Lincoln Gazetter; or Public Advertiser
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Volume Number: 1
Issue Number: 50
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Lincoln Gazetter; or Public Advertiser
Date of Article: 10/06/1785
Printer / Publisher: Rose and Drury
Address: Opposite the Bank near the Stone-Bow, Lincoln
Volume Number: 1
Issue Number: 50
No Pages: 4
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u May 1, 1785. LINCOLNSHIRE. Wintringham, Toft with Newton, Hackthorne, Theddlethorpe, and Newball, To be Sold as under- mentioned, The Manor of Wintringham, and a Freehold Estate there, CONSISTING of 2422 Acres and 36 Perches of well inclosed Land, in a high State of Culti- vation, with suitable Farm- Houses, and Outbuildings, in good Repair, and several Cottages, let to Seventy- five Tenants from Year to Year, and includes Twenty capital Farms, and well Tenanted. N. B. The above Estate will be Sold in Lots, by Private Contract, at the House of George Bell, in Wintringham, unless previously disposed of
Entire, of which timely Notice will be given. The Sale to begin on Monday the 27th of June, at Nine o'Clock ia the Morning. Printed Particulars of the Lots will be ready to be delivered on Monday the 13th Day of June next, by Mr. Bassett at Glentworth : Mr. George Tennyson at Raisin ; or, Matthew Peacock at Wintringham, the latter of whom will shew the Premises. To describe the very desirable Situation of Win- tringham, and the numerous and valuable Rights be- longing to the Manor, would exceed the Bounds of a common Advertisement, therefore they will be attend- ed to in the printed Particulars above- mentioned. the
Manor of Toft with Newton, Within Ten Miles of Lincoln, and Four of Raisin ; and a Capital Freehold Estate in Toft and Newton; consisting of 1968 Acres 1 Rood 1 Perch of old inclosed Arable, Meadow, and rich Pasture Ground, with suit- able Farm- Houses and Outbuildings, and Six Cottages, let to Sixteen Tenants from Year to Year, and includes Ten convenient Farms, and well Tenanted. This Estate will be Sold in Lots, by Private Con- tract, at the White Hart, in Raisin, unless previously disposed of Entire, of which Notice will be given at aforesaid. The Sale to begin on Monday the nth of July next, at Nine o'Clock in the
Morning. Printed Particulars of the Lots will be ready to be delivered on Monday the 20th Day of June next, by the said Mr. Bassett and Mr. Tennyson; and Mr. William Hodgson, or Mr. James Sawyer of Toft, will shew the Premises. Hackthorne Freehold and Leasehold Estates, Lately advertised to be Sold Entire, Consisting of Two Farm- Houses, with convenient Buildings, Two Cottages, and 1080 Acres s Roods S j Perches of Land ; may be now treated for and bought in two or more Lots, by Private Contract. Theddlethorpe Estate, by Private Contract, A House and Outbuildings, and several Closes and Parcels of Pasture and
Meadow Ground, in the Occu- pation of Robert Sands, containing by Admeasure- ment 48 Acres, 1 Rood, and 37 Perches, Robert Sands will shew the Premises. Newball, near Lincoln, by Auction, At the Rein- Deer in Lincoln, on Friday the 17th Day of June next, between the Hours of Two and Five, a FREEHOLD ESTATE, consisting of 75 Acres 1 Rood and 7 Perches of Woodland. Thomas Emmitt, of Stainton, near the Wood, will shew the Premises, Any Person desirous of treating by Private Con- tract for Wintringham ENTIRE, and Toft with Newton ENTIRE, the Hackthorne Estate ENTIRE or in LOTS, and the
Theddlethorpe Estate, may for Price and other Particulars enquire of Mr. Bassett, • r Mr. Tennyson. Notice to Creditors. GAINSBOROUGH, LINCOLNSHIRe,. NOTICE is hereby given to the Creditors of JOHN HUTTON, of Gainsborough aforesaid, Attorney at Law, dec ' that there will be a final DIVIDEND of the e and Effects of the said deceased amongst his Creditors, at the Office of Mr. Harrison, Attorney at Law, in Gainsborough aforesaid, • n Friday and Saturday the first and second Days of July next, when and where all the Creditors of the said John Hutton are desired to attend with their Se- curities, and to receive their
final Dividends. Gainsborough, May 28, 1785. May 1, 1785. TO BE SOLD BY PRIVATE CONTRACT, The Manors of Waltham and Barnoldly- le- Beck, in the County of Lincoln, adjoining each other, with A Freehold Estate at WALTHAM; CONSISTING OF ACapital Mansion- House, and suitable Out. buildings; also Two exceeding good Farm- Houses and convenient Buildings, and 797 Acres, 3 Roods, 1 j' Perches of well inclosed Land, Tythe free, and which is now occupied in Three Farms, by the Names of Hall- Farm, Middle- Farm, and Peak- Farm. N. B. To suit Purchasers the two following Lots, Part of the above, may be
Sold separate. LOT 1. The Middle- farm, consisting of a good Brick and Tiled House, and z 18 Acres, t Rood, 11 Perches of land, in a Ring Fence, 73 Acres whereof are Meadow and Pasture ; the Red Arable and an ex- cellent Corn Soil. LOT 2. The Peak- Farm, consisting of 350 Acres, in a Ring Fence, a good Turnip Soil, and will grow any Kind of Corn and Flax ; and the House bricked, tiled, and sashed, in the Centre of the Ground. Also, in Waltham aforefaid, in the following Lots, Lo r 1. A Farm- House, Homestead, and Cottage, with Five Acres of rich old Inclosure, in the Possession of Mr. Raisbeck. LOT 2. Two Closes of
old pasture, called Skeene Closes, adjoining Holton Lordship, containing 12 Acres, 1 Roods, in the Possession of Luke Rayner. LOT 3. A Cottage and Garth, in the possession of John Walker. LOT 4. A Close, used as a Skin- Yard, in the Pos- session of Mr. Healey. LOT 5. A House, Garth, and Close, in the Pos- session of Robert Farmery. LOT 6. A House and Garden, in the Possession of William Markham., N. B. Waltham is conveniently situated for Mar- ket Towns; Eight Miles from Caistor, Ten from Louth, and Four from the Part of Grimsby : A very good Turnpike Road to the latter, where Corn may be shipped off to any
Part of the Kingdom, and Coals and Lime very reasonable. Both the Manors abound with Game, and Fox Hounds and Harriers in the Neighbourhood. The Situation is pleasant, in a hilly Country, com- manding a very extensive Prospect of the Entrance of the River Humber, and the Yorkshire Side of that River for many Miles. For further Particulars enquire at the Hall- Farm in Waltham, where a Person will be ready to shew the Premises; of Mr. Marshal of Killinghome ; Mr. Hurneis of Laceby ; Mr. George Tennyson of Market- Raisin, all in the faid County of Lincoln ; or of Mr. Dyson of Bawtry in Yorkshire. SKIDBROKE,
LINCOLNSHIRE. To be Sold by Auction, AT the House of Mr. John Sewel in Saltfleet, en Friday the 17th Day of June next, between the Hours of Two and Four of the Clock in the After- noon, subject to such Conditions as shall be then pro- duced, if not sooner disposed of by Private Contract, of which timely Notice will be given : A Messuage in Skidbroke, with the Homestead, ^ irden, and a Close of Pasture Ground, containing together by Estimation, about Five Acres, and in the Tenure of Henry Woodford. And one other Messuage in Skidbroke, with the Homedead, Garden, and a Close of Pasture Ground, containing together
by Estimation, about Eight Acres, in the Tenure of Matthew Parish. The respective Tenants will shew the Premises. N. B. Each House is entitled to Right of Common for Twenty- four Sheep, a Mare, and a yearling Foal, on the extensive commonable Lands of Skidbroke and Saltfleet. %* For Price and other Particulars apply to Mr. Phillips, Attorney at Law, in Louth. And to be Sold by PRIVATE CONTRACT, Four Assignments for/ ioo each, of the Tolls arising on the Lincoln Turnpike Road, called the North East Di- strict ; and two other Assignments for/ 7,5 « acb, of the Tolls arising on the Turnpike Road from Donington High
Bridge to Langret Ferry, in the County of Lincoln. For Treaty apply to Mr. Chapman, Attorney, in Spilsby; Mr. Lely, Attorney, in Lincoln, or the said Mr. Phillips in Louth. April 12, 1785. JOSEPH FLETCHER left his Wife and Children chargeable to the Parish of Willingham by Stow, in the County of Lincoln, on the ijth Day of May, 1785, He is about Thirty- eight Years of age, a stout well- made Man, with black curled Hair, and a black Mole upon one Side his Nose. Whoever will give Information of the Place he is in to the Overseer of the Poor of Willingham aforesaid so that he may be apprehended, shall receive One Guinea
Reward, to be paid by him. SATURDAY'S POST. LONDON, Thurfday, JUne 2. ExtraSl of a Letter from Manheim, May 13. " On Saturday the 7th the Archduke Maximilian of Austria was consecrated Archbishop of Cologne, in that city, by the Elector and Archbishop of Treves, assisted by the suffragan Bishops of Cologne and Mun- ster. On the 19th there was a grand concert at Court, followed by a supper of 180 covers, in the great gal- lery, and next day a caroufal. On the x lth the Elec- tor of Treves returned to Coblientz." HOUSE OF LORDS. Tuefday, May 27. Passed the Navy Treasurer's bill. Also the Ashborn road, and the
Gibraltar head- money bill. Read a second time the Whitechapel road, and the Exchequer loan bill. , The Lord President of the Council informed their Lordships of the papers he had received from the Com- mons, relative to an intercourse between Great- Bri- tain and Ireland ; on which they were read by the clerk at the table. Lord Carlisle moved, that the House be summoned en Friday next, to take the same into their considera- tion. Counsel was heard at the bar on the caufe in which Christopher Atkinson, Esq; is defendant. Mr. Bear- croft, and Mr. Wood were heard. Their object was to obtain a writ of sertiorari, by which the
