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Lincoln Gazetter; or Public Advertiser


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Lincoln Gazetter; or Public Advertiser
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Lincoln Gazetter; or Public Advertiser

Date of Article: 24/06/1785
Printer / Publisher: Rose and Drury 
Address: Opposite the Bank near the Stone-Bow, Lincoln
Volume Number: 1    Issue Number: 52
No Pages: 4
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FRIDAY, June 24, 1785. [ Ready Money for Advertisements; May 1, 1785. TO BE SOLD BY PRIVATE CONTRACT, The Manors of Waltham and Barnoldly- le- Beck, in the County of Lincoln, adjoining each other, with A Freehold Estate at WALTHAM; CONSISTING OF ACapital Mansion- House, and suitable Out- buildings ; also Two exceeding good Farm- Houses and convenient Buildings, and 797 Acres, 3 Roods, 15 Perches of well inclosed Land, Tythe Free, and which is now occupied in Three Farms, by the Names of Hall- Farm, Middle- Farm, and Peak- Farm. N. B. To suit Purchasers the two following Lots, Part of the above, may be Sold separate. LOT I. The Middle- Farm, consisting of a good Brick and Tiled House, and 218 Acres, t Rood, 11 Perches of Land, in a Ring Fence, 73 Acres whereof are Meadow and Pafture ; the Rest Arable and an ex- cellent Corn Soil. LOT 2. The Peak- Farm, consisting of 350 Acres, in a Ring Fence, a good Turnip Soil, and will grow any Kind of Corn and Flax ; and the House bricked, tiled, and falhed, in the Centre of the Ground. Also, in Waltham aforesaid, in the following Lots, LOT t. A Farm- House, Homestead, and Cottage, with Five Acres of rich old Inclosure, in the Possession « f Mr. Raisbeck. LOT Z. Two Closes of old Pasture, called Skeene Closes, adjoining Holton Lordship, containing « 2 Acree, t Roods, in the Possession of Luke Rayner. LoT 3. A Cottage and Garth, in the possession of John Walker. LoT 4. A Close, used as a Skin- Yard, in the Pos- session of Mr. Healey,. LOT g. A House, Garth, and Close, in the Pos- session of Robert Farmery. LOT 6. A House and Garden, in the Possession of WILLIAM MARKHAM. N. B. Waltham is conveniently situated for Mar- ket Towns; Eight Miles from Caistor, Ten from Louth, and Four from the Port of Grimsby : A very good Turnpike Road to the latter, where Corn may be shipped off to any Part of the Kingdom, and Coals and Lime very reasonable. Both the Manors abound with Game, and Fox Hounds and Harriers in the Neighbourhood. The Situation is pleasant, in a hilly Country, com- manding a very extensive Prospect of the Entrance of the River Humber, and the Yorkshire Side of that River for many Miles, For further Particulars enquire at the Hall- farm in Waltham, where a Person will be ready to shew the Premises; of Mr. Marshal of Killinghome ; Mr. Hurneis of Laceby; Mr. George Tennyson of Market- Raisin, all in the said County of Lincoln; or « f Mr. Dyson of Bawtry ia Yorkshire. JUNE 15, 1785. DILIGENCE from Louth to Lincoln. JOHN MILLS, at the New King's- Head, Louth, Proprietor of the above Diligence, humbly begs leave to return Thanks for the great Encouragement already . received, and to inform the Public, that, on Thurf- 1 day next, the 17th Instant, the said Diligence will set out from Louth, 011 that and every Thursday Morn- ing, by Way of Horncastle, at Seven o'Clock ; will arrive at Lincoln, at the King's- Arms, about Four in the Afternoon, and return from thence the next Morning. The Reason of the Day being thus altered, is the Conveniency of the Passengers coming and going by the Nottingham Coach every Friday, as also to ac- commodate Passengers going to London by the Lincoln Fly, which sets out every Friday Morning. The Proprietor takes the Liberty to observe that this Diligence offers a very pleasant and cheap Con- veyance to those Gentlemen and Ladies going to bathe it Skegness, Sutton, Surfleet, and Cleythorpe. Per- sons going to any of the three last mentioned Places, may be provided with a very neat Post- Chaise, and careful Driver ( from Louth) at the shorteft Notice, by the said John Mills. - Fare, from Louth to Lincoln, 10 s. 6d. Short Passengers Threepence- halfpenny . per Mile. TQ ba allowed 141b. Weight of Luggage. ' The Proprietor will not be accountable for Money, Plate, or my Parcels above the Amount of * Five Pounds, unless entered as such. THE Creditors of the late Richard Earl of Scar- borough are desired to meet Mr. Richard Bassett, ( the Agent and Receiver for the real Estate of the said Earl) at the Rein- Deer in Lincoln, on Thursday the 17th Day of July next, at Eleven o'Clock in the Morning. Glentworth, June 6, 1785. THE GOVERNOR and COMPANY of the ROYAL EXCHANGE ASSURANCE, have nominated and appointed JOHN HALL, s. Of the City of LINCOLN, Merchant, Their Agent and Receiver for the City aforesaid, and Parts adjacent, in their Business of Assuring Buildings, Goods and Merchandize from Loss or Damage by Fire ; and the said JOHN HALL is accordingly ready to receive Proposals from any Per- sons, who desire to Assure their Property in the said County, or elsewhere. tjf Persons Assured by this Corporation do not depend upon an Uncertain Fund or Contribution, nor are they subject to any Covenants or Calls to make good Losses which may happen to Themselves or Others : The Capital Stock of this Corporation being an unquestionable Security to the Assured, in Case of Loss or Damage by Fire. And in Cafe of Dispute, the Assurers have a more ready and effectual Method of Recovery than can be had against any Societies who do not act under a Common Seal. This Corporation will, in Case of Fire, allow all reasonable Charges attending the Removal of Goods, and pay the Sufferer's Loss, whether the Goods are destroyed, lost, or damaged by fuch Re- moval. Persons removing from any other Fire Office, may have the Policy and Mark Gratis, by applying as above. N. B. All Payments for Losses and Damages by Fire, are made by the Corporation without Deduc- tion. Printed Proposals may be had by applying to the said Agent. LINCOLNSHIRE. To be SOLD by Auction, In the Month of JULY ( of which timely Notice will be given) ADesirable Estate, Part Freehold and Part Copy, in Sutton Saint James, in the County of Lin- coln, consisting of a good Farm- House, with a Barn, Stable, Out- houses, and Eighty- seven Acres and an Half more or less) of rich Arable, Meadow, and Pasture Land, under Lease to Mr. John Skinner, for Seven Years from Lady- Day, at Ninety Pounds per Annum ; and also Fifty- one Acres and upwards of like Land in the said Parish, in the Tenures of Mr. Jenkin, Thomas Bauldwin, and the Widow Sherrard, Tenants at Will. N. B. The Estate will be sold together or in Par- cels as shall be agreed upon. There are Ten Messuage and One Cottage Rights belonging to the same ( though only one Messuage is nOW standing) each of which Messuage has a Right of Common on the fertile and rich Commons of Long Sutton and Lutton. Further particulars may be had of A. Jenkin, Attorney, at Brandon, Suffolk ; and of Mr. Ashley, Attorney, Spalding ; each of whom will treat fui the same, or any Part, in the mean Time by Private Con- tract *,* Mr. Skinner will shew the Premises. JUNE 6, 1785. GAINSBOROUGH, LINCOLNSHIRE. TO be LET, and entered upon immediately, or ! at Michaelmas Day next, a good House and large ; Warehouses, long employed in the Tobacco, Hops, and Brandy Trade, by the late Mr. Richard Milner, aad at present by Mr. Christopher Hinde, most con- veniently situated ( upon the River Trent) for carry- ing on those Businesses to a very large extent. The STOCK, in TRADE and Utensils to be Sold at a fair Appraisement. For further Particulars apply to Mr. Christopher Hinde of Gainsborough aforesaid. May 1, 1785. LINCOLNSHIRE. Wintringham, Toft with Newton, and Hackthorne, To be Sold as under- mentioned, The Manor of Wintringham, and a Freehold Estate there, CONSISTING of 24S2 Acres and 36 Perches of well inclosed Land, in a high State of Culti- vation, with suitable Farm- Houses, and Outbuildings, in good Repair, and several Cottages, let to Seventy- five Tenants from Year to Year, and includes Twenty capital Farms, and well Tenanted. N. B. The above Estate will be Sold in Lots, fey Private Contract, at the House of George Bell, in Wintringham, unless previously disposed of Entire, of which timely Notice will be given. The Sale to begin on Monday the 18th of July, at Nine o'Clock in the Morning. Printed Particulars of the Lots will be ready to be delivered on Monday the 13th Day of June next, by Mr. Bassett at Glentworth : Mr. George Tennyson at Raisin; or, Matthew Peacock it Wintringham, the latter of whom will shew the Premises. To describe the very desirable Situation of Win- tringham, and the numerous and valuable Rights be- longing to the Manor, would exceed the Bounds of a common Advertisement, therefore they will be attend- ed to in the printed Particulars above- mentioned. 