Lincoln Gazetter; or Public Advertiser
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Volume Number: 2
Issue Number: 53
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Lincoln Gazetter; or Public Advertiser
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Lincoln Gazetter; or Public Advertiser
Date of Article: 01/07/1785
Printer / Publisher: Rose and Drury
Address: Opposite the Bank near the Stone-Bow, Lincoln
Volume Number: 2
Issue Number: 53
No Pages: 4
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1,1,11 • LINCOLN Or, Public GAZETTEER ; Advertiser. • The only Newspaper Volume 2. printed at LINCOLN number 53 LINCOLN: Printed for the Proprietors, at their Office, in the High- Street, near the Butchery- Lane, by JAMES MAUD ; and sold by ROSE and DRURY. Advertisements, not exceeding Twenty Lines, are inserred at four Shillings and Six- pence each Time, and Three- pence for every four Lines above Twenty. [ Price Three- pence. ] FRIDAY, July 1, 1785. [ Ready Money for Advertifements; ] 4 Sj May 1, 1785. LINCOLNSHIRE. Wintringham, Toft with Newton, and Hackthorne, To be Sold is under- mentioned,
The Manor of Wintringham, and a freehold Estate there, CONSISTING of 2422 Acres and 36 Perches of well inclosed Land, in a high State of Culti- vation, with suitable Farm- Houses, and Outbuildings, in good Repair, and several Cottages, let to Seventy- five Tenants from Year to Year, and includes Twenty capital Farms, and well Tenanted. N. B. The above Estate will be Sold in Lots, by Private Contract, at the House of George Bell, in Wintringham, unless previously disposed of Entire, • f which timely Notice will be given. The Sale to begin on Monday the 18th of July, at Nine o'Clock ia the Morning. Printed Particulars ef the
Lots will be ready to be delivered on Monday the 13th Day of June next, by Mr. Bassett at Glentworth : Mr. George Tennyson at Raisin; or, Matthew Peacock at Wintringham, the latter of whom will shew the Premises. To describe the very desirable Situation of Win- tringham, and the numerous and valuable Rights be- longing to the Manor, would exceed the Bounds of a common Advertisement, therefore they will be attend- ed to in the printed Particulars above- mentioned. the Manor » f Toft with Newton, Within Ten Miles of Lincoln, and Four of Raisin ; and a Capital Freehold Estate in Toft and Newton j confiding of 1968 Acres
1 Rood 1 Perch of old inclosed Arable, Meadow, and rich Pasture Ground, with fuit- able Farm- Houses and Outbuildings, and Six Cottages, let to Sixteen Tenants from Year 10 Year, and includes Ten convenient Farms, and well Tenanted. This Estate will be Sold in Lots, by Private Con- tract, at the White Hart, in Raisin, unless previously disposed of Entire, of which Notice will be given as aforesaid. The Sale to begin en Monday the lltli of July next, at Nine o'Clock in the Morning. Printed Particulars of the Lots will be ready to be delivered on Monday the 2oth Day of June next, by the faid Mr. Bassett and Mr. Tennyson; and Mr.
William Hodgson, or Mr. James Sawyer of Toft, will Shew the Premises. Hackthorne, by Auction, At the Rein- Deer Inn, at Lincoln, on Friday the 8th Day of July next, between the Hours of Ten and Twelve in the Forenoon ; A very desirable FREEHOLD ESTATE, consisting of a Farm- House, Two Cottages, with Barns, Stables, and other Conveniencies ; and 896 Acres 3 Roods 1.5 Perches of Arable Land, Meadow and Pasture Ground. John Bratton, Thomas Frankish, John Pask, and Asaph Wilkinron, Tenants at Will. And also a LEASEHOLD ESTATE held under the Dean and Chapter of Lincoln, consisting of a Farm- House
and other Buildings, and 183 Acres, 3 Roods 10 Perches » f Arable Land, Meadow and Pas ture Ground. The said John Bratton aud Thomans Frankish, Te- nants. John Bratton will shew the Premises. Any Person desirous of treating by Private Con- trail for Wintringham ENTIRE, and Toft with Newton ENTIRE, may for Price and other Particulars enquire of Mr. Baflett, or Mr. Tennyfon. N. B. The Sale of the Wintringham Eftate, by Lots, advertised in the former Papers to begin the s7th of June, is postponed till Monday the 18th of July next. 9th JuNe, 1785. rUN away from his Family at Boston, in Lin- colnshire, ISRAEL
CHAPMAN, about Twenty- six Years of Age, Five Foot Six Inchcs high, thin Faced, fallow Complexion, by Trade a Cordwainer. He had on when he went away a light coloured Coat with Yellow Buttons, a Buff Waistcoat with Button- holes worked with Gieen and Red Silk, a Pair of Brown Corderoy Breeches and a round and has along with him a Dark Brown Great C Whoever apprehends the above Person, and brings' him to Boston aforesaid, shall receive of the Over- seers of the Poor ONE GUINEA Reward, with reafonable Charge*. May 1, 1785. TO BE SOLD BY PRIVATE CONTRACT, The Manors of Waltham and
Barnoldly- le- Beck, in the County of Lincoln, adjoining each other, with A Freehold Estate at WAlTHAM; CONSISTING OF ACapital Mansion- House, and suitable Out- buildings ; also Two exceeding good Farm- Houses and convenient Buildings, and 797 Acres, 3 Roods, 15 Perches of well inclosed Land, Tythe free, and which is now occupied in Three Farms, by the Names of Hall- Farm, Middle- Farm, aud Peak- Farm. N. B. To suit Purchafers the two following Lots, Part of the above, may be Sold separate. LOT 1. The Middle- Farm, consisting of a good Brick and Tiled Houfe, and 118 Acres, t Rood, it Perches of Land, in a
Ring Fence, 73 Acres whereof are Meadow and Pasture ; the Rest Arable and an ex- cellent Corn Soil. LOT 2. The Peak- Farm, consisting of 350 Acres, in a Ring Fence, a good Turnip Soil, and will grow any Kind of Corn and Flax ; and the House bricked, tiled, and sashed, in the Centre ef the Ground. • Also, in Waltham aforesaid, in the following Lots, LOT 1. A Farm- House, Homestead, and Cottage, with Five Acres of rich old Inclosure, in the Possession of Mr. Raisbeck. LOT Z. TWO Closes of old Pasture, called Skeene Closes, adjoining Holton Lordship, containing 19 Acres, 2 Roods, in the Possession of Luke Rayner.
