Lincoln Gazetteer
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Lincoln Gazetteer
Date of Article: 01/04/1785
Printer / Publisher: Ross and Drury
Address: Opposite the Bank near the Stone-Bow
Volume Number: 1
Issue Number: 40
No Pages: 4
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LINCOLN Or, Public THe only Newspaper GAZETTEER Advertiser. printed at LINCOLN. t 40 LINCOLN: Printed and Sold by ROSE and DRURY, opposite the Bank near the Stone- Bow. Sold also by J. TAYLOR, Printer, EAST RETFORD, NOTTINGHAMSHIRE. Advertisements, not exceeding Twenty Lines, are inserted at four Shillings and Six- pence each Time, and Three- pence for every four Lines above Twenty.; ! FRIDAY, April 1, 1785. [ Ready Money for Advertisements. ] SATURDAY'S POST. LONDON, Thursday, MARCH 24. Extract of a Letter from Philadelphia, Feb. 1. By a resolution of the American Congress,
agreed to the 23d of Dec. last, the sum of one hundred thousand dollars is to be appropriated to the purpose of erecting suitable buildings on the banks of either side of the river Delaware, not more than eight miles above or below the falls thereof. A lot of ground not exceeding three square miles, is ordered to be finished in an elegant manner, a foedral house for assembly of Congress, and for the executive officers thereof; a house for the President of Congress, and others for the Secretary of foreign affairs, Secretary at War, Secretary at Congress, Secretary of the MA- rine, and officers of the Treasury ; lots to be appro priated for houses to Delegates from the several States, which houses are to be built at the expence of the States— The Congress to sit at New- York, where they met the 11th of January last, until the new buildings are ready for their reception." By an express from Paris, we learn that the Empe- ror's troops have begun their march against the Dutch territories. Maestricht, and the adjacent country, it is supposed, will be the first scenes of hostilities. Thus war seems to be commenced, without a doubt. It is the general opinion on the Continent, that the Queen of France is in a very disagreeable situation, as to political matters—
Her Majesty is so strongly at- tached to the Austrian interest, that she seems deter- mined to support it at all events. A negotiation is now on foot between Comte de Mercy, the Imperial Ambassador at Paris, and the Archbishop of Toulouse, whose family connexions are equally numerous and powerful. The terms are that of a Cardinal's hat, by the recommendation of the Emperor, shall be procured for the French prelate, and a seat at the council- board, provided he enters into a solemn engagement to support the Imperial cause, with all his credit. The House of Austria hopes by this means to turn the scale in their favour, by
weaning the French King from the Dutch interest, or at least to occasion such dissentions in the Cabinet of Versailles, as may suspend a final determination, whilst the Emperor will secure an op- portunity of fishing, as the proverb says, in troubled waters. , HOUSE of LORDS. Tuesday, March 23. Lord Effingham moved for leave to bring in a bill for the relief of insolvent debtors, now under confine- ment. He adduced some arguments on the necessity, and enumerated the objects, principles, and expediency of this measure. Lord Loughborough spoke against the motion, and particularly against some part of the construction of
the bill. Lord Chancellor rose and spoke against the bill in its present shape, but, at the same time, observed that if the bill was now withdrawn and modified in the manner which it was known his wish was for such a bill to be, he did not think that when it was so brought forward again by the noble Lord, that he would offer any objection against its passing that House. But in its present state he could not give it his consent. Lord Effingham therefore withdrew the bill for the purpose of having it modified agreeable to the desire and intimation of the Lord Chancellor. Lord Sydney moved that their Lordships should re- solve themselves
into a Committee to consider on the bill for appointing three Commissioners to enquire into the fees, perquisites, and emoluments of the pub- lic offices, in order to investigate their abuses, and to report where and what extent of reform was necessary for correcting their corruption, and reducing their enormity. His Lordship spoke on the necessity of this motion, from the enormity of fees that were paid to the different officers in these departments under the pretence of dispatching the public business. After some discourse the motion was agreed to, and the House then adjourned. HOUSE OF COMMONS. Tuesday, March 22. The
notice given by Lord Surry last week, that he would on this day move that the House should be call- ed over, and the defaulters taken into custody, did not procure that numerous attendance which it was calcu- lated to produce ; no more than 150 members were in the House at half past three o'clock, when the doors were locked, that the clerk might take down the names of thofe then present, and put them into a glass for the purpose of a ballot for a committee to try the me- rits of the Buckinghamshire election. Of all the mem- bers present, forty- fix only were compellable to stand the chance of having their names drawn out of
the glass ; the others being all excusable from age, or of- fice, or from having already served during this session on election committees. The House was therefore under the necessitv of adjourning, in obedience to the Grenville act. The ballot of course stands over till to- morrow. Dublin, March 17. This day, the Volunteer corps mustered at the Royal Exchange, and from thence marched to his Majesty's Park the Pheonix, where they were reviewed by the Adjutant Gen. Smyth. It must give general satisfaction to the friends of Ireland, to find that on this occasion they proved their ardor no way abated ; and from the numbers which
assembled, and the manner in which they performed their different evolutions, they displayed a military spirit and know- ledge, worthy the protectors of a free and independant nation. May they ever continue the glory of Ireland, and the admiration of surrounding nations. The late vacancy in the King's band, is filled up by the appointment of Mr. Parsons, the singing master. He plays upon no instrument, and consequently is not of a description to be entitled to that situation. The Lord Chamberlain, however, from the use Mr. Parsons made of his voice, when he taught Lady Salisbury, said, he might be considered as a PIPER !"
Yesterday morning his Majesty took an airing on , horseback from the Queen's house, and returned about twelve o'clock. The following extraordinary affair happened a few days since at an eminent merchant's, not far from Lom- bard- street:— One of the clerks, who was deeply in love with the house- keeper, after having in vain en- deavoured to persuade her to marry him, took the op- portunity while she was gone to market of fastening a staple to the top of her room, and hung himself thereto, where he remained suspended during the space of twenty minutes ; at which time she returned, and seeing him hanging, she
swooned away without ever speaking, or making the least noise ; the cook having some business wiih the house- keeper followed soon after, where as soon as she saw them, she fainted away in the like manner; in this wretched condition they remained for a short time, when luckily the butler came in, who seeing them in such a situation, with great presence of mind called for assistance, and cut down the poor unfortunate clerk, who, after being put to bed, and the means prescribed by the. Humane So- ciety being practised for about two hours, he began to shew signs of life, and is likely to get better; the house- keeper lies
dangerously ill. On Tuesday evening last, at a house of fashionable resort, near St. James's, a young nobleman laid a con- siderable bett, that he would hop, or stand, upon one foot only, for the space of forty- five minutes; which he lost by almost a quarter of an hour. SUNDAY'S POST. LONDON, Friday, MARCH 25. Extract of a Letter from Paris, March 15. " The real case of poor Beaumarchais is, that how. ever strange you may think it of a modern Prince, Monsieur, the King's brother, is a writer. The per- sonalities contained in the Follies of a Day appeared in so odious a light, that his Royal Highness published some satirical
strictures, highly reflecting both on the author and his play. Beaumarchais felt the sting, and retorted, by circulating an answer, a copy of which he had the impudence to inclose for the Prince, directed to " The Great Man— Little Scribbler,'' and other epithets, equally disrespescful.— The Prince, greatly incensed at the scurrilous abuse thrown out against him, said his complaint before the King, insisting upon Beaumarchais being duly punished, or that he would take care to have the writer caned to death in less than twenty- four hours. His Majesty's resentment keeping pace with that of his brother, he ordered the author to be
instantly committed to the house of correction. Upon the Minister expostulating with the Monarch on the disgrace of so vile a punishment, and mentioning the Bastile, the King waxed warm, and with a volley of energic oaths, exclaimed, " the Bastile is too good for such a wretch ; to the house of correction, I say ; I'll not hear a single word on the subject." The Royal mandate was instantly complied with, and Beau- marchais confined to the house of Si. Lazare. It is imagined that he will not stay long, as he has power- ful friends at Court, who will watch an opportunity to procure his release." Extract of a Letter from Granada, Dec.
21. " This day, about five minutes past two in the af- ternoon, we had a severe shock of an earthquake. The houses were put in motion, like trees in a windy day. No lives were lost. Several sugar- works are rent from top to bottom. Similar shocks were felt at Barbadoes and Trinidad the same day. I am in- formed the earth, in one part of the island has sunk considerably." HOUSE of LORDS. Thursday, March 24. His Majesty gave the Royal assent to several bills. Passed Perth and Beverley road bills. Heard counsel further in the cause between Sir James Nasmyth, Bart, appellant, and John Sampson and others, respondents.
