The Evening Mail
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The Evening Mail
Date of Article: 29/06/1789
Printer / Publisher: J. Walter and T. Holl
Address: Logographic Press, Printing-house Square, Blackfriars
Volume Number: Issue Number: 52
No Pages: 4
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WEYMOUTH. Jure, 15, 1789 To prevent Imposition. ON Account of his MAJESTY'S honouring this place with his presence during the summer months, it may be suspected that the price of Lodgings, and every other article, will be considerably advanced. In older to prevent such extortion, we whose names are under signed are determined not to raise the price of our lodging houses, or any other article we may respectively deal in, and are resolved to use our utmost endeavours to prevent such artifices in others. As a better criterion, references may always be had to a correct Register of all Lodging Houses, with their prices at
every period of the year: a plan which has been adapted for these three sea- sons last part by JOHN LOVE, at his MUSICAL and CIRCULATING LIBRARY, on the Esplanade. John Pucket, cornfactor. Mr. Garland. Morgan Wallis, baker. H. Kellaway, brewer. Jas. Bennet, proprietor of bathing machines. Robert Saxton, ditto. Timothy Scriven, ditto. Rachael Carrage, ditto. Wm. Johns, builder. H. Thornhill. John Damman. Nicholas Marder grocer. Benj. Russel, linen draper. Mr. Reed miniature painter Solomon Sly, baker. John Love, librarian. Many genteel Lodging Houses are yet unlet Richard Oakley, builder. Mrs. Bryar, inn holder. Mr. Davis Richard Wilkinson. Martha Whicker. E. and C. Pierce, milleners. Jas. Richards, joiner. Benj. Barlow, wine merch. Wm. Corp, cabinet maker. Jane Mansell, milliner. Mrs. Ford. WEYMOUTH, DELICACIES FOR THE TABLE. THANKFUL, for the distinguished Favours conferred on him for these three seasons last past. N. MARDER, Grocer and Tea- Dealer, in the Market- street, begs leave to acquaint the Nobility and Gentry resorting to this place for the summer season, that he sells, in the highest perfection, Westmoreland, Yorkshire, and London Hams, Neats' and Russia Tongues, Wiltshire and Hampshire
Bacon, Single and Double Cheshire, Wilt- shire, and Somersetshire Cheese of the best quality ;— Young's and Burgess's Essence, and Georgiana Anchovies, Sauce R0yal For stewing all kinds of fish, Sauce Piquant for all kinds of cold meat, Quince Sauce. Lemon Pickle, Camp, Chili, Red. White, French, Elder, Tarrigan. Garlic, and every other kind of Vinegar, French and Spanish. Olives, Truffles. Morells, Vermicelli, Macaroni, India Soy, Ketchup, and Cayenne Pepper. This Day is published, In Four Volumes Quarto, Price 5I. in Boards, Printed on a fine Medium Paper, ( Or may be had in Weekly Numbers, price is each)
Embellished'with an Elegant Descriptive Frontispiece, Dedicated, by Permission, to the Right Hon. W. PITT, A new and elegant Edition of ANDERSON's HISTORICAL and CHRO NOLOGICAL DEDUCTION of the ORIGIN of COMMERCE: containing an HISTORY of the GREAT COMMERCIAL INTERESTS of the BRITISH EM- PIRE. To which is prefixed, An INTRODUCTION, exhibiting a View of the An- cient and Modern POLITICO COMMERCIAL GEO- GRAPHY of the several EUROPEAN COUNTRIES. CAREFULLY CORRECTED and REVISED. Ths last Volume is continued in a Stile not unworthy of Mr. ANDERSON ;
consisting of all the trade Laws and Regulations as well as the different Treaties made subsequent to the first publication ; with every other im- portant Transaction that can claim a place in the COM- MERCIAL HISTORY of GREAT BRITAIN. This scarce and valuable Work is in the highest esti- mation in the literarv World, as it is well known to con- tain the most comprehensive and best digested View of the principles of Commerce now extant, and must be of the greatest Utility both to the Statesmen and Merchant, as well as to Readers of every Description, at this important Period. London ; Printed at the Logographic Press,
and Sold by J. Walter, No. 169, Piccadilly; Robson and Clarke. T. Payne and Sons, B. White and Son, R. Baldwin, W. Richardson, T. Evans, T. Wheildon, C. Stalker, T. Longman, and T. Sewell. WHere may he had, Just published at tbe LOGOGRAPHIC PRESS, I. In One Volume, 12mo. pries 3S. sewed, or 3s. 6d. bound HISTOIRE DE CE QUI S'EST PASSE, POUR L'ETABLISSEMENT D'UNE REGENCE. EN ANGLETERRE, En 1788 et 1789. Par M L. D. * » . H. D. R. D. L. G. B. II. Price One Shilling and Sixpence, AN ADDRESS to the COUNTRY GEN- TLEMEN of ENGLAND and WALES, 0n the ABUSES of COUNTY
COURTS. By JAMES BLAND BURGES, Esq. M. P. Printed at the Logographic Press, and sold by J. Wal- ter No. 169, Piccadilly, j. C. Stalker, Stationer's- court, ludgate Hill, and W. Richardson, under the Royal- Exchange. III. Price ONE SHILLING and SIX- PENCE. THE AUTHENTIC SPEECH of WIL- LIAM WILBERFORCE, Esq. RepResentatiVE FoR The COUnty OF YORK, On Wednesday the 13th of May, 1789, on the Question of the ABOLITION of the SLAVE TRADE. To which are added, The RESOLUTIONS then moved, and a Short Sketch of the SPEECHES of the other Members. IV. In One Volume Octavo, price rs.
An ANSWER to the Rev. Mr. CLARKSON'S ESSAY on the SLAVERY and COMMERCE of the HUMAN SPECIES, particularly the AFRICAN, in a Series of letters from G. FRANKLYN, Esq. in Jamaica, to his friend in London. Wherein many of the Mistakes and Misrepresentations of Mr. Clarkson are pointed out, both with regard to . the manner in which that Commerce is carried on in Africa, and the treatment of the Slaves in the West Indies. STATE LOTTERY OFFICE, bank- Street. Cornhill, June 1789. MR. NICHOLSON most respectfully ac- quaints his Friends and the Public, that all SHARES of PRIZES bought of him in the
last ENGLISH LOTTERY, as well as in all former Lotteries, are paying 111 full, without any Deduction. He begs leave to take this opportunity of returning his most grateful acknowledgements for the kind and gene- rous Support he has so recently been honoured with, and desires to assure them, it will he his particular study to merit a continuance of their kind Favours. The TICKETS and SHARES for the prefent IRISH STATE LOTTERY are selling on the lowest Terms ; and all business relative to Lotteries, or the Public Funds, transacted with accuracy and fidelity, By their obedient and most devoted humble Servant, WM.
NICHOLSON. N. B. In the last Irish. Lottery, both the Prizes of 20, oool. one of io, oool and one of 5,000l. were sold by Mr. Nicholson; and in the last English Lottery, one of Io, oool. besides several of 2, oool. i, oool. and 500I. for the evening mail. KING CHARLES I. A T NEWCASTLE. Particulars not commonly known. When the unfortunate Charles had fled from Oxford, which was then besieged by the Parlia- ment forces, and had thrown himself into the pro- tection of the Scottish army, at Newark- upon- Trent, that army conducted him to Newcastle- upon- Tyne. Here they formed a lane of musket and pikes, through the
streets, from the place at which he entered the town, to the house in which he took up his lodging. He was now caressed with bonfires and ringing of bells, with drums, trumpets, and peals of ordnance Guarded in- deed he was by three hundred Scottish horse, but those near his person were constantly bare- headed; and he and his train had liberty every day to go abroad and play at Goff, in a field without the walls, until a design for his escape was discovered by the treachery of false friends, who had been let into the secret. After this discovery, the sccne changed. A guard of soldiers was placed at his chamber- door, both
within and without, who dis- turbed him, not a little, by continually smoaking before him, although they knew he had a parti- cular antipathy to tobacco. A popular tradition says, that his Majesty had disguised himself, and had found means to get down as far as the grate in the middle of the street; and that a ship, in order to accomplish his escape, lay ready to transport him beyond sea. A rare instance of great temper appeared dur- ing his residence at this place. When the news reached him of the fatal turn of his affairs in Scot- land, he took not the least notice of it to those about him, but continued at a game of Chess, just as
composed and cheerful as before. A Scotch Minister of this place, one day, preached boldly before the King; and when he had finished his sermon, gave out the lii. psalm, which be- gins, " Why dost thou, tyrant, boast abroad, " Thy wicked works to praise ?" But the King started up, and courageously de- manded the lvi. psalm, " Have mercy, Lord, on me, I pray, " For man would me devour." English Parliament. HOUSE OF LORDS. Friday, June 26, POOR BILL. Earl Stanhape moved that this bill be read a second time. The Chancellor wished to know what were its merits. Earl Stanhope said it was for the purpose of se- curing
to those Members of Society in the inferior occupations of life, that money which at present they were in the habit of subscribing, by way ot a provision against the infirmities of age, or the visitation of sickness, but which was now so sub- ject to the plundering hand of those in whose care it was entrusted, that the subscribers seldom reap- ed any benefit from their deposit. The Chancellor asked whether it would not be the means of injuring the poor laws. Earl Stanhope assured the learn- d Lord it would have quite a different effect, as it would be a means of preventing thousands from the necessity of having recourse to the
parish, another fund much more agreeable to their circumstances, and more consonant to their wishes, would always be open privately to relieve their necessities. It would in fact do more towards lessening the enor- mity of our Poor Tax, than any bill which has ever yet made its appearance in Parliament. The Chancellor thought that a Bill of such magnitude in its conferences, ought to be more general in its object— and that great care should be taken to give it all the perfection, Parliament could bestow. It was read a second time, and ordered to be committed for Wednesday se'nnight. CROMFORD CANAL BILL. Counsel
