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Lincoln Gazetteer


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Lincoln Gazetteer

Date of Article: 21/10/1785
Printer / Publisher: James Maud 
Address: Office in the High Street, near the Butchery Lane, by James Maud
Volume Number: 2    Issue Number: 69
No Pages: 4
Sourced from Dealer? No
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LINCOLN Or, Public * The only Newspaper Volume 2, printed at LINCOLN. Number 69 LINCOLN: Printed for the Proprietors, at their Office, m the High- Street, near the Butchery- Lane, by JAMES MAUD. Advertisements, not exceeding Twenty Lines, are inferted at four Shillings and Six- pence each Time, and Thrce- permce for every four Lines above Twenty, [ Price Three- pence. ] F R I D A Y, October 21, 1785. [ Ready Money for Advertisements. 4 A useful Information On THE LOW PRICE OF RUM. JAMAICA Rum Warehouse. To the Nobility, Gentry, Dealers, Captains of Ships, and others, delicate in the Flavour of fine old Jamai- ca Rum, & c. & C. Richardson and Stevenson, City Repository, 173, Bishopsgate- Street, London. FROM tbe very great encouragement they have received from parliament, by reducing the duty on Jamaica Rums, in order to increase the sale of that valuable article, they have selected several large parcels of the finest old Rums imported, and now offer them to their friends, and a free people, on very low terms, by which they hope for their continued favours, viz. Fins old Jamaica Rum, warranted free from British Spirits, at 7s. 6d. per gallon, orin casks of 10 gallons « » ch, 7 » . gd. per gallon, equal in quality to Rum that most houses are now selling as their best Rum it 9s. to 101. per gallon. The finest over- proof old Jamaica Rum, scarcely to be equalled, being selected out off several large parcels of the first qualities, and warranted neat as imported by the West India merchants, in which oil will sink, si 8s. 9d. or in casks of 10 gallons each at 8s. 4d. Per puncheon 8s. per gallon. Upwards of 500 puncheons now in bonded warehouses at 7s. 7d. per gallon, worth the attention of the wholesale dealers. Fine old Coniac Brandy, warranted free from British Spirits, at lis. per gallon. The finest over- proof old Coniac Brandy, neat as im- ported, in which oil will sink, at 12s. 9d. or in casks of 10 gallons each, n » . 4d. Fine old Rotterdam Geneva, perfectly white, at 9s. per gallon. \ The finest over- proof Rotterdam Geneva, in which oil will sink, at 12s. per gallon. The finest Orange Rum Shrub, at 8s. per gallon. Very good Orange Shrub at 6s. per gallon. F0REIGN WfNE S. Red and White Port, Mountain, Calcavella and Lisbon Wines, of the most approved Vintages, at 23s. per dozen, 13 bottles.— Per Pipe, Port Wine/ 471 Cal- cavella and Lisbon/ 47; old Mountain/ 40 per butt; very excellent old Sherry Wine 30s. per doz. per butt £ 52 : as likewise some of the choicest old Ma- deira Wine in this kingdom at 40s. per doz. ENGLIS H- MADE WINES. - Allowed by the best judges to be superior to any Rich and dry Malaga, Smyrna, aud sun Wines, two years old, at 3s. 6d. per gallon ; or in casks of 10 galloas to 30, at 3s. 3d. Half hogsbead to a pipe 3s. Fon- tiniac and Orange Wine 4s. per gallon, or 133. per dozen. N- B. No goods can be sent without money, or good bills bring sent with orders per Post, Coach, or Waggon. The money allowed for Casks, Bottles, and Hampers, when returned. Not less than two gallons sent to any Inn, Wharf, or Place in London, carriage free. To be LET, And Entered upon Immediately. THAT Well- known and good Accustomed Inn, the ANGEL above Hill, in Lincoln, with very good Stabling and other suitable Conveniencies to the Same, and late in the Possession of Mr. James Brand.— For further Particulars Enquire of Mr. Fowler, at Goltho, near Wragby, Lincolnshire, or Mr. John Fowler, Attorney at Law, above Hill, Lincoln. PRIVATE CONTRACT. OFFICE for t A X E S- September 17, 1785. IN order to prevent frauds in the collection of the duties under the management of this Office. The Commissioners hereby give notice, that on in. formation being given either to their Secretary, or to any surveyor, or inspector of the said duties, of any ser- vants, horses, or carriages, of which returns have not been duly made, as required by two acts of parliament in the present session ; the person or persons giving such notice, shall, if the matter thereof be proved to the satisfaction of the acting Commissioners of the district, receive the following rewards, viz. d. For every coach, chaise, landau, or other four wheeled carriage, kept by any person for his own use, or t0 be let out to hire, ( except hackney coaches) 3 10 o'* For every calash, chaise, or ether carri- age, with two or three wheels as above, — — — — — — 1 ij' e For every waggon, wain- cart, or other such carriage, with three or four wheels, — —- — —• — — 04 © For every cart, or other carriage, with two wheels, — — — — —- oto For every horse used to draw or ride, - 0 10 o For every male servant, — — — For every female servant, — — — o 10 e The name of the party giving information will never be known to any other than the officer to whom it is given, as the surcharge will be made by the surveyor ; and in order to facilitate a discovery of frauds in the before mentioned duties, alphabetical lists will be prin- ted of tha names of every person in England Who keeps servants, horses or carriages, with the number of each which they return to the assessors. By order of the Commissioners. C. T. GOODENOUGH, Secretary. By AN undivided Moiety of a Malting Office, Oatmeal Kiln, and Four separate Tenements, situate below Hill, in the City of Lincoln, and in the Occupa- tion of Mr. GEORGE STRAW, Malster, and his Undertenants. . For Particulars apply to Mr. HALL, Attorney at Law, Grantham. N. B. The above PREMISES are situate very near the River. Grantham, October 10. SATURDAY'S POST. LONDON, Thursday, Oftober 13. Extract of a letter from New- York, Sept. t. " The English Consul has, since his arrival, had several interviews with the President of Congress, & c. The commercial treaties between the two countries are now declared to be in so very great forwardness as to expect the final conclusion by Christmas- day next. A number of Dutch Jews, from Holland, are lately come to settle in this city." By private letters from Nova- Scotia we are in- formed that a number of small vessels were lately sent by Commodore Sawyer, under the convoy of the Mer- cury frigate, from Halifax to Boston for cattle and live stock ; that Captain Stanhope waited on Gover- nor Bondoin at Bodon, attended by his officers, in their uniforms, and immediately after the Captain and his officers left the Government- house, they were insulted and stoned by the populace, who de. sired them to leave off their uniforms, d—— d the K— g their master, and nearly killed Capt. Stan- hope and two of his boat's crew with stones. Capt, Stanhope, in a very gallant manner, went through the mob 10 the Government- house, and made his complaint to Governor Bondoin, who assured Capt. Stanhope that he and his people should have fatisfac- tion, and not be offended in future ; but in returning to his boat again he was mobbed, and the following dsy the Boston newspapers were filled with low and scurrilous abuse on the K g of G. B. his ministers and servants. Capt. Stanhope therefore wrote to Governor Boudoin, desiring him to correct the scan- dalous libels published in the papers; but the Gover- nor having given an evasive answer, Captain Stanhope, in a very spirited and becoming manner, went on shore again and remonstrated with Governor Boudoin, and assured his Excellency that if any further insult was offered to the King's flag, or his officers, be would lay part of the town about his ears; and accordingly had placed his ship in a situation proper for that pur- pose when the last advices last Boston. A letter from Gibraltar says, that a French ship, called the Duke de la March, being chased by two Barbary corfairs, had run under the guns of that for- tress for protection that one ef ihe corsairs ran in after her, on which the Governor sent an officer to acquaint the Captain of the corsair, that if he offered to take possession of the French ship he would sink him, and desired he would put to sea immediately, which order was complied with, and every mark of respect was shewn by tbe Governor to the French Captain, and a sloop of war sent to see him safe into Toulon. Extract of a Letter from Plymouth, Oct. 10. " Last week arrived in the Sound his Majesty's ship Fairy, Capt. Thomas, with two luggers, her prizes, laden with spirits. These make up the num- ber of fifteen smugglers she has taken this summer. In the whole, during her station in these seas, she has taken nineteen smugglers. She is very properly called the Smuggler's Scourge, and the activity of her officers and crew has been the occasion of the false reports, concerning her being seized at Falmouth. " Lord Howe and the Board of Admiralty arrived here last Friday, and viewed the Dock- yard, with which they weie highly pleased. This day they ge on board to review the fleet, and to- morrow will review the corps of marines." Extract of a letter from Beccles, in Suffolk, dated Oct. the 7th. " Our expectations have been amply gratified by the ascension of the balloon condructed by the Rev. Peter Routh , of this place, on Tuesday last, at three o'clock in the afternoon. Every thing necessary be- ing prepared for filling this amazing sphere, whose diameter was 36 feet, the most scientific gentlemen of this town and neighbourhood attended the filling it. A process that required so much skill and attention was assigned principally 10 Mr. Holden, Mr. Algar, and Dr. Carter, and in about three hours the bal- loon was compleatly inflated. A gallery constructed by Mr. Peter King, was attached to it, lined with crimson sattin, and ornamented with gold fringe ; in which it was proposed that Mr. Routh, Miss Fanny Shouldham, and Mr. Davy, a gentlemsn no less admired for his great genius in painting than for pos- sessing a knowledge of the fine arts in general, should ascend; but, after liberating the machine, it pre- served for some time an exact equilibrium, and to es- fect its ascension it was judged expedient to lessen the weight contained in the gallery, by Miss Shouldham getting out, and Mrs. Hines, who was desirous to accompany the gentlemen, and less corpulent, taking her place ; the balloon instantly rose, though gradually exhibiting to the beholders assemblcd in the adjacent