Heard counsel for the re- spondents in part, and proceed on Monday se'nnight. Adjourned to Monday se'nnight. HOUSE OF COMMONS. Thursday, March 24. A sufficient number of Members not attending to ballot for the undue election for Bucks, ths House ad- journed till to- morrow. Some people have gone the absurd length of saying, that the present administration never have done any good thing in the whole period of their official exist- ence. Surely if any of the numerous class of people, who had conspired to disseminate such an affertion, had been in the house of Peers yesterday, when the Royal assent was given to
such bills as were ready for him, they would instantly have retracted so unhand- some an opinion. The Royal Head was not fatigued as heretofore, during the administration of your mere heavy laborious ministers, by nodding assent to twenty or thirty bills in the course of one single half- hour.— No, These wiser Rulers scorned so to discompose the front of royalty, and gave him the trouble of his le- gislative shake not more than three times at most. Is this no merit ? Did the factious opposition ever disco- ver so delicate an apprehension of Royal fatigue ? Never. They were base enough to introduce, not unfrequently, thirty bills
at a time. Query, Under the pretence of industry, was not this an attack upon the realm, or perhaps, upon the life of the King ? The following paiticulars relating to the horrid mur- der committed by Ryal and his wife, at Warminster, on their daughter, as mentioned in a former paper, are extracted from an account published in the Bath Chronicle of Tuesday, " That Ryal is near 50 years of age, and his wife about 30, who is step- mother to the deceased and two other children by a former wife; that she has three children bv Ryal whom she treated kindly, while those of her husband have been used in a most cruel and bar- barous
manner, and during the whole of this hard win- ter have been forced to deep in a stable, wiih food barely sufficient to keep them alive :— that in the ab- sence of ihe father who attended markets and fairs with his cakes, & c. she beat them cruelly, and used the most inhuman threats to all the three, and that the de- ceased, who was nearly 16 years of age, appears, to be the only sacrifice ;— that Monday se'nnight the father applied to the sexton to make a grave for the burial of his daughter that night, which creating suspicion, it was communicated to several reputable persons, who went to the house, and insisted on seeing the
body of the deceased ; this they found in a coffin with- out a shroud, having only a dirty shift wrapped about it, and mangled in a shocking manner, the toes eaten off and perished by the inclemency of the weather, and several deep contusions on the head; and that upon this horrid sight, a Coroner was sent for, and his jury's verdict, after a sitting of six hours, was Wilful Murder. The Ingram, Capt. M'Mint, from Africa, with 500 slaves, is safe arrived at Antigua. MONDAY's POST, LONDON, Saturday, MARCH 26. Paris, March 17. M. de Beaumarchais recovered his liberty last Sunday evening, after an imprisonment of five days.
The Spaniards have strengthened Oran with a rein- forcement of 700 men; they have also victualled the fort for twelve months. At Carthagena several light vessels, mounting from four to twelve guns, are build- ing to watch the motions of the Algerines in that quarter, and protect the Spanish trade. HOUSE of COMMONS. Friday, March 25. The Speaker attended, but could not procure the attendance of Members to ballot for the undue election for Bucks. Adjourned. We are assured that Mr. Macklin has made the most advantageous engagement for his summer's expedition to Ireland, ever knows in theatrical history. The
manager has agreed to pay this lively veteran forty pounds per night for ten nights. Extract of a letter from Gibraltar, March. 1. Governor Elliott is just recovered from a severe indisposition, under which he has laboured some time ( I believe the gout) and appears abroad constantly: diligent and active as ever. The report of his return- ing home is entirely blown over and we expect him to continue another summer at least. Several shipS from England and Ireland have filled the provision ware- houses full, and a few more store ships will compleat the magazines in the Ordnance line. There is yet much to do in the buildings, both in
town and works. The agents are preparing for victualling and equipping afresh the following men of war, which are expected towards the summer to arrive here. Commodore Sir John Lindsay having appointed them all to rendezvous here : Trusty, of 50 guns ( Commodore's ship ;) The- tis 38, Capt. Blacket; Andromache 32, Capt. O'Hara; Orpheus 43, Capt. Campbell ; Phaeton 38, Capt. Colpoys; King's- Fisher 16, Capt. Otway;' and Rattlesnake 16, Capt. Melcomb ; which are the whole of the squadron on this station. A Spanish fleet of three ships from Cadiz has just entered the Mediterranean, to cruize against the Barbary
corsairs, whose depredations are beyond all example. We hear that one of the respited capital convicts,' who received sentence of transportation at the adjourn- ed session at the Old Bailey, told the Recorder, in his own name and those of his companions, that they did not esteem the being pardoned, on condition of tran- portation to Africa, as an act of mercy, but had much rather be hanged at home ; and that they were de. termined to endeavour to sink either the lighter which is to convey them to Gravesend ( to which place they are to be guarded by 30 of the militia) or the ship which is to carry them over. They write from
Buddesdale in Suffolk, that a gang of smugglers entered the house of Thomas Weston, Esq; near that town, and after eating and drinking very freely, told Mr. Weston, that their trade being partly destroyed, they were obliged to live by raising contributions on the public, and those that did not give freely, thev must be obliged to force them to it; and that they should begin with him. Mr. Weston told them, he had only 20 guineas in the house, and they should have part of that ; they replyed they were in distress and must have the whole, which being given them, they mounted their horses and rode off. At the assizes for Shropshire,
which ended at Shrews- bury on Wednesday the 23d instant, John Green, for the wilful murder of his wife, Elizabeth Green, by shooting her through the head, in a seller in his own house, at Broomfield, near Ludlow ; and Ann Han- cock, for the wilful murder of her male Bastard child, at her lodgings in the Castle- Foregate, in Shrewsbury, being fully convicted, received sentence of death, and were on Friday executed at the Old Heath, pursuant thereto, and their bodies were delivered to surgeons to be anatomized. At the place of execution, Ann Han- cock confessed the fact for which she suffered but Green did not. Great-
Britain, says a correspondant, is perhaps the only country in the world that is known to transport their criminals to foreign climes: and being solitary in such a practice, is of itself sufficient to render the policy of it questionable. But when it is considered that by transportation a malefactor is entirely lost as to the chief purposes of punishment ; ( atonement to the community he has offended, and example to his fellow depredators) this method of getting rid of convicts must surely in every political mind stand altogether condemned. The same correspondent, without meaning the slight- est innovation on the boasted freedom of the
country, suggests the condruction of a number of gallies at the different ports of the kingdom, for the reception of the many sturdy malefactors, who. according to the pre- sent plan of our police, are either executed at home, or transported abroad in the prime and vigour of life. In the first instance, he observes the feelings of humanity would not be so repeatedly shocked at the rapid de- struction of our fellow creatures, which the present system of criminal punishment certainly promotes and that for offences, in every moral consideration,- trivial, when compared with others too frequently committed in Society with impunity. In the
latter case, the reflection naturally occurs, that we are re- moving tha very example which offenders should for ever have before them ; and perhaps suffering the cul- prit entirely to escape. Birmingham, March 24. Saturday last the assizes were held at Coventry before the Hon. John Heath, Esq; one of the Justices of the Court of Commori Pleas, when Thomas Bissel and Richard Hawkins, for uttering and negotiating a forged note of band, receiv- ed sentenee of death; and John Farmer for horse deal- ing. On Wednesday last was married by a special licence Captain Rowley, son of Admiral Rowley, to Miss Harley, daughter of
Alderman Harley. 7 %* This PAPER fent weekly to any Part ot QREAT- BRITAIN ( FREE OF Mr. Burgess, Boston Mr. Booth, Caistor, Mr. Ellis, Mr. Weir, Horncastle, Mr. Marsh, Falkingham, Bourn, Grantham, Newark, Gainsborough, Retford, Bawtry, POSTAGE) by Order addressed as above ; or to Messrs. Drury, Newark, Mr. Sheardown, Louth, or Mr. George Ferraby, Hull. It arrives at Sleaford Leeds, York., & c.. & c. on the Day of Publication,
t Count Zambeceari's Account of his Aerial Voyage, performed on Wedesday last, the 23d instant. Count Zambeccari being returned to town, deems it his duty to give the public the following account of the various remarkable particulars which were observed during his aerial excursion : The balloon being about two- thirds filled with in- flammable air, the boat was attached to it, and at 35 minutes after three o'clock, Admiral Sir Edward Vernon, Count Zambeccari, and a lady, entered the boat, and immediately the balloon was left to itself; but after two or three attempts, its power being found inadequate to raise the annexed
weight, the lady, who was only an accidental passenger, was obliged to leave the boat, which she did with evident reluctance. I then took in three sacks of sand, weighing each 12lb. but as the wind was violent, aud it was apprehended the balloon would not clear the houses, I threw over- board two of the sacks, in consequence of which the balloon, with my intrepid companion, ascended very rapidly exactly at three- quarters past three o'clock, amidst the acclamations ot an assembled multitude of spectators of every rank. It went in the direction of S. W. by S. and so rapidly, that in 20 minutes time it Was so far removed as to be
just discernable in the sky, which was very clear : the violence of the wind during the filling of the balloon not only da- maged the net in various parts, but likewise broke the glass at the lower part of the machine, through which the filing of the valve passed, in consequence of which a piece of silk was hastily adapted to stop that aperture, in doing which the string of the valve was left within the balloon, so that there was no method left of opening the valve, and consequently of de- scending at pleasure ; and as the balloon had a great degree of levity, it ascended continually till it had parted far above the clouds. Here the sun shone
very bright, and the vivifying heat of its rays rendered the air agreeably warm ; but whilst we were adnir- ing the beauty of the sublime prospect, three of the cords, which held the boat, gave way, almost at the same time, which accident, added to the Admiral's desire of approaching nearer to the surface of the earth, determined me to use every possible means to descend ; and as it was out of my power to open the valve at the top of the balloon, I thought proper to cut the silk tubes, which immediately gave the neces- sary exit to the inflammable air ; as the balloon was already much distended, and in order to accelerate this
