The Bury Post and Universal Advertiser
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The Bury Post and Universal Advertiser
Date of Article: 21/10/1784
Printer / Publisher: Green and Gedge
Address: Bury St. Edmond's
Volume Number: Issue Number: 120
No Pages: 4
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The B U R Y And UNIVERSAL T. A D V E R T I S E R . — .,... ^ , i . . . , , . . i • mi i ., ; i ' • i ., i iii [ Ready Money with Advertifements.~\ T H U R S D A Y , O& ober 21, 1784. ( Price T H R E E - P E N C E . N° 120 mtnx^ v S Pott. L O N D O N . TH U P V S D A Y fome difpatches were received f r om Gen. Eliott, at Gibraltar, which were brought over in the Swift cutter, arrived at Plymouth ; they contain an account of the at rival there ot fevera'i Dutch, Spanifli, and Portuguefe fliips, and that the General continues in good health. I n the yifit of the Bifliop of Ofnaburgh at Vienna, hi ritne, there has beep made to pals off with much
additional advantage and i" atisi&$ ion, by the refidence of General Walmodcn at that Court. General W'almoden, the Hanoverian Mini ft er at Vienna, is by far the moft popular of the whole cup] diploma! iquts : and in an elpecial manner attached to the interefts of Great- Britain, from his former refidence and clofe connexions hire. He is the fort of the Coumefs of Yarmouth, and inherited the larger part of her immenfe fortune. The new creations of Peerages lately handed about, are far lei's certain, than the cftabMhment of an Order of Merit, which, according to all accounts, is part of the plan of miniftry, and will take place- foon
after Christmas. Suppofing the world of literature and morals to be bereft, as it would be bereft of one of its beft ornaments, by the death. of the Biflwp of London, Lis fuccefTor in the fee, would probably be the Bill: op of Lincoln. Another conjecture, and perhaps not lefs likely t o be true, is, that Bishop Thurlow will not remove from Lincoln, till he can go to Durham, at ' k a f t not froin Lincoln to London, as by fuch a t,- mfiatUn, the fpirit mull be at once loft thofe two very beautiful epifodes, the commenctams of the S t . Paul's deanery, and the Temple M ruerfliip. Sould Lincoln however come to London, Bifhop Barring toft will be the
new Dean. According to an ancient promife, among the fubordinate fees, Bifliop Watfon will get a lift, not itnpoliibly even t o London— and Dr. Pretyman of courfc Become the Bifliop. T h e great age of the Bifliop of Chichefler makes that the fee - in which there will be probably the next vacancy ; the fucceffion to which is promifed to a nominee of the Duke of Richmond. Letters from Amfterdam, dated Oct. 6, declare that great divisions had taken pi ace in the affembhof the States- General, relative to the difmiffion of the Duke of Brunswick, Field Mar dial General of the United Provinces. The great reform this able officer, who is
allowed to be one of the heft foldiers in Europe, has made in the Dutch army, has occalioned the officers in that fervice to love h im with a degree of enthufiafro ; and the garrifon and inhabitants of Bois- le- Duc, a large ftrong town in the Netherlands, of which his Serene Highnefs is the governor, have made a moft fpirited icmonflraiice in confequence of the tfcament, equally ungrateful and unjirftifiable, which he has received from their High MightinefJes. According to letters received by the laft mail from Lilb.- n, the finiflling hand has. been put to the treaty between the Portuguefe and the Government of the United States in
America, by virtue of which the American and Portuguefe veffels are to be entirely exempted from all the extra port duties in the harbours of each other. The Americans are freely to ufe and trade to all- the Portuguefe fcttlements in Afia and South- America, where they . tire to pay the accuftomed duties ; the fliips of each nation are to falute the flag of the other reciprocally. An American Conful is to refule at Lifbon ; Another at Oporto ; and they arc to have an agent in the Brazils and at Goa. The Portuguefe are t o have a Conful in America ( tochoofe their port) sind agents in two. other of the principal cities.— Perfons in public
character are to be treated with the ufual refpeft, and the Americans are to eftablifti a factory at Lifbon at pleafure. Accounts from Holland and Flanders, by the laft, mail, concur in declaring it is the general opinion of the political ( peculators on t \ ) f e parts of the Continent, that the Emperor will take a decided part in favour of the Duke of Brunfwick, who is greatly efteemed by his Imperial Majefty, and is Field Marfhal of the Empire, a poft which he has filled tor feveral years with the higheft reputation. Letters from Dublin, dated 061. 4, mention, that the Marquis de Fayette had arrived a few days before at Cork. His vifit to Ireland,
at this interefting period, caufes great fpeculation. Authentic accounts from Brullels, dated O f t . 5, mention, that the Emperor has written to the Baion. de Hop, Minifter Plenipotentiary from the States- General, a letter, which contains his disapprobation of the proceedings of the aflembly of the States, refpedting the Duke of Brunfwick, in the flrongeft. terms. The Commiflioners for Eaft- India affairs have appointed General Sloper to the command at Mad r a f s ; and it is nearly certain that Earl Comvvallis will be appointed to that a v. Bengal, with the rank of Commander in Chief of his Majefty's forces in'the Eaft- Indies, A public
aerolUt, 60 feet high, and 34 in diajneter, is now fetting up in Paris, which is to be ready for its departure by the 20th or 25 rh of this month, and will carry fix. travellers, with ballad and provifion for their voyage. It is to be hired by fuch ladies or gentlemen as chufe to make an excurfion in the air, and the price is to be 2 5 louis for each perfon ; the fubferibers to take their turn, according to the priority of their applications. An Ordnance has puffed the Court of Verlailles, directing all Governors and Commanders at the Fiench islands, and other ports in the Eaft- Indies, to treat all American fliips in the fame manner as tlvofe failing
under French colours. A new edidt is ilfued by the French Court, forbidding all feamen, - difcharged from the feveral fliips of war, entering into the fervice of any foreign powers. A private correfpondcnt from Paris fends us the following curious piecc of intelligence:—- In the year 1769, M. Duchclav, a Counfeilor of the Parliament of Grenoble, was accufed and convi& ed of having murdered an officer of the name of Lambert, who had challenged him to the field of honour* The fait was proved ; and the fcntence awarded againft him purported, that the murderer fliould be broke upon the wheel, his memory declared infamous, his
feats demoliftcd'and'fprinkledover with fait, and the timber 011 his eltates cut down brcaft- high ; all this, the former part of the fentence excepted, was executed, and he efcaped by a fpeedy flight to Piedmont, where he has lived tnimolefted, till within thele few days he fur rendered himfelf, demanding that his trial may be reviled and amended. He certainly muft be acquitted of the murder, according to the laws of France, if ( as it is faid) the witneffes who were examined are all dead, and of courfe cannot be brought face to face to the culprit, as the law dire£ ls, which did not take place 011 the firft trial, lis having fled the kingdom ;
but, as t h e murder was then brought home to him, though abfent, and was fully fubftantiated, the lovers of humanity cannot but wifli iiat he may be condemned by the laws enafted agauvft duellifts, which are equally fevere. Tuefday laft, at noon- day, a inoft daring robbery was committed within twenty yards of Twickenham, in the fight of many people paffing along : As William Iiecktbrd and Stephen Cole, Efqrs. were returning home to dinner, from Brentford, where they had been to, hold a leffion, they were attacked by two highwaymen, well mounted, armed with horl'e piKoU, and their faces covered with a handkerchief, who,
with dreadful imprecations, ai d a brutality of behaviour unwarrantable ( as no. reiiftance whatever was made) demanded their money, watches, rings, & cc. which they took from, them, and rode haftily towards Iflewoith. Thurfday morning early the counting- houfe of Mr. Mills, dyer, on the Bank fide, near Pepper- Alley- ftairs, was broke open by fome villains, who took- away calh and notes to the amount of 200I. together with the account- books. They entered from the water, where a large window which overlooks the river was broke open in a manner that difcovers much violence was ufed. At low water two large iron crows, one
of them weighing near twenty pounds, were found in the mud, which it is fuppofed they let fall into the river in their confulion. Several attempts have lately been made on other houfes, whofe back fronts are next the river, the flood- tide, which now happens about three in the morning, being much in favour of fuch burglaries. A felony exaftly the fame as that for which the Meff. D . are now engaged in a profecution has been committed at, another principal banking- houfe in the city, and at the Bank itfelf. In both places it has been difcovered that a bag containing a 1000 guineas has been carried off. On the i j ' t h of fail month died,
in an advanced age, at Naples ( where he had reftded many years) John, Earl Tylney, of the kingdom of Ireland. He was the grandfon of Sir Jofiah Child, Bart, and fon of Richard, Earl Tylncy, who was, on the 17th of April, 1718, created Vifcount Caftlemaine, and on the n t h of January, 1731, Earl Tylney. Dying without iffue, his title is e x t i n f t. He has left his feat at Wanflead, in EFFEX, and his cftates, to his nephew, Sir James Tylney Long, Bart, member in the prefent Parliament for the Devizes, in Wiltfliire. Kingjlon, Jamaica, Jug. 4. The death of Mr. Cruickftiank, Mr. Fail lie Chriftie's overfeer, at llocky- Point, was tragical in
the higheft degree. That gentleman, in attempting to cfcape from his houfe, on Friday night, about feven o'clock, then tottering under the weight of the tempeft, was arretted in his flight by a fliarp- poiuted rafter, torn from the roof by the fury of the ftorm, which went through his body, and pinrfed him to the earth, where he remained the whole night, writhing in ttnfpeakable agonies. When this unhappy gentleman was found in the morning, he wasfti. ll fenlible, and expired about 15 minutes after he was releafed from his dreadful fituation. F O R E I G N N E VV S. Paris, 0< 3. 7. They write from Thouloufe, that an arret has been
publiflied by the Council of State, which prohibits the exportation of French grain into the kiugdom of Spain. It is not known what to attribute this prohibition to. It is faid that the Parliament of Thouloufe oppofe the execution of this arret, which, will be very prejudicial to the trade of the inhabitants of Adge, Cette, and Vendres. Genoa, Sept. 28. For fome evenings paft this city, and indeed the whole eftate, has been moft awfully entertained by a moft extraordinary meteor ; it appeared like a luminous globe, in the fliape of a comet with it's taij,' and was f> briUianr at times, thar fpitrks feetned to drop from i t ; it feemed to come from
the Eaft. Nccejjary for all Chrijlian Families. This Day is pubblhed, Price Two Shillings and Sixpence, bound, The Chriftian's Sure Guide T O S A L V A T I O N: Confuting of precepts- and examples, divine and moral, extrafled from tlie HOLY SCRIPTURE'S, and exemplified tinder various heads, viz. X. Introduction to prayer, a method of praying from fcripture, formed on the model of the Lord's Prayer.— II. A Summary of petitions and fupplications, as they are found in the facred writings.— 111. Scriptural ejaculations for grace, protection, and direction.— IV. For prosperity. — For thankfgiving— For deliverance from trouble.— V.
For the cLur- oh.— VI. for the Lord's Supper. With a general lift of God's promifcs, as revealed in the facred writings.— Scripturals rules for chrifttans to walk by.— CollotTioii of moral precepts from the Old and New Tefthmei,. « . Likawife God's remarkable judgement 011 finners, and wonderful dealings- with the righteous, being a chearful affiffcuice to every i'erious member of the church, and ferving as a gsneritl manual of devotions, By the P ev. H E N R Y SOU T I I W E L L , LL. D. Late of Magdalen College, Cambridge ; and RciJtor of Afterby, in Lincolnshire. Londo: : Printed for J. COOKE, No 17, Paternoftsr- Row; and fold
by G E D G E , Bury; Puiichard, Ipfwich; Stow, Stowmarket; Fenuo, Colcheller; O'eighton, Cambridge ;' Foreman, Newmarket; Whittingham, Lynn ; - Barker, Bereham ; Fortin, SwafftvSrt; March, Yarmouth; Berry,. Beatnifte, and Ktioth, Norwich; Miller, Hale'ivvortii, and Bungay; Watfon, Thetford; and by the newlcarriers and. other circulators of this paper. Of whom alfo may be had, Elegantly printed in large Folio, j> n an excellent lai'ge and new fetter, and on fuperfine paper, The Rev. Dr. S O U T H W E L L ' S Univerfal Family Bible ; Or,, Chriftian's Divine Library. Being a new, oompleto, and. dear expofition, illuftration and
commentary on the Holy Scriptures. Containing the whole of she facred text of the Old and New Teftaments, With the Apocrypha' at large. With notes and annotations, theological, hiftorical, geographical, chronological, biographical, praitical, critical, explanatory, moral, and divine. Wherein all the difficult and obfeure paffag. es are clearly and fully explained : the feeming contradiction's reconciled;- and the mis- tranflations correiled. The whole forming a complete commentary, with practical improvements aud general reflections on each chapter, calculated to enlighten the underftanding, and make mankind wife unto falvation.
