Lincoln Gazetter; or Public Advertiser
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Issue Number: 14
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Lincoln Gazetter; or Public Advertiser
Date of Article: 01/10/1784
Printer / Publisher: Rose and Drury
Address: Opposite the Bank near the Stone-Bow, Lincoln
Volume Number: 1
Issue Number: 14
No Pages: 4
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LINCOLN Or, Public GAZETTEER; Advertifer. LINCOLN: Printed and Sold by Rose and drury, opposite the Bank near the Stone- Bow. ( J Laur- Ba a ti< C„„, r ./ It, Sir,,:. J Sold alfo by J. TaYl0R, Printer. EAST RETFORD. Advertisements ( not exceeding twenty Lines) are inserted at four Shillings each Time; longer Ones, at the Rate of one Penny for every Line above that Number. Vol. 1. [ Price Three- pence. ] FRIDAY, October 1, 1784. [ Ready Money for Advertisements. ] No. 14. SATURDAY'S POST. LONDON, Thursday, SEPTEMBER 43. Constantinople, August 1. THE fire which lately happened in this city, in the quarter
inhabited by the Jews, consumed no less than than 12,000 habitations. The Janissaries were tardy and inactive during this dreadful conflagration, and but for the vigorous assistance afforded by the Greeks, it is probable the whole city would have been con- sumed. Vienna, Sept. 4. According to advices from Brinn, of the 2d instant, the Emperor arrived the 26th ult. at the camp of Turat, where soon after came the Compte de Hoya ( the Bishop of Osnaburgh.) The next day a general review took place in the presence of his Majesty, the Compte, and a great number of spectators. On the 28th of the same month, the fine regiment
of Esterhasi Hussars, were separately reviewed by his Majesty ; they performed the different manoeuvres with such address and precision, that his Majesty expressed his satisfaction to the colonel, with orders to impart it to the corps and officers. A letter from Petersburgh says, that another fleet is ready to sail from thence for the Medi- terranean, to winter in some port belonging to Spain, or else at Leghorn, that they may be ready to protect their trade against the Barbary Corsairs, and join Spain in clearing the seas of them ; as also to be ready, in case the Turks should break the truce, as by all accounts they can learn great
preparations are making, which shews that they have some intention of com- mencing hostilities. New York, August 14. By 1 gentleman that has lately left the State of Vermont, and whose veracity is undoubted, we are informed that the passions of the leading Vermonteers again appear as turbulent as ever; their intemperate folly having animated them to take up arms against the inhabitants of this state, and show their hostility to others, in order, as is pretended, to adjust and settle the boundaries of the self created State of Vermont. Several people have been killed, and yet the Congress seem tacitly to permit a petty State to
triumph over, and insult two powerful States, either of which is able to crush to atoms those arrogant men, whose only security hitherto hath been the peacesul disposition of the people whom they have injured. Certainly a civil war ought at all times to be carefully guarded against, but yet, if it be absolutely necessary, the sooner it is undertaken the better. A very small force would soon reduce the Vermonteers to reason, and compel them to submit their claims to the Congress in whom alone is vested the power of adjusting such differences as the arm of th « civil power may not be long enough to reach. We are authorized to
assert, that great num- bers of the inhabitants of Vermont are extreme- ly disgusted with their distracted government, and would be very glad to be united to the State of New York. Extract of a letter from Cowes, Sept. 14. This afternoon arrived his Majesty's sloop the Orestes, Capt. Ellis, from a cruise, and has brought in with her a large smuggling cutter, mounting twenty- four aix and nine pounders, laden with six thouaand caaks of apirits and near 13 tons of tea, which he took early this morn- ing off Chriatchurch Head, after an - action of forty minutes, wherein the Orestes had two men killed and nine wounded. The smuggling
cutter is supposed to be the British Lyon, and all her crew killed except 13 men, whom Capt. Ellis his confined in irons, and means to try for piracy. This is the fifth large smuggling vessel which has been captured by the Orestes. Capt. Ellis received a very flight wound in his arm in the action. Extract of a letter from Schellinge, Sept. 4. Last night a smuggling cutter of 18 guns, which had been chased several hours by an English frigate, came into the road and claimed protection ; the English Captain, however, fol- lowed her, and carried her off. This proves the necessity of a fort here to protect vessels in such situations. On
Monday se'nnight a poney ( eleven hands one inch high, carrying 5ft.) matched for 1oo guineas to run from Norwich to Yarmouth, and back again in four hours, which ' is 44 miles, performed it with considerable ease in three hours and 45 minutes, which was thought to be the greatest thing ever done by any horse of its height. On Saturday, in the dusk of the evening, as Mr. Watkins, of Holborn, was crossing from the Dog and Duck, in St. George's- fields, to Black Friar's Bridge, he was stopped by two footpads, dressed in soldier's cloaths, with knives in their hands, who swore that if he did not immediately deliver, they would rip
him up, and robbed him of half a guinea, 8s.. and his handkerchief ; and then told him if he called for assistance to take them, they would return and murder him, and made off towards West- minster- Bridge. On Tuesday last the remains of Gen. Sir Eyre Coote were brought, in great funeral pomp, from Plymouth, to be interred at Rock- burne in Hants. Gen. Boyd, the Hon. Gen. Bathurst, the Hon. Mr. Bulkeley, Sir Ed. Hulse, Bt. Col. Owen, Col Hulse, Major Coote, Major Bromley, Captain Hutchinson, with the principal gentlemen and clergy of the neighbourhood, and the tenants of the deceasedt attended, to pay their last tribute
of respect. Laft Wednesday a blacksmith was committed to Horsham gaol, for the murder of a labouring man, named Weston, on the Sunday before, at Burwash. The prisoner and the deceased, who had been drinking together, went to the house of the latter, who soon after his arrival had words with his wife, and struck her; upon which he received so violent a blow on the back part of the head from the prisoner, that he in- stantly dropped down dead on the spot, The murderer absconded, but was taken on Tuefday at Tunbridgc- Wells, while he was playing at skittles. Canterbury, Sept. 18, On Saturday night last a barn
belonging to Romden Farm, in the parish of Smarden, was discovered to'be on fire, which burnt with such rapidity, that the corn with which it was filled was nearly all con- sumed. We are assured, that the wheat and barley in the vale of Belvoir, is all well got, and the harvest in our fens is in great forwardness; the crops exceeding good. Hops, this year, in different parts of the kingdom, are exceeding fine, and large crops of that useful article. The following extraordinary particulars re- lating to Morgan, the murderer, executed on. Monday, may be depended on.— He made a full confession of liis guilt, immediately after his trial;
and, on Sunday, publicly declared he was the person who gave Mrs Linton the fatal wound, and even went afterwards with some of the mob to see the dead body. his behaviour at Chapel was attentive, and exceed- ing penitent. Early on Monday morning, for he had no sleep, he repeated his contrition for the horrid fact to two prisoners in the cell with him. On going to Chapel, however, previous to his execution, to receive the Sacrament, he denied to Mr. Vilette any knowledge of the murder or robbery ; and weeping bitterly, said he had been prevailed upon to make the former confession. On his presevering in this singular
assertion, the Ordinary, with great propriety, refused to administer the Sacrament to him. he then ascendcd the scaffold, and declared repeatedly his innocence to the Sheriffs, & c. On a gentleman asking him, what he thought would become of his immortal part, if he left the world with a lye in his mouth? Morgan answered, " The hotest pit in hell would be too good for such a wretch. " He in his last moments continued to deny the fact, and sang the Lamentation of a Sinner, the instant before he suffered. Friday morning early four ruffians broke into the house of Mr, Johnson, at Mortlake, but were met just as they entered the
street door by one of the servants, who had got up, in Order to go out for the day ; and who cryed out, ' d— mil ye, we have ye now, " and then calling to his fellow- servants, as though they had been behind him, the fellows all ran away, jumped into a boat which was waiting for them, and rowed off; but being immediately pursued, were overtaken at Putney- bridge, and three of them apprehended ; among whom was William Thompson, who was released at the time of the riots in 1780. UTILITY of AIR BALLOONS. THE state of the atmosphere has been hither- to very imperfectly understood ; and the trivial discoveries made in it
already sufficiently compensate all the industry and expence attend- ing the air balloons. The different direction of the air, in propor- tion to its altitude, is an object which cannot 1 but interest the attention of the curious and scientific. The degrees of heat and cold which it passes as it approximates or recedes from the earth, with a great variety of other quali- ties which belong to that subtile fluid, may also be ascertaiucd with precision by an inde- fatigable prosecution of the aerostatic re- searches. It has long been an established idea, at least among the vulgar, that so strongly did the air act on the human frame, when raised to
any considerable height, that the blood vessels were unable to resist the impulse, and Consequently burst by the violence. Philosophers, affected by this apprehension, have refused to ascend mountains of any extraordinary altitude, as deeming it madness, to attempt an experiment which they believe themselves certain of not surviving. Our aerostatic expeditions, which have yet been followed with no great or insurmounable inconvenience ariSing from a difference or ex- tremity of temperature, eXpress sufficiently the absurdity of this prepossession. For except the 1 chillness perceived by the Roberts, and an accidental
whirlwind in the course of a subse- quent voyage, it does not appear that the lungs or circulation of the human blood are at all im- peded or affected by any height to which adven- turers have hitherto been able to ascend. Over and above these, who know what advantages may be derived from air balloons by armies or fleets in the operation of war, in ; besieging towns, reconnoitring localities, de- tecting ambushes, taking distances, marking charts, discovertng water, provender, and forage, for camps in any unknown country, not to mention the utilities it may afford to physic, navigation, and astronomy. Though 110 one
