The Evening Mail
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The Evening Mail
Date of Article: 01/07/1789
Printer / Publisher: J. Walter and T. Holl
Address: Logographic Press, Printing-house Square, Blackfriars
Volume Number: Issue Number: 53
No Pages: 4
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NUMB. 53.] FROM MONDAY JUNE 29, TO WEDNESDAY JULY 1789. [ PRICE THREEPENCE. GILL, MAYOR. A Common Council holden in the Chamber of the Guildhall of the City of London, on Tuesday the 30th day of June, 1789 ; Resolved Unanimously, THAT this Court express their great Concern, at the Resignation of Mr. Serjeant ADAIR, as Re- corder of this City, and do return him their warmest thanks for his very able and impartial discharge of the various and important duties of that 0ffice. Resolved Unanimously, That in all cases relating to the Affairs of this City, where it may be necessary to have the advice,
opinion, or assistance of any Counsel learned in the law, Mr. Ser- jeant Adair shall for the future, on all such occasions, be advised with, retained and employed. Resolved Unanimously, That the Freedom of this City be presented to Mr. Ser- jeant Adair, as a grateful mark of the esteem of this Court for his able and impartial conduct when Recorder of this City, and that the same be presented by Mr. Chamberlain in a Gold Box of One Hundred Guineas value. RIX. DUBLIN EXCHANGE COM- PANY's PRIZES are paid Daily without discount, or any deduction whatever at their Office, No. 130, Pall. Mall near the Hay Market, and
the Highest Price given for Government Prizes, Life Annuities, and Freehold Estates in England. This Day is published, [ Price One Shilling.) THE NEW WEYMOUTH GUIDE; or useful POCKET COMPANION: containing a Description of Weymouth, the Mineral Spring at Not- tington, and whatever is worthy of notice at, or going to the following places:— Portland, Abbotsbury, Brid- port, Sherborne, Dorchester, Blandford, Lulworth, Corfe Castle, Poole, Sec. With particulars relating to the Walks, Rides, Libraries. Inns, Taverns, Lodging Houses, Boarding Houses, Hot and Cold Baths, Bathing Machines, Stage Coaches and
Waggons, Rates of Chairs, Pacquets, Boats, Sec Perpetual Tide Table, Post Office, & c. f. c.— The Distances from Weymouth to the principal Watering Places, and an Alphabetical List of the Cities and Market Towns in Great Britain, measured from thence. ALSO, '. this day is published, [ Price One Shilling.] THE HALSEWEL L,— A POEM, LIKEWISE, In the Press, and publishing by Subscription, [ Price Two Shillings and Sixpence.] THE COTTAGER,— A POEM. ( Dedicated to the Right Hon, Lady Mary Blair.) By WILLIAM HOLLOWAY, Author of the HALSEWELL. Weymouth: Printed for, and sold by J. LOW. at his
Circulating and Musicial Libraries, 0n the esplanade; Messrs. Robinsons, and Harrison and Co. London, and all other Booksellers. in Town and Country. In a few Days will be published, AN HISTORY of the late IMPORTANT PERIOD, from the beginning of his MajEStY's ILLNESS, to the Settlement of the EXECUTIVE GOVERNMENT, in the appointment of a REGENT; in which the PARLIAMENTARY DEBATES will he given more at length, and with a degree of correct- ness not to be met with in any other Publication, parti- cularly ihe leading Speeches, which are too often mu- tilated to answer sinister or party purposes. By the
AUTHOR, of a LETTER from a COUNTRY GENTLEMAN to a MEMBER of PARLIAMENT. London : Printed at the Logographic Press, and sold by J. WALTER, NO. 169, Piccadilly, facing Bond Street; W. Richardson, under the Royal Exchange; and may be had of all the Booksellers. * Where may be had, Just published at the LOGOGRAPHIC PRESS, 111 One Volume, nmo. price 3s. sewed, or 3s. 6d. bound HISTOIRE DE CE QUI S'EST PASSE, POUR L' E TABLISSEMENT D'UNE REGENCE EN ANGLETERRE, En 1788 et 1789, P.. r M L. D. ' H. D. R. D. L. G. ABEL STEVENSON, The only surviving Partner of the late Mr.
GERARD RICHARDSON, at the OLD CITY REPOSITORY, in Bishopsgate- street Without, London. And now at No. 49, in the same Street; SOlICITS the Attention of his Friends, who have been so extremely partial to him since his entrance into business and requests a continuance of their favours, as well as that of the public in general. Neither the eyes of Argus or the taste of Epicurus can discover the least sophistication in the Spirits and Wines sold by STEVENSON. They are all such as will make the heart of man glad, being pure and genuine; and for the : of ready money only, will be sold at the fol- lowing very moderate
prices: Per gallon the very finest over- proof Coniac Brandy, in s. d. which oil will sink - - - - 3 Very fine old Coniac Brandy, strong, phial proof 7 4 The very finest over proof old Jamaica Rum, in which oil will sink ----- 7 Very fine old Jamaica Rum, strong phial proof 6 The very finest Rotterdam Geneva, neat as imported 8 6 Very fine Rotterdam Geneva, strong phial proof 7 The very best Orange Rum Shrub that is possible to be made .. - • 7 St. George's Cordial - - - 76 Very curious- Rasberry and Cherry Brandy, each 5 c The very best English Geneva that can be made 5 e Also very good Genevas, at 4s. 6d.— 4s. and 3 6
Cordial Peppermints, 4s. 6d. and - - 39 N. B. Some very curious old Sherry, at 25s. per dozen Red and White Port, Calcavella, Mountain, and Lisbon Wines, 20s. per doz. Orders taken in for raisin, and all other British made Wines of the first quality, and the very lowest wholesale prices. %* To prevent mistakes please to send your orders by post. for the Evening mail. A SINGULAR RECORD. While we declaim against the superstitious fol- lies and absurdities of other nations, we ought to revert to those of our own.— Every people have their ages of barbarism and refinement: what the English were not a century and a half ago,
the following relation will sufficiently shew ; what they now are, their liberal and universal encou- ragement of whatever can adorn, enlighten, and expand the human mind, amply testifies. In the Common Council Book of Newcastle, upon- Tyne is to be seen a petition signed by the inhabitants concerning witches; the purport of it was, to cause all such persons as were suspected of that crime, to be apprehended and brought to trial. In consequence of this petition, a person was sent for from Scotland, who pretended to be possessed of the knowledge of distinguishing all such, who, for the sake of hurting their neigh- bours, had
sold themselves to the Devil. In March, 1649, this petition was read; thanks were ordered to be returned to the petitioners, and the Council promised to contribute their best assistance. The very manner of examining the poor wretches, publicly in the Town- hall, was shockingly indecent. Thirty women were brought there, openly stript, and pins thrust into their bo- dies ; and most of them were found guilty by the Witch- finder himself. The Magistrates then sent the Bellman about the town, ringing his bell, and loudly declaring, that if any person would bring complaint against any woman for being a witch, she should be sent for and
examined by the person appointed to that office. How many were com- mitted to take their trials at the assizes does not appear, but certain it is says this account) that one wizard and fourteen witches belonging to Newcastle, with one witch of the county of Nor- thumberland. (" Jane Martin, the Myller's Wyf of Chattim") were executed on the 29th of Au- gust, in the above year. the Magistrates were said to have acted at the instance of the Public, who were prejudiced by the then reigning super- stition. To the credit, however, of more enlightened times, all executions for this supposed crime, have long been at an end. To the
comfort of ancient females, if the laws of Henry VIII, and James I. were sanguine enough to condemn witches to death, those of George II. have pro- tected them even from prosecution. FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE. Yesterday arrived the Mails from HOLLAND, FRANCE, and FLANDERS. Warsaw, June 10. We learn by letters from Petersburg, that the grand Russian fleet sailed from Cronstadt on the 30th of May, and that the squadron of gallies will follow soon after.— This armament is very considerable not only on account of the great number of vessels, but also from the large body of troops which they con- tain.. Brussels,
June 20. An extraordinary convo- cation of the States of Brabant assembled the day before yesterday, by the command of the Empe- ror. The four following propositions, dated the 26th of January last, were submitted to the in- spection of the two first Orders; 1st, That the usual subsidy should be conti- nued for ever in regard to the ordinary imposts. 2d, That the Tiers Etat, or Third Estate, should be re established, and enjoy their ancient privi- leges, so that fifteen provincial towns should sit and vote in the assembly, instead of the three chief cities, as at present. 3d, That in all deliberations on public affairs, each order should
have a separate voice, so that two orders, forming a majority, should be able to act without the consent of the third. 4th, That, to prevent the Council of Brabant from acting hereafter in opposition to the Royal Authority, they should be obliged to seal and pub lish, in the usual form, all edicts, regulations, Sec. proceeding from the Sovereign, which are not directly in opposition to the express articles of the Joyeuse Entree. The final determination of the Emperor, on the accession to which his Imperial Majesty pro- posed to maintain the ancient constitution of this province, being notified to the States, they have refused their assent,
on pretence of their oaths ; the Government General has therefore been ob- liged, by the orders of the Emperor, to issue a proclamation, by which the Deputation is sup- pressed, the Council of Brabant dissolved, and the Joyeuse Entree revoked. This morning two declarations have been is- sued, by command of his Imperial Majesty, by the first of which the administration of justice is provided for, and by the second the receipt of the public taxes. In this latter, his Imperial Majesty has been pleased to suppress certain imposts which bear very hard on the inhabitants. Petersburg, June 2. Our Gazette of this day contains an
account of the arrival of a dispatch from the army in Finland, by which we learn, that on the 17th of May, at midnight, the ene- my advanced in two columns, and attacked our redoubt at Ruskol, with six pieces of cannon, but were repulsed with great loss, leaving 87 men killed on the spot, besides a great number wounded. Algiers, May to. Two French vessels have been brought in here as prizes, one from Domi nica, with sugar, coffe « , indigo, 51,000 crowns, and cochineal ; the other from Marseilles, bound to the East Indies. The former is an Imperial vessel, whose captain had bought a French pass- port; and in the second
was found a number of flags, one of which was American, and the cap- tain had two passports, one of which he threw into the sea. We are eager to know how the Dey will decide concerning these two prizes. Petersburg, May 19. Generals Soltikow and Kamenskoy have been decorated with the Grand Cross of the Order of Wolodimir, of the first class; General Dorfelden has obtained the rib- bon of the Order of St. George of the second class. Copenhagen. May 30. From the 23d to the 29th inst. 256 vessels have passed the Sound. Copenhagen, June 6. The camp near Rens- burg, which was countermanded, will take place.
