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Kentish Gazette


Printer / Publisher: Simmons and Kirkby 
Volume Number:     Issue Number: 2169
No Pages: 4
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Kentish Gazette
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Kentish Gazette

Date of Article: 14/04/1789
Printer / Publisher: Simmons and Kirkby 
Address: St. George's Street, Canterbury
Volume Number:     Issue Number: 2169
No Pages: 4
Sourced from Dealer? No
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[ Number 2169 St. GEORGE'S DAY, THURSDAY, April 23, 1789. To be SOLD, SEVERAL WELCH HEIFERS in Calf, three Years old, and near ready to calve. Enquire of Mr. PACK, at Olantigh. In a GENTLEMAN'S FAMILY, ACHAMBER- MAID, who can have a good Character from her last Place. Apply for Information to the Printers of this Paper. " Custom- house, Dover, March 24, 1789. WHEREAS in the Night of the 1st or 2d of this instant March a WAREHOUSE, hired by the Honourable the Commissioners of his Majesty's Cuftoms for de- positing seized Liquors at this Port, situated at the New Buildings over the Wall at the Pier in this Town, WAS robbed of a great Quantity of Brandy and Geneva, which was drawn off out of sundry Half Anchors by Persons unknown ; the Commissioners of his Majesty's Customs do hereby offer a Reward of TEN POUNDS for the Discovery and apprehending any one or more of the Offenders, to be paid upon his or their Conviction. Gentlemen subscribing ONE GUINEA, to have three Tickets to admit themselves and two Ladies, or HALF- A- GUINEA to have one Tickct to admit either themselves or a Lady. Subscriptions received by Flackton, Marrable and Claris Simmons and Kirkby— and W. Bristow, Booksellers, Canterbury. POST- HORSE DUTY. WHEREAS it is become a common Practice with the Postmasters and others, letting Horses to hire to travel Post, to issue Tickets for two or more Days, without inserting thereon the Name and Place of Abode of the Hirer, the Number of Days for which the Horses are actually hired, and the Day on which the Ticket was issued with such Horses, contrary to the Act of Parliament made in the 25th Year of his present Majesty's Reign, whereby the Traveller is subjected to the Pay- ment of is. 9d. for each Horse at every Turnpike he passes through, and great frauds are committed to the Injury of the Re- venue : The Farmer of the Post Horse Duty for the Counties of Kent and Sussex therefore gives Notice to all Post- masters and others within his District, that unless they strictly conform to the said Act of Parliament, by filling up their Post Horse Tickets, and regularly entering them in their Stamp office Weekly Accounts on the Day they issue them, as directed by the said Act, they will be prosecuted in his Majesty's Court of Exchequer, without further Notice. SATURDAY, April 11. LONDON. * THE Baronets of Great Britain pro- pose to convene another general meeting before the dissolution of Parliament ; their object is to pe- tition Majesty to grant them the privilege of wearing some ex- terior decoration ; for as they are at present situated, they have nothing to distinguish them ( who are most of them of the most ancient fa- mines in the KIngdom) from simple Knights. It is a certain fact, that the famous pedestrian Powell sets out for York before the 15th of June next. Incredible as it may appear, he has under- taken to do it in five days! The odds run three to one against him. WANTED IMMEDIATELY, FOUR JOURNEYMEN CARPENTERS. Apply to Mr JOHN PAGE, Carpenter, Barham. WANTS a Situation, as an APPRENTICE to a GROCER, in any Part of Kent, except Canterbury, A YOUNG GENTLEMAN, sixteen or seventeen Years ot Age, who wishes to bind himself for the Term of four or five Years at farthest. Any Person in that Line of Business, who may wish to engage an Apprentice on those Conditions, is requested to apply for Par- ticulars to the Printers of this Paper. DOVER ELECTION. Committee for defraying the Expences on Part of C. S. PYBUS, Esq; at the late Election, having discharged all Bills, on his Account, which have come within their Knowledge, request that, if any should still remain undelivered, they may be sent in as soon as possible to Mess. FECTOR and MINET, at Dover, for Payment. DOVER, April 9, 1789. STOLEN, From Seasalter Marshes, near Whitstable, out of the Land be- , longing to W. GindeR, of Canterbury, Kent, on THURSDAY Evening or FRIDAY Morning, the 3d or 4th of April, 1789, ABAY MARE, about fourteen Hands and two Inches high, coming four Years old, with a Star and Slip in her Forehead. Whoever will give Information to Mr. WILLIAM GINDER. of Canterbury, fo that she may be recovered, shall receive Two GUINEAS Reward, by me, WM. GINDER. BEAUTIES of BRITISH POETRY. This Day is published, Price ONE SHILLING AND SIXPENCE in Boards, or Two SHILLINGS bound, THE BEE— A Selection of Poetical Flowers from the most approved Authors. Comprising in a neat Pocket Volume, neatly printed on fine Paper, The BE AUTIES of BRITISH POETRY. London : Printed for and by W. CHALKLEN, NO. 49, Gracc- church Street. Simmons and Kirkby, Canterbury, & c. t- - hereunto subscribed, Justices of the Peace in and for the County of Kent, acting for the hundred of Blackheath, do hereby certify to the freeholders of the said County, that we well know THOMAS PAKKER of Lewisham, Attorney at Law, to be a Man of unimpeached Credit, Reputation, and Industry, with a large Fa- mily of Ten Child: en, and beg Leave to recommend him to the Protection and Support of the Freeholders of the County of Kent, as a proper Person to succeed to the present Vacancy of CorONER. Dated this 6th Day of April, 1789. J. POWNALL, J. RUSSELL, RICH. HULSE, T. BRETT. Examined with the Original, R. EDMONDS. GENTLEMEN, CLERGY, & FREEHOLDERS of THE COUNTY of KENT. GENTLEMEN, The DEATH of Mr. JOHN KIRBY, of GREENWICH, your late CORONER, having occasioned a VACANCY of One, in the Four chosen for this very respectable Ca^ Y the Westernmost part thereof, permit me, with the gr.. - rence, to tender you my Services and solicit your Votes to succeed that Gentleman. Should I be so fortunate, it sHall be my Study to justify such Choice by an unremitting Exertion in the Duties of that office.— My long Residence in lEWISHAM, and Conduct there, will, I trust, warrant me in saying, without Presumption, that all who know me, will vouch my honest Endeavours to protect and provide for a Wife and Family of TEN Children, and that my Principles, as well pro. fessionally as otherwise, have been approved by them. Your generous Countenance on this Occasion, will ever be acknow- ledged with Gratitude by my NUMEROUS Family, and more particularly by, GENTLEMEN, Your very devoted Servant, THOMAS PARKER, Attorney at Law. LEwisHAM, March 27, 1789. To the FREEHOLDERS of the County of KENT. GENTLEMEN, THE very great Success which I have been ho- noured with in my Canvas, gives me every Reason to be- lieve my Election to the Office of Coroner certain.— My best Thanks are due t0 three Candidates for the handsome Manner in which they declined the Contest, and trust the fourth will soon see the Propriety of following their Example. The gross Insult offered by Mr. WILLIAMS will meet its own Reward.— He has deferred his MAIDSTONE Friends, who honoured him with Election, as a Mark of GRATITUDE to them, and as an Instance of RESPECT to the Westernmost Part of the County, obtrudes upon the Vicinity of BLACKHEATH, and without Consent creates himself their Coroner, by which be compleatly dispossesses every Freeholder there, of his inherent Right of Election There is a Mystery, Gentlemen, in this, which neither he nor HIS FRIEND, my Opponent, will explain.— It is a disgraceful Trick, which every honest Man will treat with Contempt and punish That one Man will boldly attempt to deprive a respectable Body of Freeholders of their Right, and another, of independent Fortune, oppose a third, because that third has to maintain a Wife with ten children and an increase annually, betrays Principles which Cannot escape the Observation and Resentment of the virtuous freeholders of Kent.— To your Countenance, honoured Friends, if commit myself, and through your free Suffrages look up with surest Hopes of Success.— To return Mr. WILLIAMS to Maid- stone will be no Injury to him; he will be as WELL RECEIVED there, as he was BELOVED before Desertion. Permit me earnestly to entreat the Continuance of your Exertions in my Behalf, and to assure you that the Obligation shall never cease but with Life, and after Death hope my Children will reverence and be grateful to the Friends of their Father, by whose liberal and disinterested Patronage he was enabled to protect and rear them. LEWISHAM, Your devoted Servant, 3d April, 1789. THOMAS PARKER NOTICE. ALL Persons who stood indebted to Mr. CULVER TAMBS, late of Sandwich, deceased, at the Time of his Death, are hereby required to pay their respective Debts to Mrs. SUSANNA TAMBS, of Sandwich aforesaid, Widow and Ad- ministratrix of the said deceased, within one Month from the Date hereof, or they will be sued for the same without further Notice. And all Perfons who had any Demands on the said Mr. CULVER TAMBS, at the Time of his Decease, are requested to transmit an Account thereof to the said SUSANNA TAMBS, in Order that the same may be discharged Dated the 13th Day of April, 1789. SACRILEGE. SOMETIME between THURSDAY and SUNDAY last, the Parish Church of CHARTHAM was broke open by taking out two Iron Bars from a lower Window, and robbed of the Pulpit Cloth, Surplice, and the Cloth which covered the Communion Table. Whoever will give Information of the Person or Persons, who were guilty of the Felony, so as they may be profecuted to Con- viction, shall receive TEN GUINEAS Reward, by DANIEL SUTTON JOHN FOX Churchwardens. 1 April 9, 1789. WHEREAS the Parish Churches of Boughton Blean and Hearnhill, Kent, were both broken into on MoNDAy Night, April the 6th, or early on TueSDAY Morning, and the following Articles were stolen, viz. From Boughton Church— One Surplice; a Crimson Cloth, fringed, for the Communion Table; a Ditto, for the Pulpit, and another for the Desk. From Hearnhill Church— One Surplice. A Reward is hereby offered of TEN GUINEAS to any Person or Persons who will discover the Offender or Offenders who robbed both Churches, or of FIVE GUINEAS for either Church, to be paid ( on Conviction of the Offender or Offenders) by the Church- wardens of the respective Parishes. THOMAS CARTER, 7 Churchwardens of THOMAS SAYERS, J Bougton. Blean. JAMES CHATBOURNE, J Churchwardens of WILLIAM WILLIS, Hearnhill. POLIANTHUS FEASTS. NOTICE is hereby Given, tHAT there will be a POLIANTHUS FEAST at Mr. WILLIAM HARRISON'S, at the OLD BELL INN, Sandwich, on WednEDAY, this 22d of April instant A LIANTHUS FEAST at Mr. THOMAS DOORNE'S, at the FLYING HORSE INN, Dover. A And on THURSDAY, the 7th of May, there will be a POLIANTHUS FEAST, at Mr. JOHN PAIN'S, at the ROCKINGHAM ARMS INN, Waldershare. At the above feasts the Prizes will be as follows : The First Prise - - , fo it o The Second Ditto - • 090 The Third Ditto - - 076 And the Fourth Ditto - 050 Dinner on the Table at Half past One o'Clock each Day. To the GENTLEMEN, CLERGY & FREEHOLDERS of the County of KENT. GENTLEMEN, AS the Election of CORONER is fixed for Friday the 24th of this Instant April, I again take the Liberty earnestly to solicit your Suffrages on that Occasion ; and if in the Course of my Canvass, I have omitted waiting personally on any Freeholder, I trust it will not be imputed to Disrespect or Inatten- tion, but to the Impossibility of immediately compleating such ar extensive Canvass. I remain, with great Respect, Gentlemen, St. Margaret's Bank, Your most obliged Servant, next Rochefter, J. SIMMONS April 13th, 1789. J FAVERSHAM PAVING- BILL, April 11, 1789. NOTICE. CERTAIN Doubts having arisen whether, not- withstanding the Resolution published in the Kentish Ga- zette by the Chairman of the Faversham Meeting, stating, that the intended Tax upon Coals should be withdrawn from the Fa- versham Paving Bill, any Steps have been really taken in Parlia- ment for the above purpose— a General Meeting is hereby called for the Intent of receiving such Information as the Chairman may have in his Power to lay before the Meeting upon the Sub- ject, and to take into their Consideration such other Matters as may render effectual a Parliamentary Resistance of any Oppresion which may be incidental to such Paving Bill. For this Purpose a Meeting is desired to be holden, at the SWAN, at Charing, on FRIDAY the 17th Day of this instant Month, at Eleven o'Clock in the Forenoon. EDMUND MARSHALL, Chairman of the General Meeting. KEER CORBYN, TAYLOR and HABIT- MAKER, ( From Mr. CORBYN'S, No. 35, Southampton Street, London) At ASHFORD, KENT, MAKES all Kinds of CLOTHES for Gentlemen and RIDING- DRESSES for Ladies. Begs Leave to inform the Public, that four Months