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The Edinburgh Evening Courant


Printer / Publisher: David Ramsay 
Volume Number:     Issue Number: 30/04/1930 00:00
No Pages: 4
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The Edinburgh Evening Courant
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The Edinburgh Evening Courant

Date of Article: 16/05/1789
Printer / Publisher: David Ramsay 
Address: Old Fish Market Close, Edinburgh
Volume Number:     Issue Number: 30/04/1930 00:00
No Pages: 4
Sourced from Dealer? No
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The Edinburgh Evening Courant No. 11,078.] SATURDAY, May 16. 1789. [ Price Three- pence. THEATRE ROYAL. The Public are most respectfully informed, THat, from the numerous Applications of the ladies and Gentlemen, frequenters of the Theatre in GLASGOW, Mr JACKSON has prevailed upon Mr KING To perform Six Nights in that City, having completed an engagement in England he had previously made. He will therefore make his appearance at the Theatre in Glasgow on Wednesday the loth inst. Due notice will be given of the particulars of the evening's entertainment. MR KING Being on his way to GLASGOW, is desirous of the Honour of appearing once more before the Audience of Edin- burgh— Therefore, on MONDAY Evening next, May 18, ( MRS JACKSON'S NIGHT) " Will be presented, the Favourite COMEDY of the SCHOOL FOR SCANDAL. The Part of Sir Peter Teazle by Mr KING, Joseph Surface — Mr WOODS, Charles — Mr ARCHER, And Lady Teazle — Mrs JACKSON. END OF THE PLAY, THE FAVOURITE INTERLUDE OF HOOLY & FAIRLY. To which will be added a Farce, in two aCts, called THE CRITIC. Puff by Mr KING, Sneer — Mr WOODS, Sir Fretful Plagiary— Mr WILSON, Don Ferolo Whiskerandos— Mr BELL, And Tilburina — Mrs W. WELLS. TO CONCLUDE WITH A Sea Fight, and Destruction of the Spanish Armada. Tickets to be had of Mrs Jackson, Shakespeare- square, and of Mr Gibb at the Theatre, of whom places for the boxes may be taken. K B. The Public are respectfully informed, this will posi- tively be the last night of Mr King's appearance. PRINTING. J. PATERSON, after returning his grateful thanks . to the Friends and Employers of his deceased FATHER, begs leave to acquaint them, and the Public in general, that he continues to CARRY ON the BUSINESS in all its Branches; and, venturing to solicit a continuancc of their favours, assures them that no care or attention shall be wanting on his part to give entire satisfaCtion to such are pleased to favour him with their employment. * He removes at Whitsunday to the Second Close be- low the head of the Bow, Lawnmarket, South side. F O U N D, GOLD SEAL, with Two Initials on it— a Motto round the initials— and a Crext: upon the A top, Whoever has lost the same may apply to Mr Wilson merchant, luckenbooths. TO THE BOOKSELLERS AND PRINTERS IN SCOTLAND. WILLIAM LANE, Bookseller, Printer, and * * Publisher, informs the trade in general, that he will be in Edinburgh next week, at which time he will be hap- py to open a correspondence either in PURCHASING, SELLING, OR EXCHANGING Any and all Kinds of BOOKS. Proposals and letters will be received by Messrs Sibbald and M'Cleish booksellers, Edinburgh, who will inform any Gentleman the time of his arrival. PI NE APPLE PLA N Ts. To be Sold at LIVINGSTONE, FRom 50 to 60 remarkable healthy Pine Apple Plants, five years old. Apply to Robert Brown, gardener there.— Not to be re- peated - " GEORGE THE THIRD MINT HALFPENCE. TAKEN BY GEORGE AITCHISON, at his Shop, head of G the Canongate of Edinburgh, in pavmcnt for fine TWO YEARS OLD MALT WHISKY, at five shillings per gallon. in lesser or greater quantities. MAHOGANY AND LOGWOOD. To be Sold by public auCtion. at the Leith Coffeehouse, on Thursday first the 21st of May 1789, at twelve o'clock noon, THE Entire Cargo of the Ship Liberty, Capt. Walker, lately arrived from the Bay of Honduras, in two lots. LOT I. Two hundred and twenty logs Mahogany, mea- suring about 90.000 feet. loT II. Thirty tons Logwood. The conditions of sale are in the hands of William Grin- ly, broker in Leith. LONDON PORTER, In bottles, at 3s. per doz. carriage free in town or suburbs. GEORGE SPANKIE, at the Crown, facing the Tron Church, Edinburgh, offers his present stock as uncommonly Ripe, ^ High- Mild, ' c flavoured. Haying put this article into a more extended line than hitherto, and strict attention being paid to the selecting and management, a constant supply may be depended upon of Soft Mild Porter, in the highest perfection. CYDER, at 7s. per dozen. SALE. ON Saturday next the Proprietors cf MrMac- DOWALL's GOODS being obliged to quit the shop lately possessed by him on North Bridge- street, are under the necessity of closing the sale in a few days. The remainder of the goods will therefore he sold off, at prices so remark- ably low, that the public attention is particularly requested. *,* The articles still on hand are, Best Superfine Black Cloths, ' A great variety of Second Cloths, of the most Fashionable Colours, Livery Cloths of all kinds, of excellent durable Quality, Fancy Vest Stuffs, Florentines, Princes Stuffs, Lastings, Corderoys, Thicksets, & c. for Breeches, As all the goods must immediately be sold, the price." are very considerably reduced, and those who take quanti- ties, will get still a further discount. The public may therefore not meet with such an opportunity of being so 1 supplied. AT LONDON FOR LEITH, THE MARY, - JOHN HAY Master, now lying at Hawlew's Wharf, taking in goods for Edinbutgh and places adjacent-, will sail the 27th of May This ship was built on purpose for trade and has \ neat accommodation for passengers. t The Master to be spoke with at the Edinburgh Coffee- house, No. j. Sweething's Alley mornings and evenings yn board. HUME's HISTORY OF ENGLAND, WITH PORTRAITS. This Day was Published, Price ONE SHILLING, ( Payable on delivery) NUMBER I. Containing Six Sheets of letter- press, and a Head 6f the AUTHOR engraved by ColLYER, of the HISTORY OF ENGLAND, FROM THE Invasion of JULIUS CAESAR to the Revolution in 1688. By DAVID HUME, Esq; With the Author's last Corrections and Improvements. Printed for T. Cadell, I. ondon ; and sold by W. Creech and J. Sibbald, Edinburgh. CONDITIONS. I. The Work will make Eight Volumes in Octavo, hand- womely printed on a large Letter and on a Medium Paper. II. Each Number will contain Five or moie Sheets, f- » that the whole may not exceed Forty- eight Numbers, at One Shilling each. III. In the course of the Work will be given, a series of Portraits of the different Sovereigns of England, from the Conquest to the Revolution, engraved from original Pictures by Hall, Sherwin, Heath, Collyer, & c. & c. and ornament- ed with new emblematical Designs by Stothard. IV. In the course of publication, will be given, an account of the Life of the Author, written by himself, and a copi- ous Index. . V. Most of the Plates are already finished, and Speci- mens of the Print, Paper, and Engravings, may be seen at the Publisher's. it? In order to form a complete History of England, from the Invasion of Julius Caesar, to the death of George the Second, the Proprietors intend to publish, immediately after Mr Hume's History is completed, in Weekly Num- bers, Dr Smollett's HistOry, from the Revolution, to the Death of George the Second; and that the Paper, Print, and Portiaits shall in every respect correspond with the above Work. BOOKSELLER. WANTS A PLACE, AS CLERK to a Bookseller, either here or in London, a Person who has served a regular appren- ticeship— writes a good hand— has been in the practice of book- keeping; for these eight years— and will be found fully qualified to superintend a shop or warehouse in that line of business. Any Gentleman whom this may suit, on leaving their address at the printing office will be waited upon. BOW AND HARDIE, NORTH BRIDGE- STREET, Acquaint the Ladies, "" THAT their GOODS for the SUMMER are arrived. They consist of every article that is New in Linendrapery and Haberdashery, amongst which there are some very fine MUSLINS ( seldom to be met with)— all which they are selling at prices worthy of notice. Those indebted to the firm of Robert Bow and Co. will please order immediate payment. . ANGUS MACDONALD, HAberdAsheR AND linen drApeR, MOved from the head of Carrubber's Close - L'-*- to the 6th shop, west side, South Bridge Street. He is just returned from London And the different manufactur- ing towns in England, with a well- chosen assortment of the most fashionable goods in the Linen Drapery and Haber- dashery line, which he hopes will meet with the approba- tion of his Friends and the Public. GRAZING FOR HORSES. HORSES will be taken in for Grazing at BELMONT, within two miles of Edinburgh, on Monday the 13th day of May. and through the season, at four shillings per week, or fifteen shillings by the month, fi r each horse. The horses will be removed from one inclosure to ano- ther, to give them plenty of grass ; and particular attention will be paid to their being duly watered in dry weather; as also put under cover, if at any time necessary. Diseased or vicious horses will be refused; neither will the proprie- tor be accountable for any accidents. It is requested horses may be sent or taken away, before ten o'clock in the forenoon. Apply to the gardener at Belmont House. SALE OF HARDWARE JEWELLERY, Sec. AT PRIME COST. THE STOCK of GOODS belonging to Messrs PETER FORRESTER AND Co. as advertised former- ly, continue selling off at and below prime cost, for ready money, at their shop opposite the Cross, Edinburgh, and consist chiefly of the following articles : Gold, silver, gilt, tortoise Mahogany and shagreen cases shell and shagreen watches of all sorts Sett shoe, knee, and stock buckles Silver, pinchbeck, plated, and mourning ditto Gold bracelets, rings, and locket pins Silver and plated spoons, tea kitchens, tea pots, sugar and cream basons, bread- baskets, castor frames, salts, porter cups, ale tan- kards, candlesticks, fish knives, sauce boats, wine funnells. See. Sec. I. ondon made brown tea kit- chens and coffee urns Japanned tea trays Bread baskets and waiters Just Published, AND SOLD BY J. DICKSON, VOLUME FOURTH OF THE - SCOTCH PREACHER, Price in boards 3s. This Volume consists of Sermons by for knives, forks, and spoons Ladies and gentlemens pock- et and memorandum books all kinds Silver, gilt, and steel mount- ed swords and hangers Variety of line prints in gilt burnished frames Double and single barrelled guns, patent spring bay- onets, pocket and holder pistols Ladies and gentlemens dres- sing boxes Plated, black ebony, and japanned ink stands WITH Backgammon tables, playing cards and dice Knives and foiksof all kinds The goods are almost entirely new and fashionable ; and, as the whole is to be disposed of against Whitsunday first, when a dissolution of the co partnery takes place, the Pu- blic will find this a very favourable opportunity for supply- ing themselves with the above articles. It is requested that all those indebted, to the Company will order payment of their accounts without delay, as those remaining unsettled at Whitsunday must be given in to a man of business, in order to effect payment. N. B. A few RESTORATION and other MEDALS have been just now sent by their correspondent at Birming- ham. The highest prices- are given for Gold, Silver, and Lace, as usual. SALE OF HOUSES, & c. IN INVERNESS, by Private Bargain. A LL the Back Houses of Dr Grant's Close, - with a large stable and byre, to be disposed of, either in one lot or separately, as purchasers may offer". For further particulars, enquire of the Doctor, Dr George Hill Mr John Scotland Mr John Kemp Dr John Adamson Dr Andrew Hunter. Dr Hardy Mr William Moodie Mr John Johnson Dr Henry Hunter Mr Samuel Charters Professor Ja. Finlayson Where also may be had, Complete Sets in four vols, price in boards I 2s. Likewise Bishop Sherlock's Discourses, 3 vols 12mo, price in boards 7s 6d„ SCOTS CARPetING JAMEs DEwAR, opposite the Cross, Edinburgh, " has just now received a large Addition to his Assort- ment of Scots Carpeting, many of the patterns entirely new, and, in point of colours and quality, superior to any ever manufactured in this country. They are sold by him, on account of the manufacturers, it the following very low prices for ready money, viz. Carpeting, yard wide, black ground, ? From is. 2d t) — — — common colours, $ 2s- 9d. per; d Ditto ditto, black ground, ? From 2s- 9d. to — — — best ingrained col. S 3s. per yard. Diito ditto, green mulberry and? At 3s. 2d. per coloured grounds, bed ingrained colours, J yard. Trance Carpeting of all Kinds. § + § J. DEWAR