The Evening Mail
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The Evening Mail
Date of Article: 03/07/1789
Printer / Publisher: J. Walter and T. Holl
Address: Logographic Press, Printing-house Square, Blackfriars
Volume Number: Issue Number: 54
No Pages: 4
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NUMB. 54.] FROM WeDNESDAY JULY 1, TO FRIDAY JULY 3, 1789. [ PRICE THREEPENCE. This Day is published, In Four Volumes Quarto, Price 5I. in Boards, Printed on a fine Medium Paper, ( Or may be had in Weekly Numbers, price is. each) Embellished with an Elegant Descriptive Frontispiece, Dedicated, by Permission, to the Right Hon. W. PITT A new and elegant Edition of ANDERSON'S HISTORICAL AND CHRO NOLOGICAL DEDUCTION of the ORIGIN of COMMERCE : containing an HISTORY of the GREAT COMMERCIAL INTERESTS of the BRITISH EM- PIRE. To which is prefixed, An INTRODUCTION,
exhibiting a View of the An- cient and Modern POLITICO COMMERCIAL GEO- GRAPHY of the several EUROPEAN COUNTRIES. CAREFULLY CORRECTED and REVISED. The last Volume is continued in a Stile not unworthy of Mr. ANDERSON ; consisting of a'l the Trade Laws and Regulations, as well as the different Treaties made subsequent to the first publication ; with every other im- portant Transaction that can claim a place in the COM- MERCIAL HISTORY of GREAT BRITAIN. This scarce and valuable Work is in the highest esti- mation in the Literary World, as it is well known to con- tain the most comprehensive
and best digested View of the principles of Commerce now extant, and must be of the greatest Utility both to the Statesman and Merchant, as well as to Readers of every Description, at this important Period. London; Printed at the Logographic Press, and Sold by J. Walter, No. 169, Piccadilly ; Robson and Clarke, T. Payne and Sons, B. White ami Son, R. Baldwin, W. Richardson, T. Evans, T. Wheildon, C. Stalker, T. Longman, and T. Sewell. ALSO, Just published from the LOGOGRAPHIC PRESS and may be had of all the Booksellers, I. Price One Shilling aud Sixpence, AN ADDRESS to the COUNTRY GEN- TLEMEN of
ENGLAND and WALES, on the ABUSES of COUNTY COURTS. By JAMES BLAND BURGES, Esq. M. P. n. Price ONE SHILLING and SIX- PENCE. THE AUTHENTIC SPEECH of WIL- LIAM WILBERFORCE, Esq. REPREseTATIVE FOR THE COunTy OF YORK, On Wednesday the 12th of May, 1789 , on the Question of the ABOLITION of the SLAVE TRADE. To which are added, The RESOLUTION'S then moved, and a Short Sketch of the SPEECHES of the other Members. III. Price Two Shillings and Sixpence, OBSERVATIONS, occasioned by rhe Attempts made in ENGLAND to effect the Abo- lition of the SLAVE
TRADE. Shewing the manner in which Negroes are treated In the British Colonies in the WEST- INDIES. And also, Some particular Remarks on a Letter addressed to the Treasurer of the Society for effecting such Abolition, from the Rev. Mr. ROBERT BOUCHER NICHOLLS, Dean of Middleham. BY G. FRANKLYN, IV. In One Volume OCtavo, price 55. An ANSWER to the Rev. Mr. CLARKSON's ESSAY on the SLAVERY and COMMERCE of the HUMAN SPECIES, particularly the AFRICAN. In a Series of Letters from G. FRANKLYN, Esq. in Jamaica, to his Friend in London. Wherein many of the Mistakes and
MisrepresentationS of Mr. Clarkson are pointed out, both with regard to the manner in which that Commerce is carried on in Africa, and the treatment of the Slaves in the West Indies. V. In One Volume Octavo, price 6s. in Boards, CONSIDERATIONS 0n the relative Situation of FRANCE and the UNITED STATES of AMERICA; shewing the importance of the Revolution to the welfare of France ; giving also an Account of their Productions, and the reciprocal advantages which may be drawn from their commercial connections; and finally pointing out the actual situation of the United States. Translated from the French of
ETIENNE CLAVIERE, And J. P. BRISSOT DE WARVILLE. VI. Handsomely printed in Two Volumes large OCtavo, on a Superfine Medium Paper, price 12s. ui Boards, m A SELECTION from the WORKS of FRANCIS LORD BACON, Viscount St. Alban -, consisting of his Essays 0n Civil, Moral, Literary, and Political Subjects; the Advancement of Learning, System of Moral Philosophy, Theology, & c. and his celebrated History of Life and death. Together with his own Life, by Dr. WILLYMOT. VII. In Two Volumes Octavo, on superfine Medium Paper, price 1 is. in Boards, illustrated with Copper- plates. A 11sw and elegant
Edition of DERHAM's PHYSICO and ASTRO- THEOLGOY: the First contains a Demonstration of the Being and Attributes of God, from the Works of the Creation: The Second, a General Survey of the Heavens; with considerable Notes, and many curious Observations. VIII. In One Volume Octavo, on a fine Medium Taper, Price 63. in Boards. FAMILIAR CORRESPONDENCE of FREDERICK the SECOND, KING of PRUSSIA, with U. F. DE SUHM, Privy Councellor of the Elector of Saxony, and Envoy Extraordinary to the Courts of Berlin and Peters- burgh. Translated from the original Edition, privileged by the Emperor, his
Majesty the present King of Prussia, and his Serene Highness the Elector of Saxony. IX. Price Six Shilllings, ELEONORA, a Novel, in a Series of Letters. Writ- ten by a Female Inhabitant of Leeds, in Yorkshire. GENERAL POST OFFICE. July 1, 17S9. tHE Post Boy carrying the Mail containing the Bags of letters from Chester far Liverpool, Warrington, Manchester, Rochdale, and Frodsham, from the Office, at Chester, on the night of Sunday the 28th of June, was stopped about a quarter past Two o'Clock, on Monday Morning, near to Dunham o'th' Hill, on the road to Frodsham, and about five miles from Chester, by a person 0n
foot, who ( after hoodwink- ing and pinioning the Boy) rode off with the Horse and Mail. The Boy is not able to give a description of the Robber. The Horse which tbe Robber rode off with, is a light bay. five years old, has four white legs, is fourteen hands and a half high, remarkable for having the hair rubbed off his chine, and carries his head particularly high. Whoever shall apprehend and convict, or cause to be appre- hended and convicted, the person who committed this robbery, will be entitled to a reward of TWO HUNDRED POUNDS, over and above the reward given by act of parliament for ap- prehending of Highwaymen
; or if any person, whether an ac- complice in the said robbery, or knowing thereof, shall make dis- covery, whereby the person who committed the same, may be ap- prehended and brought to justice, such discoverer will, upon con - viction of the party, be entitled to the same reward of TWO HUNDRED POUNDS, and will also receive his Majesty's most gracious pardon. By command of the Postmaster General. ANTHONY TODD, Secretary. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. GRAND DUKE OF TUSCANY. THE present doubtful state of the Emperor's health, may render the character of the Prince who is heir to his hereditary
dominions, and will probably succeed to his Imperial dignities, a matter of no common interest to our political readers. LEOPOLD, Grand Duke of Tuscany, Is governed by a very aCtive ambition,— and that ambition is to make his people happy.— He has suppressed all unnecessary imports, and retains no greater num- ber of troops than are sufficient to keep up the art of military discipline.— He has destroyed the fortifications of Pisa, on the same principle that his Imperial brother dismantled most of the forti- fied towns in the Low Countries,—" That they cost too much blood in time of war, and too much money in time of
peace." He has established manufactures,— opened su- perb roads, and founded hospitals for the poor.— A person may be presented at his court without exception ; and three days in the week are con- secrated by him, to receive the poor and wretch- ed. He has enriched the year by restoring to it a great number of working days; — and by thus curtailing tbe indolence of superstition, he has recovered a large portion of time for agriculture and the arts. He has considerably mitigated the code of criminal laws, and, by so doing, has softened the manners of the people.— Atrocious crimes have become rare since barbarous
punishments have been laid aside ;— and the persons of Tuscany, which were used to be crowded with inhabitants, are now found to occupy much useless space. The Duke gives an example of industry to his officers of state, and to his subjeCts.— And when the sun rises on his dominions, it finds him already employed in promoting their prosperity. His children are not brought up in a palace, but in an house ; they are already princes, and his design is to make them men.— The education which they receive, makes them acquainted with the misfortunes from which their birth exempts them. And while their hearts are softened
by the feelings of pity and beneficence, their reason is expanded and fortified by those studies which prepare the mind for its future operations. The works of Locke are presented to their undestand- ing, when it is of sufficient strength to profit by them. He has established liberty of commerce,— and so good an effect has this wise regulation had in his country, that he who attempted to restore a restrictive system, would risque the being stoned to death by the people. He has prohibited creditors from imprisoning their debtors.— The law, however, has left to creditors the power of seizing property.— Every necessitous man,
therefore, finds money to borrow on his probity ; he who is void of that quality, will nor find it;— but this surely is an advantage, as the incentives to honesty cannot be too greatly multiplied in any state or society in the world. Such are the leading features of the Duke of Tuscany's government; but the politician is not to suppose, that he is superior to his Imperial brother in the wish to make his subjeCts happy.— But changes, even for the welfare of the people, are not to be made, in a great Empire, with the same ease that they can be produced in a small Dukedom.— Nor is it to be imagined, that the plans of the Emperor,
whatever they may be, would be interrupted by his death ; — It may not, perhaps, be generally known,— but the faCt is, that Joseph has consulted his brother in every- thing he has undertaken, and that all his politi- cal projects and designs are in consequence of a plan which has been adopted by them both.— Nor do we hazard much, when we foretell,— that the Emperor's death, unless some very un- expected circumstances should arise, will occasion a change of Sovereigns, but not of systems, in the dominions of the House of Austria. English Parliament. HOUSE OF LORDS. Wednefday, July 1. Some private bills were
read— Pawnbrokers bill put off till Friday. Dr. Beadon, the new Bishop of Gloucester, was introduced between the Archbishop of York and the Bishop of Bristol, and took the oaths and his seat. Adjourned. HOUSE OF COMMONS. COLONEL ARABIN's DIVORCE BILL Was read a third time, and carried by Mr. Ho- bart to the Lords for their concurrence, COTTON and FLAX BILL. A bill for continuing an act passed in the 23d year of the present King, entitled, an aCt for more effeCtually improving the manufacture of cotton and flax, was brought in by Mr. Dempster, was read a first time, and ordered to be read a se- cond time. Mr.