field a magnificent spectacle ; for I should have in- formed you that a large field was the spot made choice of to make tbe experiment ; and Mr. Holden, with his accustomed liberality, promised the farmers in his parish, a remission of half a year's tithes, in consider- ation of the damage which they might sustain by so great a concourse of people on their lands. " At an elevation of about two hundred yards, Mrs Hines gracefully bowed to the spectators, waving her handkerchief, as did the gentlemen ; and the balloon took a direction towards the sea, still rising in its pro- gress. Whether the valve was unfortunately obstruct- ed, or want of management was the cause, the people at Yarmouth observed the balloon approaching the ocean very rapidly at an immenfe height, and with a wind too high to render any assistance from boats pos- sible ; and at the approach of evening it was wholly lost to their view. Every one lamented tbe probable fate of the adventurous aeronauts, and the next day there appeared stamped upon eveiy countenance an anxiety to learn some favourable account of them ; but it was not till the following day that news ar- rived of a Dutch vessel, commanded by Captain An- drew Van- Swieten, having luckily taken them up at sea, near the coast of Holland, the car gliding on the surface of the water, and the balloon, like a guardian angel, wafting them in securitv. Mr. Davy fortunately spoke a little Dutch, and through the as- sistance of a passenger on board from Amsterdam, who was a little acquainted with the English, was enabled by a kind of mixed language to relate the particulars ef their expedition. The lady, who is noted for the excellence of her spirits, supported by her example her fellow- voyagers to the last. " They were conducted this day to Beccles, amidst the acclamations of some thousands of spectators, and each wore a laurel crown, inscribed in the front on a gilt label, The favoured of Heaven. " An elegant marble slab, with an inscription written by the Rev. Mr. Amos, will be placed in the choir of the church here, to perpetuate this singular act of courage, and instance of Divine protection. " When at the utmost altitude, Mr. Routh penned the following lines, with as great facility, he declared, as he ever wrote. " WHEN floating in the vast expanse, We own'd thy gracious care, For ' twas alone thy Providence, That chac'd away our fear. Supported by thy mighty arm, When dangers threaten'd round, Compos'd we sat secure from harm, And perfect safety found." . BIRTH.] On Tuesday the Lady of Sir John Eden, Bart, was safely delivered of a daughter, at Windlestone in the county of Durham. DIED.] On Friday the 7th inst. at his seat at Grove Park, in tbe county of Warwick, the Right Hon. John Lord Dormer, Baron of Wenge, in the county of Bucks, He retained his faculties to the last moment, although at the advanced age of 93. His Lordship is succeeded in his honours and estates by his eldest for the Right Hon. Charles Lord Dor- mer, who married Lady Mary, the sister of the Earl of Shrewsbury, by whom he has one son, the Hon. Mr. Charles Dormer. LONDON, Friday, OCTOBER 14. Extract of a Letter from Charles- Town, July iS. " Horses nOW sell here from to 500 guineas per head ; negroes from 301. to 401. sterling cash per head; the whole country is in a most miserable situation— bad crops;— n0 payments— frequent and fraudulent bankruptcies, and what is still worse, a feeble and unsettled government, which the people will not obey, except when it suits their own con- venience. Tuesday morning the wife of a journeyman carpen- ter in Marlow's Rents in Shoe lane, London, went with her husband ( who was delirious from the fever which is so very rife in this city) in order to his being taken into the workhouse ; and having seen him pro- perly received, on her returning to her lodgings, found that one of her daughters, a girl about nineteen years of age, whom she had left ill in bed with the same disorder, had, during the absence of the mother, got down to the street door, where she had fallen down, and bruised herself so much as to be killed on the spot before her mother's return. Had American preserved her attachment to England, the people had still been rich, powerful, respectable and happy ; and had Holland united with England against France, instead of taking the opposite side of the question, the Dutch had in all probability, avoided all their present troubles ; for the discontents which originated in their losses during the war, gave the first encouragement to the French faction t0 under mine their constitution, and afterwards tempted the Em- peror to take advantage of their confusion at home. Extract of a Letter from Plymouth- Dock, Oct, 4. " On Thursday night last the Happy- Go- Lucky, lug- sail shallop, and the Stag cutter, both smuggling vessels belonging to Cawsand, came on this coast from Guernsey, and had begun to land their cargoes to the west of the Ram Head, when the Pylades' boat being out, discovered and rowed towards them ; there were two Midshipmen and five sailors in the boat ; one of the Midshipmen boarded the Stag cutter, but being dis- covered by a man on the top sail- yard, he gave the alarm, which roused the smugglers below, when im- mediately a man came upon deck with a blunderbuss in his hand, and was advancing towards the Midshipman, upon which he fired a musket at him the contents of which lodged in his body, and he dropped. This man is supposed to be the Captain. Thes smugglers then fired into the Pylades' boat, killed one of them, broke another's arm, and wounded a third in the back. The general cry of the smugglers was, " Kill them all, don't let one go ashore to tell the story." " Both the smuggling vessels then went off and land- ed the remainder of their cargoes to the Westward. This Stag cuttcr was the brilliant revenue vessel, com- manded by Harry Jones, and mounted 18 carriage guns in the last war and was sold to Cawsand smug- glers, who for a number of years have brought up tha vessels condemned as unfit for the revenue service ; for what end, it is easy to guess. A few dragoons quartered round the country, viz. at Craft Hole, Millbroak, Cawsand, Ringsand, Maker, SiC. would put an end to the business. Yesterday as a youth, about seventeen years old, one of the clerks to Mr. Clare, of Hatton- street, was re- turning from Mr. Clare's banker's with a sum of mo- ney he was met by a young man ( who Mr. Clare's clerk recollects seeing when he went into the shop, and who is supposed te have seen him receive the mo- ney) at the corner ef the Mansion- houes, where the pavement is now repairing, who gave him a blow on the face—- five or six men, who were then standing bv, and were his comrades, immediately surrounded them, and the assailant seeming under a pretence ol fighting, • without saying a word pressed the youth against the wall, and took one bank- note out of his pocket, value 30I. ; and, notwithstanding the number of persons passing and repassing, the robbers got clear off with their booty, while ths gaping spectators, instead of stopping the robbers, were inquiring the cause of the multitude. This PAPER sent weekly to any Part of GreaT- Britain ( FREE OF POSTAGE) by Order addressed to J. JOHNSON, Bookbinder Stationer, Lincoln We have it from authority, that the Duke of Dor- set is charged with instructions in detail, to demand satisfaction of the Court of France for the infrac- tions of their treaty up tht River Gambia, on the coast of Africa. It may be submitted to the world as a noble con- tract— the honour of the English against the info- lence and ingratitude of the French— in one part of the world we rescue a ship of theirs from the tyranni- cal hand of a Barbary corsair, by threatening the fire of Gibraltar— they in another, by way of a kind re- turn, insult our flag, seize our seamen, tie them to their masts, and flog them. The French Commodore, who of late took such unjustifiable liberties with two of our sailors on the coast of Africa, stands highly offensive, says a corre- spondent; to this country, in every political consider- ation, having duly subjected two British seamen to the thirteen stripes On Saturday night last, a fire broke out at Farley - house, near Bath, the seat of th « Hon. Lord Webb Seymour, which raged with unremitting fury till the whole was destroyed. BIRTH. | Yesterday morning the lady of Thornton, Esq; of St. James's- street, was safely de- livered of a daughter. MARRIED ] Lately, at Whatfield, Suffolk, the Rev. Mr. Heathcote, of Sileby, Leicestershire, to Miss Sharpe, of Bury St. Edmund's. MONDAY'S POST. LONDON, Saturday, OCTOBER 15. Extract of a letter from the Hague, Oct, 5. The States- General are again sitting. A very particular circumstance has happened which has not occurred for near a century before, i. e. on the first day of meeting, the Deputies of the province of Utrecht, after giving a solemn protest against the ar- ticles preliminary to peace with the Emperor, took their leaves and set off for their own country ; and it is whispered the Deputies of Zealand and Groningen are about to follow their example : warm contentions are expected on debating this business." Philadelphia, Aug. 15. Very recent accounts from Kentucky confirm the reports hitherto received from that quarter, that the Six Nations had expressed the greatest dissatisfaction at the late treaty, alledging, that the British Officers at Niagara and Detroit had informed them, that our Commissioners had imposed on them, in asserting, that those lands were ceded to us by the British, and that we were to take posse- sion of the above- mentioned posts. That the cele- brated and noted Brant had arrived from England, who united with them in the same sentiment and opinion : that in consequence of this inclination, council had been held at the Shawanese- town, where several other tribes, besides the Six Nations assem- bled ; the result of which we are unable precisely to asccrtain and determine j but as two chiefs, viz. Cornplanter and another, with thirty warriors, have since been at Fort Pitt, and presented the papers, ex- changed at the treaty, to Colonel Harmar, our com- manding officer there, it is conjectured, and reason- able to suppose, their intentions are hostile and un- friendly. Col, Harmar, after having a talk with them, declined receiving their papers, and observed, that those persons gave them such intelligence, with a view to excite their jealousy, and to make them uneasy, and that they were enemies both to them and to us. The Indians said they