Lincoln Gazetter; or Public Advertiser
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Volume Number: 1
Issue Number: 24
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Lincoln Gazetter; or Public Advertiser
Date of Article: 10/12/1784
Printer / Publisher: Rose and Drury
Address: Opposite the Bank near the Stone-Bow, Lincoln
Volume Number: 1
Issue Number: 24
No Pages: 4
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LINCOLN: Printed and Sold by ROSE and DRURY, opposite the Bank near the Stone AY LOR, Printer, ]• Advertisements not exceeding Twenty Li ncs, are inferted at Four Shillings and Six- pence each time; and Three- pence for every four Lines above Twenty Ready Money for Advertisements. FRIDAY, December The Commissioners of the land- tax met last week at Guildhall, for the purpose of finally setting the mode of assessment, in consequence of the new window tax for the city ; the assessors and collectors were ac- cordingly . present, There had been some demur in relation to the meaning of the Act of Parliament
concerning the duty on- houses, which says, " that every dwelling- house, & c. ' 6th Geo. Ill chap. 38. at 3s. an additional duty of 3s." Mr. Fechney, sur- veyor- general of the window- lights, had therefore applied to the Treasury for an explanation, and th letter which he received in consequence of that application was to the following effect. That all houses not having more than seven win- dows, which exempt them entirely from the addi- tional duty on windows, are, by this construction' of the Act, liable to pay three shillings But those houses which by the number of their windows are sub- jected to - the new tax, should not be
assessed above eighteen- pence each. The late attempt to endanger the public peaee of these kingdom*, and to involve them in a war with the States of Europe, render it material at this time for 11s to warn the people against the like conduct by shewing how strict the law stands against such offenders by Act of Parliament, 5 Geo. II. ch. 30, where the same practices had become open and flagrant. It is enacted, that if any subject of the Crown of Great Britain shall, within Great Britain or Ireland, or with out the same, enlist or enter himself, or procure any fuhje£ l of his Majeftv to enlift or hire, or retain any subject with intent to
cause him to enlist, or enter, or procure any subject to go. beyond the seas, with intent and in order to be enlisted to serve any foreign Prince, State, or Potentate, as a soldier, without licence of his Majesty first had for that pur- pose underr his sign manual, every such person being there lawfully convicted, shall be deemed guilty of felony, and suffer deaih as a felon, without benefit of clergy : And all persons ' o inveigled will be in- demnified from the punishment, if they discover in 14 days after such enticing, to any magistrate, the per- son who so inveigled and inticed them.— And for farther. corroboration of this matter, see the
annual acts of punishing mutiny and desertion. being heard by the crew, they armed themselves, and drove the thieves off the deck before thev had time to take any tiling. To prevent the crew from fol- lowing them, they had cut their boat from the side of the ship. Continental politicks are still in a state of uncer- tainty. We are nearly of opinion that there will be no war, and that the negotiations for peace muft ter- minate favourably for the Emperor. At least it is pretty certain that Fiance is not hearty in the cause of the States General, and 011 the part which France will rake, the whole matter depends; ' the British Court having
determined to preserve a strict neutrality. The repeated accounts from India, of the barbari- ties exercifed by Tipp00 Saib, on the British Officers taken before the peace, a. e unfortunately too well confirmed to admit of a doubt. But what sensations do they excite unless those of detestation and hatred of a Commander so faithless, so inhuman, so destitute of honour, and of feeling I Extract of a Letter from Cork, N.; v. 9.7. " There are a great numuer of vessels now lading at the Cove with provisions; among which number are three store- shops for Gibraltar and two on Govern- ment account for the island of Jamaica: this has
again revived the trade of this city, which had been rather on the decline for some time past on account of. the business carried on from the western parts of Limerick and Galway. " The smuggling of live cattle to the Continent, is commenced in this kingdom ; a vessel supposed to be, a smuggler was chaccd into a little port near the Old Head of Kinsale, a few days since", by one of his Majesty's ships on this station, when her cargo turned out, instead of tea, brandy, See. to be sixty- three sheep, eleven oxen', and two lsrge young bulls, de- signed for Normandy." On Saturday last four prisoners, who made thtir escape from
Reading gaol, were taken up at Brent- ford, and sent back to Reading, who will t, c brought in a few days to London, in order to be transported to Africa, agreeable to their sentence. Yesterdav two seizures were made, one at a trades- man's house in Red Lion- street, Clerkenwell ; and the other at a stationer's, near West Smithfield, of a large quantity of counterfeit stamps for receipts,. And the same day, part of a press, supposed to have been used in making the above counterfeits, were taken out of a house in an alley in Cow- Cross but the dyes for- giving. the fictitious, impressions, were, not found. proscutions are
commenced against the par- ties concerned in making and distributing the ahove counterfeits. cause they belong to the Capitan Pasha, or High Ad- miral, ard purchase the government of him among themselves, and have no other Turks among them, but a Cadi or Judge, and their taxation to the Porte is no more than five shillings a year per head. The inhabitants of the island of Clao, are better off still, because that island belongs' to the Princess Royal, or the first born Sultaness, and the inhabitants are all united, so that the Governor and Janissaries have not power to molest them, or impose upon them; but Crete, Rhodes,
and Cyprus, are in the same predica- ment an those on the Continent. Extract of a Letter from Dunkirk, Nov. 30. " Two men belonging to the gang who stole the dollars out of the ship lying in the Thames, were on Friday last taken at this place, and lodged in the gaol; the reason why they were delivered up to justice was, their crime being piracy, and therefore cognizable by the laws of France.—- Two of the three persons who killed the watchman on Blackfriar's- bridge, are also here. On Saturday all the sailors and sea- faring men belonging to Calais, were summoned to appear before the Commissary of the Navy, when
upwards of sixty were ordered to depart for Brest, i.: order to man a squadron fitting out here. The above- is the mode of impressing in this countrv, and which has been adopted in every other sea- port; and should it be known a sailor refused to obey the summons, he no longer could remain in this country, for if found, he would surely be condemned tb the gal- lies for life." His Royal Highness the Bishop of Osnaburgh, is daily expected in this kingdom from, the Continent, preparatory to his taking his seat in the House of peers, in consequence of his new creation. Extract of a Letter from Cambridge, Dec. 1. " On Thursday last
about one o'clock, the Cam- bridge coach coming from London, was attacked on - The road between Hare- street and Barkway, by a sin- gle highwayman, exceeding well mounted, who rob- bed the passengers of two watches, two pocket books, and about eight guineas." There are upwards of z20 prisoners in Newgate for trial at the ensuing sessions, which begin on Wednes- day at the Old bailey. Saturday afternoon, John Wilson, Esq; and his Lady coming fiom Clapham, in a whisky, tire horse took fright, near Kennington turnpike, and run down the Westminfter road, when he came to the turning by the Dog and Duck, the
carriage overturned, by which accident, the gentleman broke his leg, and the lady her arm. Monday night two fellows went to the house of Mr. Nokes in Charterhouse- lane, who is vestry- clerk of St. Sepulchre's, and enquired for the master of the houfe Upon being told he was not at home, they asked for pen, ink, and paper, pretending that they would leave their business in writing, upon which Mr. Nokes's apprentice shewed them into the parlour, when thev seized the lad, and after binding his apron across his eyes, and tying his hands behind him, they locked him clown in the cellar, and proceedsd to break open the
workshop, from whence they stole a number of watch movements, to the value of twenty pounds, besides several articles of plate, and other effects, from the rooms on the ground- floor. Mr Nokes's house was broke open about a month since, and robbed of a pair of silver candlesticks, and other effects, to a considerable amount. It is rather singular, that the gentlemen now about to depart for their several places in India, are to sail in the Fox packct. Several of the American States having laid heavy taxes on Cards, Dice, Backgammon- tables, 8a. af- fords a good hint to our government, under which more of these articles are in
use, and where, perhaps, more mischief is done in one year, than all the salutary laws in the kingdom can make up in a dozen. The loan of the ensuing year will not be more than three millions, two millions of which are owing to the Bank, and about one million will be wanted for the deficiencies of the taxes.— so fmall a loan as this muft naturally mend the funds. Yesterday her Majesty spent the greater part of the afternoon with Prince Ernest Augustus, who lies dan- geously in at his apartment at Kew. Yesterdav the Duke of Chandos held a long confer- ence with the King at St. James's. On Friday last a gentleman in Norfolk strect sent ' his fervant to the Bank to cash a note of Sol. the young man received the money, but meeting with some company he liked, did not return, on which in- formation was laid at the Public- office in Bow- strect, and on Saturday he was taken at Highgate, and com- mitted for trial. It is furelv ill- judged to throw such temptations in the way of thoughtless youths, espe- cially when the lottery holds out such flattering temp- tations. On Saturday four fresh water pirates attempted to ' board a Dutch ship which lay off Rotherhithe, but t. ON D O N, Saturday, DECEMBER 4. It is beyond a doubt that the Courts of Paris and Berlin
have jointly offered their mediation to accommo- date the matters in dispute between the Dutch and the Emperor : our Court, it now appears have not been applied to on this head, nor have they offered assist- ance, though it is conceived that the King of Great Britain and the Empress of Russia profess to be in the interest of the Court of Vienna : the Czarina has already, we understand, made a declaration on this head, but the British. Cabinet are as yet silent and mysterious. If an accommodation takes place, this matter will pass over ; but if affairs on the Continent comes to an extremity, there is great reason to suppose we
shall see a new system of politics. Another of our old allies, the King of Prussia, will be torn from us, and attached to the House of Bourbon. Much wisdom and steadyness will he required in the British Cabinet to direct affairs midst these difficulties. To give a comparative idea of the blessings of English liberty, we may inform our readers, that all the male Christians who are subject to the Ottoman Porte, pay a capitation tax to the Grand Signior, from seventeen years old to sixty ; the rich people and merchants pay twelve half- crowns a year, tradesmen six, and labourers six shillings and ten- pence half- penny. Those that live in