being called in, and having stated that the Petitioners again it this Bill had not made out their case, and therefore that there was no occa- sion to call any evidence to support its propriety, Lord Kinnaird moved that the Bill be read a second time. His Lordship briefly recapitulated the merits on which it was brought before their Lordships, and as there had been so much said in its favour in evidence at the Bar, by the very witnesses who came to oppose it, it was needless to take up their Lordships time. Lord Rawdon was sorry on this occasion he was obliged to differ with the noble Lord ; but the Bill appeared to him not to answer
any good public purpose, and to be fraught with much pri- vate mischief. The evidence, in his opinion, had proved sufficiently, that, instead of a surplus, there was a want of water to carry 0n the busi- ness of the River in its present state, and hence it was a fair and justifiable assertion to say, that if it had not a sufficiency for itself, it could not spare any to its neighbour. Lord Stanhope was of the same opinion, and made many ingenious remarks 0n the Mills and their situations, the possibility and impossibility of working the water at certain depths.— the source, the stream, the force, & c. See. all which he brought regularly into
proof, as so many wit- nesses against the public benefit of . the Bill. The Chancellor had no objection to the Bill go- ing into a Committee, because, in next stage, such amendments would be proposed as would natural- ly arise out of the evidence that was heard at the Bar; but whether those amendments would jus- tify their Lordships to pass the Bill, was a matter which it was impossible in the present stage to as- certain. There was one maxim which be ever did, and ever would invariably hold— it was, that PRI- VATE PROPERTY should be held sacred— that no whim, n0 scheme, no measure whatsoever ought to be
sanctified by Parliament, which took away the right of any man, without making him a just compensation for the loss. Much had been said on the present Bill, and a great body of evidence called to substantiate this fact— that there was not at times a sufficiency of water to work the mills which at present occupied the River, and, there- fore, if any of that water was diverted into another channel, the deficiency must be greater. He re- minded their Lordships, that to make laws to se- cure private property was idle, if those laws, from interested, or indeed any other motives, were permitted to be broke through ; and there- fore he
should certainly, on the third reading of the Bill, give it all the opposition in his power ; if full compensation was not made for whatever injury might arise to the Petitioners from lessen- ing that quantity of water, which they declared was, in its present state, even insufficient for the whole of the mills it was appropriated to work. The bill was then read a second time, and or- dered to a Committee above stairs on Monday next. BATH IMPROVEMENT BILL. Earl Camden moved, that it should be read a second time. The Chancellor did not rise to oppose the se- cond reading, but merely to remind their Lord- ships, that this was a Bill
which comprehended a large part of public property, inasmuch as it tended to create an additional Tax, and there- fore that it would be requisite in the Committee, to investigate how far the public were to be benefited by an improvement ot the City of Bath. Earl Camden assured the learned Lord that that public benefit was the object, and the sole object of the Bill. The Corparation would re- ceive no emolument— it had not the Tincture of a Jobb, and was calculated for the case, con- venience and service of the community at large. Bath was a place much frequented, and people of all ranks had been in the habit of visiting it for
near Two THOUSAND YEARS, from the springs of which great relief had been received by those afflicted with Chronic Diseases. It was such as went there either for health or pleasure, who were the objects of the Tax, requisite to complete this new plan of improvement, and not a general tax on the public. The Chancellor perfectly agreed with his noble Friend in every particular but one, and that was the tax ; but when the matter was debated in the Committee, it would appear, how far the numerous waggons, carts, horses, and chaises which went that road came within the description of health and pleasure, and, of course,
how far it would be requisite to make a distinction in that respect. The bill was then read a second time, and Monday being mentioned by Lord Camden for committing it, The Chancellor observed, that the Cromford Bill would take up their Lordships attention fully on that day ; and as the Bath Bill was likewise a very important 0ne, and not to be gone through in a hurry, or in a slovenly manner, it had best stand for Tuesday, which was agreed to, and the House then adjourned till Monday. HOUSE OF COMMONS. Friday, June 26. MESSAGE FROM THE LORDS: That they had agreed to some private bills. AMERICAN TRADE
BILL. On the motion of Mr. Rose, the House went through a Committee on the Laws regulating the trade between North America, and the West Indies, Mr. Gilbert in the Chair. The report was received., and the question was put, that leave be given to bring in a bill for farther regulating the trade between North America and the West Indies, which was agreed to. DRAWBACK ON TEAS. On the motion of Mr. Rose, the House went into a Committee to consider the drawback on Teas exported to the islands of Jersey and Guern- sey, Gibraltar, and other parts of Europe, Mr. Gilbert in the Chair. The report to be received on Monday.
MONEY BILL. Mr. Rose brought in a bill for granting to his Majesty a duty on the probate of wills, and 0n the receipt of legacies. This bill was read a first time, and was ordered to be read a second time. NEWFOUNDLAND FISHERY BILL. _ Was brought in by Mr. Rose, was read a first time, and was ordered to be read a second time. NEWSPAPER BILL. On the motion of Mr. Rose, the bill for grant- ing to his Majesty an additional duty on news- papers was read a second time, and was committed for Monday. LIGHT HOUSE BILL. On the motion of Mr. Dempster, the House went into a Committee on the light house bill.— Mr. H.
Brown in me chair. The report to be received on Monday. EPISCOPAL BILL. On the motion of Mr. Dundas, the episcopal bill was read a third time, and sent to the Lords for their concurrence. CARRIAGE and HORSE BILL. The bill for granting ro his Majesty an addi- tional duty 0n horses and carriages, on the mo- tion of Mr. Rose, went through a Committee.— Mr. Gilbert in the chair. The report to be received on Monday. WESTMINSTER COMMITTEE. Mr. Ford moved, that the Westminster Com- mittee have leave to adjourn over till Monday. This application, he said, was made at the request of the counsel for the petitioners.
The question was put and carried. SCOTTISH ROYAL BOROUGHS. Mr. Sheridan brought in his Bill for regulat- ing the internal Government of the Royal Bo- roughs of Scotland. This Bill was read a first time, and on the question being put, that it be read a second tine, Sir James Johnstone opposed it, and said, it would revive the old Scottish laws with respect to witchcraft, and would make a man guilty of rebellion if he did not pay his rent, though pet- haps he had not a farthing in the world. If the Honourable Gentleman would honestly say, that he brought in this Bill for amusement, he should be content. Mr. Sheridan assured
the Hon. Bart, that he had not brought in this Bill to amuse the House He took this to be one of the most se- rious cases that ever was brought before Parlia- ment ; and there was no fact stated in this Bill, no grievance mentioned, which the Petitioners were not ready to prove. He did not mean to enter into a discussion of this business till the se- cond reading of the Bill. Sir John Sinclair was of opinion, that in this thin House, and in this far advanced period of the Session, a Bill of this magnitude ought to be put off till the next Session of Parliament. It was agreed that this Bill be read a second time on Monday se'nnight. QUEBEC
PETITIONS. On the motion of Mr. Dempster, the considera- tion of the Quebec Petitions was postponed till the next Session of Parliament. DISTILLERY BILL. The House next went into a Committee on the Distillery Bill, Mr. Gilbert in the Chair. Mr. Sheridan wished that some the clauses of this Bill were explained. He understood some of them were extremely oppressive, and had been loudly complained of. He said this Bill had never been opened. Mr. Rose said, that this Bill was the very same with the Bill of last year, with one alteration, which was in favour of the trade. He had no objection that the Bill of last year should be re newed and continued. Sir John Sinclair thought it was very extra- ordinary that the Rectifiers should object to a clause, which was said to be in favour of the trade. Mr. Pitt was willing that the Trade should be consulted on this clause before it was passed. Mr. Alderman Sawbridge thought this was ex- tremely fair and candid in the Right Honourable Gentleman. The Report was ordered to be received on Monday. COCHINEAL BILL. The house went into a Committee on the bill for continuing the expiring laws respecting Co- chineal, Sailcloth, & c. Mr. Gilbert in the Chair. The Report to be received on Monday. TOBACCO BILL. On
the motion of Mr. Pitt, the House resolved itself into a Committee on the Bill for repealing the duties on Tobacco and Snuff, and for grant- ing to his Majesty new duties in lieu thereof. Mr. Burges in the Chair. Counsel were called to the Bar, and Mr. Postle- thwaite was again examined, and then Mr. Ran- son ; after which the House adjourned till Man- day. FROM FRIDAY JUNE 26, TO MONDAY JUNE 29, 1789.
