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The Whitehall Evening Post

Date of Article: 25/12/1784
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Address: No 4, Ludgate-Hill, London
Volume Number:     Issue Number: 5868
No Pages: 4
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The PRICE THREE- PENCE.] From THURSDAY, December 23, to SATURDAY, December ,25, [ No, -. 868. ABSTRACT of the moft CURIOUS and fc INTERESTING PARTICULARS of CAPTAIN COOK's LAST VOYAGE to the PACIFIC OCEAN. ( Continuedfrom our Paper of Nov. 11.) > APTA1N CO OK had fcarcely dropped his an- chor, before he learned, that two fhipr. had twice vilited that place lince he had been there be- fore. He foon found that thefe fliips were Spanifh, and probably from the port of Lima, as the na- tives called it Reeimi.— When they were there the firft time, which muft have been foon after Capt. Cook left this iflmd in 1774, they ere£ ted a wooden houfe, and left behind them, as our people underftood, t\ vo prieft>, a boy or fervant, and a fourth perfon, whom the natives called Ma- teema, and who feemed to have been of fotnc ra< nk. They took four of the natives away with them when they failed, and returned again in about ten months, bringing back two ofthe natives ( the other two having died in the mean time), and took away their'own people. Tht houfe was ftill ( landing, and alfo a wooden crofs; on the traufumof which was cut, Chiiflus vincit. And on the perpendicular part, Cirolui III. imperat• 1J74. Captain Cook cut on the other fide of tbe poft, Ceorgius tertius Rex. Amies 1767, 1769, 1773. I774> & 1777- The Spaniards left here fotne hogs, dogs, and goats, ahull, and a ram ; but as they left neither cows nor ewes, thefc could be of little life. It is fomewhat forprifing the Spaniards lhmuld leave male animals here alone, as Captain Cook was tiild they had female one3 011 board, and took them away with them : but this muft be a miftake. Capt. Cook ( topped not long at this part of the iftand, but failtd. on tlie 24th, for Mitavai, where they arrived that evening, and found molt of their old friends alive and well; and as glad to fee them as ufual. But, on the 30th, their attention to their guelts wis diverted from them to another Obj<-< 3 : a mefTcnger arrived from Eimeo, with in » teliigrnce that the people of that iflitid were up in arms, and that the partifms of Otoo had been worfted. Many councils were held, on this occa- fion, in the preftnee of Captain Cook, where he was'much preffi d to take a part in the expedition which they propofed to make againft that iflatid ; he, however, very pru- ieii'ly, declined it; telling them, that he Was n friend to them all, and there- fore could not interfere in any of tleir quarrels, otherwife than !> y endeavouring to make them friends an i n. Thia was by no means rdiflied by i fuch Chiefs as were violently bent 011 war, among j whom, as is ufual in other countries as wellas Ota- < heite, was the Generaliflimo, Towha, whofe' friendfhip Captain Cook totally forfeited by his moderation on this occafion. Tnis fquabble with the natives of Eimeo, as fuch fquabbles appear to be very frequent, would not have been an objefl of confequence- enough to be mentioned here, if it were not for a cireumft. ince which it occafioned. On the firft of September a meffenger arrived frdm Towha, who was then at Tettaha, his own iftftri£ t, to inform Otoo, that he had thought it neceff. try to kill a man, as afacrifice to the Eatooa, to induce that divinity to lend its aid againft the natives of Eimeo ; at which aft of worfhip, it feems, Otoo's prefeftce was abfolutely neceflary. M. Bougainville was the firft who, on the authority of Aotourou, afferted that human fa- crifices made a part of the religious inftitutions of Otaheite. Captain Cook, in his account of hia fe- cond voyage, adds many circu. mftar. ces w^ iich tend to confiim M. Bougainville's affertion: but not- witbftanding this, many of that clafs of philofo- phers who are advocates for, and admirers of hu- man nature iti its uncultivated ftate, or, as they term it, ia that ftate where it is to be feen unde- bauched by the luxurious refinements of modern European manners, affeCted to dilbelieue the exilt- ence of fo. fhockinga cuftom. Capt. Cook, there- fore, thought this an excellent opportunity of de- termining this point with eertainty, and propofed to Otoo his accompanying him : to which Otoo readily affented. They therefore fet out imme- diately, with Mr. Anderfon and Mr. Webber, in Capt. Cook's pinnace j and Omai followed in a ca- noe, The ceremony was to be performed at the great Morai at Attahooroo ; and, as they we nt along, they landed at the little ifland Motu- ahou- na, which lies off the province of Tettaha, and where they met with Towha and his retinue Th t Chief did not go with them, but gave to Otoo a fmall tuft of red feathers, which was repeatedly ufed in the ceremony, and apoor half- ftarved dog, which was put into a canoe that accompanied them. They landed at Attahooroo about two o'clock in the afternoon, when Otoo defired that the feamen might be ordered to remain the boat, and that the Captain and his companions would take off their hats as they approached the Morai; to which they were accompanied by many men aud boys, but not one woman. They found there four priefts, and their attendants, waiting for them ; and they had taken another with them from the ipand where they met with Towha, fo that there were five in all. Two ofthe four were fitting liy the canoe, in which lay the dead body, or facrifice, on the beach, in the front of the Morai; and the others were at the Morai. Oiooand his company ftopped when they were about 20 or 30 paces from the prie_ ft3, and the ceremony began immediately, by one of the at- tendants ofthe pried bringing a young plantain tree, and laying it down at Otoo's feet. Another then brought a fmall tuft of red feathers, with which he touched one of the King's feet, and then retired with it to his companions. One of thofc priefts who were feated at the Morai now began a long fpeeeh, or prayer ; and, at certain times, fent down young plantain trees, which were laid on the facri- fice. Wh; n this was ended, thofe pricfts who were at the Morai went and fat by thole who were on the beach, round the dead body, and renewed their (•. nearseft fervant, they liftened- w- ith p* » at attention, plantain trees were taken, one by one, from off the facrifice ; and which, being ( tripped of this cover- ing, was laid on the. beach with its feet towards the fea. Prayers and chaunts were again made over it; after which it's pofition was once more changed, and it was hid parallel to the fea- coalt, entirely un- covered/ Otie'of tbe priefts then, ( landing at the feet of ity pronounced- a long prayer, in which he1 was, at times, joined by the others, each holding in his hand a- tuft of red feathers. In the ceurfe of. this prayer fome hair was plucked off from the head j of the facrifice, and the left eye. was taken out ; both of which were prefented to Otoo, wrapped up in a g- reen leaf. He did not however touch either; biit'gave to the man who prefented it, the ruft of red feathers which he had received from Towha, and whicfh, with the hair and the eye, was carried back to the priefts. S6on after Otoo fent to them another tuft of red feathers, which he had given to Capt. Cook, in the morning, to keep in his pocket. During fome. part of this laft ceremony a k- iilg- fifher making a noite in the trees, Oloo tur^ td to Capt. Cook, and faid, " Thatis tjie Eatooa prayers ; during which, at intervals, the young ( and did not appear to think the doctrine by any t Who fhall fay what eff ftay- way hereaf| e- r from this coffverlatioh f as* Hrer?" apbears to he IM& til ' o'vile ajid unreasonable as their mafter did. fprir. g ( HHSHHHHH . ' j little reafon to. Fear that it. was not. ful4^ compre- hended b> all parties- ..-. , >. . Nothing worthy 6f theJittTc roofn \ vfitch ' we'Jiave row to fpare happened affe- Wa'rd,. nOta'he" ite ; wAieh place they left bn the 29th of'September: SikPtffter ! viliting the- iflands of Huaheinf, ( Jlietea, Otahs and Bclabola, hid adieu to the. Sqciety- Ifles bn the ? th of December 1777, and fleered for the N- W. coaft j of America. In tlie . night* between the 221! and 23d | of December, they crofied tbe equinoctial, in Ion- \ gitude 203 t'leg. ifland, on the and longitude > 202 deg. 28 min. E. where they caught immenfe quantities offifli, ind about 300 j fine greeuturtle*, which weighed one with aoother, between 90 and too lb. each. They left this illand on the 2d of January 1778, again directing their courfe for the N. W, coaft of America, as near as would' let them, but fcarce made better tftsn ' h \ 10rth coDrfe; and, on the 18th, made ' NAVY- OFFICE, Dec. 18, 1784. principal Officers and Coifiritiffiuncrs of VTr. jcfy's Navy do hereby give notice, That itrfday, the fob infant, they wilt fell at tire the k ndevtiiriifintiprl . VA.- V, c ^•• y, ' ; ing at Dept; ord. ditto. PJyriWUtH. P-,- rffn oVth. his Ufbu thit Office the'undermentioned Ships, viz. ". To:!?. Recovery, 664, coppered, beahorfe, 519, di'. to, ' D. iamou , 710, ' d'tto, PritieefTa, 1709, not. coppered, Inventories and Conditions of Sal* may be had eft this Office, and any perfons may have til e liberty of viewing them during the common working ha urs ^ .'.. » ; j ofite Yards till the fale. i5* min. F„ and met with a fmall i>< ,, , . ,. , , .. 24tb, in latitude x min. jSdeg. N. The Purclmfrsare to hnd thenfeh U02 deg. 28 min. E. where they of 2000I. for each Ship of ^ Guus ti . V/ ^. f. fj.. ' rtUL . Giu, iUdi 10. yie J^ ULUUA : LTimi - x. nxi u, ^ uin a , owu, UH tilC , Qlll, III.