evacuation, I threw over- board the remaining sack of sand, imagining, that the balloon, being lightened, would ascend much higher; the inflam- mable air of course rarefying itself farther and far- ther, would come out more easily ; and afterwards, the least encrease of cold would determine the ma- chine to descend. The balloon went so high, that the clouds appeared at a great distance below, and the quicksilver in the barometer fell to 20.8 inches, whereas on earth it stood at about 30.4 inches. In descending we passed through a dense cloud, which poured snow upon us, and felt very cold. At Last we descendcd rather rapidly,
but quite safe, at 35 minutes after four o'clock, in a ploughed field about three miles beyond Kingsfield, near Horsham, Sussex, distant 35 miles from London, which distance we travelled in less than one hour. The balloon, boat, & c. being properly secured, we set off for London, where we arrived at eleven o'clock the same evening. Three remarkable observations were made during the aerial excursion, which the limits of a news- paper will barely allow to be mentioned: the first is the balloon kept continually turning round its vertical axis, generally very slowly, but sometimes so rapidly, as to make each revolution in about four or
five se- conds. The second is a peculiar noise was heard among the clouds, somewhat like what is produced by the wind among the trees, though of a shriller tone. And lastly, in descending through the clouds, which was very rapidly, we felt a considerable cold wind, which agitated the loose ropes, and other things about the machine. The difference between 30.4 inches and 2o. 8 inches in the height of the barometer, is, accord- ing to Mr. de Luc, equivalent to 10,000 feet, ar 3332 yards of elevation. We have often heard of flying highwaymen, but a flying Admiral is a new character ;— we mean in the English navy. The French,
we know, have a breed of such Admirals ! The next Gentleman, besides Lunardi, who is to go a hunting after new moons, is also a naval officer, " ONE ARNOLD," a purser ; his balloon is said to be on a plan superior to all other. Extract of a Letter from Kelso, March 18. " Last Friday the river Tiriot was almost totally dry for a considerable time. The men employed in the corn and waulk mills, near the mouth of the river, observed the water failing them, and in a short time were obliged to set off the waulk mill, but they, allowed the corn mill to go till she stopped of herself for want of water. The men, surprised at such an
extraordinary circumstance, went out see what was the Cause, imagining a part of the cauld had been broken down, and the water had taken its course that way, in place of coming by the dam, when to their astonishment they found the bed of the river with so little water in it; that they could have passed through without wetting their feet. It continued in this state for about two hours, when the water again returned gradually, but without rising higher than before the stop. There was another stoppage on Saturday morn- ing, but neither so great, nor of so long continuance, and when the water returned, it was considerably swelled
for some time, which was not the case on Fri- day. We have not been able to learn the cause of this extraordinary phenomenon, but suppose, as the frost was very intense at the time, it must have been owing to the passage being choaked up by the ice in the upper part of the river." On Thursday last a tallow- chandler, in the neigh- bourhood of Bedford- row, was tempted by a pedling Jew to purchase a hat without a stamp. within an hour the buyer was informed against, and consequent- ly obliged to pay the penalty, which is 101.— This paragraph we insert to put people on their guard against informers. Last night the house of
Lady Reeves, at Chelsea, was broke open, and robbed of cash, plate, and wear- ing apparel to the value of 300L In digging a foundation for a new Bridewell at Reading, a few days ago, the workmen discovered a very large quantity of human bones lying in all direc- tions ; as there was a garrison on the spot in the time of the civil wars, it is conjectured these are the bones of the troops that were slain in the defence of the town. EPIGRAM. " Sons of Patrick ! ( cries Orde) set up shop in your bog, And you'll ruin the trade of John Bull and Nic Frog." " That's a lie ( replies Pitt) we will gain by their riches ; If we wear Irish shirts, they
must wear English breeches." " You both lie ( exclaims Pretty) but let me lie too ; And compar'd with my lie, what you say will seem true !" WEDNESDAY'S POST. LONDON, Monday, MARc H 28. Extract of a letter from Brest, March 14. " The Chevalier Charles dc la Soudre his hoisted his pendant in la Pluton, of 74 guns, which with a frigate and two storeships are under orders for the East Indies, with troops and stores, as the garrisons which fell into the hands of the English during the war, and are now restored, are to be filled with troops from Europe." Petersburgh, Jan. 26. General Comte de Soiltikow is set out on his return
from Moscow ; and it is said her Imperial Majesty will appoint him to the command of the troops that are to assemble in the Ukraine and White Russia. Bohemia, Feb 10. The fortifications at Pless and Theresienstadt continue with great alacrity Accord- ing to a late estimate, it appears that in the course of last year there were almost constantly employed in the above works 27,000 men, and 500 carriages, with four horses to each carriage; and it is computed that the completion of these undertakings will be attended wilh an expence of 17 millions of florins. In the opinion of several experienced engineers, the above fortresses will
be amongst the most formidable in Europe. Vienna, March 2. Letters from Hermanstadt of the 10th of last month mention, that a rumour was cir- culated in divers places, purporting that it was a mat- ter of uncertainty whether the rebel Horiah was really in custody, and that great numbers of the Wal- lachians, believing this report to be true, an Imperial Commission had been issued, by virtue of which Ho- riah, under a strong guard, and heavily ironed, is to be exposed in the several towns and villages on the banks of the river Moroa, for the purpose of undeceiv- ing the deluded multitude. Paris, March 18. The 11th instant, about
eight o'clock in the evening, the Sieur Mechain, of the Royal Academy of Sciences, discovercd a new comet in the constellation Andromeda, which is not yet per- ceptible to the naked eye. At 26 minutes after eight, the altitude of the comet was 7 deg. 3 min. and us northern declination 26 deg. 35 min. We have the satisfaction to inform the public that the rupture between the Emperor and the Dutch is finally accommodated. The conditions of the reconcilement are as follow : The imperial success to have the free navigation of the Scheldt, and some privileges appertaining. The States of Holland to reimburse the Emperor in the
expences he has incurred by the augmentation of his army, within the last six months, and his other prepa- rations for war ; which it is said his Imperial Majesty has stated at thirty- nine millions of French money. It is also stipulated that France is to be indemnified for some expensive arrangements made by her as the ally of the Republic. When Alexander conquered one globe, he sighed for others to commit ravages in; on a like plan Sir Edward Vernon, tired of navigating the ocean, has at- tempted to explore a new element ! Miss Grist, it is said, was properly accommodated for the airy journey, and used many arguments with
the veteran Admiral to soften him, His answer was, " That as he meant to approach the planet Venus, to take her along with him would be carrying Grist to the Mill !" Had Miss Grist been taken to the upper regions, it was her intention to have made experiments in astro- nomy, and the gentlemen were provided with proper instruments for the occasion. Virgo would have been the first sign of their speculation, after which they would have taken a view of the constellation named Berenice's locks ! Talk of witches in a sieve ; or old women upon broomsticks ! What are they compared to an English Admiral mounted in the basket of an
air caravan, an outside passenger to the moon ! Alderman Harvey has married two of his daughters to the eldest sons of Admirals ;— Lord Rodney and Rear. Admiral Rowley are the officers with whom he is so allied. Extracl of a Letter from Horsham, March 23, " Three of the men ( light horse) who were tried for killing the smugglers, have been convicted of mur- der and condemned, but the King's free pardon was produced for them, as it appears to have happened in their line of duty." Extract of a letter from Glasgow, March 20 " A melancholy accident happened yesterday— the Hunt were out some way above Daldowie, the
fox took the river at Bothwell- bridge, Payne, the hunts- man went in after himv in an instant both he and the horse went down and never came up again ; Mr. S — was close at his heels, took the river; he fortunately disengaged himself from the stirrups, and threw him- self from his horse ; he would, however, have shared the same fate with Payne, the river being very rapid, had not one of the genrlemen at hand thrown in the long lash of his whip which he got hold of, and was with difficulty dragged out. Mr. S--' s horse came ashore 1ast night, but neither Payne nor his horse have yet been seen." Thev write from Milford, that the
Dutch and French smuggling vessels arc constant visitors on that coast, and almost every part of the coast of Wales, as they meet with more encouragement than ever they did and that they act with more honour than usual, for what they sell is the best, and cheaper than can be purchased in the shops, so that they are sure of disposing of their cargoes as soon as they arrive, and there are no revenue cutters to obstruct them. THURSDAY'S POST. LONDON, Tuesday, MARCH 29. By letters from Carlsbourg, in Transylvania, we learn that Kirschan Grosg, or George Krisan, the Third Chief of the Wallachian rebels, who was
taken bv the vigilance of Compte Puckfer, has hanged him- self in a very narrow girdle he wore round his waist. His body was next day dismembered 0n a scaffold, erected for that purpose, in Carlsbourg; one of his quarters will be fixed up on one of the gates, and the others will be sent, one to Deva, one to Hynyad, and the third to the place of his nativity, to be expo- led to the Public.- This has caused a more watchful eye to be kept 0n Horiah and Klotscha, who are strict- ly guarded, and as soon as their examination is finished they will receive the punishmenl due to their crimes The Royal Commission by his Imperial Majesty's
or- ders has sent the other rebel prisoners to their respec- tive counties, in order for trial, where, if found guil- ty, they will be punished according to law. A putrid infectious fever had broke out among these people, by by which Adam Dreicsik, Secretary to the Commissi- on, has lost his life, Cemtelanowiez, the President, was likewise seized by it, but is in a fair way of recovery. A letter from Amsterdam says, that they have re- ceived advice from Leghorn, that one of their ships bound to that port was taken off there by the Algerines just as she was coming into that harbour, and was car- ried into Algiers, and the crew were sent up
the coun- try into slavery ; that this account has been laid before the States, who are determined to send a fleet of men of war to Algiers, to demand of the Dey the ship and crew to be released ; and if the demand is not complied with, then to join the Spaniards in bom- barding the town. We hear that an account is received in town, via Cadiz, that rile Mount Lebanus, Capt. Duhany, from Jamaica to London, on the Spanish Coast, near Pen- sacola, fell in with a Spainish guarda costa, who attacked Capt. Duhany, on suspicion of his being a contraband trader, and refusing to bring to. The English vessel foundered, after receiving