With complete concordance, indexes, and many other matters of the moft important nature, effentially neceffary to explain " and ilittftfafe the facred writings. The whole forming a complete and univerl'al treafpry of divine knowledge. By the Rev. H E N R Y SOUTHWELL, LL. D. Author of the Chriftian's Sure Guide to Salvation. Embellifhed with upwards of one hundrefl grand and beautiful copper- plates, taken from the fineft paintings of the moft elteemed mafters, fuch as Raphael, Urbin, Ru-- b'en, Vaidyke, Picart, and from the drawings of the moft ingenious modern artitts; and engsa? eil by the following well- known- and
celebrated mafters, viz. Grignion, Walker, Collyer, Taylor, White, Roberts, Reynoldfon, & c. The whole of this valuable work being jutt printed off, may be had* complete, elegantly bound in calf, price Two Pounds Eighteen Shillings;. or in - one hundred numbers, price Sixpence each, one or more at. a time, as may beft fuit the convenience of the puixhafer. Of 1vhom alfo may be had, Beautifully printed in Crown Folio, The Rev. Dr. S O U T H W E L L ' S New Book of Martyrs ; Or, Complete Chriftian Martyroiogy. Containing 111 jtathentic'and'' genuine historical account of the many dreadful perfections agaiaft the church of Chrift,
in all parts of the world, by Pagans, Jews, Turk :, P- ipifts; ain! others, Yfom the earlijlt ages of the church, to the prefent period, including the life, fufTc: • i- s, and martyrdoms of cur blcffcd Lord and Saviour < Chrift, with the martyrdoms of the apnltles, evangciiits, and othjr primitive christians, 5cc. Forming at once, a complete hiltory of perfr cutions, and a biography of martyrs. By the Rev. H E N R Y S O U T H W E L L, LL. D. Author of the Christian's Sure Guide to Salvation, and the Univerfal Family Bible. Embellished with a great number of uncommonly high Sinifhed copper- plates, representing the various modes of cruelly.
torturing christians for their constancy, ar. d putting them to death for their faith : alfo displaying fome general fcenes of Pagan barbarity and Popish cruelty," taken from the - paintings and drawings of the. ingeuions Msflh. Scothard, Dodd, and Samuel Wale, Ffq. of. the Royal Academy. The whole engraved by the mutt celebrated artrfts. The whole being juft conipleated;, in Forty numbers only, making an elegant volume in Folio, may be had one or more numbers at a time, agreeable to the convenience of the pnrchafer ; or the whale together, elegantly bound in calf and lettered, price il. 6s. INFALLIBLE GERMAN CORN P L A I
S T E R . Price only One Siiiiitng the Box. Sufficient to cure a whole Family, and relieve them from lamenefs and pain. THE Proprietor of this moll: excellent remedy is fo certain of its efficacy hating never failed in a vjriety of cafes, agrees, if it does not eradicate the Corns root and branch, to return the money. It will, 0: 1 application, tqke off the . inflammation . in a few hours, consequently the pain ; deftroys effectually the malignity, without the leaft hazard. • The price is folow as it is within the reach of every perfon's ability, thatjs afflicted,. 1 to be relieved. Printed direction's Sealed up with it. < i" S' This is the celebrated pb. ifter
that gained fo much reputation in Germapy, which'has beenfent w the greatest part of the known world ; and it has been St. Id in the city of London upwards of 50 years, and given tile greatest Satisfaction. • Sold by the Proprietor, at No. t , Fiiieb^ ane, Cornhil), London ; likewise at the follMving- places : Bury, Green . and Dock Lynn, Marshall ami Co. - Braintree,- Sniitbetnan Newmarket, Hammond ColjjGeSW, JCeymer Slxinujidliam, Knight Derefiatiil Barker Sudl ury; Bracketf P-. nvuhafn, Harvey Stow, Stowm. lrket HalcfWr. ith, Mlfter Tbetfrird, Wat'Son lpfwicii, Shave Woodbrid^ e, l^ itlley And ] iy the newfmen^ nd other
circulators of this paper. L O T T E R Y - O F F I C E , 1784. At No. 103, - JBANK- BUTLDINGS, CORNHILL, ( Next Door to RICHARDSON and GOODLUCK's L. o t V H V - O F F ICE) BY Appointment of the Managers, Books arc now opened and fubferiptions received for the pulmonale of. State- Lottery Tickets in the following manner. T H E F I R S T CLASS, To fubferibe Five Guineas each, and to confift of Ten Members, who will go into the wheel with Twelve Tii> kets, and will be entitled to all prizes above Twenty Pounds, in the firft Six Tickets drawn out of the Said Twelve. THE SECOND CLASS, To fubferibe Four
Guineas each, and to confift of Twelve Members, who Trill into, the wheel with Ten Tickets, and will be entitled to all prise? . wise Twenty Pounds, in the firft Five Tickets drawn out of the I'r. i Ten. THE THIP. D CLASS, To fubferibe Three Guineas each, and to confift of Fourteen Members, who will go into the^ heel with Eight Tickets, and will be entitled to all prizes above Twenty Pounds, in the firft Four Tickets drawn out of the faiil Eight. T H E F O U R T H CLASS, To fubferibe Two Guineas each, and to confift of Sixteen Members, who will go into the wheel with Six Tickets, and will be entitled to all prizes above Twenty
Pounds, in the firft Three Tickets drawn out of the faid Six. T H E F I F T H CLASS, To fubferibe One Guinea each, and to confift of Twenty Members, who will'go into ti e wheel with Four Tickets, and'will be entitled to all prizes ahove Twenty Pounds, ia the firft: Two Tickets drawn out of the Said Four. THE SIXTH CLASS,' To fubfcrlbc Half a Guinea each, and tp confift of Forty Members, who will go into the wheel with Four Tickets, and will be eptitled to all prizes above Twenty Pounds, in the firft Two Tickets drawn cut of the faid Four. The whole produce of the prizes as above" defcribed in the different claifes will be equally
divided and paid to the fubferibers of each clafs, fo foon. as the fame are drawn and determined. T O T H E P U B L I C . The LOT TERY- CLUB5 in and about London, having of latj: years been remarkably fuccefsful in gaining the largeft prizes, it has become the- wifh of a great part of the public to fubferibe to the purchafe of Lottery- Tickets bythft mode; but not approving of the fame being conducted ; t public- lioufes ( which alone muft point out the inconveni ence) a fet of gentlemen have formed an open CLUE, free from the objections alluded to, where perfous of either fex are jiermitted to fubferibe in the foregoing claffes
without any farther expence or tedious attendance. This Sttbfcription is certainly the moSt eligible and advantageous mode of adventuring in the lottery ever thought 011, . as the members of the Firft Clafs, though they fubferibe for no more than Six Tickets, actually have the chance ot Twelve, until the Firft, Six are drawn ; and itt like manner the fubferibers to all the other dalles have the chance of double the number of tickets they fubferibe for. The terms of fubfeription are calculated as near as poffible to anfwer the attendant expenses, and the interest of a Urge fum of money, which mud be advanced by the managers for a
confiderab'e time ; as, for inftanoe, fuppofe that only Five Hundred Tickets are fubferibed for in the different claltes in that cafe, One Thoufand mutt be purchafcd, wh'ch will colt near Sixteen Thoufand Pounds, the fubfeription to which will amount to little more than' Five Thoufahd Pounds, confequently, near Eleven Thoufand Pounds will be advanced by the directors until Five Hundred out of the Thoufand Tickets are drawn. It is univerfally allowed that the Twenty- Pound prizes are not the obje< fts for which people adventure in a lcrtery;— the mode that gives the greateft probability if gaining the larger prizes muft certainly be the
beft j-— the foregoing fnbfcriptiou challenges the comparifon and has the advantage of all others ; for it has, at the commencement, the chance of T W E L V E Tickets, in every prize above Twenty Pounds, at very. little more than T H R EE Tickets COST in the common way ; and when the fame are drawn and detfjrmiued, actually have Si 5 Tickets at a very triflle more than . i. t PRICE of T H R E E. Ladies and gentlemen reiiding in the country, will be admitted members by fignifying, by letter, the clafs or claffes they mean to fubferibe into, and remitting good bills, of ftiort'dates, to the- Secretary, Mr. WILLIAM LEE, at. No. 103, B
A N K - B U I L H I N C S , C O R N I I I L L , whenproper p-' rfons will, attend t. o receive fubferiptions and give certificates for the fame, in which will be inf— d the name of the fubferiber, the numbers of the 1 ickets, and the clafs fubferibed into. N. B. No fubferiptions can t e received after the drawing of the, lottery begins, which will be on the aid vf November. A correCt lift of the drawing will he kept, to examine the tickets belonging to the members, fr. e of expeace. By Order of the Managers, WILLIAM LEE) Secretary, { t j ' All orders'left with the Printer will be forwardf' K'l A R E D A N JK O r ~ j ; Late S M O ! M ' N 0 - R T O N '
s, Pre pared-'!}* h!* J Sticceffor, Mr. J O H N ii A Y M A N, Of Q^ een Street, Golden- fquare, London. A legal fanCtion,.\ jvas obtained in evidence before Lord Mansfield, in July, 1783, that Mr. Hayrqa-. " wholly managed the late SUKUEON N O R T O N ' S bufinefs SEVES, Y E A R S . < PI M P L E D FACES, SCURF, and all Eruptions of the fkin ; as well as the moft foetid and ca roiive ULCERS, are daily cured by this excellent antiscorbutic. n&> i To the P U B L I C. Baviffl^ jOiffured . much by an Ichorous Scorbutic Htifnou', partieuljaiy. in both my legs; and being cured thereof bv . few of Mr. Ha; man's Mafedant's Drops, 1 fee!
s natural iflfu » \ lfe to give him this teitimony. Glemsfwjijnear Clare, Su& ilk, JOSEPH BIGG f4: f Bfetng rendered wifhin the fixpeony'doty, this medicine is W . ' f o l d at 5s. 51!. per bottle, ftamp included, enveloped, Hi directions, fifftfeU by Mr. Hayman ; whofe predece. Tor's v^ fiders are become 111s agents, ihrpughout the kingdom. fi , I11 Loiidotj- apply to himfelf, or to the following p; rl", » r, wBiltdheinrf ttohnfe- c, irMcur. i tS ho'sf nstfhiiesh lp aper, vi tioxford, C. irr, grocer Braintree, Sniitiieman Bungay, Milier CavendiSli, Mrs. Hammond Colchester, Mr. K'eymer Dereham, Barker Downliam, M,- s. Harvey • Ely, Mr. Bracksibury
Haleftvorth, Mr- Jililler IpSwich, Mr. Shave Lynn, Manhrll Newmarket, Hanimt. nd- SaffronWajden, T'ayoe Sa^ mnndbam, Knight Stou market, Mif^ Stow t> Sudbi. ry, Mr. Brackett Theti' 01' . l,, Wat I n-. Withani, Mrs. Sarulfor- i Woodbridge, Mr. Ridley m B U R Y ST. E D M U N D ' S - Printed by G R E E N and GF. DGE, oy whom Printing is executed with Accuracy, Elegance, and Expedition.