record might be examined. They alledged their client had been hardly used ; not that they imputed any blame to the Court of King's- bench, where the cause was tried, and the defendant received sentence. They in- sisted that the indictment was, fundamentally erroneous and illegal; and whatever had been proved in the pro- cess, ought not, for that reason, to have been sustained as legal evidence. Adjourned. HOUSE of COMMONS. Tuesday, May 31. Received and read a petition from Mr. Robinson againd the Irish Propositions. Ordered to lie on the table. Received and read a petition from the hawkers and pedlars at
Liverpool. Ordered to lie on the table. Mr. Pitt moved for a Committee to confer with the Lords upon receiving the Irish resolutions ; which be- ing done, and after his return from the chamber where the conference was held, he gave notice that he did intend to- morrow, to move for leave to bring in a bill for imposing a Tax on Bachelors, in the room of the tax which was intended to be imposed on maid ser- vants: After which the House adjourned. The intended tax upon Bachelors is not without a precedent:— A similiar tax was laid on in the 7th of King William, iatitled, " An Act for granting to his Majesty certain rates and duties
upon marriages, births, and burials, and upon Batchelors and Widows for the term of five years, for the carrying on the war against France with vigour." The levying and collect- ing this tax was made out by reference to the births, burials, and marriages, with certain penalties on Vicars, . neglecting to keep a proper register of such events. It remarkable, that though Scotland contains many noble palaces, and a great number ot fine houses it pays no more than 3000I. to the house tax. London, on the other hand, pays full 77,000!. Now is it hardly credible that there should be so vast a disproportion be- tween the number of houses
in the whole kingdom of Scotland, and in the metropolis of England. It is well known at the Treafury, that the difproportion in the produce of the tax arifes from favour and affeition ; for, in r e returns to the Treasury, some of the most noble palaces are rated as ordinary houses, and the houses of very solvent, nay, opulent, people are not rated at all. it is no less singular than true that the town of Liver- pool has not yet contributed one shilling to the Auction Tax, though it is now above four years since it was imposed. The affair has at length come to the know- ledge of Government, and an enquiry is to be made, by order of the
Board of Treasury, into the cause why those in whose province it was to collect the Auction Tax in Lancashire, have suffered Liverpool to be ex- empted from it., though from that town alone more money would have been collected on account of the said tax, than from all the rest of the county besides. A correspondent says, the town of Nottingham has never yet contributed a farthing to the House Tax. How so flourishing and opulent a manufacturing town is exempted from this burthen, to which the rest of the j kingdom is subject, is rather extraordinary. Mr. Put has resolved to enquire seriously into this business, and has also
given orders that a general survey shall be made all over England, by surveyors to be appointed by ihs Treasury, of the Houses and windows liable to pay- both house and window taxes, in order to discover, whether the ordinary surveyors of the different districts have or have not, made faithful reports to the Commis- sioners. Instructions of the most punctual and particular na- ture were given from the Admiralty to the Comman- ders of all the men of war gone to Newfoundland sta- tion, previous to their sailing, to be very vigilant in preventing the French ships or those of any other nation, from encroaching on the fishing
boundaries, prescribed by the last treaties of peace to the fishermen of Great Britain ; and prevent, as much as possible, the carrying on the contraband trade by the vessels mixing with eacS other, after they came off the Banks. Among other orders and regulations lately issued from the Admiralty for the further better discipline ia the navy, it has been directed, that the Captain and other Officers do constantly sleep on board their re- spective ships, without immediate leave from the Board, from the time of the vessel's being at anchor to her sailing on her voyage. Instructions are also given to tht Commanders on foreign stations
as to the advancing to the rank of warrant or commissioned officers, in order to prevent an immoderate and unnecessary increase of the Half- pay List. Mr. Richard Atkinson has lest by his will 55,300!. to Lady A. Lindsay— Sool. a year to Lady Margaret Fordyce_— 5000I. each to nine nephews and nieces— and to the eldest nephew 5000I. a year, together with the residue of his edate and effects, which are supposed to be immence. SUNDAY'S POST. LONDON, Friday, JUNE 3. Extract of a letter from an English gentleman at Algiers, May 1. " Every thing is ready prepared to give the com- bined forces of the several powers
designed againd this city a warm reception, should their temerity prompt them to approach us. The strength of the batteries towards the sea is surprising particularly those lately finished, on which the Algerines have mounted a great number of fine artillery of a prodigious bore, the small- est of which are 42 pounders. The gunboats and float- ing batteries are all bomb proof, and built upon a new and masterly construction. The crew are very desperate and fear no danger. The garrison is well provided with warlike implements of every kind that the most ingeni- ous artist can suggest, and consists with 25,000 regular troops Within
the walls beside Moors, who bear the Spaniars an implacable hatred. These forces, together • with an innumerable and well disciplined army of horse and foot on the land side, will be able to repel with' ease all the force the Spaniards can muster against them." On Monday se'nnight at ihe French Comedy at the Hague a curious tumult took place. An actress who had lately made her appearance in a few characters, without success, was brought forward in the principal part of the Sorcier : she was received by the parterre with their usual severity ; she bore it for a time with considerable fortitude, but the clamour against her in creasing, ( he advanced to the front of the stage, and after making the most respectful obedience to the as- sembly, declared, that " distressed at not having the power to please the audience, she would restore the tranquillity of the theatre by retiring." She accord- ingly went off in the middle of the piece ; the scene was dropt, and the performers held a consultation ; after which one of them presented himself and begged the assembly, as it was impossible for them to- proceed with the Sorcier, what piece they would chuse to sub- stitute. A thousand voices spoke at the same instant, and each called for a different pieee; the
contention grew high and continued for more than half an hour; when a favourite actress came forward and faid, " that the unfortunate lady would, with the permission of the company, do her utmost to merit their indulgence through the remainder of the play." Upon this the parterre was divided. The parterre was chiefly com- posed of officers of the garrison. The Dutch and Swiss officers were all against the lady, and the French '•^ VV- t,
officers of she legion of Maillebois, about sixty in number, were for her. The contest became serious ; a blow or two was given and swords were drawn. The women retired, and it was with great difficulty that an end was put to the fray; two of the most violent deter- Mined the quarrel in the field, and the blood of two brave men was spilt for this memorable cause. HOUSE OF LORDS. Wednesday, June 1. Heard Counsel further in the cause of Atkinson. Counsel being fully heard, judgment was deferred to Friday the 10th instant. Read a second time the Exchequer loan bill, the Whitechapel road bill, the Bridport market, and seve ral road and inclosure bills. Reported the Gibraltar head money bill, the Ayr bridge bill, the Reading paving bill, and several others. Adjourned. HOUSE of COMMO N S. Wednesday, June I. Read a second time the bill for laying a duty on gloves and mittens. Read a fecond time the bill for the more effectual transportation of felons from Scotland. Ordered, that there be laid before this house an ac- count of the nett produce and amount of taxes, from the different revenue boards in Scotland, for 1784. In a Committee of the whole House to consider of the pilchard fishery, came to the following resolutions, That a bounty of 6 s. be
allowed for every hogshead of pilchards containing fifty gallons exported between the 24th of June, 1785, and the 25th of March, 1786, in case not more than 5000 be exported. That a bounty of 3s. be allowed for ditto, ditto time, in case not more than io, ooo be exported. That a bounty of 2s. he allowed for d tto, ditto, in case- no more than ss, ooo be exported. The said reso- lutions to be severally reported tomorrow. The Chancellor of the Exchequer moved, that the further consideration of the taxes be postponed till Monday next. Lord Surrey gave notice, that on Monday he would bring forward the proposal of a tax in lieu of
that in- tended on maid servants. Adjourned. Last Friday the Judges met in Lord Mansfield's Chamber, and chose the Circuits for the Summer Assizes as follows : Home. Earl of Mansfield, Mr. Baron Eyre. Midland. Lord Loughborough, Mr. Justice Willes. Norfolk. Lord Chief Baron Skynner, Mr. Justice Ashhurst. Oxford. Mr. Justice Gould, Mr. Baron Hotham. Western. Mr. Baron Perryn, Mr. Justice Buller. Northern. Mr. Justice Nares, Mr. Justice Heath. Extract of a Letter from Norwich, Juue I. " This afternoon the large balloon the property, of Messrs. Decker, & c. made its ascension from Quantrel's Gardens in this town ; attached