always understood, that the lands contracted for by the Commissioners from Penn- sylvania, were to be set apart, and considered as hunting- ground for both parties, and not to be sur- veyed, and the trees spotted, for the purposes of set- tlement and cultivation. They likewise observed, that as only a few of their chiefs were at the treaty, they had not been fully and regularly represented. In their drunken frolicks they have also declared, that they had never been conquered, and would not give up their lands, They seemed the more inclined to believe the stories imposed on them by the English emissaries and incendiaries, because we had not taken possession of Niagara and Detroit, agreeable to the representation of our Commis- sioners. These are the principal arguments now used and urged by the Indians, for not complying with the terms of the treaty. And we understand that an express has been sent from Fort Pitt with this intelli- gence to Congress. The riches lately discovered at Sanara, in Andalu- sia, in South America, are immense. One gold mine has been discovered within twelve leagues of the Presidency del Alter, where, from 14 pits, at the depth only of two feet, with very little labour, vast quantities of grains of gold have been found. Two other mines, equally rich, have been discovered in the neighbourhood. Extract of a letter from Gibraltar, Sept. s6. " We have the following most positive assurance by a Dutch Captain, who lately visited the harbour of Toulon in a sloop of the States, now here, bound for Holland, and called L'Apolloge. The French are fitting out four men of war, one of 60 guns, one of 51, one of 18, and one of 24, all designed for the East. The first of them is going out, armed en flute, to the Mauritius, with a cargo of naval stores, for supplying his Most Christian Majesty's dock- yard at that place. The other ships are de- signed to remain in India, as a reinforcement 10 their squadron, which this Dutch officer says, on enquiry, he was told, consisted of three ships of the line, be- sides others, and two of the line which were in the engagements in the late war, and now under repair at the Mauritius." The contents of the last over- land dispatches from Bengal and Bombay were much misrepresented, when it is said that they contained no accounts of the state of affairs in the Mysore country, and give flat- tering accounts of the condition of some of the set tlements on that coast. The contrary is the fact: Tippoo Saib, the Mysore Chief, is preparing again for war; the French spiriting up the restless dispo- sition of that Prince to make a disturbance, while they themselves are cultivating the arts of peace, and to prevent notice being taken of the movements they are employed in. As to the flourishing state of af- fairs, it has been hinted, that unless very large drafts from England are permitted, the consignments from China will fall very short of employing the shipping at Canton, & c. What renders it suspicious, that there are still more important truths mentioned in the letters from Lord Macartney is, that the dis- patches are detained in the Secretaries of State's office still; and in respect to the private letters to the Di- rectors, or their friends, every mouth in Leadenhall- street is closely locked. The Rights of Juries, was one of the toasts given at the last anniversary of Mr. Fox's election. The late Sir Charles Turner was so deeply impressed by the necessity of defending, and fully understanding these inestimable rights, that he thought the know- ledge of them ought to be made a branch of the education of our youth ; and for that purpose he made it a condition with the master of a considerable school, which he patronized in Yorkshire, that no boy should be deemed guilty of any crime that de- manded punishment until twelve of his school- fel- lows had heard the complaint, had decided upon it and given their opinion, whether he was guilty or not guilty. This laudable institution inspired them with the early notion of the importance of those great duties, which as Jurymen, they may be called upon to exercise, in the course of life. Yesterday three drovers were convicted befere Al- derman Peckham, for over- driving a bullock, and cru- elly beating him till he became mischievous ; they were fined 20s. each and costs. The beast run into Guildhall- yard, where they were taken. MARRIED] On Saturday the 8th of this month, at Killington chapel, in Westmoreland, John Mor- land, of Capplewaite, Esq; to Miss Upton, daughter of the late John Upton, of Ingmire- hall Esq; in York- shire, and member of Parliament for the county of Westmoreland. A few days since, Mr. Timothy Ste- vens, bookseller, of Cirencester, to Miss Hanley of the same place. DIED.] A few days since, at Ilford, Samuel Crss. Baker, Esq; one ef the Purveyors of the pantry of his late Majesty. On Tuesday night, Mrs. Chatfield, housekeeper to Prince Edward, at his apartments at St. James's. On Wednesday at Bath, Dr. Woodward, physician of that city. ly turned up against the wind from the Nore, and were preparing for anchoring, when in jibing a sudden squall came on, and the main sheet fast, the vessel overset in an instant, and soon sunk to the bottom. A Yarmouth herring boat seeing the cutter overset made sail towards her, and arrived time enough to pick up thirty two men and a lad, son to Lieut. Lowrie, about 13 years, which last was caught hold of by a woman in the boat just as he was on the point of going down. Lieutenant Lowrie and sixteen men are lost in the cutter. The Lieute- nant's loss is attributed to his being entangled in the rigging, as he was a good swimmer, and was heard to bid the people and his son save themselves with all ex- pedition. The Rambler was a new vessel, only two years old, and one of the fastest sailors in the service. The immence number of felons with which all our gaols are now crowded, loudly demands the inspection of the legislature. Our ideas of freedom give no medium between death and an absolute discharge, for as to transportation, considering the number of cul- prits, it is become impracticable ; besides that, this mode of punishment loses its effect by the criminal being removed to a distant countiy, where, whatever hardships and severities he may undergo, they being unseen, and even almost unheard of, can never serve to deter others from the like practises. When such is the case, would it not be better, instead of sending them to slavery in another country, to condemn them to it in this. Let them be employed in reparing the highroads, draining fens, working on the fortifications, & c. and after their daily task is performed let them be confined in separate cells, by which means they will have no opportunity of corrupting one another, as was notoriorisly the case on board the hulks. A guard of soldiers appointed for each gang would effectually preserve good order and decorum, and secure them from making their escape. After being for some years employed in this manner, those who shewed a real re- formation in their behaviour might have their labour mitigated, and receive wages, which would be encou- ragement to others to follow their example ; but they should never be discharged, as the difficulty of finding employment would make them immediately turn to their old courses. WEDNESDAY'S POST. LONDON, Monday, OctOBer 17 The following is the letter written by the King of Prussia to the States- General » f the United Pro vinces of the Low- Countries : " High and Mighty Lords, and particularly good friends aad neighbours, & c. " WE, Frederick, by the Grace of God, King of Prussia, Margrave of Brandenbourg, & c. & r. " After having communicated to your High Migh- tinesses our uneasiness and intentions by our last ample letter of the 29th of February, of the last year, re- specting the disagreeable situation for some time be- fore of the Lord Hereditary Stadtholder Prince of Orange and Nassau; and having received on that head, on the part of your High Mightinesses, by your answer of the 31st of August of the same year, assu- rances so agreeable respecting that affair, we did hope that these circumstances would not have taken place anymore; but on the contrary, that the said Lord Hereditary Stadtholder would have been left in the exercise of the incontestable prerogatives, appertaining to his dignity of Hereditary Stadtholdar. But since we learn the contrary, and even some very unfavourable advices from some of the Pro- vinces of your High Mightinesses, this has excited us to dispatch to the Lords States of the Province of Holland and West Frieseland, a letter, of which a copy is inclosed. !' Being convinced of your High Mightineses love of equity, and of your affection for the House of Orange and Nassau, which has merited it, in all the States of the United Provinces, we most earneftly pray your High Mightinesses, by the present, as a neighbour and friend, to interpose in the present dis- agreeable events, and that you will address with zeal, both the Lords States of Holland and West Friese- land, and ihe States of the other Provinces, where ne- cessary, in order that the Lord Hereditary Stadtholder may peaceably enjoy the rights belonging to him here- ditarily; that those taken from him be restored, and that a perfect harmony may be re- established. " This we rccommend by the present in the most serious manner to your High Mightinesses, the welfare and interests of the Lord Hereditary Stadtholder, of our dear niece, and of their family, which gives so much hopes ; that your High Mightinesses therefore will vouchsafe to take into deliberation, and make the Lords of the respective States consider, that we ran- not be indifferent respecting the cruel and Unmerited fate of persons so nearly related to us ; but on the cen- trary, that we shall watch ever the preservation of the welfare due to them, and to which we ough to con- tribute by every possible means. To that effect we equally present our impartial mediation, in quality of friend and neighbour, and with the best intentions. " We hope to see, in consequence, that our wishes will be fulfilled in that respect ; and in this expectation we remain at all times affectionate to your High Mighti- nesses as a friend and neighbour. Berlin, Sept. 18, 1783. FREDERICK. And underneath Finckenstein. Hertiberg." The loss of the Rambler cutter, of 14 guns, Lieu- tenant Lowrie, in Leigh Roads, about the Nore, on Monday evening last, is related as follows, by one of the crew, who was picked up by a fishing- smack com- ing up the river, with herrings to