Lincoln, Rutland, and Stamford Mercury
Printer / Publisher: C. Peat, and R. Newcomb
Volume Number: LVIII
Issue Number: 3049
No Pages: 4
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Lincoln, Rutland, and Stamford Mercury
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Lincoln, Rutland, and Stamford Mercury
Date of Article: 14/08/1789
Printer / Publisher: C. Peat, and R. Newcomb
Address: High-Street, Stamford
Volume Number: LVIII
Issue Number: 3049
No Pages: 4
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Lincoln, RUTLAND, AND STAMFORD MERCURY Printed by and for C. PEAT and R. NEWCOMB, in the HIGH- STREET, STAMFORD. VOL. LVIII.— No. 3049] FRIDAY, AugusT 14, 1789. This Paper for upwards of fifty seveN Years has been and continues to be Circulated early every FridAY Morning by Newsmen in all the Market town's and Populous Villages in the Counties of LINCOLN RUTland, LEICESTER the ISLE of ELY, NORTHAMPTON; Part of CAMBRIDGE. HUNTINGDON, NORFOLK. NOTTINGHAM, and YORK.— And by the Post to The Houses of many of the principal Nobility and Gentry throughout the
Kingdom.— It is likewise regularly Filed and Advertisements received at Mr. KIRKMAN's, Red Lion Passage, Fleet- Street and at Mr. TAYLER's, Warwick Court, St. Paul's, LONDON.. [ Price Three- Pence Half- Penny. Saturday and Sunday's Posts. . From the LONDON GAZETTE. Whitehall, August 8, HE King has been pleased to constitute and appoint the Right Honourable William Pitt, the Honourable Edward James Eliot, the Right - Honourable Richard Earl of Mornington of the kingdom of Ireland, Knight of the Illustrious order of St. Patrick, the Right Honourable John Jefferies Pratt, commonly called Lord Viscount Bayham,
and the Right Honour- able Henry Bathurst commonly called Lord Apsley, to be commissioners for executing the office of treasurer of his Majesty's Exchequer. Vienna, July 25. The Emperor's fever is consider- ably abated, and yesterday his Majesty was so well as to be able to take an airing in an open carriage. The last intelligence received here mentions that Marshal Haddick still retained his position at Weiss- kirchen, from whence he had sent several detachments to join the Prince of Hohenlohe, in Transylvania, as that province was menaced with an irruption of the Turks, who were assembled in considerable force near
Riminik in Wallachia. - The letters from Moldavia state that Prince Potemkin had arrived at Yassy towards the end of last month. LONDON. HOUSE of PEERS. Thursday, August 6. The India loan hill was reported, and the amendments were agreed to. It was ordered to be read a third time to- morrow. The order of the day being read for the commitment of the bill respecting cocoa- nuts, cockets, tub- vessels, Sec. The Duke of Leeds observed that as this bill was in part ob- - jectionable, and no inconvenience could result from its postpone- ment, it would be adviseable to reject it. He would therefore move for its rejection To this
motion no opposition was made. The question was put for the third reading of the tobacco bill, which brought up The Duke of Leeds, who, partly from considerations of delicacy in the case of altering money- bills, partly on account of the delay that would attend the passing of this bill if the amendment he had proposed in the committee should be peristed in, and likewise from an apprehension that the amendment in question might appear in- judicious, was willing to withdraw it. The amendment was therefore withdrawn from its place in the bill, which was thus left in that erroneous and imperfect state in which the commons had
sent it to their lordships. The bill was then read a third time and passed , Friday, August 7. the India loan bill was read a third time, and received the assent of their lordships. A message was sent to the commons with a copy of the bill, desiring the concurrence of that house in the amendment made in it by the lords, which was nothing more than the omission of . that clause which permits guardians to purchase India Stock with the money of their wards. At four their Lordships adjourned till Tuesday next. HOUSE of COMMONS. Thursday, August 6. A new writ Was ordered out for Denbighshire, vice Sir Watkin Williams Wynne,
deceased. A message was received from the lords, stating that they had Agreed to the the coffee drawback bill, the piece- goods bill, the custom bill, and the tobacco bill, without any amendments. Friday, August 7. Though the members began to assemble about two, they did not make a house till near four ; immediately after which they re- ceived back the India Loan bill from the Lords. Mr. Steele moved that the amendment made in this bill by the Lords be taken into consideration. It was accordingly read twice and agreed to without any debate. Mr. Mitford, the new Welch Judge, who was lately re- elected for Beeralston in
Dcvonshire, took the oaths and his seat, being introduced between the Attorney and Solicitor General. The house adjourned till Monday, The Duke of Bedford has at length determined to Sa- crifice to- Hymen. The lady is sister to Lord Courtney, and brings every thing to render the state happy, but money. The conduct of the American Congress as appears from the regular accounts in the papers, brought in the Carter, Capt. Storer, arrived last week at Whitehaven, is marked with great prudence and moderation ; their forms are an exact copy of the usage of the British senate, and there are amongst them men who seem to
have made no inconsiderable progress in declamation.— The state of New- York in particular is making regular approaches towards a situation which cannot fail of rendering it very- respectable. The consequnces of good order and an established government are already apparent; the public papers of the city of New- York exhibit the picture of an improving police and an increasing commerce. Not only the necessaries of life but its conveniencies, and even its elegancies are there to be found. In every thing this country is the model adopted. The press, the value of which seems justly appreciated by all the Americans, is in no
place more warmly patronized ; the best English authors are continually issuing amongst the subjects of the new empire ; and their periodical works are assuming a very respectable appearance.— Amongst these are a Con- gressional Register, professedly on the same plan as our Parliamentary Register, and a Daily Advertiser, which on an average contains 150 advertisements. Extract of a letter from Marseilles, July 8, " The Algerines have of late committed many out- rages against the French flag. About a month ago a French ship from Cette was taken by an Algerine pirate, carried into Algiers, and the Captain and crew
made slaves. They have since taken two other vessels, one of which was laden with sugar, coffee, and cocoa, the cargo of which they sold, and kept the crew, but did not make them slaves. They had likewise taken another ship from America, but it was retaken by two Portuguese frigates, and carried with the Algerine to Lisbon, but the 11 persons who were on board the corsair were fent to Algiers. In consequence of these captures his Majesty sent orders to Toulon to arm two frigates ;. and the chamber of commerce at Marseilles have also armed four tartanes, which are to cruise in the Straits of Gibraltar, to direct the French
ships coming from the ocean to avoid the coasts of Barbary, and to range along those of Spain. We cannot ac- Count for this sudden attack, but think that some power has prejudiced the regency of Algiers- against us, to in- crease our embarrassment, and render our commerce ( which is already harrassed by our affairs at home) still more inactive' The steps lately pursued by government in respect to examining ships in- the port of London, having grain and flour on board, have had the very best effect, by pre- venting any more being sent abroad. The natural con- sequences is, the markets are now better supplied. We learn
from Bengal, that Golam Kadir, who put out the eyes of the Great Mogul, after having been taken prisoner by Scindia, has through his orders had his eyes pulled out, and his legs and arms cut off alive ; but he did not survive this terrible and just execution long. Last week the clerk of an eminent distiller a Vaux- hall, absconded with upwards of two thousand pounds of his master's property, with which also he has taken the value of the furniture of an elegant house in St. George's Fields. An eminent tradesman spoke some disrespect words of an officer.— The officer demanded satisfaCtion ; the tradesman would not fight; the
officer caned him ; and the tradesman brought an action to recover damages for the assault and which was lately tried in the court of King's Bench. The plaintiff's council stated, that his client was a peaceable citizen, who had been assaulted by the defendant, because he had refused to violate the laws of God and man by fighting a duel with him which the advocate for the defendant contended, there were some personal injuries, so circumstanced, whilst as human laws could not reach; nothing short of per- sonal resentment could punish them. The jury, there- fore, would consider the profession of the defendant ; reflect upon
the provocation he had received ; be mind- ful of the feelings of human nature, and then he was persuaded their damages would he little more than nominal. The jury found a verdict for the plaintiff — Damages 20i. Lady Charleville was thrice married;— and each time an humble servant literally became her Lord and Master. Did the constitution admit of female representatives, the late Lady Charleville might, with great propriety, have stood for the city,— for no one had a stronger attach- ment to the livery, to Mr. SPlLSBURY, CHYMIST, Soho Square, London- SIR, August 1st, 1789. A LADY of our Acquaintance was troubled
last Spring Twelve Month with scurfy Eriptions on her Hands, attended with a violent Itching: She had used various Means for Relief, with little Success. On being persuaded to try your Drops, by taking Three five Shilling Bottles of the Medicine her Hands recovered their natural State and Colour; and have continued well ever since Delicacy prevents the Lady from publishing her Name; but she has requested us to send this Cure to you, for the Benefit of others. We are, Sir, M. & B. HAYDON, Booksellers, by Appoint- ment, to his Royal Highness the Duke of Clarence. Plymouth- Dock, Devon. N. B. Mr. SpiLSBURY'S truly
valuable drops to be had as usual of Mr. NeWCOmb, in Stamford, and of the general Venders of Medicine throughout the Kingdom. NOTICE is hereby given, tHAT an Application is intended to be made to Parliament in the next Session, for an Act for inclosing, dividing, and allotting the Commons and all open and uninclosed. Grounds within the Parishes of Epworth, Haxey, Belton, and Owston, in the Isle of Axholme, in the County if Lincoln. Dated the Fourth Day of August, 1789. JAMES GRAHAM. Lincoln's Inn. NOTICE is hereby given, THAT we whose Names are hereunder- written, Commissioners appointed in and by an
Act of Parliament passed this pre- sent Session, for imbanking and draining certain Fens and low Lands in the Parishes of Nocton ard Potterhanworth, in the County of Lincoln, and in the Parish of Branston, in the County of the City of Lincoln, will hold an ADJOURNED MEET- ING at the Rein Deer Inn, in LINCOLN, on Friday the Fourth Day of September next, at Eleven o'Clock in the Fore- noon, for the Purpose of receiving Proposals from any Person or Persons willing to contract for the Building of Three Water Engines in the said Fens, in the Spring of the Year 1790, with Sails not less than g6 Feet in Length, and in all other
Parts to be of sufficient Dimensions and Strength to carry a Water Wheel of 16 Feet Diameter, with Ladles 20 Inches broad, to be erected in the usual Form of building Engines, with Vertical Wheels, or with an inclined Wheel, after the Form of the Engine erected in Blankney Fen. JohN HUDSON. JOHN PARKINSON. 24th July. 1789. APPRENTICE WANTED. AYOUTH, of reputable Parents, is WANTED, as an APPRENTICE to a GROCER, LINEN and WOOL- LEN DRAPER. Enquire of JOSEPH MASON, Swineshead, Lincolnshire. APPRENTICE WANTED. AYOUTH of reputable Parents is WANTED, as an APPRENTICE toa
GROCER, LINEN and WOOLLEN DRAPER. Apply to Mr. THOMAS PEELE, Kirton, Lindsey, Lincoln, shire. A Premium will be expected. SCHOOL - MASTER. WANTED. At SOUTHWELL, in the County of NottingHaM, APerson to teach the Young Gentlemen of the Grammar School Writing and Accounts, and also to assist in Classical Instruction. Any single Man, well- recommended, whom the above may suit, may learn farther Particulars by applying to the Rev. Mr. JACK- SON, Southwell. JOHN WARD, HIGH- STREET, STAMFORD, MAKER OF. BRASS, COPPER GOODS, AND TIN WARE, RETURNS Thanks to his
Friends and Customers for the Favours he has received from them for many Years past, and- hopes for a Continuance of the same, which shall be most gratefully acknowledged, by Their obedient and humble Servant, JOHN WARD. Kitchen furniture Tinn'd. August 1789- EDUCATION. The Rev. W. SIMPSON, At the PARSONAGE. HOUSE,- GREATFORD, MOST respectfully informs his FRIENDS and the PUBLIC, that he Wishes to undertake the EDUCATION of YouNG GENTLEMEN, whom he purposes to board on reason- able Terms; and instruct in either of the Greek, Latin, or English Languages; as also Writing, and
Arithmetic in its different Branches. He wishes further to add, that those his Friends who please to honour him with the Care and Instruction of their Youth, may rest assured that they will be treated with peculiar Tenderness; particular Attention will, be paid to their Health, and the utmost Assiduity used relative to, their Morals, as well as Knowledge; in short, nothing shall be Wanting that will in the least tend to render them happy in themselves, agreeable to others, and useful Members in the great Body of Society. N. B. GREATFORD is an exceeding pleasant and healthful Situation, a few Mile's from Stamford. W. SIMPSON has
no Objection to board those who have never yet been instructed in the first Rudiments of Literature. Any Application by letter will be duly and respectfully attended to. Greatford, July 28th. 1789. LINCOLNSHIRE, CAISTOR SESSIONS, LINDSEY. ' Thomas a Becket; 1789. NOTICE is hereby given, THAT this present SESSIONS will be ho/ den by Adjournment at the Swan Inn, in Kirton,. in the Parts of lindsey, in the County of Lincoln, on Friday the Twenty- eighth Day of , August next, ' at Ten " o'Clock in the Forenoon, for receiving Proposals from Persons inclined to undertake the Building a Bridewell, at or in the
Neighbourhood of Kirton aforesaid, agreeable to a Plan thereof already made, and which will be then and theri produced; when and where all Persons desirous to contract for doing the said W° rk are requeued to attend for that Purpose. BRACKENBURY, Clerk of the Peace for the said Parts, NOTICE is hereby given, THAT we whose Names are hereunder- written, Commissioners appointed in and by an Act of Parliament passed this pre- sent Session, for imbanking and draining certain Fens and low Lands in the Parishes of Dunston and Metheringham, in the County of Lincoln, will hold an ADJOURNED MEETING at the Rein
Deer Inn, in LINCOLN, on Friday the Fourth Day of September next, at Eleven o'Clock in the Forenoon, for the Purpose of receiving Proposals from any Person or Persons willing to contract for the Building of Two Water Engines in the said Fens, in the Spring of the Year 1790, with Sails not less than 36 Feet in Length, and in all other Parts to be of sufficient Dimensions,- and Strength to carry a Water Wheel of 16 Feet Diameter, With ladles 20 Inches broad; to be erected in the usual Form of building Engines, with Vertical Wheels, or with an inclined Wheel, after the Form of the Engine ended in Blankney Fen. JOHN
PARKINSON. EDWARD HARE. JOHN HUDSON. 24th July, 1789. AT a MEETING of the NORTH LEVEL COMMITTEE of COMMISSIONERS, and of the LAND OWNERS in the said LEVEL, & c. held pursuant to. public Notice given in the General Evening Post, and Cambridge and Stamford Newspapers, at the Rose and Crown Inn, in WISBECH ST. PETER's, on Wednesday the Fifth Day of August, 1789, Mr. SAMPSON BARBER in the Chair, Th. Report of the North Level Committee of the Fourteenth Day of May last being read, Resolved, That it appears to this Meeting, that the Funds for the Support of the outward Banks
