The Whitehall Evening-Post
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The Whitehall Evening-Post
Date of Article: 19/10/1784
Printer / Publisher: J. Lee
Address: No.4, Ludgate Hill
Volume Number: Issue Number: 5841
No Pages: 4
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The Whitehall H EVENING- POST, PRICE THREE- PENCE. From SATURDAY, October 16, to TUESDAY, October 19/ 1784- [ No. 5841. CUSTOM- HOUSE, LONDON. October 19th, 1784. FOR SALE. Order of the Honourable the Commissioners of his Majesty's Customs., in the Long Room, in the Custom- house, OH Wednesday the 27th of Oc- tober, 1784, at Four of the Clock in the After- noon precisely, 490 Casks of Rum. 90 Casks of Brandy. Now lying at Cumberland Wharf, near Rother- hithe Church, and there to be delivered. The whole of the Duties of Customs and Excise, to be paid by the Purchasers. Samples of
the above Liquor may be seen and tasted at the Kings Warehouse, Custom- house, Lon- don, on Saturday the 23d, and Tuesday the 26th Instant, and in the Morning of the Day of Sale. Where Catalogues will be delivered. THE Committee for letting the Lands and Tenements of the City of London in the Account of the Chamberlain of the said City, do hereby give Notice, That they. will sit in thr Council Chamber at Guildhall, on Wednesday the 27th Day of October Instant, at Five of the Clock in the Afternoon, to Lett by Public Auc- tion, Repairing Leases for 21 Years from Lady- Day last, of, A MESSUAGE or TENEMENT, No.
11, on the West side of Moorfields, now in the Possession of Mr. George Wilkinson and A MESSUAGE or TENEMENT, No. 3, on the South Side at Short- street, near Moorfields, now or late in the possession of Mr. James Wathen. The Plans and Conditions for Letting the said Premises may be seen at the Comptroller's Office, in Guildhall. D. SEAMAN, Comptroller, M O N D A Y, Oct. 18, From the LONDON GAZETTE. AT the Court at St. James's, the 15th of October, 1784, PRESENT, The KING'S Most Excellent Majesty in Council. HIS Majesty in Council was this day pleased to order, That the Parlia- ment which stands pro rogued to Tuesday the twenty- sixth of this in. - Petrrfl stant October, should be further prorogued to Thursday • the second • day of December next. . On Thursday last the Empress returned to this capital from Czarsco- Zelo for the winter season: Her Imperial Ma- jesty is in perfect health. War- Office, Oct. 16, 1784. 35th reg. Foot. Lieut. George Fiston, on the half- pay of the 35th reg. is appointed to be Lieutenant. Ditto, Capt. Robert Brownrigg, of the 1ooth reg. to he Captain en second. 1ooth reg. Foot. Capt. James Lamb, of the 35th reg. to be Captain of a company. BANKRUPT. John Simpson, of Halfmoon- alley, Bishops gate- street, wheelwright; to surrender Oct. 2;, 30, at ten, and Nov. 27, at five, at Guildhall. Attorney, Mr. Batsford, Union- court, Broad- street. Dividends to be made. Nov. 12. William Martyn, of Bradninch, De- von, tanner, at eleven, at the London Inn, in Exeter. Final. Nov. 8. Henry Vine, of Cuckold's- Point, Ro- therhithe, timber- merchant, at r1, at Guild- hall. Nov. 13. Thomas Martin, of Cornhill, watch- maker, at five, at Guildhall. Nov. 8. James Pettit, of Leighton Buzzard, Bucks, lace- manufacturer, at ten, at Guildhall. Nov. 8. ( And not Oct. 23, as before adver- t. fed) Henry Rogers, late or Bishopsgate- street, merchant at ten,
at Guildhall. • Nov. 8. John Fielding, of Paternoster- row, bookseller, at ten, at Guildhall. . Certificate to be granted. Nov. 6. Benjamin Montague, of Bath, So- mersetshire, perfumer. ____ LONDON. Extract of a Letter from Plymouth, Oct. 15. " Arrived the Sanuen, Oater, Star, Utter, and Charles- Augustus, —, from Stockholm; Ad- miral Parker, Wetherel, from Riga; Success, Wright, from Dublin ; and Alice, Moore, from Leghorn. " Sailed the Kitty, Mahey, for Guernsey. Extract of a Letter from Deal, Oct. 17. " Wind E. N. £. Came down and sailed the Sarah, Mesnard, for New- York ; Britannia, Leishman, for Oporto; Britannia,
Richards, for Newry; Swan, Hunter, for Chester ; Suc- cess, Holloway, and Neptune, Bacon, for Dub- lin ; and Dublin, Ryder, for Liverpool. " Remain the John and Jane, Atkinson, for Memel; aud Swift, Boys, for — ." Extract of a Letter from Gravsesend, Oct. 17. " Passed by the Jemima, Medcalf, from Pe- tersburg ; Young Gevelt, Hughson, from Haer- lem Anna- Maria, Delton, from Stettin ; So- phia- Dorothea, Peterson, from Norway ; Sea- flower, Preston, from Memel ; Chapman, Da- som, from Onega; and Hunter, Edwards, Rotterdam." ke Friendship, Young, from Memel, is ar- flt Anstruther.; Howard's Success, Hin-
Endeavour, Tate, and Content. Pear- 1 Amsterdam, at Scarborough ; Liber- ty, Black, from Petersburgh, and Kitty, Bank- er, from Tortola, at Cork. On Saturday the Experiment, a new ship of 44 guns, was launched at Blackwall for his Ma- jesty's service. The following is a complete account of all the new work now going on in the King's yards. 1 At Plymouth. Royal SoVereign, no guns; Glory, go ; Caesar, 74 ; and Medusa, 50- At Portsmouth. St. George, 98 ; Bulwark, 74 ; a new ship, not named, 74 ; a new frigate, 36 ; Prince of Wales, 90. At Chatham. Royal George, 100; Royal Charlotte, 100; Leviathan, 74. At Sheerness.
Leopard, 50 ; Mermaid, 32 guns. • • At Woolwich. Boyne, 98 ; Prince, 90 ; Minotaur, 74, At Deptford.' Impregnable 90 ; Windsor Castle, 90 ; Vauguard, 74; a new ship, not named, keel now laying, 74. Besides these there are in the merchsn's yards twenty- one sail of the line, thirty frigates, and six sloops, the majority of which are in very great forwardness. There are in Newgate for trial at the ensuing Sessions, which begin on Wednesday at the Old Bailey, about 120 prisoners for felonies. The Lord Chancellor has appointed Friday the' 29th inst for holding the first Seal at Lin- coln's Inn Hall, before Michaelmas Term. On
Saturday the Committee, which was ap pointed to consider of the duty required of the Attornies of the outer Court, in their attend- ance on the sitting Justices at Guildhall, were summoned to meet next Wednesday, finally to determine whether their attendance on the sit- ting Alderman is necessary, Saturday afternoon, a quarter past five, a bal- loon ten feet high, with a stage or boat depend- ing from it, in which was placed a painted paste- board imitation of a man, was launched from a field- adjoining to Pullen's cow- layer at Isling- ton. It rose to a considerable height, and pass- ing over the metropolis, crossed the Thames at
Somerset Place. This deception had its expected effect in giving a great part of the public an opi- nion that Mr. Blanchard and his fellow traveller were on their return from their excursion; and great numbers were so fanciful as to believe and insist that they saw signals displayed by the aerial passengers, and even heard them hail the gazing inhabitants of the earth, by the help of their speaking trumpets'. On Friday a waterman was fined one guinea besides expenses, and committed by the sitting Alderman to Wood- street Compter till the same is paid, for illegally demanding threepence for a fare, and detaining a porter's knot
and basket, the property of Mr. Lewis, druggist, Westmin- ster. Yesterday morning, about five o'clock, a fire broke out at Mr. Bird's, a silk- throwster, in Primrose- street, Bishopsgate- street, which con- sumed the inside of the same and burnt a deal of silk in the warehouse, but was got under without doing any further damage. PRICES of GRAIN the Corn- market in Mark- lane, October 18, 1784. 1 tHE principal Officers and Commissioners of his Majesty's Navy do hereby give notice, That they will treat with such persons as are willing, to contract for the Stores undermentioned, at 12 o'clock at noon, that they may attend with
their Proposals accordingly. For IRON, on Tuesday the 26th instant. DEALS, tuesday the 9th of November! NAVY- OFFICE, Oct. 14, 1784. FAHRENHEIT'S 1 HERMOMETER, In the open air, in the ( bade fronting the North, at Highgate, Friday, October 15, at noon 58. Saturday, 16, 62. Sunday, 17, 57. STATE LOTTERY, 1748. The Tickets are fold and divided into Halves, Quarters, Eighths, and Sixteenths, by HAZARD and Co. Stock- Brokers, at their State Lottery Of- fice, No. 93, under the Royal Exchange, London, and no where else on their account. Correct nu- merical and register Books are kept, and Tickets and Shares
registered at Sixpence per Number. Note, In the last lottery the following capital Prizes were sold and shared at this Office, viz. No. 30,503, a Prize of io, oool. in two Quarters, two Eighths, and four Sixteenths ; No. 22,151, a Prize of 20,0001.; No. 3,668, and 45,552, Prizes of io, oool. in whole Tickets. Two Blanks to a Prize. All Shares sold at this Office will be stamped agree- able to Act of Parliament, and alfo with the Crown, and round it Hazard's Lottery Office. Money for the Prizes will be paid at this Office as foon as drawn. Letters ( Post paid) duly answered, and Schemes gratis. Begins drawing the 22d of No- vember- N. B.
