The Whitehall Evening Post
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The Whitehall Evening Post
Date of Article: 21/12/1784
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Address: No 4, Ludgate-Hill, London
Volume Number: Issue Number: 5866
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" PRICE THREE- FENCE.) MONDAY, Dec. 20. COUNTRY NE W'S. Cambridge, Dec. 18. AST week the wife of a poor labouring man in Peterborough, wai fafely delivered of three daughters, and on Sunday they were bap- tized by the naanes of J b's three daughters, and are all Jiktly to live. The Rev. Mr. Didc is elefted a Fellow of Caius college, in the 10 m of the Rev. Erafonus Diurry, promoted to the reftory of Mundefley in Norfolk. Norwich. Dcc. 18. Yefterday one of the mail coaches arrived in order to be in readinefs, as the eontra& ors expeft to be called upon in a few days by government, to begin their undertaking. On
Monday night latl the Hoop Farmer's Ir. » duftry, John Ifaac, mafter, belonging to Blake*, ney, came on fhore near the faid iiarb > ur, wa » wrecked, and every foulrn board peri filed. Newcaflle, Dec. 18. The ftorm which began on JWonday fe'nnightjia* done incredible damage to many of the ftock farmers in the neighbour- hood ot Carlifle; feveral hundredsof blackcatile and fheep have perifhed and n. any moiv are ill if* fing. One Jane Johi. ftone, who for many year* brought coal to Carhflc market, went upon Caftlecarrick Fell on Monday evening in purluit cf her horien, a id unfortunattly loft her life in the attempt. Chejler, Dec. 12. A
thermometer expofed to the north afpe< ft in a low lituat > n in this city, on Sunday the 12th inft. at rrudnrght, the mercury w as at 1 o| degrees, which was 1degrees belew the freezing point, On Monday the 13th, at noon, it ftood at 2 J degrees. From SATURDAY, December 18, to TUESDAY, December ti, 1784. LONDON. They write from Paris, under date of the 13th mftaty. hat there is'to be a Loan for next year of 12,000 acknowledgments ( the particu- lars of which were to be made minifeft this week), and that all the Bankers had more fpecie to put out than they could reafonably eXpe£ t the Government to employ; adding,
that in cafe, as every one hoped, peace was prefefv.- d, they did not doubt of turning it to advantage. The payments are to be made in 4000 livrei per annum, the intereft five per cent, and it is fo be dccided by lot to whom the firft four thntifand livres fliall be delivered, and fo on till the whole of the debt is refunded. The Count de Mailt bois is faid to be appoint- ed to the command of the Dutch army. Their High Mightinefi'es threaten an attack on the Auftrian Low Countries, as foon as they are allured that the Imperial troops have palled the frontier. Thcr object Teems to be, to difpute with them thepaffage ofthe Menfe. They are
preparing at Lille 1800 bread. plates, and at Amiens orders are given for 30,000 ells of can- vas for foldiers tents. Barracks a> « alfo prepar- ing in vari us parts ot French Flanders. The report is, that there will be in Artois a camp traced out for 80,000 men. ( Amfterdam Ga- zette.) Such are the hopes with which Mynheers the Datch flatter themfelves of Frerteh alfiftance. Ttte laft accounts from Paris mention the great, attention ( hewn by TippOo - Sub to the fttbjefts of tbe French King in the Eaft Indies, in csafeqiience of their rtfigning to that power- ful Chief, the famous pagoda and totfn of Chi- Umbaram, where tne Biairnns and
other caftl of Indians refort to perforrcl the myftic duties of their religioa. This place may b^ called the Mecca of the Indies, to which all Getitoos are obliged once in their lives to make a p Igrimage and pay their devotions. The Fanch ufed to accumulate great funis of money by granting them this toleration. The pagoda at Chdambaram is the moft an* cient and capital in all India ; it was fame year$ fince in the poffeffion of the Enghfh, who neg- le£ ting it in a lhameful manner, the French jnade a hidden attack, and took the place with great eafe, it being only garrifoned by a ferjeant and 14 men.'. The jefignation of it by the French is
tiuly political, and will doubtlels iff. create the amity which fubfii'ts between them and the Marratta Chief. On Wednelday next will be held a Geneijal Court of Eaft- India Proprietors, when Mr. Haf- tings's letter, which has been fo much the fuhyeft of convention lately, will be read, and the pub- lic will then be able to judge what degree of cre- dit fliould be given to thoie who have fo c ' lift- djently afferted, that this letter conveys iome ve- ry alarming intellig nee refpeftinj; the defigrm of the French and Tippoo Sulfaflfn. A duplicate of Mr, Haftiugs's letervvae received on Thurf. day laft, and by the fame pacjtet thefe came a private letter
from the Governor- General, dated Lucknow, the 17th of May, containing the fo!. lowing paragraph : " I have received your letter* to the end of November, wUh an account of Mr. Fox's Bill having been read twice in the Hau/ e of Commons.— I can fcar; ely yet think it will pafs.— It is a profligacy b yond all example, and beyond the luff- ranee even of thofe who lupport the author of it — As far as it refpefts myfelf, I am perfectly indiffqeut; If 1 am ££ » ov « d, it « What Idefirc." On Saturday morning the Prince of Walea ' vifited the Queen at Buckinghara- houfe, before her Majefty let off to Windfor. Yefterday his Royal Highnefs the
Prince of Wales gave an elegant dinner to feveral of the nobility at Carleton- honfe. Saturday night the Prince of Wales honoured the Opera with I113 prefence, it being his firft appearance abroad lines his late fevere indif- pofition. Saturday morning fome difpatches were received from Newfoundland, which were brought over in the Chance, arrived at Poole. Extract of a Letter from Vienna, Nov. 30. *' The poft from Hungary is not yet arrived ; but we have news, by the way of Prelbourg, not of the moft pleating nature. The Turks have committed fo many depredations in Moldavia, that the people, whofe patience has been worn out
by fuch repeated grievances, have come to blows with the Ottomans in their own defence, arid fever- al have been killed on both fides. The particulars are anxioufly exptfted, as it may lay the ground- work of a war 011 that fide of the Empire." ExtraSl of a Letter from Derby, Dec. 16. " The" Society of Antiquarians, having had undoubted information that the remains of King Altred the Great, who died in the year got, weredepofited in the parifli church of Driffield, about 20 miles from Hull in York- ( liire, deputed two 01 that learned body ( accom- panied by fome ether gentlemen) to take up and examine the fame: Accordingly, on
Tuefday the joth of September laft, tbe above gentlemen with proper affiftants entered the church lor that purpofe, to be directed to the identical fpot by a fecrct hiftory ; after digging fome time, they found a ftone coffin,, ana, on opening the fame, difcovered the entire ( keletou of that great nnd pious Prince, together with moft part of his fteel armour, the remainder of which had probably been corroded by ruft, and length of time.— Af- ter fatisfying their fcuriolity, the coffin was clofed as well as tt » e grave, thai every thing might re- main iu the ftatc as when found.— In the hiftory above alluded to, it appears, that King Alfred being
wounded in the battle of Stamford Briggs, returned to Driffield, where he languifhed of his wounds 20 days, and then expired, and was in- terred ift the parifh church thereof; during his ficknefs he chartered four fairs at that place, which are now annually held." Lord and Lady Eufton, according to their prefent intention, mean to go abroad for a year or two. The firft place at which they will make any ffay, will be with the Duke arul Duchefs of Gloucefter at Avignon. Stoke, in Gloucefterlhire, is the prefent rcfi- dence of the Duchefs of Rutland during her fhorf ftay in England. Lady Spencer has been juftly praifed for the tafte and genius
of her pencil. She, Lady Di. Bchuclerk, and Mrs. Creive, have produced fuch drawings, as are not to be matched in any bf the Diletanti circles in Europe I Dr. Johnfon's manufcripts, which are nume- rous and valuable, we hear, are left to his re- ( veAable friertds, Sir Joflitta Reynolds, Dr. Brockhlby, Mr. SreevenS, and Mr. angton. The late Dr. Johnfon expreffed no with him- felf for any particular place of interment ; but left it to the diferetion of his executors, on'y requefting that, if any monument fh mid be erefted, it might be placed direftly over his bodv. Dr. Johnfon exprefiing gteat contempt for the Poems of Oflian, was a& ed if he
thought any » ne now living could write better ? Yes, fays he, a great many men, a great many women, and a great many children. Some years ago the following Epigram was WritteJi- by Ta tf. E^ fq; of Welt minder, on a blank leaf in Dr. Johnfon's DiAionary, ad- dfeffid to the author. When learned Johnfon's ptnfion was decreed, ApplauCe from ev'rjr Britoaerowu'd the deedf The Royal do » or of that boon, we fee, Hor. our'd himfelf, becaufa he favour'd thee. Mr* Macklin has a new comedy on the ( locks. This Veteran, in ftrength of body and mind, fcems to bid defiance to the decay of time, and to tell the world, that a man at 8<*
has. the full | ufe of every faculty, and can exercife them with- J out ifijury to himfelf. Extract of a Letter from Plymouth, Dec. 17. | " Arrived the Europa man of war, Admiral Innes, from the Eaftward; Harmony, Hart- man, from Amfterdatn, with damage; Eleanor and Betfey, Richards, from Waterford ; a Dutch man of war, with a flag at the nuieii- top- nialt- head ; and the Fairy { loop from a cruise." Extract of a Letter from Portsmouth, Dee. 19, Arrived the Providence, Prior, from Lon- don ; Britannia, Leifhman, from Oporto; Pro- vidence, PhilUikirk, from Dantzick. Sailed the Hebe fVigate on a cruife; the'Thorn floop of war to tne
Eaftward; Hope, Reilly, for Water- ford ; and Alfred, Park, for Sunderland. The Yefterday morniig at ten o'clock, a duel was fought near the Stand on Epforrf Downs, by Mr. H. Drummond, jun. banker, bf Charing* Crofs, and Captaiti Batterfby, of this 29th re- giment ; the former attended by General Garth, the latter by Lieutenant Butke, of the 28th re- gtment. When they came to the ground, it wis agreed on between the feconds that the princi- pals fliould ftand at tea yards diftance. Mr. D. fired the firft fliot, but without effeft; after which Capt. B. difcharged his piftol; the ball entered at Mr. D.' s right elbow, and lodged in the wrift, from
which it was immediately extradted by Mr. Kennedy, furgeon, of Great Queen- ftreet, who attended on the part of Cap- tain B. Mr. J. Hunter came as furgecn to Mr. D. but did not arrive till after the operation had been performed by Mr. Kennedy, Mr. D. upon receiving the wound, lliifted his piftol to his left hand, to ( hew his refolution of continuing to fight; but the feconds immediately intetfer irig, brought the parties to a pcrfeft underftand- ing, which was followed by a reccnailiaticn. Friday Francis Nichols was re- examined at the Public Office at Shadwell, and committed to New Prifon, for flopping Thomas Stokes upon the highway