Wednefday by Exprejs. L O N D O N . By a letter from Oftend we learn, that news, was brought there by « * j> reTs » that the djfpute between the Emperor and the United States of Holland is at laft come t o an open rupture ; it is further added, that the Dutch have actually taken polfeffion of Sluys in Flanders, and of a final! Imperial fort in its neighbourhood. An Imperial vefiel, from Offend for the port of Sluys, has' fhared the fame fate as the brig from Antwerp to Dunkirk, being feized in the Scheld, aud fent into Walcheren, a port of Zealand. I t it an undoubted faft, that Jiis Grace the Duke of Portland had an audience of his
Majefty laft week at Windfor, whither it is faid he went iu confequence of a mclfage from the King ; but what was the fubjeft of the interview has not yet publicly tranfpired, though it is ftrongly fofpeifted t o be upon the fubjeft of I rift) affairs. T h e new Sheriffs of Dublin have followed the exalhple of the old ones, and refufed'to call a meeting iu that city, for the purpofe. of carrying into eaecutron a reform in the parliament of that kingdom. T'vr- y write f r om Jamaica, that a brig belonging to New- York has been taken by one of his Majelly's fhips in the Weft- Indies, and carried into Port- Royal, on board of which are found fufficient
tellimonies t o condemn her for carrying on a clandeftine trade with t h e French and Dutch illands by means of falfe. Jntries. I t . is confidently afierted that a bill wilt be brought into Parliament next feffions for making perjury in certain cafes, and the receiving of ftolen goods, knowing them to - be ftolen, capital offences. T o reduce the number of receivers of ftolen goods, would tie the moft effeftuai method of difcouraging robberies of all denominations. According both to the principles of humanity and found policy, the prevention of crimes is always to be preferred to the puniftiment of offenders. A doubt having arifen whether
horfes that are kept by farmers and others, not folely for the purpofe of riding, areobjedteof the late tax upon horfes, the following conftfusftion of the A6t, procured from the Hon. the Commiilioners, on the matter of doubt, we are authorifed to lay before the public for their information : Every horfe kept and rode is t h e objeft of the tax, and the words for the purpofe of riding mod be lo explained.. Any horfe therefore which draws in a team, but is occafionally rode to market, or elfewhere, by a farmer or his fervant, muft be deemed kept and ul'ed for two purpofes ; one of which being for the purpofe of riding, is confequently within
the meaning of , the Act. For this tife the farmer rouft at leaft feledt one particular horfe, . enter it, and pay the, duty accordingly. T h e above conftruftion being a matter of importance to all farmers and others keeping horfes, a proper attention to it may i'ec. ure them from the penalty and much incidental trouble, to which their negleft or^- efufal to pay the duty as above fpecifie d \ i n d dife& ednvtjl " inevitably f u b j e f t them. By a'- letter . from the Hague we learn, that the States- General at their afietnbty held in the night, of the Qfti inftant, relative, to the Hupping of the Auftrian brig from failing up ihe Scheldt, refolved t o reprelent
the lame in a refpeftul memorial to the iirnperor, but at the fame time per lift in their right of not permitting any fhip to pais up that river without - a paffpdrt. They agree to overlook the infUlt oftered to their High Mightinefles, and to teftore the vefiel on her returning back the fame way. They conclude with relying on the known magnanimity of his Imperial Majefty to leave the Republic in the quiet poifeffion of their lawful right to keep the Sheldt i h u t . — A War, therefore, between thefe two powers is deemed inevitable. The King of Prullia, it is faid,( has intimated to the State;,- General that he is perfectly fatisfied with tbe- r laft anfwer
to the. Emperor of Germany, and that they may depend on his fupport, fliould the conlequi- nees of maintaining their argument be a military conteft. At VVevhill fair this week, there were about 8000 pockets of hops, above 2000 of which were Farnhnrn : their fine hops from the beft ground fold from 7I. 7s. to 7I. jifls. per cwt. Some few puckers, higher. Their boll feconds from 5I. 12s- • to 61. Some few at 61. 6s. Their fine hops from light grounds fold from 61. tos. to 7I. Their fees ' iids from 41. 1 os. to 5!. § s. Crondall and Country, fine hops from 5I. 12s. to 61. 6s. Beft feconds 4I. 10s. to j l . Low ordinary hops 3I. 10s. Many left
unfold. , It is with real concern We inform our readers that this fair concluded or> Friday, night with an event no left dreadful than " uoexpe& ed ; for about half paft nine o'clock a large lire having been made with refufe hurdles, in the chimney of the White- Hart booth, kept by Mr. Barham of Stockbridge, the flames caught the roof, which was thatched, and in a few minutes the whole building and its contents were on fire ; ' the flames almoft itiftantly fpread to the eaft and weft, and in lefs than two hours reduced to allies nearly the whole of the New Farnham Row, alfo to the number of nine booths Up the fair ; 540 feet of Handing
were burnt, and more than 300 bags of Farnham hops, alfo various goods and furniture, the property of people who kept the fair. The loft is not yeteftimated, though it muft amount to feveral thoufand pounds. The fire was flopt by communication being cut oft, and the amazing alacrity and fpirit of the people. The wind was at firft rather brilk, but provideiit ally' funk foon after ; elle, as the fire was become f o ' v a f t a body, that not even a plentiful fupply of water ( had there been any) could have prevented its ravages, every think upon the hill muft have fallen a facrifice. Such was the intenfenefs of the fire, that for fome time it eould
not be approached within more than 20 yards, and flakes thereof fell as far diftant as F'' " Id. T h e Crondall Hop- row efcaped unhurt. Early yefterday morning in Smithfield, a drover known by the nick- name of Scamper, quarrelled and fought with another of the fame profellion, and out of vexation at being'conquered, he- took a large cafe- knife from his pocket,' and laying his . hand on the rails to which the cattle are tied, chopped off two of his fingers between the iirft and fecond joints". A few days fince t: wo brothers in t h e fervice of Mclf. Beaufoy and Co. diftillets at Lambeth, fufrained on their backs, and walked feme paces
therewith, the enormous weight of a ton, one carrying eleven, and the other nine hundred. This feat of ft- ength was performed for a fmall wager with their fellow workmen ; and to prevent any a . oident the loads were Hung from a crane," fo that to fr ie rhemfelvcs from the preffure of the bu'rtbe « ; they had. only to ftoop two or three inches. Early y. ellerday morning the houfe of Mr. Pellatt, ironmonger, in St. John's- ftreet, Clersenwe. ll, was broke open and robbed of property to, a large amount. The robbery was committed in the following manner : The villains, after clitnbing over the gates of the burying- ground of St. John's
chapel, dug through the wall thereof, and palling through the aperture into Mr. Pellatt's houfe, forced the door of the compting- hottfe, wherein they broke open an iron cheft, and ftole troni it 40 guineas, a gold watch, bank notes, and other property to a great amount. Between two and three o'clock four men were feen to go out a f i h e ftreetdoor, and being purfuech'by the watchman, they took different ways ; the watchman followed one who ran into the broad yard where Mr. Dickenfon's drays ftand, over the ( haft of c; ; r » f which carriages the villain fell, and as he fc. y on the ground he took a piftol from his pocket, fwearing he
would blow, his brains out if he" appro. iched, and a^ noft at the fame moment drfchargcd the piftol, the ball f r om which fortunately milled the watohman, and lodged in a water fpout : he then role, and. throwing the . piftol at the watehpan, efcaped. The other three made off towards Wogd's Cloie. The rubbers left in Mr. Pellatt's houfe a piftol, a large iron crow, and other implements for houfe- breakiiig. Friday night a number of Sir Sampfon Wright's men fet out in queft of the gang of robbers who have long infefted the fields in the neighbourhood of the Shepherd and Shepherdel's; all the runners but one concealed themfelves,
while he walked along the path as travelling towards Iflingthn, when he was fuddenly flopped by two footpads, armed with cutlaffes ; upon which the other runners jumped up, and feized them. They were immediately earned to Bow- ftreet. Hops fold this morning in the Borough, as follow : — Bags, from 4I. to 4I. 10s. per cwt.-. Pockets 5I. ios. to 61. Saturday the prices of Hay and Straw in Smith: field, were as follow Hay from tl. j6s. to 2I. 15s. per - load.-^ Straw from 17s. to il. is. per load. B U R Y , oa. ao, 1784. On Wednefday laft the Rev. William Tookie, L . L . B. was inftituted to the Rectory of Worlington, in this county, on the,
prefentarion of Chritlopher Bethell, Efq. and the Hon Anne Bethell, his. wife. On Sunday was married at St. Clement's - hurch, in Ipfwich, Mr. Paribus to Mil's F ' nond, daughter of M r . Raymond, fliip- builder.' Thurfday was married at Southwold, by the Rev. M r . Potter, Mr. Charles Chandler, merchant, to Mrs.. May, widow 6f the late John May, Efq. who was many years fole proprietor of the fait works. Laft Sunday was married at Stanningfield, William Death, aged 88, to Martha Farrow, in the 70th - year of her age. Laft week a poor man fell from a tree- at NaCton, and received fo much hurt, that he died the next day. Saturday a
child at Ipfwich, a year old, was left tied to a chair by the lire, while the mother w e n t to a neighbour's, but before file returned, the child was burnt in fo terrible a manner, that it died the next day. It is fuppofed a flick fill from the fire the child's cloaths. The colle& ion at the charity fermons, preacbcd laft Sunday in this town, by the Reverend Mr. Harrifon, amounted to 71I. is. 6d. a larger. fum than ever was before collected on the like occafion, On Thurfday laft two inquifitions were taken by. Thomas Wayth, Gent. Coroner for the liberty of Bury St. Edmund's, one on the body of Street Ellilton, at the Pickerel, in Ixworth, who died
fuddenly in his garden ; and the other at Oufden, on the body of Thomas T u r n e r , a lad, who was accidentally killed by the overturniag of a cart. On Saturday laft, as C a p t . O'Burne, Mr. Bifliop, and Mr. Tetherington, were returning to town from Newmarket, they were flopped on Epping- Foreft. At firft Mr. Tetherington declared, he would not be robbed ; upon which the highwayman fired into the chaifc, and produced another loaded piftol. The gentlemen then gave him 35 guineas and a half, and a gold watch, upon which he rode off towards Epping. On Monday laft died, at Sileham, Mr. William Mann, jun. in the 19th year of
his age. Wednefday fe'nnight died, in the 81ft year of his age, Mr. George Turner, of Woodhall, in the parifli of Stoke, near Mendlefliam. He was only a dairy farmer, yet he is faid fo have died worth 20,0001. which devolves to his brother's children.. Thurfday lail died, greatly lamented, Mrs. Gotman, wife of the Rev. Mr. Cotman, of Brome; near Eye, in this county. Wednefday died, in the 89th year of his age, Charles ' Piekfatt, Efq. of Woodbridge. Extraii of a letter from a Friend in Town to hii Friend in the Country. On any journey to town this week, I was aftonifhed to fee what alterations are already made in feveral houfes upon
the road, in confequence of the additional window- tax.— Some patched up, fome completely flopped, others waftied over, others boarded up ; in feveral places two united.— In fiiort, fuch havock is made with uniformity, as 1 could never have thought poffible.— But what hurt me moft was to fee a beautiful houfe, brick and faflied front, mixed in its appearance by having every other window regularly flopped u,> ; the occupier of which perhaps as an apology, had placed iu the middle of the front a large board painted in capital letters, t h u s: P I T T AND C O N S T I T U T I O N. 1 X H . I B I T I O N S. T h e Mifcellaneous
Exhibitions of Mr. JERV- AIS'S P I C T U R E S in S T A I N E D G L A S S , M r. D E A N ' S V i e w s of M O U N T . VESUVIUS, and the C O N F L A G R A T I O N S in L O N D O N , M r . S T O R E R ' S ROYAL ACCURATE DELINEATOR, will finally d o l e 011 SATURDAY the 30th i n f t a n t ; in the mean time they will continue open for public infpe& ion every D a y f r om Eleven ' till Four, the next door to Anderfon's Coffee- houfe. Price of admilhioti, One Shilling each perfon ( Catalogues gratis.) The Proprietor cannot withdraw his Exhibitions from triis town without reiterating his moft cordial and grate'ful
acknowledgements for the favours with which they have' been fo very liberally hououred ; and as it is moft probable that they will in future be confined to the metropolis, he flatters himfelf, that no Lady or Gentleman, will fuffer the prefent opportunity to efcape them of conferring their favours on a fpedtacle which has been honoured with fuch flattering marks of public eftimation, and which is fo, happily calculated to contribute to their elegant aud rational entertainaient.— The Proprietor reipc& fuUy acquaints the Nobility and Gentry that he has purchaled from M r . De Loutherbourg, that fublime lpeclacle the: Ei: DOPHUSIKON,
which together with his other Exhibitions, he purpofes to fubmit to, public infpe& ion in the courle of the enfiling leafon, at the G r e i t Room in the Strand. BURY, OS. 20. As This Day and To- mor row are pofitiv. ely the two verv laft days that Dr. K A T T E R F E L T O , Philofopher, will exhibit in this town; he will therefore this day and to- morro. v, from T e n to Five o'clock, fhew and dil'cover many bt his occult l'ecrets, which no man betideshimfelf in all Europe is' capable of fliewing. And this prefent evening, and to- morrow night, precifely at Seven o'clock, he will alfo dilcover feveral ot his grand deceptions; and befides his
Philofophical Lefture, 011 thofe two nights, he will alfo deliver a Leiture on thofe who are not blind, but wo'nt fee ; and as his G r a n d Exhibition Room oh the Angel- hill will be Very much crowded thofe two days and evenings by the very firft ladies and gentlemen . of Bury, and by country ladies and gen-: tlemen, Dr. Katterfeko thereto're humbly Ibegs the favour of thole ladies and gentlemen of . Bury and the country, who have tickets for twelve o'clock in the day, as well as for f e t e n in the evening, to fend tneir i'ervants at eleven and lix o'clock to keep places, to prevent difappoimments, particularly to tiiofe ladies who refide in
the country, as upwards, of 300 tickets are out for thofe two days and evenings. Ye carious Britons who'd inftriuStion draw,. With care attend to Truth's unerring law. 1. Firft, ye philofophers in- fiaoie alone, I11 matters great your talents fliould be fhewn, For this, excurfioirs take thro' various climes, And vifit every genius of the times : The different nations different knowledge teach, And place'each ufeful fcieuce in your reach, j . Ye orthodox divines, wliofa ferious ' charge Is ftiri to fave from fin mankind at large, In all bfumility exempt from pride, Be meek- eyed Charity and Luv. a your guide. 3. Ye law practitioners, the importance
feel, Of your high duty, not to wound but heal; Protraited caufes tvuift defh'- udlion draw j Be juft, and add new dignity to law. 4. Ye foge'pliyfkians, whofe. peculiar aid Difeafe folicits ; be your ikill difplay'd In gracious kindnefs to the . humble poor, So fhall propitious Heaven augment your ftore. 5. Ye mailers let apart our ywflth to teach, 1 Hsar and fee more, and more you'll keep in reach : ' Tis from experience . ycra alone can trace The laws of truth, and give to precept grace. 6. Ye who the floating fhip adyent'rous, Firft fearri , th' important caufe of wind and tide, Learn well the compafs- needle's vary ing pow'r, And fewer fhips
wild ocean would devour.: 7. Ye who would navigators juft be thought, From different kingdoms be experience taught; And he with judgement that would fortify, For ikill on many nations muft rely. 8. Ye curious architects, who. vie with fame, Who wou'd yiiut ingenuity proclaim, Through- Europe, rove, it's nobleft ftruSures fcan, Anil learn experience from the unei ring plan. 9. Ye who with martial glory would command, And lead to war a military'band, For honour draw the fword, feif- intereft fhun, In » Fame's bright path, like Royal William run ; That glorious youth. 110 felfifh motives guide, He ftands tiis royal parents and his
country's pride. 10. Ye mighty- monarchs rulers of the earth, Commanding dignity from royal birth, Learn this important ferious truth from me, ' Tis virtue only gives true dignity. The beggar, who fair virtui's path purfue, Shines forth as noble and as blelt as you. N O R W I C H, oaober 30. A few days fitice was inarried, the Rev. Mr. William'Gordon, foil of the Rev. Mr. Gordon, o'f Blickling, near Aylftlam, to Mrs. Fyke, of St. Stephen's, in this city. . At St. Faith's Fair, near Norwich, on Monday and yefterday, cheefe aud butter fold as follow : Flct cheefe from 36s. to 3 8 s . ' a u d , 4 p e r weigh. — One meal cheefe from 4I. 8s. to 4I.