Agreeable to Act of Parliament, no Bufinefs in the Lottery tranfacted before Eight o'clock in the Morning, nor after Eight o'clock in the Evening. Bank, India, and South Sea Stocks, with their several Annuities, India Bonds, Navy and Victualling Bills, and all kind of Government Se- curities bought and sold by Commission. Admiralty- Office, Sept. 30, 1784. NOTICE is hereby given, That a Session " of Oyer and Terminer and Gaol- Delivery for the Trial of Offences committed on the High Seas within the Jurisdiction of the Admiralty of England, will be held on Thursday the Eleventh of November next, at Justice- Hall in the Old-
Bailey, London, at Eight o'Clock in the Morning. P. STEPHENS. DUTY ON HORSES. Stamp- Office, Sept. 23, 1784- HIS Majesty's Commissioners for managing the Stamp Duties do hereby give notice, That by an Act of the last Session of Parliament for grant- ing certain Duties On Horses, and en Licences to be taken out by Dealers therein, it is enacted, That all Persons residing within the Cities of London or Westminster, or within the weekly Bills of Morta- lity, or within the Borough of Southwark, who shall keep a Horse or Horses liable to tbe Duties herein after mentioned, shall, within Twenty Days after the 29th of
September instant, give notice in writing' at the Stamp- Office in London of tbe number of Horses kept and used by them, and of the parish or place where they reside, at the same time paying the respective Duties imposed by the said Act; and in case of taking out a Licence, a penalty of Five Pounds is forfeited by every person who shall neglect to affix in legible characters, the words, Licensed Dealer in Horses, on a part of the house, gateway, or stable, of the Party so li- censed. It is also provided, that persons residing in other parts of the kingdom, and subject to the said Duties, shall give notice, and pay the same within
Thirty Days after the 29th of September in- stant to the Head Distributor. s of Stamps, or their respective Deputies, in tbe different Counties, ob- serving tbe above rule of affixing notice of their being licensed as aforesaid, under penalty of the said forfeiture. And whenever any persons, after the expiration of the said limited periods, shall be- gin to keep and use Horses subject to these Duties, Notice thereof must be given, and payment of the Duty made within Ten Days after so beginning to keep and use Horses as aforesaid, the same not being in place and stead of others for which the Duty had been before paid. It is likewise
required that all persons who have divers places of residence, and keep Horses at each such place, do, within the space of One Month after payment of tbe Duties, if such payments shall have been made at th: Stamp- Office in London, deliver, or cause to be delivered to tbe Stamp Officer in the Market- town nearest to his place of res- dence, a Duplicate of every such Entry or Register, expressing the date of its commencement and the Duty paid for the same, or upon neglect thereof to forfeit the sum: of Two Pounds. Tbe Commissioners therefore, in pursuance of the above Act, do hereby give Notice, that all persons residing
within tbe Cities of London and Westmin- ster, or within the distance of tbe Bills of Morta- lity, or within the Borough of Southwark, who are required to pay the said Duties, or to take out Licences, may apply at the Office appointed for that purpose, at No. 16, Boswell- Court, Lincoln's- Inn, on Monday next, tbe 27th instant, and every sub • sequent day until the 1 C) tb day of Octobcr next in- clusive. And all other persons are to apply to the respective Distributers of Stamps in tbe different Counties, who arc duly authorised by the Commissioners for the purposes aforesaid. . The RATES and DUTIES are as follow: For every Horse,
Mare, or Gelding, kept and used for the purpose of riding, or drawing any Carriage for which a Duty of Excise is paid or payable — — Ten Shillings. For every Horse, Mare, or Gelding, entered to start or run for any Plate, Prize, Sum of Money, or other thing whatsoever, a further Sum of Two Pounds Two Shillings. The same to be paid previous to the entering of said Horse, & c. for any race, or on refusal or neglect thereof, the Owner to forfeit , Twenty Pounds. For every Licence granted to any Person exercising the Trade and Business of an Horse- Dealer, within the Cities of London aud West- minster, the Weekly Bills of
Mortality, or within the Borough of Southwark Ten Pounds. For every Licence granted to any person exer-. cising the said trade and Business of an Horse- Dealer in other parts of the kingdom Five Founds. EXEMPTIONS. Horses belonging to Non- Commissioned Officers and Soldiers of tbe Cavalry— also Horses belonging to Licensed Dealers, kept for sale in their stables, and not for hire— And all Horses likewise let to hire by Post- Masters for travelling Post. By Order of the Commissioners, JOHN BRETTELL, Secretary. NAVY- OFFICE, Oct. 8, 1784. THE principal Of leers and Commissioners of his Majesty's Navy do
hereby give Notice, That on Thursday the 21st inst. they will sell at this Office the following Ships, viz. Guns. Tons. 64 St. Ann, 1407, not coppered 32 Diamond, 7 10,. coppered Sloop Pigmy, 201, ditto .32 Recovery, 664, d. tto Sloop Favorite, 313, not coppered Observer, 477, coppered Inventories of which, with the Conditions of Sale, may be had at this. Office, and any person may have the liberty of Viewing them during the common working hours of the Yard, till the sale. Manchester, Sept. 21, 1784. AT a MEETING of the COMMITTEE for the protection of the CALLICO MANUFACTURE and PRINT TRADE the day held at
the Bull's Head Inn, in Manchester, RESOLVED, That it is evident to this Committee that very large quantities of Callicoes and Linens, paint- ed, dyed, printed or stained in the East- Indies, and other foreign parts., have been for some time past smuggled into this kingdom, and exposed to sale in London and other markets, to the great injury of the Print Trade of this country, and the diminution of his Majesty's revenue : The wearing or otherwise using such foreign Prints in this kingdom, is expressly prohibited by sundry Acts of Parliament now in force, and by he same Acts all shopkeepers and others selling or disposing of any
such Prints, are liable to a penalty of 200I. one third thereof to the King, and the other two thirds to the prosecutor ; and all such goods found in any house, shop, ware- house, or other place whatsoever ( except as in the Act mentioned), are forfeited and liable to be seized. And whereas it is notorious that the duties on printed Linens, Callrcoes, & c. have been, and continue to be, very much evaded, and as the heavy additional duty now about to take place on bleached Callicoes and Cottons intended for printing, will very much cramp that trade, and occasion an increase of such illicit practices. the Manufacturers are sensible
that if some spirited measures are not taken to enforce the laws, tha revenue and fair trader will be greatly injured. . Therefore the Committee do give Notice, That all persons who shall be dctected in wearing any such foreign Prints after the 1st day of Ja- nuary next, will be prosecuted at the expence of this Committee by indictment, with the ut- most severity : And that actions for recovery of the before- mentioned penalty of 2C0I. will be brought against all shopkeepers and other per- sons who shall, after the 1st day of January, sell or dispose of any such foreign Prints. And also that prosecutions will be carried on against all
persons who shall be hereafter found evading the duties on printed, bleached or dyed Callicoes Cottons, or Linens. And, in order to encourage informations, a Reward of Twenty Guineas will be given to such person or persons as shall give information to Nathaniel Milne, Attorney in Manchester, against any person or persons offending in any of the cases above- mentioned, such reward to be paid immediately after conviction of any such offender. By Order of the Committee, NATHANIEL MILNE, Secretary. A DURHAM. To be SOLD in LOTs, Before EDWARD MONTAGUE, Esq. one of the Mas- ters of the High Court of
Chancery, at his Chambers in Symond's Inn, Chancery- lane, London, on Thursday the 4th Day of November next, between the Hours of Ten and Twelve of the Clock in the Forenoon, FREEHOLD ESTATE at AISLABY in ' the County of DURHAM, consisting of two very capital Farms, with suitable Barns, Stables, and other Out- buildings in complete Repair; and divers Cottages, and several Closes, Pieces, or Parcels of Arable, Meadow, and Pasture Ground, containing together 553 Acres 1 Rood and si Poles, or thereabouts; and lett to respectable Te- nants, at the yearly. Rent of 545I. or thereabouts. The Land- Tax is
moderate. Aislaby is situate upop the navi- gable River Tees, within one Mile of Yarm ; five of Stock- ton and seven of Darlington, three good Market Towns, and the Communication to each is by good Turnpike- ^ Roads. The Estate is supposed to abound with Coal, Particulars may be had at the said Master's Chambers ; and of Mr. Reed, Attorney at Law, Ely- Place, London , Mr. Dunn, Attorney at Law, Yarm; Mr. James Kitchin, of Worsall ; and Mr. Robinson JaCkson, of Aislaby both near Yarm. DEVONSHIRE To be SOLd " THE FEE- SIMPLE and INHErITANCE I in POSSESSION of all that Barton or ! FARLEIGH; consisting
of a good farm f| all convenient Out- houses and Office's thereto! ' and Pound House, and Lime Kiln on the estate ing of aboutsfeven Acres Orchard, One Twenty Acres Arable and pasture; and Acres of Furse and Coppice Ground, and : Trees fit for felling, situate about one mile from eight from Exeter, and about the same Distance veral good Market Towns, and four from Newton Bushell. J., 0 For viewing the Premises please to apply to Mr TUckett, the present Tenant.; and for further Particulars to Mr. Stoodley, Attornry at Law, Exeter,- for selling which a Survey will be held at the Star Inn, in Fore- street, Ex - ter, the 29th of
October Inst. at Three o'Clock in the Afternoon, if not sold before by Private Contract, of which timely notice will br given.