# FOREiGN INTELLIGENCE. This day arrived the Mails from Holland and Flanders. Petersburgh, May 26. The Three Russian squa- drons, which were stationed in the ports of Revel Cronstadt, and Copenhagen, are in the road, and ready to sail. The arsenals of Petersburgh are likewise very full, and they are equipping the 150 vessels which are to compose the fleet of gallies, with the utmost speed. . Vienna June 3. Letters from Jassy of the 16th of May, mention the arrival of Prince Repnin in that place, to take, ad interim, the command of the army intrusted to him, by Count Romanzow. On the 14th, all the prisoners taken by
General Dorfelden in the affair of Gallatz, likewise ar- rived at Jassy, where they were distributed in the different quarters of the city ; amongst them are two Pachas, the sons of two other Pachas, who served in the army of the Grand Visier, the Kai- macan of Prince Maurojeni, 103 Turkish officers of different ranks, 1521 soldiers. On the 15th there arrived a convoy of the booty taken after the battle. All those prisoners are to proceed to the estates of the Empress, and cross by platoons through Poland, to be stationed beyond the Da- nube, in quarters where the other Turkish pri- soners are. Vienna, June 6. Yesterday morning his
Se- rene Highness Prince Charles of Wurtemberg, accompanied by a Russian Officer, set out from this capital for Moldavia, being preceeded the 16th of last month by his carriages, baggage, & c. Vienna, June 8. The Emperor's health hav- ing improved during the whole of the last week, we entertain the most flattering hopes of his Majesty's speedy recovery : but yesterday he had a return of his fever. It is supposed the cold weather that has prevailed for several days con- tributed to the cause of the Sovereign's com- plaint. Vienna, June 13. The armistice agreed to in the month of November last, betwixt Count Brown, the
Commandant of Semlin, and Abdy Pacha of Belgrade, has been prolonged for two months more. His Imperial Majesty's health is rather mend- ing ; the fever has left him for some days past. He still preserves his natural gaiety, and laughs at his own feeble state of body. • Berlin June 13. The King is expected here either this evening or to- morrow morning. Her Royal Highness the Princess of Orange is ex- pected at Charlottenbourg towards the end of next month, and 0n the 7th of the month fol- lowing there will be a grand display of fire- works at the Castle of Charlottenbourg in ho- nour of his Royal Highness. Yesterday a
considerable number of muskets was moved out of our arsenal, in order to be conveyed away by water, but the place of their destination is not certainly known. Berlin, June t The fireworks preparing in honour of the Princess of Orange, and the Stad- tholderian Family, at Charlottenbourg, will be uncommonly superb : The King has allotted 17,000 dollars to defray the expence of them, and 360 men are busily employed in making them. We learn from Vienna, that the Emperor has accepted of the resignation of Baron Thugut, who has hitherto filled the post of Imperial Plenipoten- tiary at the Court of Naples, in which he is to be
succeeded by Compte Reviesky, who resides at the Court of London, to which situation the Compte de Stadion will be removed, who it at present Minister at Stockholm. Hamburgh, June 16. After several alterations, it seems at last determined that a camp of Danish troops will be formed near Rendsburg, in Holstein, and the Prince Royal will be there in perfon. We are assured that this will not in the least in- terfere with the strict neutrality which the Court of Denmark, at the instance of those of London and Berlin, is resolved to observe during the war between Russia and Sweden, insomuch, that the Danish fleet will only appear
in the north sea, to make some evolutions, and return into port again. Strelitz, May 27. The day before yesterday was celebrated here with great pomp and mag- nificence, the marriage of the Hereditary Prince of Tour and Taxis, with the Princess, daughter of Duke Charles of Mecklenbourg- Strelitz. Stockholm, June 5. According to advices from the army in Finland, several skirmishes have lately taken place between our troops sta- tioned on the frontiers and the Russians, in con- sequence of the latter having endeavoured to pe- netrate our territories; but the enemy were every where repulsed with loss. We have not yet
received confirmation of the bloody engage- ment said to have happened between a body of troops under General Siegroth and the Russians. Warsaw, June 4. The salutary counsel which the King of Prussia has given to the States of Poland, relative to the most eligible mode of obtaining from the Empress of Russia the object of their wishes, has been attended with the desir- ed effect. Rome, June 5. The famous Count Cagliostro is arrived here and lives in a very elegant stile. This adventurer gives himself out to be very old, which excites the curiosity of the Public. LIST of the SWEDISH FLEET at CARLSCRONE. Two ships
of 74 guns each— 5 of 70— 1 of 64 — 12 of 62 ; and 1 of 60. In all, twenty one of the line, besides two frigates of 44— 7 of 40— — 1 of 36— 2 of 32— 1 of 30 j and 1 of 18 guns: and at Gottenburg, three frigates of 40— 1 of 32: at Helsingfors, two of 36 guns. The King of Sweden arrived at Abo on the 5th June, at five in the morning ; and set out imme- diately for Borgo on the coast of Finland, in good health and spirits. Fourteen Swedish galleys arrived at Stockholm the Qth inst. to carry more troops to Finland. A Russian man of war hovering on the coast of Sweden, has been burnt by her crew, to prevent falling into the hands
of the Swedes. The Russian prisoners, at Stockholm, formed a plot lately to escape ; sixty of them got off, but the others were secured. LONDON. SATURDAY, JUNE 27. Yesterday morning his Royal Highness the Prince of WALES set off to the Duke of YORK'S Seat at Oatlands, Surry, from whence he went to his seat at Bagshot, where he slept last night. Yesterday the Duke of LEEDS received dis- patches from Mr. Gomme, Secretary to the Am- bassy at the Hague, which his Grace immediately forwarded his Majesty at Lyndhurst. Yesterday after the House of Lords broke up, the Lord CHANCELLOR dined with the Marquis
of STAFFORD at his House, Whitehall. This day the Duke of NEWCASTLE gave a grand dinner to Mr. PITT, Mr. GRENviLLE and many of the Nobility at his seat at Wimbledon. His Grace is in better health than he has been for some time past. On Tuesday last the Marquis of TITCHFIELD, Eldest son to the Duke of Portland came of age. The Marquis of BUCKINGHAM will certainly leave Ireland in a few days. He does not return to London, but will go direct to Bath, to drink the waters. It is generally believed that should the Mar- quis of BUCKINGHAM'S health permit, he will visit their MAJESTIES at Weymouth after having been
at Bath a few days. This morning his Royal Highness the Duke of GLOUCESTER reviewed his regiment ot foot guards in Hyde Park. The men appeared in their new uniforms. A new band likewise made their appearance, for the first time, in public. They are all youth, composed of the most ingenious boys of the drums and fifes in his regiment. Yesterday Lord CAMDEN sat to hear appeals in Prize Causes at the Cockpit, Whitehall. His Lordship will in future sit every Tuesday and and Friday, till all the appeals are decided. It is provided, in case of a dissolution of Par- liament, that the trial of Mr. HASTINGS shall not be obliged to
commence de novo, but proceed with a new senate, from the state at which the Ma- nagers left it when the Parliament died. The prosecutors are determined to bring it to a final issue, and it is therefore idle to suppose that the point will be given up by the Commons, or has- tily finished by the Peers. It must for the ho- nour of the nation be regularly brought to a legal period, and every decision of the Lords on the evidence proposed, whether that evidence is ac- cepted or refused, becomes an acceleration and not delay of the finale, inasmuch as it, in fact, points out to the Managers what is, and what is not proper to be adduced
in support of the charges. We are informed, that, if the question pro- posed by Lord PORCHESTER, on the impeachment of Mr. Hastings, does not meet that decision wish- ed for by the conductors of the impeachment, Mr. Fox is to make a speech on Tuesday next, that will give some idea of drawing towards a conclu- sion of this important business. Lord STANHOPE has a bill in respect to the re- gulation of tythes, to propose to the House in the course of next week.-— His Lordship's attack is at the necessaries as well as the superfluities of the church. The idea sent forward by interested persons, declares—" that the Slave
Trade is given up ;"— but the fact is quite the reverse; and if a General Election takes place antecedent to the next Sessi- 0ns, the abolition of that disgrace to British phi- lanthropy will be one of the chief instructions from the Constituents to the Representatives. If the scheme of excising Tobacco is carried in- to execution, the Gentlemen concerned in that trade, are determined to smoak the Minister. Canvassing for the city of London is already begun, and the present Members visit every por- ter- house club where the livery hold any convi- vial meeting. Great rejoicings were made at Maryport, in Cumberland, in consequence of
a successful dis- covcry of a Coal Mine near that place, which is likely to restore and extend the business of that port. After the Commons of France had formed themselves into the National Assembly, an oath was proposed to be taken by all the Members, be- gining with " We promise and swear to God, our King, and Country;"— but an amendment was proposed, and unanimously adopted, by in- serting the word Country before the King— We swear to God, our Country, and the King. The form of administering the oath in the States General of France, is for all the Members to rise, lifting up their hands to Heaven, Looking
towards the President whilst he is reading the words in the most solemn and distinct voice. No- thing can be more striking and awful. The FRENCH FUNDS rose ten per cent as foon as the Commons of France declared that the pub- lic debt should be funded, and that the nation was answerable for it. The Archbishop of NARBONNE ( DILLON) is a bankrupt for four millions of livres, a rather un- lucky circumstance for the dignified Clergy at this moment. A curious, though very ludicrous libel has been published in Paris, entitled, " Protests and Remonstrances of the most numerous order in the kingdom." This the author proclaims
to be, the order of Cuckolds, and supposes them to be assem- bled on the plains of Sablone, to chuse a president, and ludicrously describes them as if deliberating, and voting in the Assembly of the States General. As President of the Nobility, they have chosen a Prince, and for the Third Estate, one Kornmann. It is much looked after. Several very ingenuous Treatises have been published in France on the subject of its future Government, one of which we shall notice as having a peculiar preference. It is written by the Bishop of LANGRES, wherein he proposes a form of constitution, extremely similar to our own, by having two