advantage were to be the consequence of this discovery, which could en- title it to a place among the necessary, it would still have a claim to be classed among the elegant art's of life. For surely it unites the beautiful and grand in an uncommon degree. What more pleasing than to see the machine ascending and descending with a motion so easy, graceful, and charming. It brings to our ideas the rememberance of ancient times, when the inhabitants of the upper world visited and revisited ours. But the sublimity of the spectacle is altoge- ther unparelleled— An object thus spacious, ponderous and magnificent, rising or
springing perpendicularly upwards, as if to rival the eagle in her flight, must be viewed with sensations peculiarly awful and affecting. It is not only a new sight, but a sight the most surprising and extraordinary that ever the eye beheld. O Art, how wide and extensive is thy domi- nion ! how potent and universal thy energies ! how numerous, how necessary how interesting thy utilities ! No element is either so violent or so subtile, fo yielding or so sluggish, as to prove superior to thy direction. Thou dreadest not the fierce impetuosity of fire, but hast rendered its qualities both obedient and useful. Thou hast softened the stubborn tribe
of minerals, so as to answer many valuable ends, by assuming innumerable shapes: hence weapons, armour, coin, and, previous to these, all those tools and instruments which empower thee to proceed to further ends more excellent. To thee we owe whatever we derive from all the improvements of navigation. The seas and waves are thus made subservient to man, by thy assistance. The yielding element of water thou hast taught to bear us ; and the rolling ocean henceforth promotes that intercourse of nations which ignorance would imagine it was destined to intercept. Nor is the subtile air less obedient to thy power,
whether thou willest it to be a minister to our pleasure, or hand- maid to our necessity. At thy command it giveth birth to sounds which charm the soul with all the powers of harmony. It exports our superfluities to supply the wants of others ; and it brings to our doors the riches, the dainties, and luxuries of afar. And when the great modern scheme of aerostatic sailing is perfected, who can tell what innumerable bene- fits may still result from thy unwearied endea- vours to direct, improve, and accommodate human life ? SUNDAY'S POST. LONDON, Friday, SEPTEMBER 24. Copenhagen, August 30. ALetter from Iceland, dated
the 4th of June, adds to the account already given of the distress and misery of the inhabitants, that the mountains are covered still with snow, and that the ice in the plains was thawed only to the depth of 10 inches. Naples, Aug. B4. The news from the ad- jacent countries, and especially from our West- em and Southern coasts, contains nothing but melancholy details of the effects of the storm on the night between the 9th and joth of this month ; the hail was of a prodigious size, some pieces weighed 11 ounces; all the glass win- dows exposed to the West were broken, among which were 1500 in the palace only : that part of
the damage is valued at 10,000 ducate : the country has suffered much ; the vineyards and grapes have been destroyed, as well as all the fruits: the injury done to the trees is ex- cessive. Derby, Sept. 23. Tuesday night, the 14th, a young woman of Headliston, near Ashbourne, going to the well to wash a mop her foot slipped, and she fell in; but her groans being heard, assistance was got, and she was drawn near the top, when she unfortunately fell in again, whereby most of her limbs were broke, and her skull fractured, fo that she died before she could be got out a second time. A letter from the Isle of Man gives the fol lowing particulars of the discovery and taking up of Mr. Crosbie's balloon let off in Dublin, —'' When the fishermen, Patrick Dermot and his companions, first difcovered the balloon floating at a distance they were not a little alarmed, conceiving it to be some unknown and tremendous fish that was making towards them ; they accordingly tacked about to avoid it. Recovering a little from their apprehensions they lay too to reconnoitre,- and at length con- cluded that it was a bale of goods from some wreck. Hopes of advantage getting the better of their fears they steered for the prize, and coming within reach, applied a pike with an
iron hook at the end of it, to take it up. The hook penetrating the balloon, a considerable quantity of inflammable air rushed out in a stream of fire, and with a great explosion. The terrors of the fishermen may now be better imagined then described. They fell flat on their faces, trembling, groaning, and howling. One exclamed it was the Devil ; another, it was the plague from Constantinople; Lord have mercy upon us, says a third.— Now they lay quiet, like Falstaff in Harry the Vth— then peeped up; but snuffing the stink of the inflam- mable air, suddenly became prostrate again, convinced it must be certainly either the Devil or the
plague.— At length Patrick Dermot, having Crossed himself from top to toe, ventured to stand erect and cry out — " In the name of God and the Virgin Mary, what are you ?" — The poor cat, that was sent up with the balloon, and just expiring, answered—" maw"— flat went Patrick again on his face, and gave vent, not to his voice, but to something less odorise- rous.— It was now a fall half hour before either of the fishermen dare to take another peep ; when courage at last prevailed, the balloon was taken up, and carried home in triumph." An extraordinary instance of resolution in an Indian woman.— When Hyder Ali invaded
the kingdom of Calicut, an Indian widow, about the age of thirty braved in person all his efforts. She had upon her estate, near the confines of Canara, a miserable fort callcd Bailary, into which she went, and took with her twelve hundred trucemen, her subjects and labourers, who determined to perish at her side. They sustained two violent assaults, and each time rushing into the midst of the enemies troops, repulsed them with considerable loss. An in- cursion from the Mahrattas at last gave Hyder Ali an opportunity to abandon the siege. Her gratitude was as eminent as her courage: a young gentleman of the name of Brown,
was, as free a trader, negociating for the purchase of some goods for the European market; he went with her into the fort, and assisted in the defence ; after the siege had been abandoned, she made him presents of so much value as satisfied his wishes: he returned to Ireland, his native country, where he now lives, enjoying a fortune acquired by his virtue and spirit. The French are meditating a voyage of disco- very to the Archipelago of Japan— one of the few parts now remaining to be explored. It is to be hoped the House of Commons will seriously turn their thoughts, next session, to the consideration of the advantages that
may be derived from the herring fishery, on the Nor- thern coasts of the island ; that fishery, if pro. perly encouraged, would be to this country a mine of greater wealth than Spain draws from Potosi and Peru, as will appear from the im- mence sums that the Dutch make every year -- by the herrings caught upon our coasts. It it computed that, exclusive of what they consume at home, and what they send into France, Spain, and Italy, the Dutch fell every year 79,200 lasts of herrings, which make 138,400 tons, amountiag in value to one million three hundred and seventy two- thousand pounds ster- ling ; add to this, that the herring
fishery is one of the best seminaries for training up a hardy race of seamen ; another very great con- sideration in a maritime state. • Extract of a letter from Dublin, Sept. 16. " ga! a presented by the Speaker to their Graces of Rutland, on Monday evening last, at his seat at Edmondsbury, near Lucan, was one of the most fuperb entertainments ever known in this kingdom. Many of the Nobility and principle Gentry from Dublin and its vici- nity were present, and unanimously bore testimony of the superior grace, elegance, and splendor of the treat. " A great reduction of the army, it is said, will take place the next meeting of
Parliament, and that a part of the militia, instead of none, will be embodied four months in the year. It is reported in the city, that the Minister had openly declared his having accomplished a scheme to pay off ten millions of the national debt ; this report was circulated with great industry, and had a very evident influence upon the spirits of the people. On the practicability' of such a business, we are at at present incom- petent to decide ; but we can safely say, that every measure will be brought into practice, conducive to ease the nation of the very heavy burdens brought upon her through the avarice, ambition, and treachery of
faction. Extract of a letter from Dublin, Sept. 18. " It is in contemplation to convert the stairs or sound of Dalkey into a harbour of large ves- sels, where they may ride at anchor in safety though they should draw 30 feet of water.- " The bounties which have been adjudged by the Parliamentary trustees, on the enumerated Goods of Irish Manufacture sold and exported from this kingdom from the lst of June last to the 1 ft o( September, amount to 4191I. us. 4a, being on the value of 78,853!. it. nd. " Letters from the distant counties, both in- land and maritime, abound with the utmost pleasing descriptions of the plenty and good
condition of all kinds of grain, which the pro. sent fine weather enables the farmers to reap, bind, and stack, without much expence or loss of time, in a few days. The bean and barley harvest is over in all parts of the kingdom ; and the wheat, oats, flax, & c. will be got in, even in the most unfavourable lands, in ten or twelve days. " The consumers of tea are desired to make use of their senses, and not be imposed on by the India company, tea- brokers, or smugglcrs, but apply the English herbs fresh from the gardens, which they will find more beneficial, and much cheaper than an exotic, which, if it ever had any good qualities,
are destroyed by being dried. A Gentleman who came to town yesterday from Ostend fays, that just before he sailed a report prevailed that two vessels, which were fent up the Scheldt with goods for Antwerp, in passing the Dutch settlements were both stopt j that the captain and crew were taken into cus- tody ; notice of which is sent by express to Vienna. This PAPER sent weekly to any Part of GREAT- BRITAIN ( FREE OF POSTAGE) by Order addressed as above; or to Messrs. Drury. Newark, Mr Burgess Bolton, Mr. Booth, Caistor, Mr. Ellis, Mr. Weir, Horncastle, Mr. Marjh, Mr. Sheardown, Louth, or Mr. George Ferraby,
Hull. It arrives at Sleaford, Falkingham, Bourn Grantham, Newark, Gainsborough, Retford, Bawtry, Doncaster, Leeds, York, & c. & c. early on the Day of Publication.
