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The Edinburgh Evening Courant


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Volume Number:     Issue Number: 09/06/1930 00:00
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The Edinburgh Evening Courant
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The Edinburgh Evening Courant

Date of Article: 22/08/1789
Printer / Publisher: David Ramsay 
Address: Old Fish Market Close, Edinburgh
Volume Number:     Issue Number: 09/06/1930 00:00
No Pages: 4
Sourced from Dealer? No
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The Edinburgh N° 11,118.] SATURDAY, Evening Courant AUGUST 22. 1789. [ PRICE 3-^. THE FOLLOWING NEW PUBLICATIONS, BY F. GROSE, ESQ F. A. S. Printed for S. HOOPER., and sold by C. ELLIOT, Edinburgh, may be had of all Booksellers in Great Britain. Under the Inspection of tbe Author, this Day are Published, NUMBER I. TO NUMBER X. OF ANTIQUITIES OF ENGLAND & WALES, BEING A COLLECTION OF VIEWS of the most REMARKABLE RUINS and ANCIENT BUILDINGS, accurately drawn on the spot. To each view is added an historical account of its situation, when and by whom built ( tracing its possessions from its foundation to the present time), with every interesting circumstance relating thereto— And to render this work a complete introduction to the study of our National Antiquities, a description is given of the seve- ral kinds of fonts, Druidical and sepulchral monuments. This work may be had in single volumes, or complete in eight, in boards, at lal. 16s. 6d.— but to accommodate those who intend to become purchasers, and may prefer the mode of a weekly publication, they may have them delivered every Saturday till the whole is completed, by sending their address to the publishers or to their own booksellers. The eight volumes will be comprised in 171 numbers, at IS. 6d. each— each to contain four views or three, a ground plan, and a county map. But it will frequently happen, in or- der to range the plates with each respective description in re- gular county order, that some numbers will contain more than four views, & c.; but, upon the whole, the plates will answer in number as above mentioned. » A few copies are printed on a fine medium paper, price as. each number, or 17I. zs. complete. AND THIS DAY ARE PUBLISHED, Upon the fame Plan as the above Work, at 3s. 6d. the quarto, and 2s. 6d. the royal octavo, each number, sewed, NUMBER I. TO VIII. OF I. THE ANTIQUITIES OF SCOTLAND. 11. A Treatise on ANCIENT ARMOUR and WEAPONS, taken from the original armour in the Tower of London, and other arsenals, museums, and cabinets; illustrated with 51 copperplates, containing upwards of 200 subjects, beautifully engraved. Price in boards 2I. 2s. • f* Also a Supplement to the said Work, containing 12 plates, finely engraved, most of which consist of Asiatic ar- mour, arms, and weapons. Price Ios. 6d. III. MILITARY ANTIQUITIES, being a History of the English Army from the Conquest to the present time, com- piled from authentic manuscripts, public records, and other approved authorities ; elegantly printed on a fine medium pa- per in 4to. '' VRrated with upwards of 80 plates, finely engra- ved, in two volumes, price in boards dl. 4s. IV. A PROVINCIAL GLOSSARY, with a Collection of Local Proverbs and popular Superstitions, 8vo, V. RULES for drawing CARICATURES, with an Essay 0n Comic Painting, price 2s. VI. A SURE GUIDE to Health, Eeauty, Riches, and Ho- nour, price is. 6d. PRINTS. To be Sold by Auction, on Tuesday the 25th instant, in Mr MARTIN'S Audtion Room, Old Bank Close, Lawnmarket, A COLLECTION OF CHOICE PRINTS, BY THE GREATEST MASTERS, ANCIENT AND MODERN. The Prints to be viewed from 11 till 3 o'clock— The sale to begin at half past seven— Catalogues to be had at the auc- tion room, or at Mr Martin's shop. BIOGRAPHICAL MAGAZINE. On Saturday the 1st of August was published, ornamented with a fine Portrait of EDWARD ALLEYN, Esq: Founder of Dulwich College, and a beautiful and picturesque View of the BORGHETTO, in Italy, NO. VII. OF THE BIOGRAPHICAL AND IMPERIAL MAGAZINE. This Number, amongft a variety of other articles, contains — The Lives of Saint Aldhelm, Aldred, Dr Aldrich, Mons. d'Alembert, and Alexander the Great:— Experiments on the Damps in Coal- pits; Account of a Bituminous Lake in Trinidad ; Account of the Albinos; On the Disorders of the Heart; Antiquities; Survey of Devonshire; Description of the Laplanders, of. the Roman Ladies; Character and Anec- dotes of Frederick I. and Frederick William, Kings of Prus- sia ; Account, of a Criminal Process in France ; Sketch of a History of the Samaritans; Capture of Colonel Baillie's De- tachment in India; Review of New Publications; Arno's Vale, a Poem; Parliamentary and other Occurrences; List of Births, Deaths, & c. Printed by T. Rickaby; and published on the first of eve- ry Month, by C. Stalker, Stationers- Court; E. and T. Wil- liams, Strand; and C. Forster, Poultry, London :— By J Penny, Exeter; and J. Hunter, Ossian's Head, Parliament Square, Edinburgh. N. B. At the Shop of J. Hunter are to be sold, Books and Stationary of all kinds, and ready money given for li- braries or parcels of Books. THREE BOOKS DROPT, AND A REWARD OF FIVE GUINEAS. There were dropt upon the road between Dundee and King- horn, or somewhere about these Ferries, in the end of No- vember last, THREE Folio Written ACCOUNT BOOKS, half- bound in blue paper, and tied together. A Reward of FIVE GUINEAS is hereby offered to any person that has found and will return or send notice of them t 1 the printing office. A MARK TO BE SOLD. To BE SOLD, A Handsome strong CHESNUT MARE, rising ^ seven, nearly half blood, the property of a Gentleman leaving Scotland. She walks and trots remarkably well, and is perfectly quiet— A SADDLE almost new, and a . good double BRIDLE, will be sold with her, if agreeable.— To prevent trouble, the price with the saddle and bridle is Twenty Gui- neas, or Sventeen Guineas and a Half without them. To be seen at John Smith's stables, head of the Grassmar- ket. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, WIthiN the Warehouse of WILLIAM SIBBALD AND CO. Merchants, LEITH, on Tuesday the ift Sep- tember, at 12 o'clock noon, 20 Hdds. Scale Sugar, 100 Puncheons Jamaica Rum, 100 Hdds. Old Do. Do. 19 Barrels Coffee, J Bags Cotton, 2 Calks Indigo, 17 Kegs Gum Guaicum, 14 Tons of Logwood, Imported in the Polly, Andrew Mason master, from King- ston, Jamaica, and now discharging at the Shore of Leith. W. S. AND CO. have for SAlE, A Parcel of MAHOGANY— also a Quantity of COCOA WOOD for Turners. To be SOlD by public voluntary roup, within the house of Robert Young, vintner in Forfar, upon Saturday the 19th September 1789, at 12 o'clock noon, THE Lands of BALBENNIE, with the Teinds and Pertinents, lying within the parish of Aberlemno and sheriffdom of Forfar. For particulars apply to Mr Erskine, clerk to the signet; Edinburgh, or to Mr Proctor, Glammis Castle, by Dundee THE LONDON GAZETTE, AUG. 18. Saltram, Aug 15, THIS morning, at about nine o'clock, their Majesties, and their Royal Highnesses the Princesses, set out from Exe- ter, and arrived at this seat, in perfect health, at half after three this afternoon. Whitehall, Aug. 18. The King has been pleased to grant the dignity of a Marquis of the kingdom of Great Britain to tiie Right Hon. James Earl of Salisbury, and the heirs male of his body lawfully begotten, by the name, ( tile, and title of Marquis of Salisbury, in the county of Wilts. The King has also been pleased to grant the dig- nity of a Marquis of the kingdom of Great Britain to the Right Hon. Thomas Viscount Weymouth, Knight of the Most Noble Older of the Garter, aud the heirs male of his body lawfully begotten, by the name, stile, and title of Marquis of Bath, in the county of Somerset. The King has been pleased to grant the dignity of an Earl of the kingdom of Great Britain to the Right Hon. George Viscount Mount- Edgecumbe and Valletort, and the heirs male of his body law- fully begotten, by the name, stile, and title of Earl of Mount- Edgecumbe. The King has been pleased to grant the digni- ties of Viscount and Earl of the kingdom of Great Britain to the Right Hon. Hugh Lord Fortescue, and the heirs male of his body lawfully begotten, by the name, stile, and title of Viscount Ebrington, of Ebrington, in the county of Gloucester, and Earl Fortescue. Genoa, Aug. 3. On the 30th ult. his Excellency Ellerame Palla- vicino was elected Doge of this Republic, with the usual formalities. Copenhagen, Aug. 6. The junction of the two Russian squadrons was effected between the islands of Christiansoe and Bornholm, the day after the division which lay in Kioge Bay and the Danish fleet had put to sea ; and yesterday evening all the Danish ships returned to their former station at Kioge, and call anchor this morning before Copenhagen. Paris, Aug. 13. The unexampled violences every where commit- ted in this country, though the capital at present enjoys a state of tranquillity, having induced the necessity of putting the provost law into immediate and full force, for the speedy execution of justice ; his Most Christian Majesty's edict to that ef- fect was yesterday registered in Parliament. The new code of municipal laws, comprehending the ge- neral police of this city, is completed, and its ope- rations are directed at the Hotel de Ville to begin from this day. BANKRUPT. George Musgrave, of Newcastle upon Tyne, dealer in horses. [ This Gazette contains addresses to their Majesties from the Mayor, &. c. of Exeter, upon their arrival at that place.] LLOYD'S MARINE LIST, AUG. 18. Elsinore, August 8 SEVERAL ships are drove on shore in a hard gale of Wind on the Swedish coast. Names unknown. The Sea Flower, of Whitby, and Kingston, of Hull, lost their bowsprits, by a Spanish ship running foul of them. Le La Tonche, , from St Domingo to Bourdeaux, is on shore 0n the Bank of Macaw. The Sally, Coggan, from Liverpool to St John's Island, is put back to Falmouth very leaky. The John and Margaret, Ellington, from Sunderland, is lost on North Sand Head— captain drowned. The Bourdeaux packet, Goodsir, for Holland, is returned to Gravesend, having met with damage in the Swin. Winds at Deal— Aug. 14. & 15. N. E. 16. & 17. N. N. E. Yesterday arrived the mails from Holland, France, and Flanders. LONDON, AUGUST 18. PARIS. Thursday, August 13. The defeated party, failing of success by open force, are every day giving fresh proofs of their disposition to do all the mischief in their power Matches of sulphur and other combustibles have been found near the doors of several houses, by the patroles, in different parts of the city. A fellow with two baskets full of them was seized, but made his escape from the patrole. Notice is given by the Committee at the Hotel de Ville, that eight of the city seals have been car- ried off, by means of which, and the forged hand- writing of the members of the Committee, parti- cularly those of M. Bailly and M. de la Fayette, orders of the most dangerous consequence are con tinally discovered to have been issued ; the placards calculated to tranquillize the people and restore or- der are pulled down at night, & c. & c. All good citizens therefore are desired to be on their guard, until proper measures are adopted to prevent the possibility of such forgeries and traiterous proceed- ings, which, among other bad effects, might mis- lead the multitude, by attributing to the best friends of the people publications and orders which might expose them to public vengeance. A serjeant of the Guet a Cheval ( the ancient City Horse Guards) was informed against on Mon- day by his comrades, to whom he had proposed, in concert with 600 or 700 villians, a plan of the blacked nature. He was stripped and searched at the Hotel de Ville, and committed into safe custo- dy, to be further interrogated. The Marquis de la Salle has either got out o the way, or in secret confinement, 0n the subject of the powder affair I mentioned in my last, and the issuing of these false orders. Were his place of confinement known, if he be really confined, it would perhaps be impossible to save him ; the mea- sure therefore is prudent. One of the corps of firemen of the city have been apprehended likewise 0n violent suspicion. A courier has been apprehended in Saintonge, who had been flying from place to place through Guyenne, and the neighbouring