Baldwin's London Weekly Journal
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Baldwin's London Weekly Journal
Date of Article: 12/06/1789
Printer / Publisher: H. Baldwin
Address: Britannia Printing Office, the Corner of Union-Street, in New Bridge-Street, Black-friars (Removed from No.108 Fleet-Street)
Volume Number: Issue Number: 1484
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ThisPaper, beGdes the Circulation it h « ts in common wi n other London Journals, enjoys thfe peculiar Advantage of being ( Mributed in the Manner of Country Nev/ s- ® aneJ - ; W> only through the neighbouring Counties of Middlefex, EJ'ex, and Surrey, but through many of the diftant ones, particularly Kent, iSuffex, Haropfhire, Berkfhiie Bucklnoham'fhi*; Hcrtfordfhire, Bedfordlhire, Northamptonfhire, Leiceftefhire, Warwickflrire, Staffordftiire, Derbyfhire, & c. & c. It is alfo fent by hJPofl to every Part of the Kingdom It is publifhed every Saturday— at Birmb% bmt by Mr. LOWE, Bookfeller, S . t a t i o n e r , and Mufick- Selier, N o
. u , in the H i w h - S t r *^ At Baldock, by Mr. SMITH— Knd at Guildford, by Mr. RUSSEL, hf whom Advertisements are likewife received. & Gentlemen defirous of receiving this WEEKLY JOURNAL by the Poft, are requeued to fend their Orders to the Printer, H. B A L D W I N , the Corner of UNION- STREET IFTBITIDCES T R E E T , B L A C K - F R I A R S < firft obtaining PermiiSon for it to pafs free under Cover t o any Englifh Nobleman or Member of Parliament), and the Paper ( hall be immediately ' forwarded. Price T H R E E - P E N C E . J S A T U R D A Y , JU N E 1 3 , 1 7 8 9. iffii w'. ia* [ N o . 1484. From - the L O N
D O N G A Z E T T E of Saturday, June 6. At the Court at Kew, the 5th day of June, 1739. P R E S E N T . The K I N G's Moft Excellent M A J E S TY IN C O U N C I L. IS Majefty having been pleafed to appoint the Right Hon. William Wyndham Grenville to be one of his Majefty's principal Secretaries of State, he was this day, by his Majefty's command, fvvorn one of his Majefties principal Secretaries of Saate accordingly. Eflablifhment of his Royal Highnefs the Duke of Clatence. St. James's, June 1, 1789. Treafurer and Comptroller of the Eoufehold.— The Hon. George Keith Etphmftone, Captain in the'Royal Navy. Grooms of
the Bed- chamberSir John Borlafe Warren, Bart. Captain in the Royal Navy; Charles Morice Pole, Efq. Captain in the Royal Navy; Colonel William Dalrymple, of the Queen's Regiment of Foot. Equerries.— Hugh Clobcrry Chriftian; Efq. Captain in the Royal Navy; the Hon. John Rodney, Captain in the Royal Navy ; Col. John Byde, of the Coldfiream Regiment of Foot- Guards. Chaplains.— The Rev'. George Wadding ton, the Rev. Thomas Lloyd, the Rev. William Turing' Phyficians.— Dr. Gilbert Blane, Dr. Benjamin Mofeley. Surgeon.— Thomas Keate, Efq. PhyfUian to the Houfebold.— Dr. Benjamin Mofeley. St. James's, June 4.
This day Monfieur Bukaty, Envpy Extraordinary and Minifter Plenipotentiary from.' the King and the Republick^ of Poj. ).„ fi pf-^ xte awtk'ie « « - f hCr JfoJs'S/. Turin, May 23. Count Corte, Secretary of State for the'Home Department, is created Grand Chancellor. The great crofs of the order of Sjr. Maurice has been given to Count Hautevilte ; and Count Mafm has been raifed to the dignity of Grandee of the Crown. [ This Gazette alfo contains an Addrefs to his Majefty from the Provincial Synod of Rofs. J From the L O N D O N G A Z E T T E of Tuefday, June 9. " Wejlmitijlef, June 9. THIS day his Majefty went in State • to - the
Houfe of Peers, and being in his royal robes, feated on the throne . with the tifiial folemnity, Sir Francis Molyiieux, Knt. Gentleman Ulher of the' Black Rod, was fent with a Mefl'age from his Majefty to the Houfe of Commons, commanding their attendance in the Houfe of . Peers. The Commons being " come thither accordingly, prefented to his Majefty Henry Addington, Efq. whom they had chofen to be their Speaker;. and the Lord Chancellor having, by the King's command, fignified his Majefty's approbation of their choice, his Majefty was pleafed to retire, and the Commons Withdrew. Whitehall, June 9. The King has granted the
dignity of a Vifcount of the Kingdom of Great Britain to the Right Hon. Thomas Lord Sydney, and the heirs male of his body lawfully begotten, by the name, ftyle, and title of Vifcount Sydney, of St. Leonard's, in the county of Gloucefter. The King has prefented the Rev. Archibald Menzies to the church and parifh of Dull, in the prefbytery of Dunkeld, and county of Perth, vacant by the promotion of the Rev. Patrick Macvean. The King has alfo prefented the Rev. Andrew Spence to the church and parifh of Cockburnfpath, in the prefbytery of Dunbar and county of Berwick, vacant by the death of the Rev. David Spence. Gloucefler-
Houfe, June 8. This day Monfieur Bukaty, Envoy- Extraordinary and Minifter- Plenipotentiary from the King and the Republick of Poland, had a private audience of his Royal Highnefs the Duke of Gloucefter. Paris, June 4. His Royal Highnefs the Dauphin died between twelve and one o'clock this morning, in the eighth year of his age, to the great grief of their Moft Chriftian Majefties and the Royal PrincefTes. [ This Gazette alfo contains Addrefles to their Majefties from the Borough of Ardfert, in Ireland.] B A N K R U P T S . Thomas Munt, of Wefton- Street, Maze, Southwark, Surrey, Dryfalter. To appear June 20, 27, July 18, at
Guildhall. William Leach, of Deal, in Kent, Linen- Draper. To appear June< 3, 20, July 18, at Guildhall, London. John Carr, of Newcaftle- under- Lyrae, in Staffordihire, Innkeeper. To appear June 19, 20, July r8, at the ' Roebuck, inNewcatfle- uiider- l. yme. Thomas Bergcr, of the Strand, Middleex, Hofier. To appear iune 16, 23, July 18, at Guildhall n Wood, late of New Brentford, Middlefev, Draper. To appear June 13, 20, July 18, at Guildhpll. John Banter, of Gatelhead, in Durham, Linen Draper. To appear June r ; , 16, J u l y 2 i , at tile Crown and Anchor Tavern, in NewcalUe- upon- Tyue, John Kellett, of Bond- Street, MidJlefex,
Man's Mercer. To appear June 10, 27, July 21, at Guildhall. John Watkins, now or late of Lambath, in Surrey, Coal. Merchant. To appear June 13, 20, July 21, at Guildhall. F O R E I G N A F F A I R S, Warfaiu, May 23. LAST Thurfday the defpatchesfrom our Minifter at Berlin were read with the doors Ihut. They contain an iniinuation from the Pruffian Miriifter relative to the conferences with the Marquis Lucheftni, upon ccrtain matter not eafily to be explained in - writing. It is faid to be upon the fubjefl of an alliance with the Pruffian and Englifh Courts, and perhaps even to the fucceffion to tht throne of Poland. The refolves of the
States upon this were, that the deputation of foreign aftsug; fhould be ordered to confer with the Prufiian jlfryLinglifti Minifters as often as they E leafed ; buI lM'p other foreign Minifters reftding ere, and. particularly the Ruffian, it was refolved, with confent of, the King, that if they defired a Conference, they fhould notify to the Deputation the reafons for'which they wifhed it. The moderation of the Ruffian Court in all thefe circumftances . occafions much fpeculation. By the lateft accounts from the Ukraine we learn, that three ringleaders of the infurgents have been beheaded, and ten. others hanged. Copenhagen, Mcy 16. Two
regiments, which were ordered, to make part of the camp at Slefwyk, have , received further orders to march, as faft as poffible, the one to Ripen, the other to Hufum. The four £ Ielfein, Slefwyk, Reudlburg, and Gluckftadt regiments are all to remain in their garrifofls; but the camp is put off till further orders. Vienna, May .18. Part of General Haddick's army is already encamped near Opova, but the Field- Marflial is going toeftablifh his head- quarters at Great Bekfkeret, and purpofes commencing the operations of the Campaign about the 14th. The corps in the Bannat under General Clairfait is alfo in motion, and is marching
towards the frontiers. Field- Marfhal Laudohn, who arrived at Gradifka on the 9th, purpofes beginning his operations on die 1 ath. The Turks, under command of tha ' GUvemour of Bofnia, . have taken f- ii-/...' .. cvtai- w C/. cttih'ind BihirtzT j Roman, April 16. The Turks arc aflembling in every part of Wallachia. There have been fome movements near Kaminieck and Podollky. The enemy is marching with another army bf 72,000 men towards Moldavia aud Choczim, in confequence of which' they have provided that place with provifions and ammunition, . and augmented the garrifen with zooo infantry, and 4000 cavalry. It is likewife
reported, that 120,000 Turks. are advancing towards Bender and' Oczakow. Bender has received . a re- enforcement from Sileftria of 3000 Janiffarics, and'the gSrrifon of Akerman has been, augmented with j d b r n e n ; . but at the fame time - above 1000 have deferted from thofe two fortreffes. General Kamenfkoy has made difpofitioas to inveft Bender by the end of this month. . • . ; ',' A Ruffian Detachment has lately taken a number of Jews who had left Bender; . we learn from them that the garrifon of that place coniifts of 10,000 men befides 900 Inhabitants capable of bearing arms. The fortrefs has provifions enough for a
year ; there are no mines, but the ramparts are mounted with 113 pieces of cannon, moftly of brafs. Copenhagen, May 14. Captain Curtis, who difdnguifhed himfelfTd'greatly at the fiege of Gibraltar, has been here fome days, and propofes going to Sweden. S C O T L A N D. Edinburgh, f une 4. Advice has this day been received by the Baud of Cuftoms here, that the vefFels under- mentioned, employed in their fervice, have feifed, neat to the I iland of Mull, upon the. Weft Coail of Argylefliire, the quantities of Spirits as below, together with the veffels which imported them, viz. by the Royal George Cutter, a veffel with 676 Ankers
; by the Prince of Wales Cutter, Capt-. Campbell, a veffel with 500 ditto ; by the Prince Erneft Auitus Cutter, Sir John Reid, a veffel and a boat, with 360 ditto. * In all 1540 ankers. C O U N T R Y N E W S. Oxford, June 5. The Rev. Mr. Richards, Fellow of Exeter College, is prefented by that fociety to the vicarage of Long- Whittenham, Berks, vacated by the refignation of the Rev. Mr. Serraud. York, June 8. Laft week were committed to the Caftle, a man and woman, both of Fernfby, in the Weft Riding, charged with killing and poifoning the wife of the man. Thirteen felons have been committed fince the laft Lent affiles, ten of whom
are chargedon fufpicionof murthqr. Lewes, June 8. In a thunder- florin on Tuefday evening laft a ball of fire fell on a barn ftanding on Mais Farm, near Herftperpoint, which inftantly fet the thatch in a'flame, whereby tlie barn, and near four loads of wheat therein, with a Dutch barn, a hovel contiguous, and fundry implements of hufbandry, were reduced to alhes. The threfher had luckily quitted the barn about half an hour before the accident happened. The ruins retained a ftrong fulphureous itench for a long time after the fire. For fome days paft the air has been remarkably cold for the month of June. On Thurfday we had a fharp
hail ftorm, but it was not fo violent here as at fome other places eaftward of this town. At Horfe- bridge, and on the Dicker, the hailftories were as large as marbles, and in the neighbourhood of thofe places, we hear, they broke many windows in their fall. Northampton, June 6. On Tuefday, as four men were at work in a gravdl- pit near Weli- brd, in this county, a large portion of earth at themouth of the pit ( fuppofed to be more than- 50 loads) fuddenly fell in upon two of them, Thoims Spriggs and John Leatherland. Affiftance was immediately procured, and' after digging about half an hour, Spriggs was fortunately difcovered, and
taken out nearly exhaufted, but,, though very much bruifed, there are hopes of his recovery. Leatherland was not found till more than two hours had elapfed, of vourfe too late to fave his life. The Coroner's inqueft fat on the body of the deceafed, and brought in their verdict, Accidental Deatli. Bath, June 10. Thurfday laft, at Binegar fair, in this County, there was but a fmall fhow of Cattle and they foM high. It was well attended by the light- fingered gentry ; a farmer loft his pujfe containing thirty guineas ; and another farmer, in feeing the flight of hand tricks at a booth, was eafed of five guineas.. The officers of the Somerfet Militia
the day after the review, illuminated Wokey- Hole, where they provided a cold collation. Hither they conducted a fclecl number of ladies. On their enterance into this wonderful cavern, the regimental band of mufick ftruck up " God fave the King;'.' the ladies fung, and the gentlemen joined in chorus ; after which they danced cotillions for fome hours; and after examining the curious recefles of the cavern, they retired, highly gratified with , their vifit. Saturday was married at Walcot Church, Charles Coxe, Efq. of Lyppiate in Gloucefterlhire, to Mils Eyre, ofEait Burnham, Bucks; - Friday laft died, a- his lodgings in this city, aged 73, ivlr.