Constantinople are fortu- nate enough, because thev pay no other taxes ; but those who live at a distance from that capital, can scarcely support themselves and families, because the governors impose what taxes they please, and the poor wretches have no redress ; though they might be easily relieved, if they would join together, and send deputies to Constantinople, with a petition to ihe Grand Signior ,; but it must be with the greatest se- crecy, or else, if the governor learn their intention, woe betide them they would be dragged to prison, loaded with irons, whipt, and perhaps, deprived of life. Such is the condition and present
state of the poor Christians, except sometimes when their Bishop is man of spirit, and can afford them some relief from their calamities j but for want of money this comfort very seldom happens- The inhabitants of the islands of Archipelago, are rather better off than those 0n the Continent, be. LONDON, Friday, DeceMber. The French Ambassador quitted Paris a few days since to visit London ; couriers rode before him all the way to Calais, to expedite his journey. He em- barked for Dover half an hour after his arrival at Calais, and instantly set of for London. HiS instructions how to treat, in regard, to the contest between the
Emperor and the Dutch, it is suspected, will puzzle our Mini- stry, not a little 1 The laws of France make perjury universally capital; and our own laws anciently inflicted the punishment of deliberate murder on this oFFence, when it was the cause; of an innocent person's death. Perjury is usually excepted out of general acts of grace. The French pil- lory differs from the English ; ' it stands in the middle ofa round tower, and the delinquent wears a green cap. Letters from Edinburgh, dated November 26, men- tion, that a society of - noblemen and gentlemen have drawn up a plan in that city, for the improvement of ( the Northern, or
Orkney and Shetland fishery, by which a very considerable sum will b: annually raised for the benefit of the poor inhabitants of the high- lands. By thesame advice we learn, that a noble subscrip- tion has been set on foot at Edinburgh, for shortenuing the communication between the Highlands and the other parts of Scotland, by means of an inland naviga- tion, which it is persumed, will prevent the lower ranks of people from suffering similar calamities to those which happened from the failure of the fisheries, and occasioned the dreadful famine in the year 1782-- a circumstance, though very recent, little known in this country.
Lord G— C ' s most gracious Speech to both Houses of Instruction, delivered from the Rendezvous ef Wapping. Gentlemen, Un- gentlemen, and Brother Madmen. SO various are the motives of my calling together those associations of Freemen, which some people enti- tle a mob, and so perfectly unaccountable, and unpro- pheciable are the uses to which my mobs, are consigned, whether 1 shall overflow an Emperor's dominion's with water, threaten a metropolis with fire, accompany Lu- nardi into the air, or set the kingdoms of the earth to- gether by the ears, it may be proper we should have a right understanding together. 1
Now as the Devil had the Friar," where he was to- be had," I thought you might all probably be found in the same place. But I have the satisfaction to experi- ence how largely I am supported by the most substanti- al persons in this metropolis. None of your wishy- washy Christians; none of your unsound lath- and- plais- ter Protestants, but your true broad cloth, knock- me- down supporters of law and liberty. Gentlemen ! I don't observe a macaroni amongst you; but contem- plate, with religious delight, the quid of plenty, and the weekly beard of liberty. My intentions respecting this convocation have been various; I djd propose
assembling you in Hyde Park, and making the Serpentine River into GROG; at ano- ther time I proposed inviting you to the Pantheon, and treating- you there with jellies and ice- creams, but each of these plans appeared to, favour of bribery and corruption, and therefore I have preferred the genial purlieus of Wapping, to all the pomp and circum- stance of St. James's, ( huzza !) You must observe, Gentlemen,, that had I chofen you from the rational part of mankind, I should not have found men without form and prejudice of education ; but profound igno- rance is your happy lot, much learning hath not made you mad'." My most
fincere motive, however, is your professional attachment to religion. The seamen of Great Britain have long borne that character, and I am credibly informed, that not a single oath was sworn in the navy during the whole war. Now, my jolly. Protestant dogs, mind your eye, or the Emperor will be coming Yorkshire over us. Now, mark me, this Emperor, d'ye see, is no other than that great Whore of Babylon, that you have read of in Prayer- books and Psalters. This is the very man; and this war with the Dutch is that old b —' s fornication with the kings of the earth. — Ay, you may well Cure, : ri- an impor- tant question. Remember
messmate we should call all hands upon this affair. ' Tis not an electioneering matter, whether you should vow for a man with a, blue beard or a black one; ' tis not a debate at Coachma- ker's hall,". Whether you shall warm your bed with a bass- viol or. a portmanteau," , But this is a question as deep as a well, and as wide as a church door; it is a question that laps round the heart of a seaman, and buttons behind. It is well worthy those oaken tooth- picks with which you are all armed; it is, I say, worthy of bludgeons and " happy is the man that has his quiver full of them." Now, Gentleman, this King of the Romans is, as I said
before, no other than an old fcarlet whore we have often heard of. Not a little, tight, snug, frolick- some piece, such as your protestants would tuck under your arm; but a great strapping red whore, that yOU would not touch with a pitch- fork. The Pope; Gen- tlemen, is your mortal foe, and no more like that vir- tuous young Minister, Mr. Pitt, than I am like Nebu- chadnezzar's golden image. If, therefore, you would know whether a man is a Papist or not, set his house on fire, and if he bolts he is a Catholic; for a true Protes- tant, like a Suffolk cheese, will rather burn than run. With respect to those independent Gentleman that have
no shirts on, I wish to warn them of the secret influence of the Crown, since personal property is dai- ly threatened thereby. Grant you have no wig— you still retain your liberties in their full effect; and re-' member, Gentleman, that as liberty is meat and drink, so Protestantism is washing and lodging. Farewell remember me,!
f X i\ WEDNESDAY'S POST. LONDON, Monday, DECEMBER 6. Extract of a Letter from Florence, oct. so. " The Dutchefs of Albany, arrived here at the house of the Pretender, her father, on the 7th instant; their interview was very affecting, her father not having seen her since she was six years of age. Her arrival was no fooner known to the Grand Duke, than he sent one of his gentlemen to Compliment her ; and the Pretender having expressed a wish that the box given her at the theatre might be distinguished from the common ones, the Grand Duke ordered it to be orna- mented in the same manner as that of the Grand
Dutchess, with tapestry fringed with gold. When the Dutchess of Albany went to the opera, the court and city honoured her on her passage ; and as she is both young and beautiful, and dressed in the Parisian taste, being ornamented with all her father's jewels, she cut a splendid figure. Her father was inchanted at her reception ; and it is hoped this fine young lady will make him happy in his old age." The Hague Gazette of Friday contains a representa- tion made by the Prince of Orange to the States Gene- ral, in which he sets forth, that the critical situation of the Republic having made it, in his opinion, neces- sary to assemble
the troops belonging to the State, and consequently withdraw them from those parts which are least exposed to a hostile attack, he had sent an order to his own regiment of Orange Friesland, as like- wise to those squadrons of the regiment of Lieutenant General Stavenisse Pouse, to evacuate their respective garrisons, and had written a letter to the States of Friesland, setting forth his reasons for this step ; at the same time representing, that till the present year he had, with the consent and approbation of the said States, enjoyed the privilege of marching out the troops garrisoned in that province ; but he had, to his great
surprize, received a rescript, in which, tho' they con- sent to the marching of two squadrons, they insist of keeping the regiment of Orange Friesland. The Prince further represents, that he had met with a like refusal from the states of Groninguen. He then lays before their High Mightinesses, the ill consequences such conduct must be attended with, and concludes with a request that, the treaty with the Elector of Cologne * nd Bilhop of Munster being signed, . the States would give orders for the march of the auxiliary troops. Extract of a Letter from Drogheda, Nov. 20. " Wednesday evening last, Colonel Dillon, of the Skreen
Corps, accompanied by Mr. Fisher, Sub- sheriff of the county of Meath, came to this town, and waited on Tho. Chamney and Pat. Magarun, Esqrs. officers of the artillery corps belonging to the Drogheda Association, and requested their assistance to dispossess a number of lawles fellows, who had taken possession of the Castle of Lagore, in the county of Meath, in order to prevent the High Sheriff from taking possession of the lands adjoining.— As the Castle is exceeding strong, and being well provided with arms, ammuni- tion, and provision, these men bid defiance to any body of Volunteers with arms that could be brought
against them, and in this manner Kept possession of the Castle for near a month ;— Captain Chamney and Lieutenant Magauran, informed Colonel Dillon, they were al- ways ready to support the constitution of their country, and a due execution of the law ; accordingly the corps left this town on the morning following, ( Thursday) and about twelve o'clock took possession of a rising ground within' a small distance of the Castle, and wait- ed for the arrival of the High Sheriff, and the Skreen Corps, in order that the attack might be conducted with every necessary: precaution ; but these fellows being informed by an out- scout, of the
force that was ready to attack them, ' they thought it adviseable to quit their situation and retire in small bodies from the rear of their fort; information of this having been brought to the Volunteer army, the Sheriff, attended by the officers, went and took possessiOn of the Castle and lands.— Lord Killeen, Col. Dillon, and the High / .... Sheriff, returned' the artillery company their sincere thanks, after which Captain Gorges insisted on them going to his house, where they were entertained in a splendid and elegant manner.— About eight o'clock the corps marched' into town, after a fatiguing march if. 30 miles." Extract of a Letter from
Hertford in New England. 08. 12. " Yesterday se'nnight the Marquis de la Fayette arrived in this city from Albany and Fort Schuyler. He was escorted into town by a number of respecta- ble citizens, and his arrival announced by a discharge of artillery." On Tuesday he dined at Bull's tavern, with the city officers, and a number of other gentle- men ; where an universal joy and satisfaction were diffused by the presence of a personage so dear to Ame- rica." A correspondent writes from Dublin, that vast quanti- ties of counterfeit copper coin, sent from London, are in- circulation in that city, and most of the. other prin- cipal towns of
Ireland ; and that, at the suggestion of several capital trading people, it is expected, that Parliament will adopt measurers for suppressing an evil that, in process of time, might so assentially operate to national prejudice. Paris, Nov. 19. The Castle of Rugency, three leagues from from Stenay, was reduced a few days since to ashes, by the imprudencc of the keeper. When the Emperor passed through Champagne, he saw this Castle, and was greatly struck with the beauty of the saloon, the finest in France. It was built by the Treasurer Boulogne, who transferred it to M. Augeard, Farmer- General, about three Or four years ago.