to the balloon was a most elegant boat, in which Mr. Deeker, accompa- nied by a Miss Wellet, was to have gone, but the young lady being taken ill on Saturday last, of a slight intermitting fever, it was judged most prudent for her to decline it. Mr. Deeker place himself in the boat when the Rev. Dr. Parr most generously offered to accompany him in his aerial voyage if it was found the balloon raised with them ; the Doctor then placed him- self with very great composure in the boat, when it proved too heavy, but on throwing out ballast it was found to rise so as to be thought safe, but not to take any more instruments than one
small barometer and a telescope to make observations, it was intended to have tried some experiments on magnetism in the highest regions of the air. At half past three o'clock the signal was given to disengage the balloon from the earth, when it rose in near a perpendicular direction moving very slowly, during which time we could see the Doc- tor waving his hat to the spectators who were very numerous on the occasion, and proceeded west towards Yarmouth." Mr. Attorney Genera! and the Master of the Rolls intend proposing in their bill respecting bankrupts, a clause to prevent the Commissioners from sitting upon more
than two causes in a day. MONDAY's POST. LONDON, Saturday, JUNE 4. The liberty the King of France has given to the Americans to trade to the West- India Islands has greatly disgusted many considersble bodies of men in his kingdom. Among others the Parliament of Rouen has written a letter to his Majesty on the subject, re- monstrating in very strong terms against the edict by which this liberty is granted. As the point in question is not inapplicable to our own situation at present, we shall lay before our reader a couple of extracts from this letter. " Our colonists are consumers who belong to us : to give them up ta a
foreign power, is to re- nounce the advantage we possess of the general balance of their trade, which we owe to our own colonies and to our manufacturers."— Here the letter mentions that 011 the trade between France and her islands in the West- Indies, there is a balance of 70 millions of livres in favour of the mother country, which advantage the Parliament plainly declares will be absolutely destroy- ed by the King's edict. Another interesting passage is, where the Parliament, speaking of the dishonour to his Majesty's flag, when it should be eclipsed even in his own ports in the West- Indies, by the Ameri- cans, thus address
the King : " Shield the nation, Sire, from such a disgrace. Deign to maintain a sys- tem, the necessity of which was felt and acknowledg- ed after the most serious consideration, in 1765, and 1775.— But we are told, since those periods a new order of things have arisen : That the revolution in America must necessarily affect in its consequences our ancient system of Commerce with our Islands. Let us ask the Ameiican United States what right they have to complain of an exclusion,. which extends to every nation in alliance with France ? Of an exclusion, which they will not fail to enact with respect to us, if they should one day
become possessed of Sugar islands ? By what title can they claim a share in that trade which has been always reserved for, and confined to, the sub- ject of this country ? Is not the independence they en- joy, and which they owe principally to your Majesty's protection, a sufficient rich present to them ? After having sacrificed for them our treasures, our fleets, our armies, are we to crown all by the sacrifice also of our trade, the source of our future prosperity ? Let us not be seduced by the ostentation of a dangerous generality, which may perhaps one day be ill requited. Gratitude is but a weak bond between nations. The United
States can enrich themselves only by usurping the trade of our Colonies, or that 09 the Spanish set- tlements. The proximity of the Antilles would faci- litate the success of such an enterprise." HOUSE OF LORDS. Thursday, June 2. In a Committe went through and reported the Ex- chequer loan bill. Read a first time the Cromarty harbour bill and the Banbury road bill. Heard Councel further on the Trent and Mersey navigation bill. Adjourned. HOUSE of COMMONS. Thursday, June 2. Agreed to the report of the resolutions on the pil- chard fishery-, and ordered in a bill. Read a first time Shoreditch paving bill. Passed St
Catherine's paving bill. Deferred the Committee on the Court of Conscience bill to Tuesday. Deferred the second reading of the insurrance bill to Tuefday. Ordered the Rope- makers bill to be read a third time on Monday. In a Committee went through and reported Lord Million's election bill ; several alterations being neces- sary, the bill was recommitted for Tuesday. Deferred the insolvent debtors bill to Monday ; and the Committee on the Scotch transportation bill till to- morrow. TAX ON PLATE GLASS. The House then resolved itself into a Committee. Evidence was examined and Counsel heard on the peti- tion of the plate
glass manufacturers. The facts ad- duced in support of the petition went to prove, that the present allowance for waste was totally inadequate to the loss actually sustained. Adjourned till to- morrow. This being the anniversary of his Majesty's birth- day, when he entered into the 48th year of his age, the morning was ushered in by ringing of bells; at noon the Park and Tower guns were fired ; and at one o'clock the following Ode, written by the Rev. Mr. T. Warton, Poet Laureat, was performed in the Great Council Chamber: ODE for His MAJESTY's Birth- Day. I. Amid the thunder of the war, True glory guides no echoing car ; Nor
bids the sword her bays bequeath, Nor stains with blood her brightest wreath : No plumed host her tranquil triumphs own ; Nor spoils of murder'd multitudes she brings, To swell the state of her diftinguish'd kings, And deck her chosen throne. On that fair throne, to Britain dear, With the flowering olive twin'd, High she hangs the hero's spear ; And there, with all the palms of peace combin'd, Her unpolluted hands the milder trophy rear. To kings like these, her genuine theme, The Muse a blameless homage pays; To GEORGE, of kings like these supreme, She wishes honour'd length of days, Nor prostitutes the tribute of her lays.
II. ' Tis his to bid neglected genius glow, And teaeh the regal bounty how to flow. His tutelary scepter's sway The vindicated Arts obey, And hail their patron king : "' Tis his, to judgment's steady line Their flights fantastic to confine, And yet expand their wing ; The fleeting forms of fashion to restrain, And bind capricious Taste in Truth's eternal chain. Sculpture, licentious now no more, From Greece her great example takes, With Nature's warmth the marble wakes, And spurns the toys of modern lore ; In native beauty, simply plann'd, Corinth, thy tufted shafts ascend ; The Graces guide the painter's hand His magic mimicry to
blend. , III. While such the gifts his reign bestows, Amid the proud display, These gems around the throne he throws That shed a softer ray : While from the summits of sublime renown He wasts his favour's universal gale, With those sweet flowers he binds a crown That bloom in Virtue's humble vale: With rich munificence, the nuptial tye Unbroken, he combines : Conspicuous in a nation's eye, The sacred pattern shines ! Fair Science to reform, reward, and raise, To spread the lustre of domestic praise; To softer Emulation's holy flame, To build Society's majestic frame ; Mankind to polish and to teach, Be this the monarch's
aim ; Above Ambition's giant- reach The monarch's meed to claim- Extract of a Letter from Dublin, May 28. " By a gentleman lately come from New- York, and nOW in this city, we are told very melancholy accounts of the commerce of that country. Instead of the ma- rine wood which crouded the port of that city when under the protection of the mother country, the prin- cipal of its exports arc now little more than a schooner freighted for the West- Indies, and their consequent return. Is this deplorable commercial degradation an encouragement for emigration ? On the contrary, this gentleman says, that Irish emigrants cannot
bring a shilling of slave purchase in the American markets, and that they are drove to the sad necessity of going among the Indians in the back settlements, or forming gangs of robbers." We are assured, that gentlemen of the corps of en- gineers, whose opportunities of rising in the army are by no means frequent, have, in consequence of the Master- General of the Ordnance representing their situation to his Majesty, been indulged with leave to purchase into any regiment in the services, where a vacancy may happen. A private letter from Portsmouth says, that orders are come down there to admit no strangers into the
Dockyard on any pretence whatsoever ; and also for the men to work extra hours to get those ships which are now repairing out of dock as soon as possible, as they are wanted to be stationed on the coast of Ireland and Scotland, to clear those seas of the smuggling ves- sels which now infest them, and stock the country with prohibited goods, & c. On Thursday the grand musical concert, from Han- del's works, was performed at Westminster Abbey, to a most brilliant audience, consisting of upwards of two thousand perfons of the highest ranks. Their Majesties under whole patronage this concert was under taken, were
present, accompanied by the Princess Royal, Princess Augusta, and some other of the younger branches of the Royal family. Great numbers of Shopkeepers have entered into a Non- opening Agreement; that is, if the Tax should be imposed on them, they are determined not to open their shops, but to supply each other in exchange with their necessary articles, and let those who arc exempt- ed from unjust taxation take care for themselves, un- assisted by butchers, poulterers, cheesemongers, fish- mongers, or any other of those retail traders who are to be oppressed for having a visible way of endeavour- ing to get a