7he Manor of Toft with Newton, . Within Ten Miles of Lincoln, and Four of Raisin ; and a Capital Freehold Estate in Toft and Newton; consisting of 1968 Acres 1 Rood I Perch of old inclosed Arable, Meadow, and rich Pasture Ground, with suit- able Farm- Houses and Outbuildings, and Six Cottages, let to Sixteen Tenants from Year to Year, and includes Ten convenient Farms, and well Tenanted. This Estate will be Sold in Lots, by Private Con- trait, at the White Hart, in Raisin, unless previously disposed of Entire, of which Notice will be given as aforesaid. The Sale lo begin on Monday the 11th of July next, at Nine o'Clock in the Morning. Printed Particulars of the Lots will be ready to be delivered on Monday the 20th Day of June next, by the said Mr. Bassett and Mr. Tennyson ; and Mr. William Hodgson, or Mr. James Sawyer of Toft, will shew the Premises. Hackthorne, by Auction, At the Rein- Deer. Inn, at Lincoln, on Friday the 8th Day of July next, between t e Hours of Ten and Twelve in the Forenoon ; A very desirable FREEHOLD ESTATE, consisting Farm- House, Two Cottages, with Barns, Stables, and other Conveniencies; arid 896 Acres 3 Roods 15 Perchcs of Arable Land, Meadow and Pasture Ground. John Bratton, Thomas Frankish, John Pask, and Asaph Wilkinson, Tenants at Will. And also a LEASEHOLD ESTATE held under the Dean and Chapter of Lincoln, consisting of a Farm- House and other Buildings, and 183 Acres, 3 Roods 10 Perches of Arable Land, Meadow and Pas- ture Ground. The said John Bratton and Thomas Frankish, Te- nants. John Bratton will shew the Premises. Any Person desirous of treating by Private Con- tract for Wintringham ENTIRE, and Toft with Newton ENTIRE, may for Price and other Particulars enquire of Mr. Bassett, or Mr. Tennyson. N. B. The Sale of the Wintringham Estate,, by Lots, advertised in the former Papers to begin the 47th of June, is postponed till Monday the 18th of July next. SATURDAY's POST. LONDON, Thursday, JUNE 16. Extract of a letter from Petersburgh, May 28. The Empress has given orders for a new expedition, the object of which is to extend the discoveries already made by some navigators of this empire, the success of which cannot fail to add to geographical knowledge, and that of natural history. Lieutenent- Colonel Bleu- mer, who is charged with carrying it into execution, will embark, with some men of science, at the mouth of the river Anadir, and will sail to those latitudes where our navigators have discovered in lat 64- Some islands inhabited, in an advantegeous situation, and where they established a trade for fur, some specimens of which have been already brought here. Lieutenant Colonel Bleumer, will afterwards double the Coast of Tschutski, descend by the Straight which sepa rates Siberia from America, and push as far as the 74th degree of latitude. HOUSE OF LORDS. Tuesday, June 14. The bill relative to insurances on ships, the rope- makers bill, and the Scotch convicts bill, were read a second time and committed. The bill for supplying the inhabitants of Lambeth with water, was upon motion read a second time, and committed for Monday; The Arundel Paving Bill went through a Committee, and was afterwards reported. The following petitions respecting the Irish Com mercial resolutions, were presented to the House, praying to be heard by themselves or counsel, viz. Petition of the Tanners of Westmoreland. Petition of the Woollen Manufacturers of Halifax. Petition of the Tanners of Northampton. , Petition of the ironmongers in Dudley, county of Worcester. Petition of several manufacturers, members of the general chamber of manufactures. Petition of the tanners of the North part of Lan- cashire. , • Petition of the silk manufacturers of Manchester ; and, A petition of the makers and importers of bar iron; The same were read, and referred to the Committee on the above Resolutions. » 1 The Romsey road bill was read a third time, ani passed. HOUSE OF COMMONS, Tuesday, June 14. The Dudley canal bill was reported, and ordered to be ingrossed. The Shoreditch paving bill was reported, and order- ed to be ingrossed. A petition from the iron merchants of Birming- ham was presented, read, and ordered to lie on the table. The Committee on the pawnbrokers bill was, upon motion, adjourned. Read a third time and passed the bill for the better auditing the Public Accounts. It has been proposed by a noble North British financier, the Earl of D- d, to revive the tax called hearth money, as a commutation for several of our heavy imposts. His lordship probably did not re- collect the serious consequences this mode of extor- tion produced in the reign of King Edward the Third, whose fon, the Black Prince, having involved himself in debt, by a gallant expedition to Spain, for reinstat- ing Peter the Cruel upon the throne of Castile, was reduced to the necessity of demanding for his subjects in Aquitaine and Gascoigne, a sum of money to dis- charge the debts which he had incurred. This be pro- posed to do by levying the tax called fuage, or hearth money, which at a livre per hearth, it was calculated, would produee 1,2oo, ooo livres. But the attempt was attended with the most fatal consequences: it filled the whole dominions of England, on the Continent, with a spirit of revolt; and the French, taking the advan- tage of an alteration so greatly in their favour, flew to arms; and in a little time, by their conquests, made ample amends for their want of success in their former hostilities again Edward. On Thursday Mr. Hastings', late Governor- Gene- ral of Bengal, who landed at Portsmouth from on borad the Barrington East Indiaman, Capt. Johnstone, & on Tuesday, had a conference with the two Secretaries of State at their office in Clieveland- row, St. James's. Mr. Hastings yesterday made a formal visit to the Members of the Board of Controul and Court of Di- rectors— and where the gentlemen were abroad, left his card—" Mr. Hastings from Bengal." The presents brought over by the Governor General of Bengal for the Royal Family; and some other dis. tinguished personages, are said to exceed, in rarity and richness, all that have hitherto been produced from India : Among which it a true Indian Pellice, which, without any seam, measures eleven yards ia length, and four in breadth, and is of a most beautiful colour. It was a present to the Governor- General from one of the Princes of India, who are dependent on the Company. On Sunday in the afternoon, as Jonathan Story, Esq ; was going to London in a post chaise from Ro- chester, he was stopped at the bottom of Shooter's- hill, by a single highwayman, who robbed him of 15 guineas and his watch ; Mr. Story complained of tak- ing his watch, when the highwayman replied, it was a judgment ON him for travelling on the Lord's- day who was not obliged to it ; as for his part, what he did was out of necessity, and then wished him safe to town and rode off. ssarw THIS PAPER sent weekly to any Part of GREAT- BRITAIN ( FREE OF POSTAGE,) by Order addressed to ROSE and DRURY. GEORGE BRITON, Newsman from Lincoln to through Wragby and Horncastle, lets out from Louth early every Thursday Morning, and returns with the Papers the next Morning. Person residing upon or near the Road may be regularly supplied with this Paper by applying to him. Wednesday last two private soldiers belonging to ihe 38th regiment were committed to Maidstone gaol, for stopping and robbing Mr. Peters, confeCtioner near that place, on Chatham Hill, the preceding morning, between two and three o'clock, on his return from Milton, when they took out of his cart between two and three pounds worth of half pence, and some silver out of his breeches pocket. Mr. Peters had a quantity of gold about him, which the) luckily did not discovcr. One of the soldiers presented a cutlass to him, and threatened his life; and they beat a boy, who was with Mr. Peters, very cruelly. One of the soldiers has since acknowledged that there are six foldiers in all belonging to the gang. SUNDAY'S POST. LONDON, Friday, JUNE 17. Vienna, May 25. It has- been remarked that for some days past the Court has caused the public works, which had been interrupted since . the commencement' of our quarrel with the Republic of the United Pro- vinces, to be resumed. From whence it is augured, that all the articles of conciliation between the Em- peror and their High Mightinesses must be definitively settled at Paris. What adds weight to this flattering conjecture is, that large sums are already appropriated for some foreign fabricks establishing in the States of our Monarch. Within two or three weeks past they have been furnished with a sum of 223,640 florins. These encouragements bring hither a great number » f workmen from other countries, and their fabricks will thereby become very flourishing. HOUSE OF LORDS. Wednesday, June 15. In a Committee went through the ship insurancc bill. Also the rope- makers bill. And alfo the Scotch conviCts bill. Passed the Arundel paving bill. Read a first time the public accounts bill. Heard counsel further on the Irish Propositions. Adjourned. HOUSE OF COMMONS. Wednesday, June 15. In a Committee of ways and means came to the fol- lowing resolution: That all persons uttering or vending in Great Bri- tain any gloves or mittens, shall pay an annual stamp duty of ll. for a liccnce. In a Committee of the whole House to consider of the duties on flasks, came to the following resoluti- ons, viz. That the duty charged upon flasks in which wine and oil have been usually imparted be repealed. That the importation of wines in small cadks for pri- vate ude be permitted. That do much of the aCt of 16 Geo. III. as relates to the allowing of the exportation of certain quan- tities of wheat and other articles to his Majesty's sugar colonies in America, be revived and continued. passed Dudley canal bill. Paffed