M O N D A Y, oct. L O N D N. iS. Letters from Leghorn dated. Sept, 17 men- tion, that the Algerine Corsairs are exceedingly numerous in the Mediterranean, and have lately taken several Spanish vessels, the crews of which the barbarians treat with great inhumanity. The Moors had also lazed Some Dutch and Swedish ships, which they suffered to proCeed on their voyage, after committing some petty acts of piracy. ' , An Imperial vessel, from Ostend for, the port of Sluys, has shARed the same fate, as the brig from Antwerp to Dunkirk, being seized in the Scheldt, and sent into Waleheren, a port of Zea- land. The latest letters
from New- York, by the Tankeville Packet, are dated the 26th of Au- gust ; they universally agree that the goods last imported continue on hand, trade being very dead, though, the peace and tranquillity of the City anil Province are pretty well established again. The New- Yorkers, however, carry on a great traffic for provisions to the West- India Islands, where their cargoes necessarily come to very good markets. It is confidently asserted that. a bill wilL be brought into Parliament next sessions for making perjury in certain cases, and the deceiving of stolen goods, knowing them to be stolen, capi- tal offences. To reduce the
number of receivers of stolen goods, would be the most effectual me- thod of discouraging robberies of all den mina- tions. According both to the principles of hu- manity and sound policy, the prevention of crimes is always to be preferred to the punish- ment of offenders. They write from Jamaica, that a brig belong- ing to New- York has been taken by one of his Majesty's ships in the West- Indies, and carried into Port- Royal, on board of which are found sufficient testimonies to condemn her for carry- ing 0n a clandestine trade with the French and Dutch Islands by means of false entries. Extract of a letter from Dublin, Oct. 8. *•
Yesterday the High Sheriffs, gave their final answer in declining to call the Meeting, accord- ing to the requisition delivered to them a few days ago; they took the opinion of Counsel, which was entirely against the Meeting, and that it was unconstitutional ; however we heat, that notwithstanding this there is 10 be a Meeting next Monday at the Weavers'- Hall. " Yesterday evening the Delegates of the se- veral Volunteer Corps of the City and County of Dublin met at the Royal Exchange, pursu- ant to public requisition, and unanimously elect- ed by ball t Earl Charlemont their Commander in Chief for the 4th of November next. " On
Sunday morning the brig SuCcess, Capt. James Hayes, from Liverpool, with coals and Salt to Wexford, in a fresh gale of wind was put on shore at Portrane, hear Rush, and being in a crazy condition, presently went t0 pieces. Thc Captain, four Seamen, and one passenger unfortunately perished; only one of the crew, whole name is Ben, Stephens, of Wexford, be- ing saved by the humane exertions of Hampden Evans, Esq. The. passenger appears to have been a ropemaker of Waterford, who had a wise and family. The owners of. tbe vessel were Mr. Richard Middleton of Liverpool, and Mr. Sutton of Ennischorthy." A letter
from Scilly, dated Oct, 11, says, Yesterday a large ship, with her main mast gone, drove on shore off here ; they hoisted several Signals of districts, and fired several mi- nute guns ; but the wind blowing so exceedingly hard, none of our boats , could give them any assistance ; the crew took to their long- boat, and were drove to sea, where it is feared they have perished, as several dead bodies have been drove on Shore. The Ship is since bulged, and entirely lost." Sir Joshua Reynolds has lately got into his possession the famous miniature picture of Milton, painted by Cowper. It cost Sir Joshua an hun- dred pounds. At Weyhill
fair this week, there were about 8coo pockets of hops, above 2000 of which were farnham Their fine hops from the beSt ground sold from 7!. 7s. to 7'. i i; s. per cwt. Some few It is with real concern we inform our readers that this fair concluded on Friday night with an event no less dreadful than unexpected ; for about half past nine o'clock a large- fire having been made with refuse hurdles, in the chimney of the White- Hart booth, kept by Mr. Barham. of Stockbridge . the flames caught the roof, which was thatched, and in a few minutes the whole building and its contents were on fire: the flames almost instantly spread to the
east and west, and in left than two hours, reduced to ashes nearly the whole of the New Farnham Row, a! so to the number of nine booths up the fair 540 feet of standing were burnt, and more than 300 bags of Farnham- hops, also various goods and furniture, the property of people who kept the fair. The loss is not yet estimated. though., it must amount to several thousand pounds The fire was stopt by communication being cut off, and the amazing alacrity and spirit of the people. The wind was at first rather brisk, but providentially sunk soon after ; else, as the fire was become is vast a body, that not even a plen- tiful supply of
Water ( had there been any.) could have prevented its ravages, every thing upon the hill must have fallen a sacrifice. , Such was the intenseness of the fire, that for some time it could not be approached within more than twen- ty yards, and flakes thereof fell as far diftant as Fifield. The Crondall Hop Row escaped un- hurt. Extrast of a Letter from Chelmsford Oct. 15. " On Tuesday last Robert Wright, late of Canewdon, was committed to our gaol, by W. Reynolds, Esq. charged on inquisition taken by him with the wilful murder of Samuel Pewter. It appeared on evidence before' the Coroner, that on Sunday last, between eleven
and twelve o'clock at noon, the said Robert Wright went to the house of Jofeph Humphreys, at the Punch- bowl, in Paglesham, and in about two minutes after the deceased came in ; they each called for a pint of beer ; Wright having drank his own, afterwards partook with the deceased ; and hav- ing been there about ten minutes, the deceased went out, and Wright followed him about two minutes alfer: In about an hour after they went away, the landlord heard that Samuel Pew- ter, was murdered. Mr. Samuel Searling, the Constable, with whom the deceased was servant, as a journeyman butcher, went immediately on the first
alarm to the spot, and found . the de- ceased not quite dead, but unable to speak, within, a field of his own house, with many large wounds on his head, and a great quantity of blood by him ; after which he expired in about a, quarter of an hour. Mr. Searling imme- diately dispatched 16 men- different ways to find the murderer, but without success; on which he went in the evening to try if he could gain any intelligence, and Humphreys expressing his suspicion of Wright, both went together next morning to his house, where they charged him with the murder, which he at first denied, say- ing he went no farther than Hockets, which
is far short of the place, and offered, to go with them to clear up the matter ; but being taken before Mr. Kersteman, at Canewdon, he vo- luntarily confessed the fact; and on being asked why he did it ? replied, that he owed his bro- ther money, who was always teasing him for it, which occasioned his committing the murder. he knocked the deceased down with a hedge- stake before he spoke to him," and confessed he had hid it in a ditch, and that it was all over bloody; on which they went with him to the spot, and being taken out in his presence, it corres- ponded with his description, and he confessed it to be the same with
which he had murdered the deceased. He acknowledges taking from the deceased a green purse containing four half gui- neas, one guinea, and 21s. in Silver.'' A felony exactly the same as that for which the Meff. D- are now engaged in a prosecution. has been committed at another principal bank- ing- house in the City, and at thc Bank itself. In both places, fays our Correfpandeftt, it has been discovered that a bag containing 1000 guineas has been carried off. " Friday noon two of the desperate gang of thieves, that have committed so many depre- dations on the River among the shipping, ( and who were taken the preceding
night on board a vessel at Hordeydown Chain, where they were carrying off some pigs of lead) were examined before the sitting Magistrates at the New Union- hall, in the Borough, Southwark ; when, after a long examination, their persons being Sworn to, and the facts proved, they were committed to different prisons, one to New Bridewell, in St. George's Fields, and the other to the New Gaol. All the persons which have been apprehended in these practices will be tried at the Admiralty Sessions, which commence next month at the Old Bailey, and if found guilty, the execution of their sentence will be performed at the place
where the pirates are hanged in Wapping, called Execution- dock. Friday evening the body of the Fresh water Pirate, who was shot while attempting to rob a vessel off Pickle Herring stairs, was found about 50 yards further down the River, and taken to his mother's house in Bennet street. This dar- ing gang of robbers is said to consist of more than 50 in number, most of whom are known to be apprentices to watermen and lightermen. ROBBERIES AND COMMITMENTS. On Saturday last, as Capt. O'Burne, Mr. Bishop, and Mr. Tetherington, were returning to town from Newmarket, they were stopped on Epping Forest. At first
Mr. Tetherington declared, " he would not be robbed ; upon which the highwayman fired into the chaise, and pro- duced another loaded pistol. The gentlemen then gave him 35 guineas and a half, and a gold watch, upon which he rode off towards Epping. Early yesterday morning the house of Mr. Pellatt, ironmonger, in St. John's- street, Cler- kenwell, was broke open and robbed of proper ty to a large amount. The robbery was com- mitted in the following manner: The. villains, after climbing over the gates of the burying- ground of St. John's Chapel, dug through the wall thereof, and passing through the aperture . into Mr.