IQS. ditto. — Butter from 33s". to 34s. per fii kin.— Half firkins from 18s. to 19s. 6d. At the above fair, which was the grcatefl ever remembered, there was a large fliow of Scotch beafts, which fold at very high prices. Laft Wednefday a quarrel arofe between a taylor and a bricklayer, who were drinking at the King's Head pubfic- houfe, at Elmham, when the bricklayer was ftabbed by the taylor fo terribly in tbe groin, that his life is- in danger. The taylor was fee 11 red. On Friday laft an inquifition was takeu before Thomas Marks, Gent, on view of the body of Jghn Pleafants, who w a s accidentally rode over, as he was crofting the
Cattou road, on Thurfday the 7th inftant, when he received a mortal frafture it>. the head, of which he languiflied until the 1 ctK'uiftant, and t! w » expired. Yefterday fe'ntjight an inquifition was taken be fore Richard Eaton,. G e n t , one of the Coroners for the county of Norfolk, on the body of Rot,- . Skipp, of Barton Turf, a lad about 15 yeais o » age, who was found laying in a y , rd, with his rfeck diflocated, occalioned by . falling over fome faggots. The j u r y brought in i h t i r verdidf, Accidental death. On Saturday laft died at Stoker near Norwich, Mr. Ralph Buck, proprietor of the paper- mills, in the 50th year of his age. A few
days fince died at H i c k l i n g , - i n this county, Mr. James Harby, ait eminent fhopkeeper. A few days fince fome farmers a n d ' t h e i r wives dining together at an inn in Norwich, and the bottle being puflicd about pretty brifkly after dinner, the difcoyrfe turned chiefly, on the New- Taxes, when the turr; came to Mrs. R d to give a toaft or fentiment, flte, with a deal of humour gave, " May' t h e authors pf the Taxes on Soap and Candles always wear dirty linen and go to bed in the d a r k ." Y A R M O U T H, Oftober 18. S H I P N E W S. Arrived. Gainsford, Clark, from DantzicV, with wheat.— Betfey, Nicholfoli, from Colcfiefter, with
fruit.— Four Sifters, Peters, from Norway, with deals.— Jane, Clifton ; Thomas and Mary, Weft, from London, with groceries; and 13 ( hips with coals. Sailed. Elizabeth, Works ; Norwich, E g e t t; John and Elizabeth, Works, to London, ' with corn.— Norwich Merchant, Sloman; to Dantzick, with packs. N E W M A R K E T S E C O N D O C T O B E R M E E T I N G. M O N D A Y,. . O& ob^ r 18. Fifty Pounds for all ages, R. q, weight for age. 1 Ld Foley's ch. c. Rinaldo, 4 yrs 2 Sir C. Banbury's" ch. c. Tityras, 4 yrs 3 Mr. Watts's br. h. Flying jib, aged 4 Mr. Clark's ch. h. Flamer, aged Sweepftakes of 2005s each, h. ft, 8ft. R. M. Ld
Boringdon's Hardwiclt by Piftpl Ld G. H. Cavendiih's c. Steady by Higlifiyer, pd 6ogs Sir C. Pavers's Portland hy Shark, pd 6. ogs SirH. Fetherfton's Hartiug by Highflyer, pd Sir H. Fetherftons' t. paminondas, 7ft gib. pd. 900 to Ld Foley's Oliver, 8ft B. C. zoogs, h. ft. Ld Derby's Peru, 8lt ylb pd ft to Mr. Douglas's Czar, 7ft 1 rib B. C. 200, h. ft. Mr. Duttpn's Speftre, 8ft 41b beat D. Queenfberry's Gonzales,, 8ft 71b B. C. 200, h. ft. Mr. O'Kelly' 5 Adjutant, 8ft 4ilb beat Mr. Hull's Lauruftinus, 8ft 71b D. C. 5 » gs, h. ft. Mr. Clark's Rover, 8ft ilb pd 170SS to Mr. Wyndham's Drone, 9ft B. C. 200gs Mr. Vernon's f. Juliet, beat Ld Egremont's f.
Melon by Highflyer, 8ft each, from R. M. Polt to Poftjn Furzes, 5ogs Ld Egremont's Brighton, 7ft i d b heat Mr. O'Kelly's Drummer, 7ft 71b acrofs the Flat, loogs Ld Grofvenor'sTar, 7ft iolb beat D. Qneenfberry's Colleftor, 8ft. 7- lb D. I. 500, h. ft. Mr. button's Mountebank, ;? ft 71b beat Mr. Dousrlas's Dolly, 7 f t 7lb R. C. 5ogs T U E S D A Y , 50I. for all ages, weight for age, two middle miles of B. C. • I Mr. Hafkin's , b. h. Fortitude,, 6 yrs 2 Mr. Thorburn's br, f. JJofegay, 4 yrs 3 Mr. Fox's ch. h. Rodney,,^ sged 4 Mr. Scot's b. g. Dart, 5 yrs " Mr. Twycrofs'- s br. h. Harlequin, 6 yrs Mr. Wiitihire's <; h. h. Kephew, 6 yrs Mr. Guiding's b. c.
B'illy, 4 yrs D. Queenfberry's b. c. Cutter, 3 yrs Ld Foley's ch. c. Rinaldo, 4 yrs N. B. The judge could place only the firft four. The Sion Sweepftakes of loogs each, h. ft. colts 8ft 7lb, fillies 8ft 41b D. I. ' .. Mr. O'Kolly's b. c. Serjeant by Bciipfe 2 Ld Grofvener's gr. c. Carlo Kban by Mambrino 3 Ld- DeVby's ch. c. Dancer by Herod 4 D. Northumberland's b. c. by Denmark, ilam by Snap Ld Boringdon's c. by Piftol, out of Tei'efa— The reft pdt'E.! D. Queentberry's c. by FulrSide, oat of Piccinino's dam Ld bgremont's c. by Highflyer, out of Angelica"'' Ld Foley's c. by Highflyer, out of stlvertail Ld Clermont's c. by ll'mio, out Of Scorpion Sir
C. Bunfary's br. c. Pharamond by Highflyer Ld Grofvenor's br. f. by Herod, out of Elfrida Mr. O'Kelly's ch. c. brother to Soldier Mr. Bond's br. f. by Goldfmder, out of a After to Conte^ l Sweepftakes of 50gs each, h. ft. frOrn. R, M. Poft to the Poft in the Furzes, 8ft 1 Mr. Vernon's c. Fop by Florizel 2 Ld Foley's c. Mogul, bought at Nottingham Mr. Panton's c. Harlequin by Pantalon, pd . Sir C. Bunbury's Volatile, pd 8gs to Mr. Bullock's Honeft Bob, 7ft from R. M. Poft to the Poft in rhe Furzes, 100 h ft: Ld Derby's Fortunatus, pd ft to Ld Clermont's George, 8ft each, R. M. 200, h. ft. Mr. Douglas's Invalid, 8ft pd ft to Lord Egj- emont's
Expedition, 7ft 131b acrofs the Flat, 5& gs Mr. Panton's. Bondiica, 7ft gib beat Mr. Fox's br. c. Sifyphns, 8ft 31b B. C. 250gs Mr. Watts's b. f. [ by Trentham, carrying a feather, beat Mr. Dowfon's b. c. by Young Maflc, 6ft 71b, from the Ditch to the Turn of the Lands, 50 each, P. P. M A R K - L A- N E, O c W r iS. The fupply of Wheat tc- day was by much the largiff of any fince harveft, and fhere were in proportion a greater number of fine famples, fome few of which w ere fold early front 45s. to 46s. but 43s. " to 44s. were rfiore current mealing prices, and for thofe of a middling quslity much lower prices were complied with'; upon
the whole, full 2S; lefs than laft Monday. Bailey, though the quamity was confiderable, fold quick, and rathadearer. Boiling Peas, of which there were few here, fold, as we expefted, at higher prices. Tick Beans were alfo dearer than laft Monday, but 6d. lower than Wednefdjy. In Rye, Grey Pea?, or Oats, no alteration. Per Quarter. Wheat j3 is. to 45s. Rye 25s. to 28s. od. W. Peas 39s. to 37s. od. Grey ditto 30s. to 34s. od. H. Beano 27s. to 32V. od. Tick' ditto lis. to J5s. 6d. Old ditto 29s. od. Per Quarter. Barley 20s. to 273. 6d. Oats / 5s. t o 21s. od. Mait 38s. to43s. Per Sack. Fine Flour, os to 40s Second fort, os to 37s. Third fort,
24s fo 28s. N O R W I C H , October 16, per Coomb. Wheat 14s od to 26s od Barley 10S od to 12s od OaEs 8s od to 9s fid Branlc os oJ to os od Cole feed os cd to osr od Rye 13s o. l to 13s Peas ijs o. l to 14s 6 « i Grey Peas os pd to, 13s ti Malt 22s ' Flour 37s to: 38s per facif PRICES of HAY and STRAW. Hardland Hay from 2s. 9d. to 3s. od. ar C. Strait, from 25s. od. to 30s. od. per Load: B A N K R U P T S . • John Simpfon, Half- Moon- Alley, Bilhopfgats- ftreet, Loo.- don, wheelwright. Peter Newcpmb, Southam, Warwick, d ler. Stanley Crowder, Paternoller Row, London, ookfeller. Caitb Blanchard and Thomas towis,
Colenrian - trfiet, Lvn merchants.
S U F F O L K , & c\ Royal Exchange Afiurance F R O M F I R E, Rftablifhed by Royal Charter for alluring Houfes, Goods, Corn, Hay, & c. jjLL Perfons defrous of affuring in tbe faid -* 1 Office, are requefttd to apply to R O B E RT R O G E R S , A/ BURY ST. EDMUND'S, in tbe county of Suffolk, Goldfmith, Agent and Receiver for the faid county or elfewbere, who is authorifed tt receive their propofals, deliver new policies, and receive payments as they Jhall become due. This Corporation will, in cafes of Fire, mllow all reafonable charges attending tbe remo val ttf goods, and pay tbe fufferer's lofs, whether the goods are
deftrcyed, loft, or damaged by fuch removal without any deduction. " Perfons removing their affut ances to this Office, will have the charge of policy and mark allowed them. { 3" Propofah may be bad. Gratis. A d m i n i s t r a t i o n ( with the w i n annexed) of the Goods, Rights, Chattels, and Credits » £ ANN CROFTS, late of Bury St. Edmund's, in the county of Suffolk, widow, deceafed, Iiaving been granted to Sidley Tilbrook, her foil. A11 perfons, therefore, who are polteffed of any part of the property or effects of the laid Mrs. Crofts, or were indebted to her, at the time of her deceafe, are requefted forthwith to deliver, or pay,
the fame refpeCtiVely, to John Goodwin, joiner, in Bury St. Edmund's, afor. efaid, who is empowered by Mr. Tilbrook to colleft the fame. And fuch perfons as liave any claims or demands upon the eftate of the faid deceafed, are defired to fend fuch claims to the faid John Goodwin. S U F F O L K , & c. T o be 8 O L D by A U C T I O N By J O N A T H A N MASON and SON, On F R I D A Y next, the 22d Inft nt nd following Day. THE HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE AND other EffeCts, late Mrs. C R O F T S , widow, in the S O U T H - G A T E - S T R E E T , Bury St. Edmund's, Suft lk>- deceafed ; confuting of feather- beds,
bedtteads,. n u niture, blankets, quilts, chefl with drawers, mahogany bureau and tables, walnut- tree chairs, pier and dteffing- glalTes, an eight- day repeating clock, in a neat walnut- tree cafe; brewing utenfilsj beer calks, kitchen furniture, & c. Alfo the wearing apparel, linen, ' Sec. * V* The goods may be viewed on the mornings of fale, which will begin at Ten o'clock. f || f Further particulars in Catalogues, which may he had on Thurfday the l i f t inftajit, of J. Mafon and- Son, and on the mornings of fate, at the place of fale. CT To he SOLD, A HORSE MALT- MILL. Enquire of J. Malbn. ' S U F F O L K W O R S T E D YARJ> T.