The regiment of Aaldburgh began marching to- wards that place on the 23d of last month. Stockholm, June 5. Besides the precautions taken by the King, previous to his departure for Finland, his Majesty left his will in the hands of the Seneschal Count Wachtmeister, to be opened only in case of his decease, and an act by which his Majesty fixes the coming of age of the Prince Royal, his son, to 18 years old. helsingfors, May 30. Yesterday two Russian men of war, 74 guns each, two frigates of 44, and a cutter, sailed for the Cattegat. They are to return with the Russian man of war which win- tered in Norway. vienna, June 15.
By accounts of this day from Luxemburg we learn that our sovereign has had another return of the fever, and will not quit that residence yet. The day before yesterday 26 pieces of cannon, 2000 balls, and a great quantity of powder, ar- rived at Graudentz, escorted by some companies of artillery. A battalion of infantry is likewise arrived from Pomerania, and three regiments are expected besides, to cover Western Prussia. Strasburgh, June 10. Marshal Stainville died the 2d inst. of a putrid fever. Berlin, June 16. They write from the Vistula, that the city of Dantzic is about to put itself un- der the immediate protection of Prussia,
The arms, ammunition, & c- lately taken from the Royal Arsenal of this city is for the Republic of Poland, which is to pay for them in ready money. Frankfort, June 9. We are assured that the grand army of the Turks is very numerous. The right wing covers Silistria, and the left reaches to Orsowa. The Turkish Infantry amount to 169,000 men, and the cavalry to 200,000. The grand Turkish army assembled at Widin, seems to have a design of entering Wallachia; in consequence of which, they have formed a chain of troops from Caransebes through Meha- dia and Schupaneck to Orsowa. When the Grand Vizir approaches that
province, Marshal Haddick will" go on the western side of the same province, with a great part of his forces, whilst the combined Austrian and Russian army pene- trates into it on the eastern side. English Parliament. HOUSE OF COMMONS. - Monday, June 29. MESSAGE FROM THE LORDS. That they had agreed to a number of Bills without any amendment. WESTMINSTER COMMITTEE. mr. Pulteney stated, that the Westminster Com- mittee had met this day at eleven o'clock, but had immediately adjourned, on account of the indisposition of Sir Samuel Hannay and of Mr. Ford. He said, two medical gentlemen were now
waiting to be examined. Dr. SMITH was called in, who said he had at tended Sir Samuel Hannay; that he had a fever, and that it would be dangerous tor him to come out. Mr. HOWELL said he was an apothecary, and that Mr. Ford had a violent complaint in his sto- mach, and that it would be hazardous to attend the Committee. The Speaker then put the question, that the excuse of Sir Samuel Hannay and of Mr. Ford be admitted, and that the Committee be allowed to sit in their absence till they recover. Mr. Pulteney then moved, that the Committee should have leave to adjourn till Tuesday at eleven o'clock. When the question
was put, Mr. Adam said, he did not rise to oppose the motion, but to put the House in mind ot the Act of Parliament for regulating contested elections, and that it should be cautious of setting a prece- dent which might tend to defeat this act. Mr. Pulteney said, this was a very extraordi- nary case, that two Members should be taken ill on one day. MESSAGE FROM THE CUSTOMS. Mr. Stone stated to the House, that it would be a considerable time before the officers of the Customs could give in an account of the quantity of tobacco delivered at the warehouses, & c. and begged of the House to receive the book which contained
these accounts, which was agreed to. NEWFOUNDLAND FISHERY BILL was read a second time and committed for to- morrow. MONEY BILL. The Bill for granting a duty on the Probates of Wills, & c. was read a second time and commit ted for to- morrow. PETITION. Mr. Dempster presented a petition which was signed by 15o perfons. It was not a petition against a tax, but against a regulation of trade and commerce, to prevent that in future to be lawful which was formerly so, viz. the lending of newspapers. This petition stated, that 400 people with wives and families subsisted by buying newspapers and lending them out to
read to those who were incapable of purchasing them. That this practice greatly promoted industry, by keep- ing people out of public houses. They prayed to be heard either by themselves or Counsel. Mr. Pitt opposed the petition being brought up. Mr. Hussey said when a man bought a book he might lend it to read, and the case of a news- pa- per appeared to him very doubtful, and therefore he recommended it to the Right Hon. Gentleman to consider this business. Mr. Martin said when the regulation was pro- posed, he thought it very hard, and therefore thought the petition ought to be received. Mr. Drake junr. was of the
same opinion. Mr, Dempster persisted in wishing the petition- ers to be heard by Counsel in the same manner as on the Tobacco business. The SPEAKER begged to observe that it had not been usual to receive a petition against a tax bill, the session the tax has been imposed. He conceived the Tobacco business did not apply to this, Sir Grey Cooper thought that counsel might be heard. t The House divided when there appeared for receiving the petition 18 Against it. 4* Majority —— 24 The Report of the Distillery Bill was brought up and agreed to. CARRIAGE and HORSE BILL. The Report to be received to- morrow ( this
day). NEWFOUNDLAND TRADE BILL. The Bill for regulating the Trade between his Majesty's subjects in North America and the West Indies, was read a first time, and was ordered to be read a second time. COMMITTEE. The House resolved itself into a Committee to consider an Act passed in the 23d of the present King, entitled, " An Act for the more effectual encouragement of the culture of Flax, and the manufacture of Cotton," Mr. Dempster in the Chair. Leave was then given to bring in a Bill for the purpose of encouraging the improvement of these two articles. REVOLUTION BILL Was put off till Wednesday next, when
the report will be received. NEWSPAPER BILL. The House will to- morrow ( this day) resolve itself into a Committee on the bill for granting to his Majesty an additional duty on stamps and advertisements. COMMITTEE of WAYS and MEANS and SUPPLY Put off till Wednesday. The House then went into a Committee on the tobacco business, Mr, Gilbert in the chair, Mr. Graham called Mr. Spencer to the bar, who was examined first, and then Mr. Nailer. Mr. Alderman Sawbridge, at ten o'clock at night, moved that the House do adjourn, which was opposed by Mr. Pitt, in consequence of which Mr. Ludlow Was called in and
examined. Adjourned. LAW INTELLIGENCE. COURT of KING'S- BENCH. Saturday, June 27. MORGAN V. BOUGHTON. THIS was a motion for a new trial. It was an action at the sittings at Guild- hall, by the In- dorsee of a bill of Exchange against the Acceptor. The bill was drawn by Keif of Bristol, payable to his own order; he indorsed it to one Rose, and Rose indorsed it to the plaintiff. It appeared in evidence, that the Acceptor had made it payable at his Banker's, but not having given them advice of it, they refused to pay it when due; in consequence of which, it was protested, and returned by Rose, who was the then holder
of it, to Keif. At the time it was drawn, the acceptors were indebted to the drawer; but at the time it was returned, the balance of accounts was in their favour Keif, however, passed it into Rose's hands, who in- dorsed it, with the protect upon it, to the plain- tiffs. The question was, whether Rose was a good witness to prove this transfer; and it was held that he was not; because it tended to render his indorsement invalid. But the court held that the plaintiffs were intitled to bring the action up- on the strength of Keif's title, and that, unless his title was disaffirmed, that they ought to re- cover. A new trial was accordingly granted.