some shot from the guarda, but the crew were saved, and carried into Pensacola, and lodged in gaol there. The Captain was allowed to walk ahout the town on his parole, with his mate. The remainder of the crew, who were alive, continued in prison, viz. Wm. Spar, James Brown, Thomas Simmons, Geo. Wood, James Wood, Edward Brace, Geo. Mackenzie, and two boys. Extract of a Letter front Dublin, March 19. " A widow lady, who lived in Mecklenburgh- street, after going to bed the 9th instant, was alarmed by a mournful cry of a female at her chamber door, which in a few minutes after was burst open. Her curtains were
soon drawn, and to her tortured fancy there appeared a tall, meagre, female spectre, dressed in black, wringing her hands, and shaking her ghastly head in silent sorrow. This visit was thrice repeated during the course of that night. The next night she was accompanied by some friends, who lay in the same room with her ; but notwithstanding the ghost was seen by the lady, in all her former horror, she was in- visible to every other eye, and would have passed un- noticed by them, had they not heard the rattling of the chairs. On the third night, a neighbouring gen- tleman sat up for some time in the same chamber, and received
a sound drubbing, which he did not for some days recover. The widow lady has left the house, and the public attention is now much, engaged about the ghost of Mecklensburgh- street." When Oliver Cromwell heard that one of his Ma- gistrates had committed a man to prison for calling him an usurper, he ordered the culprit's situation to be enquired into, and finding he was weak in understand- ing, and likewise in very low circumstances, he imme- diately ordered him to be set at liberty, observing that ignorance and poverty had saved his life ;. for said he, had he possessed either sense or wealth enough to make him
respectable, his importance should have cost him his life. This anecdote applies, in some degree, to Colonel Humphries, who has lately written a satirical poem upon tbe late war ; had his production been too dull to be read, the picture which he has drawn of this country would have been seen only by a few ; but the unusual merit ot the poem must make it as great a favourite with the public, as any of Churchill's pieces. The writer of this paragraph is well informed, that Colonel Humphries gave several proofs of his talents for satire and poetry, before he went 10 America ; for, notwithstanding the virulence of his pen against the
and Ministers, he is a native of Great- Britain ! Sir Edward Vernon means to apply for the Royal licence to assume the name of Clouds- ley, as he can prove a higher claim to it, than the famed officer of the name of Shovel, who was unfortunately lost on the rocks of Scilly ! Newmarket meeting this week will be the most gay that has been known for many years. The Prince will keep a splendid table. His wines are furnished from the rich refectory of Carlton House, and were sent down in his Highness's caravan on Saturday. Wednesday the 23d Inf. a young woman was brought before Mr. Alderman Sanderson at Guild- hall,
charged with bringing gin into the gaol of New- gate, and was fined 10l. which refusing to pay, a mit- timus was signed for six weeks confinement in Bride- well. Many reputable persons appeared on behalf of the prisoner, who had been prevailed on by an unfor- tunate relation in the gaol to attempt the introduction of the spirits, but was detected by Mr. Pitt the turn- key. The Alderman said, that he never would forgive such an offence, as the regulation of prifons was of the utmost concern to the public: he was sorry for the object before him, but the act insists no less a penalty than 10I. The friends then paid the money, half of
which was given to the prisoners in Newgate and the other half to Mr. Pitt. LINCOLNSHIRE, Timberland Drainage. NOTICE is hereby given thai the Commissioners named in a Bill now depending in Parliament, for draining and preserving certain Low Lands in the said Parish of Timbrtland, will meet at the Angel Inn in SLEAFORD, in the said County, 0n Wednesday the sixth Day of April next, in the Afternoon, to re- ceive the Proposals of any Person 0r Persons who are disposed to undertake the Building an Engine in the said Low Lands, of the same Size and Dimensions with those in Billinghay Fenn; and that they will then
contract and enter into Agreement with the Person or Persons whose Proposals shall be approved of, for the erecting such Engine-. Society of Industry. NOTICE is hereby given, That the general An- nual Meeting of the- Society of Industry will be held at the Bull Inn at Horncastle, on Thursday the 7th of April next, to audit the last Year's Account,- and to elect Tructees, Clubman, and treasurer for the Year ensuing. The Meeting will be opened at Ten o'Clock in the Forenoon, and the Chair will be taken precisely at Eleven, and the early Attendance of all Subscribers is most earnestly requested. By Order of the Committee, R. G.
BOUYER, Chairman. March 23, 1785. Committee for procuring an Act for the Inspec- tion of Worsted Yarns in the County of Lincoln THE Gentlemen Manufacturers of Worsted Yarns, and Goods made from Worsted Yarns, in the above County, are requested to meet thc Committee on Wednesday ihe 6th Day of April next, at the Black. Bull in Horncastle, upon special Business. The Chair to be taken precisely at Ten o'Clock, THOMAS CLARKE, Secretary. March 16, 1785 Three Complete and Useful Books. This Day is Published, Price only 1s. 6d. Adorned with a beautiful Frontispiece, finely engraved from an original Drawing,
being the compleatest and. cheapest Book of the kind ever yet published. THE Complete English Gardener Or, Gardening made perfectly Easy : Containing full and plain directions for the proper management of the Flower, Fruit and Kitchen Gar- dens, for every month in the year. The whole laid down in so plain and easy a manner, that all who are desirious of managing a Garden, may do it effectually, without any 0ther instructions whatever. To which is added, The whole Art of breeding and rearing Fowls, Ducks, Geese, Turkies, Pigeons, and Rabbits. Like- wise, plain instructions for destroying Vermin, parti- cularly such as
infect houses, gardens, dairies, barns, bees, poultry & c. With sevcral other articles equally useful, but too numerous to be inserted in an Advertise- ment. By SAMUEL COOKE, Gardener, at Overton, in Wiltshire ; who has practised Gardening, through all its Branches, in many Counties, upwards of Forty Years. London ; Printed for j. COOKE, No. 17, Pater- noster Row ; and Sold by Rose and Drury, Printers of this Paper; J. Taylor, Retford; and by most other Booksellcrs in Great Britain and Ireland. Of whom may be had, Price One Shilling and Sixpence, Adorned with a most beautiful Frontispiece, THE Complete English
Farmer ; Or, Husbandry made perfectly Easy, In all its Various and Useful Branches. Particularly the stocking a Farm 10 Advantage, the management and Qualities of al! kinds of Grass, Hay, Wheat, Barley, Oats, Clover, Rye, Tares, Turnips, Peas, and Beans. The Art of rearing Calves, Lambs, Pigs, Colts, & c. The best methods of managing Bulls, Cows, Oxen, Hogs, Sheep, and Horses. The management of all kinds of Poultry, Bees, & c. And a great va- riety of other useful, important, and instructive Mat-, ters necessary to be known by every Farmer. By GEORGE COOKE, Farmer, At West- End, in Hertfordshire. Where also
may be had, Price only One Shilling, Adorned with A most curious and beautiful Frontispiece. THE New London and Country COOK.: Or, the Whole Art of COOKERY, Displayed in all its useful Branches. Containing a Complete Collection of Receipts; by the Knowledge of which a Table may be handsomely set out with the choicest Dishes, in the genteelest Taste, and the least Expence. Together with the most plain and familiar Instructions in every branch of Cookery, particularly for Boiling, Roasting, Frying, Broiling, Stewing, Hashing, Soups, Broths, Gravies, Sauces, Made Dishes, Potting, Collaring, Pies, Tarts, Cullards,
Cheesecakes, Syllabubs, Puddings, Jellies, Creams, Pickling, Preserving, Candies, Syrups, Clear Starching, & s. The Whole being so plain that every Capacity may comprehend the Instructions with Ease ; the, youngest Persons put them in Practice with Plea- sure ; and those least acquainted with Cookery, be-, come, in a short Time, perfect in the Art. By Mrs. Rachael Butler, of Charlotte- street
LINCOLN. To be Sold, A neat and modern Post Chaise, in good Repair, With HARNESS complete for a Pair of Horses. Enquire of T. PRESTON, who will treat for the same. River Witham, Lincolnshire. THE next Meeting of the General Commissioners for Drainage thereby will be held at the Town- Hall in Boston, on Thursday the 14th Day of April next, at Eleven o'Clock. BANKES, Clerk to the said General Commissioners. 30th March, 1785. POSTSCRIPT. LONDON, Wednesday, March 30. Notwithstanding the various accounts lately receiv- ed Of the quarrel between the Emperor and the Dutch beiag amicably adjusted, the
generality of people are of opinion no such happy event has yet taken place. That the latter should give up the navigation of the Scheldt, and pay a large sum of money in at the bar- gain, appears somewhat strange. A letter from Paris, dated March 15, fays, M. de Launay is returned from London where every thing ii arranged to the satisfaction of the three courts. Trin- comale will not he restored but in presence of the Dutch garrison, who are to take possession of it soon after that the English shall have occupied it. Among the particulars brought by the frigate la Junon of the situation of India, we learn that the Malais, at the
instigation of the Portuguese, have attacked the Dutch settlement at Malacca. This was not a conspiracy such as they have attempted before ; this time they came in A body of about fourteen thousand men, and fell upon the Dutch, who being unprepared for such an attack, could not employ all their means of defence. They were going to give way, and were even getting their ships in readiness to abandon the place, when redoub- ling their efforts, they at length found means to repulse the enemy. Some days after, the Malais appeared again to the number of 40,000 men, with their dread- ful arms and poisoned arrows. The
Dutch were at most but 800 strong; but as they had had leisure to make their dispositions, and place their cannon, they dis- persed these barbarians, aud pursued them in their flight, so that, if they do not exaggerate, 4000, perished either in the field or in their flight. All the rest of India was at peace on the departure of the frigate, which had sailed from Madras 111 the month of March last. Extract of a Letter from Dublin, March, 17. Captain James Bristow, of the Langrishe revenue cruiser, sailed from hence and entered the harbour of Larne on Wednesday last, in search of goods, said to have been concealed at Red Bay, about
twenty miles distance from Larne. At ten at night he landed a party of twenty five men, three officers, and himself; and proceeded to Red Bay by land. On his arrival there he found concealed in the house 56 anchors of brandy, and four boxes of bottles of wine ; a quantity of tea, & c. having been, as he was informed, carried off in boats two nights before. A large mob having been assembled round the place, determined the party to protect the seizure where it lay till a sufficient force could be had to remove it. In a short time the mob increased to about a thousand persons, armed with guns, fwords, pistols, spades, pitchforks, & c.