and Works which preserve the North Level and Portfand, are now inadequate to such Purpose ; and that the Interest of the Debt of 25,0001. owing thereon, is the Cause of such Insufficiency. Mr. Maxwell having stated to this Meeting, that a great Number of Proprietors intend to petition his Grace the Duke of Bedford, and Sir Sampfon Gideon, to lower the Interest of their several Debts from 5l. to 41. per Cent, per Annum ; and also to petition his Grace to assign over the Profits of the Banks and Fisheries, rented by him of the Corporation of Bedford Level, to the Public Use; It is the Opinion of this Meeting, that the Funds, when
so increased, will not be adequate to the future Support of the Works dependant thereon. But it appears to this Meeting, that if the Interest of the Whole Debt could be lowered 2l. per Cent, that such an Addition to the Funds may be adequate thereto. It appears to this Meeting, that His Grace is a Creditor to the Amount of Sir Sampson Gideon, — — Other Creditors, £ 25,000 Mr. Wing, Agent to his Grace the Duke ot Bedford, having proposed to lower the Interest of his Grace's Debt to 3I. per Cent, per Annum from Midsummer last, if Sir Sampson Gideon will do the same, such Diminution of Interest, on both their Debts, will add
to the Funds 394I. per Annum. It is also the Opinion of this Meeting, that the other Creditors to the Amount of 53001. not being Proprietors, it cannot be re- quested of them to lower their Interest to 3I. per Cent ; but Mr. Maxwell having ofFered to advance 5,300l or any Part thereof, at Lady- Day, 1790, at 4I. per Cent that such Offer should be ac- cepted, for the Whole or such part thereof as the present Creditors do not chuse to lend at the Rate of 4I per Cent. On Application to Mr. Wing respecting the Profits of the Banks and Fisheries rented by his Grace of the Corporation, it - was agreed, that the several Leases should be
reconsidered by the Corporation of Bedford Level at their next April Meeting; and that such Rent should be paid by his Grace from Lady- Day last past, as the Corporation, on their further Consideration of the Matter, should think proper. Resolved, That it is the Opinion of this Meeting, that so long as the Funds shall continue to receive the before- mentioned Augmentat- ions, no further Taxation than the present may be necessary; but that if an Alteration hereafter shall take Place to decrease the same, or they shall evidently appear to b « insufficient, Application to Par- liament will be necessary for the Preservation of the North
Level and Portsand. Mr. Maxwell not being prepared to assent to the lowering Sir Sampson Gideon's Interest to 3I. per Cent. this Meeting is. adjourned to the Duke Head's Inn, in Thorney, on Wednesday the Twenty sixth Instant, to receive Sir Sampson Gideon's Determination ; and in the mean Time it is the Opinion of this Meeting, that Notice of an intended Application to Parliament should be given, that the same may proceed, in Case Sir Sampson Gideon should not assent to the lowering his Interest. Resolved, That these Refolutions be printed TwiCe in the General Evening Post, and Twice in the Cambridge and Stamford
Newspapers. Resolved, That the Thanks of this Meeting be given to his Grace the Duke of Bedford, for his liberal and handsome Offer of the Reduction of the Interest of his Debt on the North Level, from 5 to 3 per Cent. Resolved, That the Thanks of this Meeting be given to the Chairman, for his impartial Attention to the Business of the Day. { Signed) S. BARBER, Chairman. VENISON. - PARK, FOREST, and CHACE DEER. WRIGHT's VENISON WAREHOUSE, Cha- RING- CROSS, which has been established in this Branch of Business for near Thirty Years.; during which Time Opportunity has offered for the Selection cf the
choicest VENISON, highly- approved of by Gentlemen of distinguished Palates for it's Richness of Flavor. It will be sent ( warranted sweet and good) to the most distant Parts of the Kingdom, and ( on proper Notice) to Paris of Edinburgh.— Gentlemen are desired to be particular in their Orders, by Letter, directed as ABOVE, or to the Printers of this. Paper, respecting the Day when wanted for dressing, where all due Atten- tion will be paid in Order to compleat their Wishes. N. B. LIVE DEER bought and Sold H E M P A N D F'L A X., LINCOLNSHIRE, LINDSEY. CAISTER, in and for the Parts of LINDSEY, in the County of
Lincoln, on Tuesday the Fourteenth Day of July, 1789, the following Clauses from an Act of Par- liament passed in the Twenty- sixth Year. of his present Majesty's Reign, for the Encouragement of the Growth of Hemp and Flax in that Part of Great- Britain called England, were « ered to be inserted in this Paper, that the Growers of Hemp and Flax within the said Parts in the Year 1789, may entitle themselves to the Bounties . thereby granted: BE IT ENACTED, That for the Encouragement OF the Growth of Hemp and Flax in that Part of Great Britain called England, there shall be applied, distributed, and paid in Bounties, yearly,
a Sum not exceeding 15,0001. at the Rate of Three- pence per Stone for every Stone of Hemp weighing Fourteen Pounds, and Four- pence for every like Stone of Flax, to be raised in that Part of Great Britain called England, in the Year 1787, and in every subsequent Year during the Space of Seven Years, to be paid to the Grower or other Period who breaks and properly pre- pares such Hemp or Flax for Market. AND BE IT EXACTED, That the Grower or Person claiming who shall be entitled to the said Bounty, shall sign and exhibit his Claim to One of the Justices of the Peace for the County, Riding or Place, within which
the Hemp or Flax has been raised; men- tioning in such Claim of what Crop the same is, and the Farm or Ground On which the Hemp or Flax grew; and which Claim shall be likewise attested by Two of the Parish Officers of the same Parish with the Claimant or Grower, who shalL certify that they belive the Truth of the Particulars contained in such claim and which Claim, when so attested, the said Justice is hereby required to countersign and transmit the Clerk of the Peace, to be by him laid before the justices for the County, Riding, or Place, at their next General Quarter Sessions. , AND BE IT ENACTED, That every Person
who shall claim and receive any of the Bounties herein- before granted shall, at or before the Time when he shall receive the same, enter into a Bond or SecU- rity to the Clerk of the Peace for the Time being, of the said Counties, Ridings, or Places respectively, , with Two sufficient Sureties, to be approved of by the said Justices at their Quarter Sessions for the County, Riding, or Place, within which the said Hemp or Flax grew, in the penal Sum of treble the value of the Bounty claimed and received, and of the Hemp or Flax for which be shall have claimed and received the same, with Condition that such Person is duly entitled
to the said Bounty, according to the true Intent and Meaning of this Act. AND be iT ENACTED, That the Grower or other Person Preparing hemp 0r Flax for Market and who shall sell any Quan- tity of Hemp or flax within that Part of Great Britain called England, shall deliver to the Buyer along with such Hemp or Flax a particular Account of the Hemp and Flax sold, expressing the Quantity, Place where it grew, and the Year of Its Growth and the Seller in like Manner shall take of the Buyer a Receipt in Writing, containing a Duplicate of the Quantity bought the Place where it grew, and the Year of its Growth. By the COU RT,
BRACKENBURY, Clerk of the Peace. August, 1789. Note. An Adjournment of the said Sessions will be holden at Kirton, in the said Parts, on Friday the Twenty- eighth Day of this Instant August ; at which Time and Place ail Claims for 1788 ( hitherto omitted), will be received. A VOTE FOR RUTLAND. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By JOHN MARRIOTT, At the Unicorn Inn, Uppingham, . on Wednesday 26th. of August, 1789, ( if not before sold by private Contract, of which timely Notice shall be given), AComplete FREEHOLD ESTATE ; consisting of Two good HOUSES, with the Appurtenances,' at SEATON, now in the
Occupation of Mr. Meadows and John Seaton. For further Particulars apply to Mr. APPLEYARD, at Preston ; or the AUCTIONEER, at Uppingham. , To be SOLD bv AUCTION, At the Swan- and- Talbot Stamford, on Friday the Twenty- fifth Day of September, at four o'Clock ; A FREEHOLD MESSUAGE and INN, called' the SwAN- AND- TALBot, with a good Yard, . Stables, and other suitable Offices, situate in the Parish of Saint Mary, in STAMFORD, in the Occupation of Sarah Broughton. For other Particulars apply to Mr. TORKINGTON, Attorney, in Stamford. Original Cheap . Tea Warehouses, The Grasshopper, No, 9,
Bishopsgate- Street, opposite the London Tavern, by Cornhill j No. 42, Cheapside, opposite Wood- Street, London;, and No. 12, Rampant- Horse- Street, near the Market ECity of Norwich. DWARD EAGI. ETON and Co. fell, for ready Money, 011 or before delivery, 01 good Bills at ( hoit Dates, inclofed with Orders, BLACK TEAS, per lb. s. d. Com Bohea Tea is. gd. to 1 io Congou Leaf — 20 Good Common Congou 3 S Very good Congou, or Sou- chong - - 4 S Fine Ditto _ 58 Very fine Ditto 6 8 Best imported Souchong 7 8 Superfine Padra Ditto and Pekoe — 8 8 Curious Caper Ditto 9 8 GREEN TEAS. Com. Green Singlo 3s. to
3 2 Good curled and speckled Leaf, or Bloom Very fine Ditto 48 Good plain Green Hyson 5 8 Very good Ditto 6 8 Fine Ditto — 78 Very fine. Ditto — 8 8 Best imported Ditto. , 9 8 Superfine Gunpowder and Cowslip Ditto 11 8 Ouchain Tea, smaller than Gunpowder 8 8 In SPICES, & c COFfEES. per lb s. Good roasted West India 2 Fine Ditto 3s. and 3 Best Bourbon Ditto 4 Best genuine Turkey or Mocoa Ditto . 5 Patent Cocoa, Shells, & c. at the lowest Prices. CHOCOLATES. Good plain Chocolate 3s. to 3 Best Ditto — 4 Finest Vanilla, Sir Hans Sloan's , Milk, and Churchman's - Patent . Chocolates, each ! REFINED SUGARS. s
Lump Sugar, — . to l| Good Ditto, or Single Loaves — ' 7. to fine Ditto —. 8d. to Fine Powder Ditto Fine Double Ditto Fined Treble Ditto a Saving of 20l & c. as under ( to families) 1ool. per Cent. per lb. oz, Best Scotch Barley per lb. 0 Finest Cloves 9s. 8d. 7 J Cinnamon 19 o 15d Nutmegs 27 o 2 d Mace 34 o 2s 3d Ginger per lb. o lo Allspice - — 13 Black Pepper 1 10 India White 3 6 —— Carraway Seeds o 6 -—- Coriander Ditto o 6 —— Sagoe — 1 o —— Millet — o 3 § .— Spanish Juice .12 Rice, 26s. per Cwt. Or 3d. per lb. 1 . Ground Ditto, 30s. or 3 Id.' Ditto. N. B. All the above Prices are subject to the the Market.
Commissions for all Articles used in familieS cured { of the best) in every Branch, and under — In Wholesale Quantities, Dealers who will small Profit, are enabled to sell on the same eligible • Orders for Town or Country, Wholesale or- Ri Post, General Post,. or . Carrier, sent to any place der Blue Poland starch ( by the Paper Best Common D Pearl Ditto Jordan Almonds Bitter ditto Salt Petre, India —— Salt Prunella . Finest Durham Mustard -— Vermicelli —— MacCaroni Truffles Morells — Superfine Indigo, Stone Blue Smalts,
Tuesday and Wednesday's Posts. ' From the LOndon GAzETTe, Whitehall, August 11. This day the Lords being met, a message was sent to the Honourable House of Com- mons by Sir Francis Molyneux, Gentlemen Usher of the Black Rod, acquainting them, that the Lords, autho- rized by virtue of his Majesty's commission, for declar- ing his Royal assent to several acts agreed upon by both houses, do desire the immediate attendance of this Ho- nourable House in the House of Peers, to hear the com- mission read ; and the Commons being come thither, the said commission, impowering the Lord High Chancellor of Great
Britain, the Duke of Leeds, and the Lord Sydney to declare and notify the Royal assent to the said acts, was read accordingly, and the Royal assent given to ' An aCt for granting to his Majesty a certain sum of money out of the consolidated fund. An act for repealing the duties on tobacco and snuff, and for granting new duties in lieu thereof. An act to exempt all piece goods wove in this kingdom, and which shall be sold by auction, from the duty imposed on such sales ; for exempting persons licensed to retail spirituous liquors from the payment of the duties imposed on such licences, who shall leave off retailing such liquors
before the expiration of the time for which such licences shall be granted ; and for obliging persons who shall deal in brandy, not being retailers, rectifiers, or distillers, to take out licences for that purpose. An to continue for a limited time, and amend an act made in the last session of Parliament, intituled, aft to regulate for a limited time, the shipping and carrying slaves in British vessels from the coast of Africa. An act for the more effectual execution of the laws respecting gaols. And to four other public and two private bills. After which the Lord Chancellor made the following speech : < f My Lords and Gentlemen, " We have it in
command fresh his Majesty to express to you . the satisfaction with which his Majesty has observed the continued proofs which you have given, during the present session of your uniform attention to the public business, and of your zealous concern for the honor and interest of his crown, and the welfare and prosperity of his people. " Gentlemen of the House of Commons, " His Majesty has particularly directed us to return you his thanks for the readiness with which you have granted the necessary supplies for the several branches of the public service. " My Lords and Gentlemen, " Although the good offices of his Majesty and
his allies have not hitherto been effectual for restoring the general tranquility of Europe, he has the satisfaction of seeing the further extension of hostilities has been prevented, and that the situation of affairs continiues to pro mise to this country the uninterrupted enjoyment of the blessings of peace. The Lord Chancellor by his Majesty's command, then prorogued the Parliament to Thursday the twenty- ninth day of OctOber next. L O N D O N. HOUSE of COMM0NS. ' Mondaty, Aug. 10. . Lord John Townshend presented a petition from many of the electors of Westminster relative to the right of election, as lately settled by the
Westminster committee. This petition was ordered to be taken into consideration on the 1st of October next. Ordered a new writ for Ryegate, in Surrey, in the room of Mr, Belingham, who has accepted the office of one of the Commissioners for victualling the Royal- Navy. Two new writs were also moved for, one for East- Looe, in Corn, wall, vice Lord Belgrave, who has accepted the Stewardship of the Chiltern Hundreds; the other for Rippon, in Yorkshire, in the room of Sir John Goodrick, Bart, deceased.— Adjourned. The present session has been the longest since the con quest, and perhaps the longest one known in this
king- dom- It began early in November laft, from which time to the middle of August is more than nine months Recent letters from Madrid , advise, that the King of Spain had sent the most explicit refusal to the Court of Versailles, of the body of Spanish troops so earnestly solicited by the Grand Monarque.—- The King of Sar dinia has likewise waved a similar requisition, but in more courtly terms. The Inquisition is now the only grand engine of ty- ranny remaining in Europe. But that is very far from possessing the power it formerly had ; the late King abridged them so far, that every proceeding is obliged to be laid before him, and
no person punished without full proof of the fact. By a gentleman who lately resided in Spain, we are assured that the Inquisition is now little more than a bugbear; there has been no Auto de Fe for many years. The last one worth mentioning was above a century ago, in the year 1680. All advices from Vienna agree, that the revolution in France has entirely changed the politics of the Imperial Cabinet, and a speedy peace is now the general expecta tion ; the flame of freedom is now spreading fast in the. low countries, and it is high time for Joseph to look at home. One Forde was executed on Saturday se'nnight in Dublin, for a
robbery, and exhibited a shocking spirit of obstinacy and resistance previous to his death. Force became indispensably necessary to make him yield to his sentence, after having attempted the life, not only of the executioner, but even that of the clergyman who attended him, At the time the fatal board was re- moved from his support, he lay prostrate, and in that situation was launched head foremost into eternity. MArried Friday, by special licence, Lawrence Palk, Esq. M. P. for Ashburton, only son of Sir Robert Palk, to Lady Mary Bligh. Died At Bramham- park, in the 82d year of his age, the Right Hon. Sir John Goodricke, Bart.
