The Edinburgh Evening Courant
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The Edinburgh Evening Courant
Date of Article: 05/11/1785
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Address: Old Fishmarket Close, Edinburgh
Volume Number: Issue Number: 10579
No Pages: 4
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{// JttJl PMfieJ, // Kni to be Sold on Monday fivft by the Bookfellers in Edinburgh, j/) , ( PRICK E J ii » m » ci) If - FWO LETTERS to THE PUBLIC^" Containing a NARRATIVE of THE CASE Of WILLIAM MII. LS, XD^ Cg VfiO was lately executed in Edinburgh for the Crime of Hoy^ EMtT ing'; with a Copy of his Last Speech, and a Defence of the Dodlrine oa which his Hope was founded—( hewing, That the Gospel of Chrift 13 preached to tinners without dillinftion, proclaiming falvation to « vcry one that believes; that it is fuited to give peace or confcience und jo'yful hope to the mod unworthy; and that the belief of this fruth i » that
aione which can purify the Jiearts of men, and lead them tu fcrve the LlVMMft /. OP. ft. I f /., H&' AN K l/ l1 Sl'o'l LAXjfe 7yj 4th NoVEMBfR 17S5. r^ C/ J /' THE General ' Meeting of Proprietors 011 the . adtV^ f" Jwarch laft< as advertifcf on the 30th", having ordered that\ wCremainder of " the Sjibfcriptioa of the New Additional > tbc'( t, not formerly called for, be paid on May 13 d, Auguft: 9th, and November 18th, one fifth on each » Uy— The notification is now repeated on the approach of the lafl, that payment may be made accordingly. THOMAS STF. U ART. Secretary. Education, Boarding, and Lodging. Tk ^ k' DARLINC^
head of Warrilton's Clofe, above the^ Royal J"- JtVi change, Edinburgh, will open his Mathematic Claffes for'the winter feafon, on ' fuelday the 8ch of November; the firft elafs for Eu- clid's Eletntnti of Geometry and Plane Trigonometry/ Heijjkrfs, Di- liajiees, and the other parts ot Mcnluratioii, Hex TT/\ Land- furveying, pi. inning and laying out Ground, rS£/ and^ alfo his other claffts for Geography, aud the tifc; of the Glo^ Cj^ rij3f ography an4 Aftronwuy,.. with the manner of making and uffng Maps and Charts, Ac. Navigation in all its parts, in theory and praflice— Book- keeping, in its moft modern and improved flare, for the
merchant, landed gentle- men, or factor— He alfo takes in beginners iu Writing and Arithmetic. liis hotifo being free. and well aired, be has good accommodation for a genteel BOARDERS or LODGERS. He aifu teaches ARCHITECTURE, civil or military; the five orders, and planning dvfigns; fortification and gunnery;— makes out newplans of'dlates, cither to the fame or any other l'cale or fize. ' lie rurveyi land or mealiires work, being an ordained meafttrer. India lea Warehouse, Kirkgate, Loth, for fupp'ying the PUB'LIC with G E N U 1N Ey^ fliffii, neat as •*• imported. r * 7 > / W11.1.1 AM THORBURN begt leave to acqi|/ ns/ Oi/ p
« b! ic, thai; he hai, received from the hulia Company's ^ c\£ fit( er fale a quan- tity of the fol'o. w, it, g Teas, all entered at the Cuftomhoule on and lince the 7th of June lalf. which will he fold from the original chells as un- der, vi2. • ' Bohea, is. rid.— Good Congo, 4s.— Fine, 4s. 6d.— Fineft, 5s.— Sou- riionjr, 3d.— Fined, 5s. 6d.— Pieko'fort, 6 » .— G « od Singlo, 35.8d.— jUntft, 4?.— Iiyfon, 6s. ~ 4d.— Fined, 7s.— Cowflip ditto, 7s. 6d.— Gun- powder Green, 14s. N. B. As the above are the loweft poffible ready money prices, his friends will pleafe. ohferve, that none wiHTic booked at i'. ich ItAvjatesa ' To all Dealers in Jen, tfc. /
7/ 7 TEA ON COMMISSION FOR SI/ L^ V ACONSIDERABLE Quantity of fine Frelh Congo anVs& rt£ hong '. l'eas, of the late f. ilc, juft arrived diredl from the Eaft- lndia \ S'arehoufe., all in the original package, to be fold in wholefale at ihr aott moderate prices, by~ JAMIit> TlALL, llieiUUIll lb l. u!) i, wh\< means to carry on that hulinefs to as great an extent as may he fouora & ecetfary— Therefore he- will always have great variety of the befl funs; and he is pcrfuaded ' the dealers in, this, article, to whom he will give every encouragement, will find it for their intercft to purchafe from him, as he is confident none in this country can
fell teas of an equal qua- lity on lower terms. He has likewife a confiderable quantity of exceeding good BLACK lately arrived, together with Rullia and Dantzic pot and pearl allies of vr. rioui kinds, all in the original cafks, at very low prices; alfo Suaars of all forts, and beft London hotter in hoglheads. N B. No leli quantity of tea than a box can be fold- _____ 7 J'. DINBURGH, OCTOBER III. i 7^ 5- / nPHE ANNUITANTS on. the EXCHEQUER, Jl payable by his Majefty's Almoner for Scotland, are defired to call for Mr James M'Fiirlari, at thS Rev. Dr M'Farlan's, Canongate, where they wiil be paid at the fame times, and in the fame
manner, as ky the former Deputy^ Not to be ^ f^' cd^,. Exchequer Chambers, Edinburghi/ jf/ f) ad Aucbsr 17,85. jfVflyf EMELlA HEPBURN, tided daughter of Ebenezer Hepfui/ fljifiie time merchant and provoil of Dumfries, having prefentwro/ peti- Cion to the Court of Exchequer for a t; lFF of ULTLMUa FpERES • if a Dwelling Houfc, with the garrets, cellars, and other privileges and pertinepts belonging thereto, with tiie rents, mails, and duties thereof, , trom and iinte Whitfunday 1784, and in time coming, as contained in u difpofitiim of the faid honfe in favours of Mrs Janet Gordon, relidl of Mr I ho'ruae M'Kinnel, minid. er of the
Gofpel at llrr, whereupon ( he flood iiileft, conform to in. trumcnt of fejfin recorded at Dumfries 28th September 1778,— the Barons have ordered this intimation thereof to To be I. E T, I^ Y/ F THAT well- frcvented iNN In BRECHIN, prefentb MfidfeA by Colin Smith, the proprietor, for any number of yeaffl^^ if can be » gred upon, and to be entered to at Whi. funday or MartinmSs 1786. The iituation is' well known to be a propel ftage betwixt Aberdeen ftnd Perth, having excellent accommodat on for travellers, and good fta- fcUftg for horfe. 1' hcre is iffo in town a good weekly market, and fe- * cral fairs through the year.— Any perlon
inclining to make a bargain f » » y apply to Coli^ i Smith at Brechin. j- jj/ // Bancn. N, N'qm < 785- " //^ rZ/ M/^ M^ By ADJOURNMENT. J4/) To be SOI. l"), within the Ri> yal Exchange Cnlfeehoufe, Edfnhfi/ gji, on Wednefday the 21ft day, id December 178S,\ Lf / THE remaining Two Lots of the Eftate of OR A NGF. 1' IELD,' comprehending the greateft part of the Ba- , lnny of Orangeficld, with the m^ lipndMule. and the whole of Shields, ihaivhili. arid Sandyford. JJdJU^ T UA^ J • The nariridars will he aftcrwar. ls advertifed. I'eu Duties. to be Sold, k Ground to be Fejied, In ihefflkghbourboml of tbe Regifler OJice, Edinburgh. TO he
SOLD Ly public roup, in the houfe of Charles Walker vint- ner, Writer* Court, Fd nhurgh, on Friday the zjth y!" November ,' X > 85, between the hours of fix and feven iu the evening, About 1.. 3CO Sterling of l'EU PUTIES in St James's Square.— The fr< g els of writs and conditions of fale to be i'ecn in the. hands of Mr • Ahx nder Keith, writer to th. e flgrtet, who has power to CMiVUde a J private bargain licfore the day of roup. //]/] AND TO BE FF. UED, , ff/ I A Nun he- of Area* for Building on, clofe ailjoinji/ g ' tofhe faid j fquare, ali ml'lmt the njahj.— For particulars apply to Nlr- Ktfith, or ta. the propri. mr, J t Jfngufeo, B. utlyuisu'*
Court, i. » wn- njarketJS ^ Jinbw^ l;. CALEDONIAN HUNT. AT KEl. SO, the ilft, of Odlober 17S5, the Annual Meeting fjeaed the following members for the enfuing year : / S/\ The EARL of GLKNCAIRN, Prefes, / '//// ROBER T BAIRP, Efq; of Newbyth, Treafurer, J // yY ^ WILLIAM MACDOWALL, Efq; of Garthland," i ' ROBERT DONDAS MACQUEEN, Efq; > Cotirfellors, ANDREW HOUSTOUN, Efq; of Calderhall, 3 The members are' fequcfted to meet at Fortune's upon Tuefday the 13th of December, at four o'clock. They are to fix at that meeting when thy Anuual Hunt is to meet for the enfuing year. « J- S > y „ ' Fhe EARL of
GLENCAIRN, Prefes. - yerr/ M* X^- wli. l. lAM HAGART, Secretary. Old Jamaica Rum, & c. & c. & c. . JSOLD BY y^- OSEPH I. ACHLANTt his Shop oppofite I. ibberton's Wynd, mark'et, Edinburgh/ viz. 1 '*' ' Beft Oldjamaici Rum, at K> « . per Gallon. /-^ jCr JL French Brandy, from " tos. to lis. dittit Dutch Gin, . . from 7s. fid. to 8s. dittbso^ Old . Aquavits, , from 2s. 6d. to is. 8d. per Pint. A large affortment of ENGLISH , lU. ANKKTS, juft comf to hand, will, be I'M from 8s. the pair to 32s. or jingle blankets from 4s. to 16s. al! ready mdney. ~ CAR RON WAREHOUSE. * Wr B- Rjrl Ij'vvtilJiy near Henriot's Kntty, Grafs- market, Edin^
burgh, has preparei/ for the winter fale a very large alfortment/ f Carron grates, regifter doves for preventing frnoke. boiling tables,' per- petual ovens, light annealed kitchen furniture; brafs, princes metal, and fteel grates; fenders, fire irons, and a: ii other houfeholiaiticle^ jrfJmith work and call iron. C'^^/ f' J Locks, hinges, deflc and drawer mounting, co* itiA)< Tifrp< e, wood fcrews, and all other ironmongery articles nectlfaryVu/ pttfiers, cabinet makers, fmiths, and builders, upon which a confiderable allowance is made to tradesmen and dealers. IRONMONGERY GOODS. COI. IN CAMPBELL, Ironmonger, Corner Shop, foot of the
Wcji Bow, Edinburgh, having lately commenced bufinefs has jnft got to hand, a new and neat allottm4nt of fdie following articles, viz. Canon Grata of the neweft and moft approved patterns, mounted to anl'wer chimnies of e » cry fize or conftruftion, fmoak doves, heater and ( tewing ditto, perpetual and camp ovens, boilers with brafs cocks, pots, kettles, fmoothing irons, l> o* and taylors ditto, Englilh, Dutch, and Tron weights adjufted, falh weights, fanner wheels and pipkins, caft iron fendfers of various fizes, c* ft lath nails, & c. / - t-^ V/ The Light Cojl Iron Kitchen Furniture, J Sauce pans, goblets, tea kettles, boilers, dew pans,
trtjgArfitySvff pots, & c. of all fizes; thefe are very little heavier than coppcrr'^ nd the metal is'fo refined, as to prevent them from breaking with com- mon ufage. Fine Englilh die cut fenders, tongs, pokers, and ( hovels, frying pans, girdels, fi; e pans, coal backets, bellows, bratiders, pencil duft, fcouring pager, & c. great variety of articles In the heavy iron/ wny, viz. double, fingle, and fender rolled iron, iron hoops', hinge iron, iron wire, jack chains, mafons Trowels, double horfe rafps, flat, half round, three fquare, and round files and rafps, baftard and fmooth ditto, & c. Every article neceflary for Joiners and Cabinet- makers, viz.