Houses of Parliament, the one composed of the Nobility and Clergy, and the other of the third estate. This book is read with great eagerness. The Bishop of AUTUN has written another treatise against the vice, and abominable abuse arising from Lotteries COURT MARTIAL on COLONEL DEBBIEG FIRST DAY. FRIDAY, at ten o'clock in the morning, a COURT MARTIAL assembled at the Horse Guards, Whitehall to try COLONEL DEBBIEG, of the Corps of Engineers, on three separate Charges, adduced against him by his Grace the . DUKE of RICHMOND, & c. Master General of the Ordnance, & c. 8cc. MEMBERS forming
2D Foot Guards. JAMES MARSH, 77th Foot. MATTHEW DIXON, Engineers. WILLIAM MARTIN, Artillery. EDMUND STEVENS. Sir CHARLES GOULD, Judge Advocate. The MEMBERS being sworn in, the Duke of RICHMOND arose about a quarter before eleven o'clock ; and, after reading from an MS. a de- tail of the various provocations received from the prisoner, his Grace produced and read a letter left at his house by Colonel DEBBIEG himself on the 16th of March 1789, a copy of which, for the elucidation of this matter, we subjoin : ( COPY.) To His Grace the DUKE of RICHMOND, & C. Master General of His Majesty's
Ordnance. MY LORD DUKE, YOUR rejecting my assistance at the Board of Sea and Land Officers appointed by your Grace under the Vote of the House of Commons, to consider the State of the Defences of the King- dom, although I was expressly nominated in that Honourable House, and included in that Vote to make one at that Board, was a declaration to me, at once inauspicious and hostile in the extreme: I had formed ( having authority to do so) opi- nions upon the subject of the defences of the country, long before your Grace came first into the Ordnance ; and at the time that your mind was employed upon providing for
a secondary ob- ject, the Security of the Dock- yards, Simply as such, mine soared to the same objects of defence, as connected, and combincd with those of the Empire, the prosperity of her Marine, and of her Commerce, all at present so imminently threat- ened with mischiefs, impediments, and difficul- ties, unfelt by this Nation heretofore, from the indefatigable, and, but too successful efforts of our active, warlike, and insidious neighbour. In the height of your zeal for erecting Military Works, like the Architect who built an elegant Town Hall, and forgot a stair- case to ascend to it, your Grace, wishing to give extraordinary
attention to preserve the Stores for equipping our Fleet, forgot that that Fleet wanted a fortified Harbour- Great Britain possesseth but one, and upon the indefeasible hold thereof depends her principal strength, power, and resources ; upon the secu- rity of which, with the honest indignant feelings of an Englishman, it is with great pain I must observe, your Grace hath not bestowed due re- flection and attention, nor upon the fatal conse- quences that will most surely result from the ne- glect of it. Your system appears to me only calcu- lated to invite the enemy into the very bosom of Bri- tain, where he would soon nestle himself,
and, be- fore we could have time to look round us, accomplish the Overthrow of the State. Such, my Lord, are my general sentiments respecting your care for the safety of the Dock Yards.— 1 communicated them early to a friend of Mr. PITT : that friend urged me to state them in writing— I did so ; and on the 20th Odtober 1786, they were put into Mr. PITT'S possession.— I also delivered an improved and better digested copy of the same, with additional notes, and explanatory observa- tions, on the 20th September last, at the QUEEN'S House, for His MAJESTY ; and I have two copies of the latter in my possession. It has
been the spirit of your administration to punish me by the laws of my country : I now of- fer myself for a second trial, by which I hope to wipe away the stain, if any remains upon me, of the first. Call forth then, I beseech you, My Lord, your magnanimity: be noble, and let a Board of Sea and Land Offieers sit and report upon my general principles, as they did upon your plans.— Be generous, and give me an op- portunity of satisfying my King and my Country what sort of a man he is, whom you have so pub- lickly and unmeritedly driven from your councils, and frustrated his honest endeavours to serve the State, as if his services
and experience were in no estimation.— By this act of open justice, you will bind me by the greatest of all favours in your power to bestow. I have no objection that your Grace shall be President of this Board, as you was of your own ; provided I may be regularly summoncd as a mem- ber thereof, with a privilege of voting and wit- nesing, by my signature, all proceedings held thereon, in the most full and ample manner; to which I conceive myself fully intitled by the rank I hold, the various services I have seen, and the experience I have acquired during forty- three years. I have the honour to be, My Lord Duke, Your Grace's Most
obedient and Most humble Servant, ( Signed) HUGH DEBBIEG. Mortimer- Street, March 16, 1789. The DUKE, at the suggestion of Sir CHARLES GOULD, HIS MAJESTY'S Judge Advocate deli- vered the Original to the Court. His GRACE then, in a speech of more than half an hour, replete with every sentiment of moderation, elegance, and dignity, requested the Court would understand, in the first place, that never having been in the habits of inter- course or acquaintance with the Colonel, he was governed by no motives of personal resent- ment in the prosecution of the Charges he had brought against him. CHARGES. I.
Accusing Colonel DEEBIEG as guilty of disrespect and insult to his Commanding Of- ficer, by his letter of the 16th of March. II. Publishing the said Letter in the Gazette r of the 3d of June last, by which Col. DEbbieg had been guilty of a breach of military discipline. III. That having been employed by the Mar- quis of TownSHEND, late Muster Master Gene- ral, to inspect the defences of the Island ( he Col. DEBBIEG,) had published his opinion on that subject. The JUDGE ADVOCATE then informed Col. DEBBIEG, that now was the proper time to pre- pare his Defence. The COURT then adjourned till this day ten o'clock. Sir
ARCHIBALD CAMPBELL'S friends have puffed off his popularity at Madras, by saying, that an address of thanks was presented to him on his leaving the place for his mild and impartial administration of affairs during his residence their. It is true, that an address was presented to him, but all the contrivance of the Governor's friends could only procure the Signature of fourteen per- sons, and thirteen of them were Highlanders. It has been often in proof, and still remains upon record, that whenever a father gives his son a power which makes him superior or even equal to that father, the parent soon after becomes a cy- pher, and
the tenants and servants pay all their homage to the RISING SON. Wise men, there- fore, if they find their children in the hands of evil Counsellors ; or, if they perccive them ea- ger to grasp at power, before the fulness of the time is come, always keep a tight hand, and a watchful eye 0n the conduct of the eldset in particular, because in him the hopes of the family are centered, and with him the greatest number of knaves endeavour to insinuate themselves. This is a truth that we find in the history of most Empires and many private families, since time began to hand down facts to posterity. The Tobacco smuggled into this
kingdom, from the best accounts, is said to be nearly one half of the quantity imported: it therefore became re- quisite that some efficient step should be taken, and as lowering the duties only tended to prevent the exertion of the seizing officers, by making the capture less valuable, the Excise scheme was the only one that promised any degree of success in the suppression of this injury to the revenue, and on that account it is adopted. However the Proprietors of News- papers, may have cause to regret the new duty on them, the Minifser certainly deserves their thanks for guard- ing them against an imposition which had grown
to a prodigious evil, that of having News papers lent out to read, and then returned as unfold Papers. This practice is not only a material hurt to the Revenue, but likewise great injury 10 the Proprietors. On Wednesday last, one of the partners of a principal lottery office in the city, went off for France rather suddenly and unexpected : just be- fore he departed, he received from a House in Dublin 4500I. being the amount of drafts which were accepted by a house in Pater- noster Row, which he got discounted. A new CIRCUS, on a very grand scale, and somewhat similar to that at Bath, is about to be built 0n Mr. HEAVISIDE'S
estate at Parson's Green, formerly belonging to Lord PETER BO- ROUGH. Novisielski is the builder, and Mr. Hea- viside the brickmaker, six millions of bricks are already made for the building. Behind each house, there will be garden and paddock, and there is every probability the scheme will be at- tended with success. A person being asked if he thought the Opera- House would be re- built, replied, " Certainly ! Had it been a church it might have been doubt- ful." Wednesday a man, who lived at Halesworth, was committed to Ipswich gaol, charged on the Coroner's inquest with the wilful murder of his wife. It seems that, on
Monday evening last, the deceased went for her husband to a public house. who refused to go home with her ; that sometime afterwards a disturbance was heard in the street between them, but, as they lived unhappily 1 - gether, it was not regarded by the neighbourhood,- that about ten in the evening their child, about 8 years of age, coming home, saw his mother sit- ting by the door, with her head reclining against the wall. The child was alarmed at it ; a number of people soon gathered together, and on further ex- amination, she appeared to be dead. The door of the house was upon the latch, with a chair against it on the
inside, and the offender was in bed, who, on being informed of his wife's death, seemed much surprised at the circumstance. The deceased was without an apron, and her stays partly unlaced.; a bruise was very evident on her neck, and several contusions on other parts of her body, so that it is imagined the deceased met her death by being forced out of the house with such violence as to dislocate her neck by the fall. It says much for the character of the people of Scotland, that a hangman cannot be found for the Burgh of Elgin, though the Magistrates in their advertisement offer a free house, some acres of ground, and
certain perquisites, payable out of all the commodities that come to market. They might have added, that the place was a sinecure, for their has not been an execution in the place within our memory.
