Lincoln Gazetteer
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Volume Number: 1
Issue Number: 15
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Lincoln Gazetteer
Date of Article: 08/10/1784
Printer / Publisher: Ross and Drury
Address: Opposite the Bank near the Stone-Bow
Volume Number: 1
Issue Number: 15
No Pages: 4
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LINCOLN: Printed and, Sold by ROSE and DRURY, opposite the Bank near the- Stone- Bow. ( A Letter- Box at the Corner of the Street. J Sold also by j. TAYLOR, Printer, EAST RETFORD Advertifemepts ( not exceeding twenty Lines) arc inserted at four Shillings each Time; longer Ones, at the Rate of one Penny for every Line above that Number. Vol. I. [ Price Three- pence. ] F R I D A Y, October 8, 1784. - [ Ready Money for Advertisements. ] No. 15 In the Pennsylvania Gazette of the 28th of July under the Philadelphia head, mention is made of the ship Alexander, Capt. Pinkerton, having arrived at that place from London derry, which she left the 1st of June, with 600 passengers, all in perfect health. The Snow Mary, Capt. Ross, with 250, also from Lon- donderry ; the ship Irish Volunteer, Capt. Dillon, from Larne, with 500 Passengers ; the Bloodhound, from London, also brought 100 German passengers; and that several other vessels from different ports of Ireland, with passengers, were daily expected ; " Besides many other considerable arrivals, previous to the above, of Passengers, both to Philidelphia, Baltimore, Virginia, and York. Their papers are full of advertisements of redemptions, servants to be sold, as slaves, for three or five years,
and among these Various mechanicks are described. This morning about four o'clock, a man disordered in his senses, was taken up by the watchmen of Whitechapel, with a drawn dag- ger in his hand, who wounded two of the watchmen before he was secured. A letter from Dublin says, that Irish linens sell cheaper in the markets of North America, than in Dublin itself. News this not very welcome to the exporters, whole remittances are thereby rendered exceedingly dubious. Sunday evening a post- chaise coming from Rumford, to the Three Tuns, in Whitechapel. was stopped by two highwaymen,' near the Walebone, and two
passenger robbed of their money and watches, and because the post- boy did not stop on the word of command they ' fired at him but missed him, and afterwards robbed him of his money. There is an African black now in town, studying divinity under some of the first preach- ers among the methodists. He is intended to go over and preach among the negroes in Ame- rica, as a means of assisting the quakers benevo- lent schemes, who have of late set up schools, and took much pains to educate the children of negroes. Our countrymen who are lately come from Germany speak in the highest terms of com- mendation of the
Bishop of Osnaburgh. The most experienced officers in the army of the Electorate say they have not had for many years past any military student of so much promise. On Monday last, a melancholy accident hap- pened at Wapping. A young fellow going on board his ship at Harrison's wharf, his foot slipped and he fell into the water; when, not- wtthstanding all endeavours to save him, he sunk, and was not seen till three quarters o( an hour afterwards. twelve o'clock, though the King and Queen retired much earlier. The company at the ball was, as usual, a select one, consisting of Lords and Ladies of the several houfeholds
and a few of the neighbouring Nobility, The Archbishop of Canterbury and Bishop of London were both at the Castle in the course of the day. In the evening . there were illuminations at the houses of the tradesmen. The Prince of Wales set off for town at one o'clock this morning." Extract of a letter from an English Gentleman at Paris, dated Sept. 24. " You have no doubt heard, that the Lou- vestein party have prevailed over the friends of the House of Orange in Holland.— Louis d'Ors have done wonders with the Dutch.— From the interposition of Mons. Vergennes, the Emperour has relaxed in his demands upon their High
Mightinesses. The free and independent states have, in fact, made themselves dependent on France ; to which power they have actually become provinces. " Swisserland stands almost in the same predi- cament so that the balance of power, which was so well preserved in the reign of Geo. II. is totally annihilated. " His Grace of Dorset lives in a very in- different hotel, but in a stile that does honour to his country. " The etiquette between Lord Chesterfield and the court of Madrid is at length settled, and his. excellency will leave tills metropolis in a few days. " You have often expressed your dissatisfac- tion at the licentious
manners of our nobility in England : but here, the people of rank treat their inferiors in the moft unwarrantable man- ner. A French nobleman lately felt a tendre for the daughter of a citizen, and having tried several insidious methods to obtain his cara without effect, one night set fire to her father's house, and carried off his prize in the midst of the conflagration. This was looked on as an act of extreme gallantry— the girl was undone, and the parents were laughed at when they ap- plied for justice.— O fweet England !— Thank God ! such transactions would not go unpunish- ed there. To have a little virtue left, I trust, stands in
some rank of praise.". Extract of a letter from an English Gentleman, dated Camden, South Carolina, Aug. 21. " I have lately made an excursion to the Moravian Towns, which are in a very flourish- ing state; simplicity of manners prevail among these sober people in a very remarkable degree • this sect have every thing in common, and are possessed of very large and valuable property Their laws reminded me of the institutes of Lycurges.' The younger of both sexes are totally secluded from intercourse until the day of marriage, when a house, land, utensils, & c. are allotted them ; and the produce of their labour, after deducting
for necssaries, is thrown into the general repository. Near Bithania, one of their towns, is a new large manufactory for earthen ware, which they have brought to great perfection. This industrious fraternity by unremitting- labour have within a few years brought a wild barren extent of country into a high state of population and improvements. Extract of a letter from Berne in Switzerland. LONDON, Thursday, SEPTEMBER 30. Extract of a letter from Paris, Sept. 16. THE officers of the regiments in garrison in the frontier places of Flanders, who had obtained furloughs of absence, have received counter orders not to quit their
respective corps till further notice. It was imagined, that on the death of the Pretender and his brother, the race of Stuart would have become extinct, but it seems now in a fair way of being continued by a lady, whom the old Chevalier has lately declared to be his legitimate daughter. Genoa, Sept. 4. Although it has been inserted in several public papers, that the Spanish arma- ment has done little or no damage to the fortrefs and city of Algiers, we can nevertheless assure; that the Algerines are in great consternation : Their commerce for several months past has been interrupted, and almost intirely destroyed; eight Spanilh
ships left in the road by order of his catholic Majesty, to intercept those of the Algerines, are continually cruizing on the COast, to prevent these corsairs from coming out or going in. We are curious te learn what resolution the Dey will take in this critical situ- ation. Leghorn, Sept. 8. The English frigates the Thetis and Monkey sailed from this port last Saturday. Their distination is no longer a mystery ; they are to go to Tunis, from whence they will cruize along the coaft of Barbary to protect the trade of the English, and afterwards proceed to Gibraltar, where they will perform quarantine. Paris Sept. 16. M. de Sale it sailed from
Toulon in the Sagittair, accompanied by three frigates and a floop to cruize in the Mediterra- nean for the purpose of observing the motions of the different maritime powers, and protect- ing our trade. The sending out this little fleet is deemed a measure absolutely necessary at this time, when all the great maritime states have fleets of observation in the above seas. § Yesterday se'nnight died at Southwell, the Rev. John Holmes, M. A. senior Vicar Choral of the Collegiate church of Southwell; rector of Beilsby in Lincolnshire, and Vicar of Frans- field and Kirklington, in the county of Not- tingham. Since our last was committed to
York castle, Ann Bradley, of Sheffield, charged with the wilful murder of her female bastard child. Also George Smithson, for the murder of John Zanker. At the time he committed this act of barbarity, he fled, but was apprehended and taken at Liverpool. On Tuesday at the Guildhall, York, Mr. Henry Jowett, and Mr. Wm. Slater, were chosen sheriffs of that city for the ensuing year. — Mr. George Smith paid the usual fine to be excused Serving that office. We hear from Hull that there was launched from the Dockside in May last, with a fine wind from the westward, a grand air balloon, upwards of 21 feet in diameter, which was
taken up at St. Petersburgh, and there filled again with inflammable gaz, and launched from thence in July ; and what is still more surpri- sing met with an easterly wind, whereby it was carried to the place where it was at first set off, and was picked up near the Dockside, to the great satisfaction of all parties concerned in the Undertaking. A melancholy affair happened at Abby- holm, near Whitehaven, laft Tuesday. A person who had been married that morning, entertain- ing the populace at a public house near the church, one man drank such a quantity of raw spirits, that notwithstanding every endeavours, ( by pouring oil down
his throat, & c.) he ex- pired in less than an hour.— Two others, who had also indulged in nearly as great an excess, were with difficulty recovered. The late war has so reduced the stock of timber 111 the North, that ship timber has sold lately as dear in the ports of the Bal- tic as for seven years past; one reason may be, that all the naval powers are buying up such quantities to stock their marine arsenals. LONDON, Friday, OCTOBER x. * Extract of a letters from the Hague, Sept. 28. LETTERS from Gibraltar of the 20th of August say, that the Alcayda, Judar, General of the Emperor of Morocco's Artil- lery, has written, with his
own hand, a letter to Gen. Elliott, containing the strongest professions of friendship on the part of his master, and requesting that the Frigates at Malta, under Hamed Mustagamim may be supplied with sails and cordage, but it is doubt- ful whether this requisition will be complied with. The water- bearers at Paris, a very hardy and laborious set of people, and so numerous,, that they muster to the rate of near 40,000, are, by suitable encouragements from the French govern- ment, to be invited into the marine service of France. Letters from Paris, by the last mail, men- tion, that the celebrated Madame D'Eon is shortly to be
married to a gentlemam of di- stinction, in the suite of Prince Henry of Prussia. The destruction of the Montgolfiere on Wed- nesday, in Lord Foley's Garden, is a severe blow upon poor Keegan who erected it, as his Lordship had, with great generofity, suffered him to assign a certain portion of the ground for his own emolument, arising from casual curiosity. The tickets were to have been half a guinea each, and Mr. Wyatt had measured the ground, by which it was apparent that two thou- " A Dutch gentleman anived at Zirlek the 4th instant at the house of the Greffier de Sordes ; for some time his business was a little mysterious
, but it is now found he is an agent for hiring a body of troops fiom the Cantons : how he will succeed, considering. the situation of affairs, cannot at present be determined,,"' On Wednesday night a sea- faring man was decoyed into a house of ill- fame in the Strand, where he was robbed of a gold ring, a purse of ten guineas, and his pocket- book in which was a draught for 200I. The Dutch have their hands compleatly full at present. What with the Emperor, the complaints of Utrecht, the dismission of the Duke of Brunswick, and the King of Prussia, they seem to be in a state of miserable em- barrassment, and their only hope,
the French, seems to vanish daily. It is confidently reported that the Earl of Chatham is to be Aid de Camp to the King, in the room of Colonel Lake, appointed Major in the first regiment of guards. This PAPER sent weekly to any Part of GREAT- BRITAIN ( FREE OF POSTAGE) by Order addressed as above; or to Messrs. Drury,' Newark, Mr. Burgess Boston, Mr. Booth, Caistor, Mr. Ellis, Mr. Weir, Horncastle, Mr. Marsh, Mr. Sheardown, Louth, or Mr. George Ferraby, Hull. It arrives at Sleaford, Falkingham, Bourn, Grantham. Newark, Gainsborough, Retford, Bawtry, Doncaster, Leeds, York, kc. & c. on the Day of Publication.