one of his Majesty's most honourable privy council, member in the present Parliament for the borough of Ripon and many years His Majesty's Envoy Extraor- dinary at the court ot Stockholm. He is succeeded in his title and a considerable estate by his grandson, now Sir Henry Goodricke, Bart.— On Friday se'nnight, in Ireland, the Right Hon. Richard Hamilton, Lord Viscouut Boyne. He is succeeded in title and etlate by his eldest son, Gustavus now Lord Viscount Boyne.— Friday night, the youngest child of Lady Williams Wynne; he was only in the seventh week of his age, and on Saturday was removed from her Ladyship's
house in St. James's- square, for Wynnstay, in Denbighshire, in order to be interred with his father Sir Watkin;— Saturday night, after a severe illness, at her house in Berkeley- square, the Marchioness of Lansdown. Her lady- ship was sister to the Earl of Upper Ossory, in Ireland, and niece to the Dutchess of Bedford.— At her house at Tewin Water, in Hertfordshire, the . Right. Hon. Eliz Lady. Dowager Cathcart, in the 98th year of her age, heretofore the widow of james Fleet, esq. PRICES of STOCKS. Bank stock, 187 Ditto new ann. 3 per ct. arm. 1751, . India stock, 175'^ India ann. India Bonds 101s. pr.' Navy bills t J per
cent. dif. Exchequer bills Lottery Tickets, 15I. 173. 6d. Scrip, Irish lottery Tickets 61. 19s. Tontine 103 per cent. ' 3 i r s. The general appearance of the bur is very promising ; the presant hot - weather will try the strength of the bine; if the vigor of the stock is exhausted the appearance of the bur is deceptive, and will fall short ; if on the contrary, the vigor of the stock is in force, the growth will exceed the pre- sent calculation. The general accounts are worse than last week, the honey being increased, and the lice following the bur. ' INSURRECTION IN FRANCE National assembly, August 4. The ther a declaration of the rights of
man, and of the citizens, should be prefixed to the constitution of the kingdom, was carried almost unanimously. This business being over, the president acquainted the house that he had just received a note from his Ma- jesty, for the assembly ; the contents were as follows : " In imparting to you, Gentlemen, how I have just disposed of the places, that were vacant in the administration, I give a proof of my conforming to the sentiments of confidence, which ought to subsist amongst us. I have entrusted with the war- depart- ment M. de la Tour- du- Pin Paulin ; I have made keeper of the seals, the Archbishop of Bourdeaux ; and
one of my privy- council, the prince of Beauveau. La feuille des benefice ( the list of vacant livings) I have given to the Archbishop of Vienne. The choice I made from among your own . Members will clearly evince how anxious I am to preserve the most constant and friendly harmony with the National Assembly." ( Signed) Louis." The reading of this letter produced the most lively and agreeable sensations in the hearts of all the Deputies, and loud plaudits proclaimed their satisfaction. All rose and unanimously agreed on an address of thanks, which was to be presented by 25 members, the president included, that very evening.
A letter from Brest, addressed to the National Assem- bly was read next, and the contents not a little alarmed the house. No less than three different parties are contending for the right of protecting the harbour and arsenal ; the land and sea forces, and the militia. The town, afraid of an insurretion on account of the dissention likely to happen among the three different commanders, humbly solicits the National Assembly's protection, and requests to have Count d'Estaing as Generalissimo of all the forces. Soon after the letter was read, the house resolved, that the president, with the deputies, should wait on his Majesty, and
acquaint him with the town of Brest's requests, the national assembly not thinking it proper to meddle with the appointing of a general officer. A letter from the Duke of Dorset to M. de Mont- morin, who had sent it to the assembly, was next exa- mined. It Contained farther assuranees of the court of St. James, and the British Ministry's intentions of pre- serving the greatest harmony with the French nation. The house adjourned at seven o'clock in the evening, when the three essays of Mess. L'Abbe Syeyes, Mounier, and Target, on the rights of man, were to be examined ; and one of them, if approved of, accepted. • The de bates ran high, but between twelve and one, some members departing from the subject, and touching on some points of the constitution, all the house, actuated by one of those principles which springs from pure patriotism, divesting themselves of all private interest, formed but one body, and, as if vying with one another in point of generosity, unanimously agreed to pass the following acts, which were signed in the morning by his Majesty. I. A proportionable distribution of imports. ' II. A renunciation of all privileges in townsand provinces. The inhabitants of Paris having patriotically renounced all theirs, re- quell a general
conformity in the kingdom, so that for the future a confederacy may be formed. III. The recovery of feudal rights. IV. Suppression of Mortmain, and all personal servitude. V. The price for the recovery of the clergy's rents to be as the profit of livings. VI. Abolition of all privileges of the chase and rangers' places. VII. Abolition of the Lords of the Manors' tribunals. VIII. Abolition of venality of office. IX. Justice distributed gratis to the people. X. Abolition of dove- houses and warrens. XI. Recovery of all tythes and quit rents. XII. No feudal rights, or any other of that kind to be created more. XIII. Abolition of casualties in livings ( such as
burials, & c.) except in towns. XIV. To encrease the curates salaries. XV. Suppression of annates ( the Pope will annually lose eight million of livres by it). XVI. Admission of all citizens into civil and military offices. XVn. Suppression of the right of deport a kind of first fruit paid by the rector to the bishop.) XVIII. Suppresion of wardenships. XIX. Plurality of livings suppressed. XX. A medal to be struck in commemoration of the happy day. XXI. Te Deum to be sung ai Versailles, and in every town of the kingdom. XXII. Louis XVI. to be proclaimed the restorer of French liberty. These articles were publicly read on the Exchange
yesterday, and occasioned the funds to rise two and a half per cent, im- mediately. Although M. Necker has been recalled by the almost unanimous. voice of the nation, no man had ever a more difficult part to act. While he can depend on the people, he may be able to carry his cup even, but, should emulation fire his mind, the consequences may be as fatal to himself as to the nation. On M. Necker's entering the balcony, at the Hotel de Ville of the President, he was presented with a cock- ade in the following words: " Sir, here are colours which you will cherish without doubt— they are those of liberty." Mr. Nccker then put it into
his hat. After he had done speaking to the Assembly, whose eyes, as well as those of the spectator, were shedding tears, a general voice agreed to his last sentence, by calling out, Merey, mercy, to . the guilty; a general am- nesty:—' The Assembly Came to a resolution of granting a general pardon, an oblivion in consequence of the festival which existed by the return of Mr. Necker-, and that the same should be read. But on a report of the above being made the next morning to the National Assembly, their opinions were very different, and a great debate ensued on the point. " That the electors of Paris had no right to grant a
general amnesty, as such power belonged only to the Assembly." In the afternoon they came to the following resolution: " That if a generous and humane people wish for ever to prohibit all proscriptions, it became the repre- sentatives of the nation to try and punish those Who were accused and convicted of having made any attempt against the safety, the liberty, and the public tranquility; that consequently the National Assembly persists in its former regulations, respecting the responsibility of Mini- sters,- and those entrusted with the executive power; and the establishment of a tribunal to pronounce, and a com- mittee to
receive informations, instructions, and intel- ligence." The most important tranfaction we have to relate is, the defection and coming over of the four regiments, who, by agreement, were to remain as the King's guard at Versailles. They have joined the national troops, who now do the King's duty in turn at Ver- sailles. The States General have accepted the offer of the Parisian militia, to protect them at Verfailles; 5000 are gone there for that purpose, in case of any com- motion .' The disturbances in the provinces are horrid to relate : near Mans, in the province of Maine, the Lord of a Manor, on requesting his tenants to cut down
some grass for his own use, agreeable to the custom of the manor, peasants inhumanly set on him, and chopped off his head and his son in law; who endeavoured to save him, experienced the same fate; At Lisle, the excesses have been great; burning of houses, & c. & c. The subjects of the Emperor, in Austrian Flanders are likewise beginning to shew a disposition very similar to those of France: a patriotic brewer, concerned in the former troubles, was apprehended, and committed to prison at Louvaine ; but from which he was soon after released by- the populate, and borne off in triumph. Another head was cut off on
Sunday last at St. Denis! The Mayor of that town, having made use of some ill- natured reply to some of the populace, who were complaining of the dearness and badness of bread, underwent the same fate with the unhappy Foulon. The mob were coming to Paris with the head, but were, prevented by the militia at the turnpike. In a dark dungeon in the Bastile, a dead body in chains has been found, in a narrow close cupboard, dried like an Egyptian mummy ; a sad victim to the mini- sterial despotism of former times. The Duke of Dorset has obtained permission to return to England whenever his Grace shall think proper. No
deserters from the army are in future to be re- ceived into the militia. ' The Prince de Lambeseq, after riding several nights and days in full gallop, arrived at Turin the 21st ult. Solemn masses have, been performed in different churches in Paris, for the re- establishment of peace in the capital, as well as to the memory of those who have fallen victims in the public cause. OAKHAM ANNIVERSARY. . THIS ANNIVERSARY will be holden on THurs- DAy the 27th of August Instant. Those Gentlemen and Ladies who intend to honour it with their Company, are informed, that the SpeEChes will begin at the School at Half past Twelve
o'Clock.. The EARL of EXETER, Stewards, | LORD SHERARD. • There will be OrdinarieS at the CROWN and GeOrge; and the Innholders will esteem it a particular Favor if those Gen- tlemen and Ladies, who intend to dine, will send their Names Three or Four Days before the Meeting. - A BALL at the SCHOOL in the EVENING. To the PrINTERS of the STAMFORD, & c. MERCURY. SIRS, FlETton, August 12th, 1789. I Presume the Clerk to the North Level Committee has sent you- the Resolutions of the Meeting at Wisbcch for Insertion this Week ; and as the Meeting was adjourned for the Purpose of receiving. Sir Sampson
Eardley's Answer to a Proposal of lowering the Interest from 5 to 3 per Cent, it will be a Satis- faction to me if ycu will insert this letter, or a Note at the Bottom of the Advertisement, signifying that Sir Sampson has authorized me, by a Letter I have just received, to inform the Meeting, that the Measure has his hearty Concurrence. — You may suppose me somewhat interested in the Matter, when I assure you, that it is what was recommended to the Duke of Bedford, and to Sir Sampson Eardley, in the Course of what I have written on the Subject. . I am, Sirs, your obedient humble Servant, GEO. MAXWELL. NORMANBY
INCLOSURE. NOTICE is hereby given, ThAT the Commissioners named in an Act of Parliament lately passed, entitled, " An Act for dividing and in- closing the open and Common Fields, Common Meadows, Common Pastures, and Waste Lands, in the Parish of Normanby, next Spittal, in the County of Lincoln," have appointed and staked out the following public Roads and highways within the said open and Common Fields, Common Meadows, Common Pastures, and Waste Lands, { viz.) n.. j „. beginning at the West End of the Town of Normanby aforesaid, and extending Westward over a Stone Bridge in the West Field; and
from thence Northward over the said Field, to a Gate leading into the lordship of Caenby. One other public Road or Highway, beginning at a Bridge over the River Ankholm, called Pilfer Bridge, and extending Westward over the Meadow and Common Pasture of Normanby aforesaid, to the North East Corner of an Inclosure in Owmby, called Oxfold Close. One Moiety of another public Road or Highway, beginning at the West End of the last- mentioned Road, ami extending Westward over the said Pasture and the East Field of Normanby, and along the South Side of the same, to the East End of a Lane at the South East Corner
of a Close called Quinting Close, in Normanby aforesaid. One other Moiety of another public Road or Highway, being the Eastern Half of the Turnpike Road leading from Lincoln to Brigg, so far as the same extends over the said Parish of Normanby. Dated at Spittal the Fifth Day of August, 1789, JOHN HUDSON. JOHN PARKINSON. THOMAS TURNELL. WINE LICENCES. Stamp- Office, Somerset- Place, London, July 13, 1789. Majesty's Commissioners for managing the Stamp- Duties do hereby give Notice, that there is daily Attendance at this Office ( Holidays excepted) from Half an Hour after Eight o'Clock in the Morning