provinces, con- veying intelligence, letters, & c. to suspected per- sons. The particulars are not yet known. The theatres are all deserted, and as long as tranquillity is not restored on the basis of security, this will be the true thermometer of patriotism. If that dies away, they will be frequented ; ex- cepting however the days on which the French comedians play Les Horace, or the Death of Ce far. The uniform of the national Parisian guard is blue, with a red collar and white facings. The inhabitants of Guadaloupe have requested to send Deputies to the National Assembly.. Nothing can exceed the vigilance of the people in Britany respecting the port of Brest. A sus- picious fellow was apprehended there last week, in the disguise of a Jacobin monk, and committed for examination. Two squadrons of patriotic ca- valry, and a body of infantry, went to the castle of M. de Goyon, an old Lieutenant- general, five leagues from Nantes, a few days ago, where nu- merous assemblies of the Nobles have been lately held ; but they found only one of the most active, M. de Tremarga, who fired at the people of Rennes from his windows on the 27th. He was conveyed prisoner to the castle of Nantes, from whence he will be removed to Rennes. They suffered M. de Goyon to remain undisturbed, on account of his great age, he being past eighty, yet a most viru- lent partizan of the Nobles. M. de Brissac was taken likewise, and sent to Ancenis, where he' made his escape. At St Malo, they have seized M. de Botherel, Procureur Syndic of the States, and the Marquis de Bede, and committed them to the castle. At Brest, they made M. le Large, Captain of the port, pass through an amende honorable, for having said to M. Hector, the commandant, That it would be an easy matter to reduce this licentious people, by allowing the troops free plunder. The brave French Guards, who reason as well as they act, have sent a deputation to the Military Committee, to express to the nation, that it is con- trary to their wishes to have any intrinsic value at- tached to the medal they have been pleased to vote them j its only value with them, is the honour arising from so distinguished a mark of affection on the part of their fellow citizens. The medal, there- fore, is to be of copper gilt, which they are to wear suspended by a ribbon of the national colours, red, white, and blue. The Chevalier de Voularnie, a Nobleman of Poitou, having thought proper to tie the national cockade to the tail of his dog in the streets of Si- vrai, the armed townsmen sentenced him to be led about the place 0n an ass, to make the amende ho- norable to the nation and the King, and three times publicly to kiss his dog's backside. The sentence was executed on this insolent puppy with the utmost rigour. At Rouen the tumults continue with great vio- lence ; one Bordier, an actor at the Varieres at Pa- ris, a very worthless fellow, but a most excellent comedian in the characters of buffoon, having thought proper, in passing through that city, to put himself at the head of a licentious populace, who in this great Revolution must always be dis- tinguished from the people, proceeded with them to most shameful acts of violence, and threatened to set fire to the powder- magazines, See. He was taken by the armed citizens, tried, and condem- ned to the halter, on Monday last. It is not yet certain whether he has been executed ; the Duke of Orleans, it is said, having attempted to intercede for him with the inhabitants of Rouen. At Paris, he certainly would not escape; for the public here are not disposed to preserve a very bad citizen, like Bordier, even for an amusement which, in the days of slavery, was matter of the most ridiculous enthusiasm. The whole fabric of the infamous system of the police and spies is totally overthrown. The King has given the noble hotel of the Lieutenant Ge- neral, with all its appurtenances, to the city of Pa ris, for the residence of their Mayor. Du Rocher, son of Du Rocher of infamous me- mory in the old times of despotism, and Captain of the Marechaussee at Chaillot, was put to death on Monday, and another of the same complexion at Passy. The causes of this act of violence are not cleared up, but are said to have originated in some real or supposed act of treachery meditated against the person of M. Bailly, whose country house is at Chaillot. They were shot by the Swiss soldiers, who do duty with the townsmen. Monsieur is not yet gone, political or rather po litic considerations having suspended that very seri- ous measure for the moment. These considera- tions may be partly judged of by the following cir- cumstances. All the household of the Comte d'Artois is to be dismissed, his horses, carriages, houses, & c. to be sold. And in the National As- sembly, the other day, when the state of the current expences was laid before them by M. Necker, pre- vious to the loan, M. d'Andre observed, that one article was of 120,000 livres per month, for the gardens, the horses, the dogs, and mistresses of the Comte d'Artois. " It is not for the nation ( said he) to defray these shameful expences, nor the ar- rears of a l0an another article in the account to pay the debts of the Prince. Besides ( added he archly) this Prince has retired into the country to live upon his estate, and oeconomize ; he will soon be able to pay his own debts." The temporary loan of thirty millions of livres has passed, after very animated debates, wherein the necessity of a complete reform in the establish- ment of the Court was generally insisted on, and a variety of other objects of ceconomy ; but the wants of the moment being urgent, from the relax- ed and precarious state of all the receipts of Govern- ment, the opponents of the measure gave way. The following is the simple preamble substituted by the Assembly for that proposed by M. Necker : 11 The National Assembly informed of the ur- gent wants of the state, deCree a loan of thirty millions, on the following conditions : I. The interest to be four and a half per cent, free from any delay or drawback [ the Minister had offered five]. II. The interest to commence from the day of the advance. III. The first payment of interest to take place on the 1st of January 1790, and continued half yearly, by the administration of the Public ( not Royal) Treasury. IV. No payment to be less than 1000 livres; the lender to have the option of reimbursement in two years. It was proposed by M. Necker, to insert the names, of the lenders in the registers of the National As- sembly but this was rejected, as unworthy the re- presentatives of a great nation to hold out such a lure, as well as an affront, to the patriotism of the country. M. Guinebaud of Nantes, and M. Begouin of Havre, rose, and each of them offered 30,000 livres without interest A multitude of individuals have followed the example; but the nation will probably not avail themselves of these noble acts of generosity. The general opinion in this great debate Was against all future loans, as opening a field for gambling, and as unmanly and ungenerous to posterity. The next grand object of debate was on the re- port of the Committee respedting the dreadful dis- orders committed in all the provinces, and the me- thod of appeasing them. Amongst other circum- stances, it was proved to the Assembly, that a number of persons flew from province to province, spreading fals news, and encouraging the populace to insurrections. That in Alsace in particular ( on the German frontiers), a person assuming the cha- radter of a Deputy produced an edict' from the King, countersigned by one of the Secretaries of State, authorising every species of disorder; with a variety of other circumstances too numerous to particularise, too evidently set on foot by traitors to admit of the smallest doubt. The following resolution was therefore proposed, and after consi- derable debate, and some changes in the form of the oath to be taken by the soldiers, agreed to in substance by the Assembly : — " The National Assembly, considering that the enemies of the nation, having lost all hope of hin- dering, by the excesses of despotism, the regenera- tion of the kingdom, and the restoration of public liberty, seem to have conceived the no less criminal plan of carrying their projects into execution by the fury of anarchy ; and being informed that 0n the same day, and at the same hour, false alarms have been disseminated through the different provinces of France, by publishing accounts of insurrections which had no existence ; persuaded that those who disturb the order and harmony of society, merit the severest punishments ; that the crime is still greater, as these incendiaries have gone so far as to promul- gate false orders, and even false edicts of the King, by counterfeiting the name of his Majesty ; consi- dering that all good citizens should concur in put- ting a stop to similar acts of violence ; the said Na- tional Assembly determine and decree, that all mu- nicipal bodies of the kingdom, as well in the towns as in the country, shall watch over the maintenance of general tranquillity ; that, at their requisition, the uational militia, and all the troops, shall come to their assistance, in pursuing and apprehending all disturbers of the public peace, of what state or condition soever they may be ; that all persons ap- prehended for public criminality, shall be imprison- ed, and be regularly brought to trial; but that the execution of those who shall be found to be the authors of these violent acts, shall be suspended ; and their interrogatories, confrontations, and the other proceedings, shall be laid before the National Assem- bly, there to be examined, that it may be enabled to come at the source of these criminal plots against. the nation. The said National Assembly ordain, that all tumultuous meetings, either in the towns or in the country, under pretext of hunting, or any other pretext whatever, shall be repelled ; and that, on the requisition of the municipal bodies, the troops shall join with the marechaussee to disperse them ; that every vagabond, without a profession or constant habitation, shall be apprehended : that the national militia, and all the troops, shall take an oath to the Nation, the King, and the Laws, well and faithfully to serve the state that the for- mer shall take this oath in prefence of their com- manders; that office is of every rank, and the sol- diers of each regiment, assembled round their co- lours, shall take it to their Chief, and the soldiers to their respective Officer. The form of the oath to be as follows : " We swear to the Nation, and the King, the chief of the nation, and in the name of the religion of our country, and of honour, to serve the state, never to permit any one to attack the nation, and never to employ our force against our fellow- citizens, but at the requisition of M. de Mirabeau observed, that this was a hasty measure, as nobody yet knew the form these mu- nicipal bodies would take, and that many of them were at present named by the King, & c. and that the limits of the executive and legislative powers were not yet determined. But it being answered, that the occasion was imminent, and that the obe- dience was to be paid to the municipal bodies, as constituted hereafter by the Assembly, and that the legislative body at this moment alone possessed the confidence of the nation, the opposition ceased, and it was almoft unanimoufly carried. On a motion being made, That this resolution should be instantly published through the provinces, it was prudently suggested, that as many erroneous copies of the ever memorable resolutions of the night of the 4th of August, conferring such blessings on the country, had got abroad, it would have a double effect to accompany this act of necessary severity with a genuine copy of the just and generous resolutions adopted by the Assembly ; it was de- termined therefore not to separate till all those resolutions had been reconsidered, and reduced into regular form for publication. This brought on the discussion of the great ques- tion respecting the unqualified abolition of tythes, where the clergy made a vigorous stand against the united force of the Nobles and the Commons for three succeeding days. The debates were wonder-, fully fine, but it is impossible to give them you. All the Bishops stepped forward on the occasion ; not an argument, not a sophistry, nor appeal