Gilbert brought up tbe report of the bill for granting an additional duty on carriages and horses, which was read a first and second time, and agreed to. BOUNTIES. Sir William Dolben moved, that the House should immediately resolve itself into a Committee, to consider proper bounties in certain cases, to be allowed to masters of ships who transport slaves from the coast of Africa to America. Lord Penrhyn wished to know when and how the Transportation Bill was to go through the House. , Sir William Dolben said, he meant to have brought in his Bill this day, till he was apprised this previous step was necessary. Sir Grey
Cooper thought the Hon. Baronet should state the amendments he proposed to make in his Bill. Mr. Gascoyne said, the Honourable Baronet had formerly stated, that he was willing to explain in private the alterations he was going to propose, but that he had not done it; and as the Bill was ready to be brought in, there was no reason why he should not now explain it; and that, if he did not, he must vote against the House going into this Commitee. Sir William Dolben said, the alterations he pro- posed were merely to gratify the Jamaica Plant- ers, and were founded on the Jamaica Report.— These alterations were, to prevent the
detention of ships upon the coast, to compel every ship to im- port an equal number of both sexes, Sec. Mr. Pitt expressed his astonishment at his Hon. Friend being against this Committee. He ad- mitted this was a question of too much import ance, at this late period of the Session, to make any regulations upon it, that were intended to be per- manent. The House then went into a Committee, and the bounties voted were the same as those of last year. The report to be received to- morrow. Sir William Dolben likewise gave notice, that he meant to bring in his bill to- morrow. CITY OF LONDON PETITION. Mr. Sheriff Curtis
presented at the bar of the House, a Petition from the Lord Mayor, Alder- men, and Common Councilmen, praying to be heard by Counsel against the tobacco bill. The Speaker put the question, that the petition lye on the table till the report be received, and that then the City of London be heard by Counsel. Mr. Pitt observed, that this petition had been presented by a great and respectable body, but great and respeCtable as the Corporation ot Lon- don was, he took it to be an established rule of that House, never to admit any person or persons to be heard by Counsel, against any bill, unless they could shew they were
particularly interested. There was no other Corporation in the kingdom who had not the same right to be heard by Coun- sel as the City. This would tend to embarrass their proceedings, and therefore he must move to leave out the words subsequent to, " that this petition do lye upon the table," which amend- ment was carried. EAST INDIA COMPANY PETITION. Mr. Devaynes presented a Petition from the East India Company, praying that they might be permitted to present a Petition to the House, for leave to raise a sum of money to enable them to carry on their affairs.— This was agreed to, and of course a Petition was
presented, which stated, that, in confequence of the great expence the Company had been put to, in consequence of the late war, they wished to raise a certain sum of money by increasing their capital; that the House would take the premises into consideration; and would grant them what relief should seem meet. To lie 0n the Table. NEWSMENS PETITION. Mr. Dempster said, he had received another Petition from the Newsmen, which was in some respeCts different from the other. It stated, that they could prove to the satisfaCtion of the House, that the lending of Newspapers instead of being hurtful to the Revenue, was an
accession to it ; and that if Bill passed, it would hurt the Revenue. He said, there was one instance on the Journals, where a Petition had been received against a Tax Bill. He proposed that it should be received as against a regulation which deprived a great number of people of bread which they had earned legally. It was a benefit to one part ot the community at the expence of another. He then moved for leave to bring up this petition. The Speaker stated, that it had not been usual to receive any petition against a bill imposing du- ties for the current service of the year. He like- wise mentioned the reasons upon which this rule
was founded. Mr. Pitt confirmed what was advanced by the Speaker, and Opposed the petition being received Sir Grey Cooper thought it was doubtful, and therefore the House ought to be inclined to re- ceive it. Mr. Pitt said he had no motive whatever in preventing the petitioners from being heard, but merely a regard to the rules of the House, which he thought they ought never slightly to abandon. He proposed that it should stand over till Friday, and that in the mean time they should search for precedents. BILL FOR PRESERVING COMMONS. Mr. Joliffe gave notice, that he should to- mor- row move for leave to bring in a bill
for the bet- ter securing of Commons, in that part of Great Britain called England. EAST INDIA BUDGET. On the motion of Mr. Dundas, the House re- solved itself into a Committee to consider East India Accounts. Lord FrEDERiC CAMPBELL in the chair. Mr. Dundas observed, that last year he had an opportunity of stating to the House the situation of the British territories in India, he stated the gross revenue arising from our dominions in that quarter of the globe, the charges that had been incurred, and what was the net revenue, after the deduc- tion of all those charges. This net revenue last year amounted to the fum of
1,200,0001. and was applicable either to paying off the debt of the Company, or for the purposes of investments.— He meant to follow the same plan this year, by bringing before the view of the Committee, the accounts which had been transmitted of the amount of the gross revenue of the East India Company, together with the various charges to which this revenue is subjeCted. The first thing in order, then, was, the amount of the public revenue; and he wished to begin with Bengal. The Committee would recollect, that last year he had an opportunity of stating the revenue and charges from papers, which contained an account
of the probable receipts and disbursements. He could not do that this year, because the Account- ant General of Bengal had not sent these papers. Mr. Dundas read a letter from India, as an apo- logy for not sending these accounts, which had been occasioned by sicknefs; he flattered himself, however, that he should be able to do the same thing in another, and perhaps in a more satisfac- tory manner. The last year, he had stated. on an estimation, what those accounts would be ; they were now in possesion of the actual accounts of last year. He should therefore propose to state the estimate of this year, from the actual
accounts of last year. He should state the sums in British money, that it might be intelligible. Another circumstance he wished to take notice of was, that last year he valued a rupee at 2s. 3d. this year he only stated a rupee at 2s. He had last year estimated the gross amount of the revenue of Bengal at 5,064,8901. whereas it had now actually turned out to be 5,182,711l. that is, 117,8211. more than he supposed it would be. That this was not an exaggerated account, he could illustrate from collateral proofs. One way of shewing this, was by taking an average of three years of tbe years 85— 6, of 86— 7, and of 87— 8; the
average revenue of these three years was 5,088,765. This was somewhat less than 5,182,7111. but it happened that one of these three years was re- markably barren, the revenue of the first only amounting to 4,999,0001. that of the second to 5,084,0001. and that of the third to 5,182,7111. so that each of these three years has been increas- ing. The average revenue of the three years prior to 1785, amounted to 5,218,8141. which was more than the sum he had stated for this year. Upon these data he thought himself well war- ranted to give the gross revenue of Bengal for the present year, at 5,182,7111. that is the aCtual
revenue of the year 1787— 8. He said it had been disputed whether the Government customs ought to have been abolished. He never had any doubt upon this subjeCt, but was always most clearly of opinion, that they ought to be abolish- ed, and that nothing was so wise as the abolition of customs that were so oppressive to the transit of goods from one place to another. He said, he was not able to state the probable charges on this revenue in 1788— 9 ; but he should state them at the aCtual amount of the charges, as they were ascertained to have happen- ed in 1787— 3. He last year stat'd these charges at the sum of
3,066, 24s: they actually turned out to be 3,046,7761. that is, near 20,000!. less. If the excess of the revenue, viz. 117,8211. be added to this deficiency of the charges, it will a- mount to 137,2841. which is the excess above what he estimated the revenue in the year 1787- b'. So that the net revenue of Bengal, for the year 1787— 8, amounted to 2,135,93^ 1. Next with respect to the revenue of Fort St. George. He could not, in this case, as with regard to Bengal, take the average of three years, because he had the gross revenue of the years 1785— 6 and i/[ 6— 7, and had only the average
English Parliament continued. revenue of the year 1787— 8. The average re- venue of Madras of the two first years amounted to 1,052,4381. With respect to the actual pro- duce 1787— 8, the Committee would observe there was considerable deficiency. Among other cause this was owing to the deficiency of re- ceipts expected from the Nabob of Arcot. The revenue of the year 1787— 8 was estimated at l, 2<> j. 28ol. whereas it only turned out to be 987,' go), so that there was a deficiency of above 200,0001, The next account was the estimated account of the charges, which amounted to 1,177,000!. but which actually
happened to be 1,247,281!. that is, 8o, oool. more than they were at first actually supposed to amount. He said, when the Committee considered the armies that were raised, and that were actually equipped and ready to take the field at a moment's warning, they would not be surprised at this ex- cess of 8o, oool. above the sum at which the charges had been estimated. By joining the de- ficiency of the revenue, which was 2oo, oool. to the excess of the charges, which was 8o, oool. they amounted to 280,0001. under the circumstances he had just stated. The next account was that of the probable re- ceipts and disbursements
of 1788— 9. The reve- nue he estimated at 1,358,4531. the charges he estimated 1,410,4871. so that the excess ot the revenue above the charges, amounted 47,9661. Next the settlement of Bombay. He said the Committee might recollect that in the resolutions which he moved last year, he had it not in his power to lay before them the average revenue of these years, because no account was so late as to comprehend three years. The revenue of Bom- bay in the year 1785— 6 amounted to 14,7751. the actual revenue on an average of three years, amounted to 14,744!. that is a difference only of 35l. The next account is that