has just now on hand a large and fa- shionable assortment of superfine cloths elastic fancy hun- ters and livery cloths— variety of new veils for the season — deep coloured India nankeens, and breeches stuffs of all kinds— Hats, | Linens, Stockings, 1 Cambrics, & c. PAINTED, PRlNTED, AND STAINED PAPER HANGING MANUFACTORY. ESPLIN and FORBES, at their Ware- room, below the Exchange, North side of the High Street, 1 have prefently for sale a complete assortment of fashionable Paper Hangings for Rooms, & c. of all the newest patterns, among which are WOODMASON's Fashionable Stripes, with Elegant Bordering. Proper experienced hands kept for hanging papers in town or country, on the lowed terms. N. B. Some old patterns to be sold cheap. Colours and Drawing Ma- terials of all sorts, AND To be had at same place All the celebrated Patent Medicines, warrant- ed genuine, ELEGAN T PAPER. HANGINGS. ROBERT M'MILLAN, Paper- stainer, Miln's Square, Edinburgh, has just completed ( at his neW MAnufactory at Middlefield, 0n Leith - Walk) an elegant' and beautiful stock of Paper Hangings for rooms, passages, & c. of the newest and most fashionable patterns, which, from fome late improvements, he is now enabled to sell on still more moderate terms than formerly. Commissions speedily executed, and proper hands kept for putting up the paper, either in Edinburgh or the neigh- bourhood large discount for ready money, and a cons- derable allowance made to wholesale customers. Orders received both at the warehouse and manufactory. HOUSE BROKE. THAT, upon Sunday the 10th day of May current, during the time of Divine worship in the forenoon, the FARM HOUSE OF BALHEPBURN, in the parish of Rhind, and shire of Peith, Was broke into, by breaking a pane in one of the windows, and going in there- at, and taking from thence, out of a chest, One Hundred and Thirty- Seven Pounds in bank notes, and three Half Guineas, with a bound Edinburgh Almanack covered with black leather. Amongst said notes there were fifteen five pound ones. If any person can give information so as to lead towards discovery of the house breakers, they shall have a REWARD of TWENTY POUNDS Sterling upon conviction of the offenders, on applying to David Crow, tenant at Balhepburn ; the informer's name to be kept a secret, and no questions asked. It is requested that if va grants, or persons suspiciously so, should offer any of said notes for change or otherways, that the same may be stop ped by those to whom they are offered, as it is suspected that it was vagrants or stranger people who broke into said house. HARDWARE. To be SOLD by auction, on Monday first, and following days, being positively to close on Saturday the 23d in- stant, at the Clamsbell Turnpike, head of Bell's Wynd, High Street, Edinburgh, A Large and Elegant Stock of Hardware, being the remaining part of a stock belonging to a Sheffield manufacturer, who has declined business. The goods must unavoidably be sold off before the term, as the the proprietor can possess the shop no longer. The sale to begin each day at eleven o'clock forenoon and three after- noon, and continue till the whole be sold. The Goods are as follow : 4000 dozen table knives and forks, plated and ivory ditto — 1000 dozen common desert ditto— IO'O dozen knives without forks— a large quantity of pen and pocket ditto— 100 dozen scissars fine and common— ico dozen razors ditto ditto— 50 dozen Imperial razor straps— 100 dozen shoemakers knives— 50 complete sets of shoemakers tools— 100 dozen of scythes— 40 hundred weight of files— All a- bove 7 inches will be sold by weight— 300 gross of gilt and plated buttons— metal and horn ditto— 20 dozen stock locks — press and cupboard ditto— best polished bridle bitts— plated stirrup irons— a large assortment of plated and pinch- beck buckles— plated spurs, Sec. with many other articles too tedious to mention. N. B. Any person buying above ten pounds worth, will be allowed two months credit, on giving good security. ROADS TO BE REPAIRED, AND CONTRACTORS WANTED. THAT the Road leading from Forfar to Dundee, in the county of Angus, fourteen miles in length, is to be completely new made for aTurnpike the ensuing summer. Any person willing to contract for the work, may give in their proposal. s and estimates of the expence to William Douglas, esq; of Brigton, by Dundee. N. B. There will be several other roads in the said coun- ty to repair this summer. Not to be repeated. TO BE LET, And entered to at Whitsunday 1790, THE Farm of DruMMORE, part of the E- state of Clava, situated along the banks of the river of Nairne, lying within six miles of the towns of Inverness, and Fort George. The boundaries of the farm are above twelve miles in extent; and the lands, consisting entirely . of heath and moot grounds, afford an excellent pasture for sheep. For further particulars, apply to David Davidson, Esq. the proprietor, at the house of Cantray. MEDICINE CHESTS, & c. J. MONCREIFF, Apothecary, North Bridge • Street, Edinburgh, desirous of supplying those who em- ploy him, with every article that may be wanted in the way of his business, has provided an elegant assortment of MEDICINE CHESTS. Boxes and Cases may be had from ,; s. to 51. 5s. each. . As these articles could not hitherto be had ready made, it is hoped that this advertisement will be thought to de- serve the notice of tbe public. He has also for sale the following articles, induced to provide them by the wishes of Gentlemen of the Faculty, and of others who engage in chemical researches, • Soda Phosphorata Solid Phosphorus Liquid Phosphorus Phosphuric AEther Acid of Sugar Acid of Flour Acid of liquid Tartar Acid of Tartar Concrete Acid of Arsenick Essential Salt of Vinegar Regulus of Cobalt Regulus of Antimony Terra Ponderosa Salted Terra Ponderosa Essence of Peruvian Bark, Sec. See. N. B. The Aerated Alkaline Water continues to be used by a great number of persons with increasing advan- tage, and seems fixed in its reputation, as the most valuable remedy in Gravelish symptoms. * He begs leave to mention, that tbe Soda Phosphorata is fast coming into use in place of the Glauber and Rochelle salt ; its ag e- a' leness 10 the taste and the mildness of its operation recommend it. That which he has for sale, is prepared from the purest Fossil Alkali, and is in fine crys- tals, far superior 10 that prepared from Barilla. NEW HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. THoMAs BUCHAN respectfully informs his friends and the public, that at his ware- room, Lawn- market, opposite the head of Libberton's Wynd, he has on hand, and is selling on very reasonable terms, for ready money, a very neat and good assortment of Cabinet and Upholstery Goods, viz. dining tables, mahogany and elm chairs, desks, drawers, side- boards, ladies dressing tables, gentlemens shaving stands,. Pembroke and card tables, look- ing glasses, carpets, paper hangings, good English blankets, and many other articles in the cabinet and upholstery way, too tedious to mention. N. B. Funerals carefully conducted in town or country. Joiner work, and measuring of mahogany and other tim- ber, as usual. . SALE of HOUSEHOLD FURNITuRe. To be Sold, 0n Wednesday the 20th current, in a house in Buccleugh place, first door east from George's Square Assembly Rooms, A Great Variety Of Household Furniture, consisting of mounted beds, doun and feather beds, mahogany desks and drawers, chairs, a variety of English blankets, carpets, tea and table china, an excellent Carton oven, a kitchen jack, with a variety of other kitchen furni- ture. The whole in good order, and warranted clean. ' MRS PATERSON, Auctioneer. ROUP OF HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. To be Sold, in that large lodging, north side of gibb's En- try, Nicollon's Park, on Thursday lid curt. A Great Varitey of Household Furniture, ^ consisting of mounted beds, tent beds, doun and sea- ther beds, blankets, carpets, tables, chairs, dining and draw- ing room furniture, a good jack, and lead cistern, with other kitchen furniture, Sec. The roup to begin at eleven o'clock forenoon. . MRS CULBERT, Auctioneer. ROUP OF HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. To be Sold by public roup, on Tuesday the 19th curt. Shir- riff- brae, Leith, in the late Bailie James Cundell's house, A Great Variety of Household Furniture, - L consisting of mounted beds, feather beds, blankets, carpets, tables, chairs, mirror and other glasses, china and silver plate, a monthly clock, kitchen jack, and other kit- chen furniture. MRS BOWIE, Auctioneer. ROUP OF HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. To be Sold, at Easter Duddingston, on Thursday the 2id current, A Great Variety of Household Furniture, consisting of mounted beds, tent beds, doun and fea- ther beds, blankets, carpets, tables, chairs, dining and draw- ing room furniture, a good jack, and other kitchen furni- ture, an eight day clock, Sec. & c. MRS BOWIE, Auctioneer. The sale of the dining room and drawing room furniture to begin precisely at one o'clock. ELEGANT HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. To be Sold by AuCtion at Kennetpans, near Clackmanan, on Wednesday the 27th May 1789, and following days, until all shall be sold off, THE Valuable Household Furniture of all sorts— bed and table linen, china, books, and plate, which belonged to Mr John Stein, late distiller at Kennet- pans. The furniture to be seen the two days immediately pre- ceding that of the auction, and the sale cach day to com- mence at ten o'clock forenoon preCisely, ELEGANT HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. To be Sold by public Auction, on Wednesday the 20th of May instant, west end of George- steet, New Town, AN Elegant Assortment of Useful and Orna- mental ARTICLES, consisting of dining and drawing room furniture, mahogany dining tables of very large di- mensions, handfome side board with vases, remarkable neat, chairs, painted couches, and Cabriole drawing room chairs with Manchester covers, rich Wilton carpets, mirror glasses of very great dimensions, inlaid pier and card tables, ele- gant girandoles, chintz bed patterns, bedding, &{.& c. Kitchen furniture— an elegant clock— a very fine toned harpsichord, and many other articles. Catalogues ( price Is. each, which will be allowed to pur- chasers) will be ready on Monday next for delivery at DAL- gleish and Forrest's, auctioneers, Potterrow, and the furniture may be viewed two days before the sale. To begin each day it 11 forenoon. No admittance without catalogues. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. To be Sold by auCtion, by WILLIAM BrucE, on Friday the 22d May curt. THE whole Household Furniture of No. 25, Prince's Street, New Town, Edinburgh, consisting of a choice colleCtion of mahogany four posted and tent beds, feather beds, matresses, blankets, carpets, mahogany dining, card, and tea tables, drawers, chairs, grates, and a good assortment of kitchen furniture. To begin precisely at eleven o'clock. N. B The greatest part of the above have been but a few months used, are as good as new, and fashionable. To be viewed Thursday preceding the sale, from twelve to three. \ THE LONDON GAZETTE,' May 12. Dublin Castle, May 5. 1789. lETTERS patent have been passed under the Great Seal of this kingdom, in pursu- ance of his Majesty's com- mands, constituting and ap- pointing the Most Reverend Father in God Robert Lord Archbishop of Dublin, the Right Hon. Hugh Carleton, Chief Justice of the Court of Common Pleas, and Sir Samuel Bradstreet, Baronet, one of the Justices of the Court of King's Bench, to be Commissioners for the keeping of the Great Seal of Ireland. Vienna, April 29. His Imperial Majesty's health is so much improved as to give hopes of his com- plete recovery. Paris, May 7. On Tuesday last, about twelve o'clock at noon, his Majesty opened the Assembly of the States General, by a speech from the throne, which was received with loud acclamations. The Queen was seated near the King, on his left hand ; Monsieur, and the Comte d'Artois, at a small di- stance on the right; Madame, and Madame Eliza- beth ( his Majesty's sisters), together with Mesdames Victoires and Adelaide ( his Majesty's aunts), on the left hand behind the Queen. The other Princes of the Blood, with fome Dukes and Peers, were alfo on the right; the Marshals of France, with others of the same rank, were on the left; the Garde des Sceaux was also on the left, and the other Great Officers of State were on the right of the throne. The Duc d'Orleans, who is the only Prince of the Blood chosen Deputy to the States General, took his seat as such among the Nobility. The Ministers were seated close under the platform on which the throne was placed. As soon as his Majesty had finished his speech, the Garde des Sceaux and Monsieur Necker addressed his Majesty and the Assembly; and at about four o'clock in the afternoon the King rose from his seat, and adjourned the meeting to the following day. War Office, May 12. zi Regiment of Dragoons.