-, VIC and feemed to look on'it as a good omen. t' land,'- which proved to be one of . the moft wefterly The dead body was now carried a littl;^ way, with the bead towards the Morai, and laid'imdet; a tree ; and the tofts of red feathers at its'feet t the priefts ?. lfo took their Rations found it; and our voyagers were - now allowed to approach as near as they chofe. He who feemed to be the chief prieft fit at a fmall diftance, and fpoke for a quar- ter of an hour, but with different tones and geftures; fometimes as'if he expoftulated with the dead per-, fon, to whom he conftantly addreffed himfelf; and fometimes as if he queftioned him, feemingly about the propriety of his having been killed. At other times he made feveral demands, as if the deceafed now had power himfelf, or intereft with the divi- nity to engage him to comply with their requefts : among which, it appeared, were the following; namely, that he would deliver Eimeo, Mdhein? . its. Chief, the hogs, women, and other things of th- j ifland, into their hands; and which, indeed, Was^ tin; exprefs intent of tiie facrifice. He next chauuted a ptiye- r in a whining, melancholy tone, ifi which he was accompanied by two other priefts, and fe- veral ofthe fpeftators. In the courfe of this prayer, hymn, or whatever it maybe called, more hair was plucked off the head of the facrifice; and feveral more ceremonies, not greatly different from thofe already delcribed, were performed by different priefts; afler which the body was carried up to the Morai, the drums beat flowiy, and the pi lefts, hav- itij.' again feated themfelves round the body, renew- ed their prayers, while fome of their attendant* dug a hole about two feet deep, into which they threw the unhappy vitftim, and covered it over with earth and Itohes. Afterwards the dog which was brought from Towha was facrificed, with many ce- remonies, fimilarto thoie which have been deferr- ed ; fome parts of him were rcaftett, by being lr. il on hot flones, and the reft were laid on a VVhatra, i or altar, forthe Eatooa to feaft on at his leifurt. t Thus ended the ceremony for this time ; at tbe con- 1 clulion of which the priefts made a ( trange kind of i noife, fomewhat bttween a fliout and a Ibriek. On 1 the following day a pig was facrificed, and laid on i the Whatta, with much the fame ceremonies as had been ufed for that of the dog. The unhappy viftim, offered to the objetft of their worfbip at this time, appeared to be a middle- aged imn, and OUT people were told, that he was a towr tow, or one ofthe loweftrank ; hut they could n « ' t learn that he had been pitched upon on account < 5f any crime committed by him meriting death. There are reafons however for concluding that they ge- nerally do make choice of fuch guilty perfona on thofe occafions, or of common, low fellows, who flroll about from ifland to ifland, without having any fixed place of abode, or any vifible way of get- ting an honeft livelihood; of which defcription of men enough are to be met with in thofe iflands. Captain Cook examined the Uody after they were permitted to approach fufficiently near it, and found it very bloody about the head and face, and tbe right temple was much bruifed ; and he- was told the man was knocked on the head with a ftone. He was informed alfo, that thofe who are devoted to foffcr, for the purpofe of performing this bloody a6t of worfhip, are never apprized of their fate, un- til the blow is given which deprives them of lif?. When any of the great Chiefs think a human fa- ct ifice neccffiry on any particular emergency, lie j pitches on the vi£ tim ; . fome of his trufty fervants j are then fent, wbo fall on him fuddenly, and put i him to dea. h with a- club, or by ftoning him : the King ii then made acquainted with it, whofe pre- fence, at the fol& mn rites which follow, is abfolute- ly neceffary; and there is reafon to believe that thefe horrid rites are very frequent, as Captain, I Cook law, on this occafion, forty- nine fculls Of !• former victims, lying before' the Morai ; none of i which appeared to Iwive fuffered any confiderable 1 change from the weather. ' As. they returned, they again vifited Towha, I who had remained all the time on the little ifland [ where they left him. This Chief, after again preff- ing Captain Cook very mueh to aflilt them againft | l. irneo, rdfced him many queftions concerning. the . fol, enmity they had been to fee; particularly, if it atifwered their expectations; what cainton thev res in Ezras 7ind up \ .\ frds¥ not to fell or ' otbchxsife d'fpofe of ' hem to any c'hcr ' Perfon\ but to break them up in a limitc-' time* SEVERAL of the Capital Prizes having been Chequed at Guildhall, duriugthe Drawing ol the late Li t erv, - with their Counterparts, in order ro afccrtain the - i ropej- of the Proprietors thereof, and to make th$ fame Ne- gotiable, the Books for that Purpofe and the Examination " 61 Tickets, arc now, as ufual, atthe Commiffiin. eri Lot- tery. Office,- Privy Garden, Whitehall, where ei. nl! ant Attendance is given ( very Day, ( Sundays excepted) from Tickets • of a very confiderable group ^> f iflands; called by Captain Cook SANDWICH ISLANDS, in hpnour, of that warm patron of thefe expeditions, the Earl of . \ x - n ln thc Morning until Six in the Evening.' Sandwicn. ' .. I ij aii. former Lotteries are alfo Examined. They remained amongft thefe Iflahds utffil- the : ( id of February, trafficking for lioge,' fruit, and 1 » r . nr .„ , ,,. n , roofs; each of w'hich fcicles tfey okt" with in great h? l"" l, Jhed> r, plenty. The roots and fruit wereof much tht fame T'" e » if' « miferaMe 5 . ' . ... „ , . . , „ . Augmentations, 2 Vols. 8vo. 10s. 111 Boaixls, forts. they met with at Otaheitd,;' and- the Society |. VPHE HI STOR Y of the KINGS of FllA mCE Ifles I but bread fruit wasjr. ore rate than- there, 1 . X r and the yama were in greater pleuty. > . The n^ tiygs . were. friendly i fon, d of trade, which th^ y denied to ur. deritand as well, a:; d they were great thieves' as ' their more fonthern neighbours'.: thejr language was alfo the fame, and their' cuftoms To little different, that there can be no doubt of their having had the fame origin. r ( To be Continued. ) ' F RID AY, DEC^ I^ ."'. COUNTRY N vM S. ' Bury, Dec. 22. S. vcral merchants in Lynn have been conliderable fufferers by the ' laft dreadful ftorm on our coaft.— One perfon there has hift a flrip, and three fons. Norwich, Dec, 22. We hear a plan is now forming in this city to eftablifh the cotton manufactory, in its various branches, the feme as at Manchefter, which if put into execution, cannot fail of being of the greateft utility to the public and the means of relieving many dlftreffed objects, who are now out of employment. Thurfday laft an inquifition was taken before Richard Eaton, Gent. Coroner of the county of Norfolk, on view of the body of James May- hew, who accidentally fell into the river, at' Haddifcoe, from on board a keel, as he was pull- ing a rope, and was drowned. Thurlday laft in confequence of an informa- tion being lodged againlt the houfe of M<- ffh. - Hawkins, Duncan, and Gill, in this town, a Larch warrant was iffued, and on examining the premifes a quantity of counterfeit halfpence, all of one date, were found ; but the- r being no proof to l'uppor: the charge alledged againft them, they were of courfs difoharged. Friday laft John Horrex, of Rougham, was. committed to our gaol, by John Godbold, Efq. charged with ftealing a quantity of old iron," the property of William Durrant. S me day Wil- liam Gault was committed for receiving the fame, knowing it to have been ltolen. A pleafing Prefent for little Ladies and Gentle- men for. the enftiing Holiday Seafon. ,. ' ' Lately piibliffied, In ten volumes, Lilliputian quarto, Adorned with 130 cuts, defigned and engraved by the moft capital art ills, Price oijly five fhillin? s, furoptuoiifly bound, n- HE Ll LLIPUTI AN 1,1 ll R AIIY ; or, Gulliver's Mufcum. Containing Gulliver's Lec- on iriterefting had of its efficacy; and whether we performed fuch ails of worftiip in our country. Captain Cook did not difguife Ilis fentiments in the leaft, but told him plainly that we detcfted fuch things as bloody, bar- i baious, and iu every refpedl; unteafbnible; and that, fo far Iron! its being likely to make the E- tooa pro- pitious to their nation, as they foolilhly believe, it would nioie likely be the means of drawing down his vengeance upon them : and " that if he had put a man to death in England, as he had done there, his rank would not have prote£ ted him from being hanged. Twowha as in great wrath when he was told thin, and exclaimed with great vehe- mence, Mucno, Maeno I [ vile, vile!] and would not hear another word. During this debate many of the natives were prefent, chiefly the attendants and fervants of Towha ; and when Oc- nai, who was the interpreter on this occafion, and who entered into the bufinefs with griat fpirit, began to explain the puniftiment which would he iuflitted; in En- gland, oa the great (." ft man in it, if he killed the Vol. I. tures » » or « l Subjefts. Vol. II. A Collection of remarkable Voyages and Travels. Vol. III. Fables of' the wife iEfop, with in- ftruftive applications. Vol. iV. Gulliver'sTales, containing tbe re- nowned hiftbry of the White Cat, and other interefling, ftoiies. Vol. V. The Lilliputian Letter- Writer. Vol. VI. The Poetical Flower. Bafket, ' or the liflli- .' put'an Flight toPar- naflus. Vol. VII. The Merry Companion, or Oracle of Mirth and Wifdom. Vol. VIII. The Lillipu- tian Biographer, or the lives of iiluftrious lit- tle ht roes, and others. Vol. IX. Tne Entertain- ing Medley, being a colicftioivof many cu- rious ftories and. ad- ventures. Vol. X. Lilliputian Frag- ments, or wifdom and mirth united- of the Race- of VALOIS, from the Actelfioii of Charles the Fifth, in 1364, to the Death of Charles the - Ninth, in 1574. By NATHANIEL WII Ll AM WRAXALI., Efq. ^ London: Printed for C.' Dillv, in the Poultry. WKere'may be had, by the fame Author, ( and now firlt printed feparate) price p, s. 6d. in Boards, A- TO'OR through the Vvcftern, Southern, and interior PROyiNCES of FRANCE. This Day was publifhed,\ Price Eotir Shillings Bound, ' THE UNIVERSAL. C A LC U f. A TO P, Or, Merchant's, Tradefman's, and Family's Aflif- . tant. Being an entire new, complete, and correfl SET of TABLES, ( hewing, at one View, the Amount of any . Number or Quantity of. Goods or Merchandize wliatever, from One to Ten Thoufa'hd, arid tixim a Farthing, in re- gular progreffion, to Thirty Shillings.— I i 280 Tables. TABLES ( hewing the Divifions of the Price arid Pound, Ounce, Yard, & c. & c. not to be found in any other Book. There are alfo added, TWENTY- SEVEN TABLES, ( hewing the Exchange on Bills, Commiffion on Goods, & c. from i- 8c'> to 5 per Cent, and Tables of the Amount of any Salary and Ex- pence, See. by the Day, Week, Month, or Year. By JOHN THOMSON, Accountant in Edinburgh, Author ofthe Tables of Intereft, and Tables for calculating Grain. * 4* This Book is warrantee! the moft tifefuS and correct Book of the Kind extant. It has now been Printed abov^ twelve Months, and not a fingle Error difcovered. Books of Calculation are admirably fitted for Difpatch of Bufinefs, but their Value depends folely 011 their Correftnefs. By purchafmg an incurred Book of this Kind for Clieapnefs, a Perfon may lofe much more by a fingle Tranfaftion than the Price of the'beft and moft Correft. Printed for the Author, and fold in London by'C. Dil- ly; and at Edinburgh, by W. CreeSh, and C. Elliot. Where may be had, Mr. Thomfon's Tables of Intereft, the moft correft and comprehenfive of any of the Kind now extant, prij « js. Bound. In the Prtfs, and peedily will be publifhed, In Two Volumes, fmall 8vo. elegantly Prin'ted oil a'fine Writing Paper, MORAL and SENTIMENTAL ESSAYS, on Mis- cellaneous Siitijefti, written in Re. irement on ths Banks of the Brenta, in the Venetian State. By J. W. C- t-. s, of R- f- b. Printed for J. Rohf-, n, Booklcller. N « w Bond- ftreet. +++ At she fame Time will be publifhed, in a fmall nsat Pocket Volume, the fame Work written in French, by the fame Author, under the Title of PIECES MO- RALE5.