market 1 The cut- ter's station was from the Sea Reach to Yarmouth Roads ; they had sailed from Sheerness at noon of that day and after taking a few trips, her commander had resolved ( the weather proving squally with rain) to come to an anchor in Leigh Roads; they according- THURSDAY's POST. LONDON, Tuesday, OCTOBER 18. New York, Aug. 11. A Virginia paper says, by a gentleman immediately from Harrison, we are well informed, that oa the 29th of last month seven men were surprised at the great Kanhawa, by a small parly of Indians, ( headed by one Simon Girty, a white man) who killed and scalped five out of seven. Among the killed are Mr. John P. Du Val, Senator for the di- strict of Monongahalia and Ohio, and Mr. Gallatan, a young French gentleman, who went from this city a few months ago to that country. Philadelphia, July 30. Mr. Stubbs, a Baptist Mi nister, aad his son, near Albany, were lately bit by a mad dog, and notwithstanding every antidote prescrb- ed was administered, expired in the greatest agonies. Mr. Stubbs, desponding of being cured, and to pre- vent danger and inconvenience to his family, gave or- ders, previous to his arriving at the summit of his dis- order, that he should be immersed to the neck in the earth, where he continued for four days, in all the torture imaginable, and then expired. In consequence of the above melancholy catastrophe, the Mayor and Corporation of Albany have passed an ordinance for the total extinction of the canine species in that city. Tha disputes between the Dutch and the Emperor of Candia on the island of Ceylon, it is probable, will give a new face to their affairs in the East Indies. This island, which, in the opinion of the British officers who were at Trincomale during the late war, excels most others in the universe for an extensive vari- ety of vegetables, minerals, & c. and is equally remark- able for its variation of soil. Some tracts our people found very fertile ; others were as barren, exhibiting a continued spectacle of every disgusting property, such as prodigious piles of stone, stupendous rocks, and vast sheets of sand, in traversing which, a party of officers now in London were nearly buried through the sudden effect of a squall of wind. A very singular phenomenon has been lataly disco- vered in this island. A ship's company had sent a detachment on shore for water ; but evening approach- ing, and not having time to travel to a river, from which they had been usually supplied, had resolved upon returning to the- ship, and suspending their sup- ply till the next day. About two miles from the shore, part of a rock was exposed, which one of the men accidentally striking with an iron crow, there sudden- ly issued a plentious stream of the most pure fresh wa- ter. Upon pursuing this discovery, it appeared, that a continued bed of rock lay throughout this island, which, when it was pierced, in some places afforded excellent water, but in almost every instance tolerably good. Our officers were invited, and had access to the in- terior parts of the island of Ceylon, where they were treated with hospitality, and had every natural curio- sity pointed out to them with a degree of liberality they could scarcely have expected from strangers and uninformed persons. Cinnamon, it was proved to them, was in this island of a growth peculiar fine. This plant, it seems, thrives far better, when self sown, than when produced by culture. lts propagation by crows, as related by a gentleman of varacity, is very curious. This species being fond of eating the red and quick tasted fruit of the cinnamon, are, in truth, its best gardeners; for along with the fruit they swallow the kernels, and scat- tering them undigestedly every where with their excre- ments, the soil is at the same time manured, and the seed shortly afterward striking root, springs from the earth. DIED ] Yesterday se'nnight, at Hardwick- house, near Bury, the Rev. Sir John Cullum, Bart. Yester- day, Mrs. Suckling, wife of William Suckling, Esq; of Kentish- town. Last week, at Thetford, Robert Bailey, in the 66th year of his age, well known among the gentlemen at Newtmarket and neighbour- bourhood as a great walker ; having frequently gone from Thetford to London in one day, ( 72 miles) and back again the next. POSTSCRIPT. LONDON, Wednesday OCTOBER 19. Quebec, Aug. 18. Thursday last at noon sailed for England two transports, having on board the 8th ( or King's) regiment of foot, under the command of Lieutenant Colonel Depeyster. This regiment arrived off St. John's, in the Isle of Orleans, from England, the 10yh of June, 1768, and was then commanded by Lieutenant- Colonel Ackland ; since that period it has not been out of this province, though the major part of the time in frontier posts in the Indian coun- try. The bravery and good conduct of its men and officers in general, during so many years, and in peri- lous times, have acquired it honour and esteem, and render its depature regretted. The Comte de Mercy, who has negotiated the pre- liminary articles with the Dutch, on the part of the Court of Vienna, is an Ambassador of high repute among his countrymen for subtlety and address j and with none less so than his august Soveteign, who, we hear, promises the most ample rewards for the zeal and ability he has manifested on this arduous embassy. Boston, Aug. 11. A gentleman has just received a letter from his correspondent in St. Kitt's informing that a British act of Parliament was published in that island, prohibiting the import of all fish from any ef our United States, into any of the British isles. According to a Benedictine calculation in one of the religious books found in a monastery in Germany, there have been of the order of Benedictines 94 Popes, 200 Cardinals, 7000 Archbishops, 15,000 Bishops, 15,700 Abbots, 40,000 Confessors, 3000 Martyrs and Apostles, and 4000 Saints. On Sunday the Duke and Duchess of Cumberland arrived in town in perfect health ; their Highnesses supped and passed the evening at Carleton- House with the Prince of Wales. A woman named Margaret Stone died last week at Harding, near St. Alban's, in Hertfordshire, who had entered into her 107th year, and was never known to have a day's illness. Paul Jones is to be employed with three or four frigates under him against the pirates from the coast of Barbary. The Duke of Richmond still refuses to touch a shil- ling of his salary, as Master- General ef the Ordnance. He has declared, that it is his intention to let it accu- mulate for the purpose of building a Fort, but should he not remain in office till that is accomplished, it is to be applied towards the payment of the national debt. Such exalted patriotism, in these degenerate days, cannot be sufficiently applauded. The Hypocrisy of Cardinal Coscia. COscia was promoted to the Purple, and made Bishop of Benevento, by Pope Benedict XIII, Coscia was guilty of a thousand oppressions ; he con- verted all things, even the most sacred, into money. Every body groaned, but it was to no purpose to com- plain ; for the Pope was so biassed in his favour that he turned a deaf ear to all his accusers. He imputed the remonstrances made against him by the Cardinals, to envy. Coscia confirmed him every day too in this Sentiment. - They will accuse me of every thing that is ill, said he ; but God is my witness that I discharge my duty : And they hate, and drive to blacken me, for no other reason, but because perhaps I am in this respect too strict. The Cardinal, when he made his defence to the Pope, often shed tears, which wrought so much on his easy nature, that he would even weep with him. Certain Cardinals, says Polnitz, repre- sented to the Pope one day, that Coscia was not only guilty of innumerable extortions, but that he led the most irregular life in the world, and diverted himfelf every day with prostitutes. The Pope taxed him with it the very same day ; but Coscia easily brought him- self off. He said, it was all calumny ; swore with tears in his eyes, that he was innocent, and desired the Pope to hear him in confession. The Pope agreed to it. He said what he pleased ; and his Holiness al. most took him for a Saint. But Cofcia fearing that at length the Pope would open his eyes, thought of writing an anonymous letter, which he caused to be delivered to him by a trusty Valet dechambre, im- porting in subdance as follows, Your Holiness being so much prepossessed in favour of Cardinal Coscia that you will give credit to nothing that is told you of his debaucheries, it is thought proper to acquaint you, that this night, at nine o'clock, the Cardinal will have some mistresses in his chamber. Your Holiness may be an eye witness of the intrigue, if you will but take the trouble to repair to the Cardinal's apartment, and peep through the key hole. The Pope did not fail to go at the time mentioned. Instead of seeing what he expefted, the Cardinal who expected he would come, took care to be on his knees at prayer with his beads in one hand, and the crucifix in the other, which he kissed with a great air of contrition t the Pope beholding the crafty Cardinal in this posture, cricd out to somebody that was with him, do but see that holy man who has been represented to me in such a wicked light I would to God that all the clergy were like him ! then entering into the Cardinal's chamber. Dear Coscia, said he, embracing him, they have ac- cused you to me as the greatest of sinners, and I was so weak as to think you guilty ; I ask your pardon, and I pray God forgive me the injury I have done you. He afterwards joined with Coscia in reading the Litanies of the Holy Virgin, and he wanted no other proof of his being a Saint. Thus was the honest Pope made the Dupe of the greatest hypocrite. From the WO R L D. No 161. The too great gentleness and weakness of a Son. IN the forty- second year of my age, I was left A widower with an only son of seven years old, who was so exact a likeness of his mother botH in per- son and disposition, that from that circumstance alone, I could never prevail on myself to marry again. The image of the excellent woman i had lost was perpetu ally before my eyes, and recalled to my memory the many endearing scenes of love and affection that had passed between us. I heard her voice, I saw her mein, and I beheld her smiles in my son. I resolved there- fore to cultivate the plant with more than common care ; and I determined to take such proper advantages of his puerile age and hopeful temper, as might en- gage him to me, not more from moral duty, than from real inclination and attachment. My point was to make him my friend ; and I so far succeeded in that point, that till he was seventeen years old he constantly chose my company preferable to any other. I should have told you, that I placed him early at a very great school; and to avoid the mischiefs that sometimes arise from boarding at a distance from pa- rents, I took a house near the School, and kept him under my own eye, inviting constantly such of his school- fellows to amuse him, as were pointed out to me by the master, or were chosen by my own discern- ment, in consequence of my son's recommendation. All things went on in the most promising train ; but still I saw in him a certain easiness of temper, and an excess of what is falsely called good- nature, but is real weakness, which I feared must ptove of dreadful consequence when he should tread the stage of a great world. However, it now grew time to advance him to tbe university, as free from vice, and as full of virtue, as the fondest parent could desire. What ad- ded farther to my hopes, was his strength of body, and the natural aversion he had to wine, even almost to a degree of loathing. When he was settled at college, I insisted upon his writing once a week; and I constantly answered his letters in the slyle and manner which I thought most conducible to tbe improvement of his know- ledge, and the execution and freedom of his thoughts. During some time our mutual correspondence was kept up with great punctuality aud chearfulness; but in less than two months it drooped and grew languid on his side ; and the letters I received from him con- tained seldom more than three lines, telling me, that he wai much engaged in his studies, and that the departing post- boy hindered him from adding more than that he was my dutiful son." Not to trouble you with too many particulars, in six months after be had been at the university I paid him a visit; but I cannot find words to express the astonishment I felt, in discovering my gentle, easy, sweet- natured son, not only turn'd into a Buck, but a Politician. Never was any young man less fitted for either of those characters: Never any young man entered deeper into both. He was a Buck without spirit or ill- nature, and a politician without the least knowledge of our laws, history or constitution. His only pretence to buckism was his affected love of wine; his only skill in politicks was the art of jum- bling a parcel of words together, and applying them, as he imagined, very properly to the times. By this means he became distinguished among his asso- ciates as the jolliest, honestest toast- master in the univer- sity. But, alas! this was a part assumed by my son, from a desire of pleasing, mixed with a dread of ( offending the persons into whose clubs and bumper- Ceremonies he had unhappily enlisteded himself. Poor miserable youth 1 he was acting in opposition to his own nature, of which had he followed the dictatss, he would never have meddled with party, politicks, nor wine; but would have fulfilled, or at least have aimed at, that beautiful character of Pauphilus in Terence, so well delineated in the Bevil of Sir Ri- chard Steele's Conscious Lovers. To preserve his health, I withdrew him from the university as expeditiously and with as little noise as I could, and brought him home, perfecty restored, at I vainly imagined, to himself. But I was mis- taken. The last perfon who was with him always commanded him. The companions of his midnight hours obliterated his duty to his father, and, not- withstanding his good sense, made him, like the sim- ple beast in the fable, fancy himself a lion because he had put on the lion's skin. With the same disposition, had he been a woman, I am persunded he must have been a prostitute, not so much from evil desires, as from the impossibility of denying a request He wor- shipped vice as the Indians adore the devil, not from inclination but timidity. He bought intemperance st the price of his life ; his health paid the interest money during many months of a miserable decay ; at length his death, little more than two year. ago, dis- charged the debt entirely, and left me with the sad consolation of having performed my duty to him, from the time I lost his mother till the time he ex- pired in my arms. 1 have borne my loss like a man ; but I have often lamented the untowardness of my fate, which hatch- ed from me an only child, whole disposition was most amiable, but whose virtues had not sufficient strength to support themselves. He was two modest to be re- solute; too sincere to be wary ; too gentle to oppose ; and to humble to keep up his dignity. This pe- haps was the singular part of his character; but he had other faults in common with his contemporaries : He mistook prejudices for principles : He thought the retraction from error a deviation from honour : His aversions arose rather from names than persons : He called obstinancy steadiness ; and he imagined that no friendship ought ever to be broken, which had begun, like the orgies of Bacchus, over the frantick. revels of wine. In the last century the false notions of honour de- stroyed our youth by fashionable duels ; and they were induced to murder each other by visionary crowns of applause. The false notion of honour in the present age destroy our youth by the force of bumpers, and the mad consequences arising from every kind of liquor that can intoxicate and oventurn sense, reason and reflection. Why are not healths to be eaten as well as drank f Why may not spells and magick arising from mouthfuls of beef and mutton, be as efficacious towards the accomplishment of our wishes, as gallons of port or overflowing bowls of punch ? Certainly they might, I hope therefore, that by this publick admonition the young men of our days, who eat much less than they drink, may drink much less than they eat : And I must further add, that as it may be dangerous to abolish customs so long established, I humbly advise that you permit them to eat many healths as they please. L. M. LoNDon, September 12, 1783. Of the very extraordinary Efficacy that has hitherto distinguished the oriental VegETABLe Cor- DIAL in all Complaints of the STOMACH and BoWELs, the Proprietor humbly hopes the follow- ing Attestations of Medical Gentlemen will serve as farther Illustrations of its celebrity. To Mr. CoRNWeLl. No, 13, Conduit Street, Han- over- Square, London. sir, FROM ihe late changes in the weather, several patients whom I have attended, were violently afflicted with pains in the stomach and bowels, to a de- gree of obstinacy, that resisted almost every application those medicines usually resorted to in such cases : The very favourable opinions I had heard of the Orien- tal Vegetable Cordial, induced me to try efficacy with a lady who was rood violently afflicted, and her case in my opinion, really dangerous : However, a few small wine glasses of the Cordial, taken at short intervals, gave her effectual relief. I have further satisfaction to inform you, it has proved equally successful with seve- lal poor persons, to whom 1 have prescribed it within these few days ; and it is but justice to acknowledge so excellent a medicine deserving the most general support." I am Sir, Your most obedient Servant, Queen- Ann- Street, East. S. REIN, 16th August, 1785. Apotheeary. " I do hereby certify, that in the course of my pract- ice, I have frequently experienced the efficacy of the Oriental Vegetable Cordial, on many of my patients, afflicted with violent pains of the stomach and Bowels, and though in some obstinate cases, it was found neces- sary to presevere in the use of it some days, yet 1 always found it productive of the desired effect." No. 17, Weymouth- Street, F. HARDIE, Portland- Place. Apothecary, September 3d. 1785. " sir, " On application to me, by a lady on the 1st of Sep- tember last for the medicine known by the name of the Oriental Vegetable Cordial-, I assured her, from re- peated experience, that its effects for disorders in the Stomach and Bowels were incontrovertible ; she took the quantity prescribed in the bill of direction, which gave immediate relief, and by repeating the doses, she was intirely relieved from every symptom of pain." Bridge- Street, Westminster. T. ALMGILL, 6th September, 1783. Surgeon and Apothecary, — The Patentee has received another letter from an eminent physician, dated, Richmond August 6, 1785. acknowledging the efficacy of this medicine in a very extraordinary case, ( this letter may be seen at his House and with the printer of this paper) and it is the sixth received by him from Medical Gentlemen within the last eighteen months ; instances of which he trusts will corroborate to every liberal mind, whatever hat been professed of its predominant Virtues. Sold by Mr. CORNWELL, Patentee, at his House, No. 13, Conduit- Street, Hanover- Square, London, in bottles of 5s. or the quantity of Six Bottles, il. 3s. 3d. duty included, with proper directions. + 4. t Allowances are made to those who buy quantities Also by ROSE and DRURY, Mr. Drummond and Mr. Joshua Drtwry, Lincoln ; Mr. Taylor, Retford, Mr. Jacob, Peterborough -, Mr. Cowper, Cambridge ; Mr. Burgess, Boston ; Mr. Booth, Caistor; Mrs. Swallow Brigg; Mr. Ferraby Hull; Mr. Marsh, and Mr. Shear- down, Louth; Mr. Ellis, and Mr. Weir, Horncastle, Mr. Allin, Newark ; Mr. Tupman, Nottingham ; Mr. Drewry, Derby ; Mr. Calow, Chesterfield ; Messrs. Ogle and Smith, Leeds ; and by most other Booksellers in Great Britain. AOf whom may be had, NDERSoN's fnre Scots Pills, t J. Bateman's Drops, which give immediate Relief in tie most racking Pains of the Rheumatism, Gout, & c. 1s. Bathing Spirits for Strains and Bruises, 6d. British Oil, an effectual Remedy for Strains, Ulcers, old Sorts, Swellings, & c. 1s. British Herb Snuff, in Canisters at 1s 3d, or small Boxes at Cd. British Herb Tobacco, in Quarterns at 1s 3d, or in T wo penny Papers. Bott's Corn Salve, 6i. Brooke's Ague Drops, St. Bailey's Patent Blacking Cakes, Id. Best Cedar Pencils. Basoon and Hautboy Reeds. Cephalic Snuff, 6d. a Bottle. Court Sticking Plaister. Cake Ink, by Smith and Son, 6d. Daffy's Original Elixir, by Dicey 1s. 4d. Ditto, by Spilsbury, Chymist, & c. Newark, 1s Ditto, by Brooke, London, 1s 3d. Effence of Peppermint, 1s. Egyptian Balsam for old Wounds and Ulcers, 1s 9d. Freebairne's Antiscorbutic Drops, 6s. Fifes- Godfrey's Cordial, 6d. Greenough's Tincture for cleaning the Teeth, is. Ditto, for curing the Tooth Ach, is Hatfield's Tincture for Cuts, Strains, & c Hill's Balsam of Honey for Coughs and Colds, is. Honeywood's Tincture for Cleansing and Preserving the Teeth. Sold only in Lincoln, by Rose and Drury, Printers, ( 3c. near the Stone- Bow ; and by one Trader in most Towns in Great- Britain and Ireland. Price 6d. the Bottle. Hooper's Female Pills, is. Issue Plaisters, by Sandwell, 1s, Jackson's Tincture for Coughs and Asthmas, 11. James's Fever Powders, ts 6d. Kendrick's Worm Cakes, is. LeCoeur's Imperial Oil for Cuts, green Wounds, & c. 2s 6d Maredant's Drops, by Norton, will perfectly cure the most inveterate Leprosy, Scurvy, old Sores, or Ulcers, the Evil, Fistulas, Piles, Pimpled faces, & c. Pr. 6s. Oriental Vegetable Cordial, for violent Pains in the Bowels, 5s. Pectoral Lozenges of Tolu, 1s, Pullin's Antiscorbutic Pills, » s fid. Purging Pills, 1s. %* All Medicines not exceeding 1s. pay three half- pence Duty. Above 1s. and not exceeding 2s 6d, a Duty • f 3d. Between is 6d and 5s, a Duty of 6d. Of value or upward * Duty of 1s. Caistor Association Notice is hereby given, That the Annual Meeting of the Members of the Association for apprehending and prosecuting all Persons who shall be guilty of Felonies, & c. within the neighbourhood of Caistor will be held at the Talbot Inn in Caistor afore, said, on Monday ihe 7th Day of November next, at Eleven o'Clock in the Forenoon, to settle the pre- sent Treasurers Arcounts, and to elect new Treasurers for the Year ensuing; also to do such other Business as shall be thought necesslary relative to the Asso- ciation. ROBERT SWAN, JOHN TURNER, LINCOLN, Friday, OCTOBER 2I. On Wednesday the 12th instant, a girl, apparently in very great distress, being ragged and almost naked, came to the water- side at Hull, and begged of Mr, Weston, owner of one of the Barton boats, to have compassion, and take her, for charity's sake, to the opposite shore. To move his pity she told him, That she was the daughter of a clergyman at Louth whose name was Boyce ; that Dr. Laycock of Lincoln was her uncle ; at which place she had then two sisters at a boarding school. She concluded her moving tale with adding, That she was lately allured from her fa- ther's house by a sea- captain, a brute of a man, who, after debauching her, turned her away without money, far from home, and almost naked. This calamitous story so far touched the tender heart of Mr. Weston, that he took her to Barton, there borrowed good clothes for her, hired a chaise, and accompanied the poor distressed girl to Lincoln himself, where they ar- rived late at night. Next morning a messenger was ordered to Dr. Laycock, to repeat to him the deplor- able tale above mentioned ; when lo, the poor girl, ( with abundance of tears) craved Mr. Weston's par- don, and confessed she was no way related to that gentleman, neither had she any sisters or friends in the town. The companionate Mr. Weston was sur- prisingly struck with amazement, but, nevertheless, without throwing himself into any great passion, he ordered some ragged clothes to be bought, stripped the girl of her finery, and then turned her out of the house. She departed with a courtesy down to the ground. The poor girl, the first night, lay in one of the best beds at the Spread- Eagle, and the following night in one of the stables. She was some time ago, we are informed, a servant at Louth, and lost her place because not honest. Since that time she has been upon the town. On Saturday se'nnight died, in the 69th year of his age, the Rev. George Wakefield, Rector of East Keal, in this County, and Vicar of Flintham, in Not- tinghamshire. The Rev. Mr. Swan, Rector of St. Peter's at Arches, in this City, is appointed a Surrogate for granting Marriage Licences, & c. On the 7th inst. died at Coventry, in the 60th year of her age, after a long and painful illness, Mrs. Elizabeth Smith, youngest daughter of the late, and sister of the present Abel Smith, Esq. of Nottingham, representative in Parliament for St. Germain's, in Cornwall, On Sunday se'nnight died, the wife of Joseph Tay- lor, tool- maker, in Newcastle: Her death was occasi- oned by having had an eye- tooth drawn in 1772, which caused a discharge of thin matter for about six years, and terminated in a cancer, in the internal part of the head ; For seven years past she laboured under the most excruciating pain, which none of the faculty could remove. On Thursday was married at Leeds, Mr. Thomas Robertson, merchant of Manchester, to Miss Sophia Oates, youngest daughter of the late Mr. George Oates, of Leeds, merchant, Lately was married at Strasbourg, the Honourable George Petre, second son of Lord Petre, to Miss Howard, daughter of Philip Howard, Esq; of Corby- Castle, Cumberland, A few days ago died at Hull, in her 75th year, Mrs. Jane Lyth, relict of Rev. Michael Lyth, late Curate of Pocklington, sincerely regretted by all her friends and aequaintance. Friday se'nnight a countryman was tricked out of 941. 15s. at Wakefield in the following manner. Two young men, of very good appearance, having alighted at one of the best inns, desired to have a room to them- selves ; but being market day, they were shewn into one where the countryman was sitting alone ; and mak- ing no objections to his remaining, they called for liquor, and in ihe course of conversation observed, that money was exceeding scarce at Wakefield, having a bill of 100l. which they wanted cash for, but could not procure it on any terms, having offered five guineas discount without success. Upon this tbe coun- tryman, struck with the largeness of the premium, went out and procured 94I. 15s. on which the bill was indorsed to him, and the money paid down. This was no sooner done than the sharpers hastily drank off their liquor, called for their horses, and rode off in the presence of the country man, who, tho' he began to suspect something, had not so much presence of mind as to stop them. The note is net worth one penny. Commodore Thompson is sailed for Goree, On the coast of Africa-, with positive instruction to enforce from the French an adherrence to treaties if they should not otherwise be inclined 10 an amicable accommoda- tion. The Commodore was detained at Portsmouth a month beyond the period intended for his sailing, in order that the sloop which the French had dispatchcd from Brest with instructions to their naval commander might arrive on the coast before him, as it was well known that the reception which he would meet with in that quarter from the French officers would be the clearest explanation of what those instructions might be. The Nautilus sloop of war, Capt. Tup, will he dis. patched home as soon as possible after their arrival on the road, to givc the earliest intelligence to Govern, ment of the true state of affairs. i i i 4 t On Monday last Joseph Walker, gent. of Masbro near Rotherham, in Yorkshire, was married| to miss Need, at St. Peter's Church, Nottingham. It is re- markable that three own brothers of the name of Wal- ker, have, within these three years been married to three own sisters, daughters of the late Mr. Need, an opulent hosier on the Low Pavement, Nottingham, to each of whom he bequeathed a fortune of fifteen thousand pounds. NEWMARKET First OCTOBER MEETING concluded. Friday. A Sweepstakes of 50g, each, by Two year Olds, 1 Years old Course, 8st. 3l. each, was won by Lord Derby's Bay Filly, Wren * J b. of queensberry's Bay F. Ambrosia Prince of Wales's C. by L. Borringdon's Arabian Sir F. Standish's Filly, by Tandem D. of Grafton's Bay F. by Magnet Mr. Burlton's Filly, Flavia Two Subscribers paid, 6 to 4 against Wren, 15 to 8 against Ambrosia 5 to 1 against Sir F. Standish's, and 7 to i against the D. of Grafton's. A Sweepstakes of 5og. each, for Two- year Olds 2 Years old Course, was won by Mr. Vernon's Br. Colt, Fidget L. Derby's Bay Colt, Mulberry Prince of Wales's Colt Comer Lord Grosvenor's Bay F. Marcella Lord Clermont's Bay Colt, Woodlock 7 to 4 against Fidget, 1 to 1 against Marcella, 3 and 4 to 1 against Woodlock; Sir C. Bunbury's Nymph, 2 Y. old, 6st. 3lb. beat Mr. Fox's Rolla, 7st. 6lb. the first half of Ab. M. jog. i to 1 on Nymph— Sir C. Bunbury's Velatile, 8st, 4lb. beat L. Clermont's Cantator, 7st. 8lb. R. M. 100g. 2 to 1 on Volatile. Saturday. A sweepstakes of 2oog. each r. M. Lord Clermont's Tom- tit Lord Grosvenor's Grey F. Rosaline Lord Derby's Bay F. Zilia 6 to 4 against Zilia, a to i against Tom- tit, and to a against Rosaline Mr. Wyndham's Fortitude, by Young Marsk, 8ft. 7lb. beat Mr. Burlton's Argot, 8st. 4lb. Ab. 50g. 6 to 4 011 Argos. NORTHALLERTON RACES. Thursday, oct. 13, the 50l. for Three and Four year olds, Two- mile Heats, was won by Sir W. Vavasour's Ch, F, 3 L. Surrey's Br. Filly, 4 Y, old Mr. Witty's Bay Gelding ditto Before starting, 6 to 4 Sir w. Vavasour's Filly against the Field; after the Heat, 4 to 1 in Favour,- Friday, the 5og. Wt, for Age, Three mile Heats, was won by Mr. Hutchinson's Bay c. Omnium i L. Surrey's Grey Mare 5 Y. old Mr. Lascelle's Grey Filly 4 Y. old Before starting, 6 to 4 L,- Surrey's Mare against the Field; after the 1st heat, 4 to 1 the same way; after the 2d Heat, even Betting Omnium won. Saturday, the 50i. for all Ages, Four- mile Heats, was won by Mr. Jolliff's Chef. Horse, Monk » i j Lord Surrey's Bay Horse, Jack- Dog; 1 j df Mr. Cookson's Bay Horse, Gladiator 3 & t Before starting, 7 to 4 Monk against the Field';': after the Heat, 1 and 3 to 1 on Jack- Dog. huLL, OCTOBer Coasters arrived. Eleanor, Forster. from Newcastle. Experiment, Potts, from Whitby. Hopewell, bloom from Wells. Friends Goodwill, Briggs, from Bridlington. Fame, Cobb; Hawk, Wyatt, and Leicecter, Brook, from London. Commerce, Campbell, from Lynn, saltfleet Packet, Avison4 from Saltfleet. Coasters sailed. York, Hall; Endeavour, blanch, York Union, Smeaton ; Leeds Packet, Dean ; Martin, Curtis, and Gainsbro, Forbes, for London. Industry, Campbell, for Yarmouth.- Adventure, Williamson far Sunderland, Bishop Blaze, hare, for Ipswich. Trial, Ackrill, for Wisbech. John, Stephenson, for Boston. BANKRUPTS, James Ford of St. Martin's- le- grand, broker. Andrew Loader, of Bath, Somersetshire, maltster and dealer in spirits. Richard Fry, of Corsham, Wilts, clothier. Abder Wyman, of Ratcliffe- highway, Middlesex taylor and salesman. Lincoln Newark, Sainfbo- rough. SONG. Nothing at all — An Hibernian Harangue on the PROPOSITIONS. WELL met, brother Peter ! Now do not de- ceive me, I'M anxious to know what the State is about." " Why Patrick, in Parliament, if you'll believe me, There's been about commerce a comical rout, About Propositions, which few politicians Can clearly make out, how did patriots bawl So great the alarm !— some were ready to arm, And fight, my dear boy, about Nothing at all. " So great a disturbance, and all about trade, Before ne'er was seen in the mem'ry of man, Six months to the full was the Minister's head On the rack how compleatly to settle the plan. How strangely mistaken !— what labour in vain ! It may marvellous seem, but I swear by St. Paul, Resolutions a score, when to Dublin sent o'er, Amounted to just a mere Nothing at all. " Dear Patrick you'll think, it a strange exhibition, From Manchester came and the villages around, For wond'rous inspection, so large a Petition, When spread, ' twould have cover'd an acre of ground ; Lord Derby unable himself on the table To throw so unwieldy and weighty a scrawl, With assistance made shift,— Thurlow lent him a lift, Though the Bundle he swore contain'd Nothing at all. " The Chambers of Commerce in close consultation Much time and much trouble did ardently spend ; Amongst them were sages of keen penetration, The trade of their country resolv'd to defend ; Manufacturers met, and Delegates sat, Attentive to every necessitous call ; And Wedgwood and Peele— in the House said a deal, Who in truth might as well have said Nothing it all." " But answer me, Peter, one question, I pray ; Is there not of the usual proceedings a breach ? For after long sitting, observe what I say, The Parliament rises, but where's the King's Speech ?" " In truth, about that— believe me, dear Pat, As Cottons and Fustians long kept up the ball, On a sudden they rose,—' twas a singular close, And the King ( Heavens bless him) said Nothing at all." " However the world may the simile strike, However the matter may some understand, I can't in this work but the Minister like To the man who his building erects on a sand ; The structure was slight, for in one stormy night, And think how alarming and sudden the fall ! It was lost in the mud,— wash'd away by a FLOOD, And dwindled at once into Nothing at all." An Invitation to take a MORNInG's WALK. AURORA's rose at bloom the morning gilds. And boundless beauty paints the verdant fields ; With sweetest notes the warbling larks arise, To welcome infant day, and greet the skies, The rural scenes their prospects wide extend, And gales ambrosial chear the muses friend. Tir'd of gay trifles, lost to empty strife, To all the pomp, and all the toils of life ; How sweet to range thro' meads and verdant groves, Where amorous turtles coo their faithful loves ; Where zephyrs breathe, and all around dispense, Effluvias sweet, so pleasing to the sense. Here nature's face so various and so gay, The Deity's great wisdom must display ; While the heart swells with love, is big with joy!, And praise alone the greatest thought employ-. Come, Lucia, come, dear tender beauteous fair, Each prospect shines more bright, when thou art here; See ! rosy health inhabits ev'ry field, Then taste the bliss that innocence can yield, See, like a beauteous bride, the earth appears. With fruits and flow'rs a chearful aspect wears, No longer then delay, enjoy the prime, Come, fairest, walk with me ; be ever mine ! L. L. Narrative of the eseape of Prince ChARLeS- Ed- WARD, after the battle of Culloden. From Boswell's Journal of a Tour to the Hebrides. PRINCE Charles- Edward, after the battle of Cul- lodon, was conveyed to what is called the Long- Island, where he lay for some time concealed. But intelligence having been obtained where he was, and a number of troops having come in quest of him, it be- came absolutely necessary for him to quit that country without delay. Miss Flora Macdonald, then a young lady, animated by what she thought the sacrcd princi- ple of loyalty, offered, wilh the magnanimity of a Heroine, to accompany him in an open boat to Sky, though tht coast they were to quit was guarded by ships. He dressed himself in woman's deaths, and passed as her supposed maid by the name of Betty Bourke, an Irish girl. They got off undiscovered though several shots were fired to bring them to, and landed at Mug- stot, the seat of Sir Alexander Macdonald. Sir Alex- ander was then at Fort Augustus, with the Duke of Cumberland ; but his lady was at home. Prince Charles took his post upon a hill near the house. Flora Macdonald waited on Lady Margaret, and acquainted her of the enterprise in which she was engaged. Her ladyship, whose active benevolence was ever seconded by superior talants, shewed a perfect presence of mind, and readiness of invention, and at once settled that Prince Charles should be conducted to old Rasay, who was himself concealed with some select friends. The plan was instantly communicated to Kingsburgh, who was dispatched to the hill to inform the wanderer, and carry him refreshments. When Kingsburgh ap- proached, he started up, and advanced, holding a large knotted stick, and in appearance ready to knock him down, till he said " I am Macdonald of Kingsburgh; come to serve your Highness." The Wanderer answer- ed, " It is well," and was satisfied with the plan. Flora Macdonald dined with lady Margaret, at whose table there sat an officer of the army, stationed herewith a party of soldiers, to watch for Prince Charles in case of his flying to the Isle of Sky, She afterwards often laughed in good humour with this gentleman, on her having so well deceived him. After dinner Flora Macdonald on horseback, and her supposed maid and Kingsburgh, with a servant carrying some linen, all on foot, proceeded towards that gentleman's house. Upon the road was a small rivulet which they were obliged to cross. The Wan- derer forgetting his assumed sex, that his cloaths might not be wet, held them up a great deal too high. King- sburgh mentioned this to him, observing, it might make a discovery. He said, he would be more care- ful for the future. He was as good as his word ; for the next brook they crossed, he did not hold up his cloaths at all, but let them float upon the water. He was very aukward in his female dress. His size was so large, and his strides so great, that some women whom they met reported that they had seen a very big woman, who looked like a man in woman's cloaths, and that perhaps it was ( as they expressed themselves) the Prince, after whom so much search was making. At Kingsburgh he met with most cordial reception ; seemcd gay at supper, and after it indulged himself in a cheerful glass with his worthy host. As he had not had his cloaths off for a long time, the comfort of a good bed was highly relished by him, and he slept soundly till next day at one o'clock. The mistress of Corrichatachia told me that in the forenoon she went into her father's room, who was also in bed, and suggested to him her apprehensions that a party of the military might come up, and that his guest and he had better not remain here too long. Her father said, let the poor man repose himself after his fatigue ; and as for me I care not, though thay take off this old grey head ten or eleven years sooner than 1 should die in the course of nature. He then wrapped himself in the bed- cloaths, and again fell fast asleep. On the afternoon of that day, the Wanderer, still in the same dress, set out for Portree, with Flora Mac- donald and a man servant. His shoes being very bad, Kingsburgh provided him with a new pair, and taking up the old ones, said, I will faithfully keep them till ' you are safely settled at St. James's. I will then in- troduce myself, by shaking them at you, to put you in mind of your night's entertainment and protection under my roof.— He smiled, and said, be as good as your word ?— Kingsburgh kept the shoes at long as he lived. After his death, a zealous Jacobite gentle- man gave twenty guineas for them. Old Mrs. Macdonald, after her guest had left the house, took the sheets in which he had lain, folded them carefully and charged her daughter that they should be kept unwashed, and that when she died, her body should be wrapped in them as a winding sheet, Her will was religiously observed. Upon the road to Portree, Prince Charles changed himself, and put on man's cloaths again ; a Tartan short coat and waistcoat, with philibeg and short hose, a plaid, and a wig and bonnet. Mr. Donald M'Donald, called Donald Ray, had been sent express to the present Rasay, then the young Laird, who was at that time at his sister's house, about three miles from Portree, attending his brother, Dr. Macleod, who was recovering of a wound he had re ceived at the battle of Culloden. Mr. M'Donald com- municated to young Rasay the plan of conveying ths Wanderer to where old Rasay was; but was told that old Rasay had fled to Cnoidart, a part of Gleogary's estate. There was then a dilemma what should be done. Donald Roy proposed that he should conduct the wanderer to the main land ; but young Rasay thought it toe dangerous at that time, and said it would be better to conceal him in the island of Rasay, till old Rasay could be informed where he was, and give his advice what was best. But the difficulty was how to get him to Rasay. They could not trust a Portree crew, and all the Rasey boaii had been de- stroyed, or carried off by the military, except two be- longing to Macolm M'Leod, which he had concealed some where. Dr. M'Leod being informed of this difficulty, said he would risk his life once more for Prince Charles ; and it having occurred, that there was a little boat upon a fresh- water lake in ihe neighbourhood, the two brothers, with tha help of some women, brought it to the sea by extraordinary exertion, across a Highland mile of land, one half of which was bog, and the other a steep precipice. These gallant brothers, with the assistance of one little boy, rowed the small boat to Rasay, where they were to endeavour to find Captain Macleod, as Mal- colm was then called, and get one of his good boats, with which they might return to Portree, and re- ceive the Wanderer; or, in case of not finding him, they were to make the small boat serve though the danger wai considerable. Fortunately, on their first landing, they found their cousin Malcolm, who with the utmost alacrity, got ready one of his boats, with two sturdy men, John M'Kenzie, and Donald M'Friar. Malcolm, being the oldest man, and most cautious, said, that as young Rasay had not hitherto appeared in the unfortunate business, he ought not to run any risk ; but that Dr. M'Leod and himself, who were already publickly engaged, should go on this expedition. Young Rasay answered, with an oath, that he would go at the hazard of his life and fortune.