Lincoln Gazetter; or Public Advertiser
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Lincoln Gazetter; or Public Advertiser
Date of Article: 13/05/1785
Printer / Publisher: Rose and Drury
Address: Opposite the Bank near the Stone-Bow, Lincoln
Volume Number: 1
Issue Number: 46
No Pages: 4
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» Advertisements, not exceeding Twenty Lines, are inserted at four Shillings and Six- pence each Time, and Three- pence for every four Lines above Twenty. [ Price Three- pence. ] FRIDAY, May 13, 1785. [ Ready Money for Advertisements. ] SATURDAY'S POST. LONDON, ThurHay, MAY 5. ExtraCt of a Letter from. Hanover, April 20. " Prince William Henry, son of our august Sove- reign, who has nearly compleated his studies, is going it the expiration thereof on a tour through Germany to Italy, where he is about the middle of June to have a frigate at Leghorn waiting for him ; it being the or- ders of his august father, that he
should make a naval campaign in the Mediterranean on board one of the ships of the British fquadron in that quarter. This young Prince, who is on the verge of compleating his twentieth year, has, since his residence in the Electo- rate, made himself amiable in the eyes of all ranks of persons: indeed of your two English Princas, it is dif- ficult to say which is most respected. The Bishop of Osnaburgh has been absent about three weeks, he having on the first breaking up of the weather, which has been remarkably inclement in this part of Europe, set off for his Principality to enquire into the distressed of the poor, and to settle
some matters of Govern- ment." HOUSE OF LORDS. Tuesday, May 3. Heard Counsel further in the cause between Munro » nd Forbes. Read a second time the Scotch distillery bill, and several inclosure bills. Reported the Melton- Mowbray road bill. Passed the Turnstead poor bill. Read a first time the Commissioners of Land- tax bill. Adjourned. HOUSE OF COMMONS. Tuesday, May 3. passed the Ipswich road bill. Received and read a petition from the woollen manu- facturers of Hants, against the Irish Propositions. Re- ferred to the Committee on the Irish trade. Read a firsft time the bill for allowing the importa- tion of
goods from the island of Tobago, upon payment of British plantation duties. Received and read a petition from the debtors in the King's Bench, Marshalsea, and the New Gaol, praying relief. Ordered to lie on the table. Read a first time the bill for removing and rebuilding the City Compters, i Mr. Pitt presented several papers relating to Ireland. Ordered to be printed. Deferred the county election bill, and the bill to prevent bribery at elections, to this day se'nnight. Deferred the Call of the House that stood for to- morrow, to that day se'nnight. Mr. Sawbridge moved, that leave be given to bring in a bill for the relief of insolvent debtors
of a certain description. Leave was granted accordingly, and a Committee appointed to prepare and bring in the same. Mr. Sawbridge then proceeded to make his annual motion for shortening the duration of Parliaments, which was negatived by a majority of 84. The House then refolved itself into a Committee oa the Irish trade, and after hearing evidence for a short time adjourned. It has been for several years past the custom in France, Germany and Great Britain, to depreciate the manufactures of Spain; but we are assured, upon the best authority, that they are,, and have been for some time past, in the most flourishing
situation. The finest tapestry is made in the neighbourhood of Madrid, cheaper and equal to those made at the Gobelins. Plate glasses have lately been produced near that metropolis 163 inches long, and 93 inches broad; that is the largest in the world. The steel manufactures, such as guns, fwords, & c. • re in the highest perfection; but knives, and other kinds of hardware, are allowed to be much inferior to those in England. The truth of the above may be depended upon, and the latest accounts from Ireland mention that great quantities of Spanish goods have lately been imported into Corke, and other ports of that kingdom.
Yesterday the Spanish Ambassador presented a me- morial of complaint from the Court of Madrid to the King, relative to the late disturbances in the bay of Honduras. A letter from a Gentleman at Teneriffe to his friend in Glasgow confirms the account copied from the fo- reign prints lately in the English papers, of the massacre ef 37 people who landed in the island of Hierro ( one of the Canary islands, subject to Spain) on the 14th of December last, by order of the Deputy Governor, on . a mere conjecture that they were infected with the plague. The letter received at Glasgow from Teneriffe conclude as follows: " The news of
this barbarity has been received at Teneriffe by all ranks of people with the deepest con- cern and regret, and by none more than the Governor General, who deplores it extremely. He could not at first give credit to it; but was at length convinced of the fatal truth by letters from the wretch himself.— Exasperated to the highest pitch, he has given a com- mission to an officer of rank to go over to Hierro to take cognizance of this tragical affair. It is not yet known with certainty of what nation these unfortunate people were; but it is generally supposed they were from Ireland or Scotland, going to America." We understand that Mr.
Blanchard and his fellow- traveller descended in Walthamstow marshes, a little beyond Lee- bridge. Multitudes witnessed their descent, and, after unbounded acclamations, the balloon was brought back in its inflated state, and in great triumph, to London; Mr. Blanchard and Miss Simonet were seated in the car. When they came to Barbican the lady alighted, when the little enterprising Frenchman gave a new specimen of his skill in the art, for, request- ing the gentlemen who held the strings to let the globe ascend, he mounted over the houses, and navigated the machine fo dexterously, as to bring it down in the yard from
which he set out. Count Zambeccari and his company were disappoint- ed on Tuesday in their expectations of the success of his balloon, which was not filled till three o'clock in the afternoon, and was not then filled sufficiently to carry any considerable weight. Count Zambeccari, and afterwards a young lady of fortitude, whose name we understand to be Hall, took their stations in the boat, but in vain. Indeed the spectators were at a loss to determine whether the boat was suspended by the balloon as it should have been, or the balloon from the boat. This failure must truly be attributed to an un- foreseen accident; a small
opening had burst at the top of the balloon. The company seeing this was the case, were satisfied with Count Zambeccari's endeavours to please them, and only regretted that his hopes were frustrated. Not so the populacc. They tore down the scaffolding, reduced part of the wall into ruins, and had committed more mischief, but for the appearance of the guards. Fourteen of the rioters are taken into custody. Saturday last died in the New Gaol, Borough, John Rogers, who lay under sentence of death, for horse- stealing. He left in his apartment a log- book ( as he styled it) containing the number of horses he had sto- len, with
the day of the month, and the owners names, which amounted to 568. SUNDAY'S POST. LONDON, Friday, MAY 6. extract of a Letter from Hamburgh, April t6. " This morning a courier passfed through this city, on his way to Copenhagen, with the melancholy news of the death of his Serene Highness Prince Frederick, reigning Duke of Mecklenburgh Schwerin, aged 67 years. This Prince, leaving no children, is succeeded by his nephew, Prince Francis- Frederick." Vienna, April to. We have just received advice that a fourth Chief of the Rebels, named Peter Postch, has been arrested in Transylvania. HOUSE OF LORDS.