NO T I C E is hereby given, That T H O M AS RAND, WILLIAM PRENTICE, BENJAMIN DOWNS, and WILLIAM FOWLER, are liceni'ed by his Majefty's Juftices of the Peace, for the county of Suffolk, to be InfpeCtors of Worfted Yarn, fpun. in the faid ceunty, and the Committee of Manufacturers, have appointed the faid InfpeCtoi s to their refpeCtive diftriCts in which they are from this time to life all poffible diligence in the detection of faife and fhort reeled yarn. By Order of the Committtee, BURY, 0<£ t. n , 1784. JOHN STURGEON, Clerk. October 13, 1784. A L L Perfons who have any Demands 011 the Eftate and EffeCts of W
I L L I A M GREEN, Bookfeller and Printer, of Bury St. Edmund's, deceafed, are defn ed immediately to fend an account thereof to his daughters M A R G A R E T and SARAH GREEN, executrixes. And all perfons who ftacid indebted to the eftate and effeCts of the faid deceafed, are reqtiefled immediately to difcharge the fame. " To be S O L D, AVery defirable FARM, fituate in LAVENHAM, together with a very good farm- houfe, two barns, ftable, cow- houfe, & c. ai. d about 70 acres of rich and good laud j eight acres of which is meadow and pafture, and the reft arable. There are 011 the premifes a great quantity of good eak
timber and pollards. For particulars enquire of Mr. Edward Partridge, in Great Waldingfield. T o * be L E T T, AND ENTERED UPON IMMEDIATELY, AN old accuttomed SHOP, and very good DWELLING- HOUSE, with warehoufes, and every other convenience; good garden, yard, & c. in which is carried « ri a very extenfive trade in the GROCERY, LINEN, and WOOLLEN DRAPERYThe above premifes are fituated in CHIPPENHAM, in Cambridgefhire, a very pleafant' village, about 5 miles from Newmarket, and 5 miles from Mildenhali. , All letters ( poft paid) addreffed to Robert Bye, of Chippenham aforel'aid, wili be attended
to, and anfwered immediately. The ftock in trade and fixtures to be taken at a fair appraifement. October 18, 1784. WA N T E D a Servant in the Capacity of HOUSEKEEPER and LADY's MAID : ( he is to drefs hair. Any perfon fo qualified may hear of a good place, by applying either to the Pilnters of this Paper, or to Mr, Punchard, bookfeller and ftationer, at Ipfwich. ' LONDON, OCt. 10, 1784. MR, F A D E N , Geographer to his Majefty, has now fitted up a considerable number of the MAI'S of SUFFOLK on canvas and rollers, ready for placing to view. And for the conveniency of the nobility and gentry of that county, he has
depofitcd them at Mf. K E N D A L L ' S Print- Shop in Bury Sr. Edmund's. This furvey has been made with the utmoft care and exaftnefs, and being on fix fheets. of large paper, and the Hundreds all differently coloured, it makes a very haudfonie and fpacious appearance. ORIGINAL TEA- WAREHOUSE, The F I R S T P L A C E in LONDON For cheap Tea, Coffee, and Chocolate, Of the fineft and moft curious Flavours, Is at EAGLETON's, theGrafshopper, oppofite the London- Tavern, Bifhopfgate- Sti eet, near Cornhill. EA G L E T O N begs the Nobility aticl Gentry, town and country dealers, coffee- hpufes, tea- gardens, & c.
will not engage their orders for tea; coffee, and Chocolate, as he is determined to excel in quality and price. Therefore only requefts ladies, gentlemen, dealers, See. to favour him with their orders, mentioning ths forts and prices they have ufed before the prefent reduction of the duties; when they may . depend on having the moft curious new teas, of the latift importation, which he engages fhall far cxcecd, their expectation, or he will return the money*. NEW, PRICES, per lb. OLD PRICES, per lb. Bohea Tea is tod to isEqualto what"! 4s 8d to4s iod Congou Leaf 2s 4d " was fold at J 5s to 5s 4d Congou Tea 3s $ d Goou Congou
4s 8d Very good ditto 5s 8d Fine Souchong 6s 8d Very fine ditto 7s 8d SuperfinePadraT JJs g^ I heft imported J Superfine Pekoe 8s 8d G- een Tea 3s, to 3! 3d G> « d Singlo 3s 8< J Fioe ditto 4s 8d Superfine ditto 5s 8d Hyf > n, or plain Green 6s 8d Good Hyfon, or ditto 7s 8d to 6s to 7s to 8s to 10s Sd 8d 8d 8d Very good ditto Vine ditto ditto Very fine ditto ' Superfine ditto b e f t \ imported J Superfine Cowflip Ditto Gunpowder 8s 8d 9s 8d 10s 8d u s 8d 1 s 8s 9 « 1 os u s 126 14s l6s 18s B E I E, 5s6d to 5s 6s 7s 8s 9s 106 to 12S I2S to 14s 5s 8d 6s 4d to 6s 8d to 7s 8d to 8s 8d to 9s 6d to u s to 12S to 13s to 16s to 18s 13s
8d IBs to 2is 14s 8d 2 is Good roafted coffee 2s to is 4d per lb. Fine ditto 3s to 3s 8d equal to what was fi d at 5s to 6s per lb. A very fine coffse 4s 8d per lb. fin h as is fold for Turkey. And fuperfine Turkey coffee 6s p<. r lb. equal to what was and is fold for 8 s. Good, fine, and fuperfine plain cho: ilates 2s 8d. 35 6d. and 45 per lb. equal to what was a. d is ' old at 45 fo 5s per lb. Sir Hans Sloan's milk, Churchn an's patent, and the fineft Vanilla chocolates, at 5s per lb. iac 1. Teas, & c. bought of him, will have nil name printed, aud the price marked thereon. All goods muft be paid for on or before delivery. Goods bills at a fhort date
taken in payment, for which tea, & c. can always be fent to the exaCt amoui t. Orders whotef. de or retail, for town or country by poft or otherwife, feat to aay part of London. A U M B D E V The moft approved R E M E D Y for A U T U M N A L C O M P L A I N T S. TH I S celebrated and long- eftablilhed Medicine is confeffedly the greateft preservative in the whole Materia Medica. By it's cordial, attenuating, and detergent powers, it fortifies the ftomach and bowels, purifies the blood and juices, and gives to the whole fyltem it's natural equilibrium. To thefe qualities we attribute it's having proved fo eminently: ferviceable in gouty,
rheumatic, and fcorbutic habits. From the fame principle it has never failed to relieve in languid, nervous, and hypochondriac cafes: and hence it has been found fo particularly beneficial in female diforders. The public are requefted to take notice, that the BEAUME DE VIE is now fold by Meffrs, Dicey and Co. Bow- ChUrch- Yard, with the band- writing of T. Becket on the label pafted on every bottle, Price Three Shillings. To prevent the unwary from being impofed on, purchafer » are defired to be particularly attentive to the written ftgnature of T. Becker above- mentioned, as the only legal fecurity againft the ill confequences that
may arife from tpofition or forgery. » Sold alfo by G R E E N , Bury; Stow, Stowmarket; Punchard, Ipfwich ; Keymer, Colchefter; Loder, Woodbridge; Miller, Bungay and Halefworth; Downes and March, Yarmouth; Chafe and Co. Norwich; Barker, Dereham; Fortin, Swaftham; Whittingham and Mar- Ihall, Lynn; Aafell and Co. Cambridge; Foreman, Newmarket:; and by the newfmen and other circulators of this paper. On Tuefday the I bib of " Nov. will be publijhed, TH E following A L M A N A C K S for t he YEAR 1785. Printed for the C O M P A N Y of S T A T I O N E R S , and fold by J. W I L K I E , at their Hall, in Ludgate- ftreet,
P . G E D G E , Bury, and all the book- fellers ill town and country. Wing's and Cambridge iheets, price 7d. each. London Iheet, on a copperplate; Rider's fheet; Goldfmith's book, price 8d. each. Gentlemens and Ladies Diaries, F. Moore, Partridge, Poor Robin, Seafon, Tycho~ Wing, White's Cceleftial Atlas, and Rider's Britith Merlin, all at gd. each. A New London fheet Almanack, with the Court and City1 Regifter, & c. price iod. Alfo, price Eight- pence each, The following C O U N T Y A L M A N A C K S, With lifts of Members of Parliament, Officers of the Militia, and various ufeful tables, adapted to each county, viz. 1. Cornwall,
Devonthire. 2. Somerfetfhire, Dorfetfirire. 3. Wiltlhire, Hampfhire. 4. Kent, Surrey, SulTex. 5. Gloucefterlhire, Worcefteribire, Herefordshire, Monmouthfhire. 6. Oxfordfhire, Beikfhire, Buckingbamfhire. 7. Middlefex, Hertfordfhire, Effex. 8. Norfolk, Suffolk. 9. Bedfordfhire, Cambridgefhire, Huntingdonfliire. to. Warwickfhire, Noithamptonlhire, Leicefterlhire, Rutlandftire. 11. Shropfhire, Stafrordlhire. 12. Clirihire, Derbyfhire. 13. Lincolnfhire, Nottinghamfliire. 14. Yorkfhire, Laijcafhire. 15. Durham, Weftmoreland, Cumberland, Northumberland. N. B. Country Ihopkeepers, Hawkers, and retailers of almanacks, may be lupplfed at the faid
Hall, for ready money, er . goods bills at a fhort date, at the fame price as the London bookfellers. O R I E N T A L V E G E T A B L E C O R D I A L. Publilhed by Virtue of his Majefty's Royal Letters Pateu The following is an Abftradt of the fame : GE O R G E the T h i r d by the Grace of G o J , of Great Britain, France, and Ireland King, Defender of the Faith, and fo forth. To all whom thefe prefents fhall come greeting. Whereas our trnfty and wellbeloved BRYAN CORN WELL, of the parilh'of St. Dunftan's in the Weft, in our city of London, Gentleman, has reprefented unto us, that he hath at a very great expence and trouble, on
his travels in foreign parts, found out a certain Medicine or Cordial, commonly called by tbe name of The ORIENTAL VEGETABLE CORDIAL, never before made known in thefe our dominions, which is brought to fuch great perfection, that it has fcarce ever been known to fail 111 the cure of the moft excruciating intenfe CHOLIC, and all, irritations of the STOMACH and BOWELS, ftrengthening tbe Digeftive Powers, and reftoring Loft Appetite; and is alfo a fahitary remedy in the cure of NERVOUS, HYSTERIC, HYPOCHONDRIAC, and CHRONIC Difeafes, and is Angularly . efficacious in relieving the GOUT and RHEUMATISM,
as multitudes of our fubjeCts who have laboured under fuch affliftions have moft happily experienced, & c, and we do by thefe prefents, our heirs and fucceffors, will and command all and fmgular the Juftices of the Peace, Mayors, Sheriffs, and all Officers and Minifters whatfoever of us, our heirs and futceffors, that they fhall . not in any wife moleft, trouble, or hinder the faid BRYAN CORNWELL, his fervants or agents, in or about the ufe of the faid invention. In witnefs whereof we have caufed thefe our LETTERS to be made PATENT. Witnefs ourfeives at Weftminfter, this firft day of December, in the twenty- third year of our
reign. By a writ of Privy Seal, WILMOT. Of whom may be had, That valuable new publication, a large OCtavo volume, price 7s. 6d. neatly bound, with an appendix, containing a difpenfatory, The DOMESTIC PHYSICIAN, or GUARDIAN of HEALTH. Which points out in a moft familiar manner, the fymptoms of every diforder incident to mankind, with thofe of every ftage of difeafe, and what they denote ; particularly adapted to the ufe of private families, though equally elfential to the faculty. With the authorities of J. F. M. D. and F. R. S. By B. C O R N W E L L, M. L. The Family Medicine and the Book is fold by Mr. W. GR E E N ,
Bury; Mr. Punchard, Ipfwich; Mr. Foreman, Newmarket; Mifs Stow, Stowmarket; Meffrs. Chafe and Co. Norwich; Mr. Barker, Dereham ; Mr. Watfon, Thetford; Mr. Clarke, Brandon ; Mr. Fortin, Swaffham ; Meffrs. Marlhall and Co. Lynn; Meffrs. Downes and March, Yarmouth, and by at lesft 011c vender or bookfeller iu moft towns in Great Britain.! H1 S U F F O L Kj 8 c c . S T A M P - 0 F F I C E, O f t . 9, 1784. O/-? Majefty's CnmmiJJioners for managing the Stamp- duties, do hereby give notice, That by a claufe in an ait of laft fefjion of parliament, it is enatied, for the relief of all perfons who have omitted to pay the feveral rates
and duties, or any part thereof, upon monies given, paid, or contrasted for, with clerks, apprentice's, or fervants ; and alfo who have omitted to infert and write in words at length, in indentures, or other writings, relating \ to the J'trvice of any clerk, apprentice, or fervant, tbe. full fum or fitms of money, or any part thereof, received or contrafted for, with, or in relation to every fuch clerk, apprentice, or fervunt, that iipon payment of double the rates and duties upon the monies, or fuch part of the monies, fo omitted, or negleiled to be paid, and alfo fo omitted to be in- Jerted and written in fuch indenture or writing, on or before tbe 25 th
day of December next, to the proper officer, the- fame indenture or other writing, Jhall be good and valid, and tbe perfon offending, | be excufed from the penalty incurred by tbe omijfion thereof. By Order of the CommiJJioners, J O H N B R E T T E L L , Secretary. IS M A J E S T Y ' s S E R V A N T S from " The Theatre Royal, Norwich, will open the C O L - CHESTER T H E A T R E , ou THURSDAY, Odtober 28, with a Comedv, Furee and Entertainments. Prices and time of beginning as ufual. Mr. BARRETT; prefents his moft refpe& ful compliments to theladias and gentlemen of Colcheijer. and its environs', and to the public
