The Edinburgh Evening Courant
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Volume Number: Issue Number: 08/06/1930 00:00
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The Edinburgh Evening Courant
Date of Article: 20/08/1789
Printer / Publisher: David Ramsay
Address: Old Fish Market Close, Edinburgh
Volume Number: Issue Number: 08/06/1930 00:00
No Pages: 4
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r- i- n 1 lie jureli N° 11,1x7.] THUIi SDAY\ TO THE NOBILITY, GENTRY, AND THE PUBLIC. wERE we not to embrace the earliestl oppor- tunity of assuring you, that your LIBERAL PA- TRONAGE has exceeded our most sanguine expectation, we should deem ourselves guilty of Ingratitude and consequently undeserving that support which your generosity has showered upon us. We most humbly beg leave to assure you, that on every fu- ture occasion we will zealously exert the best of our abilities to convince you of our earnest defire to merit your future countenance and protection. We are, Generous Patrons, Your much
devoted And very humble servants, JONES AND PARKER. ( ABSOLUTE SECURITY) IRISH STATE LOTTERY, ( ANNO 1789) Begins drawing 12th November. THE TICKETS & SHARES, in Halves, Quar- ters, Eighths, and Sixteenths, in Variety of Numbers, ARE SOLD AND RegiSTERED BY LESLIE AND SCOTT, INSURANCE BROKERS, ROYAL EXCHANGE, EDINBURGH, Licensed by Government, Where all Business relating to the lottery is transacted— Cor- rect numerical and register books are kept, and the earliest in- telligence sent to adventurers of their success. SchemE No. of Prizes, Value of each. THE
LONDON GAZETTE, AUG. 15. Exeter, Aug. 13. THEIR Majesties, and their Royal Highnesses the Princes- ses, having set out from Wey- mouth at eight o'clock this morning, arrived at the Dean ry at nine this evening, in per- fect health. Whitehall, Aug. 15. The King has been pleased to confer on Joseph Ewart, Esq. his Majesty's Envoy Extraordinary at the Court of Berlin, the additional character of Minister Plenipotentiary to that Court. The King has been pleased to constitute and ap- point the Right Hon. John Earl of Chatham, Richard Hopkins, Esq. the Right Hon. Charles George Lord Arden, and Samuel Lord Hood, Vice
Admiral of the Blue, both of the kingdom of Ireland, Sir Francis Drake, Bart Rear Admiral of the Red, the Right Hon. Robert Grosvenor, commonly called Lord Viscount Belgrave, and the Hon. John Thomas Townshend, to be his Maje- sty's Commissioners for executing the office of High Admiral of the kingdoms of Great Britain and Ireland, and the dominions, islands, and terri- tories thereunto belonging. The King has been pleased to constitute and ap- point the Right Hon. Constantine John Lord Mul- grave, of the kingdom of Ireland, and the Right Hon. James Graham, commonly called Marquis of Graham, to be Receiver and
Paymaster Ge- neral of - his Majesty's Guards, Garrisons, and Land Forces. Naples, July 21. The Marquis Caracciolo, Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs at this Court, having been for some time past in a declining state, died on Friday last. His Sicilian Majesty has for the present appointed General Acton to execute the business of the Fo- reign Department, and the Marquis de Marco is to direct the affairs of the Casa Reale, until a suc- cessor to the late Minister is named. Madrid, July 27. The distress which had begun to be felt in some of the provinces of this kingdom from the scarcity of corn, has already been relieved, in a
great mea sure, by the provident exertions of the Spanish Go vernment, and is likely to be entirely removed by the good harvest which has been gathered in in the south, and by the favourable appearance of the crops in the north Vienna, Aug. I. The Emperor's fever has now entirely left him, and his Majesty was on Thursday so well that he took an airing on horseback, for the first time since his recovery. Intelligence has been received from the Bannat, that the Turks have totally abandoned that pro- vince, and retired into their own territory Florence, Aug. I. On the 6th ult. a French sloop of war arrived at Leghorn from Corsica,
and brings accounts that the Algerines have declared war against France. Copenhagen, Aug. 4'. An engagement took place between the Russian and Swedish fleets near Bornholm on the 26th ult. which commenced at two o'clock in the afternoon and lasted till eight in the evening The particular: are not yet known here, any further than that the Russian fleet, under the command of Adm. Tchit- chakoff, bore away, and that the Duke of Suder- mania afterwards sailed for Carlscrona. Letters of the 2d inst. received this morning, mention, that his fleet was seen off that harbour. The Russian fquadron, commanded by Admiral
Koslainoff, weighed anchor on the 30th ult. from Kioge Bay, and steered to the westward ; and near ly at the same time the whole Danish squadron al- PRESERVATION OF GAME. SIR JOHN WHITEFOORD hopes that no Gen- tleman will shoot or kill Game upon the estates of WHITEFOORD, CLENCAIRD, and DUNDAFF, in the county of Ayr, without leave in writing from him, which the tenants are instructed to require from whoever they find sport- ing upon their farms. Poachers and persons unqualified will be prosecuted accor- ding to law. PRESERVATION OF GAME, IN AYRSHIRE. IT is hoped no Person will shoot or kill
Game of any kind on Mr M'MIKIN of Killantringan's lands in the parishes of Maybole and Colmonel, in the county of Ayr, without liberty. Poachers will be prosecuted as the law directs. DESERTED, From a Recruiting Party of the 32d Regiment quartered at Thornhill, near Stirling, JOHN M'INNES, 24 years of age, 5 feet 7 inches high, fallow complexion, black short hair, black eyes, stout and well made, born in the parish of Lesmore, in the county of Argyle— had on, when he deserted, a round hat, blue short coat, corduroy breeches, and white cotton stockings. DUNCAN CAMERON, aged 18 years, 5 feet 6 inches high, stout
made, fair complexion, brown short hair, hazel eyes— had on a blue and red striped coat, kilt, and tartan' hose — was born in the parish of Balwhidder, in the county of Perth. Whoever will secure the above deserters, who were seen on the road to Argyleshire, near Ty- an- Drom, or either of them, or bring them to the said recruiting party, will, over and above his MAJESTY'S BOUNTY for apprehending De- serters, be paid all necessary charges, on applying to Lieute- nant Graham, at Rednock House, by Stirling. FORFARSHIRE ' THE Sheriff- Clerk of the County of Forfar intimates to the Freeholders thereof, and to all others
concerned, that the MICHAELMAS HEAD COURT this year falls to be held on Tuesday 6th October next, at 11 o'- clock noon; and that there are CLAIMS lodged with him for enrolling the Gentlemen after named, viz. Patrick Stirling, Esq; of Pittendreich, David Anderfon, Esq; of Balgay, George Ogilvy, Esq; of Longleypark— and Sir George Ramsay of Banff, Bart. Paris, Aug. 6. Or. Tuesday last the King notified to the Na= tional Assembly the following appointments, viz the Archbishop of Vienne, Secretary of State for Ecclesiastical Benefices— the Archbishop of Bour- deaux, Garde des Sceaux— M. de la Tour du Pin Minister
for the War Department, and the Prince de Beauveau, a Member of the Council. The evening Assembly met at eight o'clock on that day, and continued sitting till near two in the morning, having passed, by a very great majority twenty- two articles, forming in part the basis of the conztitution, which were confirmed by the Na- tional Assembly this day. These articles include an equal taxation— a renunciation of all privileges; whether personal, provincial, or municipal— redemp- tion of feudatory rights— various suppressions and abolitions of particular jurisdictions, duties, and services— abolition of the sale of offices— justice free
of expence for the people— admission for all citizens to civil and military offices— a medal to be struck in commemoration of this event— Te Deum to be performed in the King's Chapel, and through out the kingdom ; and his Majesty to be proclaim- ed the restorer of French liberty. Commissions stgned by his Majesty for the Army in Ireland, 4 dated March 14. 1789. 7th Regiment of Dragoon Guards.— Mr Wm. Burrowes to be Cornet, vice Boyd, resigned. 43d Regiment of Foot.— Captain- Lieutenant George Den- nis to be Captain, vice Bulkeley, resigned. Serjeant Major Philip Crofton, from the 15th foot, to be Adjutant, vice
Vig- noles, promoted. Commissions, dated April 30. 1789. 14th Regiment of Dragoons.— Mr Richard Isaac Starke to be Cornet, vice Dood, resigned. 43d Regiment of Foot.— Lieutenant Henry Losack, from half- pay of 60th foot, to be Lieutenant, vice Wert, exchan- SUMMARY OF THE GRAND DEBATE IN THE NATIONAL ASSEMBLY OF FRANCE, On the Propriety of preceding the New Constitution by a Declaration of the Rights of Man. THIS great question was opened by M. Du- rand de Laspree, who made a very indifferent speech, talking of his instructions, which he offered as a model for the constitution ; adding, that, if
it were deemed necessary to make a declaration of the rights of man, the Assembly should likewise declare those of the Deity. Mr Criniere spoke next, and developed great ideas, expressed with much force and energy ; but his principles were too refined and remote from their consequences. He entered into a metaphy- sical discussion, in which he endeavoured to prove, that the declaration of rights and the constitution were the same. Simple maxims of morals, he said, are not rights ; and finished by the plan of a con- stitution with a preamble, but no declaration. An Ecclesiastic;, in a short speech, supported not the motion of
M. Criniere, but the inferences to be drawn from it against a declaration. " If a declaration of the rights of man ( said he) be necessary, we should add likewise, a declaration of his duties. " Such a treatise no doubt will be difficult, and be rather a treatise on morals than on the rights of citizens. If, on the other hand, we omit this de- claration of his duties, man will see nothing before him but his natural liberty, and the principle of na- tural religion, and we mull not think of citing laws. We are falling into obscure discussions, which se- duce rather than enlighten reason. I propose, therefore, to lay aside the declaration of rights.— The
question is not, What are the rights of man in a state of nature, but the principles to be establish- ed in a monarchy." The Comte Matthieu de Montmorency said, " To erect an edifice, it is necessary to lay the foun- dations ; we cannot draw consequences, unless we lay down principles; and previous to the adopt ing of means, and of opening out our way, we must wisely ascertain our object. It is important to declare the rights of man previous to the consti- tution, which is only the continuation and end of this declaration. This is a truth made evident by the example of America and other nations, and which has been so amply
demonstrated to you by the Archbishop of Bourdeaux. " The rights of man in society are eternal, and stand in need ot no sanction to recognize them It has been proposed to adopt this declaration pro- visionally; but does any Member think that we could eventually reject it ? The rights of man are as invariable as justice, as everlasting as reason they are of every age and every country. I wish the declaration to be clear, simple, and precise ; and within the reach of men the least susceptible of feeling. Far be from us the detestable principles that the Representatives of the Nation should be fearful of enlightning it. We are no longer
in those days of barbarism, when prejudices were the substitutes for reason. Truth leads men to happi- ness. Should we have been here, had not the light of wisdom dispelled the darkness that obscured our horizon ? Should we, in a word, have advanced to the point at which we now are ? " But should a declaration of rights be limited to this only object ? That is the first question : The second consists in the form ; two forms of declara- tion have been presented to you ; which will you adopt ? " To abridge and Amplify, we must not have as many declarations as there are individuals in the Assembly. Let us take, therefore, that of
the Abbe Syeys, and discuss it article by article. An other not less important question is, to know whe- ther the declaration of rights shall be methodical ? What inconvenience can it produce ? These a truths doubtless graven in every heart ; it is not necessary to prove to a man, that he is free; but will he be less so by proving it ? This is but a cap- tious objection. Many nations are ignorant of this liberty ; are utter strangers to its interests and ad- vantages. Let us follow the example of the Uni- ted States-, they have given a great example to the new hemisphere. Let us give one to the universe let us hold out a model worthy of
admiration. " My suffrage, therefore, is in favour of a decla- ration of rights, accompanied with reasons, taking one of those now before you for a model: Let be mediated and discussed with calmness in the Committees, and afterwards decided on in the Ge- neral Assembly." The Comte de Castellane spoke next. " I reduce the queftion ( said he) to this: Shall the constitu- tion be preceded by a declaration ? Its opponents say that it is useless, precisely because the principles are clear, because they are imprinted in every heart. " Let us not credit this assertion ; the publi- city attributed to them is very confined indeed. In calling his
eyes over the surface of the globe, the philosopher, the traveller, contemplates with pity and with horror, the few, the very few seat- tered nations which, in the midst of hurricanes and wars, have retained a faint idea of liberty. ' How many men, even in Europe, conceive themselves the property of nobles, and march quiet- in the midst of slavery ! France itself has been devoted to a feudal aristocracy, succeeded by the heavy bondage of ministerial oppression. ' The avarice, the cupidity of Ministers, their mistresses, their turpitude have hurried to the tomb illustrious and worthy citizens, whose dying voices never have been heard.