& SENTlMEN'i'ALKS. M I D W .1 E E R Y L E C T U- RES. ON Monday, the 3d of January, at Five in. the Even- ing, Dr. LEAKE, Member of the- College of Phy- ficitins, London, arfd Phylrcian- tothe Weftmifittec Lying- in Hofpital, will begin his Courfe of Lectures on the Theory and 1' rafhce or Midwifery, and Difcafes. inci- dent to Women and Children, at his' Theatre in Craven- ' ftreet, Sirand, where Propufals may be had, and Particu- lars known; alfo'at tbe Weftmtnfter LViiig- in Hofpital, near the( iHdi. e. in which upwards of 5* 100 Patients have ' been delivered, fand where Pupils will be allowed to at- , tend. + 4, t The few remaining. Copies of Dr. I. cake's Prafti- ca_ l Obfervatigns on the Difiaf.- sof Women, in Two ^'• lumes, 3-' 0. price 15s. may be had ef ft. Baldwin, Pa. ternoller- row. Alfo, A New Edition of his Lefture in- IroV. uCtory to the Science of Midwilery, w;-. h atPnat and Description ot his new Forceps, price 5 s. The whole form'ng a coriaplt te fyltem of juvenile knowledge, for the amufement and improvement of all little matters and miffes, whether in fummer or winter, morninc. noon, or evening. By LILLlf. JT11JS GULLIVER, Citizen of Utopia, and Knight of the moft noble Order of Human Prudence. Printed for R. Bild win, in P. tternofler- row ; W. Domville, iinder the Royal- Exchange ; Bytield and H lwkefworth, Chariug- crofs ; and fold by - 11 other bookfellers. N- B. This work is printed in fuch a manner ( like the Spectators) that one volume does not de- pend upon another ; Co that little miffes or matters may be fopplied with one or more volumes of this valuable collection weekly or monthly. At the College of DEAF and DUMB, Koightib. idge. \ * R. TELF. UR in fix years teachcs Youth born without hearing to fpeak, and pretty commonly know by th? eye what is pronounced very flowiy by others, and to read, write, and Cypher. ' I his art, being little ftudied by the learned, has been often mifrcprefented. Counterfeir poetry is publifhed un- der the name of Mr. Braidwood's fcholars at Edinburgh, who, it is pretended, acquire any language, and repeat with better tone and accent than many Clergymen. Mr. T. humbly reminds his patrons, that he prefeffe inftruil the unfortunate Deaf only to exchange their thoughts in an Eriglith ftyle j that, verfe requires certain mufuialaccents, of which they can have 110 idea; and that though he affords the confolation of producing from their organs founds articulated, foas to be intellig 1 yet their voice can never be rnned to melody, nor thtit"* pronuncia- tion marked with accent or emphafis, but their utteraiKe, fomewhat like the dialeft'of Foreigners, is at firft uno^ utb, and only becomes familiar upon acquaintance. Mr. T. alfo removes impediments ia fpeech, arifisg fmnj a cleft palate, hare- lip, or other c ufes. P. S. Some Children, sirs receivtJ upon lubferiptiMs. FRIDAY, Dec. 24, AMERICA. From the NEW- YORK GAZETTE. flew York, OH. n. A Sufficient number of the Senate and Affembly being convened on Mon- day lad at the City Hall, previous to their en- tering upon bufinels, his Excellency the Gover- nor was pleafcd to make the following Speech : " Gentlemen of the Senate and AiTembly, *' Since the dole ot the latt Selfi. n. the Lc- giflature of the State of M iffachute » have thought fit to fet up a claim to land, which it is to be inferred, from their petition to the Hon. the United Starts in Congress, lie fomewhere within the ancient jurisdiction of this State, but in what p> m, or to what extent, is left in obfeurity. They have nnwithftai di- g rcquedtd that a Foederal Court may be appointed for en- quiring into and determining Inch claim ; and Congrefs have accordingly affigned the firft Mon- day in Deceit. ber next for the appearance of both S'ates, and fuch other proceedings as are direfted by the Articles i f Confederation and perpetual Union. From the Aft of Congrefs of the 3d day of June laft, on this fubj- ft, and the papers accompanying it, you will perceive the necelfity of appointing Agent* to manage the controverfv on the part of thi* State ; and of calling for an explicit defcription of the land claimed by the Mnffachufetis, without which we nanft beexpufed, in our drfence, to uiuiecctfafy difficulties and expence. The impoitance of thefe meafures, and the eleftion of Delegates and Members to tompofc a Council of Appoint- rnent for the enfuing year, were the principal inducements to your being affembled at a fealon Which I am fetifible muft be inconvenient. The Aft of Congrefs of the 27th, 28th, and 29th of April, relpeft ng the anears of intereft of the national debt, and the expence for the year 1784, and a requisition of money to dis- charge the fame, and another Aft of the 3d of June, recommending it to this and fome other of the States to raife a proportion of their mili- tia for talcing pofiefli' n of their ovftern ports, guarding the publ e ftores, aud proteftihg fhe treaties with the Indm. s ( all which are now laid before you) cart e to my hands feme time after the laft adjournir entj It appeared to me im- practicable after near fix months had been Spent by the legislature in the public bnfinefs without Jiny iutcrmilfion, to have convened yon at an earlier period ; and it wa9 the lefs neceffary, as before the recommendation for raifing thefe troops was communicated to me, it had been difcovt red that there was not the leaft probabi- lity th. y couki this fcafon be employed in the pr ncipal fervue for which they were intended Thefe d fferent fiibj; fts are now fubm tted to your i'e. mrJte consideration, and I am per- lua led tie r « fu't will be dift3ted with a regard to the liicred rules of jullice, - o the honour of the ftate, and to the principles of tbe fcederal eontraft. Gentlemen, The injury which the State ftif- tains in its growth and Settlement by the claims of abfentees and aliens to large traCts of uncul tivated lands, calls for ycur at'enti » n. Thefe claimants contribute nothing to the exigencies of Governm. nt: they retard the ptogreft of im- provement, while their eftates continue to in- creafe in value by the labour and induf- . try of the citizens who fettle and cultivate the adjacent lands. Your wifdom will undoubt- edly fugged fome remedy confident with the treaty, and the principles of equity, for the mif- cl: r: f, wh ch becomes daily more obvioufly detri- mental. I i. eed not m ntion that the. Legiftature have long fince Seen theneceffity i f an eftimate of the value of taxable property thr ughout. the State : But the meaiur<; s which they adopted f r that ptli pefe have hitherto proved ineffectual; with- out it, Government cannot be adminiftered on wife and fixed principles ; for it neither can be kno* n to what amount the whole State may be taxed without opprellion, nor what is the com- parative value of the wealth of the refpeftive Counties and didrifts, however eftenthl to equal taxation, and for preventing thofe difcofds and animofiti s which too frequently taki place in fixing ih- quota. The n. anagemeiit of the public revenue alfo wants fydrm; there is no mode eftabliflied for drawing the income, expenditures, or debts to a point; nor is it in the power of the b.- ft in- formed at preftnt to produce a tolerable edi- mate of them, though it muft be admjtted that this is a branch of mformation fo ufeful, that it cannot without manifeft inconveniency be dii- p nfed with. I fllall leave with you fuch papers it t have received during the recefr j and may, be necell'ary for your information ; among thefe are the pro- ceedings of the Commiffiongis of Indian af- tairsj" containing a particular detail of the tranf- nftion?, and the leftilt of the bulinefscommitted to them. * '*• atlemen, although I have thought it my duty at the opening of a Seffioti to point out the various. matters which appeared to me to claim the attention of the Legillature ; yet, fhould it be Tound'iiicoiivetiient to the members to conti- nue long together at this time, fuch of them only may be taken into immediate confideraiion as cannot with Safety be delayed until the ptxi meeting. GEO, • A 1 CLINTON. A* a eohfirmatfen •{ Lord ChtfterfieUl'i re- 1 mark, that " fuperficial and darling qualities are infinitely more followed and admired by " the ! great vulgar, and the fmall,"— let the funeral of Garrick, and that of Dr. Jobnfon, be adduced. It is not to be wondered at, that the parties themfelves, concerned in modern duels, pubhfh their folly to the world in the newfpapers; there are a certain fort of gentlemen who live purely on their bravery and gallantry : it is their eftate in fee- ftmple, and the credit they have in the world depends on the world's knowing of their poffef- fions! < - In the Preface- to th « Cenfure of- the Doftors- 4 of Sorbonne, on the writings of the Abbe t? syiial, is the following cliarafter of Motif, de Voltaire: 1 Death had put an end to the bUfphem'es of that Writer, fo celebrated for his uncommon talents, fo culpable on account of the deteftable ule he made of them j of that famous man, who, in the fight of all Europe, fpent h. s whofe life in defending and propagating impiety. As a Philofopher, rafli, and without principles; as a Poet, licentious and diffolute; as an Hiftorian, void of judgment and good faith ; laying claim to all thefcences, without going deep into any ; eager to degrade alt merit that ftood in his own way; and prollituting his talents and his labours, during the courfe of his long life, for the pur- LONDON pofe of becoming the oracle and idol of his age, „ . . , ' . He knew well the power of ridicule over the According to advices from the Hague, the ter n ,; f roanUmd and he faiUd not t0 Eogltfli Ataoaflador, Sir James H. rr. s, lias not 8vai, hurii, lt of fo ufefa, , we in order t0 miffed a fmg » « day hi. ee his arrival of confer, mg fcd| W wepk min( ls- He knew wcl! that moIl with fo. re of the Members of the Govemjpeti;*- ^^ Jre mcapible of d. fcuffion, of ferious from written they conjeftur*, that the Cdurt of, r- i3mTintion snd rtfl- ftion; and that t very thing tonr- onlabtiur to bring-. bout an accomnwdat. ofc^' which((: l. ves ( 0 de, Ver then) ffom thc terrors bet^ en the Emperor and the States; and if ] of , ~ i, gion which pu( s a reftramt on the paf- " . t 1 —- 1. : . r t 1—. r„ COUNTRY NEWS. York, pee. n. On Friday laft a- tradefman of tliis City was corivifted at the Guildhall of figtung a receip' for above 40s. upon undamped paper, and paid a mitig* t( d penalty of 50s. A woman of this City pud a like penalty for a fi- milar offenct. Lately a perfon was conwifted at Man- chefter of a like offence, and paid the penalty. A revifion of our laws is alfo neceflsry to di geft them in one code, which fhall include fuch of the afts of the late colony, and of the Brt'. ilh flatuter, as are adopted by the Conftitution ; 4; id to form a general regulation for highway?, and Internal oeconomy of diftnfts and precitlfts, now continually calling for partial provifion, is a work 1 would rccommend as highly worthy the eonfideration of the Legiflatnre. It is found by expentnee, that fomc of the laws of the laft feffion, particularly the aft efta- bhfli ng an univeifliy in this State, and the Im- port aft, requ re amendment, as well to render them more 1 afy in their execution, as more e feftual in their operation. The officers aftmg immediately under them are direfted to ftate for your information the deftfts which have been difccvered. Several other matters, which I had