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The Whitehall Evening Post


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The Whitehall Evening Post
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The Whitehall Evening Post

Date of Article: 14/12/1784
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Address: No 4, Ludgate-Hill, London
Volume Number:     Issue Number: 5863
No Pages: 4
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I F & u> JL vj PRICE THREE- FENCE. From SATURDAY, December II, to TUESDAY, December 1784; [ No. 5863. MONDAY, Dec. 13. COUNTRY NEWS. Lewes, Dec. it. ' Y ( he heavy fall of foow on Wednefday laft ma- ny of the roads in this county were rendered totally impatrible, and others fo difficult of paffage, thatft: veral per- fons in attempting them had like to have loft their lives, by being with their horfes buried m the fnow, which it'as drifted in lanes and hollow ways to the height of leven, eight, and nine feet. The ftage coaches putfued their journies with the utrfloft difficulty, being often at a Hand on the road with eight horfes, which conft quently made their arrival both here and in London very late. The poft boy who takes the London mail from this place to Eaft Grinftead, and was dif- patched with it on Wednefday night at eleven o'clock, lull himfelf on the foreft, and did not arrive at Eaft Grinftead till nine the next morn- ing. On Thurfday and Saturday we had no London mail arrived here. The crofs pofts have been flopped in like manner; the boy who went from hence with the Weftetn mail to Stey- ning on Tuefday night, and fhould have return- ed on Thurfday morning, did not arrive till yef- terday afternoon. The weather was retmrkably intenfe onThurf day and Friday laft. Oil Saturday morning ovir river was fo frozen, as to admit of perfons crof- fing it near the bridge, with the greatcft fafety. An inftance which we believe never before hap- pened in fo Ihort a time. Salop, Dec. it. Yefterday Eleanor Sharp was apprehended at Ofweftry Fair for felling un- itamped Almanacks under the title of the North- ern Witch, and being convifted of the fame, before Richard Bickerton, Efq; Mayor of Of- weftry, was committed to gattl, according to aft of parliament. This is ibe fecond perfon committed to gaol within a few clays in this tounty, for felling unftamped Almanacks. Ttie fame ftltys are purfuing this year which were taken laft year to flop the fale, and apprc. hend the printers and venders of undamped Almanacks, under tbe title of Poor Robin s Pro- phecy, tbe Northern Witch, & c. & tc. Perfons who have been fo imprudent as to purchafe thefe il- legal proi uftioiis, will do welltodeftroy them, to° prevenr prolecutions being commenced againft them for having fuch papers in their pnffcllion i His Majefty's Commiffioners of the Stamp Duties being determined to prolecute to the utmoft rigour, all perfons that informations fliall be laid againft for defrauding the King's revenue. On Saturday laft Was committed to this county gaol, Thomas Jones, for ftealing fixty guineas, five fhirts, and other thing-, the property of Mr. John Speck. Laft Saturday night a melancholy affair hap- pened at Ponteftury in this county, Three men • went to a pubi c houfe, and called for fome drink ; but as they appeared very much intoxi- cated, a young woman ( who was the only per- fon up in the houfe) refufed to draw them any ; whereupon one of them ufed very opprobrious language to her, and walking up towards her in a menacing poftnre, flie ftruck him on the temples with a hatchet, which fra£ lured his lkuil, and he died before the morning.— On M - nday the Coroner's Inqucft fat on the body, and brought 111 their verdift, Maullaughter.— The gill is bailed. A few days ago a moft terrible battle was fought at Ludlow, c infilling of 35 rounds, between one Bloody, a butcher of Montgomery, and another noted bruifer, fof 25!.— It was at laft won by Bloody, the other being fo much bruifed, that he is fince dead. LONDON. ExtraH of a Letter from BruJJclls, Dec. 3. « Thurfday morning a terrible fire broke out at Prince Starenberg's Hotel. It being two hours before any water could^ be procured, the upper part of the Hotel by that time was all in fiamjes, and thofe fed by one hpndred and thirty meafures of wood, which had been juft brought in. Madame la Princeffe was carried out 011 a mattrafs. The fire began in the fecond ftory, and much plate, linen, & c. Was burnt. The Arch- Duke was prefent on horfeback, and the dragoons, with threats, and by brandilhing their fwords, made the multitude affift in fetch- ing water, notwithftanding which, in a few hours nothing remained but the four walls of the Ho- tel. The monks, who all attend on thefe 00- Cdfions, were ufeful; but the bourgeois, not p. ver- fond of their late Governor, were rather backward." On Thurfday night a fire broke out in the Vicarage houfe at Ilam, near Afhbourne, in Derby ( hire, which burnt with fuch fury, that the houfe and furniture were entirely confum- « d before it could be got under.— How this fire happened, cannot be accounted for; the houfe had juft been furnifhed with new goods, and Mr. Oldham, Curate, was to havj entered Vpon it in a few dajjs. From the LONDON GAZETTE. B ANKRUPTS. John Smyth, of Maidftone, Kent, cheefemonger; to furrender Dec. 18, 24, and Jan. 22, at twelve, at Guildhall. Attornies, Melf. Mafon and Car- penter, Blackman- ftreet, Southwark. Charles Speechlv, of the Ifle of Ely, Cambridge, haberd. ifher; to furrender Dec. 30, 3^ and Jan. 22, at four, at the Cardinal's- Cap Inn, in Cam- bridge'. Attornies, Mr. Charles Martindale, in Cam- bridge ; or Mr. Gotobed, Temple, London. Peter Rowhotham, of Oxford, mercer; to fur- render Dec. 23, 24, and Jan. 22, at ten, at the Ram in Cirencefter. Attorney, John Whithorne, of Charlton- Kings, in the faid county. John Claude Raibaud, late of Pall- mall, perfu- mer; to furrender Dec. 16,21, and Jan. 22, at ten, at Guildhall. Attorney, Mr. Railton, Bartholo- mew- clofe. John Hinde, late of Prefton- Hovvs, Cumberland, but now of Houudlaitch, London, merchant ; to furretider Dec. iS, 28, and Jan. 22, at five, at Guildhall. Attorney, Mr. Fiflier, Soho- fquare. Richard Benfon Walker, late of Hoddfdon, Hert- fordfliire, but now of lvinglland, Middlefex, mer- chant ; to furrender Dec. 18, at eleven, an< yan. 8, 22, at nine, at Guildhall. Attorney, Mr. Fair- bank, Ely- place, Holborn. Meeting for Proof of Beits. Feb. 2- ( And not Jan. 1, as before advertifed) Richard Fleteher, of Wtfton- Favell, Northampton- lhire, horfe- dealer, at ten, at Guildhall, London. Dividends to be made. Jan. 18. John Hntchifon, of Fen- court, Fen- church- ftreet, merchant, at ten, at Guildhall. Jan. 6. Charles Tagg, of Reading, Berkfhire, ca- binet- maker, at ten, at the George Inn in Read- ing. Final. Jan. 1. Samuel Bi^ rave, of Bedford, grocer, at ten, at Guildhall. Jan. 6. Anthony Langford, late of Afton- Tiroldi Berkfhire, butcher, at ten, at the George Inn in Reading. Final. Jan. 28. William Dunant, late of Little- Britain, watch and clock- makeJ, at ten, at Guildhall. Jin. 15. John Wefton, of High- ftreet, Borough, glafs- feller, at ten, at Guildhall. Jan. 14. John Stokes, of Welfall, Staffordfhire, fullers ironmonger, at the New Inn in Park- ftreet, Walfall. Jan. 6. Henry Phillips, of Bath, Somerfetfhire, innholder, at twelve, at the White- Lion in Bath, Final. Jan. 7. Richard Haworth and Richard Brown, late of Ripon, Yorlilhire, mercers, at ten, at the Unicorn Inn in Ripon. Find. Jan. 19. James Roffiter, of Oxford- ftreet, livery liable keeper, at twelve, at Guildhall. Jan. 13. William Salmon, late of Sandling, Box- ley, Kent, tanner, at ten, at Guildhall. Jan. 18. William Nichelfon, of Cornhill, broker, at ten, at Guildhall. Feb. i. ( Aud not Dec.' u, as before advertifed) William Clark and Robert Collins, of Paternofter- roiv, hookftllers, at ten, at Guildhall. Final- Jan. 3. Jacob Barlow, late of Liverpool, Lanca- fliire, tallow- chandler, at eleven, at the Golden- Lion in Liverpool- Certificates to be granted. Jan. 1. Stephen Smith, of Darlafton, Stafford- fhire, gun- lock- maker. John Stokes, of Walfall, Staffordfhire, facHers ironmonger. CAPTAIN SUTTON's TRIAL. Saturday laft came on to be tried a fecond time, at Guildhall, before Lord Chief- Baron Skynner, the caufe between Captain Evelyn Sutton and Commodore Johnftone, for- mali- cioufly and unjuftly fuperfeding the Captain in his command of the Itis man of war, at Port Praya, the i2d of April 1781. The trial began at ten in the morning, and continued until half paft two yefterday afternoon, when the Jury brought in a verciift for the plaintiff, with 6000I. damages. The Counfet for the plaintiff were Meir. Lee, Erfkine, Rous, Bower, Wood, and Fielding; Attorney, Mr. Dowding, of the Middle Temple. For the defendant, Meffrs. Bearcroft, Scott, Baldwin, Dallas, and Riehard- fon ; Attorney, Mr. Irving, of the Inner Temple. All the material fafts in the above trial having been repeatedly given in the papers, upon the former litigations, we Hull only repeat them in a general way. Mr. Lee ftated, that the Commodore, in fufpending his client from the . com- mand of the I ( is, and putting him under arrefl, had done an unjtiftifiable thing, which tended to ruin the reputation of his client. After ftating the feverities fuffered by Captain Sutton, in undergoing the odium and difgrsce of an arrcft, Mr. Lee infilled that the Commodore, had he not been influenced by perianal rafentment, might have tried the plaintiff immediately at fea, without taking him firft to the Cape, and then bringing him a prifoner to England. In the former trial the damages were laid at 30,000!. and he could fee no reafon for Lffefiing them now ; but, on the contrary, the damages were increafed by the delay, and by the expences, which were veny great, in bringing this matter to a new trial. A great nutv^ jerof gentlemen were examined, with fbme who were not examined upon the firft trial ; but as their evidence went principally to re- eftablifh the fa& s they had before ftated, and which have been repeatedly given in the papers, it is neceffary only to obferve, that the effeft of their evidence went fully to exculpate Captain Sutton's behaviour on the day of aftion; and to prove, that the court- martial might have been held at fea ; to fliew that the Ifis had fuffered beyond a poflibility to come out and join accord ing to the orders of the Commodore ; and that the plaintiff exhibited every token of difcipiine and bravery. The Attorney- General, for the defendant, Commodore Johfiftone, recapitulated all his for- mer arguments; as well thofe which he ufed upon the firft trial, as thofe which he offered to the Court, when he moved for the prefent trial. The qucftion