—" In God's name then ( said Malcolm) let us procecd." The two boatmen, however, now stopped short, till they should be informed of their destination and M'Ken- zie declared he would not move an oar till be knew where he was going. Upon which they were both sworn to secrecy ; and the business being imparted to them, they ware keen for putting off to sea without loss of time. The boat soon landed about half a mile from the Inn at Portree. All this was negotiated before the Wanderer got forward to Portree. Malcolm, M'Leod, and M' Friar were dispatched to look, after him. In a short time he appeared, and went into the public- house. There Donald Roy, whom he had seen at " Mugstot, re- ceived him, and Informed him of what he had con- certed. Here he wanted silver for a guinea The landlord had but thirteen shillings. He was going to accept of this for his guinea ; but Donald Roy very judiciously observed, that it would discover him to be some great man ; so he desisted. He slipped out of the house, leaving- his fair protectress, whom he never again saw ; and Malcolm M'Leod was pre- sented to him by Donald Roy, as a Captain in his army. Young Rasay, and Dr. M'Leod had waited in impatient anxiety in the boat. When he came their names were announced to him. He would not permit the usual ceremonies of respect, but saluted them as his equals. Donald Roy staid in Sky, to be in readiness to get intelligence, and give an alarm in case the troops should discover the retreat at Rasay ; and Prince Charles was then conveyed in a boat to that island in the night. He slept a little upon the passage, and he landed about day- break. There was some diffi- culty in accommodating him with a lodging, as al- most all the houses in the island had been burnt by the soldiery. They repaired to a little hut, which some shepherds had lately built, and having prepared it as well as they could, and made a bed of heath for the stranger, they kindled a fire, and partook of some provisions which had been sent with him from Kingsburgh. It was observed, that he would not taste wheat bread, or brandy, while oat bread and whiskey lasted : " For these, said he, are my own country bread and drink."— This was very engaging to the Highlanders. Young Rasay being the only person of the com- pany that durst appear with safety, he went in quest of something fresh for them to eat ; but though he was amidst his own cows, sheep, and goats, he could not venture to take any of them, for fear of a disco- very, but was obliged to supply himself by stealth. He therefore caught a kid, and brought it to the hut ins plaid, and it was killed and dressed, and fur- nished them with a meal which they relished much. The distressed Wanderer whose health was now much impaired by hunger, fatigue . and watching, slept a long time, and seemed to be frequently disturbed, Malcolm told me he would start from broken slum- bers, and speak to himself in different languages, as French, Italian, and English. I must however ac- knowledge, that my worthy friend Malcolm did not know precisely the difference between French and Italian. One of his expressions in English was, « ' O God ! poor Scotland." CAUTION to Artists and Manufacturers against FOREIGN SPIES. There are lately come to England some Frcnch Artists, with an intention to learn as much as possible of the nature of the machines used in our manufac- tures, particularly in iron and copper- works, fire- engines, cotton- mills, scribbling- machines for wool, Birmingham manufactures, & c. & c. The principal person is a good- looking man, but with something of the workman- about him, having been bred a carpenter, but now follows the business of an engineer, mill- wright, and model- maker; he speaks no English, or very little, but will have an interpreter along with him. As these people are newly come to England, there is no knowing at what time they may come to each manufacturing town, therefore it is requested that all manufacturers, who wish well to their country, may' keep a strict look out, particularly such as concerned in Founderies, Engines, and Mills of all kinds, and refuse to every foreigner admittance into their works. Their Majesties returning from London, lately, to Windsor- Castle, in their post- chaise, at their being set down a number of children surrounded the car- riage to see the King and Queen ; amongst the rest was a very fine boy, that morning put in breeches for the first time. His Majesty instantly fixed his eye on the chearful countenance of the child, and asked him, " Who's boy he was," The boy replied, " My Father is the King's Beef- eater ;" then said the King, " down on your knees, and you shall have the ho- nour to kiss the Queen's hand ;" te which the boy replied, " No ! I won't kneel down, because I fhall dirt my new breeches." This extempore rapartee had such a pleasing effect on their Majesties, that they made the boy a present of five guineas. It deserves to be known, that in consequence of the will of the late Lord Chesterfield, in which he for- bids his son to visit Venice on account of the gaming; the Republic have actually prohibited all games, and there is now no public Faro, Hazard, or other games of chance permitted. HARRISON'S EDITION • of Dr. JOHNSONS GREAT ENGLISH DICTIONARY, IN ONE HUNDRED SIXPENNY-. NUMBERS, Making One Large Folio Volume. To which will be perfixed, when the Work it com- pleated, Biographical- and Critical Memoirs of the Life and WRITINGS of the LEARNED AUTHOR, ... . By Mr. HARRISON. And a most magnificent Portrait of Dr. JOHNSON, Engraved by HEATH, on a Full- sized Folio Page, and Printed on Superfine French Paper, will be de- livered with the Twentieth Number. The Whole to be printed under the immediate Inspec- tion of Mr. Harrison, on Superfine Paper; and with new Types purposely contrived to unite Ele- gance and Cheapness, which have for a long Time past been preparing by W. CASLON,. Esq- Letter- Founder to His Majesty, On Saturday, October 22, 1785, will be Published, ( Price SIX- PENCE only) NUMBER I. ( To be continued Weekly, till the Whole is compleated) Of A DICTIONARY ENGLISH LANGUAGE: IN WHICH The Words are Deduced from their Originals AND Illustrated in their different Significations Br EXAMPLES FROM THE BEST WRITERS. To which are Prefixed, A History of the English Language, AND An English Grammar. By SAMUEL JOHNSON, LL. D. The Whole to be preceded, by BIOGRAPHICAL AND CRITICAL MEMOIRS of THE Life and Writings of the Learned Author, By. MR. HARRISON, Editor of the British Classicks, & c. Peculiar Advantages in Mr. Harrison's Folio Edi- tion. I. The Advantage of Size— Mr. Harrison's being of equal Magnitude with the Original Edition of dou- ble the Price;, with the very important Difference of being confined to a Single Volume, whereas all other Edi- tions are divided into Two, so that it is often difficult to tell in which ths required Word can be found. Every Person in the smallest Degree conversant with any Dictionary spread out into different Volumes, must have experienced thefe Inconveniencies; and the Remedy provided by Mr. Harrison's Plan alone entitles it to a decided Preference. II. The Paper will be uniform; and the Types Larger and more Legible, than they can possible be in any Edition printed on a different Plan at any reason- able Price ; nor will the several Elucidations of Words be unscientifically huddled together, but the Whole will be printed with the same Perspicuity as the best Original Edition published during the Life- time of the Author. III. The Portrait will be nearly Twice as Large as those proposed to be given by other Publishers of Dr. Johnson's Writing!; and whan Mr. HEATH is an- nounced as the Engraver of such a Print, it is hardly necessary to add, that every Impression on French Pa- per must be worth at least Half a guinea. This being actually the Case, and Mr. Heath requiring a few Months more to compleat it Notes must be given with the First Twenty Numbers, the bearers of which will be entitled to a Copy of the Print. IV. The Biographical and Critical Memoirs, for which Mr. Harrison has some Time been collecting original Materials, are meant to include a compleat Account of the Learned Author's Life and. Writings; accompanied by Remarks on the several Publications of Anecdotes, & c. which shall have appeared prior to the conclusion of the present Undertaking. V. Notwithstanding all other obvious Advantages, when the Difference of Binding Two Volumes instead of One comes to be considered, the Expence of the Whole, will be less than that of the most trifling Edi- tion, even without any life of the Author. The Fact is, that Mr. Harrison, who is contented with a mode- rate Profit, publishes Three Large Folio Sheets for Six- pence; while those who modestly make Preten- tions to extraordinary Cheapness, give only Five Quarto Sheets for a Shilling. These Advantages are unquestionable very material; and, as Mr. Harrison flatters himself the most Strict Examiners will not find them exaggerated, he delivers his Plan to the World—" with the Spirit of a. Man that hath endeavoured well." LONDON: Printed for Harrison and Co. No. 18, Paternoster Row ; and Sold by ROSE and DRURY, Printers near the Stone- Bow, Lincoln; Drummond, Lincoln ; Taylor, Retford; Weir, Horncastle ; Marsh and Sheardown, Louth; Allin, Newark ; Booth, Caistor; Burgess, Boston ; and most other Booksellers, Sta- tioners, and Newscarriers in Town and Country. Lincoln. Messrs. Rose and Drury, Mr. Johnson, Bookbinder, Mess. Scatcherd & c Whitaker, Ave- maria- lane. London. Mr. Jacob, Printer, Peterborough. 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Also at Garraway's Coffee- house, Cornhill; London Coffee- house, Ludgate- Hill; Chapter Coffee- housee, Pater- noster- row ; Peele's Coffee- House, Fleet- street ; and Red Lion Inn, Aldersgate- street; where it may be seen c of the Towns and Villags throughout the several Counties of Lincoln, Nottingham, Derby, Leicester, Rutland, Huntingdon, Cambridge, & c. Mr. White, Hair- dresser, Gainsborough. Mr. Clarke, Ironmonger, Tuxford. Mr. Tayler, Printer &. Bookseller, Retford. Mr. Baines, Hair- dresser, Bawtry. Mr. Parker, Ironmonger, Worksop. Mr. Sheppard, Bookseller, Mansfield. Mr. Turner, Grocer, Ollerton. Mr. Tupman, Printer, Nottingham. Mr. Calow, Chesterfield. Mr. Drewry, Printer, Derby, Mr. Adams, Bookseller, Loughborough. Mr. Smith, Bookseller, Doncaster. Mr. Gales, Printer and Bookseller, Sheffield Messrs. Ogle and Smith, Booksellers, Leeds. Mr. Wilson, Bookseller, Rotherham. Mr. Todd and Mr. Spence, York. every Week. - « «
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