the h->- nour to lay before the L- gifla'ure at the open- i ig of the laft SclEon, were not ( for want of time) brought to maturity, and particularly a law for rcgula ing the militia, and providing for magazines and arfenals, agretable to the con- ftit iti n of the C « nfederation. Tl » efe are of fti h importance to the honour and fafety of the S it', tiiat I cannot 01r. it repeating ihcuTi the other Powers continne to aid this meafurr, there is little doubt of its being brought about in a fhort time. Yefterday hit Excellency Baron Van Lynden, the Dutch Ambaffador, had a private conference with the Secretaries of Mare in refererce to fome difpatches he had received from the Hague. His Royal Highnefs the Prince of Wales is perfeftly recovered from his late indifpofition. He on WrdiKtfday, after infpefting the new ad- ditions to CarIton- Houfr, rode on horfe- back to Richmond, and afterwards dined with their Majrftits. They write from Cadiz, that the Aftrea mau of war from Carthagen- a and the Havanna, i^ j Safe arrived at that port, with a cargo of two millions in Specie. A letter from Cadiz, by the way of Lifbon, fays, that two veficts, loaded with provifions and cloathing for the garrifon at Malion, are taksft by the Moors, and carried into Algiers, from whence one of the Captains and fix of the rr. en efcaped by going on board an Englifli vef- fel, which landed them at Leghorn. They write from Biuftells, that the paffage into Holland is now unobflrufted, there being a free paffage over the ice; notwithHanding which a forbearance of hoflilities is moft rigidly obferved. The Dtrch Gazettes have lately l'poke fo difrefpeftfully of the Imperial Court and their proceedings, that they are forbid to be citculated in Auftiian Flanders. They write from Paris, that the Amphela and Zephir, two French lloops of war, ha » e been taken in the Mediterranean by the Algc- rities, and carried into Larache. / • Extrail of a Letter from Berlin, Dcc, to " Toe K'og <> ur Sovereign is juft entering • into treaty with fume of th< priucqal members of the Germanic body, to prtfeive the peace of the Empire : his Mijefty has wrote to the Em- peror, and fome other of the Eleftors have joined in the fame application, which it is pro- bable, will preferve the peace of the Empire, by putting an end to the difpute between Hol- land and the Honfe of Audrin." Extra8 of a [. et ter from Edinburgh, Dec. 18, " Saturday morning arrived ia Leith Roads the Danifh Eaft IndiaCompany's fliipChtiftiana Septinis, about 700 tons burthen, James We- myfs, Commander, from Copenhagen, bound for franquebir, laden with iron, wine, ge- neva, pt> tcr, and fome woollen fluffs, See. The above fltip was proceeding North about, but meeting with violent gales- of contrary wind, was oblig- d to bear up for this Frith. " Tiie b > dy of a young lady, genteelly. dreffed in black, was drove on fhote to the Northward of Blyth, from one of the fhips that was wreck- ed. A fum of money was found in her pockt^, but her name cannot yet be difcovered. By the humane exertions rendered by thc gentlemen ant' others in the neighbourhood of the refpec- tive vtffels, few of the people, if any, hsve periflied after going on fhore, Northward of that place, en the Northumberland coaft." ExtraH of a Letter from Sunderland, Ore. J&. " I am happy to inform you, that the lofs of fliips belonging to this Port is not fo great as was expefted laft week, as fix fail have arrived that Were at fea during the gale; and letters from feveral more yefterday, that have got into the Hnmber, all of which were given up for loft There arc about u rtiips got off that were on fhore near Hattlepool, and have got into that harbour ; and three of the fliips on ( bore near this town are alfo gat off, and brought into port It is thought that had the weather proved mo- del ate during the courfe of fhis week, a great muny more would have been g't off, as thc Springtides were much io their favour." fxiratl of a Letter from Chatham^ Dee. 11. " Yefterday a Court- Maitial was held on bo> rd his Majedy's guardfhip the Irrefiflible of feventy- Sur guns in this port, commanded by Commodore Bowyer, upon a marine, for defcrtion ; who being at\ old offender, and tbe minutisof the Court- Martial having been laid before the Admiralty, it is imagumd the poor wretch will be hanged." The Han faw, Capt. Meyer, from London to Hamburgh, is totally loft at Schiernoni Koog. and all the 1 rew except three periftied. On Wednefday lad Capt. Conway arrived in town from Earis^ dons, is received with eagernefs slid applaufe Hence the impieties which he utters are fcafon- ed with fome fjcrilegions jeft ; hence he fpares not the fliarpeft fatire ; and, if he undertakes to fubvert the d- ftrines of our religion, disfi- gures them by the ridicule thrown upon them. Or does he fcek to deftroy ihe immortality of he foul, the foundations of morality, and the reward? aud punifliments pf a future life .5 He recurs not to reatoning; he affumts the tone of raillery and irony; he - tries to excite laughter; ihe turns every thing to a jeft. It .., iters not that he advances absurdities, tha.. often coii- tradifts himfelf, and deferves ao'eudrt;- iiothiiic Llbp* Bint, if he can proems .- tithil-. i re'^ FtS's; ' In fhort, he emp'oys againft rtijgi. ii'the jr. oft diflblute libertinifm, and the depravity of the meft corrupi. heart." On the final clofe of the poll for Coleman- ftreet ward, Mr. David Baldy, coal merchant, was chofen one of the Common Couocilmen, bya great majority, againft Mr. Jacobs. , A, t the final cloieof the poll yeftcrday at - three o'clock, for the eleftio'i of Common Council for the Ward of Farringdon Without, the num- bers were as follow A left- hand llrtiage ^ whilft the Trftj^ » y- dame From legal loins of father Vulcrtn came ; Therefore this Mule loves frolic, fun, anw, joke, That bellows- blovftTTg, bluft'riiig, puff, an< i Smoke : Hence mother Nature's bye- begotten Rock Are all the chips of the old common block . j For all derive their pedigree in tail, From father frolickfome, and mother frail. Therefore, if in this brat of ours you trace Some features of his merry mother's face, Sure, Sons of Comus, fure you'll let him in, To your gay Brotherhood, liis Father's kinJj. A married Mufe 5 now Mufes are too wifi; To take a Poet's jointure— in the Skies. Now he lives fingle, like a cloifter'd Nun, But does fometimes as other Nuns have done j Prays with grave Authors, with the giddy prates, Or ogles a young Poet through the grates f Therefore our rule is, never to enquire Who begat whom, what dam, 01 which th « fire? But foon as e'er the babe breathes vital air, Take him, and never afk how it came there. Some are ftill- born, fome fent to mothes Earth, Strangled by Critic midv/ ives in their birth j And many an unacknowlcdg'd Foundling lies, Without a Parent's hand to clofe its eyes. Thus are our Plays with deaths tremendous cramn'd, AnJ, v. hat is worfe, to die is— tc bt^ darou'd. You, the Humane Society, who fit To mitigate the Cafunities of Wit, Save a foul Mufe's Natural Son from death j He lives on Fame, and Fame lives ou yeur breath. I Mr. Nichols Mr. R. Brewer Mr. W. Sharp Mr. C. Sharp Mr. Wright Sir. Branfcorr. b Mr. Beresford Mr. Miller Mr. Newman 655 599 594, 59° 558 498 487 485 286 7 2 Mr. J. Biewer 483 Mr. Warwick 470 Mr. Squire 462 Mr, Goodwyu 445 Mr. Johnfort 417 Mr. Wya. tj 367 Mr. Butts Mr. Threlfal Mr. Stiles Whereupon the fourteen firft were duly elefted. r Wednefday James Evans, lately a publican in the neighbourhood of Saffron- lull, but who had retired from bufinefs into Wales, anVI two bro- thers of the name of Goodtidge, brokers, under- went a long examination at tbe Public Office in Bow- ftreet, on a charge exhibued ag'iinft them, for having, by means of a falfe key, opened an iron cheft belonging to the deceafed Mr. Sawtell, of Brook- flreet, Holborn, taking therefrom will, and counterfeiting the fame, with intent to defraud Mr. Slake and others, of a confiderable fim of money. They were again remanded for further examination. The examination of the . forgeries before Sir Sampfon Wright exhibited the cotnpkateft fcer, e of fraud, condufted under the immediate gui- dance of an attorney, that ever appeared. It was the intention of the unhappy men who ftand committed for trial, to gain upon their deceaft'd relation by fraudulent praftices ; but onconfult- itig an attorney, the fcheme by which they in all probability will U. fe their lives was adopted; for his affi dance he was to have a fum of three hun- dred pounds, and aftually received bills for near the amount. He is the only eviderce agninll 1 his employers, and gave the relation before thc Magiitrate with as much compofureas if he was recounting an aft that would do honour to his charafter. The fame day William Prince, a petty lar- ceny thief, was committed from the above Of- fice, for robbing a public houfe at Kilburn- wells of f-> me knives and forks. It is fome what re- markable, in the conduct of this pitiful wretch., that there is not a public houfe, from Edgeware to Tyburn turnpike, but has been r bb. d by him of fome trifling thing or other, fuch as pewter pots, plates, fpoons, old fhoes, favvs, See. rive detainers are lodged againft him for the above offences. The fame evening Patrick Dunn was examined before William Blackborow, Efq; in the pre- fence of Mr. Vernon, Solicitor to the Mint, be- ing charged on fufpicion of felonioufly uttering counterfeit filver coin. He was committed for triaL PROLOGUE To the new Comedy called The NATURAL, SON, per famed on Wednefday night, for • the frft time, at the Theatre Royal, Drury- l. atie. Written by Mr. CUMBERLAND. Spoken by Mr. BANNISTER, jun. THE Comic Mufe, as Cyprian records prove,, WasComus" daughterby the Queen of Love K EPILOGUE To the NATURAL SON, Spoken by Mifs F A R R E N. N this gay age, when all. Uie heart is\ vaftq » And frighten'd Natut'e flies, the realms of Ta. de, Is there a well- bred dame, whofe cheek dif- clofes Tbe bloom— of Rouge, cold Cream, and- Milk of Rofes, Who deigns . thefe fpleadid . fide- boxes to grace, In Fig. aro feathers and LunarJi\ ace : And geijtliy lolling- on her favourite page-— Laugbs- and talks Somewhat louder than th?:. Stage: If fome fweet girl— another Werter's pride—• In pure Simplicity fhould grace her Side, And feeling whatfhe hears, devoid ofi art- Drop, a foft tear— expreflive^ of the heart; Would not the SafliiQn'd dame our child ren prove, Aud cry—" Indeed-— you're • ua/ iflly wrongs my love ? 14 What tueep ? 