From the LONDON GAZZETTE, June 27. Windsor June 25. THIS morning, at a little after seven o'clock, their Majesties and their Royal Highnesses the Princess Royal, Princess Augusta, and Prin- tess Elizabeth, set out for his Royal Highness the Duke ot Gloucester's Lodge, at Lyndhurst. Dublin Castle, June 20, 1789. Letters Patent having been passed under the Great Seal of this Kingdom, granting tht Office and Place of his Majesty's Chancellor and Keeper of his Majesty's said Great Seal unto the Right Honourable John Fitzgibbon, in the room and place of James Viscount LifFord, deceased, he was the day sworn into
Office before the Lord Lieutenant, and received the custody of the Great Seal accordingly. [ On Wednesday the Royal Assent was given by Commission to the following Acts, viz. Hawkers and Pedlars; Northumberland Fishery ; Bridling- ton Pier; Loyne Navigation; Nocton Drain- ing; Dunston Draining; Covent- Garden church; St. Chad's, in Shrewsbury; opening a new street from Fleet- street; Regulating Streets in Hastings; ditto in Feversham ; Highland Society : High- worth Workhouse; Llanfyliin Market- House j Shoreditch Road ; and Shaddon Gate, Doncaster, Tarporley, Pembury Green, Buckland Dinham, Teddington Field,
Evesham Road Bills, and twenty- six private bills.] [ the Gazette also contains Addresses from the Council and inhabitants of the Virgin Islands.] PROMOTIONS. War Office, June 27, 4th ( or the Queen's own) regiment of Dragoons, Pa- trick Maxwell, Gent to be Cornet, by purchase. 15th ( or the King's) Regiment of Light Dragoons, Ad- jutant William Hilton to be Cornet. 25th Regiment uf Foot, Lieutenant Tomlinson Busby to be captain of a Company, by purchase, Ensign Lind. Craw. Campbell to be Lieutenant. 30th Regiment of Foot, Lieutenant William Urquhart to be Captain of a Company, by purchase, Ensign William
Archibald to be Lieutenant, Charles Lucas, Gent, to be Ensign. 48th Regiment of Foot, Lieutenant George Gunthorpe 10 be Lieutenant. 52d Regiment ot Foot, Major Colebrooke Nesbit to be Lieutenant Colonel, by purchase, Captain George Brodie, from the 21st Regiment ot Foot, to be Major. 6cth, ( or the Royal American) Regiment of Foot, Lieutenant James Apthorpe, from the half- pay of the 6oth regiment, tu be Lieutenant, Ensign Solomon Durell, from the Coldstream Regiment of Foot Guards, to be Lieute- nant, by purchase. 66th Regiment of Foot, Ensign Benjamin Elliot Batt to he Lieutenant, by purchase, William
Thursby, Gent, to be Ensign. Hugh Montgomery, Esq. to be Baggage- Master and Inspector of the Roads in North Britain. Commission in the Derbyshire Militia, signed by the Lord Lieutenant. Ensign John Milward to he Lieutenant, William Knowles, Gent, to be Ensign, Ensign Richard Beaumont, to be Lieutenant additional to the Light Company. Commissions signed by his Majesty for the Army in Ireland, dated June 20, 1789. 13th Regiment of Dragoons, Captain John Hope, from the half- pay of ' he 60th Foot, to be Captain. 14th Regiment of Dragoons, Mr. John Butler Wandes- ford to be cornet. 15th Regiment of Foot, Ensign
George Robinson to be Lieutenant, Mr. John Bland to he Ensign. 24th Regiment of Foot, Ensign Edward M'Donnell to he Lieutenant, Mr. Thomas Mullins to be Ensign, Mr. John Carden Stronge to he Ensign. 46th Regiment of Foot, Ensign Pat. Duigan, from 15th Foot, to be Lieutenant. 47th Regiment of Foot, Lieutenant Thomas Joseph Backhouse, from 64th Foot, to be Captain. 56th Regiment of Foot, Lieutenant Edward John Fan- court to be Adjutant. 63d Regiment of Foot, Mr. John Mercer, to be Ensign 64th Regiment of Foot, Ensign Charles Tomkins to be Lieutenant, Mr. Alexander Brooke to be Ensign, Cap- tain
Lieutenant George Torriano to be Adjutant. Commissions dated May I, 1788. Ditto, Mr. Robert Brooke to be Ensign. 70th Regiment of Foot, Lieutenant Jasper Grant, from the half- pay of the 86th Foot, to be Lieutenant. commissions dated August 1, 1788. 14th Regiment of Dragoon5, Lieutenant Edmund Ro- binson, from 45th Foot, to be Lieutenant. 64th Regiment of Foot, Lieutenant John Johnes, from 60th Foot, to be Lieutenant. Commission dated August 27, 1788. 21st Regiment of Foot, Captain Lieutenant Henenge Twysden, from 47th Foot, to be Captain Lieutenant. Commission dated October 1, 1788, 51st Regiment of
Foot, Major John Moore, from 60th Foot, to be Major. Commission dated April 9, 1789. 13th Regiment of Foot, Lieutenant Stackhouse Tomp- son, from 1st Dragoon Guards, to be Lieutenant. Commission dated May 4, 1789. 2oth Regiment of Foot, Ensign Robert Smith to be Lieutenant, Mr. Edward Rowland to be Ensign, Ensign Manly Power to be Lieutenant, Mr. Peter Brooke Ra- venscroft to be Ensign. 21st Regiment of Foot, Captain Colin Graham, from 16th foot, to be Major, Mr. Perkins Crofton, Surgeon's Mate, of 64th Foot, to be Surgeon. 24th Regiment of Foot, Lieutenant James Magrath from the half- pay of Major
Fish's late Corps, to be Lieu- tenant, Lieutenant Ferguson Spears to be Captain, Ensign Richard Tooker to be Lieutenant, Mr. Philip Brampton Gurdon to be Ensign, Lieutenant Paul Mounsey, from the 64th foot, to be Captain. 27th Regiment of Foot, Major H. Erskine, Knight from 21st Foot, to be Lieutenant- ColoneL BANKRUPTS. Arthur Downes, of Lad- Lane, Factor, to surrender July 7, 11, August 8, at eleven, at Guildhall. Attornies Mess Walton and Son, Girdlers hall, Basinghall- street Robert Byres, of Charterhouse- square, merchant, to surrender July 4, it, August 3, at nine, at Guildhall. Attorney Mr. Liversedge, City-
Chambers, Bishopsgate street Henry Ride, of Guildford, vintner, to surrender July 10, August 8, at five, at Guildhall. Attorney Mr. Thistle- thwaite, No. 3, Turnwheel- Lane, Cannon street. Abraham Barnes, of Taunton, glover, to surrender July 1, at six, 11, at eleven, August S, at twelve, at Guildhall. Attorney Mr. Toulmin, Walbrook. James Philips late of Bordesley, jeweller, to surrender July 14, 15, August 8 at three, at the sign of the Star, in Deretend in Akon. Attorney Mr. J. Lowe, at Camphill near Birmingham. Maria and Elizabelh Noyce, of Christchurch, milliners to surrender July 15, at eleven, at the George Inn, in
Christchurch, July 14, at eleven, August 8, at the White Hart Inn, in Christ- church. Attorney Mr. J. Richman L mington. DIVIDENDS. July 25, James Webb, late of St Martin's- court, Dealer, at eleven, at Guildhall. Ju'y 13. Robert Lenbigh Hicks late of Toddington, apothecary, at eleven, at the Star and Garter, in Silsoe. July 18. John Whithead the younger, of Birmingham, button- maker, at ten, at Guildhall. July 18. Caleb Dyer, of Andover, currier, at faur, at the Star and Garter Inn, in Andover. July 18. John Jeayes, of Warwick, silk- weaver, at ten, at Guildhall. July 28. Robert Craymond, of Great Ormond- street, merchant, at ten,
at Guildhall. July 21. Joseph Bishe of Beddington, miller, at ten, at Guildhall. Richard Willis, of this Minories, merchant, at eleven at Guildhall. August 4. William Kindey, of Budge row, cabinet maker( at ten, at Guildhall. CERTIFICATES To be granted on or before the 18th of July. Thomas Eustace, of exeter, jeweller. Joseph Kingden, of Exeter, dealer in salt. Charles Briggs, late of Sherborne, dealer. Gabriel Rogers the younger, of Crosby- row. monday morning, JUNE 29. Yesterday their Royal Highnesses the Princes- ses MARY, SOPHIA, and AMELIA, attended divine service at the King's private Chapel, Windsor Castle.
Yesterday his Grace the Duke of QUEENS- BURY gave a grand dinner to several nobility of both sexes at his seat at Richmond. This morning a Committee of the House of Peers will meet to Search into Precedents on Lord PoRTCHESTER's motion that the judges should deliver the grounds of their opinion on rejecting the evidence offered against Mr. Hastings. A very warm altercation ensued in the House of Lords on Wednesday after the Lords adjourn - ed from Westminster Hall, on the subject of the prosecution in General. Lord ABINGDON was particularly strong in favor of Mr. HASTINGS. Mr. HASTINGS'S trial comes on
to- morrow instead of Wednesday, on account of the latter's being the last day of term, when the judges could not attend. Lord CAMDEN on Friday reversed the sentence of the Supreme Court of Bengal, on the trial of the East India Company against MAJOR BAL- FOUR, to refund the prize money taken by Co- LoNEL pOPhAM'S detachment at the Capture of Bidjegur. His Lordship summed up the evi- dence on the appeal in the most clear and impar- tial manner, and in a speech of an hour and an half shewed the full power of his great abilities, which age has not impaired. He was very severe 0n the decision of the supreme
Court. Lord CAMDEN will sit again on Wednesday to hear prize causes, when the affairs of the St. Eustutia prize money will be finally decided. Lord RODNEY'S friends insist that he and the rest of the captors should only reimburse the money which the goods captured there sold for, whereas the appellants claim the invoice prices of their goods, which are considerably greater. GENERAL MEADOWS will be the Gentleman appointed to succeed Sir ARCHIBAlD CAMPBELL at Madras. We understand the promotion is already fixed. Saturday arrived the Mails from HOLLAND and FLANDERS. The Swedish fleet is not yet sailed.