The following remarkable account we extract from a letter dated, Paris, Sept. 13, and re- ceived by Monday's Dutch mail. " A young man, about 17 years of age was found by chance in the neighbourhood of Caen, in Normandy, and after having been taken great care of by Comte de Faudras, first Alder- man of that city, was sent up to Paris, where he lately arrived, He speaks a language, or rather jargon, which resembles none that have yet come to qur knowledge. He has been suc- cessively presented to Mons. de Vergennes, Baron Breteuil, Mons. de Calonne, and lately to Madame de Bourbon. All means have been tryed,
every linguist of any celibrity employed to find out if possible, the meaning of his parti- cular dialect, but all in vain : yet he differs in nothing, either, as to features, size, and beha- viour, from the inhabitants of Europe, especi- ally to the northward. His conduct is morally correct, and his manner's such as bespeaks a well bread young man, whose education seems to have been shamefully neglected. As he cannot express himself in any intelligible man- ner, and that we are not sure whether we can w make out any thing of our signs and dumb- shews to him, it is impossible to learn any thing of his adventures, nor how he came to
wander about the spot where he was found, in a situation nearly similiar to the noted man of the woods, except the lattcr's Wildness and ferocity. The celebrated actor La Rive, having had the curio- sity to pay him a visit at a Mrs. Billard's, where he lives, and who treats him in the same manner as her own children, assemblcd the commtted of the Comedie Francoise, where it was resolved to allow the foundling fixty- three livres per month, though the police pays a good price to the aforementioned lady, to provide him with every necessary. As he is now under the tuition of the most eminent masters, we have ' but little doubt,
notwithstanding his apparent incapacity, that he will soon be able to converse r in French, and give such account of himself as may satisfy the curiosity of those, whose conver- a sation is entirely engrossed by the oddity of the, adventurer. , Extract of a letter from Philadelphia, dated July 21. » " On Saturday evening last I was highly en- tained by an exhibition of an aerostatic balloon within the limits of this city. Peter Carnes, Esq '; a gentleman of the law, from the ( late of Maryland, began at five o'clock to inflate an Ellipsis made of silk, whose perpendicular dia- meter was 36 feet, and its horizontal diameter, nearly 34 feet; at the
bottom, or rather the point of the ellipsis was fastened a furnace, a brasier, and a tube, which weighed 150lb. To this brazier was suspended by chains a triangle, _ on which a person was placed, who weighed — 1341b. who was to ascend with this curious ma- chine, into the upper regions of air. At seven _ o'clock, a quantity of fire and hickory wood being put in the tube, this grand machine ma- jestically ascended with the bold passenger to the height of about twenty feet, when the bal- loon being urged by a flaw of wind in passing the walls of the yard in which it was inflated, ( the point of the triangle fastened under the eaves ,
of the walls, the force of the ascending machine, broke the chair, and the soaring voyager fell without much injury ; the balloon then rushed ] into the air with astonishing velocity; in a few Minutes it was from two to three miles high, where it entered a contrary stream of air, and . either from some vibrations in the upper eddies, or from the shock at the wall, some papers say, fell between the brasier, which communicated the fire to the silk, to the great mortification of the spectators: The iron in a few minutes was - separated from the silk, and descended from two to five minutes before it reached the earth ' — the shell of the balloon
still remaining in floating flames, and did not reach the ground : till entirely consumed. " The enterprising philosopher deserves the ' smiles of his countrymen, and more especially ( as the machine. was made at his own private ex- pence— nor is the burning of a balloon any more ' an argument against the using them, than the burning of houses is against their use. This balloon ascended with 4501b. weight, and in all probability would have mounted with much more. What garrison can remain unconfumed ? What regions unexplored, & c. & c. To what amazing perfection these globes may be brought futurity alone can unfold."
sand seven hundred persons could have been , conveniently admitted. Every liberal mind cannot but sympathize in the. great mortification which Mr. Sheldon a must experience, on account of the accident which, on Wednesday, in a moment, destroyed tho balloon. The manly, rational, and disinte- rested principles on which he acted, without any vain ideas of personal distinction, or any paltry hopes of private advantage, and solely with a view to scientific investigation, afford additional occasion for regret, as it is not only a severe disappointment to an amiable and meri- torious individual, but absolutely a stroke upon philosophy
herself, who might reasonably have expessed that the intelligent exertions of such 4 an indefatigable votary as Mr. Sheldon, would have advanced , her cause, and increased her honours amongst the lovers of science and the friends of human nature. Extract of a letter from Hartford, July 19. " ' No person is allowed to pass from Canada into these states, without a written permission, and all our Indian trade into that province, is absolutely prohibited.— Congress have sent a formal deputation to demand of Governor Haldimand, the surrenderer of the frontier posts agreeable to the treaty. Colonel Hull is d employed in this
service, and has arrived in t, Canada."- Anecdote of Voltaire.— This extraordinary genius, - in his younger years, wrote a very biting satire against a man of quality in France The nobleman on meeting the poet one day in a narrow lane where it was impossible to escape, t gave him a severe drubbing. Voltaire made his i complaint to the Regent, who very shrewdly t replyed,—" What would you have me to do? r justice has been done already." 1 Swedish Majesty was in France he was frequently solicited to visit the celebrated Dr. Franklin, » . and as often declined. One of the French ' grandees, who could use a little freedom with
his Majesty, begged to know why he denied himself an honour which every other crowned head in Europe, would be proud to accept.— " No, man," said the Monarch, " regards the Doctor's scientific accomplishments more than I do ; but the King who affects to like an enthusiast for liberty, is an hypocrite. I love the Doctor as a phylosopher, but I hate him as a politician ; and nothing shall ever induce me to be in the presence of a man whom my habits and situation obliges me to detest, while it is in my power to avoid it." — The same prin- ^ ciple, probably, influenced the Emperor, who refused to see Voltaire at Terny, though in
his neighbourhood, and who could give no other reason for his aversion to the wit, but that " he had written against the catholic religion, and taught the principle's of toleration." On Monday evening, as Mr. Stent, of • Pimlico, was going from home, he was attacked in the Five Fields . by a footpad, who clapped a pistol to his head, and demanded his money, Mr. Stent seized the pistol, and knocked the villain down ; soon after he recovered, and made a blow at Mr. Stent, which brought him to the ground. Luckily some perlons were coming up, which made the villain decamp. Mr. Stent directly pursued, overtook, and secured him,
so as to convey him in a hackney coach to Tothilfields Bridewell. Extract of a letter from Windsor, Sept. 30. " Yesterday- being the birth- day of the Princess Royal, wha entered into the nine- teenth year of her age, the same was observed with the usual magnificence. Several of the Nobility and Gentry of both sexes, mostly from their country seats, were coming from twelve to four o'clock to her Royal Highness's levee, after first paying their compliments to their Majesties and the Prince of Wales, who was down on this occasion. The Royal family dined together'at half after five in the grand saloon at the Queen's house. At eight
p'clock there was a concert, which being finished, the company broke up to partake of tea, coffee, and other refreshments. At nine o'clock the ball commenced, and after a few minuets danced by the Prince of Wales with the Princess Royal and Augusta, and also by the [ Princes Edward, Ernest, and Augustus, with . the Princesses Elizabeth, and Mary, country dances commenced, which continued till after
MONDAY'S POST. . LONDON, Saturdays OCTOBER!. This day arrived the mails from Holland and France. Copenhagen, August 31. In order to establish with the greater certainty the quantity of pro- visions confirmed in this city, and providing magazines fit for the necessary supplies, the King has given orders that the inhabitants shall be numbered every year. Koningsburg, Sept. 2. The Sieur Busching has made out an exact estimate of the present state of Leipsic, of which our readers will be glad to see the following particulars: this city which is peculiarly remarkable for two fairs, held annually in it, is one of the principal cities
in Germany. Its population is estima- ted at 32,000 Inhabitants; there are 22 libraries, 15 printing- houses, 436 merchant's houses, and 192 manufactories of different articles, such as brocades, taffeties, tobacco, paper, cards, & c. & c. The library of the chief ma- gistrate is very considerable, consisting of 36,000 volumes, and near 2ooo MSS, the most remarkable of which are in the Oriental languages. The library belonging to the university Contains 16,400 volumes besides manuscripts. There are other libraries be- longing to the churchcs and schools. There is likewise an academy for designing, archi- tecture, and also several
rooms of paint- ings and natural history. Since the year 1701, the city has been lighted every night with 700 lamps. Vienna, Sept. 8. The Emperor, in order to promote agriculture and the breed of cattle in Gallicia, has published rewards for such of his subjects as shall distinguish themselves for their * industry, and raise the greatest number of horses and horned cattle. Prague, Aug. 44. The troops which are to compose the camp in this city, arrive in succession; it will be composed of 40, 000 men, the head quarters at Hlanpetin. It is supposed that the great manoeuvres will Commence on the 30th of this month. They write from
Aberdeen, that a large Dutch smuggling vessel was driven ashore within two miles of that town, without any living creature on board except one man, who was sick in his hammock when the crew' left the ship, and they did not trouble themselves about him. He says the vessel had been beating about two days, but he was so weak, that he could not get to the helm, to steer to any port. The country people have carried off most of the cargo; but the ship will be got off. The poor man is ordered to be taken great care of; he is a Scotchman, and the only one that was on board, having entered with them in order to get his passage
home, as he found they were bound to some part of the coast of Scotland. Saturday night last, an information being re- ceived that a smuggling cutter had landed a large quantity of goods on the beach, at Hunstanton near Lynne, Mess. Green and Bennett, Reve- nue Officers at Suettisham, assisted by a party of Elliott's light horse, went in pursuit, and made a seizure of the goods. In passing, however, through a lane, the smugglers, headed by the captain of the cutter, and most of the crew, furnished with fire- arms, attempted to rescue the goods, and fired first, by which one of the soldiers, named William Webb, was shot dead