Pearce Uriel,. of LUington. . '' iM. a.;?' ulou, ui" Ciictuads, Wilts, Nathin Wrighte, Efq. . S A T U R D A Y , June 6. J, O N D o N. : The Britilh " export of watches and clocks ttj the Eaft- Indies, by the laft' fhips,, amounted to no lefs than joO, e6ol.— Though the^ GeneveftS fell gold watches for little'more. than half theprice| of the Engliflvyet preference; is . given, to thes latter. Our glafs expert to India amounted to: about 30,0001. " ' • _ -'•• \ The French hav, e" endeavoured, without. fu? cefs, to fabricate hamm£ i%, in the Englilh manner, for forgmg corner : The EngMfiV hammer will laft , four or five months, the French hot a
fortnight. They have likevt/ iie; in vain, tried,; to make. m-. lers. for rolHng copper imj} ftjictS,. . in the macnir* of ours; the catife of theilr not fucceeding is . the very fuperioar properties of the. Britiih eail- iron for fuch purpofes, as well as the diltinguiflaed ( kill of our workmen. The diamond fprig which was loft atRanelagh, on Tuefday night, from the head- drefs of Lady Staunton, was found by Lady Mary , Howe, who, on'hearing ( he had loft it , fent it to her- yefterday, with a polite letter, exp'reffir. g herfelf happy in ha¥ mg the pleafure of reftoring. it to her Ladyflii'p. ExtraSt of a Letter from Vienna, mhjn*. " According to the report of
Major General B. rujglach, an advanced guard of the enemy was on the 26th of April perceived nearKolia, and on the 27th a troop of 2000 Turks made repeated attx. is upon our poft of Gura I. otree, but were always repulfed, till eight hundred Turks, havffifc pafied oppofite Gura Lotree, defcended to ,'. ttack our troops, when Capt. Kifs, of the regnnent of Oroby, polled near Gura Lotree, aft. ir a refiftance of fovea hours, paffed the river of Lotree according to his inftrudlions, and retired to Saracfineft. The Turks left 70 men on the fpot, befides a great number of dead and wounded, which they carried oft" with them. We had five
men killed and 14 wounded. Prince Hohenloe arriving juft after, thought it proper to abandon the Convent of Komet, and, pofted himfelf at Saraefineil. On the ift of May about 50 of the enemy came to reconnoitre us, but were repulfed with the lofs of fix men killed and near 20 wounded ; we had one man and one horfe killed, and four men and fourhorfes wounded. The fame da,, in the afternoon, about 3000 of the enemy went beyond Kornet to the eminences of Jana, having, fome hundreds of men at Gura Lotree ; the Turks afterwards made, their infantry file off to the right of us in the woody mountains, and their cavalry
defcended likewife, when they were attacked by Prince Hohenloe, who defeated them, and drove them beyond the eminences of Jana. They left their Commander and 35 men on the place, befides what they carried oft* and hid in the woods; while we had only two men and two horfes killed, and two men and four horfes wounded. When this report came away Major General Bragglach had received advice that the enemy had retired precipitately by Kornet tc Gvira Lotree," & xtraS of a Letter from Chatham, June e • a bein8 t h e anmvcrfary of his ' viajelly's Birth- day the fame was moil rerpecuvstj. obferved here. In the morning
the ftandard was hoifted at the Dock- flairs, oppofite the Comfniffibn'er's houfe; and the bells in the adjacent churches were rung— At twelve o'clock the Regular's of the upper baracks fired three vollies, as likewife did the Marir. e; ; each having their bands of mufick playing at the fame tiine; with fi frsj drums, See.— A Royal Salute was alfo given from the Batteries, the Artillery, and Guardfhips, & c„ In the evening there was a grand difplay of Fireworks on Gibraltar Bowling- Green. A delightful band of mulick was provided from the barracks, and repeated Royal fitlutes of 21 guns were sfircd from fome fmall Cannon placed in the
front of the Gibraltar Inn. " When the fireworks were over, a feleft company of Gentlemen adjourned to the Gibraltar, where they drank his Majefty's health; Sec. " Tuefilay morning the 17th regiment quartered in our barracks was reviewed here by General Try on.'' Ext rail of a Letter from Rochefler, June 5. " Yefterday the anniverfary of his Majefty's Birth- day, was ulhered in by the ringing ot' ouf Cathedral bells, and of the churches next the city. In the evening there was a Ball. " Lately died in this <; ity in an advanced age* Major Hart, many years Fort- Major of Sheernef3 Garrifon." The Liberty, Captain Clarke, is arrived at Dover,
from Falkland's Iflartd, with thirty- feven fifh. This being the firft fhip this feaion, we hope is no inaufpicioas omen of the fuccefs of the i other adventurers, whofe arrivals may be early expefted. The London outward- bound Eaft- Lidiaman, Capt. Eaftabrook, from London to Bengal, is fafe arrived at Madeira. Sir William Gibbon, Bart, has been appointed by the Earl of Chatham to fuceeed the late Vincent Corbet, Efq. as Commiflioner of the fick and hurt feamen. Yefterday ca'rc'" fcf chJLicturefiiip of" Berwiek- upon- Tweed, in the gift of the Mercers' Company, when the Numbers were, For the Rev. Mr. Rumney 40 Mr. Wilfon - 14 Mr.
Siblett - 5 On Thurfday laft fuch a quantity of hail fell. , at - Epfom, as quite covered, the. ground, and for a flsprt tiir e it feemed as if winter had refumed its reign,. Thurfday laft the Duke of York gave a dinner : to the- tnto of his regiment who did duty at St. ,, James's oh that day, at a hoofe in Weftminfter, .. where two grenadiers, who had drunk too much, . quarrelled ana fought. - In the" courfe of the battle, 1 cine of fhem drew a knife from his- pocket, with. which he ftabbed his antagonift.—- The man was' [ not dead yefterday evening. The perpetrator is - committed to take his trial for the offence." Yefterday as Lady Theodofia
Viner, yotmgeft daughter of the Earl of Afbtnrnham, was going into St. James's, fhe dropped part of a diamond ear- ring, which was taken up by Mr. Lewis, one of the Gentlemen porters, who reftored it to her Lady fhip. In the butlle'of St. Tames's- ftreet, yefterday, Lord Suffolk's carriagefuffered, from the ftruggle of priority among the. Gentlemen of the whip. Sittings appointed in London and Middlefex before the Kight Hon. Alexander Lord Loughborough, Lord Chief Juftice of his Majefty's Court of Common Pleas at Weftminfter, in and after Trinity Term, 1789. Middlefex. Monday Thurfday Thurfday After Thurfday June 15 18 z5
Term. July London, Tuefday June 16 Friday 19 P'riday 26 After Term Friday July 3, The Bilhop of Hereford has collated the Rev. John Gibbons, M. A. and inftituted the Rev. John Newling, M. A. the firft to the reftory of Whitbourne, and the latter to the vicarage of Cherbury, both in Herefordfhire. India Stock transfer books will fliui;- June 9 and open again July 9. South- fea Stock trans ferbooki- fiiut Yefterday, snd will open July 2c," New South- fea Aim. transfer books fhutthis day, and open July 2f. Three per cent, confol. transfer books fhut Yefterday, s, nd will open July 21. Three per cent. ann. 1726 transfer books will fliut June
9, and open July 21. Three per cent. ann. 1751 transfer books will fo^ t JUfte 9, and open July 21. Five per cent. trfS>. sfer books will ihut June 10, and open July 22. There is now living in Great Peter- ftreet, Weftminfter, a man of the name of Kelly, who fought at the battle of the Boyne, in Ireland, July 1690. He was in King James's army, and fays that he remembers that King's face as well this day as he did when at the Boyne. He can both read and write now, and walks more than three miles every day. On Thurfday in firing off the cannon at Mr. Bezant's of Milbank- row, in honour of the King's birth- day, one of the guns burft
into three pieces two of which fled to the diftance of many yards and the other ftruck againft the perfon who held the Linftock, and mortally wounded him.