livelihood. WEDNESDAY'S POST. LONDON, Monday, JUNE 6. Paris, May 27. The Queen made her public entry here on the 24th, amidst the acclamations of the peo- ple. Her Majesty was accompanied by Madame, Ma- dame Countess d'Artois, Madame Elizabeth of France, the Dutchess de Chartres, and the Dutchess of Bour- bon, and went directly to the Cathedral church of Notre Dame, to return thanks for the birth of his Royal Highness the Duke of Normandy. In coming out of the church her Majesty went to St. Genevieve, to join the public prayers for obtaining an end of the drought that had so long prevailed. She
afterwards dined at the Castle of the Tuilleries, and in the evening the city was illuminated ; at midnight a firework was played off before the hotel of the Count d'Aranda, the Spanish Ambassador. HOUSE OF LORDS. Friday, June 3. Read a first time and committed the bill for laying a tax on retail shops. The order of the day being then read for going into the consideration of the Irish commercial system, the Earl of Carlisle presented a petition from the Chamber of Commerce, - praying that the Irish propositions may not pass into a law, or at least that they may be al- lowed some time to consider on the tendency of the
alterations. Ordered to lie on the table. Lord Carlisle then presented a petition from the glass manufacturers of London against the same, which being read, he moved, that the petitioners have leave to be heard by themselves or Counsel, which was car- ried without a division. Adjourned. HOUSE OF COMMONS. Friday, June 3., The order of the day being read for going into a Committee on the Scotch Judges bill, The Lord Advocate moved, That it is the opinion of this Committee that the salaries of the Judges in Scot- land ought to be encreased in the following proportion, to be paid from the proper fund. To the Lord President
of the Court of Session, 8,200 1. To each of the Ordinary Judges 1,1001. To the Chief Baron of the Court of Exchequer 2,200 1. To the Puisne Barons l, lool. per ann. in place of the salaries and allowances now paid to them. The resolution was put, and carried without a divi- sion. In a Committee of the whole House on the bill for bringing into one Act all the Excise judicative laws; Mr. Gilbert in the Chair. Mr. Beaufoy recapitulated what he had said on a former day on the principle of the bill. The Speaker, the Attorney General, and Mr. Pitt, were against car- rying through the bill this session, and recommended a delay till it could
be considered with the deliberation its importance demanded. The Chairman then reported it, and it was ordered to be printed.— Adjourned. Whether is it not more just to impose a tax on re- tailers whose profits are small, than on wholesale deal- ers whose profits are large? Who could have believed that the son of the illustri- ous and immortal Earl of Chatham should ever have attempted to impose a partial and unjust tax on shop- keepers, to whose addresses he is indebted for the power with which he is now invested. The exchequer loan bill, the Gibraltar head money bill, the Treasurers of the navy bill, the shop tax bill, and
several others are to receive the Royal assent on Friday next by commisson. When Lord Sydney talked so loudly and emphati- cally on Friday last in the House of Lords, that the opposition to the retail fhop tax was not so much the effect of its ruinous tendency as that of PARTY, his Lordship, it is clear, had never walked into the heart of this metropolis, or ever considered how much it was the efFect of party that carried down the measure against the voice of the people. If administration do an act that is not agreeable to the interests of the pea- ple, and they signify their disapprobation, then they throw it into the ears of Majesty
and their own adher- ents, that party is formed against it, that it has become no other than a mere trial of strength between the Mi- nister and the other side of the House, and thus the bill passes into a law ; under this shameful plausible pretence, of paying no regard to public entreaty. Poet Laureat Warton has at length offered to the public eye " the official tribute of his lays." From every verse in his Ode, it is evident he was not fur- nifhed with the inspiring lack, while at the poetical labour. His Helicon must have been Fleet- ditch ! Give him, at Falstaffe says, " a cup of warm sack with an egg in it," when he is next in his vocation,
and per- haps something better will Be hatched. Bath, June 4. This city will feel more severely the effects of the Shop- tax than most other places. Tht- retailers here are burthened with most exorbitant rents; their rates and taxes are enormous. The only advantage that can render them capable of sup- porting their load, the only hope they have between themselves and distresses is the casual benefit derived from Lodgers, and that has of late too frequently failed. As the tax is to be levied according to the value of the house not to the receipts of the business, what a sum will be paid by the tradespeople of Bath 1 a sum, which a
correspondent observes, he is assured there is scarce one in ten of them capable of bearing, the cord of oppression is now strained so hard, that another pull may perhaps break it. The rich in a great measure are exempted from the new burthens. The middling na- tions of life, from a false representation of their abili- ties, have been the principle objects, for the poor have nothing to pay. Every shilling which the exigence of the state demands is drained from the till of the shop. keepers, to squeeze from the laborious hand of the artificer, and which will soon level the second and third to one low class. The Shopkeepers are
determined, if they shouid b* driven to the last resource, to petition the Sovereign ; that they will do it effectually, by summoning meetingi in every parish, where only shopkeepers, that are known to be so, will be admitted, that their delibera- . tion, may not be obstructed by revenue office clerks; and the petition will be signed with their names, pro- fessions, and place of abode, and that they will attend in person to present them ; so that the Chancellor of the Exchequer may see that they are determined not to submit to unjust and partial taxation. The hatter last year was compelled to take a licence to sell hats, which is to be
annually renewed, and now the hatter's shop is to be licenced, and next Session some sagacious Custom- House Officer may propose that he should take out a licence for his counter, and the Session following another for his shelves. BALLOON INTELLIGENCE. On Friday, soon after twelve o'clock, the balloon which ascended with Sir Edward Vernon, was liberated in Tottenham- court- road Major Money, Mr. Blake ( a naval officer) and Mr. Lockwood ascended with it. It took an easterly direction, ascended very high, but was soon lost to the eye by the intervention of a cloud. The Balloon descended first 17 miles from London,
near Higham farm, in Essex ; when it came down it struck the ground leveral times, on which Mr, Blake jumped out of the boat, which was no sooner lighten- ed than it was lost in the elouds: the globe rose much higher this second time than it had done when they ascended first. After having travelled about 36 miles further towards Colchester, seeing the sea, and throw* all their ballast out, they opened the valve, and came down upon a heath ; where they emptied the globe, and brought it to town in a post- chaise. In their way to town, Major Money and Mr. Blake went to dine with Lord Orford, at High Beach, on Epping Forest.
who had at the same time at his table Mr. Pilatre de Rozier and Mr. Blanchard. The same day, about four o'clock, Mr. Blanchard. ascended with his balloon ; when, after having ma- noeuvred for above an hour, he rose majestically to the computed heighth of a mile from the earth, at which distance he detached a large silken umbrella, having a cat suspended to it. Its descent was beautiful beyond imagination, hovering more gently than a sea- i- ther; it seemed to be wasted by the wind to about a mile from the place whence it was detached, and gra- dually descended as it flew. Mr. Blanchard proceeded on his voyage. Previous
to the experiment, a gentle- man obtained permission to let his dog down with the umbrella ; but attempting it at the height of 30 feet only, it descended with so much velocity, the umbrella having not time to extend, that the animal was killed by the fall. The Parachute, which is a kind of large umbrella, and with which Mons. Blanchard made his experiments on Friday at Vauxhall, is the invention of the cele- brated M. Montgolfier, who last Auguft prevailed oa the magistrateS at Lyons to allow a criminal, con- demned to the gallies, to descend with a similar ma- , chine from a tower near that city, about 26o feet high. The man came
safely to the ground, and received a free pardon for his intrepidity. THURSDAY'S POST. LONDON, Tuesday, JUNE 7. Utrecht, May 30. The late assurance of our differ- ences with the Emperor being upon the point of being settled, having been succeeded by reports of war : These originated from accounts from the Hague, that on Wednesday last on the parade, orders were given to the officers of the garrison to hold themselves in readiness to march at the first notice ; this transition from pacifick ideas to those of war are attributed to the contents of a memorial which the French Assbassador has lately delivered ip the States
General, the subject of which is however kept a profound secret. From Limours, a town of France, in Hurepois, we hear that Phillis Corbier, of that place aged 101, is lately married to a man about 40. She applied for a licence to marry in Lent, but was told she must wait till after Easter, if her idea of hymeneal pleasures was not too pressing on her. She has settled a very con- siderable fortune on her husband.