was no lefs, than whether a com- manding officer, by the acquittal of an inferior who to him appeared to be a fit fubjeft for an arreft, is to be purfued with an action for damages? It was a great and moft; confequen- tial queftion : there would be an end of diici- pline if the plaintiff again fticceededin this caufe. The new trial was granted upon the follow- ing point:— That the aiftion was founded upon a retention of prize- money ; and that, if the da- mages given againft the defendant were allowed, the plaintiff would be paid double, as he was fuing in Doftors Commons for the prize- money. Tne trial having lafted from nine o'clock on Saturday morning, until one o'clock yefterday at noon, the Jury retired; and after an hour and a half's deliberation, returned into Court, with a verdift of SIX Thoufand Pounds for the Plaintiff. It is remarkable that the former trial began on Saturday the 19th of June laft, and that the verdift upon that occafion was not given until Sunday morning, ( the 20 h) at eight o'clock. That verdidt was for five thoufand pounds. T BETHLEM HOSPITAL. OB. 16th, 1784. '" THE Committee for conducing the Affair? of this Hofpital think it proper to inform the Public, that, encouragcll by fome late Benefaftions, they have taken into the Houfe, TEN INCURABLE LUNATIC PATIENTS iii Addition to the ONE. HUN- DRED INCURABLES, who were before maintained in the HOSPITAL. From the dreadful Accidents, fatal to the Lives of many, that have been occafioncd by inlane Perfons, as well as from the heavy Eurthen and Expence that fall upon the Friends of necellitous Lunatics, the Committee are im- prefled with the ftrongeft Conviftion, that the Extenfion of THIS BRANCH of the Charity is a Work which Hu- manity and Policy unite to rccommend. There are generally upon the Incurable Lift more than Two Hundred DANGEROUS Lunatics, that is, Perfons who have been Difcharged without Hopes of Cure, and who wait to be re- admitted, in Turn, whenever Vacancies flial be made by the Death of thofe already harboured in the Hofpital. A Period of fome Years muft elapfe before an INCURA- BLE can be again taken in ; and as Mifchicfs of tl e moft ferious and affecting Nature frequently happen duriogthat Ia>" r* » l, the Committee conceive they cannot perform a Service of greater Utility to the Public, than by attempt- ing to Ihorten its Duration. They have therefore given Directions for a Survey to be made of all the Apartments and Accommodations in the Hofpital, in order that it may be made capable of containing a ftill greater Number of INCURABLE PATIENTS, if, through the Benevolcnce of the Well- difpofed, tbey lhall be enabled to fupport them. HENRY WHITE, Steward. POST- OF KICE,- W E Y MOUTH, 6th Dec. 1784. '- pHE following Hand- bill having been d ftri- buted at and in the Neighbourhood of Weymouth, and advertifed in the London and Country Newfpapcrs : " Weymouth, Nov.- 1784. " It appearing to Gabriel Steward, Efq. that feveral " letters direfted to him, and delivered from the Poft- " office, Weymouth, have been opened previous to their " delivery : a reward of Fifty Pounds is hereby olfered " for the difcovery of the perfon or perfons guilty of the " ahove offence." I think it incumbent on me to jiiftify my chara& er, which is fo fevercly and unjulUy reflefted on by tbe faid hand- bill, to give the public the real ftate of the affair, which I fuppofe it alludes to : Several letters, I think, to the beft of my recolle& ion three, came in my London bags, directed to Gabriel Steward, Efq. whereon was rubbed or torn down a Hip on the directed fide, which letters were delivered in the fame ftate as I took them my- felf out of the London bag, the laft particularly with my own hands, to Mr. Steward. The aSove I have verified upon oath. STEPHEN Si'Tt- ER, Poft- Malter, Weymouth. To be PEREMPTORILY SOLD, Purfuant to a Decree, and two fubfequent Orders of the High Court of Chancery, before WILLIAM GRAVES, Efq. © nc of the Mailers of the faid Court, at his Cham- bers in Syinond's- inn, Chancery- lane, London, on Friday the 14th Day of January next, between the Hours of Five and Six of the Clack, in the. Afternoon, in Five Lots, ' THE FREEHOLD ESTATES of THOMAS 1 MILLER, Gent, fituate at BOWES, in tho Parifhes of Tottenham and Edmonton, in fhe County of Middle- fex, and within eight Miles of London. Particulars of the faid Eftates may be had at the faid Mafter's Chambers. This Day ivere publijhed, In Four Volumes, Xvo. price il. 8s. Bound, rPRACTS on EAST- INDIA AFFAIRS, j A By Captain JOSEPH PRICE. I London: Printed for JOHN STOCKOALE, oppofite I Burlington- IIoufe, Piccadilly. IOf whom may be had, STOCKDALE's EDITION S H A K S° P E A R E; 1 N C L U D 1 N G, IN ONE ro LU ME, O C 7 A ro, The WHOLE OF HIS DRAMATIC WORKS; With EXPLANATORY NOTES, compiled from VARIOUS COMMENTATORS; To which are prefixed, bis LIFE and WILL. Printed from the Text of Dr. SAMUEL JOHNSON and Mr. STF. EVENS, On a fins Royal Paper, And errtbellifhed with a linking LIKENESS of the AUTHOR. Price 015 o in Boards, 017 6 Bound in Calf and Lettered, o 18 o elegantly Bound in Calf and Gilt, 0 19 o neatly Bound in RuTia Leather, Gilt, 1 1 o beautifully Bound in Vellum, Gilt, 150 Bound in Morocco F, ttra, And 3 j o Bound in TortoifelheU. This Day < was pubVfhed, price i t. Ornamented with a Frontifpiece, the Secorid Edition, with Additions, THE COALITION RENCONTRE AN- X TTCIPATED; a POETICAL DIALOGUE. Scene, St. James's Park. Time, the Morning before the Meeting of Parliament, after the long Recefs. Dramatis Perfonae, Northelia, Carlo Khan. " There's no accounting for Tafte." OLD SAYINO. London : Printed tor John Stockdale, oppofite Burlittg- ton- houfe, Piccadilly. Of whom may be had, THE EMPEROR's CLAIMS. Being a Defcription of the City of Antwerp and the Rivfr Schelde. With a concife Hiftory of the Auftrian Netherlands, Interfperfed with Remarks 011 the Rile and Fall of the Trade of Antwerp ; adorned with an elegant Map of the River Schelde; a View of the City of Antwerp, and all the adjacent Imperial and Dutch Territories, neat- ly Coloured, Dedicated to the EMPEROR. Price Two Shillings and Sixpence. This day ivas publijhed, A New Edition, printed in Small Twelves, Price is. 6d. bound, HE PSALMS of DAVID, imitated in the Language of the New Teftameut, and applied to the Chriftiau State and Worlbip. By J. WATT S, D. D. Printed for J. F. and C. Riviagton ; J. Buckland ; T. Longman ; T. Field ; C. Dilly ; and W. Goldfmith. *+* A larger Edition of the fame Book, on a clear, good letter, 3s. bound. And another Edition,, in a fmall pocket fize, printed on writing paper, 2s. 6d. neatly bound There are alfo three different Editions of Dr. Watts's Hymns, uniformly printed with the Pfalms. Of whom may be bad, by the fame Author, 1. Poems, chiefly of the Lyric Kind. In Three Books. Sacred, 1. To Devotion and Piety. 2. To Virtue, Ho- nour and Friendfhip. 3. To the Memory of the Dead. Price 3s. bound. 2. A ( liort View of the whals Scripture Hiftory ; with a continuation of the Jewifh affairs from the Old Tefta- ment till the time of Chrift ; and an account of the Pro- phecies that relate to Mm. Price 3s. bound. 3. Prayers" compofed for the Ufe aud Imitation of Children, fuited to their different ages, and their various occafions. A New Edition, price is. bound. 4. A Guide to Prayer j or, a Free and Rational Account of the Gift, Grace, and Spirit of Prayer ; with plain di- redtions how every Chriftian may attain them, is. 6d. bound. 5. Printed on a large clear letter, a New Edition of Divine Songs, attempted in eafy language, fur the ufe of children, 61I. bound. Likewife his Catechifms complete, aeatly bound in one volume, price 2s. 6d. N. B. Any of them may be had feparately. THE CREDITORS of Mr. CHARLES POWELL, late of Cheapfiele, London, Stationer, Deceafed, arc requefted to fend forthw ith to Mr. Bald- win, ( of Serjeant's- ina, Fleet- ftreet) one of the Execu- tors, an Account of their feveral Demands, in order to their being Examined. A Time will fhortly be appointed for Difchat'ging them, and it is hoped that fuch Perfons as are indebted to the Eftate, will, in due courfe, pay their refpetSive Debts to Mr. Baldwin, without farther Appli- cation. This Day ivas publijhed, ( To be continued anaually) THE ROYAL ENGAGEMENT POCKET - 1 ATLAS, for the Year 1785. Containing, among a great variety of other nfeful mat- ter, a complete Almanack, Lifts of Army gnd Navy, cor- reiit LiUs of both Houfes of Parliament, Great Officers of State, Royal Eftablifhments, Public Offices, & c. with the addition of a great number of other ufeful lifts, never be- fore inferted. The whole embellifhed with forty- eight pages of ornamental engravings, for engagements, & c. for every day in the year ; and twenty- four elegant hiftorical defigns, reprefenting fome of the moft interetting events in the Englilh hiftory ; which together forms the moft elegant, ufeful, and portable Pocket- Almanack, for ladies and gentle- men, that ever appeared in Europe ; and the polite circle have ever Hiftinguiflied the Atlas by their kindeft approba- tion, which the proprietors moft thankfully acknowledge, and, in return, have made very confiderable additions with- out enhancing the price. They are bound up in all the variety of neat, ufeful, and elegant bindings, as ufual, and fold at 3s. 6d. 5s. 6s. 7s. 6df 1 os. 6d. and upwards, at the pleafure of the purchafer. Printed for T. Baker, Southampton ; W. March, Lud- gate- ftreet; and T, Davidfon, Sife- laue, London ; and fold by all bookfellirs and ftationers in Great- Britain and Ire- laud. A CAUTION to the CLERGY.