— Sir Montagu Burgoyne, Bart, is appointed to be Cornet, vice Wm. Spicer, deceased. 10th Regiment of Light Dragoons.— William Powell, Gent, to be Cornet, by purchase, vice Sir Patrick Blake, who retires. 16th Regiment of Light Dragoons.— John Burnet, Gent to be Surgeon, vice Tho. Troward, who retires. 19th Regiment of Light Dragoons— John Banger, Gent, to be Cornet. 11th Regiment of Foot Capt. John Gage, from the half- pay of the late 95th regiment, to be Captain of a Company, vice Patrick Jacob, who exchanges. 18th Regiment of Foot— Ensign Frederick Hardyman, from the half- pay of the 59th regiment, to be Ensign, vice John Rob. Tydd, who exchanges. Ensign John Hope to be Lieutenant, vice Samuel Barnes Scott, deceased. Wm. Bel- ford, Gent, to be Ensign, vice John Hope. 26th Regiment of Foot.— Capt. Erskine Hope, from the half- pay of the 34th regiment, to be Captain of a Company, vice Arch. Cumine, who exchanges. George Leason, Gent, to be Ensign, by purchase, vice James Balfour, who retires. 34th Regiment of Foot.— Ensign Thompson Brooke to be Lieutenant, by purchase, vice John Gethen Crone, who re- tires. Charles Wattel, Gent, to be Ensign, vice Thompson Brooke. 35th Regiment of Foot.— Lieut. Thomas Eyre to be Cap- tain of a Company, by purchase, vice Charles lennox, pro- moted in the Coldstream regiment of Foot Guards. Ensign James Fitzgerald to be Lieutenant, vice Thomas Eyre. Hugh Rob. Duff, Gent, to be Ensign, vice Ja. Fitzgerald. 39th Regiment of Foot.— Capt. Boyd Manningham, from the half- pay of the 39th regiment, to be Captain of a Compa- ny, vice Cha. Burleigh, who exchanges. 41st Regiment of Foot. Smelt, Gent, to be Ensign, vice Oliver Barbarie, who returns to his former half- pay, as Lieutenant of Provincials. 44th Regiment of Foot.— Lieut. James Cordner, from the half- pay of the 68th regiment, to be Lieutenant, vice Wm. Bathurst Pye, who exchanges. 60th Regiment of Foot.— Ensign Hugh Fraser to be Lieu- tenant, by purchase, vice Jones Panton, who retires. Pinson Bonham, Gent, to be Ensign, vice Hugh Fraser. Ensign Ro- bert Robertson, from the half- pay of the late 84th regiment, to be Ensign, vice John Dupuy, who exchanges. 6,5th Regiment of Foot.— Ensign Thomas Earl of Elgin, from the 3d regiment of Foot Guards, to be Captain of a Com- pany, by purchase, vice Brevet Lieut, Colonel Geo. Sinclair, who retires. Lewis Nathaniel John Brohier, late of the Militia in the Island of Jersey to be Ensign in Capt. Philip Melville's Inde- pendent Company of Invalids at Guernsey, vice John Stuart, deceased. Surgeon Thomas Armourer, from the half- pay, to be Sur- geon of Hospitals in the Garrison of Grenada, vice John Den- holme, deceased. Dr Benjamin Mosely to be Physician to Chelsea Hospital, vice Dr Messenger Monsey, deceased. BANKRUPT S. Richard Hargreaves, of Bradford, county of York, haber- t^ alher, dealer, and chapman— Timothy Cross, late of New- ington Causeway, county of Surry, tailor, dealer, and chap- man— Samuel Butler, of Red Lion- street, Holborn, dealer, and chapman— James Cooke, late of the parish of St Philip and Jacob, county of Gloucester, maltster, corn- factor, dealer, and chapman— John Fletcher, of Liverpool, bookseller and stationer— Thomas Gallon, of Osmotherly, county of York, miller, dealer, and chapman— George Bramston Roberts, now or late of Great Queen- street, Lincoln's Inn Fields, purser of the Houghton East Indiaman, dealer, and chapman. [ This Gazette contains an address to his Majesty from the Ministers and Elders of the Provincial Synod of Merse and Teviotdale— Besides five from different parts of England and Ireland— and two to her Majesty.] LLOYD'S MARINE LIST, May 12. Elsinore, April 28. tHe Unity, Simpson, of Newcastle, which was on shore at our town, by lightening her cargo was got off the 26th instant, without apparent damage. Several foreign ves- sels still remain aground here, but no British ones. The Unity, Nicholson, which was on shore near Kohl, is got off without much damage, but is gone to Copenhagen to repair. The Duke of Richmond, Falconer, from Alicant to the Baltic, foundered the 30th nit. the crew saved. The Ann, Richards, from Dartmouth to Newfoundland, is put into Kinsale with loss of her malt in a gale of wind, 100 leagues west of Cape Clear. The Eagle, Thomas, of Dartmouth, from Newfoundland, sprung her bowsprit and main- top- mast, and got aground go- ing into Scilly, but was got off next tide with little damage. On the 24th April last, the Minerva East India ship spoke the Swansey, Slater, of Bristol, last from Cork, out three weeks, bound for New York, all well, lat. 44. 13. N. long. 2y. 30. Winds at Deal.— May 8. N. E. 9. and 10. S. S. W. 11. N. E. Yesterday arrived a mail from France, and this day the mails from Holland and Flanders. PARLIAMENTARY INTELLIGENCE. HOUSE OF LORDS. Tuesday, May 12. Their Lordships, at one o'clock, proceeded to Westminster Hall, to resume the trial of Mr Hast- ings. After hearing evidence in the hall on the charge concerning presents, for about four hours, they returned to the House, fixed Thursday next for the resumption of the trial, and passed some private bills. HOUSE OF COMMONS. SLAVE TRADE. Mr Cruger presented six petitions from different bodies of people in the city of Bristol, against the abolition of the slave trade. Mr Hussey presented a petition from the plant- ers of the islands of Grenada, St Vincent's, and Dominica, to a similar purport. Mr Wilberforce moved the order of the day, for a Committee of the whole House to consider of the slave trade. Sir William Dolben took his seat as Chairman of this Committee ; and the petitions above mention- ed, the report of the Privy Council lately present- ed, and other documents, were referred to the Committee on this occasion. Mr Wilberforce, in a speech of between three and four hours, called the attention of the Com- mittee to the trade carried on. with Africa for ne- groes. This traffic, he said, had engaged, for a considerable time, a great share of his deliberation ; he had consulted all the evidence, both oral and written, that could tend to illustrate so important a subject ; and the result of his consideration was, that it ought, on every ground, as well of huma- nity as of policy, to be abolished. He had at first disbelieved the reports of the cruelties and oppres- sions exercised in this trade ; but the more he had enquired into the business, the more he was induced to consider it with horror and detestation ; and the more determined was he to exert his most stre- nuous endeavours for annihilating a trade so inimi- cal to every idea of justice. It was his intention to argue the subject, on the present occasion, with temper, fairness, and candour ; and he hoped that those Gentlemen, who took part in the discussion would follow his example in that respect. It ought not to be treated as a party question, but to be examined without prejudice or partiality. He did not stand forth as an accuser of the West Indian planters, or the African traders, but rather came forward to make a confession of guilt; a guilt in which he, and all the members in the House, were involved, for having suffered so iniqui- tous a traffic to be carried on so long, in a manner so disgraceful to humanity. He challenged the fullest and most circumstantial enquiry into the me- rits of this business, and trusted that all the allega- tions he should now adduce would appear to be founded on irrefragable evidence. His purpose at present was to dwell only on the leading features of the question, and to state the general principles from which he had deduced his conclusions. It being an undeniable fact that vast numbers of slaves were annually exported from Africa to the West Indies, the first queftion was, in what manner thefe slaves were procured ? The answer to this question did not tend to the credit of the persons who were concerned in the procurement of these slaves. It was evident, from every document respecting the history of the slave trade, that acts of great injustice were frequently exercised. by the captains of the slave ships; that they encouraged different tribes of negroes to make war upon each other, for the purpose of procuring prisoners, whom they might dispose of to our traders as slaves ; that they sepa- rated husbands from wives, and children from pa- rents, and carried them, linked together like male- factors, on board of their ships. They took advan- tage of the avarice and sensuality of the petty kings of Africa, by bribing them with European goods and luxuries, to permit the transportation of their subjects to our colonies. In short, by their arts and intrigues, they sowed disunion among the na- tives of Africa, and rendered that coast a scene of tumult and desolation. The next question was, in what manner these unhappy wretches were treated in their passage from Africa to the West Indies ! It appeared, from the best authority, that in this passage, they were crowded into so narrow a space as to be in danger of suffocation ; that they were ill- fed, and deprived of almost every convenience that can render such a voyage comfortable. This being the case, he was astonished to find, that some persons who had given evidence on this subject, had actually represented them as being in a comfortable situation in their passage ; but this only served to display the force of prejudice. It was said, that they were indulged with the song and the dance, and suffered to amuse them- selves as their fancy might dictate ; but the dance here spoken of, was, in general, a mere exercise produced by compulsion, and they were sometimes even whipped into it; and the song and dance al- luded to commonly ended in tears. The closeness of their stowage occasioned disorders among them ; and the stench arising from their being so crowded was almost intolerable, and calculated only to acce- lerate the mortality so prevalent in a slave ship With regard to this mortality, it appeared, from an average calculation, that, of the negroes trans- ported to the West Indies, more than an eighth part of the whole number, that is twelve and' a half per cent, died on the passage ; and that four and a half per cent, died between the time of their entering the port and unloading their cargo. And by the time they were seasoned, as the terms is, between fifty and sixty out of a hundred were ge- nerally found to expire, reckoning from the time they were put on board on the African coast.— This consideration alone, he thought, was a suffi- cient reason for the abolition of the trade now un- der discussion. But the oppressions he now com- plained of were so confirmed by practice, and had grown into such a regular system, that it was an arduous task to put a stop to them. The traders might say, that this trade had been sanctioned by repeated acts of Parliament, and that they ought not to be obliged to abandon it, as they had been encouraged by the authority of the Legislature to embark their property in it. But it did not fol- low, because it had been authorised by Parliament, that a trade so unjustly carried on ought' to be per- sisted in. He then adverted to the causes that might be supposed to produce the extraordinary diminution of the number of the negroes after their arrival in the West Indies. One cause, he believed was the excessive labour to which they were subjected. A- nother was, the scantiness as well as improper na- ture of their food. A third was, the ill treatment they experienced, which discouraged them from an increase of population. Other causes might be mentioned; but what he had stated were the prin- cipal ones. He would not omit, however, the practice of making up the slaves for the market, by astringent washes and mercurial preparations, ad- ministered in such a manner that the eruptions in- tended to be removed by these means were thrown in for a time, but afterwards broke out afresh with tenfold virulence. This practice ruined the health of the slaves, and sometimes occasioned their death. — He then detailed some calculations, from which it appeared, that, in some of the islands, there had been a less decrease of the slaves for some years past than before, owing to their being treated with somewhat more humanity. In Jamaica, in parti- cular, for the last twenty- six years, there had been only a decrease of 2,150 slaves in each year, upon an average ; and, by the prosecution of such means as would tend to augment their population, all further supplies from the African coast would be rendered unnecessary. Indeed, there were several flourishing estates in that and other islands, which had been cultivated for several years past without any additional supplies of negroes. A striking cir- cumstance might here be mentioned as applicable to this subject, viz. that an African ship had for- merly been wrecked on the island of St Vincent, and the negroes, who then suffered shipwreck had increased in 30 or 40 years to the number of six thousand. From these and other facts, it would appear, that, if proper attention was paid to the health and comfort of the negroes, there would be no further occasion, in any point of view, for a continuance of the slave trade.