0 fie I— I bluH ;— this firangt « Will make folks think yiu enter'd with an " Qrder !" " While in high life our hearts die falhionj - fteel, Too gay to liften and too fine to feel—* Honeft John Bull-— before a fturdy elf— Now claims no right of judging for himfelf » To PUFFS from Theatres gives up his votej. And kindly thinks all true— becaufe ' ti^ • wrote; For when no plaudits ftrike our duller ear. The papers hear a voice we cannot hear—. And when for feats no beauties difagree. They fee a croud, alas 1 we cannot fee ; —• And while you clamber o'er the emptjj tows, In fweet APVERTISBMBKT— the Houfe o'er* flow* 1 Puff is the word: where fame is uot aj, breath, — How many an AftrefsPuff has fov'dfron death! And Aftors for whom Mutes were full enough, Have rifen ALEXANDERS— from a Puff! While generous paragraphs all- lavifh give Sums Total, which our Treafurers ne'e* receive. With added force-— the other Houfe come*, after— Here, dead with grief, you there revive with, laughter— Bcaumarcbait's MuSe— a favourite of the- nation— Now riSos like fome Bifhop— by tranflation. Jeft, repartee, and ftage effeft fl. il! teize you, With wit made Englilh, tind with French made eafy. Say, then— as humble copyifts— fhall TVR borrow A Sketch of what fome pens may fay to- morrow ? " The Comedy,— where laughter knows no paufe " Went off with moft aftonifhing applaufe! " The dreffes, Scenery— and Situation " Exceeded all the bounds of commenda-* tion 1 " The great demand for fide- boxes from Monday " Will know no intermiffioa— but on Suu » day! " The eighth, tenth, twentieth nights— each plaqe is chofen— " About the fiftieth ycra- may pop your, nofe in. The Aftors all— were wonderfuly clever p " The like was never feen, nor heard— no, never. Mifs Farren's widow— above all— do you fee, Was— YOU MUD fill that vacancy for MJIL" - SATURDAY, Dec. 25. A M E I C— A. - from the INDEPENDENT GAZET- TEER of Saturday, Oft. 2, 1784. To Ae CITIZENS of PENNSYLVANIA. Friends and Fellow Citizens ! majority of the Houfe of Repre- feritatives of the Freemen of Penn- fylvania beg leave te - addrefs you, upon a fubjefl of the utmoft importance to the li- berties of the State. On the z8th day of this month, a fupple- ment to the teft laws was called up for a 3d reading. To our great aftoniihment 19 members rofe from their feats, and broke up the Honfe, by rufhing out of the Affem- bly- roora iq the moft diforderly manner, namely, Frederick Watt, James Mercer, John Craig, Frederick Antis, Will. Brown, Cumberland, Adam Orth, Abraham Smith, John Clark, Moles M'Clean, Tho. Long, Chriftian Lower, Richard Wallk, James Johnfton, Jofeph Thomas, William Todd, William Brown, Robert Brown, Jacob Stroud, Jofeph Savitz. The Speaker of the Houfe in vain called them to order. The dit'grace which this tumultuous aft has brought upon the Legiflature may eafily be conceived. The dignity of your Govern- ment has be « n infulted, public bnf- mefn has been grievoufly obftrufted, and the hctxcut1 of the State has been expofed to contempt. The fubjeft of the bill, which gave occa-. fion to this indecent proceeding, we cone hive tp be of the utmoft importance to the union and profperity of Pennfyivania. By die operation of the teft law of 1779, nearly one h'df of the inhabitants of Pemifylvaoia are -^ e- r'ved of t'y.' privileges of citizens. The j il'ar nature ot this reft,, and the limited X , t hicb was given to take it, vr « » >"• J .. ere peculiar hardfhips, and ir .- iided to prevent its being taken, quie- fced in it, however, during the ; bat ti. e time is come fcr opening the dcor 6f elections, and imparting equal liberty to • every inhabitant of the ftate who is willing to teftify his allegiance to it, by an oath or affirmation. The conftiturion of the ftate, humanity, policy, and the principles of free government, all concur to favour the re\ i- lion of the teft laws. The good people in- jured by dicfe laws are not only numerous but wealthy. They have paid their full pro- portion of the expenees of th « war, eidicr direftly or indirectly, and a great majority of them have been uniformly peaceable a* d inofervlive during every ftage of the revo- lution. Why then fhould we opprefs them any longer ? Reftore Lhem to the rights of citizenfhip, and they will embrace and fup- port your government. Continue the aft, on theoti. e and, which disfranchifes them, and you perpetuate among the in- hat red to your government, and di- lord beiweeatosaa. an 1 the citizens of the ftate. The principle of liberty, when properly felt, infpires univerfal benevolence. It is * n unifon with the Ipirit of Chritlianity, • which breathes " peace on eaith, and good • will to man." While we o; en the doors of Freedom to the oppreffpd and di- ftteffed of all nations, even to thofe Britifh fiibjcfts • who have dyed their weapons with Ame- rican blood, fha. ll we ( hut them againft n. en who are bone of our bone, and fl ; fh of orr flefh ? We know of no crime tnat ffionld crmfign half a community to pcvp-. tuil llavery ; much lefs do we conceive that an adherence to what thev judged to be '. he dictates of confcience, ihouli expo. e them to that degraded fuuVuon. All we fhall fay upon the fuhieCt of the bill for reftoring die College, Academy, » nd Charitable School of the city of Phila delphia to its original and juft owners, is, that it was agreed to after the moft mature deliberation, and after hearing Council on hoth fides. We conceive the fafety of all incorporated, and even perfonal property in Pennfylvania, to depend upon the fuccefs- ful iffue of that bill. The law . for taking » way the old charter of the College, ive difcovcred to be equally repugnant to com- mon juftice, and to the 45th feftion of the conlhtution of the Commonwealth. The inf'muation of our defigning to reftore the late Proprietaries eftate, contained in the publication of the minority, we beg leave to pronounce a moft injurious falfe- hood. The Proprietaries have both formally re- nounce^ all claim to the territory of the State. They afk, indeed, a larger com- penfation for it than has been granted. By the ccnftitution of the State, we had no right to refufe to hear their petition, and we conceived the commitment of it a necef- far. y ftep, whether we granted or refilled them the prayar it contained. Friends and fellow- cftizens, be not de- ceived. You have been too long the dupes of a few dciigning men. Think for your- felves. W. e lubmit our condud in the revo- lution, aslbldiers and citizens, and our prin- ciples and votes. as Legi( lator. s, to your fe- vcreft ejfamin ttion.- When fortitude was neceffir*, vnoppofing difaffeftion, we difco- vered it, and that at a time when many of the leader's of fhe prefcat minority were itn- knev n, » r known only from their fufpiciousi connect '. rns. None of our laws have been calculated to eni ; ch . urfelves. We have iheUered no de- faul rs, plundered no treafurv. We-, have no Is r aim, wc can have no other ain, than vi,; ir happinefs, and the profperity of the . v^ i.. cihtg the important public bufinefs tthtch ir& i ii abftVcfla^ rWHai^ ely efeArtiSe^ J we prefent you w'tiithe titles of the ten bills annexed, which had paffed through' all th* forms, except being compared at the table, in order to be ena « ed. Signed in behalf and by order of the Majority, . GEO. '.' HAY. Speaker. Affembly- Ch amb; r, Sept. 29, 1784. 1. An aft to extend the aft, and its fup- plement, giving time to certain debtors to pay off the principal of the debts contracted before the firft day of January, 1777. 2. An aft for the better and more certain eftablifhment of the Court of Admiralty Seflions for the Commonwealth of Pennfyl- vania. 3. An add'tional Supplement to the aft, entitled, " An aft for regulating and efta- blifhing Admiralty Jurifdiftion." 4. An aft for incorporating the Prefhyte- rian congregation of Peques, in Salifbury townlhip, in the county of Lancafter. 5. An aft for fretting South Dock- ward, being part of Dock- ward, in the city of Philadelphia, into a new ward. 6. A fupplement to the afts for raifing an impoft on goods, wares, and merchandize imported, for the more effectually fecuring the fame. 7. An aft for the rilicf of Serjeant Wil- liam M'Dmigall. 8. An aft to veft in William Williams a legal titk to a lot of ground in the city of Philadelphia. 9. An aft to diffolve the marriage of Henry Oiborne and Elizabeth his wife. 10. An aft to fuppart the operation and force of aft of the ailerribly of Pennfyivanin, made under the tbi'n- er '( oyernmen/ thereof, und difiilowed by the King of Great- Britain in his Privy Council. Philadelphia, Ot!. 2. Laft Saturday an iiwitrd was made ( in an aftkm brought by t'erbert Jones agiinll John Penrife) in fa- vour of the plaintiff * f 35I. daaages, with cofts. This interesting aftion vra* brought by Mr. Jo; t, a,!; ainft John Penr fe, mailer of die fhip Welcome, belong ng to Whiteha- ven, for mal- trtaxiag him and his family on their padagie from Liverpool to this port. It appeared by the evidence that this Captain's canduft was fuch as will ever dif- gra': e him ; for his rigctir WHS not only fait by . be men, but the female part were alfo the objefts ol his baiehefs and cruelty, as it was proved Mrs. Jones had nearly fallen a viftim to his brutality. Near twenty of the paffengc- rs appeared at the tria', bearing teftimony of this man's tyranny and oppredion. As this fuit wat catried cm merely to make a « example of fo notorious a delin- quent, the plaintiff has directed that the money awarded him as damages fhould be appropriated to charitable purpoles. An authentic Copy of J) « tltr JOHNSON'.) W ILL, cxtvaHedfront tbe Prerogative Court af Canterbury. IN the Name of God, Am n. I SAMUEL JOHNSON, being iu full pofleUion of my facul ties, bat tearing this night may put an end to my life, do ortlain this my laft will and tefta inert. I bequeath to Goo a foul polluted with many fin7, but 1 hope purified by repentance ; md I truft redeemed by Jefus Ci'. rift. 1 leave 7501.111 the hands af Bennot Langton, Efq. 3001 in ( he hands of Mr, Barclly and Mr. Pel kins brewers; xjol. in the hands of Dr. Percy, Bi lb op of DroTiire; t, oo » i. 3 per cent, annuiti- s in the public ' uotls, and 100!. now lying by me in rcaoy mooey ; all thefr beforementtoned fum ? nd | r perty 1 leave, I fty, to Su J ' fliin Rey nolds, S r John Hawkins, antl Doftor William Sc u, of l) it rs Commons, in truft for the oilowtng uies; T « at is to fay, to pay to the reprefentative? Jlf the late William Itmvs, book filler, in St. iLuTs Church- yard, ihe fum of iool to Mrs. White, rtty female fervant, 100I. flock in the three per Ceui.' annuities af refaid.' The reft of the aforefaid films of money and proper ly, together with my books, plate, and h ufhold jurtMture, I leave to the lieforemeiuioried Sir Jofhua R'. ynalds, Sir John Hawkins, and DoCtor William Scott, aifo in truft, to be arplied, after paying my debt-, to the ufe of Francis Barbpf, my man fervant, a negro in fnch maimer as they fhall judge moft and available to his benefit.' And I appoint the aforefa d Sir Jofhua Reynolds, Sir J>> hn Hawkins, and DoCtor William Sio't, fole exe cutors of this my laft will and teft ment ; here by revoking all former wills and teftaments whatfoever. In witnefs whereof I hereunto fubferibe my name, and affix myfeal this eighth day of December, 1784. SAM. JOHNSON. ( L. S.) Signed, fcaled, puhlilhed, declared, and de- livered by the fiid teftator, as his laft will and teftament, in the prefenee of tis, the word two being firft inferted in the oppofite page. GEORGE STRAHAN. JOHN DES MJULINS. BY way of codicil to my laft will and tefta. ment, 1 Samu 1 Johnfon give, devife, and be- queath my meffuage or tenement, fituate at Litchfield, in the county of Stafford, with the appurtenances, in the tenure ar occupation of Mrs. Bond, # f Litchfield aforefaid, or ol Mr. Hinchrnan, her under- tenant, to my executors in trnft, to fell and difpofe of the fame ; and the mom y anting from fuch fale I give and bequeath as follows, viz. to Th mas and Benj- imin, the fons of Fiflier Johnfon, late of Leicefter, and —— Whiting, daughter of Thamas Johnfon, late of Coventry, and the gratjd daughter of the faid Thomas Johnfon, one full and equal fourth part each; but in cafe there fliall be more grand- daughters than one of the faid Thomas Johnfoo I'viiig it tlie little of ffijf defceafes, f gilre'ahdfee- questai the part Or fhare of that one to, and quaity between, fuch gram'.