till One in the Afternoon, for granting Wine licences : And whereas the said Commissioners have re- ceived Information that divers Persons sell wine by Retail without licence, contrary to Law, further Notice is hereby given, that unless they, do forthwith take out Licences they will be prosecuted as the Act of Parliament directs. By Order of the Commissioners, JOHN BRETTELL, Secretary. Note, Every Person selling Ale and Spirituous liquors is to produce those licences when he applies for his Wine Licence. NOTICE is hereby given, THAT a MILLER's STATUTE will be held at the- House of Mr. JOHN WOODFORD, the BLACK
SWAN INN, in STAMFORD, for hiring and recording Servants, on THURSDAY the t'd ot September next;. where the Favor of his Friends, and those of Mr. HYDE, who lately kept the said Inn, will be gratefully obeyed. ALL Persons who have anv Claim or Demand on the Estate and Effects of Mrs. SUSANNAH REID, late of Stamford, Widow, deceased, are desired to deliver an Account thereof to Mr. TORKINGTON, Attorney, in Stamford, before the First Day of September next, that the same may be discharged. ALL Persons who stood indebted to PANK EXTON, late of Toft, in the Parish of Witham- on- the- Hill, Lin- colnshire
Farmer, deceased, are required to pay their respective Debts immediately to MAJOR HART, of Bourn, in the said County, or they will be sued without further Notice. And all Persons to whom the said PANk EXTON was indebted at the Time of his decease, are desired t0 send their Accounts to the said MAJOR HART, in order that they may be discharged as soon as possible. Bourn, 8th August, 1789. To be L E T, And entered upon immediately, or at Michaelmas next, AHOUSE, with a Shop, Kitchen, and Two Par- lours; a very good Cellar, Dining Room, Chamber, and Two large Garrets, situate in the High- Street,
STAMFORD, late in Tenure of Mrs. Batson. For Particulars enquire of Mr. ALLATT, Stamford. LINCOLN, 8th August, 1789. To be LET or SOLD, And entered upon immediately, AVery good FREEHOLD MESSUAGE or TENEMENT, with a Brewhouse, Warehouse, Yard, Gar- den, Orchard, and other Conveniences, situate by the Water Side, in the Parish of Saint Swithin, in the City of LINCOLN, late in the Occupation of Mr. Joseph Firth; together with another TENEMENT, Warehouse, and Grainery, upon- the Bank of the River Witham, opposite the above Premises. For further Particulars enquire af Mr. BELL, Attorney, in
Lincoln. . AUCTION FOR READY MONEY. To be SOLD, iv By, HENRY CHAPMAN and THOMAS FRISBY, . At Orton, near Peterborough, on Tuesday the 25th of « and the Three following Days ALL the LIVE STOCK and HOUSHOLD FUR- NITURE, lately belonging to the Rev. JONAtHAn STUbbS, deceased consisting of Riding and Cart Horses, Cows and Calves; exceeding good Beds and Bedding; Mahogany Chairs, Tabled, and Drawers ; Carpets; Glasses; Plate.; together with a large Assortment of China and Earthen Ware; Kitchen Utensils; Brewing Copper, Tubs, 1- c with a Variety of other useful Goods, as will be
described in the Catalogues, which will be ready for delivery on Saturday the lii of August, at the Angel Inn, Peter, borough; the Bell Inn, Stilton; the Talbot Inn, Oundle the Bull Inn, Stamford ; and the AuCTioneERs at Peterborough. The Goods may be viewed on Monday the 14th of August. The Stock will be sold the First Day. suMMER THE Spring and Autumn are the Seasons in which the numerous Evils generally appear, occasioned by the Reten- tion, or the Introduction of acrid and malignant Humours in the human Body; Antiscorbutic and alterative Remedies are prescribed in those Seafons, the most celebrated and
efficacious of which is the Vegetable Syrup of de Velnos. An Opinion has therefore been ormed, that other seasons are unfavourable to such Remedies. This is not the Case; the Warmth of the Summer assists the salu- tary Operations of the Vegetable Syrup, and accelerates difficult Cures. Mr. SWAINsOn, the sole Proprietor of the authentic Recipe, and the only Person in England who can prepare the genuine Medi- cine, wishes to guard the Afflicted against the above Misapprehen- sion, and to assure the Public, that he has spared no Attention or Assiduity in preparing, preserving, and delivering the Vegetable Syrup in the
best possible Condition. Mr. Swainson has just published an Account of Cases, superior in Number, Importance, and Credit, to any medical Book pro- duced by the Experience of One Man; and he has addeed such directions and Observations as, by little Attention, will enable those who want Assistance to judge of the Propriety or Impropriety of using the Medicine. Mr. SWAINSON has just sent a fresh Stock of the above Syrup to Mr. NeWCOMB, STAMford, his Wholesale Vender for the Cities and Towns within the Circuit of this Paper, who will sup- ply the Venders and the Public on the same Terms as at his House in Frith-
Street. Friday's Post, by Express. LONDON, ThuRSDAy EVEniNg. Every account from Weymouth respecting his Majesty, the Queen, and Princesses, are satisfactory and pleasing; — they are all well. Bathing has agreed so well with his Majesty, that he has now his wonted florid countenance' and chearful spirits. The birth- day of the Prince of Wales was yesterday celebrated in London and Westminster. The clubs in St. James's- street, and the tradesmen employed by the several branches of the Royal Family, in all parts of the town, vied with one another in the splendour of their illuminations. Lords Chatham and Hood set off
yesterday for Ply- mouth, in order to be present at the naval review at that place before his Majesty Yesterday the Duke of Dorset arrived in town from Paris, and immediately went to the Duke of Leed's, in Grosvenor- square. His Grace visits his Majesty in the West of the kingdom immediately. The following arrangement of the new Board of Ad- miralty may be depended on : Lord Chatham, Lord Belgrave, Lord Hood, Sir Francis Drake, Lord Arden, Hon. J. Townshend. . Lord Westmoreland is appointed to the post- office, ia the room of Lord Carteret. Lord Salisbury is created Marquis of Salisbury, and Lord Weymouth, Marquis
of Bath. Advices were received in town yesterday morning, from Hamburg, which state, that an engagement hap- pened on the 25th of July, between the Duc de Suder- mania's and the Russian squadrons, to the south- west of the port of Helsingfors: It lasted feveral hours. A second engagement is also stated as having happened on the 27th ( two days after); but they have no particulars of either. It was reported, however, that the first was decidedly in favour of the Swedes, whose smaller ships were more manageable than those of the Russians, the whole having happened in stil water. The Swedish gal- lies, which were
numerous, are reported to have galled the Russians in a remarkable manner. Sugars are advanced to a very high price within these few days, occasioned by the demands for the Northern powers, and the very great failure of crops in the French West India Islands. Recent letters from Paris state with confidence, that a remarkable natural phenomenon had occurred in that capital:— the wife of a poor man, a gunsmith's en- graver, in the Rue St. Germain l'Auxerrois et Traiteure, died some time past, in childbed, leaving several chil- dren alive, beside her last infant, the eldest of which, a girl of ten years of age, in order to quiet her
little relative, was in the constant habit of giving it her own breast, which, strange to relate ! at length afforded that nutriment which is only derived from maternal resources! The letter further states, that this extraordinary cir- cumstance had been known to the King's physician, who had Visited the girl, to prove the truth of the rela- tion, which, if an artful deception, was so wonderfully executed, as to deceive many of the best- informed people in Paris. Sixty thousand negroes says Mr. Gibbon in his pompous manner) annually exported from the coast of Guinea, evince the guilt of Europe and the weakness of Africa. On Saturday
last, a strawberry was taken from a bush at Bothwell Castle garden, measuring five inches in cir- cumference. Yesterday about three o'clock a fire broke out at a starch manufactory in Greyhound- lane, WhitechapeL road, which entirely consumed the new buildings. The dwelling- house adjoining sustained no material injury. CORN - LETTER. MARK- LANe Monday, August 10. Our Market was pretty well supplied with wheats to- day which went off exceeding heavily and considerably cheaper, and i pretty many remained unsold, our buyers being of opinion prices must still be lower. Barleys and malts were rather scarce, yet thejr
went off heavily, if not very fine indeed; and we have verv few buyers of malt at prefent. Rye and good hard beans sold pretty readily, but white pease were exceeding dull, and oats rather cheaper, having several fresh arrivals. Some samples of new wheat were at market, and offered it 57s. Total 2116 qrs. sold this day. Average price ; 6s. ; Jd. per quarter, 4s. 11d. below last week's average. Current price of all grain per quarter, as under. Starch wheat 40s. to 48s. Mealing o. 50s^ t0j7s. od. Fine do. to 6os. od. Rye 30s. to 3 2s. od. Barley 13s. to 26s. cd. P. Malt 27s. to 32s. od. Am. do. 27s. to 32s. od. Fine do. to 33s. 6d. Hog
pease 20s, to 14s. ad. White do. jo . to 23s, Fine boilers 26s. to 29s. od. Small beans 22s. . to 231. 6d. Old to 009. ad. Ticks 203. to 2lS, od. Oats 14s. to t6t. fine t7 » . 61. New rapes 2SI. ts 29I. per last. FLOUR. Fine flour, 45s. to 48s. per sack. I Pollard fine, ooj. to acs « . Seconds . Coarse ditto, . Thirds . Bran, Middlings,
STAMFORD, AUG. 14 On Sunday last the annual sermon was preached by the Rev. Mr. Atlay in St. Martin's church in this place for the benefit of the Sunday schools establish'd in that parish, and a collection made at the door by ihe Rev. Mr. Arch- deacon Tyson, and Mrs. Mottram, which amounted to nearly 47 pounds. During divine service the 100th Psalm, and an Anthem on the occasion by Dr. Miller, were per- form'd in a very masterly manner.— By the liberality of the contributors, the committee have not only been enabled to support the schools, but also to give confiderablc encou- ragement to such ccholars as have spun
themselves cloathing. Since the institution above 100 children have been admitted, and there are at. this time upwards of 60 which constantly : attend. Tuesday was married, at Islington, Mr. Coddington, one of the aldermen of this corporation, to Miss Darke, of Fenchurch- street, London. Yesterday was married at Lilford, the seat of Thomas Powys, Esq. Christopher Nevile, esq. of Wellingore, in this county, to Miss Mann, a lady possessed of an ample fortune, and endowed with every accomplishment both of person and mind, A few days ago was married, the Rev. Samuel Bateman, A. M. Rector of Farthingstone, in ihe county
of North- ampton, to Miss Ann Aglionby, third daughter of the late Henry Aglionby, Esq; of Nunnery, in Cumberland. On Saturday was married at St. John Baptist, Peterboro', Mr. Allen, to Miss Anne Russell, both of that city. On Saturday was married, Mr. Nat. Pearce, of Brampton, in Northamptonshire, to Miss Reid, of Leicester. Last week died, in Chapel- street, Grosvenor- square,' the Right Hon. Dowager Lady Carbery, grandmother of the Right Hon. Lord Carbery, of Laxton' Hall, near this place.— By the death of the above lady, Lord Carbery comes into the immediate possession of a real rental of several thousand pounds
per annum. Her Ladyship's personal estate, which is likewise considerable, goes by will to the Hon. Mrs. Davy, aunt to his Lordship. In addition to what we mentioned would form a leading clause in the new act [ vide Stamford Mercury, July 16,] re- specting Carriages, may be placed the following, abstracted from the act itself, which did not receive the Royal assent until the first of August: From July 5, 1789, carriages with two or three wheels, ( drawn by one or more horses), ufed for pleasure and not generally for hushandry or trade, are to pay a duty of three pounds ten shillings per ann. and if not entered, the owners to forfeit
7l. for each ; half to be paid to the informer, and the other half to the collectors of the duty. Bv the same act, no person will in future be allowed to take a licence to deal in horses, unless he or they deliver a decla- ration of the particular place and places where such business is to be carried on.— If horse- dealers keep horses for riding or drawing, and not for sale, they are to he charged for them by the assessors, in the same manner as if they had no licence. Several of the London News Printers have advanced the price of their papers to fourpence each ; whilst others con- tent themselves with laying on only the additional duty
of an halfpenny ; the fourpenny printers plead ( justly enough in a degree, it must be allowed) the advanced price of paper, wages, and other certain increased expences on the business. It is deserving notice, two of these papers absolutely assert, that their sale has increased since the additional duty took place A correspondent observes, that in no instance in his me- mory, the motto on the newspaper stamp, " SEMPEr eADEM" could better bear the burlesque translation of WORSE and worse than in its present application. He adds, he is certain the Commissioners of the Stamps un- derstand it in the above sense, or, they