which issued from the comparison between the estimated and actual re- venue in 1787— 8. The estimated revenue a- mounted to — — £ 14775 The adtual revenue • 14,181 Deficiency in the revenue 594 There was likewise an account of the charges estimated, compared with the actual charges. The estimated charges amounted to 456,0001. The actual charges were 474,0001. so that the actual charges exceeded the estimated charges by 18, oool. The Committee would perceive, that these accounts were not so complicated, but that the ac- tual revenue and charges might be stated with tolerable accuracy. There was a
deficiency of 485,000!. He should not pretend that the de- ficiency was less than it really was. The charg- es of Bombay were not subject to much fluctua- tion, or to much diminution. He thought no wise Government would ever permit the charges to be lower than they are at present : every per- son must be sensible of what importance it was of have a great armed force on the Western Parts to India. This was essential to the safety both of Bengal and Madras. This force was necessary as a check on the Mahratta States. The charges of Bombay were properly to be considered as a part of the general expences of India, and not
as the expences of a partial esta- blishment. He reckoned three lacks for a King's regiment, and three more for military charges. The whole charges amounted to 631,9021. which greatly exceeded the revenue, which he estimat- ed at 485,1351. .; He allowed 60,000l. for Bencoolen and the Prince of Wales's Island. Mr. Dundas said, he should collect all the re- venues together, and the charges, and then see how much net revenue there was. The revenue of Bengal amounted to 5,182,711 Revenue of Madras —— 188,621 Revenue of Bombay 1,310,260 £. 6,681,592 Charges of different Settlements, 4,835,606 ' These charges
being deducted from the gross revenue, leaves the nett revenue arising from the whole of our possessions in India. To this nett revenue there was to be added a sum of about 300,0001. arising from the exports of this country. do that the nett revenue was about 2, ooo, oool. The first thing that was to be done with this money, was the payment of the debts of the Com- pany, the investment was only a secondary con- sideration ; and these two objects were so far from being inconsistent, that they assisted each other. It was on this principle that an order had gone out to India for transferring six million of debt from India to England.
One advantage of this was, that they only paid 5, in place of 8 per cent. In the next place, that money could be laid- out on investments to be brought to this country, which might then be sold for paying off debts, and this tended to encourage the trade and navigation of Great Britain. This measure had been disputed, but it was a measure which he had always approved of, which he had always supported, and which he would al- ways warmly support. The more it was consi- dered, the more readily would it be allowed to be a wise and expedient measure. At the same time he was ready to admit, it had not answered the purposes
he had expected from it; but this did not arise from any defect in the measure itself; only about two of these six millions had as yet been transferred, because all alarms which had formerly subsisted had now ceased, and the cir- cumstance of 8 per cent, instead of 5, was a strong temptation, likewise the discount and interest 011 certificates had been vastly reduced, which all accounted for this money not having been all transferred. The net revenue of last year had been estimated at 1,20o. pool. clear of deductions, but it must be estimated much higher this year. The debt which the Company owed amounted to upwards of
seven millions, and of that upwards of 40 lacks had been paid last year. The ex- ports in former times only amounted to 300,000!. but now they amounted to a million, which was a very considerable increase of the Revenue, likewise the private trade was an ac- cession to the Revenue of 6oo, oool. Mr. Dundas directed the attention of the Com- mitte, in a peculiar manner, to the State of pro- found peace which India at present enjoyed, and which she was likely to enjoy for a long time. He desired the Committee likewise to consider the high spirited, and excellently disciplined army we had in India. They would not depart from the
paths of peace unless the were compelled from self defence, or to defend their territories, or those of their allies, who from treaties they were bound to protect. He likewise desired them to consider the flourishing state of our affairs at home, when those of other nations were in such disorder. It gave him the most sincere pleasure, that he was able to give so flattering a representation of the state of our India possessions, which had for these several years been more and more flourishing. Mr. Hussey was doubtful about some of the statements that had been laid down by the Right Hon. Gentleman. He thought he had given a
pretty fair account of our affairs in India, but he had given no account of the state of the Company's affairs at home, and how much debt they owed ; and, besides, they still wanted more money. Mr. Pitt said, the situation of the Company's domestic affairs did not at all come under their cognizance at this time ; but when the House went into a Committee to consider their Petition, then would be the time to consider the state of the Company's affairs at home; and before they had an opportunity of encreasing their capital, the House should be made acquainted with their stock, and with the means they had of discharging it. Mr.
Francis conceived the Right Hon. Gen- tleman had not taken into his consideration many charges, that ought actually to have been deducted from the net revenue. Sir Grey Cooper likewise entertained doubts on the Right Honourable Gentleman's statements. Mr. Dundas explained. Major Scott made a speech in praise of his Majesty's Ministers, both at home and abroad ; but he begged the Committee to consider, that although every man now in office had done won- ders, that the present flourishing state of India had not commenced at once, but had been slow and gradual,— it had been the effect of system. In short, the
worthy Major seemed to insinuate, that the foundation of all this happiness was owing to the wise counsels and equitable administration of a friend of his ( Mr. Hastings.) Mr. Dempster thought no manufacture ought to be brought from India which we could raise at home. A number of resolutions were then read, and the report ordered to be received to- morrow. The Revolution Bill was put off till Monday. The Committees of Ways and Means, Supply, and News- paper bills till Friday. Adjourned. LONDON. THURSDAY, July 2. Yesterday dispatches were received at the SE- CRETARY of STATE'S Office, in the Treasury, from
Dublin Castle, which were immediately for- warded to the Marquis of BUCKINGHAM at Bath. Yesterday the Duke of LEEDS sent off dis- patches to HUGH ELLIOT, Esq. his Majesty's Envoy Extraordinary at Copenhagen. Yesterday at noon a deputation of Gentlemen from the SCOTCH DISTILLERS, had a long con- ference with Mr. PITT at his House in Downing street. The Archbishop of CANTERBURY'S country residence will be at Scarborough. COLONEL Ross, private Secretary to Lord CORNWALLIS, holds a very superior sway in all the public affairs in India. For the good fortune of the settlement, he is however a
Gentleman of strict honour and fidelity. The final decision of the Lords on Tuesday was, that the appendix so long debated in the high Court 0n that day, should not in any shape be considered as evidence already admitted. Mr. ADAIR appeared for the last time in his Recorder's robes at the High Court of Parliament on Tuesday, where, as a city judge, he has at- tended every day during the trial. A Messenger arrived at the French Ambassa- dor's house in Portman- square on Sunday even- ing, which occasioned his Excellency to dispatch a letter to Mr. Pitt, then at Wimbledon, request- ing an interview. Mr. Pitt appointed
Monday morning, when his Excellency met him, at his house in Downing- street, and communicated the substance of his dispatches, which related to the wretched state some of the French Provinces are in for want of bread ; requesting at the same time permission to buy up and export a quantity of flour to alleviate their distresses. The Minister, we are informed, assured his Excellency, that every thing should be done ; and that immediately, confident with the safety of this country, to af- ford them such relief as their necessities requir- ed. The National Assembly of France, finding the Tennis Court at Versailles too small, applied
to the Recolects Convent for permission to hold their meeting in the church. The Monks politely alledged, that the church did not belong to their Order, but to his Majesty ; but that they would send to Court to ask the King's leave, who, no doubt, would grant their request with pleasure. In the interim the overseers of the parish of St. Louis offered their church, and there the meeting was held. It has been proposed in the National Assembly of FRANCE, to destroy the Bastile, and erect a noble square in its place, with a stately column, containing the following inscription : A LOUIS XVI. RESTAURATEUR DE LA LIBERTE PUBLIQUE
TOBACCO. It is not expedted that the Tobacco Bill can be got through this Seflions of Parliament, from the number of witnefles yet to be examined. By the new regulations intended to be made in the tobacco trade, dealers in it are to be li cenced. Manufadturers of tobacco and fnuffin or out of London, to pay 10I. per annum for a licence, Lon- don dealers 5s. country dealers 2s. 6d. per an- num. Befides the general duties named in the Bud- get, the following are propofed duties on manu- fadtured tobacco. is. 3d. per lb. cuftoms on fnuff from the Eaft Indies. 2s. per lb. excife on ditto, from ditto. 6d. per lb. cuftoms on ditto, from
America or Spanifli Weft Indies. is. per lb. excife on ditto, from ditto. iod. per lb. cufloms on ditto, from any other place. is. 4d. per lb, excife on ditto, from ditto. And the following drawbacks on manufadtured tobacco, exported as merchandize, viz. Od. per lb. cultoms on fliort cut, fliag, rolls, and carrot tobacco. qd. per lb. excife on fliort cut. 8d. farthing per lb. ditto on fliag. 7d. per lb. ditto en roll. 6d. half- penny per lb. ditto 011 carrot. Duties on tobacco, the growth or manufadture of Spain or Portugal, viz. is. 6d. per lb. cuftoms imported. 23. per lb, excife ditto. id. per lb. cuftoms, to be delivered for export out of any warehoufe. 2d.