Near 100,000 crowns worth of effects have fallen a prey to the flames. A letter from Tournay, of the 5th of this month, informs us of another misfortune. On the second, about four in the afternoon, thirty or forty persons having got upon the Winding- bridge, which crosses one branch of the Scheldt, in order to view some re- pairs that are making there, the bridge turned, and they all fell into the river, when only two or three were saved ; the rest perished, without its being pos- sible to give them any assistance. Twenty- seven of these unfortunate persons have been already taken out A letter from Galloway, received yesterday
says, that a Dutch smuggling vessel put in therein the night, and unloaded the greatest part of her cargo, which was carried off by people who attended for that purpose; in the morning, the revenue officers having got intel- ligence, came down to seize the vessel, and the rest of the cargo, but previous to their coming, the Dutch Captain having notice of it, weighed anchor and got out of the harbour and sheered off. In consequence of an information given yesterday morning to Mr. Scalon, that Frederick Wm. Eaylin, one of the convicts, who, about sixteen months ago, overpowered the Captain and crew of the Swift trans- port
vessel, near Deal, and, by running the vessel ashore, escaped, was in London, that officer, assisted by Carpenter and Lucy, traced him to a house upon Air- street- hill, near Cold- bath- fields, and having taken him into custody, about four o'clock yesterday in the afternoon, they carried him to the Rotation Office upon Clerkenwell Green, where, in the course of the prisoner's examination, his person was indentified, and he acknowledged the fact alledged against him, upon which he was committed to New Prison, in order for tryal.— Eaylin was convicted for stealing a quantity of plate and other effects, the property of Mr.
Newnham, in Hatton Garden, to whom he was footman at the same time of the robbery, and sentenced to transporta- tion for seven years. Extract of a letter from Reading, Nov. tj. " Last Sunday morning, between one and two o'clock, Mr. Wyatt, a considerable dealer in dieep, of Englefield, in this county, was found dead a little beyond the turnpike, 011 the Newbury road, by one of the Bull coaches, The guard was immediately dis- patched back- to this town, to give information, and procure assistancc to remove the body : but was sur- prifed on his returning, to find the dcceased almost stripped, and his cloaths carried to some
distance ; from this it was concluded he had been murdered, and that the coach coming by at that instant, prevented the villains from plundering him, but that they had secreted themselves till an opportunity offered for that purpose. The deceased was put into the mail coich from Bristol, and brought to the turnpike- house, where he lay till Monday morning, when the Coroner's inquest sat on the body; and, from the evidence of the guard, and several other witnesses, it appeared that Mr. Wyatt had left a public house in this town, and had proceeded n0 farther then the end of Southcot lane, on his return home, before, it is
supposed, he was attacked by two footpads, ( as two men were seen lurking near the fatal spot about half an hour before) who knocked him from his horse, as on examination his scull was found to be fractured, and he had another bruise in the hinder part of his head. His purse was found in the road the next morning empty ; from which, and several other concurring circumstances, the Jury brought in their verdict, Wilful Murder by fome person or persons unknown. " As the deceased had received a considerable sum of money in the course of the day, it is supposed his purse contained near 40I. His watch and pocket book, in
which were two bank notes, were not taken from him." Last Wednesday Lord Camden kissed the King's hand at St. James's, dn his being appointed Lord Pre- sident of the Council. ' The same day the Right Hon. Earl Temple, kissed the Kirig's hand, on being created Marquis of Buckingham. As did the Earl of Shelburne, on being created Marquis of Lansdown. The same day the Prussian Ambassador held a long conference with the King at St. Jame's. The same day Mr. Stanhope, Secretary to the Earl of'Chesterfield, was at the Levee at St. James's, for the first time since his arrival from Madrid. The following are . the present
Cabinet Lord Camden, President Lord Thurlow Eari Gower. . ' r; ' ; Duke of Richmond.' ' Marquis of Carmarthen * Lord Sidney'. . Lord Hawe. ; Right Hon. Wm. Pitt. A correspondent informs 11s, that. Lord North has resolved on retirement from public business. If the above be true, what a noble opportunity for meditation. and repentance ! yet how great the task, and how disagreeable The accession of Lord Camden to the Cabinet, has created very great uneasiness throughout the squad. His Lordship's character, bqth in public and private life, stand so fair in general admiration, " besides, he has bore his faculties so meekly," that
they find it madness to attempt the common arts of detraction. All that remains now is to cause disputes in the Cabinet, and with such a charitable man will be willing they should amuse themselves. A singular instance of longevity, combined with strong health is afforded in the person of Cornet Low, who for half a century has been upon half- pay, during almost the whole of which period he has resided at his present retirement at Warley Bank, near Wednesbury, in Staffordshire. This veteran, who is an hundred and four years of age, rides' ten or fifteen miles a day, when the weather permits ; and, what is singular, he keeps a
livery servant, and is constantly followed on horseback by a venerable female attendant, who has been his nurse upwards of forty years. A letter from Shaftham, in Cambridgeshire, says, that 011 Friday morning last, a dreadful fire broke out in the house of Farmer Smith, which consumed the house and furniture, with all his barns, stables, and out- houses; four stacks of hay and corn, and four of his best horses, which could not be got out of the stable-, Extract of a Letter from Edinburgh, Nov. 27. " Yesterday arrived at Leith from the North of England, a fine ship of 300 tons and upwards, pur- chased by the New Edinburgh and
Leith whale fishing company as a Greenland ship. This is the third Greenland ship purchased for the port of Leith, which must be a great blessing to the place, consider- ing it will employ near 150 sailors belonging to the port, besides giving bread to a number of other per- sons.— Formerly, the Old Company's ships used to lie up in the harbour of Leith for eight months in the year ; but now the Leithers are to cause their Green- land ships to make a voyage or two to the East seas after they come fron Greenland." - » .. The following particulars respecting the elopement of Mrs. S. with Mr. Duroure, may be depended on : Mr.