Wednesday, May 4. Heard Counsel further in the Cause between Doug- lass and Chalmers. In a Committee went through the Scotch distillery bill, the Pickering and Kinnerfley inclosure bills. Read a second time the Commissioners of Land- tax bill. Passed the Edinburgh police and the Melton Mow- bray road bill. Adjourned. HOUSE OF COMMONS. Wednesday, May 4. Came to several resolutions on ways and means, to be reported to- morrow. In a Committee went through the bill for regulating the office of Treasurer of the Navy with amendments. Read a second time the Tobago importation bill. Read a first time the bill to
repeal the cotton act. The House then went into a Committee on the ad- justment of the Commercial System with Ireland, when evidence was heard on the part of several manufactu- rers. After which the House adjourned. Dispatches were yesterday received in town from the Continent, announcing that at length the dispute be- tween the Dutch and the Emperor is settled. The terms are humiliating to the former. They are to send two Ambassadors to Vienna to apologize for the insult committed on the Imperial flag— to concede a partial navigation of the Scheldt, together with three small forts— and to a million and a half of
florins as a reim- bursement of the Emperor's expences. The occasion of Mr. Fox's visit to St. James's has now transpired. Every body knows that the P of W has for a considerable time expressed a very ardent desire to make an excursion to the Continent. The Court were perplexed, and every means was used to prevail on him not to think of quitting the kingdom, which for a time had the desired effect. Lately, how- ever, he renewed his application to his M for leave, and was exceedingly pressing. Mr. Fox had in- fluence with his R H , to make him give over all thoughts of a foreign tour, by representing to him the impressions it
would give the public mind of his imbibing notions incompatible with the constitution of the empire he would one day be called upon to go- vern. Lord S informed his M , that what he so ardently wished for, Mr. Fox had accom- plished. Upon this the K expressed himself in terms of warm approbation of Mr. Fox, and gave Lord S leave to say to Mr. Fox how much his M thought himself obliged to him. Upon this Mr. Fox went to the drawing- room to make his bow in return. We have this from authority on which we rely. Mess. Adams and Sayre are now on the seas in their way to England; the former comes over as Ambassador from
the United States of America to our Court, the latter as his Secretary. The legislature of Virginia have given his Excellency General Washington 40 proprietary shares in the new navigation up the river Potowmack, and 1oo shares in that of James- River: the former at 1ool. sterling each, and the latter at 200 dollars each, making in all 42,500 dollars. By the last accounts from Gibraltar we hear that the worthy veteran is preparing to return to his native coun- try, and that Sir Robert Boyd, lately Lieutenant- Go- vernor, will speedily embark, as commander in chief of that Fortress. It is reported that a new effort has been made by the
King of Spain for the restitution of Gibraltar; but that the Minister has put a positive negative upon that re- quisition. Other reports are circulated, that great part of the island of Hispaniola has been offered as a compensation for Gibraltar, without effect. Wednesday the Directors of the Bank of England came to an acquiescence in the Minister's proposal, of lending Government the sum of one million, at five per cent. Yesterday the return of the writ of mandamus, brought by Mr. Wooldbridge, came on to be argued at Westminster, when, after an objection taken by Mr. Bearcroft, as to the- sufficiency of the return, and a reply from
the Recorder, Lord Mansfield ordered the matter to stand over till next term, to be argued upon all the points. Yesterday morning, about fix o'clock, a young man, genteely dressed, was found hanging on one of the trees in the Park, by the guard.— He proves to be a youth who had received a genteel education, but whose friends afterwards insisted upon his going ' prentice to a hatter: this he considered as a degradation; and ' tis thought had so great an effect upon him, as to occasion his com- mitting so rash an action. The Castle cap, is an indication, that the women are determined to resist all assaults amorous! This mode of
defence, is no doubt derived from the bonnet, made use cf by Engineers in an advanced post. Muslin cloaks begin to spread their transparency to the pervading rays of spring, and beauty shews its form with heightened effect, through the modest covering. The fine set of grey horses, late belonging to his Royal Highness the Prince of Wales, are purchased by the Duc de Chartres, and sent off to France. The Prince of Wales has given the famous horse which he bought of Mr. Wentworth, the name of Rockingham. SCOTS FISHERIES. The patriotic Mr. Knox has been examined for four days before the Committee of the House
of Commons, appointed to enquire into the state of the fisheries. We have been favoured by a correspondent with the sub- stance of Mr. Knox's evidence, contained in the follow- ing propositions, which that gentleman took the liberty of recommending to the attention of the Committee, and to which, we have no doubt, they will pay that regard which so very important, and truly national an object deserves. 1. That the busses be permitted to clear out, either for the Shetland or Hebride fishing, any time after the first of June. 2. That they be allowed to fish, to purchase from the boats, or both; to send home the herrings, or be their
own carriers, as circumftances shall dictate for their own conveniency, without any restriction what- ever respecting the time of being out; by which means the West India ships will be early supplicd, to the mu- tual advantage of merchants, planters, and all parties concerned. 3. That the fishers be permitted to follow the her- rings, without any distinction as to the seas or shores, whether Britifh, Irish, or the Isle of Man. 4. That any buss may go through the necessary exa- mination at the place where she is fitted out, and that she may proceed immediately to the fishing ground, wi thout being obliged to stop at any place of
rendezvous. 5. That the bounty may be extended to busses of ten tons burden, in place of being given, as at present, to none under so, or above 80 tons. 6. That all vessels not exceeding 120 tons be per- mitted to go upon the bounty, but to receive a bounty upon 80 tons only. 7. That the present bounty is inadequate to the ex- pence of the buss- fishing, and that a small bounty of xol. annually to boats of five men each, would greatly facilitate the herring fishery. 8. That the white fisheries require parliamentary aid around the whole kingdom, and may thereby be carried to a great extent. 9. That the seal and dog fishing should
be encou- raged. 10. That the salt laws be amended, or totally abo- lished, as far as they regard the fisheries. 11. That the Custom- house fees be abolished as far as they regard the fisheries. 12. That a passage be opened between Loch Fyne and Loch Crinan, of eleven or twelve feet water. 13. That light- houses, beacons, and buoys, be fixed in the most eligible situations for the fisheries and navi- gation in general. 14. That quick- sailing cutters be stationed between the Shetland Islands and Dunbar on the one- side, and Cantyre on the other, to follow and watch the course of the shoals, for the information of the busses and
boats. MONDAY'S POST. LONDON, Saturday, MAY 7. We hear that the Turks, countenanced and assisted by the French, have made a movement towards the Crimea, which has very much alarmed, and will com- pletely engage the Russians. A number of the ablest engineers of France have been employed for fome time, and they have erected a chain of forts that are deemed uncommonly strong. By a letter from Naples we understand that while fome workmen were digging for the foundation of a wall, at Palermo, they discovered a deep subterraneous passage, vaulted, and cut into the rock. The work- men could not at first
descend a great way, but the Prince de Torremuzzi being apprised of this circumstance, . came to the spot, examined the place, and found a set of catacombs of the same kind with those at Rome He perceived several streets, high enough to enable him to walk without stooping, and wide enough to ad- mit three or four men a- breast. Each of these internal streets was divided into many others, and they were all lighted through certain vents or air- holes in the vaulted part. On the sides of the streets were several niches where the bodies were placed; in each of them were found part of sculls, other human bones, and bits of
chalk vases. The Prince has sent an account to the Viceroy of Sicily, who has ordered every thing proper for repairing this monument. Another entry has been made into it, and more vent holes in order to purify the air, while the workmen remove the earth which obstructs the passage into many of the streets. The place appears to be of great extent, and it is expected many important monuments, inscriptions, urns, See. will be found. The accounts of the present drought in France an truly singular. In the internal provinces of that king dom, not only ponds and lakes are so dried up, that the peasants are in want of drink for their
cattle, and the by reduced to the necessity of killing and disposing of them; but the canal of Bourdeaux, between San San- toigne and Chateau de Mer, is so low, that barges can- not pass. The fruits of the earth are dried up, and they have a terrible prospect of grain and the vintage, unless rains fall shortly. In Italy, Spain, and Piedmont, the complaints are similar, except in the provinces next the sea, where the dews are so copious, as to supply the place of showers. HOUSE OF COMMONS. Thursday, May 5. Mr. M. A. Taylor moved, that leave be given to bring in a bill for regulating the process of the Courts of Conscience, and
for ascertaining the fees to be taken from persons imprisoned by such process in the City of London, the County of Middlesex, and Borough of Southwark. Leave was granted. Mr. Pitt said, that as there was now but one petition, that from Stafford, before the House, praying to be • * This PAPER sent weekly to any Part of GREAT- BRITAIN ( FREE OF POSTAGE) by Order addreffed to ROSE and DRURY. GEORGE BRITON Newsman from Lincoln to Louth, through Wragby and Horncaftle, fets out from Louth early every Thurfday Mornmg, and returns with Papers the next Morning. Perfons refiding upon or near the Road may '.
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heard by Counsel, on the subject of the Irish trade, he hoped he should notbe deemed too precipitate in giving notice, that if no other petition was presented in the intermediate time, he should, next Thursday, call on the House for their final decision. Mr. Gilbert brought up the resolutions of the Com- mittee in favour of a partial repeal of the tax on fusti- ans, callicoes, & c. Lord Surrey recommended strenuously, that in fra- ming the bill for the repeal, care should be taken to make such regulations as would stop the growing pro- gress of difcontent, both in the manner of collecting that part of the tax which was suffered to remain,
and in distinguishing between the different species of ma- nufacture A Committee was than appointed to prepare and bring in the bill. The House rose about half nine o'clock, and adjourned to next day. Letters from fort St. George, dated in October last, speak of ' dangerous mutiny amongst the Europeans at the cantonments at Arcot, on the reduction of their Batta, which however by the spirited exertions of General Home who commanded, and of the several King's officers commanding the different corps, was happily suppressed. A serjeant of artillery, one of the most active, was tried and condemned to be blown from a
cannon, which sentence was carried into execution. Very full instructions are preparing to be sent to our Ambassador at Madrid, to accommodate the affair which has happened on the Musquito- shore with the Spanish Ministers, and to assure the Catholic King, that if after an impartial enquiry the disturbances ap- pear to have originated with the British settlers, they shall be remedied, insisting that the King of Spain ob- serve the same conduct towards his subjects. Thursday morning, about nine o'clock, Mr. Sadler and a gentleman ascended in a balloon from Mr. Dods- well's gardens, Moulsey Hurst, Surry, amidst a great
number of spectators. Mr. Sadler filled the balloon, though a large one, in the space of two hours and a half: it arose in a majestic manner, and continued in fight a full hour and a half, to the great satisfaction of the company assembled. It took a S. E. direction; and it was intended by Mr. Sadler to continue longer in the atmosphere than any one has yet done, having taken up with him more than 3oo weight of ballast.— Mr. Sadler and the gentleman are provided with proper instruments for philosophical experiments. A correspondent says, that Mr. Sadler and his com- panion came down in a field near Rochester, where a
labouring man was at work, who was vary much alarm- ed at the balloon, and it was with great difficulty they could prevail on him to lay hold of a rope which they threw out for the purpose of assisting them in their descent, which he at last confented to, and held it till they alighted; but before they could procure any bal- last, the balloon pulling rather strong, and the man having no very great relish for his employment, let go his hold, when it ascended with great rapidity, leaving the aerial travellers behind, taking the direct course over the German ocean, A person who offers to go up in a balloon for the en- tertainment of the public,
has a double chance of meet- ing with death— If he does not go up at the time ap- pointed, he must fly to avoid being knocked on the head by the mob. And if he goes up he has the one chance of succeeding to balance all the dangers of the voyage. So that with a public balloonist it is really and truly neck or nothing ! Saturday morning, between two and three o'clock, a most dreadful fire broke out at Messrs. Webster and Stevens' turpentine warehouses, in Potter's Fields, Horsleydown, and which was not entirely got under till the afternoon. It is impossible to form any opinion of the damage which has been sustained by this
dreadful conflagration, which had on Saturday at noon destroyed as many houses, warehouses, & c. with all their con- tents, as covered between three and four acres of ground, together with an Irish brig, and several hoys belonging to the East- India Company, which were ly- ing near their tea- warehouses in that neighbourhood, and which also are destroyed. Very fortunately, how- ever, there was only a part of a ship's cargo of tea in the warehouses that were consumed by the fire, and a great quantity thereof was saved. It is a most fortunate circumstance that no wind was stirring in the morning, or the whole tier of shipping
which lay opposite the premises destroyed must have probably shared asimilar fate. Wednesday as the son and journeyman of Mr. Monk, glazier, in Finch- lane, Cornhill, were cleaning the window of Drapers- Hall, the boards, of which they had made a slight scaffolding, gave way: the journey- man caught hold of the window, which saved him, though his hands were most terribly cut with the glass; the son fell upon the pavement, by which accident he broke both his arms- and one leg; he languished about three hours after the accident, and expired in great agonies. Wednesday as a young man, a livery- servant to Mrs. Swann,
at Cheshunt, in Hertfordshire, was riding to town, his horse fell with him in Lower Edmonton, by which accident he was so much hurt that he died the same night; HOUSE op COMMONS. Friday, May 5. Agreed to the repeal of the Tobago Importation bill. . Ordered to be engrossed. Deferred the Committee on the Gibraltar head- mo- ney bill, to Tuesday. In a committee went through the bill for regulating the office of Treasurer of the Navy, with amendments. To be reported on Monday. Passed the Halbrooke inclosure bill. Mr. Hughson, from the Exchequer, presented ac- counts of disposeable money, &. c. Ordered to lie on the
table. passed the Yarmouth bridge and Bishop's Castle road bills. Read a second time the Arundel paving, and Ayles- bury road bills. Passed the Winchester College bill. Deferred the second reading of the Staffordshire canal bill, to Tuesday the 24th in!!. Mr. Rose presented estimates of civil establishmenti, & c. Also accounts of American civil officers. Also accounts of money ordered out of the civil list. Or- dered to lie on the table. Appointed a Committee for Monday to'consider of an augmentation to the salaries of the Judges in Scotland. Ordered the Dudley canal bill to be read a second time on Wednesday. Received and
read a petition against the York Build- ings Company. Ordered to lie on the table. Mr. Rose presented the cotton repeal bill, which was read a first and second time, and committed for Monday. Also presented three accounts. Ordered to lie on the table. Ordered in a bill to explain the excise laws. Ordered an address to his Majesty that there be laid before this House an account of the internal duties in Ireland. Deferred ways and means to Monday. Lord Penrhyn moved, that an account be laid before that House, of all the foreign and home made spirits that have been staved for the last year. The motion passed without a division.