per lb. excile ditto. We are afllired that Mr. PITT means the pre- fent Tobacco Bill merely as an experiment to try for one year. If it fliould not fucceed, the duties are intended to be lowered the next SelTion of Parliament. Monday, before dinner, their MAJESTIES, and retinue, made an excurfion through the Foreft to Beaulieu, and partook ot a rapaft at Beau lieu Houfe ; during which time the Forrefters aflem- bled before the windows, uniformly drefted in clean white fliirts, round hats, and blue ribbons, with mufic, capering and huzzaing. And the unexpedted concourfe, condudted with fuch regu- larity and concord, fo fafcinated his
MAJESTY, that he ferioufly declared, in all his excurfions, he was never fo much delighted, nor ever before experienced that real fatisfadtion which is to be derived from rural fimplicity. The Rev. Mr. COMPTON preached before their MAJESTIES at Lyndhurft laft Sunday. The EMPEROR continues toperfecute his fub- jedts in Brabant in a very unprecedented manner, and the people are ripe for an infurredtion, but the event is delayed till the confufion, probably arifing from the EMPEROR'S death, may make i more likely to be fuccefsful. The noble Gallic conteft for freedom becomes an interefting objedt to Britannia's fons— whole
generous fentiments are thus happily expreiled by GENERAL CONWAY. And fhou'd the Genius of this happy ifle, " On Gallia's fons at length propitious imile; " While 111 each breaft the patriot fpirit glows, Wa'd hail as brothers, whom we've met as foes; !' To the fame point their generous ardor tends, " The friends to FREEDOM mutt be BRITAIN'S friend's. The late Mr. EWER of Lincoln's Inn Square, Member for Dorfetfhire, who died a few days fince, hanged himfelf; he Coroner's Jury brought in their Verdict Lunacy. What could tempt him to this rafli adl is a fecret. His lircumftanees were affluent, and his life feemingly content—
It is therefore natural tofuppofe, that by fomedefedt in nature, reafon became dethroned and in at- tempting to recover her empire, was ftabbed to death by paflion. A new OPERA- HOUSE, is about to be eredted, but it will be on the old ground. The plan is to pull down all the houfes about the old building, and to make one of the fronts of the New Thea- tre to face Pall Mall, which is to be widened from the bottom of the Haymarket to Carlton Houfe. Such has- been Lord BEAUCEERK'S attachment to his Wife's Family, that he means to provide for them all. He has therefore gencroufly attended Lady Beauclerk's Sifter on a Tour to
the Conti- nent. But her ftate is fuch, that there are very little hopes of the family ever being blefled with her RECOVERY, " Love me, love my Dog," is an old faying— But Love me, Love my Sijier, is a new Proverb. Alnwick Races begins on the 13th July. Much company is expedted at the Duke of NORTHUW BERI. AND'S during the race time. It is faid that 140,0001. is already fubferibed towards carrying on the Royal Canal in Ireland. By accounts from various parts, it appears, that the late and long continuance of heavy rains, have been almoft general throughout the king- dom ; and the overflowings of the rivers Severn, Wye,
and Warwickfliire Avon, have fo inun- dated the fruitful meadows on their banks, as to occafion the aioft diftrefling devaftation, great part of the crops of hay and clover which were cut, being fpoiled. The overflowings of the Ifis have deluged the meadows from Oxford to Cricklade, a fpace of thirty- fix miles. The village of Wheally is under water, by the late torrents from the furrounding hills. A few days ago, as farmer Drake of Hook, in the paiifh of Kingfton upon Thames, was plough- ing rather deeper than ufual in one of his fields, the plough- lliare ftruck againft an earthen pot, which was full of the coins of Edward III.-— Thefe
coins are many in number, of different fizes, and were ftruck at different places, as is evident from the different inferiptiens on the re- verfe, CIVITAS LONDINI, CIYITAS EBORACI, C. IVITAS CANTOR, & C. The gentleman who fends this paragraph, procured a few from the farmer as fpecimens, and a part of the pot which contained them ; but the remainder, weighing near 40 ounces ( excepting a few otherwife difpofed of), were purchafed by Mr. Pcnfold and Mr. Knight, of Kingfton. law report. COURT OF KING'S- BENCH. Before LORD KENYON. Wednesday, July I. BENNET and ANOTHER V. the CORPORATION
CARLISLE. The Corporation of Carlisle, it seems, are in the interest of the Earl of LONSDALE ; and, in order to increase that interest, several persons, of whom the Plaintiffs were two, were offered to be sworn in as Freemen ; but this was opposed by the several Guilds, who insisted that no person could be sworn in a Member of the Corporation, unless he had been previously admitted a Mem- ber of some Fraternity. In consequence of this opposition, the Plain- tiffs obtained a Mandamus from the King's Bench, to which the Corporation of Carlisle made a re- turn. Issue was joined thereon,, and the cause was set down for trial
in London, at the sittings after the present term. The Members of the Guilds, however, fearful that complete justice might not be obtained, if the cause went on to trial between two parties, who were both in the same interest, made an application to the Court to be admitted parties, and to have the trial post- poned until the Michaelmas term : and the Court granted the application in both instances. WILSON versus JAQUES. On a rule to shew cause why Mr. Jaques should not be discharged out of the custody of Mr. Isles, Warden of the Fleet, it appeared that" he was in execution at the suit of the Plaintiff on a detainer. The ground
of the motion was, that Jaques being in execution, at the suit of one Griffin, the Warden had permitted him to make a voluntary escape ; and it was contended that, after such a permission, the Warden could not by law, justify the retaking on a detainer lodged at the suit of another person. The voluntary escape, however, was merely constructive, and consisted in Jaques frequently dining at the country- house of Mr. Isles, and permitting him, Jaques, frequently to dine at his own country house. At the time the detainer was lodged, Jaques was unfortunately on a visit to his friend Mr. Isles, at his town- house, viz. the Fleet Prison ;
and the Court held, that as he was found in the custody of the Warden, by a third person, it was perfectly immaterial, as to him, whether any escape had been previously permitted, when in custody at the suit of ano- ther person, and they accordingly ordered the Rule to be discharged, and Mr. Jaques to be de- tained. At the Court of Aldermen held on Tuesday at Guildhall, after the election ot a new Recorder was concluded. Joseph Ballard, Esq. elected Sheriff on Mid- summer- day last, stated, that he thought at the age of 64 years it would be out of his power to perform the duties ot the office; and prayed the Court of Aldermen
to receive his fine of 400l. and 20 marks, and discharge him from the said election. The Court informed Mr. Ballard it was not in their power to discharge him, unless he paid 600I. and 20 marks— which he accordingly paid, and will petition the Court of Common Council for a return of the 200l. W. Fasson, Esq. who was elected produced to the Court a Commission, he being a Captain in the Worcestershire Militia, and thereby exempted from civil and other military offices. The Court excused him from the said office. A Common Hall for the election of two other Sheriffs is appointed to be held on Tuesday the 7th inst. and the
precepts ordered to be issued. Yesterday morning as two boys were running over the coal- lighters at Bank- side, one of them slipped between two lighters, and was crushed to death. On Wednesday night as Mr. PRINTER, of the Foundling Hospital, was coming through the Duke of BEDFORD'S private Road, he was at- tacked by three footpads, who robbed him of his watch and money. Saturday last, the brother of Mr. Starling, of the Lord's Arms, Warminster, who acted as head ostler there, was killed in the stable by a stallion belonging to Mr. Croke of Bristol. Though the horse had by repeated kickings fractured the poor
man's skull and legs in several places, yet he survived twenty- six hours in extreme agony. It appearing in evidence that the horse had never before been guilty of any vicious act, a value was set 0n him of only 30s. which was paid by Mr. Croke, who generously promised to do some- thing for the afflicted widow and four young chil- dren. On Wednesday night about eleven o'clock, a shocking affair happened at No. 3, Goldsmith- street, East Harding- street. A hair- dresser went home with a girl of the town, with whom he had cohabited two years. A little dispute ensued be. twixt them, which was seemingly made up, when he
approached her, under pretence of saluting her, and cut her throat on each side with a pen: knife. He afterwards stabbed himself twice in the throat.— He was heard to say, in the evening in Gough square, that he would murder her; and told the surgeon, after the cruel act, that he was impelled to this rash step by love. He was carried to St. Bartholomew's Hospital last night; and the young woman was conveyed thither this morning. A female monkey, of the baboon specics, lately brought forth a young one, at Stamford, in Lincolnshire ; a circumstance, we are told un- precedented, in this climate.— The mother suckles it at the
breast, with the most folicitous care and tenderness;— she carries it in her arms, and nurses it in every other respect like a woman.— Upon the whole, it issfaid to exhibit a striking satire on human nature. The blessed effects of military discipline were manifested on Monday last, at Liverpool:— A private in the 40th regiment was sentenced to receive 999 lashes—( his crime we have not heard) — 500 were given him on the above day, and on Tuesday he resigned himself into the hands of the fell serjeant, Death."