LOT 3. A Cottage and Garth, in the possession of John Walker. Lo r 4. A Close, used as a Skin- Yard, in the Pos- session of Mr. Healey. LOT5. A House, Garth, and Clofe, in the Pos session of Robert Farmery. LOT 6. A House and Garden, in the Possession of William Markham. N. B. Waltham is conveniently situated for Mar- ket Towns; Eight Miles from Caistor, Ten from Louth, and Four from the port of Grimsby : A very good Turnpike Road to the latter, where Corn may be shipped off to any Part of the Kingdom, and Coals and Lime very reasonable. Bath the Manors abound with Game, and Fox Hounds and Harriers in the
Neighbourhood. The Situation is pleasant, in a hilly Country, com- manding a very extensive Prospect of the Entrance of the River Humber, and the Yorkshire Side of that River for many Miles. * » * For further Particulars enquire at the Hall- Farm in Wartham, where a Person will be ready to shew the Premises ; of Mr. Marshal of Killinghome ; Mr. Hurneis of Laceby ; Mr. George Tennyson of Market- Raisin, all in the said County of Lincoln ; or of Mr. Dyson of Bawtry in Yorkshire. JUNE 15, 1785. DILIGENCE from Louth to Lincoln. JOHN MILLS, at the New Ring's- Head, Louth, Proprietor of the above Diligence, humbly begs
leave to return Thanks for the great Encouragement already received, and to inform the Public, that, on Thurs- day next, the 17th Instant, the faid Diligence will set out from Louth, on that and every Thursday Morn- ing, by Way of Horncastle, at Seven o'Clock ; will arrive at Lincoln, at the King's- Arms, about Four in the Afternoon, and return from thence the next Morning. The Reason of the Day being thus altered, is the Conveniency of the Palfengers coming and going by the Nottingham Coach every Friday, as alfo to ac- commodate Passengers going to London by ita. Lincoln Fly, which sets out every Friday Morning. The
Proprietor takes the Liberty to observe that this Diligence offers a very pleasant and cheap Con- veyance to those Gentlemen and Ladies going to bathe at Skegness, Sutton, Surfleet, and Cleythorpe. Per- fons going to any of the three last mentioned Places, may be provided with a very neat Post- Chaise, and careful Driver ( from Louth) at the shortest Notice, by the said John Mills. Fare, from Louth te Lincoln, 101. 6 d. Short Passengers Threepence- halfpenny per Mile. To be allowed 141b. Weight of Luggage.' The Proprietor will not be accountahle for Money, Plate, or any Parcels above the Amount of Five Pounds, unless
entered as such. A FREEHOLD ESTATE, Situate at FALDINGWORTH, in the County of LINCOLN; CONSISTING of a Farm- House, with convenient Out- buildings, a Cottage- house, and upwards of Two Hundred and Seventy- nine Acres of Arable, Meadow and Pasture Land. The Premises are in the several Possessions of Thomas Turnell and Widow Broxelby, who will shew the same. Further Particulars may be had of Mr. PASHLEy, Attorney at Law, at East Retford, Nottinghamshire. RIVER WITHAM, LINCOLNSHIRE. THE Annual Meeting of the General Commis- sioners for Drainage thereby will be held at the Angel Inn in
New Sleaford, on Tuefday the 5th Day of July next, at Eleven o'Clock. By Order of the said General Commissioners, BANKES, CLerk, June, 1785. BUGS effectually destroyed. NEWSOM's Liquidum Infernum et Philosophicum. HOWEVER doubtful this Undertaking may ap- pear in the Eyes of the Public, from the Sin- gularity of fuch a wonderful Discovery, is a Matter I shall leave to the Examination of an Impartial Public. I can with undoubted Veracity assert the Success of this Satanic Liquid, as the primary and only Arcanum that can be invented as a sure Preventative, diffusing its baneful Influence through every Pore, leaving
the Wood strongly impregnated with a Menstruum that spreads Destruction to every living Bug, producing a final Annihilation of their Semina from whence they originate. Ths Incredulity of a few unbelieving Mor- tals, I am not to regard ; Time will soon obliterate every seeming Prejudice, and Experience, which is the best Proof, will soon fix the Standard of its Repu- tation beyond the Power of Envy to subvert. I will be bound to vindicate, and prove from Expe- rimental Facts, that every Bed done with this Liquid, will be effectually freed ; and they will continue free provided a Bottle of this Liquid is used annually to each Bed, which
puts a final Period to their future Propagation. I can with Propriety recommend it to be used by every Person who fixes up New Bedsteads, by which Means the Bugs will be prevented from lodging in the Wood. The great Demand which I have for this Liquid is one convincing Proof of its unparalleled Success, at a Crisis when the long- expected Wishes of the Pub- lic will be amply answered to their utmoft Satisfaction. I flatter myself that those who make Trial will be convinced of the Utility of my Discovery, being the only one that can, without the least Arrogance, boast a Superiority over every other Invention. N. B. Those who
wish to get rid of these baneful Infects, will be particular in asking for my Composi- tion ; as it. will be found the only one that can, with Certainty, be depended on. I make no doubt, but . there will he many Ignorant Run- about Pretenders, Advertising in Opposition, and as vigilant in imposing their Trash on the Public as possible ; but I hope this will prove a sufficient Caution to avoid all such Empi- rical Rovers, who can no more destroy them, than bey can destroy the Planetary Motion of any revolv- ing Luminary ; whose vague Pretensions to an Under- taking of this Kind are intirely foreign to their Capa- cities, and their Methods
as unscientific as their Vanity is ridiculous, in aping such Knowledge as neither Education nor Genius has intitled them to. The unfullied Repute of my Liquidum Infernum, may give Umbrage to many mercenary Quacking Sharpers, who will endeavour te counterfeit my Com- position; to prevent which, I have got a Bottle- Mould for the Purpose, with the Words Liquidum Infernum thereon ; each Bottle is sealed on the Top with my Coat of Arms, round which the Words Philosophicum Liquidum are set ; likewise each Bill are signed with my own Hand- Writing ( JOHN NEWSOM.) Price Three Shilling a Bottle. ; Prepared by John
Newsom, Chemist to the Right Honourable Viscountess Irwin, and Sold by Rose and | Drury, Printers, Lincoln, THE Creditors sf the late Richard Earl of Scar- borough are desired to meet Mr. Richard Bassett, ( the Agent and Receiver for the real Estate of the faid Earl) at the Rein- Deer in Lincoln, on Thursday the 7 th Day of July next, at Eleven o'Clock in the Morning. Glentworth, June 6, 1785. THE GOVerNOR and COMPANY of the ROYAL EXCHANGE ASSURANCE, have nominated and appointed JOHN HALL, Of the City of LINCOLN, Merchant, Their Agent and Receiver for the City aforesaid; and Parts adjacent, in their
Business of Assuring; Buildings, Goods and Merchandize from Loss or Damage by Fire ; and the said JOHN HALL is accordingly ready to receive Proposals from any Per- sons, who desire to Assure their Property in the said County, or elsewhere. Persons Assured by this Corporation do not depend upon an Uncertain Fund or Contribution, nor are they subjeCt to any Covenants or Calls to make good Losses which may happen to Themselves or Others : The Capital Stock of this Corporation being an unquestionable Security to the Assured', in Case of Loss or Damage by Fire. And in Case of Dispute, the Assurers have a more
ready and effectual Method of Recovery than can he had against any Societies who do not act under a Common Seal. This Corporation will, in Case of Fire, allow all reasonable Charges attending the Removal of Goods, and pay the Sufferer's Loss- whether the Goods are destroyed, lost, or damaged by such Re- moval. Persons removing from any other Fire Office, may have the Policy and Mark Gratis, by applying as above. N. B. All Payments for Losses and Damages by Fire, are made by the Corporation without Deduc- tion. Printed Proposals may be had by applying to the said Agent. SATURDAY'S POST. LONDON,
Thursday, june 23. Paris, Jnne 13. We learn from franche- Comte, that a fire broke out at the foot of the mountain of Vosges; which consumed no less than ten villages. This calamity is known to be the result of a wicked combination, various parcels of combustible matter, with trains laid from one to the other, having been found in different places. Amsterdam, June 12. All our accounts concur in saying, that the pacific treaty between the Republic and the Court of Vienna is in a favourable train of being brought to a speedy conclusion. HOUSE OF LORDS. Tuesday, June z 1. passed the indemnity bill.—- The Duke of Northum berland's bill.— The Lambeth water bill.— And the Clapham lighting bill. Read a first time the game bill., Also the pawnbrokers bill. And the county election bill. Made farther progress on the Irish trade. Adjourned. HOUSE of COMMONS. Tuesday, June z 1. The order of the day being read for going into a committee for the considering of the better collection of the duties upon tobacco, Mr. Pitt rose and stated, that to prevent frauds upon the revenue in the article of tobacco, he had three propositions to submit to the confideration of the House. The first was to prevent it being illegally landed ; the second to regulate the manner of
its re- moval from place to place on shore ; and the third was to put it under the cognizance of the Excise laws while in the hands of the manufacturer. But this last he meant not to carry into execution till the next ses- sion of Parliament. He then moved the two first re- solutions, which were agreed to. Ordered in a bill to regulate the future elections for Westminster. Adjourned.
Last Thursday a Court of Directors was held at the India House at three o'clock, which broke up at five; after which. the Directors adjourned to the London Tavern, where an elegant entertainment was prepared for Mr. Pitt, Governor Cambell, and the Board of Controul. Besides the Court of Directors, of whom only two were absent, there were the Duke of Rich- mond, two Secretaries of State, Lord Camden, his Majesty's Cabinet Ministers, and thirty other gentle- men in connexion with the Company. The dinner was postponed till six o'clock in expectation of Mr. Pitt, who had promised to attend, but was otherwise engaged. On
the report of Mr. Pitt's dining yesterday with the India Directors at the London Tavern, several of the churches had their bells muffled, and a dumb peal rung during the time of the dinner. It is said that the last letters from China, mention that by accident a shot was fired from on board one of the East Indiainen lying at Canton, which killed a native, on which the governor sent on board for the offender, who was secreted. This occasioned his seiz- ing a man on shore belonging to one of the ships by Way of reprisal till reparation was made, which causing some disturbance, they, as is the custom in China, immediately lighted their
signals, and in three days a numerous army came down from, the country who have stopped the ships loading till further directions are re- ceived from the Emperor, to whom an express was sent, and it was supposed would detain the ship four months, before an answer could be returned. SUNDAY'S POST. L O N D O N, Friday, JUNE 24. Leyden, June 21. Our advices from Constantinople mention, that the Grand Vizir was lately strangled at Tenedos; and that according to popular rumour his death is ascribed to his having projected a plan for de- posing the Grand Signior, and placing Sultan Selim upon the throne : but the
letters add, that his being possessed of twelve millions of piastres was the real cause of his being put to death, since that property might with a less appearance of injustice be seized upon by his successor, in the name of the sovereign, than during the life of the unhappy viCtim. Paris, June 13. We learn from Franche Comte, that a fire lately broke out at the foot of the mountain of Vosges, which consumed no less than ten villages. This calamity is known to be the result of a wicked combination, various parcels of combustible matter, with trains laid from one to the other, having been found in different places. HOUSE OF
LORDS. Wednesday, June 22. Passed the Aylesbury and Banbury road bills, and the Salisbury Shire- hall bill. Reported the Bristol church bill. Made further progress on the Irish Propositions. Adjourned. HOUSE OF COMMONS. Wednesday, June 22. Received and read a petition from Falmouth against the hawkers and pedlars bill. Ordered to lie on the table. On a Committee of supply resolved that 9000 1. be granted as a compensation to the commissioners of public accounts tor their ability and diligence in stating the said accounts: To be paid without any de- duction. Resolved also that 70601. be granted to his Ma- jesty to
replace the like sum issued in pursuancc « f addresses of this Houfe. That 32ool. be granted to his Majesty to make' good the like sum issued to the Secretaries and Com- ~ missioners appointed to examine and enquire into the losses of the American loyalists, not made good by Parliament. The House having resolved itself into a Committee of Ways and Means, the Chancellor of the Exchequer moved the Lottery, for the purpose of raising 150,0001. to be paid to the American loyalists. He stated that the Lottery was to raise 650,000!. by 50,000 tickets, 13 1. each, the prizes to be paid at 10 1. each, and the profit of 150,0001.