near Stepney, putting him in fear, ' and robbing him of a filver watch. On Thmfday evenirtg, between five and fix o'clock, feven villains armed with cutlaffes and piftola fuirounded the houfe of Mr. Morgan Rice, at Lower Tooting, in Surry; and upon the coachman and footman going out, ( armed with a blnnderbufs and a fword) they fired three piftols, but happily without effefit; they then kuocked dswn the coachman, cut and wounded him in a dreadful manner, and left him for dead ; took his blunderbuff from him, firtfd it at the footman as he was running eff, which miffed him, but mortally wounded a bricklayer in his forehead with
feveral flugs. Three of them were in a ( ingle horfe chaife. and the relt fuppofed to have beta on horfeback. BETHLEM HOSPITAL. 08. \ btb, 1784. '" THE Committee for conducing the Affairs of this Hofpital think it proper to inform the Public, that, encouraged bv fome late Benefactions, they have taken into the ' Houfe, TEH INCURABLE LUNATIC PATIENTS in Addition to the ONE HUN- DRED INCURABLES, who were before maintained in • the HOSPITAL. From the dreadful Accidents, fatal to the Lives of many, that have been o- ecafioned by ini'ane Perfons, as well as from the heavy Burthen and Expcnce that fall upon the
Friend, r* xxfaotM I unities, the Committee are im- prefled with the flrongelt Convtftion, that the Extent of THIS BRANCH of the Charity is a mauity and Policy unite to recommend a! wn • Hu- NAVY- OFFICE. Dec. 18, 1784. cfHE principal Officers and C. otnmifjioners of his Majefly's Navy do hereby give notice, That on Thurfday, the $ Otb infant, they voltl fell at this Office th* undermentioned Ships, viz. To . a. Lying al Recovery, 664, coppered, Deptford. Seahorfe, 519, ditto, ditto. Diamond, 710, ditto, Plymou'h. Princeffa, r 709, not coppered, Portfmouth. Inventories and Conditions of Sale may be had at this Office, and any
perfons may have the liberty of viewing them during the common working hours ofthe Yards till the fale. The Purchafers are to bind ihemfelvcs in Bonds of 2000/. for each Ship of 32 Guns and upwards, not to fell or otherwife d'fpofe of them to any other Perfon, but to break them up in a limited time. POST- OFFICE, WEYMOUTH, 6th Dec. 1784. ' pHE following Hand- Hill having been d ftri- buted at and in the Neighbourhood of Weymouth, and advertifed 111 the London and Country Ncwfpapcrs i " Weymouth, Nov. 1784. " It appearing to Gabriel Steward, Efq. that fcveral " letters direfted to him, and delivered from the Poft. "
office, Weymouth, have been aper. td puviotu to their " delivery ; a reward of Fifty Pounds is hereby offered 11 for the drfcovcry of the. perfon or perfons guiltv of the " above offence." I think it incumbent on me to jufltfy my cfiaraftrr, which is fo feverely and unjuftly rifl. fted on by the faid hand- bill, to give the public the real tote of the affair, which I fuppofe it alludes to : Sever . it letters., I think, to the bed of my recollefiion three, came in my London bags, direfted to GftbrioT Seewerd, Efa. whereon was rubbed or torn down a flip on tbe direMii fide, which letters were delivered in the fame ftate as I tdolethem my- felf out of the
London bag, the iaft particularly with my own handi, to Mr. Steward. The above I have verified upon oath. - STEPHEN SPICER, PoB- Mafltr, Weymnnth. To the LIQIJOR and OIL TRADE. This Day it pKbl'fhci-, Price Bound 1 Sd. THE ULLAGE CASK GAJK3SR J cpm- pcifed in a Series of Tables, from Fiv< s to One Hua- dred 1ind Sixty ( induCvc) whereby the Ullage Contents of any Cafk ( however large, or divcrfified jn Bilgevor Shape! may be exaftly and pxptdiliouffv known at Sight; » s aVi the Foot or Sediment in 0,1 Cifks is alike a& ruined. • w ithout the Help of a Gauger, gee. The UtiUty of this Performance muft 1M obviouj
tn all fuch of the Trade who have many Ullage C$ fks atany Time on Hand. ' ' Compiled afterthe moft approved Method made Ufe of- by the Excife, By TAMES BOYDELL, late Wine- Merchant. Printed for and fold by the Authfir, at No. i, Cooper'* Row, Crutchcd- Friars; by John Boydcll, Efq. No. go, Cheayhde; Mr. Richardfon, under the Royal Exchange | and by all Bookfellers in Town and Country. N. B. Thit Book, has been fubmitted to the Infpefllaa of the Honourable the Commiflioncrj of his Ma'. cftv'i' Excife. J ' w Nautilus ( loop of war, Capt. Tripp, is gone out of harbour to Spithead ; the Salifbury, Leocadia, Winchelfea, and
Termagant men of war, ate come into harbour to dock. The Prefident, for Liverpoole, was on Ihore between Yartncruthjand Cowcf, and is got off, aad com © iAto this bar- bour." ExtraEl of a- Letter from Deal, Dec. tq. '* Wind W. Came down, and failed th' Spooner, Loran, for St. Kitt's. Remain the Scout ( loop, two Dutch men of war, Swift, Pi. i lot, a* t itertegenman, H « l » n » , % Du » lt" irk." There are generally upon the Incurable Lift more than Two Hvndrcd DANGEROUS Lunatics, that is, Perfons who have been Difcharged without Hopes of Cure, and who wait to be re- admitted, in Turn, whenever Vacancies lhal be made by
the Death of thofe already harboured in the Hofpital. A Period of fome Years muft elapfc before an INCURA- BLE tan be again taken in ; and as Mifchiefs of tl e moft feriou; ; nd affecting Nature frequently happen during that Interval, the Committee conceive they cannot perform a Service of greater Utility to the Public, than by attempt- ing to fhoxten its Duration. They have therefore given Dire& ions for a Survey to be made of all the Apartments and Accommodations in the Hofpital, in order that it may be r ' e capable of containing a ftill greater Number of INCURABLE PATIENTS, if, through the Benevolence of the Well- dilpofed,
they ( hall he enabled to fupport them. HENRY WHITE, Steward. : ESS. CHAMBERS, LANUSi'ON, and HALL refpeftfully inform their Friends and the Public, That ihey intend declining the Retail Bulinefs at Chrift- mas next, and that the fame will be carried ou by Mr. ROBT. EARLE, No. 49,< eheapfide, for whom they folicit their fixture favours. Imprelfed with a lading Serife of the paft Kiiidnefsof their Friends and Cuftomers, they 1 « jueft the Acceptance gl their gralelulAcknowledgements for the fame. Chambers, Langilon, and Hall prepofe continuing the Haberdafhery and Lace Btilineft Wholefale at their Ware- houfc,. No. 61,
Chrspfide. Cheapfide, Dec. 1, 17^. EARLE, Haberdafher and Milliner, No. 49, Cbeap- fide, refpeAfully informs his Friends wid the Public in general, that MclT. Chambers, Langfton, and Hall purpofing t » decline the Retail Bufinefs at Chriftmas next, he has purchafed their Retail Stuckj which he will fell coilider^ bfy under the Prime Coft. R. EARLE earneftly folicits the Faverurs of thofe Ladies who were Cuftomers tn Chambers, Langfton, and Hall, and hopes by a particular Attention to their Com- mands te merit their future Favours ; at the fame Time lakes this Opportunity of returning his grateful Acknow- ledgement to thoTe
Ladies who have already favoured him with their Commands, humbly rcquefting a Continuance of the fame. Cheaplide, Dcc. 1, 1784. Dec. 20, 1784. IN confequence of the combination of the Tea- Dealers, all the Toas would have been bought by one man for them, at one penny per pound advance on the low prices at which they were put up. Whether faid Dealers would have fold the faid Teas at reafonable prices, unadulterated, to the Country Dealers, and to their Cuftomers in general, the Public, who are judges of human nature, will determine. Suftice it to fayf that foma patriotic Gentlemen, aided by the judgment and
indefatigable endeavours of Mr.. Philip Cbn- ftabta ( a very refpecUble Broker, who may be met with every day at Tom's Coftee- houfe in Cornhill) prevented much of the property of the Public and the Company from beingfritteredaway. Tbe Public receive 12'., tos. per cent, oti thevalaeof the Teas, as Cold at the Company's fales: the Pub- lic alfo receive 3- 41115 of the profits, of the India Company. Therefore if a combination has lelfened the amount of the Tea Sale, tbe Public are defrauded to an immenfe degree, and the combination wutl make, an ample recompence. The Nobility, Gentry, and Others, whether in Town or
Country, wilhing well to Great Britain, are entreated to fend their orders for Tea forthwith to Mr. Conftable afore- faii, on whom tins arduoujtalk hatlr been preffad. This Day was publifhed, In Five Volumes, 121110. Price ijf. fewed, I ALES of the CASTLE? or, Stories of Inftru& ion and Delight. Being Les VEILLES du CHATEAU: Written in French by Madame hi Comteffe de Gsnlis, Author of the Theatre of Education, Adele and Theodore, & c. & c. and tranfl: ited into Englilh By THOMAS HOLCROFT. Printed for G. Rnbinfon, No. 2;, Pateruofter- rovv. To the C JRIOUS in FUTURITY! The TWENTIETH NUMBER of MR. SIBLEY's
Work on the SCIENCE of ASTRO- LOGY, comprehending the Art of foretelling in. ture Events and Contingencies by the Afpefli, Portions, and Influences of the Heavenly Bodies; including Predic- tions of fome ' ® portant Events of futurity, deduced from fydereal Speculation; with philofophical Ohferva- tions on Ihe progreliive tendency of the Earth to its Djffc- lution, and on, Elucidation ofthe Signs and Tokens in the Sun, Moon, aud Stars, which our Saviour, in the Cof- peh, has declared ( hall indicate the Approach of that „ momentous Day, is now p « bli! hed in Periodical Num.- bers, agreeable to the original Propofal. And it is
with infcltSatisfaction, the Author informs Iiis Mafonic Bre- thren, to whom this Work is dedicated, that the late in- fulting Attsmpts to fupprefs his Publication, uiicfrr the yagtio Pretences of its dangerous Te dencv, by difeover- ing more to Mankind than what is vulgarly fairi, " -. Van, pught to know," are at length fubfided ; and the l crror- j ol' a Penal Law, held up to deter him from purfuing his Work, are now removed by jibe total Repeal of that Statute. Mr. SIBLEY will calculate Nativities, or refolve Ho- 3ry Qucftiow, at hit ufual Fee of One Guirfea, fcr any L# di.- s or Gentlemen, whochufe to fead their Time'pf Birth, and tne otner
neceffary Particulars, Any Perfon may begin with the Firft Number, which, if not approved ® t may be returned. Printed for the Author, and fold by W. N1Y0II, in St* Paul-", Church- yard, where Letters addreffed to the Au- thor, ( Poll paid! will be duly attended t* ; and the Num. b.- rs may be had of the Bookfcllers and Ne-. vfcarriers ; a Town and Country, " '! « •'.. » . When in PAI* WE wifh for EASS. 5> R. JOHN LORD'S CO'RN- SRTLVE. QF the trreateft Reputation for FORTY- FIVE YEARS paft, for giving prefect Eafe and per. feft Cure to all Sorts of Corns, of any Thiiag yet known ; and the Angular Circumftance in its Favour is,
tb > i it not only eradicates them Root and Branch, but no Pe.-- fon that ever applied it as Direfted foynd any Pain from Corns after the firft Application. Price is. 6J. fit From the great Reputation of the above, mapy counterfeit Sorts have arifen. Made and Sold by WARREN, Perfumer, in Msry-' e- Bonn- ftreet, Gulden- fquare, Weftminfter; fronting Wood- ftreer, Cheapfidc, ton Jon; and at his Houfe, in Alfred- ftreet, 6ath, where Merchants, C- aptaim, Dealers, and Country Shop- keepers, are fappliei with tlvs beft of G\; ods, in all the" Branches of Perfumery, at the late reduce'! Prices, which for ? ricc and Qooiaeis are no: equalled i
Great Britain. N. B. A Compirifoa of Gooda and Price will ecavitj. gcueruui Public.