the indemnity bill. Also the Court of Conscience Debtors bill, and the bill for relief of Insolvent Debtors. Ordered Lord Mahon's County EleCtion bill to be engrossed; on a division 37 against ' 6. Read a first time the Coal duty bill. In a Committee went through the Servants Tax bill, and the report ordered to be brought up to- morrow. Tuesday a considerable mob assembled at the end of Downing- street, to wait on Mr. Pitt's going to the House of Commons. ' At a little after three he went down amidst much hooting and hissing all the way. His coach drove almost as fast as the horses could gal- lop ; but the mob being stationed in rank on cach side, they pressed hard upon him just as he stopped in Palace Yard, and crying out, No Shop Tax ! No Irish Bill 1 attempted to lay hold of him as he alighted from his carriage: But he shot like lightning into the passage leading to the great stairs, and escaped without any other damage than that of the mortification of being hissed, and much terror and apprehension from the con- sequences of an enraged multitude. Dr. Prettyman had a much narrower escape than the Minister. The mob saw him on foot, and open- ing like a pack of hounds on their prey, they hunted him through Old Palace Yard, and pressed so close upon him. that he was forced to fly for shelter to the stairs on the west side of Westminster- bridge, in Pa- lace Yard : But there not being time to take water, he got into Mr. Nichols's house, and there remained until the mob retired. His Reverence was much frightened, the mob being at his heels juft as he entered Mr. Nichols's door, and Mr. Nichols's door not being above six yards from the Thames. The Doctor is pri- vate Secretary now, and was Tutor to Mr. Pitt. The mob in the evening was extremely riotous in many parts of Westminster, and a strong guard was placed round Mr. Pitt's house in DoWning- street. A number of effigies of Mr. Pitt was burnt in several places of the town but we do not. hear of any mis- chief done. The mob in the Borough dressed up two figures, one reprefenung the Minister, the other Mr. Thornton, their Member, and after exhibiting them for some time, tore them in pieces. The same day a man was observed by Mr. Haynes, one of the Officers belonging to the Gentleman Usher of the Black Rod, to write the following lines on the door at the end of tbe Court of Requests: — " Poor WA T TYLER now is dead, " And no have fellow in his stead; " Or Pitt this day would lose his head!" Mr. Maynes went up, and with a great degree of courage seized him, in the middle of the mob, which then consisted of about two hundred persons, and taking him by the collar, insisted that he should, with the skirt of his coat, wipe out the lines in the presence of his brethren.— This the ignoble Mobility man instantly did; and then Haynes turned him out of the hall, and the mob followed the disgraced poet ! Wednesday night between eleven and twelve o'clock, as three men were going over London Bridge, one of them said he would leap from the middle arch, and swim to shore, and his companions jokingly said, they would do the same. When he came to the middle of ths bridge, he climbed over the railing, and threw himself into the Thames and wis drowned. The body was taken tip next morning off Rotherhithe, and the drowned man proves to be a journeyman carpenter, who has left a wife and five children. Extract of a Letter from Chatham, June 15. " Within thede few days deveral attempts have been made by dome malicious persons to fire the houses in this town ; but their horrid attempts have hitherto been happily frustrated. " About a week or ten days ago an attempt was made upon a house opposite the bull's head in this town, where a cavity was made, and lighted matches were found put into the front of the house. Mr. Cooper, landlord of the said house, had bills published, offering a reward cf 20I. upon conviction, or the dis- covery of the offenders, and since that has had the house watched ; but what is very extraordinary, this morning about three o'clock the watchman left his post, and before four o'clock a person passing down the alley, discovered a fire at the back part of the house, in a cavity, from which was taken out several lighted matches, which were soon extinguished. Diligent search is making after the offender.'' The military men in America retain their titles ; thus colonels keep public- houses, and captains cook- shops i coronets stand behind haberdashers counters, and quartermasters sell gin and gingerbread. In Phi- ladelphia there are three ensigns turned ticket- porters, and a major who keeps an old clothes shop. Extract of a Letter from Gosport, June 13. " A Clergyman from the West of England, posses- sed of very great mechanical genius, has contrived a plan to weigh up the Royal George, and intends to make an attempt, provided government will afford him any encouragement. " This morning a very large fish was caught over the wreck of the Royal George, which measures six feet in length and three over its shoulders. It is difficult to tell what species this fish is off." MONDAY'S POST. LONDON, Saturday, JUNE IS. Extract of a letter to Mr. Fector, at Dover, dated Bologne, June 15, 1785. " As you will naturally be desirous to know the particulars of the unhappy fate of our two Aeronauts, who perished this morning, you may depend on the fol- lowing, of which I was an eye- witness. " At a quarter past seven they ascended, and for the first 20 minutes appeared to take the best possible di- rection ; when, for a few seconds, they appeared sta- tionary ; then took a direction to the left, towards Portee ; then a contrary direction, and at about three quarters of a mile's height the whole was in flames, from the fire of the Montgolfier, and fell with incre- dible velocity on Huitmille Warren, where the unfor- tunate adventurers were found, instantly, on their fall; Pilatre with both his thighs broke, and a violent con- tusion on his breast ; he was dead, before his descent, apparently. Romain had both his legs broken, and most of his limbs disjointed, but breathed for some moments, and uttered the exclamation— O Jesu ! and instantly expired. " Excuse me, the subjeCt has so affeCted me, that I can say no more. There were faggots and staves all round the gallery, and the fire aCtually blew about the gallery at the moment of their ascenfion. * The whole scene lasted about fifty minutes." HOUSE OF LORDS. Thursday, June 16. Passed the rope- makers bill, the ship insuranee bill, and the Scotch felons bill. Read a second time the indemnity bill, ths court of conscience debtors bill, and the insolvent debtors bill- Heard counsel and evidence on the petition of the iron manufacturers againd the Irish propositions. Adjourned. HOUSE of COMMONS. Thursday, June 9. Passed the Shoreditch paving bill. Ordered in a bill to postpone the payment of the Bank loans. In a Committee went through the post- horse duty, and the pawnbrokers licence bill, with amendments. Passed Salisbury gaol bill. Agreed to the report of the resolutions of yesterday on flasks, wines, and wheat, and ordered in a bill. Mr. Gilbert brought up the report of the Committee on the bill for laying a tax on Male and Female Ser- vants, when Mr. Rose moved a clause for exempting officers on half pay, who had been disabled by a wound in the ser- vice, from the payment of the tax for one servant, on an affidavit being made. After some conversation agreed to. Adjourned. The fate of the two Aeronants at Boulogne, will, probably put a stop to all experiments in this country with rarified air, as the Aeronants are not only in danger themselvcs, but the public also ; for suppose their balloons, when in flames, to drop on any barn, thatch, timber yard, or other place likely to catch fire, the most dreadful consequence might ensue ; whilst those balloans with inflammable air can only en- danger such persons as are venturous enough to ascend with them. The unfortunate M. Pilatre de Rosier was in England a fortnight ago, and dined at Lord Orford's, at High Beach, in company with Mr. Blanchard on the King's birth- day, and he left London with the Marquis de la Maisonfort, whom he had promised should accompa- ny him in his expedition across the Channel, but on his arrival at Boulogne, M. Romain insisted on a prior promise of ascending with him, and thus the Marquis may thank his better stars that he has escaped this hor- rible disaster. A monument has been ereCted by order of the King of France, on the spot where M. Rosier descended in his first expedition, and we hear another monument is to be erected at Boulogne, in memory of this too cruel catastrophe. M. Pilatre de Rosier ascended with different bal- loons in the presence of the Kings of France and Sweden, Emperor of Germany, and Prince Henry of Prussia, and it was his intention on his arrival in England, after crossing the sea, to have made several experiments in London. He was a gentleman of con- siderable fortune-, and very much esteemed by the sci- entific all over Europe. Thursday night last, or early yesterday morning, three men and a woman entered the house of Mr. Cloag, in Rugg- street, Nightingale- lane, and broke open the. dining- room ; but the master of the house lying in the back room, he opened the door, and presented a blunderbuss, when the woman fired at him, but happily missed him ; he then discharged