• English Parliament. HOUSE OF COMMONS. Thursday, July 2. MESSAGE FROM THE L0RDS, That they had agreed to some bills, and would proceed farther in the trial of Warren Hastings, Esq. on Tuesday next. WINE BILL. Sir William Dolben brought in a bill for sub- jecting the retailers of wine, to the same regula- tions and restrictions that were now imposed by law on the retailers of ale and spirituous liquors. Mr. Dempster opposed it as a new tax. Mr. Hussey was of the same opinion with Mr. Dempster. The Speaker thought that the contents did not agree with the title, and therefore recommended it to the Hon. Baronet to
withdraw it, which he did. BOUNTIES; The report of the Committee for granting bounties in certain cases to the masters of ships, & c. who are to transport slaves from the Coast of Africa to the West India Islands, was read a first and second time, and agreed to. Instructions were ordered to be given to the Committee who were to consider of the bill for regulating the Middle Passage, to insert these bounties into that bill. MIDDLE PASSAGE BILL, Sir William Dolben brought in his bill for continuing and amending an act for regulating the shipping, and carrying of slaves from the coast of Africa to the West Indies, which was read a
first time, and on the question, that it be read a second time, Sir William Dolben said, he did intend to have made some alteration with respect to the tonnage, but when he considered the late period of the Session, and that it was only intended as a temporary regulation, he should wave it. Mr. Gasgoyne wished to ask the Hon. Baronet, if all the alterations which he proposed to make were in the bill. Sir William replied that they were. Sir Grey Cooper said, if this bill was intended as permanent, he thought a vast number of other alterations were necessary ; he was opinion, that this country at last must have recourse to perman ent regulations, and that the trade could not be abolished. He was observing what Mr. Necker had said on the Slave Trade, when he was called to order by the Speaker. Captain Berkley wished to know, if provision, had been made in this bill for the sailors, and likewise whether they were to be paid in sterling money or in currency. Captain Macbride informed his honourable friend, that there were provisions for the sailors, and that he had assisted in drawing them up The motion was then put that this bill be read a second time, which was agreed to. NEWFOUNDLAND, & c. WHALE FISHERY, and CARRIAGE and HORSE
BILLS, Were read a third time, and carried to the Lords for their concurrence. TEA BILL. Mr. Rose brought in a bill for allowing the same drawbacks on tea exported to the islands of Jersey and Guernsey, as also to Gibraltar and to other parts of the continent of Europe, where there was a British Consul, as were allow- ed on teas exported to Ireland and America. It was read a first time, and was ordered for a se- cond. „ DEBTOR AND CREDITOR BILL Was put off till Monday next. BILL FOR IMPROVING COMMONABLE LAnd. Mr. Joliffe moved to bring in a Bill for im proving the cultivation of Commonable Land, which he
hoped no Gentleman would have any objection to. Any regulation that tended to the improvement of Commonable Lands must be of the greatest importance, as the ground was the source of manufactures, trade and commerce His idea in this Bill was, that any man having a right of Common, and wishing to have his por- tion separated, might apply to the Sheriff of the county, who should fummon a Jury to enquire into the claims of the man pretending to have right of Common, and that they should appertain to him that to which a majority of the Jury should agree he had a right. This, he conceived, would tend highly to their
improvement. Sir William Dolben conceived this, in many cases, would be extremely difficult. Suppose a man had a right of Common for eight sheep, it would be difficult for a Jury to assign to him his portion of the Common. Sir William wished it to be printed. Mr. Joliffe said, he only meant to bring it in for the purpose of having it printed, and to stand over till next Seffion. It was then read a first, and ordered to be read a second time. PAPERS. Mr. Sheridan moved that there be laid before the House an account of miscellaneous services, from January 5, 1786, to January 5, 1789 ; like- wise the total and net produce of the tax on
wood for the same period, and the amount of the tax on land and malt for the same period ;— likewise an account of the arrears of the civil list, as they stood on the 2d of July, 1789. BRITISH FISHERIES. The House went into a Committee on the British Fisheries.— Sir James Johnston in the chair, and agreed that an humble address be presented to his Majesty, requesting he would be graciously pleased to order the commander in chief of his Majesty's forces in North Britain, to make a survey, and give an estimate of a com munication between the East and Weft Coast, through the Shires of Ross, Sutherland, and Caithness.
It was agreed that this address be presented by such Members, as were of his Majesty's Privy Council. TOBACCO BILL. The House went into a Committee on the To- bacco business. Mr. Rose in the chair. Witnesses were then called to the bar and ex- amined. Adjourned, IMPEACHMENT OF WARREN HASTINGS, Esq FIFTY THIRD DAY. Thursday, July 2. After the usual formalities, the Court was open- ed, when The Lord Chancellor informed the Mana- gers of the impeachment, that their Lordships had determined against the reading the Appendix of 1788. Mr. Burke proceeded to another evidence, which he said would
arise out of circumstances and facts, to prove that the Nabob Surajah Dow- lah, was a mere pageant and instrument in the hands of Mr. Hastings, and that he had not any monarchial power whatsoever. The first matter to be produced in support of this, was the con- sultation of the 31st of July, 1775, which he de- sired might be read, with the affidavit of Mr. Hastings. Mr. Law wished the Right Honourable Ma- nager would inform the Court to what purport of evidence the affidavit tended. Mr. Burke replied, that it went in one point to prove that Mr. Hastings swore the Nabob not to be possessed of any supreme power. The
Chancellor asked was it the original affidavit, or only a copy that was to be produced, and 0n being answered " only a copy" his Lordship ob- served, that he apprehended the copy was no evi- dence whilst the original was in existence. Mr. Burke then desired the affidavit of George Vansittart, Esq. might be read. • Mr. Law objected, not only as the viva voce evidence could be had, but because this likewise was a copy, and the original existing. The Chancellor told the Managers that they could not PROVE facts by reciting the copies of affidavits. Mr. Law insisted that the original was no evi- dence, and even if it was evidence, that
it could not injure his client, so that he was very indiffer- ent whether the affidavit or the consultation were or were not read. Mr. Burke said, the affidavit and consultation of the 13th of July, went to prove the state of the country at that time. The Chancellor thought this would be of very little purpose, unless it was proved how far Mr. HastingS acted upon this business, and whether the Council did any more after the consultation, than transmit the account of it to the Directors. Mr. Burke replied, that he produced it as a piece of evidence, and accordingly it was with the affidavit read through. Mr. Law requested the Court to observe,
that in the consultation there was not a syllable refer- ring to the affidavit, and therefore that the con- sultation must be considered as irrelevant to the subject of the affidavit. In fact, it was nothing more than a kind of round- about circuitous scheme, to bring again before the Court, that very improper evidence offered in respect to the Begum, which their Lordships had already in a variety of shapes rejected. This he thought to be a waste of time, as it was impossible for the Court ever to admit that, which after solemn de- liberation, they had declared to be inadmissible. Mr. Burke did not, and he trusted their Lord- ships would not,
deem this mode of coming at facts, to substantiate the great guilt of the culprit, to be either circuitous or improper, nor could he perceive the impropriety of again bringing for- ward a charge that had only failed at the time, on account of those facts which now could be pro- duced with propriety, not being then in such form as the proceedings of the law required.— The present evidence, however, did not go to the point of the Begums— it went to repel that mock defence— that insult to justice, of which Mr. Hast- ings was guilty, when he set up the Nabob as a legal supreme power, notwithstanding the judges had adjudged him to
be a dependant. Mr. Law thought if the context on what was read went no farther, and that this was the whole of what was to arise out of the consultation and and the affidavit, it amounted to nothing, for the judgment of the Judges in Bengal, was no evi- dence in Westminfter Hall. Mr. Burke declared his astonishment at this doctrine, and must insist that a cause, inter alius acta did effect Mr. Hastings, unless it could be proved that Mr. Hastings' conduct or criminali- ty, was not in any manner connected with the transactions of India. This idea he trusted would not be sent forward, patronized by their Lord- ships, in the face of the
public, in the presence of what might be called the whole world, for the representatives not only of England, but of almost every other powerful nation, were atten- tive to this great trial, and most of them then present ( there were six of the Corps Diplomati- que in the Ambassador's box.) — The fact, or the cause alluded to, surely must be deemed relative to Mr. Hastings, when the affi- davit was a cause to which he himself was plain- tiff ; and the consultation, a consultation in which he was Counsel. This could be undeniably proved, and that the whole of it went to substan tiate his guilt, as well in respect to the Nabob, as to the
BRIBES received under the authority of that Nabob— and it would fully evidence that he put persons into office, without any legal authori- ty to do so— and in such an act was, of course, guilty of the effect as well as the cause. To fay on such a matter of consequence as this, that the evidence was irrelevant, and that it should not be considered as proof, was low, ridiculous, and fri- volous. He did not, however, mean to apply those words to the Counsel, who were acting pro- fessionally— he intended them only as referring to the instructions received for combating such proofs It was a hard case, he said, that the Managers were
obliged to argue their evidence in the very moment of producing it— but he trusted he should prove whatever was advanced, and particularly in the present instance, that the Nabob, instead of being superior to the Council, was their servant and slave, a mere puppet at the command, and un- der the authority of the Governor General. HE SHould also, from the competency of this evidence, prove the illegality of Mr. Hastings keeping Muny Begum in power— and the sufficiency of her charge against him for corruption, extortion, and bribery, by such a BODY OF EVIDENCE as never before appeared in any Court. From the whole