MONDAY, Dec. 20. From the LONDON GAZETTE. Whitehall, Drr. 18, 1784. THE King has been pleafed to order Letters Pat nrto be pafled under the Great Seal of the kingdom of Ireland, contain1 ng his Majefty's grants of the dignity of a Baronet of that king- dom to Vere Hunt, jun. of Corragh, in the County of Limerick, Efcj; and Jofeph Hoare, ot' Antubella, in the County of Cork, Efq; And the heirs tr. ale ef their bodies lawfully be- got tetf. By the Lord Lieutenant General and General Governor of IRELAND, A P R O C L A M A T 1 O N. RUTLAND. Whereas his Majefty hath Cgivified unto us his Royal pleafure, that the Patlian
ent of this kingdom, which now ft mils prorogued to Tuef- day the 14th day of December inltan:, be fur- ther prorogued to Thurfday tbe 20th d y of January next, 17B5, then to lit for the drlpatch of bufinefs: We do therefore publillt and de- clare, that the laid Parliament be, and accord- ingly the faid Parliament is, hereby further prorogued to Thurfday the 20th day of January next, 1785, and the fame fhall be then held at Dublin, and lit for the difpatch of bulintfs : Whereof the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and the Commons in this prefent Parliament are to take notice, and to give their attendance ac- cordingly. Given'st his Mapy's
Caftle of Dublin, the 8th of December, 1784. By hi3 Grace's Command, S. HamilteU'. Go ® fave the KING. War- Office, Dec. 18,1784. 3d Reg. dragoon guards, lieutenant Mathevv Brickdale, of the jotk reg. foot, lieutenant. 15th reg. dragoons, lieutenant George Caifar Hopkinfon captain of a troop. • 9th reg. foot, lieutenant W^ M.' Speticcrcap- tain of a company. Ditto, entignjarr. es Hallett Michcll lieute- nant. 14th reg. foot, cspt. Alexander Macbean, of the late 71 ft reg. captain era company. 29th reg. foot,- lieutenant Allan Maclean, from half- pay in the 29th reg.. lieutenant. 58th l'tg. foot, enfign Levett Ibbetfon lieute- nant. - 64- h
reg* foot, lieutenant Mathew Frederick Forfter quarter mafter. * BANKRUPTS. Richard Rivers, of Great Marlow, Bncking- hamfliire, barge- maflcr ; to furrender Jsn. 17, iS, and 29, at eleven, at the Upper Ship Inn in Reading. Attorney, Mr. Alinutt, Great Mar- low. Charles Child, of Evvhurft, Surry, ftiopkeep- er ; to furrejider Dec. 22, at eleven, Jan. r, at ten, and Jan. 29, at five, at Guildhall. Attor- ney, Mr. Crofs, Snovv's- fields, Southwark. Thomas Forth, of Pprtpool lane, pawn- bro- ker ; . to furrender Dec.. 21, Jan. 1, at ten, and Jan. 2- 9, at five, at Guildhall. Attorney, Mr. Barron, Salilbury- ftreet, Strand. Meeting fir Proof of Debts.
Jan. 22. George Smith, of Upper Harley- ftreet, Marylebotie, but late of Madras, mer- chant, at five, at Guildhall. Dividends to be made. Jan. 15. John Laird, formerly of Coltlbath- fcelds, now or late of the Bellfavagt- yard, baker, at ten, at Guildhall. Jan. 12. Matthew Hicks, oF Bakewell, Derby, dealer, at twelve, at. the George Inn in Derby. Jan. 21. Abel Thomas, late of Topfham, Devonlhire, merchant, at four, at the Valiant Soldier in Exeter. Final. Jan. 11. William Fecpound, late of Stafford, habe'rdaflier of hats, at eleven, at the iwati in Stafford. Jan. 12. John Sherer, late of Capel- court, Bartholomew- lane, infurer, at ten, at Guild hall. Fin a'. Jan. 25. John Goode, of the parifh of St. Mary-! e- bone, Middlefex, linen- draper, at five, at Guildhall. Jan. 14. Charles Mears,- of Greenwich, Kent, wanner, late o mmander of the late fliip the Egmont, at five, at " Guildhall. ' Jan. 22. Jofeph Dcrmer, late of Hoiflydown, Jtationer, at ten, at Guildhall. Jan. 18. Thomas Thompfon, of Great Queen- ireet, Lincoln's- hui- fiekis, merchant, at ten, at pu. ldhall. Final. Jan. 22. Richard Baynham Rols, of Lip- Ijook, Hants, mnholder, at five, at Guildhall. Certificates to be granted. Jan. 8. John Henry Foitd, of Wiftchcfler- f reet, ni- reliant. Th mas Clatk, of Southampton, grocer.
Chriftopher Onflow, late' of Wappifig- wall, Shativt ell, merchant. . not permit any levees to be made for them in their territories, & c. s. • Vienna, Nov. 24. The regiment of Prei'fs, ih garrifon 111 this capital, began yefterday to march- for the Low, Conutries. This morning the re- giment of Teutfchmeifter took the fame route. We learn from Semlin, that on the 18th of laft month arrived there two large fliipS, laden with iron ware, ftigar, coffee, fpiceries, & c. Since the duties have been leffened, the trade of thofe parts encreafes more and more. Vienna, Nov. 27. The Emperor has jirft given orders for fufpe'nding all the public build- ings
which axe carrying on, as well as all ex- traordinary expences; the intention of his Ma-, jelly is,, that all the money deftined. for . thofe objects be employed for carrying on" the war. Vienna, Dec. 1. The troubles ar'ifen in Tran- fylvania become daily more ferious. Three re- giments appointed to difperfe the rebels have not fucceeded f it is eveti. laid, that Gen. AVwinai, who commanded them, is tun. 1 hey fet fire to all the houfcs it* their w ay except thofe be- longing to the Emperor* The inhabitants of Cronftsdt have burnt their bridge to avoid a furprize by thefe fetJitious psople. It is faid, that their number already amounts to t6, oao
men. A few days ago they fet fire to three wag- gons coming from Vienna, with difL- rent mer- chandize, to the value of 40,000- florins. Wurfaiv, Nov. 19. According to the laft advices fr< » m Dantzick, the Ruffian Rrfident - in that city hath intimated 011 the part of Ins an-* gutl Sovereign to the Magittrate of that- City to fign, without further delay, the Convention projected with his. PruQao B% je'fty. The receipt of tlie Treaiury of the Crown from the ift of September,, 1782, to the firft of the fame month tus year, ainou. nte^ to the fum of 26,0- 1 5,12 7 florins of Politic!, and the expences to* 23,650,837. Fraacijart, Nov. 25. The States
of the Circle ot FranConia having made repref. ntafions to the Emperor, jen the routes which the troops deflincd to the Low Counties were to take, he on the 6- th inllant lfl ' u d other reauilitorial let- ter?, which change fome pans of the march traced out in the firft.. • It is fuel, that the firft cclemin of the Impe- rial troops going to the Low Coiiti'rif? will be compofed of 1: 040 cavalry, r7,^ 58 infantry, and 1078 artille. iy- rr'cn; in'sll 26,476. Hamburgh,' Dec. 7. The 1 11 letters from Peterftnirgii brought u. s the c'ifagppble news, that the plague. b,. s been connminicated f om Crimea and Cherfon into fome dillriils of IV deilia, the Ukraine,
and tven to Kiow, where it has made verji'grt- af ravages, ins confidence of which, orders have been given to form a- line of 1 5,000 men to cut tiff all communication. Paris, Dec. The ultimatum of the Em- peror is ftill exp- Aftl litre. All that we have leant hitherto from Vienna is, that the Empe- ror perfills in his clefign of attacking the Dutch unlefs the Scheldt is opened.. It is certain that the Emperor is much exafperated, and that nei- ther his Council, nor the eloquence of liis prin- cipal Miniftcrs and Generals have yet been able to induce him to moderate difpofitions. 2t it faid, that on the 28th of OAober, he having convoked all his
Generals to know their opini- ons with tefpeft to the war he defigned to carry on in the Low Countries, they unanimoufly dif- approved that enterprize except General Lafey. It is pretended that his Majefly could not con- ceal his dife'ontent, antl gave immediate Older for the march of his troops. It is faid that the Marflial de Sainvilleis go- ing to raife an army of 20,000 men, in Provence,, that the King of Spain will add a like number, and that the King of Sardinia hath already of- fered 40,000 men. It is certain that the Con- tractors and Commiff. ries of provifions are em- ployed in preparing every thing for the fupport of an army in the
approaching fpring. The Generals who are to command it are not yet appp linted. But the whole voice hath already nominated the Comte de Maillr; boiy to command the Dutch troops. Antwerp, Dec. 7. The two Imperial cutters of 20 guns each arrived here frohi Oilend on the 2d inftant. The captains of both are En- glifhmen ;. they had the honour to dine on Sa- turday laft with his Highnefs the Prince de Ligne. LONDON. ExtraH of a Letter from Paris, Dec. I R. " The li: nation of the pubhek affairs of this kingdom grows everyday more critical, as the dilpute between the Emperor and the Dutch is not likely to be accommodated :
What is parti- cularly myfttrious, the Minifters of France hold the fame language to the Envoy of the Statesr- General as to the Count de Merci, the Imperial Ambaflador, i. c. profcffiiig attachment to the ii> tcte. ft. of their refpeftive Sovereigns. How this can end,, without Fiance being finally involved in a war, is hard to conjecture. The Count de Vergennes, it is thought by fome, will retire, though the King has refuled to let him go at preient. Indeed the fag.: advice of" that political Mentor was neve* more wanted titan at tins ju'nc- Since our left arrived the Mails from France and Holland. Copenhagen, Nov. 13. The abolition of
fervitude wilfnot be confined to the Bailiwick of Frtri- ericf- bourg and Cronlxmrg ; tive fame freedom will" be alfo enjoyed in all the King's eftates, and the Miniftry i6 now tropUiyed in ilftring the nccufTary Riders. Vienna, Nov. 20. It we may judge from all the meafure6 now taking, a war re inevitable ; even although the Republic were inclined to make fome facrifices. The Matiiftfto n gain ft that Power is already conceived, written, and ready to be fent to all the foreign Courts. The Prince de Kaunitz is iuceffantly occupied in the Cabinet. You may have aiready been informed that our Court exafts of all the Princes ol the Empire that
they fliall'not furnifh any - ti'oops to the Republic; and ev^ p that they will ture." ExtraH of a Letter from Dover, Dec. t6. The rnafter # f a vcifel, who is arrived here from Oftend, fays, that he faw along the coaft of f ranee a number of fhips 0: 1 fliore j that be- tween Graveling and Calais he counted 20 fail, but he believes moil of then) will be got off; he fays, that the Sea is covered with pieces of wrecks, and he faw a number of dead bodies floating ou the furface of the water? he alfo fays, that a great deal of damage ha6 been done amongft the ( hipping in the harbour of Oitcnd by the late high wind." ExtraH of a Letter from