ago he agreed to take the business, at Lady- day, of Mr. JOHN SWEENEY, ( late Mr. CosTEKER) and that the said SWEENEY was to go round with him to all his Customers to solicit a Conti- nuance of their Favours, and to stay and work with him, but,,* upon his coming down to take the Business, found he had left Ashford ; therefore takes this Method of soliciting the favours of Mr. SWEENEY'S Customers, and the Public in general. His having a Brother, who is Foreman and Cutter, and has been for these seven Years to one of the first Master Taylors in London, who has engaged to furnish him with every new Fashion, once a Month, will enable him to continue making all Kinds of Dresses in the most fashionable Manner. It being his Intention not to keep any Kind of Goods of his own, he is determined to take up as little of every Article as possible, and to do his utmost to please, by which he hopes to receive a Share of the Favours of the Public, which he will ever gratefully acknowledge. COALS. NOW selling, by Mr. JOSEPH MANTLE, at Fordwich, A QUANTITY of COALS, of the very best Quality, at 28s. per Chaldron. Delivered at Canterbury at 31s. per Chaldron. The Public may depend on a Stock of the very best Coals being kept constantly on Sale at the very lowest Prices. FOUR HUNDRED POUNDS wanted on Mortgage. APerson who is a Proprietor of two entire new Messuages, situate in this County, and which let at the nett Rent of 31I. per Annum, wishes to borrow the above Sum by Mortgage, at 5I. per Cent. Letters addressed ( post- paid) to Mess. SIMMONS and KIRKBY, Canterbury, will be attended to. WANTED to RENT, AModern genteel HOUSE, in the Isle of Thanet. If near to Ramsgate the more agreeable, with a Coach, house, Stabling for two or three Horses, a good Garden, with a Meadow Field or two contiguous. Any Person, having such to let, are desired to send Particulars to LAUNCELOT OLIPHANT, Esq No. 15, Queen Ann Street West, Cavendish Square, London. To be SOLD, Now lying in RAMSGATE HARBOUR, AYAWL, with all her Materials, Trawls, Dredges, Warps, in good Repair, now fit for Sea, about six Years old, with a Spar Deck, 27 Feet Keel, 10 Feet broad, near six Feet deep. To be spoke with at his own House, or at the ROYAL OAK, Ramsgate, MICHAEL SCOATS, Master. To be SOLD immediately by Private Contract, ALL that FREEHOLD MESSUAGE or TE- NEMENT, with Outhouses and Appurtenances there- unto belonging j situate, lying and being at the West End of the Town in Hythe ; an old- accustomed Shop of the late John Elgar, Sadler, deceased. N. B. The Stock in Trade to be taken by fair Appraisement. For further Particulars apply to JOSEPH ELGAR, Sadler, Folkstone, or JOHN PAGE, Salesman, Dover, or at the aforesaid Shop. To be SOLD by PRIVATE CONTRACT, THREE modern- built FREEHOLD MES- SUAGES adjoining each other, and two COCKLE OASTS and STOWAGES, with the Outhouses, Yard and Ap- purtenances thereunto belonging, situate in tha Parish of Saint Dunstan, near the City of Canterbury, in the County of Kent, and now or late in the several Occupations of Henry Mathews, Catherine Brown, Widow, Emanuel Jacob, and Thomas Cla- ringbold. For Particulars enquire of Mr. HAMMOND, Attorney, at Canterbury. To be SOLD by AUCTION, On FRIDAY the first Day of May next, about Three o'Clock, in the Afternoon, at the Sign of the tHREE CROWNS at Wingham, ( unless sold before by Private Containing by Estimation 15 A. 2R. 2P. more or less, lying in the said Parish of Goodnestone, and now in the Occupation of Mr. Richard Laslett, Tenant at Will. For Particulars apply to Mr. CANNON, Attorney at Law, at Deal. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By RICHARD STAINES, On the Premises, THURSDAY, the 16th of April, 1789, PART of the HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE of Mr. ALDERMAN ELWYN, deceased, Saint Margaret's Street, Canterbury : Comprising the Furniture of a Drawing Room complete; a Mahogany Wardrobe; a Double Chest of Drawers; a Set of Dining Tables, with Circular Ends; Mahogany Chairs, some Kitchen Furniture and Brewing Utensils. The Goods to be viewed the Morning on the Day of Sale, which will begin at Half after Ten o'Clock. Catalogues may be then had at the Auctoneer's, High Street, Canterbury. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By JOHN BATTEN, On THURSDAY, the 30th of April, 1789, Between the Hours of Four and Six o'Clock in the Evening, at the WATERMAN'S ARMS, in the City of Rochester, ( If not disposed of by Private Contract, of which timely Notice will be given) THE ENDEAVOUR HOY, lately undergone a complete Repair; Burthen about seventy Tons, more or less, with all her Materials, tec. kc. And a LARGE BOAT, now lying along side the Gun Wharf, Chatham. For further Particulars enquire of Mr. AKID, at the Office Ordnance, Chatham ; or at JOHN BATTEN'S, Upholder, & c. on St. Margaret's Bank, Rochester. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By JOHN BAKER, At the Sign of the MONUMENT, near the Church, in the Parish of Whitstable, in the County of Kent, on THURSDAY, the 16th Day of this instant April, between the Hours of Three and Four o'Clock in the Afternoon ( unless previously sold, of which public Notice will be given) SEVERAL FREEHOLD MESSUAGES or TENEMENTS, with the Buildings, Gardens, and about two Acres, more or less, of Pasture Land to the same belonging, situate and being at or near Church Street, in the Parish of Whit- stable, in the County of Kent, now in the Occupation of Wm. Williams and others, late the Estate of Mr. Thomas Shilling, deceased. For farther Particulars apply to Mr. JOHN SANDERS, at Whitstable, who will shew the Premifes, or to Mr. C. R. BUNCE, Attorney at Law, in Canterbury. NOTICE. WHEREAS on the 4th March last, as THOMAS CHAPMAN, a deputed Mariner, belonging to the Tar- tar Cutter at the Port of Dover, was cruising along the Shore in a six- oared Galley, he fell in with, and seized near the Harbour of Rye, in the County of Sussex, a Lugsail Boat, laden with foreign Spirits, ani immediately afterwards he discovered another Lugsail Vessel standing in for the Shore, on which he sent five of his Men in the Tartar':, Boat to feize her, who on boarding found a great Number of Half Ankers of Gin and Brandy, when the Crew of the Smuggler fell upon them, and with Oars, Boat- hooks, Pump- breaks and other Weapons, beat them in a barbarous Manner, in which Affray, STEPHEN GOWLAND, one of the said Mari- ners had his Skull fractured and was otherwise so much wounded, that he languished until the 3th Ultimo and then died. The Commissioners of His Majesty's Customs therefore, do hereby promise a Reward of ONE HUNDRED POUNDS, to any Person or Persons who shall discover and apprehend, or cause to be discovered and apprehended, any one or more of the said Of- fenders, to be paid by the Receiver- General ot His Majesty's Customs upon Conviction. CUSTOM- HOUSE, DOver, April 1st, 1789. A SUBSCRIPTION BALL A t Mrs. WHITFIELD'S ROOMS, CANTERBURY, On the Happy Recovery of the KING. THE NOTED HIGH- BRED BAY HORSE, HOPE, Will Cover this Season, 1789, at Two Guineas a Mare, ani Five Shillings the Groom. HOPE was got by King Herod; who is the Sire of Highflyer, who is the Sire of Rockingham, who was the fastest Horse in England; his Dam by Mask, who was the Sire of Eclipse, Grandam by Bajazet, Great Grandam by Bartlet's Childers. HOPE is upwards of fifteen Hands high, he is very sound and healthy, and free from all Blemishes, and has been very success- ful in getting Foals, which are large, boney, and fine shaped. HOPE will be at Mr. John Collington's, at Badlesmere Lees, on Monday the 20th of April, and continue till the Monday fol. lowing, from thence to the Star Inn at Chatham Hill, where he will be till the Monday following, when he will return to Badles- mere Lees; he will continue the same during the Season. Good Grass for Mares, and proper Care taken of them at both Places, at Two Shillings per Week. THE beautiful dark Brown Horse FLYING JIBB will cover this Season, 1789, at Mr. Thomas GARDNER'S, at StaplE, eight Miles. from Canterbury, ( Groom to the late Right Hon. Sir Wm. LYNCH) at TWO GUINEAS a mare, and 2s. 6d the Groom. He was late tbe Property of the Hon. Captain Bertie, got by Old Mask, the King of Horses; Sire of Captain O'Kelly's. eclipse, Shark. Pretender- second, Son ot Flying Childers. Maria won the Hamilton Guineas, when 13 started. She was also the Dam of Mr. Yates's David, and Mr. Stacie's Dart. Second's Dam was the Dam of Black Legs, and Old Snip, by Basto. From the Blood that centers in JIBB, his beautiful Colour, Bone and Form, he is deemed equal, if not superior, to any Stal- lion ( Eclipse being dead) in England, being out of a far better Mare than Eclipse's Dam. JIBB covered in 1786 and 1787, in Kent, and is a sure Foal- getter, and which are uncommonly beautiful and boney. For JIBB's Performance, as a Racer, see tbe Sporting Ca- lendars. Good Grass, Hay, and Corn for Mares, with great Care. FLYING JIBB will be at Mr. PEARSON'S, at the STAR, Canterbury, the 25th of April, and every SATURDAY during the Season. Money to be paid at the Time of Covering and before they are taken away. Mares at THREE SHILLINGS per Week. This Day is published, Price 6d. THE REPLICATION ; or, a Familiar Address to Mr. WILLIAM FREND, of jesus College, Cambridge, presenting him with the proofs required in his Public Challenge. In Three Important Considerations: I. Proving Christ to be God equal with the Father. II. The Proof for Precepts and Examples for worshipping the same. III. The Affinity and Tendency of Socinianism to Mahome- tanism : with the Names of noted Socinians who have left the one for the other. Earnestly contend for the Faith, once delivered to the Saints:— Jude iii. By GEORGE TOWNSEND, Of RAMSGATE. Printed and sold by Simmons and Kirkby. Sold also by Burgess, Ramsgate; Hall, Margate; Ledger, Dover; Gillman, Rochester; aud all the Booksellers in Kent. Matthews, Strand; Pitcher, No. 44, Barbican, London; and the Rev. J. Townsend, Rotherhithe. Where may be had, by the same Author, Price 6d. A Testimony for Truth, in a brief Vindication of the Divinity of Christ, and a Trinity in Unity, denied in the Rev. Mr. FREND'S Address to the Citizens of Canterbury. Also, A Word of Caution and Advice against the Socinian Poison of WILLIAM FrEND, Price 2d. POSTMASTERS. At a Meeting of the Postmasters - of the Western Part of the County of Kent and Eastern Part of the Comity of Sussex, and holden al the ROSE ANB CROWN INN in Tonbridge Town, on MONDAY the 30th Day of Match, 1789, pursuant to Notice given in the Kentish Gazette and Maidstone Journal, Rrfolved, THAT it is the opinion of this Meeting, that the Post Horse Tax is not a burthensome or improper Tax, neither do the Postmasters object to the Collection of it; but the Mode adopted by the Farmers, to enforce the Penalties supposed to be incurred by the Postmasters for Errors, Omissions, or Mis- takes by them made, without any Design to defraud the Farmers ( and though the Duty is actually paid) to Commit which, from the Nature of the Tax itself, it is next to an impossibility to avoid. That as the Act of the 27th George 3d for letting the Post Horse Tax provides, that the Contract with the Farmers shall be void on any Resolution of the House of Commons, on giving six Months Notice to the Farmers ; an Application be made to Par- liament for Redress, and praying, that the Contract with the Farmers of the Tax in Kent and Sussex may be avoided, and the Duties not again let to farm, but collected in any other Way they shall think proper. That the Postmasters, wishing to attend or assist for this Pur- pose, give Notice thereof to Mr. CROWTHER, Attorney at Law, Sevenoaks, or Mr. BOWDLER, Attorney at Law, Tonbridge, the Solicitors for the said Postmasters. And these Resolutions be printed in the Kentish Gazette and Maidstone Journal, and two or more of the London Papers. To the MAGISTRATES of the WESTERN DIVISION of KENT. Publica Salus mea Merces. GENTLEMEN, THE death of your Coroner induces me to say a few words to YOU inparticular concerning a successor : and as I write from PUBLIC motives, upon a subject of a public nature, I take this method of appealing to the good sense and spirit of the Justices acting for the Westen division, and not to the passions and partiality of any individual or body of men. The choice of a Coroner is undoubtedly in the Free- holders, who are too often biassed by the Lord Lieutenant, but who ought to be more influenced by the Magistrates of the Division, as they are certainly the best judges of local circumstances, and of the merits of the candidates in their jurisdiction. And since it particularly concerns the Justices to have a person properly qualified to fill the office of Coro- ner, I am confident that you, Gentlemen, will, upon the present occasion, exert the weight of your interest for the choice of such a person as shall be a credit to the