The House in a Committee, Mr. Gilbert in the Chair. Mr. Dempster moved, that the sum of 5489I. 17s. be granted to Major. General Murray, in consideration of a verdict, with costs, obtained against him by James Sunderland. Mr. Jolliffe, Mr. Fox, and Mr. Sheridan argued against Parliament granting a sum of money without being acquainted with the merits of the case, not that they by any means doubted the title General Murray may have to such a claim, but that it would be incur- ring a disgrace on Parliament to vote a sum of money without seeing a reason for so doing. Mr. Steele and Mr. Pitt supported the motion, as the
merits of the case had been examined by . his Ma- jesty's Ministers; and found sufficient to warrant their support. A short conversation then ensued, after which the question was put: For the motion, 37 Against it, - 25 WEDNESDAY'S POST. LONDON, Monday, MAY 9. Extract of a Letter from Paris, April 29. " An arret of the King's Council of State was issued on the 16th of this month, which, in consideration of thi scarcity of forage in Lorraine, and the difficulty of nourishing cattle, occasioned by the dryness of the sea- son, permits the inhabitants of the said province to send their horses and horned cattle into all the woods of his
Majesty and those of the communities ( except coppice woods) and let them graze there till the first of October next. HOUSE OF LORDS. Friday, May 6. Heard Counsel further in the caufse between Douglas and Chalmers, after which the appeal was dismissed. Reported the Ipswich road bill. Passed the Scotch distillery bill Read a second time the Surry road and Downton in- closure bills. Adjourned to Monday. Majority, . — 32 Mr. Beaufoy, after a short introduction, wherein he stated the grievances that often happened from the summary decisions of the Commissioners of Excise, and Justices of Peace, in matters of revenue,
which he said were contrary to the true spirit of the liberty of the subject, inasmuch as it deprived them of the right of trial by Jury, moved for leave to bring in a bill to ex- plain and amend all the laws now in being relating to the powers given to the Commissionsirs of Excise, and the Justices of the Peace, in judging of matters of revenue. The motion passed without opposition. The House then went into a Committee on the ad- journment of the commercial intercourse with Ireland, Mr. Clarke, a check manufacturer, was examined in support of the propositions. Adjourned. Yesterday in the Court of King's Bench, at West- minster hall, the late master of a parish workhouse, and a furgeon, his son- in- law, were brought up to the bar of the Court, to receive judgment for a conspiracy in bargaining for the corps of the paupers, which were deprived of burial, and delivered for dissection to the surgeon. This prosecution was commenced by the parish, which had turned out the workhouse keeper, and both the defendants were found guilty the sittings after last term. In consideration of the just punishment inflicted by the parish, and the consequent unlamented loss of the keeper of the workhouse in his private af- fairs, through this abominable traffic in human
flesh, the Court fined him only 10I. and imprisoned him three months. The surgeon, by reason of his profes- sion, pleading in mitigation, was fined lol. and dis- charged. Thursday night a gentleman from Buckinghamshire, put up at the Wind- mill inn, St. John's- street, and on Friday morning rose apparently in perfect health ; but while looking at his horse in the stable, he complained of indisposition, and retiring to his room,, he was found there about half an hour afterwards quite dead. Mr. Blanchard's balloon ascended again on Saturday about half part two o'clock, from Langhorn's Repository in Barbican, after he had made a
number of manoeu- vres for the entertainment of the spectators, nearly as high as the houses. The ascension was peculiarly fine, the progress of the vessel gradual and even, and formed a majestic spectacle. Innumerable crouds were assem- bled on the spot, and from its course towards the South- East, afforded a full sight to the metropolis in general. A very curious petrefaction has been lately found in White Friars, weighing near seventy pounds, and shew- ing the very colour and fibres of the wood. Another piece, seemingly a fragment of the same block, ( but weighing thirty pounds) was found there before in 1763, and
sold to a Member of the Royal Society. Yesterday morning, about eight o'clock, a fire broke out in the house of Mrs. Rycot, milliner, in Great Turnstile, Holborn, occasioned by the carelessness of a boy lighting a fire with shavings, which burnt that house, with the stock and trade, and two others before it was extinguished. " the Prince rf Wales yesterday morning visited Hyde- park ride, and afterwards had a select party of some of the principal characters in the nation to dine with him. Amongst the Ladies who yesterday sauntered in Ken- sington- Gardens, none were more to be distinguished than Mrs. Hastings;— she was in
company with two Nabobinies, and the little Satrap of the East ! The Ladies who yesterday visited Kensington- Gar- dens, and those who paraded in its environs in carriages, had their tresses so covered with red dust from the gra- vel pits, that it is expected they will not for some time have occasion to use mareschal. Extract of a Letter from Glasgow, March 30. " William Steven, senior, portioner of Flender, William Steven, junior, and David Steven, sons of the said William Steven, senior, should have been tried at the last circuit, for committing a forgery on the Aberdeen bank ; but the diet was deserted on account of the
absence of Thomas Morton, late flocking- maker in Glasgow, a material witness, who was then in Ire- land. Morton had returned to this country with a view of being an evidence for convicting them of the above crime, and David Steven was indicted at this cir- cuit for murdering the said Thomas Morton, by shoot- ing him through a window while sitting at his stocking- loom in the workshop of John Black, stocking- weaver, in Glasgow, upon the evening of the 9th of November last. The Jury returned a verdict finding the pannel guilty; and he was sentenced to be hanged upon the 8th day of June next, and his body given to
Professor Hamilton to be dissected. " Neil M'Lean, armourer, in Glasgow, was accused of forging guinea notes of the banking company, com- monly called Glasgow Arms Bank, and uttering them knowing them to be forged. To save time and trouble to the Court, the prosecutors confined their evidence to one of the notes libelled; and the proof being clear, he was found guilty, and sentenced to be hanged on the first of June next." EPSOM SPRING MEETING, 1785. WEDNESDAY, May 4. The Noblemen and Gentlemen's Plate of 50I. for five years old, six years old, and aged, four mile heats. Lord Grosvenor'sb. m. Latona, 6
years old 411 Mr. O'Kelly's ch. h. Soldier, 6 years old 12a Mr. Fleetwood's gr. h. Wilbraham, 5 years 233 Sir J. Lade's ch. h. Punch, 5 years old 5 5 4 Lord Derby's b. h. Peru, 6 years old 3 4 5 Mr. Palmer's br. h. King William, beat Mr. Bow- den's b. g.— Mr. Palmer slak'd loogs. to 95. Mr. Belson's Chance, beat Mr. Dowson's Chiliby, loogs. h. ft. Mr. Watt's b. f. Miss Kingsland, beat Mr. Hull's b. c. ^ cgs. h. ft. THURSDAY. The Derby Stakes of 50gs. each, h. ft. for three years old, colts 8ft. » 3lb. fillies 8ft. laft mile— The owner of the second horse to receive loogs. out of the stake. Lord Clermont's b. c. Aimwell - 1 Lord Grosvenor's
gr. c. - 2 Mr. Wastel's c. - 3 Lord Egremont's b. c. — — 4 The Noblemen and Gentlemen's Plate of 50I. for four years old, carrying 8ft. 71b.— Two- mile heats. Mr. Watt's b. f. Miss Kingsland 1 1 Capt. Robertson's b. c. by Highflyer - a 2 FRIDAY. The Oak Stakes of 50gs. each, half forfeit, three years old fillies 8ft. last mile and a half. Mr. Panton's b. h. Justice - 1 Lord Egremont's sister to Camilla — 2 Lord Barrington's f. by Highflyer — 3 Mr. O'Kelly's sister to Mercury - 4 Mr. Vernon's f. by Trentham — 3 Lord Foley's b. f. by Sweetbriar — 6 Sir H. Fetherstone's, by Trentham — 7 The Town Plate of 50I. for horss, & c. that have not
won that value, since March t, 1784, four years old 7ft. 31b. five years old 8ft. 31b. 6 years old, and aged 8Q. 71b.— Four- mile heats. Mr. Belson's b. h. Foxhunter, ,5 years old 1 1 Sir Ferdinand Pool's c. h. Sussex - 2 2 Mr. Freeman's b. g. May- day, 5 years old 3 dr Mr. Haskin's b. h. Wickham, 5 years old 4 3 THURSDAY'S POST. LONDON, Tuerday, MAY 12. extract of a Letter from Lisbon, April " The last advices from Goa announce, that the In- dian Princes in the neighbourhood of that city, per- ceiving the feeble state and negligence of the Portu- gueze government, had determined to carry destruction into the country, and
take possession of several villages.- Upon which Major- General de Veiga, notwithstanding his troops were in bad condition, and not well disci- plined, marched against them, gained a complete victory, and obliged the Indians to raise the siege of Sanquelin, which they had commenced, and forced them to sue for peace: this renders the government of Goa more for- midable than it has ever been." HOUSE OF LORDS. Monday, May 9. Passed the Commissioners of Land Tax bill. Also Simpson's name bill, and the Rugby and Ipswich road bills. Read a second time the Yarmouth Haven, the Win- borne and the Clatford inclosure