- HEREAS MARY GREEN, an infant under the age of thirteen years, did, on Monday night, the 2 9th of November laft, ELOPE from the houfe of Sackville Gwynne, Efq. at Glan- Braen in Carmarthen- shire, in company with one John Blafhfield, a young attor- ney, fi om near Prefteign in Radnorihire ( as is l'up] ioled1, with an intent to be married, without the content 01 know- ledge of her friends or guardian. Thefe are to i- eqtioft and defire that 110 Clergyman will many the laid infant M. ry • Green to the faid John Blafhfield, or any other perfon, ei- ther by banns or licence, but forthwith give notice where the faid infant is to be found, to Mr. Gilbert Brown of Shiffnall, attorney- at- kiw, who is the guardian of the faid Mary Green, who is a ward of the Court of Chancery; and any perfon who fhall harbour or detain the faid infant from her faid guardian will be profecuted as the law di- reels. The faid Mary Green is rather tall for her age, 1 as brown eyes, dark hair, round face, and brown complexion. To the F A I R 0 A. ~ IF a regular method of treating the various dif'orders peculiar to Women, added to a long atiJ extenlive practice, can infure fuccefs, none need to. defpair of relief, reft fecurely happy in mind, and depend on being treated with the utmoft delicacy and profound fecrecy, by applying to Mr. White, Surgeon and Man- inidwife, or Mrs. White, Midwife, No. 2, near the Goofe and Grid- iron, St. Paul's Church- vard As above may be had Mr. White's Addrefs to' the Community on concealed Pregnancy, wor perufal of Ladies whole fituation require a te: retirement. Price is. Alfo my Reftorative, SaloPills, at tl. is. which is an effectual remedy to remove all tious or irregularities, & c. N. B. Letters, poft- paid, attended to. vent enquiry, No. 2 is on each fide the deor. w M MONDAY, Dec. 13. AMERICA. To the Honourable the Rcprefentatlves of the Free- men of the Common wealth of Penvfy'vania, in General Affembly met, Ihe Memorial of John Perm, fenior ; John Pean, junior ; arid- Richard Penn. THE object ot tliis Memorial is neith- r to queftion the merits of tbe late revolution i 1 Ainerca, nor to difturb any- fo'ims of govern- ment which the people may have tlntrimUud by » their wiulom, or ( upported by their valour. The de.' c ndanis of William Penn'hope they inherit fo much at. leifl. of tbe principles of iheir honoured anceftors, as to be willing to make any neceffary facrifice of their own private rights to the happin'els of a whole people ; ami i: i this ipirit, during the late troubles, your Memor'.- alilh have borne1 ths overthrow nf their govern- ment, the krp- ieftration of tlieir eftates, anil almoft total wreck of their better fortunes; and in full . confidence that" at fonie feitiire and more peaceable period the important'concerns of their family would . be rt.- co, niklrred, and brought to a compfromife and final kttlenient upon the pure principles of jnilicc anil equity, no caufe or ground of forfeiture having been ever alletlged. If to give energy to'ihe exertions of a people in the afleitions " and defence of ther native rights, and add weight to their. cor, 11 - jftions w. th neighbouring ft. tes and foreign powers, it be- came necefiary ti make new arrangements in government, your Mernorialifts, to whole fa- mi y the interefts of Pennfylvania have, been ever dear, would have b- en content to waive their hereditary rights cf government for the public good, although fecured by the fame charter under which the foi is held, and the country had fiourifhed for near an hundred years. But the change refpefting thiir property is of a diftinft nature, tending to the total annihila- tion, of the fame, being hu- ried on with marks of precipitation and ( everity, unavoidable per: haps amicift fluctuating and uncertain councils in tims f war ; but which, on review, may be found irrcc nCilealile with the e ernal and un- changeable principles of jufttce. Co. rptllcd therefore by nectlliry, in this cri- tic! m men', when arrangements are propofed in the Lrgiflatute for opening an office for dif- pofingof all the remaining I nus, derived u': dcr the charter of Pennylvania, your Memorialifts hope the Lcgiflative tranfaftions refpefting their prop- rty may be. ferionfly and fperdily revifed by_ your honourable body, and that, while the reftoration of puolic tranquillity and confirmation of American independrnc.- bold forth the fair promife of tncreafing. bkffings to the ' other members of the community, the de- fcendan ir, cJ rept'ef: ptatives of ttse. fiift founder of Ftf iilylvjhia may'not be the- fole .- m turners, nor left in a ft3te of unparalleled diftrtfs and uncertainty re p. fting every thing on which they and their pofU rity are to depend. Your Memorialtfts therefore humbly pray, that if it fill be judged nec « . flary atyl reconcileable to juftice, that the folemn contra-'!;. b.- tween your ivlemorialifts and the people of tt. ss - t. r e, rtlptCl- ing their pioperty,.( hould . ftand difiblved, it may be enquired whether the compenlation pi o- pofed bears any adequate proportion to the value of tbe pr pet ty taken for the ufe of. the State, an! whether the mode of payment, by diftant and uncertain mltalments, can in any degree re- lieve the prefent neceffities of your ' Memorialifts, or make any permanent provifion for the futuie fupport of their fuftering families and their pof- terity. They pray it may be further confide red, in refpeft to tbe referred manors or. ten lis, that they have been great'v exaggerated in their fup- pofed vain?. Many of them are fettled by poor people, who have vefh- d the timber; others are held by fund y perf nS claiming in their ' own right ; and a confidtrable number more arc left fubjeft to'the future applications or warrants of other perfons, by a claufe in the. eighth fed ion of the " Aft for vefting tbe eflates of you' Me- onorialifts in the Commonwealth," which feems ( contrary to th-.; gcr. eral delign of the a£ t) to vacate all proprietary futVeys, of tenths, & c, which have not been returned into the Surv- eyor- Genera" s Office, on or before the 4th day of July, 1776, although the warrants may have been of more than twenty years ( landing, and the negleft of the return, owing wholly to the fault of tbe fi. rveyors, and the lenity of your Mernorialifts and their former office) s. A due attention to thefe weighty matters, and tbe various ( uffermgs of your Memorialifts, will do honour to the feelings and councils of a great ar. d , generous people ; and as the ongm;; l lettle- ment of Pennfylvania was in the bond of peace, and 011 the foundation of jtiftice,'' fo may it flourifh up > n the lame principle, and be iliftm- guijliecl among nations by a " ftrift adhecetice io univerfal juftice, through every change aa. cj re- generation m its political conftitutioti, til? the' end. of time. Ami your Memorialifts ( hall ever pray, ir. ( Signed JOHN PENN, ' jun; jOHN VENN, e- v TENCH FRANCIS, Attorney to Richard Petm. I o'o certify the foregoing paper to be a true € opy of the original, 011 the files of the Hon. the General Afiembly of Pennfylvania, and njad in Aflembly the fecond time March 2 5-, 1784.. and referred t'o Mr. Shields, Mr. Hill, ( Mi;; Qlark, MA. D. Thomas, Mr. Parr, Mr. Magoffin; Mr. Whitehi!', Mr. Eiha- t, Mr. Stroud, Mr. Woods, Mr. Todd, and Mr. Ritchie, to report thehson ; And I do further certify that no report whatever hath been made thereon. PETER Z. LLOYD. Philadelphia, OH'. 4, 1784, COUNTRY N E W S. Rochefler, Dec, 7. The Rev, Mr. Bathurft is appointed one of tne Minor Canons of this Ca- thedral Church. Reading, Dec.- 11. The great quantity of fnow that fell on Wednefday night laft, rendered the turnpike- road between this town and New- bury almoft impaffable, particularly that part between Theale and Wool bam p tun, where the fnow having been drifted by the wind, lay four feet deep in. siany . places; in general it was about the depth of two feet. Several of the Bath and Briftol coaches that left this , place about twelve'o'clock, with great difficuljy-' tra- vell- d as far as the Halfway- houfe to Newbury, where they flopped near five hours, as it would have been attended with the greateft danger to the' paflengers to have endeavoured to purfue their journey in the dark, the fnow being above the. axle- trees, and the ditches on each fide the road entirely filled up. Thurfday laft a poor woman of thife town, of ths name of Mathews, flipped dou/ a, and her head falling on the pavement, fraftured her fkull fo terribly, that fhe died foon- after. One William Marlow, a carpenter, was found dead on Bucklebury Common, on Thurf day laft, fuppofed to have perilhed through the inclemency of the weather, as he was going from Yattendon to Bradfield. Since our laft, Jofeph'Hawkins, o'ne of the felons that efcaped from our gaol,- was appre- hended at Buckingham, and is now in fecurity in Aylefbury gaol. Wednefday laft Thomas Wright was commit- ted to our gaol, by P. Powney, Eiq. charged with ftealing three pigs, the property of Mr. R. Wcftbrook, of Bitham, in this c6u:\ ty. On Tuefday the. 30th ult. John Howfe was committed to Aylefbury gaol, by John Seare, Efq. charged on the oath of Tho. nas Whitman with felonioufly ftealing nine cock pheafants and three hens, the property of the. laid Tho- mas Whitman. The following perfons were lately committed to Winchefter gaol, viz. Nathaniel Wilmer, ' charged with robbing the Rev. Mr. Mill, of Farrington, of 61 on the highway. He broke out of Dorfet gaol the week before, where he was confined for horfettealing.— Robert Mul- lins, for afiaulting and beating Samuel Hill in the I fie of Wight"— Ann M'Clocklin, charged with picking the pocket of William Hill, at Gofport.— Jofeph Munday, John Munday, Jo- feph Bevis, Peter Gamblin, John Knight, William Cheyney, and Thomas Phillips, com- mitted for three months, for Ihooting pheafants 011 the manor belonging to Mr. Drummond, in the Ille of Wight. LONDON. We can afftire the public, that his Majefty has declared in the moft explicit terms, by his Utti- baffadors at the different Courts of Europe, his fixed determination not to take any part what- ever in the rlifpnte between the Emperor and the States- General. ExtraH of a Letter from Antwerp, Nov. 29. " Letters from Germany Confirm, that ihe Imperial tr. ops began their march for. the Low Countries on the 8th of this tnobth, and that the Uft" divifion was to follow them on the 1 ft of December. It is' computed, that the march of thofe troops hither will take up ^ days, and consequently tbe huffars and other troops, which compote the fit ft party, and will pafs through Luxembourg and the country of the Outre Me ufe, will arrive in our environs oil the 15th or 16th of January next^"' EztraH of a letter from Paris, Nov. 30. " Every opinion here refpc. Ctmg the prefent. fitua. i in of the Emperor and Holland, turns upon war; it is looked upon as inevitable, al- though almoft impoffibleto. be fuppoi tcd on the part of. the Emperor,' who muft carry it on . through marfliis inacceffible. M. de Mercy, his Ambafl'ador at our Court, has lately recei- ved kveTSl Couriers, but nothing tvanfpires of the difpatche. s they have brought, which makes it prefumed they are hot fo favourable as we hoped.. The anfwer to the letter wrote by tbe King,. is expeCted every moment;, it is- thought { hat it will be decifive." ExtraH of a letter from Frankfort, Nov. 22. " Tbe departure of the Emperor for the Low Countries; announced in feveral public papers, is far from being certain ; and if it does take place, we rnsy venture to fay, that it is not near at hand. The Chancellor, Prince de Kaunitz, omits nothing that can d ffuade him from that journey; and that Minifter, as prudent as fai. hful to the true intereft of his auguft mafter, makes ufe of all the credit he fo jnftly enjoys, to divert him from tbe extremities of war." ExtraH of a Letter from Shields, Dec. 8-. " The following vefiels are on fliore to the Northward of this place, Viz. the Spring, Ap- pleby ;. Jiidith and lane, Cunningham; Charles and Ji- ne, Nixon; Broderick, Craifter; Friend- fhip, Appleby; Mary, Curling; Good Intent, Ware ; Leiehtrn, Hobfou ; Venus. Atk: n ; Lis, Dixon ; Providence, DaWon; Elizabeth and Maty, Armfttong ; Fame, Simpfon ; Richard, Thompfon ; and Northumberland, Ellifon, with many others. " Alfo on fliore to the Southward of this place, the Newcaftle, Redhead ; Jofeph, Smith ; Pallas, Shipltv; Jervart, of Tinley; Habella, of Newcaftle this ( Itip loft her mails ; the crew laved. Several mafter, s and maiiy of the men are faid to belolh" ExtraH of h Letter from Clyde, Dec. 2. " Arrived the Ruby, Ilamtay, from Jamai- ea; alfo the Hope cuttcr from a cruize, and has brought in with her a large fmuggling cut- ter, deeply laden with tea, coffee, and fpirits, which ( he took qff Dunkirk. The fmuggler was under Dutch colours, and is pierced for 18 guns." Extrabl of a Lctt^ frent fFfytnoutlj, - Bu. 3. " The laanchitigvof the K yal. Sovereign, of 1 iO. guns,- which Was to bavc been, thfil month, is put off till the fpringj " the weather bimg- very fevere,' with a great fall> r fnow, apd the wind blowing hard in fqualls.