with intention to rescue the seizure ; but finding they could not effect it, they surrounded the house, intend- ing to set it on fire. It was now deemed expedient to remove the goods to the outside of the house, and there to defend them ; when they were removing them accordingly through a back door, the mob poured into the house in hundreds, and not withstanding the most vigorous opposition, in a minute, rescued and carried off all the seizure, eleven anchors and two boxes. Tuesday afternoon the prisoners in the New Gaol, Southwark, very nearly effected their escape, by break- ing through a hole in the grand wall, into Angel court; when they were discovered by Mr. Hall the keeper, he ordered three of the Watchmen to stand in the court, armed with blunderbusses ; and the first that got through was one Cupilo, a notorious freshwater pirate, who was shot dead on the spot, and several others wounded. He was to take his trial on Monday next at Kingston assizes, for a burglary, Last Wednesday mornig, between the hours of one and two a fire broke out at the house of Mr. Fidler, formerly the shop of Mr. Robinson, Chinaman, the corner of Watling- street, St. Paul's Church- yard; it raged with incredible fury, and burst forth with asto- nishing violence, in
different quarters of the house, so that in a short time the whole of these extensive pre- mises, except the side next Watling street, the bare wall of which was left standing, were totally destroyed. The Castle, a public house, the corner of the Old- Change, is also nearly destroyed, and it is owing en- tirely to that excellent regulation of party walls, that the progress of the flames was checked in the Church yard, as Mr. Rickston's the shoemakers escaped every other damage than what was naturally to be expected from the engines, and the fire attendant from its proximity. Mr. Fidler is at this time in Ireland ; his family except Mrs.
Fidler Were in the country, and it was with extreme risk the lives of herself, and ano- ther family who lodged in the houfe, were preserved, by the timely' arrival of some fire ladders, by which they descended: Mrs. Fidler is far advanced in her pregnancy. The mob was very outrageous some time before Zambeccari's balloon went up, from an apprehension of being disappointed, and threatened, very loudly, to tear the the machine into a thousand pieces ; but on Count Zambaccari assuring them he would ascend immediately after the storm of snow and hail was over, they behaved tolerable quiet, and on the globe arising, burst
into a loud acclamation, declaring " Sam. Buck- erry, ( Zambeccari) was a d— n'd honest fellow, and had kept his word with the public." Many of the light fingered gentry made a good day's business around the spot from which , the balloon ascended, LINC0LN, Friday, APRIL 1. MR. EDITOR, HAVING seen in an annual memorandum- book a small list of longevity, I conclud- ed the subject to be agreeable to many ; and therefore resolved to give a more extensive one on a plan not quite the same, tho' very similar ; without the least desire of any other emolument than to amuse, and to consult my neighbour's health, and
consequently hap- piness, by pointing out, from experience, in what part of England a person has the best chance to live to a good old age. The following list is of 1784, from January to December both inclusive. No person Is mentioned who had not enter'd upon his or her ninetieth year. The public papers, and the information of neighbours are the vouchers. Time, place, and name could be mention'd, but are suppressed, as unneces- sary. The first column contains the name of counties ; the second the number of persons who in those respective Counties have lived to ninety or upwards; and the third the total of years those
lives amount to. Anglesey 1 11.5 Middlesex 8 755 B— p of Durham 1 107 Montgomeryshire 1 113 Cambridgeshire 2 104 Norfolk 3 297 Cumberland 2 208 Oxfordshire 1 100 Derbyshire 4 406 Shropshire 1 100 Essex - 2 203 Somersetshire 7 715 Hampshire 206 Staffordshire 1 92 Herefordshire 1 104 Suffolk i 103 Hertfordshire 1 103 Surrey 4 393 Kent 2 182 Wiltshire 1 ill Lancashire 6 6: 0 Worcestershire I 106 Lincolnshire 1129 Yorkshire 9 9' 6 Ireland 7 764 Scotland 7 733 The collector of this list is now promising the same plan for the present year, and hereby gives every county an opportunity to prove the salubrity of it's air
by inserting in the public papers the names of those who do honour to their respective abode by a life ex- tended to ninety years or upwards, mentioning the month and day on which they die, their name, age, place of abode, aud county. Lincolnshire, To the EDITOR of the LINCOLN GAZETtER. SIR, In your paper last Week I observed fome Stanzas on a Drinking landlord. As a Contract to them, I have sent you the following Lines on a Sober one, taken from a Gravestone in St. Michael's Crooked Line, London ; they will undoubtedly amuse many of your numerous Readers, as they did Yours, March 29, 1785. FASCICULUS.
BACCHUS, to give the Topping World surprize, Produc'd one sober Son, and here He lies ; Tho' Nurs'd amongst full Hogsheads, He defy'd The Charms of Wine and every Vice beside ; O Reader ! if to Justice thou'rt inclin'd, Keep honest Preston daily in thy Mind, He drew good Wine, took care to fill his pots, Had sundry Virtues which outweigh'd his Faults; You that on Bacchus have the like dependance Pray copy Bob in Measure and Attendance. The comparative felicity of the feathered race. AH, happy birds !— whose fleeting hours, In mirth and ease are spent : Who, pleas'd enjoy your little powers, And are with them
content. Whatever moves your gentle souls, Sure instinct is your guide. No moral sense your wish controuls, No passion draws aside. Thoughtless you skip from spray to spray, Kind heaven your food supplies. To rocks or woods you wing your way, When darkness shrouds the skies. When genial warmth each breast inspires, Blest warblers of the grove ! You straight indulge the harmless fires-, Straight all is song and love. No selfifh cares your hearts perplex, No pangs for others woe: No forms of art your moments vex, No ways polite you know.-- Each lives and nature's voice obeys: Each lives a life of joy. Oh ! that poor I my
pensive days Thus gaily could employ. Poet's Corner, March 29, 1785. At Hereford Assizes, which ended on Tuesday the 22d Instant, was tried, by a special jury, an action brought by the Hon. Edward Foley, against the Earl of Peterborough, for criminal conversation with Lady Anne Foley. After a long hearing, in which much humourous matter made its appearance, a verdict was given for the plaintiff of 2,5001. damages, with costs. A pretty sum indeed: but as a part of the criminality took place in several gardens and orchards in that county, the cyder jury ( and " ' twas in the land of cy- der'') deemed his lordship guilty of a
double tress- pass. Died, a few days ago, Mrs. Winfield, wife of Mr. George Winfield of Fulbeck in this county, Glazier. Also, Thomas Walker, of this City, gardener, ( ad- vanced in years) of a quincy in the throat. The swel- ling was so great, that, for several days preceding his death, he could receive no other nourishment than what was administered by a feather dipped in a liquid. As the appointment of proper persons to be overseers of the poor is of great consequence, and what will tend very much to the reducing of the Poors- rates, the following hints and cautions are recommended to the consideration of the Overseers of
the poor, and all those who are liable to be asserted to the same. The parishioners to be careful to insert in their lists such perfons to be set on Overseers of the Poor, as can read and write, and are willing and capable to execute their office; because when improper persons are set on, the poor are permitted to be idle and profligate ; in consequence of which, misdemeanors and crimes are committed, and rates rise and encrease; and therefore Churchwardens ( who are always Overseers of the poor) should be well and judiciously chosen. As soon as Churchwardens and Overseers of the Poor have been appointed, and have
received the pa- rish book of accounts from the preceding Overseers, which must be in fourteen days, let them be sure to collect the levies in arrears, and then proceed to make fresh levies and assessments for the maintenance of the poor of their respective parishes and places; and in order to which, it will be useful to observe this method. — At the top of the page of the parish book take care always to have inserted the rates and assessments, and 4 not in loose papers, and write thus: An assessment for the relief of the Poor, and other purpores on their ac- | count for the parish of in the county of made and assessed the day
fi° t being the first rate; at pence : in the pound upon the inhabitants and occupiers of lands and houses in the said parish, for the year 1785." then in on every person's name who is assessed, the sum assessed, and for what it is, to the end of the levy, and then write this! " The above levy assessed and made by us, { signing your names) A. B. C. D, Churchwardens.— E. F. G. H. Overseers of the poor." And observe the same method in every other levy to the end of the year, In places where there are two Churchwardens and f i: two Overseers of the poor, three being the majority, | must make and sign the rate ; if there are only
three, | then two, for the above reason, are to make and sign the rate; and if only two, then both; and where! there is only one, the rate must be made and signed by him; but in that case observe, it might be quite proper to have the concurrence of some of the princi- pal inhabitants to sign the rate with the Overseer. After the levies or assessments have been made and signed as before directed, an Overseer or other person is to carry them to two Justices of the peace for their; consent and allowance ; and they mud be published the Sunday after in the parish church, signifying that the levies or assessments having been allowed