LONDON. TUESDAY, JUNE 30. This morning his Royal Highness the Prince of WALES, sets off from Carlton House, on a visit to his Grace the Duke of BEDFORD, at Wooburn Abby, Bedfordshire, where his Royal Highness will reside a day or two, and then pro- ceed to Brighton ; where His Royal Highness the Duke of YORK will likewise be in the course of a few days. On Saturday evening his Royal Highness the Duke of CLARENCE arrived at Portsmouth ; and on Sunday he dined with Capt. Christian, and supped with Admiral Roddam. The Duke was received at Portsmouth by a field officer's guard of the 31st regiment,
and a Royal salute of great guns. Yesterday at noon Mr. BROOK WATSON, and several other African Merchants and Traders, had a long conference with Mr. PITT. The Lord CHANCELLOR will go to Wey- mouth, after the rising of Parliament. LORD AND LADY CHESTERFIELD, are gone to Weymouth, This morning the Duke and Duchess of NORTHUMBERLAND, sett off for Alnwick Castle, Northumberland. The Duke and Dutchess of DEVONSHIRE ar- rived at Paris yesterday se'nnight. On Tuesday her Grace went to Versailles, and was present at the great national assembly, held on Tuesday last. She was particularly
noticed by the Opposition, and her public sentiments divide with their's. The Duke and Dutchess afterwards dined with MADAME DE POLIGNAC. The report of the armistice between the TURKS and IMPERIALISTS being renewed for two months is without the slightest foundation. The TURKS have determined to besiege Ocza- kow and attempt to retake it. The Captain Pacha is matching towards it with 80,000 men, and a battle must be the consequence, as the Russians propose to intercept his march. Oczakow is of greater importance to the Rus- sians than it can be to the Turks, and the former are strengthening the garrison
by every means which art can devise. • The KING of SWEDEN arrived at Abo on the 5th of June, and immediately continued his route tor the Grand Army. Ont the 21st May the SWEDISH FLEET drop- ped down to the outward road of the port of Carl- scroona, where they were ordered to remain at single anchor. The fleet is equipped in the most complete manner, and the nation is much indebt- ed to the activity of Sir ROGER CURTIS, who in- speCted the preparations there. The fleet only waited the arrival of the Duke of SUDERMANIA to set sail. We understand the orders are, that the Russian Fleet should be attacked
whereever it can be met, as its present station prevents every communication with the Swedish Army. The fire at Carlscrona was entirely accidental. The KING of SWEDEN has left a Council of State of five persons, who are to aCt as a Regency during his absence from Stockholm. A Russian man of war hovering on the coast of Sweden, has been burnt by her crew, to prevent falling into the hands of the Swedes. Letters from Bourdeaux and other parts of France advise, that during the late dearth, several cargoes of potatoes which had been imported there from Ireland, remained unsold in the mer- chants hands, as the lower
class of people, through an ignorant prejudice, refused so excellent a succe- daneum for bread. Kew Gardens opened on Sunday, for the first time this season. The Royal Dukes, much to their honour, are determined to shew no quarter to any abuse, however great the quarter it may come from, of the QUEEN We hear that it is the determined resolution of the new Chancellor of Ireland to take no part in political intrigues or questions. He is reported to have said to a private friend, shortly after his appointment, that when he took up the seals he aid down politics. To the due discharge of his arduous station, and to its important
duties he means to dedicate his time and talents, and no doubt the public gratitude and applause will at- tend so worthy a resolution, if adhered to with perseverance. Lord VERNEY has sold his estate at Pendover, to John B. Church, Esq. The produce will enable him to bleed freely at the General EleCtion. A prudent man has always reason to fear for the effeCts of overstrained good nature. Oratory may dazzle, and even confound for the moment, but truth will make its way where the jurors are to be trusted. Who can be afraid of perverted justice, when the House of Peers are the judges Had the Regency Bill passed, and all
gone right, honest JACOB WILKINSON was to have been started for HERTFORD, at the next General Election. Hertfordshire, it seems, is not to take any share in the general strife of a contested EleCtion. Mr. SHERIDAN'S seat for STAFFORD will be disputed with that Gentleman next eleCtion, and it is imagined, successfully. His competitor for the suffrages of the Borough, is a Gentleman pos- sessed of considerable property in the neighbour- hood, who has the best fruit- gardens in the whole county. Every one knows how fond the Stafford sHire EleCtors are of Pine- Apples and Peaches. The Rt. Hon. Lord Donoughmore
has been installed Grand Master of all the Free and Ac- cepted Masons of the kingdom of Ireland. The number of unhappy women who parade the public streets, are become very alarming to the peaceable inhabitants of this great City, and Sir Wm. Dolben's plan for their removal, if not perfeCt in itself, must have the assistance of every considerate man who wishes well to the rising generation ; for his worthy endeavours deserve the thanks of all who prefer the geod order, and decent deportment of society, to the riot and dis- orders which arise from frequenting the company of loose and abandoned women. WEsTMINSTeR HALL. IMPEACHMENT OF WARREN HASTINGS, Esq FIFTY SECOND DAY. Tuesday, June 30. The Court did not meet till near two o'clock, owing to the many bills that waited the usual form , in the House of Lords-— and what will appear ex- traordinary, when it did meet, the time from the moment ot opening to the adjournment, was taken up in arguing the admissibility of evidence already rejeCted, and so concluding the business of the day just where it began, Without getting one step further towards the end. The old subjeCt of the letter from Mr. Goring, and the presents made by the Muny Begum, were mentioned by Mr.
Burke, as the evidence intend- ed to be produced on this day's trial. To this Mr. Law objected, on the part of Mr. Hastings, as the testimony which the Managers had to offer in support of that charge, had more than once been rejected by the Court as inad- missible. Mr. Fox appealed to the justice of their Lord- ships, and to long established praCtice of all Courts of Judicature, whether the prosecutors were not warranted to avail themselves of any evidence before them, and particularly so, when it was evidence, not inadmissible as the learned counsel said, but approved and acknowledged to be good both by the Court and the
prisoner. Whatever falls from the Woolsack claims the pe- culiar attention of the Managers, because it must be in the hearing of all mankind— a matter of publicity— stamped with the concurrence of the Judges, and the approbation of their Lordships. Hence he should think himself pretty secure of the propriety of the faCts which the Managers now offer in charge— these faCts being a LIST OF ACCOUNTS, annexed as an APPENDIX to a great body of evidence, which the Court and the pri- soner admitted as read, and which was printed by order of their Lordships. The authority he al • luded to was to be found in the journals of
the proceedings on the 29th of February 1788, against which it was impossible for the Managers to shut their eyes. It was a rule of Court laid down and and read by the Lord Chancellor, approved of and assented to by their Lordships, and which in as strong words as language could convey, de- clared that such evidence as was in faCt read, or admitted virtually to be read, was to be consi- dered good and admissible-— Therefore, in the course of the prosecution, where it was requisite to bring forward any part of this evidence, so admitted, in order to support any particular charge, the Managers held themselves justifiable in
adverting to it, and again producing it before their Lordships. Mr. Law here replied, that particular detach- ments of a whole body of evidence were not to be seleCted, but that the whole must be taken to- gether subjeCt to exception, as was the intention of that rule or order of Court alluded to by the Right Honourable Manager. Mr. Fox insisted that the evidence had already been admitted by the Court, and that if once ac- knowledged to be good, it cannot afterwards in any part be rejeCted: and the Managers were the more fully in possession of the sentiments of the Court on this head, because the noble Lord on the Woolsack
had prefaced the order with the reasons on which that order was founded, and left the whole open to the scrutiny of mankind. This was in his idea the true and- manly way of doing business. The best security for the GOOD CONDUCT of GREAT MEN is the comments of their inferiors. In this case he should insist, that as the evidence was admitted to be read, even the House of Lords itself has not a power to refuse its admissibility in every stage, and on every point in the course of the trial. The Chancellor explained the order of the 29th February 1788, which in his opinion went only to the body of the evidence which was read,
and not to the printed Appendix which was not read. He wished the Managers and the Counsel to state the question in dispute, so as to convey what it was that they wanted the Court to determine. Mr. Fox persisted in his former argument, and acknowledged, that if a part was admitted, so should the whole, and the Appendix making a part of that whole, must of course come within that description. This was n0 new subject— it was an old established maxim, " of which their Lordships had NO RIGHT to prevent the Ma- nagers availing themselves. The Chancellor desired to know if the question he meant to put to the Court was, "
that the ob- jection by Mr. Hastings's Counsel to the evidence arising out of the Appendix, that was ordered to be printed, not being made in time became in- admissible." Mr. Burke contended, that a paper being once read made it admissible evidence, and therefore that it did not follow that the annexed part was no evidence, because it was not read. In truth, the whole was virtually read, and determined to be so, when their Lordships ordered it to be con- sidered so on the journals of the trial, and to be printed. What the question amounted to was therefore no difficult matter to mention ; it was whether that which their Lordships