to be paid to the loyalists. The subscription for each ticket to be paid by installments, as under: . 1 6 * 5 July, 1 19 s(> August, 1 6 26 Sept. j 6 37 OCt. 1 19 28 Nov. 1 19 15 Dec. 1 6 1786. 9 Jan. 1 19 f> 3 ° The prizes are to be paid is soon as possible after June 1 1786. The last advice from Charlestown, South Carolina, say, that, the mob have assumed the functions of govern- ment, have shut up the Courts of Justice, and by their fiat have prohibited the future recovery of debts due to persons out of that state, or their agents.— In this . they have in some respect followed the example of their brethren in Massachusetts, who
have banished all British merchants, or their agents, from their State, and of course can have nothing among them to make demands. Bury, June 23. Yesterday morning, about two o'clock, the Norwich stage coach was attacked on the road to Bury, near Stanton, by a single highwayman, badly mounted, who enquired of the coachman if he had any room for two passengers, and on his answer- ing he had, and stopping the coach, the man demanded ef the passengers their money. One gentleman drop- ped his purse among the straw in the coach, which the highwayman preceived, and endeavoured ts find it, but his search
proved fruitless, and he made off with only Sis. booty. He had fire arms, and is said to be dressed in a waggoner's frock. The present session of Parliament is likely io be the longest of any for several years past, the Cabinet hiving come to a determination of going through all the business at present on the tapis On Sunday evening last, about six o'clock, a little distance from Grosvenor Gate, in Hyde- park, a duel was fought between the Right Hon. the Earl of A of Ireland, and M n, Esq. of the same place. This most extraordinary event took place from the following circumstance. His Lordship and Col. C. who is married to his
Lordship's sister, were enjoy- ing themselves Over a bottle'of Burgundy, at the noble Earl's apartments, in St. Alban's- street, after dinner, when Mr. M. and his brother came to the door. They had been riding, and had dined in the country. The servant told them his Lordship was 0n business, and could not be disturbed. They insisted on admittance ; but being refused, went away, and in a short space after returned. In the intermediate, time, Col C departed, and therefore, when they 0n their return demanded admittance to his Lordship, it was instantly granted. The noble Earl observed to them, that his apartments were not only
his castle, but they were a sanctuary to every person who visited him, and that no man should be there insulted. The allusion WHS in respect to his Lordthip's brother in law, with whom the two gentlemen it was suppofed had some law business. King William has made Sunday an exemption from legal affronts, only in certain cases : one of those cases was suspeCted to be the cause of the visit. Very high words arose on the meeting of the three Gentlemen ; and his Lordship at last told them, that if they came for the purpose of giving insult, the proper return was near at hand— It lay in his pistols; and as he ever con- fidered Mr.
M and his brother in the charaCters of Gentlemen, he was ready to appeal to that trial of ho- nour which custom had established, and if either chose to put the matter to issue, Hyde- park was not a great distance, to which place he should instantly repair. Here the conversation ended, and his Lordship taking his pistols, and muffling himself up in a great coat, went instantly to thespot, without any second, where soon after arrived the brothers. His Lordship desired Mr. M to fire; Mr. M snapped his pistol, missed fire, and then desired his Lordship to fire ; his Lordship turned the muzzle of his pistol upwards, and fired into the air :
the parties then shook hands, went to the St. Alban's tavern, ana were good friends over a bottle. Mr. M inherits a valuable property on the Earl's estate, which his father got from the late Earl by lease, at a very small rent. The family, except by one unhappy and memorable love fatality, are re. speCtable, and without stain far many generations. The noble Lord alluded to is a Knight of the most Hon. Order of the Bath, and an antient peer of Ire- land, with an estate in one place that is above thirty miles in circumference, and . with a rent- roll that counts forty thousand pounds per annum. MONDAY'S POST. LONDON, Saturday,
JUNE 25. Letters from Paris, dated June 20, mention, that the celebrated Doctor Franklin, a few days before, had taken his leave of the King and the Royal Family at Versailles, and proposed immediately setting out for the port of Nantz, from whence he was to embark for Philadelphia. The same advices declare, that, in consequence of a plan laid before M. Vergenues by Dr. Franklin, the King had been pleased to permit the United States to unload their American commodities at the islands of France or Bourbon, and take in East India productions; or, if they chose to proceed to China, & c. they should have the liberty of
disposing of their Cargoes at the above islands, or at that of Saint Mauritius. This con- cession, it is said, will probably turn out very advan- tageously to the Americans. HOUSE OF LORDS. Thursday, June 23. The following Petitions were presented to the House against the Irish commercial resolutions, viz. A petition of the manufacturers and dealers in ma- . nufaCtures exported to the East Indies. A petition of the glass manufacturers. A petition of the woolstaplers. And A petition of the proprietors of the coal and fait works in Scotland. The petitions being read, were ordered to be referred to the Committee on the above
Resolutions. A motion was made for the evidence already taken of the witnesses examined 011 the Irish commercial re- solutions to be printed for the use of the House. The Bristol church bill was read a third time and passed. Made further progress on the Irish trade. Adjourned. HOUSE of COMMONS. Thursday, June 23. The hawkers and pedlars bill was presented and read a first time. In a Committee went through the Duke of Glou- cester's stipend bill. Also through the caal and culm duty bill, with amendments. Read a first time the salt duty bill. Mr. Rose presented an estimate of expences of the buildings at Somerset house. Ordered to lie on the table. passed the coachmakers licence, the pawnbrokers li- cence, and the servants tax bills. The Solicitor General moved for leave to bring in a bill for the better regulation of the police, and the more effeCtual prevention of crimes within the cities of London and Westminster, the Borough of Southwark, and the part; adjacent, which, after some conversation, leave was granted accordingly. Adjourned. The surest and safest means that the shop- keepers can take to reimburse themselves for the loss they sustain by the new tax, is to join in a firm purpose of not giving credit. By this means they will
avoid those heavy debts which nobility and gentry contract, and, what is more, avoid the word, though natural consequence, bankruptcy. Mr. Burke's motion respecting Mr. Hastings, is waited for by the public with great anxiety, and will, no doubt, produce much entertainment. What a cata- logue of peculation, robberies, and murders, may not his fertile imagination furnish ! And how soon maY a plain tale set all this down. The French have certainly made the port of Tobago free, in order to obstruCt the trade of Grenada, and with the Spanish main and Trinidada. The same Court has also made the' ports of Martinico free, in order
to drain Dominica of its only probable means of supporting the few merchants who have resolution to keep their statjon in that colony, having proved so fatal to the original adventures in ir. The Westminster Committee have resolved to call a general meeting of the Shopkeepers of the city and liberty to be held in westminster Hall on Tuesday next, fc. the purpose of framing a petition to the House of Commons, praying for a repeal of the oppres- sive and ruinous shop- tax, and which petition is to be presented early in the next session. This wise and seasonable measure will be the means of procuring the signatures of the retail