A fire broke out at Carlstroon i. on the 20th of May in the Laboratory, which had liked to have proved very fatal to Sweden, as there was 150 quintals of powder, and a great quantity of shells filled, but it was happily extinguished— two workmen lost their lives on the occasion, and ten or twelve were wounded. Mr. ELLIOTT, the English Minister, and the Swedish Ambassador at Copenhagen, have re- claimed the Venus frigate taken from the Swedes by the Russians, as being done within the limits of Denmark— an enquiry into the affair is in con- sequence set on foot. The EMPEROR still continues mending— he uses sago and
asses milk as his chief medicines, to strengthen him. The POLISH DIET on the 8th instant ordered Prince Poninski, who was Marshal of the Diet, and Grand Treasurer in 1775, to be arrested as a state prisoner, which was done. It is said many other great men are threatened with the same treatment. Field Marshal Laudohn is reported to have shot a Colonel though the head with his pistol, for not advancing in the late attack made by the Turks when he was ordered. Extract of a letter from the Mate of a Guinea- man on the Coast of Africa, dated Dick's Cove, April 5, 1789, by the African Packet, Captain Thornby. " The schooner
Chance, Captain Proudfoot, late from London, going down the coast, upset with 33 slaves and 50 ounces of gold dust. All the white people were saved in their boat, and got on shore, expecting the schooner would be broke in pieces and the slaves would all perish below, as they were locked down in their rooms, and the vessel full of water upon her beam ends when they left her; but luckily three days after, the ship Hinde, Capt. Hervey, of Liverpool, fell in with the same wreck 20 leagues to windward of where she upset, and sending his boat to see what wreck it was, got on board, when they heard some people groan below
deck. Upon sending on board their ship for some axes, they cut scuttles in her deck and got up 11 live slaves. Several of the dead slaves being in irons with the living, they were obliged to cut the legs and arms of the dead to save the lives of the others, who were almost exhausted. These poor crea- tures were 57 hours in the water from their being upset; and from which circumstance, the Cap- tain says they were so bleached, that he actually thought they were white men. " P. S. This day we hear the vessel is driven on shore. The blacks have got the gold, and the towns of Exim and Princess are fighting about it. " Just slaved
off a Frenchman with 450 prime slaves, and the Mary, Capt. Thompson, will sail in ten days with 2oo." Received at Ten o'Clock last Night, by Express from VERSAILLES. LA SEANCE ROYALE, which took place on Tuesday last, at which time the KING abolished all the Arrets entered into by the TIERS ETAT. Each Order of the Assembly went separately to their respective Chambers, the TIERS ETAT remaining in their own. After the King's de- parture, they voted in their own capacity, a con- firmation of the Arrets which they had just agreed to, notwithstanding the King had com- manded them to be abolished.— They then
seve- rally took an oath, not to consider themselves as being dissolved, although the KING should issue his orders for that purpose! Immediately after this, Mons. NECKAR, the Minister of Finance, went up to the KING, and intreated permission to resign his Seals of Office. This was peremptorily refused by the SOVE- REIGN.— On going out of the Palace, he was embraced by the Assembly of the TIERS ETAT, and conducted by them in a shew of triumph and adoration to his official apartments. This proves a strange revolution in Politics; — and, if the phrase can be allowable, we will add, an usurpation of Liberty in the very
heart of the late despotic Capital of France. Twelve months ago, files of Musqueteers, with drawn bayonets, were placed in, and surrounded the Courts of Justice and the Houses of Parlia- ment in Paris. At this moment, the Third and Inferior State of the Kingdom is bidding defiance to arbitrary power, and the decrees of their SOVEREIGN. This may be considered as a critical epoch in the history of nations, and of France in particular; very gates of the Capital. LIBERTY will have another feather in her Cap.— The seraphic contagion was caught from Britain— it crossed the Atlantic to North Ame- rica— from whence the flame has
been commu- nicated to France. whilst FAMINE is hastening to the Extract of a Letter from an American Gentleman in New Orleans, to his friend in George's- town, dated Feb. 16, 1789. " AN unfortunate event has lately taken place in this part of the world, which may probably break the late established harmony between the Spaniards and our States. You have no doubt been informed of the port of New Orleans being opened to our countrymen settled on the Western Waters; in consequence of which, the Mississippi has been covered with fleets of boats from Cum berland, Kentucky, & c. floating down very great quantities of
provision, flour, plank, &: c which, on account of the distresscd situation the inhabitants were reduced to by the late fire, has been disposed of to great advantage. " The last transport, we are informed here, ar- rived from the Cumberland settlements, at the Natches ( a fort still in possession of the Spaniards on the Mississippi, within the limits of Georgia) about a week ago, owned by Col. Armstrong, consisting of six large boats manned by thirty hands. The garrison standing in need of provi- sion, though not willing to pay the price which was demanded, the Commandant refused to grant them the necessary passport ( no
American boat having been permitted to go to New Orleans, with- out entering at the fort, and producing a passport) to proceed to New Orleans : our people, how- ever, disposed of their cargoes to some Ameri- cans settled at the Natches, and were on their re turn home, when the Commandant of the fort sent an officer with fifty Spanish soldiers after them, to arrest Col. Armstrong, and bring him to the fort. The Colonel refused to obey the orders of the Spanish Commandant: told the officer that, as an American, and within the lines of the territory of the United States, he was subject to no controul of any power on the face of the
earth, except the laws of his own country he begged the officer to desist from any act of violence, as such would be accompanied with the most serious and fatal consequences. " The officer Hill persisting to execute his or- der; and one of the Spanish soldiers imprudently presenting his musket at the Colonel's breast, the Americans took to their rifles, the Spaniards firing first. An engagement followed ; and 24 Cumberlanders made 50 Dons take to their heels, leaving five killed, and twelve wounded on the field of battle, the officer being among the dead. " This affair has made much noise in this place, and exposes those few of
our countrymen now residing here, to the malice of the Spaniards; they have given our countrymen the name of Blanca Savago ( a white savage), owing to some of Colonel Armstrong's men handling the toma- hawk pretty freely in the late engagement." The late rise of the TONTINE was not owing to any peculiar advantage it had over the other funds, but proceeded wholly from management, and a spirit of speculation. Every person ac- knowledged that a fairer bargain for the public was never made by any Minister, and nothing but the increasing influx of wealth into the king dom, & c. would have made the terms so easy. An
extension of the Excise Laws, was once deemed a dangerous stretch of power in this country— But they seem now to carry a face of profit to the Revenue, without an aspect of terror to the people. A correspondent flatters himself if a new ap- pointment takes place in the Recorder's Court, the old proverb—" a new broom sweeps clean," will then be verified ; there being an attachment depending in that Court for near nineteen months past, for eleven hundred pounds, yet undecided. A delay of this kind, in a mercantile country, may be attended with the most pernicious effects, for in case of a failure or bankruptcy of the gar nishee, the money would be lost.— Quere,— If so, against whom would this action lay for redress ? As our rivers are to be in future improved by being deepened, in the Act of Parliament for that purpose, there are to be county juries of the first consequence, to determine on what part of the shores the materials are to be landed with im punity. LAW INTELLIGENCE. COURT OF KING'S- BENCH. SITTINGS, GUILDHALL.— SATURDAY. HAYES V. CLARKE. THIS was an Action for goods sold and deli- vered ; to which the Defendant pleaded, thar, after the cause of Action arose, and before it was brought, he had become a
Bankrupt, and there- fore was not now liable to pay. To substantiate this allegation, the Commission was produced, and the LORD CHANCELLOR'S hand- writing proved. To avoid the effect Of this plea, the Plaintiff of- fered to give in evidence a new promise; and for this purpose he gave in evidence a note written by the Defendant to the Plaintiff in the following terms:—" Mr. Clarke's compliments to Mr. " Hayes, has sent him the little Bill, and trusts that the money he owes him for the goods will " be settled to his satisfaction, as he means to pay 20s. in the pound." The Court, however, thought that this did not amount to a
promise to pay ; and the Plaintiff was nonsuited. CRIM. CON. This was an action lately brought by a pub- lican against a tradesman, to recover satisfaftion in damages, for criminal conversation with the plaintiff's wife. The circumstances of this case afforded much diversion to the Court, and were as follow : About two years ago the plaintiff became ac- quainted with his wife, who had been then a widow about a month, and being supposed to be worth money, and possessed of a house of good business, was courted in marriage by many of her late husband's customers, and, among them, by the plaintiff and defendant, to both of
whom she promised marriage. The plaintiff, however, having laid the closest siege to her, they were soon afterwards married ; when he presently discovered, to his unspeaka- ble surprise and concern, that his wife was totally destitute of money, and considerably involved in debt, especially with her brewer, who threatened to send an execution into the house. upon this discovery, the plaintiff, for fear of being arrested, absented himself from his house for some time ; and while he was absent, it was proved, that the defendant slept with his ( the plaintiff's) wife, every night. It also appeared, by the testimony of two wit- nesses, that
the plaintiff, the day before he left his house, called upon the defendant, and offered to assign his wife over to him, if he would take all incumbrances with her ; saying, he did not care who occupied the estate, if he could get rid of the charges upon it. The learned Judge observed, that, in point of morality, all the parties appeared to be pretty much upon an equality ; and it was for the jury to consider the degree of pain and anxiety of mind the plaintiff must have felt, from the loss of the society and conversation of such a wife. The Jury found a verdict for the plaintiff, with one shilling damages. Among the numerous residents in the
King's Bench, are many officers of the first rank and abilities ; there are, likewise, among them, some of our Gallic neighbours who, upon hearng that officers in the naval line, whose names had been celebrated in our late wars for their heroic actions, and were confined for trifling debts, ex- claimed, with a shrug of the shoulders, peculiar to their country, at the same time taking a pinch of rappee,— mon Dieu ! est il possible ? Strange as it may appear to the world, the writer of this avers it for a fact, there are immured within those re- cluse walls, an Admiral ( H— d— y,) with a re- gular gradation of officers and men, down to a
common swabber. In the moments of their nautical conferences, they frequently say, they are sufficiently numerous to man a ship, and do their duty equal to any in the navy. GRAND CRICKET MATCH, At LORD'S Ground, Mary- le- bonne. The Match which began 0n Thursday— ELE- VEN of the HAMBLEDON CLUB, against THIR- TEEN of ALL ENGLAND— was continued on Friday and Saturday.— The game now stands as follows: ALL ENGLAND.— First Innings. Aylward Ring Bulling Clifford Brazer Pitcher Palmer Phenix White Ingram Louch Boorman Lumpy Byes 118 bowled out by Harris, bow ed out by Purchase,
bowled out by Harris. caught by Beldam. run out. caught by Beldam, bowled out by Taylor, caught by H. Walker, howled out by Taylor. bowled out by Harris, bowled out by Purchase. caught by Beldam, not out. HAMBLEDON CLUB— First Innings. T. Walker o bowled out by Clifford. H. Walker Purchase Beldam Taylor Small, sen. John Wells N. Mann Small, jun. James Wells Harris Byes howled out by Boorman. bowled out by ditto, caught by Brazer. bowled out by Boorman. bowled out by ditto, bowled out by Clifford, bowled out by ditto, caught by Louch. bowled out by Clifford, not out. ALL ENGLAND.— Second Innings.