HAD admitted WAS admitted ? and whether that which they re- ceived must be rejected. This dispute, he said, put him in mind of a story he had read of a Frenchman who was hanged by the Doge of Venice for defending that which wanted n0 de- fence— a story which might be applied, but he hoped not quite so tragically, to him, if he at- tempted to support a position which was so self- evident, that it needed no assistance from others. The matter offered as a charge against the culprit was only an extraCt from a long list of accounts all fully proved and admitted by the Court; the Managers found it necessary to recur to it, in
order the more fully to substantiate their charges. Mr. Hastings's Counsel had called it tautology— so was the Bible ; and yet every man who read that book carefully would find, that precept fol- lowed precept, only to enforce the whole with greater success, and make the impression of divine justice the stronger. From Moses and the Bible the Right Honourable Gentleman came, without any comment on the intervening time, to Black- stone and his Commentaries, which last had this excellent passage; " It was the glory of the British Law, that the cause was tried, and the reason of judgement assigned in OPEN COURT." He was
then proceeding to state some cases, when he Was stopped by The Chancellor, who informed the Right Hon. Gentleman, that all this was irrelevant to the matter. Mr. Burke said be should come to the point immediately— it was only to read a few lines of black letter which he held in his hand, and which he accordingly did read. They were rules laid down for a Court in matters of trial, and which, notwithstanding the precedent of Lord Castleha- ven, asserted, that the reasons of the decision of justice, ought always to be given in public Court. — The papers which the Managers offer to the Court are five official accounts, all
agreeing to six the guilt of bribery on Mr. Hastings, and being in the appendix which made a part of the book' of evidence admitted, he could see no reason why that appendix should be cut off from the admissi- bility of the whole. He did not mean to say it would be a libel on the understanding of the Court, to admit one part and rejeCt another, when the tenor of the whole was so interwoven, that a. division must give it quite a different meaning from that which it meant to convey. " The fool had said in his heart THERE WAS NO GOD"— which had its true force and meaning— but if these words, the fool hath said in his heart were
taken away, and the four words, there was nO God, were permitted to stand, he apprehended the sentence, instead of a divine precept, would convey downright blasphemy. The Chancellor during this speech, had collect- ed the ideas as he thought of the question the Managers wanted to have determined, and he ask- ed if it would be proper thus to put it—" That entering the paper in the appendix as read, has included all questions upon the competence of any part of it." Mr. Fox denied this to resemble his meaning, which came within a very narrow compass, and it was, that " whatever is entered as read, he has a right to
exercise as evidence." Lord Stanhope could take upon him to say, that the Appendix was not evidence, nor admitted by their Lordships to be read, although ordered to be printed : and there was a resolution already on the books, which precluded those very papers from being read as evidence. His Lordship mov- ed to adjourn to the Chamber of Parliament. The Chancellor, when the Court returned, in- formed the Managers, that their Lordships had determined the Appendix not to be evidence al- ready admitted by the Court. Mr, Fox 0n this took new ground, and claim- ed his right to have it read, because it was print- ed and
made public by order of the Court— and, he trusted, if the Managers had committed any er- ror in insisting upon the subeCt of the last questi- on, they were warranted so to do by the conduCt of their Lordships, who had led them into error. Mr. Law objected to this evidence, as it was in faCt that very evidence which their Lordships had, but the very moment before, solemnly re- jected. Mr. Burke compared the decision of their Lord- ships to a House divided against itself— for that which was admitted and agreed upon by all par- ties one day, became inadmissible with one party on another day— it was the Woolsack and the
House differing. Mr. Fox spoke with- great force of reasoning, for a considerable time on this subjeCt, and at- tacked the Court in pointed terms for not know- ing their own minds, and of course leading the Managers so far astray, that they were at a loss to know what the Court did, and what the Court did not deem admissible evidence. He insisted, that, if the appendix was dangerous testimony, it ought not to have been printed by order of the Court, as from the moment such order was made, all that it contained became admissible .— What else could occasion it to be printed?— to what end was it received ?— for what purpose
was it ordered into print ?— It could not be for poison- ing the minds of the Judges ;— and yet, if it was not admitted, to what other cause than that of misleading the judgment was it introduced. The Chancellor here stopped Mr. Fox, and told him, that the Lords had just come to a so- lemn determination that the Appendix was not read, nor entered as read in evidence, and there- fore it would be a downright contradiction to al- low it on the grounds now proposed ( or its in- troduction. Mr. Burke went over the same arguments that Mr. Fox had used, ornamenting them with a few similes, one of which was a Latin quotation, the
English of which is, " that if the matter is not fit for diversion or melancholy, it is only fit for the fire,"— meaning the Appendix. Lord Stanhope conceived this allusion to be un- warrantable, and therefore called the Hon, Ma- nager to ORDER. Mr. Fox said, that in his poor opinion, any paper produced in Court must be contemptible that is not admissible, and therefore if the Appen- dix, which by their Lordships express order was published and printed, was no evidence, it surely might be called contemptible, and if it was con- temptible, it became fit only for the fire. Lord Camden explained that what was super- fluous was irrelevant.
Mr. Fox went on, and, in the most severe terms, condemned this conduct, of which, had he, as a Member of the other House, been guilty, he should have conceived he had committed a breach of privilege— first to order a matter to be printed by the House, and then to argue the absurdity of making any life of it. He begged in God's name that the Court would inform him what was Was the nature of the evidence to be considered admissible, for at present the very orders of their Lordships were to be considered nugatory and of no avail. Lord Stanhope insisted that this was very im- proper language ; and Lord Hopetoun moved
that their Lordships should adjourn to their own chamber, which they did at five o'clock. COURT MARTIAL— HORSE GUARDS. TRIAL OF COLONEL DEBBEIG. Yesterday morning the Court proceeded to the defence ot Col. Debbieg. This was but short: the Colonel depended much upon the witnesses he wished to call, to prove the superiority, over those of the Master General of the Ordnance, of the plans he wished to introduce, and 0n his great Experience and long service On the Second Charge brought against him of publishing the letter to the Duke of RICH- MOND, he imputed into his anxiety to bring his plans of
fortification into effect. As to the Third Charge, the Colonel endea- voured not only to exculpate himself, from the in- tention of conveying, by his public letter to the Duke, any hint to the enemy; but likcwise to prove that it could have no such effeCt. The Court having been Cleared, communicated to Colonel DEBBIEG, that his witnesses, upon the above principle, could not be examined. The Colonel then said he would call no witnesses at all. The Duke of RicHMOND then begged to reply briefly to defence. He remarked 0N the attempt to vindicate the Second Charge, how offensive it was for an infe- rior officer to charge, publicly,
with ignorance and negleCt of duty, his superior. The Duke dwelt particularly on the Third. The Colonel had said, that he spoke of the want of a fortified harbour, and our weak holes being exposed to out watchful enemy the French in so general a way. that it could not militate against us.— To this the Duke remarked, that as he himself, and all those who were capable of judging of the tenor of the letter, did under- stand the ALLUSions, it followed, of course, that our enemies might do so too Col. Debbeig had expressed his anxiety to get his plans brought into effeCt, and said that he had often been consulted and called upon by
the Ministers of State, without the privity of the Master General of the Ordnance. In the present case, the Duke observed that he had not been called upon, but was a volunteer. That he had taken no proper steps to get his plans introduced i had neither laid them before the Minister regular- ly, nor before him, nor before the chief engineer; and that therefore he was the less excuseable, if he could be excuseable at all, in having the letter addressed to him ( the Duke) inserted in the daily papers. The cleanless and argumentative force of the Duke's animadversions on the Colonel's defence, drawn up in so short a space as whilst
the Court was cleared, excited a general surprise. The sentence, before it can be made public, must be communicated to the King, The Court was crouded, and adjourned at 12 o'clock. The much celebrated Abbe Sestini, of Flo- rence, remarks, that foreigners may now visit the Turkish empire without danger or impediment this, however, had not been the case before the liberty of the press was. In part, admitted at Constantinople. The first works allowed to be printed or published in that capital were in the reigns of the Sultans Solyman, Achmet, and Mahmoud.— Spain was the last Christian country in Europe that admitted
newspapers to be pub- lished, and England the first to allow such a ne- cessary freedom. In the Prussian dominions, where the great mass of the people are almost as ignorant as the Poles or Russians, newspapers are now ordered to be read to the peasants. In France the liberty of the press is a favourite objeCt, which must be the case in every country where enlighten- ed sentiments are found amongst the inhabitants and there is no doubt but that grand desideratuan will be accomplished. Stamford races were very fully attended* A very large company w » re entertained at Lord EXETER'S, whose seat is near there.