- • - Tne Doljibin Dutch man of war, of 40 guns, which put back to the Sound yeiteiday, from having carried away her fore- top- maft, failed again this morning to the Weft ward." The Lady Scbemmolman, Reunes, ftj 1 Am- fterdain ta Cadiz, ris brought kifo Rkntlgate harbour with the lofs of anchors and cables, and leaky. The Manning, . Boffog, from Yarmouth " to Cadiz,, is on ( bore on Loweftofle Beach, but ij expetted to be got off with little damage. The E'. i^ ta, Watfon, from London to Whit- by, is on fliore near Blythe. Friday laft being the Anniverfary of the In- ftithtion of the Royal Academy, a General Af- fem'bly of the Academicians was held at the Royal Academy, Somerfet- Place, when the fol- lowing premiiffns were deolared arid given, viz. A gold medal to Mr. Thomas ProClor, for the beftjhiftor'xal p Ctuie in oil coloftft, the fubjeft of which was taken from Sbakelpeare's Tem- ped. A £ okl medal to Mr. Charles Rofli, for the bell model of a bas- relief, the fubjeCt of which was- Venus conducing Helen to Paris. A gold medal to Mr. George Hudficld, fur the bill delign in architecture, the fibjeft of which was plans, elevations, and feftions, of a n tional prifotv, calculated to keep the prilotters in fafety, to pi event mutiny, and to i. fford them fueh conveuu- ncies as may be neccflary for the preservation of their health. Four filler nledals for drawings of academy figures were given to Mr. Henry Singleton, Mr. John Ramberg, Mr. Alexantjer Monies, and Mr. Ci'. ailcs Hodges. Two filver medals for models of aca- d- my figures were given to Mr. John A'cfoiitlder and Mr. Charles Horwell. A filver medal for a. drawing of architecture, being the Weft Front wrh the Spire of St. Martin's in the Fields, done from aftual mealurement, was given to Mr. John Bond. After the medals were given, the Prefidcnt delivered a difcourfe to the Student's, in which hi 6xpofctl the many errors and falfe notions which are entertained by young ( Indents, and which have prevented the progrefs towards that excellence which the natural abilities of feveral artilts might otherwife have enabled them to make. Among other miftaken notions he ex- pofed the fuppofed advantage and great efficacy of method in ftudy: he recommended them to employ themfelves on whatever they have been incited to by any immediate impuffe, rather than to wait for method, or go fluggiflily ab tit pre- fented talks: be animadverted to the evil which often attends tbe faculty of extempore invention, qs habituating the mind to be contented with com- mon- place inventions; he recommend d to the ftu- dent? a habit of looking about for| whatever affif- tance i'be works ' if others Will afford them, and gave inftane'es of this practice in the cartoons of Rsphifel, bow much he lias borrowed from the works of Mafaccio. H^ fifCIhiHT with a recom- mendation of a- continuarafention to nature, in the follow ing words, " He who recurs to na- ture, at every recurrence renews bis ftrength. The rules of art he is never- likely to forget, they are few and ( imple ; but nature is refined, fubtle, and infinitely various, beyond the power and retention of memory : it is necefiary there- fore to have a continual recourfe to her ; in this intercourfe there is no end of his improvement; the longer he lives, the nearer he approaches to the ti ne and perfeCt idea of art." On this oGcafion many Englifh and foreign noblemen we're pteftr. t. The AJlembly then proceeded to eTea. tbe of- ficers for the year enfuing. Sir J .( liua Reynolds was elided Prcfident. . Vifitors. John Bacon, Efq. Edward Burcb, Efq. Charles Catton, Eiq. J. S. Copley, Efq. Benjamin Weft, Efq. James Barry, Efq. J. B. Cipriani, Efq. J. P. De Louthetbourg, Efq. Jer. Meyer, Efq. The roads were never known to be in a woi fe Council. J. B. Cipriani, Efq. J'. SVCopky/ Efq. Rev. Mr. Wm. Peters, Benjamin Weft, Efq. John Bacon, Efq. Sir William Chambers, Richard Cofway, E'. q. Paul Sandby, Eiq. condition than on laft Wednefdsy night ; out of ten coaches belonging to one fet of partners on the Briftol road, two only reached London, and they got in at five o'clock in the evening, inftead of ' feven in the morning. ' The Mail Coach was twice dug out of the fn > w, and Was in fo much danger upon Marlborough Downs, that the palfengers would venture no farther than Jfclarl- borough, from which place,, by tbe aft ve zeal of the drivers, and an additional number of horfes, it reached Lombard-. ftreet about half paft eleven o'clock in the morning. Drifts of ( now have in many places rendered the roads impafiable,. and carriages were obliged to drive at iand< m through ploughed fields on. Thurfday night ; but as the froft. is likely to fet in,, thefe obftruftions to travelling will ceafe, at leaft till a general thaw comes on. Accounts from the Weftern parts of the king- dom defcribe the late fall of fnow to have been verv fevere. Of the ftveral coaches and dili- gences on the Briftol read, there were none reached Bnllol till eight hours after their, time 011 Thurfday laft, except the mail diligence, and that by the help of an additional pair of horfes, and uncommon exertion,, was within four hours Of its ufual time. Friday it got in two hours earlier, though the Salisbury mail to the fame place ( which is by the old conveyance) loft, ten hours in its journey,; which was to the full as. well as in fu'ch feafons- can be expefted. The London mail, by the old poft conveyance, fel- dom arrived in luch weather till the next daj\ As the difficulty of procuring water at this in- clement feafon is obvious, it is particularly re- commended to all houfe- keepers, lodges, and fervants, to be very cartful of. their fires. Saturday in Co'veot- Garden rr. r. itett patflky fold at a guinea the fieve, and cabbage plants, : which a week before fold- for mne- pence^ and . a ( lulling, Were advanced to five and fix ( hillings th'.' dozen bunches. Other vegetables Wei e ad- vanced in the finie proportion, in conkqutnce of the froft. Upon application to the Court, on Friday night, after the Jury ( who., were out near,, two hours) brought in their verdift guilty, by Mr.' Sylvefter, one of the Captain's Counkl, for an. extenfiori of the ufual timealluwed prifoners in his unhappy fituation, the Court, after due con- fideration, direfted his execution to be^ fluid for orje week. ^ The unfortunate Kenneth Mackenzie, alias Jefferfon, for whofe murder Capt. M'Kenzie was couvifted, bad been bred a drummer in the third regiment of foot guards, but falling m- about twelve years fince, with a gang of fhop- . lifters, he was no lefs than three times capitally - convifted at the Old Bailey; twice for dealing diamonds, and once for horfe ftealing; but al- j ways found friends to obtain a mitiga. ion of his fentence for tranfporta'. ion. Capt. M'Kenzie was Lieutenant of an Inde- pendent Company in the Ifland of Guernfey in the year 1778, and, on the French fteet ap- pearing off that coaft in the courfe of the fum- mer, b- haved with fuch uncommon aftivity, and fhewed fuch a laudable attention to the de- fence of that important place, that, previous to bis embaiking for England, he received tlie thanks of the principal inhabitants on the public parade, and many o. her tokens of th'gir frietid- fliip and efleem. The above unfortunate gentleman is a native of the Highlands, and has been in the military line from twelve years of age. His charafter was that of a Martinet ( a rigid difciplinarian) toO obftina- e in his determinations; but vigilanr, aCtive, and undaunted. Capt. M'Kenzie was deeded' on Friday in a full' ftiit of black ; his hair pdWdercd, and a la' Grenadier. He is a well- made, tall man, much pitted with the fmall- pox, and about 30 years of age.- By the conviction of Cap'ain Mackenzie on Friday at Juftice- Hall, in the Old- Bailey, his- property, to the amount of upwards of twelve ' thoufand. pounds, now in the hands of Govern- ment, becomes confifcated. The Sheriffs h ive laid'claim to eleven thon- fancl pounds worth of gold duft, which Captain- M'Kenzie brought with him from the Coaft of Africa, ajjcl does not appear to have been trans- ferred. previous to his c > uvtftion : a cirjumflance rather extraordinary, ' confidering the longtime- of bis confinement. The Sheriffs alfo mean to contend for the two thoufand pounds fine, which Mr. Aikinfon,. the corn . contraCVor, is fentenced to pay. On Saturday 31 prifoners were tried at the Old- Bailey, fix of whom were capitally convifted^ viz. Allen Wiltiams, for felonioufly affaulting Rowland VVells on the highway between Bayf- water and Shepherd's- Bufh, putting him in fear » and taking from his perfon four guineas, a knife, and a key. George Harris, Thomas Tabbs, John Moody, John Shaw, and Thomas Buttledore, for felo- nioufly affai. ilting Thomas Francis on the King's highway npar Bagnigge- Wells Wa( h, and rob- bing him of three glafs drops, a knife, a rule, and tw o ( hillings and upwards. Thirteen were convifted of felonies, and 12 were . acquitted. On Saturday evening, William Turner and Walter Smyth, late of Oxforcl- ftreet, linen- drapers and partners, furrendered themfelves at GiiildhaJI, to the Commiffioners in a commif- fiori of bankrupt awarded a'gaihft them, in or- der to finifa their laft examination ;; but they being unprepired, and prevaricating in their anfweis to niany important queftions put to them by the creditors, - the Commiffioners fe- verely. reprimanded them f6r their mifconduft, and then committed them to Newgate. On Saturday a young man, a waiter at a pub- lic houfe, was carried before Alderman Wilkes, charged with ftealing upwards of ten guineas which belonged to a benefit club at his mailer's houk. Part of the money was found upon him, and he cotifeffed that he had loft the refti and the wages be received, by infuring. He deli- vered a number of policies to his mafter of the different offices he had infured at; he was com- mitted to the Poultry- Compter for further ex » * mination. PRICFS of GRAIN at Mark- lane, Dec. Wheat 38' 41 to 46s Barley Rve Oats Pale Malt Amber ditto Peafe Hog ditto Beans Tick the Corn- markefr 13.:' 784- odO od. Tares New Ditto Fine Flour • Second Sort Third Sort 22s. to 2^ s. 35s. to 28s. ® d. 16s. to 22s. 6< l. 38s. to 4QS. od. 39s. to 40a. od. )> per Quarter 36s. to 38s. od. 1 33s. to 346. od. 30s. to 32s. od. I 25s. to 27s. od. I 36s. to 40s. od. j 00s. to 00s. od. J 3.8s. to 003. 