tools, coflin mounting, delk, drawer, and clockc* fe mountings, locks, hinges, • wood fcrews, nails, bed caftors, glue, girth Web, Prince's nietal chair nails, & c. See. JCf'Confidcrable difcount allowed for ready money. ' *„* Orders from the country carefully executed. • - FTFEE X AM DEIMVLNGS i OJN\ Y Oppofite the Chapel of Eafe, CROSSCAUSEWAY, Edinburgh, / HAS juft now got to hand a large affortment of BOHliA> ftnd GRF. EN ' 1' EAS from the laft fales. and ffom thelndia- houfe,' Lon- don, and likewile a few cheds of very fine Gottenburgh Teas, which he felUat the moft real'onable rates, as he has it in his power to
purchafe upon equal terms with any in Scotland. / S///\ Bohea, is. yd. per lb. Green 3p- per lb. Good Congo, 3s. 9d. Fine, I // f~ / 4s- Fine, 4s- 3d. Hyfoil''/ IS/ 7s. Fineft, 5. Fined, 7s. 6d. Souchong, js. 3d. Gunpowder 7 Fined, js. 6d. Hyfon, 5 I48' 1' ekoe fort, 6t. Lands in the County of Perth to be Sold. BY ADJOURNMENT. THERE will be expofed to Sale by public roup,, under au'hority of the l> otds of Council and Selfion, WWlin the Parliament or New Seffion Hotrfe of Edinburgh, upon, Wednefday the 30th day of Novem- ber 1785, betwixt the hours ol four and eight in the aftejjnop^ BWore tht Lord Ordinary on the- Bills, . / f // Yl )
s— 1 At a Reduced Price, f-^/ ( l y Thofe PARTS of the Lands and Eftate of KIL<\ RASWWN ftill remaining unfold, being LOT III. called the Lands CS- KIRKPOTTIE, MEIKI. EEILMES, and CLOCIIRIDOESTONE, lying contiguous, in'the pa- lilh of Dron, and within four miles of. ithe town of Perth. They con- fift of 676 acres I rood 36 fails— 264 acres 3 roods and 9 falls whereof have been planted in the view of building a manfioti houfe. The plan- tations are in high order, and the lands hold of the Crown, and the proprietor will be entitled to vote at the eleiftion of a member of Par- liament for the ciunty. ""' l'he free proven rent of
this, lot, after deducing public burdens, is ac8l. 15s. jd. ii- uths; the woods upon the lands are valued at 1334I.; and the unlet price, including the value of the wood, will be d-- 5334 ^ 7 6- iaths The articles of roup are to be, feen in the office of Mr John Callen- der, depute clerk of . Seffion ; and the ptogrefs of writs, rentals, and plans of the lands, will be ( hown by William Lumfdaine, clerk to the lignet, who will inform as to other particulars. John Rutherford, jun. writer in Perth, will alfo Ikow'rinttlb, and William Chalmers at p. graflowB will fl'ow the crounds. JUDICIAL SALE OF Lands in the County of Argylo: j// TO be Sold by ]> ublic
roup, within the Parliament or J^ ew^ flion Houfe in Edinburgh, upon the 24th day of February? 586, be- twixt the luitiis of five and'feven in the afternoon, before the Lord ' Ordinary on the Bills, 1 he following SUBJECTS, belonging to NEILL M'KELLAR of Paill, viz. I he'three merk land of Stroneflcar, the four and one half merk land of Glal'var, and the right of n-. id fup^ riority of the five rncrk lands of Barmulloch, the twenty- fix ( hilling eight penny land of Letternamolt, the three merk land of Succothmoddch, and of the ( healling called Ari- lochfhennoch, in Benleave, all lying in the pariffi of Kilniichael, in Glaftrie. The whole lands
hold of fubjedls fuperior. The free yearly rent is proved to be 235I. 4s.. id'. Sterling, and the npfet price, which " liTfixed at twenty- three. years purc'hafe of that rent, amounts to ^ 4091. 13s. ltd. Sterling. ' ' The lands are commodioufly fituated in the divifion of Argyle, and capable of great improvement. ' l'Kcre is. a fmcH manlion- houfe, aud an excellent ( leading of offices, on the lands of Stronefkar. ' Fhe articles of roup are tp be. feen in the office of Mr John Callander, depute e'erk of Seffion; and copies thereof, and of the fchemes of the rental and value, are to be feen in the hands, of Allan M'Dongal, wri- ter to the fi^ net, agent
ill the fale, wbo will . inform as to other parti- \ culirs. Mr ROBERT DICK, Advocate, Profefior of Civtt. LAW in the Univerfity of Edinburgh, BEGINS a COURSE of LECTURES on Juiiinian's Inilitutions and^ Pandeifts upon the 21ft of November inftant. / The letftures on both inftitutiftns and pandeifts to be in F. nglifh. P O R T WINE. " , To he SOLD by public auilion, for account of the Shippers, at the y Marble Work, Leith, on Tuefday the 8th current, at on? o'clock, afternoon, ' SIX PIPES of OLD PORT WINE — Mr James Whyte will ( how the wines any day before tbe fale. EXCISE LICENCES. ' EXCISE OFEICE, EDINBURGH,
PAPER STAINERS OR PAPER MAKERS, ~ CALLICO OR LINEN PRINTERS, ^ VELLUM OR PARCHMENT MAKERS, TRADERS IN OR VENDERS OF GOLD OR SILtER PLATE, TRACERS IN OR VENDERS OF COFFEE, TfiA, OR CHO- COLATE, COACHMAKERS, do hereby give ndtice, that unlefs they do forthwith take out licences, they will he profecutedas the adls of Parliament direift. And the Commiffioners do hereby give further notice, that if thofe perfons who were licenced laft year, and continue in the fame bufinefs, do not immediately renew their licences, they will be proiecutedforthc penalty directed by the ails.
By Order of the Commiflioners, JOHN THOMSON, Secretary. TAVERN and HOUSES in EDINBURGH. To he SOLD by public voluntary roup, within tbe- ButHh Coffeehoufe, Edinburgh, upon the loth of November if^- hcyAtcn the hours of five and fix afternoon, / / // THE SUBJECTS after- mentioned, b< Jon£%' toA<.' iLLiAM SCOTT vintner, Edinburgh, in the followinglotsj^ / LOT L— All and Whole that " HOUSE V- f AVERN prefently pof- feffed hy the faid William Scott, lying in the Advocate's Clofe, north fide of the Luckenbooths. This houfe confifts of five fire rooms, a large kitchen, and an excellent vaulted cellar fitted up with
catacombs. Th* houfe was lately all thoroughly repairer^ and elegantly fitted up, and is well known to be centrically and conveniently ( ituated for the bufinefs of a vintner. I. OT II.— TWO SMALL HOUSES, with an Area or Coal- fold, ly- ing in Roxburgh's Clofe, Luckenbooths, prefently poffeffed by John Findlay and others, at the yearly rent of 9 1. Sterling. Thefe two houfes were lately rebuilt from the foundation in a moft fubftantial manner, and are now in thorough and complete repair. The articles of roup and projref. of writs are to be feen in the hands of James Saunders, writer to the fignet; to whom, or to Mr George Gardener,
brewer at Burrowloch, truftee chofen hy Mr Scott's credi- tors, perfons wanting further information may apply ; and it is intreat- ed the creditors will lodge with Mr Gardener particular notes of their debts, with oaths of verity thereon, before the day of fale. 1( JR CHARLESl'OWN, SHIP LION, ^ yt DONALDSON Mafter, ^• pm^ alrSjy Now lying at Port- Glafgow, will be ready to t^ toSffi^^ B; il til'te 011 goods by the 20th inftant, and Jhrv/ il , j ® SX c'ear t0 k'' hy the Ijth of nex. t motith. / t^ SCQ^ lWl^^ i^ f For freight Or palfage apply to James Brown, itifin anre broker ht> pe, or to thc^ aptain. in Port- This ' Ihip has good accommodation
for pauenjers. GLASGOW, NOV. 4. 1785- Ar ROTTERDAM, FOR LEITH, • c ^ JL THE BRIG BRirANNIA, J BB.^ ™ ( A New Veffel) JMSY^ L, KL JOIINNICOL Mafter, Ready to take in goods on freight, and will ( ail f'om Rotterdam for Leith about the end of No- It ' s intreated, all merchants and others in- ^ Sg^ BSnSgSs^ Stendiiig to ( hip goods on board faid veflel will fend out their orders in time. ^ fcrr- Fttpck River and - Savannah- la- Mar, " y c ^^^ P Euphrates, ^ liK^ BK « Wl / ( P/ J0, IN CA. MRBELL Mafter; d^ ifor Martha Eroe., Montego Boy, Lucca, and THE SHIP ELIZABETH, ~- JOHN FISH Mafters Both lying at Greenock,
are ready to take on board goods, and will fail by the middle of December. For freight or paffage apply to Somervell, Gordon, and Co. Glafgow, or the Captains at Greenock. Both the Euphrates and Elizabeth are Britifli built veifels, and parti- cularly fitted up for the accommodation of paffengers, each of them hav- ing a large cabin and feveral ftate rooms. GLASGOW, OCT. 26, 1785. ^ Fcr- Martha Brae, Montego Bay, and Ports if d 7K: dy ffi adjacent— JAMAICA, / MY' SHIP AURORA » UjiFvliiSTR // ARCHD. CAMPBELL Mafter, - j^ U^ fvjn^ now'ying in the harbour of Greenock faltt'nt; fy& ZPhJjt WJi ' n above ports, and will
pofitively \ fail in all December, She is copper bottom- til, and, without exception, the fafteft failing l^^^^ glliip belonging to this port in the Jamaica trade, and has excellent accommodation for paffengers. For freight or paffage apply to Mefifrs George Brown and Co. Glaf- gow, or Meflr's Neil Campbell and Co. Greenock. N. B. A Cooper, a Houfe. Carpenter, and a Mill Wright, who are young, and well recommended; will m « ct with good encouragement by applying as above. OcruMiie. 1 j, 17S5.
