderate rate, and including 8l. 13s. 6d. of feu- duties) is something a- bove 2001. sterling, after paying all public burdens; but, as the leases of the farms of Springhill and the Wraes will expire in a few years, a very considerable rise of rent may be expected on them, as well as on the other lands when the leases expire. Upon the lands of Arthurlie, there is a good Man- sion- house, consisting of a dining- room, study, five bed- rooms, a kitchen, cellar, and separate apartments for ser- vants, with a number of other conveniences, together with a Garden lately taken in, well stocked with fruit trees, and inclosed with a high stone wall. On the lands of Springhill ( formerly called Hodgerglen) there is a good new House, consisting of a dining- room, five bed- rooms, a kitchen, with a number of conveniences : The offices are, a good stable, byre, barn, brewhouse, poultry and two cart- houses, all lately built and slated in a most sufficient manner. The houfe being feated on an emi- nence, bas a pleasant view of the town of Glasgow, and all the country around it. There are on the premises a good quantity of old tim- ber, besides several young plantations from eight to fif- teen years old, all in a thriving condition. These lands hold of a subject superior for payment of a small feu duty, ly within the parish of Neilston and shire of Renfrew, six miles from Glasgow, three from Paisley, and one from Neilston, tbe post passing by the foot of the avenue to and from Glasgow every day, are in a populous neighbourhood, where there are ten bleach- fields and printfields, besides cotton mills, and there are plenty of coal and lime not above a mile's distance. If purchasers incline, the lands of Arthurlie and Spring- hill will be sold separately, there being a good houfe on each of them, and nearly 100 acres of ground adjoining to each. The title deeds, which are clear, with a plan of the lands and rental, are to be seen in the hands of Thomas Bucha- nan, writer in Glasgow— to whom, or to the proprietor at Arthurlie, any person wanting further information, or wishing to purchase may apply. N. B. If agreeable to the purchaser, a considerable part of the price may lye in his hands. For CHARLESTON, SOUTH CAROLINA, The BRIGANTINE s A M U E L, DANIEL ROBERTSON, Master, Will be ready to receive goods at Greenock in fourteen days, and clear to sail early in September. For freight or passage apply to Burnside and Co. Glasgow, or Lancaster and Jamieson, Green- ock. Glasgow, Aug. 11th, 1789. CAMPBELL HUNTER, GROCER and SPIRIT DEALER, Candleriggs, GLASGOW, BEING now connected in a Distillery in the country, sells BRITISH SPIRITS, in wholesale and retail, of the best qualities, and at reasonable prices. N. B. He takes this method of acquainting the public in general, and his friends in particular, that he neither has, nor ever had any share in the Broad Cloth business which was to be carried 0n in Glasgow under the firm of M' Farlane, Newlands, and Co.' NOTICE. THE SLAUGHTERHOUSE DUNG, for one year, from the first of September next, is to be SET by public Roup, within the Hall belonging to tbe Incor- poration of Fleshers, upon Wednesday the 2d of the said month of September, at four o'clock afternoon percisely. HOUSE STEADINGS for BUILDING on. To be SOLD, by public Roup, within the Tontine Ta- vern of Glasgow, upon Wednesday the 7th day of Oc- tober next, at one o'clock afternoon, THESE seven Lots or Steadings of GROUND, lying on the east side of Dunlop- street, agreeable to a plan thereof, which, with the articles of roup, are to be feen in the hands of Thomas Buchanan, writer in Glasgow. N. B. All or any one of the above steadings of ground will be sold privately before the day of the roup by ap- plying as above. Glasgow, 28th Aug. 1789. STRENGTHENING SPIRITS Prepared and sold by WILLIAM HATTOn, NO. 25, George- street, Grosvenor- square, London, For Strains, Bruises, Rheumatisms, Child- blains, Tooth- ach, Stopping of Blood, & c. THE excellence of this Medicine in the above Com- plaints has been universally acknowledged for 50 years. The secret of its preparation was given to the Proprietor by one of the faculty; and since it has been in his possession, has made many excellent cures with it. It is also particularly serviceable in numbness and weak- ness of the joints.; and relieves the head- ach by smelling to and bathing the temples with it.— It is a most certain cure for a sore throat and swelled face; by applying i: outwardly, it stops the inflammation immediately.— It will cure the Tooth- ach, if ever so bad.— Sold in bottle? at 1s. each. Sold by J. Mennons, at his shop first west from the Exchange. At said shop may also be had, Godbold's Vegetable Balsam, for Consumptions, Asth- mas, & c. Cornwell's Vegetable Cordial, eminently serviceable in all Rheumatic Cases, and in attacks of the Gout, & c. Velnos' Vegetable Syrup, for Coughs, Asthmas, Ulcers, Scrophula, Apoplexies, Rheumatisms, Palsies, & c. Pectoral Lozenges from Balsam of Tola, for Coughs, Hoarsenesses, Sore Throats, Spitting of Blood, & c. Godfrey's Cordial, for Fluxes, Hick- cough, Pleurisy, Rhsumatism, Catarrh, or Defluxion of the humours upon the Lungs. Spanish Juice ; Florence Oil; Salts; Saltpetre ; Salpru- nelle ; Basket Salt; Cassia Cinnamon ; Cassia Buds; Nut- megs; Coraway Seeds; Hemp Seed ; Walkden's in- incomparable British Japan Ink ; best Black Ink ; Writ- ing Paper ; Red and Black Wax ; Fine and Common Wafers; Ivory Black; Bing's Blacking Balls and Cakes; Hatton's ditto; & c. & c. & c. For KINGSTON, JAMAICA, The Ship BETSEY & BROTHERS, JOHN DUNNET, Master, Now lying in the harbour of Gree- nock, will be ready to take on board goods by the 15th of August, and clear to sail by the 15th September. For freight or passage apply to Macneill, Stewart, and Co. Glasgow, or Captain Dun- net, at Greenock. July 27th, 1789. GLASGOW: Printed ( every MONDAY and FRIDAY) by J. MENNONS, TONTINE CLOSE, TRONGATE; A shop No 125 the first west from the EXCHANGE, TRONGATE— where, and at the BAR of the TONTINE COFFEE- ROOK, And sold AT his Shop, No. COMMISSIONS AND ARTICLES of INTELLIGENCE, are taken in. The price of a single paper 3id. 30s. per annum when called for;- 32 s. when sent to any house in town ;- and 36s. when sent by post.
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