the piece at her, which fractured her arm, and tore away part of her breast, and part of her ribs. She was sent to the London Hospital without hopes of recovery. A few days since a man, in the assumed charaCter of a reputable farmer, called upon a lady in Salisbury, under pretence of particular business, and being intro- duced to her alone, after much preliminary discourse, in which she was appearently much interested, he pre- tended that he had been disappointed in receiving a large sum of money in town, and earnestly requeded her to accomodate him with a few shillings ; this the lady reluCtantly agreed to, and taking out her purse for that purpose, the villain preceived its contents, and, in a peremptory manner mentioned a more considera- ble sum, which the lady, then much intimidated, gave him ; and some company being soon after an- nounced. he took his leave, with many expressions of civility, and went off very composedly. As an attempt something similar to this has been made at another house in this city, we insert this as a caution. This morning about five o'clock Prince William Henry and Lord Howe set off from the Admiralty to Portsmouth, where his Royal Highness will go on board the Hebe frigate, for the Mediterranean sta- tion. It has been confidently reported within these few days, that a distinguished naval commander, lately re- turned from the oriental part of the globe, under- standing that his friend, a noble Lord, ( who had been the principle cause of placing him at the head of his profession) had, from his hospitality, greatly reduced his fortune, the former made a particular enquiry into the amount of his debts, and, with a liberality almost unexampled in history, presented his lordship with the sum of 50,000!. which was considerably more than sufficient for discharging all his obligations. WEDNESDAY'S POST. LONDON, Monday, JUNE 20. Extract of a Letter from Madrid, May 13. " We learn from Carthagena, that the expedition against Algiers is suspended, if not entirely renounced. The unfavourable news from Africa, and from Algiers in particular, where it is said the plague has broke out, is one of the causes of this suspension. We are also informed that a Turkish squadron hath sailed from Constantinople, with an Ambassador on board, who is to regulate with our Court the conditions of the treaty of commerce which is to be concluded." Letters from the Continent by yesterday's mail men- tion, that great preparations are making in France for the reception of tbe Emperor, who means to pay a visit to his Royal Sister on his return from Italy ; by the same channel we learn, that that august Prince in- tends visiting this country also. HOUSE OF LORDS. Friday, June 17. Read a first time the Salisbury Shire- hall, the Shore- ditch paving, and several other bills. In a Committee went through the Dudley canal bill, and the Court of Conscience debtors bill. Lord Derby presented a petition from the Manu- facturers of Manchester against the Irish Propositions, which read as follows : To the Right Honourable the Lords Spiritual and Temporal in Parliament assembled. The humble petition of the Merchants, Manufacturers, and others, of the town and Neighbourhood of Manchester. Sheweth, " That your petitioners, justly alarmed at the injuri- ous tendency ot the propositions moved in the Irish House of Commons by Mr. Orde, humbly petitioned the Honourable the Commons of Great Britain, upon their introduCtion into the Honourable House, that they would be pleased to reject the same, as unjust, unwise, unreasonable, and impolitic ; not having ei- ther equity, equality, or reciprocity for their basis ; nor do they conceive, notwithstanding the many and great alterations which they have undergone in that Honourable House, that that reciprocity is by any means established, which can alone make them perma- nent; because, as far as your petitioners are able to comprehend, the principles upon which they are founded are by no means either equal or equitable, as nor affording a sufficient proteCtion to the manufacturers of this country, in proportion to the very heavy bur- thens with which they are loaded, and from which those of Ireland are so nearly exempted ; added to which, linens, the staple manufacture of Ireland, are forever to be admitted duty free into this country, whilst not only the staple, but also every other manu- facture of Great Britain, except that of linen, is to be charged with a duty of ten and a half percent, upon their importation into Ireland, at the same time that the amount of Irish linens, imported into Great Bri- tain, is nearly equal in value to the whole of the British manufactures exported to that country. " Your Petitioners humbly beg leave to state to this Right Honourable House, the disadvantages they la- bour under now, and have for some time suffered in their foreign markets, through the partial, not to say impolitic laws, in favour of Irish linens, to the ex- clusion of foreign linens, from our market, and the depression of the British linen Manufacture. In Russia, there is now existing an impost of 30 per cent, ad valorem, upon some of our English manufactures; and in Germany, a prohibitory edict has either already taken place er is upon the point of so doing ; and which, in all probabilty, the determination of the British Legislature on the propositions, will tend to annul, or for ever confirm.. If therefore, instead of leaving an opening for a commercial regu- lation with those States, who are so able, and have hitherto shewn themselves so willing upon the true principles of reciprocity, to increase in a very con- siderable degree the consumption of british manufac- tures ; the Legislature of this country should preclude themselves from the power of harkening to fair and advantageous offers, and Should for ever bind them- selves from doing so ; it may merit the most serious consideration of the Right Honourable House, what measures your Petitioners, as subjeCts and manufac- turers of this nation, are to expeCt from powers so cir- cumstanced. " But your Petitioners do not confine their views to the danger arising immediately and directly from these Propositions, are affecting the manufactures of the town and neighbourhood of Mancheder only ; but feel themselves equally entitled as subjeCts of this country to protest against all the propositions taken aggregately, as a new and destruCtive system of policy, which by universally undermining the commercial interests of Great Britain, must consequently affeCt every interest, trade and manufacture within it, the prosperity of which depends evidently upon the general wealth, commerce and prosperity of the whole nation. " Your Petitioners humbly beg leave to observe to this Right Hon. House, that if the Propositions had passed in the state in which they were originally intro- duced into the British House of Commons, it is evident from the alterations which that Hon. House has since judged it expedient to make in them, the most fatal consequences must have ensued to the landed, funded, and commercial interests of Great Britain; and though something has been done, much more remains to be effeCted, and which your Petitioners hope for, from the wisdom, integrity and independance of your Lord- ships. Your Petitioners are fully convinced that NO system but what prescribes a participation of burthens, as well as advantages, can either be fair, equitable, or permanent; and therefore they are of opinion, that a complete union in commerce, policy and legislation, is the most probable means of establishing a lasting har- mony and good will between the two nations, and preventing that jealousy and discord which the present Propositions are so very likely to promote and encou- rage ; but such system, they humbly apprehend can only be the result of the most mature deliberation, and which your Petitioners persume there is not time to establish, at this advanced period of the sesson. " Your Petitioners, therefore, most humbly beseech your Lordships, that they may be heard by themselves, or Counsel, at the Bar of this Right Hon. House, against the said Propositions: and that your Lordships will grant them such relief as to this Right Hon. House shall seem meet. " And your Petitioners shall ever pray, & c." This petition was signed by one hundred and twenty thousand persons. The petition was referred to the Committee on that business. Lord Carlisle presented a Petition from the Cum- berland Tanners against the Irish Resolutions. Re- ferred to the Committee. Heard Counsel at the bar on the Manchester Peti- : tion. Adjourned. HOUSE OF COMMONS. Friday, June 15. In a Committee to consider of the petition from the Clerks in the Secretaries of States office, came to following resolution : That loool. be allowed annually to be paid to ths Clerks of the Secretaries of State in their respeCtive offices, as a compensation for their advantages for sending and receiving printed Votes, Proceedings in Parliament, duty on postage, & c. Passed Inglis's divorce and the bankrupts bill. Adjourned. OXFORD CIRCUIT. Lord Loughborough and Baron Hotham. Berkshire, Monday, July 4, at Abingdon. Oxfordshire, Saturday 9th, at Oxford. Worcertershire, the same day, at Worcester. Gloucestershire, Wednesday, July 13, at Glou- cester. City of Gloucester, the same day, at the City of Gloucester. Monmouthshire, Saturday, July 