Amfterdam, Dec. 9. " The Vale floop, of 14. guns, which ( ailed from the Texel the middle of laft month, is bound for. the Eall- Indies, with orders to aug- ment the fortifications of all the Dutch garrifons - and fouiaagats. i& that quar. t3f. 0f th » world, it. having Been prcgnofticated that the rupture wifh the Emperor will involve the Republick with other powers, and the flames of war wtay, iu that cafe, fpread eren to oar Afiatick terri- tories;" __ ... E'xtraH erf a Letter font Marffricht, Dec. b. " The Eleftor Palatine nas joined tvith fome other of the German Princes againft the interefhf of the Republick in favour of the Anftrians; a
eircumftanec which occsfions no fmall chagrin, Ss the Atiftrian armies will now have a free paf- fage through the dominions of that Potentate." ExiraH of a Letter from Whitehaven, Dec, 14. " From the pr. od gious quantity of fnovv which fell on Tuefday laft and the preceding night, the roads in many parts of this county are rendered impaffable. No carriage can pal's between Pen- rith and Kefwick; a road has been cut for horfes, and the fnow in fome parts of it is lying on each fide the height of feven yards. The poft, which fhould have been here by half pad feven 011 Wed- nefday morning, did not arrive till near ten the next day. A
very heavy fnow has slfo. fallen fince the time above- mentioned, and the mads in general are in'a very bad condition. We hear from, the Ifle of Man, that they are more in- commoded by ths fnow than they have been for fome years paft, and that the communication between fome of the towns was ftopt laft week. " We hear from various parts of the adjoining country, that there aie the greateft number of ( beep at prefent under the fnow that has been known for matiy winters paft. The ftorm coming on fo ftuklciily, and with fuch violence, prevented the fhepherds driving them into flielter, before fuch quantities of fnow had been
drifted, as ren- dered it impoflible to get them out. Several have, however", b en dug out in places where the ac- cefs was more eafy, but by far the greateft num- ber ate lodged in it. Whole flocks have in for- mer winfets been buried thus for a month or five weekf, and when found - feemed to have fuf- fered little by. thsiT frozen confinement^.- The fnow ferving them in part for aliment, and the heat of their bodies melting it gradually, they are generally found ( landing upon- the ground, from which they probably pick a little fude- fiance. ' -' " It appears from all accounts, that the'fnow is much deeper to the eaftvvard of Carlifle, where
the roads are in fome places entirely, blocked up. From that city to this Jdwn they. are open ; and a few miles from hence to the weft ward there is riot near 1' o . mnch { now allies in this neighbour- hood. The froft continues very inten'fe." Governor Jehnftone, ft is faid, is determined ; to appeal to the Ho ufe df Lords, being ftill dif- fatisfied with the de'ermin. ttioti of the Jury in the caufe between hirufelf and Capt. Sutton. It is eanieftly to be wiflied, that next yea r if a Lottery fliould be found neceffary, an ef- fectual ftop may be put to the infamous traffic carried 011 by infuranccs, chances, & c. The mifchief done by thefe offices can
never be compenfated by any ideal advantage fuppofed to be reaped by Government. The poor, who were indtiftrious, become lazy and indolent; they fell the cloaths from their backs, and erery article which can bring a fixpence, in order to try their luck; every thing is trufted to chance, while honefty is put to the ftretch, and induftry entirely deftroyed. The fwindlers who keep fuch ( hops are generally of the lowefl kind. A man would find more honour and honelly among the felons of Newgjte, and to deftroy them from the face of the earth is an aft worthy of a philanthropic patriot. The ltamp duties for the'legacies bequeathed by the
late Mr. Ruffell, exclufive of what duty the refidue to the Afylum may require, will amount to 128'. 15s. or thereabouts. The Rev. John TiUfcy, A. B, of Pembroke College, Oxford, is collated and inftituud by the Btfliop of Bangor to the Redlory of Pen- ftrovred and Vicarage of Llandinam, in Mont- gomeiylliire, void by the death of the Rev, Mr. Gearee. Mr. Blanchard departed from town 011 Friday night, havi: g previoufly conveyed all his apps- ratus to Dover. The nec ffary preparations will probably hinder his intended journey till the latter end of this week, or beginning of the next. Dr. Jefferies is to accompany him in this, dan- gerous
voyage ; and although ihe balloon with two perforis could fcarce carry any quantity of ballaft,. yet thefe intrepid aeronauts have ie- folved to pafs together. Meffrs. Pilatre de Rozier and Charles are at prefent, and have been for this laft1 week, at Calais, waiting for a fair wind to cdnvey them acrofs to Dover, with a new balloon called a Carolo- Montgulfiere. All the public places are filled with the nobility and gentry waiting to fee their departure. The expences already incurred in the Weft- minfter Scrutiny are eftimated on a moderate computation at 24,500!. On Saturday thirty- five prifoners were tried at the Old- Bailey, two of whom
were capitally conviited, viz. Jofeph Warner and Edward Johnfon, for fe- lonioufly ftcaling in the dwelling- lioufe of James Noakes, a ftlver coffee- pot and other plate, & c. and a quantity of watch movements. Seventeen were convifted of felonies, and ftxteeu were acquitted. His Majefty hath been pleafed to grant a fur- ther refpite. to Capt. M'Keuzie, until Friday the 7 th Of January next. This day in Smithfiefd, the average pr'acs were, Beef 3^ d. mutton 3Jd. veal 4{ d. and pork 4id. fhe pound. Houlc lambs: fold from it 6s. to. il. 15s. each.— There was a great fltew of cattle io the market, particularly of the fine • large and youfig'oxen
of the Luicolnfltire breed for Chriftmas beef. This day at St. Margafet's Hill, the prices of Hops'werie, Pockets from 5I. to 61. 6s. and Bags from 3J. 15s. to jl. 10s. per cwt. On Sunday laft « lied in an advanced age, at Afliborne in the comity of Derby, Brian Hodg- fo'n, Efq. after a long and feVere illnefs, which hs bote with great fortitude and refignation. ROBBERIES AND COMMhMp. Vrs, On Friday evening as Mr. Lowth, fon of th « Bifhop of London, wa9 coming cut of Drury « lane" theatre, a fet of daring pick- pickets ltir- rounded him in his way to his carriage, forced his fervant from him, and robbed him of his gold watch and a
puri'e corttaiouig 1$ guiueas y Tn reiiiting this ourrage he was thrown down and had his clothes fpoilr. Saturday morning a burglary was attempted by three villains on the fhop of Mr. Connor, haberdafher, in Ruffel- court, Covent- Gardcn. By means of a lamplighter's ladder thfey had got on the top of the fhop, and cut two panes of glafs from the fkylight; but in cutting the third, in order to make room for one of them to get through, the glafs fell on the counter, the noife of which waking Mr. Connor, he got up, and threa'ening to flioot them, they haftily decamp- ed by the fame means they afcended ; leaving behind them a dark
lanthorn, which they had flung into the fhop,' a coat and waiftcoat, tw » hats, a fteel crow of 22 inches length, and the la ' tier. The following alarm'tig and lingular robbery- happened about five o'clock on Saturday : As Mr. Grey, of Covcnt- garden band, was going to the theatre, eroding Ir'om St. Martin's- caui$ into Ncvv- ftreer, he was furronnded by five or fix men, and huftled ; one of them took his gold watch and another his umbrella : he laid hold of the perfon who took his watch, but was obliged to quit him in an inftan'. , On Wednefday morning a footpad flopped as coach at Butcher's Grove, on HouiifVuv- Heath,. and robbed
three paffengcrs of about 30s. In about 20 minutes after he attacked the Bath Coach on tbe fame fpot, in which was only one gmleman ; he knocked fevcral times againll the coach door with the barrel of his piftol, and then broke the window. The guard fired a Munderbufg at him, he reeled, went a few fteps back, and dropped down dead. Saturday evening an apartment on the fiifl floor at No. 1, in Kinj^' s- Head- court, St. Mar- tin's- le- grand, was opened by means of a pick- lock key, and ftripped of feveral articles of linen and wearing apparel, and a number of tools and utenfils in the watch- making branch. Yefterday afterw on a
man vra<* taken into cullody in St. John's- lane, Clerkenwell, while offering a hare for f . le, which he had flolen the day before out of a three- pair- uf- ftairs room be- longing to Mr. Grant of Warner- ftreet, Cold- bath- fielJs. He was fecured in BridewelL Yefterday morning as a livery fervant to . Phillimore, Efq. of Bentinck- ftreet, Cavendifb- i'qnare, was fkaiting upon a piece of ice near the Jews- Harp- Houfe at Marybone, he fell backwards, bv which accident hia ikull was fraftured in fuch a manner, that he expired in- a few hours. Laft night, between nine and ten o'clock, as- Mr. Burr. et, butcher in White- CrCfs- ftreet, was
returning from Hoxton, he was attacked under the wall of the building in Old- ftreet that was fornjerly St. Luke's Workhoufe, by two fel- lows, who robbed him of half a guinea and fome filver. Friday afternoon a man named Burdet wa » - taXcru before Mr. Blackborow, on a charge of affauhitig a conftabls in the execution of hia duty ; and he was upon ihe point of being dis- charged upon bail, when a Peace Officer named Lucy charged him on fufpicion of being con- cerned in the burglary- at Mr. Lever's, in Bruton Mews, fome weeks ago, from whole workfhopa upwards of three thoufand ouu. ces of filver wera ftolen,, including a
rich fervice of plate for the Chancellor of the Exchequer, which Mr. Levee was manufafturing fur Mr. Hemmings, tho King's goldfmith. Burdet was commitied Jp New Pril'on. FAHRENHEIT'S. THERMOMETER, In the open air, in the fhade fronting tfap North, at Highgate, F itlay, Dec. 17, at noon 31* Ditto, —, nine at night 3r. Saturday, j8, morn. 34, Ditto, , at noon 35. Ditto, — — nine at night 33. Sunday, • - 19, morn. 32. Ditto, , at noon 34. Ditto, . 1 ., nine at night Monday, 20, feven morn. 30. RETURNS of CORN and GRAIN, I mm Dec. 6, to Dcc. ti, 1784. • arUj - Beanl — Malt Oats — Peafe Rye — Wheat ~ Bigg —- Beer —