Duroure was indebted to Mr. S. in a considerable sum of money, which he had repeatedly promised to discharge, and appointed a meeting at the Gray's Inn Coffee- house, Holborn, at five o'clock in the after- noon, for that purpose. Mr. S. accordingly attended, but was informed by the waiter, that a gentleman an- swering the description given of Mr. D. had left the house some time before in a post- chaise and four, which he had hired in Fetter- lane ; and that as he was stepping into the chaise, a gentleman had seized him, and detained him till he had paid him the sum of money, Mr. S. returned home, and next morning received
the following account of his wife from her father, at whose house, about eleven miles out of town, she had gone some days before upon a visit. " That Mrs. S. had told her mother she was going to visit a lady in the neighbourhood, and desired the carriage to be sent for her. That the carriage being sent at the proper time, it appeared a person had enquired for Mrs. S. and that she had left the house to return home. Some of the feivants had seen her go into the chaise." Mr. S. now, for the first time, suspected his wife, and concluded that she had gone off with Mr. D. He applied to a friend, Mr. P. an attorney, for advice ; and they
resolved upon an immediate pursuit to Do- ver. At Dover they overtook the fugitives, but Mr. S. quarrelling with a servant of Mr. D's, whom he saw in the kitchen of the inn, gave his wife and para- mour an opportunity to escape, in company with a Frenchman, who concealed them in his house till the middle of the night, at which time they set off for Folkstone on foot, the lady being equipped in boy's cloaths. They then got to Rye, where Mr. D. engaged a boat to carry them, to France for thirteen guineas; but Mr. D. refusing to let the proper officers search his baggage, the Master of the boat refused to carry them, alledging he
believed they were flying for an infamous crime. At Dover, Mr. S. received intelligence of their be- ing at Folkstone, and pursued them to that town, where he learned they had gone to London. He pur- sued them to the capital, tracing them from inn to inn, but lost them at London- bridge, where Mr. D. discharged his chaise, and took a hackney coach. Mr. S. heard no more of them till the Sunday night following, when he was informed they were at the Bagnio in Long Acre, where he went, accompaniud by his brother, and his friend Mr. P. The waiter, on being interrogated, positively denied that any such persons were in the house,
but Mr. S. having received positive assurance from a person that they had gone in five minutes before, and hearing an unusual noise over his head, he went up stairs, in com- pany with his brother and Mr. P. and a maid servant coming out of the room, he went in. A pistol was fired— but as the circumstances attend- ing the firing of it are at present the ground of an indictment against Mr. D. and must be given in proof before a Jury, it would be improper to state them previous to trial THURSDAY'S POST. LONDON, Tuesday, DECEMBER 7. Letters from Amderdam, dated Nov. 27, say, that a subaltern officer belonging to the
Walloon brigade, and a corporal had been taken into custody at Bergen- op- Zoom, for carrying on a traiterous correspondence with an agent in the Imperial service, and endeavour- ing to corrupt the soldiers in that garrison. The State of Connecticut in North America, has lately formed the following taxes: A duty of ll. percent, on all lands throughout the state, according to the value of their produce. A tax of 10s. per annum on every house in each city, or corporate town throughout the state, which lets for iol, per annum or upwards ; the same tax on all houses, though at a smaller rate, if let to victuallers or where trade is carried
on. A duty of 40s. per annum on every four wheeled car- riage hung On springs, except stage coaches, which are to pay only 2os. per annum A duty of 10s. per ann. on every saddled horse not otherwise used for labour. A duty of 5s. per ann. on dogs of every species, and if more than one kept, 10s. per ann. for each. A duty on billiard- tables ef 40s. cards is. pen pack ; dice per pair; backgammon tables 2s. each. Foreign spirits, of every description whatever, ss. per gallon. Wines imported— those of France 5I. per cent. Portugal wines 3I. per ccnt. those of Spain, Italy, & c. 61. per cent, on the value, as sold at public vendue.
Tea 81. per cent, on the value, sold at public vendue. Coffee, cocoa, & e. the same. Rice 5I. per cent, on the value, except such as is certified to be of American growth, and then only 40s. per cent. Sugar 61. per cent. All these to be paid in sterling. Windows, candles, coals, and all other necessary articles, are exempted. BA LLOON. After the operation of filling the balloon had been compleated on Tuesday, Mr. Blanchard and Dr. Jef- fries; a person of fortune, from America, of great literary talents, took their seats in the vessel, and the two lift cords were held bv the duchess of Devon- shire and another Lady. Dr. Jefferson
displaycd an Ensign, called in the naval world a Jack, in one of I the quarters of which thirteen stars, the symbol of America, appeared ; Mr. Blanchard carried an Eng- land Ensign; and with these appendages, they saluted the company on the first ascent of the aerial vessel. Before Mr. Blanchaid made his final experiment, a small balloon, with a blue and orange cockade, and held by a blue ribbon, was let off by the Duchess of Devonshire as a signal, and to observe what course it took. About twenty minutes before three, the grand machine arose, and the voyagers made two attempts to ascend, but came down again ; upon
which Mr. Blanchard used his oars, and when he get above the height of the stable, found it necessary to throw out some ballast, to avoid striking against a chimney ; by which means the vessel was evidently lightened, as it instantly towered, and appeared quickened in its hori- zontal progress. Having surmounted every difficulty, the balloon pursued its course in the atmosphere, and made a very beautiful progress over the metropolis. It did not rife to a great height, and at periods was so regulated, as to appear almost stationary ; particulaily over gros- venor- square, and other places, where great crowds were assembled, and
where the voyagers waved their flags, and politely salutcd the spectators. The day was somewhat hazy ; but as the atmosphere was se- rene, at the height the vessel steered, the " motion of the sails and oars could be distinctly observed. The wind was westerly, ' inclining a few points to the North ; and it blew so gently, that it required very little of that skill which Mr. Blanchard is known to possess, to keep him at that elevation which would be most likely to gratify the whole town, the utmost length of which he must have traversed. The exer- cise of the oars seemed evidently to accelerate his motion j and he expressed a
determination to let the balloon take as far a course as possible, while he had a ray of light to guide him. The navigators were provided with sufficient refreshments, instruments for observations, and defences against the cold and incle- mency which they expectcd to experience ; and from the philosophical abilities of Dr. Jefferies, the Public may expect to be highly gratifi d. Soon after Mr. Blanchard's ballwon was launched' two small balloons were let off, which ascended per- pendicularly with great velocity. They passed the large balloon, which, at that time, was going almost horizontally ; and thereby proved that the large bal loon was not under the influence of the wind, but under that of Mr. Blanchard himself, who was guid- ing it. Dr. Jefferies, in a letter to a friend, gives the fol- ing account of the voyage : " I wrote to you far, very far above the clouds. We have had a short, but most noble and enchanting voyage of twenty- one miles, over Shooter's- hill, & c. and landed 011 the banks of the Thames, in the pa- rish of Scone, in Kent, within half a mile of Essex. Our motion was very rapid, and all our ballast ex- pended." Mr. Blanchard appeared to have so perfect a com- mand of the balloon, that he crossed and re- crossed the Thames several times,
undetermined which side of the river he should land again,- and at last fixed 0n a spot called Scone Marsh, near Ingress, the seat of the ' late Mr. Calcraft, a few miles beyond Dartford in Kent, wheie he landed about ten minutes before four o'clock, and arrived in town about two o'clock on Wednesday with his balloon, which he safely lodged in his late room in King- street, St. James's. Mr. Blanchard and Dr. Jefferies, we understand, were forced to come down, 011 account of the extreme j chillness of the atmosphere, which they felt very in- convenient and distressing. . The Prince of Wales, who was present in Macken- zie's
Rhedarium during the whole process, expressed the highest satisfaction, and heartily joined in the loud ' acclamations which bid the navigators farewell. Extract of a Letter from Managhan, Nov. t;. " A few days ago, the following curious marriage happened near Newtownbutler, in the county of Fer- managh. The bridegroom and bride were Philip Beggin, of Boheset, and Bridget Maguire, of Derry- lee, at which place the marriage should have been celebrated. The dinner and every thing was ready, and waited only for the appeatance of the bridegroom; but by the uncommon delay, the company grew hun- gry, ate up the dinner,
and, after waiting for the bridegroom till their patience were tired, they pro- posed a match for the bride among themselves, so as she might not be altogether disappointed. One of the company proposed two brothers, then present, to take her choice of them, Edward and Patrick Kierman, which the bride listened to, but upon Ned's asking her seriously, which of the two would she make choice of, as either of them would take her, she chose Paddy, though blind of an eye. They set off'that moment for Newtownbutler, were married,' and re- turning to the company, ended the wedding with their friends." Last Saturday early In the