Tuefday fome thieves Hole out of the church of St. Joh the Evangelift, Weftminfter, feveral articles o. decoration belonging to the Communion tab' and Pulpit. _ .' • Yefteiday 20 prifoners were tried at the Old - Bailey, two of whom were capitally convicted, • » ;.-.'. Margaret Jones, for ftealing a metal watch, .;- tm jug, and other things, the property OT J QI " with whom flie was fervant.-—' Afcral and a. Elevi acobs, for ftealing three live fheep - r lamb, the property of jqhn Bennet. reconv? Q. ed of felonies. « /; iikm Ward was indidtcd for the murther of Edward Swaine, a blackfmith, at Enfield, at which place Ward had ( l o p p e d with
the Lincoln coach in his way to Stilton, to be prefent at the battle between Mendoza and Humphreys, when a difpute arifmg between the blackfmuh, a large powerful man, and Ward, concerning the bets on the iffue of the conteft, he behaved exceedingly rude to W W . threatening to flog him with his len- cncr apron, and. challenged to fight hint for a Guinea, which Ward accepting a battle began, which was foon determined by an unlucky blow, which laid the blackfmith breathlefs on tlx ® ground. T h e Jury found him guilty of Manflaughter. Married. J Thurfday, Mr. Rogers, Brandy- Merchant, Of Tliames- ftreet, to Mifs Bradihaw.
Died.] Sunday laft, at Edinburgh, the Hon. Lieut. Gen. Alex. Mackay, Commander in Chief of his Majefty's forces in Scotland, Governour of Stirling Cattle, and Col. of the 21ft regiment. Monday, aped 72, Mr. John Adams, Cooper, of Whitechapel— Yefterday, at Homerton, Mr. John Bowftead, Merchant, of Lawrence- lane, Cheapfide. M O N D A Y J u n e 8. Yefterday their Majefties and the Precedes attended Divine Service at the private chapel at Kew. The Marquis of Graham vacates his feat at the Treafury- Board on being appointed Joint Paymafter General in the room of the Right Hon. William Wyndham Grenfille; and the
Hon. John Thomas TownfhcnU ( eldclt fon of Lord, Sydney) is appointed a Lord of the Treafury in thcyoom of the Marquis of Graham. A Council was held at Kew on Saturday noon, at which all the Minifters were prefent. Mr. W. Grenville took his feat, and officiated as Secretary of State for the Home Department, in the room ef Lord Sydney. Mr. Nepean is continued as firft official Secretary to Mr. Grenville ; and Mr. Barnett, a young gentleman of diftinguiihed abilities, is appointed.' his private Secretary. On Thurflay the Commiffioners for African Claims had a conference with the Minifter, at his houfe in Downing- ftreet, to fubmit to
his confi- • deration a ftate ot" their cafe . previous to his open* ing of the Budget. " Lard Adam Gordon is appointed Commander in Chief of t' o Forces in Scotland, in the room of General Mackay ; General James Grant is appointed to be Govcrnour of Stirling- Caftle ; and General James Murray, Colonel of the 13th reg tn-' itt, is appointed Colonel of the 21ft. The Marchionef* of Buckingham landed at l . n ; > ary, from on board the Dorfet yacht, laft Saturday fe'ennight, at half paft eleven at night. A ? reat number of the Irith nobility waited on her on tlv. Sunday following to congratulate her on her fafe arrival. In Dublin, a piftol was
fired from the ftreet at Lord Kin? ( borough, into his drelfing room : the Ball paiTed clofe by his head, and lodged in the w. ainfcot. Yefterday the Purfer of the Kent came to the Eaft- India Houfe, with the news of her fafe arrival off the Hie of Wight on Saturday afternoon. The Kent left Bengal on the 18th of January, arrived at St. Helena to 1 jtli of April, and failed from thence on the a ill. at which time there was no rt'ier Company's ( hip at that ifland; we have a'ready mentioned the names, of the paffengers. No packets will in future be taken up by the Eaft India Company, unlefs on fome particular emergency, as the Company's own
fhips now make their paffages with fuch expedition as to render that mode unneceffary. We underftand the above is an arrangement, propofed by Lord Cornwallis. Friday fome defpatches were received from Philadelphia, which were brought over in the Sally, Capt. Pack, arrived at Lancafter; they contain an account of their having received the agreeable intelligence of hisMajelly's happy recovery, and that the next day it was made known 10 the inhabitants, who immediately illuminated their houfes, and fliovved every mark of joy on the event. Extrail of a Letter from a Gentleman in Antigua, dated April 26. " We do not yield the
palm of loyalty to any of his Majefty's fubje& s. We have had a feu de joie and other demonftrations of joy on the King's recovery. The whdle town has been illuminated three fucceflive nights. The Council and Affembly meet this day at the Court- houfe, to go in jroceffion to church, to return thanks for his Majefty's. happy recovery. We are alfo to have Balls, & c. and the fame to be repeated the 4th of June. " General Mathew, who is on a vifit here, gave a publick breakfaft and dance to all the G ^ - tlemen and Ladies of the ifland. They did not part until two o'clock. The Baron De Chmey, Governour of Guadaloupe, and Monf.
D'Arrott, Governour of Grandterre, and 20 of their fuite, Were in the ifland at the time, and partook of our feftivity." The Weftminfter Committee met on Saturday, when the following queftion was fubmitted to their confideration, viz. Is the aftual payment of one or more rates neceffary to qualify an inhabitant, who is rated, to vote i They determined, tint the aftual payment is rot neceffary, provided the inhabitant has been a houfekeepsr the full time required by law, and that the rate books arc authenticated by two magiftrates. The Committee determined, that the Counfel ' fhould not queftion the collectors, unlefs as to the authenticity
of their rate books. The feveral collectors of the poor's rate in the pariCh of St. Martin were then examined, in order to prove the rate books. The Bifhop of Norwich has collated Mr. Anguilli to Potter- Heigham. The Kentilh Bowmen have, at their own expence, eredted a very fpacious and beautiful room on Dartford Heath— in length 45 feet. The Prince of Wales has prefented to them his own Standard, and a Gentleman of Kent has beftowed another— on which are the Kentifh ar; j> s. Monday there was a very fevere tempeft in the neighbourhood of Ipfwich, in the height of which a ^ jre- ball fell, and entered the chimney of the
dw£ ll » g- h* ufe of Mr. Ablitt, of that town; but without doing any material damage, having only difplaced a few bricks. A perfon ( landing by the door of the oppofite houfe, the lightning paffed over her head. On Saturday 20 prifoners were tried at the Old Bailey, eight of whom were convifted of felonies. John Williams was convidted of unlawfully affaulting the officers of his Majefty's Excife, at Penzance, in the county of Cornwall, and ob- ( tructing, oppofing, and hindering them in the execution of their duty, in the feifing 20 gallons of foreign fpirituous liquors liable to pay duty. And 11 were acquitted. Married.] Saturday, at
Hanworth, in Middlefex, R. Taylor, Efq. Coif nander of the Earl Talbot Eaft- lndiamart, to Mifs M. A. Sleigh, daughter of William Sleigh, Efq. of Whitehall. — Same day, Mr. John Aflfaftiaw, of Caftle- ftreet, Holbourn, to Mifs Williams, daughter of T . Williams, Efq. of Alderfgate- ftreet.— Same day, at Iflmgton, Mr. Scaife, of Fleet- ftreet, to Mifo El. Willis, of Iflington. & Died.] Lately, in Portman- fquare, the Right Hon. Lady Ducie. T U E S D A Y , J u n e 9. Yefterday the King faw the Queen's regiment of Light Dragoons on Wimbledon Common. He was in perfect health and fpirits. Mr, Pitt was upon the ground. Yefterday the Lord
Bifhop of Peterborough refigned his mafterihip of Trinity College, Cambridge. THE T O N T I N E. One Million is to be thus raifed. M'eff. ANOERSTEIN, JOHNSON, and DEVAYNts have this loan— They give a premium of a quarter per cent, for it, which on one million is 2 j col. 1 he Conditions are, as Tontines imply, Dividends increafing by furvivorlhip.— This increafe, on one life, is never to excerd ioool. per annmn. — The life is to be r.. ned in October, 1790, till that time the intereft is four percent.—' After'that time as follows: Ages. From 1 to 20 year? 20 to 30 30 to 40 40 to 50 50 to 60 60—- upwards Depofits— 10 per Cent,
payable 15 ditto - 1 c ditto - I. 4 4 4 4 5 5 per cent. d. o 6 6 6 6 6 iext week. 1 Monthly Inftalments till the total is paid. THE L O T T E R r. This bargain was completed yefterday. 3 5 ' 5 as follows: 3° 100 ' 5° 5000 10775 of of of of of ioo 50 20 • Laft Drawn, 1000I. TONTINE, we under- T h e SCHEMI 1 prize of "£ 25,000 2 of 20,000 2 of 10,000 of 5,000 of 2,000 of 1,000 Firft Drawn, 1000L— . T h e S C H E M E of the ( land to be this. It is a Lottery of Lives, at iool. • each, confifting of ten. thoufand fhares. For one ( hare ioool. a year may be got, andfoin proration to 45,000!. There can be no doubt C- its filling. T H E H O L D OF A
SLAVE S H I P. The ( tench is intolerably loathfome, and absolutely peftilential. The clofenefs of the placc and the heat of the climate added to the number in the fliip, which was fo' crouded that each had icafcely room to turn himfelf, almoil fuffoai ed us. This produced copious perfpirations, fo that the air foon became unfit for refpiration, and, from a variety of loathfome fmells, brought a ficknefs among the Saves, of which many died, thus falling vifctims to the improvident avarice of their purchafers. This wretched fituation was again aggravated by the galling of the chains, now become infnpportable, and the filth of the necefi'ury
tubs, into which children often fell, and were fuffocated. The fhrieks of the women and the groans of the dying rendered the whole a fcene of horrour almoft inconceivable." G. VaJja. 1 • It is a cuftom in the different Weft India iflands | 10 put thofe ( laves who are meagre, into fcales, and'lell them from 3d. to < jd. per lb. • Eight thoufand Tartars have made an attempt to enter the Ukraine, but have been repulfed. The Convent of the Dominicans at Mentz has been fuppreffed, and the building is for the future to ferve as an afylum for thofe Priefts whom age or infirmities have rendered unable to earn a funfiftence. The religious have
been fecularized, and of courfe will enjoy the fame advantages as other fecular Priefts. W E S T M I N S T E R C O M M I T T E E . — Yefterday Mr. Bonney, one of the Agents on the part of - Lord Hood, delivered in upon oath, a book containing names of 436 unrated perfons, who had polled for Lord Johu Townfhead, as Inhabitant houfeholdefs in the parities of St. Margaret and St. John's. Yefterday being Trinity Monday the corporation of the Trinity- Home held tk- ir anniverfary meeting, and proceeded in barges to their hall at Deptford, when Sir George Pocotk, K. B. w< i? unanimoufly re- chofen Mafter fol the enfuing year;
and after attending Divine Service at the church of St. Nicholas, where an eicellent fennon was preached by the Rey. Jajnes Jones, D . D. Archdeacon of Hereford, they rettirned to dinner at the London Tavern, where were prefent feveral Nobility, Admirals, and perfons of diftinftion. Yefterday in the Court of King's- Bench, before Lord Kaiyon, a tryal of a Crim. Con. cafe was heard, Walford verfus Cooke; when the Jury gave damages, 3,5001. . The Canal from London to Bafingftoke was meant to be completely finifhed in four years from the time of its commencement; but in order to facilitate the execution of the work, the'
Contractor is to receive after the rate of 2000I. per Ann. from the time of its earlier completion to the eiid of the four years ; and from the great number of hands employed, and the consequent rapid progrefs of the work in a variety of places, it is probable that it may be completed mudh fooner. The Tunnelling at Grewell- Hill is begun, and water has been found in the hill. At the Whitfun- Monday Far of Giafgow, the fhow of horfes exceeded any thing of that nature there on former occafions. Middling draughthorfes brought good prices; but few purchafers were at market for the better kinj^ The Wardens « nd A fliflants Watermen
and Lightermens' Company, have given notice that they are determined to pufiiih all perfons, to the utmOft feverity of the law, who ft all offer to work boats on the Thames of a Sunday. L E E LEWES, the Comedian, is one of the pafengers arrived in the Kent Eaft- Indiaman. The following fhips are expefted home in the courfe of the prefent feafon. From Bengal.— The Northumberland, Lord Macartney, Manlhip, Phxnix, and Dublin. From China.— The Boddnm, ' Neptune, Lord Hawkelbury, Albion, Lord Camden, Ea r l Cornwallis, Carnatick, Deptford, Gerieral Coote, Effex, Contraftor, Bridgewater, Raymond, Afia, Duke of
Montrofe, and Dutton. The Winterton, from Bombay, and Airly Caftle from Bencoolen. The Africa, Nevin, from Africa, arrived at Dominica left Gambia in company with the Brig Fanny, whichfpranga leak, a'; J foundered three days after. The cargo is fayed on board the Africa. The Charlotte, Roberts, from Grenada to Virginia, isafhoreoff Cape Charles, but will be got off. An attempt has been made by the convifts in Chelmsford gaol, to get out, but they were prevented by the watch at the top. rt" h'* re were 32 in number, yvho had all got off theif irons. Yefterday three prifoners were capitally coftvitted at the Old- Bailey, viz. Thomas
Denton and John Jones, for felonioufly and traiteroufly having in their poffeffion, at a houfe in Bell- court, Gray's Inn Lane, certain dyes, punches, and other implements proper for coining the filver coin of this realm called half crowns and ( hillings, not being lawfully authorized ; and Jacob Canter, alias Rhode, alias Richter, for felonioufly publifhing as true a certain order for payment of mney, purporting to be the order of John Moore> on Meff. Prefcottand Co. for payment of 700!. with intent to defraud the faid Meff. Prefcott and Co. knowing the fame to be forged. Four were convicted of felonies, and five acquitted. Friday died Mr.