- daughtei s. I give and bequeath hi the Rev. Mr. Rogc- s of Berke- ley, nesrEioonie; in the county .. f S imerfet. the ftim of tool, requeftuigln ii to apply the fame towards the maintenance of E'izibeth Heore, lunatic; 1 alfo give and bequeath to my god- cbilorertj the fon aud daughter of Mantitius Low, painter, each of them 100'. of my flock 1 the three per cent, confoli iated aunuifit*?, to be applied and difpofed of, by and at the difcrt- tion of my executors, in th : tducatiwi or fctde- me' » t in the world of them, my ( aid legatees. Atf , I g'. ve atid bequeath to Sir John Hawkins, • ie ir. y pxetntors,| the Annales F. cclr- fiaftici of Baronius, aiad Hollineflied's and Stowe's Chronicles, and alfo an oftavtf- Com- mon Prayer Bixjk ; to Bennet Langton, Efq. 1 ive and beqaeath my Polyglot Bible 1 to Sir Jo- Ihna Reynolds my great French Dictionary, by Martiniere: n;) d my own copy of m; Folio Eng- ifll DiCtionirj j of the laft revifiotij to Doftor Wiilum Scot", one of my Executors, the Dic- onaiie de Commerce, aud LeCtius's edition of the Greek Poets : to Mr. Windham, Poet a! G'eci Hero'ci t> er Hcniictim Stephanuin : to the R. v. Mr. Strahan, Vicar of Iihngfun, iu the county of MiodVf'. x, Mills's Gr « k Tell renf, Beza's Gr'ik Tcftament by Stephens; a i my La i Bibles, and my G> e.- k Bible by Wtcheturs: to Dr. Heberdeu, Dr. Brockhfby, Dr. Dutter, Mr, Cniikflianks ". he burgeon who attended me, Mr. Holder my Ap thecary, Gerard Hamilton, Etlt.' '' " j0ln of Suow- hio, ^ Fran- ce* keviioLU, i\ Ir. H( » de, and tbe Ri v. Mr. Hoo e ' 13 f, » n, each a book at their election, to keep „' a token of remembrance, I alfo give and 1 "^. teath to Mr. John Des M ulins 200!. confoiiUated three per cent, annuities ; and to Mr. Safter., the Italian Maf. er, the fum of t; l. tobela;^ out in- books of piety for his own n( e. And wheitas the faid Beimel l. angtou hath agreed, ili tor. lideration of the fun of 750I. mentitrfd ' n my Will to be in tvs hands, to jjratrs Hid fecure an annuity of ; ol. payaole tluni;& the life of me, ami my fervant Francis Barber, r, ni - the life of the furvivors of us, to Mr. George Stubb-, in troft for us; my mind nd W. ll is, that in cafe of my deceale before the faH agreemen fhall be perfected, the faid fiim y'o1. - md the bond for fecuring the faid ( urn, fi - 1 '^' la- I* ' he fdd Francis Ba ber. And I l. ert'oj^ ove and Kq< uath to him the fame in lieu of tie b qu- ft i: i bis favour contained in my faid Will; and 1 hereby empower my faid exe- cut 11s to deduCt and retain all expences that ( lull or may be incurred in tht execution af my faid Will, or t; f this Codicil thereto, ou" of faid eft: e and tffefts as I fhall die peffiffed of: All the reft, refi-'- ue, and remainder uf my ftar and c^' rCts, I give and bequeath to my laid Executors, in trull, for the faid Francis Barber, hi* executors and adminiftiatots. Wit- nefs my hand and leal, this 9th day ol Decem- ber, 1 > 84. SAM. JOHNSON, ( L. S.) Signed, feakd, pu Hflied, declared, and deli- vered, by the laid Samrtel Tohnfcm, as and for i Cottictl x^'. f. t laft Y. JSi a.' id Tetlaasent, in the prefence of 11s, who in h; s profsnce, and at his it que ft, end a- fo in the prtlenXe of each other, have herctu fublcribed our names as witiuffes. John Cfley. ^ William Gibfon Henry Cote, Proved at London, with a Codicil, the 16th day of D cember, 1784, before the Werfbipfnl George Hsrris, DoCtor of Laws, and S irfogate, by the oath of Sir Jofli ia Reynolds, Knight, Sir John Hawkins, Knight, and William Scott, DoCtor of Laws, the Executors, named in the Will, to whom adminiftration " was g anted having been firft fworn duly to admimiter, JOtC. 18. Henry Stevens, " j 1784, Geo. G of ling, > John Grene, J D pury Regiftcrs. LONDON. Yefterday at one o'clock his Majefty came to St, James's from Windfor ; the Levee broke up at three o'clock ; a Privy Council was afterwards held; the Cabinet Minifters had then coufe rences with his Majefty till paft : our, when he returned to Windfor. Yefterday Sir Elija Impey was at the Levee at St. James's, for the firft time lince his return from the Eaft-' ndies. Ex! rail of a letter from Vienna, Nov. 27. " The different troops which the Empe- ror intends for fervice in the Netherlands, are in full march, even thofe of the light troops. The regiment de Croate OguUmens, which is the number of the laft, pa ffed our environs the 19th of this month. Ac- cording to the lift given in the papers pab- lifhed by the Court, the regiments on tbeir march are thofe of Priefs, of the Grand Matter of the Teutonic Order, of Bender, Tillier, Migazzi and Latterman; infantry • of Leopold Tofcane, cavalry of Cobourg Dragoons, and of Wurmfer Huflars. The twolatter arrived on the 33d at Egra in Bohemia, where they went for further or- ders. That of' Leopold Tofcane paffed Vienna the 24111. Before day- break the re giment of Prfefs infantry, which is irt gar- rifon, began its march, when it paffed in review before the Emperor, his nephew, and fome generals} his Majelty had the fatisfaftion te find that regiment full © f ipirit and courage, although they had to expect many fatigues and difficulties from the ground being covered with fhow, and the feafon being extremely fevere. The regi- ment of the Grand Mafter of the Teutonic Order followed next day, and on the 25th tire battalions of Shreidet grenadiers. The march of this corps is fo appointed, that one battalion fliall pafs the night in quar- ters, which fhall be vacated by thofe who have gone before. During the march, every foldier receives an augmentation of his pay, twe kreutzers a day* and every- regii » e » < i is pfrtvicied witii 36 ciieftsj Cdcri 75< J cartridges and ball. The grea'ter part of the artillery for the campaign will be Stationed at Lintz. Coblentz is the general rendezvous of all the regiments of infantry coming from the. interior part of the here- ditary dilates; wlieu a column of them will- extend their route by land into the Duchy of LimBotirg. The reft will travel as fat as poffible by water. Exlraii of a letter from Hanover, Dec. " An order is arrived here to corcplct? the troops of the Electorate 5 few iecruitf will do this: " The only regiments which are fhort of their complement, are thofe which fervei dining tlid late war in America: _ " The Bifliop of Ofnaburgh will fhy here till April, when he will make anothef tour on a v-. fit to fome foreign court.'' Extrail of a letter from Ofanl, Dec. 18. " We have it pretty currently reported here, that matters between our SevereJjrn and the Dutcli will lie accommodated, in what manner is not fierfeftly known. Three of the veffels which attempted to [*• up lately to Bruges are frozen up in the canal; the others remain here. Tile Empeioi has ordered tliat die command of his fiiips be given to no other than his o\ vn fubjefts; fo that it number of foreigners, who espeftect commands, muft engage in fubordinate ca- pacities ; they have, however, great encou- ragement to enter." No advices haw; been lately received from th* Continent whLh 111 t ie leaft alter he ftate of al* fairs there from what his already been pub* | ifh.- d. The preparations f r war ftill continue, thmigh hot with that brfknefs they did forms, weeks ago; and the idea of a winters campaign feems to be abandoned. In the mean time, Paris is the bufy fcene of p ilitic9, where the iu.- a tngues of Court3 are praftilin^ with great in- genuity, and where the powers of Etropt are en deavouring to circumv- nt each other. At the Wardmo e for Bridge, Mr: JacobCopjl and Mr. J - hn Stansfield Were eleCted Ciimtnua Counc- lroen, in the room of Mr-: James TaddJ' and Mr. William Wavell, removed out of th » Ward. F. xt'aH of a Letter from Grave/ end^ Dec. 234 " Palled by the Succefs, Creighton ; Peggyv Pttfwxk, and* M- rchanr, K- endd, from Memel 1 Haimrmv, Hebden, from Stockholm ; Symma* try, Maxwell, find Baltic merchant, Halliday^ from Peterfburgh." Fx trail of a letter from Deal. Dec, 2Jf 11 Wind W, Remain the Scout floop, tw> Dutch merrof war, and Swift pilot," Mr. Lim m is appointed Gem Lman Porter at the Pal.\ ce ar St. James's, in the room of Mr*. Younger, deceafed. Ltifus Natum. A few days fi-. ee, the wife of a porte i 1 the fervice of Mr, D xte. maftef of the Wm htiill- iun, St. John's- ftreet, Clcrkcn- we'l, was detivered of a ftill- born child, perfeft in all its part! but the ex'remitv of one leg, which terminated in rhe exaCt refemblance oi the fhaak of a lamb's leg w ith the foot and hoof, a tiole appearing throiig[ i the leader?, like that made n a leg of lamb by banging it upon a butcher's hook, Only s few days before her delivery the mother alked the price of a leg of ho ife# la, T) b, and was very urgent for the butcher to cut her off what he cou'd afford for a fliilling or eighteenpence, but was reftifed. Tuelilay an ox, 8 years old, bred by Mr, Standilh, gr. izier at Sudbury in Suffolk, wis killed by Mr. Onley, of St. Jchn's- Iane, Clerk- enwell, and when dead it weighed 180 ftone, and yielded 34 ( tune of loofe fit. Be'ween 4Q and 50 butchers came this morning from, Smith- fi. Id to Mr. Ouley's fllop in expectation of fee- ing the meat of this animal, Uit were difap- pointad, not a joint of it remaining unfold j- and fome lteabs, from the prime of the rump brought the enorihons price of a fhilling and fouiteon, pence a pound. Monday fe'nnight one Henry Dixon of White- bank per fh d in the fn > w, on KinnyfiJe com- com, Cumberland. He had fct forward to look after f jtnefh ep, in company with another per- foti, who had turned back. The unfortunate was foun t nrxt day lying on his back, his ftick three or four yards dilhnt from htm, and hif dog lying at his feet. . A fingle potatoe weighing eleven pounds * nd a h df was fold fome days ago in Spitaliiehls mar- ket for feven fliillings and fixpcnceto. Mr. Blick, farnr. er, ar Stratford, who purchafed it for platuing. The above putatoe, withmany othets of an uncommon fize, came from the neighbour^ hood of Warrington in Lancafhire. Monday laft were taken at Croydon, inSurry^ by Me IT. Ives and Ward, belonging to Mr. H » 15, keeper of the New Gaol, three footpads ; ther*.. were eight pe iple fwore to them that had beeit robbed by them, particularly a gentleman, whom they robbed of his money, atid a gold watch worth 30 guineas, which they ibid to a man in the Mint for two guineas. Tutftlay laft a young wo i an near Qtjecn's.