Quar- tet 3 3- » 77 36< 2422 5.5 > 1 437 8a 4100 Price. £ i. L. i. d. 3924 » 0 .. 1 4 8 519 11 3 1 10 ft 4706 11 i r 18 it » 4836 15 i 0 • r & 3 . 1 18 a 111 <> 5 i 1 7 a 8071 io i . 1 . 4 t I-' I Aveiaga Fric « Per Quarter PRICES of GRAIN at the Corn- market, Mark- lane, Dec. 20, 1784, W, heat ^ 30 54 40 to 44s. od.~) Barley 19- s. to 2is. 6d>| Rye 25s. to 27s. ® d. 1 Oats i6sJ to 22s. od. I Pale Malt 3,65. to 37s. od. | Amber ditto 36s. to 38s. od. ^ pjr Quarter. Peafe 36s. to 383. od. Hog ditto 32s. to 34s. od. Beans 28s. to 30s. od. Tick 24s. to 26s. od. Tares 34s. to 38s. od. | New Ditto 00s. to oos. od. J Fine Flour 37s. to 38s. ) Second
Sort 34s. to 35s. > per Saek. Third Sort * 26s?. to z$ s. J >
mum TUESDAY, Dec. 2i. This day arrived tbe Mails from France, Hol- - IandT and Flanders. Paris, Dcc. 10. COURIERS are daily arriving from Vienna, London, the Hague, and Berlin: Thofe who pretend to be informed of the proceedings of our Cabinet, ftythat the propofals for a com- promife of differences fubfifting between the Court of Vienna and the Republic are accepted. Copenhagen, Dec. 4. Accord ng to letters from St. Croix, there had been a favourable change of weather there fince the month of Sep- tember, in c6hfcquen. ccof which the produce of fugar was expefted to be very great. Paris, Dec. 10. They write from
Strafburgh, that 5000 tents are moved from the magazine of St. Dennis, in order to be convejed mto Alface. Paris, Dec. 10. The day before yefterday a Conrier an ived at our Court from that of St. James's; and from his difpatches it appears, that in cafe of a war between tbe Empeior and the Dutch England is determined to obferve a rigid neutrality, l'he utmolt harmony continues to prevail between the Courts of Vcnailles and London. Letters from Cologne mention, that 3 cool- tiefs fublifts between his EUftoral H ghnefs and he Emperor his brother; but on what occafion has not yet tranfpired. Antwerp, Dcc. 13. We learn that the
lofs fuftained by the Duke d'Ahremberg by the in- undations occafioned by the Dutch, amoun s to fix hundred millions ot livres of France. Hague, Dcc. 17. A letter from Paris, dated the iorh inft. fays, The Emperor's anfivsr is ar- rived ; it was delivered to ihe Cojtvte de Merci Argfnteau, the Imperial Minifter, who imme- diately communicated the contents to one Court. The purport Is, that his Imp rial Mau. fiy c n- fents to fufpend the hoftilities hitditated agatnft the Republic, and, at the requifitton of his moft Chriftian M: ijcfiy, to opon a pacific negociation for the aceon. modation of all matters 111 ddpute with the United Provinces. On
the contrary, the German prints aifert that orders continue to be iffued for the movement of the Imperii armies, and that Hirich Beer, a Jew lh banker at Strsfourgh, has received a commiffi in to pur- chafe forage for an army of 40,000 men, which is to aflltnble in Alface. Vienna, Dec. 4. We have accounts from Tranfylvania, that there were hopes that the re- bels would foon be brought to re a f on. In the mean time the mifchief they have done is incre- dible ; the damage ( lone at Count Palfy's Caftle js valued at 200,000 fiorin3, Count de Faney, Who was b; fi ged in his caftle, was obliged to make his efcape in the uniform of one of
his huzzars, to avoid the crucl death they had pre- pared for him ; the rebels were r, o foofier in- formed of Jiis tfcape than they fet. fire to his village. In another village which they had fet fire to, they threw a young lady of 16 into t > e flames, becanfe they could not find her father. Thefe mifguided people do n' t feem to be at all dif- pleafed with the Emperor, but only with the Nobility ; For lately palling by a powder maga- zine they were going t> break it open, but as foon as they wet'e told it belonged to the Empe- ror they defifted. Baron Jofeph de Tor'oczkay was obliged to leave all he had to their mercy, and arrived at Colofwar
with his wife and chil* • dren. All the Counts, Barons, and moft of the JGentry, have left their eftates and retired to tlip towns. We have juft received accounts from Herman- ftadt, that the rebels have agreed to a ceffution of arms, from the 17th to the 2 2d of Novem- ber, and that Lieut. Van Schultz went to them pn the 12th of that 11 onth in the diftrift of Klau- fenberg without arms, and there met their Chief alfo unarmed, who had delivered to him in writ- ing three points upon which they infilled ; firft, a general pardon ; fecondly, better treatment from the Nobility ; and thirdly, a freedom from vatfal. ge, with affurances, if they were
granted them, that they would Separate and go to their refpeftive homes in tranquillity. Bayreutb, Dec. It is certain that a regi- ment of Huzzars, and part of another, will quit Egra on the 6th of thii month to continue their march. We have accounts that the regiments 1 f Zet- £ witz, Reife, and Durlich, have received orders to march to the Low Countries. We are afraid ? 11 hopes of Peace are at an end The Dutch Confuls at Ftiirr. e and T. iefte have taken down the arms of the Republic k from their doors. Frankfort on the Main, Dcc. 1. The Deputies of feveral eftates of the Upper and Lower Rhine and the circle of Wtftphalia,
affembled here to regulate the march of the Auftrian troops with M. D'Elthenau, the Imperial Commiffary, held rtveir firft fitting yefterday, which was rather vio lent, ar. d at the end of which all the Deputies deglared to the Imperial Commiffary,." that they would through complaifance, grant the pro *' vifions at i6kreirz< rrs per man, but that they - would, give no forage, and that the regiments " of cavalry muft be provided therewith when w they arrived upon tlieii territory." M. D'Ei- tjienau expreffed his Surprize at this declaration k* the Deputy ol tho Eleftor of Mentz, who in * nfwer affufed him, « • that was the true inten ^ tion of hi »
Prince, from which he would not " vary, or at leaft lje would with the other eftates * affsmbled, keep to th ® capitulation to which « the Emperor himfelf had fworn, and by which " his Imperial Majefty promifed to pay for every " thing in that cafe ready money." The fame declaration was repeated by the Deputies of the Eleftor Palatine of Bavaria, and the Eieftor of Treves. The high price of provifion, andjhe refufal of the circle of Frauconii to let the Im- perial troops pafs through their territory, make9 ; t thought Mr. d'Ehhenau will not Succeed fo well ui his negociauon as his maft- v wiityts, Utrecht, JDec. 16. Their . High Mighweffes
luve written to the Swifs Cantons to put tbem it} mind of the capitulation entered into, with them, by virtue of winch they engaged in cafe of need to furnifn 50 men iu addition to each company of the regiments of their nation now in the ferv. ee of the Repnblick ; the States- Gene- ral at the fame time reqneft the Cantons to make that addition to the Swifs regiments as foon as pollible. - The Prince . of W, ild « clc, brother to the reign- ing Prince of that name, has, it is faid, offered to raife a corps of Chaffeurs for the fervice of this Republick. We have accounts from Berlin, that the King of Prulfia has given notice to the Princes of jhe
Empire that he fhould look upon it as an aft of hoftility 1 n their parts if they gave permifRon to the Adftrian troops to pafs through their domi- nions in their way to the borders of the Scheldt. This notice muft caufe no final! embarraffnent to the fir, all German Courts, wh> having re- ceived the requifitorial letter from the Emperor, muft n ® w take a part for or againft the Houfe of Auftria. War feems more likely than ever: The Courts of Verfailles and Berlin draw entirely together, at leaft the laft difpatches from Berlin are very favourable : both the Courts of Francc and Pruflia are on the fide of this Republic, but can- not agree in what
manner to aflift us : Thus the affeii'blir. g of a Pruffian army of < jo, ooo men may be premature. defert one fin git political principle, N. L O N D O Yeflerd. y fome difpatches were brought to Lord Sydney's Oftice from the Lords of the Regency at Hanover, which mention that or- ders had been given for the troops of that Elec- torate to be augmented to their full complement of men. Yefterday his Royal Highnefs the Prince of Wales gave a. grand entertainment to feveral of the Nobility ai Cailcton- Houfe. Yefterday the Weftminiler Scrutiny ftood as follows: Eighteen bad, one good, onew ilbdrawn, I and four riferved. A letter from
Lynn fays, " We have received the melancholy account of upwards of 100 fhips being drove on fliore on the Yorkfhire coaft, during the late florins ( feveral of whith are faid to belong to this town), and that a great many lives were loft, owing to the darkneis of the night, and the heavy Squalls of fnovv and hail, f> that fparcc any boat could get clear of thp wrecks. Yefterday two priforiers were capitally con- vifted at the Old- Bailey, viz. John Evans, for ftealing a large quantity of law and other books out of the library of Mr. Thomas Pitt; in his dwelling - houfe, No. 9, Pump- court, Temple, where he had been lervant; George Robinfon, f
r ftealing in the dwelling- houfe of Letitia Clark, the corner of Caftle- yard, Hol- born, a filver tankard j 11 were convifted of felonies. MARRIED. On Saturday, at the parifli church of St. Botolph, Alderfgate, the Rev. Thomas Heber- den, eldefl fon of Dr. Heberden, of Pall- Mall, to Mifs Althea H de Wollafton, fecond daugh- ter of the Rev. Francis Wollafton, of Charter- houfe- fquare, DIED. On Saturday, at OSborn's hotel, Adelphi, Sir John Chichefter, Bart, of Youlfton, in the county of Devon. He is fucceeded in title and eftate by his only fon, now Sir John Chichefter, On Friday laft, advanced in years, at n. IU. . nip no one fpn 1 charge
him With unbecoming motives. If. the Lntimems predominant i: i thefe pamphlets bt; ever fo obnoxious, it Should be reccll fted, at the lame tune, that he had uniformly profeffed them. His early prejudices had never taught him to be. the demagogue of democracy, nor ro investigate with viiuknce the meafures of Mini- lllers and Mouarchs.'....... In 1775 he publiflied his " journey to the Wtftein Iflands of Scotland," which he had undertaken in Gonipany'with Mr.' Bofwell, the gentl. man to whom the world is indebted for an account of Corfica, and Of the once celebrated Paoli. This may be regarded as a valuabfe fup- plement to Mr.