BRISTOL SAILING MATCH. Wednesday morning, the sailing match for the Premiums offered by the Bristol Sailing Society, took place, when the following boats, via. Nimble, Hibernia, Stag, Dolphin, Forester, Constant Queen, Nonpareil, Avon, Diana, Marian Black Joke, Liberty, Royal Recovery, and Swan, being formed in a line, started from Kingroad at high water. The contest for a considerable part of the way down, seemed to render the victory extremely doubtful, several of them having RE- peatedly the lead; in which much skill in sailing, and a knowledge of the channel were displayed at length the Forester made westing
of the Holmes, and was entitled to the second best cup # The Hibernia and Nonpareil, in attempting to shave a reef of rocks too close to the westward of the Holmes, the former was put on shore, but with the assistance of a number of people on the island was got off; this accident, however, pre- cluded her from all chance in Contending farther for the prizes. There being little wind after the boats reached the Holmes, they were not able to start until the flood tide made, when a light breeze springing up, they not under weigh, and the Nimble com- ing in first, was entitled to the ten guinea Cup— the Forrester second — the
Nonpareil third— the Dolphin fourth. The first prize was awarded to the Nimble, and the second ( the Holmes Cup) to the Forester. Some dispute having arisen, owing to the accident that happened at the Holmes, the claims for the inferior prizes are not yet determined. The weather on the whole was unfavourable, much rain, light air of wind, and variable, the whole day ; however, by the great exertion and prudent conduCt of the managers, the boats were ' enabled to return in the usual order, in time to prevent any disappointment to the vast concourse of people who were assembled on the banks of the river.— Bands of music,
firing of camion, and other demonstrations of joy accompanied their return. The whole of the business was well conducted and no accident happened to damp the pleasure of the day. On Tuesday last was found, near the Hot Wells, the body of a woman who threw herself into the river on that day month, near St. Vincent's rock but who she was, has not yet been discovered
From the LONDON GAZETTE, June 50, Lyndhurst, June 25. THEIR Majesties and their Royal Highnesses the Princess Royal, Princess Augusta, and Princess Elizabeth, arrived here this afternoon, soon after three o'clock, in perfect health. St. James's, June 26. The Duke of Clarence has been pleased to make the following appoint- ments in his Royal Highness's Houshold. Chaplains, The Reverend John Cole. The Reverend John Bidlake. Surgeons Extraordinary. Mr. George Rutherford, Royal Navy. Mr. Halliday, Ditto. Apothecary.— Mr. Pratten. Sub- Treasurer.— Mr. Robinson. Commissons signed by his Majesty for the
Army in Ireland, dated June 4, 1789. Mountfort Longfield, Esq; to be Governor of the City of Cork BANKRUPT. James Richardson and Peter Richardson, of Cornhill, Brokers, to surrender July 4, it, August 11, at ten, at Guildhall. Attorney, Mr. Fairbank, Ely Place, Holborn. DIVIDENDS. » July 25. William Stone late of St. Catherine's, Grocer at ten, at Guildhall July 25. Solomon Sykes, of Bath, dealer, at ten at Guildhall. „_„ July 28. John Brock, of St. Clement's- court, Milk- street, warehouseman, at eleven, at Guildhall. July 25. William Mears, late of Hatton- street, Hol- born, mariner, at ten, at Guildhall. July 21. John Knight, late of
Catshal Mill, near Go- dalmin, Surry, paper- maker, at ten, at Guildhall. July 7. Elizabeth Sauderson and John Sanderson of Staithes, near Whitby, York, shopkeepers, at ten, at Guildhall. July 2t. William Whitehead, of Salford, Lancaster, sadler, at four, at che Spread Eagle Inn, in Hanging Ditch, Manchester, Lancaster. July 2i. Robert Mayne and Robert Graham of jer- myn- street, Bankers, kat eleven, at Guildhall. July 10. Thomas Lacon, of Maesbrook, Salop, at eleven, at the Cross Keys, Oswestry. English Parliament. HOUSE OF COMMONS. Tuesday, June 30. COLONEL ARABIN's DIVORCE BILL. The House went into a
Committee on Colonel Arabin's divorce bill— Mr. Hobart in the chair. Mr. Graham who was called to the bar as counsel for Colonel Arabin, stated the circum- stances of Colonel Arabin's marriage, and prov- ed by a variety of witnesses, an intrigue between Mrs. Arabin and Mr. Thomas Sutton. The same circumstanccs were stated, and the same evi- dence given in the House of Lords The bill then went through a Committee, and the report was ordered to be received. DISTILLERY BILL, TONTINE BILL, and INDEM- NITY BILL. Were each read a third time, and carried to the Lords for their concurrence. NEWFOUNDLAND & c.
FISHERY BILL. The House went through a Committee on the Newfoundland, Greenland and Southern Whale Fishery Bill. Mr. Gilbert in the Chair. The Report was Ordered to be received to- morrow WESTMINSTER HALL. Sir Peter Burrel moved, that a Committee be appointed to inspect the buildings adjoining to Westminster Halls to consider the most likely means of preventing fire, and to report the same to the House. The motion being put, was agreed to, and a Committee appointed. ACCOUNTS. Mr. Sheridan moved, that there be laid before the House " An account of the net produce of the taxes arising from Customs,
Excise, Stamps, and Incidents, from January 5, 1786, till January 5, 1789, distinguishing each year." " That there be laid before the House an ac- count of the net produce on the same articles from the 5th of April 1786, to the 5th of April 1789, distinguishing each year." " That there be laid before the House, an ac- count of ihe Navy Debt, which bears interest' Mr. Steele said he would now state to the Hon. Member the difficulties there Would be in com- plying with these motions.— The Clerks said they could not make out accounts to answer them. Mr. Sheridan then gave notice, that, on Friday next he should move for the
House to resolve itself into a Committee to consider the accounts Of the nation. Mr Pitt said, if it was convenient, he should be much obliged to the Hon. Member if he would postpone this motion to any other day, till his Right Hon. Friend ( Mr. Dundas, who was Chairman of the Committee of Finances, could attend. Mr. Sheridan said, that an Hon Friend of his would be present on Friday, but could not attend on Monday. He wished therefore this motion to stand for Friday, and that if he could he would allow it to stand over till Monday. LEGACY BILL; The House resolved itself into a Committee, on the Bill for granting to his
Majesty, an additional duty on the Probate of Wills, Legacies, & c. Mr. Gilbert in the Chair. Mr. Sheridan thought that this Bill ought to be altered, and be made to extend only to lega- cies that have been left subsequent to the time that this Bill shall pass into a law :— As it stood at present, it extended to ail legacies that had been left and not paid, that it would be therefore an ex post facto law, and consequently grossly unjust. Mr. Pitt said, there no more reason for altering this bill than that of the receipt tax. The Marquis of Graham said, that those to whom legacies had been left, and who had not received them, might perhaps
receive them before this tax was imposed. The bill then went through a Committee, and the report was ordered to be received to- morrow. . TOBACCO BILL. The House next went into the tobacco business — Mr. Hobart in the chair. Mr. Ralph Edwards and Mr. franklin were examined. Adjourned. JULy 1. Important Proceedings in France. „ STATES GENERAL. Paris, June 27. At twelve o'clock on Tuesday last, his Majesty entered the Great Hall of the National Assembly of the States General, and delivered the following SPEECH FROM THE THRONE ; — " GENTLEMEN', At the time I took the resolution of assembling you ;
when I had surmounted all the difficulties which threatened a convocation of my States ; when I had, to use the expression, even precon- ceived the desires of the nation, in manifesting be- forehand my wishes for its welfare, I thought to have done every thing which depended on myself for the good of my people. It seemed to me that you had Only to finish the work I had begun ; and the nation expected im- patiently the moment when, in conjunction with the beneficent views of its Sovereign, and the en- lightened zeal of its Representatives, it was about to enjoy that prosperous and happy state which suCh an union ought to
afford. The STATES GENERAL have now been open- ed more than two months, and have not yet even agreed on the preliminaries of its operations. In- stead of that source of harmony which should spring from a love of the country, a most fatal division spreads an alarm over every mind. I am willing to believe, and I shall be happy to find, that the disposition of Frenchmen is not chang- ed ; but to avoid reproaching either of you, I shall consider, that the renewal of the States General after so long a period, the turbulence which preceded it, the object of this assembly, so different from that of your ancestors, and many other
objects, have led you to an Opposition, and to prefer pre ensions which you are not entiled to. I owe it to the welfare of my kingdom, I owe it to myself, to disseminate these fatal divisions. It is with this resolution, Gentlemen, that I con- vene you once more around me— I do it as the common father of all my people— I do it as the defender of my kingdom's laws, that I may recall to your memory the true spirit of the constitu- tion, and resist those attempts which have been aimed against it. * But, Gentlemen, after having clearly establish ed the respective rights of the different orders, I expect from the zeal of the two principal
classes— I expect from their attachment to my, person— I expect from the knowledge they have of the pres- ing urgencies of the State, that in those matters which concern the general good, they should be the first to propose a re- union of consutation and opinion, which I consider as necessary in the pre- sent crisis, and which ought to take place for the general good of the kingdom." His MAJESTY delivered this speech with great emphasis and propriety, and it was received with the loudest applause on the part of the Nobility and Clergy. The King then ordered the follow- ing declarations to be read and published. His
MAJESTY's DECLARATION, CONCERNING THE PRESENT SESSION OF THE STATES GENERAL. Art. I. It is the King's pleasure that the ancient distinction of the three orders of the State be preserved entire, as being essentially connected with the constitution of the Kingdom; that its deputies freely elected by each of the three orders forming three separate chambers, can, with the leave of the Sovereign, alone be considered as the body of the national representatives The King, therefore declares void, illegal and unconstitutional all the acts of the third estate on the 17th ulto. as well as those which may follow. The other
articles of this declaration entirely relate to local circumstances, and the manner in which the States are to vote, He says, the pre- sent session of the States General is merely to deliberate on the present exigencies of the State, and to form a regular plan for the mode of future Convocation. That in all matters of religion, the concurrcnce of the Clergy must be had. That in case the assembly of the three orders united should decide upon any matter, such decision shall be taken into consideration against the next day, 0n the application of 100 of its Members. That in order to insure a proper behaviour, de- cency, and even freedom