by two of his Majesty's Justices of the peace, in and for the said county ; because no assessments can be collected by law, until after such notice ; and, moreover, an Over- seer should be strictly careful to prove the Sunday on which the sand levies and assessments were published. After these proceedings the money every person is assessed must be demanded by an Overseer, and on : refusal of payment he is to apply to two Justices to summons the persons who refuse to pay their assess- ments, and the Justices, if they find it legal so to do, will grant warrants of distress to levy the same upon the goods and chattles of the
persons who ought to pay .' the same -; hut the overseer must be sure on taking the distress, not to offer the least violence or personal in- jury to any one, At Warwick assizes seven convicts were left for execution, and at Gloucester nine. Extract of a Letter from Gloucester, March 21. " On Monday se- nnight the Hero, a trow, the larg- est and finest vessel that navigated the Severn, belong- ing to Mess. Glover and York, of Stourport, was lost 111 the river, near Lidney. This melancholy accident was occasioned by a late unobserved shifting of the sands in the river, which, in the course of a few tides, had raised the bed of the
channel two feet and a half. The Hero was falling down the stream, with Mr. Farley's trow of Worcester a little a head of her. The Worcester trow struck, aud fell upon her broad- side, but being ballasted with salt, her lading of other goods all fell, over- board, upon which she righted and floated over the sand. As there was not a breath of wind, the Hero, though her boat was towing her a head, could by no means avoid the danger, and was lost, with 115 tons of Birmingham and Mancheder goods on board, to the amount of 40,000!. " It is some satisfaction to hear, from a person who came from the wreak, that the people of the
country brought in great quantities of the goods left by the tide. " These goods were destined for a foreign market, and will be an incredible disappointment to the con- cerned, as a ship was waiting at Bristol to take them on board." A certain Earl who some time fince was dragged from the jaws of destruction in one of those plundering houses near St. James's, and whofe estate was by his noble father in- law put to nurse, has within a few days past got into the black hole again, where the heat of gambling has made him drip almost to the last gui- nea. A green ribbon and coronets afford but thin diet to a peer, when his banker's
books are closed. On Saturday se'nnight at night, a fire broke out in the cottage of Mary Clark, of Aymerton, in the coun- ty of Derby, which communicated to the dwelling- house of James Williamson and Peter Cotton, far- mers; the flames raged with such violence, as to pro- duce consequences the most affecting to the feelings of humanity. It burned both their dwelling- houses, with all their out- buildings, corn and hay; eight hor- ses, fourteen cows, and eight calves, with all their household furnilure and wearing apparel; a large quan- tity of shop goods, and about thirty quarters of malt. Mr. Williamson being from home, his wife
got all her children safe out, but returning back to save a box with some money and writings in, was forced by the flames to make her escape out of the chamber window, and with the fall fractured her skull, ' and died the next day in great agonies. She has left eight children. It ap- pears from every circumstance, that the cottage was wilfully set on fire by the above Mary Clark, who is gone off with one Butler; and as they can work at the cotton business, it is expected they are gone for some part of Lancashire. Every friend to Justice will no doubt dep forward to detect thefe vile assassins, that they may be brought to the
punishment due to such infernal villainy. All the principal Powers of Europe, except Spain, will probably be involved in the approaching war; and as greater planets always attract the lesser, there can be little doubt that every petty Potentate of the Ger- man Empire will he ultimately compelled to avow their partiality, How England will avoid the scrape, perhaps, there are not wanting politicians to deter- mine; though it may not be impertinent to observe, that the Electoral dominions of his Britannic Majesty, an augmentation in the force of which, to the amount often thousand men, upon these " Rumours of Wars," has already been
deemed necessary, stands in the very midst of the fire, Braudenburgh, the most populous part Of Prussia, adjoining them on the East ; and the United Provinces on the West. If Hanover were to to be attacked in these quarters, aided by the French to the South, we should have little else to depend on, than the good offices of the King of Denmark, our ally, to the North, with the expert generalship of our church militant, Prince Frederic of Osnaburgh, in the heart of these territories. Thetford, March 22. thursday last the assizes for the county of Norfolk began here, and ended this day; before Sir W. Ashhurst, Knt. when seven
prisoners. were capitally convicted, and received sentence of death, among whom was James Cliffen; for the wilful murder of Peter Seaman, in the parish of Yaxham; whom, together with Henry Seaman, brother of the deceased, he robbed and cruelly beat in a footpath in the said parish, and of which wounds the said Peter languished a few days and then expired. He is to be executed at Norwich, and his body to be delivered to the surgeons for dissection. Cliffen, as soon as the Judge had passed the awful sentence of the law upon him, said, " I am to be hanged on Wcdneiday, but if I was to die this minute* by G—, I am not
the man ; and then rapped his knuckles on the bar wilh the greatest violence. Friday se'nnight was executed at Worcester, pursuant to his sentence, John Strickland, for uttering as true; a false bill of exchange for nine pounds, with intent to defraud Francis Walker, and Elizabeth Collins. Extract ef a Letter from Northampton, March 21. A few days ago, Elizabeth the Wife of John Axiom, a labouring man, at Ridgemount, in the county of Bedford, was safely delivered of her twenty fifth child. She is now in the 38 year of her age, of a remarkable ruddy countenance, and in all probability may be the mother of many mote children. On
Friday se'nnight,, Thomas Skelcher alias Bates, and John Bull, alias Robert Lewin, for horse- dealing, were executed at Leicester, pursuant their sentence. On Wednesday evening, betwixt the hours of six and ten, some person or persons were so daring as to go up the stairs of Mr. Benson at the Bricklayer's- arms in this City, though the family were in the house, and take out of two chambers, a large quantity of stockings, stocks, a shirt coat, pair of breeches, aprons, hand- kerchiefs, and many other articles of wearing apparel, to the value of upward of twenty pounds,; with which they- got off undiscovered. When it is known
that Mr, Benson is a young man, just entered into business, the public must conclude the loss is rather heavy ; we hope, therefore, that thofe printers who publish a newspaper, and see this account, will be kind enough to give it a place in their respective papers, which may be a means of bringing the villains to punish- ment. Also, a few days ago some person or persons carried away a silver half- pint mug, from the house of Mrs. Clapham, the sign of the Spread Eagle, her property. A few days ago was married at Childow, near Li- verpool, Mr. Richard Rocter, hat manufacturer, in Stockport, to Miss Copple; a very agreeable
lady with a handsome fortune. A few days ago died, Mr. Charles Hoyland, a very eminent painter in Hallifax ; a man much respected by all who had the pleasure of his acquaintance,- Wednesday morning about six o'clock, the wife of John Longbottom, near Timble- bridge, in Leedss suddenly expired while in bed with her husband, without any previous illness, and without so much as a sigh or a groan. NEWMARKET RACES. SATURDAY, March 26. CRAVEN STAKES. Colonel O'Kelly's Dungannon, i His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales's Saltrum, 2 Percy Wentworth's Mayfly. - _ jr The Judge could not place the rest.
ITAPH on a POLITICIAN. A set of politic worms are e'en at him. ShAKESPeARe FREE from all broils of oppostion, Here lies an able Politician ; One who was skilful in debate ; But death at last has chang'd his state. His skull, a senate made by worms, Each Politician grub reforms : Like ministers, they have their dishes; And in their kind, get loaves and fishes. They change his state for better gains; They eat his flesh, and pick his brains. HULL March 30. Coasters arrived. Fame, Cobb; Daking, Antonie; Friendship, Blanch' Swallow, Pearpoint ; Friendship, Tu- till ; Betsey, Lonsdale ; Amity, Har- row ; Sally, Staniland ; Gainsbro',
Glew, and Active, Finch, from London, Swallow, Guy, from Newcastle. Peggy, Coggin, from Lynn. Experiment, Duncan, from Barrowstoness. Resolution, Reed, from Whitby. Coasters sailed. Favourite, Musgrave ; Joseph and Samuel, Stephenson; Aid, Prince; Two Brothers, Vinsan ; Mary, Dean, and Liberty, Aaron, for Lon. don. Hopewell, Bloom, for Wells. Polly, Wheldon', for Whitby. Peggy, Coggin, and Nancy, Jewitt, for Lynn. Industrious- Helen, Gray, for Alloa. BANKRUPTS. William Knowles, late of Leeds, York, Clothier. David Temple, Portsmouth Common, Southampton, Shopkeeper. Joseph Wilks, Threadneedle- street,
London,' Mer- chant. Matthew Taylor late of Lamb's- Conduit- street Mid- dlesex. Joseph Watson, of Butcher- row, Middlesex, Grocer. John Smith, of Frodsham, Chester, Innkeeper. William Payton Cowles, of Kinton, in the parish of Leint- warding, Herefordshire, Dealer. Peter Beekman, of Bristol, Orange- merchant, Prices of Stocks. Bank Stock 3 per Cent Con. 55 a 54 7- 8ths.— 4 per Cent 1777, 73 i- 4th. a i- 8th.— 5 per Cent Ann. 1784 88 t— 4th. a i- 8th.— South- Sea- Stock New Ann. 34 3- 8ths. a i- half. Prices of Corn by the Quarter, Wheat Rye Barley Oats Beans. E P Lincoln, Gainjbo- rourh. Wheat per Load ( 3 Bushels)
15s. od. to 19s. 6d. — Rye per Load, l1s. od. to 12s. 6d.— Beans per Load, 9s. 6d. to 12s. 6d. Oats per Quarter, ( 8 Bushels) 15s. od. to 21s. od.— Barley, 15s. to 2$. G, C. on Thursday next, at the Post- Office.