16, at Monmouth. Herefordshire, Tuesday, 19th, at Hereford. Shropshire, Saturday, 23d, at Shrewsbury. Staffordshire, Wednesday, 27, at Stafford. MIDLAND- CIRCUIT. Mr Justice Gould and Mr. Justice Willes. Northamptonshire, Tuesday, July at Northamp- ton. Rutlandshire, Friday, 8th, at Oakham. Lincolnshire, Saturday, 9th, at the Castle of Lin- coln. City of Lincoln, the same day, at the City of Lincoln. Nottinghamshire, Thursday, 14th, at Nottingham. Town of Nottingham, the same day at the town of Nottingham. Derbyshire, Saturday, 16th, at Derby. Leicestershire, Wednesday, 20th, at the Castle of Leicester. Borough of Leicester, the same day at the Borough of Leicester. City of Coventry, Saturday, 23d, City of Coven- try- Warwickshire, same day, at Warwick. NORFOLK CIRCUIT. Chief Baron Skynner and Mr. Justice Ashhurst. Buckinghamshire, Monday, July 4, at Bucking, ham. Bedfordshire. Thursday, July 7, at Bedford. Huntingdonshire. Saturday, July 9, at Hunting- don. Cambridgeshire. Monday, July 11, at Cambridge, Suffolk. Thursday, July 14, at Bury St. Ed- mund's. Norfolk. Monday, July 18, at the Castle of Nor- wich. City of Norwich. The same day at the Guildhall of the said City, HOME CIRCUIT. Earl Mansfield, and Baron Eyre. Hertfordshire, Monday, July 4, al Hertford. Essex, Wednesday, July 6, at Chelmsford. Kent, Monday, July 11, at Maidstone. Sussex, Monday, July 18, Lewes. Surry, Wednesday, July 20, Croydon. It was stated in the House of Lords, on Thursday last, by a gentleman who gave evidence at the bar on the iron trade, that the iron manufacture in this country Occupied a capital of not less than 14 millions, valuing the stock on hand at to, 000,000, and the various ap- paratus by which that stock is worked, or rendered marketable, at 4,000,000. General Hyde has treated the insult offered to the officers of the Guards by one of the Prince's footmen on the birth- night, in a very spirited manner. He insists on the fellow's making a concession at the head of the regiment; which not having been complied with, an appeal is made to a Great Personage. Extract of a Letter from Battersea, June 16,. " Thursday noon a dreadful fire broke out at big- gleswade, in Bedfordshire, which was not got under till evening, the want of water and rapidity of the flames, with the falling of the houses, being so dread- ful that little good could be done till evening, when the fire was happily stopped. Upwards of sixty houses in the middle of the town are burnt down, with all the shops, warehouses, barns, stables, & c adjoining. It is generally supposed to have been wilfully occa- Sioned. The recent fires about us strike the country around with terror." THURSDAY'S POST. LONDON, Tuesday, JUNE 21. The two Dutch Ambassadors who are to make pub- lic concessions at the Court of Vienna, for the insult done the Imperial flag, are actually set out from the Hague. Congress has fent a Plenipotentiary to the Court of Spain. He is instructed to demand a free navigation of the river Mississippi to American vessels, and in the event of a refusal to signify to the Spanish Ministry, that the United States will not deem themselves an- swerable for any depredations their citizens may here- after make on the subjects of Spain, in Florida and Louisiana. HOUSE OF LORDS. Monday, June 20. Read a third time and passed the court of conscience and Dudley canal bill. Received and read a petition from the Tanners of Stamford against the Irish propositions. Ordered to the Committee on that business. Also a petition from the iron manufacturers of London, and parts adjacent. Ordered to the same. Adjourned. HOUSE OF COMMONS. Monday, June 2 2. Read a third time and passed Lord Mahon's bill, for the prevention of bribery and corruption in county elections. Mr. Burke give notice, that if no other persen undertook the business, he would profecute the en- quiry into those transactions in the East- Indies, which had been so much the subject of conversation, and in which some gentlemen lately returned had home a considerable share. Mr. Steele moved for leave to bring in a bill to explain and amend the act for imposing a duty on bricks and tiles. Leave granted. The Attorney General gave notice, that he should introduce a bill for the better regulation of future elections of the city of Westminster. Mr. Pitt moved, That the sum of 150 0001. be granted for the relief of the American loyalists. Passed nem. con. Mr. Courtney moved, That the sum of lioo 1. bs paid to Henry Philips, when he shall have divulged, for the public advantage, the ingredients of his powder for the destruction of insects. This was agreed to on a division, 68 against 24. The House then resolved itself into a Committee of Ways and Means, and passed several resolutions preparatory to the bill to ascertain and regulate the duties 0n printed linens, cottons, & c. Ad: iur: ie: l. The following; address was unamimously agreed to at a. meeting of the Council of the Chamber of Commerce of the City of Dublin, on Thursday the 16th instant. The Council of the Chamber of Commerce of the City of Dublin, viewing with the most anxious appre- hension twenty resolutions, which have lately passed the British House of Commons, relative to a commer- cial arrangement with this kingdom, and which ap- pear to this Council likely to affect in a very impor- tant degree, the rights and interests of Ireland, take this public method 01 earnestly recommending to their brethren in several trading towns and ports throughout the kingdom, to lose no time in taking the said reso- lutions into the most serious consideration, to the end that they may be prepared, as soon as possible, to lay their sentiments thereon, in the most respectful man- ner, before the parliament of Ireland. Ana the Council take the liberty of suggesting the propriety of immediate petitions to the House of Commons, ex- pressive of the earned wishes of the merchants and traders of Ireland, that the and reslolutions may not be precipitated through the honourable assembly ; and as every opportunity has been allowed by the merchants and manufacturers of the sister kingdom to argue their opinions to their representatives, humbly entreating that equal opportunities may be given to those of Ire- land: And therefore most earnestly praying that the said resolutions be not adopted during this session of Parliament. / Sunday morning, about eight o'clock, as a gentle- man was riding up St. John's- street, Clerkenwell, at- tended by a servant in livery, the horse of the latter tripped, and the young man fell from his back close to the wheel of a dust cart, which went over his body, and crushed him in so terrible a manner, that he was taken to St. Bartholomew's Hospital without hopes of recovery. The same day as a gentleman and his servant were riding down Hyde Park, the gentleman's horse run away with him, and not being able to keep him in the road, the horse went into a slough, which being very deep occasioned his falling, and threw the gentleman over his head to a great distance ; but happily he did not receive any hurt; the horse by the violence of the fall received a deep cut in his near thigh. The balloon which broke loose from Blanchard's ' Aerostatic Academy was found in one of Plaistow marshes. PO STS C RIPT. FRIDAY, June 24. . Tunis, May 2. So dreadful are the ravages of the plague in this city, that the daily number of victims to that cruel disorder can be no longer estimated. The scarcity and dearness of provisions adds to the conster- nation of the- inhabitants. On Wednesday Mr. Baron Eyre delivered the opi- nion of the Barons of the Exchequer, in the cause of Capt. Sutton against Commodore Johnstone, and dis- charged the rule for arresting the judgment against the Later. By this opinion n0 new rule is granted. Commodore Johnstone instantly sued out a writ of error, and his cause will next be tried at the House of Lords. j We hear from Carlisle, that special warrants have ; lately been sent down by the Right Hon. the Earl of. I Mansfield, for apprehending the Right Hon. the Earl . cf Lonsdale's agents and others, employed in counter- | acting the execution of the verdict obtained by the pro- j prietors of the lands on the river Eden : The persons ! against whom the warrants are issued have absconded, and the stell at King- garth was pulled out or. Friday se'nnight. Considerable bets have within these few days been made at the fashionable houses in the neighbourhood of St. James's, that the present Parliament will sit ; until the middle of September. — A short rccess of the Housc of Commons is expected to take place in about ten days :— after which they will meet again to settle the national business relating to Ireland ; which it is thought will take up more time than is generally believed The last Gazette contains the two following in- cendiary letters to Lord George Gordon, with the offer of his Majesty's pardon to any person who may discover his accomplice or accomplices in writing of them. Polement Street, 27 May 1785. Infernal Scoundrel How dare you apply to Carmarthen or any Minister, you damned rascal to go make such a thing public for which reason you will soon go to your grave by God before you live one month longer you shall be poisoned or some other death which you deserve for to go to side the Romans I am determined to take no advantage of you but act like a man of honour for