- fquare was / lefrauded of 17 guineas and a 10I. bank- note by two fharpers, Wednefday laft a perfon in " he perfon in the- Borough w is defrauded by three fliarpers of hit watch, near 61. and a promiif ry note for 70I, in the old mode of ring- dropping. On Wednefday night, or early on Thurfday m rning, a honfe in Bfayk- ftreet, Hplborn, was broke open,, and nobbed of plate, lir. en, and wearing apparel, to the amount of 40I. Thurfday night a timber- yard at Mdlbank was. attempted to be broke into by fix men; bu; on tbe vstchmen fi ing a blunder bufs and piftol, and wounding two of thejn, the other four tao£ qp their companions and made off. A R R I E D. Wedntfday, at St Martin's in the Fields, Job.^ Delafons, Efq. of the Adelphi, to Mifj Knigui, of Lincoln's- Inn. Fields. DIED. Wednefday, at his brother's houfe in Threat*, needle- flxeet, Mr. Wi'- ham Binns, late fa'ankwy H E WEJfMI LICON BAG. INSTER COLLEGE DORMITORY. Phormio— 1784. R O I- O G U S. ' OS fcimus iquos, liberales, candidos, Quos aluit hie. fibi mater alma do- mefticos. Vos, noftra ii quid titubet imbecillitas, Aut fublevabitis ill'ico,— aut tacebitis. Quod fi quis extrarius adeft facilis minus, Res mira non eft ; fcilicet quia nefciat Ludi modum, locique confuetudines. At his, et horum fimilibms, qiiicunque fint, Audite contra pauca qua reponimvis. Dicat ftverus aliquis, & rigidns nimis, " Pueri quid art', quid adea hiftrionica: Infervnjnt ?— proh ! dilciplina ludicra I" Aut dicat alter—" Scenico quid in Opere '< Quid ^ lodeunt rude?, pavumque exereiti! " Cur non ad unguem potius, et primarii r" Durum eft rft. rinque fic premi— verum tamen Sit uterque " In extrema, vagus teque, ab- fceCerit, Hate noftra qute via media eft— recta- eft via. Sed eft periclum aliud— notatur forfitan Si vocularum, Syllakmtmquc adfiet— Hie faltem acumen reprimat folertiae, Parcat tenellis ;— fie, ubifaseft, micet Inter Batavos, atq; Germanos, facis Inflar— criticus eft omnium criticiflimus I Ridemus hs6c— tamen eft quod writ Doletque— quod Spes adimit atq; opes liniul maxime. At, - at, quis ille eft, quern procul fubfelliis Later. tem in uhimis, et obliquum noto ? Iliumfiffe credo, cujus invidiam, prius Etfenfimus, rurfus que fenfuri fumus. Erroribas pucrulorum qui nunc fedet In'hians, velattirus mall quodcrtnque { it In publicaschartas, et omnia tetricd Rodenda, fatuis traditurus, & invidis — Af li quid ingeni'i excolendi gratia Et obfequentes legibus loci, egimus, Id atlco amaris degravatum iri jocis ObnAxium plebifque deipicatui Mciito queramur— noxi- um eft— injurium ' eft— At vOs— qaibus cordi eft juventus libera, Solamini timidos, fecundate in loco Si quid meruimus— fin minus— Veniam Date. A>< B? re H. ViNCENt, D. D. Sub- Almoner, Su/ b- MaJler, Reilcr of one of the Lombard- Jlreet churches, £ 3t. [ The Epilogue in our next.] Poftfcript. • Saturday Afternoon, Dec. 25. For the Whitehall Evening. Poft. Dr. MEAD and a PATIEN- T. AS nothing can affoid m r.: c< nfolation to th - inferior rank ofmanknd, than the freq> e it vie ( Guides of fortune which thofe in elevate ! fta i ns experience ; fo t e p. tffiorts of men en- dowed with tie br ghteft ta! e its and mod ex- • elieVit qualities, will lomctiiries level them with jjjofe wh'. feinta a ity places them below eivy. . Urithouglit of frailties chcat us in the wife, fays- Rope, whofe p reft acquaintance with the wo'ld . had. o ten difcuve ed flaws h chirafters the null dill. nguifliid fir wifdom a id ib'l;- tjos,- Dr. Mra: l was fd juftly celebrated foe his Hutsy focial virtues and ex e five benevolence, lis well as his great lear- i ig a ul: p 0 0 ; < 1 Ikill Jn medicine, that th r co np'imeut b. ftoacetl ' Oti Jlim by the Editor of Lord Bacon's Works, That he ha 1 conqu- ertd envy irfelf," was , ini- ferf* ly Sftmitted to oetru . • " Yet ' bis great and go > d man h . d a failing, ( frhich neither his ph lulthropy nor h: s pb lorn- phy cosil l entirely fubdue; I mean a fovereign Q. inte npi f r others, which wo'll I break out on « cr. ain occafions. The following At: c lots wil heft a'q'. ia'int, the reader with the truth of- my l^ ifcTvation : It was a conftant rule with Dr. Mead to txke jtrt fee from a lcrgyman. Mr. Robe* r< Leake, fFellow of St. John'sjtCollegfj Cambridge, a • Valetudinarian, who from reading Ch< yne's Works had followed his p+| fcrations too clofe- ly, and by ihis^ rnpru: leii^ t'... ift!< ejsecame much • kma iated, was periuawHl by his ftierids to Itpply to Dr. Mead. Mr. Leake followed their advice, but tmadvifedly told the Doftor he hid | fiitberto obferved the oifeclioas of Dr. CI * ne, laid down ia h s writings. Mead's dignity was a armed. He d——— d Cheyne and his Jsgimen, bht added. Follow my prefcriptiom, * nd I will fet you up again. Leake fubmittc I,, but every now and. then perfiftetl to atk. tbe ( Doftnr ab< 5' ut the efficacy 01 Cfrejne's rtriev— ThisjMead highly refer. ted. As foqn as th* parent was prrtty well tfeted, he alked his Pbyfitrian what fees he tx- fefted. Sir, faid the Dotlor, 1 nc » tr lu the Hourle of my praftice have taken 04- cicmaiKied Any fee Tr im a Clergyman ; but fcioe you haw: been pleafed to p~ eiciibe to txic, rather than to follow my prefcnpnons, when yon h^ d ccn> » » itted the tare of your health to say truii and jkill, you muft uot take it itmiie if I gf^-^ d of ^ ou ten guineas. Mr. Leake paid the money, it b fo pooled, frith fome reluftance. You may come io me • gain, laid the Pbylictan, before you leave Lou- { ion. He did ic, and Mead rctiiuusi to tif the ^ cn guineas. For the Whitehall Evening- Poft. ABRIDGEMENT OK THE STATE OF POLITICS THIS WEEK. WHEN the Commutatii n Aft was pafling through tbe two Houfei we threw out an obfer- vation, that it was aukward on various account?; but particularly becaufe it laid a certain, fixed, heavy burthen upon the whole commun; ty, and provided an uncertain, precarious, and unde- fined benefit to a part only of that community, lubjeft to the capricious ( peculations and machi- nations < f various bodies of men, all of whom have feparate, diftinft interefts from one ano- ther, yet all an intereft hoftile to the good < f the public at laige. It Ins turned out exaftly accoiding to our apprehetifions then cxprefted, and our obfervations occafionally thrown out upon the fales of te; s at the ludia - Houfe, and the treatment the confumers of teas have expe- rienced from the retailers of that commodity. A fortnight ago we faid there had been a vaft deal of iniquity concealed fomewhere under the maik of the firft tea fale, and probably fome fan ber fcenes of iniquity would be carried on, without the vigorous intervention of Govern- ment at the fuccteding fales. This feems to be an agreed point. The Direftors and Dealt rs, however dilcord,. nt in other matters, both agree in thii point, that'th- re is iniquity fomewhere, but each party endeavours to throw the odium off their own fhoulders upon the other. We are not competent ta judge between them at pr fent, not being fully 111 pofl' ffion of evidence of laftsi But we think we fee in b<' th a difpn- fition to aim jkt fomething the gooil of the public. Ttte buyer: ( pec^ ate to m nopolize; the Direftors fpeculate tc. de- feat this fchemc, and keep up the price of the goods j buth have reconrfe to artifices to coun- termine and counterwork one another, whereby tbe intent and meaning of the Aft is defeated. Common fenfe would fay, that nojhing could be eafier for the Direftors than to put up their goods at a fair, market price, and leave every lot to find its value as much higher it can go among the real bnyeis, without the wean and low arts of puffing, or privately purchjtlag for themfelves in their private capaciti- s. Such a fair ai- d open conduft on the part of tbe Direc- tors would be binding on the buyers to bid fair- ly in the common courfe of bufinefs. If, not- withftanding inch candour on the pait of the Direftors, the Dealers fhould appear wva& ine together, either agai ift the Company the public, or both, there are certain ways and means obvious enough ta be ufed to break fuch a combination, which do not belong to us to point out. Not only the purfes of the people, but their healths are at flake in this motley druggie; this we likewife animadveited on repeatedly, anu now bad, unwholefome teas are avowed on both fides to have been circulated, or attempted to be circulated, in their criminations and recrimina- tions of one another, neither party pleading guilty. In the mean time people's healths and lives aie fported with, and their pockets drained of tbtir money without value received. T): us by the llrife of thefs jarring interefted men, is - the good intent of • Se Aft frui-""-' ed, the people difcontented, and an upright, able, and virtuous Minifter afperfed, maligned, and mifreprefented ; whereby all his good intuitions for his country's welfare are threatened to be ren- dered abortive by the machinations of his, and his country's enemies. But of this more here- after. The accounts from tbe Continent are as vari- ous and contradiftory as the interefts, views, and defigus of the parties concerned, both re- porters and repoited. — Some reports breathe 110th ng but peace, while others are all for war, unavoidable war.< and others take the middle way of alfcrting a real negociation towards a peace. No doubt, contending parties will ne- g icia'e, either let ioufly or inftdioully, till one or • other. is re » dy to ftrike a blow. And certainly the French Court will labour to bring ah ut a peacr of f. me fort pro tempore; for an aftual war breaking out between the Emperor and the Dutch at prcfent Would place the French Cabi- net in a moft difagteeable dilemma, too diftref- fing and confufed even for the imtriguing ( oul and enterpr. fiiig genius of the Comte de Fet- gennes .'