4 The AIR CARAVAN, Addressed to Sir EDWARD VERNON, Bart, a Vice Admiral of the British Fleet. WHAT various projects strike the mind! ' Tis call'd a glorious act no more, Regardless of the waves and wind, An unknown ocean to explore! Poh!— what's a ship to a balloon! Give me that darling of a crowd, Who in a visit to the moon, Dreads only freezing to a cloud! ' Twixt men on earth, and those who soar, There is, ' tis certain, wond'rous odds! Thus Blanchard deem'd it fit to roar, O'er Gallic towns— we are no Gods! And Luni cried " I am no Devil\" To three poor clowns he fill'd with fear.— Camelion's food is now no evil;
For Luni richly feasts on air. ' Tis strange, events should so agree; Lunardi's FLAG dropp'd as he tower'd; And your's, Sir Ned, ' twixt you and me, Was by your airy ramble, lower'd\ CARASCO. EPITAPH upon SAMUEL FOOTE, Esq; HERE lies one Foote, whose death may thou- , sands save; For Death himself has now one Foote i'th' grave : Yet hold, good reader!— sure Death is now no more For t'other Foot + was buried long before 1 + ' Tis well known Mr. Foote had but one leg when he died. When the important business of a Parliamentary Reform, and the Commercial Regulations of Ireland are adjusted, ( which we now
hear is to be negotiated byDelegates of Members of Parliament and Merchants from each kingdom during the recess,) We are confi- dently informed, by a most respectable correspondent, that the Minister will surprise the public with a pro- ductive plan of finance, which, upon the surest grounds of calculation, will ease the nation of all her burthens of taxation, amply sufficient for national expenditure, and at the same time afford a fund of seven millions, or more annually, towards paying off the national debt. We do not give this as mere speculative, problema- tical information, but are clearly of opinion, by the statement we have
seen, that the above are solid and substantial facts, and however visionary and uninterest- ing they may appear to indifferent, unthinking indivi- duals, will certainly be laid before Parliament by a pa- triotic nobleman during the present Session of Parlia- ment. One morning last week, an unfortunate young woman in consequence of a quarrel with some persons at a public house, in a court near St. James- square, by some accident was thrown against a sash window ; by which, a branch of the artery of her arm was open- ed, a violent effusion of blood ensued, and she ex- pired in the street a short time after. One night last week,
Mr. James Smith of Bedmin- ster Causeway, next door to the distill- house, going home about nine o'clock, and just after he had shut the door was fired upon by some persons who had got into the house in his absence ; the ball tore off part of his coat below his breast, and stuck into the door; on which he ran into the street to call assistance, and by the time the men of the distill- house returned with him, the rogues were set off. They had cut down the cur- tains from ail the beds, and packed up a large quantity of linen, and household goods, plate, & c. In their precipitate retreat, they left in the house two picklocks, a large knife,
and a crow bar. A very affecting account came with the last Spanish ships from South America, of the destruction of great numbers of Indians by the exhalations from the mines; and that several had perished in digging under Potosi, the veins of which mountain are sunk to such prodi- gious depth, that the poor people have a painful de- scent of at least five hundred steps. A very numerous concourse of people assembled in the vicinity of Tottenham- court- road, last Wednesday, to witness of the ascension of Comte Zambeccari and Sir Edward Vernon in the balloon, which had been exhibited at the Liceum in the Strand for
some time past. Notwithstanding the proprietors had taken every precaution to keep the place of ascension a secret, there was not an avanue for a considerabls distance from the place in which the balloon was lodged, but which was crowded by 12 o'clock. The spectators seemed totally insensible of the cold, nor did the fall- ing snow occasion the departure of many, but the principal part of them seemed to bid defiance to the weather until near four o'clock, when the two hardy adventurers bid adieu to earth, and took their aerial excursion. Just on the eve of their departure, a Miss Grice, of Holborn, offered to accompany the
aero- nauts which offer was readily accepted, and she co- te, the car, but notwithstanding they threw out a great quantity of ballast, after making three or four attempts the heroine was obliged to give up the of an ascension, the balloon being incapable taking more than the two gentlemen, which, on lady's quitting her seat ascended with amazing velo- city, took a south- west direction and was soon out of sight. The place in Tottenham- court road from whence the balloon ascended was moft injudiciously chosen, be- ing in the midst of ruins and unfinished houses; several persons were hurt by the falling of a scaffold ; and a
woman with a child in her arms was rode over by some persons on horseback, in a field near the new road, by which her arm was broke and the infant killed on the spot. 16th March, 1785. Hackthorne, Barlings, Grainthorpe, Theddle- thorpe, Snitterby, and Waddingham, In the County of LINCOLN. To be Sold by AUCTION, AND BY PRIVATE CONTRACT, Respectively at the several Times and Places under- mentioned, viz. In Hackthorne, by Private Contract, At the REIN DEER Inn, at Lincoln, On Friday the 22d Day of April next A Very desirable Freehold Estate, consisting of a Farm- house, two Cottages, with Barns, Stables,
and other Conveniencies, and 896 Acres, 3 Roods, 15 Perches of Arable Land, Meadow and Pasture Ground. John Bratton, Thomas Frankish, John Pask, and Asaph Wilkinson, Tenants at Will. And also a Leasehold Estate, held under the Dean and Chapter of Lincoln, consisting of a Farm- house and other Buildings, and 183 Acres. 3 Roods, 10 Perches of Arable Land, Meadow and Pasture Ground. The said John Bratton and Thomas Frankish, Tenants. In Barlings, At the Place and Day last mentioned, between the The LINCOLN East India TEA WAREHOUSE, Appointed by the London Committee for the Sale of the finest
fresh and genuine Teas, As imported by the East- India Company, at the Reduced Prices. NEW TEA WAREHOUSE, nd 32 Hours of Ten and Twelve, All that new built Cottage, with the Meadow Pasture Ground, containing 15 Acres, 2 Roods, Perches, with Woodland thereto adjoining, contain- ing 41 Acres, g Roods, 26 Perches. Thomas Winn, Tenant at Will. In Grainthorpe, by Auction, At the BLUE STOnE Inn at LOUTH, in the said County, On Wednesday the 27th Day of April next, between the Hours of Ten and One, A Dwelling House, Barn, Stables, with 128 Acres 36 Perches of Meadow and rich Pasture Land ( except a
very small Part thereof in Tillage) Benjamin Lill, Tenant from Year to Year. In Theddlethorpe, by Auction, At the Place and Day last mentioned, between the Hours of Two and Five, Two Dwelling Houses, Barns, Stables, and other con- venient Out- houses, together with 109 Acres, 2 Roods, 2 Perches of rich Meadow and Pasture Ground ( ex- cept a very small Part thereof in Tillage) Mr. Dennis and Robert Sands, Tenants from Year to Year. In Snitterby and Waddingham, by Auction, At the House of John Dunn, at Kirton in Lindsey, in the said County, On Saturday the 30th Day of April next, between the Hours of Two and Five,
Two Parcels of Meadow Land in the Occupation of Mr. John Anderson, containing by admeasurement the Quantities following, viz. A. R P. In Snitterby South Bar — — — — 17 3 1 In Waddingham North Bar- - - 8 1 33 Total 26 39 The respective Tenants will shew the Premises, ex- cept at Hackthorne, the Whole of which John Brat- ton will shew. Further Particulars may be had of Mr, Richard Bassett at Glentworth, or at Mr. George Tennyson's Office in Raisin, in the said County. To be SOLD by Auction, BY JAMES TOMLINSON, THE LONDON COMMITTEE, engaged to reduce the Prices of Teas agreeable to the Inten- tion of
Government to answer the Commutation Act, and so prevent- the Dealers imposing on the Public any decayed or damaged Teas, have appointed Mr. JOSHUA MORRIS to sell the best, pure, and fresh TEAS, as imported by the East- India Company, at the lowest reduced Prices; and do certify, that all Teas sold by him are the best of their Kind, and perfectly genuine ; and that they will continue their exertion to him, in order that the intention of Government and the Company, t0 serve the Public on the most reasonable Terms, may not be frustrated. London, Feb. 10, 1785. March 2, 1785. A t the House of Mr. BARR, the Sign of
the White Hart in Spilsby, in the County of Lincoln, On Monday the 11th Day of April next, betwixt the Hours of Ten and Four, The Freehold Estates following, Containing, by Estimation, the several Quantities under- mentioned, In MABLETHORPE. A. R. P. A Close of rich seeding Pasture, in Tenure of Mr. Hart, containing ----'. In BURGH. Ditto in Tenure of Thomas Hall — — — Ditto in Tenure of Thomas Kirmond- - A Messuage and Homestead 22 1 r 2 In Tenure of<( 8 < 2 1 Roger Wood. | At the House of Mr, George Paschoud, known bv the Sign of the Turk's Head, in Newark- vpon- Trent, in the County of Nottingham, on