with- in ten days from the date of this letter you shall be like the rest of your Infernal Sett that is gone before you I am Bloody Infernal Bigoted Gordon ( which will soon be J Your Destruction- Superscribed Lord Geo. Gordon London. To the Rt. Hon. Lord George Gordon, My Lord, Having last night been sitting in a Coffy House in this City where the most diabolical Scheme has been laid to your lordships life on account of your letters to Mr. Pitt concerning the Roman Catholic— as a friend to mankind I have taken the liberty it acquaint your lordship that six desperate Irishmen, properly prepared, have sailed this evening for London and have solemnly pledged themselves to damnation that they will never return to Ireland until they have accomplished their Villanous Project. I am my Lord Your lordships Most obedient Servant Dublin Merrion Square, A Spectator, 11 o'clock at night 31 May ,1785 Superscribed The Right Hon. Lord Geo. Gordon Welbeck Street. Wanted Immediately, A Youth of creditable Parents, as an Apprentice to a PRINTER, BOOKSELLER & STATIONER. For Particulars apply to Mr. William Rose, Slea- ford, Lincolnshire. A Premium will be expected. Letters, Post paid, duly answered. William Rose returns his sincere Thanks to his Friends and Customers for the numerous Favors be has already received, and humbly solicits a Continu- ance : Likewise begs leave to inform them.', he has just received a large Parcel of the Ormskirk Medicine, ( for the Bite of a Mad- Dog) from the real Proprietor, MILES BARTON.— Also sells Daffy's Elixir, God- frey's Cordial, Bathing Spirits, & c. & c. oi the best 9th JuNE, 1785. RUN away from his Family as Boston, in Lin- colnshire, ISRAEL CHAPMAN, about Twenty- six Years of Ago, Five Foot Six Inches high, thin Faced, fallow Complexion, by Trade a Cordwainer. He had on when he went away a light coloured Coat with Yellow Buttons, a Buff Waistcoat with Button- holes worked with Green and Red Silk, s Pair of Brown Corderoy Breeches and a round Hat,' and has along with him a Dark Brown Great Coat. Whoever apprehends the above Person, and brings him to Boston aforesaid, shall receive of the Over- seers of the Poor ONE GUINEA reward, with reasonable Charges. Lincoln, June 22, 1785. • To be Sold by Auction, At the White Hart, Above- Hill, LINCOLN On Saturday the 9t i Dav of July, 1785, between the hours of Five and Nine in the Afternoon, ( If not before disposed of by Private Contract) ALL that new built Freehold Messuage m Tene- ment, with . the Yard, Out- buildings, and Ap- purtenances thereto belonging, situaie in the Parish of Saint Paul, Above- hill, in Lincoln, now in the Tenure of Mr. Wilson: And. also all that other Freehold Messuage, adjoining to the above menti0ned messuage, with a very good Eight Stall Stable, and a Grainery over the same, now 111 the Tenuie of mr. Wright. For furthtr Particulars enquire of Messrs. Rutter and Bell. Wanted Immediately, An APPRENTICE to a Wholedale and Retail Groccr, Tallow- Chandler, uic. For Particulars apply to John Wells of Boston, Lincolnshire. Letters, Post paid, will be duly answered. LINCOLN, Friday, J u N E 24. To be lavish in praise of what the Public have Stamped with their approbation would be Superfluous; but we think it a duty we owe our friends, to acquaint them with the object of that applause, which is now exhibiting in the Theatre of this City, we mean the. Astrotheatron, or large transparent Orrery, and which from its sizes, ( bting fifteen feet square) is alone suf- ficient to merit attention ; but From its magnificence, and the clear description given of the various pheno- mena of nature, such as Day and Night, the Seasons, Eclipses, Tides, & c. & c. forms perhaps the most ra tional and agreeable entertainment ever offered to the Public. The solemn piece of Music at the rising of the curtain is, we think, most happily adapted to the grandeur of the subject ; and we. sincerely wish the Lecturer every success so novel and curious an exhi- bition deserves. On Tuesday last as the son of Isaac Nash of this city, a boy about 16 years of age, was driving a wag- gon, loaded with bark, on Burton- Fen, in attempting to get on the shafts of the waggon to ride he fell down, and the wheels going over his arm, crushed it in so Shocking a manner that he died before he could be carried home On Monday last were married at St, Peter at Arches, Mr. James Simpson, watch- maker, to Mrs. Knaggs, both of this City. The Reverend Mr. Swan, rector of St. Peter's at Arches, in this City, is presented to the valuable living of Kirton, near BoSton. And The ReV. Mr Partridge, jun. is presented to the vicarage of Boston, void by the death of the Rev. Mr. Calthorpe. on Monday se'nnight died at Etwell in Derbyshire, Mrs. West, wife of Mr. Joseph West, aged 93. On Tuesday se'nnight a couple were married at Rochdale, whose ages together amount only to 35 years. Friday se'nnight died, Mrs. Charlesworth, wife of the Rev. Mt Charlesworth of Halifax. Saturday se'nnight, a poor woman in St. Peter's church yard, Cambridge, going to lay down in the heat of the day, set open her chamber window ; she had scarcely got to sleep before she was alarmed by a swarm of bees, which flew in at the window and set- tled on the bed curtain, from whence they were safely hived that evening. On Friday se'nnight the Sheffield stage- coach was overturned near Stamford, owing, as we are told, to the termerity of a woman who rode on the box with the coachman. The pole of the coach we understand was broke, and the horses somewhat unruly, which caused the woman to snatch the reins out of the dri- vers hands and by that means it was overset. There were eight or nine passengers, one of them a woman near her time of lyingin, who escaped without much hurt; two of the outside passengers had their arms broke, and several others were terribly bruised. A lady, an inside passenger, had two of her fingers torn off; and the coachman was very much hurt. A principal reason why batchelors do not marry, is the excessive foliy of the times.— An ignorant block- head of a mechanic, and is stil more stupid wife, brings their daughters up such fine ladies, that men are afraid to venture on them.— Dress and a fine per son may captivate fools ; but there must be Something superior to attract men of sense. As Mr. Stansfield of Ackworth, Yorkshire, was lately pulling the thatch ofF an old house, he found a rotten Purse, containing upward of 2lb. weight of silver coins of different reigns, viz. several of Philip IV. of Spain, rather larger than our crown pieces, some of French coinage, and others of Queen Elizabeth, Charles I. See. Most of th » inscriptions are very legi- ble. It is supposed they have lain under the thatch ever since the rebellion in 1648. Sunday se'nnight was married at St. Michael le Bel- frey's York, James Mauder, Esq ; of Bakewell, Der- byshire, to Miss Greene of York. Same day was married at Washington, the Rev. Mr. Clarke, of Ingram, Northumberland, to Miss Bell, of Newcastle. last week died Mr. Robert Tell", gardener, in Wrexham. He left a widow almost inconsolable, who after weeping nearly the long period of a week, like another Ephesian Matron, listened to the soft tale of a Second lover, and cancel'd her widowhood on Mon- day morning,, by generously giving her hand in mar- riage to Mr. Edward Edwards, staymaker of the above town. A few days ago as Mr. Lovell's waggon of Wells, was conveying goods to Mells- fair, the under wag- goner being intoxicated with liquor, insisted on riding on the shafts of the waggon notwithstanding the en- treaties of the other waggoner, where he was scarce placed before a sudden jolt threw him off, and the wheels going over his head, bruised his skUll, so that he lay several hours before he died in a manner too shock- ing to be described. At a numerous and respectable meeting of the free- men of York, held at Guildhall in that City, on Fri- day,' June 10, 1785, It was resolved, ( the Lord Mayor in the chair) that the R. H. Lord Viscount Gallway and R. Slater MiInes, Esq; the represen- tatives in Parliament for that City, be, and they are hereby instructed to introduce', or support in Parlia- ment, a bill for prohibiting such hawkers and pedlars, from vending in future their goods in the manner they they are now permitted to do, and so as effectually to remove the evil complaint of.. Resolved, ( one only diffenting) That such repeal will be some compensation to the fair and reputable tradesmen of this kingdom, for the heavy burthens they will sustain by the proposed tax on retail shop's, which will operate as a partial, cruel, and oppressive impost, and can only be Considered as an additional duty on houses, - with the increasing aggravation ol falling exclusively on a description of men who already contribute abundantly more than their proportion tc the exigencies of the state. . It is now evident that the pretence of abolishing hawkers and pedlars w « s only held out a bait to delude the shopkeepers in of an acquiescence with the oppres- sive tax on shops. The city of York, the town of Ken- dal, and many others, have petitioned for a repeal of the hawkers and pedlars act. as they were at first taught to expevt ; And it is much to be wished that the same laudable example _ should be follow'd by every town in the kingdom affected by their operation. — It has heencomputed, that this town