bills. Also the Bishops Castle road bill. Adjourned. HOUSE OF COMMONS. Monday, May 9. Agreed to the report ef the bill for regulating the office of Treasurer of the Navy. Ordered to be engrossed. In a Committee went through the bill for repealing the Cotton Act of last Sessions, with amendments, which were reported, and the bill ordered to be en- grossed. Passed the Tobago Importation bill. Read a second time the bill to enable the City of London to purchase ground for the re- building the Poultry and Wood- street Compters. Agreed to the report of the resolutions of Friday, relative to General Murray. Received and read a
petition from the merchants of Bristol. Referred to the Committee on the Irish trade for to- morrow. BUDGET. - . The House then resolved itself into a Committee of Ways and Means to raise the supply granted to his Majesty. The Chancellor of the Exchequer rose, and after laying before the House a state of the finances, pro- posed the following new taxes, in order to raise the sum of 420,0001. per annum. He propofed first to lay aa an additional tax on MEN SERVANTS, At the following rate, including the old tax, for every man servant under three, ll. 5s. ditto, from three to five, 2I. 10s. from five to seven, il. 15s. from seven to
ten, 2I. and for every one above that number 3I. The produce of the new part of this tax, he said, he would take at £. 35,000 His tax he proposed was on MAID SERVANTS. For one female servant, is. 6d. ( or two in one family, 5s. for three or more in the same family los. This tax he estimated at £. 140,00a The third was on RETAIL SHOPS. Which he proposed should be taxed at somuch in the pound, on the rent paid for them; One shilling per pound, from 4I. to lol. a year, from lol. to 15I. one and three- pence-, and after that he would add 3d. for every five pound up to 25I.— The produce he rated at £. 120,030 His fourth tax
was entirely new, it was on GLOVES. He proposed that on every pair of gloves, under the value of 10d. there should be laid on a duty of one penny, on ditto from lod. to l6d. a duty of two- pence: and a duty of three- pence a- pair above the value of l6d. The gloves to be stampt, and the duty collected in the same manner as the duty on hats. The gloves tax he said, would produce £\ ^ o, oo » The fifth was on PAWN- BROKERS. He intended that these people should in future be obliged to take out a licence, for which each should pay 5I. a- year; and from this, he calculated, would arise an annual revenue of £. 15,093 The sixth
was an additional tax on POST HORSES. Which at one halfpenny ( additional, per horse, per mile) would produce £. 50,009 The seventh and last was on SALT. No new duty, eo nomine, is to be laid on this article; but a regulation is to take place, from which an addi- tion will be made to the revenue. There is now an allowance of four barrels in every 100 for waste so that only 96 barrels out of 100 actually pay the salt duty. he thought this allowance more than was ne- cessary : indeed much more than could or ought to be expected under the head of waste. He proposed, therefore, that in future the allowance of only one barrel
and a half out of every 100 should be made; f » that 98 and a half barrels in 100, instead of 96, would pay duty in future. This resoluition, he said, would add to the revenue arising from salt, £, 12,000 After fome debate, the question was then put re. spectively on the several resolutions, which were car- lied without a division. The House adjourned at half after nine o'clock. Sunday a fire broke out at a baker's in Featherstone- street, Bunhill- row, occasioned by the heating the oven which entirely consumed all his books, stock in trade, & c. and left the house a shell, but very little damaged the adjoining houses, there being strong
party walls. Yesterday afternoon fome Revenue Officers having received information of a private distillery in Dean- street, Holborn, entered the premises, and made a seizure of all the implements, & c. therein. Two men, who were at work in the place, were secured; but the master found means to make his escape over the top of the house. Yesterday a person who lately was master of a vessel, was examined before Sir W. Plomer at Guildhall, for stealing bank notes, value 130I. at Newmarket, from a horse- dealer, who lay at an inn there, and fortunately missed the notes so early, that the prisoner was pursued to London, and
the property, within about 61. found upon him. He was committed for trial at the assizes ia Cambridge. P O S T S C R I P T. FRIDAY, May 13. There is perhaps no country in Europe in which the system of finance has been carried to such an excess as in Great Britain, from the year 1584, to the prefent time; it has been under the necessity of increasing its revenue, from about two, to at least fifteen millions per annum. It is, however, fortunately the opinion of some of the first political arithmeticians, not only in this kingdom, but in France and other parts of Europe, that the State can still bear that burden, heavy as it is. But as any
considerable addition to it would probably be found unsupportable, and, at any rate, as such a system must sooner or later end in total bankruptcy, or the most grievous oppression, it is full time for the na- tion at large to consider what plan is the most likely to relieve us, and our posterity, from the danger either of infamy or distress. In consequence of a dispute on Wednesday night last, at a fashionable tavern, between a wine- merchant and a gentleman of the faculty, a duel was fought on Fri- day morning near Pancras, and the medical practitioner being wounded in the right hand at th « first shot frem his antagonist, their
friends interfered, and the matter was happily accommodated. It was Mr. Wyndham, Member for Norwich, who made the excursion with Mr. Sadlier from Moulsey Hurst. They were very near being driven out to sea, without having the power of crossing the Channel. There cannot be a stronger proof adduced in the in- nocency of Mr. Atkinson, than, that the Bankrupt leader among the fraternity of his prosecutors, is hourly fabricating means to perplex the fair and candid state of Mr. Atkinson's case, which he has submitted to public investigation. From this circumstance, there is good reason to draw conclusions, not very
favourable to his desperate accuser.
The Due de Chartres, at the late Newmarket meet- ing, came off pretty well— and as a gentleman should do— that is— without either winning or losing much. Mr. Pitt has conduced himself with no great saga- city in bringing over a number of Irish witnesses to shew that the Irish propositions will not be so favourable as supposed to the manufacturing interests of that coun- try ; but he must think all the people of this country are Irish too, if he imagines they will give much credit to a testimony so evidently interested and partial, or have confidence in a man who adopted such a measure to delude them, on a point of such
magnitude and importance. The number of petitions before the House of Com- mons against the Irish commercial propositions, amount to fifty- three. These are from the principal manufactu- ring towns of Great Britain; all of whom will have their trade seriously affected, unless ths Minister re- nounces his ill- advised project. May I, 1785. TO BE SOLD BY PRIVATE CONTRACT, The Manors of Waltham and Barnoldly- le- Beck, in the County of Lincoln, adjoining each other, with A Freehold Estate at WALTHAM; CONSISTING OF ACapital Mansion- House, and suitable Out- buildings ; also Two exceeding good Farm- Houses
and convenient Buildings, and 797 Acres, g Roods, 15 Perches of well inclosed Land, Tythe free, and which is now occupied in Three Farms, by the Names of Hall- Farm, Middle- Farm, and Peak- Farm. N. B. To suit Purchasers the two following Lots, Part of the above, may be Sold separate. LOT 1. The Middle- Farm, consisting of a good Brick and Tiled House, and 218 Acres, 1 Rood, 11 Perches of Land, in a Ring Fence, 73 Acres whereof » re Meadow and Pasture ; the Rest Arable and an ex- cellent Corn Soil. LOT 2. The Peak- Farm, consisting of 350 Acres, in a Ring Fence, a good Turnip Soil, and will grow any Kind of
Corn and Flax ; and the House bricked, tiled, and sashed, in the Centre of the Ground. Also, in Waltham aforesaid, in the following Lots, LOT 1. A Farm- House, Homestead, and Cottage, with Five Acres of rich old Inclosure, in the Possession of Mr. Raisbeck. LOT 2. Two Closes of old Pasture, called Skeene Closes, adjoining Holton Lordship, containing 12 Acres, 2 Roods, in the Possession of Luke Rayner. L0T. 3. A Cottage and Garth, in the possession of John Walker. LOT 4. A Close, used as a Skin- Yard, in the Pos- session of Mr. Healey. LOT 5. A House, Garth, and Close, in the Pos- session of Robert Farmery. LOT 6.