of this, he trusted he should convince the Court that the criminal at the Bar had assumcd false colours, exercised an authority, and took a com- mand with which he was not legally vested. Mr. Law was pretty certain that the EVIDENCE would really be such as never before came into any Court of Justice, and therefore, without meaning any insult to the Managers he must, as Counsel for Mr. Hastings, say, that all this was irrelevant, as the evidence was either inadmissible, or if admissible, could not amount to the establish- ment of any fact. Considering it in this point of view, and trusting that the Court would take it up in the
same light, he could not help observing, that the time of the Court was wasting to very little purpose. Mr. Burke beseeched their Lordships to take care of the principle on which they were assembled. The Chancellor desired the parties to state their question in dispute precisely. He asked, was it thus to be put to the Court, whether the judg- ment of the Judges in Bengal, or whether what was said on that judgment be evidence,"—— Mr. Burke said the Managers wanted both. The Chancellor replied, " I know you do". Mr. Law observed to Mr. Burke, that if he did, he began at the wrong end. Mr. Burke after some pro and con
altercation, said, that the evidence must at least amount to a circumstance— to prove the sense of India 0n this business, and as such was highly material. The Chancellor was only solicitous to get at a true statement of the question, and this he found ex- tremely difficult, from the various shapes and forms it took— was it the judgment— the consultation, or the conspiracy, the point to be decided. Mr. Law said, if it did not appear as a regular judgment, it was not judicial. Above half an hour elapsed in settling this point, which at last was reduced to writing, and appeared to be two separate questions, the one, " whether the
judgment of the Court in Bengal," and the other, " whether the Minutes of the Con- sultation of the 31st of July, were evidence ?" Lord Walsingham on this being settled, moved to adjourn to the Chamber of Parliament, when, after an hour and an half's debate their Lordships djourned the Trial to Tuesday morning. FRANCE. Late 0n Wednesday night arrived an express from the Duke of DORSET at Paris. By the accounts contained in private letters from the same place, we have every reason to be- lieve, that the power of the King of France is verging to a conclusion. The tumult occasioned by the Royal Sittings has produced a
very great fermentation among the people. The French Guards at Paris, amounting to 4000 men, have refused to obey the King's orders, and declared themselves to be the SOLDIERS OF THE NATION. The Duc DE CHATELET their Colonel, went to Versailles and assured the King, that he could not answer for his safety, if he continued to enforce the Royal Orders. On this Information his Ma- jesty wrote to the Order of Noblesse, and expressed his wish that they would join the Third Estate, and incorporate with them, which they did. The Clergy had already done the same. As the Third Estate, with those of the Nobility and
Clergy who have joined them, form a majority of 800 against 300, there is n0 doubt but that every resolution taken in the National Assembly, will be in favour of the Third Estate. In short, it appears as if nothing could prevent the new modelling of the Constitution, according to their pleasure. One of the first steps will be, to annull Whatever the King had asserted at the Royal Sitting, that tend- ed to oppose the rights claimed by the Third Estate. The idea entertained by the Army, of the intention of the Third Estate to encrease their pay, has had its effect, and won that powerful body to the cause of liberty. The French funds rose io
per cent, on the' opi- ion becoming general, that the national debt will be funded and provided for. The following are some of the distinguished Nobles of France who form the Minority in the great contest for freedom : Le Duc d'Orleans Marquis de Marnezia Comte de Clermont Tonnere Comte de Montmorency Marquis de Montesquieu friday morning. JULY 3. Yesterday morning the PRINCESSES MARY, SOPHIA, and AMELIA, attended by Lady Charlotte Finch, took an airing in one of the Queen's Coaches in Windsor Little Park. Yesterday morning the SPANISH AMBASSADOR had an interview with the Duke of LEEDS, at his
house in Grosvenor Square. His Royal Highness the Duke of YORK still continuing much indisposed, his Royal Highness the Prince of WALES, has deferred his visit to Brighthelmstone ; and yesterday at half past six o'clock in the afternoon, came to town from Colonel LAKE'S seat at Parrot, in Buckingham- shire and immediately went to the Duke of YORK, at York- House. His ROYAL HIGHNESS the DUKE of YORK'S disorder proves to be the MEASLES ; but we are happy to announce, that Dr. WARREN and Dr. MOSELEY, his Physicians, have pronounced him in a fair way of RECOVERY. The troubles of France are likely
to be increas- ed by the great scarcity of provisions in some of the Western Provinces, where bread is at such a price as to preclude the poor from purchasing it, who at present subsist on the fruits of the earth chiefly. This scarcity arises from the merchants at Marseilles having purchased such quantities of grain which they shipped for the markets of Italy and the Levant; at which latter it brought profit of near cent, per cent. Government have at length taken up the consideration of this mat- ter seriously. On Wednesday a Council was held at White hall, said to be on a requisition from the Court of France, to have the liberty of
importing 20,000 sacks of flour from this country. Wednesday night information was received by the Merchants in the city, that the Triumph, Capt. Stout, an Imperial Indiaman, from Ben- gal, arrived at Dover on Sunday last, and sailed for Ostend on Monday. She left Bengal the 1st of February, at which time the Phoenix, Capt. Gray, lay at Cox Island, ready to sail for Europe. The Northumberland, Dublin, and Lord Ma- cartney, Indiamen, were at Diamond Point when the Triumph departed. The Lord Macartney was to be sent to China the other ships were intended to come home with cargoes from Bengal. The Triumph left St.
Helena the 2d of May There were at that time the Lord Hawkesbury, Camden, Cornwallis, and Dutton, homeward bound Indiamen; and the Pitt, storeship, out- ward- bound. Two Swedish ships from China, and the Pru- dentia, Imperial ship, were also at St. Helena Previous to the departure of the Triumph from Bengal, a famine had raged there with much fury, and tended to considerable devastation. It suffered at last some abatement by the spirited ex ertions of the Gentlemen belonging to the Set tlement, who contributed very liberally to the relief of the poor unfortunate natives. The concourse of miserable creatures was so
immense, that a particular place was appointed for the reception of the commodities intended for the use of the natives,, and proper regulations were adopted on the occasion. Before the delivery of the rice, it was boiled and measured out under the inspection of the Committee of Subscribers. A " Gentleman who was an eye- witness to the very calamitous situa tion of the country, describes it as a sight too shocking to humanity.— Multitudes of the na tives, who had died of hunger, were thrown pro miscuously into the river ; and mothers were ex ceedingly happy to sell their children for two or three rupees. Duc de la
Rochefoucalt Duc d'Aiguillon Duc du Port Comte de Rochechouart Comte Henri de Lusiguam Marquis de Sillery Denis Dunefault Baron de Menou Comte de la Touche Comte de Pardieu Marquis de Biencourt Chev. Alex, de Lameth Vriante de Beauhornois PRince de Broglie Baron Felix de Wimpsen Comte de Crillon Marquis de la Coste Chevalier de Maoulet Comte de Sarrazin Vicomte de Toulengeon La Tour Dupin Comte de Croy Champagny M. de la Tour Maubourg Marquis de Crillon Baron d'Haramburea Comte de Puisaye Comte de Chastenay Lanty dc Precatier, . . Marquis de Laucome The body of 150 Clergy , who
joined the Third Estate, were headed by The Archbishop of Vienna The Bishop of Orange The Archbishop of Bourdeaux; The Bishop of Rhodez, and The Bishop of Chartres The Bishop of Contances. After the Royal Session, on the 23d ult. when the Commons refused to withdraw on the mes- sage that was sent to them from the King, the workmen were sent in to take down the decora- tions which had been prepared for his Majesty's appearance— They continued their deliberations in spite of the insulting interruption, and abstained from any correction of the intruders. It was expected that the KING would meet the NATIONAL
ASSEMBLY on Tuesday last, and then to confirm the NEW CONSTITUTION. Tuesday some dispatches were received at the . Duke of LEEDS'S office from Newfoundland; they are dated the 10th ult. and contain intelli- gence of the safe arrival there of upwards of 200 sail of merchant ships from London and other places, besides a great number more that were just appearing on the Banks. Extract of a Letter from Liverpool, June 29. " On Saturday, about one o'clock, this town and neighbourhood were again visited with a very heavy shower of rain, accompanied with exceed- ing large hailstones, attended with the most aw- ful
and tremendous thunder and lightning ever remembered, which has done very considerable damage. At the house of Mr. Davis, No. 117, in Dale- street, great part of a stack of chimnies was thrown down. At Mr. Donally's, the light— ning came down the chimney into the room, where Mr. D. and the family were sitting near the fire, going to dinner, struck him near the temple, but without material injury, then fortunately took its course through the centre frame of a double window, which it split, and broke a small looking- glass to pieces. " At Mr. Harding's, the next door, the light- ning entered the back of the roof, part of which it
stripped, proceeding through the floor into the room underneath, where it broke the whole of the ornaments on the chimney boards, broke the window and side of the frame to pieces, struck a woman down who was in the room, but did her no other injury than causing her a great deaf- ness. " At the Townside mill, belonging to Mr. Humphrey Green, great damage has been done ; the lightning shivered the upper shaft, proceeded down the sack chain to the upper working floor, where after forcing out a small leaded casement, got to the lower working floor, where it over- turned several large iron weights, forced out an- other
leaded window, and made its way through that floor into some rooms below, which are oc- cupied by the family as a dwelling, in one of which, a young man was thrown against the grate ; in the next room were two children, one of whom received a stroke on the eye, and they were nearly suffocated by the sulphureous vapour, but otherwise not materially injured ; in the next room was a girl of 12 years old, daughter of Mr. Green, who was instantly struck dead; the windows in this room and the next very material- ly damaged, and a hole made through the door; a son of Mr. Green, in attempting to get the children out, was twice
repused by the sulphur before he could effect his design. " At Vernon's Hall, the lightning shivered the ridging of a stablc, entered the hay- loft, and set fire to a quantity of old hay, which, with the building, it entirely consumed. " Besides the above, much other damage' was done, and the whole in the space of a quarter of an hour."