will contribute between 1 500 and 2000I. to the tax on shops. LIVERPOOL RACES. Tuesday, June 14, thi 50I. for all age?, was won by Mr. Nuttall's cb. m. Phoebe, 5. vs. old 1 t. Mr. Gatfield's grey mare, Miss Guy, 4 ys. old 2 % Mr. Brown's bay mare, aged, 4 j Mr. Clare's bay mare, 4 yj. old. 3 4 Mr. Bamford's bay colt. ^ 5 dr. Mr. Scafe's bay ( illy, 3 ys. old — dr. Wednesday, the 50I. for 3 and 4 ys. was won by Mr. Wetherell's br. c. Harlequin Junior 1 1 Mr. Scafe's bay filly, 3 ys. old 3 i Mr. Clare's bay filly, 4 ys. old 2 _ g Thursday, the 50I. for all ages was won by Mr. Wetherell's br. c. Harlequin Junior I 1 Mr. Maynard's bay horse, Smart 5 ys. old 5 3 Mr, Stephenson's br. horse Bounce, aged % 3 Mr. Searles's grey mare,. j ys. old 4 4 Mr. Lloyd's ch. horse, Tommy, aged 3 dif. BANKRUPTS. Richard Ley, of Highweek, Devonshire, tanner. Augustine Postle, of Foulsham, Norfolk, grocer. Edward Pitt, of Wellington, Somersetshire, wool- stapler. Thomas Barnes, of Fleet- street, stationer. Robert Clark and Andrew Clark, both of Black- burn, Lancashire, linen- drapers. Joseph Warburton and Matthew Randall, of Cole- man street, London, merchants. John Meggs of Tottenham- court- road, broker. Richard Leggett, late of Penton- Mewsey, South- ampton, woolstapler. Stanton Collins, of Wartling, Sussex, maltster. Robert Johnson, of Tower- hill, merchant. John Tysoe Reade, of Walthamstow, Essex, but formerly of London, banker. Thomas Allingham, of Lawrence- pountney- lane, merchant. Elizabeth Brown, late of Portsea, near Portsmouth, Hants, widow. Coasters arrived. John, Stephenson, from Sunderland. Good Design. Bar- ry, from Whitby. Swallow, Furnish, and Nancy, Simpson, from Newcastle. HULL, JUNE 11. York, Hall; Queen, Stow, and Oak, Gale, from Lon- don. Neptune, Potts, from Lynn. BishopBlaze, Hare, from Ipswich. Providence, Losler, from Boston. Margaret, Grant, from Leith. Coasters sailed. Active Stocks ; Mould, Mason; Mary, Meggit ; and Gainsbro', Glew, for London, Neptune Wright, for Whitby. Owl, Woodhouse, for Newcastle. Elizabeth, Dawson, for Blackney and Clay. Molly, Hare, for Ipswich. Rodney, Ba- ker, for Wisbech. GAINSBOROUGH, JUNE 22. Coasters arrived Eagle, James Whatham-; Blan- dinah, Thomas Wilkinson, from London. Bishop BLAZE, John Eyre, from Ipswich. Coasters sailed. Manchester, Thomas Hunt, Friends- Goodwill, John Walker, for London. SONG.— By Mr. EDWIN, In the New Farce of a Beggar on Horxeback. I. WHO wou'd not up to London come To see such pretty sights ? A little Hare to beat a drum, And other strange delights. Two Mares a graceful minuet prance, It's sure most monstrous rig I To see the dogs and turkies dance, And next the Learned Pig. II. To walk and fly, their hoofs and wings, Did Birds and Beasts once use ; But Astley now knows better things ; And so does Master Hughes. And man on Earth no longer crawls ; Can Eagles soar much higher ? Young Ladies now skip over Pauls; Each. Damsel a high flyer. III. May hap some Cunning Man may try, Our humours not to balk, To teach a Salmon how to fly, And Lobsters how to talk ; The Lion bold to bill and coo, The Pigeon how to roar; Since Beasts have learn'd to go on two, Teach us to go on four. ODE occasioned by the Death cf Prince Leopold, Son of the Duke of Mtcklenburgh- Schwerin ; drowned in the. River Oder, during the late Inundations, in en- deavouring to rescue a Family of Children, whose unfortunate Mother entreated him to give orders for that purpose. Written by THOMAS WARWICK, LL. B. LET praise the victor's act record, And nations deify the sword With human sacrifice impure ; To such, when fate has given the blow, The service of external woe Shall long prescriptive right secure: But ah 1 the tears, the sighs that part Spontaneous from the deep- charg'd heart The formal summons disobey ; This envied meed from distant lands The name of LEOPOLD commands, And every friend of Man shall pay. Lamented Youth! I never trode The banks where rapid ODER flow'd, Whose latest sons shall weep thy doom ; Nor ever hail'd thy gracious form, Whose promifed worth th' unkindly- storm Hath crush'd in manhood's opening bloom ; Yet, all- confess'd to Fancy's eyes, Thy gentle spirit seems to rise With amaranthine splendour crown'd, And recent from their wat'ry grave The tender groupe thou died'st to save On snowy pinious hover round. Tho' now to better world's resign'd, Thy bright example left behind Shall still to man extend thy care ; Disclose the surer paths of Fame ; v And nobly point the social aim, " To save, to pity, and to spare! " Heads of the Act for imposing a TAX on SHOPS. It states, that from and after the 5th day of July, 1785, there shall be raised, levied, and paid unto his Majesty, his heirs and successors, throughout Great- Britain, upon every house, or other building, now or hereafter to be erected, any part of which shall for the time being be used as a shop, publickly kept open for carrying on any trade, or for selling any goods, wares, or merchandize, by retail, and upon every building or place used as a shop only, for the purposes before- mentioned, a yearly duty according to the seve- ral and respective rates following : For every such house, or other building or place, of the yearly rent or value of five pounds, and under ten pounds, the yearly sum of sixpence in the pound of such rent or value. For every such house, or other building or place, of the yearly rent or value of ten pounds, and under fifteen pounds, the yearly sum of one shilling in the pound of such rent or value. For every such house, or other building or place, of the yearly rent or value of fifteen pounds, and under twenty pounds, the yearly sum of one shilling and six- pence in the pound of such rent or value. For every such house, or other building or place, cf the yearly rent or value of twenty pounds, and un- der twenty- five pounds, the yearly sum of one shilling and nine- pence in the pound of such rent or value. And for every such house, or other building or place, of the yearly rent or value ef twenty- five pounds and upwards, the yearly sum of two shillings in the pound of such rent or value. The above duties to be paid in addition to those granted by 6 Geo. III. cap. 38 ; 19 Geo. III. cap. 59; and 24 Geo. III. cap. 38. The first assessment of the duties to be made for three quarters of a year, from the 5th day of July, 1785; and afterwards the assessment of the said duties shall be made for one whole year, from the 5th day of April in every year. The duties to be paid quarterly, by the occupiers. That where any house shall, by reason of having some part thereof used as a shop, be liable to any of the duties so by this act charged as aforesaid, such house shall be assessed under this act at the same yearly rent or value as the same shall for the time being be assessed at for and in respect of the duties on inhabited dwelling houses, bv virtue of the said act made in the nineteenth year of his present Majesty ; and where any buildings- or other place, not being subject to any of the duties on inhabited dwelling houses, shall, by rea- son of the whole or some part thereof being used as a shop, be liable to any of the duties charged by this act, such building or place shall be assessed to the said duties under this act, according to the full yearly rent or value of such building or place. Warehouses, in separate buildings, not chargeable; nor bakers shops, See. Where houses are divided into different apartments, the landlord to pay the duties. Duties to be assessed aud collected, & c. according to the methods prescribed by 20 Geo. II. cap. 3 ; cap. 4: ; ? t Geo. II. cap. 10 ; 26 Geo. II. cap. 17; 31 Geo. II. cap. 22 ; 2 Geo. III. cap. 8 ; and the afts of 6, 19, and 24 Geo. III. Houses to be charged as assessed to public taxes. Occupiers not to be charged to the poors rates, & c. for the duties imposed by this- act. Persons overcharged mav appeal to the Commission- ers. AEROSTATIC INTELLIGENCE. The heat of the day on Wednesday did not prevent the people assembling, to an entertainment that was rural and novel ; and the punctuality of Blanchard, in all his former engagements, was a kind of security to the public that they should not. be disappointed in their expectations respecting the ascent and descent of . the live sheep, which he promised, yesterday, to send from the terra firma of this Kingdom without incurring the penalty of the law. A very numerous, and indeed a very genteel company assembled, at the Aerostatic Academy, at South Lambeth, and the scene was ex- tremely pleasant. The plan, to answer the purpose of the advertise- ment, had every appearance of being properly prepared to fulfil the promises of Blanchard, and gratify the ex- pectation of the public. The mechanism was of such a construction, that when the balloon had ascended a mile perpendicular, a Parachute was to disentangle itself from the balloon, and descend with such levity as to preserve an animal alive ; which was annexed, in a wicker basket, by cords, & c. As there was not any human being to ascend with the balloon, the effect of the fall, & c. was, of course to be performed by mecha- nism. About three o'clock the balloon was inflated suffi- ciently for the purpose, and was, accordingly, brought to the middle of the ground ; the basket was fastened, and the sheep put into it; the suspension was by twenty four cords tied to the extremity of