Pellatt's house, forced the door of the compting- house, wherein they broke open an iron chest, and stole from it forty guineas, a gold watch, bank notes, and other property to a great amount. Between two and ' three o'clock four men were seen to go out of the street door, and being pursued by the Watchman, they took different ways ; the watchman following one who ran into the broad yard where Mr. Dic- : kenson's drays stand, over the shaft of one of which carriages the villain fell, and as he lay on the ground he took a pistol from his pocket, swearing he would blow his brains out it he ap- proached, and almost at the fame
moment dis- charged the pistol, the ball from which fortu- nately missed the watchman, and lodged in a . water- spout: he then rose, and throwing the pistol at the watchman, escaped. The other three made off towards Wood's Close. Th'e robbers left in Mr Pellat's house a pistol, a large iron crow, and other implements for house- breaking- On Friday a man was by Sir Sampson Wright committed to Newgate, charged with publishing as true a certain forged promissory note for pay- ment of money, purporting to be the promissory note of D. Bowes, for Croft and Co. for 15I. payable to Thomas Wilson or Bearer, with in- tent to
defraud Lawrence Pearson. RETURNS of CORN and GRAIN, from Oct. 4, to Oft. 9, 1784. The CONDUCT of His MAJESTY'S LATE MINISTERS CONSIDERED, as it af- fected the EAST INDIA COMPANY and Mr. HASTINGS. By Major JOHN SCOTT. Printed for J. Debrett. ( Continued from our last paper.) WHILE the bill, that has lately passed for the better government . of India, was under discussion, much was said of the- con- duct of Mr Hastings, and the influence he had acquired in this kingdom ; his disobedience of orders, and contempt of superior authority:, were frequently mentioned. With respect to Mr, Hastings's
influence in England,' whatever may be the degree of it, i Can safely assert, that it has been fairly and ho- nourably acquired, and that he may glory in it; that there never was a man in a public station, So totally unconnected with the parties. which divide this kingdom as Mr. Hastings is that he has neither courted Mr. fox, nor Mr. Pitt ; and all he has ever required has been, fairly and openly to be supported if he deserVes support,- or to be recalled if thought unworthy og confidence : he has never fought to preserve his station by cabal and intrigue and has ever held that bold, decided language in BengaL, which every man of spirit
must esteem him for. That Mr Hastings his, by corruption, by bribery,- or by any means whatever that would degrade the character of a gentleman, obtained influence of any kind in England, I solemnly deny ;— not a shadow of a proof has been offered to convince the world, that he has resorted to Such baSe means of Sup- port. Two or. three very good things indeed have been Said, as to the number of Indians now in Parliament, but I have proved that there were preciSely the same number in the last ; the only difference is, that the balance was then in favour of Mr. Fox, and now it is on thc side of Mr Pitt. It has also been
wittily observed, that the TreaSury Bench was under the India Bench in the last Session ; but here again I cannot help recollecting, that I have Seen General Smith, Captain Sir Henry Fletcher,, and Mr. Jacob WilkinSon upon that Bench ; and 1 cannot help thinking, that Mr. George Vansittart, Colonel Call, and myself, were as well intitled to all those seats, as the gentlemen who formerly oc- cupied them. Mr. Hastings has been accused, in general terms, of disobedience of orders and Mr. Fox attributed the wars in India to his disregard of the instructions he . received . from home; . but from this charge Mr. Dundas. most
completely defended him, by proving, that whether the Maratta war was politic or not, so far as Mr Hastings was concerned in it, he was fully justi- fied by the express orders of the Court of Di- rectors ; and he might have gone farther, for these orders had the express sanction of his Majesty's Ministers; tho' one set of gentlemen appear now to , be totally ignorant, not only of this circumstance, but of the very important intelligence transmit- ted to Bengal by Mr. Elliot, and inserted in the Appendix ro the Sixth Report of the Secret Committee.— I have already detailed the events which gave rise to the Rohilla war in 1773, and it was
commenced and ended in six months. These are the only hostilities in which we have borne a part in Bengal during the last twenty years ; but a stranger, who was to read the late parliamentary debates, would really suppose we had been engaged in perpetual war in Bengal ; though in truth, at no period of the modern history of Indostan, has that country. enjoyed so long a peace, as Since the English acquired the government. It was afferted , that Mr. Hastings disobeyed a peremptory order for the restoration of Cheyt Sing, but no orders of this kind ever were sent; and absurd, and mad I might almost say, as the conduct of the
late Ministers, with respect to India, has been, I can scarccly conceive it ever was in contemplation to restore him.—- The. whole of the proceeding relative to Cheyt Sing. was strictly consonant to the constitution of the government under which he lived. He has. been ranked here amongst the native princes of India but hiS family owed its consequence entirely to the English. His father, Palwant Sing, was originally a petty zemindar in the district of Ju- anpore, and paid about four thousand rupees a- year to the government': he then became Col- lector or farmer of a district under his sove- reign Sujah Dowlah, and at length was
appointed the collector of Benares.- —- In this situation we found him when Sujah Dowlah was marching to invade Bengal.- We protected him against the vengeance of his Sovereign in 1764, and he was confirmed in the zemindary, by the treaty of Allahabad, in 1765.-— From that time, to the day the sovereignty of Benares was transferred to the Company, Sujah Dowlah required military assistance from Bulwant Sing and his son Cheyt Sing, whenever his forces * Mr. Fox's speech, 16th of July. took the field, and he received it.— We made a similar demand when the war broke out with France and Cheyt Sing promised to
comply with it.— That he evaded his promise I attribute'" entirely to the dissetions in our councils, and his expectation of a change in the government. In this business of Cheyt Sing there is a cir- cumstance that, I confess, surprises me exceed- ingly, which is this: The gentlemen who have argued upon it seem totally to forget that the demand of money had been made three suc- cessive years previous to the insurrection, and compliance enforced by military execution A very particular detail of each year's pro- ceedings was transmitted to England in tripli- cate. Did his Majesty's late Ministers, or did one gentleman in thc direction
ever give an opinion that Mr. Hastingss and his Council had violated thc national faith by demanding, on the part of the Company, military assistance from their vassal Cheyt Sing ?—- Certainly they did not, nor was Such an idea ever entertained till it became the fashion to decry the character of Mr. Hastings.. Yet Mr. Gregory, and . Sir Henry Fletcher were in the direction at the period when the demands were made, and the consequences communicated. Lord North was the Minister, too, at the time. — Shall these gentlemen be eXcuSed for their conduct, and shall Mr Hasting; s now be calumniated ? He and his Council acted
right.— As guardians of the British interest in India, they demanded what, in their idea, was the Company's ; right but if there were men in office in England of a different opinion, as it seems there were by their subsequent conduct,- they are criminal in not protesting against a measure which was deemed a violation of the national faith. The other instanccs of. disobedience of orders wh'ch have been quoted were the not sending Mr. Bristow to Oud and Mr. Fowke to Benares, ' Is there a man of common sense in England who can now_ entertain a doubt upon this subject? These gentlemen were made the instruments of a party,
and Mr. Pitt may as fairly be accused of criminality for not keeping Mr. Sheridan or Mr. Richard Burke in the Treasury, as Mr. Has- tings has been for declining to send Mr. Bristow and Mr. Fowke to Benares and Oud, at the mo- ment when every newspaper in indostan contained accounts that these appointments were made in consequence of a determination at home to dis- miss Mr. Hastings, and that his dismission might hourly be expected.- I Confess the idea is so re- pugnant to common sense, of continuing a man at the head of an empire, and refusing him at the same time the privilege of appointing those who are to fill the
first political stations in it. that I am astonished how a gentleman of Mr. fox's talents can take that ground.— Mr. Hastings stated it fairly in Bengal. — The bill lately passed has stated it fairly too. - Obedience. to orders is positively enjoined,— but in instances where or- ders are disobeyed, the proof of the necessity for such disobedience must be full or punishment will follow.— such was the language of Mr. Hastings...— he never expected a repetition of the ' orders relative to Mr. Bristow and Mr. Fowke. He assigned his reasons for acting as he had done, and if they were not Satisfactory, he expected dismisson himself. ' Critical,
indeed was out situation when this business was agitated. The Carnatic hnd just , been invaded.: the peace with the Marattas was not concluded ; a French armament was on its way to India.; and Sir Eyre Coote, with a large reinforcement, was on the point, of proceed- ing to Madras. At this moment Mr. Francis proposed that Mr. Bristow should be sent to Oud, agreeable to the order of the Directors. I defy any man living to controvert the reasons assigned by Mr. Hastings, for refusing to carry the order then into execution.. Sir Eyre Coote equally felt the impolicy of the measure, but he had committed himfelf, and therefore
agreed to it, wishing Mr. Hastings to adopt Some plan that should tend to prevent any bad ef- tects from the appointment. Our Situation growing more desperate in India, Mr. Hastings recalled both Mr. Briftow and Mr. Fowke. It was hard to bring him to a personal contest with two junior Servants of the Company. Surely in the Situations they filled, it was sufficient to Say, that having been Sent there by his opponents when party was at the highest in Bengal, they could not be Supposed to be his particular choice though he wished to do them no injury, and was desirous of employing them in any other line. The intelligence of the
removal of these gentlemen arrived in England at the very time when we were reasonably alarmed by the prodi- gious efforts which France was making to dis- posseSs us of India. Lord North was then the Minister, and Mr. Sulivan the Chairman of the Directors. They had too much good sense to think of weakening the government of Bengal,, at that critical moment, by agitating a personal question. But though the state of India became .. still more desperate, when the Rockingham Ad- ministration came in, yet the Select Committee, and a bare majority of thc Directors, cordially co- operated in bringing forward every measure
that could diminish the credit of the government of Bengal, or weaken its exertions for the public service. While Mr. Burke did me the honour to examine me on the business of Mr. Bristow and Mr. Fowke, Mr. Gregory and Sir Henry Fletcher were ordering their restoration and censuring the conduct of Mr. Hastings in the harshest language. I think Mr. Fox once ob- served, during the late war, that Lord North and Lord Sandwich could not do the business of France more effectually than they did, had they been bribed to the service. 1 am sure I can apply this remark to the conduct of the Rock- ingham Adminiftration respecting India
in 17 ( To be continued.) For proof of this, see the evidence by Colonel Harper to the Select Commi 1781, long before the insurrection at Ben December, 1781 781- 1