— He further observ- ed, that, from the manner in which the slaves were employed in the West Indies, there was a great waste of labour ; and, if a proper division of labour was adopted, more work would be done by a less number of hands. This was a matter that deser- ved consideration. He took notice of a prophecy made by a Mr Glover in the year 1774, at the bar of the House, importing, that, in case of a limitation of the slave trade then proposed, the most detrimental conse- quences would ensue to the trade and navigation of this country ; but subsequent experience had shown, that his predictions were completely fallacious and ill founded. The same, he trusted, would be the event of the prophecies lately uttered by persons concerned in the slave trade ; for, if the Legislature should adopt his motion for the annihilation of that trade, he was confident that no real disadvantage would accrue to the commercial interests of this kingdom. As to the port of Liverpool, to which so many of the slave ships belonged, it had been said, that it would derive very material injury from an abolition of the trade ; but this he was not in- clined to believe. For, at present, it was evident that little was gained by this traffic, and, upon the whole, it was a sort of lottery, and was very fre- quently a losing adventure. He had no doubt that Liverpool would flourish after the abolition of this trade, as much as ever it had done before ; and this assertion would hardly be questioned by those who, besides considering what had been just mentioned, reflected that out of 170,000 tons of shipping that composed the trade of Liverpool, only 12,000 or 13,000 tons were employed in the slave trade. He next dwelt on the great loss of seamen sus- tained in this trade; an argument which, he trust- ed, would have considerable weight with those who wished well to our marine. It was computed, on just grounds, that out of 910 seamen, 216 died in these African voyages; whereas in the five follow- ing trades, viz. the East Indian, the West Indian, the Russian, the Newfoundland, and the Greenland trade, only forty- seven died out of the number above stated. He read a letter from David Parry, Esq. Go- vernor of Barbadoes; in which it was observed, that the abuses committed in the slave trade were such as to render the interposition of the Legisla- ture absolutely necessary ; and that measures ought to be taken to superfede so unnatural a commerce. He next obviated the objection made by the advocates for this trade, who say that if we abolish it, we throw it into the hands of the French, and other European powers, who will thus be benefited at our expence. But it was very improbable, that the French would, in case of our abandoning it, carry it 011 to a greater extent than they do at pre- sent ; for they do not reap so much advantage from it now as we do, and our advantage from it, as he had before observed, was very inconsiderable. Be- sides, even supposing that they would be benefited by it, that was no reason for our persisting in a practice manifestly repugnant not only to the di- vine laws, but also to every system of human mo- rality.— He enlarged on these and various other points collaterally connected with his main subject, and submitted to the House a string of propositions relative to the number of ships and men employed in this trade, as well as to a variety of particu- lars stated by him in his speech. These propositions, he said, he should leave on the table for future confideration, and, on some other day, he would bring forward a specific mo- tion for the entire abolition of the slave trade. Lord Penrhyn expressed his indifference as to any particular day, and promised to shew, that in the greatest part of his speech, Mr Wilberforce had either been misled or had misconceived the subject. Mr Gascoigne spoke to the same effect. . Mr Wilberforce, after a few words in explana- tion, proposed Monday for the next discussion, which was agreed to. Mr Burke complimented Mr Wilberforce on the excellence of his speech. He thought the slave trade unnecessary to the prosperity of the nation, and was for a total abolition of it. With respect to the contraband trade which might be carried on by our West India settlements, he thought the House competent to prevent it. That the aboli- tion of the trade would be compensated in point of interest, he could not say with the Hon. Member ( Mr Wilberforce), but still he was heartily for the abolition. The House would determine whether they were willing to pay the price of their humani- ty. he was of opinion, that which made a slave happy, was a degradation of human nature.— He introduced the following allusion from Shake- speare : He who hath made us of such large discourse Looketh before and after. Slaves therefore could not be said to be in the slation of men, whose characteristic is to look 0n the past the present, and the future, whereas slaves only consider the present. That it would not be beneficial to the commercial interests of the king- dom, he was clearly of opinion, although, when a man who has a capital is restricted from employing it ill, he will apply it well ; and there are means plenty enough to act in that manner. The Chancallor of the Exchequer coincided in opi- nion with his Hon. Friend. The total abolition of the slave trade was not, he thought, a measure that was likely to be of destructive consequence to the commercial interests of the kingdom ; he should therefore vote for it. he was of opinion, that it would be to the eternal honour of this kingdom ; . aud so little doubt he had of France benefiting by our giving it up, that he should not wonder if they adopted the measure also. Part of the glory he should be content to resign, but he would not think of parting with the merit of being the first nation that adopted it. He concurred in the early day that had been moved for its further consideration. Sir William Young thought it would affect per- sons who had mortgages on estates in the West Indies. He abhorred the idea of a contraband trade in human flesh. Mr Fox returned the gentleman who had brought forward the measure his hearty thanks. It re- dounded to his honour, and he was happy to concur with him in opinion ; but he differed in one point, the manner of considering the measure by distinct allegations, for Gentlemen who were friends to the abolition might disagree in some of them. If the meafure were thought necessary, why not consider it in one point of view alone, and abolish it. The Hon. Member who spoke last seemed to express his abhorrence of a contraband trade in human flesh. He thought that there were means in this country to prevent it, and that if any trade existed at all, it ought to be a contraband one, to shew that it was not sanctioned by the Legislature. With respect to France, whatever his thoughts were of her political conduct to her rival, he was of opinion that it was as likely to catch the warm spark of enthusiasm as us— Of Spain he had not more apprehension.— If even they did not adopt it, he thought neverthe- less, their conduct ought not to be the guide of ours. Alderman Newnham was against the abolition of slave trade ; it would hurt the trade of the country, he thought. Mr Martin was of a contrary opinion. The Speaker complimented Mr Wilberforce much on his speech, and gave his hearty assent to the measure. Mr Dempster thought that any losses which in- dividuals might sustain by the adoption of the mea- sure, should be defrayed by Government. Mr Smith made a few remarks. Lord Penrhyn thought, that as soon as the trade Was abolished, material injury would be done to seventy millions of property. Mr Pitt only rose, because if he remained silent it might seem an acquiescence with the Hon. Gentleman's ( Mr Dempster) suggestions, which he could not conceive ought to operate against the abolition of the trade. Alderman Sawbridge said a few words. After which the Chairman left the chair, and on the House being resumed, the Speaker put Mr Wilberforce's motion, which was carried, aud the House immediately adjourned till to- morrow. LONDON. WEDNESDAY, MAY I3. On Wednesday next the King is to review Sir Henry Clinton's regiment of dragoons at Ashford Common, near Windsor, which is the first this sum- mer. Some other regiments are talked of to be reviewed at the same place. Yesterday, at two o'clock, Mr Dundas arrived in town from his tour to Scotland, and had an im- mediate interview with Mr Pit at the Treasury. Yesterday morning the Purser of the Triton East Indiaman, Captain Agnew, from Coast and Bay, arrived at the East India House with the agreeable intelligence of the safe arrival of that ship off Brighthelmstone, in Sussex, from whence, after landing the purser, she bore away immediately for the Downs. The Triton left Bengal the 30th of December, and St Helena the 15th of March. Passengers, Lieutenant Colonel Duff— Major James Buchanan— Capt. Robert Gairdner, and Lieut. Dandridge, of the artillery— Lieut. Bruce, engineers— Mr John Laird— Mr and Mrs Brough- ton— Mrs Fergusson— Mrs Colvin— Miss Eliza Hunt— Mr Charles Laird— 18 children— and 119 servants and charter- party passengers; making in all 148 passengers. The Admiral Sir Edward Hughes, Captain Smith, from China, is arrived off the Isle of Wight, — She sailed the 5th of January, and left St He- lena the 24th March, in company with the Scar- borough, Captain Marshall, from Botany Bay and China. The Charlotte, Captain Gilbert, from Botany Bay and China, was spoke with about 10 degrees eastward of the Cape, all well. The Prince William Henry, Dundas, from Bom- bay, arrived at St Helena the 17th of March, and was to sail about the 26th of the same month She left Bombay on the 13th Of January. Passen- gers on board, Mess. Ramsay, Sparks, Day, and Harrison. The Bridgewater, Parker, and Contractor, Bart- let, from Madras ; Duke of Montrose, Dorin ; Asia, Foulkes; and Raymond, Smedley, from Bombay, had been at Batavia, and sailed for Chi- na the beginning of December by the eastern pas- sage. The Manship left Bengal the 28th of December for Madras and Europe. The Kent was expected to sail for Europe about the 11th of January. The last letters from India bring the melancholy account of the death of Captain Hunt of the Dut- ton East. Indiaman in December last. He fell overboard, and was drowned, in returning, after spending the evening on board another ship. According to every account received from Pa- ris, the number of the killed in the late riot a- mounts to 400, a few more or less, which is a greater number than were killed in London during the riots in June 1780, which lasted five or six days— But, as Yorick says, " they manage these things much better in France " What but the utmost dread of an enraged popu- lace could have induced the police of a country which pretends to civilization, to plant cannon in the streets, and fire them upon the people— upon an unarmed people, clamorous only on account of the scarcity and dearness of provisions. Colonel Glover, we hear, is likely to be ac- knowledged by the French Court as the only heir at law to the late Duchess of Kingston 1 It is supposed that the Duchess of Kingston was poisoned ; for she was not one hour dead till she swelled, and turned black, even to her finger nails ! The perpetrator is not known. Colonel Glover, it is thought, will sell her Grace's French estate at St Assise. It is the most beautiful spot, perhaps, in the universe. This estate is valued at sixty thousand pounds, and the furni- ture at eight thousand pounds. It abounds with all sorts of game. In splendour it vies with Hamp- ton Court in the days of Wolsey. At St Assise, there are no less than two hundred and fifty ele- gant beds. Her Grace's French fortune is calculated at a- bout ninty- four thousand pounds. Her Russian for- tune about one hundred thousand pounds. Her English fortune about twenty thousand pounds. Humphreys has published an Explanatory Ac- count of his late defeat; and has challenged Men- doza to meet him any time next October.