on the spot; Mr. Green was likewise shot through the body, and, we hear, is since dead. The captain of the cutter and two of the crew were apprehended, and carried before the Rev. Dixon Hoste, who, after hearing the evidence of several respectable witnesses, committed them to the castle at Norwich, to take their trials for the above murthers. A few days since, a clerk to a dealer in the borough of Southwark marched off with upwards of a thousand pounds, the property of his em- ployer. Many of the West- India ships lately arrived have brought home cargoes of sugar only, so great is the quantity made in all the islands last
season. Staves and lumber were so scarce in the West- Indies, that commissions are come over to export them from Europe, the supply from America being small and uncertain. A correspondent informs us, that a blind gentleman has petitioned his Majesty against the new window tax, as he thinks it very hard to pay for windows which he cannot see through. Letters from Dublin, dated Sept. 28, de- clare, that most of the people of rank and for- tune in Ireland have expressed their utmost de- testation of tlie riotous proceedings in the me- tropolis, and have given his Grace of Rut- land ( whose resolution deserves the highest
commendations) the strongest assurances of their attachment to the King and constitution of this country. Other reports say, that the reports of several persons of distinction in Ireland having it in contemplation to dispose of their property there in consequence of the present disturbances, are entirely without foundation. According to the papers, an illustrious young gentleman seems to take more exercise than the most rigid physician ever required of his patient. From Brighthelmstone to London — from London to Newmarket— and vice versa— the same every other day. The good of the body is the least attended to, " If it were
not too late to recall the memory of the dead, we might quote a bon mot which passed concerning the two Lord Russels— that they resembled the two figures on Bethlem- gate— the one melancholy mad, the other fran- tic. Yesterday his Royal Highness the Prince of Wales returned to town from Brighthelmstone, and as soon is dinner was over at Charlton 1 house; set off to Newmarket . A morning paper says, we have authority to inform the public, that a secret and most im- portant treaty is concluded between France and Sweden, the operation of which will be most injurious to this country in future wars with France. The
French have agreed by this treaty to open a port to the Swedes in the West In- dies, - and in return the small, but convenient island of St. Margaritta, is to be opened to the French. This island lying so contiguously to the great French islands, they will be able in case of a future war to transport the produce of Martinique, and other islands, in Swedish bottoms, without the expence of keeping a fleet in the West- Indian seas. The differences between the emperor and the Dutch are far from an appearance of being amicably settled; and it is but natural to ex- pect to hear of actual hostilities between the contending powers. The
uncertainty of the public concerning this matter, keeps our stocks low. They have fallen progressively since the first rumour ot an approaching war. At home matters remain as before. The. enemies of Ministry being able to find very few faults, seem to reserve their attacks until. the next sessions. Mean time, according to their practice during the American war, they shew their love for their country, by doing every thing in their power to weaken it, and create more enemies. THURSDAY'S POST. WEDNESDAY'S POST: LONDON, Monday, October 4. Naples, Sept. 7, On the 16th of last month Messina experienced a most violent
earthquake, which has occasioned the greatest consterna- tion amongst the inhabitants. They are alarm- ed for their new edifices which they have built. They have determined to lodge principally in the wooden houses, and those which are least in height, and have covered their edifices with . a kind of stuff, which may prevent the effects of the fire. Amsterdam, Sept. 30. According to the last letters from Petersburgh, the Empress has been again indisposed so as to be obliged to keep her apartment. The Bishop of Osnaburgh returns from Berlin to Hanover on the 1oth of October. Warsaw, Sept. 12. We learn that a fire,
occasioned by an earthquake, has reduced the city of Adrinople to ashes. Tuesday night the house of Edmund Burke, Efq. of Beaconsfield, was broke open and rob. bed of plate and other articles to a considerable value. This robbery was committed by a party of house- breakers from London, who went down in a Single horse chaise. They were traced as far as Brentford, where it is supposed they took boat, and came to London. Same night some thieves found means to enter the chapel in King- street, Carnaby- mar- ket, and Carried away four large enamelled plates, on which were written, in gold letters, the Lord's Prayer,
Creed, and Ten Command- ments. The chapel is now beautifying, and the plates were the gift of Dr. Parker, and were to have been fixed on the communion table the next morning. The scandalous paragraphs against Mrs. Sid- dons which have lately crouded the different newspapers, are now proved to be the artful ca- lumnies of interested would- be rivals, who being incapable of equalling that merit, which they were conscious she possessed as an actress, want- ed to blacken her private character, and by that means render her odious with the public ; but ' truth and virtue have gained the day. > The flowing locks of Berenice
will shortly be out rivallep by a thousand belles in the gay circles of fashion. The dawning mode will permit the wanton lock of beauty to fall down the shoulders unconfined. This stile of- head dress originates in the Queen of France, and has been introduced into England, by somc- women of the first ton. In consequence of the low pricewhich Irish men sell for at the public markets in America, several old dowagers and antiquated virgins of small fortune have resolved to quit their home station for the forlorn hope, and venture upon a voyage to the Western continent. The Wild Man, who was found near Caen, in Normandy, was
sent to Paris for the inspection of the curious: he was examined by philosophers and deists, but he puzzled the learned, and the learned puzzled him ; he was then introduced lo Madame de Bourbon, the young savage in- stantly appear'd information itself, and, it is said, he made himself understood without the aid of language. The folly balloon received its coup d' grace last week, and gave up the ghostin a blaze be- tween four and five o'clock in the evening. A great number of people were admitted into the gardens, and it was diverting to see some with long faces, others with grinning faces, leave the ground, each bearing
some relicks of the balloon defunct. Sic tranfit gloria mundi. Advertisement Extraordinary. To be sold cheap, several pairs of fine well bred Pidgeons, an Owl, Dog, and Cat, that were intended for the aerial voyage of Mess. Folly and Co. also a couple of speaking trumpets. Enquire this day and to- morrow at the Fool's Cap, Little- wit- row, near Humbug- street, Ca- vendish- square. Mr. Lunardi's Dog and Cat are not bad emblems of our modern Gentlemen who make, the grand tour; they ride and sleep, and return with the lame stock of ideas with which they set out, if they are externally transmogrifed it is usually for the worse.
LONDON, Tuesday, October 5. Paris, Sept. 23. The report is general that the treaty of alliance between our court and the United States of the Netherlands, was signed this week at Versailles... Leghorn, Sept. 10, Letters from Naples brings the agreeable news, that the ravages of the plague had not only, ceased in the island of Lampedousa, but that m0st of the- people af- flicted with that dreadful distemper were re- established in health. In Smyrna we learn that the same cruel disorder has also abated, but not till it had made the most terrible devasta- tion. Warsaw, Sept. 11. It is positively asserted, that the affair of Dantzick
was this day adjust- ed, through tbe mediation of Comte de Stac- kelberg, the Russian Ambassador, and Mons. Buchholtz, his Prussian Majesty's resident here, who have signed a convention ad interim, till the deputies of the city shall be authorised by their constituents to affix their Signatures to the instrument. By this convention, it is said, the King of Prussia yields the Dantzickers the exclusive right of exportation from their port, in which branch of commerce the Prussian sub- jects are on no pretence to interfere ; the King further contents to appoints Commissary to reside at Fahrwasser- for the purpose of enforc- - ing
observance of this condition, which is to serve as the basis of the convention. With re- spect to importation, the citizens are authorised to demand duties upon merchandize, the pro- perty of Prussian subjects, transported into the jurisdictions of the place, provided those duties do not exceed the amount of the claims of Prussia upon merchandize, the property of the Dantzickers,—- The Magistrates of Dantzick, on their part, engage to permit a free passage for all royal propety, protected by a passport from the court of Berlin. The King- engage to withdraw the recruiting detatchments stationed at Dantzick for enlisting men for the
Prussian service. Commissioners are come over from Lisbon to buy several quarters of the finest wheat, to sow the lands which are now cleaning in Portugal, to raise corn, the Portuguese beginning to find the consequnces of depending on other nations for a supply of grain for the support of its in- habitants. Petersburgh, Aug. 31. The court sent last week fresh instructions to the Count de Stack- elberg, our Ambassador at Warsaw, respecting the difference between the King of Prussia and the citv of Dentzick. A Courier from Naples brought last week, to the Duke de Serra Capri- ola, minister from the Two- Sicilies, the presents
destined by the King his master, for the several members of our ministry, on ac- ount of the accession of his Sicilian Majesty to the aimed neutrality :• These presents consist of a rich gold box, set with brilliants, with the King's picture, for the Vice- chancellor, Count d'Ostermann ; two other gold boxes, with his Majest's cypher, for Messrs. Besborodkin and Balconi , and two rings set with brilliants, for the two Secretaries of the chancery, who were present at the signing of the treaty. M. de St. Saphorin, whom the King of Denmark has appointed his Envoy extraordinary at our court, is daily expected here. All travellers who have
visited Antwerp agree that no place was ever better calculated for trade, and that it is grievous to see the noble warehouses and convenient quays there going to ruin for want of repairs, the owners not thinking it worth while to be at the ex- pence ; but as there will very shortly be an alteration, it is possible Antwerp may in a few years raise her head, so as again to eclipse Amsterdam. On Wednesday evening, a gentleman com- ing from Hatton- garden to Snowhill, at the end of Field- lane he was surrounded by several fellows, who hussled him about till they rifled his pockets of three guineas, some silver, and his watch ; they