Wilkinfon, one. of his Royal Highnefs the Duke of Gloucefter's coachmen. The caufe of his death was falling from the coachbox in Park- lane, at four o'clock in the morning, driving home the Princefs Sophia of Gloucefter from the French Ambaffadour's Gala. Married.] Saturday, Mr. Markham, fon of the Archbifhop of York, to Mifs Sutton, daughter of Sir Richard Sutton.— Friday, John Dicken, Efq. of Crolby- fquare, to Mifs Okey, of Kenfington Gore. Died.] Friday, fuddenly,, Mr. P. Cargill, Surgeons' Inftrument- Maker,. in Lombard- ftreet. — Saturday, near Deptford, Mr. Urquhart, formerly a Bookfeller under the Royal Exchange. W
E D N E S D A Y , June 10. Yefterday foon after one o'clock the King arrived in his poft- chaife and four ac St. James's Palace from Kew. His Majefty was rece! - jd at the garden- gate by the Earl of Effex, Lord in Waiting, Lord Dover, Gold Stick in Waiting, the Earl of Courtoun, and other attendants, and immediately went to his clofet. The Dukes of Montagu and Roxburgh, Earl of Salifbury, Lord Brudenell, Mr. Villiers, and others of the Houfehold arrived foon after. At a quarter paft two o'clock the King, in his ftate coach, accompanied by Lords Dover and Effex, preceded by the carriages of the Mafter of the Horfe, Lord
Chamberlain, Sec. and efcorted by two parties of the life- guards, went in proceffion to the Houfe of Lords. . At a quarter before three o'clock his Mnjefly was feated on the throne in his robes of ftate, when the ceremony of receiving the new Speaker of the Houfe of Commons, he. was performed. The King, after being about a quarter o'f an hour in the Houfe, returned in the fame manner back to St. James's, from whence his Majelty went to Buckingham Houfc to dine with the Queen and Princeffes, and in the evening the Royal Family fat off for Kew, from whence they are expected to go to Windfor this day. Th? King was dreffed
in a fuit of fcarlet and gold.' The Houfe of Peers was very full, their Royal Highneffes the Prince of Wales, all the Royal Dukes, and raoft of the Members being prefent. The fpeclatorj were very numerous, and gave fignal tokens of loyalty and attachment. Daring the time his Majefty was going to the • Houfe of'Lords the Queen, with the five Princeffes, walked in St. James's Garden, much to the fatisfaflion of the numerous fpeftaters. The Honduras Merchants had a conference with the Minifter a few days ago, to reprefent to him an unhappy diflention which has arifen between . the inhabitants of that place and his Majefty's
Superintendant'. A Committee of Merchants from Briftol have come to London, with a view to affift in this bufmefs. The King of Sweden has at length releafed all his State prifoners, on condition, however, that they abfent themfelves a certain diftance from the'capital. Letters from Triefte bring word that the Ruffian fleet," under the command of Major Cazzioni, has taken three Turkifhfail, laden with coin, rice, and oil. Marfhal Haddick is detaching copioufly from Semlin into the Bannat, in order to defend that province this year from the irruption of the Turks. An Auftrian garrifon, under the command of Lieut. Colonel ICnefevick, was
furprifed on the 14th of laft month by a large body of Turks. The greateft part made their efcape with precipitation, leaving their fick in the charge of three petty officers and 20 grenadiers, who were all cut to pieces by the snemy. This furprife was effeiled by the informatTon of a foidier, who had deferted from the garriion the preceding night. Yefterday at noon, the Purfer of- the Boadam came to the Eaft India Houfe, . with the agreeable news of her fafe arrival oft' Dover on Monday, from China. She failed from Portfmouth on her outward- bound voyage the 5th of April 1788 ; and has performed her pnffage to Madras and China
and back in fourteen months and four days. She left St. Helena > vith the Kent, lately arrived. The General Elliot Eaft- Indiaman, after refit- ' ting was to leave the Cape of Good Hope, and proceed on. her voyage to Bombay the 23d of March laft. The Phoenix was to. fail from Bengal about the ill of February. The total amount of the feveral branches of publick revenue, under the heads of cuftoms, excife, ftamps, and incidents, for; the week ending June 5, 1789, is 301,035!.. 1 i s . l o t. There not being a fufficient number of Aldermen to make a Court yefterday at Guildhall, the Lord- Mayor ordered the affife tjf bread to continue as
laft week. The improvements of the Borough are commenced. Tooley- ftreet is opened. , on ' a fpacious fcale, from London- Bridge to Bermondfey There is alfo a • new ftreet projected to run from below Guy's Hofpital into Chatham- Road, on the line Where , the half- penny hatches nowitand. Friday laft endtjd, after, ihregj days . ppj], election of Coroner, for the county of Hants, in the room of Mr. Fleetwood deceafed-, when Mr. T. Newlyn was ele£ ted by a majority of 82. Mr. Gilpin is collated to Bolton, in the Bilhop of Chefter's patronage. The Rev. Mr. Roots, Minifter of Edington, in preferred to the vicarage cf Woodford, near
Salilbury. Yefterday 21 prifoners were tryed at the Old Bailey, 13 cf whom were convicted of frionics. Sentence of death was palled on ten capital convicts. Five of the female criminals whom his Majeity had pardoned on condition of tranfportaecn to Botany Bay, accepted the fame ; as did the fixth, Sarah Coween, after fome hefitation and perfuafion by Mr. Villette, and two of the Counfel. Saturday a large quantity of pickles, grocery, & c. was fent down in waggons to Portfmouth, to be put on board the tranfport fleet bound to Botany- Bay, for the ufe of the new fettlement. Yefterday forenoon, about ten o'clock, a foreigner ltabbed
himfelf with a penknife, oppofite St. James's Church, in . Jermyn- Street; he was carryed into a Silk Dyer's near the fpot, and aflillance given him; the wound is not mortal. Married.] Lately, Chriftopher Clinch, Efq. of Peamount, in the county of Kildare, to Mils Anna Giffard, daughter of Sir Duke Giffard, Bart, of Caftle Jordan, in the county of Meath. Died.] Saturday, at Bethnal Green, aged 84, John Sugar, Efq.— Same day,- Mr. William Harrifon, Ironmonger, of Forfter- lane, Cheapfide. Same day, at Hackney, Mr. Ifaac Humphreys. T H U R S D A Y , June n . Yefterday two foreign Princeffes, attended by his Excellency the French
Ambaffadour, and fcveral French Noblemen, paid a vifit to the Eaft- IndiaHoufej where, after haying viewed that fuperb building, and partaking of an elegant cold collation, they were condufted by Mr. Devaynes, the Chairman, to the warehoufe, where they expreffed particular fatisfaftioii at feveral magnificent articles of Afiatic manufacture, and the marked refpeft and attention fhown to them on the occafion. Yefterday the packets by the Kent Eaft- Indiamnn were opened before a very full Court of Diredtors at the India- Houfe; the defpatches contain the mpff favourable accounts of the happy effects derived' from the fyftem of
Government adopted by Earl Cornwallis : the only difagreeable intelligence is the failure of the rains in the province of" Benares, but though provifions were in confequence remarkably high, there was the greateft probability that the well- timed exertions of the Governour- General would prevent the natives from experiencing, the dreadful misfortune of a famine. Lord Adam Gordon kiffed the King's hand on Monday, on his appointment to the command of
the forces In Scotland, and afterwards had i private audience of his Majefty at Kew. A flat bottomed fhip of 20 guns,, is building under the direction of the Board of Admiralty. She draws but feven feven feet of water, is to fail without lee beards, and yet is expeCted to hold as good a wind as any frigate in the fervice. If the experiment Succeeds, all the King's veiTels for the coaft- fervk\ , v/ ill be built on this couftruCtion. The Geuntv • , Kent is thrown into great confufion by an extraordinary fchifm among!): the Commiffioners of" the Land Tax. The election of a Clerk,' it feems, led to the mifunderftanding, which having fince been
much increafed by party zeal,, the commiflioriers have at length fplit into fets, and iffued contrary precepts and affeffments; fo that many of the occupiers of lands., & c. knowing not which to obey, refufe payment of the King's tax at prefent, in obedience to either. The Court of King's Bench will have cognizance of this Angular tranfa& ion, the firft day of the approaching term. On Saturday, in the Court of King's Bench, - a perfjn of the name of Stobbs was found guilty of an affault in the King's Palace, the King himfelf being then and there prefent. The faCt was Mr. Stsbbs had made an arreft under Procefs from the Palace Court,
and within the verge of the Court. A Special Cafe is referved for the confideration of the Court of King's Bench. They are to afcertain the precife JurifdiClion of the Palace- Court, and to determine by a folemn decifion, whether the privileges of the Court are local or only perfonal. Monday fome defpatches were received from Africa, which are dated the 20th of April; they contain an account of a number of lhips having arrived there from London and Liverpool, with intent to purchafe flaves, but on account of the n:\ vs arriving, that a Bill was depending to abolifh that trade, the inhabitants had railed the price fo much, that it was not
known whether many of the ftiips would net leave that coaft without a c u g o . Mr. Whs ley arrived in town on Saturday night from his journey to the Holy Land, confiderably within the allotted time of twelve months. He has, however, to reacI^ Dublin before the bufmefs will be completed; and as this is a talk of no great difficulty, there can be little, doubt of his touching the twenty thoufand. pounds. Yefterday the Lord M^ yor, Alderman, Recorder, and Sheriffs, went from the Manfion- Hoiife to the Ship Tavern at Woolwich, to hold a Court of Confervancy for the County of Kent; from thence they proceeded to Stratford, where a.