oi debate, his MAJES- ty prohibits any persons, others than the Mem- bers of the States General, to assist or be present at their deliberations, whether they sit as a body or separately THE KING's SPEECH. " It is also my design, Gentlemen, to offer to your examination the different benefits which I grant to my people.— I do not wish, however, to circumscribe your zeal in the boundary, that I am about to mark out as I shall adopt, with pleasure, any other plan for the public good which shall be proposed by the States General.— I may say, without deceiving myself, that no other King has ever done so much for any nation; but
what other nation has better merited such a conduct than that of France.— I do not hesitate to dcclarc, that those who by exaggerated pretentions or unreasonable difficulties, should retard the ef- fects of my paternal designs, would become un- worthy to be considered as subjects of France". A DECLARATION of his MAJESTY'S Intention. Art. I. No new import shall be established, nor any old one prorogued beyond the term fix- ed by the laws, without the consent of the repre- sentatives of the nation. Art. II. The new impositions shall be esta- blished, or the old one shall be prorogued, only for an intermediate term, before the
following ses- sion of the States General. Art. HI, As Loans may become the necessary cause of an encrease of imports, no Loan shall take place without the consent of the States Ge- neral, subject also to the condition, that in case of war or other national danger, the Sovereign will have the power to borrOw without delay, as far as the sum of one hundred millions Art. IV The States General will examine with care the situation of the Finances — and have recourse to all documents necessary to form a clear statement of them. Art. V. A table of the public revenue and expences shall be made public every year, in a certain form,
to be proposed by the States and ap- proved by his Majesty. Art. VI. The turns appropriated to each de- partment shall be fixed and invariable ; and the King submits to this general rule the funds which are appointed to the support of his household. Art. VIT. The King desires, in order to esta- blish the appropriation of the different expences of the State, the States General would make certain arrangements for that purpose,— which his Ma- jesty will adopt, if they are confident with the Royal dignity, and the indispensable dispatch of the public business. Art. VIII. The representatives of a Nation, faithful to the laws of honour and
integrity, will support the public credit, and the King exprects from them, that the confidence of the public cre- ditors may be confirmed in the most authentic manner. Art. IX. When the dispositions announced by the Clergy and the nobility, to renounce their pecuniary privileges, shall have been realised by their deliberation, the King is determined to give them his sanction, and that there shall exist no more in the payment of pecuniary contributions, any kind of privilege or distinction whatever. Art. X. The King in order to sanctify such an important disposition, expresses it to be his plea- sure, that the term Taille should be abolished
throughout the kingdom, and that this impost be united to the Vingtiemes, to the other territorial, impositions', or in whatever manner it be arranged; it should be in equal and just proportions, with- out distinction of condition, of rank, or of birth. Art. XI. It is the King's pleasure that the right of Franc- fief be abolished from the moment when the revenues and the expences of State, shall have been put in a course of regular state- ment. Art. XII. All proprietaries, without excep- tion, shall be constantly and duly respected ; and his Majesty comprehends under the name of proprietaries, the Dimes, Cens, Rentes, Droits, and Devoirs
Feodaux, and Seignouriaux, and in general, all the rights and prerogatives, produc- tive or honorary, which are attached to fiefs, or belong to individuals. Art• XIII. The two first orders of the State will continue to enjoy an exemption from all personal offices ; but the King recommends the States General to deliberate on the means of con- verting these kinds of offices into pecuniary contri- butions, and that then each order of the State may be subject to them. Art. XIV. It is the Royal intention to deter- mine, with the advice of the States General, what employments and offices shall preserve, in future, the privilege of conferring and
transmittiiig the rank of nobility.— His Majesty, nevertheless, ac- cording to the right inherent in tha crown, will grant letters of nobility to those ot his subjects, who, by services rendered to the King and the State, shall be thought worthy of such a recom- pence. Art. XV. The King being desirous of fixing the personal liberty of all the citizens on a firm and durable basis, invites the States General to propose to him such means to abolish the Lettres. de Cachet, at may be consistent with the public security, and the precautions necessary, in cer- tain cases, to save the honour of families, to re- press the beginnings of a sedition, and
to preserve Government from the bad effects of a criminal intelligence with foreign powers. Art. XVI. The States General shall examine and communicate to his Majesty, the most suit- able mode of conciliating the liberty of the press, with the respect due to the religion, the manners, and the honour of the citizens. Art. XVII. There shall be established, in the different provinces and districts of the kingdom, Provincial States, composed of two- tenths ot Members of the Clergy, one part of which shall be chosen from the episcopal order, three- tenths of the Members of the Nobility, and of five tenths of the Members of the Third
Estate. Art. XVIII. The Members of these Provin- cial States shall be freely elected by the respec- tive orders, and some portion of proprietary pos- session shall be necessary to qualify a person to vote, or to be elected; Art. XIX. The deputies of those Provincial States, shall deliberate in common upon their af- fairs, according to the usage of the provincial assemblies which these States shall replace. Art. XX. An intermediate commission, chosen by these States, shall administer the affairs of the province, between the sessions, and these inter- mediate commissions being alone responsible for their proceedings, shall have for
delegates persons chosen by themselves, of by the States of the province. Art. XXI. The States General shall propose to the King, their designs tor the other arrange- ments of the interior part of the Provincial State, and for the choice of ceremonies proper for the election of Members of this assembly; Art. XXII. Independent of the objects of Administration with which the provincial assem- blies arc charged, the King will confide to Pro- vincial States, the Administration of hospitals, of prisons, of poor- houses, of foundling hospitals, the inspection of the public expences of towns, of the keeping of forests, of the preservation and
sale of woods, and of all other public concerns, which may be better administered in the pro- vinces. _ Art. XXIII. The Opposition of these pro- vinces where there are ancient States and the ob- jections made to the constitution of these assem- blies, claim the particular attention of the States General, and they will communicate to his Ma- jesty such true and just arrangements as it will be proper to adopt, to establish solid regulations in the adminstration of these provinces. Art XXIV The King invites the States Ge- neral to employ themselves in discovering the most proper means to derive advantage from the domains in his own
hands, and to propose equally what can be best done respecting those which are engaged as securities. Art. XXV. The States General will employ themselves in considering the project which has long been in the contemplation of his Majesty to remove the Custom Houses to the frontiers of the Kingdom, so that the most perfect liberty might be enjoyed in the interior circulation of national and foreign merchandize. Art. XXVI. His Majesty desires, that the dis- agreeable effects ot the impost on salt, and the im- portance of that revenue, may be carefully dis- cussed ; and that in any future regulations of it, it may be rendered AS
light as possible, Art. XXVII. It it his Majesty's pleasure, that a very attentive examination be applied to the ad- vantages and inconveniecccs arising from aids and other imposts, but without losing sight of the ne- cessity of insuring an exact balance between the revenues and expences of the State. Art. XXVIII. According to his Majesty's will, manifested by his declaration of the 23d September last his Majesty will examine with a serious at- tention the projefts which shall be presented to him, relative to the adminstration of justice, and to the means of perfecting the civil and criminal laws. Art. XXIX, The King's pleasure is, that the
laws that he shall have promulgated during the Session, according to the advice of the States General, do not meet with any delay or obstacle in being registered or put in execution in any part of the kingdom. An, XXX. His Majesty's will is that the cus- tom 0g the Corvee for the making and keeping the high roads, be entirely abolished throughout the kingdom. _ XXXI. The King desires, that the aboli- tion of the right of Mortmain, of which his Ma- jesty has given an example in his dominions, be extended throughout all France, and that means may be adopted to indemnify those Lordships which are in possession of this right. An.
XXXII. His Majesty will make known immediatcly to the States General the regulations which he is now forming for restraining the Capi- taineries, and to give in a matter which relates to his personal enjoyment, a new example of his love for his people. Art. XXXIii. The King invites the States General to consider the manner of forming the militia in all its relatives, and to conciliate the means necessary to the national defence, with that case which his. Majesty desires to afford to all his subjects. ' Art. XXXIV. It is the King's will that all the arrangements of public order and benevolence towards his people, which his Majesty shall
sanc- tion by his authority, during the present Session of the States General,— those among others which relate to personal liberty,-— to the equality of con- tributions,— the establishment of provincial states — shall not be changed without the consent of the Three Orders, taken sepatately. Art. XXXV, His Majesty, after having called the States General to occupy themselves in con cert with him, 0n great objects of public utility, and on every thing which may contribute to the happiness of his people, declares in the most ex- press manner, that he preserves entirely to himself the institution of the army, as well as all authority,
police, and power respecting it, such as the Mo- narchs of France have constantly enjoyed. THE KING'S SPEECH. '' You have heard, Gentlemen, the result of my designs ;— they are confOrmable to the lively desire that I have of producing public good ; and if, by. a fatality of which I have no conception you abandon me in such a glorious enterprise, I will alone procure the happiness of my people I will consider myself as their true representative ; and being convinced of the union there is between the general wish of the nation, and my intentions, I shall possess all the Confidence which such an union is calculated to inspire,
and I shall, procced towards my object with the utmost courage and resolution. " Reflect, Gentlemen, that none of your pro- jects or dispositions can obtain force of a law, without my special approbation. I am also the natural guardian of your respective rights, and all the orders of the State may rest upon my just im- partiality. Opposition on your part, would be the greatest injustice. It is myself alone, who to this moment, does every thing for the happiness of my people : and it is surely no common thing that the only ambition of a Sovereign should be, to ob- tain the consent of his subjects, to accept of the benefits he wishes to