evening, the house of Mr. Powell, 111 Buckingham- strect, York- buildings, was robbed. The villains had packed up plate and other articles to a great amount, but being alarmed, carried off few things of any considerable value.— The circumstances attending this robbery are some- what singular, and Ought to put servants on their guard to be watchful of the property entrusted to their care. Mr. Powell and his family at present re- side in the country, leaving only a girl to take care of the town house ; in their absence she introduced her sweetheart, who occasionally stept there, in order to protect the houfe from thieves;
unfortunately for her, instead of sincerity, he was connected with a gang of notorious house- breakers; and laid a plan- far rob- bing the house. The plot being properly settled, last Saturday was the time fixed on for putting the fcluane in execution. The lover, whose name is Anderson, his associates, Flint, an old offender, another, name unknown, and one Simmons whom they had inveigled into the party, came at the agreed time, when Sim- mons knocked at the door, with a letter directed ro Mr. Powell, while Flint and the other rushed in, threw the girl down, and secured the door, but. tire deceitful Anderson remained In the
street ready to re- ceive the booty. They threatened the servant with- instant death if she did not tell where the plate lay. Simmons watched the girl whilst the others ransacked the house. An acquaintance of the maid's calling, but finding no admission, suspected something amiss, and getting over the railing, perceived, through the window, Simmons guarding the girl with loaded pistols, and blindfolded with her apron. The alarm
being given, the ransackerS, in the bustle, made their escape, but the guard finding a retreat impracticable, with horrid imprecations swore he would blow her brains out if she did not conceal him till three o'clock in the morning. She placcd him under a bed, but the street door being burst open, she was rid from her dreadful situation, and he was easily secured. Sim- mons immediately gave information of the others, and the following morning, Anderson, Flint, and Sarah Holmes, alias Brockley, were taken into cus- tody. Anderson had part of the property on him. They were on Wednesday fully committed from the Public Office, in
Bow- street, to Newgate to take their Trials for the said offence. Extract of a Letter from Edinburgh, Nov. sg. This day the Commissioners of Supply, for the County of Edinburgh, determined two appeals in fa- vour of the subject, on the late Window Act. As they are of general importance, wc suppose a short statement of their merits will not be disagreeable to our readers.— The first was an appeal at the instance of Lord Adam Gordon, against the Surveyor of the window lights, for charging him for his house of Preston- hall, in this county, with 14 1. 9 s, as the old duty of 144 windows or lights, for a year, and also of 81. as the
new duties on said windows for half a year, together with is. 6d. of additional house- duty.— Lord Adam's defence against paying these duties was, that his house being neither inha- bited, nor possessed any living creature, fell to be considercd only as a repository for his furniture ; and that such houses were particularly exempted by the late act imposing this new window tax. The additi- onal house duty, his Lordship insisted, was clearly not chargeable on any house in Scotland, because it is only leviable, by the statute, upon houses already charged at three shillings ; whereas no house in Scot- land is charged above one
shilling. It was contended, on the part of the Surveyor, that the only method of ascertaining whether houses were inhabited or not, has been by their being furnished, which has invaria- bly been the case with the house of Preston- hall ; it having been inhabited, though by servants only, for several years back, till of late, that Lord Adam had removed them to an out- house, in order to evade the duty ; but that these servants still continued to put on fires every day, and open the windows, in order to air the house. This, in the eye of the law, the Sur- veyor alledged, was sufficient to subject Lord Adam, and quoted several decisions of
the English Judges in support of his argument.— Lord Adam replied, that whoever decisions might have been pronounced on the former act, they did by no means apply to the new one, which being imposed for a commutation on the former duties on tea, it would be absurd to sup- pose, that he should be taxed for consuming tea in a house which he did not inhabit, The Commissioners - of Supply were unanimously of opinion, that Lord Adam was not liable. " The other case, determined in the same manner, was that of Mr. Alves, factor to his Grace the Duke of Buccleugh. Mr. Alves was charged with win- dow lights, by the
Surveyor, for a house inhabited by him in Dalkeith. Mr. Alves brought the appeal upon this ground, that he paid no rent for the house, but that it was the property of the Duke of Buc- cleugh j and as his Grace already paid for two houses, viz. one in England, and one in Scotland, which was ' all the law required, it would be unjust to make him liable for a third— The Surveyor contended, that as the house was furnished, and with furnitnre the pro- perty of Mr. Alves, it cou'd not be considered as be- longing to bis Grace. The Commissioners. however, found, that as Mr. Alves was only a servant, and removeable at the pleasure of
the Duke, the house must be held as the property of his Grace, and there- fore not chargeable with duty." Extract of a Letter from Gainsborough, Nov 28. " Some gentlemen of this place lately put into exe- cution a scheme for prosecuting the Sprat Fishery, which has answered incredibly well. Four boats have been employed, who, upon every return, have brought full cargoes. Despicable as this may seem, it has proved valuable to the owners, and a great relief to the poor." [ London Packet. OPPOSITION. St. James's- street, Dec. 3. At a general meeting of the enemies of the present Ministry, Resolved, That Lord Camden be
deprived of all character and independence of mind since his lately ac- cepting the presidency of the Council. Resolved That the counties of Lincoln, Devon, and Northumberland, be requested to block up their win- dows. Resolved, That two- thirds of the Minister's literary friends are scoundrels, and the rest sad dogs. Resolved, That Lord Temple be abused for two months, by the usual weapons, back stairs, secret influ- ence, and dark lanthorns. Resolved, That Lord Shelburne receive an additional share of calumny on account of the peace, and that he be set astride on the shoulders of Lord Camden. Resolved, That the usual
ammunition employed against the late budget be continued. Resolved, That these resolutions be printed in all op- position papers, and in the Political Jester. Adjourned. Last Friday the new created Marquis of Lansdown, and his Marchioness, kissed their Majesties hands, at St. James's, on their late promotion. The same day Earl and Lady Temple were at Court at St. James's, and kissed their Majesties hands, on being created Marquis, and Marchioness of Bucking- ham. The same day Lord Camden kissed the Queen's hand, on being appointed Lord President of the Coun- cil. Yesterday a man was committed to Newgate, on
a charge against him on oath, for felonionsly taking and rowing awav a waterman's wherry, value til. the property of Vincent Green and John Royal. To be completed in Forty Numbers only, ( Notwithstanding it contains the Substance of FOX'S Martyrs, and every other Author who has hitherto written on the Subject) The Reverend Dr. SOUTHWELL's new, complete, learned, pious, authentic, ample, universal, compre- hensive, instructive, correct, beautiful and cheap Lives of the Holy M A R T Y R S, Containing not Only a much greater Variety of Lives and Transactions of those pious Martyrs who have sealed the Truth of our
Holy Religion with their Blood, ( not to be found in any other Work of this Kind, now pub- lishing or re- publishing in Numbers, at double the Price cf this elegant Work) but those also Contained in FOX's Book of MARTYRS, And the various Apostolic Christian Writers and Fa- thers of the Church— With the Writings of their Suc- cessors on the same Subject, particularly the learned Eu- sebius, Burnet, Dorotheus, Theodoras, Sleiden, Victor, Bohem, Taylor, Cave, Potter, Hammond, Palmer, Pres- ton, Lockman, Fleetwood, & c. & c. as well as those of other Christian Writers on the same Subject, in various Parts of the World. The
Whole containing every Thing on so solemn a Subject that can strike the Christian Mind with awful and solemn Gratitude to the Great Redeemer of Mankind, who died for our Sins, and role again for our Justification. Beautifully printed in Crown Folio, Illustrated, embellished, and enriched with a very great Number of the most curious and expressive Copper- plates, finished in a Manner superior to any others given in a Work of the like Kind ( though double the Price) in this or any other Kingdom, and representing in the most striking and awful Manner, the various Modes of cruelly torturing Christians for their Constancy, and put ting them to Death for their Faith : Also displaying some general Scenes of Pagan Barbarity and Popish Cruelty, reprefented in the most striking and affecting Manner. Together with Twenty- four fine Engravings of the Primitive Reformers, the greater Part of which are taken from the Paintings in the Possession of several eminent Divines, and the rest from the Paintings and Drawings of the ingenious Messieurs Stothard, Dodd, and Samuel Wale, Efq; of the Royal Aca- demy. The Whole finely engraved by White, Ro- berts, Taylor, Grignion, Morris, Scott, Pollard, & c. but to describe their Beauties would be impossible in an Ad vertisement; and which Copper- plates ( for those who chuse to frame them) will be worth more than the Price of the whole Book. To- morrow will le Published, Elegantly printed in Crown Folio, on a large and beautiful new Letter, comprising Three Whole Sheets of Letter- Press, and adorned with an expressive emble- matical Frontispiece, designed by the ingenious Mr. DODD, and engraved by Mr. MORRIS, curiously or- namented with the Head o: Mr. JOHN FOX, Author of the Book or Martyrs, or Christian Martyrology, toge- ther with the Heads of those two pious Protestant Mar- tyrs the Bishops CRANMER and LATIMER.-