MONDAY'S POST. LONDON, Saturday, SEPTEMBER 25. Extract of a letter from Elsineur, Sept. 4. " The Dutch Consul at this place his re- reived instructions from Amsterdam to stop all Dutch vessels bound from the Baltick to Hol- land till further orders, owing to a report of a number of Ostend privateers being fitted out to intercept them." Extract of a letter from Warsaw, Aug. 28. " The day before yesterday in the morning the King set out for Lithuania, after having taken leave of the nobility of both sexes, who had assembled for that purpose at the castle. General Byszewki will have the command of the troops at Grodno; and
the Compte Kicki, Grand Equerry of the Crown, is to have the direction of the affairs of his Majesty's houshold. Party matters have occasioned some disturbance at a Dyetine in Podolia, where the adherents of the Grand General had brought some people who had no right to be present. From words they proceeded to acts of violence, so that the assembly was bloody as well as tumultuous, a number of persons having been wounded." Vienna, Sept. 1. Each company of artillery is now encreased to 184 men, and to each regi- ment of infantry are given ten field cannon and a mortar. Comorra, Aug. 10. On the 7th instant, at 40
minutes past four in the morning, a second shock of an earthquake was felt here, which lasted six seconds. At 53 minutes after eleven, One of less violence was felt; neither of them did any damage. t Teh with North America is very arrivals every day from thencc, Extract of a letter from Hyacinth Burke, dated Kingson, Jamaica, the 6th of July last, to his - friend near Laughrea, in Ireland. " The ship Jamaica Planter, belonging to this port, was taken by a Spanish armed vessel, and carried into the Havannah ; the crew were immediately unprisoned, where many more Bri- tish subjects are now confined under a suspicion, or rather
a pretence, of carrying on an illicit trade. No answer has been made to our gover- nor, who sent for their releasement, nor can it be btained, till orders, for that purpose, are re- ceived from Madrid. " The planters of this island have indeed every reason to rejoice at the produce of their sugar canes this season ; the sugar is plentiful and rich, and estates that have for many years past been in a decaying situation, flourish this season with amazing forwardness and plenty. Our sea ports are crowded, and ships for Eng- land, Ireland, Scotland, and North America, are taking in full cargoes ; the exorbitant price of sugar in those,
countries cannot consequently continue long. Our trade rapid ; the and exportation continually from thence, must evidently prove how extensive and useful such an intercourse will be. Provisions here are plenty, and bear a good price, in particular but- ter, mess beef and pork." Letters from Charlestown, South Carolina, • dated the 16th of August, mention, that the crops of rice this year would turn out much finer and more plentiful than they have done for these six years past, and that they would begin to load the ships with new rice the be- ginning of 0ctober. Tuesday Morning last, a duel was fought near Kensington Gravel- Pits,
between an American gentleman a d a Dutch officer. Previous to the combat, the ground was measured by the seconds at 12 paces; but the principals insisted on standing only eight paces from each other. At the first fire, the former was slightly wound- ed in the arm ; and his antagonist received a shot, which fractured his kneepan, and entered the joint. He was directly taken in a coach to his apartments near Soho, and it is said the fa- culty have, declared an amputation of the leg must ensue. Within these few days Dr. Johnson paid a visit to the Duke of Devonshire, at Chats- worth : he was a welcome guest to his Grace and
the Duchess, who seemed. much pleased with his company, and assured him that his visits would be always welcome to them. The doctor has now a better prospect of good health than he has had for a long time. All his com- plaints, if not quite removed, are greatly miti- gated : he is now at Litchfield, and is expected in town within a fortnight. Edinburgh, Sept. 18. On Thursday morn- ing a large quantity of counterfeit halfpence { amounting it is said to above 2001.) was feized from the Newcastle waggon, by order of the Magistrates, and lodged in the Council Cham- ber. They consist of a great number of parcels, neatly
wrapped up in hair- cloth, several of which were directed to shopkeepers in this city. Some speedy and effectual method should be adopted to stop this iniquitous practice. On Thursday a proclamation by the magi- strates of this city was read at the Cross, and other public places, prohibiting and discharging the inhabitants from receiving any of the coun- terfeit halfpence now in circulation. A few days ago a livery Servant and a servant girl about 19 years of age, agreed to be mar- ried, and accordingly went to one of the mini- sters of this city to have the ceremony per- formed ; but not having the necessary autho- rities from the
Session Clerk, it was refused them. So situated, they agreed to sleep toge- ther that night, and to have every thing in rea- diness f r marriage next day. But by that time the bridegroom had changed his mind, and ab- solutely refused to fulfil the agreement. The girl was so much affected by this treatment, that she died yesterday morning. Tuesday night as a fruiterer in the Fleet- market, and his son, ' were coming from Horn- sey, they were stopped by four footpads near Canonbury- house, Islington, who robbed the father of a guinea and a half, some silver, and his watch, and the son of a few shillings and his watch. Yesterday,
after a full hearing before the Lord- Mayor, the young man accused of com- mitting several forgeries to obtain the payment of seamen's wages was honourably acquitted- Yesterday was re- examined in Bow- street, before John Addison, Esq; the man who shot the barber on Snow- hill ; and another man, for returning from transportation before his time ; when they were both fully committed for trial, though they are to be re- examined again, on a strong suspicion of committing other robberies. On Friday the 1oth Instant ( about three o'clock in the morning) thirteen of the crimi- nals in the goal at Dorchester very nearly escaped,
as they had entirely sawed off their irons, and almost made their way through the wall of the prison, but fortunately just before their efcape was nearly effected, a noise was heard by the keeper and his assistants, who im- mediately got up, and at the hazard of their lives went among them, when after some resist- ance they were all properly secured, and are now double ironed ; an extraordinary watch is also kept over them, which is quite necessary in the present insecure state of the prison ( it being only a temporary erection whilst the county gaol is rebuilding), it appears that the irons were sawed off by means of a file which
was conveyed to one of the prisoners in a large ke of bread sent him by his friends. A great many people of fashion were in the elegant little gtirden of Lord Foley yesterday, to witness the ascension of Mr. Sheldon's Montgolfiere; but owing to the badness of the day the experiment was postponed to Mon- day. The machine was spread in the garden, and we had an opportunity of viewing the dimensions and apparatus. The machine is more than three times the size of that of Mr. Lunardi, which must be the Case, as heated or rarifed air is so much less powerful than inflammable air— It is 90 feet high, and 240 feet in
circumference. It is a perfect cylinder. It is made of very powerful canvas, coated with a strong gum. The orifice by which it is to receive the gaz is twenty- one feet wide ; and here the furnace is suspended, which is contrived with extreme ingenuity, both for the purpose of a speedy aad constant recruit of smoke to the machine, and safety to the travellers. The furnace is seven feet in diameter, which being one- third of the orifice, will keep the fire in all directions seven feet distant from the machine ; but, for greater security, the lower part of the globe for a con- siderable way is rendered incombustible by vola- tile salt. The fuel
which Mr. Sheldon takes up with him has also undergone a chemical progress, by which it will furnish a very pow- erful smoke with a smothered flame. Every thing, as may be imagined, is contrived on the most accurate principles; and while they sup- port their fire, there is little danger of an acci- dent. The gallery is suspended by a strong netting, and will be so capacious as to enable the voyagers to walk about. Mr- Sheldon's companions are Major Gardiner and Mr. Blanchard. Their ballast will be composed of articles useful to them in their voyage—- the fuel —. instruments for experiments on the air— pige- geons to carry
messages, & c. It is a doubt whether their compass will not be affected by the quantity of iron of which their furnace is composed, but every care will be taken to avoid that inconvenience— perhaps the surest expedi- ent will be to coat the box in which it was placed with pitch. The manner of filling the machine is ingenious A platform is erected ten feet high, and of considerable breadth, in the centre of which is a large chimney— the fire is supplied from beneath, and the machine being drawn over the platform, receives all the im- pulae of the amoke. One of the most curious experiments which Mr. Sheldon means to make ( and
his voyage will 111 ill likelihood be more profitable to acience than any hitherto under- taken) will be to try the effects of the atmos- phere upon sound— which he will do by the explosion of a gun at different heights— and to try also its effects upon motion— for which purpose he takes up a number of birds, to observe their velocities. In his first voyage, as we have said, he is to be accompanied by Major Gardiner and Mr. Blanchard— and in his second, which will be foon after, the enterprising and ingenious Maria Cosway takes a trip to the skies. Cynthia breaking from a cloud was one of her last studies;. and her pencil was even
then dipt in the most luxuriant tints ; but what will not her sportive muse bring forth when thus she will be able to draw from the skies, which she loves so well, their native azure, and from the very rainbow its numerous dyes. Yesterday the sessions ended, at which 25 prisoners were capitally convicted, and received sentence of death ; 32 were sentenced tQ be transported ; one branded in the hand ; 33 to be kept to hard labour in the house of cor- rection, several of whom also to be whipped; nine to be whipped and discharged ; eight im- prisoned in Newgate; and 65 discharged by proclamation. The brothers, Robert, have
procured leave to make their grand experiment in the Royal gardens of the Tuilleries. The price of their subscription is six livres for the admission of two persons. Mr. Blanchard has advertised in the Paris Journal his projected experiment in London ; and has informed the French nation, that in traversing the currents, if he can come into a wind from the north- east he will most certainly make a voyage across the Channel. A favour- able wind, he says, is essential to a long voyage, for the fatigae of playing his machinery is. too great to he continued for a length of time. He trusts, he says, that the vessels who may happen to see
him in his voyage, whether the French or English, will give him timely assistance in case he should come down ; and he is by no means apprehensive of danger, even if by the change of the wind he should be driven into the North Seas, or into the main Ocean. He is to be accompanied, he says, in this experiment by two celebrated Englifh gentle- men in a Montgolfiere. If he should not be able to cross the Channel, he will at least ascend as high as possible, and make physical experiments, of which he pro- mises to give an early account, without fear ot the criticism which he may incur. He cannot hope to give so flowing an
account of his voyage as others have done; for writing is but new to him, and he will not enter into a competition with others 0n the beauty of stile. It was on Saturday reported, that the Em- peror of Germany had prohibited the impor- tation of English stuffs into any part of his dominions ; and that the reason assigned for this measure was, that our acts lately passed to lower the duties on teas, and render smuggling less practicable, were likely to be of the utmost detriment to his subjects all along the coasts of Flanders. We hope this matter is merely mat- ter of report, and ill- founded, as, if true, it would, prove of the most serious
consequence to the English manufactories at Norwich and else- where. Extract of a letter from Plymouth, Sept. 28. On Thurfday night last there was a great riot at Mutton Cove, between some smugajers that were just landing with bladders of spirits from Cawsand, and some new officers in a boat, commanded by Mr. Freeburn. The mob stoned off the officers, and the officers in return fired 0n the mob, and unfortunately shot a boy about 12 years of age, and it is feared the wound will prove mortal. " The 29th, as Mrs. Archer and a captain's Lady were taking an airing in their carriage, they were met about six o'clock in the
evening by two men dressed in sailor's habits, who stop- ped the carriage, and demanded the ladies mo- ney, which they gave them, said to be seven guineas. The ladies were so frighted, that they offered them their watches, which they refused, saying they could tell what o'clock it was with- out a watch. Yesterday evening John Stuart, a lodger at the Baptist's Head in St. John's- lane, Clerken- well, was called into a house in Woburn- court, near Plumtree- street, Bloomsbury, under pre- tence that he was wanted to carry a load ; and while a woman was giving him directions what to do, a man came and demanded what
business he had' with his wife P at which instant two other fellows came in, crying, " hustle him, hustle him," when they all seized hold of him, and endeavoured to throw him down; but being a remarkable powerful man, he disengaged him- self, and knocked one of the villains down ; when the others produced each a pistol, with horrid oaths, declaring' they would blow his brains out if he sfpoke or made the least further resistance. They then robbed him of three guineas and five shiliings, and pushed him out of the house. Last Sunday se'nnight, as his Majesty was going into the Royal Chappel at Windsor, a poor man presented
him with a petition, and immediately fell down in an epileptick fit. They were obliged to remove him, that his Majesty might pass. Dr. Heberden happened to be present, the King desired him to admini- ster some relief to the unhappy sufferer; but his Majefty, well knowing that there are abun- dance of counterfeits, asked the Doflor whether WEDNESDAY'S POST. the fit was real', and affirmative, the King taken care of. being answered in the ordered the man to be SONG. The TRIMMER. LONDON, Monday, SEPTEMBER 27. Extract of a letter from Rotterdam, Sept. 16. " The garrison of Fort Lillo, on. the Sheldt, is augmented to
sixty- four men, officers inclu- which are all that accommodation can he Honeywood's Tincture, For cleaning and preserving the TEETH, Sold, Wholesale and Retail, BY ROSE AND DRURY, Printers, LINCOLN, All the World's a Stage, SKAKESPEAR. FEAR- SHAKEN fools, by conscience aw'd, My plan of action may deride; But I have ever found it best, T' associatc with the strongest side. I care not who is in or out, Wh0 reigns, who keeps the Treasury's keys ; By trimming with the times, I live With plenty crown'd, and blest with ease. Obedient to the ruling pow'rs, Whoe'er they be, submit, I bend, And ne'er to censure what
they do, With monitary tones pretend. Those who, with narrowness of mind, By principle through life are told, Are often doom'd their lot to mourn Through life, by false opinions fool'd ; By false opinions sway'd they act A rigid Roman's steady part, And miss the road which leads to wealth, For want of temporising art. I in a different mould am cast, Am made of more compliant clay ; Like good Lord WINCHESTER * I rise, And firmly stand by giving way. The Marquis of Winchester, Queen Eliza- beth's Lord Treasurer, having served four Princes in Various and changeable times, and being grown into high favor with the last, was
questioned by an intimate friend of his, how he had stood up for thirty years together, amidst the changes and ruins of so many Chancellors and great Personages ? His reply was brief and oracular : " Onus sume salice, non e quercu."— i sprung from the willow not the oak. AND ded, made for at that place ; and the government forbear the making any new erection, to pre- vent giviag umbrage to the Emperor. Wc hear nothing from Brussels since the loth, when matters remained in the same state as be- fore. The Emperor's troops continue to level the fortifications at Sluyees, and to erase every remains of the garrison of that
place; the lands, as at some other places, which have been levelled, will be let to build houses on j all this must be a great mortification to a government which has no immediate means of redressing itself." Extract of a letter from Dunkirk, Sept. 22. " Besides the British lion, five other vessels belonging to this port have been taken in the course of a fortnight, chiefly on the coast of Hampshire, where the English Guarda Costas are so vigilant, that it is next to an impossibility to land any thing; these prove a loss of near 40,000 1. to some inhabitants of this town, who, notwithstanding, pursue the trade with great zeal." Extract of a
letter from Madrid, Sept. 27. " They write from Mexico, in their Gazette of the 19th of May last, that there is now liv- ing a man named Francis Saenz de la Rosa, who was born in the burgh of Tepego in the year 1662, and is now at Xalapa in the 122th year of his age ; he was married 111 his 75th year, and has had ten children ; he always travelled as a carrier; he enjoys strength and good health, and mounts and rides 0n horseback like a young man. It is laid he sleeps only one hour each day." A letter from Leghorn says, that a French ship called the Duke de Orleannois, bound from Marseilles to Barcelona, was taken off there
by two Algerine armed vessels, and carried into Algiers. That the Captain, his mate, and two men, jumped into their boat, and trusted to the mercy of the sea, rather than fall into the hands of the Barbarians ; and the next day fortunately were taken up by a ship belonging to Leghorn, and brought in there. That since, five more of the men found means to escape in the habits of Moors, and are safe arrived there. Between five and fix o'clock this morning, a young woman very genteelly dressed threw her- self into the New River near Newington ; but fortunately being observed by two milk- carriers, they went to her assistance in
time to save her life. In a few minutes after being taken out of the water she recovered, and expressed great compunction for her rash attempt, which she acknowledged was occasioned by a family dis- agreement. On Tuesday se'nnight was committed to Derby gaol, by Samuel Rotherham, Esq; Wm. Darby, charged with breaking open Samuel Ridgate's House, of Stavely, and taking thereout various goods. Manchester, Sept. iS. The rapid progress ot Sunday schools in this town, promises the most salutary effects—- We have now begun no less than 25 of them in different parts, which are attended by nearly 1800 children!
The change already worked in the manners of these untaught wanderers is truly delightful. Instead of their usual slovenly appearance, they now vie with each other in coming to school as neat and clean as their situation will allow, and are as anxious to receive the instructions offered them, as they were before careless of every improvement. Such are the blessed effects of an institution, Calculated for the wisest of purposes! A general meeting will be held in a few days, to consider of the most proper method to regu- late these schools, and to put them upon such a footing, that their benefits may be lasting. On Sunday the 12th
inst. a school was opened at Rochdale, for the benefit of the poor chil- dren, 011 a very extensive plan. No less than 276 attended divine service, forenoon and afternoon : The Rev. Dr. Hind, his Curate, were very assiduous before morning service, in aiding, and promised every possible means fhould be . taken for the encouragement of so christian an instituion. It is expected there will be a large subscription opened, in order to provide proper places of instruction, masters, books, and all other articles suitable for the purpose. On Monday se'nnight, as Francis Hill of Liverpool was riding from Leicester to Liver- pool in the basket
of the stage coach, being a little in liquor, his head was so bruised by beat- ing against the side of the basket, that he was taken out speechless at Ashby- de- la- Zouch, and died in about four hours after. The coroner's inquest sat on the body, and returned a verdict accidental death. O11 Saturday last his Majesty and the Prince of Wales, took the diversion of stag- hunting, for the first time this season > the deer was turned out within a few miles of Basingstoke, but the multitude of people who thronged from every quarter to see the sport, greatly impeded the diversion of the day, as hardly a turn the stag took, but he was beset
by hunters or dogs, which occasioned the chace to be shortened to about six miles, when the deer took a reverse way, and in spite of his pursuers, reached the herd from which he was selected. On Saturday her Majesty took an airing in her phaeton, drawn by her favorite ponies, and took a pleasurable turn through different parts of Berks and Bucks, before his Majesty return- ed from hunting. J. TAYLOR, PRINTER AND BOOKSELLER, ReTFORD. { Pricc Sixpence the Bottle. ] BY taking a few Drops of this admirable Tinc- ture, upon a soft Tooth Brush, and gently brushing the Teeth and Gums there- with, it will, in once or
twice using, make the most black and foul Teeth appear white and beautiful: It will won- derfully preserve the Teeth, perfectly cure the Scurvy in the Gums, and take off all disagreeable Smells which arise from scorbutic Gums and bad Teeth,- Those who constantly make Use of this Tincture, will never be troubled with the Tooth Ach.— Each Bottle is sealed with a Boar's Head, in red Wax. The above valuable Tincture is likewise sold by Mr. Samuel Tupman, Nottingham-, Mr. Allin, New- ark-, Mr. Smith, Doncaster; Mr. Clarke, Tuxford; Mr. Mozley, Gainsborough'; Mr. Obbinson, Chymist, Sleaford; Mr.. Ellis and Mr. Weir,
Booksellers Horncastle ; Mr. Sheardown and Mr. Marsh, Louth; .}'-. Burgess, Boston ; Mrs. Swallow, Brigg; Mr, Booth, Caistor-, Mrs. Heaton, Market Raisin; Mr. Ferraby, Hull , and by one Person in most Towns in Great- Britain and Ireland. Of ROSE and DRURY, and of [. TAYLOR, may also be had, ANDERSON'S true Scots Pills, is. Bateman's Drops, which give immediate Relief in the most racking Pains of the Rheumatism, Gout, ( Sc. JS. Bathing Spirits for Strains and Bruises, 6( 1. British Oil, an effectual Remedy for Strains, Ulcers, old Sores, Swellings, ( 3c. is. British Herb Snuff, in Cannisters at is 3d, or small Boxes at 6"
d. British Herb Tobacco, in Quarterns at is 3d, or in Twopenny Papers. Bott's Corn Salve, 6d. Brooke's Ague Drops, as... Bailey's Patent Blacking Cakes, 6d. Best Cedar Pencils. - ' Bassoon and Hautboy Reeds. Csphalic Snuff, fid. a BottU. Court Sticking Plaister. Cake Ink, by Smith and Son, 6d. Daffy's Original Elixir, iy Dicey, is 4d. Ditto, by Spilsbury, Chymist, & c. Newark, is4d. Ditto, by Brooke, London, is. 3d. Effence of Peppermint, is. Egyptian Balsam for old Wounds and Ulcers, LSPD. Freebairne's Antiscorbutic Drops, 6s. Fises. . Godfrey's Cordial, 6d. Greenough's Tincture for cleaning- the Teeth, is. Ditto for curing the
Tooth Ach, is. Green Hat- casing. Hatfield's Tincture for Cuts, Strains, ( Sc. u. Hill's Balsam of Honey for Coughs and Colds, 3s. Hooper's Female Pills, is. Issue Plaisters, by Sandwell, is. Ditto by Bowden, is. Ink for marking Linen, India Rubber. Japan Ink, 6d. Jackson's Tincture for Coughs and Asthmas, II, James's Fever Powders, 2s 6d. Kendrick's Worm Cakes, is. Le Coeur's Imperial Oil far Cuts, green Wounds, ( Sc. as. 6d. Maredant's Drops, by Norton, will perfectly. cure the most inveterate leprosy, Scurvy, old Sores, or Ulcers, the Evil, Fistulas, Piles,. Pimpled Faces, ( Sc. Price 6s. Ormskirk Medicine for Bite of a Mad
Dog, by Hill and Berry, 5s 3d. Ditto for Brutes, 5s 3d. Ormskirk Medicine, prepared from the original Receipt, by Miles Barton, Surgeon, 2S 8d. Ditto for Brutes, £ s 8d. Oriental Vegetable Cordial, for violent Pains in the Bowels, 5s. Pectoral lozenges ofTolu, is. I v Pullin's Antiscorbutic Pills, 2s 6d. Purging Pills, is. Female. Pills, is. Pounce, and Pounce Horns. Radcliff's Purging Elixir, is. Rock's Viper Drops, a balsamic, strengthening, and restoring Composition, 3s. Rock's Asthmatic Elixir, for Coughs, Difficulty of Breathing, ( Sc. is. Royal Tooth Powder, is. Steers's Opodeldock for Sprains, ( Sc. IS 6d. Stoughton's Drops, is.
Spilsbury's Antiscorbutic Drops, 4s. Smith's Smelling Medicine for the Itch, is Cd. Corn Salve, 8s ( id and is 6d. Sujah's China Japan Blacking Balls, 6d. Scott's Superfine Water Colours, in Pots and Cakes, prepared as in China. Real superfine Indian Ink. Liquid Colours for Maps and Plans. Best Camel- hair Pencils ; with all Things necessary for colouring and drawing. Sealing Wax, Wafers, and Wafer Paper. Shining Sand. Turlington's Balsam of Life, is gd. . Vandour's Nervous Pills, as 6d. Walker's Jesuit's Drops, 2s 6d. Violin Strings, and Bridges. * » * All Medicines which sell for a less Sum than 8s 6d, pay 3d Duty: If for ts 6d
and under 5s, 6d Duty : If fir or upward, i » Duty.
THURSDAY'S POST. LONDON, Tuesday, SEPTEMBER 28. Extract of a letter from Paris, Sept. 15. " We hear from Brest, that a cutter belong- ing to the fleet under the command of M. de Marigny, arrived there with the news, that M. de Marigny appeared on coast of Melinda before the Portuguese fort, and that the Com- mander, after having demanded some time for holding a council, surrendercd at discretion; that in confluence M. de Marigny having landed, destroyed the fort, which consisted only of a redoubt mounting five or six pieces of cannon." lisbon, Aug. 24. Two packet boats, lying in the Tagus, have been stopt for
having com- mitted some acts of violence againft the custom house officers. Mayenne, Sept. 16. We have received here the news that her Royal Highness the Here- ditary Princess of Baden, was delivered of a Prince on the 13th of the prefent month. The birth of the heir to that Serene House has given great joy, and was celebrated with great pomp. On Thursday last a difpute happened between two men at Litchfield races, one of them chal- lenged the other to fight him, but he declining to do so, the challenger knocked him down, and jumping upon his breast, killed him on the spot. The Jury fat nine hours on the body of the
deceased, whose name is Ludlow, and brought in a verdict of wilful murder. The grand balloon formed under the direction of Mr. Sheldon, the anatomical lecturer, we hear will be ready for ascension in a few days. This machine is 120 feet diameter and it is said the gallery is capacious enough to take up 20 men, with the usual apparatus, besides wines, provisions, & c. Hitherto the aerostatic machines have furnish- ed a much greater proportion of amusement and entertainment, than of utility ; and whether they will ever be converted to any very valuable purposes, cannot immediately be determined. Every discovery, however,
carries on the work of science, increases our acquaintance with the powers of nature, arid enlarges the ability of man to apply those powers to his own advantage. The progress which has been made for some years past in natural knowledge has been sur- prisingly rapid, and encourages the highest expectations of what may hereafter be attained. Tuesday being St. Matthew's dav, and the day appointed by the charter ef Leicester corpo- ration for the annual election of a mayor, Mr. Alderman Chambers was unanimously elected to that office; Mr. Webster and Mr. Watts t* be chamberlains.— This is the third time that Mr.
Chambers has had the honor of being chosen chief magistrate of that borough. — Last week a person attempted to obtain goods to the amount of 100I. in Birmingham for a bill of that value, drawn upon Messrs. David . Harvey and Co. in London, and signed by James Moore ; but when the bill was presented for payment the gentlemen upon whom it was drawn declared they were totally unacquainted with the drawer, but that they had several similiar bills presented to them in the same land- writing Billsalso of the value of 10,15, and 20 pounds, drawn by S. Taylor, upon G. Wilkinson, Na. 5, Brooke- street, Holborn ( who is not
to be found ) have likewise been put off in the neighbourhood for goods pur- chased, in part, and for cash received for the difference. These bills are drawn upon a cop- per plate printed note, with a cypher, G. W. and the word Birmingham engraved at the top. The name of the person upon whom they are drawn, and his address, are also engraved; and they generally have several in- dorsers. Some dispatches of consequece were received on Friday, both from Ireland and the conti- nent ; in consequence of which no fewer than three expresses were sent off to Mr. Pitt, at Brighthelmstone. Letters from Paris, dated Sept. 18, say,
that the learned Dr. Franklin, full of years and glory, has obtained permission to retire from his public employment; and that he was pre- paring to pay a visit to his literary friends in this kingdom. As he first introduced himself to the notice of mankind by phylosophy, so with phylosophy he intends to close the serene evening of an active and important life. Accounts have within these few weeks been transmitted from Martinico to Paris, mention- ing that M. Du Calin, an eminent planter on that island, had cultivated the tea- tree wirh great success. Extract of a letter from Canterbury, Sept. 14. " The following remarkable circumstance
may be relied on as a fact:— On Sunday se'n- night, in the Duke of Dorset's park at Knowle, near Seven Oaks, in Kent, a man and his wife, who came into that county hopping, quarrelled; and being somewhat in liquor, they came to blows. After the heat of passion was over, the man was so much vexed with what he had done, that he hung himself on the arm of a tree with a cord which he had about his waist. The wife perceiving this, jumped up from the ground, and going to her husband, faid, " By the blessing of God, I'll do part of the hang- man's office," and she pulled the legs of her dying husband with all her strength, ever
and anon saying, " You shan't be difappointed deary." The force with which she pulled, broke the cord, and down he tumbled. After lying some time on the ground, he recovered, and his wife having related to him the assist- ance she gave, he knocked her down, tied the cord together which his neck broke, and put- ting it about her's, he tied her up to the arm of the very same tree, when she hung until she expired. He has since been takens up, and has confessed the fact. Now the question of law is, whether the attempt made on his life, did not justify him in the ct of retaliation." The following is a Copy of 3 Letter from the Right
Hon. William Pitt to John Camp- bell White, Esq. Chairman of the Belfast Meeting: Brighthelmstone, Sept. 6, 1784. " SIR, " I received fome time since a Letter from you, Chairman of a meeting of the in- habitants of Belfast, accompanying a petition, which they were desirous that I should present to his Majesty. " I am extremely sorry that the variety of business in which I was at that time enga- ged has prevented my returning you a more immediate answer. As my presenting the Petition might be supposed to imply that I ap- proved of its contents, I am under the ne- cessity of declining it, and of explaining my reason for doing so.
The prayer of the Peti- tion seems to me to proceed upon, the present constitution being actually dissolved, and calls upon the King to exercise a discretionary power of new modelling the frame of Par- liament, which I think totally inconsistent with the security of publick liberty. I have undoubtedly been, and still conti- nue a zealous friend to a Reform of Parlia- ment; but I must beg leave to say, that I have been so on grounds very different from those adopted in this Petition. What is there proposed I consider as tending to . produce still greater evils than any which the Friends of Reform are desirous to remedy or prevent. I have
great concern in differing so widely on this subject from a body of men who profess to be guided by motives of loyalty, and of re- verence for the constitution. But, guided by the same motives, and sincerely anxious for the prosperity and freedom of every part of the British Empire, 1 have thought it my duty te state to you my sentiments fairly and expli- citly ; and I must beg the favour of you, Sir, to communicate them to the gentleman by whole desire you wrote. " I am , Sir, & c. " W. PITT." Mr. Pitt inherits his noble father's ambi- tion ; and like him, pursues his object with firmness, regardless of rhe malignity of his enemies. It was
that spirit of independence which enabled the immortal Chatham to enrich and dignify the name of Briton ; and it is that which will give lustre again to British councils, and make our island the admiration of the world. We hear that the Ministry have formed the resolution of enquiring into the state and situ- ation, and of examining the records of every city, Corporation, and body corporate in the kingdom, not for the purpose of invading their charters, and robbing them of their privileges, hut with a view of ascertaining the several lega- cies, donations, and benefactions, with which they have been endowed, and that they may be
applyed agreeable to the charitable intentions of their several donors and benefactors. Extract of a letter from Torbay, Sept. 21. " Lad night the Scorpion cutter chaced a smuggling vessel ashore here ; being very dark, and the weather windy, they did not board her till the next morning, when to their great disap- pointment they found the cutter almost dry at low water, and that the smugglers, aided by their adherents, who are very numerous in this kingdom, had unloaded the chief part of her cargo in the night, which consisted chiefly of brandy, of which there were only eleven ankers left on board. The smuggler is a fine vessel,
but has a hole through her bottom." A gentleman who came to town last Saturday from Ostend, confirms the account of the im- perial ships being stopped in the Scheldt ; he also says, that the people are so confident there will be a war with the Dutch, that they are building ships in order to fit them out for privateers ; he says, there is now thirty saw mills fawing of timber for ship- building, and that they have as good oak as any in England, and in great plenty; And that the Emperor intends to have some men of war built as expe- ditious as possible: and that at Ostend, they can build ships of any burthen, and that many English
ship- wrights were at work in the dock- yards. On Wednesday, a state bed, of very rich and curious workmanship, was carried to the Queen's Palace, as a present from Lady Hast- ings, brought from India, which far exceeds any thing of the kind, for grandeur, ever seen in this kingdom. By the most authentic accounts, and to the everlasting dishonour of the Americans, we are informed, that hundreds of unhappy emi- grants, and perhaps as many more unfortunate kidnaps, arc now putting up to sale to the best bidder; in the city of Philadelphia, and other places, under the very nose of congress. Blush, ye worst of tyrants; ye
pretended advo- cates for freedom; and say, if this sacrifice can be acceptable in return for that liberty ye so recently gained at the expence of seas of blood, that ye now are forging chains and fetters of bondage for the miserable sons and daughters of your mother- country. It does not become us to scrutinize into the all- wise dispensations and decrees of Providence, and ask why the forbearance of heaven has so long been im- piously trifled with ? But thus far I presume with reverence? Humanity may go, that if Hea- ven has vengeance in store, sooner or later the hottest thunderbolts will be hurled 0n the de- voted heads of
those monsters, that traffic in human flesh, To be Sold by Auction, At the Rain- deer in the City of Lincoln, on Friday the « 2d Day ef October, 1784, be- tween the Hours of three and aix in the Afternoon, ( if not sooner diapoaed of by private Contract, of which due Notice will be given) subject to such Conditions of Sale as shall be then and there produced ; THE MANOR of BEAUMONT's FEE, in the City of Lincoln, with its Rights and Privileges, particularly- a Fishery in the River Brayford, in the said City : Also the Manor- house, with the Gardens and other the Premises thereto adjoining and belonging, as the same are now
tenanted by Mr. Richard Creasey, at the very moderate Rent of 1 il per Annum. Further Particulars mav be had of George Babb, Attorney, at Grimsby. Lincolnshire Militia. NOTICE is hereby given, that by Virtue of an Act of Parliament passed in the Fourth Year of his present Majesty's Reign relating to the Militia, a General Meeting of his Majesty's Lieutenancy for the County of Lincoln will be held at the Bull, in Horncastle, on Friday, the Sth Day of Oftober next, at Eleven o'Clock in the Forenoon. By Order of the Deputy Lieutenants, B A N K E S, Clerk of the General Meetings. Sleaford, Sept. 17.^ 1784. Joshua Morris,
dESIRES, very respectfully, to acquaint his Friends and Customers in general, that he is just returned from London, after making a large Purchase at the East- India Company's SALE, of TEA, conformable to the late Act Parliament for reducing the very extravagant Prices of fo necessary an Article in Families; and that he is enabled, from such a Mode of Buying, to exceed many others in Selling, which he does at the following very low Prices, viz. Good Common Green, - 3s 4< 1. per lb. Finer Ditto, - 4s. Single, - - 5s to 6s. Bloom, - - 6s to 7. S. Hyson, - 7s to 8s. Superfine Ditto, - 10 to 12s Fine Gunpowder Tea - 15s, West- India
Coffee •- 2s 4d. Woollen Drapery. FUNERALS furnished. POSTSCRIPT. LONDON, Wednesday, SEPTEMBER 29. Several vessels from the Leeward Islands and Jamaica are arrived within these few days, which sailed on the ill of August, laden with sugar, rum, and cotton. They bring accounts that the crops this year have been so great, that a confiderable quantity of produce has been left behind, for want of shipping to bring it to Europe. The Governors of Grenada and St. Kitt's are making such additions to the fortifications on those islands, as to render them impregnable in case of another war. The inhabitants of the former
are very desirous of having a Royal Dock Yard, and that island being in general out of the direction of the hurricanes, it is believed government has some intention of esta- blishing one, and on a much larger scale than that at Antigua. The French are completing all their gar- risons in Flanders, and are making preparations for an encampment of troops in that quarter, if it should be found necessary : This is a plain proof that they do not mean to be idle specta- tors in the expected rupture between the empe- ror and the French. If government persists in their endeavours to exclude all foreigners from fishing on the sea coasts of
this kingdom, the happiest consequence mustl be the result thereof: befides the very large nursery for seamen, the profit arising from the fisheries, which have been calculated by some experienced persons at a million sterling, and upwards, per annum, hitherto carried away by foreigners,- will center, in this kingdom. Two gentlemen of the corps of engineers are speedily to embark for the Grenades, in order to make a survey of the harbours, creeks & c. on both sides of that extensive island, which, it is said, with a small expense, may be made superieor, with respect to strength and conve- nience, to the havens in any other
parts of the West Indies; A letter from Toulon says, that the commu- nication between that port and Spain is nearly stopt by the Barbary corsairs swarming in the Mediterranean ; that three Spanish merchant vessels lie there, and cannot put to sea till some ships of war arrives there to convey them to Ca- diz. The same letter lays, that they are very busy in the dock- yard building and repairing ships ; as those which are ready for sea are sailed for the East Indies, The number of voters who polled for Hood, Fox, and Wray, in the Westminster scrutiny, amounts in all to iS, qj5j and the number of real voters is 12,354, a proof that
many mean arts have been practised to procure votes 011 one or other side ; nor, for the general cha- racter of the city of Westminster, is it ma- terial which is most to blame. The garrison of Gibraltar, as it is now completed for the peace establishment, con- sists of 6400 men, including officers; the corps of artillery alone amounts to itoo men, of which 300 are bombadiers. This last re- gulation has taken place by advice of the Go- vernor. Friday night, about twelve o'clock, a fire broke out in the house of Mr. Wood, chees- monger, in Fetter- lane, which, in the space of two hours, entirely consumed the same, and damaged the
two adjacent houses. Happily no lives were lost. It is said to have been occa- sioned by' imprudently throwing the snuff of a candle among some dry straw. Bath, Sept. 25. Sunday morning the follow- ing melancholy circumstance happened in the parish of Weston near this city :--- A child about three years old, son of Thomas White, gardener, put his mourh to the spout of a ket- tle of boiling water, aad drank some of it, on which he- was seized with the most torturing pain ; proper remedies were immediately pre- scribed by a surgeon without relief, and he died " the next morning in the greatest agonies. LINCOLN, Friday,
October 1. Last week Sir Joseph Banks, Bart, gave a , grand entertainment, on the river Witham, to a select party of Ladies and Gentlemen of Boston and Lincoln. They took the diversion of fish- ing for two days, and caught a great quantity of fish among which was a salmon 20 lb. weight, and a salmon trout of 8 lb. In the night between Thursday and Friday last, one of the window- shutters in the house of Mrs. Corrington, of Boston, was forced open, it is supposed, by fome thieves, and the sash thrown up, but the villains " being alarmed, did no further mischief. Last Saturday was brought to our castle, John Williams, charged
with stealing from a waggon at Boston, belonging to William Dau- brah, carrier, a truss of linen goods. The same day, about two o'clock in, the after- noon,' the Liverpool coach, on its way to London, with six inside and eight outside pas- sengers, was overturned about twenty yards beyond St. Michael's- bridge, entering the town of St. Alban's by which accident two ladies had each an arm broken, and were otherwise much hurt. Several; of the other passengers were dangerously bruited, but fortunately ne lives were left. If the inhabitants of the places where such accidents may happen, were to erect posts, with the date and the
names of the persons killed and hurt, it might serve as a beacon to the gentleman of the whip, and perhaps be the means of making them more careful of the lives of people committing themselves to their care. On the same evening, about seven o'clock, Mr. Cook, of Grantham, set off from that town with Miss Clark, daughter of Mr. Wil- liam Clark of the George Inn, on a matri- monial trip to Gretna- green ; but unfortunate- ly for the lovers they were pursued by the young lady's father, who overtook them at Newark, and returned with his daughter to Grantham, to the'no small mortification of Mr. Cook. On Tuesday was married at
Brailsford, Mr. Smith, of Gainsboro', to Miss Cox, eldest daughter of Mr. Cox, of the former place. "" Last week a most daring robbery was com- mitted in the house of Sir Thomas Blackett, Bart, at Bretton, near Bransley. —- We are informed that a box of diamonds and pearls was in the bureau, ( which the robbers opened ) covered only with a few loose papers, but they did not perceive the box. On Thursday last a person aged about 26 years, in the habit of a Moor, applied at Leeds for relief, professing to be an Algerine who had supplied the garrison of Minorca with provisions till the capture of that place by the Spaniards ; by
whom he was likewise taken prisoner, and sent to Englaud on board a Venetian ship bound to London. His plea for being in this part of the country was, that General Murray, to whom his service was known, was now at York, and that by waiting upon him he should obtain the means of returning to Algiers. His papers- bore no other marks of authenticity than the handsome donations he had received from many very respectable names in London, and upon the road. On examination there appeared sufficient reason to suspect that his real errand was to levy contributions on the credility of Engishmen throughout their land ; he
was accordingly escorted to York by Mr. Fish, and delivered with an account of his examination to the Lord Mayor; who finding no trace of General Murray being expected there, forward- ed him directly to Hull, taking proper measures to secure his being shipt off immediately to Leghorn. His earnest entreaties to be fet at large, and his passionate emotions at finding them ineffectual, clearly' announce him an impostor. He was or pretended to have been admitted a Free Mason at Hambro'; his circuit was apparently framed to comprize the princi- pal lodges in this country, and those which he had visited had given him very
generous relief.— As different men of the above descrip- have of late appeared in these parts on similar pretences, we hope our readers will be upon their guard. Last week a Swindler, suppoled to be a fe- male, apparently 18 years of age, visited Durham, Darlington, Bishop- Auckland, and the neighbouring towns, and made several though inaffectual attempts to pass off drafts on London, and procured money by that and other means. He in. general, assumcd the name of Robertson, and called himfself either a son, or. a nephew of Sir Geo.. Robertson. At Bishop- Auckland he personated the latter, and waited on the Bishop,
introducing himself as such,; but was however looked on with a very suspici- ous eye, and treated not altogether as he had expected. He then waited, on a tradesman,' and desired money for a 5l. draft,: mentioning his being there cn a visit at the castle. On the tradesman's desiring , it to be indorsed by some one of the family, he fixed the hour when ! he should meet with him at one of the inns. The tradesman went, and found that he had abso~ lately forgot that trifling circumstance, but was desired to leave the money, and call at any time afterwards; his request however it was thought most prudent to refuse. At Durham he went
to the bank, with a draft, and on the mention, of an indorfement, declared his total ignorancc. of business, but that he should take the trouble of sending back his servant to the, Bishop's, and ga him or some of the family to do it. This artful affected indifference had not, however, success.. He then waited on the Bishop's stew- ard, and had artifice to procore 5!, which was, from some immediate occurrences, presently demanded., and 4I. of it obtained. On Wednefday last Mr. Alderman Cockle was sworn ir. to the office of mayor of this city,, and a very elegant dinner was provided on the occasion at the Rein- deer. Lord Monson,
Sir Cecil Wray, See. & c. honoured the Mayor with their company,. The same day Mr. William Handley, sen. was chofen Mayor for the borough of Newark. HULL, Sept. 26. Coasters arrived. Swan, Thomp- son, from Newcastle; Jason, Hopper, from Lynn; Mary and Ann, Holmes, from Mal- don. Molly, Hare; from Ipswich. Rose in June, Wrightson; Ripon, Thompson ; Dun, Arey; Nancy, Wilkinson; Queen, Stow; Leeds Packet, Dean; John and Ann, John- fon ; Harmony, Terrington , Swallow, Pear- point; and Eagle, Scutt, from London. Ex- periment, Duncan, from Borrowstouness. Free Briton, Featon, from Exon. Susannah, Walk er, from Whitby. Rodney, Baker, and Roch- dale, Lake, from Wisbech, Friends Goodwill, Briggs, from Leith. Coasters sailed. Alford Nancy, for Wain- fleet. Polly, Donking; Polly, Winter ; York Union, Smeaton; Phesphorus, Crabtree; Mould, Mason"; and Robert, Martin, for London. James and Mary, Bailey, for Roch- ester. Gainsbrough, Davison for Leith. Three Brothers, Burton; Sally, English; and Reso- lution, Steward, for Whitby. Neptune, Wood, and Exchange, Gleadah, for Sunderland. Peg- gy, Coggin, for Lynn. Mary, Meggit, for Newcastle. William and Isabella, Caithness, for Dundee. Molly, Law, for Peterhead. John and
Mary, Sugden, for Whitby and Sunderland. Balloon, Poad, for Blythnook, Bilhop Blaze, Hare, for Ipswich. Trade's Goodhope, Wall, ' for Colchester. Mary, Forbes, for Bridlington. Friends Goodwill; Bradley, for Blakeney. Dispatch, Small, for Wisbcch. RACES TO COME. boroughbridge, wednesday, October 6. Northallerton, Thursday, - 14; New Malton, Tuesday, 191 Stafford, Tuesday, 26. BANKRUPTS. James. Squibb, of Saville- row, Middlesex auctioneer, Thomas Stevens, of Watling- street, builder, Benjamin Wyatt, of Salisbury Wiltshire grocer and druggist. George Black, of Cornhill, hosier, James Whitmarsh, of New Sarum,
Wilt' shire, groeer. John Whitmarsh, of New Sarum, Wiltshire; grocer. Alexander BrOckway, late of Stafford, in Essex, brewer. William Wotton, of Walsall, iri Stafford- shire, sadler's- ironmonger. Thomas Huband, now or late of Studley Warwickshire, dealer in timber.
From the Whitehall Evening Post. On Wednesday morning last, Robert Kings- cote, Esq; of Kingscote, in Gloucestershire, gave an elegant dejeune to the ladies and gen- tlemen of that neighbourhood; during which a large balloon was launched, which gave oc- casion to the following lines ; STRANGER, whoe'er thou art, whose gazing eye, Is fix'd with wonder on this novel scene, Ignoble on the ground behold me lie, And kiss ( indignant kiss) the level green. From Cloe's hand, launch'd forth in fields of air, Swift as the bolt of Heav'n I took my flight; Child of the wind, I flutter'd here and there, Till clouds obscur'd me from the
gazer's light long while held on my daring rapid course, I travers'd worlds where eagles never flew, With strengthen'd wing, and undiminish'd force, Far from the keenest ken of mortal view. But fate, alas 1 to check my tow'ring pride, At length has laid me at thy feet thus low ; Let not thy pity be to me deny'd, But on my fate one tender sigh bestow. Art thou to mad ambition now a slave ; Or dost thou hope in higher walks to shine; Tutor'd by me, thy dear contentment save, Or prophesy thy future fate by mine. If yet a youth, thy moral lesson hear ; For, oh ! believe thou canst not know too soon, A truth ( which added years will make
more clear,) " That vain ambition is— an Air Balloon." Hurt not my form; ' twere sacrilege to wound That form by Cloe's hand so sacred made ; Let not that cruel wretch on earth be found, That dares, that impious dares, my sides in- vade. My flight I took from Kingscote's happy plain, A daring wand'rer thro' th' ethereal sky ; Then, gentle friend, pray take me back again, Perhaps, once more, another course to try. LOW WINES and SPIRITS, for HOME CONSUMPTION. From November l, 1784, the Duties on Low Wines and Spirits, for Home Consumption, shall be discontinued for two Years, and the following new Duties laid
instead thereof. Every gallon of fermented wash, brewed for extracting spirits for home consumption, from malt, & c. 5< 3. Cyder or perry, brewed from British mate- rials, 4d. per gallon. Wash made from molasses or sugar, yd. far- thing per gallon. Foreign refused wine, & c. xod. per gallon. Ten shillings penalty for every gallon of wort, Wash, low wines, & c. secretly removed. For one hundred gallons of wort brewed from corn, malt, & c. the maker shall have credit for twenty gallons of spirits, of one to ten over hydrometer proof. For one hundred gallons of wort, brewed from molasses, & c. twenty- two gallons as afore- said. For
one hundred gallons of foreign re- fused wine, & c. twenty gallons of spirits as aforesaid. The increase to be seized. Officer to gauge all wort, & c. after put into the still. If any distiller shall keep low wines, more than twenty- four hours after running off from the wash- still, he shall forfeit lol. per hour. Officers may enter still- houses by Night as well as by Day. Persons obstructing them to forfeit 200I. Persons suffering stills to be used in their houses, to forfeit the same as those who use them. From November s, 1784, George Bishop, of Maidstone, shall pay the following duty for the Maidstone Geneva. For every feventy- two
gallons of wash pro- duced from one hundred and twelve pounds of malt, &. c. 15s. Si* gallons of spirits to be al- lowed by the officer for one hundred and twelve pounds of malt, & c. Any person obstructing an officer in the exe- cution of this act, to forfeit 2001. No person to be prosecuted twice for the same offence. From October 1, 1784, commissioners of excise in Scotland may empower such persons as they think proper, in certain Highland coun- ties, to ereCt and work stills. Persons fo licensed, to pay lol. for each gallon of the contents of such still for one year, in place of all rates or duties whatso- ever. Any person
convicted of distilling spirits, or having any still, & c. in his possession, shall forfeit 100 1. and also the still, worm, & c. The additional duties, by the recited act lo Geo. III. granted upon rum and spirits imported into Great Britain, the produce of British sugar islands, and the additional im- posts of five per cent, granted by the recited aCts of 19, 21, and 22 Geo. III. upon such rum and spirits ; and all penalties in respeCt thereof shall be suspended for two years, from Septem- ber t, 1784. The duties on rum, & c. suspended by this act for such as shall remain on September I, 1784, in custody of excise officers, to be re- mitted to the
proprietors thereof. A friend to humanity, ever studious to afford relief to his distressed fellow- creatures, com- municates the following recipe for the Stone and Gravel; it is an American prescription of approved efficacy, and as this is the season to gather the principal ingredient, the sooner it is known the better. Receipt for the STONE and Gravel. " Take a sufficient quantity of blackberries, in their unripe state, while they are red ; put these into a jar well covered, and set in a kettle of water over the fire ; let it continue five or six hours ; then pass the pulp or juice through a sieve, and to every pint of it add two pounds of white lump
sugar powdered ; then boil and scum it as you do olher jams or jellies. Take a tea- spoonful of this every night going to bed, when in pain ; repeat it in the morning if ne- cessary." ANECDOTE. The Austrian Netherlands were about the middle of the fifteenth century, the center of those woollen manufactures which were im7 ported from thence into England ; and are now become one of the principal staple com- modities of this country. The Flemings a very little before that period, had the whole woollen trade of Europe, the manufactories of Brussels, Lisle, Ghent, Bruges, Antwerp, & c. supply- ing the French, Spaniards,
Germans, and most other countries. The materials of thefe ma- nufactures ( wool and fuller's earth) they had indeed from England, where at that time was the chief mart for those commodities. The Austrian provinces were not at that time well peopled, and few or no able hands among them. The Emperor is endeavouring to restore them to the same situation again ; and should he be able to accomplish it, the English woollen ma- nufactory must suffer considerably. Let our Ministers think on these things. All those aerial gentlemen who have been at any considerable heighth from the earth agree, that after having got clear of
those vapours with which the lower Atmosphere abounds, they experience an exquisite and delightful sensation from the pureness of the Air, which cannot well be described to such as have not felt it; but this I see is not altogether new, a few of our earthly travellers, and particularly M. Brydone, having enjoyed the same sensa- tion when on the summit of Mount AEtna, and which he particularly describes in his entertaining Letters. Paris is at present crowded with young Englishmen of fashion, who, as usual, herd together, d— n the Mounseers, and get drunk. Some go to plays, and some to dancing and cards; but the main
purpose of travelling is as little attended to by them as by their horses. Out of regard to national charaCter, sup- posing moral dccency to be out of the' question, the crowds of insant prostitutes about Cathe- rine- street ought to be removed. The passions excited in strangers ought to be those of ad- miration and regard for the wisdom of our police, and the just provisions made by our laws; but is it not for our interest, that they should in every street be struck with horror, at the many flagrant violations of common decency and humanity. This day, at noon, a great number of people assembled in Portland- place, and the avenues, in
expectation of seeing the balloon launched from Lord Foley's garden, in which it was said Mr. Sheldon was to ascend ; and, after wait- ing some time, on being informed the balloon was not in the garden, returned disappointed to dinner. As a number of half- guineas of base metal are now in circulation, a Correspondent desires us to caution our Readers against receiving them ; and he hopes this will induce shopkeep- ers and traders again to weigh their half- guineas, as their ceasing so generally to do so, is the rea- son that so many are counterfeited. Large quantities of worsted and cotton cloths, linens, & c. have, for this
some time past, been bought up in different places in the North Country, and the payments made, we hear, with counterfeit halfpence. On Wednesday last about thirty pounds worth of counterfeit halfpence were seized at Kelso. If a farthing is wanted for the public service, we hear of nothing but complaints of the wretched poverty to which we are reduced; yet we can throw away thousands on air balloons, opera singers, and dancers. Madame Mara gets 10001. and a benefit, for thirteen nights performance ; Mr. Blanchard generously tells the public, that at a guinea, or even half a gui- nea per head, they may have the pleasure
of. seeing him fly in the air. Vestris made a for- tune by a few capers. Every Charlatan is sure to fill his pockets; but what is to become of the Public nobody knows, nobody cares ! The Air- Balloon, says a correspondent, is not a modern invention. The first who ventured to ride on the air, according to Milton, was the Devil. And the attempt and success are thus described : His sail- broad vans He spread for flight, and in the surging smoke Uplifted spurn'd the ground ; thence many a league, As in a cloudy chair, ascending rode Audacious; but that seat soon sailing, met A vast vacuity : All unawares Fluttering his pinions vain,
plumb down he dropt. St. Paul's Cathedral took the advantage of Mr. Lunardi's Balloon excursion by raising the price, which used to be only two- pence for go- ing to the top, to two shillings, and both the galleries had a great number of spectators, many of whom in the stone gallery fell down the re- cedes and broke their shins, as they were walk- ing round and gazing at the Balloon. It is curious enough to hear the favourers of Opposition complain of the slight put upon the dignity of the British Crown in foreign coun- tries, and charge them to the account of the pusillanimity of our Ministers, when the pu- sillanimity of Lord North
first brought the na- tion into contempt, and the ill- judged piCture of it's ruined state drawn by Mr. Fox, in his letters to the Powers with whom we were at war, filled up the measure of our disgrace. A letter from Gibraltar, by a ship arrived at Portsmouth says, that the Barbary Corsairs still continue very numerous in the Mediterranean, and that the Spanish merchant ships are now afraid to put to sea without some men of war to proteCt them ; that the communication between Barbary and that fort is without interruption, so that the garrison is plentifully supplied with every necessary of life. Hostilities in the Baltic would be of great
advantage to England ; for she then would have the carrying trade of the North ; and be able, under her neutral flag, to supply the South of Europe with the produce of Den- mark, Sweden, Russia, Norway, and Poland : and thus, while her neighbours were ruining themselves by war, she would be acquiring riches. • It should therefore be the great object of our Ministers, to take care that the country still enjoy the happiness, blessings, and advan- tages of neutrality ; all which would be lost, if she should have the misfortune to mix in the disputes, which are likely to set our neighbours by the ears. In Ireland, the cotton
manufactures flourish with astonishing increase, particularly a ma- nufacture of dimities, at a sea- port town called Bellbriggen, about fourteen miles from Dublin, and' lately established by Baron Ha- milton. So great has been the demand for casks in all the great cyder counties, that coopers have been sent for from the metropolis, and other remote parts of the kingdom; the apple harvest having been plentiful in the West. In compliance with the solicitation of a pri- soner in the Fleet, confined for a very large debt, he was on Saturday permitted to go into the rules, attended by a proper officer, whose vigilance he contrived to elude,
and having a chaise and four in waiting, took the road for Dover, intending to embark for France; but being pursued, he was overtaken at an inn at Dartford, while changing horses, by Messrs. Dyey and Hall, and brought back to the Fleet about two o'clock on Sunday morning. One day during the last term, as a certain solicitor, of no very gentleman- like appearance, was passing through Lincoln's Inn, with his pro- fessional bag under his arm, he was- accosted by a Jew, with " Cloaths to fell, Sir ? Old cloaths 1" The lawyer, somewhat nettled at this address, from a supposition that Moses mistook him for an inhabitant of Duke's
Place, snatching a bun- dle of papers from their damask repository, re- plied, " No, d— n your blood, Sir—- they are all NEW SUITS " The Magistrates in Kent have prohibited the use of fire balloons, under severe penalties; the the same power being veiled in our magistrates, why is it not exerted ? A city magistrate being applied to, to pre- vent the use of fire balloons, answered, that he believed they were out of the reach of the law. A letter from Alicant says, that three Ame- rican vessels are arrived there loaded with fish from Newfoundland, the finest and best cured of any they ever saw ; that they sell them much cheaper than
they could buy either of the English or French; they took no goods in return, and were all paid in cash, which induced the Ame- ricans to assure them, they should visit them every season, and at other times of the year, with the produce of their country, which they often stand in need of, such as wheat, flour, & c. The public attention is requested to the fol- lowing remarkable instance of the virtue of The ORIENTAL VEGETABLE CORDIAL. SIR, AVery particular regard to the interest and happiness of my fellow creatures 1 in thankful gratitude for a restoration of health from the most excruciating pains that ever tor- mented the
human frame, obliges me to desire you to convey to the Public a knowledge of the blessings and comforts I received from the ORIENTAL VEGETABLE CORDIAL. Disorders of a most serious nature deprived me of every sensitive faculty ;— thus debilitated and enervated I was the pity of my neighbours, who all endeavoured to revive me, had physi- cians from every quarter of this county, with- out relieving me in the least; and the conti- nuance of my affliction brought on me internal pains no medicine could asswage; but persuaded ' by the efficacy of the VEGETABLE COR- DIAL I have taken six bottles; my spirits are restored,
my digestion improved, and I now enjoy health with more real complacency and ease than I remember. I still adhere to a dose every other day, by which I find my appe- tite in the most perfeCt reftoration, and myself in the greatest composure. If the publication of this will serve mankind, you have my leave to advertise it. I am Sir, your very humble servant, DANIEL STORER, Curate of Sittingbourne, Kent. Sittingbourne, Aug. 13, 1784 The PROPERTIES and VIRTUES of the ORIENTAL VEGETABLE CORDI- AL, experienced and ascertained in England for the last THREE years, have uniformly produced all those SALUTARY
EFFECTS which are bestowed by its use on all the ASI- ATIC NATIONS and TRIBES. HERE the AFFLICTED will find medicine in which the greateft fafety is united with the utmost EFFICACY. It warms and invigorates a RELAXED STOMACH, strengthens the whole NERVOUS system, promotes digestion, and diffuses alacrity through the whole ANIMAL OECONOMY any further elucidation ef its virtues here must be wholly supersluous. To prevent imposition and forgery, observe the author's coat of arms is inscribed on the glass of each bottle ; and the bill of direction is signed by the Patentee. Sold by B. Cornwell, Patentee,
at his house, No. 198, Fleet- street, near Temple- bar, Lon don, in bottles of 5s. or the quantity of six bottles, il. 3s. 3d. duty included, with proper directions. Of whom may be had, . That valuable new publication,. a large OCtavo volume, price 7s. 6d. neatly bound, v ith an Appendix, containing a Dispensatory, The DOMESTIC PHYSICIAN, or GUARDIAN of HEALTH. Which points out in a most familiar manner, the symptoms of every disorder incident to - mankind, with those of every stage of disease, and what they denote ; particularly adapted to the use of private families, though equally essential to the Faculty. With the
Authorities of J. F. M. D. and F. R. S. By B. CORNWELL, M. L. The Family Medicine and the Book are sold retail by Mr. Simmons, Lincoln, and Rose and Drury, Printers of this paper; also by Mr. Harrod and Mr. Newcomb, Stam- ford ; Mr. Allin, Newark ; . Mr. Clarke, Tuxford ; Mr. Taylor, Retford ; Mr. Plummer and Mr. Smith, Doncaster; Mr. Tupman, Nottingham ; Mr. Obbinson, Sleaford ; Mr. Garliffe, Bourn ; Mrs. Whaley, Grantham; Mr. Burgess, Boston; Mr. Ellis and Mr. Weir, Horncastle ; Mrs. Ward, Spilsby ; Mrs. Heaton, Market Raisin ; Mr. Booth, Caistor; Mr. Ferraby, Market Place, Hull; Mr. Marsh, Louth ; Mr. Albin,
Spalding ; Mr. Sharp and Mr. Inkerrole, St. Neots; and by at least one vender in most towns in Great Britain, Ireland, & c. Stamp- Office, September 11, it' 4- Act for granting a Duty on certain Venders of Medicines, & c. hIS Majesty's Commissioners for manag- ing the Stamp Duties do hereby give notice to all persons residing in the cities of London and Westminfter, or within the distance of the penny- post, who are required, by an ACt of the 23d of his present Majesty, to take out Licences for selling Mcdicines, that daily at- tendance is given at their office in Lincoln's- Inn for granting the said Licences. r And whereas the
Commissioneis have re- ceived information, that many venders of me- dicines, who are within the meaning of the said Act, have not renewed their Licences, and con- tinue to sell such medicines without using the proper stamps for the same, they think it ne- cessary to give Public Notice, that every per- son who shall be found offending, in this re- spect, against the law, will be immediately pro- secuted in his Majesty's Court of Exchequer. By Order of the Commissioners, JOHN BRETTELL, See. N. B. Persons living in other parts of the kingdom, are to apply for their Liccnces to their respeCtive Distributors of Stamps in the dif erent counties. Beelsby, Lincolnshire. TO BE SOLD, Altogether or in Lots, THE complete entire Village, Manor, and Lordship of Beelsby ( with excellent Farm Houses, Cottages, Barns, Stables, and Buildings) com- prising 2195 Acres of old enclosed rich Arable, Meadow, and Pasture Land, well watered, in a high State of Cul- tivation, divided by good Quick Fen- es, and tenanted as under ; John Loyd's Farm Benjamin Loyd's Thomas Odling's Thomas Thompson's John Lincoln's Alexander Eve's Francis Thompson's George Thompson's Samuel Patterson's William Elstone's Elizabeth Plaskett's Elizabeth Fulford's John
Houghby's - Robert Brays's Christopher Packer's William Parker's Margaret Markham's Anthony Lewis's Cottagers' Pasture Beelsby lies about twelve Miles from Louth and about six from Great Grimsby : at each Place there is an exceeding good River for Ship- ping its Produce.——— About six Miles from Caistor and ten from Market Raisin. Is in a very good Neighbourhood, a Sporting Country, and abounds with Game. A Pack of noted Fox Hounds within six Miles, ( f^ r Further Particulars may be had at Mr George Tennyson's Office in Market Raisin, who is impowered to fell, or at Mr. Wigelsworth's in Louth, Mr. Babb's at
Grimsby, or Mr. Turner's at Caistor. To be peremptorily Sold pURSUANT to the Decree of the High Court of Chancery, before William Wel- ler Pepys, Esq. one of the Masters of the said Court, at his Chambers in Symond's Inn; Chancery Lane, London ; 011 Monday the 25th day of October next, between the hours of. u and 12 in the Forenoon : Three- fourths of the Freehold Estates of the Rev. Middlemore Ward, Clerk, deceased, situate in East Walton,' Stallingborough, and Market Raisin in the County of Lincoln. Particulars whereof may be had at the said Master's Chambers, of Messrs. Bargrave and Forster, Inner Temple,
London ; and at Mr. George Tennyson's Office, Market Raisin afore- said. VERSES TO BE FIXED ON the HOUSE or COMMONS. GOLD rules within, and reigns without the doers, Makes men take places, and poor maids turn whores; Her blooming virtue's sold, his trust betray'd, Debauch'd, the member falls, so does the maid ; Each pleads excuse, the profit each does move ; His is the Monarch's service, her's is Love. The world sees through the sham in which both join, He votes for interest, and she whores for coin. Mr. Crowder, Pater- noster- row, London. Mr. Jacob, Printer, Peterborough. Mr. Cowper, Bookseller,
Cambridge. Mr. Gatliffe, Hair- dresser, Bourn. Mrs. Whaley, Bookseller, Grantham. Mr. Fawcett, Mr. Obbinson, and Mr. Ball, Sleaford. Mr. Joshua Drewry, Bookseller, Lincoln. ADVERTISEMENTS, Mr. Gregg, Long Sutton. Mr. Burgess, Printer and Bookseller, Boston. Mr. Albin, Printer, Spalding. Mr. Dixon, Chequer Inn, Holbeach. Mr. Heaton, Market Raisin. Mr. Booth, Bookseller, Caistor. Mr. Metcalf, Hair- dresser, Kirton. Mrs. Swallow, Bookseller ARTICLES OF INT Mr. Cheetham, Saddler, Barton. Mr. Ferraby, Printer and Bookseller, Hull. Mr. Western, Hair- dresser, Wragby. Mr. Ellis and Mr. Weir, Booksellers, Horncastle, Mr.
Gibbons, Tattershall. Mr. Marfh and Mr. Sheardown, Louth. Mrs. Ward, Spilsby. Mr. Allin, and Messrs. Drury, Newark. E L x> I G E N C E, & c. are taken in by Mr. White, Hair- dresser, Gainsborough. Mr. Clarke, Ironmonger, Tuxford. Mr. Taylor, Printer and Bookseller, Retford Mr. Barnes, Hair- dresser, Bawtry. Mr. Parker, Ironmonger, Worksop. Mr. Sheppard, Bookseller, Mansfield. Mr. Turner, Grocer, Ollerton. Mr. Tupman, Printer, Nottingham. Mr. Calow, Chesterfield. Mr. Drewry, Printer, Derby. Mr. Adams, Bookseller, Loughborough. Mr. Smith, Bookseller, Doncaster. Mr. Gales, Printer and Bookseller, Sheffield. MessrS. Ogle
and Smith, Booksellers, Leeds, Mr. Wilson, Bookseller, Rotherham. Mr. Todd and Mr. Spence, Booksellers, York. where it may be seen every Week. Also at Garraway's Coffee- house, Exchange Alley, Cornhill; the London Coffee- house, Ludgate- hill; the Chapter Coffee- house, Pater- noster- row; and the Red Lion Inn, Aldersgate- street; This Paper, with the greatest Expedition, is circulated into most of the Towns and Villages throughout the several Counties of Lincoln, Nottingham, Derby, Leicester, Northampton, Rutland, Huntingdon, Cambridge, £ 2c. ( 3c JOHN STARNEL, Newsman from Lincoln to Grantham, will
constantly supply the Towns, & c. on the CLIFF ROW, with this Paper, every Friday Morning.