/ Lisbon, March 29. The following is an extract of the dispatches lately deceived from the Governor Ge- neral of Goa The Indian Prince Bonsulo having declared war against us, and seized on the districts of Gululem, Manerim, Manecorem, Salem, and Domassem, after which he marched to attack the fortress of Sonquelim, a detachment was sent out under the orders of Gene- ral Viega to make a diversion and attack the enemy's country. The two armies met at Chapera, when Bonsulo's troops were defeated, and the necessary suc- cours thrown into Sonquelim. The indian Prince having raised the siege, was pur- sued, and a
second battle was fought at a league's di- stance from Gorobaim, where the enemy was again beaten with very little loss on the side of the Portu- guefa. A third battle was fought with the same suc- cess near Manecorem, where the enemy was driven out of their intrenchments, after which the Portuguese laid siege to and took Tatorna and six other fortresses. Marshal Viega then detached a body of 14,00 men to attack the province of Pitnim, where they took or de- stroyed the villages of Contuala, Orddem, Usei, Tuam, Parcha, with its celebrated Pagoda, Man- drem, and Voidanger. A few days after the Gan- cares, a tribe in
the province of Alorna, the inhabit- ants of Ibrampur, and Sassoli, and some other towns submitted and took an oath of fidelity to the Gover- nor, on which the Prince sued for peace, which was granted to him. HOUSE or LORDS. Monday, June 6. Heard counsel further in the- cause of Middleton and Wells. Affirmed the decree. Read a first time St. Catherine's paving bill In a Committee went through the Trent and Mersey navigation bill. Read a 15. st time the duchy of Lancaster bill. Passed the Cromartie harbour bill, and several road bills. Ordered the Lords to be summoued for to- morrow on the Irish propositions. Agreed to the
report of the Resolutions of Friday on the Supply. Passed the Arundel paving bill. Adjourned. HOUSE OR COMMONS. Monday, June 6. Ordered the Rothwell inclosure bill to be engrossed. Read a second time and committed Inglis's divorce bill.. Read a second time Shoreditch paving bill. Ordered in accounts from the Auditors of the im- prest office : Also an account of salaries to Deputies and Clerks: Also accounts of contingencies to offices. Received and read a petition from Birmingham and Fazeley against the Dudley canal bill, which was re- ferred to the Committee on the bill. The bill for regulating the importation of
cordage into this kingdom, and preventing the introduction of foreign cordage, being read a third time, A long debate took place, which chiefly turned on the impropriety of passing the bill with precipitancy, as it was so materially altered in the Committee, as not to be in fact the same bill which was first intro- duced into the House. The question being put that the bill do pass, the House attempted to divide, but there not being a sufficient number of members present, they of course adjourned till to- morrow. At Exminster revel, in Devonshire held on Monday last, a man ( who had formerly acted in the capacity of a Merry Andrew)
had the presumption to stand twice on his head on one of the battlements of the tower, to the astonishment of a number of spectators ; and being liberally rewarded for so doing, was induced to make a third attempt, in the performance of which he fell down, and was killed on the spot, his body was mangled in a shocking manner. As a proof of the justice and equality of our young Minister's tax on retail shops, a correspondent adduces the following circumstance : In the close of Salisbury, where there are a great number of opulent housekeepers and church dignitaries, there dwells one poor old wo- man, who keeps a shop to
sell cakes and ginger- bread for her livelihood, and this poor woman, surrounded as she is by the rich and affluent, is the only person iu the place liable to pay the tax. Poole, June 3. Tuesday last one George Lock, a fisherman of this town, being with some friends out in a small sloop on a party of pleasure, by some accident fell overboard; a man on the deck throwing him a rope, he refused to make use of it, saying he could swim on board again very easy j but the tide running very strong, carried him so far away from the vessel, that he had not strength to swim up again, and was drowned before any assistance could be given
him. On Friday morning the coal- heaver who fought the battle with the Bath butcher in the fields behind Montague- house, died of the blows he received from his antagonist. Orders are given for a camp to be formed on Ash- ford common, near Windsor, for the 7th regiment of foot, who are to be employed in making new roads, and repairing others the private men are to have is. a day extra for their labour. Saturday night, at ten o'clock, a fire broke out at a cabinet ai d clock case maker's, in Half- Moon pas- sage, between Aldersgate- street and Cloth Fair, which burned with amazing rapidity for near three hours, and consumed
in that time eight houses, mostly old buildings, and occupied by many poor people, who have losft their all. It unfortunately happened in such a confined situation, that the engines were a consider- able time before they approach near enough to com- mand the flames. We here from Carlisle, that on Thursday the 26th ult. the stell at King- garth fishery, on the river Eden, was again introduced, by order of Lord Lonsdale. On the day following several hundreds of people of both sexes, proprietors and others, assembled with an intent to destroy the nets and stakes, but were opposed by a party of his Lordship's servants, who had
ranged themselves in six boats for that purpose. The indig- nation excited in the breast of the injured proprietors by this arbitrary proceeding, was too great to be re- pressed by so slender a resistence ; they proceeded to action, notwithstanding the interference of some peace officers and the reading of the riot act, and had done considerable damage, when a party of tlie 39th regi- ment arrived, which put an instant stop to the progress of their fury. Two of the supposed ringleaders are lodged in gaol. Our accounts add, that the stell is now likely to continue without further molestation, till the right of the placing it is determined by
a higher court than that of a county assizes. P O S T S C R I P T. FRIDAY, June 10. We are assured by a gentleman of indisputable vara- city, that the following extraordinary affair may be de- pended on as a fact :— A French planter of eminence in Hispaniola, being jealous of his wife, watched her so narrowly, and found means to take such effectual measures to detect her infidelity, that about two months ago he actually caught her gallant in bed with her at his own house, and with the assistance of two or three slaves, bound the unfortunate offender, and carried him into the deepest recesses of a neighbouring wood, where,
he stretched him upon the earth by means of stakes and cords: He then gave the unhappy wtetch an unmerciful scourging, and, after cutting him in many parts of his body with a cutlass, actually made an eu- nuch of him. The incensed husband, to complete the horrid tragedy, stuck his bleeding rival full of splintered candle wood, every piece of which he set fire to with his own hands; and, after feasting his eyes for a considerable time with the pangs of a dying suf- ferer, he fled the country, and has not been heard of since. The remains ot the miserable victim to this monster's jealousy an revenge, were found next day, a
spectacle shocking to humanity. The French govern- ment have offered a large reward for apprehending the murderer, who, it seems, is now actually in this island. Colonel Fullarton, who arrived at Weymouth a few days since, came home in a Danish East- Indiaman ; and, among other important articles of intelligence, brings an account of the death of M. Bussy, who de- parted this life at Pondicherry ( where he was Gover- nor) a short time before the Colonel left the coast of Coromandel. We do not hear that Colonel Fullarton has brought any account which confirms the late report of Lord Macartney's taking possession of the
fortress of Pondi- cherry. The violence of the nocturnal depredators is grown so daring and insolent, that no time, place, or occasi- on, can afford protection against them. On Saturday night last at the hour of eleven o'clock, amidst the Illuminations for his Majesty's birth day, and in the most populous and crouded part of the Strand, oppo- site Norfolk- street, a fervant maid was knocked down within a few doors of her mistress's house, and robbed of a new gown which she was carrying from the mantua- maker. Monday se'nnight came on, in the Court of King's Bench, Dublin, the trial of Mr. Thomas Carey, late one of the reputed
editors of the Volunteers Journal, for printing and Publishing in said paper, a certain letter, alledged to contain treasonable expressions a- gainst his Majesty's government, and tending to light the flame of civil war in that kingdom : But it ap- pearing in evidence that Mr, Carey was absent from Dublin for a fortnight before and after the date of such a publication, he was acquitted of the indict- ments as laid against him. However, he was ordered to give bail for his good behaviour for 7 years, which he instantly did, and thereupon was discharged. The Hague Gazette of the 30th ult. gives a pom- pous account of the advantages
which the Dutch India Company have gained over the natives of the island of Malaca, commanded by Rajah Hadje, who was slain with his three sons and the flower of his ar- my, in a pitched battle fought on the 18th of June, 1784. The Dutch were greatly inferior in number, having only 734 men, 402 of them were Europeans, to oppose above 3000 Indians. The troops of the Company, on this expedition, were under the com- mand of Major Hammel. Very few where killed and wounded on the Dutch; amongst the latter are Captain de Keith, of the ship Juno, and his Lieute- nant, Fabor, neither of whom were entirely out of danger
when this account was sent from Malaca on the 16th of July, 1784. Letters from Gibraltar, dated may 20, declare, that the same strictness of discipline is observed by the gar- rison of that fortress at present, as was supported during the siege. Governor Elliott was settling his arrangements, in order to return to England; and, what was thought very extraordinary, in the time of a profound peace, numerous bodies of Spanish troops have lately been cantoned in the neighbourhood of St. Roche, where the lines for an encampment were forming when the advice came away. The inclosing ot common and waste lands has greatly