Yet these horrors have lasted a long time, and the rights of humanity been violated for ages. It is an error to suppose, that a declaration of rights is useless ; it is necessary to a people to whom it has incessantly been preached, that prisons, dungeons, and state fortresses are ne- cessary to maintain honour ; as if honour could exist a moment without liberty." He was followed by M. Target. " Shall the de- claration of the rights of society be placed at the head of the constitution ? That is the prefent question. We are called upon to fix the constitu- tion. How can any one be persuaded, that it is deviating from the main object of our
laboursr to examine into the rights of man, and solemnly de- clare them ? " I think the contrary is easily demonstrated ; it is fulfilling the wishes of our constituents, it is per- forming half of the functions they have consided to us, to pronounce this declaration of their rights; it is submitting to their intentions, and yielding to their anxiety. What is the object of the constitu- tion ? It is the organization of the state. What is the main end of this organization ? The public happiness. What are the means of attaining it ? The constitution. What is public happiness ? It is not, if we consider the mass of individuals, it in not the gratification of
desire, nor of the passions, which never cease to agitate our bosoms, the vain chimera which constitutes the object of mens pur- suits ; it is the natural happiness, which encroaches not on others; it is the full, entire, and free ex- ercife of every right. This is the true end of all government. Yet it is proposed to us, to leave our constiments ignorant of the nature of those rights. They are useless, say some gentlemen ; or, carrying their argument dill farther, you are told, that by diffusing light among the people, they will fall into licentiousness. " These are the pretexts opposed to immutable truths, founded on the very nature of things;
and we are to be forced to make choice of means be- fore we have ascertained our object. No, doubt, less ; the truths we have to promulgate are not sufficiently known. Are they known by the Asiatic nations ! Did those tyrants, who have made the world groan under the weight of their pride, haugh- tiness, aud oppression, understand them ? Are they known by ihe European nations which surround us, the freed of which still retain the ruins of the monument of defpotifm ? Are they known by a people brutalized by the habit of slavery, and who are ignorant of their very titles to manhood ? " We are told, that we must not instruct the
people. It is not the light we have to fear: Truth never can be dangerous ; it teaches men what are their rights and titles ; it teaches them also what are their duties. By telling man what are his rights, he will respect those of others ; he will feel, that he can enjoy his own, only by not invading those of his neighbour; and that the force of his own claim lies in the respect he pays to the validity of the rights of others. It is thus that truth becomes useful, and that the light which shines over these noble foundations, will continue to beam effulgent throughout ages, as well as over the monarchy it now illuminates. " Some men vainly strive to
hide enlightened knowledge from mankind. Truth knocks at the door of every mind ; and the errors we might be capable of favouring, would be a crime of which we should be the first culprits, and the first vic- tims. " The people do not always slumber; they collect their powers to fhake off a yoke laid too heavy on them by their oppressors ; it is our duty to direct their efforts with wisdom and with pru- dence. I am of opinion then, that the rights of man are not sufficiently understood, and that this knowledge cannot but be useful instead of danger- ous. Had our ancestors done what we are now a- bout to do ; had they been as well
informed as we are, and positive articles had opposed insurmount- able barriers to despotism, we should not at this day be struggling as we now are. It is by engraving the declaration of the rights of man on monumental brass, that we should annihilate the vices of our go- vernment, and guard posterity against them." The Bishop of Langres spoke with great subtlety in favour of the opposite opinion, building much 0n the difficulty of such a work. " This question ( said he) will involve you in academical disputes, philosophical quarrels, and literary discussions and debates, which are perpetually assailing political, moral, and
religious order." Mr Barnave attacked, with great force and e- nergy, the opinion of the Bishop. Amongst Agreeable to act of Parliament, the shares are stamped, and the original tickets ( which are lodged in the Stamp Office) cannot be taken out till three . days after the drawing of the lottery is completed; but as the payment of prizes is frequent- ly not called for till a considerable time after the drawing is over, and that the Public may have absolute security for the Shares issued by LESLIE AND SCOTT, they have deposited with the ROYAL BANK of SCOTLAND the Government Receipts for the Original Tickets; and the Royal
Bank, by its receipt to them, which any person may see, is to retain the value of the prizes sold in shares for One Month after they are payable, during which period the adventurers will please call for payment. Commissions from the country, with bills at sight or a short date, punctually attended to. Letters post paid duly answered.- Schemes gratis. , INSURANCES ON SHIPPING, MERCHANDISE, AND LIVES, Done at this Office as usual. PROFESSORSHIP OF AGRICULTURE. THE FOUNDER of this Institution having de- ferred his nomination of a Professor for five or six months, requests that they who have given their
general Scheme of Lectures, or who are inclined to do so, would, on or before the 25th December next, lodge with the Secretary of the Uni- versity of Edinburgh, directed to the Founder, & c.& c. a DIS- SERTATION on the following QUESTIONS— ill— In what manner ought land, too strong for Turnips, to be cultivated, manured, and cropt, with the most proper instruments for these purposes, and an estimate of the expence and profit ? id— In what manner ought land, fit far Turnips, to be cul- tivated, manured, and cropt, with the most proper in- struments for these purposes, and an estimate of the expence and profit ?
Supposing both sorts of land to be inclosed, drained, and in good order, and fit for the crops suited to their respective soils; and that the rent, including tythe, is reckoned at l6s. 6d. per English acre. Commissionst dated June 1789. 6id Regiment of Foot.— Captain- Lieut. Gonville Brom- head to be Captain, vice Nash, resigned. Lieutenant Richard James to be Captain- Lieutenant, vice Bromhead. Ensign Wm. Walter Vane to be Lieutenant, vice James. Mr peter Garden to be Ensign, vice Vane. 63d Regiment of Foot.— Capt. Thomas Barrow, from the half- pay of the late 84th foot, to be Captain, vice Marshall exchanged. 64th
Regiment of Foot.— Lieutenant William Atwood O- liver, from 77th foot, to be Lieutenant, vice Pringle, ex- changed. 69th Regiment of Foot.— Mr John Gill to he Ensign, vice Tomkins, promoted. 70th Regiment of Foot.— Captain- Lieutenant George Wil- liamson, from 47th foot, to be Captain- Lieutenant, vice Hicks, exchanged. Ensign Wm. Tomkins, from 69th foot, to be Lieutenant, vice Stanley, deceased. BANKRUPTS. Samuel Bayley, of Worcster, coal and timber merchant— John Wilkes, of Cirencester, baker— John Finnis, of Deal, butcher— Robert Storie, of Newman- street Passage, county of Middlesex, coach- master—
William Sanderson, of Wood- street, Cheapside, gauze- weaver. [ This Gazette contains an address to his Majesty from the Vice Consul, Factory, and British Residents in Madeira.]