Thursday the 14th. Day of April, 1785, between the Hours of Six and Nine o'Clock in tbe Afternoon, in the Lots to be mentioned in the Conditions of Sale then to be produced : ALL that ESTATE in BASSINGHAM, in the County of LINCOLN, near NEWARK aforesaid ; consisting of Two Messuages, Barns, Sta- bles and convenient Outbuildings, and Ten Closes, besides the Homesteads, containing about Fifty Acres of rich Arable. Meadow, and Pasture Land, in the Occupation of Edward Thompson Also, all that ESTATE in COLLINGHAM, in the County of NOTTINGHAM, near NeWARK aforesaid ; consisting of several Pieces or
Parcels of Arable, Meadow, and Pasture Land, interspersed in the Town- Fields, Meadows and Pastures of Collingham aforesaid ; with several Beast- Gates, Drape- Gates, and Twelve Fallow Sheep- Gates in the stinted Pasture. And also a CLOSE of Arable Land, containing about Five Acres, ( adjoining the Town) all now in the Occupation of Mr. James Lomax. *** The Tenants will shew the Premises.— And for other Information enquire of Mr. SPIlSBURY, Attorney at Law, in Bawtry, in the County of York ; or of Mr. StoviN, Attorney at Law, in Newark. The Crew — — — — Home Close — - — — Meadow Close - - - In tbe
Marsh, part high part low - — — - — In Northeators — - — Another in Ditto called the Sixpence — — - — In Do. called thr Threepence 3y Arable Lands in the South Field - - - - 57 Ditto in the North Ditto^ Arable in Ming with Lord Monson, in Te- nure of —— Cook ----- —$ A House and Close in Tenure of Mr. Towle In Ming with Lands of Mrs. Lake — — — In WAINFLEET. A Meffuage and Homefleadl f A Clofe of Pa P. ufe, called } Field Clofe - - - - I Ditto culled Collinfonjates > In Tenure, of-^ 16 ! 6 11 3 34 6 38 28 39 37 4 s t ' 4 » 4 o Mr. Wright. 9 3 1 1 6 3 1 34 60 6 12 o 24 1105 L 3 3 31 100 Ditto - - - - - - Ditto ------ Ditto,
furthest from Wain- fleet - X - - - - In Ming with Lands of several People, and in the Tenure of Roger Wood- — — 5 For other Particulars in the intennediate Time, en- quire of Mr. George Smith of Fulbeck, or at Mr. George Tennyson's Office, in Raifin, Lincolnshire. . The respective Tenants will shew the Premises. March 5th, 1785. LUDFORD, LINCOLNSHIRE. TO BE SOLD BY PRIVATE CONTRACT, At the BLUE STONE, in LOUTH, in the said County, On Wednesday the 6th Day of" April next, betwixt the Hours of Ten and Four, A FREEHOLD ESTATE, Situate at LudFORD aforesaid, consisting of the Particulars following: N
exceeding good new- built brick, sashed, and tiled farmhouse. A brick and tiled Barn, another Barn, good Stable, Cow- house, Ox- house, Calf- house, and every neces- sary Building and Convenience for a farmer : ALSO A Homestead of good Pasture, by Estim mation _ — — — — — — —; Several little Closes of old enclosed Pas- ture, by ditto ------ n In the North Field, Arable and Mea- flow, by ditto ___--- 111 the South Field, ditto, by ditto - leg 25s A. R. P, 400 800 o e Mr. Hill's Ormskirk Medicine. THIS genuine Medicine, for the Cure of the Bite of a Mad Dog, & c. in Man and Beast, is pre- pared by Miles Barton, Surgeon,
in Ormskirk. The most scrupulous may be satisfied, by applying to each of his Venders, that from 1778, to February 1 be 4th, 1785, eleven thousand four hundled and fourteen Packets have been sold and administered with the greatest Success. Packets, for Man and Beast, arc retailed at 2s. 8d ( Duty included) and for Dogs at half Price. SOLD by Mr. Cornwell, No. 198, Fleet- street"; Mr. Bolton, Front of the Royal- Exchange; Mr. Durham, Stationer, Cockspur- street, Charing- cross Mr. Denham, Stationer, Shadwell High- street ; and no where else in London.——— Jacob, Peterborough ; Musent, Grantham; Rowlandwythers,
Spalding; Norrise, Surgeon, Hull; Barton, Horncastle ; Steven- son, Newark; Taylor, Retford ; Cooke, Mansfield; Marshall, Druggist, Market- Place, Nottingham; Cal- low, Chelterfield; Saxelsby, Derby ; Eller, Lough- borough ; Smith, Doncaster ; Pearson, Sheffield ; Bowling, Printer, and Medley, Druggist, Leeds; Blanchard and Comp. Printers, York ; Howgrave; Stamford ; Doubleday, Southwell ; Lomax, Bing- ham ; Baines, Bawtry ; Wilson, Post- Office, Rother- ham ; Heaton, Market Raison ; Burgess, Boston; Sheardown, Louth; and Turner, Ollerton. Also by ROSE & DRURY, Printers of this Paper, and J. TAYLOR, Printer and
Bookseller, EAST RETFORD. Of whom may be had, AN DERSON's true Scots PilIs, 1s. Batman's Drops, which give immediate Relief in the most racking Pains of the Rheumatism, Gout, & c. is. Bathing Spirits for Strains and Bruises, 6d. British Oil, an effectual Remedy for Strains, Ulcers, old Sores, Swellings, & c. 1s, British Herb Snuff, in Canisters at is 3d, or small Boxes at 6d. British Herb Tobacco, in Quarterns at 1s 3d, or in Two- penny Papers. Bott's Corn Salve, 6d'. Brooke's Ague Drops, 2s. Bailey's Patent Blacking Cakes, £ d. Best Cedar Pencils. Bassoon and Hautboy Reeds. Cephalic Snuff, 6d. a Bottle. Court
Sticking Plaister. Cake Ink, by Smith and Son, 6d. Daffy's Original Elixir, by Dicey Is Ditto, by Spilsbury, Chymist, & c. Newark, IJ Ditto, by Brooke, London, 153d. Essence of Peppermint, is. Egyptian Balsam for old Wounds and Ulcers, is gi, Freebairne's Antiscorbutic Drops, 6s. Fises. Godfrey's Cordial, 6d. Greenough's Tincture for cleaning the Teeth, is. Ditto, for curing the Tooth Ach, is. Green Hat- casing. Hatfield's Tincture for Cuts, Strains, & c. is. Hill's Balsam of Honey for Coughs and Colds is. Honeywood's Tincture for Cleansing and Preserving the Teeth. Sold only in Lincoln, by Rose and Drury, Printers, & c. near the
Stone- Bow ; and by one Trader in most Towns in Great- Britain and Ireland^ Price 6d. the Bottle. Hooper's Female Pills, is. Issue Plaisters, by Sandwell, is. Ditto, by Bowden, is. Ink for marking Linen. India Rubber. Japan Ink, 6d. Jackson's Tincture for Coughs and Asthmas, is, James's Fever Powders, 2s 6d, Kendrich's Worm Cakes, is. LeCoeur'S Imperial Oil for Cuts, green Wounds. ss 5i. Maredant's Drops, by Norton, will perfectly cure the most inveterate Leprosy, Scurvy, old Sores, or Ulcers, the Evil, Fistutas, Piles, Pimpled faces, & c. Pr. 6s. Oriental Vegetable Cordial, for violent Pains in the Bowels, 5s. Pectoral
Lozenges of Tolu, 1 s. Pullin's Antiscorbutic Pills, 2s 6d. Purging Pills, 1s. Female Pills, 1s. Pounce, and Pounce Horns. Radcliff's Purging Elixir, is. Rock's Viper Drops, a balsamic, strengthening, and restoring Compostion, 3s. Rock's Asthmatic Elixir, for Coughs, Difficulty of Breathing, & c. 1s. Royal Tooth Powder, 1s. Steers's Opodeldock for Sprains, & c. 1s 6d. Stoughton's Drops, is. Spilsbury's Antiscorbutic Drops, 4s. Smith's Smelling Medicine for the Itch, 1s 6d. — Corn Salve, 2s 6d and 1s 6d. Thomas Hall, Thomas Foreman, William Spikens, M. Thompson, William Snell, For Price and other The above Premises are now
tenanted by Mr. Law- son from Year to Year. Also TEN COTTAGES and GARDENS, with Seven Common Rights, tenanted by John Tison, George Tison, Elizabeth Betts, William Melbourn, Joseph jackson. Particulars apply to Mr, Henry Johnson of Randal, Mr. Robert Husbands of North Willingham, or at Mr. George Tennyson's Office in Raisin, all in the faid County. Sujah's China Japan Blacking Balls, 6d. Scott's Superfine Water Colours, in Pots and Cake*, prepared as in China. Real superfine Indian Ink. liquid Colours for Maps and Plans. Best Camel- hair Pencils ; with all Things necessary for colouring and drawing. Sealing
Wax, Wafers, and Wafer Paper. Shining Sand. Turlington's Balsam of Life, 1s 6d. Vandour's Nervous Pills, 2s 6d, Walker's Jesuit's Drops, 2s 6d, Violin Strings, and Bridges. All Medicines which sell for a less Sum than 2s 6d, pay 3d Duty : If for 2s 6d and under 5s, 6d Duty': If for 5s or upward, is Duty. ADVERTISEMENTS, ARTICLES OF INTELL Mr. Cheetham, Saddler, Barton. Mr. Ferraby, Printer and Bookseller, Hull. Mr. Western, Hair- dresser, Wragby. Mr, Ellis and Mr. Weir, Horncastle. Mr. Gibbons, Tattershall. Mr. Marsh and Mr. Sheardown, Louth. Mrs. Ward, Spilsby. Mr. Allin, and Messrs. Drury, Newark. Also at
Garraway's Coffee- house, Exchange Alley, Cornhill; the London Coffee- house, Ludgate- hill; the Chapter Coffee- house, Pater-' This Paper, with the greatest Expedition, is circulated into most of the Towns and Villages throughout the several Counties of Lincoln^ Mess. Scatcherd & Whitaker, Ave- maria- lane, London; Mr. Jacob, Printer, Peterborough. Mr. Cowper, Bookseller, Cambridge. Mr. Gatliffe, Hair- dresser, Bourn. Mrs. Whaley, Bookseller, Grantham. Mr. Rose, Printer, Sleaford. Mr. Joshua Drewry, Bookseller, Lincoln. Mr. Gregg, Long Sutton Mr. Burgess, Printer & Bookseller, Boston. Mr. Albin, Printer, Spalding. Mr.
Dixon, Chequer Inn, Holbeach Mr. Heaton, Market Raisin. Mr. Booth, Bookseller, Caistor. Mr. Metcalf, Hair- dresser, Kirton. Mrs. Swallow, Bookseller, Brigg. IGENCE, & c. are taken Mr. White, Hair- dresser, Gainsborough. Mr. Clarke, Ironmonger, Tuxford., Mr. Taylor, Printer & Bookseller, Retford. Mr. Baines, Hair- dresser, Bawtry. Mr. Parker, Ironmonger, Worksop. Mr. Sheppard, Bookseller, Mansfield. Mr. Turner, Grocer, Ollerton. in by Mr. Calow, Chesterfield, Mr. Drewry, Printer, Derby, Mr. Adams, Bookseller, Loughborough. Mr. Smith, Bookseller, Doncaster. Mr. Gales, Printer and Bookseller, Sheffield Messfrs. Ogle and
Smith, Booksellers, Leeds Mr. Wilson, Bookseller, Rothcrham. Mr. Todd and Mr. Spence, York. Mr. Tupman, Printer, Nottingham. oster- row; and the Red Lion Inn, Aldersgate- street; where it may be seen every ' Week, Nottingham, Derby, Leicester, Northampton, Rutland, Huntingdon, Cambridge, ( Sc. ( St.