discouraged the breed of cattle; it has a ready enriched the Scotch farmers, who have hitherto sup- plied us till they are become so far exhausted, that the graziers have been obliged to have recourse to Ireland, from whence at least 20,000 head of oxen have been imported since Christmas. Last Monday twelve men were taken out of a house in Half- moon Alley, Bishopsgate- street, by the mar- shalmen and city officers, on suspicion of committing several robberies in or near the metropolis, and were conveyed under a strong guard to the Poultry Comp- ter ; when apprehended they were tossing up for a guinea each. A small
squadron, cemposed of two ships of the line from each port, under the command of a commo- dore, is shortly to sail for a cruise in the bay of Bis- CAY, in order to exercise the officers and men. There had been thunder storms, with hail and vio- lent rain, in mod of the counties in the kingdom, within the course of the last ten days; but it has been remarked they all came from the North, and the fur- ther North the more violent. The musical child, from Newcastle upon Tyne, and who is said to be only two years and a half old; and has made so much noise in that part of England, performed last night to a select party of the nobility at
Almack's; so much did he please and astonish his auditors, that they presented him with 100 guineas. JUNE 6, 1785. GAINSBOROUGH, LINCOLNSHIRE. tO be LET, and entered upon immediately, or at Michaelmas Day next, a good House and large Warehouse, long employed in the Tobacco, Hops, and Brandy Trade, by the late Mr. Richard Milner; and at present by Mr. Christopher Hinde, mod con- veniently situated ( Upon the River Trent) for carry- ing on those Businesses to a very large extent. The STOCK in TRADE and Utensils to be Sold at a fair Appraisement. For further Particulars apply to Mr. Christopher Hinde of
Gainsborough aforesaid. JUNE 8, 1785. ALL Persons who have any Demands upon the late Mr. Edward Would of the City of Lin- coln, Brickmaker, deceased, are desired forthwith to send an Account thereof to Elizabeth Would and Son, or to Rose and Drury, of Lincoln aforesaid, and the same will be discharged on or before the first of September next : And all Persons indebted to the said Mr. Would are desired to pay the same to the said Elizabeth Would and Son, or Rose and Drury, on or before the first Day of August next. LINCOLN, Friday, JUNE 10. On Saturday the ,28th of May last, about three o'clock in the morning,
William Lanton, weaver, at Newark, going home much intoxicated with liquor, began to beat his wife, when her mother, who lived in the same house, hearing her cry murder went to her assistance, she no fooner entered the room than the unfeeling wretch beat her in an unmerciful manner, broke two of ribs, and otherwise so much bruised her that she died on Friday last. The Jury went over the body, and brought it in Wilful Murder; in con- sequence of which he was apprehended and sent to Nottingham gaol on Sunday last, to take his trial at at the ensuing assizes. A few evenings ago the following circumstance hap- pened at
Louth, Mr. Thomas Ashlin, jnn. having got much intoxicated with liquor, he retired into a hay chamber to sleep ; after having slept about five hours he awoke, and whether in that stupid unobservable situation he rolled himself too near the picking- hole, or perceiving some light supposed it to be the door- rway, is not certainly known, but some way or other he got too near it, and fell out from the height of about six yards into the street, with his face upon the pavement; he was much bruised, and lost an amazing quantity of blood before he got any assistance ; fortu- , nately no bones were broke, and be is now in a fair | way of
recovery. Monday se'nnight at Belton fair, Nottinghamshire,\ the pick- pockets reaped a most glorious harvest ; one countryman they eased of 2ol. another of lol. beside i several smaller sums. A sharper was taken up on suspi- cion, but soon after rescued by the fraternity ; in the affray several gingerbread stalils were knocked down, the scene was relished by the populace, who spent the : evening in the utmost revelry. An Imposter, who calls himfelf John Isaac, and says he is a converted Jew Rabbi, has lately been at Hull, where, under various false pretences, he obtained money of different people ; and it is supposed he is
now in some part of the country practising the same deceit. died, on Tuesday last, Mr. Peter Haslewood, sen. one of the Bailiffs of this city. On Wednesday last died at Orton, near Newark, Mr. William Girton, a wealthy farmer, aged 52. On Friday last died at Louth, Mr. William Ward, late of the Bricklayer's- Arms Inn. A few days ago died at her lodgings in York, after a long and painful illness, Mrs. Howarth, relict of Col. Howarth, and sister to Gen. Baugh, Commander in Chief of his Majesty's forces in Ireland. On Saturday last died at York, aged 63, Mrs. Margaret Croft, a maiden lady. A remedy for the scab in sheep — Take two
pounds of tobacco, half a pound of verdigrease, half a pound of flour of brinstone, five gallons of small lees, boil them well, and afterwards drain them off; then add one pint of spirits of turpentine. Only by breaking the scab, and wetting with this liquor, it cures at one dressing whenever it is used, and requires no other care than to let the sheep be dry when the medicine is ap- plied ; and the wool will grow afterwards as well as ever. Newcastle, June 4. We have the pleasure of inform- ing the public, that the disturbances, which have for some time past prevailed in Sunderland, are now eom- pletely settled ; and on Friday and
Saturday last up- wards of three hundred ships sailed from that har- bour. ASCOT HEATH RACES. TUESDAY, MAY 31. His Majesty's Plate of One Hundred Guineas. Lord Hinchinbrook's b. h. Swinley - - 3 1 1 Lord Spencer Hamilton's Mrs. Ford - 122 Mr. Brook's ch. h. Warrener - - ^ 2 dif. Mr. Poney's Nabob 4 dr. Mr. Dymock's ch. h. Staviour — — — — 5 dif. Mr. Winder's b. h. Faggagill - - - - 6 dif, Mr. Scruch's b. h. Nimrod ----- 7 dif. Subscription of 50gs. each, h. ft. for four years old ; colts 7st. lolb. fillies 7ft. 71b. five years old 8ft. 71b. fix years old gd. and aged 9ft. 2lb. Faur miles. Mr. O'Kelly's ch. b. Soldier ----- 1 Prince of
Wales's b. m. Rosaletta - - - - 2 D. of Queensberry's Champion ----- pd Lord Grosvenor's b. m. Latona — — — — — pd Mr. Dymock's b. h. Trinadado, 7st. 41b. beat Mr. Palmer's cb. h. Hamlet, 7st. 71b. two miles. Mr. Dymock staked 100 to go. Mr. Clark's Rover beat Mr. Woodson's Wisdom, 8ft. 51b. each, 503s. h. ft. one mile. Mt. Tetherington's Marplot, by Highflyer, beat Mr. Stacie's Bacchus, 2oogs. h. ft. I WedNEsDAY; The Prince of Wales's Plate of s. by horses of all ages ; four miles. Mr. Clark's Rover -------- i Sir J. Lade's Punch — — — — — — — — I" Lord Grosvenor's Latona — — ____ — g Mr. Harwood's Parlington ------ 4 Sir F. Evelyn's Egham — — — — — — — dr. Mr. O'Kelly's General -_____- dr. Mr. Bowden's Light Infantry ----- . dr. Mr. Burt's Lottery dr; Mr. Lade's Wilbraham ------- dr. Duke of Queensberry's Champion — — — — dt Mr. Clark's Friar Bacon --_____ dr. A Piatt of 50I. for four years old ; coits, 8ft- 71b. fil- lies 8ft. 41b. the b « ft of three two- mile heats. Mr. Turington's b. c. by Highflyer - - it Mr. Foolford's ch. c. Pulpio - - - - 2 dr. Mr. Whiting's b. m. ______ Duke of Narthumberland's b. h. Y. Denmark dr. THURSDAY. The firft year of a Subfcription of 50gs. each, h. ft. for three years old; colts 8ft. 31b. fillies 8ft. a mile. Lord
Grofvenor's b. c. by Juftice - - - - 1 Lord Clermont's Trumpetor — -' - - - 2 Mr. Bullock's Ballaon, by Highflyer - - - 3 Lord Grofvenor's gr. c. by Mambrino - - i ^ Mr. O'Kelly's Clarinet, by Eclipfe - - - s A plate of 50I. for hantfmen, yeomen prickers, and keepers of Windfor Foreft and Great Park, for horfes, & G. tarrying lift. Four mile heats. Mr. Richard's b. h. Buck Hunter - - - 1 % Mr. Richardfon's b. h. Stag Hunter - - 2 cr. A match, 5< Jgs. each, h. ft. Mr. Smith's br. h. Herosl, beat Capt. Harrifon's b. m. by Shorum, to carry 12ft. Two miles. FRIDAY. A Plate of 50I. for four, five, fix years old, and ajfed horfes. Four years old, to earry 7ft.
7th. F e years old 8ft. 71b. Six years old, 8ft. 131b, and ajed 9ft. sib. Two mile heats. Mares allowed 3IK H. R. H. the Prince of Wales's b. m. aged 1 { t Mr. Lada's gr. h. Wilbraham — — — — 424 Mr. Clark's Rover, aged ( 1 plate)- - - 5 3 j Mr. O'Kelly's General, 5 years old -- 214 Mr. Clark's Friar Bacon, 4 years oid - - 6 4 5 D. of Queensberry's Champion, 5 yrs. old 3 dr. BANKRUPTS. William Bridge, of Tewksbury, Gloucestershire, currier. Ralph Gee and Richard Amphleet of Birmingham, Warwickshire, buckle- maker. John Golding, of East- street, Red- lion- square, Mid- dlesex, taylor. Daniel Taylor, of Lamb's- conduit- street,
Red- lion- square, Middlesex, merchant. Thomas Leaman, late of Exeter, draper. Robert Pearce,. of Lower East, Smithfield, Middle- sex, rope- merchant. Thomas Walshaw, late of Pontefract, Yorkshire, miller. Thomas Francis, late of Alverstoke, Southampton, seedman. Francis Simpson, late of Whitwell, Yorkshire, but- ter- factor. George Grove, late of Aldingbourne, Sussex, shop- keeper. Peter Cook, late of Broad- street. St. Giles's, leather seller. John Smith, of Thumbly, Oxfordshire, dealer. Michael Crausaz, late of Old Compton- street, Soho, tobacconist. Coasters arrived. Friends Goodwill, Walker ; Manchester, Towns ;
Not- tingham, Wilkinson ; Fame, Cobb ; and Daking, Aritonie, from London. Sally, English, from Whitby.- Rodney, Baker, from Wisbech. Experiment, Duncan, from Borrowstow- ness. John and Bella, Bell, from Workington. Coasters sailed. Hopewell, Bloom, for Wells Providence, Stephenson ; Hawk, Watt ; and Betty, Ham, for London. Active, Greaves, and Newcastle, Thomas, far Newcastle. Polly, Dowey, and Active, Finch, for Whitby. Rodney, Baker, for Wisbech. Experiment, Duncan, for Carron. Aurora, Rachop, for L ynn. GAINSBOROUGH, JUNE 9. Coasters arrived. Nottingham, John Wilkinson j Folly, John Dunting ;
Thomas and Hannah, John Cooke ; from London. Prosperous, James Johnson, from Newcastle. Coaster sailed. Gainsborough, John Glew, for London.