Pennant's Account of his Nor- thern Expeditions. Bu: the latter explores the country 111 the characters of a naturalift and an- t. quary ;- while Dr. Johnfon travels as the mo- ralill and obferver of men and manners. His laft work, " The Lives of the Poets,'; firft appeared in LJK), as Prefaces, ia ten fm. 11 volumes, to a beautiful edition of the E glifti Poets in fi ty- eight; aud they were afterwards feparately printed in four volumes 8.0. Thelc have been already mentioned in the mtrodufticn to this articl . Bur, notwithflanding their various excellencies, the dec firths of this gieat Critic have been frequently, difputed. The greateft bleraifii,
however, is.. the faquent recurrence of certain political opinions, which are far from enhancing rhe value of a work, the file objeft of which fliould have b.' en literary inflruftion and amufetnent. Ii was ftepping out of his way to call the immortal Hampden, " The Zealot of Rebellion." The venera i. n, moreover, due from every man of genius to the author of Pa- radife Loft, might have taught him to for- give much political herefy in the Latin Se- cretary of Oliver Cromwell; efpuciaily when, in refpeft to his own political tenets, many of the beft judges of the Conftitution are of opini ^ n, that he himlt- lf has much to be fi rgiven. Sen- timents,
wh ch do not difcriniinate the eflenual difference bet ween refiflance and rebellion, which have a tendency to revive the exploded doftrine of palP. ve obedience, and which are inimical, in courfe, to the glorious pri. ciples of the 11 volu- tion, or, in'other words, to the deareft privileges agree with the writer of this nrticic, that h^ had a dignified mind, i » pable of fublime con- ceptions both in conduft and in expreffion/ . To. the meanntfles whxh. deform many literary char rafters he was wholly a ftranger. liis peculi- arities might perhaps. be difagreeable and hurt- ful to his health and happinefs, but they were a portion of that weak. nefs
without feme of which no human character ever exifted. His company was much courted by the lsarned ^ nd by the great, becaufe no man ever left his company without reaping fome lading benefit. His deatlv was preceded by a lingering and painful illnef*, which he bore like a chriftian and a philofo- pher. By his death, the world has loft one o£ it* true friends, and hs has obtained the reward of a pious life— the laurels that never will fade — the happinefs that knows no end. Such was Dr. Johnfon! Such was the cha- rafter he maintained amidft the viciffitndes of elevation and depreffion. May his example be as long powerful as his
precepts will be read and admired! Bart.- Highgate, George Hayter, Efq. one of* the Di re'ftors of the Bank of England, and brother to the late Right Rev. Dr. Thomas Hayter, Lord Bifhop of London.— Sunday laft, at his houfe the Bank - Buildings, Cornhill, Benjamin Bonnet, Efq. SKETCH of the LIFE and WRITINGS' of Dr. JOHNSON. ( Concluded from our lajl.) DR. Johnfon had been for fome time paft em- ploying his great critical abilities in pre- paring a new edition of Shakefpetue. This ap- peared in 1765, in eight vols. 8vo. with an ele- gant preface, in which he enters into a general d'ifqviifition of the beauties and blemiflies of
that immortal bard, and into a difcuffion of the dra- matic laws refpefting the unities of time and place. In a fubfequent edition, in ten vols. 8vo. the ingenious Mr. George Steeveift, nephew of a diftinguifhtd admiral of that name, appeared as a Coadjutor, for whom the moft celebrated, critic need not blufli. He had now attained to the moft exalted height of reputation ; and little difcretion was rtquifite to maintain an enviable charafter of dignity, in- dependence, and Superiority. He thought pro- per, however, to defcend from his fp! endid< eleva- tion ( the Objeft of literary reverence, if not of literary adoration) to become the partifan of
adminiftration, and to mingle with the mob^ of political pamphleteers; as if the Jupiter of an- tient fable were to defert the heights of Olym- pus, leave his thunder and his eagle, and ftoop to combat in the amphitheatre with contending gladiators. In 1770, he publifhed " The Fajfe Alaim,'' in which he difcufl'es the great ques- tion of the Middlefex Eleftion. In 1771, the difpute with Spain attrafted his attention; and he publifhed " Thoughts on the late Tranfac- tions at Falkland's Iflnnds." This was intended to juftify the conciliatory meafures that had been adopted by the Miniftry then in being. A third pamphlet, « The Patriot," appeared In
1774, addrefTsd to the Eleftors of Great Britain, on the calling of a new Parliament; and a fourth, " Taxation no Tyranny," waspubiifhed in 1775, in anfwer to the refolntions and addrefs of the American Congrefs. A?, in all thefe pamphlets, Dr.• Johnfon was profeffedly the champion of Adminillration, tbis circumftance did not contribute to augment the number of his admirers. His penfion, in courfe became a fubjeft. of reproach in all the diurnaj publications, Bjut if it appear that he did not of Englifiimen ; fentiments like thefe might be read in the pages of a Sachcverell, or aFilmer, with calm contempt. Their writings, as thi. y can
never reach, can have no tendency to enflave pofterity. But when we anticipate the luftre with which the name of Johnfon w 11 fliine amongll our defcendants, it is impoffible to read Inch lentiments without a regret not abl'olutely devoid of indignation. Befides the writings we have enumerated, fe- v< ral occafional verfes, fome Prologues, and fome o; her pieces of Biography, have dropped from this Superior pen. The latter confift of the Lives of Barettier, Sydenham, Sir Francis Drake, Roger Afcham, Sir Thomas Brown, Peter Bnrman, Herman Boerhaave, and Ed- ward Cave. TheSe, with the plan of his Difti- oriiry, Some prefaces,
& c. appear in " Mifcel- laneous and fugitive Pieces," in 3 vols. Dr. JohnSon was married in 1740 to Mrs. Porter, a widow Lady of Lichfield, who died about ten years afterwards, leaving an only daughter by her former marriage. She was long lamented by a hufband, whofe conjugal tendernefs had been uniformly exemplary. Be- fore her death, he had received into his boufe Mrs. Anna Williams, the daughter of Dr. Za- chariahWilliams. This lady, who had the misfor- tune to be blind, was endowed with fuch intel- lectual accomplifliments, and cheerfulnefs of difpofition, as rendered her a very amiable com- panion to her benefaftor.
She died about year ago. In 1746, ( lie tranflated the Life of the Emperor Julian, from the French of Father La Bleterie. In this She was aflifted by two ftfti rs of the name of Wilk nfon. In 1736, by the kind afliftance of Dr. Johnfon, who wrote feveral of the pieces, fhe publifhed a quarto vo- lume of " Milcellanies in Profe and Verfe." A few years ago the Univerfities of Oxford and Dublin prefented Mr. Johnfon with the ho- norary degrees oS Mafter of Arts and Doftor of Laws. This was a tribute, not more due to his celebrity in the world of letters, than to the exalted virtues by which he was equally dif- tinguifli- d. His writings, indeed,
have ever been devoted to inftrnftions in piety, benevo- lence, and virtue ; and of thefe inftruftions his life has been one uniform example. The no- bleft gifts t; f geniu6, with refpeft to tbe poffefl'or, 9re accidental, and can only command the fecon- dary praife of diligence, in the purfuit of acqui- fitions, which, when attained, may terminate in lelf alone; but he who is animated by piety, to the praftice of all the Social virtues, ai » d who delights 10 inculcate them by pieccpts, claims a praif'e that is pure and undiminiflied ; lor, al- though his views, when fticceSsful, may even- tually Secure his own felicity, yet the higheft en- joyment oS
his generous bofom is the felicity of others. ' On the 15th of December 1784, about feven in the evening, Dr. John fon died, at his houfe in Bolt- court, Flcet- ftreet, aged 77. The lofs oS fo valuable a member of public and private Society will Jong be felt, while expfience tells us, he has not left a worthier charafter to lament his death. Whether we confider Dr. Johnfon as a man or as a writer, his char after will in the one cafe be found to rife to real good eS?, and in the other to true greatneSs. Charitable to the poor, even to a degree of munificence, he enjoyed the lafting fatisfaftion of doing good, of reliving merit, and cheering the
heart of live poor and needy. To a head ftored with human learning, he added a heart on which habits of pious medi- tation had left deep impreffions. His enemies muft allow, that his faults were not proportioned to his abilities ; and w hen the ihades of his charafter are deepened ever fa much, they do not deprive the whole of its beauties. Thofe who knew him beft in private life will Yefiefdav tne remains of the much- la- mented Dr. Samuel Johnfon were interred in Weftminfter Abbey. The procelfioni confifting of a fiearfe and fix, with the corpfe, and ten mourning coaches and four, et out from Bolt- court," Fleet- ftreet, a few
minutes after twelve o'clock, being followed by feveral gentlemens carriages, moft of he company in which were in mourning. At one o'clock. tlie corpfe arrived at the Abbey, where it wits met by Dr. Taylor, who read the funeral fervice) and feveral Prebends, and condufted' to the Poets; Corner, and laid clofe to the remains of David Garrick, Efq;— The following are the names of the greater number who at- tended at this folemnity: Sir Joftiua Reynolds, Sir John Hawkins, and JDr. Scott, Executors. Sir J: Banks, Mr. Langfton, Mr. Burke, Mr. Colma'n, Mr. Wyndham, and another, pall- bearers; General Paoli, Rev. Dr. Far- mer, Dr.
Brocklefby, Dr. Burnev, Mr. Stee- vens, Mr. Malone, Dr. Prieftly, Dr. Horfley, Dr. Wright, Rev. Mr. Stubbs, Rev. Mr. Strahan, Mr. Cook, Mr. Hoole, Mr. Ryland, Mr. Nichols, Mr. Eti^ Mbulin, Mr. Satires, Mr. Burke, jun. other diftinguilhed perfons, and the deccafed's favourite black Servant* A great concourfe of people were affembled, who behaved with a degree of decency fuitable to. the folfemn occufion. In juftice to ilie memory of the late emi- nent Dr. Samuel Johnfon, the Public, are hereby cautioned againft giving cr. d t to any particulars refpefting him, or any pofl> humous works pretending to be his, that may hereafter be
publifhed by anonymous authors or editors ; and farther are allured, that an authentic life of him by one ot hi3 Executors, and alfo a complete edition o£ his. writings, confiding as . well of original compofitions as of, thofe already in print, are preparing and will be publifhed with all convenient fpeed. T Dr. J O Ii N S O N, And his INTERMENT! HE lofs of this moft. admirable man already may be fenfible in its effefts the community! If his authoritative virtue had., been ex- tant, who would have dared to violate DU- TY, to the degree in which was violated yefterday ? Such a man! Such an attendance at his grave! What two things were
ever more afunder? —• Where were the worthies of the Cabinet ? — Where the martyrs of the Coalition ?—'—— Where were our faints in crape and in lawn P There were prefent at the ill- performed fervice of yefterday not a fingle Bilhop, and not fix Curates.— Not one titled indivi- dual, of our own country, or of the nu- merous foreigners amongft us.—— No offi- cial deputations from our Univerfities, or eftablifhments of Science—— Scarcely any of. the learned profeffions.— Not even the Choir, and but four of the Chapter of the cathedral which was honored with his in- terment. The Dean did not make one of thofe four! The only
perfons who underftood them- felves and their condition enough to attend as mourners on this fad folemnity, were about thirty individuals, diftinguilhed purely by fcience, fentiment, and tafle. Thefe, and no more than thefe, appeared as the mourners, over a man who had lived and died, if any efforts or endeavours of man can be, to the GLORY of GOD !— WLW), at leaft, had lived and died amidfl fuch accomplifliments of wifdom and virtue, as to atchieve' more, much more, than any MERE MAN ever did before, for the LET- TERS, the MORALS, the RELIGION of his country. OGDEN, On the much - lamented DEATH of Dr.