A House and Garden, in the Possession of William Markham. N. B. Waltham is conveniently situated for Mar- ket Towns; Eight Miles from Caistor, Ten from Louth, and Four from the Port of Grimsby : A very good Turnpike Road to the latter, where Corn may be shipped off to any Part of the Kingdom, and Coals and Lime very reasonable. Both the Manors abound with Game, and Fox Hounds and Harriers in the Neighbourhood. The Situation is pleasant, in a hilly Country, com- manding a very extensive Prospect of the Entrance of the River Humber, and the Yorkshire Side of that River for many Miles. For further Particulars
enquire at the Hall- Farm in Waltham, where a Person will be ready to shew the Premises ; of Mr. Marshal of Killinghome ; Mr. Hurneis of Laceby ; Mr. George Tennyson of Market- Raisin, all in the said County of Lincoln ; or of Mr. Dyson of Bawtry in Yorkshire. Lincoln, April it, 1785. To be Sold by AUCTION, At Mr. GEORgE WOOD'S, the Saracen's Head, in LINCOLN, On Friday the 13th Day of May next, between the Hours of Four and Six o'Clock in the Afternoon, Subject to such Conditions as will be then produced, if not before disposed of by Private Contract ; ALL that Messuage or Tenement, known by the Name of the
Black- Horse Inn, situate in the Close of Lincoln; with the Stables, Brewhouse, and other Buildings, Yard, and Garden belonging thereto, now in the Tenure of Thomas Gibson. Also, A Close of Pasture, occupied with the said Messuage, containing ( by Estimation) One Acre and a Half, lying in East- gate, in the said City. Also, A Tenement adjoining to the said Messuage, now in the Occupation of Widow Walker. The above Premises are held by Lease from the Dean and Chapter of Lincoln, for Twenty- one Years, commencing the 25th of March, 1784, at the Yearly Rent of £ 1 1 s. 4 d. For further Particulars enquire of Mess.
Rutter and Bell, in Lincoln. Lincoln, April 25, 1785. To be Sold by AUCTION, At the House of JOHN DENT, at Martin, near Timberland, in the County of Lincoln, On Saturday the 21st Day of May next, between the Hours of Twelve and Three, subject to such Conditions as will be then produced, ( if not before disposed of by Private Contract;) AVery desirable FREEHOLD ESTATE, con- sisting of a new Brick and Tiled Messuage or Tenement, with the Barns, Stables, Outbuildings and other Conveniencies, entirely new and adjoining thereto: And also divers Pieces or Parcels of old and new inclosed Land, containing together ( by
Estimation) 32 Acres: Also Six Cow Gates 011 the High Moor and Common Right on the extensive Coal- man Fenn of Martin aforesaid. For further Particulars enquire of Mr, Thomas Fulalove at Martin, who will shew the Premises or of Mess. RUTTER and BELL in Lincoln. May 1, 1785. LINCOLNSHIRE. Wintringham, Tost with Newton, Hackthorne, Theddlethorpe, and Newball, To be Sold as under- mentioned, The Manor of Wintringham, and a Freehold Estate there, CONSISTING of 2422 Acres and 36 Perches of well inclosed Land, in a high State of Culti- vation, with suitable Farm- Houses, and Outbuildings, in good Repair,
and several Cottages, let to Seventy- five Tenants from Year to Year, and includes Twenty capital Farms, and well Tenanted. N- B. The above Estate will be Sold in lots, by Private Contract, at the House of George Bell, in Wintringham, unless previously disposed of Entire, of which timely Notice will be given. The Sale to begin on Monday the 27th of June, at Nine o'Clock ia the Morning. Printed Particulars of the Lots will be ready to be delivered on Monday the 13th Day of June next, by Mr. Bassett at Glentworth : Mr. George Tennyson at Raisin ; or, Matthew Peacock at Wintringham, the latter of whom will shew the Premises.
To describe the very desirable Situation of Win- tringham, and the numerous and valuable Rights be- longing to the Manor, would exceed the Bounds of a common Advertisement, therefore they will be attend- ed to in the printed Particulars above- mentioned. The Manor of Toft with Newton, Within Ten Miles of Lincoln, and Four of Raisin ; and a Capital Freehold Estate in Toft and Newton; consisting of 1968 Acres 1 Rood 1 Perch of old inclosed Arable, Meadow, and rich Pasture Ground, with suit- able Farm- Houses and Outbuildings, and Six Cottages, let to Sixteen Tenants from Year to Year* and includes Ten convenient
Farms, and well Tenanted. This Estate will be Sold in Lots, by Private Cen- tral, at the White Hart, in Raisin, unless previously disposed of Entire, of which Notice will be given as aforesaid. The Sale to begin on Monday the 11th of July next, at Nine o'Clock in the Morning. Printed Particulars of the Lots will be ready to be delivered on Monday the 20th Day of June next, by the faid Mr. Bassett and Mr. Tennyson; and Mr. William Hodgson, or Mr. James Sawyer al Toft, will shew the Premises. * Hackthorne Freehold and Leasehold Estates, Lately advertised to be Sold Entire, Consisting of Two Farm- Houses, with convenient
Buildings, Two Cottages, and 1080 Acres 2 Roods 25 Perches of Land ; may " be now treated for and bought in two or more Lots, by Private Contract. Theddlethorpe Estate, by Private Contract, A House and Outbuildings, and several Closes and Parcels of Pasture and Meadow Ground, in the Occu- pation of Robert Sands, containing by Admeasure- ment 48 Acres, 1 Rood, and 37 Perches. Robert Sands will shew the Premises. Newball, near Lincoln, by Auction, At the Rein- Deer in Lincoln, on Friday the 17th Day of June next, between the Hours of Two and Five, a FREEHOLD ESTATE, consisting of 75 Acres 1 Rood and 7
Perches of Woodland. Thomas Emmitt, of Stainton, near the Wood, will shew the Premises. Any Person desirous of treating by Private Con- tra ® for Wintringham ENTIRE, and Toft with Newton ENTIRE, the Hackthorne Estate ENTIRE or in LOTS, and the Theddlethorpe Estate, may for Price and other Particulars enquire of Mr. Bassett, or Mr. Tennyson. LINCOLNSHIRE. TO BE SOLD BY PRIVATE CONTRACT, THREE Closes of rich Pasture Land, in North Coates, near Saltfleet,— One called Sleights Close, A- P- Containing - -- -- -- - 7 And the other Two called Horn and Male Hole, adjoining each other, and con- taining
together- ------ Total - - 24 o 34 Thomas Jekyll, the Tenant, will shew the Pre- mises; and forfurther Particulars enquire of Mr. Wil- liam Teale, Junior, of Immingham, near Caiator; Mr. William Ludlam, of Fulstow, near Louth; or Mr. William Tennyson, of Market- Raisin. A Very elegant SINGLE HORSE CHAISE, almost new, and in good Preservation, with Harness complete ; well worth the Notice of a Purchaser, be- ing very little used. Enquire of T. PRESTON. Boston, May 9, 1785. THIRTEEN healthy Children, Seven Boys and Six Girls, from Thirteen to Seventeen Years Age, to be put out Apprentices. A Premium will be given.
For Particulars enquire of the Overseers of the poor of Boston. aforesaid. Letters, Post paid, will be duly answered. HARMSTON HALL, near LINCOLN. WANTED immediately a Stone- Mason j any sober industrious Person, well skilled in that Business, may have good Wages and constant Employ- ment by applying at the above Place. LINCOLN, Friday, MAY ig. To such a daring pitch has house- breaking got to, that almost every night the inhabitants of this town are alarmed with attempts being made in some. quar- ter,— On Sunday night last the house of Mr. Cowper ; in the Minster- yard was beset by some villains, who , got
over the garden wall which led to the back door, they were providentially discovered by a young lad who sat up for Mrs. Cowper who was out; on his alarming the family the rogues retreated into the - garden, where they continued upwards of an hour! before they went off. They had a light with them, ' which was seen to cross the yard several times; on i their approach, a hoe which flood in the yard was. thrown down, and it is supposed one of them received a cut from it, as a small quantity of blood was found| upon it and on the ground ; some gunpowder and a piece of an handkerchief was found in the garden house next
morning. On Tuesday night last the house of the Rev. Mr. Sympson, in the Vicar's Court, was attempted to be robbed, but without effect. 5 The same night the shop of Mr. Marshall, clock- maker, was attempted, and a piece of the shutter broke of, it is supposed th « villains Were disturbed, as no further mischief was done. The London door- chain, so portable in its use, and necessary to prevent rushing in, is recommended to all families, as also small spring bells for the lower shutters. We hear that the inhabitants of the Bail and Close have established a night- watch of four then, who are to patrole the streets from ten to five
o'clock. On Friday last was committed to our castle, Lydia Foster, charged with stealing some handkerchiefs, and several other articles, the property of a person at Silk Willoughby, near Sleaford. And on Tuesday last was committed to the same gaol, William Fear, for stealing several fleeces of wool, the property of Mr. Witworth of Assenby, near Spilsby. Died, on Monday, Miss Ann Pettener, of this place, a maiden lady, aged 63. On the same day died, Mr. Henry Stanley, an eminent builder and joiner, aged 48. Also on the fame day died, Mrs. Lambert of Sud- brooke- Grange, widow of the late Mr. Lambert of that place. Died, a
few days ago, Mr. Greetham, of Boatham, near this City, farmer. An extraordinary fine ox was weighed a few days ago, at Sawtry, in this County, and drew up 224 stone ( at 14 pounds to the ftone) and nine pounds over. This animal is near nineteen hands high, about four years old ; and was bred upon a salt marsh in the Fens. On Tuesday se'nnight the Mayor and Corporation of Kingston- upon- Hull, called a Meeting of the in- habitants of that town and neighbourhood, to con- sider of the expediency of abolishing the garrison and where it stands to make a dock- yard for the service of government; when it was unanimously
agreed by the gentlemen present, that it might with safety be abo- lished, provided a fort was erected ; and in time of war armed ships ot floating batteries stationed near the entrance of the Humber, and a fleet of ships to cruise from Flambrough- Head to the Dogger- Bank. At Liverpool Sessions, six journeymen joiners were tried for a combination with several other journeymen in the same branch, to raise their wages ; when, after a hearing of upwards of two hours, they were all found guilty, and pursuant to the act of parliament, they were sentenced to pay the penalty of 10 I. each, within six days, or to be imprisoned twenty
days in the common goal, and during that time to be fed on bread and water only. The sailors in the port of Shields still continue in the same turbulent state ; no agreement with the maf- ters having yet taken place. It is, however, much to be lamented, that those people cannot attempt to effect their wishes, without descending to the most shocking cruelties, and being guilty of such violent ' outrages as are a disgrace to a civilized people. One man has been killed, and several others very severely. hurt by the inhuman practice of what they call Stang- ing, viz. carrying any person they may take a dis- like to, for several hours
together, across a pole, which they jerk up and down, just as mere wanton- mess prompts them. Only two ships have been able to go to sea, though a great number are lying ready loaden for that purpose. We hear from Cork, that a large Guinea man belong- ng to Bristol, being last January at Old Calabar, on the Windward coast of Africa, where she took in a number of slaves, the crew mutinied, confined their officers, and put to sea, with an intent to sell the cargo at some od the Spanish settlements in the West- Indies. But while they were debating how they should dispose of their late commanders, a strong S. W. wind drove
them near the coast of Morocco, where they were taken by two pira- tical corsairs, and carried into Marmora. Thefs wretches have paid dearly for this atrocious act, being all sent up the country as slaves; but the Captain and Officers have been released, at the instance of Mr. Da- billenove, the French Consul, who accepted bills on ! their owners, and advanced them money sufficient ti> provide necessaries for their return, with the first op- portunity. This intelligence was brought by a Portu- gueze brig from Madeira, who, on the aoth of March spoke with a Dutchman, bound from Salee to Rotter- dam, with the unfortunate Captain
and his Officers on Loven der Charls " This with mi kind lov to yow, is to tel yow after all our sport and fun i am lik to pay fort; for i am with child, and wereof my sister Nan knos it, and cals me hore and bich and is redy to ter mi sol owt; and Curs Jack Seny kices her evry tim he corns ashor, and the faci dog wold have lade with me to, but i wold not let him, for 1 will be alwas honest to yow. therefor ! der Charls cum ashor, and let us be marred to safe mi, yartu : and if yow have no moni i will paun mi new 1 stais, and sel mi to new smocks yow gav me, and that will pay the parson, and find us a dinner, and pray der der Charls com
ashor ; and, der Charli, dont be fraed for want of a ring, for i hav stol owr Nans, and the nasty tod shal never have it mor ; for she tels about that i am goin to hav a bastard : and god Bles yowr lovin sol cum ashor, for i longs to be marred accordin to yowr promis, stil i will be yowr vartUs wife tel death. Sarah Hartrop. Pray dont let yowr mefmat Jack fe this, if yow do, hel tel owr Nan, and fliel ter my hart owt then, far fh; is a divil at me now. board. To the PRINTER. THE following epistle was written by a girl at Deal, to her sweet- heart, a sailor, 011 board a man of war in the Downs. The simpliciiy of her ex- pression gave me some
diversion on the first reading ; on the second I could not help comparing her senti- ments with those of Ovid's heroines, and found them much the same, when the latter were stript of the polite dress which their courtly secretary had given them. The lieutenant of the ship, who communicated it, found it on board twisted up with tobacco in it; by which it should seem, that our seafaring spark had as little regard for his mistress, after enjoyment, as if he had been of a more illustrious rank. The following Lines were sent us with the. Letter, which we suppose were designed as a Parallel. DEAR object of my love, whose manly charms;
With bliss ecstatick fill'd my circling arms 1 The bliss is past ; and nought for me remains, But dire reproach, and never pity'd pains. For ( nature baffling ev'ry art I try'd) My sister has my growing shame descry'd ; E'en she assails me with opprobrious name, When the prude's conscious she deserves the same : Her loose associate, sated from her flies, And vainly to seduce my virtue tries. True as a wife, I only want the name ; O haste and wed me, and preserve my fame. Unlike most modern matches ours shall be, From settlements, the lawyers fetters, free; I'll quit my all and be Content with thee. Then haste away and strike
detraction dead ; The nuptial feast awaits you, and the bed : Nor fear the band that will endure for life, With me your loving and your faithful wife. POSTSCRIPT. These earned dictates of my anxious heart; I beg you will not to your friend impart; For oft beneath fair friendship's specious show The traitor lurks, the undermining foe. BANKRUPTs Thomas Holland, of Birmingham, Warwickshire plater. Charles Kloprogge, of Hertford- street, May- fair, . Middlesex, money- scrivener. Joseph Oliver and William Oliver, of Sudbury, Suffolk, upholsterers. William Home, of Oxford, vintner. Thomas Dixon, of Monkwearmouth Shore, Durham,
ship- builder. Thomas Chapman, of Feversham, Kent, dealer. William Brumby, of Chapel Milton, Derby, dealer. John Watson, of Thetford, Norfolk, grocer. Francis Wilkins, of Salisbury, Wilts, haberdasher. Peter M'Taggart, of Sherborne- lane, London, insu- rance- broker. HULL MAY TI. Coasters arrived. Dun, Season ; Teignmouth, Grundy ; Amity, Har- row ; Freedom, Thorney ; Rochdale; Rogers; Queen, Stow; Two Bro- thers, Vinson ; Sally, Staniland ; Jemima, Apple- yard ; and Swallow, Pierpoint, from London.— Jane, Hall, from Yarmouth.- Experiment, Duncan, from Borrowstoness— Beaufoy, Cavell, from Sunderland.—
Providence, M'Eiver, from Stornaway.— Oak, Tall, from Boston. Coasters failed. Molly, Hare, for Ipswick.— Young John, Ward, for Scarbro'.— James and Mary, Bai- ley, for Rochester— Experiment, Wilson ; Industry, Hood; Thomas and Sally, Parkins; Mould, Ma- son ; Active, Stocks ; Mary, Meggitt; Cawood- Castle, Smith; Nottingham, Wilkinson ; Nancy, Richardson ; and Hope, Winter, ( or London.— Lovely Nelly, Primrose, for Alloa.— Expedition, Broom, for Yarmouth.— Adventure, Tate, for Whit- by.— Friends- Goodwill, Briggs ; Swan, Thompson ; and Polly, Hunter, for Newcastle. GAINSBOROUGH, May 12. Coasters
arrived. Leicester, John Woodhouse ; Choice, Robert Pindar ; , Joseph Thompson ; and Ecton, John Simms, from London. Coasters sailed. Polly, John Dunting ; Blandinah, Thomas Wilkinson ; Providence, John Corringham and Favourite, James Mofgrave, for London. Prices of Stocks. Baak Stock 3 per Cent. Red. 56 j- half. 3 per Conf. 37 3- 4ths. 4 per Cent. 1777, 73. Bank L. Ann. 17 17— i6ths— India Bonds, 2s.— New Navy, II 3- 4ths. Prices of CORN at LONDON. Per Quarter. Wheat 26s to 43s. od.— Rye 24s. to 26s. od.—• Oats 13s. to iSs. od.— Barley t8s. to 22^. od Malt 30s. to 32s. od.— Grey Pea fe 23s. to 25s.
od.— Boiling Peafe 34s.— Tick Beans 22s, to 24s.— Small ditto 263. to 28s. 6d.— Tares— s. Fine Flour 35s. to 37s. per Sack. LEEDS. Wheat per Load ( 3 Bufhels) 15s. od. to 18s. fiii Rye per Load, lis. 6d. to 12s. 6d.— Beans pe? Loa'l, 9s. 6d. to las. 6d. Oats per Quarter; ( 18 Bufliels) 15s. od. tons. od.— Barley, to Prices of Corn By the Quarter. Wheat Rve Barley Oats Beans. Lincoln, < te Newark
For the LINCOLN GAZETTEER. Answer to the Riddle in your Last Week's Paper. YE sisters nine my prayer attend, With speed to my assistance send Some aid, that I without a doubt, May find this puzzling riddle out. Oft had I try'd, nay try'd again, And with conjecture fill'd my brain, But yet no certain thing could find r On NOTHING cou'd I fix my mind- Should I attempt in verse to sing, The pleasures which attend the Spring; In vain I sit me down to write, For Nothing sure can I indite. If chance I meet the blooming maid, Whose matchless charms my heart betray'd: In vain I sighing plead my love, But Nothing will her pity move.