— Men- doza to name his own terms; and no money to be collected at the door. Saturday the journeymen smiths, for conspiring to raise their wages, were brought up to receive the judgment of the Court of King's Bench, which was, that they be imprisoned in Newgate for eigh- teen months.— It was understood, however, that when the conspiracy ceased, these men would be pardoned. EDINBURGH. On Monday last, in the House of Peers, coun- sel were finally heard upon the Scots appeal, wherein Andrew Straiton, tenant in Pitmurthly, was appellant, and Thomas Graham, Esq; of Bal- gowan, respondent. A particular account of this cause has already been given. The decree was, that the tenant should pay 200l. in name of additional rents and damages, alleged to be stipulated by his lease, and incurred by his keeping part of the farm in corn, when it ought to have been in grass. Amongst other defences, the tenant pleaded, that such ad- ditional rents were in the nature of penalties, sub- ject to be restricted to the actual damage. The Lord Chancellor rose as soon as the counsel closed, and stated to the House the particulars of the case : He examined the covenant between the parties, in which it was agreed that certain quan- tities of the land should be applied to particular species of tillage, and covered with a particular ' quantity of manure. His Lordship observed, that an obscurity pervaded this agreement, from the in- sertion of the words arable land, as distinct from ploughable land ; and improveable land, as distinct from both t He examined the principles upon which the Court of Session in Scotland proceeded, > aud he was confident they could modify the co- venant agreeable to those principles ; therefore he thought it best to refer the parties to the Court of Session, and have a new formal act, as they term it, which might be easier complied with. This, he observed, was consonant to the proceedings in the Court of Chancery ; when any difficulty arises in complying with the requisites of a deed, the party is made to act as nearly conformable thereto as the nature of the case will admit. He therefore concluded with moving to reverse the whole inter- locutors complained of, and remit to the Court of Session to inquire into, and take evidence of the facts upon which Mr Graham's demand rested ; professing his belief at the same time, that he would be advised to abandon the present action, and fol- low a different course. Lord Stormont said, he had considered the case as of consequence to every land- holder in the king- dom of Scotland : He agreed with the Noble and Learned Lord, that the difficulty arose from the terms introduced into the covenant. The state of agriculture in Scotland required a strict attention to agreements of this nature, as landlords found it necessary to confine the tenants to particular divi- sions of the land, and particular kinds of crops.— He was apprehensive the motion of the Noble and Learned Lord would not completely answer the ends of justice : It would, he feared, be produc- tive of additional expence to the parties, as well as other inconveniences ; but, however, he should not oppose an opinion of such great and respectable authority. The Lord Chancellor said a few words in reply. He had given the utmost attention to the subject; but from all his considerations, he could not devise any mode less burdensome to the parties. They might have avoided much of the expence already incurred : For he would engage, with his own hand, to comprise in forty pages every material circumstance included in their libel of five hundred. Lord Stormont appearing satisfied, the motion passed nemine dissentiente. It is somewhat extraordinary, that the appellant in this cause has appealed from nine interlocutors of the Lord Ordinary, of the 10th February, 29th June, 14th July, and 24th December 1785; the 28th January 1786, and 20th November 1787; and 31st January and 8th March 1788; and also from six interlocutors of the Lords of Session, of the 10th and 28th February 1786 ; 19th June and 4th July 1787 ; and 20th February and 6th March 1788, praying that the same may be reversed, va- ried, or altered. Counsel for the Appellant, Messrs. Tait and Alexander; solicitor, Mr Chalmer : Counsel for the Respondent, Lord Advocate, and the Solicitor General of England; solicitor, Mr Spottiswood. A short- hand writer attended to take down the Lord Chancellor's speech, this cause having raised great expectation. Yesterday, at Lord Alva's, Drumsheugh, Mrs Erskine was safely delivered of a daughter. Mrs Chamberlain, widow of Michael Chamber- lain, Esq. Counsellor at Law, Dublin, died in Brown's Square the 15th instant. Died, at Dysart, the 14th curt. James St Clair, Esq. of Sinclair. Yesterday died at Leith, in an advanced age, Mr George Anderson of that place. Extract of a letter from a gentleman in Paris, to his friend in Edinburgh, dated May 8. " Yesterday at Versailles I was witness to the grandest procession I ever beheld— the meeting of the Etats Generaux, or States General. The streets were lined with soldiers. The Deputies of the tiers etat, or third estate, came first ( 500 in number), dressed in black— the noblesse next ( 250), dressed in black, lined with purple silk— his Majesty next, and after him the Queen— then the order of the clergy, in their pontificals, preceded by a statue of the Virgin Mary, the Cross, & c. with priests sing- ing Hallelujahs— last of all came the Archbishop of Paris, chanting mass. The whole Deputies were dressed in the most elegant manner ( the deputies of each order in the same way) ; the carriages, horses, & c. very grandly decorated. The populace shout- ed Vive le Roi ( Long live the King) ; but there was not a single cry of Vive la Reine ( Long live the Queen), to the great mortification of her Ma- jesty and her party. Much is expected from the wisdom and liberality of this august assembly. " The Holy Sacrament, which was borne by the Archbishop of Paris, was under a superb cano- py, the strings of which were held by Monsieur, the Count D'Artois, and the Dukes of Angouleme and Chartres. Several of the nobility and clergy patriotically mixed and walked with the tiers etat, or third estate. The celebrated Count Mirabeau, representative for Aix in Provence, and so much renowned for his writings in favour of liberty and the rights of the people, was one of them. The Duke of Orleans chose to walk among his col- leagues, rather than as one of the Princes of the Blood, for which, and many other reasons, he was loudly applauded. An old farmer from Bearne chose to appear among his fellow deputies of the tiers etat, in the dress of the Bearnois country ; this venerable man, whose locks were silvered o'er with age, was received with the loudest acclamations by the people. " It appears evident, that the calling the meet- ing of the States General, and whatever share of freedom may be granted in consequence, is owing to the deranged state of the French finances, the principal cause of which seems to have been her as- sisting the Americans in the late rebellion. The bankrupt state of the French finances is a sure pledge of peace for years to come. " You must have heard of the riot a few days ago, in which upwards of three hundred of the people were killed, a Colonel and Lieutenant Co- lonel wounded, and several of the military killed and wounded. But every thing is now quiet, though many of the poorer class are almost star- ving." At the late insurrection in Paris, when so many lives were lost, the populace were so enraged against those of the higher order, that they would not suf- fer a coach to pass the street. A young nobleman of this country, having gone out in his carriage, was immediately stopt, and would have been harsh. ly treated, had he not told who he was. After being informed, however, that he was from Scot land, such is their predilection in favour of this country ( the ancient ally of that kingdom), that he was immediately set at liberty, and allowed to proceed amidst the huzzas aud congratulations of the people. * The ports in the county of Renfrew are opened, for the importation of foreign wheat, but shut a- gainst all other grain. Mr King being engaged by Mr Jackson to per- form a few nights at Glasgow, where he Was lately so much followed and applauded, has sent a com- plimentary letter to Mrs Jackson, expressing not only a willingness, but a desire, to stop one night in Edinburgh, and perform for her benefit, which will be on Monday the 18th, when he will appear in the characters of Sir Peter Teazle in the School for Scandal, and Puff in the Critic, which will positively be the lact time of his performing here. General Assembly Members— 1789. Deer Presbytery—— Bailie George Leslie, elder. Mull Presbytery - Mess. Patrick Macarthur, Torosay, and Alex. Campbell, Ardnamurchan, ministers— Allan Mac- dougall of Gallanich, Esq. elder. SHIP NEWS. SAILED FROM THE SOUND, OUTWARDS. April 28. Jupiter, Murison, from Strandraw, Memel, ballast Friendship, Wishart, from Leith, , ditto. Mercury, Barr, from ditto, , ditto. 30. Liberty, Beverly, from Aberdeen, Landscrona, herrings Africa, Walker, from Dysart, Copenhagen, ballast May r. Fortune, Charteris, from Leith, Pillaw, ditto Diana, Stewart, from Kincardine, Konigsberg, sundries Windskibelighed, Shannon, from Greenock, Petersburgh, ballast a. Jeremiah, Wise, from Carron, Memel, ditto Duch of Hamilton, Brodie, from Bo- ness, Dantzic, coals Helena, Dunlop, from Saltcoats, Memel, ballast Saltcoats, Wilson, from Saltcoats, ditto, ditto Happy Janet, Neilson, from Dunbar, ditto, ditto Raith, Miller, from Kirkcaldy, ditto, ditto Mary, Syme, from Perth, Wismar, ditto Matthieson, Crombie, from Montrose, Memel, ditto Most of the above vessels sailed from hence this morning as well as those mentioned in my last. The latest accounts from Copenhagen say, that only a few vessels have yet got through the grounds, most of them still remaining in their road. Two English ships have arrived from Konigsberg, which place they left the nth ult. and met with a deal of ice to the westward of Burnholm. The winds since my last have been variable, and a deal of drive ice in our road snow W. N. W. a fine breeze, and very little ice in sight. JOHN BROWN, JUN. Elsineur, ii May 1789. ARRIVED AT LEITH, May 14. Jeanie, Marshall, Glasgow, goods— 15. Friendship, Smith, Kirkwall, ditto— 16. Skirmish, Sutherland, ditto, ditto— Providence, Parrot, Honduras, wood— Thomas and Margaret, Scotland, Perth, grain— Three sloops, coals. SAILED FROM LEITH, Lerwick, Gray, Lerwick, goods— Generous Mind, Paton, Dundee, ditto— Peggie, Leighton, Kirkwall, ditto— Nelly, Weft, Aberdeen, ditto— Providence, Ross, Glasgow, ditto— Nelly, Beattie, Berwick, ditto. WALTER MILLER, WHARFINGER, LONDON, AND JOHN WALKER, LEITH, REspectfully inform the Nobility, Gentry, and others, who may have FURNITURE, & c. going to or coming from London, that they will pay the necessary ex- pences, receive, and forward the same, upon a very mode- rate charge for their trouble. They have large commodious warehouses both in Lon- don and Leith, for the reception of all goods sent to their care, so that every attention, accommodation, and dispatch may be depended on— Walter Miller has regular traders at his wharf for Leith, Perth, Dundee, Banff, and Portsoy— All goods are regularly measured, and the freights thereby ascertained to the satisfaCtion of the proprietors. WILLIAM COULTER & CO. HOSIERS, Facing the Cross Well, North Side of the High Street, RespeCtfully inform the PUBLIC, THAT they have purchased the STOCK of Two considerable Manufacturing Hosiers, consisting of several thousand pairs of RIBBED, WHITE, COTTON, AND OTHER STOCKINGS, which they are selling at the following low rates, being 10 per cent, below the current shop prices— Ribbed White cot- ton Stockings at 2s. 6d.— 4s. 9d.— 3s.— 3s. 3d.— 3s. 6d.— and the very best superfine at 4s. a pair. Shopkeepers, ship- masters, and others, taking quantities, will be allowed a liberal discount. W. COULTER AND CO. have a very large stock of HO- SIERY of their own manufacture, consisting of all the va- riety 1 Silk, Cotton, Thread, and Worfted Stockings, which they sell at very low prices.