Alfo a striking Representation of the Standard of the Bloody Inquisition at Goa.— Likewise the Standard of the Spanish Inquisition. Together with an expressive dis- play of the horrid Cruelties exercised on Protestants by Order of the Inquisition, NUMBER I. ( Price only SIX- PENCE) To be contined Weekly ( without any interruption what- ever) till the Whole is completed, Of the New Book of Martyrs, OR, COMPLETE CHRISTIAN MATYROLOGY. Containing a full, ample, correct, authentic and genu- ine Historical Account of the many dreadful Persecti- ons against the Church of Christ, in all Parts of the World, by Pagans, Jews,
Turks,, Papists, and Others, From the earliest Ages of the Church, to the present Period. More particularly the Life, Sufferings, and Martyr- dom of our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, with the Martyrdoms of the Apostles, Evangelists, Disciples, and Christians.— The ten great Perfections under the Roman Emperors.— The Persecutions in Persia.— The Persecutions under the Arian Vandals.— The horrid Per- secutions under the Papacy. — The Martyrdoms in France, Germany, Poland, Bohemia, and Lusatia ; and the Mar- tyrdoms in Italy.— The shocking Barbarities practised by the Inquisitions of Spain, Portugal, and
the dreadful Mas- sacre of Paris. All the English Martyrdoms, particu- larly those in the Times of King Henry VIII. and Queen Mary, wherein are amply displayed all the Butcheries, Tortures and Cruelties, exercised by the Papists against j the Protestants in the Reign of that tyrannical King and bloody Queen.— The Perfections in Holland, Flanders, 1 Scotland, & c.— The bloody Irish Massacre ; the Spanish Invasion; the Fire of London; the Gunpowder Plot; the horrid Conspiracies in 1678.—- The Martyrdom of the Missionaries in China, and the East- Indies; the Bar- barities exercised in America ; and the Cruelties prac- tised on
the Christians of Abyssinia and Georgia.— The late Persecutions in France against the Calas Family. With a great Number of others too numerous to be in- serted in this or any other Advertisement. With a Sketch of the Martyrdoms of the Faithful and Virtuous in the first Ages of the World ; the Perfec- tions of the Maccabees by the Greeks; of the Hebrews bv the Egyptians; and of the Children of Israel bv the Philistines, and other barbarous Nations.— The Whole interspersed with Accounts of several singular Judgments against Persecutors, a great Variety of Original Anec- dotes, and many curious Lives and Memoirs, never
before published. By the Rev. HENRY SOUTHWELL, L L D. Late of Magdalen College, Cambridge ; Rector of Asterby, in Lincolnshire; and Author of the Universal Family Bible. LOUDON: Printed for J. COOKE, NO. 17, Pater- noster- Row, and sold by all Booksellers and News-, Carriers. In the last Number a List of such Subscribers as chuse to have their Names inserted, shall be printed and de- livered gratis. This Work is not artfully spun out with useless and vain Repetitions, together with loose Print, in order to swell it to an enormous Price, but printed 011 a large and close Letter, written in a concise, plain, and familiar
Stile, and brought into such a compass as to enable the Author to complete the whole in Forty Numbers only, notwithstanding it contains the Substance of FOX and all other Writers on the Subject. The Purchasers of this Work will find themselves pos- sessed of the most valuable Book of Martyrdom ever yet published in this or any other Kingdom ; and, from its masterly Execution, will never need any other of the like Kind. The Public are entreated to observe, that, by pur- charing this cheap and valuable Edition of the Lives of the Holy Martyrs, instead of another of double the Price, they will, with the Money thereby saved, be
enabled to purChase a large, elegant, and grand Family Bible ; by which means thev will become possessed of two admira- ble books, viz. The Lives of the Holy Martyrs, and the Holy Bible, which together, will form a most inestimable and valuable Christian Family Library. To prevent Imposition by mercenary and artful Persons, who wish to intrude on the Public a Work of the like Kind, at double the Expence of this, pray be careful to be absolute in giving Orders for the Rev. Dr. Southwell's elegant and cheap Edition of the Lives of the Holy Martyrs, which is completed in Forty Numbers only, and contains not only various Lives
and Memoirs never before printed, but the whole Substance of Fox's Book of Martyrs, together with those contained in the Writings of Eusebius, Burnet, Dorotheus, Theodoras, Sleiden, Victor, Bohem, Taylor, Cave, Potter, Ham- mond, Palmer, Preston, Lockman, Fleetwood, and other pious Divines, who have written on the Subject in various Parts of the World. To be Sold by PRIVATE CONTRACT, At the house of Mr. James Marr, known by the Sign of the Cock, in East Retford, in the County of Nottingham, On Monday the 3d Dav of January, 1785, between the Hours of Eleven in the Forenoon, and Two in the Afternoon of the
same Day, THE next turn or right of Presentation of and to the Rectory of West- Retford, in the said County of Nottingham, subject to the Life of the present Incumbent, who is sixty- four Years of Age. The Income of this Living is estimated at Two Hun- dred Pounds per Annum, or upwards. Further Particulars may be had by applying to Mr. Bate, Town- clerk of East Retford aforesaid. Boston, Nov. 29, 1784. tHE Creditors of William Tidwell, late of Kir- ton in the County of Lincoln, Drover, are desired to meet at the Angel Inn, in Boston, in the County aforesaid, on Wednesday the a » d Day of December next, at Two o'Clock in the
Afternoon, in order to receive a Dividend arising from the Effects of the said William Tidwell, which have been sold for that purpose, and such of the said Creditors who shall neglect to appear at the place and time aforesaid, will be excluded all benefit of the said Dividend. EARLY JAMAICA November 1, 1784. INTELLIGENCE. Rum Warehouse. 7 s 9d 7 6 7 0 11 0 9 0 7 0 8 0 6 0 13 12 s. 9 d. To the Nobility, Gentry, Dealers, Captains of Ships, and others, delicate in the Fla- vor of fine old Jamaica Rum, & c. & c. Richardson and Stevenson, CITY REPOSITORY, No. 173, Bishopsgate- street, London, FROM the very great
Encouragement they have received from Parliament, by reducing the Duties 011 Jamiica Rums, in Order to increase the Sale of that valuable Article, they have selected several large Parcels of the finest old RUMS, imported at the lowest Priccs possible, by which they hope for a Con- tinuance of the Favors of their Friends and the ge- nerous Public. per Gall. Find old Jamaica Rum, warranted free from Britifh Spirits, at S s. per Gal- > lon, or in 10 Gallon Cafks - - -) In Casks of 30 Gallons - - - - - Good old Leeward Island and Grenada Rum --------- Fine old Coniac Brandy, warranted free from British Spirits — -'— — — - Fine old
Rotterdam Geneva, ditto - - Good Hollands Geneva, in Casks of 5 Gallons — — — — — — — — — The finest Orange Rum Shrub - - _ Good Orange Shrub — — — — — — The finest over- proof old Jamaica Rum, warranted neat as imported by the West India Merchants, in which Oil will sink - Ditto in Casks of 10 Gallons _ _ Ditto per Puncheon under the King's Lock The finest over- proof old Coniac Brandy, neat as imported, in which ' Oil will sink --_____ 1 Ditto m Casks of 10 Gallons per Puncheon - - _ The finest over- proof Rotterdam Geneva in which Oil will sink . To be Sold by Private Contract, A FREEHOLD ESTATE;
Situate at Waltham, in the County of LINCOLN, Consisting of the following Particulars, V I Z. AMessuage, or Farm- House, with a Barn, Sta- bles, and other necessary and convenient Out- Buildings. A Homestead, or Close of Pasture, containing three Acres. A Cottage with a Garden, and convenient little Paddock. Fifty- nine Acres one Rood and twenty Perches of Arable, Meadow, and Pasture Ground, in the Weft Field, in five Divifions. Twenty- nine Acres one Rood and thirty two Perches of ditto, in three Divisions, in or near a certain Place called Tofthill : And A Close of Meadow or Pasture in the adjoining Lordship of
Brigsley, containing fix Acres. The above Premises are within 5 Miles of Grimsby, and are now let at ^ 63 per Annum. Further Particulars may be had of GEORGE BABB, Attorney, at Grimsby, and of Mr. Thomas Hewson, of Waltham, who will shew the Premises, which he principally occupies. Likewise to be, SOLD, A neat Four Wheel'd Post- Chaise with Harness for a Pair of Horses. Enquire of Mr. Babb, Grimsby, aforesaid. FOREIGN WINES. Red and White Port, Mountain, Calcavella, and Lisbon Wines, of the most approved Vintages, at 23 s, per Dozen, 13 Bottles.— Per Pipe, Port Wine £ 47 ; Calcavella and Lisbon £ 47 ;
old Mountain £ 45 per Butt; very excellent old Sherry Wine 30s. per Doz. per Butt/ 60: as likewise some of the choicest old Madeira Wine in this Kingdom at 40 s. per Dozen. ENGLISH MADE WINES, Allowed by the best Judges to be superior to any. Rich and dry Malaga, Smyrna and Sun Wines, Two Years old, at 3 s. 6 d. per Gallon ; ' in Casks of 10 Gallons to 30, at 3 s. 3 d. Half Hogshead to a Pipe 3 S. Fontiniac and Orange Wines Gallon, or 13 s per Dozen. N. B. The above Warehouse being first opened to, supply the Public with Genuine Goods, 15 to icyver ' Cent, lower- than is in general charged, no Credit can be given.