would certainly have ordered their engraver to have erased it, and let the additional word halfpenny have occupied its place. The harvest is generally begun in this neighbourhood.— The crops are as promising as for many years past ;— no com- plaint for want of produce, that we hear of, except in beans and pease the pods of which are said to he not well filled. Bv the most authentic accounts from several parts of the corn counties ( both by letters and other information), it ap- pears that the late high price of corn and flour is to be solely attributed to the iniquitous combinations of the corn- factors, rich farmers, mealmen, and
other engrossers and monopolizers, and not to any real scarcity of the article in hand. Coals, which for years past were sold here in the summer months at 30s. per chaldron, are now advanced to 32s. owing, as we are assured, to a combination among the colliers for an advance of their wages, which their masters complied with ) added to which, the masters of the Coal ships have entered into an agreement— not for the benefit of the poor, or the dealers in coals A mountebank doctor has made his appearance in St. Martin's, Stamford Baron, and in the neighbouring towns in Northamptonshire, to the great hurt of the pockets of
the labouring poor, apprentice boys, & c. & c.—- those who have it in their power should protect the unwary from the arts of such vagrants. Singular instance of longevity and health.— Last week passed through this town, from Inverness, in Scotland, in his way to London, - Maclcod, an out- pensioner of Chelsea Hospital:— This extraordinary man is in the one hundred and first year of his age, yet walks as brisk as most young men His object in going to town, is to solicit some little assistance through the medium of the Colonel in whose regiment he last served, he having married a second wife, by whom he has One son
between six and seven years of age; and he states, that in all probability he shall soon have a further increase of family, and that his pension will not be sufficient to support them! He is a remarkable stout man, of a florid Complexion — his hair is perfectly white.— He first enlisted in the army two years previous to Queen Anne's ascending the throne, and served in Germany under the great Duke of Marlbo- rough, in all that Queen's wars. Notwilhstanding the number of dictionaries which have been published, and the repeated efforts of a Johnson, a Fenning, and a Sheridan, to retrieve our language from its former barbarism
and vulgarity of diction, it still retains innumerable inaccuracies. the following is copied ver- batim from a bill handed About by an itinerant gentleman, in a neighbouring village : —" By the Justes Leave— this to to A Quant the Publick in Genral that thear is eh Rived in this Town Mills the Noted Fire Eater who intendes to Go True Most Wonders full & Suprisen Art of Dexterty of Hand : he Will entain the Compney With First of Devirtion the first Ben the salor a hornpip— the Secant A Nattalon Schrimoiuh- thordly Nantv Dawson— Fortly the tumbler— fiftly a poster Master and Master Punch— sixly Master P Wise — Sevenly the
Deavel Carey all away— the Next is eh Song t0 conClude With eh Large Peach of Clock Works which Chymes 5 Tw Desrents one from the other likwis 2 Minit- with and 3 Dances." A human skeleton has been found in a pasture called Park- House, in the parrfti of Staindrop, a few yards from the road between Alston town, in Cumberland, and Woltingham, in the county of Durham. It measured six feet two inches in length, and seemed not to have been long in the earth. The inhabitants there remember to have heard the report of a pistol a considerable time ago, and as no person was missing, they are induced to think that some
stranger must have been murdered. A suspicious person in the neighbourhood, on hearing of the skeleton being found, has disappeared, with- Out any apparent cause ; and a gentleman there supposing the deceased might have been a person from Manchester, has written to a friend there to have the matter made public. Tuesday night last, a man at Whaplode, in this county, Cut his throat, and was found in a terrible condition in bed the next morning with hit wife.— The poor man languished till next day, and died in- great agonies. The coroner's verdict, lunacy. Last Wednesday evening, as a servant woman with a child, ) i
WaS returniug from Altringham fair, by the Duke's Cut, near Chester, the child being a little way before the woman, it fell into the water, and the woman, in attempting to save it, fell in also, and they were both unfortunately drowned," At Leicester, John Smith, alias Dyson, ( removed by habeas from Peterborough) for horse stealing, was found guilty, and received sentence of death. Wm. Hamer, Con- victed of manslaughter, was fined is. and ordered to be im- prisoned three months. . At Norwich, for the county of Norfolk, six prisoners Were capitally convicted, viz, William Hook the younger, and Richard Turner, ( there were ten
other indictments against the above for divers burglaries and felonies), james Banks the elder, James Waterson, and William Bunnett, all for burg- laries ; and Robert Barnes, for horse- stealing The Judge reprieved Barnes; Waterson, and Bunnett; and left Hook; Turner, and Banks, sen. for execution. . David and Elizabeth Dickerson were tried, charged with starving to death, a daughter of the said David Dickerson; the child, when dead, though of the age of nine years, weighed no more than nine pounds; which, however, the surgeon who had examined it, said upon the trial, that it was possible such a decay might have been
occasioned by some internal disease: There were many unfeeling and aggravating circumstances in the course of the trial, which lasted more than three hours; but which, however, were not considered as proving the fact they were charged with as the jury, after, being out of court above an hour and finding they could not punish them short of death, brought in a verdict, not guilty At Norwich was tried a cause, Curry versus Sharp, It. was an action of ejectment brought for the recovery of an estate, dependent on a child being born alive. Many wit- nesses were called in on both sides, to prove the existence of the infant, which at
most could not exceed half an hour. A great deal of ingenuity was displayed by the counsel, and infinite pains taken for both plaintiff and defendant. The trial lasted from six o'clock in the evening till half past twelve at night, when a verdict was found for the plaintiff. Duke of Norfolk against Blanch — This was an action; brought by the Duke, as lord of the manor of Framlingham, against Mr. Blanch, a copyhold tenant of the Duke's manor, for lopping of trees, standing upon the common belonging to the said manor. The jury, which was a special one, con- ceived Mr. B. had a right to do so, and found a verdict for him. At Croydon,
for the county of Surry, the following con- victs received judgment of death, viz. James Jacobs; for robbing James French ; Elizabeth Baker, for shoplifting ; John Lane, for horse- stealing ; and Richard Verrien, for picking a pocket; but none of them were ordered for exe- cution. During the course of the gaol delivery, Eleanor Douglas was tried for simple grand larcency, in stealing the clothes of a child not six months old, belonging to a- poor labouring man of the name of Cunningham, of which she had the care during the illness of its mother. It appeared that she had in some secret manner disposed of the child itself, and had
refused to give any account of what had become of it. The jury found her guilty ; and Lord Loughborough re- spited her sentence in order to afford her an opportunity of disclosing, at the next assizes, the particulars of this horrid and mysterious transaction. It was in general supposed that she had sold the child ; but whether alive for the purpose of supplying a suppositious heir to some family estate, or dead for the purposes of anatomical dissection, was altogether uncertain. The learned and humane Judge endeavoured, with all the powers of his eloquence, to persuade her to give some ac- count of it ; but his endeavours were
exerted in vain ; she stood sullen and silent, with her eyes fixed on the ground, until the gaoler removed her from the bar. At Glocester, a cause of the utmost importance to the li. berty of the subject, was tried before Mr. Baron Perryn. for a malicious prosecution, wherein Thomas Jefferis, of Warm, ley, Glourestershire, carpenter, was the plaintiff; and George James, of Knowle- hill, Somersetshire, attorney at law, was the defendant; when the maliciousness of the prosecution was fully proved to the satisfaction of the judge and a crouded court, aud a verdict obtained for the plaintiff of 8501. da- mages and costs of suite. • Two
causes were tried at Salisbury assizes, before Mr. Justice Buller;— Boyter Versus Hibberd and Htibberd versus Boyter; in which a rare circumstance occurred— both the parties were nonsuited. One of these actions was brought for monies advanced upon a note of hand: but the note being drawn upon an improper stamp, was illegal, and a nonsuit followed of course. William Earl, for ravishing Sarah Spicer, was executed at Winchester on Saturday. He behaved in a decent and becoming manner, and acknowledged the justness of his sentence. He prayed with great fervour, which brought tears from many people ; and before
he was turned off, said to the numerous spectators, " I forgive all my enemies, and hope they will forgive me. I wish all the young men round about me, will take warning by my untimely end, and be cautious how thy have any thing to say to the fair sex, for they will take advantage where they can." He was then launched into eternity, amidst many hundreds of beholders, Wednesday John Dowsing, late of Halesworth, in Suf- folk, labourer, was executed at Rushmere, near Ipswich, for the murder of his wife. Notwithstanding the excessive heat of the day., he was attended to the place of execution by a vast number of people. In
his last moments he persisted in his innocence of the murder, but acknowledged he merited such an ignominious death, for the transgressions of his life. After hanging his usual time he was cut down, and his body given to Mr. Stubbing, surgeon, in Ipswich, in order to be dissected. He was 57 years of age. Monday Hannah Whitely was executed at Tyburn, near York, pursuant to her fentence. She appeared very- penitent; and her body, after hanging the usual time, was sent to the county hospital for dissection. Edward Robinson, who received sentence of death at the last assizes for the city of York, and who had eight separate
indictments preferred against him, is reprieved ! Meteorological Journal of the weather in Stamford. BY MR. RAYMENT. Thermometer A meteorological acCcount of the weather for July, 1789, at Edmonton, ' lat. 51 deg. 37 min. 57 sec. N. long. 3 min. of a degree W. of Greenwich, by J. A. junior. — Days wet 8 ; cloudy 15 .; clear 8.— Prevailing winds N. z days; S. F.. 1 ; S. 2 ; S. W. 21; VV. 4; N. W. 1.— Greatest height of Fahrenheit's Ther mometer exposed to the North in the shade, 78; least height,. 56. Greatest height of the Barometer, 30. 18 inches; least height, 29. 68 inches. Depth of rain fallen, is 2,555 inches. Ther mometer 78 at 4. P. M-. the 3d; thunder to the Westward A. M the 4th; S. VV. at 11, A. M. the 13th; to the Westward P. M. the 18th; and very heavy to the N. W. about noon the 20th. Ther- mometer 56 at 4 P. M. the 23d, a water spout at 6 P. M. the 19th, about 14 miles to the Westward. A most brilliant parhelion, about 7 or 8 degrees to the Northward of the sun at 7 P. M. the . 26th ; about three- fourths of the sun's disk, below, was obscured by the clouds; the phenomenon was so perfectly reflected, that a gentle- man present doubted which was the real sun. . BOSTON SHIP NEWS, to the 11th August. . Foreign inward.
Boston, Mountain, and Sarah, Smith, both from Norway, with deals, Sec. Polly, Dale, from Rotterdam, with wainscot, Sec. En- deavour, Whittingham, from Memel, with timber. Coasters inward. Sophia Ann, Walker; Friendship, Usher; Stephen and Mary, Reed ; Sally's Increase, Brown ; Dart, Tin- dall ; Sally, Haswell; Rippon, Davison; Providence, Smart; Nancy, Bortch; Essay, Bedlington; Providence, Wilkin; Eliza- beth, Spaul; Maria, Kildill; Hercules, Ashton ; Isabella, Kidd, Ann, Adamson ; and Providence, Heward, all from Sunderland; with coals. Hopewell, Balmforth and Sally, BacchuS both from Hull; with coals. JaMes
WatSon, and Zephyr, Addison, both from Newcastle, with coals. Mayflower, Wilson, from Blythnook, with coals. Supply, Gilbert, from Bristol With wine, cyder, & c, Providence EndeaVour, Salmon, and Three Brothers, Leak( both from London, with groceries, & c. Nancy, Hartley; John and Susannah, Martinson ; and Diligent, Lake, from Hull; with flag- stones, tiles, & c. Coasters outward. Nautilus, Thompson; Generous friend; Morton ; Mary, Cobb; British Queen, Losler ; Sally, Chamber- land; Friendship,' Usher; Supply, Gilbert; Ambler, Farrand; Thomas and Sally, Christie ; William, Long; Boston, Mountain; and Providence's
Endeavour, Jackson, all for London, with oats, wheat, flour & c. Mary Ann, Raper; Bell, Baines ; and Hope, well, Balmforth, all for Hull, with wheat, oats, & c. Tryal, Daudisson, for Lynn, with wool, woollen yarn, & c. Polly, Dale, for Leith, with wheat. GAINSBRO'-. ' CoasterS arrived and sailed. Arrived. Hope, Buxton ; Abigail, Stothard ; and Aftive, Gilderdale, all from London. Wil- liamann Ann, Johnson, from Newcastle. Sailed. Newark, Warham; Derby, Popple- . , well ; and Unity, Popplewell, all or London. Betty, Scholding, for Ipswich, Sally, Wall, for Colchester. WISBECH SHIP NEWS to the 12th of August. Coasters inward.