then ran through Field- lane. The gentleman pursued them a little way, but was advised by the inhabitants to go no further, for if he did he would certainly be murdered. A gang of these fellows attend every night from Holborn- hall to St. Sepulcher's- church, picking of pockets. Margate, Sept. 30. An affair happened a few days ago, which I heartily wish may not turn out serious it Was n0 other than a Fracas in the rooms between a Mr. H—— d and a ' Mr. P r, on the subject of an old quarrel— Every thing was in the greatest confusion— Card and tea - tables overturned— Ladies screaming . and fainting away— Waiters bawling
for water, and such a noise, and hallooing, that you would have thought yourself among a mob of Spital- field weavers. From words the gentlemen came to blows, and Mr. P r was so roughly handled, that he. has kept his bed ever since. Mr. H d appeared at the room again on Monday, which was the master of the ceremo- nies night, and seemed quite recovered, and ready for half a dozen fresh encounters. Married. ] Wednesday se'nnight, at Edin- burgh, Lieutenant Wemyss, of the late 67th regiment, to Miss Henrietta Sinclair, of South Don, in Scotland.— Thursday, at St. George's, Hanover- square, Mr. Branford, surgeon, to
Miss Simpson, of New Bond-- street. Died. ] Yesterday, in Abingdon- street, Thomas Staunton, Esq ; late member of Par- liament for the borough of Ipswich.— Thurs- day last, aged 80; the Rev. Dr. Brown, master of Pembroke hall, and rector of Stretham, in Cambridgeshire.— Wednesday last, at Ealing Mrs. Hughes, wife of Mr. Hughes, watch maker, High Holborn.— Yesterday, in Clre- street, Lincoln's Inn Fields, Mr. Sidebottom, attorney at law, and vestry clerk of St. Cle- ment danes. Wcdnesday evening, as the Servant maid of Mr. Hubdell, jeweller in St. Martin's- lane, Was crossing to wards her master's door, a fel- low
Snatched a silver milk jug out of her hand, and by instantly mixing with a crowd collected about a ballad singer, escaped. Men of sense in Ireland argue thus; if the independence ot America, or rather its Sepa- ration from the mother country, was produc- tive of blessings to those new states— if we now could contemplate any thing in the Situation of America that bore the appearance of prosperity arising from a new system— if their law, were amended by it— their taxes eased, and their trade enlarged— if they derived more social and domestick conveniences from the extension of civil or religious liberty ; or, in short, if any good
whatever had been acquired by the late change in America, then, they very justly and Sensibly observe, the Irish would be justified as men who valued their OWn happiness, and the happiness of their posterity, in Seeking a change of government: but, they say, " while we remark in the present condition of the New States nothing but disappointment, em- barrassment, loss of credit, and general indi- gence— while we see them daily declining in consequence, and advancing towards confu- Sion— while we have every reason to pity their stuation, and none that can induce us to follow their example, Irishmen must be worse - than
mad, to aim at a divison of those national interests which have so long and eminently upheld her." The benefit of commerce to a nation is so apparent in the present age, that every power in Europe is taking uncommon pains to en- courage maritime adventurers. The Russians have been for Some years indefatigable; the Emperour and the King of Prussia are driving against nature to make sea ports in their do- minions, and Sailors of their Subjects. Even the slothful Spaniards now explore what a few years ago was to them unknown, the regions of the Baltick. In all the Mediterranean ports also, the powers belonging to them
are busier are busier than ever in fitting out vessels; and the very Turk relaxes in his religious preju- dices, in order to compass this end ; so that it |- is possible in another twelvemonth we may See, without Surprise, the Mahometan colours fly- ing 0n the Thames. It is the opinion of many who have a perfect knowledge of America, that if the colonies could breed sheep in such quatities as to Supply them with wool for clothing, they might have every other necessary within themselves, with- out resorting to the European markets, by a traffick from their northern to their Southern provinces. Dr. Franklin is firmly persuaded, that in
less than half a century the American wool will be equal to any in Europe ; he Says, that within his own recollection the climate in America has taken a new turn for cultivation ; at the same time that it gave fertility to the earth, so did it bring Salubrity to the air; and though in general the wool possessed too much the quality of hair for use, yet he knew that where a few sheep were confined to feed upon land that had been cultivated the wool retained its original property. A few days since died at Wilton, Mr. James Penling, farmer, aged 111 years. He had never worn spectacles, or used a walking stick in his life, and married about
twelve years since a woman, by whom he had four sons. From the report of the masters of those Ja- maica ships lately arrived, there is reason to fear the Hurricane that happened on the 1st of August has done much more mischief than Was apprehended from the account first published. It blew with prodigious violence, they say, for four days together; aud for some part of the time nothing could resist its force, so hath there was Scarcely a vessel but received damage, and many of them were driven ashore, with all the Small craft round the island ; several houses and sheds were also blown down, by which a few Negroes lost
their lives. T', e particulars of the loss on the different estates had not been received at Kingston, when the vessels that are arrived Sailed from thence ; but there is every reason to fear a disagreeable account by the Pacquet daily expected. The Expedition Lisbon packet mail in nine days, which arrived yesterday, brings an ac- count, that we may expect very little good wine, either from there or Porto, this year, they having had one of the worst seasons ever remembered for the wines; and what little wine they will have to export will mostly go to North America. The Portuguese are very humble now to the consul, and are sorry for
the insult they have given to the British colours in detaining the packets under false pretences, or misunderstanding. The Attornies who lately fought in Ireland, ( Mr. Evans and Mr. Boucher) were men very eminent in their profession ; Mr. Evans was near 60, Mr. Boucher past 60- The dispute which occasioned the catastrophe was of a very trifling nature, but brought on high words, which ended in a challenge to fight across a table with pistols. Mr. Bouchier received the first ball in his breast, and in falling fired and lodged the ball in his antagonist's belly. One of those gentlemen is dead ; the other is past all hopes of recovery.
The gentleman mentioned in our last, as a natural son of the late king, was honoured with a pension from his prefent Majesty in 1767, In the administration of Lord North his pen- sion was increased to three hundred pounds per ann. to which the Prince of Wales and Prince Frederick have lately most generously added an annual bounty of two hundred pounds. Tuesday last was, married, Mr. Thomas Ward, of Macclesfield, in Cheshire, aged 69, to Miss Jackson, of the same place, aged 18. Honeywood's Tincture, For cleaning and preserving the TEETH; Sold, Wholesale and Retail, BY ROSE AND DRURY, Printers, LINCOLN,
AND J. TAYLOR, PRINTER AND BOOKSELLER RETFORD. £ Pricc Sixpence the Bottle, j BY taking a few Drops of this admirable Tinc- ture, upon a soft Tooth Brush, and gently brushing the Teeth and Gums there- with, it will, in once or twice using, make the most black, and foul Teeth appear white and beautiful: It will won- derfully preserve the Teeth perfectly cure the Scurvy in the Gums, and take off all disagreeable Smells which arise from scorbutic Gums and bad Teeth.— Those who constantly make Use of this Tincture, will never be troubled with the Tooth Ach.— Eaeh Bottle is scalcd with a Boar's Head, in red Wax.
The above valuable Tincture- is likewise sold by Mr. Samuel Tupman, Nottingham-, Mr. Allin, New- ark, Mr. Smith, Doncaster, Mr. Clarke, Tuxford; Mr. Mozley, Gainsborough; Mr. Obbinson, Chymist, Sleaford ; Mr. Ellis and Mr. Weir, Booksellers Horncastle; Mr. Shear down and Mr. Marsh, Louth-, Mr. Burgess, Boston ; Mrs. Swallow, Brigg; Mr. Booth, Caistor-, Mrs. Heaton, Market Raisin-, Mr. Ferraby, Hull-, and by one Person in most Towns in Great- Britain and Ireland. Of ROSE and DRURY, and of J. TAYLOR, may also be had, ANDERSON'S true Scots Pills, is. Bateman's Drops, which'give immediate Relief in the most
racking Pains of the Rheumatism, Gout, ( Sc. is. Bathing Spirits for Strains and Bruises, 6d. British Oil, an effectual Remedy for Strains, Ulcers, old Sores, Swellings, ( 3c. is. British Herb Snuff, in Cannisters at is 3d, or small Boxes at 6d. British Herb Tobacco, in Quarteens at is 3d, er in Twopenny Papers. Bott's Corn Salve, 6d. Brooke's Ague Drops, 2s. Bailey's Patent Blacking Cakes, 6d. Best Cedar Pencils. Bassoon and Hautboy Reeds. Cephalic Snuff, 6d. a Bottle. Court Sticking Plaister. Cake Ink, by Smith and Son, 6d. Daffy's Original Elixir, by Dicey, U 41!. Ditto, by Spilsbury, Chymist, & c. Newark, is^ d. Ditto, by Brooke,
London, is. 3d. Essence of Peppermint, is. Egyptian Balsam for old Wounds andUlcers, IS9& Freebairne's Antiscorbutic Drops, 6s. Fises. . ," Godfrey's Cordial, 6d. Greenough's Tincture for cleaning the Teeth, is. Ditto for curing the Tooth Ach, is. Green Hat- casing. Hatfield's Tincture for Cuts, Strains, ( Sc. Is. Hill's Balsam of Honey for Coughs and Colds, gt. Hooper's Female Pills, Is. Issue Plaisters, by Sandwell, is. Ditto by Bowden, is. Ink for marking Linen, India Rubber. Japan Ink, 6d. Jackson's Tincture for Coughs and Asthmas, 11. James's Fever Powders, 2s 6d. Kendrick's Worm Cakes, is. Le Coeur's Imperial Oil for Cuts,
green Wounds, ( Sc. 2s. 6d. Maredant's Drops, by Norton, will perfectly cure the most inveterate Leprosy, Scurvy, old Sores, or Ulcers, the Evil, Fistulas, Piles, Pimpled Faces, ( Sc.. Price 6s. Ormskirk Medicine for Bite of a Mad Dog, by Hill and Berry; 5s 3d. Ditto for Brutes, 5s 3c!. Ormskirk Medicine, prepared from the original Receipt, by Miles Barton, Surgeon, 2s 8d. Ditto for Brutes, 2s 8d. Oriental Vegetable Cordial, for violent Pains in the Bowels, 5s. Pectoral Lozenges of Tolu, 1s. Pullin's Antiscorbutic Pills, 2s 6d. Purging Pills, 1s. Female Pills, 1s. Pounce, and Pounce Horns. . . I' Radcliff's Purging Elixir, is. Rock's Viper
Drops, a balsamic, strengthening, and restoring Composition, 8s. Rock's Asthmatic Elixir, for Coughs, Difficulty of Breathing, ( Sc. is. Royal Tooth Powder, is. Steers's Opodeldock for Sprains, & c. 1s 6d. Stoughton's Drops, 1s. Spilsbury's Antiscorbutic Drops, 4s. Smith's Smelling Medicine for the Itch, 1s 6d, — Corn Salve, 2s 6d and 1s 6d. Sujah's China Japan Blacking Balls, 6d. Scott's Superfine Water Colours, in Pots, and Cakes, prepared as in China. Real superfine Indian Ink. Liquid Colours for Maps and Plans. Best Camel- hair Pencils; with all. Things necessary for colouring and drawing. Sealing Wax, Wafers, and Wafer
Paper. Shining Sand. Turlington's Balsam of Life, 1s 9d. Vandour's Nervous Pills, a 6d » Walker's Jesuit's Drops, is Violin Strings, and Bridges. All Medicines which sell for a less - than as 6d, pay 3d Duty : If f0r 2s 6d and. under 5s, 6d Duty; If for 5s or upward, W Duty.