in general, and begs' leave to acquaint them, that he has taken the theatre for a terra of years, and w i t h pleafure embraces the firft opportunity of waiting'upon tbem at that feafon of the year, w h i c h lie has always underftood would be moft agreeable to them. And he further begs leave, to affure them, that 110 pains or e x - pence will be ( pared to render the performances worthy the attention of a difcerairfg and generous public. On Tuefday, November 19, w i l l be publifhed, TH E following A L M A N A C K S for the Y E A R 178$. I'l. nted for T . C A R N A N , in St. Paul's Church- yard and lold by GEDC E, Bury ; Stow,
Stowmarket; Punchard, 1 pfwich ; and all other bookfellers in England. Francis Moore's Almanack, including an account of thofe furprifihg meteors called fire- balls, and feveral other curious particulars', compiled by the . fame editor w h o has calculated the Eclipfes, lie. for that w o r k about one- f i f th of a ceptury. Ladies Diary, with JEnigmas, & c. Poor Robin' s Almanack, including a print and reprefentation of Luuardi's Aip- balloon, with fome wonderful predictions., Rider's Almanack, with Fairs, Stc. The above four price Nine- pence each. Goldfmith's Almanack. London Copper- plate Sheet Almanack, with an emblematical
representation o. f the elements. The above two price Eight- pence. A N e w London Sheet Almanack, with a l i f t of the Houfe of Lords and Commons, & c, Price Nine- pence, which is One Penny lefs than the Company's is fold fur. Wing's and Cambridge Sheet Almanacks, price Sevenpence each, although the Stamp is n ow Four- pence, but the Stationers Company formerly'fold their Sheet Almanacks for Six- pence when the Stamp was only T w o - pence ; fo that THOMAS CARMAN lias been the caufe of their being fold cheaper, for w h i c h reafon he hopes that his Almatiacks will have the preference. The Cornwall and
Devonfhire Almanack, calculated to latitude 50J, with the time of higli water at Plymouth escaCtiy calculated for eyery day, and properly adapted to all the other ports on thofe coafts. The Kent, Suffex, Surry, and Hampfhire Almanack, with the time of high water at Portl'mouch eveiy day, and properly adapted to all the other ports. The JLincolnfhire, Nottinghamfhire, Derbyfhire, Chefhire, Shropfhire, Staffotdfhire, Worcefterfhire, Warwickflrire, LeiceHstfhire, and Rutlandlhire Almanack, calculated to latitude 52J, with the time of high water at Bofton every day, and properly adapted to the other ports. The ' Middlefex, Hertfordfhire,
Bedfordfhire, Buckinghamlhre, Berkfhire, Oxfordshire, Huntingdonfhire, aad Noithamptonfhire Almanack. The Norfolk, Suffolk, Effex, and Cambridgefliire Almanack, calculated to latitude 52J, with the time of high water every day at Yarmouth, aud properly adapted t j ai^ ihe ports on the coafts. The Somerfetihiife,. Dorfetfhire, Wiltfriire, Gloucefterfliire, Herefotdihire, and Monmouthfliii e Almanack, w i t h the time of high w. iter every day at Briftol, and properly adapted to the other ports. The Yorkihire, Lancafhire, Durham, Weftmoreland, Cumbsrland, and Northumberland Almanack, calculated to latitude 54, w i t h the time of high
water at Liverpool everf day, and properly adapted to all the other ports. The above County Almanacks are printed on royal paper, with the days of the year enumerated, and contain the names of the members of Parliament, the days 011 which the quarter- fellions are held, and a correCt lift of all the fairs fixed and moveable. Price Eight- pence each. A L S O The Ladies Complete Pockct Bookj with a table of the moon, & c. fodi 785, and embellilhcd with a fi ontifpiece of fourteen ladies of quality, in the moft falhionable dreffes. Price is. The Ladies N e w Memorandum Book, ruled with red. Price is. Baldwin's Daily Journal. Price
is. ,8d. The London Calendar and correCt Annual Regifter, for the year 1785, containing lifts of Lords and Commons, & c. with many lifts never before printed. Price is. 6d. fewed. The London Calendar may be had w i t h Rider's Almanack. A Companion to Moore's Almanack. Price 6d. A C A U T I O N . Whereas the W o r f h i p f u l Company of Stationers have piratically imitated many of the above County Almanacks, Wliercby THOMAS CAUSA*, is injured, and the public impofed on ; it is thought proper to inform the purchafers, that all . Almanacks printed for THOMAS CAKNAN, aie k n o w n by the- followlng words : " Printed
for T . C A R X A N , in St. Paul's Church- yard, . " Who, after an expenfive fuit in l aw and equity, by the " unanimous opinion of ths Judges of the Codi t of Com- " tnon Pleas, difpoffeffed the Stationers Company of *' their pretended exclufive privilege of printing Alma- " nacks, which they hadufurped for t w o centuries; a convincing proof that no uujuft monopoly will ever " ftaad th* teft of an Englifh court of jullice." (£ 2? The purchafers of Almanacks are defired to obferve, that the Worfhipful Company of Stationers gave Lord North their utmoft aftiftance for the additional duty of two- pence, which was laid 011 all fheet almanacks,
and Tt CARNAN, prefented a memorial to both Houfes of Parliament againft the additional duty, which tax was very ably and conftitutionally oppofed in the Houfe of Commons by George Byng, Efq. Sir Charles Turner, he. arid in the Hbufe of Lords by the Right Honourable Lord Thurlow, . L o r d High Chancellor of Great Britain. - f § f Complaints having been made from various parts of a difficulty of purchafiuj CA'R N AN'S Almanacks, owing, t o t h o f e Bookfellers w h o are tinder the influence of Che Stat i o n e r s Company, it is thought acceffary to inform all perfons that are w i l l i n g to vend CARNAN'S Almanacks, that "
thev fhail b e fupplied with them at the fame price they are fold to the trade in London, for ready monty ; and as H f u r t h e r encouragement, tiiofe that remain unfold ( hall be t a k e n again at a ilat^ d time, aud the inonc}' returned. N O R F O L K , & c. Bopal Crcljanp 2iitmm\ t F R O M F I R E . e f H E G O V E R N O R and C O M P A N Y cf tbt J R O Y A L E X C H A N G E A S S U R A N C E. having conftituted and appointed JOHN WATSON, of T H E T I ? O R D , in the county cf Norfolk, Grocer, their Agent and Receiverj. in the room of GEORGK SYDER refigned, for the town aforefaid, and parts adjacent, in their bufinefi
of Afjitnng Houfes, Goods, and Merchandize, from Lofs or Damage by FIRE-, the faid JOHN WATSON is, ready to receive proposals from ( hofe who defire to affure their property in the faid county or elfeivhert. Perfons affured by this Corporation do not depend upon an uncertain Fund or Contribution, nor are tbey ftibjefl to any Covenants or Calls to make good LoJJes which may happen to Themfelves or Others ; the Capital Stock cf this Corporation being an trnquefiionable Security to the Affured, in Cafe of Lofs or Damage by Fire. And in Cafe of Difpute, tht Affured have a more ready, and effectual Method of Recovery that
can be bad againjl any Societies who do not aii under a common Seal.— Therefore all Perfons who wijh. to remove their Affurances to this Office, Jhall receive their Policies— Gratis, This Corporation will in cafe of Fire, allow all reafonable charges attending the rtmoval of goods, and pay the fufferers lofs, whether the goods are deft royed, loft, or damaged by fuch removal; and 11 Payments fon Loffes or Damages by Fire, are made by tbis Corporation without Deduction. ^ Printed Propofals may be had by applying tt the faid Agent. > T o be S O L D by A U C T I O N By N O A H B A K E R, On M O N D A Y , November 8, 1784,
and the Seven following Days, Suuday excepted, TH E entire S T O C K in T R A D E , Houfehold Furniture, PJate, China, Linen, Books, and ottier Effects of Mr. JOHN FELTWELL, late of T H E T - FORD, in Norfolk, Grocer arid Draper, a Bankrupt. Further particulars of which will be inferred in ths riext week's paper; and Catalogues thereof will be timely difperfed. T o . b e S O L D by A U C T I O N By E D W A R i> C R A N E , On S A T U R D A Y October the 23d, at the W H I T E - S Y / AN I N N , in St. Peter's Mancroft, N O R W I C H , between the Hoip's pi Three and Five in the Afternoon, ~ N £ of the moft capital and
complete MALTING- OFFICES in the con:. ty of Norfolk, fitiiated juft Without the K I N O - S T R E E T G A T E S , Opon the navigable river to Yarmouth, and fo- near the water, that the craft are loaded by fpouts direCtly front the granaries. It confifls of two iixty Coomb fteeps, with feveral granaries, fom. e of them newly ereCted, with coal yards, coal bins, cinder oven, and other offices. A large piece of ground inclofed, and feveral tenements for the fervants weriiing in the bufinefs, fome of them new built. The • whole'in excellent repair, and very moderately alfeffed to the land- tax. Particulars may be had by applying to the
ntjCtic^ neer, at his upholftery warehoule, in London- lane, Norwich. T o be S O L D , ACompleat and very delirable Brewing- Office, with Malting- Office, & c. fituats at C O L T I S H A L C . , in Morfolk, now in the occupation of Mr. D. POSTLE, and very near the navigable river to Yarmouth. Alfo all the p'. iblic- lioufes belonging to tho above BreWing- OfSce. The whole rented at more than 220I. a year. For further particulars apply to Mr. John Howfe, of North Wa'fham, in Norfolk, 01- to MefihS. Fofter, Sou, and Unthank, Attornies, in Norwich. TH E O w n e r s o f L a n d s in W I G G E N H A L I . , S t , M A R Y ' S , St. M A R ? M
A G D A L E N ' S , St. G E R M A N ' S, anil St. P E T E R ' S , having this day taken into confideration the ftate of their Banks upon the river Oufe, which for feveral years part have been greatly damaged and torn down by the wilful mifbehaviour of. the watermen, or lightermen haling very large gangs of lighters with an unlimited number of horfes, contrary to contract and agreement, eatered into from time to time with the proprietors of the feveral parifties. of. the Wiggenhalls above- mentioned, to hale with ON E H O R S E ONLY 011 each fide of the river. Notice is hereby given to all owners of lighters, navigating on the faid
river, that a meeting of the land owners, will be held on M O N D A Y the ift day of November next, at the fign of the T C N S in Wiggenhall St. German's, at Eleven o'clock in the forenoon; where phe owners of lighters, or their agents are defiled to attend, to renew their engagements with the land owners for the enfuing year,' upon - fuch conditions as will he t h e e exhibited. St. German's, Signed by order „ 8, 1784. JOHN RAVEN, Cleik. NORWICH, Sept, 30, 1784. W I L L I A M S P R A T T, COACH and H A R N E S S - M A K E R , in St. George's Colgate, Hu m b l y beGS I .. cave to inform the NotiHtv; Gently, and others, that
the partnerfhip between him and James Adams is diffolved. He returns thanks to all his friends, and the public in general, for all paft favours received, and takes this earlieft opportunity to inform them that the bufinefs will be continued by trim only ; and having engaged a Painter and Carver from London, l. e flatters liimfelf that he fhall be able to finifhiuch orders '<• he may be favoured with, in the neweft and neateft taft; 3 and on the moft reafonable terms. N. B. All forts of WHEELWRIGHT WORK done at his yard on the loweft terms. N O R W I C H , Sept. 24, 1784. TH E P a r t n e r f t i i p ' b e t w e e n W I L L I A M SPK A R r
and J A M E S A D A M S , in the bufulefs of Concb- makinf, having been diffolved from Chriftrpas laft ty. mutual confent, they return their thanks to their friends for favours receded, and requeft all perfons whnftand indebted to the fa. u partnerfhip, to pay ttieir debts forthtvith to J A M E S ADAMS, near St. Stephen's Gates, he being folelv autliorifed to receive the fame, and thofe perfons who have any deir. iu' ib upon the faid partnership, arc to apply to JAMES A D A KS for payment. J A M E S A D A M S . The Coach- making . bufinefs is continued ly ADAMS and BACON, near- St. Stephen's Gates, in all its branches, in the r ioft elegant and falhionable ttyle,—:. r. d the favours of their friends and the public humbly fol. cittd Bank 3 per 3 per 3 dittc 4 per 5 P<"' Bank Ditto Ditto India Ditto R I . C F , OF ftock fhut Cent. red. thut cent. com. 54^ , 17: 6 — cent. 1777, 7o| cent. Itock 87 £ Long Ann. 16J Short, 1777, 12 1778, 12* ftock — Boud.-, 3s difc. S T O C k Ortob India Ann. — South Sea ftock — Old S. S. Ami. — New u. tu> — 3 per ceii. 1 < N Navy, 16 per. O. n. iium, — prcm, 3 per ceot. S. vip j 4 p; r cent, ditto 7; Ljttiry Tickets, 1 | iiic. iu.]. b i l l s , Uifc eat. dii