— We rtjoxe that, however Cilcor- dant in other matters, all accounts agree that Great Britain has declared for a ftrift snd per- fect neutrality. This is the plan of pjli. y neareft to our heart, and what we have labour- ed upon inceff^ ntly fiiice the lifft appearance of a tlifturbance in that quarter. After all, per- haps tha Dutch are more bcholdetUte ui for our neutrality than they would hjvo been fat our olwnly profelErfjifto join tbe ® ; for if tbey are blefltd w: th- p& 8^ this cit » e, itw^ be in a great meafure oakig' u> this yrudeni tt> ud* i& of uur Cabinet. L O M DON. Ths political dTputes in Permfylvania indicate a Urorig tentkacy in tbe majority of tbe Ameri- cans ta return to their duty. In faft, when they have unit » o reflect that to Britain they fii ft ow- « d tlieb exifteace ; that to her foftering care they B « : " odebted for tlieit profperity; that the ir blood treaiure were lavifhly expended La her de- f:< nae ; that no profnfion of either was reckoned by ths fond mother to bs too great for thefe her favourite children ; that even when they had oomrncnctd open huftilities ( lie put not forth half h£ r ftrc^ gth* and mourned over the wounds Qie was obliged tainflift ; if their hearts are made » f penetrable Jln- jf, they muft feel remorfe for wl121 they have done, and an eager defice to fcw reconciled to that parent who fo twfderiy watch- ed, over them ia their infancy. Add to thele coofiderationSi that they have now tailed the bit- ter fruits of the titx of Knowledge, and can difeein good from evil, good lofl, KIU! evil only gained. They feel by experience that tyranny is next door neighbour to anarchy. Loaded with taxes, oppreffed with poverty, and groan- ing under the yoke of a junto of arbitraiy def- pots, who are themfelves tools to the Moft Chriftian King, they now look back with regret to thofe happy times when, under the wings of Great Britain, they enjoyed peace, plenty, and real freedom ; while the only returns required of them were fidelity, affeftion, and a contribution towards the common expences of the Empire fo fmall, that it could be looked upon otily as a pepper corn rent paid to the Lord of the Manor, in token that the lands were held of him. If the Sun of England br let in the Weft, he rifes with redoubled fplendour in the Eaft. In vain has the Coalitino endeavoured 11 obfeure his luftre by a cloud of their own raifing. At the voice of Truth it is diffipated, and Fallhood and Calumny are obliged to ( kulk into datknefs, and hang their heads in lilence. It is furprifing that thefe gentlemen, after having fo repeatedly prac- ticed every art of falfliood and deception, with- out any other fruit than treble confufion p Hired 011 their own heads, will not at laft change their meafures, and try what can be done by an adhe- rence to candour, truth, and honefty. But thefe they find are lifted in the fervice of their politi- cal antagonifts, and, like mod men who think themfelves endowed with fuperior cun- ning, tbey hold ti e people in fo great con- tempt, that they think it an eafy mitterto gull them by a repetition of the fame ftale trick which hasbeen played a thoufan. i. times, aridas often difcoveretl. Extra ft of a Letter f dm Fahrputh, Dec. 18. " An unfortunate accident happened on Sun- day evening laft, the 1 athinftant, at a Difleuting Meeting- houle in St, Mawes, near this place. The room where the congregation was affembled was over a cooper's fhop. It was fnppofed there were near 400 p^ rfons in it, and juft as the preacher was liegmning his difcpurfe the beams gave way, and about one third of the congrega- tion. Ml into the ( hop below ; the others were unable to give them the lead afliftance, fearing if they dirred the vyhole would give way. For- tunately Mr. William . Blake, and Mr. Pearce, jun. were pafling by the moment it happened, and with great prefence of mind burlt open the door, and tore down the front part of the build- ing . ( which was compo.' ed of framework), ar. d being prefently joined by many of the neigh- bours, they cleared the whole houfe in lefs than half an hour, and prelerved the . lives of many, who muft otherwife inevitably have perilhed. Providentially no lives were loft, though many received much hurt. " This afternwm arrived here a Dutch Eaft. In- diaman. She failed a few days fince, in cqm- pauy with 11 others, from Amfterdam ; one of whom ( lie unfortunately ran down laft night, and it is feared every perfon onboard periih d." A letter from Sir George Eiiptt, dated at Gibraltar the ajtb of November, fays, Captain Blanket, commanding in the Bay, informs me the Grand Duchefs of Tufcany, merchant fliip, from Zjnt and Algiers, paffed through the Streighti laft night, wind fair for England. Yefterday Mr.. Recorder made bis report to his Majefty of the convifts under fen- tence of death in Newgate, viz. George Owen, for forging and publifbing as true a certain order to The Affay- mufter of the Goldfmiths Company, for the deli- very of certain filver goods left for the allay- ing and marking, with intent to defraud. William Ryan, for felonioufly perfonatiiig and affuming die name and charafter of the brother of John Harrifon, late a Teaman on board his Majefty's ( hip Ifis, and adminifter- ing to a will as his heir and reprefentative with intent to defraud the lawful heirs or reprefentatives of the faid John Harrifon. William Coombes and Thomas King, for felonioufly being at large in this kingdom before the expiration bf the feveral terms for which they were ordered to be tranfported. Thomas Freeman, for forging a pro- milfory note for payment of 151. as the note of D. Bowles for Cr « ft and Co. to* Williarai Thomas Wilfon, with intent to defraud Lawrence Pearfon. . Henry Moore and Richard Dodd, for felonioufly a( Tklilting John Cotton, Efq; on the highway near Poplar, asid robbing him of a lilk purfe with gold Aides, two guineas, and an half- crown piece. Robert Artz and Thomas Gore, for privately dealing in the fhop of Hyam Hart, m. thc parifti of St. Martin in the Fields, a diamond ring, fcwo enamelled rings, a locket. See. WilliacJ Monen, alias Murry, for deal- ing a largp fura of money, the property of Meff. Drur& mond and Ct. Elizabeth Leonard, for feloniotifiy af- ( aulting Hannah Boardrnan ^ being then ist tbe cuitody of ths keeper of New Prifon for an aftanlt) putting her in fear, and taking from her perfoa 45. 6d, the property of Samuel Boardman. James, alias Jofeph/ jTrebbls, and George Hand, for fsjkmioufly aifaulting Edward Rutter, on the highway in the parifh of Greenford, and robbing hitn of 5s. and a filver watch. Charles Hughes, for privately dealing in the fhop of John Williamfon, in Holborn, a of fpua lilk ( lockings, value 55. and ( lie has ta& en and brought In a fmall fmuggling ( loop laden with 14.0 c. dks of fpirits. " AHo arrived the Britannia Eaft- Indiaman from the Riv.- r; Wrfton, Oalt, and Dove, White, from London ; Richard and Hannab, Hutchens, from Plymouth'. " The H pe cirter is come into harbour to refit." ExtraH of a Letter from Deal, Dec. 34. " Wind N, W. Came down and failed the Hampfliire, Burrow, for Jamaica ; Thomas, M- Namara, for St. Kitt's ; Chance, Stafford, for Virginia ; Neptune, Biatchfurd, for Faro ; Difpatch, Quick, for Venice, and Grenada packet, Hollinan, for Gienarisl. " Remain the Spoilt floop, two Dutch men of war, and Swift, Boys." Yifterday Mr. Philippe in a very forcible man- ner appealed to the High Bailiff refpefting Mr. Hargrave's intention of retiring from the Scru- tiny. He pointed out the exceeding hardlhip upon his client, if fuch a meafure fliould take place; and propofed, that as Mr, Hargrave would be able to dedicate an hour and half each day,, that the fcrutiny might go on with fuch affiftance, af lead in the parifh of St. Martin. He very affeftingly pleaded with Mr. Hargrave, as a gentleman, not to leave the Scrutiny in its pref nt fituation. Mr. Rotrfe and Mr Morgan paid very band* fome eomplitmnts to Mr. Haigrave for his in- dex bit: integrity and extenlive abilities; but they Were indruftcd to oppofe going 0,1 111 ths m? nner prop'oied by Mr. Pmlipps. A yreat dt a! of ( peaking cr. fued. At lad Mr. Haigrave declared his intention to reconfider the matter, a id, if polEbk, retain bis prefent lit nation. This gave a general fatisfaftton, and the Court adjourned nr. 111 Monday ( e'nnight. Total of votes objected in St, Martin's parifh by Sir Cecil Wray, againft Mr. Fox, 135 ; of ^ hi ch 78 bad, 52 good, five referved. Votes ohjefted to by Mi, F « x, 29: of which bad 22, altoivi » e, reierved fix^ Poor Mts, Siddons, v. ho through this whole . feafon, Jn- the wavwardnefs of Jcluj Bull, has been k ying dowaword—- on Tuefday laft ap- peared in her triumph—- in the triumph of tli « art— Southern's Ifabella— And to what ?— To a houle of no more than 130K! What adds to the oddity and bathos of this falling oft" is, th^ t the night was known, though not sdwtifed, to be her own! Does not this prove, that ( he muft play comedy ? Yefterday the Lord Chancellor appointed the following Rota for fittings before the enfuing Hilary Term at Lincoln's Inn Hail ; Saturday, January 1;, firft feal. Monday — 17, pleas and exceptions." Tuefday 18, caufes. Wednefday 19, demurrers, & c, Tlun fday . 20, fccond feal. Friday' *:, petitions. Saturday-——- 52, ditto. Saturday laft died Mr. Payne, of the Theatrs Royal at Bath. EPITAPH. BENEATH lie lamented the manes of Payne, Beref; of what's mortal, gay, g. ddv, or vain I Of Payne, wbo was Pleaf* re's br. lk io: i thro-* rhe year— But Pleafure now droops, and for Payne ( beds & tear, j In Autumn Payne wither'd, in Winter he died, And Summer's lweet funftune to Payne was denied. The Dart of grim Death enter'd Paynt's plear fant bread, And a Dart of Religion confign'd him to reft. On Sunday laftdiod, advanced in years, at her lodgings in South Audley - llreet, Mr. Eliz. Blaki iky. ANNUAL BILL from Dee. Dec. 14, 1784. r Males 8778 Chriftentd < Females 8.1 us L In all f iMalcs guj Buried J Females 85QQ I In all Whereof have died, Undrr two years of age 5729 Between two and fiv Five and ten Ten and twenty Twenty and thirty Thirty and forty Forty and Fifty- Fifty and fixty Decrcafcd ir 16, 1783, 13 ' 7.< 79 » 7,8* 8 35* 9' 7 Sixty and feven'. y Seventy anil eighty Eighty and ninety Ninety and a hundred A hundred- A A hundred and one 1 A hundred and thict t 1711 t; 83 636 1417 1781 J553 the burials tills year i?, oi. FAHRENHEIT'S THERMOMETER, In the open air, in the ( hack, fronting tha North, at Bighgste, Wedncflay, Dec. 22, — at IjToon Nine at Night — Thurfday, Nine in the Morning At Noon —' • Nine at Night — Fridav, Seven in the Morning 3?- 29. 2 7- S- V* 2( » . 2 « . No Bit- finef done this Day at the Stock Exchant prttr upwards. When Henry Moore, Richard Dodd, George Owen, James alias JofepliTreb- ble, George Hands, William Ryan, and William Coombs, were ordered for execu- tion on Wednefday next the 29th inftant. ExtraH of a Letter from Portfmouth, Dec, » 4, " Arrived t^ f Hebe frigate from a cruize, When in PAIN we < vjilh for EASE. Dr. JOHN LORD'S CORN- S^ LVE, QF tbe greateft Reputation for FGRTY- E1VE . YEARS paft, for giving prefent Eafe and per- feet C'are to all Sorts of Cortis, of - any Thin? yet known 1 and the moft fmgular Circuraftance in it. Favour is, that it not only eradicates them Root and Branch, but no Pcr- fon Hot aver applied it as Direfted found any I'. iin from Corns after the firlt Application. Price lirtfii. f4f From the great Reputation of the abave, rr.? n$ coanterfeit Sorts have arifen, an. l Sold by WARREN, Per^ mer, in Manr- ta, Bon- Ctreat, Goldsn- fquare, Weftrrn; ifter ; fronting Wood." ftreer, Chsapfide, London; and at his Houfe, in Alfr. id. ltreet, Bath, where Merchants, . Captains, twiers, ami Country Shop- keepers, are fupplied with the beft of G cir, in alt the Branches of Perfumsry, at • the lace . reJuc; i Prices, which for Price and Gooduefs are not. equalled it) Great Britain. H. B. A Comparifun oi Goods aad Price will cuaviaas a enerous Public. field by j. LEE, No. 4, Ludgate- IM; where LETTERS and ADVERTISEMENTS are received. A Letter- Bex at tbe Window. ADVERTISEMENTS, LETTERS, are alfo taken in 2c the Printing- Office, No. 4, Peterborough- Court, near Shoe- Lane, Fleet- Street. WHISLpgN, N » , 4A, fising Fstc^- Wtv Fket- Street; Mefl'. BYFlELid laad C « . Ouring- Crofsat the SIC • QCK kXCHA- NGE COFFEE- HOUSE,
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