T i Turnpike Securities. To be SOLD, FOUR Transfers, or Assignments for One Hundred Pounds each, of the Tolls pay- able on the Road called the South- East District of the Lincoln Turnpike. And also two other Transfers, or Assign- ments for Seventy- five Pounds each, of the Tolls payable on the Turnpike- Roads from Donington High- Bridge to Wigtoft, and Lan-| gret Ferry, in the County of Lincoln. The Interest regularly paid. For Treaty apply to Mr. Phillips, Attorney in Louth. I Joshua Morris, DESIRES, very respectfully, to acquaint his Friends and Customers in general, that he is just returned from London, after making a
large Purchase at the East- India Company's SALE of TEA, conformable to the late Act of Parliament for reducing the very extravagant Prices of so necessary an Article in Families ; and that he is enabled, from such a Mode of Buying, to exceed many others in Selling, which he does at the following very low Prices, viz. Good Common Green, - 3s 4d. per lb. Finer Ditto, - 4s. Singlo, - - 5s to 6s. Bloom, - - 6s to 7s. Hyson, - 7s to 8s. Superfine Ditto, - 10 to 1 ss Bohea Tea - - ss. 4d. Congou Leaf - 3 s- Congou - - 5s. 6s. & 6s. Sd Souchong — - 6s. to 7s. Superfine ditto - 8s. to 9s. Fine Gunpowder Tea - J5S. West- India Coffee is
4d. * * Woollen Drapery. FUNERALS furnished, POSTSCRIPT. LONDON, Wednefday, OCTOBER 6. Hague, Sept. at. Their High Mightiness the State General of the United Provinces, have appointed the following persons Consuls in the different provinces of the United States of America; viz. for Connecticut, Rhode Island, and Providence, Mr. Coenraad; for New York and Jerseys, Mr. Herman le Roi ; for Georgia and two Carolinas, Mr. Boomers Gravers, who is to reside at Charles- Town ; for . Maryland and Virginia, Mr. Adriaan Volck, who is to reside at Baltimore ; for New Hampshire and Massachuset, Mr. Leertouwer, who
is to reside at Boston ; for Pennsylvania and the Delawar, Mr. Herincaen, who is to reside at Philadelphia, Private letters from Vienna, dated Sept. 13, say, that in consequence of some very spirited remonstrances from Count d'Obdam, the Dutch Minister Plenipotentiary to the Emperor, he had been told his attendance at court would be dispensed with, and that the public business would hereafter be done with the Sieur Duker his Secretary. Accounts from Amsterdam by the last mail mention, that Baron Reede, the Minister from the States- General to the King of Prussia, had . requested letters of recall from their High
Mightinesses, in consequence of his disagree- able situation at the Court of Berlin. The mortifications and neglect the Ministers of the States General meet with in most Eu- ropean Courts, is a striking proof that the pow- er of that Republic, from their civil commoti- ons at home and the late measures taken against them by two powerful Monarchs abroad, is de- clining with uncommon rapidity. Notwithstanding the specious promises of the Court of Versailles to their old friends in Hol- land, the wisest politicians on that Continent are of opinion that France by no means will act with hostility towards the emperor on account of his
invasion of the Dutch territories. By private letters from Paris, Vienna, and many parts of Germany, it is generally believed that the Courts of Versailles and Vienna per- fectly understand each other ; and that in a few years the extensive power of the High and Mighty States of Holland will be left without a basis, and their territories fall a sacrifice to the ambition of the three strongest potentates in this quarter of the globe. Letters have been received from a gentleman at Berlin, which mention that his Prussian Ma- jesty enjovs a perfect state of health, and to use the writer's expression, " Governs a kingdom with as much ease as
you do your estate." The King of Prussia rises at six in the summer, and eight in the winter. His bed- chamber is very handsome, and behind the bed, which has a superb canopy of silver; there is a library of the best chosen poets and philosophers. Grand and elegant as is the Prussian King's bed- chamber, his bed is as hard as a deal board ; it consists of straw, and is in the form of a couch, folding with a mattrass. As soon as he is dressed, he drinks either chocolate or cof- fee, and rides out, if the weather permits; has no regular breakfast; dines at two; eats little or no supper, if any at all, and retires to rest at ten, except when
he goes to the opera; which makes it eleven. Dublin- Castle, Sept. 23, 1784; Yesterday being the anniversary of their Majesties coronation, in the morning the flag was hoisted on Bedford tower ; at noon the great guns in his Majesty's Park the Phoenix; were fired three rounds, and answered by vollies from the regiments in garrison, which were drawn out in the Royal Square at the barracksi In the evening a play was given by his Grace the Lord Lieutenant, for the entertainment of the ladies; and the night concluded with bonfires, illuminations, and other demonstra- tions, of joy. Stocks fell again on Friday one per cent. more,
upon the report of a rupture between the Emperor and the states of Holland ; the sub- jects of the latter power have seized two ships ( one an Indiaman) under the imperial flag, going Up the Scheldt to Antwerp ; for which conduct the Emperor has, by a most spirited memorial, demanded full and exemplary satisfaction ; which, if not immediately, made, he peremptorily declares he will commence hostilities. Another account says, many eminent mer- chants in the city received letters from their correspondents in Holland, by the last mail, informing them that there was not a doubt but the difference between that Republic and the
Emperor, would be amicably adjusted, through the mediation of France, and that two or three ships under imperial flags had already sailed up the Scheldt to Antwerp without any molestation, the Dutch contenting themselves with only protecting against the measure, as contrary to treaties. It is positively asserted, that in Dublin 42s. in copper is given for one guinea, so, immense is the counterfeit coin. On Thursday last died at his house in Ber- mondsey, in Surry, Richard Russell, Esq; in the commission of the peace for that county. He died a bachelor, and has left, among other legacies, Three thousand pounds to the Magdalen
hos- pital. Three thousand pounds to the Small- pox hos- pital. Three thousand pounds to the Lying- in hos- pital. Five hundred pounds to the Surry Dispen- sary. Two thousand pounds for a monument to be erected in St. John's church, Southwark. Fifty pounds each to six young women to at- tend as pall- bearers on the night of his inter- ment. Twenty pounds each to four other young wo- men, who are to precede his corpse, and strew flowers, whilst the Dead March in Saul is to be played by the organist of St. John's. One hundred pounds to the Rev. Mr. Grose to write his epitaph. The sum had been first left to Dr. Samuel
Johnson, but altered by a codicil in favour of the Rev. Mr. Grose. All the rest of his property, after the sale of his estates, to the Asylum for young girls in Lambeth parish; which, it is supposed, will amount to 15 or 16,000 1. after all legacies and funeral charges are defrayed. Eight of the acting magistrates in Surry are requested, in his will, to attend his funeral, and his executors are Sir Joseph Mawbey, bart. Samuel Gillam, Thomas Bell, and William Lewis, Esquires. LINCOLN, Friday, October 8. A doubt having arose whether horses that are kept by farmers and others, not solely for the purpose of riding, are objects of the tax
upon horses: the following construction of the act, procured from the Honourable the Commission- ers on that doubt, we are authorised to lay before the public, for their information. Every horse kept and rode is the object of the tax; and the words for the purpose of riding, must be so explained. A horse, therefore, which draws in a team, but is occasionally rode to market, & c. by a farmer or his servant, must be deemed kept and used for two purposes; one of which being for the purpose of riding, is consequently within the meaning of the act. For this use the farmer must at least select one particular horse, enter it and pay the
duty, accordingly. The above construction being a matter of importance to all farmers and others keeping horses; a proper attention to it will secure them from their penalty, which their neglect or refusal to pay the duty as above directed, will inevitably subject them to. Saturday se'nnight in the evening, one Cook, a prisoner in Nottingham gaol, on a charge of highway robbery, broke prison, and has not since been heard of.— This artful villain, for upward of 12 months, pretended insanity, and so far worked on the feelings of his countrymen, as to be twice remanded to gaol without tryal, the jury returning their verdict,— That he
stood mute by the visitation of God. Saturday se'nnight was committed to Ouse- bridge Jail, York, James Anderson, on sus- picion of breaking open a box belonging to William Robson of that city, and taking thereout 7I. On Saturday se'nnight died, deservedly lamented, after a long and painful indisposition, Mr, Joseph Wolstenholme, thirty years master of the Grey Coat Girls Charity School in York ; which trust he discharged with great credit to himself. He had been twice married, and was father of 26 children ( having had 13 by each wife) nine of whom and a disconsolate widow, survive him. A letter from Chester, dated Sept.
28, says, " On Friday evening last, as several children Were playing in the groves on the bank of the River Dee, near our city walls, six of them got into a small cart, lying near the water, for the purpofe of seeing a man get fruit in an adjacent garden when a young person very incautiously taking hold on the shafts, in Order to draw the cart, it was accidentally forced into the water, and, the declivity being great, immediately sunk. " Three of the children were taken down in- stantaneously with the cart; the others, who were left floating several yards from the side, must have inevitably perished, but for the acti- vity of a young man,
who Went in three several times at the utmost hazard, with his cloaths on, and providentally brought them to shore. Im- mediate search Was made to recover the bodies of the three lost infants, which was not effected till near an Hour had escaped, a period too long to expect a wish'd for restoration. On Michaelmas- day, Joseph Chambers, Esq; Mayor elect was sworn into the office of Mayor of the borough of Leicester for the year ending. The same day Francis Ashby, Esq;. was sworn into the office of Mayor for the borough of Derby. William Howet, Esq is elected Mayor of the town of Nottingham for the ensuing year ; Mr.