Good Bills inclosed with Orders, taken in- payment. Not less than Two Gallons5 fent to any" nib Wharf or place in LONDON, Carriage free. 1 Novembers, 1784 Duty on Waggons, Carts, & c. Stamp- Office, LINCOLN, NOTICE. ALL Persons liable to the Duty on Waggons, Wains, Carts, or other fuch Carriages,' whose Licences took Place on the second Day of November, 1783, are required by the Act of Parliament to renew the same at or within twenty Days from the first of this Instant November, 1784.— And the Act expressly says, that such Persons as neglect to take out Licences for the Number of Carriages liable to the said
Duty, and make good their Payment for the same, shall re- spectively forfeit and pay the Sum of Five Pounds for each Offence. DUTY on HORSES. THE Copies of the Registers directed to be affixed on the Church Doors, are now preparing for that Purpose ; if any Perfons therefore liable to the said Duty, have neglected to register their Horses, they are requested to make immediate Application, or they will subject themselves to the' Penalty of twenty Pounds, agreeable to the Act of Parliament. This Act extends to all Horses kept in Trade or Agriculture, that are at any Time used for the Pur- pose of riding, or for drawing any
Carriage, on which a Duty of Excise is paid or payable. The Horses used in drawing Stage Coaches and Di- ligences are not exempt from this Duty. RICHARD GIBBESON, Jun. DISTRIBUTER. N. B. Attendance every Day at this Office, and at the different Towns as under, by his Sub- diftri- buters. W. Fawcet. Sleaford. / G. Cooper, Falkingham. W. Allen, Grantham. T. Cooke, Stamford. W. Thorpe, Bourn, M. Manton, Deeping. F. Scotney, Spalding. T. Everson, Holbeach. - T. Earl, Longsutton. W. Hunt, Donington. C. Preston, Boston. J. Tayton, Tattershall. B. Margrave, Gainsborough. 4 3. per Octobcr 25, 1784. On Thursday,
the 9th Day of December next, At the GEORGE Inn, in Sleaford, in the County of LiNCOLN, In SEVEN LOTS, A. very valuable FREEHOLD ESTATE, Situate at Heckington, in the said County; CONSISTING of a capital Mansion- House, with suitable Offices, Teveral thriving Plantations, and One Thoufsand Three Hundred and Ninety Acres of Arable, Meadow, and Pasture Land, Tythe Frc « , divided into proper Farms, well fenced, and provided with convenient Farm- Houses, and other Buildings, let at several yearly Rents, amounting together to One Thousand One Hundred and Fourteen Pounds and Nine- pence. Also, a
Modus of Thirty- nine Pounds Nineteen Shillings and Seven- pence per Annum, payable out of One Thousand Four Hundred and Eighty- five Acres of old inclosed Land in Heckington afore- said. Further Particulars may be had of Mr. Handley, Attorney at Law, at Sleaford ; Mr. Hare, at Castor, near Peterborough; and of Mess. Parnther and Druce, Attornies, London- street, London. Printed Particulars may be had at the Rein- Deer, Lincoln ; George Inn, Grantham ; George, at Stam- ford ; White- Hart, Boston; and at the Angel Inn, Peterborough,
December 1784. S T O L E N, Late last Night, or early this Morning, By some Person or Persons, out of the Stable of Messrs. Wetheralls, of Gainsbro'. A MARE, FOUR Years, old, of a Chesnut Colour, inter- mix'd with Grey Hairs, a bald Face, both Legs behind White, long cut Tail, and a thin Mane, about Fourteen Hands and a Half high, had a small Swelling on her Chine, and some of ihe Hair fridg'd off by a Hurt from the Saddle. At the same Time were stolen ' a Bridle and Saddle, nearly new, faced with Drab Cloth, with the Name of Haslewood under one of the Skirts, if not torn off. Mr. WALKER, of Cainby, had two Servants
robbed of IOS. 6 d. at Three o'Clock this Morn- ing, Half a Mile from Spittle, by a middle siz'd Man, wearing a dark great Coat, from their Descrip- tion riding on the- above Mare. Whoever will give Information of the Offender or Offenders, that he or they be brought to Justice, shall on Conviction receive Two Guineas Reward, over and above the Forty Pounds allowed by Act of Parliament. To be LETT, And entered upon immediately, A very good House in Broadgate, in the City of LINCOLN, With a Garden, Stable, and other Conve- niences thereto belonging, late in the Tenure of the Rev. Mr. VEVERS. For further Particulars
enquire of Mr. Swan, Sur- geon, or Mr. Preston, of the said City. Dcc. 9th. 1784. On the death of Mr. H. Fielding of North Thoresby near Louth, Lincolnshire ; by a sincere friend. Hark ! it it the passing knell methinks I hear, Warns me from your dread steeple, death is near! My warmest friend, my much- lov'd Fielding's dead, Behold him here cut off ! and number'd with the dead. Does he then yield to unrelenting fate ? Could not his great deserts prolong his date ? Ah no ! his few remaining sands re run Like dying candles, or the setting sun. Blind, as a mole, to all futurity, Man gropes and wanders in uncertainty. Life like a
weather- cock with ev'ry breath, Still veers and changes threat'ning us with death. Pale consumptive sickness did on him attend Conspiring all to bring him to his end. Numerous as stars in frost we may perceive Are the highroads that lead us to the grave. No longer shall his * Quill instruct the fair Whom to delight was his peculiar care ; no longer captivate th'attentive youth With love of letters, and unerring Truth Since cruel death has snatcht him from our sight And clos'd his eyes in everlasting Night. No more ye young and old, on future time rely, Improve the present and prepare to die ; For lo ! my friend to the silent grave's
remov'd, By old and young lamented and belov'd. Teacher of youth. OLD DARBY's WILL. " My dearest Joan I must be gone ! I can no longer stay But leave this earth for want of breath, and be trans- form'd to clay; My saw and sieve to you I give, my blacking- balls and lace, The pins and blue I give to you I bought at yonder race. Mv fiddlestick and little rick of hay near half a hundred, A garland green as e'er was seen, at which folks often wond'red. Two batter'd quoits like figure 8, besides the gentle- man's diary, A little die your luck to try ; and rolling stones to tire ye, A little book, a tenter hook, and printed advertise- ment, A
quack's receipt, when you can't eat, may give you good advisement; And since I lie at point to die, don't weep nor wail nor shiver ; Misfortunes fall to great and small_: there's none can live forever. EPIGRAM. A Vicar long ill, who had treasur'd up wealth, Told his Curate each Sunday to pray lor his health ; Which oft having done a parishioner said, That the Curate ought rather to wish he were dead. " By my truth" says the Curate " let credit be given, " I ne'er pray'd for his death— But I have for his " living." A N O T H E R. Honest John and his wife once to sea took a trip, When a sudden cross- wind overs'et the light ship; Hand in
hand, over deck, went this couple together, Susan sunk like a stone, but John swam like a feather, " Thank my stars !" says the man, safe escap'd from the flood, « Tis a bad wind, indeed, that blows nobody good." Wrangle, Nov. ' 28, 1784. POSTSCRIPT. LONDON, Wednesday, DECEMBER 8. It is reported, that a Flemish frigate has taken two or three Dutch Prizes in the Channel, and carried them into Ostend. Our intelligence comes by the way of Plymouth, from whence the Dolphin, a Dutch man of war of 40 guns, had sailed, when the post came away in haste on this account arriving there. The Cap- tain of the Dutch
Frigate was on shore when the news arrived, who went 011 board directly and set sail, We learn further, that the imperial flag has been seen in two or three places off the Channel ; once off the Ram- head, and again off Portland. A letter from a gentleman at Philadelphia, to his father in London, has the following article:— I was the other day witness to one of the most shocking scenes my eyes ever beheld, fifty stout young, fellows who came from the North of Scotland, drove like beast into the market place and sold for three, and same for five years. These poor deluded people were drawn away by the Captain, who made them
believe that they would soon make their fortunes, and that their passage would be paid for by the Americans : but little did they think of being sold for as much as would satisfy the villainous Captain. The Americans declare against the slave trade, yet they give encouragement to these Captains to decoy young men from their native country, that they may make slaves of thetn. But I hope to see 110 more of my countrymen here in so unhappy a situation. The cultivation of the arts of peace and industry, will more recommend the present ministry than the long speeches and daring eloquence of their antago. nists. There will be
more lasting merit in improving a dozen acres of waste land, or in providing for the poor fishermen on the East coaSts, than in all the ad- vantages which could accrue from a partition of the kingdoms of India between the patriotic members of the Blue and Buff. LINCOLN, FRIDAY, December 10. To the PRINTER. I am inclined to believe you are much attached to the generality of men of your branch of business, and for that reason may receive very little satisfaction in the perusal of the following paragraph may, Lft some brother typo shuold call your own courage in question, you may, perhaps, be desirous of laying aside this
paper, and refuse to insert the contents in the Lincoln Gazetteer 1 But, Sir, as I am a proprietor of that work, and moreover know every line, here wrote, to be fact, I shall expect to see the whole in your next paper, And remain your friend, at all times, A. B Lincoln, Dec.' 7. Last night, about the hour of ten. two rogues broke into the bacon warehouse of Mr. Robert Vargette near the Stone- bow. They were overheard by Mrs. Bunch, ( of whom the warehouse is hired) and also by two young men, her lodgers, the one by trade a stay- maker, or taylor, the other ( you must not be offended)— a printer, and both boldly sallied out to
save the bacon : Tlie robbers, loaded with hams, fee. were within a few yards of them, and the tav- lor Courageously pursued so closely, that the rogues let fall the whole of their booty, except a ham, and, with with great difficulty, escaped. Had the printer behaved with equal spirit and resolution, the thieves had been taken, but, instead of so doing, he not only remained inactive himself; but called loudly to the taylor not to pursue, least the robbers should turn upon him and do him a mischief to recovcr their bacon. —" Had I followed, he now says, and got a knife in my belly, could Mr. Vargette have made me satisfaction." To A.