1 35s. to bos. per Sack. 24s. to 2S3. \ FAHRENHEIT'S THERMOMETER, In the open air, in the ( hade fronting the North, at Highgate, Saturday, Dec. M, nine morn. 19. Ditto, Ditto, Sunday, Ditto, Ditto, Monday, — , at noon 30. —, nine at night 24. 12, feven morn; 31. —, at noon 35. nine at night 30., if, feven morn. 29. The mercury, in a thermometer expofed to the North, at Hammerfmitb, fell, Friday morning, at feven o'clock, as low as 9 ; which is full 5- below what it was at any time lafl winter. T U E S D A Y, Dec. 14. Teflerda Hol- arrived the Mails from France, land, ami Flanders. Hague, Dec. ro. THEY write from Lifle in Flanders, that orders are given for fabricating there 1800 Cuiraffes, and that directions are fent to ihe city of Amiens for thirty thoufand yards af cloth to be provided for tents. At Bergues, Caffel, and other places, preparations ere ma- king in the barracks for the reception oftrocps. The general report is, that on the plain of Lens ( celebrated for the victory of the great Conde iti 1648), an army of eighty thoufand men will be affembled, and that the lines will extend along the banks of the Souchett. Letters from Ratifbon advife, that the Impe- rial troons ordered to march into the Nether- lands amount to 31,281 men, and ' that the laft divifion of them will not file off till about the 14th of January. M. de Gundlfinjjer, Aulic Councilor of war, will accompany the above troops as far as Dtiffeldorf. Fienna, Nov. 26. Reports are current oLan infurreCtion at Walachia and Tranfylvania, in the diflriCts of Temefwar and Arad. It is faid much blood has been fpilt, and that among thofe who have fallen victims to the popular fury is the noble family of JanchoWitz. The Imperial Oflicers an'l Minifters are reprefented to have been treated with the moft fhocking inhumanity ; and the accounts add, that the i . f. irgents had made an ineffectual attempt to reduce the for- trefs of Carlfbourg. The States General have written to the Swifs Cantons on the fubjeCt of the treaty whereby they are bound to fupply, in cafe of neceffity, • n addition of 50 men to each of the companies of their nation in the fervice of ths Republic, urging them to conf rm to the above requilition with all poftible expedition. Thefe troops will give augmentation to our armies in the ninYiber of three thoufand fix hundred men. Paris, Dec. 3. In confequence of the pro- bability of a war, the Minilter of tha War De partment has difpatched circular letters to the commanders of the d fferent reg ments, to recall ? ll their abfent men, except thofe employed in the recruiting fervice, to join their refpeCtive corps by the 15th of January, and to purfue the neceffiry meafurcs for procuring tents and other camp equipage. Hague, lice. 8. Sir James Hirris, Envoy Extraordinary from the Court of London, arrived here the day before yefterday, and vifited - the Prefident of the United States next day, when his Excellency delivered his credential letters. OJlend, Dec. 6. Yeft- rday and the day before the vviecks of feveral ( hips, together with pack- ages of coffee, tea, and various other me: chan- dizewere found upon our coafts. Among the packages is one marked C. N°. 400. Cotjjlantinople, Gel. 25. It is remarked^ hat . ihe negnciations with the Court of Vientja tfke a very ferious turn, and that , the Divah is not ilifpofed to make the new facr. fices required of them. The mediation of the Court of France being accepted at leafi on the part of the Porte, it is not doubted but peace or war will depend in a great meafure upon the perfuafion of the French. In the mean time, if a rupture is to happen, the Turkifh Empire is hot in fo de- fencelefs a ftate as when'Ruffia demanded the ceffion of Crimea. Vienna,_ ' Nov. 23. The military cohfcription in Hungary meets with much oppofition, and is faid in fome p t'ts of that kingdom to have caufed infunvCtions, which' feems the. more c nfirmcd, as in the night of the ijttVVCou tier arrived from the Commanding General of Zevenbergen, with difpat'ches of fueh crnf quence, that the General Field Marfhalde Lafcy was immediately called up, and th » Cou- rier was fent back that iiight. The report is, that the people have rofe in the Bannat of Temef- war, and that the mutineers amount to near t ?, ooo, and have already burnt upwards of 20 villages. It is alfo faid, that an impoftbr, call- ing himfelf the Count Sales, and wearing a falfc ftar, hr. s prevailed with the Wallachians to rife. Some regiments are ordered to march imme- diately to quell thefe difturbarces Our Nuncio at Conftantinople is ordered, in the prefent fituation of affairs, not to infift too much upon the regulating of the limits of the two countries. Sas van Ghent, Nov. 15. The communica- tion by letters between Ghent and Holland is no longer fecure : Many letters, addreffed to par- ibus of diftinftiori from hence, ' have been open- ed, and fome flopped ; through Middteburgh is the only fure conveyance. This place is fo full of people at prefent that many are obliged to lodge in garrets and cellars, and we are in daily expectation of a further confiderable reinforce- ment of cannoneers. Provifions are very dear, as they are all fent us from Zealand anil H6l- land. The pcafsnt*, fince the inundations, can bring us nothing, and the Flemings are forbid to furtiifh us with any thing, on pain of being enlifttd, or feverely flogged. Th& fe unfortu- nate people are obliged to work night and day at the dykes. The fortifitations of St. Anthony are going to be blown up, that they may nof ferve for- a retreat to the enemy; the inunda- tion of the Polder, called Albertus, is four feet . de^ p : The Auftrians had lately made a dyke between Philipine and Sas, " but our Comman- dant, the Prince of Heffe Philipftall, fent out a detachment of 120 men, at whofe approach the Auftrians retired, aud the dyke was deftroyed. Utrecht, Die, 6. A letter from Paris, dated 1 t e 29th of November, contains the following important paragraph T- he ultimatum ' of the Emgeror arrived in, the' evening" of the 26th. J Lph the- Seeond- ther- cin, gives, his. brother- in- law notice of his. determination to perfevere in h 3 warlike intentions againft the Dutch. T is t. i « Court of St. James's having fignified her intentions of rema'ning neufer duping the pre- fent troubles, that has determined the: Emperor to peril ft in his hoftile deligns. It is with rea- fou prefumed, that the policy and national opi- n on of the Englifti are in favour of the Houfe of Auftria." Utrecht, Dcc. 8. Some of our deepeft politi- cians do not fcruple to fay that a fecret Treaty of Alliance is concluded between the H ' life of Auftria, Ruffia, and England, which Treaty- is fo fecret that it will not be made public till 1786. It is fuppofed to be the principal objeCt of this Alliance to ftrike fome fevere ftroke againft this Republic, and to deprive us of our American Colonies and Eaft-' ndia poflVlfious. This fecret, faid to be difcovered by Frederick the Third, has jilftly alarmed the Southern maritime powers, who will no doubt form alliances to counterba- lance the effeCts of the above Treaty ; in which cafe certainly the naval forces of Fi ance, Spain, and Holland, will be found a. match for thofe of England and Ruffu, whilft the armies of the contending parties will find bufinels enough for each other on the Continent; and thus probably- after a vaft deal of bloodflied, and immenfe cx- pence, the Emperor may not be much advanced in his defigns; but whilft the different conjec- tures of politicians are thus deluging Europe in blood, let tbe fober inclined part of mankind hope that f > me means may be found during this winter of fettling all differences. The- refidence of the Doke and Duchels of Cumberland is fixed for the winter feafon at the houfe of the Dukede Crillon, at Avignon. Yefterday a caufe was tried at Guildhall, in which a young lady was plaintiff, and a gentle- man of fortune from Gloucefterfhire defendant. The aCtion was brought to recover damages for a breach of promife of marriage. The Court gave it for the plaintiff with 4000I. damages and cofts. Sunday evening a fire broke out in the cel- lar of a h< ufe in Newcaftle- ftrect, leading from Fleet- market to Seacoal lane, which had not been inhabited for a month, and in a fhort time confumed the mfide of that building, but for- tunately the flames were prevented from com- mmicating to the adjoining houfes. Same day evening, between fix and eig'it o'clock, one of the fhops between the Fieet- market- houfe and the Green- market, belonging to Mrs. Deal, was broke open and robbed of a great number of cards and remnants of Buck- inghamfliire lace, twelve pigs, and three flats of poultry. About a month fince the houfe of Mr. Wal- ford, brewer in AHen- ftreet, Gofwell- ftnet, was robbed of effeCts to a confiderable amount, and at that time the faCt was fuppofed to have been committed by fome villains who had broke into rhe building; but fufpicion falling on the fer- vant maid, the was taken into cuftody 011 Satur- day evening, and part of the fLlen property being found in her box, fhe was fecured in Bridewell. Yefterday at St. Margaret's Hill, the prices of Hops were, Pockets from 4I. 18s. to 61. and Bags from 3I. 12s. to 5I. os. per cwt. Same day in Smithfield, the average pricee were, Beef 3d. mutton 3^.; veal 4d. and" pork 4jd. the pound. Houfe lambs fold from il. 6s. to il. 175. each. The L O. A P O L Paintings & c. Sir JoJhita Reynolds. Primus inter primos, has, among other late performances of a general na- ture, finiflied two that add greatly to his fame. The one, a Nymph in Titian's beft fty'le ; the other, a fmall picture in the manner of Rem- brandt. Romney, whore gallery in each of the three- fold divifions literally overflows, is alfo occu- pied on two or three hiftofical fubjeCts— A St. Cecil a, a Nymph, a Bacchant— He is at work too on a new portrait of the Lord Chancellor— Oil Mrs. Siddons and Henderfon dignus vin- dice. Holman and Mifs Younge are fo be piinted by Carter. And- this furely is dignus vlndice alfo. Poor Humphry, whofe fuccefs in the depart- ment of hiftory and the heroic, has not anfwer- ed the predictive wifli of Hayley, is leaving London, and going to the Eaft- Indies, where he means to praCffe his profeffi n ; a. d we too will hazard a predictive wifli, with little doubt of fiiccefs, correfponding to his merit as a mini- ature painter.