Clifford o bowled out by Purchase. Pitcher 3 not out, Brazer o not ont. The Match is adjourned to Thursday next, on account of the match which began this day at Coxheath. The bets are now two to one in favour of the Eleven,
T Poetry. LINES On viewing a Stormy Sea, & c. LOUD breathes the wind, and hoarse the billows roar, And curl their foamy tops and lash the shore While ' midst the flood, the daring vessel braves The silver dashings of th infuriate waves, The seaman trembles at the boist'rous gale, Nor can command the helm, nor furl the sail, Th' ungraded prow runs wanton o'er the main ! Vain is the Pilot's hand; his efforts vain. Loud are the terrors of the afflicted crew, I hear their dying prayers and sad adieu : The lurking dangers of the rocky shore Receive th' advent'rous keel; and ' mid the rear Of the rude storm it sinks, to rise no more ! —
Blest be the hand that laid my weary head Beneath the covert of life's humble shed ! Blest be the Pow'r who gave my hea t to rest Upon the softness of Maria's breast ! When on her heavenly bosom I repose, Calm'd are my cares, and hush'd are all my woes. Tho' fierce the storm ; tho' loud the threat'ning blast, She smiles : and soon the threat'ning storm is past. Hail then that Pow'r, by whom those smiles were giv'n, That add new joys to life, and tell of Heav'n. the State of Foreign Politics came too late for insertion in this, but shall be sure to appear in our MAIL of Wednesday. FRANCE. ' STATES GENERAL. JUNE 20. The
following are a few particulars of what passed on the 20th instant, This morning, being appointed for the meet- of the National Assembly, the President and the two Secretaries presented themselves « t the Hall Gate, and found it shut, and guarded by soldiers. The President asked for the Officer of the Guard, who said, he had orders to let nobody into the States General rooms. The President answered he protested against any such order-. The Count replied, he was authorized to let any paper that might be useful to the Assembly be taken away. The President remarked, that part of the benches were carried off, and that the
COurts were full of soldiers. He repaired im- mediately to the Tennis- court adjaccnt, where he was followed by the two Secretaries ; the As- sembly being formed, the President laid before the Members two letters he had received from the Master of the Ceremonies. The first contained these words ; " Sir, having been ordered by his Majesty to have it published by the herald at Arms that he would come to hold a Royal Sitting on Monday next, the 22d of June, and to have the States General rooms prepared for his reception, I have the honour to acquaint you with it, and am with respect, & c." The Prefident answered, " I had the
honour, Sir, to receive your's, by which you inform me, & c. but I have not yet received any orders for suspending the Meetings of the National As- sembly. It is my duty to repair to that, which I have indicated' to the Deputies' M. de Breze's answer was, " Sir, it was by his Ma- jesty's orders I had the honour to convey you the dispositions I was enjoined to communi- cate to you, and shall not let any body enter the rooms of the States General before the day of the Royal Sitting." M. Target then rose, and moved for taking an oath, which he had prepared. The motion passed nem. con. The preamble was was, " The National
Assembly considering, that being called to settle the constitution of the king- dom, to introduce public order, and to support the true principles ol Monarchy, nothing can prevent the Members from continuing their deliberations in whatever place they shall be forced to meet, and that wherever they shall be, there will exist the National Assembly, they come to a resolution that all the Deputies shall instantly take a solemn oath never to separate themselves, and to assemble wherever the circumstances shall require, till the constitution be established and fixed on a solid ba- sis :" they are to confirm by their signatures col- lectively
and individually this unalterable, steady, and unanimous resolution. The Deputies of St. Domingo requested to join the National Assembly, and to sign the oath. The Assembly then, by a general assent, un- animously pronounced the following oath , " We swear never to separate from the National Assem- bly, And to be always united to her, wherever the circumstances shall require it, till the consti- tution of the kingdom be established and fixed 011 on a solid foundation." From the Tennis Court then rosc a general shout of Vive le Roi which communicated through the windows to the street, and was joyfully repeated by the
attentive multi- tude. Thus ended this august and honourable ceremony. Every body is waiting with impatience for the result of this day's meeting, in the presence of the Sovereign, who has convened a Royal Sitting, and is to make a speech from the throne, on the present situation of affairs. The King has been hitherto so moderate, and so ambiguous in his answers, that none can guess what his real in- tentions are. Some there are, who even think that he suffers the Third Class to go to such lengths, that he may stand acquitted in the eyes of the Nobility and of the Clergy, if the Com- mons should carry their point, of having all
titles and powers Verified in common, and of voting by single numbers, and not by orders. monday afternoon, ROYAL EXCURSION. The Road Arrangements, were, . KING'S Post- coach, with four horses, PRINCESSES' ditto, ditto, EQUERRIEs.' ditto, ditto, Five other Carriages with attendants, and six grooms and servants, Changed horses at BAGSHOT, — King's- Arms, HERTFORD- BRIDGe, Demezrie's — Stopped to breakfast. BASINGSTOKE, The Crown, WINCHESTER, The George — where His MAJESTY'S horses were in waiting, and con- veyed them to LYNDHURST. LYNDHURST. THE arrival was every where
announced with greetings and salutations of the people,— Every town and every village poured forth its inhabi- tants— joy beamed in the public eye, and every voice echoed " the Song of Exultation!" It would be a difficult talk to distinguish in whose breast pleasure most predominated. The expressions of loyalty and affection were a tribute equally grateful to the people and the Prince.— It was the happiness of the people to shew their gratitude to the best of Kings: it was equally that of the Monarch to receive that richest re ward— a certainty of living in the warmest affec- tions of those he governs. Colonel HAYWARD received
his MAJESTY as principal Bowman of the Forcst. All the Keepers, in a green uniform, and round hats laced with gold, and ornamented with ribbands, inscribed, God fave the King, met their MAJESTIES at the Cross Roads, about four miles from Lyndhurst, at the entrance of the Forest, and rode with them to the KING'S House. After dinner, their Majesties amused them- selves with looking out at the window, admiring the prospect, and in particular, that best pros- peCt to a Royal Bosom, the happiness of the people." Many loyal songs were sung under their win- dow. The Queen and Princcffes joined in the chorus of God save
the King !" and " Rule Britannia"— and in the evening, all walked round the truly enchanted and enchanting vil- lage. The concourse of people from all parts of the country was innumerable— they reached in crowd; from the Cross Roads to the KING'S House— an extent of three miles. The country round for in my miles, seemed to have poured forth all its inhabitants, to express their loyalty, admiration, and veneration for their SOVEREIGNS. Every town and Village through which they passed resounded with grateful joy. SOUTHAMPTON, Friday morning the town was honoured by a visit of the Royal Family from Lyndhurst. The
Queen and Princesses came in a coach. His Majesty rode on horseback, accompanied by the Duke of Gloucester, and attended by two Aid- du- camps. They rode, in slow procession, escorted by a large mob, huzzaing and shewing other marks of unbounded joy. Her Majesty very graciously nodded, smiled, and kissed her hand, to shew how much she was pleased with the loyal rejoicings of the people. A breakfast was prepared by the Corporation The Royal Family occasionally came to the front windows, shewing themselves to the people. The following order had been previously issued : : His Majesty having expressed his
wish to meet the Corporation with as little croud as pos- sible at their own house, the Common Council fear it may be taken amiss if any but the burgesses are present." From the Town House their Majesties went down to the Quay to see the shipping, all decor- ated with flags and colours. They went out of the- Lower Gate, and to have a view of the har- bour and the Isle of Wight, took their station upon the spot, where Canute once commanded the tide to cease flowing. His Majesty did not exercise his Royal Prerogative in the same man- ner; but, after making his observations, took a walk 0n the walls, while the Ladies made an
ex- cursion down the beach, and joined his Majesty before he reached the Upper Gate. FRIDAY EVENING. At seven o'clock their MAJESTIES, the PRINCESSES, the Duke of GLOUCESTER, and attendants, walked through the town to a little eminence in the forest, called the Duke of Bol- ton's seat, which affords very extensive views. His Majesty with his glass discovered many dis- tant objects, the names of which he was inform- ed of by Colonel HAYWARD.— The Colonel told his Majesty that a certain height at a great distance was Portsdown. His Majesty turning round, and looking at a black cloud, humourously said, "