SAMUEL JOHNSON. AS the fond mother, o'er the fable bier Of her lov'dibn, lets fall r lucid tear ; So Learning fighs around her J hnSon's flirint, And Genius moiirns, attendee! by the Nins I E\ n great Apollo tunes his r. uffi. id lyre To ( trains 01 woe, and joins, the weeping ch<% f Britons, attend ! and vvhil - tacb. hcavitjg heart. Feels England's lofs, nc. d Ice'i ; g bsais a paft,'> Be it his talk to rear her droor ing age, „ fe ^ To millions yet unborn ttanjjjpis aer fp!? pdtd page ! • _ Lincoln's- Irut- Fieldf, J, D. USst tms
1 HELICON BAG. For the Whitehall Evetiing- Poft. FRIENDSHIP RE- UNITED: Lines tr*~ a[ toned h tbe much lamented Death of Dr. SAMUEL JOHNSON. JOHNSON no more! alas, again we mourn, Again the tears we IRjd o'er Garrick'* urn Stream forth sfrefli; the woe- fraught figh again Burfts from each bofom, with redoubled pam 1 Congenial fouls, united in their youth By focial friendfhip's unremitting truth ; Alike their merits, each jmrfued his aim, Thro' d. ff'rent paths they reach'd the mount of Fame : Now both, .. las! p< fll- fs the filent tOmb ( Time flnunk, unwilling, when he feal'd their doom,). Johnfon, farewell! yet let thy (
hade receive The fondeft wifli iliy votary has to give ; Now thy pure foul does nnreftra. n'd explore Thofe bills fill realms where pain ( ball be no more, On eagles' pinions may'ft thou ( till arife, And meet thy Garrick in empyreal ikies ! Southampton- Row. CAMILLA. For the Whitehall Eveninjj- Poft. POLITICAL ANECDOTES. [ From SHERIDAN'S " Life of SWIFT," lately puhliffod.] IT was general lv fuppofed on the acceffion of tht late King, that Sir Robert Walpole would have been turned out of his employments with dif^ raoe, as it was well known that both the piiajc and Princefs had retained ltrong refent- tnents againft him, on
account of fome parts ot his behaviour towards them, duiiug the rup- ture between the two Courts. Accordingly on the de;, th of the old King, fome immedi- ate proofs were « ; iven that fuch was the in- tenti m. Sir Robert was himfelf the bearer of the tidings, and arriving in the night when the Prince was a- bei, fent' to defile an audience, upon b'jfmef. of the urmoft confeqitence, which would admit of no delay. The Piincc refuled to fee him, and ordered him to fend in his bu- finefs ; fupon which he gave an account of the d.- atb of the late King, and faid he waited there to rece've his Mujcfty's comm& rtdf. The King Hill pcrfifted in
rcfirfme to fee him, and bade him fend Sir Spencer Compton to him imme- diately. SirJRobert llow plainly faw h's down- fail had been predetermined, and haft'ened to Sir Spencer with humbled tenders of his fer- vice, begging his protection, and earneflly en- treating that he would fcteen him from farther persecution. W! ien this ftory had got abroad, the habitation of the laft Minifter became dtfo- late, and the whole tribe of courtiers, as ufual, ' e o « d d to the levee of the new favourite. Yet, in no long fpace of tirfie afterwards, to the afto- liifliment of " the whole world, Sir Robert was re- lnftated in his pofts, and appeared in as high
fa- vour as ever. Various were the conjectures of the people upon the means employed by him to fupp ant his competitor, and rein ft ate himfelf in full pofiefiion of his power, while the true » aufc of this furpriling change remained a fecret, * nd was known only to : t very few: nor has it ^ ct been publicly divulged to the world-. Soon atter the acceflion of George the Firft, it I; well known tbe Whigs divided among them- selves, and fplit into two parties in violent oppo- sition to each other. Sunderland, Stanhope, and Cadogan, were the leaders of one tide; Townfhend, Walpoi , Dcvonfliire, and the Chancellor, of the other. It h appened
at that time, that the former were victorious; and the discarded party, in refentmcnt, paid their court at Leicefter- houfc. Walpole bad thought of a particular mealure to diftrefs their opponents, which he communicated to the heads of his party : It was. approved of, and fomc of them thought that the Prince fliould be let into it ; but Walpole would by no means agree to this, an I, in his ufual coarfe way, faid, that the yrince would communicate it to his wife, and { hat fat a. d bitch would divulge the fecret. By fome means i r other, the Pvincefs was in- formed of this; and it is to be fuppofed that the VimprefGon which fo grol's an affront
had made 011 . the mind of a wftman, and a woman of her rank • oo, was not eafilv to be - ended. " Manet aha mer. te repoftum," & c. After the neceffary bu- <$ nels upon the new acceffion had been fmifhcd, the affair of the Qjeen's fettlement, in cafe file fliould outlive the King, came on the carpet. iHer Majefty expeCkd that it fhould be at the rate of 100,000 1. ft year; but Sir Spencer Compton would not agree to this, and thought fce, « > oo 1. an ample provifion, and as much as could be propofed wih any profpeCt of fucctfs. While this dil'putc fublifted, Sir Robert Wal- pole found means to acquaint the Queen pri- vately by one
of his confidents, that if he were Minifler, he would undertake to fecurc to her tbe fetfkment fiie demanded. Upon which the Queen fent him back- this remarkable anfwer : V Go tell Sir Robert that the fat a- d bitch bas forgiven him." He was accordingly, foon after, by the well- known ascendancy which the Queen had over the King, declared tirlV Mini- ster ; and Sir Spencer Compton removed to the Vpper Houfe, with the title > ef Earl - of Wil- mington. af St.' Andrew's churchy when the following fix'een gentlemen were ret tuned by the. r l'evtral 1' recinCts. NORTH SIDE. St. Sepulchre's. Mr. Guy Warwick. Mr. Wni. Newman. Mr.
James Brewer. Mr, Rowland Atkinfon, Dep. Mr. Richard Brewer. Mr. Thomas Goodwyn. St. Andrew's, Hidoom. Mr. William Sharp. | Mr, James Branfcomb. SOUTH SIDE. St. Bride's. Mr. Tho. Thorp, Dep. I Mr. John Nichols. Mr. William Wright. | St. Dunftan's. Mr. George Wyatt. | Mr. John 3i » tts. Mr. Robert Threlfal. j St. Martin's, Ludgate. Mr. Williarii Miller. | Mr. Edward Johnfon. Belides the names in the above lift, the fol- lowing gentlemen were propofed :— Mr. William Stiles, of Temple- bar; Mr. Charles Sharp, of Fleet- ftreet; Mr. Squire, of Smithficld, and Mr. Robert Beresford, of Ludgate- hill. On theflK- w of hands, the
Alderman declared the numbers to be againfl. Mtfl'rs. Wright, John- fon, Styles, and Squire; though he was re- peatedly called upon from d- fferent quarters of the church to put up the names of Wyatt and Wright a fecond time, as the fpeakers were of opinion that the majority of hands was in favour of the former againft the latter. Mr. Wilkes, however, per lifted in refufihg their reqtieft, to the aftoniflinient of every perfon prtftnr, who was confcious tha? the requifitiog was authorifed by the common practice and nfage of Guildhall, and the benefit of which lie had himfelf repeat- edly experienced. A poll, however, was immediately
demanded and granted 011 the behalf of th « gentlemen not included in the Alderman's return; after which Mr. Edward Johnfon addreffed the Ward- in ite, by informing them, that advantage had b en taken of h- s confinement to his houfe by a ( evere illncfs during the laft ten days, to circu- late a leport that he intended to rcfign: He begged to allure them, however, that he never had enteit lined fetch an intention ; but that he would, if honoured with their foffiages, which he meant to folicit, on the poll, continue to fetve them with that fidelity and integrity which, he flattered himfelf, had always chaiaCterifed his Conduft. Meffrs. C.
Sharp and Nichols next returned thanks for tie honour done them by tbe return ot their names. After this, A gentleman abruptly propofedthe following refolurion to the Wardmote: " That it is the opinion of this Wardmote, that Mr A'derman Wilkes^ s Return of the Can- didates this day is not coniifteiit with thofe prin> ciples which he has always profeffed to live and die with :"— Upon which the Alderman imme- diately broke tip the Wardmote; the retblution however was put and carried, and the Alderflian purfued out of Church witlj the hilfes and lwot- ings of many of his Condiments. The books of thePoil opened at two o'clock, and
clofed at three, when the numbers were as follow: Mr. R. Brewer Mr. G> o Kvyii Mr. Warwick Mr. Newman Mr. J. Brewer Mr. W. Shirp Mr. Branlcomb Mr. Wright Mr. Nichols 35 22 22 25 33 37 37 42 S3 Mr. Wyatt Mr. Threlfal Mr, Butts Mr. M Her Mr. J.- hiifon Mr. Stiles Mr. C. Sharp Mr. Beresford Mr. Squire 20 20 20 ' 9 20 9 45 30 17 Poflfcript, Tuefday Afternoon, Dec. ii. LONDON. Tbe Wardmote for the elc& ion of Common CgOncilmen of the Ward of Farringdon With- out, was held this day by Mr. Aiderman Wilkee, - The following is the plan which the States General have authorifed the Prince of Orange to put in execution for
the augmentation of their troops :—/ Each company of horfe and dragoons to be encreafed 13 men, car. pnhcnding a corooral. Each company of grejiadk- rs In the regiment of Dutch foot guards 7 men. Each company of grenadiers rn the 69 rution. il battalions, German and Walloon infantry, a ftrjeant and 12 men, comprehending a corpora!; and each company of the nuifqtieettrs of the faid battalions, a fer- jeant, a drummer, and 9 mufqueteers, compre- hending a corporal. Each company of the Swifs regiments under the command of Lieutenant General Efeiier, Major Generals Marty and May, Col, S utlet's and Major Gen.
Schmidt's Grilon regiment, 50 men. To each company of artillery are to be adiied, 1 Sub- Lieutenant, 3 bombardiers, 27 cann . niers, and# drummers ; a id to each company © f miners, 1 Lieu » « iant, 1 ferjeant, a corporal, ami 10 miners. Tfee public prints having announced that th « itate* General had written to the Swifs Can- tons, with whom they a » e in allian « e, » o demand, according to the letter of the ftipulations, the fupply of recruits which the- Statf « tjnnk necef- fary in their prcfciK circumllaDCM, it may not be difpleafing to our r* « ^: r6 to lay before them the principal Articles of the Treaty cor^ lijdcd by the Repub'. td
wtb the Canton of ® rne, as alfo oftliat with the Grifon Leagues, which are the only S* i& Ststci with \ yhieb the; Dutch have any alliauoe. Treaty i\ tith tbe Canton of Berns, 1712, Art. j. The States General and the Canton of Berne ( hall maintain a ftnCl and perpetual friendship. Art. 2. The Canton of Berne flnll defend tbe United Provinces if they are attacked ia their own territories, or in the barrier that ih » H be granted tlvem by th « peace* Art. 4. When the Dutch are engaged in a defective war, they fliall have liberty to raife in the Canton of Berne 4000, men, and the Canton ihall furnifh the recruits neceffary to keep that body
always cnmploat, unlets it, be itfclf en. gaged iu war. Art. 9. The Captains of the 24 Companies of Bcruois in the pay of the States General, fhall be either freemen of the City of Bern?, or fubje£ ts of that Canton. When the United Provinces make new levies in the country of Berne, the Cap ains fliall be named by the Canton. Art. 17. The Bernois Companies fliall not be employed to the prejudice of the Treaties con- cluded by the Helvetic body with Fiance and Auftria; but as thefe Treaties are purely de- ftnfive, the Republic of Berne ( hall not permit France or the Houfe of Auftria to kerp its fub- jefts beyond the prefcribed term, nor
to employ them againfl; tha United Provinces or againll their barrier. Treaty with the Grifon Leagues. Art. 1. There fliall be a perpetual defenfive Union between th » States General and the Gri- fon Leagues. Art. 2. The Grifon Leagues engage to defend the poffclfions of the States General and their barrier. Art. 3. The States General fhall keep con- ftantly in their fervice to Companies of Grifons, and their Commanding Officers fliall have li- berty to raife in tbe Grifon domains the recruits neceffary 10 compleat that corps. Thefe ten Companies fliall never be recalled on any pre- tence whatever. Art, 4. The States General, in cafe of
an attack, fhall have liberty to raife a body of 2000 men, with the neceffary recruits, in the territory of the Leaguer, unlets they themfelves fliould be aftual'y engaged iu war. Art. 7. The Captainsof the ioGrifon Com- panies in the pay of the States Gdneral fliall be i'ubjedts of the Leagues, and in time of peace the States General may reduce the faid Compa- nies to 150 men each, Extraft of a Letter from Deal, Dec. 20. Wind N. W. Came down and faiked im- mediately, the Friendfhip, Rofs, for Water- ford ; Britannia Eaft- I ldiaman, for Ir ctia, " Came down and remains with the fhips as before, the Ofterky Indiaman, for India; and La
Sophia, Watlon, for Cadiz." This day the Seffions ended at the Old Bailey, when the Recorder p,. ffed fentence cf death on 33 conviCts. Extraft of a letter from the Bat of Honduras, dated OHthcr 12', 17 84. " It is with much concern that I inform " you of a fleet having parted by this place " with troops, kc. on board, fleering for " the Mufquito Shore, in order to drive off " all the . Britilh fettlers, and to tuke pof- " feifion of it in the name of the King of " Spain. What makes this" e# ent the more " lamentable is, that many in this part of " the world were in hopes that the Mtif- . " quito Shore would have been an alylura " for the loya!