— As a painter of miniature who exceeded Humphry, but Jeremy Meyers ? Mr. Peters— From grave to gay, from lively to fevere, is producing a beautiful companion to his Angel and Child The fubjeCt is, the reception of the Child into Heaven. Poor Pyne, who with all his imperfections was but fcurvily treated by his c luntrymen in England, is gone to America, where bis recep- tion is quite the reverfe of what- it was at home. He will be rich apace ; he has been engaged to take portraits of the Congrels. Eartolozxi, tvhofe hands cannot execute half the work before him, or hold half its profits, has however been very aCtive of late.— A large and material portion of Copley's picture, the death of Lord Chatham, he has finiflied in his very beft manner. Among other fmall incidental workings by the bye, has been a ticket for the approaching plays at Sir Watkin Williams Wynn's theatre at Wynnftay— The device a wreath aud fcroll fufpetuled between four figure;, tragedy, comedy, farce aid pantomime. Shenvin, perhaDs next to Bartolozzi, fed lottgo intervallo, is laid to be Healing a march on Copley's forces in the above- mentioned fe'ene. The. STAGE. Theplay- houfes, much more than the'Labour- ing Gardeners, who by the bye, if the magi* ftrates do their duty, will be all committed to prifon— the poor players, much more than thefe impoftors, fuffer by the frofty weather. There have been but very bad receipts for the laft four or- fivedays. - Mrs, Siddottt, and t. he Carmelite to boor, have houft'S not very m& cb ab imding in " num- bers, and in this cafe number aijd talue. are the fame, and Covent Garden fympathites m this beggarly account, under all its varieties.— Whe- ther Holman is too heavy, or O'Keeffe too light-, , even Henderfon hioMcff— ipfe agmeri- ous as he undoubtedly is ftHfflftaff, and with fuel) rein- forcements as Edwihand Wewitzer, in the f ul curer and body curer of the Merry Wives, were una' le to bring the town under, contribution. It was probably under the impreffioo of fucii a. fky as the prefent. that John Bull ( at for his portrait to Otway, ov; r " beef and a lea- coal fire." ' M A R R J E D. Tuefday, M\ Thomas Nichols, of Staple's-: inn, attorney at law, to Mil's Sarah Walker, > f Berner's- ft'eer, Oxford- road. Sarurday Sir Charles Booth,. of Hsrrittfham Place, to . Mrs. Shepp^ rd, of Upper Brb ' k- ftreet, Grotvenor- fquare, widow of the late Eclw; Shepperd, Eiq. DIE D. Saturdav, in Portland- ftreet, Mathias Ni- cholfuii Mayduke, Efq — Yefterday, Mrs. Sharpe, wife of Mr. Sharpe, miific teacher, of t ong- court, Leicefter- fiekls.— Saturday, Mr. Weft, wire diawer, in Ironmonger- row, Ohi- llreet. — At Ferrybridge, in Yorkfhir.-, Mr. Jeremiah Wainewright, late Poitmafter c< f that place.-—— Sunday, at Highbury Place, Ifliogton, James Roberts, Eiq. City Solicitor. OLD~ BAILEY IN rELLIGENCE. Yefterday t6 prifoners were tried, two of whom were capitally convicted, viz. James Dunn, for feionioufly publifiiing a forged will, purporting to be the laft will and teftament of John Porter, late a feaman on board the Rodney Indiaman, with in- tent to defraud Thomas Null and Donald Cameron. Richard Smith, for ftealing a gelding, the property of William Johni'on, at South- gate. Seven were convicted of felonies, viz. Benjamiii Ingrah. im, for ftealing a pocket. handkerchief, the property of Timothy Brown. Thomas Whale, for ftealing a live pig, value 1 os. the property of Jofeph Wood. James Lee, for ftealiug part of a leaden pipe, value iod. the property of Hub- bert, Efq; John Fullman, for ftealing a fow, value one guinea, the property of Samuel Price. Luke Rogers, for . ftealing a plate warmer, the property of John Lucas. Mary Murphy, for ftealipg one guinea and a half, the property of Dennis Hurley. James Latham, for ftealing a fiieet, the property of Thomas Palmer. And feven wece acquitted. Thomas Wood and George Browne, in- dicted for feionioufly making an aiTault in the highway on Sir Thomas Davenport and Lady, on Monday die nth of October laft, and taking from his perfou one gold watch, value 10I. and fundry other articles, to wit, two feals, two guineas in gold, and fome filver, were tried at the bar' of the Old Bailey for the faid offence. Mr. Shepherd opened the indictment, and Mr. Sylvefter ftated, that on Monday the 11 th of October as Sir T. Davenport and his Lady were returning . to town from Mar- low, they met the two prifoners at the bar on the Edgware road, about five o'clock in the evening, they paffed the coach where Sir Thomas and Lady were, about fifteen yards, put handkerchiefs^ over their faces, and Returned back : That the prifoner Wood gave the coachman orders to ftop ; that he came to Lady Davenport, and demanded her watch and money ; that Wood cried out to Browne, the other prifoner, " Damn me if yoil flinch, I'll blow out your brains." He next ftated the particular's of the rob- bery, to prove which he produced the fol- lowing witnefles., Sir Thomas Davenport " fifid, that on Monday the 11 th of OCfober, about five o'clock in the afternoon, coming from Ux- bridge through ACton, he met the two pri- foners ;: t the bar on horfeback ; that Wood came to his Lady and demanded her watch and money, He raifed the handkerchier with which his face was covered a little higher up, in order " to fpea, k plainer, and to fee whether any thing was' concealed ; and then faid, that " if you conceal any thing by G— d I'll blow your bhiins, out." Browne demanded Has watch, which he gave him ; that Browne appeared frighted. Sir Thomas here defcribed the watch, chain, and feals ; that Browne in a low voice demanded his Lady's pocket- book ; Wood in a very rough coarfe voice faid, " Aye, right, your pocket- book." His Lady faid ihe had no pocket- book; upon that the prifoners rode off, and wifhed them a good night. That on the 11 th of November, coming from Wcftminften- Hall, he obferved two men ride on horfroack through St. Martin's- lane, t\ pfcich he fufpeCted were the perfons who had robbed him and his Lady on the 1 ith of October, He followed them till they came to the livery ftables near Chap- pel- ftreet, where they alighted and went in :— That on going home he afked his fer- vants if. they could know the perfons who had robbed him i That being anfwered - in" the affirmative, he fent intelligence to Bow- ftreet of what he had feen. Upon this the Juftice at Bow- ftreet fent one M'Manus, an officer, to Chapel- ftreet; the officer went into a public- houfe ill Chapel- ftreet, which proved to be the honfe. of Browne's mother; and from the defcription the officer had of the peri'on who robbed Sir Thomas, Laid it was Browne, whom be took prifoner arid brought to Bow- ftreet. That the prifoner Wood was die other perfon whom Sir Tho- mas de/ cvilied to be in eomp. tny witll • Browned That die officer, with Sir Tho- ftias's iervatrt, went " to Kentifh- town, where the priloner Wood lives, and ou entering the houfe . thev fervent informed the officer that Wood was. his man, whom- lie inftantly , facured, and brought to Bow- ftreet,, where he and Browne were examined; aid on Sir Thtfnisis ttad his" fervants fwearing to tiieir jv.- rfons, they were committed to priforil Abraham Riley, coachman - to ^ Sir Tho- mas, f. vore to the fame effeCt . with that of ;' ills muftSr, without any imperial alteration ; as did one Daniel Natti, who happened to he pa ling that way 011 the fame day,: with this difference only, that he could not pofitively fwear. to the identity of'their perfons.- Se- ' yeral other iwitneifes were called on the part of Sir Thomas, all of whom fwdre pretty nearly to the faCts that are already ftated. The prifoner Wood was here called, upon to make his defence, which was read by the Clerk of the Arraigns; it fat forth his inrvo- -. cenee of the crime then laid to his chargte, and though brought to this bar fettered like a felon, y'et the integrity of his heart afforded him fome confolation, that from the variety of very refpcftable witneffes he was about to produce, would, he trufted, acquit him fo the fitisfaCtfon of the Court and the Jury of the charge; lie heard the evidence againft him with ailonifhment, but was fure Sir Thomas Davenport had too good a heart to purfue a meafure that would deprive an innocent man of his life. Here his witneffes were called, the firft « of whom was a Mary Wilfon, who fwore that ( He had lived thefe ten months pafLas an alfiftant at Mr. Wood's, the prilbner ; that on the nth of OClober Wood w. is that day bottling fome wine till din- ner time ; that he was at dinner; that her hufband ( George Wilfon) came to fee her that day about four o'clock ifi the afernoon ; that Mrs. Sanders, of Kentifli - town, wife to an apothecary of the fame place, came into Mr. Wood's about five o'clock that evening, and hearing that Mr. Wood was ill, allied him how he didi and challenged him for not employing her hufband in preference to a ftranger. Mr, Wood faid that he did not like DoCtors, upon which Mrs. Sander's faid fhe did not like his beer.— On her being crofs examined, by Mr. Silvefter fhe faid that the reafon of her being fo particular to the day was, that there was to be a feaft at' Mr.