— They particularly re- commend their Silk Stockings at 10s. 6d. a pair— And Patent Silk & Cotton Stockings at 6s. 6d. a pair. Patent Worsted Stockings at 6s. a pair. 9ZT* As W. C. and Co. have always a large stock of silk, cotton, thread, and worfted by them, any article of ho- siery can be made to patterns upon one or two days notice, BREWING UTENSILS, AND SALE OF a TACK. To be Sold by public auction, on Friday first the 22d May 1789, at one o'clock afternoon, on the premises in St Bernard street, leith, THE Whole Utensils of that Brewery lately occupied by Mess Thomson and Stodart, consisting of two coppers two tuns, two coolers, mash tun, cistern, pumps, butts, puncheons, hogsheads, barrels, & c. & c. To be set up in one lot, or separately, as purchasers may in- cline. ALSO, The Tack of said brewery, malt barn, kiln, lofts, and dwelling- house, for four years from the ensuing term of Whitsunday. The inventory of the brewing utensils is in the hands of William Grinly, broker in Leith, who will show the same, together with the premises, any time before the sale. LEITH, May 16. 1789. LANDS IN TWEEDALE TO BE SOLD. To be Sold by public voluntary roup, within the Old Ex- change Coffeehouse, Edinburgh, upon Thursday the 19th day of June 1789, betwixt the hours of five and six af- ternoon, THE Lands and Estate of Linton, ly- ing in the parish of Linton, and Sheriffdom of Peebles. These lands are of large extent, above 1800 acres, and are exceedingly improveable, being distant from Edinburgh only sixteen miles, within two or three miles of lime and coal, and the great turnpike roads from Edinburgh to Big- gar and Moffat running for above two miles through the heart of them. A plan of the estate, with the articles of roup, and an inventory of the progress of writs, are in the hands of Mr Cockburn, Chapel Street, who has power to conclude a private bargain previous to the day of roup. N. B. A part of the price may remain in the purchaser's hands, on a proper security. THIS Day IS PuBLished, BY ELLIOT AND KAY, Opposite Somerset Place, Strand, In two large volumes 4to, price al. 2s. in boards, TREATISE on THE MATERIA MEDIC BY WILLIAM CULLEN, M. D. Professor of the Practice of Physic in the University of Edinburgh, See. ike. OF ELLIOT AND KAY MAY BE HaD, All Dr Cullen's other Works, and the following published in the course of this season— I. Mr Bell's Sixth and last Volume of Surgery, with 3 plates, 6s. 6d. in boards, and any either volume ( for time), at 6s. in boards. I. Medical Commentaries for 1788, in 8vo, price 6s. boards. 3. Edinburgh New Dispensatory, with the latest impro ments, by Dr Duncan, price 8s. bound. 4. Encyclopaedia Britannica, or a Dictionary of Arts Sciences, & c. with many plates, vol. i. and ii. and vol iii. part id, in volumes at one guinea, dr half volumes u half a guinea, in boards. 5. A Catalogue, and Additional I. id ( given gratis) of : ir.- ir Stock of Books on Medicine and Medical Philosophy. Bv ORDER OF THE RIgHT HON. LORD PROVOST, MAGISTRATES, & COUNCIL, Of the City of Edinburgh. WHereas by Act of Council, dated the loth day fjf July 1785, containing rules with regard to feuing out the ground of the extended Royalty, and regu- lating the manner of building, it is, amongst other things enacted, " That in all time coming, every person who ob- tains a feu in the extended Royalty, shall be bound to " build thereon within one year from obtaining the feu, " otherwise he shall not only forfeit the same, but also be " liable in payment of thirty pound' Sterling to the Cham- " berlain for behoof of the community — Notwithstand- ing whereof, and that the several builders in their applica- tions for feus oblige themselves to observe this and the o- ther rules contained in the said Act of Council, there are at present several void spaces unbuilt, although the ground is feued more than a year ago, to the great prejudice of o- ther feuers, whose buildings are completed— Therefore, and in order to remedy this evil, the Magistrates and Coun- cil have come to the resolution, against the first day of June next, not only to declare the feus in this situation forfeited, but also to prosecute those who have not complied with the above rule, for the penalty contained in the Act of Coun- cil : After which the feus thus forfeited will be feUed out to such as shall apply for the same. NEW HABERDASHERY GOODS. WILLIAM ALLAN, No. 5, South Bridge- * * street, most respectfully begs leave to acquaint the Ladies, That he has now returned from London, and the other principal Manufacturing Towns in England, where he purchased a very large and complete assortment of HA- BERDASHERY GOODS, greateft part of which are just come to hand ; and he can recommend them as being not only elegant and fashionable, but, on such moderate terms, as he hopes will insure general satisfaction. He mentions particularly, as great bargains, plain, checked, striped, and tambour Muslins, Dimities, and Muslinets; also a few Humhum Muslins for gowns. Besides thefe he has received variety of other articles, a- mong which are the following: Plain, checked, and striped printed Muslins. Printed Cottons for Gowns and Furniture. A few very fine Chintz. Painted and flowered Gauzes for dress. Painted & flowered Gauze A- prons, and Handkerchicfs. Hollands, Long Lawns, and Cambrics. Spotted and plain French Lawns. French Lawn Handkerchiefs Allamodes and Laces. Beaver Hats, different co- lours. Shawls and Plaids. WILLIAM ALLAN has on hand a parcel of Printed Cot- tons, Dimitties, & c. at very low prices, well worth the attention of country dealers, and which he recommends tc his correspondents. WINES, & c. FOR SALE, AT MUSSELBURGH, For behoof of Creditors. To be Sold by public roup, on Friday the 23d curt, at tbe Warehouses of Archibald Kemp, merchant in Mussel- burgh, HIS whole Stock of Goods, consisting of a *- very large assortment of the most capital WINES of- fered to the Public these many years, among which are Cla- ret in casks and bottles— Red and White Port in ditto Sherry in ditto— several pieces of four year old Coniac Brandy, importation strength— Rum in and out of bond— a small quantity of British spirits— French Vinegar in tierces, and many other articles too tedious to mention. The Claret cost from 1200 to 150O livres per ton, and the Sherry 140 dollars per butt. As these goods were imported by Mr Kemp for his ex- tensive trade, and his being well known for keeping wines of the best quality, Noblemen and Gentlemen have now an opportunity of laying in a stock that may not again oc- cur of a long time. Samples to be seen two days before and on the morning of the sale, by applying to Mr Kemp. Ready money for all purchases below aol. and at and a- bove that sum three months credit, on finding security to the satisfaction of the exposers. The sale to begin at eleven o'clock. N. B. All those indebted to Mr Kemp, will immediate- ly pay in what they owe to Mr William Hall, merchant in Edinburgh, the factor. FOR BILIOUS AND OTHER COMPLAINTS or the STOMACH, & c. ORIENTAL VEGETABLE CORDIAL, one of the most valuable medicinal discoveries, which time and even philosophy could ever boast of; sanctioned by Royal Authority, and held in such a peculiar degree of ge- neral estimation, that upwards of 500 persons have con- tinual recourse to its excellent and potent virtue, in the pre- vention and cure of excruciating maladies, which often prove fatal before assistance can he procured. The salubrious powers of this Cordial have been long and universally acknowledged, by the flattering patronage and testimony of thousands. It is a pleasant, safe, and ef- fectual remedy in Bilious disorders, violent pain or spasm of the stomach and bowels, sickness, vomiting, flatulence, crudities, and acidities. It greatly increases the appetiu-. promotes digestion, and fortifies the stomach and bowels; thereby contributing to preserve the just equilibrium of the body. In fainting, lowness of spirits, nervous and hyste- rical atrophy, it is highly beneficial; by bracing the nerves, cherishing the animal spirits, and giving vigour to the sys- tem. To these qualities must be attributed its having pro- ved so eminently serviceable in rheumatic cases and, in attacks of the gout, it has freed the patient, when every effort of the Faculty has been tried in vain. It has also recently been found to possess the inestimable virtue of pre venting Sea Sickness; and may be exported to any part of the world With all its virtues entire The Cordial is sold in its greatest purity by the Patentee, B. CORNWELL, No. 13, Conduct Street, Hanover Square, London, and by Messrs HUSBAND, ELDER, and CO. ONLY in Edinburgh, in bottles of 5s. each, with a Treatise illustrated with cases. It is alfo fold by the following ptrfons, viz. Aberdeen, Mr Chalmers — Mr Garden Berwick, Mr Moscrop — Mr Phorson Dalkeith, Mr Megget Dumfries, Mr Wylie Glasgow, Mr Macdonald -. . Mr Whitelow . -. . —.. Mr Mennons Inverness, Mr Sharp Kelso, Mr Palmer Carlisle, Mr Jollie Newcastle, Mr Hodgson Mr Brown Messrs Hall and Elliot Perth, Messrs Murison and Son ^ SALT DUTIES. WHereas, by an Act passed in the 5th year of the reign of King George the First, cap. 18. en- titled, An act for recovering the credit of the Britifh Fishe- ry in foreign parts, and for better securing the duties on salt, it is, among other things, enacted, " That every per- son selling, giving away, using, or delivering any salt, received duty- freee for the cure of fish, or consenting, " or being any ways privy to the selling, giving away, using, or delivering any salt, directly or indirectly, otherwise than for the purpose aforesaid, shall forfeit, pay, and undergo the penalties and punishments here- in after mentioned— That is to say, every proprietor of such salt, or his agent, for every bushel of such salt so sold, given away, used, or delivered, shall forfeit and pay the sum of Twenty Shillings, one third part thereof to the use of his Majesty, his heirs, and suc- cessors, and - the remainder thereof to such person that shall inform or sue for the same ; and every other person " buying, taking, or using any such salt, otherwise than for " the purposes aforesaid, and in the manner aforesaid, shall " forfeit and pay the sum of Twenty Shillings for every " bushel of salt so bought, delivered, or used, and after " that rate for a greater or lesser quantity, one third part " thereof for the use of his Majesty, his heirs, and succes- " sors, and the remainder thereof to such person or persons " that shall inform or sue for the same ; which said sums " or penalties shall he levied in such manner as other penal- " ties, herein after mentioned, are to be levied j or, in de- *' fault of payment of such sums, within fourteen days after " conviction of such crime, and where no sufficient effects - " can he found to answer the same, the person or persons '- so offending shall be sent to the house of correction, there " to be whipped, and kept to hard labour for any time not *' exceeding three month." And whereas by an act passed in the 15th of the reign of his present Majedy King George Third, cap. 63, entitled, An act for reducing the allowances for waste on salt and rock salt, and for better securing the duties on salt, & c. it is, among other things, enacted, " That, from and after the 1st day of August 1785, no fish- curer, or fish- curers, shall, directly or indirectly, sell, retail, or vend any salt, other than to fish- curers, in pursuance of the act made in the fifth year of the reign of his late Majesty King George the First, under the penalty of forfeiting Twen- ty Shillings a bushel for every bushel that he, she, or they, shall so dispose of; and after that rate for any great- er or less quantity, and shall never afterwards be permit- ted to have salt duty free, or be concerned with any o- ther or others, as a curer of fish." That no salt whatsoevcr after the same has been deli- vered into the sole custody of the curer of fish for foreign markets shall be delivered over to any other person for the curing of fish, nor shall be removed from the place where lodged to any other place for curing fish, without giving notice to the officer, and having a warrant from him for removing the same, upon pain of forfeiting the sum of Fifty Pounds, by the proprietor or owner of the salt, or the person removing the same ; and that no per- son whatsoever shall be deemed or taken to be a curer of fish, so as to entitle him to have any fait delivered into his sole custody, duty free, for the cure of fish for foreign markets, who has not a warehouse, storehouse, or other proper place, wherein the salt may be securely lodged under the lock and key of the officer for the duties on salt, as well as the said proprietor, as the law directs. " And that one moity