Now should I ask if I am right, In thinking Nothing was the sprite ? The studious bard perhaps will say, Why, sure, you're Nothing in the way. But since I now have set my mind On this same Nothing in its kind ; I hope to find my answer right, « Or Nothing must my pains requite. FASCICULUS. Lincoln, May 9, 1785. The Amusement of YOUNG MEN. GAMING, swearing, talking, drinking, Shooting, hunting— never thinking; Chattering nonsense all day long ; Humming half an opera song; Chusing baubles, rings and jewels, Writing verses! fighting duels; Mincing words in conversation ; Ridiculing all the nation Admiring their own
pretty faces, As if possess'd of all the Graces; And tho' no bigger than a rat, Peeping under each Girl's har. ELiZA. SONG— By two Ballad- Singers, on Monday evening at the Masquerade. * I'VE here worn a mask for a twelvemonth or more, And have chang'd it as whim led the way : But whate'er was the form of the mask that I wore, My heart it was frolic and gay. The World is a great Masquerade, as I think, And our faces but masks to our mind ; So we laugh and we frown, and we ogle and wink, To conceal the false urchin behind. But our features and names we at present lay by, That ourselves as ourselves we may know ; '
Tis the moment of truth, come then, court us and try, If we like you, we will not say— no. Then fill up the measure with joy and delight, Give the imp in your bosoms fair play ! Let love and sinccrity govern the night, And hypocrisy come with the day. A Gentleman having purchased some land belong- ing to certain Townships in Ireland, attempted to make some improvements on them by way of inclo- fures, & c. but as the measure was unpopular among the Levellers of that Country, they, without leave or ceremony, took the liberty of demolishing his fenccs. Whereupon he inserted in the public Irish papers, the following droll,
whimsical, and very humorous adver- tisement : " Whereas I Col. Thomas Crow have been truly informed, that several atrocious, audacious, nefarious, pestiferous, infamous, intrepid, night- walking, garden- robbing, immature peach- stealing, poaching rascals, all the spawn of thieves, and cubs of hell, do frequent- ly, villainously, and burglariously assemble themselves in my boats in the river Tullymore, there boating, piping, plunging, fighting, cursing, swearing, sab- bath- breaking, whoremongering, and duck- hunting, with many other shameful enormities and illicit acts, that the modesty of my pen cannot express. This is
therefore to give you all notice, reptiles, scoundrels, raggamuffins, poltroons, whoremongers, adulterers, lank- jaw'd, herring- gutted Plebeians, That if you, or any of you, dare set foot in my boats, or any part of my property, I will send Myrmidons like Tritons, who shall assail you in the deep and plunge you in the great abyss called Aull's Hole. Then will I consign you to Charon, who shall ferry you over Styx, and deliver you to the archdevil Lucifer, at the place of his infer- nal caldron, there to be boiled in the fat bitumen of Vesuvius, to be dredged with the sulphur of Caucasus, and to be roasted eternally before the everburning
embers of Etna. Hear ye, hear ye, hear ye, Darians, Delicarian. s, Capercurians, and Tullymorians, base- born scoundrels of whatsoever nation ye be, return me my bog- sticks, or by the Gods, the immortal Gods I swear, I will fend my man Jacob to Babylon for bloodhounds fiercer than tygers. With these, mounted on my famous horse Rattail, with my cutting sabre in my hand, I will hunt you through Europe, Asia, Afri- ca, and America, until I centre you in my new- found- land, where the Devil himself shall not find you. Then will I mount my Gazebo, and in the heighth of my wrath to the Gods will I declare what rascals ye have
been. To the P' R I N T E R. AMONG the tribe of travellers and writers rela- tive to the natives of America, they uniformly agree that the Indians do all by memory only ; and that our mode of conveying information to absent friends by writing is to them incomprehensible ; but this is true only with respect to the natives of Africa ( a lower order, and a more ignorant race of men) for they say Beckera ( i. e. white man) make pen, and pen make paper talk! But it is otherwise with the native Indians of America ; for they have not only the art of writing among themselves, but in some measure sur- pass them, for they write to the
understanding of men of all nations, while ours is confined to men of this or that particular country. You know, Sir, that be- fore I wandered among the more polished nations, my first foreign trip was to America, where walking in the woods, near the head of the River Savannah, at Georgia, I found tied to a tree a bit of bastard Cedar, on which, in a very uncouth manner, several figures were delineated. The first was the figure of a canoe, and under it were two rows ( one under the other) of lines or notches, thus— i I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I The next an Indian hut, under which were near forty notches; the third was the figure of a
man laid down, and under him were eight notches ; fourthly were two men, one leading the other by a firing, and under the captive figure were four notches ; the fourth mark seemed to represent the tail of some Animal *, with two notches under it; and lastly, was the figure of a woman and a child, tied as the man above ; under the woman were three notches, and under the child thir- teen. You may be sure, ignorant as I then was, and still am, I knew that this tablet was not placed there without some meaning, and' therefore I brought it away with me, and it fortunately turned out to be my Horn Book ( for I never got much farther in
the business) to learn the art of decyphering, as I soon discovercd by it, that the Upper Creek Indians had been upon a canoe expedition against their enemies;— that they went with ten canoes, and ten men in each ; that they had surprised an enemy's town, with near forty huts in it; that they had killed eight men, taken four pri- foners, and brought them away alive ; that they had scalped two men, and brought off three women and thirteen children. But after having hastily satisfied myself that I had read their letter, I began to suspect I had made too quick a conclufion ; and while I was re- considering the matter, I happened to
turn to the other fide of the shingle, and there I found one man down, and two notches under him, which confirmed my first reading; for it showed that they had lost two of their party. And now, I will leave you and your readers to determine, whether the modern Indians in America are not as good Secretaries as the ancient Egyptians ; or whether any of our American Gene- rals, from General Gage, down to. General Disengage, ever sent us so fair, so concise, so clear, and so satis- factory a return of their killed, wounded, and prisoners, as this Indian Gazette Extraordinary, which I found tied to a Spruce- Pine tree, near the
Apalachian moun- tains in America ; and which was left there, and pro- bably some in many other places, to inform the out- scouts of their nation of the success of their expedi- tion; nor should I, at that time, have been alarmed if they had found the tablet upon me. I could easily have drawn a tree, and a bit of wood tied to it, and their own eyes would have convinced them I was only A WANDERER. P. S. I intend soon, now that I have made you ac- quainted with the Indian Alphabet, to give you the hiftory of L— d N h's war in the language. Nay, don't be alarmed ; it shall also be comprised within the small compass of an
American shingle. A shingle is what they cover houses with ; and with a shingle I will describe the whole war, from the destruction of the tea- chest in Boston- harbour, down to the destruction of the British Empire by L— d N h & Co. * A Scalp. To be SOLD by Auction, By Mr. PRESTON, On Monday the 30th Day of May, 1785, and the following Day, At the Dwelling- House of the late Mr. Joseph Tonge, of Stapleford, in the County of Lincoln, All the HOUSHOLD FURNITURE, & c. Consisting of Bedsteads with Harrateen, Cheney, Check and other Furniture ; excellent Goose Feather Beds and Bedding; Mahogany and other
Chests of Drawers; Dining, Card, Tea, and other Tables ; Chairs, Look- ing Glasses, & c.— Also a complete Assortment of good Kitchen Furniture, and other useful Articles, together with Glass, China, and Earthen Ware. The Sale to begin at Eleven o'Clock. RIVER WITHAM, LINCOLNSHIRE. AVIEW of the State thereof from the Grand Sluice at Boston to Lincoln, of the several Side Becks and Drains running into the same, and the dif- ferent Works belonging to the General Drainage, will be taken on Thursday the 6th Day of June next, at Six o'Clock in the Morning, and the Two following Days; when the Attendance of fucb
Noblemen and Gentlemen who are General Commissioners for Drain- age is requested. By Order of the said General Commissioners, BANKES, CLERK. May, 1785. BOSTON, LINCOLNSHIRE. For READY MONEY only, WAREHOUSE is opened for the Sale of good A and approved Spirituous Liquors, where the Public may be advantageously supplied with any quan- tity not less than two gallons. • s. d. Brandy - - - 6 6 per Gallon Gin 4s. 6 d. to 6 6 ditto Wiskey - - - 56 ditto Peppermint - - 56 ditto Anniseed - - - 56 ditto And other Compounds; By JOHN LANE, DEALER and IMPORTER. These Liquors are so capital in their
smell and taste, that some nice Judges have not been able to distinguish them from the best Brandy and Gin that are imported : The Brandy and Wilkey also make excellent Punch. N. B. JAMAICA RUM, FRENCH BRANDY and HOLLANDS GENEVA, neat as imported. SKIDBROKE, LINCOLNSHIRE. To be Sold by Auction, AT the House of Mr. John Sewel in Saltfleet, on Friday the 17th Day of June next,. between the Hours of Two and Four of the Clock in the After- noon, subject to such Conditions as shall be then pro- daced, if not sooner disposed of by Private Contract, of which timely Notice will be given : A Messuage in
Skidbroke, with the Homestead, Garden, and a Close of Pasture Ground, containing together by Estimation, about Five Acres, and in the Tenure of Henry Woodford. And one other Messuage in Skidbroke, with the Homestead, Garden, and a Close of pasture Ground, containing together by Estimation, about Eight Acres, in the Tenure of Matthew Parish. The respective Tenants will shew the Premises. N. B. Each House is entitled to Right of Common for Twenty- four Sheep, a Mare, and a yearling Foal, on the extensive commonable Lands of Skidbroke and Saltfleet. *** For Price and other Particulars apply to Mr. Phillips,
Attorney at Law, in Louth. And to be Sold by PRIVATE CONTRACT, Four Assignments for'/ ioo each, of the Tolls arising on the Lincoln Turnpike Road, called the North East Di- li riQ ; and two othsr Assignments for/ 75 each, of the Tolls arising on the Turnpike Road from Donington High Bridge to Langret Ferry, in the County of Lincoln. *** For Treaty apply to Mr. Chapman, Attorney, in Spilsby ; Mr. Lely, Attornty, in Lincoln, or the faid Mr. Phillips in Louth. April 12, 1785. to be A FREEHOLD ESTATE, Situate at Faldingworth, in the County of Lincoln; CONSISTING of a Farm- House, with convenient Out- buildings, a Cottage house, and upwards of Two Hundred and Seventy- nine Acres of Arable, Meadow and Pasture Land. The Premises are in the several Possessions of Thomas Turnell and Widow Broxelby, who will shew the same. Further Particulars may be had of Mr. Pashley, Attorney at Law, at East Retford, Nottinghamshire. THE CELEBRATED ORIENTAL VEGETABLE CORDIAL. THIS MEDICINE is particularly efficacious in relieving all fudden and painful disorders of the Stomach and Bowels, whether caufed by irritation, in- digeftion, or excess; and is fo perfectly harmless in its nature, that whether the disorder be the effect of cold or
inflammation, it may be used with the utmost fafety. It effectually corrects the Bile, and of course removes the numberless and grievous symptoms with which bilious Patients are afflicted ; and which gene- rally constitute the cases that are described under the various denominations of Nervous, Hysterical, and Hypochondriacal. This invaluable Cordial will restore the digestive faculties of the Stomach, whether it be relaxed by habitual intemperance, or enfeebled by natural infir- mity, and if taken when inconvenience is felt, either from occasional irregularity, or from the frequent, and sudden changes in the temperature of the air,
to which English constitutions are peculiarly subject, it would reduce the catalogue of diseases, and make the use of any other Medicine unnecessary. Sold by Mr. Cornwell, Patentee, as his House, No. 13, Conduit- street, Hanover- square, LONDON, ( removed from Fleet- street) in bottles of 5 s. and 10 s. 6 d. or the quantity of Six Bottles, 11. 3 s. 3d. with proper directions. Allowances are made to those who buy quantities. The above valuable Cordial is also sold by ROSE and DRURY, Printers, Lincoln ; Mr. Taylor, Ret- ford ; Mr. Booth, Caistor ; Mr. Ellis and Mr. Weir, Horncastle ; Mr. Marsh and Mr. Sheardown, Louth ; and
George Briton, Newsmen from Lincoln to Louth. Mr. Hill's Ormskirk Medicine. THIS genuine Medicine, for the Cure of the Bite of a Mad Dog, & c. in Man and Beast, is pre- pared by Miles Barton, Surgeon, in Ormskirk. The most scrupulous may be satisfied, by applying to each of his Venders, that from 1778, to February the 4th, 1785, eleven thousand four hundred and fourteen Packets have been sold and administered with the greatest Success. Packets, for Man and Beast, are retailed at as. 8d. ( Duty included) and for Dogs at half Price. SOLD by Mr. Cornweli, No. 198, Fleet- street ; Mr. Bolton, Front of the Royal- Exchange;
Mr. Durham, Stationer, Cockspur- street, Charing- cross ; Mr. Denham, Stationer, Shadwell High- street ; and no where else in London. Jacob, Peterborough ; Musent, Grantham ; Rowlandwythers, Spalding; Norrise, Surgeon, Hull; Barton, Horncastle ; Steven- son, Newark; Taylor, Retford; Cooke, Mansfield; Marshall, Druggist, Market- Place, Nottingham ; Cal- low, Chesterfield; Saxelsby, Derby ; Eller, Lough- borough ; Smith, Doncafter ; Pearfon, Sheffield ; Bowling, Printer, and Medley, Druggist, Leeds; Blanchard and Comp. Printers, York ; Howgrave, Stamford ; Doubleday, Southwell ; Lomax, Bing- ham ; Baines, Bawtry ;
Wilson, Poft- Office, Rother- ham; Heaton, Market Raison ; Burgess, Boston; Sheardown, Louth; and Turner, Ollerton. Also by ROSE ( 3 DRURY, Printers, LINCOLN, and J. TAYLOR, Printer and Bookseller, EAST RETFORD. Of whom may be had, A. ANDERSON's true Scots Pills, is. Batcman's Drops, which give immediate Relief in the mojl racking Pains of the Rheumatism, Gout, ( 3c. is. Bathing Spirits for Strains and Bruises, 6d. British Oil, an effeEtual Remedy for Strains, Ulcers, old Sores, Swellings, ( 3c. is. British Herb Snuff, in Canisters at is 3d, or small Boxes at 6d. British Herb Tobacco, in Quarterns at is 3d, or in Tw
» penny Papers. Bott's Corn Salve, 6d. Brooke's Ague Drops, 2s. Bailey's Patent Blacking Cakes, 6d. Best Cedar Pencils. - Bassoon and Hautboy Reeds. Cephalic Snuff, 6d. a Bottle. Court Sticking Plaister. Cake Ink, by Smith and Son, 6d. Daffy's Original Elixir, by Dicey is. 4d. Ditto, by Spilsbury, Chymist, & c. Newark, II < 4. Ditto, by Brooke, London, 153d. Essence of Peppermint, is. Egyptian Balsam for old Wounds and Ulcers, is iji. Freebairne's Antiscorbutic Drops, 6s. Fifes. Godfrey's Cordial, 6d. Greenough's Tincture for cleaning the Teeth, I8> Ditto, for curing the Tooth Ach, is. Green Hat- casing. Hatfield's Tincture for
Cuts, Strains, ( Sc. is. Hill's Balsam of Honey for Coughs and Colds, is. Honeywood's Tincture for Cleansing and Preserving the Teeth. Sold only in Lincoln, by Rose and Drury, Printers, & c. near the Stone- Bow ; and' by o « Trader in moji Towns in Great- Britain and Ireland. Price 6d. the Bottle. Hooper's Female Pills, is. Issue Plaisters, by Sandwell, it. Ditto, by Bowden, is. Ink for marking Linen. India Rubber. Japan Ink, 6d. Jackson's Tincture for Coughs and Asthmas, it, James's Fever Powders, ss 6d. Kendrick's Worm Cakes, 1 s. Le Coeur's Imperial Oil for Cuts, green Wounds, ( 3 c. ss 6A Maredant's Drops, by Norton, will
perfectly cure the most inveterate Leprosy, Scurvy, old Sores, or Ulcers;, the Evil, Fistulas, Piles, Pimpled faces, ( 3c. Pr. 6s. Oriental Vegetable Cordial, for violent Pains in * ht Bowels, 5s. Pectoral Lozenges of Tolu, is. Pullin's Antiscorbutic Pills, ss 6d. Purging Pills, is. J Female Pills, is. Pounce, and Pounce Horns. Radcliff's Purging Elixir, is. Rock's Viper Drops, a balsamic, strengthening, and restoring Composition, 3s. Rock's Asthmatic Elixir, for Coughs, Difficulty if Breathing, ( 3c. is. Royal Tooth Powder, is. Steers's Opodeldock for Sprains, ( 3c. ts Sd. Stoughton's Drops, is. Spilsbury's Antiscorbutic Drops, 4s. Smith's
Smelling Medicine for the Itch, is 61. Corn Salve, as 6d and is 6d. Sujah's China Japan Blacking Balls, 6d. Scott's Superfine Water Colours, in Pots and Cakes, prepared as in China. Real superfine Indian Ink. Liquid Colours for Maps and Plans. Best Camel- hair Pencils ; with all Things necessary for colouring and drawing. Sealing Wax, Wafers, and Wafer Paper. Shining Sand. Turlington's Balsam of Life, is gd. Vandour's Nervous Pills, 2s 6d. Walker's Jesuit's Drops, 2S 6d. Violin Strings, and Bridges. %* All Medicines which sell for a less Sum 0KM si6d, pay 3d Duty: If for 2s 6d and under js, 6d Duty: If for 5s or upward, is
Duty. Lincoln. Messrs. Rose and Drury, Mr. Johnson, Bookbinder Mess. Scatcherd & Whitaker, Ave- maria- lane, London. Mr. Jacob, Printer, Peterborough. Mr. Cowper, Bookseller, Cambridge. Mr. Gatliffe, Hair- dresser, Bourn. Mrs. Whaley, Bookseller, Grantham. ADVERTISEMENTS, & c. are taken in by the following Persons, of whom this Paper may be had Weekly ; Mr. Rose, Printer, Sleaford. Mr. Gregg, Long Sutton Mr. Burgess, Printer & Bookseller, Boston. Mr. Albin, Printer, Spalding. Mr. Dixon, Chequer Inn, Holbeach. Mr. Heaton, Market Raisin: Mr. Booth, Bookseller, Caistor. Mrs. Swallow, Bookseller, Brigg. Mr.
Cheetham,' Saddler, Barton. Mr. Ferraby, Printer and Bookseller, Hull. Mr. Western, Hair- dresser, Wragby. Mr. Ellis andMr. Weir, Horncastle. Mr. Gibbons, Tattershall. Mr. Marlh and Mr. Sheardown, Louth. Mrs. Ward, Spilsby. Mr. Allin, and Messrs. Drury, Newark. Mr. White, Hair- dresser, Gainsborough. Mr. Clarke, Ironmonger, Tuxford. Mr. Taylor, Printer & Bookseller, Retford. Mr. Baines, Hair- dresser, Bawtry. Mr. Parker, Ironmonger, Worksop. Mr. Sheppard, Bookseller, Mansfield. Mr. Turner, Grocer, Ollerton. Mr. Tupman, Printer, Nottingham. Mr. Calow, Chesterfield. Mr. Drewry, Printer, Derby, Mr. Adams, Bookseller,
Loughborough. Mr. Smith, Bookseller, Doncaster. Mr. Gales, Printer and Bookseller,. Sheffield. Messrs. Ogle and Smith, Booksellers, Leeds Mr. Wilson, Bookseller, Rotherham. Mr. Todd and Mr. Spence, York. Also at Garraway's CofFee- house, Exchange Alley, Cornhill; the London Coffee- house, Ludgate- hill; the Chapter Coffee- house, Pater- n This Paper, with the greatest Expedition, is circUlated into most of the Towns and Villages throughout the several Counties of lincoln, oster- row ; and the Red Lion Inn, Aldersgate- street; where it may be seen every Week Nottingham, derby, Leicester, northampton, Rutland,
Huntingdon, Cambridge, .