to the interest of lay proprietors was omitted ; nor were the contrary weapons wielded with less dex- terity and energy ; meanwhile the fermentation was spreading without doors ; the cupidity, the ambition, the treachery of the clergy was in every month, when on a sudden matters took a decisive and happy turn. On Monday evening, M. Ricard de Seault, one of the Deputies of the Commons for Provence, rose, and stated that the famous resolution of the 4th of August, relative to tythes, held out but a hope that this onerous impost on agriculture, which disgraces an enligh- tened age, would be one day abolished ; that by adopting this article, such as it was offered, the reformation of abuses could never reach the present race of clergy, who would be in fact enriched by the sale of the tythes, which purchases would lie heavy on future generations. To cut this matter short, he said, that such was the opinion of a great number of virtuous parish priests, who deeming this redemption as eventually more burdensome than useful, had desired him to resign their tythes into the hands of the nation. No sooner had he finished, than a number of the parish clergy rose to express their perfect adherence to these sentiments, and instantly proposed signing their declaration at the table ; to which all orders of the clergy, ashamed at being outdone, rushed forward in crowds, amidst the applauses and accla- mations of this august Assembly. When these tumultuous emotions of the public joy were a little calmed, The Archbishop of Paris addressed the Assembly in the following words :—" In the name of all my colleagues, who compose the clergy of this assem- bly, we resign into the hands of the nation all ecclesiastical tythes, and throw ourselves entirely on the beneficence of a just and generous nation. Let the gospel be announced ; let divine worship be performed with decency ; let the people be guid- ed with gentleness; let the poor be comforted. Such, and such only, is the sole object of our mi- nistry; such is the last object of our wishes ; and we hope to find in your zeal, and in your hearts, a sufficiency to fulfil so important an object." The Cardinal de la Rochefoucault next spoke, to confirm what the Aichbishop had just declared. he was followed by The Bishop of Nismes, who humbly requested that the list of those who had first stepped forward might not appear, for fear of bad consequences to the absentees, and those who were tied down to vote differently, & c. See. Ths Bishop of Perpignan expressed the same wish and the same fears; and the Assembly, in its ge- nerosity, complied with their request, ordering the lists to be torn, and the resolution to be entered as the opinion of the whole clergy. The resolution unanimously agreed to is as fol- lows : " Tythes of every nature, and compositions paid in lieu of them, under whatsoever denomination they are known, possessed by the fecular or regu- lar clergy, persons holding benefices, or other pro- prietors of mortmain, even of the Order of Malta, and other Religious and military orders ( the Teu- tonic order have considerable property in the pro- vinces adjoining Germany), as well as those which have passed into the hands of lay proprietors, are a- bolished ; the Assembly reserving to themselves the means of providing hereafter for the maintenance of divine worship, and of the ministers of the al- tars, for the reparation and rebuilding of churches, clergymens houses, colleges, hospitals, and religious communities; it being understood, however, that the said tythes shall be collected in the same man- ner as heretofore, till fuch provision be made ; and with respect to other tythes, they shall be redeem- able, in the mode which shall be settled in the ge- neral regulation. The other articles agreed to on the 4th of Au- gust, were next gone through, and, from the event of this obstinate but vain resistance, suffered but few obstacles; so that the three great objects which the Assembly determined not to separate at this criti- cal moment will be immediately promulgated in the provinces. These are, the loan, the new oath of the soldiery, and the declaration against slander- ers and disturbers of the public peace; and the concessions of all the orders of the state in favour of the people. Comte de Mirabeau, in his reply to the Bishop of Langres, 0n the subject of tythes, said, " Eccle- siastical tythes are but posessions revocable ad nu- tum, in the hands of the clergy. They are na- tional property; for which reason we are justified in resuming them, substituting at the same time, on principles of equity, an equivalent suited to the dignity of the nation, and to the merit of those who are to receive the salary." At the word salary, the most ardent murmurs proceeded from the clergy, mixed with applauses from the other parts of the House. " Yes, who receive salaries ( said M. de Mi- rabeau) ;. I know but three orders of men in civil societies; beggars, robbers, and men who receive salaries. ' Shortly after, the Abbe du Plagnet, a Deputy of the Commons for St Quintin, got up, and resigned a priory he held under the Order of Malta, into the hands of the Assembly, referring every thing to the justice of the nation ; adding, " Whatever the very able and Honourable Member may chuse to say, in his wit and warmth, I am too honest to steal, too old to gain a salary, and hope I have rendered services which will put me above begging.'' In the debates 011 the loan, the pomp and pa- geantry of royalty were not spared. " No doubt ( said a Member) the government is in distress ; but it is the goverment which has multiplied depreda- tions, and these depredations in a great measure subsist. Is it astonishing then that it should have lost its force and energy ? Is it wonderful that it should have fallen into degradation and discredit ? On all sides we see it- building magnificent stables, palaces for containing nonsense, and hotels for hounds. The King is constantly accompanied by packs of dogs, and troops of huntsmen. Is it then to pay such mad and ridiculous expences that the nation are again to be loaded with fresh taxes ? Our King may well place his greatest glory in li- ving on a little, at a moment when all France is making sacrifices. He should renounce the costly pageantry of the Court. We are told by the Mi- nisters, that his Majesty has applied the most rigid ceconomy to all his expences. This is not true. The nation, at this moment, has the valets of his dogs to pay ; and we are to be imposed upon by the suppression of a parcel of nominal offices, by no means burdensome to the nation ; but we know by whom, and why these unmeaning and ineffective acts of a pretended ceconomy were bellowed through the nation ; but this quackery, thank Heaven, is at an end ! Mr Necker is Comptroller General, long may he remain so. But eight days before his last disgrace, who amongst you could have fore- seen his fall, more especially amid the transports of the nation, when we congratulated each other on possessing him for ever? And who is ignorant of the tempestuous horizon of the Court, and its strange revolutions? Who does not know that the Court has uniformly promised not to deceive the people, and that it has constantly deceived them ? Who does not know that it has always engaged to respect the property and liberty of the subject, and that it has never hesitated to violate them both i" The head quarters of the cabal, weak though wicked as it is, is said to be at Rambouillet. The Comte d'Angivilliers, Intendant of the Royal Buildings, sends off a courier from thence every evening to Versailles, who dismounts at the gate of the Orangerie, and whither he has himself ventur- ed to come. It is astonishing that the Queen should be so lost to every sense of prudence, as to contrive these secret manoeuvres, the fatal consequences of which for herself are so apparent.- To what petty acts of tyranny are the satraps of this country at length happily reduced The same Comte d'Angivilliers, in quality of Governor of the Academy of Painting, sent M. Cuvillier, Governor of the Samaritaine ( a little building on the Pont Neuf, for every Priory had its pensioned and de- corated Governor in its old system), to Mr Vien, the King's first Painter, with directions to forbid the celebrated David, de par le Roi, to exhibit a picture he has in hand of the two sons of Brutus, immolated by their father to the safety of the country. The same despot has issued his prohibition, like- wise from the King, to M. Barbier, of the Aca- demy of Painting, against exposing to public view the portrait of the grenadier who first hoisted the flag of liberty on the towers of the Bastile; but these orders are regarded with about as much re- spect as those of his Holiness the Pope ;— the ty- rants only expose their inveteracy with their lost power. The Committee at the Hotel de Ville have na- med four persons to receive and inquire into all the particulars relative to the siege of the Bastile, in order " to fix with certainty the public esteem ; and to consecrate, by a faithful narrative, the names of the real heroes to whom the honour of that me- morable day is due." A boat laden with balls, descending the Oise, and which was expedited for the hostile army on the 10th of July, has been stopped at Poissy. , Letters from Basle, dated the 10th of August, from the Countess Diana de Polignac, to a cham- bermaid of her acquaintance, have been seized at the Castle of Emery by the military of Traisnel. Nine armed men, being part of a troop of sixty- six, commanded by the Comte de Douay, have been taken in the Limousin, and are under trial at Limoges. The armed citizens of Lyons being informed of the intention of a band of villains to attack and pillage that city, marched out to meet them, and falling unexpectedly upon them, killed 60, and made many prisoners ; but learning that the populace of the Fauxbourg de la Guillotiere intended to way- lay them, and release the prisoners, they returned by the Rhone, and, after committing their pri- soners to custody, marched to the Fauxbourg, which these wretches had unpaved, and had mount- ed 0n the roofs of the houses to stone the citizens; they had likewise formed barricadoes. The com- mander of the citizens, after remonstrating with them in vain, took possession of some of the houses, and firing at the fellows 0n the roofs, brought down a great number of them ; who falling into the street; with the stones they had in their hands, struck terror into the rest, who instantly submitted, and tran- quillity was restored. . At the Abbey of Clarey, the monks behaved with great heroism. Being threatened by an im- mense number of banditti, they got together a few peasants, whom they armed as well as themselves, and placed four cannon with grape shot in the court. The villains appeared at night ; but no sooner had they forced the gates, than a general fire of cannon and musquetry laid 100 on- the ground, and the rest took to flight. A few such examples will put all right, and destroy the last hopes of aristocracy. On Sunday the 26 instant, about 40 of the citi- zens of Brussels having got together in a public garden, and singing the volunteer's march, a de- tachment of 200 soldiers took and bound them, and sent them off the same night to Namur, where they were forced into a regiment setting off for Hungary. How long will Heaven permit such barbarous injustice to pass unpunished As a proof of the good understanding and har- mony established between the King and the Repre- sentatives of the people, pursuant to the resolutions of the National Assembly of the 7th and 1oth inst. the two following proclamations have been publish- ed By THE KING A PROCLAMATION. " His Majesty is informed that bands of robbers, dispersed over the kingdom, are endeavouring to delude the Inhabitants of several communities, by persuading them that, without departing from his Majesty's intentions, they may attack the castles, carry off the records, and commit other outrages a- gainst the habitations and property of the Lords. His Maje- sty finds it necessary to make known, That such acts of vio- lence excite his utmost indignation. He expressly enjoins all those who are charged with the execution of his order s, to prevent these offences by every means in their power, and to punish them with the utmost severity. His Majesty cannot see, without the deepest affliction, the