of every fine, penalty, and forfei- " ture, inflicted by thc said act of the 25th George Third " ( and not othcrwise directed by any former act), shall be * to his Majesty, his heirs, and successors; and the other " moity to him or them who shall discover, inform, or sue " for the same." And whereas the COMMISSIONERS of his MAJESTY'S CUSTOMS and SALT DUTIES for SCOTLAND have received intelligence, that great quantities of salt, delivered duty free, for the cure of fish, particularly foreign salt, are sold openly for promiscuous uses in different parts of the coun- try, and that the regulations of the laws, more especially of the acts recited, are evaded, or at least but very ill at- tended to— They hereby take this public method of decla- -.. ng to the proprietors of duty- free salt, and their agents, and all persons who buy salt from them, not being them- selves fish- curers entitled by law to have salt duty- free, or who use such salt for other purposes than the curing of fish for exportation, or herrings, or fish taken by herring bus- ses for home confumption, that, while they do what lies in their power to encourage and promote the- fisheries, they are at thc same time firmly resolved to enforce the laws a- gainst all who shall transgress the same;— and, for the en- couragement of persons to give information of such illegal practices, so as the offenders may he convicted, the Board will take care that the shares of the fines and penalties re- covered shall be punctually paid. By order of the Board, ( Signed) R. E. PHILIPS, SEC. CONTRACTOR FOR A LIME- WORK WANTED. ANY Person desirous to contract for exe- cuting the whole business of a lime- work, to quarry the stones, furnish coals, burn the lime in draw kilns, and deliver it at the kilns at a certain price for each boll of shells— May apply to James Nairne, overseer at Sauchie by Stirling. No situation can be more desirable for an undertaking of this sort. The quarry is easily worked— the kilns are built close to the quarry— coals within a mile of an excellent quality, which the lime- stone also is, and the demand for shells in appearance inexhaustible.— Not a better road in Scotland than that from the kilns. N. B. To encourage contractors, a high price will be given, equal to thc whole selling price of shells at many other works. Sauchie is upon the road from Kilsyth to Stirling. The overseer will satisfy every enquiry. LIME WORKS AT PALLION, ~ By South Sunderland. JOHN GOODCHILD, of Pallion, Esq. having appointed THOMAS SMART, Writer in DUNDEE, to be his Agent in this country for the Lime— Thomas Smart takes the liberty to inform Gentlemen, Farmers, Builders, and others, that they can be served on reasonable terms with any quantity of good English lime Shells, deli- vered at any port, by applying to thc said John Goodchild, Esq. or Thomas Smart. DUNDEE, April 16. 1789. MILLS TO LET. THE Mills of KINNIEL, including TOD'S MiLl, with the mill- lands, multures, and pertinents, in the parish of Borrowdounness, and shire of Linlithgow, are to be lET by roup, in the house of Mr Ross, Bor- rowstonness, on Tuesday the 19th of May 1789, at ten in the forenoon. FLOUR AND MEAD MILLS TO BE LET. To be LET in tack, by way of public voluntary roup, for such a number of years as can be agreed 0n, and entered to on the first day of June next, THE Flour and Meal Mills of DALVEY, with the whole pertinents thereof; as also the Farm per- taining to said mills, as occupied by the late William An- derson, tacksman of these mills and farm, all which lie ill the parish of Dyke, and county of Elgin and Forres. The roup will be at the house of Dalvey on Monday the first of June next. Such as incline to be offerers may apply at any time be- fore the day of the roup to Mr Isaac Grant, clerk to the signet, or William Dunbar, writer1 in Forres, either of whom will give the necessary information, or enter into a private bargain as to a lease. LANARKSHIrE. Wanted to Purchase, A SUPERIORITY yielding a Freehold Qua- lification in the county of Lanark. Apply to Laurence Hill, writer to tbe signet. BY tHE CONVENER OF THE COUNTY OF FIFE. At the Request of the EARL OF LEveN, Preses of the Com- mittee 0n the proposed Turnpike Bill for the County of Fife., THE General Meeting of the County, for- merly advertised for the 9th of June 1789, in order to receive the report of the said committee, and consider the bill prepared by them— is hereby POSTPONED to Thurs- day the Eighteenth Day of June 1789 ; which day the No- blemen, Freeholders, Justices, Commissioners of Supply, and other Heritors of the said county, are desired to meet at Cupar for the purpose above mentioned. There will, at said meeting, be laid before the Noblemen and Gentlemen, for their consideration, a letter from George Skene, Esq; convener of the committee of Noblemen and Gentlemen of Aberdeenshire, subscribing towards the ex- pcnce of trying the question of Nominal and Fictious Votes. It is likewise proposed, at the above meeting, to consider of the propriety of supporting any measures that may be adopted for obtaining One Standard for Weights and Mea- sures. TIMBER YARD AND WOOD FOR SALE. To be Sold by public sale, 0n Tuesday 2d June 1789, at eleven o'clock forenoon, in the Timber Yard of YOUNG and Co. Leith, A Considerable Quantity of well- seasoned ^ DEALS and BATTONS of various dimensions, in small lots, that may be worthy the attention of builders. Also the Timber Yard, Shades, and Dwelling- house, in such lots as purchasers may incline. A property of this sort is seldom seen in the market. A reasonable credit will be given on approved security. For particulars apply to John Young at the Timber Yard. LEITH, May 16. 1789. SALE OF CATTLe & LABOURING UTENSILS AT KINMYLIES. There is to be exposed to Sale by public roup, at Kinmy- lies, near Inverness, on Wednesday the 3d June 1789, THE Whole Stocking of that Farm, consist- ing of draught horses and milk cows of an excellent size and breed, labouring utensils of every kind, and seve- ral young horses and cattle. Credit will be given 0n good security. A SOAP & CANDLE HOUSE TO LET OR SELL. To be Let or Sold, together or separately, and entered to immediately, A Soap and Candle House, with Cellars, Lofts, Pump- well, and other conveniences, situated at the head of the harbour of Queensferry. Both houses are neat- ly fitted up, and these are utensils, which will be sold on reasonable terms, sufficient to set the works agoing at a very small expence. Apply to William Allan, Queensferry, by Edinburgh, who has for sale a considerable quantity of Tallow Candles of the best quality. NOTICE ' TO the Creditors of JAMES SAUNDERS, Li nen Printer in Glasgow. At a general meeting of the creditors of the said James Saunders, held at Glasgow upon the 28th day of April last, for the purpose of chusing a trustee, Walter Ewing, mer- chant in Glasgow, was elected to that office; and his ap- pointment being now confirmed by the Court of Session, he, in terms of the statute, hereby requires ail the creditors of the said James Saunders to lodge with him their claims, vouchers, or grounds of debt, with their oaths to the verity thereof, as directed by the statute, betwixt and the 7th day of December next, being nine kalendar months from the date of the interlocutor awarding the sequestration ; certify- ing thofe creditors who neglect to comply with this requisi- tion, that they will not he entitled to any share of the first distribution of the bankrupt's estate. N. B. In this advertisement of the 7th inst. the trustee was, by mistake, called David Ewing, manufacturer in Glas- gow, instead of Walter Ewing, merchant, as above. NOTICE. A S it is proposed early in June to make a Di- vidend among the Creditors of the deceased Mr A- LEXANDER GIRDWOOD, late merchant in Glasgow, of the funds which may then be recovered— It is requested that those who have not already lodged a note of their claims, may do so, without loss of time, with Alexander Girdwood jun. at his house in Gallowgate ; to whom those indebted to Mr Girdwood will immediately pay their accounts, to save trouble and expence. NOTICE TO the Creditors of WILLIAM BEATSON, Merchant in Edinburgh. James Monteith, manufacturer in Glasgow, trustee on the sequestrated estate of the said William Beatson, hereby intimates, that he has made up a general state of the bank- rupt's effects, under sequestration ; also a particular state of what is realized, with a scheme of division among the cre- ditors, who have lodged their claims and oaths of verity thereon, which wili lie open for inspection till the 13th of June next, being twelve kalendar months from the date of the sequestration ; upon which day the trustee requests a general meeting within the Tontine Tavern of Glasqow, at twelve o'clock noon, in terms of the statute, to receive their dividends, and to give such further direction in re- gard to the future management of thc estate, as they shall think proper. tHIRD NOTiCE, FIRST TERM. THAT in the Process of Ranking and Sale, raised and depending before the Lords of Council and Session, at the instance of George Home, Esq. of Branx- ton, factor and manager for Mess. Douglas, Heron, and Co. late bankers in Ayr, with concourse of his Majesty's Advo- cate, for his Majesty's interest, AGAINST Alexander Orr, eldest son of thc deceased Alexander Orr, writer to the sig- net, and his creditors, Lord Dreghorn Ordinary, by an in- terlocutor dated the 4th day of March 1789, named Lord Stonefield Ordinary of course to - ranK the creditors and as- signed the 12th day of June next, for the FIRST TERM, to the whole creditors of the bankrupt to - produce- all their claims rights, and diligences competent to them respec- tively against the bankrupt or his. estate, With certification as in a reduction and improbation; and also assigned 1aid 12th day of June next, for the whole creditors for deponing on the verity of their debts1. O. M. BRUCE, Clk. - T73-- n FOR LONDON, THE LEITH PACKET, - TR. IQj- J^ L John THOMSON Master, taking in goods at the birth in Leith har- bour, and will sail Thursday 21st inst. wind and weather serving. The ship has good accommodation for passengers. The Master to be spoke with at the Cross or Exchange Coffeehouse, at Change hours, mornings and evenings on board, or at Mrs Fraser's Queen Street, Leith. FOR SALE, A NEW VESSEL, Of 60 tons carpenters measure, with a fir bottom and oak cieling. For further particulars apply to Thomson and Normand shipbuilders, Dysart. The said vessel is all ready to launch. UNCLAIMED BALE OF LEATHER. LEITH, l6th May 1789. Notice is hereby given, that a bale of Leather came from London the 26th June 1788, marked with a diamond K Edinburgh, 0n board the Livingstone, Mac- kie master, and lodged in the warehouse of Pearson and Smellie, Queen Street, Leith; and as none have claimed it but Mess. George and Andrew Bartholomew in Linlith- gow, and as their invoice bears a different mark, it cannot be delivered to them. Intimation is therefore given to the public, that, if no perfon claims it within ten days from this date, it will be delivered to the above gentlemen, on paying the charges. To be SOLD by public roup, within the Old Exchange Coffeehouse, Edinburgh, on Wednesday the 20th of May current, at six o'clock afternoon, A Dwelling House of four Storeys, and Gar- rets, presently possessed by Mr Smollet, lying in that well- aired street called New Street, Canongate, with a most extensive view to the east ; consisting of dining room, drawing room, eight bed rooms, in neatly painted and papered ; a kitchen, seven closets, thirteen presses, three cellars, with a large back court paved, and pump well, a sunk area on the front, with a soft water pipe. For particulars, apply to Mr Euchan, writer to the sig- net, James's Court. HOUSE IN GEORGE STREET. To be LET, and entered to at Whitsunday, ALarge and elegant HOUSE in the west of George Street, consisting of three and four rooms on a floor, with double coach- house, stable, laundry, coach man's room, harness room, & c. & c. in the detached offices. On the first floor are lobby, eating room, back parlour, closet, and butler's pantry:— on the second, small an- tiroom, drawing room, second room or bed chamber, and dressing room ; above stairs, large nursery and closets, family bed chambers, with dressing room, and all conveniencies; and another small bed room and closets:— in the garret floor, independent of servants apartments, is a large room with a Venetian window, commanding a most beautiful view of the coast, which many families might prefer for a nursery:— on the ground floor, large kitchen and pantries, house keeper's room, store room, and servants hall. The principal rooms are upwards of 30 feet by 21. The stair and passages are all of stone. The house to be seen any day from one to three o'clock. Apply to Robert Trotter, Esq; writer to the signet. HOUSE IN ST ANDREW'S SQUARE. To he Sold by public roup, within the Old Exchange Coffeehoufe, Edinburgh, on Tuesday the 19th May cur- rent, between the hours of six and seven afternoon, THat House on the South Side of St An- drew's Square, No. 7. with a Coach- house, and Stable for three horses. The house is completely furnished, and the furniture will be sold along with the house, if pur- chaserS incline; and if not sold with thc house, the furni- ture will be sold by roup during the last week of May or first week of June. The house and furniture may be seen every day from twelve till two o'clock.