Strahan and Mr. Swan, Sheriffs ; Mr. John Heath and Mr. Dodson, Chamberlains. A few days ago was married at Pickering, Mr. Richard Garbutt, an eminent timber merchant, to Miss Wilson. On Monday se'nnight was married at Kirk- Ireton, Derbyshire, the Rev. John Cough, rector of that church, to Miss Bruckfield, daughter of the late Mr. John Bruckfield of Derby. On Thursday se'nnight was married at St. Mary's church, Nottingham, Mr. Harpur, of London, to Miss Cowlishaw, in Gridlesmith- gate, Nottingham. On Tuesday se'nnight died at Nottingham, Mrs. Bagnall, wife of Mr Bagnall, silk- dyer, near St. Peter's church. On
Friday last died, after a long illness, Mrs. Fallows, wife of Mr. Fallows, sen. attorney at law, Derby. Last Friday morning one Thomas Bellamy, a journeyman comber, was found dead in a hovel near the road betwixt Leicester and the turn- pike leading for Harborough. We are extremely sorry to hear of the death of a child of Mr. Whittle's of Mountsorrel, by canine madness, occasioned hy the bite of a mad- dog some time since. The child had been taken to the salt- water, and returned apparently well, till a few days ago, when the symptoms of the dreadful malady appeared. — This is another fatal instance where the supposed
effica- cy of the salt water has miscarried.— The following unfortunate persons all lost their lives by the fame disorder, and all of whom had tried the antidote of sea- bathing and sea- water. Mr. Laxton, of Uppingham ; Mr. Barsby, of Ratcliffe A girl at Freestone- shore ; Joseph Moor, of Walton near Nottingham ; A person of Stenton, whose name was forgot. Saturday night last Gould, of Causby, carrier of worsted, & c. was stopped a little beyond the West- Coats, on the road to Narbo- rough, and robbed of four guineas- On Thursday sennight, Amy Rowe, a young woman of Blason, who was with child, poison- ed herself by
taking a large quantity of arsenick. The coronor's inquest sat on the body, and returned a verdict Felo de se. Tuesday evening, the 14th ult. died, at Long Whatton, near Loughborough, Mrs. Hand, wife of Mr. Thomas Hand, of that village, and youngest daughter of the late Major Mace, of his Majesty's artillery. In the night between the 16th and 17th ult. a fire broke out in the out buildings belonging to Thomas Getliffe, in the parish of Marston upon Dove, in the county of Derby, which burnt with great fury, and Consumed the same, together with the utensils and husbandry, & c. also a wheelwright's shop and barn thereto ad joining, in which was a quantity of unthrashed oats. By this disaster the poor man is reduced to great distress. An ingenious School Master, not 20 miles from Leeds, being asked how many Scholars he had. made this answer. If I had as many more, and twice as many and one and a half, I should have ten. Querry, How many Scholars had he. At Kirbymoorside fair on the 18th ult. three sharpers were discovered early 0n the day; they were of very genteel appearance, and rode three remarkable fine horses, which they had pri- vately put into a bye stable at the end of the town, undoubtly with a design to be ready for a sudden
decamp ; but suspicions arising from their Conduct, the horses were locked up, for the release of which they readily gave five guinea, rather than be detained,— after which they got clear off. On Friday se'nnight died at Barnsley, in her 80th year, Mrs. Jane Watson, a maiden gen tlewoman. On Sunday died at Ferribridge, in an ad vanccd age, Mr. John Barber, many years master of the Angel Inn there, but had re- tired. Thursday Mr, George White, linendraper at Nottingham, was married at Plumtree near that town to Miss Berridge, of Normanton. On Thursday morning died, the Rev. Isaac Thomas, Curate of Beeston, in the
parish of Leeds, a gentleman endeared te his people by the most amiable temper and inoffensive de- portment. On Thursday se'nnight at Horncastle, died Mr. Richard Watson, whole loss, as a man of strict probity in an extensive line of business; in social life, as a sincere friend, and affection- ate relation; and particularly for his diffusive benevolence to the needy, and distressed; will be long, and feelingly regretted by all within the circle of his acquaintance. On Sunday last, the 3d instant, two confined in our city goal for desertion, found means to make their escape from thence, and have not been heard of since. It is supposed
they opened the iron gate with a false key. What is most remarkable, it was near seven o'clock in the morning when they effected their escape; a time many people are walking the street, in view of the gaol. On Tuesday night, between the hours of eleven and twelve, Mr. Cumberland, a com- edian in Messrs. Green and Robertson's com- pany, now in this town, was stopped by two. men near the Castle- hill, who robbed him of gold and silver to the value of about three pounds. One man held something to his breast, and demanded his money ( threatening instant death if he resisted) while the other robbed him. He who took the
money, having hold of his hand, felt a ring 0n his finger, and said " Damn his eyes here's a ring, shall we take it?" The other replied, '- No, take his money." The villains, after the robbery, re- paired to a house of ill fame in the neighbour- hood; Mr. Cumberland, and three others, soon after, armed with hangers, followed, and, on entering the house, a fierce bull dog was set up- on them, by which, and the assistance of some men and women there present, the robbers escaped. On Wednesday, the lady of Mr, Alderman Swan, of this city, was safely delivered of a son. Married, a few days ago, Mr. Thomas Ban- nister, of this city,
cooper, to Miss Ogiliby. On Monday last, Messrs. Gibbeson and Straw, sherriffs of this city, gave a very elegant din- ner at the Rein- deer, to a numerous company of the nobility, gentry, and their fellow citi- zens. The same evening, the house of a Mrs. Hartley, in the parish of St. Botolph, in this city, was attempted to be broke open. The villains took out the window, and then made off, the neighbours being alarmed. On Wednefday the 6th instant, came on at the quarter sessions of the peace, for the Man- or and Soke of Grantham, the trial of William Mitchell, for feloniously stealing some pieces of iron out of a close, within the
lordship of Belton, in Lincolnshire, the property of Mr. Manton, a farmer, of that place. It seems that a John Loddington, was charged as an accom- plice in the fact; and, notwithstanding Mr. T- n Cl- k, had been taught by a learned judge in a former matter very similar, determined at the last assizes for the county of Lincoln ; that, the evidence of an accomplice was not admis- sable against one prisoner; he nevertheless pro- duced Loddington, as an evidence against Mitchell; but, the Recorder refusing to admit of his testimony, and the evidence of Mr. Man- ton, not amounting to a proof of his having absolutely taken the iron, they
failed of their evidence, and the prisoner was acquitted, with the person likewise, who stood indicted in re- ceiving the stolen iron. Jeremiah Dixon, Esq ; is elected Mayor of the Borough of Leeds, for the year ensuing, and yesterday took the oath on entering on his office. Robert Denison, of Meanwood, Esq ; is cho- sen an Alderman of the said Borough, in the room of William Hutchinson, Esq; who has resigned; and Benjamin Wade, of New- Grange, Esq; is elected of the common- coun- cil, in the room of Richard Collins, Esq; who has also resigned. About six on Friday evening, as Mr. Web- ster was returning to York, he was
attacked between Spittle- bridge and Lobster- house by a highwayman, armed with a bludgeon, who demanded his money. Mr. Webster semingly complying with his demand, drew out of his pocket a pistol, on sight of which the villain rode off, huttering the most horrid imprecations, and wished he had been equally armed. Some little time after Mr. Webster met a voung man. who had been robbed of upward of five guineas by the same highwayinau, who had cut him in the head, and otherwise much abused him. He appeared to be about 30 years of age, had on a brown coat and round hat, and rode on a gen- teel dark brown
horse with four white feet, and a round star on the forehead. Yesterday se'nnight, Hassell MoOr, Esq; was chosen mayor of the town of Beverley for the ensuing year. And On Thursday Henry Broadley, Esq ; was chosen mayor; Mr, John Voase, sheriff; Francis Bine, Esq ; and Mr. Henry Denton, chamberlains, for the town of Hull. Last week died at his house at Fishlake, York- shire, aged 55, much lamented by his friends, the Rev. John Gibson, rector of Fishlake and Sykehouse. His fortune, which is consider- able, divolves to an only brother in the said city. Tuesday, Sept, 28th, was married at Long Ludford, near Raisin, Mr.
William Copping of Bamber, near Horncastle,. to Miss M. Elvin, daughter of Mr. Thomas Elvin of Long Ludford, farmer. Wednesday, Sept. 29th, died at Louth, after a long illness, Mrs. Bishop, a widow lady, aged 75. She had several indulgent acquaint- ances who attended her strictly in her illness, and some of them, in return, are likely to be benefited by her death. Thursday, Sept. 30, was married at Louth, Mr. William Chatterton, draper, to Miss Hill, tanner, both of that place. Tuesday last one James Wood, of Bingley had a period put to his existence in the following dreadful mariner — Being appointed to looK after a lime- kiln
at Shipley; and spreading some coals On the top; ( beirig burnt away Underneath) the stones suddenly gave way; and he sunk up to the middle of his thighs in the fire In this miserable situation he continued, without being able to help, himself, till he was actually burnt to death; for notwithstandirig his cries brought many to the place, they were unable to give him the least assistance, one man being terribly scorched in making the attempt. ( On Tuesday morning Richard Kay, of Dearnley, near Rochdale, was killed by a fall from his cart, near the new turnpike behind Blackston- edge. He was very forward in li- quor, and in a
barvado would pass the different carriages he came up with but being over- powered with liquor and sleep, he tumbled headlong from His cart, by which his brains were dashed out, and a wheel of the cart after- wards ran up the left side of his body, burst his entrails, and took off one side of his skull. It is to be hoped so shocking an accident will have a tendency to check those hot- headed drivers, who, without thought thus rush on their i own destruction; DONCASTER RACES. Tuesday, Sept. 28, the 501; Wt. for Age, was won by - . Mr. Jolliff's Ches. Horse. Monk - tf i A Mr. Wentworth's Prince William 1 4 3 Sir J. L. Kaye's
Recovery — — 522 Mr. Lloyd's Ch Horse Tommy - 4 3 4 Sir R. Winn's Gr. Gelding - - fl dif. 7 5 to 4 on Tommy; after the first heat, Re- covery the favourite ; after the second heat, even betting between Monk and Prince Wil- liam; The St. Leger's Stakes, for 25 gs. each, p. p. by three year olds, Colts 8st; Fillies 7st 12lb. was won by Mr. Coates's bay filly — — — Mr. Hutton's Br. Colt - -' -' Mr. Wentworth's Bay Colt - Mr! Crowle's Bay Colt - - Sir F. Standish's Buy Colt - - Earl Fitzwilliam's Br. Colt- - Earl Effingham's Bay Filly - - Five Subscribers -, paid. Even Money Triumph won ; and the winner scarce mentioned, Wednesday, the
Cup, one four- mile heat Was won by Sir J. L. Kaye's Ch. C. Phenomenon - Mr. O'Kelly's Bay Colt; Dungannon — Mr. Crowle's Gr. Filly, Moss Rose - - 7 to 4' and 2 to 1 on Dungannon. Won easy by Phenomenon. Thursday, the 1001. for four year, olds was won by Sir J. L. Kaye's Phenomenon - - Mr. Crowle's Rose Bud - - _ _ 2 dr. Mr. O'Kelly's Dungannon - - - dr. 20 to 1 on Phenomenon.; Same day, the Doncaster Stakes of l0gs, p. p. was won by Mr. Farrer's colt, Phenomenon Mr. Wentworth's filly, Leveret Mr. Stapleton's colt, Duncannon Earl Fitzwilliam's dark bay colt Phenomenon the favourite. We hear a certain Great
Personage has sent a most flattering message to Mr. Lunardi, with a purse of 200 guineas. Died yesterday, Mr. Philip Sympson, shop- keeper, above Hill, in this town. HULL, oct. 3 Coasters Arrived, George Estill, from Poole. Thomas and Hannah. Cook; Owl, Thompson; John and Mary, Bradley, from Lynn Draper, Christie, from Ipswich Freedom, Thorney ; Neptune, Wood ; Joseph and Samuel, Fox, from Sun- derland. Three Brothers, Burton; Polly Wheldone, from Whitby. Newcastle, Tho- mas, from Newcastle. William and John, Hunter, from Leith. Bainevelt, Wright, from London. Coasters Sailed. Nancy, Richardson ; A- mity,
Harrow; Martin, Curtis; Industry, Hood ; William and Henry, Barrowby; Wakefield, Dean ; Fame, Cobb; York, Hall, for London. Aurora, Greaves, for Lynn. Providence, Sugden, for Wainfleet. Thomas and Sarah, Read for Yarmouth. Friends Goodwill, Fletcher, for Newcastle. Active, Lancaster, for Whitby. Rodney, Baker, for Wisbech. Experiment, Potts, for Scarbro', and Storkton. Industry, Watson, for Riness. Friends Goodwill, Bradley, for Blakeney. PRICES OF STOCKS. Three per Cent. Consol. 54 5- 8ths a 3- 8thi. a l- half.— Bank Short Ann.. 1778, 11 15- 16ths a is.— New Navy 17 t- 8th dis.— Lottery Tickets 15I. j2s. 6d. a
13.—. Navy 5 per Cent. 8.7 3- 8 ths a 1— 8 th. BANKRUPTS. William King, and Richard Houghton, of Exeter, Devonshire, mercers" James Palmer, of Bristol, cornfactor and cooper. John Tipping, and Robert Abbatt, both of, Liverpool, merchants. Isaac Slack, of Sunderland near the sea, Durham, mercer and linen- draper. Thomas Phippen, late of New Sarum, Wiltshire, butcher. John Standfast, of the borough of South- wark, grocer, Joel Adams, late of Portsmouth, taylor and breeches- maker. Joseph Harris, of Dowgate- hill, merchant, James Foy, of Corn- hill, glover.