Court of Confervancy was held for the county of EfTex ; after which they were entertained by the Lord- Mayor. Yefterday the Lord Chancellor fat at Lincoln's Inn Hall, to hear petitions in caufes. The Court broke up before one o'clock, on account of the two Houfes fitting, and adjourned to this morning, to hear tne remaining petitions. — Sittings appointed in Middlefex and Loudon, before the Right Hon. Lloyd Lord Ken yon, Lord Chief Juftice, in and after Trinity Term, 1789. In Term Midd'. efex, Wednesday, June 17 Tueidiy 23 Monday 29 After Term. Thurfday July 2 London. Thurfday June 18 Thurfday 2,5 Tuefday 30 After Term.
Friday July 3 A Stibfcri prion Sailing- Match, round the Ifle cf " Wight, for thirty guineas, by veffcls not exceeding thirty tons, will take place at Covves, on Thurfday, July 13. The Englilh Lottery is to begin drawing on the 22d of February next. In the Coventry Mercury of Monday laft, Johnion, Mendoza, and Humphries are challenged in an advertifement, by three men of the parifn of Bedworth in Warwickfhire, not exceeding jointly 39 ftone; who declare they are ready and willing to meet and box thefe three adepts, for any fum they fhall propofe, at an equal diltance between London and Coventry. Saturday afternoon a woman
genteely drefled, threw herfelf into the New River, but was taken out alive. She appeared to be a Mrs. Sheldon, wife of the late Mr. James Sheldon, of Eaft- Smithfield, and has been infane fome time. Yefterday at the Old Bailey 41 prifoners were fenter. ced to be tranfported, two of whom for 14 years ; 11 were ordered to be kept to hard labour in the Houfe of Ccrreftion for different terms ; Ward the bruifer to be imprifoned in Newgate three months, and pay a fine of one ftiilling ; four ordered to be privately whipped; and 19 were ' difchargedby proclamation. Married.'] Yefterday, at Lambeth- Palace, Cholmeley Dering, Efq. to Mifs
Yates, daughter of the late Sir Jofeph Yates.— Monday, at Maidenhead, Mr- Pike, Druggift, of Leadenhallflreet, to Mifs Curtis, of Maidenhead. Died.] Thurfday, at Linacre, William Fleetwood, Efq. Jufliee of Peace for the county of Lantafter.— Lately, at Corbally, Ireland, John Flannagan, aged IOZ, who never had a week's iilr. els till within a month of Jus death. Prices of Hops yelterilay in the Borough were as f o l l o w 1 ' o c k e t s 5I. ; 6s. to 6L 16s.— Bags, 5I. iijs. to j l . 18s. perewt. Saturday the prices of Hay a& d . Straw in Smithfield were as follow:— Hay from 3I. 3s. to 4I. 12s,— Straw from 2I. 16s. to 3I. 10s. per load.
PRICES of C O R N per Quarter. Prices of Grain at the. Cor. 1- Exchange, Mark.- l. anc. Wheat 48s., to 6d, 1 yog Pens 103. to 22s, cd. Barley . 203._ to 22s. o< i. j ' Vans 20s. to 22s. od. Rye 25s. to. 2 >,. od, i Tares 20s. to 26s. od. Daft i; s. to .18s. ; FLOUR per Sack, Palt. Mult 303, 10 j2s. fc. i j Fine 39s. BrownMalt 31s. to 33s. 6d. < Second 37s. f t n 0 , j 24s- io Third - 2 « S. H O U S E OF P E E R S . Monday, June 8. R E AD a few private Bills. Heard council on an appeal from Scotland, John Wood, and Co. Appellants, and Archibald Hamilton, Refpondent, His Royal Highnefs Prince William Henry took his feat and the
oaths as Duke of Clarence and St. Andrew's. His Highnefs was introduced between the Dukes of Chandos and Montagu, preceded by the King at Arms, and the Duke of Norfolk, as Earl Marlhal. Tuefday, June 9. T H I S day, at three o'clock, his Majefty came in ftate to the Houfe, and being feared on the throne in his robes, the Prince of Wales on his right, and the Dukes of York and Clarence on his left, a meffage was fent by Sir Francis Molyneux, Gentleman Uflier of the Bjack Rod, to the Commons, commanding their immediate attendance. The Commons being come to the Bar of the Houfe accoriiingly, they prefentcd to his
Majefty for his Royal approbation, Henry Addington, Efq. their Speaker eleCt. Mr. Addington, in an able fpeech, replete with modefty and diffidence, addreffed his Majefty to the following effeCt : He had it in command from the Commons of England to acquaint his Majefty that they had been pleafed to confer the honour on him of choofing him to be their Speaker. He felt himfelf unequal to the arduous talk the partiality of his friends had conferred on him ; he diftrufted his own abilities, and fearing that they would not be adequate to the difcharge of- the office, hoped his Majeily would be plealed to difapprove of the choice of the
Commons/ and give them an opportunity of eledting a perfon better qualified to the difcharge of the duties of an office of fo much importance. The Lord Chancellor, having communed with his Majefty on the election of the Commons, came forward, and faid, tliat his Majefty approved of j the proceedings of his faithfiul Commons, in their • choice of their new Speaker; he prefaged from the becoming diffidence of the Gentleman eleCled fliebeft profpeft of his proving fully adequate to the difciiarge of the important duties of his high office, with honour to himfelf, advantage to the Houfe of Commons, and credit to the country. The
Speaker then addrefled himfelf again to his t Majefty, and in an elegant and refpettful man- i t ner, exprefled his deep and grateful fenle of the high honour conferred upon him by his Majefty* s gracious condeftenfion in approving the choice of the Houfe of Commons. He allured his Majefty that he fhould confider his unremitted efforts to fupporl the forms and privileges of the Houfe of Commons, the ancient bulwarks of the Conftitution, the belt return he could offer for the gracious fayour of his Sovereign. The Kifg was then pleafed to retire, and the Commons withdrew. ? K. IT& OW ' of CONSCIENCE. The order of the day being
read for the fecond reading of Lord- Stanhope's Bill for the repeal of certain penal ftatutes for not attending Divine Worlhip, & c. The Archhijhop of Canterbury rofe, and contended that if the Bill before their Lordfhips fhouid be palled into a law, it would be of infinite injury and danger to the eftablifhed Church, as it went to the adtual repeal of a great number of ftatutes,, though it at firft view appeared only to aim at the repeal of four or. five. He admitted that there were many ftatutes which difgraced the timed in whiah they were paffed ; he agreed that fome ought to be repealed and others amended; it was however of the utmoit
importance that fo great a fubjed fhould not be taken up lightly, or decided on without the moft feriotis confideration. He reprabrated the claufe granting liberty to write, • print, and publifh all kinds of investigations whatever upon religious topicks; fuch a liberty, he faid, would tend to the fubverfion of peace and good order. The Bill was throughout particularly exceptionable, and he hoped their Lordfhips would not fuffer it to proceed any further. The Bifhop of Bangor dreaded the Mifchiefs that would arife fliould the Bill before their Lordfhips be carried into a law; the fabbath would be negleCted, and the little religion at prefent in the
country would be wholly forgot. l^ ord Stormont fpoke againft t h e Bill. The Queftion was then put and negatived without a divilion. Adjourned. Wednefday, June 10. THEIR Lordlhips proceeded further in the tryal of Warren Haitings, Efq. Received feveral Bills from the Commons. Refolved to proceed farther in the tryal the morrow. Adjourned. H O U S E of C O M M O N S . Friday, Jmte 5. " 5 E T W E E N four and'five o'clock, the Members having taken their places, Mr. Hatfell, the Clerk, informed them, that he had juft received a letter from the Speaker, which, with the permiffion of the Houfe, he would read. This epiftle was, in
fubitance, as follows : that the Speaker had been lately promoted by his Majefty to the office of Secretary of State, in the room of Lord Sydney; that,, in confequence of his having accepted this office, he was precluded from the further eXercife of the duties of that employment which the Houfe had, fome time ago, thought proper to confer on him: that it was, therefore incumbent on him to refign his fituatipn as Speaker : and, in fo doing, he was forcibly impelled to embrace this opportunity of returning his warmelt acknowledgments to the Houfe for the high mark cf favour with which they had honoured him. After Mr. Hatfell had
read the letter, he ordered the Serjeant at Arms to bring in the mace'; which was complied with; The Chancellor of the Exchequer immediately rofe, And read a fhort meffage fronVijis Majefty, expreliing his defire that the Houfe would proceed to the eleftion of a" new Speaker with all convenient fpeed, and that the peri'on whom they fhould eleft fhould be prefented in the Houfe of Peers, on Tuefday next, for the Royal approbation. He then moved that the Houfe do now adjourn till Monday next, on which day the vacancy in the chair will be lupplied. This motion was agreed to, and the members • feparated. '•••'• Motttfdyi June 8;- • •
» * E L E C T I O N OF A SPEAKER,, THE Marquil of Graham opened the bufmefs of the day. His Lordlhip faid that as their late Speaker had been called to a higher fituation, and to a place where his talents and abilities would be exercifed to greater publick advantage than in that Houfc, it was with pleafsre he whs enabled to propofe to the Houfe a Gentleman capable of filling the Chair with honour to himfelf, and dignity to the Houfe. The Hon. Gentleman he meant to propofe was Henry Addington, Efq. he was a Gentlemen poffeffed of every requifite qualification, he peffeffed confiderable abilities, he had been bred to the Law,
he had been particularly afliduous in attending to the forms and rules of the Houfe, and from his age and conduction he was capable of undergoing the fatigues of the office. After fome further panegyrick on the Hon. Gentleman, lie concluded by, moving, that Henry Addington, Efq. be called to the Chair of this Houfe. Mr. Grofvcnor feconded the motion from a convidtion of the propofed Gentleman being able to fill the Chair with high honour to himfelf, and the Houfe, his found conftitutional knowledge, his temper, his prudence, and politenefs, qnalih- ' cations he poffefled in an eminent degree, rendered him a fit objeCt for the
choice of the Houle. Mr. W. Ellis rofe for the fame purpofe he faid as the laft vacancy of the Chair, namely, to propofe for that important office, his Hon. Friend ( Sir Gilbert Elliot). He would not dwell upon, nor trouble the Houfe with the virtues and qualifications of his Hon. Friend ; it would be vanity in him to do fo, the Houfe of their own knowledge being fully acquainted with the great merits of the Hon. Baronet. He was willing to admit every thing Urged in favour of the Hon. Gentleman ( Mr. Addington), for whofe character and abilities he had the higheft refpect; there was, however, one requifite wanting which neither learning,
charadter, or abilities, could give, he meant experience. To ' ride in the whirlwind, and direct the ll'orm,' which frequently occurred in that Hbufe required much fkill and experience, < ind to attain that effential requifite, to govern with applaufe, and to guide with a fteady hand, the Hon. Gentleman ought to wait awhile until his abilities Were matured by time. In the mean time he propbfed that his Hon. Friend fhculd be called to the office, and fhould he be fo fortunate as to fucceed, the Hofife would have the pleafiure to contemplate the abllki-' s of the Hon. Gentleman maturing, under the Hon. Baronet, and as a thriving plant under