IIN. 1. » . * III FNIIIL.:' RTFI » ' FAF^ I^^ IIGLTT^ JL'! 1^* JILLF!!!.'.'. '.' IIIIIII'LU. 1 '"""" from the LONDON GAZETTE, Nov. u _ War- Office, Nov. I. » FIRST Regiment of Foot Guards.— Jofeph Andrews, Gent, is ap- pointed to he Enfigrt, vice Rich. Brooke Webber. 59th- Regihientf of Foot.— Lieutenant John Beckwith, from half- pay In l. ord Strathaven's late corps of Foot, - to be Lieutenant,' vite Jilhn BSvan. , « 4th Regiment of Foot.— John Jones, Gent, to - be Enfign, vice Ed- v'ard Honeywood. , 1tj8tfy Regiment, of Foot.— Lieutenant David Robertfon, to be'Captain- Sicutehant, vice George llarbor, . LLOYD'S MARINE LIST; "
Nov, I. Shields, Oct 29. The Fanny, Smith, was drove on lliote lalt night rear Marfdeii Rocks, and, by a fudden fqual! to the E, N. E. ihe ilruck < in the rocks and funk; one man foil. The Good- Intent, Voyfey, and Henry, I. inthirn, are loft at New- foundland. The Elizabeth. I. angley, from Peterfburgh to Briftol, is loft on the illand of Ker- SwfTiug, On the coaft of Holland; the ctew and part of the cargo laved. ' Capt. iih Becfcwith, of thd Countefs of Darlington, arrived in the Downs . from Dominica, in lat. 28— 51. long. 63. ' fpoke the Hazard, New, from London, out fix weeks, all well, ,- j Capt. Darin, ot the Anion, arrived in the Ddwns
from Malaga; on the 4th ijifti off Cape St Mary's, fyoke the Swifty Captain Peak, from Newfoundland to Naples, belonging to Pool ; the fame day fpoke the Adventure, Simmons, from dittrt to Leghorn, belonging to London. The Sarah Either, Carberry, from Dantzic. to Aberdovey, is put into Liverpool with the lof's of her topmaft. . The Pub'ica*. Fides, -— -, front Stockholm to Dublin, is loft. . Winds at Deal,— Oil. 28. W. S. W. 29. N. W. Jo. W- 3I.. S. W. FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE., l St Croix off Tenerif, Augl 27. The BulFole and Aftrolabe French frigates, tinder the'command of the Comte de la Pev- rbufe, and-. deftined for a voyage
for the improvement of fcience, anchored in this port the 19th iriftant, in the hell condition poffibje. The Comte and his officers were received iji the moil friendly manner by the Governor of thofe i( lands; who gave them an elegant entertainment'and a ball the tfty before ycllcrday. L O N D O N. . TUESDAY, NOVEMBER T. Tn the pending negotiation with France, we have undoubt- ed'authority for faying, that Mr Crawftird has been inftruc* ttd to. offer the admiffion to our markets of their' cambrics, in « ".'., d: tis'm to the, ir wines but. they Ilrtiggle ( till for more. They fay, the treaty ; would iiot. be reciprocal on thefe con- ditions. They
apprehend, that their wine would never be- come fuffitientfy general in England, as it is not fuitable to our climate. As to cambrics they know that our own ma- nufacture of the article is extinguilhed— and that their fa* fcric gets into the country by contraband means, which is more beneficial to them than a fair trade. They demand the adiniffioh" of'th'eir brandy, which, from, its',' llrength, is fuit- a& lt to our palates, and. . alfo. of their fa( hion's, gloves, fans, Sic. This we have refufed, antl here the negotiation reds. General Sir Auguftus Elliot, K. B. is coining home im- mediately from Gibraltar, and Lieutenant Gen. Rainsford. about to
embark, in order to take the command of ihat fortrefs as Lieutenant Governor thereof. • .. Lieutenant General Sir Robert Boyd has obtained his Ma- jelly's periflifiion to wear the vi& orious word GIBRALTAR on the colours of his regimear, as'an honourable diftindlion for the important, fervices of that gallant officer and jiis corpsdu- ring the memorable liege of that important fortrfifl. It is certain that a fclieme is now determined upon to dif- pofe of the Waft'e Crown Lands by way of lottery, but the plan is not yet ripe for publication. It will be, the moll ca- pital lottery . ever known. There will be no blanks) but a fmall allotment of land, of
about twenty acres, will fall to the ( hare of every adventurer, and will be tax- free for the firft twenty- years'; after which they are to be fairly affeffed to their value ; and it is thought that Government will then be. enabled to make a general alfeffment throughout, the king-, dom, without burthen to any liild- hohler. It will'require time to digclt the fcheme properly, and to fix a proper price • for the tickets, which mull depend on the, general ellimate of the value of the lands to be difpofed of. Yeijcrday fome difpatches. were received from the G » ver- nor of Domiirica, brought by the Coimtefs of • Darlington, Capt.- Beckwith, arrived from
that Ifiand "; the . Governor and garpfott were in good health, and the dilpatches dp not men- tiofl. any. particulars of. the late- hurricanp. - • Count- d'Adhemar is certainly not 4to return jto England, at { call in a public character. The furniture of . his hotel at Hyde park corner is nearly difpofed of, and little elfe mains, therein, except what belongs to the chapel, that being llic King of France's properly.. ... ' ! ' V Extras- of a letter from the Hague, 03. 2( 1. ' " . Preparations afe, makirig'at ' the Orange Palace, for the reception of the Stadtholder, who is expedient to return from his tour the latter end of next month; about the fame time
the Princefs and her children will arrive. We fuppofe from hence; all is amicably fettled with the Imperial Court, tho' We do not hear, of theAuttrianS having yet taken poffeffion of Lillo," & e. Tile venerable Frederic of Prufiia Is at length drawing near his final diffolution, being now confined with a mod ex- cruciating fit of the gout in his llomach, from which his ftate phylicians fay, it is next to an i'mpoffibility he ( houid recover. Tlie honours paid iii France to the Princes of the'Blood Royal of England, when travelling through that country are fuch as proclaim - French magnificence. The Dpkes or Cumberland and Gloucelltr are always
preceded- by 3 liar binger of the Court,. of Vet'faHles, who appoints the dining and- Ueeping plates of their Royal, Highneffes, and people of rank difpute the honour of entertaining them ; they are al- . ways- a- Ccompanied by a fquadron of hoife or dragoons ; and the garrifons, through which the princely vilitors pafs, take afmst, line the ftreets1, and are exerciftd for them. There never was known fo many different Indian nations to be Confederated, as have now entered into an union againll the United States of America. Deputies from all the tribes inhabiting the Banks of- the Ohio, and Miffifiioi, the" Creek, Mofgt. es, and the
other nations 011 the Back of Georgia and Florida, have lately alfembled at a grand Council fire, and there. is. every reafon to luppofe they will commence holtili- ties early in, the fpritig, Jofeph, ' the Mohawk King, has been the principal, mevee of this confederacy. A few days finee,- as flen. Conway was 011 his morning walk, at JnS feat at Park- place, lie faw a man lie on the road- fide t) all appearance dying; the General quellioned him refpeft- iiig " his Occupation, and . occafion of ljis coming there. He w* atif'. vered in the faultering aceentf of diitrcfe—" That but left there IhoultJ waited on the poor mi' lie was a tradefman whtt
liad lived In affluence;* tint was rev duced fo low that he had riot earned fupport for feveral months; that he was afliamed to beg, and was going to lay himfelf down before fome manfion of Iiofpitalitf, in hopts of having a belly full, for three days had elapfed without his having broke bread, and black- berries alone were his ful- tenance, and that lie was fo fpent through want of fnltenance he was not able to proceed further." The humanity of the General was fo ( Irtick with the relation of the itory; that he haltened home, fent his fervent for the man, had him Put to bed, and o. fdefedi', eVeryr< j) jri, fcjrtable notirifhment for him ; defect,
he himfelf perfoiially t him in the taoufe for: feveral days, till lie thought pfoper'to* take his leave : The General then gave him a guinea, to help him to Londori," with a pro- mife of his patronage ih his bufinefs, fliou'd he be able to find employment, and of the freedom of his kitchen, till fuch time as he might be fituated t'O his defire. . Captain Mackenzie has received his Majefly's pardon for the murder of the foldier at Fort- Moree, by ( hooting him ff « m a cannon, bilt now" detained ih Newgate, and it is expected will be. tried at the next Admiralty Seffions, for piracy, an. cutting out ( with a detachment of his men) from under the guns
of a Dutch fort, 011 the coaft of Africa, a Portugiiefe ( hip, wit'h Dutch colours, in confequence of which a complaint ha3 been laid againft him by the Portu- guefe Ambaffador. ' Government - detain i i, oool. worth of Ivistgold dull: till he gives an account of the king's ( lores, which were entrullcd to his care. His father has died fince his confinement,... aud-^ ft. fiim . an eftate, of near 500I. a'year, but It is thought he will not. be able to make any thing of it, It being mortgaged for a confiderable fum. He is in a- very- poor tl'ate of health,,. On Friday morning, - Mr Mackay, of Piccadilly, was fent for by a. woman, who .. owed . him a ftim
of money, to St y, Newingtonno. fooner had he . entered the houfe than a Frenchman came to, him, armed with a pair of piflols, and demanded of him a. d. raft on Meff. Drummond, and Co.- for 30 © 1 and fwore if lie did not comply. he was. a dead man. He wrote the draft, after which they tied his hands and feet, and lett him, while they went and received the fame in bank- notes and cadi. Further fadts refpeiSitig the robbery of Mr James Mackay, uphollterer In Piccadilly.: Mr Mackay, is truftee to the will of a gentleman. deceafed^ | tid has conft'antly paid the: wife of one de Chameron an annuity , of thirty guineas per annum,
under the will to wliicbjK-. is t^ uftee. • The. ivtfe of this man has been in the habit of conftantly. making applications to Mr Mac'kay to affift her with money in advance- on account of her annuity, always dating her poverty and diftrefs as. the the plea. She is at tin's inftant in advance ; and what was unfortunate for Mr Mackay, the pretence of decoying him from his houfe on Friday morning lad was, that ( he had cal- led on him with the- ' information of its being now in her power to repay the money Mr Mackay had been good e- nough to advance, and that if he would then accompany her to her. houfe ( he would repay it. Mr Mackay