Western Division of the County of Kent. That attornies are frequently chosen, I admit, but that it is absolutely necessary to choose a lawyer, I deny. Gen- tlemen who are not bred to the law, have talents and PRIN- CIPLES quite as good as an attorney. On the death of Mr. Kirby, some professional men did offer their services to the County, to which they received an unexpected check by the extraordinary conduct of Mr. Williams, of Maidstone, who has thought proper, for his own convenience and advantage, to remove to the neigh- bourhood of Greenwich, exchanging his situation as Co- roner, without possessing any right, whereby he has deprived the Freeholders of their right to the choice of a successor to the late Mr. Kirby and the Justices of the Western Division of an opportunity of seeing a proper person chosen to suc- ceed him. I respectfully contend, that the Coroners are STATION- ARY, and not authorised to exchange their situation without being publickly appointed by the Freeholders. In order, therefore, that the conduct of Mr. Williams may not be established as a precedent injurious to the right of the con- stituent body, and to the authority of the Magistrates of Kent, I call upon the Freeholders to maintain their right to the choice of a Coroner upon EVERY vacancy, and upon the Justices of the Western Division, to use their influence to secure that right, by condemning the unauthorised trans- lation of Mr. Williams, and proceeding to the choice of a successor to the late Mr. Kirby. I am, Gentlemen, with great consideration, Your most faithful servant, HONESTUS. GREENWICH, 8th April 1789. To the Worthy, Independent, and Unprejudiced, FREEHOLDERS of the County of Kent. GENTLEMEN, FROM the first moment, that the friends of Mr. Simmons advised him to become a candidate for the present vacancy, they determined to carry on the canvas with the greatest moderation and temper. How far they have hitherto acted up to that resolution is Submitted to your observation and discernment. They beg leave, how- ever, to remind you of the REASONS which they gave for Supporting that Gentleman : and hope you will consider them such, as every friend to the county must acknowledge to be just. They neither call unfair reflections upon Mr. Parker, or made any mean attempts to prejudice your voices against him, by illiberal invectives, or insinuations con- trary to truth ; as the public good was their Sole aim, they Encouraged and Supported Mr. Simmons from a con- viction, that he was in eveiy respect the most eligible perSon on the preSent occasion. Such, Gentlemen, were the candid measures which they adopted on their first outSet in this busineSs, and Such the Sentiments which they meant to carry with them to the day of decision to the last hour of the poll. Judge then, what must be their Surprize on reading a letter addressed to you from Mr. Parker, too desplicable for animadversion, that it contained untruths too serious to the character of Mr. Simmons to be passed over unnoticed. COMPELLED there- fore by So illiberal and Scurrilous attack of Mr. P---, they find them- selves under the necessity of laying before you the true state of the bufineSs, least the artifice or ignorance of Mr. Parker should attribute that silence, which could proceed only from contempt, into a confession of the truth . of his assertions.— Permit them then, in the most Solemn manner, to pledge their honours as men, that from the first moment of the preSent bufineSs, to this hour, Mr. Simmons has neither directly, nor indirectly, had the least conver- sation or concern with Mr. Williams, relative to his removal from Maidstone. It was, as he himself publickly declares, entirely his own step, and undertaken by the advice of his best friends. Nor is there any thing So MYSTERIOUS in the matter, as Mr. Parker inSinuates. Situated as Mr. W. was, with a family nearly as numerous as Mr. Parker's, and an income by no means equal to his, was it unnatural to SuppoSe he would be happy in removing to a place, where the profits of his office were more than trebly increaSed ? Had he not the example of the last Co- roner, Mr. Kirby, as a precedent for his removal; and will any sensible and considerate man deny the legality or propriety of the act ? Will Mr. P. himself seriously attempt to diSpute it ? Nay, does not Mr. Mitchell, in his hand- some address to you, of the 30th of March, wherein he declines the contest, admit the right of Mr. W. to adopt such situation as best Suited his convenience ? Where then is the " MYSTERY, the DISGRACEFUL TRICK," as Mr. P. is pleased to term it ?— which he asserts neither Mr. W. or Mr. Simmons can explain, and which he calls upon every honest man to " treat with contempt and punish." Surely, Gentlemen, you will not Suffer your understandings to be in sulted by Such a shallow artifice as this ?-- you will not Sub- mit to be duped by an insinuation, which is founded IN UNTRUTH !-- you will not permit that man, who could be mean enough to make uSe of Such a paltry Subterfuge, to disgrace the most ancient and respectable office in the county !-- a man, who, at the very time he is endeavouring to impoSe upon your feelings by a FALSE , pitiful plea of POVERTY and a large family, attempts to undermine and ruin a worthy individual, who has had the honour of being ( what we hope for the sake of the county at large Mr. Parker never will be at least on this occasion) the object of your suffrages ; and who has a family nearly as numerous as his own, without a tenth part of the means of Supporting them, that the extensive practice, which Mr. P. informs you he possesses, must afford him for that purpose. Surely, Gen- tlemen, I repeat, you have too high a respect for this important and honourable office, to Suffer it to fall into the hands of a man, who PROVES himself UNWORTHY of the charge, hy the despicable means that he makes use of to obtain it-- " That one man" ( says this VIRTUOUS, MODEST Gen- tleman) will boldiy attempt to DEPRIVE a respectable body of Freeholders of THEIR RIGHT, and another of INDEPENDENT FORTUNE oppose a third, because that third has to maintain a wife with ten children, and an IN- CREASE ANNUALLY, betrays principles, which- cannot escape the observation and resentment of the virtuous Free- holders of Kent." Here is another string of assertions, equally untrue as the former. Did Mr. Simmons oppose Mr. Parker ? No--- Look at his address to you on the subject BEFORE the name of Mr. Parke was announced ward as a candidate. The only persons, who stood for- at first, were Mr. Munn, Mr. Mitchell, and Mr. Moore, all of whom, upon the removal of Mr. Williams, and upon Mr. Simmons's canvas, immediately declined the Contest in favour of the latter— and THEN Mr. Parker starts up : So that, instead of Mr. Simmons's opposing Mr. P. the fact is directly the reverse— and yet he has the arrogance and effrontery to Say, " that his thanks are due to the three candidates for the handsome manner in which they declined the contest, and trusts the fourth will Soon See the propriety of following their examples." As to poor Mr. Williams, whole greatest crime appears to be an honest endeavour to provide for his numerous family,--- he is to be made a butt for the exercise of Mr. P's illiberal and unmanly reflection. Becaufe it answers the purpoSes of Mr. P. to persuade the Freeholders into a belief that there is some Collusion be- tween him and Mr. Simmons on the preSent occasion. He ( a Single individual) is to be charged with boldly at- tempting to " Deprive the Freeholders of their Right."—- But, Gentlemen, it is hoped you will remember, that it is only a Charge, unsupported by Facts.— If Mr. P. can prove the Collusion, why does he not step forward '--- The Friends of Mr. Simmons DEFY him to produce a single circumstance in support of his assertion. But what is there, in short, which a desperate man, who cares not how much he Sacrifices to truth, will not do to forward his designs ? Mr. Parker is pleased to be pleasant with Mr. Simmons by holding him forth as a Gentleman of INDEPENDENT FORTUNE— that he possesses sufficient to Support the dignity of the office he is now Soliciting is most certainly true. But then it must be considered, that he is alSo married, and has a family of five children : though we must confeSs we are incompetent to judge, whether they will ever be increaSed to the number upon which Mr. P. So PATHETICALLY touches ; as he has already got the START of him by Such ODDS, and has promised his UNREMITTING ENDEAVOURS to increase them ANNUALLY. Certain of success, Mr. Parker tells you, that he means to DRIVE Mr. Williams back to Maidstone : and Says " it will be n0 injury to him : he will be well RECEIVED there, as he was BELOVED before DESERTION." To a man of as apparently callous feelings as Mr, Parker, such a circumstance might perhaps give no pain; but to Mr. Williams, as an old Coroner, as a man universally known and reSpected throughout the county, the diSgrace must be felt in a manner, too shocking for the reflections of a feel- ing mind ; it must give a stab to his bosom, which none but men of Mr. Parker's description, could reflect on with- out the most poignant concern. How far Mr. Williams can be considered in any reSpect as unfriendly to Mr. P. we are not able to determine; but we think that we run no risk in asserting, that the coolest malice, the most vindictive re- venge, or the most implacable enmity, could not have ut- tered a more inSulting, a more ungenerous, a more cutting SarcaSm ! And are not the very hopes of a man, openly avowing Such detestable sentiments, a satire upon the Free- holders at large ?" Can it be Supposed, that THEY will shew themselves the Supporters of Such a character. The very supposition is an insult! April 9, 1789. NUMBERS. * Mr. P. on his marriage with his preSent wife received with her a handsome fortune. REASONS Why Mr. J. Simmons, of St. Margaret's Bank, next Rochelier, should be chosen one of the Coroners for the County of Kent. ^ BECAUSE Mr. Simmons resides in that part of Kent from whence Mr, Williams has removed to Succeed Mr. Kirby. 2. Because two Coroners for so extensive a county should not live in the same neighbourhood. 3. Because Mr. Simmons's Situation is centrical, and the county will Save great annual expence by electing him. 4. BecauSe it will be more convenient for the inhabitants to have a Coroner within the distance of a few miles, than to be obliged to Send thirty or forty miles to procure one. REASONS Why Mr. Williams had a right to remove from Maidstone to Greenwich. 1. BECAUSE, with respect to having a numerous family, to support, he is in the same situation as Mr. Parker. 2. Because every Coroner for a county is elected for the WHOLE COUNTY, and they have just as much right to remove from one place to another, to encrease their employ, as any other man. 3. Because in his removal to Greenwich, to succeed Mr. Kirby he takes possession of the most advantageous are of residence for a Coroner that the county affords, and al- lowed the advice of some of the first families in the neigh- bourhood of Maidstone. REASONS Why Mr. Williams's Friends should exert themselves in Favour of Mr. Simmons. 1. BECAUSE if Mr. Parker should be elected, the Busi- ness of a Coroner at Greenwich, will divide itself between them both, and Mr. Williams's advantages be consequently very much lessened. 2. Because Mr. Williams is NOW in a Situation that will enable him to Support a very numerous Family, which must give pleasure to all who know him, and all that are HIS Friends will certainly Support Mr. Simmons. REASONS Why Mr. Parker, and his Agents, should not assert that Mr. Williams's Removal is a Manoeuvre be- tween him and Mr. Simmons. j. BECAUSE neither Mr. Simmons, nor his friends ever had any interview with Mr, Williams or his friends, nor applied in any other manner whatever ; and therefore that assertion is equally ILLIBERAL as UNTRUE. a. Because Mr. Simmons knew not of Mr. Williams's intention of removing to Greenwich, till three days AFTER he had left Maidstone. 