* Wood's the following day : George Wilfon, Mrs. San- ders and her hufoand, Robert Ford, and Jol'eph Mereden corroborated the evidence of Mrs. Wilfon by their teftimony, which fa . exaflly correfponded in point of faCt, as not to leave the fmalleft lhadow of doubt oivtlrg minds of t'l. e Court and the Jury, that die prifbners at the bar were not the perfohs who committed the robbery. — Mr. BatemaQ, Mr. Mukes, the Rev. Mr. Wycher, and many other very reputable gentlemen, gave him the beft of characters. Browne's defence was. nearly the fame with that of Wood, v; ith this difference Only* that he ftated to have heard that many rob- beries were committed before and after the 11 th October laff 011 the fame road by per- fons anfweripg nearly the lame defcription with him and Wood ; and, to acquit him of the chrfrge alleged againft him, he called the following witnsfffes : Edward Green, of Theobald's Road, ftay- maker, has frequented his mother's houfe thefe 40 years and upwards, during which time he was never abfent therefrom one night; that he knows the prifoner fines his birth ; that he . ufually goes about 5 o'clock, or a little after, tofpend his evening there ; that on Monday the nth of October, as was his cuftom, he went to the prifoher Browne's mother's houfe about 5 o'clock ; that going in he faw the prifoner fitting by the fire ; that fome fliort time after the pri- forter came into the. room where the witnefs was ; that he fat hard by the fire and fell afleep and there continued fome time ; that the fervant maid came into the room alia while the prifoner was afleep ; the witnefs faid to the maid, " George is yery bufy," upon which the maid called the prilbner out to go to bed, faid that it was then about 7 o' clock ; that the prifoner was fomewhat in li- quor, On his crofs- examination he faid, that he was particular as to the day, as there was a lottery- club that night at the prifoner's houfe, which aifambled once a fortnight on a Monday ; that on that night there was at double meeting, as there was none the fort- • night preceding, " Mary Owen, the fervant- m. aid, fwore ex- ly to the fame facts, and did not deviate in < yiy ons circumftance. William Weft, another witnefs for Browne, gave a fimilar teftimony of the faCts ftated by Green. ' Many other Gentlemen of refpeCtability hore teftimoriy of the amiable character that Browne fuftained from his infancy till the prefent time. Judge Afhhurft, who tried the catjfe, afked the Jury if they were latisfied of the inno- • cence of the prifoners? who were all of opi- nion they were ; his Lordlhip remarked, that this was one of thofe cafes that clearly proved the fallibility of man— It was there- fore ufelefs for him to detain the Court and Jury two hours longer with fumming up the evidence, as tBey were already convinc- ed of tjie prifoners' innocence. The Jury, without further Confideration, gave their Verdict, Not Guilty. The trial lafted upwards of five hours. Count Dwrore was next brought to the bar, to be tried for fhooting at Mr. Sandon } but on Tils making affidavit of the abfenca of a material witnefs, his trial was put off till Thurfday next. HELICON BAG. & PROLOGUE To the New TRAGEDY of the C. ARMELIT E. Written by the A U T H O R. Spoken by Mr. PALMER. O' , D TVufv's dock prepares a launch this night, New from - he k el, ( fair fpeed The Carme- lite !) True brumi- built, and fiom the Tragic flip ; She rr' - ( » reat guns— tho' not a firft- rate fliip t A gau.' Knight commands, of aftcient fame:- And Norman blood, St. Valori his name ; On his main- top the Chriftian Crofs he bears, From Holy Land he comes, and Pagan • wars: Twenty long years his lady mourns him dead, And bathes with faithful tears a widow'd bed; Our fcene prefents him fhip- vreek'd on her coaft— No fign, we hope, our venture will be loft. Yet bold the Bard, to mount Ambition's wave, And launch his wit t* pon a watery grave; Sharp critic rocks beneath him lie in wait, And envious quickfands bar the Mufe's ftraight ; While o'er his head Detraction's billows break, Doubt chill, his heart, and Terror fales his cheek: Hungry and faint, what cordials can he bring Froin the cold nymph of the Pierian fpring ? What llores colled from bare ParuaiiW head, Where blooms no vineyard, where no beeves are fed ? And great Apollo's laurels, which impart Fame to his head, and famine to his heart.— Yet on he toils, and eager bends his eyes, Where Fame's bright temple glitters to the fkies. Ah, Sirs, ' tis eafy work, to fit on fliore, And tutor him who tugs the labouring oar: Whilft lie amidft the furging ocean fleers, Now here, now there, as Fafliion's current veers ; Rcufe, roufe for his protection 1 you, who fit Rang'd in deep phalanx, arbiters of wit! And yon aloft there, keep your beacon bright, Oh, make your Eddy- Rons fhew forth it's light 1 So fhall our Bard fleer to its friendly blaze, And anchor in the haven of your praife. L The BALLOON- HAf. SEEST thou yon hat, whofe dancing plume O'er Celia's trefles cafts a gloom, And fhades her lovely face ? From Gallia's fire- fraught AIR BALI. OOH This Feather'd monfter of the town Its lineage dares to trace. Nor ill defin'd its name, I ween : Adapted to the fickle mien And nature © f a woman For are not fome who figure in it, The flying Cynthias of a minute, Than air more light and common ? EPHEBUS EPILOGUE. By the AUTHOR. Spoken by Mrs. SIBDOKS. ADIES, we now have fliewn a faithful __ wife, And truft our fcene prevails in real life; We hope that nuptial truth's your reigning, paflion, If not— why. let the flage begin the fafhion : ' Tis our's to paint you innocent and true; To be what \ v< dcfcribe depends on you.— Two tragic mailers grae'd th' Athenian fag-'. One fketch'd with candour, t'other dafh'd with rage; Old Scphocles's dames were heavenly crea- tures, His rival drew them all in fury features ; Both erYM, perhaps.— The milder urg'd this plea, " I paint my women as they ought to be:" The angry bard, relentlefs to the fair, Sternly replied, " I paint mine as they arc." Our author ( pardon if he brings his name Too near to thefe of tin immortal fame) At humble diftance takes the milder plan, I- efs proud to be a poet than a man: Scorns firft to forge and then enforce a crime, *< t) r polifii libels into truth by rhyme. If you have faults, alas! he bids me / ay, Oh! that his wifli cou'd charm them all away! For if no cure but cauflics - ea » be found, He will not make a hire to h'cul a w « u » d ; If you have faults, they're faults he won't dilcover, To your own fex he begs to bind y<" u over. . So many ladies now there are vsjfco write, You'll bear of all your trips i'ouac winter's night: Since Pegsius has loarn'd the jadifh trick i'o bear a fide- faddle, you'll find him kick. But let no fatirift touch my lips with gall, Lips from which no » e but graleful frords ( hall fall. Can I forget ?•— But I muft here be dumb, Ho vaft my debt, I cannot count the fum ; "\ Vords would but fail demand 1 claim no art, 1 baaft no eloquence— but of the heart. For the Whitehall Evening- Poll. WITH the trueft concern we inform our Readers, at feven o'clock laft night, the great and good Dr. SAMUEL JOHNSON breathed his la( t, aged 7 5 years and 3 months. His death has been expeCted and feared by his neareft and deareft friends for fome days paft ; and it is fonie confolation, that be has not left the world, diftrefl'ed in eircumftances. — Of the property he poffefled, he has very lately mace a regular teftamentary difpofal, of which his friends, Sir Jofliua Reynolds, Sir John Hawkms, and Dr. Scott, of the Commons, are appointed the exe- cutors. In his will, we are informed, this be- nevolent and truly Chriftian charafter has taken occafion to introduce the profeflioii of bis faith. We know not whether he has expreffed any de- fire refpeCting ( he place of his interment. If not, ; t is na iv al to fuppofe that it will be in Well- ininfter Abbey ; or at leaft that a noble monu- ment will there be ereCted to the memory of a man who . certainly has not left an equal behind him. Innumerable fcribblers will doubtlefs write his life ; but we hope and trnft that he has left proper materials for fuch a woik in the care of his worthy executors. SKETCH of the LIFE and WRITINGS of Dr. JOHNSON. DR. SAMUEL JOHNSON, lately the firft name in the literary world, vvas born at Lichfield, in Staffordfhire, in the year 1709. His father was a bookfeller, of whom all we can learn is from his fon, who informs us, that ' he was an old man, who had been no carelefs ob- ferver of the paff. iges of the times' in which he lived *. Of his youth, before he was fent to the Univerfi y, cf indications of dulnefs, or prognoftics of future fame, of propenfities to plcafure or examples of difcretinn, wc have no anecdotes on record. But a mind endued wi'h prodigious powers, cultivated with laborious affiduity, and enriched with all the ftores of an- cient and modern learning, with a life ever dif- t- ingu filed by a zealous attachment to the inte- refts of piety and virtue, is the beft demonftra- tioii, that his early years were unfullied by any fallies of folly or habits of diflipatit'in. He was entered of Pembroke C dlege, in Ox- ford, on the 31ft of Oft ber 1728; but left the Univerfity without taking any degree. On his return to his native country, he appears to have devoted his attention to the education cf youth. For an account of his firft undertaking we are indeb ed to Mr. Davies, who, in his' Memoirs of the Life of Garrick,' ( a rich and various trea- fure of entertaining anecdotes and judicious cri ticifm) informs us, that about the beginning of the year 1735, Mr. Johnfon undertook the in- ftniCtion of lome young gentlemen of Litchfield in the Belles Lettrcs; and that David Garrick, then turned of eighteen, became one of his fcho- lars, or^ to fpeak more properly, his friend and companion.— As this is an mterefting incident in the lives of two celebrated men, it may be deemed no unpltafing digreffion to obferve, that, notwithftanding the brilliancy of his parts, the claffic authors appeared to have no charms for Mr. Garrick. His thoughts were inceflantly upon tht ftage. When his mafter, Mr. Juhn- fon, expeCted from him fome ex.- rcife or com- pofition upon a theri'e, he fliwid him fcveral fcents of a new comedy which had engroff. d his time; and thefe, he told him, were the produce of his third attempt in dramatic poetry.