unfortunately immediately left his., own lioufe, about nine in the morning, with her, and thev were both let in by de Chameron. He was defired to walk up flairs into the dining room, when de Chameron, after a few minutes eonverfation, produced a large knife and a pair of piftols', with which he menaced him- with irritant death if he offered. to cry out or alarm the neighbours, or if he did .. not lower his voice, he would inftantly difpatch him. He thendemanded his immediately writing an order on his bankers ( Meff...' p. rumrnond$} for three hundred guineas, ahd" was., very preffing that it fhoiild be. written in his ufual and cuftomary
manner of drawing drafts; for, if the money was not produced, I nil ant death Ihould be the confequence of a refufal. _ The draft , was" written by Mr ' Mackay, and Mrs de ClYameron was dlfpatched with it. On her return the villain produced the bank notes to Mr Mackay, and told him there was the money. He then infilted on his drawing ano- ther draft on Mr Wdlpolefhe banker, where the. money was kept for the payment of Mrs de Cliameron's innuity. This Mr Mackay refufedy dating, that he would fuffer death ra- ther than do it; that if he was fuffered to have his choice, he, for the fak'e of lit's wife and family, -( hould'prefer life ;
but that at all events be was determined not to draw another draft. Finding, he- was- fixed in his determination, the villain ceafed. impoitumtig him. He then bored holes In the wain- fcot of the roomy and'paffed ropes through them ; afterwards he compelled Mr Mac^ yt. to,, fi. t dowu. pn, the ffoor, to . which he bound himr havio^ fi^ lijtied Ijis hands behind him. Pre- vious to his leaving Mr'. Maeitay, he informed him, that in the corner cupboard, was placed a bartel of gunpowder, and in order to prevent hi? endeavouring to purfue him in his flight, told him that he had placed ropes to each of the win- dows, which had a
commnnic'atioii with a loaded and cocked piftol pointing into the powJeiy arid that the inftant either of the windows were touched Or opened, the powder would go off and blow the houfe up. They afterwards left him ; and it was four o'clock in the afternoon before he could make any per'on heltr, the houfe being empty, and only taken for the above purpofe; by the help of a ladder fome people got into the window, and releafed him. When the peifoils got into the houfe at Walworth to re- leafe Mr Mackay, they found h, im tied by the hands and legs with ropes put through the wainfcot, and one hand tied to a rope fixed to. the window,
which, upon being haftily puflied up, would have pulled the trigger of a piltol, the muzzle of which was inferted in £ fmall barrel of gun powder. Mr Mackay, upoq the perfoaa ifitting up to the window to re- leafe him, called out'to! them fibt to open the windowiiaftily, upoo . which they opened tlie window gently, and cut the rope, and thereby avoided the danger, There was no fur- niture whatever in the houfe; . the only things found were fome wood, which was put under the Hair- cafe', a'tlndfr box and matches, pen, ink, and paper, and a fcrew fixed iiito the ciding- beam, to which a rope was fufpetided. Mr Mackay has" fince received
two incendiary letters, threatening certain death in cafe of any fearch being made after the artful vidian Who " robbed him. Should the fellow think proper to remain iq England, there is little doubt of his being taken, as his perfbn is very remarkable. It is fup- pofed that the Lady is the indentical one who wasadvertlfed fonn- time fince, as having committed feveral forgeries to a confidtiable amount. ..•• » '• On Sunday morning a duel was fought between a ftudent at law fiom Ireland, and i Scotch Phyfician. Aft argument 011 the propofitions was t| ie caufe of the quarrpl. They; mea- fured no ground. The Sj: Qtchlftan fired firft, and
wounded his antagonift in the hip, • The Irifhman then fired and wounded hii adverfary in tits n « sk,' Over the' collar- bone'; the Scotchman, iy'th- liis fe'oond fhot, . wounded the IrKliman in the bread. The irilhman now obferved, that though he had a right to break, ground and advance, he would not avail. himfelf of that advantage ; and, throwing his piltol on tharf groinui, drew his fword. The Scotchman refufed to'draw. You haffe had, laid h'e, rny life in your power, and I cannot, life the advantage I have now ov'er yo'U. I know you cannot fence, whereas I am a mafter ; of the fciettce. The feconda- interpofed— the Combatants (
hook hands,' and'principle, of geiierolity difplayed' by them had l'ueh nn effv^ t,' that the whole party burlt into tears.— We are happy td fin'dClihei. wounds were fo flfght, there is no kpprehenfion . of bad fequences. PRICE of STOCKS thit Day at One o'Clock. Bank Stock, —— 5 per cent. 1784, 102- J 4 per cent. 1777, 81^. 183 3 per cent. conf. 6.5|- u^ aJ , 3 per cent. red. 64^-} 3 per cent. 1726, —— l. wng Ann. —•—. Ditto, 1777, Ditto 1778, 13 7- 16ths a | South Sea Stock, Ditto Old Ann. Ditto New Ann. ' 3 per cent, f/ st, India Stock, India Ann Ditto Bonds, 36337 pr. Exchecj. Bills, Navy and Vict. Bills, 2' i difir. 3 per cent Scrip, "
4 per cent ditto, Omnium. Lottery Tickets, 15l. ar4I. 173. EXCHANfiSS ON Amflerdam, 37 7a& Ditto fight, 37 4 Rotterdam, 37 10 2$ U. Hamburgh, 35 3 Vi . Oporto, 5 ^ . EDINBURGH. ExtraS pf a letter from London, November x. " The propofed plan of difpolinj^ of the Watte Crown, Lands by way of lottery, is a meaftire which will be attend-- ed with the mod beneficial confequences to the nation, and in a particular, manner dil'covers the intention of Miniftry td liquidate part of the national debt in the fpeedieft as well as eaiielt manner. " Notwithllanding the obftacles thrown in the way of a. commercial intercourfe with France, by the
endeavours of the Pof'tugue'fe Miniftry, it is expedted the matter will be foon fettled to the mfatual advantage of both countries." ExtraS of a letter from Glafgiw, Nov. 3. " Monday morning about three o'clock, the people in-- habiting the houfes on the banks of the Molendiuar - Burnj which runs through this, city, « .- ere greatly alatmed, by the fudden and great rife of the Water in- that brook. The north, bank of the Monkland Caijal, at Bluchairn, about a mile eaft fromthe Ba( ot\> butft, and poured forth a g- reatitorrent of',- water Into the Burn, that carried everything before! it. The mill- dam at the High Church was levelled with the
bottom of the brook. The water was from two- to three feet deep in the peoples houfes at the foot of the Havannah ( Ireet an< J the New Vennal, and approaching their beds, which awaken** ed them. The cries of thofe in danger routed the - people who were In fafety ; but how to give them relief t- hey knewr< not. A dark morning, the water continuing to rife,, and coming from a place that did not occur to them, they were ftupified, and expedled nothing elfe than the deftruflion of many of their neighbours. Happily, at that time, part of the College Garden wall, at the foot of the New Vennal, burft down, and gave fome relief to the,
people, as the- waters had a greater fpread than going through the narrow bridge at the Vennal foot. But what gave relief to- them,- proved • almoft death to the people in the Spoutmouth. The arches « of the various bridges there, were too narrow for fuch a body, of water, and the channel of the bur. n being confined, by . the houfes on each fide, in paffing through the GfaUowgaxe, < he bridges rather became darns than paffages for it, and in many houfes . it was , fix. feet deep.-' The confufion attending fo a-- larming .. a fituation was beyond defcription. Floors were cut to lift the people from the ground ( lories to prevent their
being drowned.; Mothers, with their hel'plefs infants, wad- ing out of their houfes in the dark, and uncertain where they were going. Others, willing to give affiltance, knew not how to approach with fafely to themfelves \ while fome, more intrepid, dallied into the flood, and brought the old. and in- firm to places of fafety. The water ruflied out of the clofes on the north fide of the Gallowgate, and ran over the top of the fide walls of the bridge in . that ftreety, when it was at. the higheft ; fo that many houfes were under water that ufed not to be fubje, cted to that inconvenicnce before, in the higheft: floods. By feven o'clock the water from
the Canal w » moftly run out; but the river Clyde began to- fwell from the heavy rain that fell on Sunday, night. By. eleven o'clock fore- noon, moll part of the- Bridgegate was under water by the * river rifing fo rapidly, but it fell in the afternoon. Notwith- . ( landing the imminent danger many people were in of being drowned, happily no lives were loft y but much damage ii done to b! eachfie! ds? mills, tanners, dyers, furniture, goods, ,& c. " Laft Sunday night, the Jean and Peggy, Baxter, from -, Dublin to Greenock, with a valuable cargo of linen and other goods, alfo the floop Bell, from Drogheda to Dumbarton, with oats, were
wrecked 011 the Little Cumbraes, the laft to- tally loll. The night was very dark and rainy, with a briflc gale at S. W. which fu Idenly checked to the N. E. and drove them on the above ifland. As foon as the difafter was known at Greenock, fome gentlemen from that place, attended with a number of failors, fet off to recover as much as poffible from the wreck of the Jean and Peggy, in which they have been very fuccefsful, having got out fome butter,, beef, linen, and yarn, to the amount of fome thoufand pounds; and they have hopes, of railing the veflel, if the weather keeps moderate. The mailers and crews of both veflels are
faved, but one paf- feriger 011 board the Jean and Peggy, and two on board the Bell, are faid to be loft. T. he cargo. of the Jean is faid to be. worth 12,000]. great part of which was not infured, and no infurance upon either of the fhips. " On Sunday, the Glafgow, Capt. Bowie, for Jamaica, and the Fortitude, Capt. Lcitch, for Grenada, failed from Gteenock. They were foon attacked by the above gale. The Glafgow was put afhore on the Little Cumbraes, and. the Fortitude in Gourock Bay.. Both veffels were got off with very little damage, and are returned to Greenock to re- fk. " Capt. Hovvland of the Mary, arrived at Liverpool from
New York, fpoke, on the 29th, ult. the Eagle, Blane, from Glafgow for New York, in lat. 45. 43. long. 42. out nine- teen days. " Richard Davies. condemned to be banged on the 9th current, for robbery, has received a pardon from his Majelty, On condition of beitjg tranfported' to one or ether of the Bri- ti( h plantations for.. life, > and his, fervice adjudg- ed- for fevea years; but in cafe of- jjeturniug, aiid. being iound in Ctit, ais or Ireland,, h « is to undergo his former fentence. .
" On Monday astws. men who had gone down I coa! fhank, in order to repair fome bars at Camlachie fire engine, tlie fcaffold on which they were Handing gave way, when they fell to, the bottom of the pit, and were killed." * On Monday la It, a perfon who has for fome time kept a Lottery Office in Glafgow, without a licence, and fold fhares; of tickets which were not ( tamped in terms of law, was. con- viftfd'of thefe offences by the Juftices of Peace, and found liable in the ftalnt- ory penalty of L. I oo Sterling, with colls pf'fuit, TM Jultic. cs, afterwards modified the penalty to. L.' jjo ^ Sterling. '..,.'. The; Little Diavie, • K-.- lloch, is loft,
both fliip and cargo, in the hurricane at Jamaica. The Ann, Howie, is arrived at Dieppe, from Virginia ; Nancy, M'Allifter at Rotterdam, from Clyde ; Gafpie, Graham, at Jamaica, from Gafpie. , ' :—— At Forfar, the tit current, was married, Lientenant John Forbes of his Majefty's Royal Navy, to Mifsjifc^ y Ogilvy, daughter of Dr John O^ ilvy, W^ nrre credtDly informed, t phyfician theret that the dilftremmrfretwcen tHe Magillratcs and proprietors is at laft amicably fettled, and ' that the flit will be removed early next week, and the work again fet a going. This being the anniverfary of the Gun- powder Treafon, the fame was obferved as a
holiday at the Banks and public offices. • For thefe two days paft we have had a rrioft dreadful fall of rain, which has fwelled the waters to an incredible height, and from which fatal confeqnences are feared, though we have not as yet'' Heard of'any unfortunate accident having hap- pened. We underltand that the bringing a minifter from one church to another in Edinburgh by a prefentation, as is juft now doing in the cafe of the Rev. Dr Hunter, has occafion- ed the ptiblifhing Obfervations and Queries thereon to the citizens of Edinburgh, which are giving away gratis at the / hops of the principal bookfellers in this city. A letter from
Charleftown, South Carolina, dated 28th Augttft, 1785, fays, " Notices are pofted in every llreet in this city, warning the Englifli to quit the State in a limited time, as they pour in their goods here, and will take nothing but calh in return, which drains the State of fpecie, whilft their produce lies on hand. An aft is about to be pafTed, prohibiting all Britifh veffels from entering their ports, until an equitable fyftem of commerce is agreed to by the Britifh Government ; knd a paper currency will be eftabllfhed very foon, for cafh cannot be got.— J 50 per cent, profit could be be made at prefent upon cafh." ExtraS of a letter from Belfnjl,
OSober 2$. " Ireland; by the virtue, and magnaminity of its people, is rifmg hourly into confequence and refpeftability among the fcttions- of Europe— Laft Friday morning a Frenchman of diftin& ion ( Monfieur le Prefident de la Parliament a Dijon) arrived and fpent the day in this town, on his way to the capital. The occafion of this gentleman's vifit is not general- ly known; but that it is of importance may be conceived, ftom the variety of letters he is charged with to feveral of the firft chara& ers in the kingdom." Extras of a letter from Dublin, 0Sober 31. " Notice has been given to all the Members of his Ma- jefty's moft honourable
Privy Council, who are friends to Government, that their prefence is expefted in town on or before the 8th of November next; as by that day Mr Orde will in all probability be here, in full pofleffion of all the bu- fihefs relative to the kingdom of Ireland, as fettled by his Majefty's Minifters ih London. " A very extraordinary report was current yefterday in this city, and faid to have taken rife from refpeftable autho- rity^ fome coffee- houft politicians mentioned a Right Hon Gentleman as the author) that a Great Perfonage has intima- ted a deli re to vifit this kingdom in the month of January, and open the feffion of parliament." > f •—— 1
For the EDINBURGH EVENING COVRANT. ANother General Meetingof Delegates, from the eftablifh- ed Schoolmafters of Scotland, was held, in the Higl School here on the 8th of September laft, for the farther con- fideration of the fcheme concerning the augmentation of their falaries. The following is extra& ed from their minutes. "" John Wilfon, fchoolmafter of South Leith, was unani moufly- continued prefes, and John Bryce, fchoolmafter of Anftruther Eafter, choftn clerk The Prefes reprefented, That as he had been chofen trea- furer and prefes of the committee Appointed by laft general "" Sieetitig, nad his accounts to fettle
now with this meeting, add an account to give them of the proceedings of the com mittee, it was, he fuppofed, proper for him to leave the chair, as he did laft year, and fome other delegate, not of the committee, to be chofen prefes pro tempore, till that bufinefs fhotrld be finifhed : He therefore moved that this fhould be done immediately. " This motion being unanimoufly approved of, and George Gray, delegate from the fchoolmalters of the prefbytery of Cupar of Fife, being chofen prefes accordingly, the faid John """ VVilfon reported, That the committee had got drawn up an- other petition to the Houfe of Commons, and a new bill
which had been laid before a meeting of the Scots members in London lalt feffion ; and from what pafTed at that meet- ing, it was judged proper to delay for fome time the applica tion to Parliament— gave an account of all the other pro ceedings of the committee— fhewed an accurate and diftindt ftate of his accounts, whereby it appeared, that of the money entrufted to htrti by and of what he had received fince laft ^ general meeting, there remained in his hands a balance of forty- three pounds two JhiUings and eight pence halfpenny Sterling which he gave in to the meeting, " The meeting having duly confidered the above
reports and proceedings, and having examined faid ftate of accounts found it fair, and the before mentioned balance of forty- three pounds two Jhillings and eight pence halfpenny Serling perfectly juft, did, and hereby do highly approve of the conduft of faid Committee, thank them for their fidelity and aflivity in the bufinefs committed to their management, and hereby ful- ly and finally difcharge them, and the faid John Wilfon their *"? Yeafiirer,- and their and his heirs, executors, & c. of alt intro- miffions of any kind whatever wilh the public money belong- ing to the eftablifhed Sclioolinallers of Scotland, previous to this date, and
nominate and appoint the faid pvefes pro tern- pore to give a full and final difcharge in'name of this meet- ing to faid Committee, and faid John Wilfort, their trea- furer. ( Signed) GEORCITGRAY, Pr. pro tem. " This being done the prefes refumed the chair, and the meeting, ion mature COnfideTation, unanimoufly continued to declare that the Schoolmafters wifh- Oply'to be ^/ up^ jZ- (< xJ9 /^ M^ f Xf UrtXx Ow xUj^ df& VT^ yerv fame footing ' n fociety as tliqV were at thell1- firft eftabliffi- ment, in order to be equally ufeful. That they will thank- fully accept of whatever relief Parliament fhall judge their prefent diftreffed litnation
requires, and that they never in- tended to nftke application to Parliament without the know- ledge of the, landed intereft. UNANIMOUSLY RESOLVED, . I. That further application, to Parliament be delayed until it ( hull feem proper by the Gofflmfttee appointed by this meetjag.;,, I, ' ;.. " 2. That- the heritors at their cotlflty meetings, and the royal burghs, be again cortfulttd . as foOn as convenient by the Schoolmafters within their refpeftive bounds ; and that fuch Schoolmafters fhall give diie information thereanent to the Comm; tteC. ... 3. That ail arrears of the levy of one ( hilling/ fr pound Sterling on the falaries of Sohoolmalters,
for defraying the nectffary expences, be tranfmitted as foon as poffible to the treafutcr appointed by this meeting. 4. That fubferiptions be ltill continued for the chari- "" Table donations of the benevoleht ' and humane, who niay be pleafed to favour the fcheme ; and that the prefent delegates, or any other perfons whom the prtfbyteries which have not fent delegates may chufe, be appointed to take in thefe do- nations, and tranfmit them iii due time to thfc faid trea- furer. " 5. That all letters and packets concerning this fcheme, fent lay any Schoolmaller to faid treafurcr, fhall be poll paid. ; ••..:•.- " 16. That laft year's Committee, viz.
the prefes, Dr A- dam\ Meffrs French and Frafer of the High School, Edin- burgh ; MefTrs Davidfon, Chriltian, Dick, Stuart, Duncan, Laurie, Fergufon, Bell, and Paton j together with the clerk, Meifr's Linton fchoolmalter of Brechin, Gray of Cupar, Taylor of Ellie, Veflie of Pittenweem, and tienderfon of Sanquhar, be, and hereby are appointed a Committee, ( any two of them with the prefes to be a quorum) to carry into execution- the refolutions of this meeting, with full powers to do whatfoevcr may feem proper to them in this bufinefs, and. to report to next general meeting: And that their ftated meetings fhall be on the firft Saturday
of every quar- ter of a year, betwixt the thirtieth current ( September) and next general meeting, at five o'clock afternoon j and on the day immediately preceding the next general meeting, at eleven o'clock forenoon, in the lioufe of faid Mr Laurie, or in the High School, Edinburgh, as fhall be moft Convenient; and that the prefeht prefes fhall'have power tit call other meet- ings, as occafion rtiay require. ic> " 7. That John Wilfon the prefent prefes be, and hereby is, again appointed treafurer; and the balance of forty- three pounds two Jhillings and eight pence halfpenny Sterling, formerly mentioned, be, and hereby is, committed to
the faid t, rea- furer, to be accounted for by him to the faid Committee, and for which they are to be accountable to next general meeting. " 8. That every Parilh Schoolmafter in Scotland ( hall have liberty, at all lawful hours, to infpeft the accounts of faid treafurer, and the minutes of faid Committee. " 9. That the next general meeting be; and hereby is, ap- pointed to be held in the High School, Edinburgh, upon tie fecond Thurfday of Septemper, one thoufand feven hun- dred and eighty- fix years, at ten o'clockTorenooti, " 10. That a copy of thefe refolutians be publilhed in fhe Edinburgh Evening Courant, - Advertiftr, and Caledo nian Mercury, for the information of thofe concerned ; and the Schoolmafters of Scotland are hereSy appointed to pay proper attention and regard to faid rcfolutions, as they are to expeft no Other intimation. ______________ - " 1TTHN WILSON, P7JX JOHN BRYCE, Cl."( ( Signed) £ SHIP N E IV S. ARRIVED AT GREENOCK, Nov I, . Refolution cutter, Captain Pillow, from a cruize ; four huffes from the herring ( idling; fourteen ditto, from ditto ; Kingllon. Tar- bet, from Corke, with goods; 3. Bowmore, M'Dowal, from l. airn, with fait; Jean and Jenny, Campbell, from Urogheda, with oats; Jeanie, Ballantine, from Stornoway, with
goods; Hopewell, Carrick, from Drogbida, with oats. ARRivtn AT I. EITH, Nov. 4. Lady Grant, Malcolm, from Aberdeen, with goods; Jamefcs, Somerviile, from Newcaftle, with ditto ; I. eith Packet, Thomfon, from London, with ditto ; Janet, M'Variant,, from Woodhridjjc, with checfe; Livingfion, Gordon, from lit David's, with coals; Young, Herd- man, from Wearon, with wheat. PRICES OF GRAIN'AT H^ pSlNGTON. Wheat, Bear, Oats, Peafe, Firft. 10S. 16 j6 14 od. 0 6 0 Second. 19s. • o I. 15 o 13. . 6 13 6 iSs. 14 II ,. O Third. od. o O o HADDINGTON ASSEMBLY. J- 1E Haddington Affembly is fixed for Friday the I ith of Novem- ber,
to begin exaftly at fix o'clock. THE NEW INN AT ELGIN TO BE LET. •" PHIS commodious and well- frequented Inn, With flables, barn, hay- X loft, and others pertaining thereto, prefently poffeffed by Mr Wil- kie vintner ( who removes to the new inn at Aberdeen at Whiffundav firft), is to be SET in TACK, betwixt and the ift day of next, for fuch number of years as may be agreed on, and faid term. For particulars apply to Bailie Alexander Brander,' me( chai the proprietor, or Mr Wilkie, who will ( how the pn F; 0 R 1, O NUO N," Jie Livingflon ( Stevenfon), ATEXANPT* GORDON iMafter, h now lying on the Birth in Leith harbour ta king in goods, and will fail the 17th of Novem- ber, to be depended upon. This veffel was fitted up on purpofe for the trade, andL has neat accommodation for paffen- „ . If6"- / y/^ f ^/ V tte- n JjUj' The Mailer to be fpoke with at the Exchange Coffeehoufe, ' Change hours— or at Mrs Stevenfbn's, Queen- ftreet, I. eith. gin To be SOLD by public roup, on Thurfilay the 24th of November, at twelve o'clock niKl- dyr/ n Charles White's, on the Shore of Leith, lOOP LADY CHARLOTTE, I, a ftout new yeflcl, about { eventy tons urden, completely rigged for fea. A I. S O, On Monday the 28th current, in James Har sS- Sfi^^^^ die's, vintner at (
Srangemouth, the LIGHTER GLASGOW, NIF. 1, lihewife a flovrt- new voSH|,, cot » itru< Sed to carry 50 tons through the Canal. . , , ^ .. , , Articles of roup and conditions ojf fale i) Jf J^ itjv veffels tq. be feen by applying to Nical Buird, furveyril- for tilt Canal Company it Kelvin head, by Kilfyth. iyho is empowered tp difji^ i'c. oOfaii veffels by. private bargain any time before the days politic „ - 3* 0v. 4, l? 8j. COUNT^ OF AYR. ' ;.. TF*^/// SUN DRUM, Nov. 2, J;^.;. HE Commifiioners r| Siftpfjf fnr the Shire of Ayr are requefteil tn meet at Ayr on Fri\ jL0< a if- th inftant, to take into conlideratioij, fome propofais from government relative to
the BRIDGES on thef'oai from Ballantrae to the nuirch of the county towards Stranraer., - . ( Signed) - JOHN- H A MILTON,- t'onvaner. T COUNTY OF PE'R TIL/ WHEREAS feveral Petlons of- DifHnJtion have expftf that the fejil'f , of this connty.( hould. be taktyi on jhe [ teration of. the COURT of SESsiON, ty, d. hniiiifhing the utfhiber ot the Judges: , , We therefore, as Conveners of this . county, do hereby a; ive notice, that a meeting will be. held for the above purprife on Tuefday the ajil AVI' PERTH, NOV. ift, • DAVID. .- MITH, MLINGO MURRAY. \ Si 1RUN0, ift NOVIMHKH, r. J ' HE Gentlemen, Heritors, and Cbmmiffioners
haying this day jffembled, in confe- quertre of advertii'emer. ts in the nevvfpaptrs, to conlider of the propofed redu& ion of the, number of the JtJIiGF. S of the Supreme Courts, an'j other Wufinels of importance, they called to the ch^ tr'jAMS^ liRL- er, huj; of Kiunaird : AND R E S O I, V E D, | 1' hat if the bill now under confideration was would be an. infraction pf the treaty of Union, violation of our coiillitution as eftabliflied at. that pt- rio5 1 hat \ it Was highly improper , to in trqduce a bill. of this tendency! into Parliament without the concurrence of this part of the united king- • doin, who alone at- e Judges of its expediency, and the
dangerous con ft- quenccs that may attend fuch innovation. l'hat if this part , of the united kmj^ i/ Vm Were to apply for and obtain the trial by jury in .. civil caufes, as enjoyed by their fellow fuhjeils in England, we are convinced the bufinefs of the nation would be executed with faiety and difputch; and in that cafe it might become a conlider. i- tion, how far it would be proper to kffen the prefent number of our judges in the Supreme Courts. That we approve bf incieafing the falaries of the Judges ; hut are of opinion, the method at prcfent propofed is liable to the objections al- ready ftated, degrading to. this part of the kingdom in
particular, and uriluitahle to ttie digiliiy of the Britilh empire. . , v ' 1' hat the member of thi- county be.. defired vigoroufiy to, oppofe the- above- mentioned bill, ( hould it be again agitated in Parliament, and be requefted to give us the earliell information if the introduction of it in- to Parliament is ftill perliiled in. . . . the meeting refolvfd,. That th; s county will contribute a fhare of any expence that may be incurred in oppofing fuch bill. , The me. eting having taken into confideratidn the prefent flate of th- DlSTIl. LJiRY, the Prefts produced a letter he had received in anfwer from th? Lord Advocate, dating the manner in which the hill
propofed to have been brought into Parliament regarding the diftillery was poft- : poned.— The meeting having taker) their former minutes relative to thi3 bufinefs into confideration, with the Lord Advocate's information, are of opinion, That levying the duties by, a tax on the contents of the dill is the proper mode to he adopted, by which, the revenue will be increafed, and thereby the whole diftillers put on an equal footing ; and. that fhe "( luty on the gallon iliould be rated at: the turn mentioned in the bill fofmerly propofed, or fo as the fame Ihall not exceed forty Ihillings on- J the gallon, in full of every duty ejtigible by Government
for one . year,' and that exclufive of the malt duty; and nominated . Sir James Camp- 1 bell, Mr Bruce, Mr Johnfton, and Mr Strachan, or any one of them, as a committee, to meet with committees to be named by other counties, to prepare a bill to be brought into Parliament; and recommend to the member for this county to fupport faid bill when brought in. The meeting do recommend tq the Prefes, to. tranfmit copies of the Lord Advocate's letter and thefe minutes to the Conveners of the dif- terCnt counties in Scotland, and to write to the Lord Advocate, thank- ing h'is I. ordlhip for his information, and^ equeftimjOiis. foncOTfirice
alid fupport for carrying through tht bill• // t^^ yf/ j'^ i^^^' • Refolved, That the meeting is flill further mduccd toadhere to the propofais nude for liringing in this lalt hill, by an obfervation which, every one muft have made, of the great increafe of importation of fmuggled foreign ( pirits fince that bill was in agitation; which detri- ment to revenue, they apprehend, can Stiff he prevented by a bill con- ceived in fuch terms as tbofe then propol'ed. ( Signed) JAMES BRLTCK, Pref^ t, ; OTICE to" CREDITORS. Fs of ALEXANDER WATT, Merchant in Dunbar, being ready to divide 3t Martinmas next, the creditors are defifed, be- twixt aqd the ?
oth of November current, to produce their grounds of debt in the hands of Francis Strachan, writer to the fignet, Edinburgh, or of Mr John Tait, town clerk of Dunbar ; with certification, that the funds will he divided—^ atongft thole creditors who ( h^ ll have then produced theit- claiiy. c- C^ .^ yptt-^^ f /. NOTICE EDITORS of ROBERT BROWN AND CO. late Merchants at Carronbank. THE truftee upon the feqtieftrated eftate of the faid Robert Brown and Company hereby intimates, that a general meeting of the cre- ditors of faid company is to be held within , the Exchange Coft'eehoufe of Edinburgh upon Wednefday the 30th of
November current, at one. o'- clock afternoon, for the purpofe of laying before them a ( late of his ac- ' counts and management, and for taking fucE meafures as the meeting may judge ncceffaryif expediting th? Vttlement of the. affairs of'thu bankrupts. ^/ jy^ l^ NOTICE to CREDITORS.' THE Lord Swinton, Ordinary on the Billion the 3d current, feqne- ftrated the whole real and perfonil eftate of THOMAS SMl'I'H, Tenner in Glaigow, on his own application^ with concurrence of a cre- ditor qualified in terms of the ftatyte; and appointed his Creditors to meet iri the houfe of Mrs Sheid, vintner in Glafsow, upon Tuefday the 15th inftant,
at twelve o'clock noon, iipopyrTyiiaiie an interim fat- tor thereon, in tetms of the ftatute. /^ J // rt J , Thel'e are therefore requiring the vsmol^ creaftQJ's of the faid Thomas Smith, by themfelvcs, or their agen^_£ r » pefiy authonfed to adl for1 them, to meet time and place above mentioned for the purpofe forefaid, : and to bring with them their grounds of debt, and oaths on the verity, to be produced before the cominiffjoner whl) ( hajl attend pJie meeting, ,; as the ftatute direfls. ^ / ft/ V U- NOTICE ' To the CREDITORS of JOHN CAMPBELL, Merchant and lnlurance Broker in Glafgovv. STATES of the effe& s of the debtor which have
been converted into money, and pf the debts ranked thereon, and a fcheme of divifiori of the money recovered fince lall dividend, have been made out by Mi- chael Bogle, merchant in Glafgow, truftee on the ( equeftrated eftate ; and thefe papers, with a general ftate of the debtor's affairs brought down to the day of November current, are to lie open in the truf- tee's hands for the infpeCHon of all concerned, from the ijth day of No- . veniber Current till Monday the 16th day of January 1786, when the creditors are defired to meet in the Tontine Tavern in Glafgow, at twelve o'clock, to receive their fecond dividends, and to give fuch
or-. ders as may appear neceffary in the future management. NOTICE TORS of JAMES MEUROS, Bookfeller in Kilmarndkk. THoM/^^ W^ yJsHr. it- Ds, brewer in Kilmarnock, and John Dalz'iel, trullees upon the fequeftrated eftate of the faid James . Meuros, havemade up dates of the bankrupt's. effeiSls that have been converted into money, and of the debts which have been proved and lodged with them, in terms of the ftatute, with a fcheme or cad divid- ing the free produce of. the money fo recovered among the feveral cre- ditors ; all which, with a general ( late of the bankrupt's affairs, is now- open for the infpedlion of the
creditors, or their agents, in the truftees hands. And a general meeting of the creditors is to lie held at Kil- marnock on. the 4th day of January next, within the houfe of Mrs. Mit- chell, vintner in Kilmarnock, at twelve o'clock noon, in order that they may give fuch orders as may appear neceffary for the future manage- ment of the bankrupt's xftate, and to receive their firft dividends. ' ' ( Signed), THOMAS GRF. F. NSHE1LDS. ' ^ / . t^ KjOHN DAI. ZI£ l. sAb tZJyj^/^ .