TUESDAY, Yesterday arrived the Mails Hague, Oct. 15. Government have issued orders for twelve armed brigs and galliots to re- pair to appoined stations with all possible expe- dition, for the purpose of defending the ports of Flanders. According to letters from Bergen- op- zoom the Austrian troops are in Motion in the neigh- bourhood of Zandvleit, and in the adjacent villages;' quarters are ordered to be provided for two thousand men. The substance of the Resolutions of the states- General at their Assembly held on Saturday the qth of October, at eleven o'clock at night, re- lative to the stopping of the Austrian brig from sailing
up the Scheldt was, That having de- liberated upon the letter on that subject sent by Capt. Volbergen, dated on board the Pollux fri- gate, the 8th of October, at half past one at noon', it was determined to send orders to that Officer to release the vessel in question ( notwith- standing her having passed Fort Lillo without the necessary passport) on conditon that the Captain returns to Antwerp, and engages in writing not to continue his voyage along the Scheldt; " - That a full account be laid before the Go- vernment General of the Austrian Low Countries of the whole affair by the Dutch Ambassodors at Brussells, and in as
respectful, and at the same time as strong terms as possible to complain to the said Government of the attempt of the Aus- trian brig to sail from Antwerp down the Scheldt, without stopping at Lillo to take the necessary passports, in direct contradiction to the rights of the Republick; that such a proceed- ing upon the territory of the Republick would • have been punished upon the spot, had not Count Belgioso given notice to the Dutch Ambassadors at Brussells, that such a vessel was to sail by the express orders of the Emperor ; that their High Mightnesses imagine such orders must have been given by his Majesty before he
was Well informed of the importance the opening of the Scheldt was looked upon in this country, and before the Resolution of their High Mightinesses • of the 3oth of August and 24th of September had come to hand ; in Which their High Migh- tinesses set forth the impossibility of revoking; the orders which had been in force ever since the Treaty of Munster for keeping the Scheldt shut ; and that it be further represented, that their High Mightinesses cannot imagine the Emperor can think of opening tbe Scheldt the right to shut . which River was acknowledged at the same time, and by the same Treaty as the Independence of \
the Republick, and which right has never been in the smallest degree contested from that time till now, neither in the grand alliance of 1701. or in the Barrier Treaty of 1715; and that in all the conferences held at Antwerp, and at Brus- sells, when every thing that was litigious relative to the Austrian Low Countries was' debated there never was the least thing mentioned against the shutting of the Scheldt; and even in the ac- count of the 4th of last May, which was to con- tain all the pretentions of his Imperial Majesty against the Republick, not a single word was mentioned of that River. That their High Mightinesses think they have
in all their transac- tions shewn the highest respect for his Imperial Majesty, and most particularly in the evacuation of Namur and other barrier towns, although they, entered into the grand alliance, of 1701, and waged a ruinous war, only to obtain those barriers. That the same moderation has appear- ed in all their memorials and resolves, and was particularly manifested in their readiness to grant his Imperial Majesty every reasonable pretension contained in his list of them above- mentioned:. That as a further proof of their moderation, not- withstanding all ships of whatsoever nation were condemnable that passed the last
guard of the Scheldt without taking out the necessary pass- ports, & c. yet that the Austrian brig which was stopped by Capt. Volbergen for passing Fort- Lillo, and attempting even to pass the frigates of the Republick, should be released, provided she would return. That their High Mighti- nesses finally depend on the known magnanimity of his Imperial Majesty to leave the Republick in the quiet possesion of their lawful right to keep the Scheldt shut." Utrecht, Oct. 14. An immediate war with the Emperor seems inevitable; and indeed this issue might have been predicted 111 the earliest stage of his controversy with the Republic
re- specting the navigation of the Scheldt, since the event that is now on the point of taking place was so plainly indicated by the inflexibility With which the King of the Romans persisted in his demands, and the firmness with which they were opposed by the Batavian Senate. Hanover, Oct. His Royal Highness the Prince Bishop of Osnaburgh arrived here this morning in perfeCt health. It is uncertain whe- ther the Prince will pass the winter in Germany or England. Hamburgh, Oct. 8. The Hanoverian Brigade, who assisted in the glorious defence of Gibral- tar, arrived at the mouth of the Weser 0n the 28th of last month in six
English transports, having sailed from the Bay of Gibraltar on the 23d of August, The troops as well are the crews of the transports are in perfect health, but on ccount of some ships navigating the Mediterra- being suspected to haVe the plague on the above vessels are under the neCessity performing a quarantine of 40 days. francfort, Oct. 7. The marriage of the Prin- charlotte of Hesse with Prince Charles of burgh- Strelitz was solomnized on the last month, on which occasion a grand ball was on the 30th given at the Cas- Warsaw, Oct. 1. The vacant dignity of Pri- mate of the Kingdom and Republic of Poland will be shortly
conferred upon Prince Poniatow- ski, his Majesty's brother. Berlin, Oct. 5. The King has assigned the necessary sums for erecting in. the course of the year 1785 now barracks in the city of Potsdam, together with a tower, a great number of dwel- ling houses, and a water mill for twisting silk, after the manner practised in Italy.. His Ma- jesty also extends his paternal care to the cities and towns of Silesia, and has lately appropriated the sum of an hundred and seventy thousand rix thallers to the purpose of embellishing the buil- dings, and adding to the public conveniences thereof. These works of peace have silenced the
rumours of an approaching rupture. LONDON. Their Majesties, who were at Windsor Great Park when news was brought of the aerial tra- veller being seen went up to the Observatory, from whence, with the assistance of glasses, they had a tolerable view of it. .11 We are informed that his Royal Highness the Prince of Wales is to reside the present winter at Cumberland house in Pall- Mall, till his own house is compleatly repaired. It is an undoubted fact, that his Grace the Duke of Portland had an audience of his Ma- jesty last week at Windsor, whither it is said he went iu consequence of a message from the King ; but what
was the, subject of the inter- view has not yet publicly transpired, though it is strongly suspected to be upon the subject of Irish affairs.— Gazetteer. We are assured that the King of Prussia has intimated to the States General, that he is per- fectly satisfied with their last answer to the Em- peror of Germany, and that they may depend on his support, should the consequences of maintaining their argument be a military con- test. — Morn. Chron. An immediate war upon the Continent ap- pears to be . unavoidable-— Ibid' Yesterday, at the Sessions at Guildhall, be- fore the Lord- Mayor, Aldermen, and Recorder, the Beadle of a
Parish in the City and two men were tried, for assaulting a Constable in the exe- cution of his office, in a Public house in Bishops- gate- street,- and after a trial of three hours it appearing that the Constable struck the Beadle first, and that he acted out of his jurisdiction, be ing only Constable for Duke's Place,; therefore the Jury, without going out, gave their verdict for all three Not guilty. On Saturday night the Coroner's Inquest sat on the body of a man who was shot on the Surry side of the Thames, opposite Iron- gate, as he was attempting to steal some pigs of lead, and brought in their verdict Self defence^ AERO STATION.
Saturday being the' day fixed by Mr. Blan- chard for ascending in his Flying- boat attached to an air- balloon, an immense concourse of people assembled, as well in the grounds of' Mr. Lochee's Royal Military Academy, as in the neighbouring gardens, fields, and adjacent roads of Little Chelsea ; the carriages lined the roads so much, that for above a mile there was scarcely any passing. At eleven o'clock' a small balloon, streaked buff and blue, was launched, to which was sus- pended a small car with a dog in it, for the purpose of amusement, as we suppose, as it was not let off from the ground of Mr. Lochee. About five
minutes before twelve the balloon was filled enough for the experiment, when Mess. Blahchard and Sheldon both got into the boat; and after Mr. Blanchard had tied the cords to the hoop that supported his boat, he got out to view the apparatus, and finding it to his satisfaction, re- entered, having first Ordered a small gilt balloon to be sent off as a signal; which was no sooner done, than the machine arose, at about eight minutes past twelve o'clock, The guns firing, tbe drums beating, the music playing, the aerial travellers waving their flags, and the heartfelt applauses of thousands of spec- tators joining, formed together one of
the most brilliant spectacles that imagination can sug- gest. Nothing could be more intrepid than the con- duct of the two adventurers. Blanchard seemed quite at ease, and Sheldon, just before the de- parture desired his inquisitive friends would leave him to himself to observe his apparatus, that nothing might escape his memoiy ; and altho' they had scarcely gone from the place of ascen- sion, they were obliged to descend in the garden adjoining Mr. Lochee's, where, they threw out a great coat, a speaking trumpet, and various other articles, and by that method avoided a number of trees, which would have proved fatal to their
voyage. The machine than rose with awful majesty, to an immense height, due west, and the appearance it exhibited while it continued within distinct sight, was no less striking than grand; for the Gentlemen both continued to wave their flags as long as they could be seen, to shew their respect and manifest their regard to the spectators ; that of Mr. Blanchard's being, a French ensign, as a testimony of his nation from whence the invention arose, and that of the scientific Sheldon, the colours of Old England, in honour of his fellow- countrymen ; who we hope will now be convinced of the truth of this wonderful discovery. , Their
ascension was extremely rapid, owing . to the facility with which Mr. Blanchard work- ed his wings; in twenty minutes they were- en- tirely out of sight, and we may venture to say, that if their subsequent progress was porportion- ed to the velocity of their departure, they must have gained an height, not only immense, but far exeeding any adventurer that has ever yet dared beyond the limits of human ken. The contents of their boat were bags of sand for ballast, a basket of pigeons, and a good store(. of wine, and viands to refresh them during the fatigues which they must necessarily undergo in the course of their journey, from
the employ- ment of the wings, which considerably accele- rated their progress ; these, with the instru- ments for observation, and cards to throw down as they passed at particular places, were all that was stowed in the boat with them. The contents of the cards which were printed,' were to signify the compliments of Mess. Blan- chard and Sheldon to their well wishers and friends, and to Inform them that they were per- fectly well, and of the state of the air at the height they were at, See. As they were both resolutely determined to proceed as far as possible while the light con- tinued, and as they had extensive apparatus with
them, to make observations in the differ- ent currents of air through which they passedt something more may be expected than the bril- liancy of the spectacle. The size of the balloon is not so large as Mr. Lunardi's, nor is it so handsome ; one half being green and the other white. When we consider the fineness of the day, it will not be so much a matter of wonder that such an amazing concourse. of people assembled, superior to any public exhibition we ever wit- nessed ; but we will be bold enough to assert, that no person departed home, without feeling a mixture of astonishment and pleasure at the easy manner in which Mr.