r ON FRIENDSHIP. FRIENDSHIP, alas! how few we find To thy endearing ties inclin'd, Yet most profess and boast the name, Without one spark of thy pure flame. What is the name but empty sound, unless with gen'rous aCtions crown'd ? Thy temple is the heart sincere; Thy bliss to wipe the streaming tear By sympathy's assuasive pow'r To soothe the sufferer's dreary hour To lend support when woes oppress, And gently Fortune's wrongs redress, ' Tis not to spend the social day In mirth and jollity and play, Like sportive flies in Phoebus' flame) Can give a title to the name. Ah no! when tempests intervene, To damp the gay,
and change the scene, Friendship o'er Fate triumphant smiles, And of the sword Despair beguiles; Constant to Virtue's train in need, She vindicates the name indeed. To the Editor of the LINCOLN GAZETTEIR. S I R, Please to insert the following Lines in your useful and entertaining Paper, and you will much oblige a Constant Reader and Admirer of Propriety in the Fair Sex. ADVICE to a YOUNG LADY. WHAT beauty and what little wit, Corinna, is thy share, Improve and make the most of it, For thou hast none to spare. Then why do'st thou, Corinna, chuse, With anxious care and pain, The little that thou hast to lose, ' While
others strive to gain. Throughout thy form did beauty glow, Beauty, that might ensnare ut ; ' Twere kindness to disguise it so, And pitying thus to spare us. But since we can thy face so fair Behold without emotion; We thank you for your pious care ; But needless such precaution. Thy little wit on all is shewn, Sans reason or offence, That all its mighty force may own, • Or guilt or innocence. Alike indeed are friend or foe, They feel the arrow keen ; But when they view the pointed bow, And thou'rt, Corinna, seen : No more they feel the arrow smart; No more it gives a pain ; Another impulse strikes the heart, ' Tis pity or disdain.
Since wit and beauty equal prove, Alike we both revere ; The one can ne'er create our love, Nor t'other claim a fear. Since others thus thy merit prize, Why then art thou so vain ? Dispel the mist that dims thy eyes, And view thyself again. You'll find impartial where you view, Dame Nature's not profuse ; Little she gave, enough ' tis true, If given to proper use. The gaudy ribbands, once your pride As foils about bespread, Will then despis'd be thrown aside, To deck the cook- maid's head. " By the Lord!— by G— d !— upon my soul! " That's right!— Ah, that's your sort!" Let stable- boys without controul Possess them, ' tis their forte.
As modesty, divinely fair, With ample robe be deck'd ; Give to the worldsome little care, ' Twill give you some respect. Lincoln, June 6, 1785. It has been argued by the friends to the Irish propo- sitions, in contradiction to the evidence of the Cotton Manufacturers, that no danger could justly be appre- hended on the subject of that branch of trade, as the Irish consider it of such trifling consequence, that they had not any machines for carrying it on. The follow- ing advetisement, copied from an Irish newspaper of the i6th ult. ( the Volunteers Journal) will plainly prove, that if they were before unprovided, it was because they had no
market for that article ; but now that the new regulations have opened to them so extensive a con- sumption, they have not lost a moment's time in avail- ing themselves of the grant of the British Minister. COTTON MACHINERY, Hie. & c. " Single and double Carding Machines, Spinning Jennies, and Stubbing ditto, Scribling Machines, and Wool Jennies, Cotton Presses, Twisters, and Doublets, & c. are now ready to be delivered at Healy and Grant's Cabinet Warehouse, Suffolk- street, Dublin. " N. B. Mr. Healy having been through the princi- pal manufacturing towns in England last August and September, had the opportunity
of viewing the latest improvement! in the Manufacturing line." Apartments are fitting up at Windsor for his Royal Highness Prince William Henry, whse arrival is daily expected from Germany. By some of the alterations which have taken place in the Irish Resolutions, the manufacturers will be brought even inro a worse situation than what they were left in by the original eleven Resolutions : for, in order to enable government to renew the charter of the East India Company, it became necessary to add a clause, to exclude Ireland from that monopoly, which other- wise she would have had an equal right with the com- pany on the
expiration of their present charter: and to make this exclusive palatable to the Irish our ships are to be allowed to take in all their cargoes for the East Indies in Ireland, which they will do at the same time that they are fitting out and taking in their provisions there. The consequence ef this measure is obvious, that a considerable part of our export trade to the East Indies must be transferred to Ireland; where all the articles can be manufactured much cheaper than in Britain itself, unless we can depend more upon Irish custom- house officers, than any one will say that we could upon our own in like circumstances. The Lords
Commissioners of the Admiralty have at length determined on sending ships to make discoveries; and orders are sent to Deptford and Woolwich to chuse out two proper frigates for that purpose. It is probable they may be induced to this from the French sending out some ships to purfue the discoveries made by the late Captains Cook, Clarke, and King. Out of the 36 turtles, of the amazing weight of 5001b. each, brought by Admiral Hughes, from the island of Ascension, no more than nine were brought alive to England. The Prince of Wales, Mr. Pitt, the Lord Chancellor, Lord Howe, Lord Bathurst, Lord North, and Lord
Huntingdon, were compli- mented by the Admiral with one cach, Petitions will be presented to the House of Lords against the Irish Resolutions— and we hear that Lord Thurlow says, they shall not pass, with his consent, while there remains one man in the country desiring to be heard against them. VOLTAIRE'S ESSAY on the JEWS, continued. WE see, evidently, by the situation of Judea and by the genius of this people, that they behoved to be always subjugated. They were surrounded by powerful and warlike nations for whom they had the utmost aversion. They could not therefore contract alliances with them, or be
proteCted by them. It was impossible for them to support themselves with their marine, for they soon lost the only port which they had on the Red Sea in Solomon's time ; and Solomon himself made use of Tyrians to build and navigate his ships as well as to build his palace and temple. I> it therefore manifest that the Hebrews had no industry, and could not compose a flourishing nation. They never had a standing army like the Assyrians, Medes, Persians, Syrians, and Romans. Tradesmen and far- mers took up arms occasionally, and therefore could not form a well disciplined army. Their mountains or rather rocks, are neither
high enough, nor so contigu- ous as to be able to defend the entry of their country. The more numerous part of the nation, that was car- ried to Babylon, Persia, or India, or settled at Alex- andria, were too much taken up with their commerce and their brokerage to apply to war. Their civil go- vernment, sometimes republican, sometimes pontifical, sometimes monarchial, and very often reduced to anarchy, seems to have been no better than their mili- tary discipline. You ask me what was the philosophy of the Hebrews. This article will be very short : They had no philoso- phy. Their legislator himself no where mentions the
immortality of the soul, or future rewards. Josephus and Philo believed the soul to be material. Their doctors admitted corporeal angels ; and during their abode at Babylon, they gave those angels the same names that the Chaldeans did, Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, Uriel. The name Satan is Babylonish: It is in some measure the Arimanis of Zoroaster. The name Asmodeus is also Chaldaic; and Tobias, who resided at Nineveh, is the first who used it. The doc- trine of the immortality of the soul was not broached till afterwards, by the Pharasees : The Sadduces always denied its immateriality and immortality, and the existence of
angels. Nevertheless the Sadduces corresponded without interruption with the Pharasees and there were even high priests of this seCt. This prodigious difference in the sentiments of these two large bodies occasioned no disturbances. The Jews, during the latter part of their abode at Jerusalem, were not scrupulously attached to any thing, but their legal ceremonies. He who eat a pork sausage or a rabbit, would have been stoned to death ; and he who denied the immortality of the soul, might be high priest. It is commonly said, that the abhorrence which the Jews had for other nations proceeded from their abhor- rence of
idolatry. But it is much more probable that their manner of extripating at first some colonies of Ca- naanites, and the hatred which the neighbouring nations conceived of them, gave rise to the invincible aversion which the Jews bore them. As they knew no other people but their neighbours, they imagined, that by detecting these they held the whole earth in abhorrence, and then accustomed themselves to be enemies to all mankind. A proof that the idolatry of the nations was not the cause of this enmity is the frequent mention in the hi. story of the Jews of their turning idolators themselves. Even Solomon sacrificed to strange
gods. And after him there was scarce any king in the little province of Judea who did not tolerate the worship of these gods, and offer incense to them. The province of Israel still kept its two calves, and the holy groves where foreign dignities are adored. This idolatry, with which so many nations are charg- ed, is a thing that much wants explanation. It would not, perhaps, be very difficult to remove this reproach from the theology of the ancients. All the civilized nations had the knowledge of one supreme God, master of the inferior gods and of men. The Egyptians ac- knowledge a first principle, called by them Knef, to which all