Poetry. On seeing the following Motto, " LA DOUCE IN- DIFFERENCE," on a Lady's Hair- Ring. SAY, can the lilly of the vale Refuse its fragrance to the gale ? Or can the rose in op'ning spring Forbear perfuming Zephyr's wing ? Can the bright dew- drop in the bower Deny its freshness to the flower ? Or can the stream flow through the plain, And not enrich the growing grain ? Say, does the seed in bed profoundf Conceal its virtues underground ? Or do the blossoms as they blow, Belie the parent seed below ? Does the gay Lark refuse to sing And usher in the bashful spring ? And does not bashful spring improve The universal
soul of love ? Search Nature round, Sophia fair, Say, can you find indiff'rence there ? ' Tis Sympathy's wide reign I see, Where all obey— yet all are free. The sweetest part of her domain, Must she then claim your heart in vain! Shall beauty's richest blossom shoot, And overpow'r the embryo fruit? To you fond nature has been kind, And lagging art you've left behind : Then conquer in fair nature's cause, And, ah ! forbear to wound her laws. Indifference is only sweet, When lips, like your's, the words repeat But when the sense they would impart, The lips are strangers to the heart. Then substitute a word more dear, More just to
you, to us more clear. Of that dark amulet beware, It ill becomes an hand so fair; A circlet of a richer hue. Enchanting maid, is form'd for you. Then hail, sweet Sympathy, at once, Avaunt, La douce Indifference ! R, FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE. YeSTErDay arrived the Mails from FRANCE and FLANDERS. Trieste, June 4. The report that the fleet of Major Lambro Cazzioni had taken some rich ves- sels, bound from Scutari to Constantinople, is not confirmed; but that fleet has defeated seven Dul- cignote pirates, two of which were sunk, and the rest entirely disabled from serving any more. This action happened betweeu Dulcigno
and the Gulph of Cattao. The enemy lost 50 men, and the Russians none. This fleet frees our coasts entirely from Turkish corsairs, and lately retook a Vene- tian Polacre with two Dulcignote corsairs, which had captured her. About 1000 Albanians have entered on board this fleet as volunteers. Petersburgh, June 5. The report spread amongst foreigners that the intrinsic value of our roubles is to be altered, is without any foundation, and raised merely to injure the credit of Russia, and thereby occasion fresh troubles. Warsaw, June 6. The Russians who were preparing to pass the Danube, have been detained by the advice they
have received that 30,000 Turks are ready to dispute the passage with them. Madrid, June 9. The Court has received ad- vice from Don Denis de Duque, Commandant, per interim, of Oran, that on the 18th of last month 1500 Moors from the neighbouring moun- tains attacked our advanced posts, and harrassed them for three hours ; but a reinforcement of 100 men arriving, the enemy was repulsed. The Com- mandant then ordered a sally to be made, and the Moors beginning to form anew, they attacked them with so much impetuosity, that they retired, and have not molested us since. We had on this occasion two men
dangerously, and 17 slightly wounded. Vienna, June to. The accounts from Luxem- burgh arc not so consoling as they were last week. The Emperor has again been attacked by the fe- ver, and has kept his bed for these four days; and the physicians think there is very little hopes of his recovery. Colonel Kovachevich has informed Marshal Laudohn, that on the 1st inst. he took the fort of Bertsko from the Turks, with a flag and some iron cannons. We expect farther particulars of this affair. Manheim. June 16. On the 13th inst. about nine o'clock in the evening, we felt two pretty severe shocks of an earthquake ; their direction was
from north- east to south- west. Brussels, June 21. The blow which was struck on the 18th, had been a long time provoked. It is impossible to conceive what means had been practised to excite the people to rebellion, and that by our priests in particular; and we hope that the effects of the Imperial declaration will reach our abbies and religious communities, from whence the discord has proceeded. By letters from Rome, we are advised of the deaths of the celebrated Monsignor Saliceti, and the Abbe Lazzari. The former of these was beneficent to the highest degree. Before he died, he ordered Doctor Martino Guidoni, his
compatriot and friend, to take from his desk a bundle of papers, which contained more than one hundred bonds and promissory notes, tear them in pieces in his presence, and throw them out of the window : a circumstance which will ever keep his memory alive. friday Afternoon, BUSINESS in the HousE of COMMONS, This day— Report of the East India Budget to be received. Committee on Newspapers, & c. Bill, and West Indies and American Trade Bill. Bill for the Improvement of Commonable Lands in Great Britain, to be read a second time. Committees on Tobacco Bill, and Supply, and Ways and Means. ROYAL
EXCURSION. WEYMOUTH. TUESDAY, June 30. Their MAJESIES arrived at Weymouth about four o'clock this day. They were met by the Corporation at the turnpike, who conducted them to the town. As soon as their Majesties alighted at Gloucester House, the cannon at Portland were fired, and immediately answered by the Falcon sloop, the Greyhound cutter, and the Castle yatch ; after which, the fort on shore fired a Royal salute ; after dinner the King and Queen, with the Princesses, walked on the new terrace al- most two hours, amidst the acclamations of thou- sands, and appeared to be delighted with the char- ming
situation of the place they have deigned to visit. The whole town was illuminated in the evening, and several transparencies were exhibit- ed that would have done honour to the taste and loyalty of the metropolis. Mr. Delamotte's li- brary, and Mr. Stewart's made a very handsome appearance ; but that which was exhibited by Mr. Love, at his Repertory on the Esplanade, delerves a particular description. It consisted of three copartments; in the centre the medallions of the King and Queen were suspended from an oak, with Mars and Minerva, decorating them with laurels and olive branches.— Neptune also was introduced as
supporting the standard of Great Britain, with Britannia encouraging the sciences, under the representation of three children.— The left copartment was embellished with flowers, fruits, wheat- ears, & c.— with the following line beneath, '' Long live Great George, with every honour crown d." and the right copartment, was decorated with simi- lar emblems, and another line to complete the couplet. " And long may Royal Charlotte's virtuous joys abound.'' Arrived here, Earl and Countess ot CHESTER- FIELD, Earl and Countess HOWE, Lady JAMES, Sir J. POOL and Lady.— Lady SYDNEY is ex- pected here hourly.
WEDNESDAY, July 1. This day their MAJESTIES and the PRIN- CESSES walked through every part of the town, accompanied by the Earl ot Chesterfield, Earl and Countess Howe, the Earl and Countess of Courtown, Ladies Curzon, Howe, and Walde- graves, and Colonels Goldsworthy and Gwynn ; and followed by the town and whole neighbour- hood. As their MAJESTIES passed the Quay, the ships were manned, and they were saluted with loud huzzas. At twelve, the Mayor and Corporation pre- sented an humble address ; and at night there was an elegant display of fireworks opposite the Royal residence. Music,
walking, riding, and all that belongs to rural life, contribute to amuse their MAJESTIES, and hitherto with the happiest effect. Scenes so romantic, and though natural, yet so novel to the cares of Kings, afford uncommon delight, and convey sensations to the heart that language can ill define. The renovation of health and spirits, super- added to all these, seems to have fascinated his Majesty, and emphatically endeared to him those scenes of sylvan jollity. His MAJESTY was never better in health and spirits at any period of his life.— He rises early, and rides before breakfast, always when the wea- ther permits. Some time is
necessarily employed by his Ma- jesty in the business of the State; and his Ma- jesty's letters are conveyed to town by constant dispatches. Paternal affection has also dictated paternal correspondence, and the Prince of WALES, and Dukes of YORK and CLARENCE, have all been honoured by his MAJESTY'S epistolary notice. At Salisbury, and indeed almost every place through which the ROYAL VISITORS passed, Triumphal Arches were raised; particularly at Piddleton, the seat of Lord ORFORD, where a magnificent arch was erected over the road, under which their MAJESTIES passed. A hogshead of strong beer was
placed at each post for the populace, who quaffed liberal liba- tions to the Royal Healths. BRIGHTHELMSTONE never, perhaps, was so thin of company as it is at present: and the Prince's house gives n0 promise of being ready to receive him. Miss HUME, the daughter of Sir Abraham Hume, is a very elegant figure, and highly ani- mated in feature and manner; she is accomplished, and her genius in respect to drawing is particu- larly distinguished MAJOR HALLIDAY has bought the Leasowes of Mr. HORNE for 14,0001.— That place, and Lancashire, are to divide the MAJOR and LADY JANE between them. Last Saturday,
Messrs Smith, Abbot, and Vause, were elected off from Eton to King's College, Cambridge, in consequence of three Fellowships having been declared vacant at the aforesaid College. The Rev. Dr. Dobbyn, succeeds to the preben- dary parish of St. Michael, vacated by the pro- motion of Dr. Robinson to St. Michan's, in the room of Dr. Dixie Blundell, preferred to St. Mary's, by the death of Dr. Law. DUELS. On Monday morning last a duel was fought at Lexden Heath, near Colchester, between Mr. Corsellis, of Wivenhoe, and Mr. Crickett, Mem- ber for Ipswich. The cause of dispute originated in some severe language, with
which the former addressed the latter at Colchester, on Saturday last. Mr. Corsellis, after receiving Mr. Crickett's shot, fired his pistol in the air; 0n which Mr. Crickett expressed himself satisfied, and the affair here ter- minated. Mr. Tyssen was second to Mr. Corsel- lis, and Mr. Middleton to Mr. Crickett. We have authority to give the following ac- count of the Duel, which took place yesterday evening. In consequence of some expressions, reflecting on the character of Lieutenant Colonel LENOX, published in a Pamphlet, with the name of THEOPHILUS SWIFT, Esq. Colonel LENOX called on Mr. SWIFT, and demanded
satisfaction. They met at five o'clock yesterday afternoon in a field, near the Uxbridge- road. Mr. SWIFT, attended by Sir WILlIAM AUGUSTUS BROWN, and Lieutenant Colonel LENOX, by Lieute- nant Colonel PHIPPS. Sir WILLIAM BROWN, observing that Colonel lENOX'S pistols had sights, proposed that a pistol should be exchanged 0n each side, as Mr. SWIFT had given up the point of meeting with swords, which had been origi- nally suggested by him, but objected to by Col. PHIPPS. A pistol was accordingly exchanged. Col. PHIPPS then asked Sir WILLIAM BROWN what distance he proposed ? Sir WILLIAM men
tioned ten paces, which were measured by the se- conds. Col. LENOX and Mr. SwifT being called to take their ground, Sir WILLIAM BROWN asked in what manner Col. LENOX and Mr. SWIFT were to fire, whether at the same time or not? Col. PHIPPS stated, that from the degree of the injury he conceived Lieutenant Col. LENOX had a right to claim the first shot. Mr. SWIFT and Sir WILLIAM BROWN immediately agreed that Col. LeNOX should fire first. The parties having taken their ground, Col. LENOX asked if Mr. SWIFT was ready: on his answering that he was, Col. LENOX fired, and the ball took place in the body of Mr.