dealers in general, and the scheme will no doubt be followed by all the cities and populous towus in the Kingdom. A correspondent recommends it to Mr. Pitt, in case of a Lottery, since he is great at taxing, he will be great in saving. That instead of forty- two Commissioners of the Lottery, it is well known that one half of them are sufficient to carry on the business, the rest being all sinecures ; by which means there will be a saving, to come into the Exchequer, of 3,150!. the salary being 150I. allowed to each Commissioner. It is. really astonishing, that while England borrows money at five and a half per cent, and sometimes high er, the Republic of Holland is able to procure it at two and a half per cent less, a loan having been lately opened in that country of four millions of florins at three per cent, interest, which we hear is already com. pleated. This is a phoenomenon in finance not easily to be accounted for. A letter from Kendal, in Westmoreland, says, that On the 16th instant they had a violent storm of thunder and lightning by which a barn belonging to farmer Greenway took fire, which was full of corn, and was entirely consumed, with another barn, two stacks of corn and hay ; also two stables wherein was three horses, which perished. As the
harvest season is approaching, and of course there will be, as usual, a very extraordinary importa- tion of wild Irish, a certain noble Lord has resolved to retire into Scotland during the autumnal equinox. We are assured, that it has been in contemplation, for a short time past, among fome distinguished politi- cal characters, to annihilate some of the prefent most obnoxious taxes, and to commute them into the more equal impost, called hearth money. This speices of house tax is among the most ancient in the kingdom. It is even mentioned in Doomsday- book, under the name of Fumage or Fauge, and consequently must have
existed before the Conquest. Sir Gregory Man Milliner, the zealous orator for the Shop Tax, has lately sold a fine mansion, because he would not pay the House- Tax. The Bristol Gazette asserts that the duty for between four and five hundred male servants is paid in that city, instead of only seventy, as mentioned in some of the London Papers. extract of a Letter from Cootehill, Ireland, June 7. " A poor woman near this town gathering a quan- tity of toad or paddock stools,' which the took for mushrooms, after dressing them gave them to her chil- dren to eat, and partook of them herself likewise ; three of her children died the
day following and the mother died this day. A labouring man, who was in the house, took a part of the same poisonous food, and it is thought cannot survive." WEDNESDAY'S POST. LONDON, Monday, JUNF, 27. Extract of a Letter from Paris, June 12. " It appears that for this time Europe may rejoice in having ended without bloodshed a difference which certainly might have occasioned the death of many in- nocent persons. The moderation and wisdom of the Comte ds Vergennes have brought over both parties to agree to terms of reconciliation. Those who pre- tend to be in the secret say, that he had most difficulty in
conquering the obstinacy of the Dutch." ExtraCt of a. letter from New Providence, Bahama Islands, May 18, 1785. " We have dispatches from the Musquito Shore, which inform us there has been a most desperate skir- mish between the Spaniards and the Indian natives, in which the latter came off victorious.— We at first were informed that it was between the Spaniards and Eng- lish, which put the inhabitants here into great spirits, as they wish for nothing so ardently as a Spanish war; this being a place of consequence then, on account of the swarm of privateers they send out." HOUSE OF LORDS. Friday, June 24. Read a
first time the servants tax bill; also the coach- makers also the pawnbrokers licence bills. Passed the Kilnwick inclosure bill. Heard Counsel further, and examined witnesses on the Irish trade. Adjourned, to Monday. HOUSE of COMMONS. Friday, June 24. Read a first time the cotton duty bill. In a Committee of Supply, resolved, That 13,000!. be granted for maintaining the British forts and settle- ments on the coast of Africa. That 25,000 1. be granted for carrying on the build- ings at Somerset- house. Ordered an account of disposible monies remaining in the Exchequer, & e. Received and read a petition from the dealers in
London againat the hawkers and pedlars bill. Ordered to lie on the table. The Houae having reaolved itaelf into a Committee, Mr Thornton moved, that the sum of 30001. should be granted to Mr. Webster, of Horsleydown, in the Borough, as a compensation for removing the manu- factories of pitch, tar, and turpentine, from their pre- sent scite, as being found extremely dangerous in lo populous a neighbourhood. Leave was granted. Adjourned. A correspondent lately returned from a short excur- sion into Kent, informs us, that the swarms of chasers in the vicinity of Gravesend, Rochester, & c. is almost incredible; and that their
numbers are so great, that they have destroyed the foliage of the fields and hedges for many miles. ' On Wednesday evening his Royal Highness the Prince of Wales let out for Brighthelmstone, where he proposes to stay a few days, and from thence to go to Winchester races. Yesterday in the Court of King's Bench the trial of Lord W. went off by a flaw in the indictment. Friday se'nnight a fire- ball fell in the street of Long Melford, near Sudbury, which damaged several houses. A balloon of a new construCtion, in the shape of a fish, is invented by a gentleman of great mechanical knowledge, a son of the celebrated Mr. Hoole,
for- merly mechanist- to Covent- Garden Theatre. The fire at Biggleswade, in Bedfordshire, is said to have been occasioned by a girl's throwing some hot ashes on some straw, where people had been packing earthen ware, which soon caught a thatched house, and spread itself almost instantly to others. Wednesday night the house of Lady Bartham, in Mount- street, Grosvenor- square, was broke open and robbed of plate, & c. to the amount of 300I. A coal dealer in Surry ( not an Irishman) declared to his friends at a convivial meeting last Thursday, that he had got a good deal of money that day ; for his carts, servants, & c.
had passed and repassed Blackfriars- bridge without costing him a halfpenny I " NEW TAXES. GLOVES. for every pair of gloves, whether leather, silk, linen, thread, & c. under the value of 10 d. a stamp at D tto, from tod. to 16d. a stamp at — 002 iDitto, at i6d. value, and any price above that sum; a stamp at — — o o 3 nd an annual licence to be taken out by every retailer of gloves, mits, & c. at 110 " MALE SERVANTS, he total duties to which male servants are now sub- ject, including the old Tax of il. is. each, laid on in the year 1777, will now be as follow : One servant Two Three Four Five —.— Six seven eight nine Ten
Eleven And for every one above eleven, including both taxes, 4I. is to married gentlemen or single ladies; and 5I. 6s. to bachelors, by which the duty for any number may be known. N. B. All servants employed in husbandry, & c. or in any business by which their masters get a living, are exempt from the above taxes. FEMALE SERVANTS. For one female servant, 2S. 6d. per annum O 2 S Two ditto,, 5s. each per annum o 10 » Three ditto, 10 s. each per annum 1 to o And for all female servants above three, 10s. each. This duty being doubled on bachelors, they will ba rated as follow : For one female fervant © . Two ditto - j
Three ditto 3 And for all above that number il. each. N. B. All officers under the rank of Field officers, Field officers who receive not the pay of such, and half- pay officers who have been wounded in his Ma- jesty's service, are exempted from the Servant's Tax, both male and female. Windows pay to bath taxes, not after the rate of Ba- chelors, but only the same as if married. But in modification of this Act, it is settled that for every two children in a family, there shall be a woman servant, duty free. ATTORNIES. Every Attorney praCtising in London, to pay annually 500 Ditto, praCtising in the country 300 Every warrant or power of
attorney, except to receive dock, a stamp, at ' o PAWNBROKERS. Every Pawnbroker residing in London to have an annual licencs ( exclusive of every other duty to which they were before lia- ble ) at 10 Ditto, residing in the country, to have a licence as aforesaid, at 5 COACH- MAKERS. Every person exercising the trade of a Coach- maker, to take out an annual licence, at 1 WHEEL- CARRIAGE TAX, On all four- wheel and chaise marine car- riages, per ann. 7 On all two- wheel ditto 3 Jn this duty is included all former duties, only os. additional having been laid on by , the present budget, per ann. " On every new four- wheel
carriage ( to be paid by the maker) 1 On every new two- wheel ditto ( to be paid , by the maker) o POST- HORSE TAX. All horses travelling for hire, to be paid ' for at the rate of one halfpenny per mile. HAWKER S and PEDLERS • Every Hawker and Pedlar travelling without horse, ass, or mule, over and above all other duties before chargeable, to pay per , ann. Ditto travelling with horse, & c. in like man ner, 10 pay per ann. And for every horse he may keep so to travel ; with, per ann. GAME. " Annual certificate for every qualified or un- qualified perfon, for keeping a gun, dog, . for killing game, an addition of it. is. now making
per ann.