the silk of the Para- chute ; the Parachute was fastened, by a single cord, to the balloon, sufficiently strong for the weight it was to carry ; and on that cord was a small box of fireworks, calculated to burn for ten minutes, and then, by an explosion, to disentangle the Parachute, and, at the the same time, open the valve of the balloon. In this state every thing was regularly conducted, and little doubt remained of the completion of the promise ; when it unfortunately happened that a lady, in the ground, who took a particular affection to the sheep, was so assiduous, and so very attentive to the poor dear little innocent, that she would feed it and pay it her last mark of esteem, befare it ascended the atmos- phere ; but so it happened, that by the too tender affection of the lady, she so entangled herself with the Parachute, ( by accident no doubt,) that the cord, by which the Parachute, was fastened to the balloon, snapt, and the balloon ascended without either the sheep or Parachute. The balloon, being not more than half inflated, rolled about as it ascended ; and taking a north- west direction, went over the Palace at Lambeth, where it made a kind of stand, and then had a rapid ascent, almost perpendicular, until it was lost in the clouds; but before it was quite out of sight, the fire work burst and the explosion was visible. Mr. Blanchard ordered the money to be returned ; but the majority of the company being thoroughly con- vinced that he was by no means to blame, or could possible have foreseen such an accident, with that gene- rosity which ever distinguishes Britons, refused to accept of any money back. Some few took tickets to entitle them to see the experiment repeated. A letter from Wickham in Suffolk says, that a gang of Smugglers, who are now turned thieves, called last Friday at the house of the Rev. Mr. Dickson, within a mile of that town, and demanded his money, and where it lay ; and because he did not immediately tell them, tied him in the chair, and were going to roast him; but « n his telling them were to find forty gui- neas, all he had in the houfe, they suffered his fervant to unloose him, and after drinking fome ale, mounted their horses and rode off. A few, days ago one of the Drury- lane Harlequins, was brought before Mr. Juftice Gilbert, for exercising some pantommical tricks in Bow- street. It appeared that the Knight of the wooden sword seeing a poor man pass on with a basket of lobders, by way of joke took a lobster from the basket, which he divided with his clan who stood by him— some people who saw the tranfaction informed the man ; and on the poor fel- low's demanding payment, Mr. Harlequin cracked another joke, by throwing the whole basket of lobsters into the street. These facts being proved, the Justice ordered Mr. Harlequin to pay the lobsterman nine shillings, and bound him over to answer for the assault at the next Quarter Sessions. The officers of the Royal Artillery, we hear, are, by Royal favour, to he allowed the same right to pur- chase Commissions in any other of his Majesty's regi- ments, as they lately so liberally granted to the gentle- men of the corps of Engineers. • THE CELEBRATED ORIENTAL VEGETABLE CORDIAL. THIS MEDICINE is particularly efficacious in relieving all sudden and painful disorders of the Stomach and Bowels, whether caused by irritation, in- digestion, or excess; and is fo perfectly harmless in its nature, that whether the diforder be the effeft of cold or inflammation, it may be ufed with the utmoft fafety. It effectually correfts the Bile, and of courfe removes the numberlels and grievous symptoms with which bilious Patients are asslisted ; and which gene- rally conflitute the cafes that are described under the various denominations of Nervous, Hysterical, and Hypochondriacal. This invaluable Cordial will reftore the digeftive faculties of the Stomach, whether it be relaxed by habitual intemperance, or enfeebled by natural infir- mity, and if taken when inconvenience is felt, either from occafional irregularity, or from the frequentj and fudden changes in the temperature of the air, to which English constitutions are peculiarly subject, it would reduce the catalogue of diseases, and make the ufe of any other Medicine unnecessary. Sold by Mr. Cornwell, Patentee, as his House, No. 13, Conduit street, Hanover- square, LONDON, ( removed from Fleet- street) in bottles of 5 s. and 10s. 6d. or the quantity of Six Bottles, 11. 3s. 3d. with proper directions. Allowances are made to those who buy quantities. The above valuable Cordial is also Told by ROSE and DRURY, Printers, Lincoln ; Mr. Taylor, Ret- ford ; Mr. Booth, Caistor ; Mr. Ellis and Mr. Weir, Horncastle ; Mr. Marsh and Mr. Sheardown, Louth ; and George Briton, Newsman from Lincoln to Louth. Mr. Hill's Ormskirk Medicine. THIS genuine Medicine, for the Cure of the Bite of a Mad Dog, & c. in Man and Bead, is pre- pared by Miles Barton, Surgeon, in Orir. fkirk. The most scrupulous may be satisfied, by applying to each of his Venders, that from 1778, to February the 4th, 1785, eleven thousand four hundred and fourteen Packets have been sold and administered with the greatest Success. Packets, for Man and Bead, are retailed at 2 s. 8d, ( Duty included) and for Dogs at half Price. SOLD by Mr. Cornwell, No. 198, Fleet- street j Mr. Bolton, Front of the Royal- Exchange; Mr. Durham, Stationer, Cockspur- street, Charing- cross ; Mr. Denham, Stationer, Shadwell High- street ; and no where else in London. Jacob, Peterborough ; Musent, Grantham; Rowlandwythers, Spalding; Norrise, Surgeon, Hull; Barton, Horncastle ; Steven- son, Newark; Taylor, Retford ; Cooke, Mansfield; Marshall, Druggist, Market- Place, Nottingham ; Cal- low, Chesterfield; Saxelsby, Derby ; Ellar, Lough- borough ; Smith, Doncastder ; Pearson, Sheffield ; Bowling, Printer, and Medley, Druggist, Leeds; Blanchard and Comp. Printers, York ; Howgrave, Stamford ; Doubleday, Southwell ; Lomax, Bing- ham ; Baine>, Bawtry; Wilson, Pod- Office, Rother- ha: n ; Heaton, Market Raison ; Burgess, Boston j Sheardown, Louth; and Turner, Ollerton. Also by ROSE & DRURY, Printers, LINCOLN, and J. TAYLOR, Printer and Bookseller, EAST RETFORD. Of whom may be had, BUGS effectually destroyed. NEWSOM's i Liquidum Infernum et Philosophicum. HOWEVER doubtful this Undertaking may ap- pear in the Eyes of the Publie, from the Sin- gularity of such a wonderful Discovery, is a Matter shall leave to the Examination of an Impartial Public. I can with undoubted Veracity assert the Success of this Satanic Liquid, as the primary and only Arcanum that can be invented as a sure Preventative, diffusing its baneful Influence through every Pore, leaving the Wood strongly impregnated with a Menstruum that; spreads Destruction to every living Bug, producing a final Annihilation of their Semina from whence they- originate. The Incredulity of a few unbelieving Mor- tals, I am not to regard ; Time will soon obliterate every seeming Prejudice, and Experience, which Is the bed Proof, will soon six the Standard of its Repu- tation beyond the Power of Envy to subvert. I will be bound to vindicate, and prove from Expe- rimental Facts, that every Best done with this Liquid, will be effectually freed ; and they will continue free provided a Bottle of this Liquid is used annually to each Bed, which puts a final Period to their future Propagation. I can with Propriety recommend it to be used by every Person who fixes up New Bedsteads, by which Means the Bugs will be prevented from lodging in the . Wood. The great Demand which I have for this Liquid is one convincing Proof of its unparalleled Success, at a Crisis when the long- expected Wishes of the Pub- lic will be amply answered to their utmost Satisfaction. I flatter myself that those who make Trial will be convinced of the Utility of my Discovery, being the only one that can, without the least Arrogance, boast a Superiority over every other Invention. N. B. Those who wish to get rid of these baneful Infects, will be particular in asking for my Competi- tion ; as it will be found the only one that can, with Certainty, be depended on. I make no doubt, but there will be many Ignorant Run- about Pretenders, Advertising in Opposition, and as vigilant in imposing their Trash on the Public as possible ; but I hope this will prove a sufficient Caution to avoid all such Empi- rical Rovers, who can no more destroy them, than they can destroy the Planetary Motion of any revolv- ing Luminary ; whose vague Pretentions to an Under- taking of this Kind are intirely foreign to their Capa- cities, and their Methods as unscientific as their Vanity is ridiculous, in aping such Knowledge as neither Education nor Genius has intitled them to. The unsullied Repute of my Liquidum Infernum, may give Umbrage to many mercenary Quacking Sharpers, who will endeavour to counterfeit my Com- position; to prevent which, I have got a Bottle- Mould for the Purpose, with the Words Liquidum Infernum thereon ; each Bottle is sealed on the, Top with my Coat of Arms, round which the Words Philosophicum. Liquidum are set ; likewise each Bill are signed with my own Hand- Writing ( JOHN NEWSOM.) Price Three Shilling a Bottle. Prepared by John Newsom, Chemist to the Right Honourable Viscountess Irwin, and Sold by Rose and Drury, Printers, Lincoln.
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