T El E ROUP OF '" THE DISTILLERY and BREWERY that be- longed to the deceafed David Whyte, lying in Grangeparis, near Borrowftommefs, formerly advertifed to he fold upon Monday lall the < 24th of oaober, was then ADJOURNED to Friday the ilthjrf- KoV-" her 1785 ; upon which day they will be again expofed to roup an^ betwixt the hours of ten forenoon and two afternoon, i/ th Mrs Whyte," in, Grangepans. At fame time will be K OUPED, the whole Houftol/ yCBipiit) that helouged to tiie faid David Whvtei confiding of" ileads, beds, drawers, tables, chairs, cupboard, grates, kiQEerrlitenSls, & c. a horfe, malt- mill with
rollers, a great quantity of calks alinoft new,, working toils, and coollers." And the CREDITORS of the faill David Whyte are receded to meet on Monday next the 7th of November, at twelve o'clock mid-- day, in the houfe of Mrs Why( e at Grangepans, to confider of matters of • importance to them, when it is hoped they will attend, and bring their vouchers of debt. For particulars apply to Mrs Whyte, or to William Finlayfon, writer ill Edinburgh. To be SOLD by public roup, within the Exchange Coff burgh, upon Thurfday the 24th of Noven ' hours of live and fix afternoon, A LL and Haill the Corn, W; jioufe, Edin- etween the int Mills (
fres thereof, with ' and inclofures thereto *> f NEWTON, Mill Lands and aftriflf Ike manfion houfe, garden, pigeon- Jioufes, offices beionging, lying ill the parifh of Strickathro and ( hire of Forfar, about two miles from Brechin, and live from Montrofe, as the fame are at pre- fenfliferented by Gilbert Ochterlbny, late of PVforthie, and poffeffed hy him and his tenants. The purchafer is to be burdened with MrOch- terlony's liferent. Thefe fubjeas will be held by the purchafer partly of the Crown, and partly of a fubjeift fujerior, The cafualties of fuperiority are taxed at a trifling fum. For particulars enquire at Mr Thomas Stewart, town- clerk of
Mon- trofe, or janies May, clerk to the fignet. O be SOLD by public, roup, within the Exchange CfiffeehJ T ARC S II I R t. T' the hours of fix and feven in the afternoon, The Lands and Mill of GLACK r, f OLD CRAIG and KIRKTOWN, and the Lands JrDAJ& dT; ly- ing in the parflhes of Daviot and Chapel of Garioch, ifc « i « Kinty of A- berdeen ; confiding of 1188 acres or thereby ; the prefeift rent 323 I. 8s. 8d. Sterling money, 147 bolls meal, 9 bolls bear, and about 20 dozen of poultry, befidcs carriages and fernces. The public burdens are about 23 1. money, and 10 bolls vi£ lual. Thefe is upon the lands a commodious manfion houfe, gardens, and offices; and a complete fet of farm- houfes, barns, byres, & c. lately built aftd dated. The farm furrounding the houle ( planting inelnded) con- tains about T50 acres, properly fenced, and divided into regular inclo- fures, well fupplied with water, and Iheltered by belts of planting and hedges, in the moft thriving condition. The adjoining farm of W'eftniains. of about 80 acres, was lately taken intd the proprietor's natural pofTeflion; is furrounded by an outer fence, and fome 1' abdivH fions. It is charged in the rental at 110 more than 15 1. paid for the grafs 1783, though when fet to,. a tenant it paid lol. money, and
24 bolls meal. On this farm is a proper Heading cf houfes of ail kinds for a tenant; and the farm would now let to great advantage for plowing. The whole of thefe lands lie contiguous'; and hold of the Crown; and ( land rated in the eels- books at above 7001. Scots. No part of the lands is thirled td any mill, except one fmall poffedion ; and tlferi is a good mill on the ellate. There are modes upon the lands, which the tenants have been prevented from ufirig, as the lands have lVrvi- trtdes npon the modes of YVartlie and Mouriie, in the neighbourhood.— By charter from the Crown there is right to two yearly fairs, which ai e regularly
held at the Kirktown of Daviot, in June and OdWber, and alfo a right to a weekly market. The KILL is good, and fituation pleafant, in the centre of that beauti- ful and healthy country the GARRIOCII, over which there is a very tine ptofpeft. The accefs is eafy, the roads good; a regular poll paffes three times in the week, very near the manfioii- houfe. The farm about the houfe is well defigned, and was improved at a large expence. It is at prefent all in grafs, laid down In excellent condition ; the greateft part a good ntany years ago. No rent is put upon themanlion- houfe, gardens, See. nor upon about 50 acres of ground under
planting, fome of if of the beft quality. Nor is any value put npon tlie wood, coniifting of Oak, Alh, Elm, Plane, Fir, See. full gi() wn, which are worth, and would yield immediately, a corifiderable • film. T he young wood, in the belts and planting conlill of all the va- rious fortft trees reared in Scotland. For the encouragement of Purchafers, the Upfet Price wflTbe only 8000 1. Sterling ; a fum thought by competent and impartial judges to be confiderably under the real value of the fubjefts. The title- deeds, rental, current leafet, plans ofthe lands, and con. ditions of fale, are to be fcen in the hands of William Walker attorney in
Exchequer; to whom, or to Mr Farquharfon accomptant in Edin- burgh, who has power to fell by private bargain, perfons willing to pur- chafe will apply. William Glennie, at the houfe of Glack, will diow the lands, and a copy of the rental. Judicial Sale of Lands in Fitefhire. O be SOLD, by judicial roup, within the Parliament or New Selfion Hoiife, Edinburgh, upon Friday the 45th of November curt, be- twixt the hours of four and fix afternoon, THE FOLLOWING SUBJECTS, Which belonged to the deceafed David Loch of Over Carnbee. I. The Lands and Eftate of OVER CARNBEE, in the purilh~& ibnrn- tee, and neighbourhood of the
fea- port towns of Pittenweem, Anliru- ther, Kilrenny, Crail, and within three mile'sW St Andrews: alfo, the COAL in the faid lands. The proven rent of this pftate, which meafures about 400 acres, is, exchifive of the coal not rentalled, X.. The teinds are valued, and amount to L. Fcu- duty and School- matter's falary, • Rimiains, free rent of'ftock, Which, valued at twenty- four years purchafe, is L. And, adding five years purchafe of 6 1. 13 s. 6 d. 9" I2ths, being the free teind, after de- ducing 3 1. J s. 5 d. I0- i2tlis of miniltcr's ltiperid from the above valued teind, 33 76 9- nths. 5 o 9- uths. pigeon- houfe, on Total upfet price, L- 3902
There is a good Manfion- houfe, offices, garden, and the estate, and the lands are all ipcloled and fubdivided ; the divifions well laid out and fupplied with water. They have for fome time been wholly in grafs, except a fmall field near the mautfon- houfe, and are now in great order. Since the judicial rental was taken, they have rifen, though only fet from year to year for padure ; and the rent, for the cur- rent year to Martinmas next, is 2121. 18 s. 4 d. and a conliderable rife has been offered, upon a fet for labour. The coal has not been wrought for fome years. When it was wrought, it turned out to good account; and the main feam,
eight feet thick, has . oevef been touched. It is well fituated both for foreign and inland fale. The lands hold feu and blench of the Crown, for payment of 2 d. 8- r2ths Sterling, and entitle the proprietor to vote for a member to Parliament. ' II. FOURTEEN ACRES of the Lands of KINGSMUIR, adjoining to the faid lands of Carnbee ; free rent, 2 1.- 3 s. 4 d. which; valued at twenty- four, years purchaie, is of upfet price, L. 52. III. Acre and a half of LAND near Pittcnweemi poffeffed by John Scott, holding burgage, after deducing 2 firlots bear of ftipehd; frep rent a 1. 15 s. valued at 24 years piiichafe", upfct price, - L. 66 O o IV. IIOUSE
and GARDEN in " Kiikca'die, ' with convefiiencies, pof- ieffed by Mr John Loch, proven rent 5 1. u'pfet p ice, L. 5000 ' The articles of 1 ofip will be ' feen in the office of Mr George Kb kpa- trick depute clerk of Sc'flion. Copies of the articles, Schemes of the proven rental and value, and progrefs of- writs, & c. are in the hands of JobiTMotr writcAo the fignet, who will fnform as to further particulars; atul'Mr Millar » t Carnbie, will fliew the lands. THE Eftate of DUNARDRY is to he fold by roup, within the Ex- change Cofftehoufe, Edinburgh, upon Wednefday the 7th day of December next, at five o'clock afternoon, in one or more lots as
pur- chafers ( hall incline. If the latter the following are propofed— DUNARBRY, BARINl. UASGAN, BAR IN DAFF, DUNANS, and BARDARROCH— Rent 202!. 7s. 8d. Sterling. II. KILMICHAEL- INVERLUSSY— Rent 136I. 12s. » d. III. A C H A C H OIS H— R c n t 53!. 6s. The . whole to be fet . up. at twenty years purchafe. For further particulars apply to Janies I: crfier, writer to ^ he fignet. J U D I C 1 A L t> A L E. To he expofed to public roup, by authority of the Court of SeCon- w> rfi- in the Parliament- houfe, Edinburgh, on W? dnefday t' ' vember 17S5, betwixt the hours of four and live the Lord Ordinary on the Bills for the
time, HE Room & I. andsof AITCHlNS/ ljSt^^ H, with the Tiends, Houfes, and Pertinents, lviiLj- jfiJ. be parilh of Dairy and flewartry- of Kirkcudbright. ' The rental ofthefe lands, for a nineteen years leafe, free of all ' dedu& ions, is proven to- be 54I. Is If ul.. VI2ths. the value of which, at twenty- live years purchafe, is ijitl. Ijs. rid. 3- i2ths Sterling, being the uplet price fixed by the Court. The lands are a merk land of old extent, and hold of the Crown blench. They are now valued at 160I. Scots, according to which they pay cefs. The tiends are alfd held blench. ' The lands have, for fome time paft, been pdfieffed bri diortleafesjaiid a
confiderable rife may be expeiited for a leafe of nineteen ytars, '] he articles of roup, to be feen in the office of Mr George Kirkpa- trick, one of the depute clerks of Seffion, and in the hands of James Grahanae, writer in Dumfries, the faiSlor ; and Bain Whyt, writer in E- dinburgh, agent ;* h the fale, Who will inform as ttvparticulars. j U D i e I A I, S ' A I. •£ 6T " A Tenement of Houfes in Dumfriesi And a Pari in the Burgh Roodi thereof. TO be SOLD, within the Parliament or New Seffion Hotift burgh,- on Tuefday the 29th of November J785, bet' honrs of five and feven in the afternoon, The SUBJECT'S afte'r- mentionxjd,- which
helongicd to Ifobel M'Kie, fpoul'e to David Johnfton, Captain- Lieutenant o- f - his Majefty's Marine Forces lately in America, daughter of'tKe de'cealVd John M'Kie, writer in Dumfries, arid the faid Captain- David johnflon'for his intereft. LOT L—- Tbe Tenement of Land and Hr> uIV. s= cslled the BLUE BRLI, TAVERN, in Dumfries, yard, barn, ftahlcs, and other pertinents there- to belonging. The proven rental thereof is 37I. and the proven value, at eleven years purchal'e of that rent ( which is appointed to be tlie upfct price), is 407L Tfiefe fubjetfts hold burgage of fhe town of E » umfries for performing the burgh fervices tifed and
wont, arid are conveniently fituated- either to be pofleiTed as private lodgings or as- a tavern. LOT 11.— A Park- or Inclofure cf f. and in the Burgh Roods of Dum- fries, iu that part called COWlE's HOLES, cuiifilling of two acres or thereby. The proven rental thereof, after all dedtuRioni, is 5I. 3s. 8tl. 8- nths, and the proVen value, at twenty- four years purohufe of that rent ( which is appointed to bd the uj> fet price), is 124I. 9s. 4d. Thefe fubjefls alfo hold burgage of the town of Dumfries, frtr pay. ment of 3s. 4d. Scots yea ly for the firit acre thereof, and performing burgage ferviccs ufed aiul wont, and are conveniently fitvated near
the burgh of Dumfries. The articles of roup and title deeds are to he feen in the office of A- lexander Stevenfon, depute clerk of Sellion; and perlbns wanting fur- ther information may apply to Hugh Corrie, writer to the fignet, agent in the fale,, or John Aiken junior, writer in D- umfries, the faitor. SALE ot the ESTATE of RliDCASTLt:, To be Sold by public roup, within the New Exchange Coffee" Edinburgh, upon Monday the 15th of December 1785, clock afternoon, T^ Hfr Lands ' and Barony of REDCASTLE, lying- in Kilernan and Kilmmr Weller, and county of Rofs. iTitfe/ lttb hold of the Crown, and are valued in the cefs- books of
me- cfiunty at I49tl. - At a moderate conierfion of the vifiual, they yield of. yearly rent about inool. Sterling, and. being very extenfive, and ftill in their natural ftate, they are capable of great improvement. Their fituation is uncommonly agreeable: they Tie along the navigable frith of Beaulie, which bounds them on the frtuth for the fpace of about five miles; they arc diftant from, the borough of Invernefs only about two miles; the foil is of an exceeding good quality,, dry, and healthy, and, owing to the fouth expofure, the crops are more early than in the molt fouth- erly parts of Scotland, The manfion haute is lit to accommodate a large