SWIFT, whose pistol, 0n his receiving the wound, went off without effect; the parties then quitted the ground. It is but justice to add, that both Gentlemen behaved with the greatest coolness and intrepidity Another Affair of Honour in Dublin.— Thurs- day a journeyman barber, and an apprentice to a taylor, settled a point of honour with a case of pistols in the Phoenix Park; happily no mischief was done, except to the poor apprentice, whose second had very improperly charged his pistol with too much powder, which bursting in his hand, shattered his fore- finger in so terrible a manner, that a locked- jaw is expected to be the
consequence.— The seconds, we hope, will publish an accurate account of the affair, to prevent any false one. Advices were received in town yesterday, which confirm the sailing of the Russian squadron from Cronstadt. According to these, the Empress has resolved this summer to carry the war into the very heart of the Swedish dominions; and the vast body of land forces embarked in the fleet from Cronstadt, justifies the conjecture that they are going on this expedition. A gentleman just arrived from Flanders assures us, that an English exile of quality, who stiles himself the Duke of KENT, is now living in the town of Courtray,
at the extraordinary age of 112 years. This gentleman is the son of Henry de Grey, Marquis of Worcester and Duke of Kent, who being some way involved in the disgrace cf the Lord Chancellor Clarendon, forfeited his estate and honours, by flying to the Continent, where he married a Flemish lady, daughter to the Count de Fruges, by whom he had this son, who being left without patrimony, save the interest of ten thousand crowns, in right of his mother, re- tired to the cheap and pleasant town of Courtray, where he has resided in a private, but genteel manner, above 70 years. The following singular circumstance has lately
happened : The Hon. Mr. C. attending the bed of a sick Clergyman, his friend, discovered in the delirium of this kind patient, that he had had for some years a criminal intercourse with his wife. The husband immediately went to her, and she as immediately confessed the crime. On which he conducted the Lady from his house— and is himfelf gone abroad. Lord E. his near relation, is inconsolable on the subject. This is indeed extending the benefit of CLERGY. The cause of EDWARD DODwELL, Esq. against FRANCES, his wife, on a libel for adultery, came on last week in Doctor's Commons ; when the Court adjudged, that the
charge of adultery against Mrs. DODWELL, was not proved, and therefore dismissed the cause with costs of suit! WESTMINSTER COMMITTEE Met yesterday at ten o'clock, and finished the examination of Mr. Vidler, one of the collectors of St. Margaret's Parish. The Counsel on the part of Lord HOOD then informed the Committee, that they had gone through the objected votes in the United Parishes of St. Margaret and St. John, and were ready to begin with those of St. Martin's Parish. Mr John Augustus Bonney was then sworn, and delivered in a list of 275 persons who had polled for Lord JOHN TowNSHEND, who were
not to be found in the places where they had described themselves residents; and a list of 54 objected to on other grounds, as specified in the observations opposite their respective names. Mr. Bonney was then examined as to the man- ner in which he made out his lists, which lasted till three o'clock ; when the Committee adjourned to ten this day : they will then finish his exami- nation, and proceed to that of the Collectors of St. Martin's Parish. NEW FASHIONS AT PARIS. LADIES— FIRST DRESS; Consists of a robe of rofe taffety, and a veil full neck- kerchief, the ends of which are lost under the stomacher. The bonnet is Of
white taffety with narrow edges, and a high crown, surrounded by three garlands of white roses. On the fore part ot the bonnet is a large knot of gauze, bound at the lower end of the crown by puffed gauze, the ends of which fall en barbe behind; and in the front are sprigs of a rose co- lour, the stalks of which are hid under the game knot. THE SECOND DRESS. Consists of a robe a la Turque, of green taffe- ty, with yellow sleeves. About the neck is a kerchief of gauze, embroidered in green and yel- low silk ; the ends of this kerchief are knotted at the back part of the waist. The head dress is a bonnet a tuyaux montans ( or
broad plaits in the form of an inverted cone) of white plain gauze, bound in the crown ( which is of white taffety in large plaits) with a large white gold- embroidered ribbon, forming behind a large knot, the ends of which fall very low. The bonnet, before, is or- namented by a bouquet of yellow flowers and green leaves. Yesterday being the last day of term, the whole of the Judges attended the Court of King's Bench, and had, as is commonly the case pre vious to the vacation, so much business brought before them, as to prevent the adjournment of the Court till after seven o'clock. Yesterday the Match between THIRTEEN of ALL
ENGLAND against ELEVEN of the HAMP- SHIRE CLUB, recommenced playing at the New Ground, Marybone, and was won by the HAM- BLELON CLub. The grand match for 500 guineas, between Sir HORACE MANN, and STEPHEN AMHERST, Efq. ended at COX- HEATH on Tuesday last, after a smart contest, in favour of the former. A man was examined this week before the Magistrates of Bath, relative to his third mar- riage, which took place at the Leek, in Horse- street, in this city, many years previous to the passing of the marriage act. From his own tes- timony, and every corroborating proof, his age is 105 years; but
he possesses all his faculties perfect, and is n0 ways decrepid. His last wife is still living at Bristol, and has been since married ( at a Bristol election) to another man, who has also lately taken to himself another wife. preferments, Sunday last, the Rev. Thomas Brand, A. M. late Fellow of Christs College, Cambridge, was installed a Prebendary in the cathedral of Lincoln. The Rev. Mr. Potter, Prebendary of Norwich, is col- lated by the Bishop of this diocese, to the vicarages of Loweftoft and Kessingland, vacant by the death ot' Mr. Arrow. marriages Wednesday, at St. James's Church, by the Rev. Dr. Glasse, Sir William Foulis, of
Engleby Manor, in the county of York, Bart, to Miss Turner, second daughte of Edmund Turner, Esq. of Panton, in the county of Lin- coln. Thursday, at Gravesend, James Fisher, Esq. of Green street, Grosvenor- square, aged 67, to Mifs Harriet Knapp, of Knightsbridge, aged 17. Same morning, at St. Peter's, Cornhill, Charles Price, Esq. of Carthagena, to Miss Yates, ot Cornhill. Deaths. Friday last, at Woodbridge, Suffolk, in the 48th year of her age, Mrs. Riches, wife of Mr. Riches Sunday Mr. Thomas Rennoldson, of Tottenham- high- Cross, aged 79, formerly an eminent cabinet maker, of Aldermanbury. Monday morning, in
the 25th year of her age, Mrs. Day, wife of M,. john Day, jun. merchant, in the Upper Close, Norwich, and daughter of Dr. Sandby Tuesday, at his house 0n Bethnal- Green, David Wil- mot, Esq. one of his Majesty's Justices of the Peace for the county of Middlesex. Wednesday, at Bath, the Rev. Dr. Beaver, formerly of Canterbury. Tha 19th instant, at Park, in Ireland, the seat of Sir Richard De Bourgho, Bart. Nehemiah Donnelan, Esq late Lieutenant- Colonel of his Majesty's 38th regiment of foot. In May, at Naples, Mr. Plumer Byde, aged 70. Last week, at Kimpton, near Andover, hants, in the 25th year of his age, the Rev.
James Spearing, LL. B. of University College, Oxford, eldest son of the late James Spearing, Esq. of Winchester. Lately, at Kingston upon Thames, soon after each other, Mr. and Mrs. Thornton.