Blanchard managed this wonderful machine. We are sorry to observe, by such a prodigious multitude much mischief was done to the gardens, by breaking down fen- ces and trampling on the plants and. herbage. Several light- fingered Gentlemen were taken to the Thames near Chelsea Bridge, and severely . ducked, for making too free with their neigh- bours watches, handkerchiefs, & c. Of our countryman Sheldon we doubt not our readers are well- informed, as the circumstances of his unfortunate Montgolfiere have made him lately an object of much enquiry,' independent, of his skill as an anatomist, of which art he is justly
ranked the first, since the death of Hunter ; but as the sources of information relative to the ingenious. Mr. Blanchard cannot so easily be come at, we have thought proper to insert a cursory account of him. Mr. Jean Pierre Blanchard is a native of And- ley, a village in Normandy, and had rendered himself much known in France, long before the discovery of aerostation, by inventing a machine for flying.. It seems, he tried his project at Paris, which did not succeed, as he could not raise him- self to any considerable height; but although he failed in this attempt, it did not discourage him, for we find he made a second experiment,
by sending off a criminal in the machine, from the top of the church of Notre Dame at Paris. The criminal, who had been condemned for robbery, was informed he should be pardoned if he would venture himself in it ; he Consented, the day was fixed, and the event proving successful, he was liberated. Spurred on by this little ad- vantage, Mr. Blanchard again exerted his abili- ties and soon after, during the late war, formed a flying boat, which he intended for carrying the dispatches from Brest to Paris; but as this did not answer his expectations, he was obliged to give up his design, and relinquish the idea of elevaVing himself
above the clouds. Not long after this the invention of aerOstation arose, and Mr. Blan- chard could not let pass so favourable an op- portunity for his former pursuits ; and when Mess. Charles and Robert ascended from the Thuilleries, he formed a balloon with Wings or oars of his own invention, and on the secOnd of last March arose to the altitude of 1500 fathoms, steering his course amidst the solitary paths of air, an height that no mortal ever before at- tained, in his boat, from the Champ de Mars, near Paris, amidst an incredible number of peo- ple. An accident happened which had like to have proved fatal to this expedition.
A young Gentleman of consequence of the Ecole Royal Militaire at Paris insisted on ascending with Mr. Blanchard, and on his refusal, drew his sword, and cut the balloon in several places; but it was soon mended, and the Gentleman taken into custody. The success of this expedition answered his wishes, and being determined to go onward in his career, he again ascended in the month of May at Rouen, in hopes that he should be able to find a method to direct the balloon at will; this likewise proving satisfactory, he resolved on a third, in July. On the 20th of July, 011 his arrival at Rouen from his third voyage he was crowned
at the public theatre. . We are happy to have it in our power to say before our readers a just account of the aerosta- tic experiment which took place at Chelsea on Saturday, and as We derive it from the autho- , rity of Mr Blanchard's Committee, it may be depended on as authentic. About nine in the morning the balloon being held up between the two poles, the signal gun was fired to commence the process of filling, which took place soon after ; the inflammable air passed in very rapidly through each appendiv, and at about ten o clock another gun was- fired to denote the balloon was half filled; the operation was continued with
the same success, and before twelve the balloon was sufficiently charged with gas.. The. boat and wings were now fixed to the net, and the instruments, ballast, and provisions being put into the vessel, with the hardy Aeronauts, ihe signal for departure was now fired, and the bal- soon ascended in a slow and majestic manner to the height of 20 feet; but being too much loaded with ballast, it came down into a garden adjoin- r. g to the place of experiment.;. a bag of sand, a great coat, and a speaking trumpet being thrown out, it again arose, and soon attained a consi- derable elevation, and in about ^ o . minutes, from the
haziness of the weather, was removed from the sight of the spectators at Chelsea. While the travellers remained in sight they were seen to wave their banners with the great- est composure, and to manage the wings of the vessel with apparent dexterity..' The balloon took a direction a little southward of the West, . and by the time it reache sUnbury, in Middle- sex, it was n0 longer capable carrying the two passengers, it having unavoidably lost some of the Gas;_ it was therefore necessary that one of them should quit the boat. For this purpose they descended in a field at Sunbury, in Middlesex, ' bslonging to Mrs. Boehm ; and
Mr. Sheldon, With great reluctance, left his fellow traveller. After having put in a sufficient quantity of bal- last to compensate for the weight of Mr. Shel- don, and to prevent too rapid an ascension, Mr. Blanchard departed alone, and went on with great celerity in a South west direction, and a. little before four in the afternoon had reached' Rumsey, in Hampshire, where he descended by ' means of a rope fastened to the boat, was car- ried round the market- place in a triumphal manner, the balloon still floating in the atmo- sphere, and the intrepid Aeronaut sitting in his car. The ceremony being over, the boat was hauled down into
the street and intelligenCe directly sent to town to inform his friends of the termination of His voyage. The news was brought to Mr. Hunter's, in Great Marlborough- street, and to Mr. Thomas Sheldon's, in Tot- tenham- court- road, at twelve o'clock yesterday ' noon, by three Gentlemen who were acciden- tally on their way to London at the very time when the balloon reached Rumsey, and who left Mr. Blanchard sitting in his car receiving the compliments and admiration of about six thou- sand spectators. Rumsey is 73 miles distant from London, so that allowing for the time taken up at Sunbury, the whole of the journey must
have been performed in three hours and a half.. The Gentlemen who brought the intelligence, from Rumsey met Mr. Sheldon at Alton in Hampshire, who sent a letter to town by them. He was immedtately going on to meet his fellow- traveller, and they were both expected in town last night. We hope the public will pay that tribute Which is due to the merit and abilities of Mr. Blanchard ; the exactitude which he observed as fo the time of his departure,, and the final suc- cess of His voyage; entitle him to universal pa- tronage and distinction. The process of filling Mr. Blanchand's balloon was carried on under the direction of M.
Argand, a native of Geneva, and an experienced chymist. . He was assisted by thirty workmen, and the whole was conducted With the greatest coolness, and completed with the utmost success. A correspondent has sent us the following account, which, as it differs from the preceding, we in- sert it. ' ' On Saturday there was assembled, by twelve- o'clock, a considerable concourse of people- at the Military Academy, near Chelsea, to see Mr. Blanchard ascend by the assistance of his balloon into the air. The multitude was not so great that which' attended Lunardi in Moorfields, the difficulty in going up being, in a great measure,
lessened in the public opinion. The fields for a considerable space round Little Chelsea were crouded with horse and goot; in consequence of which, a general devastatiOn t00k place in the gardens, the produce being either trampled down or torn up. The turnip- grounds were totally despoiled by the multitude. ' All the windows and houses round the Military Academy were filled with persons of the first-- fashion. Every roof within view was covered, and each tree filled with spectators. Nearly at twelve o'clock, it might be a few minutes after, mid- day, Mr. Blanchard; and Mr. Sheldon, a surgeou, stepped into the boat or car
pendent from the balloon, and the. cords being loosened, it took a diagonal direction across the garden, its altiwide being about two feet from the earth, and then rose above the wall, but not high enough for the boat to clear it. The ma- chine in which the gentlemen sat must undoubt- edly have been broken to pieces, had Mr. Bourne and another gentleman caught hold of the feet of the boat or car, and kept it from the wall until it rofe safe above this impediment, The slowness with which it ascended soon con- vinced Mr. Blanchard that he carried too much ballast, and he therefore threw over two bags.' But before be could
accomplish this, the ballo0n struck against some trees, and descended to the ground. , Being lightened of ballast, it ascended with an inclination to the sounth- west, and then seemed to move horizontally for about a quarter of a mile, when it made rather a rapid direction about west: south west towards Sunbury, or somewhere in that quarter. The day being rather dark above, and the atmosphere low, the balloon was out of sight in by which Lunardi ascended. . Owing to the confusion naturally attending these wild schemes maniy of the articles intended for the voyage were omitted. Some were taken up, viz. two speaking
trumpetss, a tamborine, an instrument of copper shaped like a horn, to ' ' try the effect of sound; several pair of pi- geons, and a case of small dissecting instruments to try the effect of air upon their lung- - ba- rometer and thermometer, two flags, and seve- ral telescopes. , . - PROMOtED. Mr. Cowden, son of the deceased Mr. Cow- den, to succeed His father as Clerk of the Sta- bles to her Majesty. DIED. • Friday at Lewisham, in Kent, in the 70th year. of of his age, Thomas Dyall, Esq.—— On Saturday morning last, at Charlton, in Kent, Mrs, Golborne, of the island of Jamaica.—— On Monday last, after a tedious and pain- ful
illness, at his house in Islington, Mr. Wil- liam Pinder, mason, of Falcon- square. . - COVENT- GARDEN. LAST Night, Cymbe- line ; with Midas. DRURY- LANE. Last Might, THE School F0R Scandal: with tHe Apprenticc this Even- ing, The Grecian Daughter ;- with The Padlock,
HELICON BAG„ For the Whitehall Evening- Post, oN Sir JOSHUA REYNOLDS'! Being presented with the Freedom of the PAINTERS COMPANY, THIS DAY, The Annual Feast of St. LukE, their PATRON, October 18, 1784. HAIL! favour'd Master of that art divine Which bids all Nature on the canvass shine; That ever beauteous, ever- friendly art Which wakes the feelings, and which warms the heart-; Which to our eyes restores the mighty dead, And bids unfading laurels deck their head : The lily mingled with the blushing rose, Which on the cheek of Beauty transient Blows, By thee pourtray'd, can Time and fate defy, And still
with mimic beauty charm the eye. Thus lovely Thais, from the Master's hand, Still blooms in youth, and still she grasps . the, brand' her pow ' r the haughty victor well might own, If such her charms as from thy pencil shewn. When beauteous Dido's bleeding form we see, And view what once she was, display'd by Thee, We scorn aeneas for the fancied wrong, yet praisethe Poet's sweetly erring song, Who form'd a tale so tender, tho' untrue, Which borrows same from Maro and from you. Thus can thy magic pencil bring to sight The charms of Virtue in each varied light, And stedfast Faith or meeting Hope display ; We feel their
beauties, and we own their sway. But cease, vain Muse, nor too advent'rous soar, Each happy work of Reynolds to explore ; ' Some pen more favour'd should record his fame, Some happier Poet celebrate his name: Full blest the Bard, if artless lines like these, Grac'd by that name, Can for a moment please That moment granted to peruse the lay, Whilst he forgives the homage which you pay. And ye Protectors of that pleasing art Which warms, which animates, the feeling heart; Which bids the pencil's vivid colours glow - With all the radiance of the heav'nly bow ; _: Who boast a THORNHILL's, AGGAS', LAM- Bert's name.