family ; the gardens' are extenfive, and yield fruits of all kin. ls in great plenty, early, and of the beft quality. ' There is a confidcrable falmon filhing upon the eftate, and white filh and Ihell fifh of all kinds. . The low country game upon it is plenty, and all forts of Highland game Within a few miles oftt. There is fome- natural wood, and the planta- tions upon the eftate are extenfive, and in thriving condition. Lieutenant John M'Kenzie, at Invernefs, will fhew the lands; and the rental, title deeds, and articles of roup, are to be feen in the hands of John Tait, writer to the fignet, Shakefpeare's Square, Edinburgh, and to whom any perfon
may apply who wiihes to purchafe by private bargain. BY ADJOURNMENT. ' JUDICIAL SALE OF LANDS IN THE STEWARTRY OF KIRKCUDBRIGHT. TO be SOLD, within the Parliament or New Seffion houfe of Edin. burgh, on Thuifday the 24th November 1785, between the hours of five and feven in the afternoon. The two following LOTS remaining unfold of the Lands and others that belonged to the deceated William Rorifon of Art^ och, and Lieutenant Robert Korifdn his fon,. viz. Ld'l" I. The Lainds of ARDOiCH, antl Upper and Nether Barlaes, with the teinds thereof, lying in the parilh of Dairy, and llewartry of Kirkcudbright,
The proven rental is" - - L. troi From which deducing a proportion of the 5 1. 5 s. 1 d. I0- I2ths ci' ftipend payable for thefe and the other lands after mentioned, 2 8 ReteiinS of free rent, - - I.. 107 12 ^ ffi- i 2ths And the proven value, being 23 years purchafe thereof ( which is to be the upfct price) is 2475 1. 10 s. 8 d. 4- I2ths. Thefc lands hold bltnch of the Crown, and are valued in the ccfs- books of the ftewartry, at 25c 1. Scots. They are moftly all good afable or padure grounds. The manfion- houfe of Ardoch is beautifully fituated 011 a fmall lake. The lands are ornamented and fheltered with old natural wood and planting, and, in
the lands of Batlaes, there are plenty of peats for firing, an article fcaice and valuable iti that part of the country. The timber. growing on tire lands of Ardgch is valued by a perfon of fkill, who - has carefully examined the fame, at - 318 1. lis. 4 d. and which is not included in the proven value of the lands. LO T II. THe rtifcrk land of Arndanoch, halt'- merk land of Marfkaijr, Sale of I In BERWICKSHIRE. 1 the merk land of Culnv. uk, the lands of Brldgemark, Garry- yard, Car- uiehiU, and Blackneuk,' with the new mill of Culmark, and the teinds of the faid lands, all lying in the faid parifh of Dairy, and ftewartry of Kirkcudbright. The
proven rental of the lands in this lot is, L. 128 18 4 8- I2ths From which deducing a proportion of the teind, 1 16 9 6- t2ths Remains of free rent, L. 126 1 7 2- i2ths And the proven value being 23 years purcha reof, ( which is to be the upfet price) is, I.. 2899 16 8 8- I2ths Thefe latids alfo hold blench of the Crown, and are valued in the eels- books of the county at 437 1. Scots, fo that they afford a clear freehold, qualification. They are confidered to be the bed relief padure lands in that part of the country, and there is a conliderable quantity of natural wood and planting on them, alfo a good coro mill, and a public houle at the bridge
of Ken. The lands in both lots and in the neighbourhood abound with a va- riety of game. The articles of roup, title- deeds, and plans of the lands, are to be feen in the office of Alexander vfjtevehfon depute- c'lcrk of leflion; and perfons wanting further information may apply to Hugh Corrie writer to the ligrict at Edinbiic^ i, the agent in the fale. r | " O be Sold by public vo untary roup, within the Exchange Coffee- 1 houfc, Edinburgh, upon Monday the nth Dec. i; 8J, betwixt the hours of five and fix afternoon, "" Tlie Lands alid Ellate of ANOELR \ W, lying in the paridi and within three miles of the town of Greenlaw, confining of 200
acres or thereby, and paying of ye'ar'. y rent 150I. Sterling. The le'al'e there- of expires at wfiitfuiiday 1786, and an additional rer. t has been offer, ed.- The Tands hold of the Crown, are- all inciofed andI fubdivuled, o£ u good foil, and, capable of further. improvements, . having reatjy accef* to. lime by the Greenlaw turnpike road. There, is on the premifes a manfion- houfc, with" garden and orchard, and a complete farm Heading. Ths tiends are valued. ^ Alfo the Farpi and Lands of REKDYLOCH, lying in the parifh of Etlrotn, within three miles of the town of Dunfo, confiding of acres or thereby, paying of yearly rent tool. Sterling,
and holding of ; » fubjeA fuperior for payment of ll. Scotsof feu- duty. The lands are o£- a very good foil, lying'altmg the north fide of Bhckader water, all in- clofed and fubdivided. The farm fleading is very comp'ete, being buile a few years ago. The rentals, progrefs of writs, ( which are clear) and conditions of fale, are to be feen in the hands of John Cockhurn writer, Dunfe,. or by applying to William J'ringle writer, at Mr Cornelius Elliot's, cleric • to the lignet, Edinburgh. A R G YLESHI R E. ~~ To be SOLD by public roup, in the Exchange Coffeehoufe, Edinburgh!' on Wednefday the 14th of December 1785, between the hours of
four and five, 1. o T I, '"" T'HE Two Merk Land of BEACHAR, the Four Merk Land of 1. BEACHMEANACH, AC HAG LASS, the Two Merk Land of Cl. ACHAIG, with the Mill thereof, all lying within the pa- rilh of ICillean, lordffiip of Kintyre, and ( hire of Argylt, extending try 1831. 8d. Sterling of'yearly free rent. The high road from Invcrary to Campbeltown pafles through thefe lands; they hold uf the Crown, and give two qualifications to vote for a member of iyj^ inetit. IJpfct price to. be 4Qpql. - //^ V; I The Lands of ACHACHARK and GA^ V^ H^ Wng in the f » -> rilh of Campbeltown and IherifFMom of ArJ^ lar ', Thefe lands conlilt oii
about 293 acres, mollly arable; lie. within a mile of a lirne quarry, at, the fame diftance from the coalliety of Drumlemmon, and within three miles of the burgh of Campbehown, and. extend to IOJU Is. jd. of free rent. Upfet price to be l8^ ol LOT III. That commodious and'plfafactly fituated HOJJSE in the . Kjrk- llreet of Campbeltown, poflelTed by Provoft Farquharfon, confiding of, four fire roums, dining room, and drawing room, with two large garrets, kitchen, cellar, and pantry, with the out- houfes and court adjoining.—,. Upfet price to be 4ool. The titlcdieds, atticles of roup, rentals, and current leafes, are to be feen in the hands of
James Ferrier, writer to. the fignet, Edinburgh; and copies of the; articles of roup are lodged with Archibald < 2ampbell5 wri- ter in Campbeltown; to either of. whom fuch as intend to purchafe. may apply fqr further particulars. JUDICIAL SALE. To be Sold, within the Parliament or NewrSeflioq Houfe of- Edin upon Wtdtnefday the 23d of November 1785, betvvii four and feven in the afternoon, rT, HE following Lands and Eftate JL longed to. the decaled GEORGE SINCLAIR of Sti following lots : LOT I. The Lands of WEDDERCI. ETT, and UPPER anj NE THER HAUSTE'RS, with the tiends and pertinents thereof, lying within the
parilh of Wick and ( hire of Caithnel's. The proven rent whereof, after all deductions, is 70I. 16s. iod. ^ I2ths Sterling; and the proven value of thefe lands, being twenty- one years purcbafcoX faid rent, is 1645!. 3s. nd. 5- i2ths Sterling. ' Thefe iands of Weddercleft and Hauders hold of the Crown. LOT II. The Lands of STIRCOCK, and Mill thereof'; BLIN- GER Y, HAUSQIIOY, GRAYSTONES, and ACHAIRN, with thi tiends and pertinents thereof, lying within the faid parilh of iVick and lb ire of Caithnefs. The proven rent whereof, after all deductions, is 87I. 8s. id. tt- l- 2ths Sterling; and the proven value of thefe lands, being tvventy onti years purchafe of faid rent, is 1835I. us. ^ d. I- I2th Sterling. Thefe lands of Stircock and others hold feu of Mr Sinclair of BarrocWor pay* ment of an yearly feu- duty of 4I. 6s. 2d. Scots. The whole of this cflate lies at a diftance of about only from two tQ three Englifh miles l'toni the royal burgh of Wick ; and from the mof » fes on this eftate, which are inexhauftible, the inhabitants of that burgtt are in a great meafure fupptied with peats for firing. The kinds them » felves are of very confiderable extent, and are capable of great improve- ment, and there is a great appearance of finding limedone upon theft; lands. The articles of
fale and title- deeds of the different lands may be feen at the office of Mr Keith Dunbar, depute clerk of Seffion ; and copies of the proven rental may be got from William Sinclair, writer to the fignet, to whom perfons chufing to be informed of further particulars may apply. the two ! BY ADJOURNMENT. To be SOLD by public roup or auction, within the Excl/ ani houfe, Edinburgh, on Wednefday the 30th day of No' batwiw the hoars of fix and feven afternoon, THE Lands & Barony of BANNOCKBtJRN, with the Coal and Mi', 19, and the Harbour and Coal- fold's at Fallinpow, lying in the parifh of St Ninian's and ( Hire T> f Stirling,
with- in three miles of the town of Stirling, upon the great roads leading from Stirling to Ediuburgh and Glafgow. Thefe lands confiil, . conform to a plan, of 796 Scots acres of property, and 164 acres feued out. to different perfons, all holding of the Crown, and rated in the land- fax hooks at iaiol. Us. 8d. Scots, and the pur- chafer will have right to the tithes. The neat rent of the land eftate ( exclufive of the coal) for crop 1783. was 76al. 7s. Sterling, including therein the price of 20 bolls malt an4 54 bolls oat- meal, at 16s. per boll. There is a large nianfion- houfe with fuitable offices, alfo a large gsr- den and orchard., and a pigeon houfe, 011 the premifes, and a talmoiv- fifhing at Fallinpow, none of which are included in the rent- roll. T here is alfo a great number of fine full- grown timber trees, coulilling of oak, alh, beech, ejm, & c. of coufiderablc value, with feveral young planta* tions of various kinds of wood, very thriving. The lands arc generally fnclofed and'fubdivided, partly with ftone dykes and partly with thriving hedges. From their fituation in a popu- lous country, where extenfive manufactures are carried on, and where coal and all the articles of living are cheap, and from their vicinity ttj lime and good roads, they are capalvle of great improvement
and increafa of rent. Some farms are now open, which will rife; and when the other leafes which - are current expire a few years hence, a conlidotable advance may be depended rit^ OVCT the whole eftate, and great advantage may he derived from fetiing, and from tretSling mills on the - water uf Bannockburn. There is a valuable field of marie upon the eftate, to which a level is carried up; alfo two yearly fairs and a weekly market. The coal of Bannockhurn is extenfive, confiding of diffetent featn* level- free, and is Wcll. known to be of the beft quality, and of great va- lue. It has for years paft yielded a neat profit, after defraying
oncaft and all expences, of about Ijool. per annurr , as wil) appear from the coal books-; and it may be wrought to a much greater extent, if th « proprietor inclines; for befides the demand from the town of Stirling and the country around, there is a harbour and fold and other conveni- y enciesat Fallinpow, on the f, ith of Forth, belonging to the ellate, where a fea fale hiay be carried on to great advantage, A purchafe in itfelf more complete, of better and more convenint fi- . tuation for intercourfe with Edinburgh, Glafgow, Stirling, and the frith rif Forth, '& c. and capable of higher improvement, rarely occurs in the ' market. The tacks,
rent roll, plan, progrefs of writs, and conditions of fale, are to be feen in the hands of John Moir, writer to the fignet; and for further particulars application may be made to him, or to - John Duridas, writer to the fignet, or John M'. KiH< ap, writfr in Stirling, or to Alexan- der Farquharfon, accountant in Edinburgh, who has power to fell by private bargain. William Thomfon, overfeer of the coal at • Jialinock-. ; tyum, willfliow the eftate arid the coal books. I ® IN, BURGH,-— Said by DAVIQ RAMSAY, Old Filhmarket Clefe,— Price-, 3d.- il 17/. yearly, called fots— 2/. & 6J. delivered in Town,— and 2/. 61. U fent. by P « ft.