his influence, gaining that found judgement and knowledge which would hereafter enable him to fill the Chair with great credit to himfelf, and fervice to the Houfe. He concluded by moving that Sir Gilbert Elliot, Bart, be appointed Speaker. j Mr. F. Montagu feconded the motion;, and fajd though on that fide of the Houfe they could nipt • command fuccefs, in that inftance he was fute they deferved it.— He infilled on the neceffity bf having the Chair filled by a perfon of experience ; he admired the character and abilities of Mr. A | - 1 dington, but preferred the Hon. Baronet as beitlg t in poffeffiou of thofe abilities, aided by long ex- '
perience. He impreffed on the Houfe the mildnefs of the difpofition of the Hon. Baronet, the gentlenefs of his mind, joined with a proper firmnefs, ne" effary to fupport the rights and privileges of the Houle. Mr. Addington rofe to exprefs the gratitude he felt to his Friends, whofe partiality for him had prompted them to praife in him qualifications he was not poffefled of. The Hon. Gentleman ftated the importance of the office of Speaker, and the qualifications neceflary to enable any one to hold it;— he found himfelf wholly inadequate to fo important a truft, and fincerely hoped the Houfe would look round for a fitter objeCt. He
expreiTed his warmelt refpeft for the Plon. Baronet, whofe abilities he always looked up to with admiration. He concluded with thanking his Friends for the honour they had done him in propofing hini to the Chair. Sir Gilbert Elliot rofe alfo to exprefs the gratitude he felt to his Friends for their nomination of him; he entered into the qualifications neceffary to fill the Chair with honour to the Houfe, and declared that he was confcious of his incapacity.— He agreed with every thing advanced in favour of the Hon. Gentleman oppofite him, whofe excufes he was not willing to accept: He refpeCted, his character and abilities, and would
give him, his vote. Mr. Fox faid he confidered it a painful talk to fpeak on the comparative merits of two Gentlemen ; but in what he fliould fay, he by no means meant either to bellow any improper compliment on one, or any invidious or detracting remark on the other. He was willing to admit every thing ; that had been urged in favour of Mr. Addington; < whatever he had heard of that Gentleman's cha- , raCter and ability was highly to his honour; he j could not, however, avoid remarking 011 the* un- ; fortunate manner in which he had been propofed by the Noble Marquis, who had ufed a language not. fit to be held in that houfe,
namely,* tha, t an individual could be called to a higher fituation than the chair of that Houfe, and to a place where abilities might be exercifed to greater advantage ; this doCtrine he denied, and contended that no higher fituation' exifted, nor could abilities be exercifed any where to greater advantage. He wilhed the Houie to confider fairly the y. hgle that I had been faid in favour of Mr. Addington : they were told to belie ve that lie had confiderable abilities, and that he pcfl'effed the many qualifications neceflary to fill the chair ; the Houfe need not, however, be told that the Hon. Baronet poffelfed all the abilities they w .' re told to
believe were poffelfed by Mr. Addington, for the Houfe knew the qualifications of his Hon. Friend. The only queftion he Could fee before the Houfe was, whether. tiiey would prefer reported abilities, and take them on credit, or take weifctried, well- known abilities r— He could not avoid thinking that the Right Hon. Gentlemen ( Mr. Pitt) had propofed . fo young a member, folely for the purpofe of trying his ftrength with the Houfe, and how far their confidence would fupport him ; the Houfe ought, on fo important an occafion, to confider whether their confidence might not be carryed to abufe ; he hoped that they would think and judge
for themfelves, in choofing a reprefentative to appear befor? their Sovereign, and to ftand between him and the people, for on the'r choice depended the dignity and honour of that eflential branch of the Legiflature, The Chancellor of the Exchequer rofe in reply 5 he Ihould not have faid a Angle word on the prefent Occafion had it not been to deny his proceeding on the ground mentioned by the Right Hon. Gentleman ; he wilhed no Gentleman to vote on con* fidence, but on their own knowledge, on their own obfervation and conviClion. He was willing to admit every praife bellowed on the Hon. Baronet, but much of that praife
mult be taken on belief. He was happy to bear the moft fincere teflimony to the great merits of his Hon. Friend ( Mr. Addington) he appealed to thofe Members who Iia4 the honour of being acquainted with Mr. Addington, for hischaradltr of ability, and every qualification neceflarytofill the chair witi honour; but without appealing to their perfonal and private knowledge, he could rely on his publick conduft, and on the principles he had fhewn in fupport of the Conftitution on a recent occafion. He concluded by refting the caufe of Mr. Addington on the memory, the honour, and impartiality of ths Houfe. Mr. Burke fupported the
nomination of Sir Gilbert Elliot; he had watched him from his dawning youth to his ripened manhood, and had feea a frequent difplay of the greateft talents. The Right Hon. Gentleman ( Mr. Pitt) was right in faying that much of the ability of the hon. Baronet he muft take on belief, for he had not the honour of a feat in that Houfe, on the early display of the hon. Baronet's abilities. Mr. Burke faid the chair of that Houfe was once looked up to as an objeCt of honeft and grave ambition, and confidered too important to be lightly conferred; and never v/ as given without the tell of experience ; the cafe was, however, now altered; it was
confidered merely as a place of probation, not as the effeCt . of probation; it was made a fort of a baiting place, an inn to change horfes to drive on to higher honours; one day a traveller arrived, and being accomodated, fays, " I thank you for rny fituation;"— the next day he is gone, with, " I thank you for your fupport, good by- to- ye, I'm o f f . " In this manner had they been treated ; they were become a fuccejfton houfe, a hot- bed, in which official honours were forced to Maturity, their confequence was deftroyed, and the dfgnity of the chair lowered. Mr. Martin faid, underftanding the merits of both Gentlemen to be great, he
lhould give his vote for the hon. Baronet, as poffeffing the greateft ' experience. Mr. Careiv knowing the ability of Mr. Addington for many years,' declared his intention to give him his vote. The Queftion being put, the Houfe divided, For Mr. Addington, — Sir G. Elliot, — Majority for Mr. Addington The Houfe immediately adjourned. Tuefday, June 9. T H E Houfe went up to the Lords at three o'clock to prefent their Speaker to his Mrjeily, who gracioufly approved their choice. The Speaker being returned, a new writ was ordered to be iffited for the election of a Member for Bucks, vacant by the promotion of Mr. Grenville. C A L L cf
the HOUSE. On the motion of Mr. Alderman Newnham, the order of the day for calling over the Houfe was difcharged, and the Houfe ordered to be called over on that day fortnight. The motion caufed a fhort converfation, in which fpoke Mr. NE-. nham, Mr. Sawbridge, Mr. Wilberforce, the Chancellor of the Exchequer, Mr. Tierney, Lords Penrhyn and Maitland for the order, and Mr. Grey, Mr. Baftard, Mr. Medley, and Mr. Jekyll, againft it. Several publick accounts were received and ordered to lie on the table. A few private Bills were delivered. The Houfe afterwards refolved itfelf into a Committee of the whole Houfe on the Slave-
Trade, in which they examined Captain John Knox. Wednefday, June 10. PROCEEDED to the defpatch of feveral private Bills. Received a meffage from the Lords that they would proceed further in the trial of Warren Haftings, Efq. on the Morrow. T H E B U D G E T. The order of the day being read, and the Houfe refolved into a Committee o f t h e whole Houfe on the Ways and Means for the year, Mr. Gilbert in the Chair, The Chancellor of the- Exchequer rofe and with pleafure congratulated the Houfe on the growing produce of the revenue; the refources of the country were, he faid, in the moft flourifhing ftate ; it was,
however, from various unforefeen circumftances neceffary to call for the aid of the Houfe to defray the additional increafe on the Supply : The fituation of Europe had rendered it neceflary to- increafe our peace eftablilhment for 215 142
the prefent, and other neceffary expenditures had occafioned the fvvell of the Supply: there were 20,000 feamen employed, which were IQOO more, than were employed Ialt year which made the fuin neceffary £• For the Navy — 2,328,570 The Army was — 1,517,000 Army Extraordinaries 398,000 There was no neceffity he faid for any vote for the vail fum, it being already difcharged by occafional fums which had fallen into the Exchequer, and not carried to the credit account of laft; year. The Sum- for the Ordance was For Convidts — For the different Bonds Deficiency in Land and Malt } ' 1 7 1 3 , 0 00 56,000 15,000 350,000
35,000 Duties, arifing from charges For the works carrying on 7 at Carlton- Houfe J He ftatcd feveral other fums which had been voted for the Plantations, for the Britilh Mufeum, for the deficiency of the Grants of 1788, and for the re- payment, of money advanced in confequence of the addreffes of that Houfe. The whole fums added together made the total amount of The Supply voted £. 5,539,000 To which fum to be provided for was alfo to be added a confiderable fum iffucd for his Majefty's fecret fervice abroad, to the amount © f 191,0001. which was not a lofs to the Country, as it was iffued by way of Loan, repayable by
inflalments, with intereft, The two fums therefore added together The Supply Secret Service 5> 539' 0 0° 191,000 Made a total of 5,730,000 The Ways and Means for railing the above fum he propofed to be the ufual fum on Land and MaltDuties — 2,730,000 By Tontine — 1,250,000 On fliort annuities for the fecret fervice — 187,000 From the growing furplus of the consolidated fund 1,570,000 Making 5,737,000 To judge of the ftate of the revenue of the country, he took the produce of the two laft years, as forming in his opinion the fairefl average that could be taken ; the firft having fell fhort, and tlie laft increafed, which incrcafe
he attributed to the wine being put under the excife, and to regula tions in the fpirit trade, both which meafures had fucceeded to his moft; fanguine wifhes. By thofe two years taken together it appeared that the whole of their produce in taxes £. was — .12,978,000 Charges thereon — 11,278,000 Leaving a balance of 1,700,000 To this excefs over the charges was to be expetted in favour of the next year 120,0001. from a balance on the affeffed taxes; and from outflanding accounts roo. oool. From the Eaft- lndia Company was alfo to be expe& ed a further film of zoo, oool. being the remaining fum due of the 500,0001. they laft