Dorothy, Wellbury ; Thetis, Parker; John and Mary, Bird ; Two Brothers, Jefferson; Nelly, Peebles; Barbara, Smart; Goodintent, Miller; William, Bamborough; and George, Robinson, all from Sunderland, with coals. Attempt, Brown; and Friendship, Stuart, both from New- castle, with coals. Wisbech Packet, Grimwood, from Hull, with coals and stone. Peggy, Donald, from Liverpool, with salt. Coasters outward. Defiance, Forbes; Echo, Sherwin; and Tryal, Dixon, for London, with oats, mustard seed, and pease. Adventure, Staniland, Hope, Beatley; and Wisbech Packet, Grimwood, all for Leith, with wheat, flour, and oats. . Young
Nancy, Jewitt, and Endeavour, Woodcock, for Hull, with beans and oats. Ten ships in ballast for Shields, Newcastle, and Blyth. PRICES of CORN at the following Places,' viz. , - Stamford, Friday, Aug. 7. Wheat, 60s od to 62s od per qr. I Oats, Oos. od. to 00s. od. perqr. Barley, 3 7s. od. to 00s. od. | Beans, 28s. od. to 30s. od. Lincoln, Friday, Aug. 7. Wheat, 58s. to 62s. per quarter. I Oats, 00s. od. to 00s. per < jr. Ry « , 36s. to 38s. Beans, 26s. to 00s. Barley, 00s. od. to 00s. | • . Gainsborough, Tuesday, Aug. It. Wheat, 59s. to 60S. od. per qr. I Oats, 13s. toi6s. per quarter. Rye, 325. to 36s. | Beans, 25s. to 28s. NEWARK,
August . Prices of Corn yesterday: Pit Coal, 10s. od. per ton.— Yorkshire ditto, 24s. per chaldron. Salt, 111. 10s. per ton. Linseed Cakes, 61. tts. per ton. Last Saturday died, Mr. William Lowe, formerly master of the Rein Dear inn, in this town, but lately of the Blue Bell, on Beacon Hill. Wheat imported at Liverpool last week from Maryland, 9921 bushels, 990 quarters; ditto from Ireland, 633 bags. LINCOLN, AUG. 13. On Thursday last was married at Welton, near Hull, Mr. Wilkinson, nephew to Mr. Robert Markland, merchant in Hull, to Miss. Payne, daughter to Mr. Payne, of the former place. A few days ago died at Barton upon- Humber, Mr. Bennett, attorney at law there. Yesterday se'nnight died at Hull, Mr, Thomas Sutton, of Howden. Death last week cut down the largest man in all Lancashire ! namely, Mr. Samuel Grundy, clothier, near Bury; whole bodily dimensions were so capacious, that it may be said of him, with Falstaff, He was long a stranger to the sight of his own knee. At our asszes was tried before Mr. Baron Hotham and a special jury, a cause relative to the right of stocking Wild- more Fen, in this county, wherein Jonathan Taylor was the plaintiff, and William Milnes the defendant. — The action was brought by the plaintiff as the
occupier of a house and land in Horncastle, with a right of common on Wildmore fen, against the defendant, for damage done by him in stock- ing the fen.— Upon the trial, it was clearly proved by the plaintiff's witnesses, upon their cross- examination, that the right to stock was appurtenant to the houses only, and that the defendant was the occupier of a common- right house in the parish of Gunsby, where he slept once a month and oftener, and paid parish rates, and that such an occupier was entitled, by immemorial custom, to an unlimited right to stock the fen, and without paying any regard to the law of levancy and
couchancy, which the plaintiff's counsel con- tended was absolutely necessary.— The plaintiff's witnesses having proved the defendant's case, he called no evidence on his part, and the jury withdrew for a short time, and then gave a verdict for the defendant, to the entire satisfaction of the Judge and Court.— Attorney for the plaintiff, Mr. Pen- nel, Horncastle; for the defendant, Mr. Mills, of the- same, place. Friday last John George, alias Smith flint, was executed here, pursuant to his sentence at the last assizes, for burglary and horse- stealing.— He declared to the Rev. Mr. Hare, who attended him, that he did not commit the
burglary, but owned that he knew of it, and received the goods at a village two miles from Quadring. He walked to the fatal tree, where to the last moment he declared that he was not the man who broke into the house, and ill- treated Mr. Stafford. He warned the spectators to avoid smugglers and lewd women, and acknowledged to stealing several horses and mares. No man, at the place of execution, ever acted with greater fortitude. Committed to the county goal, On the 8th of this month, by Mr. John Inett, Susanna Dixon, of Saltfleet, charged with murdering Ann Smith, an infant six months old, daugh- ter of Elizabeth Smith, a
single woman. A person of Leeds, who for several years had been vio- lently afflicted with the stone and gravel, on Friday morning parted with a stone, which measured two inches round, the oblong way, and one inch and three- eighths the other way. — This he attributes to the prescription of an eminent phy- sician, who ordered him to use a quantity of honey in his tea. On Sunday last, a man at Rotherham, undertook, for a wager of 5s. to eat sixty eggs in half an hour, which, to his honour, he performed with ease. We cannot but add our wish, that he might have received a further reward for his Sunday amusement, from the
hands of a constable. Mr. James Clark, at the Reddock, parish of Polmont, Scotland, has a cow which had eight calves in the space of three years and one month, viz. four times twins. Last week the following melancholy accident happened at Farringdon, in Somersetshire A young man placing hay on the top of the mow, unfortunately fell, and striking his head against a pick stuck upright in the ground, the same entered between his chin and throat, and drove up to his brain. He died a few hours after in the greatest agonies. About four o'clock in the afternoon of the 6th ult. a most melancholy accident happened upon a
Peatmoor, near Horse House, in Coverdale, in the North Riding of Yorkshire, occasioned by lightning— A man and two boys employed in digging for peats, observing the approach of a very heavy shower of rain, ran off towards a hut about 200 yards distance, for shelter; they went in a direct line, one after the other— when the lightning struck the old man, tore off his stockings and shoes, and burnt his legs: The elder boy, at the distance of about five yards from the old man, was struck dead, and rendered a most dreadful spectacle, his forehead, breast, thighs, and legs, being mangled in a most terrible manner — his hat was
rent in pieces, his waistcoat and breeches much torn, and all his buttons and buckles melted, and an aperture made in the ground in two places near him. The other boy about twenty yards behind his Companions, was also struck senseless, and remained so for fome time, but afterwards recovered. The old man Continues very lame, and it is feared will be a Cripple for life. On the 26th the the body of a young woman, called Han- nah Corbrigg, was found murdered in a field near Barraside in the parish of Whalley Lancashire her head was almost seVered from the body which was afterwards opened, and a large quantity of
arscnic was found in the stomach., This unfortunate girl was with child and circumstance's of suspi- cion falling on a neighbouring family, the father, mother; and a daughter are said to be apprehended, and lodged in lan- cashire goal. Search is making for the son, whose name is Christopher Hartley; he is about eighteen years of age, made his escape from the constable of the township, and is supposed to have embarked for Ireland. . - The AllianCe, Brown, with seven fish ; and the Brothers Straitsman ( late Mabb) with five- fish, are arrived at Hull from Davis's Straits. The last ships from Greenland bring an account, that Cap tain Brown, of the Unicorn, had fallen from the mast head and was killed instantly.— He has left a widow with five dren. HULL, August 10. Imports. Adventure, Selby, from : With oak plank and bark ,. Memel, with fir timber, staves, & c Isabella, Willis, from Riga, with wainscot 1 - Empress, Daiziel, from Petersburg David and Jean; Law, from Maldow, with tar Alfred, Walker, and Nicholas and Jane, Batchelor, both from. Petersburg, with iron, deals, & sc. Douro, Leonard, from Gesle, . with iron, deals, & c. Hamburg Packet, Atkinson, from Hamburg, with yarn, skins staves, rags, & c. Francis, Jackson, from Rotterdam, with geneva,
old iron, madder, staves, & c. Pitt, Harrison, from Stockholm Barbant, Courser, from Ostend.. Swallow, Anderson, and Oak, Bennet, both from Dunkirk. Wakefield, Lundie, from Oporto. Exports. Ceres, Cornwell, for Cadiz, with woollen drapery, cotton stuffs, rum, & c. Amsterdam, Berg, for Amsterdam, with woollendrapery, cotton stuff's, & c Rufford, Walkden, for Riga . with woollendrapery, ironmongersware, & c. Benjamin, Sharp, for Revel, with woollen drapery. Britain Atkinson, for Dun- kirk, with lead, woollendrapery, & E>. - Wood . Hamburg, with woollendrapery, & c. Swan, bale goods. Coasters arrived. Leicester, Brooke;
Providence, Moody; Friendship, Stephenson; Elizabeth, Power; Nottingham, Cog- grave; Mould, Mason; Leeds Packet, Purvis ; Excellent, Parkin ; Adventure, Smeaton ; Endeavour, Blanch; Rose, Taylor; June, Pearpoint; and Hecton, Simms, all from London. Industry Prince, from Aberdeen Mary Ann, Raper, from Boston. Jason Hopper, and Peggy, Morris, both from Lynn. Speedwell, Draper, . from Grimsby. william and Ann, Johnson, from Alemouth. Arno, Cooper, from Yarmouth. Syren, Hughes, from Beaumaris, Newcastle, Ward, from Newcastle. Vine, Calender fromi Roch- fort. Coasters sailed. Nancy, Saul; Adventure,
Dockrea; Eagle, Scutt; Unity, Gibbon ; Manchester, Hunt; Ann, Wharam; Martin, Johnson ; Molly, Sharp; Halifax, Ward; Halifax, Sta- niland; PhosphoruS, Crabtree ; and Ripon, Davis, all for LondOn Friends Goodwill, Swift; for Scarborough and Newcastle. HaWk, Stott, and Olive Branch, Grayburn, both for Rochester; Countess of Errol, Low, for Aberdeen. Good Intent, Broom, and Man- ning, Pashey, both for Yarmouth. Trynham, Wishart, for Orangemouth. Active, Unthank; Elizabeth, Lowe; and Sally, English, all for Whitby. John and Susannahr Martinson; Sally. Bacchus; and Diligent, Lake, all for Boston. Bursall, Tong, and
Active, Moody, both for Lynn. Good Intent, Carter, for Brid- lington and Scarbro'. Wisbech Packet, Grimwood, and Rodney, Baker, both for Wisbech. Britannia, Graham, for Newcastle. CAMBRIDGE, AUGUST' 12. Lord Suffield has been pleased to present the Rev. Erasmus Druery, to the vicarage of Thorpe- Market, in the county of Norfolk. . Thursday was married, at Isleworth, the Rev. Mr. Powell, vicar, of Bitteswell, Leicestershire, to Miss Twining, eldest daughter of Mr. Twining, of Isleworth. From Saxmundham, in Suffolk, on Sunday evening, Miss Bell, daughter and heiress of Christopher Bell. Esq; eloped With a Mr. Studd,
first mate of the Manship East Indiaman We wish them a happy voyage to Gretna- Green.- Her lover, that is, her husband that will be, is an able mariner, and will doubtless steer her safe into port. The price of wheat fell in our market last Saturday from 4s. to f, i. per load of five bushels. As John Codden, a lad belonging to Womenswould, in Kent, was leading a cow to field on Sunday last, he im- prudently tied a rope, which was fastened to the cow's- horns, round his wrist, when the animal being irritated, by the bite of a species of fly called brimps, the boy, unable to disen- angle himself, was dragged near a mile, and almost
torn to pieces before any person could lend him assistance. He lived about an hour after, but never spoke a word. There is now in Mr. Sicklemore's garden in Ipswich, a last year's seedling carnation, the measure ten inches and half in circumference ; a fine purple bizarre, and very full of petals; besides many other sorts, well worth the notice of the admirers of that beautiful flower. A man, named Peter Buxton, is committed to Wy- mondham bridewell, for leaving his family chargeable to the parish of Diss in Norfolk ; he left his wife and three children at Diss about eighteen years since, and went into . Sussex, where he was
married to another person, by whom he has had Seventeen children, and was apprehended whilst living with her Daniel Mileham, a poor labouring man in the parish of Dil- liam, in Norfolk, who had been deprived of senses for more than twenty years chained down to the floor of the chamber, in a small cottage in that village, attended by his ancient mother, and maintained by his brother, was found stretched out on the floor on Friday last, supposed to be dead, by the mother; and on the return of her son from work, she told him Daniel was dead ; he then went to the chamber, and finding his brother not cold, called him by his
name ; Daniel instantlv arising, asked him what he wanted; and from that moment has had his perfect senses. he has not had any clothes on for more than ten years ; his beard, which was more than six inches long, was cut off on Saturday last; he was shaved, and has walked the fields ever since, attended by his good old mother.— Extraordinary as the above appears, it may be depended on as a fact. A most melancholy accident happened near Downham bridge, early on Wednesday morning. As four gentlemen who had been on a water excursion, were passing the bridge, one of tbe party, Mr. William Beadon, nephew to
the Bishop of Gloucester, by some accident unfortunately slipped, fell overboard, and was drowned. His remains were interred on Wednesday evening in the chapel of Jesus college, A melancholy accident happened at Windsor last Week, William Smith, a laborious carpenter, being at work in a store- house for deals, the wall supporting the roof suddenly gave way, and the whole building fell into Clewer lane. A deal partition and several pair of rails falling on the poor man, he was killed on the spot. An inquisition was held on the body, and the coronet's jury brought in their verdict, accidental death. Oxford, August 8. This week at
the election at Merton college, the following gentlemen were chosen Fellows of that Society; viz. Mr. Boulter, of Merton ; Mr. Carr, of Christ church, and Mr. Parker, of Oriel college. The Reverend Daniel Hughes, B. D. of Jesus college, has been presented by William John Lenthal, Esq. to the rectorv of Yelford, in this county. Yesterday was executed at Red- hill gallows, near Worces- ter, pursuant to their sentence, Henry Noxon, John Flem- ming, Richard Salter, and William Hill, for house- breaking; and John Wilks, for sheep- stealing. History can scarce afford a like cirCumstance.-. an unfor- tunate wretch, at the advanced age
of 84, falling a victim to his country's law, and terminating his existance by an igno- minous death. HUNTINGDON RACES concluded. Thursday, August 6, 50l. weight for a; e, was won by Lord Hinchingbrook's bay horse, Woodcock, 6 yearss old Mr. Broadhurst'S chesnUt mare, Nina, 5 years old —• NOTTINGHAM RACes. Tuesday, Aug. 11, his Majesty's purse of 1oogs. for 6 yrs olds. Mr. Clifton's bay horse, Attraction The Prince of WaleS's bay horse, brother to Steady The 50l. for four years olds, was Won by lord Grosvenor's bay horse, Amidas Mr. Inchley's chesnut horse Little- thoUght- of
For the sT AMFORD, & C. MerCUry . eFfecTS oF PITY, A SIMILE. ( by PeTER PINDAR, Esq. jun.) WHEN knaves, and fools, in folly's league combine, Some merciful— and Others witty Alas how hapless is his fate, How wretched is his sad estate, Who falls beneath such rude, contemptuous pity. Like a poor soldier on the embattled plain, When wounded , begs one moment more to stay, In kind compassion to his pain, But more in hopes of worldly gain), Some pitious rascal takes his life away. Pinchbeck. V E R S E S-, Sent to a LADY, whose picture was not like her. IN vain the painter shows his skill, ' in vain your likeness
strives to give His efforts all are feeble still, He cannot make the picture live ; His art and his weak science too, Must ever fail in copying you. Tho' in the portrait we can trace Your nose and lips, your eyes and hair ; The beauty beaming o'er your face, He cant, alas! delineate there : ' Tis Nature's choicest gift below, Which art can't reach, nor pencil show. SOUTHWELL, August 8th. H. B. Sporting intelligence. KNUTSFORD RACES, concluded. Thursday, July 30, the 50b. weight for age, was won by Mr. Clifton's brown horse, Attrition, by Magnet, 6 y. old 1 terd Stamford's bay horse, Florizel, 5 years old — 3 Lord Derby's chesnut
horse, Noodle,. aged * BROMSGROVE RACES. Wednesday, July 29, the maiden 5o, was won by Mr. Lind's bay colt, Young Fustian 2 Mr Lovesey's bay filly 1 Mr. Taylor's bay colt, Gift 32 Mr. Smith's bay colt, Pyramid dr Mr. Lovesey's filly the favourite ; after the second heat, } to I she won. Friday, the 50. for all ages, was won by Mr. Robinson's bay filly, Fanny, by Weasel, 4 years Old 1 1 Mr. Williamson's bay Horse, Minotaur, 5 years pld 4 1 Mr. Croke's brown horse, Prizefighter, ditto 2 3 Mr. Edward's black horse, Beetle 3 4 6 to 4 against Fanny, 3 to 1 against Prizefighter, and 3 to I againlt Beetle: after the heat, 2 to 1 oh
Fanny. NEWCASTLE- UNDER- LYME RACES. Tuesday, August 4, the 50I. weight for age, was won by Mr. Norcop's brown horse, Intruder — • 2 ' Mr. Smith's bay colt, Morwick Ball — 2 • 2 Mr. Walker's bay mare, Little Wench dif 1 2 dr dr dr Wednefday, the 50I. weight for age, was won by lord Derby's bay horse, Director 1 ' Mr. Finch's bay horse, Vision ; 4 2 Mr. Weller's bay colt, Plutus 3 3 Mr. Edward's black horse, Beetle 2 4 Thursday, the 50]. weight for age, was won by Mr. Collins's bay Colt, Evergreen ' < Mr Tinkler's bay horse, Otho 32 Mr Weller's brown horse, Stripling 2 3 OXFORD RACES. Tuesday. Aug. 4, the town
plate was not run for, for want of horses. The gold cup, 100 gs. value, and 50gs. in specie. Mr. Rogers's ch. g. Buffler Mr. Clarke's Schoolboy 3 Mr. Annestley's c. by Jupiter 2 | At starting, 2 to 1 against Buffler Wednesday, the noblemen and gentlemens'plate of 50I. Mr. Smith's colt, by Comus 2 ' ' Mr. Clarke's colt, Birch 1 2 2 4 to 1 on Birch ; after the first heat, 5 to 1 ; and after the fecond heat, Birch the favourite. The hunter's purse was walked over the course for by the Hon. Thomas Parker's Herod. Thursday, the Duke of Marlborough plate of jol. was won by Hon. Thomas Parker's Herod I 1 Captain Bertie's Miss Noakes * 2
The sweepstakes of 10gs, was won by lord Parker's Otho Hon. Thomas Parker's Herod ' 1 Even betting. LEWES RACES. Tuesdav, August 4; a match between the Duke of Norfolk's produce of the dam of Captain Tart, and the produce of Lord G. H. Cavendish's Indians.— No race for want of produce. Lord Egremont's brown horse, Driver, beat the Prince of Wales's bay horse, Verjuice, 8( t. each, toogs. Four miles.- 6 to 400 A sweepstakes of logs, each, for three years olds. The last mile. Lord Egremont's bay colt; brother to Darter 1 Hon. Mr. Wyndham's bay colt, Skyrocket 2 Hon. T. Felham's grey colt. Egbert 3 lord
Barrymore's bay colt, Sir Christopher 4 Three paid forfeit.- 6 to 4 against Egbert; 3 to 1 against brother < 0 Darter. . The county plate of 50I. weight for age, was won by Duke of Queensberry's bay colt, Goliah, 4 years old 4 Sir F. Poole's bay horse, Fortunio, aged 1 Hon. Mr. Wyndham's brown horse, Ospray, 5 years old 2 Mr. Hammond's black horse, Black Cock, aged 3 Fortunio the favourite; after the 1st heat, 4 to 1 he won. His Majesty's plate of 100 gs. for six years olds, was won by Lord Grosvenor's chesnut horse, Meteor Mr. Goodison's brown horse, Wheatsheaf 2 Very high odds 0n Meteor. Wednesday, a sweepstakes of
25 gs. each, for 3 years old fillies. Lord Grosvenor's bay, by Justice, out of Cypher —' 1 Sir F. Poole's, by Sattelite, out of Maria ;— 2 four subscribers paid.-— 3, 4* and 5 to 1 on Lord Grosvenor.- An exceeding near race. Col. Carlton's grey horse, Wilbraham, 8st. 71b. beat Mr. Wyndham's bay horse, Cockney, 7st 1lb. The last mile and < hrce quarters, for 100gs.— even betting. No race for the members' plate of 50I. for want of horses. Thursday, Mr. Page's hunter, beat Mr. Green's Hunter. The last two miles, loogs.— An excellent heat. The first year of a subscription of 10 gs. each, weight for age. Mr. Pelham's Meteor,- 6 years
old 1 The Prince of Wales's Cantababoo, 4 years old 2 Five subscribers paid.— 4 and 5 to ! on Meteor. The Ladies plate of 6ogs. weight for age, was won by lord Grosvenor's chesnut horse. Meteor, 6 years old — x The Prince of Wales's bay horse, Verjuice, aged — 2 Sir F. Poole's brown horse, Mentor, 5 years old — 3 Meteor the favourite. A plate of 50I. given by the Duke of Richmond, for any horfe, Sec. bred in the county of Sussex, was won by lord Egremont' 4 bay horse, Driver; 6 years old 1 Sir F. Poole's bay colt; by Sattelite, 4 years old 2 Driver the favourite. The town plate of 50I. weight for age, was won by Sir F.