TFWHGSSTWS | IRF NINAMIFIM P O E T of R Y. T o the E D I T O R B U R Y P O S T . S I R, If you think the following trifles worth a place in your paper, by inferring them you will oblige Uury, OA'. 19. On a LADY, M RS. • A CONSTANT READER. xho f>\ qucntly called her Hvjband « BRUTE: whofe itfTertton I dare not difpute, Takes a pleafure in calling her liufband a brute ; For me I can't think Nature alters her plan, And makes the fame being a Brute and a Man ; Who knows but her help Nature's work has increas'd, Nature made. him a Man, and the added the BEAST. J O Y S A B O V E . Cu: unftedg'd boys, aud boylike
men, Are : ever happier than when They lee a fair one's garter? For this, or fof a well- turn'd limb, A t. pe.' leg, or ancle Aim, ' 1 hey peace and freedom barter. I, wlro am fffi'd with holy love, F x my \ hoi heart 011 things above, RegartU- jts of the garter j Could 1 thofe heav'nly joys obtain, Con ' r'd with which all blifs is vain,. ] d die a k neeling martyr. ^ iuvoap 5 From the L O N D O N G A Z E T T E , O a . 16. St. James's, 03. \ 5. His Mujsft) . in Council was r u s day pleafed to order, Th • • the Parliament which ltands prorogued to Tuefday the j6; h' ot this inltanr October, itioiild be further prorogued to Thurlday the 2d day of
December next. Peterfiurgb, Sept. 11. On Thursday laft the Empvel's returned to this capital from Czarfco- Zeio for the wintci- 1' eafon. Her Imperial Majeity is in per cct heuith. Gaz. The balloon took a direction a little fcurliwartl of the Weft, and by the time it reached Stfnbury in Middli'fex, near Hampton Court, it vras no Iongert.- pable of carrying the two paflengers, it bavin:; unavoidably loft fome of the Gas ; it was therekre n- Xeifary that one of them fltould quit the b j r t . For this purpofe tlrey defcended in a field, and Mr. Sheldon, with great rehu'taucc, left his fellow- traveller.- After having put in a fufticiert qUrmity of ballalt to
compenfate for the weight of Mr. Sheldon, and to prevent too rapid an afcenfion, Mr. Bktnchard departed alone, and went On with great celerity i « a South- weft direction, and a little before four in the afternoon had reached Rumfey in Hamuli:; re, where he defcended by means cf a rope fattened to the boat, was carried round the market- place in a triumphal manner, the balloon ftili floating in the atmofphere, and the intrepid Aeronaut'fitting in his car. The ceremony- being over, the boat was hauled down into the lirect, ah^ intelligence diredtly fent to town to inform his friends of the termination of his voyage. The news was
brought to Mr. Hunter's, in Great Marlborough- ftrcet, and to Mr. Thamas Sheldon's, in Tottenham- court- road, at twelve o'clock on Sunday noon, by three gentle men who were accidentally on their way to L. a, don at the very time when the balloon reached Rumfey, and who left Mr. Blanchard fitting in his car, receiving the compliments and admiration of about 6000 fpeSators. Rumffey is 73 miles diftant from London, fo that allowing for the time taken up at Sunbury, the whele oi the journey mull have been performed in three hours and a half. The gentlemen whobrought the intelligence from Ru. mley met Mr. Sheldon at Alton in
Tampfliire, who fent a letter to town. hy them. He was immediately going on to meet his fellow- traveller, a ltd they are both expected in town on Monday. Tho procefs of filling Mr. Blanchard's balloon was carried 011 under the direction of M. Argand, | a native of Geneva, - and an experienced chjmilt. He was aflifted by 30 workmen, and the whole was conducted with the greateft coolnels, and completed with ihe" utmod fuccefs. A great number ot horiemeti followed them to the place where Mr. Sheldon alighted, among whom, it is faid, was the Prince of Wales, —• • n. ir^ i,;^ A E R O S T A T I O N . Thil being the day fixed by Mr.
Blancliard for afcending in his Flying- boat attached to an airballoon, animmenfe concourfe of people afl'embled, as well iu the grounds of Mr. Lochee's lloyal Military Academy, as in the neighbouring gardens, fields, and adjacent roads of Little Chellea ; the carriages lined the roads lb much, that for above a mile there was l'carcely any palling. At eleven o'clock a fmall balloon, llreaked luff and blue, was launched, to which was fuipended a l'mall ear with a dog in it, for the purpofe of amufetaent, as we fuppole, as it was not let off from the ground of Mr. Lochee. About live minutes before twelve the balloon was filled enough for ti. e
experiment, when Melt'. Blanchard and Sheldon both got into the boat; and after Mr. Rianehard had tied the cords to the hoop that fopportcil his boat, he got out to view the apparatus, and finding it to his fatisfaftion, re- entered, having fii ft ordered a fmall gilt balloon to be lent off as a iignal ; which was no former done, than the machine arolc, at about eight minutes paft twelve o'clock. The gqns firing, the drums beating, the mnlic playing, the aerial travellers waving . their flags, and t. ie hi struck applaules ot thouuids of fpeitators joining, foimed together one of the, moft brilliant fpedtaclcs that imagination can fugs ' ^ - Nothing
could be more intrepid than the condu£ t of the two adventurers. BlanChard feemed quite at tale, and Sheldon, juft before the departd re, deli red his mquiiuive t'riCuds would leave him to iuadeii 10 obit 11. his apparatus, that nothing might elcape his memory ; and although they haa fc . rcely gone from the place of afcenfion, they were oblif. rd to defcend in the garden adjoining Mr. Lochce's, where they threw out a great coat, a • 11 limpet, and various oilier articles,' and by that method avoided a number of trees, which would have proved fatal to their voyage. The machine then rofe with awful majefty, to an immenfe height, due
weft, and the appearance it exhibited while it continued within diiiim't fight, was no le linking than grand ; for the gentlemen both continued to wave their flags as long as they could be feen, to fliew their refpedt and manifell their regard to the lpeCtators; that of Mr. Blanchard's being a French enhgn, as a testimony, of his nation from whence the invention arofe, and that of the fcientific Sheldon, the colours of Old England, in honour of his fellow- countrymen ; who we hope tvii i now be convinced of the truth of this wonderful difcovery. Their afccnfion was extremely rapid, owing to the facility with which M r. Blanchard worked his
tvings; and in 20 minutes they were entirely out ( f fight. 1 vie contents of their boat were bags of fand for ballad, a baiket of pigeons, and a good ftore of wine and viands to refrelli them during the fatigues which they mull necefiarily undergo in the courl'e of their journey, from the employment of the wings, which confiderably accelerated their progress ; thefe, with the inttrumcnts for obfervation, and cards to throw down as they palled at particular places, were all that was flowed in the boat with them. The contents of the cards, which were printed, u- ere to fign'ify the compliments of Mefl". Blanchard and Sheldon to their well withers and friends, and to inform them that they were perfeitly well, and the Hate of the air at the height they were at, & c. The report of the Imperial fliip being fired at by the Dutch, frigates, is confirmed by Friday's mail from Holland. The two accounts of this affair run thus . " Since laft Sunday, the departure and arrival of couriers on the part, of the States- General slid M. le Baron de Reifchach, Envoy from the Court of Vienna have been frequent; but we are ignorant of the contents of their difpatches ; what we hear for certain was brought to us on Saturday night— That an Imperial brig, the Louifa, Captain Van Ifeghem, which
had left the port of Anvers, bound for Dunkirk, had attempted to fail by the Scheld, on the 6th current; that there were oh board two Gommilfioners for Fort St. Philip, and that the Capt. was protected by a commiffion in the name of his Imperial Majefty. M. de Volbergen, com mandcr of the fliips ftationed in that river, gau polite notice to the Auflrian Captain, that he was obliged to oppofe him, ana prevent his paflingthat way ; the Capt. refuting to flop, M. de Volbergen fired a gun with powder only, but without elicit ; he fired a fecond with ball, but the Captain ftill being obftinate, he fired a broadlide into the fliip.— The filip then ftrtick ;
the Captain had an olter to return to Arivers; which he retailed. Extrjcl of a letter, dated Sajlern Scheld, 03. 8. " 1 his morning, ar feven o'clock, M. le Lieutenant Verdooren, . » ho belongs to the I'chooner Le Dauphin, lying. at anchor behind Stockgate, in the - w of Lillo, i received orders from Lieutenant Cuperns, commander of IK- fchooner to' go and reconnoitreV brig under Imperial colours, which was l iling down the Scheld ; on this, Lieutenant Verdooren demanded of the. Captain of the Auftrian fliip where tie was <* oing ? to which he anfwerec, - " that he was going down the Seheld for the Ira." TIK Lieutenant entreated him, in
friendly manner, deuring him to be on his guard, as his orders were not to allow any Imperial fliip to pal's by the Scheld, and advifed him to call anchor. The- At. ftrian Captain replied, " that his Imperial Majetly had declared the Scheld to be open, and that he had orders to continue his route,- without minding what he might do."— Lieutenant Verdooren repeated his friendly entreaties, in tile name of his con mander, adding, that if he refufed, very difigroeable confeqtiences would enfue, for which he muft be anfwerablc ; then Lieutenant Verdooren made fignals for his boat, and rowed towards Le Dauphin. On which Lieutenant
Cuperns fired a gun with powder, and requefted the brig to approach, but the Captain of the brig, holding a paper in his hand, cried out that what he did was by order of his Imperial Majefty. M. Cuperns, after having again and again entreated him to come to anchor, for that he could not permit him to pais the Scheld for fea, while the Captain ftill continued to fail, fired a ball, but under the brig ; the Captain ftill peril lied in his delign, when the fchooner fired abroadfide, on which the Aullrian fliip came to anchor. The damage the brig received is .' but trilling." The late hurricane at Jamaica was not confined to the windward ifland. s
alone. Advices are received by the way of Spain,' that it was t'evere in both the Florida;;, and in the bay of Honduras it was beyond example violent, and has done great damage to the Spanilh fettlements. Thefe accounts come from Cuba, but they are not very full.— Some more authentic and circumftantial advices ate expected from the Governor of the Havannah in due time. At Omoa, however, it is mentioned that feveral buildings were blown down. At San Laureftine the wharfs at the quays are almoft all tyaflied aw y, and two Spanifli brigs, with cargoes onboard, ftu'k. At Penfeola, many houfes ttcrc unroofed ; and at Mobrlle
the waves had Rallied away a houl'e which had ltood more t'> an 30 years in the midft of many hurricanes, apparently much more violent than this laft. Letters from St. Kit's mention, that the Isurrfcatie was felt there, but fo favourably* that no damage was done. Accounts irom Barbadoes, dated Sept. 9, fay, that a body of the Caribbee Indians, in upwards oi 100 flfaliops and large canoes, had landed the firft of laft month on the little illand of Barbuida, and after tfeftroying feveral plantations, had reembarked with fome negroes, a great number of cattle, and a quantity of corn. A letter from Jerfey fays, that the Hornet cutter lately