—— To Mr. Davies* account we m^ y- add, ihat one of Mr. Johnfon's pupils was the Author of ' The Adventurer.' Few men, perhaps, who have been fingly engaged in the honourable employment of cultivating the human mind, can boaft the felici'y of having contributed to form two fuch diftinguifhed characters as a Hawkefworth and a Garrick. This irmdc of inftruCtion, however, could not have lafted long: for, in the fucceedtng year, we find him advertifing to board, and teach young gentlemen the Latin and Greek langua- ges, at Edial, a village on the weft fide of Lich- field. Perhaps the [ ucc^ jj of th, i » nety under-, taking did nol Correfpend with his expectations: for, fome time after, Mr. Garrick and he agreed to try their fortunes in the metropolis, aticl ac- tually lett Lichfield together, on the id of March 1737. This fingular circumftance is authenti- cated by two Letters from Mr. Gilbert Walmf- ley, then Regifter of the Ecclefiaftical Couit at Lichfield, to the Rev, Mr. Colfon, a celebrated mathematician, at Rochefter, Thcfe two letters are preferved by Mr. Davies, in the Memoirs before quoted • and, from the fecond, which bears the ab ve date, we give the following ex- tract, which more immediately relates to Mr. Johnfon. ' He [ Garrick] and another neighbour of mine, one Mr. S. Johnfon, fet out this morning for London together. Davy Garrick is to be with you early the next week, and Mr, Johnfon to try his fate with a tragedy, and to fee to get himfelf employed in fbme tranflation, either from the Latin or the French. Johnlon is a * Life of Sprat » Very good fcholar aful poet, and I haVe great hopes will ttirn out a fine tragedy writer. If it fliould any ways lay in your way, I doubt not but you will be ready to recommend and affift your countryman.' It appears by thefe letters, that Mr. Walmf- ley had a very particular regard for Mr. Johnfon and Mr. Garrick. The former, in his Life of Edmund Smith, has embraced the opportunity to fhew his gratitude to the memory of this liis earlieft patron. London, however, did not feem, at firft, to encourage any fanguine expectations. Some months afterwards, he appeared defirous of re- turning to his native county. His ambition was ever) confined to the defire of obtaining the office of mafter of a charity fchool, then vacant in ihe vicinity of Lichfield, the falary of which was fixty pounds a year. But the ftatutes of the fchool requiring that the candidate for this office fhould be a Mafter of Arts, this attempt was fruftrated. Thofe whom the writing* of Dr. Johnfon have delighted or informed, may have reafon to rejoice, perhaps, that his views met with fuch an effectual obftiuCl. on. Whether, in this humble ftation, where oft re fides Unboaftful worth, above faftidious pomp, he would Kave rifen to the illuftrious heights to which he has fince attained, may be a lubjeCt of curious, if not ufeful fpeculatien. Full many a gem of pureft ray ferene, The dark unfaihomed caves ef oce^ n bear: Full many a flower is bom to bluili unfeen, And wafle its fweetnefs on the defert air. But a genius fo exalted we cannot imagine would have been obfeure evi n in the b. if0111 of retiiement. His high defcent, his kindred to the Mufes, could not have been concealed; and if he had not been deftined to figure as the great Diftator in the Republic of Letters, he mult yet have been the gentle Apollo in exile, who fung the felici y of rural life, and taught the fliep- heids the love of knowledge and virtue, of in- duftry and good orciei- j-. In London, however, he remained, and was engpged by Mr. Edward Cave, as an affiftant in the compilation of the Gentleman's Maga- zine. ( To be continued.) J! f Apollon apprit aux bergers quels font les charities de la vie champetre, See. Telemaque, livre If. Poftfcript. Tuefday Afternoon, Dec. 14. LONDON. Extra ft of a Letter from Paris, Dec. 2. " By a couricr lately arrived at the Count de Merci's we are informed, that the Emperor firmly perfifts in his intentions. Though the anfwer of his Imperial Majefty is not- yet come, it is very probable that it will in fubftance - be conformable- to the intelligence brought by the laid courier. In confequence arrangements are made for the alTembling of two armies. The Prince of Conde has folicited the command of the Lcond; its vanguard will be commanded by M. de BouillS. Marechal de Broglio will be General of the firft army, and its vanguard by M. de Rochambean. M. de Maillebois, it is faid, will be demanded by the States General to command their forces, and it is thought that the King will grant him permiffion." Extra ft of a letter from Copenhagen, Nov. 20. " The accounts from Iceland are cf the moft melancholy kind. That unhappy ifland is ftill affiiCted with violent earthquakes, the expiofion of fubterraneous fires, and a dreadful famine. ' 1 he benefactions of the Court, and the liberal donations of priva'e perfons in Denmark, have as far as poffible relieved the diftrtffes of the mi- ferable inhabitants." The canal which the King of Denmark caufed to be cut in the Dncby of Holflein, in order to join the North Sea with the Baltick, to give the country the benefit of internal navigation, was opened on the 18th of Odtober. Several fliips patted it fuccefsfully. The Prefident d'Entrecafteaux, who murder- ed his wife, has been condemned by the Parlia- ment of Aix, in Provence, to have his hand cut off and to be broke on the wheel. This fentence has been execnted on his effigy, he having made his efcape into Portugal, where he has entered into a monaftery of bare- footed Carmelites. F^ traft of a Letter from Dublin, Dec, 4. . " Parliament will certainly meet on the aoth of next month, when feveral commercial regu- lations of tht firft confequence to the mutual, intereft of the two kingdoms will undoubtedly become the fubje& s of early difcuffion and adop- tion. The wife, the candid, and refpe& able part of the nation reft a firm confidence in Par- liament, and Yiew with equal horror anu con- tempt the tft& fsre! "'! r-? h F? 3i » n laboured to precipitate for the moft iniquitous purpofts. " We are forry to mention, that his Grace of Rutland has been much indifpofed at his feat in the Park, for fome days ; but we hope to have fpeedily the pleafure to announce his recovery, confident that his Grace's regard for th? welfare of Ireland is warm and fincere, . and thai bis efforts to promote her general interefts will keep pace with his cordial wifhes to fee US a profpo rous, great, and happy people." Extraft of a letter from Shcerncfs, Dec. tQ. " Sailed the Rambler cutter, " Remain the Scipio and Otter floop." Extra ft of a Letter from Chatham, Dec. 11. " Remain the Irrefiftible and Didtator. " Laft Wednefday a beat belonging to the Prefton fliip of wif, lying at this port, io. which were fevesral people belonging to the ordinary, was run down by the Chatham lighter, and im mediately funk. One man and a boy drowned. The boatfwain of the Prefton vvas with much difficulty fayed. " Laft Monday was married, George Beft, Erq; a capital brewer in this, town, io Mi fa Scott, of Scott's Hall." Extraft of a Letftifroni P ortfmouth, Dec. 10. " Arrived the Bee, Cox on, from Newcalde ; and Charming Sally, Vick, from Coik. " Sailed his Majefty's frigate Hebe, Capt. Thornbrough, for a cru'ze ; the Boneita floop of war for the River ; Bee, Coxon, for Jerfey ; Commerce, Stafford, for Sunderland Guns- ford, Gtark, f » r Lifbon, and Precedent, Nxoll;. for Lifbon." f Extraft of a Letter from Deal, Dec. 13. " Wind N. N. W. Remain two Dutch men of war, and Swift, Boys." This day the Lord Chancellor held ^ the third General Seal at Lincoln's Inn Hall after Michaelmas Term, and the three following days his Lordlliip has appointed Lr Rehearing;, Ap- peals, and Demurrers. Yefterday morning the River was fo clogged with ice, that the fiflimg boats could not get up with the tide, in confluence of which the fifh were brought to Billinglgate marke t from Bark* ing, Woolwich, and divers other places in wag- gons, carts, poft- chaifes, coaches, and fucti other carriages as could be procured, with which all the avenues of the maikst were cr mded front four o'clock in the morning till noon. A man named Mills, formerly a letter cafri. r belonging to the General P ft- Office, who wai fome months fince tried for taking Bank Notes out of a letter, was a few days finch committed to Tothill- fields Bridewell, on a charge of ftlo- nioufly faking a ( hare of a Ticket drawn a prize in laft year's Lottery out of a letter. M. lls went to the Office of Mtflrs. Hazard and Co. to de- mand payment, but being extremely intoxicated, he was delired tc. call the next day ; a perfon in the Office happened to recognize his perfon, ' which occafioning an enquiry at the Poft- Office it was found that the fliare he had offered had been ftolen; and therefore, upon his fecond ap- plication, he was taken into cuftacly. Sunday evening between fix and feven o'clock as Mr. Greenwood, of Leather- lane, Holboi n. was returning from Haropfttad, he was flopped at the bottom of Haverftock Hill by two fellow?, who robbed him of between thirty and forty ( hillings and his great coat. One of the ruber's was armed v^ ith a cutlafs, and the other with a large bludgeon. Edinburgh, Dec. 10. Far fome days paft the weather has been very'Horny, particularly on Monday night, when it blew a hurricane from the north- eafi. The froft fince Monday has been intenfe. The accounts from fea are very difmal. THEATRICAL INTELLIGENCE. The tragedy of J3arbarojfti- wisyi& erdny even- ing revived at Coven: Garde/ i Theatre, when Mr. Hoi man appeared in the character of Ach- met, for the firft time, and was greatly apiaud- ed by theaudienfe. His performance of the part, like his performance of Romso, afforded llrong proofs ol his pofTeffing talents, which when ma- tured by time and regulated with judgement, may entitle him to hold a very confpicuons rank, in his profeffion. In rr. oft ot the fcenes he was warm and interefting, and occafionally correftly marking and emphatic. Zaphira is not a ftriking character for Mrs. Crawford. It does not fnfficiently call forth her powers; hence though Mrs. Crawford yeftei- day evening endeavoured to keep up the intereft of tne fcene, it was but in a few places that fhe made that ftrong impreffion upon the audience, wUich file has been generally accuftomed to give. Mifs Ranoe's Irene, like Mr. Holman's Achroet, was a work rather of great promtfej than of great performance. In fome cSf the lcenes flie exceed- ed our expectation, and gave us hopes of her one day proving a capital aCtrel's; but flie has much to learn, and not a little to forget. Prizes drawn yefterday. No. 2i, 616, 20I. and as firft drawn 2000',. Prizes of 100I. No. 22,271, 18,071, ^ 1,890, 7,001. Prizes of 50}. No. 6,003, 13.786, 5897. Prizes drawn this clay. No. 1,224, 1000I. No. 586, 500I, Prizes of 100I. Nc. 15,232, 2,980, 34001, 17,291, 30, rj4, ? 4.871, 15,407.. Pr zes of 50!. No. 35,120, 13,912, 4,166, 31,474, 24,87- 8 24,608. • * DRUHV- LANE. Laft Night, The Seho If > r Scandal; with Arthur and F. mmeliae. This Even, ing, The Carmelite; with All The World's A Stage. COVENT- GARDEN. Laft Night, Barbar iffa ; with Midas. This Evening, The Follies of a Day ; with The Citizen. of PRICE Bank Stock, 112J New 4 per Cent. 1777, 70 « \ 5 perCt. Ann, 1784, fliut. 3 perCt. reduced 551 3 per Cent. Conf. fliut 56 open 3 per Cent. 1726, — \ per Cent. 17 51, South Sea Stock, — Old S. S. Ann. New S. S. Ann. 5+ i { New Navy and ViCt. Bills, 15 | dif, S T Q C X S. Long Ann, fliut India Stock, — 3 per Cent. Ind. Ann. ind. Bonds ms, dif. 10 Years Short Ann. 1777, flint 30 Years At t>. 1778, 3 per Cent. Svrip, 55 4 per Cent, Scr'\ p, —- Omnium, — Exchequer Bills, — Lottery Tickets, 31I io: a3tlios. Tiorn.\ Light Long Ann, — v Pqzei fir Sold by. J. LEE, No. 4, Lu& gau- Hiu-, where LETTERS and ADVERTISEMENTS, Wrlli- kWyN., t^. 4.3, ADVERTISEMENTS are received.- , b, L'-. Ti EHS, & V. are alio taken in at the Pr'nting- Office. No A JO, •• rborourk- Cmrt, near Sbot- Lan% fteiag Fttty.^ / Icetr8t « et W « C BYFIELD * nd Q* cWn^ C^ f* STOCK- EKQHANGE CO*' FES- HO A Letter- Box ai tbe Fleet- Street.
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