3. Because it must be evident to every person, that if any manoeuvre was intended, Mr. Simmons would scarcely have been so inattentive to his own interest, as NOT to begin his canvas till THREE days after Mr. Williams's departure for Greenwich. Short Statement of the WESTMINSTER ANNUITY BILL, debated in the House of Commons on Wed- nesday last. It recites, that the Societies already established for making Insurances upon Lives and Survivorships, are not Suffi- ciently extensive for the accommodation of the public ; and by reason of the limited plans of the said Societies, resource must, in many caSes, be had to individuals, upon which precarious mode of insurance much inconvenience, delay, risk, and increaSe of expence, has been attendant. It also recites, That the Several perSons to be named in the Bill, having SubScribed the Sum of three hundred thou- sand pounds as a joint ftock, towards establishing a So- ciety for granting Annuities and making Insurances 0n Lives and Survivorship, and in order to establish the Said Society with effect and benefit, are desirous of being incor- porate, and having a common seal, and a name by which they may be known and distinguished, sue and be Sued, implead and be impleaded. The Bill therefore enacts, That a certain number of Proprietors to be named in the Bill shall be one distinct and separate Body Politic and Corporate, in deed and in name, by the name and stile of " The Westminster Society for granting Annuities and Insurances upon Lives and Sur- vivorships." Then follow clauses, viz. the joint stock to be 300,000!. in shares of 3000I. each ; each Proprietor to have one share, and to be entitled in respect thereof, unto one vote at all meetings ; the Proprietor's to meet to make rules, orders, bye- laws, and regulations, respecting the choice of a Pre- sident, Vice- President, and Directors, and the manner of holding general and other meetings of the Society, See. and to alter and repeal bye- laws ; the bye- laws to be written out, and to be binding and obligatory upon all the Mem bers or Proprietors of the Society ; the Proprietors within a limited Space of time by the Bill to be mentioned after the first general meeting to pay in ioool. each, in part of their Several Subscriptions of 3000I. and in default of payment, within the time appointed, then to forfeit 25l. per cent, and, on another default, an additional sum per cent, to be stated in the bill; the same to be recovered by action; with a PROVISO for the Proprietors, at any general meeting after such forfeiture shall have been incurred, to postpone, mitigate, or remit the same ; ioo, oool. to be invested in the funds, there to remain as a responfible fund for the pur- poSes of the Said Society; the Society in no caSe to borrow money ; proprietors to be reSponsible to the amount of their chares, but no further ; the society to have power to pur- chaze lands not exceeding a certain yearly value ; forging or counterfeiting the seal of the said society, or any deed or writing under the said Seal, to be felony, declaring it a public Act. SLAVE TRADE. A meeting was held on Wednesday, at noon, at the London Tavern, of the Merchants, and others concerned in the West- India Islands, and the trade thereof, on account of the proposed regulations in respect to the African Slave Trade, against the total Abolition of which it is resolved unanimously to petition both Houses of Parliament, when it shall became necessary, as a meaSure that would be highly injurious to individuals, and, in the end, fatal to the very existence of the trade of the West India Islands. The Meeting, in point of respectability and commercial consequence, was extremely important f we may Say, the whole of the West India and African consequence were there, as well as our Manufacturers, all who are interested in this question. Lord PENRYN in the Chair. Who, with great precision, stated the subject and im- portance of the trade : that the Colonies would be deSerted in caSe they were not Supplied with Slaves for their culti- vation ; and that So far from any acts of inhumanity, it was to the interest of the master to take care of the negroes, who were part of his personal estate. Mr. Spooner, a merchant of considerable respectability, shewed the very great importance this trade was to the country; that its amount was, in the aggregate, Several millions, and that So far from any advantages to this country, the French were ready, immediately on the vacuum, to fill the trade, which, by our precipitation, we should lose. That not only this consideration, but a more natural con- sequence would ensue ; the decrease of our Navy, and what every Briton would shudder at, the increase of the Marine power of France. This Gentleman and Mr. Archdeacon gave several other reasons, for the great conSequence of this trade. Its abo- lition, they Said, would put a fatal stab to our Revenue trade and Manufactures, and no addition. INTELLIGENCE FROM SWEDEN. Stockholm, March 10. The decisive measure which hie Majesty took by arresting the chiefs of the opposition party, has for a time at least given the balance 0n his side. We are however, far from being in a state of perfect peace. The Equestrian order still persist in their resistance to the measures adopted by the King; although on the other hand it is beyond a doubt that the majority, the great mass of the Swedish nation, particularly the classes of citizens and peasants, are entirely devoted to his Majesty. On the Second instant, the deputies of the Findland peaSants preSented in the Diet a most loyal and dutiful ad- dress to his Majesty, which was anSwered in Suitable terms. It contained the warmest Sentiments of duty and affection, and approbation of his Majesty's councils.-- This address is more acceptable, when we consider the critical quarter whence it comes, and where we had reaSon to think the people were not a little diSposed to throw off their ancient allegiance to Sweden. But it is not in words only that the people waste their loy- alty. The burgesses and peasants of Findland have given, and are now giving such Substantial proofs of their zeal to- wards his Majesty as are unexampled. They bring provi sions, & c. to the Swedish army, content to sell the rest for credit. The town of Cagane, which is on the northern extremity 0n the confines of Russia, have in concert with the peasants 0n the flat grounds, equipped a volunteer corps of several thouSand men, the command of which they have given to Mr. de Carpelan, governor of that district. In vain has Mr de Kiesenhausen, the Russian consul, endea- oured to tamper with them by fair and liberal promises if they would but go over to the side of Russia. They have even in writing rejected all his offers, ( which indeed were made to them in writing) and in particular used the expres- sion, that they " were determined to adhere inviolably to the crown of Sweden," The frost is again severe : the thermometer 14. below freezing, on March 22. The Sound is frozen over ! The Baltic trade thus is delayed a little, but it cannot suffer by that delay. According to letters from Heinola, ( the residence of the Governor of Swedish Carelia) and which has been published in the Court Gazette of the 9th inst. the peaSants of Hol- lola, SySsma, Gustavus Adolphus, Menducharju, Chris- tina, and other neighbouring districts, met together after divine Servive, and came to a formal and unanimous resolu- tion to risk their lives and blood in defence of the frontiers ; the pension officers preSent, Noblemen as well as others, even the inferior officers, and veterans, declared at the Same time that they were ready to march at their head. From the best advices we are assured, that this army will consist of not less than between twenty and thirty thouSand men capable of bearing arms with credit. They have adopted for a device, " God, our King, and our Country." Intelligence of a similar nature has been received from the provinces 0n the frontiers of Norway towards the North. The youth of every town are exercised in the use of arms, with a view to form bodies of volunteers and militia, in case of an invasion, as the Norwegians and Danes may probably make such an attempt next spring. \ But we depend most on the agreeable accounts from Fin- land, as there was every reason to fear that the neighbour- hood of Russia, and the presence of the army might have had a pernicious effect on the inhabitants. His Majesty, how- ever, will be fortunate, indeed, if he has those people on his side, which we are assured, is not only the case, but what is more, the troops in Finland have acceptcd, perhaps we should Say, ratified the Act of Safety and Union, which his Majesty presented to the Diet on the 21st of last monih. Major Morian, who came from Finland three days ago, brought this intelligence, From the shortness of the time, and the great distance, fome have doubted whether it was possible he could arrive so Soon. Benzelstierna, the conSpirator, who attempted to burn tile Danish fleet, remains still in close confinement. Prior to his surrender, he endeavoured to make his escape, but was discovered. His trial is already begun, and the Count Von der Osten, Minifter of State, presides at it. He will have every fairness shewn him, and the process is in a public court of justice. Benzelstierna proves to be a Swedish Baron, and a Lieu- tenant Colonel in the Service. As Soon as he heard of the Seizure of Captain O'Brien, he fled to the hotel of Count D'Albedeyl. he was, how- ever, Soon discovered, and the mob became the more irri- tated, when they found he was protected by the Minister. On finding himself pursued, he escaped to the house of another Minister, and assumed the appearance of one of his Servants, by putting himself in livery. A chaise was then ordered, into which his Secretary got; and Benzelstierna mounted behind as footman. It drove off Some little distance; when the Police, finding that he had eScaped from Baron D'Albedeyl's, no longer doubted but that this servant in livery was the man they fought after ; they ac- cordingly stopped the chaise, when the conspirator fled from behind to the Minister's house, and Soon after surren- dered himself. The following are Particulars of the Progress of Liberty in France. THE Noblesse of the bailiwick of Orleans have resolved to support every Species of taxation equally with the other two Orders, and in proportion to their fortunes. The Clergy have made a similar declaration. The Ge- neral Assembly of the district of Vermandois opened 0n the 16th of March. On the 17th, the Deputies of the Noblesse, headed by M. le Comte de la Tour du Pin- Chainbly, en- tered the Chamber of the Tiers Etat, to communicate to them the patriotic resolution which- the nobility of Verman- dois had formed to renounce every species of pucuniary pri- vilege or exemption whatever. The first act of the Clergy was a spontaneous and unani- mous abdication of all their pecuniary privileges. The Noblesse of the bailiwick of Blois have finished their election. The following is a part of the preamble of the instructions which they have delivered to their deputies : -- " The end of every social institution is to render as happy as possible, those who live under its laws. " This felicity ought not to be reserved for the Smallest number ; it belongs to all : it is not an exclusive privilege, but a common right of which all should equally partake. " The principles of the constitution of which the Noblesse of the bailiwick of Blois are about to trace the plan, are ex- tremely simple ; they may be reduced to two heads ; perso- nal Security, and Security of property ; from these two prin- ciples the whole organization of the body politic is derived." The whole of their instruction runs in the Same Spirit of patriotic equity. They demand the Suppession of TAILLE, CORVEES, and of every arbitrary tax, and insist, that every species of taxation should be united in a single territorial tax to be paid in money. This tax, they say, should be levied on every place according to its produce. The bailiwick of Mantes and Meulan assembled on the 9th of March. The first step of the Third Order was to interrogate the two superior Orders, before they came to any deliberation ; 1st, if they consented to contribute to the expences of the state, without exception or privilege, equally with the TIERS ETAT, and in proportion to their respective properties. 2d, To admit the Third Order as freely as the two first, in all civil, military, and ecclesiasti- cal preferments. 3d, That the punishments for crimes and misdemeanors should be the same for citizens of all the Orders. To the first of these questions, the Noblesse replied, by an absolute renunciation of every pecuniary privilege. The Second and third questions they referred to the States General, expressing, at the same time, their wish that there might be no longer any barrier between men and places. TUMULT. A most outrageous tumult has happened at Barcelona in Spain, in consequence of the high price of bread. On the first ult. a very numerous mob began to set fire to the town- magazines, where the corn is deposited. Having finished here, they burnt two houses belonging to the principal corn dealers, besides Some others. During theSe outrages, the Commandant of the town, Count Del Asselto, shewed the utmost moderation, not wishing to carry things to extremities. Had he acted with greater severity, the destruction would have been less, and the riot quelled in the first instance, being composed merely of the rabble. His Excellency, however, capitulated with the rioters, and made them every concession ; but the more he Seemed diSpoSed to be lenient, the more they persisted in further demands. Emboldened by his lenity, they demanded a reduction in the price of wine and oil. This was likewise allowed them. The mob then assailed the Governor's house, but was kept off by the military. They afterwards got into the large cathedral, and began Sounding the bells, which drew together a number of the country people, who joined the rioters. In this extremity, the Governor ordered the military to oppose, which immediately put an end to the riot, and the mob disperSed. In this, as in most cases of a similar nature, it is gene- rally more lenient to oppose a mob by the uSe of force in the beginning. By the KING's PATENT. CAKES, For making of SHINING LIQUID BLACKING, For SHOES, B O OTS„ & c. THESE Cakes make, with the utmost Ease, by the Addition of Water only, a most excellent Shining, Liquid Blacking, much Superior to any hitherto known; it gives the finest Black and most beautiful Gloss to the Leather, yet never renders it stiff or hard, but, on the contrary, prevents its crack- ing, and preserves it Soft, pliable, and mellow to the very last, whereby it is rendered more agreeable to the Wearer, as well as much more durable ; it is perfectly free from Smell, and the Shoes that are blackcd with it will neither soil the Finger in putting on, nor the Stockings in wearing. Sold Wholesale and Retail only, by W. BAYLEY, Perfumer, in Cockspur- street, near the Bottom of the Haymarket, London, Also appointed to be sold by SIMMONS and KIRKBY, at Can- terbury ; W. Gillman, Printer and Bookseller, Rochester and Chatham; Long, Deal; Ledger, Dover; Burgess, Ramsgate; Doorne, Faversham; and by the News- men. HUNTER's DROPS For ASTHMATIC and CONSUMPTIVE DISORDERS. A Surgeon in the Army is the Author of this Medicine, by which he hath relieved himself, and Num- bers afflicted with the above Complaints. By their attenuating Quality, these Drops give Relief in the Asthma ; have been administered with the greatest Success, in the last Stages of a Consumption ; and the Author is confi- dent, from the Experience of forty Years ( during which continued a living Example of their Excellence that there no Constitution so debilitated, or any Condition of Body so low, supposing the Vitals not materially hurt, but may be raised to very durable Health and Vigour by their balsamick and re- storative Virtues. They are sold at Mr Hunter's, Surgeon, Margate, in Two Shillings and Three penny and Four Shillings and Six- penny Bottles, with Directions; where Letters ( post- paid) addressed to the Author, will be duly attended- to. They are also sold by Mess Simmons and Kirby, and Mr. Bates Druggest, Canter- bury ; by Mr. Jones, Chymist, Russel- street, Covent garden, London ; and by Carnan and Smart, Printers, Reading, Berks. GAZETTE. DR. ANDERSON'S only genuine SCOTS PILLS arc prepared hy the sole Proprietor, JAMES INGLISH, at the Unicorn, No. 165, opposite the New Church i n the Strand, London. More than 150 Years Experience has proved this Medicine to be extremely useful in Disorders of the Stomach and Bowels, particularly in Bilious and Drop- sical Complaints, Indigestion, after hard drink - ing, Surfeits, Want of Appetite or Sleep, Rheumatism, Gravel, and all Obstructions. Worms cannot breed in the Bodies of those who frequently take this medicine. One or two Pills, taken twice a Week or oftener, will prevent the Scurvy. It will keep its Virtues many Years, and in all Climates, is therefore the best Medicine for Seafaring People. It is very useful in Disorders pe- culiar to Women at all Ages, particularly at a certain advanced Time of Life; and may be taken with great Advantage during the whole Time of Pregnancy ; is So efficacious and gentle, that it may be taken from infancy to extreme old Age by both Sexes. It does not always purge in dropsical Habits, and very severe Colds, only operating by Urine or Sweat. A greater Proof of the Excellency of this Medicine cannot be given, than that the Gentlemen of the Faculty take it often. The late celebrated Physician, Sir Edward Hulse, Bart, v; fully convinced of the great Utility of it, that he gave Mr a Certificate, recommending it as a very useful Family Me To prevent Imposition, Mr. Inglish thinks it absolutely neces- sary to inform the Public, that in Pursuance of a late Act of Par- liament, none in future, which are genuine, can be sold in Great Britain without a Stamp affixed to the Outside Cover, wrapped round the Box, with the following Words, " J, Inglish, No. 165 Strand, opposite the New Church," printed upon all the Stamps, at the Stamp- office, by Consent of the Commissioners, the Imita- tion of which will be a capital Offencc. All others are Counter, feits. The Prices of the Boxes are 5s.— is. 3d.— and is. Each Box in Proportion to the Price. Duty included. Sold by SIMMONS and KIRKBY at Canterbury. And by at least one Shopkeeper in every Town'. ) MONDAY, April 13. From the LONDON GAZETTE. To the KING'S Most Excellent Majesty, The humble Address of the Mayor, Recorder, Al- dermen, Sheriff, Common Council, Citizens and Inhabitants of the City of Canterbury. your Majesty's most dutiful Subjects, the Mayor, Recorder, Aldermen, She- rifF, Common- Council, Citizens, and . Inhabitants of your antient and loyal City of Canterbury, are happy to ex- press, in this public manner, our heartfelt joy and satisfaction on the perfect re- establishment of your Majesty's health; and we reverence with gratitude that Supreme Being, by whom your Majesty is re- stored to the executive Government of these Realms, and to all your Royal Functions. Most truly sensible of the many blessings we have enjoyed under your Majesty's benign and paternal care, we cannot but be anxiously solicitous for the preservation of your invaluable life,' 0n which the happiness of individuals, and the prosperity of the kingdom, so much depend. To rule in the hearts of a free people is the illustrious distinction of your Majesty's character, and we trust it will ever continue the brightest ornament of your Crown. As faithful subjects, we conceive it our indispensi- ble duty to felicitate your Majesty on the wisdom and firmness of your Ministry, and on the measures adopted by Parliament in the gloomy interval of your Majesty's illness : their proceedings have been equally demonstrative of a steady and inviolable attatchment to your sacred rights, to the general welfare and safety of the public, and to the true spirit of our ex- cellent Constitution. Impressed with a most affectionate regard for your Majesty, we now approach your throne in concert with the rest of your loyal subjects, offering up our most fervent prayers to Heaven, that blessed with health and every domestic comfort, your Majesty may continue long to reign over an united, grateful and prosperous nation. Guildhall, March 31, 1689. [ Delivered by ' James Simmons, Esq Mayor, and Geo. Gipps and Charles Robinson, Esqrs. Representatives h Parliament for that City. ] To the QUEEN's Most excellent Majesty, The humble Address of the Mayor, Recorder, Aldermen, Sheriff, Common- Council, Citizens and Inhabitants of the City of Canterbury. WE, the Mayor, Recorder, Aldermen, Sheriff, Common- Council, Citizens, and Inhabitants of the ancient City of Canterbury, most humbly beg leave to address your Majesty on the providential recovery of our Gracious Sovereign. With the most unfeigend joy we congratulate your Majesty on the auspicious event; and as your deep solicitude and anxious concern during the late melan- choly period must have far exceeded even the distress of an afflicted people, so on the blessed restoration of your Royal consort's health, may you, if possible, partake in a more eminent degree of the general fe- licity, and enjoy that superlative share of happiness, to which your Majesty is fo justly entitled by your most amiable and exemplary conduct. That divine providence may very long preserve the life and health of our beloved King, and that your Majesty may enjoy the same most valuable bles sings, is our sincere and earnest prayer. [ Transmitted by James Simmons, Esq Mayor, and George Gipps and Charles Robinson, Esqrs; Repre- sentatives in Parliament for that City. ] To the KING'S Most Excellent Majesty. Most Gracious Sovereign, PERMIT us to assure your Majesty that, amidst the general congratulations of your affectionate peo- ple, none can approach you with more sincere pleasure and exultation, or more truly offer up the tribute of adoration and gratitude to Divine Providence for the restoration of your Majesty's health, than we the Mayor, Jurats, Common Council and principal in- habitants, of your Town and Port of Hythe, in the County of Kent. Truly sensible of the inestimable blessings we en- joy under your Majesty's mild and auspicions Go- vernment, we humbly implore that Almighty Power, which hath restored you to the Prayers of your loving Subjects, to grant to your Majesty a long continu- ance of health, peace and uninterrupted happiness. Henry Tritton, Mayor. Guildhall, Hythe, April 1, 1789. [ Delivered by Sir Charles Farnaby Radcliffe, Bart, one of the Representatives for Hythe. ] To the QUEEN's Most Excellent Majesty. Madam, WE, the Mayor, Jurats, Common Council, and Principal inhabitants of the town and Port of Hythe, in the County of Kent, beg leave to offer to your Majesty our most unfeigned congratulations on the restoration of his Majesty's health. The joy we feel on this much- desired event is greatly increased by reflecting upon the happiness which your Majesty experiences on the recovery of our Gracious So- vereign. We revere your Majesty's great and exalted vir- tues ; and it will be our constant prayer that the King may long continue a blessing to you and to his people. Henry Tritton, Mayor. Guildhall, Hythe, April I, 1789. [ Transmitted by Sir Charles Farnaby Radcliffe, Bart• one of the Reprejcntatives in Parliament for that War- Office, April 9, 1789. HIS Majesty has been pleased to appoint Colonel his Royal Highness Prince Edward, to be Colonel of the 7th regiment of foot for the Royal Fuzileers vice the Hon. Major General Gordon, removed to the 71st Regiment. War- Office, April 10, 1789. liutenant Colonel Thomas Slonghter, of the Coldstream Regiment of Foot Guards, is appointed to be Aid de . Camp to the King, vice George Grey, deceased. ft Regiment of Foot Guards, Captain Edward Bolton, Clive from the late 1st troop of Horse Grenadier Guards, to be Lieutenant, vice Horace Churchill, who ex- changes. Captain Horace Churchill, from the 1st Regiment of Foot Guards, to succeed Captain Edward Bolton Clive as Lieutenant and Captain of the late 1st troop of Horse Grenadier Guards. 71ft ( Highland) Regiment of Foot, Hon. Major- General William Gordon to be Colonel, vice Lord Mac Leod, deceased. BANKRUPTS. Thomas Farrington, of Woolwich, Kent, shopkeeper, dealer and chapman; to surrender April 18, 21, and May 23, at five, at Guildhall, London. Attorneys, Mess. J. H. and J. Win- bolts, New Basinghall- street, London. Harry Thrupp, of Greville- street, Middlesex, merchant; to sur- render April 18, 25, May 23, at eleven, at Guildhall, London. Attorney, Mr. Pickering, Pudding- lane, London. Thomas Clark, of Princes- street, Hanover- square, Middlesex, ironmonger, dealer and chapman ; to surrender April 25 at eleven, and May 2, 23, at six, at Guildhall, London. At- torney, Mr. Turner, Ely- place. John Moor, of Monkwearmouthshore, Durham, mercer and draper, dealer and chapman; to surrender April 23, 24, May 23, at eleven, at the Angel Inn, Durham. Attorneys, Mr. Thornber, in Monkwearmouthshore, or Mr. John Tebbutt, Staple- inn, London. Thomas Hall, of Islington, Middlesex, merchant, dealer and chapman ; to surrender April 18, 21, at ten, May 23, at five, at Guildhall, London. Attorney, Mr. Wilson, Bartlett's buildings, Holborn. DIVIDENDS. Samuel Turner, of Gainsburgh, Lincolnshire, mercer, draper, dealer and chapman ; May 4, at ten, at the Black Moor's Head, in Gainsburgh aforesaid. Final Dividend. John Freshfield the Younger, of West Smithfield, London, watch- maker, dealer and chapman; May 16, at ten, at Guildhall, London. William Annand and John Colquhoun, of Bow- lane, London, merchants and partners; May 16, at ten, at Guildhall, Lon- don. Final Dividend. William Demeza, of Whitechapel, Middlesex, stationer, dealer and chapman; April 25, at ten, at Guildhall, London, ( by adjournment from the 7th instant.) James Stone, of Ratcliffe Highway, Middlesex, tea- dealer, May 12, at eleven, at Guildhall, London. Edward Newton, of Watling- street, London, wholesale linen draper, warehouseman, dealer and chapman ; May 2, at ten, at Guildhall, London. Thomas Hampson, of Manchester, corn factor, dealer and chap- man ; May 29, at three, at the Coach and Horses, in Man chester. Robert Salmon, of the Strand, Middlesex, goldsmith, dealer and chapman ; May 2, at ten, at GuiUlh- iil, London. Final Div. William Beckman and Lawrence Charleson, of Bishopsgate- street, London, sugar refiners, dealers, chapmen and copartners; May 21, at ten, at Guildhall, London. Final Dividend. Richard West, of Newgate- street, London, wine and brandy- merchant, dealer and chapman ; May 2, at ten, at Guildhall, London. William Field, now or late of Feversham, Kent, shopkeeper, dealer and chapman; May 9, at five, at Guildhall, London. Thomas Cotton, late of Great Yarmouth, Norfolk, corn- mer- chant, dealer and chapman ; April 25, at twelve, at Guild- hall, London, ( by adjournment from April 7. CERTIFICATES to be Allowed on or before the 2d of May Simon Solomon, of Little Bell- alley, in the parish of St. Alphage, London, artificial flower- maker and ribbon- painter, dealer and chapman. Asher Asser, of Great Ayliff- street, Middlesex, merchant, dealer and chapman. Samuel Ellenthorp, of Rickmansworth, Hertford, linen- draper, shopkeeper, dealer and chapman. Thomas Masters, of Carey- lane, Foster- lane, Cheapside, London, warehouseman, dealer and chapman. LONDON. Yesterday morning, the Lord Chancellor went from his seat, at Dulwich; Mr. Pitt, from Hol- wood ; and the other Cabinet Ministers, from their respective residences, to Windsor, where a Cabinet Council was held. His Excellency Baron de Nolcken, the Swedish Ambassador, went to Windsor yesterday morning with the Duke of Leeds, for the purpose of laying some Papers, received from Stockholm, before the King. The Bank is to be illuminated on the day of the General Thanksgiving ; and that, in the spirit of superb taste. There are to be 9000 lamps of va- riegated colours. Among the many Addresses which the recovery of his Majesty has given birth to, there are some which for their singularity may not be improperly noticed. The Duchess of Gordon has stood forward, and pro- moted a very well penned complimentary Address to the Queen, from the Ladies and Gentlewomen of the county of Banff, in Scotland, which her Grace transmitted the other day to the Lord Chamberlain of her Majesty's Household. The Duke of Leinster has at length resigned the Irish Rolls, Mr. Monk Mason is his successor. Mr. Ponsonby was called on to act in the same manner, by giving up his joint Postmastership, but he adhered with uncommon tenacity to office, he has since been dismissed. The justice and propriety of promoting officers ac- cording to their seniority, was the just and constant theme of Opposition, a few months ago— their tone is now changed, and Lord Chatham is become the object of their abuse for refusing a guardship to young Rodney, in preference to many older officers of ap- proved courage, tried honour, and longer service.— The refusal of Lord Chatham in this respect, is me- ritorious and just ; and while he perseveres in the same plan of impartiality, though his adversaries may have grounds sufficient to blush for their inconsistency, their malevolent attacks will never affect him as First Lord of the Admiralty. The Porte, finding the disadvantages of want of specie, have issued orders for the coinage of all the silver that can be found. This order has been rigo- rously carried into execution, as will appear by the following items. The Greek nation is taxed to the amount of five thousand okas, each oka about three shillings of our money. The Armenians must furnish four thousand, the Jews three thousand, and the Musselmen twenty thousand. Goldsmiths are pro- hibited from exercising their employment, and any person seen wearing gold or silver ornaments, are to be stripped of them on the spot. It is expected that Government will, by these means, be able to raise thirty millions of piasters. It is also in contempla- tion to recoin the whole coinage, by which Govern- ment expect to gain 16 percent. The people are turbulent ; they set fire to, and burnt the Grand- Vi- sier's hotel, where the greater part of the state papers and foreign archives were deposited— a loss which is irreparable. A furious mob also attacked the house of Mr, Ainslie, the English Ambassador, who escaped with his life, and that with difficulty. The people are exasperated by the declaration of war, and the loss of Oczakow. Four English vessels arrived there in the beginning of February, laden with ammuni- tion, which the ministry immediately purchased for ready money. An ingenious Scotch artist has invented a machine for weaving cloth, without any assistance from the weaver. It is a fertile age we live in ; but we have not heard that the Spitalfields people intend to ad- dress their congratulations to this artist. The Members of the Committee appointed for the prosecution of Mr. Hastings, are at present busily engaged in aranging materials for the trial, which is to re- commence on the 21st inst. Thursday morning the Lord Chamberlain of his Majesty's Houfehold received an Address, on the re- establishment of the King's Health, from his Ma- jesty's Servants, the Comedians of the Theatre Royal in Drury- lane. The Address was presented by Mr. Kemble, accompanied by Mr. Bannister, jun. Mr. Baddeley, Mr. Packer, and Mr. Farren. The squadron for the Newfoundland station the ensuing summer is, Salisbury, of 50 guns, Vice Admiral Milbank, and Capt. D. Knox. Pegasus, of 28 guns, Capt. H. Sawyer. Rose, of 28 guns, Capt. J. Waller. Nautilus, of 16 guns, J. Trigge. And Echo, of 16, J. Drew. Admiral Affleck takes out with him to Jamaica the Centurion, of 50 guns ; Blanche and Blonde fri- gates, and Thorn sloop. The Europa, of 50 guns, and Expedition and Amphion frigates, come home with Commodore Gardner. In consequence of Mr. Fox's having moved for a repeal of the Shop tax, and Mr. Pitt's having ac- ceded to the motion, the tax doubtless will be re- pealed. Both, of course, have merit in the business; and indeed, the committee of shopkeepers have con- sidered the affair in this just point of view, having voted thanks both to Mr. Fox and Mr. Pitt. This circumstance, however, is very obvoius, especially to those who know the bulk of the Members of the House of Commons, namely— That Mr. Pitt's in- fluence went much farther towards a repeal than Mr. Fox's. For if Mr. Pitt had urged the necessity of the tax being continued, he would have urged the point successfully, notwithstanding any exertion that might have been made against him : while, on the other hand, if Mr. Pitt had insisted that the Shop- tax ought to be repealed, it would, considering his vast influence, have been forthwith repealed, though Mr. Fox and all his adherents had set their faces against such repeal. His Majesty's popularity is at present at least equal to what it was on his accession to the throne. The people then had but a prospect ; they have now a certainty of his being a patriotic King. Since the 1st of September, 1788, there has been exported from hence to the island of Guernsey, 657, 596 pounds of Tobacco the drawback on which amounts to 32,6971. IOS. The quantity is near three hundred tons ; whereas, all the Islands put together do not consume twenty tons of that article annually, consequently it may cause some astonishment to know what becomes of the remainder ; the truth is that it is smuggled back to England, and it therefore be- hoves the Minister to make every necessary enquiry into the matter, especially as the drawback, above stated, is not a very trifling sum, and has been accu- mulating for these three years past, amazingly. We are informed that Sir Henry St. John's park keeper, at Dogmersfield Park, near Odiam, Hants, who shot six pigeons flying, out of ten with a single ball, has since, to decide a bet, hit a cricket ball, with common shot, twelve times successively, bowled betwixt the wickets, by Harris, one of the fastest bowlers of the Hambledon Club. Wednesday last a skate was caught near White- haven harbour, which measured six feet nine inches in length, and five feet seven inches in breadth, and contained a prodigious quantity of eggs, One of the convicts at Lincoln assizes, named Smith, went there to see the fun at the assizes, as he termed it: he was committed there on the Tuesday for theft, and on Wednefday was tried and transported for seven years. Thursday se'nnight a terrible fire broke out in the soap- house of Mr. Cornish, in St. Paul's- street, Ex- eter, which entirely consumed the same, with near twelve thousand weight of tallow, and his utensils in trade: after raging some time, it was by an abun- dant supply of water, and the exertions of those who were present, most supprisingly got under. Mr. Cornish's dwelling- house adjoining is much damaged, as are also the neighbouring tenements. Some vil- lains, taking advantage of the general confusion, have made off with a number of valuables, which have not yet been discovered. Dover.— There is scarcely an hour passes without a discovery of some attrocious deed, committed by the pirates before mentioned. Among others, the mur- der of the whole crew of a Dutch vessel has transpired ; they got out of her a large quantity of bees- wax and tallow ( which they sold at Winchester) ; they after- wards scuttled and sunk the vessel, part of which is now to be seen in the Downs, above water. Some others of these villains have been apprehended at Hastings and Rye.— London Evening. The late Earl of Caithness had been for five or six years in expectation of marrying Miss D—— daugh- of an Irish gentlemen of great respectability and for- tune. A mutual esteem subsided between the parties. An adjustment had taken place previous to their in- tended happiness, and the day of marriage was ap- pointed ; when, as the Fates would have it. Mr. D , the father of the young lady, refused his consent! Hence the cause of the fatal and precipitate resolution of his Lordship; and hence all the dis- agreable consequences. On Wednesday last, the day of this unhappy event, after his Lordship had returned to his house, from breakfasting at the Mount Coffee- house, his favourite servant said to him, that he missed one of his Lord- ship's pistol. The Earl immediately answered, that he himself had taken it, in order to make an experi- ment. The servant was very much perplexed on the occafion, especially when he discovered some symp- toms of an extraordinary nature from his Lordship's behaviour, and saw the pistol at the back of his bed. Sittings appointed- in London and Middlesex the Right Hon. Alexander Lord Loughb Lord Chief justice of his Majesty's Court mon Pleas at Westminster, in and after term, 1779, About an hour previous to the precipitate act, his Lordship wrote a very affectionate letter to Miss D consoling with the lady, and affirming, that without her, he must be miserable. After dispatching his servant with the letter to his beloved fair one, his Lordship seized the pistol, and put an period to his existence. The messenger returned with a very favourable answer advising his Lordship to be tranquil and happy, for Miss D entertained no doubt but her father would relent, and consent to the completion of their ardent wishes. Imagination can hardly pourtray the perturbation of his faithful servant, when he found his Master life- less and prostate on the bed ! The fortune of the Earl of Caithness was 2000I. per annum, besides what he derived from his rank as Lieutenant Colonel in the army. His debts amounted to between five and six thousand pounds his house is valued at 3,5ool. and he possessed near 4000I. in ready cash. The Coroners's Inquest sat on Thursday on the body, and brought in their verdict Lunacy. His Lordship's remains are to be carried to Scot- land, and entered into the family burial place. SHIP NEWS. DEAL, April 8. Wind S. by E. Put back hll night the Ponsborn Indiaman, and remains with the Scout sloop and Cockatrice cutter. April 9. Wind N. E. Sailed the Ponsborne India- man, for Portsmouth ; London, Eastabrooke, for India ; and William and James, Burians, for Oporto Scout sloop and Brazen cutter. Remain the Cockatrice cutter. April 10. Came down and sailed the Ferry, Tolson, for Dublin ; Ann and Eliza, Moyse, for Portsmouth ; Friends, Livemore, for St. Kitt's ; Lillies, Davies, for Quebec ; and Speedwell, Sughrue, for St. John's. Re- mains the Cockatrice cutter. GRAVESEND, April g. Passed by the Catherine, Hales, from Ostend ; Lady Agneta, Balcke; and Betsey, White, from Hamburgh. Sailed the Houghton, Monro, for India ; Sarah, Reynolds, for Marseilles; and Adven- ture, Beatson, for Montreal. April 9. Passed by the London Packet, Storey, from Guernsey; Margaretta, Doren, from Amsterdam'i and Thomas, Wilson, from Rotterdam. Sailed the ABC, Frankford, for Virginia ; Thomas, Strong, for Trinidada; William and Mary, Roche, for Cork ; and Charming Sally, Winter, for Dieppe. April 10. Passed by the Jenny, Cave, from Guernsey Betsey, Castle, from Carthagena; Martha, Tullock, from Ostend; Unity, Roloff, from Amsterdam; Monique, Hall, from Dunkirk; Minerva, Jolliffe, from Carthagena j Peggy, Shaw, from Marseilles, and Garland, Johnson, from St. Michael's. MARRIAGES. Tuesday, at St. James's church, the Rev. John Sabona- diere, to Miss Louisa Barbauld, of Jermyn street. Same day, Mr. Kirby, to Miss Thomas, both of Malden.--. Thursday, Mr. White, apothecary, of Eyre- street, Cold- hath, fields, t0 Miss Dick, daughter of Sir Richard Dick. Same day, Mr. Muriel, sen. of Ely, surgeon, to Miss Morley, of that city. Lately, at Newark upon Trent, Lieutenant Grubb, of the first regiment of dragoons, to Miss Milnes. Saturday, at St. George's, Southwark, Mr. John Egerton, Crown- street, Westminster, to Miss Mary Merret, of Prospect- place, Newington, Surrey Lately, at Edinburgh, Desne, Esq; of Great Marl- borough- street, to Miss Elizabeth Walker, daughter of Dr. Walker. DEATHS. A few days since, suddenly, by the bursting of a blood vessel while at dinner, Mr. James Rollason, printer of the Birmingham Gazette. Sunday, Miss Wright, youngest daughter of Thomas Wright, Esq; of Nottingham.-— Sunday, in Downing- street, aged 76, the Right Hon. William Holles, Lord Viscount Vane. The title is now extinct. Wednefday, Miss Jackson, only daughter of R. Jackson, Esq; of Norbanby, Yorkshire. Thursday, at Islington, Mrs. Dickinson, relict of R. Dickinson, Esq; late of Ware, in Herts. In May last, at Calcutta, Mr. James Lane Conyers. Tuesday, at Walton, in Surrey, William Shepherd, Esq; merchant, late of Nicholas- lane, London. Wednefday, the Rev. W. Garrood, rector of Belstead and Stoke Ash, Suffolk. By HIS MAJESTY'S LETTERS PATENT. JACKSON's INFALLIBLE OINTMENT for the ITCH. A Caution. IN consequence of several persons having counter- feited this valuable remedy, and sold a spurious Ointment under the same name, consisting of the most violent and perni- cious ingredients JACKSON ar. d Co think it proper to inform the public, that the Patent was never granted to any but THOMAS JACKSON, No 95, FLEET- MARKET.— Where only the genuine Oint- ment to be sold. This Ointment cures the Itch, at twice rubbing, without the least danger to the most delicate constitution— having no mer- cury or any pernicious ingredient in its composition, and not being disagreeable in its flavour— Price as. the box duty in- cluded. JACKSON's ASTHMATIC CANDY— An effectual re- medy for Coughs, Shortness of Breath, all windy complaints and weakness of the bowels. In boxes at 7^ d. and 13id. each. JACKSON's BRITISH TOOTH POWDER a safe and certain cure for the scurvy in the teeth and gums, cleansing the foulest teeth, and rendering the breath delicately sweet.— in boxes at 134'-- tach. JACKSON's PATENT TINCTURE, gives immediate re- lief in the rheumatism, Gravel, Stone, Griping of the Bowels, Cholic, Piles, Spitting of Blood, & c. and outwardly applied cures Burns, Scalds, Green Wounds, old Ulcers, White Swel- lings, & c.— In bottles t3^ d. each. The great reputation the above medicines have justly acquired, in a long and extensive practice, has induced some ill disposed and; illiterate persons to obtrude spurious and pernicious imita- tions of them on the public—- some of them are now under pro- secution — The proprietors therefore hope the afflicted, for their healths sake will see that the Name of JACKSON and Co. is in every bill of directionsf all others being counterfeits. Sold by JACKSON and Co. at their medicinal warehouse. No. 95, FLEET MARKET, LondoN. Sold also by SIMMONS and KIRKBY, at Canterbury. W. Gillman, Printer and Bookseller Rochester and Chatham | Mrs. Senior, Sittingbourn; R. Ruck, W. Dadd. Mess Miller and Brett, Gravesend; T. Laurence. Rainham ; C. Granger, Eastchurch; T. Crampton, Town- malling; T. Clout, Seven- oaks; G. Wise, G. Dryland, Tunbridge ; Mr. Skinner, Bridge. Wells; J. Hall, Tenterden; H. Hartman, Cr H. Basset, Margate; Burgess, Ramsgate ; J. Neale Ledger, Dover; J Shipdem, R.. Long, and T. Forwood J. Meryon, Rye ; S Katte, Battle; W. Lee, Lewes ; ' F, Fagg, Harrison and Scot, Ashford ; Mrs. Page, F R. Emmerson, F. Cocking, Sandwich; S. Doorne, Fa and by at least one creditable Shopkeeper ia every Market- Town in Great- Britain. ii. 1 FREEHOLDERS of the COUNTY of KENT. RESIDING IN AND NEAR MAIDSTONE. GENtLEMEN, . THE author of a letter signed PROPRIETAS ET JUS- TIA, which appeared in several public papers, having, on the present vacancy for a Coroner, called upon you to support a Gentleman, little known in this part of the County, permit me to make a few observations, by way of answer ' to the reasons upon which he contends you ought to support that Gentleman. At the time when the vacancy for Coroner was first an- nounced, two Gentlemen, residing near the place where Mr. Kirby formerly lived, and supported by very respect able interest, offered themselves as Candidates for the place. The removal however of Mr. Williams to GREENWICH, and the consequent canvas of Mr. Simmons, a Gentleman with whole respectable character and abilities they are well acquainted, and whose residence pointed him put as the most eligible object, induced them to decline any further contest, which, with the greatest politeness, they immediately sig- nified to Mr. S. A few days afterwards, however, to the astonishment of most of the Freeholders of this part of the County, Mr. Parker, a Gentleman with whom they were before almost wholly unacquainted, and who resides nearly the same distance from MAIDSTONE that Mr, Moore and Mr. Munn do, presented himself as a fit person to fill the vacancy, with no greater claim to their attention than the two former Candidates had, except the circum- stance of his having a numerous family. Now, Gentlemen, in the discussion of all Public ques- tions, it has ever been laid down as an undeniable axiom. THAT PRIVATE CONVENIENCE MUST YIELD to PUB TIC GOOD. Permit me then to ask you- - Is it for the PUBLIC GOOD, that there should be two Coroners at that part of the County, while you have none ?— Is it for the PUBLIC GOOD that you should have to send thirty miles, or upwards, for an Officer at a moment, when the im- mediate interposition of his authority may be absolutely necessary to prevent the flight of offenders, who may escape out of the kingdom, before you could procure a Coroner from such a distance ?--- Is it for the PUBLIC GOOD that the County should be burthened with an expence, which becomes greater in proportion to the distance of the Officer's residence from the spot where any accident happens ?------ Certainly not!- Which then is the most eligible Person, Mr. Parker or Mr. Simmons ? The removal of Mr. Williams from Maidstone is com- plained of as a hardship upon the Freeholders residing near GREENWICH, LEWISHAM, BLACKHEATH, See. " be- cause," says the Author ot' the letter, " they naturally ex pected upon the death of Mr. Kirby, to elect a successor from among themselves," and therefore he very modestly requests that you will desert the Gentleman, whose interest you have so generously promised to support, and deprive yourselves of the privilege of choosing your own Officer, for the vacancy is now in your part of the County ; " and be- cause," he goes on to say, " it would be ungenerous to disappoint them in the hopes they had formed of choosing from among themselves, a Gentleman of reputation and abilities into an office, the duties of which are to be there discharged."— So that you see, Gentlemen, either Mr. Williams is to he driven back to MAIDSTONE, in disgrace, or that part of the County is to be accommodated with two Coroners, As to Mr. W's removal, I must confess, I can see no impropriety in the measure, because, being a sworn Officer for the whole County, and not for any particular division, he certainly has a right to reside where he pleases ; and if a brother Officer in any division, more beneficial than his own, dies ; as a senior Coroner, with a family as numerous as Mr. Parker's, he most undoubtedly ought to have the pre- ference of removing there. But be that as it may, the va- cancy for that part of the County is now completely filled up ; and as it is you only who are now without any Officer, there cannot be the least pretence for saying, the Freeholders of LEWISHAM, & C. are ill used by your Supporting the in- terest of Mr, Simmons. Upon the whole, Gentlemen, I trust that you will see the situation of the two Candidates in a proper light ; that you will consider the importance of the power vested in your hands ; that it is not given you to answer the pri- vate views of individuals, but for the purpose of PUBLIC GOOD ; that however the character of Mr. Parker, and his having a large family, might entitle him to a preference to a person, in every other respect situated as he is; yet that, opposed to Mr. Simmons, a Gentlemen also of unblemished character, and most respectable abilities, and who from his residence amongst you must be more capable of discharging the important duties of the office ; I say, Gentlemen, un- der all these circumstances, I trust, you will think with me, that Mr. Parker must not--- cannot--- be the object of your choice ! PRO BONO PUBLICO ROCHESTER, April 2, 1789. ' To be SOLD In FEE, By AUCTION, At the Rose InN at SITTINGBOURN, in the County of Kent, On TUESDAY the 21st Day of April next, Between the Hours of Four and Six in the Afternoon, ( Unless disposed of by PRIVATE CONTRACT, of which Notice will be given) LOT 1 THE Parsonage of Minster, in the Isle of Sheppy, in the County of Kent, consisting of a good Messuage or Dwelling- House, Stables, convenient Yards and Outhouses, about 191 Acres of Arable and Meadow Land, a small Tenement called the Shoulder of Mutton Tenement, and a Piece of Land adjoining, con- taining about 2 Acres, together with the great and small Tythes of the Parish of Minster, arising from near 5700 Acres of Arable and Meadow Land, now rented by Mr. Hopson of Milton. N. B. This Lot is to be sold subject to the Payment of the Stipend to the Curate of Minster, which is now 40I. per Annum. The Right of presenting to the Curacy is to be reserved to the present Owners. LOT 2. A Piece of rich fresh Marsh Land, called the Ferry Marsh, Tythe free, containing about 4 Acres, lying in the Parish of Minster aforesaid, now rented by the said Mr, Hopson. LOT 3. Clerk's Farm, in the Parish of Minster aforesaid, is disposed of by Private Contract. LOT 4.. A well- accustomed Public House, called the Thatched- House, with a Close of rich Meadow Land lying opposite thereto, situate at Minster aforesaid, in the Occupation of Thomas Brisley. This Lot is held by Lease by the said Thomas Brisley for the Remainder of a Term of 61 Years, which commenced on the 25th Day of March, 1783, un- der the yearly Net Rent of 1ol. 1os. and a Covenant from the Tenant to keep the Premises in Repair, and leave them so at the Expiration of the Term. N. B. The Timber on the Estates at Minster to be taken by the Purchasers, at a fair Appraisement. LOT 5. A small Tenement, with a Garden and Orchard there- unto adjoining, situate at Borden near Sittingbourn afore- said, now in the Occupation of Thomas Waghorne as Tenant; subject to the Payment of a Quitrent of Two- pence per Annum. LOT 6. A Messuage or Tenement, with Outhouses, and a Gar- den thereto adjoining, and about 16 Acres or rich Meadow Land, well planted with Cherry and other Fruit Trees, now in the Occupation of William Pain; subject to the Payment of a Quitrent of Fourpence per Annum. The Premises may be viewed by applying to the Tenants. ( Cjp For further Particulars, or Purchase by Private Contract, apply personally, or by Letters, ( Post paid) tO BRODERIP and MElLIAR, Attornies, in WELLS. March 7, 1789. WILLIAMS's CONVEYANCING. THE Appearance of the FOURTH and LATS VOlume of WILLIAMS's COLLECTION of PRE- CEDENTS in CONVEYANCING, wh'ch completes the Work, is unavoidably postponed ( in order to add a general Index and Table of Contents) to the 18th of April. It may then be had in Boards, Price Six Shillings. A com plete Set, One Pound Four Shillings, or One Pound Eight Shil- lings bound. Printed for G. Kearsley, at Johnson's Head, No. 46, in Fleet- street. Sold also by Simmons and Kirkby, Canterbury, Of whom may be had, till Midsummer, any of the former Volumes; afterwards they will be sold only in complete Sets. Those who have taken in this Collection in Numbers, are also requested to complete their Books by the above Time A new Edition, corrected and enlarged, is just published of Mr. WILLIAMS'S DIGEST or THE STATUTE LAW, con- taining the Substance and Effect of all the public Acts of Parlia- ment in Force from MAGNA CHArTA down to, and including, the last Sessions. Which may be had as above, and of all the Law Booksellers likewise. Price 12s. 61. HUME's HISTORY of ENGLAND, with PORTRAITS. On SATURDAY, May 2, will be published, Price ONE SHILLING, ( To be continued Weekly till the whole 13 completed) No I. Containing Six Sheets of Letter- press, and a Head of the AUTHOR engraved by COLLYER, of THE HISTORY of ENGLAND From the Invasion of JULIUS CAESAR to the RE VOLUTION in 1688. By DAVID HUME, Esq. With tht Author's last Corrections and Improvements Printed for T. CADELl, in the Strand And sold by T. LONGMAN, NO. 39, Pater- noster- row. Sold also by Simmons and Kirkby, Canterbury. CONDITIONS. f. The Work will make Eight Volumes in Octavo, handsomely printed on a large Letter and on a Medium Paper. II. Each Number will contain Five or more Sheets, so that the whole may not exceed Forty eight Numbers, at One Shilling each. III. In the Course of the Work will be given a Series of Portraits of the different Sovereigns of England from the Conquest to the Revolution, engraved from original Pictures by Hall, Sherwin Heath, Collyer, See. & c. and ornamented with new emble- matical Designs by Stothard. IV. In the Course of Publication will be given an Account of the Life of the Author written by himself, and a copious Index. V. Most of the Plates are already finished, and Specimens of the Print, Paper, and Engravings, may be seen at the Publisher's. In Order to form a complete HISTORY of ENGLAND from thir Invasion of Julius Caesar to the Death of George the Se- cond, the Proprietors intend to publish, immediately after Mr. Hume's History is completed, in Weekly Numbers, Dr. Smol- lett's History from the Revolution to the Death of George the Second ; and that the Paper, Print, and Portraits, shall in every Respect correspond with the above Work. April LONDON. T is not true that the King has signified any intention of coming to St. James's on Thursday ; the Queen will have a Drawing- Room on that day, but his Majesty will not be present. On Sunday, being Eafser Sunday, ( the Lord High Almoner continuing indisposed) the Rev. Dr. Vincent, Sub- Almoner, and one of his Majesty's Chaplains in ordinary, preached before the Nobility and Gentry, at the Chapel- Royal, St. James's. The Opera House is the first place of public enter, tainment his Majefty proposes to visit. Their Majesties have appointed to receive the ad- dresses of the Livery of London from the hands of the Lord Mayor, attended by the Sheriff's and Re- corder, on Saturday next, at windsor. Saturday morning his Majesty's stag hounds turned out at Salt Hill. The King was present, but did not join the chace. Miss Pulteney was certainly offered to Mr. Pitt, by her father. The term's were these : Mr. Pulteney would forego his whole fortune, except 5000I. per an- num, to the young couple, provided he was created Earl of Bath, with reminder to Mr. Pitt's children By this marriage the Minister would have enjoyed neat 25, oool. per annum. Miss Pulteney, it is now said, is to be married to the Duke of Marlborough's eldest son. A project of vast importance it is said to be in agi tation in Germany, the King of Prussia being desirous to exchange his dominions on the Baltick, for the Electorate of Saxony, and to render the electoral family hereditary Kings Of Poland. Should this pro- ject be crowned with success, that extensive and fer tile country would be delivered from the tumultuous anarchy, which has long disturbed it at home, and rendered its force contemptible abroad. The condi tion of twelve millions of wretched peasants would be rendered more tolerable ; and two great kingdoms, that of Prussia and Poland, would be rendered still greater, and enabled to exert their united force for restraining the ambition of Austria and Russia. It is now generally reported and believed that no Dissolution of Parliament will happen ; nor will it be prorogued until after the Birth- day.— Indeed such the business before the House, that it is scarcely pos- sible it should be completed sooner. The taxes Slave- trade, and investigation of the Prussian Treaty will alone engage a considerable portion of the time between the meeting after the recess, and the 4th of June, before they can pass through both Houses and receive the Royal assent. The abolition of the Stave- Trade, which the hu manity of England had the honour to propose, is be come a popular topick in France, Spain, and Hol- land. His Majesty, the papers inform us, has carefully perused the parliamentary and public proceedings of the five last months, which indeed, without the parade of paragraphical information, we may suppose him to have been done. What sentiments must have been excited in the Royal Breast by the speeches of certain orators in both houses— and what by the publication of a certain letter ? Kings are but men, and feel like men. We may therefore conceive the feelings of Master, a Friend, and a Father, The contract is signed for the illumination of St Paul's.— The sum is 3000I. and every exertion making to have all complete against the 23d. The Gentlemen who formed the London Associa tion a few weeks ago, and used to meet twice a week in the Artillery Ground to exercise, have summoned a meeting for Tuesday next, in order to adopt 3 plan of meeting under arms, and six on the proper method to accompany his Majesty into the city, the 23d. in stant to St. Paul's Church. At the late meeting at the London Tavern on the subject of the Slave- trade, the exports to Africa and the West- India Islands were estimated at two millions and a half sterling. The imports at six millions ; the tonnage of the vessels employed in this trade, was rated at 300,000 tons, and the number of seamen computed at 20,000. The revenue accruing to ' the nation exclusive of bounties and draw- backs, is not less than i, 6oo, oool. To the list of articles of public business to come before Parliament this session might have been added, the matter of the Crown and Waste Lands, and the Tobacco Regulations by Mr. Pitt. Also the revisal of the Commutation Act, by Mr. Sheridan; the County Election Bill, by Mr. Bearcroft, and the Bill for equalizing, all over the kingdom, weights and measures, by Sir John Miller. Letters from Manchester mention, that all the manufactories are exceedingly full of work, having great orders from abroad. They have full six months employment. The American Merchants, received last week, from New- York, remittances to the amount of up- wards of fifty thousand pounds. The final dispatches for the Earl of Wycombe and King George East Indiaman, the two last ships this season, will not be sealed before the end of the pre- sent week. The Middlesex East Indiaman, Capt. Rogers, for China, is sailed from the River to proceed on her voyage. There are very pleasing accounts of the sugar crop by the last Jamaica packet; letters so late as the be- ginning of February say, that they have not had such prospects for the last ten years, their plantanes and their canes being equally thriving. In the course of last week have been imported into Liverpool 1035 qrs. wheat.— 790 bush. barley,— 7216 qrs. 66 bags and 2916 brls, oats. In the present effusions of loyalty, almost every shop displays either restoration ribbons, buttons, & c. & c. even the well- known Tiddidol has given up the word balloon, and nightly pushes his barrow, illu- minated with paper lanterns, through the streets, vo- ciferously crying, " Hot spiced Restoration ginger bread."' A letter from Copenhagen, dated March 24, says, The treacherous attempt of Benzenstierna and his accomplice O'Brien, was not the only one which threatened us ; three more persons have been seized under a suspicion of having designed to set fire to the city in three places ; combustibles were found in many houses, and two days ago they found in a ma gazine of hay, and in another house in the city, ; quantity of matches, & c. concealed in a tin box. On these appearances of a new plot they have taken up many suspicious persons, among others a Swede, who was found walking backwards and forwards near the magazines. In fine, lest the traitors should attempt to spoil the springs in the city, guards of citizens have been placed at them and in other places." We are favoured by a correspondent with a parti cular account of the accident hinted at in the morning prints of Saturday, which had like to have befallen the King of France. Some workmen having placed a ladder for the purpose of repairing a stair- case which leads to the smaller apartments of the palace, the king had occasion to ascend this ladder, which slipped at the moment, and, as he is of an extraor dinary bulk, he would certainly have been killed, had it not been for one of the workmen. On this workman he has settled an annual pension of twelve hundred livres ( equal to fifty pounds sterling.) Not an individual in the kingdom but ought to return thanks to Heaven for the preservation of a monarch so tenderly beloved by all his subjects. frankford, for Virginia ; Thomas, Strong, for Trina- dada j Adventure, Beatson, for Quebec ; William and Mary, Roach, for Cork ; and Acton, Anderson, for Li- verpool. Remains the Cockatrice cutter. GRAvESEND, April 12. Passed by the Maria, Shep- hard, from Valencia ; and Cockrane, Sharp, from Dun- kirk. Sailed the King George, Sherwood, for India ; John and George, Hudson, for Memel ; Hope, Hopkins, Oporto } and Providence, Hutton, for Elsineur ; Hibernia, Brenock, for Dublin; Wakefield, Carter, for Ostend j and Ceres, Cuthbert, for Halifax. CANTERBURY, April 14 Ext ract of a letter from Ashford, April 4, 1789. " On Tuesday last was rung at Ashford, by the Ashford Young Ringers, a true and complete Peal of 5040 Bob Major Changes, in three hours and eleven minutes, by the following men : Thomas Eves, Treble Anthony Hills, 5 Leonard Gurr, 2 John Wanstall, 6 john Howland, 3 john Hills, 7 james Worsfold Henry Hadds, Tenor. The above was performed in the shortest time it ever was on Ashford bells before, and the first time that six of the men ever performed it. The Peal was called by John Hills." Extract of a Letter from London, April 13. 1789. " - Our market is not so quick as last week, bags cheaper about 2s. per hundred. We have many good pockets on the market, but very little demand for them. Fine pockets are selling from 61. to 61. 6s. Bags 5I. 12s. to jl. 18s." We hear that his Grace the Lord Archbishop has collated the Rev. Martin Benson, son of the Rev Dr. Benson, Prebendary of this Cathedral, to the Rectory of St. Dunstan's in the East, London, va cant by the death of the Rev. Mr. Winstanley : and that his Grace has also collated the Rev. Anthony Hammond, Rector of Knowlton, to the Rectory of Ivychurch, in this Diocese, vacant by the cession of the Rev. Bladen Downing. The Rev. Mr. Menzies, one of the Minor Canons of the Cathedral of Rochester, is appointed Chaplain to the Scipio, in the room of the Rev. Mr. Stephens deceased. Extract 0f a Letter from Lewes, April 13. " Monday morning the Fortunio, a Swedish snow about 300 tons burthen, belonging to Oddwall, near Cottenberg, Jonas Wallstrom, master, laden with salt, raisons, figs, and brandy, was stranded on our coast, a little to the westward of Bear's Hide, the crew were saved, and all the cargo, except about 200 tons of salt, which the waves entirely washed away The vessel was soon afterwards got off, and towed into Newhaven harbour, and from thence to a neigh bouring creek, where, with the crew she is perform ing quarantine. " Saturday James Wynn, who received sentence of death, at our last assizes, for horse- stealing, was hanged at Horsham, pursuant to his sentence. " A few days since was married, Mr. James Newnhum, of Portslade, to Miss Bull, of this town.'" Wednesday last were committed to St. Dunstan's gaol, Henry Rigden and Moses Hayward, charged on oath with having felonioufly taken and carried away, from the granary of Thomas Gibbs Hilton in Selling, divers parcels of oats and beans, his property. Friday was committed to the above gaol, James Maccarty, for being a vagabond, wandering about and not giving a good account of himself. On Friday morning last as a son of Mr. Saffery apprentice to Mr. Cooper, carpenter, in Broad street, was at work on the top of the Porto Bello pub- lic house in Northgate, in leaping from the roof on the scaffold, one of the boards sprang, which imme diately canted him off into the street, by which he received a violent shock, but fortunately no bone were broke, and he is now in a fair way of doing well SHIP NEWS. DEAL, April 11. Wind S. Remains the Cockatrice cutter. April ia. Wind E. N. E. Came down and sailed the Houghton, and Middlesex, for India ; A B C, RETURN of WHEAT in MARK- LANE, On MONDAY, April 13, 1789. ^ J0hn Child, Meal- weighers to the Henry Malpas, City of London. Observations on the State of MonDAy's Market, MARK- LANE. We had a tolerable supply of Wheats to day, and they went off exceeding heavily, and rather cheaper, though good heavy black Wheats are worth 46 to 47, and wanted. Barleys and Malts were very plentiful, rather cheaper, and hardly saleable, but few Norfolk Barleys worth 22s. and Suffolk or Essex could hardly be got off at any price. And we had so few buyers of Malt, that if the supplies continue it is expected prices of both will be lower. Good hard Beans sold readily, but Oats and other articles were dull as possible. Printed by SIMMONS and KIRKBY, St. George Street, Canterbury.
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