Canterbury, June 24. The hop plantations in and near this city continue very fine, and free from fly. Those grounds about three miles distance are full of insects. Town and East Mailing very fine. The other parts of West Kent exceeding bad. The body grounds at Farnham are very good ; but the other parts of the country in general much infested. The supposed immensity of the late Mr. Atkinson's fortune is already said to be so far distinguished, in the Opinion of his executors, that the legatees have little reason to expest 5s. in the pound. THURSDAY'S POST. LONDON, Tuesday, JUNK 28. Extract of a Letter from Paris. The
clergy have been called upon by the Grand Monarque, to display their liberality towards the exi- gencies aad services of the state, and no less a sum is fixed on than eighteen million of livres, with this proviso, That the works of Voltaire shall nevermore be printed or exposed to sale in France, either for the nobility or common people : Thus the labour, ex- pence, and care of Beaumarchais will be subverted, and the magnificient editions printing at Kehl, in Germany, as a monument of fame to the memory of Voltaire, put an end 10, and bigotry and superstition triumph over genius and humanity.— In consequence of the heavy
demands made by the King to the clergy, several of the convents of Cordeliers and Francisians have petitioned to be dissolved. Extract of a Letter from Venice, May 15. " The Bey of Tunis, perceiving that our Senate were preparing to attack his city with superior forces, has adopted the wise method of demanding peace : Overtures have been accordingly made to Chevalier Emo, commander of the squadron destined to chastise these corsairs, and attack Tunis; and who, having in- formed she Senate of the pacific disposition of the Bey, has received orders to block up that port and city with ten large ships of the line and
frigates,. six bomb vessels, besides transports, in such a close man- ner, that no ship, small or great, may go in or out of either. Our Senate has given notice ol their intentions to the other powers.'' HOUSE of LORDS. Monday, June 27. Read a second time the servants tax bill ; the coach- makers licence ; and the pawnbrokers bill. Made a progress on the Irish trade. Adjourned. HOUSE or COMMONS. Monday, June £ 7. Read a sfecond time the cotton duty bill. Passed the Duke of Gloucester's bill ; also the coal and culm duty bill. Passed the post- horse duty ; the transfer duty j and the glove duty bills. Mr. Hughson from the
Exchequer presented ac- counts of disposable money remaining unissued ; re- ferred to the Committee on Ways and Means. In a Committee on Ways and Means, resolved, that 238,928!. remaining in the Exchequer, reserved far the disposition of Parliament, be. applied towards the supply for 17S5. Sir Watkin Lewes moved for leave to bring in a bill for the better regulation of watermen that ply on the River Thames. On the bill being prefented for regulating the Po- lice of London and Weftminfter, and the Borough of Southwark, Sir. W. Dolben observed, that it would be proper that there should be a list of public- houses of Lon don and Westminster laid 011 the table.— It was those seminaries of vice, he said, particularly night cellars, that afforded a retreat to thieves and vagabonds of every description ; and he was convinced, if they were abolished, it would tend to the suppression of the evils complained of. The bill was then read a first time, and ordered to be printed. Read a second time and committed for Wednesday the hawkers and pedlars bill. Adjourned. Extract of a Letter from Oxford June " Early yesterday mo- ning, and during the whole of the forenoon, company were incessantly pouring into this city, Mr. Sadler having announced his inten tion an that day of once more ascending in his balloon. Pursuant to his promise, the necessary preparations were made behind Corpus Christi College, where the ground had been previoufly fenced off ; and about half past one o'clock the balloon was judged sufficiently inflated, and the car for accommodating two passengers began to be • attached by fixing it to the cords of the netting. This operation was greatly impeded by the pressure of the croud.. At two o'clock, however, every thing having been adjusted, Col. Fitzpatrick and Mr. Sadler seated themselves in the car, when the balloon was found incapable of ascending with
both the passengers, and the Colonel being resolved not to quit his feat, a due proportion of ballast was added, and after receiving the flag and proper instructions from Mr. Sadler, he ascended alone. The Day being per- fectly serene, the balloon rose with slow majestic gran- deur, bearing to the South West, and continued per- ceptible, though at a great distance, for about 47 mi- nutes, at which time it seemed to sink gradually into the horizon. " The Colonel continued waving the flag as long as he could possibly retain fight of the spectators below. " In his passage the Colonel had not expended any of his ballast, but descended
in confequence of a rent near the bottom of the balloon, occasioned bv the ex- pansion of the internal air, which was not discovered till after he had reached the ground." Letters from Gibraltar, dated May 1;, say " Bs accounts from the coasts of Barbary we hear that the Seraskier, who arrived at Algiers on the part of the Porte to require the payment and the arrears of twelve years tribute, has been but ill received by the Dey of that Regency, who told the Ottoman officer that he did not acknowledge any tribute of arrears to be due to the Grand Signior ; that Algiers was a free State, able to defend itself, and therefore in no need of
the protection of the Porte,. If the Dey did really send such an answer, we are curious to know how it will be taken at Constantinople. and how the Sultan will re- venge the insult. Those who know the Dey are not the least surprised at his boldness, he being a man of a violent disposition and uncommon: courage." A letter from Antwerp, dated June 16, says, " We have accounts that some alterations have taken place in the destination of the Austrian troops, some of whom are ordered to remain at Namur, and others to march to Tirlemont; nevertheless, no war is expected ; on the contrary, it is universally said, that an accommo dation of all differences is settled, the conditions of which will soon be made public." . < The Comte de la Peyrouse,- who is appointed to command an expedition in the South- Sea, in search of discoveries, is the officer who, during the course of the late war, was sent against the settlements of the Hudson's Bay Company ; and discharged his duty in a manner that did honour to his feelings as a man, and procured him the esteem even of the enemies against whom he was employed. The plan of' the new expe- dition is drawn up by the. King of France himself, who has traced out the route which the Comte is to pursue : The
Comte is to correspond directly with his Majesty, and not with his Ministers. By his orders he is not to sail in the same latitudes through which the English circumnavigators have already passed ; and though he is to keep within the tropicks, his Majesty is taught to hope, that the Comte may make disco- veries in the immense Pacific Ocean, which have hi- therto escaped the pursuits of the enterprising and patient navigators employed there by England. By the King's special directions the Comte is not to lose any time in striving to discover the so long wished for North- West Passage, as Captain Cook has demonstrated that, if it
exists at all, it is too dangerous, and conse- quently can be of no use to trade and navigation. There are above 100 prisoners in Newgate for trial at the ensuing Session, which begins oil Wednesday at the Old Bailey. In the island of Grenada six soldiers of the 6oth regiment were convicted of felonies, all of whom suf- fered death. On Saturday a man decently dressed was carried be- fore the Lord- Mayor, charged with swearing three prophane oaths : The Lord- Mayor asked him who he was, he replied, a Gentleman ; and, being convicted, his Lordship fined him as a Gentleman, 13 s. 5 s. an oath, and costs, which he very
readily paid, saying he would sooner pay that fine than not be thought a Gen- tleman. . v P O S T S C R I P T. FRIDAY, July J. It is extremely difficult to ascertain whether our Premier racks his brain most to invent ways and means to raise money, or to dissipate and spend the money when raised, or while raising out of the poor people's pockets? Look at his string of distressing, oppressive taxes, and they proclaim the nation driven to the ut- most humiliating circumstances of distress to pay its way and support public credit ! Look at his motions for granting money to individuals, to bodies of men, and to other purposes, and you
would think money rained out of the clouds upon him in cataracts, or that our coalmines were gold and silver mines rich and inex- haustible. It was well observed by an old and respectible English author, " that taxes and impositions ought to be in a state, as sails in a ship, not to charge and over- lade it but to conduct and assure it." Had this been duly attended to, the many heavy burthens on the subjects, of late, would have been carefully avoided. But, unfortunately, our political pilots have not con- sidered the just analogy of the cases represented in this observation. In the recess which probably must take place in the
discussion of the Irish propositions, there seems no rea- son why the longwished for enquiry into the Minister's conduct during the American war should not then be instituted. On Sunday afternoon, a murder, attended with most uncommon circumstances of barbarity, was perpe- trated . 1 Charlotte- street, Portland- Place. Mr. Orell, an attorney in that street, and his wife, went out in the afternoon, leaving their servant maid in the house They returned within the hour, when the Servant not answering the door, they concluded that she had stepped out j and they went away again for a short time. Upon their second return, the same