Now add a Reynolds to your roll of fame ; In whose bright chapter, well pleas'd, we find Genius and Virtue happily combin'd. May you still flourish opulent and great, Your country's pride, till time's remotest date! Health, wealth, and honours may you ever share, still worthy CATTONS dignify your chair; To future ages REYNOLDS be restor'd, And future WESTS and COPLEYS grace your board! For the Whitehall Evening- Post. FOREIGN LITERARY ARTICLE. New TRAVELS THROUGH GERMANY*. eineS Reisenden FranZofen iiber Deutshland an seinier Brude a* Paris , 8 Vp.. I 7^. 3. i. C. Letters from a Frenchman travelling
over Germany. to his Brother at Paris, [ Continued from our Last Paper. LETTER XXI. Vienne THis letter begins with some philosophical observationS on the necessity the author is under of speaking much ill of the Austrians, without bearing them any ill will.—- He then proceed thus: The great difference between the - people of this place and the Parisians consists in a certain coarseness of pride that is not to be described, an insur- mountable heaviness and stupidity, and an unaccount- able propensity to guzzling. The hospitality of the table, about which you have heard so much, is only a ve- hicle for pride. During the four
weeks I have been here, I have hardly been able to dine above four times by my- self. It is the custom when a man Is first introduced into a new hoUse, to fix a day1 in every week for him to be a regular guest there. At the first house I dined at, i con- ceived the people had a real pleasure in seeing me j but I had not sat long before I had invitations enough, from the company present only, to last me a month. But when they ask you, they all do it with faces which seem to say " Is it not true that we are for more hospitable than " your Parisian gentry Sometimes they go still farther, and make themselves very merry that is according
to the Vienna mode of being merry,) with our sparing niggardli- ness. It is certainly true that a man eats much better here than he does at Paris; and he certainly eats a great deal more too. At the common tables of the people of a mid- dling rank ( such as the lower servants of the court, mer- chants, artists and the better kinds of mechanics,). you commonly see six, eight, or even ten. dishes, with two, three, or even four kinds of wine. They commonly sit two hours at table, and they took it as a very uncivil thing me that I refused to taste many dishee, though I was compelled to do so, to save myself an indigestion.. But, ^ alas so
soon as the body is satisfied here, so soon does the mind long for the friendly, dines and soupes of Paris, which you know are more intended for the feast of reason, and the flow of foul, than the dainty pursuit of indigestions, cho- leras, and apoplexs. Here the only entertainment, mingled | with the very serious business going forward, are some very bad low jOkes. At the best tables here, ( I mean those of tlie order) you commonly meet monk, but more, commonly a player, whole very refined wit enlivens the whole company. He is commonly seated by the lady of tho house whom he amuses with double entendre, till the whole
route breaks out into shouts of laughter, far above the ca- pacity of common lungs or ears to join in or bear. When the conversatoin takes a more serious turn, it is always about the theatre, which is the unrost length to which cri- cicism or observation ever extend in this country ; but the players are far from being the company here that they are at Paris. None of those with whom I am hitherto ac- quainted know their, mother tongue. At Paris, undoubt- edly, we should not admit into good company men who either by their wit or their manners can raise themselves at all above the lowest of the vulgar. Upon the whole, there is
nothing in the intercourse here * We shou'l'd deem ourselves guilty of injustice were we not to acknowledge, that the account of these Travels given in this and our two last paper is extracted from Mr. Ma- ty's Review for September last. of the briskness, the spirited pleasure, the unconstrained satisfaction, and the interesting curiosity about what is go- ing forwards, that you find at Paris, even amongst the low- eft orders of society. No body here makes remarks upon the ministers or the court; 110 body entertains the company with the novelty or anecdote of the day. YOU meet with numberless people of the middling ranks who
have nothing to say of their ministers, their generals, and philosophers, and who hardly know even their nameS. There is nothing taken care of but the Animal part. They breakfast till they dine, and they dine till they sup, with only the interval of perhaps, a short walk and going to the play. If you go into a coffee- house, of which there are about seventy, or into a beer- house, which are the most elegant and best fur- nished of all the public- houses, ( I saw one with red damask tapestry, pictures with gilt framings, looking- glasses, docks a- la- Grecque, and marble tables,) you will see nothing But a perpetual motion of jaws: one
thing you may rest assured of, that no one will come up to you or be troublesome with questions; no man there talks at all except with his neigh- bour, and . then he most commonly whispers. You would conceive you were in a Venetian Coffee hOuse where they all take one another for spies. When I say all this, I de- sire to be understood as speaking of the middling ranks only, who in all countries are what properly may be called the people; for as to the people of rank) they, with a few shades only of distinction, are the same throughout all Eu- rope.; and the lowest classes hardly mix With society; no doubt, a gentleman
introduced, as Dr. Moore happened to be, would meet with many an Aspasia capable of being classed in the same line with her immortal prototype; ( that is, the vicious part of the character excepted,) an Aspasia whofe circles are confiant'ly filled by the wisest philoso- phers, the deepest statesmen, the greatest generals, the wi- sest, mildest, and most affable of princes but it is not in assemblies of this kind that the characters and manners of a nation are to be met with. The sociableness, good taste, and polished manners, which render the present court so remarkable, are a consequenee of the travelled education of the
present Emperor. His father, indeed, had relaxed something of the Sultan rnanner in his court; but Joseph is the first of his house which has considered himself as a man born for all mankind. Formerly one of the old nobility considered it tis a disgrace if a common citizen even, did but look at him ; the lesser, or Second order of noblesse was excluded the court, as is the practice in Spain ; and there are instances of persons, even of the rank of field marshals, who could not gain admittance. The whole train of sci- ence was banished under the notion of pedantry, and the arts, ever tasteless without it, were employed only to dress
up harlequins. The Emperor Leopold, indeed, had some taste for music : but conceive to yourself this prince, ( a contemporary of Lewis the XIVth. at a time When the arts were in all their glory with us) with his imperial crown on his imperial head, looking out of his palace win- dow to see a set of the lowest buffoons that ever disgraced a stage with their tricks, sing and dance in the courts of the palace. Prince Eugene was the first who introduced any thing of a taste into the country the first who gave a general love for French literature : he lived in the strictest friendship even the wits and artists of his day, and was the same here
for the arts, that he had been in the imperial ar- my, where he had as much, to encounter with from folly and superstition, as from the largest hosts of the enemy. The monks, particularly the jesuits, resisted his benign in- fluence as long as they could In Charles the VIth's time no kind of literature was held in esteem, except that which related to merchandize and finance. A few days ago there fell into my hands a book, which, without a doubt, is the best pubication for those dull times; it treats of finance, and written in most barbarous German, lays down the best principles of this scienCe. Thcse, however, no king has followed but
the King of Prussia, who has availed himself of them, to the no slight detriment of the country in which the book was written. The author's name was Schroeder, ; he was in the Emperor's service. Every thing, however, except finance, was in utter darkness, and even the sermons were farces. Towards the end of the last reign, things began to be upon a better footing; but the Empress, with all her excellencies, has a weak side, which is that of wanting to make all her subjects angels; she sees every improvement that is proposed only as it regards her religion; besides this, she has a little of the Spanish etiquette left about her, and
loves old unpolluted nobility. Notwithstanding the care the Empress takes of the mo- rality of her subjects, all the charities depend upon the court atone for their support. We meet here with no cure of St. Sulpice to raise 300,000 livres a year for the relief of the necessitous. The Arehbishop Migazzi is as bigotted and as dependent on the papal hierarchy as our Beaumont, but he gives 110 million of livres yearly out of his income to se- cret distress, as the good Archbishop of Paris does. I ques- tion whether it would be possible, upon any occasion, to get a collection of 10000 guilders from hence. Though Vienna has several
houses in it with Which the most opu- lent in Paris cannot be compared; pride, gallantry; and dis- sipation, are all the feelings the people of this place are sus- ceptible of. Though most of the richest people have been for years oppressed with debts, they have not yet learned to confine their expences, and would think it a shame to live within bounds. As to the middling orders, they live from hand to mouth, and are well satisfied if they can make the two ends of the year meet. Oeconomy is a term entirely banished from the place. Every thing swills, and lives for the pleasure of sense only. [ To be Continued. quarter of a
Frenchman, the latter, with a most profound bow, requested the suppliant to ask him any other favour but that, and immediately blew out his brains. His Most Christian Ma- jesty seems in his treatment of their High Mighti- Postscipt. Tuesday Afternoon, Oct. 19. LONDON. The Dutch Manifesto which is the proper name to be given to the Resolutions of the States General, with regard to stopping of the Austrian brig, indicates at once so great a desire to quarrel; and so great fear of coming to blows, that they have exposed themselves at once to the derision of their enemies, and the pity and contempt of their friends, if indeed they
have any left; but it is more than proba- ble that in this their day of distress they will find no hand to help them. The opening of the navigation of the ScheldT, the States General say in their resolutions, will be attended with' consequences that will inevitably bring on the total ruin of the Republic : That is a truth, and all Europe perceives it; their good friends the French in particular; but these faithful allies, these generous protectors of the distressed, have counselled them in the most friendly manner to consent to this fatal measure. They have told them that they will do them any favour, except saving them from destruction. The