confer upon them. " I command yoU gentlemen, to separate immediately, and to return to- morrow morning to the different chambers appropriated to your Orders to re take your seats. I accordingly order the Grand Master ot the Ceremonies to make the necessary preparations." M. NECKER was not present at this sitting that he might not be supposed to approve of those measures which were CONtrary to his opinion. It was, however, industriously reported that he wished to resign. This report gaining ground excited a great commotion among the people, which prevailed until coming out of the King's closet in the evening when
he personally declared to the multitude who were waiting for him at the bottom of the staircase, that he did not intend to quit his situation as Minister. This information was received with the greatest acclamations of joy, and to insure it, the Third Estate afterwards came to a resolution to address the King for keeping M. NECKER in POWER. The resolutions which passed in the chamber of the Third Estate, after the Royal Sessions broke up, are still more remarkable. The Members then unanimously resolved to persist in their for- mer resolutions, notwithstanding the King had annulled them, and consequently they still persist to
consider themselves as the National Assembly Several motions of a very violent nature were then proposed, chiefly on the part of M. de Mi- rabeau, which we shall give at some future op- portunity. Among other things it Was proposed to advance the pay of each private soldier two- pence a day, as an inducement to gain over the military to their interest, It was at length only recommended foe His Majesty's approbation 1
Poetry The sweet Verse which follows, has been sent us by the Author of Petrarch to Laura, who has fre- quently favoured us with the occasional Effusions of Fancy, we therefore greet him as he merits. TO HER WHOM I SAW WEEP. And by the tear which dew'd thy cheek, And by the sigh which swell'd thy breast I Ah ! pity what I must not speak, Yet feel too much if Unexprest. long as the vital spark shall glow, May peace and plenty wait on thee; Unruffled every rapture know, Nor lose one precious thought on me. Though long inur ' d to all the woes Which pensive lovers fondly bear, For thy dear sake I'll seek repose, And
find it in affection's prayer. Perhaps, when absence must divide The youth who loves so well— so true Remembrance at thy lovely side, May whisper what I felt and knew. C. J. STATE OF FOREIGN POLITICs. IN respect to any news that has since transpired the affairs of Europe stand nearly in the same state as at our last report. If we may judge from the King of Sweden's leaving his capital to take upon him the com- wand of the grand army, all is safe at Stock- holm and his Majesty feels himself secure in his new mode of arbitrary Government. His ab sence is the surest criterion that he considers public affairs to be settled,
though from every advice we have received from that quarter, we shall always be prepared to hear of a revolt in that country, first among the nobles, and then the people, who will find the new burthens greater than they are able to furnish. The only news we hear from the north, is greatly in favour of Sweden, that is by land, where the Swedes have gained some advantages over the Russians, The Swedish troops are Without doubt, better disciplined, and seem to enter with greater spirit on the war. All the Russian men of war have left the Danish ports, but without a single ship of that country, joining them. Though we have no
ad- vices of the armistice between Denmark and Sweden which expired on the 24th inst, being renewed, we may rest assured, that it has been ere this, and that the war will not extend, at least for this year, farther than it does at present. The affairs of Poland are only patched up for the present, to assist the purposes of their am- bitious neighbours on each side. The King of Prussia has been persuaded not to interfere at pre- sent, and the Empress of Russia, has at length, we understand, consented that her troops should not hold encampments in the Polish territories; but most people consider this only a matter of present
accommodation, and that the storm is only passed by to break at some future time with redoubled violence. That either the King of Prussia, or the Empress of Russia should care a straw whether that country is independent or not, is quite a farce; and such terms are merely the common place terms of civility between Courts, even at the eve of a war. We believe the truth to be, that both those powers wish to rule the Republic, and the contest whenever it happens, will only be, which party shall have it. The disputes in France are not more alarming to that country at the present moment, than they will probably be to us at some
future period. Though they now secure us from any hostilities, or even hostile underhand intentions, the dissen- tions are likely to produce a crisis in its govern- ment which will make it more powerful and flourishing than we have ever yet known it to be. That the constitution will undergo a thorough reformation, there can be how no doubt; it is what the general body of the nation has long been aiming at, and the spirit as well as the strength of the people are become fully adequate to the object Who could have supposed only a few months since, that any class or set of men should have set the King's power so much at defiance as
to have asserted in a public, solemn assembly, that the voice of the Commons of France was superior to the Royal authority ; and that as long as they sat, they were the supreme tribunal ? That they should have dared to revoke all laws, and re- ap- point them only, durante bene placito, or as long as the King allowed them to follow their own pleasure and free will, and did not interfere in their debates; for according to the law passed a few days in Francc, at least the Commons have sanctioned it as the law of the land, all matters of revenue, and we may add, of allegiance to the King, are to cease, should his Majesty think the
people are so far infringing on his rights and privileges that he thinks it necessary to dissolve the States- General. Thus we see what a bul- wark the Commons have raised to prevent their being dissolved on any pretence whatever. PARLIAMENT. BUSINESS in the HOUSE Of LOrDS. This day — Committee on the Bill for regulating Gaols and Gaolers. BUSINESS in the HOUSE of COMMONs. This day— Mr. Dundas's east- India Budget. Report of the Revolution Anniversary Bill. Committee of Ways and Means, and Com- mittee of Supply. Committee on the British Fisheries.— Commit- tee on the Newspaper Bill. Report of the
Car- riage and Horse Bill. Report of Major Arabin's Divorce Bill. Report of the Whale Fishery Bill. Further proceedings on the. Tobacco Bill. ROYAL EXCURSION. LYNDHURST to LYMINGTON. SATURDAY. AT half past four o'clock this day, their MA- JESTIES, PRINCESS ROYAL, and Lady Cour- town, in one coach ; PRINCESSES AUGUSTA and ELIZABETH, and Ladies Waldegrave, in another; the Duke of Gloucester, Earls Delawar and Courtown; and Colonels Goldsworthy and Gwynn, in a third ; preceded by the Keepers, and attended by the Livery, set off from Lynd- hurst to Lymington, where they arrived at a quarter
before six. They alighted at the Town Hall, where the Mayor and Corporation, Sir Henry Burrard, Sir J. Doyley, and most of the neighbourmg nobility, with a choice band of music, received them. the wind being high, occasioned aching hearts to thousands of loyal subjects, who ardently ex- pected to see them in the town.— It was so trouble- some, their Majesties declined walking. After staying fome time in the Hall, and the whole family condescendingly shewing themselves at the windows, their carriages were resumed, and went a distance of about five miles, to a place called Hurl Clift, where thiir Majesties and attendants got
out and walked. The Clift commands a beautiful view of the Needle Rocks, Hurl Castle, Christ Church Point, the Isle of Wight, and a very extensive sea. Their Majesties returned between eight and nine. SUNDAY. At half past ten, their Majesties, the Princesses, See. walked from the King's House to the church. The church and church- yard, and indeed the whole town, were crowded beyond description. An excellent sermon was preached by the Rev. Mr. Willis Compton, the rector of the place; and the text was taken from the 3d chapter of St. Paul to the Colossians, 2d Verse ; " Set your " affections on things above, and not on
things on earth." After service, the congregation, aided by music, sung—" God save the King!" At seven o'clock, the Royal family walked through the town amidst the blessings and saluta- tions of the people— assembled in the most astonish- ing multitudes. The Royal family and attendants afterwards proceeded to Beautier, ( the place from whence Lord Beautier takes, his title) and Doyley Park, the seat of Sir John Doyley, near Lymmgton. MONDAY. This day, their MAJESTIES and the three elder PRINCESSES removed from Lyndhurst to Weymouth ; on their journey, the Royal fa- mily dined with Lord Milton, at Milton Abby,
Dorsetshire. TUESDAY. SALisBuRY, This morning about 10 o'clock, their Ma- jesties, accompanied by the Princess Royal, and the Princesses Elizabeth and Augusta, passed through this city in their way to Weymouth. They changed horses at the White Hart, ( Weeks's) where a band of music was provided on a stage opposite the White Hart, at Mr. Weeks's ex- pence, playing " God save the King."; Mr. Goddard of this city, Cutler to their Majesties and the Prince of Wales, had the ho- nour of presenting to the Queen, as she sat in her carriage, at the White Hart, a beautiful pair of scissars of most excellent workmanship, which
she was pleased to accept with much seeming satisfaction. A number of the Nobility and Gentry are pre- paring for their country seats in the West of the kingdom, as it is expected the ROYAL FAMILY will be very general in their visits. Sir RICHArD WORSLEY is making all suitable preparations at Appuldurcombe in the Isle of Wight, for the probable reception of his Royal Visitors. His MAJESTY has been pleased to present the Town of Warwick with a plate of 100 guineas for their races this year. The KING, QUEEN, and PRINCESSES, have fixt to return to, Windsor the first or second week in August, on account of the
celebration of the Prince of WALES, Dukes of YORK and CLA- RENCE'S birth- days, which will be kept at Wind- for Castle. The QUEEN'S LODGE at Windsor is immedi- ately to undergo a thorough repair, and a com- plete painting. RICHMOND and KEW GARDENS are now opened— KEW has a beautiful new green- house— In RICHMOND, the plantations are thickened, and the farm extended ; also a new farm- yard. His Royal Highness the Duke of YORK is much indisposed at his House, Whitehall. His Royal Highness the Duke of GLOUCESTER returned to town 0n Sunday night from Lynd- hurst. The remuneration of Dr.
Willis is said to be at last settled, to the satisfaction of all parties ; the terms are, the purchase of the house in Ten- terden- street, late Sir John Lade's, worth be- tween three and four thousand pounds, and one thousand pounds a year during the Doctor's life. Fashion hurries to Brighton very fast:— the Prince only is dilatory! Miss BROADHEAD'S match with Mr. DASH- WOOD takes place directly on his family leaving Bath. Lady MIDDLETON, we are sorry to say, died yesterday in child- bed. It was her first child— she was in her 47th year. Lady MIdDLETON, when she married Mr. MUNDAY, had 90,000l. and 11, oool. a- vear.