difficulty occurring, it was determined to enter the back part of tha house, by getting over a wall 5 when the girl was discovered upon the kitchen floor, weltering in blood, a most horrid spectacle. From the various marks of violence she must have made a strong resistance. Her head appeared to have been struck at with a poker her throat effectually cut through the . wind- pipe; two fingers nearly cut off ; a deep gash on one breast, and otherways dreadfully mangled. She was yet alive, 1 and made signs, but was unable to speak ; and was conveyed to the Middlesex Hospital, where she ex- pired about one in the morning. The
house was found to be robbed of spoons, and some other plate that lay about; and the suspicion fails upon a man who had visited the girl on the two or three preceding Sundays. A very striking warning this to servant maids, who often hazard their lives in the hope of gaining a sweet- heart; and to all heads of families who suffer them to , be visited by they know not whom. It is a melancholy fact, that there are present, including about one hundred and sixty debtors, no fewer than between six and seven hundred prisoners confined in Newgate. Tralee, in Ireland, June Yesterday some young gentlemen near this town floated a
large balloon, called a Montgolfier, which ascended to a considerable height, but taking fire, it unfortunately descended 0n a farm house, at about two miles distance, and not- withstanding every assistance, - the dwelling, stable, with two horses, and haggard, in which there was a very considerable quantity of corn, were totally destroyed. ON Monday morning a fire broke out at Mr. Wal- ker's, at Blackwall, which consumed two rooms with furniture, and terribly burnt a child. QUARTER SESSIONS. THE Assizes for the County of Lincoln being appointed to. be in the same Week in which tile General Quarter Sessions are usually
held, Notice is hereby given, That the General Quarter Sessions of the Peace will bs holden by Proclamation at Caistor, in and for ihe Parts of Lindsey in the County of Lincoln, on Fri- day the Fifteenth Day of July next ; and from thence will be continued and holden by Adjournment at Spilsby, in and foi. the said : Parts, on Tuesday the Nineteenth Day of the same July, of which all Per- sons concerned are desired to take Notice. ROBERT CHAPMAN, Clerk of the Peace. Wanted Immediately, A JOURNEYMAN Plumber and Glazier ; ASober Man, who is a good Hand, may have constant Employ and food Wages, by apply- ing,
to Mr. Joseph Terry, of Donnington, near Bos- ton, Lincolnshire, N B. No Letters answered unless Post paid. r Wanted Immediately, An Apprentice to a BAKER in full Business. For Particulars apply to Mr. William Baker, East- Retford, Nottinghamshire. *** This will be no more advertised. Thursday se'nnight died Mr. William Spence, one of the choristers of Chester cathedral, and reckoned one of the finest toned basses in the- kingdom. NEWCASTLE RACES. . Monday, June 20, the Sweepstakes of 20g each: p. p. for four years olds, one four mile heat, was won by Mr. Radcliffe's Ches. Colt, Brother to Terrent t Mr. Brandling's
Colt, by Mark- Anthony 2 Mr. Wentworth's Bay Filly, Leveret — 3 Mr. Baker's'Black Filly Blackbird, . j Mr. Peirse's Ches. Colt, Doctor -—— 5 Mr. Ord's Bay Colt. Bulfinch 6 Three Subscribers paid. Mr. Brandling's Colt, and Blackbird the Favourites, 3 to 1 the Field againd Mr. Radcliffe's Colt, and 4 to one against Leveret. >. » :•• • . The Three- years olds Sweepdakes of 20g. each,' p. p. ' one two- mile heat, ( eight Subscribers) was won by L I N C O L N, Friday, JULY 1. We misinformed our readers in our last week's Paper with regard to the presentation of the Rev. Mr. Partridge, jun. to the vicarage of Boston. The gift of it is in the
corporation of that town, and the election did not come on till yesterday. We have not yet heard the event,. On Friday lad was married at St. James's church, Westminder, by the Rev. George Turner, Thomas Whichcote, Esq of Harpswell, only son of Sir Christopher Whichcote, Bart, to Miss Diana Turner, third daughter of Edmund Turner, Esq; of Panton, in this County. The new married couple immediately set out for Aswarby, to pay their respects to Sir Christopher, and are to pass through this City to- morrow in their way to Harpswell. On Tuesday se'nnight an unfortunate accident hap- pened in West Bridgford lordship, near
Nottingham. As John Plumb, a servant to Mr. Leeson, of Edwal- ton, who had been to fetch a load of manure from Nottingham, was on his return home, sitting on the shaft, and being much intoxicated with liquor, had the misfortune to fall, and the waggon going over his breast killed him on the spot. Tuesday se'nnight died at Nottingham, Mr. Mat- thew Needham, surgeon. On Thursday se'nnight was married at Hull, Joseph Beckett, of Barnsley, Esq; to Miss Staniforth, daugh- ter of John Staniforth, Esq; of Hull. On Friday last was married at Dalbury Lees, Mr. Redshaw, aged 22, to Mrs. Birkin, aged 86. Mr. Palmer is soon
expected here to superintend the regulation of the mail coaches, on the great North Road, and carriages are now preparing, which are proposed to begin running; in the course of next month. Liverpool Advertiser. Monday morning the Archbishop of York set off from his town- house to his seat at Bishopthorpe in, Yorkshire for the summer season. On Thursday last the annual meeting of Free and Accepted Masons, was held at the Crown Inn in Wakefield, where an elegant dinner was provided : Previous to which they attended Divine service at the Church, when an excellent sermon was preached by Brother Mackereth. In the
interVal of the service the following HYMN, wrote by a Brother, and set to Music by Mr. Clemetshaw, Organist, was sung on the occasion: LET THERE BE LIGHT Th' Almighty spoke,— Refulgent dreams from CHAOS broke, T'illume the rising earth ! Well pleas'd the Great Jehovah stood The Pow'r Supreme pronounc'd it— GOOD, And gave the Planets birth! In choral numbers MASONS join. To bless and praise this Light Divine. Parent of Light ! accept our praise Who shed'st on us — thy brighted rays, The LIGHT that fills the mind- By choice selected, lo ! we stand, By friendship join'd, a social band That love— that aid
mankind I in choral numbers, ,& c. The Widow's tear— the Orphan's cry— All wants, our ready hands supply, , As far as pow'r is given The Naked clothe — The Pris'ner free— These are thy works, sweet Charity Reveal'd to us from Heav'n In choral numbers MASONS join, To bless and praise this Light Divine. On the 18th inst. was married at Stamford, Mr. Joseph Baker, Attorney at Law in Hull, to Miss Sally Willie of the former place ; a most amiable and aC- complished young Lady with a genteel fortune. A letter from Bridlington, in Yorkshire, says, that a Dutch Smuggling vessel was taken within a league ef that Port, by the
Spitfire Cutter as she was laying at anchor, and was brought in there. She is the first Smuggling vessel that has been seen in that part for many years. It is strongly suspected that she was wait- ing to barter her goods for live cattle, as some sheep were driving towards the Sea side, but on hearing the vessel was taken, returned back. The letter says, the Person being known be narrowly watched. Sir W. Vavasour's Bay Filly Mr. Baker's Ches. Colt,. Loadstone Mr. Wentworth's Bay Colt, Fox Mr. Emerson's Bay Colt. Duke of Hamilton's Bay Filly, Mr. Brandling's Bay Filly ' ' Fox the favourite, and 3 to 1 the Field against the 7".
Winner. • • Tuesdsy, his Majesty's 1oog. for Five- years olds, 10st. Three- mile heats was won by L. A. Hamilton's Br. Horse, Alexander. 3 1 1 Mr. Cookson's Bay Horse, Dunce t 2 a Mr. Robertson's Sir Peter Pellet — 233 Mr. Radcliffe's Ch. H. Torrent, fell lame 4 dr. 5 to 1 the Field against Alexander, < a to • 1 Dunce, and even Betting between Dunce and Sir Peter Pellet ; after the td heat 2 to 1 on Dunce ; after the 2d heat, 2 and 5 to 1 on Alexander. Wednesday, the Maiden 50I. Four- mile heats was i won by .1 Mr. Peter Burrell's Bay Filly,> 4 ys. old j 1 Mr. Preston's Bay Colt,. Young Marsk, ditto 2 ur. 2 to 1 on the Winner. The
Hunter's Sweepstakes ( eight Subscribers) 12st one Four- mile Hear, was won by Mr. Baker's Bay Horse, Harlequin — r Mr. Fenwick's Brown Mare, by Matchem g Mr. Loraine's Bay horse, Burr g 2 to 1 Harlequin against the Field, Thursday, the 50!. for Three and Four- years olds, . Two mile heats was won by Mr. Coate's Bay Filly, Omphale, 1 x Sir T. Dundas's Bay- Colt, g vs. old . 3 « Mr. Wentworth's Bay Colt, Feldom 2 3 Mr. Scaife's Buy Colt, Comet . Friday, the 50I. Wt. for age, Four- mile Heats was * won by 1 : • Mr, Cookson's Bay Horfr, Dunce Mr. Baker's Black Filly, Blackbird , To the PRInTER. WHAT tax poor
Maidens?— Fie for shame, Commons, ye are much to blame. Now hear me.— I devoutly pray, . That on his luckless wedding day, Be he rich or be he poor, Every man among you may ' For a Maiden grasp a Whore. BANKRUPTS. Peter Herbert, of Cowley, Gloucestershire, dealer. Thomas Evans, of John- street, in the Minories, money- scrivener. . Mary Jane, of Chepstow, MonmOuthshire, shop- keeper. George Chapman, of Loughborough, Leicestershire, linen- draper. Thomas Cowper, late cf Dufton, Westmoreland, dealer. James Niven and Arthur Gibbons, late of Mahon, in the Island of Minorca, but now of Abchurch- yard,
Ginnon- street, merchants.- William Humphreys, of Rumford, Essex, broker. Charles Sladen, of Bristol, block- maker, Coasters arrived. William and Nelly, Wiseman, from Aberdeen. Industry, Madderah, from Newcastle. Eleanor, Robertson, from Sunderland. n< Coasters failed. Fame Cobb; Friends Goodwill,. Hunt; Polly, Donking, and Martin, Curtis, for Lon- don. Sally; English, for Whitby. Providence, Losler, for Bostom Courtess of Errol, Low, for Aber- deen. Friendship, Donaldson, For Leith, GAINSBOROUGH, JUNE 29. Coasters arrived. Owl, John Woodhouse, from Newcastle. Oak, Isaac Gales, from London. Coasters
sailed. Nottingham, John Wilkinson; and Polly, John Dunting, for London.