jpawiKjarows ther arguments, he made use of a very expressive idea to enforce the danger of the ignorance of the rights of man. " If an eloquent man ( said he) were to appear in France, addressing the people with enthusissm, and preaching up a levelling par- tition of lands, this declaration would prove the most powerful specific against his poison, and of it- self destroy all the fatal effeCts of his oratory. It is said to be dangerous and useless, as it is written in every heart ; but ever since the French nation had an existence, philosophers and politicians re- proach it with its facility in forgetting, or not con- sidering what is
represented to be so evident. As for the danger of the people abusing their rights, let us but refer to history to dissipate these idle ap- prehensions.; enlightened once, philosophic nations remain tranquil ; ignorant nations are in perpetual ation and inquietude. I wish to have the de- claration at the head of the constitution, within the . each of every capacity, and to see it become the National Catechism." Mr Demeunier went at large into the necessity of a declaration, and presented many of the former arguments in a fresh point of view. to the ob- jection, that, by declaring to every man that he is master of his own life, he would be
encouraged to suicide, he answered, " This act may be dictated by other motives beyond our power of controul; but let us not forget, that one of the most urgent will be removed by this declaration ; for how many aCts of suicide have happened from the despair a- lone OF living under the intolerable burden of slavery. It has been objected ( says he), that, by permitting every man to express his thoughts, you will open the door to obscenity. Alas ! man- ners are made more pure by liberty. In Rome, the poets never abandoned themselves to obscenity but after the death of liberty. We are told, like- wife, that it will be always
necessary to oblige the lower class of citizens to take passports, on remo- ving from one province to another. I never will give my consent to laws only to see them con- temned. The law never should command what it is easy to elude ; and why straiten the liberty of some, which you are about to give to all ? The de- claration will substitute the empire of reason for that of force, form the public mind, and give to all just ideas of their antique liberty. The rights of men in society are of all ages and of all nations ; they have survived the empires whose happiness they once constituted, and seem to participate of the eternity of the Great
Being who implanted them in the human heart. But had these primary and immortal laws never been forgotten, no man would have to reclaim them at this day. But in what age do we now live ? The purest truths, the most indisputable principles are graven in the hearts of the greater number ; yet, in spite of this, all is still obscure. Despotism has corrupted, has de- graded every thing ; some are in complete igno- rance, whilst others are still floating between un- certainty and apprehension. In this state of things, how is it possible to doubt of the utility of en- lightening those who are still groping in the ob- scurity of ignorance ? Must
we imitate that wretch- ed pity which covers with a veil the victims of hu- man justice ? Is it for us to envelope in that veil our labours and our bounties? " The declaration will contain the genuine prin- ciples of the man and citizen. The articles of the constitution will be but the natural consequences and emanations ; otherwise it would be exacting a blind homage from the people, which they owe us not. It would be ravishing from them the means of judging us ; it would be flying in the face of an eternal truth, since they alone have the right of fit- ting in judgment on our conduCt. " But after all, what danger can result from a
declaration of right ? Much stress has been laid on the pretext of its enfeebling the refpeCt due to re- ligion and to property. Religion is the basis of empires ; property is the binding tie ; but far from attacking, or putting them in danger, it only ren- ders them the more respeCtable, since its express object is to prove that the laws which flow- from it, and religion, have but one and the same source, and are a real boon of the divinity. "' In it I discover fresh motives of gratitude on the part of the people, new sentiments of respeCt and admiration towards the Supreme Being. But do I go farther, and say, that the laws of religion are
unperishable ; nations look to them for conso- lation." M. Blauzat replied, and declared himself against the declaration, on nearly the same principles of M. Criniere. He distinguished man in a state of nature from man in fociety ; alleging, that the na- tural man was destitute of affinities, rights, and property, and not even positively possessed of li- berty. Since its opposite, slavery, exists not in a state of nature, he proposed a preamble to the con- stitution, instead of a formal declaration. The Comte d'Entraigues answered him as fol- lows : " Before we examine in themselves the dif- ferent declarations of the rights of the man and
citizen, another operation is submitted to the judg- ment of the Assembly ; to enquire whether it be prudent, useful, and necessary to make such a de- claration the preliminary of the constitution we are about to form. " Doubtless it is unnecessary to institute a par- ticular enquiry into the rights of solitary man, a- bandoned to himself, such as nature has left him in the forests. Man has no connection but with things, he has no rights but in society.— Man in a state of nature has been too clearly displayed, too deeply studied by an immortal author ( Rousseau), to render it necessary for us to employ ourselves in new discussions on
the subjeCt: It is for us to pro- fit by his work. " When tyranny persecutes and crushes nations, the people recur to force, and strive to regain their liberty, & c. " Religion is a blessing for the wretched ; it dries up their tears, and, by the hope of a happier futurity, enables them to endure their present suf- ferings. It is not surely in emerging from slavery and oppression, it is not in escaping from a state of misery, that the people will think of despising religion ; they will feel that their improved situa- tion is a fresh boon of the Creator; and religion will teach them more and more to bless that Pro- vidence which has watched over their
safety, con- founded the wicked, and overthrown their machi- nations. A fear is expressed for property ; a false alarm : The people wish to live in society, and cannot be ignorant, that if property be not firmly consolidated, society is null, or no better than a state of perpetual warfare. In the state of nature, man has a right to every thing which his strength and powers can procure him. In a state of society, he has a right only to what he possesses. These are fundamental maxims. Now is it not interest- ing, nay neCessary to teach man what he ought, and what he ought not to possess ? Is there not every thing to be apprehended
from his ignorance? It is indispensable, therefore, to form a declara- tion of rights to stay the ravages of despotism. Had our ancestors left us this great work, we should not now be occupied in procuring it for posterity. The declaration is indispensable ; for that if Hea- ven, in its anger, should punish us a second time with the scourge of tyranny, we might at least shew the tyrant the injustice of his pretensions, his own duties, and the rights of his people." M. Malouet entered the lists expressly to com- bat the Comte d'Entraigues. He spoke long and and diffusely ; but his whole argument against the declaration may be reduced to
this : It is impos- sible for us to tell the people they are free, whilst laws, customs, and inevitable shackles surround them on all sides, and enchain their liberty. He added, that the case of America was inapplicable to this country, and spoke much of the danger of metaphysical maxims in a monarchy. " Of what liberty then ( says another member) does M. Malouet mean to speak ? Does he imagine, that to be free, men must live without laws, with- out a check, without religion ? Is there no liberty short of this monstrous state of things ? Such rea- soning says more to the purpose than I can do in favour of the declaration." M. Hardi
spoke against the declaration, on the same ground with Messieurs Criniere and Biau- zat, alleging that a constitution alone was requisite. M. Mounier replied, " After the avowal of the last speaker, the question is reduced to a dispute of words. Every body is agreed in the utility of some declaration of rights, but there is a difference respeCting the form and title under which it should be presented. M. Criniere and his supporters a- dopt it under the name of constitution. Now no- thing is more evident, than that what they call constitution is improperly so denominated, and is in fact no other than a declaration of rights." A parish priest
rose next, and, after begging the indulgence of the Assembly for his first, and, as he said, probably his last speech, began by the old adage of " Ne sutor ultra crepidam. I shall confine myself to my profession. Previous to the union of orders, and to any declaration of rights or constitution, should we not erect an altar in the chapel of the National Assembly ? Alas ! to what God should it be consecrated ? Deo ignoto, should it be to an unknown God ? No, Gentlemen, we are all true children of the Holy, Catholic, Apostolic, and Romish Church.'' ^ , The President here called the parson to order, but he kept on the noisy tenor of his
way. " Bre- vis esse laboro, obscurus fio," said he. Then ma- king a very learned transition from old Horace, to Pope Ganganelli, and the deceased Deputies, he strew- ed abundance of rare flowers over their tombs. He then talked of a Chaplain for the Hall ( a post to which he probably would not be appointed, were such an officer thought necessary), and ran back to his friends Horace and St Paul; from whom he was in a fair way of preaching for some hours to the Assembly, had he not been interrupted by bursts of laughter, and a general cry in his own way of a Non erat hic locus ; which brought down poor ho- nest parson
Adams, but not without a rejoinder of O tempora ! O mores 1 Non nostrum est tantas componere lites. This terminated the second day's discussion. One of the most interesting speCtacles for a phi- losopher, is to observe the rapid progress of truth and reason in a National Assembly, composed of 1200 persons, of all ranks and professions. On the full day it seemed doubtful whether they would adopt the very idea of a declaration, distinCt from the constitution.. On the fecond, the objections raised against declarations in general ( this noble example given to the French by the Americans) almost entirely vanished ; and on the
third day, the only question was, whether the declaration of the rights shonld not be accompanied with another ex- hibiting the duties of man ? • This debate was opened by M. Dupont, as fol- lows : " The projeCt of forming a constitution no doubt is vast ; but it is a display of talents, or cool wisdom, that our constituents expeCt from us ? To whom shall we give laws, when the spirit of inde- pendence so natural to man- shall have illumed every mind, and broken the ties which bind to- gether the social compaCt? Let us prefer the plea- sing sentiments of doing good, to the vanity of courting admiration ; let posterity be left to do us
justice ; and let it be said, that among all the titles on which the Representatives of the Nation might pride themselves, it is not their ambition to obtain, nor do they merit any other than that of wisdom. With this view, let us begin by forming a declara- tion of the rights and duties of man, that, at the same moment when he is taught the former, he may know how to use them, and their precise li- mits. It will then be useful without being dan- gerous. Man is obedient- to laws, with whose mo- tive he is made acquainted ; he voluntarily submits his force to his intelligence ; and the observance of law costs him nothing, when he sees his
happiness and his duty in obedience. " Let us not imagine that knowledge is too ge- neral, and mankind too enlightened for us to dis- pense with any declaration. Despotism often reigns with the most unbounded sway in the most enlight- ened empires. Let us call an eye on history ; the sciences have almost always served but to console men in their slavery." The Marquis de Sillery, husband of the Marchi- oness, late Madame Genlis, said—" Shall the new constitution be preceded by a declaration of the rights of the man and citizen ?— Such is the wish of our constituents, and necessity prescribes it to us as a law. The
constitution of a country is the mode or fashion of the laws which govern its inhabitants. To establish these laws, it is essential to develope, the principles with which they are intimately con- nected. It is necessary therefore to hold them up to constant view. But it is not a code of laws adapted to every country that we stand in need of; the constitution of so vast and so extensive an em- pire requires more combination. " In the moral order, all laws should be applica- ble to all countries, and all nations ; but long expe- rience has demonstrated, that the laws of one coun- try are not calculated for another. The Legisla- tors of so
immense a people should take into con- sideration the difference of manners and usages, which are as various as the climates and produc- tions of the respeCtive countries. The objeCt of our labours is no doubt to render the nation happy. We have great difficulties, great obstacles to sur- mount ; the law embraces a wonderful variety of objects in its relations. We should be guided in our operations by a weighty consideration ; the interest of the inhabitants of the country, the molt' numerous, most useful, and most wretched of our fellow- citizens ; they have confided their interests to us, and abandoned to us the sacred trust of
gi- ving them laws. " It is our duty to present them with such as are intelligible, and not philosophical discussions, which would not fail to dissatisfy them, or be liable to an erroneous interpretation. Every thing must refer to principles, of which the ideas we shall offer to them are the inseparable consequences; it is thus that we should guide their conduCt, and lead4 them into the path of happiness. It is not a phi- losophical treatise then, a profound abstraCtion, that should be held out to them ; country people are not formed to such metaphysical ideas. " Not that I consider a declaration of rights as useless ; on the contrary, I deem
it highly ne- cessary. But I could have wished that the framers of those now before us, had rendered them more simple, less complicated, and more within the reach of vulgar capacities ; I could have wished to have seen it presented in a less didactic form. " Legislators of this vast empire, refleCt that you are about to give happiness to twenty- four millions of men, and that it is your first duty to exert every possible effort to procure it them. And above all, forget not, whilst you teach man his right's, to instruCt him likewise in his duties, and to point, out to him the binding chain ; tell him, that the first or last link of it being separated,
its length is still the same." The question was now about to be put, when M. Camus, one of the Paris Deputies, proposed an amendment, joining in the declaration the duties as well as the right of the citizen. This amendment was supported by the Bishop of Chartres. " To treat singly ( said he) the rights of man, is to awaken his egotism and his pride. The expression of rights, so flattering to the human ear, should be accompanied with his duties as a corrective. A declaration of rights is necessary, in order to develope the origin of society ; but let us not publish it previous- to a declaration of duties ; and as the first sentiment of
man is elevated to the Deity, why not place at the head of this great work a few religious ideas nobly ex- pressed ? Religion, it is true, should not be com- prised in a system of political laws ; neither should it be considered as wholly foreign from them, and much less held out to the people as an abuse cal- ling for correction." " Rights and duties ( said the Abbe Gregoire) are corelative, they march in parrallel lines. The declaration of rights is a work worthy of this Assembly, but distinct from a declaration of duties it were imperfect ; one cannot be spoken of with- out the other ; nor can they existl abstractedly. It is necessary to
express the duties of men with precision, to retain them within the limits of their rights. We are always naturally disposed to ex- ercise them with harsh and imperial sway, always too ready to extend them ; and our duties, our duties, alas 1 are neglected, misunderstood, and consigned readily to oblivion." M. de Touleongeon observed, that this was an irregular progress of reasoning. " Men's duties ( said he) will be fixed by the constitution, other- wise confusion would be the result. The people will discover their rights in immutable principles, and their duties in the deductions." " Let us not leave to personal interest ( said the Duc
de Levis) the means of abusing the principles of natural equality. Let us place duty by the side of right. The production we have before us is the work of a philosopher rather that of a legislative power speaking to all men." The Comte de Clermont Lodeve terminated the debate by a short speech : " I have but one word to say on the question so ably discussed. Every man having the same right to liberty and property possesses rights not to be denied by any power, as he has likewise duties to perform which force him to respect the liberty and property of others. These duties spring naturally out of the rights of citizens; some of
these duties might possibly be introduced into the body of the declaration, but I should con- ceive that the title should announce only a declara- tion of the rights, and not duties of the citizen. The very word citizen implies a corelation with o- ther citizens, and this corelation engenders duties. But these duties being indefinite, and multiplying as well as rights, it would be impracticable to as- certain and determine all; and persons ill informed might be led to imagine that there exist no duties but such as are absolutely expressed in the declara- tion. The amendment of M. Camus was rejected by 570 against 433. The main question
for a decla- ration of rights was then put, and carried almost unanimously, without a division. For further proceedings of the National Assembly— see last page. \ LONDON, AUGUST 17. The preparations at Plymouth for the reception • of their Majesties are very magnificent. They in- tended to have reached that town on Saturday last. In confcqnence of an invitation from1 his Maje- sty, the Prince of Wales, with his royal brothers, embarked on Thursday night at Brighton on board one of the packets, to go round by water to Ply. mouth, in order to be present at the naval review. The Princes have ordered their horses and car riages to set forward for York. Mr Pitt, and most of the Ministers, will attend his Majesty at Plymouth, where some Cabinet Councils are proposed. On Wednesday next their Royal Highnesses the Dukes of York and Clarence's birth- days will ha kept at his Royal Highness the Prince of Wales's Pavilion, when the Duke of York enters into the 27th year of his age, and the Duke of Clarence into his 25th. A morning paper of this day, after a deal of affeCted puff and parade, informs the public in great letters ; " That there is at this present moment a horrible conspiracy against the King's life." The above, we believe, is a horrible
conspiracy against truth and common sense ! and as such, without farther commentary, we give it to our readers. On the 27th of last month the Spanish fleet, com- manded by Don Felix Tcxada, anchored at Leg- horn. The report there was that Algiers had de- clared war against France. The French nobility, now voluntary, but per- haps necessary exiles from their own country, are dispersed through all parts of the world. The Prince and Princess of Conde, their daughter, the Dukes of Bourbon and d'Enghien, the Princess, of Monaca ; the Counts Choiseul, Ducayla, and d'Espynchal, the Marquis and Marchioness Auti- champ,
with a long & c. of persons of fashion, pas- sed through Cologn on the 8th of this month in their way to Switzerland. The reluctance of the powers in amity with France, to interfere in favour of the late measures of the late Court, gives a decided advantage to the patriots, that is, to the people ; who, if they pur- sue that advantage with spirit and unanimity, will restore the constitution to its ancient vigour, and render France once more a free country, with such improvements in its system of government, as the example of Great Britain, and the experience of a century, naturally suggest. In Holland, to prevent the poor sufFering,
orders have issued not to raise the price of bread till Oc- tober ; and such bakers as declare upon oath they are unable to sell it at the present price, are to have the surplus paid them from the public treasuries. Saturday morning the purser of the Deptford East Indiaman, Capt. Gerrard, from China, arri- ved at the Company's House, Leadenhall- street, with the agreeable news of her safe arrival off the Lizard on Tuesday evening, all well. The Deptford sailed from St Helena the 16th. of June. The merchants and underwriters at Lloyd's have received intelligence, that upwards of 200 sail of ships from Jamaica and the Leeward
Islands, were to sail the first of this month, most of which were fully loaded. VERSAILLES. The following letters were received by M. Le Chapeliere, the President of the National Assem- bly. SIR, Versailles, 4th August. The English Ambassador intreats me again to make known to the National Assembly a letter which he has written to me. As this letter is the sequel of that which I had the honour to commu- nicate to the Assembly laft week, by the organ of their President, I took the orders of his Majesty, who authorised me to follow the same course with this. I have the honour to be, with respeCt, M. President, Your very humble
and obedient servant, LE COMTE DE MOMTMORIN. Letter from the Duke of Dorset, Ambassador from England, to M. Le Comte de Montmorin, Secretary of State for the department of foreign affairs. SIR, Paris, August 3. My Court, to which I gave an account of the letter that I had the honour to write to your Ex- cellency on the 26th of July, and which you had the goodness to communicate to the National As- sembly, has, by a dispatch of the 31st ult. which I have received this instant, not only approved of my conduCt, but specially authorised me to express again to you, in the most positive terms, the ardent desire of his
Britannic Majesty, and his Ministers, to cultivate and encourage the friendship and har- mony which subsists so happily between the two nations. It is so much the more pleasant to me to an- nounce to you these renewed assurances of harmo- ny and good understanding, as it cannot fail but that the greatest good must result from a permanent friendship between the two nations. And that it is to be desired still the more, as nothing can con- tribute so much to the tranquillity of Europe, as the co- operation of these two powers. I shall be obliged to you to communicate to the President of the National Assembly this confirma- tion of
the sentiments of the King and his Mini- sters. I have the honour to be, very sincerely, SIR, Your Excellency's very humble and obedient servant, DORSET. This letter was read in the Assembly, with much apparent satisfaCtion, and was ordered to be print- ed and published , to confirm in the minds of the people the impression of the honourable conduCt of the English nation, which the Duke's first letter had successfully made.
Interesting particulars relating to the QUEeN OF FRANCe— Extracted from a letter, dated at Pa- ris, August 8. " I am just arrived at Paris, which a few days ago was the scene of horror and despair, but now as gay and cheerful as ever. The streets are full of fiddles and singers. In two words, every body is merry, and in high spirits. Every thing is very quiet at Paris ; there are regular patroles day and night, composed of citizens, who maintain good order. The King has again obtained the favour of the nation. " The Queen will have hard work to be found agreeable. She was spared by the mob, out of respect to the King. On the
day the King went to Paris, she requested of him the favour, on her knees, that she might be permitted to accompany him to Paris, which he peremptorily refused. " As soon as he was gone, she retired alone into her apartments. The officer in waiting, hearing no noise, pushed open the door gently, and, seeing nobody in her apartments, ventured to go on farther. He went into two other rooms without finding her. At last, he saw her lying upon a sopha, her hand over her eyes, between her two children. She started as soon as she saw him enter, his approach being a liberty which at other times he would not have dared to take ;
and asked him—" Are they coming ?"— The officer replied, " No."—" In case they come," said the Queen, " make no resistance, but let them enter ; only give me notice of their arrival, and I shall go and meet them, with my children."— Since that day she has been very quiet and retired, and disturbed by nobody. " I must not forget to tell you, that when the King came back from Paris, she came to meet him. The King said to her, " Madam, from this very moment I will not permit the family of Polignac to come again to Court; and the most precious present I can male you, Madam, is to give you this;"— and at the same time gave
her the cockade he had on his hat, which had been given him by the pa- triots in the Town House of Parts. She took it with great coolness, and pinned it on her breast. " Some days before the taking of the Bastile, the Duke of Orleans went to see the King. As soon as he entered, the King turned to him, and said, " I know that you desire my head— you are a second Cromwell— retire from my presence." " The Duke went away, " saying, " Your Majesty will be better informed in a few days." " Some days after, the King made an apology to the Duke of Orleans. " If it had not been for the intrepidity of the Duke de Liancourt, all Paris
would have been blown up. The plot was formed by a Great Fe- male Personage, Count d'Artois, the Princes of Corde and Conti, the Dukes of Bourbon and Enghien, and several other Lords. ' The troops were to attack the town on all sides ; and if the inhabitants had made any resistance, there were some mines made under the town, all filled with powder, which were to be set on fire to blow up the town. " The Duke de Liancourt went to the palace, forced his way into the King's room, and throwing himself at his feet, told him all that had happened at Paris, with the additional circumstance, that one hundred thousand men were
under arms. All this had been concealed from the King. The Comte d'Artois was present, who said, " Bo, bo, all that is nonsense ; some shot will send home those rascals."— The Duke said to the Comte, " And for you, Sir, there is a price set upon your head ;— you have nothing else to do but fly instantly."— An advice which he immediately followed." It is reported that a Vice- Admiral of the Swedish fleet is sent on shore in chains, for not behaving properly in the late engagement. Their Majesties occupy the apartment in which King William slept, after his landing at Torbay. Many pious hymns were composed and sung in our
churches during the King's late indisposition. Some were very curious; but none more so than one which for along time was sung in a country church in the county of Suffolk, and of which we cannot refrain from giving the first stanza as a specimen. To have a King so fully grown, So fit to sit upon a throne, Must surely give one pleasure; But then to have a. King so sick— So cramm'd with Doctor's stuff, so thick, Must grieve one beyond measure.' On Saturday Lady Wallace set off from the Duke of Gordon's, for France. The following misnomer created fome diversion at the last Castle- ball in Dublin—- The porter being desired to
call Lady Clanbrassil's coach— forgot the title before he got to the bottom of the stairs, and bawl'd out Lady Brass Candlestick's carriage— to the great diversion of the mob.— This is a fact for which the porter lost his place. The actor at Liverpool who got drunk, and struck a lady in the stage- box, has been very pro- perly reprimanded by his wife for it. " Having married me. Sir, I did not expect you would have publicly offered your hand to another lady 1" DIED. On Saturday, of the gout in his stomach, Peter Delme, Esq. of Grosvenor- square, Member of Parliament for Morpeth, and brother- in- law to the Earl of Carlisle.
EDINBURGH. REFORM of the INTERNAL GOVERNMENT of the ROYAL BOROUGHS of SCOTLAND. Yesterday the Convention of Delegates from the Burgesses of the Royal Boroughs of Scotland met here. Mr Graham of Gartmore took his place as Preses, and Mr Ewen of Aberdeen as Secretary— The number of Delegates being as great, if not greater than on any former occasion. After the Convention was met, and before they had proceeded to business, they were honoured, by express, with an answer from his Royal Highness the Prince of Wales to the addresses from the Bur- gesses of many Boroughs, which had
been former- ly presented to his Royal Highness during the in- disposition of his Majesty, which was as follows— " To ROBERT GRAHAM, eSq of Gartmore, the Pre- sident of the Convention of Delegates from the Burgesses of the ROyAl BOROUGHS of SCOTLAND, associated for the purpose of Reform, and assem- bled at Edinburgh. " SIR, " I am commanded by his Royal Highness the Prince of Wales to desire that you will be so good as to convey his Royal Highness's thanks for the various kind addresses which he received during his Majesty's late lamented illness, from the Burgesses of so many of the Royal Boroughs
of Scotland. " The Prince had not an opportunity at that time of acknowledging the receipt of them as he wished ; but understanding that Delegates from the different Boroughs meet in convention in the course of this month, his Royal Highness wishes it to be known, that he has not overlooked such affectionate proofs of attachment to his Majesty, and of loyal consideration for his family. I have the honour to be, Sir, Your most obedient and Pavilion, Brighton, very humble servant, Aug. 13. Jn. PAYNE." The answer was read, the Delegates all standing ; immediately after which, the Honourable Henry Erskine moved an address of
thanks to his Royal Highness for his gracious condescension, in bestow- ing this distinguished mark of attention on the Burgesses of Scotland ; which was, with every mark of cordial approbation, unanimously agreed to, and a Committee appointed to prepare the same. Mr Laird of Strathmartin, one of the Delegates from Dundee, moved addresses of congratulation both to his Majesty and the Prince of Wales, on his Majesty's recovery ; which were also agreed to with marks of the highest approbation, and Com- mittees appointed to prepare the same. After which, Committees for examining and passing the accounts of
expenditure on the public business, and for a future supply, were appointed. The Delegates afterwards dined together, at Bruce's Tavern, St Andrew's Square. The utmost conviviality prevailed; many loyal and constitutional toasts were drank, among which were the follow- ing The King. The Queen, and Royal Family. The Prince of Wales. The Duke of York, and the Army. The Duke of Clarence, and the Navy. The Duke of Portland. Mr Sheridan. Sir Thomas Dundas, and the London Committee. The Honourable Henry Erskine, Lord Gardenston, and the Committee of Convention. The Right Hon. Charles James Fox. Lord John
Townshend. Sir Joseph Mawbey. Mr Martin, and all the other Independent Friends of Reform in Parliament. During the meeting several excellent songs were given— among which Britannia, and God save the King, in full chorus, had a very fine effect. On the 11 th inst. the Lady of John MacLeod, Esq. of Colbecks, was safely delivered of a dill- born child, in the Isle of Bute. Monday morning died at his seat at Hatton, the Right Hon. James Maitland, Earl of Lauderdale, Viscount Maitland, Lord Thirlestane, Musselburgh and, Bolton Heritable Royal Standard bearer of Scotland, Baronet of Nova Scotia, and formerly Lord Lieutenant
and High Sheriff of the county of Edinburgh, and one of the Lords of Police. His Lordship was the eldest of eight sons of Charles sixth Earl of Lauderdale, by the Lady Elizabeth Ogilvie, daughter of James Earl of Find- later and Seafield, the last Chancellor of Scotland. He was born in the year 1718, succeeded his father in 1744, was one of the sixteen representatives of the Scottish Peerage in the tenth and eleventh Par- liaments of Great Britain, and again elected, July 24th, 1782, during the course of the fifteenth Par- liament. He served early in the army, rose to the rank of lieutenant- colonel, and had the command of the 16th
regiment of foot, which he held for several years ; but resigned in consequence of a par- tiality discovered in the promotion of a junior of- ficer. In 1789, he married Mary Turner Lombe, daughter and co- heiress of Sir Thomas Lombe, of the county of Kent ; and whose lamented death happened on the 18th of last month. His Lordship is succeeded in honours and estates by his eldest son James Lord Viscount Maitland, Member for Malmsbury, now Earl of Lauderdale. The Maitlands are a very ancient family in Scot- land— Sir Richard Maitland was a considerable Baron and great favourite of Alexander III. Six of this noble family
have been Senators of the Col- lege of Justice. Sir William Maitland of Leithing- ton was Secretary to Queen Mary, and intrusted with her most important affairs. His son rose to be Lord High Chancellor of Scotland, and was dignified with the honour of Peerage by the title f Lord Thirlestane. The next Lord was created Earl of Lauderdale, and was Lord President of the Council. His son followed the fortune of Charles I. and II. and was nine years confined, in the Tower of London ; on the restoration, he was created Duke of Lauderdale and a Peer of Eng- land, and enjoyed many high offices of State. The late. Lord's father was
President of the Court of Police and General of the Mint. The family have possessed the lands of Thirlestane, in Lauderdale, ' about 6oo years. » . ,, Died at Perth, on the 17th instant, in an advan- ced age, Mrs Cecilia Tennent, relict of Samuel Stewart of Culteuchar, merchant in Perth. It is hoped her friends and relations will accept of this as a proper notification of her death. . J. Died, at the manse of Knitehenfoot, in the island of Rousay, Mrs Elizabeth Macbean, wife of the Rev. Mr James Leslie, and sister of Colonel Macbean. On Sunday last died, at his house in Dumbarton- shire, Robert Carmichael of Broomley, esq. This
morning arrived in Leith harbour, from the Greenland Seas, the Friendship, Finlay, one fish 40 butts; Grampus, Balfour, two fish 14 butts; and Royal Bounty, Reid, clean. Extract of a letter from Elsineur, Aug. 8. " We have had a strong gale of wind these two days past from the north- west, and several vessels have sustained damage ; amongst whom is the Good Intent of Port Glasgow. from Petersburgh, who has lost her main top mast, and will get another here We hear that a Dutch ship is ashore on the Swine Bottoms, and two others on the Swedish coast opposite to this place ; but have not heard any particulars ; they were
put on shore last night. We have likewise had a deal of heavy rain. Most of the homeward bound vessels are returned to this road. The weather is at present a little mode- rate." The following melancholy accident happened Last week at Inverkeithing : Two ladies and a gentle- man in a phaeton stopped at a house to give the horse water. The gentleman came out of the car- ridge, and took the bit out of the horse's mouth to let him drink easier ; unluckily a gun was fired near the place, which frightening the horse, he run off, and the ladies were thrown out with great vio- lence. One of them died soon after, and the other is very
dangerously hurt. On Tuesday, after an excellent sermon by the Rev. Mr Moodie of St Andrew's church, Mr james Grant was ordained minister of Libberton, vacant by the death of the Rev. Mr White. At Oxford assizes, a gentleman who had his leg broken by the overturning of the Gloucester post- coach, obtained a verdict of 200I. damages against the proprietor as it was proved this accident was occasioned by the carelessness of the driver. We hear from Eckfordmoss, near Jedburgh, that since Saturday last one fine field of oats and ano- ther of barley have been cut down there ; and that there is every appearance of a
plentiful harvest in that part of the country. Another very fine field of oats was cut down at Kilconquhar Mains, Fifeshire, on Tuesday last, belonging to Mr John Burn. A letter from Forres mentions, that barley har- vest began there on the 24th of July, and that there was a great appearance of every kind of grain. Barley- harvest was begun on Tuesday last, near Drumnahoy, in the parish of Cluny, and on Friday at Fyvie, both in the county of Aberdeen. Yesterday a fine field of barley was cut down, belonging to Mr Douglas, at Dalhousie Bleach- field. A correspondent observes, who was present at Mess. Jones and Parker's
equestrian performance in the Duke of Buccleugh's park on Monday last, and has often seen their exhibition at Edinburgh, that they really excelled their usual outdoings, which seemed to give universal satisfaction to their noble patrons, particularly to the Duke of Mon- tague, who was highly pleased. The Duke of Buccleugh, according to his usual generality, or- dered the park- gates to be opened, that every per- son, without distinction, might have an opportu- nity of enjoying the exhibition. The company as- sembled on the occasion were very numerous, as it is supposed there were upwards of five thousand people in the park.