the rest were subordinate. The antient Per- sians worshiped tbe good principle called Oremasis ; and were very far from sacrificing to the evil principle Ari- manis, which they consider much as we consider the de- vil. The Guebri at this day preserve the sacred tenet of the unity of God. The antient Brachmans ac - knowledge one sole supreme Being. The Chinese never associated any subaltern being with the divinity, nor had they any idols till the worship of Fo, and the supersti- tion of the bonzes had seduced the populace. The Greeks and Romans, notwithstanding the multiplicity of their gods, acknowledged Jupiter for the
absolute sovereign of heaven and earth. Homer himself, in his most absurd poetic fictions, never departed from this truth. He always represents Jupiter as the sole almigh- ty who dispences good and evil to the world, and who by a motion of his eyebrows can make both gods and men to tremble. Altars were ereCted, sacrifices offer- ed to the subaltern gods, and the dependants upon the supreme God. But there is not a single monument of antiquity, wherein the name of the sovereign of heaven is given to a secondary god, to Mercury, to Apollo, to Mars. The thunder was always the attribute of the God who is over all. The idea
of a supreme Being, of his providence, of his eternal decrees, is to be found in all the philosophers and all the poets. In short, it is perhaps no less unjust to imagine that the antients equalled the heroes, genii, and inferior gods, with him whom they stiled the master of the gods, then it would be ridiculous to think that we associate saints ard angels with God. You ask me, whether the antient philosophers and legislators borrowed from the Jews, and whether the Jews borrowed from them. We must refer for this to Philo : He acknowledges that before the septuagint translation was made, strangers new nothing of the books of this
nation. The great nations could not bor- row their laws and knowledge from an obscure and enslaved people. The Jews had not any books even in the time of Osias : The sole copy of the law that was in being was found by accident in his reign. After the Babylanish captivity the Jews knew no other alphabet, but the Chaldaic. They were famous for no art or ma- nufacture whatsoever ; and in Solomon's time were forced to pay very dear for foreign artists. To say that the Egyptians, Persians, and Greeks were taught by the Jews, is to say that the Romans learned the arts from the Low- Britons. The Jews were never either
naturalists, geometricians, or astronomers. They were so far from having public schools for the instruCtion of youth, that they had not even a word in their lan- guage to express such an institution. The people of Peru and Mexico regulated their year better than the Jews. By their stay at Babylon and Alexandria, during which individuals might, have improved themselves in knowledge, the Jews learned nothing but the art of usury. They never knew how to coin money ; and when Antiochus Sedetes, granted them the privilege to have money af their own, they scarce knew how to make use of this privilege for four or five years ;
nay, it is said, that after all, their coin was struck at Sama- ria. Hence it is that Jewish medals are so scarce, and almost all counterfeit. Upon the whole, you will find them an ignorant and barbarous people, who have long joined the most sordid avarice to the most detestable superstition, and to an invincible hatred of all the nations who tolerate and enrich them. But they ought not however to be burnt. THE CELEBRATED ORIENTAL VEGETABLE CORDIAL. THIS MEDICINE is particularly efficacious in relieving all sudden and painful disorders of the Stomach and Bowels, whether caused by irritation, in- digestion, or excess;
and is so perfectly harmless in its nature, that whether the disorder be the effect of cold or inflammation, it may be used with the utmost safety. It effectually correCts the Bile, and of courfe removes the numberlels and grievous symptoms with which biliou, Patients are affliCted ; and which gene- rally constitute the cases that are described under the various denominations of Nervous, Hysterical, and Hypochondriacal. This invaluable Cordial will restore the digestive faculties of the Stomach, whether it be relaxed by habitual intemperance, or enfeebled by natural infir- mity, and if taken when inconvenience is felt, either from
occasional irregularity, or from the frequent and sudden changes in the temperature of the air, to which English constitutions are peculiarly subjeCt, it would reduce the catalogue of diseases, and make the use of any other Medicine unnecessary. Sold by Mr. Cornwell, Patentee, as his House, No. 13, Conduit- street, Hanover- square, LONDON, ( removed from Fleet- street) in bottles of 5 s. and 10 s. 6d. or the quantity of Six Bottles, 11. 3 s. 3d. with proper directions. Allowances are made to those who buy quantities. The above valuable Cordial is also sold by ROSE and DRURY, Printers, Lincoln ; Mr. Taylor, Ret- ford ; Mr.
Booth, Caistor; Mr. Ellis and Mr. Weir, Horncastle ; Mr. Marfh and Mr. Sheardown, Louth ; and George Briton, Newsman from Lincoln to Louth. Mr. Hill's Ormskirk Medicine. THIS genuine Medicine, for the Care ef the Bite of a Mad Dog, & c. in Man and Beast, is pre- pared by Miles Barton, Surgeon, in Ormskirk. The most scrupulous may be satisfied, by applying to each of his Venders, that from 1778, to February tbe 4th, 1785, eleven thousand four hundred and fourteen Packets have been fold and administered with the greatest Success. Packets, for Man and Beast, are retailed at as. 8d> ( Duty included) and for Dogs at half
Price. SOLD by Mr. Cornwell, No. 198, Fleet- street ; Mr. Bolton, Front of the Royal- Exchange; Mr. Durham, Stationer, Cockspur- ftreet, Charing- cross ; Mr. Denham, Stationer, Shadwell High- street ; and no where else in London. Jacob, Peterborough ; Musent, Grantham ; Rowlandwythers, Spalding; Norrise, Surgeon, Hull; Barton, Horncastle ; Steven- son, Newark; Taylor, Retford; Cooke, Mansfield; Marshall, Druggist, Market- Place, Nottingham ; Cal- low, Chesterfield; Saxelsby, Derby ; Eller, Lough- borough ; Smith, Doncaster ; Pearson, Sheffield; Bowling, Printer, and Medley, Druggist, Leeds; Blanchard and Comp.
Printers, York; Howgrave, Stamford ; Doubleday, Southwell ; Lomax, Bing- ham ; Baines,. Bawtry ; Wilson, Post- Office, Rother- ham ; Heaton, Market Raison ; Burgefs, Boston; Sheardown, Louth; and Turner, Ollerton. Also by ROSE ( 3 DRURY, Printers, LINCOLN, and J. TAYLOR, Printer and Bookseller, eAST RETFORD. Of whom may be had, ANDERSO N's true Scets Pills, it. Bateman's Drops, which give immediate Relief in the moji racking Pains of the Rheumatifm, Govt, C3c. xi. Bathing Spirits for Strains and Bruifes, 6d. British Oil, an effeElual Remedy for Strains, Ulcert, old Sores, Swellings, ( 3c. is. Britijh Herb Snuff,
in Canijiers * t is 3d, or JmaH Boxes at 6d. Britijh Herb Tobacco, in Quarterns at is jd, tr in Twt„ penny Papers. Bolt's Corn Salve, 6d. Brooke's Ague Drops, at. Bailey's Patent Blacking Cakes, 6d. Bejl Cedar Pencils. Buffoon and Hautboy Reeds. Cephalic Snuff, 6d. a Bottle. Court Sticking Plaijler. Cake Ink, by Smith and Son, 6d. Daffy's Original Elixir, by Dicey It. ^ d. Ditto, bySpHJbury, Chymift, & c. Newark, II Ditto, by Brooke, London, 153d. Effence of Peppermint, is. Egyptian Balfam for old Wounds and Ulctrs, II f) d, Freebairne's Antifcorbutic Drops, 6s. Fifs. Godfrey's Cordial, 6d. Greenough's Tincture for cleaning tkeTteth, II.
Ditto, for curing the Tooth Ach, it. Green Hat- cajing. Hatfield's Tincture for Cuts, Strains, & c. It. Hill's Balsam of Honey for Coughs and Colds, it. Honeywood's Tincture for Cleaning and Preserving the Teeth. Sold only in Lincoln, by Rose and Drury, Printers, ( 3c. near the Stone- Bow ; and by out Trader in most Towns in Great- Britain end Ireland. Price 6d. the Bottle. Hooper's Female Pills, it. Issue Plaisters, by Sandwell, If. Ditto, by Bowden, it. Ink for marking Linen. India Rubber. Japan Ink, 6d. Jackson's Tincture for Coughs and Asthmas, 11. James's Fever Powders, ss 6d. Kendrick's Worm Cakes, is. LeCoeur's Imperial Oil
for Cuts, green Wounds, ( 3c. at 64. Maredant's Drops, by Norton, will perfectly cure tit most inveterate Leprosy, Scurvy, old Sores, or Ulcers, the Evil, Fistulas, Piles, Pimpled Faces, ( 3c. Pr. 6s. Oriental Vegetable Cordial, for violent Pains in the Bowels, frs. Pectoral Lozenges of Tolu, is. Pullin's Antiscorbutic Pills, ss 6d, Purging Pills, 11.( Female Pills, is. Pounce, and Pounce Horns. Radcliff's Purging Elixir, it. Rock's Viper Drops, a balsamic, strengthening, ang restoring Composition, 3s. Rock's Asthmatic Elixir, ftr Coughs, Difficulty qf Breathing, ( 3c. is. Royal Tooth Powder, is. Steers's Opodeldock for Sprains, ( 3c. it Sd.
Stoughton's Drops, is. Spilsbury's Antiscorbutic Drops, 4s. Smith's Smelling Medicine for the Itch, is & d. Corn Salve, as 6d and is 6d. Sujah's China Japan Blacking Balls, 6d. Scott's Superfine Water Colours, in Pots and Cakes, prepared as in China. Real superfine Indian Ink. Liquid Colours for Maps and Plans. Best Camel- hair Pencils; with all Things necessary for colouring and drawing. Sealing Wax, Wafers, and Wafer Paper. Shining Sand. Turlington's Balsam of Life, is gd. Vandour's Nervous Pills, as 6d. Walker's Jesuit's Drops, as fid. Violin Strings, and Bridges. *„* All Medicines which dell for a. less Sum them ss6d, pay 3
d Duty: If for as 6d and under 64 Duty: If for 5s tr upward, 1s Duty. i