Poole's bay horse, Fortunio, aged 1 1 Mr. Wyndham's brown horse, Ospray, 5 years old — 22 fortunio the favourite after the heat, 5 to 1 on him. BANKRUPTS. GeOrge Clithero, late of Houndsditch, in the city of london, ( but now a prisoner in the King's Bench prison,) brandy- merchant dealer and chapman. Margaret Bazley, James Bazley, and William Ba2ley, all of the city of Briftol, merchants dealers, and copartners, ( carrying on trade under the firm or stile of Margaret Bazley and sons),. James BaZley and William Bazley, of the city of Bristol, hat- ters, dealers; chapmen and copartners. William Stevens, of Leadenhall street, in the city of London, man's mercer and draper, dealer and chapman. LINCOLN RACES, 1789. ON WEDNESDAY the 9th of SEPTEMBER, His MAJESTY'S PURSE of ONE HUNDRED GUINEAS, will be run for, over the Course near the CITY of LINCOLN, by Four or Five Year old Mares, that never won a Royal Plate ; Four Year oldj carrying 7ft. 1 lib. Five Year olds, 811. 7lb. the best of Three Two- Mile Heats. - If any Dispute arises the same to be determined by His Grace the DUKE of ANCASTER, or whom he shall appoint, according to fuch His Majesty's Orders and Rules, as shall be produced. To be entered by B.
HuNNINGS, Clerk of the Course, or his Deputy, at the Rein- Deer Inn, in the City of Lincoln, on Monday the 7th Day of September. On THURSDAY the roth, a PURSE of FIFTY POUNDS, given by the CITY of LINCOLN, for Horses or Mares, the best of Three Four- Mile Heats; Four Year olds carrying 7st. Five Year olds, 8ft. Six Year olds, 8ft. ylb. and Aged, 8ft. lolb. A Winner of One 50I. Plate this Year, to carry 3! b. extra, of Two Plates extra, of Three or more, 7lb. extra, A Winner of a King's Plate this Year, at Lincoln, Newmarket, York, or Nottingham, and not having won Three or more Plates this Year, to carry 7Tb extra, but,
if having won Three or more Plates this Year, with either of the above Royal Plates, then to carry 91b. extra. Any Horfe, Mare, or Gelding, having started for a Plate this Year, and not wo. i, to be allowed 3lb. - if Two or more, 51b Mares and Geldings to be allowed 2lb.— If any Dispute arise, relative to this Plate, the fame to be determined by the Stewards of the Race. On FRIDAY the 11th, the NOBLEMEN and GENTLEMEN'S SUBSCRIPTION PURSE of SEVENTY GUINEAS, for all Ages, the best of Three Two- Mile Heats 1 Three Year olds carry- ing 6st. 61b. Four Year olds 8ft. Five year olds, 8ft. 91b. Six Year olds, 9st. and
Aged, 9st. 2lb. Maiden Horses allowed 31b. and the Winner of a King's Plate to carry 41b. extra To pay Three Gui- neas Entrance, which is to be paid to the Second- best Horse; and if any Dispute arise, relative to this Plate, the same to be deter- mined by the Stewards of the Race. To enter for Thursday and Friday's Plates, at the above mentioned Place, with the aforesaid Clerk of the Course, or his Deputy, on Monday the 7th of September, between the Hours of Three and Seven in the Afternoon, paying for the City Plate 5s. Entrance, or double at the Post. Certificate of the Age and Qualifications of each Horse, & c. must be
produced at the Time of entering, and to prevent Disputes con- cerning Bets, the Horse that wins the First and Second Heats, shall have the Plate, and the Horse that is Second the Second Heat, shall be deemed the Second- best Horse. The Subscription Plate, and the Plate given by the City, are to be run for according to His Majesty's Articles ; and 110 less than Two reputed Running Horses, & c. to start for the City Plate, nor any Horle, & c. which ( hall appear to be hired to qualify, to be allowed to be allowed to start; and if only One Horse enter for the City Plate, the Owner to receive Twenty Guineas. Sir PETER BURRELL, \
Stewards The Hon. CHAMPION DYMOKE, ' The Course will be found in exceeding good Order, and open for the Horses to take their Exercise. No Gaming Tables of any Kind will be allowed, during the Races. Ordinaries, Assemblies, Plays, and Cocking, as usual. And to prevent the Ladies, Noblemen and Gentlemen, waiting so long at the Assembly- Room Door, they are earnestly requested to send to the Lobby, to enter their Names, and receive their Tickets, where a person will attend each Day to deliver the same. LINCOLNSHIRE. To be SOLD by Private Contract, LOT 1. ALL that large and most pleasantly situated
MANSION, in Castle- gate, GRANTHAM, in the County of Lincoln, Part Freehold and Part Leasehold, held under the Corporation of Grantham ( Fine certain);. consisting of convenient Cellars, Kitchen, Butler's Pantry, Servants' Halls & c. Breakfast Parlour, Dining Room, a large and spacious Hall, Five Bed Chambers, with Closets; also convenient Garrets, & c.— The Out- houses consist of Brew- house and sundry Coach- houses, Stables, Granary, and every other Convenience. The Gardens and Grounds comprize Three Acres, elegantly laid out with neat Gravel Walks, and planted with Wall and other. Fruit Trees. N. H. The
above Premises may be entered upon immediately, and the Purchaser may be accommodated with Fourteen Acres of MEADOW LAND, adjoining the Garden. Also, Two FREEHOLD MESSUAGES or TENE- MeNTS, with the Gardens and Appurtenances thereto belonging, adjoining or lying contiguous to the above Premises; now in the respective Possessions of Mr. Weselby and Mr. John Jarvis, at the clear yearly Rent of ijl. 10s. LOT 2. A FREEHOLD MESSUAGE, with the Out- buildings, Garden, and Appurtenances, situate in Castle gate aforesaid now in the Possession of Mr. William Day, at the clear yearly Rent of 7I. 7s.
For a View of the Premifes apply to Mr. LANGWITH, Grant- ham; and to treat for the Sale apply to Mr. JOHN LELY, Attor- ney, Grantham; Messrs. EVAN'S and MIDDLEMORE, Attor. nies, Nottingham; and Mr. WOODS, Attorney, New- Street, Spring- Gardens, London. To be SOLD; by AUCTION, At the house of Mr. John Foreman, known by the Sign of the Pack horse, in Dorrington, in the County of Lincoln, on Thurs- day the Twentieth Day of August Inst. Between the Hours of Four and Six o'Clock in the Afternoon unless disposed of in the mean Time by private Contract of which due Notice will be given), A FREEHOLD
ESTATE, situate at DORRING- TON aforesaid ; consisting of a FARM HOUSE, with Two. Barns and other convenient Offices, and Homestead adjoining, con- taining by Estimation) Two Acres several PARCELS of new- inclosed LAND, containing ( by Admeasurement) 109 A. 1 R. 22 P. in the Occupation of Mr. John Rastall, and his Under- tenants; and a PARCEL of LAND, divided into Two Closes, containing Twenty- four Acres, in the Occupation of Mr. Philip Parratt. Mr. Foreman will shew the Premises; and for further Particulars enquire of Mr. RASTALL, of Waltham- on- the- Woulds, Leicester- shire ; or of Mr. HANDLEY,
Attorney, Sleaford, Lincolnshire. ALGArkirKE and fOSDYKE. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By Mr. PRESTON, IN SEVERAL LOTS, On Monday the 24h of August, at Three o'Clock, at Mr. Bates's, the George Inn, Sleaford, unless previovsly disposed of by private Contract; AValuable and desirable FREEHOLD ESTATE, . eligibly situate near the Sea, in the Parishes of ALGAR- KIRKE and FOSDYKE, in the County of Lincoln, containing near Six Hundred Acres of rich PASTURE, MEADOW, and a small Portion of ARABLE LAND, and comprizing some of the completed Grazing Farms in the County ; of the net Annual Value of
700I. and upwards;— the Land particularly fertile and rich in Quality, and the Buildings good. The Whole Estate may be bought together on advantageous Terms; or the Lots will be varied so as to suit any Purchaser previous to the 18th of August, when Notice of such Lots as may be sold will be given, and the Remainder will be put up without Reserve. As it will be sold to pay a net 4 per Cent, it may be an Object to such of the Clergy as want Augmentations to small Livings, or where Securities are wanted for particular Sums. The Tenants will shew their respective Holdings; and printed Particulars may be had at the White Hart
Inns, Boston and Spal- ding; the George, Sleaford; the Ram, Newark ; of Mr. ALLEN, Bookseller, Grantham; at the Rein Deer Inn, and of Mr FRAN- CIS OTTER, Lincoln. ALGARKIRKE is distant about Eight Miles from Boston and Spalding, NORTHAMPTONSHIRE. To be SOLD by AUCTION, On Thursday the 27th Day of August Instant, at Twelve o'Clock precisely, at the George Inn, in Thrapston ; THE MANOR and Capital MANSION HOUSE of STOKE DOYLE, near Oundle, in the County of North- ampton ; and divers FARMS and WOOD LANDS, in STOKE DOYLE aforesaid, of the yearly Value of 1000I. and upwards, with
a Fishery in the navigable River Nine. Also, the PERPETUAL ADVOWSON of the RECTORY of STOKE DOYLE aforesaid. The Mansion House is in good Repair, with extensive Offices fit for a very large Family, and Five Acres of Garden and Kitchen Ground.— The Manor is well stocked with Game, and the Estate is all within a Ring Fence, and very improveabte. StoKE DoyLE is about 80 Miles from London, 2 from Oundle, t2 from Peterborough, 10 from Stamford, 26 from Northampton, 4 from Wansford, 12 from Stilton, 7 from Thrapston, and 9 from Ketteing. Particulars may be had at the principal Inns in the Towns above mentioned; and of Messrs. VERNONS, VINES, and FRY, Lincoln's Inn, London; and CHARLES DE LACT, Esq; Pot- terells, near Hatfield, Herts. Mr. Henry Croft, of Stoke Doyle, will shew the PremiseS. To be SOLD by AUCTION, At the Bull Inn, at Long Sutton, in the County of Lincoln, on Friday the Twenty- eighth Day of August Instant, in the Evening; The following ESTATES, namely, LOT 1. ALL that Capital MESSUAGE, with the . Barn, Stable, and other Out- buildings thereto belonging; and several Acres of rich MEADOW or PASTURE GROUND, Part Freehold and Part Copyhold, lying and being at SUTTON SAINT
MARY'S, in the County of Lincoln, being of the Manor of Sutton Holland, at the yearly Rent of 50I. and now in the Tenure of Mr. Wing. LOT 2. All that MESSUAGE, with the Barn, Stable, and other Out- buildings thereto belonging ; and several Acres of rich MEADOW or PASTURE GROUND, Part Free- hold and Part Copyhold, lying and being in SUTTON SAINT MARY's aforesaid, being of the Manor of Sutton Gannock, at the yearly Rent of 27I. 10s. and now in the Tenure of Mr. Eudale. LOT 3. All that MESSUAGE, with the Out- buildings; and Two Acres, Two Roods, and Two Perches of ARABLE LAND thereto belonging,
being Copyhold of the Manor of SUTTON HOLLAND aforesaid, at the yearly Rent of 61. and now in the Tenure ol Mr. Brockey. LOT 4. All that new ALLOTMENT under the Act for inclosing LONG SUTTON COMMONS, containing 2 A. 1 R. 22 P. situate in the richest Part of the said Common, adjoining to the Roman Bank, North of the Saint James Road, leading to the Wisbech Turnpike Road. For further Particulars enquire of Mr. LELY, Attorney, at Lincoln. Mr. Brockey, of Long Sutton aforefaid, will shew the Premises. By His Majefty's Royal Letters Patent. LEAKE's Genuine Pills, So Justly Famous for their superior Efficacy in
curing every Degree and Symptom of the Venereal Disease, the Scurvy, & c. Without Confinement or Restraint of Diet, in an easy, expeditious, safe, and secret Manner. One small tasteless Pill is a Dose, its Operation imperceptible, and requiring no particular Attention. IN fifteen days it generally cures those cruel disorders; and where it fails in that time of perfectly restoring health, the patient has the happy assurance that he or she is at the eve of being so restored, let the degree of malignancy be ever so great. It is an excellency peculiar to these Pills, to make directly to the com- plaining part, and enter into contest with the
offending matter, which they suddenly dislodge and expel. They are declared by experience to be a preserver of health, as well as a restorer, by taking only eight single PILLS spring and fall in every year : In short, the patentee has this extraordinary obligation to them, that whatever he promised himself from them, they were sure to fulfil and exceed, as tho' impatient of immortal and universal fame. These Pills are most worthy a place in the cabinets of masters and captains of ships; the more so, for that they will keep good in all climates any length time, and that they have now borne the test of near sixty years, with encreasing