B. one of the Proprietors of this Paper, I TAKE the earliest opportunity, Sir, of paying you a few compliments lor the above para- graph. of facts, and for speaking so very respectfully of a brother and friend of mine therein. It is a very entertaining story indeed, prettily put together ; and for which you cannot expect less than a vote of thanks from your fellow proprietors at their next meeting.' But, Sir, ( you must not be offended ) as those gentle, men, before they confer that honour, will strictly inquire into the merits of the object, shall not you be found wanting. Care will be taken to inform them that the whole is not a truth, but a tale
of falsehood. Again, your saying you are a proprietor of the work, and in a manner threatening the Printer with your heavy displeasure if he did not insert what you so lordly commanded* will that part appear worthy reward. No, No, Sir, your future works must have more of the dESERVING, or your brow will never be encircled with a wreath of thanks. , I am, Mr. A. B. ( suppose you mean A BLOCKHEAD) Yours, & c. Journeyman Printer. * I take you to be one of the big- endian party who . lately behaved with so much propriety at one of our Assemblies. Lincoln, Dcc. 9. To the Printer of the LINCOLN GAZETTEER S I R, SOME
time ago I was seeing a Friend living in Cumberland, 011 the PiCts Wall, where there is an old castle adjoining, supposed to have been built thy the Saxons, called Draw Dikes ; from the back part thereof, 1 copied the under- written inscription. please to insert it in your next Paper ; it may be that some one of your learned Correspondents will oblige us with it in English in some future Paper, which is the wish of Your humble Servant, J. G. DIS MANIVE SMARCI ROANl AVCV STIN HIIVMFACIF A DVM CURAVIFAEK. AMMI AA Vj V5 WA CONIVA KARISS,. Sincc the lottery began drawing, a very good foot- path has been
established between the pawnbroker's shop and the wheel of fortune, and " many there be that walk therein-. By the prorogation of Parliament till January next, the country gentleman will have an opportunity of spending a little of their time and cash among their neighbours and tenants; the public will be delivered from empty senatorial speeches, as destitute of mean- ing as of patriotism ; and a temporary check will be given to the greatest of all growing evils, gaming, as appears by a card stuck up at the Pharoah Bank in St. James's- street:— Notice is hereby given, that no business will be transacted her till after the meeting of
Parliament." A correspondent informs us, that the unfortunate General Matthews had been in India almost from his childhood. Previous to his capture he had secured a very large property, which his lady had taken with her td another part of India. To recover this prize, Tippoo Saib exercised all his cunning and invention. Letters were written by his direction to Mrs. Matthews, " wherein the General was made to declare, that the prisonerS ( himself particularly) were treated in the most kind and hospitable manner, and earnestly invit- ing her to come to him, and bring all the valuables, & c. These letters the General was obliged to
sign, un- der the terror of a pistol at his head, and a dagger at his breast. At one time the unfortunate Lady was 011 the. point of returning to her husband, but was dissuaded by her friends, who knew Tippoo's treacherous disposition. When he found these arts ineffectual, he had recourse to torture, and that likewise failing, the fatal catastro- phe, of the General's death, took place. Friday last was married at Cambridge the Rev. Mr. Porter, of Trinity College, to Miss Mary Smith, niece of the Chancellor of this Cathedral. Yesterday. morning was married at St, Peter at Arches, in this City, Mr. Maples, of Falkingham, in this County,
to Miss Franks of this place, Last week a servant boy of Mr. Wilkinson of Nocton, near this City, had his leg fractured in a dangerous manner by a large. quantity of earth and stones falling upon him, as he was working in a stone pit. On Wednesday evening were brought to our castle from Spalding. John Eager and Joseph Robinson, charged on suspicion of rubbing Mr. Cook of Wap- low- drove on the highway. John Ranby for stealing a sheep the property of Mr. Rowlet of Western ; and William Hayward for breaking into the bakehouse of Mr. Carrington of Molton Eagle. Last Friday morning, a Sleaford waggon coming to
Lincoln, was stopped upon the heath, near the Light- house, by a single highwayman, who presented a pistol to the driver, and demanded his money. Upon the man declaring he had none, he inquired how far off his master was, and whether the fly was gone past The waggoner informed him it was uncertain what time his master would follow, and that the fly passed him an hour before. During this conversation two or three other waggons making their appearance, the villain thought proper to decamp. The fly on the ' above morning, luckily set out an hour sooner than usual, Early the same morning, a mare belonging to Mr.
Joseph and Thomas Wetherall of Gainsborough, was stolen out of a stable in that town, with a saddle and bridle ; and a few hours after a man was stopped by a highwayman, near Spittle, who robbcd him of half a guinea. By the description given of the mare the robber rode, it was the same Mr. Wetherall's lost that morning. The villain, a short time after, passed through Lineoln bar, at which place he changed half a guinea. The person who stole the above mare, it is very evident was the highwayman above mentioned, The Rev. Mr. Willis of Burton, near this city, had also a bay Mare stolen on the same night. On Tuesday last
was married at Spalding, Mr. Blagg of Woodhall near Horncastle, to Mifs, Atkinson of the former place, a young lady with a genteel for- tune, and every accomplishment to render the marriage state perfectly happy. Died, On Saturday the 4th. instant, in child- bed justly lamented, Mrs. Frettwell, wife of the Rev. Mr. Frettwell of Horncastle. Died, on Friday the 3d. instant, at Fulbeck in this county, much regretted by his friends and neighbours, Mr. Cappe, an eminent farmer and grazier, and chief constable of that district. Married, a few days ago, at Hull, Captain Hunter Sedgwick, of the North Lincoln Militia, to Miss Broadley of the
former place, a very amiable and accomplished lady, with a fortune of 6000I. and sister to Major Broadly of the said regiment. Sunday last died Mr. Richard Milner, Tobacconist, at Gainsbro', in this County. A few days ago was married Mr. Charles Blazer, of Wymondham, in this County, merchant, aged 62, to Miss Jane Graves, of Wisbech, in Cambridgeshire, aged On Tuesday se'nnight was married at Liverpool, the Rev. Mr. FOrmby, of Formbyv, to Miss Londsdall, only daughter and heiress of the late Henry Lonsdall, esq of Bury, in Lancashire. A few days ago was plucked a garden at Crof- ton, near Wakefield, a White Rose
in full blow, with several buds. In a garden belonging to James Wood, at the Black Bull, in Haworth, there is a pear tree in full bloom. At Felton, in Yorkshire, a Single horse bean, plant- ed in the garden of Mr. Robert Tweedy, has pro- duced no less than 585 beans. The following Question appeared in this Paper the 12th of last Month ; but to gratify many of our Rea- ders we have a seCond Time inserted it, with a Solution thereof. A Gentleman an horse did buy. That was both lame and poor ; A golden guinea was the price, And five good shillmgs more. The horse he fed with corn and hay, ' Till he seem'd wondrous sound ; • And
lighting of another chap, He sold him for three pound. By which he lost half the prime cost, One fourth o'th' keeping too j What did the keeping stand him in ? What did he lose say you ? SOLUTION. The Author of this ingenious Solution says, that, in his Opinion, Mathematical Questions are improper for a Newspaper, and several other Correspondents have also informed us they are of the same Opinion : As it is our Province to oblige, we trust our Friends will not be offended if we insert no more, especially as we have not Types proper for such work. GAINSBOROUGH, " bee. 8. Coasters Arrived. Gainsbro' John Glew, from
London, Unity, William Reeder, from London. Coasters Sailed. Molly, John Hare, for Ipswich, Phosphous, Francis Woodhouse, for London. Robert, Michael Martin, for London. BANKRUPTS. John Bringloe, of Norwich, Grocer. Thomas Jarvoise, of Portsmouth Common, South- ampton, Cutler. John Courts, of Liverpool, Merchant. James Appleton, of Stockton upon Tees, Durham, Ham and Butter- factor. James Harley, of High Holborn, Linen- draper. James Burn, of Suffok- street, Charing cross, Scrive- ner, Peter Warren, of Exhange- alley, Insurrance- broker. Wm. Hinton, late of Portsmouth Common, South- ampton,
Ironmonger. Henry Johnson, of Colchester, Essex, Bay- maker. John Martinant, of Mary- le- bone- street, Goldcn- square, Haberdasher. ( j^- The Lamentations of Idleness, a Poem, and also the. additional Note, are received; We are much obliged to the Friend who sent than, and will not fail to give them a Place in our next. beg Leave t0 inform theAuthor of the Letter signed Eliz. P. taken Notice of in our last, that as the Person in whose Favour the Application was made, dis- claims any Knowledge of it, no further Notice can be taken of the Letter. *,* G. C. at the Saracen's- head, on Thursday Evening the 6th of January.