disorders that prevail in his kingdom; disorders which, for some time past, have been fomented by evil minded persons, who begin by disse- minating false reports in the country distriCts, in order to spread alarm, and excite the inhabitants of the villages to take arms. His Majesty enjoins the commandants of his pro- vinces to watch closely such blameable attempts. He warns all his faithful subjects to be on their guard against these evil designs and artful suggestions; and invites all good citizens to oppose, to the utmost of their power, the continuation of disorders, which are a scandal and disgrace to France, and in direCt opposition to the beneficent intentions with which the King and the Representatives of the nation are animated for the welfare and prosperity of the realm. His Majesty wills that this proclamation be printed and publicly fixed up, where- ever it shall be necessary; and also that it shall be read from the pulpit in all the parish churches. " Given at Versailles this 9th day of August 1789. ( Signed) LOUIS. " Undersigned the Count DE LA TOUR Du PIN." BY THE KING A PROCLAMATION. " His Majesty, at all times inclined to make every personal sacrifice which the good of his subjeCts may require, wills and intends, that all Rangerships be abolished. But, at the same time, it is his Majesty's duty, for the maintenance of order and protection of property, to take effectual measures to pre- vent any person, under colour of the chace, from invading the right of another. For these reasons, his Majesty inhibits and forbids all persons from entering unreaped corn fields, or other lands, on which the crop is still standing, under colour of the chace, and doing any damage therein, on pain of being punished with the utmost rigour of the law. His Majesty com mands and enjoins all the officers and keepers of his Ranger- ships to continue the exercise of their functions, for the sole purpose of protecting the harvest and other produce of the soil;— with that view he commands the Marechaussees to as- semble the city militia to watch, and the regular troops to assist, on the requisition of the magistrates. And this procla- mation shall be printed and publicly fixed up, wherever it shall be necessary, to the end that no person may plead igno- rance of it. " Given at Versailles this 10th day of August 1789. ( Signed) LOUIS. " Undersigned the Count DE ST PRIEST." Advices from Bulgaria are very alarming ; all the villages situated along the sea have been aban- doned by the inhabitants, who are struck with terror at the appearance of the Russian fleet 0n their coasts, which is said to amount to 20 sail. We learn that the Russian fleet have, by the running skirmish of the 26th ult. completely ac complished their object. They have been joined by the lesser squadron ; but a circumstance has happened likely to produce serious consequences. The Russian squadron was convoyed and protected by the Danish fleet, notwithstanding the declared neutrality ; and it is now a question, whether giving their protection to that squadron by which the junction was ascertained, and such a superiority given to the Russian fleet as to make it impossible for the enemy to keep the sea, is not a breach of the neutrality. This is a question in which of course England comes to be involved, and perhaps we shall be obliged to consider it as a national in- sult. In the late running fight between the Swedes and Russians, two frigates of the former power absolutely silenced two sixty- fours of the latter. The Duke of Sudermania, with two other ships, were attacked closely by five of the largest Russian men of war ; during which time the Duke made fifteen different signals to the Vice Admiral to attack such fhips as were pointed out before the engagement, but the Admiral did not obey the signals, nor fire a single gun ; if he had, the Duke avers, that he should most assuredly have been master of at least five Russian men of war. The Russian fleet now consists of 32 sail. The Swedish of 24. The latter are gone into port. Had it not been for the misconduct of the Vice Admiral of the Swedish fleet, there might have been a decisive action 011 the 26th ult. A Major of the corps of Yagers in Savolax has brought intelligence to Stockholm, that Brigadier Stedingk had attacked the corps of Russians under General Schultz near Partumati, by Nyflot, and had entirely destroyed them. That the Russian Gene- ral had made his escape, but he had taken prisoner Major Toll, the Commandant of Nyflot, together with 24 officers, and 650 rank and file, one metal howitzer, five cannon, two standards, and 15 ammunition waggons. The Swedes had six subal- terns, and 42 rank and file killed, and 131 wounded. His Majesty, in consequence of the bravery of Brigadier Stedingk, instantly. promoted him to the rank of Major General in his service. The account further states, that General Mey- erfeldt has sent a party from the pass at Hogsfors, and taken possession of the passes of Summer, which are within one mile and a half of Fredericksham and that he had sent a train of artillery by water thither, the better to attack the town. Accounts have been received from Vizagapatnam, of the loss of the India Trader, Capt. Kepling, in - heavy gale, bound for Pegu, and of the mira- ulous escape of the Captain and four of the crew. Sixteen men, including the Captain, lashed them- selves to a raft, on which they did not, however, commit themselves till about a minute before the vessel went down ; in this situation, without rest, and with little food, they continued for nine days, the sea frequently washing over them, and for a great part of the time within sight of land, though they were not discernible from the shore. De- spair, famine, and fatigue, drove most of them distracted, when they plunged themselves into the ocean, and put an end to their sufferings. At length the five fortunate survivors made Vi- zagapatnam, where they were treated with the greatest care and humanity. The Captain alone bore his fate with fortitude, and his strength was the least exhausted of any of the survivors. The following official account of the tumults at Strasbourg has been sent to the President of the Committee of Electors at Paris, signed by the Com- manding Officer at that place, dated August 4th 1789. For some time past the burghers of the town had shewn a sullen discontent at several hardships which they supposed themselves to labour under, and to remove which they had several times peti- tioned the Magistrates without relief. _ the news of the taking of the Bastile, and the riots in Paris, seemed to be the signal for the peo- ple here to imitate their example. On the night of receiving the information, the town was partial- ly illuminated : Of those houses which did not imi- tate the example, the windows were shattered to pieces. On the 20th ult. the Magistrates were informed, that, if they did not immediately lower the price of provisions, there would be a riot. In the afternoon of the same day, while they were deliberating on this information, the town- house was attacked by a large volley of stones thrown at the windows, the pieces of which scat- tered among the Magistrates, to their great perso- nal risk, and obliged them to retire. The riot appearing to increase, all the Chambers of the city were convened, and it was unanimously resolved to agree to all the demands of the popu- lace without reserve. This resolution was read aloud, and seemed to give very great satisfaction. A Committee of the people was in the evening deputed with an address of thanks to the Magistrates, praying them at the same time to join in a general petition to the King to confirm the compact entered into between them. The next morning the resolutions of the prece- ding day were again confirmed, and the Magistrates signed them. A large party of vagabonds, however, with an eye to plunder, circulated at the same moment a report, that the Magistrates had rescinded their former resolutions, and were again attempting to raise the price of provisions. The mob instantly assembled before the town- house. In vain did the Council endeavour to un- deceive them, by sticking up public notice of the falsity of the report. The fermentation bccame general, and nothing could resist it. At six o'clock in the evening, a vast number of workmen, armed with hatchets, hammers, & c. appeared before the town- house, another party forced the doors open, while a third set entered the windows by ladders. In a few minutes every thing valuable was either pillaged or destroyed, the public chest was broke open, and the archives of the city torn and thrown into the street. Before the mob left the town- house, the cellars were emp- tied of the valuable wine in them, some of which was drank, and the rest left running from the casks. In short, the town- house was completely untiled, and nothing left but the bare walls. On the night succeeding, the private houses of the principal Magistrates were destroyed in the same manner, and the pillage would have become general, but for the arrival of a party of soldiers, who soon arrested about 100 of the most outrage- ous, and secured them in prison. Near 200 more have been since taken up by the armed citizens, who were perfectly satisfied with the resolutions of the Magistrates, and sincerely sorry for the plun- der committed. ' The town is now quiet, the utmost harmony prevails, and the military give very powerful assist- ance to secure the public tranquillity from the at- tempts of these desperate ruffians. ( Signed) BARON DE DIETRICH. Observations on the state of yesterday's market, in Mark Lane.— The supply of grain was rather small yesterday, yet wheats met with few buyers, though considerably lower in price. Barleys were exceeding heavy sale, and nearly is. 6d. cheaper ; and malts were dull of sale, having little or no de- mand at present. Hog pease very scarce, and wanted, and good hard beans rather dearer, having some buyers to ship coastways. White pease, rye, and oats, were heavy sale, and rather cheaper. LONDON, AUGUST 19. THE KING. Plymouth, Sunday, Aug. 16. Their Majesties, on their arrival at Saltram yes- terday, were saluted with 21 guns from a small bat- tery at the bottom of the wood. The citadel re- turned the salute, and immediately the royal stand- ard was hoisted,, which still continues flying. So great was the impatience of all ranks to be- hold the spectacle, that for many miles before their Majesties approach, the roads were lined with horses and carriages of every description. The whole falling into the rear of the royal cavalcade, exhibited such a scene of confusion, as that record ed of the Stratford Jubilee, by an ingenious bard, in the following descriptive triplet. " The chaises came in upon coaches, and coaches came in upon chays, And the streets and the lanes, and the very high ways, Were nothing but chaises and coaches, and nothing but coaches and chays." This morning his Majesty had a levee at Saltram, which was attended by the Earl of Chatham, the Duke of Richmond, Lord George Lenox, the Ad- miral, and all the Captains of the guard- ships sta- tioned here. The Rev. Mr Mayo performed di- vine service in the private chapel. In the evening their Majesties and the Princesses, with their usual attendants, walked on the lawn, and expressed much pleasure on viewing the delight- ful scenery which the surrounding country affords. The mobility were much disappointed, as they could only see the royal group a la distance ; but to- morrow their curiosity will be amply gratified, as their Majesties and the Princesses intend to visit the dock- yard, and from thence to go 0n board the Admiral's ship. The squadron under the command of Commo- dore Goodal, which has been cruising in the Chan- nel, is just now turning into the Sound to be ready for exhibiting naval manoeuvres.— A sea fight is to be performed by command of their Majesties. Naval REview. This grand spectacle is hourly looked for:— Commodore Goodal's squadron is as follows : To which the Magnificent will, it is thought ( as has already been noticed), be added. Carnatic, Orion, Bellona, Hebe, Bedford, Termagant sloop, Cumberland, Brazen, and Goliah, Speedwell, cutters. Director, This squadron, we understand, has been crui- zing near Scilly, performing different evolutions in lines of battle, order of sailing, kc. See. and it is conjectured will continue on that service some time longer. The following is the mi authentic and minute Ac- count of the action between the Russian and Swe- dish Fleets, which has yet been communicated to the Public : Admiral Czyczagof with twenty ships of the line ( having left two a Revel), arrived on the 25th of July, in sight of the enemy's fleet, between Ho borg and Reserhaft, a127 leagues and a half N. E. by E. of Bornhohn. The Swedish fleet consisted of 21 ships and 10 frigates, and seven other light vessels and smaller frigates. Night coming on, they lost sight of each other. The next day, the 26th, the Swedes made an attack, The Russian fleet extended from south west to north east. Mr De Mouffin Pouschkins divifion on the west, the Admiral's in the cente, the Rear Admiral Spiri- dof was on the east, the wind was N. E. and the Swedes went before the wind. After one o'clock, the van, and part of the center, began to fire at the distance of about half a league. Very few shots took effect on either ile ; and the Russian Admi- ral gave orders to cease firing. At four o'clock the Swedish Admiral tacjed, though still remaining at the same distance a before ; they placed them- selves on a parallel line with the other fleet; yet fo as to have the centr at a greater dillance than the van or rear. The Swedish Admiral's ship was in the center, having before him his six seconds, and so well surrounded and covered, that if he had even' been closer, he neither could have fired nor have been annoyed by the enemy. Mr De Czyczagof still reserved his fire; and, out of contempt to the Swedes, ordered some of the crew to undress and swim round the ship. Mr De Moulossky, who commanded the leading ship of Mr Spiridof's divon, made incredible efforts to approach the enemy and had got a little nearer, as did also five other ships ; they sustained the enemy's fire till eight o'clock in the evening, with little damage. The Russians had about fifty men killed and wounded. By the bursting of some of the guns onboard the Derys ( a Russian ship), about twenty men were killed, and the ship was set on fire four times. Russians have suffered an inexpressible loss in their brave Captain Moulossky, who was killed by a random shot almost at the beginning of the action ; and three quarters of an hour after he expired, bravely animating his crew. The Swedes were en towing their second ship of the line and a frigs. The three following days, the weather being | lm, the fleets were mostly in sight of each other On Thursday, the 30th, a brisk N. E. wind sprung up ; and the Admiral Czyczagoff endeavoured to bear to ; but he percei- ved that the Swedish fleet disappeared by degrees, and had entirely reed into Carlscrone towards the evening of the 3 1 ft. As soon as Mr De Koslainoff's squadron had received intelligence of Mr De Czyc- zagoff's arrival, the wind being favourable, he weighed anchor to in the Russian fleet, which he accomplished on third of August. The Russians are now the master of the sea. A ridiculous reft has been lately blazoned forth by one of the ijy papers, of an attempt to assassinate the King.— The whole, as we learn, originates in the discoveries of an unfortunate maniac at Weymouth, \\ i wrote several letters to his Ma- jesty, which we/ intercepted, and the man pro- perly secured. National ASSeMBLY. August 13. The Assembly have come to the following reso- lutions : 1— The National Assembly ordain, that in fu- ture no money shall be sent to the Court of Rome, to the Vice Legateship of Avignon, nor to the Nunciat of Luzern, for any religious purpose what- ever : But the parishioners shall apply to their Bi- shop for benefices and dispensations, which shall he granted to them gratis, notwithstanding any privi- lege or exception to the contrary. All the churches in France should enjoy the same liberty. The Deports, rights de Cote- morte depouilles, Va- cai, Droits censaux, Peter's Pence,- and other rights of the same kind, established in favour of Bishops, Archdeacons, Canons, Curates, See. are hereby utterly abolished, except they should belong to Archdeaconships, or Curacies not sufficiently pro- vided; 2.— No person shall in future hold a benefice, or benefices, exceeding the annual income of 3000 livres. No person shall enjoy pensions or benefices to a greater amount than the above sum of 3000 livres. 3.— On the delivery of the account, which shall be laid before the Assembly, of the state of pensions and rewards, the Assembly, in concert with the King, shall proceed to suppress thofe that have not been merited, and to reduce such as shall appear excessive, reserving to themselves the power of de- termining a certain sum, which the King shall dis- pose of in future to such purposes. A Member of the Noblesse rose and observed, That it was necessary to efface every vestige of the feudal system, and that therefore, in his opinion, the right of seigniority should be abolished. This motion proceeding, however, from the pu- rest motives, appeared premature, and was consider- ed as deviating from the object of fixing the con- stitution. Three several Committees were then chosen for the purpofe of transacting the three following sub- jects, viz. 1. The affairs of the Clergy. 2. The liquidation of the offices of Magistra- cy,— and 3. The feudal rights. A Member of the Committee of Preparation then read the following address to the King— " Sire, " The National Assembly bring to your Majesty an offer- ing truly worthy of your heart. It is a monument raised by the patriotism and generosity of all your people. The privi- leges, the particular rights, the distinCtions injurious to the public good, have disappeared. Provinces; Cities, Ecclesias- tics, Nobles, Commons, all have, in noble- emulation, made the most noble sacrifices. All have abandoned their ancient usages, even with more joy than vanity itself ever ardently claimed them. You see none now before you, Sire, but Frenchmen obedient to the same laws, governed by the same principles, penetrated by the same sentiments, and all equally ready to give up life for the interests of the nation, and of their King. Shall not this spirit, so noble and pure, be yet more animated by the expression of your confidence', by the af- fecting promise of that constant and amicable harmony, which till now but few of our Kings have ascertained to their sub- jeCts, but which your Majesty feels that Frenchmen so truly deserve. " Your choice, Sire, offers to the Nation Ministers that they themselves presented to you. It is from among the de- positories of the public interests that you have chosen the de- positories of your authority. You are desirous that the Na- tional Assembly should unite itself with your Majesty for the re- establishment of public order and general tranquillity. You sacrifice to the good of the people your personal pleasures.— Accept then, Sire, our respeCtful acknowledgment, the ho- mage of our love, and bear in all age's, the only title that can add to the dignity of Royal Majesty— the title that our una- nimous acclamations have decreed you " DE RESTAURER DE LA LIBERTE " FRANCOISE.'" The Restorer ot French Liberty. The patriots in France very properly preserve a jealousy of Court intrigues. Each motion of the King's is watched ; and if, as suspected, he is not sincere in his professions, they are determined not to quit the sovereignty until his sincerity has be- come a habit. Yesterday Lord Hood was chosen Representative for Ryegate, in Surrey, without opposition. The Earl of Effingham, with family and suite, will set off for his Government of Jamaica, in the course of next week. Mr Eden is still in Spain— the troubles in France prevent his reaching the capital of that kingdom. Yesterday the Lord Mayor ordered the price of bread to be lowered half an assize— wheaten bread is now 2s. 7d. the peck loaf. The present raging fashion of the times is nei- ther for dress, nor horses, nor dice nor cards, nor women, but it is to be distressed. Every man of taste is now distressed in his circumstances— even the middling ranks imitate this glorious fashion, and a polite assembly may with great propriety be considered as a meeting of creditors, where debtors pay a trifle, and contract a fresh debt. EDINBURGH. Yesterday Major General Sir Archibald Camp- bell, Knight of the Bath, late Governor of Madras, was unanimously chosen Member of Parliament for the boroughs of Queensferry, & c. We hear a serjeant's guard of the military is immediately to be established at the Register Office, at the north end of the North Bridge, and a hand- some guard- house erected.— This will certainly be of great advantage to the peace and protection of the New Town, till funds can be obtained for ex- tending the City Guard.— We also hear that the Register Office is to be lighted this season. It is said the plans of Mr Adam for a new Col- lege and Bridewell are uncommonly ingenious, and well adapted for the purposes. These two objects arc only wanting to make this one of the most beautiful and well regulated places in Europe. The Magistrates are making every exertion for a supply of water to the city, by taking in every drop they can procure, without vexatious litiga- tion. The springs within these few days, owing to the excessive heat and drought, have decreased above 280 English pints per minute and, if the heat continue, it may naturally be expected that the deficiency will increase.— This city is so much extended, and the number of pipes to private fa- milies fo numerous, that every person should, as much as possible, be saving in water, and not uselessly or wantonly waste it. Mr Dempster is, we hear, preparing a bill for the further encouragement of the British fisheries, which he will offer to Parliament in the next ses- sion, and which, from his great knowledge on the subject, will doubtless contain regulations of con- siderable advantage to that valuable employ. The northern parts of this kingdom, in par- ticular, are under the utmost obligations to the above gentleman for the plans he has already sug- gested, and been the successful promoter of ; they will be the means of providing comfortably for great numbers of families, make the lands of more value, and enrich the countiy in population and property. This morning, between three and four o'clock, a very alarming fire broke out in a smith's shop in North Leith, which entirely consumed the same. The damage is computed about 150I. Luckily, there was little wind ; but had it blown at N. E. all the neighbouring houses must have been de- o stroyed. Wednesday the 12th, being the birth day of the Prince of Wales, the Rev. Dr Lamont, one of his Royal Highness's Chaplains for Scotland, gave a grand entertainment at the Manse of Kirkpatrick Durham. The design had been formed on a very liberal and extensive plan, and the invitations were by no means confined to those of the Prince's party only. Accordingly a considerable number of the most respectable gentry and clergy, from the stew- artry of Kirkcudbright and county of Dumfries, assembled. A more splendid show of carriages in that quarter of the country has very seldom been seen ; nor has there been, we imagine, a more gen- teel and happy company, collected in that neigh- bourhood for some time past. After dinner, a de- sert of the fruits now in season was served up, which was succeeded by the circling glass. The wines were excellent, and every thing in the highest or- der. The King, the Prince of Wales, with three cheers, and a variety of loyal and constitutional toasts, were given. A song composed by one of the company for the occasion, and a number of catches and glees, were sung with much taste and comic ability. It was remarked, that, in compli- ment to the day, several of the ladies were dressed in blue and buff; flags of the same colours were seen flying all day, in different parts of the village, erected on the Doctor's estate in the neighbour- hood ; and in the evening a splendid bonfire was lighted up on an adjacent eminence. In fine, the day was spent in the utmost conviviality and good humour, and concluded with every possible demon- stration of joy. On Monday afternoon, a young boy, at the town head, Kelso, about seven years of age, in at- tempting to climb a tree by the assistance of a lad- der, which had been improperly placed, the ladder unfortunately fell with him, and he was killed on the spot. In a field of turnips at Cherry- trees, some have been taken up this week which measured two feet three inches in circumference, and weighed 10 lb. On Wednesday Elizabeth Thomson and Jean Weir, two young women, were drummed through the city, and afterwards banished, by sentence of the Magistrates. There was fixed to each of their backs a board, with the following words wrote in large legible characters : " For stealing from dif- ferent shops in Edinburgh." Capt. Balfour, from Greenland, on the 24th ult. spoke with the Elizabeth and Mary, Little master, in lat. 70. 30. long. 4. o. east from London, out 17 days from Ostend, and bound to Archangel. CAVEAT AGAINST SHOOTING PIGEONS. A mistaken notion having been entertained bv farmers and other country people in general, but more particularly in Mid Lothian and the neigh- bouring counties, that it is lawful to shoot pigeons when amongst corns, providing they are not lifted— in order to check this irregular practice and mista- ken notion, the Association for the preservation of game, dogs, and pigeons in the county of Edin- burgh, caused Robert Muckle, tenant at Adam- brae, in the parish of Mid Calder, to be prosecuted by the Sheriff, for having shot pigeons in the cir- cumstances above described, the property of Sir William Augustus Cunynghame of Livingston, Bart, a member of said association ; and the said Robert Muckle having been convicted thereof, he was fined in twenty shillings Sterling, besides being ordained to find caution not to shoot or destroy pigeons in time coming, under the penalty of 2I. Sterling for each offence. Which sentence has been complied with ; and the gentlemen of said as- sociation are resolved to prosecute with rigour eve- ry future trespass of a similar nature. , Extract of a letter from Glasgow, Aug. 21. " This morning a young lad was drowned while bathing in the Peat Bog. His body was found soon after the accident. " Wednesday several venders of butter in this market were fined in different sums by the Magi- strates for selling that commodity much short of the standard weight ; about five stones of which were seized, and sent to the Charity Workhouse, Bride- well, See." ' ....... SHIP NEWS. ARRIVED AT GREENOCK. . Aug. 19. Eliza, Auld, Belfast, flour— 20. Mayflower, Evans, do. oats— John, Leitch, Londonderry, goods— Commerce, Kerr, Memel, timber— Grizie, M'Kinlay, Belfast, flour—. Peggy, M'Lean, London, goods— Jeffy, Lee, Dundalk, oats— Nancy, Cochrane, H. de Grace, ballast. ARRIVED At LEITH, Aug. 20. Providence, Ross, Glasgow, goods— 21. Friendship,- - Milne, Inverness, oats— Two Sisters, Paderson, easterezer, wood— 22. Hope, Norberg, do. do.— Five coasters. SAILED frOM LEITH, Generous Mind, paton, Dundee, goods— Oswald, Beattie, Ber- wick, do.— Mercury, Muir, Bo- ness, do.— Edinburgh, Cur- ric, Kirkwall, do. THIS DAY IS PUBLISHED, Printed for G. and J. Robinsons, London— and sold by Bell &. Bradfute, W. Creech, AND J. Dickson, E. Balfour, P. Hill In Three Large Volumes Royal OCtavo, price Five Guineas in Boards, illustrated by 360 ENGRAVINGS, by HEATH and other eminent Artists, ESSAYS ON PHYSIOGNOMY', FOR THE PROMOTION OF THE KNOWLEDGE AND THE LOVE OF MANKIND. Written in the German Language by J. C. LAVATER, AND Translated into English by THOMAS HOLCROFT. ~ The execution of this work will be found to be in a sup- perior style of elegance, in PRINTING, as well in EN- GRAVINGS, the latter being chiefly by that distinguished artist, HEATH. The desire of the Publishers has been to give an edition of the celebrated LAVATER in a form at once elegant and convenient, and at a price that will be thought reasonable. How far they have succecded in their endeavour, will be for the public to determine. They have only to add, that neither pains nor expence have been spared to render this edition worthy of a place in the cabinet of the Man of Taste.. EDINBURGH, 21st AUG. 1789". Lieut. General the Right Honourable LORD ADAM GORDON, Commander of his Majesty's For- ces', & c. in North Britain, hereby gives notice, That he is ready to receive proposals from any person or persons willing to supply by contract for three months, BREAD for the Troops quartered in Edinburgh Castle. The Bread to he made of flour of good marketable wheat, out of which the first bran has been taken by means of an eight shilling cloth— Each Soldier's allowance of this Bread, for four days, is a well baked Loaf, weighing six pounds. Proposals to be sealed and addressed to Major Mackay, Ad- jutant General's Office, Tiviot- row, Edinburgh, on or before Monday the 31st instant. ESCAPED FROM JUSTICE, ALEXANDER BOOKLESS, tenant in Pilmuir, in the parish of Coldingham, and county of Berwick, and DAVID BOOKLESS, his brother, residing in Pilmuir, both accused of being concerned in deforcing and abusing JAMES CAMPBELL, Excise Officer in Ayton, and others, his assistants, upon the high road leading by Penmushiel- wood, in the said parilh of Coldingham, and afterwards as- saulting, beating, and maltreating PETER FRANCE, inn- keeper at Cairncross, also in the said parish and couuty, upon the morning of the 1st day of July last. The said Alexander Bookless is about 25 years of age, near- ly five feet feven inches high; stout and squat made; very fat, with a broad, smooth, ruddy face, and dark coloured long hair— Large feet, flat soled. He used generally to wear a dark brown coat, but was lately seen in a new fashioned strip- ped coat. David Bookless is not so tall as Alexander.— Very stout made ; coarse looking, being much pitted with the small pox; haS black tied hair; wears whiskers; and has a lisp in his speech. A Reward of TWENTY POUND STERLING is hereby offered to any person or persons who will apprehend and se- cure the aforesaid Alexander and David Bookless, or either of them, in any jail in Scotland, so as they may be brought to trial for the offences above mentioned; or who will give such information to Mr Robert Dundas, clerk to the signet, Edin- burgh; or to Mr John Turnbull, writer in Dunse, as may be the means of Alexander and David Bookless, or either of them being apprehended and committed, to be paid by Mr Dun- das. upon their or his conviction. NOTICE. THE Act of Parliament for Levying TON- NAGE on SHIPS and VESSELS in the Harbour of AYR, for the purpose of improving and repairing the same, expires at the end of next session of Parliament, after the ift June 1793. It is hereby intimated to the Subscribers, that a General Meeting is to be held at Ayr, within the Court Hall, on the first Wednesday of September next, at twelve o'clock noon, for the purpose of considering the expediency of obtaining a new act. WHEAT TO BE SOLD. On Thurday the 27th current, TWO Fields of Excellent WHEAT to be SOLD by Roup at BELLEVILLE, either in whole or in parcels, as purchasers may agree 0n. The roup to begin at 11 o'clock forenoon. ROUP OF CORNS AND STOCKING, At Balboothie and Kilconquhar, Fifeshire. To be SOlD by. public roup, on Friday the 28th curt, at Bal- boothie, in the parish of Kiiconquhar, THE Crop of Corns growing on that Farm, with the Stocking of Horses, Cows, and Labouring U- tensils ;— and, at Kilconquhar, the Crop of CORNS growing in the Parks, with the Stocking of Horses, Cows, and Labour- ing Utensils of all kinds. The roup to begin at Balboothie at ten o'clock. SALE OF LANDS IN KINROSS- SlIIRE. THE Lands and Estate of COLDON, lying in -*- the parish and shire of Kinross, as formerly advertised, are to be SOLD by PRIVATE BARGAIN. For particulars, application may be made to Mr Gourlay of Craigrothie, or to John Syme, writer in Edinburgh. COUNTY OF WIGTOWN.--' To be SOLD by auction, within the house of Nathaniel Tay- lor, vintner in Stranraer, upon Tuesday the 20th day of October next, betwixt the hours of four and five afternoon, THE Two and a Half Merk Land of NETHER CRAIG, otherwise called CRAIGCAFFIE, and the Twenty Six Shilling Land, of OVER CRAIG ( exclusive of those parts thereof called Whitefell, Dossland, and Craigrob), - as the same are presently possessed by Anthony Stewart; to- gether with the superiority of the said lands of Whitefell, Dossland, and Craigrob, and of the Two Merk Land of Braid and Bridgend, alias Clashyne, all ring in the parish of Inch, and shire of Wigtown. The lands are held of the Crown, of a good soil, capable of farther improvement. They are very pleasantly situated near to the side of Lochryan, and within two miles of the burgh of Stranraer. There are some fine old trees around the man- lion house; and the wood altogether upon the lands is at pre- sent worth several hundred pounds. The titles may be seen by applying to Thomas Adair, clerk to the signet; and Mr M'Nish, Surveyor of the Customs at Stranraer, will show the lands. MICHAELMAS HEAD COURT, BERWICKSHIRE. THE Sheriff Clerk of Berwickshire hereby in- timates to the Freeholders of the said shire, that the Mi- chaelmas Head Court will be held at GREENLAW on Tues- day the 6th October next; and that CLAIMS for inrolment on that day have been lodged with him in proper time for'the following Gentlemen— viz. Archibald Douglas, Esq. of Douglas— and George Logan, Esq. of Edrom. Sheriff- Clerk's Office, Dunse, Aug. 20. COUNTY OF INVERNESS. THE Sheriff- Clerk of the County of Inverness hereby intimates to the Freeholders, that the MI- CHAELMAS HEAD COURT falls this year to be held up- on Tuesday the 6th day of October next; and that CLAIMS of inrolment have been lodged with him, in terms of law, for the following Gentlemen— viz. 1. Thomas Fraser, Esq. of Newton, 2. Lieut. Simon MacDonald, younger of Morar, 5. John Macdonald, Esq. of Clanranald, 4. Lewis Alex. Grant, Esq. younger of Grant. And also, that OBJECTIONS have been lodged with him against William Dunbar, writer to the signet ( a Freeholder standing upon the roll), for expunging him from the roll. INVERNESS, Aug. I8. ROBt. CAMPBELL STEWARTRY OF KIRKCUDBRIGHT. THE ensuing Michaelmas Meeting of the Freeholders for said Stewartry is to be held at Kirkcud- bright, on Tuesday the 13th day of October next. And the following Claims for Inrollment have been lodged with the Steward Clerk, viz. The Rev. Dr David Lamort of Ironcrogo, Alexander Wylie of Corsock, James Tweedale of Glenlaggem, Alex. Spalding Gordon, esq. advocate, The Right Hon. Bazil Wm. Douglas Lord Daer, The Hon. John Douglas, Esq. advocate, The Hon. Dunbar Douglas of Milnthird, The Hon. Alex. Douglas of Gribdie, John Gordon, Esq. of Kenmore, Capt. Adam Gordon of Glenarm, James M'Michan of Meikle Furth- head, John Bushby Maitland of Eccles, Esq. advocate, Ramsay Hannay, Esq. of Bardristan, Wm. Johnsone, Esq. of the Island of Madeira, Capt. Paul Mouncy of Ramerscailes, William Copland, Esq. of Collieston, Alex. Gordon, Esq. of Culvennan. JA. NIVEN, Dep. Steward Clerk. Kirkcudbright, 19th August 1789. PRESERVATION OF GAME. THE EARL of STAIR and the Hon. Captain PATRICK MAITLAND of Freugh, being desirous to preserve the Game upon their Estates in the shire of WIG- TON, hope no Gentleman will shoot thereon without their liberty. Poachers and other unqualifed persons will be prosecuted with the utmost rigour. PRESERVATION OF GAME. SiR ALEXANDER RAMSAY IRVINE of Bal- main, Bart, and ALEXANDER BURNET, Esq. of Strachan, being resolved to preserve their Game upon their estates in the counties of Kincardine and Angus, hope that no Gentleman will shoot thereon without permission. All poachers and unqualified persons found trespassing will be prosecuted according to law. LASSWADE AND DALKEITH DISTRICT OF ROADS. TEA LICENCES. EXCISE OFFICE, EDINBURGH, AUGUST 4. 1789. bY Acts of Parliament, passed in the 20th, 21st, and 22d years of the reign of his present Majesty, every person, who, after the 5th day of July 1780, doth trade in, sell, or vend any Coffee, Tea, or Chocolate, is re- quired to take out a licence for that purpose, paying for the same the sum of Five Shillings and Sixpence ; and every such person is, by the said first; mentioned act, required to take out a fresh licence, ten days at least before the expiration of twelve kalendar months after taking out the firft licence, before he or she do presume to trade in, sell, or vend any coffee, tea, or chocolate; and, in the same manner, to renew such licence from year to year paying down the like sum of five shilLings and sixpence for each and every new or renewed licence, un- der the penalty of TWENTY POUNDS for each offence. In pursuance of these acts of Parliament, The COMMIS- SIONERS of EXCISE do hereby give notice, That attendance is given at the Chief Office of Excise in Edinburgh, for the li- mits of the City of Edinburgh, and by the several Collectors of Excise, on their collections, for the other parts of Scotland, so as every person who continues to trade in, vend, or sell any coffee, tea, or chocolate, may renew his or her licence, within ten days at least before the expiration of twelve kalendar months after taking out their last licence ; and it is expected that all concerned will, by compliance with the law, prevent any prosecution against them for the penalty incurred by neglect of this notice. By Order of the Commissioners, JOHN THOMSON, Joint ADAM PEARSON, Secretaries. GENEVA, AND CLARET WINE. WILLIAM GRINLY, Broker in Leith, will * * expose to SALE by Auction, in the Leith Coffeeroom, Bernard- street, on Friday the 28th August 1789, at twelve o'clock noon, Five Thousand Gallons BRITISH GENEVA, in small lots— and Ten Hogsheads CLARET WINE, in single hogsheads Samples of the geneva and wine, and conditions of sale, will be in the hands of William Grinly, and catalogues ready to be delivered out by him three days prior to the sale. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. To be exposed by Public Auction, upon Tuesday the 25th day of August instant, in that lodging, No. 13, GEORGE STREET, New Town, THE Whole Furniture, consisting of mount- ed beds, doun and feather beds, blankets, carpets, tables, chairs, mirrors, handsome Carron and other grates; tea and table china, and Wedgewood ware. Variety of kitchen furni- ture ; a good jack and water sistern. The furniture is in high order. Sale to begin each day at ten o'clock forenoon. DALGLEISH and FORREST, Auctioneers. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. To be SOLD by Public Auction, at the house of William Par- ker, at the King's Arms, Berwick- upon- Tweed, on Mon- day the ill September next, ALL the Household Furniture belonging to the faid WILLIAM PARKER, consisting of Beds and Bedding, Mahogany Tables and Chairs, Pier Glasses, Bed and Table Linen, Glasses, and Kitchen Furniture— ALSO the Stock of Wines, Spirits, and other Liquors in his cellars ALSO all his Post Chaises and Horses, with the Harness. The sale to begin at ten o'clock in the morning, and conti- nue till all be sold. *,* It is requested that all persons who are indebted to the said William Parker will immediately pay the same to Mr James Wood, jun. and Mr John Knowles, who are legally authorifed to receive the same. tHere is to be a Meeting of the trustees tor the Turnpike Roads in the districts of Lasswade and Dalkeith, at MRS JOHNSTON'S in Dalkeith, on Friday next the 28th current, at twelve o'clock noon. As the pur- pose of this meeting is to consider of matters in which both districts are concerned, it is requested the Trustees may at- tend.— It is proposed that the gentlemen dine together at Dalkeith that day. FOR LONDON, THE BETSEY, JOHN LAMB Master, Is now taking in goods at Leith for London, and will fail on Wednesday next. AT LEITH— FOR LONDON, THE ENDEAVOUR; ROBERT ROBERTSON Master, is taking in goods at the birth in Leith harbour, and will sail the 26th of August instant. N. B. The Master to be spoke with at the Exchange Coffeehouse, Edinburgh, or at his house, Shore of Leith. Delivers at Hawley's Wharf; has good accommo- dation for passengers. AT LEITH— FOR LONDON, THE CERES, T JAMES M'INTOSH MASter, - Lying in Leith harbour, taking in goods for • London, and will sail the 26th of August inst. For freight or passage, apply to Capt M'In- tosh, or to Charles Cowan, at his paper warehouse, Edin- burgh, or at his warehouse in Leith. The Ceres has good accommodation for passengers, who may depend upon the best usage. At LONDON, FOR LEITH, THE LONDON, A NEW SHIP, RICHARD GARDNER Master, Is now on the Birth at Millar's Scots Wharf, taking in goods for Leith and country adjacent, and sails 30th August inst. The London is completely equip- ped for sea, has two cabbins, fitted up in a very neat manner, with excellent accommodations for passengers, who may de- pend on the best usage. The Master to be spoke with at the Royal Exchange and New England Coffeehouses— mornings and evenings on board, or Walter Millar for the Master. AT LONDON foR LEITH, THE LIVINGSTON, JA. MACKAY Master, Is lying at Hawley's Wharf, taking in goods for Leith, Edinburgh, and all places adjacent, and will sail the 3d September 1783. Good accommodation for passengers. The Master to be spoke with at the New Eng- land Coffeehouse, Threadneedle- street, by the Royal Ex- change, at ' Change hours— mornings and evenings on board the ship. FOR KINGSTON JAMAICA, TO CALL AT ANTIGUA, THE BELL, JOHN CATHCART Master, Ready to receive goods, and will positively be clear to sail the 40th September. For freight or passage apply to Hamilton, Garden, and Co. or Captain Cathcart, in Greenock— and to James Buchanan, Glasgow. Aug. 20, To be SOLD, on Monday the 24th day of August instant, in Gibb's Coffeehouse, Lcith, at twelve o'clock noon, THE BRIGANTINE CALLED THE BASIL OF LEITH, Of 140 tons burden or thereby, with her float- boat, furniture, and appurtenances, as the present- ly lies in the harbour of Leith. The ship is stoutly built, well known to be a remarkable quick sailer, and in good condition. She will be shown by those on board, and the conditions of sale and inventory of the vessel may be seen in the bands of David Clark, folicitor at law, Edinburgh, who has power to conclude a private bargain before the day of sale. NOTICE THE Concern of LEE, ROBERTSON, & CO. ' Merchants in GREENOCK, is DISSOLVED by mu- tual consent— Those indebted to them are desired to make payment to John Kippen, who alone is empowered to grant discharges, and who will also pay off what they owe. P. Pr. of ANDERSON, FULLARTON, & Co. ALEX. DUNLOP, JOHN CAMPBELL & SON, JOHN ROBERTSON. Greenock, Aug. 18. 1789. The above business is now carried on by the subscribers un- der the Finn of JOHN KIPPEN AND CO. ANDERSONS, FULLARTON, & DUNLOP, JOHN KIHPEN. Greened, Aug. 18. 1789 NOTICE TO the Creditors of JOHN RAMSAY. The Trustees for the creditors of John Ramsay, wright in Edinburgh, having converted his whole subjects into cash, and made out a scheme of division of the funds, the creditors are requested to call on Robert Pitcairn, writer in Edinburgh, on Wednesday the 9th September next, in order to sign a dis- charge and receive their dividends, in terms of the trust- deed. EDINBURGH, AUG. 21. NOTICE To the Creditors of DAVID HUNTER, Mer- chant in Kilmarnock. That, at a meeting of these creditors, held within the house of Mrs Kennedy, vintner in Kilmarnock, upon the 13th day of July last, for the purpose of chusing a trustee upon the said David Hunter's sequestrated estate, William Paterson, writer in Kilmarnock, was chosen trustee, and that appointment has since been confirmed by the Court of Session . The said William Paterson therefore hereby requires the whole cre- ditors of the said David Hunter to lodge with him their claims, vouchers, and grounds of debt, with their oaths for proving the same, betwixt and the 22d day of February next, being exactly nine kalendar months after the interlocutor for awarding sequestration was pronounced; certifying such creditors as neglect to comply with this requisition, that they will not be entitled to any share in the first distribution of the debtor's estate. T SALE OF CORNS. To be SOLD by public roup, upon the Farm of KINGSLAW, in the parish of Tranent, on Monday the 24th August 1789 at eleven o'clock forenoon, TTIE whole Growing Corns upon the Farm of KINGSLAW, which belonged to the late Mr Ma- thew Haldane, consisting of Wheat, Barley, Oats, Pease, and Beans. SALE OF CORNS. To be SOLD by public roup, by warrant of the Sheriff of E- dinburgh, upon Tuesday next the 23th instant, THE CROP upon the Farm of GRANGE, pos- sessed by James Ferrier, consisting of WHEAT, PEASE, OATS, BARLEY, & c. The roup to begin at ten oclock forenoon precisely. SALE OF A HOUSE. To be SOLD by public roup, within the Old Exchange Cof- feehouse, Edinburgh, on Wednesday the 26th of August 1789, betwixt the hours of five and six afternoon, THAT Dwelling House, consisting of 3 rooms, a kitchen, garret and cellar, lying at the head of the Old Assembly Close, south side of the CROSS of Edinburgh, being the first story above the shops, the property of the late Mr ROBERT BREMNER, and for many years occupied by him as a Music Shop, entering by the first fore stair above the Old Assembly Close. The house is substantially built, and in good repair, being only about 30 years old. Its situation being in a public part of the town, renders it a most desi- rable purchase; and the two front rooms may, at a very small expence, be thrown into an elegant and capital ware room. The title- deeds, and articles of roup, may be seen by ap- plying to Horatius Cannan, writer to the signet, who is em- powered to conclude a private bargain betwixt and the day of sale. Sale OF DWELLING HOUSES, GARDEN, WRIGHTS SHOP, & c. At the Head of the West Port. To be SOLD by public roup, within John's Coffeehouse, E- dinburgh, 0n Wednesday the 9th day of September 1789, at five o'clock afternoon, THAT large new built WRIGHT'S SHOP, WOOD YARD, SHADE and SAW PIT, with the two DWELLING HOUSES, and GARDEN thereunto be- longing, all lying near the head of the West Port, on the north side of the street, and as lately possessed by the deceased John Russel Wright. These subjects have an easy communication with the street, possess many conveniencies, and are in other respects well a- dapted for any person intending to carry on the wright busi- ness. The title deeds and articles of roup are in the hands of John Tawse writer, Parliament Square, Edinburgh— to whom, or to Mr James Scott merchant, West Bow, those intending to purchase may apply for farther particulars. NOTICE O the HERITORS, of the Parish of Kilwin- ning In the process of locality of the Minister's Stipend of this parish— The Lord Swinton, Ordinary thereto, upon the nth current, pronounced the following interlocutor : " The Lord Ordinary allows all concerned to see the foregoing locality of the Minister's Stipend in the clerk's hands, and to give in objections thereto, if they any have, betwixt and the first se- derunt day in November next; ordains the whole Heritors to produce the rights to their tiends against said day; with cer- tification, that n0 objections nor rights will be received there- after, except upon payment with each of forty shillings Ster- ling to the common agent towards defraying the expence of process; aud appoints the common agent to cause notify this order in the Edinburgh newspapers; and also by affixing a copy hereof 0n the door of the church, that none may pre- tend ignorance. Not to be repeated. NOTICE THE Trustee upon the sequestrated Estate of 1 GEORGE SIMSON and ROBERT PERRY, Carpet Manufacturers in Kilmarnock, as a company and as indivi- duals, has made up a state of their effects converted into mo- ney, and a state of their debts proved and lodged with Robert M'Kean, smith in Kilmarnock, the trustee, with a scheme di- viding the free produce of the m0ney so recovered among the several creditors in thefe debts according to their due order of ranking; which states and scheme, with a general date of the bankrupts affairs, brought down to the 23th of July last, lie in his hands open for the inspection of the creditors or their agents, and will remain there till the 26th of Odober next, on which day, being twelve months after the sequestration, a general meeting of the creditors is to he held within the house of Mrs Kennedy, innkeeper in Kilmarnock, at twelve o'clock noon, in order that the creditors may receive their dividends, and six the upset prices of the bankrupts heritable and other estate, and give such directions as may appear necessary for the future management of the funds under trust. SALE OF LANDS IN LANARKSHIRE. To be SOLD by public voluntary roup, within the house of William Weir, innkeeper in Shots, upon Monday the 31st day of August instant, between the hours of one and two afternoon, either in whole, or in fuch lots as purchasers may incline, THE Lands of HARTWOODHILL, compre- hending the Mains of Hartwoodhill, and Intackhead, possessed by James Baillie— the Hillhouse, possessed by John Thomson— and the farm of Mcadowhead, possessed by James Steel, all lying in the parish of Shotts, and county of Lanark, and containing 286 Scots acres of arable, meadow, and pasture grounds, besides 80 acres of moss. The leases of the Mains, Intackhead, and Meadowhead, expire at Martinmas 1790 and Whitsunday 1791; and Hill- house at Martinmas 1793 and Whitsunday 1796. There is plenty of freestone in the lands, and a good seam of coal, which was lately wrought to advantage, and may a- gain be set a going at pleasure. There are also great appear- ance of ironstone in the lands. For further particulars, apply to Robert Renton, writer in Edinburgh, or to the proprietor, at Polkemmet. LANDS IN PERTHSHIRE. To be SOLD by roup, in the house of Andrew Duff, vintner at Inver, near Dunkeld, upon Thursday the 17th Sep tember 1789, betwixt the hours of one aud three after- noon, THE Lands of BALNAGUARD, Mill & Mill lands thereof, with the Town and Lands of BAL NAVERT, lying within the parish of Little Dunkeld, on the great road, about half way betwixt Inver and Taymouth, 16 computed miles from Perth, and six from Dunkeld. The lands lie contiguous, and consist of an extensive tract of rich level or haugh arable ground, pleasantly situated a- long the south side of the river Tay. There is an extensive hill, abounding with game, and remarkable for breeding of black cattle and sheep, belonging to these lands, which lie in the heart ot a pleasant, warm, and populous country, the soil inferior iu quality to none in that country. ' The mansion house is at present converted into an inn, and af fords much satisfaction to travellers. ' There is also upon the lands a great deal of old and young planting, of different kinds of timber. All the arable land is in the natural state, and capable of great improve- ment. There are no tacks on any part of the lands or mill. The whole, by a late measurement, consists of about 311 acres of arable, meadow, and pasture ground, exclusive of the extensive property of hill. The lands hold of the Duke of Atholl; and the present free rent is about 174. For further particulars apply to William Small, writer in Perth, who will show the rental, measurement, title- deeds, and articles of roup ; Robert Tait, at Balnaguard, will show the grounds. TO BE SOLD OR LET, THE Dalmuir Soap and Candle Works, with a complete set of UTENSILS for carrying on the Hard and Soft Soap, and Candle branches, situated nearly on the Dumbarton road, eight miles west from Glasgow, bounded on the one side by the river Clyde, on the other by the Great Canal. There is great plenty of cheap coals in the neigh- bourhood, and fine water brought into the works; the whole of which is fitted up in the completest manner, and may ei- ther be employed as a soap and candle work, distillery, brewery, and malting, or converted into other purposes. For particulars, apply to Richard Collins at Dalmuir. ARTHURLIE AND HOGERGLEN. To be Sold by public roup, within the Tontine Tavern, Glasgow, upon Wednesday the 16th September 1789.1t one o'clock afternoon, THE Twenty- four Shilling and Eightpenny land of ARTHURLIE and HOGERGLEN, being a part of the Five Merk Land of Artburlie, and the Thir- teen Shilling Land of old extent of Arthurlie, called the Wraes. These lands consist of 196 Scots acres, are all suf- ficiently inclosed with stone dykes, or ditch and hedge;— the hedges are in a thriving condition, and the lands are divided into thirty inclosures. the present free rent ( va- luing what is in the proprietor's own possession at a mode- rate rate, and including 81. 13s. 6d. Sterling of feu duties), is about 200I. Sterling ; but, as the leases of the farms of Springhill and Wraes will expire in a few years, a very con- siderable rise of rent may be expessed from them, as well as from the other lands, at the expiration of the leases. Upon the lands of Arthurlie there is a good mansion house, consisting of a dining room, study, five bed rooms, a kitchen, cellar, and separate apartments for servants, with a number of other conveniencies, and a garden well stockcd with fruit trees, and inclosed witi a high stone wall. On the lands of Springhill, or Hogerglen, there is a commodious house, consisting of a dining room, five bed rooms, a kitchen, and other conveniencies, and, being si- tuated on an eminence, commands a view of the city of Glasgow and country adjacent. the offices consist of a good stable, byre, barn, brewhouse, & c all lately built and slated a most sufficient manner. There is on the premises a good quantity of old timber, besides several young plantations, from eight to 15 years old, all in a thriving condition. These lands hold of a subjectf superior for payment of a small feu- duty; lie within the parish of Neilston, and shire of Renfrew, six miles distant from Glasgow, three from Paisley, and one from Neilston. The post to and from Glasgow passes by the foot of the avenue every day. These subjectls lie in a populous neighbourhood, where there are ten bleachfields and pintfields, besides cotton mills; and there are plenty of coal and lime within a mile's distance of the lands. there is a good mansion house in both the lands of Ar- thurlie and Springhill, with about ioo acres of ground ad- joining to each of them ; and these lands will be exposed to sale either together or separately, as purchasers shall in- cline. The title deeds, with a rental, plan of the lands, and con- ditions of sale, are to be seen in ne hands of Thomas Bu- chanan, writer in Glasgow ; to whom, or to the proprietor at Arthurlie, any person inclining to purchase may apply; and a copy of the rental, inventory of the writings, and conditions of sale, are to be seen n the hands of Edward Bruce, writer to the signet. N. B. If agreeable to a purchase, a considerable part of the purchase money may lie in his hands. THE LANDS AND ESTATE OF ORCHARD AND WEENSLAND, ( As formerly advertised) Are again to be exposed to public roup, within the Exchange Coffeehouse, Edinburgh, on Monday the 16th November 1789, at six o'clock afternoon, at a Reduced Price, and wiil then be peremptorily sold to the highest bidder.— ORCHARD lies in the parish of Cavers, and part of the Lands of WEENSLAND and WEENS- LAND MILL in the parish of Hawick, which are contigu- ous, and form together a compact estate of a free yearly rent of 430I. Sterling, exclusive of the mansion- house and plant, ings. It is situated in a plentiful country, bounded on the north by the river Tiviot, and on the well by the inclosures of the town of Hawick, a good market town, in which several flou- rishing manufactures are established. The turnpike road from Carlisle to Berwick by Hawick and Kelso runs through the north part of the estate, and the turnpike road from Edin- burgh to Newcastle by Selkirk and Hawick, runs through the east part of it. There is upon the premises a genteel modern built mansion- house stables, and other offices, with a garden newly laid out, and well stocked with fruit trees; also several stripes and clumps of planting in a thriving condition, and the fences in good repair. A great part of the inclosures are in grass, and the whole estate well watered, situated in an excellent sport- ing country, and in the vicinity of an inexhaustible fund of marle. ' The entry to be at the term of Martinmas nxet, and the price then payable, but the purchaser may immediately after the sale have access to the house, offices, and garden. Perfons inclining to purchafe may apply to Robert Scott, Esq. agent at Kelso for the Bank of Scotland; Lieutenant Miller, at Maxwellheugh, near Kelso; Thomas Potts writer in Kelso; Thomas Usher, writer in Hawick, or Charles Mac- kenzie, writer in Edinburgh, either of whom will shew the rental of the estate; and the articles of roup and the inven- tories of writs may be seen by applying either to the said Thomas Potts or Thomas Usher. Mr Mackenzie has a plan of the estate. The servant at Orchard will shew the house and bounda- ries. JUDICIAL SALE OF LANDS IN THE COUNTY OF DUMFRIES. To be SOLD by public roup, withi the Parliament or New Session House of Fldinburgh, upa Friday 27th November 1789, betwixt the hours of five ad eight afternoon, tHE Lands and others fter mentioned, be- longing to Mr DAVID ARmSTRONG, Advocate. LOT I. The Lands of KIRTLTOWN and POCKES- KINEFOOT, and lands of BLaCKCROFT, with the teinds of the last mentioned land lying in the parish of Middlebie, and sheriffdom of Dunvirs, which are to be ex- pofed at twenty- three years purcha: of the free proven rent, being - - L. 2184 12 2 I- I2th. But as the proprietor does not apear to have any right to the teinds of ketle- town and Pockeskinefoot, one fifth : the rent of these lands is deducted as and, and taking from that teind the minster's stipend, there remains of free teinds. 3s. iod. 9- mhs, the privilege ofiur- chasing which being valued at five years purchase, amounts to - 86 9 ^ 9- l2ths. Upset price of I. ot I. L. 2271 1 7 lo- i2ths LOT II. The lands of CROSBANKHEAD, EAST LYNBRIDGEFORD, WEST LYNBRIDGEFORD, and Mill of LYNBRIDGEFORD, wii a House and Yard ia East Lynbridgeford, and the teinds of these lands, lying in the parish and sheriffdom foresaid, which are to be exposed at twenty- four years purchase of the free rent of the lands, twenty years purchase of the free rei of the mill, and twelve years purchase of the rent of the hife and yard, being - L. 2983 14 8 With the superiorities of the Mairof Crowdieknow and several other lals, the feu- duties of which amount tal. nd. 2- 12th Sterling, and the gross nt to 4701. 8s. 3d. ( the casualties payde by singular successors are not taxed) lued at - - 130 O o And the teinds of the lands of Cr- lands, valued at - 323 6- l2ths Upset price of Lot II. - 3136 17 1 6- i2ths LOT III. The LIFFRENT ( durii the joint lives of Mr and Mrs Armstrong) of the lands of EUK, lying in the pa- rish of Sibbalbie, annexed to Applegirt and sheriffdom fore- said, which is to be exposed at five year purchase of the free rent, being - - L. 228 6 8 LOT IV. An ADJUDICATION r funis amounting to I391.14s. 9d. besides interest affecting acre of land at Rigg- muir, and houses thereon, lying in t parish of Gratney, which is to be exposed at 12 years purchase of the free rent of the subjects affected by the adjudication, being L. 28 10 o The subjects in lot second hold of the Crown, excepting a very small part of the superiorities. the lands held of the Crown afford a freehold qualificatio The lands, & c. in lots first, third, and fourth, hold of fieds superior. There is a good modern mansion house, with offices, pigeon house, garden, & c. on lot fird; and upon thaot, as well as lot se- cond, there is a good deal of thriving anting, upon which no value is put. The rent of lot first is risen considerably since the proof was taken in the judiciale, and conform to which proof the upfet price is fixed ; anhere is reason to be- lieve that, upon permanent leases, a considerable rise of rent would still be got for thefe and the othfubjeds under fale. About 17I. of the rent of Kirtletown i Pockeskinefoot re- mains of teind, after paying the stipend he privilege of pur- chafing which is to be exposed at five ars purchase. The teinds in this parish are saleable at six irs purchase ; so that 17I. of the rent is in reality exposed at ly eleven years pur- chafe. The lands in lots firsT and second lie within seven miles oP Langholm, six of Ecclefechan, and win five miles of the great turnpike road Heading from Glasgow and Edinburgh, by Moffat, to Carlisle. These lands so lie within three miles of lime, and are capable of great improvement. The lands in lot third lie in the neighbourhood of the village of Lockerby; and the subjects securedy the adjudication in lot fourth, lie in the village of Rigg jid the ground, fo far as not already built upon, may be feu off to advantage. The articles of roup, See. may be seen the office of Mr Alexander Stevenson, depute- clerk of Se! n ; and persons de- firous of further information may applo John Tait, jun. writer to the signet, agent in the fate, ot[ r John Johnston, at Charlesfield, by Annan, faCtor on the ate. EDINBURGH: Printed by DAVID RAMSAY, OLD FISH- MARKET CLOSE, where Advertisemeuts, Orders for the Paper, are taken in. Published every Monday, Thursday, and Saturday.— Price, a single Paper, ^ jd.— il. Of. yearly when called for— 2/. 9J. delivered in Edinburgh or Leith— riiid 2/. 14J. sent post.
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