year owed, having difcharged no more than 300,000!. The fum laft year agreed by the Houfe to be due from the Eaft India Company was fubjedted to revifion, the fum would not however by fuch revifion be decreafed, as it appeared fromaccounts lately received that a further fum of 200,& 001. was due from the Comany. He looked alfo to another allele as an additional refource to the revenue, without burthening the country, he meant the Tobacco Trade, in which, at prefent, there exifted the greateft frauds, and afforded the chief fupport to the remains of fmuggling ; he took that opportunity of giving notice . that he fhould in a few
days bring in a Bill to put that article under the excife, from which he was confident the greateft advantages would refult.— The Hon. Gentleman then proceeded to ftate the receffity of a lean of i, ooo, oeol. ; he took a general review of the expenditure and income from the year 1786, and declared that no neceffity would have exifted for a loan in the . prefent year, had not fuch circumftances arifen which human forefight could not have reached, and which were not likely to happen again, In the Courfe of thofe vears no loan had been callcd for; the country, on the contrary, had nearly difcharged 4,000,000!. of the National Debt,
and had encreafed the expences of its navy to the amount of 500,0001. • Several other great and unexpedled fums had been called for ; the difcharge of the Prince of Wales's Debts, 2 i 6 , o o o l ; an increafe on the Army Expences, & c. & c. in the whole amounting, to about ",, 500,000!. Had tkefe circumftances not occurred, the country would have been enabled to paid the intereft of the prefeht million without a new loan, would have been able to have difcharged the annual million, and anfwered for the lofs of the Shop- Tax, without any additional burthen on the people. The events abroad which had happened, and which were
the chief caufes of the encreafe of expence, had at the fame time added glory to the country, and raifed Great Britain to her former pre- eminence in Europe; on the whole, therefore, this country was to be cqn- • fidered in finance in a fituation the moft flourifhing, aijd on the tappy profpedl of future incrcafe, he congratulated the Houfe and the country. T h e mode propofed to raife the money now neceffary was on a principle fimilar to that of the Sinking Fund, namely by Tontine; this mode he chole for two realons, the firft by way of experiment, obferving the general difpofition of people to adventure, and the great plenty of money
in the Country; his fecond reafon ivas that by Tontine the prefent aid would be fur'niftied, without adding to the debt of the Country, as the Tontine would pay itfclf oft'. He then ilated the particulars of the Tontine, which wis divided into iix ciaffes, the firft: taking in all under 20 years • of age, the next from 20 to 30, and fo on from 30 to 40, from 40 to 50, from 50 to 60, and b om 60 upwards, allowing to the firft Clafs 41 . per Cent, and fo on in proportion, concluding with 5I. 12S. 6d. , T h e premium given for the above was 2,5001. and the bargain was in favour of the Publick, it having been negotiated under the market price. He
computed the intereft to be paid 011 the Tontine at 45,0001. ' And' on the Short Annuities, by which he meant t o raife the Secret Service Money, at 56,000). in the Whole making the neceffary intereft to be provided for to amount to 1 io, oool. To raife that fum he propofed the following N E W TA X E S. On NEWSPAPERS an additional Stamp of one Halfpenny, which would raife 28,000!. An additional duty of Sixpence on each Ad- vertifement, would produce 9000I. O n CARDS a n d D I C E an a d d i t i o n a l d u t y of Sixpence, 9000I. O n t h e PROBATES of WI L L S an additional duty of 20s. for 300I. and under 600I. 30s.
for 600I. and fo on in proportion. On LEGACIES, excluding however thofe to Wives, Children, and Grand- Children, an additional duty of 2 ® s, for every tool, above 300I. He calculated that the above augmentation on the Stamp Duties, would produce 64,425!. The next duties he fhould proptfe would fall on the higher Claffes ; for every perfou keeping one Carriage an additional duty of 20s. Two Carriages— 20s. for the firft; for the fecond 2I. Three Carriages— 20s. tke firft; the others 3I. each. On Horfes he propofed the following aelditiona! taxes, excluding thofe pcrfons wko kept but one Horfe. For a fecond Korfe — 5s. Three,
four, or five Horfes 7s. 6d. each For fix, and upwards — 16s. each. The whole of which additional duties, added to thofe on the Stamps, would produce 11 i, oool. After a few obfervations on the probability of the taxes propofed bearing light on the poorer claffes of the people, he concluded by movinggeneral refolutions. Mr. Sheridan could fee no occafion to congratulate the Houfe on the ftatement of the finances; 011 . the contrary, the Houfe ought to take into their ferious confederation the neceffity of coming forward after fo many years peace, for any loan at all. He would net trouble the Houfe with many obfervations on this day
; but would conclude with a propofa! to the Right Hon. Gentleman to fuffer the publick accounts to be laid before the Houfe for full and fair confideration, and he pledged himfelf to come forward with rcfolutions thereon. The Chancellor of the Exchequer had no objection to every neceffary paper being laid before the Houfe, and r. as ready to meet the Flon. Gentleman on the fubjett whenever he thought proper. Mr. Fox was of opinion, that the prefent encreafed expenditure would be a permanent one; and believed that the exptnees ^ vould encjteafe it a fal greater degree than the income. Mr. Huffky aliened, that the furplus of the
Sinking Fund had ene of its quarters anticipated. Mr. Steele replied, that the Hon. Gentleman was miftaken. Mr. HuJJey again fpoke, and was again replie4 to by Mr. Steele. Mr. Dempfter was determined to oppofe any additional tax being laid on this already too heavily burthened country, and would, if he flood fingly, give his negative. Mr. Rolle wifhed to . know whether any thing was to be done refpedting the Crown Lands ? He faw no objeftion to any of the taxes, except the laft, which he confidered likely to fall heavy on perfons not well able to bear it. The Chancellor of the Exchequer replied, that the Crown Lands were
proceeding with ; a fpeedy difpofal could not however be expedted. He did not think the tax on horfes would fall heavy on perfons unable to bear i t ; he had, for the purpofe of avoiding that, excluded perfons keeping one horfe from any additional duty. The Refolutions were then put and agreed to, the Houfe refumed, and the Report ordered to be received tomorrow. Adjourned. F^ rthe U S E of S C H O O L S. This Day was publiflsecl, Price 2s. 6 J . bound. A NEW EDITION, with many ufeful Alterations and CorrcCtions, AComplete TREATISE on PRACTICAL ARITHMETICS and BOOK- KEEPING, by Single and Doiible Entry.
By CHARLES HUTTON, F. R. S. LL. D Sec. Printed for G. G. J . andj. Robinloa, and R. Baldwin, • in PiUer- nofter- Row. v . Where may he had. Price 6d. A Supplement to the above Treatife,- containing the Solutions at lull Length of all the Queftians propofed at the End of the Rules of Avithmetick. '. ' N. B. The Treadle and Supplement may be had, bound together. Price js, . ' i '.'( lie- ' V - Allb, a- riiw'editiohof the " AutKbur. s Xreatile on Mcnfuration, in 1, large Vol.' 8vo. Prfce 14s', . . - r"- '• ' e " - For the USE. and EASE of LADIES, HOUSEKEEPERS, COOKS, See. This Day was published, Price 6s. ( A NEW EDITION, being
the TENTHrembellilhed with a Head of'the Authour) TH E E X P E R I E N C E D E N G L I SH H O U S E ' . K E' E P F R, By F. L I S A B E T H R A F F A L D, Confiding c- f near nine hundred original Receipts in Cookery Confectionary, Pickling, Prcferving, See. with Directions to fet out a Table, in the moft ilegant Manner, and in t c modern Tafte. > Illuftrated with* COPPF. R- PLA* TES. rrintcd- for R. Baldwin, No. 47, Patcr- nofter- R. nv. The Number of large Imprefiions this Book baj fo rapidly run through, is the trueft Teft of it! Merit; the Authou.' avoids invidious Comparifois with . fimiiar Publications; all that ( he choofcs to lay
in its Favour ir, that Oeconomy aad Elegance are its great Recommendations. This Day was publifired, Price Fi » e Shillings in Boards, THE BATTLE of BOSWORTH FIELD, between Richard the Third ar. d Henry Earl of Richmond, Auguft 22,1485. Wherein is defcribed the approach of both Armies, with a plan of the battlfe, its confequences, the fall, treatment, and character of RICHARD. To which is prefixed, by way of introduction, An Hiftory of his Life till he a ( Turned the regal Power. ByW. HUTTON, F . A . S . S. Birmingham, printed by I'earfon and Rollafon ; fold by R. Baldwin, P. iterno( Ver- row, London. Where may be
had, by the fame authour, A Hiifcary of Biimingham ar. d its Neighbourhood, with Plates of the pubiick Buildings, See. price 7s. 6d in boards.} ATreatifeon the Nature, Utility, and Povven of Courts of Recjucrts, 6s. in beards. A Hiftory of a Journey from Birmingfiam to London, is. 6d. fewed. This Day were pullijhed, In One Volume fmallotlaro fcontaininj- near 300 pages, illuftrated by two Road Maps) price 3s. 61 half- bound, or 4s. bound in red leath » r, like a pocket- B 10k, THE TRAVELLER'S C O M P A N I O N ; or, NEW ITINERARY of fcNGI. AND and WALES, • with Part of SCOTLAND, arranged in the manner of Copper plates; being an accurate a^ d comprehenfive view of the principal roads in Great- Britain, taken from aitual furvey, wherein every object worthy of notice is pointed out; to which are anneied, the Circuits of the judges, the pores from whence the Government packets - fail, aud a copious index, where are particularized the Market- days ofeachtown. By THOMAS PRIDE and PHILIP LUCKOMBE. Alfoinfmall8vo. Price is. each fewed, or is. 6d, halfbound, new editions, corrected to the prefent time, of T. The LONDON DIRECTORY for the year 1789, containing an alphabetical arrangement of the names and refidences of the
merchants, manufacturers, yid principal t. ader in the metrop-> li3 and its environs ; toge^ l. tr with iifts of the l ord- Mayor and Aldermen, Commiflioners of Cuftoms, Excitc, and Stamps, Directors of the great trading Companies, Afliirance and Fire Offices, alfo ihe firms of the different Banking- houfes, and a particular Account of the Publick Funds. I. A GUIDE to STAGE CGACHES, Mails, Diligences, Waggons, Cans, Coaftine Veflels, Barges, and Boats, which carry paffengers and merchandize from London, Weftminfter, or Southwark, to the various towns in Great- Britain, defcribjng the number of miles to and market days of
each place, with the Periodwhenthe Carriages, Veflels, See. fetoutfrom the capital and its neighbourhood. To which are fubjoined, a lift of the proprietors of all th* Waggons, and the rates erf Carmen. » * The Direflory and Guide may be had, half- bound or bound together, price 2s. 6d. And fpeedily will be publHhed, in tamo, price is. 6d, fewed, embellilhed by a new map of the Capital, and a plan of the Royal Exchange, The LONDON COMPANION, or,, the Citizen and Stranger's Guide through the metropolis and its environs ; being a lift of the various Streets, Lanes', Sqilares, Courts, Alleys, Places, Sec. ranged Alphabetically.