behaviour of the Gallic Monarch on this occasion is indeed insulting to the unfortunate Republic; but it is far from uncommon with that polite nation to sneer at those whom they have devoted to de- struction.— Voltaire, in his Age of Louis XIV. tells us, that a German officer having begged nesses to have a retrospect to the behaviour of his countryman. • The Dutch cast an imploring eye to the King of Prussia, and report says, that he has encouraged them to persist in their refusal of the Emperor's demands. It is probable that he has; but from the whole tenor of his conduct it is manifest that he will befriend them no longer than to
give him an opportunity of coming in for a share of the spoils. He, like the Emperor, has an am- bition to become a maritime power, and a ship of their coast would soon buy him off. Accord- ing to the common proverb, he loves to fish in troubled waters; it is only by involving the na- tions of Europe in quarrels that he has raised himself to the height of power he now enjoy;— Havock, and spoil, and ruin are his gain. Fxtract of a Letter from Amsterdam, Oct. 8. 1 " It is no wonder that the specific gravity of your stocks should keep down the price of them ; but we know not whether this is to be considered as a misfortune to the nation
or not. If they were to get up much, foreigners Would Very pro- bably seize the opportunity to throw the load off their shoulders, which in your situation might prove more distressing. " As to this country, its situation becomes critical. Pressed on the one side by the Emperor to open the navigation of the Scheldt; and, as it is said, on the other hand by the King of Prussia, not to admit it; no pleasing alternative is left to us ; and it is reported, that the decision cannot be much longer protracted. In case of a rupture, the government of Great Britain will no doubt judge it for the interest of that Country to take no share in the quarrel.'" The
bad quality of the tea now sold at the reduced prices has been turned by the friends of the Coalition into a charge against the Ministry, but with their usual injustice. The fault must lie either in the East- India Company or the tea- dealers. If the former taking advantage of the late Act, have exposed to sale teas that ought to be burnt or thrown into the River, they cer- tainly must incur the severest censure not only of 1 he public but of ihe Government, and forfeit all title to any encouragement or relief in future ; but whoever reflects must immediately perceive that the whole is only a manoeuves of some dealers in order to keep up
the prices by mixing damaged teas, purchased in all probability from the smugglers, with part of that which they have bought, or pretend to have bought at the Company's sales, By this method they think they shall so disgust the public with Mr. Pitt's Bill, that it must inevitably be repealed next Ses- sion, and the smuggling trade in consequence be carried on as before. If the East- India Compa- ny therefore have any regard not only for their honour but their interest, they will take ihe pro- per steps for clearing up this affair. It is indeed what they are indispensibly bound to do, not only in justice to the Government, which has fo
eminently befriended them ; to the public, which, even in its present distress, has made such liberal advances for their support, and to whose bounty they are indebted for their very existence; but to themselves: for nothing can be more fatal to an individual, or to a company of merchants, than even a suspicion of unfair and fraudulent dealing. Yesterday the Worshipful Company of Painter- stainers, according to annual custom, celebrated the anniversary of their patron St. Luke, by at- tending divine service at Queenhithe church, where a sermon was preached by the Rev. Mr. Feild ; after wh: ch they returned to their Hall, where
an equally plentiful and comfortable dinner was served up, and the day spent with the utmost conviviality and harmony, a num- ber of excellent songs being sung by Messrs. Percy, Deighton, Printer, Bolton, & c. & c. During the course of the entertainment an elegant copy of verses addressed to Sir Joshua Reynolds, which the reader will find in our He- licon Bag, was presented by one of the mem- bers, inclosed in a letter to the Matter. ' By dc- sire of the latter they were read to Sir Joshua and the company, by whom they appeared to be highly relished, being heard with the greatest marks of pleasure' and attention, and the
gentle- man who read them receiving the warmest ap- plause. The annual licences now to be taken out by brewers, distillers, brandy- dealers, maltsters, tan- ners, starch- makers, glass- houses, soap- boilers, curriers, wire- drawers, candle- makers, vellum- makers, paper- stainers, retailers of hats, and va- rious- other professions, are now added to Kears- ley's Fourpenny Tables, many thousands of which have been circulated within these few days.' These Tables are sold for the above small price to accommodate people in every situation. There is not an individual, however obscure, from the day- labourer to the Peer, who
can conveniently do without them. The 1ast edition contains, be- side the above list, all that is necessary to be known of the following new taxes, viz. Win- dows, distinguishing the new and old duties and their amount together, game, horse, postage, hackney- coach, pawn brokers, gold and silver plate, hats, notes of hand, bills of exchange, receipts, bonds, agreements and legacies, quack- medicines, and apprentices. The places and periods where the different duties are to be paid are also inserted, and the penalties attending ei- ther neglect or refusal. N. B. The great num- ber of editions through Which this pamphlet has
already gone, is the best proof of its utility. Ful- ly convinced of this, it is Kearsley's intention, as long as the taxes continue to encrease, to print a similar pamphlet yearly under the title of, Kearsley's Annual Four- Penny tax Tables. The laws lately enacted in the state of Penn sylvania strike at the root of slavery ; no negroe is in future to be held a slave after he or she ar- rives at the age of 28 years. Extract of a Letter from Portsmouth, Sept. 18. « ' Arrived the aEolus, Duncan, from Rot- terdam, and Ann, Standlinch, from Sunderland. " Sailed the Caesar, Spaishott for London ; Bradley, Wilkinson, for Newcastle, and Dia- mond,
Mead, for Sunderland. " Also sailed the Hebe frigate for Plymouth, and Wasp sloop, on a cruize. Wind ." Extract of a Letter from Deal, Oct. 18. " Came down and sailed the Jesmond, Smith, for Virginia; St. James's Planter, Paxton, for Jamaica; Britannia, Wade, for Sr. Vincents; Reward, Reilly, for Dublin. Remain the John and Jane, Atkinfon, for Memel; and Swift, Boys, for ; Wind East." This day, about one o'clock, was interred in St. John's Church, Horsley- Down, the body of the late Justice Russel, with all the formali- ties prescribed in his will. Yesterday about three o'clock Mr. Blanchard and Mr. Sheldon arrived at Chelsea,
where they were met by the Gentlemen of the Committee, and conducted to town with great processional pomp. The gondola was placed ia the seat of a phaeton, in which the travellers were seated.—. The Gentlemen of the Committeee arranged themselves in pairs, decorated with white wands and blue ribbons— A number of ladies orna- mented with ribbons, in a chain of carriages, brought up the rear. The procession was accompanied with two ex- cellent bands of music, and the ensigns were . borne before the airy machine. In this state they conducted the balloon, and lodged it in the great room at Spring- gardens, where
it is to be ex- hibited. Last week died at Newcastle, Mrs. EliZabeth Allcock, a pure old virgin, much regrected by the sisterhood. There attended her funeral six unspotted virgins, all dressed in black gowns and white petticoats. At her particular request, in one hand was put a quarter of a pound of good bohea tea, in the other a box filled with super- fine snuff; and her coffin was painted white, an emblem of her virgin purity. On Thursday last died, at Woodbridge, in Suffolk, in the 87th year of his age, Charles Pickfatt, Esq. Saturday died the 9th inst. at Worcester, Lady Ann Acton, lady of Sir Richard Acton, of Audnam, Shropshire,
and daughter of the late Earl of Stamford. BEAUTY creates LOVE; the foetal Enjoyment of MAN. IT is an incontestible Truth, proved in many Thousand Cases, some in the first. Families iu the Kingdom, that WARREN's MILK of ROSES, for cleansing, clearing and preserving the skin, from six Days to sixty years old never found an Equal, as Parents, Governesses, and Nurses, experience daily, in the rising Generation, as well as adult Persons, who have found its happy Effects for some Years past. It is invented and made only by Richard Warren, Per- fumer, and sold at his Shop in Mary- le- Bone Street, Gol- den- Square,
Westminster i fronting Wood- street, Cheap- side, London; and at his House in Alfred street, Bath at 3s. & et. and ios. 6d, Bottles, in Proportion As many of the above Bottles, when emptied is Fami- lies, are sold, by Servants to different Persons who fill them again with various Compositions, and sell them Un- der the pretended Sanction of the Proprietor-, , Mr. Warren begs Leave to inform the Nobility, Gentry, his Friends and Customers, that he cannot be Responsible for any sold in London and Bath, but at the above- men- tioned- Places. In other Cities and Towns in Great Britain and Ireland, Pepple purchasing this Article will
please to ask to see the Bill of Directions, which is on the Back of Mr. Warren's. Shop Bill, given with each Bottle; and if no such Shop Bill, the Article so offered is Counterfeit. N. B. The British and Foreign Goods of the above Shops are without Adulteration. STATE LoTTERY, 1784 Begins drawing the 22d of November, Present Price of SHARES, Half — Fourth —- EIGHTH SIXTEENTH The Tickets are sold, and divided into Shares, In- RICHARDSON and GOODLUCK STOCK- BROKERS, licensed by Authority of Parliament, • . At their Offices, in the Bank- Buildings, Cornhill; opposite the King's- Mews, Charing- Cross ; also
at Mess White and Mitchell's, facing the Tron Church, Ed, a- burgh ; anil no where else on their Account. At the above Offices, a great Number of the capital Prizes, in the last and preceding Lotteries, have been fo! 4 and shared. \ Country Correfpondents may have Tickets and Shares fent them, by remitting good Hills payable at Sight, or of * short Date. All Shares, sold at the above Offices, are stamped able to Act of Parliament, also with the Crown, an I it, •< RICHARDSON and GOODLUCK's Lottery- Tickets registered, at Sixpence each; and the Intelligence sent of their Success. * The Prizes to be paid in full, at Lady- Day
utmost Value will he given for them as soon as drawn sold by J. LEE, No. 4, Ludgate- Hill; where LETTERS and ADVERTISEMENTS are received. A Letter- box at ADVERTISEMENTS, LETTERS, & c. are also taken in at the Printing Office, bo. 4, Peterborough- Court, near Shoe Lane, Fleet- Street By T WHIELDON, No. 43 facing Fetter- Lane, Fteet- Street Mess. BYFIELD and Co. Charing- Cross at the STOCK- EXCHANGE COFFEE- HOUse