Copy of a letter received by Mess. JONES and PARKER. " Gentlemen, " Our Treasurer reported to a meeting of the Managers of the Charity Workhouse of this city, held here this day, that on the 10th instant you had been pleased to perform your different Feats of Horsemanship, at your Riding School here, for the . benefit of the numerous poor of this city under their management ; and that your exertions had produced L. 33 : 15: 7 Sterling. " This meeting have authorised me to beg of you to accept of their warmest acknowledgments for your laudable exertions in the cause of the poor, and likewise for the very handsome
manner in which you tendered your services for their be- half.— With the greatest regard, I am, Gentlemen, Your mod obedient and very humble servant, WILLIAM DALRyMPLE, Preses." Edinburgh Charity Workhouse, Aug. 18. Extract of a letter from Dumfries, Aug. I 8. " On Thursday last, betwixt ten and eleven at night, some villains broke into the house of Mr Samuel Gordon, of Lochdougan, in the parish of Kelton, and after having wounded Mr and Mrs Gordon, forced open his desk, and carried off a pocket- book." On Wednesday se'ennight, as a servant woman was returning from Altrincham fair by the side of the Duke of
Bridgewater's canal, with a young girl that she had the care of, the child being a little way before the woman, in turning round too hasti- ly, being near the water, she fell into it. The ser- vant immediately plunged in to save the child, but unable to extricate either it or herself from the pe- rilous situation, they both perished. Last week Janet Wright, alias Dow, a noted thief, was taken into custody for returning from banishment from Glasgow. She had at the same time in her possesion a quantity of goods, which, from their nature, there was no doubt she had come by in a dishonest way. The Magistrates sentenced her to a year's
confinement in . the house of correc- tion-, and thereafter to be sent into banishment. The Ranger, of Hull, Captain Potts, on her passage. to Greenland, met with a very heavy gale of wind, in which she shipped a sea that washed 14 hands overboard ; the next wave fortunately left 10 on the deck again, much bruised ; amongst the four sufferers is the second mate. The Unity, , is arrived at Corke, and Co- lin, Robertson, at Bristol,. both from Grenada— T Teresa, Papley, at Lisbon, from Virginia- and George, Hunter, at Corke, from Maryland. The Star, Ritchie, from Leith, arrived at Lon- don the 15th curt, all well. SHIP NEWS.
SAILED FROM THE SOUND, OUTWARD. Aug. 2. Mary, Scott,, from Bo- ness, Riga, ballast Aurora, Gavin, from Leith, Dantzic, do. 5. Hamilton, Small, from Dublin, Memel, do. 6- Penelope, Kerr, from Greenock, Petersburgh, do. 7. Betsey, Valentine, from Uddewalla, Helsingsors, oats . Ceres, Farmer, from Gottenburgh, Carlscrona, coals Jenny, Thomson, from Leven, Memel, ballast John, Storry, from Ostend, do. do. 8. Fortitude, Dobie, from Dysart, Copenhagen, coals Isabella, Martin, from Havre de Grace, Baltic, ballast ARRIVED AND REMAIN. 6. Nancy, Anderson, from Petersburgh, Caermarthen, iron Concord, Cleghorn,
from Dantzic, Leghorn, staves Diamond, Crawford, from Pillau, Amsterdam, wheat Good Intent, Spence, from Petersburgh, Waterford, iron Hope, Hutchison, from do. Civita Vechia, sundries Elsineur, % th Aug. 1789. JOHN BrOWN, Jun. SAILED FROM GREENOCK. Aug. 15. Mercury, Lusk, Jamaica, goods— Acorn, Black, Dublin, do.— Peggy, Rea, do. do.— Peggy, Lamont, New- ry; do.— Elizabeth, Brown, Oporto, do.— 16. Lord Shef- field, Ramsay, Virginia, do. ARRIVED AT LEITH, Aug. 18. Isabel and Nancy, Salmond, Hamburgh, goods— Christian, Murray, Warren, grain— Peggy, Pierson, Me- mel, wood— Venus,
Norman, do. do — Emanuel, Carsten- son, Easterezer, wood— 16. Elizabeth, Paterson, Arundell, do.— Jean, Bett, Memel, do.— Polly, Mason, Jamaica, goods-— 20. Friendship, Findlay, Greenland Seas, one fish- Grampus, Balfour, do. two fish— Royal Bounty, Reid, do. clean— Six coasters. SAILED FROM LEITH, Jean, Ferrier, Glasgow, goods— Elizabeth, Neilson, Shetland, do.— Leith Packet, Thomson, London, do.— Eliza, Symp- son, do. _ PRICES OF GRAIN AT BEAR KEY. Wheat, 46st08J40d Pease, 24st028s. 0( m FLOUR per Sack, Barley, 20 — 25 o Wh. do. 19 — 10 first, oo- i- 44 O Rye, 22 — 26 .0 Beans, 21 —
24 6 second, oc— 42 o Oats, 16 — 18 6 Tick do. 19 — 22 o Rape 00— 00 O Malt 30 — 35 o Tares, 24 — 27 o Seed, per last. PRICES OF GRAIN at HADDINGTON, AUG. 14. PRICES or MEAL— EDINBURGH MARKET, AUG. 18. QUANTITIES, Lothian, 109 Bolls— South Country, 229 Do. TOMORROW WILL BE PUBLISHED, BY W. GORDON AND J. DICKSON, In One Volume Octavo, price Five Shillings in Boards, A NEW TRANSLATION OF MONS. NECKAR'S WORK ON THE IMPORTANCE OF RELIGIOUS OPINIONS; To which is prefixed, A SHORT ACCOUNT OF THe AUTHOR. *„* The eyes of all Europe are at
present turned on the ce lebrated Prime Minister of France. His virtues and his suffer- ings have procured him the esteem of all good men, and a great and enlightened nation honour him as the FATHER of their LIBERTY— But though the name of the Author were not so highly respectable, every man of sense and virtue would ap- prove of a work in which the fundamental principles of re- ligion are recommended and supported with so much can- dour and ingenuity. With regard to the present translation, suffice it here to say, that it is very different from the former one. How far it merits a preference the public will decide. TO BE
SOLD BY AUCTION, Within the Warehouse of WILLIAM SIBBALD * ' AND CO. Merchants, LEITH, on Tuesday the ill Sep- tember, at 12 o'clock noun, 20 Hdds. Scale Sugar, ico Puncheons Jamaica Rum, 100 Hdds. Old Do. Do. 19 Barrels. Coffee, 5 Bags Cotton,. 2 Calks Indigo, 17 Kegs Gum Guaicum, 14 Tons' of Logwood, Imported in the Polly, Andrew Mason master, from King- ston, Jamaica, and now discharging at the Shore of Leith. W. S. ANd CO. have for SALE, A Parcel of MAHOGANY— also a Quantity of COCOA WOOD for Turners. . TO BE SOLD, By Private Bargain, A FINE BIRCH WOOD, of the best kind, and
fit for every purpose, at DUNTAULICH, about 13 miles above Dunkeld. Sufficient time will be given for cutting and carrying away the timber. The wood will be Blown by Duncan Cameron, wood forest er at Duntaulich. BORROWSTOWNESS RACES. BOrrowstoWness Races are on Friday the 4th and Saturday the 5th of September next, for a purse of TEN GUINEAS, given by his Grace the Duke of Hamilton. For a Purse of THREE GUINEAS, given by the Town. For a handsome Plated PORTER MUG, also given by. the Town, with some smaller Prizes. And, for a SADDLE, given by the Colliers. Horse, Mare, or Gelding entering
for the Duke's Purse, to carry t Four years old, - _ Eight stone, . Five years old, - Nine stone, • Six years old, - Nine stone Iilb. Aged, - - Ten stone. The horses, & c. for this Prize to be entered on Thursday evening the 3d of September, betwixt seven and nine, at Mr Munro Ross's, vintner in Borrowstounness; and for the o- ther Prizes at the same house, betwixt eight and nine next morning; at which times the articles for the several races are to be seen; and if such horses, & c. are not entered in. time, it is in the option of the Stewards to debar them. No horse, & c. that ever won a 20I. prize, or upwards, or' run for 50I. or upwards,
to be admitted, unless three such ap- pear and are entered, belonging to different owners. N. B. It is mcant that one race be at eleven o'clock Fri day forenoon.
p NATIONAL ASSEMBLY. Paris, August 8. The public will observe, in the following narrative, that the representatives of the French nation ad- mit of no recess — They fit on Sunday as well as Saturday— so eager are they in settling the constitution of their country ! " All seignorial tribunals are suppressed without indemnification ; but, nevertheless, the officers of these tribunals shall continue their functions until the National Assembly shall have assembled a new judicial order." Before this resolution was agreed to, it under- went a debate three hours. M. de Montmorency made a report from the Com- mittee of Finances relative
to the loan required the day before by the King. He read a memoir signed by M. Necker, by which it appears that the actual state of the Royal Treasury is very afflicting. The receipt of the months of August and Sep- tember could not be more than 37,220,000 livres. The expenditure for these two months ought to be 68,000,000 livres. The deficit for these two months, therefore, will be 30,780,000 livres. In this expenditure is included the households of the King, Queen, and PrinCess, which are stated for the month of August at 2,000,000, and for the month of September at 2,800,000. This exorbi- tant sum would, without doubt, be
diminished in future ; but this diminution, if it was made on the instant, would not be immediately felt, and there was a pressing demand for money in the mean time. Mess. de Lally, Tollendal, and de Clermont Ton- nerre, spoke in favour of the loan ; Mess. Buzot, D'Entragues, and Barnave, against it. A very interesting motion was made by a mem- ber of the Noblesse. It was to invite the Assem- bly themselves to come forward to the succour of the state in danger; and, to shew the example of generosity, he laid on the table a note for thirty thousand livres, which he promised to honour, and which he offered to the nation without
interest. The Marquis de la Coste proposed a means very serious and important— the revenues of the Church. This Honourable Member asserted that all the vast domains of the clergy belonged to the nation ; and, consequence of this, he proposed the following resolution : " The National Assembly declare, 1. " That all ecclesiastic property, of whatever nature it may be, belongs to the nation. 2. " That from the ill of January 1790, all tithes shall be suppressed. 3. " That the titulars of benefices shall retain a revenue proportioned to the actual state of their benefices, and this sum shall be paid to them by the States General. 4. "
The Provincial States shall henceforth go- vern the revenues of the Bishops, cures ( rectors or vicars), and of cathedrals. 5. " They shall also grant pensions to the mem- bers of the several monastic orders, which shall afterwards remain suppressed." M. de Lameth supported this motion with great spirit, and against the loud and repeated remon- strances of the Archbishop of Chartres, who called to order : The Assembly decided that M. de la Coste and M. de Lameth were strictly in order, and that having fully proved that the nation were truly the proprietors of the revenues of the clergy, it followed, that they might dispose of
them accord- ing to their wants. The Abbe Gregoire made some efforts to support the interests of the clergy ; but, speaking only of the widow's mite, they shewed him that he was wide of the question ; but the important question was postponed to a future day. At length the question was put, and a loan of thirty millions was voted almost; unanimously. Sunday, August 9. " The National Assembly, taking into conside- ration the urgent necessities of the state, votes a loan of thirty millions, on the following terms— j. " On the day of publishing this vote, a loan of thirty millions shall be opened, at four and a half per cent, without
deduction. 2. " The subscribers shall be entitled to the in- terest, commencing from the day on which they pay in their respective subscriptions. 3. " The first payment shall be on the 1st of January 1790, and the other payments, in order, half yearly, by the Minister of the public Trea- sury. 4. " To each subscriber shall be delivered a Treasury receipt in his own name, with a promise to make them transferable, according to a form to be drawn up by the Committee of Minutes. 5. " No receipt to be for less than a thousand • livres." Such is the form of this vote, the first public act of the kind passed by the nation. In the debates which
took place 011 it to- day, there was no ques- tion as to whether a loan should be granted : That had been resolved on yesterday. They were con- fined to three questions— The manner of the loan ; the application of it; and the security which the National Assembly could offer to the subscribers. M. de Liancourt and M. de Petyon opened the business. They both expressed themselves with much wisdom and deep knowledge of the subject. " For a long time," said M. Petyon, " I was led away by the flattering and truly patriotic idea of M. de Mirabeau, to place this loan on the faith of the Members of this Assembly ; but more serious
reflection has induced me to change my opinion. In voting a loan on our own personal security, we openly violate the spirit of our instructions. Let us suppose that the amount of the loan were such 28 to put Government in a condition to do without us, and that it should avail itself of the opportunity to renounce the authority of the National Assem- bly, would not this be to act in opposition to the wishes of our constituents, who, to prevent so great a misfortune, have desired us not to consent to any taxes, till we have first established the constitution of the kingdom ? " The Minister his proposed to us to sanction a loan, which the
King wishes to make ; but it is our province to make this loan. It is, moreover, essential that the money raised by it should be ap- plied to purposes of real and urgent necessity ; and the National Assembly ought to watch over the application. " I therefore propose to nominate a commission, consisting of six Members of this Assembly, whose duty it shall be to watch the application. Govern- ment shall not dispose of this public money, with- out the signature of two, at least, of these Com- missioners. " The interest of the loan, I think, ought not to exceed five per cent, without reduction ; for it is the exorbitant rates of interest granted
to the subscribers of loans, that have ruined the finances of the nation." The murmur that ran through the hall at the mention of this commission, shewed that the propo- sition was not approved of; and, in fact, it was mentioned n0 more. M. D' Andre, who followed him, enlarged neither on the form of the loan, nor on the mortgage to be given to the subscribers. He maintained only that it was necessary to guard against the thirty millions being applied to purposes futile or foreign to the interest of the nation. " In the estimate," said he, " of the public ex- pences which the director of the finances has read to us, I observe that we pay a
monthly pension of a hundred thousand livres for a Prince of the Blood; and I do not understand why we pay a pension to a Prince of the Blood. If this Prince be on his own estate, he ought to make great oeconomical reforms; and assuredly if there should exist titles which would oblige us to pay his debts, it should not be at this moment. By what fatality do we pay also two hundred thousand livres a- month, for building the wall of Paris, which are the dread and disgrace of the capital, and which have been raised in spite of the reclamations of all good men ? Why do we cause this immense sum to be paid for salt, while so many
provinces have no occasion for it ! All these payments ought to be reduced to three heads ; the King's household the expences of go- vernment ; and the interest of the public debt." This reflection, on the two hundred thousand livres a month paid by the nation to the city of Paris, called up M. de Mirabeau, in defence of the city. " My constituents," said he, " committed a folly in raising a capital to construct the walls of Paris, and the bridge of Louis XVI. but they have advanced the money, and these funds are ne- cessary for their subsistence." M. de Landine next proposed to give, as a mort- gage for this loan, all the possessions
of the clergy ; and adding, that, by turning into a sinking fund the produce of the first fruits of exorbitant pen- sions, and of great benefices, as they should become vacant, means would be found to pay off the thirty millions, and discharge the interest, without any ad- ditional burden to the nation. Tbe Archbishop of Aix rose next, and pretending to have been anticipated by M. de Landine, he re- quested leave of the Assembly, in the name of the whole body of the clergy, to form themselves in- stantly into a Committee, to consider of the means of laying this charge on the clergy ; but there was not a single voice in the Assembly to
thank the clergy for their generosity. All exclaimed, that the loan having been agreed to by the nation, the nation alone ought to support it; that the posses- sions of the clergy appertaining to the nation, they ought only to bear their proportion ; that they might, in a similar case, accept of particular sacri- fices ; and, finally, that such a disposition would necessarily impede the Assembly in the future mea- sures they might adopt with respect to the eccle- siastical possessions. Several Honouiable Members, particularly M. Mouiner, and M. d'Entragues, spoke on this point ; but the question at length was reduced to the rate of interest.
M. d'Entragues, after having painted in glowing colours the great evils which the stock- jobbers and gamblers in the funds had brought on the nation, recommended to the Assembly to settle it in such a manner as not to revive these public robbers, or enrich the monied men at the expence of the na- tion. " Should there still exist in France," said he, " souls so avaricious as to profit by the misfor tunes of the state ? Should the monied men still hang about our necks? Have the sacrifices we have made been made for them ? If we must grant them exorbitant interest to induce them to lend their money to the nation, I desire that their
names be printed, that they may be covered with public shame and indignation. Threatened with all ima- ginable evils, what would be our situation if this loan should not succeed ? By reducing the interest to the most moderate rate, by stamping it with the national character, you will advance the public good, and you will awaken the zeal of all good ci- tizens. On the other hand, if the loan should not succeed, we will pledge our own property. Let us preserve the state by our own sacrifices, and hus- band, above all, the interests of our constituents." An Honourable Member proposed to make the interest of the loan four and a half
per cent. ; four per cent. perpetual, and one half per cent, as a ton- tine on lives ; and, to avoid the shameful conse- quences of stock- jobbing, that these two obliga- tions, although differing from each other, should be comprised in the same contract. This idea was not relished ; and, as there was a probability of a plan to redeem all the annuities by aids arising from the abolition of mortmain, which Would in effect be infinitely more useful, and less felt in commerce, no life annuity should ever be admitted, the re demption of which is almost impossible, before the death of the annuitant. During this discussion, M. Tennebaut, mer chant of Nantes, offered thirty thousand livers to the nation, without interest. Another Honourable Member instantly followed his example ; and it was decided by acclamation, that the names of these two generous citizens should be recorded in the minutes. At last, the debate was restricted to the word- ing of the preamble, and of the different clauses of the vote. By an unintentional mistake, an incor- rest copy of the resolution of the Committee was sent to the press ; and this mistake, which was not immediately discovered, gave life to very warm de- bates till it was corrected. It was at length agreed to leave out almost the whole
preamble, and several of the clauses, and to give to this vote all the sim- plicity that ought to characterize the august pro- ceeding of so enlightened an Assembly. MONEY WANTED. FOUR Thousand Pounds Wanted, now or at Martinmas, in one sum, or in different sums, upon un- doubted Heritable Security over substantial NEW HOUSES. The property will be insured for a track of years, and the po- licy put into the hands of the lender. Five per cent, interest will be given, and most unexception- able security beside the borrower's for the punctual payment of it. Apply to George Watson writer, St Andrew's Street. NOTICE. ALL
persons to whom the deceased JOHN BOGG, wright in Leith, was indebted, are desired to lodge a state of their claims with John Watt, writer in Leith; and any person who is indebted to the said John Bogg are desired to pay the same to the trustees, from whom the said John Watt will obtain a discharge. Not to be repeated. LEITH, Aug. 19. 1789. NOTICE. PRESTONPANS, AUG. 19. 1789. THIS is to give Notice to all the Debtors of the deceased JANET MARR, Prestonpans,' to make payment to James Marr, her eldest lawful son, Merchant in Prestonpans, between this date and the id day of September 1789, or otherwise
they will be prosecuted according to law. JAMES MARR. NOTICE TO the Creditors of DANIEL CAMERON, Merchant in Inverness. Donald Macpherson, merchant in Inverness, the surviving trustee on the sequestrated estate of the said Daniel Cameron, finding it inconvenient to continue longer in the manage- ment of the trust- effects, on account of the death of his col- league, Mr Rose hereby requests the whole creditors to at- tend a meeting, which is to be held within the house of Mrs Beverly, Inverness, upon Saturday the 5th day of September next, at twelve o'clock noon, in order to accept of his resig- nation, appoint a
new trustee, and give directions for the fu- ture management of the bankrupt's affairs. NOTICE ' THE Creditors of ALEXANDER MILLER, Merchant in Staxigo, near Wick. The Trustee hereby intimates, that an adjourned meeting of the creditors is appointed to be held in the house of Wil- liam Sutherland, vintner in Wick, on Monday the 7th day of September next, at twelve o'clock noon, to consider of sundry matters of importance. ROBT. KENNEDY. %* A MEETING of the Creditors in and about Edin- burgh is in the mean time requested, at the Old Exchange Coffeehouse, on Monday next the 24th curt, at one o'clock, to receive
the communication of the states of Mr Miller's af- fairs exhibited in the sequestration, and to consider ot propo- sals made by him. NOTICE TO the Creditors of ANDREW DEWAR of -*• Springfield, Merchant in Glasgow. That, in consequence of the advertisemcnt intimating the sequestration of the estate of said Andrew Dewar, the credi- tors met at Glasgow upon the 19th August curt, and unani- mously made choice of Walter Ewing, merchant in Glalgow, to be interim factor on said sequestrated estate ; and they al- so appointed a general meeting of the creditors to be held within the house of Colin M'Farlane, vintner in
Glasgow, upon Thursday the 17th of September next, at 12 o'clock noon, in order to eleCt a trustee in terms of the statute. And the said Walter Ewing having applied to the Sheriff of Lanarkshire, he has appointed Monday the 24th current, and each of the three succeeding Mondays, at one o'clock af- ternoon, for the examination of Mr Dewar and his family, within the Sheriff Court- house of Glasgow; at which general meeting and examinations all concerned are invited to atteud. NOTICE TO the Creditors of WILLIAM DONALD, Shipmaster and Merchant in Aberdeen. That the estate of the said William Donald was seques trated by the Lord Ordinary officiating on the bills, upon the 28th day of May last ; and, at a meeting of his creditors, held upon the 14th day of July last, for the purposse of chusing a trustee on his said sequestrated estate, Ninian Johnston, mer- chant in Aberdeen, was elected into that office; and his ap- pointment has since been confirmed by the Court of Session. Mr Johnston, the trustee, docs therefore, 111 terms of the aCt of the 23d of the King, on which the sequestration proceeds, hereby require all the creditors of the said William Donald to lodge with him their claims and vouchers, or grounds of debt, with their oaths for
proving the same, as directed by the said aCt, on or before the 28th day of February next, 1790, being nine kalendar months after the date of the in- terlocutor awarding the sequestration ; certifying those cre- ditors who shall neglect to comply with this requisition, that they shall not be entitled to any share in the first distribution of the said William Donald's estate. INTIMATION TO the Debtors and Creditors of the de- ceased Baillie GEORGE BLAIR, Candlemaker in Had- dington, and SALE of his STOCK in TRADE, Household Furniture, and other effeCts. All such persons as stood indebted to the said Mr Blair at the time of his
death, upon the 29th day of July last, or who have any claims upon his estate and effeCts, are desired to call, between and the 20th day of September next, and settle the same with Hay Donaldson, Town Clerk of Haddington, who has full power for that purpose from the defunCt's whole re- presentatives. This is also to give Notice, That, upon Monday the 24th day of August current, at ten o'clock forenoon, there will be sold by public roup, The Whole HOUSEHOLD FUR- NITURE which belonged to the said defunCt, consisting of beds, tables, chairs, carpets, looking glasses, great variety of blankets; bed and table linen; kitchen
utensils of all kinds; a good eight day clock, with a number of webs of linen, and a variety of other articles too tedious to Mention. And, on the same or following day, will be sold, also by public roup, either in wholesale, or in such lots as shall then be condescended on, not only the whole of the said defunCt's coppers, presses, vats, wheels, and other working utensils, but also his whole stock in trade, consisting of about five thou- sand weight of melted tallow, and nearly the same quantity of all the different kinds of candles, most of them made a con- siderable time ago, and of the very best qualities. If the tallow and candles are
not sold by roup, to one or a few soapboilers or candlemakers, wishing to begin business, or already in trade— The same will be exposed to sale, in wholesale or retail, in the defunCt's shop, every lawful day, till the 20th of September next, for ready money : and a rea- sonable discount given for prompt payment. The tallow in lots, not under one or two tubs, and the candles not under one done weight, at a time ; and, as the candles are known to be good, it is hoped Mr Blair's former customers in par- ticular will take this opportunity of supplying themselves. Not to be repeated. AN INN AND STABLING IN THE CANONGATE To
Let. THAT well- frequented INN and extensive x STABLING lying at the Head of the Canongate, as the same are presently possessed by William Shaw vintner, will be LET, at the term of Whitsunday- next, for such a number of years as may be agreed on. Persons wishing to take the fame may apply to William Dallas, clerk to the signet, Prince's Street. TO LET, And to be entered to immediately, THE House and Offices of St AGNES, a plea- sant rural retreat, with a small piece of PASTURE GROUND, not inclosed, lying in Lammermuir East Lothian, near the church of Crainshaws. The house is very commodi- ous, and consists
of seven rooms and two bed closets, besides kitchen and cellars, pantries, & c. with coach- house, stables hay- loft, and many other conveniences and accommodations for servants out of doors. It is tolerably well furnished, and delightfully situated upon an eminence between two small ri- vers, called White Water and Bothwell, abounding with trout, & c. and the adjacent grounds with all sorts of game. It is al- so well situated for goat whey, and lies within eight miles of Haddington, Dunbar, and Dunse, all good market towns. The ground consists of four acres in grass. For further particulars enquire of John Buchan, writer to the
signet, James's Court. To be SOLD to the Highest Bidder, at Mrs Nicholson's, the Bee Hive, in Berwick- upon- Tweed, on Monday the 14th day of September 1789, at three o'clock afternoon ( if not previously disposed of by private contract, of which notice will be given), subjcCt to conditions of sale then to be pro- duced, ALL these Lands situated in PAXTON, in the J- parish of Hutton and shire of Berwick, in the possession of ALEXANDER JOHNSTON, at the yearly rent of 33I. The tenant will show the premises. Also all that BURGAGE or TENEMENT, and Garden thereto belonging, situated in Shaw's Land, in Berwick- upon-
Tweed aforesaid, late in the possession of Mrs Renwicks. For further particulars enquire of Mr Nicholson, at Horn- cliffe, Lone- end, near Berwick aforesaid; Mr Samuel Dar- ling; or at Mr Willoby's office, in Berwick aforesaid. FARMS IN LINLITHGOWSHIRE. To be LET, and entered to at Martinmas, THE Farm of WESTER DUNTARVIE, lying -*- in the parish of Abercorn, containing 194 acres of good arable land, all inclosed, for any number of years not exceed- ing thirty- three. Also the Farm of BURROWFIELD, lying about half a mile north- east from Linlithgow, containing near 70 acres, all inclosed, for any number of years not
exceeding 42. These farms will be let either at a yearly rent, or a grassum taken, as most agreeable to offerers. Mr George Henderson, jun. at Easter Duntarvie will shew the lands of Duntarvie, and Robert Hill at Burrowfield will show the lands of Burrow- field. Apply to Mathew Sandilands, writer to the signet, North St Andrew's Street, Edinburgh. FARM AND LIMEKILNS. To BE LET, THE Farm of LONGFAUGH MAINS, and 1 others, with TWO LIME KILNS, as presently posses- sed by Robert Tait, lying within the parish of Chrichton, and sheriffdom of Edinburgh. The farm consists of about 138 Scots acres, whereof 127 are
arable, and II pasture. The grounds and houses are in good order. The sale of Lime is very considerable, the demands from, the south country being constant. The farm and lime kilns will be let together or separately for such a number of years as may be agreed upon. The entry to the houses, grass, and kilns, to be at Whit- sunday 1790, and to the arable land at Martinmas thereaf- ter. Proposals ( in writing) may be given in to Alexander Cal- lander, Esq. of Crichton, the proprietor, or to John Alexan- der Higgins, writer to the signet, Edinburgh;— and the names of offerers will be kept secret, if desired. William Paterson,
overseer at Crichton, will shew the grounds and lime kilns. LANDS IN FIFE TO BE LE' 1\ With or without a Distillery. To be LET for a term of years, to commence at Martin- mas 1789, THE Lands of KINcAPLE , and Part of NEW- TON of NYDIE, in the county of Fife, consisting of 500 acres, with the Distillery of Kincaple, as formerly adver- tised. The whole lands and distillery will be let together, or tbe lands will be let in different lots or farms, and with or with- out the distillery, as offerers may incline. Mr Gourlay of Craigrothie, by Cupar Fife, Mr Robert Stark, writer in Cupar, and James Thomson, writer to the signet, Edinburgh,
will give further information when ap- plied to, and will receive proposals for a lease. LANDS IN THE HEAD OF ABERDEENSHIRE Remarkably well situated for Sport. To be SOLD by PRIVATE BARGAIN, THE Lands and Estate of EDINGLASSIE, in Strathdon. This estate affords within its own bounds plenty of moor game, and is situated in the neighbourhood of the best and most extensive shooting ground for that game in Scotland. ' The dwelling house is nigh the Don and smaller rivers ex- cellent for angling, and it consists of twelve apartments suit- ably furnished, besides apartments for servants, cellars, and other
conveniencies, with a garden and offices, fit for the ac- commodation of any nobleman or gentleman who may wish to have a property of the kind. There are plantations of forty years old and some natural wood upon the lands, with plenty of limestone and other means of improvement. The estate has extensive pasture, plenty of fuel, and every other accommodation that can at- tend a Highland property. The farm round the mansion, and in the proprietor's natural possession, consists of about one hundred acres, chiefly under grass, and is inclosed and subdi- vided ; and the remainder of the property is well tenanted. If any
additional inducement, the purchaser may have the furniture of the house, with a neat collection of books, and access to the whole premises at any time ; and the greatest part of the price may, if the purchaser incline, remain in his hands. Carriage road all the way to the place from Edinburgh. For other particulars apply to the proprietor at Edinglassie, or to Alexander Grant, writer to the signet, Edinburgh, who can shew plans and meafurements of the estate. LANDS IN THE COUNTY OF KINCARDINE. To be SOLD by public roup, by warrant of the Court of Session, THE following Parts of the Lands and Ba- rony of PHESDO,
consisting of the farms of PITNA- MOON, STANRIEHAUGH, DRONAMYRE, and GAL- LOWHILLOCK. These lands lye in the parish of Fordoun, and in the most populous and fruitful part of the county. Limestone may be had for improvement at the distance of six or seven miles, and the conveniency of excellent post roads betwixt the above farms and the town of Montrose, a good sea port, renders the conveyance of every article easy. The free yearly rent of the; above lands, as proven in the process for a warrant to sell, is about L. 129 Sterling; but the leases on all the farms are now expired, and a very considerable rise of
rent will be got on new leases for 19 years, particularly for the farms of Pitnamoon and Stanriehaugh. These lands hold blench of the Crown, and amount to upwards of L. 300 Scots of valued rent; and the teinds are valued. The day of roup will be afterwards advertised; mean time, persons wishing for further information, may apply to Tho- mas Brodie, writer to the signet, South Hanover Street, E- dinburgh, or Thomas Stewart, Town Clerk of Montrose. Robert Turner, ground officer at Phesdo, will shew the grounds. EDINBURGH: Printed by DAVID RAMSAY, OLD FISH- MARKET CLOSE, where Advertisements, Orders for the
Paper, & c. are taken in. Published every Monday, Thursday, and Saturday— Price, a single Paper, — 2/. 6s. yearly when callcd for— 2/. 9/. delivered in Edinburgh or Leith— and 2/. 14/. sent by Post.