To which are fdded, the principal Hackney Coach.£ jres, juii the rates of Watermea. Printed for W. Lowndes, No. 77, Fleet- ftreet, London, where catalogues of Books, Pamphlets,.. Prints, Oratorios; and plays may by had gratis. entertained with a dinner at the Duke of York's Houfe at Whitehall, and were ferved under a temporary marquee, the whole dimenfions of the back front of the houfe ; the fubalterns and privates were not forgotten, and the regimental mufick attendJ ' e dJ the" dinner and till the cempany brcke up. Yefterday mornin Guards, commandec A This Day was publijhed, Price 2s. 6d, The S E C O N D E D I T I O
N , A COLLECTION ' of ENGLISH EXERC1SES, tranfiated from the Writings of CICERO only, for School Boys to re- tranflate into Latin, and adapted to the principal Rules in the Compendium of ERASMUS'S SYNTAX, By WILLIAM ELLIS, A. M. And Matter of the Grammar School at Alford, in Lincolnlhire. Printed for G. G J. and J. Robinftn, and R. Baldwin, Paternojter- Row, London. Of wham mstv bt had ( printed to bind with the Ejercifes) A Tranflation of CICERO de AMICITlA, intended byWay of Praxis. Price 6d. fewed, or 33. bound with the Exercifes. OGILBY's BOOK of the ROADS. Printed in fo convenient a Form as to
occupy no more room in the Pocket than a fnuft'- Box. NEW and IMPROVED E D I T I O N is publilhed, contained the Direct and Crofs Roads ENGLAND and WALES, with the diftance from London to every City, Town, and remarkable Village, and an account of fuch Noblemens' and Gentlemens' Seats as lie upon the Roads. Alfo the high and principal Crofs- Roads in Scotland. The whole elucidated by a largeSHEET MAP, engraved by Kitchen. To which is added, A LIST ofthe FAIRS in ENGLAND and WALES, the moft correft no-. v extant. Printed for J. Buckland, J. F. and C. Rivington, B. Law, C. Bowles, J. Johnfon, S.
Bladon, E. Newbery, J. Seweli, (. Few, J Debrett, W. Lowndes, G. » adT. Wil. kie, and R. Baldwin, Price is. 6d. Of whom may be had, The BEAUTIES of G R E A T - B R I T A I N ; or, New Companion to Ogilby's Book of the Roads, containing a general defcription of fuch Lakes, Mountains, Ruins, Antiquities, Noblemen's Seals, and Gardens, as may be thought moft worthy the attention of the curious Traveller, Price 1> fewed, or bound with the Book of Roads, Price 2t. 6d. P O S T S C R I PT L O N D O N.— June n . ( Friday, one o'clock.) Yefterday, in the High Court at Weftminfter- Hall, Major Scott was examined at the bar for
fome time. On the adjournment of the Court, Wednefday next was fixed for the refuraption of the tryal. Yefterday, in the Houfe of Commons the report of the budget was brought up, and a fliort debate enfued on different parts of it, the fpeakers being the Minifter, Mr. Sheridan, Mr. Huffey, Lord Newhaven, Mr. Steele, Sir Grey Cooper, Sir J. johnftone, and Mr. Henniker. The rcfolutions were all agreed to. Next Monday is fixed upon for the MiniUer's bringing forward his propofitions relative to the duties on Tobacco. Yefterday the King took a pretty long morning ride on horfeback, and returned to Kew about two o'clock. Yefterday
feveral of the Foreign Minifters vifited his Majefty at Kew Palace. Wednefday afternoon their Royal Highneffes the Prince of Wales and Duke of York had an interview wTth the Queen at Kew Palace. The fame day the Duke of Richmond had a private conference with the King in Kew - Gardens. Yefterday morning his Royal Highnefs the Duke of York, Colonel of the Coldftream Regiment of Foot Guards, reviewed his regiment on Sydenhaai- Common, where they went through the whole manceuvres of' a meek engagement. The Queen and PrincefTes, with a number of people of the fir. t rank were prufent, wiio te Hi tied their
approbation. The officers were afterwards the third Regiment of Foot by his Grace the Duke of Argyll, was muftered on the Parade, in St. James's Park. Mr. Grenyille gave a fort of farewell dinner to his friends at tjjje Pay- Office, which place he quits as fooii as a fuitable town refidence can be fetted up, to make roQm for the Marquis of Graham. Yefterday his Grace the Duke of Leeds received feveral letters at his office, Whitehall, from Jofeph. Ewart, Efq. at Berlin, which he immediately forwarded to the King at Kew Palace. The fame day a Mell'enger arrived at Mr. Gtenville's Office in the Treafury, with defpatches from Dublin
Caftle. Yefterday the Lord Chancellor fimftied the Sittings at Lincoln's Inn Hall with petitions. Dr. Auftin fet off yefterday from London, to attend the Marquis of Buckingham by particular defire of tke Marchionefs. Letters from Smyrna, dated the 21ft of March, mention, that a very great fcarcity of corn reigns not only there, but through all the country, quite to Conftantinople ; that two thirds of the ground ufually employed for the growth of cotton have been fown with corn, and if the crop fails, the greatcft famine muft enfue. The States- General of France have agreed, that 151 perfons fhould be the number to iorm a Houfc. In the
Commons of England 40 are fufficient. This precaution is to preclude the probability of a furprife f r Jm a few of the minority forming aits of government. One of the French King's tra4efmen ( an Eng » lifhman) has taken refHge in this country, merely from the circumitance of having had fent him, a parcel of Madame la Motte's late publication, which was intercepted on its arrival in France. The unfortunate mechanick knew nothing of thparty who fent their.,: nor has he been able to dif* cover it by the utmoft diligence., We learn from Londonderry that the emigrations in that quarter continue to incieafe : In the courfe of laft week, not
lefs than four hundred perfons failed from that port, on board the brig Maria, Capt. Forte, and the Keziah, Captaifi Browne, for Wilmington, in America. The Backhoufe, Collinfon, arrived at Liverpool from Grenada, on the 27th ult. Lat. 45. met the heaviell gale he ever experienced, and fhipped a dreadful lea, which came over the veffel's taffrel as high as the mizen- top, which broke full on the fteerage hatchway, fplit it to pieces, and filled the fhip with water between decki broke the lafliings of the cotton bags which were flowed on the quarter deck, carried away the filtering Jar and frame, and all the people on deck ( among whom
was the Captain), and drove thcrfl ~ again ft various parts of the ftiip ; the whole watch on deck difafeled ; Second Mate both arms broke, one of the men his thigh broke, and another all his ribs on one fide. Fortunately none of them were wafhed overboard. Tueitfay a very curious experiment was tried, that of proving how far an entire copper veffel would anfwer the purpofe of failing. Mr. Williams, a joint proprietor of the great copper mines, was the projeftor— and a very numerous party attended the experiment—- among them Lord Mount Edgecumbe, Sir Borlafe Warren, & c. & c. The veffel was kunched at Deptford, and
promifes to anfwer every purpofe for which it was defigned. Should it do fo entirely, it will prove very Angular advantage to the Britifhnavy. WA TS- ON has p u b l i c k l y c h a l l e n g e d ME N D O Z A. — The late fcntence on WA R D the bruifer doe* not appear to have made much isnpreffion on bis brother Pugilifts. _ The Norfolk Magiftrates have infMed a punilhment that does honour to their humanity : A fellow has been fentenced to a whipping, and a month's iinprifonment in Wymondham Bridewell, for cruelly beating his matter's horfes. On Wednefday a womaa was committed to Newgate, on a charge againll her on oath,
for ftealing a filk purfe, containing nine guineas and a half, two half crown pieces, and is. the property of Peter Lawfon. Yefterday the Seffions ended at the Old- Bailee, when fix prifoners were tryed : Two of whom were convi& ed of wilful and corrupt perjury in, their evidence in a trial at the Sittings at Guildhall, and were ordered to be vmprifoned one year in Newgate, and to be fet ia and upon the pillory in Guildhall Yard. One was convidted of a fraud, and erdered to We imprifoned twelve months in Newgate. And three were acquitted. Married.] Yefterday, Mark Hodgfon, Eiq. of Bromley, Middlefex, to Mifs Miles, of Bromley.—
Same day, Mr. John Drew, of Burr- ltreet, to Mifs Mary Finch. Died.] Monday, in Upper Seymour- flreet, Mrs. Webb, widow of the late Col. Webb. Same day, at Walton, Abraham Hancock, Efa. - Tuefday, at Ludlow, Kinchent, Efq. ( hue ' 7 5 ' ' P R I C E cf S T O C K S . Bank Stock, 178 f'. lfc J p » Cent. Ann. 16 4 per C. (. 011 95 £ 3 ( i C. Conf. ihut, 76 | a J op. 3 e C. led 76 3 pe ten,, tub. I. ' Ann 22 | Ditto fiiott, 1777 — Snortpitto, 1- 78, 1779, r3 I 5 , uth Sea Stock, Old Ann — Dcict, New A c per e e 1 A India Sloek. fhut India Ann — India B ds 78s. a 791. Pr, N . B s 1 fdef. t. ncheq r l i m s —— Lottery Tickets, 151.17s, 6J. S c r i
p — Inlh LotteryTkke « 7l. as. 6d Primed by H. I S A L D V . I N , at DIE B R I T A K K I A P R I K T I K O - O F F I C E . the Comer of « Un^ n- Street, in New Bridge- Street, Btacx- friars. ( Removed from No. io8. Fleet- Street.), A Lf. tw. Bcx at the Office Window.