SONG. WHEN absent from thy much lov'd sight, What terrors fill'd my troubled breast ; Once more return, and give delight, Hope will return, my fears have rest. If the light breezes curl the wave, Move but a leaf, or bend a flow'r, Fear for thy safety never leave This heart, the victim of thy power. In love there's no long happiness, The pains are far superior found ;• One ray of joy we scarce possess Ere in new sorrows we are drown'd. The SMUGGLER S. SMUGGLERS, at length your destin'd hour is come : Pitt and the Parliament have seal'd your doom, Prepare yourselves for ropes and gibbets, go; Your element, ye plunderers,
is below. DUNKIRK. THROUGH Dunkirk's streets no Smuggler to be seen ! Cutters laid up,' and warehouses quite clean ! The cause of this great change do you enquire ? From a ship sinking vermin will retire.',' EPIGRAM. HOW kind has Nature unto Bluster been, Who gave him dreadful looks, and daunt- less mein! Gave tongue to swagger, eyes to strike dismay ; And, kinder still— gave legs to run away ! EPIGRAM. MICHAELMAS- DAY. FIVE thousand geese this day are deem'd to die! O! what a thinning of community ! Some time since a man was taken up for a trifling misdemeanour, and, upon being in- formed of the
name of the magistrate by whom he was to be examined, answered, that he was immediately ready to go, for that the Justice was only a Simpleton. His worship being in- formed of the fellow's insolence, exclaimed, " So, Sir, you say I am a Simpleton ;" upon which the man, to exculpate himself, said, " that his worship had been misinformed, for that his assertion was, that he was only a Simple ten. " The magistrate then asked the culprit, what he meant by that ? and was answered, that he was sure his worship was not a Court Card. The Justice, enraged, threatened to commit the fellow ; and said, he would convince him that he
was a Court Card. Pray, said the prisoner, is your worship a King ? to which he answered in the negative. Then said the prisoner, as I am fure your worship is not a Queen, is it not more honorable to be Simple ten than roguijh Knave ? ; It is the report of the day, that the ambassador of the Emperor of Germany has, in the name of the Emperor his master, made a proposal of an alliance of a particular nature ; in which also the Empress of Russia, the King of Den- mark, and the King of the Two Sicilies are to be parties. The cabinet are to consider the am- bassador's proposal at their next meeting, when an answer will be
returned. Some Imperial officers, who have resided long in London, set off last week for Vienna, in consequence of orders to return home. Many eminent merchants in the city have re- ceived letters from their correspondents in Hol- land, by the last mail, informing them that there was not a doubt but the difference be- tween that Republic and the Emperor would be amicably adjusted, through the medium of France., and that two or three ships under im- perial flags had already sailed up the Scheldt to Antwerp without any molestation, the Dutch contenting themselves with only protecting a gainst the measure, as contrary to
treaties. Ingratitude generally meets with its reward from some quarter or other : and this truth exemplified in regard to Holland, for had they not infringed the treaties subsisting between them and England, in all probability the Empe- ror would not have thought of opening the port of Antwerp, especially as our ministry must have interfered, from this country having gua- ranteed for blocking up the Scheldt ; and there is some reason for supposing the Emperor en- tertains such a sense of the assistance given the house of Austria by the English some years ago, that he would not, for so small an object, have entered into a contest
on the subject. The Earl of Oxford East- Indiaman is arrived off Weymouth from St. Helena ; she left no ship there. COMMON SENSE. " Common sense may teach you that—- Common sense is above all other sense. Common sense is very rare." So says the world, and prates, and prates, and prates of Common sense. What is Common sense ? Is it valour ? No— for men of Common sense may be chicken hearted. Is it virtue ? No— for men of Common sense may never- theless want a portion of virtue. Is it wisdom ? No— for men of Common sense may be only worldly wise, which is a near approach to folly. Yet, I cannot
help thinking, it is a com- pound of the three— Why is it that Garrulus, who has fine sense, polished understanding, nay elegant man- ners, and who has many external allurements, is nevertheless a complete boor in company, and avoided by every body after the first or second interview ; because he has not Common sense to discover that all these qualifications are not only obscured, but rendered useless by af- fectation or loquaciousness. Why is it that a great man, who has great sense, great powers, great abilities, and great credit with the world, does things which are both ridiculous and unjust, and thinks never- theless
that he can persuade the world into, an opinion of his integrity ? Because he wants Common sense. Why is it that Lucinda, who has as much beauty as ever fell to woman's share, and much more wit, and many more accomplishments than women in general care far, is nevertheless laughed at by all her friends, and gets the name pert, coquette ? They say she does not want sense— Aye, but she wants Common sense. " Why is it that Clericus, who is a fine preacher, say fine things, in a fine manner, with a fine voice, and fine attitude, fine sentiments, and who is at bottom a man of sound sense, yet ac- counted a most
intolerable prig, and a conceited clerical coxcomb ? Because he wants Common sense. Why is it that Tom Thoughtless who has read much, seen much, and understands much, is always committing some excess or another, which brings him into contempt with the world, and makes him be called fool and worth- less fellow. He has not any portion of Common sense. What is it that clearly proves, that a life of piety and virtue is the surest recommendation to happiness and contentment ; that the world loves, reveres, and encourages virtuous endea- vours : and that a life of vice is an assurance of misery and pain, of contempt
from others, and contempt of ourselves ? Common sense. What is it, that clearly proves that the man who does his duty, according to the best of his abilities ; who is benevolent, charitable, modest, and unassuming, is a character which Commands respect from all ranks and degrees of men ? Common sense. What is it which, when exercised, fascinates men beyond beauty, wealth, or pomp, beyond the power of high rank, o « the pleasures of the world ? Common sense. What would make a senator as good as great— what would direct his councils to the advancement of his character, the glory of his nation, and the endless
honour of his admi- nistration ? Common sense. What would make a gamester tired of his skill, a duellist throw aside his weapons, a man of honour become a man of virtue, and nothing appear truly honourable but what is truly virtuous ? Common sense. What would prevent the rage of the populace when directed for or against and particular ob- jest, and reduce them to the standard of reason and obedience ? Common sense. What would overthrow two- thirds of the fine arguments, introduced in the fine speeches, in that, fine place, St. Stephen's chapel ? Common sense. What would make a man whose existence depends
upon his good character, a little more careful to preserve it than some gentlemen ap- pear to be ? Common sense. What was the greatest enemy to England during the carrying on of the American war ? Common sense. What is very much wanted in these three kingdoms in order to introduce a little common o honesty ? Common sense. What is that sense which is indispensibly requisite in conducting the affairs of private life, and creating respectability of situation and character ? Common sense. What is it that all learned men want Very much, but which very few possess in any de- gree ? Common sense. What is it that would
prevent enthusiasm and youthful folly, levity of mind and man- ner, unnecessary extravagance, and effusions of a too tender and generous mind, and all im- proper connections ? Common sense. What is it that would have prevented the writer of this paper from wasting his time in writing these sentiments, seeing nobody will profit by them ? COMMON SENSE. SCHEME to prevent SMUGGLING. . REPEAL all the duties on import, and all the present excises upon wines, brandy, spirits, tea, and tobacco, and subject all those commodities to a local excise only. First, no persons whatever either to deal in them, or have them in
their possession, without being registered for each article, and paying a stamp. Second, none of these articles to be moved from one place to another without a stamped permit, and proportioned to the quantity ; but, lastly, and principally, no persons whatever to have in their possession, under any pretence whatever, any of those commodities that are not packcd, called, bottled, or done up under the King's seal, and the duty paid, under a forfeiture of five hundred pounds. A. B. If a war breaks out between the emperor and Holland, and the French should become parties, their first and great attempt will be on the port of Trieste,
in the Mediterranean, from whence the Imperial East- Indiamen are chiefly fitted out : This step would be the means of involv- ing the Italian Powers, and in a little time all Europe. It is to be hoped that persons will be ever marked with the execrations of their country, who add to the heavy disaster of losing America, by fomenting intestine rage for interested pur- poses- The only remaining remedy and conso- lation after our defeat were concord and unani- mity, . which are, sacrificed to. the views of gam- blers and sharpers ! The wife of one of the King of Sweden's gardeners was, on the 24th of last month, brought to bed in the
city of Stockholm of a boy and three girls; one of the latter died foon after her birth, but the other three, with the mother, are likely to do well. We ran assure our readers that a treaty is now going on for a marriage between Miss Pul- teney and Mr. Pitt. Mr. Pulteney demands a Peerage, and that there shall be paid to him the sum of 170,0001. as the savings 011 the B estate. The first of these conditions would be instantly complied with, for he or any man may be a Peer ; but Ministers cannot so soon after the General Election sport with such a sum of the public money as. 170,000!. Here the affair rests ; a few weeks probably, will
decide the matter. A complaint of a moft attrocious nature came a few days since before Mr. Addington.. Three young girls, who were seduced from their friends, and debauched by the means of a wo- man in Cumberland- court, not willing to sub- mit to her impostions, left her house, and the day after were arrested at her suit for ten pounds each; they wrote a letter to the magistrates in Bow- street, stating their situation, and the treat- ment they met with from the woman, who re- ceived above ten pounds a week from these un- happy girls, and allowed them out of every guinea no more than sixpence ; the youngest is not more