And pray, Colonel, what prospect is that ? I fancy it we don't get home, we shall soon know." A KING for once possessed the spirit of pro- phecy— for almost immediately afterwards it poured a deluge. Their Majesties were attended in their walk by the happy town's- people; and many well dressed persons of both sexes, every where awaited them.— Some excellent voices, sung in a masterly stile, " God save the King!" Her Majesty and the Princesses joined the Chorus, as it were in- voluntarily, by a sudden impulse of happiness. A few hours afterwards, the celebrated Jonas had the honour of performing his slight of hand
before their Majesties and attendants; and though it was full twenty years since his prior exhibition in the Royal presence, his Majesty in- stantly recollected him. ' The evening clofed as the day began, in fef- rivityand happinefs. SAtURdAY MornInG, At seven o'clock, a Messenger arrived at Lynd- hurst, from the Duke of Leeds' Office, with dis- patches for his MAJESTY. ProCession through the Forest At ten o'clock his MAJESTY, the Duke of GLOUCESTER, Earls Delawar and Courtown Colonels Goldsworthy, Gwynn, and Hayward, on horseback— The QUEEN, PRINCESSES, Lady Courtown, and the Ladies Waldegrave, in
car- riages, entered the Forest. His MAJESTY rode first through Cuffnals, the seat of George Rose, Esq. a truly delightful situation, which shared his MAJESTY'S admiration, even amidst the variety of rural beauty that surrounded him. The ROYAL FAMILY then went forward to RUFUS'S Stone ; an obelisk raised in historical commemo- ration of the slaughtered Monarch. After viewing the Tale- telling Stone, their MAJESTIES proceeded to Bolderwood, the seat of the Earl of Delawar, where they were en tertained by the Earl and Countess of Delawar. The further route being prevented by a heavy shower of rain, their
MAJESTIES returned at half past one to Lyndhurst, where they dined in the usfual stile of convivial comfort and domestic happiness. The King expressed great admiration of the ride through the forest, to Southampton, and so much satisfaction at his reception, that it seems he intends honouring it again with his presence, and giving a Royal plate to be run for at Lynd- hurst annually. At night there was a general illumination. His Majesty was in high health and spirits, and with the Queen and Princesses frequently laughed heartily at some very aukward, but loyal salutaiions of the honest well- meaning country- men ; and all
expressed and felt the charms of Rural Felicity. On Monday or Tuesday morning, it is supposed, the ROYAL FAMILY will leave this place; in their way to Weymouth, and the following is the supposed ROUTE From LYNDhURST to WEYMOUTH— White- Hart, Salisbury. Woodgate's Inn. Crown, at Blandford. King's- Arms, Dorchester. MINUTES of BUSINESS before the HOUSE of COMMON'S. This Day— The House to go into Committees on Carriage and Horse Duty Bill— Newspapers Duty Bill— Debtors and Creditors Bill— Supply, and Ways and Means— and on Tobacco Bill. Distillery Bill, Expiring Laws Bill, Anniver- sary
Thanksgiving Bill, to be reported. • To- morrow— the Trial in Westminster Hall. Committee on Arabin's Divorce Bill, and on Bri- tish Fisheries. Wednesday— Mr. Dundas's East- India Budget. SUMMER CIRCUITS. OXFORD. MR. BARON PERRYN AND MR. JUSTICE HeATH. Berks. Monday, July 25, at Abingdon. Oxfordshire. Wednesday 22, at Oxford. Worcestershire and City. Saturday 25, at Wor- cester Gloucestershire and City. Wednesday 2.;, at Gloucester. Monmouthshire. Saturday, Aug. 1, at Mon- mouth. Herefordshire. Tuesday 4, at Hereford. Shropshire. Saturday 8, at Shrewsbury. Staffordshire. Thursday 13, at
Stafford. NORFOLK. MR. JUSTICE GOULD AND MR. JUSTICE ASHURST Bucks. Monday, July 20, at Buckingham, Bedfordshire. Thursday, July 21, at Bedford. Huntingdonshire. Saturday, July 25, at Hun- tingdon. Cambridgeshire. Monday, July 27, of Cam- bride. Suffolk. Thursday, July 30, at Bury St. Ed- mund's. Norfolk. Monday, Aug. 3, at the Castle of Norwich. City of Norwich. Same day, at the Guildhall of the same city. HOME. LORD LOUGHBOROUGH AND LORD CHIEF BARON EYRE. Herts. Monday, July 20, at Hertford. Essex. Tuesday 21, at Chelmsford. Kent. Monday 27, at Maidstone. Sussex. Thursday 30, at
Lewes. Surry, Monday, Aug. 3, at Croydon. On Saturday last Royal Highness the Duke of CLARENCE sett off from his apartments at St. James's Palace, for Portsmouth. This afternoon his Royal Highness the Prince of WALES will pay visit to the Duke of BEDFORD at his seat Streatham, Surry. Mr. CAMPBELL, who is shortly to be united to Lady CAROLINE HOWARD, is the purchaser of Lord CHOLMONDELEY'S House the corner of Park Lane. The purchase was 21,000!. This Houfe Lord ChOLMONDELEY, offered to sell only two years ago for 160oo1. but the Pharo Bank has been so profitable, that he was enabled to hold
out and advance upon the sum. Major Grose, of the late 96th regiment of foot, is to command the new corps raising for Botany Bay. Three companies of the Royal regiment of Artillery will sail in a few days in the Lord Mulgrave, for Newfoundland. The net produce of the Duty on Tobacco for the last year, amounted to 398,0001. By the mode now agitating in Parliament, it will be very considerably increased. YARM0UTH. Arrived Rev. William Leigh, and Mrs. Leigh, Mr and Mrs. Holworthy, Mr. and Mrs. Boyfield and family, Miss De Hague, Rev. Andrew Pern and Mrs. Pern, Rev. Mr. Hancock, and Mr. Hancock, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob,
Capt. and Mrs Astley, Capt. Alpe, Harwin Roe, esq. Mr. and Mrs. Fowke, Rev. J, Forster, Mr. Trafford, Mr. Bain, Rev. James Lambert, Rev. Orbell Ray, and Mrs. Ray, Jeremiah Norris, esq. Mr. Lloyd, Mr. Kerrick, Mr. Gib- son, Thomas Baker, efq. Miss Alston, Miss Bayles, Miss Linley, Miss Butler, Mrs. Williams, Miss Phipps, Miss A. Langston, Miss Pratt, Miss Swaine, Rev. Mr. Manning, Mr. and Mrs. Shepperd, Mrs. Graves, Miss Percival, Mi- and Mrs. Lloyd, c. The different places of resort for Sea- bathing are now offering their respective claims to the public favour. But to those who are recom- mended for the re- establishing
of their health to the dipping discipline of Neptune, or with to enjoy the variety of a public place, without the extravagance and vices of the capital. YARMOUTH has certainly that advantage over those situations nearer the metropolis.— The accommodations of all kinds are agreeable, and those, in particular, for bathing, of a very superior arrangement.— The market is also very reasonable, and the diversions sufficient to amuse the mind, without being calculated to continue or increase the indis- positions of the body. In short, Yarmouth is out ot the reach of having every circumstance of London conveyed to it; and they who visit
it will find all the advantages of a marine public place, without experiencing the ruinous disad- vantage of having half Tavistock- street and Covent- garden transferred thither. LOWESTOFFE, within 10 miles of this place, has similar attractions, and in point of situation, is exceeded by none. Norwich, June 27. Within the space of about two years, this city has, from lucky incidents, experienced the beneficial effects of a plentiful supply of two species of fish, the Sole and Plaice ( commonly called Dutch Plaice), which, from their scarcity, were formerly reckoned delicacies. For the former ( as we have before mentioned) we are
indebted to a discovery made of a large bed of them off the town of Lowestoff; for the lat- ter we are obliged to the fish themselves, they having taken an extraordinary freak ( though what we deem a wise one) into their head to quit the coast of Holland ( which is actually the case) to make their abode on that of Old England, wisely confidering that having long enough contributed to fatten the greedy Dutch- men, it would be but neighbourly to let John Bull go snacks with them. The Dutch, it seems. are sorely gravelled at the trip taken by their flats, which are now caught in great num- bers off the town of Yarmouth,— Marriages
Last week, at Alb rbury, Mr. J. A. Hunter of Bir- mingham, to Miss Briscoe, of Middletown, in Montgo- meryshire. A few days ago, Mr. Robt Barry Fitzgerald, to MIss Isabella Fitzgerald, daughter of Robert Fitzgerald, esq. of Mount- Tallent, in the county of Dublin. Deaths. on Monday last, the Rev. Mr. Arrow, Vicar of Kessing. land, and also of Lowestoft, in SufFolk. On Tuesday last, at her father's house at Thorpe, near Norwich, Miss Humfrey, daughter of the Rev. Mr. Humfrey. Wednesday last, the Rev. Mr. Woodyer, rector of Ed- ingthorpe, and vicar of Thorpe market, in Norfolk : the former in the gift of the Crown, and the latter
of the Rt Hon. Lord Suffield. On Wednesday last at his seat at Offchurch- Bury. in the county of Warwick, Thomas Wightwick Knightley, esq. On Thursday last, at Southampton, where he was for the recovery of his health, Arthur Baynes, Esq. Surgeon Major to the Garrison of Gibraltar, and of the Hospitals of that place. Friday morning, Dr. Smith, of Hatton Garden, Hol- born. Blackfriars; where ADVERTISEMFNTS, ESSAYS, LETTER5 LONDON: Printed by J. WALTER and T. HOLL, at the Logographic Press, Printing- house Square, Bl INTELLIGENCE, are received: alfo at No. 165, Piccadilly ; at Mr. WHITEAVE'S, NO. 30,
opposite St. Dunstan's Church, Fleet Street-, and of Mr. VINER, Bond- Street, this Paper will be executed with the grcateft Punctuality by applying as above, or of the Clerks of the Roads, at the General Post Office, Lombard Street. and ARTICLES of Bath. - Orders for