Far the LINCOLN GAZETTEER. A New SONG. To the Tune of " The Banks of Envermay." I. WHY, sweet Louisa, dost thou chide, And say that I despise the fair ; That I their virtues frail deride, And think their charms not worth a care- Should those soft blooming lips of thine Again th' unpleasing charge renew; I'll surely press them hard with mine, And so evince thy words untrue. II. Sweet woman chears man's drooping heart, And makes him boldly cares endure : She can both joy and peace impart, And soothe those pangs she cannot cure. The soldier wades thro' fields of blood, Then kneels submissive at her feet: The sailor
braves the boiStrous flood In hopes his fair ones charms to meet. III. View frozen Winter's hoary plains, Where all is ice and gleany snow ; View sultry Summer's roy domains. Where unrenutted fervours glow : Midst ills like these can joys arise ? Can man be Happy and serene ? Well pleas'd he scorns th' inclement skies, If lovely woman gilds the scene, IV. Oh could thou but survey my mind, The thoughts that my fond heart controul ; Then wou'dst thou, sweet Louisa, find, That love of woman sways my soul. By woman's aid we life can bear : Remove the bliss the charmers give ; By all that's good and fair I swear, I wou'd no
longer deign to live. Poets Corner, June 27, 1785. For the LINCOLN GAZETTEER. ELEGIAC LINES on the Death of a favourite GOLDFINCH. Sing on my bird. !— the liquid notes prolong, At every note a lover sheds his tear ; Sing on my bird —' tis Damon hears thy song, Nor doubt to gain applause when lovers hear. SHeNSTOne. THE morn was cloudy, and the gentle breeze In softest silence crept thro' yonder brake ; Nor with rude shock disturbs the lofty trees, With rustling leaves the feather'd tribe to wake. Hush'd ev'ry songster sits upon the spray, Or joy, or happiness, alas! can find The sad event of fatal yesterday, In
awful silence the sweet warblers bind. While thus the birds their mate now seem to mourn, Let me attempt in humble verse to sing, His innate virtues ; whilst unto his urn, With solemn step, his silent corse they bring. Hail pretty bird ! whose former days were blest With that sweet liberty Dame Nature gave ; Or warbling sat, or now to peaceful rest Retired, knows not thou'rt to be a slave. Wak'd by the Lark see him prepare ro roam, Seeking a mate to grace his plumy side, Straying thro' Nature's walks, heedless of home, He swells his notes to win her for his bride. Oft would he join the Linnets tuneful lay, The ear- delighting
Blackbird and the Thrush ; In concert sweet the hours glide swift away, And blithsome gaily hop from bush to bush. Till on that day, ah ! luckless was thy fate, Thou stray'd away from yonder happy grove Allur'd by notes of melody elate, A captive warbled to his parted love. To join his song with eager haste he flew, Settling upon the cage, nor saw the snare His weight the secret spring of capture drew, He sinks enclos'd ' ere yet he was aware. Say then how welcome thou wert to my cot, How happy I to have thee in my care; To hear thy sweetest notes, the pleasing lot Assuag'd my grief and soften'd my despair. Oft have I sat
and list'ning to thy song, Beguil'd the hours that kept me long away From Delia, lovely maid ! nor time so long Hung heavy, while from her I'm forc'd to stay. But now no more thou gladsome wakes the morn, No more too chearfully sing through the day ; With anxious thought we see thee from us torn, Nor wou'd too hasty time prolong his stay. Then on thy urn let the sad legend tell How much thy merits were by all admir'd; And having here perform'd thy part so well, The curtain dropt— Thou with applause retir'd. FASCICULUS. Lincoln, June 26, 1785. EPIGRAM. QUOTH John to my Lady, when talking of taxes, I'll tell you the
truth since your Ladyship axes ; Of taxes on maids you need not be afraid, ) For in all this great house— to their shame be it said To my certain knowledge there is not one maid Anecdote of the unfortunate Pilatre de Rosier., When this enterprizing genius returned to Ver- sailles from his aerial expedition on the 24th of June last, he received the highest compliments from the Court and nobility of France. The Comte d'Artois desired he would place a balloon upon his arms for a crest, and presented him with loo louis d'ors. The Duke de Chartres made him a present of the same sum, and requested de Rosier would suffer him to
add a motto to the Comte's crest ; which the balloonist rea- dily acquiescing in the Duke repeated the following apposite sentence from Horace : — Udam Spernit humum, fugiente penna ! Anglice " And mounting on the wing, he quits the earth 1 " By authentic intelligence from France Mr. de Rosier's attachment to the Montgolfier is cleared from every imputation of imprudence. The Montgol- fier has been found on the earth unconsumed, and in a perfect state, and the accident could only have happen- ed from the inflammable airballoon having been so much worn by frequent filling for unsuccessful attempts to cross the
Channel, and from being exposed to the se- verity of the weather great part of the winter, that it became rotten, and bursting, precipitated the unfortu- nate adventurers to the earth. This is confirmed by the appearance of the fragments of the great balloon. Boston, April 18. Friday last about five o'clock, P. M. the Merchants, Traders, and many other gen- tlemen of the town met at Col. Marston't long room, to consider what discouragement should be given to the British Factors who were residing here, and mo- nopolizing to themselves the benefit of commerce, when they unanimously came to the following resolution : " Whereas
no Commercial Treaty is at present established between these United States and Great Bri- tain ; and whereas certain British Merchants, Factors, and Agents from England, are now residing in this town, who have received large quantities of English goods, and are in exportation of receiving further sup- plies, imported in British bottoms, or otherwise, great- ly to the hindrance of freight in all American vessels; and as many more such persons are daily expected to arrive among us, which threatens an entire monopoly of all British importations in the hands of all such Merchants, Agents, or Factors, which cannot but operate to the
essential prejudice of the interest of this country." Therefore to prevent, as far as possible, the evil tendency of such persons continuing among them ( ex- cepting those of them who shall be approbated by the Select Men ) and to discourage the sale of their mer- chandize, they agreed to several votes not to purchase any goods for the future of any British Merchants, Factors, & c. & c. and to recommend it to Congress to make laws for that purpose. A letter from Berlin, dated June 4, says, the King coming from Portsdam, traverfsed this city on the I st inst. at four o'clock in the morning. His Ma- jefty went to Custrin and to
Graudentz to review the regiments cantoned in those quarters. The Prince Royal of Prussia is also set out for Custrin to meet the King his uncle. Our august Monarch enjoys a very good state of health. He is as active as at the age of 30, and supports the greatest fatigue with extraordinary facility. Three more mail coaches are nearly ready, and will begin to carry the Derby, Liverpool, and Manchester mails some time next month. * It is a fact, that Mr. Powel, the celebrated Pede- strian, has engaged for a considerable sum, to go on foot from London to York within the space of time in which he accomplished that extraordinary
undertaking about 15 years ago. Several considerable betts are de- pending upon this occasion. It is surely to be lamented whenever youthful folly falls a prey to artful knavery, but how much more so, when innocent age becomes involved in the ruin.— A few evenings since, a youth, who lived clerk with a banker was seduced into a house in the neighbourhood of Soho Square, and lost to the amount of three hundred pounds at a faro table which is kept in the garret; his mother has since been obliged to dispose of a small annuity, on which she lived, to make good bis defi- ciency ; and thus, by one injudicious step, has been a
dupe to designing knavery, lost his own credit, and plunged, perhaps for ever, into distress, a fond and aged parent. A miller of the Lordship of Militule, in Silesia, hath invented an ingenious machine which may be of great utility. It is a corn mill, which is worked by springs and weights; a small model of it has been sub- mitted to the King's inspection, and his Majesty hath ordered one to be constructed 0n a large scale. This invention, if it meets with the promised success, will be of very great use in fortresses where corn may be ground at all times without depending on water or wind. Extract of a Letter from Edinburgh, June " The
intended innovation of reducing the Lords of Session, from their present number of fifteen to ten, has given great alarm, not only to the people of this metropolis, but to the country in general. It is esteemed a high infringement of the Act of Union, under which the British Parliament now actually sits, by every impartial politician here.— This is an age of innovation ; but, surely, the great men who govern the State will think twice before they take so unpopu- lar a step. If indeed Administration meant, in lieu of our Judges, to give us Grand Juries, and Juries to try civil causes, I am convinced the people of this country would be
generally satisfied, but at present, like our old English Barons, they fay, " Nolu mus leges Patra !" Extract of a Letter from Calcutta, Feb. 3. H " The departure of Mr. Hastings from India, after a government of thirteen years, each of which was marked by extraordinary events, was attended with circumstances very singular, and highly flattering to him. He had declared his intention of returning this season to England as early as November, and had no- tified this intention to the Vizier, and the different Princes in India ; but in Calcutta, it was generally be- lieved that the death of Mr. Wheeler, and the ill state of Mr. Macpherson's