than fourteen years old; and the eldest not seventeen. Mr. Addington, 011 reading' the letter, sent for the Sheriff's officer, who very humanely brought his prisoners to the ofiice to give information A warrant was granted against the woman, and the magistrates are de- termined to have her prosecuted. A private letter from Berlin, by the Dutch mail, says, that the King of Prussia is raising more men, and daily exercising them, that they may be ready to march at a very short notice. Tuesday afternoon, while an assistant to the proprietor of, the dancing dogs at Sadler's- Wells was preparing a remedy for a gentle- nan's dog that he
had undertaken to cure of the mange, in a little room behind the shop of Mr. Astwell, next to the sign of the empress of Russia, opposite to the gate of the Wells, the materials, consisting of a pound and a half of gunpowder, and two. pounds each of flower of sulphur and hog's lard, which he had placed over the fire in order to melt the lard,, went off with a great explosion, burst through the partition into the shop, the windows of which were shat- tered to pieces, and the frames forced into the road; but the most melancholy circumstance attending this accident is, that at the moment of the explosion, the incautious man, who was
employed as above described, was looking into the vessel containing the combustibles, to see how his process succeeded, in consequence of which his face, head, and neck were burned and scalded in a manner truly shocking ; and there is said to be no probability of his sight be- ing ever restored. The proprietors of Sadler's Wells ordered proper care to be taken of the unfortunate man, and their carpenters, & c. im- mediately to set about repairing the damage done to Mr. Astwell's house. Stamp- Office, September it, 1784. Act for granting a Duty on certain Venders of Medicines, & c. HIS Majesty's Commissioners for manag ing the Stamp Duties do hereby give notice to all persons residing in the cities of London and Westminster, or within the distancc of the penny- post, who are required, by an Act of the 23d of his present Majesty, to take out Licences for selling Medicines, that daily at- tendance is given at their office 111 Lincoln's- Inn for granting the said Licences. And whereas the Commissioners have re- ceived information, that many venders of me- dicines, who are within the meaning of the said Act, have not renewed their Licences, and con- tinue to sell such medicines without using the proper stamps for the same, they think it ne- cessary
to give Public Notice, that everv per- son who shall be found offending, in this re- spect, against the law, will be immediately pro- secuted in his Majesty's Court of Exchequer. . By Order of the Commissioners, JOHN BRETTELL, Sec. N. B. Persons living in other parts of the kingdom, are to apply for their Licences to their respective Distributors of Stamps in the dif- erent counties. To be Sold by Auction, By Mr. PRESTON, On Wednesday the 13th of October, and the following Day, The genteel and neat Houshold Furniture of the Rev. Mr. Hare, as Fillingham, within Eight Miles of Lincoln. CONSISTING of Bedsteads, with elegant
Mahogany Posts for Goose Feather Beds,' Bolsters, and Down Pillows; Mahogany, Elm, Walnut, and other Chairs; Mahogany, Dining, Card, China, Tea,- and other Tables; Two very elegant Mahogany Wardrobes; Night Tables and Bason Stands ; Looking Glasses, & c. a fine toned Harpsichord ( by Falkner) with a Pedal, Unison, and Octave Stop ; comprising a general Assortment of very useful Articles, as expressed in the Catalogues which may be had of Mr. Preston, and at the Place of Sale. To begin each Day at Eleven o'Clock. Beelsby, Lincolnshire. T O BE SOLD, Altogether or in Lots, THE complete entire Village,
Manor, and Lordship of Beelsby ( with excellent Farm Houses, Cottages, Barns, Stables, and Buildings) com- prising 2195 Acres of old enclosed rich Arable., Meadow, and Pasture Land, well watered, in a high State of Cul- tivation, divided by good Quick Fen- and tenanted as under ; John Loyd's. Farm Benjamin Loyd's Thomas Odling's Thomas Thompson's John Lincoln's Alexander Eve's Francis Thompson's George Thompson's Samuel Patterson's' William Elstone's Elizabeth Plaskett's Elizabeth Fulford's John Houghby's, Robert Brays's Christopher Packer's William Parker's Margaret Markham's To be Sold by Auction, At
the Rain- deer in the City of Lincoln, on Friday the 22d Day of October, 1784, be- tween the Hours of three and six in the Afternoon, ( if not sooner disposed of by private Contract, of which due Notice will be given) subject to such Conditions of Sale ' as shall be then and there produced ; THE MANOR of BEAUMONT'S FEE, in the City of Lincoln, with its Rights and Privileges, particularly a Fishery in the River Brayford, in the said City: Also the Manor- house, with the Gardens and other the Premises thereto adjoining and belonging, as the same are now tenanted by Mr. Richard Creasey, at the very moderate Rent of 12I per
Annum. Further Particulars may be had of George Babb, Attorney, at Grimsby. Anthony Lewis's Cottagers' Pasture To the PRINTER. SIR, MUCH has been said pro and con. in re- gard to the additional duties to be raised on those that shoot or hunt, and much more re- mains to be said. A few comments, therefore, from an old Sportsman may not be amiss. It certainly was the intention of parliament to make all people that use the gun, or any other - engine for the destruction of the game, take out a license prior to destroying it, as well the huntsman as the shooter. It would carry an absurdity on the face of it, to suppose people
unqualified in all respects to kill game should be pointed out in the act ; it surely only alludes to those who shoot or hunt qualified in respect to themselves as to birth or property. It can- it not be supposed property only is the object: If so, it is to all intents and purposes an increase of the land- tax. What I would hint at through the medium of your communicative paper is, that I would not advise people to trust too much to the old laws concerning unqualified persons, for I apprehend, if a qualified man produces his certificate to another man in pur- suit of game, in all respects unqualified, and he cannot produce his, if identified, he
will not only be subject to the fifty pounds penalty, but also five pounds penalty tor every piece of game he has in his possession, for surely no such con- struction can be put on the additional new act, so as to suppose the person properly authorised by parliament, showing his certificate, and de- manding that of the unauthorised person, and bringing an action in consequcnce, of the fifty pounds, the penally inflictcd on such as shoot without one ; I fay, Mr. Printer, it is im- possible that the unqualified man should avail himself, by pleading he has no right to take out a certificate, as he falls or stands according to the old laws
relative to poachers and unqualified people. Yours, & c. A KEEN SPORTSMAN. Sept. 20, 1784. Faith compared to an Air Balloon at a ro- tunda not an hundred miles from the Spa- fields, on Sunday se'nnight, by the Rev. Mr, W— " Faith enlarges the faculties of the foul, and leaves all worldly possessions and enjoyments at an awful distance. Faith soars from earth to heaven. ' Tis no Air Balloon, but is continu- ally amending until it reach the eternal throne of Grace." Beelsby lies about twelve Miles from Louth and about six from Great Grimsby : attach Place there is an exceeding good River for Ship- ping its Produce. About six
Miles from Caistor and ten from Market Raisin. Is in a very good Neighbourhood, a Sporting Country, and abounds with Game. A Pack of rioted Fox Hounds within six Miles. Further Particulars may be had at Mr George Tcnnyson's Office in Market Raisin, who impowered to sell, Or at Mr. Wigelsworth's in Louth, Mr. Babb's at Grimsby, or Mr. Turner's at Caistor. To be peremptorily Sold pURSUANT to the Decree of the High Court of Chancery, before William Wel- ler Pepys, Esq. one of the Masters of the said Court, at his Chambers in Symond's Inn, Chancery Lane, London; on Monday the 15th day of Octobcr next, between
the hours of 11 and 12 in the Forenoon : Three- fourths of the Freehold Estates of the Rev. Middlemore Ward, Clerk, deceased, situate in East Walton, Stallingborough, and Market Raisin in the County of Lincoln. Particulars whereof may be had at the said Master's Chambers, of Messrs. Bargrave and Forster, Inner Temple, London ; and at Mr. George Tennyson's Office, Market Raisin afore- said John Easy's Favour is received: We return him Thanks, and will certainly give it a Place in our next Week's Paper. Mr. Crowder, Pater- noster- row, London. Mr. Jacob, Printer, Peterborough. Mr. Cowper, Bookseller, Cambridge. Mr.
Gatliffe, Hair- dresser, Bourn. Mrs. Whaley, Bookseller, Grantham. Mr Fawcett, Mr. Obbinson, and Mr. Ball, Sleaford. Mr. Joshua Drewry, Bookseller, Lincoln. ADVERTISEMENTS, Mr. Gregg, Long Sutton. Mr. Burgess, Printer and Bookseller, Boston Mr. Albin, Printer, Spalding. Mr. Dixon, Chequer Inn, Holbeach. Mr. Heaton, Market Raisin. Mr. Booth, Bookseller, Caiftor. Mr. Metcalf, Hair- dresser, Kirton. Mrs. Swallow, Bookseller, Brigg. ARTICLES OF INTELLIGENCE, 11 Mr. Cheetham, Saddler, Barton. Mr. Ferraby, Printer and Bookseller, Hull. Mr. Western, Hair- dresser, Wragby. Mr. Ellis and Mr. Weir, Booksellers,
Horncastle. Mr. Gibbons, Tattershall. Mr. Marsh and Mr. Sheardown, Louth. | Mrs. Ward, Spilsby. Mr. Allin, and Messrs. Drury, Newark. he. are taken in hv Mr. White, Hair- dresser, Gainsborough. Mr. Clarke, Ironmonger, Tuxford. - Mr. Taylor, Printer and Bookseller, Retford. Mr. Baines, Hair- dresser, Bawtry. Mr. Parker, Ironmonger, Workfop. Mr. Sheppard, Bookseller, Mansfield. Mr. Turner, Grocer, Ollerton. Mr. Tupman, Printer, Nottingham. Mr. Calow, Chesterfield. Mr. Drewry, Printer, Derby. Mr. Adams, Bookseller, Loughborough. Mr. Smith, Bookseller, Doncaster. Mr. Gales, Printer and Bookseller, Sheffield. Messrs. Ogle
and Smith, Booksellers, Leeds. Mr. Wilson, Bookseller, Rotherham. Mr. Todd and Mr. Spence, Booksellers, York. Also at Garraway's Coffee- house, Exchange Alley, Cornhill; the London Coffee-' uoufc,- Ludgate- hill; the Chapter Coffee- house, Pater- noster. row; and the Red Lion Inn, Aldersgate- street; where it may be seen everv Week. This Paper, with the greatest Expedition, is circulated into mojl of the Towns and Villages throughout the several Counties of Lincoln, Nottingham, Derby, Leiceister, Northampton, Rutland., Huntingdon, Cambridge, & c. & c "" ' JOHN STARNEL, Newsman from Lincoln to Grantham, will
conftantly fupply the Towns, & c. on the CLIFF ROW, with this Paper, every Friday Morning.