gave chafe ro a veflel on the coaft of France, which was fuppofed to be bound for fome French port with provisions: The cofmnander of the veffel endeavoured to get into St. Maloes, but finding the cutter gained upon him ran into Jerfey. He had fomc live lheep, calves, and a great deal of bacon on board. The commander faid that he was bound to London, but was driven on that coaft by contrary winds, therefore was not to be detained. In conlequcnce of an application from the court of France to facilitate in fome meafure the difcovery of the longitude, by afcertaining the exa£ t iituation 6f all the capes and head- lands upon our
coaft, Cplonel Roy, of the Engineer corps, is appointed by the Bo. ird of Ordnance to make the furveyv and fets off for the coall next week. The Colonel, having found, by long experience, that neither by a linked chain, nor by a rope, can the true uiftance be difcovered with that precifion neceffary has invented an inflrument, which, from the materials of which if is compoied, is not fubje& to any variari- whatever. The Turvey has already been made upon the French coaft by one ot their ableft Engineers, who not only dire& ed his attention to difcpveries ufeful to navigators, but has iixed upon lituitions along the coaft for erecting
batteries to ftrengthen the defeirce of the country. The Attorney- General's letter has had a proper effect in Dublin ; the Sheriffs have refufed to call meeting for the purpofe of nominating Delegates to Congrels: at prefent all the hope of the wellwifhers to reform is, that the new Sheriffs will be boldei than thofe who went out of office on Michaelmas- day. But it is little to be expected that men will expofe theinfelves to a trial for high trea foa, merely for the purpofe of fliotving public f p i r i t : and ffiotild the city of Dublin, where the idea of calling a Congrefs firft originated, not elect Delegates, the Congrefs will fcarcely meet at a l l; if it
flionld, government has fo far fuccceded, as to render Dublin contemptible in the eyes of the counties and towns tkat have appointed Delegates; and to ftlow that they can expect no fupport from the capital. They have made a new fort of taffeta in France with [ Wepared filk, which by means of a light composition ot an elaftic gum, with which the filk was of feivict to him. But the carpenter* finding the wood too haru for their tools, they were laid alide for a time as ufelcls. Soon after, Mrs. Gibbons wanting a candle- box, the doctor called on hh cabinet- maker ( Woollalton, iti Long- acrfe) to make him otic cf fome wood that lay in his
garden.— Woollafton alfo complained that it was too hard; The doftor faid he muft get ftronger tools. The candle- box was made and approved ; infomuch, that the dodtor then infilled on having" a bureau made of the fame wood, which was accordingly done ; and the fine colour, poliih, & c. were lb pleating, that he invited all his- friends to command fee it. Among them the Duchefs of Buckingham. Her Grace begged fome of the fame wood of Dr. Gibbons, and employed Wooilafion to make her a bureau alfo; on which the fame of mahogany, and of Mr. Woollafton, were much railed, and the wood became into general ufe.— It is
remarkable, that the word mahogany is to be found in ni*, Englilh Dictionary whatever. impregnated before it was manufadered, is rendered totally impenetrable. An < xperimcnt has been made with thi.-. lilk on a globe of eight feet'diameter, which after having been filled with inflammable air for a month, expofed to the action of the atraofphere, has loft bii: or- e ounce of- ga?. His Mair fry as had a dangerous fall from his horfe in hunting-; bur-- oa. e the pleafure to inform the p iblic, iliat he received but a flight contufion on the Irow, of which he is pcrfedtly recovered. By letters received in town we are informed, that the Dowager
Countefs of Spencer, mother of che Duchtfs of Devonfliirc, lies dangeroutly ill at St. Alban's Can it be at all aftonifhing that there fhould be itifurreftions among the negroes of our i( lands ; or that men fhould " ufe the weapons which '• God and Nature" have put into their hands to refcue themfelves from the tyranny of unfeeling mailers ? Man was never made to be the ( lave of man ; even at the beft, the lt. ite of bondage is infuffei'ahle to a mind liifceptible and intelligtnt bat wlltn ttn'turcs are added fo flavery, is ft to be wondeitd/ at, that there fli'Hild be revolt and maflacre ? Let us look into the annals of our We'ftern Indies ; vve there
find that tli? people who ' b-.- alt of their fitcdom are the molt remarkable for their tyranny— we { hall find that no other flaves arc made fo miferable as the fi- ayes of Britain. For the evidence of this difgraceful truth, we arc indebted' to the generous Mr. Ramfay, who has publiflied a book, the refult of 20 years experience in the Weft- Indies. He tells us that, " In the month of March, 1783, the following circumfiances came out in the trial of a cafe of infurance at Guildhall, An ignorant mafter of a llave- lhip had overfliot his port, Jamaica, and was afraid of wanting water before he could beat up again to tlie'iilaod. lie hinifelf fell fick. In
the courle ot his illnefs he ordered his mate, WIKJ was the man that'gave the evidence, to throw overboard 46 flaves, handcuffed, and was readily obeyed. Two days alter he ordered 36 more to bp thrown after them, and after two days more another parcel of 40. Ten others, who bad been permitted to take the air on deck, unfettered, jumped into the fea indignantly after them. The fliip, after all, brought into part 480 gallons of water. Can humanity imagine that it was meant, in any potFible circumftahces, to fubmir the fate of fuch numbers of reafonable creatures to the reveries of a tick monfter; or that his brutal instrument ( hould.
dare to boaft of his obedience, and even to do it wi'h impunity, in the higheil criminal court of the belt informed people of- Europe r" Firjl ufe of Mahogany in England.— Dr. Gibbons, an eminent phyfieinn in the latter end of the laft, and beginning of the prefent century, had a brother, a Weft India Captain, who brought over fome planks. of this . wood as ballaft. As ths. doftor was. then - building him a houfe in King- ftreet, Covent- garden, his brother thought they might be The Origin of T O B A C C O , from a curious Account gi- ven by Dr. Franklm of tit hnfpitetlity of thoft ive call the Savage Indians. A Swedifh Minifter took occafton
to inform the Chiefs of the Sufquchannah Indians, in a: kind of. lermon, of the principal hiftorical ta£ ts on which the Chriftian religion is founded; and particularly the fall of our firft parents, by eating an apple. When the fermon was over, an old Indian orator replied, " What you hare told, us ( faid he) Is very good; wc ( hank you for coming lb far to tell us thofe things you have heard from your mothers; in return, we will tell you what we have heard from our's. " In the beginning we had only flefli of animals to eat, and if they failed we ftarved ;- two of our hunters having killed a deer, and broiled a part cf it, faw a young woman dcfcend
from the clouds, and feat herfelf on a hill hard by. Said one to the other, " It is a fpirit, perhaps, that has fmelt our vcuifon ; let us offer fome ol it to her." They accordingly gave her the. tongue ; ( lie was pleafed with its flavour, and laid, " Your kindnefs fliall be rewarded ; come here thirteen moons hence, and you fliall find it." They did fo, and iound where her right hand touched the ground, maize growing; where her left hand had been, kidney beans; and where her backfide. had been they found tobacco." The Swedtlh Minifter was di£ gufted. " What I told you ( faid he) is facrcd truth ; your's is fable, fiction, and falfehood."—- The
Indian, offended in his turn, replied, " My friend, your education has not keen a good one ; your mothers have not done you juftice ; they have not well inftru£ ted you in the rules of common civility. You faw that we, who under h a rd and practice thefe rules, believed all your itories ; why then do you refufe to believe our's ? We believe, indeed,' as j o u have told us, that it is b; d to eat apples ; it had been better ( faid he) that they had been all made. into cyder; but we would not have told you fo, had you not dilbelieved the method by which we firlt obtained maize, kidney beans, and tobacco." A M E R I C A N N E W ' S. Neiv-
York, Sept. 1. By accounts from Brunfvvick, the feat of the Jerfey legiflamre, we are told that the Houfe have flopped the fale of confiscated eftates till nest March, to check a prevailing circulation of certain counterfeit notes. An adt for railing certain troops for. duty on the frontiers. An afl: to enable government to provide proper accommodations for the continental congrels at Trenton, which had been voted the place of their feffion. And they have declared the citics of Burlington and Perth Amboy to be free ports, with exemption, from duties for a certain number of years ; afld charters, with large privileges, were propofed to be
given to each of thefe places. We are informed that Colonel Hull, who tven* into Canada to demand the furrender of the polls ou the Northern and Weftern frontiers, has returned. Governor Haldimand received and ; rea: d him with politenefs, but aflured him that the polls could not be yielded to the United State?, a » he had received no orders for that purpofe. We have juft received the aft of North- Caroline, containing their territorial ct- tfion ; an extract ; f which, ( hotting ' the exteut of the territory: ceded, follows: Be it enaftcd, tcc " That this State do hereby cede to the Congrefs of the United , for'tV. e faid States, all right title, and
claim wl. ich t: is Stare has to the Welt of the• Apalachiar. otAIeghany mountains, beginning at the Virginia line, where the laid line mterfects the extreme, ht. ght of faid mountain, to rite 3j; th degree of North latitude, being the Southern boundary of this State; thence running in the faid 35- 11 degree to the Mli- I iiflippi 5 thence up the Mifliliipp'i to 36 d - grits and a half North latitude, Ixri. g the Noi rheni boundary of this ftate; thence to the firft ihttioe." Baltimore, Aug. 20. The lfgiflitture of Virginia, befides other teftimonies of gratitude, have taken meafures for procuring a ftatue ot G W « ( hington, E q. to be of the ihietl marble and
beft workmanship, with the following infeription on it's pedeftal, viz. " The General Aflembly of the Commofiw- ealth of Viigitua h- ave caufed this ftatue to be erected, as a monument of affeition and gratitude to George Wafliington, who, uniting to the endowments of the hero, the virtues of the patriot, and exerting both in eftablilhing the liberties of his country,- has rendered hi,; name dear to his fellow- citizens', and given the world an immortal example of true- glory. Done in the year of Chrift , and in the year of our. commonwealth ——." Philadelphia, Aug. 18. A great drought no st prevails in the ifiatid of Bermudas, in! omuch th t
there is lcarccly apy graft left for the hoi; fes a d cattle ; the inhabitants alfo feel a great vant of rain water. A D V K ' R ' 1' i S E M E N PS, A R T I C L E S of 1N T E L L I G E N C E, See. are taken m by the following Perfons, of whom this Paper mav regularly be had : Ml-. PUNCHARt), tpfwich [ Mr. C. CH 01. ER, Soutitwold M LOBER, Woodbridge IJVJr. WHITTINtrH AM', Lynn Mifs SI'OW, Stowmarket iiMr. PARKKR, Pott- Offico, Thetford f, Tr. CAVON, Loweftoft | Mr. If AWKESLEY, Attleburgh Mr. DEIGHTON', Cambridge jMr. FORTIN, Swatfham ML HOCXTH, Sir. GKPfiF a n d j N orwich . Mr. HALL, Fakcnham t.' HAP. MAN,
Diiwnham Vlr. FKNNO, Colchelter[ Mr Mr. WARD, Hadleigh ( Mr. Mr CLARK, Brandon ; Mi. Mr. GREEN, Harlefton: Mr. Mr. LAWN, Botef. lalejMr. Mr. RUST,-. Cromer Mr. Mr. DELF, Beetles LMr, HOBBARD, Yarmouth ] Mr. MILI. liR, " Bungay WARD, Biofield | Mr. CLotfTING, Eye FLATTEN, Sudbury | Mr. LIVOCK, Difs WOOLLARD, MiWenhall Mr. KEMP, Yoxford " BRANWHITF., Lavenham . VJj-. CRIS?. Wrenthari CHAPLIN, Mel for. Mrs; GEDGE, Harlitig RISING, Ixwurfe [ Mr. LAKE, Wattoa Mr. HILTON, and" 1 „ , Mr. BARKER, Dereham Mr. FOREMAN, / JN « wmarJ< et Mr. MOSS, New Httckerrfiani Mr. MILLER, Halefworth
IM-. TAWKLL. Wvmondham Mr. SOUTHWELL, Saxmnndham Mr. ANDREWS, Aylfliam Mr. BUMPSTEAD, Stradbrook | Mr. PLUMMER'. Walfinglwim Mr. COOPKR, Framlingham iMr. BATCHELOR, Wells MifsCODD, Mendlelhaia | Mr. PAGE, Hoi; Mefli- S. EWERS, Clarj Mr. JAY, Cavendifh Mr. DUNN, Docki. i^ Mr. J. S. BARR, F .^ tafcv court. Strand, L01.1.11 And at Peele's? Chapv^ r^ n ,