credit to themselves, and honor to their author, insomuch that during the last eight years, they have radically cured upwards of forty thousand persons ( as maybe seen in the morning papers) many of whom had been discharged from hospitals, where salivation had been frequently repeated, and all other methods made use of without effect. Prepared and sold by the sole proprietor, THO. TAYLOR, member of the corporation of surgeons, London, at his house, No. 9, New Bridge- street, in boxes of only zs. 9d. each, duty included : Also by his appointment, they are sold, with copious directions ( whereby patients of either sex
may judge of their case, and their cure) by Mr. NewcoMb, bookseller, and Mr. Howgrave, in Stamford; Mr. Brooke, printer, in Lincoln; Mr. jenkinson, Huntingdon; Miss Whaley, Mr. Quanborough, and Mr. Allen, Grantham; Mr. Preston, and Mrs. Worley, Boston; Mr. Marsh, Louth ; Messrs. Allin and Ridge, Newark; Mr. Albin, Spalding; Miss Worley, Alford; Mr. Taylor, Retford ; Mr. Horden, and Mr. Jacob, Peterborough; by One person in every considerable town in England, and may be had of the newsmen. Of the above R. NEWCOMB may be had, GODBOLD's VEGETABLE BALSAM. FOR THE TEETH AnD GUMS. • The
ESSENCE of PEARL and. PEARL DENTIFRICE-, pre. pared by JACOB HEMET, Dentist to her Majesty and his Ruval Highness the Prince of Wales; . Price 2s. 9d. each, Stamps . included, . , AFTER a Course of above Forty Years Experience as a Dentist to the Royal Family and principal Nobility, and Twenty Years Proof of the salutary Effects arising from the Use of the Essence of Pearl and Pearl Dentifrice, in removing every Com- plaint incident to the Teeth and Gums; Mr. HEMET humbly hopes he is fully intitled to recommend their general Use, in preference to any other Preparation for that Purpose. The great Balsamic
Qualities contained in the Essence of Pearl and Pearl Dentifrice are found most certainly to preserve the Teeth free from Decay, to prevent those injured by Neglect from becoming worse, shield them against all Putrefaction, fasten such as are loose, make- the foulest Teeth become White and beautiful, entirely preserve the Enamel, and render the Breath delicately fweet. They likewise produce this excellent Effect, that thofe Persons who constantly use them will never be liable to . the Tooth- ach or Scurvy in the Gums. Mr. HeMET gives this public Notice, that he has appointed only Messrs. BAYLEY and LowE, Perfumers, in
Cockspur- Street, near the Bottom of the Hay- market, to sell the same, Wholesale and Retail, He likewise begs to observe, that his Name is written on each Stamp. Sold also by R. NewcoMb, Stamford; J. Horden, Peterboro' ; and the Agents to this Paper. Further Proof of the Efficacy of Dr. STEERS'S OPODELDOC. COUNT ZENOBIO asquaints Mr. STEERS, that he has received extraordinary Benefit from Dr. STEERs's OpodelDOC, in the Cure of a violent Bruise and Sprain in his Right Hand and Wrist; occasioned by a Fall from his Phaeton a few Days ago; and he gives him liberty to make Use of his Name for the Good of
the Public". "' ". Royal Hotel, Pall- Mall, July 2d,. 1789 ' The superior Excellence of this Medicine for Sprains, Bruises Rheumatisms, Sec. is now so universally established by the Testi- monies of Persons of the first Consequence, that no further Recom- mendations, perhaps, may be requisite ; but it is become absolutely necessary to guard the Public against the Impositions which are practiced by sundry Druggists in Town and Country, and by tra- velling Venders, under various Pretences; many of whom have the Audacity to employ the Names of Dr. Steers and Mr. Newbery, in order to dispose of their spurious Preparations All
Purchasers, therefore, who would avail themselves of the Efficacy of the Genuine Dr. STEERS'S Opodeldoc, are requested to observe, that in the Stamp, which is pasted on each Bottle, the Name of F, Newbery is engraved, by Order of the Commissioners of the Stamp- Office; and all such as are offered to Sale without this Mark of Authenticity, are Counterfeits. The Genuine Dr. STEERS'S OPODELDOC is sold in London only by the Proprietors, H. STEERS ( Son of the late Doctor, the Inventor) at No. to. Old Bond- Street, and F. NEWBERY, at the Only Warehouse for Dr. JAMES'S POWDER, in St. Paul's Church- Yard, No.
a few Doors from the Corner of Cheapside, towards Watling- Street. Price Two Shillings a Bottle. Sold also by R NEWCOMB, and T. HoWGRAVE, at Stamford, and by the appointed Venders of Mr. Newbery's Medicines in other Country Towns. For Asthmas, Dropsies, & c. ETHEREAL ANODYNE SPIRIT, Prepated by the Inventor,. W. Ti cKELL, Apothecary and Chy- mist, at Bath. » THIS Medicine has peculiar efficacy in Diseases of the Breast, as the Asthma, Hooping- Cough, and all other Coughs unattended with Inflammation ; but its singular Excellence is in the Cure of that dreadful and generally fatal Disease, the Dropsy
of the Breast. — It has also been given with great Success in other Dropsies, and it is probably the most certain Diuretic hitherto discovered. The following Case will be a Proof of its Virtues: " Mr. EVATT, Upholder, Westgate- Street, Bath, had for many Years been subject to severe Fits of the Asthma; but for- Twelve Months past he was often seized in the Night with such a Suffocation, as to deprive him of Speech, and to require the utmost Exertion for the Recovery of his Breast When he began to use the Etherial Spirit, he was much emaciated, had great Difficulty of breathing 0n the least Exercise, attended with a troublesome
Cough, and he was obliged to sit up in Bed the greater part of the Night; he had much Thirst and Loss of Appetite.; his Urine was high coloured, aud voided in small Quantity, and both his Legs and Thighs were excessively swelled. In the Course of a Fortnight, he had great Discharges of Urine, the Swellings had nearly subsided, the Appetite began to return, and his Breath was relieved. The etherial Spirit soon quieted the Cough, and procured refreshing Sleep. He had but One severe Attack after he had Recourse to it, and since that has had no Return of his Complaint, except in a slight Degree after taking Cold." This
Medicine is sold by FRANcis NEWBERY, at the Only Warehouse for Dr. JAMES'S POWDER, NO 45, the East End of St. Paul's Church- Yard, a few Doors from Cheapside, London, in Bottles, Price 3s. 6d. each, Duty included ) also by R. NEW- COMB, and T. Howgrave, at Stamford, and by the appointed Venders of Mr. Newbery's Medicines in other Country Towns. BETTON's * ONLY TRUE BRITISH OIL. THE Limits of an Advertisement will not admit an Enumeration of Half the Complaints to which this Oil is applicable, and gives certain Relief; but it has no equal for the Cure of internal or external Bruises, lameness,
Swellings, Contu- sions, green and other Wounds, Burns, Scalds, Contractions of the Nerves, Consumptions, Phthisic, Coughs, Inflammations, St. An- thony's Fire, scorbutic, rheumatic, and leprous Disorders. In the above Complaints Hundreds have experienced its wonderful Efficacy, many of whose Names and Residences are annexed to the Bill of Directions, given with each Bottle. No Betton's British Oil is genuine, but that which has Dicey and Co No. 10, Bow Church Yard, London, printed on the Label, which by ACt of Parliament, muft be parted on each Phial to denote the Duty, to imitate which is a capital Offence.
BETTON'S BRITISH Oil, is also found to be an infalliable Cure for the following Disorders, to which Cattle and Sheep are very subjeCt, staleing Blood, and Surfeit, Hardness or Stoppage in the Maw, and the Maggot or Mange. The Bottles are sealed with Betton's Armsr round which is inscribed BETTON'S TRUE and genUINE BRITISH OIL. It is only sold Wholesale by Dicey and Co. and Retail by them and their Appointment, at one or more Shops in every Market Town and considerable Village in the Kingdom. Price One Shilling and Three Half- pence per Bottle, Duty included. At Dicey and Co's. Original Medicinal Warehouse
may also be had the following true and genuine Medicines, via. Dr. Bateman's PeCtoral Drops Dr. J. Hooper's Female Pills Dr. Bostock's Purging Elixir Squire's Grand Elixir Godfrey's General Cordial Fryar's Balsam Dr. Story's Worm Cakes Bathing Spirits Fine Turned Orange Peas Lady's Court Plaister Beaume De Vie Dr. Anderson's Scots Pills Dr. Stoughton's Stomachic Elixir Pike's Ointment, for the Itch and Cutaneous Eruptions Do. Do. Do. Refined Bateman's. Golden and Plain Spi- rits of Scurvy Grass Issue Plaisters which stick without filleting The different Medicines prepared by Messrs. DICEY and Co. are vended by R.
NEWCOMB, T. Howgrave, and W. Harrod, Stamford j W, Brooke, John Drury, and R. Drummond, Lincoln; J. Quan- borough, and W. Allen, Grantham; F. Tomlinson, Newark; T. Ball, Sleaford; W. Ward. Falkingham; M. Caswell, Rippengale s W. Thorpe, Bourn ; H. Butler, Deeping; J. Horden, and J. R. Jacob, Peterborough; W. Read, Whittlesea ; W, Gibson, Oakham j M. Worley, Boston; J. Finch,; Kirton in Holland; W. Hanley, Swinestead; J. Harvey, Donington ; G. Medcalf, and T. Hawker, Spalding; J. Palmer, and D. Wright, Wainfleet; R. Greswell, Burgh; M. Worley, Alford; J. Gibson, Conningsbey; j. Simpson, and J. Tayton,
Tattershall; Bromley and Keal, and W. Ellis, Horncastle; R. Booth, Castor; R. Sheardown, Louth ; T. Bradley, Brigg; J. Tayler, Gainsborough ; J. Bains, Bawtry ; C. Plummer, Doncaster ; and at most of the principal Shops throughout England. STAMFORD Printed by C. PEATand R. NEWCOMB, at their Officein the High- ftreet; where Letter- press and Copper- plate PRINTING is executed with accuracy, elegance and expedition, on the most reasonable terms ADVERTISEMENTS, ARTICLES of INTELLIGENCE, See. are taken in by the following Persons, of whom this Paper, and Books and Medicines advertised therein, may
be regularly had : Mr. Furniss, Alford Miss Worley, Bookseller. Boston, Mr. Preston, Bookseller. Barton Mr. Wilbar, Bookseller. Brigg MrS. Swallow, Bookseller. Bourn, Mr. Wyer. Bawtry, Mr. Bains, Bookseller, Cambridge Cowper, Bookseller. Caistor, Mr. Booth, Bookseller. Gainsbro', Mr. Wressels. Coningsby, Mr. Rowley. Grantham, Miss Whaley, Mr. Allen. Crowle, Mr, Lambert. Hull, Mr. Brown, Bookseller. Donington, Mr. Hunt; Horncastle, Mr. Ellis. Doncaster, Mr. Plummer Bookseller. Holbech, ' Mr. Dixon. Epworth; Mr. Isle Huntingdon Mr. jenkinson Falkingham ' Mr. Gray. Kirton Mr. Peel. Lincoln, Mr. Brooke, and Melton, ' Mr.
Allen, Mr. Bright. Mr. John Drury. Printers. Market Raisin, Mr. Heaton. Louth, Mr. Gray, Mr. Marsh, and Nottingham, Mr. Wilson, Bookseller. Mr. Sheardown. Newark, All'm and Ridge, Booksellers. leicester, Mr. Gregory, Printer, j Northampton, Mr. Burnbam, Bookseller Long Sutton, Mr. Gregg. Oundle, Mr. Ellis. Lynn, Mr. Marshall, Bookseller. Oakham, Mrs. Hick Peterborough, Mr. Horden, Bookseller. Uppingham, - Retford, Mr. Taylor, Bookseller. ' Wainfleet, Mr. Gales, Printer. Wisbech, Mr. Nicholson, Bookseller Sheffield, Sleaford, Spilsby, Spalding,- Tattersall, Mr. Fawcitt, Bookseller. Mrs. Ward, Bookfeller. Mr. Albin,
Bookseller. Mr. Gibbons. Wraghy, Mr. Western. Perfumer, By Mr. Kirkman, Red Lion Passage/ Fleet Street; and Mr. Tayler, No. 5 Warwick Court, St. Paul's, London. Also at the CHAPTER COFFEE- HOUSE, Paternoster- Row, the LONDON COFFEE- HOUSE, Ludgate- Hill, PEELE's COFFEE- HOUSE, Fleet- Street, and GARRAWAY's, ExcHange- Alley, LoNdoN, where this Paper is regularly filed. PerSons who live at a Distance from places Newsmen pass through may have this paper sent by ( free of Expence; or left at any convenient place they may by sending their Orders to the printers A letter box at the Shop window
Samuel Davis otherwise SAMUEL JOHN DAVIS OF LOWER Brook- street, Grosvenor- square, in the county oF Middlesex, haberdasher, dealer and chapman. . James Warren, of Bottesdale, in the county of Suffolk, felt- monger, victualler, dealer And chapman. John Staley, late of Congleton, in the county of Chester, cheese- factor, dealer and chapman. DIVIDEND TO be MADE TO CREDITORS. September 3, at three o'. clock in the afternoon, at the Rose and Crown inn in Wisbech Saint Peter's. . John Wilkinson the younger, late of Wisbech Saint Peter's, in the isle of Ely, in the county of Cambridge, linen- draper and
grocer. Certificate TO BE GRAnted. August 29, William Knowles, of Wainfleet All Saints, in the county of Lincoln, feLlmonger and dealer in wool.