The Bishop of d'EGEE, died in Paris on the 23d inst. Yesterday morning arrived a mail from Hol- land. The Swedish fleet has not yet sailed.— Some Russian ships have appeared before Helsingfors. — The Swedes are said to be detained in Carls- croona for want of provisions, and are besides afflicted with a contagious disorder, which has carried off great numbers of their men.—- An ex- press from Stockholm has brought accounts of an action that happened between the Swedes and the Russians on the borders of Finland. The par- ticulars we have not yet learnt— Mr. ELLIOT still continues to negociate for the surrender of
the Swedish frigate, that was captured by the Russians on the coast of Denmark. Negotiations for peace in the North, are cer- tainly pushed with great energy. The Russians have raised their camp near Galacz, in consequence of the approach of a su- perior body of Turks. The War Commissioners at Warsaw, on the re- commendation of the Diet, have invited Count de BRUHL, who was formerly grand master of the Polish Artillery, to acccpt an important command in the army of that Republic. The Duke of ORLEANS has joined the Oppo- sition in France, with all his interest. After the Third Estate had withdrawn from hearing
the French King's Speech, M. Mirabeau moved that the person of each Member should be sacred. This precaution was thought extremely necessary, as the conduct of that Assembly was extremely irregular and contumacious. However a few hot headed Patriots, as they call themselves, may claim a popularity in France among the people, M. NECKER is the Minister, whom every person of reflexion looks up to with confidence and respect. The KING of FRANCE has expressly forbid that any strangerS should in future be admitted in the Galleries of the National Assembly. Some persons were so indecent as to clap and applaud
some particular Members, after they had spoke, while others again were hissed ; with this intem- perate zeal, it was impossible there could be freedom of debate. Nothing can be more foreign from the fact, than that Mr. NECKER, received a Lettre de Cachet from the KING of FRANCE, ordering his exile from Paris. The King never thought of M. NECKER'S resignation, nor had the latter the most distant intention of withdrawing himself from the Ministry. The ferment throughout Paris is extreme'y violent. The majority of the Clergy have do- clared for the Third Estate, and the Nobility are expected to follow the example of the Duke
of Orleans, and do the same, though the majority still holds out. The politics of France at this day seem to wear a similar aspect to those of the days of Charles the First in England. A duel has been fought at Paris between the Prince DE POIX, nephew of the Marshal of Noailles and M. DE LAMBERTIX. It was in consequence of a political dispute ; they fought with swords, and both are wounded. Several other duels have been fought on the same occasion. Count O'DONNEl, formerly Commandant of the Irish regiment De Clare, in the French ser- vice, and Knight of St. Louis, died in Paris on the 3d inst. The Lakes of
Cumberland are at this time draw- ing a number of visitants from the metropolis and other parts of the kingdom. The Duke of NOR- FOLK'S second Boat Race is looked for, it seems, this season, by the frequenters of those enchant- ing scenes. The Earl of ALDbOROUGH, the Earl of Ro- DEN, Ladies CARoliNE and CHARLOTTE JOCE- LYn, Sir HERBERT HUNLOXE, and the DEAN of TUAM, with Captains and Reverends not easily numbered, are amongst the late fashionable arrivals at Buxton. The most recent arrivals at the Hot Wells are the Hon. Mr. BROWNE, Lord ADAM and Lady GORDON, and Lady HALKET. The
Rev. Edmund Holmes, great Nephew to Dr. Gibson, formerly Bishop of London, is collated by the Dean of York to the Vicarage of Millington, with Great and Little Givendale, in the East Riding of Yorkshire. It is not the good fortune of every Clergy- man to be noticed by a DUCHESS ; how happy then must Mr. ELDERTON be ! No doubt, Pre- ferment will now flow in apace. Sir GREGORY PAGe TURNER and the Rev. Mr. ELDERTON are sworn friends ; Sir G. says, when he is in power he will make him a Bishop, for he treats like one already ; — will not Lady P. subscribe to this ? Yesterday morning came on the election of
Recorder for the city of London, vacant by the resignation of Mr. Serjeant ADAIR, which closed at two o'clock, Mr. ROSE, Deputy Recorder, and Mr. HeY- WOOD were the only Gentlemen who stood the poll. The contest lasted about an hour and an half, when the successful candidate was declared to be Mr. Rose, who had a majority of seventeen votes against nine. Monday last JOHN COXE HIPPISLEY, Esq. L. L. D. was elected Recorder of the Corpora- ion and Borough of Sudbury in Suffolk. The Joint Post- Masters General are about to make reform in the Penny Post department of their office, Instead of five different
General Offices for the delivery of Letters, they will be reduced to two— one to be in Coventry- street, the other in Abchurch- lane. A forgery was detected yesterday to the amount of three hundred pounds. The money, however, was paid by the Parent— and the law, it is hoped, will be satisfied. Last week, a diamond necklace and ear- rings, valued at 700 guinea's, were stolen out of Lady Beauchamp's dressing- room. The thief has not been yet discovercd. This morning four men were executed before the Debtors' Door of Newgate.— The behaviour of one of them was extremely hardened. SUMMER CIRCUITS. MIDLAND
CIRCUIT. MR. BARON HOTHAM AND MR. JUSTICE GROSE. Northamptonshire. Tuesday, July 21, at Northampton. Rutlandshire. Friday 24th, - at Oakham. Lincolnshire. Saturday 25, at the C astle of Lincoln. City of Lincoln. Same day, at the City of Lincoln. Nottinghamshire and Town. Tuesday 30, at Nottingham. Dcrbyshire. Saturday, Aug. 1, at Derby. Leicestershire. Wednesday 5, at the Castle of Leicester. Borough of Leicester. ' Same Day at Leicester. City of Coventry. Saturday 8, at Coventry. Warwickshire. Same day, at Warwick. NORTHERN CIRCUIT. MR. JUSTICE WILSON AND MR. BARON THOMSON. City and
County of the City of of York. Saturday, July 25, at the Guildhall of the city. Yorkshire. The same ' day, at the Castle of York. Durham. Tuesday, August 4, at the Castle of Durham. Town of Newcastle upon Tyne, and County of the same Town, Saturday August 8, at the Guildhall of the town. Northumberland. The same day, at the Castle of Newcastle upon Tyne. Cumberland. Friday, August 14, at the City of Carlisle. Westmoreland. Wednesday 19, at Appleby. Lancashire. Saturday 22, at the Castle of Lancaster. Sunday evening last, Dorothy Shuttlewood, a young woman of Sileby, in Leicestershire, was unfortunately struck
dead by a flash of lightning in her houfe, just at the time she was passing to a cupboard, by the side of the fire place, to take out an hymn book.— An iron crane projecting from the chimney, close to which the poor girl passed, it is supposed, attracted the lightning. BATH, June 29. Arrived here,— His Excellency the Marquis of Buck- ingham, ( Lord Lieutenant of Ireland) Lady Belmour, Lady Gardiner, Lady Tynte, Lord and Lady Clifford, Sir John Dashwood, Admiral Digby and Lady, Baron de Ro- beck, Dr. Howard, D:. Davies, Rev. Mr. Mrs. and 2 Miss Mant, Rev. Mr. Briscoe, Rev. Mr. Stretch. Rev. Mr. Millgrove, Rev. Mr.
Banister, Mr. and Mrs Chubb, Mr. and Mrs. Gilles, Mr. and Mrs. Williams, Mr. Miller, Mr. Abditch, Mr. Andrews, Mr. Earle, Lieut. Fuller, Mr. F. Greville, Mr. R. Greathead, 2 Mr. and 2 Master Neate, Mr. and j Miss Small, Mr. Williams, Mr. Grant, Mr. G. Minshull, Mr. Seymour, Mr. Hutchinson, Mr. Washbourn, Mr. Lee, Mr. Anthony Pasquin, Mr. Otley, 2 Mr. Ramsay, Mr. Seaton, Mr. Speed, Mrs. and Miss Gore, Mrs. and Miss Walker, 2 Mrs. and Miss Marshall, Mrs. Thompson, Mrs. Whaley, Mrs. Lutwidge, Miss Burke, Miss Douglas, Miss Annesley, Miss Stuart, & c. On Tuesday last, the Right Hon. Lady Deerhurst, of a son, at
Streatham, Surry. On Sunday, the Lady of Thomas Pechell, Esq. of a son, at Lady Clavering's, Clarges- street. On Tuesday the • -, d instant, at Leith, Mr. John Cleuga, wholesale draper, Ironmonger- lane, to Miss Hutton, of Leith. Monday, Lord Newburgh, to Miss Webb. On Thursday, at Gravesend, James Fisher, Esq. of Green street, Grosvenor Square, aged 67, to Miss Harriet Knapp, of Knightsbridge, aged 17. Mr. Phillips, of Bristol, to Mrs. Ireland, of Ross ; his SIXTH WIFE John Maxwell, Esq. eldest son of the Bishop of Meathr to the Hon. Miss Annesley, daughter of Lord Viscount Valentia. Mr. Matthews of Sherfield, to
Miss Hutton, of Basing. Lodge. The Rev. Mr. Stanes, of Bradwell, to Miss Straight, of Great Haddow. Deaths, Thursday last Mr. Hazlewood, of Anwick, Lincoln- shire. of a painful and lingering decline. Saturday, Mrs. Reece, of Christelton, near Chester. Sunday, after a lingering illness, Col. Slaughter, at his house at Bath- Hampton, near Bath. At Bristol, Mrs. Sowerby, wife of Mr. Sowerby, brush maker, in High street. At Bristol, Lady Carberry, mother of the present Lord Carberry. LONDON : Printed by J. WALTER and T. HOLL; at the Logographic Press, Printing- house Square, Blackfriars ; where ADVERTISEMENTS,
ESSAYS, LETTERS, and ARTICLES of INTELLIGENCE, are received: also at No. 165, Piccadilly ; at Mr. WHITEAVE'S, NO. 30,' opposite St. Dunstan's Church, Fleet Street, and of Mr. VINER, Bond- Street, Bath — Orders for this Paper will be executed with the greatest Punctuality by applying as above, or of the Clerks of the Roads, at the General Post Office, Lombard Street.