health would induce him to re- main till a successor was appointed. When hs had sent off his baggage, the latter end of January, and fixed the day for leaving Calcutta himself, the British inhabitants assembled at the Court- house in Calcutta, drew up an address, expressive of their strong regret for his departure, and their sincerest good wishes for his health and prosperity, acknowledging, in the language of truth and justice, his mild and equitable conduct during so long an administration, the improvements that have been made during that period in arts, manu- factures, and commerce, and his patronizing genius and merit,
wherever he found it ; pointedly marking too, that during a war, in which the British depend- encies in every quarter of the globe were involved, Bengal had enjoyed an uninterrupted state of peace and internal tranquillity, and had actually improved in arts, population, and commerce, during the war. The ad- dress concludes with their sincere and hearty prayers for his future health and prosperity, and that his re- ception in England may be answerable to the merits of his long and faithful public service.— A similar address was signed by all the officers in Fort William, and the cantonments in its neighbourhood, and sent to the
distant stations of the army, where the character of Mr. Hastings was held in an equal degree of respect, veneration, and regard; that it was in Calcutta he re- viewed the detachment of sepoys, five regiments that had served under Sir Eyre Coote in the Carnatic, during the late war, dined with Colonel Pearse, their commanding officer, who gave an elegant entertainment to above a hundred officers on this occasion. Mr. Hast- ings returned his thanks to the detatchment in public orders, and was attended to the water- side at his de- parture by every officer and sepoy on the cantonments. " The principal natives of Calcutta and the
neigh- bourhood attended him down the river ; and when he quitted the Government- house, he was surrounded by thousands of the natives, who shewed the most lively marks of sorrow and regret for his departure. In short, the scene was affecting beyond example ; yet, this is the man whom some of your orators have said, was loaded with the execrations of the natives. The letters received by Mr. Hastings from the Nizam, the Vizier, the Peshwa, Madajee Sindia, and every state in India were strongly expressive of their esteem for his character, and their confidence in his justice and equity. He goes in the Barrington, and I
hope you will see him a hap- py English country gentleman in a few months; for I believe no man ever succeeded to the government of an empire with more pleasure, than he enjoyed when he surrendered it, though he appeared to feel most sensibly the affectionate and hearty attachment which all ranks of people, European and native, shewed to him at the moment, when he may be sure they spoke and acted as they really felt." To the PRINTER. I am a country gentleman of private fortune, with a family of children ; and as I pay to all the numerous lift of old and new taxes, without fraud, I find the burthen of them very heavy ;
but then I have the satis- faction of reflecting that I act as an honest man. If the taxes were not grosly evaded, I am confident the surplus would be considerable, notwithstanding the vast debt of the nation for which interest is paid. But till means are used to prevent chiefly the great people from defrauding the revenue in so shameful a manner, well may discontent prevail through the kingdom. A large house, near the place of my residence is in- habited by the steward of a nobleman, who is himself possessed of a good estate ; he refuses paying to the late window tax, alledging that Lord , his ma- ster, pays for three other houses ;
while the prevailing opinion is, that, under the like pretext, he in fact pays for none of them ; and it is most certain that the family of his steward pays nothing. How the house tax is evaded, deserves to be enquired into ; I am sure that it is so to a very great degree. It is declared in the public papers, that the opulent and most flourishing sea- port town of Liverpool, does not pay the auction tax; and that the rich town of Nottingham pays not to the house tax, and that the said house tax is almost entirely evaded in that part of Great Britain called Scotland. It is disgraceful to the police of any kingdom, to lay burthensome imposts on
the honest and industrious parts of the inhabitants, and to suffer the idle and dishonest to rid themselves of the share which ought to be borne equally. On the sea coasts of the whole island the revenue is defrauded in a most shameful manner, of which smug- gling ( which is the disgrace of the nation) is only a small part. I do nst publish this to disturb the minds of any of my countrymen, for I am a loyal subject, and sincere friend of the Government in church and state : My inten- tion is to awaken those whose bufiness it is to use pro- per means to rectify the abuses, and put a stop, as far as it possible, to the knavery and
evasions, whereby the revenue it to so great a degree injured, and the honest people, who pay to all the taxes, burthened far beyond what they would be if the whole were regularly collected. A. B. A disorder of a putrid nature has lately afflicted great numbers of horses in and about the metropolis. It commences with their refusing to feed, with a slight swelling on each side the neck ; a disagreeable running succeeds at the nostrils, and many of them have died convulsed in three or four dayt. Bleeding rather ag- gravates the distemper ; but solutions of nitre and a decoction of the Peruvian bark are said to have had goad effects.
Translation of a letter from the Comte de Merci, the Imperial Ambassador at Paris, to the Comte de Ver- gennes, the French Minister for Foreign affairs. " My Lord, Paris, May 30, " I have received the letter with which your excel, lency this day honoured me, and in which you have been pleased to communicate to me the subject of the conference you yesterday had witb the Ambassadors of Holland. If the States General mean by marks of hostility any actual aggression, the Emperor has given a positive declaration, that none shall be made by him during the course of the negociations now begun ; but his Majesty did not, nor
could not mean by that to restrict himself from taking measures purely prepa- ratory, and which cannot take effect except only in care the negociations, the basis of which it known, and has been made public, should be entirely broken off. I hope that your Excellency will find thit explanation to be entirely comformable to what the Emperor wrote to the King on this subject, in the same manner as they correspond with the contents of the note the Ambassa- dors ef Holland remitted to you March s$, and which you was pleafed to transmit to me April t. I therefore entreat your Excellency to renew with this limitation to the Dutch
Ambassadors the assurance they appear to desire. It it a disagreeable circumstance, that consi- denng the precise manner in which the Emperor has explained himself, and which certainly deserves full belief, any doubt should have been entertained con. ceming it by the States General, and that their High Mightinesses should thus have suffered themselves to be induced to retard so long tbe performance of the pre- liminary condition, to which themselves have consent- ed, viz. sending their deputiet to Vienna. I cannot avoid renewing to your Excellency the most pressing instances, that by your representations, an end may be
put to those delays, and that I may be enabled to renew with the Dutch Ambassadors the conference which have been interrupted by the conduct of their Sovereigns. I am, & c. 0 ( Signed) Merci D'Argenteau. NORTHERN CIRCUIT. Mr. Justice Nares and Mr. Justice Heath. City of York and County of the same City, Saturday July 9, at the Guildhall of the said City. Yorkshire, the same day, at the Castle of York. Durham, Tuesday 19th, at the Castle of Durham. Town of Newcastle upon Tyne, and County of the same Town, Saturday 23d, at the Guildhall of the said Town. Northumberland, the same day, at the Castle of New castle upon Tyne. Cumberland, Friday 29th at the City of Carlisle. Westmoreland, Wednesday August 3, at Appleby. Lancaster, Saturday 6th, at the Castle of Lancaster. WESTERN CIRCUIT. Mr. Baron Perryn and Mr. Justice Buller. Southampton, Tuesday July 5, at the Castle of Win. chester. Town and County of Southampton, Saturday jth, at the town of Southampton. Wilts, the same day, at New Saram. Dorset, Thursday 14th, at Dorchester. Exeter, Monday 18th, at the Castle of Exeter. City and County of Exeter, the same day at the Guild. hall of the city of Exeter. Cornwall, Monday 25th, at Bodmin. Sommerset, Saturday
30th, it Bridgewater. City and County of Bristol, Thursday August 4, the Guildhall of the City of Bristol. NORTH WALES CIRCUIT. James Haynes, esq and Thomas Potter, Esq Merionethshire, Tuesday, August 8, at Dolgelly, Carnarvonshire, Monday 8th at Carnarvon. Anglesey, Saturday 13th, at Beaumaris. BRECON CIRCUIT. John Williams, Esq ; and Abel Monsey, Esq; Glamorganshire, Saturday July 30, at Cowbridge. Breconshire, Saturday August 6, at Brecon. Radnorshire, Friday 12, at Presleign. SUMMER. THE meadows with daisies are carpeted o'er, The hedges all blooming appear : The cold of stern Winter it thought
of no More, The product of Summer it near. The garden with various colours it drest, Each shrub breathing nat'ral perfume ; The brood that last week was confin'd to the nest, Now skims through the air in full plume. Each herb, plant, and root, that's design'd for man's food, Dame Nature obedient affords; Thus Providence daily bestows on us good, And heaps with great plenty our boards. The spot that so lately quite barren was seen, Looks fruitful and gladdens the eye ; The trees clad again in their livery green, Rejoice that the summer is nigh. Such scenes of delight sure the heart must expand, And force even atheists to pay,
Adoration and praise to the bounteous hand, Who deals us such blessings each day. W. P.