— If the house is not sold, it will be let furnished. For further particulars, apply to John Tait, writer to the signet. Park Place. To be SOLD by public roup, within the Exchange coffee- house, Edinburgh, on Wednesday the 20th ot May cur- rent, betwixt the hours of one and two afternoon, THAT House, being the third story on the south side of the Scale Stairs, in the Old Assembly Close, consisting of a dining room, 23 fed by r6, four bed rooms, three bed closets, and kitchen ; and there are a gar- ret and cellar belonging to the lodging. It is insured in the Edinburgh Friendly Insurance Office, and the premium paid up, and will be sold either with or without the benefit of the insurance, as purchasers may in- cline. If sold without the Insurance, the upset price will be L. 215. The title- deeds and articles of roup will be seen in the hands of Hugh Corrie, writer to the signet, to whom any person wishing to purchase by private bargain may apply. HOUSES AND AREAS TO SOLD. By order of the Trustees for building a Bridge over the Cowgate, & c. to be Sold by public roup, within the Dean of Guild Court- houfe in Edinburgh, on Wednes- day the 20th of May, at five o'clock afternoon, TlIE Tenement fronting the high Street cf Edinburgh, at the head of Kinloch's Close, consisting of six stories; also thc ruinous Tenement 0n the west side of it, next to Niddry's Wynd, together with the whole Areas south thereof, and on the east side of Niddry's Wynd to St Cecilia's Hall, in such lots as purchasers shall incline. The purchasers will be hbund to make Niddry's Wynd thirty feet wide from the High Street to St Cecilia's Hall. There will also be sold, the Ruinous Tenement and A- rea fronting the Cowgate, and at the foot of Dickson's Close. The conditions of sale will be shown by John Gray, wri- ter to the signet. TO BE SOLD, By Private Bargain, THE Lands of CORSTORPHINEHILL, lying within two miles of Edinburgh. They consist of 77 acres or thereby, all inclosed, subdi- vided, and well watered. For particulars enquire of David Johnston at Corstor- phine, or Mr Laurence Inglis, writer in Edinhurgh. SALE OF LANDS, AND NOTICE TO THE Creditors of Robert Glasford yarn merchant, Durisdeer. To be SOLD by public roup, within the house of Adam Williamson, innkeeper in Durisdeer, on Monday the 8th June 1789, betwixt the hours of 2 and 3 afternoon, A LL and Whole the Sixteenth Part of the Church Lands of DURISDEER, lying in Rundale, with houses, biggings, yards, parts, pendicles, and perti- nents thereof, as the same are presently possessed by the said Robert Glassford and his tenants, lying within the parish of Durisdeer,- and sheriffdom of Dumfries. The creditors of the said Robert Glassford are desired by the trustees to meet in the house of the said Adam William- Ion on the said 8th day of June, at two o'clock afternoon, in order to fix the upset price of the said lands. SALE Of KENNETPANS DISTILLERY, By Adjournment At a Reduced Upset Price. To be SOLD by public auction, within the Royal Ex- change Coffeehouse, Edinburgh, on Wednesday the 20th of May 1789, at six o'clock afternoon, THE well known Dittiilery of KENNETPANS, including the Distillery utensils, with the Dwelling House Offices, Malting, and whole other buildings and grounds connected therewith, all lying in thc parish and county of Clackmannan. The sitUation of this Distillery is truly eligible, being on the banks of the river Forth, with thle advantage of a com- modious harbour close adjoining. . The work and offices are all in excellent order; and there are on the premises a complete steam engine, with two other mills for grinding of grain. There is likewise abundance of coal, wood, lime- stone, and free- stone in the neighbourhood, which, with many other local advantages, render the whole a most de- sirable purchase, For further particulars, apply to James Craig, merchant in Edinburgh, or to Robert Boswell, writer to the signet. SALE of LANDS in FIFE, With a Distillery. To be SOlD by public roup, within the Royal Ex- change Coffee house, Edinburgh, on Wednesday thc 20th day of May 1789, at twelve o'clock noon, thE LANDS of KINCAPLe and NEWTON or NY- DIE, belonging to Robert Stein of Kincaple, in one or in the following lots. LOT 1.-- Comprehending part of the LANds presently pos- sessed by Mr Low, consisting of 62 acres 1 rood. - LOT II.— Comprehending thc Distillery and Granaries, with the Dwelling- house and Offices, lately possessed by Ro- bert Stein, and about 108 acres of Ground, lying sdjacent; thereto, with the Superiority of the lands of Edenside, be- longing in property to Mr Martin of edenside. Lor III.—- Comprehending West Third and Longmuir, possessed by Mr Stein, and Bonfield possessed by Major Pa- ton, consisting of .247 acres 3 roods 18 falls or thereby. LOT IV.— Comprehending Wester Newton, possessed BY James Fleeming, and part of Longmuir, consisting of 74; acres or thereby. LOT V.— Comprehending Easter Newton, possessed by Mr Stein, and consisting of 11o acres or thereby. These lands will be exposed either in one lot cr two, or more of the lots will be joined, as shall be most agreeable to purchasers. These lands are beautifully situated on the banks of the river Eden.— There is every appearance of coal in the lands of Kincaple, and the proprietor of Newton has. right to a sal- mon fishing in the river Eden. The title- deeds and articles of sale may be seen in the hands of Alexander Abercromby, 0r John Taylor, writers to the signet, who will also show a plan of the lands, and a particular scheme of the lots, and will inform as to other particulars. A plan of thc lands will also be seen in the hands of Tho- mas George, merchant in Cupar. SALE OF LANDS IN THE COUNTY OF PERTH. • To be SOLD by public roup, within the Exchange Coffee- house, Edinburgh, upon Monday the 10th day of August 1789, betwixt the hours of five and fix afternoon, THE Lands of EASTER LEITFIE, the Mill - 1- thereof, and lands of PIKETILLUM. with the haill privileges and pertinents belonging to these subjects, all ly- ing in the parish of Alyth, and county of Perth, and which, according to a plan of them, extend to about two hundred and eighty- six acres. Upon the lands of Easter Leitsie there are office houses, a garden, and a mansion house, which, with very little ad- dition, might be made perfectly- suitable to the estate. The situation of these lands is remarkably pleasant, in a fine sporting country, and lie within two miles of Meigle and three of Cupar of Angus, in both of which places there are good markets. . Upon the whole, it may with justice be said of this e- state, that a more agreeable or more improveable subject of its extent is very seldom to be met with. The articles of roup and progress of writs are to be seen in the hands of Mr Fotheringham, writer, Frederick Street; to whom, or to Charies Hay. writer in Cupar of Angus, application may be made for further particulars. A plan of the estate is lodged with Mr Hay who will give directions for shewing the grounds. LAND IN THE SHIRE OF FORFAR TO BE SOLD, And entered to at Martinmas 1789. To be Sold by public roup, within the house of Mrs Dri- ver, vintner in Montrose, upon Friday the 31st of July 1789, betwixt the hours of four and five ill the after- noon, THE Lands and Estate of KEITHOCK, lying within the parish of Brechin, and sheriffdom of For- far, pleasantly situated within a mile of the town of Bre- chin, and six miles of Montrose, and consisting of about four hundred and fifty- two acres, whereof about 327 acres are arable and pasture, of an excellent soil, and in a high state of cultivation, having been for thirty years past in the natural possession of the proprietor, who was efteemed a good farmer. The grounds are are inclosed and subdivided, partly by stone dykes, and the rest by ditch and hedge and hedge rows of hard wood. A great part of the lands are in grass, laid down in the bed order. there is a good man- sion house and offices on the premifes, fit to accommodate a genteel family, with a large well stocked pigeon house, and a new steading of farm offices, with every sort of con- venience requisite. the policy round the house is neat in a thriving date ; a good garden, well stocked with fruit: trees, with a rivulet of water running through it. There is a den to the southward fronting the house, which is a great natural beauty, planted with the most valuable hard wood and other trees for ornament; and at the further end of thac den there is a fine fall of water, with a pond stocked with trout and other kinds of fish. There is about a hundred acres of this estate planted with Scots firs, part of which is about forty years old, and the rest from twenty to twen- ty- eight years old, which will soon be of great value to a purchaser, as there is little wood in the neighbourhood, aud lies so near the thriving manufacturing town of Bre- chin, where fuel is much wanted. This estate is situated on the great road from Perth to Aberdeen; lies in a fine sporting country abounding, with all sorts of game, and within a mile of the river Northesk, remarkable for fine salmon fishing, an- 1 tbe water of Cruik, plentifully stocked with all sorts of trout, runs along the north march of the lands. The lands hold of a subject for payment of a very small feu- duty. Part of the price may remain in the hands of the purchaser, on his granting proper security for the same. The progress of the writs and articles and conditions of the roup, with a plan and measurement of the grounds, may be seen in the hands of William Baillie, writer in Montrose ; and any person inclining to purchase may apply to James Anderson gardener, or James Valentine overseer. on the Mains of Keithock, who will show the grounds, and give every necessary information thereanent. ' ( AN ESTATE IN CAITHNESS. To be Sold by public roup, under the authority of a war- rant from the Lords of Council and Session, within the Old Exchange Coffeehouse, Edinburgh, upon Friday the 19th day of June 1789, betwixt the hours of six and seven afternoon, THE Lands and Estate of SWINZIE, which belonged to the deceased JOHN SUTHERLAND, Esq. of Swinzie, lying in the parish of Latheron, and county of Caithness. This Estate is' pleasantly situated on the Moray Firth, having a south exposure. It commands a pleasant view of the neighbouring counties of Ross, Nairn, Moray, and Banff, 011 the opposite side of the Firth ; and is well cal culated for carrying on the fishery with, great advantage, having a track of sea coast upon it, and many fishing banks at short distances. The Lands are of excellent quality, and great extent, containing the proper proportions of arable and padure grounds, and are capable of much improvement at a mo- derate expence, the means thereof being amply suppiied within the lands themselves. The Estate holds blench of the Crown, and affords a qualification to vote in the election of a Member of Par- liament for the county ; and there is a handsome mansion- house, on the premises, built about 25 years ago, most a- greeably situated, within half a mile of the shore, and fit to accommodate a genteel family. The progress of writs, rental, and conditions of sale, wiil be shown by James Horne, writer to the signet. who, or Captain Patrick Sinclair of the Royal Navy, No. 1, Great Suffolk- street, London, will give any further infor- mation that may be wanted, and, in the mean time, treat for a private sale. EDINBURGH: Printed by DAVID RAMSAY, OLD FISH- MARKET CLOSE, where Advertisements, & c. are taken in. This Paper is regularly published every Monday, Thursday, and Saturday.— Price, a single paper, 3d.— 1 /. 1 js. 6d. yearly, when called for— 3/. £ 5* 6d. delivered in any part of Edinburgh or Leith— and 2/. 61. 6 d. when sent by Post.
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