inhabitantiof South Carolina, " Virginia, and tbe bulk of thofe who are " ruined by tbe ceffion of Eaft and die cou- " queft of Weft Florida. Had your Mini- " iters any fpirit, or any feeling for the " honour of England, tbey would not " fuffer fo fair an opportunity to efcape } " they are peculiarly bound to provide " fome part of the globe for thofe Loyalijlt " whom thty fo lhamefully abandoned, to " reft in ; and no part could have been " better adapted to men inured tp a hot cli- " mate than tlie Mufquito Shore, which in a " few yeais by induftry, and encourage- " naent from th, e parent ftate, would be- " come an invaluable acquifition to Britain "
— it produces fugar, cotton, coffee, ma- " liogany, logwood, fiirfaparilla, and fnake- " rqot. I myfelf hare railed in it as fine " tobacco, indigo, and rice as ever the " Ifland of Cuba produced. It is a country " as large as England, and were it cleared " of trees, which are chiefly mahogany, " and would pay the expence of clearing the " land, it would be a very healthy coun- " try. Oue would imagine that fuch a lot's " of territory as you have lately fuffered, " would induce his M — y a. id the « C— b— t to look about them for lome " fuccedaneum to fill up the immenfe " chafm. How the Mufquito Shore fhould " efcape their view, is not eafily
accounted " for. The native Indians who inhabit it " are remarkably friendly to the . Britifh, " at the fame time they are the implacable enemies of the Spaniards. At all their " meetings, on the government of their •'* c: bes, or political matters, they appoint " cae of their Chiefs, before their debates " -'^ egin, to fing before them the valorous * feats of their anceftors in repulfing the " attempts of the Spanifh loldiery to fub- jugate them ? and in thefe recitals is introduced a defcription pf the cruelties " exercifed upon the innoccnt inhabitants " contiguous to thsir lands, which they « • paint in fo mafterly a way that few Eu- ' « ropeaa l> eas
are able to excel them in " energy of diCtiop. " Is not this encouragement for your " fomniferous ftatsi'men tt » wake from their ( lumbers ? What right bus Spain tp the Mufquito Shore ? Are you grow 11 fo " enervated as to luffer the Dons to dictate to you with whom you ( hall make an " srt'iance} Did they alk your leave tp " j : Franco, an t tc> r-- ai ..- m you ail <- iviorth Aminca? For God's fake lhake « < off your fupinenefs, encreale your tci.- " tories, afFert the caufe of your loyal fub- " jeCts, extend your commerce, and en- " creafe the nurfcries of your feamen, your " only refource in the day when the combined •* rage of the
Houfe of Bourbon, attempu. " ta lhake yon to tiie centr^,'"- S tin day twcrtrotWrs, S"* another man, were apprehended and examined at the Public Oilice in Bow- ftreet, on charge of forging a will, purporting to be the will of Mr. Sawteil, tall. w n. elter upon Saffron- h;!!, whs di d about two years fit. ee pqffdled of i) pwafcls~ iTf 20,000!. The perfon who made the coun crfeit will was admitted an evidence, aud depofed to all tbe particulars of this, extra' n'inary tranfoClien. They were committed to New Pn/ « i for re- examination to- morro- w at Bow- ftiect. On Tuefday evening the 7th inftant, an un- common cataftraphe happened at a
lone cottage on tlie Chevm, about three miles beyond, I) uN field, on the road leadi g to Wirkfworth ; jwa old people named Wattrfall, refided in the mi- feraDle hut, which was but in part covered with, thatch; the old man ui crofting the fi 10 - that evening, unfortunately catched his foot in the fkirt ot his wife's gown, and by a fall broke bis leg ; immediatsly after this accident, his wife lett the cot ( to procure affiftance) but was fooa after found drowned in a rivulet that runs near the dwelling, called Black Bro k. The Jury having fat on the body, brought in their verdict accidental death. The old people had long fub- fifled on a trifling
pittance, being only allowed one ( hilling per week from the parifli ; this, with what little the old woman could beg 111 the neighbourhood, was their whol, e fupport. The unfortunate old man now lies ill of a broken bone, and in a truly pitiable condition. On Friday laft a gang of robbers, confiding of upwards of twenty, who are fuppofed to take up their habitations in the Welch mountains, at- tacked a company of nine or ten people, going fiom Rayader to Prefte- ign, in Radnoifliire. whom tne villains ( tripped and cut, ami mangled fome of them in a terrible manner. They have lately coinimitted many robberies ' 111 that neigh bourhood, and are a terror to the country round. In June laft was married Ctaven O d, Efq; of Bury, in Suffolk, to Mifs Rtedman, daughter of John Redman, Efq. of Eaft Gnnftead in Eflcx. Prizes drawn yelterday. No. 9,618, 20,000,1. No. 24.840, 2000!. Prizes of iool. No- 11,321, 9 993, 16,958, 16,239, 35 048. Prizes ot 50I. No. 17,324, 6,087, 33,775, 2,246, 34,800, 9,248, 10,879, 3,663, 1,480, 26,883, ^ 6,103, 2°> 394> * 9' 359- 938> IQI- Plizes drawn this day. Prizes of tool. No. 11^ 170, 23,63c, 19,761, 8,524. Prizes <> f 50I. No. 25 356, 19- 5- 33. 13 r, 24072, 23,533, 14,928, 27,197, 19,197, 5,4* 8, 6,666, 24,971, 32,117. The
Ticket,. No. 9618, drawn yefterday a pr of Twenty Thoufand Pounds, and No. 24,840, drawn yefterday a prize of Two Tin inland Pound?, were fold by Richardfon and Goodlyck, of the Btink- buildings, Comhill, and f cing tbe King's Mews, Charing- crofs, where the Ticket No. 25,148, a piize of Twenty Thoufand Ponnds, No. 33- 599. a prize of Five Thou- fand Pounds, No. 30,900. 31,459, 28,832, pri- zes of Five- Hundred Pounds each, wer- fold ia ( hares; and No. 11,852, a prize of Two Thou- fand Pounds, No. 7838, a prize of One Thou- fand and Twenty Pounds, No. 29,913, a prize ot Five Hundred Pounds, were alio fold at the
ab ve Offices. DRURY- LANE. Laft Night, Cymon ; with Harlequin Junior. " Ibis Evening, Ifabellaj with The Chapkt. COVENT- GAUDEN. Laft Night, The Fo! » lies of a Day ; with Retaliation. This Evening The Belles Stratagem : with Rofina. - J PRICE Bank Stock, - — New 4 perCent. 1777, 70 J a 71 5 per Ci. Ann. 1784, fliur. 3 per Ct. reduced 3 per Cent. Crmf. flint 56 J for open. 3 per Cent. 1726, — 3 per Cent. 1751,— South Sea Stock, —• Old S. S. Ann. New S.. S. Ann. — New Navy and ViCt. Bills, — Long Ann. fhut STOCKS. India Stock, fhut 3 per Cent. Ind. Anrj., Ind. Bonds 4s. dif. 10 Yeats Short Aur), 1777' — 30 Yeais
Ann. 177^ fhut 3 per C^ nt. Scrip, 55 ! „ 4 per Cent. Scrip, ^ Omnium, — Exchequer Bills, Prem. Lottei v Tickets, ' Light Long AIM— » Pr zev — CRO3SIN( J of the CHANNEL » N A I'LTTNCI BOAT. MR. BLANC HARD has tbe honour to- ui- form the Nobility and Gentry that ia company wiih his late companion. Dr. JEFF- RIES, be intends to afcend ftotn l> over Caftlp, cm Thnrfday next, the 23d inllant, if the wind proves favourable, and to cr. ols the Channel with" that Gentleman in his Flying Beiat Subfcriprions for Mr. Blanchaoft fixth Vqy- age will be received at Sir Robert Herrie/ s, St. James's ftreet; M. M. Elmllsy's, in the
Strand i Baldwin's, Paternofter- iow ; De- L. ctt's, Picca- dilly ; Faulder's, New Bond- ftrecj ; Bubbs's, O^ fordrfirect; Axtcll'a, Finch- fuic, and unii(< r the Piazza, at the Royal Exchange, Corabill, ; at Weltjec's, St. James's ftrcet ; the Mount, Grofvenor flceet; Tom's CoSwhoiife, Cotu- . biilj Garraway's qofsehontfe, ' Change- al. le^.; Wood"* coffee- houfe,- and Dennis's, urtdcr the- PiaiEs, Co* cat gcivden. The actutwu of Ms. Blanchard's fourth aerial voyage with Mr, Sheldon, to befoldat the above-, mentioned boukfellers, M. M- E'mjley, Bald-, win, Axtell, Debrett, Faulder^ and Babbs-. It is rt quelled that all perfoq^^ who may t** ceive
fubferiptions for Mrv Bjanchard, will pay it into the handsof Robert Hernes, St. Jamet'i^ flreer. • A Leitsr- Box at tbe Windwt, by J. L EE, No. 4, Ludgate- Hill; where LETTERS and ADVERTISEMENTS arc rcccived.- ADVERTISEMENTS, LETTERS, Uc. ire. alio taken in at the Printing- Office., No. 4, Peterbormigb- Ceurt, near Site- Lane, Fleet- Street. WatBLa. 0**, Nta, Fleet- Street •, Meff. BYFIBLfi and Co. Gharing. Croft} at t^ STOCK EXCHANGE CQFJr'? E- HpUSE: